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No. 2327452[Reply]

What's looking up, Nonnie?

Previous thread: >>>/ot/1601035
86 posts and 19 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2411291

You're cute anon. Remember, the more you socialize the more it will become your nature!

No. 2411294

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I booked a visit to a spider monkey sanctuary next week. I couldn't sleep last night I'm so excited I hope they like me!!!!!!

No. 2411297

I hope you have buckets and buckets of fun at the monke sanctuary nona

No. 2411310

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im so jealous rn i hope you have fun! i hope you take lots of photos of the cute monkes

No. 2411448

Take a couple where you're not in them for us!! Hope you have lots of fun!

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No. 2291553[Reply]

Similar to the Twitter, Tumblr, and Reddit hate threads, we post youtube videos, creators, and comments that we hate. Infuriating shit, stupid shit, weird shit. Post away.

Previous threads:
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No. 2411271

Yeah I stopped watching her videos because of her fake nice fake accepting act as well that just attracts faggots and pervs who are looking for validation and support and want to be told they're not weirdos for their autistic interests.

No. 2411293

>about the websites involved

No. 2411308

it was the reason why i got grossed out when she made a discord server, i can't imagine who would join other than creeps who are too comfortable with their degenerate fetishes and possibly curious minors, which is worse

No. 2411378

Yes. It's a small detail, yeah, but the fact that she didn't care enough to look up that it's an American site used for hosting (mainly) Japanese art ticked off my tism. It's so obvious it hurts to even point out. She called it a "Japanese image board" if my memory serves me right.

No. 2411559

i was watching a video on a couple from 90 Day Fiance (pls don’t judge it’s my guilty trashy pleasure) and some “lady” was in the comments like “me and my husband never fought in the 19 years we were married until he died of cancer i miss him so much i’ll never love again” …ma’am this video is about a tranny chaser.

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No. 1553987[Reply]

Discuss dreams/nightmares you've had, recurring themes or symbols, lucid dreams, your interpretations of other anons' dreams, etc.

previous thread >>>/ot/932175
960 posts and 191 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2410693

My teeth all fell out. It was horrible. I woke up at 5 in order to check kek.

No. 2410749

Had a dream I gave a virgin birth due to some legend or prophecy of some sort that I was chosen to fulfill. I had to hide the baby and keep it a secret because nobody would've believed ne and I would've gotten into trouble for getting pregnant and giving birth out of wedlock. Nothing happened after that, I think I just woke up.

No. 2410820

Had a dream I was still with my ex and I had head lice, for some reason, and I was freaking out because he didn't want us to sleep in the same bed if I had lice. So I was panicking and trying to remove the lice asap. Also, head lice were classified as ticks now? And my university would send you home with this bag that had a t-shirt and a paper notifying you that you had lice. One of his female friends was staying at his house too and she showed up on my Tinder while I was there.

No. 2410962

I dreamt I was dating this guy who had a twin and I was hanging out with them both at some type of boarding school. I couldn't remember my boyfriends name and I knew it was too late/too weird to ask after we were already dating. I also kept getting him mixed up with his twin and couldn't quite keep straight who was who. I tried to get my friend's attention so we could go talk in private and she could tell me his name. But I woke up before we got the chance to talk.

No. 2411287

I had a very stressful dream last night:
>went inside Taylor Swift's house, I guess I just had the keys
>go inside her rooms
>I'm nosy so I look inside what she has inside her room, on her shelves, etc.
>she was hiding a lot of Fire Emblem fanart/prints in desk's drawer for some reason
>looks like her husbando is Chrom because some of the prints had some OC with Chrom she commissioned
>some family member who came with me for some reason asks me what's going on and why Taylor Swift is a such a weaboo
>I start sperging about Fire Emblem to provide context
>we flee and I pretend I didn't see any of this so Taylor Swift doesn't send assassins after me to silence me
>I wake up because of my cat yelling at me in the morning
By the way I don't know anything about her, she's a singer but I never heard any of her songs. I have no idea why she came up.

