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No. 2168422

A thread to discuss the dislike of dogs, their owners and dog culture in general.

Dogfags, this is not the place to defend your mutt. You’ve got your own thread here: >>>/ot/936145

Follow the board rules and don’t infight, derail or reply to bait.

Previous thread: >>>/ot/2081586

No. 2168426

Did you purposely choose the cutest dog you could find as your thread pic? kek

No. 2168428

it’s white with a black mustache just like hitler

No. 2168434

Agreed, thread pic is cute unlike all those other scary pitbulls on earlier threads

No. 2168443

Well, it happened again. Yet another person posted in my city's subreddit that they were out for a walk to enjoy the beautiful weather when they were suddenly chased and mauled by a pitbull that had its leash/tie-down dragging on the ground, so they had to spend the weekend in the hospital. We can't even fucking go outside without the threat of these things showing up to ruin your day (or end your life). Why the fuck aren't pitbulls banned?

No. 2168444

No such thing as a cute dog.

No. 2168576

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>Cutest dog

No. 2169338

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And the lies just keep coming. Top from Twitter, bottom from shelter.

No. 2170757

how do you not alog when it comes to these shitbeasts? i wish some scrote would be depraved enough to round up everybody’s animals and dump them in a radioactive pound , nothing of value lost with these creatures

No. 2171108

I think rottweilers can be pretty cute with the lil eyebrows but this dog looks evil as fuck u can see it in his eyes

They should put down dogs that have a problem biting people. My uncle immediately put his dog down when it bit a girl, idk why other dog owners insist on letting theirs live despite the obvious risks

U can't rehabilitate a dog that's already aggressive u gotta just let it die

No. 2171277

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It really is poes law with dogfags

No. 2171280

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What a crock of shit

No. 2171318

Always love a fuck around, find out video

>Little yappy shit barking and trying to intimidate cat at top of stairs

>Runs like a little bitch and screeches on sofa like hes been shot when the cat chases him

Top kek.

No. 2171484

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While cat homes can easily get that rancid and deep smell from careless or irregular owners, I've never been somewhere with a dog that smelled redeemable, even houses with daily house keeping. Even just touching a dog leaves a film on the hands and when you bathe a dog, they smell WORSE.
They get excited over nothing and do pretty much nothing else except asking to be exercised/fed( which many lazy owners project as impossible personality traits in order to get out of taking them on a measly walk ) or barking and disturbing the entire neighborhood because a water bottle crinkled or your neighbor parked a car and shut their door a little firmly.
As for being protective, they are completely useless and if they have the kind of attitude to attack a killer they will more likely be mauling the owner first instead. Lastly, they're all hideous and move like demons, including their soulless eyes. Multiple strange dogs have bit me and even torn my clothes. Ive never been injured by a cat where it wasn't my fault in some way. Dogs will charge at you from the street. Take a wild dog vs a stray cat. Why are one of these things considered "domesticated" when they all need to go through months long expensive training as PUPPIES otherwise they literally cant be salvaged, and even then. They can't even poop in a box and almost everyone in their lives will step in their poop at some point.
Also dog owners are the worst on average, whereas a bad cat owner is usually either psychotic, overworked or some other kind of mentally ill at worst. Dog owners by default will be taking those beasts out in public and get mad at other people for being bothered, and then they do a garbage job at cleaning up the beasts dinosaur sized messes!

No. 2171828

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No. 2171919

the look of the dog's face at the very bottom. I get that it's panting, but it looks like it's smiling at what it did. my god. It's an animal, animals don't have the same psychology or even intellect as humans, but I wonder if animals have their equivalent of members with psychopathy (like how cats have their own version of ADHD).

No. 2172349

god not only is it retarded it’s fugly as shit, if only it was sentient enough to kill itself

No. 2172535

kek at the threadpic

No. 2172790

i watched a documentary about dog fighting in some third world country the other day. the interviewer asked the guy who ran the fights and bred the dogs how he could justify the dogs fighting and dying and he was like what the fuck do you mean? they want to fight, it's what they love to do. and it's messed up but he was literally right. all the pitbulls in the kennel were frothing at the mouth to kill each other and would wag their tails when they finally got to maul another dog to death.

No. 2174031

Looks like its mixed with pit, the face is too narrow amd sloped for a male rottweiler. And a pit rottweiler mix should not exist

No. 2174706

I was going to say the same thing, Rottweilers can be cute, this aggressive beast definitely has some fugly shitbull in it

No. 2175935

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No. 2175940

The “don’t bully my breed” crowd are absolute degenerates. All they care about is money and status.
These types of dogs are so often abused because they attract the worst kinds of sociopaths.
At the end of the day it’s a mindless animal, it’s blameless. It’s been bred for violence and that’s what it does.
Either way this is still better than no ban.

No. 2176009

I agree with the ban obviously but I would be very worried about the kind of people who straight up decapitate and torture the dogs instead of just euthanizing them. These are actual psychopaths.

No. 2176016

I mean the only people who willingly own these monstrosities are psychopaths so it’s really not surprising in the slightest (assuming they’re the ones disposing of them). I really don’t care about the mutts themselves but having people that actively participate in this kind of behaviour is cause for concern

No. 2176079

Who wants to bet that this is the fault of backyard breeders, dog fighting rings, and scrotes who sell to them? The one good thing about pitnutters is that they genuinely love their dogs. This is deranged, disgusting scrote tier shit. Most of the truly horrific damage was probably caused by other dogs in fights, and the decapitation and drowning were probably just to ensure that the dog was actually dead. I can't imagine anyone managing to do that shit to a living pitbull, it'd tear the person's throat out.
I don't think it's a new thing either, breeders and dog fights have killed and maimed thousands of shitbulls. Now that they're a banned breed they're not so careful when they dump the remains.

No. 2176171

their dogs are banned so they mutilate and behead them??? what??? this is deranged and retarded

No. 2176568

My gf had to babysit her dad’s dog this weekend, and it was an unfixed male shit-zhu. I thought I could deal because it’s 10lbs, but oh my god. It humped literally everything it could mount. It humped a towel in the back seat on the drive back. She thought I would have it in my lap during the drive but it was just so repulsive, I couldn’t. She and I were cuddling on the couch watching a movie, and it came over to lay on us. I thought it was cute until it literally started humping her knee. I was in genuine shock. And she kept making jokes about calming him down by offering her hand for him to mount?? What the fuck is wrong with dog people? Thinking about breaking up with her based on this.

Yeah they don’t give a crap about the animals themselves, they just want to make money off of them. If they can’t make money off of them, they begin torturing them to death.

No. 2176644

There are like 6 new "service dogs" on campus this semester. Please help me. One is a husky, 3 are pits. I am suffering so much. Dog allergies kicking my ass.

No. 2177145

Jfc, I would have lost it. Not neutering your pets is so fucking irresponsible. People always say that you’re either a dog lesbian or a cat lesbian, I’m a no fucking animals in my house lesbian.
Huskies and shitbulls are the absolute worst breeds to be “service dogs”, how does anyone buy this shit?

No. 2177212

Pitbull breeders are very much like the breed so this isnt a shock.

No. 2177222

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Trying to palm off a dangerous animal like this aggressive aberration is straight up evil, how is it even legal?! It should be an instant euth situation

No. 2177232

Exactly, no sane person would own one of these dysgenic shitbeasts, this kind of behavior is very on brand pity the ban doesn’t extend to moids as well

No. 2177255

Agree, a real pity (no pun intended lol)

No. 2177437

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Looking at a list of XL bullies that were granted exemptions from the ban after their owners failed to register them. I can’t stop laughing at the names. I swear 80% of them are called either Zeus or Luna.

No. 2177455

The downplaying here is insane.
>got in a conflict with resident dog and brought in by police

A “CONFLICT”?? Nothing to see here, just a little conflict that the police had to respond to

>may have killed the other dog, or seriously injured it, idk, details unclear

Jesus Christ

No. 2177494

Right? What they post on twitter compared to what is posted on the shelter listing is fucking insane. The people retweeting this shit and saying “uwu save this precious baby” are either legitimately retarded or they’re not reading the shelter adverts. Or both.

No. 2177565

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That’s just not true. I don’t like most dogs but some are very cute.

No. 2177967

Turn down the audio because it has a shitty AI narrator.
The fact that there are dogs stronger than pitbulls is terrifying.
>A random shitbull attacks an Anatolian shepard(or kangal) and the kangal immediately rekts it.
>another kangal easily rips the bumper off a fucking truck

No. 2177973

kangals were breed to kill bears and wolfs so of course a shitbull wouldnt stand a chance.

No. 2177985

Even though this breed is stronger than a pitbull, i never heard about it killing or mauling people or random pets. They were bred to be intelligent, to guard livestock and to only attack or kill animals that threaten their owners or livestock. Pitbulls on the other hand are retarded dogs bred to be indiscriminately aggressive towards anything. Thats why they have no problem attacking their own owner.

No. 2178083

Yeah theres quote a few dogs that can take down a pitbull, pitbulls are not know for their intelligence and will attack other animals that can kill them instantly. Also any moid who owns a pitbull is trash and should be left in the dumpster.

No. 2178140

what third worlder shithole is this? tiger in a jail cell being yapped at by a shitbull? should drop a nuke on whatever country this is

No. 2178141

That wouldn’t be fair on the tigers. Evacuate them first.

No. 2178155

Why are you guys watching these animal abuse videos tf. Please don't post this shit I don't even want to see the thumbnail.

No. 2178156

there are a few videos of pits being kicked to death by horses and donkeys that keep attacking. any other dog would have ran away with just one hit, but pits are literally bred to fight to the death and have no sense of self preservation, they are completely unnatural

No. 2178165

The video cuts off before you see anything and it's dumb moids sticking their pitbulls on other animals mostly.


No. 2178170

i agree, it's not nice to see a miserable country with miserable people doing things to also make animals miserable.

No. 2178179

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The fuck is up with dogfags making excuses for their murdermutts being psycho?!

No. 2178899

>being psycho
A dog is a predator. It’s a dumb animal. You’re as bad as the dogfag claiming the dog was upset when the rabbit family was dead. They see small animals and they kill them, the same as cats do.

No. 2178937

Cats do it for fun too, dogs don’t torture animals the way cats do. They’re both fucking vermin. The way dogfaggots ascribe human emotions to their filthy mutts is beyond retarded, like when brain dead pit nutters think their stinking shitbeast being a resource guarding ticking time bomb is them being a “nanny dog”. People like that shouldn’t be allowed to breed.

No. 2178960

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Funny how the twitter pitfaggots never state why these abominations are repeatedly returned

No. 2178971

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Giving an ugly ass aggressive stray shitbull a name like “Mr Sweetness” is deranged

No. 2178976

>neutral with strangers
>observed to lunge towards members of the public with a tense body
How do they get away with these lies, anyway?

No. 2178978

No. 2178998

Many large shepherd type dogs are stronger than Pitbulls. However they have very stable behaviour and high intelligence, they're almost always raised with the herd they guard so that they'll see it as its family and will learn to defend it against predators or humans (thieves, hunters, trespassers). They're dangerous obviously but they won't just snap out of nowhere like Pitbulls do.

No. 2179605

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Owners are just as trashy as their dogs, they all should be banned from society.

No. 2179611

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Story behind picture

These dogs have been terrorizing the neighborhood for months. AC either can't or won't do anything. An older man in his 70s was sitting on his porch with his 14 year old cat. The dog ran up and was mauling his cat when the owner shot him and another dog he was running around with. The rescue came in, vilified the old man, and have so far spent about 6k on these two dogs recover from the gun shots. They are constantly fundraising for the two pits.

So basically dog is a murder machine but we are supposed to feel pity and uwu its getting therapy now what a fucking joke.

No. 2179741

These women have some kind pf psychosexual attachment to these dogs tbh and use them as a replacement boyfriend/husband figure

No. 2179765

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>dog lesbian or cat lesbian
If it doesn't work out with this girl I'm seeing, I'm gonna start lying and saying I'm allergic to dogs, where are the cat exclusive lesbians all the ones around me seem to be dog or both cats and dogs
She lets him sleep in the bed and it's hard for me to feel sexy because of the smell.

No. 2179824

God they’re such fucking ugly creatures, literally nothing redeeming about them

No. 2179827

Anyone who lets any animal near their bed is dirty and disgusting, I’d be noping the fuck out on the spot without making any excuse.

No. 2180141

I hate huskies almost as much as I hate shibbles, just look at this fucking ugly neurotic demon, why would you want to own an annoying aggressive mutt like this?

No. 2180162

Please don't go near people who let their cats sleep in the bed either. Unless you want to bathe in shit, piss and hair.

No. 2180170

Why can't you be honest with her? My boyfriend has dogs and I told him that they're not allowed in his room when I'm over and he needs to de-hair the bed before I come over and he does kek.

No. 2180288

Kek i got banned last time i voiced these suspicions. It's just that the wording they use to describe how they feel about their dog is so weird.

No. 2180293

Pitfags need to be euthanized alongside their dogs. These dangerous moid dogs are NOT pets. They are fucking weapons. Thats what they were bred for. This isn't steven universe. You cant turn a n aggressive dangerous dog into a UWU soft boi.

No. 2180294

Im a bird lesbian kek

No. 2180296

Once again, this is another case of normies thinking that any dog=pet. Huskies are not pets, they are working dogs. If these retards want a companion then they should get a dog that was actually bred to be a pet like a cocker spaniel or yorki. But no, they need a cool "aesthetic" dog.

No. 2180306

I’m a bunny lesbian. The non-dog and non-cat lesbians should stick together. But seriously though, nona whose gf has the obnoxious mutt needs to put her foot down. Dogs and cats in the house, much less in the bed, is absolutely repulsive, degenerate shit. Just thinking about the stench of dog in my personal space makes me nauseous

No. 2180324

Based, a shame birds tend to be hurt by other pets (dogs and cats) so much.

You got banned because you keep masturbating to the idea that women want to fuck dogs.

No. 2180339

or maybe just maybe they just think of them as just children? will you fuck off with your dogfucking shit?

No. 2180497

I’m actually allergic to dogs and it doesn’t do a whole lot. Lots of dog lesbians will just lie about having or liking dogs and decide that you’ll like them enough to change your mind, or you haven’t met the right dog yet. Very scrote-like imo, I try my hardest to ignore them. But they don’t care in the least. So go ahead and try to say you’re allergic, I hope it works out for you better than it has for me, genuinely.

No. 2180509

Nah if you’re keeping a cat, you better keep it inside where it’s not an environmental hazard. This is the dog hate thread btw, you can keep your retarded faggy cat hate to your containment thread.

Speaking of dog hate, I hate it when people who like dogs hate pits and post in this thread. Like ok, your worthless mutt “kangal” can totally whip a pitbull, that actually sucks. There’s all this doggy facts about how x dog is erm achtually so super special and way better than a pit. They are all nasty, they are all able to destroy a person or a toddler (besides obvious non-threats like extremely small dogs). A pit is the ultimate dog, expresses all doggy traits more strongly than other dogs, but every dog can be a pitbull. Tired of this dumb “working dog” meme. There’s no good dogs, they’re all shit.

No. 2180733

Oh shut up, no one here is saying dogs are super speshul. It's an objective truth that some dog breeds are used to assist human working, and they do it well enough that people continue to use them. If you have a problem with this seek a way to cope with it idk. It's also a fact that pitbulls have been bred in such a different way that they actually don't behave like regular dogs anymore, so no not every dog has the potential to snap and tear you apart without ever stopping like pitbulls do. Istg some retards here are so hellbent on hating everything resembling a dog that they deny the reality that some of them as essential in some jobs.

No. 2180739

I wouldn't date anybody who owns a dog. It's like dating a smoker.

No. 2180754

Well they weren't his dogs originally, he just ended up having to care for them after they were pretty much just pushed onto him once his family were bored of them.

That's another reason to hate dog having culture. Dog lovers will buy dogs because they love the idea of having a dog as part of their family but once they understand that having to actually care for this fucking living, breathing, high activity animal every day they end up pretending like the dog don't exist anymore. They're also retarded and don't understand that a large, aggressive dog shouldn't be living in some small-ass home or apartment. They're all braindead freaks. They ooohh and awwww over these dangerous animals like they're children but then have 0 empathy once they get tired. It's basically fast fashion.

No. 2180837

I agree with this 100 percent.

No. 2180869

It’s the dog hate thread, not the “kinda dislike some dogs” thread, get a grip.

Dogs just as bad as pits: rotties, huskies, gsheps, malinois, many others. Any dog breed that’s strong and strong willed has the capacity to take human life. Go read some case studies on livestock guardian dogs, they’re completely useless. Dogs were used because they were the best we had, but those times are gone now and good riddance.

No. 2180872

Most dog owners never clean up after their mongrels properly. My boyfriend wanted to get a dog and I said absolutely not, so he didn't. If a guy chooses a dog over you, he is so not worth it.

No. 2181207

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Eww, wtf

No. 2181319

AYRT I have mentioned it, and she washed the dog after I told her he was smelly, she washes the sheets when I come over, but I think the humidity in the area just makes the wet dog smell never really go away. I did have her sleep in between me and him though kek. He's old too so pretty set in his ways. The worst thing is he's not even obnoxious otherwise at all, he just sits quietly and you don't even know he's there EXCEPT FOR THE SMELL.

No. 2181432

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I dunno why you guys are getting so pissy. Im not a scrote and im not just talking about female dog tards. Scrote dog fags can be even weirder about their dogs. Letting an animal lick you all over your face and sleep on your bed is disgusting and weird to me.

No. 2181529

Dogshit blogpost incoming
Had to cross through some grass recently with sandals on and accidentally kicked a dry dog turd into my shoe. I haven't worn them since I was so disgusted.
Also I sadly live near some ghetto apartments that I inevitably pass on my daily walk path. Every other person there owns a shitbull and lets them crap all over the sidewalk. Infuriating. I'm considering printing some anti pitbull meme stickers and putting them on the dog bag dispensers they're too retarded to use anyway. Open to suggestions for this

No. 2181582

Hide small posioned dog treats around the area.(alogging wtf is wrong with you)

No. 2181762

I dont think we have surpassed the need for working dogs like guide dogs, bomb dogs, seizure alert dogs etc.

No. 2181763

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>any suggestions?
If a shitbull is displaying aggression towards your own child (or any other living creature) there’s only one solution and you shouldn’t even have to ask

No. 2181781

of course you have that picture on your computer you sick. You probably have worse stuff on it too. This thread is filled with mentally ill posters and moids. Don't get me wrong i don't like dogs but some of the posts here smell like scrotum.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2181804

Yeah but it's not like the terminally online anons here know about that, they don't step outside their houses.

No. 2181821

saw this shit while scrolling. kill yourself(a-logging)

No. 2181908

I hate rabbits. I hope yours all get myxomatosis. Do you have those disgusting incontinent things running around your house, expelling shit pellets all day, or do you leave them outside to be terrorised by wild predators? Those are the two types of rabbit owners and they’re both dirty and disgusting. I seriously can’t understand how you can ever love such a dumb creature that’s stupider than a rat.
I think people should go back to eating them. Dumb and useless animals.
Can we open a bunny hate thread?(derailing)

No. 2181916

is this bait? bunnies are just cute thats all. couldn't imagine hating bunnies so much.

No. 2181985

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It’s bait, nona. I’m the bunny lesbian, I don’t actually own one because having animals in the house is gross and keeping rabbits outside is cruel and irresponsible, like yourself I just think they’re cute. I don’t know what it is about this thread that attracts the derangement not only of some of the more extreme dog haters but also dogfags, catfags and zoosadists in general.
>seizure alert dogs
Unless it’s like this shitbeast that ate its owner’s face when he had a seizure and was then put up for adoption, you cannot make this shit up

No. 2181989

My retarded sister got a rabbit and used to let it roam all over the house leaving a mess everywhere. It was foul. I hate pet owners so much.

No. 2182001

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Me too, they are all unhinged. Get a load of this. Pure fucking insanity.

No. 2182008

All of these have sky high failure rates. Not that you would know that, because you think with your feelings like every other dog fag instead of facts. Every kind of service dog has a better non-service dog solution. Every kind of service dog has an absolutely abysmal failure rate. Get educated. Stop fagging up the thread with your muh doggy nigel.

No. 2182044

>All of these have sky high failure rates
Really? Where’d you hear that from?
>Every kind of service dog has a better non-service dog solution.
Like what? Blind people use seeing eye dogs to navigate the world around them and maintain a degree of independence (not having to rely on another person to travel) what’s the better solution?

No. 2182049

I guess next time you can crawl on four legs and successfully sniff out bombs from underground, you can go run after a criminal doing parkour to evade, or you can sniff every bag at the airport to tell which one has illegal substances. Or maybe you can run fast enough to herd sheep and cattle in open fields or stay with them 24/7 to make sure predators don't harem them. You can also dig under snow with your own hands when people get lost on mountains, or you can sniff out skin molecules of missing people. You can hate dogs all you want and that's fine, but you don't need to pretend that they're completely useless because many practices in our society rely on them and they're successful enough that people, actual professionals, keep relying on them.(hide threads you don't like)

No. 2182057

That wasn't an actual service dog because pitbulls can't be service dogs. It's just a regular shitbeast who happened to have an owner who suffered from seizures, and it mauled them while they were having one. You can't say seizure alert dogs maul their owners' faces and then post a normal dog that sadly mauled its owner.

No. 2182065

There is no ban on what kind of breed a service dog can be. Pit bulls can absolutely be service dogs. They only requirement is they do two tasks in relation to the disability of the handler. They don't even need to go to a special trainer for that. They can be self-trained and still be considered legitimate service dogs under the ada. Anyway it sounds like this isn't the right thread for you. It sounds like you should go to the dog love thread because you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. So that's a thread for retards. Go ahead and go.

No. 2182068

Every single case study I've read on service dogs every single report I read on service dogs. Go ahead and look yourself. It's literally a Google Search away. And every single blind person I know uses a cane. There is no blind person I know who uses a dog.

No. 2182071

This is either bait, or that one retarded nonnie who admits she comes on /ot/ only to start fights because she's understimulated in her day to day life.

No. 2182076

Your breath stinks of dogcock. Total delusion just like scrote humpers(infighting)

No. 2182081

What the fuck is wrong with you? Relax. You sound like those dogpill moids. Oh wait, this thread is filled with moids.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2182223

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No one in their right mind would even think about this in any capacity

No. 2182226

Most of the stats I can see about the success of seeing eye dog training has the success rate at anywhere from 50% to 70%. Your personal experiences of knowing blind people that don’t use a guide dog doesn’t discount their usefulness to blind people, as every blind person has different needs and some need a guide dog and some don’t.

No. 2182273

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Nta but their failure rate out of training has nothing to do with their effectiveness in guiding the blind.

Personally I think guide dogs are the only valid service dogs at this point. They're usually not self-trained, they usually go to proper training programs period I think they're the least common, too.

Every other kind of service dog is total bullshit though. This screenshot is from a systematic review of seizure detection methods. The dog part is all self-report. This is not tested or proven at all.

No. 2182292

what the fuck

No. 2182372

These retards who own pitbulls are probably so used to abusive relationships that even their dog has to be evil.

No. 2182376

Imagine not knowing if your dog is happy or wants to kill you

No. 2182384

Dog growls sound demonic. Even cute little 15lb dogs sound like hell hounds when playing with each other.

No. 2182400

this dog is extremely cursed but i don't see what i should hate about this. it's so cursed that it goes back around to being funny.

No. 2182496

I see blind people with guide dogs all the time what are you on about? You can hate dogs and also live in reality at the same time

No. 2182625

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This is tragic, some people really dont deserve to have kids.

No. 2182634

Oh shit sorry I guess I forgot burgerland isn't the entire world. In non-retard countries seizure dogs are strictly selected and are trained for their whole lives. So no a Pitbull would never be able to pass tests because they're dumb and impulsive, and no rescues because they need to be trained from the first months of life. But good job on finding a single case of a wrongly labeled dog mauling a seizure patient! The usa really is full of mentally delayed people unable to handle dogs, sad!
>You state facts that go against my retard rage, so you must belong to this other place go away ree!!!
2 digit IQ right here. Take your meds and chill out.

No. 2182643

Yeah I've also never heard of a pit being a service dog especially as they are banned in certain countries. Like you say some here think america = entire world. Also I dont understand how pits can even be reliable because every story i've heard of them is they are fine until one day they decide to snap and maul their entire family.

No. 2183048

It's a tweet from bully watch usa. What the fuck are you guys talking about? Of course Ada laws are pertinent to the discussion here. Honestly sounds like you guys are just looking for a stupid dunk at this point. Plus, lots of countries that technically ban pitbulls allow other bully breeds that are practically the same thing. Like bully xl, ambully, cane corsos, doggo argentinas, there are a ton of pit breeds that are allowed in.

Maybe burger land is really that much of a pit, but I have seen several pit service dogs. Especially the self- trained ones. I'm glad you're not having this issue wherever you live at, but it's not a non-problem elsewhere.

No. 2183080

What kind of Chernobyl ass place are you nonnies living in that you see multiple blind people all the time? I can count the number of blind people I've seen on one hand. The fingerless hand. Because I live in chernobyl. And I have seen zero blind people.

No. 2183111

Alright goodness calm down. Just saying I haven't seem them, in fact only serive dogs I've seen are labs and some small breeds. I guess it's just not common.

No. 2183281

That makes no sense. Not every dog breed is the same and only specific breeds can be trained well enough to be service dogs. fuck, I hate amerians and their obsession with shitbulls.

No. 2183297

this made me laugh out loud so hard.

No. 2183303

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Hey, I'm plenty calm so idk what you're talking about. I'm just sharing info about how fucked the service animal situation is in the US.

Maybe that's the issue that's leading to these misunderstandings? The ADA and the US is really nuts with service dogs. Like really all you need to do is go find some mutt in the pound and teach it two things in relation to a disability. That disability can be something as mild as anxiety. And you don't need to be on disability to qualify, it can just be anyone– literally anyone– with an anxiety or depression diagnosis. I don't think a lot of people realize this about the usa, but munchies definitely know and take advantage of it. So you can get a mutt and "teach" it something fake and gay like "keeps me grounded during anxiety" which is basically being a good pet, and something like "alerting" when "x" which is untestable for someone who's asking the two questions we're allowed to ask. The worst part is that under the Americans with Disabilities act, these "service dogs" are completely valid. Picrel, someone's trumped up ESA was banned from Hobby Lobby's shipping dock and got reamed for it, even though it's perfectly reasonable to ban a dog from that kind of area. There was also a service dog malinois who bit someone on an airplane, and a lot of people suggested it was a fake service dog, but it may actually be a real one if it fits the requirements There really needs more restrictions here. Take a look, they don't even require them to be housebroken.

Anyway, I was actually thinking that maybe Americans in this thread could try something to deal with the ADA? Like talk to our Representatives or something? I don't even really know where to start. Usually when someone hears service dog they think of a dog that's actually trained well to serve an actual purpose instead of some flea bitten cur picked up from the pound with no training, so there could be pushback just based on that. Maybe once enough Munchies find out about this we will have a service dog paradigm shift. I'm allergic to dogs and there are no accommodations for people with allergies when it comes to these service critters, so it's something that affects my day to day. I personally think a registry would be great. Some kind of license? Oi mate, got your shitmutt loisonce? In a perfect world.

No. 2183313

My bad nonna, this info is appreciated.

No. 2184105

I’ve heard a lot of stories of people being mauled by their dogs while having a seizure, usually bully breeds. And no they weren’t specially trained dogs, just the persons pet.

No. 2185189

File: 1727569992457.jpeg (929.24 KB, 1151x1012, IMG_2237.jpeg)

These twitter dogfaggots are such fucking liars, and that fucking eye roll emoji, the ugly mutt wasn’t surrendered “for barking and being too active”, it’s aggressive and it bit its owner

No. 2185224

i'm not even a burger but i can't deal with all the tiktok comments on videos about hurricane helene of people spamming how they're more worried about all the dogs/pets than the people

No. 2185687

Dogs are mortal danger to people who are unwell. Dog owners = Nazis.

No. 2185990

Tiktok is awful for comments about how horrible people are for not wanting a muderous shitbeast in their house.

No. 2186018

File: 1727617445092.jpg (571.59 KB, 2421x1535, 58545545.jpg)

After learning about how shelters lie about the history of their dogs (especially pitbulls that have previously killed) I get really cynical when I see stuff like this especially people who have gofundmes for pitbulls because tiktok is full of idiots who believe in "dog racism"

No. 2186481

I love when cats scare the shit out of dogs, they can bully humans but they can’t bully cats that will smack the shit out of them with their claws

No. 2186488

It’s typical that pet shills are sociopathic and love dehumanizing the very species they belong to. It’s so extremely ungrateful too like their shitbeast isn’t the one who’s going to help you if their house is flooded and you’re stuck under rubble, it’s likely going to be other humans risking their lives to do their job to save people during these natural disasters. I hope all of these dog nutters jump off a bridge

No. 2186492

Anon I'm not so sure about them not being able to bully cats… if that dog was aggressive this situation would have taken a very different turn

No. 2186512

There’s so many videos of them being pussies around actual pussies though (pussy cat)

No. 2187124

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Both of these dogs look demonic and sound like they act it too why tf are they being called "babies" ugh.

No. 2187478

They regularly maul cats to death. I’ve heard people say “a cat will always win against a dog” and it just isn’t true. It’s only true if the dog is good and submissive and gentle with smaller creatures.

No. 2187494

sounds like they were referring to a litter of puppies, like actual baby dogs

No. 2188644

I’m stuck dog sitting for my housemate because he abruptly took a job in another state and hasn’t been able to move his small zoo yet. There’s 4 dogs: 3 are small and super old but one is a young shit bull mix and i hate that obnoxious motherfucker so much and I don’t get why you’d get such a big, energetic dog while you already have small elderly dogs. He’s always stomping all over them and seems to have no idea that he’s 5x bigger than them. I’ve never been a dog person but this is really solidifying my hatred of dogs and most dog people.

No. 2188894


> adopt pitbull

>put in washing machine to fuck it up
>set up go fund me to help and "abused stray former fighting dog uwu pitbull recovery"
> get sympathy shekels
> pitbull "sadly" dies from "health complications"
>have moneys now

No. 2188907

File: 1727753538366.webp (10.79 KB, 260x360, IMG_3654.webp)

I want to hear the cries of despair from dog retards as i throw their dogs into a burning pit of fire. Then the dogfags will be thrown into that same pit and burn to death with their precious furbabies.(alogging)

No. 2188948

File: 1727756304861.jpeg (761.81 KB, 1144x895, IMG_2243.jpeg)

Ugly shitbeast that bites, sorry, “mouths” shelter workers and breaks skin earns “2nd best behavior rating”, I hate these lying retards so much

No. 2188950

Disgusting fugly creatures

No. 2189009

>ugly untrained shitbeast who will hump and bite you and also has an expensive medical condition
it'll sit in the shelter for 3 years and then get put down

No. 2189038

There is no point in keeping these dogs alive. At least roaming stray cats keep city rodent infestation in check. Cats can also be adopted by anyone, no matter their experience, age or living conditions.

No. 2189050

Jfc, how the fuck do you share a house with someone who has one mutt, let alone multiple? I’d lose my shit. You’re a much better person than I am for taking on his responsibilities (typical moid behaviour, dumping you in it like that). Having any kind of shitbull mix with other animals is a ticking time bomb.

No. 2189051

>“a cat will always win against a dog”
yeah, it's such a weird thing to say 'cause a bigger dog can and will fuck up a cat if it really wanted to. sure you can point to a video where a cat bullies a gentle, well-trained dog, but there's a reason why you don't see videos of the opposite: it's because you end up with at best a poor distressed prey animal, and at worst a dead bloodied cat, and no sane person wants to see any of that shit.

No. 2189052

God it’s so ugly

No. 2189053

These posts give “I’m scared to ask the waiter for ketchup” energy.

No. 2189351

File: 1727794142536.png (2.02 MB, 1170x1835, ugly.png)

>shitbull awareness month
Unbridled mental illness

No. 2189369

And ignored by their parents, too.

No. 2189371

File: 1727796032849.jpg (275.26 KB, 1184x1390, fucking dogfags man.jpg)

>Dog is scratching at Prarie dog trying to dig a hole
>Prarie dog is clearly distressed and wants to be left alone, is biting dog
>Idiot dog owner does nothing just continues recording
>Idiot replies like "aww this so cute" "doggy wants to play!" "Dog is trying to HELP him"
I fucking hate dog culture and excusing dogs for harassing other animals

No. 2189376

There's a similar video of a dog trying to bury a fish in a couple of inches of water and all the comments are from absolutely demented people bawling their eyes out saying stuff like "AWW adorable pupper saving the fish from drowning" No it is literally trying to save a meal for later it does not know that the fucking fish can't breathe air. It's beyond anthropomorphizing, it's delusional.

No. 2189377

>found chained in a yard
I hate the humans who do this much more than any dog, but it sounds like the old owners did that because he got aggressive so quickly. Plus he has dental disease, any animal with dental pain, especially easily overstimulated shitbulls, get very aggressive very quickly. It's possible that he bit or scared the old owner so badly that the owner didn't want to approach him at all and left him tied up. Fucking wastes of space, both of them.
Why don't they upload a video of the doggo mouthing away at the staff? It sounds so harmless and adorkable, it'd generate such good publicity.

No. 2189395

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>objectively extremely handsome
It’s so fucking hideous. This aggressive mutant sounds like it would make a great pet, lmao. These retards truly must bank on people not reading the actual listing on the shelter site

No. 2189398

Of course it’s an ugly ass shitbull too, if I saw a dog doing this to any other animal it would be blap blap on sight

No. 2189549

I wish there really WAS a shibble awareness month in the same way there's breast cancer awareness kek. Like a whole month to educate people on how dangerous they are and promote behavioral euthanasia as an acceptable solution.

No. 2189576

… as someone who lives in a town full of stray/free-roaming cats and regular rat infestations, I disagree kek. Stray cats may catch a few mouses for fun once in a while, but they won't actively hunt down rats or other land pests, they're much better at catching small birds but no one really wants that. Most of them are fed by humans too so they don't even need to hunt for food which would encourage them. Dogs would actually be more effective at hunting down rodents like rats and other small mammals (pitbulls and terriers exist to hunt down small animals after all). The civil thing to do would be to keep pets inside your property though.

No. 2190058

Entitled little shitbeast

No. 2190112

He needed help with rent after his wife died at the beginning of the year and I desperately needed somewhere to live. The animal situation is not good (way too many, he has 4 dogs and 3 cats but luckily the dogs aren’t allowed out of a corral in the living room with access to the backyard) but it’s still better here than living in a shitty motel or with strangers. Luckily I only have a few more weeks of this before he starts moving his zoo and my sister and I just signed a lease for a house together.

No. 2190475

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I hate huskies so much, this one sounds like a fucking nightmare. I really hate the word “zoomies” too, your shitbeast doesn’t have “zoomies”, its an untrained, over stimulated menace

No. 2190481

I live in the middle of the fucking desert and the number of these things I’ve seen come out of nowhere is wild. It’s also a predominantly Hispanic area and Mexicans are absolutely terrible dog owners (don’t come at me, I’m Mexican myself) so I’m sure by next year half of them will be dumped in the desert. I hate dogs but come it sickening that every other day there’s a story about assholes driving to the outskirts of the city to abandon their beasts and getting caught.

No. 2190499

No I get what you mean nona, as much as I hate dogs mistreating and abandoning them is disgusting. Not just because it’s sociopathic behaviour but because it causes problems for other people, animals and the environment. Is there a shitbull problem where you live too?

No. 2190501

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The lies are interminable

No. 2190504

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Got what it deserved, you love to see it

No. 2190505

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No. 2190512

I’m not sure if I should post this here or the vent thread since I do like most dogs and am actively trying to find an adult medium sized herding breed or mix but I hate pits and I hate shelters and rescues. I feel like my shelter has some kind of under the table deal w rescues so all the sweet dogs are taken and the crazy dogs w behavioral issues and dangerous dog breeds are left behind. I just adopted what looked to be a sheltie mix by my eyes signed the papers and paid, was told to wait to pick her up. I went to get her day of and they said they transferred her to a rescue instead! Several days after my adoption contract. What’s more they haven’t refunded me so I’ll have to put up a stink. They gave excuse after excuse I can’t believe a word that comes out of their mouths, how can you? They’ll say pits are the best family dogs in the same breath and try to guilt you into taking one as they slowly die in their cages dreaming of the day where they can fulfill their breed instinct. If pits were banned there’d be more normal dogs and rescues wouldn’t be charging these fucked ass prices and essentially flipping dogs. That’s why there’s a lobby. It’s good business and it’s def a racket. I’m so mad and sad I spent a couple months looking for her

Oh and a rescue also stole my friends’ dogs and told her to apply to get them back. They were charging $500 each. Not purebred(derailing)

No. 2190513

YES! The shitbull problem is bad. There was a scandal a few years ago where the local humane society hired some retarded, completely unqualified Pit daddy as the director and it made things way worse. Once his credentials were revealed to all be fraudulent he was fired but the roving gangs of dogs in unincorporated areas predated him and have continued after him. At least that retard was arrested for fraud. I’m pretty opposed to no kill shelters because they just play hot potato with problem dogs at a huge expense.

