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No. 1890593[Reply]

previous thread >>>/ot/1256189

From mildly annoying, to ghoulish, to ghastly, to gag inducing.

Threadpic is Texas senator Ted Cruz
475 posts and 210 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2104817

Worst Chris

No. 2104846

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You sure about that?

No. 2105012

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don't know how she got as far as she has in hollywood, her face is so irksome

No. 2105044

anon this has me wheezing

No. 2106612

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I hate seeing this ugly,musty crusty no talent neckbeard and hearing his shitty voice on almost every animation pilot on YouTube.can he fuck off already?I don't know why he gets hired a lot

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No. 1366720[Reply]

for all your stoney baloney needs

previous thread >>>/ot/542085
smoker salt goes here >>>/ot/1307162
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No. 2106341

i wish i lived somewhere weed was decriminalised. i want to try bubblegum green crack strawberry banana stargazer kush with ease.

No. 2106520

i've been attempting to cut back my usage - I typically wake up and immediately start smoking and continue throughout the entire day. I miss the early days when I would work all day, come home and smoke a bowl and it would be SO nice. now it's just become the background of my life. so I decided to challenge myself to put off smoking for longer and longer each day. today I made it to 6pm and it's only the third day. feeling good. I'm high as fuck now though! and it feels all the sweeter.

No. 2106546

Nothing better than a good spund system and smoke. Thank god for music so I can always tap into how the first time felt every time.

No. 2106594

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i bought a nice ounce of one of my favorite strains and rolled like 14 joints

No. 2106601

I wish I could roll a joint. My joints always suck. I wish I could smoke with a cool nonnie like you

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No. 1995591[Reply]

Similar to the Twitter, Tumblr, and Reddit hate threads, we post youtube videos, creators, and comments that we hate. Infuriating shit, stupid shit, weird shit. Post away.

Previous threads:
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No. 2104780

Imagine telling someone they had a nice car and for hundreds of moids to film you and make conspiracies about how you were going to rob him, put a curse on him, stalk him, and baby trap him kek. MGTOW is giving moids schizophrenia

No. 2104870

Women do this because otherwise they'll get endlessly harassed by trannies. Meanwhile there's a male Harry Potter youtuber I watch occasionally and he straight up gushes over how much he loves Rowling.

No. 2104875

The comment section is even more pathetic

No. 2104973

your right, she's clearly average height(in japan)

No. 2106578

Everyone should report the channel and each of his videos and it will get taken down. This falls under thinly veiled repeated sexual content which YouTube is quick to nuke.

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No. 1683306[Reply]

Post random things you ate and why. A picture of the thing you ate is always appreciated. Please don't vent about your life here.
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No. 2081654

just a case of solid all around consistent texture being better than ice cream on a stick coated in crumbly layers of choclate

No. 2081668


No. 2083288

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I just had some cereal, I love cereal so much, I wish I could eat this more often.

No. 2085888

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i ate avocado sandwich with boiled egg, simple yet nice for late night snack

that sounds delicious nonna, muesli and cereal are so good but easily addictive i can't eat 'em often either

No. 2106559

I bought some zucchini, cut one into discs and cooked it on the stove with salt, olive oil and balsamic vinegar. So damn tasty I wish I saved a few pieces but I ate it all

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No. 2081586[Reply]

A thread to discuss the dislike of dogs, their owners and dog culture in general.

Dog lovers, please don't come here to defend your pooch. see this thread >>>/ot/686457

please follow board rules, no infighting, don't reply to bait.
prev: >>>/ot/1708225
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No. 2106539

Hannibal Lecter shit

No. 2106542

How is this humane in any possible way?? Also extremely dangerous, that beast is going to kill an innocent bystander or its retarded owner.

No. 2106547

After seeing this story i'm guess its this dog >>2105351 because he "likes to watch the kids get on the school bus" kek

No. 2106558


No. 2106696

This is hands down one of the most hideous things I’ve ever seen in my life, holy shit. It looks so evil, its face triggers my survival instinct and I instantly want to put a bullet in its ugly ass head

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No. 1914925[Reply]

Discuss the happenings, drama, cringe, etc. of Neocities, personal sites, webrings, and other small communities, and how they used to be in the past.

Other possible topics of discussion:
>personal sites vs social media profiles
>creating shrines and fanlistings
>joining webrings and cliques
>how socializing on the internet has changed

Previous threads

Search for personal/non-comercial sites:
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No. 2106491

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No. 2106527

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No. 2106561

Kyle hates you federie. idk why they are so autistic about wanting to do this "project" when kyle has made it clear he doesnt want this kind of slop on neocities

No. 2106579

Just give it up Feds jfc. Go do this stupid shit on nekoweb

No. 2106658

Feds, just put all of this energy into making your own personal site on Nekoweb

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No. 2030872[Reply]

Random Questions Round III.

ITT: Ask your fellow anons questions and hear their replies.

>What's your favorite fruit?
The anon below will reply with,
>Who was your rolemodel growing up?
>The artist behind Kikomi
>What's your favourite TV show?

