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No. 2194122[Reply]

Previous thread >>2181596

ROMEO + JULIET opens on Broadway >>2181601
Ugly man from The Bear kisses boring woman from The Bear >>2181609 , >>2181616
Photo evidence of Lana's wedding to boiled lobster Jeremy Dufrene emerges >>2181651 , >>2181976
Lana's new stepdaughter is racist >>2183404 , >>2183406 and her man was engaged for 12 years without marrying his last fiancee >>2184448
Demi Lovato promoted two new bills to financially protect children >>2181701 , >>2181703
Cardi getting messy on Twitter >>2181812
Katy Perry's new album cover made with the same skill and loving care as her music >>2181841
Polina Porizkova cries on camera over long dead husband >>2181967
Maggie Smith passes away at age 89 >>2182242
Chappell Roan cancels a festival appearance >>2182517 but performs a new song at a Franklin, TN show >>2191294
Christina Aguilera releases a 25th anniversary performance of tracks from her first album Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
1203 posts and 186 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2210551

Nta but how is this tinfoiling? I hate how strict there mods are in this thread they just love to suck the fun out of everything(take it to /meta/)

No. 2210552

no offense but "the style of dress that celebrities wear on the red carpet is actually code for how available they are to be prostituted" is like… the pinnacle of tinfoiling kek

No. 2210555

>this man is a abusive pos, rest in piss

No. 2210556

okay i'm glad i'm not the only one who never believed that bullshit story. not for one second. as soon as i read how he died i said to myself "that is 100% made up"

No. 2210557

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No. 1601035[Reply]

What's looking up, Nonnie?

Previous thread: >>>/ot/1187321
1148 posts and 295 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2209791

My eyes are watering too… that's so cute and lovely. I hope many more times for you both to cherish each other

No. 2209794

found an old piece of artwork via searching my old tumblr username. i've tried looking for this specific period of art before and could only find the sketch on an older flashdrive backup. wasn't even intentionally looking for the piece of art, i just get curious and look up my usernames online sometimes kek. today's gonna be a good day

No. 2209844

I’m so fond of a friend of mine.

No. 2210239

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I started a skincare routine for the first time ever about a week ago and I'm already so happy with the results. I'm nowhere near where I want to be and I definitely want to change some products, but I can see the texture disappearing from my face and my pores getting smaller so I don't have big ass holes on my face. Plus my skin is always soft now. I hope it starts really paying off in a few months. Learning about skincare has also been fun albeit confusing.

No. 2210333

Omg anon, that's so fucking sweet.
I believe in you anon! We all have bad days, as long as you don't let one moment justify turning it into a habit again then it's no big deal.

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No. 1337206[Reply]

Der zweite Treffpunkt der lokal ansässigen Kartoffelbäuerinnen.
Vorheriger Thread >>>/ot/760762
620 posts and 113 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2208054

What type of content do you like nona? If you like shows about animals I can recommend the plethora of zoo shows we have here, they are usually in simple German because kids like to watch them. The one with the most episodes (Elefant, Tiger & Co.) can be found on Youtube, but many of the zookeepers talk fast and in dialect. Maybe >>2207942 is interested too. Die Sendung mit der Maus is an excellent recommendation for learning though. If you are already at a B level of understanding I can recommend reading a book too. You might have to look up a lot at first, but it's surprising how fast you get used to it and understand (at least that's what helped me with understanding English). In terms of youtubers I can recommend Sashka, she makes commentary/essay videos and is quite likable imo, she also doesn't talk too fast and you might pick up on some news and drama if you are in to that. If you like gaming you can watch Gronkh, he is a leftover of the let's play era and has a nice voice you can sleep to. He also plays pretty much every genre of game, is not toxic and has 15 years of content. If you want to binge adult documentaries you can watch the arte de youtube channel, it's German/French state tv and they basically do nothing else. Kurzgesagt might be pretty cool too since you can watch the English videos for reference and they always sub everything. Terra X is also nice, it's mostly astronomy focused.

No. 2209370

Based nonna Ich schaue auch Saschka und Gronkh haha einige wenige YouTuber die ich mir noch ansehe!
If you English learning nonna likes true crime maybe check out Bloody Talks, she speaks slow and very clear!

