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No. 936880[Reply]

A thread to discuss human evolution as well as the evolution of other general creatures. You can talk about from the very start to the current time we live in or beyond.
Discuss biology, geography, social and cultural changes, etc. Remember any creature is welcomed to discuss.
>If you racebait you die.
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No. 1930749

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I mean, we evolved the cognitive abilities to make weapons, that counts imo. It's also the reason why males need to use manipulative tactics on women and build a whole societal belief system enforcing male supremacy, because otherwise women would just kill all scrotes lmao

No. 2101767

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Didn't know where to put this. We don't have a /sci/ general, do we?


Women are being left out of life extension research despite being highly represented in the field. 70% of all interventions are only tested on male mice. And when they're tested on female mice, they're all nulliparous, meaning that they won't work on parous mice because pregnancy introduces severe changes to your biology.

No. 2101924

Fuck, and I was getting excited.

>It took 12 years before it was pointed out that the rats in every single study had been exclusively male, and that perhaps it would be a good idea to test on females too. When the study was redone with females, it found the life-giving diet for males caused a number of the females to die early.

shocked pikachu face

>Garrison criticised virtually all longevity research as failing women because, she said, even the few studies that included virgin female mice ignored the times where those mice were in their reproductive cycle.

That's so fucking sad!

>one of the reasons there has not been more progress in extending women’s healthy longevity is because researchers are not interested in studying the question

How are We the ones the entire anti-aging agenda is pushed on? I wanted to say they will get interested in doing research on extending women's lives if they want women to keep bringing people into this world, but they don't give a shit about our wellbeing at all or ever did care about the sacrifice the pregnancy it is.
Fuck them! May they outlive every woman and remain on this dying polluted rock, throwing sticks at each other like they do, and live in misery until there is no woman to continue human race.
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No. 2102085

>On the other hand, maybe the methods worked on males because they are the defective chromosome carriers.

You are correct. Virtually all life extension strategies for males involve making them a little less phenotypically male. One of them is a straight 'non feminizing' 17-alpha estradiol supplementation, go figure.

>How are We the ones the entire anti-aging agenda is pushed on?

Males know they age faster. They also envy females because females age slower. That's why the agenda is being pushed on women, but real interventions are only being pursued for males. Been like that since limp dick pills.

No. 2102227

It's actually pushed because men are pedophiles.

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No. 621465[Reply]

I didn’t see a copy pasta thread, so here it is! Pasta all of your copies here:
>the fresh
>the stale
>the gross
>the milky
>the dairy free
>others’ pasta
>even those in your own pockets
And so much more! If you could add pictures related to them, that would be even better.
Let’s try saving all those huge spergs that have been posted on lolcow by cows and farmers alike!
this is my first thread so no bully pls
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No. 2102160

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Carreychan, oh Carreychan
the one, the only Carreychan
the bitch, the myth, the legend Carreychan
the post ironic, devilishly demonic Carreychan
the first, the last, Carreychan
to his PR is hateable, claims are debatable, but existence untraceable Carreychan
on knees begging pleas, Carreychan
call me a schizo, but you know I'm fucking right though, Carreychan
as above so below
one day all will be exposed, Carreychan
oh Carreychan
Carreychan, oh Carreychan
dooming unemployer, career destroyer, Carreychan
jester eater, bot defeater Carreychan
nebulous persona, nona grata Carreychan
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No. 2102165

Where did she even go?? I miss her and that boyegafag

No. 2102167

She's still here on / off. hangs out in dumbass shit, occasionally pops up with a pixilated picture in other threads and trolls and info dumps on channers sometimes

No. 2102179

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I think it's me. I think I am the saltiest bitch on the planet. My rage burns with the power of a thousand suns. If you could harvest my rage as kinetic energy, we could use it as a source of renewable energy. I hate everything. I hate all forms of media except the occasional book. I hate YouTubers. I hate most anime. I hate most TV shows and movies. I find music so annoying that I prefer to sit in silence most of the time. I hate social media and despise everyone who uses it. I hate politics and kids and people talking on trains and gamers and every single faggot I've ever met on Discord. Redditers should rope themselves. I hate old people who stare at you in the supermarket, I hate people who snore, I hate sports and sports fans. Woohoo, kick a ball around, who cares. I hate summer and how hot it is. I hate how I wear deodorant and still fucking stink by noon because of how much I sweat. The only reason I don't kill myself out of spite. The people who hate me deserve to seethe because I'm still alive. I'll continue hating until the day I die.

