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No. 1631816
Similar to the Twitter and Reddit thread, we post youtube videos and comments that we hate. Infuriating shit, stupid shit, weird shit. Post away.
Previous thread
>>1092460 No. 1633208
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The youtuber dreading posted a link to this twitter thread speaking out against another youtuber who has managed to get autopsy pictures of a CHILD
victim and is charging his viewers to view the said picture, despite the pictures disgustingly enough being free to view at request by the public as it is considered evidence. true crime people on youtube are typically gross, that's nothing new, but this is a new low. No. 1633330
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>>1633327Didn't he make fun of trannies though? Also he's ugly
No. 1633340
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>>1633330>Didn't he make fun of trannies though?nah, he has the typical lukewarm ''not all trannies'' ''i am not informed enough to have an opinion'' wannabe edgy but not too edgy not to burn the bridges youtuber opinion, when it's obviously he hates troons but its too afraid to say it. Youtubers have gotten cancelled for less so i dont understand why this faggot hasnt been yet despite his association and outright encouragement of a pedo site. Tehehe guys posting cp so funny, boys will be boys tehe, but a woman?! sleeping with her 18yo student?! nah man that's so disturbing, can someone think of the man's feelings?
No. 1633360
>>1631818KEK anon this is great, you have people casually talking about dying on the streets and then this woman with the sad piano music (very comedic, nice touch).
> she/they nonbinary gender-fluid individualSo does she eat pussy or no? I would laugh so fucking hard if she’s just a straight woman who is calling herself “queer”. Does anyone know?
No. 1633746
>>1633327He wants to be the internets little brother. He wants to stay on the "Normie" side of youtube to grift and keep making money. While also really wanting to be in with the Kiwimoids/4chans/edgy crowd. You never win with these scrotes. It's just like the woke crowd. You know how not being "Woke" enough gets you cancelled? Well not being "Edgy" enough does that. Kiwimoids were already whining about him not misgendering when he had Null on and correcting him. I find it hilarious how he and Destiny, are against misgendering troons, Destiny still defends troons mostly, but both have done streams with Null, a white supremacist who is known for being a troon slayer via his site(kek). It's weird how all that was brushed over in Destiny's community and whatever community TT has.
The most well known Edgy Commentary youtubers noticably do not talk shit about troons. They'll make racial jokes, sexism is a give, even rape/CSA jokes, but they'll never disrespect a troons pronouns and are very easy on troons. To be fair a lot of them are chasers, so it's sexual vs. "I don't wanna lose my channel" like TT.
He is a male pick me, but he's not even putting in the effort kek.
No. 1634657
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>>1633913Looks like someone complained to him or he read your comment lol
No. 1634923
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>>1634884I don't understand why that retarded cuck got so
triggered over chad chad considering she has very lukewarm or reasonable opinions.
No. 1634953
>>1634880That's a man baby
Also he either looks ten years older than her or he's just ugly
No. 1635328
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i hate when youtubers always make the same dumb exaggerated expression in every single thumbnail.
No. 1635336
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>>1635332That’s what most youtubers do, they just recycle the soyface
No. 1635662
I hate how every grown woman on YouTube eventually picks up the same mannerisms. It's like there are a half dozen personalities you can choose from, and that's it.
>>1634923A lot of scrotes get super
triggered by Chad Chad. I think she hits their self preservation instinct, because she's not a living stereotype, and they desperately wish she was some unfunny dimwit danger hair millennial.
No. 1636133
>>1635796I agree nona, she’s gotten a bit too like uppity lately. She’s pretty average so I’m surprised she used to compete in local beauty pageants.
I used to play her vids in the bg but now I find myself skipping over her content, idk it seems so soulless now. I was curious to watch her AX vid but she never striked me as someone into anime and she’s probably gonna regurgitate the same shit everyone was saying of how packed it was and how long the lines were
No. 1636220
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I feel like such a bitch for thinking this but this woman's face is absolutely repulsive in every single one of her thumbnails and I don't know why she keeps doing this to herself. She looks disgusting, why would anyone want to watch her? I am so sorry for thinking in such a gross way, but she has triggered something in me kek
No. 1636222
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>>1636220i immediately thought of picrel when i saw her
No. 1636460
>>1635796i agree with
>>1636117 her longwinded way of talking is bothering me so much, it feels like she never really has a script for what she wants to say? i like some of her videos but i can't keep track of her stuff because having to listen to her is so tiring. like just get to the point, girl.
>>1636133>she used to compete in local beauty i never would have guessed that. maybe she looks different all made up for a pageant but she always makes me think of horses because of her teeth…
>>1636220her face pisses me off just as much as that guy with the reaction persona that's just a white blob that looks like those pon & zi emo mascots.
No. 1636464
>>1635796She reminds me of a friend I used to have so I have a bit of fondness for her
her videos are a mixed bag. I liked her Temu and Shein videos and her video on Deuxmoi, I don't mind that she's not very scripted, but some of them I don't find very interesting
No. 1636677
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>>1635796I don't understand the appeal to her videos. Her videos are so boring and have no personality that she can make a 20 minute long video feel like it's an hour long. She has a video going to a porn event and that made me just straight up hate her. She's obviously obsessed with content creation and the entertainment industry in general so she has to know the evil shit that cannot be separated from the porn industry. I just can't deal with women who support that shit. Amanda also comes across as the type of person to post about herself on lc or make hate comments about herself so she can vaguely mention it in her boring videos kek.
>>1636220I feel bad for her because she had to deal with that ugly amongus scrote but she kinda looks like picrel.
No. 1638656
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why is this recommended to me
No. 1638672
>>1638662Hate to break it to you but you are also the target demographic
nonnie because I have never gotten bluey content once. In fact the only time I’ve seen that thing was on my tv homepage lol.
No. 1638689
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I hate Stephanie soos husband and don’t think she should marry him. It’s stupid because I watch her channel religiously and I’m excited for her marriage videos and do think they make a cute couple. But it IRKS me that he refuses to show his face. Like I get it privacy and all that but like this dude is in EVERY VIDEO shoving the camera in everyone elses face. Hell even the babies of the family and they deff didn’t consent to this. It’s also wild to me too because he isn’t afraid to show his parents face, his sister and her fiancé’s faces hell even his grandma and grandpa got shown! That’s what bothers me! People say he works a job dealing with money so he can’t show his face. But I call bs! Not to mention he is always trying to make himself the center of attention in every vlog by pulling the stupidest pranks at the most awkward times and never reading the room! Or even in her podcast hell completely kill the flow by asking Stephanie the most stupid question that she literally just got finished answering if he was LISTENING.
Also he is constantly shoving the camera in everyone’s face to the point where you can see how annoyed the family is with it after awhile. I just think if you want to be anon online you should be ANON online! Not have your future wife’s entire family and yours on your vlogs but you are oh too good!
It’s also just stupid seeing bridal photos with a big panda sticker. Just goofy but I still watch so what does that make me!?
No. 1638692
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>>1636220The puffy face and overdone makeup reminds me of yungcynical
No. 1638695
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>>1638656>OnlyLeigh Now that's a name I haven't thought about in a decade. Her stuff was so tied to pop and fandom culture of the 2010s. She seems to have started uploading again a month ago. It would be interesting to see how it will work in the 2020s
No. 1638711
>>1638659aryt ok to be fair I do watch simpsons clips on youtube so maybe thats why youtube thinks I like cartoons lol. I'm just tired of everyone trying shill a show made for toddlers to me just because I like one adult cartoon that had its heyday back in the 90s. I just find Bluey's rapid success weird. Not to sound like a grandma but I don't get why people nowadays are so obsessed with infantasing themselves. I often hear people use escapism as an argument but people never used toddlers media to cope with the horror of reality in the past. The post-WWI period is infamous for being an extremely bleak period where everyone had given up on life and even then people didn't pretend to be toddlers. The 60-70 was a period where the public became very aware of social issues and injustice. some
extremely stupid movements where created during that time but even then we didn't have a bunch of adults who spend all their time watching sesame street to cope with life. I know we live in distressing times but this is not the first time in history that 20-30 year olds becomes fed up with the world around them. I know I'm looking too much into it and it's not that deep but I just don't get it
No. 1638892
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I hate YouTube's new ui now. The new playlist section is less user friendly and doesn't even show all of your playlists. It takes more steps to do the same things
No. 1641788
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Somebody save that child poor child from her degen parents.
No. 1641958
>>1638689i don't like her. it's so embarrassing that she's this age and suddenly made being korean (or worse, being basically everything asian) her persona after she noticed how popular kpopshit got with young kids online. and as retarded as niko avocado is, she came across as so manipulative and wannabe
victim back then.
No. 1642544
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Does anyone else keep getting this TIFs video recommended to them? I don't even watch videos about psychology or troonshit. It's really annoying… but the thumbnail made me cry laughing the first time I saw it, so I guess I cant complain kek. Why are they always so clockable?
No. 1642614
>>1642563I wonder the same, only the most unstable fuckers study psychology, like, friend, you need a psychologist, you can’t help other people sort their shit if you need help with your own shit.
They all think that because they didn’t tell everyone at middle school that kacey shat her pants in elementary school during the graduation ceremony, that it means they could be amazing at helping other people.
No. 1642625
>>1642613idk why theyd think that unless theyre literally like 10 years old though. sitting through lectures about freud isn't going to help you manipulate people kek, serial killers and abusers do a great job manipulating their
victims and id venture to say that pretty much none of those have psych degrees
>>1642614it's like they have 0 hope of even helping their own sorry asses but somehow they think they can save other people kek. as if im going to feel comfortable walking into a therapists office and being greeted by a greasy themlet with an anime tshirt on, testosterone pube stache and a can of monster energy on their desk
No. 1642763
>>1642563took a lot of psych classes in college since i do find it interesting (majored in biology) and i fucking hate psych majors. first, psych courses are some of the EASIEST courses you could ever take in college, it's a bunch of vocabulary and you will hear the same studies brought up over and over again ad nauseum. the majority of things brought up you will have already heard before if you ever had an interest in psychology and can easily be memorized by applying it to real-life situations. i cannot believe how psych majors struggled with these courses but they do. they are retarded, i took them for easy A's and i never had to study jack shit. it's the default major for someone who doesn't know what they want to do. psych majors also always came off as extremely sheltered people to me, and yes they always have tons of issues they don't mind dumping onto you the second you say hi out of politeness. they're retarded, useless, lack any real skill in anything, lack life experience, and the zoomer ones are all libfems who are all "muh depreshun" and "muh anxiety~".
i even had a prof with a PhD in neuropsychology who i otherwise respected, but she got some basic biology facts incorrect.
No. 1645465
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No. 1651185
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I'm resisting the urge to a-log
No. 1652047
>>1651785her viewers are predominantly female, she was talking about a female dominated hobby and i hadn't seen comments be off on any other videos of hers. it seemed
sus and out of place
No. 1652447
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Guess they're already blocking adblock users. I use Brave as my browser which has in built ad blocking and videos only load with the Shield down (the function that blocks ads)
No. 1653585
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>>1653573this is the most boring channel i've come across this year.
No. 1653679
>>1653611Eh, yeah it's shitty, but all these companies in design, architecture and related fields are financially
abusive kek, adobe might be somewhat accessible for first worlders but still, autodesk is expensive as fuck, etc. I'd argue that their color of the year thing is shadier.
>>1653630Like the other anon said their catalogue changes, the same color will be going by a different name next year, new colors will be added, so on, plus not all of their colors are reproduceable by CMYK. Printing is annoying as fuck because (unless you work on an Apple or something) the color on the screen and the print do not look the same, if you have a pantone catalogue in hands you can look at it and say "this here is the color that I need" and you will already know what it'll look like irl, if you are setting the CMYK yourself, you need to keep testing and going back to adjust it in the computer, because, again, screen and print do not look the same. But even if you do have an apple computer and the colors do look like the real deal on screen, printing houses can be untrustworthy bastards and mess up your CMYK, so it's useful to just have a spot color that they won't fuck up, that's more relevant for big companies working in different places which makes checking if everything is matching harder.
No. 1653795
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>>1653713Reposting a tldr from the breadtube thread
>This is the worst breadtube video I have yet seen, to call it misinformation would be an understatementThe title of the video is "The Gay Body Image Crisis" by James Somerton, now seemingly its a video essay about gay people's body image issues, but in actuality its just bizarre venting against fit guys through ahistorical revisionism. Long post incoming. 1/2
>So the main narrative presented throughout the essay is that physical fitness, exercise and bodybuilding were invented by the Nazis, based on antique statues and then bought to the US by gay soldiers, where it shaped first the gay sub culture and later became the mainstream image among the heteros. There are a few obvious problems with these statements. Modern fitness training in the US started about a hundred years before the Nazis, In addition, the bronze era of bodybuilding, began with Sandow before the turn of the century: predating the WW2 and the Nazis, So Americans, gay or straight, hardly needed inspiration from the SS in regard to body image and exercise.>He also makes a claim that the BMI formula was specifically invited by white supremacist and used by Nazis to find an ideal solider bodytype, so again the BMI predates the Nazis and while the tables were developed after WW2, and they were based on mortality studies. The normal weight category was the one with the lowestmortality rate, not the one closest to a SS-Supersoldier>The most absurd claim he makes is that he states Ernst Röhm(early member of the Nazi Party and leader of the SA the the early Nazi Party's militia) was killed because he was fat and hence didn't fit the image of the ideal man, while the party politics surrounding the so called Röhm coup are not even mentioned. Somerton leaves out the fact that one of Röhms greatest rivals, one who talked Hitler into killing him, was Hermann Göring – a man even just as fat as Röhm. Seriously, of course this was about power, not body image.>at the end of the video Somerton, based on this misleading historical narrative, try's to shame people for being into fit people because that's what "Hitler thought was perfect." like the bodies in the clips he uses are not that uncommon in young men, that's the bodytype of most fit healthy young men that can be found in any race, >like guess who also heavily idealized the muscular body in their propaganda,: The Soviets, as it indeed was associated with workers. No. 1653865
>>1653795Oh god
nonnie I totally forgot that this video was already posted in the breadtube thread on snow, but now I remember. kek my mistake.
>>>/snow/1733394 No. 1654249
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>>1653657I hate that guys dinosaur channel avatar. It's just Dipper Pine's colors lazily slapped onto a dinosaur, it just looks gross.
No. 1655442
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They can't be serious(racebaiting)
No. 1657945
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I don't know if anyone here remembers the Island Boys but they went viral in 2021 for some song they made.
Now currently they do only fans and weird stuff with each other.
And yes they are biologically related.
No. 1657954
>>1657945Kek, they were talking so much shit to people trying to teach them how to maintain their wealth and now they are THIS desperate, kek.
>>1657949Agree, they look so gross, anybody who faps to them has brain damage.
No. 1658126
>>1631818Kek I live in Portland and they're making it sound a lot more interesting than it actually is here, the moids in the video is fucking batshit for going up to homeless drug addicts and starting conversations though.
Just got to the queer part and the part where she starts talking about her tiktok account hooooly shit.
No. 1658619
>>1658613You can I Hate You Fat Lizzo while also acknowledging that these allegations are false, opportunistic, and make a mockery of actual sexual harassment
victims. I don't think I could ever consider Lizzo an intelligent or even likable person for dickriding Chris brown but I would never purposely throw her under a bus over something so obviously fake and I think the people who are hated her all along and just feel safe enough to say so. The men who are jumping on this are RETARDED though. Shut the fuck up about Lizzo your kind rape kids and kill everybody, worry about that.
No. 1659681
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I hope he falls.
No. 1659773
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I did the mistake of watching one of these essay videos and now I get them recommended.
Edvasian has some good videos tho.
No. 1660022
>>1658642>>1659267NTA but he got a comment on his style and he credited marsha p johnson for his fashion inspiration lol. Because wearing nail polish and a pearl necklace is very trans apparently. I think he's a plain straight guy too so he's just apeing off the trans trend. This was a few years ago and people still stitch him/comment "you look like marsha p johnson" or "does this guy remind you of marsha p johnson?" it
triggered him so badly he blocked any mention of it on his socials
No. 1660030
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>>1660022samefag to add a stitch of his original tiktok
No. 1660640
>>1660022>>1660030Thank you, nonita, you are my hero. Have a kiss if you want one mwah
Hard agree this tard should not be commenting on women at all kek
No. 1662651
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>>1662549Just googled him and fuck, he used to be THIS cute? A tragedy truly, I guess twink death hit him hard.
No. 1664055
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This made me cringe so bad. I used to watch his videos from time to time, what made him so creepy lately?
No. 1664069
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>>1664055He's always been turbo autistic, he was a brony before becoming a cartoon youtuber. It makes me angry that he was the first cartoon youtuber to reach 1mil. It should have been Pan, but saberspark shits out lazy unfunny garbage weekly and that's what the algorithm wants. I used to watch him too, but he became so lazy. I dropped him when instead of writting a script and editing a video he started to lazyly pass off cuts of twitch streams as videos. He also has the most generic, milquetoast, borderline untrue opinions. Pan videos were always interesting because he would go in depth behind the scenes, talk about the animation as an artist, and wasnt afraid to admit to liking certain things despite not being ''good''. It's a shame he stopped making cartoon videos, the other cartoon youtubers seem more interested in making 5 hours long white noise videos that kiddies with adhd put in the background while playing minecraft than actually making videos about animation. I know i am sucking Pan's cheese dick too much, but he's the only cartoon youtuber that actually gave a shit about animation. None of those dorks at the top would make a video about an unknown animator like tony luke or make a video promoting a passion project like spine of night.
No. 1665094
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>>1665092This annoying asshole
No. 1665106
>>1662309I just can't stand these troon voices. Every single TiM sounds exactly the same with that forced feminine nasal sound and that deep bass in the back.
Can you link what he sounded like before? Why the fuck does he have only 2 videos on his channel? Please don't tell me whoever this person is nuked his channel because he trooned out lol. I hate it when trannies do that when they're so public. It's not like people can't reupload or find old clips if they really want to.
No. 1665337
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I follow workout videos on YT daily (only from female channels), so it decides to shove endless "moid critiquing what women eat" videos in my feed. I don't even watch nutrition/diet videos. One day I want to funnel my rage into making a moid filter browser extension.
No. 1666598
>>1666555Exactly. I don't get why they try to pander to people actually struggling with money. Stay in your lane and make cooking videos using all the fancy techniques and ingredients you want, nothing wrong with that. Hell I wouldn't even mind
>>1666532 if he didn't try to be uwu relatable.
No. 1667900
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SL04N has the audacity to use women's pain and abuse content for clicks with bait titles and has even lately started dabbling in conspiracy theories. I had no idea that he had defamed Amber Heard last year until recently because I only saw his channel crop up a couple months ago in my recs. I thought he was a nice guy and he tried so hard to lean into that kindness angle, other than some factual errors and mispronounciations. He also has a podcast.
I sent him something about an abuser and he ignored me, so that really tells me what he thinks of survivors and that he's using pain for clicks and only caring about what gives him clout. An actual survivor who isnt famous sends him something about a Hollywood abuser who he's talked about before, and he ignores her pleas for help. But he'll totally have Alexa Nikolas on his podcast because she can give him clout. Disgusting man.
Despite his criticism and using Britney Spears pain, Kesha's pain, Jim Carreys abuse of his ex GF for clicks, he's also defended Johnny Depp, Kanye West and is prone to cheap, poorly researched conspiracy drivel these days. Maybe he meant well in the beginning or he's always been a grifter. I just feel this sick knot in my stomach knowing he claims to stand with survivors and yet he ignores them. So a personal fuck you to him as well
No. 1668194
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>>1667900Especially this disinformation and propaganda bullshit he recently shat out.
Is he really going to try and peddle to the QAnon Satanic Panic buffoons after having what seemed like genuine guests on his podcast?
Alexa Nikolas, I am begging you never to interview with this man again.
No. 1668718
>>1668708This is so true and I think about it a lot bc I love going to those places, but at the same time people are just so internet addicted that they don’t
want to go out anymore unless it’s to work solo on a laptop. Our library has a little cafe and extra stuff that caters to teens in hopes of attracting them to use it as a hang out spot, but it’s always a fucking ghost town in there. I went to a coffee shop that hosts an artists hangout after typical working hours with free coffee and I was the only person there. I go to tech meetups and most of the people there are only bc they’re unemployed trying to network.
No. 1668756
>>1668708Now that I’m listening there’s plenty of bullshit in here
>everything is geared towards adults liberating themselves from kidsLiterally where? Even brew houses and wineries are crawling with kids.
>there’s nowhere to go that isn’t a $50 spend minimumBoba is less than $5. Skate parks and library are free. The mall is free.
No. 1668799
>>1668756>malls are terrible because they kick out teens who get rowdy!Yes, you can’t act like annoying assholes in indoor places. Bad behavior shouldn’t be dismissed, learning to be civilized is part of growing up.
>the bougies totally get uncomfortable by the presence of poors and have them sent away. This totally happens in real life, all the timeThis guy is a self-admitted shut in and it really shows kek. The whole video is co-opting black issues and using it to excuse gen z laziness and phone addiction
No. 1668810
>>1668756Sage for no one cares and just conjecturing here because I'm not watching the video, but going from my minuscule knowledge on urban design, these seem like twisting or oversimplification of common criticisms of public and urban spaces.
>everything is geared towards adults liberating themselves from kidsRather than liberating, what I've seen being criticized is ignoring that that people have kids and that if you want people to take part in public space and community, you need to take that in consideration and that kids are also a part of society and should also have their public spaces and urban design that considers their needs. But I've mostly seen this been brought up when speaking especially of mothers, especially of single mothers and especially of working class and poor mothers. AKA people might not have someone to leave their kids with while they attend something else or cannot afford paying someone to look after the kids. Of course that's not compatible parents dragging their kids to some preppy overpriced brewery, I personally think it's kind of a dick move to the kids too.
>>there’s nowhere to go that isn’t a $50 spend minimum>Boba is less than $5. Skate parks and library are free. The mall is free.I guess there's somewhat of a cultural factor here, because indeed burgers seem pretty prone to go out for treating themselves even when they claim to be poor. When we speak of a the whole population there are people who can't and wont participate in social events even if they are seemingly cheap. Other than that, a public space like a square just being there isn't enough, they need to actually welcome people and make themselves useful but modern architecture and urbanism have many times chose to do the exact opposite, the most obvious example being anti-homeless urban furniture that shoos away everyone, not just the homeless.
I think I was going to say something else but whatever, not meaning to argue with you, anon, just that the things he's saying might have an origin that actually makes sense, even if what he says is stupid. Like yeah no need to waste 50 bucks just to go out.
No. 1668879
>>1668810I agree with a bunch of stuff he’s saying in isolation but the way he tries to tie most of it to teens is retarded and nonsensical. Like I agree there aren’t enough cool places to hang out that aren’t for drinking or music. I agree that classism sucks. But what does a grown ass homeless man getting removed from mcdonalds have to do with teens? Nothing. What does housing market being pro-capitalism and the theory that it distracting from “the working class” (ie living comfortable enough to own a house) taking political action have to do with teens
as a group? Like yes I believe racism is real and 100% the violence in
poc communities (which wasn’t mentioned in the video ? Lol) is probably contributing to their fear of going out, but they’re still minorities and this is supposed to be about
teens as a group. The ones living in houses in suburbs or city are the majority and the ones most capable of hanging out easily, and yet they don’t. But the video just paints them with the same brush
No. 1668909
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>>1668895For those unaware, a fairly popular asmrists YouTuber(angelicasgrass/angelica ASMR) went off the rails and seemingly became a conservative christian. She basically got into environmentalism, then folk spiritualism, and then to Christianity. She lost a lot of her viewers over this, especially due to her homophobic, anti-porn, and twansphoic posts. Regardless of how you feel about it, people are now calling her a fascist Nazi because of this turn.
No. 1669066
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What's with this faggot? I'm not watching the video in its entirety because I hate that fake high voice American(ized) faggots put on.
No. 1669102
>>1668895pretty sure he's headed in this direction, hence the sound of freedom disinformation video and the satanic panic celeb vids. I didn't see this video but someone said in one of his vids he said he was "persecuted" for being a christian like stfu
wouldn't be the first time some micro celeb made a hard veer right to pander to a certain audience, there's an audience in marketing to idiots who believe non existent conspiracies and every blind item they read ie him using every enty lawyer blind as gospel with no nuance or second thought. sure some of those blinds may be true but others, utter bs and also stolen. enty is notorious for stealing and Sloan is an idiot not to know his celebrity gossip sources and pick and choose what to believe instead of believing everything he reads. probably doesn't, it's just for pandering. point taken, I realize how low effort his videos are now looking back.
No. 1669139
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>>1669102I don't think it's about pandering, as creators who go full extremist tend to lose more viewers. I think they genuinely fall for these conspiracies and bizarre ideologies, and it's not exclusively "right-wing". That's why I said "red-brown" instead of fascist, as I have noticed there's a general a convergence of what are far-right and far-left views with modern conspiratorial types, a lot of radfems(I mean actual radical feminists and not just moderate women who are anti-troon) are falling down this path as well, cause they are already conspiracy minded people who believe in absolutes, so that mentality can easily be shifted to jewish people or specific politicians.
No. 1669487
>>1669465Discovering NotJustBike and other urbanist channels made me realize how North America is a vast emptiness of suburbia and seas of parking lot. There is also another urbanist channel I like that is related to NJB and talks about the same topics but he's one of those "leftist" moids that occasionally dunks on karens and is probably a troon chaser, so I can't recommend his channel, even if I agree with his points.
Instead, I recommend this woman's channel, mainly focusing on architecture and urban planning and how our environment shapes who we are as people. This video is related to nona's topic and she probably summarized and explained it more succinctly than whatever drivel that moid is going on about.
>>1667835Late reply, but no this was in a corporation, and they sometimes do "inclusivity meetings and training" hence highly educated people end up supporting troon nonsense, unfortunately.
No. 1669489
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>>1669139>>1668895I really hate to admit that I agree with picrel, but it's half-right. For the majority of women, spiritualism (any and all of it) is basically the pipeline for trad-shit. Like radical feminism, came from Marxism, it is a scientific analysis which sets it apart and allows it to exist. Spiritual woo-woo, on the other hand, is focused on base emotions and an imagined utopia. I swear I have seen this in real-time. Spiritualism leads to goddess worship, which leads to Mary worship, which goes to Christianity.
No. 1669721
>>1669139True, but it can lead down a slippery slope of people unironically starting to become bigots. My issue with SL04N is he admitted he's felt "persecuted" as a Christian before, looking back his research is flimsy, and he doesn't even try to do basic fact checking. Zeroing in on his celebrity videos, he picks and chooses targets at random then stops speaking about them when the time is convenient.
I was seemingly grateful to the idea that I first discovered him through his videos about abused women in the entertainment industry - and one of those was bringing light to Cat White's death, considering Jim Carrey tries so hard to historically revise his girlfriends accusations- but then I realized he was just using her pain for views. The original title of the video also insinuated he murdered her. Then he made a cheap video addressing the possibly untrue Ariana Grande Jim rumors using of all things, blind items, and his actual "EXPOSING JIM" video barely scratches the surface of how offensive Carrey is. I'm using one example as key, but he's done this with multiple other celebrities where his research is flimsy, the man completely butchers the pronunciation of names, he hardly deep dives into it.
Sloan is as tawdry, tactless and sexist as any other scrotum who makes gossip videos, so it's especially annoying to see him coat it in a sense of self righteousness. Playing
victim when people threatened to sue him (rightfully, in the case of what I was believe the Bob Saget video, and wrongfully, in Nick Carter's case, fuck Nick Carter, he's disgusting). And now he not only has a successful YouTube channel, his turning a dime off women's pain has extended to a fucking podcast where he interviewed multiple survivor women? Fuck you, dude, you don't represent us. Tell me that when you actually read what survivors who aren't famous send you, coward.
No. 1669968
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Zoomers reinventing sexism as usual. As if they're not always complaining about the gender binary.
No. 1670260
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Linus Tech Tips is under fire for claims of factual inaccuracies in their product reviews, and allegations of toxic work environment and sexual harassment from a female former employee. Thoughts?
No. 1670280
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Context is a video on invincible talking about a female character who sexually assaults the main male character. And men wonder why female on male sexual assault isn't taken seriously
No. 1670286
>>1670260I believe her. There's some more details about this in /snow/
>>>/snow/1882556and a cap from a former employee calling out LTT even before this happened
>>>/snow/1882885 No. 1670301
>>1670280men don’t create DV shelters for themselves, don’t create rape
victim advocacy groups, don’t support or back up male CSA
victims, and have made the ongoing issue of catholic priests committing CSA with little boys into a worldwide joke but yeah, they definitely care and women definitely don’t.
No. 1670714
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>>1669968no one let her find out about 80s movies she's gonna transwash every single male on it
No. 1670869
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>>1670859I literally don't get moids. They have the entire Internet to know that women prefer lean, non-steroid freaks men, and yet they literally destroy themselves over body dysmorphia on par with ED. Most girls and women don't have insane standards. Just have a clear face, not-fat body and full head of hair, and you'll be considered a heartthrob.
No. 1670882
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>>1670869And mind you, all of these boys are going to be bald and look like big toes by 35, essentially squandering any opportunity to age well or take care of themselves to look like thumb thumbs with flipped hair. Girls starve themselves and boys (checks paper) um take a cocktail of stacks and experimental chemicals to lose all their hair and have no discernable neck by 40.
No. 1670958
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>>1670859Judging by picrels gynocomastia they might be 'roiding too. I think gyno is somewhat common for teenage males, but when it's a teenage male who happens to be a fitfag who's buying boner pills to take before a workout… yeah, he's definitely on a PED of some sort. I'm a bodybuilder myself, and it seems like way more young guys are on gear these days. It's almost always the worst type of gymbros though, so… meh.
No. 1671243
>>1671219well bisexual women exist (hi), and it definitely feels like more women are open about being bi
>>1671236well this could be true too, men will fuck ham sandwiches and their own pillows
but I was also just referring to how weirdly homoerotic men get when they're talking to other men or complimenting them like when they get jealous or start praising other men and hyperfixating on them in an almost sexual manner
No. 1671392
>>1671236Men aren't more mechanical, they're just more desperate and a random woman will be able to get a man aroused even if she's not "his type" but the same doesn't work for women because men usually put less effort into looking hot and the average naked man isn't attractive at all.
Tldr: men are desperate and women put more effort into their looks by average so most men can feel attraction to most women.
No. 1671571
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>>1671197that's not true, i have never seen women change their apperance to appeal to lesbians or go through olympic level mental gymnastics to justify how liking pic rel ''isnt gay''. If anything straight women are the supreme straight people and ''straigth'' moids are all a little bit bicurious. Men unironically think liking pic rel is gayer than jacking off to astolfo. Men are all bisexual, and realizing it sucks.
No. 1671620
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comments on a video of the sentencing of mackenzie shirilla who killed her boyfriend and his friend in a car crash. why do they behave like they walk around terrified a woman is going to randomly kill them in a car crash? like thats a thing that happens often? its so unrelevant to the story or am i just dumb? men cause about 6 million crashes a year while women cause around 4 million.
No. 1671805
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>>1671620The type to attack her son's gf for the son's failings. But it's also just picrel type of people everywhere on the internet. The type that have to make a post about how they "hugged their baby and cried" because they've seen news of some child dying in another country in a freak accident.
No. 1671917
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Lghdtv zoomers/millennials and media illiteracy, name a more iconic duo. Jokes aside this is such an insincere understanding of the story of the manga in the thumbnail, "I'm inside Mari" by Oshimi Shuuzo. Which is about a highschool girl who deludes herself that she switched bodies with the local 20 yo neet because she envys the perceived easiness of his life, and she copies his behaviors and fully believes his soul is truly inside her body and she's totally him while her real self and soul is lost and can never be found. She did this severe dissociation to run away from her life and her abusive mom. And while there are some sexual and gender related subplotlines, the manga was never about gender and being trans.
No. 1671926
>>1671917Samefagging to add for the majority of the story we are lead to believe the switch actually happened, until the man in the girl's body meets his body thinking it probably has her soul in it and they can switch back, but it turns out himself is still himself and her soul is just lost. Then the reveal that she made this whole thing up in her head happens, and it turns out he wasn't a pervert
since she masturbated in front of a mirror and sexualized herself a lot when she thought she was him and it never was him inside her body, but funny how troons see that and think "wow that's literally me", very telling about them.
No. 1672035
>>1670260I kinda remember Linus bringing his daughters along to a build-a-PC kind of video, and it struck me as odd how he was comparing his younger daughter to his older one, something along the lines of oh youre so much smarter than your sister.
idk why but that made me so sick to my stomach, and i kinda stopped watching his stuff. it probably means nothing and im just a sensitive snowflake lol but idk i kinda felt so bad for the older girl, i mean does she listen to that often at home?
No. 1675762
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Hey any anons here keeping up with the Dillon, Nina and Logan drama? It has to be one of the worst cases of targeted harassment I've seen recently. I really feel sorry for her and I hope her mental health is OK since I've seen people committing su¡cid over extreme hate like this.
Also of course a ugly little goblin who looks like his daddy worked at a cartel would stoop to targeting someone's spouse.
No. 1675783
>>1675762can you give a tldr
>logancan't be good, this scrote sucks so fucking much
No. 1675796
>>1675783Basically Logan and Dillon are supposed to have a boxing match and Dillon has resorted to targeting Logan's fiancée. He has been posting (mostly twitter) for more than 2 weeks and still keeps on posting about his fiance, he has posted many photoshoped images of her too but many people think those are real, he is also threatening to post revenge porn of her, calling her a roast beef whore,
slut etc, editing her body onto animals etc. Because of that everyone else is also engaging in targeting her and almost every post about her on social media is calling her vile names and her social media is being spammed with people telling her what a worthless whore she is and that she should let them fuck her.
Also my summary does it no justice because if you go and look for yourself it's way more extreme.
I understand people don't like Logan, but his fiancée did nothing to deserve this level of harassment.
No. 1675885
>>1675762This is acrually getting out of hand. Men are now starting to create fake deepfake nudes of her and passing them of as real.
This is kinda reaching…sexual harassment?
No. 1676139
>>1653859It's not only those, but the seemingly completely straight-passing and single or het-partnered moids who act like they aren't interested in men in the slightest but run grotesque fetish blogs on tumblr (BDSM, master/slave, etc) behind closed doors.
>>1670901Kek, good, they deserve to get a taste of their own medicine. Now he knows what it feels like to be the target of a creepy, pervy, old moid.
No. 1677031
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Youtube Music is removing "Unofficial" song tracks
if you have ANY special version of a song that isn’t the official version by the artist; slowed, nightcore, sped up, bass boosted, YouTube music will now replace that in your playlist automatically.
No. 1679489
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"Some of my favorite moomins in the wild include these anti nazi and anti terf stickers" This baldass bastard.. i just wanted to watch a video about moomins. How hard is it to make a video without inserting woman hating views?! Glad to have an adblock on..
No. 1680535
>>1671938i actually read that manga a few months ago and thought it was really enjoyable and interesting. spoilers for later but
mari seems to be a lesbian who can't cope with her sexual desire for other women. so her projecting on that ugly neet is also her way of expressing her being attracted to other women because she has deluded herself into thinking that it's not her acting on her desires, it's the neet. there really is zero troon shit in there though and anyone who reads up to a certain chapter understands this.
No. 1681703
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>>1635328i was curious about gossip regarding lesser cow-y youtubers (think safiya, mia maples, hopescope) and there was a thread discussing hopescope. it was pretty short and benign except for someone talking about how they dislike her scrote… and he seriously replied to the comment and apologized for coming across as creepy? ew.
also i didn't know that hope was mormon kek
No. 1681739
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I'm resisting the urge to a-log
No. 1681744
>>1680361Maybe you'll like this channel advice sounds good and realistic and I like the way her body looks, but I suspect she uses steroids.
No. 1681747
>>1680535Never saw it that way, that's an interesting way to look at it. Also
didn't she have some girl interested in her as well? I can't remember if they end up together or not though. but I have a hard time believing that's the intention since the author is a massive coomer imo, he probably only wrote a lesbian relationship to fab to unfortunately
I still read his stuff though, it's my guilty pleasure. And I'm enjoying a trail of blood so far and the mom is based No. 1683123
File: 1693455353646.jpg (679.06 KB, 1079x2063, Screenshot_20230830_211306_You…)

