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No. 2175377

No. 2175385

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I hate this could have been me in some alternative universe(this SB stuff is AMAZING) but this woman's purse collection is insane

No. 2175388

No. 2175496

At least it's not the usual Juicy pinkslop like Brooke's, I could watch her showoff her fun purses for hours.

No. 2175523

Ayrt tbh me too even though it's still consoom. I love a good novelty bag but most of them are inconvenient.

No. 2177491

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Nonas I just want to share my personal anti-consoomer win. I haven't consoomed clothes for more than a month now!
No scrolling shopping sites when I'm bored. No impulse buys when I feel down. It's like I have reached enlightenment. Except I browse and shitpost a lot on LC instead kek
Do you have any anti-consoomer wins to share, nonas?

No. 2177504

I've been trying to get better at sewing so I can make my own clothes and stuff, so far I'm really enjoying it

No. 2177546

Congrats nona! It's such a good feeling to not waste time online shopping and impulse buying.
I've recently sold off a lot of old merchandise I consumed when I was a lonely teenager, mostly anime shit, band shirts, and action figures. I used some of the money I got from that to buy a nice gift for my sick friend, and she was very happy and grateful which made me happy too

No. 2177688

>I used some of the money I got from that to buy a nice gift for my sick friend
Nona that is almost too sweet and wholesome for this website.

No. 2177809

Congrats non! I personally have stopped a long time ago to watch beauty influencer and bought zero make up. I used to be lipstick obsessed and now I don’t even wear them anymore and my lips are healthy and not dried out anymore.

No. 2178325

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Reminded me of brooke.

No. 2178910

Cute typo(?) I'm happy to call me more of a non-consoomer kek
And congrats too! Interesting how your lips healed after you stopped using lipsticks, they're usually marketed as moisturizing.

No. 2178992

not brooke because that hello kitty is a witch and she doesnt condone stanism

No. 2179006

what is the obsession with HomeGoods and TJMaxx? why not get actually cute Hello Kitty merch from weeb sources? Most of the stuff in there is so gaudy especially all of the things Brooke chooses to send on

No. 2179022

Remember that one BL girl who was in massive debt to her mom? It seems that she's apparently downsizing her collection.

No. 2179027

Which thread was she first mentioned in?

No. 2179238

Good for her. I hope she doesn't regret it and relapse.

No. 2179256

Brooke clearly likes gaudy. I also keep hoping she'll post more of her deranged Christian shit because I'm finding it fascinating.

There's also a skeleton Hello Kitty which is also evil. But somehow jack-o-lanterns are okay, I wish she'd explain that.

No. 2179637

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Do they have the patience to wait multiple weeks for their order to arrive? Also, it's not their aesthetic, if you were to ask them what their aesthetic was they would probably say it's glam/girly. pic related is the kind of stuff you would find if you typed that in and it very much looks like the things brooke likes.

No. 2179877

Six days ago she said she is now debt free.

No. 2179979

skip to the end to hear her ask what a frankenstein is

No. 2180241

The funny thing is, didn't she say she liked Frankenstein HK the most? It struck me as odd because she was against skeletons and ghosts but a reanimated corpse HK was somehow okay to her. Guess it makes sense because she didn't know what it was but man, what a retard.

No. 2180454

I guess Frankenstein thematically is pro the religious idea that no human should attempt to play god, so it should fit within her religious ideals if she even knew what it was. But if skeletons and ghosts are vaguely somehow Satanic, Frankenstein and his monster absolutely should be as well, given his creature relates himself to Satan in Paradise Lost, "Many times I considered Satan as the fitter emblem of my condition, for often, like him, when I viewed the bliss of my protectors, the bitter gall of envy rose within me." From her blissfully dumb perspective this definitely makes HK monster a satanic symbol. I don't have tiktok and don't cowtip but god I hope someone points this out to her kek

No. 2180527

your explanation is about 2 standard deviations away from her place on the bell curve

No. 2184221

>can someone explain what a frankenstein is
as expected from someone who took 10 years to complete her undergrad and only finally managed to do so thanks to fugly pink office supplies.

btw. she also removed the "RECOVERING" part from her bio.

No. 2184237

interesting, there's this video from yesterday i just started watching and the girl notices the RECOVERING. i wonder if this has anything to do with it

No. 2184253

So will she give her sister some space in their shared bedroom now?

No. 2184278

Just play the games, maybe get one (1) plushie of your favorite character, why are people like this?

No. 2184281

I can't even begin to imagine the ammount of money that was probably spent on this… looking at those original 1998 South Park plushies they cost on average hundreds of dollars

No. 2184298

all of this for a shitty fad game

No. 2184325

I wonder how she made it to adulthood like that, was she raised Mormon or something? Literally everybody knows Frankenstein's creature and I refuse to believe a regular 30 year old woman has never heard of it to this day.
She probably thought it was just a green HK since there's no overtly "evil" markings on her.

No. 2184422

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video is kinda boring and dragged on but this comment is really interesting and now i can't unsee it.

No. 2184492

>I collected from a bunch of series and you couldn't tell which series I was into
What's with consoomers obsessing over what others think of their hoards? Not everything has to be exposed to the public.
I admire her for being so honest about why she started hoarding and going through with her downsizing. Hopefully she can find something else to fill the void that doesn't require public approval for her to enjoy.
>A lot of hate comments will tell me to get therapy and get my life together and I don't like hearing that so I decided they're jelly meaniepants
I can see why nobody wanted to be her friend at school, tbh. I hope she gets therapy despite the naysayers because she clearly fucking needs it. I mean she thinks that a minimum wage job is more than enough to pay for all the shit she's collected, she's so out of touch with reality, holy shit. Just the Ringdolls are about $500 each, some are almost $1000. Nobody earning minimum wage, even in the US of A, is buying a fucking $500 piece of plastic on a whim.

No. 2184610

I've definitely noticed this about a lot of these Tiktok consoomers, not just Brooke. Part of it is probably also their inability to understand the concept of investing in a furniture piece that will last you many years, since for them it's all about spending as much money on useless stuff in the short term on whatever takes the least effort to buy. The TJ Maxx garbage isn't for customizing a space to make it yours, it IS the focus of the space and the furniture and the space itself is the afterthought.

No. 2184989

I just left a TJ maxx without buying a replacement tumbler. i was browsing because my 3 year old one is starting to wear out. These teenagers start live streaming down the aisle filming me in the process asking me if I was going to buy the one in my hand. I said this is sad and walked away, and they erupted in laughter.
So great now I might be in a tiktok without my consent. I fucking hate this timeline, I hate tiktok. I cant even candle browse in peace or buy a coffee cup without feeling someone hovering because they are on some shopping high.

No. 2185017

You should have put a bullet between their eyes. I hate tiktards(a-logging)

No. 2185045

I think that's what makes it so bad for some of these people. They want the most stuff and the newest objects for their theoretical audience. With the Internet it's way worse because it's not just impressing the 10 people who come in your house it's everyone

No. 2185461

>Hopefully she can find something else to fill the void
According to another video she was going to start collecting actual consumable media (Books, Mangas, Drama CDs) instead of merchandise of the characters, take of that what you will.

No. 2185480

That must suck and just gives me lots of anxiety, I hate leaving my home because sometimes you could be doing literally anything and someone could spot you and make a meme out of you regardless of what you're doing or of whether you're the focus of the video/picture or not.
I hope that shit doesn't go viral, nonnie.

No. 2185539

Tbh whenever I see someone filming in public, even if they're facetiming, I take a wide-wide berth.
I dress kinda weird and out there, so sometimes people would approach me and ask for a picture, but whenever I see someone filming in public, or god forbid taking creepshots of me or other people like on the subway, I just leave. I have literally exited a carriage on a stop to enter the next one, because someone was doing tiktok bullshit.
I rarely if ever take pictures of myself that include my face, I mostly am photographed at cosplay events by photogs, and having something taken without my consent is freaking me out so much.
And it's not even that I can't control my angles or am ugly and self-conscious. I just don't know what this pics/vids would be used for.(blog)

No. 2185709

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worse than consoom is ugly consoom. these look terrible and many people find them cute. wtf am i missing?

No. 2185710

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i know she didn't actually pack this stuff but it makes me angry. it's probably not ragebait but it feels like one

No. 2185752

ew, this shit looks disgusting. wisdom tooth extraction swelling but make it cute.

No. 2186141

This is actually disturbing on some indescribable level. What kind of fetish…

No. 2186772

Don't be mean nonna, they're crying because they have mumps.
Oh that's interesting! It really lines up with what the video showed, like using the storage under the bed for makeup and skincare, because there's no room anywhere else to put it. I wonder if it works the other way around as well, maybe she buys endless pillows and uses kiddie backpacks as decor because there isn't enough normal furniture to give her a sense of what the room should be used for. Every part of her home that she's shown in her videos looks like a 10 year old organized it, there's no real cohesion or practicality to it, it's just rotating displays of junk lined up on shitty white shelving.

No. 2186874

i just cant tell this is korean

No. 2186902

wow this is so ugly

No. 2186976

these are fucking hideous and yet ppl spend money on them
I know it's supposed to be ASMR but I can not stand when ppl tap on shit with those long nails and then clank plastics together. I just find it very annoying.

No. 2187246

Here's an anime consoomer moid that I found. Of course he started watching anime in 2020 during Covid and decided to dedicate his life to purchasing plastic hentai figures to make a store display at home. This hoarding look embarrassing and gaudy. I skimmed through the video and looked at the thumbnails of his other videos, and you can see it's another copy and paste anime gooner with money to waste.

No. 2187254

I don’t believe she doesn’t know. Not because I believe she has read the book but because Frankenstein is referenced so much in pop culture. These type of comments/questions help with engagement because everyone is eager to explain in the comments or laugh at her “stupidity”. People also share the content as a way to make fun of her as if that doesn’t help her continue to profit.

No. 2187257

>he’s an idolfag
SIIIIIIGHHHH like clockwork. Curious how he got into idol shit considering LL and Idolm@s are pretty dead series at this point but I digress. I wonder what kind of jobs someone like him has, any extreme consoomer really and their living arrangements. Like imagine having this room and living with your parents?

No. 2187387

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No. 2187388

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It's like a mini army

No. 2189617

I don't think I have ever seen a husbando shrine as bad as this. Why the acute version of Kaito in particular? I'll never understand getting multiples of the same merch, but even less so with figures. You guys think she has acute playing on repeat in her house?

No. 2189619

i love the fact that shes obsessed with such an specific kaito figure

No. 2189982

>literally the one figure of a song where he's cheating/having a love triangle
Kek, can this even be called husbandofagging?

No. 2191040

Was this figure on sale or something? What kind of retard buys this many of one figure, piles them up with a couple of printed screenshots and some fanart, and calls it a day?

No. 2191044

is this the shelf of the va who gave his voice for kaito? hes a super yume? for him too

No. 2191045

Wtf is she concocting in the beginning?

No. 2191146

Anon, it's the PPG toys that she's showcasing. It's not an actual recipe.

No. 2191171

she's just mixing shit together to the audio because that's the intro of the ppg cartoon. the story is that the professor was doing some experiment but accidentally dropped an entire thing of a mysterious chemical in his formula and poof, the powerpuff girls were born.

No. 2191177

definitely looks like a weird fetish

No. 2191185

I get dupe badges sometimes because I like my itabags to look more balanced.

No. 2191608

Itabags I can understand, multiple dupes of figures for the shrine, I do not.

No. 2191612

She has a point to not fall into consoomerism to be a colector… But this is from someone who bought a "cute figure" without knowing which anime was and was horrified when she found it was a loli character.

No. 2191700

What’s she bringing up taxes for?

No. 2191735

>why yes I do buy Betsy Johnson purses how did you know, the tiktok
I used to work in a mall store that sold several of these. There's not really a whole lot of point to having them. You could say they're "conversation pieces" but in reality people will mostly just cringe at you for owning these. They frequently went on sale because I live in a very conservative area and quirky people don't really have enough money to buy these kitchsy bags. I actually own the pizza slice one because it went to last act sale plus my employee discount and, to this day, I haven't really had a reason to take it anywhere. Bought it years ago hoping it would be a fun thing to have if a boy ever asked me out somewhere fun with pizza but that never happened.

The whipped cream can and the Sweet N' Low are the dumbest ones, easily.

No. 2191739

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>I would DIE for Riley!!

No. 2192065

i know we shit on brook a lot but i hate vidrel even more. the way she talks and her hand gestures are so retarded. she feels like someone asked AI to generate the essence of overconsumption tiktok videos but no, she's actually real.

No. 2192089

Please don't tell me that disgusting sack of unhealthy shit that in most of her shots is her husband?

No. 2192185

I was considering preordering figurines of my OTP from a manga I like and I know the figurines will be expensive, watching this video reminded me of when I decluttered my place and got rid of figurines I owned before, now I don't feel like preordering anything anymore. Good for her that she's getting rid of some of her stuff to get more money and space, in her case she really went too far.

No. 2192193

She's beautiful

No. 2192198

>the way she talks and her hand gestures are so retarded.
Theres a lot of "influencers"" who do that to the point its a meme.

No. 2192734

is that fat guy her boyfriend omg gross. im assuming hes paying for her sanrio trip?

No. 2192794

Oh god that better be her gay friend or something because of that’s her boyfriend, there’s no hope for het women. What the fuck. NTR level fat ugly bastard antagonist looking mf.

No. 2192930

can't stop laughing at this thank you nona

No. 2193346

>pack my bag
>90% of stuff is useless

No. 2193359

Where the fuck is she going with all that junk? It would make sense if she was traveling abroad but she's probably just going to Target to buy more pink plastic crap

No. 2193393

interesting she rebranded to another name and removed almost all mentions of being a shopping addict following this video >>2184237

No. 2193409

>The heighth of this bag

No. 2193781

Kek I noticed that too. Should've stayed in school, Brook.

No. 2193883

>poopourri, for your poo-poo
her inflection is so fucking grating and this little gem nearly killed me

No. 2194417

oh, seeing so many people call her out instead of being called out on her own post where her fans constantly tell people to stfu must have hurt. "I like to have options" ok, shopping addict.

No. 2194576

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>tfw healing inner child=buying plastic crap

No. 2194613

>never put a bumper sticker on a Ferrari
I think it's funny that she thinks her ugly, tacky LV is somehow so special that she can't put a bunch of even more ugly, tacky crap on it after filling it up with a ton of unnecessary, ugly, tacky crap.

No. 2194622

Did she actually buy any of it though?
It's weird and honestly kinda creepy how adults are turning back to their childhood toys and kids are foaming at the mouth for Drunk Elephant and Stanley cups.
Huh, the Brookes of the world tend to thrive on attention, it helps their victim LARP and gives them tons of reasons to consoom more (hayturs, self care, getting life together after seeing the video, etc). Maybe she's in the middle of a breakdown and the rebrand and weird Bible thumping arc are part of it.

No. 2194834

This looks like faux modernist pedoslop “art” that creepy wealthy ppl have in their home. That was a weird sentence to write…

No. 2195460

brooke strikes me as not right in the head and traumatized with her mom abandoning her plus she's not bright so i can sorta understand why she consooms, but this girl feels like an upbeat advertisement automaton and it's creepy

No. 2197119

File: 1728301239059.webp (43.3 KB, 402x767, 6kntmsvpe8td1.webp)

Result of mindlessly buying childrens' toys just because they looked cute at a glance

No. 2197127

im in japan and it’s too hot for half of this shit she brought wtf? these bitches really think japan is some uwu cutesy pink land

No. 2197494

They take up so much space it's impossible for these people to keep them. I already see 2-3 every time I go to a thrift but every store will have 50 of these next year

No. 2197654

File: 1728330131955.jpeg (120.85 KB, 1540x1540, Jax-Animatez_01.jpeg)

Feel free to roast me but I'm thinking about getting the Jax Animatez from the tranny circus show, much to my dismay that show and character really grew on me. I never buy figurines for shows or games so I feel fucking retarded admitting this kek

No. 2197707

Nonna he's tumblr sexy men bait fodder designed to make faggots desire him resist the call resist the echoe of brain worm voices

No. 2197710

spend your money how you like nona

No. 2197731

>Buying from trannies

No. 2197739

Imagine yourself a year in the future. Will it be worth it then?

No. 2197741

>Explain to me in the comments
It's bait. She knows everyone is going to rush to explain what it is and make fun of her for not knowing, but in the end it drives up engagement so it's a huge win for her. Youtubers do shit like this all the time. "If you know what x is let me know in the comments!" It's a very common tactic.

No. 2197749

How old are you really? I've only ever seen 15 year olds care about the show.

No. 2197757

Meh, it's thirty dollars and it's one figurine. Consider how much money you make in an hour. Say you're a poor fag and you only make $7.25 an hour (so $6.50 after taxes). So before you buy, think, would I trade five hours of my life for this thing? If so, then buy it.

No. 2197868

Just know, buying this means your supporting a tranny with a fetish for bimboification, transformation, inflation, weight gain, and women having their heads drilled with a drill.

No. 2197980

Why does your husbando never brush his teeth? They’re more yellow than the Simpsons.

No. 2198034

It's a pretty solid looking figure at least. I'm not into the show but if you were super into this character I can see $30 depending on how big it is. Digital circus merch seems super overpriced though so I'm gonna guess this thing is at most 4 inches tall

No. 2198218

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what stage of consumerism is this

No. 2198222

It's ugly as fuck. I always advice against buying stuff from FOMO shows because most people stop liking it once it's stops being popular. Normally when i get into a show i like i wait at least a year before i buy anything from it.

No. 2198258

How embarrassing of you, anon. What self-respecting woman would knowingly give money to tranny coom shit?

No. 2198393

This is the most miserable thing to put on a wall, even a NYC poster from Ikea is edgier than that.

No. 2198472

>The feeling of having a collection… you just feel… whole

No. 2198492

How is that "paying off?"

No. 2198859

kek the fat hand with long ugly nails

No. 2199413

I get that not everyone is artistic but goddamn couldn't she have tried to make it look aesthetically pleasing? Or at least made sure the fucking cuts were straight? God just print out a patterned paper or something for the background just TRY put in some EFFORT (Idk why this is making me so irate it's so stupid in every single way)

No. 2199475

This woman's content gives me a headache. There's too much clutter in that room already and she just keeps buying more.
No I completely agree with you. It's uneven inside the frame and the packaging isn't lined up properly. It's ugly and lazy.

No. 2199483

File: 1728428242107.jpg (139.98 KB, 820x625, shibajuku-girls-6.jpg)

This woman is really hopeless. She should just stop buying crap, esp. flavor of the month masturbation series. And 9 giant fucking Ringdolls! That's just lighting money on fire, some day she will try to sell those, and find out that nobody wants the whole doll, and the outfit is worth less than $100, and the doll maybe $350 at the very, very best. Getting rid of those will be a miserable experience, and take at least a year now that the economy is pure shit. I also saw Shibajuku Girls in her old display. She has been consooming for a while.

No. 2199556

I had to come back to double post to say that I really, really cannot comprehend how this woman thought it was a good idea to spend at least another $2400 on 3 more bjds in this economy, especially not all from a company that has no resale value because they pull Milanoo tricks. Even if she put them on layaway months ago, the economy was shit months ago.

No. 2200183

Holy fucking shit, with the amount of stuff she has, I'd imagine it's like a sorority's shared makeup room, not just one person.

These are the ugliest doll on the market currently, for sure. And from the stolen concept, stolen art and use of AI art the company is not even trying to really conceal, I wonder why would anyone buy these monstrosities. Sure, they're cheaper than Pullip dolls they're ripping off, but they are also just unimaginably ugly and cheap in comparison.
What is even the point of buying a rip-off "cheap" version if the point of a fashion doll is to look nice and have good fashion? They are not a utility rip-off item, they are purely decorative things, and they're so ugly, I doubt even kids would be interested in their dead-eyed horsefaces.

No. 2200279

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thank u for showing me another person that by just seeing their videos i feel a sense of dread and want to declutter even more. drawers and drawers of garbage to put in your bag…fucking waste of time.

No. 2200460

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It baffles me how grown ass women in the west will buy the ugliest cheapest mostly fake Sanrio character tat. On the Japanese market, there's more age appropriate items for anyone who isn't a literal child and even if it's still consoomy, it's way more aesthetically pleasing and to me, someone having eg. some of these more hidden character design items or the more high quality bag charms/pouches is cute and nowhere near as offensive as bags/entire housed full of actual plastic junk.

No. 2200989

Juicy Couture is so fucking ugly and I don't get why all the brain dead bimbos are into it, even the name sounds porny.

No. 2201045

They couldn't afford/weren't allowed to have the real Juicy Couture two decades ago so they're compensating by buying the name buy-out wholesale crap discount stores carry now.

No. 2201186

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No. 2201318

this isn't any better, stop lying to yourself

No. 2201366

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shit like this is a reminder that I live in an insular bubble of primarily makeup-free women. who needs that much shit in their bags? nobody.

Honestly thought that >>2199483 were dollar store dolls, but then I read your comment and went to google and ofc the doll reddit is boasting about consooming them, picrel

No. 2201392

It looks super cheap too. Just put a charm of your favourite character on a good quality bag.

No. 2201954

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>What is even the point of buying a rip-off "cheap" version if the point of a fashion doll is to look nice and have good fashion?
This is why they've become a consoom red flag for me. And they were $30-40 new, so they were only marginally less expensive than buying an older Pull-up secondhand.
It doesn't surprise me, just look at them. Mattel decided at some point that Barbie shouldn't be a quality gift anymore, and should be something cheap and disposable that parents can buy every week, because it costs as much as a bag of Doritos and a soda. But there's no fucking reason for people to shop that way, literally none.

No. 2201955

>no resale value because they pull Milanoo tricks
Can you elaborate a bit? This sounds interesting, I know a lot of non-BJD consoomers are drooling over their FOTM yaoi dolls and it's not like those buyers have any standards.
Jesus christ this just keeps going, it's like a parody. You could bludgeon someone to death with that bag.

No. 2202013

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The number of people who will buy huge 60+ cm dolls is probably like 1/20th that of the smaller dolls. Most of the Chinese companies are run by corporations instead of artists, and they keep artists on contract to constantly create new heads. So even the decent artists will churn out derps and not care. You can't get a refund on any of these things, so you want to see real photos of unpainted heads before buying anything. But when they do these "limited" dolls, nobody will see the real product until long after it's discontinued. By the time you realize the prototype was 100% shoop, you're $800 SOL. And the companies don't care, because there will always be another 100 teenagers with Christmas money to waste. And if you try to sell a 60+ cm Chinese doll, even if it doesn't look shitty and you have photos to prove it, everybody will still assume that you're hiding something and trying to scam them. But they do want the body for about $200 to put a nicer head on it. It's like buying a very expensive tar baby. And next month there will be a dozen new doll heads that might look better than last years's "limited" dolls, so it's fomo gacha hell.

No. 2202037

Yeah that's what I was trying to say, I was struggling to find a decent pic to illustrate my point since most of them were awful. You can get much cuter character charms/mascots than the shitty Temu plastic ones was my point. I really hate Hello Kitty, most Sanrio characters are also ugly too, I truly don't understand how they've got burger women in such a chokehold they're literally brawling over them in public

No. 2203071

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Picrel post has 7 photos, 1 for each drawer plus one of the closed chest of drawers. Every single one is crammed with candles. I counted 118 candles of varying sizes. For one season. This is nowhere near the worst post on that consoomerist hellhole of a subreddit but something about having an entire chest of drawers dedicated to candles for a single season is fucking nightmarish. How much of a consoomer do you have to be to think that this is in any way normal? Even if she burns candles every day in every room that's going to take forever to get through.
That's crazy. I can see why they do so many FOTM releases, no actual BJDfag would put up with that. Idk if the FOTM consoomers would even notice these issues unless they got a completely incorrect head or wildly inaccurate outfit.

No. 2203123

Pineapple Pizza candle sounds like it would smell RANK as cute as I think the packaging is. Anyway which subreddit is this?

No. 2203139

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This plus these absolute fucking trash blind box dolls made in sweatshops with no quality control are killing the BJD hobby and making actual artisan companies from China look bad.
Tangential but I hate blindbox fags in the BJD community. They whine about how they can't afford resin dolls because they're "inaccessible" and then buy like twenty near identical blindbox dolls that rot on their shelves with no customization or creativity to be seen. Unlike with resin, they don't have to wait long or do any research or DIY or really anything creative with the blind boxes. Just order more cheap plastic fullsets for that quick dopamine hit. Then they flood the secondhand market and act surprised when nobody wants to buy them. I'm getting so tired of seeing self righteous tourists post their hoards of ugly kikagoods dolls all smashed together with shitty lighting screeching that they are heckin valid BJDs too then they ask the most retarded questions that could be solved by lurking even the slightest bit in real BJD spaces instead of shitting them up and accusing people of gatekeeping. I'm not saying resin owners can't be consooemrs or anything but the blind box fags are so obnoxious with it.

No. 2203173

the overlap between healing your inner child and acting like a DDLG fetishist is tangible. also is this literally considered content nowadays? it's just someone going to the dollar store and putting stuff in their cart. she's not even showing off like 'unique' things like cute decorations.

No. 2203311

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Sorry nonna, I'm retarded. It's the Bath and Body Works subreddit, where you can frequently find gems like picrel. You can also find sales information, immediately followed by a ton of posts on orders that went wrong- recently B&BW seems to be having difficulty charging customers the correct amounts and a $30 order might cost you $90, because why not. A while back it was exploding candles. You know, the normal things. You can read through endless posts where consoomers proudly show their vintage body care items that they kept since 2007 and still use on special occasions. If you'd like to know where to get a few lightly expired body lotions from 2014 without overpaying for the privilege, you'll find plenty of tips there. You'll see a handful of comments that carefully dance around the rampant consoomerism, but mostly it's enablers fuelling each others' shopping addictions and hoarding tendencies.
It's a fantastic read whenever you feel like doing some retail therapy. Puts you right off.

No. 2203406

Tbh most of the people I see with a dozen blind box dolls are also regular bjd consoomers. I don't really see much seething either from them. I have seen a lot of screeching from fake blythe owners though when they're told to not post fake dolls in bjd spaces

No. 2203433

I bought some of those tall body sprays because there's always a bunch on sale for like $3 and a lot of the scents are genuinely good so why not. But then I noticed how fucking slowly I was going through them despite using them every day, sometimes more than once, and I had to stop buying them. I really wonder what people are doing with 5, 10, 20+. There's no way you can get through it all in a lifetime, ffs my friend still has one from when she was in highschool.

No. 2203601

>expired body lotions
This cheap shit is so gross brand new. There was a study recently that linked lotion with precocious puberty, and plastic food packaging with breast cancer. This shit is literally killing people slowly.
>dk if the FOTM consoomers would even notice these issues unless they got a completely incorrect head or wildly inaccurate outfit.
I think that's the Ringdoll target audience at this point. They profit off lazy people who listen to the other lazy retards who say that a complete bjd is at least $1000 or $2000 new. So $800 or $900 for a complete doll seems like a bargain, even though it's a mediocre paint job on a mediocre doll in a mediocre outfit. They could get a better plastic boyfriend for less, but that would take actual reading.

No. 2203638

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> 21 years old
> wardrobe is overflowing with overpriced kawaii polyester Japanese burando
> constantly promotes her Mercari JP account and begging her followers to buy her clothes off her because she has a shopping addiction and buys every release
> her entire account is dedicated to talking about clothes

It hurts to see people have all this disposable income just to waste it.

No. 2203889

Most don’t have disposable income; they are neck deep in debt.

No. 2203938

I own a single 70+ bjd among my collection and a couple of blind box bjds. And a smattering of random older MSD dolls.
I'd say my 70+ is a very old sculpt (body 2010 and head 2012 and it's made by an artist)
And I would say that the concepts of blind box bjds are often kinda cute, even if derivative, but the quality is just. not. there.
One of my dolls came pre-stained with clothing with one accessory piece just falling apart first time I tried to put it on. The second one needed hands removed to put on her outfit and the elastic immediately stretched to the point of no return just from that. Not to mention both have hair that doesn't fit tight enough, so the fringe falls off easily.
My older BJDs are just fine, heavy, zero plastic damage outside normal resin yellowing.

I get getting blindbox dolls if you like them, but it too pisses me off when people try to be bjd-fag over them. They're a fad. A hundred companies suddenly popped up and started churning them out. And it is absolutely no wonder they are that cheap in comparioson to older actually resin dolls that size.
It's just another chinese overconsoom tactic. Can't buy high quality clothes? Get them for pennies off Shein. Can't buy quality dolls? Here are several hundreds of cheap one. It will fall apart if you don't follow the upkeep, it may fall apart just on it's own, but you've got 20 of them, you can feel like an accomplished person with so many things you own.

Sorry fol dollsperging, I am very passionate about dolls and art and it pisses me the fuck off that the market is just flooded with poor quality uninspired ai-generated slop.
Even Mattel started using AI in their packaging. You have money. Hire an actual artist. You probably have several of them already working for you?

No. 2204250

File: 1728743939905.mp4 (5.69 MB, 480x854, trrMcvZ.mp4)

consoomerism + alcoholism

No. 2204258

The sound mixing on this is awful, it's like reverse ASMR.

No. 2204262

It's ragebait.

No. 2204604

Ntayrt but that's always what makes bath and body works consoomers so fascinating to me. One of those sprays and one of those lotion bottles would last a person 6+ months of daily use and they buy 10 a week. It's also not like there won't be lotion available to buy the next time you need lotion

No. 2204634

>wasting money on modern Liz Lisa
Back in the day, Liz Lisa had some cute quality pieces. It all looks so cheap and mass produced now. It's a buy and sell cycle for these girls.

No. 2206516

It makes me sad to see YouTube haul culture seep into bjds. Even though it's still a hobby based on buying things, a lot of the people in the hobby still spent relatively conservatively compared to the people who run out and buy a whole wave of 6-8 dolls at Walmart every few months. And people commissioned and made a lot of very personal things, that's part of why they got so popular. They were stylish and relevant to people 's real interests in a way that mass produced generic stuff rarely is.
Those purses look like they were $8 at Family Dollar. Really sad to see Liz Lisa become another outlet for generic taobao shit.

No. 2208255

this is obviously a meme anon

No. 2208812

Brook is "decluttering" again

No. 2209083

The xmas decoration consoomerism is coming back and it makes me so angry everytime, no one needs new decorations every year or shitty ironic xmas clothing piece fuck off

No. 2209693

this is all just a scheme to buy a bunch of shit and scalp it on Poshmark, and the declutter videos are her doing ads for her Poshmark. saying that she's gonna keep something makes people beg for it and drives up the insane price she can demand on Poshmark.

No. 2209860

wtf happened to her thumb? "pulled off"??

No. 2210596

instantly thought of this thread

No. 2210664

Fat hands and pre-diabetes knuckles, she's truly living her best life.

No. 2210793

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This sort of ragebait always makes me giggle. The egg and cereal in the Stanley cup thing, and the little backpack to make it look like she's going to go for a walk while eating all that, are pure comedy.
Agreed, but hoarders do go through periods where they prove they're not hoarders by decluttering. Then they go buy more stuff to fill that scary empty space. Brooke's content is literally hoarding tat, if she doesn't get rid of some of it at some point she wouldn't have any space to display her newest Hello Kitty blankets and her views would stagnate.
But nonna, don't you want picrel gracing your tree this year? It's such a bargain too! And look, it's from Harrods, that's how you know it's good quality despite looking like something you'd get at Poundland! Seriously, I cannot understand why this shit gets pumped out every fucking year. Does anyone even buy these stupid novelty decorations? Is it a psyop to force consoom influencers to pay retarded prices for shit that nobody sane will ever want, just so they can make ragebait deforestation themed Christmas decor to try to go viral?

No. 2210819

This woman would benifit so much if she'd learn embroidery and just created the things herself instead of consooming.

No. 2210823

All of this would be far better accomplished by a fanny pack.

No. 2210950

I knew this was going to be a doozy just by the title. The very idea of a Michael's (or Joann's or Hobby Lobby) grab bag fills me with dread. I wouldn't take any of this stuff even if it was free. It's all Dollar Tree level junk. I also hate the fact that craft stores are all going bankrupt, yet this is what they fill their stores with, when it obviously doesn't sell. The only actual craft item in the whole lot was a tiny pair of x-acto knife blades.

No. 2211054

But wait! There's more. Of the same exact shit. I can't understand buying these things, unless you could see it was full of flowers and needed to decorate multiple graves. I wonder if these are even packed by the stores, or mass produced in a warehouse.

No. 2211055

Ugh the food tray is what triggers me the most. Everything else I don't even care about.

No. 2211173

Used to work at Michaels. IIRC, the “grab boxes” were packed at the store to get rid of sale/seasonal items that weren’t selling. I did get customers who would buy an excessive amount of random seasonal junk in one trip, and I assumed they had a shopping addiction.

No. 2211186

Michaels? $950 value? There better be two fucking cricuts in there because no way in hell any of their other garbage is worth that much

No. 2211705

>Those Pride flags in the first box
>'Uh, yeah, we can use that, sure'
>The fucking handbag cushion, what the fuck even is that thing
>5 million graduation cap decorations
>An entire alphabet of random letter decorations
I know she paid a whole $10 for this but come on. You're paying Michaels for the privilege of taking unsold tat off their hands. This shit is either unusable or plain retarded, with very few exceptions. Even if you buy them for resale you'd struggle to break even.