No. 2102188

copypasta and all this is literally me, she sounds based

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No. 1738305[Reply]

first thread:>>>/ot/204455
ITT we discuss our times having unhealthy obsessions with people. It can be any kind of obsession; romantic, hateful, wanting to wear their skin, etc.
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No. 2060833

This is probably going to be my most femcel post here and i'll be jumping back and forth with the timeline so forgive me. For the past few months i've developed a limerence on a guy I used to be loosely connected to in high school. I say loosely connected because I used to be friends with his cousin before knowing of him but now i'm not friends with his cousin anymore due to some drama shit. I remember when I was friends with his cousin she would often talk about him because she would hang out with him semi often but never invited me to tag along, I didn't find that to be a problem though. He is a few years older, he went to a really good university for film after graduating near top of his high-school class, he had a long distance relationship with some egirl, etc. Years later after a rabbit hole of finding diffrent accounts from old peers I found his multiple online accounts including his short films. I recognized one of the short films he made from watching it in a movie club in high-school but never got his name, and how his style just stuck in my head. Regardless of my crush on him, I have to admit his filming style is impressive and I think he could make it as a A24 type of film director, there is no way in hell I will post it here though as there are very few views and it will risk me being found out. It seems that after graduating uni he's stopped making short films altogether and sort of works on commission/contractor type work which is a real shame. I wish I can anonymously send a message to encourage him to take up filming again and update his work but, that would be taking things too far. I wish when I was friends with his cousin that she would've introduced me to him cause I feel like we have similar tastes but as for right I can never connect with him, it would be creepy of me especially since he's slightly offline and it would be awkward with me and his cousin being on bad terms. Judging from his work and the few times he's shown his face he's a bit of a weird yet sentimental guy in a oddly endearing way. It could be me projecting to make up for my current situation which isn't bad but it could be better.

No. 2087384

This is the first time I've done something like this, but I was surprised at how easy it was. I was able to find this cow's full name, address and the names of her family members just by doing a bit of googling and Facebook sleuthing. It's insane the amount of shit you can find out just because your school posts your full legal name online and then your friends tag you in a photo mentioning your school that to you forget to removed. It's not even her fault but she should be more careful, a determined moid could do way worse than me. Idk why I stayed up until dawn just googling things about her and her friends. It felt oddly fun learning about this stranger even though I don't intend to do anything with the information.

No. 2096725

I just had a second dream about my personal cow.
I already knew I was obsessed. I check her socials up to a dozen times a day when she's at her worst. She's a munchie who is a actively fucking up her life beyond repair, and her family situation is a disaster that I can't look away from.

But her appearing in my dreams feels weird. In the first one, I was surreptitiously filming her after I randomly encountered her at a small party. She caught me and confronted me, and revealed that she had known that somebody had been stalking her socials all along. All I could do was shut down and wonder why I ever cared so much.

And then I woke up and went back to refreshing her socials at least twice daily.

Today, I had a much more mundane dream about her. In it, she was trying to become my friend, and I had to hide the fact that I already knew everything she was telling me about herself.

I definitely spend way too much time thinking about her. I've started and abandoned several writeups on her because I have thousands of screenshots of her posts. She's addicted to lying, grifting, playing the victim, attention seeking, and posting all of it online, and I'm addicted to watching her set her life on fire.

