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No. 2266168[Reply]

A thread were we talk about all the times we were proven right despite everyone else telling us we were wrong or making things up.

Women in our society are often told to shut up and don't say what we're actually thinking, all in the name of keeping peace between our peers. However, we're often right about situations that could had been prevented if only someone listened to us.

"I told you so". "That man was creepy". "I was right about that group of friends". "That looked dangerous". "This person is up to no good". "Should had listened when you had the chance". Etc, etc. This threads aims to discuss all the times we definitely were definitely correct when no one else believed us. The situation doesn't need to be grave, everyday "proven right" things are also allowed.

On the other hand, if you want to discuss a time in your life when someone else was correct about something but you didn't listen, feel free to do so. Please refrain from making on-site references to other lolcow anons you know or have infighted with, thanks.
29 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2266727

Nta but buying prostitutes still seems bordering on sex pest to me, not pedo level or anything but still shows he has no morals

No. 2268150

men who buy sex are statistically more violent and like rapists (because they are)

No. 2268376

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Have this ex boy-crazy friend from highschool, all her exes were shitty but she'd put up with it until they just confessed to her that she's a shoe-in for another woman they actually liked.
I made it very clear to her that I hated all of them when she was with them and that she should stop being a doormat for men and to get some self-respect (in a nice way) but I'm pretty she likes victimizing herself and loves attention more than anything in this entire world.
She doesn't have any other thing/hobby/interest to obsess over other than k-pop, anime and consumer things like above.
She's now with this guy she met on Omegle who pressured her into sex before marriage which was the one thing that she kept as a principle and excommunicated the rest of my friends and has a yes-man tif friend to go and buy bdsm gear in public and play Valorant with and she still isn't happy about the fact that her boyfriend doesn't listen to her (because she makes it her selling point that she is a doormat). I hope I never talk to her again but I will bring up kinks just to hear her talk and laugh at her.
if a lot of their niceness feels transactional/like peer-pressure (I'll do this so you should do this)/if they do things infront of others to look good.
If you feel (uncomfortable, ignored, shamed) and you can't place why, don't ignore it and keep a tally on your phone so you don't doubt yourself.

No. 2268839

>and has a yes-man tif friend to go and buy bdsm gear in public
I honestly hate TIFs like these, the ones that go their way to make themselves as crazy and kinky as possible on purpose.

No. 2268863

I hate this argument that "you have to work with people you don't like in the workplace" when it comes to school group projects.
Professors just sit on their asses all day writing papers, what do they know about the working world. At least lazy retards in the workplace eventually end up getting fired or reprimanded by their bosses. In school, they can just get away with their lazy behavior.

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No. 1905883[Reply]

Post 'em.
Link for (taking it to /meta/):
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No. 2268565

I’m like 99% sure it’s the farmhand replying and saying kek or being snarky to anons criticisms

No. 2268622

It is clearly a joke post tho, so the ban should be for shitposting, which is still a dumb ban reason

No. 2268790

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Not my ban but
So cringe when jannies make it obvious which side of the infighting they're on. Wouldn't be surprised if it was lingerie-chan.

No. 2268794

Personalityfags always get outted, newfag.

No. 2268796

Are you mentally challenged?

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No. 1628600[Reply]

For random things we like or love, like the Things we hate thread but the opposite.
Anything you wanna talk about is allowed. You might post physical things, ideas, links to random corners of the internet, etc. The things you might post don't have to necessarily be milky/not milky, go as controversial, weird, complicated, pure, simple or vanilla as you'd like
>No infighting
>No things you hate or dislike

Previous likes: >>>/ot/673217
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No. 2267775

this fucking picture nona kek

No. 2267965

Disappointed in myself for finding it as funny as I do

No. 2268669

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body glitter is so pretty i love it

No. 2268681

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Bless you nonna, this made my whole month. Praying your pincurls always fall perfect!

No. 2269173

I loved living near a forest and knowing after the rain I could get a random treasure hunt of mushrooms to find and identify, and then learn about them later that day, or make spore prints of them!
You can get those big nori sheets and just throw them in a pan and let them crisp up with a little butter and seasoning, yum

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No. 2087292[Reply]

Virstanpylväs saavutettu, tämä on perinteisen Suomillankan kymmenes osa.

