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No. 2099122[Reply]

Biden just fell out of a coconut tree. Kamala is unburdened by what has been.

Previous thread >>2088051
938 posts and 125 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2106900

Okay but conservatives seethe if lefties call them conservitards

No. 2106901

I mean there may be some autists who whine over internet banter but it personally doesnt push my buttons

No. 2106903

so you're a conservative

No. 2106923

Why don't we demolish anything we don't want? Because we are barred from access to demolishing it, usually by distractions (entertainment, work, etc.) and eventually it just seems unimportant.

No. 2106929

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No. 2041281[Reply]

ITT: post your favourite lyrics or song. What does it mean to you? Why is it memorable? What made it stick with you?

Please follow all the /ot/ board rules and let's have fun sharing some real bangers.

Thread #3: >>>/ot/1440188
Thread #2: >>>/ot/913463
Thread #1: >>>/ot/660956

It's much appreciated if you attach a nice picture to your post that encapsulates the mood of the lyrics or how you hear them.
225 posts and 158 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2106118

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my armor slows me down
my weapons are too heavy
my story is overdone
and this costume makes me sweaty

No. 2106528

excellent, love you nona

No. 2106536

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nothing's happened but i think it will soon
so i sit here, waiting for god and a train
to the astral plane
magic rings that i made have turned my finger green
and my mystic roses died
guess reality is not as it seems
so i sit here, hoping for truth and a ride
to the other side

No. 2106637

I saw you trying

No. 2106890

My little alien, you picked me up
You put a probe inside, my heart it flies
You light up the sky
Oh, you get me high
You, took the melancholy from my eyes
You light up the sky

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No. 2019903[Reply]

Post things for anons to cringe at.
794 posts and 157 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2106611

Fucking sick of Irish moids

No. 2106617

For real? Idk what exactly I think Irish people sound like but not this. It’s almost just an American accent with a weird twang

No. 2106647

Yeah its making me wonder if he's a phony. I don't know his lore but I think a couple other anons do

No. 2106886

Oh hes just some homosexual pretending to be bi for the weird middle aged fantasy novel readers who support his grift. I get it now

No. 2106887

All the comments are written in Doggo English thirsting over him when he’s so fucking busted. Jesus when will women learn to love themselves.

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No. 1962884[Reply]

Post about your employment status, successes, woes, anxieties, rants, etc.

Previous: >>>/ot/1801622
625 posts and 82 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2105923

Thanks anon for jumping in, you summed it up perfectly. I don’t care if people have a part-time job, freelance, or have a side business. That doesn’t affect other people negatively. Now taking another full-time job that could otherwise give someone professional experience, rent money, and health insurance just so you can rack up a yearly salary of $400k is selfish as fuck. Do I think there are increasing costs of living that are probably influencing this desperation for multiple jobs? Sure, but unless you’re in San Francisco or New York, sabotaging others for anything above $300k is not necessary and is your own greed to live extravagantly. That subreddit often has people talking about the joys of buying luxury cars from the dealer for full price. They also write about being able to pay off their credit cards and shitty loans, while actively fucking over everyone else in this job market (particularly young professionals). I’m employed but I know I’m just one layoff away from being back in this situation and having to compete against these people for jobs. Perhaps this is also why applicant counts are so astronomically high on job postings as well, kek.

No. 2106451

So were you open about how you were planning to return to school during interviews? Sounds similar to my situation.
I'll include the retail job I worked during the pandemic in my resume but not sure if I should omit my more white collar jobs (or maybe I should just focus on the aspects relevant to the positions?)

No. 2106803

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I need help. I was a teacher for one year but left the job because it gave me severe anxiety, to the point where I couldn't function like I normally would. It wasn't the workload or the schedule, it was getting in front of a group of 25 students (adults, not kids) and having to speak. The stress and anxiety around having to do public speaking actually caused my epileptic disorder to get worse kek. So I left the job.

