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No. 1261328[Reply]

I'm not asking anymore, you're coming to Brazil.

Tava mais que na hora de fazer um novo Brasil Fio.
Notícias, tretas, polêmicas, lolvacas ou qualquer outra discussão em português entre as nossas noninhas.

Previous: >>>/ot/222861
563 posts and 151 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2353714

It seems that Latin countries have had in general an easier time in accepting transgender people, or cross-dressers even, judging by the amount of transwomen coming to work as prostitutes in Italy. Also a thing called "femminiello" is a typical figure of Neapolitan culture, a term used to refer to a male who has striking female-like mannerisms.
Also Brazil seems to have a high proportion of troons working as prostitutes, probably because it's a relatively easy ticket to get money. A term for them is "viados", which I think means deviant.

No. 2353715

They're portuguese people who edit Wikipedia

No. 2353718

viado means deer and it's just a slang for faggot
Traveco = tranny, a lot of the acceptance doesn't really come from understanding them but just apathy
I remember in the 90's they were basically treated as circus freaks in a bunch of sunday tv shows were hosts did a game were people had to find out which one of the girls wasn't really a girl

No. 2354077

O segundo da direita poderia ser um primo distante do Faustão.
Because Brazil is incredibly religious and conservative, so being gay is a big issue. They rather accept trans ideology than accept homosexuality. Our strong sexualized culture also plays a part in it.

No. 2399920

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>300 séculos esperando a maldita da panini reimprimir o volume 1 de vagabond
>não tenho dinheiro pois agora mangá custa 41 pilas
Que linha do tempo maldita, lembro que antes eu gastava cerca de 12 reais na vasta maioria dos mangás.

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No. 1962018[Reply]

A thread to discuss the 'boymom' phenomenon, where mothers are often inappropriately attached to their sons which can borderline on incest/emotional incest. Their behaviour is often exhibited by extreme jealousy towards the girlfriends/wives of their sons, unfair treatment of daughters if they have any and just general cringe nonsense.
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No. 2399771

Grimes thread on snow kek

No. 2399787

But barron trump is 18. When he was 5 this forum didn't exist yet I'm pretty sure so what's the context here?

No. 2399876

This was honestly fine until she added the "especially little boys" part. Always leaving some extra room for boy children misbehaviour.

Didn't look it up but if it's from the Grimes thread they may be talking about X Ass Cyborg 420 or whatever the fuck Elon called his spawn

No. 2399882

If he's hurting animals that is not normal, male or female. Why are boymoms and handmaidens like this? They'll take behavior that neither sex should do and they'll be like "ITS FINE HES A BOY STOP BEING MEAN TO BOYS!!!". There's this exact discourse on radical feminism twitter out of all places where a bunch of tards think that feminism includes little boys now. its so annoying and dragged out.

No. 2399928

This is why women will never be free. And I don't mean it in a dramatic way, it's a fact that you can never properly respond to an adversary you're related to and (effectively) biologically enslaved by via maternal investment.

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No. 2389570[Reply]

A thread for venting about difficult stuff going on in your life.

Previous vent thread: >>2378543

Follow all the /ot/ board rules & don't reply to bait.

Do not come to this thread to make fun of anons' vents, to demean them, or to try and be funny with some shit snark reply. It's annoying. If you do not have anything nice to say, don't say it at all.
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No. 2399861

Where's the vent

No. 2400090

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Dear nona, you have us. I hope you're doing better.

No. 2400770

norovirus feels like an exorcism during which the only way i can expel the demon is by shitting it out

No. 2401122

You don't drink? There aren't many teetotaler moids left I'm afraid

No. 2402133

So its been a week of plumbing issues. Why? The grease buildup from my idiot brothers dishes. His dishes are washed by mom, because this moid never has to do any dishes, thats for women only acc to mom. So everyone has to be inconvenienced, because of this coddled moid.

Dad who is elderly with heart issues, tries everyday to fix the plumbing. I came home from work to find out that Dad dug through the greasy pipes with his bare hands. My brother was upstairs, cuddling with his dog, getting served tea by mom, while they criticized Dad for not fixing the issue soon enough. Dad works a full time job too. My brother "shouldnt have to" fix the plumbing "too", acc to mom, AS IF HE DOES ANYTHING.