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No. 2265030

Ei voi mennä huonommin kuin nyt

No. 2265510

Hmh joo ite ajattelin pysytellä lapsettomana sinkkuna, mulla on työ ja kavereita ja harrastuksia eikä kyllä kiinnosta lohkaista yhdestäkään niistä aikaa jollekin vauvalle saati miesvauvalle. Kihiskööt konservatiivimiehet ja muut syntyvyydestä itkevät ääliöt.

No. 2266828

Moidit on kyllä roskaa aivan kansainvälisesti. Joku leikelty k-poppari ei todellakaan edusta keskiverto aasialaista miestä ja kulttuuri on todella naista alistava. Olen jutellut kiinalaisen feministin kanssa ja hän oli sitä mieltä että asiat ovat täällä paljon paremmin, vaikka ei meidänkään kivespussillisia varsinaisesti kehumisen arvoisena pitänyt.

No. 2268666

En kyllä suosittele. Keskiverto korealainen mies ehkä pitää ulkosesta habituksestaan parempaa huolta kuin suomiukot, mutta incel-kulttuuri on itä-aasiassa potenssiin sata, seksuaalinen ahdistelu on työpaikoilla about normi ja asenteet naisia kohtaan tuolla Korea/Kiina/Japani akselilla ylipäätään on aika tunkkaiset, naisten oletetaan edelleen olevan kotiäitejä ja palvelevan miestään. Tietysti joo riippuu ukosta, riippuu perheestä, mut sille on ihan syynsä miks 4B lähti Etelä-Koreasta ja miks Japanissa on naisille omia busseja. Miehet on sontaa kaikkialla eikä ruoho aidan takana oo vihreämpää, lehmät on vaan eri värisiä.

No. 2269589

Tähän vielä lisäys että ko. miehet ajattelevat että länsimaalaiset naiset ovat moraalittomia seksihulluja, koska meillä on erilaiset vapaudet seksuaalisuuden toteuttamisen suhteen kuin aasialaisilla naisilla

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No. 2107841[Reply]

You guys remember Kony 2012? Good times. I seriously thought he was some insane war criminal who was father to like 100,000 children across africa and he turned out to just be a picture of a random guy
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No. 2257642

I fucking love The XX, I was just listening to Intro and Crystalised today. We need to bring back this type of music

No. 2257664

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I went through my old blog to find this: https://bettywhitefanfiction-blog.tumblr.com/post/115937545934/bourbontosociety-thefingerfuckingfemalefury
George Takei in support of gay marriage dunking on some people who wrote really bad arguments against gay marriage and put it online…

No. 2258998

3 days later and i'm just seeing i typed "blind in my right ear" smh

No. 2268646

i just remembered this thing we would say as kids when someone would call us a bitch.
>well a bitch is a female dog and dogs are part of nature and nature is beautiful so thank you

No. 2268648

Won’t someone think of the poor rich celebrities!

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No. 2139249[Reply]

Discuss the happenings, drama, cringe, etc. of Neocities, personal sites, webrings, and other small communities, and how they used to be in the past.

Other possible topics of discussion:
>personal sites vs social media profiles
>creating shrines and fanlistings
>joining webrings and cliques
>how socializing on the internet has changed

Previous threads

Search for personal/non-comercial sites:
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2264630

lots. making HTML/CSS mistakes is something everyone stumbles with. for me it was stuff like making sure my tags were closed, double-checking my div names and stuff like that.
test everything locally before you push it out online, and you'll catch a lot of your mistakes. but you're new, so try not to stress to hard about this right now- just focus on getting in practice, and learning how to troubleshoot your code and fix stuff as it comes up!

No. 2267109

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she thinks she's so clever

No. 2267988

I'd have more respect for her if she just admitted that she anonfailed when trying to grudgepost on here, and just moved on for real. Just from reading her website and never speaking to her, I can tell she's still obsessed with us and what people think of her despite trying to be "above the drama"

No. 2268475

someone tell this chick to build a bridge and get over her schizoposting about flonne holy shit

No. 2268636

Famous last words: "Nice try but NOBODY knows who I am." >>2067866

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No. 2262680[Reply]

Continue to discuss news stories that upset and disturb you more than usual, crimes, disasters and events that stay on your mind, stories of criminals, victims and survivors that you want to discuss etc. Try to post relevant pictures, names, links to articles, websites etc if you can, so that people can look up the cases for themselves easier.
Previous thread >>2146125
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No. 2268623

>fell off a window
This is so ridiculous I'm almost willing to believe it's true

No. 2268629

nonna, he's likely wearing a guard

No. 2268634

A real man would guard his own penis with his bare hands.

