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No. 1949746[Reply]

We have things we ate, things we're craving, but what about a general food thread? No ana-chan sperging please.

Possible discussion topics:
>Unpopular food opinions
>Cooking tips/advice
>Asking for dinner ideas
>Cuisines you enjoy/don't enjoy
>Food pet peeves

Picrel is a beetroot and goat's cheese terrine.
497 posts and 130 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2104154

I tried crumbl cookies one time because someone ordered a ton of them at a party and it was absolutely disgusting and did also give me diarrhea so I guess your recipe must've been spot on.

No. 2104222

They’re gross I don’t understand the hype around them outside of it being a trend. Also the company is weirdly Mormon and hires primarily from local Mormon congregations which just adds to the bad vibes for me

No. 2104587

Thanks nona. I ended up getting all the ingredients and making one at home but it was a huge disappointment. Not sure what I did wrong. I found and bought the special bread used for it at my Asian grocery store too, but it was from frozen and I didn't notice it already came with a bunch of fillings like fishcake, plus the pate and carrots until I was done baking it. I tried adding all ingredients I bought and prepared anyway but wonder if I didn't just overfill it in the process. Plus, I was using defrosted cha lua and old cilantro. Maybe I should have used fresher ingredients.

No. 2104598

they kinda look like lofthouse cookies

No. 2104605

I got my wisdom teeth removed and I’m so depressed. I miss food so much. What I wouldn’t give to eat some cheesy mozarella pizza. I’m scrolling through food on pinterest with TEARS in my eyes

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No. 1438031[Reply]

A thread to discuss the disdain around cats, their owners and cat culture in general.

Cat lovers, please see this thread >>>/ot/1323616
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No. 2104307

People who like both cats and weeb shit tend to be the biggest degenerates

No. 2104336

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Even as kittens they are so fucking ugly lmao

No. 2104531

this is bait, I don't like cats but even I think kittens are adorable

No. 2104572

I don't really hate cats but their owners greatly underestimate the damage they do not only to native wildlife (I like birds, especially the local species, and every time some ignorant bitch goes "it's naturree who cares about some birdd!! Kitty cute!!" I wish I could deck them) but also to humans. Cat scratches have higher rates of infection because people think their claws and paws are clean (they're not) and they don't get them checked out because they think that if the wound looks small then it's not that serious, while in reality cat scratches are often thin but pretty deep and they're the perfect place for nasty bacteria to grow. People get dog bites checked out because the wounds are big, flashy and open, so overall the infection rate tends to be lower (not talking about mauling, just bites).

This happened twice to me and my dog, a big orange fucker just came out of a yard completely unprovoked and tried to scratch my dog's face. First time it happened I put myself between and the little bitch met my boot instead (I wasn't actively kicking it, it lunged at my dog but crashed on me and ran). Though on the other hand I have met a cat that was nice to my dog (it was a calico) which is unusual because they start hissing and growling as soon as any another animal approaches them no matter the behaviour. Cat attacks can blind other animals because they often aim at the face.

No. 2104830

Speak for yourself, I think they look disgusting

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No. 704153[Reply]

ITT we post about what we learned today. Whether it's an interesting scientific fact, an important life lesson, or whatever.
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No. 2101178

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English people have always really despised mushrooms for some reason, while Eastern European people have had the exact opposite attitude historically. This is probably why the English common names for mushrooms are so ugly in comparison to other plant names (well, they're not plants but you know what I mean)

No. 2101179

Wait, really? I'm Bri'ish and it seems like most people I've met really love mushrooms.

No. 2101191

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I think the attitude to eating wild mushrooms have changed a lot recently, the book I'm reading was published in the seventies and the author suggests that it was still a weird thing to do back then. There's a lot of excerpts that she included of accounts of Englishmen and women sperging out about them (picrel is a super retarded one) as evidence, and the fact that many playwrights and poets portrayed them as gross or creepy, and toadstool used to be a particularly foul insult. Although she does balance these out with accounts from rural priests observing people selling truffles and mushroom caps at the market, so it wasn't everyone

No. 2101217

oops, had a brain fart it was published in 1958. Still recentish in the grand scheme of things

No. 2104467

I'm ESL and today I learned it's "flabbergasted" and not "flaggerbasted", I've been thinking about this word the wrong way for so many years.

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No. 2020501[Reply]

Reddit, the hugbox for libertarian snowflakes, troons, suburban white dudes who think they are oppressed because women won’t suck their dicks, and a variety of other losers suffering from unmitigated autism.

