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No. 1995591
Similar to the Twitter, Tumblr, and Reddit hate threads, we post youtube videos, creators, and comments that we hate. Infuriating shit, stupid shit, weird shit. Post away.
Previous threads:
>>1092460>>1631816>>1803231 No. 1995599
File: 1715197871964.jpg (21.07 KB, 445x445, images-3.jpg)

Do you guys remember Corinne Leigh and Rob Czar, the millennial couple behind ThreadBanger, Man vs Pin, and Corinne vs Pin? Well, they're separated now. The details are sparse and not very public but so far Corinne has unlisted almost every video in her channel and Rob is back on YouTube making content without her. Last thing I knew about them, Corinne was studying some eco-friendly degree and Rob started a gallery after almost dying from a sudden illness. They have sold their house now, Corinne's Instagram only has pictures dating 2014 below, and it's unclear if she'll come back as a content creator in any way. I think some of their last videos together as a pair were vlogs made while hanging out with Simply Nailogical.
No. 1995606
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>>1995599And the thing is, they apparently already had problems in their relationship before Rob's near death experience. I remember Corinne saying in a vlog how they would argue and sometimes she wondered if they would be able to make it, but sticking through with Rob and taking care of him when he was hospitalized. Honestly, she really did her best as a partner for him, in my opinion. Rob's recovery wasn't easy for her. But also, looking at previous videos in which they are together, Rob has always acted weird and scrotal with Corinne. He kind of really acts like an asshole at some points and the line between YouTube content and real things fades a lot.
They've been separated for a long time now, too. Last year he had two gallery exhibitions in the space he owns, one of them was called "till death do us", and the other "the last goodbye". In both of them, but specially the latter, there's some very striking pieces that are 100% about him and Corinne's break-up. I am usually very, very lenient about art, but I must admit that these pieces creep me out and feel full of male anger and resentment. I will post them. Please tell me what you think.
No. 1995609
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>>1995606Please zoom in to read all the phrases, it gets weird.
No. 1995616
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>>1995612The "snake" might be an insult to Corinne, and those bags were probably hers too. It's a phrase on the previous picture as well.
No. 1995618
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>>1995616Final one I'm posting. I don't think he took the break-up too well.
No. 1995690
>>1995649I had never heard of these people but looking at the pics I was like "wow, I hate art now"
>>1995664Yeah, it's all just kinda infantile, try hard and outdated.
No. 1995735
File: 1715205181749.jpeg (Spoiler Image,191.74 KB, 1170x566, IMG_0324.jpeg)

I was waiting for somebody to make this thread for a few days to post this; Northernlion decided to defend (step/adopted) sibling incest (context was he was discussing The Royal Tenenbaums) on stream and the YouTube upload had a bunch of his largely moid and troon audience also defending full blood incest and even admitting to it, nsfl picrel
No. 1995751
>>1995599I used to watch Threadbanger and they always came off as a cautionary tale on settling for the "big titty goth gf" meme. Like she was always independent and way too good for him and he was an edgy immature faggot. Hope she's doing well.
>>1995606Obviously no specifics are out yet but I'm not surprised it's yet another sick dude with doting wife ending up in flames. Kinda telling he's doing these tortured soul "My flaw is that I love too much" fingerpaintings while she's just staying quiet
No. 1995922
>>1995599Thank you for the update, i always wondered what happened to them. I hope Corinne is thriving.
>>1995649We already got a glimpse of his artistic capabilities during the threadbanger era, i already presumed it would be awful, but that shit is a new low. You know he only got this opportunity based on his e-celebrity status and he had to been throwing a tantrum whilst making all this shit.
>>1995751In retrospect, their relationship is everything we should all avoid.
No. 1996010
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>>1995979>>1995922>>1995751I saw that they got married in 2011, though the oldest threadbanger video is from 2007. They were already together by then. Rob said in a recent video in his personal channel that threadbanger is basically over. They were together for around 10-12 years, I'm assuming last year is when they truly separated. Corinne was still with him when he acquired the gallery space in Asheville a couple years back. So I wonder how they moved on from each other.
Vidrel is from 2018, one year before Rob was hospitalized
No. 1996502
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>Ariana Grande
Second youtuber I've seen claim that Ariana is skinny when shes literally from Florida which is all obese hamplanets. To the rest of the world, shes literally overweight, but ig thats what happens when your job is youtube(*bones rattling*)
No. 1996515
>>1995735Aww man, I love nothernlion. What the fuck? But he's always been weird. I remember the queen died and his wife came in and awkwardly started talking about it. He clearly did NOT want to talk about It but she kept going.
Then he asked her to leave, then the comment had a few scrotes/troons circle jerking about how they don't like her. Not a big deal but it was the first moment I cringed watching him.
The biggest thing that made me take a break watching nothernlion,is he was talking about a tweet he made some shit like
>you can remember your Starbuck order but you can't remember someone's pronouns?And then he sat back smugly like, "I never seen so many +2's in my life"
And it was just so fucking fake/ass kissy/reddit tier. I don't even want to know if he's a TRA, he more then likely is. I don't watch everything he does.
However it was blatant he said that shit to farm good boy points. He knew the twitch chat would go nuts. I can't describe it but it came off so fucking odd to me.
also is it me or is his wife autistic? I'm sorry but nothernlion is funny and clever but be seems like a smug asshole irlLike I said I don't watch everything he does, so it sucks to hear how defended incest for some reason?
Was it in a "actually " way. Or a coomer way?
Very disappointing. He seemed like such a white bread streamer.
No. 1996518
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I always get the most retarded ads on YouTube. It's either things like that or sexual stuff
No. 1996700
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Comments about video about someone photoshopping a picture of a woman playing as one of the characters in the Fallout show to be more attractive
No. 1997572
File: 1715321747506.jpg (7.13 KB, 621x652, 20220824_012402.jpg)

>>1996010I wonder how Rob's medical issues played a part in Corrine's decision to keep staying in the relationship.
>>1997555Shit like this is why i don't listen to any gaming discourse in any capacity, i just play games based on whatever lets play i happen to stumble across or stuff that's in my backlog. I honestly couldn't give a fuck if some random journalist wants to give a shit game 10/10 because the creator sucked his dick. That's on him, i don't have to make it my problem. I don't care if the gaming companies hire consultants to make their games appeal to wokies if it overall has no actual bearing on the overall quality of the game. I do agree that a lot of triple A games are ugly, but how much of it is caused the companies insistence on making games as realistic as possible or propaganda to make women ugly to appease feminists and dunk on god fearing men who want fine maidens to fap to? I don't give a fuck. I haven't noticed that games looked homogenous primarily because i play older games or indie games, i think buying the latest game every year for $80 is loser behaviour no matter how amazing the game is. This is just another ploy for moids to desperately find ways to cast themselves on the moral high ground and as poor little
victims, just shut up and play your games you fucking nerds.
No. 1998019
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>>1997835Eh it's not that far off
No. 1998877
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I hate this stupid faggot. He's so fucking rude to his viewers. I'm not the type of person that thinks people need to suck the ass of their viewers and supporters, but he doesn't even try to keep his miserable retardation from seeping through his retarded "jokes". He's the type of faggot that would mock a teenage cashier for having a flat affect because he took it personally. Plus he whined like a faggot about people criticizing him on his subreddit then banned a shit ton of people for it. Such a pussy-ass insecure move. He's the type of faggot to take something too literally and then when people tell him it was a joke he'd go "I WAS BEING SARCASTIC" such a fucking faggot. I hate his guts. He never likes a single ass-kissing comment under his videos but will reply to the comments of people who clearly skipped through so he can PWN them like he's still some self-conscious teenager trying to seem like they're incredibly smart and above everyone else at any given time. HATE HATE HATE this stupid tranny-loving cock-sucker. I hope his wife leaves him and takes the baby with her. I cannot imagine being married to this rude-ass, fugly faggot.
No. 1999311
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Can retarded millenial parents restrict their kids internet use or atleast have the decency to monitor what they watch from time to time.
No. 2000512
>>2000187People are calling him out for using a "twansphobic" picture (that's what he fucking looks like though), so either way with his double sided audience, he can't win. I used to love his channel but
>>2000410 is right I stopped watching him after he pivoted into dramatuber. I miss his techy and deepweb exploration videos, even the time when he played shitty .exe games over this
No. 2000546
File: 1715543852890.png (48.33 KB, 342x108, no im not shitty moid.png)

Why do I get picrel videos suggested when I don't interact with the content and even watch radfem shit
Was curious to see his points so I opened an incognito tab and went though the timestamps
>Saying I want to be
>Energy drink
>Signed general(whatever the fuck this means)
And ofc his vtuber looks like that femboy "20$ dollars is 20$ dollars" meme
It also has very little view it's not even like he's the popular finster moid
No. 2000547
File: 1715543870014.png (780.45 KB, 988x1108, 1674581543149.png)

I'm curious to see what will happen when all the weebs who have moved to japan have children attending japanese schools. It seems nice to live in Japan as a tourist or expat, the thought of growing up in japan especially as a foreigner just sound awful, like i'd never meet the academic requirements, handle the intense work hours, and I don't think I could ever marry a japanese moid.
No. 2001102
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A screenshot of my recommendations, they don't make any sense for the kind of content I watch (knitting, baking, normie cartoons, scenes from movies of the 90s/00s targeted to female audiences…). Why is YT so pro-paedos?
No. 2001221
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I'm late AF to this, but apparently on Indonesian yt, they're trading CP and beastiality videos. They just link the content in the description/comments and flash the password to access it in the videos. These videos are monetized apparently
No. 2001224
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>>2001221The biggest account before it was blasted
No. 2006027
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>>2006024The videos not available but here
No. 2006034
File: 1715920836868.mp4 (1.94 MB, 360x640, Bài tập luyện bước chân đẹp và…)

No. 2006350
File: 1715952085696.jpeg (444.34 KB, 828x618, IMG_5958.jpeg)

didn’t watch but can’t help but lol at this implication. i personally don’t care and think the character is ugly but it’s so annoying that when female fans act 1/10 as degenerate as males towards a fictional character, you get retards like this thinking they’re so intellectual and nuanced for chastising them because “don’t you know that sexualizing a man whore……… is bad?” like come tf on.
No. 2008487
>>1996628Like how Boogie made a comment about a 99 lb teenager having a gunt in her prom photo.
>>1998201A century of male-made media has unfortunately convinced women that if they show they are not materialistic, they'll attract a devoted, non-materialistic male. But that's completely backwards. A man who cares about you in some aspects, and isn't greedy, will happily spend money on you. It's the greedy males who want house and park and coffee dates.
No. 2010906
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Youtube thinks i'm a Zionist.
No. 2010982
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>>2010581>>2010928I didn't know about him previously either but it checks out. Now I wonder if he trooned to skinwalk her, what with her being this perpetually infantile tiny woman with so much attention on herself.
No. 2010983
>>2010921I get those a lot! Tbf, it's probably because i watch a lot of content from transitioners and the algorithm can't tell the two subjects apart.
>>2010917Honestly, i have zero idea. I never watch videos about religion or politics and somehow that equates with being a genocide supporter. I'd also imagine that this organisation are spending a truck load of money to try and rally any kind of support from people they consider not informed about the conflict, especially in this current time.
>>2010982This is so creepy.
No. 2011219
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>>2010982He's really creepy and definitely comes off like he's trying to skinwalk her.
No. 2013466
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I could never understand the hype of this channel. her content revolves around creating huge waste by mixing million lipsticks together and other shit like that. I don't understand how he's still relevant in any way.
No. 2013558
>>2013204The fact that people are more mad at her than the celebs at the met gala tells me everything i need to know about zoomers and their activism.
Zoomies will sacrifice influencers but no one touch their precious celebs lmao.
No. 2015782
File: 1716443699343.gif (81.81 KB, 498x370, shut-fuck-your-up.gif)

>click on video about specific female interest
>it's an AGP with grown ass man voice talking about women centered subjects
I can't take it seriously and it's almost always a sexual thing for them. I'm so exhausted.
No. 2016051
File: 1716459937769.png (2.23 MB, 1080x2018, Screenshot_20240523-032354~2.p…)

I hate how all the most viewed YT shorts on channels always have a little girl in the thumbnail. It doesn't matter what type of content the account post, it's always the videos with a child in frame that hits over 10mill views
No. 2032410
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do I even want to know
No. 2032420
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>>2032410of course he's wearing a collar. I just know the "psychoanalysis" is just him talking about how acting like a dog gets him off for 17 minutes. all petplayers need to rope
No. 2035506
File: 1717520329336.jpeg (1.37 MB, 1284x1806, IMG_0599.jpeg)

