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No. 2175377

No. 2175385

File: 1727029607647.mp4 (18.77 MB, 576x1024, ssstik.io_@moriahlovespurses_1…)

I hate this could have been me in some alternative universe(this SB stuff is AMAZING) but this woman's purse collection is insane

No. 2175388

No. 2175496

At least it's not the usual Juicy pinkslop like Brooke's, I could watch her showoff her fun purses for hours.

No. 2175523

Ayrt tbh me too even though it's still consoom. I love a good novelty bag but most of them are inconvenient.

No. 2177491

File: 1727167951749.jpg (26.17 KB, 474x316, th-1743856244.jpg)

Nonas I just want to share my personal anti-consoomer win. I haven't consoomed clothes for more than a month now!
No scrolling shopping sites when I'm bored. No impulse buys when I feel down. It's like I have reached enlightenment. Except I browse and shitpost a lot on LC instead kek
Do you have any anti-consoomer wins to share, nonas?

No. 2177504

I've been trying to get better at sewing so I can make my own clothes and stuff, so far I'm really enjoying it

No. 2177546

Congrats nona! It's such a good feeling to not waste time online shopping and impulse buying.
I've recently sold off a lot of old merchandise I consumed when I was a lonely teenager, mostly anime shit, band shirts, and action figures. I used some of the money I got from that to buy a nice gift for my sick friend, and she was very happy and grateful which made me happy too

No. 2177688

>I used some of the money I got from that to buy a nice gift for my sick friend
Nona that is almost too sweet and wholesome for this website.

No. 2177809

Congrats non! I personally have stopped a long time ago to watch beauty influencer and bought zero make up. I used to be lipstick obsessed and now I don’t even wear them anymore and my lips are healthy and not dried out anymore.

No. 2178325

File: 1727221837745.png (398.21 KB, 586x545, Screenshot 2024-09-24 194026.p…)

Reminded me of brooke.

No. 2178910

Cute typo(?) I'm happy to call me more of a non-consoomer kek
And congrats too! Interesting how your lips healed after you stopped using lipsticks, they're usually marketed as moisturizing.

No. 2178992

not brooke because that hello kitty is a witch and she doesnt condone stanism

No. 2179006

what is the obsession with HomeGoods and TJMaxx? why not get actually cute Hello Kitty merch from weeb sources? Most of the stuff in there is so gaudy especially all of the things Brooke chooses to send on

No. 2179022

Remember that one BL girl who was in massive debt to her mom? It seems that she's apparently downsizing her collection.

No. 2179027

Which thread was she first mentioned in?

No. 2179238

Good for her. I hope she doesn't regret it and relapse.

No. 2179256

Brooke clearly likes gaudy. I also keep hoping she'll post more of her deranged Christian shit because I'm finding it fascinating.

There's also a skeleton Hello Kitty which is also evil. But somehow jack-o-lanterns are okay, I wish she'd explain that.

No. 2179637

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Do they have the patience to wait multiple weeks for their order to arrive? Also, it's not their aesthetic, if you were to ask them what their aesthetic was they would probably say it's glam/girly. pic related is the kind of stuff you would find if you typed that in and it very much looks like the things brooke likes.

No. 2179877

Six days ago she said she is now debt free.

No. 2179979

skip to the end to hear her ask what a frankenstein is

No. 2180241

The funny thing is, didn't she say she liked Frankenstein HK the most? It struck me as odd because she was against skeletons and ghosts but a reanimated corpse HK was somehow okay to her. Guess it makes sense because she didn't know what it was but man, what a retard.

No. 2180454

I guess Frankenstein thematically is pro the religious idea that no human should attempt to play god, so it should fit within her religious ideals if she even knew what it was. But if skeletons and ghosts are vaguely somehow Satanic, Frankenstein and his monster absolutely should be as well, given his creature relates himself to Satan in Paradise Lost, "Many times I considered Satan as the fitter emblem of my condition, for often, like him, when I viewed the bliss of my protectors, the bitter gall of envy rose within me." From her blissfully dumb perspective this definitely makes HK monster a satanic symbol. I don't have tiktok and don't cowtip but god I hope someone points this out to her kek

No. 2180527

your explanation is about 2 standard deviations away from her place on the bell curve

No. 2184221

>can someone explain what a frankenstein is
as expected from someone who took 10 years to complete her undergrad and only finally managed to do so thanks to fugly pink office supplies.

btw. she also removed the "RECOVERING" part from her bio.