No. 2212339

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These blindboxes look like they were meant for teenagers and/or high impulse spenders. Instead of buying like 10 $20-$30 blindboxes, why not at least get a Resinsoul or something? I see these everywhere on Reddit

No. 2212861

>The egg will be cold and the cereal will be soggy by the time you get going
>Also kinda awkward to eat the cereal might spill milk and how do you eat the egg without fork and spoon

So I was like "ok" when people were using the tray for dried snacks but this is beyond stupid.

No. 2212881

This is nothing but funny to me, it's so silly. Ngl, the loveshakefancy stanley cup is gorgeous, too bad we can't see it because of the all junk.

No. 2213052

Like clockwork.

No. 2213142

She doesn't deserve that cute little bow storage thing smh.

No. 2213209

beeeetch why you always lying

No. 2213210

videos like this really make me feel like humans are doomed kek she literally doesn't need any of this plastic shit and we're mass producing and consuming this shit "to be an organized girly" meanwhile the environment is dying

No. 2213287

It looks really cheap and tacky, nona.

No. 2213312

>plastic food packaging with breast cancer
What can you even do? Almost all food comes wrapped in plastic. A no-plastic diet would be even harder than veganism.

No. 2213801

Now I'm hooked on watching these Michael's box openings out of pure morbid curiosity. The junk just comes out and out and out, and they always mention some other hobby where they could have spent the $10 or $20 or $100 on instead. Nobody needs all this shit. I guarantee nobody is going to use this stuff for real crafts, it will sit in a box forever. Furthermore, gluing cheap junk on cheap junk to create "wall art" is not a craft.

No. 2213823

I cannot stress enough, none of this stuff is "high end" or a craft. It's just junk glued to junk. Nobody really wants or needs a ripped apart cardboard thing with random shit glued to it. Even the worst Bob Ross imitation is better than this.

No. 2213940

This is all just junk that Michaels was otherwise going to throw in the landfill, honestly smart of them to make this garbage seem like it's a deal. Like you said these people are better off spending the money on a few things they actually wanted versus a pile of ugly junk, but they just want to hoard things instead of actually enjoy them. I'm also shocked by how much the stuff retails for, it's all cheap to make but the mark up must be crazy.

No. 2213951

This is the exact type of shit an ex moid’s “crafty” mom and sister were into. I kept being gifted wreaths and wall hangings that I hated while we were together. Then the guy I was dating got offended if I didn’t display it???? Trashing it all once we broke up was so cathartic

No. 2214321

I see so much of this type of stuff at craft fairs. It says a lot that this is advertised as 'high end'. These crafts cater to the Brookes of the world, who think that TJ Maxx is the height of luxury.
She got 2 of the best boxes I've seen and it's still 99% tat. Who in their right mind goes and spends $10 on a box because they saw stickers in it? Just buy the stickers! And like she said, the price is originally $1,000,000, but it's always on sale so you end up paying $2.50 for it. I wonder what the actual value of the box is.

No. 2214491

>Who in their right mind goes and spends $10 on a box because they saw stickers in it? Just buy the stickers!
IKR? This was by definition junk that was on clearance for weeks. Several were overjoyed to get expired Happy Planner products made for teachers. Pure consoom at the anus end of the capitalism beast. Most say they're going to donate or sell this shit, but nobody wanted it new, that's why it's there.

No. 2214497

I discovered this whole channel of consoom-o-mania. This woman had her dad drop $100 on grab boxes. I feel like I have the meat sweats just looking at the channel. Consoom sweats.

No. 2214680

soccer mom gacha is real

No. 2214795

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I know fashion dolls have been talked about a lot in these threads, but I have a personal grievance with collections like picrel. It's one thing to own one or two dolls of the character you like, making clothing/accessories for them and taking nice pictures, it's an entirely different thing to own and display so many dolls you can no longer SEE most of them. What is the point, aside from bragging rights?

No. 2214797

I bought two of these last year, and I cannot speak for Americans, but they were also 10$ in Canada (our dollar is trash rn). I ended up using 85% of my box contents, however I would never buy one again lol. I'm in awed at how many people are buying these though.

No. 2214804

>Where you can't even see most of them
This drives me insane about big doll/figurine collections too, surely you don't love every single one of these characters THAT much where you just HAVE to put them on display regardless of how it looks. I know everyone clowns on husbando/waifufags who collect countless merch of the same character, but I'd actually rank them above these guys (not a high bar but still) because they at least TRY to have a semblance of aesthetic order.

No. 2214814

Idc if people collect dolls but I agree you should at least display them nicely

No. 2214837

kallax enslavement makes people try to use them since they're cheap, but they don't work well for doll displays at all.

No. 2215562

Tbf I can see this crap being really helpful for schools and daycares, who have tons of students and not nearly enough resources. It's fucked up that this shit is so expensive that the few individuals who actually need this shit, ie teachers, can't afford it, and then it all gets sent to landfill or shoved into gacha boxes instead of being sent to schools.
>Pure consoom at the anus end of the capitalism beast
That's exactly what it is. Grown women scrabbling for the chance to buy kids' toys and piles of seasonal decor that nobody wanted for a reason. Have some dignity.
I know women who do buy this much tat regularly, but they sell at craft fairs frequented by the sort of customer who thinks that candles in wine bottles are classy. I can't think why anyone who isn't a crafter would want 10 of these boxes, what would you even do with all of those identical fake plants?

No. 2215624

>I can't think why anyone who isn't a crafter would want 10 of these boxes, what would you even do with all of those identical fake plants?
My fear is that this is all just for content and/or a momentary high and it all gets tossed into a landfill.

No. 2215897

I thought I would continue my consuming habits as a child, essentially buying and collecting any piece of merchandise that was related to whatever I was obsessed about. Now I think the brunt of my consuming is glass bottles, tin cans, vape pods, and child proof bags of marijuana.

No. 2215910

I dont understand it either. I would love to buy dolls to work on them and turn them into OOAKs, but collecting them as if is so boring to me.

No. 2215948

Gee I feel guilty enough with my few bags of second-hand craft junk from op-shops that I've bought over the years. I don't understand buying this stuff new at all but I suppose the rush from a perceived deal adds to it.

No. 2215999

There is so much wrong here. This lady says she has a flea market stall, but this video is pure shopping addiction. There's no way any of this stuff would be selling on Poshmark without the parasocial aspect. And even in person, she will have to sell hundreds of dollars of shit just to break even for the table fee. So many of those products need safety testing and don't have any safety testing. And a box like that huge 5lb box of worthless shit would cost over $50 for any of us to mail to a friend. The cost of domestic packages has more than doubled in the last decade because the government is subsidizing shit like this from China.

No. 2216005

I forgot the fact that she obviously is mixing business and personal funds by buying flea market crap and personal use items in the same orders, making a future tax nightmare.

No. 2216023

You think that woman cares about taxes?

No. 2216046

Tbh judging by her looks and speech, she's just some small-town hick and that's probably some kind of luxury to her, she genuinely doesn't seem all that bright. She even said in the beginning she forgot what she got.
Even poorer (as in her name of the channel) people are drowning themselves in random questionable untested crap. This is very sad to watch.

No. 2216362

I have no idea what sells in her corner of the woods but she's terrible at this. There's such a massive range of items that it's going to be impossible to organize the table. Nobody stands at a stall for more than 5 minutes max, if customers can't see what you're selling as they walk along they won't come over to your stall, all those tiny earrings and necklaces will vanish among the clutter, and I dread to think how much cash she's going to need to keep on hand. She could have bought 20 of those ladles, paired them with similarly cheap cooking utensils and tea towels, tied it all together with a ribbon, and sold it for $10. She'd increase her chances of getting sales and she'd get rid of inventory at a much faster rate. If she's been selling for a while she should know this, I don't know why she thinks that mixing shoes, earrings and herb savers will lead to more sales.
Oh, and it's 'ages' until her next flea market, which means she's going to buy yet more tat for her table.
Do you seriously think she declares the IRL cash sales she makes? Come on nonna.

No. 2217378

Clothing consumption is out of hand. Aside from the typical SHEIN/fast fashion companies that most people know of, I notice a lot of jfashion girls wear an outfit once and then list it up for sale. "Worn once" is what they put in their listings. These girls have Instagram and other social media where it's clear that they wear a new outfit to show off but then they don't use those pieces again. It's this constant cycle of buying clothes to maintain a cute and popular image, but it seems so tiring having to keep up with all the expenses and waste it's producing. What's so wrong with repeating an outfit? It's like a sin to these people.

No. 2217399

Weeb girls don't care about fashion as an essence or principles or lifestyle, they are just hentai-gazed wannabe loli pickmes on the autism spectrum, polyester digging into their thigh and arm fat, one level above the hentai hoodie boys. No regard to composition or quality, as long as it came from a Japanese boutique (that sourced it from a Chinese sweatshop)

No. 2217436

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it's buying for content creation and clout instead of buying pieces that you actually like and curating your collection. Sort of unrelated though, but I wish the brands would slow down with releases. Maybe focus more on quality instead of pushing out new things constantly. It has gotten to a point though where jfashion is oversaturated. Brands release new pieces weekly, and even if the average wearer were to buy a piece just once every few months, over time it adds up. Couple that with most of what we call "jfashion" being niche even in Japan, and we reach a point where there are more items produced than any enthusiast could ever wear, and really with the loss of DIY spirit from a lot of alternative fashions (western included), it's really just too much stuff, secondhand markets are over-saturated and listings start to just sit there for months to years as enthusiasts start to run out of closet space during the rush to buy the newest releases for social media photos, and it all ends up in a landfill eventually.

No. 2217446

The repaint/collector community is rife with hoarders. I remember seeing a post from a gay repaint artist where he posted his massive hoard of lot dolls he'd bought specifically for customizing. He had hundreds. Repeats of tons of limbless ratty haired dolls all for the supposed customs he would make with them, when he had way too many to use in a lifetime. And he was posting it online as if he was proud of it.

No. 2217558

That's peak mental illness. Does he at least sell them? At that point, can someone even truly enjoy the individual dolls when they're cluttered with hundreds of other dolls in view?

No. 2217597

That's not exclusive to j-fashion girls, that's every fashion focused influencer there is. Posting repeat outfits won't do good in the algorithm. The followers don't want to see that shit, you will literally get comments calling you out on it, most people don't give a fuck if it's encouraging them to hoard in a way. You won't find a single fashion influencer that doesn't have a hoard of clothing. Since we are on the subject of j-fashion, i only know that with lolita people do sell their stuff immediately after receiving it, not even wearing it due to brands having no return policies. So if something doesn't work for you for whatever reason, selling it is the only way to deal with the issue.
You're absolutely deranged if you think most normie women who like fashion care about principle of lifestyle.

No. 2217667

Holy hell this video went on for forever

No. 2218153

NTA but with regards to saving items for "customizing" later, most people I see who do this keep them in plastic bins shoved out of the way somewhere. Their reasoning for keeping so many is so they have a lot of variety to choose from when the inspiration hits them.

No. 2220815

I think this deserves to be in this thread

No. 2221002

File: 1729773241633.mp4 (3.14 MB, 576x1024, Snaptik.app_742766775477941380…)

People in the comments pointed out that this lady was buying the most pointlessly expensive and awful premade food possible, and she had a tantrum and made a half dozen more videos raging.
The board can't embed her videos for some reason.

No. 2221007

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It's just a good old fashioned small time cow. She is so mad. And buys such shitty food, I haven't bought those canned biscuits for years, ever since they changed the recipes to have a bitter taste and leave a weird industrial scum all over your mouth.

No. 2221073

Shes's buying absolute garbage holy shit. Bananas, grapes, 3 potatoes and 1 tomato as fresh ingredients to last a week for a family of 4? Inflation is bad but it is manageable, I'm sick of hearing from people who can't nurse themselves off of frozen meals or apprently "live in a food desert with 0 available time for cooking"

No. 2221137

Letting an ugly old pervert follow you around in public in exchange for fast fashion crap is degrading and embarrassing, not the boss girl move she thinks it is..

No. 2221142

Her "recipes" look so disgusting. No wonder she buys mostly frozen meals and prepackaged snacks. So many Americans have no idea how to actually cook without dumping loads of fat and sugar into their food to make it palatable.

No. 2221366

The frozen macaroni and cheese is really egregious. Like she can't even buy a 50 cent box mix. And the mini bowls of chef boyardee, like the kids are too good for the store brand full size cans.

No. 2222657

Agree, I did some lurking on the girl's profile and it's pretty blatant she has no taste for fashion or designer clothes, she tends to purchase the items that poor people purchase to look rich, very basic meaningless garbage

No. 2222677

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Nobody needs 4 identical fake Blythes, and not at once. This is ridiculous. Like the lady with 50 Pullups in 2 years, you can't even enjoy what you own if you buy this way.

No. 2222682

this girl has 500 views and seems autistic and a poorfag i feel bad bullying her

No. 2223030

I can't believe that xmas is in two months and people are already putting up decorations and they are also in stores. Xmas is the most consoomeristic period from decorations, clothes and such and everytime it always looks so sad to me for some reason? Fake snow, runners, ugly xmas sweaters that you can only wear in the xmas period without looking terribly out of place (it's also insane to me on how many pieces are made every year for xmas like what the fuck)…everything to me looks tacky as fuck and I will always look down to anyone who over decorates their house for it. It gives cheap party store everytime I enter a house and it's full of glitter, cheap tinsels, styrofoam, ugly santa clauses here and there…it looks horrible.

No. 2223054

Most of my Christmas decorations were passed down to me by my mother and grandmother, I have ornaments from the 1940s that still look timeless. I feel like this used to be the norm but now thanks to social media haul culture its all about buying new cheap shit every year then throwing it away. Items don't have sentimental value anymore.

No. 2223094

not much of a paypig if he's making you choose outfits in 5 minutes, why is ugly men giving girls attention seen as a flex now? are gen-z really this unconcerned about optics?

No. 2223110

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I just did some lurking too and I am confused why her sugar daddy can supposedly drop thousands on Prada and Gucci but the apartment she lives in looks like section 8 housing. It's obvious they're fake designer items you can always tell by looking at where the person actually lives kek.

No. 2223139

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I agree that groceries are way too expensive now but this is literally nothing but brand name junk food and frozen garbage. Is her family not constipated?
>Doing a quirky dance to defend your choice of nothing but snack garbage
That'll show em!

No. 2223146

It’s easier to buy your sugar baby clothes and designer bags and maybe her rent, it doesn’t really better her life, but buying her a house or funding her business does, hence why they don’t, they need you to be dependent. At least that’s my theory.

No. 2223162

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I remember seeing multiple videos after this one on TikTok about "paying tutorials" it's sick. https://www.tiktok.com/@brokeforbelablair_?lang=en is probably the worst offender since she's like "You're going to earn 20k a month for trolling men heheheh" It is never that easy.. So many young women in the comments with consoomerist habits saying they want one now too

No. 2223205

It makes me sad that young women are being taught that it's better to do nothing with their lives and troll men for money than do something productive or valuable with their time. This only stunts their growth by being reliant on men like that. Especially because, except for edge cases, they won't make that much money, but will be exposed to some true cretins.

No. 2223210

I feel like this video was made more for him than anything else, he's likely getting off on the humiliation, she gets her fast fashion trash and views. What I don't understand is why it had to be done so fast. I've never heard of paypigs having some kind of weird time limit.

Aside from that, she probably doesn't know any better and is happy with whatever crap he gives her because she's dumb. He can get off to only spending a few thousand on a few dumb designer products and she's happy with them, not realizing she could be doing so much more and so much better. Two peas in a pod.

No. 2223243

A lot of these accounts are just a front for sex traffickers to lure in naive teenage girls. I forget who it was, but a while ago some woman that made content like this talked about how the "paypig" behind the camera was actually her pimp who pocketed most of the money she made doing sex work.

No. 2223332

the internet was a mistake. how do middle-aged women feel comfortable simpering at the haters like eleven year olds.

No. 2223855

those jim carrey ass grimaces she's pulling, kek.

No. 2224071

Christ this is embarrassing to watch. Her fragile ego really couldn't stand the comments pointing out the obvious. I thought the original video was ragebait but she's actually mad about being asked why it looks like a toddler picked out her groceries. Maybe inflation wouldn't hit so hard if she replaced her Pringles with normal food.
What the fuck, this is so dangerous. Hoping and praying for consoomerism to fall out of fashion asap.

No. 2224476

Designer bags as a gift are not bad at all tbh, you can easily resell them unlike clothes. There are cows like Alice who managed to stay afloat by selling their designer bags after their sugardaddy dumped them.

No. 2224637

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Can you imagine if there was a large group of hetero women who collected Anime coom figurines of sexualised teenage boys with huge bulges and baby faces to appeal to coomer women? Women like this need to kill themselves

No. 2224647

This autopedophilic pickme is 21 years old and is using tags like cutecore, cute, kawaii, sanrio and korilakkuma under the coom figurine videos

No. 2224648

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No. 2224730

>I've never heard of paypigs having some kind of weird time limit.
Maybe they had to get back to the bus stop in time.

No. 2226381

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i will never understand the appeal of piling up your purchases in such a way that you can't see some of them bc there's another box (or several boxes) in front of them

No. 2226407

Pickmeism really is a mental illness. Imagine spending thousands of dollars to buy ugly anime figurines of women with giant tits and baby faces for the sole purpose of appealing to men. When she's alone in her room looking at all this shit and not showing it off on the internet, does she truly think she's doing something cool and good for herself? Do you think she has moments of clarity where she thinks "why the fuck am I buying all these anime girl figurines when they're ugly as fuck and make my pussy dry?"

No. 2226410

>Unpopular anime figure opinions
I bet this one is daring and not afraid to speak her mind kek
Some of them are delusional and self-insert as the anime girls because they're either narcissists or believe it will make them hot by proxy.

No. 2226549

>When she's alone in her room looking at all this shit and not showing it off on the internet, does she truly think she's doing something cool and good for herself?
Kind of, mostly due to two factors
- "I have this and you don't". Lots of them are content with this sense of superiority, they don't like the figure as much as the feeling it gives them to own something lots of people want.
- Their color palette. When you have so much stuff of the same colors (white + pastel pink in that case and many others) they all mergue together and all they see is a pink blur hashtag aesthetic, it could've been pink Shrek figures for all they care.

No. 2226567

They simply don't want or intend to pile them up, they want to have them all displayed but don't have the room for it

No. 2226780

Not to diss her looks or anything, but I find it sad how a lot of these regular/average-looking girls go into this anime gooner consoomerism "hobby" for attention. Being a pickme for lame otaku men is pathetic. She could cultivate a talent for herself but no. Collecting big booby anime girls and showing it off is good enough.

No. 2228275

YOI figurine spotted, maybe not all hope is lost. She just needs to nourish her fujocancer more, unlike coomerism it's benign, so one day it will overtake her libido.

No. 2229092

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cat food consoom

No. 2229094

kek no way wtf im a catfag but this is utterly deranged. i guess in the event of an apocalypse her cat is set

No. 2229095

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No. 2229097

she wrote on this video that she feeds her two cats 30 something cans and 2lbs of raw food a week and that she isn't rich or some shit. still no fucking cat needs all these treats and stupid plates

No. 2229099

I think it's kind of sweet idk but you can't justify the expenses

No. 2229100

This cat is eating like a "health" influencer.

No. 2229109

I could smell this video. I love cats but god the fucking smell of wet food always makes me gag.

No. 2229114

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I never had a cat or know how they eat but these videos cause me the same reaction like consoom rooms or people putting unnecessary supplements into their food. I'm both intrigued and appalled

No. 2229126

Slow feeders are a good investment if your cat eats too fast but aside from that I can't think of any reason why a cat would need a special plate. It's a cat, it's not worried about aesthetics.
This is mental illness. The cat doesn't need all this shit! Feeding it too many treats is going to make it sick. If she's worried about its diet, she should talk to her vet about it, not just pour a bunch of yogurt over broth and call it a day.

No. 2229132

Cat food autism

No. 2229141

That's too much food at once (cats prefer to eat smaller meals throughout the day) and the fruit is unnecessary. Cats don't digest fruit/vegs very well and in nature would only get them from eating smaller animals with partially digested fruit in their stomachs (which is why the fruit she's using is intended for dogs, not cats). This is going to make her poops enormous and runny, just for the sake of aesthetics.

No. 2229152

it's like the "restocking my 4yo's bathroom" but for cats. i like both stocking up and treating my pets but tens of different kinds of wet food and buying plastic shelves for them and making a video about putting them away is pure mental illness.

No. 2229158

all of this is such a scam cats dont give a shit about differents kinds of flavoured can food

No. 2229195

Mine does after a while. She starts being a bitch and refuses to eat until I swap from a fish collection to a meat one

No. 2229235

This is not true. I've seen cats starve themselves into liver issues because they didn't want tuna flavor, they wanted chicken.

No. 2229266

why do restockers insist on slamming the shit down? as if these type of videos weren’t unwatchable before but the constant bang bang bang made me grind my teeth.

No. 2229273

They do, like others have mentioned, but that almost makes it more ridiculous. I imagine the cats will turn their noses up to a lot of this food.

No. 2229274

I swear all of these types of videos seem to be made for severely mentally disabled young children
Repetitive bangs and clicks, repetitive colourful items
Little retard goes "oooh" and dribbles drool from the corner of it's mouth

No. 2229480

She only has 2 cats?? I was praying she fosters kittens/strays and that's why she needs so much food but nah of course it's just another soulless consoomer. Her cats are probably either obese or on their way there.

No. 2229572

Just two cats? And in ONE week!? How fucking fat are these cats?

No. 2229599

>Adults bought more toys for themselves than for any other age group last quarter for the first time ever, surpassing toys for even the historically-dominant preschooler market.

>Consumers 18 years of age and up spent $1.5 billion in toy-related purchases in the period from January through April, overtaking the three-to five-year-old demographic as the most important age group for the toy industry, according to a new report from market research firm Circana.

>Looking back over a longer period, the report said as many as 43% of adults purchased a toy for themselves in the past year, with the top reasons being for personal fun, socialization and for collecting.

No. 2229611

are cats anything like dogs in the sense that they get sick if you switch their food brand, especially abruptly and especially every single day as would happen here? i know with dogs you should be very careful about switching their food, and if you need to, you have to introduce it very slowly or else it can cause health issues or more “minor” stomach issues. if its the case with cats i feel terrible she is just feeding them all of this new shit daily with no consistency

No. 2229623

Neither cats nor dogs are like that
Stray cats and dogs literally eat random trash and are perfectly fine
Idk where you find those weird specimens but that's not the norm for healthy organisms

You and your animals are almost as retarded as those videos, just a different type of retarded

No. 2229892

She could have just left it at the canned food, freeze dried meat, and omega 3 supplement and that could have been a genuinely good meal for a cat. The cat doesn't give a shit about any of the rest of it. They can't even see most of those colors, they can't digest dairy properly, and strawberry tastes like shit to them. It probably also freaks them out that their bowl keeps changing. Also that was one haggard looking cat, maybe she should spend less money on influencershit and more on veterinary care.

No. 2229901

Outdoor cats and dogs are literally full of worms and diseases we don't see. We're not even present to see them puking from whatever trash they eat either. Their life expectancy is significantly shorter than a pet's. When you give an animal a choice, they'll get picky. Same as any human when you take them to a restaurant with a huge menu.

No. 2229927

>they'll get picky.
actually no, theyre not picky because they dont want to eat that expensive tuna/beef you bought or they dont like the taste but something in it tells them it isnt safe to eat most animals depend on the smell of the food to consider it safe to eat

No. 2229976

Honestly makes sense, my nieces and nephews barely care for toys they only like roblox (and robucks) and minecraft

No. 2230002

>Stray cats and dogs literally eat random trash and are perfectly fine
Yeah and they have a lifespan of like a year and half with luck.

The girl in the video is retarded though. I love how the cats keeps going away after single bites, that meal must taste like shit kek

No. 2230059

Tell that to my cat who won't eat her goddamn duck salmon one day but will decide she only wants salmon the following week. I'm not even buying her anything expensive either. She just doesn't feel like eating that flavor that day

No. 2230118

If they count vidya as toys, and when you think about how many adults collect funko pops and lego, it makes sense.
Kek I know, I buy huge multipacks of food and rotate the flavors so mine don't get bored. Cats have tastebuds and preferences too, as any halfway decent cat owner would know.
Idk why these retards insist on playing potions with their pet's food. Just give the cat its normal food and throw a couple treats in a toy for it to eat later. It's not getting anything except diarrhea out of the weird meat and fruit and yogurt messes.

No. 2230472

are you retarded? dogs are like that and i really hope you dont own one if you dont know something as basic as that

No. 2230499

Bitch anchor your cabinet before slamming the cans down like a fucking neanderthal.

No. 2230568

I sincerely hope they're just adding all of this extra shit for tiktok, this looks like way too many calories. The only good thing added was the bone broth, the rest is like throwing in a bunch of treats with a meal.

Yes, cats are known to have sensitive stomachs when it comes to switching food too often, it can make them vomit. It can vary depending on the cat though.

The only retard here is you, I sincerely hope you don't have a pet.

No. 2230595

I hate when consoomers don't take dolls out of boxes even more than anime figures or toys. The dolls always have their hair pinned back while in box so they're forever displayed as if they had a sock over theor head

No. 2230640

You'd be surprised to know how many cats and dogs I get at work with runny/bloody shits, bile vomit and allergies when people simply switched their food.

This is a completely retarded way to feel your cats. A lot of housecats at this point in genetic makeup cannot even digest "holistic" food that is so heavily marketed as the healthiest possible option.
All this shit with fruits and veg and milk products will never really digest and make them sick now and sicker overtime.
Your cat is better off with just kibble from a reputable mid-range brand (cleans their teeth as well to chew it), fresh water and occasional treat. Sometimes you switch the flavour, but it should be introduced slowly or be the same range of pet products.
Also pet supplements and vitamins are even a bigger scam than human ones. Most pets will never need a supplement, because kibble is formulated to cater to their every need entirely. A lot of supplements and also fish treats can lead to kidney sand and stones.

Honestly, people projecting their needs for having aesthetic meals and making potions with their pet food is keeping me well-payed in my job, lmao, but I am very sorry for their pets.

No. 2231347

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Millennials have processed food enslavement syndrome. I cannot comprehend paying $4 ever day to send your child to school with a handful of junk food and some kind of sports drink or sugar drink. There is probably a direct correlation between millennials who ate lunchables and millennials who thought it was a good idea to take out a $100,000 loan for an English literature degree.

No. 2231362

i'm 28 and people ate this shit at school when i was 6 years old. fruit rollups, puff bars, snackables or lunchables or whatever the fuck, etc. was in almost every kids lunch box. a lot of days i'd be one of the only few kids in class that even had a sandwich. people have been feeding their children crap for decades at this point.

No. 2231459

funnily enough it was the exact opposite where I grew up. shy kids with dowdy homemade lunches were the ones who got diagnosed with a mental illnesses and went to liberal arts schools. all of the sexy popular MBA types were lunchables-havers.

No. 2231723

Omg I love bento boxes

No. 2231745

This is honestly so sad. American eating habits are insane tbh, there are a loooot of people whose diet consists exclusively of prepackaged food. Even fruit comes in little plastic cups, submerged in sugar water. Especially for kids, that can't have a good outcome. Not everyone of course, some people take nutrition seriously, but when I visited the US I was surprised with the amount and variety of slop. The packaging is also insane, it's so much plastic and paper. I'm a thirdie so maybe americans will make fun of me because we're so poor we can't afford prepackaged meals or clean water or wtv, but I prefer cooking and eating fresh food anyway.

No. 2231762

Sorry for samefag but wtf is all this? You can buy heart shaped and flower shaped cat treats in the US? What's with all this "variety"? It's so unnecessary. Once again I'm shocked at what americans are able to consume so casually.

No. 2231953

Am Amerifat. I've never seen those types of cat treats either in stores or online. No matter what brand, dry treats are all standard kibble shaped. She's buying some highly specific novelty stuff.

No. 2231994

Please post more of her terrible eating habits, I want to get rage baited but I don't use tiktok

No. 2232038

I don't know about cat treats, but we have a dog bakery in my city that makes handmade dog treats shaped like all kinds of things just like human treats. Like, right now they have all sorts of halloween cookies and cupcakes and such. You can bring your dog and pick out individual items or gift baskets or buy them in packages. The stuff is not as cheap as what you'd buy at a regular store, but it's still relatively affordable. It's all super cute but really ridiculous when you think about it.

No. 2232069

If anything, the dog will start to associate normal cookies and decorated cupcakes as food they can eat. It only takes one chocolate cupcake to send Fido to heaven

No. 2232550

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ah hell nah they was feedin yo asses puff bars in elementary?

No. 2232566

but pitbulls have a hankering for babies without cookies shaped like them(unprompted pitbull sperging)

No. 2232589

>Even fruit comes in little plastic cups, submerged in sugar water.
Oh… canned fruit is an American thing?

No. 2232947

what does that have to do with anything lol

No. 2233226

Shopping addiction lady is back. Each one of those large flat rate boxes cost at least $19.51 to ship. She confirms that most of the stuff doesn't sell at the flea market, but apparently it does sell on the same platform that she's buying this stuff off of. So she bought this stuff just to try to sell it again on the same website. I DK if I missed anything else insane because I skip around in these.

No. 2233248

the anon said that dogs will eat human treats/food by association if given treats that look similar. work on your reasoning skills and reading comprehension?

No. 2233260

I came across this channel 2 years ago when I was still in high school and all the "collection tours" he does paint a picture of how lame rich moids are but this one… it lived in my head rent free ever since.

No. 2233267

i love old car consoomers

No. 2233292

That vid did activate my merchant tendencies. Looks like a crowded niche, though.

No. 2233322

Things like lunchables and crustables are what separate autonomous beings from cattle.
Is it REALLY too fucking much to just get some chips and salsa or MAKE YOUR OWN PB&J? IT'S 3 FUCKING STEPS!
And I will immediately assume you're irony poisoned and worth ignoring if you try to tell me "actually they taste better" somehow.
And now YouTubers are selling their own. I just can't take our country's zeigeist seriously or respect it in any way at this point.

No. 2233430

Sorry for vetfagging again, but chocolate baked goods or modern chocolate would just make a dog shit for a while.
To kill a Fido, you need like, good dark chocolate and in quite big quantities compared to an accidental bite. Just in case you wanna poison someone's dog, I guess.
Dogs are in much more danger from eating random shit, like bathtub plugs or your grandma's pills or just plain chicken bones.

No. 2233846

Brook can't help herself. She immediately repurchases all the slop she got rid of because it's "soooOoOO cute!"

No. 2234000

Christmas consooming in October. Sad!

No. 2234171

This reminds me of going to a Tesco in Sweden and seeing Halloween and Christmas decorations in August. My country doesn't really have such big stores and it was an experience for me.

>Not now baby mommy is showing the internet what she got from Burlington!!

Idk if this is ragebait or not but it's fucking sad. Poor kid. Also the way she heavy breathes when she makes these… it's like she run home back from the store as if she was chased and HAS to show her garbage as if this is the last consoom of her life.

No. 2234656

The irony of her dismissing her daughter while she shows off a soooo cute snowman parent & child pillow set is intense. Made me a bit sad.

No. 2235335

Since when are there Tescos in Sweden?

No. 2235556

pitbulls are anon's special interest

No. 2235621

I meant Costco I'm a dumbass. There was surely one last year idk if they opened more now.

No. 2235780

Was just waiting for the fat fuck cat to wander into frame and was not disappointed.

Also grain free diets like these are linked to increased risk of heart disease and should be avoided unless your cat has sensitivities/allergies

No. 2236474

What the fuck is pitbull sperging? So we cant talk about specific dog breeds now?

No. 2237006

It's completely unrelated to the thread

No. 2238080

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vtuber fans freak me out

No. 2238089

lol it's not just a vtuber thing but i think it's most exacerbated by vtubers. japanese women will rent venues like these to celebrate their favorite character's birthday and arrange all their pins/items/whatever in the venue. i've seen it for anime characters, gacha characters, etc as well.

No. 2238090

Ngl I actually think character birthday parties are kinda cute. Basically an excuse to eat something decadent at a swanky hotel while binging a show you like if you think about it.

No. 2238091

Same. It's not expensive to put together if everyone splits the cost and it's a way to meet other fans and potentially make friends.

No. 2238101

No. 2238102

why are japanese and korean fangirls like this it has to be the tism right?

No. 2238110

>Was just waiting for the fat fuck cat to wander into frame
i've read this twice now on two separate days and both times made me kek

No. 2238312

Japanese women can't be as spergy as Western women who run around wearing anime shirts or take their itabags to work. so they repress this side a lot and then let it out in private. since it's a once a year occasion with their fave character they go all out.

No. 2238425

>75% of stuff doesn't sell at the flea market
Yeah. She has way too much variety in her items, which is an issue she has not fixed here. I can't see her being able to make a decent display either.
>paid between $1 and $10, starts selling at $1
This is called 'losing money' and it's something she's good at. I hope she has the brains to price some of these bundles at $1 per item, but I don't have much hope.
>going to do the show next week
I hope she's going to sell her flea market tat on the show as well, the amount she's bought is not enough to do a decent show with. The reason these items are so cheap is that the sellers buy a fuckton of storage units, allowing them to price tat at rock bottom prices while still turning a profit. She is not in this category. I'm more invested in this than I want to admit, her business decisions really get to me lol.
>These are my decoration purses which are too small to use
>I love pastel green for christmas so I got this bag because it's pastel green and because bags are decorations, not functional items
>I wanted to get more overpriced branded tissue paper to wipe my snot with but I didn't, please tell me you're proud
>Look at the crap I got to put into my handbags! It's cheap!
I'm embarrassed for her, she's a grown woman with money cooing over cheap tat. She can't put her shitty snowmen down for two minutes to look after her kid because showing her purchases online is more important. What a fucking failure.

