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No. 2297525[Reply]

Previous >>1978406

Thread to discuss the phenomenon of "fujoshi", the women that identify as such and the women who criticise it.

To a latter extent, discuss also the phenomenon of "yumejoshi" and "himejoshi", especially when it comes to the yume vs. fujo feud.

Discuss the history of fujoshism, speculate on its reasons, argue your opinion on it and exchange intelligent views with other farmers.

Topics include:
>Is the fujoshi-to-TIF pipeline real, or merely a symptom of something else?
>Do fujoshi self-insert in the uke and/or seme? Or do fujoshi simply look at slash couples in a voyeuristic manner?
>What is your view on the early 2000s phenomenon of identifying as a fujoshi "but not supporting real life homos"?
>Is being a fujoshi a way of escaping misogyny, or does it reinforce it?
>What is your opinion on omegaverse, and the het omegaverse which followed?
>Are fujos addicted to pornography? Are yumes?
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No. 2427417

Yeah but if they're dressed as women. If you get to that point you have to establish bisexual or lesbian tendencies. It is no longer being attracted to a male if "hes" that feminized.

No. 2427451

No. If anything, if you check the "trap" characters in fujobait like WindBreaker, Twisted Wonderland, Paradox Live, Enstars, etc., they're more likely to look like "a man wearing a dress" than the average trap.
There's a tendency to give them man legs, man arms, emphasizing the Adam's apple, making them tall, etc. compared to the "draw a girl, call it a guy" that other manga, both het and moid, do.

No. 2427493

How do y'all feel about straight yaoi or whatever moids call it

No. 2427494


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2427498

Do you mean when the female lead has a masculine seme vibe? At least, I've seen it used that way. I like them as straight couples but it's not yaoi.

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No. 1959358[Reply]

Prev threads:

Any pro-fujo derailing in this thread will get a 3 day unappealable ban. If you do not like the thread, hide it. Repeat infractions will eventually result in a permanent ban.
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No. 2427407

Honestly one of the most annoying things about fujos is that they get annoyed if you find one of the male characters they ship with each other attractive but want him for yourself instead of for another male character. Because according to them it's homophobic for a woman to have a gay character (9/10 times pure headcanon) as her husbando, but when some of those same fujoshis troon out they go into gay male spaces and demands actual gay men to sleep with them.

No. 2427419

You can find equal faults in heteronormatives though, they just lean into other extremes.

No. 2427421

Did you reply to the wrong post?

No. 2427426

But what if you want bisexual boyfriends who are open to ALL kinds of things what then nona?

No. 2427437

If you REALLY love watching gay men and want bisexual encounters in your head, for the time being or in real life who can honestly criticize or stop you? A ton of women just think gay men together are incredibly hot. They dont want to transition, they dont even want to find the thing in real life. Its just a thought to explore and its potentially really entertaining. Why do people have to be mired in relationshit at all what if being infinitely entertained is the thing going on there.

Its crazy to me that people work so hard to deny that its something that simple and potentially has nothing to do with real life.(pro fujo)

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No. 1465903[Reply]

Thread for discussing futurology, AI, VR, transhumanism etc. and how it creates the illusion of a utopian future, whilst being maintained by corporate and technological control.
Share news, technologies, ideas, theories, images/aesthetics and anything else related but keep major tinfoiling to the conspiracy thread.
>Are we doomed?
>What are your futuristic predictions?
>What worries you the most about how technologies are used?
322 posts and 56 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2421921

Damn, car insurance was too high. I better transform my body now

No. 2422550

Nona, this has been a problem for a long while. This topic has been studied since it was just digital assistants who overwhelmingly have female voices (i.e. Siri, Cortana before Microsoft nixed her, Google Home)and, of course, female robots in sci-fi (art/lit/film). Hell, we can make the case about actual telegram/telephone operaters being women mainly and how that affects how tech is conceptualized today. Needless to say, there's a long history to it which just boils down to basic misogyny and the positioning of women as mere support to men's daily lives.

No. 2427403

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corporations have already started

No. 2427418

People who aren't afraid of the commercial use of AI are either in denial or too cowardly to even start thinking about it. My prediction is an unprecedented wave of unemployment will crash within this year and it will only be the start. Companies would rather have a low cost product made by a schizophrenic nonhuman than a decent quality product made by people who need to be paid.

No. 2427430

>People who aren't afraid of the commercial use of AI are either in denial or too cowardly to even start thinking about it.
A lot people just don't care. They're human drones who don't understand the implications behind removing human input from art and media, they'll eat any slop put in front of them so the actual quality of the content being produced doesn't matter either.

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No. 2392591[Reply]

See hear and speak your evils

Previous thread >>>/ot/2346502
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No. 2427315

that study is bs, i looked it up

No. 2427346

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I freaking hate disabled people.

Have you ever met a disabled person who isn't a chronic victim and pushes this narrative that everything should centre them always?

I just deleted Nextdoor after this insane interaction - deleted by a mod - for suggesting that people who don't like traffic should cycle instead. Old hag started hounding me with rants about 'what about muh arthritis' kek I hope your PIP benefits get taken away and you have to fumble your miserable way to the jobcentre to get them reinstated so you can continue your pathetic victim larp.