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No. 2099393

Depends on my mood.

No. 2099398

I save leftover broth to make something else. I dislike wasting food.

No. 2106501

GNC anons, what's that one stereotypically girly thing you like? I really enjoy watching nail art videos but I never do my own nails because I suck at it and they break very easily.

No. 2106514

I can't be assed to do it physically though so I keep it digital.
I also like watching people do nail art but it's too much work and also long nails skeeve me out.

No. 2106517

fashion, male fashion though

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No. 1923084[Reply]

Screech into the oblivion. A place to say how you really feel without other people feeling entitled to give you shit for it.

>Don't respond to other people's rants. It's not about you, you vain bitch.

>Don't reply to the anon above you with a vague comment either. Even if you don't directly quote their post, you will be banned.
>Newfags please follow this rule and integrate. You will be reported if you insist on responding to other's posts. Previous threads had anons banned because of this.
>Not everything is about you. Stop schizofoiling.
>Don't forget to copy paste the OP onto the new thread.

Previous >>>/ot/1747132
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No. 2105665

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No. 2106372

The saddest part is that I'm not even that surprised or disappointed, there is not much that I don't expect from you. I dodged a bullet; we will never ever speak again.

No. 2106484

If I was to write a suicide note it would be a love letter to my tall ex with ginger hair not the bald guy I've recently been dating. If I was to find out I had terminal cancer I would seek out my tall ginger ex that confessed his love last year after my step father died and ask if he'd spend my last days together. I've made a huge mistake.

No. 2106512


No. 2106644

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I dont think many people exist who are as obsessive and pathetic as you and im being so serious unfortunately. You are still stuck in that same place and you still only feel anything when you're violating women. I don't understand what type of brain tumor it requires to be as violent and apelike as you.

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No. 1904216[Reply]

Don't know whether to go sleep or binge-read another cow thread? Get milk or tea? Dedicate your remaining life time to Dr*ver or Dano, and don't want to keep any of those important decisions in Sanic-samas capable hands? Fret not–present your dilemma, let farmers burn some sage and have them take that burden off of your exhausted shoulders.
Keep US laws, and more importantly, TPO, in mind and don't ask whether to an hero or which fun method to use, we're not serious like that.
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No. 2102712

Should I make a big granny square blanket with a bunch of different sizes/patterns? I never made one because the pattern would bore me but if I made a bunch of different types I think it'd be super cute. Would be a big project but I can make it in sections.

No. 2106368

I have my ex's discord should I post it on /soc/ in one of those kink threads. I hate this motherfucker so much.

No. 2106374

If it’s a moid then yeah 100%

No. 2106500

Should I go back to school for my PhD

No. 2106511

no. make a friendfinder post.

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No. 561095[Reply]

Post about yourself as if you were your own personal lolcow. This thread can be used in the personal lolcow format, i.e. a greentext summary of your milkiest behaviour / what would warrant a thread, or simple one-offs that you're ashamed of. There's nothing wrong with self-awareness, farmers. Moo.
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No. 2106485

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>Deranged husbandofag
>weird kinks
>Unironical schizo
>Severe autism
>Dropped out her first job after only 5 hours
>Mentally 19yo at most
>Chronic baiter/troll
>Hasn't even held hands with a guy
>Mentally stunted
>undercover bpdfag
>Only two mental breakdowns away from turning into Lucinda

No. 2106499

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I've got some hopefully funny cow qualities mixed in here.

> Early twenties

> Long, loooooong family history of mental health issues and very dark secrets, we all kinda just have a "that's the way it is" mentality about it
> Bio dad embodies the word "deadbeat"
> Had abusive stepdads
> 90% of my CV is lies
> Got outed as bi in a religious school and was literally catfished by bullies (one of whom is now an "anti-woke" "influencer")
> Somewhat attractive but was such a spergy weeb edgelord that I was only ever asked out as a joke
> School hosted a competition about who could write the scariest poem OR the best poem about a serious social issue. I did SUCH a good job that my entry was immediately pulled and got me a meeting with a psychiatrist.
> Still can't drive
> Still daydream about cringe self-indulgent comfort characters
> Have been addicted to the internet since I was six and would intentionally seek out disturbing media with my traumas in it, leading to the aforementioned edgelord sperginess
> Played Moshi Monsters and Club Penguin beyond the acceptable age
> Had MLP, Tokyo Mew Mew and Warriors OC's beyond the acceptable age
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No. 2106504

You're not a cow, just the average farmer neet.

No. 2106524

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> Samefags often
> Still kind of scared of the dark at my big age
> Actual autistic stimming kek
> Constantly had like…"ghost encounters" and sixth sense moments as a kid which would freak the rest of my family out? There was one incident where I accurately predicted how the tenant in my great-grandad's house before him died, it was weird.
> Was a handmaiden on Tumblr for a bit and probably would have been a themby if I hadn't had a eureka moment

No. 2106911

Are you me?are we the same person?lel the difference would be I'm 22 though

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