Previous thread: >>>/ot/1937421
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No. 2104495

ayrt. it is natural for moids to die faster than women, it is unnatural for women to sacrifice their life force for the sake of walking abortions (scrotes).
it is twisted and disturbed for women to "provide care" to moids, they are supposed to die by 35 on the battlefield or of aids kek. the worst life trajectory for a scrotoid is being pampered by a bangmaid for 80 years into a gentle dementia supported by hardworking womens tax dollars, the individual scrote itself might have a nice time but this type of life literally poisons the psychosphere and perverts the natural order of things (absolute homosexual matriarchy).
that late onset coming out faggotness is exactly the result of the sort of sadistic culture i was describing.in my utopia moids will understand from birth that they are biologically expendable and born to die in the service of female progress, and this reality wont bother them at all because they will be free to fuck each others nasty assholes as much as they want.

No. 2104553

Kek I'm getting into an argument with the mods now. They're not even letting me post comments now. I'll wait till these cunts are asleep and keep doing it.

No. 2104559

So what kind of prostitute do they think they'd hire with the average dinner date of around $50?? Maybe not even that!? I know this is sex pest autismo at its finest but these men really think that any money they spend on knowing someone means that they're entitled to sex. I sincerely hope that enough women are holding themselves to high standards to weed out these sexual predator men. I hope they die alone and unreproduced.

No. 2104642

Reddit is stupid as fuck. What two machines are you deciding between nonnie? If reddit falls through, you could always ask on the sewing thread in /g/ or one of the question threads.

No. 2104763

outside of bots, I'd imagine the only people who could unironically believe the "we're all doing just fine" articles are people who are mooches and being financally supported. Even actual home owners are starting to notice insurance, utilities, and tax quadtrupling for no reason even if you already have a set mortgage/completely paid it off. Ofc you'd actually have to pay your own bills in order to see your price going up so there's that

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No. 1730353[Reply]

Scotland edition.
Haggis, cèilidh, Count Dankula, SNP scandals and more!

Britbong Thread #1 >>>/ot/1433914
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No. 2104069

> Dumpy white predator
> Throws himself on the ground for no reason
Oh for god's sake. Why do scumbag moids of all ethnicities immediately compare themselves to Floyd whenever their actions catch up with them.

No. 2104078

I saw that. To be fair, there's another guy behind him who wasn't doing anything and clearly gets assaulted AFTER complying with orders (he gets on the ground with his hands behind his head and the officer kicks him for no reason) so I wouldn't be surprised if all the moids involved were power-tripping scumbags. Apparently the cops were called over an "altercation" so maybe the two moids being arrested got into a fight.

No. 2104777

he attacked policewomen and broke one of their noses, I don't feel sorry for either of them scrotes

No. 2104792

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Dump them all in the sea. Scum

No. 2104793

Funny how this is all taking place in rochdale of all places. they are all probably groomers

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No. 1506368[Reply]

Share men's brainlet takes on anything women related
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No. 2104057

Same, I'm fascinated with the mentality of the women in that sub because how tf do you not become pinkpilled by the constant but what about meeeee attitude of Reddit males.

No. 2104064

it’s probably a porn-addicted scrote by calling rape “clapping” i wish all men were eradicated, their existence annoys me

No. 2104066

Chris-chan also lied, manipulated, and definitely scammed. I think he may have suicide-baited but I forget. Chris did all of that plus raped his mom.

No. 2104074

If you say you wish chris chan kills himself or someone kills him for raping his grandmother you’re “alogging” I seriously hope he dies a brutal death. Nooo, don’t tell the sweetie autistic lolcow (who’s a disgusting criminal and tranny) to rope please no! I’ve gone through years of people thinking autistic men aren’t skilled manipulators and sociopaths. I genuinely think autistic men just have some form of sociopathy that psychologists keep misdiagnosing as autism, if it exists that’s what chris chan has. I’m tired of people caping for “disabled” scrotes when disabled women almost never do this shit, they’re disabled but they are able to still rape and kill other women male autism is a farce. There are many moids who honestly look up to him for raping his grandmother and constantly make excuses for him, even donating money to him it makes my blood boil.

No. 2104103

He probably looks exactly like his pfp also.

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No. 2099695[Reply]

A thread to post the cringe of the Hybristophilia(sexual/romantic attraction to serial-killers/murderers) community

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No. 2100734

>Implying supremo gentleman wouldn't get even madder because she's not a blonde cheerleader

No. 2100737

so they're basically like that retarded man who thought he could be friends with bears

No. 2100759

No, it's still a dreadfully unfunny shitpost nonny. Pure cancer.

No. 2101043

is that supposed to be Mr. Anime?

No. 2103924

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No. 1978406[Reply]

Previous >>1972829

Thread to discuss the phenomenon of "fujoshi", the women that identify as such and the women who criticise it.

To a latter extent, discuss also the phenomenon of "yumejoshi" and "himejoshi", especially when it comes to the yume vs. fujo feud.

