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No. 1065805
A tradthot can be defined as a woman who claims to hold 'traditional values' and claims to believe that women are below men but has benefitted from modern day women's liberation and feminism.
They are usually educated women from privileged backgrounds who have led very sheltered lives.
Most of these women are pick mes thirsty for superficial male attention and will just make whatever talking points red pilled incels and neckbeards want to hear.
They often fetishize female bodily functions and traditional gender roles and cringingly over perform femininity.
Many are also racist white nationalists aka 'wignats/wigger nationalists".
A few examples are:
Lauren Southern
Failed journalist who has pissed off both the left and right. Was part of the white nationalist movement but has a thing for ethnic men. Married to a hapa and has a hapa baby. Riley
Ex yoga teacher and libfem hippie. Used to have pink hair and a nose ring and spent her 20s travelling and dating
abusive bums. Is now a born again Christian housewife after having a baby at 31 married to some Slovakian meat head.
Twitter Britton
Ana chan pick me who wrote an MRA children's book. Is married to some old fat, frumpy bum with greasy hair.
Twitter subreddits No. 1065818
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Lauren, just give up the ghost. White supremacists hate you now.
No. 1065840
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Sarah Therese, she preaches conservative christian values but shows her ass and other body parts on youtube
No. 1065855
>>1065841This website is a goldmine of trad thottery and pickmeism.
I laughed so hard at this article. Apparently women can only dress sexy, classy or slutty and nothing else exists, apparently. It talks about the good old how 'men r visualll and women r not n women luv erotica n men like porn'. No. 1065889
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Disliking sex offenders is bad apparently
No. 1065913
>>1065889>We don't like the amount of sexual assault that happens>You're enslaved by the victim mentalityDoes she… Think that any woman who has an issue with anything outside of hur dur men are
victims is "enslaved by a
victim mentality"?
Imagine her working in customer service
"Hello this man grabbed my ass please kick him out"
"Sorry you're enslaved by the
victim mentality"
No. 1066012
>>1065913She just hates women who speak out against anything male, even if that male is a sex offender. She's trying to appeal to men and that means anything they do is good, like assault and sexual violence. Anything women do that helps or benefit them is bad and hurts men's feelings, which prompts Lisa into action to denounce it.
She does this pick me dance and yet her man is an old ugly scrot with beer gut. None of these tradthots and pick mes ever land a hot charming man lol
>>1065841Coping hard there Robyn. She realized what a loser he is but had potential in the past so she has to drag other women down because misery loves company
No. 1066015
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When women ironically call themselves 'traditional' it makes me cringe so hard. Then she has to go and make a big announcement like it's some unique self discovery.(derailing, not a thread subject)
No. 1066019
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>>1066015"Sooo traditional and Sooo not a feminist"
Also she's waiting on her live in boyfriend hand and foot while he appears to be sitting on his ass.
No. 1066030
>>1066027 These sex posi libfems and tradthots overlap a lot because all they do is for male validation. Catering to moid sexuality and ego. “I’ll gargle your scrotum, Nigel, I swear- nobody before you UwU I was sooo sexually repressed before your magical peepee showed up OwO”
Sure… do that nasty thing for a scrote and give yourself that pube teeth flossing, he will surely appreciate you more.
No. 1066032
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How does one even unpack all this?
>She's 23 and he's 48 and ex wife is still in the picture.
> they appear to hoard dogs
> a big dog attacks a little dog
> custody dispute over little dog with ex wife.
> argument ensues and red pill wifey suggests they kidnap little dog from ex wife
> 48 year old man behaves like an overgrown child
You can't make this shit up
No. 1066040
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OK cows who think they're farmers, get ready for your yearbook photos.
You won't find bigger snowflakes than the pearl clutchers in these threads, lol.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1066041
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>>1066032Responses are as follows
No. 1066043
>>1066040You don't know what everyone's political beliefs are just because they are not 'uwu trad 1950s rockabilly gonna bake cookies in my modern fan oven for my hairy alpha cross dressing red pill aspergers hubby".
If you like that shit then you are a cringe lord, pure and simple and you deserve to be laughed at.
No. 1066089
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No. 1066113
>>1066015Modern “trad” couples kinda piss me off and make me laugh at the same time because their warped idea of traditional is so far off the mark.
My own immigrant family would be considered traditional (working husband, stay at home wife, gaggle of kids, homemade meals) and my grandmas would never in a million years be catalogued as “waiting on hand and foot”. If anything they were strong willed and men were expected to do a lot more than be a dev by day and play video games after work. My grandpas literally built their own houses and provided whatever was needed. There were no talks of divorce or prenup or leaving their first wives high and dry when they got tired of them in their 40s.
Besides, this kind of family dynamics are simply not compatible anymore with most modern day countries, and especially America. Oh your husband suddenly died or became disabled? Well good luck making it work with a 12 years employment gap and granola making skills.
Honestly more power to women who are no career-oriented, that’s a choice in itself I can respect. But they need to careful choosing their partner because 90% of the time they pick some man child that will believe they hit the wall at 35 and start fooling around.
(nobody cares) No. 1066116
>>1066032>trad>internet skitzo>dog nutevery time
>>1066015lmao @ being a sahw for a boyfriend
No. 1066117
>>1066113They're just pickme larpers. Most pickmes are also domineering, snarky, nagging women. Think Gimpgirl or Anna Khachiyan.
Real trad women won't even look at a man if he doesn't have his shit together.
No. 1066278
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No. 1066282
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No. 1066283
>>1066278lol teach your white son to be a
victim, based
No. 1066284
>>1066282Robyn really thinks she's special when in fact she's the standard apart from her trad larp. Most adults do eventually grow out of being pot smoking vegabonds and at some point most women will have at least one to three kids somewhere in their 30s.
People who rely on self help figures to guide them through life usually have problems thinking for themselves.
This woman needed JP to tell her to clean her room.
No. 1066285
>>1066278As a white, middle class man your son will be fine. He won't have to worry about being stopped and bullied by police, in fact police won't even notice that he exists. He will have access to a career and further education. If anything you are going to stifle him by making him afraid and giving him a
victim complex for no reason.
No. 1066415
>>1066378It's always barely a real dish, too. Always some single slice of cheese sandwich or other prison looking food.
Even REEEE feminists always make something more impressive with their Blue Apron kits lmao
No. 1066421
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No. 1066434
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No. 1066505
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>>1066102She definitely mogs all other tradthots and her husband
No. 1066512
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>>1065829Tatted or not, it takes a smooth brain to think that it's bad not to pop out 10+ kids during a pandemic and when the future of the world looks grim
No. 1066525
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>>1065823>>1066512She kinda looks like Indigo White, it's more obvious from her older pictures. Also, maybe we can expect a nosejob from her.
No. 1066542
>>1066512They all pretend that they are persecuted for wanting a family and being housewives when 29% of mothers in America are housewives. Being a mother and a housewife is about as ordinary as it gets.
You are always going to get people who have a negative opinion about your life choices but at the end of the day it's none of their business and you can still do as you choose.
These women are not oppressed.
No. 1066561
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Allergic reaction
Sure Jan
No. 1066633
>>1066561Lauren used to be quite pretty when she first started her career. Now she just looks like a botched blow up doll.
I don't understand this filler fad. It makes the women who get it look like ridiculous uncanny valley clones.
No. 1066853
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>>1066667Scrotes cannot accept that they are below animals to most women so they cope by seething at pet owners
>Mfw animals are higher ranked in worth than you No. 1066925
>>1066902 Well a soiboi, silly libtard, tottally unlike the average conserative manly maleod who tottally does not look like a jawless gimp, as we can see from every tradthot's wedding photo. Nothing but utmost high T features in all of those tradmales.
Seriously tho, why does every con male look like chinless gimp material.
No. 1066945
>>1066940Granted I think the whole "my dog/cat/bunny crowd you see on reddit is my literal baby and everyone has to know about how it's life is more important than that of any person in the world and animals are all my babies and I'm going to collect 100 and sit in my piss soaked apartment" crowd are irritating but I still don't think they are in the majority when it comes to pet owners. I mean we all know that one lady or man that lives in a filthy house and feeds stray cats and they keep replicating and their house is full of poorly cared for animals and you can smell it half way down the street.
Maybe you see it a lot online because internet forums attract sequestered people. But irl no. People like that are frowned upon and considered eccentric.
Being a housewife and having a human child is more of an everyday, outside world occurrence than being an over the top pet owner.
No. 1066955
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>>1066278Did she get the idea from Stormfront?
No. 1066956
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Who the shit said that? And if they did, she likely twisted the context like the reactionary cow she is. Why is she reeing at pedophilia critics?
Eveybody knows that short adults do not look like children when you actually look at them, so this is a moot point.
This is prime example of UwU we are so smol syndrome.
I SWEAR we totes look like teenagers! We can't help it if we attract all of the pedos!(which they don't, but they wish they did)
No. 1066958
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And responses, well too bad they inherited that monkey schnozz and a busted face he has.
No. 1066960
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I bet she's start simpetting if she saw a woman insult a moid politician tho
No. 1067059
>>1066994>>1067012Wait till she finds her scrotes loli collection, maybe then some cogs will start turning in the right direction.
Bit you have to wonder, she herself is hyperfixated on being uwu and smol with her anachan behavior.
Much like indigowhite and belle dolphin, she wants to be desired by moids, even if they are pedos.
For you see.. she's not like those other fat old hags uwu
No. 1067079
>>1067012Yeah it's like she goes on twitter just looking for any criticism of men, any nugget so she can blow it out of proportion (oh so ~petite~ women don't deserve love? so she should be ashamed and take horse growth pills is that it??) and her followers will agree and retweet.
It's funny how she can twist anything into men being opressed, like schools not having recess is a plot on men lol i can't even be mad or enraged because she reads like satire
No. 1067114
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But Robyn what about muh traditional gender roles? Men are not supposed to help with the baby. They're supposed to go out and work all day. Can't you call your mom to do it? Or some woman in the village? I thought you weren't one of those modern women and that your husband was old fashioned…
No. 1067122
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Hard cringe
I thought Robyn gained like 40lbs after having the baby? (which is normal and nothing to be ashamed of but according to Robyn smol is the only way to be) Is that why she doesn't post any recent pics of herself?
No. 1067123
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>>1067122Yeah she developed a double chin, this was apparently after losing the first 20lbs according to her Twitter.
I guess it's because she's Canadian and just couldn't vote for Trump so she didn't have smol powers.
No. 1067134
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>>1067122Even her beta orbiters found this post cringeworthy.
No. 1067611
>>1066421KEK. Based.
>>1066505I'll be honest: I find her physically attractive. I'd like to convert her.
No. 1067655
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It's OK that my husband isn't white because he descends from good immigrants who were in the military. White supremacists, please click, like and follow me again.
No. 1067657
>>1067655Wait so is she talking about her own famil or her husband’s asian family?
This is just the “le based minority” shtick that alt lite loves to push
No. 1067658
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Omg she looks rough
No. 1067664
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>facts dont care about ur feelings
No. 1067666
>>1067664Lisa and Lauren both need to shut up and eat a full meal. Low blood sugar is probably making them pissed off all the time and they need a reason to be angry.
I have noticed that Lauren has been even more grumpy since she's been ana.
No. 1067667
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Lauren looked healthy and happy here. No doubt her husband is one of those weight obsessed men who start making passive aggressive comments once she goes over the 120lb mark. She's obviously developed an eating disorder, she looks ill and she's in a worse mood than she ever was.
No. 1067698
>>1067658>>1067666The tragic part is that neither one of them has nice looking features, Lisa has a weird chin and looks very aged in non-candids, Lauren has tragic nasolabial folds, she looked aged when she was a teenager ffs.
So now they ana-cope in hopes that being "smol" will make them look good. Sad, sad cope.
No. 1067701
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How is she only 2 years older than me???
No. 1067744
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>>1067701I'm cackling, I googled her age after your comment and I'm almost 3 years older than her.
Bitch u is haggardddd.
Sage for OT, don't ban me Janitor-chan
No. 1067772
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Lisa looks like mra kooter
No. 1067796
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"Lisa lives with her fiance to his three children"
So not only is he way older than her but she plays mommy for him as well. No. 1067798
>>1067701Bruh I'm 2 years older than her and she looks like she could be my mom.
I guess a carefree lifestyle of money and shitposting keeps you young while being a neurotic indentured bangmaid ages you in dog years. No wonder all trads and flyovers think that women are necrotic past 30, it really is true for them.
No. 1067803
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Apparently Lisa wrote a book about the effect of the media on girls'body image.
Considering how anachan and obsessed with her own image on social media she is isn't she a but hypocritical? No. 1067813
>>1067796My fucking sides.
YAAAAAAAS cuckqueen!!
No. 1067855
>>1067701White nationalist:
"Don't ever talk to me or my hapa son again"
No. 1067986
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Robyn grew out of youth culture at 30. Now she thinks the young uns are scandalous. She's so special and not like any other woman her age. Most women will wear piercings and ass rips in their jeans in the old folks home.
No. 1067992
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I guess Robyn was allowed to dye her hair all the colors of the rainbow, prevent pregnancy, get metal in her face and sleep with new age vegan fuck bois with a man bun and a sun tattoo. But the younger generation has to grow old like her straight away and doesn't get to have fun because now her fun is over and everything she does is better than everything any other woman is doing because Robyn is the one doing it and she's always better.
No. 1068012
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This is Robyn's husband and he's not good looking. He looks fat.
No. 1068062
>>1067772Troll face?
>>1067813>if you shit on women existing enough you too can land yourself a fat old single father with 3 kids uwu>>1068012If these tradthots want more women to be like them, least can do is have an attractive man. None of them ever do
No. 1068088
>>1067992>men having standards>what men are and aren't attracted to mattering to anyone including themThe cutoff for getting to have any preferences at all begins at 300k a year. Other men will take what they can get, which isn't much at all. Of course you can be a window shopping incel who performatively seethes about pointy elbows, but it's not like they have anything to lose - might as well LARP as picky.
As far as saving the white race goes, you're a cucked beta pickme who fucked herself into settling for fat used goods because you take the words of beta males at face value. I wouldn't be surprised if your husband is already paypigging for a tattooed ethot.
Speaking of, he doesn't even look like a slav, more like a Dagestani or something. Russian passport and last name =\= white.
No. 1068126
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No. 1068242
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Moids are noticing the fillers it seems
No. 1068255
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The coping, she settled for a wurstie and is now telling herself the manosphere koolaid
No. 1068277
>>1068255Maybe it's because men have a fundimental need to have sex and with no particular woman. They have their preferances but when they have fewer options they can get turned on by virtually any woman available. They have even been known to turn to animals, food items, vacuum cleaners and other males in times of desperation or opportunity.
Women have a fundimental need to have sex with a man/men they already desire and find attractive.
Basically, women can live without sex, in fact they would rather not have sex if they don't want it with anyone in particular.
It's not that any woman will eventually 'fall in love' with any man who puts his penis in her.
No. 1068283
>>1068277It's not even hard to get commitment from a male. They are desperate to attach to any woman willing to be a bangmaid mommywife.
Or not even that, basically any woman willing to have a low effort situationship. Then they leech the ego-pumps and sex.
These gimpgirls really think they got something special
No. 1068405
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Martina Markota, who kind of disappeared, trying to cope with her trad followers who are finally calling her out for grifting on her sob story about being separated for her husband because of meanie anitfa. Her cope for leaving her husband in england is the thought that her children would not be american is unbearable, as though england is a third world shithole. From Instagram I've waged she's been in NYC for about 6 months now and he's in England, so they basically have no relationship and probably never will unless she comes back, which she won't.
No. 1068414
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I predict that Lauren will cheat on her husband.
This picture is really suggestive. Maybe she jumped on him because he had money.
No. 1068417
>>1068405I don't blame her for not wanting to live in the UK. It's definitely a first world country but it's not for everyone.
I have a friend that lives there and he can't even go outside right now and it's been that way virtually all year, apparently.
She should just buy some sperm and forget about finding a man to parent with at 35 if she wants a baby. Women can go it alone these days.
No. 1068438
>>1068277Their "standards" are also subject to change at a moment's notice. The truth pickmes fear is that men genuinely don't know what they want, or rather they only know it when they see it. Listening to what they say they want is for simp beckies.
Tw blog: my grandma's third husband used to be only into blue eyed blondes and would constantly screech about it in public to anyone who would listen. Apparently he was also pretty desirable himself and had legitimately high standards that he would actually enforce. He would routinely reject and humiliate women who had the hots for him for the smallest flaws. (I'm not from the US and being pickme supreme is normal in my slavshit country, in case this sounds like a complete fanfic)
My grandmother is a brunette with middle eastern features. He's still absolutely crazy about her. She's been taking his money and cheating on him left and right ever since they got together, lul.
(Blog) No. 1068444
>>1068438I have witnessed this myself too many times. Men talking about how they don't like fat women for example. However a week later they have a new girlfriend and she's 250lbs.
I remember my brother telling me that boys only want skinny girls, but he ends up meeting and marrying a woman who is a size 20 and she essentially rules the man's life.
No. 1068512
>>1068484She's sticking her ass out in tiny shorts and pouting her lips at the camera, a typical instathot pose.
She also blatantly posted her legs in a tiny skirt recently and pointed it out.
I guess her husband just isn't satisfying her.
No. 1068516
>>1068469It's not that the UK isn't a first world country, it most certainly is.
I lived there for some years and just found a lot of the people really rigid and nosy and overly concerned with others. Not everyone is like that but the ones who are seem to get to speak the loudest.
I just didn't like it and wouldn't want to live there long term.
No. 1068608
>>1068444A lot of men also standard-signal because they're embarrassed by what they are really into. In every time and society, there is a certain type of woman that's deemed "high status", and a lot of the time said type is the farthest thing from "commonly pretty" or "fertile looking". Most men desire her, but not viscerally - it's mostly because she would be a status symbol. Associating with her signals prestige and boosts their status. That is not to say that male sexuality is a social construct - it's basically status seeking, cuckoldry anxiety and mate guarding.
Men overall are also more likely to be (at least publicly or initially) into women who are desired by other men. That's why you see completely different features being seen as "beautiful" during different centuries, but men simp for them every time while categorically stating that it's the only thing they're into. The same dudes who shriek about "pancake asses" today would die to be with a typical small ass skinny blonde if it was the 80s.
No. 1068747
>>1068512She was posting suggestive pics since forever, she showed legs and cleavage in the trad days too, and she used to cosplay.
I doubt that marriage would stop her from doing it if even the trad-pandering could not
No. 1068781
>>1068444>Men talking about how they don't like fat women for example. However a week later they have a new girlfriend and she's 250lbs. In what world does this regularly happen? Most men who are into fat women just fuck them, but never date them because they are embarassed.
>>1068438What you and
>>1068444 are describing is called "settling" and most people do it eventually. Looking for a partner who fulfills all your ideals is futile. Once you turn 30 you realize what you really need is someone who will build a life with you and who you can stand to be around for the rest of it. All people age so your wife won't stay hot forever anyways. That doesn't mean that these men don't still want their "ideal" woman in their head, they just gave up on trying to find her and settle down with someone who isn't their type, but who will be a good mom or whatever.
No. 1069004
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No. 1069197
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>>1069004In the last 4 years, Robyn gone from
> blue hair nose ring yoga teacher flitting from country to country> Jordan Peterson fangirl (that's where the "bucko" twitter handle came from)> Patreon tradthot> tradwife influencer> jihadi brideIn four years! This isn't just reactive, her accent that changed often in the same video suggested a lack of traction of identity.
There is no reason to believe this is going to stop, in fact you'd be foolish to think that having cycled through this (and having believed them all at each step so "deeply") she'll continue to shift identities. She can only go a little further right, though. My guess is marital problems will lead her to slowly reverse course through these steps followed by a sudden backward lunge. She can't stand still, though.
At root of it is mental illness but she seems to function fine on a maintenance level so don't feel sorry for her avoiding treatment and doing (points at thread) all of this instead.
No. 1069242
>>1069130Because they think that trad lifestyle needs to be compulsory in order for them to find anyone willing to tolerate them. They're that unattractive.
>>1069197When the bpd hits
No. 1069586
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No. 1069603
>>1069586"superrr happy to keep a rape baby, tee hee hee".
I just can't with her at this point.
She just says the most radically far right wing thing possible to try and get a rise out of people and bring attention to herself.
"feelings are not as important as human life"
This is the same woman that admitted to experiencing scheudenfraude when watching videos of police officers beat people to a pulp.
No. 1069660
>>1069197>she can only go a little further right thoughThat's quitters talk anon. Let's see her go full radical conservative Muslim wife to attract Saudi men as they are against the evil corrupt western feminism. For a while I remember that interview Mrs Midwest had with that red pill muslim guy and she was flirting with him talking about she can cook middle eastern food lol. These tradthots know no bounds when they're attention starved from males
>>1069620She's such a cunt desperate for validation. Someone should remind her that rapists can sue their
victims for visitation that's if their
victims don't kill themselves
No. 1069835
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She said that she wasn't 'trad', she was just a modern housewife incorporating so called traditionalism into her modern life, if I remember correctly.
Lol at 'boho nationalism'.
No. 1069981
File: 1603932702753.jpg (147.8 KB, 1080x2040, Screenshot_20201029_025127.jpg)

