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No. 1097620[Reply]

Previous thread: >>1072499

Last thread's milk:

>Sean Connery dies at 90, video of him talking about slapping women pops up posthumously

>uwu baby Ariana Grande releases Positions, cries over review scores, which are not THAT bad
>Once again, Twitter is trying to cancel Brendon Urie
>Kylie Jenner holds massive Halloween party that declared "no social media", whilst pictures were plastered all over social media. this spins major backlash
>Doja Cat, who previously had covid, attends Kylie's Halloween party and has snitfits at her fans on Twitter for not taking accountability for her actions
>Johnny Depp loses libel case against Amber Heard
>was said to have cut his own finger off and physically assaulted her
>Johnny Depp fans sperg over verdict in thread for posts long
>other anons say it was likely a mutually abusive relationship
>Nonetheless, Heard and Depp's careers collectively continue to tank, a fact that no army of stans can deny!
>Gwen Stefani is engaged to Blake Shelton, everyone thought they were already married
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No. 1116986

That photo of her in the yellow bodysuit she posted after the internet roasted her for looking like a linebacker. it's in her youtube posts.

She looks so Rubenesque

No. 1116992

How did she quadruple in size and keep the same Size boobs

No. 1117071

I consider all what you just mentioned, white lol

No. 1117080

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presented without commentary

No. 1117081

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No. 1116399[Reply]

there is an anonymous account with the screen name H4ckerRogue that has been making bomb threats toward
THEREALTRDJ last week on Twitter and promising that this most recent Christmas is gonna be his and his family’s last. GOODLETTSVILLE, TN per the tracking information for a package on its way to NJ that appears to have a bomb in it. He also has ties to the UK where he is current vacationing for the Holidays as well as Mexico where he plans to flee as he states.. on his Twitter timeline. It also appears that he is not acting alone. The package that appears to be containing the bomb as you will see in the screenshots attached got hung up in Indiana via
, so the accomplice tasked with …………..intercepting the package once USPS delivered it to the
operative’s family’s home and rigging the bomb to go off fled New Jersey. How easy is it to procure materials for a bomb in Tennessee?Of the Tennessee bombings on Christmas Day and these threats as well as the package that is on its way to New Jersey very suspect. I’m not saying screen name H4ckerRogue or his accomplice had anything to do with the Christmas Day bombings, but I believe it deserves a proper…..Investigation. I also think that the person behind the screen name H4ckerRogue needs to be permanently banned from Twitter & arrested. It really looks more like he had something to do with what happened on Christmas Day..(/OT/ has a tinfoil thread)
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No. 1116546

Correct there's a difference?
Something posted and planted totally different.

No. 1116552

Who do we actually know there is a bomb?
Like the other person said if there was it would have been intercepted.
Agree this seems to over the top to be anything serious.
Also if the poster is that concerned why post it on here and not alert the Law enforcement.

No. 1116567

I have looked on the twitter page of the guy called HR.
If you look at his pinned tweet which lists 2 weblogs and read them this guy has exposed someone called TRDJ who says he is a US Operative with inside intel.
Looks like its just petty mudslinging from being exposed.
I Wouldn't take any of this serious.
just my opinion.

No. 1116679

looks like they guy responsible for the Nashville bombing did a suicide bombing

No. 1116680

whoops for some reason the link did not go through

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No. 1079162[Reply]

general thread for egirls and eboys, proving to be the most annoying and chaotic thread.
sage in the email field, instafaggots. if you want to kiki here, read the rules and lurk.

1 - >>>/snow/866800
2 - >>>/snow/1005403 (created by babivampire)
3 - >>>/snow/1047741

previous thread:
>babiweight continues to rebrand and hide, moved to twitter
>continues to virtue signal about healing, positivity and growth all while continuing to follow the thread
>farmers leak more screencaps of babiweights bullshit
>fauxgf sticks her beak between babi and d9 and squawks to herself, meanwhile nobody cares
>dead9irl and babiweight accuse each other of being hating ass posers
>d9 calls babi a deadbeat mom, makes multiple accounts to fuck with her
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No. 1116867

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Has to beg for rent yet can afford to fuel her alcoholism. Mother of the year, am I right?
(From last night forgot to post)

No. 1116908

she's not even a mom at this point. the baby doesn't even live with her

No. 1117174

I've never seen one post encapsulate the Zoomer and pullfag mentality so accurately. Hats off to you anon.