No. 2102062

Really fixated on the scrote that works at the gas station down the street. 1000 watt smile, is kind and patient, blond and blue eyed, has a cool car, tall, good sense of humor. I've had a few conversations with him but can never get a good opening to push it further. I have a long term plan to self improve and only go in when my fit/makeup are on point. Last time I was in there he seemed into me so I'm going to come on strong this next time. I've been obsessed with him for 2 years but was never confident enough until now I would just go in there to get an energy drink to improve my day by how hot he is

No. 2103547

People like you are disgusting lol

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No. 2095474[Reply]

If you are a Millennial, say something positive about Gen Z

If you are Gen Z, say something positive about Millennials.

If you are Gen X or older, pick a generation and say something positive about them.

If you are Gen Alpha, you are not allowed to post on lolcow.farm.
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No. 2096970

This!! Millennial winter fashion is peak, it looks so cozy and so adorable to see in real life.

I've had many bad experiences with millennials because so many are so blindly outspoken about gendiesm. But many other millennials that I know are sane and quickly adopt an older brother or sister relationship with me! It's very comforting to look up to someone that's in a similar situation and can stick their neck out for you.

No. 2097198

God, I remember when I turned 18 in 2006, a friend gave me a birthday card that said “congrats, you’re legal now!” I was really naive and sheltered and didn’t even know what it meant until I showed it to my mom.

No. 2097341

As a gen z, I want to thank gen x and boomers for the cool media I grew up with, like cartoons and TV shows and music. All the stuff I love and enjoy were made by them primarily. They're very creative generations and had superb taste.

No. 2097488

I (younger Millennial) was talking to my mother (older Gen X) a few days ago about politics and even though she's kind of a stereotypical liberal/centrist, it reminded me that 25-30 is not old because she casually mentioned remembering the segregation era since it ended when she was growing up. Even if it's anecdotal, hearing about these things from someone who lived it is so much different than reading about it. When I was young I used to stereotype older people as just being dumb out-of-touch conservatives but that's really not always true.

No. 2101933

yeah that's called "i have to work 40+ hour weeks to live, i have all these bills and surprise expenses, and i have more health problems than i did last decade"

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No. 1031564[Reply]

Do you recently feel like you've changed a lot and are not the same person you were a couple of months ago?
Do you feel like your true self is hidden or waiting to arise?
Do you feel like somehow who you are inside and out doesn't match?
This is a thread for you. I feel like the pandemic has incredibly changed who I am and now I don't feel comfortable with my own self or the people around me. Discuss your own issues here.
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No. 2101035

If she publishes it, it's an autobiography. They are simply public diaries.

No. 2101070

I started writing a dumb blog and I'm kind of ashamed cuz people are looking at it when I include tags…

No. 2101820

Sorry, I can be pretty melodramatic or edgy in the way I express things so maybe I exaggerated and it came off wrong. It's not like I'm spending every second plotting murder and revenge, and having a desire to actually go through with these thoughts.
>It isnt normal to feel that way if you aren't a cluster b raging narcissistic psycho
My mother is actually one so that is fair. Turning into her is one of my greatest fears.

No. 2101821

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I’ve become a more evil person and a part of me doesn’t regret it. This is entirely cringe but I just want to watch the whole world burn

No. 2101822

I respect it.

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No. 2073267[Reply]

Previous: >>2007134

Discuss art and related topics such as:

-Talk about Art Youtubers
-Ask about art supplies
-Discuss trashy art trends
-Instagram bullshit
-Art theft!
-General Art Bullshit
-Fandom and Shipping Discourse
-AI generated art (do not shill about your ai trained models key words on a prompt do not make you a artist)
-do not post your art to be reviewed here use the designated m thread
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No. 2101335

https://freephotomuscle.com/ or literally any artstation set

No. 2101342

You just have to get over it anon, simple as that. Just post it somewhere, you can always delete it later. Don't let fear hold you back.