Now theres no propane for the BBQ that my brother exclusively uses up in the winter, not that he pays for it. The propane tank is too heavy for our elderly Dad to lift, so boymom said to Dad condescendingly, "[Brother] will have to lift it". Mom always says my brother "does everything", then when I counter it, she says "well everything about maintaining the house". The house isnt presentable to have a plumber over! Almost every single room is permanently under construction, with the coddled moids clutter everywhere.

My brother didnt wake up till 6pm, and the store that has propane closed by the time he phoned. My brother stayed up late, working on his truck seat modification, for heated AND cooled seats! Months ago, he promised to install a functioning FRONT DOOR LOCK, yet it still has to be done! PRIORITIES.

Just now mom kept offering to bring down the coddled sons laundry, saying he "shouldnt have to" bring it downstairs. He said "no Ill bring it ALL down by myself" WOW how nice of him! Then the manlet gentleman told her, "you dont have to do it all right away". The boymom said, "Dont worry Ill have it all done for you for tomorrow", meaning she will make noise ironing and wake me at like 4am. Yet I have to do my own laundry like an adult should.



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No. 1813019[Reply]

Previous Thread: >>986511

Talk about Trudeau, Timbits and the Trailer Park Boys! True North, strong and free!

>Favourite parts of Canada?

>Hated parts of Canada?
>Best/Worst food?
>Best/Worst of culture?
>hottest men/women of Canada?

Remember, play nice!
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No. 2392688

I'm voting for Doug Ford. I don't have faith that any of the other party leaders has what it takes to confront Trump's tariff threats and continued aggression. I voted against Doug in the past, but this time I was impressed by his heavy-handed approach to the tariffs. I know that he gets a lot of flake for the greenbelt, but honestly: I don't care about the greenbelt. Right now, I care about the tariffs and the threats of American aggression.

No party is going to build affordable homes or pause immigration, and those are the two issues that I'm most concerned about, so I'm voting for Doug because of his strong reaction against the tariffs and his approach to dealing with them.

No. 2395955

but that starlink deal is is still on…

No. 2399370

How do you say the word been? Like “I’ve been tired” do you say bin or bean?

No. 2399751

I think I use both? I just said it aloud and I use 'bin' when in relation to myself ('I've bin there') and 'bean' when I'm asking someone else ("How you bean there?"). How about you nona?

No. 2399788

depends, if i'm just saying it in casual conversation it's "bin". if i'm emphasizing it like "i've BEEN trying" it's "bean"

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No. 1962884[Reply]

Post about your employment status, successes, woes, anxieties, rants, etc.

Previous: >>>/ot/1801622
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No. 2385313

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finally got my first job and i really like it! i live nearby, it pays well and my coworkers are all sweet middle-aged ladies. so so happy
30 minutes if i speedwalk and 40 if i'm not in a hurry. probably even less during warmer seasons

No. 2385328

I'm so tired of working with incompetent people. I get a task, I do my part, I send you all the information you need to do your part (which is finishing the task), you respond and I wipe that task off my to do list and move on. Then 3 months later I'm informed that task was never completed, I ask you about it and you suddenly need all the information that I had already sent you and that you already responded to so I KNOW you got it. And if I ever try to follow up on a task and ask when we can expect it to be completed, the answer is ALWAYS "early next week", no matter how old the task is. It's going to drive me up the fucking wall soon.

No. 2385569

Wow that sounds great nona! Which industry do you work in?

No. 2386852

i need some advice from older nonnies. in two years i will need my own insurance and to start paying off some (only $5,000, but still significant) student loans as well as payments for a new car when mine shits the bed. i graduate in a year and i currently work for myself, so im dreading when i have to get a career that makes me much less just for the insurance. is there a way to find decent private insurance? should i register my job as an actual business?