I really hate this chick. One day she just kept appearing in my recommendations and I hate her videos. Her weird body checking and disordered eating that she tries to pass off as healthy is so stupid. One minute everyone is saying she has an eating disorder then the next minute she makes a video where she claims she's "healing her eating habits" or some dumb bs and everyone starts praising her lol. I find her so stupid and irritating.
I also understand that for some people, using special dog shampoo on a dog isn't common knowledge but what a fucking idiot. If you're going to foster a dog surely you would have come across that.
No. 1683312
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>>1677031I knew I was right to archive my favorite remixes and AMV. Also fuck YouTube for trying to do this. It’s shit
No. 1683527
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Jesus Christ the amount of mental gymnastics is this video is enough to fill a football field
No. 1684175
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anyone else irrationally hate daily dose of internet? i hate his voice and people in the comments thanking him for his "effort" in making content when he barely does any research and sometimes gives out misinformation. people commend him for always asking permission to use the clips in his videos but that's the bare minimum. in his latest video there apparently was a youtube glitch and picrel was his comment. "millions of people will never see this one" "i probably should not have uploaded today" boo fucking hoo. i'm so sad that he's losing out on potential views and $$$. enough with the pity fishing. then again it's my fault for being curious and clicking on his videos kek
No. 1684249
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>>1675762I think it's fascinating how much this drama seems to be rooted in envy and wanting to destroy/taint something seemingly beautiful. It's like men get off on the illusory power they get when they deem a woman who is superior to them in terms of attractiveness and status impure and inferior. Men get off on humbling women they deem lesser than them as well, but the urge to psychologically destroy and humiliate a less attractive woman doesn't seem as.. Sadistic, entertaining and driven by revenge as it does when they find a reason to attack a beautiful woman. There's a bald, 5'7" guy on Youtube named Better Bachelor who covered this drama and made SOOOO much fun of Logan Paul for lowering himself to such a pathetic level by… Dating a supermodel. Be fucking real you bald-ass bitch; you would've felt like a god for like a week if a woman like Nina Agdal even made eye contact with you for three seconds. God. He's an unattractive, bitter, middle-aged man who exudes "divorced guy" energy and probably has to go to The Philippines and care for a family of 14 to get a crumb of attention from a woman who is disgusted by him but knows she needs to play a subservient role in order to ensure her family survives financially. Men are the most hypocritical, envious creatures in the world - they would probably kill a newborn to have the male equivalent of Nina Agdal's looks, status, and ability to attract partners, but god forbid a 1 % woman uses her advantages to get ahead in life, and god forbid she has had other sexual partners than you. God forbid she takes pictures with other men throughout her life. God forbid she answers questions about sex because that was a good marketing decision at one point in her modeling career. Of course Miss Gorilla-hands (pic rel) just loves to see a beautiful woman get destroyed - I've never seen a woman more resentful about being ugly than Pearl. Pearl, you're not angry because you despise promiscuity and care about virtues that stabilize society; you're angry with other women because their hands are too small to wear OJ's gloves while yours fit perfectly. I'm sorry, but that's not the fault of women more attractive than you; that's how god, a male, made you. Sorry for the rant, I'm just so sick of the opinions of worthless men who pretend to be arbiters of morality when their porn search history most likely is an abyss of degeneracy and sexual violence, and I'm sick of loser women like Pearl, who enable and reinforce these men's misogyny and hypocrisy in the hopes of making money and attracting a more dominant man
No. 1684362
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>>1635796I watched her vids for a while because someone recommended her "The cult of [insert overhyped consumer product]" videos in the consoomerism thread, but in one of the recent vids she said something along the lines of "Terfs can fuck off" or smth like that. So I fucked off, blocked her videos from appearing in my recommended. She is quite boring anyways, her content was okay only as background noise while doing other tasks.
No. 1689579
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Found a schizo youtube channel, pic rel is the comment that made me discover it No. 1689807
>Reading Inside Mari to me it is clear that the author and I share a common struggle. We are repulsed by our own masculinity. For the longest time I felt like I had been tainted by masculinity, ruined by it. Poisoned by testosterone. I hated by lust, my gaze, my mind and my body. I refused to stare at women because I never wanted them to think of my gaze as being male, being threatening. And in moments of weakness or sometimes by accident, I did stare, and I hated myself for it. I despised my testosterone fuelled sex drive. I detested needing to masturbate every single day simply so I could fall asleep without spending an hour in bed every night restless and aroused.Ewwwwww. Why do these freaks see themselves as women again when they're nothing more than self-hating males? There's something so misogynistic about "failing as a man and becoming a woman." They couldn't become men so naturally they have to be something that is inferior to men–women.
>>1683381>wanted to transition Source? I thought this was just a meme. It's insane that I could count on one hand names of male mangaka who could have trooned out. As expected of a pornsick nation kek
No. 1689825
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>>1689820they're actually showing this type of stuff to real kids
No. 1689895
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>>1631816Turkey Toms gf making sure the whole live stream knows she folds his clothes for him on stream because she is based and not like other girls.
No. 1691004
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>>1690010>>1689984>look him up>he's Bulgarianthat explains it
(racebait) No. 1691515
File: 1694205304486.png (Spoiler Image,4.2 MB, 1924x2397, asianfetishppbrochannel.png)