Discuss the history of fujoshism, speculate on its reasons, argue your opinion on it and exchange intelligent views with other farmers.

Topics include:
>Is the fujoshi-to-TIF pipeline real, or merely a symptom of something else?
>Do fujoshi self-insert in the uke and/or seme? Or do fujoshi simply look at slash couples in a voyeuristic manner?
>What is your view on the early 2000s phenomenon of identifying as a fujoshi "but not supporting real life homos"?
>Is being a fujoshi a way of escaping misogyny, or does it reinforce it?
>What is your opinion on omegaverse, and the het omegaverse which followed?
>Are fujos addicted to pornography? Are yumes?
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2087128

Mpreg is such a nothingburger anyway, if you want the real pseudo het cringe shit for women stuck in their girls are icky phase while still having a functional woman in their story it's called omegaverse. Maybe not related to fujos entirely, I find it funny how many gay artists memed themselves into drawing straight porn too, a lot of them moved on from their straights are icky phase too I guess. Just draw a woman half some dude's size getting having the most straight penis in vagina bodice ripper sexual intercourse and call it gay sex and twittards will clap for you. No need to even give them a tit chop either these days. But funnily enough not a lot of actual gay moids fell for this psyop kek

No. 2087165

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It's because omegaverse is more light furry than it is het shit.
You can tell because a lot of it is actual furry.
For some reason people always forget to mention the whole deal with heat periods, biting, pheromones releasing, nesting, magic healing abilities, or the fact that it's based on wolves.
There's also the whole section of omegaverse where they turn into dogs.

No. 2087170

I wasn't aware of that, it's pretty interesting. I think I just haven't seen a lot of the animal stuff, when it comes across to me it's posts fixating on the "het" and powerdynamic aspects (and especially if you've brushed with the hellhole that is actual straight omegaverse) It may just be the crowd that I see the most often? Looking in a complete outsider would I be correct in guessing that some people choose more or less of the furry shit depending on their preference?

No. 2087180

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Some authors choose to lean into het dynamics but others choose to lean into the furry aspect.
Most just keep it to the shallow "heats and biting r sexy" deal. Of course, this depends on the crowd you're in.
There's other "verses" like cakeverse and dom/subverse which is mostly just petplay.
Honestly the whole thing would almost be impressive if the subject matter wasn't porn.

No. 2103862

>These discussions are linked to the creation of off shoot forums specifically for self proclaimed fujoshi and autistic women such as fujochan, wrong planet and threads on the media board of lolcow.net further cementing the association of autism with fujoshi
She got us good fujosisters…I don't actually have tism though surprisingly

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No. 705022[Reply]

How it works

Create an hypothetical scenario or question, like:

>Would you rather do x or y?

>X (good thing) will happen, but then y (bad thing) will also happen. Will you press the button?

Post commonplace shit or just the most absurdist dumbass scenarios. Your imagination is the limit, let's have fun!
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No. 2094148

i think i would, put them out of their misery you know

No. 2094157

Press the button and see how many friends I'm left with, if my best friend is still alive I help my family and hers so everyone is less miserable, if she's dead then I feel sad for a while but still help my family, maybe I could make some sort if women only shelter in my country where men are beat up of they get too close to the building.

No. 2094256

Yea, I want a new espresso machine.

No. 2103795

you make 200 billion dollars but a tornado comes and you have to grab all of the cash, do you push the button?

No. 2103817

Why not? I don't care that much about my life and need the cash

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No. 1495349[Reply]

Previous thread- >>>/ot/1379445

>Don't respond to other people's rants. It's not about you, you vain bitch.
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No. 1673905

I think a lot of things and people are beautiful, just not (You). There is a lot of wonder and gratitude and simplicity everywhere, but why would anyone share that with (You). Any and all anger or rage or embitterment I have is only for (You) (plural). You continually project how ugly you all are on the inside onto others and have literally no positive means of dopamine farming. When you fall, you will fall very hard. Of course I'll be happy, and pretending it isnt exactly what you deserve is a lie to yourself.(go to the current thread)

No. 2035569

Yeah. Well, let me say I saw, while I was working in a small eatery I won't say where that I saw Mr. Oshiro kissing a blonde woman. She looked about his age, middle-aged. South East Asian? I don't know; she looked American in her style. Also, I saw a kid next to her. He was dressed in shorts and looked too casual. I was shocked, so I believe they see each other often.

No. 2035574

The real tea is that the woman saw me. I don't know how, but I kept staring and Mr. Oshiro turned too. He quickly left with her and that kid. It looked like the child was a girl. They ran away; it was so funny.(use the current thread)

No. 2103790

how did we make it to get if off your chest 8 if we never even finished 4

No. 2103793

summerfags should be sent to obligatory summer school instead of doing whatever this is

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