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No. 276137[Reply]

Etant donné le nombre surprenant de farmers français sur ce site, et la déchance du dernier thread envahi par des posts affligeants tout droit sortis du 15-18 , voilà un nouveau thread pour nous, les baguette people.
Ici, discutons politique, YouTube francophone, infos, culture, etc.

Europe general : >>>/ot/276072
Nationalities Thread : >>>/ot/244320
J-Fashion francophone : >>>/ot/221968
911 posts and 156 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2343467

n'empêche, vous imaginez comme un vieux crado qui a du bouffer de la charcut' à foison, picolé comme un trou, clopé comme un pompier une bonne partie de sa vie, a réussi a atteindre les 96 ans ? putain, la génétique ( et le pognon détourné) c'est vraiment le cheat code ultime

No. 2344925

Une fermière qui suit le drama Vilebrequin ?

No. 2344930

comme on dit, la méchanceté ça conserve

No. 2345007

J'ai regardé la vidéo de Sylvain par pure curiosité alors que je n'avais jamais entendu parler de vilbrequin j'avoue avoir bien rigolé devant le démontage en règle de Pierre. Je ne savais pas trop quoi penser puisque ça reste parole contre parole jusqu'au live réponse de Pierre Chabrier ou il passe pour un gros con arrogant et méprisant "je ne vous parlerais pas si j'avais 8 million" "je vais pas vous lire le papier que je montre a l'écran, j'suis pas une liseuse" "ces histoires ne vous regarde pas, après tout ce n'est pas votre argent", là j'ai vraiment capté que c'est bien lui le sale type étant donné qu'il a lancé les hostilités lui même dans sa première vidéo et que maintenant qu'il se prend un gros retour de bâton il chiale que tout ça aurait du rester privé, c'est don un bon gros hypocrite qui voulait pouvoir librement chier sur son ex partenaire sans que l'autre n'ait un droit de réponse. L'histoire reste bien débile.

No. 2345395

Oui! Je suis bien contente que Chabrier se soit pris un retour de bâton, j'ai jamais pu le saquer.

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No. 774138[Reply]

ITT:A thread for open/closeted ex-Muslims and or Muslims who are questioning their faith
1078 posts and 151 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2343639

Yes. There is variation across the Muslim world but many muslim creeps do not quite understand what's wrong with assaulting children. One of my relatives was confronted over something like this and replied with "are you saying i'm GAY". Molesting a kid? No problem, but don't you dare imply homosexuality. This person was mentally ill and had a big complex around sexuality so bear that in mind, but it speaks to children's extremely low status outside the West. If you have a culture without a concept of adolescence or childhood (like the West two centuries ago), then people within that culture are less likely to even get why child abuse is wrong. Hence why they brag about hitting their kid etc. I've met westerners like this aswell but it's more common in muslim cultures (MENA).
I don't think he meant anything like overt sexual behavior. Not wearing a burqa, going outside without a marham, being comfortable around the other sex is already too "open" for these animals and understood to be a license to assault
Europe being an especially bloody region is a very well-known, banal fact kek. Yes, warring tribes and violent conquests were a thing everywhere but Europe had a lot of those

No. 2344424

Probably not, what would motivate them to war with each other? Lack of resources? There were rivers and streams everywhere, and the climate was conducive to abundance. So I'm not sure about that.

No. 2344566

Are you being serious? One tribe could have something the other tribe has, like better technology or access to better, more attractive land. Some rivers are not as rich in fish or resources as others, or the bend that is may be gatekept by another tribe. If Native Americans were bloodthirsty to one another what makes you think African tribes weren't the same?

No. 2344658

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Isn't it funny to see Muslim dawah bros turn on Andrew Tate because he's associating grooming gangs with Muslim men. Since the beginning Muslim women were told to shut up about his misogyny. Muslim moids even loved him before he converted too. Dude was literally a sex trafficker but retarted Muslim moids couldn't see his obvious grift.
For any UK nonnies is it true Muslim moids make up the majority of grooming gang members.

No. 2344856

>what would motivate them to war with each other?
Capture of slaves.