Is it just me or did Lisa Britton take down her instagram?
No. 1070095
>>1069835Is she confusing hippies with cottage core? Because the overlap there is pretty clear. The only time I find a girl who isn't a trad larper wishing to have no rights because they liked Pride and Prejudice with keira knightley within that aesthetic are witches and east asian girls.
>>1069981Nothing of value was lost.
I think she was being doxed and hacked for a bit by some people though because her husband is a controversial white supremacist.
No. 1070349
File: 1603989481108.jpg (372.67 KB, 1080x1163, 20201029_173533.jpg)

Lisa wants women to lean into the wage gap by being uwu trad like her
Because relying on scrotes for survival is such a realiable plan
She just panders to sad males who are realizing women no longer need them and are crying because of obsolete and worthless they truly are. Kekimus maximus
No. 1070364
>>1070349If she's going to admit that she believes that the wage gap is nonsense because of people's individual choices then she could at least stop believing that there is a conspiracy to keep western men out of college.
Men are more likely to take up jobs that don't require them to study at college. She still admits that for whatever reason they still eventually go on to make more money on average than women. So what are you complaining about Lisa?
She is never consistent.
No. 1070380
>>1070373Men often don't even obey health and safety laws. How often do you see construction workers not wearing hard hats for example because they think it's 'gay'?
But I guess men's macho complex is somehow women's fault, despite the fact that women are constantly annoyed with that sort of behavior from men.
By the same logic women just have to 'suck it up buttercup' when they face sexual harassment in male dominated jobs.
Only men are allowed to blame the opposite sex for their emotional fragility.
No. 1070386
>>1070349No one can belittle motherhood any more than men did already, sweaty.
Besides, isn't that an individual choice to see it as a burden? Or are choices only okay if it means suspending your career to become a bangmaid?
No. 1070511
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Lisa Trollface Britton
No. 1070518
File: 1604000484134.png (471.18 KB, 813x565, uztreCapture.PNG)

Girls with ADHD and autism are underdisgnosed, ignored and have to struggle with no help.
Also, it's not women's fault that males commit more crime, if anything, that means that males are a violent drain on society.
>>1070424Trollface can indeed take all the seats.
Fun fact: women laid the foundations of computer science, but scrotes pushed them out. Same for the skeptic community.
No. 1070520
>>1070373Wow, I can't believe Lisa is belittling strong empowered maleoids when they CHOOSE not to go to college!
She's not encouraging them to make empowered choices but is pushing
victim mentality on them? Shaking my smh Lisa I thought you were pro-strong-male-tradwaifu how could you UmU
No. 1070539
>>1070511Her oversized jacket can't hide the fact that she's probably living on 800 calories a day.
She's in a constantly bad mood because she's starving herself.
No. 1070563
>>1070511>that chin>that entire troglodyte ass faceThis creature has more testosterone than all of her beta orbiters combined.
Pickmes beware: if you wk men online, you basically transition to male.
No. 1070565
File: 1604003872440.jpeg (204.92 KB, 828x1392, 0272764D-C8F1-4E56-A857-81A6BE…)

In Lauren Chen’s likes. I thought she was engaged?
No. 1070799
File: 1604024944094.png (468.57 KB, 995x682, Screenshot 2020-10-30 at 02.20…)

>>1070756>whiter than her fiancéftfy
In other news, Lauren Southern's doing awkward cooking streams on her insta, and letting slip that she 'can't get a normal job ever' after all that has happened, so is bound to making documentaries and milking her celeb status dry.
I'm Lauren's age (like, I suspect, lots of the users here) and have watched her from the start, so can't help but feel bad for her that what seems like her 'edgy' 2016-Milo anti-SJW pickme political commitments have come to define her. Call it dyke fangirlism or whatever, but her documentaries are genuinely good and I hope she's happy and successful.
I really wonder if by 'asian husband', The Atlantic meant in the sense of 'asian' as British people mean it (East Asian) or Middle-Eastern/Desi. The 'type' of asian would certainly have different implications in terms of stereotype for her kind of audience and their attitudes.
No. 1070845
>>1070565Her boyfriend is unattractive and gives "Yeah I used to be MGTOW, you're so lucky I'm giving
you a chance" vibes, can't blame her.
No. 1070855
File: 1604034347997.jpeg (588.73 KB, 828x1713, 7D596310-BF64-4F2A-8024-DE7315…)

>>1070783Nope still there
No. 1070867
>>1070855>allie stuckleyHer face annoys me. Almost as unfortunate as pro lifer Abby Johnson.
>>1070859Just have to look at their wedding photos. He's not that tall around her height and a slim figure. I think he's east asian
No. 1070929
>>1069586Yazidi women that managed to shake free of their captors lost everything, including their community, none of them much less "tons" are "super outspoken" about how "happy" they are having conceived children while being literal slaves.
>>1070799> her 'edgy' 2016-Milo anti-SJW pickme political commitments have come to define herLauren opened her own personal Overton Window and slammed it so hard the glass shattered. She could have stayed with Ezra forever and become the Ann Coulter of Canada. She made the decision to up the ante. I've done some dumb things in my life, I'm sure you have too, I'm also sure you never wound up on a boat in the middle of the night with Generation Identity chodes.
Nobody knew (or publicized) even what country she was in until she made her comeback. Clearly they were holding fire because she walked away from the fray. She could have done anything and nobody would have cared. She's the one who made an announcement of her comeback, began fundraising from her simps again and, uh, goes on Aussie TV to deliver commentary designed to melt them snowflakes.
Double saged for ranting but Lauren defined herself by this, she is still doing so and profiting. She's not been forced into anything.
No. 1071356
>>1070799Why does Lauren need a career when she can just be trad and have lots of babies?
She went back to work before her son was 1 year old.
Not very trad Lauren.
No. 1071389
File: 1604109885193.jpg (233.62 KB, 1080x611, Screenshot_20201031_040337.jpg)

Check out Robyn's slutty cat Halloween costume. It just makes her look even more haggard.
No. 1071398
>>1070983> It's like they get desensitizedFaith Goldy another one that it applies to and you are absolutely right, like any unhealthy brain stimulus they need harder and harder stuff to make the bell ring like it did the first time they screamed "FEMINISM IS CANCER."
Ezra (who has been toeing this line for decades) warned her not to go to Charlottesville, Faith not only ignored him but sat down to record a podcast with the guys from the Daily Stormer while she was there. Again as much as we've fucked up in our lives, I doubt anyone reading this has ever had the record scratch/freeze frame where we find ourselves on a Nazi podcast being asked to recite the 14 words. You have to ask just how many wrong turns you'd have to take to get from where you are now to where "appearing on a Nazi podcast" is something that happens to you.
No. 1071724
File: 1604159366821.jpg (530.18 KB, 1080x1598, 20201031_164658.jpg)

WN gets mad about Lauren
No. 1071725
File: 1604159564441.jpg (509.25 KB, 1080x1237, 20201031_164719.jpg)

The new comment was under this relatively old reddit post. But get this… The OP here is an asian male himself.
He's mad that Lauren is into Asian males like himself. That's odd.
No. 1071741
File: 1604161808512.jpeg (652.43 KB, 828x957, 42C24C21-4911-494F-9C97-E903CF…)

Can’t get over how old she looks
No. 1071757
File: 1604163530781.png (18.19 KB, 593x162, filthmoldy.PNG)

>>1071398Right? If your brain is less fried than hers it makes no sense how you'd end up in that position, but she still defends it to this day. Faith can imply that Ezra et al are cucks all she wants, but she's the one who has to live with being a disgraced nazi who stays relevant by peddling conspiracies about Canadian gun control.
No. 1071868
>>1071775Isn't there some kind of racial joke about bananas and Asian people?
Yellow on the outside, white on the inside.
Probably not intentional, but wew, Lauren.
No. 1071946
>>1071850>>1071924Never speak to me or my azn son again
No. 1072186
File: 1604204536865.jpg (523.46 KB, 1080x1556, Screenshot_20201101_062049.jpg)

Robyn blocked people from seeing her twitter after someone leaked a pic of her husband.
No. 1072194
>>1071757Is faith still working in politics while preaching that women should stay home and make white babies? I bet she's disappointed in Lauren staying in Australia with an Asian baby after all that pandering to white supremacists
>>1072186Can't show the truth to desperate pick mes following you that being a pick me doesn't land you a 10/10 aryan Chad lol
No. 1072277
File: 1604218734241.png (55.22 KB, 623x245, hz0cDK6.png)

>>1071757Amazing these people are still in denial over an event that for whatever else they want to say destroyed their movement and gave the world everything they needed to block, ban and isolate them.
>>1072194> Is faith still working in politics while preaching that women should stay home and make white babiesI downloaded Telegram awhile ago to try to follow some of these people as they were getting banned from other social media. For what it's worth she's never mentioned Lauren on it once, despite them being at one point IRL friends.
No. 1072791
File: 1604278865806.png (3.26 MB, 2638x1458, Screen Shot 2020-11-01 at 7.58…)

In the White Noise doc, Lauren expresses concern about the welfare of her children in a white minority nation but insists that the fact her baby daddy isn't white "doesn't matter" to her. She says "he would watch this and be like 'why would you make that a thing.'" Just insane levels of cognitive dissonance.
No. 1072854
File: 1604287864838.jpeg (462.59 KB, 828x1062, B28EF080-4072-4B9B-94C7-E981AE…)

Seems like he struck a nerve lmao. Also she got a bunch of plastic surgery to appease the random men on the internet because she’s such an attention whore
No. 1072873
>>1072867Most women who lock down finance chads and live like this are exactly like that. Typically they're not even trophy wife hot. Seriously, go take look at all the women who lead this lifestyle. Then go look at the hotter pickmes and their depressing, absolute shit tier existences.
This site should stop eating up manosphere "you gotta be a 14 year old virgin supermodel billionaire to land a provider chad" memes.
No. 1072876
>>1072559>at home posting on polBeing 31 and a poltard. Damn
>>1072854She fucking promoted that bullshit and now it came to bit her on the ass. These guys don't care about her having babies or married now anymore since her husband isn't white and those babies won't be fully white. Truly leopards eating her face now
No. 1072892
>>1072791How soon can we expect this documentary to be available elsewhere?
I'm definitely not interested in paying to hear these people make excuses and contradict themselves for an hour.
No. 1073038
>>1072854She's compensating for her family being too mixed for the WN by throwing out hEr ChUrCh CoMmUnNiTy and flashing her marriage. So trad UwU
If she were half as confident in how her family and life are, she would not be posting semi-censored cringe every week.
No. 1073080
File: 1604329035362.jpg (235.04 KB, 900x900, unnamed (2).jpg)

When you compare this lady to tradthots the irony hits.
She was a single mom, like the tradthot audience hates, married Cole Labrant and now has 2 more kids with him. And now they have a big family.
While tradthots are trying to hide their hapa babies and "white" husbands from their nazi fans that screech at them how they've hit the wall.
No. 1073128
>>1073080>>1073087She looks way better and more vibrant than all tradthots combined too. Like lauren looks 40 and 25 at the same time, robyn is a turbo-karen at this stage.
And Cole is fit and attractive, which cannot be said for tradthots husbands.
No. 1073129
File: 1604334955207.jpg (461.55 KB, 2700x1495, timeline.jpg)