No. 2184237

interesting, there's this video from yesterday i just started watching and the girl notices the RECOVERING. i wonder if this has anything to do with it

No. 2184253

So will she give her sister some space in their shared bedroom now?

No. 2184278

Just play the games, maybe get one (1) plushie of your favorite character, why are people like this?

No. 2184281

I can't even begin to imagine the ammount of money that was probably spent on this… looking at those original 1998 South Park plushies they cost on average hundreds of dollars

No. 2184298

all of this for a shitty fad game

No. 2184325

I wonder how she made it to adulthood like that, was she raised Mormon or something? Literally everybody knows Frankenstein's creature and I refuse to believe a regular 30 year old woman has never heard of it to this day.
She probably thought it was just a green HK since there's no overtly "evil" markings on her.

No. 2184422

File: 1727541842758.png (132.56 KB, 937x692, abd4945aaf9c39fe3ff994a0485186…)

video is kinda boring and dragged on but this comment is really interesting and now i can't unsee it.

No. 2184492

>I collected from a bunch of series and you couldn't tell which series I was into
What's with consoomers obsessing over what others think of their hoards? Not everything has to be exposed to the public.
I admire her for being so honest about why she started hoarding and going through with her downsizing. Hopefully she can find something else to fill the void that doesn't require public approval for her to enjoy.
>A lot of hate comments will tell me to get therapy and get my life together and I don't like hearing that so I decided they're jelly meaniepants
I can see why nobody wanted to be her friend at school, tbh. I hope she gets therapy despite the naysayers because she clearly fucking needs it. I mean she thinks that a minimum wage job is more than enough to pay for all the shit she's collected, she's so out of touch with reality, holy shit. Just the Ringdolls are about $500 each, some are almost $1000. Nobody earning minimum wage, even in the US of A, is buying a fucking $500 piece of plastic on a whim.

No. 2184610

I've definitely noticed this about a lot of these Tiktok consoomers, not just Brooke. Part of it is probably also their inability to understand the concept of investing in a furniture piece that will last you many years, since for them it's all about spending as much money on useless stuff in the short term on whatever takes the least effort to buy. The TJ Maxx garbage isn't for customizing a space to make it yours, it IS the focus of the space and the furniture and the space itself is the afterthought.

No. 2184989

I just left a TJ maxx without buying a replacement tumbler. i was browsing because my 3 year old one is starting to wear out. These teenagers start live streaming down the aisle filming me in the process asking me if I was going to buy the one in my hand. I said this is sad and walked away, and they erupted in laughter.
So great now I might be in a tiktok without my consent. I fucking hate this timeline, I hate tiktok. I cant even candle browse in peace or buy a coffee cup without feeling someone hovering because they are on some shopping high.

No. 2185017

You should have put a bullet between their eyes. I hate tiktards(a-logging)

No. 2185045

I think that's what makes it so bad for some of these people. They want the most stuff and the newest objects for their theoretical audience. With the Internet it's way worse because it's not just impressing the 10 people who come in your house it's everyone

No. 2185461

>Hopefully she can find something else to fill the void
According to another video she was going to start collecting actual consumable media (Books, Mangas, Drama CDs) instead of merchandise of the characters, take of that what you will.

No. 2185480

That must suck and just gives me lots of anxiety, I hate leaving my home because sometimes you could be doing literally anything and someone could spot you and make a meme out of you regardless of what you're doing or of whether you're the focus of the video/picture or not.
I hope that shit doesn't go viral, nonnie.