I cannot fucking stand every time her shit pops up on my feed I hate how she’s gone down this route bc I used to feel like she really had a passion for being a chiropractor and just educating her patients (regardless of how you feel about chiropractors) but I just cringe every time I see these fucking thumbnails
No. 2037461
File: 1717627965164.png (535.78 KB, 720x1417, Screenshot_20240605-144841.png)

I was looking for a tutorials of how to sew one of those robin hood hats and it showed me this. Never watched anything blackface related before on YouTube. I truly believe YouTube is 100% broken at this point
No. 2037479
>>2037461I come from the south,
From way dooowwwwn south!
Where the corn and taters used to grow thereees
Great big elegant picture shows!
And my old Kentucky home is a French chateau!
Way down south wind dixie swiiiiiiiing looowwwww
Sweet charrrriiooot
No. 2041649
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No. 2041653
>>2041649Probably stuffs a veiny dildo in his pants or something
>gets wet lookingWhat
No. 2042219
File: 1717936656972.png (90.06 KB, 1221x512, sad.png)

I'm actually shocked how much suggestion algorithms have passivated people. Maybe I'm just old-fashioned but I always check through my subscription tab first, because that's kind of the entire point of subscribing to channels- to see their videos when they're posted. (This post was in a reddit discussion about a channel that got into some drama/bad business decisions watcher lol and haven't been uploading much, no shit you're not seeing them on your home page)
No. 2042387
File: 1717950123549.jpg (101.34 KB, 799x738, gay nazis.jpg)

>>2041649He waiting for german senpai to notice
No. 2046239
>>2046188In a couple of years commentary channels will be treated just like how gossip tabloids and paparazzi are treated biw and i can't wait for that.
Also i don't know why but i feel like some of the passive agressive energy she is receiving is because she is a lesbian because gay men (vid rel) will release some of the cringiest lame songs on the same level as jojo's yet they will never get hate. Almost every gay male influencer has released some music and it always gets hyped up and called camp or slay. I dont like jojo but i do feel like there is a difference between how people treat gays vs lesbian also alot of people seemed upset that the grinding scene in her mv wasnt for the male gaze or hot.
No. 2046267
>>2046239I agree with you that people tolerate gay man retardation way more than lesbians, but in Jojo's case she's just actually a shitty
abusive person. A lot of people hate her for that thing about her and her mom's idol girl group and how she was
abusive to the kids in a dance moms kind of way, allegedly they pressured an injured girl into performing.
No. 2046321
>>2046188oooh yeah my fat soy idiot sensor was always off the charts with this one so i ended up clicking never show me this again
he's like female anglo roseanna pancini or whatever the fuck her greasy oregano-ass name is, sometimes a thumbnail is all you need to know you can't stand someone
No. 2046409
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>>1996700>>1996704>>1996710males should no longer have access to technology or media, let alone creating anything that isn't a bridge, road, or building. in the heyday of the tech boom, ubiquitous access to high speed internet, and information age, men are expending so much energy and effort jerking off to onlyfans and even women's innocent social media profiles while simultaneously whining that women aren't hot enough because we don't naturally have BBL asses and many of us have stretch marks… but they'll pay thousands to jerk off anyway because they're immature, mentally ill, and contradictory.
they parade their goonery online 24/7 anywhere they can, where younger men and even little boys can come across it and basically be groomed into being another shithead coomer with zero prospects or ambition. look at the goon caves posted in the reddit hate thread, look at the articles posted about boys in elementary and middle school making deepfakes of female classmates. if males want to take credit for building civilization, they must take credit for destroying it, because look at all the energy, money, and time they contribute to cooming instead of contributing to society by taking care of themselves, being good husbands and fathers, or working useful jobs. instead men use technology to enable themselves to become literal cave goblins addicted to drugs, gambling, and porn complaining about women wanting helpful husbands with stable respectable jobs to build a nice home/family with, whining about women's bodies changing during pregnancy whilst also sexualizing it and turning it into a fetish, constantly victimizing themselves and blaming women when they chose to live like a shitbag gooner and refuse to change.
your average male up until the tech boom did not desire a woman in latex leggings with a bubble butt because they weren't jerking off to mommy milf goth tiddie anal gape in ddlg mary sue cosplay daily, it's rotted men's brains collectively. an average woman in their town even looking at them twice was enough.
all women please stop dating gooners and pervs once you find out, please do not have children with these societal dregs, they're meant to work in construction and die in wars.
No. 2046420
>>2041649Has anyone attempted to report this disgusting account? I swear YouTube allows the most vile shit slide and they have tbh audacity to charge for ad free. FUCK
No. 2046422
>>2006027>>2006034this is sad because all girls like to feel beautiful, and you just know this desire is being leveraged by creepy moid pedos behind the scenes. i feel sorry for them
>>2000410oh my god i miss 2014-2016 SOG, those were the days.
No. 2046672
>>2046409I know a lot of lolcow anons think that literally every single human male is a deranged coomer but I know not all of them are and it is for exactly the reasons you stated. You can instantly tell someone is not a coomer if they are a useful, productive, helpful person who spends their time actually being of assistance to the people around them and doing productive work and hobbies, coomers are incredibly obvious because when moids turn into coomers they become completely fucking useless and worthless, can't stay off social media, can't stop developing more extreme and depraved fetishes and openly pushing them on everyone. Moids 50-100 years ago were still violent rape apes but they didn't all have spongebob inflation gangbang fetishes that kept them from holding down a job and doing work around their property, now we are moving toward a society where even 10yo boys are more depraved than the average 60yo man half a century ago and can't even pass school because they're so brain damaged. And then they will complain that school and society is 'biased against them' because girls do dramatically better in school, women are starting to take over most highly respectable job fields and men all want to kill themselves. I would want to kms too if I was a no life loser whose only real hobby was watching incest rape porn and harassing random women on social media.
We really need to stop the blackpill mindset of 'oh all men are like this so I may as well accept it if I want a relationship.' What can you possibly get out of a relationship with one of these animals? You really want your daughter to have a coomer dad who supports pedophilia?
No. 2047908
File: 1718307125485.png (84.93 KB, 1080x359, 1000011872.png)

>>2047889I refuse to believe this is a woman
No. 2048199
File: 1718326090223.png (70.02 KB, 284x247, dumb2.png)

Another rec from the small time MRA account pile. It's actually impressive to see literal manipulation in a fucking yt thumbnail.
>"WAAAH So I guess I have to be perfect, huh?"
I'm sure Lundy Bankroft wrote a whole page on this type of hysterical deflection.
No. 2048214
>>2047889Lolololol. I don't know if any of you have noticed it, but for some reason the dreaded "i-word" (kek), is legitimately seen as ""slur"" by some men and chimp out over it.
I have a feeling all this "
FEMCEL FEMCEL FEMCEL" moids keep yapping about is just projecting their hate for the ""i-word"" unto womem expecting us to be offended by it the same way they're offended by the """i-word""".
Except… no woman on this world will take offense being called that. If anything, they'll take it in self depreciation.
No. 2048363
File: 1718333871606.png (849.07 KB, 1080x1903, 1000011889.png)

>>2048222That explains everything
No. 2048432
>>2048363Jesus those views.
Honestly, ronery men content like this fills my dopamine receptors. Something about it so amusing I can't help reading/watching it.
No. 2048615
File: 1718345731440.png (9.88 KB, 344x164, dumb1.png)

Scrotes posting their Ls and thinking they won.
No. 2049292
>>2046814Basically every millennial moid I've talked to said they had seen porn but some of them said (and I believed them based on other aspects of their personality/behaviour) that they didn't get into watching it regularly, either because they were religious or they just thought it seemed 'dirty' or 'weird' and they were more interested in other things or they just didn't have unrestricted access to internet so they were never able to. Personally as a younger millennial my home computer growing up faced my parents so I would not have gotten away with watching porn even if I wanted to which I didn't.
Now that I've thought about this a bit more I have a few male friends that I've kept for many years (usually over a decade) and have provided value to my life and when I think about what they all have in common they're not on social media like at all, some have work social media accounts but otherwise none of them really use any social media platform. I think that is pretty much the only type of man I trust to not be a coomer. Those men are really fine people and valuable friends though, I think if they were just fooling me to sleep with me I would have noticed in the 10-15+ years I've known these people.
No. 2049403
>>2049310Depends on the specific person of course but helping me with my career, helping me with just regular life shit that's annoying to do without people willing to help (moving, renovations, petsitting, willing to pick me up or pick something up for me if I'm unwilling to walk somewhere alone at night etc), basic social shit like interesting conversations or joining me to do my hobbies, help with my art endeavours, one of them gave me an expensive violin when he was moving out of the country because he knew I wanted one, legal help, help with broken electronics and shit like that. Some of these moids have come to my house to cook for me and my boyfriend or gfs at the time when we were sick or brought us food. I had a male friend who knew I needed a certain drug for a chronic condition but wasn't able to see a doctor, he used to come to my house every time I needed and give me single doses of it and make sure I was okay. I usually avoid leaning on moids for emotional support and so on since I don't really like making myself vulnerable in front of males just in case but I've also had them help drive me to medical appointments and stuff when I needed it, lend me cars when I needed transport, go camping with me on short notice when I wanted to get out of the city and other shit like that. Basically any kind of help/favor/companionship thing I can think of my better/more reliable male friends have been there for me. I have closer female friends who have helped me with some of the same stuff as well but I tend to go to female friends especially for stuff like social/emotional needs when I'm feeling down whereas I don't really like reaching out to moids when I'm feeling emotionally vulnerable usually.
Feel like this is kind of getting off topic so sage, my main point is just that the types of men you see commenting on social media should not be the moids you hang out with irl if you hang out with moids irl. All the internetty moids I met irl end up being mentally ill and usually commers.
No. 2049412
>>2049292I don't know if it's that simple but I have found that men who don't use social media were better than their peers who did use it.
On the other hand, the worst guy I ever knew was a boomer who didn't have internet until 2001 and he was a real shitbag every day up until then and after then. Didn't need the internet to make him that way. He was also really horrible online once he got on the internet kek, but he was everything horrible in a man all by his natural self.
No. 2051096
File: 1718520244983.png (76.24 KB, 1454x278, code strings.png)

>>2051091Step 1: Turn off all browser extensions (which are related to adblocking and/or youtube) and remove (or disable) any ad blockers. After that restart your browser.
Step 2: Install the browser extension ublock origin.
Step 3: Go to ublock settings interface
Step 4: Click on the tab "My Filters"
Step 5: Copy and paste the following code in the image in separate boxes
Then restart your browser and enjoy ad free youtube nonnitas!! ♥
No. 2057710
File: 1718913599500.jpeg (874.76 KB, 1170x1006, IMG_0666.jpeg)

I was watching this video about Mean Girls and I had to turn it off once she started spouting some libfem bullshit about how the way Janis dresses is indicative of her internalized misogyny and if you’re not feminine that means you’re a pick me (as if men like masculine women) No. 2057920
File: 1718922687214.jpg (40.02 KB, 553x554, images-4.jpg)

>>2057720This. Janis dresses pretty normal to me, so does Lindsay Lohan at the start of the movie. Idk where the pickmeism is in this outfit?
No. 2058626
File: 1718979391193.jpeg (275.17 KB, 1125x1203, IMG_4776.jpeg)

I keep seeing these kinds of spam comments everywhere. There’s another variation I see that’s like ‘I LOVE RAPING ANIMALS’.
No. 2059831
>>2059828i am glad imallexx is cancelled i was so tired of his simps saying ''uwu hes such a soft boy with a cute lisp he wouldnt hurt a fly'' amazing that moids that talk like literal retards still manage to get laid and STILL fuck it up by being
abusive assholes.
No. 2059855
>>2059832You can help back date your search. Might help to look for stuff before the most recent two years.
On the end of your search just add
>before:(whatever year) So it will look kind of like this
>history example before:2022Not a perfect solution but maybe it can help.
No. 2062157
>>2057710Holy shit THANKS, ever since I watched that video I couldn't stop thinking about that segment and having fake arguments with myself about it. It's frankly disheartening how many women my age think that way now, like the western idea of femininity is a woman's natural state and if you dare to not abide by it then it means you're denying yourself and hate other women
so infuriating
No. 2062179
>>2057710>Janis dresses is indicative of her internalized misogyny and if you’re not feminine that means you’re a pick meNot saying it is right one way or another, but I know when I was at maximum NLOG I dressed a lot like Janis and fancied myself better than other girls who wore more feminine and colorful styles.
I wouldn't call it misogyny per se, but "Mean Girls" is aptly titled because Janis is also a mean, petty, and vindictive girl in the movie.
Without watching the video, sounds like she made a blanket statement about women wearing tomboy and dark aesthetics when it is really about the
attitudes behind the aesthetic that make the difference.
No. 2062221
File: 1719243103583.png (2.12 MB, 1920x1080, youtuba.png)

i use ublock and have a bunch of youtube extensions installed (return dislikes, remove yt suggestions, youtube redux, probably forgetting something) and it's been impossible to watch anything lately, shit keeps buffering every 10 seconds. i'm guessing it has something to do with the ad injecting they're trying to implement because disabling ublock fixes the problem. fuck you fuck you fuck you
No. 2063776
File: 1719345262989.jpeg (257.73 KB, 1080x1488, IMG_5462.jpeg)

stoicism is when you spend all your time obsessively and desperately trying to get your dick wet
No. 2065357
File: 1719422153853.png (550.06 KB, 1080x1715, Screenshot_20240626-101354~2.p…)