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No. 1490027[Reply]

Post cute birdies here/discuss your love for them.
302 posts and 219 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2153891

I'm an aussie and you're unlikely to just see dead cockies and lorikeets lying around kek (especially if people are keeping their cats indoors like they're supposed to). Both sulphur-crested cockatoos and rainbow lorikeets are far from struggling btw and have adapted very well to urban areas. A flock of up to 15 sulphur-cresteds visit my yard regularly to get a drink, eat some nuts I put out for them, and just hang out, with a couple interested in being 'friends' with me (perching near me, taking food from my hand, talking to me), and it's really cute when parents 'introduce' their chicks to my garden and me kek. Other parrot visitors that are less common are galahs, corellas, yellow-tailed black cockatoos, king parrots, crimson rosellas, and gang-gangs.

Best birds are the maggies though, adore their song and lately a male and female come visit together to take food from my hand and sing to me. Currawongs are also excellent but they rarely ever visit, same for the bronzewing doves. God I love birds.

Could live without the rainbow lorikeets though to be honest, if only because their incessant racket sets off my pet birds like nothing else kek (and they are absolute bullies towards other birds despite their small size). Kookaburras could also please politely fuck off and stop eating my pond fish. okay sperg over.

No. 2153922

>it's really cute when parents 'introduce' their chicks to my garden and me kek
Oh my goodness, that is just too precious.

No. 2296344

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has anyone here made friends with local birds?

No. 2296347

My grandma befriended local crows with walnut bribery

No. 2344628

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No. 2286592[Reply]

Share your latest achievement, big or small, doesn't matter
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No. 2341353

Organized my schedule today. Small wins!

No. 2341481

My hibiscus plant has two new blooms today. I've been terrible about taking care of it but it's been looking healthier these past few days!

No. 2341993

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big win recently: I got an apartment with my girlfriend for our fall 2025 semester of uni. It’s really nice because I love her and we can’t be dykes in our hometown.
small win: spent time with my family and I slowly understanding football and finding it mildly interesting.

No. 2341997

That’s so beautiful. When plants bloom I always believe it symbolizes good things coming.

No. 2344436

Thank you nona. Unfortunately soon after I posted this is started wilting again. I thought I'd take it outside so it can get more light. I guess it prefers the inside. It must be a hiki like me. Fuck, I'm so bad at taking care of plants… I'll move it back inside then and hopefully get it back in shape again.

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No. 599737[Reply]

Have you experienced any heartwarming, life changing, amazing moments on this site?
Have you made friends? Has your life changed? Has your worldview changed?
Have you experienced the opposite? Post away!

Personally, I love this website. I used to be kind of paranoid of posting, but I think there's so many smart, amazing farmers, it's really cool to talk to all of you!
373 posts and 43 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2344234

Good question. Aside from first discovering this place and immediately going "oh, there are other women who are as hopelessly online as me?", I would say most of the Tunesdays or watch-parties. A chatroom is much more memorable because you get that instant gratification of being replied to, and you're all busy with one thing in the present that unites you. So it feels more personal I guess.
I guess I keep coming back to this place because I often feel like a different species from other women sometimes, and this is the only place where women don't need to perform anything to anyone. Even if anons happen to be lurking men or troons, no one caters to them, it's truly our territory. Tumblr is close to an online female-only space, but that one has the obvious problem of being too wokescold-y.

No. 2344426

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There’s nothing memorable about this place. I think this place stopped existing as itself right after COVID/shift of administration and moderation. I think they’re making subtle changes where laughing at others is no longer acceptable on certain boards and even on the ones where it still is, people are quickly met with immediate redtexts and helicopter modding. I have a rare opinion that saging really doesn’t make a difference at all especially since the hide thread option exists but whatever. I think it’s place I come to when I’m extremely bored and want to talk about something because I don’t have much social media anymore. I don’t think it’s too memorable but what I am hugely grateful for is finding a tarot anon to email until she deleted her email. I feel bad because I am a poor faggot and couldn’t pay her back and I’m 100% sure she faked turning Christian so she wouldn’t have to be rude on why she didn’t want to do it anymore but I’ve been seeing weird Christian flavored posts lately from various posters so maybe transitioning to different faiths is becoming popular. I still appreciate her, she was fairly skilled. Otherwise I’ve been a shitstirrer and a normal poster, there are no singular kinds of posters. I’m pretty sure an anon who was trying to talk shit was also the same one complimenting me in another thread, nothing about this place is something to take seriously. I guess it can get a bit much with the negativity especially when you want to go online and distract yourself from a bad day or just a bad time in your life but whatever, it might be too overwhelming for people who’ve never been on certain places on the internet especially forums but I’m super used to online craziness. Most of my time here is either infighting or being ignored for making normal posts KEK, the only thing I really sort of regret is posting my art here (no I’m not that hilarious goatfag from /m/ it was from a few years back), I don’t really draw anymore unfortunately.