No. 2190518

I know it’s not quite the type of dog you mentioned but what about a greyhound who washed out of racing? Some never even race, if they don’t take to it they’re retired pretty much immediately. I’ve heard they’re super chill dogs but absolutely cannot be let off leash at a dog park because they’ll bolt and generally aren’t compatible with cats or other small animals since they’re sight hounds and will chase them. Dog racing has a bad reputation but they seem more on the up and up than current day rescues. Unfortunately I’m pretty sure they’re in high demand because they make good pets so there’s usually waitlists.

Rescues and shelters have started “laundering” problem dogs with bite histories or other behavioral issues so I 100% do not blame you for not wanting to adopt from one. I’m a lifelong cat lady and hate most dogs and dog owners but recognize some can be great animals if they have proper owners who meet their needs.(derailing)

No. 2190547

Ty for the suggestion! My sister has a cat who I also love and take care of from time to time so I’ve already eliminated sighthounds. As well as retrievers, pointers, terriers, hounds and spitz due to size or prey drive. I already own a herding breed and want to stick w them bc they’re super obedient and more manageable at smaller sizes. He’s been attacked by other larger dogs several times before so I don’t like to take him to daycares or dog parks or even on walks these days. He also is a bit too big for the small dog section and can rly only look at them but one time he was attacked by yorkies as well. I just don’t want him interacting w other new dogs anymore so I will keep looking but she was our Goldilocks.

But yeah I mostly wanted to seethe on these rescues bc I’ve never been in the crosshairs of their shadiness before until now. Tbf I’ve never had to interact w them much and this was my first exp w one

No. 2190552

>They’ll say pits are the best family dogs in the same breath
Scam centres should be ruined financially, not supported.

No. 2190564

I don’t blame you at all for being picky! Maybe you can keep an eye out in local groups for people who have to rehome their beloved dogs for financial reasons or life circumstances? Some people also might get herding breeds then realize they don’t have the energy for them so definitely keep an eye out. It unfortunately does happen and I’m sure they’d love that their dog was going to a good home. There’s also breed specific rescues but I don’t know much about them and from what I remember reading in the past they can be very selective and expensive.

The current big business of animal rescue fucking sucks and makes me even more glad I’m not a dog person but you strike me as a competent dog owner so I really hope you find your next Goldilocks. Most of the cats I’ve had throughout my life simply showed up and refused to leave and the two others came from animal control (I was able to somehow talk them into handing over a 2.4 pound kitten when I was 15 and now I’m 30 and she’s my African Queen) and the local humane society (my sister’s mean girl) so unfortunately my advice might be shit lmao

No. 2191654

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This is actually fucking terrifying, firstly why the fuck is that shitbeast in a shop? Secondly, the way this retard not only has no control over the thing is a good indication that he has no business owning a dog but the fact that he is reinforcing the violent behaviour by repeatedly saying “good boy!” is absolutely deranged. Imagine if it didn’t have a muzzle on. https://x.com/raindropsmedia1/status/1840041466795606507

No. 2191714

Dogs can get muzzles off themselves. I've seen videos of it.

No. 2191754

They can if they're not fitted properly and you give them time to take it off by squirming and using their paws. Typically if the owner has them on the leash they won't be able to take it off, that's why muzzles are very effective with dog attacks.

No. 2191942

Anyone have recommendations for an outdoor camera? I have a long driveway and as I was walking to my car this morning I saw this lady with a small, black dog halfway up my driveway. She was obviously snooping around my garage and front yard but I was carrying so much stuff I regretfully didn't say anything to her. After putting my stuff in my car I turn to her but she's GONE. I walk to the end of my driveway and of course….. dog shit. I'm honestly just in disbelief this happened right in front of me. I know what she and her mutt look like in case I see them again at least.

No. 2191971

The noises it makes are so cartoony demonic they sound like added sound effects

No. 2192436

I have a Blink doorbell camera and an additional outdoor camera I never set up. They’re really affordable and I like that you can plug a flash drive into the little receiver thing instead of paying for the cloud subscription.

No. 2192946

>Cats may eat rats, but they also deter rats from coming near by, as cats mark their territory, not with urine, but by simply rubbing up against things. Even this scent of a cat can make rats scatter.
>When the cats are put in place, they’ll kill off a lot of the rat population, “the other rats will get a whiff of (the cats’) pheromones and bug out and leave the area,” Nickerson said.
>“As far as rodent control goes, it’s nearly 100% effective,” Houtz said. “It’s the only long-term, permanent solution there is.”

No. 2193004

Idk this is bullshit. Unless you have A LOT of stray cats then it may affect rat populations (but not 100%, that's ridiculous) but I've seen rats chase cats away anyway and it's not like you can let so many animals roam around free, it's going to lead to dirt, illnesses, dead animals from fights or accidents and so on. Maybe it's different in different in parts of the world.(derailing)

No. 2193039

unless the cat is bigger than the dog. Big cats, like jaguars, lions, caracals, can turn the tables and leave the dog a bloody mess. Also the regular domestic cat probably knows that looking scared around a potential predator will just bring out the predatory nature of the dog all the more. Sort of how its good to not show signs of fear around moids….

No. 2193167

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No. 2193508

Saw this before and it pissed me off. This guy trying to show he's alpha but commentors point out he's enforcing the dogs behaviour, when that dog takes his face off one day it will completely his own fault.

No. 2193573

File: 1728073992858.jpeg (729.93 KB, 1134x938, IMG_2277.jpeg)

How HOW is it legal to rehome an aggressive piece of shit like this? Ugly mutt should have been shot on the spot

No. 2193574

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No. 2193579

Based shitbull killers. They really need to round up every single one and dispose of them, the fact that people can apply for exemptions is retarded, no wonder people are claiming the ban is ineffective

No. 2193614

File: 1728076596253.png (3.02 MB, 2182x4778, xl bullies.png)

Over here they are spending money on these waste of resources.
There have been domestic abuse shelters closed because they havent had enough funding, we have homeless families on the street but councils here have found £100,000 to spend on these dogs that should just be put down. What a joke. Shitbulls are the moids of the animal world and their owners are temp room IQ.

No. 2193821

this woman in my apartment complex has this giant dog, i think it's a mastiff or something and it's unfixed and it's so fucking revolting. my stupid apartment complex doesn't have any breed restrictions so all the shitbull owners must have gathered here. basically every shit breed you can imagine: german shepherds, plenty of shitbulls, dobermans, suspicious mutts, huskies… i'm so tired of seeing women getting pulled along by these giant dogs they can't control. it's especially scary since i have a toddler, i'm stuck always picking him up when we walk to and from the car cause i don't trust these retards to even properly hold a leash.

No. 2193880

One of the few things that women do that infuriates me. Getting a fucking huge dog but not training it so when it's loose you have no recall power and it ends up mauling people.

No. 2194138

You need plenty of pepper spray.

No. 2194161

>shitbulls are the moids of the animal world
This 1000 times. That's partially why they're so popular because they're hideous like a moid and moids see themselves in shitbulls.

No. 2194181

File: 1728112771528.png (228.53 KB, 702x1022, dogkillscat.png)

nonnie i'm not sure why you felt the need to bring up big cats that live in the wild when we're all talking about domestic animals here. of course a 300lb jaguar made from lean muscle used to eating crocodiles can fuck up an 80lb pampered domestic pooch. you might as well have said, "unless the cat is a panzerkampfwagen vi tiger ii, not even a shitbull is a match for its 8.8cm cannon".
the original post posits that 'they can’t bully cats that will smack the shit out of them with their claws', which is just absurdly untrue that it borders on delusional. search 'dog kills cat' in the videos or news tab of google and then come back and say that with a straight face.(derailing)

No. 2194254

I’m in complete agreement with this too. Useless humans, useless animals, the world would be better off without them
Having any sized dog in an apartment is absolutely retarded. In my city if you’re renting you need to request permission from the landlord to have any pets on premises, I don’t know anyone who lives in an apartment where pets are permitted and a lot of houses will prohibit it too (of course people completely disregard this and do whatever they want, but prohibiting pets in apartments is nice in theory). I live next to a dog park and pretty much everyone on my street has dogs, most of them are ridiculous “designer” breeds and purebred small breeds that are yappy and annoying but thankfully no shitbulls, huskies or other retarded breeds that cause trouble. And thankfully people are really diligent about cleaning up after their dogs too, so it could be worse insofar as being someone who dislikes dogs and lives in such close proximity to a dog park in an area that has a high density of dogfags

No. 2194324

This is actually based I want to do it to a scrote

No. 2194879

If you think shitbulls are bad just imagine a shitbull on meth and cocaine.
>Three pit bulls involved in a deadly attack on another dog last month in Kamloops, B.C., tested positive for methamphetamine and cocaine, and the city is going to court to have them put down.
>Kamloops community services manager Will Beatty said the drugs were found in the dogs' systems after they hopped a fence and mauled a 13-year-old border collie to death on Sept. 8.

No. 2194961

File: 1728166933827.webp (2.44 MB, 4284x5712, g2vfspbgossd1.webp)

Dog nutters are as bad as their dogs, think they do no harm when they are just a plague on the general population.

No. 2195487

File: 1728207317486.jpeg (873.29 KB, 1170x1338, IMG_2283.jpeg)

the jokes write themselves

No. 2195488

File: 1728207402580.jpeg (906.62 KB, 1170x1674, IMG_2282.jpeg)

>cutest pup around
even as puppies these useless mutts are fucking hideous

No. 2195603

If I kept and raised a dog for 13 entire years only for three ugly drugged pitbulls to mindlessly maul it I would slit their throats and hang them on the owner's fence.

No. 2195684

File: 1728220228075.jpg (1.16 MB, 1170x1992, lmao.jpg)

Jesus Christ these people are genuinely insane

No. 2195686

Not a border collie, they are so beautiful and smart. Breaks my heart.

No. 2195844

>meat trade
Kill it and feed it to her.

No. 2196338

I don't get how people keep their dogs after they bit someone. My little brother used to go over to his friend's house almost every day until her stupid shitbeast snapped and bit him out of nowhere. The thing actually was skulking around the yard eyeing my brother before the attack happened, my brother was 8 at the time and the bite mark was huge and clamped right down on this thigh. All the girl's dumbass parents could say was "oh he's never bitten before he's a sweet dog!" and they had the audacity to shame my little brother and mom when he didn't want to play with their daughter anymore. It's crazy, do they just not care about their own small child?

No. 2196831

File: 1728265654318.jpeg (595.14 KB, 1143x815, IMG_2314.jpeg)

More shitbull lies that are going to get someone maimed or killed

No. 2196832

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No. 2196834

File: 1728265781556.jpeg (889.69 KB, 1146x1003, IMG_2316.jpeg)

And the worst of these three, trying to shill this fugly violent mutt that has already bitten two people

No. 2196853

is that a pibble? looks more like a boxer

No. 2196976

Psychopathic dog.

No. 2197003

That’s the first time I’ve seen them say bite instead of snap or mouth so you know it’s serious.

No. 2197005

This is so funny, wtf do they mean a large soul?

No. 2197106

Definitely a Pitbull mix. My aunt had Boxers and their heads are not as wide and the eyes are less beady. You can always tell when there's some Pitbull in a dog because the eyes get beady and the jaws are huge.

No. 2197314

My neighbor has a pitt and today it just lunged at me as I was trying to exit our apartment building. Why are they like this.

No. 2198421

File: 1728384595120.jpeg (946.64 KB, 1170x1499, IMG_2327.jpeg)

Posting comment in picrel in response to this is genuinely fucking retarded. These people are actual retards.

No. 2198624

Trash dogs for trash people.

No. 2199245

'Nami is nothing but gentle love and sweet affection!'
Yeah, maybe now, but within a year someone will be calling Animal Control after Nami's jaws clamp onto their leg.

No. 2199298

It’s so fucking ugly, lmao. The way that fat retard is speaking to it is creepy, pitfaggots and dogfaggots in general are genuinely deranged. I hate shitbulls and their owners so much it’s unreal.

No. 2199593

File: 1728435784618.jpg (1.27 MB, 1170x1564, restinpiss.jpg)

>23 mutts exterminated because no one wanted them on account of aggression
>21 were shitbulls
You’d think that would give them something to ponder, alas

No. 2199657

And the other 2 were a rottweiler and German shepherd, 99% odds neither had been to obedience school, no big surprise.

No. 2199817

File: 1728458405328.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1170x1646, IMG_2330.jpeg)

These kill shelters really are doing the lords work, if only this applied to all shitbulls and not just the “mouthy” ones

No. 2199831

File: 1728459636428.jpeg (858.21 KB, 1170x1234, IMG_2331.jpeg)

This is so unhinged

No. 2199883

File: 1728464610579.jpeg (158.33 KB, 1125x1024, IMG_6928.jpeg)

i cannot stand dog or pet owners in general and their attitudes toward yet another severe hurricane coming to burgerland. i feel like it's common sense that resources such as room/space, water and so on should all be preserved for the people who need to take shelter at hotels etc during life threatening hurricanes and god knows how many people will need it. that and the fact that pet allergies exist should imo just negate the whole possibility of bringing a pet into any kind of emergency shelter. any other viewpoint seems insane to me.

No. 2199886

Imagine being a child fleeing from a hurricane and being evacuated to a hotel, surviving all of that, and then you get your jugular chomped into by a shitbull named Zeus owned by two quirk chungus millennials in their early 30s

No. 2199888

fucking kek. and imagine being so fucked in the head that youre in a literal life and death situation for a large number of human beings but your priority is useless domesticated vermin that pose a potential threat to people seeking shelter from said situation. these petfaggots are genuinely retarded.

No. 2199889

This legit makes me angry, just when I thought I couldn’t hate pets or their owners any more than I already do. These idiots are proof that natural selection has failed us.

No. 2199952

Does anybody else feel very uneasy when seeing people picking up their dog's shit? The other day I saw a woman with a big dog, the beast decided to poop in the base of a tree, which was covered in leaves, so the woman had to search for the turd in the foliage for a while. Idk, it's not just disgust, there's something about seeing people bowing down to pick their dog's excrements up that makes me feel like something's wrong, I don't get how they sign up for it, especially with big dogs.

No. 2199958

File: 1728472437040.jpg (369.04 KB, 1170x919, shitbulls.jpg)

Just fucking round up every single last one of these dysgenic shitbeasts and incinerate them, I never thought I could have such a violent, burning hatred of another living creature but here we are. Shitbulls are the most disgusting abominations to ever walk the earth (besides moids, obviously) https://nypost.com/2024/10/08/us-news/babysitter-charged-after-baby-mauled-to-death-by-pit-bulls/

No. 2199978

>The teen took the baby to a bathroom to try and save him, but the dogs were able to get in there too. After grabbing her phone to call police, the teen made her way to another bedroom, barricading the door with her body until help arrived — with photos showing how the dogs ripped large chunks off the door
Jesus they really demons. They wanted to kill the baby no matter what.

No. 2199981

File: 1728474487702.png (204.3 KB, 639x358, 1E3S3Ly.png)

they literally bit through a locked door and pushed through barricades just to kill that child. I can't even imagine the terror and mental trauma the little girl is going through and that poor boy was literally mauled to death in the worst way possible

No. 2199993

>The three dogs were seized by authorities, despite Rodgriguez’s protests.
>“For her to be more concerned with the dogs that have proven to be involved in the attack, she is more concerned about keeping them from us? That is cause for concern. It will definitely be taken into consideration when we decide what to do with this (woman) moving forward,” Salazar said.
What a piece of shit. As expected of a pit owner. Putting her dogs above her daughter.

No. 2199994

File: 1728476472277.jpg (37.72 KB, 744x413, 1-year-old-texas-boy-91235560.…)

She had the ghetto gladiator subtype, too. There's no way you buy something this nasty and aren't aware of what it is.

No. 2200038

File: 1728478681770.png (1.34 MB, 1091x1364, Pitmommy.png)

The people who own these dogs sure do have a phenotype, the resemblance they have to their hideous demon creatures is uncanny. Every fucking time.

No. 2200040

regardless of race, they all appear to have very low IQ

No. 2200041

why does she look like that one funny fat German woman?

No. 2200046

What a putrid piece of shit this waste of space is, there should be an exception to the a-logging rule for subhumans like this
>The fatal attack was not the first time police had responded to Rodriguez’s residence about her dogs, according to News4SA
>Rodriguez was cited by police for having her dogs unleashed after they trapped an individual in their car.
>She was allowed to keep her dogs after that incident
And the authorities are fucking unless retards too

No. 2200047

There's a tinfoil that these owners are intentionally trying to kill people for whatever reason (e.g. that guy who made his mother watch his five pitbulls was trying to murder her for inheritance). I'm thinking this might be the case with this woman. Why else would she want the dogs back after they mauled her daughter?

No. 2200050

It wasn’t her daughter that got mauled, she left her 13 year old daughter alone with the baby she was supposed to be babysitting. Her daughter did get bitten too, but not mauled. I think she’s just a fucking psychopath and/or an actual sped (she sure looks like she has a intellectual handicap)

No. 2200058

File: 1728479755486.jpeg (708.5 KB, 1135x936, IMG_2333.jpeg)

Faggots like this who shill these repulsive creatures need to be dealt with in the same manner as the mutts they cape so hard for, this is wilfully endangering people

No. 2200234

god i'm so sick of retards using fictional animals to virtue signal. dOeS tHe DoG dIe?? but then they're fine with things like gore, rape, child abuse, ect. people project so much humanity onto dogs but refuse to do the same for other people, especially kids. people will literally say psycho shit like 'i don't care of the child character dies, but if anything happens to the dog i'm out!!' how do they not realize how absolutely insane this makes them sound?

No. 2200241

shitbulls aren't aggressive they're fearful!! they're just poor scared little babies in a big mean world! why adopt a normal dog from the shelter when you can get one that comes with a warning and can't be around children? this dog will escape, kill someone or their pet, and will be described as showing no previous signs of aggression. maybe this is a wild take but if your dog is dangerous it should be put down before it has a chance to attack anyone. dogs that are consistently showing aggressive behavior (LUNGING AT PEOPLE) shouldn't be given a chance.

No. 2200303

Why don't those shelters extract all teeth of dangerous dogs? A dog can eat and live normally without any teeth.

No. 2200372

god I fucking hate pet culture. I miss the days when dogs very much had their place (outside) and got put down if they showed aggression or shat themselves.
>literal natural disaster incoming that is a genuine danger to human lives
>but but what about mUH dOGGiE!!!! mUH pUPPERIno!!
all faggots like this have brain worms

No. 2200558

File: 1728514954498.png (2.12 MB, 1133x1434, Retards.png)

Resisting the urge to a-log these petfags

No. 2200570

this situation doesn't happen in america, just other countries that have big cats prowling around who regularly make meals of pet dogs.(derailing)

No. 2201012

File: 1728556088196.jpeg (79.25 KB, 640x640, IMG_2336.jpeg)

Fucking kek

No. 2201017

lmfao nona. It's crazy how murderous they are to be able to kill anything from an infant to a grown-assed adult. A 57-year-old woman was recently killed in my state by some off-leash pitt for the crime of… walking home from her neighbor's house.

I hate these retarded shitbeasts. Most dog owners struggle to act remotely normal as is (see: weird mouth-licking), but my god the pitt/bully breed tards are the absolute worst. I remember busting out laughing watching the Barbie movie when a friend said "The Barbies are lucky Ken got obsessed with horses instead of pittbulls."

No. 2201026

It's like a humiliation ritual.

No. 2201074

Y'all are overthinking it. The main problem is assholes NOT picking up their dog's shit. I know we have a few "all pets must die" people in this thread but let's be real. When you get any kind of pet–dog, cat, hamster, goldfish–you're gonna be picking up its shit one way or another, unless you yourself are a neglectful piece of shit.

The "letting dog french kiss me" thing is definitely a result of something deeply psychologically wrong with a person imo. I do not, however, believe that cleaning up after your animal is indicative of anything other than bare-minimum not being a POS. The dog does not give AF what you do with its shit (other than being disappointed it can't eat it, perhaps), it's not like the situation described upthread where nona's GF's dog was humping her leg and the GF joked about "offering it her hand instead." That's a humiliation ritual, so is the whole "Honey can you scooch over, Fido gets jealous when we cuddle for too long!" thing. But picking up shit is just being responsible for your shitbeast imo.

No. 2201154

Yeah, obviously picking up your dog's shit is the bare minimum. With other pets I don't see it as annoying for some reason, maybe because excrements are smaller and are usually contained in one place. But having to pick up big warm stinky turds from big ass dogs (with your hands), that's something else. There's something wrong, but not in a "humiliation ritual" way, it's more in a "are you retarded? why did you chose this?" way. Add that where I live most people live in apartments, but most dog owners have midsize/big dogs, which makes the whole situation even worse.

>it's not like the situation described upthread where nona's GF's dog was humping her leg and the GF joked about "offering it her hand instead."

God that's so fucking gross

No. 2201169

Having to clean up after stinky animals is just disgusting full stop, like why would you sign up for that (literal) shit, but I’d imagine dealing with a large carnivore would be especially putrid. That said, I have more contempt for retards who don’t clean up after their animals or just neglect them in general. Don’t own an animal if you’re not prepared to do the bare minimum, it’s not a toy, plus dogs running around shitting everywhere affects other people too, it’s selfish, lazy, low IQ behaviour to not clean up after it

No. 2201299

File: 1728576166213.jpeg (889.35 KB, 1170x1673, IMG_2342.jpeg)

Giving a shitbull a “spa treatment”, absolute mental illness. And of course its name is Luna

No. 2201311

AYRT, and I think the "why did you choose this?!" take is a much more reasonable one. I do think dogs are unique in that they're the only pets whose shit you'd have to pick up publicly, whereas I can scoop my cat's litter box in privacy with a scooper, without having to feel a warm turd touch my hand through a plastic bag, and it also only needs to happen like once a day/every other day as opposed to multiple times a day like with a dog.

I know this is impossible for some folks to grasp for some reason, but many people here find that non-dog pets bring joy to their life, and decide that scooping a litter box a few times a week isn't a high price to pay for the companionship of a sweet, cute, quiet animal that grooms itself and doesn't try to murder your mailman/partner/infant. Do we have an "all pets are disgusting shitbeasts" containment thread for the nonnies who can't stand any animals at all? Either way, I think we can all agree that dogs are the worst offenders in terms of both grossness and danger to human life.

"Or does your pitbull own you?" kek we all know the answer to that one.

No. 2201354

… anons, you don't have to scoop up your cat's shit publicly because you don't walk it. If it free-roams then it'll be leaving shit and piss everywhere but you don't see it. And dog poops can also be picked up with a scoop when they're not walking… picking up dog poop is actually very good but not many people do it and that's the issue. The anon who sees it as some humiliation ritual is creepy, actually cleaning up after your pet isn't humiliating, it's good for everyone and it's part of caring for it. Also remember that almost all pets at some point will need more help from you that will look uncomfortable but I hope you'll be able to do it anyway and not think that it's "humiliating".

No. 2201521

I'm fully aware why I don't have to scoop it publicly lol I agree with you. Cats shouldn't really free-roam outdoors for health reasons anyway. I agree though, anyone thinking that cleaning up after a pet (shitbull or otherwise) is a "humiliation ritual" is delulu. I hate shitbeasts, but if you must own one, the least you can do is keep its shit off my lawn.

No. 2201991

File: 1728602943382.jpg (407.92 KB, 1079x1085, 1000005639.jpg)

Too many dog owners are irresponsible cunts they alow their shitbeasts to cause havoc and ruin people's lives I wish there were sentences for these offenses.

No. 2202005

Jesus fucking Christ, losing one pet would be traumatic enough but FIVE? I mean yes, the cats shouldn’t be outside unsupervised so the owner is a retard but anyone who lets a murderous shitbeast loose like this needs to be locked up or blap blap along with their fugly violent mutt

No. 2202351

Wearing a harness. Wouldn't be shocked if the leash broke. This is why leash laws don't matter. We need no shitbeast laws.

No. 2202697

Didn't mean by humiliation ritual you shouldn't clean after your pet (dog in this case). I just think the ~vibes~ are off kek, it's nothing too convoluted. If I owned any animal I would clean after it, duhh. Thank god I don't own dogs, I've cleaned enough their shit in this lifetime anyway.

No. 2202793

File: 1728650699116.jpeg (640.13 KB, 1145x896, IMG_2348.jpeg)

The fucking dishonesty, Jesus fucking Christ

No. 2202797

File: 1728651008671.jpeg (593.17 KB, 1138x706, IMG_2349.jpeg)

“Mouthy” and “accidentally nipped”

No. 2202802

Imagine people with horses

No. 2202840

I cross on the other side of the street whenever | see people with pitbulls, we didn't have them here years ago but because ugly manlets want to be seen as macho, it's become a market now
also why the FUCK would a 50+yo woman own one, I keep seeing her walking in the evening, it got to the point where there are already 2-3 around and I have to plan my short walk to the supermarket every time before I go.
This shit breed should be put out.

If I were american I'd take my gun and shoot that dog dead, jfc

No. 2202962

File: 1728661155683.jpeg (729.21 KB, 1139x1230, IMG_9733.jpeg)

Jesus what the fuck happened to that poor thing. That’s the face of a shell shocked soldier.

No. 2202964

They literally just let the horse shit all over the place, I live in a rural place and there’s always fat lumps of horse shit all over the road. It’s not really a big deal cos although they’re large they don’t stink like a carnivorous animals shit and they’re so large you’d have to actually be blind to step in one.
I don’t care about people leaving dog shit around, what I hate is when people bag it up and then leave it on the ground or hanging from a tree. People who do that should be shot.

No. 2203032

No. 2203281

i'm surprised shitbulls are that common outside of the US. i remember i saw a reddit post about some guy trying to bring in his shitbull to japan and laughed imagining how japanese people would react to a creature like that. their default dogs are corgis

No. 2203409

>"Chowder is currently at risk due to behavioral concerns."
Translation: "Chowder is currently A risk due to behavioral concerns."

Fucking liars. The way they have to write whole wish-fulfillment fanfics about these shitbeasts to pawn them off on the general public is so disgusting and pathetic. These posts are what moid dating profiles would look like if prior assaults and arrests were automatically disclosed on them.

>"I'm not violent, I'm REACTIVE. I'm so traumatized that I reacted to my last girlfriend telling me to get a job by breaking her arm uwu, pity fuck me please!"

No. 2203683

File: 1728700607650.jpg (452.06 KB, 2285x988, maul your owner to save them.j…)

Yes this DOES sound like satire but with the rest of the comments, and how we know dogfags are low IQ I can well believe that idiot is being serious.

No. 2203702

>covid vaccine vaccinations are more dangerous than pitbulls
holy shit that's the most facebook boomer take i've ever seen

No. 2203859

Pitbulls are just protective nanny dogs, just be careful they don’t rip off your limbs by mistake while they’re doing so….

No. 2203862

File: 1728714026497.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1170x1856, IMG_9736.jpeg)

This woman lets her dog treat her baby like a chew toy while giggling like a retard. The comments go absolutely feral on anyone who says it’s not appropriate

No. 2203866

File: 1728714732839.jpeg (337.94 KB, 1170x1160, IMG_9740.jpeg)

Not wanting a dog to drag a baby on the floor by its foot makes you retarded and smooth brained. The dog only wants to take the babies sock. As if it has the fucking right to do so in the first place.

No. 2203868

File: 1728714843281.jpeg (100.45 KB, 1170x451, IMG_9738.jpeg)

No. 2203887

Ugly fucking shitbeast shouldn’t be anywhere near the baby, much less doing this. Any parent who encourages or even permits this shit ought to have CPS called on them.

No. 2203888

The irony of these literal retards insulting anyone elses intelligence. I hate dogs and their owners so much, jfc

No. 2203890

these people's brains are wired incorrectly, it's crazy how callous the average person has become towards babies. of this was a video of a toddler dragging a puppy around by it's leg no one would think it's funny or cute.

No. 2203892

Dogfags and catfags, specifically the ones who call their stupid animals “fur babies”, have a sociopathic hatred of children, it’s genuinely concerning

No. 2204238

You’re absolutely right. I saw this one vid of a little girl about 5 years old resting her feet on a dog on the beach, and it was quite a funny video cos the the dog stood up and started kicking sand on her and trying to bury her. People were fucking outraged. How dare she do that, what a brat, she deserves a smack/bite/head cut off. But she was literally being far more gentle that the dog in the video with the baby. So you’re absolutely right. If a baby did that to a dog people would be so mad.

No. 2204648

File: 1728767027308.png (762.23 KB, 1076x1460, Deranged.png)

lmao this is so cringeworthy

No. 2204655

File: 1728767650971.jpeg (698.41 KB, 1170x1726, IMG_2359.jpeg)

>Meanwhile the owner of two of the animals spoke to media, revealing that one of her canines had recently eaten its own puppies
>“Sook ate a couple…because they don’t separate them … he’s male, that’s what they do,” she said.
Pitfaggots are legitimately the most low IQ useless human beings. These “restrictions” on certain breeds are an exercise in futility, they need to be completely outlawed.

No. 2204662

File: 1728768023383.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1170x1975, IMG_2361.jpeg)

No. 2204668

File: 1728768303219.png (1.55 MB, 1106x1766, Retards.png)

Presented without comment

No. 2204677

File: 1728768854963.jpeg (1021.14 KB, 1170x1986, IMG_2367.jpeg)

At least this one got what it deserved

No. 2205055

File: 1728793848539.png (4.22 MB, 1170x2383, oh shut up.png)

What is it with demented pit mommies trying to make their murderous shitbeasts the victim all the time?!

No. 2205063

>we have not given up on her
why do these people put so much of themselves into these dogs? you could literally go adopt a nice senior dog and give him a happy home but instead you waste all your energy on a dog that hates everything.

No. 2205064

File: 1728795477144.jpg (47.12 KB, 673x476, 4546546345.jpg)

Oh FFS I thought the "dog racism" was bad enough now we have "dog autism" wtf is it with dogfags humanising dogs? What a joke (if you are wondering, I searched "shelter dogs" to get this result on tiktok)

No. 2205067

what on earth

No. 2205176

File: 1728808930862.png (586.99 KB, 1170x1989, Autismspeaks .png)

lmao, this is so retarded

No. 2205181

I will never understand why, of all the breeds of dogs on the planet, “pit mommies” choose these fucking hideous, violent, retarded, dysgenic liabilities to cape for. There is literally nothing redeeming about them. Is it the same pathology that makes some women obsess of school shooters and incarcerated serial killers? Either way, it’s pure mental illness

No. 2205186

File: 1728809592820.jpeg (483.12 KB, 2008x1572, IMG_2358.jpeg)

The right kind of shitbull awareness

No. 2206028

based lol, did you make this or find it somewhere?

No. 2206231

I saw it on twitter, thankfully there are some sane people amongst all the retarded outrageous who shill these abominations

No. 2206238

File: 1728865697796.jpeg (801.77 KB, 1147x922, IMG_2372.jpeg)

Look at this hideous fucking demon, I swear the lies are becoming more egregious

No. 2206245

Huh, that's encouraging. Also kek at "So yes, we are VERY AWARE of pitbulls." Love whoever made this and love you for posting it, nona.

I s2g these dogs have dead eyes like the dudes in the ugly man psyop thread. Nothing there but a lust for violence.

No. 2206549

File: 1728887491646.jpeg (831.82 KB, 1147x935, IMG_2380.jpeg)

>actively aggressive shitbull with bite history advertised as “social with strangers” and “second best behaviour rating”
Actual insanity

No. 2206550

File: 1728887553588.jpeg (485.29 KB, 1145x712, IMG_2381.jpeg)

More dangerous dishonesty

No. 2206552

File: 1728887653033.jpeg (725.83 KB, 1117x828, IMG_2382.jpeg)

I hope someone sues these scumbags

No. 2206601

File: 1728890875108.jpg (416.41 KB, 2644x2482, dogautism.jpg)

This has been a thing for a while and there are some retarded rescues who will use it to try to get people to adopt their shitbulls.

No. 2206617

>Rockie has been observed to jump up and bite the leash
Sounds like it needs a good right hook to its skull

No. 2206619

>has lived w/ kids
>adult-only home

What can I say except yikes

No. 2206621

>Is it the same pathology that makes some women obsess of school shooters and incarcerated serial killers?
Yes. It feeds their Disney Princess syndrome to act like they and only they can control and understand their shitbeasts.

No. 2206636

I'm currently vacationing in France and was visiting Paris. Even there, I can't escape shitbulls. I ran into an unleashed shitbull on the sidewalk and saw way too many young women walking these awful shitbeasts. I thought I could escape this shit in Europe but I guess not!!!

No. 2206639

the language they use to hawk these deformed murderous abominations makes me want to alog

No. 2206641

it needs a lot more than that

No. 2206645

Funny how it’s always mentally unstable fugly hambeasts who own these monstrosities too, the antithesis of a Disney princess

No. 2206646

lmao what a hideous piece of shit, hideous and volatile, truly a winning combination

No. 2206772

File: 1728906926255.jpeg (247.67 KB, 1057x1878, IMG_2386.jpeg)

And deliberately using a picture of the fugly shitbeast from when it was much younger too, this is what it looks like now, revolting. I hate these lying faggots so much

No. 2206799

It's the same women who have an "I can fix him!!11" mentality when their scrote is abusing them. They think they will make these dogs less violent by virtue of owning them.
There's also women that just think owning a pitbull makes them look cool or tough, and not retarded.

No. 2206807

even in the pic where it is younger it looks evil. demonic creatures.

No. 2206899

>8 years old
Is there anything they don’t lie about on these things?

No. 2207027

LMFAO an AUTISTIC DOG????? This is even better than vegan cats!!

No. 2207032

I'll admit that 96 people in almost whole year is…… an incredibly insignificant number.

No. 2207035

"Autism" is already fake when diagnosed in humans (real autism is a very rare and severe condition)…. so what's to stop them to diagnose the fake disease on dogs too? They could also diagnose it on trees, since it's not a real thing.

No. 2207098

That’s just deaths nonna. It’s not counting injuries, they can be severe and life altering.

No. 2207107

It's also not counting the 100,000s of other animals killed by pits.

No. 2207545

File: 1728958670125.png (774 KB, 1386x1660, gbazgfktjsud1.png)

Oh boy where do we start with this one…

No. 2207680

What an evil looking shitbeast. Personal service animals other than seeing eye dogs are total bullshit, they’re just accessories for obese rainbow haired they/thems who hate children and want to feel special/superior.

No. 2207700

File: 1728973416971.png (1.81 MB, 1124x1898, inbreeding.png)

Typical pitfag phenotype. When are people going to realise that the “ban” isn’t enough? Every single last “bully breed” mutt needs to be wiped off the face of the planet

No. 2207831

File: 1728984244623.jpeg (473.31 KB, 1162x1353, IMG_9757.jpeg)

They should be billing the owners of these things if they want them kept alive in kennels while appeals go through the court. They should also be made to pay for the court costs too. That might get them off their ass long enough to seek an exemption or at the very least lead to more being put down because these bottom feeders who get these dogs can’t afford it. Sorry you failed to pay for the kennel so Zeus and Luna need to go nightnight forever now kek.
If you can’t pay then it’s happening as soon as it’s taken off you.

No. 2207867

Low IQ behaviour raising a future child killer and more low IQ comments encouraging it. I can never get over how disgusting these things look as puppies

No. 2207949

I keep going back to this pic in disbelief, who the fuck would want such a scary, hideous beast in their own home? Not even wild rabid wolves look as scary as that ugly mutt. The swollen distended skull with its tiny bleary shark eyes make my skin crawl. Hideous.

No. 2207993

File: 1728996776156.jpeg (159.15 KB, 785x1000, IMG_9761.jpeg)

They’re even worse when they’re grey because they look like gargoyles

No. 2208084

Nah it still looks cute as a puppy. They could simply breed teacup shitbulls and they'd be too small to do real damage if the appeal was just the look, but of course they like that their dogs could eat a child

No. 2208210

File: 1729008826309.jpeg (43.76 KB, 800x717, IMG_9785.jpeg)

>teacup pitbulls
breeding teacup breeds is sick twisted and cruel. Just get a chihuahua, they’re basically a small pitbull with their aggressive asshole personality . You already have disgusting “pocket bullies” what more do dogfaggots want? You have enough deformed and suffering congenital freaks in the world to be your brood parasites why do you want more?

No. 2208553

I want to feed it to crocodiles.

No. 2209048

File: 1729043604852.jpeg (490.83 KB, 1144x642, IMG_2401.jpeg)

The twitter lies continue to get increasingly insane and dangerous, if they weren’t linking to the shelter listing you’d think they were talking about two different mutts

No. 2209060

File: 1729044006716.jpeg (874.72 KB, 1144x1019, IMG_2399.jpeg)

>poor sweet shibble heartbroken and doesnt understand why it was abandoned by fur mommy and daddy!
>was brought in by police after multiple bite incidents
This is fucking deranged, in what world is it acceptable to do anything other than euthanise a creature this this?

