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No. 1366720[Reply]

for all your stoney baloney needs

previous thread >>>/ot/542085
smoker salt goes here >>>/ot/1307162
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No. 2406724

Anons how do you toke it in a small apartment without resorting to wax carts????

No. 2406732

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Print out this flyer and hang it up in the apartment's common area. It will throw the blame on common skunks instead of your toke. Nobody will suspect you if they think that there is a family of skunks living nearby.

No. 2406738

I use to smoke joints in mine and just keep it well ventilated. I vape now though. Never had any complaints.

No. 2406752

My last apartment wasn't small, but I used to close my bathroom door, run my shower on hot to steam it up, and run my fan. Won't work for nonnies who want to multitask while smoking, but that was never a problem for me.

No. 2407114

high and laughing at that pic kek ty for the laugh nona

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No. 704153[Reply]

ITT we post about what we learned today. Whether it's an interesting scientific fact, an important life lesson, or whatever.
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No. 2402340

is someone running a bot and posting the most retarded shit it can come up with on every thread or what?

No. 2402407

classic lolcor!

No. 2403388

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TIL italian male Donna Summer fans are..like that
A few months ago an anon in the confessions thread admitted to using AI to reply to posts so this is actually possible

No. 2403397

We need to kill this bitch. AI on MY lolcor… I feel like goku

No. 2406362

There's a Korean urban legend that the word "Obama" is short for a Korean phrase meaning "tonight, you can drink, I'll drive you home." It's not true but it's a popular joke there. Obama memes transcend cultures and countries.

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No. 1261328[Reply]

I'm not asking anymore, you're coming to Brazil.

Tava mais que na hora de fazer um novo Brasil Fio.
Notícias, tretas, polêmicas, lolvacas ou qualquer outra discussão em português entre as nossas noninhas.

Previous: >>>/ot/222861
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No. 2399920

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>300 séculos esperando a maldita da panini reimprimir o volume 1 de vagabond
>não tenho dinheiro pois agora mangá custa 41 pilas
Que linha do tempo maldita, lembro que antes eu gastava cerca de 12 reais na vasta maioria dos mangás.

No. 2402834

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Nonnas, como vcs compram roupas de marcas japonesas sem ter que pagar uma taxa de 10 milhões? Me recomendem um site aí por favor, já usei a Buyee, Zenmarket e me lasquei com o frete quando chegou.
Agora queria testar a Taobao pra ver se vale a pena, mas deve dar no mesmo. Procuro roupas como picrel no estilo Mori Girl

No. 2404451

Sage for necrosing, because they are hookers. It's a very common profession for them
Era assim que eu imaginava os membros do finado VT kek

No. 2406215

Já fui dar uns pulos na nova versão no fórum IGN, por incrível que pareça devo ter dado mais risada lá pelo retardo dos usuários (que continuam postando sobre as mesmas coisas) do que nos chans nacionais atuais. Que fase.

No. 2406219

segunda mão… a pagina que uso é closet child

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No. 1714003[Reply]

A Thread for former NEETs who escaped the NEET lifestyle and are trying to stay out and current NEETs who wish who want to get out of NEETdom

This is not a thread for wilful NEETs

Topics regarding NEETdom may include but are not limited to:
>Reasons why you became a NEET and why you want to leave it.
>Little things that motivate your escape/recovery.
>Changes that you face regarding leaving NEETdom.
>What made you slip up on your NEETdom escape/recovery.
>Asking for advice/help.
>Your success at becoming a normie.

Previous thread
#1 >>>/ot/472051
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No. 2405005

It’s hard, I want to apply for neetbux but then I”ll have to apply for jobs. I’m still studying I need money to pay for school. What do I do. It’s overwhelming. I’m also in the process of asking some financial assistance but I need to go to my doctor and they suck. I did go and they messed up. Can’t go in too much detail but yeah that is gonna take 3 months before I get anything and Neetbux can be 2 months.
What do you do when you apply for a job do I seriously seek for a job or no? Until I finish school I’m a senior in college btw and also need to move out. Kinda adhd and can’t concentrate at my parents.

No. 2405008

I mean do you seriously seek a job while on neetbux and not ready yet? Or kinda wing it until you are ready to look for an actual job while on neetbux.

No. 2405016

Apply for a student grant

No. 2405033

I am applying for assistance it’s similar to a grant. But I need a backup plan, I might look for a scholarship? Something else?
Oke no the program that I am applying for is a grant (not a burger). The thing is I have been trying to get it for 2 weeks now my doctor messed up. Don’t want to put all my eggs in one basket for this grant.