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No. 1555628[Reply]

Discussions of any religions or spiritual teachings

Do you believe in god(s) or an afterlife? Where do we go after death? Have we died before? What was it like before we were born? Do we have souls? Do you pray or meditate?
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No. 2398291

and here you are following their religion

No. 2398502

This isn’t necessarily too spiritual but has anybody been having weird dreams lately? I feel like dreams can be transplanted and faked but I had such a very strange dream. I was inside a very large school walking around but I was on a balcony outside of the school and for some reason Donald Trump and Melania were there. There was a very huge white screen being painted on and when the painting was officially done it was just a painting of a blue sky with white clouds. I then heard Melania shriek-sing something but the only things I remember is, “war is coming!” in it and that’s all I remember before waking it up kek. I’ve had very strange dreams related to the election. I also had another one where I was in a stereotypical sports WWE-style arena and one side was red and the other was blue (like democrats and republicans) but the people who were in place were two little (one looked lighter and younger than the other) black girls in suits standing at opposite podiums with smirks on their faces. It was so strange.

No. 2398745

>open thread out of curiosity
>see posts made by literal schizophrenics

No. 2400146

I was abused in catholic school as a child and for some reason recently I can't get the memories out of my mind. I stopped believing in god at the age of 5 and stopped believing in anything spiritual whatsoever at the age of 11(which actually did help my mental health a lot, I remember around that time people used to walk up to me and ask why I was suddenly so happy and giddy all the time but this was in the bible belt so I couldn't tell them). For most of my life ignoring religion and spirituality as much as possible has worked to help me avoid these horrible feelings but now for some reason I can't, it has become too much. Maybe its Trump, people and society have got more religious recently I fear, which makes me wanna throw up. A part of me wants to become baptist or evangelical protestant maybe because those people seem really sweet and happy, even when they talk about their religion, which is so weird to me. How can religion make you happy? It seems like such a disgusting horrible thing, I don't understand it. Sometimes I try to believe in god or spirituality and I'll be ok for a little bit but then something reminds me of my past and I feel so ashamed and angry and horrible and sad all at once that I feel like my body can't handle it and I'm going to vomit. Have any of you ever felt nauseous or afraid because of your religion? I heard once that some kinds of buddhism don't have any gods, I feel like that sounds really nice, but I don't think buddhism lets you be lesbian so IDK if I wanna do that. I feel like such a reddit atheist when I try to talk about my feelings on religion and how much it hurts people sometimes, I wish it was more socially acceptable to talk about that. I think if I could talk about how religion made me feel to people more openly I wouldn't feel like this all the time right now. It probably sounds silly to the mostly very spiritual people in this thread but being an obnoxious reddit atheist who hates on religion all the time and calls jesus "sky daddy" and shit like that is the only sort of thing that has ever given me any sense of peace in life. There are entire industries dedicated to promoting religion and saying that it is awesome and making a million christian movies and nobody cares, but you can't ever talk about how religion hurt people or makes people do bad things sometimes without adding a million disclaimers and saying "Noooooo, this person is a bad person for a different reason, its not their religion nooooooooooo" oPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

No. 2411169

literally this whoever my spirit guides are/ancestors are fucking HATEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ME just because i won't submit to being a retard moid's slave for the rest of my life

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No. 1529567[Reply]

it’s down… anyone else feeling adrift at sea?
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No. 2405867

How do you know it wasn't FBI that posted it?

No. 2410940

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This isn't the right thread I know but idk where else to post this. Has anyone been randomly blacklisted from the new board on junkuchan? Idk why I am because no posts I made there were redtexted or even remotely rule breaking, and I've been able to post just fine until I tried to get a fortune in the fortune thread a few minutes ago. There doesn't seem to be an option to contest a ban like there is on LC.

No. 2410949

Should I post this in the meta thread for you?

No. 2410954

That would be really kind of you, thanks.

No. 2410964

Posted and got a reply already if you'd like to check!

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No. 2297525[Reply]

Previous >>1978406

Thread to discuss the phenomenon of "fujoshi", the women that identify as such and the women who criticise it.

To a latter extent, discuss also the phenomenon of "yumejoshi" and "himejoshi", especially when it comes to the yume vs. fujo feud.

Discuss the history of fujoshism, speculate on its reasons, argue your opinion on it and exchange intelligent views with other farmers.

Topics include:
>Is the fujoshi-to-TIF pipeline real, or merely a symptom of something else?
>Do fujoshi self-insert in the uke and/or seme? Or do fujoshi simply look at slash couples in a voyeuristic manner?
>What is your view on the early 2000s phenomenon of identifying as a fujoshi "but not supporting real life homos"?
>Is being a fujoshi a way of escaping misogyny, or does it reinforce it?
>What is your opinion on omegaverse, and the het omegaverse which followed?
>Are fujos addicted to pornography? Are yumes?
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No. 2410906

Seems a bit unfair when the parallel version is always carted around as the absolute representative of all fujoshi everywhere.