Leave it to men to watch a cute video, only to get pedophilic thoughts on their minds
No. 2068293
File: 1719546258194.png (730.47 KB, 1080x2014, gross.png)

I found this YouTube channel belonging to some psychotic pedophile who makes music and loves lolicon.can someone help me report it?
No. 2073032
File: 1719796670231.png (48.77 KB, 446x127, fag.png)

no youtube i am not listening to a grown ass man wearing polyester japanese schoolgirl uniform shill his earrape crap for 5 minutes
No. 2073785
File: 1719853795372.png (1.77 MB, 1080x1572, Screenshot_20240628-220448~2.p…)

YouTube shorts when you make a new account are insane
No. 2077647
File: 1720106966323.webp (45.34 KB, 640x533, IMG_4083.webp)

'Most creative time ever' and one of the examples is a rip off of another one kek. Dunno about the two on the right but Doja’s music is not particularly creative either, unless it’s about her fashion choices.
No. 2077890
>>2056785>why the fuck are moids so autistically obssesed with james rolf?I think it has a lot to do with the allure internet figures who don't live on the internet have. Plus what
>>2056789 said.
Also Dan Olson has EXTREMELY punchable face
No. 2077978

>>2073032Why does this even need to be a video? I feel like this question has been asked and answered 70 times already. And they are going to carefully dance around the fact that some troon musicians who troon out at the height of their career do it purely for aesthetic purposes.
>>2077647The video essay form of somebody with basic surface music taste decides they need to make a themed playlist with top 40 songs that don't go together at all. Their brains would explode if they listened to music like i linked.
>>2077954These channels are really profitable grift to to jump on. They are typically made by some random man who doesn't really give a shit about what message it sends or cares. They see a market of stupid men who need their egos soothed and are quick to take advantage of it by making these low effort videos typically using AI voices and random stock images. I remember seeing a video where some turkish man was making bank making such channels.
No. 2084383
File: 1720646056442.png (Spoiler Image,1.1 MB, 1080x1802, Screenshot_20240710-141225~2.p…)

Men will make channels surrounding hating women while constantly using porny ass thumbnails
No. 2085854
File: 1720742183066.jpeg (355.14 KB, 1748x1285, 2C9AEF82-D745-4996-A702-FDA816…)

Accidentally stumbled across this video is this dumb pick me and her retard talking about womens prisons and how disgusting women’s spaces are compared to men’s. Cue a bunch of males talking about how disgusting and fishy and nasty vaginas are in the comments. Straight men are the only group of ppl that speak so foul of their opposite sex’s body parts this shit feels like I’m reading datalounge. I fucking hate men so much it’s unreal
No. 2085857
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No. 2085861
File: 1720742368247.jpeg (318.05 KB, 1758x1291, 7FE16B65-DFB6-4704-802E-A82CCF…)

No. 2090113
File: 1720992565823.png (146.48 KB, 389x279, disgusting.png)

FUCK YOUTUBE. I hate their stupid retarded disgusting recommendations and their nasty bullshit it was never this bad before Fuck Google too and Mark Zoidberg and all them too and I hate this retarded shit I have to see oh my God. Why was this on my homepage on Youtube this actually made me gag and I felt so disgusted for 5 minutes afterwards like I'm not axagerrating I feel nauseous I don't want to see this stupid shit on Youtube why am I being recommended accounts with 1000-5000 subs I don't know these freaks and I don't want to know them is this some kind of fucking propaganda to make me angry I hate social media
No. 2092252
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No. 2092255
File: 1721099136857.png (1.1 MB, 1080x1934, 1000013127.png)

I'm surprised this guy is still making videos. He's still pumping out anti-sjw content like it's 2016, but he's seemed to have mellowed out since then
No. 2093573
File: 1721182563850.png (630.37 KB, 1080x1568, Screenshot_20240716-185444~2.p…)

?? What's the point of having recommendations if yt feeds me shit I don't want
No. 2094138
File: 1721231964731.jpg (319.7 KB, 1080x1727, Screenshot_20240717_115420_You…)

>>2093573>video descriptionSeems like an underage 4channer I guess.
No. 2094701
File: 1721265473016.png (176.99 KB, 1076x218, one for the history books.png)

I'm sure this will be accurate.
No. 2095908
File: 1721346194778.jpg (319.95 KB, 2000x1333, vBpQ1SlfVtU_HD.jpg)

I cannot stand Mr Beast's thumbnails with his weird fake grimace-smile that doesn't reach the eyes. For all I know, he could be the nicest, most genuine guy in the world, but if someone came up and said "did you hear that Mr. Beast killed people and they found bodies in his backyard" I'd be like "Oh, well of course"
No. 2096649
File: 1721424948155.png (740.02 KB, 1290x1131, oZ7M9ty.png)

what the fuck
No. 2096780
File: 1721431468987.webp (59.57 KB, 640x728, tom-segura-ranting-about-the-p…)

>>2085854oh yeah, tom segura, the guy who has gone on record many times saying he hates poor people. he's probably trying to pander to MRAs now because his regular audience left him.
also, go to any men's prison and tell me it smells like roses.
No. 2096800
File: 1721433637145.png (326.37 KB, 1577x482, ymh.png)

>>2096794I was never even a fan of YMH (I did hear about it, but I'm kind of not really into podcasts in general) I just heard about it when he went on a tirade about a woman who worked at an airline and called her a cunt because she told him there was no more room for carry ons and they'd have to check is luggage for free. I can't take anything he says seriously
No. 2096802
File: 1721433986831.png (894.9 KB, 1080x2013, Screenshot_20240719-170455~2.p…)

On a video of fgm
No. 2096840
>>2095908i've always gotten abuser/sadistic vibes off of him as well. you just know he's got either some bizarre fetishes or he likes hitting people. iswtg every generic
abusive psychopathic man i've ever met looks just like him or nearly alike.
No. 2097072
File: 1721466806454.jpg (446.96 KB, 780x1028, 1000016714.jpg)

Has anyone seen content from FamilyofNomads? I randomly got suggested them 2 years ago and I saw today that the mom is in a relationship with another woman right after divorcing her last husband. I went down a rabbit hole of people discussing them on reddit/random forums and the mom seems unhinged. I feel terrible for the oldest daughter since her ED and other personal issues have been plastered all over the internet by her mom. I think most people would agree that family youtubes are always a recipe for disaster
No. 2100395
File: 1721679140146.jpeg (119.18 KB, 1024x1003, IMG_1997.jpeg)

oh no!!! the thing that everyone says never happens has happened again!
No. 2100797
File: 1721696477594.jpeg (219.25 KB, 1384x1329, 20E2CDD4-E555-4F3C-B088-DB99CC…)

Self hating retard slut “comedian” Nikki goes on joe rogan to talk about how she’s an totes empowered feminist that masturbates to women being abused and gangbanged so of course the comments section is filled with stereotypical “all women secretly wanna be raped” statements. Fuckimg hate men and pick mes so much why can’t these nasty self hating whores just keep it to themselves
No. 2100799
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No. 2100806
File: 1721696804553.jpeg (230.69 KB, 1358x1432, 3DD625B5-3500-4AD6-86D0-BEF0C4…)

No. 2100818
>>2100806>>2100799>>2100797I really wish that radfems would come together start doing a hardcore beatdown on liberal feminists, especially the sex workers who want to brandish themselves as feminists. The amount of damage they do it absolutely disgusting i they need to be punished for it. Of course moids are going to be moids, but in situations it's like these women purposely want men to believe all women are as degenerates as they are.
>>2100817That's pretty much the only way you can make it as a female comedian in the US from what i have observed. Wouldn't be surprised if they were prostituting themselves out to their male co-workers to get more gigs since they are all as painfully as unfunny as their male peers.
(global rule #5) No. 2100912
File: 1721704920515.jpeg (255.53 KB, 1347x1179, C4702045-7977-4FEA-BF1A-5032CF…)

>>2100817Her name is Nikki glaser. This is the video I stumbled on. Also refers to her own vagina as roast beef, brags about liking small penises, AND encourages her boyfriend to sleep with other men so yeah she’s colossally self hating. No wonder she’s the only female comedian without a slew of hate comments levied towards her
No. 2100917
File: 1721705080687.jpeg (228.76 KB, 1352x1382, 0868B17F-F216-4FFE-A567-A59DC3…)

Even the moids are calling her pathetic in the comments
No. 2101069
File: 1721722535638.jpeg (426.83 KB, 1163x974, IMG_5568.jpeg)

>>2100912is this the one who was joking about Bob Ross abusing underage girls? She seems damaged
No. 2101161
File: 1721732912959.png (1.01 MB, 1309x848, IMG_4772.png)

>>2101158samefag, the entire channel is just an ai voice reading off of chatgpt
No. 2101305
>>2100797the stereotype that all women like being abused… no, women get socialized (especially via internet) into being aroused by abuse. look at the weird lolita/coquette shit on tumblr back in the day, i personally think it made girls think they should mirror that to be desirable. some people catch feelings for
abusive people because they're recreating a bad relationship with a parent, or their parents bad relationship. also: mental illness. so we can all agree that men inherently are a certain way due to testosterone and believe that upbringing and porn use contributes to their shitty behavior towards others but when it's a woman abusing herself, men only think women are just inherently turned on by abuse. no, it's the same concept, it's bad family dynamics, internet, mental illness.
No. 2102392
File: 1721794632251.png (447.03 KB, 777x383, stephanie.png)

>>2102388I checked her IG and imagine posting these two side by side KEK, that's her husband in both of them. What you get after posting numerous videos about how to contour your nose smaller or make your lips bigger
No. 2103071
File: 1721842277165.png (Spoiler Image,652.8 KB, 1100x785, wtf.png)

Apologies if this is the wrong thread. I hate how fetish videos are everywhere on YT, this was randomly recommended on the sidebar. A man putting his full weight on a pole, literally stopping his heart for a fetish. Wtf. Men will sexualize everything, I didn't know heartbeats could be a fetish, but of course it fucking is.
Spoilers for gross moid.
No. 2113461
File: 1722426124770.jpg (Spoiler Image,168.91 KB, 1280x720, mrbeast.jpg)

>>2095908now he's pandering to monkey sadists
No. 2116185
File: 1722562756816.jpg (39.57 KB, 290x225, yesitslazy.jpg)

I'm tired of people online defending hoarders. Yes, it's lazy, dirty, nasty, and if they live with other people it's also selfish and cruel. Yes, they're mentally ill. Mental illness isn't an excuse to completely check out and be 500 pounds, drunk before noon every day, or fill a house full of garbage.
No. 2116205
>>2116185I watch that guy occasionally. He used to do the "THIS IS MENTAL ILLNESS YOU CAN'T JUDGE! THEY HAD A DEATH IN THE FAMILY/ALCOHOLISM/DEPRESSION/POVERTY/DISABILITY" spiel only sometimes, but lately it's been in every video. It's annoying as fuck and I even agree with him.
He's also nuts; he says he spends hours a day policing his comment section so it stays positive.
No. 2119019
File: 1722693910929.webp (535.21 KB, 1200x755, moistcr1tikal-streamer.webp)

anyone have a tldr of the critikal drama? what was said about trannies and pedophiles?
No. 2119219
File: 1722700944961.jpg (82.87 KB, 305x411, thatbitchugly.jpg)

Caroline Easom is a cow and an uncanny lifesucking entity majorly pushed by youtube for some reason. Bitch is in my shorts all the time because of course, the buttons for not wanting to see this shit are useless. She started doing essays and I thought her voice is only retarded when she's doing roleplays and comedy but no, she speaks and moves like an alien all the time.
I just wanted to say she's creepy, not funny and she well knows all her weird face movements and creepy voice works on some primal part of people's brains that makes them watch this uncanny being and not look away. She's like a female Jeffrey Marsh. This weird thing she's doing works on some people, just like with Jeffrey it works on some people. People with not fuckedup instincts see it for what it is and sence the reptilian danger alert though.
No. 2123264
>>2119505Women playing shitty softcore porn games because 1 husbando is in it:
> gee I wish there were a couple more hot dudesMoids when a female character in their moidslop is slightly average looking:
File: 1722923980399.jpeg (266.48 KB, 1206x541, 36B3210D-F6DD-47C2-A3CA-A41D26…)