No. 2238754

I don't know how people manage these ridiculous 5 part nightly skincare routines without fucking up their skin. I added two active ingredients at once and screwed up my moisture barrier, had to go back to just moisturizer and sunscreen for weeks. This much stuff at once is insane and probably doing more harm than good

No. 2238924

The amount of waste is shocking. There's no way she can go through all that product before it expires, gets nasty, and loses its efficiency. She has a serious problem.

No. 2238998

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Stone Island collector

No. 2239015

>I added two active ingredients at once and screwed up my moisture barrier, had to go back to just moisturizer and sunscreen for weeks.
That is literally all on you because introducing two actives at the same time is crazy retarded.

No. 2239052

I detest how consumerism has become such a big part of husbando culture. Stuff like the bottom picture is at least understandable as actual collecting but there is no soul or love in collecting 100s of the same stock art can badge.

No. 2239591

The amount of crap she has is insane but I think a lot of it is for show. It's in her interests to make her shelves as full as possible, that's how she appeals to her audience and gets paid. I wouldn't be surprised if the duplicates are empties that she kept to make her collection look bigger. You have to remember that this is essentially a set for an advert. She doesn't care about using expired goop on her face, she can wash it off after, all she cares about is selling as much product as possible.
She's like Brook, they both monetized their addictions and now they're in an echo chamber filled with enablers who give them all the money and attention they could ask for.

No. 2239937

kek the moid equivalent lululemon. i'm curious what else moids like to consoom, not the even split stuff like cologne/perfume and anime merch but brands targeted towards them

No. 2239939


No. 2240240

Sneakers. I know women wear sneakers too but I’ve never known a woman with an extensive collection of sneakers they don’t even wear, whereas I know at least three moids like that. They all shit on women for having too many clothes, too.
>its different!! these are collector's items!!!

No. 2242077

skincare is the biggest and worse psyop
gut problems = skin problems
it'll never be solved by just skincare, it can only solve the symptoms (stress, exposure to air pollution, exposure to mold, lack of sleep, eating like shit), the only thing that i ever got that was lasting as a lesson was "sun bad"
also ‘glass skin’ has morphed from meaning clear skin to meaning excessively shiny skin. Koreans are praised for their shiny glass skin when in reality they just use good foundation for their blemishes/redness/dark circles + the shiny thing makes them look greasy as fuckkk

It was a real surprise, I'd never gotten into internet-worship of this caliber, plus I thought the women fanbase that makes jokes of his model's jaw and calling him jaw-flamingo wouldn't be like this

No. 2242111

Belts, hats, cars, physical media, tools, cars, weapons, random trinkets, sunglasses, animals, art supplies, jewellery, merch, sex workers and finally if they are gay skincare. I also find that they like to hoard random junk for projects that will likely never manifest but that goes into the hoarder territory rather than the traditional consumers that are seen in this thread.

No. 2242161

I cleared up my skin by getting rid of most of my skincare (still using sunscreen and cleanser). 90% of my acne is gone and I use tretinoin for the other 10%. It's just sunscreen and tret rn.

Will be patch testing to figure out which product was the culprit. I'm fearing it was the micellar water.

No. 2242165

guns, knives and flashlights

No. 2242187

Ohhh I wish I had the money to collect weapons, they cost a fortune. I'd only want like four knives, I'm not asking for much.

No. 2246046

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200% consoom but I'll be honest I thought this was cute. The OP said their dad redid the wiring of the light as a gift.

No. 2246919

This is surprisingly restrained. I thought a Dunkin shrine would involve shrink wrapped donuts, like Lush shrines with shrink wrapped bath bombs.
It's definitely a unique choice for a collection. I wonder how often she eats there.

No. 2247854

you're right but missing the point, most people prefer consooming skincare rather than cabbage and a good night's sleep. putting a bunch of shit on their face makes them feel glamourous and whatever, half of it is marketing and placebo.
the "glass skin" trend also feels like just a socially accepted way to brag

No. 2248933

>I'm more invested in this than I want to admit, her business decisions really get to me lol.
She's back today with an $80 storage locker of mostly junk used clothes and used electronics. The best part is when she looks over a tray of electronic cords, keychains, and 2 used loose laptop hard drives and declares that pile is worth $80 alone. And a used snowboard. She must live in a world where shipping fees don't exist. Then she gets literally knocked backwards by the must funk coming out of a box. And she calls the unopened shit in this stink hole "new". I think she will break even at least, because there was a pair of unworn Doc Martens, reusable electronic car keys, and an expensive watch with its box. But other than than, just random worthless shit.

No. 2250964

tbh as someone who's sold a ton of my old stuff on ebay, after skimming through briefly she can absolutely make back her $80 within a few weeks at the very most as long as they are working/unused (namely the ps2, the blender, speakers, cameras, etc). those types of things sell quickly. the only thing is that she's going to have to deal with the other shit in the locker nobody wants (clothes/blankets, mugs, etc) and either trash it or have it take up space in her home, not to mention the time cleaning/photographing/listing/packaging everything isn't accounted for. though if she doesn't have a job it'd be worth it

No. 2252612

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No. 2252637

This is really random but I have legitimately never seen a conventionally attractive person hoard squishmallows like that, it's always the type that are speds or sped adjacent. Normie booktok-loving girls will have like maybe three but it's always the fugliest people that have a collection in the double digits.

No. 2252812

Have you sold recently, though? The shipping has been going up several dollars per weight year over year. I shipped a 3.5 pound box earlier this year, and it was over $23, everything over 1lb starts at $13. She's going to enter a hell zone where a $40 or $50 sale only gets $5-15 after all the fees.

No. 2253296

yes i have sold recently online, i think with the prevalence of sites like poshmark/depop/etc that are a bit more appealing than ebay people are more open to buying secondhand stuff so it's easy to do. and yeah, usps has been raising prices every few months this year. but a $40 sale would not result in $5-15 after fees? you're not the one paying for shipping the buyer is, and ebay fees are like 14% (which also increases every year). it would be more than $30, factoring in the % they take on shipping as well. shipping also varies way more than that. i assume you just used whatever option they presented you at the post office and they always insist on the most expensive option there, but if you buy your label online it's dramatically cheaper. shipping a 20 lb package costs $6-20 depending on the dimensions

No. 2253617

>2 broken hips
does she already have osteoporosis from the hormones ? consooming looks like the least of her mental illnesses.
yep the more i visit the consooming human zoo the more i see hot girls buying makeup and clothes while the others have collectibles or fiction merch for extra escapism. i think it's social media driving the divide.

No. 2253949

I can smell this picture. Kek at the rainbow cane, it's possibly her only good investment, since she's giving herself osteoporosis.
Every time. It's easier to feel normal about your 700 plushes or 700 lipsticks when you're surrounded by other women with the same addiction.
Plus, the speds and sped-adjascents don't need to compete with normal women this way. The broken hip TIF would never have a chance at getting positive attention online in circles where clean, fit women in socially presentable outfits were the norm. It's easier to pretend that drowning yourself in Homestuck fanart and washing once a month is normal and healthy when your entire online friend group does that too.

No. 2254109

Can I ask for advice here? I’m going to an event my sweet, amazing MIL is hosting for a local women’s shelter where we will make care boxes. But she loves Amazon and Dollar Tree. She is so loving and hard working and I love her, but it always bothers me how all she buys is low quality stuff. She bought huge bulk packs of sheet face masks, foot masks, shower bombs, etc. and all I can think of is how I bought a Target sheet mask once and it made my whole face red and itchy. I feel bad putting these items in a care box for disenfranchised women, specifically the face masks. Will they still be happy to receive them? What if I give a woman a box with a face mask that’s full of lead from China, or just some shitty chemicals that makes her break out? How can I have fun/a good attitude at this event? I always hold my tongue because I love her so much but I want some other perspectives.

No. 2254481

Try to convince her to donate money instead. Approach her by telling her how different people have different skin care needs and allergies so it would be better to just give money so that the organizers can buy skin care items that are better tailored to the recipients.

No. 2254855

File: 1731284709500.png (127.42 KB, 455x290, dunkin dog toys.png)

Some of these are apparently dog toys. Although pet product consooming is a thing, this is the first time I've seen anyone buy them just to put on a display shelf.

No. 2255646

I have but it's one of my sisters and at some point she gave up and sold most of her pairs because she didn't have enough space at her place anymore and she started to wear the pairs she barely touched. It's just one person and her collections wasn't nearly as bad as what I've seen online. What started her huge collection was that many pairs she liked were limited editions and you had to preorder them or deal with insane scalpers for second hand pairs instead of just shopping normally and think twice before buying a pair of shoes, and another guy I know who also collects pairs told me it was the same thing for him. Most men I see with huge collections treat their shoes like rare pokemon cards and not ike fashion accessories, so I think there would be a lot less guys like that if it weren't for the limited editions getting released every week.

No. 2255820

if you can't get her to return anything/worry about hurting her feelings, consider offering to buy the sheet masks/anything for the face next time so she can't

No. 2255869

video where her sister teases brook about her shopping habits and she retaliates by revealing very embarrasing things about the sister. feels a little too real and antagonistic but social cues are not my forte, waiting on an exegesis from you unretarded nonnies

No. 2255958

Insults for the girl in blue are fucking brutal, wtf

No. 2255964

I think the foot masks and shower bombs will be okay.
Comfy socks, deodorant, chapstick, nail kits, tweezers, small hairbrushes that fit in handbags, pocket mirrors, and hand lotion are other small Amazon/Dollar Tree items that your MIL could get. These are care boxes for Christmas, for strangers, who desperately need a pick me up. I agree that face masks are a bad idea because of the potential for allergies but I don't see a problem with including other cheap personal care items. It's always nice to get better quality stuff but I'm not sure what your budget is or how many women you're making care packages for, and I guarantee that any useful items will be appreciated. Many of these women leave home with nothing but the clothes on their backs, you're not pushing unwanted tat on them, you're giving them the stuff they probably had to leave at home.
If you have a bigger budget, definitely get some nice scarves and hats, wallets, slippers, hot water bottles, gloves, and slipper socks as well. Your MIL can have fun hunting for Amazon bargains for these instead of spending her money on dodgy face masks.
That's way too antagonistic, wtf. The 'drinks coffee and falls asleep' kind of teasing is what you'd expect in a video like this. Brooke's taking this way too far and talking about two baby daddies who left her, that's just shitty.

No. 2255990

She’s such a BPDemon kek. I’m sure she’s a nightmare off camera.

No. 2256007

Holy fuck, what a cunt. I feel bad for her daughter having this mentally ill demon as a mother.

No. 2256437

I don't want to derail this thread when you get mad, but there is no way on Earth anybody is shipping a 20lb package for $6-20, unless it's a lump of solid lead in a tiny flat rate box. If a comparable/same product is $40-50 new on Amazon with free shipping, there's no way a random seller can get $40-50, the very best they can do is retail minus the shipping. Even UPS ground is over $18 on a 5lb package. And then the venue will take at least 15% of the total sale. She can drag it to the flea market, but she's still in competition with Amazon and Walmart new products that have a warranty and return policy.

No. 2256722

File: 1731374494222.png (126.5 KB, 1253x690, pirateship.png)

>I don't want to derail this thread when you get mad
why are you being so antagonistic for no reason? like i said, the in person post office always suggests the most expensive option. here's two prices for the furthest usps shipping zones for the weights you listed (1 to 8). shipping a slightly smaller package (like 10x10x10) to a closer zone is $6, hence the large variation. the ps2 + games (which would be way smaller than the dimensions in picrel) plus like one or two of the things i mentioned would cover her $80. she doesn't have to price them close to retail. there are many people who are open to buying secondhand if you price them well, even a "small" discount is a big deal to people. otherwise i wouldn't have been able to sell my old beat up graphing calculators for $50, and resellers wouldn't be able to sell new ones for only $10 lower than amazon. yes they aren't the same as cameras or blenders, and she'd have to discount them deeply, but the same logic applies. i'm not even defending her buying the bigass container full of junk so she can gamble. there's a huge chance it would have just been filled with the other garbage i mentioned in my original post, i dunno why you're so insistent on trying to pick a fight. selling your old stuff secondhand is literally anticonsoom, people save money, you get a few bucks back, and it discourages the purchasing/production of new stuff.

No. 2256981

I have a rare Cinnamoroll plushie my ex bought for me in 2014, it was $200 then on Amazon. How do I take advantage of this phenomenon and sell it for $400? More?

No. 2256994

I don't get the videos of her cleaning and organizing. How do you get that mess in… One week or so? Does she do her makeup and leave it there until she can record herself cleaning?

No. 2257153

she puts all that stuff herself nona, so that she can film a declutter/cleaning video. You can always tell by the lack of dust, if you ever had to clean your garage or basement after quite some time you know the clutter doesn't look like that.

No. 2257255

And they both can barely ran for a couple seconds for the camera. Priceless.

No. 2258043

I've seen the sister in the comments attacking anyone who isn't licking Brook's ass. I think it runs in the family kek

No. 2259291

File: 1731531629336.mp4 (707.52 KB, 576x1024, FDownloader.Net_AQNwMAR0pqt7Sg…)

No. 2259391

File: 1731534306671.jpg (530.11 KB, 1440x1415, Stanleyice.jpg)

Nothing says consoomerism more than the Stanley cup accessories. Here I thought the bottom plates and personalized handle jewlery was excessive. Now theres a mold to make a stanley cup shaped ice to fit the shape of one! I personally like the rattle of crushed ice in my water bottle. But this is so ridiculous kek

No. 2259398

i saw one of these irl for the first time recently and they are fucking huge and hideous. I dont understand why they became popular

No. 2259406

When did this "collection net" thing start? Out of nowhere it seems like everyone has them, especially trannies.

No. 2259412

Are soaps consooming? They disappear once you use them up

No. 2259415

If you're hoarding them absolutely

No. 2259416

Definitely will be more of a problem after the trend dies down and these won't decompose at all in the landfills because it's basically high quality camping gear that was meant to last for lifetime use.

No. 2259417

if you buy those super expensive ones and dont use them, yes

No. 2259460

I still don’t know what a “Stanley cup” is. Just a fancy brand of water bottle?

No. 2259484

Idk I’m old so it seems disgustingly 90s to me. It’s so tacky.

No. 2259487

But they don't need to decompose. They can be recycled; they're metal.

No. 2259505

I'm also really old but not american. I've never seen them before this year. Were they popular in the USA in the 90s?

No. 2259570

So do different kinds of stresses call for different types of stress balls or is this person trying to make every 4 year old jealous of their collection?

No. 2259861

yes from like the 70's to early/mid 2000's.

No. 2259939

Exhibit A, even if she uses them:

No. 2260114

if this is her bathroom (and not a separate storage room) those bars/their packaging will be rank because the moisture on the window after showering/bathing will react with the soap like when you hold soap under water. fun!

No. 2260126

Agreed, only wirse way to display your plushies is in those tube things
Get some proper wall shelves you degenerates.

No. 2260128

>in tubes
no, thats tacky as hell

No. 2260132

File: 1731565686151.jpg (100.03 KB, 1000x1000, 71F2lFmnRpL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL…)

*the only worse way to the display your plushies is in those tube things
Yes I agree.

If toy story is real then these plushies are in hell.

No. 2260138

Ewww more plastic

No. 2260218

Ffs they can’t even breathe in there. Poor plushies

No. 2260257

for a brand like dove of all things. Like collecting mr clean products

No. 2260263

Fancy thermos

No. 2260272

Those nets seem handy for kids who have a ton of soft toys that otherwise would be a hassle to put away. In that situation the kid would still have way too many toys they don't need.
Squishmallow addicts definitely use them bc if they invested in shelving to properly display they wouldn't be able to purchase as many since the mallows are so big.

No. 2260279

This is giving me anxiety for some reason.

No. 2260294

Same its like the other anon said they can’t breathe in there it looks like trapping creatures in a test tube prison

No. 2260304

This looks so musty and dingy and gross, really highlights hown bizarre this kind of hyper consoom content is when a (more) regular person does it, it just looks gross and uncanny in a regular bathroom. When the influencers post videos like this they're so far detached from reality they look like fancy unrealistic advertisements and my brain registers them as such, but the way this lady is plonking down those bars of soap on a damp window ledge makes me uncomfortable to even think of going inside her bathroom.

No. 2261164

straight up reminds me of Augustus Gloop from Charlie and the Chocolate factory, poor doomed plushies

No. 2262204

kek, she deleted the video? guess it really didn't go over well.

No. 2262843

File: 1731753061325.jpeg (342.53 KB, 1152x2048, C1B2DB00-5079-40D0-BB86-C82364…)

sonny angels are a bit creepy. it's odd how even normies go crazy for them, my college is very artsy and literally half the girls have one on their bag. i don't like kewpies either, but they're a lot cuter than these things. also sonny angels are always boys so collecting them is boy mom coded.

No. 2262845

They've become the most basic bitch trinket to exist. The rudest girl you know collects these

No. 2262848

>also sonny angels are always boys so collecting them is boy mom coded.
kek what

No. 2262849

what? we were all thinking it, i just said it…

No. 2262851

i dont see the connection between collecting hideous figurines and that lol

No. 2262901

Collecting naked baby figures will never not be strange and creepy

No. 2262938

Kek true that, I'm immediately wary of anyone who has one of those fuckers tacked on their phone.

No. 2263279

I would be 'whatever' about these stupid things if only they didn't have that tiny bulge in the crotch wtaf
but i suppose that's what got them to trend in the first place

No. 2263731

How many fucking lipsticks do you need

No. 2263955

Lots of them are literally the same shade, this shit is pathological.

No. 2264565

This bitch is in so much credit card debt

No. 2264669

idk.. 250K followers. Entire shade ranges. Looks like PR to me. It's still hoarding but I doubt she paid much for what we're seeing in the video. Her comments are going in tho.
and it seems she dgaf lol brooke could never

No. 2264682

So you know everything?

No. 2264687

File: 1731868415236.jpg (29.46 KB, 352x395, 1708641974741.jpg)

literally started my post with 'idk'
but yes i know everything anon

No. 2264902

I was with you until you said that. They’re just fucking baby dolls made for consuming. Don’t make it anything more than that

No. 2264907

What do you call this

No. 2264909

And this

No. 2264914


No. 2264915

Husbando autism (severe) but really these two people have been posted several times.

No. 2264935

definitely have seen the south park one before but what is this?

No. 2264943

I saw this on tiktok yesterday it's the show 'moral orel'

No. 2266091

>husbando autism
For sure. This girl has collected and DIY'd her hyperfixation. But since her collection was posted, people were making their own South Park shrine to copy her for some reason. I wish I had these videos to embed but kids were seeing her then making Cartman shrines and Kenny shrines. Wanting to buy every single Kenny item, South Park DVDs, and printing out photos to put on their wall. These kids don't realize that they're larping a mental disorder, of a show they probably won't like after they actually watch it.

No. 2266099

File: 1731959013263.jpg (1.62 MB, 1440x1726, Aliensss.jpg)

Disney loves to cash in on their Toy Story aliens and make literal useless shit out of them. It's like Nightmare before Christmas, but year round. Millenials for some reason love Pizza Planet shirts and anything to do with these Aliens even though the merchandise made of them are so ugly

No. 2266111

I’m curious what these kind of maniacs would do if they didn’t have the internet, tv, etc. Would they obsess on real people? Or would they even exist?

No. 2267835

Well, they're women, so they would be forced to marry, have 2+ children by a man who disgusts them, and they would have to dedicate all their time and energy to taking care of them and him. With the remaining energy they would probably become autistically dedicated to hoarding something as well, though the range of things you could buy back then was way more limited. The thing is, nowadays you can buy 300 different plushies of a background character of the most obscure media possible but back then the selection of what's available was much more limited. So even if they collected thos porcelain dolls or sth, it would at most fill up a cabinet, not a whole room.

No. 2268630

File: 1732107989916.jpg (175.59 KB, 640x1134, 1000009271.jpg)

I'm surprised yarn hoarding hasn't been posted here more

No. 2268632

You just described my grandmother to a T, except that she did manage to accumulate an entire room full of porcelain dolls eventually. My cousins used to joke that she did it to keep her husband out (they had separate bedrooms). Sleepovers were… interesting.

No. 2268647

>Fat hands
>Meal equivalent of three bigmacs at once
>Morbidly obese cat
>The cats name is literally milkshake
Fatties should not be allowed to own pets

No. 2268704

File: 1732113930549.png (329.23 KB, 512x512, 1399766122477.png)

Is not the same shade, one is warm, one is neutral and other is cold, so it might alter your make-up and whole face. Colortheory.png
Still is not an excuse to hoard like that. Keep a shade you like and works for you.

No. 2268761

is the only difference between the normal dug and the exclusive target dug that the latter has a slighter darker hair color? people buy this garbage?

No. 2268788

I don't really understand yarn stashes like these, just bulk purchases of the same yarn? and bulk of the same color? my stash is more eclectic cause there's always fun yarn to impulse buy.

No. 2268906

if you've been knitting for a while you tend to have a favorite yarn, so when there's a sale or whatever you stock up on all the colors. a king sized blanket can take up to like 30 skeins of yarn, that's just one project. as long as someone is actively using their yarn I don't think it's the same as hoarding plastic toys and makeup that expires.

No. 2268934

Collection consooming has been a known phenomenon since at least the Victorian era. At the time collection types also went through dads or trends (collecting seashells, ferns, spoons etc). Fandom and proto-internet style socialization also existed back then albeit mostly propagated via newspapers.

No. 2268957

Holy shit my grandma did the same thing but with raggedy Anne dolls and my grandpa had toy cars/tractors. Both of their bedrooms were filled with the stuff it was bizarre

No. 2268958

My friend has an insane makeup collection similar to this, I always think it would be super fun to play around with but this girl wears makeup at most once a week so I just don't get it. Most of it must be expired by now…

No. 2268966

It's not bizarre, it's sad. Being a woman back then fucking sucked. Your whole life revolved around someone else, you didn't have much time for yourself, didn't have the right to be an individual, etc. Of course they went a little kooky.

No. 2268967

We need to stop shaming people for doing this, because I wholeheartedly believe if they weren't obsessed with some ugly ass fictional husbando/waifu they'd be full on stalkers of a real person and ruin their lives. This is just the better option.

No. 2268975

File: 1732127257558.jpg (140.34 KB, 720x720, 85DC5833-A52C-4D0D-9554-9685B6…)

this whole genre of keychains was invented specifically to torture me. i enjoy collecting keychains a lot and these make me cry and throw up.

No. 2268978

File: 1732127318470.jpg (103.13 KB, 853x480, E45658C9-F7B6-417C-AB3E-9009C0…)

No. 2269029

File: 1732129249809.png (2.07 MB, 812x1302, Screen Shot 2024-11-20 at 11.0…)

the "trinket" "juminocore" heisei japan consumerism stuff is really getting out of control. people posting their massive boxes of hauls from yahoo jp auctions with hundreds of cell phone straps and keychains, stickers and figures, old tech. im sick of it. the ikea pegboard gives me nightmares its so ugly…
their bedrooms never look good either and they all look the same

No. 2269045

Even in consoomer dens the funko pop stands out in an ugly way kek

No. 2269113

I guess it just looks so store-like, to me.

but if you're only making huge blankets and have narrow taste of yarn I can see it

No. 2269116

samefag, is it a personal stash or someone with a craft business? I wouldn't say the latter is consoom content for this thread, is it?

No. 2269131

nta but it's consoom imo. bec a business would't have a sign that says "year of the great destash" that wouldn't rly make sense.
Also there's a cat in the pic and you'd hope that a business would keep animals away from their supplies (wishful)

No. 2269203

imagine being a cat in a room with a 1000 yarn balls you're not allowed to play with. tragic.

No. 2269323

File: 1732140212191.jpg (459.22 KB, 1220x1384, 1000056165.jpg)

Imagine living unironically like this. The replies have pictures of their living room and it's full of lolishit too https://x.com/pc9801x/status/1859325144537113063

No. 2269336

have been working on upcycling/accesorizing clothes. saves cash, the environment and you get to learn new skills and relax.

No. 2269350

We need a pickme hate thread

No. 2269382

These users are only attention-whoring. They are the equivalent of personalityfags on imageboards. They latch onto something that isn't too popular to become "that person that loves [random unimportant character]". There's no deeper meaning. The woman that is obsessed with that South Park guy even calls herself a lesbian, kek. She just wants attention.

No. 2269416

oof…. uhhh this person follows me on twitter

No. 2269480

You can't even read the manga with all the shit stacked on top and in front of it. What is the point
The dirty rug really brings it all together.

No. 2269650

File: 1732151077932.jpg (940.69 KB, 1080x1510, Screenshot_20241120-233055.jpg)

Reddit perfume subs are crazy. Never knew how many people hoarded perfumes that will take a lifetime to use up till joining them.

No. 2269691

File: 1732152708251.png (2.07 MB, 918x1512, Screen Shot 2024-11-20 at 5.28…)

like this is so fucking ugly and they all look like this. why does everyone buy the exact same shit

No. 2269720

File: 1732153493494.png (47.25 KB, 173x320, Screenshot 2024-11-20 2.26.35 …)

kek they all have the faux fish tank lamp. they block the light anyway with their trinkets, but the lamp is so ugly it doesn't work as decor either

No. 2269734

nuh uh. the lamp is cute

No. 2269761

Lol I like the lamp too, anon. The ambient light at night is really soothing. I have the jellyfish one, too.

No. 2269795

the lamp is cute, its a shame these hoarders cover it up with dusty anime figures, blind box trinkets, and other misc plastic junk so it isnt even a viable light source.

No. 2269823

No. 2269849

No. 2270033

Soulless. Imo the point of collecting "trinkets" is just little things you like. Something from a cute shop. A weird little toy you hadn't seen since you were 10 in a random store. The one cute thing you got on an outing. Or even just something you like. But these aesthetics chasers who buy things just to have the next kawaii 2000s trinket that they weren't even alive to have interest in is just tiring. It's just junk. Not even junk with memories attached or junk you like. Just junk bought quick for a lot of money. "Trinket everybody likes the most" or whatever. Who cares?

No. 2270065

File: 1732166784573.png (182.93 KB, 1082x831, 1000543795.png)

I don't understand this trend, what is the theme? other than collecting junk from Japan. A lot of this isn't even cute. YWNBJapanese

No. 2270139

I just came to realization that a lot of the shit is only possible because the Internet exists and people literally just buy what they see on TikTok to fill some kind of void.

No. 2270145

>what is the theme?

No. 2270334

To be fair the Tom Ford fragrances have no lasting power so they'd get used up pretty quickly. Everything else is going to smell like ass by the time it's used up though.
I don't get the point of hoarding fragrances like this, especially body spray, everyone thinks that B&BW and Sol de Janeiro sprays are soooper luxe because they're trendy at the moment but they're absolutely not, they're cheap overly sweet and synthetic sprays that nobody can use up because they smell like shit compared to actual perfumes. They go rancid so fast too. I know that perfumes can last for years with proper storage and that some perfumes smell better with time but let's face it, even if that was the case with every fragrance hoarder, they'd still keep buying every new release.
This. They're trying to purchase a personality and a friend group.

No. 2270362

I hope you post a lot more yarn and craft hoarding, anon. This shit is so fascinating to me.
I personally had a problem with buying way too much yarn when I was a beginner who hadn't developed a yarn preference or learned what projects I liked to work on. It got pretty out of hand (for me) but never anywhere close to the pic you posted. I've since managed to crush the urge to buy up cheap or mid yarn, and I've been working it down steadily. My cats have been enjoying all the cat toys we've been playing with and the extra blankets to snuggle, at least!

No. 2270779

>To be fair the Tom Ford fragrances have no lasting power so they'd get used up pretty quickly. Everything else is going to smell like ass by the time it's used up though.

really?! Aren't the tom ford perfumes crazy fucking expensive and you're telling me they don't last!?\
another thing I noticed about that pic is that it's all laid out on a sheet or something. It's as if they don't even have a display for their hoard and it all lives in boxes. Displays may be tacky but at least you have access to your stuff to use it.

No. 2270826

LMAOOO Tom Ford fragrances are shit. They smell nice for the ten seconds they last but really you're paying for marketing. The brand has this as a selling point. They 'want' to market to consumers who are so fabulously wealthy that they can afford to spend hundreds on fragrance without batting an eye. That's why the lasting power is shit and the price is atrocious.
Of course this made the fragrances even more popular. Tom Ford fragrance is marketed heavily at the Klarna crowd, the prices are high for the quality but there are far, far more expensive perfumes out there that are actually marketed towards the super wealthy. They aren't even that unique, you can get excellent dupes for a fraction of the price.
Same for a lot of other 'niche' perfumes like Penhaligons and Byredo. The price has skyrocketed, the sales are shit, and the scents don't last- except for Halfeti, which doesn't leave- and they have quality control issues like leaky bottles on top of it all. So of course everyone laps it up, because price is quality, and in the era of Shein, anything in a real glass bottle is fucking fancy shit that merits the triple digit price tag.
Other perfume houses are jumping in on the trend and pricing their very nice but not that special perfumes at eye watering price points, because they know they can get away with it, like Killian and Acqua di Parma.
Also, the perfumes are probably laid out like that for the photo lol, I doubt they'd have their perfumes hanging out on the bed normally.
TLDR, don't waste your money on Tom Ford, get a dupe.

No. 2270931

>Sol de Janeiro
I can't believe people fucking like this overpriced cheap shit

Tom Ford used to be good but it changed horribly in the last decade. Neroli Portofino smells like ass. Soleil Blanc is just sunscreen. Fucking Fabulous? More like Fucking Terrible. The old Cafe Rose was amazing but this new one is awful. You're better off getting "On A Date" by Maison Martin Margiela for a less expensive version of it. I even got to smell that store exclusive London. That was so bad. It smelled just like an ethnic supermarket.

Jo Malone is another that fell so hard. Wood Sage and Sea Salt was such a fresh and safe perfume. I bought a small size after many years of not buying and it was so badly diluted and it didn't smell the same.


Fucking trash.


Overrated as hell. Maybe I haven't smelled enough of them but the ones I smelled are too gourmandy

No. 2271503

This person need to be shamed.

No. 2271542

I've seen so many makeup collections that feature literal draw sets of lipsticks that this one looks practically modest.

This lady in the video - she has so many of this type of video which is decluttering lipsticks this is actually her most modest one yet. Her older video's are hours long as she regulary accumilated over 1000 lipsticks every year.

And I dont know how many of you know Safiya Nygaard, but she had a video of her getting her makeup professionally organised and after having it sorted, expired makeup thrown out and good make up donated, she STILL ended up with an ENTIRE 9 DRAW ALEX UNIT FULL of just lipsticks. I wasnt sure whether to post because its an old video but its crazy.

No. 2272055

File: 1732289451385.jpg (140.48 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

In Safiya's defense she accumulated a massive amount of lipsticks from doing challenges where she mixes them together to create a shade of all lipsticks blended together. I cant imagine how an influencer only using them for swabbing/normal wear purposes would require the need to amass a hoard as big as Safiya's, who intentionally collects large amounts of them for experimenting and fucking around with.

No. 2272139

>And I dont know how many of you know Safiya Nygaard
kek are you for reals.

No. 2272142

I hate sonny angels this shit ain't cute at all

No. 2272369

Nta, but I don't understand what you mean kek. I don't know Safiya Nygaard, is that uncommon?

No. 2272419

nta but it's somewhat uncommon to not know who Safiya is, altho i suppose it could depend on your age/location. She has over 10M youtube subs, and millions of followers on the other socmed platforms.

No. 2272602

NTA, but I have never heard of this women in my life. Ten millions subscribers is a lot, but it's not like insane levels of famous. I don't go on youtube and mrbeast and pewdiepie are the only youtubers I can name.

No. 2272839

File: 1732326132150.jpg (623.88 KB, 1771x1853, collection.jpg)

No anon, I'm aware of those videos, this is clearly a different video about her personal collection. Also I was wrong its not 9 draws of lipsticks but 15, heres some of them.

Yes, just because someone has 10m viewers on youtube does not mean everyone knows them especially if they are in other countries.

No. 2272863

those "challenges" were retarded. she's not that different than any other content creator itt. just because she had a concept behind her over-consumption doesn't make it better imo. at the end of the day, it's still wasteful

No. 2272899

do people really? just buy the thing and give it, got dam

No. 2272933

these are cute tbh

No. 2273001

I'm not from the US and I know who she is kek

No. 2273002

no they ARE NOT!!!!

No. 2273003

I love Safiya's videos but I do agree that this is the one thing that irks me about her, the way she hoards stuff specially makeup. I wonder if she needs another declutter nowadays because that organization video is old now. The videos were she mixes it all are fun though, but they don't seem to be from her own personal collection. Still love her though.

No. 2273005

No. 2273359

Who needs this? It seems so impractical to use too.
I'd hate to have that much stuff, just watching her videos stresses me out. I'm no minimalist but the amount of shit she owns is claustrophobic, even if it's all stuff she buys for videos it's still so much clutter.

No. 2273456

They would’ve been apart of ancient tribes who spent time raiding and stealing other people’s shit and collecting prize possessions. This animalistic caveman hunting and gathering behavior is still showing up in modern evolved apemen like us humans who know how to operate Chinese spyware like Tiktok and Apple products to showcase our loots. I’m not a consoomer I’m one of those minimalist freaks where I like my rooms looking like asylums but this hoarder shit is are just low level behaviors from early earth

No. 2273738

Ok, so…what do you want, a cookie?