Now I've been jobless for 3 months, constantly applying to jobs I actually want to do and that are more solitary than teaching. But out of sheer desperation I applied for a teaching job on a whim and literally the next day the school contacted me and asked for an interview. I said yes but now I'm shitting myself because I would rather drink acid than do teaching again. But no other job has contacted me and I'm desperate. The interview hasn't happened yet but I feel like they're going to make an offer because I already spoke to an HR manager and she made it sound like they were desperate.

Nonnas, if they make an offer do I accept it? Or should I wait in case one of the other jobs I actually want contacts me? I really do not want to teach again because the public speaking aspect fucked me up mentally and physically. I don't know what to do.

No. 2106816

I mentioned I was considering going back to school, yes. They don't mind since I'm basically part time right now, I was gonna crank my way up to full time but I hadn't had a job in months and it's not easy at the place I am to get fulltime hours unless you're a straight up manager. I'd like a second job but I'm very burnt out with job searching and interview type shit right now kek

I would say you could just include everything, apply to places, see if they respond, if they don't then maybe remove the more white collar positions. If you land an interview with the other jobs listed then just focus on the aspects related to the part time position at hand

No. 2106885

Thanks for the advice! I appreciate it.
I would say don't do it unless you're seriously in need of cash. There's very little more important than your health and from what you're saying it sounds like teaching had a serious impact on yours.

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No. 2069178[Reply]

ITT: share uneventful, mundane, or just downright ordinary events that have recently happened in your life.

Previous Thread: >>>/ot/2025758

Please follow all /ot/ board rules.
1132 posts and 198 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2106666

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Whenever your go-to insult on here when it doesn't apply or correlate is "fat retard" you kind of make it obvious you're a fat retard yourself

No. 2106765

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I'm 23, dating a 46-year-old scrote. Today as I was sitting down and thinking, I had the epiphany, he was literally my age when I was born. Now I'm disgusted. I think it's time to break up, not sure why I thought dating an old moid was a good idea…….

No. 2106793

Im the fat retard who lives behind the konbini shelves and gobbles everything down in the darkness

No. 2106837

what motivated you to put up with dusty geriatric dick?

No. 2106882

Love that for you habibi

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No. 2101400[Reply]

Previous: >>2073267

Discuss art and related topics such as:
-Talk about Art Youtubers
-Ask about art supplies
-Discuss trashy art trends
-Instagram bullshit
-Art theft!
-General Art Bullshit
-Fandom and Shipping Discourse
-AI generated art (do not shill about your ai trained models key words on a prompt do not make you a artist)
-do not post your art to be reviewed here use the designated m thread

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234 posts and 56 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2106838

Lucky Star is also casual/positive about girls being fujoshi. This person's a retard.

No. 2106861

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damn what happened to "i want to be seen as a fucking adult"

No. 2106867

retard you are pedobaiting just by vtubing only lolifags watch that shit

No. 2106868

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Am I retarded, or wouldn't a proportion comparison require her to make the anime head the same size as the toddler heads? Cuz the only thing she's showing is that the image of the anime head is larger than the images of the baby heads. Picrel to show what I mean.
How old is this kid anyway? The retarded zoomzoom self sensoring (not even pdf file, just pdf kek), immedeatly proving herself wrong in the same post >>2106562 , not knowing what proportion actually means. Just screams 16-at-most to me kek (or maybe she's just turbo autist)

No. 2106881

i dont believe for a second shes a minor. She had two high quality live2d models, which would be over 1k. No kid has that money, shes just retarded.