Why is your identity rooted only in victimhood rather than achievements or your contributions? Because you contribute nothing but complaints and benefit suckling.

Not everything is about you. You do not need to be accommodated or included in every conversation especially about RIDING BIKES of all things.

You are not the centre of the goddamn universe and saying 'you should ride a bike' is not 'casual ableism' insufferable morons. How do these retards find their way back home at the end of each day.

I am unmoved by your 'arthritis' bawww. CUNT!

No. 2427349

Every utterance should account for all possible outcomes and people and possibilities.
Never generalise, otherwise you're abelist!!!!

No. 2427352

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Its giving

No. 2427391

I have been overspending way too much money. I´m already in the minus on my account plus i bought some shit with paypal so it delays the debit kek I´m soon getting more money to pay it all back but i really needed this because I was feeling really depressed.

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No. 591108[Reply]

What are some places you have never been to but really want to visit? Which country would you love to go back to? Which place will you never visit again? Have any culture shock stories? Want to share your most surprising travelling experiences? Write about them here!

DISCLAIMER: I am aware that travelling is strongly discouraged during the pandemic, but I thought it would be nice to have a place where we can discuss our past experiences and future plans.
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No. 2284029

If it's the Santa Claus city in Rovaniemi, it's a huge tourist trap (or at least it was when I went 10 years ago) and unless you're super dedicated to Santa, I'd pass on it myself.

No. 2322068

when i’m on the plane and i hear a baby crying i get so sad for them. their tiny ears are probably all stuffed up and they’ve never experienced that before and don’t know how to communicate so they’re probably deeply distressed

No. 2327863

nah. i love kids but people need to leave their young kids at home. they're not gonna remember a single thing in a few years anyway. total waste of time and money. just makes me want to crush their baby in a phone book

No. 2427223

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My husband and I recently bought a house so now we can finally go to Japan since we’re not saving for a down payment anymore. I’ve sent the news to my Japanese exchange student friend from 13 years ago that I finally can come visit her!!! I’m so happy and I’ve been reading this thread to find neat places to visit while we’re there. We’re only going for 10 days or so but hey it’s better than nothing.

No. 2427387

I've planned a trip to London from France with the eurostar instead of taking the plane to save money but I'm not from Paris. so I bought one trip that includes two tickets, one from my city to Paris gare de Lyon and one from Paris gare du Nord to London, which means I have to take a train or subway between the two stations in Paris and according to google maps it takes like 10 or 15 minutes. In total if everything's just as planned I should have 1h30 between the moment I arrive in Paris and the moment I leave Paris from the second train station. But I didn't realize passport/security check could take a lot of time in train stations as well, I forgot about brexit so now I wonder if that won't be enough and I'll miss the train from Paris to London. What do I do? The trip will happen in a few months so I can take time to maybe change one of the tickets if necessary.

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No. 2377057[Reply]

This is a thread to post cringy interactions you've seen or had on dating apps, talk about how shitty they are, etc.
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No. 2396508

This thread is weird. Going onto dating apps just to screen record random women's profile is creep behaviour. This is why people are right to practice internet safety and I'm hoping more women learn to avoid posting pictures of themselves online because of creeps like you.

No. 2396533

I've also posted in this thread but agree that ta is weird

No. 2396723

it's so fucking sad

No. 2423480

Why don't you just use the threads that already exist for exactly this in /g/?

No. 2427379

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not op but i feel like that thread is more for posting personal encounters and not many anons post screenshots to be honest

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No. 2407864[Reply]

Might as well, since there's a hate thread on just about every other major social media platform. Post about retarded tradwives, Christard grifting, straight-up neo-Nazi content, and other such garbage that makes up the platform.
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No. 2426722

this happens all the time. shit coders break stuff because they're cheap and stupid.

No. 2426835

both giant and small companies have outsourced a lot of costumer service and coding to india, and this is the quality you get. I can understand pushing political content being intentional, but pushing gore makes no sense. It makes people a lot more likely to close the app from gut reaction.

No. 2426982

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Moderation or no, this was obviously planned by edgelord trolls, no different from shit like the blue whale challenge or the jonathan mouse image shit. Maybe a psyop if you're tinfoil enough.

No. 2427327

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Is the coomer shit really necessary?

No. 2427457

Why are these types of videos so popular? The punchline is usually some overdone joke with tits, they're never funny

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No. 2398330[Reply]

Discuss the current psyop regarding ugly and old men being shilled as attractive.
This thread is also for talking about topics like beauty double standards in media, ugly fictional and irl men shilled as attractive, science about male aging and unattractiveness, etc.
>do not try to defend ugly men ITT, go to unconventional male attractions to discuss uggos you like
>report/ignore racebait
>this thread is specifically for what moids look like; extended discussions of moid behavior, crimes, sexuality, etc. are better suited to the manhate thread.

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No. 2427272

>If the husbando stays young it also reminds you of the fact that you'll die while he won't because he's fictional, which is depressing for many people.