I got recommended her videos a few weeks ago after looking at a few overcomsumption critical videos. I've only watched that makeup one and a vlog. As you seem to know more about her, what was the point of the lipstick melting videos? A quick look appears shes made at least 4 of them and tbh I dont want to set through them but I am curious as to why.

No. 2273831

I know these videos are a dime a dozen but its telling people in the comments were saying this is practically humble compared to other makeup collections they have seen posted and I have to agree. This is a huge collection but there are so many more which are so much bigger, its incredible i've seen so many people who have rooms dedicated to just makeup (I get this is her job) but still.

No. 2274076

>Did I just announce that I'm a minimalist? Yes

No. 2274128

Spooky this popped up on my tiktok unprompted about 10 minutes ago

No. 2274143

Giving me flashbacks to when i watched a Manny MUA video of him decluttering his ancient kyle liquid lipsticks and they were completely dried up and crumbly. This lady is indian, she must have a huge family that she can dump all the stuff she doesn't use on or somebody in her family going to india who can give away her stuff.

No. 2274154

>everyone thinks that B&BW and Sol de Janeiro sprays are soooper luxe because they're trendy at the moment but they're absolutely not
Sol de jenerio gives me the ick because i only see it as overpriced bath and bodyworks. At least bath and bodyworks is cheap and affordable, that's why i personally like it since other brands like sol de janeiro will sell you the same thing for 5x the price for no reason. I just don't understand why people hoard bath and bodyworks considering that they constantly have sales and you can wait it out before buying something new from them. The last time they were selling 3-wick candles for 10.99 i saw a lady buy around 20 of them at once all while not having a car and having a designer bag. I think i was the only person who just bought one item.

No. 2274160

Maybe it changed after Tom Ford's death? I heard he was real persnickety with his fragrances. Jo Malone is good but overpriced. I've purchased dupes and even the good dupes don't have strong projection or lasting power which leads me to believe the aromachemicals used to create those specific fragrances are inherently delicate. People like that her fragrances are delicate, airy and inoffensive and that would be fine if the price tag wasn't so ridiculous.

I wouldn't recommend Bath and Bodyworks. The lotions have nice fragrance but the fragrance isn't very stable. Around the 6 month mark the fragrance breaks down and the lotion will smell different. This wouldn't be an issue if they sold more mini lotions but they don't seem to carry those as much anymore. I can't finish one of their regular size lotions in 6 months especially not if I'm rotating it with other fragranced lotions. I would recommend The Body Shop Body Butters instead, the fragrance is much more stable.

No. 2274221

File: 1732415548478.jpg (Spoiler Image,59.27 KB, 435x569, Tom_Ford_cropped_2009.jpg)

>Maybe it changed after Tom Ford's death?
Are you talking about a different Tom Ford because I looked him up and hes still alive? (spoilered because I dont like him and his smug shit eating grin)

No. 2274231

I have no idea what I'm thinking I could have sworn he had died long ago

No. 2274317

Were you thinking of Mugler?

No. 2274337

>I’m one of those minimalist freaks
no kidding

No. 2274338

the point is views lmao and views=money

No. 2274440

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Japan just consooom

No. 2274442

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No. 2274443

I was thinking of Alexander Mcqueen!

No. 2274470

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Me too nonnie, something my mom, nana and I would do. I also have two of the blind box figures but turned them into keychains ropes.

No. 2274517

all of her videos revolve around buying things just for the sake of it, girl equivalent of Cold Ones. I can understand informative reviews, but come on now. All of her "experiments" turn into gray goop that smells somewhat sweet.

No. 2274674

I've seen people defend her content by saying "she consumes so we don't have to!" - oversonsumption is still retarded even if you film it for others. I heard that she melted a load of lipsticks and then sold the product made in her own kitchen. A mishmash of formulas and ingredients, heated up in someone's hoarder house, yeah I'll take one.

No. 2274853

I vaguely remember her saying she'd send out the lipsticks for free and including a caveat that it wasn't made under the best conditions, but I have no clue if that was actually in the video or something she addressed later. The thought of putting that nasty melted down lipstick anywhere near my mouth makes me gag, but I'm sure some of her 10 million subscribers are happy to wear it.
>At least bath and bodyworks is cheap and affordable, that's why i personally like it since other brands like sol de janeiro will sell you the same thing for 5x the price for no reason
It's marketing! That's literally it. They took off on Tiktok and now everyone owns a Sol de Janeiro product and they can charge whatever fucked up prices they want for preteen body spray. One of their releases went viral for attracting spiders and it's still selling out.

No. 2274875

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bath & body works must've changed their formula because i swear the 4 body sprays i've had since i was a freaking kid still smell perfectly fine.
they lasted so long because i rarely think to use them, should probably throw them out but that's beside the point.
one of the bottles i even keep in my car (not climate controlled) and it's fine so idk

No. 2277170

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at this point her annoying way of talking (including that slight lisp) makes me furious.

No. 2277184

It makes me sad because a lot of those types of trinkets are very nostalgic to me. I don’t know what juminocore means but I just remember having a few cute toys from Japan that I got as a kid from family friends who traveled. I loved them so much and became enamored by jfashion when I was a little older. The creativity and freedom to be cute, colourful and playful was what spoke to me. But with social media it all feels like a competition.. who can be the most whatever core, not so much bonding over your unique way of self-expression. I don’t wear jfashion or anything anymore but I wish kawaii hadn’t changed so much!

No. 2277440

This is perfect nonka, next threadpic please

No. 2277553

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i know it's a thing that tiktok does where they recycle audio but I literally watched this and then watched >>2269849 and briefly thought it was the same person, especially since both showed that pudding cup thing as the most popular one. I half reckon they're only calling them "trinkets" because it seems like the younger ppl are very into "whimsy" (or at least some sort of botched idea of it) and calling it trinkets instead of plastic toys makes them feel like a "silly whimsy creature". In >>2269849, she has so much stuff I can't even discern which of the items she paid $290 for when it asks to show off the most expensive one.

someone's nesoberi collection as threadtax

No. 2277692

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i was perplexed as everyone else in this thread when the stanley craze started early this year. i already had a few insulated water bottles courtesy of my nigel who is a consoomer (hoarding tendencies) and was happy to use that but i have a few minor grievances.
1. the top is plastic and a couple of them have broken after i've dropped them. they are still usable just the unscrew top doesn't hang onto the bottle anymore.
2. they dont fit in my car cup holder!!
while theses are minor i am understanding why people like stanleys so much. idk how durable the top is cause it looks plastic but man i wish my bottles would fit in my car. i also wish i had a bottle that had a straw as it'll make it much easier to get my water in. i'm just going to buy some reusable straws instead since i don't want to buy another insulated bottle when i already have perfectly usable ones.
while i don't see myself buying a stanley, i could see myself getting one for really cheap when these consoomers have to liquidate their supply… i wonder how long that'll be…

No. 2277731

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I seriously can't like them because my mom rightfully said that it's like walking around with the blender's jar.
It's so tacky.

No. 2277749

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>while theses are minor i am understanding why people like stanleys so much.
>why people like stanleys so much.
Why tho?
>doesn't fit in your car
I wouldn't call that minor I'd call that annoying.
>broke when you dropped it
I wouldn't call that minor either I've dropped my bottle tons of times it has never broke.
So why is it you can now see why so many people like them? Stanleys don't even function better than other bottles (except maybe Dollar Store junk ones).
They look stupid as fuck also. kek the blender comparison
Look, you like it for the same reason everyone else does. You may not have bought the cup but you bought the hype.
>So much so that you're willing to buy a used water bottle just so you can have another Stanley
anon pls love youself

No. 2277767

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You can get car cup holder extenders to fit bigger bottles.

No. 2277821

anon said she'll buy straws, not a Stanley. piss on the poor reading comprehension on this site.

No. 2277833

How dare you say we're too poor to buy piss!

No. 2277834

I bought my mom an off brand Stanley thing on Amazon for $20 and she says it's great and keeps things cold for like literally a day. Literally you can get things like this for much cheaper that has the same function and shit, but people only care about the brand because it's popular on social media. Also the logo is ugly as fuck.

No. 2277852

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Even Melonpan has his animu den clean.

No. 2277862

I saw a comment today saying 'I BET PEOPLE IN JAPAN DON'T GO CRAZY OVER MASCOT MERCH BY A BIG COMPANY' and I had to laugh for like 2 minutes at how utterly braindead they were for thinking that.

No. 2277880

umm?? read the last line
>while i don't see myself buying a stanley, i could see myself getting one for really cheap when these consoomers have to liquidate their supply
>consoomers liquidating their stanleys
anon is literally anticipating buying a pre-owned slobbery cup from a fellow consoomer

No. 2277946

I made a google sheet to keep track of all the collectibles and stuff I've ever sold and it's just crazy how much shit it is. I was able to find receipts from around 2016 to this year, I was never as hardcore a consoomer as any of the posts in these threads but I've gotten rid of
>270sh volumes of manga
>25 art books and anime sets
>55 videogames
>50 figures
Also, I've been traveling for work and with everything else out of sight you just stop caring about it so quickly. I enjoyed reading and all but figurines and old videogames just feel shit to take up space on empty shelves. I'm going to keep declutterring it when I get back.

No. 2277955

love myself by buying a new, expensive water bottle, supporting overconsumption instead of buying a second hand one that can be cleaned for a fraction of a price. nona, are you lost?

No. 2278060

nonna… she's talking about the bottles she owns because of her boyfriend breaking easily and not fitting into her car holder. not stanleys. the bottles she owns are the ones that are breaking and not fitting. you have to be acting obtuse on purpose at this point for the sake of picking a fight.

No. 2278097

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I just re-checked, and you're right. She was talking about her current bottle and not a Stanley. Her wording wasn't the best, kind of confusing. But it's still my fault for misunderstanding.
FWIW I wasn't deliberately being dumb. I am naturally dumb

No. 2278330

First, learn to reply properly but also would you like to elaborate because who tf is watching that garbage?

Enlighten me would it be legal to sell or even give that product out for free because if she is mixing different brands together and (I assume) she not labelling the lipsticks because she isnt going to know whats exactly in them now isnt she just opening herself up to a lawsuit? I'm cynical so could be wrong but I could believe she said that to avoid the wasteful remarks to then just trash the lipsticks as it would be easier for her.

No. 2278339

I will definitely try out the bodyshop, it's been a while since i've been there because they seem to be going out of business in terms of the physical side of their operations. I'd be interested in knowing other alternatives to bath and bodyworks, preferably ones i can smell in person.

No. 2278361

Same people who watched stuff like nail polish mountain and other pointless videos like making a clear hotdog and the hydraulic press videos. People like watching these kinds of "what if" videos because they kill time and because of morbid curiosity, which is what Safiya's videos are primarily based around.

No. 2278368

Is it just me or are most of the viewers of these people not actually consoomers irl, just people living it vicariously online? I have zero consoomer tendencies and the stuff in this thread is still fascinating to me (when I get past seething about the wasted privilege of it all).

No. 2278377

this woman's content is legit garbage, probably worse than mr beasts videos, i hate her from her trashy content alone

No. 2278407

TY for your reply, that is also such a weird video clearly not meant for me it just seems boring but clearly i'm not the target audience. Probably the reason I only watched 2 of Safiya's videos, the content seems mediocre and repetitive.

No. 2278580

Probably a lot of watchers are either vicariously enjoying the consumerism or are hate watching, I do the same thing.
It's not good to watch too much of though because it can make you start to want stuff after a while. When I was interested in beauty gurus I started wanting makeup and skincare I didn't need and probably wouldn't use

No. 2279021

>When I was interested in beauty gurus I started wanting makeup and skincare I didn't need and probably wouldn't use
Same here and I'm so glad I stopped watching them so I could be free of this curse because I bought so much shit.

No. 2279026

sometimes I wonder if obnoxious over-the-top consumption videos actually help people buy fewer things. like it scratches the itch without cluttering your apartment. small samples size but the people I know around my age are a lot more minimal in their purchasing habits than older people are.

No. 2279038

Thanks for the correction, the lipsticks weren't sold indeed. What a stupid thing to own though, nobody should be wearing them and they aren't even a curious piece to have. Make garbage content > send waste you generated to viewers > get praised for not disposing of a load of product. It's insane how many resources are wasted to make content that people half-watch out of boredom.
I think since she gave them away for free there's nothing illegal about it.
I think most people who watch consumerism slop online are also consumers. Maybe not to the same degree as the "content creators", but I think it's way harder to build up an audience from hate/curiousity watchers. Most of the viewers must be into the products and most likely huge buyers themselves.

No. 2279039

You are "fascinated" in the same way a toddler is fascinated by shiny and colourful things.

No. 2279059

Why are you in this thread if not to gape at the ridiculous sight?

No. 2279087

Those are literally my only two posts in all the 14 threads. I don't gape at this shit, i don't read this thread, I only clicked on the posts about "cat consoom" because I have cats

No. 2279290

It helps me to consoom less, I watch videos of people showing off the piles of crap that they bought and I get anxious at so much pointless clutter. It's especially effective when it's got multiples of the same item, or similar items, like endless bags or Hello Kitty tat. I've saved a ton of money by watching these videos during the sales and holidays.
I agree, so many comments are people asking for links. A few do point out how insane it is to own that many XYZ but they always get drowned out by the consoomers. They use their shopping addiction to pay for more shopping sprees, make shopping into their full time job so their livelihood depends on NOT dealing with their shopping addiction, live in grimy dusty hoarder homes with so many piles of unused items that they have to do regular declutters just to be able to move around in their bedrooms. And then they start the cycle all over again, buying 20 new purses to replace the 12 they've just sold. They buy organizers and containers to pretend they don't have a problem, act like claw clips are display items, spend ages shuffling their shit around to make room for the new shit they just bought, and everyone plays into their delusions that this is normal. It's suffocating. It's not fun for normal people to hatewatch creators that clearly need an intervention.

No. 2281580

Final boss of yarn hoarding. Kek I've bought from this website and it best to buy in bulk but having a whole room and color system set up like this woman does…

No. 2281697

it's a ridiculous stash, but she seems to actually use the yarn & her space is neat and organized

seems a bit different from the plastic slop consoom

No. 2284043

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kpopfags are actually insane!

No. 2284053

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>the dinner plate
Do you think they eat off of it with the same reverence that people do with their Princess Diana plates?

No. 2284062

Why are Filipinos the most mentally ill kpoop fans

No. 2284070

>starts watching
>ok this is retarded but not too crazy
>camera goes out of the room and starts showing the selves

I looked into the woman who owns this and she has this house dedicated to BTS made with the help of her husband and a BTS themed cafe

No. 2284071

No. 2284265

Kek I thought the song was a rip off of No Scrub by TLC at first. But anyway, this is RIDICULOUS. Holy shit. A whole house dedicated to BTS? What kind of black magic are these moids casting on their fans kek

No. 2284401

The Jesus statues took me the fuck out, I'm amazed she didn't cover them in BTS stickers.
That's quite a spectacular haul, but she mentioned having knitting machines, so I assume she does use her yarn. I wonder how long it takes her to go through that much.

No. 2284999

>bought several books a few years ago with a voucher because they looked interesting and just got released
>read them way later, sold them because they were taking too much space in my shelves
>got two library cards a month ago
>both libraries are very easily accessible from home or from my work place
>curious, checked if the libraries have the books I read and sold
>they have multiple copies
>I could have saved at least 200€ by just borrowing them
I feel so stupid. To all the anons with decent libraries nearby who don't want to pirate books because reading a screen is uncomfortable, get a library card and save money and space.

No. 2285017

I want to go to her house and open all that shit in the packages

No. 2285019

The place is so clean and impersonal I wonder if it's an airbnb? If she's got a BTS cafe it could just be part of the business.

No. 2285040

Honestly whenever I see collections like this I just can't fathom liking one thing so much. How do you only have like two interests. Do they do anything except check stan twitter

No. 2285043

I don't know how to feel about this person because at the same time she seems insane but also doing this for a character who's loved by annoying moids is kind of funny and also it really shows how grotesque this kind of shit is because the character of choice is so strange. People don't mind it when it's something more aesthetic like anime characters but in the end it's all the same shit.

No. 2285342

She needs to get laid omg

No. 2285941

I looked on their facebook and it's a display building for customers to go to if they buy from their shop/cafe, it has set hours just like the store

No. 2285951

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>I wonder if it's an airbnb? If she's got a BTS cafe it could just be part of the business.
mfw deducting all my plastic consoomer trash hoard from my taxes as business expense

No. 2289776

>Do I need this? No, but –
>Do I need this? No, but –
>Do I need this? No, but –
I hate the way she says words. "Chourds", Joo-el-rhee"
What can't you get? For every new artificially created problem there are tons of different "solutions".
Did she offer her spoon for the cat to lick clean then eat with it again???
Looks like the inside of a Miniso.

No. 2290227

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I don't think vidya consoom gets talked about enough. Men will hoard 100s (or even 1000s) of video games they definitely won't play and then call it a "curated collection".
Picrel is one of a couple pictures attached to this reddit post about a dude coming back from a trip to japan with MULTIPLE suitcases full of shit. Dude just bought up a bunch of stuff based on boxart alone, doesn't know japanese nor does he plan to, and if he does play these games he's just gonna emulate them instead. He said all of this in the various comments on the post saying they hope he at least knows the language. You know this fucker won't play all of them, I spotted otome games in there (the LE for Vitamin specifically) so you know he isn't gonna play em.

No. 2290635

The way his husband looks compared to the kpop guys is kind of funny. Is this legal?? to have an all year round unofficial cafe themed completely around a single franchise?

No. 2290681

Literal hoarding, and very shallow to only care about the box art and shit. Those games could have been appreciated by someone who could actually understand them rather than sitting in some moid's house probably gathering dust. I truly cannot understand why anyone would want to do this. I really hate hoarders. True definition of quantity over quality. Even if the cover/art is beautiful, I don't understand wanting that as decoration when you have no personal attachment to it (considering he cannot and will not play these games). Even if he could read them and played a lot, that's just too many to appreciate surely? I have complete second hand embarrassment from this.

No. 2290796

That's absurd. People like this permanently ruined the second hand market during covid and they're the reason why some retro games are "graded" now. We don't hate them enough.

No. 2290840

Brook is 'done shopping' again. She's also posted a bunch of videos about how she needs to get rid of stuff because she is 'moving' and then revealed by 'moving' she means downstairs into the same bedroom as her baby daddy / sometimes boyfriend
I know this isn't consooming but I've grown fascinated by her through these threads

No. 2290851

lmao, the retarded scripture reading. it always takes me out when american influencers suddenly crack open the bible. actually believing in God (or pretending that you are) is considered insanely cringe and backwards in my culture.

No. 2290873

What are these "people" going to do when their "one of a kind" music sensation disbands?
I don't recall seeing many nsync and backstreet superfans fans lasting very long. Did they burn the merch and pretend it was a bad dream or all kill themselves?

No. 2290874

Well… your culture is so irrelevant you don't even dare mention it here.
Why would you think anyone cares what literally who thinks?(infight bait)

No. 2290877

Even that sounds better than a Randy Marsh collection.

No. 2290924

My boyfriend hoards video games. I forced him to buy two giant pretty dressers to hide them. Men like him also believe that, one day, they won’t be able to enjoy these media because they won’t be as easily accessible online. I don't care. It's just so ugly and useless. It will probably take them a lifetime to finish all those games. It's ridiculous.

No. 2290960

>they won’t be able to enjoy these media because they won’t be as easily accessible online
If they actually played said games they'd hoard ROMs and HDDs. They never do, it's just an excuse to buy excess shit and flex in gamer circles.

No. 2291077

this is probably her last desperate attempt to fix their relationship, kek. they only stayed together for their daughter and now that she's doing fine after her surgery and can walk on her own, they can just separate without feeling bad.

No. 2291084

>donut powder makeup
>beedy little eyes
>bridge troll nose
>hoardes like a bridge troll too
>huge ears
>disgusting valley girl tiktok cadence
>literal and literally always being used to make her videos appeal to brain destroyed 2.5 gpa jits on the internet
Narcissism is a harmful virus

No. 2291086

Is that balloon who opens the gate her husband? Kek

No. 2291091

I reminder on what I said like a few weeks ago, these people would slam my head like grated garlic while pillaging my village and looting my village’s prized possessions and then further destroying the water supply by dropping milk into it and then doing it to other tribes to accumulate wealth to trade. These people are dangerous as fuck and since they’re too weak to go and shoplift they instead just buy to compensate for their archaic urges to pillage and loot

No. 2291136

All the collector tards are ruining the secondhand market in japan now because a bunch of collectors make youtube videos saying how dirt cheap the games are. I've heard a lot of these second hand shops are raising prices for these games since they learned foreigners will pay stupid prices.
The game collecting sub is a goldmine for consoom. One thing that'll never make sense to me about these tards is collecting entire sets of games (the entire library of games released for a system. Usually they'll try to collect by region, like a full set of NTSC PS2 roms as an example.) and it baffles the fuck outta me why anyone would do that? There's so many garbage games that release for every system, why would you pay for those? Why wouldn't you just collect shit you actually enjoy?

No. 2291172

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These dildos are like $100 each.

No. 2291178

More than that, I think. I wish they'd spend some of that money on better bedding.

No. 2291179

Jesus. How many fantasy dildos do you need?

No. 2291182

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Kinda sad how kids don't want to collect from anime for their age group. All they know is consoom all search results on Amazon under "kawaii". They will buy 6 or 7 Super Sonico bootlegs before getting something special of a character they got to like. I guess you can blame creators like Addyharajuku for giving that appearance of an anime fan to impressionable children. All kids want is to consoom the aesthetic of a hiki really fast and end up buying products of things that they would have to defend when they show it off online, like Nekopara tapestries. The childlike wonder of enjoying their first anime and slowly collecting their hobby is gone.

No. 2291190

I saw the prices in 2020 and this year in one store in Akihabara and the prices were so much higher this year I didn't buy anything. I'm not surprised that stores increased prices, business is business.

No. 2291197

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probably not any sort of long-lasting change on Brook's part (she'll likely be back to shopping within a week), but people have been speculating that minimalism is coming back in trend among "influencers." Maybe she's trying to jump on that bandwagon?

No. 2291200

see ya in 10 days for the christmas hello kitty haul!

No. 2291242

This won't last. She even said "like I have in the past" and "probably" which means huge hauls every so often, and not daily shopping. Or she'll just hide it. Or she'll lie and say the crap she buys is all for gifts.

It's also always funny to me that she tries to act like a Christian when she's clearly anything but, though she's in no way unique in that regard ig.

No. 2291247

How old is Brooke? Not sure if filters but sometimes she looks a lot younger than other times.

No. 2291256

Why does Emma look like a 10 year old boy being forced to stand on the naughty step

No. 2291488

No. 2291508

I hate this. They're not even going to play most of it. Also ofc the figures are mostly from slop.

No. 2291559

Maybe a little off topic but it always weirds me out when people talk about still wearing clothes from ~5 years ago like that’s unusual for an adult. Most of my wardrobe is >5 years old and certain pieces I’ve had for around 10 years, some of which I bought second hand to begin with. Quite a few of my mother’s clothes are 15-20 years old. I know quality is going downhill but do people really wear out their clothes in just a few years? Or do they throw everything out when it’s not trendy anymore?

No. 2291579

I remember talking with this girl and bringing up how fast clothes deteriorate now and this girl said the shein shirt she was wearing was over a year old and acted like that was a long time kekkk. I think everyone is so used to fast fashion now, that it's become normal for your clothes to wear out faster.

No. 2293483

You're acting like kids in the 2000s didn't also do this, which they did.

No. 2293870

>i'm quitting shopping forever
>well i want to get financially stable before shopping again, to spare myself the guilt
>actually i'll always be a shopping account but right now shopping is in the backburner
she actually backtracks in the same 3mn video she announces she quit shopping, it's crazy. shopping is one hell of an addiction.

No. 2295325

She's a massive retard, which doesn't help, but shopping is like eating- you can't live without it. At some point she's going to run out of food, her daughter will outgrow her clothes and shoes, they're going to have a broken item somewhere in their hoarder den that needs to be replaced, and then off she goes to the stores. If she was mentally capable of absorbing the lessons she learnt in therapy, she'd have coping techniques to stop her from overspending. She could do haul videos showing her progress, or point out cute things in store and then put them back before going home. She wouldn't have to nuke her account and go back to being broke. Shopping really is a hell of an addiction, but it's not impossible to wrangle into submission. She could leave all her money and cards at home if she had the burning urge to ogle bags at Marshalls, she'd still get the joy of obsessing over fugly shit but wouldn't be able to pay for it and take it back to her cockroach breeding ground of a room.
But she's a lost cause. She cares more about consooming than she does about her daughter. This idiot knows how damaging her addiction is and her audience calls her out on it, but instead of getting her life together, she'll spout some nonsense about Jesus telling her that all he wants for his birthday is a Hello Kitty tree and matching home decor and immediately fuck off to loot every TJ Maxx in a thousand mile radius.

No. 2299851

File: 1733777206278.jpg (1.9 MB, 4032x3024, 11-500-game-collection-v0-11lp…)

Can't imagine having a room that's full of nothing but games to the point that it looks super cramped.


No. 2299917

i cant even blame retro game hoarders considering how shit companies are at archiving and preserving them, many games were only recovered because someone had the cd

No. 2301570

I guess this works as his motivation to not gain 300 pounds.

No. 2301600

I can smell this photo.

No. 2301603

As many as they can fit all at once

No. 2301605

Kids were doing that before Addy

No. 2302697

File: 1733870867379.png (26.01 KB, 965x137, bath and body works mom.png)

Bath and body works has been having a lot of holiday sales, right now their candles are discounted and people having been posting hauls of 10+ on reddit. It's insane behavior, how can you even burn through that many candles if it's not lighting them back to back? I'm sure it's not healthy to breathe in 24/7. It's also insane how people name things from memory/abbreviations. They don't even think twice about discussing one of 48 different vanilla scents sold in June of 2014. Imagine your mom referencing your birth in the context of a bath and body works sale.

No. 2302741

>I'm sure it's not healthy to breathe in 24/7
Everything else is valid but this is a weird nitpick, they're candles not mustard gas.

No. 2302873

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In general, burning something and breathing it in is considered to not be the healthiest choice for your lungs. There's also some concerns for paraffin wax specifically, but I'm not about to die on the hill that no one should ever burn candles again. I wasn't trying to nitpick for no reason, there is a not-insignificant presence of mothers on the bath and body works subreddit. Pair that with threads of strategically burning candles for hours daily, and it rubbed me the wrong way. I'm sure it's mostly harmless but something feels weird about knowing there's more than one toddler inhaling sugar candy strawberry maple pumpkin mocha crisp 7 days a week.

picrel is a few comments discussing candle burning from different threads, one person even mentions candles giving them eye symptoms

No. 2303111

it's generally advised against burning candles at all if you have pets (especially ones with small, sensitive/more effective lungs like birds), with similar advice being given for pregnant women/infants, so I get where anon is coming from because anything produced via burning is generally bad for breathing. not saying you can't or shouldn't have candles, but I don't think the people in question are burning a normal amount of them kek (if they're lighting them at all and not just collecting them in cupboards).

No. 2303164

You would be surprised how many fans would buy some second hand stuff even if the group disbands.

And BSB are still in tours and all, of course some of them did kept their merch.

No. 2303716

I looked up B&BW candles and they use the cheapest, shittiest paraffin wax. Burning paraffin wax releases benzene which is carcinogenic, and toluene which causes brain damage when repeatedly inhaled. I don't think it's a weird nitpick, cheap shitty candles are bad for health. Beeswax and soy candles are much safer.

No. 2304102

do people not know that smoke tends to irritate eyes?

No. 2304138

That doesn't surprise me, their quality is shit. They use awful ingredients in everything. They're so expensive for the product too, you could easily buy some better quality indie candles for the same price. Or even use candle warmers or wax melts instead of burning a candle, it's not ideal but it's much better. Plus, the B&BW candles are apparently so bad that some of them don't smell of anything at all when they're burnt, they have to be warmed for the scent to come through.

No. 2305071

Why are weebs all into the same exact things nowadays? There's no variety. There's always that girl who's into Sonnys Angels, Sanrio, Miffy (Ik miffy isn't japanese but the weebs still love it), Moomin, Yoshitomo Nara junk, Rilakkuma, Super Sonico, Miku, etc.

This is nuts. Just as bad as people who spend 300 dollars on plastic animu figures. There's A LOT of ways that money could've been better spent.

No. 2305198

B&BW is is the overpriced cheap shit copy of The Body Shop and Lush. I hate whoever realized it was possible to charge TBS and Lush prices for Dollar Tree quality products with a little extra synthetic scent dumped in.
It's just bizarre to see regular people adopt a level of hobby that used to be strictly for obsessive weirdos. I doubt most of these people really care about any of this shit, otherwise you would see random Fujiko Mine, One Piece, and Gundam girl figures popping up, not just hundreds of Sonico, Miku, Eva, and scrote FOTM pretend girlfriend crap. They probably don't even watch any anime, that's why the Sonico, Miku, Eva trifecta are front and center.

No. 2305395

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The culture surrounding bath and body works is what's so insane to me. They're all hoarders that don't even use the products there's even people who collect 'vintage' expired products. Tons of stores do that thing where they overprice everything and have a sale every single day but for some reason these women convince themselves these b&bw sales are too good to pass up. Buying 20 products that couldnt be used in 5 years every three weeks because there's yet another 'cant miss' sale. That's not even taking into consideration how the body sprays and lotions are some of the nastiest on the market. Does formula and actual function even matter when they're buying so much stuff they can't even use it?
It genuinely has to be some sort of mental illness or crowd follow.
If each candle lasts 40 hours person in picrel would need to have a candle lit for a month straight with 0 breaks to use them up

No. 2305400

>tfw was into all that before it became a trend

I’m curious too because years ago nobody gave a fuck about any of that except small circles of weebs because they’re popular in Asia. Now every single normie I know has at least one of these things. It’s suffering kek they’ve single handedly ruined the market.

No. 2305447

Moomin not Japanese either

No. 2305495

Before social media, weebs used to have modest collections because the goal was more to have things that were sentimental. The weeb/cosplay hobby originally started out as something that was very personal and isolated, hence why it didn't matter if you showed up to a con with a shitty hand-made cosplay. No one set a standard for what was expected because over a decade ago, this stuff was for fans exclusively just to sperg about anything anime-related. Now that it got more popular and became an easy funnel for anyone to jump into, like buying the latest shitty pre-made cosplay and wig so you can sell nudes, the entire cosplay community being a beauty/popularity contest, or needing an entire studio to make stuff in just to be recognized, the degeneracy has rotted the hobby from the core. Most of the gen Z collectors/weebs that got into the hobby in the last few years only know this hobby as collecting as much crap as possible, posting it online for views, rinse and repeat. And the market feeds into them. We've had so many different Miku figures alone this year I don't get how anyone keeps up with it. I cringe when I see the stacks of Ikea bookcases filled with every cheap Miku figure possible. It's just for showing off/competing with other people online, there is 0 authenticity in it anymore.

No. 2305615

I mostly blame YouTube. Before YouTube, the online doll collecting community wasn't that far off from BJD collectors, people wanted select nice quality things. Now you go to shittube and see people buying a literal dozen new dolls at once, or at a thrift store bulk buying 20-30 generic destroyed modern Barbies.

No. 2305805

All of the examples you listed (Miku, Sanrio, Super Sonico, etc) are so popular in particular because there's no lore and are designed to sell merch. Compare that to games, novels, and long boring shows that naturally gatekeep by format. Especially if they are older, unpopular on social media, and have little to no merch.

No. 2305833

I think the mental illness aspect of it is severely understated. I loved it in middle school, now in university I know maybe 1-2 people my age who have a body spray or car scent. The vast majority are older women, there's even a thread on the sub asking people their ages and there's just a few 25 and under. Literally all the people were 35+, browsing the comments on the sub also shows a lot are married and/or have kids.

There's a demographic of older women who are addicted to stanley/rae dunn/target/etc that have been brought up in this thread and by commentators. It's clear that relatively inexpensive collectable items are appealing to middle class moms bc they're cheap, cute, fun, and come with a built-in social community that they can relate to and interact with. Shopping addiction maybe, but I think so much of the addiction is loneliness. My personal tinfoil is that there's a desire to relive their youth (which is crazy bc they're not even old).

I randomly stopped in one a few weeks ago for the first time since middle school, and got a few things for $6 a piece thanks to their 24/7/365 sales. Some of the products smelled fine, but there was absolutely nothing that I'd be willing to pay over $6 for. I love perfumes/body care, but I am a broke student and coupon heavily at places like CVS/Walgreens and/or use ebay for basically everything I get. There's so many affordable (esp with coupons) body care brands with scents much more appealing and higher quality. It's strange to see women in the prime place of actually being able to afford dropping $~50-200 on body care and candles choose to get the low-quality garbage that is b&bw. They purchase objectively lower-quality items en masse, collect expired products as you mention, and discuss scents going back to the 2000s. All of those reasons combined is why I personally think b&bw shoppers have a complex about wanting to 'relive their youth,' or at least the early 2000s again. B&bw is so ubiquitously 2000s to me, and every single woman I know, every single influencer and discussion space online has long since moved on. Yes they're still just women with shopping addictions, but their brand of choice is so strange to me.

