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No. 2162622[Reply]

A thread for
>Things you regret doing
>Things you regret saying
>People you regret having in your life
And also
>Things you regret not doing
>Things you regret not saying
>People you regret not having in your life
Optional questions
>Any period or mistake in your life you regret, no matter the age
>Were you ready / mature enough back then?
>Could you had prevented it?
>How to move on and forgive yourself?
>Could you still fix your mistake later on? Or did you have to accept it for what it is?
>How to redeem oneself?
23 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2212401

I regret not taking kumon classes anymore, I solved math problems in less than a minute and now I struggle with the easiest shit. I want to go back and be less stupid sob

No. 2212408

I’m kinda glad my parents were degenerates who got insurance to pay for my metal braces and then financed my Invisalign but never actually paid more than like 1/4 of the cost before defaulting kek. I don’t feel bad about not wearing my retainers. I do wish I could get Invisalign as an adult cause my teeth are kinda crooked but honestly when I complain about my teeth everyone except my mom is like “your teeth are crooked? Really?” And then they inspect me like a horse and conclude some manner of “huh, they are a little crooked yeah, never noticed” and either tell me to not worry about it or even say it is a quirk that makes me cuter. My mom encourages me to get Invisalign but I kinda think it’s because she has a lot of self hatred and my teeth are crooked in almost the exact same way hers are crooked. It’s purely cosmetic and there’s nothing that is causing dental issues (the reason they were able to get insurance to pay for metal ones is cause a speech therapist told them it was what was causing my lisp even though it wasn’t, they were planning to wait and put me in Invisalign for cosmetic reasons because they thought metal braces were barbaric but that speech therapist made them feel like they were neglecting me if they didn’t put me in metal braces at fucking age 9).

No. 2212411

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>finally meeting a real retard who had to go to the Kumon learning centers where even the logo was the face of a downsie kid
You couldn’t waterboard this info out of me, kek. Anon you just admitted to being a retard, no regular child has to go to those to do their schoolwork.

No. 2212433

choosing the cheapest college instead of the best college. the one i’m going to is good, but sometimes i hate myself for not saving more when i was a kid.
ntayrt, stop being a tiktok lingo faggot.

No. 2212509

>You couldn’t waterboard this info out of me
we're on an anonymous message board. seems perhaps you were the retard all along.

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No. 1959358[Reply]

Prev threads:

Any pro-fujo derailing in this thread will get a 3 day unappealable ban. If you do not like the thread, hide it. Repeat infractions will eventually result in a permanent ban.
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No. 2209281

Trying not to shake away my terminally online brainrot and analyzing why she redrew a sensual f/m artwork to be m/m and instead just redrawing famous BL ships as f/m to destress.

No. 2212065

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Speak for yourself, you smoothbrain. I fucking hate these clowns assuming their personal macabre tastes are universal for all fujos

No. 2212075

This is so fucking funny

No. 2212087

This is more creative than the coomer moids turning the hurracaine into a generic animu grill

No. 2212188

I gotta agree, that is very good. Mfw even coomer women are superior to coomer moids.

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No. 704153[Reply]

ITT we post about what we learned today. Whether it's an interesting scientific fact, an important life lesson, or whatever.
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No. 2208330

Underaged detected

No. 2208333

I am not american nonny

No. 2208427

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She got a cute collap with Snoop out of it

No. 2209314

Severely mentally ill people use the word "I" ten times more than the average person. The more you know.

No. 2211625

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Today I learned that fox cubs often fight and kill each other, and apparently that's just natural for them. 1 in 5 fox cubs don't make it to adulthood, often because they are murked by their own siblings. I get that animals kill each other all the time, but it still managed to get me off guard that these animal babies will fucking bully each other to death while the mom just sits in the den not doing a damn thing.

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No. 1470488[Reply]

As the title says.
Post experiences, why you can't stand them and such.
This is NOT about your own disorder, so don't blogpost/vent, there's already a thread for that.
This thread is about mental illness you can't stand in others.
Please refrain from coming in this thread and say stupid shit like "Oh that's why nobody likes me" or "Damn seeing this thread as a [thing] sufferer makes me uncomfortable" because nobody will pity you.

