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No. 998910
This thread is (obviously) for following current KF drama. There's been lots of late, with Null threatening to shut the site down, bitching out and fucking off to (Eastern European) parts unknown, all due to the fact that he can't stand the userbase he's responsible for cultivating. He's still fighting the losing battle of trying to monetize the site, taking a hit by losing his New Project 2 neetbux, and attempting to get the kooks off the site by creating a newer, better /pol/ at the desolate and tumbleweed-filled 9chan.
As before, this thread is for following your favorite posters/cows, posting internal modmilk, and allowing KF users a space to come here under cover of anon and share the love.
Will Josh become the next Lowtax? We'll see. The site serves a purpose, for better or worse. Stay tuned.
No. 998994
I've thought about signing up for KF since the munchie threads left LC. Seeing the chat thete makes glad I didn't. Bad move making that public Null.
I wish the Munchausen thread was as popular as it was a year ago. Kate Farms Shill is my favourite poster. And I'll never run to reddit.
I actually agree with a lot of what Mirna says, and I totally agree with her real-furniture sperg
>>998265 here. And I've been told my comments IRL come off annoying or seeming like a know-it-all, so maybe we are similar people. Except I stay anon.
No. 999408
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Mirna is shitting up the Lowtax thread among others.
Mirna technically isn't incorrect here and I can see where she is coming from. But I don't understand why she purports to be so confident in understanding a random girl online. She acts like she is an expert on people with BPD/bipolar for some reason.
No. 999535
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You guys really got to her lmao
No. 999904
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Oh no, someone called poor Venus's lips thin. It's not like KF users don't nitpick women's looks all the time. (For example, in the Lowtax thread, people are obsessed with calling Logan fat and ugly even though she looks completely normal) Yeah a lot of posters in the Venus thread are deranged, but Mirna is so hypocritical here lmao.
No. 1000062
>>1000030NewProject2 was some Patreon substitute thought up by Dick Masterson/Dax Herrera, and Null was super into it, but neither VISA nor MasterCard would support it for fairly obvious reasons.
Tots and pears.
No. 1000150
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So she definitely has read here because she's made 3 of her long-ass posts today in the Venus thread about how mean lowcow is lmao.
No. 1000162
>>999535I do agree that farmers should tone it down with the nitpicking since it just shits up threads. Especially the milk less ones like Venus.
But also like, has she browsed any of the other KF threads? Some of the threads on there are completely unreadable and filled with pages of shitty sperging that has nothing to do with the topic. The one with the retard incel that murdered that e-girl is full of other retards cheering him on and being depressed that they can't post the dead girl's underaged nudes. The riot thread is full of doomers making autistic crybaby posts. And don't get me started on the giant shitshow that is the Vic Mcnugget thread.
I will say that their Shmorky and Todokaras threads were pretty good at least.
>>1000152>have you been following the lolcow thread itself for long enough that you're distinguishing individual posters?Was about to say the same kek
No. 1000163
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>>1000150kek. imagine being such an ass-chapped attentionwhore you have to shoehorn your complaints about lolcow in a weenus thread on
No. 1000197
>>999904Just to be clear, I've never even looked at the Venus thread here. But Mirna here is so hilariously ass chapped to find herself the subject of mockery on another website that has an almost identical mission statement to KF (eg making fun of lolcows). How dare anyone insinuate she might be a cow herself??
>>1000024One of many reasons I'd never make an account on KF is because much of it is just dollar store /pol/. There's plenty of idiots on this board, definitely, but KF is even worse.
No. 1000203
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>>1000197KF users get so mad when someone rates them as dumb its hilarious. i love it when they sperg out over it in public
No. 1000237
>>1000197I'd love to dig up more dirt on Mirna. I'm sure she has some cow tendencies but she was smart not to use a common name. She also doesn't blogpost that much which is surprising.
I made an account on KF because lolcow doesn't like to talk about some of my favorite cows.
No. 1000309
>>1000150>thin lippedlol is this Rubber Lips sama?
Mirna and Barbarella are both annoying but Barbarella blogposts more (I mainly stick to the Chantal and DissociaDID threads over yonder but Barbs likes to brag about her designer handbags, how she is too classy to ever eat fast food etc and I could have sworn she recently doxed herself by uploading a screencap from her facebook showing her true Karen form in the user pic. I can't remember what thread it was in but I'm sure many Kiwi users saved the file just in case lol)
No. 1000339
>>1000197Mirna's not wrong. Lolcow is filled with manhating femcel stereotypes and friendless catty bitches.
However, we don't get off on posting terrorism attack videos, stan serial killers (mostly), or sabotage lawsuits. Hell, as rancid and hateful as the anti-trans threads are, we don't go out of our way to catalog their home address and shit like actual stalkers.
No. 1000382
>>1000237Tinfoil and not at all important but I strongly suspect Mirna's actually a bitchy middle aged gay man (rather than a bitchy middle aged straight woman) because of the avatar choice & the name; Myrna Minkoff is the sort of character gay men love (ie, overbearing, educated Jewish woman)
I'm sure there are a lot of users here that also post on KF, which makes their claims that "KF people be like THIS but lolcow people be like THAT" even funnier. Like, this is an anonymous image board, we could literally all be Null.
No. 1000384
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>>1000309Here's Barbarella bragging about her bags in the Tess Holliday thread. How dare someone not carry LV like she does.
>>1000374That would be hilarious because she spends so much time shitting on Alice. And she sounds just like Alice does.
I wish we had an Alice thread here even though she's way past her prime.
No. 1000391
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Is Mirna a wonk or was she an adult 30 years ago? Your guess is good as mine.
>>1000389>>1000382Are you guys saying that Mirna is a guy larping as a woman?
No. 1000397
>>1000396you could even say that the 50+ dude is
simping, i believe that's what the youngsters are calling it these days
No. 1000402
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>>1000398>Don't forget her red bottoms!Pic related
No. 1000412
>>1000402I think she also alluded to having touched a Birkin bag once.
I love KF because posters there do tend towards actual writing when they have something to say, but a lot of the BP chicks write like the worst ex-GOMI, ex-TWOP, free jinger posters, always catching threadbans for not being able to stay on topic. Basically every single site our moms or grandmas wrote on.
No. 1000468
>>1000463That's my feeling. Null leaves BP alone for the most part and their mods don't crack the whip as much as they should. So it's overrun with Babses and Mirnas all thinking that they are indeed saying something very important.
I think a bunch of them caught fire during the Susan Schofield/Jani/Bodhi drama and couldn't shut the fuck up about how amazing they were after the kids were removed. They did it, reddit! and it gave them all fat fucking heads. Around that same time, a bunch of KF users started a subreddit about them, and there were a bunch of users who double-dipped at KF and reddit who made real asses of themselves.
No. 1000619
>>1000417nuh uh anon, lolcow is worse because we call venus ugly!
>>1000488Otterly is cool i've learned a lot reading her posts.
>>1000203lol oh comrade. he's always freaking out. his issue is he hates trannys so spends all his time on the their boards, but he also fucking hates women and can't fr the life of him integrate. This leads to most of his posts getting the dumb/mad rating. He's freaking out right now because one of his posts got enough dumb ratings that it was highlighted lmao
No. 1000763
>>1000488I'm sure there's plenty of perfectly nice people on KF, though I'm not familiar with Otterly. There's huge swaths of the place I don't read at all, but I do like keeping up with Chantal, Fit Vegan Ginger and Amberlynn, and other cows who either don't have threads here or whose threads don't get updated much. Like
>>1000384 says, I wouldn't mind an Alice thread here but she's kind of on her last milk.
I think on any message board with user names, a certain culture forms and anyone who fails to conform or who offers any kind of opposition (whether it's deserved or completely dumb) either leaves or gets hammered until they fit in. So it's not so much about everyone getting along as it is no one wanting to be the square peg in the round hole. Also, in KF's case, ignoring the parts where the "ironic Nazis" post if you don't happen to be a nazi.
No. 1000800
>>1000488they don't get on though and that's null whole issue. you have half of the site functioning like lolcow and half functioning like /pol/. there's always shit when a /pol/tard enters a tranny thread or a terf the articles and happenings threads.
Even the mods are constantly fighting and having issues with each other.
No. 1000831
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I'm going to keep sperging about Mirna because she's so fucking annoying. She's acting like she's the expert on American insurance AND graphic design.
And she's also an expert on politics, psychology, prostitution… Also interior decoration and fashion. What doesn't she know about?
No. 1000901
>>1000197She's not wrong about lolcow having some seething, batshit insane posters (and that Venus' thread is a perfect place to see them), but she's a gigantic hypocrite given that KF has much angrier and more unhinged posters. I mean, at least lolcow doesn't have any school shooters attached to it. Mirna seems to have on some major blinders or somehow unaware of what male anger looks like if she believes that kiwis are more reasonable than farmers. Or perhaps lolcow may seem more unhinged to her because the anger on KF is heavily diluted by smugposts and blogging like
>>1000402 from retards who feel the need to compare themselves to the absolute dregs of society in order to feel big.
>>1000389What makes you think so? He/She is definitely older than 40 but doesn't necessarily sound like a man.
No. 1000917
>>1000914They dox random people that comment on their cows social media like what is the fucking point.
I hope Josh does name change and gets doxed asap
No. 1000936
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For the past week reddit subs have been getting sniped, leading to a mass exodus of users. Kiwis are panicking at the of their precious cool kids club being invaded by plebbitors they've shut down new user registration. Cue kiwis pretending their site isn't a shithole suffering from similar problems as reddit. Along with the attention-whores chiming in with their hot new takes
>lol plebbit bad 4chan gud
And reddit refugees who are whining about finding a new site to waste 9+ hours a day on, ala SA Goons.
No. 1000995
>>1000993multi got a fuck you talking to by some of the newer BP posters and didn't like it.
i wonder what Raven's every day username is there. she's actually good at shitposting and they're not on the hunt for her like we are so i expect to be a pretty high profile poster there. in b4 'they found her alts!' i doubt they got her main, but i'd think she'd post in the same threads at both sites.
No. 1001007
>>1000901lolcow confirmed mass shooter attempts: 0
KF confirmed mass shooter attempts: 2 and counting.
No. 1001134
>>1001017>For some reason Amber and Chantal topics always die out pretty fast here. Because they're boring people whose main drama is sabotaging their own weight for adbux. There's only so many ways you can nitpick their waddles, or perform a psychoanalysis of their Taco Bell mukbangs. They're not that deep, and when cancer or some other health malady befalls them they're just pathetic.
Forgot to mention the reason why KF is so obsessed is because
they're mostly men who have a fetish for morbidly obese women that they are extremely ashamed of. Which is why they're obsessed with commenting on every single little mouth noise and lip smack. Capturing every minutiae roll jiggle, and shelf ass wobble. Goading ALR's weight loss so she can be groomed into a more 'acceptable' kind of fatty that they wouldn't feel as pathetic for wanting to fuck. Men don't obsess over women they find hideous and unfuckable, lmao.
No. 1001190
>>1001180didnt null fuck around with emspex (sp?) who is fat? I totally buy he's into fat chicks because he harbors so much hate for them.
>>1001043this guy is a moron. he never just posts normally, he's always complaining about women posting on kf despite being there like 6 months himself.
he said in another thread hes disabled so maybe its mentally
No. 1001193
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Mirna Minkoff, career advice expert.
And all young women have perfectly squeaky clean social media profiles. Nobody has pictures of them in going out clothes or anything.
No. 1001196
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Ironic for Null to be lording over someone for having no support network when he has no friends outside of KF
No. 1001199
Here's Mirna claiming to be a woman. I guess she works in the creative field? Because she mentioned she works with copywriters earlier.
Anyways I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels petty about Mirna. Love to see it.
>>1001198lmao you're so right. How is she still stanning Venus when Venus has absolutely no education or life skills?
No. 1001208
>>1001199Mirna claims to be an expert in whatever the thread decides is the primary issue for the cow in question and as a result, Mirna knows an awful lot about every topic under the sun.
That, or he's just mansplaining.
I note that Mirna had a lot to say about LCF up until we noted that he is, in fact, an old man who wants to fuck Venus. Suddenly he's now oddly quiet. Gee. What's up with that?
No. 1001213
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>>1001199Sorry forgot to post the pic
>>1001208Who is LCF again?
No. 1001244
>>1001228Yes, people who state the obvious are often correct.
>>1001213lmao "I am most definitely a woman" reminds me of the old Chris Chan videos where he'd angrily start off by declaring I AM NOT GAY
No. 1001245
>>1001208Mirna went dead silent on LC as soon as her/his stuff started getting posted here.
>>1001211idk i'd love more info on what went down. I know she said she fucked null which lmao
No. 1001249
>>1001211lol that Rekieta fellatio board is hilarious
I have never seen so many ignorant and deluded people in one place
No. 1001254
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Is Mirna saying she has a residence in Jackson Hole here?
No. 1001259
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Mirna works in the creative field but also needs to own work boots? They work in an office but are a blue-collar laborer too?
I feel like "she" deserves her own thread so I can stop clogging up this one
No. 1001262
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>>1000993Mirna loves multi, shocker
No. 1001265
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>>1001245sneasel posted this in the supporters board last year. probably just a shitpost, but i felt like posting it anyway as i believe there are some half-truths to this.
what i do know is a lot of now deleted users gathered in a discord together shortly before the leaks.. once null posted the leaks, emspex was pretty vocal about her disappointment (probably because sensitive info about her was made public, including an IP address that traced her back to a university in idaho).
i wouldn't be surprised if she was apart of this KF mass exodus clique discord server.
No. 1001273
>>1001265>she's a TERF and thinks trannies don't pass well!So, she's based.
>she weighed 350 pounds at 15-16 >she was raised Mormon!Shit that isn't quite all her fault, tbh if we all knew the childhood and teenage backgrounds of most KF posters I think we'd find most of their upbringings explain why they're fucking losers in the now. They're all throwing rocks from glass houses.
>can you believe she LEFT when she wasn't wanted here?!I mean…? Why is this faggot even complaining about that as if she'd be less annoying if she'd stayed just to spite everyone? Retards don't even know what they're frothing at the mouth for.
No. 1001275
>>1001273from what I got Yawning was a chaser, who seemed to get
triggered that some chick picked at a trans woman he felt looked better than her (natural women).
Hopefully, this rant WAS trolling because it comes off so retarded.
No. 1001329
>>1001259'cordwainers and cobblers'
imagine this blowhard trying to make conversation at a party. on second thought, i doubt they can bear to make eye contact, let alone conversation.
No. 1001366
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I will never not find this funny. I don’t really keep up with KF but the whole comicsgate/war campaign situation is very interesting.
No. 1001574
>>1001568He usually posts in threads like these asking for info on him because he likes attention and feeling relevant. Don't worry he will be along soon.
I want to hear more about MinkaMirnoff or whatever his name is. He makes me so mad I hope he gets doxxxxxxxed >:(
No. 1001582
>>1001574Sorry to disappoint anon but not him. I just want info because I’ve always hated him and his stupid biases as he’d always post in the TERF thread but radio silence when it came to threads pointing out other crazy troons kek
Still wondering why nool likes to appoint trannies as mods I mean besides the obvious reasons like he wants to fuck them
No. 1001632
>>1001568there's no milk. just another attention whore tranny that has to insert the fact it's a tranny into most of its comments. 41% when?
The fact null has several tranny mods is top kek
No. 1001652
>>1001647I don't think it's a matter of quantity but quality when it comes to mods. After the mass walk out, most new mods were chosen from the worst users.
With that said, I don't miss emspex. It's funny that she sent nudes to Josh to get her own subforum but ran away when shit hit the fan kek
No. 1001759
>>1001750there's too much reddit-tier vaguely social justicey posting for the same reason, i think. nothing is more annoying than people who need a '
valid' reason to laugh at someone. laughing at someone because they're a tard is clearly the superior position. this insistence on binary thinking even when it comes to cows is dumb as hell.
No. 1001763
>>1001647where did all the BP mods go? why did they leave?
i'm sure mirna the old man who wants to fuck venus would LOVE to be a mod.
No. 1001863
>>1001789TND has a thread there. Not recently updated, I think rehab was last milk post. The only updates seem to be from here. A lot like Lillee Jean's thread there.
In both, I've noticed similar posts and/or screenshot posted around the same time. Sometimes within 30 minutes, in the case of LJ.
No. 1005306
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Mirna needs work boots as stated in
>>1001259 but "she" also works in an office where people constantly fly out AND she is an expert on drug trafficking
Does she think that people fly out to Florida in Cessnas? And there couldn't be any other possible reason to fly there other than drugs?
No. 1005447
>>1005306Her supposed office story is literally the storyline for the American Greed episode
No matter the thread, Mirna has been to a certain place, knows the laws in every single state or is the absolute expert on everything.
No. 1006558
>>1006480Some deathfats are munchies (mostly Jude) but their fatness and shilling of fat acceptance or weight loss attempts are their primary feature.
The Schofields are MPB, people who abuse their children like that deserve to be in the main KF page like they are.
No. 1006590
>>1006578I don't think Josh is that attached to them, + KF can't be the only place they're discussed. I'd be surprised if multiple parenting forums don't talk about them.
I think the Munchies thread will pick up on there too now that IFGW has experienced a mod exodus. It's been pretty consistent compared to the other forums set up since the LC threads were banned + the new forum they're planning seems farfetched, you have to follow this specific reddit user who will at some point apparently give you a link to the discord to prove your IFGW username in order to gain access. People won't be bothered with that if they can just read KF. The alternative is that someone will start yet another Reddit sub for the topic.
No. 1008892
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It always surprises me how fucking stupid men are and the dumb shit they believe, but "feminists are just mad because they want to be men" is really up there. Along with contradicting yourself a sentence later with "they also fucking HATE men too!" Oh, and they also hate women!
The way he says "us that have criticized feminism" like he does anything beyond sitting on kiwifarms typing "lmao women are fucking dumb!". Moids absolutely ruin any tranny discussion thread because they can't stop themselves chimping out about unrelated shit.
No. 1009001
bit late but
>>1000150not like shes wrong about the weird posting culture esp since riots+twitch metooing, the twitch/youtube threads here have been completely unbearable, shes just a whiny cunt for taking it so personally that "teh lulcowz so mean"
>>1000152and, arguably, in some threads you can tell when someones posted a little too much since they have the same style of posting over 12 different responses in a thread. like whenever somebody outs that one SW in shayna threads, its bc u can tell by how they seethepost every time they enter. its not different for noticing the same 8 users and their posting style once you get accustomed to threads
No. 1009132
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>>1009003This ss is from 2 weeks ago, so this thread is "common knowledge" for whatever that means kek.
No. 1009151
File: 1595051809072.png (634.27 KB, 1485x734, null.png)