>>1072854Her appearance changed somewhere in 2018. She definitely got lip fillers and cheek injections. Her nose looks different in every picture though, I don't even know what her real nose looks like to come to a conclusion.
No. 1073199
>>1073167They live in Canada, but got married over there.
>>1072186Someone posted it to Twitter? Or else, took her some time to notice it over here. She said anything about why she locked her account?
>>1072278It's posted above in this thread. Might be another one as well, though?
No. 1073204
>>1073128Right? That "downfall of civilization" single mother looks beautiful and her family is too. Meanwhile tradthots seethe because for all they did, it got them someone subpar or for lauren, someone not even white lol.
>>1073129Continues to get lip filler and
triggered about the wall. She wants her male audience back. Can't believe she got memed into starting a family she isn't really excited about
No. 1073268
>>1073129She didn't even go to somebody who could make her look somewhat natural, this looks botched.
>>1073204Yep, being a right wing grifter ages you horribly, as we see.
Lmfao yes she literally got memed into doing it. Or at least she was heavily infulenced by incels. Like that 4chan (probably fake) post about a guy getting memed into fellating a "trap".. but she unironically did it.
No. 1073362
>>1073080Tradthots must be seething when supposed “used goods” find their ideal white husband and have a family.
But then they will quickly call the poor guy a “soy boy”. Trads can’t handle an L.
No. 1073524
>>1073362"Soyboy" and "cuck" is just a cope for chronically single men who are jealous of men who actually get poon.
When tradthots are shrieking about how emasculated men are for being with normie women they're jealous of, they're just trying to ward off the impending realization that men who play alpha with tradthots will happily be "emasculated" for someone hotter.
The truth pickmes fear: there is no such thing as a man who isn't a simp - he's just simping for someone else.
No. 1073703
>>1073362This just emphasizes how much double-think goes into tradthottism.
Most tradthots have a just-plain-thot background. Very few spent their early 20s as blushing virgins, definitely none in this thread did. When they speak of their lives they talk about being "redeemed" while they demand purity of others. They think this is radical, in reality it's a throwback to the (mostly discredited, even among evangelicals) purity movement.
In this case the only reason Robyn, Lauren, Lana, etc. aren't single mothers themselves is because they used (very un-trad) birth control including abortion.
No. 1073911
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>>1068414I know this is a bit late and apologies for the extreme autism but no one has said her thigh looks like it might be photoshopped? Am I seeing things?
No. 1074084
File: 1604423386862.png (448.48 KB, 594x474, FeministsAreLiterallyKKKCaptur…)

Ah yes, it is not right wing scrotes who are the most racist, it is the women!
Anyone remember that feminism and KKK crossover episode? Cause racist groups are packed with feminists and totally not predominately male!
No. 1074090
File: 1604423622596.png (91.68 KB, 605x522, ScrotesInSchoolUntitled.png)

Wage gap puts women at disadvantage? Nothing wrong here.
Education gap? Will somebody pls think of the scrotums???
No. 1074114
>>1074090>when college students are 100% female?Who cares Lisa. Fix your troll face.
>>1070511How do we know it's not her old husband tweeting from her account?
No. 1074138
File: 1604428799239.png (4.91 MB, 828x1792, 0B6BDA30-6237-4897-BBA2-04C555…)

Anyone else think she looks super unhealthy? Eat something Lauren
No. 1074168
>>1074090Ah, but don't you know that the wage gap is because of women's choices but education gap is society sabotaging men?
And I assume men of other races aren't in the graph because she only cares about white men?
No. 1074173
>>1074168 Seems like she's telling males to embrace
victim mentality instead of empowering them shaking my smh
No. 1075148
File: 1604538821769.jpeg (24.44 KB, 650x366, images (4).jpeg)

>>1074090But Lisa, maybe men are just biologically predisposed to not want to learn things?
… I was meant to be joking but I accidentally said the truth.
>>1074184It's cringey enough when ausfriends act like they live in the 51st state but this bitch is a full on larper
No. 1075208
File: 1604546284527.png (198.76 KB, 369x425, 154141.png)

Kek. Welp, Biden won. You know what it means? Exactly, this is the "Coup-de-grace" for right groups(and more important, tradthots). Embrace yourselves, the shitstorm is coming.
No. 1075265
File: 1604551089470.png (1.08 MB, 1204x1570, Screen Shot 2020-11-04 at 11.3…)

what's with all these canadian tradthot magatards
No. 1075278
>>1075265Kek lauren. Gotta pander hard to retard maga simps so they can give her 90k for dad even though they all live in fucking Canada.
I love how they're all pro democracy but demand to stop counting ballots as Biden wins.
No. 1075287
>>1075148>men are just biologically predisposed to not want to learn thingsLMAO ANON!!!! They always say that stupid shit regarding why there's lesser women in STEM but couldn't apply that bullshit logic w their own "b-b-but men are
victims of the education system!!" statistics.
No. 1075358
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>>1074138Isssn't love grand?
No. 1075423
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imagine unironically tweeting this
No. 1075549
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What happened here..?
No. 1075551
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No. 1075626
File: 1604602397023.png (723.63 KB, 1090x580, FillerUntitled.png)

The lip evolution kek
No. 1075693
File: 1604608270849.png (16.99 KB, 591x151, lisapls.PNG)

Gee Lisa, it's not like all-male groups in charge of things were the norm since forever and it is a little notable when a group of women take on these roles. Surely it is a feminist conspiracy and will hurt all the men in power everywhere terribly if one all-woman committee is allowed anywhere after centuries of the opposite.
No. 1075695
File: 1604608394402.png (367.73 KB, 583x541, lisawhy.PNG)

>>1075693pic also related
No. 1075700
File: 1604608852332.png (407.33 KB, 663x583, Screenshot 2020-11-05 at 20.40…)

>>1075602No, it's a thing. Voting is important.
No. 1075705
>>1075700>>1075602She is complaining because more people voted for Biden, trump tried to shut down voting.
She's super lowkey about her support for trump and tradcon shit but it seeps through in her various posts.
No. 1075727
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>>1075626She looks ridiculous
No. 1076056
File: 1604636089395.jpg (269.6 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_2020-11-06_06-11-03.JPG)

Check out Lillian, the postmodern housewife, an attractive Asian pick me Sahm. You would have thought that being such a pick me and pandering so hard to men would find her a masculine, hard bodied Chinese husband that we are all so jealous of… Oh wait.
No. 1076060
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No. 1076063
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No. 1076065
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No. 1076074
>>1076056oh /r/asianmasculinity will love this kek
of course the male she chooses is an ugly neanderthal, typical pairing
No. 1076081
File: 1604638587473.jpg (664.53 KB, 1080x1085, Screenshot_20201106_065357.jpg)

She's wearing her grandmother's curtain.
Like most tradthots she has an awful sense of style and likely insults women who wear fashionable or comfortable clothing.
No. 1076085
File: 1604639047277.jpg (456.61 KB, 1080x1757, Screenshot_20201106_070251.jpg)

More like giving her kids psychological issues.
No. 1076086
>>1076065>I want women to make their own choices>we don't need feminism anymoreSome women live owning homes and land in their name but she'll never know. Far too busy trying to get aqn audience of Asian fetishists to get her ass pats before they inevitably turn on her.
Someone tell Lilian that men don't give a fuck if tradwife movement exists. hate traditonalism since it means less money and time for video games.
No. 1076093
File: 1604639459478.jpg (450.17 KB, 1080x959, Screenshot_20201106_071021.jpg)

Her husband looks even uglier when he's not hiding behind a beard.
No. 1076099
File: 1604639820127.jpg (644.16 KB, 1075x1992, Screenshot_20201106_071617.jpg)

Another educated ex career woman embracing the 'trad life'.
She was a teacher apparently.
No. 1076105
File: 1604640170072.jpg (483.02 KB, 1080x1939, Screenshot_20201106_072245.jpg)

This is hilarious
No. 1076141
>>1076086That's what so weird about all this performative bullshit. The only men who actually like it are weirdos.
The only 'desirable' men who want housewives are the ultra-wealthy ones, and they tend to date average looking trust fund girls who do charity work. If they want a hot girl they'll sleep with a hooker.
This whole mindset is completely deranged.
No. 1076151
File: 1604646632034.jpg (431.9 KB, 1080x1438, Screenshot_20201106_090812.jpg)

I have never seen anyone on twitter call Lauren a Barbie.
No. 1076162
>>1076151The fillers/plastic surgery, going ana, constantly trying to remind herself that she's still young and pretty and desirable, calling other women over 30 ugly and past the wall.
She is coping so hard with aging kek
No. 1076184
File: 1604651532588.jpg (338.59 KB, 1080x1107, 20201106_093040.jpg)

Trollface goes turbo-trad-thot
No. 1076196
>>1076189 Shes complaining that the media have been doing "girl power" messages for a few years, while ignoring that women were property fpr centuries before.
Truly a bastion of equlity.
No. 1076219
File: 1604658207705.jpeg (66.56 KB, 602x602, FD76499D-D23B-4A6D-8F51-ABDEC3…)

>>1076093Her man looks like the goblino meme.
No. 1076237
File: 1604661026063.jpeg (419.59 KB, 750x457, 2631A695-C9A0-4857-844D-40E92C…)

Not really milky, but since we’re on the topic on tradwives being picked by unremarkable looking men, here’s anti-feminist Inez Stepman and her catch.
No. 1076251
>>1070799Late but I kind of feel similar, especially after it was revealed that her dad is very much involved/influencing her/using her. Many seem to forget that she really only was 20/21 during the height of her "fame", and even if she were to completely change her mind (grow up from her pickme-ism) there still wouldn't be any going back because the internet never forgets.
Her picking a non-white husband makes sense, thinking back to her fanmeetings with all those old white pigs… But I still don't really believe that he's east asian because that wouldn't be so bad in the eyes of most alt-righters, so that she'd have to hide it so desperately. East asians are considered "honorary" whites.
No. 1076262
>>1076255 Trollface thinks she's slick, but it's so obvious. If you google her you find a ton of trashy looking, bleached blonde photos of her.
Now she's trying to be classy or sth, it's not working.
No. 1076270
>>1076141Exactly. Tradthots can't say the truth though or they'll lose their male audience that fantasize about having a woman do everything while they sit on their lazy asses doing nothing. Tradthots, if they were h honest, would shame the hell out of gamers and average income earning men more than women who have aspirations on earning their own money and home.
>>1076262It's been a meme for a while that the trashist party girls will go full turbo trad thot just for online attention.
No. 1076365
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>>1076241Because in their heads they think they can catch a chad and wind up with chinless slobs. They’re always gassing up their husbands, and when they post pics for bragging rights it’s exactly like you said, just some dude.
Shame they have kids; their sons will grow up busted looking and their mentality will be riddled with reactionary bullshit. A new generation of incels will commence and it’ll be a never ending cycle of men who aren’t worth being with for the next generation of women.
The ride never ends.
No. 1076631
File: 1604703293744.png (16.13 KB, 599x154, PickmeRevolutionCapture.PNG)

Lisa is going to spearhead the pickme movement to get all of that senile, malformed, deformed chode
Join it and you too, can get the chode-cake
No. 1076635
File: 1604703535311.png (13.9 KB, 592x107, OkandCapture.PNG)

Why does this bother her? Shouldn't she stand behind her beliefs if she is so sure that her candidate is the best candidate?
This is that reactionary self-victimizing logic. Where you get to say shit, but also are entitled to have evrybody foregt what you said if it inconveniences you.
No. 1076642
File: 1604703799026.png (691.88 KB, 808x556, IndigowhiteCapture.PNG)

She's not doing the maga cringe shit this time it seems
No. 1076665
File: 1604705496992.png (189.15 KB, 1010x712, pn234_434d.png)

>>1076642How old is she? These two pages have different numbers on them.
No. 1076959
>>1076317Most of these men look like toads. I'm admittedly less conventionally attractive than most of these women and I have never had a relationship a man that looks like any of these men. They could do even better than me based on looks alone but they don't lol.
Proves that being a pick me lowers the quality of man you get, despite how you look.
No. 1076967
>>1076341… is this a serious question?
>>1076398If he's half Filipino my money is on his dad being white and his parent's marriage having a lot to do with why he'd hook up with Lauren.
No. 1076982
>>1076317Admittedly most of these women are conventionally attractive. No one can pretend they are not and the fact that they are doesn't invalidate any points we make in favor of how pathetic they are. That's why they get into tradthottery in the first place.
Tradthottery wouldn't work so well if they were some dumpy Becky who wore a size 10-12, had a mousy face and had snaggle teeth. Unattractive women are essentially invisible and don't get noticed for anything they say or do unless it's negative most of the time. They gain a few orbiters but they won't gain a massive following and tonnes of praise and attention from masses of men. the fact that tradthots attract massive attention and praise is mostly due to their looks in conjuction along with telling angry men who feel disenfranchised what they want to hear. They're essentially virtual girlfriends for many of these spergy neckbeards and they give these men hope that they will find their trad waifu one day despite not being very remarkable themselves.
Tradthots essentially market themselves as 'unicorns'. Women who are too good to be true.
No. 1077061
>>1076982 I agree that they're not unattractive.
But wipe away the makeup, dissolve the filler and most of them are plain.
Lauren esp. She's nothing special, she just bleaches her hair and cakes on makeup. She also has filler pumped in regularly.
Just look at her old photos. She's a saggy, lipless haggard mess.
No. 1077437
>>1076086Both progressive and trad women buy into male bullshit.
>Trad means I won't have to work!That's a lie, you will. It'll just be a dead end service job or some gig economy shit like watching other people's kids. Even if you end up in a vanishingly small percentage of well off single income households, your moid will grow to resent you unless you're a stacy who can ditch him for another provider in a heartbeat. That's assuming that you still have the legal protections pertaining to divorce and so on.
>Prog means I make my own money and get respect!Misleading. If you're based and pinkpilled, that'll work. If you're a normie straight woman who bought into "muh nuclear family, kids need a father figure" meme, be prepared to wagecuck AND bangmaid for nothing but permanent toll on your career progression/pay in exchange. Even if you make more money than your moid, you'll still do more housework. The moid will grow to resent you either because you have the money to ditch him, or because you're emasculating him by being the breadwinner. In the end it's roughy the same as option one, except you're also generating more income for the male.
The fact is, if you're involving scrotes in your life in any socially accepted way, both economic systems will be used against you. Males don't care what's trad and what isn't, they care what rhetoric extracts the most out of women at any given moment. No matter what you choose, as long as they have access to you, they'll adapt like any parasite would.
No. 1077456
>>1076982They are Beckies, just skinny and relatively young.
Stacies don't need to bend over backwards to get men. Men do that to get Stacies.
No. 1078056
>>1077562 That and you better look like a VS model but trad.
Which none of them do.
No. 1078059
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No. 1078075
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>>1076270Millie Weaver from InfoWars was a wannabe Paris Hilton with a fameball "bad girls club" in Los Angeles when Paris was a thing. They used to show up as a group to parties and things like that, though their main activity was just trying to get photographed and written about for being hot girlbosses.
No. 1078111
>>1076642What the fuck is wrong with her mouth? she looks like the wut pear meme
She looks like a frog
No. 1078347
>>1078056They're still way more attractive than the men they end up with.
I think you are the troon that regularly posts here about how much he loves Lauren.
Someone needs to ban this freak already.
No. 1078403
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No. 1078404
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Trollface at it again. This is THE SAME argument that mgtow and shartpillers use.
The apocalypse LARPing that would somehow turn the world tradishunal and that femuhnists would turn submissive and regretful or sth…
Lisa your frumpy old husband would be the 1st to go if there was an apocalypse.
Not to mention that women have better pathogen resistance and need less food per bodyweight, so scrotes would be the ones dropping like flies in harsh conditions.
Also why female astronauts are more viable than male.
No. 1078406
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Lisa keeps sperging about Amber, but when will she sperg about Trump/Epstein/Weinstein allegations? Can she not hear those over chodes?
No doubt in my mind she is consumed with jealousy when she sees what a stacy Amber is
No. 1078417
>>1078404>imagine what would happen during a major crisisWhat, like a world war?
Oh yeah sure I'd stay home wiping radioactive apocalypse dust off the shelves waiting for my non-existent husband to return from the front lines with some rations. Just like grandma.
No. 1078500
>>1078468Honestly I'm so fucking tired of hearing about Johnny Depp and Amber heard as it is. It was never interesting to begin with.
It's interesting how when pick mes want to point out male oppression they always choose examples of men who are loaded and extremely privileged. Johnny Depp will be absolutely fine. The publicity is actually helping him.
The same pick mes will say "well he deserved it" when a random black man gets shot and killed for being cocky with police.
No. 1078554
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Lisa used to act too
No. 1078556
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No. 1078563
>>1078404Apocalypse larping is hilarious. These retarded pick mes and their useless mgtows followers forget women also own weapons like guns and will shoot them off their land. There's a global fucking pandemic already and women are on the front lines of healthcare.
Lisa is useless in the grand scheme of things and knows it. If we ever face something like their Walking Dead fantasy, she's the first to go since those scenerios require hard people with multiple survival skills, not being delicate and feminine uwu
No. 1083201
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Lauren venturing into the publishing industry with a moronic, aesthetically ugly childrens book. This one's about how you shouldn't trust the lying media.
No. 1083451
>>1078556Wait did she play a character with "white trash" in the name? lmao
>>1083201Holy ugly furry bullshit
No. 1086754
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Lisa showing her true intentions in likes/cow crossover
No. 1087281
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No. 1087310
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>>1087282She joined in this dogpile rw twitter has been doing for days on this artist who talks about having her own business and not having kids, and people defending the other woman started to flock to Robyn's account
No. 1087314
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>>1087311She claims the people criticizing her were also saying shit about her child, but she also conveniently purged all the tweets that these replies were made to
No. 1087317
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Last one, I don't want to clog the thread or anything but she seems to have been sperging a ton over this. And, you know, claiming targeted harassment while… engaging in targeted harassment.
No. 1087487
>>1087314I disagree with the people attacking Robyn's kid and family life but she really does bring it on herself. She deliberately says the most emotive thing possible to get people reeled up and she baits tumblrtards and SJWs. She has zero self awareness.
This woman has the potential to be such a big cow. I wish we had more milk on her.
No. 1087511
>>1087317>claiming targeted harassment while… engaging in targeted harassment.That's most tradthots MO. Cry
victim then go around to harass others knowing their loyal army of incels will attack and harass anyone she highlights.
Honestly, since Robyn locked her account its just a countdown now to when she deletes permenantly and jumps into Parler. I'm surprised Lauren hasn't but I think she's scared of being confronted by her old white supremacists audience there over her mixed kid.
No. 1088323
>>1076555>>1069835I know this is late but if you think about it the overlap is really common, as they consider the woo shit to be trad as well.
conservative/trad -> homeschooling -> conspiritard -> magic herb beliefs
also see fascist occultism/paganism
No. 1088721