Another AI voiced sexpat/passport bro channel full of yellow fever tutorials on how to get the perfect asian waifu. The "leftover women" video says nothing about the 1-child policy or real factors for low birth rates.
No. 1691538
>>1691534A male fantasy. They think women who don't get married by 30 are desperate and will settle for any scrote lol
In reality there are only leftover males.
No. 1692420
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does anyone watch mia maples? i don't follow her but whenever i end up clicking on one of her videos i can't help but notice how weirdly sterile her aesthetic is. her filming studio could be used as one of those fake rooms that all the shit on aliexpress is staged in.
No. 1692940
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>>1653147He’s giving Rose West
No. 1693252
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>>1693234Tbh I don’t like convicted criminal bffs with momokun SSsniperwolf. But I could honestly care less of this drama. It sucks this is what pulls in views these days but there’s not much we can do but wait for her to lose relevance.
No. 1693379
>>1693234it's probably a lot more fun for him to do than his other content at this point. i think it's overkill, these reactions could only have lasted like a week or two, but i don't really think he's "obsessed" with her in any creepy way. the bingo vids were kinda funny at first. he has admitted that he's jealous of her because her content is extremely low-effort and is a good representation of a massive problem with youtube yet she's that successful. i also think misogyny does play a small part - it's a lot easier to go after a female content creator to this extent than it is to go after a male one. however, he has called out and mocked male reaction channels in the past, just never this hard.
i kinda get his frustration because the way she acts (the retarded forced accents and Bro talk) and the fact that that many people do not find her extremely insufferable, enough that they willingly follow her, is disturbing. that her/her staff cannot even be bothered to credit most of what they use in their videos is just asshole behaviour. he's kinda embarrassing himself at this point though
No. 1693588
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I saw this comment thread on a video about how a brain implant connected to a voice ai helped a paralyzed woman speak to her husband again. I was impressed at how many people were bringing up the statistics about how often woman stay with the man rather than the other way around. But there were many moids in the comments coping and claiming that uhm actually it’s the women that leave their terminally ill husbands and divorce him and take all his money. And that they can’t blame a man for leaving. Moids are so retarded lol
No. 1693717
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>>1693267Iirc what ticked him off the most was that YouTube acknowledged her even though her content is so lazy. I understand that it would feel unfair for someone who's actually passionate about the platform, but his JJJacksfilms channel videos are like a sign of actual mental illness at this point. He seems out of his mind in the few videos I've seen
No. 1696389
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Random shit, but I remembered this song called "short dick man" by an artist named Gillette. Comments are full of obviously offended males trying to act "cool" by pretending they aren't offended by the lyrics. I kek'd because men are horrible actors, even on the internet. You can always tell when a guy is offended. Anytime a man goes out of his way to TELL everyone that he doesn't care about something, you bet your ass he actually does care. People who truly don't give a shit about something don't sperg about it, but again, this comment section is full of dudes sperging about the lyrics, thinking anyone with a brain cannot tell that these dudes are clearly thinking about their dick sizes in response to this song. Men freak out about their dicks, and even other men's dicks on their corny little forums, or even in a crying session to their girlfriends when insecure about exes. The number one fear any man has about his dick is that it's not good enough to compete with other men for women's validation. You wanna know how I know? Because men don't shut the fuck up about it. But now that this song is blatantly saying "don't want no short dick man", they suddenly wanna act like their egos are resilient and take no offense. No, Mr. Scrote. You ARE offended, and you are fooling nobody with an IQ above single digits. Nobody likes tiny penises, and women are gonna groove to this song while you cry at night.
No. 1697058
>>1680302Hard agree. I was really into her content because I enjoyed the editing style but the relatability ended when she hired that superstar coach.
I went to her instagram to see if she had any updates but she hasn't uploaded anywhere in a while and her comments section are filled with so many desperate suckups its insane. People literally begging saying their mental health is on the line if she doesn't upload.
No. 1697146
>>1696389This is slightly ot but it reminds me of when I found an opening theme to a cartoon I used to like when I was a kid, the cartoon is Mucha Lucha which is about Mexican masked wrestling and it's bizarre and weird and stereotyping of Mexican culture but fun and lighthearted. The comments were filled with people saying "as a Mexican I'm not offended by this and I don't find it racist", it always felt weird to me and never understood why did they feel the need to say that, but after reading your post, it makes sense now. They were probably actually bothered by it but wanted to play cool and act like they're "not like the other fragile sensitive
poc" because they're cool with "racism" and stereotypes. Not trying to racebait, just wanted to discuss this strange phenomena.
No. 1697159
>>1697015I don't know what's happening to men right now but it's making me want to never interact with one again
Ban porn + castrate coomers
No. 1698746
File: 1694781955388.jpg (10.58 KB, 250x250, Like_new.jpg)

Holy fucking shit, how many more times are male artists, commentators, or content-makers of any genre going to end up being exposed as a groomer? Even the ones that aren't mainstream are getting exposed for being groomers. Why is it so hard for any male on YouTube to be fucking normal?
No. 1699293
File: 1694834328514.jpeg (6.41 KB, 168x300, images (3).jpeg)

