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No. 2405643[Reply]

This thread is to discuss your grievances with gender ideology.
>What is gender ideology?
Foundational to transgenderism, gender ideology is the belief that one’s “internal gender” can contradict one’s biological sex.

Gender ideology operates much like a religious cult. There is no scientific evidence that supports the notion that we have an “internal gender,” and yet doctors now medicalize and sterilize children with “transgender identities” who have been groomed by the cult. Anyone who does not reaffirm these delusions is labelled as a “transphobe” in order to discredit any dissenting voices of the cult.

Previous threads:
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No. 2431992

It's almost as if womanhood isn't a costume

No. 2432033

Convinced these Lily Tino types are ragebaiting and/or testing how much they can get away with, ain't no way they're actually shocked they get sir'ed while going out in public with full beards and linebacker shoulders. As if they'd never seen a crossdressing fag out in the wild.

No. 2432053

It is 100% baiting for attention on Lily Tino’s part. He’s burned enough bridges that former supporters came out and leaked stuff like video topic ideas that were obviously meant to garner pushback and outrage. There was also a former childhood friend who recalled a conversation his parents had with the troon’s about how he was really occupied with receiving attention. He just never grew out of that.

No. 2432370

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It's like they were all made in a factory

No. 2432414

I feel bad for this damn stuffed frog. If it had a brain or any mind of its own, it would scream.

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No. 2417659[Reply]

Continue to discuss news stories that upset and disturb you more than usual, crimes, disasters and events that stay on your mind, stories of criminals, victims and survivors that you want to discuss etc. Try to post relevant pictures, names, links to articles, websites etc if you can, so that people can look up the cases for themselves easier.
Previous thread >>2262680
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No. 2431407

Kek no offense but you sound disconnected from reality. Gym scrotes go to the gym to make up for their wounded masculinity and the moment they gain some muscle they use it on others. They're still the same retards, only with more strength so they can beat and rape better

No. 2431781

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Another day another young woman (17) killed by a male.

No. 2431949

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It depends. casual gym-goers are usually average-ish, but those who are obsessed with the gym and use steroids, as you said, tend to be deeply insecure about themselves

No. 2431969

>accidentally dropped 8 bombs
Aint no way. I will eagerly await this investigation.

No. 2432023

Translation for the non-PT nonnas:
Victoria's dad always picked her up, but the car was broken when she went missing
Vitoria Regina de Souza was last seen at a bus stop in Cajamar (SP). The body was found in the woods in the city
Yes, it's so easy to drop multiple live bombs on civilian districts by accident, it happens every other day! Be so for fucking real. This was a scrotoid who was mad that he wasn't getting laid by his Genshit waifu and tried to murder people about it. If it was a woman who did this, it was 100% sabotage by a moid seething over women. It's South Korea, their scrotes are barely human at this point, they're zombies fueled by microdick syndrome and kiddie porn.

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No. 1337206[Reply]

Der zweite Treffpunkt der lokal ansässigen Kartoffelbäuerinnen.
Vorheriger Thread >>>/ot/760762
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No. 2429632

Average incel kek Ich guck die Sendung nicht also keine Ahnung was der Kontext ist, aber spiel eigentlich auch keine Rolle

No. 2431583

Deutsche Nonnies- Könnte ich hier posten, wenn ich nur schlechtes Deutsch sprechen kann? Ich bin Ausländerin und habe ständiger Wohnsitz. Du könntest über meine schlechte Grammatik lachen. Eine Sache, die mich an Deutschland ärgert, ist wie viele Leute hier rauchen? Ich habe noch nie in meinem Leben so viele Raucher gesehen, die rauchen überall, im Bahnhof und in der Öffentlichkeit. Das ist für mich ein bisschen culture shock sozusagen, aber vielleicht ist das nicht spezifisch für Deutschland, sondern für ganz Europa?

No. 2431599

Ja klar, kannst du hier posten. Woher kommst du und wie kam es dass du nach Deutschland wolltest?

No. 2431618

Kein Problem Nonne. Das stört mich auch mit dem Rauchen. Ich verstehe vielleicht noch wenn alte Leute rauchen, weil es eine Angewohnheit ist, aber so viele junge Menschen rauchen ebenso! Alkohol trinken ist genauso normal, obwohl es ja auch super schädlich ist. Es gab schon so viele Firmenbesäuffnisse oder Firmengeschenke die Alkohol waren. Junge gib mir einfach nen Amazon Gutschein oder so.