>Instagram booolie
You mean one of the ethots/cowtippers orbiting this thread posted her to r/Instagramreality kek

No. 1117220

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I just saw her posted on trashy too.

No. 1117224

>frid9e posted to reddit twice in one day
i highly doubt this happened organically, stop cowtipping

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No. 1115978[Reply]

Get ready for some cringe. This guy is the ultimate edgelord and claims that weed solves all problems. He's a real tough guy and will threaten violence towards you over the internet for questioning his shitty gardening skills. Jeff has no highschool education and is a histrionic. He's very easy to trick if he thinks thinks that you are going to advance his "popularity" or "fame".
Jeff is an epileptic and chooses to drive after several near-fatal accidents involving others. Jeff hates faggots and wants to be famous still.

No. 1115979


Poke him and he will tough guy threaten you over the internet free of charge.

No. 1115980

lame thread. tried to troll him and he's actually kind of cool, albeit an edgelord(samefag OP)

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No. 1105462[Reply]

Last thread a new cow was welcomed into the herd by the name of hannfightsthis. We can't figure out what exactly she's fighting because, despite being very much a healthy weight, she claims to have a hospital bed with her name written on it. We will follow her journey to recovery, watching her stuffing copious amounts of junk food down her throat.

Speaking of which, Georgie is currently IP having her sooper serious depreshun zapped away. She desperately wanted a tube, so larped violent purging and gave herself adramatic mallory weiss. She'll begrudgingly spend Xmas at home, before admitting herself to EDU in the New Year.

Ganer is overjoyed the lockdown is over and is back in paradise at the gym (until January's lockdown).

N2f is still being disgusting with sardines and grime, but we have a very special event in progress where two farmers from different lands are doing a Bake Off using n2f's recipes!

bored_with_ana is all confused about her length of time as a severe anorexic but showed us her recovery spoon with the words "Boobs Brains Babies Bum" engraved on it. To gain these things are her goals. Gl with that!

Dharma is poor as a church mouse and asking you donate to her gofundmepage. Her abusive parents (who shower her with expensive gifts and love) are toxic to live with and after her gym membership and protein powder bill, she can barely afford the rent on her waitressing wage.

Solostinmymind may or may not have passed away.

Shay is jubilant about getting ECT and jumps on her bed in a tiktok video.
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No. 1114145

It almost sounds like she genuinely thinks what she's doing is helping others, and that's why she's doing it

No. 1114150

That psychotic fucking face

No. 1114186

I've started the new thread earlier than usual so we can enjoy the festive pic. Soz, I have no patience at Xmas. Excited like a little child.


No. 1114371

She probably thinks she looks like jessica Rabbit, kek

No. 1119932

Does anyone remember Joltography from like 2015? Whatever happened to her? What about Emily Hazel? Is she still around? What about Gretchen, the mother with the Littlest Pet Shop obsession? I'd seriously love an update on any of the older cows.

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No. 79568[Reply]

I'm interested to know what everyone thinks of Felicia Day.
A "quirky" 36 year old who is praised as the Queen Of Geek.
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No. 1028040

is 24yo "very young" for you? because that's the age she met him at according to her
you're making a lot of assumptions there, maybe they're a happy couple?

No. 1028192

If the other person is in their 40s/50s/60s? (Not sure how old the dude actually is) Yes, 24 is very young.
I don't have a problem with age gaps, as long as there's not a huge power imbalance. You know you have to be 18 to post here, right?

No. 1028217

hes currently 73, he would have been 56 when she was 24

No. 1028218

also, why did this thread get necro'd? Nobody cares about her anymore

No. 1113022

I'm with >>1028192 here. 24 is reasonable for a 30-35yo, maybe even slightly older than that? but c'mon, dude was well over twice her age at 56. He's a creep.