>>1088338 I wouldn’t necessarily say her views have changed dramatically from the sounds of it; she was a yoga teacher and probably drifted from her parents’ religion to ‘spiritual’ white-girl antics and back again. I’d imagine her favourite thing to read is a self-help book-know anyone who is constantly thinking they’ve figured out ‘the secret’? That’s what Jordan Peterson pushes, and he’s a very mainstream figure with a bestselling book. I can see her watching his videos, enamoured, and then clicking further and further through the notorious Youtube algorithm to her redpilling. She clearly at least found the McSpencer podcast, from her choice of guest.
And of course, it’s normal to feel lost after a years-long relationship ends in your late twenties and you suddenly realise you travelled for so long and smoked bowls for so long that you haven’t built the life you want to settle into, as happened to her. I suspect she looks at the world in a way that assumes everyone is headed the same way as she was, in her extended adolescence.
No. 1088809
>>1088721What's hilarious is she's exactly the type redpillers hate in a woman - someone who fucked around with drugs and traveled in their 20s only to settle down with a beta guy for his money. She relies on him to pay for everything since she's trad now and believes women shouldnt vote or work.
I think party/chill girls with low self esteem and confidence find trp, panic because the bs it spews can somewhat apply to them and their choices, so they go full tradthot for acceptance and validation
No. 1089021
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No. 1089041
>>1089023Lol Lauren you will NEVER escape your past, it will follow you forever. It doesn’t matter how much back peddling you attempt, you will always be known as a racist and white nationalist.
Karma’s a bitch.
No. 1089402
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Trollface is sperging again. Scrotes are mad because they don't get a bangmaid anymore, that is oppression apparently
No. 1089447
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>>1089402Her followers are some real winners, huh?
No. 1089473
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More cow crossovers as Lisa tweets about the same image as Robyn.
No. 1089477
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This channel is a trainwreck. You can find some insight into what kind of a person Rebecca is. A bitter failer "career" woman. And a Karen in the most literal sense. She sounds unbearable to be around. Oh they also did a podcast with roosh piss.
No. 1089484
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>>1089477Douche V got outed as a sex pest, and now is doing a 180 of being a good Christian man.
Retard should have been that from the jump; religious posturing worked for Weird Mike and Posobiec. Now he’s sad he isn’t a husband and a father so he’s catering to the purity crowd about God and fostering a redemption arch like Robyn.
I guess the pick me act isn’t just for women.
No. 1089535
>>1089402Been hearing this shit for a century and yet statistically it's women whose desire to marry is on a steady decrease. Moids really think they can cry wolf until some dumb thot panic settles for them.
>This is bad for societyUnmarried men commit more crime, not unmarried women. It's not being unmarried that's bad for society, its being male.
No. 1089609
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Here we see a comparison between how haggard pickme tradthots who dedicate all of their life to male catering age… and how "selfish" modern career women age. Tried to match all ages to dates of photos as accurately as possible.
No. 1089706
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>>1089609I mean, married women literally gave reduced life expectancy. Co-sleeping with your husband also makes you chronically sleep deprived, not to mention the chronic stress from walking on eggshells around a male (no matter how "progressive" he is, males are incapable of handling their emotions without taking them out on their loved ones in some way or form - they can't sustain proper coping mechanisms).
t. mid 20s, married for a year and I feel like I've aged a decade. Keep in mind that I'm comfortably upper middle class and don't work, and yet at this point I honestly feel like it felt younger and fresher wagecucking. Sage for blog.
No. 1089707
>>1089447Lisa trying to convince useless mgtows to love is going to end up with them harassing her until she deletes everything. But she'll end up still blaming women for it.
>>1089578KEK Conservative pick me tried to be picked, ends up getting told to stfu. Why do they even bother? Especially with roosh who has been banned from some PLACES, took shrooms and is now some hardcore christian fundie in his 40s with no family. His mother and sister supported him. He's going to die alone, is scared of that, and he still thinks it's women who are miserable being alone. All projection
No. 1089904
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Where do you guys think the Sellners are getting their money?
Imo Brittany Pettibone's such an oddity in the tradthot mix. I got the impression Brittany and her sister were rich and took on writing as a hobby because they didn’t really have to work, and her family are clearly all very supportive of her political activism. Where’s Martin Sellner's money coming from? Is he living off Brittany’s trust fund or is it coming from somewhere else? I don’t think Brittany works outside of YouTube videos and surely being a neo-Nazi is not an especially lucrative or stable gig.
Baffling why she’d choose him to marry when she’s pretty and rich, probably well-connected enough that she could have her pick of respectable spouses.
No. 1089911
>>1089904I wouldn't be surprised if she came from money just solely on the fact that she believes all women should just stop working, find the nearest male and make kids. Poor women have always worked their asses off. But brit seems to think all women work in some miserable 90s office cubicle.
Her husband being a leech off her money would be ironic lol
No. 1090208
I was reading that article from The Atlantic that was published months ago about Lauren Southern and holy shit this is what being a pickme gets you:
>Boisterous diners were enjoying one of summer’s first long evenings on the restaurant’s patio, but Southern and Hutcheson mostly sat in silence, scrolling on their phones. Southern dipped into a red sauce next to Hutcheson’s burger. “That tastes non-European, are you allowed to eat that?” she asked sardonically. “Yeah, tastes non-European,” he confirmed, without a hint of irony.
>After a drink, the couple loosened up a bit. Southern told Hutcheson that she dreamed of graduating from short videos to feature-length films. Sure, her direct-to-camera videos offered strong arguments and reached a lot of people, she said, but they were starting to feel derivative. If she could pursue longer narrative projects—brought to life with Hollywood-level soundtracks, sweeping drone shots, and high-resolution cameras—she thought she could tell more powerful stories.
Hutcheson looked uneasy as his girlfriend continued to talk about her career ambitions. “All of us Europeans have the responsibility to reproduce,” he interjected.
Southern looked down at her plate. “That’s a very cold way of putting it,” she responded. “Do you want to have a family for the sake of love or just because it’s a duty thing?”
“Motherhood is to women as war is to men,” her boyfriend replied stolidly. “I want to serve my nation.”
Southern’s eyes glazed over as Hutcheson kept talking. Finally, the waitress arrived with the bill. Hutcheson gestured for Southern to grab it. “Okay, cool. I’ll make it a business expense,” she whispered. Earlier, she’d told me that her boyfriend leaned on her financially. (Hutcheson did not respond to our request for comment.)
No. 1090225
>>1090208>Finally, the waitress arrived with the bill. Hutcheson gestured for Southern to grab it. “Okay, cool. I’ll make it a business expense,” she whispered. Earlier, she’d told me that her boyfriend leaned on her financially. (Hutcheson did not respond to our request for comment.)Lmao. “Motherhood is to women as war is to men,”, talking trad but can't even pay a fucking restaurant bill. Bet he'd never give his life up for war, either.
And this is the breed of men (and overall lifestyle) Lauren and these other tradthots were advertising and encouraging to tons of women and young girls. Shameful.
No. 1090276
>>1090266"You can't have it all" is a cope for doormat pickmes who have let their child-neglecting husbands steal their career and are bitter.
Or who aren't capable of making a career so no woman is allowed to.
No. 1090279
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Somebody needs to post this on a mgtow or another incel forum, so she can get lots of incelloid "fanmail". Maybe it would wake her up lol
No. 1090329
>>1090279The MGTOWs already found it
>>1089447>>1090208>>1090310This is the most depressing thing I have ever seen, imagine thinking this is some sort of goal for women that modernity is making us all miss out on
No. 1090459
>>1090310>motherhood is comparable to warShouldn't this scrote then have enlisted? Instead of larping as some battle-harden european warrior.
>can't pay the food billOh my fucking God you can make this up. He's so pathetic and lauren is such a doormat. Serving his nation by making his pseudo mom pay for his food.
No. 1090469
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Lauren says in this video that her book is commenting on how the media is twisting the truth. Didn't she twist the truth in her documentary Borderless?
That Atlantic author exposed her, she interviewed immigrants in Paris, but cherry picked their quotes to create her own narrative.
And now she's complaining about how others twist the truth. Maybe she should have taken hew own advice when she was making her documentaries.
No. 1090487
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>>1090310I was going to say from here he looks attractive but goddamn. No. Nope.
No. 1091521
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Lol trollface is backpedalling after mgtow chodes got mad at her for insinuating their "movement" is bad
No. 1091524
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Another reply she got to her other tweet.
No use Lisa, this specimen still won't say you are a cool special girl, maybe try to be more of a handmaid next time.
No. 1091837
>>1091676I've never seen a woman or self proclaimed wgtow make youtube channels dedicated to yelling at men for making them leave relationships. Or make a subreddit with thousands of followers. They just… Go and be happy. But Busted Trollface believes women saying no to men is a hate crime because those poor mgtows are suffering
victims robbed of a wife with no rights or autonomy by the evil platantion of society.
>>1091524She reminds me of Serena joy who'd have no issue if all women were second class citizens with rights
Until it hurts her personally
No. 1092042
>>1091676Every mgtow always was and always will be invisible, nobody would even know or care if the average mgtow offed himself.
But they LARP as desireable and pretend that women care about them not marrying.
No. 1092054
>>1092042Unless they livestream it.
Then a bunch of female twitterfags go "omg that's so sad, i would have given him a chance, blah blah"
No. 1093510
>>1091677>what is this "plantation"They use this metaphor to compare themselves to escaped slaves.
It's a cope to avoid facing the fact that we're all happy to see them fuck off to Canada forever.
The metaphor obviously breaks down when you consider that slaves never voluntarily snuck back to the plantation for sex, but MGTOW just can't seem to completely go their own way in that respect.
No. 1094462
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No. 1095207
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No. 1095209
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When u use the same joke over and over again. She posted the same thing on her Instagram too
No. 1095217
>>1095215are you serious right now?
No. 1095225
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>>1095215Anon… thats the current president of the Philippines… she’s joking.
No. 1095492
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Faith Goldy is looking more ana than ever to the point where her followers are calling it out in the comments, and will be fasting for "her enemies" for totally only religious reasons this holiday season.
No. 1095524
>>10953751. Not everyone on lolcow is a radfem
2. Slutshaming is more of a libfem "choice feminism" talking point, radfems are fine with criticizing women for objectifying themselves
3. But in this case, "tradthot" is used because they themselves claim to uphold traditional values as they whore themselves out
No. 1096502
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Apparently some old journalist has threatened Lauren. Is there really any evidence that it's actually really him? I wouldn't put it past Lauren to share these emails without confirming that it was not a troll first. No. 1096509
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>>1096502He claims not to know her
No. 1096523
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>>1096509>>1096502Tinfoiling but I wouldn't put it past her to stage all this herself.
Lauren always seems to feel the need to be surrounded by some sort of controversy. You don't see other right wing female journalists with as much of it as her. Her career has essentially thrived on drama.
There seems to be no evidence as of yet that the man in question, a small left wing journalist for medium was the one who actually threatened her and that this is his email address.
He would have to be very stupid to threaten Lauren Southern using his real name at least. I have a hard time believing that anyone could actually be that stupid.
He's an elderly small film maker who barely anyone has even heard of who doesn't seem too tech savvy which makes him seem like an easy target.
Someone seems to have Googled the email and this came up.
However when you Google the email lots of records come up for various people with this name. There is still no evidence that it is the man who Lauren is claiming is threatening her.
The whole thing seems a little sketchy.
No. 1096550
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Many thadthots in a nutshell
No. 1096557
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Lisa is at it again with the tradthot talking points
No. 1096569
>>1096557Tradcels will never understand that nothing that's actually worthwhile needs to be upsold this much.
If you have to perpetually shill "family values" like its some kind of a pyramid scheme that you NEED TP ADOPT EARLY OR YOU'LL MISS OUT!!, chances are it's shit that nobody wants.
No. 1096582
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>>1096523Most of Lauren's fans seem well… Slow.
It's not surprising that they have all gone after this man without any real evidence that he's the exact person that threatened Lauren.
One thing I have noticed is that Lauren's audience have dragged out the same inside jokes and subjects for years.
Lauren did a video around 4 or 5 years ago at least where she exposed gender self ID in Canada and how
problematic it is.
While I actually think this was one piece of half decent journalism by her her fans are still talking and joking about it every single time she posts something of any kind.
Honestly you would have thought the joke about Lauren being a man was completely done by now but I guess not…
No. 1096585
>>1096557Panic mode? What a cope. Never met a woman who regrets not getting married. It's always the opposite. Even elderly women are happier when their husband dies and they get to live for themselves and that they regret wasting most of their lives on living with a man that didn't care for them. Reality is that older women don't give a fuck anymore. They got money, home and land to do whatever they want. Women are giving up on lazy scrotes that want to play video games and jerk off to ig thots all day while their gf works, takes care of the home and the family. Those men need a mommy to take care of them. Way more older men on dating apps looking for someone to care for them than women too.
Captain save-a-scrote Lisa is trying to help males feel better by making them believe that women are scared kek.
>>1096569Yup they talk excessively how trad values are natural but they have to shove it in people's faces to sell it. And that it's actually global brainwashing that made women realize they're people lol
No. 1096597
>>10965822015-2016 is when Lauren's career peaked and it hasn't been quite the same since. She hasn't done anything notable for years now. She published farmlands which became fairly notable. I can't comment on this documentary as I don't know much personally about what was happening to Afrikaans farmers.
She published borderlands which was a complete flop.
There are also some claims that she wasn't the brains behind any of her own work.
No. 1096604
>>1096599She hasn't published any further information on this stunt since which leads me to believe that she wants people to keep on guessing so a part of her can remain in her heyday.
It wasn't a bad piece of journalism. It did at least help expose how ridiculous and
problematic gender self ID is, but at the same time Lauren is so insufferable at this point I don't care to watch anything she puts out. You can see she's blatantly a grifter and not an independent journalist.
No. 1096609
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Lauren refuses to admit that she's privileged.
She is fairly wealthy, has never been on the wrong side of the law, grew up with an intact family that appear to be upper middle class, is formally educated, has become famous with her career(even if it isn't as great as it was she earns more than most women in her age bracket) has never dealt with domestic violence, never grew up around substance misuse, has never lived in poverty, she received the best antenatal care during her pregnancy and never faced poor treatment from professionals for being black or poor or for growing up in foster care or being in a violent relationship.
But you're not privileged Lauren. You're one of the little people, we get it.
No. 1096619
>>1096609We are supposed to believe that Lauren isn't privileged because of her evil political opponents and just how impossible they have made her life. Apparently and she can't find a day job. Although she seems to be doing just fine and has enough money to make her lips look like a baboon's ass and her face look like it's about to melt when the sun shines on it.
I agree she might have political beliefs that are considered on the fringe and that could potentially make a person marginalized but Lauren is so wealthy and privileged as it is that this barely effects her and she's still sailing through life.
No. 1096669
>>1096664I'm guessing the dog has a really unique and distinguishing feature and is a family pet /belongs to someone else and other people could potentially be identified through the dog.
I can't think why else unless she was one of those insane pet moms who thinks it's unfair on the dog and the dog has somehow lost autonomy by having it's face shown online.
No. 1096761
>>1096707A white nationalist is someone who advocates for an ethnostate and advocates for national socialism.
An ethnostate is a jurisdiction where only people of a certain ethnicity are allowed to live or be a citizen. North Korea could be labelled an ethnostate.
I don't think Lauren is genuinely a white nationalist, although at one stage she did play about with the ideology for popularity and publicity. She will always be associated with white nationalists because that's who she associated with at the height of her career and how she became famous.
She's now trying to re-brand herself as a right leaning centrist but she's doing it badly. She's being very careful as not to piss her old audience off.
She can no longer do anything but refute the claims that she's a white nationalist now because her husband is hapa.
No. 1097084
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JKR > Lisa Trollface
No. 1097203
>>1096761White nationalists don't have to be natsocs and she's always denied being a white nationalist, even when she was promoting the Great White Replacement, which is definitely a white nationalist theory. It's not like she only denies it now she has a hapa husband.
It is possible she lied when she promoted those ideas, but it's also possible she's just a hypocrite. She wouldn't be the first person to completely go against their own ideals or morals and have some excuse in their mind why it's OK.
It would have been an awful lot of commitment to the bit for her to travel to the mediterranean to block refugee boats if she didn't buy into any of it. I think that boat was full of people who are immune to cognitive dissonance, Lauren and her people-smuggling friends: No. 1097281
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More manosphere talking points
No. 1097289
>>1097203I think Lauren is an awful person but I don't think she's a white nationalist.
I think she is definitely a narcissist and a grifter.
I don't actually think she has any of her own beliefs. She's a political chameleon and she believes in whatever is convenient at the time.
No. 1097608
>>1097397She clearly promoted those ideas as part of her grift.
Non white men are good enough for her to date and have sex with as proven by her black ex boyfriends and hapa husband.
In reality Lauren follows the money and political controversy and so do a lot of these people on the alt right.
There was a wave of white nationalism being trendy among right wing circles in 2016/17. Notice how many stopped talking about it once it stopped being trendy and now they are all born again Christians now. In 2010 they were all athiests and in 2012 they were all Ron Paul style libertarians. In 2015 they were all about sjws and anti feminism.
I wonder what bandwagon is next?
None of these public figures seem to have a consistent political ideology. They exhaust one ideology until they have said all there is to say and then they move onto another one.
No. 1097883
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>>1097203I think there's too much thought put into establishing these people's motives. Lauren has yet to formulate anything like an original thought in the hours and hours of recordings that exist, I don't think she's ever had one. She didn't have some crazy "awakening" and probably didn't think too much about the finer points of these things.
Lauren got famous from making fun of feminists. She had to keep that bell ringing. If you're going to play with taboo subjects none is more taboo than sex, followed by race. Check and check.
Today she would likely claim to have been "in over her head" (though first she would exhaust the "it's all memes bro" defense) but the truth is what she did follows the internet-based right she was part of almost exactly. Edgy "melting snowflakes" and then you got lots of money and attention and were touring the world and you're fighting antifa in Berkeley on a stream with your Patreon address. And then somebody got hit by a Dodge Challenger and most of them scattered.
No. 1098070
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Robyn published an article
No. 1098074
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This woman is apparently the co-founder of that magazine.
No. 1098076
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Lookie here, Trollface retweeted their MRA article which whines about muh family court and muh divorce rape.
No. 1098127
>>1098070>have babies even if you're poor, undereducated and can't take care of themCan't tell women to only have babies with only normal and financially stable men that will care for them, her incels will rage
>>1098076Men live longer when married because women take care of them while their lives are shortened. But sure trollface, marriage is only bad for men because muh divorce
No. 1098153
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Interesting thread originally posted on KF about fail chud Millennial Woes, Robyn and fake tradwife twitter LARPing. No. 1098189
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>>1098074This is what she actually looks like
No. 1098204
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>>1098189It's Slayer frontman Tom Araya!
No. 1098223
>>1098153>gave hpv and dumped her>tradthots said nothingholy shit I hope that girl is doing alright
Figures Robyn and other tradthots would turn a blind eye to abuse. Their incels are trad only because they fantasize about abuse
No. 1098245
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Ofc she's an antivaxxer too
No. 1098336
>>1098223There's quite a rabbit hole with this Millennial Woes thing that I haven't gone down. Some of it looks like serious drama but the guy is such an autistic loser that it still confuses me why anyone would care or be surprised. Wow, a chronic masturbator who lives in his dad's attic at the age of 40 and has failed to hold a job his entire life is a creep. Says something that tons of these chodes revere a guy who looks like he smells like a giant butt.
Anyway, basically back in March or April it was men in the RW movement in the UK that exposed him doing this to at least 8 different young women, tradthots said nothing. These were people who invited him to their retard rallies and worked with him at them, which is where some of the incidents took place.
MW said some of it isn't true "but some of it is" and "retired" to work on his "personal issues." And then he released a video reading a denial a few days ago, then privated it.
No. 1098344
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No. 1098483
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>>1098416> is she implying that only non-white people do the squatty potty thing?Oh Faith doesn't speak in code like Lauren, she's saying exactly that.
No. 1098856
>>1098483>>1098344Plenty of western people leave the toilet in a filthy state.
I have seen (including white western) adult women emerge from the ladies room and leave piss, shit and menstrual blood over the toilet seat and leave used feminine hygiene products exposed. Many lean over the toilet because they think they will 'get an STD or something' and spray piss all over the floor and toilet seat. I understand the urge not to sit on the seat but it's perfectly possible not to spray piss if you do it carefully enough. Someone has to be pretty fucking dumb to piss over the seat.
I agree people should at least have the decency to wipe the seat after they use it but like many things this isn't race or culture specific.
Canada also isn't a white country. Canada has always been multi ethnic.
No. 1098862
>>1098416France has squat toilets, has done for a long enough time she can't blame it on immigrants or refugees.
She's uncultured, quelle surprise.
No. 1098864
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Does Brittany know who writes her articles kek
No. 1099347
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Your husband is Asian, Lauren. There’s no ginger gene.
No. 1099506
>>1098864I guess her argument is that kids won't be exposed to feminine and gay men because I'm sure she's not so dumb as to think feminine and gay men will be bred out of the gene pool because that's not how it works
>>1099347I thought he was hapa
Also is she saying you have to be Irish to have ginger hair?
No. 1099749
>>1099353>>1099347>>1099506Her husband is partly Asian and partly European. He's not fully Asian. The Atlantic article stated this.
It is possible for a hapa person to have children with a fully white person and have a child with red or blonde hair if there is a gene for such from both parents and the child doesn't inherit a gene for dark hair from either side. However you can clearly see that Lauren's kid has dark hair.
No. 1100032
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>>1098856>Canada also isn't a white country. Canada has always been multi ethnic.No, it really wasn't. It's certainly multicultural now, but just like America, it was founded by Europeans.
No. 1100042
>>1100038Stop with your retarded semantics, you know exactly what I meant.
Obviously there were native populations everywhere, but they didn't come together and officially form the nation states and countries/societies we know as "Canada" and "America". They had their own, much smaller and different territories.
No. 1100140
>>1100032Aren't those immigration rates, rather than pre-existing population rates?
The land Canada was formed on has never been fully or even really majority European, and since those people never ceased to exist, anon's point stands.
No. 1100636
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Been wondering if she belonged here for a while, but Alex Kaschuta is a Romanian tradwife in similar circles to Robyn and trollface, a "post-leftist conservative," antifeminist, and a professional at caping for sexist takes on twitter.