>>1699187I found a catchy song from this artist named Lumi Athena. I thought it was a young woman just based on the name and song, but that ended up being a mistake when I went in a comment section for one of the songs and a user mentioned Lumi once stalking and trying to groom a 13 year old girl when he was a teenager. I did some digging, and turns out, this fucking artist is actually an almost 40 year old man who dresses up and puts makeup on himself like some emo teenager on TikTok. Even if the grooming accusation is false, I still get strong pedophile and tranny vibes from this artist. This is once again another male artist I'm gonna have to drop because for some reason, male artists cannot be normal and uncreepy or fucked up in some way. And I use the word "male" generously, because there are a lot of people suspecting Lumi to be a TiF, so for all I know, this isn't even an actual male.
No. 1703034
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The authority on trauma is here, everyone! If only she realized she's an "enby" because of her trauma…
No. 1703169
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>>1703134Somewhat related to this, There's a film called British-Pakistani co-produced film called Jinnah, where Christopher Lee plays the founding father of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, and it is beloved here. Its shown with an Urdu dub on every national holiday, where families gather to watch. It is considered a national treasure. Surprisingly, I didn't even know it was a foreign production until I was an adult. If you were to ask any Pakistani about if their offended of Westerners making a film about their founding father and casting a white guy in the role, they would say they didn't care because the portrayal was respectful, and that's what matters most.
No. 1703254
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>>1703213>>1703193Well he was playing Muhammad Ali Jinnah who was quite literally a rotting corpse near the end of his life as he was suffering from Tuberculosis, he was six feet tall and weighed 90lbs/40kg
No. 1703642
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>>1703142I'm on your side, nona. Masculine hot men for the win. And they have to be HANDSOME in the face, not just "clear skin, not fat and head full of hair", these are low standards. Picrel is the best thing to happen to my eyes.
No. 1703656
>>1703642NTA but supreme taste
nonnie. God he was so hot during this time period.
No. 1703843
File: 1695345377196.jpg (202.58 KB, 1080x1112, IMG_20230922_040635.jpg)

When your brain has been FRIED by black entertainment television for the last 25 years you will look at your infant daughter dancing and see a whore shaking her ass. You will film yourself degrading her and post it on YouTube. Masses of "people" will laugh, congratulating him for not letting the infant be a hoe.
When this nigga ends up in jail (I bet he already has a record) I wish all the bigger guys take turns raping his bunghole. When he waddles around with his ass vibrating in 10 different directions at the same time he'll be shaking his ass which will justify even more assrape. He needs to have his hemmorhoids pierced with a nailgun. Put a WHALEHOOK up his ass and pull out his intestines right out his loose shitter. Pluck his prostate out with a pair of tweezers. It's always the fattest, nastiest SKANKS driving their daughters crazy. These men need to be EXECUTED. I'm not talking electric chair, I mean RAPED TO DEATH! If you look at your infant daughter with the same eyes you watch porn you need be RAPED TO DEATH! If your baby dancing is a hoe twerking in your eyes, you're lower than a gorilla locked up in a zoo stuffing it's asshole with the peanuts visitors have thrown at it.
I'm turning into the joker. I don't know what's more upsetting: The cuckhold mother letting her baby get ""slutshamed"" by her own father for YouTube clout? EVERY. SINGLE. COMMENT. SUPPORTING. HIM??
No. 1703918
>>1703843this site would be so much better if you had written every post
ily anon
No. 1704076
File: 1695355484192.jpg (Spoiler Image,334.2 KB, 2477x3093, 1692801780312667.jpg)

>>1704072It's funny how all the losers come out of their lonely caves like roaches to make fun of us roided muscle-crackhead enjoyers.
I'm feeding my pig carcinogenic protein dust by the spoonful and he let's me punch him in the jaw because he's too poor to buy his own MEGA BIG-BOY PROTEIN EXTRAVAGANZA CHUM BUCKET from Decathlon. I don't have to worry about when to dump him because his heart will give up on him before I do.
You will be buying diapers for skinnyfat faggot with your own retirement money in a couple decades but MUSCLEPIG will already be six foot under & STILL mogging your faggot even as a skeleton.
Imagine being too scared to drop kick your Nigel becuase he might fucking die. Couldn't be me! Mine is already dying. A heart attack wouldn't be out of the ordinary in an autopsy situation.
Bucktooth Becky's stay seething over the PIG-PUNCHING Stacy. #mindset
No. 1704108
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>>1703829Kek I find you funny even though you’re wrong, he’s got good face bones and he was hot as Saruman as an old scrote
No. 1704134
>>1704108>and he was hot as Saruman as an old scroteNta but oh god you're the one who made this post?
>>>/g/349529I hate you now
No. 1705617
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I like her content but everytime her husband appears on screen, I feel disgusted on a visceral level
No. 1707416
File: 1695683407532.gif (4.53 MB, 498x227, stfu-shut.gif)

It is absolutely mind numbing how repetitive and utterly robotic youtube commentors are. Seriously, on every fucking video, the comments always have a recycled formula for how they get their feelings across. Seriously. No matter the video, there's always a dozen or so of these braindead comments in the section.
>the skull emoji
>"GIRL I-"
>"I- BYE"
>"and I oop-"
>"I aint readin all that"
>"where there's a hole there's a goal"
>"A Certified Hood Classic"
>"good boi"
>the rockhead with the wine glass emojis
>"slay queen"
>"serving cvnt"
and that's not even all of them. I hate the meme of calling other people "NPCs", but youtube comments seriously feel like infestations of bots because of how recycled and bubble-brained most comments seem to be. Youtube AND TikTok really brings out the unicellular lizard brain of its addicts. Every single brick-brained fuck who spams shit like that in every comment section they're in needs to be told to go read a fuckin book. I feel like people who can't make any conversation without directly referencing whatever the hell they watched on YouTube or TikTok never gets told to shut the fuck up enough.
No. 1707449
File: 1695686484867.gif (1.18 MB, 498x208, stfu-shut-the-fuck-up.gif)

>>1707445The classroom scene from Scary Movie. I should have used this one instead
No. 1709812
File: 1695944445980.jpg (Spoiler Image,117.01 KB, 1440x593, Screenshot_20230929_023809_Sam…)

Comment on a story where dogs die a lot and if the author hates dogs or not. The original comment which this reply is on states writers don't endorse the actions they write about, then this scrote decided to join in with his shitty scrote opinion.
No. 1710298
File: 1695997022348.jpg (95.04 KB, 717x469, 20230929_102531.jpg)

Why would I care? Get your shit together, youtube
No. 1710393
File: 1696007560231.jpg (28.69 KB, 408x181, lol.jpg)

I have no idea what service this ad is really offering, but rest assured it costs real money to meet a woman through it. Nice how they advertise prostitution-adjacent services on a site anybody could access, so even more boys will grow up even more delusional and entitled, and even more girls won't want a damn thing to do with men.
>>1709812Yet more proof of why women shouldn't give childfree men any good boy points. So many women think that men are atheist/childfree/opposed to marriage for the same reasons that women are, and all great and enlightened.
No. 1711396
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>>1710973Kekity kek kek kek. All these moids go on YouTube and write all these desperate, "mathematical", dorky ass takes for why it's "unfair" that they can't get a girlfriend, that women aren't this monolithic shape of what they want, or don't even have any friends. Youtube is basically a diary for moids who aren't ready to admit they don't have what it takes to socially excel. Nigga actually gets out pieces of paper and makes these elementary-styled drawings for his opinions about women instead of going tf outside and eating a cinnamonroll KEK.
No. 1711509
File: 1696096789611.jpg (49.96 KB, 362x303, ragebaitmadeforscrotes.jpg)

Rage bait for scrotes, even though this situation is 100 times more likely with the sexes reversed. That's 100x, not 100%. I guarantee every woman knows somebody whose husband has financially ruined the pair, but few people know a woman who has intentionally done the same. I'm so glad that cable TV and broadcast TV are dying, so the next generations of girls won't grow up feeling guilty about WIFE GREEDY WIFE BAD sitcom shit written by 80 year old scrotes.
No. 1711662
File: 1696111700822.png (229.66 KB, 635x261, Screenshot 2023-09-30 230503.p…)

What in the Wonder Showzen is going on in the banner for this channel
No. 1711848
>>1711509Omfg you just reminded me how much I hate George Lopez. Even just watching tiny clips the wife is always written out to be irrational and crazy for wanting calm ways to solve solutions instead of flipping shit. I remember her constantly being put on the spot while the music stopped and everyone stared at her blankly when she kept trying to calmly explain solutions she did research for like when the daughter ran away or his mom got depression, or the fact he moved his
abusive mom that's known for attacking his wife in his house at all
Or the amount of shade thrown at the moms breast size even though she's objectively the most attractive one on the show
No. 1711853
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Wizard of Oz was about a delusional young girl that goes to a mental hospital, a lot of metaphors are used to expose the abuse
>biggest giveaway is the name Oz, took place in Kansas. During the time Oz was a nickname by locals for the town of osatawotomie, which the entire time is basically the local mental asylum
>The book constantly references the yellow brick road, in this town there is a neatly paved brick road spanning from the asylum bridge, cemetery and the entire campus the hospital as on
>A lot of experiments done on the characters like the tinman by the wizard are illustrated and very close to the surgical practices at that time
>Dorothys blue dress patterns, was very close to patient clothing used at the time. You can actually see it in a museum displayed near the mental hospital
No. 1713314
File: 1696239621782.jpg (601.88 KB, 1079x1460, Screenshot_20231002_053611_You…)

Youtube, what the fuck is this shit?? I avoid coomer content, I'm very picky with what anime videos I watch, and I hate AI. But after just casually scrolling to watch another boring little video, I get this stupid advertisement, which is an AI meme being blatantly coomerish with some fugly little anime girl for the character on it. How the fuck is YouTube going to disable the comments on videos for the "sake of the children", but allow dumbass shit like "lemme peg you" be random advertisements? I hate this fucking website so much, I cannot ever feel bad when millions of people get on the adblock and make the corps miss their precious ad profits. Fuck this ugly meme, and fuck YouTube.
No. 1713453
>>1713429not sure how they're gonna profit from 10 seconds of someone recording a frog call outside (20 watches) or obscure japanese frog keeper channels i'm getting recommended constantly (and i love it)
but i guess that's balanced out by me watching politics, it is an extremely profitable topic. can't avoid it though with all the shit in my country.
No. 1713619
>>1636848i thought this would be a reasonable person w good takes but then i saw he has a "
femcel themed videos" playlist lol
No. 1713638
File: 1696264732899.png (29.55 KB, 275x270, 1671504302112.png)

>>1713341The Ohio meme was always stupid and now it's dead, stop being autistic.
>>1713360There are multiple instances of people getting ads completely unrelated to what they watch. Anons aren't "coomer grandmas" just because youtube thinks porn for ads is okay. Get a grip.
>>1713371Calm the fuck down. You think anons in this thread aren't already working on that for themselves?
>>1713375>how fat, retarded, perma victim and lazy do you have to be to just not google "adblock" or "adblock for phone"Okay shut the
fuck up. You're not Regina George or Azelia Banks so quit acting like a fucking child by accusing random people of being fat, retarded, or "
victim whores" just because they don't have an adblocker or didn't install it yet. The fact that you're quick to even bring up that word salad makes me wonder if they come from a place of projection.
>and then go and fucking whine about the ads you are seeingYou call other people retarded, but your brain seems to have forgotten the
thread you are in. Read these next words carefully: YouTube Hate Thread.
>baby that is on youThe topic is porn ads that fall into people's feed regardless of the content they consume. Honestly, blocker or not, YouTube shouldn't be allowing this kind of advertising in the first place. Again, please
shut the fuck up.
>you probably let youtube babysit your kids in addition to yourself tooOh my
goddddd shut the fuck up, YOU ARE NOT REGINA GEORGE. You talk like a gay scrote who insults everyone he talks to and thinks he knows everything from a five minute conversation. This isn't the Real Housewives of Lolcow where we fight every fucking anon over every fucking thing. Shut the fuck
>>1713455Thank you for actually being helpful with minimizing how much ads YouTube plagued their own site with. I already mastered the adblocking for my laptop, just need to do it on my phone because the coomer ads pushed me over the limit of toleration.
No. 1713924
File: 1696284847911.jpg (66 KB, 353x303, tiresome.jpg)

Saw this on my front page today. I checked the channel, and it just made me sad. They have been at this 4 years, 599 subs and going nowhere. They would have done better without the sexploitation angle, because coomers don't magically care about girl topics just because you show your tits.
No. 1713962
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>>1713938 seems to mostly be a woman who can't figure out how to play up any of her strengths. I love how 2 of the top recent videos are of a completely normal, wholesome looking woman who just glows in the thumbnails.
No. 1714229
>>1714206they removed the dislike button because the shitty youtubers kept getting cancelled and it made them look bad. but they will leave up borderline soft core pornography just cause it gets views. but they don't think that looks bad? man i fucking hate yotube and their retarded decisions so much.
remember whey the removed the option to search a channel by their first uploads? but instead of just accepting they fuck up for once ever they later add the "oldest videos" tab in channels because literally no one fucking liked the original change.
No. 1714565
File: 1696344426210.jpg (Spoiler Image,53.9 KB, 345x292, animalabuse.jpg)

>>1714206It's so irritating that YouTube censors harder than daytime over-the-air TV broadcasts, and people can't even talk about most current news with accurate words, but softcore porn and animal abuse are fine.
Pic spoilered for animal abuse. It's fucking obvious that the people who film shit like this EVERY SINGLE WEEK are the ones doing it themselves.
No. 1714724
>>1712267i am glad i am not the only one sick of this trend and the algorithm is of course, insanely aggressive about pushing these on you even if you never watch them. i don't mind listening to people's thoughts, but i actively avoid anything with a pseudo-intellectual, stuffy title and overly polished aesthetic because i know it's just going to be another tryhard faggot or a busted face woman throwing out terms like "commodification", "capitalism", "corporatism" to describe something as banal as coffee drinking, all while eyefucking themselves in their viewfinder for 2+ hours.
there was a really bad one on my landing page about pumpkin spice lattes and christian girl autumn, i guess cause the aliens at google heard me order a psl last week at starbucks so out of curiosity, i tried to watch the video to see if this person had anything interesting to say. it was literally just a funny looking derp of a woman sitting in her shitty apartment, going on and on and on about how autumn is commodified by Big Retail to get fat americans to buy orange, allspice-laced food, blah blah blah. then she went off on a tangent about midwestern white women wearing brown boots and jeans, blah blah blah, and how apparently people are so braindead we can't just enjoy the seasons for what they are…no, everything we do is done because the devil dressed in a walmart customer associate's vest told us to.
i've been on youtube since 2007 and with each successive era, it makes me miss more and more the old days when you could plug in anything and watch something weird and funny.
No. 1714959
File: 1696365980068.jpg (159.88 KB, 1300x953, literaljealousfatty.jpg)

