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No. 2448502

A thread to discuss the dislike of dogs, their owners and dog culture in general.

Dogfags, this is not the place to defend your mutt. You’ve got your own thread. Same goes to cat haters.

Follow the board rules and don’t infight, derail or reply to bait.

Previous thread: >>>/ot/2168422

No. 2448732

I love this threadpic

No. 2448827

Ty nonna!

No. 2449376

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No. 2450238

Kek at how the dog love thread got bumped after months of being inactive right after this thread was made

No. 2450769

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OK I know this isnt quite on topic so will sage but I find this funny.

I know there has been an argument in this thread of people who hate dogs v people who hate pitbulls only but I dont see why both cannot not welcome. Anyway I just find posts that try to pass off pitbulls as other breeds funny, this is the most delusional I have come across so far.

No. 2451049

my inlaws have a lab mix thats pretty stupid but I put up with her. cue SIL bringing her pitbull mastiffs in the house- they ended up mauling her for 6 weeks. They since left and shes full of scars and I have videos of literal holes in her. OH and they never brought her to the vet. I had the worst allergies ever and dog hair was in all my clothes, I wanted to cry when I was folding the clean laundry that looked dirty. 4 dogs total I was forced to live with. When they came from outside they smelled so bad like wet dog it was disgusting. Their literal smegma would get stained on the floor because there's 2 unfixed males. It was disgusting. I don't know how she kissed her boyfriend with the same mouth she kissed those dogs. They also attacked family members that would come over. My BIL and my SO's uncle. Nobody visited because of them. But nobody did anything about it either. I was scared they would attack me sometimes. Glad its over.

No. 2451058

I just saw a car today covered in decals and bumper stickers talking about how they are a shitbull parent.
Fortunately there was no dog in there but even just the car itself unnerved me. Like it wasn't just the back covered in bumper sticker, the whole shitty half eaten car was decorated.

No. 2451157

If you have pictures you can report the dogs to your local animal control. If they are already attacking animals in a safe location it is only a matter of time until they do serious damage.

I'm thinking of planting corsica mint in the running strip outside of my home. I'm tired of having to film dogs walking into my yard or even by it. Not being able to go outside without a dog threatening me or my cat (who is on a leash in our yard and only our yard) is rediculous. We're just sitting on my steps and the owners know they do this but it's us who have to go inside. I'm looking for invasive drought resistant plants dogs hate that grow under four inches for zone 6B-7A. The mint may not do well and I am having trouble finding other options for my area.

No. 2451199

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When I was looking at getting a scottish terrier, there were years-long wait lists and you could only get them through scottish families, who bred these long lines of the breed. They couldn't be found anywhere else. Meanwhile, every shelter is filled with "lab mixes" and nothing else

No. 2451246

This is why dog people get so angry at people that don’t like dogs. They make it their entire personality and identity. Also getting a pitbull fuels a sort of persecution complex that people LOVE to have. Oh the whole world is against me and my sweet baby but I can see through it because I have so much more empathy derp.

No. 2451263

I hate it when people get more than one dog so they can keep each other company but it makes absolutely no difference and just doubles the separation anxiety. They still whine to be in the same room as humans 24/7. They still can’t be left in the house alone. It’s like dogs don’t even like each other and they need to have humans around at all times to entertain them and reassure them. Like my family has 2 dogs and if you go to the bathroom you’ll come out and they’ll just be waiting desperately outside for you with their nose pressed against the crack in the door so they can smell you taking a shit. They spend more time competing with each other than playing with each other. Seriously what’s the point? They literally spend their entire lives following people around forcing them to pet them. Maybe we don’t want to rub our hands all over their disgusting smelly bodies 24/7? Literally why are they like this and how do people not only tolerate it but ENJOY it?!

No. 2451268

So much empathy except for people who are scared of their murder beast

No. 2451375

Those people are racist. If the dog attacked they’d deserve it because dogs can see inside peoples souls and can tell if they’re bad or something.