No. 2305858

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Well said anon. I'm so devastated at the current state of all of it. I always think about what's going to happen when they decide to chase another trend? Landfills filled with funkopops and Miku figs? Dumb zoomers showing up on hoarders with their squalors filled with Sanrio and Miku junk(and romanticize it)?

No. 2305862

I've always seen people who collect these dildos and they aren't even nice to the eyes. And it's always a scrote hoarding these things.

No. 2305868

this post always makes me chuckle idk why but ty nona for posting moid consoom

No. 2305905

dildo hoarding is 100% a scrote thing. Any woman doing it is being a pick-me for scrotes like the girls that collect coomer animu figurines.
any woman that collects dildos out of genuine interest to show them off is an extreme outlier and probably has autism

No. 2305940

They all kind of remind me of the TJMaxx ladies who will stroll in and buy polyester blankets or perfume (like Brooke). I would at least want to consoom stuff with value like fancy art supplies but spontaneity and cheapness is part of the appeal.
I'm trying to think of things collected 10 years ago like would be the equivalent of Miku and funko pops, but I'm drawing a blank. Weeb stuff got accessible to normies quite recently.

No. 2305947

>dildo hoarding is 100% a scrote thing
this video is cancer because it's the only one I could find but she had the nastiest room full of sex toys I've ever seen

No. 2306048

I know for older generations they would have curio cabinets full of useless stuff. China, "precious moments" figurines, spoons, coins, toys, dolls, comic books. I feel like that's about equivalent to people who collect weeb stuff now kek. I also can't think of any equivalent for younger normies that was popular before anime went mainstream though

No. 2306077

File: 1734050508212.jpg (68.18 KB, 640x480, Spongebob_at_the_window.jpg)

>All those dildos
I doubt that she used them all, right?


No. 2306162

Maybe uses one once and throws it out or sells it to an incel. i don't get dildos why not just get a vibrator

No. 2306198

because she needs to add variety and novelty to her videos or else scrotes will get bored and stop paying her

No. 2306330

Nonny, everything she does is for internet shock points, I doubt she uses most of them

No. 2306480

My grandmother collected decorative spoons but those were mostly souvenirs that she either bought herself on her travels or was given by friends and family. I can’t think of any kind of collection that people would just buy en masse for show instead of building it up over time. Maybe nouveau riche buying book collections they never intended to read to fill up their libraries with?

No. 2306483

File: 1734078912142.jpg (28.89 KB, 288x450, 191195775-288-k819912.jpg)

kinda off topic but finding out bad dragon is popular with people outside of furries was a shock, because before 2020 I only heard it mentioned by them

No. 2306574

Curious about how her orifices are able to accommodate such beastly sex paraphernalia….

No. 2306577

I wish she had never done porn and just kept endlessly cucking scrotes with tease videos and partial nudity just to enrage incelfaggots and mess with their psyche.

No. 2306589

File: 1734098973694.png (Spoiler Image,2.71 MB, 1080x1420, bneeb2f5l6v81.png)

Yeah exactly, I know old ladies like Precious Moments and china sets, but I was drawing a blank for an equivalent to hundreds of Miku prize figures and Sonny Babies. Maybe Beanie Babies? It's like how fast fashion has existed for a while but nothing could compare to Shein's size and scale today
people love posting dildo hoards to Reddit

No. 2306637

Heavily perfumed non-perfume body products in fun scents and scented candles were a new and expensive type of product in the 1990's. So I guess it makes sense the same way Sonico does. They're low info buyers who just permanently latched on to the easiest product in the trend they could get.
Miku and Sonico shit will end up worthless after somebody invents a new cartoon girlfriend fad. The same way Japanese secondhand stores used to be flooded with worthless Tokimeki Memorial shit. Probably even worse, because far fewer TokiMemo products were produced.

No. 2306937

It's the multiples that get me, there's so much FOMO but it's all cheaply made candles with very samey scents that you can get from any dupe seller on Etsy for a fraction of the price.
The scents aren't that great and unique either. There's a 99% chance that you can find an almost identical scent elsewhere. I know that some time ago there were people freaking out about shower gels from I think 5 below that smelt exactly like the B&BW ones and they loved finding a cheap dupe of their expensive soaps. How cucked do you have to be to KNOW that you could waltz into a cheap store with a few dollars to get your B&BW fix, and still go apeshit over sale items that cost more than the identical dupe? It's crazy. It's fucking soap.
I know someone in a previous thread said that people dumpster dive all the time at B&BW to get broken candles, melt them down into wax melts, and sell them for a few dollars a pop on Etsy. It makes way more sense to buy a bunch of these and not have to worry about wasting space hoarding a million candles that have no scent by the time they're burnt.
Also, we need to stop calling their products cheap. They're fucking expensive when you consider how bad the quality is. This shit is carcinogen central, even the diehard fans complain all the time about how the quality has plummeted recently, and somehow they still buy this crap non stop.
It feels like these women discuss B&BW products like kids discuss Pokemon. Bragging about their hauls, showing off their rare items, decluttering by swapping or selling, it's all about the social aspect. It's the body care equivalent of junk food. Sure, sometimes people do want to slather themselves in a nostalgic scent, nothing wrong with them buying the lotion they used as kids. But that doesn't give them that feeling of belonging in a community, so they load up their carts with shitty candles and leaky sprays and make weekly haul posts online.

No. 2307142

File: 1734134757714.png (86.64 KB, 296x187, 345345778.png)

>someone said that people dumpster dive
>get broken BBW candles
>melt them into wax melts
>sell on Etsy.
Do they really tho or is that a grift targeting retards? It makes way more sense to just make your own melts (or buy wholesale melts already made) and sell them with a fake origin story of sifting through a dumpster full of broken glass. X to doubt

No. 2307189

God knows, you get all sorts of lunatics who see some troll post on the internet and haven't taken their meds in so long they think it's a good idea. With how retarded social media is these days they'd probably make more money filming themselves breaking into a dumpster and rifling through broken glass than they would actually selling the wax melts.
I hope you're right and it's all a sales tactic instead of Bath and Body Works turning into an all out cult for middle aged women with undiagnosed retardation. The world is bad enough already.

No. 2308456

File: 1734264606196.png (706.94 KB, 958x1742, Screenshot 2024-12-15 at 12.09…)

Pointless garbage plus the Grinch doesn't even say this

No. 2309507

File: 1734314772513.mp4 (11.88 MB, 720x1278, tZM_WreJF1.mp4)

over consumption: toilet edition

No. 2309513

Isn’t this clearly ragebait

No. 2309521

Those fabric toilet covers are so nasty. Also I can't watch this video without thinking about the man who was making tiktoks reacting to similar videos and even trooned out sometime down the line.

No. 2309578

it is
but im sure shes got all the affiliate links in the comments anyway kek

No. 2309680

>no squatty potty
>no bidet
low effort dirty ass

No. 2309845

What’s everyone’s take on apps like Indyx? I keep seeing influencers hyping up their styling services, and while it might sound “fun,” there’s something deeply bleak about influencers with closets stuffed full of clothes acting dissatisfied with their own style—just to sell more. The same pattern pops up in interior design influencers: swapping rugs, couches, and whole rooms as if they’re fast food. Yes, it’s their “job,” but the casual disposal of such resource-heavy, expensive items is pure dystopia.

We don’t need to normalize this. It’s beyond “content”—it’s a performance of waste in a world where so many are struggling. And for the influencers themselves? Cycling through endless consumption and reinvention must be its own kind of hell. A snake devouring itself, one product at a time. I’m so tired of being sold this vision of professional styling as some aspirational norm. It was never supposed to be the baseline.

No. 2309850

You don't pack a stanley with snacks and ready a massager for every part of the body for your candlelit shits?

No. 2309864

I see, the near perfect set-up for a dairy treat as a lactose intolerant set-up.

No. 2309901

kek nona, I just can't stop thinking about how those stupid toilet bowl flowers are going to get disgusting residue around them and also look terrible as they start to dissolve. Christ this is bleak. Surprised she didn't spring for the pink toilet paper so many influencers love for no reason.

No. 2309930

I can't stop laughing at this kekkkkk

No. 2310057

I hate this because Miffy (Nijntje) and Moomin (Mumintrollen) are nostalgic to me as a Europoor. There is “lore” to a certain degree, for those of us who grew up with the franchises. The same with Sonny angels— they’re reminiscent of the kewpie dolls which some of us may have grown up playing with.

No. 2310095

all i can think of is how these candles will set your hair on fire the second you sit down
>no pooping stool
shit shitting setup

No. 2310177

File: 1734384676496.jpg (76.04 KB, 835x1000, stupid german mouse.jpg)

>Miffy (Nijntje) and Moomin (Mumintrollen) are nostalgic to me as a Europoor
This recently got me thinking about Diddl. Was it also popular when you were a kid, unless you're a young zoomer? I swear to god when I was in elementary school almost every girl was obsessed with this mascot and bought a shit ton of stationary to trade them with other girls during recess like with pokemon cards. They all did the whole "I won't use this super rare one of a kid Diddl notebook because I want to sell it for a lot of money on ebay when I'm an adult" when we were like 8 years old in the early 2000s. Unlike the ones you listed I never hear about it these days, and iirc it lost popularity when I started middle school but I have no idea if it's because it actually did lose popularity or if it's because at that time kids start to act like they suddenly hate everything they used to like and "only babies like [insert brand]". I keep seeing Miffy collabs when I shop in Hema, sometimes I see Moomins goods because of girls and women liking the characters but absolutely no Diddl goods whatsoever. Nobody gives a fuck about him anymore. Did I hallucinate it?

No. 2310202

MTA but I saw that rat everywhere as a kid over here (Spain) as well. It wasn't as popular as how you describe on my school/town, but pretty much every toy and stationary store had a bunch of merch of them.

No. 2310210

File: 1734385454262.webp (10.68 KB, 640x480, Neuf-Petite-peluche-DIDDL-avec…)

yuro too and i remember that stupid mouse, back when i was in middle school (early aughts) everyone had these notebooks and the cool girls had picrel dangling from their eastpak or jansport backpacks. and theen it just disappeared.
my dad hated it bc it was german kek

No. 2310217

I use Acloset. They just make me miss polyvore, the paid styling always looks like AI spat out outfits, and the influencer clothing is ugly as hell in so many of these videos.
Mostly I use Acloset to make sure I don’t go buy the same thing I already bought, it’s nice to be able to look through my whole wardrobe while I’m on the go to keep from buying stuff I don’t really need (because I already have it). It’s how I maintain having only 40 pieces and not letting fast fashion get ahold of me.

No. 2310243

i used to have trading cards of these guys but i was sick when i played with them so seeing them now just made me freak out like my fever dreams are manifesting

No. 2310263

Holy shit, you just unlocked some long forgotten memories for me. Diddl was everywhere when I was a kid, haven't thought about it in probably two decades.

No. 2310264

File: 1734387084270.png (830.38 KB, 926x712, latest-621068254.png)

But what about musti?

No. 2310269

Oh god I still have a moving box full of this stuff somewhere. It's honestly impressive how quickly the craze fizzled out considering it was the 00s.

No. 2310358

musti is very cute but he is a male, and therefore inferior to queen miffy

No. 2311259

This vid was really eye opening as to how useless flatlay styling is when compared to how an outfit looks when actually worn. Of course I've had my suspicions about it in the past, but this is the first time I've seen side by side comparisons of a collage vs. real thing.
A lot of the proportions look much better in the flats than when she's wearing them, and the fact that she doesn't seem to grasp how unflattering several of the outfits look is wild. I can't imagine investing this much into a wardrobe for it to look so bad on her nor how this would be appealing to anyone with eyes.

No. 2311294

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Well Miffy and Moomin are both book characters, they were invented to tell stories and not to sell mugs or stationary even if that’s how they’re being used now. I think that makes a big difference. Both characters have extended families and side characters because the authors wrote stories about those characters and not because some marketer decided they needed more variety for maximum profit like with Sanrio.

There was a Diddl store in my city but I don’t remember the craze around it being that bad. I went into it once to get a gift for a friend and I found it so overwhelming that I never wanted to go in there again. It just felt artificial and hollow to me, even as a kid.

Musti was cute too. But I have a soft spot for Nijntje/Miffy because the creator was from my hometown. The whole city mourned when he died, just like I’m sure people in Finland mourned Tove Jansson.

No. 2311450

>dildo hoarding is 100% a scrote thing
man I wish– before the porn ban on tumblr, it was weirdly 'trendy' in some tumblr circles for female users to show off bad dragon collections and discuss design merits. It was a mix of trying to appear quirky, open and sex-positive about the topic in general, and to come up with dick headcanons for characters, oc or otherwise. I hate that I know any of this kek

No. 2311637


You also used to see it in the Jezebel/xojane circles.
The writers used to show off their boxes full of different kinds of vibrators and shit.

No. 2311762

>and the fact that she doesn't seem to grasp how unflattering several of the outfits look is wild. I can't imagine investing this much into a wardrobe for it to look so bad on her nor how this would be appealing to anyone with eyes.
One thing that gives me some hope for fashion is that stores slowly seem to be moving away from gimmicky ugly shit, like that black sawed off muumuu, and more toward normal human clothes from before the skinny jeans era. Even Walmart looks like a Sears now compared to the utter trash places were stocking 5 years ago.

No. 2311764

File: 1734462436566.jpeg (275.21 KB, 675x1110, IMG_5058.jpeg)

Why do they do this shit. They don't even open them.
Sorry for not downloading the video my shitty device is on it's last legs

No. 2311778

I hate these things. Theyre so ugly and pointless. I went into gamestop recently to look for a christmas gift and I swear there were more of these on the shelves than actual games. I only know one person who collected them years ago and he was the biggest loser nerd I've ever met.

No. 2311819

in my experience they can be helpful, they make you confront your bad purchase decisions (like i notice items that never get any wear, or sometimes i don’t even want to take a picture of an item because i hate it). it would definitely be more 'fun' for someone with a big collection of clothes as opposed to me who only buys plain t-shirts in 3 different colors and is happy with that. but overall i don’t think these apps promote overconsumption, except some additional gimmicks and services some of them try to shill.

No. 2311861

I've also had the same experience with gamestop, the last one I went to had an entire wall of these cheap ass ugly things. Even unrelated shops at the mall will have an isle of these, some time ago there were even mini funko pops in kinder eggs. Stands at fairs and cons too, I'm tired of seeing them.

No. 2311932

When Toys R Us closed, every store had over a thousand Fucknos. The company even had to shred a big warehouse full of them last year. There's also video out there of an industrial shredder processing unsold lootcrate type crap, I'm sure Pops were in there. It's just so wasteful. I think Sam Goody or one of those other Suncoast-y places also died with tons of Pop stock.

No. 2312399

File: 1734504389144.jpg (255.21 KB, 800x800, loo with a view.jpg)

I can't even be annoyed. It's so rage-baity it's almost endearing. Wished she'd gotten one of these bad boys though.

No. 2312425

I hate the idea of some random normie trying to style me only because it's impossible for them to be completely objective and i don't believe that anyone can help me find good clothes except myself. Just trying on clothes and respecting your body type and comfort level is all you need, no special stores or stylist needed. I think what fuels is that people feel unsatisfied with themselves as people and think buying new clothes and trying new aesthetics will mold them into people they admire online and that's how you get tiktok alt people who listen to rap but hope to emulate some goths they saw as quickly and cheaply as possible, like it's a costume rather than clothes. Another thing is that i'll never understand trend hoppers at all. I've definitely made mistakes with clothes purchases mainly due to teenage ignorance, but at least my taste have remained fairly consistent. I'll never understand how people flip flop from being a goth to a normie to kawaii vomit.

No. 2312431

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Ngl, a bit of a confession but I think some of the few nonhuman ones are okay.

No. 2312438

What an icon. I believed it until the foot massager came out. What came after was glorious.

No. 2312441

oh my fucking god

No. 2312452

I have like… 7 Sonic figures (3 were gifted. NONE ARE FUNKOS I HATE FUNKOS) and I'm pretty ashamed of myself for them. even worse I use them as art references

No. 2312453

Yes keep filling the bathroom with plastic bottles full of expired gunk and pick out 5 separate scents that don’t compliment each other. It’ll be so slay when it eventually avalanches into the hallway.

No. 2312461

It's like her hoarding tendencies and her shopping addiction are fighting each other.

No. 2312533

hate to say it, but the woman soyfacing with a few captions above her head about consoom is almost as annoying as those hoarders

No. 2312628

I’ve recently moved to a smaller place than I had before. Having to tell my partner that I can’t keep 24 nendoroids and 50 plushies is going to go over well.

No. 2312632

24 nendoroids? I can honestly justify the plushies because those tend to be gifts and such, but nendoroids are so boring to have around unless you unironically play with them and take pictures of them, that I don't understand how you can have so many.
Even if they're 24 different nendoroids it's seriously ridiculous.
Just gift some of the plushies and some of the nendoroids to a charity or to some people that you know that has kids/weeby kids.

No. 2312642

I would but all the kids I know are across the border and importing things are a hassle. I’d rather just sell stuff on eBay. I’m so overwhelmed because we can no longer close the storage closet. We’re here for 5-10 years so I'm trying my best to rid of unnecessary clutter and yes even if that means anime figures.

No. 2312797

Yes. I came to say exactly this.

No. 2312936

yeah i hate these pointless reactions.
you aren't adding anything but your stupid face

No. 2312939

Why are the obsessive shower sperg girlies always fat and have dirty-looking domiciles?
almost like they're overcompensating for something…

No. 2313120

some bully called them fat and stinky in 7th grade gym and they spiralled

No. 2314036

>almost every girl was obsessed with this mascot and bought a shit ton of stationary to trade them with other girls during recess like with pokemon cards.
yesss omg it was the exact same for me. and i grew up in the middle of nowhere (not us/eu) + it was back when children didn't have smartphones/social media so how was it the same all over the world? i understand the character being popular, but the trading thing? kek. good times

No. 2314039

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maybe some things are mysteriously universal like the S symbol kek

No. 2314046

kek that too! this is making me so nostalgic

No. 2314050

seeing this on the main page made me laugh my fucking ass off for absolutely no reason. It's 6:15, so I'm sure that plays a role. I was never completely perfect at drawing and people bullied me for it.

No. 2314059

>There is “lore” to a certain degree
The heck do you mean "certain degree"??? They're books and have been around since the 40s, that were later made into multiple tv series and video games as well. It's wild to me people grow up thinking it's basically just a mascot series

No. 2314090

I remember being little and seeing them at my friend’s house and being upset my parents didn’t do anything cool like that and now I can’t even believe someone would do something so disgusting kek.
These still kickass though.

No. 2314472

which do you have ? can i buy some ?

No. 2314654

File: 1734637888813.jpg (69.08 KB, 600x900, 1538e1e8b525e5bf910187c444bc69…)

>We've had so many different Miku figures alone this year
That reminds me, when did Miku/Vocaloid figures become "random design that figure supplier puts out because they need something to sell"? Was it with the release of project diva?
They used to be just the boxart version or designs that producers used in their actual songs. So you'd buy the figure because you love the song. I don't know what those prize figures that keep getting churned out even supposed to reference.

No. 2314780

>Even if they're 24 different nendoroids it's seriously ridiculous.
I have 46 nendoroids kek

No. 2315306

Tbh if she's worried about telling her partner they can't keep 24 nendoroids and 50 plush I'm guessing the s/o is the primary consoomer here, probably more than half (or more) belongs to them.

>I can honestly justify the plushies

This is your personal consoom bias (which is understandable, everyone has it) showing anon, 50 is a fuck ton

Selling on ebay is a good option if you're not in a rush. It's a bit harder if you're lacking in space since you don't know how fast things will sell, don't price too low either because that doesn't always mean it sells faster. If you have the boxes maybe stack them up high in a corner or something so they only take up space vertically. IF you need them gone now try selling them at an anime merch store or something, just know you'll probably make like 1/4 of what you would get on ebay. For the plushies unless they're character plushies like pokemon or completely pristine, you're likely better off donating them

No. 2315355

This woman really spent $85 on an advent calendar of Chinese dropship cosmetics. The very first item is a rancid glue and plastic glitter combo that she actually used on her lips. Insane. And the list prices are the same or higher than drugstore brands, so you won't even save money while inhaling asbestos.

No. 2315428

She has a whole series of advent calendar unboxings, I get why she bought this but it's so fucking nasty and dangerous to use this crap.
The wall of advent calendars behind her is insane. Again, I know this is a business for her and she makes money from it, but how can anyone be OK with having that much stuff just lying around? All that makeup and skincare can't be used in a year, I hope she actually sells it or gives it away instead of just tossing it all out. If she does this every year, that's so much packaging waste as well.

No. 2315457

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I hate most of those random Miku prize figures. Many of the designs look cheap and bootlegged. Even if the design is okay, they often feel like a random character that happens to kinda look like Miku.

No. 2315462

Do you live under a rock? Hoarding makeup is bad and stupid, but implying Sheglam specifically is "souh dangherous guyzz" and "itz gonna give uhh dee chineeze chemikals" is crazy kek.

No. 2315463

Thank you kek I see that opinion parroted all the time in the makeup subreddits. A lot of makeup comes from china, more than most people realize, all under the same factories that just put their own brand name onto the packaging. Sheglam is not any more dangerous than any other drugstore makeup brand. For anyone confused, learn about private labeling.

No. 2315502

just wanted to rant that it pisses me off how so many people don't know what private label products are. in my industry i have to keep trying to explain that many cheap "brands" are unregulated private label generic trash from china and the the "company" doesn't make, monitor or formulate products so they're dangerous. people just whine about how they're good "cheap" options and they get easily tricked by a flashy online store. it's frustrating because people will use this stuff and then injure themselves and wonder why.

No. 2315503

do you live under a rock? kek nobody said it's dangerous because it's chinese. shein/temu products in particular are known as dangerous because recent investigations showed that they contained toxic chemicals in high quantities (above legal standards), so putting shein makeup on your face does sound like a bad idea. i'm sure there are many more manufacturers/sellers like that, but it doesn't hurt to avoid the ones that are proven to disregard safety standards.

No. 2315505

private label stuff is crap. none of it is fda tested and shein especially has no influence over the factory it's from. it's closer to makeup from the dollar store and hope you don't buy makeup at the dollar store. the main issue with chinese makeup and beauty products in general isn't sanitation, it's that the chinese fda has different rules over what is allowed and in what amounts which is why many products regularly contain lead. there's a huge issue with many private label products that people are realizing are unsafe simply due to dangerous ingredients. many "brands" have been found to contain lead and mercury at high enough levels to induce reactions. please actually research what you're claiming next time. shein makeup comes from random poorly regulated factories like their clothing which has also been found to have chemicals like industrial grade pesticide residue on it, so who knows what's in the makeup.

No. 2315810

zoomers are brainwashed by online bots that people refusing to buy unregulated garbage from China are just evil racists who hate Chinese people, ignoring the fact that the factory workers are kept like slaves

No. 2315837

Companies based in first world countries also have legal liability for what they import, and can be sued. China has no enforced consumer protection on anything. They also put mercury in cosmetics to lighten skin tone.

No. 2315851

Kek yeah it's peak narcissism.

No. 2316293

yes exactly but even then most issues that arise from makeup ingredients are long term so that dollar general/dollarama/poundland makeup will fly under the radar.

No. 2316566

That shitty Ty gingerbread plushie being bought by everyone and their entire friend group and extended family is honestly a peak example of consoomerism. Im baffled by people online calling it a great example of christmas spirit like yes throwing money at a billion dollar company for some low effort plastic slop they shit out every year to siphon money from brain rotted zoomers-millenials who make impulse purchases, because it became a trend on social media, is very festive

No. 2316573

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THIS thing? Holy shit, it's so ugly. Too much going on with the design, and I hate this feature of stuffed toys where they make the eyes so detailed and glittery and shit. They need to go back to making simple shit like Old Face Magenta. Simple plushies are way cuter than plushies with too much going on in the face. Like, how do you make a plushie look botched by surgery?

No. 2316587

The original beanie babies were a whole elaborate scam in marketing. They curated a false frenzy about their rarity and their worth. Making people think they'd be able to comfortably retire from just selling on their old beanie baby collection. They were less offensive on the eyes back then, still mostly worthless

Once squishmallows became the big collect em all plush and Ty fought back by.. making beanies stand out more in the worst ways possible.. I never thought I'd see a recent Ty creation getting much hype again

No. 2316597

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This one too but I think the smaller version is more popular. They are both ugly.

No. 2316600

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I hate twitter.

No. 2316603

Anyone else think this is a forced PR campaign?

No. 2316605

Alot of the pics where people are celebrating nabbing the clip version.. the nose on them is so low it's overlapping with the mouth for maximum derp. Poor quality control finally pays off.

No. 2316767

I didn't hate it until I saw the irl product photo. Dollar Tree keeps stocking the limbless cat ones, and they keep selling out. I would feel bad about giving a kid that kind of gift, because you know it won't get played with. At least get them something cool for $1.25, like the Barbie size jet ski.

No. 2317169

Not to blog but I've known the op through the internet for like 3 years and I think it truly was random. I can't comprehend it. Definitely milking it and trying to get money now but I don't blame her I'd take free money for posting an ugly stuffed animal

No. 2317235

>Gen Z neurodivergent icon
What does being either of those things have to do with this fugly looking gingerbread plushie? These days people will just say anything to rebrand their obsessive need to buy shitty, cheap flavour of the month crap because it's trendy. I hate how mainstream buying stupid trinket type things has become this year and I hope the trend dies soon. Having a few little trinkets and/or plushies because they're special and sentimental and show off some personality is one thing, but the point has gotten completely lost and now everyone just has the same mass produced junk. What is the story or sentiment behind owning this? That one time it went viral on twitter for a few days and then everyone forgot about it? I'm sure most of them will be in landfill before next Christmas. Bleak.

No. 2317787

What the fuck is that decoration, what kind of brainlet decided that a ring of icing around the gingerbread man's face was a good idea? It looks beyond retarded and those ugly ass resin eyes make it look even worse, the least they could do is make the resin not glittery so it didn't look like they were using leftover eyes. A gingerbread man is one of the easiest things to make into a cute plush and they fucked it up so bad.
Kek I hope your friend gets rich from this.

No. 2317979

I understand loving Sailor Moon, but in a country famous for their earthquakes? Hope she has a good disaster insurance.

No. 2318330

One of my friends just told me she stole over 2 grand from her parents. She constantly has no money from buying fast fashion, kpop stuff, fast food and spending on gacha games. She lives with her parents and has no expenses, says most of her wages goes on work lunches but no way that's possible.

No. 2318345

Oh yeah, I love having figures at my feet while I use my computer, especially with a bunch of cans behind them.

No. 2318666

Mostly unrelated but this reminded me I have a friend who lives at home expense free and spends $300+ on kpop albums a paycheck and then gets upset when I go to concerts bc she makes less than me and 'can't afford them'

No. 2318783

If she's actually getting upset at you for this I don't know why you'd keep her around as a friend…this kind of jealous energy is a pain to deal with

No. 2319009

I don't interact with her unless I have to but it's one of those situations where she knows everyone I know unfortunately

No. 2319351

So many consoomers I know are like this.
>omg anon ur so lucky you get to do [thing that enriches your life], I wish I could do that too but I’m soooo poor
Meanwhile they have a perfectly adequate income (higher than mine, usually) but spend hundreds of euros a month on fandom merchandise or other useless crap that just ends up in a pile somewhere. One couple I know has a whole separate room for “limited edition” plushies that their cats use to sleep and piss on. The ones at the bottom of the pile haven’t been seen in years and are probably ruined by now, but they just HAD to have them at the time.

I’ll never understand people who hoard plushies. Books you can read, yarn you can use but plushies are just… there. A few for decor is fine I guess but once you have so many you can’t even see them anymore, what’s the point?

No. 2320085

All this stuff but most of it isn't particularly cute…

No. 2320142

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I've stumbled upon a rare niche of male hygiene consoomer autism. Everything in picrel is this specific brand of men-target bar soaps, Dr. Squatch. Apparently they do a shitload of branded limited editions so there's crossover with marvel, star wars, etc moid consoomerism too.

No. 2320214

I can't even be mad at this if it gets moids to shower tbh

No. 2320610

merry christmas, nonnies.

No. 2321063

merry christmas nonnas, I've been watching hauls bc ngl I still enjoy them when they're a few practical or well thought out items. most of the ones I see are teens who got like five things from their mom and get excited which I think is sweet honestly.
Then some of them really make me reconsider buying anything again ever, here's a rich girl who got more stuff for christmas than most people own. I know everyone says jealousy or whatever but when people have this much clothing so much of it has to go unworn, she's got to own enough clothes to do an outfit change twice a day and not repeat an outfit for a year

No. 2321089

i'm definitely jealous of the income but not of the situation where you make your shopping addiction worse by making money out of it on social media.

No. 2321197

fucking hell, this video never ends??? this shit isn't normal.

No. 2321216

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That made me feel dizzy, and I just know these expensive shoes are going straight in the trash once someone explains to her what they actually are

No. 2321403

kek right?? imagine walking around in tranny shoes.

No. 2321552

She seems really sweet and excited to wear all the piles of clothes she got but there's no way she's going to remember she owns half of those pieces by the time next Christmas rolls around.
Yeah, that's an unfortunate color palette. Maybe she got these as a shield to defend herself against commenters malding at the amount of Loveshack Fancy stuff she got.

No. 2321597

>I'm gonna keep the silver
>picks the pale green
So she's color blind, that explains so much to me.

No. 2321615

I'd dislike this more if it wasn't so tastefully displayed and well taken care of. Adding flowers and back drop to her displays is charming to say the least.

No. 2321813

I lost it at the shoes. Poor consoomer normie woman doesn't even realise what she's bought.

No. 2321921

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Lots of arguing about if this is too much or if you're 'a Grinch' for being mad a kid has presents. Interesting I've seen people say sometimes people buy presents for social media pics and return them which is genuinely insane

No. 2321929

No this shit is too much unless you never buy anything for the kid the whole year.

No. 2322036

>unless you never buy anything for the kid the whole year
That's still fucking excessive if that's all you gave him for the entire year.

No. 2322046

>retarded looking thing gets called "neurodivergent" on twitter
Ah yes because neurodivergent people want to be reminded how they're perceived by normies all the time, sure. This is fucking tone deaf.
I think so too.

No. 2322047

I have a feeling that he won't even play with half of these things.

No. 2322072

nothing will ever be enough for him when hes older

No. 2322076

I really like stuff like this, toys are abundant secondhand as kids grow up they don't need them anymore. Children also don't care how new or plastic wrapped things are

No. 2322081

I used to get maybe 3-4 gifts if I was lucky. I was happy with what I got. A sketchbook, color pencils and usually a cute shirt and new pj set. The one year I got a CD player, I lost my mind with happiness. I cant fathom spoiling your kid this much. They look maybe 3-4 years old? Like why? It makes me sad to see parents doing this. Posting this and their child's face on social media, and for what? It's weird and entitled.

No. 2322092

>Let me clutter up the bathroom with stuff that will absorb shitparticles
>And also eat there
I am vomit

No. 2322229

"Tranny Uggs" is such a funny phrase.

No. 2322290

it's nice that she thrifted all this shit but it's still so much stuff for a four year old. idk if my parents/family were stingy as fuck but at most I got one present per adult/couple. so one from my parents, one from my grandpa, one from my married uncle plus his wife, one from my single uncle. and usually it was like maybe two or three toys and the rest was books or other stuff that I could use in school. I feel like I'm going crazy over here seeing kids bombarded with shit.

No. 2322297

Second-hand toys are great if they aren't too old but vintage toys are often unsafe for kids. Many are coated with lead paint and the materials can become brittle and break into sharp, hazardous pieces. Plus, old toys weren’t made with today’s safety standards, so choking hazards and harmful chemicals like phthalates are a risk. Similarly, vintage ceramics can leach lead or other toxins if used for food or drink. It’s a shame because both are often beautifully made but are better off for display than daily use.

No. 2322318

why are there so many different car tracks yet none of them will work
/fit together? this honestly seems like someone who doesn't play with their child and has no idea what toys to actually get them.

No. 2322340

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Found another moid consoom product

>thrifting suitcases and stuffed animals
I really hope she rinsed the hell out of those first.

No. 2322353

File: 1735306748417.png (500.43 KB, 610x595, gg.png)

omg nonnie there's this shit too, this plagues every video of MistaGG's channel, it unironically makes me think his gf's left him. this is so shit too bc the "appeal" is that it fucking glows in the dark, lame.

No. 2322354

the name is so retarded too

No. 2322415

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No. 2322466

top kek

No. 2322493

It's a lot of toys but hey, its her money. Beats spending all of that money on a grown man. People gotta stop posting their kids online though because the Twitter comments are pissing me off. You don't know that kid well enough to make judgement calls on how he'll be as an adult

No. 2323574

That's absolutely too much stuff. He even has multiples of the same basic thing. 4 large vehicles to sit and ride around on. 4 different stunt tracks for little cars. Just chose the best one of each type. He won't even have room to play with all that. And I would bet anything that he has no college fund, because people who buy like this never save for the one thing that matters.

No. 2325147

I paid $300 for this stanley


No. 2325148

Hideous granny clothes, looks like she raided a defunct care home for these.

No. 2325271

This is just typical Brook slop but I've been thinking about buying my first 'higher end' purse for about six months and having only that purse for years and this is making me think I should just do it. I'm just justifying my dumb purchase but man I'd rather have the one $500 purse that seems perfect for me instead of a bunch of ugly tjmaxx slop that sits unworn

No. 2325290

It sucks because it's such a cute color scheme, but men ruin everything as usual

No. 2325360

Next image for the next thread.