No. 1100637
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>>1100636Another example of her trying to soften overtly shitty tweets
No. 1100644
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>>1100637Also looks pretty different candidly from the photos she posts of herself, similarly to Lisa
No. 1100722
>>1100636By her logic shouldn't she be just as critical of men who 'meow'at women dressed like haridans since they are lustful sinners and are reducing themselves to animals in their behavior? Wouldn't that make those particular men' pigs' at least? or are women completely responsible for men's behavior? Are men just primitive animals that even make animal noises that women can completely control or manipulate? I thought that Christians believed that we are above animals if we just embrace God? In that case aren't those men ungodly and why is it not worth a mention about how men should evade the sin of lust?
How would she enjoy it if some greasy tatted up homeless alcoholic made animal noises at her when she was walking down the street? Shouldn't have bleached your hair or wore lipstick Anna. You are advertising yourself to that man.
She would most likely be the first one to screech about how unsettling the experience was and look for some other explanation as to why it happened.
I know that her choice in clothing and styling may be less extreme than the example she provided, but she's still trying to deliberately make herself look more sexually attractive by manipulating her own physical appearance just as the woman in her example is doing.
By her own logic she's 'milking her sexual power' and she's responsible for how men react to her on account of it.
I can at least have some respect for religious 'trad' women who are equally as critical of male debauchery and negative behavior. Their beliefs are consistent at least and they expect an equal return for what they put in.
This woman also unironically uses the term 'chad'. Please. That's embarrassing. Speaking like a teenage boy on 4chan as an adult woman is shameful.
No. 1100730
>>1100636They always go for the lowest hanging libfem bs fruit out there. It's so repetitive and boring no walidner they can't get blog or youtube channel going. It's the same "women bad" until they get too old for their audience's liking
I've already read posts from men like redpillers and "trad men" who condemn tradthots for being "regretful past whores" and to ignore them no matter how much they'll spew anti feminist messages.
So is the mild attention from a fe twitter scrotes worth it?
No. 1100820
>>1100782She has ADHD as well and feels the need to tell everyone about it.
Why are all these people neurotypical?
It probably explains why they don't understand how society really is and see everything as a caricature.
No. 1100938
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“and then everyone in the Uber clapped”
No. 1100989
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>>1100938Behold ladies, an Alpha. Don’t you want to settle and choose this to sire your children?
No. 1101043
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>>1100989Ride into the danger zone with Kenny Loggins.
No. 1101137
>>1101123It's the same Every. Time. Tried to work, failed at work, drop out to become a grifter for anti feminists and the right because they love to simp for mediocre women online that say what they want.
Lauren S, Faith, Robyn all of them like having jobs and influence despite wanting to remove women from work and public. They all think they could be the exception. Candance Owens did this since she was liberal before she was doxxed and decided to blame the left, paint herself as a
victim and become their token black girl. But we know it's a matter before her very wealthy white conservative in-laws call her a nigger and her kid a halfbreed, and she'll play
victim to grift some more. Rinse and repeat
No. 1101258
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>>1101095But anon, she can't have any male friends outside her marriage (what the now deleted quoted tweet was about) because every single man either wants to get with her or use her as a status enhancer due to her beauty! No man can resist her Crisco-infused charm!
No. 1101937
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>>1101928Yeah, weird how that works, right? And since she's clear that none of them can be her friends, she must want their attention for something else. What, oh what, could it possibly be?
No. 1102109
>>1101937A grifter is someone who bandwagons for money and/or popularity and doesn't form any of their own beliefs.
That's like 95% of tradthots.
No. 1102162
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Idk Trollface, to me it just seems like we haven't pwned enough moids yet kek
No. 1102168
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>>1101962She's pretty overt in that she wants to make more money from her twitter presence in any way possible
No. 1102312
>>1102305Women are starting to turn on her
Someone wrote an essay tearing her apart
No. 1102359
>>1102312Which one? I only see two here:, gotta love Indian tradthots. If they love being treated like shit by small pricked scrotes then they should go back. Last I heard the government was extremely right-winged and gender stereotypes are enforced.
No. 1102407
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No. 1102408
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No. 1102409
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No. 1102424
>>1102407>>1102408>>1102409absolutely based, true and applicable to lefthots as well.
also don't forget the lie that women didn't have to work Back Then, which is provably false.
No. 1102434
>>1100938You know what only betas believe? That pick up techniques of any kind work on anyone except other men. The only ones who might be getting pussy through PUA shit are the men selling PUA shit to idiot beta simps, because that gives them money they can spend on pussy. The idea that you can "become alpha" with a couple of spicy negs is pure cope, you're either born genetically fit or you're rich.
The only girls you might get through alpha-LARPing are pickmes that would be into you regardless, and they're usually the ones you find so utterly uninteresting you don't even count them as women, thus continuing to claim that you can't get laid with a straight face. That's because when men lament their lack of female attention, what they really mean is they can't get laid with someone monumentally out of their league.
No. 1102443
>>1102181Reminds me of that one time incels took a bunch of "attractive older business woman" stock photos and made tinder profiles LAPRing as career women asking where all the good men are.
The male congenital need for autistic wish fulfillment and reality warping is probably one of the most terrifying parts of the prolapsed anus that is the male mind. I truly have never seen women doing anything remotely similar, at least not if they're older than 12.
No. 1102451
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No. 1102471
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No. 1102864
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>>1102451Found one of her fanboys in the @‘s and uh..
>> Only want one thing. >> Not be a responsible dad. No. 1102872
>>1102443>The male congenital need for autistic wish fulfillment and reality warping is probably one of the most terrifying parts of the prolapsed anus that is the male mind. I am rolling on my sides kek
have you got screencaps?
No. 1103588
>>1102968You notice too how it’s just the pregnant woman? No family pic that shows the father present?
They really tell on themselves a lot.
No. 1103593
>>1102305>>1102359Her article on Disney Princesses is the most hilarious shit I've ever read. Girl, you're in your mid 20's. This Disney Princess fantasy is some pre-school shit.
>The Golden Era Disney Princesses Were Right About Femininity>The modern feminist view of princesses is far more sexist than the Golden Era, which actually believed that the female story was worth telling and celebrating.I can't believe she's aspiring to be a neuroscientist. I mean, not to undermine her but hasn't neuroscience debunked this femininity masculinity bullshit or is neurosexism still worshipped and studied in STEM focused unis?
No. 1104462
>>1068516Robyn Riley has deleted all her twitter posts and only has 2 retweets up.
I wonder who she has pissed off this time?
No. 1104578
>>1103593>hasn't neuroscience debunked this femininity masculinity bullshitNot exactly, most evo psych is bullshit and male and female brain anatomy is roughly the same, but there are
some innate differences between the sexes, the hardcore blank slatism embraced in radfem-leaning spaces is as delusional as evo psych. Hormones have a substantial impact on psychology, testosterone is proven to increase violent behavior and risk-taking for example, you can read FtM accounts on it
sage for sciencefagging
No. 1104968
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Don't worry, Lisa. As a femoid I will even it out: You have a trollface.
No. 1104972
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A burden that is primarily pushed on women, while tha mens get a free pass for not carrying it. She loves to just ignore all context.
No. 1105095
>>1104968Its like she was hit with a shovel sideways and her face just stuck
>>1070511>>1067772>>1104972Noone thinks kids or the elderly are a hden, only that women who do take on the role of caring for them are shit on while single dads and male caretakers are praised for doing the bare minimum. Does Lisa even have kids?
No. 1105513
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So much filler
No. 1107142
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What is her point, even? Biological women already never participate in male categories, there is a reason why this conversation is always about MtFs. She's so dense.
No. 1107207
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>>1102448Here's proof about her sending titty videos and nudes to men.
No. 1107265
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This is the biggest smoothbtain "no u". Male has always been the default human in our culture. The default "main character" the default viewpoint and experience.
Women being represented is oppression, apparently.
Damn, someone really hit her with a shovel, making her face AND brain wonky.
No. 1107409
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>>1105513From the head down she looks great. She obviously puts a lot of work into her body.
However her face looks like a latex mask. She probably can't move it properly at this point. What's more, surgery face always looks even worse in person than it does on camera.
All the rich ladies get it done where I live and they all look like even bigger freaks outside of Facebook.
No. 1107452
>>1107420I don't think she did much to her face (except her lips) tbh. Making just one part of your face smaller/bigger can really throw off your proportions.
Her face looks normal to me in those Skynews videos. But her lips…good lord.
No. 1107534
>>1107409>She obviously puts a lot of work into her body.imo she looks average. She doesn't have toned arms or legs or anything. Maybe skinny fat.
Many of these tradthots love to preach about being feminine, delicate and slim but hate lifting weights so their audience doesn't think they're getting too masculine by getting toned. I think it was that old scrote Richard Cooper that tweeted about bad itw as women to be toned because he called it too masculine.
No. 1107536
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>>1107452You tell me what you think, but this was Lauren in 2015/16 before she had any work done.
Here she looks like a regular, attractive young woman with unique facial features. Her face is also more animated, particularly her eyes and forehead.
Nowadays she looks vastly different. Her brows look like they could have been lifted, she has had botox, lip fillers and the chin dimple has gone.
No. 1107543
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>>1107420Who bets her husband is behind her working out like crazy and getting tonnes of work done?
I mean, she just looks so vastly different. This was her when she worked for Rebel media which was around 5 years ago.
Now she has that manufactured botox, gym bunny bimbo look that every insta thot has.
No doubt he's one of those bitter hapas that never got the girl before and wants to transform Lauren into his trophy wife.
No. 1107547
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>>1107543You can't see the guy's face but the body language between them is fairly tense from what you can see here.
She's desperate to prove to everyone that she has a perfect marriage but her husband is probably a narcissist and an ex incel who threatens to dump her if she looks as she did in 2015.
No. 1107605
>>1105691Literally every radfem-leaning space attributes human behavior to socialization exclusively
>>1107207>>1102448Of course she did, even her choice in handle is 100% pickme vibes
No. 1107842
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>>1076056this one's just like your typical self-hating diasporic asian woman, except unlike most of them she wasn't even good-looking enough to bag the highly coveted aryan white chad…
No. 1107843
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>>1107842>headstrong>unfeminine yeah sounds like perfect tradwife material uh-huh
No. 1107863
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I found yet another tradthot like becomfy who's also a single mom
No. 1108009
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sage for old milk, but one of my favorite tara mccarthy moments
No. 1108095
>>1108009Oh! I forgot Tara existed. The last I saw from her was this video>>1108043I thought she was interesting looking, and she is compared to Robyn, Lauren, Faith, etc. But that's because she's East Indian lol
> she used to be an anti natalist vegan libtardThe funniest part was that she was all those things in like 2015! She flipped within like months from homeopathic yoga muppet to WHAT SHOULD WE DO WITH THE JEWS. I hear prison can do that to people but she just got dumped by a sugar daddy.
No. 1108171
>>1107842She obviously tries so hard to be white. The self hating Asian women that do always wear the red lipstick and the ugly grandma's curtain dresses and they suck up to ugly, bitter non Asian men who couldn't get their Aryan princess.
I feel sorry for her hapa son whose going to grow up thinking that his Asian side makes him unattractive to women.
No. 1108179
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>>1108009Tara Mccarthy quit in 2017 after she said that whites should support feminism and that patriarchy was something that uncivilized brown people do.
Of course her audience lost their shit and turned against her and she deleted all her accounts and disappeared off the internet.
No. 1108195
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Baked Alaska was arrested last week for clownery and assaulting strangers, and it reminded me that I hadn’t thought about Ashton Whitty/Birdie since her meltdown when she cut herself on stream. Her Twitter is nuked and her Instagram is private. Anyone know what miss MAGA Berkeley is up to nowadays?
No. 1108442
>>1076365Sage for slight OT sperg, but this is the paradox behind TRP et al. Sorry about redpill language, it's for the sake of convenience.
Evidently, everything shilled by redpill is designed to help betas, not alphas. Alphas are not affected by "the decline of western society", "muhfeminism" and other imaginary neckbeard nonsense. They'll get top shelf pussy either way simply because they're genetically fit.
A redpill tradshit society based on resource coercion and pity fucks ensures that betas get reproductive access, because women can't exercise proper selective pressure, which in turn ensures that their sons will also be betas. Most self proclaimed incels are
victims of the very social order they're desperately trying to uphold kek.
r/hapas is one place that's dangerously close to realizing it, since their whole thing is having a complex about being descended from hot Asian women and ugly white sex tourists who would never be able to touch them if it wasn't for their immense economic leverage. But if you look closely, this applies to all single-race couples as well. Do you think mayocels understand this deep down?
No. 1108528
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Lauren’s deleted tweet
No. 1109010
>>1108195what's with the awful forced crying? she looks so fucking stupid
>>1108526with this
>>1108179 in mind, i wonder what shes sperging on about now
No. 1109276
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>>1108765And quite the specimen of male vitality he was!
No. 1109456
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>>1109279Simple little vain thing that she is, I always did feel a little bad for her. She got literally every single thing that was coming to her, but it’s rare that that happens that way. I do feel bad that InfoWars tossed her out after they promised her a job and now she couldn’t get a job folding sweaters at J. Crew, but you know. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
That interview really was Dasha’s shining moment though. It cracks me up. I wonder if Ashton knew who she was fucking with when she clomped up to her.
No. 1111845
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Not sure if she fits here, but she is a rabid MRA pickme Romaarmy. Active on tiktok, and keeps screaming about how poor mens are so oppressed.
Some of her topics are muh false raep accusations and toilet seats.
She sadly has n abusive ex who was horrible to her, too.
No. 1111988
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No. 1111991
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No. 1111992
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No. 1111994
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A story told in 4 parts. Also lol @ the ratio
No. 1112002
>>1111988I mean that's a retarded argument because you can't cough heroin onto someone
But I do think telling people who they can and can't see in their own homes is pretty authoritarian and a governmental overstep.
Which is to say I'm surprised after all the russian larping shes done that she would have a problem with authoritarianism.
No. 1112016
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>>1108195She posts a lot of anti government/media stuff to her stories which sometimes includes Republicans but she's clearly still conservative. Down with the establishment type shit.
Doesn't seem like she's doing much of anything. No man who's been posted
No. 1112205
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>>1112016She was having galaxy-brained "both sides are the same!" moments before she went dark though there was never any question she was still on the right (in her own special mentally fluffy way)
No. 1112274
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>>1111988>>1111991>>1111992>>1111994Aren't drugs (from a conservative perspective) only supposed to be used by the poor and by homosexuals? Or do I have to sense that she is above good and evil and all that BS?
No. 1112327
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>>1112269You are not prepared for how deep Ashton goes.
No. 1112424
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>>1112205I think she's become increasingly resentful of all the right wing people she used to associate with, she was a moron, but they really took advantage of her stupidity and properly fucked up her career prospects
No. 1112596
>>1112424I mean, yeah, you fucked up your own life by being a pickme to wannabes.
Learn to code!
No. 1112675
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>>1112424What actually is the future for people with such a
toxic online footprint? Lauren Southern's facing a similar problem (though has too much money to be seriously worried), and I wonder this about Shayna. Are they doomed to man tills while constantly dreading that a customer will recognise them from their video about white genocide and report them to the manager?
No. 1112716
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>>1112547>>1112675>>1112596Ashton was working as a waitress even when she was making that video 2 years ago. Lauren was also working as a waitress while working for The Rebel when she got well-known too. It's not like these people sacrificed their competitive slot in med school to cradle guns next to their cleavage and sperg about feminism.
No. 1112750
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>>1112424You get what you fucking deserve.
No. 1112994
>>1112716Redpillchick was in med school but wanted to sperg out about feminism and talked about how useless it is to be educated and have a job as a woman. She thought she was set for life since she had a relationship and all she had to do was go full trad and look at dropping out
Last I read about her, her white fiance dumped her and she had to work at some real estate company lol
No. 1113670
>>1113042Yeah, I distinctly remember us all tinfoiling that her hatred for women with educations, careers, actual ambition etc was because she was so bitter about not getting into med school.
I miss RPC, the milk was short but sweet.
No. 1113701
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Since they haven't been posted yet, here are some screenies from Mrs. Midwest's deleted Reddit account and some retweets. comprehensive post: bonus speculation about the state of her marriage, though none of it is too far off: currently is pregnant with their first child, a son. One of the really sad things about this is that prior to marrying her husband, she had female friends and looked genuinely happy.
No. 1113718
>>1113701I don't mean to blog post but I'm very pregnant at the moment and feeling so frumpy.
Looking at that horrifying outfit makes me feel way better about my own awful wardrobe choices right now.
No. 1114204
>>1113718Be assured, anon, that all of your choices including fashion have got to be better in comparison.
Also, congratulations!
No. 1116206
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>>1113701Husbear’s smile is gross.
No. 1116901
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Her tits are creeping me out in this, why are they so lumpy and misshapen? Did she middle school style stuff her bra or something? So much for ~extremely heavy, back breaking D cups~
No. 1116967
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>>1116901She always makes topics about her chest somehow.
No. 1117037
>>1116967It's probably for her incel audience thats only interested in her for their larping trad fantasy of a woman pregnant, barefoot, and in the home with massive tits.
I'm just surprised her husband got her anything at all. Trad males aren't known to give gifts beyond some allowance
No. 1117059
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>I use to be so insecure about my large chest I would minimize it and wanted to be a small-chested petite girl
Any smaller she would be completely flat chested. There's nothing wrong with having average sized boobs caitlyn
No. 1117238
>>1117188There was that time her grandmother laughed at the idea of buying an 18 year old a BMW convertible.
Write that off as a struggle.
No. 1118510
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Lauren Southern’s director for her new documentary is super mature and professional
No. 1118512
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No. 1118652
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What in fresh hell did Lauren do to her face?
No. 1118730
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>>1118652To be fair she had barely any lips before, but it looked so much better. Even if she just got a little bit of filler in her top lip and kept it natural… now she looks like a fucking monkey.
No. 1118870
>>1118652I work at a plastic surgery clinic and there is 0% doubt in my mind she has had extensive fillers, probably about 2 ml in the lips and 1ml or more in each cheek. Possibly chin as well based on the forward projection.
The shininess of the forehead, lack of eyebrow movement, and the significantly higher brow positioning from earlier photos indicates botox.
I see altered faces every day and she looks like someone who went a bit overboard, probably 5ml or more filler across her whole face.
It's not a good look.
No. 1119348
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>>1119031This sexuality issue does seem to be really common amongst tradthots. Caitlin and Wife With A Purpose are confirmed LGBT and I get…vibes…from some of the other women. Like the idea of the gay skinhead/curious but ashamed little nazi overcompensating on their masculinity is a familiar meme, but is this a case of it going the other way?
No. 1119505
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>>1119404No, she both dated women before her husband and cheated on him with a woman.
No. 1119702
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the ring is so tacky kek
No. 1119715
>>1119702Those nails are HUGE holy shit. And I don't just mean… long, they are just so BIG.
I think the ring is cute tho, but it looks way too big.
No. 1119724
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She really does sound like a young Lori Alexander. Not surprised that she retweets some of her content as well. That home is going to be an even more depressing place once that baby is born.
No. 1119853
>>1119717yet they will rarely show
by who. Most of the time, they're picked by the ugliest males kek. They love to post about fit masculine men with strong jawlines and blonde hair but their real husbands are fat and mediocre
No. 1119914
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Duggar bullshit, as per usual.
No. 1119954
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>>1076056Can't even do basic shit right. It's okay to make a mistake but why did she think this was okay to post.
No. 1120159
>>1119702That tacky ring shape, ffs that looks like cheap jewelry a 12yo would hoard. Not to mention that it doesn't even fit. There's so much extra space kek
Looks like her trad provider couldn't even get a ring that fits or looks halfway legit.
No. 1120300
>>1119954Dude.. I checked out the rest of her cooking videos and not a single thing she makes is not burned to a crisp. She also feeds her kids white bread and a can of beans for lunch. Very trad.
I laughed very hard at this video tho.
No. 1120406
>>1118894She herself used to make videos about women needing to get a husband and kids young because "you don't want to be 30 competing with 20 year olds" so I imagine she's desperate to stay hot looking to have any value in her circles.
Bonus: manosphere dudes (who were mad she was getting donations from their target audience) were calling her ugly and post wall years ago: No. 1120426
>>1120406Implying anyone wants the older dudes who try to fuck 20 year olds. Every 20 year old has to swat them like flies as they mumble "the male wall is 102" under their breath and act like you are to be impressed with a coffee date and a scented candle.
I assume tradthots don't remember dealing with this their 20s because most are sheltered and autistic, and have never been courted by hot men their age. Otherwise they'd know that nobody goes younger to treat the younger girl better. The main reason is usually "they don't have the hangups and demands of older women and you can mold them", which is a spot no sane woman older than 27 wants.
No. 1120619
>>1119948Slightly OT but it's fucked that men
and half of young women on imageboards, including this one feel the need to treat any woman over the age of 24 like shriveled up, unlovable grannies when they're still clearly young in the face. I don't feel bad for Lauren specifically because she herself used to shit on older women and karma's going to continue kicking her ass for all she's said, but the increasing amount of mid-20's to early-30's women opting for fillers and plastic surgery they don't need because so many retards online nitpick the most microscopic lines and pores on their faces is just sad.
No. 1120649
>>1120619You need to remember that this is a board consisting mostly of shut-in girls and weeb /cgl/ refugees. Their beauty standards are very much influenced by what unfuckable nerdy males theorize is attractive, which is usually something resembling the only thing they know - vidya/animu. Literally no normal finance Chad is interested in Belle Delphine and other snow filtered types.
Women like Lauren are a cautionary tale of what happens when you try to appease the male population whose opinion doesn't matter. You don't snag anything of value by meeting omega expectations, in fact you will only end up mangling yourself in the eyes of normal people and/or desirable men.
No. 1120671
File: 1609640593556.jpg (76.94 KB, 828x1088, 2021-01-02 20.21.37.jpg)

