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Vote in the VPN ban runoff poll! Closing at 23:59 GMT on the 26th March.

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No. 2126145[Reply]

Last thread got ugly. Refrain from migrant talk, or bog off!

Britbong Thread #1 >>>/ot/1433914
Britbong Thread #2 >>>/ot/1730353
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No. 2458674

Did any other nonas know of any issues with surveyors half assing their jobs? I was getting roasted on Plebbit for not getting a survey, I had no idea they were so incompetent and or rudimentary in their assessment of the building.

No. 2458678

How many times do you fucking newfags have to be told, you don’t need to sage in an /ot/ thread except for celebricows.
Because I said parents should help their kids buy property? Instead of telling them to fuck off and bootstrap themselves out of it?

No. 2458682

Lolcow is the only place on the internet where someone can pour their heart out about losing their Mom and potentially their home and still be told to kill themselves

No. 2458685

Lmao ok salty poorfag, there’s nothing you people hate more than someone who works hard and makes smart decisions to provide generational wealth for their families instead of pissing it all away at the boozer, gambling or loitering around on benefits. It’s hard for this generation but if you’re gen x or boomer and you’re poor, it’s most likely your own fault.(bait)

No. 2458686

You don't have to, but due to your non-saging it's pretty obvious that you're same the anon repeatedly antagonising another anon about her brutal tribulation and trying to redirect undeserved sympathy to yourself, and then calling anyone who disagrees with you a Pikey, and that is Tory behaviour. Kinda wish LC wasn't anonymous sometimes so that we could all take the piss out of you in the Cluster B thread

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No. 2442637[Reply]

Are you a fat loser? Do you want to argue because that's how you learned to get attention in your dysfunctional household growing up? Do you have no friends? Well then, this is the thread for you!

Come here to bait and infight! Post something really stupid, and other anons will fight you about it! Prime topics are: abortion, clothing, eye colour, lesbianism, really anything that you can fight over!

Remember that everyone that disagrees with you is a man, so make sure you call them out for being men!

Last thread

The "rules" are:
>no racebait
You can still do it because jannies are absent for 12-14 hours a day!
>no infighting

This one isn't a rule we only added this so we don't get put on autosage like our last thread, Dumbass Shit!
>don't reply to bait
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No. 2458553

Wrong, they should’ve made Dolores look like a dirty child. That movie is why “nymphette” bullshit abounds

No. 2458561

they aged her up though

No. 2458562

Anon asked for an example of a woman who men think looks like a tranny and everyone has seen tranvestigations by now. This is literally an example of what she asked for. Just bc you take it personally, doesn't change the fact that she has very masculine features that everyone else notices

No. 2458563

I haven't read through this discussion but it generally holds true, you just need to look at the Safa thread. Nobody gets into the habit of autistically scrutinising others' appearances and proportions unless they have something to be insecure about themselves, even if they're not necessarily ugly. It's body dysmorphia rhetoric which they've trained themselves to externalise. Also oldfags will remember Lorena's grandiose sense of self and how that turned out kek

No. 2458571

bella hadid, hailey bieber (selena's fans always say she looks mannish)

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No. 1261328[Reply]

I'm not asking anymore, you're coming to Brazil.

Tava mais que na hora de fazer um novo Brasil Fio.
Notícias, tretas, polêmicas, lolvacas ou qualquer outra discussão em português entre as nossas noninhas.

Previous: >>>/ot/222861
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No. 2426689

Como assim

No. 2431943

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Simplesmente mudaram minha escala e horário depois que me contrataram, vou começar amanhã e tinha sido acordado 5x1 12 até 9 mas agora me mandam mensagem que eu começo das 7 as 15 escala 6x2. Quê????

No. 2435600

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Hmm é mesmo é…

No. 2435602

Erika Hilton primeiro traveco based?

No. 2458187

n existe traveco based nonna. n aguento mais a cara desse tonho em todo ligar, psolsista é de fuder

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No. 1149837[Reply]

Hello, it has occurred to me that a lot of us really have had horrible experiences with therapists and the psychology field in general. This thread is to discuss exactly that, either from personal experience or the way people have seemingly gotten worse after "therapy" (like Pixielocks). Discuss away.
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No. 2453291

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Remembering the one autism psych I had who legitimately believed that watching Glee was a good way to learn high school social dynamics and social skills, to the extent that she prescribed watching the show to patients for this purpose. She had an autistic daughter around my age too, so my heart weeps when I try to think about what other terrible advice that poor girl must have endured growing up.

