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No. 1985099[Reply]

Witajcie nonki, gdzieś wątek polski zniknął, więc zakładam nowy. Niech żaden mod go nie usuwa.
158 posts and 17 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2214758

File: 1729430883400.png (85.32 KB, 1481x601, Screenshot 2024-10-20 at 15-25…)

Ten cały lurker,land, który miał być sensowną alternatywą dla Wykopa oraz azylem dla kogoś jak ja, kto nie wierzy w covidiańską narrację, ani narrację mediów głównego nurtu, okazał się zbiorowiskiem skrajnego prawactwa nienawidzącego kobiet za niechęć wobec usługiwania moszniakom:

No. 2214759

File: 1729430924769.png (95.83 KB, 1453x606, Screenshot 2024-10-20 at 15-28…)

A oto moja odpowiedź, która mam nadzieję, zgasi tych debili jak pety.

No. 2214765

Gargamel, pseudo-feminista. To samo miałam na Lurku z tą ich udawaną troską o kobiety, bo cudzoziemcy ich zgwałcą (dla mnie każdy moszniak bez względu na rasę czy narodowość jest taki sam, dzięki którejś z religii abrahamicznych)

No. 2215209

Zgasiłam na razie typa, hehe.

No. 2216209

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Jumpscare w księgarni. Przynajmniej wiedzą jak podsumować ""transkobiecość"" w tytule kekw

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No. 1952006[Reply]

It's sakura season!
A thread for


Have you been to Japan? Do you wanna travel to Japan? When and where? What are your tourist recommendations? What are the overrated places? Best locations to eat and stay? Best experiences?

>General leaving

Do you live in Japan? Do you plan on living in Japan? What are the reasons for you to move to Japan? Are you currently studying, working, or both? Are you a nikkei or full gaijin? How is life in Japan as a woman? Do you plan to stay in Japan for long? The good, the bad, the neutral.


Do you speak japanese? Are you trying to learn japanese? What is your studying methods?

Etc, etc.

Share tips, recommendations, complaints, experiences or just pics!
212 posts and 14 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2215931

And now she got harassed by a bunch of stinky weebs and japanese moids

No. 2216054

>bit over-criticized
you do know theyre quite similar to korean moids when it comes to women rights? have you forgotten that they literally lowered women medical student scores because they didnt want more women becoming doctors. japanese and korean moids are so worshiped that many forget that these moids make up the majority of moids who go to Cambodia and Philippines for raping toddlers and children? these moids are no different and no better

No. 2216070

retard weeb alert

No. 2216078

Does anyone have the original tweet screencapped? The tweet has been taken down.

No. 2216251

ntayrt but they're nowhere near the level of Korean incel scrotes, and the decision made by some old farts to keep women down in academia doesn't reflect the views of the average Japanese moid. People here who get all their info from select doomer headlines and negative anecdotes clearly haven't interacted with actual Japanese people much but that's to be expected I guess. My own experiences have been fairly evenly split between the positive and the negative. Then again, my positive interactions were mostly with dudes who spent time abroad or were fairly "westernized" in their thinking so there's that.

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No. 1951096[Reply]

Can't remember where you saw that thing? Want to know the name of someone? Ask here.

If you're not searching for something specific, try the request thread >>>/ot/1343869

Previous threads:
#1 - >>>/ot/861432
#2 - >>>/ot/1068958
#3 - >>>/ot/1288369
#4 - >>>/ot/1561582
792 posts and 181 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2212727

Yep, thanks.

No. 2212888

A dance cover of Hirose Kohmis Get Down but it's two tiny dogs dancing. It's not vidrel.

No. 2212894

Anyone know that song where the singer goes "I'm not calling a man a she"?

No. 2215709

Crossposting: >>>/g/438928

No. 2215949

There's this picture I saw awhile ago that basically was long text about how men should die more and kill themselves more and get raped more, does anyone have it? It's really funny and I want to show my mom

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No. 1438031[Reply]

A thread to discuss the disdain around cats, their owners and cat culture in general.