Welcome to lolcow, shit happens all the time. Someone probably googled her and ended up here considering the comment was unsaged.

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No. 1082146[Reply]


Last Thread

If you're new, please make sure you read:
https://lolcow.farm/rules before posting

34 year old heroin junkie wash up rockstar and the dumb bitch insecure enough to have a baby with him.

The basic rundown:
> jonny craig has a well-documented history of drug abuse and physical/sexual abuse toward several of his exes - pretty much any woman he comes into contact with he influences in an overwhelmingly negative way
> most recently dated and helped with the downfall of pettuber & fellow cow Taylor Nicole Dean - is her so-called abuser, though it sounds like they were equally toxic in their own ways
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No. 1112275

No. 1112373

I think he’s just tired tbh

No. 1121660

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Is Syd’s latest insta post about TND or has someone else upset her?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1121720

Ugh lurk more you dumbass. This is an old thread.

No. 1233605

this aged well lol

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No. 783263[Reply]

Naseeha Sessions / Jafar of youtube/ Dawah Man/ Imran Ibn Mansur
Instagram: @DawahManOfficial
Snapchat: Dawahman
Twitter: @Imranibnmansur

Jafar is a 29 year old UK muslim lunatic/religious youtuber/scam artist who spouts general nonsense. Jafar started his career as an aspiring rapper, which he failed at miserably. He became a muslim youtuber after one semi-viral video at a public event. In Jafars heavily edited account of the debate, Jafar seems to win against the Sikh he is debating. Later on this turns out to be false, as the debating opponent uploads the whole debate, which shows that Jafar is half of the time extremely triggered and idiotic. One highlight being Jafar almost shitting his pants when he discovers the random Sikh he approached is in fact an Oxford graduate in philosophy. Jafar quickly deletes all traces that he ever uploaded the edited version.

Most of his videos are directed at women and contain fake stories of women who were being sinful and then suddenly having an encounter with Allah, of him approaching small kids on the street to debate them about Islam and only uploading arguments where he "wrecks" these kids. Jafar has an unhealthy obsession with homosexuals, as whenever he is given a chance, he will unprompted compare them to animals and talk about how dicks are gross.

What makes Jafar a lolcow is not him being a Muslim, but him being an absolutely fucking insane scam artist. Do not come here to generalise about Islam or its teachings, that is racebaiting.

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No. 1111897

Another tidbit into the great podcast of Jafar and his AMAZING advice for all women out there. As usual, it ends in a plea for more donations for a new gofundme, that is separate from the £35,000 fundraiser mentioned above in >>1111881

>young woman calls in to his podcast

>she doesnt want to get married
>her parents are coercing her to marry
>calls her father controlling
>jafars great advice is that she should listen to her elders, for they are more wise than her
>tells her shes bad for ever arguing against their will
>tells her marriage is her way to independence
>her market value is already decreasing because shes old and she should hurry up to marry
>she reminds him shes only 20
>jafar again calls her old
>mens market value only increases
>having a much older husband is something she should seek to have, its a point of pride for the woman
>womens only gets lower every year starting from her birth
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No. 1111900

Did he literally just imply that a woman's sexual value peaks during infancy? Disgusting.

No. 1111905

Another hot take of Jafar's podcasts on the "affairs of women".

>starts off ranting about how women talk too much

>women want to talk about relationships
>men are too smart and objective to care about petty emotional affairs of women
>if man doesnt want to do something, it is the womans fault
>women need to become more interesting so their husbands have a reason to listen to them
>if a woman isnt interested in her husbands work, she isnt putting in enough effort to understand her husband
>this is because "women control the tranquility of the marriage"
>women shouting or pleading is "pure manipulation"
>women need a man to be complete, for that is what ALLAH INTENDED
>this is why "her" includes "he" in it

>womans greatest strength is femininity

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No. 1112026

Sorry to disappoint, but not only does your value plummet with decrepitude, it's non-existent in the first place even when you're at peak virility. It's because you're male, and sperm is by design abundant and low value. Maybe that's why you need a sky daddy to help you cope with the visceral awareness of nature's design.

