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No. 1466841[Reply]

Thread for all desi noonies
Thread rules:
>DO not infight because of someones nationality or beliefs
>no pak vs India debate
>keep paki-chan autism to a minimum
Discuss how desi cultures either empower or objectify women .
>no religion shaming
Old milk:
>The month long femicide happening in Pakistan which had three female victims of honour killing
>Indian concert molesters
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No. 2406772

IRC every country has it's own standard size I'm supprised India is doing it now.it can get confusing between American and British sizes if the situation is the same in India as it's in Pakistan (we usually follow the British sizing) but some fashion clothing has started using a more broader size
Traveling to any country poses a risk but more so as a woman,if your going to solo travel India or Pakistan AVOID THE RURAL AREAS LIKE THE PLAGUE

No. 2406991

indiachan? more like FAGchan

No. 2407227

I went there once and it was just full of porn

No. 2407239

same here, went into one thread and that was meant for creep shots, the only "contributing" post was by a scrote that visited his sister's hostel and some other room's girls had their underwear drying on a rack outside that he took a photo of, but that was quite a while ago.

No. 2409382

What are some internet forums where Desis congregate? Tiktok and FBs giving me brain damage and non-algorithm forums are always American

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No. 2389570[Reply]

A thread for venting about difficult stuff going on in your life.

Previous vent thread: >>2378543

Follow all the /ot/ board rules & don't reply to bait.

Do not come to this thread to make fun of anons' vents, to demean them, or to try and be funny with some shit snark reply. It's annoying. If you do not have anything nice to say, don't say it at all.
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No. 2402133

So its been a week of plumbing issues. Why? The grease buildup from my idiot brothers dishes. His dishes are washed by mom, because this moid never has to do any dishes, thats for women only acc to mom. So everyone has to be inconvenienced, because of this coddled moid.

Dad who is elderly with heart issues, tries everyday to fix the plumbing. I came home from work to find out that Dad dug through the greasy pipes with his bare hands. My brother was upstairs, cuddling with his dog, getting served tea by mom, while they criticized Dad for not fixing the issue soon enough. Dad works a full time job too. My brother "shouldnt have to" fix the plumbing "too", acc to mom, AS IF HE DOES ANYTHING.

Now theres no propane for the BBQ that my brother exclusively uses up in the winter, not that he pays for it. The propane tank is too heavy for our elderly Dad to lift, so boymom said to Dad condescendingly, "[Brother] will have to lift it". Mom always says my brother "does everything", then when I counter it, she says "well everything about maintaining the house". The house isnt presentable to have a plumber over! Almost every single room is permanently under construction, with the coddled moids clutter everywhere.

My brother didnt wake up till 6pm, and the store that has propane closed by the time he phoned. My brother stayed up late, working on his truck seat modification, for heated AND cooled seats! Months ago, he promised to install a functioning FRONT DOOR LOCK, yet it still has to be done! PRIORITIES.

Just now mom kept offering to bring down the coddled sons laundry, saying he "shouldnt have to" bring it downstairs. He said "no Ill bring it ALL down by myself" WOW how nice of him! Then the manlet gentleman told her, "you dont have to do it all right away". The boymom said, "Dont worry Ill have it all done for you for tomorrow", meaning she will make noise ironing and wake me at like 4am. Yet I have to do my own laundry like an adult should.



No. 2407429

I am tired of people choosing the dumbest ways to segregate from one another. The categories are getting dumber, the nitpicking on why "she is different from us!" is getting more contrived. Even if we were all carbon copies, it'd be something that one picks out from the rest to be us versus them. I'm tired of being forced to pick sides, of being the odd one out, of it all. I just want to talk about stuff we have in common. Fights are fine, we are animals. But this segregated behavior bullshit is grinding my gears.

No. 2407433

That segregated behavior which is just tribalism is nature, nothing else about it. The problem is we keep mixing people up and it’s causing constant conflicts with others, if you want this commonality with other people and be in singular agreement about the same things as people then to do that is to find your own “tribe”, there is none where all tribes come together and live in harmony. That’s why debates are so retarded, nobody is ever going to agree on anything or change their minds, it’s just animalistic slap fighting.