He cried about wanting to run away and get a little wife to be trad with and then took a vacation from the site because it's soooo hard for him.
Then he sets up… Minecraft servers? This is what he needed a break from and finds stressful? lmao
No. 1010340
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I like KFS, she is a munchie guru. But she was asking for this being high profile & reveling in her status as hated by munchies.
Also, pretty funny how a whole page of replys are users simping for her. She doesn't venture out of BP so I guess the posters there are a little different than KF as a whole. Probably why Null likes it best.
>>1010245This is an image board.
No. 1010355
>>1010340she's "poor me"ing all over her profile kek. This is a great example of why you shouldn't get too involved with cow culture
>>1009001lolcow has always been full of winey little cunts just like you.
No. 1010833
>>1010793Anon meant refugees from PULL, a dying drama board.
I hope Kiwi gets their fair share of them. Have a look at /w/ to see what that's going to look like.
No. 1011053
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Topkek that they think KF is like the real world because they can call people niggerfaggots and be openly racist without any repercussions.
No. 1011063
>>1011053> Chris deserves to be held accountable for his actions but none of us do!This reads like a 13-year-olds idea of a deep post.
>>1010833/w/ is fucking unreadable right now. Kiwi farms deserves some of this.
No. 1011364
>>1011181Do you have anymore info or sister have screenshots? What circumstances led to willingly self doxxing?
Anyone who gets too into the cow herd ends up smelling like a cow themselves. As an older internet autist KFS, I find her "downfall" and the weird simping after the fact to be prime cow material. But she really is just another alcoholic kiwifarms autist that sacrifices herself on the lolcow altar so that we all may bathe in milk. All hail cows of all sizes!
Sidenote, can we please get Munchie threads back Admin? Pleaseeeee. It can't be worse than /w/ after pullfags.
No. 1011367
File: 1595478691111.png (59.25 KB, 845x243, Capture.PNG)

>data breach in 2019
>takes his new server like 2 months to set up
>takes another 2 months for merch to be set up to fund said server
>now has failed at hosting a minecraft server
Absolutely exceptional that Null managed to fuck up hosting a Minecraft server. Literal children can do that and he managed to fuck it up.
No. 1011618
>>1011598Most anarchy servers have a spawn that is protected so people don't get instantly killed after entering the world. How retarded are you that you think that would be fun?
He set up a small protected area to give people beginner tools and boats to leave the island and then it's everyone for themselves.
Some idiot decided to spend days on end lavacasting until it reached the spawn. How is that Null fucking anything up?
No. 1011730
>>1011684And let me guess, you are one of those autistic 12 year olds who knows every possible exploit in Minecraft that could ruin other people having a fun time?
Oh no he didn't know that you could use flowing lava to encroach on a protected spawn area… haha what a noob! Seriously.
No. 1011754
>>1011746Just seems like you are seething and grasping at straws. "Josh sucks because… well… someone found an exploit on his Minecraft server! Hahaha he really can't do anything right!"
What has Josh really done to you? Do you have a thread on the site?
No. 1011757
>>1011746i'm crying
>>1011754it's not an exploit it's an easily fixable feature of the game you retard. literal 13 year old autistic children can figure this out.
No. 1012317
File: 1595643454691.png (176.38 KB, 863x337, DiscordSurvur.png)

So the Kiwis have a discord server set up to use to collect doxxes.
No. 1012409
>>1012317I am perpetually amazed at how oblivious to Internet security unsafe communities most Kiwi Farmers are
Doxxing each other is practically mandatory for KF
No. 1012565
>>1012522>None of the cows on this site have a thread because they’ve personally hurt a user.What are you refering to?
>Any TikTok zoomer could create and order merch in less than a day, but somehow it takes him months. Cause he's banned from almost every payment processor.
>Now he thinks his only way out is a trad family, but we all know that will go about as well as all of his other projectsWhat does that have to do with you tho? I understand if you don't like Kiwifarms or how he runs the site but your anger at Josh seems personal with how nitpicky all of this is. What's your thread?
No. 1012566
>>1012317What is the name of the server?
Using a username you use for personal accounts in a KF discord server is pretty retarded tbh. Even if you make an account on the site it tells you to use a username you don't use elsewhere.
(btw there is no official Kiwifarms server)
No. 1012717
File: 1595714429958.png (2.76 MB, 1176x4588, 0010201111.png)

lmao. dropping some screencaps from the supporters board.
No. 1012718
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No. 1012719
File: 1595714503130.png (2.04 MB, 1176x4448, 0010201333.png)

god bless jsgoti for moving this from the mod board
No. 1012804
>>1012719no idea what’s going on but if any of that shit about thotto is true I hope she’s doxed. Sounds like a true cow.
Are thotto and kamov actually married or is that one of the lies?
No. 1012815
Null recently removed the paywall from his personal blog. Enjoy: include blaming "female empowerment and birth control" for the downfall of the nuclear family, sperging about "the gays," and waxing poetic about his dreams of one day "paying lip-service to a religion" for the benefit of his future children.
Imagine paying to read this shit.
No. 1012833
>>1012815>Women are happiest as mothers, yet most western woman would resent that statement. They have been told since childhood that what they need is a college degree, a job, and independent wealth. The desire to not become dependent on a man is an embedded fear in virtually all western women coming of age today. Birth control and abortion have made accidental families (and then the accidental discovery of the fulfillment of parenthood) a less likely occurrence.But this only proves his point: why would any of us want to become dependant on a man who views us as baby factories? Why would we ever want to give up our careers to please a man who cries and whines over the danger of a
career woman? Also, many of us have been told since childhood that our roles are to settle down and start a family. But Null wouldn't know that since he's never spoken to a real woman.
No. 1012853
>>1012833This is so bad it almost seems like a parody. This is how you differentiate functioning members of society with healthy social lives and basic self-esteem from isolated scrotes who have never had a girlfriend.
Why would a woman want to tie herself to Null's sinking ship? His wet dream about a "traditional" relationship wouldn't even work because he's penniless and has no prospects
No. 1012895
>>1012820it as beneficial to men which is why josh likes it. he can not succeed in a society that veers even close to fairness. He needs all the help he can get.
>>1012853He has no job and is in debt thousands. But yes, in a traditional society women would be wanting to date josh and not a man that could provide for her and their children kek
No. 1012897
>>1012833Laughing at how oopsie-babies are a great thing in his mind. A sane person would understand that unwanted and unexpected pregnancies don't always end well for the parents or the child.
For someone who preaches about traditional nuclear families, he really doesn't understand how important family planning is for the emotional, mental, and financial wellbeing of a family unit. And it isn't just the ~*evul career women*~ who seek out birth control and abortions, the housewives of his dreams also access them because sometimes
people just aren't ready for a baby. And saying that people will accidentally discover the fulfilment of parenthood is naive at best and retarded at worst: some people will never love their children. Some people will continue to repeat the abuse they faced in their own childhood. Some people are just incapable of basic human empathy and shouldn't have access to a child that trusts them without question.
Forcing these people to have a baby is gambling with their own physical and mental health (considering so many women die in childbirth and/or are affected by PPD), but also with their child's emotional and mental wellbeing, all in the hopes that the ~maternal instincts~ will kick in.
Although, creating a new generation of poorly socialised and unloved kids who hate their parents and the world will keep the traffic on his website stable, so.
No. 1012926
>>1012897I think his point is that only westerners think like this. Black and brown people are still having tons of babies despite being poor and not "ready". Which is why to people like him this sort of thinking is dangerous to "the white race".
The only people who think about how responsible it would be to have a child are the ones who SHOULD be having children. But they aren't, meanwhile in the ghetto there are families of 8 that live on foodstamps.
I mean have you ever watched Idiocracy? The intro is basically what's happening in the world.
No. 1012949
>>1012946Will do.
You know there's still women out there who enjoy being homemakers and raising children. Idk what's wrong with wanting to do that or wanting a woman who wants that.
You don't have to look down on traditional families just cause it's not what you want to do.
Unless you're a tranny, then I guess you have every right to be
triggered cause you'll never have any of that and I understand how it would upset you.
No. 1012962
>>1012951I get that the kiwi thread is going to attract people from the other farms, but talking about “ women are happiest when they have families and run households” makes you stand out.
If you want the mod milk you can just lurk instead of sucking Josh off every time he’s criticized.
No. 1012963
>>1012951>women are happiest when they have families and run households. Then instead of typing on anon imageboards, go have a kid and run a household. Why are you here defending fat, worthless neckbeards who run online forums? Does that really bring you more happiness than the female exec you mentioned?
Ironically, it's usually the OF thots who pander as hard as you do to ugly men and can't help sucking their dicks even anonymously, kek.
No. 1012968
>>1012951C'mon Kiwifag. I know you wanna shit on Josh, and his harem of fuckwits, without getting banned from your precious cool kids club but, there's not much else to say other than, "Who's honestly surprised."
All the competent mods left and numods are basically rehashing the same autistic highschool tier drama the old mods went through.
No. 1012976
>>1012833The thing is it is nice to be a homemaker and have a wonderful husband. The problem is Null and the type of men like him aren’t worth being “subservient” to.
Women want men (or women). Not children who sperg about muh culture war all day.
No. 1012991
File: 1595777962913.png (544.49 KB, 930x998, dyke.png)

>>1012967lol. Look at that dyke, she sure looks happy. She is so happy that she has to write books and fabcricate studies to convince the whole world how happy she is to be forever alone. You should also be alone, don't make any white babies fellow wimmin.
You're pathetic.
>>1012717>>1012718>>1012719this modmilk is ficking delicious lmao
why the fuck would you shre your personal probelms with kiwifags hellbent on doxxing the hell out of each other 24/7
No. 1013009
>>1012995>You don't want to be a mother instead of a single catlady, you must be a man!lol ok, I didn't know you had to be a bitter lesbian to use this site
>>1013004>>1012995>your inferior incel husband>Enjoy taking his little pencil dick until you die with no wealth and nothing to say for yourself>You’re a tool>You’re the one lashing outDo you guys even hear yourself talk? Jesus. I don't think I am the bitter one here.
(ban evasion) No. 1013028
>>1013021To laugh at the kiwi mod drama and Josh's incompetence.
I sent him money two years ago so I gotta get my money's worth unfortunately.
No. 1013037
File: 1595786014756.png (2.27 MB, 1202x3405, 1.png)

lol one of the mods socked so they could leak more of that thread jsgoti moved to supporters into the public general board
a lot of the posts are the same/repeats, but ill include it anyway just to make it a bit easier to read through
No. 1013038
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No. 1013040
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No. 1013041
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No. 1013042
File: 1595786137227.png (2.8 MB, 1207x6305, 5.png)

