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No. 1813019[Reply]

Previous Thread: >>986511

Talk about Trudeau, Timbits and the Trailer Park Boys! True North, strong and free!

>Favourite parts of Canada?

>Hated parts of Canada?
>Best/Worst food?
>Best/Worst of culture?
>hottest men/women of Canada?

Remember, play nice!
683 posts and 98 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2407814

I lived through that in Ottawa. It was nothing like how it was presented. It was just a bunch of scrotes drinking copious amounts of alcohol and smoking ounces of weed while partying through the streets acting like asses and then sleeping in their cars. Nobody was fighting for what they believed in. The very idea that Canadians would do that is laughable.

Figure out your exit strategy. Get off the sinking ship while you still can. Don't be blinded by nostalgia or beguiled by the false hopes for the future.

No. 2407868

I like Canada tho and not everyone wants to uproot their entire lives and live in South America or Europe. I'm not delusional enough to think that moving will magically solve everything in my life and that other countries are a utopia paradise.

No. 2407913

Same and it's not that easy moving out to another country if you don't work in an high demand field or are not already rich. I also like living my life in French and the other French countries are mostly hell holes.

No. 2409052

I actually don't really like this thread for that reason. Mostly feels like a bunch of Canadian transplants that live in the U.S. camp on this thread. It's good to actually discuss the problems in Canada without constantly advocating to move out because it is not feasible or, shocker, preferrable for most people.
Yeah, it pisses me off too especially with the Ontario elections looming and the federal election. I can't believe people are buying Ford's schtick about being "anti-American" when he's actively destroying education, the already over-taxed healthcare system and other social services. It bothers me that we barely know the other candiates.

No. 2411562

Has Trump permanently sabotaged the Canadian conservative party? No one will vote for them after seeing what Trump is doing, surely.

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No. 2107841[Reply]

You guys remember Kony 2012? Good times. I seriously thought he was some insane war criminal who was father to like 100,000 children across africa and he turned out to just be a picture of a random guy
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No. 2407473

This fucking game

No. 2410544

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I would NEVER forget pacthesis but I'm hoping this jogs some nonas brains, I am in love with these games

No. 2411519

That awful attack helicopter story that became a meme.

No. 2411551

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Holy shit I remember playing her festival date sim for hours on my dads profile back when facebook allowed you to play games on their browser. I used to get in trouble from playing this so much on the family pc because his account would give updates on what games I would play so he would get concerned messages from relatives asking him if he was gay kek

No. 2411560

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I remember when picrel was the king of YouTube horror playthroughs.

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No. 2120062[Reply]

This thread is about is about the absurd, fringe elements of organised religion. Here you can share cringy posts made by religious people or tell us about any funny/cringe/interesting experiences you've had with them.
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No. 2410895

His bulge is holding up that cross.

No. 2410963

Is this the cover of a gay porno?

No. 2411508

Use your head. Jesus clearly wasn't a huge fan of capitalism and he lived in communes.

>being reductive

Do you know what nationalism is?

No. 2411543

kek this is pretty much what happened in the story of Noah and that's why god said "Time to flood this gay earth"

No. 2411545

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Well if those feathery bastards ever come back the rest of you had better learn how to swim

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No. 2224766[Reply]

Post things or pictures of things that make you laugh.

Previous: >>>/ot/2050407
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No. 2411389

Kekkk, many such cases

No. 2411404

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No. 2411464

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No. 2411479

Samefag a bit late to add this but she also lived and did a lolishit "child being molested" video with a convicted pedophile who raped his 13 year old cousin, her names bittycat IRC, shes been talked about in kiwifarms

No. 2411514

Not surprised, most high school relationships don't last, they probably tied the knot too early

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No. 854762[Reply]


Previous thread: >>>/ot/204765
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No. 2404767

Drunk on pastis and listening to hard hitting electronic music. Can it even get better than this

No. 2405864

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getting drank on a tuesdayyy

No. 2405865

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2pm neet activities

No. 2405868

how did you find this picture of me??