Previous: >>>/ot/854673
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No. 2210816

>People with bpd moms who sound like lil mini-me bpders themselves and rage about their mom not addressng her shit while they look pretty set to repeat the cycle.
Usually it's fleas that get washed off once the person moves out away from their mom/family member. At least I hope or something.

No. 2211419

it literally never is. personality disordered parents literally teach their child their own lack of emotional regulation and social skills. someone over the age of 18 still at home and bitching about them needed to move out if they wanted to do that instead of relying on them and then bitching. people like that always say their toxic fights with their parents don’t count cos of their PDs and that it isn’t the real world and doesn’t count. but guess what. the real world is full of people with personality disorders who are going to “trigger” these supposedly un disordered kids into acting disordered like they do with their parents. and your interactions with your parents count more than anything besides with your children.

No. 2211509

Point is, the children usually aren't as extreme as their parents in most cases I've seen irl. There's still plenty of kids with crazy little traits that still wouldn't fit a diagnosis

No. 2211735

i’ve seen the kind of person you’re describing who learned and usually also avoids substances unlike their parents. but i’ve seen so many women who are so much worse than their parents lol. like every girl with bpd i’ve met.

No. 2211743

Yeah I tend to both pity them and find them annoying.

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No. 1899367[Reply]

The counterpart to the "news stories that fuck with you" thread. News that is uplifting, inspiring, and exciting.
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No. 2210800

It's all paid surrogacy afaik, faggots just love to make everything about themselves as usual. Surrogacy has always been illegal in Italy, now they're after people (even hetero couples) who go out of their way to seek out surrogate mothers abroad in places where it's legal to buy humans.

No. 2211321

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they actually found and arrested the guy who left his dog tied up in tampa during milton.
i know it’s a small thing but it has redeemed some of my faith in the world.
dog hate nonas please just let me have this one, you have your own thread.

No. 2211323

This dope went to go pick up the dog and that's how he got caught no less.

No. 2211778

Wasn't there some case where a gay couple had a baby and it wouldn't stop crying except around female relatives/friends? It's like babies know they came from a woman, need a woman, etc. Moids alone would fuck up the emotional development a child needs, I think.
Also since fags tend to be really narcissistic and annoying it's always about their retard sperm

No. 2212332

He was already extremely retarded for leaving a mid-sized dog behind since it would be pretty easy to move and doesn't require much space, but tying it up so it can't escape being blasted by a tornado? He's a psychopath and his face is shit. I hope he gets his ass blown out.

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No. 1994807[Reply]

A thread to post the worst duolicious profiles and interactions
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No. 2202265

>league rank to IQ correlation

as in you're a sped if you play league

No. 2204929

tbh he sounds boring and unlovable but unthreatening

No. 2205041

Imagine writing all of that but believing that he isn't autistic

No. 2205327

Yup. It's the new "male feminist"

No. 2211267

fake profile

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No. 774138[Reply]

ITT:A thread for open/closeted ex-Muslims and or Muslims who are questioning their faith
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No. 2206778

My mom hasn't gone as far as holocaust denial but she does think Hamas isn't real and they were made up by Israel to cover up a false flag attack on themselves. I wish she could just have sympathy for Palestinian civilians without having to pretend that Muslims are incapable of doing wrong.

No. 2207482

I hate the lack of boundaries. fucking hell, why did my mom go "hey i don't think you had your period this month?" why the fuck is she in any way mentally tracking when my period is.

No. 2211075

I'm finally in europe but I'm still so nervous to actually try something haram, the most I've done so far is smoke. Everytime I go into the store I see someone that my mom already contacted and I can't even make my way to the meat section. I am such a coward man.

No. 2211211

Go to a different part of the city and buy some normal groceries but slip a pack of bacon in there kek. No but seriously, congrats and good luck nonnie, the paranoia will ease with time.

No. 2213363

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Sometimes, I love gay men.

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No. 2127309[Reply]

Sonic, lift the veil from our eyes.
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No. 2210923

will a pleasant surprise happen to me tonight?

No. 2211110

will tomorrow be ok?

No. 2211185

should i get the sushi

No. 2211237

will it be quiet?