No. 1013060
>>1012951why do men think they always know what makes women happiest? Even when women tell you that no, that doesn't make us happy you still fucking insist you know better. this is why moids flunk out of college so much and are basically obselete at this point. I guess that's why moids desperatly want to convince women to return to traditional values, so they can have the upper hand again kek
>>1013046>I Am UNBOTHERED!>ban evades>here for hours spergingI bet your baking is shit and your trad daddy is out fucking a hooker right now so you're here mad at us lmao
No. 1013067
>>1013061To add:
>women are happiest when they have families and run households.>you guys hate me because i like BAKING and girly things!Big difference between these points. Calm down and consider it.
No. 1013087
can someone give a tl;dr of this twinkie drama? i don't understand what's going on in these screenshots. i checked twinkie's kf profile and it's full of angry moids reeeing about her getting someone called rat banned.
>>1013067lmao she deleted
No. 1013104
>>1013087what I'm getting is
>twinkie accused rat speaker of doing some bullshit in discord>null banned him over it, partially because he doesn't like bitter oldfags anyway>JSGOTI and thotto said the accusations were overblown>twinkie started flinging shit everywhere and tried to halal thotto>JSGOTI shared the thread in supporters to get her to shut up and now she's angry about the backlashnever bothered touching kf's garbage discords so someone else will have to fill in that part
No. 1013110
>>1013087Before I start, you need to know that the 2019 leak drama still low-key rumbles on, a not insignificant portion of the userbase is now actively hostile to null, and null himself has been super paranoid of any (ex)KF discords ever since then. Both those factors have basically colored most of his big moderation decisions this year and beyond.
From what I can see, Twinkie was part of a discord server with kamov and thotto (who are husband and wife respectively), discord things ensued, and she was led to believe that rat speaker was part of a cabal that was going to dox her or some other person (not sure really), so he got banned. When users asked about the reason in the supporters lounge, she started chimping at anything that moves and claiming that she had receipts of everything (still dropped nothing as I write this).
More arguing happened and shit got corraled to the mod board, where more Twinkie chimping happened, including her turning on kamov and thotto, claiming that they are junkies and that they bought and sold drugs to/from other kiwis, claiming that kamov likes to use buttplugs, claiming that thotto scammed a cancer patient..etc
JSGOTI got null's ok to make a big post in supporters explaining what happened with some caps from modboard. In addition, rat got restored (he's probably innocent anyways), and promptly started trolling twinkie along with some other ppl, so twinkie chimped some more.
In response to this, null suddenly decided that Twinkie was the best mod that ever modded, and decided to start banning anyone who shittalked or trolled her in any way from here out (current account death count is like 4-6 ppl afaik), this prompted users to start trolling both him and Twinkie even more, which caused more chimping from her part.
Now someone has been leaking the entirety of the modboard into gen discussion, causing Twinkie to chimp out even more at both JSGOTI and null (and anyone trying to give advice really), and it seems that null has been confusing it for the earlier supporters thread wehich he okayed, so he's beginning to turn on Twinkie now, even incelwhining in chat that women make the worst mods ever ever etc.
Drama has subsided for now, but who knows what will happen later on?
tl;dr is probably gonna boil down to
>>1013104 No. 1013205
>>1013104>>1013110thank you anons for the breakdown of this fucking mess kek
Null deserves people to be hostile towards him after the leak. It was such a complete fuck up and he acted like it was no big deal. I mean, yeah you're a fucking idiot to post on KF, but Null knows people gun for him and still let the site leak.
Then when he was on "vacation" another mini-leak happened, or was threatened to happen idk, and he logged on and basically said he doesn't give a shit.
Is twinkie e-fucking null? I remember him being super weird about that other mod that ended up leaving before this. A fat danger hair that claimed she fucked null irl.
No. 1013358
File: 1595858757731.png (154.19 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20200727-080732.png)

Wow, Null I wonder what happened?
No. 1013458
>>1013298and he still responded by saying "lol idc". he didn't even check the supposed leaked log until his fat ass got done with his vacation.
>>1013358he gunna break soon
No. 1013804
File: 1595927079187.jpg (80.3 KB, 1038x168, Screenshot_20200728-040310_Chr…)

>>1013803Dropped my picture
No. 1013828
>>998558>and he still responded by saying "lol idc". he didn't even check the supposed leaked log until his fat ass got done with his vacation.He looked into it as soon as he found out. despite being on vacation. There was no leaked log, it was just like 2 people who had someone log into their account cause they used easy to guess passwords like "Password" or "1234". If you consider that a "leak" or a "hack" then idk what to tell you.
And he obviously doesn't care about the site anymore, he made it pretty clear in his "essay" that's being discussed here that he's not having fun with the site anymore and is sick of dealing with stuff like the mod drama.
No. 1013883
>>1013828> despite being on vacationlmao he was on a staycation in some Serbian shithole, you make it sound like he had to go through 5 layovers to do it when he just had to get back to the hotel and turn his computer on.
Also any sane admin of a hacked website would notify the specific users that got hacked and force password resets on them. Of course that would necessitate not leaking it yourself in the 1st place but what do I know?
No. 1013947
File: 1595957677434.png (1022.91 KB, 1237x960, ulooking4luvbb.png)

This was posted in /pt/ by whoever tried to make a null thread there. idk if it's real but kek he looks like a middle-aged cherub No. 1013951
>>1013883>what do I know?Nothing apparently. Nobody was hacked. Some users contacted him cause someone has signed into their accounts, it turned out that someone was trying easy-to guess passwords on a couple (like 2 or 3) accounts, if your password is "password" and someone guesses it, you can't really call it a hack.
Do any of you have any proof that he didn't immediately look into it when he found out about it?
Also jfc, everyone deserves a break from their job once in a while. And it turned out to be nothing at all anyways. Sorry but you're all talking out of your ass and have no proof of any of these claims.
(integrate) No. 1014017
>>1013951>jobaren't you meanto be make money at a job instead of putting yourself in crippling debt?
Anyway whiteknighting Josh has to be the lowest bar i've seen in a while. good job.
No. 1014028
>>1014009His only source of income from the farms is e-begging and a half-assed merch line. He's bungled every other opportunity to monetize the site. At this point it's a
toxic money pit, so it's no wonder he's over it.
He also ruined any chance of walking away from the site with a clean slate and is living penniless in Eastern Europe. So is anyone surprised he couldn't care less about any "leaks" or "hacks" or whatever we want to call them? He's wallowing in his own bad choices
No. 1014034
>>1012815It's always the soyest of the soyboys that worship the nuclear family.
Yeah, it would be great to have a nice traditional family. Believe it or not, Josh, that's a goal for tons of women, feminists included. But the traditional family starts with a traditional man. Whiny faggots wanna blame ~muh feminism~ for encouraging women to become better, more rounded people instead of looking at themselves & realizing they could never be respected as the head of a household. Josh is an internet dwelling loser who's clearly never done an ounce of physical labour in his life. Never taken apart an engine, built a house, gutted a fish, or any other hot trad male shit.
Good luck finding your trad waifu when you've got more estrogen pumping through you than she does.
No. 1014090
File: 1595976529089.png (263.05 KB, 1052x1059, 345234535.png)

lmao vertexwindi just outed themselves as the leaker of the mod posts on GD
No. 1014093
>>1013804>anorexic women tend to be very feminineFound the fetishist.
We always wondered who the audience was for the Fit Vegan Ginger's totally unappealing yet weirdly sexual pictures with food - no surprise there's an overlap with the KF userbase.
No. 1014107
File: 1595979184914.png (1.79 MB, 1508x6514, sup01.png)

finally got around clipping out the important posts from ~5 pages of the thread this newfag linked
>>1013661 No. 1014108
File: 1595979223158.png (1.07 MB, 1500x4626, sup02.png)

No. 1014140
File: 1595983795936.png (75.5 KB, 1418x80, oo.png)

This is one of my favorite parts. That, and this said about null:
>I live in fear of an obese nazi who hides in the bathroom and makes mammy fight his battles for him
No. 1014498
>>1014107Not a newfag just didn't want to clip the posts.
Thank you for helping.
No. 1015172
File: 1596208175610.jpg (494.23 KB, 1080x1330, Screenshot_20200731-100828_Chr…)

I know we say stupid shit a lot here, but I like to think we aren't legitimately racist like a lot of people over there are.
No. 1016156
File: 1596391128342.png (214.8 KB, 748x874, 1.png)

null rolling over on his users again and framing it as noncompliance.
No. 1016170
>>998558>null rolling over on his users again and framing it as noncompliance.What are you even talking about? This guy asked him to confirm that he doesn't have an account on the farms and that's what he did.
All these recent posts just reek of seethe, there is no milk and just a bunch of false information.
No. 1016204
>>1016188He is not complying with a foreign court. Idk why you even post something you didn't even bother to read.
This guy is being sued for posts made by an account on the kiwifarms that was made in his name. The account did not belong to him. He asked Josh "can you please make a statement for the judge that this account is not mine and I am not liable for what is being posted on it" so Josh looked into it, found out the account was in fact made by someone who was trying to smear this guy and stated that to the judge.
Like, it's literally a nice thing he did for the guy. The "King of England" shit is cringe but you are just being a nitpick trying to bump this thread by giving a completely false narrative.
No. 1016230
>>1016225Because Null = evil and everything he does is bad!
Seriously this thread is shit. You posted about a "second hack" that never happened and now this, which you didn't even bother to read or find out the context to.
I am starting to think all these posts are made by someone with a grudge who has a thread on the site.
All you accomplished was making Null look like a good guy cause he did something nice for a british person despite hating them, congrats.
No. 1016241
what is with the fucking null defenders in this thresd? It's been unreadable for a while because everytime someone posts something they're attacked.
>>1016230there's more than one person that posts here you fucking retard
No. 1016248
>>1016204>>1016225who gives a shit about some tranny drama. why is he even responding to this shit and talking about user accounts. why is he even looking into ips of users and talking to foreign counts about it.
>>1016230no one apart from you thinks null is a good guy. i don't know why your pathetic ass has been in this thread for weeks trying to protect null but its honestly one of the saddest things i've fucking seen. if this thraad upsets your sensitive ass so much hide it you absolute moron. im so sick of newfags coming into threads and decrying them as "not milky" or something else. no one asked for you to be here you dripping clunge.
No. 1016257
>>1016241Pointing out that someone is posting something completely inaccurate is being a "defender" how? This thread could be funny, there's plenty of milk about Null, even recently if any of you idiots would pay any attention.
>>1016248>who gives a shit about some tranny drama. why is he even responding to this shit and talking about user accounts. why is he even looking into ips of users and talking to foreign counts about it.Ok once again for the slow people in the back, since you still don't get it.
>be retarded britbong and get sued>wait… y am I being sued???>someone has been making posts on the internet (kiwifarms) with your real life name as their user account>wait a second mister british judge, that was not me!>Hello Null, it's me, a british person, someone on your forum is using my name as their account name and posting stuff that I am now getting sued for, can you confirm it's not me?>Yes hello it's me Null, here is a statement of me saying this accout is not in fact you, show this to your judge so you can no longer be sued>thank you Null, very nice, the judge accepted your letter and I am no longer being suedNext time you try to add to his thread, try to actually read what you're posting about?
>>1016257people understand it just fine. we just dont want to suck nulls dick like you. as
>>1016255 said why look into the other accounts? nice that you dodged that. fuck outta here cunt
No. 1016292
>>1016257Did you read the letter before you started sperging?
>The claimant asserts the Defendant has engaged in cyberstalking and defamatory harassment campaign on my website using four different user accountsHe then looked into the 4 accounts and responded. Why this case? The onus of proof is on the plaintiff. This complaint was made my Stephanie Hayden I believe, the british tranny that sues everyone. Most if not all of her cases get dismissed. null didn't have to look into 4 accounts to clear this guys name. The case had no weight to begin with.
No. 1016494
>>1016292>Why this case?Cause the guy asked him nicely?
>>1016273>we just dont want to suck nulls dick like you. as I'm telling you that what you posted was wrong, how is that sucking someone's dick? I'm glad to know I'm arguing with a mod tho and that pointing out that information provided is wrong is a bannable offense.
>why look into the other accounts? nice that you dodged that. fuck outta here cuntBecause the 4 accounts were all alledged to be him. It literally says so in the document. You really only have to read what was posted to understand this.
No. 1016521
>>1016494imagine ban evading so you can keep sucking nulls dick kek
null shouldn't be checking the ip of user accounts because a foreign court asks him to. That goes against everything he spews. How may times has your retarded ass gotta be banned?
No. 1016523
>>1016494Are you stupid? I'm genuinely asking because you keep accusing everyone else of not reading the document when you're the only one that obviously hasn't. no one agrees with you. null breaking his years of dedication to this very topic because "he was asked nicely" is a bullshit defense. go back and read the letter because you look insane right now.
you have this crazy paranoia that there's only one other person in this thread outside of you and that person is a mod too. you need serious help.
interestingly you type exactly the same as pedo-chan from the /ot/ true crime thread that had a breakdown when people disagreed with her dumb views over there and told her hanging out in a pedo discord wasn't as cool as she thought it was.
No. 1016600
>>1016521>a foreign court asked him toThey didn't. The guy who is being sued for posts made on the site in his name asked him. He is trying to defend himself in court against a litigious tranny.
>>1016523>Are you stupid?Probably, cause I keep trying to explain what actually happened, which you could figure out just by reading the document. I'm all for shitting on Null, but when you're posting stuff that's just completely inaccurate then it's not even funny. It just makes this whole thread look retarded cause none of the information is credible. As much as you shit on the Kiwifarms, at least people there make fun of a-logging.
>>1016531No, I could post a picture of Null holding a puppy with a message saying "I just adopted this puppy!" and you guys would say "Wow how dare Null murder a puppy?!" Not interested to give you any information because it's obviously wasted here.
At this point you're making /cow/ look like a more interesting site, despite the threads being derailed by porn all the time at least they don't ban you for pointing out "Actually, that's not what happened."
(ban evasion) No. 1016680
File: 1596464680237.png (83.12 KB, 1501x322, 1.png)

loling that that retard is still posting here
anyway, black guy tries to steal white couples car, beats 2 of them to death. Only 2 adults, and 2 male children at scene.
kiwifarms realises they also have a daughter. This is therefore all her fault because of personal anecdotes. even though nothing has been mentioned of her anywhere and they stalked the families facebooks to find out she even existed.
It's hilarious to me these autists don't see these kind of posts are just as cringey as the powerleveling PULLtards do on the regular.
No. 1016777
>>1016680Usually kiwifarms autists would drag that out into a 300 word sperging.
Hm yeah maybe the gate security is shit like everything else and it didn't take some teen girl mole to let them in.
No. 1016951
File: 1596501586192.png (87.51 KB, 454x608, josh_cant_coom.png)

lol imagine simping for Josh
No. 1017401
File: 1596561938470.jpg (16.05 KB, 143x261, ss (2020-08-04 at 01.24.18).jp…)