Lauren cries that her simps aren't coughing up enough money to pay for her "content."
No. 1120675
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>>1120671Lauren is not a grifter. She's "risking her life for footage." Now pay up, simps.
No. 1120682
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>>1120675Apparently she spent New Year's Eve arguing with chuds on twitter over "donations," her face, how trad she is, etc. Which is an even better idea to promote a movie released the day before New Year's Eve than… releasing a movie on the day before New Year's Eve.
No. 1120838
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Speaking of the Postmodern Mom, someone got featured in Hot Masculinity Takes, lol No. 1120876
File: 1609679720496.jpg (48.21 KB, 418x407, Screenshot_20210103_151139.jpg)

This woman has a hardcore thousand yard stare. She looks like she has had part of her brain removed.
>>1119954Who the fuck posts their burnt cooking in order to impress people? I'm in disbelief. Her gorilla of a husband is probably holding her hostage and paying some spergy engineering student on to larp as his wife on social media.
Lillian, blink 3 times if you need help.
No. 1120881
>>1120300Her cookware looks greasy as fuck. That halogen oven or air fryer or whatever it is that she put the sausages into made me want to throw up and yes everything looks charred.
I'm not going to critique her for giving two small kids baked beans on toast. If you are a parent and are not blessed with a laid back kid you will understand how picky they can be and how difficult it can be to get them to eat a vegetable of any kind. She could have at least melted the butter, though. Those kids are literally eating hard butter on their toast.
It also makes me laugh how hubby isn't even at the table for lunch, he just comes into the shot to spoon some baked beans onto what appears to be a butterless piece of toast without even sitting down. He's probably the type to drop food all over the house and all down himself. Even when he's sitting at the table for the last meal he's just shoveling spaghetti into his mouth like a pig.
No. 1121122
>>1120838It's a good question
How successful is propatriarchy with dating having those goals outright. He'll eventually die alone and forgotten, angry that he wasn't able to abuse a woman for his benefit. Bet Postmodern wants more women to be apart this so she could get more attention though. Youtube views are abysmal and nobody checks her blog. Nobody cares about "trad wives" wanting to be praised for doing basic activities every adult should do. Misery loves company
No. 1121168
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Without all the filters, supposedly. Still feels off, but I'm not going to pretend that she isn't conventionally attractive.
She also put the changing table in the baby's closet, though I can't imagine how practical that is. Not that big of a deal, but leddit is sperging about it.
No. 1121265
>>1121204I mean, her older social media posts prior to marrying that crusty fucker showed her wearing short skirts, had nothing but girlfriends surrounding her, and going on trips/seeming genuinely happy. She's got a degree in marketing and she obviously knows what she's doing with her blog and channel by catering to the undesirables.
It's just a shame because it makes me wonder what exactly happened to make her want to become this. Remember when she deleted the post about not being a virgin and then she changed it to how she waited until after marriage? It's like, girl, you were relatively normal prior to this douchebag so what gives. I'm not saying she has to become a leg beard cat lady, but all this for someone with anger issues, porn addiction, emotionally absent/distant, gets retarded about things in the house being "too girly" (she was so happy when she decided to paint their laundry room pink, because she declared he would never be in there so it was her space), etc.
Her own family was apparently controlling, so who knows. It's just depressing all around. No dick is worth this.
No. 1121427
>>1121265Legbeard cat ladies are some of the happiest women, which is why they live rent free inside the heads of BPD scrotes. I honestly wish I could be one of those "miserable careercunt wine aunts" with cats and no one to invade my personal space. Sage for blog, obviously.
I understand her situation on some level, because I also come from a batshit
abusive family and certain other adverse circumstances. Without getting into too much detail, marriage was my only way to escape. Women like her don't know any better, they're just passed from one gaggle of nags (home) into another (husband). They're lied to, believing that it's their ticket to freedom. It's just another trap, however.
The lack of personal space and her absolute euphoria about having a
laundry room to herself is another one that's relatable, because as a housewife, you truly don't have any time that's 100% free, and at some point your husband will nag you out of your pink laundry anyway. The thing is, a wagecuck comes back from work and he's "off". You're on call all day. All the time you have, whether it's on the weekend or during work days, is never "time off". All of your vacations are always with family as well, and what do you do then? You take care of them. In the end, even if it's the kind of work people envision as "easy", it's a work that's perpetual, with no clear leisure time. That shit ruins you psychologically because there's no corner where you can be alone with yourself. If you get minimally distracted, enter the inevitable resentment about "what do you even do all day". It's like you're watched by an invisible NAGGING eye in some dystopian labor camp, hovering over your head and monitoring everything you do, demanding you constantly prove that it's getting its money's worth. There you go, a little snippet on why these women really age in dog years.
No. 1121572
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>>1121427This was a beautiful post, thank you so much. Its been very difficult for me to understand exactly how someone ends up here.
In other news, lmao it got locked.. No. 1121596
>>1121572Forgot to add - a bangmaid's labor is janitorial and thus (if you are into Marxism at all) inherently "alienating". All you do is basically cook and clean all day only for it all to be undone. You have to start over, every day, only to watch it all be destroyed. When you do it for yourself, it's just maintenance. When you do it for a husband, it becomes a job, except you don't even get paid - your "pay" is room and board. It's inherently different from having an actual "goal" in a career, one that provides a sense of accomplishment and won't be torn down the next day - there is no direction, no breakthrough, no appreciation.
There is an obvious reason why this lifestyle needs to be shilled as "a true path to happiness" with insane amounts of fervor - no one would choose it unless they are pressured, tricked or deceived. Pleasurable things don't need to be advertised - they are sought out instinctively.
If anyone here was even briefly swayed by incel sales tactics, do keep this in mind. You're missing out on absolutely nothing except aging a decade through the first year of your marriage and completely dying inside, and that's with a relatively wealthy scrote who's nowhere near as bad as what the tradthots ITT are married to.
No. 1121679
>>1121427>>1121596I honestly find these sorts of comments rude and contemptful.
I can tell you as someone who has been a SAHM for years and enjoys it that setting boundaries are a thing and you have times where you want to rest or make time for hobbies like everyone else. If you have a normal husband and not some neckbeard autist with no empathy he will see you as a person too and will understand that you have responsibilities just like he does but you are not his servant.
Having kids in general puts you on call 24/7 whether you stay at home or not, whether you are mom or dad or whether you work or not. Do you honestly think all men get home from work and just ignore their their kids? Let's not turn this thread into an antinatalist circle jerk about how pets are better than babies and how women who have children and husbands are all unhappy.
That mode of thinking just as cringey as as telling everyone you are trad and wearing some curtain dress from modcloth.
If you want to be a wine aunt who lives in an apartment full of cats and that makes you happy that's great, you do your thing, but drop the superiority complex. I don't particularly like animals and I don't like drinking wine or any form of alcohol (it just makes me sick) but that doesn't give me the right to deride other people's choices or to deny that it could make them happy.
>>1121679whats "cringey" is the part where you tell someone to drop their superiority complex and follow that up with your personal opinion on animals and drinking.
>>1120671>so many people want itkek, i guess thats why you have to beg for donations?
No. 1121706
>>1121679I agree. Feminism is all about giving women a choice and part of that is that women can chose to be housewives. Saying there is no woman on earth who could possibly find taking care of a family fo be fulfilling is just as misogynistic as scrotes saying that women who don't want that are all legbeard catwomen.
Not every housewive and mother is a tradthot and is serving her man like a slave, so maybe cool it a little with your hateful rants about people living a lifestyle that you don't agree with.
No. 1121736
>>1121706That’s true. Not all housewives are miserable. But let’s not pretend that’s it’s all rainbows and unicorns. Often, housewives are responsible for everything in the home. It’s so normal for women to go without more than a few hours of sleep while their child is young and needs to be fed at night. And then cook and clean and feed the child during the day, and do the laundry and bathe the baby and wash dishes, and make sure the baby is entertained and happy and developing properly, and deal with all the inevitable tantrums.
SAHMs very often lose their identity, everything that isn’t about the baby or the home has to go. But I don’t know a single man that had to do that. To only leave the house to buy groceries and baby stuff. A man never has to choose between a career/job or being father. He can do both (obviously biology plays into this). There’s nothing wrong with being a SAHM/housewife, but when the only adult you talk to is your husband, it can be so bad for your mental health. I just want SAHMs and housewives to get the respect and rights they deserve, and recognition and pay for their work. It is mentally and physically taxing.
No. 1121808
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>being this delusional
No. 1121809
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>>1121808and some replies kek
No. 1121977
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>>1121736>SAHMs very often lose their identity, everything that isn’t about the baby or the home has to go. But I don’t know a single man that had to do that. To only leave the house to buy groceries and baby stuff.Genuinely not trying to be a contrarian, but my mother and stepfather's marriage is like this and has been since after my oldest half-sibling was born, plus two more that they really didn't need to be having. He only leaves home to go to work or to take one of the kids to sports practice and that's it. My mother isn't a sahm, but works full-time and she also only leaves the house to work or to do groceries. They don't have identities outside of this.
>>1121679>>1121706As other anons have said: No one was bashing anything and there was no need for you to feel so personally slighted. This is a thread about women who completely lose themselves in stagnant, often unhealthy and unfulfilling relationships and lifestyles all for a crumb of dick. To add insult to injury, they're unnecessarily cruel towards other women who mind their business in the process. No one said that all housewives are miserable and no one asked you to come here and prove yourself to any of us. If its your bag, then live it up. I'm not judging you. I just hope you're safe and happy, that's all.
Anyway, new MMW milk in picrel. I wish she didn't do this 'helpless woe is me' act. No. 1123201
File: 1609890414182.png (380.17 KB, 592x804, hmmmoklisa.PNG)