No. 2451381

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No. 2451382

Yeah the baby obviously tried to beat the pitbull up, and anyway even if it didn’t the poor pittie was abooosed so nothing is it’s fault it deserves a second chance.

No. 2451389

So where I can hate shitbulls that kill other dogs daily?

No. 2451396

i would post hate in here tbh just dont try to convince people who hate all dogs to like non shitbull

No. 2451400

People who hate dogs are spiritually brown(ban evasion)

No. 2451746

I'd argue the reverse, since dogfags are the ones who love to huff their dogs farts and leave their shitbags or straight raw dogshit everywhere for others to come across.

No. 2451995

Their laws are usually covered in dog shit

No. 2452246

Not to make you nervous but perhaps you should be, or at least aware. Ironically came across this video while scrolling here

No. 2452272

Oh wait the shitbull does it again! It cant help itself.

No. 2453147

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Spoilers for miniature horse death. This is why I get annoyed at the pitmommies on here who defend these shitbeasts and blame other animals for getting killed the breed needs to go this isn't even the first story of these monsters killing horses.

No. 2453152

Why even have a garden? Just use it as a waste heap if you're going to let your mutt shit all over it.

No. 2453240

oh my god thats so sad poor horsie

No. 2456401

I thought of you guys.

No. 2456889

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No. 2456917

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The lengths dogfags go to justify children being attacked by dogs never fail to shock me

No. 2456918

Samefag, this is the video btw

No. 2458036

kill it with fire.

No. 2458151

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>another example of dogs and moids being the same species and society desperate to protect both because it has battered wife syndrome

No. 2458176

Never saw this behavior from cats unless someone is getting too close to a nest of kittens. just saying.

No. 2458418

Why don’t chavs know how to google stuff? Always going straight to Facebook so that everyone knows they’re being sexually harassed by a dog.

No. 2458429

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Because dogs attack like this out of bloodlust, not because they’re scared or hurt. He sees the boy in the same way he’d see a rabbit, it’s prey and he’s delighted at the opportunity to rip him to shreds and he’d delight in his screams the same way he would a squeaky toy. This dog is actually having fun terrorising this mother and trying to rip her baby from her arms.

No. 2458443

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If a dog wants to violently “play” with your child, you have to just let it now?
I fucking hate dog people so much.

No. 2458447

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No. 2458506

Are there any other pet owners that are so obsessed with their animals being a fashion accessory than dog owners?

I know a woman who is fixated on getting a little dog, already knows what name she'll give it, what sex, what coloration etc…
She showed me the breeder she plans on buying the thing from and I expressed my concerns that it's unethical given this breeder sells those horrific teacup pomeranians. She says she doesn't care and she's already decided on everything. She won't even consider looking at a shelter.

No. 2458650

I hope it diarrhoeas in all her expensive handbags and all over her beige aesthetic apartment and bites her bf on the testicles.

No. 2459410

tbh its better for a (im assuming) suburban young woman to buy an overbred companion breed puppy from a long line of completely psychically and physically neutered accessories than to buy an adult shitbull mystery meat blend with an unknown aggression history from a corrupt shelter that will lie about health and behavioural concerns to get it off their hands. the worst thing a mutant pom will do in society is bark incessantly. the worst thing a fighting line "rescue" will do is kill someone.

No. 2460118

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Found on a neighborhood watch page. I feel sorry for any delivery driver or mail person that has to come to this persons door. Why do shitbull owners think this is ok?

No. 2460159

People like this should lose Royal Mail privileges.

No. 2461177

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No. 2463508

Kek imagine

No. 2463514

I feel so bad for that poor woman, home alone, defenseless, confused… What a horrible way to die. Legitimately makes me upset imaging her going through that… I hope the daughter is charged with manslaughter or neglect for what she did. Awful.

No. 2463572

>Investigators determined that Jessica Hoff had left her mother- who required 24-hour care for dementia-alone while running errands. During that time, the dogs attacked LaVonne inside the home. An autopsy confirmed the cause of death as a dog attack.
This is a successful assassination.

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