Someone should dig into this retard's post history regarding Fentanyl Floyd. I'm not sure if he's just simping for arch grifter Nicky Rackets or if he's actually as stupid as he seems, but holy shit for a man who talks about this topic nearly nonstop he sure hasn't read the autopsy or watched any of the videos. If he's done this kind of stupid shit for other things he might be some kind of minor political cow.
No. 1017402
>>1017401You go do it
>>1016951I wonder if his problems have to do with him being chubby.
No. 1017414
>>1016951I can't remember where but I heard him talk about this recently while drunk on some podcast where he was asked by the host about these screenshots and he pretty much said that it was an issue with not being super attracted to the people he was having sex with at the time and it has since resolved itself or whatever. (Josh is pretty much demisexual lel)
There was also a screenshot floating around of him talking about it on 4chan. I think it's somewhere in the /Josh/ board on 9chan but I am not gonna dig through that crap.
No. 1017882
>>1017637Right… but how does what he said in some discord screenshots 3 or 4 years ago negate what he said recently when asked about them?
This is old milk it has even been posted in an old thread about him before if I remember correctly, but people keep reposting it just like the stuff from his ED article. It's funny and all but not news.
New milk would I guess be what he recently said but I can't remember whose show it was on and I don't care enough about Nulls penis to look it up.
No. 1018166
>>1017882are you slow? anon is saying he was asked about them screenshots recently. he says in the screenshots he hasn't had sex in years.
also stop posting if you have nothing to contribute. if you don't care to post milk fuck off
No. 1018170
>>1017401are they a guy or a girl? i see them post in tranny threads a lot
>>1017882this is an imageboard newfag. if you're not going to post proof don't post.
No. 1018414
>>1017401OK, sure. I see you must be new here.
See that "Retired Staff" banner? This fellow was a janitor on KF when, in the run up to the 2016 US presidential election, Null threw its doors wide open to unironic right-wing morons (muh freeze peach). He felt like Null was coddling angry idiots as they shit up the site, got Actually Mad On The Internet about it, resigned his staff position, and left KF for a while.
Then he calmed down and came back with a sense of humor. He has repeatedly acknowledged that his actual political views lean left, but you won't find a coherent politics in his post history - it is largely baitposting.
There's obviously something strange about the guy - what normal person would spend so much time on KF making so many posts at all hours of the day and night? - and you could almost certainly cherrypick his prolific post history to paint him as a minor political cow, if that's the kind of thing you find entertaining. Just don't take any of this too seriously.
No. 1018488
File: 1596733480999.png (1.35 MB, 1238x1654, alr clone.png)

>>1018438That attempt at a pout… she really thinks this looks attractive LMAO
No. 1018489
File: 1596733495374.png (598.46 KB, 609x817, fewff.png)

>>1018438LMAO shittttt the fact this dumbass used the same name outside of kf. no sympathy. Those eyebrows are a hatecrime.
>keep in mind this is the same bitch that has the audacity to dunk on chantal and amber constantly for being fat. This is how I see everyone obsessed with Amberlynn.
No. 1018492
File: 1596733707894.png (1.66 MB, 1288x1720, lol fat sperg.png)

And here's her equally obese husband looking like the WoW guy from South Park
>>1018490Tragic, yet so validating lol. It's always the most hardcore haters that are fat losers themselves.
Did you catch her wearing a fitbit too? kek
No. 1018493
>>1018492>fitbitbecause of course. Someone on KF said she looks like she wakes up and just throws another of layer of makeup on top kek
Her husband looks mentally slow
No. 1018512
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>>1018488omg she looks like Raven Sparks
And the dude looks like the potion seller
No. 1018529
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No. 1018536
File: 1596737543075.png (108.54 KB, 898x514, Screen Shot 2020-08-06 at 11.0…)

>>1018529Even worse, they put it in their user descriptions like it was something to be proud of.
Pic is THOTto's. Kamov went DFE when he ragequit, but his used to say "wedded to THOTto".
Like, imagine getting married to someone that you janny a deathfat forum with and NOT hiding that shit out of sheer embarrassment.
I bet they both catfished each other.
No. 1018541
File: 1596737991208.jpg (237.96 KB, 1080x1350, dd710f2aa750edd7eabb2464a999de…)

>>1018536This is exactly how I imagine all KF mods look like tbh.
Here's one of former moderator Emspex
No. 1018594
File: 1596745150196.png (171 KB, 1915x497, tatty.png)

Saged since it's an older post, but as far as insufferable KF users go I cannot stand TastyTatty. Yes we all know you hate those nasty feminists and they give Good Women like you a bad name, but keep your sperging to the TERF thread instead of ranting in random female cow's threads.
No. 1018628
File: 1596751799290.jpg (105.53 KB, 1920x1080, fgspZEV.jpg)

>>1018492>>1018512wait nvm, he's an Oblivion NPC
No. 1018874
>>1018858KF users get so fucking butthurt about ratings. "QQ she rated my posts retarded" does she hear herself?
I've never posted once on KF but I have an account to read the closed boards. I neg rated one fucking post by some user and he went and collected 5 of his buddies to sperg in my profile about it and how I should "come out and face them". The autism of it all over little stickers.
No. 1024247
File: 1597664992809.png (2.95 MB, 1217x6432, 345343r34.png)

more discord drama in the supporters board
No. 1024249
File: 1597665106651.png (128.15 KB, 1054x481, 0001.png)

associated screenshots in OP's post. 1/7
No. 1024250
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No. 1024251
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No. 1024252
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No. 1024254
File: 1597665502017.png (140.21 KB, 1059x529, 0005.png)

No. 1024256
File: 1597665616016.png (73.83 KB, 1055x220, 0006.png)

god i hate the flood detection on here (constantly detects it despite me waiting 2+ minutes between posts), fix this shit admin-sama
No. 1024258
File: 1597665659783.png (131.02 KB, 1022x217, 0007.png)

No. 1024260
File: 1597665841993.png (649.95 KB, 1496x2368, 0008.png)

null responds, demods twinkie for asking a question lol
No. 1024270
File: 1597667331309.png (59.14 KB, 1043x201, lolnullwe.png)

this is embarrassing
No. 1024279
File: 1597668867640.png (316.6 KB, 1491x1551, 0009.png)

more replies
No. 1024282
File: 1597669743296.png (55.27 KB, 680x572, Screen Shot 2020-08-17 at 6.09…)

Josh now raging in BP chat after calling everyone else emotional & overinvested lmao
No. 1024285
File: 1597670020123.png (167.81 KB, 1990x784, Screen Shot 2020-08-17 at 6.12…)

He tells his jannies to stop infighting & ignore bait, then he gets baited into a frothing rage himself because anger isn't an emotion, silly wamanz. He's not emotional. Stg.
No. 1024287
File: 1597670497647.jpg (2.05 MB, 810x9095, Screenshot_20200817-091919_Chr…)

more chat sperging. sorry for the retarded dimensions, i'm not the one who took the screencap.
No. 1024288
>>1024282>>1024285>>1024287Lmao, I love how he tries to play like he would NEVER act like Twinkie & get emotionally pulled into user drama while he simultaneously gets emotionally pulled into user drama.
Never change, Josh.
The whole site is full of the exact same personalities, clashing in predictable ways because they all hate people who behave like themselves.
No. 1024311
>>1024285I'm fucking HOWLING. I want this to be documented and made into a banner, because every time I read this I lose it
On a side note, what the hell happened? I read through everything and I'm still confused and don't really understand who's right and who's wrong.
No. 1024320
>>1024311basically, everybody's wrong. null took the site in a direction that a lot of people didnt like (politics), and it enraged a shitload of older users. tensions had been mild at that point, but when the leaks were dropped & null chose to host them himself despite the document containing sensitive information about users (who were absolutely in the wrong for using real emails & not taking enough precautions in terms of the IP addresses they used) shit absolutely hit the fan. the day the leaks were dropped, stranger neighbor (now banned) created a discord channel and invited a bunch of their friends (mostly oldfags) into it. a shitload of those users deleted their accounts during that period of time, but a hand-full later returned (stranger neighbor included) because they can't just 100% leave the website like a well adjusted person - instead they sit on the site, bitch about everything, and try to start shit with null until they end up getting banned.
anyway; being discord, it naturally devolved into drama and doxing.. its all coming to light now after twinkie tried to out rat speaker for participating in the dox of a mod. null banned rat speaker, and several others trying to start shit with him, twinkie proceeded to flip out in the mod board because they were being called out for infighting with users, the conversation was made public in the supporters board by jsgotti in an attempt at transparency or some shit, another mod leaked the entire convo to general discussion (a 100% public board), someone doxed kamov & thotto in an ALR thread, rat speaker went after xenomorph by trying to start shit on their profile comments, null banned rat speaker again, and here we are now.
it should also be noted that null went on a huge rant in chat after the initial twinkie drama, crying about how he never wants women to mod his website again or at least never be promoted beyond jannie. so that probably played a heavy hand in him demodding twinkie, he probably summed the entire thing up as "women being crazy".
tl;dr everyone is retarded. null has been shit at running KF and its taken its toll on the pre-2016 users on the forum. oldfags that feel burned about the leaks being hosted are running gay ops in a discord server, which is spilling over to the site because these faggots just cannot stay out of KF drama and completely leave the site. null has had enough of it and is handing out punishments all across the board.
this is just my basic understanding as an outsider who has never participated in any of this; i've just been watching it go down. correct me if i'm wrong about anything. it's kinda hard to keep track of all this shit.
No. 1024322
File: 1597677937164.png (88.45 KB, 1463x671, 43523452345.png)

>>1024320just for context, this is the comment rat speaker left on xenomorph's profile.
No. 1024328
>>1024287Are Twinkie and Xeno actually two different people? This particular interaction screams sock to me, as opposed to the obvious storyline that is "she is my Cancer Girlfriend and she has Cancer and she is an Angel and you are not allowed to attack her when she parrots every word I say because she has Cancer and she is definitely Not Me just my Real (Cancer) Girlfriend that I met on Kiwi fucking Farms of all places."
>xeno why are you on hun>no one blames youJust text her you clown.
No. 1024379
>>1024376yes, that's basically twinkie.
rat speaker doesn't really post outside of the hidden boards anymore unless its profile comments.
No. 1024794
>>1024378Got it in one.
The line between farmer and cow is a thin one.
No. 1025138
File: 1597758815227.jpg (1.09 MB, 810x14585, Screenshot_20200817-125534_Chr…)

>long and gay and long PM chain about Discord drama
>disseminating their 'friend's cancer diagnosis
>implying that two of them have seen what each other looks like
>"Can I send him the screenshots of her medical records?"
How does any of this shit even happen? Literally all they had to do was laugh at spergs.
No. 1025147
>>1025138Because people on gossip websites are obsessive and make the dramamongering part of their identity. You see it here too but the fact we can be anon helps a lot.
KF is full of idiots with recognizable names who want to be respected as celebs for cataloguing some e-spergery.
No. 1025211
>>1024285>you never caredthe fuck is this romcom shit kek null stop e-fucking your mods it always ends this way
Also I'm not buying Xeno's "uwu im so sorry guys I accidently caused so much drama I'm just a poor ill girl" bullshit act.
No. 1025581
>>1024320Vertexwindi was the mod who posted leaks in general, and did it because he didn't like Null giving Twinkie protection when he thought she was in the wrong. Rat Speaker went after Xeno because Twinkie was celebrating Thotto and Kamov getting doxed. Its suspected Twinkie leaked the stuff because it was dms with Thotto that the new user that posted it would never have had access to. Xeno came in to shitpost defending her "girlfriend" and Rat Speaker decided to go shitpost on her profile.
Server involved also wasn't old fag gay op server. Literally just a discord server where several gay users could hold their drama spaghetti to themselves.
No. 1026165
>>1026115There was a massive PM chain going with about 1600 participants. All these people started receiving email notifications about the PM chain. I’m guessing that probably played some part in the email server fiasco.
Also I learned that KF users are stupid enough to signup with an email account they actually use.
No. 1026269
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Janny drama's not over: Twinkie got tempbanned because she was still not letting go of the drama and got mad when people asked for reciepts.
No. 1026498
>>1026424Well some of the users can be pretty cow-ish themselves…
I didn't even pay attention to the mod drama at first but Twinkie kept embarrassing herself all over the place and shit got milky
No. 1026547
File: 1598007313351.png (9.89 KB, 297x95, supechet.png)

The autism is spilling over to Nick Rekieta's stream
No. 1026573
>>1026269This is just embarassing for her. She got way too invested in the forum. Part of what made her a good mod and made people like her was that she was on top of everything, she always knew the newest drama and archived it as it happened. (That's why Null modded her, nobody in the Beauty Parlor knew how to archive shit except for her and none of the guy mods wanted to delve into there too much and Emspex who did it before had quit).
But that's because she LIVES on the forum and that is unhealthy, because as evident in her behavior she centered her whole life and existence around e-drama and got way too personal with people on a fucking gossip website. I mean it's not like anyone normal would want to be a mod on the KF so what can you expect really?
No. 1031334
>>987540>>987719Answering an old post but it was Thotto and Twinkie lol. More Thotto.
I hadn't realised Kamov was a mod at the time.
No. 1031353
>>1031205Ahhh and any screenshots of that have probably been wiped from the site, along with his dox? I want to see if he ever got legal consequences lol.
People always say he has a sock account on there but that account joined in 2016, and he left in 2019, I think
>>1031334Twinkie was probably the best mod BP had, and the least melodramatic possible for a mod in that forum/area of the site
No. 1031410
File: 1598891770336.jpg (208.77 KB, 1466x755, hNv2Nob.jpg)