No. 2185539

Tbh whenever I see someone filming in public, even if they're facetiming, I take a wide-wide berth.
I dress kinda weird and out there, so sometimes people would approach me and ask for a picture, but whenever I see someone filming in public, or god forbid taking creepshots of me or other people like on the subway, I just leave. I have literally exited a carriage on a stop to enter the next one, because someone was doing tiktok bullshit.
I rarely if ever take pictures of myself that include my face, I mostly am photographed at cosplay events by photogs, and having something taken without my consent is freaking me out so much.
And it's not even that I can't control my angles or am ugly and self-conscious. I just don't know what this pics/vids would be used for.(blog)

No. 2185709

File: 1727599693492.mp4 (6.25 MB, 576x1024, ssstik.io_@brinqo.ka_172759920…)

worse than consoom is ugly consoom. these look terrible and many people find them cute. wtf am i missing?

No. 2185710

File: 1727599734932.mp4 (7.33 MB, 576x1024, ssstik.io_@brinqo.ka_172759942…)

i know she didn't actually pack this stuff but it makes me angry. it's probably not ragebait but it feels like one

No. 2185752

ew, this shit looks disgusting. wisdom tooth extraction swelling but make it cute.

No. 2186141

This is actually disturbing on some indescribable level. What kind of fetish…

No. 2186772

Don't be mean nonna, they're crying because they have mumps.
Oh that's interesting! It really lines up with what the video showed, like using the storage under the bed for makeup and skincare, because there's no room anywhere else to put it. I wonder if it works the other way around as well, maybe she buys endless pillows and uses kiddie backpacks as decor because there isn't enough normal furniture to give her a sense of what the room should be used for. Every part of her home that she's shown in her videos looks like a 10 year old organized it, there's no real cohesion or practicality to it, it's just rotating displays of junk lined up on shitty white shelving.

No. 2186874

i just cant tell this is korean

No. 2186902

wow this is so ugly

No. 2186976

these are fucking hideous and yet ppl spend money on them
I know it's supposed to be ASMR but I can not stand when ppl tap on shit with those long nails and then clank plastics together. I just find it very annoying.

No. 2187246

Here's an anime consoomer moid that I found. Of course he started watching anime in 2020 during Covid and decided to dedicate his life to purchasing plastic hentai figures to make a store display at home. This hoarding look embarrassing and gaudy. I skimmed through the video and looked at the thumbnails of his other videos, and you can see it's another copy and paste anime gooner with money to waste.

No. 2187254

I don’t believe she doesn’t know. Not because I believe she has read the book but because Frankenstein is referenced so much in pop culture. These type of comments/questions help with engagement because everyone is eager to explain in the comments or laugh at her “stupidity”. People also share the content as a way to make fun of her as if that doesn’t help her continue to profit.

No. 2187257

>he’s an idolfag
SIIIIIIGHHHH like clockwork. Curious how he got into idol shit considering LL and Idolm@s are pretty dead series at this point but I digress. I wonder what kind of jobs someone like him has, any extreme consoomer really and their living arrangements. Like imagine having this room and living with your parents?

No. 2187387

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No. 2187388

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It's like a mini army

No. 2189617

I don't think I have ever seen a husbando shrine as bad as this. Why the acute version of Kaito in particular? I'll never understand getting multiples of the same merch, but even less so with figures. You guys think she has acute playing on repeat in her house?

No. 2189619

i love the fact that shes obsessed with such an specific kaito figure

No. 2189982

>literally the one figure of a song where he's cheating/having a love triangle
Kek, can this even be called husbandofagging?

No. 2191040

Was this figure on sale or something? What kind of retard buys this many of one figure, piles them up with a couple of printed screenshots and some fanart, and calls it a day?

No. 2191044

is this the shelf of the va who gave his voice for kaito? hes a super yume? for him too

No. 2191045

Wtf is she concocting in the beginning?

No. 2191146

Anon, it's the PPG toys that she's showcasing. It's not an actual recipe.

No. 2191171

she's just mixing shit together to the audio because that's the intro of the ppg cartoon. the story is that the professor was doing some experiment but accidentally dropped an entire thing of a mysterious chemical in his formula and poof, the powerpuff girls were born.

No. 2191177

definitely looks like a weird fetish

No. 2191185

I get dupe badges sometimes because I like my itabags to look more balanced.

No. 2191608

Itabags I can understand, multiple dupes of figures for the shrine, I do not.