However, your net worth may increase, and it might buy you your way out of obsolescence if it's high enough. At this point you become an inconvenience standing in the way of your wallet. Do remember that the vast majority of males are not nearly rich enough even for a pretense of being valuable as wallet keychains.

The absolute state of being male is engaging in this pitiful self deception as you hoard resources hoping to rope in a girl who's vastly out of your league, because deep down you know exactly what your "value" is and how "superior" you are. Seethe as you realize that your only chance = paying women to accept your dick.

No. 1112402

Based anon. I love this.

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No. 1098012[Reply]

This thread concerns with male-to-female (mtf) snowflake behaviour. This entails individual events, trends, and characters that do not deserve their own thread. Rules of /snow/ apply on this thread, thus blogging about your hate of mtf with no context and autistic spergfests are banned. This means this is a thread for mtf related milk without the autistic ragefests and fights over disagreements over terms. Calling others handmaidens or scrotes is infighting. Taking your autism to other threads is leaving the containment zone, do not do this.

You may discuss gender critical subjects if it relates to milk. Once again, while your autistic tangents are milky to read, they're not actual milk.

Subreddits of note: https://www.reddit.com/r/asktransgender/

Last thread highlights:
- Reddit user LaurenRossy gets SRS, says vagina is great, has stealth sex with a man, complains about feeling used, talks about how they regret SRS, posts questions on how to fix their vagina letting out putrid smells and other medical issues
- Literallysofie continues to hate cis people, is banned from tiktok
- Anon posts timeline of a MTFs SRS that includes rotting flesh
- Man’s is upset as his wife for not wanting to be a cute lesbian couple, wife is told she’s transphobic and horrible for not wanting to pegPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 1112245

tbf i honestly thought that was lana del ray so kudos to them

No. 1112289

Sissy+ DDLG + Womenfetish, yikes.

No. 1112345

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I don't really pay attention to how men's legs work, but his thigh looks odd in this pic. Is it photoshopped or does he have a lot of muscles in his legs?

No. 1112348

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So now it's ok to admit it's fetish as long as you also just happen to be trans

No. 1112350

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From the same thread. They know.

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No. 1048899[Reply]

Alyssa D. Silos / Alythuh

Alyssa D. Silos is an American influencer of Filipino descent who claims to be a self made artist successful enough to afford traveling the world with money made from art sales. However her art skill is mediocre, her accomplishments as an artist are always ambiguously described, and she already has been living a luxurious lifestyle traveling the world before she even became a full time artist.

> Claims to be not rich from childhood despite her previous tweets showing how privileged she is
> Brags a lot about her condo apartment and her looks, but not giving out details about her supposed international exhibits
> Constant dishonesty similar to that of a pathological liar (when telling stories about her successes, herself, and her life)
> Has strong stance against others stealing content, but steals photos and doesn't credit artists
> Exploits the black aesthetic for clout, painted herself darker than she is
> Notoriously bad photoshop and facetune edits to her face and body
> PickMe tendencies where she always has to mention anime and video games to be #notliketheothergirls
> Starts witch hunts with her fans and always has to call out the "haters" even if they have legitimate criticism
> Religiously stalks discussions about her, including her PrettyUglyLitleLiar Thread
> Has her sister derail a PULL discussion, revealing more intimate details about Alyssa more than she should have
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No. 1076101

What is this Tweet even describing? Rejection from what? Confused about what? She does highschooler art and gets it printed on aliexpress keyrings, what about that involves rejection and confusion?

No. 1076102

>A few piddly boxes in a large space and obviously photoshopped wall art of her name

Is this the loading bay which she snapped a selfie in?

No. 1076140

New Alythuh thread has been made: >>>/snow/1076135

No. 1111637


You realize it's super common for filipinos to have some Chinese blood right? I know even fully chinese folks who live in the Philippines but still claim to be filipino because that's their nationality and where they grew up.(necro)

No. 1111674

Bumping an old thread to defend her pretending to be Chinese when she’s a filipina who grew up with no Chinese culture or family and only used it to sound more interesting and justify using Chinese chops?Okay.

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