>>1031365Lucky for him he had that one fired up and active for a few years then when he "left" lol.
I'll never understand autistic 4d chess moves lol, pic related
No. 1033518
>>1032830Touche, but I'd say that was also their life cycle prior to 2016 - the place just got worse when Trump got in.
>How does any of this shit even happen? Literally all they had to do was laugh at spergs.It's like how 4chan/8chan anons will whine about "roasties" but every time they make a post and randomly attach an anime girl to it that has nothing to do with the actual post, the girl always looks like, by their own standards, a "roastie."
It's generic superiority complex BS as always. Gotta live up to Joshie's ideal that the Farms is somehow the last defender of freeze peach on the internet, even if all they care about is the ability to use nigger in their usernames.
>KF is full of idiots with recognizable names who want to be respected as celebs for cataloguing some e-spergery.They think they're better than normies because they know said e-spergery, but yet if you look at the Farms as a whole, pretty much all of them qualify as normies. Like, they play the same games normies do, watch the same sports normies do, write crass posts about women who play beach volleyball like normies do. Just because you know Chris Chan doesn't mean you're not a normie yourself.
No. 1033542
>>1033518Nah, their spergery about wignat shit like “name the Jew” and hard-r gamer word is not normal outside of their retard bubble.
They’re also consumed with daddy issues and always crushed when the loser they’ve elected as Daddy Substitute (Jordan Peterson, Mister Metokur, Dick Masterson) turns out to be a pathetic chode.
No. 1034062
>>1033924There's some interesting cows on KF that have weird merged threads with other cows. The Adrian Harrop thread is a good example of that. Why would you have a thread dedicated to a crazy TRA merged with a thread about an ultra conservative christian terf? They have no overlap other than some lazy mod thought them both being british was enough to link them. It sucks because Harrop is a hilarious cow.
Every now and then I'll see someone say they started a thread and it didn't get out of proving grounds. Jeffree Star's thread was stuck in there forever because all of the mods except twinkie think beauty parlor cows are automatically just "chick stuff" so they call it retarded and not milky and ignore it. Which is hilarious when BP has a thread on lovelypeaches, easily one of the most disgusting, fucked up and sad cows I've ever read about here or on KF.
No. 1042562
>>1034104You know, I think Kiwi Farms has always been like this. The crybabies and snowflakes simply started to crawl out after a young female user started giving out bad stickers and hurting their fragile 30 year old incel egos.
Maybe I'm looking too much into it and the userbase naturally got more faggy over time.
No. 1042715
>>1033924>gatekeepingGod, they're so autistic about this it's fucking embarassing. You can't have anything to do with chris chan lest you
trigger their collective autism because all of us filthy normies don't get that Chris is Josh's personal make a wish kid, whom he's going to exploit for mone- I mean, help into bettering himself. At least until Josh realizes that Chris is a lost cause who can't earn him the big bucks.
No. 1042763
>>1042562No it hasn't. It's always been a shit hole but it got 100x worse after the mosque shooting video and Null's run-in with the New Zealand government. Some normie news sites covered it and a bunch of hard-right mommys boys joined and made their home in articles + happenings. Idk wtf you're talking about "young female user giving out bad stickers" but KF has always had a female userbase, especially in BP, no one person influenced the site other than null's bad decisions. I truly hope you're not talking about yourself lol.
The thing that gets me is null cries he hates that part of the site + the only part he can tolerate anymore is Beauty Parlor. But he allowed these newfags to come in and shit over the original userbase. I see people with accounts made in early 2020 acting like they own the site and complaining about "too many females here" like who he fuck are you? null would only have to publicly smack a few down but instead he lets it fester and the result is the users he DOES like leaving the site=, then he cries about it kek
No. 1042788
>>1042581You sound like a
triggered moid.
>>1042724Oh, he has simps. A few months back he publicly asked for a few "kind" people to give him $100 a month. The thing is, there are already tons of people who pay for True & Honest status so frankly I find it sad that Josh feels the need to milk his dying userbase even more. What do they get in return, anyway? A kind email?
No. 1042963
>>1042788>You sound like a triggered moid.Cause I'm calling you out for your not at all subtle selfposting? You really think the stickers you give to posts on KF has an affect on the whole website? How many hours do you spend giving stickers?
I was asking about how he was exploiting Chris-Chan for money, since I wasn't aware of that happening.
No. 1044097
File: 1600907494367.jpeg (147.66 KB, 750x715, DF10481F-FD25-40DD-B6BF-05D58A…)

pic attached is Kiwi Farms ban message
>>1042881It’s one of the best boards on the site but is completely ruined by
trigger happy mods
It’s like your having a good laugh with friends and some cunt constantly comes in and ruins it for some arbitrary bullshit rule
I was perma’d in it for having a joke at poor josh’s expense
It’s pretty shit because I like the user base and have had good times there but I fucking hate Josh.
I wish he would give up the site to someone more competent (especially through this shitty midlife crisis he is going through due to wasting his youth on a shitty website)
No. 1044106
>>1044097>wasting his youthwhat youth?
realistically, do you actually think he’s ever going to be any more than this? his future is bleak as fuck. nobody envies him. if he won’t run the site, who on earth would willingly want to inherit the reputation of being the owner of kiwifarms? how incredibly embarrassing.
No. 1044147
File: 1600911877783.jpeg (305.34 KB, 653x883, 551A02C5-3A71-41DD-AB3F-3C44E0…)

>>1044106It’s still the best resource for lolcows and is starting to become more mainstream with the yandev thread and such
There’s plenty who would be happy to take the reigns and I think most users wouldn’t care either way if null was gone since he contributes absolutely nothing to the site but frivolous bans
No. 1044708
>>1042901Absolutely. 4chan was always shit but tolerable shit. Then the media caught wind of this underground hacker den and their terrorist group, Anonymous, and a legion of edgelord kids with low self esteem and identity issues latched on to the site like maggots on a corpse.
Once the 2016 election was in full swing, we then got full blown wignats, conspiracy nutters and self hating nonwhites. The overwhelming majority of "good" 4chan posters left the site eons ago.
No. 1044719
File: 1600985853701.png (325.57 KB, 720x551, EU4MrrKXQAIe8oM.png)

>>1044147I know I'm not the first to say it, but I believe KF isn't going to be around in a few years.
Null is having this mid-life crisis and its setting in hard. The community hates him more then ever (and he's given them even more ammo with his broken dick and fattie chasing). The mods have gone extra sperg. He's caught up in gay feuds with IBS types like Dick Masterson and Ethan Ralph, who are sending their autistic commandos to shit on Null and the Farms.
He's become entirely disillusioned with the US rightwing. He's also let a ton of rightwing spergs devour the forums and now regrets it. He's getting DDoSed. The accounts got hacked in 2019. It's only a matter of time before his current server host drops him. And with the death of PULL and r/drama, there's even more exceptionals flooding the Farms.
There has never been a worser time to be Null and I cannot think of any exit strategy for him.
No. 1044731
>>1044719He likes being looked up to by people as “based josh” and likes having all that “power” but he really needs to screw his head on and stop thinking he’s so special
The Rat Speaker ban was when I lost my last shred of respect for him - I don’t know if it’s been covered here but he banned a user (Rat Speaker) for commenting on Xenogears (attention seeking literal who constantly powerlevels about having cancer - he pfp is an anime schoolgirl with two heads) that he hopes she died over some gay feud they were having (that I don’t know or care the details of)
He then made a post in supporters telling everyone who “disagreed” with the ban to “get the fuck off my site”
If I ever get unbanned I will post the screenshot here because it’s the most arrogant and delusional thing he’s ever posted.
And before you ask no I did not pay for supporters. 90% of the people you see with that banner have been gifted it by a bitcoin larper who plays the markets.
No. 1044766
File: 1600988991182.png (99.14 KB, 1071x272, lolbanned.png)

>>1044731You mean this post?
I promise you Josh has said more arrogant and delusional things than this, though.
No. 1044767
>>1044766Yeah thats it.
"There are no rules for language on this site"
No. 1044923
>>1044844I remember a lot a Kiwis registered accounts there during the whole Vordak shutdown in January 2017
They even changed the forum icon on the main page to the kiwi logo
No. 1045007
>>1044766I mean we have seen this drama unfold in this very thread and he later backtracked on this saying it was Twinkie who told him this, he trusted her cause she was one of the few good mods on the site and he ended up demodding Twinkie cause she kept causing drama like this.
I think he also hated Rat Speaker and was just jumping on any excuse to ban him cause he saw him as a troublemaker.
>>1044923Ok listen Kiwisperg. You obviously took the ban notice to be serious and went to this site instead.
1. We don't want you here
2. If you are gonna stay here anyways, learn how to fucking SAGE YOUR POSTS! Since you still can't figure it out: you type "sage" into the e-mail field and it will make it so this thread does not get bumped every time you reply to it with something that is not news or interesting. Read the rules. I think it's starting to dawn on me why you got banned on KF, you can not follow rules and all your posts are fucking whining.
No. 1045086
>>1044731its extensively covered in this thread you absolute mongoloid, and the user was xenomorph, not xenogears.
sage your autism or go back to KF if you're not going to take the 5 minutes required to read the damn thread.
No. 1045089
>>1044731samefagging, but if this is {o}P II, nobody wants you here. and i'm 99% sure it is you as all you did on KF was bitch and whine about being banned from chat, so of course you'd drag your 'woe is me, josh is mean!' bullshit here.
make a sock on KF and fuck off.
No. 1045158
>>1045007Rat Speaker was the kinda guy who wanted to cause trouble, but he wasn't especially good at it. Some retards would respond to his bait, but he would toss out so much shit he considered bait that its no wonder he would find someone who would respond to it from time to time.
The guy's deal was posting insults on profiles and sending PMs to people to try and rile them up. He wasn't especially good at it and his efforts to copy dynastia's playbook consistently failed from what I saw.
He was also a bit of a creepy guy. He would try to send users gifts through the mail. He sent one guy a bong. Incidentally, the guy he sent the bong to was pretty much like him: A creeper looking for the attention of women on a forum where people harass the retarded.
He isn't all bad. After he cut back on the booze he seemed to know when to stop harassing people but his fixation with contacting female users was just weird.
No. 1045170
>>1045158Then I don't see an issue with him being banned. Literally nothing new has happened on KF aside from some sperg being banned from the site and coming here to whine about it so STOP BUMPING THIS SHIT THREAD.
"REEEEEEEEEEE Joshie mean and I am banned and he banned my fwends too" is NOT interesting.
No. 1045172
>>1045169fuck off, I just fucking told you how to sage and you still refuse to, you are outing yourself as the same newfag sperg just by continuing to be unable to use this site
>I shit on your site cultureOk bye
No. 1045302
File: 1601071823864.jpeg (450.37 KB, 750x821, CE25670E-41C7-4C25-A07F-C817F6…)

>>1045193Also sorry for the mad autism posting.
No. 1045617
File: 1601131611888.jpeg (362.26 KB, 750x1240, A0D2C987-674D-4D3C-82A2-2D2E45…)

>>1045545There is two “secret” boards
Top Secret Inner Circle:
Your account needs to be six months old to view and post in this.Originally started off as a secret cwc trolling board around the before null made it public and is now exclusively shitposting. Think spergatory without posts being locked
This is a board that you can only view and post in if you either give null 20USD in crypto or someone gives him it on your behalf.
Threads include “look at this spiderman faggot” a thread on autistic posts on Kiwi Farms, “Boldyspicy dating adventures” were boldlyspicy looks through lesbians dating apps and screenshots persons of intrest (trannys, crazy people, attention seekers etc), thread about people whining about there bans and discord drama.
Yes null posts there and besides the ratspeaker post which I already mentioned the only other thing of intrest I can remember is when he tried to start a nigger chain in someone random thread because he has the sense of humor of a 15 year old.
No. 1045696
>>1044766josh is gonna snap real fucking soon. the site's ruined beyond repair, and he knows it, but won't admit it's because he can't run a site worth shit
he wants to be proud of it so bad but he's getting pissier and pissier because the site's sucking his soul out but he won't pull the fucking plug. it's dawning on him that he and his circlejerk are the exact types that get threads on there, and the userbase is realizing it too, so he's getting hysterical and paranoid
most drama forums go this way because they for some reason think it's a good idea to instill a user hierarchy which is bloated-ego retard fodder. chan boards have anonymity so they have the upper hand. but kf has run its course like sa and ed in almost identical fashion. another site will come along and replace kf's position as the go-to internet drama forum and the cycle will continue until these forums become a dead genre and people realize they're suckers for running them or getting invested in them
No. 1045697
>>1045669He only really talks about his personal life in chat
Only interesting info I can is that he is currently living in Belgrade. I was also there for the “no female Jannies” thing and I can remember him saying that the “block land drama” will be older than he was when it happened and people will still be “using it against” him.
No. 1046280
>>1046225Idk, I feel like that just shows that he has actually grown up a bit from being an internet edgelord. Him realizing that he doesn't want to do this job forever, that being an autist-wrangler is not fulfilling and that he'd rather have a family instead is kind of a natural conclusion to his character arc.
The essay about it was pretty cringe tho and he should just keep that to himself and shut it down if he wants to instead of threatening it. I wouldn't blame him at all if he had enough of this and walked away to live a normie life.
No. 1047129
>>1047112I used to lurk a few cow threads on KF's Beauty Parlour, never made an account. I stopped ever since PULL got closed down. The immigrants from there ruined the threads, they're now full of wall-of-text blogposting and armchairing, I'm not sifting through all that shit to find milk. BP used to be the best part of the site, but I'm glad the pulltards ended up there instead of here.
And as a final nail in the coffin, the closer the US elections are, the more the racists from A&H spill out their bullshit onto other boards. They'll find a way to turn talking about a cow's tit-job into a tirade about "damn niggers on welfare" or similar.
I just don't belong among pulltards and racists.
No. 1047168
Every time this thread gets bumped its because some Kiwifag needs to whine about the good old days, about how they god banned or about how much they hate Null. Learn to sage Kiwifags.
>>1047112>No one wants to post on a website where people are unironically using racial slurs and getting legitimately mad about
No. 1051535
File: 1601826382137.jpeg (103.09 KB, 496x490, 4571CEC5-4597-49E2-A613-F708B0…)

He has no job
He has no friends
Eastern Europe’s where he makes his bed
He drinks Coke Zero
And runs his site
His penis is broken cause it’s circumcised
Josh Moon
What a fag
Josh Moon
What a massive fag
No. 1052889
File: 1601992195800.png (114.24 KB, 1496x340, underage duck sex.png)

I love to lurk on KiwiFarms
(yes, I know everyone there is laughing at him, but still says a lot about the kind of people that site attracts)
No. 1061332
>>1055556He made some tweets making fun of Trump shortly before his wife died.
He wasn't bawling his eyes out in public like a North Korean at Kim Jong Il's funeral and found another girlfriend shortly afterward. Obviously this must mean he killed her.
No. 1061497
>>1061358they make shit up about anyone who dares to criticize Trump
she was a fat prescription drug abuser in her forties who overdosed, husband found a new mommy for himself and the little girl asap
they’re jelly because he is a ugly nerd like them, but is rich and famous and married
No. 1062967
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No. 1066265
File: 1603456918712.png (1.12 MB, 819x842, pattonkyanka.png)

>>1061358>>1061497he looks a little like Lowtax, may also be a factor
No. 1066402
File: 1603475776635.png (13.42 KB, 626x344, pleasesageyourautism.png)

>>1066061>>1063117>>1061332>>1066265Please. I am begging you. Sage your autistic posts about Trump.
No. 1066739
File: 1603503197348.jpg (98.49 KB, 1343x499, dunk.jpg)