No. 2191612

She has a point to not fall into consoomerism to be a colector… But this is from someone who bought a "cute figure" without knowing which anime was and was horrified when she found it was a loli character.

No. 2191700

What’s she bringing up taxes for?

No. 2191735

>why yes I do buy Betsy Johnson purses how did you know, the tiktok
I used to work in a mall store that sold several of these. There's not really a whole lot of point to having them. You could say they're "conversation pieces" but in reality people will mostly just cringe at you for owning these. They frequently went on sale because I live in a very conservative area and quirky people don't really have enough money to buy these kitchsy bags. I actually own the pizza slice one because it went to last act sale plus my employee discount and, to this day, I haven't really had a reason to take it anywhere. Bought it years ago hoping it would be a fun thing to have if a boy ever asked me out somewhere fun with pizza but that never happened.

The whipped cream can and the Sweet N' Low are the dumbest ones, easily.

No. 2191739

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>I would DIE for Riley!!

No. 2192065

i know we shit on brook a lot but i hate vidrel even more. the way she talks and her hand gestures are so retarded. she feels like someone asked AI to generate the essence of overconsumption tiktok videos but no, she's actually real.

No. 2192089

Please don't tell me that disgusting sack of unhealthy shit that in most of her shots is her husband?

No. 2192185

I was considering preordering figurines of my OTP from a manga I like and I know the figurines will be expensive, watching this video reminded me of when I decluttered my place and got rid of figurines I owned before, now I don't feel like preordering anything anymore. Good for her that she's getting rid of some of her stuff to get more money and space, in her case she really went too far.

No. 2192193

She's beautiful

No. 2192198

>the way she talks and her hand gestures are so retarded.
Theres a lot of "influencers"" who do that to the point its a meme.

No. 2192734

is that fat guy her boyfriend omg gross. im assuming hes paying for her sanrio trip?

No. 2192794

Oh god that better be her gay friend or something because of that’s her boyfriend, there’s no hope for het women. What the fuck. NTR level fat ugly bastard antagonist looking mf.

No. 2192930

can't stop laughing at this thank you nona

No. 2193346

>pack my bag
>90% of stuff is useless

No. 2193359

Where the fuck is she going with all that junk? It would make sense if she was traveling abroad but she's probably just going to Target to buy more pink plastic crap

No. 2193393

interesting she rebranded to another name and removed almost all mentions of being a shopping addict following this video >>2184237

No. 2193409

>The heighth of this bag

No. 2193781

Kek I noticed that too. Should've stayed in school, Brook.

No. 2193883

>poopourri, for your poo-poo
her inflection is so fucking grating and this little gem nearly killed me

No. 2194417

oh, seeing so many people call her out instead of being called out on her own post where her fans constantly tell people to stfu must have hurt. "I like to have options" ok, shopping addict.

No. 2194576

File: 1728146242094.mp4 (4.03 MB, 360x640, 458191151_7509009999200469_627…)

>tfw healing inner child=buying plastic crap

No. 2194613

>never put a bumper sticker on a Ferrari
I think it's funny that she thinks her ugly, tacky LV is somehow so special that she can't put a bunch of even more ugly, tacky crap on it after filling it up with a ton of unnecessary, ugly, tacky crap.

No. 2194622

Did she actually buy any of it though?
It's weird and honestly kinda creepy how adults are turning back to their childhood toys and kids are foaming at the mouth for Drunk Elephant and Stanley cups.
Huh, the Brookes of the world tend to thrive on attention, it helps their victim LARP and gives them tons of reasons to consoom more (hayturs, self care, getting life together after seeing the video, etc). Maybe she's in the middle of a breakdown and the rebrand and weird Bible thumping arc are part of it.