Incredibly self hating pathetic woman blaming herself for her rape on a video talking about Chrissie Hynde from the Pretenders talking about how “some” rapes are women’s faults. Absolutely disgusting and abhorrent handmaidens. Imagine hating yourself this much
No. 2123919
>>2119548I don't know what you're on about, seems like in easily a 3rd of all yt videos nearly the entire comments section is perverted russians, while easily another third is super proud, in denial and victimblaming indians…
Also a lot of murican moids uplifting some eastern euro or asian girls/very young women in a video while shitting on muh obese promiscous american female, it's also often them dreaming about the oh so based euro age of consent without understanding that it applies to 2 minors and not their old ass x some little girl. Plus nowhere on earth your safety and if something happens your chances for getting justice are as high as in europe, incels on yt can't change that.
No. 2124579
File: 1722970617683.png (881.88 KB, 1080x2050, fetishchannel.png)

I know for a fact kids are watching this gross shit and it isn't even age restricted.their channel was taken down 3 times and yet this disgusting retard keeps coming back.gonna report it, hopefully it gets taken down again.
No. 2124736
>>2124473Clicked on one of his vids yesterday and ig it was one uploaded 5 months ago coz the comments were about how he needs to address this, with others freaking out that he owes us no explanation on either the abuse claims.. or his credentials, really? The wife part was news to me but
>He has no credentials for what he does>Made up his experience, never worked on any casesNot that I take these body language bullshitters seriously anyway but he was outed for lying ages ago by another yter and he didn't address it back then either. His audience goes so hard defending him as if he's some insanely accomplished pro and it's 99 percent women freaking tf out if anyone raises the topic. When it's already a pseudoscience and you still have to lie about your pseudoscience credentials.. kek
No. 2125223
File: 1723002971555.jpeg (637.61 KB, 1170x915, IMG_1413.jpeg)

I hate this scrote and his fans. Already so young and vile. His humor is what middle school and high school girls have to put up with. He was profiting off of streaming while he was underaged, wish his account was suspended while it could have been.
No. 2125689
File: 1723040860431.jpg (58.84 KB, 935x384, Screenshot_20240807_172440_You…)

this just in from youtube comments scientists: dogs are from men and those evil disgusting cats are from women/eve. i like both dogs and cats, if i'm being honest i was a dog person for most of my life and was disinterested at best in cats but recently i've warmed up to cats and i'd say i like both cats and dogs. "people" like this guy need to learn when to shut the fuck up and learn the difference between an inside thought and an outside thought. not every idiotic thought that passes through your brain needs to be heard by others.
No. 2125692
File: 1723041435133.png (413.13 KB, 1080x1834, 1000014133.png)

>>2124473Some replies in the comments
No. 2125709
>>2125692Ugly cunt
looks like a deranged pick me. I’m so disappointed with the amount of likes it has.
No. 2127170
File: 1723144055190.png (82.86 KB, 642x236, unnamed.png)

i hate vtumours with a passion
No. 2127200
>>2127169toddlercon sounds like an ageplay convention, its real definition is even worse jfc
>>2127170a pregnant autopedophile. someone save that baby.
No. 2127886
File: 1723178482833.jpg (365.72 KB, 900x1078, D3A29A49-3286-4F0F-8B31-132071…)

i hate these retarded ai car thumbnails specifically, even people who don't care about cars and can't identify specific models would know what heavy equipment is supposed to look like, right? who clicks on this, is it like clickbait for tech illiterate boomers and ragebait for car nerds? the giant vegetables are funny though.
No. 2128932

Idk what thread this even belongs in. I used to watch The Punk Rock MBA (aka Finn Mckenty) on occasion, mostly his videos about 2000's emo stuff because I grew up during that time. I had seen a ton of people on the internet hating his videos and didn't really know why or care at the time. Well I went back to his channel recently because I needed something fluffy to watch so I decided to watch his "the misunderstood genius of buttrock" video and got pretty annoyed only halfway through. He basically just praises buttrock and says that it's good because it appeals to the common man and doesn't try to be pretentious with really amazing complex guitar riffs that hide behind the veil of "progressive" and says that no one but other guitarists enjoy that (which is wrong, I'm not a guitarist and I love progressive metal). I didn't even watch the whole video, but it annoyed me so much.
I've looked into his videos a little bit more and basically he just loves to shit on metal and metalheads even though he calls himself a death metal fan, he called Megadeth a mediocre band, which triggered many people including me even though I wouldn't even call myself a fan of them. He shit on Dream Theatre too as well as other metal bands and has a video saying Ska is terrible or something. Meanwhile he's still obsessed with Falling In Reverse and praises Ronnie Radke every chance he gets. Not to mention his channel is called "the punk rock MBA" when none of his videos are about punk rock, some are about pop punk at best. His channel should really be called The Buttrock Connoseur or something.
But that's not all lol. He's married to a right wing Asian pickme who is like half his age. Idk what Finn Mckenty's age is, I'm guessing mid/late forties, but he said he went to high school in the 90's. Don't know his wife's age either, some people were saying that he started dating her when she was a senior in high school, but I haven't seen proof of that, it might just be speculation. His wife is definitely much younger than him though. She had a rightwing youtube channel Lauren Chen style complaining about wokeness in every video and had one called "I'm afraid my son will be woke" or something. His wife's handle on Instagram is linh7x or something, I can still find her instagram but I can't find her youtube channel, so Idk if she took it down. There are videos about her though.
It's a little bit awkward because this dude also tries to fit in with the alternative rock scense which tends to be more liberal, he even did an interview with Joanna Angel and it's kind of awkward because she's a porn star and I think it's pretty obvious he had a hard on for her, but maybe I'm wrong lol. Anyways, him and his wife are both grifters. This is just a really short video about the subject, the comments are also worth reading.
No. 2128942
>>2128682>>2128938Just look at how the moid in the video approached this subject, nona. They don't
care about how evil men are because they truly believe it's all women's fault anyway.
No. 2130393
File: 1723338989177.jpeg (172.23 KB, 686x881, 9696E4B4-2F67-4E2A-8E2B-9CA3F2…)

Rotten misogynist on a vaush video condemning grown men leering at teenaged girls
No. 2130430
File: 1723341662450.jpeg (162.9 KB, 1179x1039, happy 40th bday preg.jpeg)

>>2130393It makes me happy that these scrotes always end up alone. They spend their fertile years longing for the fantasy they have been sold by redpillers and when they turn 40, their ''wine'' age according to redpill moids, they realize they are fat and bald and that the rare women who would go for them are goldiggers who are only after their money(which they normally dont have) or fat ugly women they dont want because their ego is so inflated they dont realize that they are bottom of the barrel scum and should be glad a 400kg whale even wants to share oxygen with them. Reality ends up hitting them harder than the wall.
No. 2130456
File: 1723343327255.jpg (151.22 KB, 720x729, 1000004366.jpg)

>>2130444Men are genuinely, truly retarded
No. 2130819
File: 1723379454607.jpg (126.47 KB, 720x711, 1000004368.jpg)

Men in YT true crime comments can be so infuriatingly suspect. I can't believe I've been seeing so many of them empathizing with or justifying a serial killers actions in just a few vids of watched recently. Like what do you mean this man who kidnapped, raped, and dismembered two teens and shoved them down his pipes and threw their torso in the river wasn't "evil" or premeditated? He just "snapped"? If you need any solid proof that men are a subspecies, YT comments are it.
No. 2131861
>>2130988Because we can't imagine being that retarded and try to give people the benefit of the doubt. But no, he was talking about a convicted rapist who killed a pregnant teen, put her body in the freezer, and then dismembered her and flushed her flesh and body parts down his toilet. She was only discovered because a plumber came and snaked the pipes. They only found out he killed the second teen because her DNA was on a hunting knife for dismemberment in his drawer. He never revealed how or why he did it and died in prison. Everyone was speculating that he absolutely must have more
victims, but a couple men in the comments were nearly defending him and saying those were his only two…? Men are fundamentally retarded and their lack of emotional intelligence guides their thought processing in a way that proves their lack of soul
No. 2132661
>>2130444moids are retarded and have no theory of mind and their worldview is informed by porn. they either believe women don't enjoy sex at all or think we all actually want to be raped by some uggo. they can't understand that neither is true.
>>2130446yes, i feel disgust remembering creeps leering at me when i was a teen, i only liked when boys my age i found attractive looked at me at that age. i can't tell if this line of thinking is deliberately obtuse to fulfill a fantasy or if they're just rubbing it in our faces how remorseless they are.
No. 2132831
File: 1723488063107.jpeg (647.08 KB, 1125x686, IMG_4371.jpeg)

I wish more female YouTubers were comfortable being mean so I wouldn’t have to watch so many gay dudes on YouTube for snark. The worst offender, this made me bust out laughing.
No. 2133516
File: 1723522460620.jpg (44.22 KB, 286x237, wreckedfool.jpg)

Millennial women know exactly why this happened. Scrotes dragged their feet on everything so they would never be expected to act like big boys and get married. They blew up their late twenties relationships to chase after college age women. Consequently, their whole lives got delayed, and the whole "rich at 35" thing absolutely did not occur.
No. 2133806
File: 1723541886193.jpg (111.91 KB, 720x578, 1000004401.jpg)

Performative femininity makes young girls act insane kek
No. 2133827
>>2132831Is he still making videos? And still doing his makeup like that?? Damn.
>>2131897This is so true nona.
No. 2133838
>>2132475I'm so glad that lolcow exists because women irl have acted like I'm schizo when I've brought up how men always sympathize with rapists and pedos because they view themself in their spot. You notice how these men never view themselves as a
victim of these criminals, which is why they often can't even pretend to have sympathy for the
victims. Yet they curiously always manage to view themself as the criminal of these crimes, which then makes them empathize and think the criminal is actually the true
victim. It's insane.
No. 2133855
>>2133838I'm not really into true crime but I occasionally put on a few videos. Every single time I scroll the comments, there is strange male word salad at least once that is being combative and siding with the men to some degree. It's so suspect.
>>2131949It wasnt just one girl, either. It was two that they found the DNA of. There were at least 3 users saying he wasn't a serial killer practically insisting on it and claiming he snapped and that ~the world isn't black and white~. I maintain that men like that have violent rape fantasies.
No. 2133858
>>2133838And when you point out to moids that hey isn't it a bit weird that you always play "devil's advocate" (totally innocently, just looking at the other side, just seeing their humanity of course) for pedophiles and rapists they get so wound up and defensive. I always bring up chemical castration in these cases, like look if you're so keen on keeping them alive because muh humility and humanity, then how about we render them a little less able to harm people, and that sets them off as if I'm going after THEIR balls BUT WHAT ABOUT THEIR BODILY AUTONOMY? Which only shows that they could give a fuck about the
victims whose bodily autonomy and humanity was violated, they can only relate to the moid commiting the crimes, and see themselves and their precious balls as sacred and untouchable. Point this out to any moid and watch him squirm to come up with a reason why this isn't true, and why he's just a human rights defender. Scum.
No. 2135063
File: 1723621831541.png (42.47 KB, 1243x150, Screenshot 2024-08-14 004835.p…)

moids who comment on videos of music made by women expecting praise
No. 2136233
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Gotta love YouTube comments
No. 2136269
File: 1723676759341.png (391.82 KB, 1080x1225, 1000014582.png)

>>2136233Keep in mind, the girl was 12 and the guy at the time was 19. He got her drunk and tried to make her take a day after pill
No. 2136325
>>2136269How on earth can this sick fuck type this shit out knowing she was fucking
12 and he was
19. "Consensual" my ass. But of course, pedos gotta cape for other pedos.
No. 2136878
File: 1723708467631.jpg (30.5 KB, 480x446, 1000003747.jpg)

A video of James Charles jerking off and spreading hole on FT leaked and I went out of my way to find it to confirm that his hole was like 3 inches high (I was right) and he has ass shots that gives him wisdom tooth hips. You could just tell dude jerking off was looking at an ipad with porn on it behind the phone screen and was just trying to get that money kek
No. 2136957
>>2136269Nope, fuck this pedo retard and his shitty take. Kids can't consent, and 19 is a grown adult. There are no warning bells for this situation? Groomer-ass 19 year old
man talking with a 12 year old girl and having sex with her deserved a harsher sentence. He shouldn't be competing either. What a joke.
No. 2138006
File: 1723763000348.jpg (149.18 KB, 1080x1149, 7j1mty7qkak21.jpg)