No. 2209062

File: 1729044102678.jpeg (783.88 KB, 1137x950, IMG_2402.jpeg)

>snuggly little man!
>bite history with other animals and aggressive towards humans

No. 2209078

File: 1729044580176.jpeg (778.96 KB, 1138x889, IMG_2400.jpeg)

And this fucking hideous thing, “redirected towards their abdomen” is shelter speak for “tried to bite”. Piece of shit should have been euthed on the spot, trying to rehome it is beyond fucking reckless

No. 2209145

nta but my hatred of chihuahuas is second only to my hatred of pits, they are hideous little gremlins

No. 2209148

lmao no its not, it is ugly as hell. all pitbulls are repulsive, no matter the age or size

No. 2209177

kek, based

No. 2209232

I see pitbulls everywhere now. When I go for walks on the trail I see at least 5 pitbulls every time, some are even unleashed. This is bitchy of me but I always performatively give the pitbull and their owner a wide berth when I see them because I don't want their dangerous dog fucking barking at me. Literally some insane zoomer girl around my age brought one inside a Walmart. What the fuck is wrong with people lmao
I never even hated dogs until people started treating them as surrogate children. Sidenote but it's so antisocial to bring your clearly non-service dog to the grocery store, cafe, and other public locations that don't allow non-service dogs. I'll never forget when I worked at a grocery store a few years ago and I saw a bunch of people crowding around a baby stroller and cooing and when I got closer there was a goddamn DOG in the stroller. A few weeks ago there was this one person with a gigantic dog that took up the entire aisle. It's like everyone expects that they live in la-la-land where they're the main character and everyone loves their hecking pupperino. I feel bad for non-dangerous dogs with crazy owners

No. 2209253

Small dogs are pricks. I hate their personalities. No they’re not sassy and brave they’re literally obnoxious bullies. I was with my mother once just walking through town and we passed these two dachshunds that started yapping away, and we ignored them of course, and one of them literally bit her as she passed. I wanted to wring its pathetic little neck there and then. The owners were pretty shocked and scolded it. And my boss has this asshole Jack Russel that he brings in and it yaps at us while we try to do our jobs. Genuinely when these rats get mauled by bigger dogs for being fucking assholes it’s what they deserve. They’re like manlet scrotes finally getting leathered in the face after a lifetime of being an obnoxious bastard.

No. 2209465

Chihuahuas and terriers like the Jack Russells are usually insane I don’t understand how Mariah Carey owns I think 8 of them. Poodles, Malteses, Bichons etc tend to be a lot calmer. They’re considered “boring” even though they’re prob as much as most ppl can handle. There’s a lot of variation between terriers as well like border terriers aren’t too bad but most of them are working breeds who are still used for ratting on small farms. Then they were used for bloodsport ratting in pits. Pitbull terriers came from this lineage just bred larger for larger targets like other dogs or bulls. Terriers are super high energy and even w proper exercise they could still be aggro just less intense. Dachshunds are similar to terriers. There’s companion line dachshunds now but unless you’re shelling money for it… They’re also just poorly bred that long back is abusive

No. 2209469

Dachshunds have a long back btw bc they’re basically regular sized hounds on short legs. At the expense of their spines. Imagine paying for something you supposedly love to have future back problems bc you like the way they look more than their overall well being. But that’s why they’re similar to terriers, similar purpose

No. 2209702

They've unfortunately become something of a standard issue dog to a lot of people. Labs used to be the standard issue dog before that. This normalization of the shitbeasts as regular family dogs is putting everyone in serious danger. I'm seeing them more around my town too, would explain a few of the missing cats around here (while the owners definitely should have kept them inside, I wouldn't wish the fate of being mauled by a shitbeast on anyone except the owners themselves). The other day I saw a man walking a grey, unfixed shitbeast with his wife and children and got really tense, then noticed the wife had a baby in a stroller and a toddler walking alongside them so breathed a small sigh of relief because there was no way it was going to turn its attention to me with its favorite snacks in tow kek. Feel bad for the kids though. Obviously the family got the stinking mutt pushed on them by a shelter who probably lied about the bite history.

No. 2209707

These wastes of space deserve nothing less than the force of a steel toed boot directly to their hideous skulls.

No. 2209901

What the actual fuck

No. 2209905

File: 1729110915935.jpeg (284.74 KB, 750x931, IMG_2819.jpeg)

Whichever anon who pissed off this dog nutter farmhand is based asf kekkk

No. 2209917

>sweet smile
>beautiful face
the person who wrote this is legit psychotic

No. 2209920

based nonita

No. 2209922

>dog nutter.

No. 2209926

This isn't "dog hate" this is promoting poisoning animals which is zoosadist shit. Yap all you want about dogs or cats but do not promote killing them personally you dumb fuck.

No. 2209931

This is one of the ugliest things I have ever seen why would anyone want a pet so nasty

No. 2209935

How do these nutcases get away with telling such blatant lies? This could lead to another person or pet getting seriously injured or even killed. I think it is actually evil to be this dishonest and knowingly put other living creatures in harms way. This type of irresponsibility should be a criminal offence

No. 2209940

What an ugly demon beast, imagine getting it as a present lmao, the person who received it should have immediately taken it to a kill shelter

No. 2209943

I hate small dogs so much, they are all extremely ugly and annoying

No. 2209993

File: 1729115033070.png (2.14 MB, 1856x1278, oqikzpkes4vd1.png)

Kek I missed that. I ended up coming across more of that style of pictures on a story of this pitbull advocate, she was mauled to death by pitbulls at a shelter recently.


No. 2210103

There is at least one zoosadist in this thread and it's a shame. No wonder anons from other threads think we're sociopaths

No. 2210171

Last year at the grocery store I watched a man approach the seafood counter with his non-service dog next to him. As the guy was talking to the clerk his dog proceeded to lick all of the clams for sale in the display below. He then walked away. Leaving the dog-licked clams still for sale.

No. 2210197

Nah disagree not all. Breeds are a thing for a reason and the average person shouldn’t get a working line breed of dog small or large much less several. Chihuahuas are an anomaly

No. 2210208

My friend worked at a Target and she told me someone's non service dog took a huge dump on the floor and she had to clean it up. A craft store I frequent has had the same dirty ass paw marks on the floor both times I've gone. Imagine bringing your dirty mutt into a store and giving no fucks.
I breathe a sigh of relief when I see stores that have NO PETS signs. That should be everywhere.

No. 2210217

I use to work a wagie job at a pet friendly store. There was actual dog shit multiple times that needed to be cleaned up. A fight broke out between two different customer’s dogs another day. I lost it the day a woman came in with a parrot and I had to clean up parrot shit.

I legitimately do not understand this visceral need to bring your pet everywhere with you. Especially if you know you will just be leaving them in the car for hours.

No. 2210241

This was the reason I stopped going to my local farmers market.

No. 2210245

I've been to a pet supply store with birds available for sale, and saw dog people happily egging on their dogs to look at and bark at the birds, who were freaking out. I think there must be a form of psychopathy there, the kind that compels them to tell you things like "oh my dog could destroy that cat".

No. 2210254

I bet it was about poisoning a shitbull. Yeah that isn’t zoosadism, if you think we give a shit about praising puppers and think they have equal value to humans then you need to get the fuck out of the thread and stop shitting up. I don’t get why we have to be positive in the FUCKING DOG HATE THREAD, shut the fuck up you retarded bitch you’re not Mother Teresa or an environmentalist for having a yapping shitbeast.

No. 2210264

No one cares, this is the dog hate thread

No. 2210345

Why cant you just say animal abuse? zoosadism makes me think of furfag shit and I dont think they are, they just hate dogs.

No. 2210376

True but imo there’s diff levels of hate. Just adding relevant context as to why there’s this pervasive dog culture rn. I hate that the most. Owners who should be knowledgeable abt what they own fundamentally misunderstand any given breed’s nature and purpose

No. 2210437

File: 1729130513030.jpeg (1023.28 KB, 1170x1212, IMG_2406.jpeg)

>listed many times now
GEE I WONDER THE FUCK WHY. Stop wasting precious money and resources and put the ugly vicious mutt down already

No. 2210859

My younger brother got attacked by 3 shitbull mixes yesterday. He has some gnarly wounds and found a lawyer fast, but the owner could give less of a fuck. The owners of this breed are just as soulless and retarded it's insane.

No. 2210877

Jesus, sorry to hear nonacita, I hope he is okay. Glad you got lawyers onto it though. Can’t say I’m at all surprised that the owner doesn’t care, typical pitfaggot. Were they running loose or was it on someone’s property?

No. 2210917

ty nonna. He is okay thankfully, just some really ugly and painful bites. The shitbulls were loose but it happened technically on private property (he was there for work) which makes police useless since they labeled it a 'civil issue'.

No. 2210967

File: 1729178290807.jpeg (102.57 KB, 718x533, no.jpeg)

Gas it. Send it to Auschwoofz. I don't understand people who keep nightmare tempered lap dogs. The breeder scammed you.

No. 2210981

Owner seriously sounds like a massive retard which is par for the course for shitbull owners. Hope they get fucked over in court.

No. 2211007

How do people find these bug-eyed creatures cute?
I'm so sorry nonnie. I hope your brother can get justice

No. 2211449

I really don't get the appeal of toy breed dogs. They just seem like annoyingness incarnate and aren't cute. Like if I owned something like this, it's a reflection of myself and that reflection then is a stupid-looking, yappy thing. If I had to own a dog (which I never would since they smell horrible and are high maintenance), I'd want something that at least is competent-looking.

No. 2211790

Little dogs being yappy is real but the fear of wanting to seem weak or an annoyance owning one is why dog ppl get huskies and German shepherds and other such dogs they can’t handle. I wish they liked lap dogs enough to at least encourage the breeding of quieter behavior like a shiba who rarely barks instead of becoming an active danger to their environment. But I get the feeling they like being a threat

Teacup sizes got the name from being able to fit them in a teacup full grown. They have lots of health issues and are actually retarded. Should be illegal like pits. Brachycephalic dogs too

No. 2211880

No lie I would be terrified. I dont think anything will be done though if the owners already have 4 warnings and nothings been done.

Also kudos to one of the anchors calling out shitbull propaganda, I imagine the station might get some stupid pitmommies writing into complain.

No. 2211902

That's ridiculous, the animals should've been rounded up and humanely euthanized the first time.

No. 2211910

File: 1729222502419.jpg (102.76 KB, 1934x451, pitmommies get in the bin.jpg)

The dumb comments caping for the shitbulls is also making me seethe

No. 2211993

Why would you want something big enough to leave so much shit all over your yard though. Why chose either why not a jack russel terrier or a kee klai smh

No. 2212067

I guess when I meant competent-looking, I meant something that doesn't look so dumb, not necessarily a large breed. Dachshunds and corgis have a working background for instance and look less retarded to me even with their weird body proportions. Something about those toy breeds just look seriously stupid to me. It's probably the lack of a normal-looking snout since people bred them to have stupid baby face proportions.

No. 2212160

>spreading hate
These retards really boil my piss. I bet this is one of the MAGAtards on Twitter who sperg about saving the stupid shitbeast pets while cheering on genocide and dehumanising anyone who isn’t white

No. 2212170

File: 1729233401987.jpeg (190.23 KB, 1000x800, IMG_2411.jpeg)

This has got to be one of the most offensively grotesque creatures I have ever seen in my life, it looks like it crawled out of the pits of hell

No. 2212176

>Quieter behaviour like a shiba
Sorry to break it to you but shibas aren't exactly the based stoic japanese dogs people think they are kek. They are notorious for fucking yelling whenever something has to be done to them (bath, brushing, medication, nail clipping), they're hard to train because they don't give a shit (like huskies), and they can be quite yappy and aggressive.

No. 2212321

The crevice from that asscrack skull looks so deep that it looks like the hemispheres of its brains would be separated because of that. That probably explains why it looks mentally challenged.

No. 2212801

This. I dont get where that idea came from because in reality, like you said, they are very much like huskies. I wonder if its weebs pushing that idea.

No. 2212942

I know. They’re spitz type dogs so are independent in nature and not biddable or friendly. Huskies are spitz too. Ig what I mean is to isolate the positive characteristics like how they don’t usually bark which is largely true like it or not and incorporate that into the small sized breeds that usually do. Or take the intelligence and cooperative nature of herding dogs and leave out their working breed energy. Most dog owners don’t care abt this and choose based on looks alone, adopting or shopping. Dog breed registries would rather all breeds stay the same until the end of time including any bad behaviors a breed might have just due to “standard”. I wasn’t commenting on other behaviors

No. 2213338

File: 1729317697965.jpg (136.01 KB, 1077x820, turbofug.JPG)

its so ugly and the bow tie makes it look extra retarded lmao like wtf kind of advertisement is this

No. 2213349

File: 1729318951382.png (1.78 MB, 1170x1590, braindamage.png)

pitfags are a special breed of retard

No. 2213356

File: 1729319415831.png (1.57 MB, 1153x1848, wtf.png)

No. 2213373

Service dog fraud is out of control. Walmarts just feel like dog parks now

No. 2213491

>DuhHhhHh not full APBT so it doesn't count!!
Can someone inform these retards that the pit genes win out in mixes every time and doesn't change the fact that they're genetically pre-dispositioned to maul? There needs to be more pushback towards these assholes until getting factchecked is a guarantee. They need to be shamed albeit I doubt they have the emotional intelligence necessary to feel shame or guilt which is why they DARVO the hell out of attack victims so much.

No. 2213563

>what I mean is to isolate the positive characteristics like how they don’t usually bark which is largely true
I mean yeah, they don't bark much technically, but if you had or lived near a husky or any other spitz dog you'd understand that barking may be better than yelling, howling and making weird loud noises repeatedly (even at night) over the slightest thing happening. Dogs who don't bark are a meme, people think that the "doesn't bark" part means it stays quiet and silent when in reality it means the dog just wails like a person instead.

No. 2213699

The comparison to undateable moids is incredible down to the bow tie. Retarded pits truly are the ugly moids of the world kek.

No. 2213700

The comparison to undateable moids is incredible down to the bow tie. Retarded pits truly are the ugly moids of the world kek.

No. 2214239

Jfc I hate these shitbeasts, imagine choosing to have one in your home

No. 2214967

On average huskies are way more vocal than shibas. Personally I’ve def met dogs before who hardly ever bark, one of which a shiba and an Akita. I looked into it and apparently pups who made a noise were culled after birth back then. Neither of them cried out at the door bell. Both were also incredibly aloof (more than cats) and didn’t listen to either owner when called so other than their looks and decibel level I wasn’t fond of them. The Akita would often escape to the dog park it knew the route to in order to attack the small dogs. The owner ended up rehoming it to a wealthy family who shipped it to their country

So this is long but not every dog barks or wails at every little thing, even among dogs known to there are exceptions to the rule. It stands to reason then there can be a proliferation of lesser barking dogs if there was a demand. There’s little however since dog owners LIKE the barking/screeching. They see it as a guarding defense or cute in the case of toys and minis. Similar to how that wealthy family liked that particular Akita’s history. They think it’s a personality quirk or tradition to reinforce. They refuse to acknowledge selective breeding or improve upon it if they do. How else did we get an overpopulation of pits?

No. 2214969

I hate these demon dogs so much. They look like the things guarding zull in ghostbusters.

No. 2214970

I wish all idiots who defend pitbulls a nice mauling

No. 2214972

I’d bet anything those dogs were based on bully breeds

No. 2214988

>hardly ever bark
That's so funny anon because in my town there's this girl with a tiny yard who has two big akitas and one small black dog and the akitas bark at literally everything passing by. People, dogs, cars, everything sets them off and one especially will jump everywhere, bite the fence and then it will go to bite the small dog out of anger.

No. 2214999

“Oh I want a PROPER dog not a lapdog!” But you are fat and lazy and can’t handle walking in the rain. You’re not a proper person so what makes you think you should have a proper dog?

No. 2215070

Akitas are pretty territorial right? I know they’re prone to aggression and are a banned breed in many rentals due to that

No. 2215265

Yeah apparently they're not good with other dogs and even people who aren't their owners, even breeders will say that. Which means the owner is doomed with and aggressive snarling dog during walks, which usually would end up to the dog not getting walked at all.

No. 2215284

I work with dogs and usually don’t work with pibbles. I was walking her this morning and an unleashed pibble came running out and started wrestling with her. I quickly moved her away and gtfo. It was so fucking stressful I have no idea how owners can just adopt them Willy nilly.

No. 2215445

File: 1729458781998.jpeg (843.96 KB, 1170x1029, IMG_2439.jpeg)

>so aggressive staff can’t handle it
People who tell lies that wilfully endanger others deserve nothing but the worst

No. 2215551

File: 1729462101790.jpeg (157.29 KB, 607x494, IMG_3923.jpeg)

What retarded pit mommies and thugs had enough power to lobby this shit on the ballot. I was shocked to see this on the ballot for my city. Why is this even being considered. Shitbulls and the like were banned for a reason.

No. 2215559

Pure breed huskies are psychotic as is but this mix one looks like an abomination.

I read theres over 300 dog breeds but for some reason shitbulls are the ones dogfags cape for wtf is up with that?!

No. 2215563

Genuinely dont know. So many dog breeds to choose from that wont randomly maul you for sneezing and yet these ogres just have to have the pitbull.

No. 2215567

File: 1729462633770.jpg (Spoiler Image,363.64 KB, 1648x1132, psychotic.jpg)

Pitbulls and their owners need to be removed from society wtf are they bragging about their shitty dogs killing other animals? (no dead animals just pitbull covered in blood)

I wonder if there is a crossover between these women and those that are obsessed with serial killers.

No. 2215606

I love when dog tards accuse people who hate dogs of being "psychopaths" for hating their shitbeast but here they are thinking it's so cute when their shitbeast shreds harmless wildlife. I bet these retards go on and on about how their shitbull is a nanny goofball who wouldn't hurt a fly.

No. 2215625

File: 1729464438871.jpeg (225.19 KB, 750x1274, IMG_3927.jpeg)

Dont know why the names of these retards are censored. Im guessing nona got this from reddit. This was posted to a pitbull lovers group on facebook by this retarded pitbull activist "Diane Newman". how compassionate she is kek.

No. 2215626

This is one of several tiktoks of owners bragging about their shitbulls killing raccoons specifically (warning for screething-not from an animal but the shitty moid who put audio on this to be more "touch and scary")

No. 2215634

File: 1729464813086.png (226.77 KB, 750x1624, IMG_3928.png)

Fucking kek the comment thread is killing me. How is it possible to be this retarded. "Cycle of life"

No. 2215646

AYRT that owner I knew (friend of a friend) had an American Akita and she cost a pretty penny from a line of show dogs. So she was approximately the standard. He did have her socialized too and was quite polite as far as dogs go w humans but again didn’t listen and was still full on violent towards any dog smaller than her. What was chilling is apparently she didn’t make a noise either when she attacks. She got a chihuahua hospitalized and her owner was forced to pay up in court. Anyway yeah the other thing that should be enforced are backyard breeders. I don’t like how an ideal standard is so rigidly observed but at least it is a guideline and you’re supposed to generally know what to expect. You can just check your local CL rn and there’s a million listings for pit puppies and whatever dangerous breeds and weird mixes. They should at least have a business license before being allowed to sell their stock which is so obvious from someone trying to give a random one pet away

No. 2215866

File: 1729474998066.jpeg (330.24 KB, 828x1546, uhuh.jpeg)

I am here you can address me lol. Yes I got this from reddit, I wouldnt censor them but on reddit they have to it seems. I also dont have facebook.
Anyway here is another person trying to downplay their dog biting their child by describing this as "a tooth got in her cheek".

No. 2215901

File: 1729477714212.jpeg (694.42 KB, 1170x879, IMG_2446.jpeg)

The way pitfaggots lie and down play violence is fucking criminal, these people are fucking evil. Get a load of this fucking hideous piece of shit
>”plays rough”
>bit child TWICE

No. 2215902

File: 1729477811645.jpeg (700.13 KB, 1170x936, IMG_2447.jpeg)

In what world is this ugly shitbeast’s violent behaviour “snuggly, affectionate and gentle”?!

No. 2215909

It looks psychotic

No. 2216085

He did not get spooked, he was asserting dominance over the child.

No. 2216439

File: 1729527523570.gif (6.53 MB, 480x270, IMG_3932.gif)

I know I sound like a broken record but these lies are insane. How is this legal.

No. 2217255

megatron. MEGATRON. kek

No. 2217410

Too much excited is always the code for “reactive and aggressive” kek

No. 2217417

I swear if any of these pitfaggots say wiggly irl i'm throwing them out of the nearest window. Its becoming my new trigger word. Also yet again is a fugly abomination, just like men the uglier they are the more violent and more reason to be put down.

No. 2217422

>a straight hour of whining about what a poor little traumatized baby a dog is after being returned to a shelter for mauling the family's cat to death

I hate these types of dog owners so much.

No. 2217458

File: 1729556236672.jpg (412.6 KB, 1486x1238, but why tho.jpg)

>The dog apparently has ADHD and is "mouthy" which is doublespeak for an uncontrollable untrainable dog that likes to bite
>They actually spent money on this dogs leg instead of putting it down and are trying to adopt it out
>It will most likely spend its life in shelter

I know this is the doghate thread but I cant for the life of me understand them keeping these dogs alive when other adoptable dogs end up being put down due to space restrictions

I also would like to know why.

Of course its a fucking dumb moid sympathising with a violent dog, same recognise same. I dont think its a coincidence so many moids hate cats but love dogs.

No. 2217482

Of course the pitbull mommies are pissed off with this video lol

No. 2217483

File: 1729558155536.jpg (40.14 KB, 1034x313, welp.jpg)

Samefag, some gold in the comments

No. 2217495

They need to start putting all pitbulls down. I will never in my life understand the smooth brains who cap for them. They are dangerous dogs ready to snap at any time.

No. 2217564

I want to clarify that im not defending chihuahuas im just explaining a theory about dog fag psychology.
What i always found fascinating about dog fags is how they will cape for pitbulls and other dangerous breeds all the time with "its not the breed its the owner!" But they never say the same for chihuahuas and shit on them all the time. Dog fags hate chihuahuas just as much as they hatecats.
They like to claim Chihuahuas are more aggressive than pitbulls but like So what if chihuahuas are more aggressive? they cannot kill you kek and rarely attack. Weird excuse for you to hate an entire breed as a dogfag. I've been bitten by a chihuahua and it barley broke my skin. Chihuahuas also have a reputation for being annoying yappy little shits but big dogs bark just as much and yet they get no hate. I think this stems from (mostly)scrotes and their subconscious violent hatred towards anything small and weak. They want a big powerful dog to respect them, so when a weak little dog is barking at them, it triggers a primal psychopathic anger within.

No. 2218088

Hate how many people walk their giant dogs off leash on the nature trail by my house where it clearly has a sign requiring leashes. Especially if they let their dog run up ahead of them. If I am walking down the trail and someone is walking towards me with their off leash dog I pull out my cell phone and go off the trail and stare at them, makes 99% of owners leash their dog while looking annoyed at me and they make a show of it/take forever. Neither of us would've been held up if you'd just fucking had it leashed to begin with you stupid piece of shit. I will never just ignore my instincts and walk past I don't know your fucking mutt and I've been jumped on and attacked before. I won't be a victim again you can be offended all you want and think whatever you want about me because I'm thinking 1000x worse shit about you. Violent shit

No. 2218100

I don’t usually comment in these threads, but this made me kek

No. 2218108

>If I am walking down the trail and someone is walking towards me with their off leash dog I pull out my cell phone and go off the trail and stare at them
incredibly based

No. 2218300

My mum and I got into a long discussion the other day about how repulsive dogs are. Dog owners are gross. To share a home with a creature that craps in the middle of the street and you have to pick it up with your hands, that basically shouts at you every time it gets exited (always) or angry or any other emotion, and whine when it wants something. They legit walk around with flecks of shit congealed to their arseholes. They hump anything they can see and lick your face, bite you and draw blood, shuffle their bum all over your carpet and shred up your stuff. They eat your food and then throw up everywhere, their barks are excruciating and sound horrible, they leave a thick layer of fur on everything and smell terrible, did I mention that dog owners are borderline zoophiles based on how many of them are literally in love with their dogs and kiss them on the lips?? Also when you try and pick up a dog it is horrific, they are rock hard muscle and bone and rough fur, they wriggle and scratch with their long dirty talons that they can’t retract. They slobber everywhere and are either hideously ugly and aggressive or look forlorn all the time like you’ve personally wronged them. My mum says she refuses to swipe right on HER or hinge for any woman who has a dog in her profile and i utterly agree. Dogfags expect you to find their disgusting putrid stinking “puppers” endearing and adorable and fall in love with it but I refuse. Get your rancid, reeking haggard fart of a thing away from me, no i don’t want to play catch. They also need constant attention and stimulation and can’t be left alone for one minute without trying to guilt trip you by whining and destroying your doors or furniture. “Man’s best friend” my arse. Thank god I’m allergic to the beasts so I at least have an excuse to not interact with them or be in the houses of dogfags. Not to mention they literally kill toddlers. “but muh its the owners not the doggos” um no. Some dog breeds were literally purposefully bred into being aggressive for dog fights and hunting. It is LITERALLY in their blood. I loved next door to this gross family that had two rottweilers as a child, and one of them was taken to the pound because it attacked a toddler. The other would spend its time howling and jumping up at the fence separating our garden with theirs and growling. Dogs also bark (shout) at me when i’m high and it creeps me out, I don’t gaf if that apparently means I’m evil inside or some bs that was all made up by dogfags. Cats are far superior.

No. 2218309

Also dogs are moid-coded. There’s a reason why cats get the stereotypes they get and why dogs are so universally loved that you’re supposedly evil if you don’t like them, and it’s misogyny

No. 2218314

*lived not loved fml

No. 2218319

pitmommies and boy mommies exist on the same plane

No. 2218477

>There’s a reason why cats get the stereotypes they get
The reason cats get associated with women is because moids are zoophiles who think cats are "sexy" like a woman. It happens with other animals too (like foxes or bunnies). Try to not use zoophile talking points. Also half of the things you said apply to cats but yeah, they are less dangerous to people at least.

No. 2218507

I was just about to say that most of the disgusting shit attributed to dogs applies to filthy felines too but at least cats don’t kill humans. I hate the way moids sexualise certain animals and ascribe feminine traits to them. They absolutely sexualise their stupid stinking mutts too, the way pitfags in particular talk about their roided out mutants is nauseating, they see those hideous things as an expression of alpha male prowess

No. 2218639

File: 1729631986469.png (1.2 MB, 1140x1032, totally a lab.png)

>lab mix

No. 2218645

File: 1729632238127.png (1.98 MB, 1170x1928, pibble play biting uwu.png)

Imagine being this retarded

No. 2218826

File: 1729638863752.jpg (457.01 KB, 1525x982, daddy eww.jpg)

I've watched videos where previous shitbull advocates say this when their shitbull suddenly goes for their kids/cat/grandma. Just a few moments ago I found this story which again confirms this.

Also got a major ick from this person (that was in the video, the author is just describing what she said) about referring to her partner as this shitbulls "daddy" and the whole tucking it into their bed. I bet their house reeks. Also the fact this couple has got real kids and this shitbull starts growling at them too. No idea why people treat these things like kids.

No. 2218859

This subreddit has insane sexist mods that make women fucking dog jokes doghate and pitbullhate are better

No. 2219302

File: 1729659290315.png (1.37 MB, 1121x879, kill them all.png)

the troglodytes who own these rancid abominations need to be culled along with their shitbeasts, jesus fuck https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/22590753/identify-boys-body-mauled-death-bully/

No. 2219304

>hideous shitbull named Beast mauls child to point of being unidentifiable
Why can’t these fugly monstrosities maul their fucking retard owners instead of innocent children? Shitbull owners deserve nothing but the worst.

No. 2219323

Christ that thing doesn't even look like a dog. It looks like how one would imagine a four legged monster. Imagine dying in its jaws and that ghastly face being the last thing you see. That poor kid.

No. 2219393

Quirk chungus millennial owners. No wonder she was so aggressive. Maybe most of these dogs would be ok if their owners weren’t cringe or trashy.

No. 2219457

kek, seriously though, there are only two types of people who own shitbulls; fat, ugly, rainbow haired genderspeshul woketards who call stupid pets “furbabies” or illiterate, inbred trash who look like anthropomorphised shitbulls

No. 2219468

This man has a small penis.

No. 2219479

>Dog fags hate chihuahuas just as much as they hate cats.
Is this true? Why? Chihuahuas are harmless. They also don't eat as much and shit as much, so they are easier to keep than large dogs.

>their subconscious violent hatred towards anything small and weak

There could be something to it.

The owner is asking to be mauled to death.

Same old, same old. Why are people so retarded? 'Never thought the leopard would eat MY face'?

>The dog's owner Brandon Hayden, then 19, was sentenced in June 2022 to just over four years at a young offenders' institution and Amy Salter, then 29, was jailed for three years after they pleaded guilty to being in charge of the out of control dog.
You can kill people with a dog and get away with it just fine.

>Beast's previous owner was trying to get rid of the dog just days before the horror amid fears it would attack. Beast's previous owner was trying to get rid of the dog just days before the horror amid fears it would attack.

This fucker should have been prosecuted as well.

The horseshoe theory in action.

No. 2219486

File: 1729680015453.jpeg (453.23 KB, 1170x2020, Degeneracy.jpeg)

Moids and shitbulls truly were a mistake

No. 2219493

File: 1729680545436.png (1.55 MB, 1170x1349, kek.png)

Every time I see one of these repulsive beasts my survival instinct kicks in, they are so fucking evil looking that my brain immediately registers a threat and makes me want to put a bullet in its head. I cannot understand why anyone would want such a disgusting creature in their home.

No. 2219496

They look charismatic af but if I see one running in my general direction it's getting destroyed.

No. 2219500

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No. 2219506

File: 1729682056849.jpg (9.12 KB, 236x236, 5532331ca2793fe3513066825fe5ef…)

same energy

No. 2219513

This guy gives me tiktok trash animal vibes

No. 2219717

What sub do you think that is from?

No. 2219720

File: 1729696662311.png (48.39 KB, 1200x461, 1000022553.png)

Anon, pls go

No. 2219810

My fight or flight is only registering the one on the right as purely satanic. That's what true evil looks like. Idk but it looks almost sapient or human, like it knows it's thirsty for blood and actively wants to kill.

No. 2219933

File: 1729707223303.webp (116.42 KB, 1170x1810, ygiviun3eewd1.webp)

Its already been posted here >>2217458

But yes, I could only believe this dog was part labrador is theres one digesting in its stomach.

Here's another one labelled as a Beagle. Found out its very common for both shelters and people in general to label pits as every other breed but their actual breed.

No. 2220595

I’m a rover sitter and right now I’m with a pitbull and have another 20 days or so with her. I shit you not on the 3rd-4th day with her an unleashed pibble ran out and they both started wrestling. Thankfully, she’s my only one and I typically don’t take them as clients. By the time this is over I’ll be so fucking happy to be done with it.

No. 2220833

>Found out its very common for both shelters
Shelter staff should know better. Why do they allow it?

Stay alive.

No. 2220986

with respect nona, you are a fucking idiot for accepting a job that involves those dysgenic freaks. have you not seen the myriad news bits about the girl who literally got her face eaten by the shitbulls she was dog sitting? the one who is now horrifically disfigured even after countless surgeries?

No. 2221003

Yes and it scares me all the time. I took it because it was one of the first jobs I got on rover. I did two meetups and the dog is a senior. Whenever I come over I ensure that I keep my distance and my guard up. She’s also in a cone as well and on allergy meds. But yeah I’m not taking anymore pits after this appointment and hope to price out owners.

No. 2221545

nicole morey 2.0 kek
her replies affirm that i have 0 sympathy for these shitbull lovers anymore, they genuinely think this behavior is cute. see how she almost punched it and had a genuine look of fear on her face? she’ll end up in the news “local woman mauled to death by her own shitbulls”
nicole morey thought this was cute too and she got her arm ripped off. hopefully it maims/kills just her and not anyone else

No. 2221655

File: 1729810303036.jpg (23.82 KB, 612x467, istockphoto-1227610724-612x612…)

A lot of animals have a patch of black there, to be fair. Also, that looks more like some kind of pit-mix because its face is narrower and it has heterochromia (which is less common among pits than other breeds.) I agree with the nona who said that you picked a bit of a too-cute dog for your threadpic, and that the resemblance to Hitler is pretty weak.

No. 2221708

The thing is a hideous shibble and that reply is a month old. Let it go

No. 2221751

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No. 2222080

Why are men always accusing white women of fucking dogs but then make picrel on the right .

No. 2222294

Projection, nonita. All males are degens but the ones who own shitbulls are extra degen

No. 2223074

File: 1729867300979.png (247.45 KB, 1288x516, Screenshot_20240931-184153.png)

>a children's book story about pitbulls

No. 2223077

this is the author

No. 2223108

I really hate this accusation because I'm pretty sure there are way more moids fucking animals than there are women who do it. They just see women doing it in porn because most of those women are obviously doing it for money. Fucking retarded moids thinking porn is reality as usual.

No. 2223183

I read somewhere pits are the breed most used in bestiality cases. And that there is significant overlap between CP distribution and child SA offenders. 2/3 total of all cases for both offenses. Can’t remember what gender commits ~94% of SA offenders… oh yeah it’s moids

No. 2223470

Samefag. Meant to say 94% of SA crimes* basically majority committed by men

Not to mention pits are the only breed of dog created for men by men. At least other breeds in some shape or form benefited others historically like working dogs which helped get food on the table. Some still to this day which is why they don’t belong in domestic homes without much effort on the part of the owner and it’s like what’s the point. But even hunting dogs, women at one time enjoyed the pelts and flashy feathers. Pits came to be from the seedy underbelly of society. Through bets, gambling and violent spectacle essentially. I can’t imagine any woman willingly going to something like that without grooming. I don’t think they would’ve even been allowed unless they were prostitutes. There’s some kinda link between misogyny and obsession for pits

No. 2223488

File: 1729882249512.png (118.11 KB, 850x363, Gender-differences-in-involvem…)

>there are way more moids fucking animals than there are women who do it

No. 2223529

Don't forget true crime fans

No. 2223640

Kek these quirky chungus women are gonna get children killed

No. 2223672

Oh no, the picture on the right is 'Beast' who mauled the boy to the point of being unrecognisable. I remember it from articles about the death - it gave me fucking nightmares.

I took my kid to the park over the summer when a man walked past with one of those monstrosities. It was staring at my child and lunging the whole way past - if it hadn't been on a lead I know it would have gone for him. Haven't gone back there since. Get fucking intrusive thoughts about it all the time.

No. 2223674

File: 1729888897213.jpeg (848.45 KB, 1170x977, IMG_2495.jpeg)

That fucking eye roll emoji, the pregnant woman gave up the ugly shitbeast because it’s aggressive, sorry “hard mouths”

No. 2223679

File: 1729889062957.jpeg (591.53 KB, 1170x595, IMG_2494.jpeg)

This doesn’t even sound like the same dog, it bit shelter staff but the retard on twitter is trying to shill it as uwu energetic and social, these lying sacks of shit deserve nothing but the worst

No. 2223684

File: 1729889216642.jpeg (578.22 KB, 1170x725, IMG_2493.jpeg)

Another “friendly” shitbull that bit handlers at the shelter, I hate this subhuman pitfaggot shill more than the mutts themselves at this point

No. 2223687

Yep, you can see it’s the same monstrosity here >>2219302
I’m sorry about the shitbull scaring you into staying away from the park, nona. They should be banned from all parks without exception. And the intrusive thoughts are completely valid, these abominations are a threat to us so it makes sense for us to want to eliminate them

No. 2223719

This one made my blood boil. The beast isn’t up to date on vaccines (probably never had them to begin with), isn’t neutered, bit a child’s face, and the horrendous owner thinks if the next bite is worse, only then it’s on them? Fuck these people. Negligent to both that poor little girl and the mutt. Imagine having a dog that doesn’t have it’s rabies vaccine bite your face as a child and your parent/s play it off as a tooth accidentally grazing your cheek as if that would be any better. No doubt they didn’t seek any medical attention for their daughter. Sick fucks.

No. 2224485

Memes like this should be spread far and wide to deter people from breeding and purchasing suffering abominations.

No. 2225279

They try to make it sound cute, but life is miserable with a dog like this. It will always constantly be smashing into things and people, and tearing things up. It can easily knock someone over and seriously injure them just being stupid and spastic. I know a lady who has permanent injuries from getting knocked over by her dog.

No. 2226374

I regret starting a relationship with a guy who has a dog.

No. 2226887

File: 1730068487191.jpg (395.9 KB, 1080x1373, totally legit breeds.jpg)

>Shelter staff should know better. Why do they allow it?

Its deliberate. Shelter staff are deliberately mislabelling pitbulls as other breeds or hiding the dogs violent past when they put them up for adoption. Pic related is a joke post but someone posted a 27 side show of all the pitbulls in one shelter labelled as other breeds.

I've also read several posts from shelter staff who have posted anonamously about the putbull overpopulation problem in shelters. Wasnt sure if it was appropriate here as this is the dog hate thread (so all dogs are hated here).

The reason its done? Because very few pitbulls are actually safe and despite the hard push propaganda campaigns most people know not to get a pitbull especially if you have other pets, kids or elderly living with you. So shelters have to resort to lying to get the dogs adopted. Its a big reason why adopt or shop responsibly has become the new slogan replacing adopt dont shop because people do not trust shelters anymore.

No. 2227035

File: 1730074247015.png (1.93 MB, 2458x2538, typical pitbull owner.png)

I cant believe so many have fallen hard for "its the owner not the breed" BS when it comes to these dogs.

I didnt capture the pictures of what the dogs did to her which are at the end of this gofundme, huge chunks were taken out of her by these things.

No. 2227403

File: 1730098980820.jpg (32.41 KB, 674x177, Untitled.jpg)

I'm sorry, but she needs to stay crippled and in debt to learn a lesson. Why should the public subsidies someone's brainrot?
>I never imagined that leopards would eat MY face!