No. 2325385

Christ, she really is retarded. I love how most of these are brand new and some even still have the tags on. She clearly reaches for the same few bags over and over regardless of how many she owns, just get rid of everything else at this point.
You should go for it and get your nice bag nonna, as long as you use it instead of keeping it as a shelf warmer until it literally crumbles to dust. A really good bag will last you years.

No. 2325539

Naaah, i love loveshackfancy. It's the best basic normie brand there is right now.
I will never understand owning so many fucking bags. I also get really triggered when she hoards the cuter juicy couture bags from tj maxx/marshalls because there's a teenage girl who would have cherished it so much more than she ever could. You could say that with everything she owns as a matter as fact, i feel like if you are this much of a consoomer you really deserve to come home to an empty house.

No. 2326937

>soyjacking at loveShackFancy
You can get the same identical shit they flog for $500 for $7 on Shein.

No. 2326989

>Shein in the consoomerism thread
Go back.

No. 2327549

File: 1735688373904.jpeg (938.04 KB, 1125x1424, IMG_7463.jpeg)

I'm annoyed that crocheting seems to be the new chinaslop trend. My mom bought a "handmade" crochet vegetable from a local craft market and when I went to a mall after Christmas there was a kiosk completely filled with this stuff. I already found the same items on ebay and aliexpress, I hope the seller actually made it because I don't have the heart to tell my mom this stuff is just dropshipped from China

No. 2327575

Anon, i beg you to actually touch a loveshakefancy garment before making such a heinous comment. A lot of their stuff is made from nice thick cotton.

No. 2327591

my mom used to table at craft shows (she sews lots of random stuff like placemats, change purses, typical old lady shit) and she stopped going to sell unless it's curated by a board of people because she hates all the drop shipping nonsense.

No. 2327612

This is actually super sweet and I'm amazed that a lot of the stuff is in great condition, some of the stocking stuffers are odd choices (seashells? please tell me she rinsed them at least) but everything else feels thoughtful and it was very affordable, cute idea nonna

No. 2327619

From what I've read crochet can't be machine made (or rather they just haven't bothered to invent a machine that can crochet yet) so if it's actual crochet (as opposed to knitting that's made to look like crochet) someone really did crochet it by hand.

No. 2327625

>positive potato
I love these nonsensical translations

No. 2327655

File: 1735698617738.webp (80.64 KB, 1000x1000, StrangerThingsFunkoAdvent.webp)

I want to say that I don't understand the random rise in popularity of advent calendars, but I do, it's just another symptom of our instant gratification consoomer culture/generation. There's advent everything: makeup, candy, pet treats, hair claw clips, stationary, fishing lures, candles, etc. Worse yet is the influencers who review them so people can know if they're getting a good deal or not, defeating the purpose of each day being a surprise. I genuinely saw adults saying the Five Below advent calendars were better than the Sephora ones even though both were nothing but cheap dollar store stocking stuffers you'd give to a 12 year old girl. And you just know that the same people complaining about paying for advent calendars full of clearance inventory do weekly TJmaxx hauls. I wish they'd come up with a new name for these things instead of consoomerizing an old religious tradition

No. 2327663

Kek at the 5 Below advent calendar beating Sephora's. It's good to know what's in advent calendars, there's no point in forking out a fortune for a few bits of tat. The designer ones that cost hundreds and have atrocious items always make me kek. The super shitty Chanel one was amazing, it's such a random pile of crap, I can totally see why they thought they could get away with it since designer consoomers will happily fork out retarded amounts for the chance to own exclusive Chanel stickers.

No. 2327678

File: 1735701107027.webp (79.32 KB, 700x700, s2777894-main-zoom.webp)

I see a lot of people treat it like a personal relationship with the brand and if it's a crappy calendar they feel slighted. Tiktok is consoomer central so for example on videos of that Sephora set (pic rel) you'll see comments like "WOW I was on the fence about buying this but seeing how little they give a shit about us to put THIS out then no thanks! Sephora's gone down hill!" Imo $89 for the set is nuts but Sephora typically carries sampler sets for better prices (or at least used to, I haven't shopped at Sephora in a long time)

No. 2327687

this type of crochet is super brain dead beginner level, so it's probably not drop shipped, but everyone is absolutely using the same pattern/style so the effect is the same

No. 2327690

I still don't get it. If it's about instant gratification, why is it spread out over 2-4 weeks? If it's about the surprise, why do so many have a list of the items inside on the back of the box? I got one from a relative once when I was a kid and that was just chocolates (and prayers I think? It was a long time ago.) and they all tasted kind of bad, so maybe that left a mark and is why they just make me cringe. The ones for dogs baffle me the most. Whose dog needs 12-25 new toys all at once? Dogs don't even like having a big variety of toys, they just like the toys they like.

No. 2327696

I saw a teabag advent calendar with a different flavour tea bag for each day which I almost bought because I like tea and it might be a good way to try flavours I wouldn't have considered before, but it was quite overpriced. I didn't want to spend €20 for some teabags.

No. 2327701

might wanna check is the store still has it, you might find advent calendars heavily discounted after xmas

No. 2327711

Sephora have become incredibly stingy with those sets lately. I have no idea why they insist on wasting resources on making their name brand calendar when it's mostly filled with cheap shit that ends up being marked down and not even selling out after the fact. It's a damn shame because i do appreciate the idea of those sets to fufil that curiosity without having to make a full commitment to full products that won't be finished. It's been a while since they have released a good set.

No. 2327750

File: 1735707370624.jpg (304.3 KB, 1200x628, positive-potato-feature-144525…)

Aren't positivity potatoes actually a thing?

No. 2327754

I remember when advent calendars were supposed to be cheap and full of candy or cookies and done just for holiday fun. A lot of them are terrible and way overpriced now (vid rel, holy shit the chanel one).

No. 2327790

You can absolutely get dropshipped crochet, just look at aliexpress. It's just some poor sod overseas who's getting the repetitive motion injury rather than the local seller.

No. 2327853

LoveShackFancy is literally dropshipped shite from China that's inflated 10,000%. I have found multiple identical skirts from there on Shein and Aliexpress by using the reverse search function. Cope and seethe.

No. 2327898

I'm not coping and seething anon, why tf are you shilling Shein on the consoomerism thread? Again, go back and stop baiting.

No. 2327905

File: 1735729564184.jpg (92.15 KB, 750x1000, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f…)

>M-muh $500 skirt is totally worth $500(infight bait)

No. 2327906

Anon is not shilling anything, you are the one shilling $500 skirts in the consoom thread.

No. 2327913

Ayrt and yes, Diddl is super nostalgic too! But it doesn’t have the same connection since I couldn’t connect with the character the same way as with Miffy/Moomins because of the stories I grew up with, like >>2311294 said. And yes I remember Musti! But again not the same connection.

No. 2327914

File: 1735731830515.jpg (94.41 KB, 1199x741, FJWH84Y73Y4981Y98RYQ.jpg)

I thought you were overexaggerating about the 500$ skirt but holy shit they actually do have a listing for it and the cut looks like hot garbage. its not even completely made of silk where the fuck is the money even going towards.

No. 2327927

>viscose, dry clean only
And >>2325539 is trying to call this a normie brand? You'd find better fabric at Kohl's kek

No. 2327930

Even the name of the brand sounds like a Chong knockoff: LoveShackFancy sounds like one of those Chinglish mistranslation nonsense phrases.

No. 2327935

File: 1735733581033.webp (1.07 MB, 3001x2001, -bc44-4a51-aadb-6d9415d1c4b7.j…)

I guess nona meant normie as in the brand being well known to the general public like how someone could easily recognize gucci or louis vuitton, all of which are certainly not accessible to normies in any way kek.
I will say that I like loveshackfancy's boutique designs and I miss the era of in-person shopping where stores had a unique atmosphere and vibe to make the shopping experience more pleasant rather than the generic sterilized department store vibes you'd get from every store nowadays

No. 2327936

I'm not the anon that was shilling that brand either, kekw, I'm just saying it's stupid to brag about getting things from Shein, like?? At least name a brand that is an actual alternative, ffs.

No. 2327945

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This whole construction looks like an ass.

No. 2327949

Can you direct me to where I claimed to have bought something from Shein?

No. 2327975

Yeah Temu/Aliexpress/etc crochet resellers are a scourge. There are no crochet machines so all of these are being handmade by what I can only imagine are slaves.

No. 2327984

File: 1735735696941.jpg (48.31 KB, 936x767, luisascioli.jpg)

ntayrt some better alternatives are just scouting for indie seamstresses like Luisa Sciolli, Teagan Jacobs, Oak Meadow, and Poppy Lu clothing for the same whimsy girly clothes loveshackfancy pumps out for quadruple the price.
While they're less accessible as some are by solo creators or have extremely limited order runs, they certainly have more skill and craftsmanship that loveshackfancy falls behind on due to being mass produced.

No. 2327989

nta but i think the idea is that "i found the same thing on shein" isn't really a gotcha (especially itt). a lot of small business owners have found their original designs on sites like shein/temu. they just all copy each other but the quality is horrible so, who cares if something is available on shein. (not saying that viscose skirt is an original design or worth $500 tho kek)

No. 2328012

For some reason people are struggling to let go of their childhoods and are falling for this "adult advent calendar" marketing. There's no shame in buying a chocolate calendar if you want to keep up the advent countdown tradition, it doesn't have to be a tat filled one costing £100. They ALWAYS have junk inside and the value is abysmally low. It's similar to buying mystery boxes that are always pushed to get rid of low selling and old stock.

No. 2328033

20 euros for tea is a lot but like another anon said, you might get it heavily discounted now. I haven't had an advent calendar in years so this/last year I had one filled with tiny jars of jam from a brand that I like but that is pretty expensive. so I finally got to try all their flavors and shared all the doubles/triples with my mom so she could try them too. it was really nice and way better than those trashy calendars that come with tons of nail polish or makeup or whatever. and it was entirely free of plastic too!

No. 2329205

the pattern isn't even matched properly and seam on the lace is just vile
advent calendars in my country weren't existent for a long time, it was seen as typically german custom actually. i had a half-german friend who used to have one since her mother married a kraut, she was born in germany, so customs stayed. i noticed uptick in advent calendars for kids good while ago, i get it as set of small gifts for kids. but adult ones are such weird and consoomeristic shit for me, another sign that adults are becoming more childish

No. 2329250

File: 1735818487015.jpg (36.72 KB, 593x593, 02619_Tee_ProbierMal_2.d3527b7…)

Many tea brands already sell a mixed/trial box at a reasonable price, without the Christmas theming, just look for it on their website.

No. 2329548

File: 1735840379764.jpeg (1.24 MB, 1894x4096, oV49gdQ.jpeg)

yu-gi-oh consoom

I also miss when stores had their own atmosphere to them, simply because I enjoy looking at pictures like your picrel. It's kind of interesting because it feels like having that emphasis on store design/visual merchandising would have helped create stronger connections between customers and the various brands since they were more focused on selling an image/fantasy. It's not just buying clothes, but buying the associated lifestyle/image. A shopper enters your picrel, and she would feel like someone who DOES go to garden parties, and would then be able to justify buying that purple dress despite not really having an occasion for it in her daily life. There was a period when quite a few stores in the mall were doing similar, having a strong emphasis on store design (there were a few in my local mall during the twee era and the whole folk-indie boho-esque hipster era). I suppose nowadays it suffices enough for people to just look at an instagram feed and it can create the same illusion, with online shopping eliminating the need for in-person shopping, but it's hard to believe that method would be more effective and immersive than having a whole store designed for that purpose, and the physical stores that do exist have adopted the generic vibes that you mentioned.

No. 2329550

Dear God in heaven

No. 2329648

Maybe I'm a coldhearted bitch but I don't find most of these keychains cute, most of them look tacky to me.

No. 2329693

genuinely part of what made me struggle with coming to terms that I had a shopping addiction of some sort was all the people online collect the ugliest tackiest shit. I felt like I was different bc I didn't keep ugly shit in bins or hoard clothes/makeup lmao

No. 2329698

they would be cute if there was a single shred of sentiment on any of them but shes just collecting a hoard of junk for the fun of it. it all looks tacky and cluttering

No. 2329765

I see this with Brooke too, "I should throw it out becahse i have never used it but it's sooooo cute" and it is just a pink waterbottle with some hearts on it. Bad taste and a shopping addiction go hand in hand

No. 2330046

Exactly. She has a hundred Hello Kitty blankets that all look the same and never get used, they just hang in a closet, but she'll never get rid of them. And if she does, she'll just buy more.

No. 2330049

File: 1735862047916.png (772.81 KB, 698x779, p0H11Gt.png)

From a Japanese shopping service's discord

No. 2330124

File: 1735864219413.png (2.39 MB, 1200x1200, GRPHgHRaYAAdRQ-.png)

At least there's no doubles.

No. 2330285

I hate this pokemon

No. 2330345

you can't please you nonnies jesus christ kek I'd do this a million times over buying whatever new crap they shill at Target. as if everything new today isn't seeping microplastics into our bloodstreams 24-7-365

No. 2330665

I really don't understand the point of having multiples of the same item.

No. 2330725

yeah especially because she says that her kid wanted one of the doubles she had but she didn't let him have it? wtf? the only time i buy doubles is if i want to match with someone.

as another anon said: all this shit is tacky at best. though i'm pretty sure they do this on purpose because people will get mad and comment on the video.

No. 2330791

Getting rid of the Christmas one because it won't be Christmas for literally 12 months is a real insight into her mind. We all know she's going to buy another 200 identical Hello Kitty Christmas blankets as soon as they hit the shelves regardless of how many Christmas blankets she already has.
Also, seeing those piles of blankets dumped on the floor makes me feel sick. They've been through endless rounds of 'decluttering' and 'cleaning' and I can't see Brooke actually washing her things when she can buy a new blanket and use that instead. Those blankets must stink so bad.

No. 2330845

trading the stationary was huge here aswell, i inherited my brothers collection when he grew out of it so i had the upper hand in trading because he had full blocks of some older sets lol. it's still somewhere in my basement. people would have folders dedicated to collecting and trading pages

No. 2331047

"Love" how on the first round she decides to keep most of them, reaizes that she's not decluttering enough for clicks and goes over them again.
In a couple of weeks we're gonna see her still owning half of what she "decluttered" and then she's gonna buy more for every occasion possible.
It serves her algorythm clicks. Buy - haul video - sell - declutter video.
She is literally never going to get better because that's what her audience wants to see and what gives her money.
At this point she's basically being a promoter for the stores she frequents and a middleman for secondhand stores she favoures. This is not a person with needs and a taste. Her only personality trait at this point is selling shit to her followers. And that gets her money in every step of the process.
I'd say "get your coin sis", but her coin is only there through sheer consumerism and promotion of the lifestyle that feeds corporations and ruins the planet for everyone further.

No. 2331144

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For cases like >>2330124 part of it can be chalked up to wanting a big collection of merch and to cover their rooms in a character but being too impatient to wait for more merch to consoom so they buy multiple of the same shit over and over. I suspect some of these people also do it to be seen as a bigger fan since people associate big merch collections with being a bigger fan, regardless of whether those collections are just the same items repeated over and over again.

No. 2332360

I would have a mental breakdown if I had to live in this room.

No. 2332578

I feel like it would be cooler if fans decorated rooms by getting inspired by the characters/series they like, but without using this ugly ass shit ikea shelves. Imagine a plant room, or a room with a lot of botanical books, terrarium, bonsais… You could start a new hobby around it. And the room would have so much character, you would feel fulfilled and develop yourself, learning new things, making your brain work for once, blablabla.
But no, let's just buy 45 units of bulbasaur plushie #35, stuff them inside a white souless shelf and call it a day.

No. 2332978

i'm selling a bunch of shit because i'm moving and dont want to take a lot with me (which feels good to declutter anyway) and a small portion of it is weeb shit i bought at secondhand stores in japan. i always have a limit i'll pay for a type of item (good tip if you have a problem with impulse buying/overspending) so i know that all of them were in the range of $20-50. i put things up on ebay for what i thought were going to be silly prices that wouldn't move quickly but people are really paying over $100 apiece for things like small plushies and assembled model kits. people are paying up to $20 for things like Godzilla stickers that I got for free with entry. so many items i thought were valueless like Pokemon stickers from McDonalds are getting snapped up. don't people, especially in america where i am, have bigger financial problems right now? every time i send something out, i imagine it going onto a cluttered shelf in one of these hoarder rooms, where the owner spends as much time as possible in self-imposed imprisonment not even enjoying it as they huff all the dust it collects. i'm not really a weeb (99% of my collection was monsters from a specific video game or model kits that were time-limited exclusives/rare but cheap and will sell for crazy amounts if i never get around to building them) so it's crazy to me the thrall that these objects seem to have over people. at least when you go buy the object in person, it becomes like a souvenir and has some sentimentality to it. buying this crap online is a dopamine hit when you purchase it, a dopamine hit when you open the package, and then a meaningless object on a shelf forever. for as much as this type of person is spending on anime tat online, they could buy a plane ticket and go to japan and be one of those stuffed luggage haul videos themselves. all these overpriced anime statutes and shit are just valueless pieces of plastic and fabric that we allow to distract us from pursuing experiences and non-material happiness.

No. 2333107

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I have a friend with a makeup collection similar to this, it's all expired since years ago and it just seems like such a waste. You're just paying for pretty paper boxes to put on a shelf. Even a >>2331144 collection makes more sense to me because at least the value of each item is "permanent" and doesn't expire

No. 2333440

Me too

No. 2333490

File: 1736046871752.jpeg (120.35 KB, 1080x1080, 2_1800x1800_4623416a-5477-41d7…)

I just saw this shit advertised on TV. One use disposable facial towels for women who think their skin is too fragile for a regular towel. JFC. Who still has $20 for this shit in the current economy? Just think of the mountains of waste some of these morons are creating. California is trying to legislate a mandatory clothing recycling law, at the same time shit like this is fine to sell.

No. 2333496

this shit pisses me off. learn to launder your towels correctly and effectively if you're so worried about germs!!! i really can't believe people fall for this shit

No. 2333511

It's going towards her fancy nyc apartment

No. 2333513

FR. I just hate to see this trash advertised, because it will be normalized, and end up one of the thousands of very wasteful 1-use things people waste money on. In a year or two beauty gurus will be acting like it's crazy to wash your towels. Some asshole company will probably start making each towel in a hermetically sealed sterile plastic bag.

No. 2333525

This product is marketed towards people who have never taken a microbiology class in their life. The bacteria/yeast that causes acne is already part of your skins natural microbiome. I am not sure how people are really falling for those before and afters since it can be presumed people with acne would be using products to treat it and that would be the reason why their acne has decreased, aside from acne usually resolving itself even without treatment in some cases if it's just a rogue breakout. And people are really falling for the eco friendly claims when the most eco friendly thing to do is to just wash your damn towels.

No. 2333532

I would easily wear ugly overpriced skirts if it meant living in a house like hers

No. 2333549

Her toes are freakishly long ew

No. 2333741

Based rant.

No. 2333743

beautiful apartment but i would rather live in squalor anywhere else in California than NYC. I would hate hate hate hate to live in NYC, literally packed with criminals and degenerates.

No. 2333746

So much 'fandom' collecting is truly owning shit just to own shit. No sentiment, no purpose, 10 seconds of joy.
I'm in a lot of band fandoms and there's a ton of people who 'collect merch' and then complain shows are far and expensive. Ticketmaster being insane is whole different thing but if these people stopped buying $500 jackets and vinyl they could travel to so many shows

No. 2334108

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I enjoy her husband's enthusiasm for the staircase design, but honestly this house just feels like too much.

Agreed. I'm in a few band fandoms too and so many people just do not get this. Honestly, even cutting back from buying merch at each concert helps to have more money to travel and go to more concerts. The focus should be on the music, not buying branded knicknacks. It's ok to get merch here and there, but some people treat it like they have to get one of each shirt available at every tour they go to, hence the "(whatever tour) tour merch haul!" posts on social media now. Even if you're only buying one shirt at each concert, eventually it gets to the point where you have more band tees than you can wear (picrel). I try to explain this to some of my friends in the fandoms, but they just keep buying merchandise instead of saving money for concerts, and then they complain when the band announces tour dates because they feel the band doesn't give them enough time to save up to buy tickets because they just released a merch drop and they spent all their money! Is there any fandom space free from consoom?

No. 2334280

Fuck anon take me back to 2010 please. I would do everything so differently.

No. 2334772

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The visual of her rearranging everything to make a more satisfying looking shelf arrangement for her stupid ass hoarder video is making me laugh

No. 2334791

You can buy good quality clothing without spending hundreds of dollars on brands.

No. 2335096

>Declutter my bags!
>Declutter my other kind of bags!
>Declutter my smaller bags that go inside the bags!
>Declutter my wallets!
>Declutter my bags that I keep my wallets in inside my main bags!
>Declutter the containers that I keep inside my bag that go in my other bag that goes in the main bag!
>Uh oh, haul time! Come look at the different types and sizes of bags that I got! They're somehow all identical!
What is with this woman and containers? She has ten million bags for ridiculously specific purpses and all she does is rearrange them on shelves and then dither about whether she should get rid of a backpack meant for literal toddlers that she bought for the price of a car two years ago and never used.
The constant rearranging is like watching a child play house. She's functioning on the same mental level as her kid, except her daughter has more common sense.

No. 2335103

Brooke if she was rich

No. 2335106

nta but i felt this in my soul..

No. 2335227

She is fairly rich but she squanders her money on nonsense. She could have the same type of furniture and fittings if she refrained from buying landfill from TK max.

No. 2335239

the design here is nice, it looks luxury and organized without being over the top

No. 2335401

she lives in west village her house probably cost a couple million dollars before all the customized vintage furniture and modifications which probably cost a hundred thousand dollars or more for everything. and she has to pay for upkeep, etc, brooke is definitely richer than most americans but dont be delusional anon

No. 2335988

She could have a similar super girly home with cheaper furniture and less modifications with the amount she must be earning now. But she doesn't want to. Brooke would love to live in that house but unless it falls directly onto her lap she won't do shit to get it, and even if she does magically land a house like that it'd be filled with plastic shite in ten seconds flat. If she wanted her hoarder shack to look cute she'd make an effort to make it look good.
I don't think she actually understands that her house looks like ass. She only cares about the trinkets. The only home goods she buys are her fucking blankets, tacky cushions she uses as holiday decor, and boxes and organizers. No new chairs, shelves, kitchen cabinets, or stuff for her daughter that she might need replacing as she grows out of her old furniture. Just tat all round.

No. 2336156

100%. i'm also big into bands and going to live shows, so i frequently resell old shirts i bought at shows to support the touring artist(s) and then never really wore or didn't like the fit, and most of them go for an absurd price resold. i sold an old Misfits shirt i bought on ebay in the early 00s for under $10 when they did their overpriced reunion tour bullshit and it was snapped up instantly at $250 by a reseller who was definitely going to flip it for more. it annoys me when it's smaller bands because tell me why this vinyl that was $30 brand new is going for minimum triple that on ebay, but every $20 show of that artist i went to was mostly empty? a few bands i like make multiple colorways of vinyls and there's always people in the comments talking about how they didn't just buy one of each, they bought MULTIPLE of each. CDs, t-shirts, etc, there's always people bragging about buying duplicates. especially when it's married couples buying 2 shirts in the same size, its like are you losers gonna wear them both at the same time matching like a uniform? buy one shirt (in the larger size if youre different sizes) and share ffs. i'm friends with a lot of members of these bands too (they're nobodies, this isnt a flex) and they've expressed frustration seeing legitimate fans scalping merch online, especially when it's coupled with them not going to shows or buying much at shows, where the money really matters. especially for a niche of the punk scene, it's very opposite to what the ethos should be. i'm so tired of american materialism over the pursuit of experiences and social interaction.

ticketbastard notwithstanding, this still happens even at $20 dive bar shows. it makes sense that artists drop merch before a tour – they just stocked up on it and it helps them have some cash to spend while on the road. it makes sense to buy something every time you see one of these small bands because that $20 is probably how they're gonna eat tonight. one band i follow, one of the members has a successful solo side project and he always sells out of merch within hours online, but his shows were maybe 25-50% capacity all of the dozens of times i've seen him (he plays conveniently local to me and my friends always go, so it's a social thing, i'm not psycho obsessed). yet when you go to the main band's shows, you have people wearing his shirts and requesting his songs (which is rude to the rest of the band). like, where the fuck were you people when he was touring in this exact same venue at this exact same time last year? even if tickets are affordable, people will make excuses to not get off their asses and overcome the social anxiety that screen overdose has given us and go feel something with tactile sensation for once.

No. 2336426

Ayrt, yeah I go to a mix of small and large shows and I'm way more likely to impulse buy a shirt at a bar show, the person will actually use my $30 for lunch or rent. My chemical romance however do not need $60 for a black T-shirt. I do collect records which I know is somewhat silly but variant collectors blow my mind, why do you need the same album 6 times
The couple thing actually reminded me my brother and I went to a show once and got the same shirt (we do not live together) and one time like three years later we showed up to a restaurant in the same shirt and I lowkey wanted to die the entire time

No. 2336470

Isn’t it an autism thing to not understand trends, or to have like very niche specific interests & be out of touch with what is currently trending? I could be wrong but it seems like every person is diagnosing themselves with autism while knowing nothing about it

No. 2337103

What kind of mental illness forces you to buy "backup" keychains? Like you're fucking hoarding emergency supplies but it's cheap plastic garbage

No. 2337165

womanchildren like brook will claim it's ptsd from poverty during childhood. the poverty in question is usually "my parents weren't rich and didn't buy me everything I wanted" while they never experienced real poverty.

No. 2337266

File: 1736270391684.jpeg (12.36 KB, 360x222, images (7).jpeg)

I’m not sure if this belongs here, but the other day I heard about this woman who sells coke in plastic bags. Apparently, her business is a success due to the amount of retarded people who buy anything that has Hello Kitty’s face on it.

No. 2337271

I thought this was Holly conrad. kek

No. 2337289

You can tell who's experienced poverty. It extends way beyond hoarding plastic. They hoard food, they're prone to panic and depression over what we see as minor inconveniences like a slight price raise, even when they spend like there's no tomorrow they tend to buy mostly the 'rich people' items that they craved in poverty and get super defensive over them. They also have a very different idea of what constitutes a 'need' because they lived through real hardship and remember what they wished for during that time. They have a lot of issues with letting go of things and tend to hoard items that might be useful in the future, like buying 20 winter coats in the summer, so they won't be cold if the heating goes down and nobody will look down on them for wearing ugly clothes.
This shit Brooke and co do isn't poverty induced PTSD, it's a shopping addiction. She's definitely got some issues, but it's not PTSD from being denied a toy when she was 4. She sounds like Doofenshmirtz when she goes off on one about how deprived she was as a kid.
What the fuck? Good for her I guess but literally who looks at a random person selling decanted drinks in plastic bags and decides to buy it? I'm sure the coke is acidic enough to kill any bacteria or whatever but it's still nasty as shit. Reminds me of the pink sauce lunacy.

No. 2337299

Isn’t that what they do in Mexico?

No. 2337310

nothing is wrapped…

No. 2337321

This is why I couldn't ever be "successful" because I find it abhorrent that she's re-bagging shit from cans/plastic bottles that are already taxing on our environment and putting that into single-use plastic bags to resell flat soda to dumbshit people.

No. 2337328

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I can tell this is in mexico, it's hard to explain but selling coca-cola in plastic bags has always been a thing and a lot of people find it nostalgic because it's something you used to buy as a kid outside school. The kitty thing is just because there's a current fad of buying drinks inside a hello kitty container (kittychela).

No. 2337368

For a second I thought by coke it meant cocaine.

No. 2338415

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I saw a katespade x hello kitty collab and i am patiently waiting for brooke to wave it around in one of her videos and yap about how stinking cute this tacky bag is.

No. 2338449

File: 1736329766275.jpg (143.95 KB, 957x1000, 91O2wLBb-1L._AC_UY1000_.jpg)

How about this Minnie Mouse purse with the 4000 yard stare of a Vietnam vet.

No. 2338455

No. 2338456

I don't think it's necessarily hard to explain, the businesses sell the recycling so they bag up your soda and it becomes nostalgic for a lot of people who grew up with this shared experience.

Always some bitch with a fuckass bob running a scam

No. 2338913

Your description made me lol. Also my god is that hideous.

No. 2338956

>30+ sound effects
As if this thing wasn’t cursed enough already.

No. 2339692

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Somebody thought this looked good enough to mass produce tens of thousands of them.

No. 2341285

File: 1736525231452.jpeg (986.04 KB, 2048x1536, DhvWIX8.jpeg)

doll consoom feels a bit like low hanging fruit at this point, but part of what i love about this thread is looking in horror at consoom hoards of any sort

No. 2341295

File: 1736526251834.jpeg (95.43 KB, 960x480, IMG_7532.jpeg)

Would pair well with this fucking horrifying Hobonichi Mickey cover

No. 2341316

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Remarkable how they made it look like the nose was stuffed. I had to go check and see if it actually closed flat on the side like other hobo covers or if it had a weird nose that jutted out. Apart from that it's pure nightmare fuel.

No. 2341757

This is objectively awful but if I was into hobonichi I’d probably get it for the laughs.

No. 2341977

This is the only Disney product I can respect it's so odd.

No. 2341981

>Here's a special version with a photo of a vintage Mickey Mouse stuffed animal from the 1930s printed on the cover. The raised nap of the finished fabric gives it the texture of a real stuffed animal.
Is it supposed to be cute? i thought it was an april fool's joke or something

No. 2341992

did you write that response with chat gpt?(infight bait)

No. 2342208

I used to collect Monster High the first time around, and it honestly got to be a miserable experience. Any new character was instantly sold out forever. And with everything else, you're paying $20 and sacrificing at least a 6x3x12 inch space to display another instance of the same exact doll you already have, but this one has different colored eyeshadow, slightly different hair, and a different print tube dress. And more than half the dolls look awkward and kind of shit, but everybody had FOMO because a snake girl or ghost mermaid or whatever had never been made before. And then the dolls started yellowing horribly after just a few years. The whole thing just gives me anxiety. And now the things are $35+.

No. 2342290

nta but this was so out of pocket

No. 2342751

No, that's not autism, that's being the most normal kind of normie kek the fucking irony of this comment anon

No. 2343164

File: 1736648753974.mp4 (14.26 MB, 576x1024, MszixeFrT7jr4lca.mp4)

I don't think any commentary is needed on this one. Just a room filled with the cheapest and trashy expired body products. That case in the middle of the room is a joke.

No. 2343188

>starts the routine with a bar of soap for “sensitive” skin
>Proceeds to use 5+ heavily scented products on top
Perhaps these things are connected.

No. 2343206

The entire room reminds me of this

No. 2343249

>chubby wrist and hand
it’s always the fat bitches who overcompensate on shit like this
oh, is she black? i couldn’t tell tbh thought she was white

No. 2343267

nyart but her name is Tatiana so likely she's Latina

No. 2343276

I was in my early 20s collecting G1 MH right as the hype was dying down. They’re the worst doll line to collect because like you said they yellow and worst of all the glue seepage was a nightmare to deal with. I sold mine super cheap a few months before the pandemic and regret it immensely.

No. 2343346

All the body care and sugar scrub hoarders are fatties, it's got to be some psychological thing where they think it'll save them from smelling and bullying when all they need to do is wash properly. Skinny hoarders seem to go for lipstick and eyeshadow

No. 2343377

I also sold most of mine right before the pandemic, most at original retail price. And it took ages just to get that much.
This is a disaster. That's thousands of dollars of product, 99% of that will spoil before it gets used. I can't even enjoy the scents of those things because I know it will chap my skin, even the lotions.

No. 2343437

Nonny, the name Tatiana comes from Russia

No. 2343536

American mento ilnes

No. 2343546

i hate her

No. 2343576

FFS you're an adult, you are allowed to buy real furniture. You don't need a giant plastic dollar store princess toy.

No. 2343603

This woman has the worst case of female soyface I've ever seen.

No. 2343607

Samefag, it's very toddlercore.

No. 2343609

Ah, a Disney adult and a consoomer to boot.

No. 2343617

Very true but this is an ad for Flower Knows. She has no reason to buy normal furniture when she's gifted this stuff for free to shill to her half a million subscribers, and it's paying off because she has almost a million views.
She probably won't even use this stuff.

No. 2343637

I'm jealous..

No. 2343657

Of what? Being a horsefaced anorexic who lives in a ghetto?

No. 2343681

Having that much space for yourself with big windows full of light. It's a shame that you can only archive wealth like this by dropshipping or otherwise aggressively exploiting poor people

No. 2343743

The building is nice but the decor is boring and lacks personality, generic 18th century meets pink. They both seem to have a drinking problem with all those bars which proves money can’t buy happiness. Playing that SATC song is pure cringe.

Loling at her having huge loveshack bags when she is the founder and it’s supposed to seem unscripted.

I wonder if all these women would actually like pink if they weren’t brainwashed to see it as girly. It’s just light red. I’d love to see an influencer trend push another colour as girly as see all the consoomers freak out.

No. 2343763

>I’d love to see an influencer trend push another colour as girly as see all the consoomers freak out
I think this kinda happened with purple and turquoise in the early noughties.

No. 2343814

Why do these insufferable women always consoom Hello Kitty?