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No. 2084765[Reply]

Selena Gomez embarrasses herself as usual >>2047826
Billie Eilish goes on a rant about her porn addiction, for some reason >>2048062
Nicki Minaj posts a video of herself strung the fuck out >>2048105
Danger at Bad Bunny show >>2049357
Lana goes on Ozempic, ending her fat redneck era, at least for now >>2049709
Zac Efron's jaw healing up >>2049929
Azealia being herself >>2050492
Madison Beer, Ice Spice wearing gross stripper style outfits >>2050564 >>2050603
Lana begs for scrotes on Bumble >>2051881
Sabrina Carptener being forcefed to all of us similarly to how U2 was in 2014 >>2051062 >>2051064
Justin Timberlike arrested for DWI >>2054738
Katy Perry continues working with Dr. Luke Gottwald >>2055178 >>2055185
Lana and Quavo do country >>2057040 >>2076466
FKA Twigs starts having deepfake interviews be done instead of actually participating in them herself, because she's that incapable of human interaction >>2059188
Charli and Lorde come up with a weird drama storyline to try to make their album more attractive (it doesn't work) >>2059206
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952 posts and 179 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2106873

*zoomer, not boomer

No. 2106878

Tyla is not plastic. The girls who look like her often look like her in a roundabout, conceptual way only through filters and posing. She's adorable.

No. 2106902

I get what you're saying generally. It's extremely annoying how everyone looks the same now, especially celebrity women. All the same kind of makeup/styling/fillers. It's really the fillers and PS they make everyone's skin look tight. I miss seeing different face styles if that makes sense.

No. 2106907

Britney seems to have brain damage from meth use imo I bet Britney still does it. Amanda seems like she became schizophrenic, which will often appear in your 20s, but is medicated for it. She's kind of flat now in her affect and way of speaking.

No. 2106928

kind of embarrassing of herto try to leech of another pop star’s image like this, especially considering she’s still alive and well. can we get something that’s not an interpolation, please? i blame ava max.

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No. 2077366[Reply]

Thread to discuss the current psyop regarding ugly men getting shilled as attractive. Discuss beauty double standards in media, ugly male characters being shilled as attractive, lack of attractive men in hollywood, etc
>do not try to defend ugly men ITT no1currs

prev >>2062573
1162 posts and 209 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2106526

Asian+tasteful plastic surgery focused on avoiding dimorphism. Basically what Jared Leto is doing.

No. 2106563

Yeah no. No woman is beating any of these moids in ugliness and entitlement.

Also the young ugly ones have a thing for Asian girls which is hilarious because they think we worship their asses for being white. So delusional.

Yep, its the one the guys on okcupid said they use, the site is a mess literally the sewer pipe of dating apps its too funny!

No. 2106817

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Absolutely sickening that anyone would refer to Jack Quaid as conventionally attractive

No. 2106863

Claudia is such a goddess. She should have NEVER given Jack the time of day i swear to god, some women think height is everything.

No. 2106875

I never understood why he was cast in until I found out his last name.

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No. 1899367[Reply]

The counterpart to the "news stories that fuck with you" thread. News that is uplifting, inspiring, and exciting.
33 posts and 16 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2097249

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>For more than 15 years, Danielle Stevenson, who holds a PhD in environmental toxicology from the University of California, Riverside, has been pioneering a nature-based technique for restoring contaminated land, using fungi and native plants to break down toxins like petroleum, plastics, and pesticides into less toxic chemicals.
>In a recent pilot project funded by the city of Los Angeles, Stevenson, 37, working with a team of UC Riverside students and other volunteers, significantly reduced petrochemical pollutants and heavy metals at an abandoned railyard and other industrial sites in Los Angeles. While her research is still in its early stages, Stevenson says she believes her bioremediation methods can be scaled up to clean polluted landscapes worldwide.

No. 2097653

what an amazing girl

No. 2099976

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No. 2106753

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It's great to see women fighting back

No. 2106790

She's so based and real for this.

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No. 2050407[Reply]

Post things or pictures of things that make you laugh.

Previous: >>>/ot/1559641
360 posts and 96 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2105468

No. 2105829

The person laughing is having an athsma attack. All I can hear is liquid moving around in her lungs.

No. 2106769

No. 2106774

No. 2106783

His best one is the muscle elf brings me to tears

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