No. 2406096

>Finally gets a job
>Mom keeps saying they must have hired me because of the 20 years outdated advice she gave me
>She has no idea I didn't use her advice and got the job because I used advice nonnas on lolcow.farm gave me

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No. 2351907[Reply]

Previous: >>2313494

Discuss art and related topics such as:
-Talk about Art Youtubers
-Ask about art supplies
-Discuss trashy art trends
-Instagram bullshit
-Art theft!
-General Art Bullshit
-Fandom and Shipping Discourse
-AI generated art (do not shill about your ai trained models key words on a prompt do not make you a artist)
-do not post your art to be reviewed here use the designated m thread

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No. 2405760

I don't give a fuck about anime and I can't believe you're trying to soapbox and divert the subject to kids anime for children when we are talking about a clearly sexualized depiction of a child posted upthread. It isn't the same, it will never be the same.(off-topic lolispergout)

No. 2405764

She hits the exact same beats as the girl >>2405550 posted. Both of them even have tiny blush marks. just admit if you saw Usagi today you would call her a loli.

No. 2405768

This. You got to fall in line and choose your battles at some point.

No. 2405770

>>>/ot/2405766 new thread

No. 2405776

You're being deliberately obtuse about how >>2405550 is to highlight a child's body. Scantily clad, child's body, midriff exposed, legs splayed. The character is meant specifically for loli pandering. No one was talking about sailor moon. Keep defending yourself or samefagging or whatever but the topic at hand is that an anon was perfectly comfortable sharing an image meant to depict a sexualized child. If the character weren't clearly meant to look like a little girl, no one would care. People would react the same way if someone posted odd, sexualized, suggestive fanart of Cardcaptors or whatever the fuck you're making excuses about.(ban evasion)

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No. 2373578[Reply]

This thread is to discuss your grievances with gender ideology.

>What is gender ideology?

Foundational to transgenderism, gender ideology is the belief that one’s “internal gender” can contradict one’s biological sex.

Gender ideology operates much like a religious cult. There is no scientific evidence that supports the notion that we have an “internal gender,” and yet doctors now medicalize and sterilize children with “transgender identities” who have been groomed by the cult. Anyone who does not reaffirm these delusions is labelled as a “transphobe” in order to discredit any dissenting voices of the cult.

Previous threads:
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No. 2405967

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These retards are ridiculous

No. 2406048


nta but i think they meant that they blame feminists being “misandrists” not that they blame feminists for supporting trans ideology. i agree with the other anon, most detrans males who transitioned out of internalized misandry become mras.

No. 2406468

why is it called transandrophobia and not transmisandry?

No. 2406767

It used to be, but the group of TIFs that overtly wanted to be Very Special Girls (trutrans) were/are the only ones using it, so it fell out of favor. The now dominant group of fakebois that only covertly want to be Very Special Girls conceded that misandry is a stupid, non-existent concept, but still needed a word to describe the icky feeling they got when Lilith Athena Miyuki Lunatroona would shout down at them for insinuating that diarrhea isn't a period.

No. 2406999

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Im so mad that my favorite once niche band(mother mother) blew up with retarded “alt” gender special furfags.
It’s like what MTF’s did to sharks. The way these people manage to shit up every single community they colonize.

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No. 2400311[Reply]

A thread for venting about difficult stuff going on in your life.

Previous vent thread: >>2389570

Follow all the /ot/ board rules & do not reply to bait.

Do not come to this thread to make fun of anons' vents, to demean them, or to try and be funny with some shit snark reply. It's annoying. If you do not have anything nice to say, don't say it at all.
1201 posts and 118 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2405528


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2405568

I really don't give a fuck about that, I genuinely wanted to hear from other women on this. I feel alienated as a woman not capable of loving a man but also feels like my chances of finding a woman I'm compatible with who would want me is nil.

No. 2405572

kek yes this would be great

No. 2405825

have to take a job thats shitty paid and going there and home takes 4hr and 50minutes. basically i will have zero free time. i hate my stupid life. i wanna die.

No. 2406000

dont do it

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No. 1625265[Reply]

Vent about how parents and/or other family fucked over you/your dreams by making terrible choices for you via neglect, close mindedness, laziness, totally ignoring what you wanted etc and how your coping as an adult.

Previous Thread- >>>/ot/354814
275 posts and 15 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2390538

One of many things my mother did when I was a kid was do nothing when she found out her best friend's teenage son was molesting me. Her reaction when she found out was to scream at me, blame me for going to his room and not telling her (even though I was five years old and had no idea what was happening or the vocabulary to describe it), then never did anything about it. She just got mad at me, interrogated me about why I did even though I had no choice, then stopped talking about it after a few days. Never went to the police because she thought she'd get in trouble because it happened right under her nose when she should have been watching me (she'd be in the kitchen talking to her friend, and I'd be alone in her friend's living room playing the snake game on my mother's Nokia, which is where her friend's son would just pick me up and carry me to his room to nonce me). Never put me in therapy either.
She gave up her friendship with my rapist's mother, but then a few years later (when I was about eight or nine) they reconnected. She at least didn't bring me over to their house the second time around, but she did organise a trip to another city with her friend, and both of them brought their kids, including both me and the one who SA'd me. They did at least tried to keep us apart so I didn't see a whole lot of him during the trip, but I still had to see him. I remember we went to a park near the hotel with a playground and he was just staring at me from across the playground.
When I was 18 I tried to ask her why she reacted how she did but she had a complete meltdown. She accused me of lying, then accused me of guilt tripping her, then told me I need to get over it because it was years ago, then said I shouldn't feel sad because "you're pretty and have nice hair." I never tried to bring it up again.
Something really infuriating is that she acts like she's the best mother who ever existed, and says the reason she never divorced my dad was because she'd rather have me live with my father than have me live with one of her many affair partners because "she can't trust any man." Even though she made me go on holidays with a man who had already assaulted me and did absolutely nothing to help me through it.

