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No. 2139249[Reply]

Discuss the happenings, drama, cringe, etc. of Neocities, personal sites, webrings, and other small communities, and how they used to be in the past.

Other possible topics of discussion:
>personal sites vs social media profiles
>creating shrines and fanlistings
>joining webrings and cliques
>how socializing on the internet has changed

Previous threads

Search for personal/non-comercial sites:
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No. 2403426

I hope it isnt just for the fact it would be incredibly sad that despite the amount of time that passed since her last rodeo, she has not learned a single thing that makes her an insufferable person to be around and still spends her days seething about "terminally online BPD NEETS"

No. 2403511

I thought the point of the whole yumejo thing is that they know it's fake? Saying "I'm married to my husbando" is hyperbole just like saying your OTP in a show is "canon" when it isn't.

No. 2403635

Only tabatinga could see a group of friends doing friend group things and think it’s elitist and exclusionary. I hope she one day gains enough self awareness to make friends.

No. 2403717

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Wait she's harping on Flonne for being a sick ageplayer but she was ok being in a webring with zoophiles?

No. 2403749

holy shit, terminal case of pot calling kettle black kekkk

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No. 2116172[Reply]

I was about to make this thread about Artist Alley nonas but I decided to extend this thread to everyone who does arts and crafts and sells it for a living or a side income.

>What do you make?

>Where do you sell? Cons, local markets?
>What's the item that sells best/worst?
>Any advice for old and new artists and crafters?
>Somebody tried to scam you? Rob you? Harrassed you? Any horror stories?
>What's something you cannot stand in a con/market? Cringy cosplayers? Rude people? Other vendors being insufferable?
510 posts and 80 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2401224

I saw some Ms paint quality print for sale at the con I went to yesterday for $12 dollars,wow,how embarrassing.The only cosplays I liked were some Hufflepuff cosplayers I saw.

No. 2401521

>I genuinely don't get why normie or social justice shit even leaked into anime and videogames spaces
Same like why the fuck does those spaces have to be political in any way? It's a pink haired anime girl in a fantasy world, stop bringing real life issues into this escapism ffs
I wish buyers listing their "do not buys" would become a trend and every comment is "I agree with this list" so those artists could see their entire stock is on it

Also pisses me off that when I see cringe sjw work it's often from adults who look 30-ish themselves, I really blame them for bringing it here. A 15 year old being dumb enough to be too woke and not thinking for themselves is one thing, but pushing 30 and still pandering to troons? You still think you're "not like other girls", you still think mutilating kids is brave and stunning, and that rapist men should go to piss near little girls in female spaces? Grow up.

No. 2401590

Dokomi nonnies, either artists or just visitors: How many of you will be actually there? I just got my mail and that will be my first time, any tips? How much do you usually sell or recommend to bring? What even sells well, there? I have my merch but since I'm travelling from a bit far I don't want to bring anything unnecessary or stuff that doesn't sell, what do you say german nonnies? I'm using that as an opportunity to get my art known around, I plan to bring stuff I'm interested in which includes 3-4 charm series with only one being fotm (that's because I actually like it), there's anything like a dokomi group chat/forum/space to get to know each other?

No. 2403087

I'm just a visitor but I've had friends who tabled at dokomi. From what I heard from them acrylic stands and charms sell very well in Europe in general, as opposed to prints which IIRC sell more in the US. Number 1 thing I heard from them was to put some work into making your table stand out. There are around 450 artists so you have a lot of competition. Last time I went about two years ago an artist got their money box stolen in the middle of the con and someone with insider access/an artist stole stuff from other booths in the middle of the night. So be careful with your stuff.

No. 2403132

Idk about dokomi but in my euro country standees do NOT sell. I think people see it as "cheap plastic 2D trash" when they could just buy a cool anime figurine instead

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No. 1465903[Reply]

Thread for discussing futurology, AI, VR, transhumanism etc. and how it creates the illusion of a utopian future, whilst being maintained by corporate and technological control.
Share news, technologies, ideas, theories, images/aesthetics and anything else related but keep major tinfoiling to the conspiracy thread.
>Are we doomed?
>What are your futuristic predictions?
>What worries you the most about how technologies are used?
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No. 2402660

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No. 2402672

How did that manage to happen? You need to verify the OnlyFans with an ID

No. 2402690

Any other ID would do?