Thats the ticket at least for me. It makes me even morde self aware about my age, it bummed me out and made having husbandos less fun.
Since they are fictional, you can just headcanon them older or yourself younger though, its all in your head. But women, being more empathetic and less delusional than men (on average) bring this "realism" ("oh no, he is 24 year old and I am 30+ years old, that could never work") into their head and police themselves.

No. 2427274

The psyop is so indicative of something being severely broken that molestation sends like a reasonable cause. Don't take it so seriously.

No. 2427275


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2427276

Im sorry but women policing each other is so fucking cringe to me.

No. 2427613

nta but agree

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No. 837722[Reply]

Thread for anons recovering or fighting with long terms internet/smartphone/social media/video game addiction and the manifesting problems it causes (ADD, low self-esteem, lack of ability to commit to long terms processes, inability to learn new hobbies and skills, inability to tolerate silence ect). Feel free to also use this thread a support network. Brain training, healthy brain foods, building up gray matter and executive functions back up, unlearning destructive habits ect also covered. Avoiding digital junk information landscape in general (adblockers ect) can also be discussed. Any type of technology or media addiction can be covered, including things like netflix or youtube binging that wouldn't be normally considered addictive.

Ideally this thread could be similar to the health and wellness threads, but for our brains and the type of information we consume.
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No. 2418310

since i've seen this book around bookstores a lot i figured what the hell and downloaded a copy off somewhere and… what the hell is this hippie dippie new age self help bullshit. i feel like this could have been done in a myriad of ways that didn't include gratuitous mentions of "spirituality" "God" (capital G), "prayer", "church" and the like, it feels very culty. i'm only a little into chapter 1 but i really hope there's more to it than "keep a journal and have some me time, lol" because i've already been doing that for years.
Glad i didn't pay for this. Also "this book made 'Eat Pray Love' happen" is the polar opposite of a good review, Amazon.
Having said all that, i hope it works for nonnas because being off the phone feels really good

No. 2418364

i feel that sometimes im at a disadvantage because i do college full time online, and my part time job im self employed and therefore i have no structured time im forced to relinquish technology rights. i volunteer and pay for a class and go on hikes and that helps, but i just feel there is only so much i can do.

i have been trying to go to the library more often when i have gas money and stopped taking my phone on walks which has helped very much, but i do miss the music at times. i mostly get distracted doing online classes because its easy to tab away. im also planning to utilize the library more or physical copies for my hobbies!

a flip phone wouldnt work for me for many reasons, i just fear id struggle to keep in touch with clients, and i recently got onto a new phone plan. maybe there is a workaround? that being said, my phone isnt the issue in terms of non-intentional usage, my laptop is.

self control is hard but i feel its all i can really rely on. i also should make a separate profile on my laptop for studies, and set more timers. if any other nonnies have tips itd mean the world! i really like the idea of 90s/early 2000s livng, but again, i feel im limited in how i can achieve this in other ways. also going to use the idea of journaling how my time was spent each day to pick up habits and visualize any time i waste on scrolling.

No. 2419260

I feel like the moment I detox from one online thing my brain just finds another that's equally as bad kek.

No. 2427256

first day using my flip phone, it's actually such a huge relief to just reply to messages as i feel like it and not be tempted to doomscroll. i just need to resist the urge to use my old phone when i'm home with wifi kek

No. 2427263

a few things that helped me with college:

going to the library as you said, also scheduling my work/study time. even if i didn't go out to do work, i'd treat it like an appointment, not plan anything during that time, etc.

the only way i could really get myself engaged with online classes is keeping my phone far, far away, and also going super hard on taking pretty/neat notes. i'd try and take notes before class and then make corrections to my notes during lectures (like if anything new was covered in class), or make flashcards of questions that were answered during lectures- for example, in my anatomy class i'd make a flashcard like "what are the layers of the skin from most superficial to least?"

physical notes/flashcards/books are really what worked best for me, as it gave me something to do and was a physical reminder that i'm doing school things and not just computer things. also, don't feel bad for occasionally being distracted during online classes! people get distracted all the time in classes, what matters is bringing yourself back after it happens.

best of luck nonna!

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No. 2291553[Reply]

Similar to the Twitter, Tumblr, and Reddit hate threads, we post youtube videos, creators, and comments that we hate. Infuriating shit, stupid shit, weird shit. Post away.

Previous threads:
797 posts and 123 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2426048

That screaming, autistic moids are demonic and should be put down.

No. 2426181

Why are whores always the biggest pickmes

No. 2426576

I don't know what people expect cops to do with somebody like this. They couldn't leave him in restraints 24/7, even a hospital couldn't do that. He was always eventually going to get himself into a situation where beating his head and whining could not get him special treatment.

No. 2427180

many asian cultures just have completely foreign values of what westerner's would consider attractive. In china, there is a meme about how 混血儿 or mixed children are considered the epitome of attractiveness(with millions of views). Most of the time, people mean mixed with white or other caucasian people, rather than black or other races. asian people believe that mixed kids have better faces. this is a result of subtle racism, a bit of self-hate and a culture that normalizes pedophilia.

No. 2427187

Dont some Chinese rich families literally buy mixed children from baby farms? Like that slav baby farm that got exposed

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