No. 2209436

Long text anon here. Hey, danke! I'll definitely check out the zookeepers. I have been complimented on my Tiervokabular in the past, mostly because I loved how many different words there are for pigs and boars in German.

A couple more things for "learning German" anon:
- Youtube series "Easy German" is decent. There are subtitles, but you get to hear real people answering questions in conversational German. They also go to various cities, so you can hear different kinds of accents and a little dialect. Just look through their videos for questions that interest you.

- During my time abroad, I have taken a couple jobs in other countries. I found a German-speaking group in each country so that I could still speak often with other people. But tbh you can also do this online, either via free language exchange or paid tutoring.

- If you have the opportunity to go abroad, I recommend volunteering as a way to get additional free practice. I volunteered at an animal shelter on the weekends and in the summers. This experience was great because I could learn different styles and a bit of dialect without the stress of doing it at my main workplace or at the uni.

- I can still write better than I speak, because I text and play games with some German-speakers. I can recommend always trying to produce your own sentences and not relying on automatic translators. They often still get things wrong, and there's no short-cut to the process of learning a language. But if you persevere, you'll start figuring out your own "style" in German.

- dict.cc is the best German/English dictionary and the app is extremely useful.

-vidrel (with subtitles), the first clip is the best
Ich möchte gerne wissen, woher der erste Clip kommt

No. 2209828

der erste Clip müsste von "Ärger im Revier" sein, einer scripted reality TV show, die Anfang der 2000er auf RTL2 lief. also vermutlich eine gestellte Szene mit Laienschauspielern, aber trotzdem sehr lustig!

liest du eigentlich das Medizini Heft, wenn du Tierdokus so magst? das ist eine kostenlose Zeitschrift für Kinder, die es in der Apotheke gibt, und in der sich alles um Tiere dreht. und es ist immer ein süßes Tierposter mit dabei, kek.

No. 2211426

Danke sehr! Jetzt kann ich andere Clips nachschauen.

Nein, das Medizini Haft kenn ich noch nicht! Ich werde mich ein wenig umsehen, wenn ich wieder bei der Apotheke bin. Ich bin jetzt fortgeschrittener als früher, aber ich mag Sachen für Kinder immer noch, kek.

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No. 2107841[Reply]

You guys remember Kony 2012? Good times. I seriously thought he was some insane war criminal who was father to like 100,000 children across africa and he turned out to just be a picture of a random guy
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No. 2204171

A Homestuck fancomic but it's celebs (Kesha, Marina, Florence, Nicki Minaj, Beyonce, Lady Gaga)

No. 2204188

Sounds fun actually

No. 2209212

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Did anyone else use shrekchan?

No. 2209350

i loved this show

No. 2209419

Falling snowflakes on youtube videos

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No. 621962[Reply]

Posteen vacas, drama o lo que sea.
Para empezar:
¿que canales de youtube ven?
¿conocen alguna vaca de su país?
¿es palta o aguacate?
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No. 2189595

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otro ejemplo de la inoperancia de esta gente que se cree mejor que nadie. su amiguito venezolano posteo una foto de su primita menor de edad y como este moderador pensaba que no lo hizo con mala intencion solo lo muteo obvio porque es su AMIGO. el mismo admitiendo que lo deberia haber baneado porque a quien se lo ocurre mandar una foto de un familiar menor de edad en un servidor lleno de degenerados

No. 2208958

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Update innecesario pero quise compartir
Ya se acabó el puto reality y este pendejo sigue arremetiendo contra todos porque le lastimaron en su ego de macho narcisista cuando lo corrieron del programa. No tiene caso que comparta todo lo que pasó, todos los patrocinadores que se fueron del programa por su culpa (al rededor de 12~15, y de los grandes), lo fuerte que han sido sus acciones ni tampoco todo lo que ha dicho y amenazado, pero esto es demasiado estúpido:
>“Inútiles”: Adrián Marcelo explota contra Andrea Legarreta y otras conductoras que lo criticaron por su machismo en LCDLF
>El youtuber considera que a las presentadoras les duele que es un hombre casado y con un fuerte círculo de amigos
>"Saben qué es lo que les duele, que en el fondo soy un wey de familia casado, con hermanos casados, con un matrimonio, con padres ejemplares, con un círculo de amigos; no le van a escarbar, mejor dicho, le pueden escarbar y no le van a encontrar"
Y este señor sigue señalando y haciendo amenazas a sus ex compañeros del reality. También resulta ser que hay rumores donde se dice que es un homosexual reprimido y por eso odia tanto a las mujeres. O bueno, eso es lo que se dice, no me consta.