No. 2227594

File: 1730113897786.jpeg (110.49 KB, 719x560, doghoarding.jpeg)

Somebody made the mistake of renting out their home, and a dog hoarder completely destroyed it and ran away. It's so bad they need a respirator just to go inside. Just imagine how much animal suffering and financial loss this one piece of shit will cause in his or her lifetime, because they're going to do the same stupid shit at the next place.

No. 2227599

I am of the opinion that motherfuckers who have pets but neglect them, or let them roam free, or let them breed unrestrained, should be fined or jailed in the worst cases. Not only is it animal abuse, but it's directly detrimental to their community and environment. Even worse is when they don't take care of their pets and still breed them a lot to sell them, or because they're mentally ill and want to keep them, despite being unable to take care of animals.

No. 2227613

Imagine living next to 130 chihuahuas. Weren’t there noise complaints?

No. 2227627

File: 1730117945806.png (184.14 KB, 326x217, Yeah+boy+duuuuuuuuuvaaaal+_948…)

They held am adoption event for these chihuahuas and a hundred were adopted in a single day.

No. 2227653

It's enough to give up on life when it's just an old lady with a half dozen little grandma dogs.

No. 2227786

Shitbull genes are a virus that should be eradicated. I actually feel bad for those abominations, they didn't deserve that fate.

No. 2227817

File: 1730131988645.jpeg (815.78 KB, 1170x974, IMG_2503.jpeg)

This is fucking insane

No. 2228226

>I prefer to call the shots
Absolutely fucking not. The only shots this mutant calls will preferably be from a gun

No. 2228248

If it came to the shelter after its owner died, the owner couldn't possibly have reported prior violent behavior to the shelter. It got adopted and returned already and they can't keep their story straight.

No. 2229123

I regret so badly on starting a relationship with a guy who has a dog. I don’t want a dog in my life at all. I like them and if I see a nice one I’ll interact with it but I don’t want to own them because they’re disgustingly needy and I hate it. They overstimulate me and they disgust me the way they eat shit and sniff your crotch. I’m gonna have to have The Talk with him where I tell him I don’t like the way he has a border collie that he doesn’t walk, it’s neurotic and anxious because he babies and smothers it, I don’t want to sleep on the bed with it, I want it banned from the bedroom and that i want it neutered and if we ever end up living together the way it is now is completely intolerable to me to the extent it’s a total dealbreaker. Why the fuck do dogfags just get dogs they can’t fully look after? They’re so selfish. It’s all about them and what they want and they don’t stop for a minute to think if they can provide a good life for it. High energy dogs like to go for walks but if they are kept inside most of their life they get reactive and anxious the way his is. God I hate it. Nonnies don’t ever cave. Don’t ever ever date a guy who has a dog.

No. 2229492

The eye roll emojis in these posts are so infuriating.

Back when I used to go for runs in the park (in an area where dogs weren’t allowed, mind you) I would regularly get jumped on and on multiple occasions got knocked to the ground by excitable dogs. Every single time the owners assured me that the dog is harmless and “doesn’t do anything”. In what universe does knocking someone to the ground count as “not doing anything”? I could very easily have hit my head on a rock on a trail like that. In my experience anything short of a bite that needs stitches counts as harmless to many dog owners, so I don’t trust any of them when they say their dog is a big softie who’d never hurt a fly.

No. 2230713

File: 1730277079563.jpeg (4.23 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_8007.jpeg)

Made a new reddit account after being banned and this furry tapeworm is the first thing i see. Great urge to decapitate the shit speckle.(alogging a dog)

No. 2230730

>High energy dogs like to go for walks but if they are kept inside most of their life they get reactive and anxious the way his is.
High energy is putting it lightly, border collies are extremely smart working dogs. They should be herding animals or doing agility or getting tonnes of training and play to be properly stimulated and exercised.

Honestly if your bf can treat a living creature like this, I wouldn't trust him at all. Whether you can tolerate a dog in your space is a different issue, but if he has so little consideration and takes so little responsibility for a dog I wouldn't expect him to take enough responsibility around the house, in our relationship, if we ever had kids etc. Just a huge red flag.

No. 2232053

File: 1730331788497.jpg (292.52 KB, 828x1141, it is a mystery.jpg)

I only know about this because people were laughing at a certain demographic who were shocked and complaining that people dont do this all the time with shelters and were pretending they dont know why they are struggling kek. Again though fuck irresponsible dog owners.

No. 2232061

When I was on a dating app and stated no dogs was my preference, you'd think I put heil Hitler on my profile. There were guys sending roses on hinge just to get a message in telling me I'm evil. I didn't want to take care of anyone's kids, debt or dogs, and I'm glad I found a man with none. But it was a long road there, and I'm happy to live in a clean, quiet home I can feel relaxed and comfortable in.

No. 2232071

A world plunged of shitbeasts, breeders and men is like heaven coming too early, that’s exactly why every shitty person hates people who hate dogs

No. 2232074

Reminds me of that "its me or the dog" programme where several moids refused to get their aggressive dogs fixed because they saw these dogs being an extension of themselves and because the idea of them getting their balls removed horrified them they saw this as evil to do to their dogs (despite their dogs attacking their family and making their lives a living hell).

I feel thats whats happening here-too many braindead moids have seen your dislike of dogs as a dislike of them so you did yourself a favour and dodged the morons.

No. 2232085

Christ good for your anon. I want a pet free gf and it's hard enough finding a woman I love. People without pets shouldn't be expected to just deal with their upkeep that the original owner agreed to shoulder.

No. 2232364

I feel you nona, I feel like every single lesbian on earth loves dogs and/or cats and I hate both. I love all other animals but I do not want any in my home or even in my proximity. I don’t know why this is so controversial. Like when did it become socially unacceptable to dislike pets? I like my home free of noise, dirt, mess and smells, is that too much to ask?

No. 2232372

kek, this is so true

No. 2232944

>There were guys sending roses on hinge just to get a message in telling me I'm evil
This is why women shouldn't use dating apps. Let men cry and talk to bots. As a woman, they should be paying you to sign up to those things.

No. 2232954

"I love my dog more than people, and he loves me unconditionally!" stated unironically like it's a positive thing. Damn, that's some Jeffrey Dahmer tier shit. Of course the dog 'loves' you, it doesn't have a choice. Why are dogfags emotionally retarded?

No. 2233287

People who let their dogs lick them on the mouth are zoophiles as far as I’m concerned. They might not be going all the way, but they are having sexual activity with a dog. Getting to 2nd base with a dog. I see people letting their dogs put their tongues in their mouth. People who spoon their dogs in bed are also quasi-zoophiles. Repulsive subhumans.

No. 2233300

This is an insane take. For your sake, I truly hope you're trolling.

No. 2233302

That shit is so repulsive. I can't imagine how someone can even get past the smell to warrant such intimate contact with them. I also hate how dogfags often justify it by saying that dogs have cleaner mouths than humans which is bullshit.

No. 2233311

Why are dogs so LOUD!

No. 2233318

Because the retards that own them pretend that the dogs are their friend and not a retarded animal that needs to be trained to be good.

No. 2233461

I can't fathom how anyone could think that a creature that eats literal shit and vomit every chance it gets would have a clean mouth.

No. 2233604

Lmao at people pretending that they can't see how none of those puppies are shitbulls, in fact they all look like smaller breeds.

No. 2234198

File: 1730441365040.jpeg (1013.94 KB, 1170x2044, IMG_2513.jpeg)

No. 2234750

Oh he absolutely fondles stinky dog balls, the smug asshole.

No. 2235148

NTA I have an extremely strong stomach but people letting dogs lick their mouths almost makes me hurl. I don't think they're all zoophiles but you never know with dogfags, some of them are definitely fucking weird, especially the moids.

No. 2236538

holy fuck someone just blap blap this screaming thing already. put it out of its misery

No. 2236571

I will never understand why people get deformed abominations like that. Do they seriously think that's cute?

No. 2236601

Yes people LOVE pugs and think they're adorable. They don't think there's anything wrong with all of those poor creatures having to get surgery where they remove their soft palate to help them breathe. They're literally born lacking the ability to breathe normally. You'd have to be a special kind of callous to deliberately breed animals into constant suffering simply because you find it cute, and for some reason there seems to be way more fucked up dog breeds than any other animal. Imagine telling someone from 500 years ago that a pug and wolf are related.

No. 2237141

File: 1730619273872.jpg (27.48 KB, 311x337, 676564.jpg)

The parents murdered their own daughter using a dog.

No. 2237151

Could be. My father brought an untrained dog who attacked me and other family members, and almost killed my grandmother. Turns out he had a mistress and was trying to get rid of anyone who would object his decision

No. 2237156

Oh fuck. That's some heavy shit. Family annihilators at it again. Was he charged with a crime?

No. 2237171

No! I’m not from the states or the western world. I escaped to another country as soon as I graduated. I don’t think he would be incriminated.
He later divorced mom and married that pick me and now he’s her problem. The sad thing is my grandma stayed with them until the end of her life. We didn’t understand how he could risk his family’s safety back then but once we found out about his extramarital affairs everything made sense. He also refused medical care for me despite being a healthcare professional (my insurance was dependent on him). All of this happened a long time ago before people got familiar with narcissistic abuse and going no contact with family members so I’m happy that I made the decision to go no contact and cut all ties with him.

Some men will kill their wives and even children to get their dicks wet. Or bully and harm them until they escape themselves. And narcissistic men love dogs & hate cats because cats remind them that consent is a thing.

No. 2237220

I don't even have to look up the breed

No. 2237603

>narcissistic men love dogs & hate cats because cats remind them that consent is a thing
Very accurate.

No. 2237745

File: 1730670893730.jpeg (871.49 KB, 1170x978, IMG_2531.jpeg)

This is so deranged. Imagine believing that this hideous, uncontrollable piece of shit is any kind of “support dog”

No. 2237772

File: 1730673024051.jpeg (395.26 KB, 1170x2004, oh fuck off.jpeg)

Seriously they need to start passing laws making this illegal

No. 2237792

Did the dog attack and kill their brain cells too?

No. 2237794

Ok, I cackled.

No. 2237815

newfag question, does neutering a male pitbull actually do something or not? Aren't they at least a tiny bit less aggressive than before? Or what about female pitbulls, are they less aggressive than moid pittbulls?

No. 2237846

That night be the case with other dog breeds but pits seem to be the exception to every rule so who knows. I’ve seen plenty of posts and articles about female shitbulls mauling other pets and humans. Also female cats and female seem to be more aggressive towards humans than males on account of hormones, I don’t know how much that changes after they’ve been spayed, or if it’s the same with dogs

No. 2237861

File: 1730678496100.png (2.35 MB, 1170x2072, Total shitbull death NOW.png)

It absolutely needs to be outlawed. I cannot fucking stand the way pitfaggots refer to these abominations as “sweet boys/girls”.

No. 2237865

Most of the dogs I've read about that've mauled people (especially ones that've escaped to maul randos) are intact. However I think this more correlates to the dogs having irresponsible owners in general. There are still plenty of neutered dogs that've killed.

No. 2237904

File: 1730681430853.jpeg (802.05 KB, 1170x965, IMG_2537.jpeg)

This person needs to be locked up for shilling these murder machines

No. 2237907

File: 1730681558934.jpeg (787.25 KB, 1170x934, IMG_2536.jpeg)

And that fucking eyeroll emoji, I’m convinced that you have to be a legitimate psychopath to advocate for these disgusting beasts

No. 2238269

File: 1730713844219.jpg (45.79 KB, 708x299, plebb.jpg)

Dog racism???? On Plebbit???

Yeah, but just for the record:
Girl, 10, mauled to death by her family's 'XL Bully' dog: Mother screamed 'my baby's dead' in aftermath of horrifying attack as tributes paid to 'lovely little lass'

No. 2239182

Call me a certified dog racist then, because these breathing piles of excrement and all their kin need to be gassed and genocided out of existence kek

No. 2239657

kek, seriously. retards who believe in “breed discrimination” also believe that calling us racist is going to change our mind or even care about being called racist, no one with a functioning brain gives a fuck if some dogfaggot calls them racist for rightfully hating shitbulls

No. 2239784

File: 1730767933663.jpeg (864.83 KB, 1146x1151, IMG_2544.jpeg)

Of course this fugly mutant with a multiple bite history is called “cupcake”. Beasts like this deserve nothing but an immediate blap blap so they don’t put any other animals or humans at risk

No. 2239895

File: 1730773569136.webp (121.15 KB, 1080x1761, just stop it.webp)

Agreed. Pitnutters are fucking selfish people putting others lives at risk.

No. 2239981

It's just amazing how these people all think that there's going to be a unicorn home out in the suburbs, without other pets or children, for each one of these miserable violent spastic dogs. The people who don't have to worry about a security deposit are either trash with 6 kids or people who actually own a home and also don't want a dog to eat their walls.

No. 2240027

I honestly do not understand why anyone would want one of these repulsive things, besides psychopathic scrotes. Abominable temperament aside, they’re just so fucking ugly. I mean most dogs are ugly to me but there are plenty that are objectively less hideous than shitbulls. Like this >>2238269 is fucking mental, of all breeds of mutt to get for the little girl they chose a fucking “XL bully”? Do they not read the news? It’s a fucking banned breed where they live, and even if it wasn’t, there is no shortage of news items about those beasts mauling people. That poor child, the parents seriously need to be in prison for wilfully endangering her

No. 2240087

This is what actual insanity looks like.

No. 2240117

It's always hilarious when pitfags liken pitbull hate to racism, when dog breeds like pitbulls were intentionally created by humans and didn't happen naturally like human races did. Pitbulls were literally created by people to be violent, unstoppable killing machines. They were bred to be able to fight and kill BULLS. The solution is to stop breeding them altogether, it literally gives no benefit to breed pitbulls unless your hobby is dogfighting or any other form of animal cruelty in which case you need to be locked up. Also, even though I hate the breed, I feel bad for the dogs too, since there's a lot of retarded-looking pibbles with genetic defects that look like they must be suffering a lot. Even the average pitbull looks like it's mentally ill because these owners never stop mentioning how the dogs get anxious all the time. That's not normal or healthy, why would you support the existence of a dog breed that's perpetually suffering and could snap at any moment and murder you and your family?

No. 2240212

I’m convinced that this fixation on killer dogs has the same psychological roots as hybristophilia, except somehow even more insane because most hybristophiliacs obsess over men who are safely locked away or dead.

No. 2250962

File: 1731093438325.jpeg (350.86 KB, 750x1082, IMG_3010.jpeg)

I found this in the r/petfree subreddit and it make me kek

No. 2250965

File: 1731093473590.jpeg (287.75 KB, 750x1123, IMG_3011.jpeg)

No. 2250967

and then everyone clapped

No. 2250968

File: 1731093546586.jpeg (408.21 KB, 750x1102, IMG_3012.jpeg)

>pound sand and cry
KEK also why the fuck is that other person talking like that?

No. 2250970

Oh my god shut the fuck up and let me laugh.

No. 2250988

Has anyone else noticed that most dogfags don’t even really like their own dog? They spend all day annoyed and enraged and tired by the dogs’ disgusting, insanely loud, essentially wild behavior that has zero place in a human household or public community. All day they unsuccessfully and feebly try to restrain their dog as it flies around screaming its fucking head off and lunging at everything that moves, either with murderous intent or to knock over and slobber on everyone it meets, or flip flop between shrieking bloody hell demanding to meet another dog on the street or rushing at it snarling and trying to attack and fight.
They’re ridiculously stupid, violent, pathetic beasts that are programmed to believe the entire world is a threat to their abode and they must constantly be in a foaming fearful rage to ensure 24/7 that every grandma who walks by knows they own the world or comes over and gets licked—and most of the owners really know this and are sick of their own dog and have to engage in constant cope because cultural conditioning taught them that having a dog is a wonderful blessing, man’s best friend, makes a home and family complete etc. Almost every neighborhood is filled with the fucking things losing their minds all day every day, it’s so unpleasant and everyone knows it yet everyone is afraid to say the truth.

No. 2251166

kek nona I was going to post this too, even though it’s very r/thathappened it gave me a hearty chuckle
I think this applies to cats too, but with cats people tend to dismiss psychotic behaviour as cute whereas dogfags are vocal about their disdain for their shitbeast. It’s especially rife amongst retards who own huskies and chihuahuas. Besides pit bulls they’re the most obnoxious, insufferable breeds

No. 2251304

File: 1731106064293.mp4 (6.24 MB, 576x1024, 20241001034238.mp4)

The dandruff is actually disgusting, and he has to wash this thing with a fucking pole and a towel, it's ridiculous

No. 2251330

File: 1731106736595.png (1.05 MB, 1059x595, pitfags.png)

why do they always look like this

No. 2251353

Almost a year? Should have been put down after 2 weeks

No. 2253937

They think it's funny when their dog mauls someone but lock it in a crate and ignore it at home. Why have a dog at all? They whinge about it eating their parcels, destroying the furniture, shitting and pissing and puking everywhere in the house, barking non stop, smelling like a dog, but they can't live without a dog in the home. Truly astonishing.
After a couple of months Jax will be back at the shelter. How sad, who could have seen that coming. I don't know why shelters are hellbent on keeping pits alive when they kill every other type of dog if they're not adopted within 20 minutes of walking through the door. This thing spent a year taking up resources that could have gone towards dogs that are actually adoptable.

No. 2255515

File: 1731310725031.jpg (188.86 KB, 1000x750, wtf.JPG)

This is quite possibly the ugliest creature I’ve seen in my life

No. 2255536

File: 1731312148649.jpeg (669.76 KB, 1170x968, IMG_2616.jpeg)

How HOW the fuck do they get away with claiming these hideous piece of shit mutts are “friendly” and have “best behaviour rating” when they’re uncontrollable and actively trying to bite staff, strangers and other animals?!

No. 2255537

File: 1731312177598.jpeg (581.76 KB, 1140x811, IMG_2619.jpeg)

No. 2255542

File: 1731312270635.jpeg (491.39 KB, 1170x736, IMG_2615.jpeg)

No prizes for guessing the breed of all the other shitbeasts this deformed monstrosity was found with

No. 2255548

I hope a passerby shoots in in self-defense.

>Friendly with strangers


No. 2255989

>Found with 6 other dogs alone
>It is unknown if I have ever lived with other animals

No. 2256020

I was about to say! kek There is definitely a phenotype for pit owners. They're as ugly, unstable, and mentally deficient as their mutts.

No. 2256024

Why do they all have skin problems too so on top of being ridiculously strong and energetic it is constantly itchy and irritated. Just put the thing out of it's misery it can't even enjoy WALKS the thing ever dog is supposed to love

No. 2256123

File: 1731354785177.jpeg (1.38 MB, 1170x1975, IMG_2620.jpeg)

These are the other shitbull mixes it was found with, just look at these disgusting things

No. 2256137

Funny how the overwhelming majority of them that are willingly surrendered come from people who have either been evicted or are homeless, it’s almost like there’s a specific demographic that chooses to own shitbulls

No. 2256157

File: 1731355325180.jpeg (542.53 KB, 1170x682, IMG_2624.jpeg)

The lies just keep coming

No. 2256180

File: 1731355844105.jpg (60.52 KB, 504x460, horror creature.jpg)

No. 2256222

Shitbeast owners deserve the same fate as nigelfags

No. 2256227

In all fairness the shitbull pictured is not the one who ripped off her arm. That one is dead.

No. 2256253

kek the eyes going in two different directions, inbred walleyed quasimodo looking abomination

No. 2256357

I'm always so fucking mad because korea banned eating dog, its 100% bowing down to Americans they had no reason to ban it it was a part of Korean culture I wanna eat dog so bad but they banned it I hate this country so much I've been wanting to kill a coyote and eat it since it's the closest thing to dog I can eat without getting in trouble

No. 2256365

If you're being serious, how does dog taste? Do you have a favorite dog dish kek

No. 2256395

I haven't gotten to try it :< I've been trying to get a coyote for a year now, last time I went to texas I was gonna kill and eat one but I forgot to get a hunting license and didn't get to. edgy but I don't wanna just buy coyote meat I wanna be the one to deliver it to my stomache(emoji)

No. 2256630

The way non-Asian people sperg about cat and dog being a delicacy in countries like Korea, China, Vietnam, et al is hypocritical imperialist bullshit, it’s no different to eating pig, cow, sheep, whatever. China is honestly so based for its attitude towards dogs and cats.

No. 2257132

Yeah, what happened to respecting other cultures? Not applicable when it's something that offends Americans, it seems.

I've eaten it once in China, just for curiosity's sake. It's meh. Maybe it tastes better if you drink baijiu with it. If you ever want to try it, search for dog meat restaurants (狗肉馆), because it's not normally served in regular eateries.

No. 2260053

File: 1731560515114.jpg (Spoiler Image,5.48 MB, 4303x6532, ugly violent dogs just like ug…)

What annoys me about dogfags is how they lack basic taste as the most fought over and defended breeds are the most violent and ugliest (pic related, spoiler because this may give you nightmares) very few small dog breeds are even cute I can think of maybe one. Huskies are psycho's but I can at least appreciate they have a good look, pic related is the fugliest and I've yet to see an owner of these things that isnt as trashy as the breed.

No. 2261300

Yeah and? Never said it was the same one and shilling for pitbulls especially after they've ripped off your arm is psychotic behaviour.

No. 2262303

File: 1731711761089.jpg (183.27 KB, 1452x1150, 012.jpg)

The breed and its owners need to go ASAP

No. 2262342

I was just about to post this, the part of the video where the piece of shit is dangling mid air while clamped to that poor child’s leg filled my with so much rage, not to mention the useless adults who didn’t do anything to intervene and get that disgusting thing off the kid, all shitbulls need to be shot on sight

No. 2262344

File: 1731713368175.jpeg (662.64 KB, 1170x853, IMG_2668.jpeg)

>”best behaviour rating!”
>bit handler and drew blood

No. 2262347

File: 1731713508819.jpeg (996.7 KB, 1170x1162, IMG_2669.jpeg)

This ugly retarded thing in a stupid party hat that was adopted and then returned “insists on being the only ruler in his realm” absolutely fucking not

No. 2262348

File: 1731713652059.jpeg (762.53 KB, 1170x867, IMG_2670.jpeg)

Another “best possible behaviour rating!” for a a “reactive” shitbeast that hard stares and lunges

No. 2262350

File: 1731713780351.jpeg (730.85 KB, 1170x947, IMG_2672.jpeg)

>”leash biting to a concerning degree”
>tolerant with dogs
>tries to bite other dogs at shelter

No. 2262352

File: 1731713922859.jpeg (542.89 KB, 1170x588, IMG_2688.jpeg)

And ANOTHER “best possible behaviour rating” for an ugly mutt that “starts fights” with other dogs and tried to bite a handler, this is insane

No. 2262354

File: 1731714028546.jpeg (534.68 KB, 1170x663, IMG_2689.jpeg)

That fucking eye roll for this fugly abomination that growls, lunges and tries to bite people

No. 2262358

File: 1731714190425.jpeg (508.8 KB, 1170x593, IMG_2690.jpeg)

>”playful with strangers, cats and dogs, has it all”
>barks, growls at everyone and resource guards
I know I’ve said it before, but this cunt on twitter and anyone else who shills these murder mutts with their lies deserves nothing but the absolute worst

No. 2262361

Yeah I didnt cap that part because it was too much. I hate even having to post caps but people need to see this shit to get why we hate shitty dogs and their shitty owners.

No. 2262369

File: 1731714816841.jpeg (703.35 KB, 1284x2573, j4rq9rhnwv0e1.jpeg)

>I need a safe enviroment for my family, rather than get it put down how about you adopt it so it can murder yours instead of mine

These people are so selfish.

How is any of this legal? Ty for your posts the fact they are allowed to lie like this is horrifying.

No. 2262376

Surprised they didn’t try to pass it off as a “lab”

No. 2262381

File: 1731715670775.jpg (828.39 KB, 1119x981, Fuck No.jpg)

“She’ll be killed for human and dog aggression at a shelter so you should adopt her and let her kill you, your family and your pets”, this is why every single one of these monstrosities needs blap blap by either civilians or cops without exception the instant they bite. Or at the very least all shelters should be kill shelters with a zero tolerance for aggression and consequent “behavioral euthanasia”

No. 2262386

File: 1731715831344.png (2.12 MB, 1170x2010, shitbull.png)

jfc do pitfaggots know how to do anything else besides lie?

No. 2262428

>all shitbulls need to be shot on sight
this 100%
The only vocalizing I want to hear out of these shitbeasts is their death throes after they get served a hearty helping of blapblap kek. I don't even feel sorry for them as manmade abominations, they just need to be eradicated entirely.

No. 2262899

Bitchass neighbour lets his malinois wander free on the street, it was 11 PM and I was coming from work and that dog approached me until his owner called him back and got scared shitless. I asked him today to not let his dog out like that cause it can bite people and he got mad at me cause he doesn't let his dog out without him being around and that apparently "I'm meaner than his dog". Like wtf why are some dog owners so irresponsible! I don't care if your dog is trained you don't know when that lil shit will snap at a stranger

No. 2263224

nonita i assume you are australian, your dickhead neighbour is breaking the law. report that motherfucker.

No. 2263874

My school has a therapy dog and when it came to one of my classes, it was so fucking loud. Most of my classmates were dogfags too finding that shit adorable even the professor.

No. 2265521

File: 1731920397321.jpg (95.35 KB, 652x538, htr.jpg)

No. 2265523

File: 1731920781905.jpg (33.21 KB, 293x331, jt.jpg)

>In recent years, the American pit bull terrier fighting breed has become the subject of a spate of incidents across Japan, with the finger pointed at negligent supervision by their owners.
Not even Japan is safe from these mutants.

No. 2265605

File: 1731927109962.jpeg (386.7 KB, 1170x708, IMG_2695.jpeg)

A brighter note to start the week on, these two fugly beasts got what they deserve

No. 2265608

File: 1731927369182.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1170x1860, IMG_2696.jpeg)

These people are fucking deranged, imagine being so mentally handicapped that you make shilling these hideous murder mutts your entire personality

No. 2265613

File: 1731928215158.jpeg (679.1 KB, 1052x784, IMG_2704.jpeg)

>third time at shelter
>”friendly and wiggly!”
>”cuddlebug who loves to stare and admire you!”
>was returned for biting the person who adopted it and is “highly dog reactive”
This is complete insanity. Shitbulls stare when they’re planning to maul, sorry, “react”. This isn’t just the fuckheads on twitter lying, it’s the shelter contradicting themselves in their own fucking advert.

No. 2266962

>he is easy to train
>ditched 3 times
Doesn't compute.

No. 2267832

File: 1732052690927.jpeg (703.04 KB, 1170x864, IMG_2712.jpeg)

>cute smile
>big pouty mouth
Anthropomorphising a hideous, violent beast like this is fucking nauseating

No. 2267834

File: 1732052926164.jpeg (707.13 KB, 1170x970, IMG_2713.jpeg)

>barks, growls, lunges and actively tries to bite staff
>neutral with strangers and off-leash playful with dogs!
You’ve got to be fucking kidding me

No. 2267870

File: 1732054873462.png (1.41 MB, 1170x1981, jfc.png)

This thing was part of a roaming stray pack that killed a whole ass COW amongst other animals yet they expect it to be adopted, pity the person who shot it did not finish the job

No. 2267872

File: 1732054999333.jpg (1.34 MB, 1170x1908, another lab mix.jpg)

Yes this is definitely a lab-retriever… take away the long fur and it is unmistakably more shitbull than anything else in the mix

No. 2267891

Can you imagine being the mom of that baby. I would kill the moid, the dog, and then myself.

No. 2267910

File: 1732056754625.jpg (64.86 KB, 574x590, Screenshot_20241119_233731_edi…)

Very pittish

No. 2268045

Read the thread, this was already posted, a few posts above yours

No. 2268054

Definitely, that fucking ugly red nose and nasty little beady slanted eyes, GRs have big, round, friendly eyes

No. 2268062

File: 1732064488012.jpeg (743.81 KB, 1117x945, IMG_2722.jpeg)

This fugly creature looks like a pit/husky cross, mixing the two worst breeds to create the ultimate hellhound that is a mortal danger to others. The stupid cringeworthy costume just makes it even more ugly and unappealing. It should have been blap blap on sight.

No. 2268164

File: 1732070212975.jpg (371.56 KB, 1080x1997, 1000006243.jpg)

Good point lol given how they often try to, negan looks like something out of a creepypasta.

No. 2268171

Negan better stay the fuck away from Glenn.

No. 2268266

File: 1732076195387.jpg (955.58 KB, 1170x1471, LMAO.jpg)

This is psychotic

No. 2268287

What i don't understand is why don't these pit lovers just make some kind of sanctuaries for violent pits instead of insisting that people bring literal wild animals in their house? I've seen people do it with wolf mixes, it's the only middle ground i can see with not euthanizing these dogs but also not allowing them to maul a toddler to death.

No. 2268289

File: 1732076791425.jpg (801.13 KB, 1128x1145, Actual Derangement.jpg)

How the fuck is this legal?

No. 2268298

I’m going to hazard a guess that it’s because most of these degenerate pitfaggots use the disgusting mutants to virtue signal, they don’t want to hide them away in a pit prison, they want to parade them amongst normal people so they have an excuse to bleat about “breed racism” and other quirk chungus woketard shit

No. 2268435

Misreporting a dog's breed on an adoption website should be a criminal offence.

No. 2268437

Just seeing a pit being walked is an occurrence of real life woke encounters >>>/ot/1156071

No. 2268453

I think this thread is starting to get boring, the idiot who spams euthanasia orders nonstop and blapblap-chan aren’t entertaining. I don’t want to see this thread bumped if it’s just a photo of a dog. I get it, blap blap. But it’s booooring(hide the thread if you don't like it)

No. 2268480

Nah, I find it entertaining. Maybe you just don't like milk. Dog milk, in this case.

No. 2268486

no one is just posting pictures of dogs for the hell of it. the anon who is «spamming» is pointing out the outlandish and dangerous lies pitnutters tell in order to get idiots to adopt the spastic dogs. which is how people + other pets end up getting mauled.

No. 2268506

File: 1732096094499.png (162.08 KB, 759x207, lmao.PNG)

a unique spin on the nanny dog myth

No. 2268576

Where is this lunacy from?

No. 2268591

IIRC it started in the 1970s to promote American staffs. It's always been a myth the obscure the truth that pits have always been, and continue to be, used for fighting.

No. 2270232

File: 1732179786227.png (4.09 MB, 1170x1918, sweetboythatlovestomaul.png)

my god who tf in their right mind would want this psycho monster near them. of all the retarded “bully breeds” these mutts look the most spastic second only to those mongoloid toad “pocket bullies” or whatever they are called

No. 2271447

With the amount of lying by trying to pass these shitmutts as other breeds or mixes and then guilting people into keeping them when they try to return the disgusting wastes of flesh after it harms them or another pet, I really think people need to start taking matters into their own hands and doing some old fashioned DIY BE in some countryside or city outskirts, and if anyone asks, they should lie and say the dog "got out" as they tend to do. I'm so sick of the malicious pit lobbies and delusional pitfaggots that have polluted this earth with their greed and downright idiocy.

No. 2271842

File: 1732266565517.jpg (517.2 KB, 1080x2340, FUCKNO.JPG)

>He does prefer a home without young children-Heathcliff would thrive in a calm, quieter environment where he can be the center of your world. He's the kind of dog who wants to love you completely, without the hustle and bustle of little ones.

No. 2272644

File: 1732315250319.jpeg (762.34 KB, 1170x895, IMG_2772.jpeg)

“They did report that while she is social and playful with strangers, they report that she is uncomfortable with children. Cardy bit her owner's partner when applying medication for her ear infection. The bite was a higher-level bite that did break the skin and draw blood, needing hospitalization” ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS

No. 2272647

Does anyone know why British people specifically are obsessed with these abominations? Is it because they can't have guns so this is like flexing to them

No. 2272648

They all look like murderous beasts. Nothing cute about them. What ever happened to getting normal retriever or Labrador type dogs? I fucking hate these things

No. 2272651

Gotta be that. Brits are having withdrawals from not being able to conquer anyone in a while.

No. 2272658

File: 1732315854245.png (1.21 MB, 1128x1119, Screenshot.png)

what the fuck is wrong with these people

No. 2272664

this is fucking psycho how tf was that ugly demon not put down immediately

No. 2272674

That top left pic is terrifying, the only way to deal with such a disgusting thing is a bullet in the head. Attempting to rehome an animal that has already bit people and animals is tantamount to being complicit in grievous bodily harm and potentially murder, I am literally gobsmacked by this

No. 2273067

File: 1732351165314.png (912.61 KB, 1063x675, what the fuck.png)

The moids who orbit pitfags are just as psycho as the pitfags themselves. Behavioral euthanasia for all scrotes and shibbles when? https://nypost.com/2024/11/21/us-news/nyc-migrant-allegedly-throws-pals-beloved-pit-bull-off-14th-floor-balcony/

No. 2273068

Haha that ugly beast kith the pavement

No. 2273079

kek. tf kind of name is kith anyway? all these tards give their tard dogs tard names, I guess its fitting

No. 2275142

that's hilarious lmao. I wish I was there to watch it die

No. 2275168

what the actual fuck is wrong with you?

No. 2275283

File: 1732485424585.jpeg (889.41 KB, 1170x1029, IMG_2812.jpeg)

Not disclosing that this piece of shit was returned by the adopter after biting is fucking criminal, these people are legitimate psychopaths who have no place in society

No. 2275455

I've seen so many incidences of pitfags lying the whole "pushed my dog off balcony for no reason" makes me suspicious.

No. 2275523

Yep it definitely attacked the person who threw it out of the window. Pitnutters will do anything to make their shitbeasts look innocent

No. 2275561

File: 1732498920367.jpeg (416.28 KB, 1000x1620, rhgbok87nn2e1.jpeg)

Just saw this and remembered this thread

No. 2275630

There needs to be a bingo card for this shit
>name with connotations that are the antithesis of shitbull temperament
>sweet girl
>friendly yet has to be “solo pet” for some reason

No. 2275635

lmao I love how they are trying to pass off that fucking ugly pit as a lab/golden mix. pure retardation.

No. 2276066

hecking wholesome strawberry shortcake baby needs to be alone else it will literally eat any other living beings around uwu~

No. 2276399

File: 1732564240838.jpeg (764.12 KB, 1140x817, IMG_2824.jpeg)

>bit the dog on the neck and shook >blood was drawn both on the owner and the other dog
>friendly and second best behaviour rating!
The lies this asshole on twitter is telling are becoming more egregious, I don’t even know what to say. They are going to get someone killed

No. 2276421

>friendly with kids
Yeah, 'plays' with her prey.

No. 2276430

A first I thought "eh that could be a golden retriever-like small mutt dog" and then I zoomed in and saw the head shape. The face shape never lies.

The skull looks actually deformed, like its brain has something missing. Idk how they expect people to adopt what looks like a monster.
Yeah, the child mauler with a name that means "child".

No. 2276435

File: 1732566545548.jpeg (621.63 KB, 1170x707, IMG_2837.jpeg)

Calling this mutt “cuddly” and “playful with strangers” and saying it was returned because it “barked and is hyper” when it was returned because fucking growls, circles people like they’re prey and,oh, BIT ITS FUCKING OWNER is psychotic. I want to a-log this pitfaggot so much it’s unreal

No. 2276445

File: 1732566897696.jpeg (520.92 KB, 1170x659, IMG_2835.jpeg)

>extra retarded inbred mutant toad shitbull in shelter because owner got arrested
>repeatedly tries to bite shelter staff and is so uncontrollable it can’t be handled
>”second best behaviour rating and in trouble for leash biting! [eyeroll emoji]”
I really hope karma gets this subhuman piece of shit pitfucker for actively endangering people

No. 2276448

I can't stop laughing at the fucking pilgrim hat sticker on the murder dog. I hope Cardy takes some pit apologists out before they have to shoot her, but we all know that the next victim is just as likely to be an innocent.

No. 2276451

File: 1732567187782.jpeg (809.98 KB, 1170x980, IMG_2836.jpeg)

Another repulsive creature that actively bit a staff member but “uwu it’s just in trubble because it’s excitable!” Calling these hideous things “pretty” and “cute” is unhinged, this one looks psychotic

No. 2276457

File: 1732567539066.jpeg (659.85 KB, 1170x711, IMG_2834.jpeg)

>”playful, cuddly and gentle with kids!”
>growls, snarls and bares teeth with pinned ears
Imagine being such a fucking troglodyte that you are advertising a dangerous, aggressive shitbull as being safe for kids. I’m starting to think that all these faggots hate kids and are deliberately trying to get them mauled

No. 2276464

same, the way they dress/shoop these spastic violent freaks in cringe outfits like tutus and bow ties and jewellery and hair bows thinking that it makes them cute when it reality it makes them look extra special needs is hilariously ridiculous

No. 2276469

that motherfucking eyeroll emoji makes me irrationally irate

No. 2276483

Nothing some Vitamin Blapblap wouldn't fix. Do you think that since they have so much trouble adopting them out and are desperate to force them on unsuspecting families that they wouldn't be so concerned with doing background checks on who adopts them? I'd say we start a movement around the country to provide a much needed service of free mass "behavioral euthanasia" to these mutant shitstains, since pitfaggots refuse to spay/neuter and instead insist on bringing them into a world that neither needs, wants, nor benefits from their existence. Although it's such a daunting task because I feel like there will always be more to keep filling up the shelters if we don't have mandatory spaying/neutering with serious fines and punishments for those leaving their shitbeasts in tact. There are apparently even free clinics for this around the country and they STILL refuse to get it done.