No. 2403059


Hooooooo boy is "she" going to have annoying "fans".

No. 2403086

Like is this our future? 10 years from now, are humans made obsolete? Are people just watching AI-created people talk to them in AI-generated voices on AI generated websites, all art has been replaced with AI generated imagery and if some human somewhere creates something new and innovative it's immediately fed into a model and thousands of AI copies immediately inflate the entire shtick. Is this what the rest of my life will be like? Just working 12 hours a day in some shitty warehouse to afford my rent because my specialist job has been taken over and automated by AI only to come back home to watch thousands of AI generated "entertainment", if the climate disaster destroying harvests worldwide hasn't already starved us to death? Should I just kill myself now? This is all being enabled and welcomed with open arms by the billions of third world people who already live in the tech dystopian future that is going to take over developed societies as well around the world. Bleak. Beyond bleak. I survived a serious illness for this and sometimes I wish I had just died.

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No. 2344638[Reply]

A thread for nonas who have lost a loved one. Share stories, ask questions, seek support. If you are struggling with your loss or want to connect with others who have gone through something similar, you are welcome here.

>Type of loss does not matter; grandparent, parent, sibling, partner, friend, or pet. If you miss them then you can post.

>Be kind. Anons in this thread have suffered enough.
>Global and /ot/ rules apply.

Related threads
>Dealing with aging parents: >>2123710
>Widow Thread: >>1795103
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No. 2391587

To the dead dad nonnas, this scene starting at 1:45 always makes me sob. And yes this is my comfort movie

No. 2391973

the more time thats passed i feel like it's getting harder. i miss this person more in the abstract than i did when it first happened, and thats upsetting because i still want to keep him close.

No. 2403021

Honestly I struggle with anticipatory grief so badly to the point that I almost get relieved when I hear someone passed just because I don’t have to worry about losing them anymore

No. 2403040

I found out an old "friend" from my church died and its been really really weird. I had a crush on him so i told a mutual female friend. Not sure what she told him because in response i find out he got married? But then divorced or got the marriage annulled.(We'd all be around 21/22 atp) We started talking and messing around and hanging out for a while after that. Met his family, we started a little photography business together but then i moved states. I moved back to my home state and he reaches out to me, offering me a job at his father's company, which i took. Always meant to hang out with him again if you know what i mean but i think he had a girlfriend who he ended up marrying. Now he's dead and I'll never know wtf my old friend told him, why he got married and divorced so fast and why he always kept up with me even after i left the state. One time his dad even asked me about marriage so idk wtf that was about and I'm kind of nervous about the funeral. It's going to hurt, he didn't even make it to 30.

No. 2403081

one of my best friends was killed while at her job because she rejected the advances of a freak who was preying on her. she was only 19 and this fuck was in his 50s. i think about it so much, it happened recently and i try to keep my mind off it but it hurts so much. i feel numb right now but sometimes i will just break down and cry. all i can think about is why did it have to be her. she was so kind to everyone. he just shot her like it was nothing. i just think about how scared she was in her final moments. even as i'm typing this out it doesn't even feel real. i still believe that she will just come back and none of this even happened. i've been dealing with a lot of loss like this over the past few years after my eldest sister was killed due to a drunk driver and my middle sister died in her hospital bed after christmas due to health complications she had been struggling with for her entire life. it feels like so much to deal with and i'm just going to deal with it even more because it is inevitable and i just don't think i have the strength to go through this again. i don't think i will ever come to terms with the fact that tomorrow isn't promised to anyone and you never know when it will be your last time talking to someone.

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No. 1813019[Reply]

Previous Thread: >>986511

Talk about Trudeau, Timbits and the Trailer Park Boys! True North, strong and free!

>Favourite parts of Canada?

>Hated parts of Canada?
>Best/Worst food?
>Best/Worst of culture?
>hottest men/women of Canada?