No. 2343825

I wonder if they actually like it or just the culture around it.

It’s kind of interesting that liking something has become so tied with consoomerism and it would be weird to make your own figurines and drawings/images.

In fact, probably the only mass made fan produced works are fanfiction and that’s only because there isn’t an official market for it. I wonder how long it will be until companies wise up and start selling official slash pairing x rated works for main stream characters. Can’t wait see consoomers show off their x rated spongebob collections.

No. 2344155

File: 1736721213871.jpg (1.23 MB, 2816x1402, 1362532995961.jpg)

I really hope a pendulum swing happens someday that makes people who buy massive amounts of shit to signal they're fans realize how stupid it is to treat it as an indicator of how much you care about something.
>that’s only because there isn’t an official market for it
Thankfully it would be impossible for any company to pander to every single desire of their fans so fanfic culture will always exist.

No. 2344210

Companies have experimented with it. The Simpsons sells a lot of merch to kids but also had Marge in a playboy shoot. Speaking of which, playboy did the opposite and crossed over from a porn company to clothing for teen girls. There’s also all those fanfics with the serial numbers filed off that get published and made into movies.

Considering how much onlyfans has been normalised, I guarantee companies will start onlyfans type accounts for fictional characters sometime in the future. Texts, photos, audio, games… There’s clearly a market for it and capitalism has no morals.

No. 2344237

File: 1736724012340.mp4 (3.06 MB, 576x1024, 52114ec54f4143e22f44245cc2fecb…)

There's a recent trend where people do fanfiction bookbinding and if you sell a book you bound they will start screaming at you about how selling fanfic is illegal. It honestly seems like a fun hobby in a way but they all love horrible Draco x Hermione fanfics. It's kind of interesting to think about how badly people want physical manifestations of things so they can own more objects

No. 2344302

I actually love this trend. It's a labor of love that reminds me of the old days of fandom, when doujinshi and zines were produced on a small scale by dedicated autists who loved the series they created content for. And selling fanfic comes with a whole lot of problems, so consooming bound fic is currently impossible. I'm sure someone will manage to do it though kek.

No. 2344317

Kek Danny choo is a cow himself

No. 2344470

That image was meant to mock him because he inspired people to consoom in order to look like big otakus.

No. 2344495

This is really cool, I don't see any problem with wanting a physical version of a thing you read that you liked (even if its slop). At least they took up an actual hobby and didn't just order a shitty printed version from Amazon. These look really well made.

No. 2344549

These are the ugliest bags I've ever seen

No. 2344551

They all look like cheap purses you'd find on clearance at TJ Maxx.

No. 2344560

The tacky candles with her pictures are making me kek

No. 2344716

File: 1736747250978.jpeg (71.07 KB, 350x518, princesspaintset.jpeg)

This is not a rococo makeup set, it is a jumbo Family Dollar princess watercolor set, and nothing can convince me otherwise.

No. 2344721

>has 10,000 different scents to choose from
>chooses vanilla on vanilla on vanilla
You must be able to smell this woman from miles away, just this sugary sweet stench waking you up in the middle of the night.

No. 2344723

File: 1736748117737.png (1.21 MB, 900x1200, 4153420.png)

Girls with loli dakimakuras on their walls have a new grail item…

No. 2344724

File: 1736748167785.png (6.37 MB, 1920x1440, 4256234.png)

Them claiming this is ‘catered to female sexuality’ will never not be the most braindead thing on planet earth.

No. 2344725

Without the loli shit, this would be so much cuter. Like obviously over cluttered and consoom-y but cute.

No. 2344729

Tbh my standards have gotten so low that I'm just glad this demographic of pick me doesn't focus on real children for their aesthetic. Still vile though

No. 2344732

do women who like this really not see it as sexual? how?

No. 2344734

They have to be lying to themselves. Maybe if, somehow, they'd never seen how men act about this garbage, they could potentially see it as innocent but every girl who has this aesthetic is doing it because they know moids find it sexy.

No. 2344741

File: 1736749447460.png (357.43 KB, 1483x660, retard.png)

Meh, it's mostly crappy crane game prizes and children's backpacks
Their words not mine

No. 2344756

japanese speaking anon here, erokawa is a term from the 1980s to describe early lolicon. koda kumi used a similar term to describe sexy and girly fashion from the 2000s but it's not the same term. why are zoomers like this?

No. 2344767

>erokawa is a term from the 1980s to describe early lolicon
Considering the only thing that came up when I googled the term was JAVs that tracks
>why are zoomers like this?
Pretty sure she’s a millennial not a zoomer, you guys have gotta stop letting zoomers live rent free in your heads.

No. 2344776

i thought zoomers because they do this kind of history rewriting with other japanese pop icons as well but i suppose all weebs of any age do japanese history rewriting to some extent. but either way it's wrong.

No. 2344789

History rewriting has famously been a thing since early tumblr with viral screenshots to prove it. Probably existed even earlier but then it was just 4 schizos on a BBS message board.

No. 2344892

I really want to do this too now. Sifting through archiveofourown pdfs everytime I search for a specific fic is kind of tedious.

No. 2344928

I have actually done this. I started doing it because a lot of good fics were just being deleted, so I started my own library.

No. 2345289

File: 1736786643064.png (61.1 KB, 953x362, 7U7xOFW.png)

Related to consoomerism, BBC released an article about the "Shein Village" and it's about as one would expect. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cdrylgvr77jo

It makes me curious if donation stores would be able to accept them in the case that you decide to get rid of them. At least in my country, they are not allowed to sell counterfeit/knock-off goods and those have to go into the trash, so I would wonder if it's the same for fanfic, though I doubt it'd be checked as thoroughly.

No. 2345394

Idk what country you're in but here they accept anything. A bound fanfic will just look like a shitty romance book or something. Here it's illegal to sell counterfeits and I've seen a whole lot of obvious fakes displayed in windows. Nobody cares, they just sell it for cheap, they know it's going to fly off the shelves anyway.
The article you linked is depressing. The sooner consooming goes out of style the better.

No. 2345517

>I think theyre from shein
Ya think?

No. 2345528

nitpick but the way she has white foundation 4 shades lighter than her skin with no bronzer and harsh blush and her fat stuffed into shapewear triggers me so much

No. 2350588

File: 1737133598321.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1125x1800, IMG_5004.jpeg)

Over $1000 worth of product

No. 2350653

so she bought a bunch of shit to stop buying a bunch of the same shit? someone needs to send her reddit cares or whatever it's called so she can get help for her addiction

No. 2350830

I notice a lot of shopping addicts seem to try to recreate stores or a shopping-like experience in their own homes. Interesting psychology.

No. 2350977

This is legitimately scary

No. 2351194

if it actually works and stops them from buying more then at least that's something ig

No. 2351462

i would maybe get it for something that you can pick and change every day. but with cosmetics once they're opened you just have to use the entire thing, so your own "store" of products getting bad can't even feel satisfying.

No. 2351725

Over half of that stuff is going to be expired by the time they use it. Lush products are handmade and no preservatives or anything so they expire pretty quickly. She basically threw money away

No. 2351738

>30+ sound effects
I can't believe she makes over 30 different blood curdling screams

No. 2351742

I think i wouldn't feel like vomiting watching this if I knew our wealth inequality is getting worse and worse every year. Hopefully her and her family have a private helicopter to fly off in when the peasants finally rise up.

No. 2351743

it kinda looks like a fancy sims build

No. 2352321

Don't know if you can really say that this works if she's instead buying months worth of stuff at once and will have the excuse to rebuy once the Lush products go bad

No. 2352624

Them saying they imported a single giant piece of marble so everything would match really says a lot about wealth inequality.

No. 2353508

What is brooke doing now that Tiktok is banned in the USA?

No. 2353800

tiktok getting banned is god's plan ackshoolly and then she went shopping as usual.

No. 2353820

The food is killing me, all processed garbage, sweet snacks, sausage that doesn't even need to be refrigerated, pre shredded "mexican" cheese, the proeiiin joghurt has 15g protein for a 150g tub which exactly the same as regular joghurt. She really falls for everything.

No. 2353823

I cant stand the way she enunciates, couldn't even put it into words so I had to record to a Vocaroo so nonnies know what I mean: https://voca.ro/1gvyZRw9kpHo

No. 2353828

>Gawd has a plan
God fkn hates you or he wouldn't have made you a single mother.

No. 2353862

I don't think Jesus would have approved her overconsumption.

No. 2353883

wouldn't be surprised if she's trying to make up for a speech impediment or something. might also explain why it took her 6 or 8 (can't remember) years to finish an undergrad degree.

No. 2353892

Lush products expire very fast even if you don't open anything, so what's the point? Her closet must smell like shit too.

No. 2353973

I think she already had all this product and now she's organized it so it looks like a Lush store. Then she can 'shop' without actually buying new items.
Oooooh ok, she's going back to her credit card debt era. Zero impulse control. I hope her daughter has a trust fund or savings account in her name so she has some money for her future, because we all know Brooke's going to take out 500 loans in her name as soon as Gianna's old enough to apply for them.

No. 2353990

Is she a Calvinist or is that just a weird cope? Also I thought she was going to stop buying blankets? Not surprised she's back to buying crap, though.
I feel bad for her child, not only is Brooke going to leave her nothing (save plastic crap) but she apparently feeds her nothing but junk food.

No. 2354332

>66k in debt
>buys Chinese blind boxes costing hundreds as a celebration for paying off 6k
Murica innit

No. 2354338

Kekkk, her admitting her Nigel essentially threw this at her to "get back in her good graces" after they had an argument

No. 2354348

kek stacey

No. 2354352

As long as it didn't come out of her money, yes

No. 2354374

>butler for life
LMAO. At least she's milking a moid as much as she can.

No. 2354456

Every video she posts is the embodiment of at least 3 deadly sins, and at this point Hello Kitty is basically a false idol in her household kek

No. 2354712

Jesus isn't kawaii enough for Brooke. She's the kind of sped who'd make a Hello Kitty crucifix and not understand why all the less braindead Christian moms are freaking out.

No. 2355137

File: 1737359331962.png (232.28 KB, 1000x1500, 04757565361a23db10809279564f28…)

Is anyone else doing a no buy this year? I'm not planning on a full year, but I'm starting with a month at least. I'm just so sick of consoomerism and want to save money for things that are actual meaningful. Especially sick of clothes shopping, the quality of everything is so shitty now anyway I just want to boycott it.

No. 2355143

I'm going to attempt a 3 month no buy for clothes, starting small cause I really doubt I could manage much longer. I expect it to be really difficult for me, which is pretty pathetic but I'm a very habitual shopper.

I havent bought anything new for three weeks and I've done a big clean out of my wardrobe, so now I've just gotta make use of all the cute stuff I already have.

No. 2355151

Well done nona! I'm just on day 3. No problems so far but I know the urge might strike. Online shopping at home in the evenings is the problem for me, so I've borrowed a bunch of interesting books at the library, and I have made a plan to distract myself when it happens.
Consoomerism might feel pathetic when you're stuck in it and want to get out but it's a common modern drug and addiction. Let's fight it.

No. 2355174

will probably do a no buy for skincare and makeup (other than mascara), only replacing things once I finish them.

No. 2355184

Not a full no buy year, but almost. I'm now borrowing books in libraries a lot more often so I don't have to buy a book I'm not sure I'll like for 20 euros, I'll do it with DVDs too instead of paying for netflix, disney plus, etc. and I wrote down the release dates of manga I want to buy for the year in my agenda so I can use a gift card to buy them. There are a few video games I'll buy with another gift card if I like the demos enough. And I'll only buy more skincare products once I finish what I have, unless I see very interesting sales. Otherwise I'll stick to what I already have for at least the first half of the year. I hate shopping for clothes so not buying more clothes won't be a problem, but I'll see if I can buy more underwear now in a store I like because there do very interesting sales on everything.

>but you can just pirate books/movies/games

I can't focus when reading books or comics online, and I'm also trying to be less online than usual this year.

No. 2355209

All she bought was snacks, a blanket, and a bunch of cheese

No. 2355215

Good luck! I find with online shopping my best bet is add stuff to my cart, leave it, then chances are I'll either lose interest in those particular items or forget the whole thing or come to my senses kek.

My main problem is actually brick and mortar stores, because I hang around the shops a lot (for other reasons, like eating, errands, grocery shopping, meeting u with people etc) and I always kill time browsing clothes because there's not much else to do. I've started bookmarking clothes in a wishlist to avoid temptation to buy anything right away, or maybe at all.

No. 2355664

YESSSS me nonnie! I am mainly doing it becasue I will have to pay 2 mortgages until my previous house sells. I'm cutting back on all non essential expenses.

No. 2356481

Using the library for dvds is super underrated. I've been doing that for the past couple years, not only is it free, but I can watch whatever I really want to watch instead of just choosing from a list of slop. Most libraries also have digital streaming services too! (at least in the US)

No. 2356731

If any other nonna is planning to travel during a no-buy or low-buy year, plan in as many free activities as possible, like visiting parks, museums and art galleries. It really helps to cut down on the opportunities to shop.

No. 2356745

I don't understand why these people enjoy specifically the most generic ANTI-cute things and spend hundreds on it. This is such a waste.

No. 2356749

Those people look exactly how I'd expect adult collectors of ugly toys to look like.

No. 2357487

I wonder who this woman is in relation to this man. He got divorced by his wife a while ago for being lazy loafing moron so I wonder if this is another lady he suckered into a relationship.

No. 2357537

I have a cousin who resales anime figures and tells me that half of his customers are women. Whats effed is that its mostly gooner crap with boobs and butt sticking out.

No. 2357557

The easiest way to 'no buy' is just to not have enough money to do so kek.
t. went on a 2 year 'no buy'

No. 2357594

this does not work for most people they open more credits cards to buy more shein

No. 2357927

Watching grown ass fat people squee over repetitive merch is negatively affecting my chi rn. I like buying dumb shit sometimes but this is just fully mental behavior.

No. 2359288

I had to watch the video just to see if it was the same guy, because surely there cannot be two of them. >>2357927
That video went on waaay too long.
There's no good way to be that excited for poorly designed American kawaii goods.

No. 2360688

I didn't watch this whole thing, but it definitely belongs in this thread. Why is an old auntie in an Ohio State sweatshirt buying up purses that can cost thousands? And at some point near the beginning she talks about passing down a Murakami Takashi LV bag to her granddaughters. Lady, the American economy is collapsing. Your granddaughters will not want tacky bimbo purses that cost more than a solid used car. This just feels bad. Social media has created a kind of consoomer wastrel that didn't even exist in the past.

No. 2361264

Honestly this just reminds me of the massive amount of shit people have. Think about older people in your life who died and how much of their stuff you truly genuinely wanted, and now these people are going to die owning 5x the amount of stuff

No. 2361995

File: 1737656886188.png (5.36 MB, 2071x1433, sweetjesus.png)

Checking in on the bath and body works subreddit and I'm convinced the hoarders there are worse than any other type of hoarding popular with middle aged moms. There's only a few commentors expressing that this is an actual problem, everyone else is either making jokes or relating.

No. 2361996

Mental illness

No. 2362054

I sincerely do not get it especially with the lotions. The fragrance is not designed to last. I don't buy B&BW anymore because it isn't possible to finish a lotion before the fragrance breaks degrades. If you do buy one make it your only lotion and use it up within 3-6 months because that's all the time you have.

No. 2362446

Brook spent at least $80k shopping last year, but allowing god back into her life cured her of her shopping addiction. Because of course it did.

No. 2362468

Lowkey reminds me of people who go to drug rehab and then come out super religious

No. 2362475

good for her

No. 2364912

what is with her weird-ass verbal tics where she repeats the same words like a spaz?

No. 2364914

I think those are intentional edits, nona.

No. 2365032

These people tend to have personalities that just need to fixate on something, fixating on religion is better than shopping addiction

No. 2365160

it's weird how airbrushed and smooth her face is and then you see how pink her neck is, kek.

No. 2365263

I like how you only picked a select few pics to put in that collage, the actual post has so much more crap that she's hoarding.
I don't get the point of this. If you like a scent so much that you have multiples of every item in that scent, surely you'd actually use it at some point? These people just hoard things. I can see six partially used products in the whole Reddit post and that's it. It's not expensive or rare enough to justify this level of hoarding.
The worst part is that she's doing all this to stop herself from buying yet MORE stuff. Literal insanity. This is the point where she has to list everything she owns and do a no buy until she's used up half of it or more.

No. 2366051

File: 1737846665342.jpeg (179.88 KB, 719x544, toomuch.jpeg)

Your daily dose of owning way too much for no reason. It looks like the user may be a lil dood, too.

No. 2366385

damn super Aiden over here with the very masculine MH collection

No. 2366855

>44 minutes
Like, who tf watches this?? I'm assuming everyone puts it a 2x speed, kek.

No. 2368105

I'm on day 11 of no buy now. It sounds crazy, but I just had the realization that I need to properly use and enjoy the stuff I own. When you're constantly chasing new things you don't actually spend time with your things. Like, I have a puzzle game that's not even opened, why would I look for more?

No. 2368159

Speaking as someone who likes long form content, no nobody puts it at higher speed. You put it on in the background while you do other things and only glance over here and there. The next 44 minutes you don't have to constantly click around for something to listen to and can just relax because you know you'll be casually "entertained", and while idk who that person is usually those videos feel like listening to a friend.
>I'm on day 11 of no buy now.
Good job nona! I have a shopaholic friend who I so badly wish would realize the same, she has huge collections of beautiful things that she never ever use or appreciate. They're just stored away while she's desperate to buy the next "must have". Anons may be right to complain about videos like >>2366051 but dear god do I wish my friend would make videos like that just to get something out of everything she buys. Doing ANYTHING creative with what you buy is better than just letting it sit in a dark closet forever!

No. 2368524

I enjoy long form content, I have watched videos that are almost 4 hours long, but I can't fanthom why would someone want to listen to a retard rambling for 44 minutes straight about which piece of plastic crap they like the best.

No. 2369038

Once you all reflexively think about the exploited labor your products take to create or the initial excitement fading into disappointment after buying something, no-buy becomes a lot easier. The hardest part for me is thrift shopping personally but that requires the decision to drive 20 minutes to a thrift store so it's already easy. Stop looking at social media too because it's filled with ads and non-paid endorsement videos and all sorts of bullshit that can be a sinister little influence.

No. 2369350

>that requires the decision to drive 20 minutes to a thrift store
This is why I've decided to only buy things I need in real stores if possible. Online shopping is too easy, going to a real store and looking for items that they might not even have in stock is a hassle. I'm starting to believe that things being a bit harder and more annoying is a good thing when it comes to consooming.
Yeah this is a common problem, people are addicted to buying and collecting things but then they don't actually enjoy their stuff because it's the buying itself that gives them pleasure.

No. 2369548

ooh, what videos do you watch that are 4 hours long? tbh I've never seen that particular channel, but I've clicked on similar ones for the the reasons the anon you replied to explained. so many other 45 minute videos are about something sad and depressing, or political, or drama filled, or a call to action, a "WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT XY & Z" (no, no, we really don't), and sometimes you're just not in the mood for that. If you have a interest in toy design or monster high or dolls in general though, a 45 minute video ranking Clawdeen dolls could be the right cup of tea.

No. 2369789

>stop looking at social media
honestly this is the biggest help for me in my own no-buy. A few years back, like 2021 or so, I deleted my Instagram because their anti-woman content moderation policies pissed me off. I soon realized that I ended up immediately saving so much money in the process just because so much of Instagram is essentially just ad after ad even if it's not billed as such. This will make me sound like a mega-consoomtard (and tbh I was one while I was on Instagram), but if I was following someone because I liked her outfits, people would be in the comments like "where's the dress from?" and then I'd want to get the dress too. There were other people I followed because I liked their illustrations, but they were constantly like "buy my art prints! buy my enamel pins! it's not consumerism because it's supporting small business artists like me!" and I fell for the whole "support artists/small business" thing, which by itself isn't a bad message, but the way it was being presented on Instagram, it was a moral justification for buying a whole bunch of shit no one needed. I still have a lunchbox full of those stupid enamel pins I bought during my Instagram using days. No one wants that shit, but it feels wasteful to throw it in the trash. People don't realize that by willingly viewing social media, you're basically exposing yourself to a constant stream of advertisements.

No. 2371005

File: 1738166193158.jpg (59.07 KB, 736x736, 6152013229363dd5c631635c031026…)

I'm one of the no-buy anons, I feel like shit today and it makes me want to consoooooom so I get that dopamine, nonas please tell me not to I need to stay on track

No. 2371044

You're doing so well. Don't ruin your streak by giving in.

No. 2371074

File: 1738170081942.jpg (20.98 KB, 236x354, 123f80faf6be72106eea57521004b7…)

Thanks nona, yeah I really want that unbroken streak! Fuck consoomerism

No. 2371170

make collecting streaks your consoom habit

No. 2371198

This is the perfect moment to trick your brain into finding a new hobby/activity that will give you dopamine too. You can do it, nona!! I hope your mood improves!

No. 2371298

start playing the sims (any version you enjoy) and consoom by going on cc hunting sprees.

No. 2371842

>lunchbox full of those stupid enamel pins
If you have a cork board, use the pins to stick things onto it. I display most of my prints and postcards like this, I don't like to wear pins so it's the only way I can actually use them for something.
Make a wishlist and leave it at that. You get the dopamine hit of window shopping without the consooming part.

No. 2375189

File: 1738351222023.jpg (142.07 KB, 736x1104, 7ade48c9f3df6f928ee08c7c784e9d…)

I love my friend but I can't help but hate when she tells me has gotten more books. I gotta mention what she doesn't read them, in the best scenario she would read max 20 pages. She just showed me some books she got, and of course, they were books of topics she isn't even interested in and she told me she won't read them.

No. 2377310

Ah, so she's addicted to the aesthetic of looking like a well-read person, but reading on these topics would take more time and focus away from doomscrolling. I have a book consoom problem, and get that social media made reading an aesthetic club.

No. 2377736

KEK this is killing me

No. 2380302

File: 1738615482294.png (5.18 MB, 2878x1022, Screenshot 2025-02-03 at 12.43…)


No. 2381535

This is the anti-consoomerism thread newfag, go to /m/

No. 2383562

File: 1738780597012.png (516.85 KB, 595x812, nMc95qM.png)

I'm so tired of people trying to make being an impulse shopper some sort of "tee-hee I'm so bad with money lol" cutesy thing. I feel like it is disproportionately women doing this online too, but maybe it's because I'm basically only ever on women-populated areas of the internet so if men are doing it, I wouldn't know, but it is really disheartening to see so many women fully embracing this idea of being financially irresponsible is somehow cute, when it's actually regressive.

No. 2384107

That irritates me too. It's a related type of consoom, but I extra hate it when they try to act all cutesy about buying a bunch of junk food (especially for their kids) and acts like it's adorably naughty to eat a bunch of crap.

No. 2384517

I think it being regressive is the point. They’re infantilising themselves. I’ve never seen men do this. They might joke about having strange priorities but I’ve never seen a man admit to being bad with money or act like that is somehow an endearing trait. Admittedly I don’t hang out in moid spaces either but every consoomer man I know acts like having a hundred different sets of D&D dice or collecting €300 plastic figurines of 9-year old anime girls with giant breasts is a sound investment acktully, you just don’t understand!

No. 2387469

File: 1738979172994.jpeg (300.87 KB, 719x1370, bagsbagsbags.jpeg)

One of these things is not like the others! (Walmart Club haul) It's strange to me how this lady has completely min maxed all her funds into cheap looking expensive purses. If you saw somebody like her out with a designer bag, you wouldn't even notice the bag, you would just notice the very average Walmart clothes and Great Clips hair and completely tune out everything.

No. 2388438

Gosh this is sad. She looks like a librarian, why is she buying bags that are mainly aimed at young women and teenage girls? The boomer haircut, unpolished nails and t-shirts don't really scream 'designer bag owner', if I saw her I'd assume they were fake.

No. 2389132

This is how I know we're doomed because even on a consoomerism thread on a female board, the issue here apparently is that she looks like a librarian and that the bags contrast with her unpolished nails kek. Basically, collecting these overpriced bags would be less sad if only she was consuming more in the hair, nail and clothing departments as well. At least this woman has the money for it and probably had something else going on for her at some point in her life. It's sad if we reached a stage where teenage girls collecting these would look more normal

No. 2389199

The point is these bags only exist to brag, but nothing else about her is a brag. She's not any worse off than I am, but it would be equally pointless if I went out and bought flashy bags. I feel the same way about designer plated metal jewelry.

No. 2389688

I don't think that her appearance is a problem at all, it's just a bit strange to have an out of place, flashy bag when it looks so out of place. It's like if a normie corporate bro in a suit started wearing goth makeup.

No. 2389693

I love Social Symone so much. She is so good at keeping TikTard overconsumers in check. She is inspirational and inspires me to not spend money on useless shit

No. 2389737

Ding, ding, ding.

No. 2391625

File: 1739173336435.png (1.25 MB, 1080x975, caj5chO.png)

No. 2391641

This made my day kek good for her.

No. 2391642

They're just pointing out the contrast. If she was consooming something else like comic books for example, her appearance wouldn't be brought up, it's the fact that designer bags seem so out of place with how she otherwise presents herself. If an ultra made up instagram baddie type made videos consooming comic books, people would point out her appearance too. You're overthinking it.

No. 2391646

This! I'm not being misogynistic or trying to say she doesn't deserve nice bags because she's homely, they just look weird on her.

No. 2391650

They raise a good point though, it's a hilarious contrast physically. It would be just as funny if she had like, lolita burando autism instead of stupid bag autism. She looks like she'd collect power tools. That's why it's funny.

No. 2391655

Sometimes I scroll the sephora site since I never go in them physically, and I'm more surprised every year at how expensive it gets over time. I can't help but scoff at brands like Patrick Ta touting themselves as luxury. There's a huge influx of useless lip products and lip oils on there as well, everything is basically the same.

No. 2391673

How are my no-buy nonas doing? I still haven't consoomed. Since I'm not exposing myself to pro-consoomerist content I don't even want any new clothes. I got so much already. It feels freeing to not want more right now.

No. 2391676

How is your grocery hauls? What do you look for? Do you have a strict no buy or do you do refills on cosmetics and toiletries when necessary? Just curious

No. 2391679

I'm doing well so far. I find that as long as I'm not browsing listings looking for clothes, I don't crave them anywhere near as much. Admittedly I have bought a couple of games on steam while they were on sale, but I don't think that really counts.

No. 2391682

No buy means no unneccessary things, you can and should still buy food, meds and replace needed things. With my rules I will allow myself to replace every day items like my mascara when it expires since it's something I use regularly but I will not buy any new kinds of makeup.
We all have different rules, are games on your allowed list?

No. 2391683

It's going well for me, kind of. I buy what I decided I would buy so only books I listed and second hand manga to replace the ones I have that are very old and damaged, I use my gift cards as often as I can, I avoid buying skincare and I'm playing games I already have and free demos without buying more stuff. I spent money on planning vacations I wanted to plan for a long time but that's it.

No. 2391702

Same!! Haven't bought any new clothes this year and the urge to do so is pretty much gone. I have plenty of stuff to wear already, I can shop my closet, and I really don't want to break my streak. Feels great!

No. 2391710

I haven't bought anything. I do need to go shopping for some birthday gifts soon but I've decided to get them on the 28th to give myself time to think about what I really want to buy. Normally when I go out shopping for someone else I get really tempted to get myself something as a treat, but this time, if I do end up buying something for myself, I'll get some nice groceries or a takeaway instead of games or books.

No. 2391724

It’s not really true though. Most people who buy those designer bags are old and poor, not rich teenagers. She’s exactly the type of person you’d expect to buy one.

No. 2391791

Haven't bought anything I don't need yet. My birthday is soon so I might finally buy something though.

No. 2392029

No buy is hard. Don't hate me for this but I'm tempted to break my no buy 2025 for a kiki kannibal necklace.
Do you guys consider hobby expenses to be essential?

No. 2392131

I feel that way for a lot of consoomers itt (and in other threads). Brooke, for example, goes nuts with some things (bags, nails) but otherwise seems to dress like a complete slob. I think the lady collecting the bags looks like a normal older lady and it's typically women like her buying designer bags, but it does strike me as interesting that people will focus so much time and energy and money into one aspect of fashion, but totally ignore others.

No. 2392459

Nona… just get one custom made like >>>/pt/950891 did. Don't waste hundreds of dollars on a plastic necklace.

No. 2392467

Been doing well with my no doll buy plan lately. It helps that I have no money, of course…

No. 2392539

Diees this count as consumerism? This person has way too many things even if they're not brand or expensive.

No. 2392618

No. 2392806

I think you misunderstood. I'm not saying that anons are misogynistic for bringing up her appearance. It's just ironic that on a thread about consoom, the main focus is her simple t-shirts and unpolished nails, as if her consooming makeup and clothing would make the plastic collection more understandable or normal. If we were on a thread about idk feminism or rare hobbies for women and I said "how sad, an instagram baddie collecting comic books, she's probably faking it", it would also seem out of place. Plus it's wild to me to see that designer bags are associated with teenage girls nowadays instead of middle-aged normie moms.

No. 2392859

It shouldn't even matter how she looks in "contrast" to the expensive designer object. Mentioning her lack of baddie nails or no yacht club WASP apparel is a stupid thing to point out.

>you'd think she'd pay attention to the other parts of herself!

Who fucking cares. She'd still be a consoom slave even she fit the "look" you're expecting her to.

No. 2393183

At first my answer was going to be not really based on the thumbnail, but holy shit then I saw the rest of her room. Definitely hoarder tendencies even if the items are small and cheap.

No. 2393348

>Do you guys consider hobby expenses to be essential?
If I'm working on a time sensitive project and I need to buy something to finish it, that's OK. If the hobby expense is something I already knew I was going to need to restock and factored it into my low-buy or no-buy, that's fine. But impulse buying random hobby-related stuff is not essential.
Consoomerism has nothing to do with how much someone spends or whether it's branded. This is definitely consoomerism and hoarding.

No. 2393535

i think her simple way of dress and the jarring contrast of these crazy fancy bags with her hoodie and mom haircut just shows she doesn't use the bags to accessorize or to carry things around or anything else, but enjoys buying them and having them collect dust ie the consoom is obvious.

No. 2393814

This girl is the final boss of consoom holy shit

No. 2400783

>>2393814 It's a lot, but I don't hate it as much, personally. I mean, she's thrifting a lot of crap that others don't want and instead of ending in landfills will end up in her room. She also recycles al lot to create new crap that she apparently keeps. Since she's not following trends but rather her autistic interests it means she won't be discarding and buying new stuff every season either. A true hoarder though, but I'm not as mad.

No. 2404261

>thrifting a lot of crap that others don't want and instead of ending in landfills will end up in her room
It's gonna stay in her room for a few years, and then still end up in landfill. I wish something could be done about all the plastic garbage that gets manufactured and shipped around the planet. Fills me with dread to think about it.

No. 2404284

>she's not following trends but rather her autistic interests
Is she autistic though? She always came off as an attention seeker to me but I could be wrong.
I agree that it's better to thrift than to buy new, and she probably won't ditch this hobby in 2 weeks when the new shiny FOTM comes out. But the thought of sleeping and living in that room makes my skin crawl, ngl.

No. 2404318

She strikes me as "autistic". The yellow crayon thing is definitely played up for an audience the same way that one girl who really likes stan from south park does, but at least it's just crayons.

No. 2405052

I want her to make a wacky iSpy themed fun house attraction. it's kind of sad all this creativity is trapped in her room, wish there were ways to channel the energy away from hoarding and consoom

No. 2411701

File: 1740183050178.webp (154.67 KB, 1024x768, kvj1084dohke1.webp)

Moid consumerism makes me feel dead inside.

No. 2411717

Sanrio consoomer bpd chans are so much more palatable than shit like this kek

No. 2411719

When I saw this picture on the frontpage I was hoping this collection belonged to a woman who loves The Thing as her husbando.

No. 2411819

This is just closet husbandoism.

No. 2411828

Kek I was about to say, clearly this is someone's husbando

No. 2411892

Is it bad that i find this endearing? I would agree if it was some vapid anime character, but the thing has decades of history and is relatively wholesome, he's probably his comfort character/husbando as the other anon said.
Holy shit i feel terrible for defending consoomers, but i don't see the problem with this because she's not following some kind of trend like people with sanrio/anime rooms are. I can't really argue with her for finding value in all the little trinkets she has that to me belong in the trash, but idk, i just like her crayola wall and i hope she has it for the rest of her life because it's pretty cool.

No. 2411903

Thank you! Means a lot to hear that about us.

No. 2411909

File: 1740198754422.gif (19.12 KB, 200x158, funshine-bear-keroppi-19098666…)

>bpdsanrio-chan trying not to imagine a life together with the other anon, based on this post

No. 2411912

Excuse me can you please get the heck out of my thoughts nona? That is private friendship yearning, thank you very much.