>>1714724>there was a really bad one on my landing page about pumpkin spice lattes and christian girl autumn, At this point, I just assume any average or below average woman who gets really worked up over other women liking basic middle class shit, and have 90 million reasons why they're all in the wrong, is just another Alice Wright. She really was just a jealous fatty all along, and now she's trying to live the 2007 hipster dream life at 50.
No. 1715140
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>>1715103It is indeed her. She apparently met an aging millennial "artist" trust fund kid and got married, or at least boyfriended. Who knows, considering all her lies. All we know for sure is that she is obese, old, and really jealous of scrawny young yuppie housewives.
No. 1716143
What is this retarded shit? What she did was wrong but why dox her and harras her family over it? And everyone is acting like they're being so righteous about this and it's a normal behavior to go this far over this. Like, the buscker already pressed charges and is probably gonna get compensated in court. Why be petty and not delete the video or ask the people to stop harassing her? He's just as retarded as her and even more retarded for being this petty. He probably isn't poor either since he can afford a keyboard, a film camera, and to press charges and go to court over this, so it's not like he will go homeless because she broke his keyboard.
Can't embed video so here's the link No. 1716174
>>1710973Everytime I see those videos where the guy shows a picture of a girl to a guy, has him rate her, then has her come out, he always rates her way too low like a 3 when she's clearly hot. On the gender reversed versions the women always give the guys nice ratings, I swear to God men just project all the ways they act towards women, then get mad at them for it.
But even if a woman doesn't find you hot, so what, get over it, you can't force women to find you attractive.
No. 1717502
File: 1696558043789.jpg (687.43 KB, 1440x1192, Screenshot_20231006_050404_Sam…)

I knew this would be pro troon from the pfp alone, but wanted to give it a chance and saw the comments being positive about troons and clicked off. They're so close to the point yet they still missed it.
No. 1717543
>>1717518I feel this feel, cows used to be funny, people used to be retarded and embarrassing in funny ways that made you cringe in a healthy way that made you think “gosh I’m glad I’m not a furry lol” but now cows are batshit insane, grooming children and hoarding child porn, trying to larp as the opposite sex in a way that actually fucks up communities and the world irl, raping real animals, producing weird ass porn, being violent, or just so pathetic that there’s nothing to laugh about.
I remember when I used to laugh at anime fans getting mad at shitty subtitles, bpd-chans getting mad at each other because there couldn’t be 2 misa amanes in a group, fatties embarrassing themselves wearing shitty costumes, people acting like learning Japanese was so desu cool and people fighting against eacb other because muh subs are better than muh dubs.
I want to go back.
No. 1718346
File: 1696642105073.jpg (646.97 KB, 1440x1200, Screenshot_20231007_042030_Sam…)

Natural beauty IS biological advantages. What the fuck is this retard on? And ofcourse it's a pretty girl caping for ugly people like me to virtue signal.
No. 1718720
>>1717518I think it’s because now non-internet people are being on the internet more and more and making it worse for everyone
Not using the term normie, because normie can be an internet person, just not the board type - just a regular nerd or hobbyist
Now internet can make you money (actively or passively through propaganda and such) and the stakes are higher each day, so of course they are bringing their very real issues and drama and all just becoming more serious and tied to irl
No. 1719975
Lol comment section is nuked. For those not in the loop he “took a break” after a number of women came forward saying he sexually harassed them (iirc)
Sorry link isn’t working probably cause I’m phoneposting No. 1722925
File: 1697016402288.png (484.6 KB, 520x708, goddessmisfit.png)

Youtube keeps recommending me shorts by GoddessMisfit. She mostly makes content "educating" people about autism and will dismiss any critique or criticism by saying "I'm here to educate, not debate", her only "qualifications" being she's currently an undergrad psych major and is self-diagnosed autistic. This one short on Temple Grandin is so ridiculous, she actually calls Grandin a eugenicist for suggesting pregnant women take vitamins in an effort to mitigate severe forms of autism. Severe autism is a miserable (non)existence. Even if there's, hypothetically, no correlation between prenatal supplementation and autism prevention, you should still be taking your damn vitamins for a multitude of other reasons. GoddessMisfit suggesting that taking vitamins is somehow eugenics is not just stupid, it's downright evil.
I've noticed an influx of channels from attention-seekers spreading disinformation about various conditions. I really hope Youtube starts to purge them, but I doubt it'll ever happen.
No. 1723726
File: 1697077913297.png (583.64 KB, 1080x855, screenshot_202310111.png)

Why the hell are my recommendations like this now
No. 1724395
File: 1697139079433.jpg (202.43 KB, 1080x793, Screenshot_20231012_201604_You…)

Has anyone heard of a channel called The Misery Machine? One of their videos showed up in my recommended and in the comments they talked about how people harassed them for no longer making true crime videos on children, after this case mentally destroyed them. I thought that's weird as hell and that the viewers were creeps. Anyway I watched a bit and halfway through they start talking about what happened to the kid and it was so weird the way they were going through what happened in so much detail. It's like moids and Junko Furuta, or Daisy's Destruction, where they glee talking about the details over respecting the victim.
So I looked at their channel and I kid you not it was like 90% to do with kids. The recent videos fair enough because in their comment they did say they were going to continue making videos on kids solely on that channel, and leave the rest involving adults to a second channel because apparently their viewership went down by 50% when they stopped making vids on children. But even before that, it was literally so many cases involving children (to be fair some of them didn't have kids in the thumbnail, which is more respectful but it was just weird that those videos were still focused on true crime involving kids).
I don't know whether I'm just sensitive, but it gives me off feelings (and I've previously had off feelings about Plagued Moth, which ended up being true).
No. 1724405
>>1724399Thanks, I feel like being a woman I'm constantly doubting myself. I looked them up here, and apparently previous nonnas also talked about how they apparently complained about having to censor the faces of the kids. Imagine having that little sympathy for
victims. I truly believe men in true crime are a plague to society, they can never be respectful about it.
No. 1724417
>>1724415yeah, most of the cringy female early true crime youtubers evolved and became more serious, they even work with the families of the
victims now, meanwhile ALL of the male true crime youtubers are absolutely disgusting and sensationalist because it makes for better clickbait.
No. 1724734
File: 1697180465044.png (1.26 MB, 990x850, mnbvcx.png)

Tonight's episode, the thumbnail maker's barely disguised fetish.
>>1724395I hope these sick fucks never have children of their own the obsession these two have with parents killing their children in the most awful ways is disturbing. Souless fucks do they not see it's a huge red flag that their viewers want them to keep making videos on this. I don't hope it's true but I honestly think your gut feeling that something is off is right, I feel that way about most of these true crime channels who are so interested in the morbid details.
No. 1725673
File: 1697252169052.jpg (28.59 KB, 400x533, jacksfilms.jpg)

lol that guy who's made mocking sssniperwolf his entire fucking life finally got doxxed by her (forgive dumb picrel, the drawing is me covering my reflection)
No. 1725693
File: 1697254465950.jpeg (237.13 KB, 922x2048, IMG_0136.jpeg)

>>1725673I posted this to the YT thread in /snow/ but here’s some pics for Nonna.
No. 1725696
>>1725686Sorry I’ve smoked some and am not at my smartest right now
Anyways, I know sssniperwolf is a grifter and boring and low effort but I’ve found it way more disturbing how jacksfilms has made an entire channel JUST to pick apart every second of her videos. Moids cannot comprehend doing anything in moderation at all.
No. 1725700
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>>1725673For reference, Jacksfilms has reached 10 hours, 37 minutes, and 45 seconds worth of videos about this woman on his alt channel, plus a couple videos on his main.
No. 1725767
File: 1697261715061.png (374.12 KB, 1151x526, vVKA3VJz.png)

What is this shit?
No. 1725793
>>1725696>>1725700It's because all of her content is stolen and she refuses to give any kind of credit to the authors. She also brings no valuable commentary equating to Hasan or XQC watching hours of content and only saying "that's crazy chat".
It all started when YouTube twitter account highlighter her by posting that SW would get her "ideas" for her videos from her "fans". This is when Jack created the channel to bring attention to all the people who's content she's been stealing in hopes she'll credit or YouTube takes action. He's also been helping authors of the tiktoks that don't want to be on her channel removed from it.
No. 1725807
>>1725767Subliminals, it’s a whole community of insane people and gullible tweens who listen to these videos that have affirmations hidden in the audio because they believe that their subconscious brain will pick up on those affirmations and listen to them. I can’t be bothered to google it but it’s called the law of attraction or whatever. Most of them are for changing your appearance, personality, or even attracting things such as luck love or money into your life, or even ones that are supposed to change other people somehow such as making your family nicer to you. It gets wackier with subliminals meant to change your race or sex entirely, or ones made by furries who want to transform into animals. Even MORE whackier are the dark/ underground/ UG subliminals, which are meant for edgelord things like developing mental illness, being abused or bullied, and any other thing you can imagine a deeply mentally ill 15 year old would want to manifest. There’s paranoia of unwanted affirmations meant to harm people hidden in seemingly normal subliminals videos, I believe there was actually a big sub maker who was revealed to have been doing this.
Some other tidbits about subliminals because I know way too much about this community
>subliminal users consider tingling, headaches, angel numbers to be signs that the subliminals are working>huge overlap with the shifting community>”booster” subs exist because subliminals aren’t effective on their own>subs for getting the personality and looks of fictional characters exist, so do ones to manifest a fictional character to come to our world>fertility boosting and birth control subs exist>subs to cure any illness or problem (and UG ones meant to manifest them) exist No. 1726077
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>>1725793>>1725700Tbh I think it’s kind of badass she would go to his house because he’s doing this shit. I don’t care for her personally but I find it absolutely hilarious she’s able to scare him. His obsession with her is why he can’t call the cops because they’ll tell him to remove his 10+ hours worth of videos.
No. 1726669
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>>1726243>>1726636he is reacting to her videos as a parody (=free use) and crediting the creators. That is not really harassment as he is allowing the creators of the original videos to get credit. Whether or not this is the best way of doing it, I don't know, but he is doing the exact same thing she is doing (to see how she likes it) but then giving credit to her and the original creators.
No. 1726706
>>1726690I agree,
nonnie. He needs to start going after the males who literally do the same thing. Women are easy targets and she’s going through a messy divorce with her ex atm.
No. 1726737
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No. 1726757
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>>1726751probably because youtube promoted her and made her a speaker at vidcon
No. 1726767
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So in short?
No. 1727030
>>1726794No moid is afraid of these two girls
>>1726737 showing up be real lol. Also that armed robbery didn't exactly involve actual armed robbery lol, she acted cracked out in a store once. not exactly some gun toting dangerous person. She wasn't going there to shoot him, at best she'd maybe scream obscenities at him or run away herself if he opened the door
No. 1727249
>>1727091he's married with a house and pets, I really don't understand. I don't think anyone wants someone doxing them and putting pics of their house out for millions of people to view. The uncensored pic had one of his dogs in it.
>>1727081>if she's telling the truth that jack had posted his address on google maps beforeyes she is lying. She thinks that digging around and taking an address from a sketchy site means Jack posted it "on google" himself. She is using "posted on google" like a boomer. He and his wife obviously did not want to share their address, are you nuts?
No. 1727343
>>1724395honestly i wouldn't be surprised if their viewers were hurtcore enthusiasts who are getting off on descriptions of violent child abuse. i don't recognize this channel myself, but in my defense they all start to blur together in my mind and i only watch a handful of them despite liking the genre.
>>1724397if i watch moids on youtube, they're usually based boomer males who have been around for a while and aren't wallowing in self-pity. the last male true crime youtuber i watched was that one fellow who was friends with cayleigh elise. i believe she may have killed herself from what i remember?
i am too lazy to look him up atm so apologies for my shitty descriptions, but he had brown hair, was kind of chubby, and was incredibly melodramatic in his delivery when talking about crime. like he would literally stop and do these awkward pauses with a derpy, fresh out of acting school expression as he gazed into the camera. i never liked either of them as he reminded me of the annoying, cringy turbo autists in the steampunk community i used to run from. in fact i think he was into the steampunk aesthetic and that was how i discovered both of them.
No. 1727449
>>1725673>>1725700I dislike her and her shit content but he's genuinely obsessed with her in an unhealthy way, it's too much. It's fucking creepy.
>>1726081>yt demonetize her NOW!Kek, for what? Is he not part of the muh free speech crowd? Youtube must stop paying her because he wet himself after she posted about him on a completely different platform? Yet he is allowed to remain monetized despite having over ten hours of footage obsessing over her?
>>1727232I get a feeling that "if you dish it out, learn how to take it" would've been the popular take on this situation if the roles were reversed. Not that what she did was right….but I'm just saying.
No. 1727606
>>1727593>the cops don't actually careIt's perfectly acceptable then.
I never thought I would see the day when lolcow would die on the hill of defending SSSniperWolf's content lmfao.
No. 1727613
>>1727605Pretending it was her playing videogames that whole time was pretty chaotic wasn't it?
I wonder how lolcow reacted to that back then? Hmmm
No. 1727620
File: 1697390521709.jpg (732.78 KB, 2340x1080, HannahTheHarebrained.jpg)

>it's from an anime/manga called
I cannot with this lazy bitch. She's so retarded. Just look up how to actually pronounce it so you don't sound like a tard.
No. 1728306
File: 1697441200429.jpg (179.96 KB, 1073x606, Screenshot_20231014_225008_You…)

I don't like shitting on people because of their looks but she literally looks like those characters. Also at point, I hate this genre of "angry video game reviewer" who cries outrage at the sight of such horrific things such as… having average looking women and gay people sometimes? Oh, the horror. Those fuckers are even more annoying than their sjw counterparts, even more so, because for some reason youtube never recommends me sjw videos but I always get "angry reviews" all that time even though I don't watch them.
No. 1728316
>>1728306i really find this whole trend of whining about "ugly vidya wahmins" so strange and so juvenile. i wish i was more educated to be able to understand why so many grown ass, 30+ year old mofos get extremely pressed over fictional media and have meltdowns over someone being black or women not being 12/10 big titty ninja warriors. none of this would have mattered all that much a decade or so ago and if you didn't like something, you just went on with your life and/or never played the game to begin with. if you're that bothered by a character not being straight, white, and attractive, that says more about you than the people making the video games to me. plus, maybe if you guys stopped whining so much about it, the people making this shit would also stop doing it? and this isn't to say that there aren't
valid criticisms to the state of media today, but at the same time, i feel like it's a
toxic cycle that keeps feeding off the other.
No. 1728632
File: 1697474549084.png (43.04 KB, 781x429, 2023-10-16.png)

I started getting this a few days ago and as of today there's a little timer before the x shows up and i find this whole thing to be so non threatening kek. Like i will straight up stop using youtube, i don't care that much, and the ads since i moved to a first world country are just ridiculous
No. 1728642
>>1728639>>1728640they host a million terabytes worth of video.
that costs a lot of money.
but you want everything for free.
No. 1728812
File: 1697484326207.mp4 (2.06 MB, 480x848, 22uizoiL8R2eu8Bh.mp4)

>>1728637>>1728648cocksucker defends google on a women's site FOR FREE
No. 1729287
>>1728635There's a Reddit post in the ublock subreddit if you're getting that pop up. It's being tested with random users. TLDR of the Reddit post is basically
>go to ublock settings>turn off my filters>purge all caches>updateboom it's working again. I have to do it every 24 hours, I guess they're having all of their coders working in their little anti-adblock. Hopefully this pushes people to Odysee, it's getting ridiculous at this point.
No. 1729343
>>1727606aside from shitposters who say anything a woman does mean to a moid is based, literally nobody is saying her content is good nor her actions, we're saying the damn moid is creepy and obsessed and had something coming even if we disagree with the doxxing and all that.
his reasons for an entire channel dedicated one person doesn't change the fact that he's obsessing over her to a lunacy degree when she's one of a sea of content stealers because he probably realised she's a good cash cow, especially because nobody likes her. If he wanted change tbh he's better off going after multiple people or at least those youtube doesn't like because they're not going to about-face with her because they almost never back down about platforming someone. There's no point in a sea of "updates" when her content isn't changing and it's just gonna boil down to "she's stealing content and faking her reactions again" meanwhile there are proper harmful channels out there getting kids to do dangerous crap disguised as "crafts". Not saying you can't care about multiple topics but he's acting like she's a the biggest danger on youtube and to society and absolutely obsessed. The degree that he's obsessing and virtue signaling is too much and just reads that he needs the money and relevance on top of what probably was some good intentions here initially.
>>1729289that's going to get people so mad kek. especially cause they're just starting to force a certain degree of new ads on videos too
No. 1729511
>>1725767Aw hell no they made subliminals for those damn cishet males. Cancel order
>>1725807>unwanted affirmations meant to harm people hidden in seemingly normal subliminals videos, I believe there was actually a big sub maker who was revealed to have been doing this. First time hearing this, any links nona?
>>1728632Use a VPN with an option of setting your location to Russia. If you're willing to tolerate slower loading speeds, that's the best option.
No. 1729620