>>2137822Classic weeb shit, except now it seems to be spreading to normies too.
No. 2139415
>>2134443Late but that's Rich Lux and he's a huge fag that tries desperately to suck the dicks of other more "successful" fags like Jeffree Star. I know him from that time he convinced Eugenia Cooney to post an excercising video with her in a tight suit lifting skeletons as dumbells.
>>2139012Fast food shit tastes like crap everywhere.
No. 2141529
File: 1723971575522.png (696.25 KB, 1080x1281, 1000027338.png)

This isn't new that Youtube doesn't care to moderate videos that well but wow. In the video, the boy hits his brother with a metal hanger. My little sister with special needs uses YouTube and stumbled upon this. I don't know how and that is scary to wonder. What was worse is the recommended videos from this. Youtube was recommending blatant CP. I feel sick to my stomach. I already reported these channels but it feels so depressing for these children. I would have attached a screenshot to show everyone else to report/hide channel but that exact reason I don't want more traffic to these videos. What the fuck is wrong with these people.
No. 2142129
>>2139415>Fast food shit tastes like crap everywhere.There are different levels of crap when it comes to food and fast food chains though. Here in France McDonalds is decent, it's not disgusting but you'll eat better food in most other slightly more expensive chains, especially local ones. It's pretty similar in the UK and Ireland when I went there. I liked McDonalds better in Japan just because they give way more fries for the same price and they serve your food a lot faster, but it's not amazing either and if you're just there to visit the country for a few days/weeks go literally anywhere else for food
except Freshness Burger, this one sucks so much. All the British and French people I know irl who went to the US for work or as exchange students told me McDonalds in the US is pure cancer. It's a last resort option basically.
No. 2142281
File: 1724013158769.jpeg (565.49 KB, 1170x1330, IMG_1465.jpeg)

The user has a female name but I wouldn’t be surprised if this was a moid commenting this. You can’t even show your face on YouTube without seeing comments like these. She looks underage, I’m not sure if she is, but this is really making me wish that it was illegal for underage children to post their likeness on YouTube.
No. 2142607
File: 1724023656733.jpg (152.61 KB, 1200x800, 1200x800-472767879096.jpg)

has anyone heard of the ballerina farm? i wonder if people would be interested in making a thread for her on /snow/. she seems very milky; perfect tradwife who went to jiuliard but moved back to utah where she had 8 children with a perfect face and body, making homecooked meals from scratch every day living on their ranch in the middle of utah… except it's never mentioned anywhere that her husband's father is the fucking founder of JETBLUE lol (and 4 other airlines) and they're absolutely filthy filthy rich
No. 2142619
>>2142607Something is kinda off about the whole thing. One, family vloggers always get outted for dark shit. Second, the guy is a Mormon from Utah. So for a long ass time she actually rejected him a lot. He started to stalk her and found one of her flights and had his connections get him a seat next to her (His family owns an airline)
After that flight she agreed to date him under the condition she can finish school and no marriage. A few months later she's pregnant and married. So now she builds a lil dance studio on the farm and tells him "I just want a place for just me". He tears down her only place away from him and being a mother and turns it into a school for kids because "You should focus on being a mother."
The kids are home schooled by the way. Like seriously this lady needs to blink twice.
To add, in an interview she looked scared and he wouldn't let her talk. She only gave honest answers when the husband was away taking a call that no, she doesn't want more children. After his call he says he wants way more kids and she just looks so damn sad.
No. 2144253
>>2143217half agree, if this were genuinely
abusive, it would be an issue. but the fact that it’s just two rich people doing a homestead fantasy is not really worth getting
triggered over
No. 2144308
>>2144257Don't be so quick to criticize if you know nothing. That girl moved to some hut alone in the north many many years before liziqi even started making videos. Meanwhile liziqi quickly signed a lucrative contract with the chinese government, got a huge team to do everything for her and film her, and as a result lost her channels just around 2-3 years afterwards.
Their content was rather similar, one being white and one being asian shouldn't immediately make the former a racist shill and the latter amazing and genuine.
No. 2144838
File: 1724145227367.jpg (54.43 KB, 975x149, Screenshot_20240820_120854_Sam…)

Not gonna dignify this with a view but who tf cares man, let people husbando whoever they want. I don't even like Levi but this is kinda ridiculous.
No. 2147503
File: 1724265668520.png (2.44 MB, 1290x1024, Screenshot 2024-08-21.png)

wtf is this
No. 2147881
File: 1724282425850.jpg (250.6 KB, 1080x748, Screenshot_20240822_011956_Sam…)

>>2147876and i'm sure she didn't want to either before pic related's son knocked her up. what's your point?
No. 2148311
File: 1724313730882.png (1.51 MB, 1331x909, 1624883369226.png)

what the fuck
No. 2148769
>>2147503Idk girl you tell us. It looks like some chick cosplaying gacha characters. And?
>>2148187These kids are gonna be so fucked up and porn brained.
No. 2150703
File: 1724446483614.png (1.61 MB, 1636x718, gross.PNG)

Was watching documentaries on red light districts in Asian countries and I see this shit on the recommendations. By a channel called 'Asian Lover'.
No. 2152512
>>2135156good luck babe kek
and some other comments called him out and he got mad
No. 2154039
>>2150602I've had these recommended too and I don't know why as I don't have any interest in homemaking kek. I do think that these women have way too many
things though and these videos would also be relevant in the consoomer thread. It's kind of annoying seeing how many domestic servant related items they have worth thousands of dollars but they wear the same scraggly mormon clothes every video. Very Korean.
No. 2154100
Is it just me or is D'Angelo pumping out new videos with the most clickbait titles (X's is speedrunning ruining her career!!) at an insane rate? Or has it always been this bad? I haven't watched his videos in years.
>>2154039>>2150602I'll be honest I like them. For some reason they're very comforting to me, and the fashion is something I generally like (loose fitting and long).
No. 2155046
File: 1724676345411.jpg (67 KB, 754x164, 659345346930463.jpg)

Under a "scientific" video on why more men today are gay. One of the many comments blaming birth control for this. Of course its womens fault that men are born gay.
No. 2155110
>>2155046KEK, WHAT? I can't even be offended—it's just too funny he's mind puzzled the piece with
that explanation.
No. 2157408
nonnie all farmers are definitely seething and wishing we went through pregnancy and childbirth 8 whole ass times for a bullfrog of a scro' just for that easy rich lifestyle. i mean being pregnant 8 whole times is such a cakewalk.
No. 2159801
File: 1726056776887.png (1.32 MB, 806x1245, Screenshots_2024-09-11-08-10-5…)

I know this is really mean but the YouTuber Nikki Carreon is one of the ugliest people I've ever seen in my life. Her face is actually repulsive to me. She has one of the largest mouths I've ever seen on a person to the point it's just unnatural. She's like a real life representation of the uncanny valley. I honestly hate that I feel this way, makes me feel like a shitty person, but it's a very physical reaction when I see her.
No. 2159844
File: 1726059330249.jpg (Spoiler Image,8.74 KB, 300x168, Smart-school-boy-9-documentary…)

Sick of seeing shit about this pop up all over my feed
No. 2159897
>>2159844I think the Crowley video needed to be made but everything else is just rehashing and his horrible face is giving me nightmares.
>>2159864God I wish it were an ARG and not a pedo with tranny tendencies running around after children. His face looks fucked up because he opens his mouth really wide and pushes his tongue between his teeth.
No. 2161306
File: 1726115816802.png (714.85 KB, 1080x836, Screenshot_20240908-172104~2.p…)

No. 2162064
File: 1726176062691.jpeg (178.22 KB, 515x462, E1D9028D-5EAA-4284-B362-3D3655…)

>makes video about confidence
>uses ai voice for everything including streaming
No. 2162229
File: 1726184080462.jpg (43.89 KB, 281x247, fuckoff.jpg)

Men can't just leave women alone. This guy looks fucking 65 and he's exploiting some random teenage girl for his dumb video. Dude, why are you even watching teenage girl tiktoks at retirement age? You want to know what going your own way looks like? Me blocking this channel and never looking at any whiney scrote videos of any age, no matter how much youtube recommends them.
No. 2162504
File: 1726209039525.jpeg (19.28 KB, 400x388, 1_g4zsvHxslR-946bI_twV-w[1].jp…)

>69 missed calls from Redbull
I hate how repetitive and conformist YT comments are these days it's like reddit, normies just want those updoots so bad
No. 2163852
File: 1726295079461.jpeg (476.13 KB, 828x725, IMG_2937.jpeg)

>>2161947>no different from the average 50 year old "sissy fetishist" who dresses up in children's clothes and edits photos of little boys and girls. You used to find these people on Flickr and Pinterest all the time.That’s what I was thinking too! I fucking hate sissy fetishists writing giant creepy paragraphs over images of random girls about their fetishes. Also Wtf is it with scrotes and developing a fetish for heels? The second I saw the schoolboy pedo wearing weird leather heel boots with his outfit I knew it was a genuine fetish. It’s so common with them.
No. 2163854
File: 1726295224992.webp (43.65 KB, 450x665, IMG_2934.webp)

>>2159801Everytime. I still can’t unsee it.
No. 2165409
File: 1726412582266.jpeg (556.62 KB, 1179x1501, IMG_2632.jpeg)

I know this song is about an abusive boyfriend or something (just looked it up because I liked the butterfly/moonlight part), but of course there’s some comment saying “the feminism leaving my body.” Sigh
No. 2168571
File: 1726609444300.png (1.02 MB, 1080x1530, Screenshot_20240917-144040~2.p…)

>52 mill views
I wanna guess it's children but honestly idk. there's an entire genre of these videos of litte girls crying as they're forcefully stretched during gymnastics/ballet
No. 2169486
File: 1726667852859.jpeg (337.75 KB, 750x536, IMG_6838.jpeg)

>spend your life 24/7 cosplaying a rich woman from one of the most racist time periods
>pitch up your voice to sound like peak femininity and poshify your accent
>have an advanced disability that leaves you with very little energy and choose to use that on hair and beauty instead of raising your kid or anything constructive
>make an hour long video proclaiming clean girl aesthetic as racist, classist, and ableist
>interpret the phrase clean makeup as literally as a turbo autist and claim it’s about bodily hygiene and hating fat people
>sexism? What’s that?
>hoards of retards lap this shit up unquestioningly, completely missing the hypocrisy
>they sperg in the comments about how they totally knew clean girl reminded them of hitler, that they cried because someone on the internet finally told them they are enough, that they cry because she has freed them from the gun held to their head forcing them to don clear lipgloss
No. 2169525
>>2169486"it's only white women!"
half of the videos are made by biracial, black and latinas"when white women insult the style, it's bad, when white women appreciate it, it's also bad"
you can't win with those people.
No. 2169542
File: 1726670718388.jpeg (79.33 KB, 659x265, IMG_6840.jpeg)

>>2169523I wanted so badly to like Jessica Kellgren, I love to see a disabled lesbian winning. But she just has to be the biggest condescending snowflake and her followers are all this retarded
>>2169525She wants people to acknowledge black women as the creators of this style of look whenever they post about it. Except no particular group invented fresh faced makeup, that’s an insane claim.
No. 2169549
>>2169542Not only would it be hard, but most people don't think about the political and historical implication of a slick bun? Instead of making content talking about the origin of the fashion to put things straight they have to demonise it, which is like, no one's winning in this situation, random women are being targetted for racism, that's so called "
POC" aesthetic is now associated with racism, people will argue about who can wear what instead of embracing the origin of the style. This is such a poisonous dialectic, it only steer chaos and for what? For slick buns.
Secondly, the whole stick about cleanliness and racism is extrapolated and being blind to obvious bigger factors as to why we view cleanliness as better: Health reasons whether they are physical or psychological (not spreading germs, but also the act of taking care of one self), and sociable reasons because other's people smell are not exactly agreeable, they bring discomfort. Being dirty will clog your pores, and make your hair literaly fall out from the grease. It is just like with the whole schtick about "fatphobia is racist" it's extrapolated secondary cultural phenomenon, being fat will literaly kill you. Being dirty could literaly kill you and your whole ass family of course we grew to appreciate it. I'm gonna start losing my shit.
No. 2173226
File: 1726906816941.png (Spoiler Image,102.36 KB, 448x217, youtube.PNG)

I think youtube might need to stop recommending videos with low views.
No. 2174288
>>2169486I cannot be the only one that thinks she might be at least somewhat of a munchie. For me the key components are her totally medical mystery in her teens, having Pots and apparently unable to function most of the time yet somehow she's also an advocate (which all munchies try to be!) and able to do god knows what like what
>>2169496 said.
No. 2178324
File: 1727221814103.jpeg (300.4 KB, 1920x1080, GYAFvIlb0AE19R7.jpeg)

she airbrushed the fuck out of her whole face EXCEPT the fucking stubble
No. 2178328
File: 1727221885970.jpeg (66.06 KB, 316x421, F1XVJ7GakAEW6Zn.jpeg)