No. 2344460

No, you're right. Anons have super vigilant sage etiquette where even though a post is relevant to the thread, they'll still sage it for some reason. I still want to see what threads people are talking in, feels like obstructing the natural floe if this website.
It probably comes from the redtext-happy mods being so insane with their shit. I don't think it used to be this severe even 6 months ago.

No. 2344792

Got into my latest obsession thanks to the good taste of anons here. So now I will only share it here, where I belong.

No. 2344801

It made me feel more retarded than usual and almost consider getting autism tested because I don't understand most of the things anons get upset over, 80% of the moid accusations make no sense and every child actress/child of celebrities that gets called ugly just looks normal?

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No. 2334759[Reply]

A thread for venting about difficult stuff going on in your life.

Previous vent thread: >>2326676

Follow all the /ot/ board rules & don't reply to bait.

Don't come to this thread to make fun of anons' vents, to demean them, or to try and be funny with some shit snark reply. It's annoying. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all.
1203 posts and 148 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2344402

This is for you >>2344401. Why spoiler the image? I've seen you post it unspoilered before.

No. 2344403

I online dated a bi man when I was a minor who was actually several years older than he told me he was, he would lick up his own cum on camera, and would write AO3 fanfics about me having a penis. Never again nonnies, never again.

No. 2344405

Unfortunately the bpdfags come here to waste their time and turn into shrieking tyrants kek
How do we cure it

No. 2344406

Nta but men who desire to engage in gay shit, even if they're pure butt virgins like OP's bf, are just gross. It's not complicated

No. 2344408

My post wasn't about you, it didn't even @ you. It was a vent post and I wasn't reading your retarded posts itt

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No. 1180797[Reply]

All the old studying threads were dead. Use this thread to discuss anything related to university/college/general study. Self-study and online courses are also allowed.

Topics can include anything related to studying, such as

- Student life
- Studying tips
- What you're studying
- Diaries/planners/journals
- Stationary and tech
- Notes and notetaking
- Helpful resources for studying
- Advice related to studying
- Learning disorders and disabilities while studying
- Good or bad peers/professors/teachers/tutors
- Talking about your campus (just don't dox yourself)
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2342849

Do you still live at home? AFAIK they only count your parents' income if you still live with them.

No. 2342869

The problem is that academia is pretty fucked, you already pointed that out. If you go the researcher route you will be forced to churn out papers and get minimal grants unless you do something that sounds cool or is in trend currently. The head of your department will most likely take all the credit from you and you will have to do a lot of networking to accomplish anything. I don't know how the residency system works in the US but med school is probably a way better choice than research if you think you can handle the long hours of studying and work.

No. 2342871

I do live at home, I guess I gotta move out.

No. 2344060

I graduate with an English Literature degree soon and still have no idea what path to take. I am not passionate about any specific career but have some ideas of things I’d enjoy pursuing. I just think I’ll be screwed with how competitive things are. Clueless

No. 2344371

>>> I never needed external motivation
nayrt, idc if this is over a week ago why are you humble bragging to someone just asking for recommendations, no one even asked you that so why are you giving yourself back pats over it.

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No. 1714003[Reply]

A Thread for former NEETs who escaped the NEET lifestyle and are trying to stay out and current NEETs who wish who want to get out of NEETdom

This is not a thread for wilful NEETs

Topics regarding NEETdom may include but are not limited to:
>Reasons why you became a NEET and why you want to leave it.
>Little things that motivate your escape/recovery.
>Changes that you face regarding leaving NEETdom.
>What made you slip up on your NEETdom escape/recovery.
>Asking for advice/help.
>Your success at becoming a normie.