No. 2410946

The amount of seething this thread generates is absolutely hilarious, especially from the fujos. They’re clearly deranged porn addicts kekkkk(baiting)

No. 2410950

If they were seething they'd be bringing it up in any thread they could lmao.

No. 2411013

The antifujos are the ones who squawk about shitdick and AIDS out of nowhere in random threads that have nothing to do with it. They spend more time thinking about moid poop than any moid or any fujo.

No. 2411043

There's an anti-fujosperging containment thread and they still can't keep it out of other threads kek.

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No. 495717[Reply]

post your predictions of what might happen in the coming decade!

I think were gonna see another 2008-style economic slump , a likely resurgence of rock music and Onision finally going to prision
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No. 2382279

Lizzo ozempic era

No. 2382281

Dead internet is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

No. 2382284

There's going to be a HUGE technology/social media "outage" all over the world at some point in the next 5 years, and it's going to have lasting effects.

No. 2382492

God, I can only hope. The last time social media was "fun" was probably 2014 when we could post cool stuff or art without being slammed with ads and "THINGS I DIDNT KNOW ABOUT X" content farm bullshit.
Twitter was 140 characters and great for brief, weird one-liner jokes, I miss Weird Twitter.
Facebook was cool before they allowed everyone to sign up for an account.
Bring back the old web.

No. 2410904

A lot of influencers, streamers, content creators are going to be outed as money launderers.

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No. 2139249[Reply]

Discuss the happenings, drama, cringe, etc. of Neocities, personal sites, webrings, and other small communities, and how they used to be in the past.

Other possible topics of discussion:
>personal sites vs social media profiles
>creating shrines and fanlistings
>joining webrings and cliques
>how socializing on the internet has changed

Previous threads

Search for personal/non-comercial sites:
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No. 2411054

Are there any fansites or creative web sites hosted on GitHub pages? It seems ghp is mostly used by programmer men to host their blogs they generate using static site generators. Am I missing out on fun sites?

Thank you for this. I don’t see anything wrong with the phrasing so hopefully it does not run afoul of CoC.

No. 2411170

I'm not really sure you can consider yourself a normie if you're online enough to know the term.

No. 2411172

Ah yes the obscure online term "normie" only known to those on onion sites. Of course.

No. 2411174

definitely not normie enough to join but it's always a good thing for there to be more variation in the webrings women can participate in. awesome work anon.

No. 2411381

Any time I've said "normie" to an actual normie they have 0 idea what I'm talking about.

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No. 2410648[Reply]

Previous thread: >>2149098

A thread for sharing things that are too nasty to discuss in polite company, aka TMI (Too Much Information). Do you have a weird habit? An embarrassing health issue? Just want to admit something gross? Feel free to post it here.

Things could get unsightly in here, so remember– the hide button on threads is there for a reason.
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No. 2410834

>push on the taint
I did this once when I was constipated, it was a lifesaver
Are you constipated often anon? You might consider eating more fiber

No. 2410842

Wouldn't fiber do the opposite of helping with constipation. I thought it firmed your shit up.

No. 2410850

Fiber helps bowel movement so can help with constipation

No. 2410863

It might be bad with stress induced constipation. I have problems with this and eating a lot of fiber made it all worse and on top of that I never felt empty. That was really the worst feeling.

No. 2410869

Well you're full of shit

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No. 2303329[Reply]

Don't know whether to go sleep or binge-read another cow thread? Get milk or tea? Dedicate your remaining life time to Dr*ver or Dano, and don't want to keep any of those important decisions in Sanic-samas capable hands? Fret not–present your dilemma, let farmers burn some sage and have them take that burden off of your exhausted shoulders.
Keep US laws, and more importantly, TPO, in mind and don't ask whether to an hero or which fun method to use, we're not serious like that.

Previous: >>1904216
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No. 2410666

Samefag, drop the name of the college and I'll report it myself if you don't care enough to.

No. 2410716

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Should I go to a concert by myself and pay €200+ for a hotel and public transport or just stay home?

No. 2410718

If it's really important to you, it's safe for you to go and you can afford to pay that, sure. If you need to put that on a credit card/Afterpay and you're planning on living off ramen to afford it, stay home.

No. 2410719

Yes. You will make friends there and it will be a fun experience

No. 2410734

I didn’t know they supported trannies kek. But in this day and age everyone is queerio if they want to be marketed, just wait for the troonism to die down. It’s not really a big deal.
But I would not spend any penny on these polyester stuff. It’s way too pricey for the quality they’re giving you.

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