No. 2101348

I think so too. All the nonnies I've interacted with in the pastures tag have been really nice or genuinely sweet.

No. 2101402

No. 2101455

I drew Bandom RPF ships back in the day kek the thing that saved me was NEVER signing any of my drawings, not even with my alt account name. No one can trace it back to you if there's no signature. Draw cringe to your heart's content anon.

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No. 1805584[Reply]

A place to discuss whatever you find trashy in society, trends, fashion, or people in general. Post examples, vent, contribute to the discussion. You can post anything you find personally upsetting to you. No racebait allowed. Tiktoks/Youtube/MP4s/Webms highly encouraged.
560 posts and 90 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2099523

Post the video please. I need to see how bad it gets.

No. 2099525

They are actually both virgin, devout Christians who saved themselves for marriage and just dont want to wait until getting home.

No. 2099533

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No. 2101154

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No. 2101159

>leaving a literal ass hole in the dress for that emergency post-ceremony dump

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No. 993025[Reply]

It's kinda surprising that a board full of weebs doesn't have a Japan thread yet

A thread for


Have you been to Japan? Do you wanna travel to Japan? When and where? What are your tourist recommendations? What are the overrated places? Best locations to eat and stay? Best experiences?

>General leaving

Do you live in Japan? Do you plan on living in Japan? What are the reasons for you to move to Japan? Are you currently studying, working, or both? Are you a nikkei or full gaijin? How is life in Japan as a woman? Do you plan to stay in Japan for long? The good, the bad, the neutral.


Do you speak japanese? Are you trying to learn japanese? What is your studying methods?

Etc, etc.

Share tips, recommendations, complaints, experiences or just pics!
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No. 2098901

I went recently in March and didn't feel like I was mistreated at all. To be fair, mostly every place we visited was very touristy besides one neighbourhood we stayed in. No issues at all, besides if I was without my boyfriend Japanese dudes would try to pick me up kek. I say you'll be fine

No. 2101039

Yeah, I know there are different passes, but there is no pass that covers every railway in the country. So I wonder whether I can buy tickets from ticket machines/offices for some northern railway company in another part of the country?

No. 2101048

Shouldn't pasmo/suica/etc. do the trick for most of the local public transportation in the country?

No. 2101059

How is sex in Japan. Be honest please.

No. 2101117

Nope, I checked the rules and you can't travel between 'zones' on an IC card.
>It is not possible to travel outside IC card areas. Both, the origin and destination stations have to be located inside the IC card coverage area. Furthermore, it is not possible to use an IC card to travel between disjoined IC card areas. For example, you cannot use it to travel between Tokyo (Suica area) and Numazu (TOICA area), even if they are just nearby. You will possibly get jammed inside the gate.
>You cannot travel from Tokyo Station (Suica area) to Osaka Station (ICOCA area) with only one Suica card, nor travelling from Nagoya Station (TOICA area) to Osaka Station (ICOCA area) with only one IC card type.

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No. 1470488[Reply]

As the title says.
Post experiences, why you can't stand them and such.
This is NOT about your own disorder, so don't blogpost/vent, there's already a thread for that.
This thread is about mental illness you can't stand in others.
Please refrain from coming in this thread and say stupid shit like "Oh that's why nobody likes me" or "Damn seeing this thread as a [thing] sufferer makes me uncomfortable" because nobody will pity you.

Previous: >>>/ot/854673
893 posts and 47 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2101213

Troonism. I know it's popular on LC but it still isn't popular to say it openly in other spaces. Fucking sick of having to pretend a grown ass predatory man has anything of value to add about the female experience, let alone that he is now not even a woman but a little GIRL!
I don't care if they have dysphoria that's your own fucking issue! I'm not gonna lie and tell an anorexic she's fat as fuck and need to lose weight, and I'm not gonna tell a troon he's a woman just because he wants to be. Just sick of having to even use she/they for some enby, or pretend "i guess ellen paige is a he now" when she's the same amount of woman as she was before pretending she isn't one and mutilated her body. I peaked years ago but my patience with them just gets worse and worse.