Cat lovers, please see this thread >>>/ot/1323616
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No. 2207864

That’s a lot of mental illness. Cats stink like literal shit. Their owners stink like literal shit. You could not pay me to enter a house where there’s one of these repulsive hideous shitbeasts. Imagine being so retarded that you let an animal that licks the shit off its own ass and steps in its own shit walk all over you, your home and your belongings, literally and figuratively. Degenerate behaviour.

No. 2208060

there's nothing wrong with hunting roos, they're tasty too. there's no reason to not eradicate feral cats and other introduced species, hell both cats and foxes damage many marsupials' populations, if harm to them bothers you that much

No. 2208078

Roo culling is a whole industry too, because there’s a market for the meat and skins, there should be an incentive for more people to participate in the eradication of feral feline shitbeasts.

No. 2211338

Saw some anon say "I have had enough of my cat as well, only way to re-home it is to take it back to the shelter I got it from because of the terms of the contract I signed" The fuck are you talking about retard? You think the cat police are going to come get you and take you to court? Dump it in a shelter and move on with your life fuck their contract. I swear people let themselves become slaves

No. 2215911

Reinforcing how fucking retarded catfags are

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No. 2146125[Reply]

Continue to discuss news stories that upset and disturb you more than usual, crimes, disasters and events that stay on your mind, stories of criminals, victims and survivors that you want to discuss etc. Try to post relevant pictures, names, links to articles, websites etc if you can, so that people can look up the cases for themselves easier.
Previous thread >>2028583
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No. 2215881

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Can we just get rid of men now?
>Ella Dowling, 19, rejected a man old enough to be her grandfather. He then BIT OFF PARTS OF HER FACE and doesn’t think he should face prison time.


No. 2215885

Two nukes weren't enough

No. 2215895

Every cell in my body is screaming to alog

No. 2215905

The post has been deleted. Did anyone get caps?

No. 2215996

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Just this

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No. 2093270[Reply]

post moids posting their Ls
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No. 2215804

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Crazy to see how many moids are seething over the hawk tuah girl. I don't get her popularity, but it is funny

No. 2215811

>moids make girl popular because sex sells for moids
>girl receives money from said moids
>poorshit moid seethes
>blames all women
Why do they do this

No. 2215827

Now that more women are getting rights to own their own property, bank account and get a career, men are seething. Men are physically and mentally useless compared to women. I hope most of them rope

No. 2215829

This. She didnt get popular because of women. Men made her popular, now they're pissed she's making money off that 10 second clip online. I don't care for her, but whatever. Hate the game, not the player.

No. 2215872

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Their very existence is an L

However I hope this one also counts

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No. 2203166[Reply]

>no racebait
>no infighting
>don't reply to bait
>rest of /ot/ board rules apply
>farmhands are always watching


This is not the debate thread, this is not the argument thread, this is not the change my mind thread. This is the unpopular opinions thread. If you see an unpopular opinion that you do not like, then, please, lovingly, learn2scroll.
1203 posts and 58 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2215786

Yup, the same people who go online unmonitored and look at real kills or dead bodies. they become so unphased Men should be monitored at all times.

No. 2215788

I can’t believe we’ve made a lower standard of living into some social justice identity. No sane person wants to be disabled, even the ones who are somehow functioning in society. That is awful jfc

No. 2215793

Good on her. It's gross negligence to not tell the mother that her child will be born with a severe disability. It's always the mother's right to make this choice. No one wants to be born disabled. There is so much capping going on to justify severe disabled people, sometimes born without limbs or proper motor functions.

No. 2215796

They should be caged and used for manual labor, like intended. They couldn’t stand their natural role of being slaves for women so they started making fake stuff like the economy and McDonalds chicken nuggets and kicked women out of the church and persecuted the ones who actually did witchcraft (basically being midwives and herbalists) and persecuted the others for no good reason but thinking a woman simply existing makes her a demonic entity kek. Those evangelicals/protestants were two steps from becoming Islamic fundies when you think about it.