>>2178324what her skin really looks like. put the t down jesus christ
No. 2178430
File: 1727225228336.jpeg (213.21 KB, 1169x1484, F2GwQopa4AA6OZd.jpeg)

>>2178338you're trying too hard nona, her angular features are cute. it's the gender brainrot, cross-sex hormone induced acne and 4 chin hairs that ruin her
i was struggling to find a good pre-troonout picture of her face that wasn't altered with filters, airbrushed to hell or caked in layers and layers of makeup so have this one i guess. maybe i'm just biased in her favor because i used to like her old videos but i do think she's pretty
>>2178343ik she'd be kicking her feet and giggling if she ever read this
>>2178348she's a they/them gendie
No. 2182839
File: 1727473947211.jpeg (335.5 KB, 750x537, IMG_6976.jpeg)

Kekkk even the ugly man psyop thread links back to TikTok discourse, lolcow truly is full of unoriginal tiktok zoomies. I can’t believe I’m even surprised about this
No. 2188434
File: 1727734937562.jpg (157.91 KB, 1080x992, 1000016144.jpg)

This is just a porn ad. Wtf
No. 2190987
File: 1727893202517.png (395.28 KB, 1079x1464, 1000016199.png)

Ffs why do scrotes always have to make a completely different topic about themselves
No. 2191191
File: 1727904775639.jpg (286.13 KB, 1956x1303, wanker todd.jpg)

Reminded of this video after a documentary tonight-this charlatan of a "doctor" spends 20 minutes professing Chris's innocence stating that it was his affair partner who actually is to blame and that Chris is "mentally a child" and really a "lost little boy" so cannot be held responsible for hacking hos family to death. What annoys me is so many people went along with it.
Wasn't sure whether to link video dont want to give him more view but can if anyone really wants to see it.
No. 2191349
>>2191191He always defends males when they’re violent and gives them a thousand excuses. Just add him to the pile of Chris watts fans that call him a poor wittle
victim of evil manipulative women shannon and Nichol
No. 2191500
>>2191191His mouth/teeth area is so gross to look at.
>>2191203He got popular because he's really good at algorithm chasing. Whenever there's a case out that people are talking about he makes a video within a day so he has peak relevance.
No. 2191894
File: 1727965959876.png (483.78 KB, 1264x873, IMG_5227.png)

what does any of this mean?
No. 2193590
File: 1728075266539.jpg (384.76 KB, 1440x1007, Screenshot_20241004_233622_Sam…)

This "recommending snaller channels for equality" thing is getting out of hand. Why is he shirtless (if not naked) in a video about being a game dev?
No. 2193708
>>2193669And yet YT still won't hide Shorts and "for kids" content from search results.
Fucking hate having to scroll through all that crap just to find a good video from a creator that actually gives two shits about their content.
No. 2193742
>>2193717It's lumped in with all the shorts.
Probably results would be different on desktop, but I use mobile and not the YT app cause that's a piece of shit that crashes 95% of the time for me.
No. 2194484

Knowing how moids are, the content that passport bros put out is not surprising. But so many channels popping up of asian women actually making it their mission to cater to them and to dunk on muh entitled western feminists is unbelievably pathetic. The worst part about this is that these are not starving homeless teen prostitutes who are at their wits end and therefore desperate enough to accept some disgusting western grandpa, these seem to be fairly "well off" women.
They all follow the same patterns: insulting other women, claiming you're so much more demure and housewifish while also showing massive cleavage and talking about sex 24/7, defending age gaps from those jealous haters, talking about age of consent(!) and in general just trying to get picked.
The moids in the comments are sometimes up to 80 and often dating girls as young as 18, always kissing her ass and calling her so "wise". Both sides claim that western/feminist/modern women only care about money while filipinas love genuinely kek Also apparently 16yos are more mature than middle aged western women… What's also always crazy to see is that south east asian girls in tiny dresses who post themselves on the internet and admit to previously having been a hooker are considered marriage material while the normal working wife and mom that they divorced after 25 years together is the devil. It's so obviously just about looks and control, about borderline pedophilia and these women are willing to cater to this. Absolutely disgusting.
As always, of course they're not as bad as men, it just feels more disappointing when women are like this. No. 2194787
File: 1728159384127.jpeg (299.92 KB, 1022x1161, IMG_3276.jpeg)

>>2194484Found this comment reply on the first video.
>I used to get so tired of hearing “I have a headache and not in the mood”Sounds like a rapist.
No. 2194915
File: 1728165340437.jpeg (777.68 KB, 1170x919, IMG_1822.jpeg)

I cannot stand this channel. First of all, despite the channel having the word ‘punk’ in it, they never make videos about punk music. They are the prime example of zoomers commodifying music to fit their personality. There is no genuine devotion or love for the music driving these videos. If you see these guys show up at a show, that’s a sign your scene is done for. The thumbnail in picrel sums up everything I hate about this channel. Wojak edited beyond belief, the ‘lesbian’ flag, music getting called gay for no reason. I don’t think I’ve ever met a lesbian that listened to any of these artists except maybe björk. Why would one listen to that tranny group 1000 geckos?
No. 2194932
File: 1728165755124.jpeg (230.67 KB, 1199x872, IMG_7683.jpeg)

>>2194915>I’ve ever met a lesbian that listened to any of these artists except maybe björkI’m a lesbian and i’m insanely autistic about björk and collect her CDs and shit kek. The fact homogenic is close to PINK FRIDAY 2 is disrespectful. No lesbian ever is listening to pink friday 2… this is like the weirdest mix of music ever. I don’t think that most of these albums are bad but i hate the way they categorize this shit as “gay music”. Chappiggy being there makes it even more blatant that by “gay” they mean “kweer” kek
No. 2195052
>>2194787They always think we think like them. Most women don't view men of their race as their property the way men do.
Anyway even if something like that vaguely happened they probably found you weird or creepy for announcing you're going overseas to marry a asian women. Just another scrote revenge fantasy.
No. 2195072
File: 1728171210321.jpg (Spoiler Image,255.03 KB, 1080x837, Screenshot_20241006_003031_You…)

Why the fuck would you not only put this as the title of a video, but then also put your uwu cute little shocked face as the thumbnail? What is wrong with this bitch?
No. 2197038
File: 1728292907225.jpg (15.77 KB, 300x300, i-want-to-judo-chop-apollo.jpg)

>>1995735I miss the old Ryan, I miss Nek, I miss Josh. I didn't know I'd miss his old /r9k/ chat so much –which he used to browse back in the day but I guess his been trying to hide some skeletons– but it's 10x better than his new brainless chat that can't do the bare minimum of calling out when Ryan acts so smug and lacks the self awareness I thought he had back then.
I wish Nek didn't go all moral fag and ruin the longevity of the NLSS.
Back to old 2014-2018 NLSSs for the 1239th time
>>1996515I could see k8 being autistic, she's emotionally insensitive, major weeb and she's a sweaty for every game under the sun.
Anyways k8 is funny and their relationship and daughter is cute and wholesome
No. 2198038
File: 1728346783185.jpg (299.32 KB, 1125x915, roasted ham.jpg)

The fuckers at Jubilee are so transparent about their bias. This ugly pig was replying to everybody in the comments with his glib little replies that don’t actually address anything…yet all of my comments criticizing him and debunking his points were mysteriously deleted. I’m convinced the main dude who runs the company is secretly one of those right wing aznidentity incels who tricked a bunch of people into thinking he was normal and progressive. It’s really obvious when you look at certain topics they cover and how one side will be represented by professional media personalities while the other side is a bunch of retarded college kids.
No. 2200770
>>2200767megan collabing with bts
multiple times will always be the main reason i pray on her downfall
No. 2200789
>>2200767is this really what people watch
No. 2201128
>>2194521>>2194484In the Philippines there's a saying that every girl wants a
mayamang matanda na malapit na mamatay which translates to "a rich old [man] who's close to death".
None of these girls actually want to suck old men's dicks. They're only doing it for money. Anyone would if it means easy money when you're from a thirdie country.
No. 2205339
File: 1728824907586.jpeg (708.89 KB, 1125x1458, IMG_4770.jpeg)

All funkyfrogbait does is sell shit, I can’t imagine being a gendie and then doing an ad for a credit card company. I never watch her videos cause her face makes me angry but now she’s in my Pinterest feed. and of course her brain dead fans don’t care. It’s just never enough for these greedy fucks.
No. 2206502
File: 1728882604489.jpeg (66.89 KB, 719x555, whatever2.jpeg)

Oh look, it's another one of these politiscrotes who uses unrelated images of underage girls they want to fuck as the thumbnails on his political rants. At least these are ai girls and not real people.
No. 2206503
File: 1728882651511.jpeg (68.38 KB, 718x543, whatever1.jpeg)

It's so transparent that these scrotes are just horny and mad.
No. 2207371
File: 1728945615320.png (75.18 KB, 873x709, shills.png)

>>2206782>perhaps i'm just jaded but i wonder how many of these supposedly organic videos are propaganda pieces and who is really behind this kind of contentno you're right, a shit ton of right wing content creators are getting paid for doing propaganda online, creating fake astroturfed communities or movements and there's a shit ton of paid bots too. just look at the recently exposed tenet media company who owns several very famous far right influencers such as lauren southern, dave rubin etc. literal russian assets working to get trump elected in the interest of the putin regime. this is a pattern not exclusive to influencers, a lot of extremist organizations in europe are also paid russian shills. No. 2207388
File: 1728946518434.jpg (600.02 KB, 1440x1069, Screenshot_20241015_015401_Sam…)

They have munchies in Japan??!! Jokes aside this is such a weird video topic. Who cares? You're not the only Japanese or the only schizo out there.
No. 2207406
File: 1728947381337.png (263.46 KB, 1080x1101, Screenshot_20241014-160728~2.p…)

>>2207388>They have munchies in Japan??!! Jokes aside this is such a weird video topic. Who cares? You already know who cares
No. 2210730
File: 1729157714915.jpg (568.7 KB, 1080x836, 74564365.jpg)

>>2207388I keep getting videos like this recommended to me kek, it seems to be some sort of new trend with middle aged japanese moids
No. 2210751
>>2195072Literally can't stand her, and how disgusting of her to title the video that while showing a photo of the little girl. Imagine being a family member and coming across that while scrolling. Awful. And this is harsh but I'll never forget how she painted herself as a rape
victim during the Nikacado drama. She explained it like someone broke into her home and raped her, when in reality a man hired to fix her electric or something took upskirt photos. I'm not downplaying that, it's awful and I sincerely hope moids who do that die, but she knew what kind of story she was painting with those vague details. And now whenever someone criticizes her content her retarded fans always bring it up to be like "she was victimized too!!" "She knows exactly how this raped and murdered woman felt!" Retarded, I hate her so much.
No. 2210856
>>2207102Random nitpick but why does
every jirai girl either have a 5head or shoop her pictures to give herself a 5head kek
No. 2210872
>>2210751>in reality a man hired to fix her electric or something took upskirt photosHoly shit, that is obviously awful, but I literally felt so bad for her in the past because I thought she is a rape
victim and I understood why something as random and non-threatening as what nikocado did could possibly send someone with ptsd to spiral. She is such a cow.
No. 2211109
>>2207388Wouldn't really call him a munchie. I watched one vid of his (not this one) and he actually seems to have his shit together more than most schizophrenics i've met, so there's that. Of course, I can't really make a complete judgment based off of one video but he seems to have a stronger grasp on lucidity and is aware of his delusions and how to handle them.
>>2207406This. People lose their shit at the chance to interact with a real live nihonjin and trip over themselves to put them on a pedestal and care in a parasocial way because "Japanese thing good!!" even though they couldn't give less of a shit about the mentally ill in their own communities.
No. 2213625
File: 1729347464933.jpeg (132.17 KB, 719x565, menfail.jpeg)

The way men never stop sexualizing the bear and deliberately or through pure stupidity misunderstanding what women are saying just proves why women can't trust men.
No. 2214766
File: 1729431416006.jpeg (Spoiler Image,83.04 KB, 600x430, 2584B25D-77FA-4C92-9E5D-9E9F1C…)

Nothing I watch is even remotely related to whatever the fuck this is. I don’t want to click it and ruin my feed but why are they pushing these horrifying thumbnails in my feed?. I don’t know what happened to the woman on the right or if it’s even real but I hope she is ok.
>>2213625It’s unbelievable how mad that meme made moids and it was the tamest thing imaginable. They literally can’t handle any criticism or else they have an enormous sperg out .
No. 2221376
File: 1729797975332.jpg (51.16 KB, 635x309, DWKT.jpg)