No. 2276485

>owner arrested
>owner homeless
And pretty much all the others are stray and/or returned after being adopted. If that is not an indication of both the sort of people who own these ugly abominations and the fact that they are unsuitable pets then I do not know what is.

No. 2276492

One fucking hundred per cent. For the life of me I simply cannot understand how an animal that ended up in the shelter for biting people or other animals isnt blapblaped on the spot, much less kept alive wasting money and resources while the retards who make advocating for these dysgenic abominations their whole personality are trying to get them adopted by telling insane and blatant lies that will result in other living beings getting injured or killed. Like how the actual fuck is that even legal?

No. 2276642

Look at the size of that thing, there's no way someone would just decide to fling it off a balcony on a whim, Kith was definitely getting uwu mouthy and heckin' sassy and the guy freaked out and got rid of the dog the only way he could think of in his panic. He probably walked free because he was covered in teeny nibbles that only needed a little bit of hospitalization, eyeroll emoji.
Agreed. Shitbulls were bred to tear each other to shreds in the ring while a bunch of scrotes bet money on their deaths. Today's shitbulls come from a long line of progressively worse shitbulls whose equally shit owners worked long and hard to turn them into mindless mauling machines. You can't undo decades of scrotal breeding with doggy treats and walkies. No matter how sweet and intelligent and gentle shitbulls are, eventually the kill switch flips, and they do what they were bred for, sometimes with no warning at all. Saying you can teach a shitbull to not maul is like saying you can teach a herding dog not to herd- it's retarded, the behavior is literally built into the dog's hardware. These dogs were all someone's beloved velvet hippo until they bit their owner out of the blue with no provocation and no change in environment. The next home they go to will be the same. They'll be the kindest sweetest couch potato until they rip their new owner's arm off while wagging their tail. Then they'll be surrendered and the whole cycle begins anew.

No. 2278288

File: 1732674098616.jpg (495.14 KB, 2023x1276, just euthanise the fucker alre…)

I'll say it before and i'll say it again dogfags are a danger to society because they put their feelings above everyones safety including their own. This person is lucky their child is ok, should have put the dog down when after the first incident.

No. 2278728

File: 1732692643951.jpeg (102.51 KB, 1170x382, IMG_2860.jpeg)

I guess the pilgrim hat didn’t have the intended effect, shitbeast got what it deserved

No. 2278729

File: 1732692877883.jpeg (686.07 KB, 1170x827, IMG_2861.jpeg)

If a mutt that resource guards and lunges at the shelter staff “earns best possible behaviour rating” then what the fuck is the worst? The bar truly is in hades for these putrid things. And something tells me it wasn’t surrendered because its owners were moving to a “no-pet” place

No. 2278730

File: 1732693279648.jpeg (614.27 KB, 1170x715, IMG_2862.jpeg)

Not only is this shitbull ugly and aggressive (yet another “second best behaviour rating” for an animal that hard barks, hard stares, growls, bares its teeth and lunges at the people taking care of it) it’s also so fucking retarded it ate a plastic toy (I guess there weren’t any cats or toddlers available). Its prey drive is clearly out of control, how the fuck can anyone shill it in good conscience? This is a fucking grim news story in the making.

No. 2278818

File: 1732706213787.png (756.29 KB, 810x1079, Screenshot.png)

euthing these dysgenic freaks shouldnt even be up for debate. dont wait for it to maul a person just remove the potential. the degenerate junkie owners who allowed the murder beasts access their meth and crack need be dealt with accordingly too. retards like this should not be allowed to own any pets ever. https://www.castanet.net/news/Kamloops/519439/Owners-attempting-to-transfer-ownership-of-dangerous-dogs-to-avoid-destruction

No. 2278865

They all love to go on and on about how it's never the dog but always the owner, it's never genetics but always training. So what more could this owner have done? Was she also a bad owner for not taming her shithippo? At what point do the delusions end? How many children and animals have to die before they admit these things come from genetic cesspools and need to be culled? One can only dream, you know they're going to buckle down and dig their heels in further.

No. 2278983

Kamloops is a shithole so I’m not surprised this happened

No. 2281047

File: 1732844695797.jpeg (984.68 KB, 1170x2012, IMG_2869.jpeg)

“Nipped when excited, just playing!” The shitbull fucking bit the person who adopted it TWICE. It bit them on the fucking stomach because it “witnessed a hug” you lying piece of shit

No. 2281204

File: 1732850796684.jpeg (298.86 KB, 1200x800, download.jpeg)

Alright about 5 minutes ago I posted this story I get from elsewhere but after reading the comments on it some suspect this story is fake because of the dogs name/they say this piture looks staged. What do you think? Is an attempt by the lady to get rid of this dog? That would make this story a hell of a lot more interesting.

I wanted to post it here for the very petty reason its the 5th dog called "Nala" just this week. What was the other popular name for this breed I forgot


No. 2281223

Yeah I saw that on reddit, the way the keep calling if “a small brown dog” struck me as odd. It looks part Frenchie or some other breed too, judging by its ears. I dunno, it’s a weird story

No. 2281235

Female shitmutts are always called Nala or Luna, the males are always called Simba or Zeus

No. 2281237

this retard doesn’t deserve to have a beautiful persian cat, who the fuck gets an expensive, exotic long haired breed known for its sweet, quiet, affectionate temperament and thinks it’s a good idea to bring a motherfucking stray shitbull of all breeds - one that is known for mauling cats - into their house? how could they expect it to end in anything other than disaster? anyone who knows anything about persians knows that they’re lazy as hell, for the poor cat to bolt out of the house like that it must have been absolutely petrified

No. 2281238

I don't like dogs, but I love (non shitbull) dog owners who pay me 50+ dollars an hour to look after their dogs.
I do not understand why people put so much money into these creatures when cats are better in every way. This is someone who has cared for both cats and dogs. I know cat haters are like "but cats shit in your house!"
So do dogs. And they don't do it in a box. They do it where you walk.

No. 2281240

The amount of praise in the story is so weird it sounds like a propaganda piece.

Ty nonna! Yeah it was Luna I was thinking of I remember it was 2 names that sounded alike.


No. 2281242

Euthanized. Its not a human. Violent dogs need to be put down. Its cruel for other dogs in the system without a history of violence to rot in the shelters while these places try to pawn off dangerous mongrels

No. 2281247

>Nala is now in "very good hands" and has gone "to an amazing experienced rescue, all the way to Ireland, to receive the proper care she needs".
These mutant shitstains are banned in Ireland are they not? Or maybe it only applies to those XL monstrosities. Either way, weird article and the woman is a fucking idiot who endangers her own kids

No. 2281292

Why do I feel like the shitbull killed the cat and the owner's covering up for it. I'd rather that the person who went to the trouble of leaving it tied up had shot it instead and buried it. Now that dog is someone else's problem.

No. 2281316

File: 1732862416068.jpeg (929.31 KB, 1170x1137, IMG_2873.jpeg)

twitter pitfaggot claims that this fugly psychotic piece of shit earned second best behaviour rating and is trying to pawn it off as being friendly with kids and strangers while the shelter claims that it almost killed another dog in a mauling so out of control that bystanders had to intervene with whatever they could arm themselves with in order to get the disgusting beast off the other dog and clearly states that it can’t ever be taken to a dog park, are you fucking kidding me? I hope this pitfucker gets mauled themselves for this shit, it’s straight up evil

No. 2281322

>Bull bait dogs were bred to keep filthy rich children safe from bulls and boars
why the fuck would a victorian aristocrat child in a mansion need to worry about bulls and boars what the fuck is this shit.

No. 2281326

ive heard stories of pits needing to be shot like 10 times before the fuckers finally die. I'm just surprised this dog chose to run off instead of continue to try to kill more livestock

No. 2281328

My brother's girlfriend brought her shitbull to thanksgiving and he showed teeth at me just for walking past then did the same to the family cat. Shivers went up my spine. That thing is a ticking time bomb and it should be euthanized. I fucking hate these dogs and I'm so tired of the "but but they were abused". That dog is fucking spoiled, it was bred to maim and kill and it will never be safe to be around

No. 2281335

File: 1732864604753.jpg (56.26 KB, 640x778, b0sSspep_tWE5TlT9t_VxvsSiD5qO3…)

Along with pitbulls, I think english bulldogs should be banned.
Like sure, an english bulldog can't murder like a pit, but holy fucking shit are they a sadistic breed. Have you ever seen an english bulldog skull? Its horrific. These dogs have so many health issues (skin, respiratory, hip/bone etc) and cannot breed naturally (they need to be AIed and C sectioned). Anyone who breeds these dogs is going to hell.

No. 2281353

yeah I would have been like if this was someone elses shitbulls then yeah she deserves the money (though ideally from the shitbull owner) but no, SHE got these shitty dogs. She could have gotten a golden retriever, she could have gotten a border collie, she could have gotten any dog that isn't a murder dog and she went for a murder dog. She still thinks the creatures who mauled her are like her babies. Hell no bitch. Go into debt. Only because the second you have even a lick of disposable income you're going to get more psychos

No. 2281377

I agree, whenever I see them (which is often, because it seems like every person who lives on my street either has one of these or a frenchie or a pug, I’m not even kidding, 99 per cent of the dogs in my hood are ridiculously expensive brachycephalic breeds) it makes me sad because those poor dysgenic animals only exist because selfish humans decided that they’re cute and their deformities are a prized attribute). I’ve never been a fan of dogs in general and I hate shitbulls more than any other living creature but one of the very few exceptions was an english bulldog. When I was a little kid my aunt and uncle had one, he was a dear little dog and I loved him so much (this was before I knew about the breeding practices and health issues). Bizarrely, he lived to be old as fuck and never got sick but I’m appalled that we had one in the family. You have to be a certain kind of asshole to choose an animal that was born to suffer for pet

No. 2281383

Oh absolutely fucking not. I hope both you and your poor cat weren’t too traumatised by it, nona. I’d have kicked the girlfriend and her piece of shit mutt out of the house immediately. Did you at least say something about it? And who the fuck takes their pet, especially a fucking volatile spastic dog that was bred to kill, to someone else’s house? And she’s not even your actual family, what a deranged cunt.

No. 2281388

There are 'well bred' bulldogs. I have seen bulldogs bred for agility courses and compete with border collies. But fuck me if that's not the exception. You were a kid so maybe you didn't know the full extent to your bulldogs health issues, or maybe the dog was actually properly bred for health instead of just looking like a hideous ogre with little flap of flesh that is all that's left of the bridge of its nose about to fold down and suffocate him.
I would say if people bred them/adopted them for health/temperment it wouldn't bother me as much. But at that point just get a normal fucking dog.
Better yet, don't get a dog. they are retards.
P.S fuck toadlines

No. 2281389

>nyehehe its a toddler imma rip it apart
>oh its a child unless it bothers me i shouldnt approach it

No. 2281428

English bulldogs aren’t shitbulls, they don’t maul toddlers. One of the reasons why they’re so popular on top of being “ugly cute” to many people is because they’re very friendly with both humans and other animals, so they’re good family pets (horrific health conditions notwithstanding, obviously). That alone should put people off wanting to own them but in typical narcissistic fashion the majority of dog owners (and pet owners in general) don’t actually care about animal welfare, they just want a sentient toy/status symbol

No. 2281467

File: 1732877253181.png (1.6 MB, 1155x786, bye.png)

This is just fucking deranged, why the fuck would anyone want one of these things

No. 2281476

British people need to feel tuff

No. 2281483

File: 1732880053834.png (1.13 MB, 1080x1596, Hideous.png)

I cannot tell if this retard is illiterate or esl but either way this is crazy

No. 2281486

File: 1732880171120.png (1.95 MB, 977x1471, Fucking Gross.png)

Presented without comment

No. 2282129

>I have seen bulldogs bred for agility courses and compete with border collies
Kek what an image, I doubt they would compete well

I recently started to take care of my aunt's pug and man, he's a good dog but pugs are so fucked. Their faces get dirty and full of bacteria/fungus so much faster than normal dogs, and the one I look after will start hacking and wheezing when he gets excited and apparently it's a thing they just have. Their ears and mouths are so tiny so they also get dirty and infected a lot. Idk how one can choose a pug and overlook its suffering.

No. 2282210

I immediately told her that I wasn't comfortable being around the fucking thing and moved both of my parents' cats upstairs into a separate room. Her response? Pibble would never hurt anyone! He loves cats! My family is already planning on telling her the dog isn't welcome but I doubt she'll listen and they're pushovers. What scares me the most is she's a hoarder with 5 cats of her own who "fosters" kittens. It's inevitable. That beast is going to kill a cat one day, hopefully it turns on her first.

No. 2282661

Show them the evidence that pitbulls are prey driven. It's not an if, it's when. It's not a chance anyone should be willing to take. There's a reason why most pitbulls are advertised as best in a unicorn home.

No. 2283091

I actually just got off the phone with my mom and I was trying to explain to her that sure, cute doggo (barf) but they are prey driven and it's an immutable fact. She's a dog lover so she agreed with a little bit of what I was saying but not enough to actually recognize this is extremely dangerous. The dog is banned from my home and I think that might be the best I can do. My cats are safe but I love my parents' cats and I really hope she eventually comes to her senses and at least keeps that shit beast away from them while it's in the house. I'm not always at family events but I may start going over more often to make sure the cats are safe in another room while the toddler eater is around.

No. 2283339

This actually makes me fucking angry, I’m not a cat person but she is needlessly endangering those kittens, there should be a requirement for fosterers wherein they’re not allowed to take in any other animals if they’ve got a shitbull, no exceptions. Even if the revolting creature doesn’t physically harm them it must be stressful as fuck for little kittens (and adult cats too) to be under the same roof as a retarded violent mutt. It’s actual abuse, no two ways about it. Hoarding animals in general is despicable, degenerate behaviour. She sounds like an awful human being, nona. I’m sorry you have to deal with that. I hope your parents see sense in what you’re saying and put the welfare of their cats first (along with that of their fucking family, because there’s nothing to say that the piece of shit won’t go after a human, it already bared its teeth at you, that alone should be reason enough for your mum to ban the fucking thing from her house)

No. 2283362

File: 1732938251060.png (1.35 MB, 842x1124, crunch on a fucking bullet.png)

>English bulldog mix
>he only mouthed!

No. 2283370

File: 1732938606311.jpeg (255.8 KB, 1170x1291, Shitbull.jpeg)

wtf is it with people bringing their nasty ass murdermutts to thanksgiving this year

No. 2283376

I don't understand bringing your pet to a family function like this, unless it was already approved by the host. Even then I don't understand why you would want to. The dog doesn't want to be there. There are people who don't want the dog there. Leave the dog at home.

No. 2283464

I fully agree. She's a terrible person shitbull antics aside and she's not a legitimate foster, she seems to just find kittens and never actually adopt them out. I don't think she's involved in the foster community at all, just LARPing.

She's deeply self centered. There are many, many other instances of her downright terrorizing my family but that's for another thread. Shitbull owners are all mentally ill, without exception

No. 2283528

File: 1732947890069.png (2.46 MB, 1178x1519, please lord put this facebook …)

Nah not super well but pretty impressive all things considered. They are less inbred than most english bulldogs though
The breeders are just as inbred as the dogs
But basically I remember one guy calling it a "pyramid skeem"

No. 2283794

File: 1732972072762.jpeg (571.67 KB, 1170x1283, IMG_1708.jpeg)

Dog, dog owner, and Reddit hate triple whammy.

No. 2284266

I'm the thanksgiving shitbull incident anon. Good news, my family has finally agreed to ban the murder mutt from their home. Brother's gf is seething both in person and online as we speak but the cats are safe and that's all that matters. I used quite a few examples from this thread to show them (I didn't show them the thread itself, just isolated screenshots) so thank you nonnas for the help.

No. 2284290

So happy to hear it nona! ♥ It must be a huge relief for you. I’m glad your parents saw sense in your argument. I’m convinced that people who like shitbulls don’t give a single fuck about any other animals, they either openly express their hatred of other dog breeds and cats in particular or they LARP as uwu animal lovers for the purpose of virtue signalling; it sounds like the retard gf is firmly in the latter category. May she seethe for an eternity

No. 2284295

the moids who sperg about women fucking their dogs are actually projecting because theyre they ones who sexualize and probably fuck dogs themselves and you cannot convince me otherwise

No. 2284305

File: 1732999447100.jpg (24.69 KB, 274x298, IMG_7874.jpg)

what the actual FUCK, who tf wants an animal that looks like this? I get that pugs and frenchies are ugly-cute but this is just terrifying, it looks like a literal demon, jesus fucking christ

No. 2284615

Yep! 95% of the animal SA stories I have seen have been moids.

No. 2284676

>pitfaggots trespass with their shitbeasts
>cops called because trespassing
>fully grown shitbull charges at cop
>cop shoots it
>”he’s just a puppy, he wants to play!”

No. 2284694

File: 1733021138410.png (343.7 KB, 500x333, 4t545yy.png)

I'm actually surprised at how many of the top comments are actually sensible and saying the owner was stupid as shit for not having the dog leashed.
I feel like 70 percent of the shitbull attacks Ive seen could have been prevented by properly tethering your severely inbred hyper aggro domesticated wolf
As previously stated, the owners are as inbred as the dogs.
These cull quality retards pay thousands for pic rel

No. 2284698

They're successfully cloning these mutants now??

No. 2284720

No. 2284903

As bad as this sounds I hope these things become popular and replace the xl bullies because I was watching a video about them and it said they have trouble running let alone attacking anyone so I would rather these dogfags have these ugly but relatively safe dogs than the xl bully menace we are currently facing.

No. 2284914

They're just inbreeding them so much the Habsburgs would be jealous

No. 2285025

File: 1733042422857.png (1.15 MB, 1001x1126, totalshitbulldeathnow.png)

These psychopaths need to be culled along with their fucking maulers

No. 2285296

Men are more violent when it comes to the matter which is why you hear about them more but scroll dog topics and tags and you’ll see that women are just as much part of the issue but it’s more accepted because it’s not overt violence. There is a large amount of women that film their friend(s) in distress being sexually assaulted by their dog. It’s disgusting.

No. 2286440

Nobody knows how to raise dogs anymore and all of them have “separation anxiety”. If you leave them home alone for even 5 minutes, they’ll scream and bark their heads off and shit all over the house.
Dogs are literally the most pathetic animals to ever live.

No. 2286472

Nah it's bullshit. How the fuck do you get sexually assaulted by a dog if you're not a literal toddler and you didn't initiate it somehow? Most of the time it's stupid girls laughing like idiots at a male unneutered dog humping shit, but no one is getting sexually assaulted and moids are still the ones tying female dogs up and raping them while filming them or cutting off their organs just so they can jerk off to it. Two VERY different things.

Imagine being in this situation, taking this picture, posting it on reddit and thinking that it's anywhere near funny. The fucker had several occasions to reflect on his actions and still decided to make this shitty ass jokes.

No. 2286520

lmao these dogfags are so retarded who tf is going to believe that obvious ugly ass pit is a boxer puppy or whatever tf they are claiming it is, like we all have eyes, we can see it is an adult shibble. the lawyer who made the video is as much of a retard as the dogfaggots too, thinking this video paints them in a sympathetic light when all it does is reaffirm that the trailer trash people who own these mutants are just as mentally deficient as their stupid mutts

No. 2286961

this is one of the most repulsive videos i’ve ever seen why the fuck is it doing that how do retards find this cute in any way

No. 2286974

That puppy is suffocating on milk it wasn't fed properly

No. 2286984

that makes me want to cry. i don't like dogs but come on guys don't post videos of abuse.

No. 2286995

What the fuck, the size of its mouth is terrifying

No. 2287002

Men and women generally abuse dogs differently
Men are more violent. They are generally the ones who torture, beat, mutilate, and sexually assault the dogs.
Women I think are more guilty of neglect and hoarding. Which on paper might not sound bad but man I saw an episode of hoarders where the cleanup crew found skeletonized remains of dogs in kennels and that just fucked me up.
I have no idea what makes people this way around dogs. I think maybe when they are kids and they are tormenting animals the adults don't intervene and shame the child into learning empathy or some shit.
It's choking on milk. They probably bottle fed the puppy too fast. Mongrel dogs are more likely survive it since they survive humans horrific inbreeding practices but yeah. People who care the least about dogs are generally the ones that let them breed. The only dog breeders I can think of that can be at least somewhat responsible are the breeders who do work dogs for farms. Shitbulls are horrible at guarding livestock/herding animals without killing them.
The world would be a better place if dogs were banned from cities.

No. 2287865

i had no idea it was abuse or being hurt, i saw some of the tiktok comments and they were saying that it’s perfectly normal and ”cute”

No. 2290096

File: 1733361877968.jpeg (708.69 KB, 1145x961, IMG_2944.jpeg)

The psychotic twitter pitfaggot is becoming increasingly bold with their lies, claiming that shitbulls with bite history and/or concerning levels of aggression while in the shelter are “friendly with kids/strangers/dogs/cats”, even when the shelter themselves have stressed the need for a “unicorn home”

No. 2290117

File: 1733362259547.jpeg (656.77 KB, 1145x786, IMG_2943.jpeg)

“Has it all!” but shelter staff can’t even walk it safely because it’s so aggressive and out of control

No. 2290126

File: 1733362546735.jpeg (955 KB, 1154x1158, IMG_2942.jpeg)

The shelter retards contradicting themselves on their own advert, I can’t believe that there are people stupid enough to fall for this shit

No. 2290206

Pitfaggots are such pussies for being unable to bring themselves to BE these shitmutants once and for all. What can we do to counter lobby against them? They're seriously a threat to our health and safety but people keep letting them breed and refuse to deal with them properly. Despite a wealth of documented attacks and evidence, they still gaslight themselves and everyone around them that nature's little maulmaggots are just misunderstood and "demonized". It's so infuriating that lives are lost and wasted at the shelter just to keep these rotten things alive and then twice that when they're adopted by an unsuspecting family and unleashed on the public.

No. 2290266

You know, I've never posted in this thread or cared much either way but scrolling past these ugly bastards is starting to make me hate dogs also…

No. 2290317

I seriously do not understand how it is even legal to put these shitbeasts up for adoption. Like how are they not put down on the spot when there’s a bite? When I was a kid any dog that bit a human or another pet would be immediately destroyed. Regardless trying to get people to take in these murdermutts is incredibly reckless and a law suit waiting to happen. As other anons have said the fucktards who try to palm off the pwecious sweet baby angel nanny dogs need to be charged with endangerment of human life and if or when the spastic creatures they successfully adopt out injure or kill another living being they should be charged and punished the same way as a human who commits those acts themselves is

No. 2290323

File: 1733369478716.jpg (151.6 KB, 1292x1360, 71bXAiTJcML._SL1360_.jpg)

Here's another one. I had no idea pitfags made propaganda literally aimed at children but that just further proves how demented they are

No. 2290325

Not that I have ever been a huge fan of dogs but all the posts here about pit bulls and the demented people who advocate for them have made me hate those hideous beasts more than anything else on the planet

No. 2290338

fucking hell

No. 2290349

File: 1733369886949.png (849.42 KB, 1134x679, Screenshot.png)

this is so fucking insane, imagine if people went to these lengths for women escaping domestic violence and human trafficking instead of these fugly useless mutants

No. 2290360

File: 1733370118092.jpg (192.72 KB, 1237x1459, 71tlfSR+v4L.jpg)

What a happy ending! Surely this can only end well

No. 2290461

>six pitbulls.
oh my god, dude. Forget that the context is pitbulls, unless you live on a farm or run a rescue center or something, there is no reason to have six animals that are that big. I can understand owning six rodents, six insects, or six small birds. But six dogs or cats feels unhinged to me.

No. 2290482

The author forgot to add the true ending: the whole family was eaten alive by all six shitbulls shortly after adopting them

No. 2290655

>get recommended a fucking pitbull compilation video on yt
>all comments are kissing pitbull taint and claiming studies proved they aren't as aggressive as any other dog
>share about pitbull attack
>comment immediately deleted within 60 seconds
I hate pithags so fucking much, they are like boymoms but worse.

No. 2290812

A 20 year old girl got brutally mauled, dismembered and killed by her 3 giga pitbulls, and this wacko got SIX. These people are suicidal

No. 2290816

Youtube protecting pitnutters too?

No. 2290855

Oh god, that animal is literally choking and the fucker is filming it, put it down and try to make it puke ffs. Or is this a fetish?

No. 2291393

I'm starting to really hate dog owners. Complaining and crying in a Tiktok that you have to take proper precautions with your reactive dog actually set me off. How fucking stupid is it to complain about a basic responsibility and play the victim about it. The entitlement is wild.

No. 2291995

Dog-owners are the largest group that habitually victim-blames and never receives any pushback for it. They also hate children and double-down on victim-blaming when a child gets attacked ('provoking the dog', 'not being taught how to be around dogs', 'being clumsy and accidentally stomping on a dog's tail' etc.).

No. 2292015

The child hate is actually psychotic. A while back there was some fat fucking ~DiSaBLeD~ quirk chungus on twitter smugly sucking her own clit after yelling at a little kid who tried to pet her “service dog” and proudly proclaiming that children should be leashed in public, and of course the replies were full of asspats from terminally online woketard hamplanets. I’ll see if I can find it, it was so fucking cringeworthy

No. 2292025

File: 1733475047261.jpg (771.53 KB, 1144x886, mental illness.jpg)

Found it, what a piece of shit

No. 2292028

File: 1733475658508.jpg (330.52 KB, 1016x448, kek.jpg)

She locked her other account after this because she couldn’t handle the BuLLyiNg she was getting from sane people who were rightfully pointing out that she’s an entitled asshole. And that bio, lmao
>”pet parent”
>blue hair
>shitbull in pic

No. 2292044

If it had really been a trained service animal, she wouldn't have had to worry about a child touching it. These people go through life looking for a way to be victimized by other people.

No. 2292047

People with fake service dogs are so funny, the way their arch nemesis is a 3 year old at a supermarket.

No. 2292054

These people are proof that natural selection has failed, imagine being that maladjusted

No. 2292059

>the passive-aggressiveness
>the child abuse
Found a female psychopath.

>has a 'service dog' that she considers reactive and dangerous around children

The 'service dog' tag is probably as real as the one Yaniv uses on his untrained mutt.

The other psycho admits that dogs are weapons that don't require a license.

No. 2292062

There’s nothing funnier than seeing a “service dog” wearing a muzzle. What’s that, a professional toddler mauler? Your bodyguard that protects you from iPad kids?

No. 2292067

Natural selection hasn't failed at all. We've just suspended it as best we can as a society. Just think about how many Darwin awards live because of modern medicine. Or how many dysfunctional people never have to face their own problems because of social safety nets.
This is the result of social aid being contingent on a needs based pattern with no qualifiers. When first introduced they really do help many innocent and deserving people. But slowly and surely trash congregates and paralyzes the system. No different than a blood clot building up in the veins.
We are protecting the people who just need a few extra bucks in food stamps to make ends meet after a month of hard work at the expense of the people who are forced to interact with delusional pitmommies.(derailing)

No. 2292069

Just by taking that dog in public she'll be sued sooner or later for bodily damage.

No. 2294014

Kek pitmommies are whining in meta about this thread and lying about it too yet again keep up the good work nonnies.

No. 2294020

I never imagined LC was so full of snowflakes. I bet they are tourists who never browsed an image board before 2020.

No. 2294021

It has bitten multiple children - why isn't the justice system involved? It should have been ordered to be destroyed a long time ago.

No. 2294036

>tall, counter surfer
Oh my god so this thing jumps and gets on their fucking kitchen counters?? Jesus Christ

No. 2294087

What a bunch of retards. I’m the “facebook schizo” (it’s not even facebook, it’s twitter for starters, who even uses facebook?) and the reason why I post the “twitter vs shelter” comparisons is because people are actively trying to adopt out violent animals that have already attacked kids, cats, other dogs, shelter staff, et al, and telling lies in order to facilitate the adoption, which can quite literally get people killed. It’s not like I just have a hate boner for shitbulls because they’re hideous and retarded, they pose a very real threat to other living beings and there are psychopathic pitfaggots out there who have the potential to be culpable for manslaughter (if they aren’t already) thank you to the other nonas for being the the voice of reason ♥

No. 2294098

I don’t know what the fuck they expect going in to a thread called “dog hate” or “cat hate”, I mean it’s right there in the thread name. If you love dogs and/or cats stick to the threads devoted to loving them. You don’t see us sperging out about the “dog love” thread or demanding it be deleted. Just hide the threads that offend you if you’re too emotionally unstable to just scroll past, jesus christ

No. 2294344

Fucking melodramatic. I feel like the worse your pet is the more defensive you get over them. Like shitbull fags are the trannies of the pet owner world. They even troon their murder dogs out by making them wear funny hats/tuts and giving them 'soft uwu' names to try to cloak the fact that these dogs are unhinged murder machines.
I own a cat and even when I see the cat hate thread I understand the rational behind it. Cats are environmentally destructive and sadistic toxo creatures, crazy cat bitches are way too defensive. I cannot understand why anyone outside of a shelter would want more than 3 cats. Don't get me wrong I love my cat but I wouldn't go out of my way to get one. These things are basically gigantic predatory cockroaches that can socialize well enough to be easily domesticated.

No. 2294903

Yep. Talking about killing aggressive pits and stray/feral cats (not pets, fucking obviously) shouldn’t be classified as “alogging” either, as it’s a valid critical discussion of how to deal with something that is causing harm to humans and the environment. I don’t know why so many petfags are incapable of nuanced thinking. I think the sperging about the cat hate thread is expected given the culture of the site but I didn’t think there would be any shitbull apologists here. But more importantly, this is a thread for the hatred of all dogs and dog culture, not just pit bulls, and the overwhelming majority of the posts are constructive, not just mindless “hurr durr dogs suck” drivel. Shitbulls are a huge problem and the time, money and resources wasted on them is frankly alarming. The so-called bans have proven to be utterly ineffectual, it’s frustrating to see people dismiss the ramifications of allowing those abominations to exist

No. 2295833

so much utter retardation in the comments on this

No. 2296202

>owner also has two cats
i am sure that is going to end well. having one of those things in the same house as cats or other small animals should constitute abuse by law

No. 2296223

File: 1733656758819.jpeg (5.21 KB, 168x79, why.jpeg)

IKR. They can't even pretend that it won't make your life an absolute hell every day. Dogholm syndrome is thinking this is an acceptable way to live. Imagine having to lock down everything in your own home 24/7, like you were a prison employee. And the second you leave the padlock off the trash can, the dog gets in and makes a mess that takes 20 minutes to clean up. My life is too short.

No. 2296350

It's fucking disgusting genitals makes me want to puke

No. 2297629

Ignore the pitfag, your posts have been very informative especially to those of us who dont have facebook so thank you and keep them coming.

After reading their bitching in meta its clear they are missing quite a few braincells from the way they type and reply to comments.

No. 2299250

File: 1733768127185.jpeg (873.73 KB, 1170x819, IMG_3003.jpeg)

And the lies continue to become increasingly and dangerously egregious
>”friendly and social, best possible behaviour rating!”
>bit TWO shelter staff and displays “concerning level of reactivity” in shelter’s own words
Also that stupid fucking Christmas hat sticker, as if that makes it any more appealing, lmao

No. 2299258

File: 1733768442277.jpeg (688.11 KB, 1170x759, IMG_3006.jpeg)

So many claims of “owner moved without it!” on these listings, I’d love to know the real reason why the mutts are dumped, because we all know it’s not because the owners are moving.
>”Second best behaviour rating! Loving and friendly with kids and dogs!”
>jumped up and bit handler and is highly reactive to people and dogs on the street

No. 2299274

File: 1733768919720.jpeg (711.11 KB, 1170x851, IMG_3004.jpeg)

This pitfucker is going to get someone killed, seriously
>”Best possible behaviour rating! Sweet and social! Good on a leash! Friendly with strangers!”
>in shelter’s own words “concerning level of reactivity”
>hard barks, lunges, growls and SCREECHES at other dogs that it “actively seeks out”
>another shitbeast that has bitten not one but TWO shelter staff

No. 2299332

File: 1733770257444.png (1.59 MB, 1170x2258, Screenshot.png)

Typical shibble owner, that poor little girl. Moids like this deserve capital punishment, I'm not even kidding https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/xl-bully-mauls-girl-causing-30547784

No. 2299419

>The defendant, who is single and unemployed, has depression and anxiety. He lives with his grandparents and receives £248 per fortnight in benefits.
Your typical shitbull owner.

No. 2299833

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serial killer phenotype

No. 2300120

Ugly ugly ugly. Whenever these beasts open their mouths it looks like some kind of demonic hippo. How can anyone find these things cute?

No. 2301119

He deserves to get torn apart and eaten by his shibble, then the shibble deserves a gassing.

No. 2301512

Unironically agree that crimes like this need a public execution of the monster killing this scrot on screen for the world to see.
Shitbull nutters need to come face to face with the reality of the braindead self firing weapon they own

No. 2302515

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Dog owner hate technically but whatever. They argued it's OK because it was raining outside for hours. Don't get a dog if you're not willing to walk it despite the weather. Disgusting.

No. 2302566

They need to treat dog attacks as manslaughter or intent to kill. I'm so sick of this shit

No. 2302574

While I love how huskies' looks, they are psychotic. They are loud, escape artists, have a strong prey drive/like to kill smaller animals, they only hear on cues if they feel like it/stubborn. I cannot imagine a worse combination, and I thought husky x border collie was the worst. This takes the cake.

No. 2303520

File: 1733900830027.jpg (820.99 KB, 2158x1687, 75158555.jpg)

>RSPCA apparently helps all animals
>Decides to lead their campaigns with XL shitbulls that are now banned in the UK because of their murderous nature.

I stopped donating to RSPCA a few years ago after they twice refused to help us after we found abandoned baby animals and didnt know what to do because they say they only help pet animals and not wild animals.

Obviously I dont condone animal abuse but I think this breed should go extinct and the RSPCA should be encouraging that but their recent campaigns are 95% pitbulls. Now they are bragging about saving the lives of a pair of future baby maulers. Fuck them and fuck the pitmommies who are going to complain about this post. You know its true.

No. 2303525

Ok but if the dog is incontinent you got to at least paper train them this is disgusting as shit.
Also raining is a huge cope. Dogs can get wet.

No. 2303582

Even the dog looks disgusted. Take the fucking thing outside, this is foul

No. 2303587

Yeah wouldn't the dog see it as punishment to be forced to piss in its own living space rather than taken outside? I refuse to believe a dog would rather piss inside than go out in the rain, how coddled would it have to be to be that upset by rain??

No. 2303635

The owner is a disgusting freak. Get the dog a coat and get off your ass so the dog can go outside even if it's raining. This should count as animal abuse, I know we like to say dogs are disgusting but one thing they absolutely don't like to do is pee and shit where they would normally rest or play. Dogs can hold their pee for up to 10 hours and you can't fucking tell me that the rain was too strong for you to go outside for 10 hours straight, plus most dogs don't give a shit about rain. Lazy ass bitch. At least get a pee mat or something. I can't believe someone would be okay with a gigantic puddle of dog pee in their house while refusing to go outside because some rain water might get them wet.

No. 2305186

Let me guess, this woman is also morbidly obese. This is one of those very fat people secrets that nobody talks about.

No. 2308227

the rain is an excuse she definitely lets that dog piss EVERYWHERE

No. 2309668

File: 1734332208778.mp4 (2.64 MB, 360x706, theyre ugly.mp4)

Why do people like inbred and deformed animals? Dogs are the worst offenders. Any pedigree show dog is absolutely hideous. How do they not see it? It happens with cats too sometimes.

No. 2309857

>I’m not sure what caused her to flip within the last 3 months
She got comfortable and now she can be herself, which is a violent spastic.

No. 2309858

Based as fuck. I love this old geezer.

No. 2309978

>me when I'm old

No. 2310005

Holy fuckin BASED boomer

No. 2310034

File: 1734376793433.jpg (207.36 KB, 1080x632, 1000022763.jpg)

>couple goes to shelter to adopt kittens
>shelter tries to trick them into adopting dogs instead
These shelters are starting to sound like cult recruitment centers

No. 2310560

Where is this from?

No. 2311625

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What is it about shitbull owners constantly lying about other people and what actually happened? I hope they got banned from all the other local vets too. Got from reddit which is why it's censored.

No. 2311628

that is actually insane what the fuck

No. 2311835

What the fuck? Do these people live in an alternate reality where this is in any way acceptable or normal?

No. 2311849

ew ew i went out for a walk in the neighborhood and head towards a small park to sit down in a bench and enjoy the nice weather, when this lady started walking around with an OBVIOUS pit bull on a leash. it was white and fucking ugly in the face. i was drinking a vodka tonic to relax and sorta avoided eye contact with them as they walked across from me. i saw the pitbull stop and just stared at me openly, with ugly ass pale shark eyes. i didn't react, i didn't say anything, i just turned my head and looked elsewhere. silence for a few beats before the woman walked off with the dog. it looked like a cheap leash she was holding on, and i just don't understand pitbull owners who insist on not placing at least a muzzle on those fucking shits. it's like they love to see their pits go wild and kill people in front of them, and then play the victim by saying oh the leash was weak and i accidentally let go haha i'm such a girl.