>>1729511Around 2017 one popular sub creator named Mind Power was said to be putting malicious hidden affirmations in her subs. Vidrel is one “proof” video and starting around 1:56 you can hear these some of these affirmations. They’re mostly for worshipping Satan, making listeners rely on Mind Power and to love/worship her, sexual addiction/promiscuity, and weirdly bisexuality. Some excerpts are:
>Mind Power is the center of your life>You’re a hooker >You encounter negative situations frequently >You’re attracted to women and men>You love sucking cock >You have an absence of love and control in your life>You’re evil, you’re condemned The Mind Power channel is gone and all that really remains now is exposed videos made by equally as schizos and Reddit threads on r/Subminals about her so take this all with a grain of salt. Majority of this is just word of mouth of people saying how her subs ruined their lives, the comment section on vidrel has people saying that they became depressed, it made their family hate them, making them sick like migraines, gave them nightmares etc. Or this Reddit thread Here is a Reddit thread for further reading on recent ebil sub creators, it’s a weird rabbit hole and is really telling of how fucked mentally Gen Z and Alpha are from having unrestricted internet access No. 1729693
File: 1697571353376.jpg (Spoiler Image,476.62 KB, 1440x1672, Screenshot_20231017_223050_Sam…)

I hate these unfunny thumbnails
No. 1729988
>>1729982>what sort of insane motive someone would have to brainwash people into being bi.a fetish, probably. some "sissy hypno" does the same thing, and moids can be memed into anything if you involve their dick.
the "you love sucking cock" especially gives it away
No. 1730024
>>1727620Isn't this a troon? The moonface makes it kinda hard to tell but the voice
triggers my fight or flight instinct so I have my suspicions.
No. 1730745
>>1730741Try this anon, I've been using it today and it's working for me.
>>>/ot/1730185Although I have seen some people say it worked for them and stopped after a while. Imo your best bet is to just occasionally check reddit to see what fixes they've found.
No. 1731537
>>1728306The women who orbit this scrote clique are absolutely retarded. The men all hate them, and will turn on them and shit all over them in an absolute instant. Mecharandom found out the hard way, and lost 99.9% of her views, even though she did nothing wrong, except tolerate shitty male behavior in the first place.
I'm fine with women talking about how shitty shitty things are, but it's pointless to do it by orbiting the scrote outrage clique, because they truly do resent and despise all women. They all say they're all fine with women, then you get uncomfortable seething about women in the very next video, the comments are seething about women. And they clearly think they are elite while raging over the most facile, entry level fantasy fiction available. People used to read books written at a college level.
No. 1732922
File: 1697866180792.jpg (485.7 KB, 1080x1907, Screenshot_20231021_012831_X.j…)

So Lia made a public apology on twitter but people rapidly figured out she got it from ChatGPT and she's been hiding replies left and right.
No. 1732940
>>1729620kekk i don’t know who is more retarded, these people or the girlies who think their nose will magically change from listening to coquette888 56h subliminals.
>>1732922I like how unbothered she is.
No. 1733279
>>1732922I bet every youtuber in LA just shit themselves realising they can't use chatgpt instead of hiring a pr firm when they fuck up kek
I'll give her this, if she wasn't going to care at least she didn't make people read 4 pages of note screenshots
No. 1733611
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Holy fucking shit when are people going to stop covering this case? So fucking disrespectful to the victim and her family
No. 1733634
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gonna count this as a youtuber hate thread as well or "youtube videos i hate" thread because the video turkey tom made on bianca devins is so fucking psychotic to me, he basically victim blamed her and used 4chan and kiwifarms as "sources" even though most of the screenshots were faked and it gives off victim blamey vibes.
nobody ever mentions the guy who killed her was obsessed with lolicon and was a literal pedophile, like many other people who talked with devins and groomed her
makes me fucking sick and this retarded chud needs to be deplatformed, hes such a fucking loser
No. 1733800
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Youtube was blocking ads for me again last night so I'm doing this fix now, posting here in case any anons need it. The actual post has video demonstrations if the instructions are confusing.
>1. Update uBO to the latest version (1.52.0+) . <== The extension itself, for technical improvements. You do this in your browser.>This is the only point that should not need repeating. So long as your uBO version matches of exceeds what's mentioned above - you're all set for this step.>2. Remove your custom config / reset to defaults. <== This means removing your custom filters (or disabling My filters) and disabling ALL additional lists you've enabled. It might be quicker to make a backup of your config and restore to defaults instead.>3. Force an update of ONLY the uBlock filters – Quick fixes list. <== This is within the extension. Lists are what determine what's blocked or not. And this list is where we counter YouTube.>How to update Filter lists: Click uBO's icon > the dashboard button the Filter lists pane the clock icon at the end of the uBlock filters – Quick fixes list > the Update now button>4. Disable all other extensions, your browser's built-in blockers, as well as ones outside your browser (DNS blocking, ad/tracking AV protections). <== No need to uninstall, just disable them. They might interfere with our solutions. However, DO NOT disable "Firefox Multi-Account Containers" add-on.I didn't do the 4th step but it's still working for me
No. 1734002
File: 1697955001837.jpeg (162.56 KB, 1125x1339, IMG_2701.jpeg)

>>1733640Literally what about these replies is scrotey lmao. Have some real scrotery here, moids already wishing she gets so humiliated she resorts to porn.
No. 1734399
>>1724415I'm so sad. I used to watch Coffeehouse Crimes as well but realized he's just like every other male youtuber with a biased opinions about male killers and female
No. 1734532
File: 1698003739882.jpg (4.69 MB, 4080x3060, 20231022_213453.jpg)

I feel disgusted. I was searching for some pretty girl confidence music Playlist in YouTube and in the top 10 suggestions on YouTube was a disturbing Playlist of women and girls falling asleep in public transportation or school.
I decided to click on their profile and they had so many disturbing Playlists about women and girls with topics such as "sleeping" "hypnotized" "gets killed".
In many of his fetish Playlist there are also undėrage girls and by underåge i mean pre-pubescent.
One of his Playlists almost has 200 thousand views yet youtube has done nothing to take action against this.
No. 1734833
>>1734532moids are the worse. you cant even exist in public without them turning it into a fetish
>>1734592kek i just assumed her keyboard was broken. i dont use tiktok but its dumb that you cant write the word underaged it's not a sexual word.
tinfoil but
is it a psyop? like men wants to turn the word underaged into a sexual word so people automatically think of porn whenever someone under 18 calls herself underaged No. 1734858
>>1734833No dumb fuck its becauae this site sells and tracks your personal data to other sites. So yeah i don't want to obviously post the actual word on a site who tracks you even more than tiktok.
(Also I'm not going to bother and explain why by but there were other anonymous who found out about the tracking too so they can explain it. There was alsoa. Discussion here about anons here talking posting about something here and then getting personalized adds about it or recommendations on other sites)
No. 1734929
>>1734896??? It's not just this post, I've censored other controversial topics such as ısrael and paļestįne because i don't want that content to be recommended to me on other sites.
Also keep your schizo babbling about how anons are mastermind psyopers for the tinfoil thread, okay. Retard.
No. 1735261
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>>1734929>>1734929>is on lolcow>is a known gossip site>internet providers can see the site>controversial topics are spoken on a regular>i dont want to be tracked!!!>every site you visit tracks you and sells your cookiesthis is what we call retardation..
No. 1735515
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>>1734929lmfao what? did you watch a tiktok or see a twitter post about “if you type disney you suddenly get recommended trips to disney world” grow the fuck up.
what, do you think when you type the word “underaged” porn sites are going to get recommended to you?
No. 1736288
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>>1735738good tips
nonny, let's hope the schizo reads this
on another note to prevent derailment, no matter how many times i tell youtube to stop recommending me random ass videos with no views, the algorithm never fucking listens and keeps recommending me shit i dont know or care about, like what the fuck is this?
No. 1736389
i can understand why, since i do miss the older age of youtube where you can actually find videos to your liking or have more diversified content, the issue is that the videos shown on my recommended never tailor to my interests at all. it's random gameplay, music, speedpaints for some reason. i don't really care for any of these things if they don't present what i like
No. 1736407
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Does anyone else remember NerdECrafter? I remember watching her as a teenager when I was really into polymer clay stuff. She is / was complete fucking ass at sculpting and crafting in general, but I feel like her videos genuinely used to be charming in a sort of autistic way. She's always been a consoomer, but I stopped watching when her entire channel became dedicated to reviewing shit children's kits as if they were all age appropriate and trying to be shittier Moriah Elizabeth clone. Again, she's always been spergy but after clicking through some videos she's gone completely retarded, youtuber accent and everything. I think its a shame tbh, the entirety of artist youtube seems to have died out / is filled with animu obsessed moid scrotes giving the worlds most generic, shit art advice.
No. 1736892
>>1733634Every youtuber moid's coverage on this case fills me with blind rage. They always paint her as a smug
abusive slut whoring around on r9k and toyed around with a Nice Guy who gave her what she deserved, in reality she was a 17-year old severely abused girl who struggled with mental illness and iirc didn't even go on 4chan but Tumblr. The killer people tried to claim as her "boyfriend" was nothing more but a psychotic pedo stalker, drug dealer and a rapist who was too egoistical to accept that she wanted nothing to do with him and dated other men. Men are fucking subhuman, I can't even imagine how her family feels like having pictures of her corpse going around the internet and being spread around as le epic troll move.
Turkey Tom might have cleaned up his act a bit after being cancelled for his white supremacist "jokes" but there's no way he has changed at all, the guy's still a chronically online incel through and through. Just got better at hiding it.
No. 1736907
>>1736906Not the "if you're not behaving in a conventionally feminine way it's trying to be a teenage boy" discourse. She's very much like a lot of adult women I know IRL, just played up with obvious theatre kid antics for youtube.
>they would die then say a slur to someoneWhy is this a bad thing again?
No. 1736917
>>1736907weird wk on the youtube hate thread, interesting.
>>1736902YT kept pushing her on me, gave it a watch and fully agree. TIF being cringe, somehow monetizing it.
No. 1738467
>>1736902she's been recommended me to me too. I watched her video on van life kids. Thought it was alright. She made a generic harry potter joke in the middle of the video, I laughed. Then she followed it up with an embarrassing virtual-signaling pro-trans "joke". it didn't land, I can't remember it. It was like she was forced to write it at gunpoint. I turned off the video to not die from second hand embarrassment and I've never watched another.
It's weird how she's been recommended to all of us as well. I only watch gameplay and science videos. I was drawn in by her clickbait title though.
No. 1740160
Youtube stop recommending me Turkey Tom and his horrifying AI enhanced thumbnails. Fucking yassified, these moids don’t even need anymore notoriety.
>>1736407She’s harmless besides annoying jokes she’s repeated in every video for years and her content is just for kids now. You can’t tell me she’s opening and reviewing all these fidget mystery toys for an adult audience. She has to state they’re not for kids since being put on YouTube kids is a huge nerf. Moriah’s also clearly child aimed but the videos are more entertaining and she’s managing to keep being creative.
No. 1740186
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Kek I only saw this thumbnail for a couple of seconds and immediately knew he was a man even before I heard his deep voice. And of course he has his OF linked. I almost feels bad for the loser handmaidens who dick suck these kinds of men.
No. 1740239
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This is about DonutDaddy on tiktok on a youtube video that makes fun of him…
>for horny women (as if any would watch that)
>likes the shitty thirst trap videos but totes for the baking and not the sexual content
No. 1740269
File: 1698368532829.jpg (Spoiler Image,45.49 KB, 1079x503, 20231026_200102.jpg)

>>1740160>Turkey TomSick of this faggot too. His 15 year old boy voice is grating as hell and inflection reminds me of the burger King foot lettuce guy. Annoying cancer crew zoomer all grown up and attempting to make longform content with an ugly avatar is the pits.
>>1654249Gay and autistic
but he's got a nice twink body…inb4 he troons
No. 1740285
File: 1698371164933.jpg (Spoiler Image,48.67 KB, 579x630, 20231026_200533.jpg)

>>1740272basedHe seems
gay gay, like with very little interest in women and/or feminine aesthetics outside consuming fujo-made BL and wearing an unflattering dress every once in a while so I'm not too worried but his autistic special interest circles are full of tims…
No. 1740300
File: 1698372637371.jpeg (Spoiler Image,123.38 KB, 750x1334, 11B7D8DC-0403-4392-A13B-2CB593…)

>>1740285I like his videos but had no idea he was like this irl kek.
No. 1741453
File: 1698450976993.jpg (41.76 KB, 336x261, k2.jpg)

Youtuber Rosie Gabrielle attempts to climb K2, the second-highest and most dangerous mountain on Earth, unprepared and untrained.
It's like a scene from a satirical comedy skit about clueless westerners.
She struggled to reach the base camp, which was basically just a trek, not even a climb. Obviously, she was paying locals to prepare everything for her and carry her stuff. Then she started crying and faking illnesses, and they had to call a helicopter to get her off the mountain.
She was afraid to drink water and complained about her new shoes.
The video: No. 1741469
File: 1698452957503.jpg (58.79 KB, 750x719, seriously-these-smug-professio…)

Anyone else here who watches cooking videos? Thoughts on best/worst channels?
Here's what I usually get recommended:
Interesting ideas but most of his stuff is pretty impractical. Honestly don't care about this guy but he's popular
>Joshua Weissman
not only is his editing/humor unnecessarily over the top spergy but his videos aren't even helpful and I never feel like I learned useful advice (picrel). It feels like none of his fans even cook and they're just 12 year olds who cheer whenever he calls himself papa and suggestively smacks the food with a zoom in on an awkward facial expression for the 972946th time. Really not a fan and I wrote this to rant about him.
>Adam Ragusea
Super grating to listen to, idk what it is about this guy but he sounds like he's perpetually talking down to you. Also in one video he randomly threw in an analogy implying that unlike other mem he's good at pleasing his wife, wtf? Seems like he's constantly defending himself against vague haters and alleged insults (I think he gets bullied on /ck/ sometimes and my tinfoil is that he lurks to respond to their jabs in videos)
>Ethan Chlebowski
Pretty good, videos are long but clear and straightforward. Kinda wish he'd branch out tho, the guy clearly loves sandwiches
>Felu fit by cooking
Esl gem with short videos, helps me since I'm a womanlet so I have to eat low-cal
>Misc east asian asmr channels
Comfy as fuck and surprisingly practical, there's a ton with the same style but they're all pretty decent
I really want to watch more women, anyone have recs?
No. 1741482
File: 1698453891791.webm (2.71 MB, 1080x1920, living life on my own timeline…)