No. 2407443

Start a fence-sitters political party and find likeminded people

No. 2407444


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

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No. 1381303[Reply]

i'm not actually sure what to call this, it's not memes and it's not pop culture references (ok, thread pic is but it's more than that), it's more like a few people make a situational "relatable" observation and then the entire internet grabs onto it and repeats it like it gives them a fun personality and they're the ones who thought of it? other examples off the top of my head are "i hope ____ steps on a lego", "thanks, it has pockets!!", "do not perceive me" etc etc etc
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No. 2351806

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Sir this is a Wendy's

No. 2407099

I despise the terms boy kisser and girl kisser

No. 2407185

"Nice try diddy" has gotten really fucking old

No. 2407332

“crash out,” whatever that means

No. 2407354

"Stealing [insert person or idea]'s nachos" like girl what the actual fuck does this mean lmfao

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No. 2087292[Reply]

Virstanpylväs saavutettu, tämä on perinteisen Suomillankan kymmenes osa.

#9: >>>/ot/1766111
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No. 2397097

Eiks se pmnp joskus laulanut miten maailma on vaarojen karikko kek

No. 2397525

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laita vähä kunnioitusta Maijan nimeen, nyymi!

No. 2402494

Miten vitussa te nyymit tässä langassa meette näin helppoon baittiin ihan oikeesti nyt

No. 2403242

en vaan koskaan kyllästy tuohon keskusteluun

No. 2407269

>vain kehä kolmosen ongelmat

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No. 774138[Reply]

ITT:A thread for open/closeted ex-Muslims and or Muslims who are questioning their faith
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No. 2393616

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>you can't see makeup once it's applied

No. 2393620

Anon, she meant it as something you're not constantly looking at, unless you have a mirror glued to your face as you do your errands?

No. 2393629

If that's so, her argument is even more dumb. Just because you yourself don't see it doesn't mean it can't be done for yourself.

No. 2393630

Nta but you also can't see your hair or full outfit when you're out and about so you may as well dress like a nasty slob since anything more is appealing to scrotes.

No. 2407246

I've been reading up about Socialist governments in the middle-east and how they dealt with islamists. For example, the FLN had a significant islamist wing with some senior leaders, but this faction was sidelined after the French withdrew from Algeria and the FLN seized power. Gaddafi's Libya declared itself an Islamic Socialist state, and state propaganda during Gaddafi's rule was a mix of pan-Arab nationalism and vaguely "socialist" Islamic cultural messages. but sharia law was not enforced, and Gaddafi was actually quite hard on the conservative ulama, promoting Quranism instead.
Besides these two examples, all the Arab Socialist/Nationalist states of the Cold War were outright secular, though never anti-religion, instead Islam was reduced to weaker positions under the state. Nasser even purged the muslim Brotherhood and forced it underground. On the other hand, the US saw Islam and Islamism as an anti-Communist force that could help keep Soviet influence out of the middle-east, which led to considerable cooperation. The CIA worked with the muslim brotherhood on and off from the 1950s onwards, and the US was a close ally of the Saudis from the 1940s. They were also close partners of Zia ul-Haq, the Islamist military dictator who ousted Bhutto and Islamized Pakistan. Furthermore, the US very directly, both publicly and covertly, supported the Afghan mujahideen alongside Zia.
If Saudi Arabia had not exported Wahhabi theology and the Soviet-Afghan war had not served as a training camp for the Islamist movement, Islam would have not have been in its current form and may have even on the path of dying out or reforming

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No. 1962002[Reply]

Mest fokuserad på Närcon, men andra konvent är fine det med.

>Skall du på konvent?

>Varför? Varför inte?
>Hur är det att vara tjej på konvent numera?
>Vem/vilka paneler skall man undvika?
>Potentiella lolcows på konventscenen?
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No. 2406170

I don't think it's pearl clutching to be VERY suspicious about what random adult people want to teach young kids about sex. Far too often it comes from nefarious people who fuck up the kid. Sometimes accidentally. As someone who was shown sexual cartoon things at too young a age I can tell you first hand that it fucked me up. It made my physically and mentally sick for weeks and I had no way of explaining how or why I felt that way. For years after anything sexual made me feel that illness again. They should trust teachers to do their jobs instead of assuming they are personally the wokest sex gods here to bless the kids with their queer sex knowledge.