No. 2194834

This looks like faux modernist pedoslop “art” that creepy wealthy ppl have in their home. That was a weird sentence to write…

No. 2195460

brooke strikes me as not right in the head and traumatized with her mom abandoning her plus she's not bright so i can sorta understand why she consooms, but this girl feels like an upbeat advertisement automaton and it's creepy

No. 2197119

File: 1728301239059.webp (43.3 KB, 402x767, 6kntmsvpe8td1.webp)

Result of mindlessly buying childrens' toys just because they looked cute at a glance

No. 2197127

im in japan and it’s too hot for half of this shit she brought wtf? these bitches really think japan is some uwu cutesy pink land

No. 2197494

They take up so much space it's impossible for these people to keep them. I already see 2-3 every time I go to a thrift but every store will have 50 of these next year

No. 2197654

File: 1728330131955.jpeg (120.85 KB, 1540x1540, Jax-Animatez_01.jpeg)

Feel free to roast me but I'm thinking about getting the Jax Animatez from the tranny circus show, much to my dismay that show and character really grew on me. I never buy figurines for shows or games so I feel fucking retarded admitting this kek

No. 2197707

Nonna he's tumblr sexy men bait fodder designed to make faggots desire him resist the call resist the echoe of brain worm voices

No. 2197710

spend your money how you like nona

No. 2197731

>Buying from trannies

No. 2197739

Imagine yourself a year in the future. Will it be worth it then?

No. 2197741

>Explain to me in the comments
It's bait. She knows everyone is going to rush to explain what it is and make fun of her for not knowing, but in the end it drives up engagement so it's a huge win for her. Youtubers do shit like this all the time. "If you know what x is let me know in the comments!" It's a very common tactic.

No. 2197749

How old are you really? I've only ever seen 15 year olds care about the show.

No. 2197757

Meh, it's thirty dollars and it's one figurine. Consider how much money you make in an hour. Say you're a poor fag and you only make $7.25 an hour (so $6.50 after taxes). So before you buy, think, would I trade five hours of my life for this thing? If so, then buy it.

No. 2197868

Just know, buying this means your supporting a tranny with a fetish for bimboification, transformation, inflation, weight gain, and women having their heads drilled with a drill.

No. 2197980

Why does your husbando never brush his teeth? They’re more yellow than the Simpsons.

No. 2198034

It's a pretty solid looking figure at least. I'm not into the show but if you were super into this character I can see $30 depending on how big it is. Digital circus merch seems super overpriced though so I'm gonna guess this thing is at most 4 inches tall

No. 2198218

File: 1728359233869.mp4 (2.74 MB, 576x1024, ssstwitter.com_1728359110139.m…)

what stage of consumerism is this

No. 2198222

It's ugly as fuck. I always advice against buying stuff from FOMO shows because most people stop liking it once it's stops being popular. Normally when i get into a show i like i wait at least a year before i buy anything from it.

No. 2198258

How embarrassing of you, anon. What self-respecting woman would knowingly give money to tranny coom shit?

No. 2198393

This is the most miserable thing to put on a wall, even a NYC poster from Ikea is edgier than that.

No. 2198472

>The feeling of having a collection… you just feel… whole

No. 2198492

How is that "paying off?"

No. 2198859

kek the fat hand with long ugly nails

No. 2199413

I get that not everyone is artistic but goddamn couldn't she have tried to make it look aesthetically pleasing? Or at least made sure the fucking cuts were straight? God just print out a patterned paper or something for the background just TRY put in some EFFORT (Idk why this is making me so irate it's so stupid in every single way)

No. 2199475

This woman's content gives me a headache. There's too much clutter in that room already and she just keeps buying more.
No I completely agree with you. It's uneven inside the frame and the packaging isn't lined up properly. It's ugly and lazy.

No. 2199483

File: 1728428242107.jpg (139.98 KB, 820x625, shibajuku-girls-6.jpg)

This woman is really hopeless. She should just stop buying crap, esp. flavor of the month masturbation series. And 9 giant fucking Ringdolls! That's just lighting money on fire, some day she will try to sell those, and find out that nobody wants the whole doll, and the outfit is worth less than $100, and the doll maybe $350 at the very, very best. Getting rid of those will be a miserable experience, and take at least a year now that the economy is pure shit. I also saw Shibajuku Girls in her old display. She has been consooming for a while.

No. 2199556

I had to come back to double post to say that I really, really cannot comprehend how this woman thought it was a good idea to spend at least another $2400 on 3 more bjds in this economy, especially not all from a company that has no resale value because they pull Milanoo tricks. Even if she put them on layaway months ago, the economy was shit months ago.