Lisa made tweet one in this thread and then when she got a reply asking "how often does this really happen?" she replied defensively, and then made the second tweet saying someone claimed "this never happens," totally misrepresenting what the reply said. Classic trollface, never telling the truth or saying what she really means.
No. 1123343
>>1123201Embarrassing. You pack a lunch for your kids, troll face, not a grown adult man who should be able to a basic adult function like cook a meal. They give big talks about how men created civilization yet crumble and need mommy to pack their lunchables.
>>1122969Tradthots don't want to be
victims to when incels go attack women. So in their minds if they agree with everything those incels say about women and act like the perfect anti feminist trad wife, they'd be considering a good onea dn respected. And it never works lol
No. 1124136
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No. 1124137
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No. 1124237
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>>1124232Yes, that Morgan and I have no idea what she's expecting. Here, have another Christ-like bit of wisdom from her.
No. 1124450
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Sage for OT: alt Right men talk about how women belong at home but this dude wants to be provided for by woman. These men are oversized kids I swear
No. 1125492
>>1121977In Kaitlyn's defense bats can give you rabies and hantavirus. I mean they are not harmless. I completely understand her fear for herself and her dog. I would probably react the same way.
I find the whole 'husbear'nickname she gives her husband kind of cringey. I wonder if his colleagues in the police know? I bet he gets made fun of constantly if they do.
No. 1125507
>>1124439I do agree there is this ridiculous expectation that women give themselves up completely and have no other interests which is OK if that's what a woman genuinely wants but most of the time it's this theatrical social performance that women are expected to take on. The way you present yourself to the world when you become a mom is expected to change, you are not just supposed to be yourself whilst looking after a kid. You are suddenly supposed to subscribe to a stitch fix box or attend lularoe parties for your frumpy fashion needs. You are supposed to find anything remotely offensive obscene and be out of touch with what the kids are doing. You are expected to become a mom to everyone, not just the kid and drop any hint of any sexuality.
It makes me laugh when alt right women like Robyn try and subscribe to and push this image because she's obviously kind of alternative and quirky and has a very dark sense of humor. She certainly wouldn't fit into any Christian Knitting circles. I don't see her with any irl female friends, as far as I know it's just her and her husband and she is close to her brother. I think there is some insecurity about this on her part and it's the same for a lot of other tradthots. They have spent their lives being kind of awkward and not really living up to performative femininity. They came across the manosphere because women like this tend to have a lot of nerdy, awkward male friends and they have internalized all the misogyny they have endured for not quite being a basic bitch.
No. 1125515
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>>1068516Robyn really is nuts
She's sperging about 'race wars' like Charles Manson did in the 1960s. She's so desperate to appeal to alt right dweebs at this point she's not even holding back one bit.
No. 1125523
File: 1610108206625.jpg (449.73 KB, 1080x1577, Screenshot_20210108_141511.jpg)