No. 2312252

File: 1734491365767.jpg (111.69 KB, 498x863, 1000006728.jpg)

There really is something wrong with shitbull owners this goes beyond battered wife syndrome because even then women tend to leave for the kids sake how are people this brainwashed to put their lives in danger constantly for something so dumb and ugly?! Taken from reddit.

No. 2312255

>i flashed the camera to take his photo and it triggered an attack
…seeing a fucking iphone makes this dog sperg out and try to hurt others?

No. 2312541

Please be bait. How is this an adequate arrangement for the family and the dog? That thing is clearly not okay. The very obvious dangers aside, how do they think the dog would be happy in an environment in which it constantly feels the need to go for a kill? How do you even put the muzzle on safely? I hope there are no children in his "human family".

No. 2312685

I got hard stared at by an ugly fucking French bulldog at my job the other day. Like it stared directly into my eyes for at least 5 minutes like it was trying to stare me down.

No. 2312820

Another shitty breed wtf is the point of them?!

No. 2312840

These mutts really need a bullet in the brain

No. 2314142

What a repulsive thing. It literally has 0 redeeming qualities as far as I’m concerned. Why do people opt to be slaves and live in fear of something that’s so ugly and deformed? I’m so glad the trainer set them straight. He’s not uwu upset, poor baby, he’s just butthurt he can’t boss people around and terrorise them. The fact that people won’t even allow a dog to be lightly vibrated on the neck is infuriating, yet everyone has to live with the noise pollution of their incessant fucking barking.

However I am impressed that this Frenchie can actually bark. Most of them just wail like a baby in a washing machine. It must be relatively well bred.

No. 2314668

I just think its funny dogfags bitch about us here when this is the stuff we are angry about. I get there are a few people who just hate dogs outright but most of us have our reasons. Also I would say dumb parents but the pit lobby goes so hard in the USA with their brainwashing I'm also thinking they need to take some blame too.

No. 2315108

I think service dogs in general need to be phased out, or genuine service dogs need to be on a registry for serious illnesses.

No. 2315299

This is so ridiculous. Why keep a dog that wants to kill you? Life is too short for this bullshit.

No. 2316804

Pet animals shouldn't be in stores in the first place, let alone a shitbull.

No. 2316835

Saw a video interviewing a family who's son survived a pitbull attack and of course there were pitbull owners in the comments arguing that it was the owners fault, not the breed. Poor kid has to get more surgeries for his face but somehow it's not the dogs fault. Breeding pitbulls should be illegal, they're aggressive and can't even breathe good like they're fucking miserable creatures and the people who insist on breeding them are assholes who don't care about anyone but themselves

No. 2316844

Poor kid! I'm sorry but any kid attacked a dog, the dog is at fault. I'm done with this victim blaming mentality. It's the same when a woman is assaulted. It's always the assault's fault. Pitbull lovers are literal parasites. Any countries actually passed laws against these shit beasts?

No. 2316847

>i live with this violent dog by choice who can attack us any moment, but the muzzle really helps keep us safe
fuck, I hate pit bull owners. They all deserve a bullet to the brain

No. 2317279

The UK has "banned" them but it has proven to be an exercise in futility, because it's not so much a ban as it is half-arsed regulations pertaining to breeding, registration, leashing and muzzling. As you would expect the sort of subhuman trash that own these repulsive creatures don't give two fucks about the law and continue to keep unregistered shitbeasts, breed them, take them off their property unmuzzled and let them off leash or even roam. And those who do have their spastic mutants registered can apply for an "exemption" from the "ban". So in short, the "ban" isn't a ban at all, it's just hot air. To my knowledge there's been no reduction in attacks or fatalities since the "ban" was introduced. In all seriousness the only way to deal with this scourge is to enforce a total ban, confiscate all living shitbulls and euthanise them, and make any breach of the law punishable by incarceration.

No. 2317301

People have been getting mauled to death even AFTER the dogs get a behaviour certificate. Including a 10 year old girl. The people handing out the certificates don’t know what the fuck they’re doing. No 1 person can prove these dogs will never maul anybody. They just need to be mass culled.

No. 2317325

That's precisely my point, it actually feels like there have been MORE maulings since that "ban" came into effect. The story about that poor little girl made me feel an unprecedented level of violent rage towards pitfags and their loathsome mutts. The way it was reported that she was so proud of her "new pet XL bully" made me seethe, the parents were obviously brainwashed by the fuckwitted "don't bully my breed UwU!!11!!11!!" contingent so by extension the poor child believed that having one of those abhorrent freaks as a pet was boast-worthy. Honestly the parents should be charged with manslaughter at the very least. But yeah. It's almost always women and children who bear the brunt of scrotoid irresponsibility. That's not to say that women can't be pitfags, obviously they can, but the breed only exists because of moids and their caveman brain obsession with violence and carnage. As other nonitas itt have said, cull all the scrotes along with the shitbulls

No. 2317362

Idk if it was sweden or some shit but they had an entire dog ban in urban areas for a long ass time. idk how they enforced it but they had it up for 40 years. They lifted it but its heavily regulated so most people can only afford to have a tiny shit freak dog.

I think that should be a global thing, and if there's some sort of large dog wandering the countryside it should be 100% legal to shoot it.

No. 2317440

I watched this video a while back and the part where the parents talk about how the boy was still in a coma and would visibly panic whenever he heard PAW PATROL on the TV in the background will never not haunt me. And the way his sisters, especially the oldest one, feels such guilt over not being able to save him she's also traumatized for life breaks my heart. She's only a kid too and she blames herself for not being able to save her baby brother from being mauled by 5 shitbeasts. I cried that whole video, it's so easy to prevent this kind of thing from happening but delusional fucking selfish assholes would rather prove a point by owning disgusting, vile, ugly creatures than caring about the lives of others, mostly innocent children and small animals. Unbelievable.

No. 2318091

What fucks with me the most, (well, maybe only just as much as the crimes these dogs and their negligent owners commit) is I always get this feeling in my gut that there's no actual punishment enforced to prevent this sort of behavior.
In an ideal world, the dogs would naturally be put down and the owner would go to prison without bail under some sort of assault charge.
But often times I have seen it where the dog attacks someones pet or a child and somehow the dog is STILL ALLOWED TO LIVE.
I cannot for the life of me understand why a vicious dog is allowed to live? If a human would go to prison for it, a dog should be put down for it.

No. 2318138

See this is what I can't understand, as soon as ANY dog exhibits ANY sign of aggression, it should be given a dose of blapblap immediately. Aggressive dogs are tantamount to dangerous weapons. Unpredictable ones, like a time-delay fragmentation grenade that's had the pin pulled; you don't know when it's going to explode. At what point did we start prioritising these violent, unstable and useless animals over human life and welfare? Like what am I missing here? It should be a no-brainer.

No. 2318572

My city's subreddit ALMOST gets it right.
>please remember to keep ALL dogs on a leash
>"Because my precious fido is reactive and if a prey animal, child, or other dog gets near it causes bad reactions problems for my poor faceeater who I did not train to be in the general public!"
Lmao, I got downvoted to hell when I replied that reactive and aggressive dogs aren't entitled to be out in public settings and that maybe humans are entitled to assuming a degree of safety instead.

No. 2318674

I mean if you killed a dog as soon as it attacked a human or someone's pet it would make more dogfags think twice before getting a giant murder beast.
ALL aggressive dogs should be put down. I dont care if they are traumatized or whatever. That just means they are feral.

No. 2318719

I just found out my cousin found a random pit mix on the streets and took it in. He bit his mom's tiny dog and almost killed it. I can't believe he is that retarded.

No. 2318752

I don’t think shitbulls deserve pity for their existence. They are intentionally bred to be defective monsters without an ounce of affection or intelligence. Nothing in the world can change that and the only humane and logical conclusion is to mass cull them and heavily penalize owning/breeding them, allowing them to be shot on sight like the invasive species they’ve become. I despise the people who breed and advocate for them like morons or who falsely equate their behaviors to just “normal dog stuff”. It’s in their DNA to attack without giving any warning signs and even to do so while wagging their tails, which in any other breed’s language is a sign of happiness and friendliness. The only good shitbull is a dead shitbull and more people should realize that instead of being bleeding heart pussies about the issue. Unfortunately I think there’s little we can do to deter retards and psychos from owning these living piles of excrement; no amount of BSL, free neuter/spray clinics, dead children and pets will convince them. Pitfags have the actual parasites in their brains that catfags get accused of having because they’re huffing pibble farts all day.

No. 2318786

I agree 100%. Catfags don't get other human beings killed, pitfags do. These fugly worthless piece of shit mutts deserve nothing but extermination and their owners deserve nothing but criminal charges. I have no sympathy for the dysgenic retarded animals, they are literally man-made, their existence has no benefit to anyone or anything. Cull them all.

No. 2318829

File: 1734996507533.jpg (494.21 KB, 1428x1630, karma.jpg)

A shitbull and its owner fucked around and found out.

>Shitbull attacks delivery guy

>Gets injured in the process
>Just as worthless shitbull owner is now bitching about vet bills

It wasnt detailed what exactly happened but commentors suspect the delivery guy slammed the dogs legs in the van door when it attacked. Also this shitbull owner can't spell, not a shock.

And on that note Merry Christmas and happy new year!

No. 2319021

I basically agree with you, but tail wagging isn't as simple as "happy" even in non-pit breeds. Brisk wagging or tail whipping is a high arousal thing, so I would caution against nonas universally interpreting wagging as a sign that a given dog is friendly/okay to touch or come close to.

No. 2319107

Touching any dog you are not familiar with, irrespective of how "friendly" it appears, is daft. Just don't be a retard around animals.

No. 2319907

>go to the ER last night for persistent nosebleed
>guy comes in
>blood all over his shirt
>screaming about how he's bleeding and needs to be wrapped up
>gets aggressive with the front desk asking why they need to know information about him
>security called
>guy keeps swearing at everyone, they decide to wrap his hand up right there in the lobby because he's bleeding all over the counter and the floor
>security/nurses ask him what happened
>he says his pitbull bit him and wouldn't let go
>is told he'll have to wait for treatment
>starts cussing and insulting the staff again and says he's just going to leave
>gets advised he should stay because apparently so much skin was torn that his bone was visible
>he keeps cussing and walks out

i think pitbull owners deserve it tbh

No. 2319932

They need to get his info and kill his dog.
Holy shit these people are zombies. How can you let a dog bite you down to the bone and just be too ashamed to admit it?

No. 2319935

I feel so bad for delivery drivers. This cunt either let her poorly trained shitbeast out to attack this poor guy or neglects the dog and lets it run wild all over the place, free to get hit by a car.

If they are free to neglect this crimes against nature we should be free to shoot, shovel, and shut up

No. 2319975

>It’s in their DNA to attack without giving any warning signs
I agree with you but this one bit is a myth. It comes from those pitfags swearing up and down that their precious pit was a total angel prior to an attack, while it most likely gave signs that they didn't want to read. The thing is that it's very unlikely that a dog bred for aggression somehow evolved to conciously restrain their body language to attack. The problem is that people can't read dog expressions properly.
Even you said that tail wagging means that the dog is happy when that isn't true, and this goes for every dog. In the same vein people mistake dogs resource guarding as just guarding, or "smiling" with visible teeth as a happy quirky behaviour, sneezing repeatedly as the dog having a cold, or licking lips as something tied to hunger.

No. 2320369

how do i convince my sister with 2 messy screaming toddlers that getting a shitbull is a huge mistake

No. 2320804

I've seen a video of a shitbull that goes from 0 aggression tail wagging to lunging and snapping at a police officer in 0.1 seconds and gets shot, he even asks the owner if the dog is friendly and yeah. I do think there's truth in it

Show her this >>2316835 video.

No. 2321051

Why does she even want one?don’t tell me she bought into the nanny dog myth. If so maybe it’s good if her offspring are killed, sorry to say. It’s natural selection and people like that are too stupid to reproduce.

No. 2321271

Watch how this incident will be completely erased from his memory and he'll insist the dog is a gently nanny dog who would never attack anybody.

No. 2321304

>fat fucking ~DiSaBLeD~ quirk chungus
nona kekkkk

No. 2322888

File: 1735330495567.jpg (1.38 MB, 3690x1840, waste of space.jpg)

Pitfags in shelters seem to be even more psychotic than the average dog nutter

Tl:dr this dog ended up being adopted by a professional dog trainer but then returned stating this dog had no chance of being rehabilitated because it was too violent and untrainable. So now the shelter, rather than putting down this dangerous dog wants to spend 10k sending it to a "sanctuary" (also I imagine in the long run it may cost more depending on how long the dog lives)

PT 1

No. 2322894

File: 1735330678017.jpg (721.17 KB, 1535x2652, replies 1.jpg)

Forgot to say I got this from reddit and wanted to include some of the replies because I suspected as much but its been confirmed by previous shelter staff that pitbull are placed above cats and even other dogs because of their need to play the victim.

PT 2/3

No. 2322896

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No. 2322978

It's disgusting and infuriating to think about. I wish more people could call this out publicly as the common fact it is instead of having to stick to specific groups for fear of being dogpiled by mouthbreathing pitnutters. Just as said upthread, pits are an invasive species that needs to be culled for the good of humanity as a whole. They are outbreeding and replacing perfectly good companion dogs in these warehouses until there's nothing else left and pits just become accepted as the generic, general dog (which is very much the modus operandi of the dogmen and pit advocacy cult).

No. 2323211

unfortunately she might not realize how much of a mistake it is until she has one less toddler, and even then it's a toss up

No. 2323259

Tell her to foster a smaller dog first to get the kids used to having a dog in the house. When she sees that it's pissing and shitting everywhere and won't shut the fuck up, she might change her mind. Remind her that pits are bigger dogs, so they eat more, shit more, climb on all the furniture that the little dog can't reach, and need waaaaaay longer walks.
If you start out by showing her the damage shitbulls do she might dismiss it as the kid provoking the dog, or it being an issue with just that one pit, or the owner being negligent.

No. 2323739

It seems like certain kinds of women with mental problems tend to zero in on a particular big dog breed and obsess over it like a status symbol, husband, child, and religion all rolled into one. They definitely think the world sees some kind of prestige in their ownership of a specific large dog. It's just awful that this got routed into obsessing over the most violent, low quality, and easily available breed possible. If they had stuck with huskies and "wolf dogs" it wouldn't have mattered because those don't wind up in shelters.

No. 2324764

File: 1735480477354.jpeg (210.14 KB, 1170x1050, IMG_2372.jpeg)

Totally sane commentary from someone who claims to love dogs. Comment is under a video of an elderly off leash dog getting attacked by a gang of dogs because the owner wasn’t paying any attention and walking ahead of the unleashed dog. Owner is hailed as a “heroic woman” for throwing herself on her unleashed dog being attacked lol

No. 2325622

Daily reminder not to start a relationship with a guy with a dog. We can’t even close a door on this fucking thing.

No. 2325731

I'm so sorry nonna that's a nightmare. They're like smelly, gross surveillance creatures that follow you even to the bathroom.

No. 2325739

It's a pack of violent dogs that may or may not have rabies. I'm with the commenter on this one, they're dangerous animals that need to be removed, they could attack a child.

No. 2325746

The following you around is adorable until they start becoming a total cockblock. My bf got this dog after a bad breakup and coddled it, he never considered how it’s needy behaviour would affect a future relationship. Luckily he’s working on it. It’s a spoilt brat. It’s used to getting whatever it wants by crying.

No. 2325964

File: 1735579527672.jpeg (662.33 KB, 1125x1411, F446679E-269D-4077-8288-745F9B…)

My dumbass brother is moving in with his discord boyfriend in a new city. They are going to adopt a dog and are hellbent on it being a husky (gross). I live with our mom while attending grad school, my cat is also here with me. The cat is the chillest, friendliest cat you could imagine but is scared shitless of his shadow. He was given up by his previous owners because they got a dog and the cat did not adapt well to a home with a dog. So what does my idiot brother think he’s going to do when visiting us? Bring his dumbass dog that will have a high prey drive. Literally in what world would you just assume that is okay?? He then had the nerve to say the cat would be fine around the dog. How stupid and selfish can you be.

No. 2326155

So many dog owners are like this… everyone has to adjust to their dog, they have no concern for people's boundaries, and they assert their wants over the needs of those around them because they can't possibly fathom someone would not be okay with their dog. You're going to have to confine your cat to a locked room with food and water plus litter (depending on how long he insists on being there). I have the feeling he's the type to want the dog for the aesthetic and meme potential rather than the type who's willing to put in the work to adequately train and keep the dog occupied so it doesn't tear shit up around the house.

No. 2326162

>New couple move into my apartment building
>They own a dog
>Suddenly there's dog shit all over the place - hallways, front yard, stairwells, parking lot.
>Knock on their door to tell them they need to pick up their dog's shit
>"How do you know it's us!! Never talk to us again, we will sue you for this libel!!"
>Call property manager to complain about the retarded couple in 3B not picking up their dog's shit
>Day after I call, there's suddenly no more dog shit

Why are all dog owners so retarded? I seriously don't understand why they even get dogs if they don't wanna pick up its shit for the next 10 years. Even if a the dog in question is quiet and well-behaved, dog owners will still find a way to make themselves public enemies.

I'll bet they'll break up before they manage to get a shit beast. I can't imagine moving in with someone I met on Discord of all places. Moids are so retarded.

No. 2326164

… again, how do you define "0 aggression"? Because of the tail wagging and the owner saying it's friendly? That's bullshit and that's another example of people and dog owners not being able to read dog body language while insisting on being around dogs. Tail wagging does not always mean "happy dog", and even a happy dog can turn aggressive very fast if a person does something that it interprets as dangerous. An example of this is people (and kids watched by their parents!) reaching to pet an unfamiliar dog on the head, while that's a thing dogs often tolerate from their owners but will interpret as dangerous/disrespectful/annoying from a stranger. I've even seen people kneeling over and putting their faces way too close to an unfamiliar dog, and that's something you should never do with any animal period.

Males being obsessed with huskies always come off as weird to me. There's something sick about them.

No. 2326256

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Thanks for the support nonnies. My brother is a mess for a bunch of reasons, the discord boyfriend is just scratching the surface. Thankfully my mom and I have already completely shutdown the idea of him bringing the dog with him which he had the nerve to be shocked by. He’s definitely getting a husky for aesthetic reasons because he and his boyfriend are furries. The only worse choice they could make would be a pitbull. Because they are living in a city too I doubt the dog will get the necessary amount of stimulation and exercise as working types really need. Everyone will be miserable but thankfully it won’t be me, my mom, or my cat. I’ll commit crimes before letting him bring that thing into this home.

No. 2326259

Your brother is gay and a furry? Post about him in the personal lolcow thread I beg.

No. 2326270

Men obsessed with huskies are either "muh inner masculine wolf goes AWOO" retards with aggressive viking fantasies, or zoophiles.

No. 2326422

Not a new video but popped back up on youtube for me. I cant find the original but yeah agree with this guy typical dogfag laughing at people getting mauled by dogs only to turn around and start crying when we fight back.

I'm also impressed this guy managed to paralyse them with these boards i've heard its very hard to stop pitbulls.

No. 2326594

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I legitimately do not think I could fit all of it in one post. I’ll give you some noteworthy points.
>AGP TiM who got breast implants larger than his head. Is 6’4. Will never pass.
>Is so autistic that he was in constant danger of losing his job because no one wanted to work with him.
>Commissions furry art of his fursona that isn’t even good. Imagine picrel but with a wolf.
>Took him 8 years to get a bachelors degree.

No. 2326925

One of the worst things about so many dog owners is how they assume everyone is impressed by their large destructive animal, so it's fine to impose on other people. It's very childish thinking, literally thinking like a child.

No. 2327069

That level of violent fantasy mixed with “my dogs are exempt from that” on a video of an owner being retarded is not something you want to agree with. Yeah we pretty much all want them gone itt but context matters.

No. 2327070

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Multiple layers of wtf here

No. 2327347

One thing that kills me about dog people is how some of them will spend hundreds of dollars, sometimes even many thousands, on a specific breed of dog, then dump or abandon them. I know somebody who was pushed into taking care of an acquaintance's "beloved" purebred dog while the owner was on deployment. Guess who snuck back home and avoided ever reclaiming her dog. It would have been so much easier to just sell it to the next dog fag, not scam another person into a massive favor and then screw them over.

No. 2327946

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No. 2327952

>Reduces breed stigma
yeah exactly in the same way cute hybistrophile edits of serial killers reduce murderer stigma

No. 2327958

There’s something non-PC you could say about pitbull defenders. Honestly they remind me of boymoms who defend their rapist sims instead they defend their slobbering violent mutt to kill children

No. 2327990

My full dog hate origin story is this one incident I was cycling home at night and noticed I was being chased. Saw it was a pit and was like.. OK who do you belong to?
Stopped. Walked it to mine wondering what to do. Grew up with one kind of, so was a bit less scared of them.
Got it home, noone else was in.
Then it started trying to hump me. I despise any dog as soon as it does that, but this felt like a legit dangerous situation. Then I panicked and shepared it into the front yard between the door and street gate.
At that exact moment two women were walking home form the pub. One was a big butch lass who was like "ill have it". Thank god.
It was a weird as fuck situation over in like 10 minutes but the feeling in the kitchen of being in danger of being lolraped by a pitbull was a life changing moment of searing hatred for them.
Duh end.

No. 2329139

>spend hundreds of dollars, sometimes even many thousands, on a specific breed of dog
The vanity is infuriating. You can get a puppy for free just by browsing the Internet/the local newspaper.

>>Day after I call, there's suddenly no more dog shit
This type only understands fear. Keep doing that.

>he and his boyfriend are furries
I'm so sorry.

No. 2329489

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Not only did her retard father own three pit bulls he also made her sleep on the couch, while he slept in his closed room. He wanted this baby to murdered. I hate moid pittfags the most.

No. 2329663

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They're censoring this hard and saying they're "terriers". Imagine your need to be masculine via owning actual monsters is greater than your instinct to prevent tragedy to your own child. Daily reminder that pitbulls killed more kids in one year than covid did. Daily reminder they usually maul their own owners family, no "training" required.

No. 2329758

The moid should be forced to watch his shitmutts get executed via a face full of blapblap as they slowly bleed out with a dying whine. I don't intentionally search out vids of shitbulls getting retaliated against, but I can't say it's not satisfying to see them get what they deserve when I do come across one. I'd choose that over the screams of their victims any day.

No. 2329766

>boyfriend is from discord
>both are furries
>he wants to get a husky
Anon I want you to know that any husky-like dog that goes near your brother or his boyfriend has a very high chance of getting raped. Not letting him get a dog would be the best for you and the dog.

No. 2329870

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I've never understood the appeal of these ugly dogs especially as it seems you have to constantly be on guard in case it tries to kill something, including you.

No. 2329873

I don't hate dogs as a whole, but I hate pitbulls so fucking much, and the pitbull defenders that come out of the woods to defend this breed to the end of time. I can imagine the comments on this article.

No. 2329891

I’m aware. He’s also a TiM so I think his proclivities might be a bit more varied than the classic gay furry. He won’t listen to what I say and I don’t entertain dog talk of any kind regardless, so there isn’t much I can do nona.

No. 2330443

This tiny woman with a giant unneutered shitbull was out today near my property walking it. I always cross the street when I see her and I hate when she comes to my comple. I really want to make stickers of dogsbite.com and tape them to the dog shit bag dispenser near her apartment kek

No. 2330690

>Anybody wants a murder beast which I can't deal with anymore?
You agreed to house this parasite, don't unload the burden on somebody else now.

He'll never face prison, because we live in a world that hates children, but coddles moids.

No. 2330766

Well in this case only, I hope the dog does its thing and bites his balls off. That's the only time dog maulings are based, when they target men.

No. 2331374

File: 1735940912717.jpg (228.33 KB, 1193x1039, put him down with the dogs.jpg)

I know this is just repeating what you are saying but posting because other people have clocked onto this too. Pitbulls and deranged moids are the same, and society need to stop humanising them both.

No. 2331375

You should. I think the sticker idea is actually genius. Stay safe out there.

No. 2331376

Omg, three pitbills with zero supervision? He killed her. All three dogs need to be put down, and he needs to be in prison. RIP to that poor little girl. This is heart breaking

No. 2331496

There was someone who posted on 4chan about how he would pick up/adopt shitbulls on craigslist and then he bragged about how he would immediately have them euthanized.

I still think about him from time to time.

No. 2331502

I also don't seek out the shitbull snuff vids, but I'm not gonna lie… I feel a sense of satisfaction when those miserable creatures are taken out.
It really is fucked up how hard those dogs are to kill. Oftentimes the dogs keep going even after they've been shot like 3 times and still wag their tails as they lay there bleeding out after being turned into swiss cheese.

I hate animal gore, and despise animal abuse. But I feel like these braindead bloodthirsty creatures existing is a form of animal abuse.

No. 2331595

imo (as someone who worked in pet care) dogs should be banned or very heavily regulated from cities (with maybe some exceptions for legitimate service dogs like for the blind, diabetic, etc. Not that 'emotional support' bullshit).
Very few people, especially in urban environments, are fit to have dogs of any breed. At least in rural areas if you neglect your dog and it runs off its more likely to get shot or run over before it actually harms another human being.
Even as someone who directly economically benefitted from dog nuttery, I think for the sake of morality they should be heavily restricted with severe consequences for anyone who tries to own/breed/sell a dog beyond those very strict qualifications for owning a dog in an urban environment.

Also we need to go back to banning dogs from apartment buildings.

No. 2331604

he absolutely hated her mother and hated having to bother with his child. not even a vicious hatred, just complete apathy at having to do anything in his life he didn't want to. i hope he at least wore noise cancelling headphones. it would be cowardly but better than surely hearing your child torn apart by your dogs.

No. 2331662

Actually a good person.

No. 2332088

This actually would be a charitable act - they are using their own money to do good. Sadly, it was most likely a troll.

No. 2332550

Last time I was looking for an apartment I couldn’t find one that banned just dogs. The best I could do was find one that had an extensive banned breed list.

No. 2332732

I'd pay an extra 100 a month for a no dog apartment. I think I've gone insane from working 3rd shift and trying to sleep through barking

I've said this before- a pitbull is a legal way to kill someone, just like the accidental hot car deaths that arent so accidental. I watched a show detailing feuds against neighbors and one person was constantly antagonized by their schizo moid neighbor, the dogs eventually killed them and the owner got off, zero charges.

No. 2332760

Can't wait to adopt one with "separation anxiety" so I can hack at it with a machete(alogging)

No. 2332820

I hate how dog owners constantly send pictures of their dog like I give a fuck that it’s laying on a different pillow than it was two hours ago. What am I even supposed to reply with? Ooh aww soooo cute wooo fuck off

No. 2332892

Poor future dog, your brother and his boyfriend are definitely going to rape it

No. 2333022

Serious question, has anyone else noticed that lesbians love shitbulls? Every lesbian I know owns one of these monstrosities, even the ones with kids. It's like they think a big tough misunderstood dog is some kind of kindred spirit with them because they deal with assumptions about being a butch woman or some shit. Completely embarrassing, I was promised lesbians love CATS and am disappointed to observe how many of them are in fact pitcucks. WHY would you be lucky enough to escape the hell of cohabitating with an unpredictable and violent beast (males kek) and then just voluntarily add a different kind to your home for shits and giggles? Why.

No. 2333444

That sucks. I figured the lesbians who own shitbulls are weird gendie lesbians who will fuck trannies because somehow a penis in a skirt is also a woman now.

I'm not a lesbian but I grew up around some. The only one I keep in contact with is definitely a hard-core cat lady. Not a million cats crazy cat lady but will send a shitload of cat memes/photos. AFAIK she's married to a cute country redhead rn.

I wonder if there are pinkpilled terf lesbians who own shitbulls.

No. 2333462

Yes I’ve noticed this. They’re usually the crunchy, weekend trail warrior types in my experience. Something about the allure of giving a stable home to a broken and abused animal maybe?

No. 2333519

I think it’s partially about wanting rehabilitate a creature “rejected” by society, and partially about wanting a scary animal for protection. I wouldn’t do this myself but I can understand the desire to have a beast that trusts me and only me. Would certainly make me feel safer if break-ins were more common where I live.

No. 2333652

Pitfags ignore the no pit bull rule in my complex. Two moids own shitbulls and one of them purposefully walks their beast in the morning when elementary kids line up for the bus stop. Once I walked out in the morning and visibly froze when I saw the man walking his beast. The evil moid just laughed at my discomfort when this retard could barely hold onto the dog. Making a complaint won’t do shit, and the moids are skinny as fuck.

No. 2334009

God that fucking sucks. These fucking entitled shitheads just don't give a fuck about anyone else

No. 2334015

>white trash dad
>also owns pitbull because he’s a retarded poorfag who can’t spend money on cars like typical normie scrotes do when they need to objectify and control things
>separated parents
>m*xed race child
It was over for that poor girl before it even began(do not self censor on lolcow)

No. 2334016

Two words: drain cleaner. Also two words: pet bowl. Also two words: shoot it(a-logging)

No. 2334093

What a beautiful little girl, this breaks my heart. I want that scrote to be eaten alive by his shitbulls. I hate men so much

No. 2334113

>You can get a puppy for free just by browsing the Internet/the local newspaper
most shelters are now infected with shitbull mixes they call "lab mixes" or whatever they can come up with, say the dog is not good with kids or other pets (probably has eaten a cat or two and biten a child) and try to pass it onto some clueless person trying to get a dog. non shitbull mixes and actual pedigree dogs get adopted immediately and often by people who work in the shelters or know someone in there. I saw a reddit post of someone who went to a shelter for a cat and was offered some shitbull instead because no-kill shelters are becoming more and more prevalent. it's grim.

No. 2334493

These people are too nice, a gun is the only solution to this shit. If a stray dog is on your property, it's your right to shoot it.

No. 2334496

these make me enraged. horses are so sweet and intelligent and emotional, and they're strong enough to kill almost anything that approaches them but they usually don't want to resort to that. i've seen horses being bitten by shitbulls who keep trying to just get away rather than stomp the beast to death. i wish all shitbulls a slow death by broken spine.

No. 2334520

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This is so true

No. 2334534

No. 2339745

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Victoria said: "This dog is regularly being walked without [a lead or collar]. I've had people message me since, saying it's attacked them in the past."
She said she was not looking for the dog to be destroyed, but thought it needed to be monitored, which was the responsibility of its owner.
"I've made a fuss about this because there's three local schools that back onto that park and he's walking the dog at times where the kids go in and out," she added.

How stupid can you be? Only logical option is to kill the dog and put that scrote in prison. He already knows it’s dangerous and has seen it attack multiple people yet still walks it without a lead, they think a stern talking to will help? He doesn’t care! But yes let’s keep this worthless beast alive.

No. 2339775

Obligatory “I don’t hate all dogs BUT-“ I hate pitbulls and think the breed should be banned.
Yep, happened to me too. Went to the shelter to find a cat (which we did!) but when walking by the dogs it was like 99% pitbulls and obvious pitbull mixes, and they all said “lab mix”. I used to work at a dog groomer, and every time a customer’s file said “lab mix” we’d all groan because we knew it would be a big retarded pitbull that would be frustrating and terrifying to work with. And of course, the pitbull owners tended to be the types that NEVER train their dogs, or take care of their dog’s hygiene or trim or grind their nails, so they’d leave us with a huge, crazy, filthy pitbull to bathe and trim its nails and it’s freaking the fuck out because nobody has touched their paws before. God I’m glad I left that job.
And what the fuck is even the appeal of these dogs? For the people who aren’t trying to look “hard” or gangster or whatever, why do they keep adopting them? Is it like virtue signaling? The dogs have no appeal, they’re not cute and they’re absolutely vile to look at.

No. 2339818

> Is it like virtue signaling?
Absolutely. That’s what it is. “I have more empathy and compassion than everyone else, they care more about their own self preservation and their families safety than a dog, which makes them evil “

No. 2339840

It's a combination of self grandiose virtue signaling from narcissistic bleeding hearts. These people could also just not be liked by most people (probably due to being obnoxious to be around) so they think the murder dogs are still heckin pupperinos on the inside and all dogs go to heaven and blah blah blah.

I agree, it's not all dogs, but once you go down the shitbull hating path, you realize that somewhere in the ballpark of 70-90% of people who have dogs have no business owning one. They use dogs as a surrogate human companion since dogs are physically incapable of criticizing them (aka perfect to project a personality onto), and instead of getting a cat or something they NEED a pack animal that was bred to be hyper dependent on humans and obeys their every command.

Anyone who wants to own a dog needs to go through rigorous testing to see if they want a DOG or
A: An object to neglect/abuse
B: A human to neglect/abuse

Also we need to normalize euthanizing shit dogs. "Lab mixes" should get the PETA treatment

No. 2340064

There should be dog licenses for dogs over a certain size.

No. 2340134

Ever notice that all these sites describe pits/shartfordshire terrier whatevers as "actually very sweet"? Sweet, sweet, sweet. That's all I've ever heard people use to describe them. What does the word even mean? It's so empty and non descript. I straight up do not trust these organizations because they all say this. Actual vets, groomers like above anon, seem to know what's up. Not to mention actual statistics. These lies are ending lives, it's so fucked up and should be illegal

No. 2340941

As someone who, while I hate dogs, don't actually wish ill will upon them as they are just retarded, inbred animals, I think there needs to be licenses for ALL dogs for reasons like this. Like I get that this vid, white a horrendous example of animal neglect, isn't actually a danger to the greater public, but like I still think we need regulations to at the very least minimize shit like this from happening.
Most people should not own dogs, most people can hardly take care of themselves.

No. 2340960

Notice how everyone conveniently forgets about the hordes of straight men who are not only pitnutters but actually enjoy killing with the dogs and molesting them. But no, it’s the le heckin’ white gay bisexual women! It’s worse when women do it because they’re women! Come to your senses retards

No. 2340972

Jeez what a pickme

No. 2340983

You need to pass a couple of tests in order to be allowed to own a dog above a certain size where I live and even this almost never stops idiots from owning big strong dogs they cannot take care of. Most of these breeds also must be muzzled in public here and yet nobody seems to care if they are not. But I still support the idea that every dog owner should be required to take these tests and maybe take a couple of classes.

No. 2341019

Most people who get a dog truly do not want a dog. I partly blame Hollywood, millennials grew up with a ton of dumb ass children's movies with dog central characters, but as kids we didn't really understand that real dogs aren't like that, and movies never show your ass having to spend over an hour EVERY SINGLE DAY cleaning and tending to the fucking dog. This was something my mom tried over and over to explain to my brother, but he desperately wanted a peen enhancing pet, so she eventually relented when he "found" a dog and promised to take care of it. It went exactly how you would expect. On the plus side, I learned early that males shirk responsibility for the messes they cause.

No. 2341083

>An example of this is people (and kids watched by their parents!) reaching to pet an unfamiliar dog on the head, while that's a thing dogs often tolerate from their owners but will interpret as dangerous/disrespectful/annoying from a stranger.
A lot of dog owners don’t even seem to understand this and get offended when I tell my very young daughter not to run up and touch dogs we don’t know.
>He’s really sweet though! He wouldn’t hurt a fly!!
He’s still an animal with teeth with an instinct to bite in self defence. You can’t entirely breed or train that out of any animal and most of these are small to medium sized dogs that their owners don’t bother to train at all because “they’re harmless”.
On that note I wish people would stop bringing their anxious, snappy dogs to school pickup. It’s immensely crowded and chaotic with small children running around and there’s always 2-3 people with yapping, snarling little stressed out dogs standing in the middle of the main pathways that everyone else has to swerve to avoid. I’ve never had a dog but is it really impossible to leave them in the car for ten minutes, or just not bring them? Can they not stay home alone for any length of time?

No. 2341440

Indeed, even if it is true we can say that the reasons for these actions are very different with each demographic (not that it makes it much better, both are awful reasons) but its worth pointing out.

No. 2341471

Airbud ruined an entire generation….

No. 2342815

Wow who'd have thought a freeloading benefit grifter would be responsible for such a crime.

No. 2342823

No. 2342856

Tell her you like the current arrangement of your face and that you will not be visitng her home going forward.

No. 2343403

I fucking despise whoever let this happen. Shelters will not let you adopt a puppy or kitten and take it home intact, not even if you prearrange a spay/neuter at an appropriate date. You have to do the surgery way too early and fuck up the animal physically. YET some asshole did let somebody walk out of a shelter with at least a half dozen intact shitbulls. Shelters are willing to bend any rule for this shitty breed.

No. 2343411

Trash dogs get the trash treatment. Why waste money on them? With a bit of luck the bitch will cannibalise her offspring.

No. 2343477

i hate pitbulls but this is just gross to say anon. i want the breed to go extinct not for them to suffer

No. 2344547

>the dodo
didn't they post a vid of "a polar bear a heckin pupperino are friends!" but it was actually a bear pawing at a tied up dog before eating it?

No. 2344553

The dodo is terrible

No. 2344557

This is fucking stupid and unethical

No. 2344562

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first comment liked by the creator is so stupid. this is cruel.

No. 2344800

I know this is 3 months old but wtf is this "MURDERED JUST BECAUSE OF THEIR COLOR" shit?
They were euthanized because no one wants a violent shitbeast with a history of mauling

No. 2344868

They spread more shitbull propaganda than anyone else, they actually have an agenda

Pitfags are trying so hard to equate hating these creatures to actual racism or invent fake ass lore like people hate/are superstitious of black dogs they way they are of black cats, a thing with a very long history.