No. 2431997

mich stört das mit dem Rauchen auch so extrem, habe unter mir Kettenraucher wohnen und kann nur zwischen 0 und 4 Uhr am Abend lüften. Und egal, wo ich hingehe, ich werde vollgeraucht und es gibt niemanden, der einen davor schützt. Das ist nicht unbedingt eine europäische Sache, andere Länder haben es besser im Griff, Schweden gilt zum Beispiel als erstes rauchfreies Land in Europa. In Deutschland sehen viele rauchen als "Freiheit" an, dass es Gift für Mitmenschen und Umwelt ist, ist egal. Woher kommst du ursprünglich, dass es sowas bei dir nicht gibt?

mir ist das mit jungen Leuten in letzter Zeit so extrem aufgefallen, angeblich rauchen ja immer weniger Leute, aber ich sehe so viele sehr junge Leute und es gibt wirklich keinen Tag, wo mir niemand Zigarettenrauch ins Gesicht pustet. Alkohol ist auch so eine Sache, keine soziale Zusammenkunft kommt ohne aus, wobei mir das eher egal ist, muss es ja nicht einatmen, wenn ich nicht möchte. Dennoch, fällt schon auf, dass die Lobby für Tabak und Alkohol gewaltig stark ist in Deutschland.

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No. 1261328[Reply]

I'm not asking anymore, you're coming to Brazil.

Tava mais que na hora de fazer um novo Brasil Fio.
Notícias, tretas, polêmicas, lolvacas ou qualquer outra discussão em português entre as nossas noninhas.

Previous: >>>/ot/222861
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No. 2423499

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Né? E eu tive mesmo que fazer exame de fezes. foi a cagada mais fácil da minha vida mas ainda assim porra, a gente tem até que cagar quando eles mandam. Só achei engraçado a mulher do laboratório fazendo de tudo pra não tocar no potinho.
Me mandaram ir lá no local de trabalho hoje pra integração, foi um porre, cheguei antes do horário marcado, quase sem gasolina tbm, parei no lugar errado, tive que dar uma volta enorme a pé e ainda fiquei uns 50 minutos parada na guarita pq o sistema não tinha meu nome! Quando finalmente me autorizam e eu chego lá pra me darem o uniforme as mulher tudo reclamando que tão trabalhando que nem umas desesperadas tendo que resolver tudo hoje pq decidiram fazer essa merda toda hoje. Ninguém tava feliz, pegaram todo mundo de surpresa. E ainda me deram o uniforme faltando, o resto dele só vão entregar no dia que eu for bater ponto, lá pro dia 6. Quase morri nesse sol. E aí quando eu saio tá lá outra guria presa na guarita tbm aguardando o ok do sistema, pqp.
Acho que a pior parte foi a moça do centro de informação não saber informar onde ficava o lugar e tossindo o cubiculo todo.

No. 2426510

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Foda-se os oscars, não aguento mais ouvir dessa merda, nem vale a pena ganhar oscar de melhor atriz tendo dois musicais toscos concorrendo

No. 2426687

Noninhas, a vida presta.

No. 2426689

Como assim

No. 2431943

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Simplesmente mudaram minha escala e horário depois que me contrataram, vou começar amanhã e tinha sido acordado 5x1 12 até 9 mas agora me mandam mensagem que eu começo das 7 as 15 escala 6x2. Quê????

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No. 2201280[Reply]

Continue to post all the dumb shit you see on Tumblr.

Previous: >>>/ot/1606262
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No. 2431694

If you go to the original post and check the replies and reblogs it's just full of trannies backtracking
>I wasn't talking about real life what made you think that!?!?!?!?
>um no of course I don't think all tomboys are actually transmen where are you getting that? T would totally save them tho

No. 2431780

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Like clockwork. I had to fix something which if why I deleted it.

No. 2431919

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KEK that comic is literally their exact talking points, I love the random handmaiden interjection to back him up too.

No. 2431964

what the fuck does this even mean

No. 2431965

kek this is amazing nonny, someone needs to post this on tumblr

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No. 859842[Reply]

Thread for current NEETs who do not wish to/are not ready yet to rejoin society. Please be considerate of eachother, no shaming.
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No. 2431246

Actually no, he is borderline asexual. We have sex like 1-2 times per month and I have never done a bj.

> If someone loves you, all your other issues are invalid.
You being sarcastic? Pardon my autism, I assume you are.

No. 2431252

NTA but I think she either meant to reply to someone else or was agreeing with you. Because you responded talking about how you went out and found yourself a mate, right? So she was saying "yeah, see, I don't get why anons are acting like incels".
Hopefully she chimes in to clarify though kek

No. 2431356

Damn he must be mad ugly then, or he's jacking it to hardcore stuff.

No. 2431907

I don't wanna possibly "brag" but you baited me to it.
No he refuses to jerk off even if I ask him to because touching penises is ew in his opinion. And he is pretty, and matches my type perfectly.
He has his issues but they are not of manhate archive content, and more about him being a massive fag and a latent tranny (but he is so pure he doesn't even realize it). In any case his testosterone is low. He also has ocd. But there is a lot of non sexual tenderness between us.