God, I'd love to see Null's reaction to a Trump loss and doing damage control.
He fucking knows KF would become a full disaster and some mong would end up posting a manifesto on the site because their god didn't win.
No. 1066740
>>1066265kek well now it makes sense
>>1066732>>1066739Why do males think women are a monolith? Why can males never obey basic fucking rules in the places they want to sperg? Why do kf users keep using this thread as their personal KF complaint board?
Fuck off scrote. This place isn't for you.
No. 1067759
Its honestly hilarious how polarized the userbase is. You've got people who hate Null and use the website for its communities, and then you have the cult-of-personality users that suck the shit out of his asshole at every occasion they get.
One funny thing I learned recently is a few weeks ago, Josh was measured to be a little above 280 pounds. He's not a tall dude either, so he's morbidly obese, and he probably ain't stopping.
What does Josh expect out of his life? He's constantly angry and sperging out at his users because he has nothing himself. He's fat, alone, delusional, paranoid, genuinely mentally ill, and only cares about the website because of the numbers and power. He has nothing away from KF. If you know anything about his work on Infinity you'll know he's a complete joke in terms of being a sysadmin and his website is broken in significant ways. Hell, the individual forum icons on the front page don't even work. A few weeks ago the website had extremely poor database performance.
The site probably won't survive more than 2 years. Josh crippled his own users, and he himself is unsustainable. It will either end with his suicide or him closing down the website in a fit of sperging, but probably trying to say relevant with his streams and other services. I absolutely cannot imagine Josh just disappearing without a trace and leaving all the power he has from KF on the table.
No. 1068064
File: 1603678940921.jpg (416 KB, 3796x2531, afp_philippines_Fredrick Brenn…)

>280 pounds>not a tall dudeHe's too retarded to go full Frederick Brennan, but it screams the same energy.
No. 1069703
File: 1603915003591.png (925.52 KB, 1263x3733, Bryan.png)

"True lolcows reject advice" and Null just proved it.
Bryan would unironically make a good staff member. Dude didn't get offended or angry at all in the conversation, and understood why Josh had acted in such angry and hateful ways. Pretty damn observant with good judgement to make the posts he did.
Shame Josh and his lackeys don't give a fuck at all.
No. 1072035
File: 1604189938568.jpeg (729.46 KB, 750x983, 8C3D67B2-7C61-447C-B031-0BB58E…)

This is your average Kiwi Farms user (@horrorfan89)
No. 1072744
File: 1604272844700.png (210.31 KB, 1261x820, Screenshot_2020-11-01 Official…)

Makes thread about US Election
No. 1073933
>>1069703We all know null is a retard, Bryan. The only bigger retards than null are those who want to janny that site.
Also, good job getting baited by retards, retard.
No. 1074175
File: 1604432003228.png (637.24 KB, 809x1326, 36463646.png)

lol i fucking knew it was him
>>1045089 No. 1074607
File: 1604472298409.png (42.32 KB, 480x205, kiwimemeteor.png)

Josh's election Moon is autistic but it matched up so well with this random.txt I had to share bc I am also a bit of an autist.
No. 1074624
File: 1604476962610.png (692.07 KB, 645x546, Screenshot_63.png)

Well this shit totally isn't obnoxious.
Saging because I'm a fag, but ever since the 2016 elections the site has gone downhill. Ignoring the fact that a growing percentage of the community is turning on Null, the staff seem to be faggots who are publicly revered because they're staff, Null being Null, the site and it's userbase are a fucking dumpster fire.
One of the rules is that you have to read the entire thread before commenting. This would be fine if the threads weren't hundreds of pages long with very little milk and spergs being armchair psychologists, and most of the time the OP is outdated by several years. (I think the Sargon thread is the best example. OP is from 4 years ago, and there is over 1000 pages.)
Josh likes to complain about how he hates KiwiFarms becoming more popular and gaining more members because lolcows aren't a niche hobby for him anymore, yet he'll try to make it more newbie accessible (the Weebwars forum immediately comes to mind).
The users seem to be "larping" as racists, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, god just anything that's considered "liberal" will get them shitting up threads with offtopic shit about how this is clearly the work of "da joos" and start slinging the n-word as if it's candy.
KiwiFarms is still the best place to get info about lolcows but fuck it is so god damn stupid. They've truly become what they hated the most.
/end fag blog.
No. 1074867
File: 1604515988795.png (33.26 KB, 1258x209, Screenshot_2020-11-04 Official…)

>Put up obnoxious moon in corner
>Website used by all types of people, some of which are genuinely curious what the moon symbolizes
>A few dozen posts out of thousands in the election thread reference the moon
>Feels x 105
>Likes x 25
>Agree x 15
>MATI x 11
What an actual child.
No. 1075176
File: 1604542990186.png (32.69 KB, 850x173, Screenshot_20201104-191446_1.p…)

So, the Kiwi Beauty Parlor forum is basically just a bunch of fat Karens that comment about other Fat Karens? (Example Thotto)
Because of chat I know some idiot is going to harvest cattails on the side of the road with all the
toxic runoff to make "low carb" pasta bc diabeetus, as suggested by another diabetic member. Another is soaking her scalp in castor oil and massaging it upside down on her bed because she saw someone grow an inch a month. And everyone in chat is supporting these low IQ basic bitches, that are probably fatter than BP's new fave cow Jodee (mine too tbh).
But seriously, the Jodee thread is great milk, I'd def recommend it to anons. She was an Onion stan that joined as "Greg's Delusional GF" to sperg & defend herself, but powerleveled so much she was easily doxxed and oh wow her milky history. Then Onion disowned her. Somehow involved in the Aaron Carter Universe. Best fresh milk like this in a long time!, I'm really thinking Mirna is an effeminate gay guy born to high-middle class family on the East Coast, that was surrounded by upper class people. Like a dentist's kid sent to better schools.
No. 1075902
>>1075553It is. He was probably hoping to get asspats for being
the only one brave enough to call put Josh instead of the attenwhoring sped he comes across as. Friendly reminder to all the kiwifags ITT who think you're being slick, it's common knowledge you all shit on Josh here, in your gay little discords, or on /cow/ then proceed to suck his dick the minute you go back to your shithole of a site because for some autistic reason you all want to be jannies
and besties with Josh.
Kiwifags are easy to clock because they can't help but, post shit they wouldn't know unless they were a user of the site, a selfposter, or my personal favorite, write a reddit-tier essay that regurgitates everything we've already discussed about josh and the site while also reminiscing of the "good ol' days".
No. 1077829
File: 1604826860437.png (127.58 KB, 1247x503, Screenshot_2020-11-07 Pyrocyni…)

No. 1077834
>>1076968Because Kiwitards don't understand the site culture, don't know how to sage their autism and post shit literally nobody cares about like
>>1077829 this. Almost 90% of posts in this thread are Kiwifarmers looking to complain about something that personally happened to them "Null banned me, Null didn't take my advice, Politics are ruining the site REEEEE!" This isn't your support group.
No. 1077874
>>1077871It's just you.
Also, he's doing you a favor.
No. 1078095
File: 1604869129725.png (104.72 KB, 1524x290, Untitled.png)

You people should peek into the 2020 Election Thread. Shit is going down and over half the posters are dooming over the inevitable collapse of the West from our Jew overlords.
No. 1078202
File: 1604880095485.jpg (58.08 KB, 1100x134, int.jpg)

>>1078095Shit's hilarious. After being completely wrong about how things would go for Vic Mignona, they decided to try out being wrong about the election. At least they were a little closer with "no clear answer Nov 3"…?
No. 1078247
>>1075176this autistic sperg. Someone wasnt allowed to play with the other karens kek
This thread is always full of angry scrotes that complain about women on muh kiwi farms but desperately want us to listen to their sad story about how a fat nazi pudding boy banned them from his internet bullying site.
No. 1078250
>>1078244If you managed to get yourself banned on there, you should seriously commit suicide.
>anyone have any dox for sigsegv, cuddlypirate, troondraugur, fuckedup? or any of the janny faggots that keep banning me?Do it yourself faggot.
No. 1078288
File: 1604889874951.jpeg (95.6 KB, 549x1072, 6DDA3F8D-815F-45AA-86E0-F22D1F…)

>>1078244Why is their people trying to imitate me ?
No. 1078319
File: 1604892434679.png (54.17 KB, 537x244, time.png)

>>1078288I'm going to give you this advice because no one else will.
Stop going back to Kiwifarms. Stop posting here about being banned.
You are not going to be unbanned and continuing to bring it up, both on here and on Josh's pet project will only cause you to make more of a fool out of yourself.
You are losing _Nothing_ by not being on it. Seriously.
Trolls have already started impersonating you with sock accounts to fuck with Josh and the users and those gullible faggots believe its you every time. Even if you went back with a fresh identity you wouldn't be able to contain your autism, you'd be discovered, then BAM!, banned.
Why do you want to go back so much anyways?
No. 1078326
>>1078319>Trolls have started impersonating you with sock accounts
Most of those are mine lol - i make socks because its fun to post random nonsense and the most effort it takes is fucking around with protonmail’s verification system
Though it is really funny for every random newfag shit post to be assumed to be me
>Why do you want to go back so much anywayBecause i really liked posting posts and reading posts there and some users are easy targets for intentional annoyance
>>1078337Its common for complete retards to get banned from KF for being said complete retards, then coming here and venting, only to return to their daddy Josh whom they graciously shelled out $20 dollars for. They keep repeating shit that everyone knows already, no one cares about, and consistently whiteknight for Josh.
Its obvious when a kiwi is posting because they don't just treat Josh and the website as funny things to laugh at, but instead have to give an entire monologue about how the site is obviously dying (As if it was ever good), shit they don't like about Josh and the website, getting banned, stupid "theories" and "predictions", etc.
Fuckers don't even lurk long enough to sage their posts.
The website is a cult of personality. Real big shocker huh?
Its understandable why you'd care about Josh since every user sucks his dick and you'd have to be pretty blind or apathetic to integrate there in the first place, and as a result the stage is set for you to never really learn about all the shit he's done.
Read these threads. Get some different perspectives and make the decision for yourself as to how you want to proceed. Don't immediately jump to the conclusion that everything you read on here is either fabricated lies or people trying to spite Josh (But don't immediately accept it as truth either). The evidence is there.
No. 1078358
File: 1604899596330.png (2.75 KB, 420x430, trashfire.png)

>>1078346jfc just ignore the thread if you hate it so much
No. 1078537
File: 1604932995958.png (280.86 KB, 640x326, op_is_a_faggot[1].png)

>>1078288You made over 40 socks asking to be unbanned, crying like a two year old. If anything you're a lolcow.
No. 1082345
File: 1605391402215.gif (1.2 MB, 640x360, o6HTRUs.gif)

>>1051535Moon derangement syndrome. Trump and Brexit are going to save the west, KF told me so.
No. 1086167
File: 1605795013439.png (Spoiler Image,172.58 KB, 1251x682, Screenshot_2020-11-19 EvaXepho…)

No. 1088764
>>1078132>>1078346Chill. I agree with a lot of what you're saying but anon is clearly not a moid and you're ignoring that kf & lc share a lot of their userbase. Yeah, there's a lot of posters who are kiwi-only (and as you said, they out themselves) but a lolcow is a lolcow is a lolcow. Most people who visit one lolcow/gossip site visit multiple. That includes lc, kf, pull, gomi…
You can't get the Chantal thread over here & you can't get the Shayna thread over there.
No. 1091029
File: 1606269225766.jpg (11.23 KB, 241x400, real image (1).jpg)

lmao user "dinoman"/soft kitty socked for 2 years until he revealed himself as a lolcow in a galaxy-brained move No. 1091032
File: 1606269467764.jpg (184.81 KB, 1080x1410, 20201124_205716.jpg)

>>1091029the post in question:
No. 1091058
>>1091029LOL. Knew something was up with the dude with how many profile posts he made, along with how angry he'd get at trivial bullshit.
Makes me curious now about how many of the users on KF are socking cows. I'd bet if you looked into most users' lives you'd uncover plenty of new cows to make threads on, considering what type of people the site attracts, not just socks, though.
No. 1091972
>>1091632Site is past redeemable. It was a long time ago actually.
KF is the "go to" lolcow forum only because of how strongly Josh has shilled it and expanded the lolcow ecosystem with his streams and shit. Their threads are good quality since they have at least some standards for posting, but pretty consistently users ignore the guidelines and post shit no one cares about, usually armchair psychology or trying to predict the future for the 1000th time. Those posts plague pretty much every thread and rarely bring anything new to the table.
On average though threads are becoming more and more shit quality and the definition of what makes a lolcow becomes more watered down as time goes on. So much so that random irrelevant twitter trannies can get their own threads.
Here's my take on the average KF user:
>Friendless virgin. Very likely to be autistic and degenerated, both physically and mentally.>Barely aware of imageboards. Extent of understanding is either fucking around on modern 4chan or 8chan. Active Discord/Reddit user.>Barely smarter than the average normalfag, but still far behind seasoned anons and actual, mature thinking people.>Get onto KF and immediately witness every user acting as edgy as possible. Both as troll-shielding and a product of their deep shame and embarrassment with themselves,>Equate being edgy to being cool. Pick up the traits yourself and glorify Josh for the internet tough guy persona he's put on.>Get to using lolcow terminology like Powerleveling or Weening without actually knowing what any of it means. Believe that bringing up anything about real life, even if its relevant to the discussion or innocuous, is powerleveling. Accept and aggressively enforce the sites shitty no fun allowed "guidelines".>Enough of a problem that even Josh has whined about it.>End up giving credence to the stickers and reaction score and subconsciously cater your posts to maximize coverage, ending up with armies of low-effort shitposters like SIGSEGV who repost the same copypastas for the 10th time and always communicate in a degrading and hostile manner to garner the support of everyone else.>User autism is so strong that meta discussion is constant. Rather than using it to just laugh at cows, users talk about the janitors and Josh on a consistent basis, giving birth to constant internal drama such as what happened in July. Some users so absolutely retarded that they even manage to get banned on a place where calling the owner a nigger is allowed and normal.>Have shit like TSIC, donator banners, and join dates that gives users unwarranted self-importance.>Treated as a second-class citizen if you're a new user. Accused of "socking" if you make informative, excellent posts with a young account. Same vindictiveness as reddit actually in terms of judging posts by the creator instead of its content.>Brainwashed into believing that KF is the last bastion of free speech, and that everyone detesting it is just angry trolls/Vordrak. Some even go as far as to become janitors and immediately find themselves to be superior to every other user that not even a few days ago they were exactly the same as.>Get angry at other sites like lolcow because Josh doesn't own it, and because its "owned by those damn wammans" despite Josh trying to blackmail the owner months after making a thread bashing it by offering free servers/infinity never, and later opening BP to appeal to female users.In short, the forum is trash because of terminally autistic namefags who can't think for themselves, and is plagued by the same problems that Reddit has. Users treat it as some close-knit community instead of a place to laugh at eccentric lulzy people on the internet.
No. 1092068
File: 1606389280851.png (253.54 KB, 2018x1351, Screenshot_2020-11-26 Spergato…)

Anyone else notice that troll and garbage threads are in high production lately?
No. 1092194
>>1091972Ngl you summed up some of the thoughts i had when looking at certain threads like the George Floyd one- that was a mess of doom sperging and racism that annoyed me lol.
I still follow some threads and interact there and there but have to limit time or otherwise I'd get ass mad
( wonder if other users get this too)
No. 1092615
File: 1606461919110.jpg (59.87 KB, 634x624, EV4_sFqX0AQ2EZg.jpg)