No. 2344912

Some people hate and harm black cats because of their apparent ties to witchcraft. I hear people say “keep your black cats inside on halloween!” I don’t know if this is still true in 2025 outside of crack addled schizos but it certainly used to be. Pitfags are trying to adopt this for themselves even though it’s blatantly untrue. Nobody has ever done shit to a dog just because it’s black.

No. 2346326

I love dogs but I don't like Pitbulls. Simple as.

No. 2346336

I find them equating a dog they intentionally bred to be violent and retarded to marginalized races of human beings to be the most racist fucking shit I have ever heard in my fucking life.
And yeah, the black cat hate is legit. I mean cat hate among euro anglos is pretty historically fucked up. It was super common for ye old europeans to torture cats and proudly document it.
No one refuses to get a black shitbull with a history of aggression because it's black. Literally no one is like "oh well I guess i'll get the WHITE murder beast with a history of aggression" Even pitnutters aren't THAT retarded. they just get whatever they think will maul their kids/neighbors small pets/livestock the best

No. 2346974

Dog nutters are awful but the childfree ones are the worst. It’s always “Children are so expensive!!!” but always seem to have enough money for dogs. I guess they know what their priorities are.

No. 2347376

They hate that children have their own minds and don’t want to sit at their feet and stare at them with vacant eyes all day, they hate that a child grows up into an adult that will be able to call them on their shit. They hate that children will be able to go out the house independently and form an opinion of them in relation to the rest of the world. A dog will always “love” you because it hasn’t the capacity to do anything else, and it doesn’t really love you, it’s just seeking food.

No. 2347443

A dog is a perfect validation machine for these people. They don't need to inflict their narcissism and self-centredness on other people, specifically their potential children.

No. 2348081

Dogs are cognizant enough to understand their names and certain commands.

No. 2349375

Another kid mauled to death by a shitbull.

No. 2349390

The worst are dog nutters who hate children. I ran into a video a while back where an ugly english bulldog slid ontop of a toddler trying to go on the playground slide. The comments were all about laughing and praising the dog. Dog people who hate children are the biggest red flag. I dont have kids, but I dont wish to see kids get hurt by dogs for 'fun'

No. 2349394

It will never stop until we openly and actively kill shitbulls. I'm so tired of this news and nothing is done. Kill all shitbulls. All of them.

No. 2349398

This is insane level of self victimizing.

The cali wildfire people are throwing fits they cant take their 3 dogs into a hotel. Hotels shouldnt have to allow dogs, the same way shelters don't. fuck off with your mutt

No. 2349427

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>Shelters are willing to bend any rule for this shitty breed.
Whataboutism but meanwhile other breed of animals are completely dying out, long lives the shitbull. A dog that looks and acts like a gangster. Pitbull owners are obsessed with their pet.
I went on a walk and saw 3 pitbulls in the area, so no longer want to walk there. They always bark like rabid dogs, perking up and standing on the fence as if they are ready to immediately maul you the moment they are free. One of them was in a typical pitbull owner yard. Barely functional fence, accumulating rotting furniture and various car parts scattered around it. They tie the shitbull to a chain outside to intimidate potential thieves. Stealing what of worth?

No. 2349577

Carry bear mace and a knife next time.

No. 2349597

We should have a nationwide shitbull culling event once or twice a year where we exercise our 2nd Amendment rights and clear out this invasive species like they do with a certain breed of toads in Aus.

No. 2349607

>Barely functional fence, accumulating rotting furniture and various car parts scattered around it
It's cruel and unsafe to keep an animal in an enclosure like this. Wastoids who live like this shouldn't be allowed to have pets.

No. 2349999

It's 53 degrees tonight, they can leave their dogs in the car overnight. They won't be hurt. I never understand why people with cars fly off the handle about this after natural disasters. If it's not blazing hot the dog can stay in your car. If 100 people are sleeping on cots in a bingo hall, they really don't need animals added to that mess.

No. 2350012

I saw the same video. It literally charged right into him and he face planted the floor.. the comments were a bunch of meathead looking scrotes going “he shouldn’t have got in the way!”

No. 2352273

>Stealing what of worth?
That 2g of cocaine, probably.

No. 2352812

I don’t understand people who sleep with their dogs. They smell bad and they shed.

No. 2352928

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I never post itt but now I have to. this is the dumbest looking dog I've ever seen. this looks like a bad drawing of a dog come to life.

No. 2353040

File: 1737260263807.webp (188.31 KB, 1080x2045, thoughts-v0-a1csu52v0lce1.webp)

Dogfags are as whiny as their pets.

No. 2353054

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>Single dog mother

No. 2353091

Is she trying to say she usually gets a dog sitter just to leave the house for a couple of hours, and this was a rare occasion she couldn't?? Seems like bullshit, nobody would do that and shouldn't be expected to. She should get her dogs separation anxiety under control instead, but I see she didn't mention any sort of training or medication or method she might be trying to fix the issue. Crazy she thinks the solution is just having someone home 24/7.

No. 2354091

File: 1737310483215.gif (9.6 KB, 300x207, 5d0ef729d17b26f8d55b3add0455be…)

>neighbors have 7 huskies for years
>keep them fenced in the front yard
>dogs disappear randomly
>they then have 2 mutt dogs and only 1 husky for several months
>dogs disappear again
>now they have 7 German Shepards
I want to know what they're doing with all these damn dogs

No. 2354114

These people will force everyone to put up with their destructive beast of a pet because “he’s a good boy that loves unconditionally!!!” But they force them to lead shitty boring lives and trade them around like Pokémon cards when they get bored. I could probably cope with the cacophonous howls of 7 huskies a lot better if I honestly believed that the owners loved and were taking care of them, but they force animals to live a life of neglect. I have never hated dogs, I just find SOME of them overbearing and annoying, but I hate with a fiery passion, people like this. I actually think they’re dumber and lower class than the dogs they force to live in a shit infested back yard.

No. 2354219

>I actually think they’re dumber and lower class than the dogs they force to live in a shit infested back yard.
I don't think this. I know this to be irrefutable fact.

No. 2355107

>I have never hated dogs, I just find SOME of them overbearing and annoying, but I hate with a fiery passion, people like this.
This. If the owners just made intelligent choices and actually trained their dogs, 99% of the problems would be gone. But they don't. They get outdoor work animals, don't train or exercise them, and shove them into a house with a 10×20 foot back yard. Or they get little yappy bastards and reverse train them to be even more horrible.

No. 2356231

Dog nutters will tell you that if you hate dogs, you must be a Muslim shitskin terrorist because they hate dogs.

No. 2360351

File: 1737578586405.webp (64.43 KB, 1080x704, owner-proudly-brags-about-how-…)

Pitnutters are as psychotic as their shitbeasts (yes, this is from reddit hence why its censored)

IKR the fucking DELUSION.

No, I think shes delusional to think people will sympathise with her if she called herself a "dogmother" and is trying to make herself the victim in this public post.

No. 2363235

Dog owners are so weirdly sadistic about other animals and even children. I genuinely think that dogs are so needy and demanding that they just sap all their owners empathy and energy and rewire their brain the way a newborn rewires it’s mothers to just be totally in tune to them at all times and ignore everyone else. This is part of why dog owners make such poor partners. They never seek affection, they just sit and wait for it to be given to them because that’s what they’re used to with dogs. They ignore their partners discomfort if it means the dog gets to do what it wants because as I said their brain is wired like the mother of a newborn. The sound of their dog whinging in slight discomfort at being shut out of a room is agony to them even though it’s not urgent like a babies cry, it’s just a parasitic brat of an animal trying to get what it wants because it’s incapable of seeing further than that.

No. 2363322

>"stray cats"
While admitting that her shitty violent dog was out wandering the neighborhood. Bitch, your animal is the worthless stray here. It went into other people's yards and killed their pets.
You're on to something. It's like the way porn short circuits male brains and makes them completely worthless and addicted, because they get all the feel-good responses without putting the actual work in.

No. 2363465

They've probably gone to the big farm in the sky, which is where all non-pits go when they bite their owners out of anxiety and lack of training. Poor dogs, may the next batch take the owners with them.
I worked with a lady whose shitbulls and shitbull adjascent dogs kept being poisoned. Her sons did some detective work and found out it was a pensioner who did animal fostering and helped run the local wildlife shelter, taking in less injured animals that the shelter didn't have space for. They broke into her house and found a bottle of antifreeze in her shed but she didn't have a car. They also found some records with details of the rare animals she rescued, like endangered birds, and some of them had been killed by their dogs. Nobody believed it was her and AFAIK she got away scot free, if it was even her in the first place. It's insane to think that poisoning these dogs was the only way to stop them from escaping and mauling someone else's animals. They used to scare kids walking home from school too so I'm sure a lot of parents would have been happy to poison those things.

No. 2365115

You don’t need antifreeze. I hear raisins are extremely deadly for dogs and they’re so fucking stupid they’ll just wolf down any food you give them. Raisins make their kidneys shut down.

No. 2365221

File: 1737804204554.jpeg (109.87 KB, 719x526, doghate.jpeg)

I saw this and laughed. It hits almost all the points except dog violence. I hope she stands strong and doesn't get her son a dog, and doesn't show him any more dog movies.

No. 2366386

Noted… Thanks nona. Who knew that all I needed to halt retarded shitbulls in their tracks was a handful of raisins?

No. 2366841

I’m obviously not saying to use them when the dog is actively attacking nonna…

No. 2367405

No, my thanks was genuine kek. I know throwing a fistful of raisins at these murdermutts will do little more than mildly annoy them, still, having raisins on hand is a good tip that can be implemented in a variety of ways discreetly.

No. 2381260

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I hate dog people, they’re all weird and sadistic. All this over a shitbull that would probably rip off her nose if she made a sudden noise. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14342581/Tearful-mugshot-schoolgirl-organised-murder-father-stabbing-son-row-dog-jailed.html

No. 2381272

>The attacks were carried out by Leandro Lopes, then 17, and Jordan Tams, 17, but were orchestrated by Kriesha Beyonce Stroud who is just 15, Newcastle Crown Court has heard.
>The confrontation centred around Stroud's intention to retrieve a dog she believed had once belonged to a relative of hers but was now living with Mr Belfield.
>The judge told Stroud: 'This centred around the retrieval of a dog which you believed belonged to your half sister, following her relationship with Gary.'
Simps and their queen bee 'taking matters into their own hands' - never ends well. All over a worthless mutt. Peak retardation.

No. 2381275

If a 15 yr old I killing her dad there’s more going on than dogs

No. 2381281

It wasn't her dad.

No. 2381284

Yeah this hitjob seems too elaborate for just retrieving a dog something else definitely happened

No. 2381289

Schizoposting. You'll defend any scum as long as you can project your sexual abuse history onto her.

No. 2381297

Wut,I was thinking more along the lines of that she either got scammed or it was a initiation not fucking rape. I know anons are rabid here at all times but you need to recognize when I'm taking about a human and a animal

No. 2381340

>calls someone else schizo
>while making the most schizo accusation ever

No. 2381347

My neighbours have this super aggressive sheepdog that growls at everyone who walks past the fence. It's a really loud growl too like it could pass off as an old man snoring and it gives me the utter creeps. I'd rather it just bark and attack me. The retards never keep it confined either so it's out for blood whenever anyone leaves their house. I never thought I'd say something like this but that thing needs to be fucking put down.

No. 2382181

Imo there was definitely something else going on here. Both men were getting ready to go out when they were stabbed repeatedly, it'd make more sense to break in once they were gone and take the dog. All three of the kids were massively fucked in the head and the girl was a stoner since the age of 8. If you've ever spoken to a long-time stoner, even a sober one, you know that they struggle to plan a grocery shop, let alone a break in.
I think it was a gang initiation, or maybe a favor they did to get free weed/other drugs from a dealer who was smart enough not to want his own fingerprints all over the crime scene. But then again, maybe the weed fried the girl's brain so much that she thought it was a good idea to sic her moid rage apes onto her sister's ex because he had a dog. Pitnutters are insane.
The owners are fucking wastes of oxygen for having a working dog languishing in a yard where it could become a danger to others. It's bored out of its skull and clearly hasn't been trained properly. It's trying to herd people by growling at them and if it got free it'd herd them, which would probably end in a really unpleasant traffic accident because people don't like being chased by retarded dogs and the dog might not know about the dangers of traffic. That thing needs to be removed before it gets loose. I really feel bad for the dog but it's likely that it's completely fucked up from being left in this shitty situation for so long and there's not much you can do in that situation aside from the bye-bye shot, unless someone with miles of fields is willing to take it in. Dog owners who have dog breeds incompatible with their lifestyles and homes deserve all the maulings they get, tbh.

No. 2384645

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I don’t get why dog fags are constantly shilling and caping for pitbulls but are never defend or even hate chihuahuas. Chihuahuas make up a disproportion amount of dogs in shelters and are abused a lot, yet these retards only focus on ugly massive murder machines. Chihuahuas are annoying but pitbulls are annoying AND dangerous.

No. 2384657

off topic autism but The Dodo is fucking egregious when it comes to misinformation about and anthropomorphizing retarded animals.
One video that really pisses me off is this one with the rooster that supposedly lives indoors with these two quirky chungus retards.
Yeah videos cute and all until you realize that chickens shit at an average rate of 4 shits per hour and it is physically impossible for them to hold it in so they cant be house trained. They also produce a LOT of dandruff. I raised chickens in my bathroom once and it looked like a snow storm in there. They are either lying about keeping it inside or their house is COVERED in feces.
Imagine how much is left out when they post video #666 about the shitbull thats afraid of it’s farts.

No. 2384665

Kind of a derail but videos like these make people underestimate just how difficult it is to keep animals inside while also keeping the house clean. Because of family members dropping off their pets to my house or taking care of other people's animals I know how it is to take care of the most popular pets around and I can tell you that the vast majority of them get your house dirty so fucking fast. Ironically cats and dogs are the easiest (I know this is the dog hate thread but still) to keep clean because they don't constantly shit and they can be trained to hold it (cats and some dogs may have difficulties here but at least it's like 3 poops a day at most which is still too many if you're not willing to get your ass off the couch). Birds are doable if they're small and stay in the cage, otherwise they will shit on everything and also on you. Parrots and chickens are a nightmare because the former screeches non stop and destroys shit (will also kill other birds) and the chickens shit VERY often, get parasites, lose feathers everywhere and they're pretty fucking dumb honestly. Rabbits are also dumb, shit and piss constantly, chew toxic shit and they WILL step into their own poop and piss and it will get everywhere if you let them roam in the house. You can literally clean their entire cage and it will get dirty within half an hour, they will also just throw food and water around so it gets mixed in their waste. Reptiles are living salmonella dispensers so good luck with having to clean your hands every time you handle them or something in their cages, once again they have no trouble stepping in their shit or eating it, and I cringe every time I see a video of people making their lizard or bearded dragon walk on the couch or themselves. You know what maybe fish is the only low maintanance pet if you're willing to calculate whatever type of water and habitat they need.

No. 2384682

holy shit i wish there was a rabbit hate thread. I was allowed to get one when i was a retarded 12 year old and it was the worst pet i ever had. They are so fucking aggressive, chew everything, expensive messy diet, can’t be fully house trained and shit directly into their mouths. No redeeming qualities besides being cute. I heard the males are chill but the females are bitches so i tried to get a male for that reason but it turns out the retard who sold her to me got the sex wrong and it wasn’t even fixed like they said it was. I wish i had the balls to give it up but i felt guilty about my stupid decision the way a mother regrets not aborting her down syndrome retard.

No. 2384720

>I heard the males are chill but the females are bitches
I mean sure, if you don't count the males jumping around while pissing, like a fucking stream of piss (rut behaviour) and biting off pieces of ears of other male rabbits. I never had a fixed rabbit, everyone where I live keeps them unfixed so I guess that might help but they're still so dirty. I currently have a young male rabbit given to me by a cousin and his paws are permanently piss stained no matter how many times I clean the cage and add in dry rabbit litter/wood chips/hay, and you can't fucking clean rabbits because they'll shit themselves and die. At least he doesn't smell for now but I've had other rabbits and the piss smell was SO bad. Some rabbits never get used to humans so they freak out whenever they get handled too. Oh and I forgot, this fucker doesn't eat grass, I'm still trying to figure out what the fuck he wants to eat because I bought like three types of herbs/hay mixes and he won't eat them, so for now he eats seeds and carrot/spinach snacks. After having several different pets I understand why dogs and cats are the most popular ones.

No. 2384723

Pitfags have a genuine, burning hatred towards Chihuahuas in particular, always mentioning them unprovoked regarding the general perception of the two breeds, trying to shill Chihuahuas as these impossibly vile, untrainable dogs compared to their "gentle giants". There are 2 copes at play: 1) Chihuahuas, despite biting more often, cannot actually kill, their size won't allow it so they aren't dangerous at all, we all know this, but pitfags are extremely insecure of their little beats, so they try to cherrypick what little they can about Chihuahuas, who seem "easier" to humiliate because nobody will defend them, and 2) Bleeding heart + virtue signaling moment. Chihuahuas aren't a "problematic", polemic breed, so there's no point on "saving" them, you get virtually no clout for it, nobody will think you're this "immensely empathic angel" who saved a dangerous dog

No. 2384751

I’m now realizing how incredibly lucky I was with the pet rabbit I had. He only pissed in a litter box like a cat, so that was easy enough to keep clean. Yeah, he still shit everywhere, but his main diet was hay and rabbit pellets, so it was little hard, round balls that didn’t smell and I just swept them up with a broom. He chewed on shit, but had a lot of toys that kept him entertained and I kept my cords off the floor so he couldn’t get to them. He was super sweet. It was a great experience, honestly.

No. 2384768

>you can't clean rabbits because they'll shit themselves and die
Just like human males.

No. 2384954

Kek ily nonna

No. 2386266

Misogyny. Chihuahuas are seen as a woman’s dog. Lapdogs in general are hated. Tbf I hate them because their bark is extremely shrill and it gives me a headache.
Also I think pit lovers actually respect and are turned on by its capability for violence. They either hate people, feel insecure, have daddy issues and wanna feel protected or they just value people being intimidated by them and have blood lust. Chihuahuas are seen as useless and weak but a pit can rip the nose off an old woman and gore a bull to death so I guess that makes them super useful? I don’t know.

No. 2386269

I like going on r/Dogs and r/pet advice just to laugh at the retards there. They’re like
>how do I get my dog to stop pissing on my bedroom floor every day?
Shut the fucking door dumb cunt!
>my husky I can’t afford to train had bitten me, my mother, my children, the neighbours dog and it rips up the floor when I’m not home
put it down retard!

No. 2386341

I cannot fucking comprehend people getting Huskies and then crying about how it's destroying their house and won't listen. Do they read at least one thing about the breed before getting it? Because everyone will tell you that Huskies are destructive and dumb as hell. They don't even look that good.

No. 2386349

I think they’re ugly as fuck.

No. 2386682

They look at a huge dog bred to run for hours on end in the snow and decide that it's going to be a great new accessory for their 1 bed high rise apartment where they're locked in a crate from 9 to 5.

No. 2388479

The Dodo is the Buzzfeed of animal videos.

No. 2388621

File: 1739052438068.jpeg (647.62 KB, 1179x2238, 893qgdhkorhe1.jpeg)

Again this is more about dog culture than dogs themselves but I cannot stand the flowery language used to describe these dogs what clearly should not be adopted out, it feels like morse code and gaslighting the shit thats written in these bios and understanding what they are really saying. (taken from reddit)

No. 2388654

>crop dusting
Will maul you and smell bad while doing it

No. 2391354

IDK why dog nutters think it’s so cute when dogs act gross.

No. 2391647

Dogs constantly reek of shit even when they’re not actively farting. The larger they are and the worse their diet, the worse it is.
>likes reality tv
Oh fuck off…..

No. 2391689

Does anyone else low-key feel like the dog owners in their lives secretly hate the things? Whenever they talk about them, they don’t say good things, they’re just like “omg he chewed up my expensive shoes and my laptop but it’s ok!!!!! Look at that face!!!!” And then show you a picture of its ugly soulless beady eyes that are just a bottomless pit of need.
“Omg I can’t even kiss my partner or hug my mother without him jumping up, barking and scratching us!!! He’s such a silly boy omg he wants to be the centre of attention so precious!!!”
“I can’t go on holiday anymore without spending hundreds on kennelling but it’s so worth it!! To see this face!!!” Cue a similar picture of the dog laser focusing on staring into the eyes of its food resource I mean beloved owner.
“Oh the silly boy literally ate a plastic bag and I had to spend 1000s at the vets!!!! What a silly goofball!!!” That thing has less survival instincts than a toddler, yet instead of only being this way for 2 years he will be like this for AT LEAST 10 fucking years. Seriously what’s good about owning a dog? All they do is cause unnecessary stess, mess, money and destruction. What the fuck do they give back? They put their sloppy face in your lap and stare into your eyes and you think they’re telling you they love you? They’re literally constantly begging for stimulation because they can’t be content with their own thoughts. They need to eat. They need to play. They need to be touched. They need to take a dump. Repeat cycle until the end of the day when yoh finally get the relief of going to bed. Oh but what’s this? It’s whining at the door!! How precious, it loves you so much!!! It wants to sleep with you!!! You won’t let him? How dare you not let him fart up your sheets and lick his cock and asshole at 100000000 decibels at 3am!!!!! He loves you, don’t you know that?! That’s why he steam rollers all over yours and everyone else’s boundaries constantly!
Can someone help me understand what the appeal of having a dog even is?

No. 2391816

>Can someone help me understand what the appeal of having a dog even is?
Unless they are doing dog sports or genuinely use the dog to work on a farm for example, there truly is none.

No. 2391823

The normal dog owners love their dogs. The ones who use flowery language hate the shit out of their dogs but gaslight themselves into pretending they don't. Some of them passively try to get rid of the dog, I've seen owners admit to leaving chocolates and other poisons out on the table knowing the pupper is going to oopsy daisy itself over the rainbow bridge if it gets into the kitchen. Some of them 'forget' to give their dog lungworm vaccines or leave the gate open so the doggo can wiggle into traffic. I hate those owners much more than I hate the dogs, I understand acknowledging that adopting a pit/similarly awful dog was a terrible idea but they could always take it to the vet for humane euthanasia instead of letting the dog play chicken with death. At the end of the day, it's a fucking dog, it has the cognitive functions of a stupid toddler, it's not suddenly going to stop shitting everywhere and eating the furniture if it's not trained by an owner who gives a shit.

No. 2392305

The majority of dogfags are sad losers who need to feel validated by an animal that worships them, or at least that's what they're after. If their dog doesn't do that they end up like the example you were talking about

No. 2392391

Some people genuinely like dogs and like having one around them. These are the people you see walking their dogs daily, they train them properly, respect their nature as dogs, they keep it clean and you can tell they're even interested in breeds, dog sports, dog training and shit. They make their pet a major part of their lives (as they should be, animals need attention) because they like said animal.
Then you have the ones who see dogs or any pet as toys or tools to not get bored sometimes. They leave the dog to rot as soon as something more interesting comes along, they don't take the time out of their day to train, clean, or entertain the dog. They really just want a toy, but then they think a toy is too childish and stupid for them so they want something alive that does something quirky once in a while so they can take a picture, post it online and then move on with their day. Then they get frustrated when the pet needs to go outside, does something they didn't want it to do, they're upset that their living toy shits and piss so they resent it even if they're the idiots who took it in in the first place. There are just a lot of adult children around.

No. 2392924

>Dog nutters are awful but the childfree ones are the worst. It’s always “Children are so expensive!!!” but always seem to have enough money for dogs. I guess they know what their priorities are.
Some people don't want children.

No. 2392948

I get it, but they act as if parenting dogs is easier than parenting humans, or there’s no effort to caring for them at all.

No. 2392979

nyart You don't "parent" a dog. It's not a human. I fucking hate when people claim to be "dog moms" like no, you are it's owner. It's not going to turn 18 and leave the nest and get a job. You're going to be picking up it's turds until its dying day

No. 2393122

Being a dog owner is like willingly having a retarded child. Especially a large dog that can’t be easily physically restrained. It’s a retarded child that shits pisses and vomits on the ground and then eats its bodily excretement, has to be physically held back from running into traffic and will never have any respect whatsoever for your boundaries.

No. 2393294

100% of moid dog owners fall into this category.

No. 2393333

Dogs are not human children, weirdo. They’re deranged murderous mutants.

No. 2393334

Both are equally retarded. Imagine dedicating your life to picking up the waste of a dirty mutt with your hands.

No. 2393379

I mean, it's with a plastic bag… but yeah that's pet owners. What's nice is that the good ones don't make their hobby into other people's problem.

Isn't it easier? I know dog bad yadda yadda but raising any pet is A LOT easier than raising a human, it's a lot less expensive too. You don't have to pay for dog school and uni kek I can see why childfree people would go for a pet for company.

No. 2393403

What are you doing in the dog hate thread, dogfag? Go rub your greasy mutt and smell its stank breath, we all know you love it

No. 2393413

I don't even like dogs but why do you gotta be so crass and tasteless? Trashy bitch

No. 2393623

Because I do agree with legit concerns here. Cry about it? All I'm saying is that there are people getting mauled by pitbulls and you complain about pet owners who actually make the effort to clean up after their pets, and you say some insane shit like raising an actual child is easier than a dog. Bitch get the fuck out, no one here wants to become a tradthot just because they dislike dogs. By the way you type you sound like you enjoy talking about dog smell, dog shit and breath, keep your fetish to a minimum cunt.

No. 2394733

Not only pitbulls maul people and children. Bigger dogs like bulldox and german shepherd do it fairly often as well. They’re all dangerous.

No. 2394819

>raising an actual child is easier than a dog
Nobody said it’s easier, just that there’s an actual point to it. Also children gain independence over time. There’s a big difference between a 4 and 10 year olds independence, there’s no difference between a 4 and 10 year old dogs. They are useless and helpless until the day they die. They just have slightly less accidents on the carpet and chew up less things.
Children also go to school 5 days a week for 6 hours, and when they grow up they go to their friends houses or go out by themselves to play. dogs are constantly there, 24 hours a a day, 7 days a week 365 days a year.
People can complain and talk about whatever they like. I think it’s just bizarre people want to live like this. Your pleasant walks outside spoiled by the feeling of a warm turd underneath a plastic bag. Dog owners don’t even seem to enjoy their dogs since they’re constantly complaining about them and they need years of extensive training at the bare minimum so they don’t completely suck.
Dogs are also a liability. If there’s a bear outside, a child has the sense to run and (and so do most other animals) dogs are thick as shit and will literally approach and try to attack even if you scream yourself horse. I’ve heard of people dying on hikes because they had tk get their stupid ass dog out of some predicament it put itself in. Like that guy in Yellowstone who died because his dog launched itself into a boiling hot spring. Dogs don’t think before acting whatsoever, all of their survival instincts have been selectively bred out of them.

Dogs in their natural state are horrid creatures and it’s only human intervention that makes them tolerable. Every now and then the dog in them will come out and they’ll maul a blind senior dog to death for standing near them while eating or bite off a toddlers nose for touching their rancid tennis ball.

No. 2394835

I know anon, I just didn't want to make an entire list of breeds that maul people. You got the point, don't nitpick.

Some of your points are good (although again, if the owner manages to keep it to themselves it's not my issue) but I feel like you overestimate children's intelligence a little too much. If you're an actual parent, you'd know that children also require a lot of your attention even when they're a bit older and they actually might turn out to be shitheads in their teens, especially if they're moids. And don't talk about survival instincts because children will literally drown themselves in bathtubs, climb fences at zoos and lauch themselves into traffic when you turn around for one second. They do not play by themselves (unless you're one of those ipad parents), they hardly go out, they may not have friends and it's not like you leave them at a friend's house for the whole day. If you ask me, having a baby doesn't have a point either. Your baby propaganda isn't working, sorry.

No. 2394842

Does anyone else just not find dogs cute at all? I remember being a kid at a friend’s house with their big mutt or crusty white dog and them gushing about how cute they are, all while I could barely pretend to agree. I guess it’s like how parents think their baby is cute when it looks like one of those troll dolls. There are a few dog breeds I think are cute like pugs, I know that will be an unpopular opinion here though kek but I literally feel nothing towards other ones, even as puppies. Dogs can be beautiful animals but they are very rarely cute.

No. 2394869

Agreed. I think it had a lot to do with their soulless eyes. Their eyes literally looks like marble balls and it will give any person with inuition an uneasy feeling because it’s uncanney valley. Also the fact they chronically have their mouths wide open, breathing loud. What other animal does this? Pugs aren’t even cute either, they’re suffocating their whole life because their deformed inbred skulls limits their ability to breathe. It’s sad really that these crazy dogfags want to keep breeding this dog bread simply because they think it’s cute, without any care for the fact that it’s suffocating their whole life.

No. 2394886

I think sighthounds and some shepherd dogs are beautiful or silly-looking. I never understood how people can find the crusty small white ones cute or even beautiful, plus their fur grows in a way that makes their faces look weird. Sometimes you can't even see their faces, they're just a mass of crusty fur.

No. 2395312

>Calling another farmer cunt

No. 2395856

Oh right, it makes 100% sense that a person who distance themselves and is disgusted by all aspects of dogs has a fetish. But not the freaks who live together with these filthy creatures, while also proceeding to defend others that indulge in the same caveman like degeneracy, under the premise that those people make an effort to keep those chronically dirty and stinking mutants “clean”.

No. 2396627

Not to wk a dog in the dog hate thread but I feel like people forget that pugs are an ancient breed who only developed severe health problems from overbreeding within the past 150 years. But somehow they tend to live longer than lots of other breeds like German shepherds, Great Danes, golden retrievers etc. kek. But yes I agree no animal should have health problems bred into them just because it’s ’cute’. A lot of dog breeds shouldn’t exist period, let alone as pets. At least King Charles spaniels and pugs were bred to be companions, not to kill or herd animals.

No. 2396726

Don’t forget sleeping in bed with them and letting them lick them on the mouth and calling it “kisses”.

No. 2396980

It does not matter what they initially were bred for, when the state of them today doesn’t match that at all.

No. 2397034

Huh? If you mean pugs, they’re still very friendly dogs. I’ve never heard of an aggressive pug before. My point is that the average person, if they’re going to get a dog, should get one that was bred to be a pet. Not one that was meant to herd sheep or hunt. That’s the cause of a lot of dogs’ bad behaviour, they destroy things and howl all day because they’re meant to be outside and active 24/7. I have a friend who keeps getting shepherd breed dogs and is surprised when they destroy everything in the house when they’re cooped up all day.

No. 2397067

I’m obviously referring to the fact that these mutants are suffocating. You are proving my previous point by coming up with more reasons to justify this mutated creature suffering their entire life. You truly don’t care for them. The more these continue to be bread the more deformed they become. You think just because you find deformed suffocating mutts cute and friendly does not make their existence, or continued breeding ethical.

No. 2397091

I said I agree that they shouldn’t exist kek, no creature should be bred with health problems just because it makes them cute. they’re the only dogs that I can stand to be around because they’re similar in personality to cats but I never said they should continue to be bred in the way they are now nor would I ever own one. I said that they only developed severe health problems in recent years over the several hundred years the breed has existed, and it has been human selfishness that has made them suffer. Jfc can we have a dog hate thread without deranged retards who sperg out for no reason?

No. 2397157

Can we have a dog hate thread without doglovers infiltrating it?

No. 2397328

No anon, dog lovers are the reason we need to have a thread on an anon image board in the first place. You’re not allowed to do anything but love dogs or you’ll be ostracised and called a heartless monster. However you hate cats? That’s just fine, say that to whoever you want.

No. 2397330

I don’t care about dogs suffering. I have to suffer their constant BARKBARKBARKBARKBARKBARKBARKBARKBARK my entire fucking life. Make all of them so brachycephalic that they can’t breathe long enough to fucking bark I say.

No. 2397428

Pugs arent aggressive because they are fucking incapable of it. All of their energy is spent trying to breathe.

No. 2397470

>However you hate cats? That’s just fine, say that to whoever you want.
Don't care but why do people in this thread make shit up all the time? The dog hate thread is far more active than the cat hate one and multiple people here keep talking about wanting them dead. Nobody is alogging cats besides baiters from 5 months ago who got banned. I swear catfags will have a meltdown as soon as someone dares to suggest that SOME dogs don't need to die.

Even these kind of bitches are so fucking dramatic. Omg someone didn't instantly suck my dick when I posted 10 dogs being euthanized and said that small dogs can't kill you, they're infiltrating us!!!

If it's the only thing you post about in this thread, then yes maybe you could have a fetish or at least an obsession, not even dogfags talk about their dog's shit so much. But keep going if you'd like, just keep the baby shit to yourself at least.(infighting)

No. 2397497

Pugs are disgusting. From their beady eyes, to their constant heavy breathing and sniffling because they can barely breath. I hate shitbulls the most, but pugs and bulldogs come in a stark second.

No. 2400769

Cats literally mind their own business and don’t bother people most of the time. Dogs are all over the place. You can’t go out to eat without a dog ruining it. If you know someone who owns a dog and you go to visit them the visit revolves around the dog and it will not leave either of you alone. Dogs have a thing about making every situation revolve around them. If you ignore them they start whining at you and jumping up at you. Dogs do not fucking leave people alone ever and they’re extremely loud and they stink. Since the pandemic people are starting to get really really sick of dogs. Some people can’t even go to work without being harassed by dogs because people now bring then into the office. This is why this thread is more active than the cat one. Some of us live next to dogs and incessant barking and the scent of shit is all they get whenever they go in their own garden. Dogs are very in-your-face creatures so if you don’t like them they’re impossible to just ignore.

No. 2400775

>If you know someone who owns a dog and you go to visit them the visit revolves around the dog
This is true

No. 2401320

File: 1739649011744.jpg (365.63 KB, 1170x1871, 1000008139.jpg)

Oh ffs I don't care that it's in a box if I found out my delivery driver was doing this I would report them.

No. 2401321

That dog looks taxidermized so not as bad imo

No. 2401345

File: 1739650166518.jpg (294.81 KB, 1080x1310, 1000008140.jpg)

Lol yeah it does kinda look like a stuffed toy eh? How about this

No. 2401355

No I definitely would not care for that

No. 2401388

Oh god did you hear about the one where the dog pissed on the delivery order?

No. 2401500

Man at least but the food in the trunk. What if a customer is allergic? Also neither food nor dog are secured properly. Love me some mushy car-floor-pizza with dog hair everywhere.

That's a dog with a very thick undercoat that has been shaved. They often end up looking like cheap plush toys. At least this means this one doesn't end up with long fur with shit and piss crust.

No. 2401796

I hope there’s no pizza left in that box.

No. 2401849

I doubt it. Animals love the taste of pizza

No. 2402270

File: 1739692900125.jpeg (705.07 KB, 1155x1260, IMG_0939.jpeg)

What the fuck do these disgusting low class chavs expect.

No. 2402426

i work somewhere people are allowed to bring dogs in to work and somebody's reactive ass unattended dog tried to bite my friend when she reached out to pet it. when the person watching the dog (who wasn't even the dog's owner, she brought in someone else's dog) came back they thought it was funny and were joking about it with their friends for the rest of the day and then brought the dog in AGAIN the next day. i told them to take the dog home if it was trying to bite people and now everyone thinks im evil because i'm mean to dogs. i don't even dislike dogs but dog people are fucking weird

No. 2402437

i think i have too much empathy for people. that old man is so fucked. he's got a death grip on a multi-wrapped leash and a muzzle on that thing. it's going to either tug so hard it makes him fall over and break a bone or it'll rip him open

No. 2402507

Natural selection etc

No. 2402750

ntayrt but nothing about that fucked up mutant with his ears ripped off is 'natural'.
At least it has a muzzle on and UK has laws where if the dog tries to attack someone the proper actions will be taken. In America it's difficult to kill a shitbull unless it has eaten at least 3 toddlers

No. 2402913

File: 1739729637566.webp (73.94 KB, 720x1339, developing-nations-v0-j2sfva2q…)

>In America it's difficult to kill a shitbull unless it has eaten at least 3 toddlers

Which is why I sideeye posts like related. A dog has to have been super shitty to have been put down, maybe it mauled an entire daycare or a moid. (taken from reddit)

No. 2402917

I can’t get over the fact that somebody hacked off this dogs ears with a pair of kitchen scissors. Probably while off their face on spice and crack meanwhile the dog has 0 anaesthetic and was most likely still a puppy that couldn’t defend itself. These dogs literally exist for animal abusing psychos to get their rocks off and compensate for their puny manhood. They should go extinct for their own benefit as well as everyone else’s.

No. 2402960

No, they do this to make the dog look "hard" its deliberate which is why its since been banned (at least here).

>These dogs literally exist for animal abusing psychos to get their rocks off and compensate for their puny manhood.

This. Moids are so pathetic they have to mutilate an animal to make themselves look hard, so pathetic.

No. 2403005

Someone tell me what is the actual difference between these pathetic bitches and boymoms, disgusting as bitches need to be shoved in an asylum

No. 2403013

Absolutely no difference at all..if a shitbull attacked her daughter she'd just blame her daughter. The same way she'd blame her daughter if mom's new boyfriend/ the kids older brother abused her. A pickme is a pickme is a pickme.

No. 2403063

they cut off the ears and tail so they don't get chewed off in the fighting ring

No. 2403073

Jesus christ I hate this.

No. 2403154

Ty for the info, thats messed up.