No. 2411460

moids will never know thenk, mon, forthy, whil thu havest mikte, thu likest huni of thorn iwis for worldes blis, that nout ne last

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No. 1985099[Reply]

Witajcie nonki, gdzieś wątek polski zniknął, więc zakładam nowy. Niech żaden mod go nie usuwa.
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No. 2404572

Dlaczego oni ciągle pierdolą o niskiej dzietności kobiet i dlaczego fundacja patriarchat planuje zniewolić kobiety?

No. 2405321


No. 2410764

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oto dlaczego kobiety nie powinny się godzić na rodzenie dzieci, zwłaszcza mizoginistycznym konserwatystom, pic rel

No. 2411146

karachan spadł a przy okazji jebać cwela podwieka z pucka

No. 2411309

For the nonas who studied Polish what are good resources and apps? I plan to intensely study it next month (I'll also read this entire thread of course). Duolingo?

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No. 2327452[Reply]

What's looking up, Nonnie?

Previous thread: >>>/ot/1601035
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No. 2411291

You're cute anon. Remember, the more you socialize the more it will become your nature!

No. 2411294

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I booked a visit to a spider monkey sanctuary next week. I couldn't sleep last night I'm so excited I hope they like me!!!!!!

No. 2411297

I hope you have buckets and buckets of fun at the monke sanctuary nona

No. 2411310

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im so jealous rn i hope you have fun! i hope you take lots of photos of the cute monkes

No. 2411448

Take a couple where you're not in them for us!! Hope you have lots of fun!

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No. 2291553[Reply]

Similar to the Twitter, Tumblr, and Reddit hate threads, we post youtube videos, creators, and comments that we hate. Infuriating shit, stupid shit, weird shit. Post away.

Previous threads:
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No. 2411271

Yeah I stopped watching her videos because of her fake nice fake accepting act as well that just attracts faggots and pervs who are looking for validation and support and want to be told they're not weirdos for their autistic interests.

No. 2411293

>about the websites involved

No. 2411308

it was the reason why i got grossed out when she made a discord server, i can't imagine who would join other than creeps who are too comfortable with their degenerate fetishes and possibly curious minors, which is worse

No. 2411378

Yes. It's a small detail, yeah, but the fact that she didn't care enough to look up that it's an American site used for hosting (mainly) Japanese art ticked off my tism. It's so obvious it hurts to even point out. She called it a "Japanese image board" if my memory serves me right.

No. 2411559

i was watching a video on a couple from 90 Day Fiance (pls don’t judge it’s my guilty trashy pleasure) and some “lady” was in the comments like “me and my husband never fought in the 19 years we were married until he died of cancer i miss him so much i’ll never love again” …ma’am this video is about a tranny chaser.

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No. 1553987[Reply]

Discuss dreams/nightmares you've had, recurring themes or symbols, lucid dreams, your interpretations of other anons' dreams, etc.

previous thread >>>/ot/932175
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No. 2410693

My teeth all fell out. It was horrible. I woke up at 5 in order to check kek.

No. 2410749

Had a dream I gave a virgin birth due to some legend or prophecy of some sort that I was chosen to fulfill. I had to hide the baby and keep it a secret because nobody would've believed ne and I would've gotten into trouble for getting pregnant and giving birth out of wedlock. Nothing happened after that, I think I just woke up.

No. 2410820

Had a dream I was still with my ex and I had head lice, for some reason, and I was freaking out because he didn't want us to sleep in the same bed if I had lice. So I was panicking and trying to remove the lice asap. Also, head lice were classified as ticks now? And my university would send you home with this bag that had a t-shirt and a paper notifying you that you had lice. One of his female friends was staying at his house too and she showed up on my Tinder while I was there.

No. 2410962

I dreamt I was dating this guy who had a twin and I was hanging out with them both at some type of boarding school. I couldn't remember my boyfriends name and I knew it was too late/too weird to ask after we were already dating. I also kept getting him mixed up with his twin and couldn't quite keep straight who was who. I tried to get my friend's attention so we could go talk in private and she could tell me his name. But I woke up before we got the chance to talk.