Remember, play nice!
671 posts and 96 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2402354

from alberta and I pretty much exclusively say it like "bin"

No. 2402650

I swear to god we are not having the liberals win again and have them in power for 10 YEARS. I’m signing up for a mail-in vote since I’m living abroad and for the first time ever I’m voting conservative.

No. 2402931

I can't believe the liberals are again leading in the polls. Liberals have done nothing but fuck the country over since the dawn of time. I hate the conservative party but I hope they win but with a minority.
I miss Jack Layton, I believe he could have made great things if he was elected.

No. 2402943

The liberals and conservatives have the exact same game plan. You might as well vote for which colour you like better at this point.

No. 2403008

I am from Québec so I am voting for the Bloc anyway. I have never voted Liberal or Conservative.

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No. 2341317[Reply]

A thread for sharing screencaps of hilarious posts seen around the farms.

Keep the infighting to a minimum you beautiful tards.

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No. 2403601

Yeah and anons not realizing that's the /pol/ part need to work on their reading skills.

No. 2403704

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No. 2403713

Is the funny buried somewhere under all the alogging

No. 2403730

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idk why im sitting on these

No. 2403732

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nvm turns out it was one old post and one i took just now what an embarrassing goof

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No. 2201280[Reply]

Continue to post all the dumb shit you see on Tumblr.

Previous: >>>/ot/1606262
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No. 2402982

why do people in this thread just make shit up and expect everyone to go along with it kek neither of these people are even remotely trad or radfems

No. 2403024

Who cares they’re both lame af

No. 2403523

Cpagliahater is a woman
Her post makes no sense because America is not the only country where ADHD is widespread

No. 2403738

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I like how they use men as the example in this point they're trying to make. As if they don't just use women as a masturbation tool either way whether there's a body attached to it or pixels on a screen

No. 2403748

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>imagine just walking into work for the day and then just being told to disrobe to begin having rough strenuous sex with your bored co-worker who hasn't started acting yet
News flash retard, women are expected to do this in porn without having to arouse themselves hence the fact most sex work & porn is rape

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No. 2291553[Reply]

Similar to the Twitter, Tumblr, and Reddit hate threads, we post youtube videos, creators, and comments that we hate. Infuriating shit, stupid shit, weird shit. Post away.

Previous threads:
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No. 2403092

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>most white people have strong/wide jaws, big heads and defined cheekbones which are seen as masculine and unnattractive.
Have you never seen one of the million comparison pics of kpop singers and actors next to often random white (or black) people? Despite being shorter their heads are huge, many of them have wide defined cheek bones and especially koreans naturally have huge brick-shaped jaws, head size is absolutely something they praise about foreigners (and not just in young children).
Not posting this to call them ugly, but you're simply wrong anon. And it's ridiculous that you're still going on, shooting against white people, when no farmer here said that asians are jealous of herself or that she looks like an underage 80s/90s actress but you immediately started seething and throwing around random accusations and insults. The op only called out their pedo tendencies, you made it about something completely different.

No. 2403150

Some people’s obsession with white children and teenagers doesn’t mean that they’re the beauty standard nor does it mean people try to emulate them. Tons of Asian people have double eyelids naturally, again having large eyes goes back to ancient times. Blue eyes are seen as rare and exotic but not “idolized” and you don’t need them to be considered beautiful. Most of our thin female celebrities would be considered fat for their standards too. You should try to look outside of your western bubble for once and realize Asian people aren’t as obsessed with white people as you think. The people who are are like the East Asian equivalent of weaboos.

No. 2403161

Just because some Asians do have square jaws and big heads doesn’t disprove my point. In south korea especially having the tiniest jaw and smallest head is considered beautiful, and most white female celebrities have stronger and more defined jaws and cheekbones. It’s not that we have squarer jaws than them, it’s that our celebrities could have square jaws and still be considered beautiful. Also I agree that their beauty standards are pedophilic. But there is an anon who keeps insisting European features are ‘idolized’ and influence Asian beauty standards, which they do not.

No. 2403175

Also if you think saying European features arent as sought after in Asia as you think they are is an insult and I’m being too mean to white people i think you need to get over it kek. I literally am a white person with a strong jaw.(triple posting)

No. 2403582

Agree 100%, it's such a pompous way of thinking.