No. 2101318

Sage for OT but this woman's life is a trainwreck. Holy shit. She got psyop'd into developing an ED as an adult by her coomer pedo-adjacent husband.

No. 2101407

All they can do is deflect and project. Every accusation is an admission. Man or woman, they're all on the same bullshit, so I hate when some galaxy brained bippie comes into threads like "NO akshually BPD doesn't exist and it's just a misogynistic psyop to keep women down!!" like… no, y'all are extremely consistent in your bullshit except for the small handful that either have had early intervention or are working hard to manage themselves which is rare. I have a bippie brother who pulls the same shit with the lies, slander when he doesn't get his way, self victimization and pity parties, violent outbursts, etc. so it's definitely not a made-up label like hysteria. Another thing I hate is how they're trying to co-opt Autism because of the well-earned stigma of being BPD. They'll do anything except take responsibility for their behavior.

No. 2101433

Sadly, BPD is over diagnosed in women because the moment you don't act like a stereotypical trad silent girly, many older (and male) psychiatrists just slap the BPD label and that's it, without studying what actually implies. Male could manifest the same exact symptoms, textbook devastating cluster b, but they will most likely let walk out with an autism/asperger diagnosis when it's actually BPD, so women go around and try to romanticize BPD because they don't actually know what being a bippie means. They don't know about the limited empathy, the conditional love (they esp love claiming that BPD implies big emotions and while it's true, all the emotions are conditional and inconsistent), the paranoia, the rage outbursts, lying, self harm and attention seeking behaviour.
If there's something that immediately makes me clock a bippie is their absolutist and self limited point of view: since they don't have empathy, they cannot put themselves in other's shoes so they talk using only their experience, like saying: how I see the world is how the world is.
If they accuse you of cheating it's because they're the ones cheating, for example if you come home later due to job stuff or you met a friend on the way home and they don't have a job or friends, they cannot build up in their minds so yeah, it's definitely cheating and you're a liar because they're the ones who used to cheat and lie.
How can you not like their favourite foods or shows They're so good! What do you mean you don't like to argue? They argue as a way of checking if you still love them, so why you don't do it in the same way? What are you hiding? You don't love them enough to randomly argue and to check it yourself? Wow nonna, you're such a narc for wanting silence! I use the silent treatment for punishing people when I'm mad, what do you mean you are silent because you have to wind down after work? Are you hiding something from me? Are you mad at me? How can you like the silence???

It's all so fucking tiring and most girls I see online sharing those "Beautiful Princess Disorder" memes or tiktoks don't know jack shit about actual bpd.

No. 2102357

The thing is, none of these cluster b defenders are even cluster b themselves. They're all just underage zoomers being retarded. The absolute vile behaviour though, I'd consider it some sort of fleas. It just makes me want to cry how horrible they are though, I've never seen caping like this other than retarded stan communities

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No. 2065764[Reply]

ITT: Post random things you hate and explain why you hate them. A picture of the thing you hate is always appreciated. Commentary is fine (positive, negative or neutral) so long as you don't come here to start a retarded in-fight with your personal issues.

Please don't vent about your life here. For venting about your personal life, your family, neighbours, coworkers, etc., use the vent thread. For advice with your personal daily life use the advice thread.

Keep the borzois in mind. Thank you.

Previous thread:
1202 posts and 158 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2100995

If I didnt already know you were autistic for being a Linux throater, this entire paragraph would've solidified it for me anyway

No. 2100996

>how much could've been done with that power
Uh… so men can download porn and you can shlick it to yaoi at a more pristine frame per millisecond?

No. 2101001

NTA but why are you bring mean to her, I've never used Linux but she's right. The Windows OS is a patchwork mess, and macOS is stupidly vulnerable to malware, among other things

No. 2101004

I'm not. She's funny.

No. 2101119

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