No. 2403239

Not only do they traumatize the dog (opposite of what people believe, puppies don't forget and the first weeks of life are the ones that will literally determine the dog's personality, tolerances and fears for the rest of its life, which is why it's also important to socialize them during this small window of time) when doing these, they also "disable" them. Dogs use both tail and ears to communicate between each other (and they're also mood indicators for humans) and when they're mutilated they can't properly do it which leads to aggression or anxiety. A bit milder but all flat faced dogs also have issues with communicating with other dogs because due to the deformed face they can't emote and might always be showing teeth or eye whites which are signs of aggression or distrustfulness to other dogs.

No. 2403292

dogs do not have personalities, they are natural brainless predators driven solely by instincts. tail wagging isn’t a form of communication either, because dogs will wag their both when catching a stick and mauling a child to death.

No. 2403430

File: 1739747041625.png (1.88 MB, 2001x1500, 1739512929575.png)

I think its hilarious the dognutters on here are so salty over this thread and especially the OP pic kek

No. 2403433

Oh boo hoo. I side-eye posts like these as well.

No. 2403438

Why do dog fags think shit like this is cute?

No. 2403451

>tail wagging isn't a form of communication because dogs will wag their both when catching a stick and mauling a child to death.
NTAYRT That is because both these activities arouse excitement in dogs. Tail wagging is a sign of excitement both chasing a stick and mauling a child activate their prey drive, which excites them.
Dogs do have a sort of 'personality' but not necessarily in the way humans do. They are more dominant or submissive depending on where they rank in the pack. Both the alpha dog and the bottom bitch dog can be aggressive, but they will show it in different ways.
I agree, dogs are manmade retards and don't express themselves as well as their wild counterparts, but they are incredibly social animals, and therefore must communicate.

No. 2403452

Literally. They just have to insert their dog obsession everywhere and always come here to explain dog behaviour and make excuses for these mutts. You dont see catnutters bumping the cat hate thread just to talk about
>muh orange care is so cute and I love her, but I cant stand black cats bc theyre unfriendly and they cause bad luck if you catch them crossing the street

No. 2403460

File: 1739747737083.png (491.73 KB, 618x500, 516151.png)

Fuck is this aint dogfags lying about their murdermutts kek

No. 2403633

File: 1739754736705.png (118.54 KB, 741x741, gdhdndmd.png)

Was she supposed to come across as such a gigastacy? my fucking sides

No. 2404063

Anon we get it dogs are shitty but let's not deny reality. Dogs are social animals, they live in packs so they do communicate using vocalizations and body language similarly to wolfs. The do have a personality like any other animal, in the sense that every individual may have different fears, likes and intelligence, there are more aggressive dogs and less aggressive ones. No they don't think and reflect on their lives like humans do. This is true for pretty much every mammal at least. So retard moids mutilating and deforming dogs do have an impact on how they interact with other animals and also on how humans can read their behaviour. It's a bit harder to tell if a dog wants to maul you if its ears and tail are docked, or if it's been physically abused (with shock or prong collars for example) to the point it will skip growling and go straight to mauling you.

I swear there is one anon who keeps going on about tail wagging and how dogs are masterminds and can "deceive" you because they wag their tails and then attack. Every person should learn this for their safety, tail wagging DOES NOT mean a dog is happy. I see so many mothers who will let their children near dogs because they see it's wagging its tail so they assume it's friendly. It's true dogs shouldn't be biting and attacking people in the first place, but it's also true that people need to realize dogs aren't plush toys and you can't just reach to pet one because it's "happy". This kind of ignorance leads to those retards saying "there were no signs!!" before a mauling when in reality there are signs, they just refuse to get them.

No. 2404129

Dogs are ADHD animals. Just like chimps, but chimps have a much lower human kill rate.

No. 2404150

chimps aren't treated like harmless babies that wouldn't hurt a fly while also being bred for gameness and bloodthirst.

No. 2406508

File: 1739925281493.jpg (933.47 KB, 2788x1678, Just put it down already.jpg)

Hold on dog haters, heres a good laugh!
Shelter is trying to rehome dog that
>You cannot share a home with a cat, other dog or child (typical pit unicorn home request)

But wait, theres more! The dog has OCD meaning it

>Cannot be walked in the day because sunshine and shadows trigger it

>Cant also be around flat screen tvs, this will trigger it too
>You cant have any wall decorations in the house because it will go apeshit and tear it all down
>In fact any moving object "overstimulates" it ie causes it to go into a murder rampage, so don't move a muscle!
>May also rip your arm off when you try to feed it

But also, apparently this dog is "sweet and loving around children"

I swear both this breed of dog and shitty shelters like this both need to go asap. (credit to reddit)

No. 2407383

The lengths these people go to to pass off these shitmutants rivals even the most skeevy used car salesman or public defender. They really missed their calling.

No. 2411648

so what if its sunny? just let the dog shit in the house?

No. 2411653

shadows trigger her so she needs to shit blindfolded at all times or the silhouette of her turds might make her want to mouth a baby to death.

No. 2411659

idk if this is bad but sometimes i think someone should try to adopt these faildogs for free, take it out back, shoot it, bury it, and if asked, say the dog ran away.

No. 2411695

my father used to say they would be sent to a farm when I brought home stray animals. I found out the farm didn't exist years later and he was just getting rid of them. maybe you could tell them you sent the shitbull to a farm in another state if someone asks.

No. 2411698

Excellent idea. As long as one could make it quick and avoid getting mauled in the process. Everyone should do this every few months to complete their civic duty to cull the invasive species.

No. 2411727

>dog cannot share space with child, adult, animal, vegetable, mineral,
>dog will turn you into pulled pork if you try to move its bowl while eating

No. 2411747

i feel sorry for her. i don’t get why these people try to pawn off crazy ass dogs like this. wouldn’t these people rather euthanise her, in a comfortable familiar environment, surrounded by the human beings that jumped through ridiculous hurdles for her supposed-well being? it’s not her fault she was born dangerous. dogs do not fear oblivion and all these resources invested in this thing could be dispersed among gentler dogs.

No. 2412152

You’d be doing the dogs themselves a kindness and ending their suffering, as well as all the other dogs in the shelter that actually have a chance at being normal, as theres no dogs from hell hogging all the attention from shelter staff, and you’d be potentially saving a human from having their face rearranged or even being killed.
There are just too many dogs in the world and the solution isn’t to emotionally manipulate people into living in a darkened room with a mentally ill violent mutant, it’s to humanely euthanise any and all of them with even a smidge of aggression and make spaying and neutering a legal necessity. No kill shelters are causing more problems for dogs than euthanasia. I’ve read about shelters refusing to take dogs that there are so many meaning people get stuck with dogs that showed aggression to their other pets or even their children for months at a time. It’s very difficult to rehome a dog these days. There are too many.

No. 2412189

I have seen so many americans with pets that are horribly disabled, like that cat that has no face or dogs that are 100% paralyzed and just stay in their bed all day. Imo this comes from their fucked up Christian values where they believe all life is sacred, so they refuse to euthanize.

No. 2412208

What the fuck is wrong with your dad. Holy shit hope his prostate explodes like a landmine.

No. 2412294

The fact this seems to be the only way to actually address the problem is sad.

Call me cynical but I think a reason shelters do this is to make themselves look good. "See! we believe every dog deserves a chance! Even disabled dogs" (that will rip your limbs off if you so dare breathe). I recently learned shelters make bank off of donations, especially ones for pits (you notice they dont really go to these lengths for other breeds) so there is a financial incentive. Others have said the dog sounds distressed and should be euthanised, as much as I hate dogs I agree in this circumstance because it sounds like just living for this dog is hell, she should be put out of her misery.

Sad thing is a lot of healthy dogs are being ignored or put down for space in some shelters, meanwhile these murder mutts get the spotlight
>I’ve read about shelters refusing to take dogs that there are so man
It tends to be shelters overrun with pits. A shelter near me which receives different breeds of dogs is never at full capacity because they manage to rehome them quickly. Some shelters are mad that people are rightly sceptical about shitbulls and dont want them around their kids or in their home but will take other breeds of dog that are not in fear of their life over.

No. 2412440

Kek. The shadow chasing thing actually happens when the dog is very neurotic (not a good thing for a dog that can kill) but also understimulated, because it probably needs something to do. I've seen it with shepherd dogs pretty often, it's something that would need to be corrected by a professional trainer.

No. 2413159

File: 1740271831417.webp (42.78 KB, 1290x469, second.webp)

I thought this was sarcasm but it not…found out its common for dog fags to blame cat owners for "letting their cats be outside" for them getting mauled when the OP admits her dogs got out and killed the cat and is now crying that shes having to face consequences for not keeping her murder mutts indoors.

I remember reading a few weeks ago a story of another shitty owner blaming the cats owner for it being killed-this was while the cat was inside their own house and the dog crashed in. If I can find I will post.

No. 2413163

They're right that it's not the dog's fault it hurt the cat. It was the dog's owner. They should euthanize them.

No. 2413174

File: 1740272214212.webp (344.81 KB, 1290x2517, first.webp)

Here is the post they were replying to

No. 2413191

They're correct. Most cat owners agree that letting cats outside is dangerous for them. They could easily be killed by another predatory animal or struck by a car. They're horrible on local fauna and can be nuisances to peoples' yards like spraying for their territory and pooping in garden beds.
Keep your cats inside. It doesn't have the right to be on someone else's property where someone or something could hurt it.

No. 2413205

>Cats need to be inside, they should'nt be on others people property they have no right
>Has fuck all to say about the two shitbulls who's owner admitted they escaped onto other peoples property which they didnt have the right to be on

Fuck off dog fag

No. 2413241

Two things can be true at once. Keep your cat indoors.

No. 2413278

As nice as it would be I think most people can only do this at most once every few years and with different shelters.
People talk, and if you get caught you will be front page news and dog fags will draw and quarter you. Maybe if you are a hermit and live in the woods you can get away with doing it far more often.

No. 2413289

see this is where you adopt the dogs and they "run away"
Fucking idiots didn't even fix the fucking dogs. You can see the female already had puppies. She lets these fucking unfixed retards run around and wreak havoc on everyone else. While I understand and agree people shouldn't let their cats out (I only allow mine out because she will go on walks with me and I live far away from a road, but she is never allowed outside unsupervised. I'm not saying this is a good idea either. It's best to get a catio or leash train the cat if you want it outside)
>Dogs named harley davidson

No. 2413290

he died a painful death so dont worry kek
cats can be harmful to nature but these fuckers actually kill people you fucking retard. if you let your cat roam it might kill birds, these people literally dont care if their mutts eat a child's face.

No. 2413292

I literally dont understand how people live in USA and dont conceal carry if they know shitbulls roam around. I would pop one's head for going towards my direction immediately.

No. 2413294

You know exactly why she did that. Female dogfags are boymommies, nigel worshippers, they know there’s only a species diffeeence between a dog and a man so they’re used to the dog’s behavior but in human form living inside their house. It’s quite disgusting

No. 2413297

Catfags are sane, know what consent is (even outside of sexual contexts), and are generally introverts who don’t want to fuck with people in public like most cats. Dogfaggots are psychopaths and should be euthanized along with their disgusting, uncontrollable, and untrained pets.

No. 2413299

It's funny how I have said nothing in defense of dogfags yet "keep your cat inside" is a trigger for you for some reason, why? Don't you love cats and want them safe? Two things can be true at once. Calm down.

No. 2413301

dogfags dont understand boundaries because they relinquished theirs ages ago. there is a small percentage of sane dogfags that actually train their dogs and understand breeds and genetics do matter but they're basically unicorns. the regular dogfag is fine with letting it become everyone's else problem.

No. 2413525

i know we are the land of the free but we cant give every toddler a gun

No. 2413673

Cats are allowed to be outside in their own gardens. Why do dogs get to go to every national park and restaurant and even the fucking zoo but cats are only allowed within the four walls of their homes? I let my cat in the garden all the time and it doesn’t give someone’s disgusting hideous bull breed mutt the right to savagely maul her. Keep control of your dogs so they don’t go on other peoples properties.

No. 2413675

It isn’t worth it. It needs to be put down.

No. 2413694

Read the thread. Nobody said dogs are more allowed to do anything. Why are catfags this touchy? I don't see dogfags acting up like this and reading into things that no one said.

No. 2413921

They really are insufferable and have the inability to read it seems.

How about YOU take your own advice and read the posts retard. Why are you ignoring the post being replied to?! We are talking about 2 dangerous dogs and an irresponsible owner but all you have to say its that it's the cats fault for being mauled, nothing about the roaming shit beasts. Stop playing dumb to context. Like I said, fuck off dog fag.

No. 2413940

File: 1740320931973.jpg (227.75 KB, 1429x1147, dogfags say its everyone elses…)

Typical dogfag, gotta blame everyone and everything else instead of the actual problem.

No. 2414094

Husky owners always adopt huskies only to have them live in the worst environment for them. I see a lot of huskies living in cities which regularly get up to 100 degrees F. It’s a waste of potential for this breed.

No. 2414309

Am I missing something here? The cat was outside on public property so obviously that would be the cat owner's fault even if it's sad. Just like if an off-leash dog gets run over, the owner can't sue the one driving (at least that's how it is where I live).

That is really not the case though. There are plenty of spaces where cats are allowed. The issue is that they would need to be leashed just like dogs, but cats aren't usually leash trained so no one brings them along, and also they get stressed. I'm pretty sure every pet friendly place includes every pet if they can be properly restrained.(off-topic)

No. 2414473

File: 1740343290480.jpg (34.25 KB, 480x480, 7511293ac1020bfb30c758bcb1eff2…)

I fucking hate shih tzus. Grew up for 13 years next door to one named Princess who was the meanest and simultaneously most spineless, dumb, and deeply inbred little shit, and now I have neighbors across my driveway who own SEVEN of the pathetic hellish things. The primary owner seems to be a middle-aged lady who started with only one maybe a year and a half ago when the family moved in and she just kept bringing home more over time. I live in a dog-lover neighborhood along with many families with young children. The secondhand embarrassment is insane when all the other dogs in the neighborhood are better behaved, with most having learned to not pay them any mind when they walk by even when ALL SEVEN are angrily barking at the same fucking time. Again, because there are SEVEN of them and the owner(s) clearly dont give a shit, theyre almost constantly barking at different, horrible intervals whenever they're let out in their fenced in backyard area. Called animal control twice and now they're outside for shorter amounts of time at least (used to be insane how long they'd be left outside before, dont get me started) but they're so loud you hear them through closed windows and anything else you try to do to block the sound of them. I just really needed to vent about this horrible breed rn.

No. 2414605

Holy fuck my parents just refuse to get rid of their shitbull. It’s hideous, ridden with skin disease, itches and bites itself constantly, stinks of rotting corpse, eats fucking shit from our cats litter box, costs thousands of dollars to maintain its medication, generally just fucking hideous. It also lets out the worst fucking rotten egg smelling farts ive ever smelled in my entire fucking life but my mom is attached to the hideous thing. I hope the entire pit bull species goes extinct forever

No. 2414694

Yes, do you really need spoonfeeding?! Its in the first post quoted, go read it again.

No. 2414695


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2414892

Are your parents boomers? My mom has a hideous dog that she got on impulse as a puppy and never trained. It eats cat shit and destroys and pisses on everything. Older people have no business owning animals if they can't take care of them, especially a shitbull. I sincerely hope it doesn't turn on your parents one day.

No. 2414996

This is the stuff that infuriates me useless dog owners doing jack shit while their dogs attack horses, I'm surprised the rider didnt sue, she could have been severely injured.

No. 2415012

She got thrown from her fucking horse because of that shitbull. I hope she called the police and sues, she could have very well died.

No. 2415014

A family friend of mine owns 2 shitbulls. I wouldn’t be that concerned but her daughter who still lives with her recently had a baby and holy fuck the male shitbull is aggressive. Every time I go to their house he barks and growls incessantly and acts like he wants to attack me. Last time I was there he attacked the other dog and hurt her pretty badly. I hope they get rid of those dogs soon, especially with a newborn baby in the house. They’re not even good dog owners anyway kek.

No. 2415053

How do you not kill yourself? Take care of the problem yourself if it’s that bad, no woman should be living in fucking piss poor conditions because of a fucking shitbull

No. 2415080

it's funny because they say it's the owner, not the breed and then we suggest people whose dogs maul people should be jailed for manslaughter if it's always the owners' at fault and they immediately blame the victim or anything else that would remove the blame from them or the dog.

No. 2415122

Which has happened in this thread with the dogfags bitching that it was the cats fault for being mauled by two already known violent shitbulls which got loose.

No. 2415151

No one is being jailed for cats, be real.

No. 2415161

More accurately people blamed the owners for letting the cats be outside, not the cats themselves obviously.
Keep your cat indoors.(derailing)

No. 2415491

File: 1740380561496.jpeg (726.87 KB, 1170x2006, IMG_0983.jpeg)

I hate dog people so fucking much

No. 2415496

trash animals for trashy people.

No. 2416762

No where in the post does it say the cat was on their property or even outside it says the dogs got out and killed a cat why even respond if you are not going to read the screen caps?

No. 2416877

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No. 2417735

I hope they blapblapped that ugly mutant.

No. 2417950

The owner should be prosecuted for endangering human life regardless. It could have been a toddler.

No. 2417956

>not her fault she was born a dangerous dog
Kek what the actual fuck is wrong with dognutters. They’re literal predators and they naturally desired to maul children. You people are the same kinds who’d feel sympathy for pedophiles, because it’s not their fault they’re attracted to children.

No. 2417961

disgusting owner with her just as disgusting mutt at the airport. she allowed it to shit at the floor and isn’t picking it up, just acting oblivious while she’s being called out. dogs should be banned from all public spaces this is degenerate.

No. 2417962

>keep your cat indoors
>keep your small dogs indoors
>keep your livestock indoors
>keep your elderly relatives indoors
>keep your children indoors
Shall we all just stay indoors and relinquish the world to the shitbulls? Will that make you happy?

No. 2417972

holy shit reading this stressed me out kek. i would be moving out if they wouldnt get rid of it tbh

No. 2417979

File: 1740484379582.gif (127.62 KB, 220x127, IMG_9008.gif)

>fur on the pizza box
This image triggered My allergies

No. 2417983

People really buy these smelly things just to bring it everywhere with them as a liability and to annoy everyone around them.

Im surprised i dont see rottweilers brought up more in this thread. Wtf do you mean this terrifying growling shit is normal cute happy pupper behavior? Dog fags are so embarrassing.

No. 2417985

Tbf riding horses is literal animal abuse so I hope she decides to never do that again. Not a dogfag, I just really fucking hate horse riders who think their horses have a genuine magical bond with them while the reality is that the horses are broken in until they accept abuse.(derailing)

No. 2417986


Dog owners in my city are fucking disgusting. It wasn't this bad when I was a kid but with the rise of "dog culture" people seem to feel really free to just let the fuckers shit anywhere they like and not pick it up. Went for a walk in a snowy ravine yesterday and the beautiful white ground was marred every couple metres with a pile of shit. Sometimes you see a couple bags of abandoned shit lying in a pile on the sidewalk for God knows what reason, why even bag it at that point? And people treat these animals like fucking substitute babies. It makes me feel bad for the dogs, the unnatural lifestyle they're raised in retards them just like it retards human children. I used to love dogs when I was a kid but I just don't feel that much for them anymore.

No. 2417987

These retards realize they could just not have a pitbull, right? They wanna be oppressed misunderstood victims so bad kek.

No. 2417990

Nope. Ban shitbulls and all aggressive breeds, then keep your animals inside your property because even without shitbulls around predators still exist (and cats are also predators who hunt wild animals and other people's pets/small livestock). Simple as that.

There is a lady in my town who owns a rottweiler, the thing barks and huffs at anyone who passes by her house and then she thinks it's a good idea to let it run free outside. There is another lady I know who has a small dog and she told me she's actually scared when she's around.

No. 2417994

wish there were stricter laws on these retards that buy a bunch of shitbeast and let them be loud and obnoxious. You can’t be living close to other people and just be allowed to pollute the soundscape with retarded animals or loud vehicles.

No. 2417998

Bitch please. You could argue any kind of pet ownership is animal abuse. Farm animals are tortured and raped their whole lives to make you cheeseburgers and tendies.

No. 2418002

next you will tell me your shitbull not chewing on flesh on a regular basis is animal abuse too.

No. 2418004

The only person I know with a Rottweiler is a woman. She was raped so I understand why she wants a big aggressive dog capable of ripping a moid's face off.

No. 2418012

This is the only good reason anyone would have a big aggressive breed because we all know moids are worse than shitbulls even. Even then, it’s much smarter to get something smart and bred to be a guard dog like a german Shepard instead of a retarded shitbull bred for fucking up anything that moves.

No. 2418020

File: 1740487637154.jpg (16.42 KB, 640x504, borzoi.jpg)

I'd just get a borzoi because they're smarter than the average mutt and eat shitbulls for dinner.

No. 2418027

Borzois are a nightmare to train though

No. 2418029


Hate shih tzus. They are ugly as sin. I don't understand why anyone wants one.

No. 2418030

one would assume having the means to purchase a borzoi would also mean having being able to pay for a trainer but dog people are retarded and buy 2k huskies to let them rot enclosed in hot apartments so it's not a fair assumption.

No. 2418169

Shut up, certain kinds of ownership are far less abusive if not at all. Strapping a big animal like a horse in tight reins, puncturing, pulling and kicking the animal to make it behave and making it carry your entire weight on its back when it's not supposed to should be banned, but instead rich fuckers want to show off how they can control and subjugate a horse, and they will pretend like they have some magical connection with it. All horse riders deserve to get stomped.
>B-but muh farm animals and tendies!
I'm talking about pets here. At least horse riders should drop the act and admit they only want to subjugate the horse to show off, instead they cry when they find out people can eat horse meat. Bunch of stupid hypocrites.

I wasn't talking about shitbulls but okay.

That's retarded because rottweilers aren't even smart and they will turn on you. There are a bunch of big dogs who at least can learn commands and will act calm when there is no danger like ovcharkas or something. It should also be a female since male dogs suck at guarding.

No. 2418363

Yeah, every woman I know who got a dog for protection against e.g. stalker exes was advised to get a specially trained German Shepherd. Untrained dogs are only good for scaring off random opportunistic would-be burglars and if an untrained dog is aggressive enough to actually chase off a burglar it’s aggressive enough to potentially harm its owner or their friends and family. Stalkers targeting a specific woman with a dog often manage to neutralise the dog quite easily unless said dog is specifically trained, for example not to accept treats from anyone but its owner.

No. 2419517

What the fuck are pets gonna do when humans go extinct? We've bred them to be completely dependent on us. A Labrador is not going to survive in the wild. They're too nice. Shitbulls will end up going extinct trying to fight everything that moves. Feral cats depend on scraps from humans, or rats that live off waste from humans. It's going to be hell and no one even talks about it.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2419526

If anything, their numbers will explode. There's no vehicles to run them over, no deforestation or human interference with nature, meaning that the pets in question will find a lot of food to eat more easily. Plus they breed like crazy. pets are spayed and neutered to prevent them from having such insane numbers. I don't doubt that a lazy house cat will just die in it's own filth if it's owner is gone, but dogs? Idk if they have the restraint that a lot of cats seem to have, especially pitbulls who will bit off a grown man's head even if their owner has a rib eye steak for them in the fridge everyday. I agree labs could not survive, bless their souls, kek.

No. 2419529

Can you not post weird/random pics of young girls?

No. 2419535

They will revert to things like Carolina dogs and interbreed with coyotes and wolves. All the super fucked up ones will die off. Anything with a smashed face, bad hips, hair, etc are done for.

No. 2419537

Im not trying to sound racist but I swear to fucking god every Asian kid i knew growing up had a shi tzhu or something similar looking. Not a single one had a non eyebooger goblin. I want an explaination but I never knew how to ask what the appeal was without sounding racist as fuck.

No. 2419544

Technically we've already seen what will happen with feral cat colonies. They end up dying in terrible ways from predation, parasites, disease, starvation, and infected wounds from fighting each other. Most feral cat colonies also need to be fed by humans bringing in cat food for them. Their populations tend to explode during kitten season, and then there are mass die-offs as the kittens fall prey to all the aforementioned dangers.
So remove spayed and neutered members, remove humans providing food for them, and that's what would happen to any feral pet colonies living in the wild. I imagine they'd eventually be hunted into extinction by wolves, foxes, coyotes, etc.
Except pitbulls. There have been cases in Mexico of pitbulls running away and turning feral in the hills or outlands. Then they essentially become wolves and prey on livestock. There are towns in Mexico that have banned them because of this.(derailing)

No. 2419623

>Except pitbulls. There have been cases in Mexico of pitbulls running away and turning feral in the hills or outlands. Then they essentially become wolves and prey on livestock.
This is horrifying. Delete this breed from existence NOW NOW NOW!

No. 2419685

It's a moid, he's been posting pictures of little blonde girls for a while now(scrotefoiling/report and ignore)

No. 2420965

Actually what happened was you repeating the dogfags excuse of ignoring what the shitbulls and their owners did to fingerwag at cat owners.

No. 2421254

Imagine ignoring the fact that an enormous 80+ pound bull baiting animal with a face big enough to engulf a 10 year old child’s head has been let loose on to the world and instead focusing on a cat? Dog fags are fucking insane. They’re like battered women, “don’t leave the house when it’s dark if you don’t want to get raped” tier victim blaming.

No. 2421285

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Anyone else's RING Neighbors, Citizen, Nextdoor, etc. apps absolutely full of the most retarded dog owners? It's non-stop retardation where someone I know lives.

No. 2421297

Any more context to this pic?

No. 2421308

Absolutely none. That was the post.

No. 2421312

I kind of like the name Baltoe

No. 2421320

File: 1740652721901.png (140.61 KB, 344x408, Screenshot 2025-02-27 at 2.37.…)

It'd be better if it was spelled correctly kek

No. 2421325

considering huskies wont stop hollering 24/7 unless all their needs are met (aka at least 2h of exercise everyday), I can see why someone would poison it.

No. 2421392

They more likely poisoned their own dumbass dog by being filthy and negligent

No. 2421393

Can you post the comments kek?

No. 2421410

I hate the dodo so much. They promote so much misinformation , as long as it appeals to their agenda of brain dead animal lovers.

No. 2421411

What do you mean let it run free? Do you have an hoa or animal control you can make reports to?

No. 2421498

This is the ugliest goddamn husky i've ever seen. Why does its face look like some animorphed furry nightmare fuel?

No. 2421512

Because it's his stuffed corpse.

No. 2421558

These dumbass mutts probably ate garbage or expired food, bc they’ll eat anything. And now the owners think someone actually went out of their way to poison their dogs. Exactly how would they do that? How did they get access to your dogs without permission?

No. 2421612

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Fucking rapists don't even get that much

No. 2421624

Honestly, it’s mainly due to the number of counts (100+, probably several counts per animal if different aspects of their neglect and abuse are additional counts) and easy material evidence here, but yes, we obviously need better legal protections and follow-through in the justice system. Although animal laws generally suck ass and there’s almost no protections for them against hoarders so it usually has to be very extreme for them to be punished. Just think of how many dog owners are half torturing their dogs and keep them on little chains and stuff and it’s legal as long as they have a little wooden box and a water bowl, usually the law not only turns a blind eye to these shitstains but even outright allows most of it and enables psychopaths to keep and breed animals endlessly in most cases.

No. 2422046

Dogs have such a disgusting taste in food. They eat trash and shit. I wonder if all of them have genetic predisposition to pica.

No. 2423696

Free this hero!

No. 2424063

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No. 2424688

>I’m ready for adoption

No. 2424738

Society cares more about dogs than women. I'm convinced.

No. 2424769

Ever notice how dog fags have no personality outside of liking dogs? They barely have any meaningful human relationships and would rather save the meanest, nastiest dog than a human being in peril.

No. 2424875

So he can go on to hang children instead? Some people here are so fucking dumb when they cheer for violent moids just because they killed the dog they hate.

It's men. Men care about animals more than women, because they think animals are at least useful to them (they'll abuse them at the same time though). There's a man in India who raped a chicken and got more time than men who rape women.

No. 2424979

That’s because they believe dogs are better than humans. And they have anti-social personalities and cannot get along with other people if they can’t control them. That is why they love dogs so much because they don’t have free will, or critical thinking skills, empathy or the ability to judge someones character.

No. 2424987

ayrpt, this isn’t the dog love thread. this man was doing society a favour putting down a violent dog breed. Enjoying killing dangerous murderous beasts ≠ killing innocent children that hasn’t harmed anyone.

No. 2425101

>So he can go on to hang children instead?
Nta but I don't see where it says he lynched or hung the dogs, just that they were left tied up (probably to a fence, tree, or post or something) and malnourished meaning they were still alive when found. Unless it's in the full story which I don't really care to go look for, unless some nona wants to post it here. That being said, he should have one shotted them and ended the misery their existence inflicts upon other living things instead of hoarding them to breed or whatever he had in mind.

No. 2425716

Mentally they’re more like dogs than people. Emotionally and spiritually they’re very shallow and they struggle with depth in human relationships because they lack it themselves and they’re intrinsically selfish.

No. 2425775

But my point is that moids and shitbulls are literally the same. Moids even created shitbulls and other dangerous breeds. Praising a moid killing or abusing an animal is like praising a shitbull for mauling a man. They're both dangerous and they both turn on women and children. Even if the moid just kept 100 dogs chained up in his backyard and starved them, that's enough to show that he is unstable and will escalate to harming people next. Keep him in prison, or actually just let him fight with his dogs. Already owning a shitbull is a sign that a person is not well.

No. 2427089

I cant belive it. My teacher brought their gross poodle puppy into our CLASSROOM today and her excuse was that they were renovating her home. And the fucking dog started pissing in the classroom while everyone was fawning over the nasty thing.

No. 2427336

>family dogsitting so we have three dogs here
>the dog were watching barks at LITERALLY EVERYTHING almost 90% of the day
>other dog went out and rolled around in the freshly cut grass so her entire dense coat is packed with pollen and grass clippings
im about to go insane

No. 2427356

samefag but jesus christ double-coated dogs are NASTY. The most dense fur to pack all the dander, dust, and pollen in. stresses me the fuck out

No. 2427452

hate little dogs that aren't trained at all because they're "small and cute". yeah and its still constantly growling and barking and lunging. you still have to train your dog even if it's small. it is not cute that your dog lunged at me because you don't know how to train the mongrel.

No. 2427454

my mother has a "mini" breed and she bites a lot of people in the leg(not me kek) when they enter her home. I told her for years to got to a dog school and finally she went. The pup is actually really traumatised but does very well in school and is much relaxed. I wish more ppl would educate themselves how to treat a dog properly.

No. 2431039

tbh i dont hate dogs but why are dog owners so weird when you dont want to pet their dogs. i was at a pet store buying stuff and this lady had her dog there and it was sniffing me. i didnt mind. but i didnt want to pet it. she acted offended that i didnt pet her dog. i dont want to pet random peoples animals ffs.

No. 2431056

Dog owners believe everyone loves dogs and wants to pet them. This is why they feel entitled to bring them everywhere. I hate dog owners more than dogs.

No. 2431071


Plus Chihuahuas are literally the most aggressive breed of animal in the world. I wouldn't be suprised if the dog would try and attack the owner when driving causing a fatal crash/attack the paying customer's pizza which would leave the pizza almost unedible by human beings.

No. 2431083

File: 1741234051623.jpg (23.23 KB, 246x386, awrngp.jpg)

I hate when people shelter their dogs and not have them used to other people and strangers, I live in an apartment with two other units owning dogs. One of them has let their dog roam free/trains get used to other residents, the mailman, etc, when that dog is out when I am too, it doesn't bark or finds me a threat because it knows that I live here and passes through often. The other unit's dog is always kept inside and exits outside to poop on the front lawn, it always rushes if I or anyone comes near them, I almost had my legs bitten because the idiot owners don't bother to train and teach the dogs to get used to people. One of these day I will kick it if it tries to attack me again.

No. 2431091

Strange Aeons,is that really you?

No. 2431230

As a dog owner I don't understand that either. I don't really want random people suddenly approaching my dog because she gets visibly nervous (not aggressive though) and I just need to wait until they're done to move on with my business. Worse are the ones with children because they let their child approach any animal and children don't really know how to properly interact with animals. I do my best to stay out of other people's business when I'm with my dog because I know not everyone enjoys them but I expect other people to do the same.

No. 2431862

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Cat almost gets killed by dog attack, proceeds to then put pitbull around cat. These people need to be banned from owning animals, holy shit.

No. 2431879

This is so sad. And they still make fun of the cat for going through immense trauma. I hate how badly some people treat cats.
Like this cat has like one of those bags to shit in or something even 2 years after he was mauled. This isn't cute.

No. 2431881

They way people can't seem to stop making fun of orange cats is getting old.

No. 2431887

It's peak reddit humour.

No. 2431960

>he loved his pain meds
?? He loved getting high, sleepy and confused on pain meds? No actually I don't think it enjoyed any of that, and things still fucking phase him since he is in a vest with blood (?) being drained out of him. I swear a lot, maybe the majority of pet owners are retarded. Especially the ones who insist on keeping two predator animals with vastly different ways of communication together inside a house.

No. 2431973

I’m still seething about when my ex’s mom, who owned a toy poodle, offhandedly made the remark that she wanted to “get a cat for the dog”. Like cats aren’t their own entity and don’t exist to provide enrichment for your gross dog?

No. 2432002

My childhood dog would bolt and dig under the fence to get to the next door neighbor’s backyard. He didn’t hunt rats like the family dog before him, but he did hunt squirrels and possums. He would eat shit and compost. We didn’t let him in the house unless it was cold because he would eat up everything.

No. 2435367

File: 1741456130999.webp (16.41 KB, 300x399, IMG_9155.webp)

Why are dog fags so psychotic about any perceived wrong doing towards dogs?
I’ve heard horror stories of how dog owners treat vets when they fail to saved their deformed obese dogo from death. They act like the vet just killed their whole family and didn’t do the best they can. Dog fags are so evil that vets have the highest suicide rate of any profession.
Dog fags also have a weird savior complex and will adopt i ncontinent projectile shitting beast like picrel because the idea of it being killed as nature intended is the worst possible thing.
They treat these obnoxious stinky beast like wholesome gods instead of the retarded animals they are.
I wouldn’t hate these retards and their gross animals if they weren’t omnipresent.

No. 2435379

i’ve seen firsthand how dog nutters treat vets like absolute garbage. it’s horrific, probably one of the worst professions ever.

No. 2436691

Female pitnutters are massive NLOGs.

No. 2438001

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You’re absolutely right. This is from a post about farmers warning dog owners they will shoot their dogs for mauling livestock.

No. 2438014

my coworker brings her shitty dog to work and it is bothering the ever loving fuck out of me. we share a glorified utility closet of an office which has no windows and barely any air circulation since the door has to stay shut too, so precious Fido doesn't run away and fuck off forever. the stale air and built up dander already verge on feeling suffocating and i genuinely find it hard to breathe in there some days. To top it off the dog is 8 years old, fixed and somehow isn't even properly housebroken, it pees on our office floor every single fucking day. Stale air, dander, then adding in dog piss reeking all around in that tiny ass room fucking kills me. I hate being there, it is totally miserable.

the dog has also shit on the office floor, puked, these pills she gives it sometimes make it pass gas all day, and the other week it turned away from me and i saw it had literal poo crusted fur on its backside. It’s insane how disgusting this is. We’re working in a so-called professional office and yet this is the day to day reality we live there.

she’s related to one of our higher ups so it would be a political nightmare if i went against her and complained. i feel bad for her in a way too because she’s obviously nuts to voluntarily live with an animal like this and subject others to it. i want to try and find compassion for her situation but my god. I just want to work in a clean office and not feel like i’m being gassed day in day out, jesus horace christ. The interviewers did not ever mention there would be any dogs in the workplace either so i didn’t know what i was signing up for.

No. 2438028

Can you ask for an alternative office arrangement because the pet dander and low ventilation is causing health problems? They can decide if it’s something they can accommodate or just tell her to leave the dog at home. Sorry you’re going through this nona, you’re a stronger person than me.

No. 2438071

Thank you nona. Ironically working in medicine, attitudes towards any staff claiming medical accommodations for allergies or any kind of disability are really negative. Might just be local to where I am but I'm better off weaseling my way around the weird ass politics to escape doggy hell. All i know is if i ever become CEO of any medical facility my first order of business is banning furbabies from coming within 10 feet of the place

No. 2443913

my family has this dog that i hate so much, it's one of these deformed breeds (bulldog, pug) and it has trouble breathing, it's white so too much sun affects it, one of the other dogs always wants to bite her head off, her ears are infected and im being real when i say it literally smells like a rotting corpse, and i have to walk it because no one else does. dogs disgust me, and the worst thing is that if you dare say something about it you get treated like a schizo while dogfags can freely say they'd want to kill all cats in the world

No. 2443914


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No. 2443947

Why is it always the person who likes dogs the least actually looking after them? Dog nutters are so fucking lazy, I can’t stand it.

I’ve been thinking, dog owners are so nuts because a lot of them sleep in bed with their dogs, or at least have them in the same room. Dogs get up multiple times a night to walk around the room, clack clacking their claws, licking their balls or just pointlessly shuffling around, or they’ll climb on top of you just as you’re about to drop off and wake you up again, or they’ll bark, or they’ll whine. Dog owners get such poor quality of sleep that they lose their minds and are cognitively impaired as a result.

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