No. 2208972

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No. 2209216

Amo los casos como los del Espartaco18, incel "red pill" fan del temach, no trabaja ni estudia y solo sube videos a YouTube, sus únicas novias han sido menores de edad.
Ha sido humillado por su ídolo Dalas (un awebao igual que el), ha sido catfisheado y doxxeado. Hopefully su mamá lo va a echar de la casa y después de un año de darse cuenta que es un fracasado use una cuerda como corbata para ir a darle una visita a su padre.

No. 2209854

Hay otras Hondurenas en este thread?

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No. 2208063[Reply]

Are you deaf or hard of hearing (HoH)? Is your family or anyone you know? Have you ever heard about Deaf Culture? Do you know any ASL or other sign language? If not, have you ever considered learning it?
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No. 2208106

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No. 2208119

This is really cute, ngl

No. 2209382

In my country, the deaf/hoh community is extremely aggressive to any hearing person trying to learn the language. My friend who studied sign language at uni and was also asked to do a short sign speech in some Christmas ad (not pretending he was deaf or anything) had been getting hate emails from HoH community ever since, it's been already like 5 years. I think they disliked that he was in fact hearing and it was appropriation? Mind you, my country is small and anyone can get into ads or TV, it's nothing lucrative, doesn't pay well. Most other people I know gave up on sign language because HoH community is so unfriendly and actively tries to discourage hearing people from learning. Is it like this everywhere?

No. 2209387

But why are they hostile towards people trying to learn? What is the point?

No. 2209411

I think the logic behind it is that hearing people don't get the deaf people and they don't really want the broader public to intermingle with them. But I am not part of the community so I can't tell you the exact reason. Might also be them being frustrated by and subjected to ableism from hearing people, culminating in general dislike of hearing people. I kinda get that. Of course, not saying every HoH person is like that!

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No. 1413046[Reply]

Italian thread / Filo o thread italiano
Previous thread / Filo o thread precedente:

Cosa c'è di nuovo?
Cosplayer, scene varie, personaggi dell'Internet italiano vari, virus, vaccini, nuove presidentesse e quant'altro nella sfera italofona
479 posts and 66 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2148424

Non hanno l'adhd, hanno solo il cervello fritto dai social e dal burnout. Tutte queste influencer hanno cominciato facendo un gazillione di post alla settimana e hanno consumato così tanta roba online quando il loro canale era in crescita che ora il loro cervello mima dei sintomi adhd.

No. 2148542

Non credo che Shanti sia ADHD, devi avere i sintomi sin dall’infanzia, lei ricerca solo attenzioni e vuole cavalcare l’onda del disturbo del momento

No. 2165234

Lei la nostra regina

No. 2167938

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No. 2207955

I content creator stanno avendo dei problemi.

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No. 579582[Reply]

Discuss everything South Korean here.
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No. 2207832

Anytime you mention Korea, a bunch of weirdos pop out of the woodwork, either incels screeching about how its a feminazi shithole, or femcels saying Korean men are crazy and you'll get raped as soon as you step off the plane. I went to Seoul last year and absolutely loved it tbh, it was much cleaner and more comfy than Tokyo and I felt sooo much more safe there as a woman than walking around London or Tokyo (which actually are full of rapey randos). Literally nobody in Seoul bothered me at all and people were so helpful and nice. Honestly I wish I could go back, its just so far away.

No. 2207835

Seoul is very safe. The biggest threats there are the random Russian/Uzbek illegal immigrants and Thai/Viet mafia members, but even they will leave you alone as long as you dont bother them.
I'm part of a kakaotalk group for women who got plastic surgery in Korea. 90% of the women were solo travellers and none of them ever reported back any experiences being bothered by men or assaulted afaik.

No. 2207837

>a bunch of weirdos pop out of the woodwork
>half of the claims about the moids are from korean women themselves
damn you got the yellow fever bad havent you koreabo. be careful in the washrooms.