>>1091632Internet Famous is wonderful right now. Watching Internet Bloodsports spergs and alt right grifters finally get exposed as fat, drug addicted, pedo losers is cathartic, and both Dick Masterson and Ethan Ralph are doing good at eating their own shit.
And if you hate the left, there's a place for you there too.
As a whole, the place is done. Josh didn't gatekeep enough or reinforce rules against a-logging and general autism, so now it's taken over KF like AIDS. We're waiting on an unseen countdown to Null either trooning out, going for a suicide, actually getting rammed by the law somehow, or some combo of the three.
No. 1092836
File: 1606497973759.jpg (367.76 KB, 1080x1996, 20201127_110908.jpg)

Josh really thinks he's some bastion of free speech. Picrel are leaks from upcoming Capcom projects. Capcom then issues a DMCA for hosting the leaks to the farms and Josh being the autistic ring leader that he is thinks refusing to take the content down is how to stick it to those anti freeze peachers. The content in the leak itself isn't even noteworthy, Kiwifags are sperging about a Japanese company issuing guidelines on how to conduct business internationally. This is somehow relevant and cow worthy enough to headline the front page. These basement dwellers can't dig their nose out of their own asshole for one second to realize this is a standard procedure for large corporations and nothing of real note. Kiwifags are no different than the cows they want to laugh at lmao
No. 1093165
File: 1606520613476.png (554.91 KB, 1263x4122, santa.png)

>>1092836It doesn't matter who issues the DMCA when it comes to Kiwis. The threads get filled with dozens of edgy faggots that praise their dear leader for being hostile to some faceless organization, and, even more specifically, some well-paid legal adviser who's never even heard of a "Kiwifarms" ever in their life. Pretty pathetic actually.
Secret Santa is in! for some reason, but no goatse or trolling allowed! Wouldn't want to send anyone into an autistic rage now would we? And of course it wouldn't be complete without people powerleveling openly about their personal lives on a lolcow website!
No. 1093304
>>1091632Don't have an account there but I do enjoy the Chantal and Fit Vegan Ginger threads. I used to like the Iconoclast thread but it's pretty much dead unfortunately. Though I guess it's not the Chantal thread I like so much as following the cow herself; the thread is one of those "let me tell you how not as fat as Chantal I am" things but they're good at archiving and recapping her vids.
Any of the remotely political threads are a cancerous nightmare, but tbf that's probably true of most internet discussion boards, including this one. But I agree with anons saying Null is his own worst enemy by picking the dumbest imaginable hills to die on.
No. 1093742
>>1093617>August 23rd, 2015
>>>>/meta/1254>September 25th, 2015
>>"This is entirely because I want to consume the catty, destructive /cgl/-based lolcow communities.">>"There have been several times when people expected acquisitions from these websites but they never come around. Most people are very aware how gluttonous I am about getting new users and new communities to merge in, and those from 8chan/lolcowfarm are fiercely contrarian to that intent."Also of note is that Josh rushed in to make the 2nd post in that thread around 8 minutes after it was made if you hover over the timestamps.
It was said earlier but lolcows and KF are his entire legacy.
No. 1093743
>>1093742Ah, broken link
https://lolcow farm/meta/res/1183.html#1254
No. 1093852
>>1093742Most people are very aware how gluttonous I am about getting new users and new communities to merge in
Josh that's exactly why your forum is collapsing and you hate it now.
No. 1094490
>>1093742>lolcowfarms is going down! they'll be begging us for new accounts any day now!!
>4 years later: lolcow dot farms still around, pretty much same as everNice to see KF doing what they do best: being wrong.
Though PULL did eventually shut down, so uh, there's that. It only took 4 years!
No. 1095988
>>1095856KF users are some of the stupidest motherfuckers I've ever seen. Their entire attitude towards privacy/security is laughable, and one of these days someones gonna drop a huge dox of dozens of KF users just to fuck with them. I'm calling it right now. The amount of powerleveling every user does on a website dedicated to laughing at people who shit their pants is remarkable.
Thinking that you're undoxable because you haven't posted a username or unique information will come back to bite you in the ass hard. People subconsciously leak massive amounts of information in seemingly innocuous posts, and of course this doesn't even go into metadata like the actual accounts themselves or site usage. It might be enough to dissuade babby-tier doxers, but you're fucked against governments/dedicated trolls/people with vendettas against you/your platform (of which KF has dozens).
The forum is already being tracked. You'll never be told, of course, but its being watched closer than others. Two users performing real terrorist attacks along with Joshua telling the entire state of NZ to go fuck itself + his blatant antisemitism on both twitter and his own site? I'm sure many politicians would love to use his site as an example of why there needs to be more restrictions online and/or on speech.
No. 1096061
File: 1606830423125.jpeg (276.25 KB, 750x680, 501BEB9D-9322-48DF-8984-0C31A3…)

>>1095856 Lol imagine being the FBI guy assigned to sift through all this larping
No. 1096066
>>1096061The FBI takes everything extremely seriously, because if they didn't, there would be people slipping through and the outcomes would be deeply grave. FuckYou posted in a somewhat joking and even "playful" manner on KF. Before he went on a shooting spree he made what at the time looked to be a joke post on Josh's profile. You have no idea who the person is behind the profile pictures and posts.
I have a feeling that someones gonna get V& from this in a few days…
No. 1096138
>>1096134maybe he should try being less of a twat
also not being 280 pounds at 5’6”
No. 1096613
File: 1606864125439.jpg (323.67 KB, 1070x1257, Screenshot_20201202-100737_Chr…)

>>1096061How can I achieve this level of denial? I want to escape reality without drugs.
No. 1096835
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No. 1096872
File: 1606878841253.png (695.25 KB, 1002x3345, QandA.png)

KF has a Q&A board now, and its managing to be worse than TSIC.
Stickers are also broken as well, so now you get to see just how shitty their posts are in the raw.
No. 1096894
File: 1606880800764.jpg (186.3 KB, 1025x460, kf.jpg)

look at post 7090254
someone tried to warn you gals about this over a year ago in the last thread 816598
No. 1096921
>>1095988On the one hand, I agree that most KF users are dumb as hell and do poor cybersec, and someone is watching the place to catch the next autistic terrorist.
But you're making it sound like a darkweb FBI deathtrap. Which is exactly what Null likes because it makes his lame site look like the den of hackers on steroids he always wants it to be.
No. 1097856
>>1096894i'm curious to know how an outside person can monitor your own website, probably that 1776 webhost giving feds stuff no questions asked.
KF posters are a stupid lot
No. 1097882
>>1097870wasn't there also a huge dox this year / last as well?
Very foolish to keep making an account on a site with and give yourself a target on your back
No. 1097928
File: 1606989193137.png (52.31 KB, 1011x348, Screenshot_2020-12-03 The GOOD…)

>>1097882If you mean the dox from the middle of this year, yes. There was some real shitty internal mod drama and apparently some KF users and even mods got doxed. Most notably, THOTto and her equally degenerate husband Kamov. Someone made a good summary here
>>1024320There was also the user account leaks last year, in which Null in his epic retardation publicly posted the E-Mails and IP addresses of 4,611 users. He later "bent" under pressure and took it down, although it should have never been posted in the first place, as any computer security researcher will tell you that the last thing you ever want to do is make a hackers job easier. Everything in security is about making the difficulty of performing an action exceed the motivation of doing it. Nothing is 100% secure, but you can make it cost tens of millions of dollars and hundreds of hours to break into.
>Very foolish to keep making an account on a site with and give yourself a target on your backKF users are not smart. Especially with how many of them are aware of Josh's incompetence and yet continue to use the forum. Aside from his incompetence in regards to implementing security measures, the freedom you have to protect yourself is extremely scarce. Let's outline it:
>No account deletions (anymore). Especially if you piss off Josh. He'll refuse to work with you out of spite.>Users with accounts older than 6 months can bypass privacy settings on any profile.>Ability to delete posts disappears after a day of them existing. Believe it goes away after 6 months but I'm not testing it.>According to last statement by Josh, IPs are stored for up to a month to "stop socks". Before 2017 they were stored indefinitely, which was since 2013.>Too lazy to actually refresh the databases during account deletions, so while usernames on posts are gone, you can still see them in anyone who replied. No. 1098323
File: 1607029990830.png (501.72 KB, 1259x2140, Screenshot_2020-12-03 Regardin…)

Josh had made a forum post stating that he will completely shut down KF and disappear off the face of the internet permanently if Trump or Biden repeal Section 230. For those of you who don't understand what Section 230 is, it is a part of US internet law that protects web providers from content posted by users. That is, if a KF user posts illegal or "hateful" content, Josh himself is not liable for it. With it gone, the cost of running the website, along with the complexity, would skyrocket, and continuing to operate it would not be viable.
More here: thoughts:
>A genuine threat, or just Josh's typical irrational dread?And further
>Is he really just using this as justification to finally rid himself of something he no longer enjoys?I want to know what you think, but I personally thing this is a big ol' nothing. Trump has been reactionary on social media previously, and, for something of this magnitude to be repealed, it would be difficult without severe opposition from all sides of the table. The public, corporations, and individuals in the government.
No. 1098342
>>1098334It's been this way for a few years. Your edge is
valid, fuck the snowflakes etc.
No. 1098389
File: 1607032632923.png (705.38 KB, 1920x1050, kiwi.png)

>implying I care enough to sage
No. 1098404
>>1098389Fresh off the boat, from Kiwifarms, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on lolcow by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking Kiwifarms friends would "Winner". None of that here. You don't "DRINK!". You don't "dumb". This ain't Kiwifarms, kid. This is lolcow. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to MATI, you Ethan Ralph watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place…. this place has a lot to offer… heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it…
(low effort spam) No. 1098413
File: 1607033657153.png (75.07 KB, 1266x304, sperg.png)

No. 1098492
File: 1607038581689.jpeg (38.49 KB, 349x642, 140D502E-84CB-474F-AE42-2A7047…)

>>1098372Thanks for being the kf poster boy for fake edge, now run on back to your scrote containment site.
No. 1098517
>>1098323Kiwi Farms is all he has. There's no way he'd give it up.
And there's a very very VERY good chance Section 230 will NOT be repealed, like you said it would face opposition from all sides of the internet. It's like Josh doesn't remember when Ajit Pai was pulling his shit years ago, everyone campaigned to get whatever law he wanted to be stopped.
Josh is just being a doomer.
No. 1098758
>>1096138lovely dose of karma that this obese soylet hosts a forum dedicated to laughing at other, slightly more obese people.
And he thinks that some hottie with trad values is just gonna pluck him up like he's a catch LMAO. Newsflash for Josh - no one wants an obese internet troll as a head-of-household. You are not good enough for a trad life. Period.
No. 1098885
DMCAs suck, and Josh definitely gets a lot of dumb and improperly-done ones from cows (ones with no proper contact address attached etc).
But the thing is, a web admin that cares about their 230 protections would actually respect properly-filed DMCAs to maintain their site's safe-harbor status, which Josh clearly doesn't care about.
He is even making a spectacle about a properly-filed DMCA that seeks to take down what is widely known as criminally-obtained company internal data (in case you haven't guessed yet, it's the Capcom one).
Look at the other angles too, whether you like or dislike Trump, he is now officially an ex-president that is on his way out in the most embarrassing fashion possible, this guy won't ever be able to repeal 230 in the small amount of time he has left. Reform may still happen in Biden's term, but the scope and necessity of it is still up for debate, let alone passing it into law, so that probably won't happen any time soon.
My personal bet would be that he's doing this to fleece his idiot userbase out of tendie money (check how many times COST COST COST is mentioned in his big post), methinks a new fundraiser campaign will probably happen some time soon.
No. 1098912
>>1098323Both Trump and Biden support repealing it. If it's gonna happen this website will go down too. In fact the internet as we know it won't exist anymore. There will only be google, facebook, twitter, amazon.
Don't trust boomer politicians who only care about Twitter not to ruin the internet. We won't be able to make fun of trannies anywhere anymore.
No. 1098928
File: 1607090769279.png (17.04 KB, 800x138, ban message.png)

>>1098918>banned for shitposting too hardI knew it would happen eventually.
No. 1098934
Welcome to the sister board, I guess.
No. 1098973
Null ban @MrJokerRager next, he said some pretty a-logging shit too!
>>1095856 No. 1099020
>>1096061I think people who liked his posts should be investigated as well since they agreed with his intent. KF is a literal domestic terrorism cell.
>>1096066>I have a feeling that someones gonna get V& from this in a few days…OH NO NO NO LMAO
No. 1099023
>>1098986welcome to the club
No. 1099100
>>1098973MrJokerRager has admitted autism spectrum disorder and he does nothing but sperg the fuck out anymore. His god, Trump, losing was too much for him.
He's just kinda insane.
No. 1099124
>>1099115I don't know why "oldfags" are giving them the time of day when they're so transparently fucking brain dead and they think they're a lot smarter than they are. Anime profile pictures and half naked woman profile pics are a good way of telling the most retarded KF users apart.
I have a strong feeling that Eris has autism too, but they aren't quite as dumb enough as MrJokerRager to admit it.
No. 1099130
File: 1607105597181.png (31.15 KB, 1004x186, FBI.png)

Looked into the MATI stream. Josh says SIGSEGV is going to stay permanently banned. Really fucking funny to think this was an attack against him instead of a shitpost/possible threat.
Feds are without a doubt gonna start looking at the other parts of KF since they've got some exposure to it now, so expect some more drama from it. If there was ever a good time to jump ship, its now.
No. 1099135
>>1099130Really fucking funny to think
he thought this was an attack against him instead of a shitpost/threat.
No. 1099136
>>1099130He doesn't think this was an attack on him, he's covering his ass and the forum's ass.
It's the same as saying "stop fedbposting". You redirect the attack back, basicly.
No. 1099140
>>1099130hey retard, the FBI has already contacted Jewsh before and they got fag0t's texan IP because he reposted the Halle shooter's manifesto.
Nobody more or less is gonna be watching KF as a result
No. 1099481
>>1099249Yeah but at the same time I think it's time to leave CWC alone. It's not funny or worth keeping tabs on anymore. It often verges on some weird hateful "at least I'm not Chris" obsession. Remember when some guy sorted through Chris's trash on Kiwifarms after his house burnt down?
And after that it all just went to shit and people continued to get even more overly involved in his life. The whole thing is pretty creepy and gross tbh.
The trolls, the weird fanboys, the stalkers, the people who make content based off of him, the people who give him money and make money off of him, the people who casually bring him up in unrelated settings, and Chris himself, are all in the same category of retarded and cringey in my eyes. Look no further than Josh Moon to see what I am talking about.
The """glory days""" are over and in retrospect pretty lame. It wasn't enough to look at and talk about Chris being dumb in isolation, they had to prod at him and fuck with him until he became what he is today and he will never go back to doing random funny stupid things because he is mentally destroyed from it.
He is the epitome of why you never cowtip. Almost his entire saga inspires people like the Idea Guys to do this because, well, you can boil it all down to the heavy documentation on the CWCkie that glorifies multiple people calling him and going "JULAYY!" as if they are war heroes.
The whole thing was an edgy mess and now it's not even funny anymore because they removed the edgy humor from the CWCkie to make themselves forget that they're literally poking a tard with a stick for entertainment purposes. It's disingenuous because come on nobody follows Chris because they are unironically a fan of him.
And I don't know about you but I could go the entire rest of my life without knowing what Chris is getting up to currently. He's never gonna stop the dimensional merge shit, he's never gonna stop trooning, he's never gonna continue to put out issues of Sonichu regularly. He's mentally broken. In fact I wouldn't mind forgetting about CWC entirely it's such a shit show. It's not like you can talk about him to other people anyway so it's pretty braindead to obsess over him the way some do.
Nobody should be shocked that a forum spawned from obsessively stalking Chris Chan and digging through his feces turned into Kiwi Farms, a place known for harboring multiple failed mass shooters.
The whole Chris Chan community represents the absolue worst of what can go wrong with lolcows.
Let's just leave that shit behind, who cares if it's not on the internet anymore. Odds are if you've followed him at any time you've seen his shit over and over until his entire saga is etched into your memory anyway, no matter how hard you try to forget it.
>Tl;dr: Chris represents everything that can go wrong with a lolcow and any community based off him is inherently doomed to become inbred and hateful to the point of tardation. No. 1099656
File: 1607131882690.png (48.13 KB, 1003x442, hehe.png)