No. 2200183

Holy fucking shit, with the amount of stuff she has, I'd imagine it's like a sorority's shared makeup room, not just one person.

These are the ugliest doll on the market currently, for sure. And from the stolen concept, stolen art and use of AI art the company is not even trying to really conceal, I wonder why would anyone buy these monstrosities. Sure, they're cheaper than Pullip dolls they're ripping off, but they are also just unimaginably ugly and cheap in comparison.
What is even the point of buying a rip-off "cheap" version if the point of a fashion doll is to look nice and have good fashion? They are not a utility rip-off item, they are purely decorative things, and they're so ugly, I doubt even kids would be interested in their dead-eyed horsefaces.

No. 2200279

File: 1728499027771.mp4 (19.2 MB, 576x1024, Snaptik.app_741836898509753886…)

thank u for showing me another person that by just seeing their videos i feel a sense of dread and want to declutter even more. drawers and drawers of garbage to put in your bag…fucking waste of time.

No. 2200460

File: 1728509122628.jpg (179.32 KB, 650x365, d37629-159-616027-0.jpg)

It baffles me how grown ass women in the west will buy the ugliest cheapest mostly fake Sanrio character tat. On the Japanese market, there's more age appropriate items for anyone who isn't a literal child and even if it's still consoomy, it's way more aesthetically pleasing and to me, someone having eg. some of these more hidden character design items or the more high quality bag charms/pouches is cute and nowhere near as offensive as bags/entire housed full of actual plastic junk.

No. 2200989

Juicy Couture is so fucking ugly and I don't get why all the brain dead bimbos are into it, even the name sounds porny.

No. 2201045

They couldn't afford/weren't allowed to have the real Juicy Couture two decades ago so they're compensating by buying the name buy-out wholesale crap discount stores carry now.

No. 2201186

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No. 2201318

this isn't any better, stop lying to yourself

No. 2201366

File: 1728579170652.png (269.61 KB, 1031x737, vzcAeVr.png)

shit like this is a reminder that I live in an insular bubble of primarily makeup-free women. who needs that much shit in their bags? nobody.

Honestly thought that >>2199483 were dollar store dolls, but then I read your comment and went to google and ofc the doll reddit is boasting about consooming them, picrel

No. 2201392

It looks super cheap too. Just put a charm of your favourite character on a good quality bag.

No. 2201954

File: 1728600978978.jpg (34.56 KB, 512x512, m72613170837_1.jpg)

>What is even the point of buying a rip-off "cheap" version if the point of a fashion doll is to look nice and have good fashion?
This is why they've become a consoom red flag for me. And they were $30-40 new, so they were only marginally less expensive than buying an older Pull-up secondhand.
It doesn't surprise me, just look at them. Mattel decided at some point that Barbie shouldn't be a quality gift anymore, and should be something cheap and disposable that parents can buy every week, because it costs as much as a bag of Doritos and a soda. But there's no fucking reason for people to shop that way, literally none.

No. 2201955

>no resale value because they pull Milanoo tricks
Can you elaborate a bit? This sounds interesting, I know a lot of non-BJD consoomers are drooling over their FOTM yaoi dolls and it's not like those buyers have any standards.
Jesus christ this just keeps going, it's like a parody. You could bludgeon someone to death with that bag.

No. 2202013

File: 1728604816928.jpg (135.74 KB, 700x1050, dfa_cott_03.jpg)

The number of people who will buy huge 60+ cm dolls is probably like 1/20th that of the smaller dolls. Most of the Chinese companies are run by corporations instead of artists, and they keep artists on contract to constantly create new heads. So even the decent artists will churn out derps and not care. You can't get a refund on any of these things, so you want to see real photos of unpainted heads before buying anything. But when they do these "limited" dolls, nobody will see the real product until long after it's discontinued. By the time you realize the prototype was 100% shoop, you're $800 SOL. And the companies don't care, because there will always be another 100 teenagers with Christmas money to waste. And if you try to sell a 60+ cm Chinese doll, even if it doesn't look shitty and you have photos to prove it, everybody will still assume that you're hiding something and trying to scam them. But they do want the body for about $200 to put a nicer head on it. It's like buying a very expensive tar baby. And next month there will be a dozen new doll heads that might look better than last years's "limited" dolls, so it's fomo gacha hell.