No. 2207852

>damn you got the yellow fever bad havent you koreaboo
No, I have a white boyfriend kek.
>be careful in the washrooms
Will do, you be careful walking the street in any American or European city lol.

No. 2208191

That's so messed up. I feel so bad for all the people who were possibly affected by that. I don't know why some of these people need to have kids so badly that they resort to surrogacy or literally kidnapping kids, but there's definitely individuals who are profiting off of this (the companies that run surrogacies/adoptions) at the expense of victims.

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No. 660000[Reply]

Do you believe in it?
Are you a "witch"?
Do you collect crystals, do spells, and believe tarot, or any of those neo-pagan stuff?
Or do you think witchcraft is something to take more seriously?
Do you have any stories about witchcraft, brujas, rithuals, shamans, and the like?
Is "witch" a female-only term? What do you think about the story of witchcraft and women?
Post everything related to this here. It doesn't matter if your only experience is playing with a ouija board in 7th grade, just discuss.
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No. 2193626

I just sort of caved and bought the Woodland Wardens deck by Jessica Roux, it was just so pretty and I like the concept of using forest creatures in divination. I really want the faery oracle deck from Brian Froud the most but I think it would be more like something I keep for the beauty rather than actually using. I heard the reprinted card stock is really bad though so I'm waiting.

Okay that sounds pretty scary, but I think you could try connecting with lighter spirits instead of going straight like demon so it's not clashing with your Christian views. As someone mentioned already, you could even just pray to Mary or an archangel although that sounds more Catholic to me. You could also try nature magic along with Christianity so it's not so confusing and you aren't being pulled in multiple directions.

You might try looking into ancestor work so you don't have to feel connected to a god or deity that feels out of reach.

No. 2201742

Has anyone else experienced phenomena during a storm? Milton hit last night and while the power was out I saw a glowing figure in my house, and I thought at it "what do you want?" and immediately into my head popped "shelter from the storm" and it disappeared. I've never experienced phenomena before and it was probably my eyes playing tricks on me but I cannot explain how clear this figure was and I couldn't blink it away, it stayed in the same spot, and there was no furniture there I was mistaking the shadow of. It was human sized and had no features, I could only see its shape because it was ringed by swirling cyan light. For some reason I got the impression it was a woman wearing a shroud or head covering. Anyone else who lives somewhere that gets hit by storms and had odd experiences?

No. 2207665

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This is going to sound kind of insane, but did you all know that spirit incels exist and they target and curse radical feminists? While working with the goetic demons, I was literally schizophrenia cursed by one of their legioncels after the actual Paimon told him not to work with me and to stay away from me. He and a couple of other legions literally pretended to be Paimon the whole time just to fuck me. Then a large group of spirit incels and a lot of goetic legions found out about the schizophrenia curse and started dogpiling me with curses, nightmares, and they raped me for months through my tactile, auditory, and visual hallucinations. Time is very layered and works a lot different in the spiritual realm and they even put curses on me that affected my past, like they made me fat as fuck as a child so everybody would hate me and they put curses on me that made my depression worse. The goetic demons have been helping me subdue them and they even promised that they would start culling their nonvirtuous legions. I've been chanting Buddhist mantras to remove the curses also.

Just wanted to give everybody a warning that spirit incels do exist and you all should check for any and all curses and black magic that may have been placed on you just for being a woman.

No. 2208809

screenshotted and saved

No. 2215979

Does anyone have recommendations for online resources? for communities or forums, the reddit witchcraft sub is quite unacceptable and filled with undesireables. Also for books or guidelines? Please. Or I guess a general question of how did you nonnies learn?

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No. 581191[Reply]

Since we have a thread similar to this(ugly women with hot men).

Let's discuss it here.
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No. 2074232

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No. 2074321

wtf is this

No. 2074663

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Ugly cheating fuck, women have to stop dating down

No. 2087429

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No. 2206836

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I just found out that last month Makaze Suzuho (former Takarazuka Revue actress) married an ogre called Katsuya. She's 38, he's 49. Why?
>The couple explained that despite the short period since their first meeting, they felt a deep resonance between their souls. This connection ultimately led them to decide on marriage. They expressed their desire to continue growing both personally and professionally while embarking on this new journey together.

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