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No. 859842[Reply]

Thread for current NEETs who do not wish to/are not ready yet to rejoin society. Please be considerate of eachother, no shaming.
1149 posts and 91 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2400559

It's good to have hobbies, anon.

No. 2400564

Really, one could say the neets surviving off of commission money from drawing cartoon men fucking and sucking eachother is the modern equivalent of a basket weaver

No. 2400640

Lie on your résumé. I was in the same position, getting ghosted by entry level minimum wage jobs for literal years, and didn't start getting interviews until I just lied. Look up a business that closed down recently and say you had a year's experience working there (or longer depending on how old you have to be to legally start working where you live). If a business is closed down then they can't call it up to ask questions about you working there. It also answers the question of why you don't have many references (because you can't really get a reference if you no longer have a way of contacting your old boss). If you're able to, do some quick courses on things that might help you, like manual handling or Microsoft Excel or something else you can learn fast. Where I live the local employment office runs training classes for free that will give you skills to put down on your résumé. If you really need references ask friends to lie, or failing that, go on Reddit, there's a subreddit just for people asking others to be references for them.

No. 2402740

Kek nonna I can’t but a neet can still take up an extra hobby and turn it into a sidehustle

No. 2402761

Thank God I can still postpone working for another week! Woohoo.
Realistically I can postpone working for 2-3 months I hope I can get something figured out by the end of next month and towards april.
I don’t have to work thank God now I just have to destress again.

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No. 1714003[Reply]

A Thread for former NEETs who escaped the NEET lifestyle and are trying to stay out and current NEETs who wish who want to get out of NEETdom

This is not a thread for wilful NEETs

Topics regarding NEETdom may include but are not limited to:
>Reasons why you became a NEET and why you want to leave it.
>Little things that motivate your escape/recovery.
>Changes that you face regarding leaving NEETdom.
>What made you slip up on your NEETdom escape/recovery.
>Asking for advice/help.
>Your success at becoming a normie.

Previous thread
#1 >>>/ot/472051
310 posts and 44 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2395894

Youre not wrong. I grew up constantly hearing relatives worry about what others will say. My older brother is even worse than me for that. So I just grew up with that mentality as the norm.

I have a lot of shame, yes. Im very socially anxious, and I struggle with basic conversations esp if they ask about my life. As for self image/self worth, Im trying to unlearn a lot of things taught to me by my misogynistic mom.

Thanks for the ideas on what to say, nonna.

No. 2395930

Forced myself through college only to struggle with getting a job. Might as well have just not wasted my time there if I'm going to end up working at mcdonalds and blowing my brains out anyway

No. 2400716

I have an interview next week I really hope I get it. I keep getting rejected, even grocery stores don't want me (probably because they can pay high school kids less). I love being a neet but I hate the financial aspect of it. I hate having to rely on my parents for money, I'm a leech and if they died suddenly I wouldn't be able to live anymore. I don't really want to work at that store I just want to have some type of stable income and some hope of ever moving out.

No. 2402751

Good luck!

I might have to work after all I gave up looking for a month. I hear people talk about cushiony jobs or having high standards for the jobs they look for soo that gives me some confidence that I can possibly find a job I like.

Right one thing though is my hair situation it’s a matted mess and I wear something to conceal it. I’ll try to work on it today I hope I can get an oke job and hopefully my hair sitch gets sorted.

No. 2402759


I showered multiple (3) times this week at my bf’s. It made me realise… I really have to work this year because I need to get my shower situation sorted too. I’m looking forward to moving out. I don’t have a job yet but I might for a few minutes, also only pick jobs according to my standards because no I’m not lowering my standards again it sucks. I like showering btw it just sucks at my parent’s house it’s only cold. I really am over it I will move out this year neetbux or wagiemula (yes I just made that up) I have to move out. Ugh it’s hard I have other things that I have to fix, including a routine for my mental health. Like working isn’t gonna solve all my problems only, a few.

Though I rather have less problems.

How many hours do you guys work?
How many hours do I start with if I haven’t worked for 4/5 years?

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