No. 2212273

should i go

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No. 1683306[Reply]

Post random things you ate and why. A picture of the thing you ate is always appreciated. Please don't vent about your life here.
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No. 2204977

No. 2205081

>things you ate

No. 2205690

Nope, they are made by different strains of bacteria, have different fermentation processes, and kefir also has yeast which yogurt doesn't have
Kefir can be drank by people with lactose intolerance while yogurt cannot

No. 2205700

Samefag, yoghurt also has auch milder taste. But they have the exact same consistency in my country.

No. 2210780

I like them too.

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No. 1553987[Reply]

Discuss dreams/nightmares you've had, recurring themes or symbols, lucid dreams, your interpretations of other anons' dreams, etc.

previous thread >>>/ot/932175
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No. 2210735

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This dream is several weeks old and I've been needing to talk about it but there's a part in it that freaked me the fuck out that I can't talk about in polite company and I completely forgot about this thread.
>the dream begins with three adult siblings, two older brothers and a younger sister, waiting at a train station. (I'm not involved in the dream, I'm merely the camera.) They seem to be very close and they're all joking with each other and making pleasant conversation.
>A older man approaches them and greets them. Apparently he's their old history teacher and they've travelled to meet him here.
>The siblings follow the old man to a waiting bus and they go to what looks like a abandoned (but still in good shape) apartment building, which is the object of their vist. They drink tea with the old man as he signs some paperwork to give to them and they chat for a few hours.
>The old man has to then leave and asks if the siblings have anywhere to stay because there's something wrong with the building that needs to be fixed.
>The youngest of the brothers tells him that he's sorted that out. They then part ways with the old man and walk to where they're lodging.
>It's starting to get dark and very stormy, evidently this area is very rural as there's nothing but open fields and a muddy grassy path. They finally reach their destination after a while, and its a dilapidated shack.
>The eldest brother is pissed off at the younger for choosing such a shitty place to sleep and the younger just tells him to fuck off in a cheery tone.
>There's only a bed, a couch and a table and a very cramped and dirty kitchenette in the shack. There's a single window with cracked glass that's dribbling rainwater.
>The sister makes tea for everyone and tries to calm the eldest who is still really pissed off and he does.
>They then settle in for the night, the younger brother and sister sleeping in the bed while the elder is on the couch.
>The elder wakes up to the sister and brother excited about something, they somehow managed to get the news that their father just died, which makes the elder go into shock
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No. 2210738

The body horror didn't really spook me all that much because I've dreamt about worse but ugh, I feel ill even thinking about this dream

No. 2210772

I dreamt my dog was still alive. I went downstairs and there she was in her favorite spot in the dining room, lying by the vent to get all the cold air. Her tail started wagging and she sat up and I petted her and I swear I could feel her like it was real. I felt her fur and her sweet ears and her nose, and even the muscle under her skin and how it moves when you give a good tummy rub or neck scratch, and I cried when I woke up and I’m crying now puppy you were the best dog in the world and I love you so much I’ll miss you every day

No. 2211540

she came to visit you in your dream

No. 2212827

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This dream stressed me out at the time but now it just makes me giggle like an idiot. I remember it so clearly too.

>Takes place place in a spooky Halloween world, like a setting you would see in a cartoon, and everything seems to have a purple-orange filter over it

>Keep switching between my real appearance and a version of myself where I have anime-esque grey hair
> Dream starts, I'm living in a shack with my family, sitting at the kitchen table and feeling horribly depressed
>Can't even remember what I was so sad about but I was moments away from crying
>Suddenly a group of stoners wearing hideous 80s fashion march into the room
>One of them is wearing the drinkholder hat
>They all try and fail to cheer me up, eventually one grabs my hand and says "come on, we're getting you out of here!" The next thing I know I've been kidnapped by this group and am following them through the spooky town
> We go through dark alleyways lit by gas lamps, feel incredibly creeped out
>Stoners are unbothered
>After what feels like hours of travelling, we come to a college, which ofc looks like a big spooky Halloween castle
>The stoners cheerfully inform me that they've already enrolled me here and push me inside to give me a tour
>I'm fucking furious because I never agreed to this
>Suddenly I'm getting a tour with the stoners and some other kidnapped newbies. The tour leader explains that the college has integrated the backrooms (yes, the actual backrooms from the memes) into its architecture so they can have unlimited storage and classrooms
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