No. 2411287

I had a very stressful dream last night:
>went inside Taylor Swift's house, I guess I just had the keys
>go inside her rooms
>I'm nosy so I look inside what she has inside her room, on her shelves, etc.
>she was hiding a lot of Fire Emblem fanart/prints in desk's drawer for some reason
>looks like her husbando is Chrom because some of the prints had some OC with Chrom she commissioned
>some family member who came with me for some reason asks me what's going on and why Taylor Swift is a such a weaboo
>I start sperging about Fire Emblem to provide context
>we flee and I pretend I didn't see any of this so Taylor Swift doesn't send assassins after me to silence me
>I wake up because of my cat yelling at me in the morning
By the way I don't know anything about her, she's a singer but I never heard any of her songs. I have no idea why she came up.

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No. 1555628[Reply]

Discussions of any religions or spiritual teachings

Do you believe in god(s) or an afterlife? Where do we go after death? Have we died before? What was it like before we were born? Do we have souls? Do you pray or meditate?
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No. 2398291

and here you are following their religion

No. 2398502

This isn’t necessarily too spiritual but has anybody been having weird dreams lately? I feel like dreams can be transplanted and faked but I had such a very strange dream. I was inside a very large school walking around but I was on a balcony outside of the school and for some reason Donald Trump and Melania were there. There was a very huge white screen being painted on and when the painting was officially done it was just a painting of a blue sky with white clouds. I then heard Melania shriek-sing something but the only things I remember is, “war is coming!” in it and that’s all I remember before waking it up kek. I’ve had very strange dreams related to the election. I also had another one where I was in a stereotypical sports WWE-style arena and one side was red and the other was blue (like democrats and republicans) but the people who were in place were two little (one looked lighter and younger than the other) black girls in suits standing at opposite podiums with smirks on their faces. It was so strange.

No. 2398745

>open thread out of curiosity
>see posts made by literal schizophrenics

No. 2400146

I was abused in catholic school as a child and for some reason recently I can't get the memories out of my mind. I stopped believing in god at the age of 5 and stopped believing in anything spiritual whatsoever at the age of 11(which actually did help my mental health a lot, I remember around that time people used to walk up to me and ask why I was suddenly so happy and giddy all the time but this was in the bible belt so I couldn't tell them). For most of my life ignoring religion and spirituality as much as possible has worked to help me avoid these horrible feelings but now for some reason I can't, it has become too much. Maybe its Trump, people and society have got more religious recently I fear, which makes me wanna throw up. A part of me wants to become baptist or evangelical protestant maybe because those people seem really sweet and happy, even when they talk about their religion, which is so weird to me. How can religion make you happy? It seems like such a disgusting horrible thing, I don't understand it. Sometimes I try to believe in god or spirituality and I'll be ok for a little bit but then something reminds me of my past and I feel so ashamed and angry and horrible and sad all at once that I feel like my body can't handle it and I'm going to vomit. Have any of you ever felt nauseous or afraid because of your religion? I heard once that some kinds of buddhism don't have any gods, I feel like that sounds really nice, but I don't think buddhism lets you be lesbian so IDK if I wanna do that. I feel like such a reddit atheist when I try to talk about my feelings on religion and how much it hurts people sometimes, I wish it was more socially acceptable to talk about that. I think if I could talk about how religion made me feel to people more openly I wouldn't feel like this all the time right now. It probably sounds silly to the mostly very spiritual people in this thread but being an obnoxious reddit atheist who hates on religion all the time and calls jesus "sky daddy" and shit like that is the only sort of thing that has ever given me any sense of peace in life. There are entire industries dedicated to promoting religion and saying that it is awesome and making a million christian movies and nobody cares, but you can't ever talk about how religion hurt people or makes people do bad things sometimes without adding a million disclaimers and saying "Noooooo, this person is a bad person for a different reason, its not their religion nooooooooooo" oPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

No. 2411169

literally this whoever my spirit guides are/ancestors are fucking HATEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ME just because i won't submit to being a retard moid's slave for the rest of my life

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