No. 2268649

he probably was cautious at first, but after a while sex pest moids have to escalate their degeneracy in order to get off. this is likely the end result of years spent preying on female patients and possibly female employees too

No. 2269294

We need more female vigilante gangs

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No. 2161624[Reply]

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No. 2268394

I genuinely need an entire study demonstrated in an at least two hour long special on why Indian content is baked with pure cringe

No. 2268413

the average iq in india is 82

No. 2268423

Not my Indian ladies tho they're geniuses they're smart queens

No. 2268599

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repost from the kinkshaming thread

No. 2269340

they look like siblings

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No. 774138[Reply]

ITT:A thread for open/closeted ex-Muslims and or Muslims who are questioning their faith
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No. 2265729

the current government is a coalition of multiple parties (and the military) until some stability can be restored, a few islamists are in this too, when things are stable, elections will take place, though with hasina gone, most people think the next leading government will be the bangladesh nationalist party, which has ties to the army

No. 2268507

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No. 2268594

I'm scared

No. 2268606

Damn allah has nice tits

No. 2268925

The human race will never beat the "aliens created us" allegations with shit like this

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No. 475318[Reply]

Post about your journals and journal inspirations here!

Some icebreakers:
- What made you start?
- What kind of notebook do you write in?
- Where do you get your journals?
- How often do you write and do you have a preference with what you write with (favorite pens)?
- Do you decorate your journals? If so, with what and how?
- Any favorite stores/companies to get all your journals and journaling goodies from?
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No. 2260866

for writing small, i've had good luck with just generic asian stationery store pens, many of them seem to be super fine tip, but while they write pretty well at first, it does seem like the ink runs out pretty quickly. I'd also second what >>2259995 said about Micron pens, though I maybe press too hard on them and the tips get a bit bent. In general, I tend to be a fan of thicker pens, so I just buy larger size notebooks to accommodate that most of the time.

No. 2261377

Recently got a cheap fountain pen, preppy or something and I love it so much! All I want to do is write nonstop with
Do any nonnas have fountain pen or ink recommendations? That’s my main concern, is finding a black enough archival ink to replace my ballpoint which I love so much (it’s just not as smooth).

No. 2261409

The most popular recommendations for black waterproof/pigmented fountain pen ink are Platinum Carbon Black (if you have a Preppy, you could get cartridges for this if you don't want to use a converter or syringe refill), Sailor Kiwaguro, and De Atramentis Document Black. I've only used Kiwaguro, and although I liked it, it's more temperamental than I'd like and it dries a little gray. I'm pretty sure Platinum also makes an even blacker black than Carbon black, but iirc it's a little pricey. Also, you may know this already, but just in case: waterproof fountain pen inks are a little higher maintenance and can gunk up your pen (a pain to clean) if you don't write with them for a few months. Good luck nona. I hope you enjoy your fountain pen journey.

No. 2261868

I didn’t know that about waterproof ink, thank you. This is something I’ve wanted to do since I was a kid so I figured I’d get a pen and a decent black ink to start, I don’t really know much of anything about them yet. Thank you for your recommendations, I’ve noticed so pen shops do little sample bottles so I may end up just trying them all.
And, if you see this, or any other nonnas want to chime in: Have you ever tried a vacuum fill pen? if you have are they easy to clean or just same as any other?

No. 2268558

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Any nonas here excited about using their new planners and stationary next year? I'm super hype to finally switch out my current work planner for one with a different layout that's more compact. I'm also on my 2nd year of my 5 year journal and it's honestly been a blast to re-read last year's entries.

That aside, lately I've been seeing a lot of planners decorated in this exact same way on the Hobonichi subreddit (picrel). It's not that I dislike it, but they do honestly all look the same…

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