Previous thread
#1 >>>/ot/472051
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No. 2330809

what worked for me was learning to enjoy challenges. getting up and going to work does suck, but im lucky enough to have a job that feels like i'm helping people and at the end of the day vegging out at my pc feels like a reward.

as far as feeding yourself, taking care of yourself, stuff like that-its fine to take shortcuts. I eat a lot of microwave meals, use dry shampoo and body wipes when i dont have energy to bathe, stuff like that.

having bigger things to look forward to helps a lot too. I dont necessarily want to work my 10 hour shift (sometimes it still feels like stabbing myself in the brain), but I do want to go to cons and cosplay with my friends and having that reward to look forward to kinda makes it worth it.

if you want practical advice maybe try a time audit? for a few days track how you spend your time. this helped me find places where i could carve off a few minutes that I wouldnt really miss to do stuff that's piling up. literally like 'okay i gamed for 6 hours so i could game for 5 hours and 45 minutes and spend 15 cleaning my room'. acknowledging small victories helps too. if you struggle with eating healthy but you had fruit instead of crisps that counts as a victory!

setting routines for the day and spending time outside helped me too. Routines give me structure i can lean on and time in nature does something or another to my body and brain that makes it work better? I have no clue but it helps with wanting to be alive.

No. 2333122

Idk if it's the right thread, but I'm a loser autist living with parents who lost my job a few months ago and every day I can feel myself losing all hope and spiraling into neetdom… is there anything I can do to stop it from happening?

No. 2333438

I stopped being a NEET when I was 21 but I still struggle with having a normal social life. Not only do I not have time due to my job, but even when I was a kid in school I didn't have one either. I don't even know how someone would get a social group for the first time at 26, most people seem settled into their friend groups and families.

No. 2333477

You need to keep some kind of regular appointment with being outside of your home and having to interact with other people, whether it's some kind of club/volunteering/exercise or something less formal like just going to the library or sitting in a coffee shop for forty minutes every Wednesday, you need to be outside of the house ideally once a day but definitely twice a week. Once you don't have a reason to regularly be outside of the house, you lose all normalcy and it becomes harder and harder to act like a regular person

No. 2344053

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I'm not a neet by choice. I'm struggling to find a job after graduating and have been unemployed since May. My field is very competitive in my state so it's been very discouraging applying to jobs, going to interviews, only to be ghosted. I feel so powerless. My savings are dwindling and I barely eat through out the day anymore. I've always struggled with mental illness and being socially retarded. This is the worst I've ever felt. Being a NEET sucks so much. I feel like even when I do get a job, I'll just continue being a failed normie. Picrel is me screaming into my pillow

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No. 2339455[Reply]

Calling all nonnas in STEM!
STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. All nonnas are welcome, from architects to doctors, from biologists to physicists. It is so difficult to find STEM groups for women with no trannies in them.
Feel free to share the accomplishments of women in STEM here as well!
Some starter discussion:
>What are you studying?
>What's your favorite thing about your field?
>Do you have a female role model, and if so, who?
69 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2343735

>NTA but most math degree holders do not work in education. many of them work as data scientists, actuaries, or end up in business/finance, or go on to law/med/dental school. there are also a ton of niche career options you can do with math. you clearly aren’t knowledgeable about career options if you’re going to spout nonsense like that.
You can only get those jobs if you have a graduate degree or additional certifications. A bachelors alone won't get you shit which is the OP's point, unless you've studied Engineering or CS. Learn2read.

No. 2343753

Is linguistics a science? it always seemed like a weirdo in-between science and arts

No. 2343787

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Imo it's a soft science. It's always in the humanities department at schools. There's branches that could be considered STEM, but generally I wouldn't categorize it as such.

No. 2343796

Nta, I am a math major with only a bachelor’s and I worked in finance and currently work as a data scientist in a different field. Most of my classmates were/are in finance. You don’t need any other formal education or certification (except for actuary work) just internships, as always.

No. 2344100

yea but you have to go for residency first which is a lot of work with low pay

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No. 2343710[Reply]

From cringe reddit troll hunters 'debunking' completely believable stories (and doubling down even when they are proved) to entitled benefit grifters, post the most confounding retardation that circulates Mumsnet.

Picrel, all 440 comments are coddling this woman and telling her she'll be a great Mum. The threshold for birth removal is extremely high and social services would have to deem you an extreme risk to your infant.
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No. 2343755

then leave kek

No. 2343761

I'd like to kek at entitled parents, but you type like you're not from around here.

No. 2343807

All the comments are just unquestioningly accepting that OP's baby removal was completely unjustified despite being given no details, which means OP likely did or said something really heinous. The average Mumsnetters really do think motherhood is a god given human right.

No. 2343813

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Yeah, they're taking your baby before it's even born because the evil social worker is conspiring against you. The whole world is against you.
This is telling.

No. 2343817

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>I tried to harm myself and my baby
>Why are they trying to take my child?! I'm the real victim here

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