No. 2431971

>disgusted with his dick (but still uses it)
>massive fag
>latent tranny
>low testosterone
>"""pure""" small bean
AND he's the one taking care of you supposedly? Anon I was baiting a bit but that's a lot worse than I expected, damn. Good luck because you'll need it. The OCD alone would make me want to kill him since I have experience with OCD freaks, then the rest is just… bad.

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No. 2426717[Reply]

Discuss the happenings, drama, cringe, etc. of Neocities, personal sites, webrings, and other small communities, and how they used to be in the past.

Other possible topics of discussion:
>personal sites vs social media profiles
>creating shrines and fanlistings
>joining webrings and cliques
>how socializing on the internet has changed

Previous threads
thread #4: >>>/ot/2139249
thread #3: >>>/ot/1914925
thread #2: >>>/ot/1520815
thread #1: >>>/ot/1320546

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No. 2431889

Probably because she found out she was blocked by 30 people by doing this on every page in the most followed sites feed…

No. 2431933

you don't have to check every page. just skip to the last one on both tabs and look at the difference.

No. 2432100

As much as I'm curious that would take too much time and writing some kind of a browser script would be better to do at that point. Once I figured out how it worked I checked the first few pages though, naturally.

No. 2432323

>would rather write an entire browser script than open two tabs and compare two numbers
Maybe this just me being a dinosaur who had to deal with how unwieldy the web was years ago, but I can't imagine being this lazy. Especially when you're paradoxically putting in way more work than you would have otherwise.

No. 2432391

Some of us know how to code.

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No. 2168422[Reply]

A thread to discuss the dislike of dogs, their owners and dog culture in general.

Dogfags, this is not the place to defend your mutt. You’ve got your own thread here: >>>/ot/936145

Follow the board rules and don’t infight, derail or reply to bait.

Previous thread: >>>/ot/2081586
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No. 2431881

They way people can't seem to stop making fun of orange cats is getting old.

No. 2431887

It's peak reddit humour.

No. 2431960

>he loved his pain meds
?? He loved getting high, sleepy and confused on pain meds? No actually I don't think it enjoyed any of that, and things still fucking phase him since he is in a vest with blood (?) being drained out of him. I swear a lot, maybe the majority of pet owners are retarded. Especially the ones who insist on keeping two predator animals with vastly different ways of communication together inside a house.

No. 2431973

I’m still seething about when my ex’s mom, who owned a toy poodle, offhandedly made the remark that she wanted to “get a cat for the dog”. Like cats aren’t their own entity and don’t exist to provide enrichment for your gross dog?

No. 2432002

My childhood dog would bolt and dig under the fence to get to the next door neighbor’s backyard. He didn’t hunt rats like the family dog before him, but he did hunt squirrels and possums. He would eat shit and compost. We didn’t let him in the house unless it was cold because he would eat up everything.

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No. 956747[Reply]

I never saw a thread about it,thought it might be fun to have a thread where we post troons and attention whores criticizing our site
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No. 2431795

Idk why but the way kiwiscrotes use it makes me cringe so hard. It’s feels tryhard and it’s never used in context.

No. 2431802

They think any place that critics incels and pornbrain scrotes must be full of man hating lesbians. kek.

No. 2431805

Where is this from? They're both cute.

No. 2432363

4chan has become such a normie website. Everyone the last 8 years or so thinks they are edgy and cool for posting on one of the most popular social media sites kek.

No. 2432367

Scrotes don't want to believe that the women they so desperately want hate them.

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No. 2414025[Reply]

Previous thread: >>2382560
The Kanye roundup:
Kanye crashes out publicly and loudly, tweets insane things for hours, posts about hating and controlling women, hating jews and being a nazi >>2386452 , >>2386479
Kanye filled his twitter with porn >>2390912
Kanye put nazi shirts in his online store >>2391545
Kanye deactivated his twitter >>2391561 and then reactivated his twitter to complain about his nazi shirts >>2405299
Yeezy employees leaked texts from Bianca Censori that contained extreme violent and degrading pornography and racial slurs >>2393053 , >>2393055 , >>2393062
Leaked texts from Kanye's telegram group chat include more psycho behavior >>2393276 , >>2393286 , >>2393380
Kanye and Bianca divorce rumors arise >>2397770 , >>2398672
Former fixer Kevin Blatt reports there's a Kanye sex tape he helped suppress >>2398248

The rest:
Doechii seen looking spaced out in public >>2382576
Ellen Page Is Joining Christopher Nolan’s Adaptation of The Odyssey Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
1057 posts and 190 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2432056

Is prude now the new "pickme" insult? Is this all you got?

No. 2432134

>Lizzo is apparently back, by the way. Haven't heard anything about this at all
Genuinely read this as "apparently Lizzo is black" several times and was very confused how you hadn't heard about it at all

No. 2432135

Id rather be a prude than an object used by men

No. 2432387

Why are there incels itt

No. 2432388

This is my 9/11 I'm falling to my knees and crying out to God.

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