These 2 piss me off so bad. It started months back when I noticed they wouldn't do any research whatsoever on a topic if they had already made their minds up about who was wrong. They rarely discuss drama that doesn't frame a woman in a negative light and even recently said a women who was very clearly having a mental breakdown reminded them of Jodi Arias. They did an entire 1h25m response "defending themselves" from a lady who didn't like their video about her, bc I guess it's fair for them to talk about ppl but no one can respond to them! Their fan base is made up of degenerate H3H3 fans who see any minor criticism of them as an attack, so you can't have any constructive conversations about anything that may not be working/you don't like/etc. It is so minor after everything else, but I finally had to unfollow after today's episode when Lily said she missed 2 flights bc she can't get her life together as an entire 35? year old person and actually chose to show up right at boarding time "because that is usually okay!" And then seemingly gave everyone at the airport just trying to do their job an attitude because she is a fucking idiot.
No. 2225795
File: 1730015480616.webp (581.98 KB, 1024x1425, IMG_1156.webp)

can some major account please do an expose on this whiny grifting lying sensationalist faggot so we never have to see his clickbait content again
No. 2226816
File: 1730064841464.jpg (137.21 KB, 900x900, channels4_profile.jpg)

I can't stop hatewatching HopeScope even though she's so infuriatingly stupid I genuinely think she might have an intellectual disability, her IQ is definitely in the double digits. At first I thought she was only acting dumb as ragebait for engagement/comment farming but there's no way she's that smart. Seeing her constantly abuse her obviously untreated beet red rosacea face makes me wince and all her comments on everything could literally just easily have been googled beforehand, though I guess if she didn't have those stupid questions to ask her audience she'd have nothing to say. Don't know if there's any milk on her other than she's retarded so I guess she's probably harmless though but who knows. She's like a children's entertainer who's even dumber than the kids.
No. 2227233
File: 1730083016789.jpg (322.72 KB, 1080x823, Screenshot_20241028_033529_You…)

>i have no boyfriend
>i have no friends
>but someone is conveniently always around to film me
give me a break. who is this content appealing to exactly? clearly tons of people considering the views.
No. 2227252
File: 1730084097165.png (997.95 KB, 1190x724, image.png)

>>2227233I've been seeing this type of video so often lately. At first I thought it was cute and genuine but I've seen so many grifters jump on this trend that it just doesn't seem real to me anymore. Also a quick look through some of her videos had her literally filming her meet up with friends? What's even worse than being a friendless loser is lying about being one. I hate when influencers try to convince their viewers that they're totally a loser, just like you!
No. 2228409
File: 1730155608781.png (287.48 KB, 535x478, Screenshot 2024-10-28 163810.p…)

Seems like people are realizing Nux is more of a sex pest than people thought. People are finding out he was really close with Shadman. That and a lot of his videos have been taken down because he's just straight up reviewing hentai and loli shit. His friends are also back peddling on statements they said to defend Nux. Most of his thumbnails are literal porn as well. Like how is anyone surprised?
No. 2229047
File: 1730187258944.jpg (79.81 KB, 640x935, 1000000098.jpg)

>>2229034It's also annoying that he now tries to purposely look "dark" and badass, like stop you look like you're someone's 50 year old uncle that just beat cancer. He really is trying to pose himself a certain way to make himself look sly and like a mastermind but it's so ridiculous. Whatever amount of money he made is definitely not nearly enough to justify literally leaking shit out his asshole in public.
No. 2229076
>>2229047You wouldn't get it.
The day of reckoning is coming.
No. 2230102
File: 1730242117761.jpg (74.21 KB, 907x1012, F_EXuz-WEAMCRC1.jpg)

>>2230099He's still on Twitter I believe, people were coping alot in the comments when he was first arrested
No. 2230113
>>2230106I believe you but can I get a source? I wanna look more into it and let my friends know, also
>wendigoonchristcuck secretly into this shit.. not surprising
No. 2230124
File: 1730243232525.jpg (124.88 KB, 780x588, Capture88.JPG)

>>2230099Jesus christ this commenter sounds so obnoxious. I hope I never meet him in person.
No. 2230147
File: 1730244268200.jpeg (83.72 KB, 339x445, IMG_0848.jpeg)

>>2230099He's so fucking ugly lmao
No. 2230160
File: 1730244808442.png (364.96 KB, 1080x1792, Screenshot_20241029-163154~2.p…)

>>2230153He also made a kiwifarms account just to argue with people over there too
No. 2230283
>>2230150lol I wish you could still see dislikes publically. Man looking like the boss in Incredibles
No. 2230597
File: 1730267798377.jpeg (230.54 KB, 1770x513, IMG_7999.jpeg)

I hate these disgusting ai “KAREN OWNED” thumbnails. This isn’t as bad of the ones that usually pop up but it’s what i found when looking for one to prove my point.
No. 2231274
>>2230597men: A woman said something a man didn't like, so he beat her to the ground. This is great!
also men: Women avoid me because they're cunts.
No. 2231278
>>2231213Didn't Keemstar have a podcast or something called lolcow? It's been a YouTube mainstream term for a while. The YouTube commentary community has been taking a lot of content straight from Kiwifarms for years now
So I wouldn't be so sure she took the term from here, could be from other commentary channels, could be from the other farms
No. 2232757
>>2231312I really hate the fact we can't have regular women with weird fashion styles or that aren't conventionally attractive without them also being some sort of "queer" flavor. Weird nerdy video essays like
>>2231213are my favorite content on YouTube but it's all filled with TIFs and TIMs
No. 2233402
File: 1730400276462.png (1.51 MB, 1596x1040, Screenshot 2024-10-31 at 11.42…)

What is up with this guy? Is he just an aspie or is this whole thing a character? Also his fucking claws…
No. 2233591
>>2233402Why is everyone on this site
obsessed with Reviewbrah? They either hate him or have an unhealthy amount of lust for him.
No. 2233659
File: 1730411909063.png (190.62 KB, 494x417, Unwoke.png)

>>2230597Went for a tamer and non porny thumbnail because I can't stand this shit but.. these hybrid channels the 'beat em up' karen genre craps out. Channel called Unwoke
>thumbnails.. nearly all women, nearly all wearing the same bright, too-small rainbow bikinis to get your attention the only way these channels know how to get it >said women getting strangled, punched in the face by some unit of a man, having a gun held to their head, being wacked over the head with a plank of wood.. or being groped? That'll teach those darn women.. uh I mean wokes? It's def about wokes >titles about how MEN (men is always in capitals cos big boys) not holding back!So glad that YTers discussing sex and violence in a serious manner censor the fuck out of every third word just so that 1 click later thumbnails for highly viewed vids are like.. hell yeah grope, strangle and shoot that half naked feminist bitch, beat her up with a plank of wood and lets see her all laid out on the pavement.
No. 2233696
File: 1730414165466.png (420.5 KB, 1080x1749, Screenshot_20241031-153422~2.p…)

YouTube bots working overtime
No. 2234318
File: 1730449995311.png (405.35 KB, 1009x425, Screenshot 2024-11-01.png)

>>2234221Needing to make these fake karen beatdown thumbnails to sell you a snoozefest is why I call it a hybrid of the karen bs. The actual content is clips of people raising their voices in lame podcast arguments but men won't click unless they think a woman got beat, arrested or publicly manhandled.
No. 2235402
File: 1730514551190.jpeg (116.05 KB, 1200x600, IMG_1466.jpeg)

>>2206782Same vibe
the name of this movie literally is "the killer" and fassbender beats women irl No. 2235785
File: 1730555542150.jpeg (246.27 KB, 1920x1080, GYsqr3mbMAAw0WV.jpeg)

>>2178324checked on her once again and damn this is just sad. she's holding onto these 3 chin hairs for dear life
No. 2238193
File: 1730706350620.jpeg (168.54 KB, 750x1263, IMG_4093.jpeg)

Has anyone come across one of these bizarre racist channels before? I have came across a few others like this during my time on youtube. They aren't just norma racist, they are just weird…it's hard to explain. I swear i have fallen down this same rabbit hole like 5 times kek.
>they usually claim to be black in a comment section. May or may not be true. It's really hard to tell just watch their videos lmao.
>profile pic is an unflattering mugshot of a black person
>bizarre writing style
>owner comes across as being older than 40
>entire channel is just racism
>reads as schizophrenic sometimes
>emojis galore
Im mostly upset that i have been banned for posting male crime statistics whilst this has been here for TWO YEARS.
No. 2238194
File: 1730706394406.jpeg (Spoiler Image,366.98 KB, 750x1341, IMG_4094.jpeg)

>>22381932) video titles.
No. 2238215
>>2238199I didn't know TND was a new racial slur. I hate scrote's race autism so much.
Im gonna start commenting TMD(total male death) to avoid YouTubes retarded moderation from now on.
No. 2238222
>>2238218I have seen another channel like this, maybe earlier this year, except the racism was directed towards whites and the channel was allegedly owned by a black woman. Profile pic was a mugshot of a druggie looking white woman.
It had the same weird grammar, lots of emojis, and a hatred for feminist. The channel was fucking weird but the exaggerated stereotypical way they wrote kinda came across as some weird elderly white guy pretending to be a racist black women. Just generally fucking weird.
No. 2240151
File: 1730791973007.jpg (263.66 KB, 720x1227, 1000000205.jpg)

This is far from hate per se but it is hilarious that every time a woman loses 40 pounds and gets a nose job she starts posting 5 yt videos like this a month. Dorks become conventional and suddenly start making vids like "how to have BLACK CAT ENERGY and have life chase you like a GOLDEN RETRIEVER" like, girl. Also yes that's on one of her videos for real.
No. 2240153
File: 1730792167095.jpg (260.23 KB, 720x1229, 1000000206.jpg)

>>2240151The rhinoplasty-induced hustle is admirable
No. 2241367
File: 1730842433559.jpeg (348.16 KB, 1380x1401, 157FDBDB-4265-424C-8C11-8F6229…)

>>2235789I fuckimg hate trannies and tranny sympathizers so much it’s unreal
No. 2241371
File: 1730842489093.jpeg (188.37 KB, 1294x1021, 8BB1410D-0493-4511-A3B9-C72D59…)

>>2241367I hate men so fuckimg much
No. 2243078
>>2242952I don't care. Just because I don't feel sorry for leech weebs crying about a fork found in kitchen doesn't mean I support anything about Japan's policies. They knew japan was like that, they chose to move there because of anime. I have no interest in going to Japan or soyfacing over Place, Japan, I just don't feel sorry for whiny weebs crying about xenophobia and racism for views. Japanese women constantly molested, child idols, sexual assault on trains,
toxic extremist work environments that drive young people to suicide, all individuality strongarmed out of them by middle school–yes I understand why the simmering resentment for foreigners is building up when they themselves are expected to be overwored doormats. I have critical thinking skills but it doesn't mean I worship Nippon.
No. 2243113
>>2243078>yes I understand why the simmering resentment for foreigners is building upMost of the examples you gave are done by Japanese moids themselves though? Shouldnt Japanese women deport Japanese moids first?
actually throw them in acid instead alongside with the Korean and indian so placing the blame on foreigners does nothing kek the stats speak for themselves
No. 2244185
File: 1730883697903.png (90.1 KB, 1397x362, スクリーンショット 2024-11-06…)

>>2240007Expats when they get treated like foreigners anywhere else in the world.
They get salty and despotic because of how easily the whole western worship thing crumbles as soon as they land.
They also hate each others guts for not "fitting in well enough", YWNBJ
No. 2244751
File: 1730899246261.png (356.62 KB, 901x581, uknoncecrew.png)

Will youtube ever do shit about scrotes who're confirmed dick pic sending, when do you turn 16 bb type creeps so we can get rid of this 'I'll wait a few months and then just come back and heavily monitor the comments' bs? The youngest members of their audiences are always the ones left blissfully unaware of why they even fucked off for months and through heavy comment monitoring they'll stay unaware and oh so grateful "daddy has returned" Can it stop
Fave part is this fucker still leaving up comments where people wanna know why he hasn't spoken on the imallexx situation tho? kek. The uk commentary/pedo crew sure love noncing or bashing on only girls then defaulting to the I'm so gay/qweer schtick
No. 2246080
>>2244841Also their contents is simply
not good. How many more anime, capsule hotel, ryoken, sakura subscription box, onsen, love hotel, ramen shop videos do we really need? Youtubers whine about xenophobia and being hated or passive aggressively not taken seriously in Japan but it's literally what they deserve. Like, you moved to a
toxic country because you benefit from how overworked and conditioned they are, you film them like you're at a zoo, and you want them to truly like you? Fucking kek. Fr YWNBJ.
No. 2246105
>>2243078Many of those issues aren't limited to just japan and there's also many countries worse off than japan, yet no country is as strict against foreigners while additionally getting defended for this stance.
Weebs always act as if japan is the only working country on earth, the only country with a culture and therefore it must be treated like sacred, meanwhile most other countries have double-digit immigrant rates and nobody is complaining, much less feeling sorry for them as a 3rd party. Plus when compared to the sexpests that move to other asian countries, eastern europe or south america, or the millions of unemployed muslim moids in western europe, somebody who earns their own money by making silly videos actually sound pretty preferable.
No. 2246274
>>2246247But I'm not mad at all.
>you can't call weebs pathetic OTHER COUNTRIES HAVE RAPISTSShut the fuck up kek you unironically sound like a defensive expat now
No. 2255055
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No. 2255106
File: 1731293179486.jpeg (262.63 KB, 1170x610, IMG_1900.jpeg)