Someone in a previous thread compared her to Dot Cotton from the British soap opera Eastenders.
She really is transforming into Dot Cotton but with a touch of autism.
No. 1125525
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>>1125523The resemblance is actually uncanny
Robyn would likely consider this a compliment since Dot Cotton started out in the 1980s as a racist, right wing Bible basher. The soap has toned down her image a lot since it has become illegal to show that sort of thing on television in the UK and now she's just a peaceful mother hen type that just constantly talks about the Bible and takes in anyone who doesn't have a home to go to.
Her life was a wreck though. Maybe Robyn will end up with a criminal son like Dot. I can't imagine him ever being anything else with a name like 'Magnus Rex'.
No. 1125528
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This is Lauren trying to be funny but it just comes off as cringe worthy. She's been trying to do that a lot lately and she's bad at it.
No. 1125539
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What is it with tradthots and dresses? As if there is no other way to dress like a woman. I also notice how often they rant about sweatpants like they're some kind of sin and you automatically cease to be a woman when you wear them. Maybe that isn't so evident in this article, but when I used to lurk on the red pill women subreddit noticed this a lot.
It feels almost like a troon wrote this article. Womanhood is simply just a performance piece and it's as if they fetishize their own performative femininity.
No. 1125556
>>1125515She didn't see what happened to Lauren or thinks males won't ever turn on her if she says the right things. They'll always see her as worthless and no amount of "but I'm a trad wife and mom!" matters.
>>1125539Because dresses are feminine and women can't be feminine without them! Kek tradthots unironically validating troons with their ago fetishes by saying women can only be feminine if hyperperformed.
No. 1125676
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>>1125539these women are so mental. i'll be sure to do that in the dead of european winter, you tryhard cunts. it's no wonder that a lot of this atrocious style advice comes from americans, it seems they either dress like total slobs or take it too far and up looking like they're about to have a village wedding.
No. 1125728
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>>1125676>take it too farThat's the American way.
No. 1127259
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>>1102448That becomfy thot is back on twitter
No. 1127262
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Living through contractors fixing your washing machine and toilet makes you a “pregnant pioneer lady."
No. 1127263
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>>1127262Also, the opposite will happen once the newborn arrives, but alright sis.
No. 1127264
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>>1127263And then Mrs Midwest was such a good girl while they were running errands today so Husbear got her a treat!!
No. 1127563
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Chloe Roma/Roma Army from earlier is even more retarded on twitter
No. 1127677
>>1127259Give it a few weeks and someone will point out that she passed out her nudes and she'll ghost the internet again
>>1127563She says all this shit just not be reminded she's a single mother by the men she panders to lol
No. 1128280
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Pssssst, Lisa. I don't give a shit.
No. 1128763
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>>1128280Hanging out with chronic masturbator sex pests = trad a f No. 1128874
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no words lmao
No. 1129074
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"I have sooo many friends but I keep it all private," says the woman that posts every single time she steps outside, does the laundry, etc.
No. 1129588
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Everyone glows when they're in direct sunlight though, Cate.
No. 1129735
>>1128874You know what I have never thought about how an internet platform looks when I'm using it. Not unless it's appearance is impractical and limits it's use in some way.
Maybe Robyn is just a frivolous and shallow person.
No. 1129742
>>1129735She's probably the kind of woman who makes men think she will suck up to them in public but in private she buys loads of useless ornamental shit with her husband's credit card and fills the house with it. I get that impression from her and that she's probably obsessed with home decor, gourmet food and having better stuff than everyone else.
She just seems really materialistic,to the point where it's not just about comfort and having the occasional nice thing. I used to lurk on red pill women and tradthots usually are hyper materialistic and vain women who use modesty and sweetness as a facade.
They always talk about 'love languages' which is really just a justification for being bought loads of frivolous and expensive garbage. They want a man who works 16 hour days so he can keep buying them clutter and they can keep redecorating the house every year or two.
The modesty is really just a facade. Over half these women are addicted to shopping and material things and they want some crusty incel to fund their habit. I can't say I feel bad for these men because honestly they deserve one another.
No. 1130487
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Tradthots unite kek
No. 1130500
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Lifted from the leddit thread. She follows this "western aesthetics" account and interacts with it from time to time. They shared her photo to their stories today. They have white supremacist merch on their website and racist dog whistle type captions.
No. 1130742
>>1130487More like if he wants a faithful virgin pornstar supermodel bangmaid (or whatever it is scrotes claim to want nowadays), he better pay without asking a single question. But that's never the kind of treatment these girls get.
You can tell how sheltered and beta these tradthots are just from their ideas about the kind of woman who gets buxxed. In the real world, it's always the opposite of whatever they think a "man's quintessential woman" is.
No. 1131292
>>1130675Because pickmes believe that men should be allowed to cheat because "monogamy is cruel!" And women shouldn't, and the fact most men cheat or microcheat at the very least so instead of finding a decent man they just constantly try to convince themselves they're okay with men cheating
At the same time these same women also protest against poly and open relationships so God know what's they want
No. 1131310
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>>1130500>>1130536BRB, getting my trad dress made by the finest Chinese seamstresses.
No. 1131483
>>1131292Wonder how much the fact that women are naturally polyandrous
triggers them.
No. 1131512
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>>1131483Stop projecting, hoe.
No. 1132203
>>1130675Conservative take on muh gender roles and marriage is very scrote-pandering. Shocking I know.
Basically the idea is that when a scrote marries it's such an honor because you see, he is devoting himself to you despite his male sexuality. Standards for scrotes are low, and even scraps of decency from them are considered gold standard because his male sexuality means he is not responsible for his actions in a way a woman is. See, to them- women are not supposed to be sexual, so scrotes who are "natutally sexual" can get away with so much more. Because they just can't help it uwu! Their male sexuality is a free pass to be a piece of shit!
No. 1132395
>>1131512Women literally evolved concealed ovulation to deceive as many males as possible about paternity, and male dicks are shaped like sperm shovels. In the past, most men didn't get to reproduce - the narrative that women need "commitment" and resources from only one male exists to make sure that all betas get a shot. This pattern is repeated in primate populations, where the only example of anything resembling human monogamous marriage is found when beta males abduct a young beta female to reproduce with away from the tribe where he would fail to compete. Moreover, most civilizations wouldn't have so many restrictions on "hoedom" if it wasn't natural and rampant.
Stay asshurt.
No. 1132727
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How to ruin chicken in a god honoring way
No. 1132828
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>>1132395>sperm shovelincorrect
and disgusting, never make me read that again, asshole
are polyarmorous by nature, but that is not why
No. 1132834
>>1132787Who said anything about the foreskin? I'm talking about the shape of the glans, calm your intactivist tits.
I don't know why the fact that sexual monogamy is rare in nature, especially in highly sexually dimorphic species, offends you so much. It doesn't mean that you can't choose it or that infidelity is good, it means that men if men get to use this excuse, then so do women. You're either some beta pickme with a complex about "homewreckers", or a buttmad cuck-anxious scrote. Pop a xanny.
No. 1133024
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Are the hair and lips comments signs she's going to become a beauty guru and forget her trad thot past?
No. 1133088
>>1133082Are you a scrote or just have a balding manlet c00ming inside you? Is your dad a balding manlet on top of that- and you know that your sons will be, too?
Remember that your sons will probably end up posting on incel forums until they inevitably rope. Because they will never be able to find love due to you and your hubbies shit genetics, tradcow.
No. 1133264
>>1132650what was her reason, I really don't want to watch her
>>1133024Female Lucas Warner holy shit
>>1133244I've heard so many tales from people who worked the front desk of clinics that pro lifers will literally scream at women one day, quietly wear a disguise and get an abortion in the early hours the next, then go right back to protesting. 1 woman told me the time a mother brought in her daughter for an appointment. She was the same woman who was always protesting that clinic over abortions but her daughter this time needed one. Her daughter was "different" than all those other whores who need abortions so they justify it that way. It should be allowed only for them but nobody else.
No. 1134482
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No. 1134697
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This girl is my favorite trad cow. She's got a PhD in neuroscience or something and still says shit like this
No. 1134700
>>1134697I don't understand the point of this tweet. Is anyone even saying that painful periods are normal? Painful periods often
are a sign of an underlying health condition, like endometriosis. Don't know what she's on about with this vitamins and mineral shit.
No. 1134907
>>1134702It's another way to blame women for their problems.
Having painful periods? Her answer isn't "See a doctor if you can, make sure you don't have endometriosis", it's straight-up "Your fault, eat healthier lol".
No. 1135560
>>1135459My mother and sister have always had pain free periods despite not having the healthiest lifestyles.
I have pain with periods, although not severe, and I do notice they are worse if I drink a lot of coffee and I'm sleep deprived. Or I'm more sensitive to pain, idk.
No. 1135572
>>1135560Seems like the great majority of women I’ve known have at least mild pain and it’s normal because a part of your insides is literally shedding lol, that’s obviously going to be a little painful
Honestly think no pain could just be indicative of a hormonal imbalance or something. Your mom especially could easily be approaching menopause or going through it, so hormonal imbalance giving her pain free periods would make sense
No. 1135742
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>>1134697This just in: girls should make babies in their teens because this retards Indian village grandmother popped them out at that age No. 1135822
>>1135742I think the science argues that a woman having many children causes chronic health problems, too. After having several kids my bladder and bowel is literally falling out of my vag. Apparently Michelle Duggar has a really bad case of this. It's not uncommon. I also have facial hair that grew more and more with each pregnancy and only in pregnancy. No it never went away and there is a beard on my chin I have to tweezer daily.
Let's also not forget that her ancestors in India probably mostly died or lived in chronic pain by the time they were 65.
(no1curr about your bowels) No. 1136219
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Somebody take her internet away
No. 1136364
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She's also a giant slavaboo and has an unrealistic fantasy of living as a housewife in Siberia kek
No. 1136453
>>1136219>>1136364I hate seeing this dumb cunt's posts on Twitter.
What can you expect from an Indian woman though. They want the White men more than the Thais and Filipinos.
No. 1136509
>>1136219Japan is killing itself due to overworking maragarita and mental illness is shameful. But I guess she'll just gloss over that
>>1136364She wants to raise livestock in fucking rural siberia where she knows nothing of the culture or the language? What would she do when her husband comes home drunk and beats her and nothing is done about it because DV is decriminalized. cry on Twitter at how feminists made him do that?
>>1136453Do you think she'll be redpillchick v2 lol
No. 1136552
>>1136509I'm sure she thinks watching a youtube documentary about Russian old believers makes her an expert on Russian culture. Anyways, I hope she likes being eaten alive by mosquitos because that's all she's gonna find in Siberia.
Also I miss redpillchick dearly lol
No. 1136694
>>1135742I love bitches like Masala Margarita Verma over here who encapsulate being a tradthot perfectly. Unlike western tradthots, she could have easily stayed/went back to her misogynist shithole motherland, gotten an arranged marriage, and easily lived a nice uwu pure trad life of popping out babies as soon as possible. Instead, she chose the evil feminist path of getting an education and waiting to get married (as well as choosing her own partner without any outside interference, I presume?). Why not the "better" and "natural" path that she waxes poetic about? Could it be that it fucking sucks and truly needed propaganda as well as literal subjugation to take hold over populations? I wonder what she materially even gains from tradthotting. Surely asspats from scrotes cannot be that addictive. Doesn't she have any work to do?
>>1136219Lmao, Americans that love Japan almost always love it because of animu you dumbass broad.
No. 1136757
>>1136364There are still people who unironically believe the muh traditional Christian values meme Russia in 2021?
Also, doesn't virtually everyone in Siberia live in a commieblock and work some sort of shitty industrial job for a corporation?
No. 1136778
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>>1136136I confused Waterloo and Western University (also in Canada) since they both start with W, she actually goes to Western. She also mentions Japan again in her grad student profile. No. 1136837
File: 1611138955069.jpg (87.52 KB, 800x600, cvarcijada-rus-3.jpg)

>>1136364>Eastern-European guys>gallant, respectful, well manneredEastern european woman here.
No. 1136839
>>1136364> russia brainwashes you with tradshit and sexism from age of 0> girls are being forced onto thinking that they cant befriend other girls because they are going to steal their husbands, oh and friendship between girl and a boy doesn't exist;> whenever a woman is raped / killed / other crime by a man, everyone irl and on social media always throw shit at woman, saying its her fault, neverending WKing towards a man, excuses that he is actually a good person, petitions that he shouldnt go to jail, throw a woman in jail instead;> when its the other way around, everyone are celebrating it;> you will never be able to get out of abusive marriage because being divorced is considered to be worse than having bruises everyday, in fact domestic abuse law got removed 4-ish years ago;> police will never help you and will straight up tell you to come when you are already dead;God, thats why I hate these tradthots and slavboos. How boring and easy your life can be that you become THIS? Im russian and I also travelled to Siberia thousand times, its filled with crazy drunk men who wouldn't mind beating you or anyone else.
No. 1136925
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>>1136364Damn, this hoe wants to live in Siberian village THAT much?
No. 1137223
>>1136839This. She has no knowledge of what it's actually like to live in Russia and looks at it with rose coloured glasses. I have no clue where she got this perfect ideal image of Russia from but it shows how naive and lucky she is to live in Canada.
>>1136961Kek how does she expect to survive in some forest hut with no roads or internet connection? She won't be able to scream on twitter all day about how trad and slavic she is
No. 1137252
>>1137223She reminds me of marie antionette when she romanticized farm life. Everyone wore silk, food as picked and made every morning and everything was calm and peaceful. Real rural France was starving and people dying everywhere and margaritas reality of sweet siberian farm life will be this
>>1136925>>1136829>fianceRPC had one too. How long will it be until he dumps her and she nukes all her accounts to go live a shameful non trad normie life with a job
No. 1137581
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>>1137481Unfortunately I realized I know who she is irl, my friend was crushing on her while we were there for a conference. She's actually somewhat smart. Also found this but she posted this. So gross when you know she thinks kids should start having babies at 16
No. 1137638
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>something as masculine as twitter
lmao what the fug?
No. 1138465
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No. 1139737
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Don’t know if she’s been mentioned here before but is anyone here familiar with Ember/@majupose on Instagram @majuposer on twitter?
I found her recently through the Instagram account @exposingmajupose and from what I know she’s a “trad girl” who constantly slut shames other women despite having nudes that she sent to group chats leaked and leaks of her sucking dick
Now that she’s found a trad bf she pretends she’s a virgin and gets mad when her sexual past is brought up
Also used to lie about being ana chan kek No. 1140445
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Mrs Midwest: changing her whole personality to fit into her tradwife fetish
No. 1140619
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sage for ot but i made this meme a while back and i feel like it fits some of the women in this thread/who belong in this thread
No. 1140886
>>1138465That outfit is vile, honestly. It would improve somewhat if she wore leggings instead of shapeless, loose pants but it would still look outdated and frumpy. She looks like a fat Christmas present.
Shes the kind of pregnant lady who thinks she's superior to other pregnant ladies because they wear athletic wear.
No. 1140936
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Candace Owens just a kid, that poor little boy
No. 1141124
>>1141110I'm literally radical feminist and socialist and I would kill my bf if he ever cheated on me, but apparently I'm a pick-me cause I think cheating is morally wrong
this is what happens people start applying internet meme terms for real life, right
pick-me, simp, Alpha/beta (not even how that sociological theory works btw), -ooomer, are just dumb internet terms, people should have never taken them seriously
(blogging) No. 1142319
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>>1136364Does she not know about their gopniks?
No. 1142383
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This is weirder than Jordan Peterson's carnivore diet. She's literally eating raw ground beef.
No. 1142482
>>1142383Raw ground meat is a huge no no. Cuts of meat can be eaten raw if certain criteria is met.
Ground meat never because it has a chance of being contaminated by bowel bacteria on the surface, and then having said bacteria mixed throughout the entire piece. That is why ground meat must be thoroughly cooked. She's literally eating shit-contaminated food
No. 1142569
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It’s always funny to me that poc tradthots usually use art of white women/aesthetic photos of white women for their layout despite there being so many pictures of that aesthetic featuring women who actually look like them
I wouldn’t think anything of it except that they exclusively post white aesthetics, everyone on her layout is blonde ffs, who is she trying to fool?
No. 1142624
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>>1142596speaking of which, is there any ails detregarding candace owens Husband George Farmer, all I know about him is that he's the son of Michael Farmer an actual Baron in the House of Lords whose actually one of the more Liberal one's
>He is also a vocal supporter of welfare and prison reform, and was commissioned by the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) to carry out a review of how supporting men in prison to have better family and other relationships can reduce reoffending rates.[9] Following its acceptance of his recommendations, the MoJ commissioned a further review from Lord Farmer on the importance of relationships for female offenders' rehabilitation, which is also being implemented.[10] This man is her father-in-law
No. 1142635
>>1141577Tradthots that pandered to the white supremacy prohitler crowd having mixed kids kek ironic
>>1142569Trying to fool herself into thinking she isn't just an Indian girl, like redpillchick
>>1142624They didn't know each other for very long before getting engaged and her husband was very pro brexit.
No. 1142694
>>1142387Ground beef is way more risky for in terms of food safety. Steak tartar is a whole ass steak until it's cut which means the inside has never been exposed to air/other contact. And it's cut right before you eat it.
Ground beef is…ground. Which means every bit if it has been exposed to air and potentially contaminated grinding equipment. Then it sits for days just festering in it's own filth, bacteria multiplying all the while. That's what this bitch is eating raw.
No. 1142752
>>1142710I agree with what you're saying anon, but I don't think it's a coincidence a trad
WOC chose those photos lol
No. 1142898
>>1142707To add to your list candence was a hard left Democrat that sued a school once for racism. Then got doxed by the right online, only to join them later because that's where the money was. Every conservative that pushes her to be president or some icon for conservative values is just as retarded as one of lauren southerns simps on patreon kek
>Tomi Lahren is an under the table feministGot any more info on that? I know she hasn't taken back her pro choice stance and recently went on a rant about loser men and dating standards on her social media
No. 1142973
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>>1142886I think it's really sad seeing people like her and RPC shit on their own heritage so much. It's really funny that she tries to justify hating on India when you'll never hear her criticize any flavor of European culture.
No. 1142979
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>>1142898Candace Owens also used to run a blog called Degree180, where she shit talked Trump supporters and wrote wholesome trad articles like the attached image. After she got harassed by the right for trying to create a website that would track your digital footprint, she for whatever reason assumed the hate she was receiving was from progressives
pretending to be Trump supporters lmao
No. 1143080
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>>1140936>>1142624I don't know if this belongs here but I'm gonna sage either way, there are at least 3 self hating black women on /pol/ all post the same thing, they all hate black race and hate themselves, but all three have mentioned that there white boyfriends/husband's aren't racist but they wish they were, I think candace falls into a similar category, she's a self hating black woman but I think her husband is generally one of those "I don't see race" type guys
No. 1143216
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>>1143212He's not that bad tbh. I think he's more attractive than Kaitlin
No. 1143238
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>>1143203She tweeted this and deleted, plus the dude just looks and acts gay and he’s a politician from a wealthy connected family in England. Those types of men, if gay, are known to get married and have kids then fool around with men on the side
No. 1143240
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Yea he’s the best looking, albeit a gay as fuck twink
No. 1143241
>>1143238are you autistic, okay that's very clearly a dumb joke on twitter, Hell I can see my self a dumb joke like that
>>1143240source on the pic is that really him
No. 1143245
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>>1143242and this is what he looks like right now, also as I don't like making assumptions people's sexuality
people insist that I'm actually lesbian cause of the way I look and I don't personally like those comments about(sage)
>>1143244she made a dumb joke that people probably made fun of her for and she deleted it, psycholo every single tweet isn't something healthy, I do think there's a sense of misogynoir in your comments
No. 1143259
>>1143255is it wrong to say that black women face a combination of misogyny and racism in which are unfairly categorized and stereotyped undesirable, something even white women sometimes perpetuate
>>1143253I have been saying all my posts btw and I really don't mean to blogpost, I dislike Cadence Owens greatly but I also attacking her womanhood by implying that only a gay man would ever be with her
No. 1143274
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>>1143245And this is what she looks like ( a troll). If you think there’s not something else going on behind the scenes and they’re just “so in love” then I’ve got a bridge to sell you
No. 1143281
>>1143259This isn’t 4chan or whatever racist forum you think you’ve stumbled onto
Nobody said Candaces husband is gay because she’s black ffs it’s because he looks like a sissy twink
Also Kaitlyn Bennett has had the same said about her and she’s white
Now stop samefagging and go back to twitter
No. 1143284
>>1143265you retard, it doesn’t matter if the phrase is uwu
valid or not, it’s just that race never even fucking entered the conversation. stop being cringe and accusing people of underage because they don’t want to talk racial politics on the laugh at dumb pickme whore site
No. 1143313
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>>1143307Such a beaut. I wish I had black void eyes and a fat ugly nose
No. 1143314
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>>1143307Seems like I’m not the only one who thinks she’s ugly. Imagine that
No. 1143316
>>1143308Stop calling people retarded when you’re illiterate and gullible enough to believe a stupid joke. It isn’t milk because it didn’t actually happen. God I feel sorry for you.
>>1143311You’re really sperging out hard now aren’t you? I’m not even black but it’s so obvious you’re trembling at the thought that a lot of black women are prettier. You’re probably a “trad wife” yourself who wants to “join in the discourse” lol please realise we are laughing at you too and your /pol boyfriend who would probably rather fuck an Asian teenager than your pasty white coping ass.