This bitch does this very same "I'm already…years"-vid seemingly every week and youtube just keeps pushing it at me. This is so insane, I know nobody irl (who isn't a total incel) considers late 20s old to have kids and yet youtube which is originally supposed to be for fun/distraction somehow keeps trying to make you scared and miserable.
No. 1741489
>>1741469My recs off what I remember
>EmmymadeinjapanQueen forever
>Claire SaffitzHaven't seen her videos since she left bon appetit but they look ok, I liked her before
>먹어볼래TyTOEatClickbaity videos that follow through, chill korean woman who cooks weird but yummy looking things with her moid
>ANTI-CHEF>Tasting History>BOREDCute moids, fun videos
>BrootalmooseAnother cute moid who isn't much of a chef but his food videos are some of my favorites
>Ann ReardonPretty cool, bulk of her content revolves around debunking bullshit recipes and hacks from tiktok, instagram, and Facebook
>Food WishesPleasant boomer but his videos are pretty straight forward
>The Wolfe PitFood Wishes's evil twin, literally stereotypical slots budlight lawnmower all-American boomer and everything he cooks looks like prison food, reviews of frozen dollar general crap are mildly amusing.
No. 1741496
>>1741469I know a lot of people dislike Chef John's voice but his recipes usually work pretty well and I enjoy his content.
Helen Rennie and Beryl Shereshewsky's stuff is pretty enjoyable too. The recipes featured on Beryl's channel are usually very doable since it's various other families' simple, homestyle food although I think her reaction to the dishes can be a little over the top. 小高姐的Magic Ingredients is also quite good and more ASMR than Helen or Beryl.
I also like Andong. Never made any of his recipes and don't intend to but I think the food he tries to make is entertaining.
As for worst, agree that Joshua Weissman's unbearable. Guga Foods who only has one schtick. I also thought every single bon appetit chef personality was utterly insufferable. Kenji López-Alt can definitely cook but his 1st person GoPro POV videos are unwatchable.
No. 1741514
>>1741506Alt is his last name. Lopez is his wife's last name. It seems like he decided to take on a joint last name professionally.
I don't mind tbh. Most men are completely insufferable about making women take their last name. Him taking his wife's name's actually kinda neat.
No. 1741532
File: 1698458149628.jpg (109.15 KB, 856x645, 545as.jpg)

>>1741469Moids are retarded so just watch foreign language videos. Picrel is great, he acts like the main character from "The Way of the Househusband" manga.
No. 1741559
File: 1698460036704.jpg (29.26 KB, 326x264, chefstudio.jpg)