No. 2456632

So, initially nothing was wrong. I told her about my hatred of human contact, human smells, general "I don't enjoy people" thing. She insisted I had autism. I don't like ketchup due to bullying? "You have autism." I am a nightowl? "You have autism." Take into account I've visited several other psychiatrists and therapists who said I don't qualify for an autism diagnosis due to other factors present (trauma), and generally lacking signature traits. But she was fighting me on it. I would tell her something with a slight inaccuracy, (think "I think it was red" when object is red-orange) and she would derail the session for THIRTY MINUTES Googling the details just to prove me wrong. The sessions were like 45 minutes. And she wanted me to be quiet during.
I'd tried to tell her several times that "I don't recall perfectly" and they were super minute details, nothing significant. (Yes; color and specific years were very common things that set her off into doing this) She's argue with me on everything, rather than allow me to talk. And my favorite one? She'd make up details regarding my history. Several times she'd ask me about something that I never mentioned, something that never happened to me, as if confronting me on some weird headcanon she had. If I mention me and my brother were amicable, she'd go on to say how he perpetuated most of my bullying? But I bullied him due to an undiagnosed issue? (Something to do with rage control and bullying at school) Holy shit she was nuts.

No. 2458065

I decided to delve into self-help and therapy, and downloaded multiple books on psychology, including workbooks on different therapy modalities.
It's so fucking frustrating that all of them put so much emphasis on love and relationships.
"Attachemnt styles this, your partner that."
Fuck off.
I'm a schziod and I literally don't care about relationships. I'm 100% fine by myself. I know it's an important part of other people's lives, but I can't find a single book on the topic that doesn't involve luuuv.
I already have my husbando and hate 3DPD, why do I need relationship if I'm 1000% fine by myself? I had multiple therapists tell me I need a BF. Why? I don't need some annoying pig by my side to feel "healed." And healed from what anyway? Being self-sufficient and happy alone? Oh no, can you imagine the horror? Never feeling lonely and having all the time in the world for work, hobbies and my pets. Truly dreadful existence.
Now, I have things I want to work on, but… not like that.

No. 2458378

I'm a fellow schizoid but the whole point of being schizoid is that you don't think there's anything wrong with you because you can seemingly function. And that's the problem. Not saying you need to find a gross 3dpd moid though, and based for having a husbando kek. The best life. I do wish there was more proper therapy for schizoids or that detached umbrella

No. 2459187

ACT works better than CBT

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No. 2435593[Reply]

Previous: >>>/ot/2405774

Discuss art and related topics such as:
-Talk about Art Youtubers
-Ask about art supplies
-Discuss trashy art trends
-Instagram bullshit
-Art theft!
-General Art Bullshit
-Fandom and Shipping Discourse
-AI generated art (do not shill about your ai trained models key words on a prompt do not make you a artist)
-do not post your art to be reviewed here use the designated m thread
-screencaps are necessary while talking about milk
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No. 2458034

Sorry nona didn’t mean to reply to your post

No. 2458049

>every time there’s ALNST fandom drama over entitled “himejoshi” “lesbian” fans shitting on vivimeng for not centering women enough, those fans are literally troons
Many such cases. Reminds me of how the people sperging out over muh “MLMs and yaoi are NOT for your fetishization!!” are always, ALWAYS he/him tifs. I hate them so much, like you are quite literally the #1 fetishizer of gay men and yaoi and were into it so much that you started identifying as one. These losers became troons because they want authority over yaoi, and obviously being a fan of yaoi as a girl is no good and super icky so they had to become “one of the guys” kek. It’s literally internalized misogyny at that point. Actual gay men don’t give a shit about yaoi discourse.

No. 2458052

So many tifs will literally admit that the “yaoi fan as a child -> trans male as an adult” pipeline is actually true for them. It’s pure insanity and disgusting degeneracy

No. 2458053


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2458054

New thread

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No. 837722[Reply]

Thread for anons recovering or fighting with long terms internet/smartphone/social media/video game addiction and the manifesting problems it causes (ADD, low self-esteem, lack of ability to commit to long terms processes, inability to learn new hobbies and skills, inability to tolerate silence ect). Feel free to also use this thread a support network. Brain training, healthy brain foods, building up gray matter and executive functions back up, unlearning destructive habits ect also covered. Avoiding digital junk information landscape in general (adblockers ect) can also be discussed. Any type of technology or media addiction can be covered, including things like netflix or youtube binging that wouldn't be normally considered addictive.