No. 2202037

Yeah that's what I was trying to say, I was struggling to find a decent pic to illustrate my point since most of them were awful. You can get much cuter character charms/mascots than the shitty Temu plastic ones was my point. I really hate Hello Kitty, most Sanrio characters are also ugly too, I truly don't understand how they've got burger women in such a chokehold they're literally brawling over them in public

No. 2203071

File: 1728665757115.png (809.02 KB, 751x765, needs more candles.png)

Picrel post has 7 photos, 1 for each drawer plus one of the closed chest of drawers. Every single one is crammed with candles. I counted 118 candles of varying sizes. For one season. This is nowhere near the worst post on that consoomerist hellhole of a subreddit but something about having an entire chest of drawers dedicated to candles for a single season is fucking nightmarish. How much of a consoomer do you have to be to think that this is in any way normal? Even if she burns candles every day in every room that's going to take forever to get through.
That's crazy. I can see why they do so many FOTM releases, no actual BJDfag would put up with that. Idk if the FOTM consoomers would even notice these issues unless they got a completely incorrect head or wildly inaccurate outfit.

No. 2203123

Pineapple Pizza candle sounds like it would smell RANK as cute as I think the packaging is. Anyway which subreddit is this?

No. 2203139

File: 1728667287963.jpg (65.98 KB, 640x636, uf-doll-is-accepting-preorders…)

This plus these absolute fucking trash blind box dolls made in sweatshops with no quality control are killing the BJD hobby and making actual artisan companies from China look bad.
Tangential but I hate blindbox fags in the BJD community. They whine about how they can't afford resin dolls because they're "inaccessible" and then buy like twenty near identical blindbox dolls that rot on their shelves with no customization or creativity to be seen. Unlike with resin, they don't have to wait long or do any research or DIY or really anything creative with the blind boxes. Just order more cheap plastic fullsets for that quick dopamine hit. Then they flood the secondhand market and act surprised when nobody wants to buy them. I'm getting so tired of seeing self righteous tourists post their hoards of ugly kikagoods dolls all smashed together with shitty lighting screeching that they are heckin valid BJDs too then they ask the most retarded questions that could be solved by lurking even the slightest bit in real BJD spaces instead of shitting them up and accusing people of gatekeeping. I'm not saying resin owners can't be consooemrs or anything but the blind box fags are so obnoxious with it.

No. 2203173

the overlap between healing your inner child and acting like a DDLG fetishist is tangible. also is this literally considered content nowadays? it's just someone going to the dollar store and putting stuff in their cart. she's not even showing off like 'unique' things like cute decorations.

No. 2203311

File: 1728672019657.png (1.09 MB, 819x1095, sure jan they're gifts.png)

Sorry nonna, I'm retarded. It's the Bath and Body Works subreddit, where you can frequently find gems like picrel. You can also find sales information, immediately followed by a ton of posts on orders that went wrong- recently B&BW seems to be having difficulty charging customers the correct amounts and a $30 order might cost you $90, because why not. A while back it was exploding candles. You know, the normal things. You can read through endless posts where consoomers proudly show their vintage body care items that they kept since 2007 and still use on special occasions. If you'd like to know where to get a few lightly expired body lotions from 2014 without overpaying for the privilege, you'll find plenty of tips there. You'll see a handful of comments that carefully dance around the rampant consoomerism, but mostly it's enablers fuelling each others' shopping addictions and hoarding tendencies.
It's a fantastic read whenever you feel like doing some retail therapy. Puts you right off.

No. 2203406

Tbh most of the people I see with a dozen blind box dolls are also regular bjd consoomers. I don't really see much seething either from them. I have seen a lot of screeching from fake blythe owners though when they're told to not post fake dolls in bjd spaces

No. 2203433

I bought some of those tall body sprays because there's always a bunch on sale for like $3 and a lot of the scents are genuinely good so why not. But then I noticed how fucking slowly I was going through them despite using them every day, sometimes more than once, and I had to stop buying them. I really wonder what people are doing with 5, 10, 20+. There's no way you can get through it all in a lifetime, ffs my friend still has one from when she was in highschool.