No. 2411914

File: 1740199159962.jpg (43.86 KB, 736x736, b7a62374dd279699de58733c2f3e0a…)

Np anon. Btw, I thought of you earlier today and picked up this chocolate bar for you. Well, guess I'll see you around

No. 2411952

I go through phases where I like to watch a lot of consumerist content kind of like going to the zoo rather than out of personal interest, just studying brainrot til my own mind turns to soup kek. But there's a genuinely massive influx of lip products that is making me lose my mind–women stop being suckers!! All of these new lip oils, lip serums, etc are exactly the same–laneige, rhode, summer Fridays etc. They don't even have longevity and are only meant for swatching and sharing in short form clips. I wish a few popular influencers would pivot into de-influencing, all of these stupid companies are being emboldened to put out the exact same products at luxury price points when they have no benefit outside of "content" purposes. It's become so common for young women to hoard all these lip products when they aren't useful for wear, it's driving me mad seeing all these brands come out with the exact same thing and the price point is usually only $10 cheaper than actual luxury brands like Dior. Its embarrassing too because the eastern market in comparison is a lot more competitive and has better pricing + formula. I think chains like Sephora and Ulta are just a mirror of how cucked women have allowed themselves to become by the beauty industry with no direct benefit to consumers unless you're a stupid idiot like Michaela Nogeura or whoever.

No. 2412047

I like benjamin as a character, he talks like he's stuck in the 50s and he's like a nice uncle with disfiguration. I can't understand why him to be obsessed over though. Always had an ugly design

No. 2412048

Too funny to judge. I can see he likes his men huge and rock-hard.

No. 2412053

I can see an autistic gay man being into him, he is strong and muscular, no need for him to look like a human.

No. 2412060

And do you know this from personal experience or something? Bizarre comment

No. 2412112

I'm a monsterfucker who thinks the xenomorph from Alien is hot, the Thing is way more normal than that.

No. 2412222

Respectfully disagree. Dedicating an entire room of your house to a comic book character as an adult man is pure concentrated autism. This was posted on reddit so it's normally accompanied with "I had to beg my wife to let me, she really hates it". This kind of shit you have to hide when guests come over, it's way over the top.

No. 2416603

Scroll up.

No. 2416606

I sent this to my friend and both of our immediate reactions were 'what the fuck'

No. 2416616

File: 1740424106487.png (1.72 MB, 1080x810, share-your-punisher-collection…)

Do you think it's the same for guys obsessed with the Punisher?

No. 2416622

File: 1740424232850.webp (1.04 MB, 3683x2785, share-your-punisher-collection…)

No. 2416635

Or Deadpool for that matter

No. 2417938

Deadpool and Punsiher are more favoured by the edgelord sigma types.
The Thing genuinely looks like husbandoism, because The Thing is neither cool nor edgy enough.

No. 2418405

She doesn't buy all the Crayola crayons she see, even if they still have the dandelion color. She just collect them from thrift stores (where a bag cost 5-10$ with tons of used crayons) and donate the remaining crayons to an org. She even has a PO box so people can send her stuff related to the dandelion crayon and she had to shut it down because people sent her a lot of stuff.

And I don't think she would sell the stuff she does from thrift junk, specially if they're going to end up in a thrift store once again.

Comparing her with most of consoomer here, she's just a woman with a hobby.

No. 2418741

>Implying you can't husbando an edgelord
That does definitely make the thing collection lean towards middle aged husbandoism though since he's not even a popular character merchandise wise.

No. 2419605

I can't imagine owning funko pops and pop knockoffs for a character you truly love. Those things are an insult.

No. 2421176

A metric fuckton of Fazbear plastic.

No. 2421180

That and he's mainly popular with kids, kek. Maybe the man who made his little shrine for him liked him when he was a child.

No. 2421185

Except the punisher fucking sucks except for the netflix show and a handful of runs. Surprised that he seems to have found multiple comics of him worth buying, but someone has to own them i guess, kek. He's honestly a shit husbando to have.
A couple of my husbandos are edgelord characters, kek. Also, you should see the way male capeshit fans talk about their favourite characters sometimes. A lot of them clearly want to fuck them. I saw a tweet saying that you can't draw superman well if you don't want to fuck him a little, kek.

No. 2423307

File: 1740771716630.jpg (633.27 KB, 1080x1061, 1000001636.jpg)

These bears suck. They look like a quick gift at first but the flowers fall off because the glue is cheap, leaving the husk that is the Styrofoam bear behind to look ugly. Can't even touch it or the flowers fall off and it's either in a plastic box or loose. I know most viral fad gifts are a replica of something but I am not sure where this original idea came from, but these bears are everywhere now and I see influencers promote these useless bears causing more people to buy and toss in the next three months.

No. 2423318

This sort of shit should be banned. People shouldn't buy and sell any old shit just cuz they want to.

No. 2423320

Fnaf merch is so ugly. I refuse to believe they actually collect it because they like it. These new collectors act like they want to larp a hyperfixation because they see it online. The only time I have seen fnaf merch look good when it's made by an independent artist.

No. 2424151

I hate all this shit. The boxes of fake roses, the wooden ones, glass forever roses or whatever. Literally just wasteful ugly tacky slop in a box for moids who can't pick actual presents their partner wants

No. 2431912

File: 1741289087449.png (2.29 MB, 1804x830, ndmGWOu.png)

Something I really hate is freebie garbage that gets handed out at expos/conferences/fairs. So much of this is cheap junk that no one really wants or needs, but because it's being handed out for free, people go nuts over it. All these shirts branded with random company logos end up in thrift stores rotting away on the racks for weeks before getting cut up and sold for rags.

No. 2432045

This is such a waste. I don't mind using a branded notepad or having a branded tee to use as pajamas, but this is insane, it's 90% unusable crap. Why do companies insist on branding everything as obnoxiously as possible? At this point it'd make more sense to have a clothing line and pretend that paper thin tees with peeling prints are the latest fashion. God, just go back to handing out branded pens or branded snacks or something else that people can actually use without feeling like douchebags.

No. 2432062

That level is excessive and the majority of it is unusable, but I do like a good free shirt for pajamas. What I miss most about college are all the free shirts I got by doing the absolute bare minimum.

No. 2432432

Hoarding lunch bags when you work from home and don't even need to pack a lunch has got to be one of the most insane things I've ever seen.

No. 2432540

File: 1741319856165.png (148.19 KB, 352x810, Screenshot 2025-03-06 225538.p…)

I am pretty sure these were a rip off of eternity roses that were real roses that you could keep long term if you looked after them. They are incredibly expensive, $40 for just one small box with one rose in it. But to give my opinion, i don't see why anybody would want this shit, that money could have went to something better.

No. 2432568

>lasts 3 to 5 years

At that point a good plastic imitation will last you for an actual forever in comparison.
Isn't the point of an eternal rose as an anniversary gift to be, like, eternal?

No. 2432622

this just looks like a wad of tissue paper shoved in a box. if someone bought this as an anniversary gift, that person should be dumped because he or she is demonstrating a penchant for poor financial decisions

No. 2432633

I design this shit at work constantly for a company that is 'eco friendly' and 'sustainable', but still insist on giving out free stuff at company events. It's so stupid, no one really wants or wears this garbage after the excitement of getting free things wears off.

No. 2432781

File: 1741346162881.jpeg (115.16 KB, 800x1351, IMG_1420.jpeg)

Amazon and Shein consoomer influencer Sydney Nicole Gifford is suing her ex friend and fellow influencer Alyssa Sheil for stealing her beige aesthetic and causing income damages for replicating her “vibe” I checked out both of their pages and they seem like bored drones trying to promote every basic product they can. I get that it’s a job but none of these influencers actually do anything outside of making coffee, pilates, cleaning their house and ripping open another Amazon box to post online, tapping their plastic nails all over the products. There’s a million accounts identical to this which makes the lawsuit absurd. The Stanley cup basics contribute more to overconsumption than weeb statue collectors because they target a broader demographic. It comes off so empty and soulless.

No. 2432836

>may change the copyright law
Yeah, I find that hard to believe. Didn't that wework scammer get the word we copyrighted? I doubt it'd be much different even if she managed to copyright the color white
>tapping their plastic nails all over the products
My berserk button

No. 2432846

why does pink always attract the most autistic women

No. 2433367

Little girl mindset.

No. 2433416

>I'm not interested in sex in the city but 5 bucks for every episode ever made
Moids obsessed with physical media are so fucking retarded.

No. 2433423

Anyone ever meet a moid who was obsessed with purchasing ancient technology too? Like why are you wasting money buying old 90s laptops and CRT TVs that are barely functioning? Scrotes have the worst types of consumerism autism.

No. 2433425

The guy in the vid does the exact thing kek, I'll admit that he's funny but he's 100% that type of guy who's addicted to buying pointless crap like children's ipods.

No. 2433444

I get wanting to prevent any media from becoming lost media, but it's fucking sex and the city, not the lost episodes of doctor who.
I remeber watching a video of a man throwing one of those old beige computer down the stairs and the comments section were filled with moids crying about it. Those computers to me are nothing more than worthless hunks of junk, i don't see why they need to be preserved. Plus they have a really dirty and disgusting look to them because of that beige/yellow colour, they all belong in the trash. I even thought they were nasty looking when i was a child and used them at school.

No. 2433446

My ex has this and gun autism. He couldn't even recognise that he had a spending problem.

No. 2433457

Speaking of CRT autists

No. 2434235

>gun autism
Red flag. Scrotes obsessed with weapons always tend to be the most unsavory individuals. But besides that, my ex also had an obsession with old technology that he would buy from FB marketplace kek. Everytime I called him to talk to him, he would always be grunting and I would ask him wtf he was doing and he would be constantly playing with wires behind monitors like a faggot. It seriously turned me off because he would always do it and there's no reason to keep touching them like an autist.

No. 2435207

I could see this being a stunt to promote them both, pretend to have a serious feud while they're still friends irl and get rage clicks from people who think it's stupid

No. 2435471

Oh definitely. It's not impossible for it to be real though, like that insane interior designer who called out another interior designer for ripping off her style and using her branded wallpaper. Influencers are completely insane.

No. 2435627

consoomerist videos are such a guilty pleasure of guilty pleasure of mine, like in a way I'm jealous these people must have so much disposable income but at the same time I find consoomerism personally disgusting in a way

No. 2435640

>all fotm anime slop

No. 2435641

I want to bully so hard

No. 2435644

>putting figurines in front of books
For what purpose?

No. 2436077

ngl It's ugly but I do this with my perfume and some frames because I have a tiny ass room. I only take a book off the shelf like once a week max so I just move the object and put it back

No. 2436400

>these people must have so much disposable income
Oh, plz. Have we already forgotten that danmei fan that has to pay a loan to her own mother? That half of americans are in debt and still buying shit?

No. 2439842

oily potato has to resort to puppy content because her moid just won't propose no matter how much she pesters him about it, kek.

No. 2439856

why do they need three million cages for their dog? poor thing. I bet it wont be allowed to ruin free because its not aesthetic to have a dog run around dirtying things.

No. 2439862

i know a guy with this type of autism but he fixes these CRTs and actually uses them. it's kind of cute
that closet is so retarded. keeping these tiny sweaters folded on some shelf would save so much space
so she bought all these funko pops just to cover them up with a bunch of other junk? they're ugly as shit though so i'm not complaining

No. 2439871

>arsewipes for a dog

No. 2439888

File: 1741724264177.jpg (1.55 MB, 3038x1359, Untitled.jpg)

i used to collect jellycat plushies, but holy fuck the community is so nasty and FOMO-obsessed and they always encourage each other to buy more and more and more. the fuck do you need this many plushies for? build a bear fans are also like this, just grabbing every new release. worse, it feels like a lot of them are collecting solely to show off to the community which is pathetic. and by the way, the cheapest jellycat is like $30 for a tiny one, and i see a lot of people posting like "teehee i started collecting a week ago" with 5+ jellycats. so much fucking money.

No. 2439895

All that shit for a dog that will be happy just by running around in the grass and sniffing things.

Those might be the only useful things, at least they pretend to keep it clean.

No. 2439917

Is it weird this pic makes me a little sad? It's reminding me of my stuffed bear I loved when I was a kid. Makes me think of how these are sitting in some consoomer's plush pile instead of being loved by a kid.
And why do they "display" them like this? That lamb and heart pillow hybrid is really cool, I'd love one, but it's totally lost in the countless other plushes! Put it as a centerpiece on your pillows with maybe one other fun thing and call it a day!

No. 2439929

it makes me a little sad too especially since a lot of them are just going to end up in a landfill. i can recognize this overspending behavior in myself before i got it under control. the desire to collect is really just hoarding lite. sometimes on the jellycat sub they warn against overspending and FOMO but they get downvoted. i've literally seen people posting like "i want to buy this but i can't afford it" and responses getting upvotes are like "omg no treat yourself!!"

No. 2439934

at least you can use the shirts to sleep in or as rags, back when fidget spinners were in a ton of companies gave printed fidget spinners out as freebies.

No. 2440043

I'm getting a dust allergy from this pic. How often do you think these things are moved around/aired out? The bottom middle pic is the least insane out of all of them and it's still so uncomfortably crowded. I can't understand top middle at all, why the fuck are there so many multiples? I understand parents getting the same plush for each child because kids are like that but we all know that's an adult. Is this meant to be a flex for having lots of the cool rare shinies or something? Is it autism? I genuinely can't tell.

No. 2441131

I didn't know it was possible to be this basic
Jellycat consoomers also always sperg out about the quality and have a superiority complex if they don't also collect other plushies

No. 2441954

What's the point of the cage? The dog seems pretty calm for a puppy.

No. 2442368

The only two times I’ve spent money on jelly at was when my niece and nephew were born. They still play with them all the time too.

No. 2449616

File: 1742261831143.mp4 (3.7 MB, 590x1280, wsedgfhgjhk.mp4)

absolutely no reason to do all this. wtf

No. 2449617

>1 mill likes for this shit
this is worse than slime brainrot

No. 2449618


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2449625

I don't get it. Isn't this sarcastic?

No. 2449627

no it's /srs

No. 2449632

Shut up, this is based.

No. 2449635

Anon… it's literally making fun of consumerist restock videos. What's the problem?

No. 2449661

This made me smile.

No. 2449667

I sensibly chuckled.

No. 2449737

Hope the puppy is trained because those blankets and bedding will get disgusting real fast kek

No. 2449766

Kek. Sorry to the anons who don't get it. You all must be new.

No. 2449998

Why do you think she has cages for the dog? Lot of hamsters get more freedom than crated dogs.

No. 2450041


No. 2450353

This girl is my personal consoomerist cow. She always buys the newest Apple gadgets, has a wall of phone cases and vidrel is a great example of her consoomimg make up and phone cases. At least the people in the comments seem to be calling her out.

No. 2450412

Jesus christ thats depressing

No. 2450420

This one is depressing too kek her life seems so empty and she seems lonely

No. 2450494

>I have the crt and old media autism
oh no

No. 2450559

Me too, nona. Let's be autistic together

No. 2451006

She has 77 phone cases. Christ. What's wrong with just having one that does the job

No. 2451024

What happens when her phone is rendered obsolete.. dumb whore

No. 2451029

So she intends to use that same phone for many years to buy that many covers for it right? Or is she going to chuck them all in the garage and repeat it again I'm betting on the latter

No. 2451270

Yeah I can appreciate people wanting to archive/hoard old tech if they have the means to do so. I miss that clicking noise CRT screens made when you turned them off.

No. 2451341

it can be a fun hobby, but scrotes and troons ruin it. they use them as toys to play a bit and discard, when handful of women in hobby i know use these pieces of technology in more practical way. i'm into retrotech and my collection is really small. i don't see the point at hoarding multiple , for example, sony vaios which are similar instead getting only one model you actually want. scrotes dominate the hobby and they are such huge hoarders and scalpers that i can't even find a decent small crt tv (as small flat panels, not that crap with 16:9 ratio which i despise, are rare where i live) for decent price anymore. they'll gouge prices even on parts units. when big hecking retrotech soyface youtuber scrotes, if they make a video about certain piece of old tech, prepare to see prices inflate quickly. same for gear photography scrotes, they ruined enough digicams enough and are scalping them to resell them at 10-30x of original price to clueless tech illiterate zoomers who use them for iphone tier flash party pics. Now I can't even get esoteric models i'm into for price i was getting them just year ago.
physical media collecting is fine when you actually use them and you don't virtue signal about that. but scrotes will hoards 100 copies of same movie just because they want to boast about it on r*ddit. often they hoard such shitty media which is truly showing off their terrible taste

No. 2451355

File: 1742372011315.png (1.66 MB, 1070x2340, file.png)

Unless you literally run a museum hoarding/going overboard for literally anything would still consooming anon. Hoarding unique items is far better than buying 100 stanley cups at least but I dislike when people excuse consooming excess just because it's something they like.

Semi related, some porn addict tranny with thousands of manga and a bunch of reddit moids defended him saying it's not consooming because it's usable, doesn't go bad, and that it's preserving art. Anybody who truly gave a fuck about preserving would upload scans of everything online for them to be shared. If it's not consooming, then buying thousands of clothing, dvds, art supplies, yarn, fabric, pans, knives, isn't consooming either since they don't expire or go bad. Even buying thousands of anime figures wouldn't be consooming because you're archiving an individual artist's design.

No. 2452396

Men go apeshit for autistic powerleveling collections. This is the Ferrari of manga hoards, all the other redditards are salivating at the thought of getting their hands on all of this valuable paper to impress their AI girlfriends with. They don't even read it.

No. 2452845

Anyone tired of food delivery consoomers? So many of them jump through hoops to justify unnecessary spending
Oh ffs that's like .01% of people that are too disabled to make their own food and don't have any help. I saw some lady try to justify doordashing fast food to her man child blind son who lives in a college dorm by himself and then I got shouted at because I pointed out if the dude is capable of living alone and going to college there shouldn't be any reason why he can't walk to the cafeteria or cook

No. 2452846

And the argument for 'food delivery benefits disabled people' really comes from delivering groceries. It makes sense that a 90 year old woman may not have the energy or the ability to go to the grocery store and bring bags of food upstairs to her third floor condo but she can probably putter around in her own kitchen/own home.

No. 2452858

I'm glad I work at a museum because it really helps tickle my collection 'tism without filling my living space with tons of crap. It's literally just working in an expensive storage unit with a bunch of logistics and insurance thrown in

No. 2453028

That's also groceries and that's maybe once a week, not morons ordering restaurant food daily. Isn't it funny how Americans apparently have people that will literally starve to death without ordering taco bell delivery even though almost all other countries that don't have that available are perfectly fine?

No. 2453407

Kek it's like the old HAES argument of 'muh borger cheaper than apple' but stupider. Oh no, everyone's too poor to buy fresh organic produce from Erewhon and nobody has time to cook elaborate 5 course meals, the only solution is to order Doordash and spend a day's wages on greasy food that the delivery person probably sampled because there wasn't a tip! You can buy the ingredients for a healthy meal for the price of like 2 lattes and it's faster to cook at home than wait for the delivery to show up. And these retards have the gall to complain about being poor when they're ordering out for every single goddamn meal of the day. If they genuinely don't know how to cook, they can use their Doordash ordering device to look up tutorials and recipes.
>man child blind son needs momma to coddle him despite living alone
In the fucking Victorian era there were schools for the blind teaching their students to sew, cook, clean, write, play instruments, and generally be self sufficient enough to keep house, make a living and provide for their families. Things have only gotten better for the blind since then so I really don't understand why everyone's acting like he's some helpless waif. If that guy can live alone, he can learn to cook for himself. He's blind, not comatose.

No. 2453584

I sure as hell wish I was "order doordash for all my meals" poor and not poor poor

No. 2454297

>77 phone cases
>No passport

No. 2454908

File: 1742542193704.jpg (229.52 KB, 1280x1280, 1742301748084695.jpg)

Having a real monkey's paw moment. A character I like got a shitton of merch announced, but I have merch fatigue and don't want to spend on plastic that just stands on my shelf. I'm baited by the doll because I could make outfits for it and take cute pictures, but will I really?

I'm busy and not active in fandom spaces because they're full of fighting twitter zoomers. I want more male characters to get merch and figures, but this here is a me problem because there's lots of games I enjoy currently and I'm tired of everything fighting for our attention spans and money

No. 2455005

It's impossible to have a discussion about sustainability/healthy eating without everyone somehow turning into a multi-job working disabled parent of 10 who lives in a food desert, has no time to cook, no space to store prepped meals, and can't afford fresh ingredients. If your environment doesn't allow you to feed yourself then you obviously need to move.

No. 2455026

I don't doubt there's people that don't have a lot of time or energy for cooking complex meals, but ordering delivery constantly should be last resort. There's oven ready meals or even boxed meals that all you really have to do is add water and throw on the stove/microwave, and if you just literally can't find a dime of energy to clean dishes or cook sure get fast food on the way home from work (once in a blue moon at least). But if you find yourself constantly ordering crappy food for delivery that you can't afford you have to do something other than make excuses, funny how disabled people for most of history were perfectly capable of finding food without doordash but only in America will they starve to death if some immigrant getting $2 an hour doesn't bring them their double whopper with an XL diet coke

No. 2455929

Without getting into details I suggest never selling trendy zoomer stuff on eBay. They’re fucking psychotic and are trying to scam my husband by colluding with each other.

No. 2455962

now I really want to hear the details, how they try to scam him? are they so greedy and in need of this stuff to put consoomerism on another level?
is that anime merch? weebs can be hardcore

No. 2456047

Yup it’s anime merch. They’ve been sending cryptic messages like “word gets around”. We think they bought the stuff so they could return it with defects listed and get it cheaper. They never used to be like this kek. I gave up and listed it locally. Hope they’re happy.

No. 2456495

If you have merch fatigue then don't buy it, pretty simple. You can like a character just as much without spending money on plastic with their face on it.

No. 2456527

File: 1742626764612.png (Spoiler Image,4.43 MB, 1295x1920, 4346139.png)

Of course she has "Lolicons/shotacons DNI!" despite most of her collection being lolis (including fucking Kanna)

No. 2456531

I dont think shes even seen any of these animus nonny. These consoomers just buy anything pink regardless if its from a loli coomer anime featuring an 8yo(fate illya)

No. 2456532

I don't think you have to have to watch any of these shows to be able to tell that it's obviously meant to be a child though, especially in the case of Kanna and the various gooner loli acrylic stands.

No. 2456592

damn girl, turn the brightness down, barely seeeing the shelf doesn't hide the nudity of the lolis

No. 2457031

Why are you giving money to mihoyo, girl…

No. 2457814

These types of displays always make me wonder how dusty they are. At least the filter can help distract from it.

No. 2457821

She’s trying to get AWAY from twitter zoomers. Don’t bring your retardation here too

No. 2457871

KEK it's dopamine inducing like those videos as well

No. 2458410

sometimes her retardation worries me. isn't this a toy? why isn't her kid playing with it? why is an adult going crazy over some pink plastic toy crap? just because it's pink and hello kitty?

No. 2458479

ngl I would have murdered someone to have something like this when I was 10 years old at most. The nail tapping thing in the video pissed me off.

No. 2458529

How do you even psy-op yourself into this? Obviously for a man its for the coom but what is even the enjoyment value for a woman. If its about the aesthetics surely there's just as many cool and cute figurines that aren't coomer lolis. How can you even enjoy the pink aesthetics when it's base is a 11 year old in a skimpy bunny costume. At least most of the other consoomers are just collecting tat, the sickness goes deeper on this one

No. 2458567

It's an ad.

No. 2458593

They really need to start making pink and pastel husbando figures.

No. 2458597

File: 1742751465085.jpeg (74.97 KB, 630x750, kurose-riku-shirotani-tadaomi-…)

They’re not pink but I see these in a lot of those type of collector’s collections

No. 2458599

Women like this would feel so much better if they sold all this gross shit. There's no way to walk past a display of male depravity like this every day and not feel some pain.

No. 2458600

I legitimately thought this was AI generated at first glance.
>Prisma Illya
>Chobits (?)
Not a single original thought in any of these weebs' heads.

No. 2458654

The food delivery consoomers I know are all comfortably middle class who can afford expensive hobbies despite only working 28-36 hours a week, physically fit enough to spend all day walking around conventions and theme parks, and live in a part of the world renowned for its fresh affordable produce. They still insist that they need to order pre-made heavily processed food on a regular basis because impoverished people and food deserts exist… somewhere. It’s like these people spend so much time online that they forget the narratives they read about on the internet don’t apply to them, or at least forget that other people can tell. They remind me of those white AGP tech bros in programmer socks crying about the violence faced by gay black trans-identified prostitutes like they’re somehow victims of it too, when they’re statistically the safest group in the world. If anyone can cook their own meals on a daily basis it’s the childfree people working a well paid 36 hour/week job from home who’ve racked up >1500 hours in Baldur’s Gate 3 and have rooms full of overpriced fandom merchandise, yet somehow they’re the most likely demographic to depend entirely on food delivery services.

No. 2458701

>if you just literally can't find a dime of energy to clean dishes or cook sure get fast food on the way home from work (once in a blue moon at least)
With the crazy additional fees when you order food on apps it's a good first step to try and stop consooming delivery food and get better habits. I'm not American but I've seen many Americans complaining about these fees and how on top of that they're expected to pay tips before the service even happened or nobody will pick their orders or the ones who do will eat half of it and run.

I admit I order food in restaurants to treat myself more often than I should and the reason why I only use delivery apps in case of emergencies these days is because your food can be almost twice as expensive compared to when you order it yourself irl and the service sucks more often than not. Fun fact, the cases when I used delivery apps for emergencies where easily the times when the service sucked the most, like when my kitchen was empty because it needed to be renovated or when I couldn't cook or buy groceries because of surgery.

No. 2459052

File: 1742764334075.jpg (267.54 KB, 1178x1524, 20250323_231022.jpg)

Found in the wild on xitter

No. 2459068

One fold from a suction cup and all your toes are over

No. 2459072

Looks like one slip away from an accident.

No. 2459110

I'm boomeranging back to finding this somehow appealing; it's like one of those pharaoh tombs but because they are a commoner they get soap instead of riches for the afterlife.

No. 2459145

Takes me 4 months to use 500ml of shower gel and 8 months to use 400ml shampoo. This chick is using expired, rotting items kek. This is disgusting, there's no point to this shit and the smells don't even linger

No. 2459148

Are the products expired and rotting if it's all gel and plastics?

No. 2459157

Nta but it depends on the product. A lot of it may remain more shelf stable than other products but if you're constantly dipping into different types, they're all going to last entirely too long. The salt scrubs especially, dipping your hands and getting water in may technically be acceptable because it's salt but it's gross and not exactly hygienic in the long run.

No. 2459176

What even is the appeal of this, the clutter and choice paralysis alone would make me cry

No. 2459177

It takes you 4 months to use 500mL of shower gel….? Say sike please

No. 2459206

How can anyone enjoy bathing in that? It looks like a warehouse.
Soaps and scrubs aren't going to expire as quickly as lotions, and it's not as unhygienic, but it's still nasty. The spray from the shower will hit all of these containers and they'll get covered in disgusting shower molds. There's no chance she's using all of these products frequently enough to notice when the mold pops up and she's definitely not going to bother taking everything down to clean her shower as often as it should be cleaned. Plus, there are multiple open scrubs collecting water and bacteria, and she probably forgot she owns half of them. By the time she gets round to noticing they exist they've probably turned to sludge and won't even be usable as scrubs.
The shower gels might not expire but the scents will fade and they might not clean as well as they would have if they were in date.

No. 2459352

A little goes a long way unless you are rolling around in a pig sty every day.

No. 2459534

Fun fact: overdosing surfactants does not improve their efficacy and can actually worsen their performance. Applies to hygiene, shampoo, and laundry.

No. 2459536

Oh yeah and dishwashing.

No. 2459564

King Tutankhamun was buried with at least 145 pieces of underpants. If cosmetics consoomerism had been as bad back then as it is now I have no doubt his tomb would look just like that. Probably with fancier jars.

No. 2460340

I just know this is a fatty who doesn't bathe as often as she should.

No. 2460347

no…you smell worse than you realize. Most people shower daily because they work. If you also work, but are using that little, you smell a -lot- worse than you think.

No. 2460552

Nta but I'm a hikki in a cold country kek. I shower every other day. Unless it's one of the rare weeks I decide to work out. Then I shower daily.

No. 2460562

I think you're probably just bad at using soap, but that's normal. Most people don't understand how it works, so they try to maximize foam because they think soap doesn't work without tons and tons of foam.

No. 2460563

Yes that's why I said pick up food on the way home, don't deliver. I find Americans making all sorts of ridiculous excuses to order delivery or everyone just piggybacks of the same 3 disabled people who apparently have zero resources but can also order 40+ bucks of fast food daily

No. 2460745

File: 1742870912260.jpeg (872.62 KB, 1179x1201, IMG_1571.jpeg)

Usually just to post on reddit and show off. This is $600 worth of plushies, probably more like $650 with all the shipping costs. The jellycat sub is extremely toxic with its encouragement to collect and buy buy buy. JC is now itself encouraging FOMO by purposely having low stock.

No. 2460747

Yeah wow it’s so rude to give people jobs ordering food. You’re only an asshole if you don’t tip

No. 2460763

Trying to excuse obnoxious spending because "it's giving people jobs" is silly, especially since Americans don't consider food delivery a "real job" in the first place

No. 2460777

I get it if it's groceries, but for fast food, you need to be loaded to be ordering from doordash. In the UK, it's not very expensive since everything is close together and the driver is often going by bike, unlike in the US where all of them drive cars and often drive 10miles+ for one delivery. a $10 meal can easily become $30 and even with the dash pass, you are expected to tip and pay other fees, so it doesn't make it that much cheaper. I am baffled by somebody who supposedly is on welfare would rather waste money on doordash/ubereats rather than just buying freezer food from walmart or paying somebody to do meal prep for them.
So do you use castile soap or something?

No. 2460780

What’s the issue with getting food delivered and tipping a person working that delivery job 30%? Why is that bad? Just because you think it’s lazy? Is your judgment of laziness more valid than the people who are working delivery jobs because they need the money?

No. 2460801

File: 1742877047291.jpg (82.09 KB, 791x542, 1000012112.jpg)

>why is nobody celebrating my sincerely held belief that ordering expensive slop from mega-corps and have it delivered to my door so I can gorge myself with no obstacles is ackshually a real important job-creation skill

No. 2460807

You know, I find it funny this shitflinging over if a service is worth it only happens amongst poorfags. Nobody bats an eye at the retarded shit rich people blow their funny money on.

No. 2460838

Yes they do.

No. 2460858

I cook most of my own food and delivery is way too expensive to be more than an occasional thing but this is a retarded argument. Can you explain why perceived laziness is worse than giving those immigrants who overwhelmingly make up the delivery driver market a job is worse?

No. 2460860

The issue isn't ordering delivery in itself it's the fact most people doing it can't afford it and make stupid excuses on why they NEED it

No. 2460867

you’re one of those rich kids who’ve never had a job that tells everyone they should quit their jobs and rise up and overthrow the government huh

No. 2460941

All consoomerism creates jobs so maybe it’s a good thing actually. If people stop hoarding Jellycat plushies, how will the people working in those plush factories earn money? If people stop buying five of every B&BW scent ever produced some of those B&BW stores might go out of business and the store’s employees would lose their jobs. Omg why does this thread hate factory and retail workers so much???(bait)

No. 2460988

inb4 race-baiting but this gives me black woman vibes. so many of them have internalized the notion that black skin = dirty and now they're obsessed with cleanliness and brag about "not having a stank". it's sad, really.

No. 2460993

Samefag as >>2459052 you are correct. Not black so I can't comment much but I've other black women talk a lot about this phenomenon

No. 2461105

File: 1742910001777.jpg (277.94 KB, 1536x2048, 474507530_1270713370863028_291…)

I'm convinced nobody who is happy and mentally sound lives in a den like this.

No. 2461302

Looks like a female neet with arrested development, so yes mental illness. However, the place looks clean enough. I couldn’t deal with all that crap on the walls and shelves, it would feel suffocating. I’ve seen other women’s collections like this and they live with their husband or with parents so they can afford more plastic. Just look at BJD collectors.

No. 2461394

File: 1742926037791.png (165.73 KB, 275x270, 1699348422048.png)

>cow chair
>cow desk
Elsie approves

No. 2461397

>Cow print
>Prominent Kingdom Hearts posters amongst the rest of the animu
We…we have to give this room to our queen.

No. 2461601

this is a real thing. i'm white so i can't talk about it but i've watched videos on this. it's very sad

No. 2461608

Dont dox the admin's room like that.

No. 2461625

uh if they post it online yes they do, i see people make fun upper class techbros for buying oveprriced cars, 10 billion gadgets, and ugly clothes like van cleef or whatever ugly $5000 balenciag ysl bs black t shirt with a hole pre ripped into it. same goes for people shitting on corporate girlboss women for hoarding $5000 handbags. the only reason ultra rich dont get shat on is because they dont post unless they are a celeb, but the ones who are visible do get shat on see: taylor swift private jet usage outrage

No. 2462582

Farmhands getting more autistic by the hour

No. 2463454

now how much do you wanna bet she bought cheap ass temu lotions in bulk just to do this bullshit

No. 2463462

I know moids meme about women substituting kids for pets because they are desperate and their biological clock is about to burst but this is basically that and it's really sad.

No. 2463469

the happiest years of my life were when I lived in a weeb den like this while living with my parents and not in a corpo flat that is not even my own nowadays. judge all you want but running away from adulthood as much as you can is a good thing, it never gets easier anyway.

No. 2463471

why do people think not buying 200 dollars of plastic per month would make one immediately afford living alone unless someone is working on a high paying 3 figure/year job they can't feasibly move out and still live a comfortable life on their own. a lot of you are really delusional about how much people spend on their hobbies. some people are retarded and blow insane amounts of money in very little time but then you have people who have been collecting for over 10 years and there is no way they would be able to move out if they didnt buy their occasional plastic. it's a literal boomer mentality to think people would be able to afford houses if they didnt buy their autistic toys.

No. 2463472


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