Ideally this thread could be similar to the health and wellness threads, but for our brains and the type of information we consume.
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No. 2438310

Went well! I got several things done that I had been meaning to do for a long time, but I began to run out of steam near the end. The itch came back. I'm going for a longer streak this time- two weeks, and I'm going to be more strict about what I use.
I completely agree, and I will admit the only time-waster websites I used were YouTube and Reddit. I've managed to squash YouTube into a usable state by having extensions that only show me my subscriptions (which I curate ruthlessly) and no recommendations, but I also use Reddit for certain hobbies and it's very easy for it to "catch" you and waste an hour looking at the most mind-melting shit you've ever seen. I use a time-limit on Reddit to counteract that.
I wish similar dehooking extensions existed for Reddit, but maybe the answer is to just fuck off from Reddit entirely. I was looking for some information two days ago about model rockets and found the answer I was looking for on a small hobby forum post from 2009. I think the information is out there, but it's harder to find now since it's buried under layers and layers of accumulated trash. I will look for some solutions to dealing with Reddit though, and let you all know if I find something useful.

See you all on the 24th! Less YouTube and less Reddit this time. Best of luck to the rest of you.

No. 2439291

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I don't mind the god talk in the Artst's way because it's meant to represent the spirit of creativity. She is clear with that you can call it what you want: A goddess, the universe etc. I get that it can seem too hippie for some, but I don't see how it's culty.
Also I found the excercises inspiring, I did the "write down 5 other lives" and realized that I really should be taking singing lessons again! Singing is something I love that I haven't done in ages.
Good luck nona!
I wish well-moderated old-school forums would become popular again. I recently joined a facebook group for an interest of mine as it was the only option I could find, and it's painful. People act completely retarded even if they write under their real name and photo. So many are older but not wiser users too.

No. 2439314

My reddit solution is using rss feeds to create email digests. Blogtrottr will do it daily for free or you can use feedmail.org for up to monthly. The latter is paid but they give a huge bunch of free credits to start with.

You can make rss feeds by adding .rss to a subreddit, e.g. http://www.reddit.com/r/cats.rss
You can filter it to the top posts using https://old.reddit.com/r/cats/top/.rss?t=month which can be changed to week, year, or all.
You can also subscribe to the comments on a post by just adding .rss to the end of the link, to save you refreshing.

I like this solution as I don’t feel like I am missing out on anything, so there’s no need to check daily. Having the posts via email makes it easier to not get sucked in and seeing them a week later reduces the urge to comment.

When I do click a link, I do it on my laptop where I have adblocked all the distracting links. It looks more like an old forum using this.

The only thing I haven’t found a solution for yet are the AI slop posts (common even on smaller anti-internet subreddits), though these seldom make the top posts, and the awful reddit commenters, which seem to be getting worse as more bots and 12 year olds join the site.

I do something similar for youtube (right click on a channel’s page and ctrl+f rss for the feed). It means I can set the videos to arrive in the evening only which is when I allow myself a couple of hours of watching each day. I use FreeTube to get around adblock being banned and hide comments and other videos.

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No. 2456970

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today i switched back to my "dumb" smartphone. it's a very tiny smartphone that is slow and painful to use (the screen is 3 inches, trying to type is a nightmare and it's a very slow sluggish android system) however, when you NEED a smartphone for banking or google maps etc. it does the job. I had temporarily reverted back to my iphone when I was on a holiday and was worried about relying on the dumber phone. then just never switched back, got addicted to some apps and games again. feels good to get rid of it again.
i've also found and recharged my old paperwhite kindle, nintendo ds and mp3 player. plan on picking up some magazines and choosing a new craft project to work on. so sick of trying to find things to do online, when there is very little left i enjoy here. lc is one of the very few places i kind of like sometimes.
i'm interested in having a permanent desktop setup instead of laptop and wifi, is anyone else just using an ethernet cable?
i second the rss suggestions here. i use inoreader to follow the blogs and some hobby subreddits i like, which prevents me from having to actually go onto reddit, unless i need to read the comments.

No. 2457246

You need to change your typing style nona, it’s easy to tell who this is

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No. 672223[Reply]

For everyone who wants to move on with their life outside of lolcow, aka graduating.
Here is where we thank the website that accompanied us for months or years of our life, and we finally say one last goodbye to never look back. Try to not bring negativity into the thread.
>Your favorite lolcows
>What thread you loved the most
>How much time did you spent here
>What are you looking foward in the future
>Would you come here occasionally
>Etc etc etc

Or the reverse, why you would never quit this place. Please don't infight, don't vent, some people are just trying to stop being neets.
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No. 2456283

awwwwww Jonathan nona your love is the purest I have ever witnessed, you deserve the world (no pun intended). We'll miss you!

