So, initially nothing was wrong. I told her about my hatred of human contact, human smells, general "I don't enjoy people" thing. She insisted
I had autism. I don't like ketchup due to bullying? "You have autism." I am a nightowl? "You have autism." Take into account I've visited several other
psychiatrists and therapists who said I don't qualify for an autism diagnosis due to other factors present (trauma), and generally lacking signature traits. But she was fighting
me on it. I would tell her something with a slight inaccuracy, (think "I think it was red" when object is red-orange) and she would derail the session for THIRTY MINUTES
Googling the details just to prove me wrong. The sessions were like 45 minutes. And she wanted me to be quiet during.
I'd tried to tell her several times that "I don't recall perfectly" and they were
super minute details, nothing significant. (Yes; color and specific years were very common things that set her off into doing this) She's argue with me on everything, rather than allow me to talk. And my favorite one? She'd make up details regarding my history. Several times she'd ask me about something that I never mentioned, something that never happened to me, as if confronting me on some weird headcanon she had. If I mention me and my brother were amicable, she'd go on to say how he perpetuated most of my bullying? But
I bullied him due to an undiagnosed issue? (Something to do with rage control and bullying at school) Holy shit she was nuts.