>I really want to watch more women, anyone have recs?
Chef Studio is genius. It's artsy and scientific.
No. 1741587
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Porn addicted moids are making these ASMR brainwashing videos and pretending this is what women want.
The videos are super cringe, the moids usually have ugly voices, horrible writing talent and they don't have any confidence.
No. 1741589
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>>1741469He doesn't even speak or list his ingredients, he relies solely on sex appeal and kdrama aesthetics. I'm ok with that.
No. 1741626
>>1741506agree as well. His videos are also a bit too long and rambly for me, I don't like him as a friend so I don't want the hanging out together experience, I just want the recipe. I think he's the one who had a spergout about someone with a maga hat entering his restaurant?
>>1741542It's Joshua Weissman and you're right. I saw a video where he's all like "this is my girlfriend who DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO COOK let's see what her uninformed ignorant opinion is BTW SHE CANT COOK!" I agreed that she seemed uncomfortable and like she didn't really want to be in the video
No. 1741644
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I hate this whole pointless genre of videos. As if we need people who probably sell $25 voice lessons out of strip mall music stores to tell me that the top vocalists to ever record pop music are WOW WOW REALLY GOOD.
>>1736407I can't stand her because she's allergic to effort. The kits are always going to suck, but it's like she films them half drunk. I retract that if it turns out she's on something like topamax all the time.
No. 1741689
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>>1741619Yeah he’s great. His stuff is pretty interesting and I like his personality. He kind of reminds me of a cat. His wife is really cool too. I always enjoy when she’s in a video.
>>1741626>I think he's the one who had a spergout about someone with a maga hat entering his restaurantYeah that was him. He’s very preachy.
>>1741469I happened to stumble across this, it’s coming to haunt you in your sleep
No. 1741793
>>1741036I actually liked her. I've watched a few of her videos on various hot topics and she's far more bearable to watch than the pandering liberals that cover the same shit. But this is cringe. Making a video making fun of radfems is such a boring, low hanging fruit, desperate for views thing to do.
Does anyone know any actual radfem/gc youtubers that are good?
No. 1741822
>>1741706That's ridiculous that he threw in his two cents to begin with, even before looking at how stupid his stance is… he's not even tangentially related to video games!
I get the impression that he can't stand to be wrong and feels a need to be airtight against criticism, which is why he gets defensive about random little stuff like "so this guy online was saying I use my spoon wrong, here's why I'm NOT." I remember he had a minor scuff with someone who made a response to his "DON'T DEEP FRY AT HOME ITS TOO HARD AND SCARY" video to explain how it can be done, but I think he deleted his passive aggressive reply because I can't find it and can only see a few comments calling him a dick for it buried under his fanboys.
>>1741689Thanks for sharing nona I absolutely despise this image!
No. 1741824
>>1741469I like Almazan Kitchen. Foreign boomer cooking in the woods with no talking. I go camping a lot so some of his vids are useful cause he does a lot of the recipes with minimal equipment, though lately he's been selling out. His pet owl sometimes shows up which is cute. Awful clickbaity titles and thumbnails, but the actual videos are solid. East Asian ASMR cooking channels are also great, Hidamari Kitchen is my favorite. I just don't like people talking too much.
Hate Weissman and everyone from Bon Appetit.
No. 1742137
>>1741036I hate that youtube is constantly sneaking her videos into my recommended feed, her entire shtick is making fun of fat girls and bragging about how toned her own body is instead of actual thoughtful commentary. It's clear she has a complex about it and it's sad and pathetic, like it's great that she's so ripped and good for her but nothing that she's doing is inspiring or trying to lift women up. It's just a different breed of NLOG/pickme shit that she's attempting to coat with false promises of feminism.
>>1741052She constantly makes fun of the "blue haired fat feminist" boogeyman and """radfems""" (i.e. conservative gendercrits) claimed her because of that.
No. 1742875
>>1742788> and nothing explicit was shared like pics and stuffdidnt pyro said in the dms that he would take the cock of the minor or something like that?
>he brushed off AnimatedJames, Zaptie and Sam Hyde doing much, much worsei think he said the pyro incident broke him and now he tries to make his videos as neutral as possible to not get demonitized, he's a coward but i get it considering everyone prefeered to side with the gross furry pedo than him
No. 1742893
>>1741469planD is okay, she's a huge vibe
as for worst idk I don't watch them, especially that babish fool
I know Jun from rachel and jun has some genuinely good recipies but his cats on the counters/letting them sniff and be near the food was always so offputting and literally tainted the whole video
am cat lover, they are nowhere near where I prepare or make food and you're insane if you think animals in your kitchen are okay No. 1743101
>>1741482>28>clock tickingWomen entertaining incel & pedo rhetoric will never not be infuriating. I get that the point of this trend is to show that they're living great lives without kids and men, which is great. But to even
pretend that your "clock is ticking" at 28 is just beyond retarded and it just provides ammos to these demented scrotes.
>>1741706Same nona. I used to like Adam's videos a lot but that video left me speechless. Adam's problem is that he feels the need to draw parallels to things that have nothing to do with each other and to give his two cents on topics he knows fuck all about. The worst part is that he's so cocky and arrogant in his convictions that he comes off as unempathetic and immature.
Like no dude, sexual assault allegations are a little bit more serious than voicing opinions on the internet that only liberal arts college students would find controversial.
No. 1743317
>>1741619Internet Shaquille clowns on the other YouTube food instructionals and chefs, he has a million hobbies like DJ-ing while cooking and just had his first baby with his wife- he's kind of a wife guy but I watch all his stuff. I vibe with his no nonsense reviews, and you can tell he takes notes and tries recipes multiple times before he presents the video (reviewing the one-purpose machines like the shaved ice machine).
Emmymade is still the queen, absolutely love her style and recipes she tries. Sugarologie is very good if you are into scientific baking and perfecting buttercream. Helen Rennie and Natashas Kitchen are both sweet eastern European ladies that make tasty dishes.
No. 1743493
>>1741469>souped up recipes She makes authentic Chinese food from around different regions and explains different techniques to prepare ingredients depending on the ingredient type. Since I started blanching leafy and frozen vegetables I started eating them more often because it's easier to incorporate them that way without them weathering away in the heat of a dish like noodles or rice or chicken stir fry. She gives lots of food science advice while cooking that can be applied to any dish you want.
>spice 'n pansAnother chinese channel with recipes from more obscure Chinese regions and other asian regions. I tried their hainanese fried chicken with ketchup and peas and onions sauce and it's the best fried chicken I've ever had.
>pasta grammar Authentic Italian food and tips on how to cook it properly, with history facts about the food and regions it comes from. It's a husband and wife duo, but the husband can be insufferable sometimes because he's obviously an American passport bro, while the woman is ok and very funny.
>kimono's mom kitchen Simplified Japanese recipes but her videos have a tradwife-y feel to it but in an oblivious way. And she shows her 5 yo daughter on camera since she was a toddler and I fear most of her subscribers are male pedos. But the recipes are genuinely good and simple. Tried her soy sauce ramen and added my own twist but it's super good.
>spain on a fork Good Spanish recipes and I love the way he talks
>vincenzo's plate Another good authentic Italian food channel with history about the dishes and help from professional chefs from said regions. Made homemade pizza according to him and it's very great.
>recipe30I watch this for the cinematography, atmosphere and music more than the recipes but I liked his greek chicken recipe, didn't try it yet though. Made a soup from his channel once but forgot what it was. It was alright but too much work iirc.
>middle eatsAuthentic middle eastern food made by an Egyptian British fat moid. He's ugly and gross but the recipes are actually good. Didn't cook any of them though.
>you suck at cookingUnironically good recipes and funny videos. Tried his carrot cake and it was good
>ray mack's kitchen and grillHilarious editing, 90s style logo and music, and actually not bad recipes. Tried his pan seared potatoes with some additional personal touches and it's way better than potatoes in the oven or deep fried.
No. 1743577
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>>1741515>>1741626God his face is so punchable.
No. 1743844
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when all your vids are about dunking on pick-mes… it sounds kinda like you wanna get picked
No. 1743949
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>>1743932>"I worry it'll happen to me some day"It won't because you're just a loser faggot, so congratulations I guess.
No. 1743961
>>1743493I like Vincenzo too, some of his reaction content is repetitive but he seems quite genuine and is fair when reviewing amateur cooks, which can't be said about everyone since some reviewers just go ham punching down on random people. I remember in his Paris Hilton video there were comments bashing her for being bad at lasagna and he would reply and say to not be so mean because it's probably her first time trying the recipe. I appreciate that he has several recipes that focus on just a few ingredients since I can't stand all those overengineered recipes with 40 different components.
I saw some redditors who were seething at him for some reason, apparently they get super
triggered about authenticfags and think it's gatekeeping or nationalism?
>>1743577I really hate these overrendered thumbnails they're so uncanny and ugly
No. 1743990
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>>1743577Cooking influencers always have the dumbest faces. Even Gabriette who’s apparently a “model” with her late 90s Angelina cosplay. I wanna slap her
No. 1744069
>>1743932But I thought getting older was supposed to increase the value of a man hmmm? It's like the whole "wall" shit they love to remind women is projection on their part.
Also, kek at the part Protagonist-kun going for the 18-24 age range.
No. 1744542
>>1742893I like her too. There are so many similar korean or japanese youtubers (e.g. Nami's life) doing that whole cozy little apartment and trying recipes thing.
But sometimes I wonder whether my weebness is blinding me, because when western women showcase their sterile beige apartment and perfectly clean life I find it super fake and obnoxious lol
No. 1746004
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>>1745388The only thing I agree with is to put warm colours/tones in the white/grey apartments. I currently live in one similar to the apartment she decorated and having grey everywhere is depressing. When we move to the new apartment in the same building I plan on incorporating more warm colours into our home with the things that need to be replaced (husband moved for his job and bought everything grey on wayfair before marriage)
No. 1746307
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A creep created AI nude pictures about this girl.
The comments from women: "This is why I stopped posting pictures of myself on social media"
Kek like withdrawing from society and censoring your face will solve this problem… No. 1746420
>>1746407Exquisite idea
nonnie. First step to true equality here we go.
No. 1746458
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>>1741453Nonna I posted earlier in this thread, but this woman is utterly insane and claims to have healed her 20yr Lyme disease with her mind. Someone very gently, after a lot of praise & flattery, asked her if she might have ADHD: she seethed and then said ADHD doesn't exist and is an invention of evil doctors. There's also a ton of shade toward her husband in comments she has left on these videos - and then it comes out that she hasn't seen him for 5 months?! Meanwhile she has tons of thirsty Pakistani orbiters. I feel like I've just scratched the surface here, since I haven't watched any other vids of hers. Is she discussed anywhere? Is she worth a bigger discussion here? (Imho yes but maybe it's too specialized/minor) There's so much milk in her comments that it was hard to even choose what to add here.
in addition to those things, she manages to defend and inflate how much her porters got paid (badly), how animals are treated (badly), how well she trekked (badly), and basically anything else people criticized. She wore
new shoes to do the trek; they were too small and she walked barefoot until the ground got too hot. Let that sink in: barefoot. omg.
No. 1746794
I just saw a random video in my history I did not recognize and for a second thought someone else had access to my account somehow until I realized it’s there because the Youtube app likes to open up on the shorts page and that counts as viewing the video even if you immediately click out.
>>1746307It doesn’t solve the problem, this is just something we will have to worry about now and it doesn’t hurt to help more women be aware and decide for themselves what they want to do. It’s a real concern for anybody and Id rather have people who look like they’re fear mongering than peoples lives being ruined by AI porn. I read a reddit post today from a dude saying he was being black mailed with AI porn photos of himself turned into a woman, along with AI photos of real women in his life, that would be harder to believe years ago but with how easily accessible and realistic making AI porn is now, yeah i’m going to tell all my loved to pack it up and come live in the mountains with me.
No. 1747613
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swoop annoys me so much. things I hate about her include:
- her stupid fuckin "swoop" shout/song at the beginning of every video
- her ugly makeup
- her cheap ugly wig (why is she even wearing it? what happened to her hair?)
- her holier than thou attitude. "it's not drama, it's dangerous" - bitch it is drama, stop pretending like you are doing something important while making videos about influencer drama
- her videos are unnecessarily long
- the worst one: she fucking calls her stupid drama videos "documentaries". just WHY. she really be there thinking she's some serious filmmaker oh my god why does she love herself so much
No. 1749979
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why are youtube comment sections always full of MRAs and misogynists? "lol woman bad, women are npcs with no hobbies outside of makeup. stupid femoids!!1" "omg u guise men's mental health is ignored in society, no one cares about our problems, women are coddled too much!!!" (heavily paraphrasing actual comments i saw today)
why are you sperging about all of this under a cute cat video. shut the fuck up.
No. 1750422
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>>1749433Chill nona, I'm a early 30s lady too I never said she couldn't look 'normal' or that she has to look like a 16 year old. Tamp down with the black and white thinking, I just said she looks aged. Maybe from her styling or (possible) ED. I'm pretty sure she's mentioned she has an ED and in recovery
No. 1751613
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>>1750422KEK what was even the purpose of using a supposed "bad" picture of her to try to prove a point? She looks like a normal, healthy 32 year old woman. Anon, I know you are probably one of those women in their 30's that think they look like high-schoolers, and nobody can tell their age, but I PROMISE you, you most likely do not look that different from her. Please seek professional help, you sound like you have issues. Also, even if she did look "aged"(she doesn't), it's an incredibly scrotey thing to nitpick, and that's a fact.
No. 1752771
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I don't even watch or read Harry Potter and I'd probably never gonna do so but this kind of videos piss me off so much. I'm trying so hard to not a-log right now.
No. 1752798
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>>1752784>>1752789I'm kind of annoyed that Chad Chad attracts all these whiny ass zoomers, but that's what I get for expecting anything different.
No. 1755344
>>1749755She goes by
stillbusybaking on yt
She posted a video awhile back of her using those Russian piping tips, bitching about viewers claiming she was using them wrong. Then proceeded to do a half assed demonstration where she piped the preferred way then her way to prove they weren't different. When people pointed out they did indeed look different she defended herself saying she used two diff types of buttercream. Why did you even make the damn video then? When people started obviously arguing that she then made a video to help prove her biases she just doubled down and did the whole "no you" shit. She also has a terrible habit of bringing up her degrees as if that shit holds any weight in baking cakes and pastries.
No. 1755498
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Is anybody having else having this problem lately? So lately I've been searching for cute cat and dog content, yet for some reason YouTube also recommends me blatant animal gore shit like: "cat bitten by dog", "cutting dog leg", "cat eats kitten", "cat falls to death" via shorts… and the thumbnails are pretty graphic too. I keep reporting them but they just keep coming back to my feed… like wtf I don't wanna watch that. Is anyone else experiencing this or do I just have terrible luck?
No. 1755512
>>1755498Ugh that's awful, I'm not sure why you're getting those. I'm a cat vid watcher and I usually get recced comfy east asian foreign cats or braindead cat memes (like tiktok compilations or autistic edits).
Sometimes when I watch animal videos while logged out I'll get those nasty clickbait forced drama "we RESCUED this poor PUPPY who was ABANDONED!!" with a thumbnail of a puppy trapped in sludge or ice or something, and those are awful because often they put the animals in those situations to begin with so they can artificially "save" them.
Maybe try watching/liked a bunch of a certain channel or "genre" of animals videos to flood out the gross ones? I liked a video from haha ha (channel by korean fish farmer with cats) once and got recommended his videos nonstop. Here is his most popular video.
No. 1755656
>>1755648Creators like this and their yes-men really do the subject matter a disservice by turning it into an hours-long slog of background noise. People new to the topic will get turned off by the length, and those familiar with it will get bored because they don't need a 6+ hour recap of "guy X pissed off guy Y so they clicked at each other's ships until they blew up". It's the Subway Surfers or Family Guy Funniest Moments 2023 for people who think they're above needing extra brain stimulation in their everyday tasks.
Fuck, maybe something greater can be said about EVE and its community, but whatever message he had got thrown to shit the second he dedicated 90% of the video to exposition. Get to the fun stuff!
Anyone who brands their pretentious game plot summaries as "well produced video game essays" needs to touch some grass.
No. 1755677
>>1755648tbh I appreciate the current trend of long-format videos delving into a given topic. A fifteen minute video will barely be able to explain anything of substance unless the thing that is being explained is like two minutes long or otherwise brief– an analysis should almost always be longer than the duration of what it is discussing, as it is unpacking and expanding on concepts and ideas, for example. Most actual documentaries that are only 30-40 minutes long are borderline worthless (not to mention atrociously written and poorly researched) and just fill time on broadcast tv, so I'd rather deal with spergs wittering on for a few hours about everything they can possibly think of to say about something rather than a shitty highlight reel of popular facts and ideas about a topic that's just long enough to get good ad money or whatever.
As for the EVE video, I think its actual biggest problem is that all it really did (for me, at least) was remove the veneer of idk, coolness of the game's events that I'd previously heard of and reveal the whole thing as embarrassingly bland and pathetic. There was some neat stuff in there, but god, the players and the game's culture was grating to witness (I kinda died a bit when one of the faction logos or whatever that flashed up on the screen was an MLP character, an it was amusing that the playerbase apparently looks down on roleplayers and yet post shitty screeds at each other like cartoon villains/redditors). Tbh I also wonder if the video ended up so long and stodgy because he didn't want to deal with backlash from EVE players, considering the closing comments at the end.
No. 1755765
>>1755652It's not an accent issue but the cadence they speak in. Knudsen isn't conpletely unbearable but some other similar youtubers literally slur words. And if you have trouble speaking/pronouncing some words then maybe don't write complex phrases for the sake of looking clever in a video about some videogame or show.
>>1755677I wouldn't mind longer videos if they actually got to the point instead of wasting 20 minutes of it on some vague introduction that almost sounds like purple prose with how many words they use while describing nothing.
No. 1755847
>>1755829Fair. Tbh the subjects I usually go for are either to do with books/literature, biology/science in general, or very technical media analysis, and not every one of those is a winner either, but filtering out the popculture stuff does help (or more niche popculture stuff… can be hard to find good stuff on obscure or horror games sometimes, for example, or on odd people/groups).
I think the problem with the video essay format is that they're often very much written like how essays are taught in high schools (in my experience), with information just being repeated and failing to go anywhere because the point gets lost in the repetition or wasn't strong enough to carry the essay in the first place. Same for the copypaste wikipedia stuff. There is also the 'recipe website' problem of front-loading the video with nonsense faffing about for 10 minutes before getting on topic.
I do hate the trend hopping of people covering the same topic for a 'deep-dive', especially when it's in the same way like those 'I watched/read X so you don't have to!!!' videos where they point at printouts on their wall while summarising something without adding anything of their own because some other youtuber made a popular video like that.
No. 1756297
>>1755650And that person is me, I squee in glee when I find a 40-minute long autistic droning essay so that I can get some housework done.
>>1755847The commentary/documentary channel genre has really been diluted with this bullshit, picking the most relevant topic riding more successful youtubers' coat tails and just reading out loud wikipedia articles (or even worse, forum threads) or padding their video with endless amounts of long interview clips that really break the flow of the video because suddenly it's an entirely different form of storytelling and mood. I've listened to hour long videos about old TV shows I never watched simply because it's a well constructed and researched narration that could make any obscure topic sound interesting.
With Fredrik Knudsen I have a complicated relationship with, his videos on topics that I'm familiar with or that have a very peculiar topic like Henry Darger or Purr Cat Cafe or some other eccentric person have been enjoyable but for example the Deep Blue video which was his pre-EVE Online magnum opus was a huge bore because he went into way too much detail sounding like he was reading a flowchart out loud. A 2-hour video about computer chess going over the technical detail of how the software was developed and how chess works just doesn't have enough substance to keep anyone's attention, especially when spoken with no variation in his tone or cadence unless it's your personal special interest. I have no idea how that video has almost 8mil views because it made me feel like I should be taking notes to remember all of this in the test.
No. 1756338
>>1755498Yeah I hit not interested on animal content in general because I'm so sick of seeing obviously dying animals going viral and then surprise surprise dying (ie cats like Wisp) or people mistreating aggressive animals for owa owa bucks because isn't it so funny how when I shove the camera in its face it attacks. I don't watch rescue content, I don't watch gore, I don't watch reptile content, I don't watch literally anything even tangentially related, and yet suddenly I'm getting videos on my feed of stuff like a komodo dragon eating a baby goat whole, or snakes eating live rabbits. Sick moid shit
>>1755648Totally agree but Knudsen is one of the exceptions. I can handle an autistic moid going into extreme detail about a strange event way better than I can most of the people making hours long content reading Wikipedia articles with nothing else to say just trying to fill time for watchtime dollars
No. 1757398
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>>1755648>>1755656Have you never been to University or College? cause this is what most academic lectures are like there, and as
>>1755847 depth you do need more then 15 or 40 minutes to truly go depth into a specific topic.
No. 1757478
>>1757398Are you really comparing a 6 hour video about videogame battles to a college lecture?
>>1756536>paying an autistic moid to make a sperg video about some niche shit while he would have done it anywayLook I actually like some Knudsen videos but this one is boring as fuck and absolutely does not need to be 6 hours long. Like
>>1756297 said it's like the Deep Blue video, he didn't fucking need to describe every single move of every chess match to get the point accross.
No. 1757602
>>1756475>that greasy guy who likes garfield and does 6 hour+ videos on Nickelodeon showsOh god that guy, I was immediately thinking of him when reading the posts upthread kek. I tried watching one or two of his videos and man they were so fucking boring and way too long. I'm willing to sit through a 3-hour retrospective and have done it many times in the past but the subject matter has to either be extraordinarily interesting, usually spanning through multiple different sections (such as an entire series retrospective) or the narration itself has to have layers and commentary instead of just summarizing episodes so that I don't have to watch it.
>>1757512>that's part of the point being made here, about 30 minutes in it becomes obvious that the reason the video is so long is because the creator does not know how to speak succinctly and drags it out for no reasonThis. There's no reason for the video to be 6 hours long, it makes no sense. It speaks more about his ability to cherrypick relevant story points to tell what happened than the actual value of the finished work, it reminds me of the time everyone in school tried to pad their essays as much as they could because long=good, thus ruining the readability and making it difficult to tell the highlights apart from regular buildup. It literally sounds like he's just reading a wikipedia article out loud.
No. 1758183
>>1757602You're correct that no video "essay" needs to be 6 hours long. No movie needs to be 4+ hours long to convey a story either, but many people DO think long=good/deep/rich with information. I've unfollowed basically all video essay channels I used to enjoy, because they are so surface level and now they all get the pages of research done by paid Twitter/discord fans who gather up info from around the internet.
How many essay do we need to watch about "Why Scooby Doo was ahead of its time" Or "The Secret Gushers conspiracy " or "Big Wolf On Campus made transmasc history" etc., it's all regurgitated sludge at this point. And we also have the political, racial, religious slants in some video essays which try to make viewers feel educated about important subjects (like that Timon was Jewish in the Lion King).
I'm so tired of it all, just look at this sampling from a playlist of video essays No. 1758646
>>1741587I hate to burst your bubble nonna because I’m just as grossed out by this kinda stuff but it’s actually pretty common for women and girls to be into this. I was just as confused as you until I saw all the
abusive harry styles fanfiction back when it was popular.
No. 1762108
>>1757478>he didn't fucking need to describe every single move of every chess match to get the point accross.This is a reoccurring problem with his videos, he pads them out by overexplaining every single thing without considering that not everything has to be described in detail. It takes away from the narration and gets confusing because he has no trust in the listener's ability to fill in the gaps and has to hold their hand at every turn even when it becomes suffocating. Like when a normal person telling a story says
>So she made an omelette. He describes it as
>So Susie was planning to make an omelette. Omelettes are a common fried dish that consist of eggs, spices and toppings, it's quite the delicacy in many countries across the world. For an omelette, eggs are a necessity, and most commonly the eggs used come from chickens. Chickens are a breed of domesticated birds that…Like it just goes on and on and in that time you forgot what was going on before that derailment. It was a huge issue in the Deep Blue video and from what I've already watched, it seems to be present in the EVE online one too and that's why it's 6 hours long. It's literally the "pad the essay to reach the word count" curse from schools and universities.
No. 1763348
>>1755486He looks like a fucking rat.
Bet he's deluded enough to believe he can do better than her but stays with her for the money and clout hence his negging that bleeds into his dialogue.
No. 1763655
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I pray for Gen Alpha.
No. 1764672
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I hate this ugly ass dude so much
No. 1768828
>>1768798No, that one is a painter, plus both are american. This is her assistant which she met in London. Trooning really is a plague.
>>1768738kek got flashbacks with the Superwholock fandom
No. 1769309
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>>1769303>she named herself "Heathcliff"based i love heathcliff
No. 1770896
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>>1770885I want to visit the temples; they look majestic. I am thinking to maybe go to Bali instead though.
No. 1773426
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>>1773419I watch DBDR because I find his voice pleasant even if he is an unlikeable individual. His face was posted on
No. 1773892
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>>1773419Mind you, picrel(whose video got popular with both incels and normal people) managed to get a girlfriend and later got married cause he actually worked trying to improve himself and didn't make hating women his entire personality. like yeah I acknowledge it's hard for both ugly men and women but It's not the end of the world and you can always find someone.
No. 1774592
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>>1773892>>1773419Reminds me of picrel, like to this day I don't get the point of this meme, like yeah no one wants to be with a fat disgusting unkempt man.
No. 1774934
>>1772759Yeah, either way it doesn’t look good. The money withdrawn for operating expenses is
sus too, considering it’s his family who is running it. He could also be using the cash to get collateral on other things, which is straight up fraud.
No. 1775750
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Late and fat but I found out that Karissa Dunbach (karissaeats) is a camwhore on onlyfans. Like, why? The food videos from YouTube + TikTok + singing in theme parks/cruises gigs are enough for monetary value, why whore yourself out? That probably explains why her moid is with her all the time and doesn’t have a job. No. 1780240
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>>1780229I never liked Turkey Tom but after getting curious and look up his face, now I'm disgusted kek. Just look at his faggy ass.
No. 1780442
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>>1780240he doesnt look like a cute twink anymore, he looks like this now. He's in his early 20s and already hit the wall.
No. 1780454
>>1780448another video where he defends the pedo because the
victim was 17
No. 1781143
>>1633327The thing about Metokur is that his politics are retarded uneducated late gen x/early millenial republican bullshit and he has that immature early internet edge he never grew out of but he rarely exhibited any sociopathic or opportunistic traits and always had this degree of integrity to him, which was his charm to many. Turkey Tom is clearly loving the attention he gets and his videos have become worse and worse over time, his second channel without his editors is just bad and makes obvious how uncharismatic he is. I don't even care about the tranny question but he often
victim blames abused women and makes excuses for groomer scrotes, something Metokur honestly wouldn't have done because the man hates degenerates no matter who you are. Turkey Tom can't anger all the coomer men because it would cost him his career, Metokur didn't have such stakes in the game because he was always very adamant about not making "internet friends". It's funny how he was very upfront about his strategy yet nobody who's trying to ape him never follows his advice.
No. 1781154
>>1780258I'm disappointed, I saw a couple loose videos a long time ago and I thought he was alright. My impression was that he was a kiwi (based on how he covered multiple popular cows) and didn't support troons. I think it was him whose gf posted a mild tranny joke about them looking like each other and got a ton of butthurt troons harassing her crying about how it was offensive, so I was under the impression that he'd recognize their craziness. Too optimistic I guess.
Unfortunately most of the people who are aware of crazies and their communities tend to be or become crazies themselves. Cows attract cows.
No. 1785483
>>1773426Dbdr's Romana Flowers vents at the moment are brilliant.
If any nonas live in New York, you need to check them out. The type of girls at the meetings seem like farmers.
(And he does have a sexy voice).
No. 1786092
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>>1785751At least there are plenty of reasonable people in the comments talking about how they'd rather hit the gym than do surgery like that. Sure are a lot of retards though and I'm betting they're very young or don't realize that they have to stick to a strict work out routine and diet or else they'll have to go through it again. But all that money and pain for her to end up looking disproportionate….
No. 1786357
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>>1785751this is her boyfriend btw she went through all of that for this. He isnt even popular liek her, so i bet she's sugar babying this little shithead.
No. 1786364
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>>1786360hot guys are reserved for horsefaced stacies
No. 1787076
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>>1786367>>1786515there's also an anon on /g/ who hated her because of…this
No. 1787470
>>1787248Good. Some women get so insecure when ugly women get dick. I thought we all hated moids here, so why do you care
nonnie? It's not very hot Stacy of you.
No. 1787585
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>biggest creep
This faggot acts as if she's the only weirdo who is a youtuber ever. But if I know if worse youtubers were mentioned he and the other retards are gonna call it "whataboutism". Not defending Colleen, just saying that calling her the BIGGEST creep is insincere.
No. 1787640
youre the one who sounds wildly insecure when you can't handle anons calling a random celebrity ugly. We are not a yaya sisterhood bitch stfu
(infighting) No. 1793451
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