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No. 1905883[Reply]

Post 'em.
Link for (taking it to /meta/):
1092 posts and 246 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2348600

No. 2349043

I dunno why that was so funny to me
They be sounding like wikipedia editors

No. 2350171

Guys… I think I might have just watched a janny wk cows in a cow thread, then ban and DFE because it became too upsetting for him. Not a 100% sure, but the response time and things said in the conversation line up. Juicy if true.

Is this a common experience for other nonnies? What were your interactions like with posters you're pretty sure were jannies?

No. 2350199

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No. 2350368

yes, and if there are or seem to be two anons doing it, their post times are usually 6-8 minutes apart. It's pretty weird. They will never admit it so it's difficult to discuss.

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No. 2344638[Reply]

A thread for nonas who have lost a loved one. Share stories, ask questions, seek support. If you are struggling with your loss or want to connect with others who have gone through something similar, you are welcome here.

>Type of loss does not matter; grandparent, parent, sibling, partner, friend, or pet. If you miss them then you can post.

>Be kind. Anons in this thread have suffered enough.
>Global and /ot/ rules apply.

Related threads
>Dealing with aging parents: >>2123710
>Widow Thread: >>1795103
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No. 2350067

That's really fucked up, anon. You did everything right and they still let this kid kill himself. I'm sorry you had to go through that.

No. 2350099

I hope my grief doesn’t sound petty compared to anons in this thread who have lost loved ones. I rescue animals for a living and my dogs and cats have always been my only family. They were with me in situations that I wouldn’t have wanted a human to see me in. And rescuing animals in the area I’ve lived the past decade is what I know I’m meant to do with my life. But it’s SO fucking hard losing such sweet innocent beings, especially ones that hardly got to experience love after the terrible things they go through. Losing my some of my own has been so unbearable. I’ve never found a way to cope with the fact that every single memory of them makes me so unfunctionably sad. How do I remember the good times? When will I be able to look at their pictures and not cry and want to just die with them? It’s worth it to me to pour my entire being into every single dog every single time regardless of the eventual detriment it may cause me because to that animal, its made life worth living despite what they’ve been through. I hardly interact with humans to be honest, I have no family and would be perfectly content just ceasing to exist but I think about how many animals I’ve loved and saved and the thought of where they would be if I wasn’t around hurts deeply. The highs are so high and the lows are so low with this work. Most people can’t understand, especially because I mourn over dogs and cats, when society views them as disposable. Yet I genuinely have trouble getting through a day without sobbing after unexpectedly losing one of my cats almost a year ago and then the other also unexpectedly shortly after. I feel I should be over it by now but it’s hasn’t gotten any less painful. I miss them so much. Everything would be so much easier to bear if they were still here. I never got the chance to give them the life they deserved. I can’t get over it.

No. 2350189

Nona, I feel for you. I respect anyone who does what you do so much, it must be so unbelievably hard to lose pets like that and still keep going with your work. I don’t even know what to say except thank you for giving those animals the best chance at life they could’ve had.

No. 2350211

Aw thank you for the kind words anon. I’m trying to get myself motivated for work today but am dreading it. All rescues are now only pulling dogs from LA which I completely understand but it means that no dogs will be leaving the area I live (which has a huge overpopulation problem) so the local animal control will have to put down so many dogs for the next two months. Our rescue is no kill but we take dogs from the local animal control who work just as hard to keep dogs alive. But right now there is just nothing to be done. I hate it. I have five large dogs of my own and I live with the dog trainers from the rescue who have seven dogs and we are fostering two we just picked up. Everything just keeps getting more and more ominous. I’m struggling with depression and hopelessness and don’t even have my kitties’ soothing purrs to calm the noise in my head. I can’t believe they’re really gone. We still had so many things we were going to do, even after 10 years.

No. 2350862

Thanks I needed to hear this anon.

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No. 2161624[Reply]

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No. 2348450

Are they selling a used car or something? Yuck

No. 2348460

Bro look at my first responder I am going to die

No. 2348510

>hatchet man sticker
kek it's a juggafur

No. 2349993

No. 2349994

i bursted laughing at the fnaf nursery

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No. 581191[Reply]

Since we have a thread similar to this(ugly women with hot men).