YouTuber Patrick CC has started possibly AI-ifying his own voice in his videos and promoting shitty AI products to other YouTubers and his audience.
I can't say I'm surprised that he ain't shit after he made videos defending weirdos like Bam Margera but using AI to complete your videos is a whole new level of lazy, especially for a long form essay style video
No. 2255116
File: 1731293517827.jpg (66.64 KB, 720x563, 1000000260.jpg)

Men are mentally retarded
No. 2256098
File: 1731354256037.jpg (403.2 KB, 1080x831, Screenshot_20241111_143306_Bra…)

this in my recommendations for some reason
No. 2257172
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No. 2257372
>>2257367i mean
they're damned if they don't find it reprehensible, they're damned if they do? then they're just pretending? what if they didn't mention it at all? then it would be, they don't care about rape games. i'm sorry but you need to chill out a bit.
No. 2257392
>>2257380She was just hating but you had to be a contrarian in defense of moids.
No. 2258203
File: 1731460011528.jpeg (74.03 KB, 629x536, 77B2F8FE-AA37-4E78-B390-D6B88D…)

Why is YouTube constantly fuckimg recommending misogynistic content
No. 2258210
File: 1731460377198.png (96.94 KB, 193x413, sargon of applebees.png)

>>2258203This fag still making content after getting humilliated by metokour?
No. 2258212
>>2258203Women: I no longer wish to be part of a society that views me as subhuman
Also I haven't seen 1 person shave their head. Why do the scrotes keep repeating it?
No. 2258222
>>2258212I was 100% about to post what you said. These fags are all the same.
IIRC, one woman shaved her head but she already had plans to do so or something.
No. 2258605
File: 1731480724463.jpg (494.31 KB, 1080x2316, 828284874.jpg)

So I noticed that the retarded playables thing had appeared on my youtube app, and decided to click on one of the games out of curiosity. Why the fuck is this in it? It isn't even trying to be subtle either, he's literally holding a whip??? What the fuck
No. 2258790
File: 1731504162446.png (840.06 KB, 1920x855, kmnljhgutyfrdefgv.png)

I hate this chubby looking turd, he's so over emotional and sensitive. He lobs insults out at everyone and cries when they lob one back. He demands everyone see him as a ~chronically ill sick kid victim uwu~ and gets his back up anytime someone else talks about their illness. He's always given me pedo vibes and when he mentioned that he monitors or manages multiple kids social medias that pretty much confirmed it for me. I recently watched this video of him talking about being a concert photographer for Billie Eilish when she was first blowing up and when reminiscing about the photos he took literally the first one he shows is her grabbing the side of her tit. He's so fucking weird and it's only going to get more obvious as he ages, I'm calling it now there's going to be a bunch of accusations coming out in like 10 years or so.
No. 2260205
File: 1731572118896.jpg (1.24 MB, 1440x2099, Screenshot_20241114_111018_Sam…)

Some poor mom's recipes channel got hijacked by someone uploading Family Guy episodes?
No. 2263987
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Cryptid spotted
No. 2265869
File: 1731947272787.jpg (136.88 KB, 1079x456, Screenshot_20241118_172720_Fir…)

>>2265436that's just being a woman, wtf. retards.
No. 2266491
File: 1731979369161.png (680.11 KB, 1080x1875, Screenshot_20241118-025424~2.p…)

>nose fetish
No. 2266513
File: 1731981172095.jpg (56.21 KB, 720x543, 1000000362.jpg)

I hate men.
No. 2266519
File: 1731981374277.jpg (168.38 KB, 938x833, healthvape.jpg)

>don't vape normally that's GAY
>use our HEALTH VAPE
Does this work on zoomers I thought they wanted to be gay
No. 2266521
File: 1731981439298.jpg (86.53 KB, 470x703, pou.jpg)

Also sick of seeing pou getting bukkaked these advertisers must be stopped
No. 2266526
File: 1731981571461.jpg (267.13 KB, 1170x806, corinne.jpg)

>>1995599So Corinne posted again, apparently she's gonna start making content, kinda looking forward to that
No. 2268703
>>2265436Between this and subliminals bullshit there’s zero hope for teenage girls.
>>2268684Molding your life and personality to boring male gaze archetype is retarded and gay.
No. 2269422
File: 1732142940537.gif (687.87 KB, 200x200, 1000029404.gif)

>>2269251If men want us to stop saying "not all men", they need to stop doing picrel for unhinged antisocial weirdos.
No. 2272904
File: 1732332388825.png (535.9 KB, 1067x714, 1722219957949.png)

I'm a million years late to this, but turkey tom used to follow a bunch of e-girls including creepy hoarder, kinda weird but predictable
No. 2273009
File: 1732344814839.jpeg (872.02 KB, 1053x1645, 59F06FE8-73D7-4013-8D77-8C9E28…)

>>2272925I’ve always been interested in women who seem to only wish for this lifestyle. It’s unfathomable to me, especially now that it seems to be picking up steam. Maybe Dworkin had a point that it’s an attempt to protect themselves from male violence and the increasingly misogynistic culture we are in.
No. 2273032
>>2272925Those women just don't want to work and it's the most normal, attainable alternative. People will do a lot of insane shit to get out of work, just see how many cows are e-beggers or scammers or sell porn because anything is better than having a job to them.
In a way I can't blame them, I also hate working (and my worst nightmare is being a working mom, the worst of both worlds) but I'm too blackpilled about men to ever rely on one.
No. 2273989
File: 1732400945514.jpg (25.06 KB, 640x658, 1732382346044.jpg)

>>2273986Seems so
but since it's a troon highly likely hes a pedophile too its possible that the troon is lurking so heres a tip for him
No. 2274606
File: 1732448360290.png (43.29 KB, 217x234, gtfo my youtube…)

No. 2274638

Those channels solely dedicated to talking about successful "old" chinese women being supposedly desperate because nobody wants to marry them are absolutely crazy.
They see how low the birthrate is and how widespread 4B becomes outside of Korea, plus anybody even remotely interested in anything Chinese knows that big age gap couples with the women being much older is a huge trend in movies. And everybody (even they deep down) knows that girls/women are simply smarter and work harder and still manage to be better children to their parents, meanwhile they are losers in every aspect.
They even post thumbnails of fat old af moids and captions of "they prefer staying alone" as if they have any choice at all, as if the moid loneliness crisis isn't a thing, as if parents don't absolutely loathe these useless huge babies and as if they aren't so desperate that they get brides from poorer countries or even kidnap girls… general anti-China channels somehow always manage to sound even more insane than Chinese propaganda.
No. 2274720
File: 1732459658787.png (129.38 KB, 660x602, ntfg.png)

>>2273970>pedotroon is a /pol/tardEvery time, kek.
No. 2275065
File: 1732477094974.png (Spoiler Image,2.55 MB, 2909x1246, panpiano.png)

I know panpiano has been doing this for years but lately it has gotten more and more extreme, how are these thumbnails even allowed?
No. 2275089
>>2274854Nta but imo there seems to be 3-4.
They like different things on the side.
No. 2275414
File: 1732489939948.jpg (236 KB, 1556x606, Screenshot_1.jpg)

>>2275065picrel is a comparison to her oldest content.
whats even sadder is that her risque cosplay videos didn't even gain extra traction compared to her regular videos.
No. 2275976
File: 1732537433406.jpeg (338.49 KB, 947x1250, Lol.jpeg)

No. 2278105
File: 1732666998957.jpg (230.2 KB, 1080x1520, 72649.jpg)

>>2278102they may be male but they're right. we're just going to coddle pornstars now? nobody forced these women specifically to make porn.
No. 2278144
>>2278135nayrt but there's nuance to this. You can be a fucking idiot and still be traumatized, you can simultaneously make bad choices and still be a
victim. Porn exists solely because men are disgusting, you don't have to openly weep for these women but it's weird to target them more than the disgusting scrotes who violated them on camera and made bank doing it
No. 2278165
>>2278144they weren't violated on camera, they chose to do it. you can't be a
victim of porn if you CHOOSE to do porn. the only reason mia khalifa or any of these degens regret it is because they made no money through traditional porn. mia khalifa made roughly $12,000 in exchange for the millions upon millions of people that saw her do anal on camera. fast forward now and she's making HUGE bucks on onlyfans, her net worth is now $6 million, but i don't see her complaining about onlyfans (another type of porn) where she is… also getting fucked in the ass. ok. money talks more than anything and that's all these women regret.
No. 2278221
>>2278202>enthusiastic consentyes
>made a considerable amount of money from itabsolutely not
you need to stop making excuses for women that wanted the cheapest and grossest way to make money. they literally fucked around and found out.
No. 2278227
File: 1732671406788.png (1.24 MB, 1080x5888, Screenshot_20241126-203400.png)

>>2278202>>2278221This reddit post helps to convey how coercive the environment can be
No. 2278236
>>2278227>needed to pay medical expenses>decided to do porn instead of work at burger king>got paid $1000 per shoot (exact same figure as khalifa who we were talking about earlier)yawn
you will not convince me to use my female socialization on porn actresses, sorry. i empathize with anyone who has revenge porn out there and that's it.
No. 2279843
File: 1732767939738.jpg (77.46 KB, 800x480, Rando.jpg)

This creator popped in my feed, and she opens up her intro with this "hey, I'm blah blah and I'm a lesbian" like OKAY? who opens their intro like that? She does that in every video including the Collab she did with that fatty commentary girl (I forget her name). Idk I just find it weird. Most YouTubers I watched don't mention their sexuality right off the bat unless it has something to do with the video topic and they want to share their experiences & insights. Seems like she's overcompensating
No. 2280244
File: 1732801725856.jpg (128.81 KB, 720x493, 1000000115.jpg)

Why are so many people trying to fill the "unconventional-to-mid redhead with stupid mustache that talks way too much" niche on YouTube now? I never watch their videos and I'm tired of seeing them look dysgenic and weird on my homepage. Is this because of Marsha p johnson fanboy filmcooper
No. 2280245
File: 1732801800721.jpg (103.45 KB, 720x669, 1000000114.jpg)

Men are so annoying. Riddler looking retard omg at this point just take the stupid shit off
No. 2280929
File: 1732838675737.png (1.83 MB, 1872x1233, Jaiden.png)

Why do male commentary YouTubers have such a weird fixation on this woman specifically? It's weird that it's always her.
No. 2281468
File: 1732877443271.jpg (655.82 KB, 1080x2308, cringe.jpg)

kek what the fuck is wrong with her
No. 2281488
>>2281468I feel like this stupid cut and paste thing that content creators all do is a function of platforms giving you an overwhelming amount of "empty" analytics. They measure clicks, likes, comments, shares retention, conversions, CTR, and on and on until people think they have a holistic understanding of what type of video is best, or "good", simply because they are reduced to doing brain-dead pattern recognition with "I make this face in thumbnail, numbers go up".
It's such a reductive perspective on value, because the rest of what goes into making something valuable is just harder to access, so it goes ignored.
It's killing creativity and crushing the human spirit. These people could be doing so much more.
No. 2284956
File: 1733033928720.jpg (139.04 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

Can't believe this is a real thumbnail, I wonder if he knew
No. 2288373

This lady is my BEC, she just has the most infuriating millennial personality! She is a pseudo-self help influencer others with home decor, lifestyle, fitness (she has over exercise/ED issues), and dating content but she is a total and utter mess. She became incredibly obsessed with dating her current boyfriend, making long videos integrating him and centering their relationship a the crux of her channel. The literal who bf is just some guy named JUSTIN. She has also shared her entire dating and sexual history a year earlier.
This is her hour long over-sharing monologue about her crazy anxious attachment, spiraling thoughts, and just complete unstable emotional life that I'm sure her parasocial audience eats up. What a queen!
Please, if you have a social media presence, don't trauma dump and film every little thought you have, stuff like this video is embarrassing and I have no doubt that in a year she will blow up her relationship and make a mega long video about how much she learned from it.
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I get sponsors etc but how does he have so much money compared to other YouTubers? Even before he got to most subbed?