No. 2399425

I specifically told my recruiter I didn't want an Accounts Recievable job. It was my only request. Now that this temp spot is closing, she is pushing me into an AR job and gushing about how they might make me permanent and how exciting it is. I'd rather kill myself

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No. 2399166[Reply]

Thread for picker wheel quizes.

You are the subject of an youtube video of unfortunate and horrible fates series. What were you doing?

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No. 2399311

goddam i feel bad for laughing

No. 2399315

kek oh no I have a hat similar to that one (longer brim and same net veil, mine doesn't have those cute puffballs though)

No. 2399320

No. 2399331

parkour in high rise building. I'm afraid of heights.

No. 2399334

taking a ride in a faulty elevator

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No. 2327452[Reply]

What's looking up, Nonnie?

Previous thread: >>>/ot/1601035
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No. 2398171

That’s awesome Nona! Good job. We need more women like you in the world.

No. 2398978

thank you nona!

No. 2399022

No, they're from Cueva de las Manos. They're like 10k years old cave paintings!

No. 2399059

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Today is such a great day. It's Friday, pay day, Valentines Day, a long weekend, 1 week away from my vacation AND my period just ended. My boyfriend and I are going to make a heart shaped pizza tonight and play the quarry together.
Happy Valentines Day nonas ♥

No. 2399064

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Everything is coming up nonny today, happy to hear it!

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No. 1683306[Reply]

Post random things you ate and why. A picture of the thing you ate is always appreciated. Please don't vent about your life here.
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No. 2398999

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I didn't know they make dumplings too, now i want to try them. Eating their chips right now, i really like their ramen too, i even bought their sauce and put it in most foods i cook.

No. 2399000

It's because this brand of stupid fucking spicy noodles uses oleoresin capsicum.
The same shit that is in pepper spray, yes. Look it up.
Inevitably, people are going to have gastrointestinal irritation from consuming ingredients found in pepper spray.

No. 2399009

Doubt it, i don't see that mentioned on my chip's ingredient list.

No. 2399031

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Probably not in every product but the point stands about super spice being a gastro irritant.

No. 2399088

Alright, i looked into this and it turns out that capsicum is simply the active ingredient of chilly peppers, paprika has it too and it even decreases cholesterol levels. It is argued that it has positive effect on obesity, diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Mexicans eat it all the time and they're fine. So yeah, i accept your concession. Spicy rules!
Btw i'm not affiliated with Samyang Roundsquare Co., Ltd. in no way whatsoever.

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No. 1724622[Reply]

my sunburnt countrywomen standing at the limit of an endless ocean, join me in observing this prisoner island.
free fairy bread and a sausage sizzle every sunday arvo
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No. 2398290

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I blame the non-governmental organizations financed by international speculative capital holders.

No. 2398371

Not to sound like a /pol/nazitard but islamfags should've never been allowed in. The local Centrelink in my city is full of them begging for taxpayer money. Meanwhile other immigrants like Asians come here and try to study or open their little shops to at least contribute work to the country. Religion of peace my ass.

No. 2398481

Australia capes for troons because they are men and for pooners because they are "non-women", and are therefore more important than women. We cape for Muslims because we're scared of jihad and if they perceive one slight we're done for. The religion of peace line helps us sleep at night.
>Begging for taxpayer money
Demanding protection money.>>2398274

No. 2398791

Have any of you been getting these summerstorms as well? I love them so much

No. 2398906

There's been so many the last few weeks. Went swimming while one was kicking off and the sky looked amazing.

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No. 2397904[Reply]

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No. 2398860

Some figure holds his hands up like a prophet or shaman? Accompanied with bipedal wolves or wolverines with avian wings and baby angels?

No. 2398877

OP image is obviously a cow face with large ears

No. 2398890

A clown at mardi gras and I'm very uncomfortable now.

No. 2398920

I see 2 vases holding a flower.

No. 2399103

two women and two fishes kissing (and a face - eyes and nose - at the very bottom)
this has always looked like a four-eyed wolf to me
a squashed fly or cockroach, and two centipedes in the middle
gorilla-elephant man with two little angels on his back
angel visiting a person, flowers everywhere

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