No. 2456842

I'm not going to say that it's impossible for a woman to like locking herself in a dog crate and acting like a child as a coping mechanism, but if she decides to post it on social media under a cutesy name doing suggestive poses, she knows what she's doing and she deserves to be called out. The trauma may be genuine but she needs to go to therapy, not be encouraged to sexualize herself. I've never seen anons disagree that CSA can lead to an unhealthy relationship to sex (including being hypersexual) so I'm curious what kind of behaviors you argued about on here.(off-topic)

No. 2456865

ddlg and other things that are often cited as acting out trauma are often using that concept as a shield. hack therapists are the only people who support and encourage that kind of trauma induced behavior. real therapists are supposed to help you find healthy coping methods and heal. it's obviously only able to be used as part of a pathology to experience the trauma on your terms to force a sense of control, but that in itself is ignoring the problem and making it worse.(off-topic)

No. 2456867

csa can alters any adults life forever but when they propagate those same pedophiliac tendencies that harmed them then they become contributor's to the same abuse, no matter of csa justifies you consuming child porn drawn or real nor does it justifies those who then pander to pedophilias, theyre only a victim of their circumstances till their underage when they become adults its their responsibility to deal with that trauma and not to become the abuser in turn, not others job to coddle their gross pedo behavior(off-topic)

No. 2456871

Same, I find them revolting and I'm puzzled by ones who claim its coping for their childhood. How would that not trigger you or induce fight or flight in your body. There are certains things that still make me freeze and tremble and I've done every possible thing I can to not react that way. It's like a physical response I have no mental control of. I couldn't imagine simulating child abuse and saying it was for "comfort purposes" wtf I'd rather die(off-topic)

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No. 2107841[Reply]

You guys remember Kony 2012? Good times. I seriously thought he was some insane war criminal who was father to like 100,000 children across africa and he turned out to just be a picture of a random guy
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No. 2456847

Shoegaze was not a notable aesthetic and only trended extremely niche..?

No. 2456852

i think anon's post actually makes a point though. 2010s was when literally every normie, including tons of children started accessing the internet enmasse due to social
media so they probably "discovered" emojis then. emoji movie came out at the peak of internet mass globalization. truly the downfall of our society.

No. 2456880

Emojis were popular, smartphones were not. Tons of people used emoticons online. Smartphones were not yet accessible or desired by the masses, but a majority of people who were using computer communication used emoticons. Never thought I'd live to see the reverence of emojis wtf

No. 2456888

ntayrt. It might seem crazy what I’m about to say but you can be an adult and also have been a kid during poop emoji era

No. 2457089

Damn, I miss these days…

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No. 2437966[Reply]

A thread for the daft, the dim, the silly and the merely confused.

Previous thread:

Please follow all global rules and remember to report and ignore bait: avoid infighting.

If you want to ask random questions and hear other anons’ personal answers, check out the Random Questions thread instead. This thread is more for asking silly questions and getting concrete answers.
Random Questions thread:
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No. 2457005

No. 2457266

what happened to kikomi?

No. 2457319

Let's say someone has a bottle of flavored booze they bought from iceland in 2018 and it has been stored in relative darkness and hasn't been opened…can that someone (definitely not me) drink it?

No. 2457622

Why are big eyes seen as neotenic? I see more women with huge eyes than children. In fact I feel like I come across more kids with really small eyes.

Most features considered attractive for being “neotenous” seem more pronounced in women than in children, so shouldn’t it just be feminine?
Sorry if this questions seems chronically online.

No. 2457732

Try it who knows

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No. 2041281[Reply]

ITT: post your favourite lyrics or song. What does it mean to you? Why is it memorable? What made it stick with you?

Please follow all the /ot/ board rules and let's have fun sharing some real bangers.

Thread #3: >>>/ot/1440188
Thread #2: >>>/ot/913463
Thread #1: >>>/ot/660956

It's much appreciated if you attach a nice picture to your post that encapsulates the mood of the lyrics or how you hear them.
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No. 2454798

Take your medicaton Roman

No. 2456636

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No. 2456696

Hot damn, hot water, hot shower
Hotlanta, smoking green, cauliflower
Tangerine, yeah, I call her sweet and sour
And my lawyer say it's urgent, I'ma call him in a hour

No. 2456698

well that’s 6 minutes i ain’t gonna get back

No. 2456700

You know you don't have to listen/watch if you're not enjoying it you retard.

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