No. 2390763

In kindergarten there was a moidlet who became obsessed with me, calling me his wife and saying he was my husband. During recess he led to this area behind a giant shed thing, which was in the center of the yard so still sorta visible. Cant remember what he said but I know nothing serious happened, thank God.

Later when I told mom about this, all she did was scream at and interrogate me, right before bed late at night. She kept swearing and shaming me for not standing up for myself and telling him no, then blamed the woman teacher for not doing more to keep a moid away from me. I remember saying, "mom Im tired I just want to go to sleep" but she wouldnt let me till she was done punishing me for getting preyed upon. Even tho she has no boundaries and is a boymom herself, so how was I to know any better, with her poor excuse of an example?

That same year another moidlet strangled me. I cant remember her exact reaction, but nothing was done, and I dont think I was even believed. The moidlet is now an award winning nurse btw.

No. 2405071

Grew up with DV between my parents, which really screwed up my ability to form all kinds of relationships in general.

Was running an errand when mom decided to mockingly reenact this DV, due to a minor friendly disagreement she was having with Dad. Then she laughed about it, looking at me for my reaction. For a split second, I thought she was actually in trouble, and that I might have to intervene.

What goes through her mind, to blatantly mock her own trauma and my childhood trauma like that?

I didnt laugh with mom, just stared in disbelief. It hurts.

Now mom is mad at me, is ignoring me, because I did not mock some of my worst childhood memories. Why? Did she do this to torment me?

No. 2405078

She feels really guilty about it and wants you to be okay. If you can laugh about it with her, then she'll feel like it didn't really effect you that much

No. 2408238

My mother made an indirect Facebook post regarding an offhand remark I made 4 years ago dismissing the benefits of drinking bottled alkalized water.

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No. 1149837[Reply]

Hello, it has occurred to me that a lot of us really have had horrible experiences with therapists and the psychology field in general. This thread is to discuss exactly that, either from personal experience or the way people have seemingly gotten worse after "therapy" (like Pixielocks). Discuss away.
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No. 2342831

I had to look up what EMDR is and it I can't believe it's basically to distract yourself with movement while reliving a painful memory? That sounds like what I used to do when I had OCD, the idea of someone telling me to move my eyes weird or tap while thinking of trauma sounds really counterintuitive. I'm not sure if I'm misunderstanding emdr therapies.

No. 2404079

I caved and tried therapy, not for a long time, for like two months, once a week and it felt so stupid every session. She didn't seem like a bad therapist but nothing really went anywhere and I guess she got tired of me, because she said, "Maybe therapy isn't for you right now and you should take a break from it and come back when you 'feel ready'," whatever that means, like wasn't I ready and that's why I came? Anyways, that was that. She didn't even wait for me to think about it.

No. 2404996

When I talk about my trauma getting bullied and having study related stress I sometimes get worse. Like I’m still hurt deep inside and don’t know how to cope.

No. 2405021

I relate to this I”ll see if my therapist can help me getting neetbux I can do it myself but it’s so stressful and never asked these neetbux only others. So I”ll try to go to therapy again to keep my mind in check during this stressful time. Gunny enough I will make an appointment soon.

No. 2405073

That was pretty much my experience as well. It really felt like it went nowhere and the whole thing was awkward each time like why am I giving you money for this…

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No. 859842[Reply]

Thread for current NEETs who do not wish to/are not ready yet to rejoin society. Please be considerate of eachother, no shaming.
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No. 2402761

Thank God I can still postpone working for another week! Woohoo.
Realistically I can postpone working for 2-3 months I hope I can get something figured out by the end of next month and towards april.
I don’t have to work thank God now I just have to destress again.

No. 2404702


This is the way. Worked for me back when I gave a shit. Claimed to work at a closed business, and to have been running an eBay reselling business to tide myself over until I started working again full time.

No. 2404718

this 100% works. closed businesses nearby or remote work for closed startups is the best. especially startups.

No. 2404871

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No. 2404979

What did you sell? I used to sell stuff but it wasn’t enough compared to the time going into selling. I did clothes and books one electronic item.

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