Let's discuss it here.
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No. 2349581

This actually hurts my soul. She's so cute. I used to be obsessed with otokoyaku.

No. 2349902

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Anna Nicole Smith and J. Howard Marshall is a old well-known example. I don't generally like women who marry old men for money but in this case interested me because Anna led a very hard life.

No. 2349912

I feel like I recognize her from r/Asian masculinity

No. 2350193

Threadpic doesn't count because both of them look like siblings to me

No. 2350197

Did this guy have a deformity? It's like everything in his face is perfect but his eyes are meme-tier. Like perfect squidward Jaw all the teenage wursties on .orgistan would bang their heads against the wall over but then his eyes look like god was trolling him

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No. 1952006[Reply]

It's sakura season!
A thread for


Have you been to Japan? Do you wanna travel to Japan? When and where? What are your tourist recommendations? What are the overrated places? Best locations to eat and stay? Best experiences?

>General leaving

Do you live in Japan? Do you plan on living in Japan? What are the reasons for you to move to Japan? Are you currently studying, working, or both? Are you a nikkei or full gaijin? How is life in Japan as a woman? Do you plan to stay in Japan for long? The good, the bad, the neutral.


Do you speak japanese? Are you trying to learn japanese? What is your studying methods?

Etc, etc.

Share tips, recommendations, complaints, experiences or just pics!
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No. 2349090

Is this thread only for travellers or can we talk about news regarding Japan?

No. 2349126

It's Japan general. If you bring up a cow, put them on the cow board.

No. 2349882

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I miss Japan so much nonas. My job accumulates PTO so fucking slowly and I've still barely accumulated enough for even 2 weeks. Trying to keep saving so that I could have at least 3 weeks time to spend there.

No. 2350783

Err I said news, like the current scandal about Nakai. I could care less about some weebs in Japan lol

No. 2351244

Is this bait?

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No. 2305353[Reply]

Discuss the current psyop regarding ugly and old men being shilled as attractive.
This thread is also for talking about topics like beauty double standards in media, ugly fictional and real men being shilled as attractive, science about male aging and unnatractiveness, etc
>do not try to defend ugly men ITT no1currs

prev thread
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No. 2349720

Wish moids would stop getting jaw filler, it looks so strange

No. 2349721


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2349730

Nice bone structure but that's it. Unfortunate fivehead, red shot eyes that are a bit too small imo, boring eyebrows and lips, really short and wide nose ew, stubble at the other anon mentioned, and ugly ears. The hairstyle is whatever.

No. 2349813

Watching your moid age rapidly and get fat, is one the worst aspects of marriage. And yet women try so hard to get skinny after giving birth.

No. 2350348

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No. 1628600[Reply]

For random things we like or love, like the Things we hate thread but the opposite.
Anything you wanna talk about is allowed. You might post physical things, ideas, links to random corners of the internet, etc. The things you might post don't have to necessarily be milky/not milky, go as controversial, weird, complicated, pure, simple or vanilla as you'd like
>No infighting
>No things you hate or dislike

Previous likes: >>>/ot/673217
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No. 2341351

I mean, that's like half a cake
The other half being flour and eggs

No. 2346820

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Fan subbers/ translators are the unsung heroes. I've been looking for forever for a subbed version of a certain japanese musical. Sadly, there is none avaliable, but I did stumbled along an obscure blog with it's subtitle file. Bless you!

And in general I'm finding that there are a lot issues cropping up with mainstream subbing/dubbing companies. It's nice to see fans taking power back into their own hands.

No. 2348283

Idk where else to post this and since I like the video I'm putting it here. YT randomly recommended it to me and Idk, I just found it interesting and relevant. I'm watching old videos rn but going by the titles of the newer ones it seems she improved her life.
Anyway what do you nonas think? Do you relate?

No. 2349686

I miss old anime tl notes. It always makes me happy when I watch an older anime on a pirating site and the translator just straight up adds their own commentary and opinions with a bunch of emoticons.