No. 2215800

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That's what I've been saying for years. I know how hard my aunt breaks her back to take care of her adult son with the type of Down Syndrome that makes the person mentally on par to a literal child. She has to carefully plan and worry tirelessly about what's going to happen to him when she's inevitably gone, and it breaks my heart to know that's her life instead of having a normal son that can actually grow up, help her, and take care of himself. Every person who says they would LIKE to have a disabled child is either bluffing to moralfag, or is a genuine, naive retard themselves.

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No. 2046031[Reply]

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No. 2215689

Male moment. Why can't they just rape and kill each other.

No. 2215697

he looks like a dog in the middle of being put down

No. 2215726

If your husbando is Jonesy I can see why you like him.

No. 2215838

? he just looks like an average joe. plus his expression looks uncanny, 'smile doesn't reach the eyes' type of look.

No. 2216010

Really hope they don't reproduce. The kid will turn out so fucked up.

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No. 475318[Reply]

Post about your journals and journal inspirations here!

Some icebreakers:
- What made you start?
- What kind of notebook do you write in?
- Where do you get your journals?
- How often do you write and do you have a preference with what you write with (favorite pens)?
- Do you decorate your journals? If so, with what and how?
- Any favorite stores/companies to get all your journals and journaling goodies from?
503 posts and 110 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2211142

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I love journaling, but sometimes I worry people will find my journals. I don't want anyone reading them ever. Sometimes I think about burning them, but I wouldn't know how to safely do that kek. Do you keep yours hidden? What do you do with the old Journals?

No. 2211148

I literally keep mine in a hollow book and only write in it when I am home alone. I have another hollow book that also has a secret compartment which is where I keep my password book kek

No. 2211167

If English isn't your main language, write in it. If not, write in another foreign language you know. Also keeping your journal in your wardrobe might help and what >>2211148 said is a neat idea.

No. 2211177

False bottom in a draw for active ones. Old ones I keep packed in storage containers with other stuff to make them seem more innocuous.
The main thing to keep in mind is who’s going to read it? My dad and his gf read mine as a teen. So as an adult I hide them out of that teenage paranoia, no one’s interested in reading them nowadays and anyone that would be is too blind to decipher my hand writing.

No. 2215693

Atrocious handwriting, lots of stickers, washi, stamps, inks, watercolors, anything to make it look super busy basically. The illegible handwriting does go a long way, I've had family members try to read my diary with my permission and they gave up after a couple of sentences. If it makes you feel better, write in invisible ink, cover parts of your writing with paper that's slotted and glued in in a way that makes it basically invisible unless you know what you're looking for.

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No. 2201280[Reply]

Continue to post all the dumb shit you see on Tumblr.

Previous: >>>/ot/1606262
24 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2214200

Where do all these coomer wannabe communists come from? It's like they're made in a factory.

Seriously though, I doubt that anyone who thinks like this has ever lived in a high homelessness, high crime area because they are just so out of touch. They don't have to deal with constant break-ins, car thefts, and muggings (in broad daylight no less) in a city where the police do virtually nothing and only the rich people who can afford private security are actually safe. They don't have to see people passed out with needles in their arms in the middle of a public park or walk by people tweeking out on meth and threatening strangers on the street. They don't have to see homeless women being prostituted out of a broken down rv or tent on the side of the road. They don't have to walk in the middle of the road to get somewhere because both sides have piles of garbage, piss bottles, needles and literal shit making the sidewalk unusable. They don't see how the policies they advocate for further impoverish the already struggling communities that are most impacted by homeless encampments and all the problems that come with them. All they do is shame people from the comfort of their (parents') suburban homes.

No. 2214207

i hope a homeless man pours a bucket of his saved up shit all over her (this happened to a poor random woman before)

No. 2215631

You call the cops on anyone who's being threatening! You don't get them to fill in a survey before you decide if they're dangerous or not! What the actual fuck is this logic? I love how blatant-nepotism is the only one with any common sense here kek
I hope your living situation is better now nonna, that sounds horrific.

No. 2216241

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I sincerely wish for tumblr users to grow out of writing "and everybody clapped" tier stories even if it takes another decade

No. 2216331

And Hephaestus limped his way to her to give her his hammer.

This was an exceptionally cringy one, topped up with extreme NLOG.

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