No. 2406422

>Sweden isn't the fucking US, the sex education in schools is already good and includes basic information about homosexuality etc because it's a progressive country.
Woke nordic people kill me because they literally act like what they see in the US (or other) social media is happening here too. No trans people are murdered, nobody is voting for Trump, sex education is not done by some religious freaks, black people aren't being unfairly shot by cops, being gay is not a crime etc etc it's just not happening here! And naturally they fully ignore the actual bad stuff that does happen here…
Anyway the book feels like it was made for Americans. Specifically so they can show off to their woke American friends that they are teaching kids queer sex education over here, for their own gain

No. 2407207

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NärCon vinter starts tomorrow huh
anyone going?

No. 2407223

Anon unless you're underage yourself this is so pathetic, most "therians" are actually like 10-13 years old. Let the kids have their dumb hobby.

No. 2407261

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nta but as someone who knows (of) a therian-furry who goes to nc I can't say I agree

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No. 2161624[Reply]

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No. 2407235

I wonder how many of these people are actually white or extremely white passing.

No. 2407313

This is giving me secondhand embarrassment kek. Instead of worrying about the racism we face, they're crying and howling about boys not being interested in them. Can these women please have some self-respect?

No. 2409040

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No. 2409058

that Elmer Fudd voice

No. 2410569

This rabbit hole goes so fucking deep. He might be a horrorcow.

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No. 1366720[Reply]

for all your stoney baloney needs

previous thread >>>/ot/542085
smoker salt goes here >>>/ot/1307162
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No. 2406724

Anons how do you toke it in a small apartment without resorting to wax carts????

No. 2406732

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Print out this flyer and hang it up in the apartment's common area. It will throw the blame on common skunks instead of your toke. Nobody will suspect you if they think that there is a family of skunks living nearby.

No. 2406738

I use to smoke joints in mine and just keep it well ventilated. I vape now though. Never had any complaints.

No. 2406752

My last apartment wasn't small, but I used to close my bathroom door, run my shower on hot to steam it up, and run my fan. Won't work for nonnies who want to multitask while smoking, but that was never a problem for me.

No. 2407114

high and laughing at that pic kek ty for the laugh nona

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No. 704153[Reply]

ITT we post about what we learned today. Whether it's an interesting scientific fact, an important life lesson, or whatever.
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No. 2402340

is someone running a bot and posting the most retarded shit it can come up with on every thread or what?

No. 2402407

classic lolcor!

No. 2403388

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TIL italian male Donna Summer fans are..like that
A few months ago an anon in the confessions thread admitted to using AI to reply to posts so this is actually possible

No. 2403397

We need to kill this bitch. AI on MY lolcor… I feel like goku

No. 2406362

There's a Korean urban legend that the word "Obama" is short for a Korean phrase meaning "tonight, you can drink, I'll drive you home." It's not true but it's a popular joke there. Obama memes transcend cultures and countries.

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No. 1261328[Reply]

I'm not asking anymore, you're coming to Brazil.

Tava mais que na hora de fazer um novo Brasil Fio.
Notícias, tretas, polêmicas, lolvacas ou qualquer outra discussão em português entre as nossas noninhas.

Previous: >>>/ot/222861
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No. 2399920

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>300 séculos esperando a maldita da panini reimprimir o volume 1 de vagabond
>não tenho dinheiro pois agora mangá custa 41 pilas
Que linha do tempo maldita, lembro que antes eu gastava cerca de 12 reais na vasta maioria dos mangás.

No. 2402834

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Nonnas, como vcs compram roupas de marcas japonesas sem ter que pagar uma taxa de 10 milhões? Me recomendem um site aí por favor, já usei a Buyee, Zenmarket e me lasquei com o frete quando chegou.
Agora queria testar a Taobao pra ver se vale a pena, mas deve dar no mesmo. Procuro roupas como picrel no estilo Mori Girl

No. 2404451

Sage for necrosing, because they are hookers. It's a very common profession for them
Era assim que eu imaginava os membros do finado VT kek

No. 2406215

Já fui dar uns pulos na nova versão no fórum IGN, por incrível que pareça devo ter dado mais risada lá pelo retardo dos usuários (que continuam postando sobre as mesmas coisas) do que nos chans nacionais atuais. Que fase.

No. 2406219

segunda mão… a pagina que uso é closet child

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