No. 2349693

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I like Pond's Cold Cream, specifically the one designed for moisturizing dry skin.

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No. 1899367[Reply]

The counterpart to the "news stories that fuck with you" thread. News that is uplifting, inspiring, and exciting.
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No. 2349590

They are so retarded, it's insane. They should just stay in their shitholes and not be allowed to migrant into any other country.

No. 2349592

imo the only real refugees from arab countries are the women fleeing sharia law.
They should be the only ones allowed here

No. 2349658

that's the thing, many Islamists from pakistan leave the country because the government stops them from taking over, basically, every few years islamoids try a rebellion, which always fails and then their leaders escape to the uk, similar situation for algerian islamists in france

No. 2349673

Kek so they couldn't make it in their own country and try to make it in another country?

No. 2351390

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No. 2168422[Reply]

A thread to discuss the dislike of dogs, their owners and dog culture in general.

Dogfags, this is not the place to defend your mutt. You’ve got your own thread here: >>>/ot/936145

Follow the board rules and don’t infight, derail or reply to bait.

Previous thread: >>>/ot/2081586
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No. 2349577

Carry bear mace and a knife next time.

No. 2349597

We should have a nationwide shitbull culling event once or twice a year where we exercise our 2nd Amendment rights and clear out this invasive species like they do with a certain breed of toads in Aus.

No. 2349607

>Barely functional fence, accumulating rotting furniture and various car parts scattered around it
It's cruel and unsafe to keep an animal in an enclosure like this. Wastoids who live like this shouldn't be allowed to have pets.

No. 2349999

It's 53 degrees tonight, they can leave their dogs in the car overnight. They won't be hurt. I never understand why people with cars fly off the handle about this after natural disasters. If it's not blazing hot the dog can stay in your car. If 100 people are sleeping on cots in a bingo hall, they really don't need animals added to that mess.

No. 2350012

I saw the same video. It literally charged right into him and he face planted the floor.. the comments were a bunch of meathead looking scrotes going “he shouldn’t have got in the way!”

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No. 2087292[Reply]

Virstanpylväs saavutettu, tämä on perinteisen Suomillankan kymmenes osa.

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No. 2348821

Ja toki Lappi on nykyään alueena isompi kuin saamelaisten perinteiset alueet. Suomen puolelta ainakaan Tornionjokilaakso ei taida olla saamelaista aluetta, mutta kai se Lapiksi lasketaan. (Ja tietty kaikki muukin Kehä 3:n pohjoispuolella hehheh.)

No. 2348988

Sama. Olin kiinnostunut saamelaisesta kulttuurista, mutta koko asiaan liittyy liian paljon negatiivisia assosiaatioita nykyään. Koko sanasta "saami" tulee vain Laiti ja Nuorgamit mieleen. Yritin vielä muutama vuosi sitten olla tiedostava, mutta jotenkin on paradoksaalista, että samaan aikaan pitäisi "educate yourself", vaikka samaan aikaan on kolonialistinen kulttuurinen omija, joka ei voi olla kiinnostunut mistään ilman, että eksotisoi sitä.

No. 2349262

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Mikä tätä tyyppiä vaivaa? Oli postannu tän instaan tekstillä
>Että Visit Lapland vaan ja noin.
Näistä otsikoista yksikään ei edes liity saamelaisiin. Laskettelu on kallista ja Airbnb pilaa Rovaniemen? Jokaisessa turistikohteessa vihataan Airbn:tä!

>Markkinointi ei tuo tarpeeksi esille alueen poliittisia ristiriitoja tai saamelaisten asemaa.
Massaturisteja ei kiinnosta politiikka. Ne haluaa lasketella, vaeltaa ja moikata joulupukkia. Lapin ammattiopisto järjesti jopa tonttukoulutuksia.

No. 2349413

selasin taas llankaa pitkästä aikaa ja luin tän taas, nyt uskallan myöntää etten vittu vieläkää ymmärrä mitä vaihtaa alaa lipastossa tarkottaa

No. 2349542

Lipasto on väännös yliopistosta, oma ala tökkii pahasti niin hain toiselle alalle

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