No. 2203601

>expired body lotions
This cheap shit is so gross brand new. There was a study recently that linked lotion with precocious puberty, and plastic food packaging with breast cancer. This shit is literally killing people slowly.
>dk if the FOTM consoomers would even notice these issues unless they got a completely incorrect head or wildly inaccurate outfit.
I think that's the Ringdoll target audience at this point. They profit off lazy people who listen to the other lazy retards who say that a complete bjd is at least $1000 or $2000 new. So $800 or $900 for a complete doll seems like a bargain, even though it's a mediocre paint job on a mediocre doll in a mediocre outfit. They could get a better plastic boyfriend for less, but that would take actual reading.

No. 2203638

File: 1728699021998.png (1.31 MB, 1162x978, Screen Shot 2024-10-12 at 1.02…)

> 21 years old
> wardrobe is overflowing with overpriced kawaii polyester Japanese burando
> constantly promotes her Mercari JP account and begging her followers to buy her clothes off her because she has a shopping addiction and buys every release
> her entire account is dedicated to talking about clothes

It hurts to see people have all this disposable income just to waste it.

No. 2203889

Most don’t have disposable income; they are neck deep in debt.

No. 2203938

I own a single 70+ bjd among my collection and a couple of blind box bjds. And a smattering of random older MSD dolls.
I'd say my 70+ is a very old sculpt (body 2010 and head 2012 and it's made by an artist)
And I would say that the concepts of blind box bjds are often kinda cute, even if derivative, but the quality is just. not. there.
One of my dolls came pre-stained with clothing with one accessory piece just falling apart first time I tried to put it on. The second one needed hands removed to put on her outfit and the elastic immediately stretched to the point of no return just from that. Not to mention both have hair that doesn't fit tight enough, so the fringe falls off easily.
My older BJDs are just fine, heavy, zero plastic damage outside normal resin yellowing.

I get getting blindbox dolls if you like them, but it too pisses me off when people try to be bjd-fag over them. They're a fad. A hundred companies suddenly popped up and started churning them out. And it is absolutely no wonder they are that cheap in comparioson to older actually resin dolls that size.
It's just another chinese overconsoom tactic. Can't buy high quality clothes? Get them for pennies off Shein. Can't buy quality dolls? Here are several hundreds of cheap one. It will fall apart if you don't follow the upkeep, it may fall apart just on it's own, but you've got 20 of them, you can feel like an accomplished person with so many things you own.

Sorry fol dollsperging, I am very passionate about dolls and art and it pisses me the fuck off that the market is just flooded with poor quality uninspired ai-generated slop.
Even Mattel started using AI in their packaging. You have money. Hire an actual artist. You probably have several of them already working for you?

No. 2204250

File: 1728743939905.mp4 (5.69 MB, 480x854, trrMcvZ.mp4)

consoomerism + alcoholism

No. 2204258

The sound mixing on this is awful, it's like reverse ASMR.

No. 2204262

It's ragebait.

No. 2204604

Ntayrt but that's always what makes bath and body works consoomers so fascinating to me. One of those sprays and one of those lotion bottles would last a person 6+ months of daily use and they buy 10 a week. It's also not like there won't be lotion available to buy the next time you need lotion

No. 2204634

>wasting money on modern Liz Lisa
Back in the day, Liz Lisa had some cute quality pieces. It all looks so cheap and mass produced now. It's a buy and sell cycle for these girls.

No. 2206516

It makes me sad to see YouTube haul culture seep into bjds. Even though it's still a hobby based on buying things, a lot of the people in the hobby still spent relatively conservatively compared to the people who run out and buy a whole wave of 6-8 dolls at Walmart every few months. And people commissioned and made a lot of very personal things, that's part of why they got so popular. They were stylish and relevant to people 's real interests in a way that mass produced generic stuff rarely is.
Those purses look like they were $8 at Family Dollar. Really sad to see Liz Lisa become another outlet for generic taobao shit.

No. 2208255

this is obviously a meme anon

No. 2208812

Brook is "decluttering" again

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