And so the great FBI thread comes to a most abrupt end!
>>1099641Sauce Boss?
No. 1099665
File: 1607132259036.png (92.16 KB, 1528x446, politispergs btfo.png)

>my shitpost led to A&N and Happenings getting blown the fuck out
You're welcome.
No. 1099672
>>1099656yeah sauce was banned.
>>1099665>I am being played by radicals and retards to my own disadvantagedude is losing it
No. 1099674
File: 1607133156484.png (18.68 KB, 791x122, josh.png)

Basil II from KF here, first time poster, so please forgive me if I haven't lurked enough and don't understand the culture.
But I got banned for calling Josh a pussy lmao.(rule 4)
No. 1099677
File: 1607133378422.jpeg (333.89 KB, 1143x928, 1574681392155-2.jpeg)

welcome, please read the user info and rules. most importantly No. 1099680
>>1099674Fuck dude, I'm sorry. That is a permanent ban too based off of the fact there is no expiration date, so its off to the Onion Farms then.
I'm gonna be making a new and improved YandereDev OP there and its gonna have tons of new never-before-seen info. You're all gonna love it! SIGSEGV is there already, and a few other Kiwis as well.
>>1099665Unbelievably Based, True and Honest, and Redpilled.
The mental decline of Josh has begun. 90% certain A&N is fucking done because Josh can't handle people giving him the same treatment he gives other people on a regular basis, and also doesn't want to deal with the FBI on his ass at all in any capacity. I have a feeling Crocodilians post did it, which would honestly be fucking hilarious.
No. 1099688
>>1099685This threads just being used a bunker right now for people leaving KF, and hey, they provided milk in the form of a ban, right?
Onion Farms is gonna get more popular soon. Don't get angry.
No. 1099708
File: 1607135463595.png (17.59 KB, 998x207, ha.png)

Null gave me the ban for saving the refugees with Onion Farms.
Well, lol. Kengle (Owner of OF) actually listens to peoples suggestions in contrast to the complete silence from the KF staff. Hopefully it can actually grow into something interesting.
No. 1099719
File: 1607136575232.png (18.65 KB, 259x260, Screenshot_2020-12-04 Onionfar…)

Null's day of reckoning is coming.
No. 1099727
>>1099527I was just wondering if they happened to go through the thread and banned all the posts like that or if that one in particular got reported cause of the attention. It's possible with how much they monitor kf that it was unrelated, but people in the thread
>>1099715 were saying there were worse posts and we haven't heard about anything happening with those, so it looks like a one-off report.
No. 1099732
>>1099727From what I read in that thread visiting it after all this drama started, the "worst" posts were people advocating for terrorism, referencing people like the Unabomber and some other big names, but no actual,
valid threats.
There's a difference between saying "I think X is a viable way of changing the government", and "I'm going to X at X on X and nothing is going to stop me". One of them is an opinion, and further an ideology, and the other is a potential threat that you can never be fully certain about until you conduct an investigation.
SIGSEGV shouldn't have made that post, and honestly if the FBI actually did find something behind the screen, it could potentially save lives. I've said it earlier, but you have no idea who's behind the username. Could be a teenager or a 50 year old, female or male, white or black, American or Vietnamese. SIGSEGV seems fine now so that's good nothing bad came out of it.
As for A&N itself? Josh is fighting with himself. One part of him wants the freedom of speech and to provide a platform for these people, yet the other part doesn't want to deal with FBI inquiries and wants a more stable website. He isn't going to come to a quick conclusion, and even if he gets rid of A&N now, it might just come back in a few weeks/months as it has previously.
No. 1099834
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No. 1099835
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No. 1099837
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No. 1099838
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No. 1099941
>>1099249Someone who has nothing to lose for running a dirty gossip website could make a KF competitor pretty easily given how many people reluctantly use KF it would just have to:
>Brand itself as a lolcow-spectating/gossip website with no reference of/dependence on KF>Have its own design/infrastructure >Have an admin and mods that aren't power-hungry lunatics and don't encourage >Have strict rules and culture norms that prevent it from turning into a shithole, e.g. no doxing other members, no encouragement of admin brown-nosing>Be able to survive without donations>>1099665What a fucking loser. He welcomed a bunch of unhinged edgelords with open arms in exchange for attention and years later has decided that it was a bad idea because it affected him and his 'project' personally.
No. 1100007
File: 1607170006349.png (240.4 KB, 1401x791, Josh1.PNG)

Josh cries the blues yet again:
No. 1100021
File: 1607171516609.jpg (70.67 KB, 828x525, 17gdisex8v061.jpg)

>>1098758Sorry if late but image is Josh.
No. 1100039
>>1100007>in 3 years, I spent $20 000, my entire life's savings [on kiwifarms]Oh my god.
Imagine admitting something like this and still having a superiority complex.
I didn't realize how thoroughly Josh has wasted his life.
When was the last time he had a real, adult job? Imagine admitting that you've blown your meager life savings on stubbornly keeping a trash gossip website alive for years.
He isn't even that old, is he? Around 30ish, yeah?
He went from having the potential to earn a cushy living in a very lucrative industry to being a broke, obese internet creature living in the asshole of Europe whose only hobby, job, or impact on the world is a lolcow forum.
No. 1100040
I think it is very funny that Null gets all the blame for this and people are saying he is reporting people to the feds, when it was obviously either
>>1096061 or
>>1096066 or someone reading that shit and thought it would be funny to cowtip and report the post. Days later Null gets en e-mail about it.
Also fuck off Kiwifarm scrotes. Be butthurt somewhere else, onion farms sounds perfect for you guys to whine about how daddy Null doesn't love you anymore.
No. 1100057
>>1100039He did all of this for "muh free speech"
Go redpill, end up in the red (debt)
Imagine the money he could've had running a normie site. Pathetic. This is why you don't welcome alt-right retards into your home. This is why normie forums ban you incels immediately, you nazi scrotes are a financial, legal and safety liability. Josh is a fucking retard. Thank god he's actually ridding the site of that cancer. He should start by going through people's history in the george floyd thread and the political threads, then the gay deep thought threads and ban retards for their shit /pol/ takes.
Then, if he wants to make a living after the section 230 repeal he can ban people using "troon" and the n-word and hopefully remonetize thr site. Maybe then you'll make some dough and get an easter european waifu Jersh!
Who am I kidding? He's to stubborn to do that.
No. 1100070
>>1100007>>1100008How convenient of him to completely exclude the fact that the main reason for the cost of the site being so high financially, mentally, and socially is because of a troll named Vordrak who fucks with Josh in any and every way he can, and Josh subsequently deciding to keep his forum up out of spite and narcissism, doing everything and anything he can to reinforce the infrastructure. He makes himself out to sound like some warrior of free speech, but its just his extreme autistic attachment to the site, because he has nothing and IS nothing away from KF.
A hearty kek at him spending $20,000 of his dollars to enable people to laugh at cows. That's honestly really pathetic, and he's dug the hole deeper for himself now that he has no assets at all to start a new life with LOL.
No. 1100076
File: 1607177505425.png (73.94 KB, 737x640, Joshout.png)

Didn't see this posted. Some more Josh sperging in chat earlier.
No. 1100077
>>1100007>>1100008I don't love Josh but isn't requesting users not post shooting threats pretty.. reasonable?? Is KF's userbase so
toxic that this is the final straw for them? Not being able to make murder threats online? Because "it was a shitpost"
No. 1100090
>>1100077Those are the people that think yelling 'nigger' is the last bastion of 'free speech'. Of course they are that
Null is a retard for not seeing this coming.
No. 1100091
File: 1607179784293.png (120.55 KB, 562x288, redditdotcom.png)

>>1100077The request is super reasonable.
Except Kiwi Farms have been in an immigration crisis since 2016 where every wignat, tankie, libertarian, boogaloo-er, and just plain brainrotted Facebook addicts swarmed the site the way 14 year olds swarmed 4chan the minute it got coverage.
Josh spent all this time making his gay clubhouse the bastion of FREESH PEECH, that he let in the worst the internet has to offer and he'll never drive them out.
And yes, KF users are retarded enough to think being smug is a shield against federal investigations.
No. 1100099
>>1100091>he let in the worst the internet has to offerAnd he takes pride in that. You can clearly see him struggling to keep his cognitive dissonance and narrative in his head. He took in the Undesirables and proclaimed himself Hero of Free Speech. The narrative he chose is Us vs. The World.
But there's a good reason The World has shunned the Undesirables, and now that the reason has shown itself and he has to act to curb his own users, his narrative crumbles.
Users are sort of rightly indignant, because they were sold the Us vs. Them narrative from Null which he forfeited as soon as faced with a powerful enough Them.
Fuck Null. I used to be a lurker but the racism drove me away. He could have had a userbase of chill drama-loving gossipers but he just had to play Jesus to human trash.
No. 1100125
The pp/gc crowd is pushing hard to become an exception to that rule, though. It's been a problem on here for a while. All those ideologues in userbases are of the same give an inch take a mile type.
They won't even go to Asherah's Garden which is a website made specifically for their tastes. I don't see Kiwis ever adopting Onion Farms for exactly the same reason.
No. 1100312
>>1099481I agree anon. To be honest, anyone unable to accept what you've outlined in this post just sticks out as a massive red flag to me. I think a lot of people watching him back in the day were immature teenagers themselves, I was one of them. I grew out of finding it entertaining and it just makes me sad now, most others in my position I've met seem to have the same opinion, so to see the same people still obsessing over him to this day is crazier than chris at this point imho.
Also I'm not shocked at all that KF is falling apart, it was obvious from day 1 this would happen. Infighting is always inevitable, the reason it doesn't happen on sites like this is because everyone is anonymous and you could tell someone to fuck off in one thread then agree with them in the next. Sites like KF tend to end up with "cliques" and personalities and tend to attract attention seekers who need this type of environment for updoots and validation.
A site that attracts people who are primarily focused on, lets be honest, stalking and doxxing people eventually start eating each other when other users they will no doubt have conflict with are so easily accessible? I'm shocked, how could anyone have seen this coming.
No. 1100352
>>1100312Just to play devil's advocate a little bit here though, Josh didn't create KF out of whole cloth. He was working with the CWCki Forums crowd, and Champthom tried to keep it feeling like a "community" (ie, cliques, drama, and retarded powerleveling).
It didn't help that Gamergate happened around the same time, or that Chris would denounce it despite barely having heard of it, or that he would pepper spray his way back into people's heads.
No. 1100458
File: 1607207733940.jpeg (316.7 KB, 479x1114, 5CEA1DC6-480A-464D-9FF1-D55355…)

Yes sigs actually got v&. apparently he didn’t use a vpn when he first started posting (which raises the question of why null had that ip in the first place)
amazing seeing kiwi implode though, never thought i would see the day
No. 1100533
God, lurking on KiwiFarms is painful as because of the rampant incel and handmaiden bullshittery that infests that hell hole.
Lolcow is trans? All trans people are lolcows! Lolcow isn't straight? All non-straight people are lolcows! Oh my god, the lolcow is trans, gay but also a predator? Well, all trans gay people are pedos, and if they say they aren't? THEY'RE LYING!
As the requirements for being a lolcow continues to get muddied over the years, pretty much everyone on that site thinks a non straight, non-cis male, non white person is a lolcow.
Don't even get me started on the "politics". Kiwi Farmers are so fucking right-wing that they'll espouse any right-wing, "contrarian" idea because they have freedom of speech and "have the balls to say what no one else will".
Shit sometime this year I took a gander at A&H and one the the posts was about a family murder. The perp was black and had attempted a burglary killed the mother and I think a toddler. The only survivors were the father and the teen daughter.
They somehow got it into their heads that the teen girl planned this because she was white and the perp was black, and all teen girls want to date 30 year olds because "they're whores".
These people have no basis of reality and think that their /pol/ vision is the only true reality of the situation.
No. 1100558
>>1100007>>1100008I still can't believe there are grown adults who read this shit and not think "Good God, this shit's fucking pathetic."
It's embarrassing that all of them act like they're in some orwellian nightmare because they weren't allowed to joke about shooting innocent people just because said people have different politics than them.
>>1100458No, the bigger question is how retarded do you have to be to
post on kiwifarms without a VPN knowing that it's a den of doxxers, has had almost yearly data breaches, is being watched by the feds, and is ran by Joshua Moon.
No. 1100595
>>1100590Nobody can ever own Josh as hard as he owns himself by the things that he admits.
How pathetic is it to pine after a traditional marriage when you're the exact opposite of a traditionally attractive man.
And to admit that you've wasted away $20k and 3 years of your life on some failed, nothing website without even a lick of self-awareness as to how pathetic that is.
Really makes you feel good about your own life & choices.
No. 1100612
>>1100558Even crazier is that Null said there was a Tor node and the dude didn’t use it.
For people obsessed with muh gubberment and routinely doxx people, you’d think they’d have the common sense to use a site like that with Tor. They probably have their main email they use for everything attached to their accounts and everything.
>>1100458Most sites log your IP in this day and age and are tracking your activity off site. The guy is probably a dumbass who doesn’t try to stop this happening and has all his browsing/accounts linked so that’s why they could find him so quickly.
No. 1100631
Lol what the fuck? That's the worst attempt at a lolcow forum I've ever seen, including the new PULL website. (and I'm not even talking about the design, which I assume is intentionally as eye cancer inducing as possible)
They have a living doll forum. In 2020. With Dakota, Venus and Anastasiya Shpagina.
Then, a bunch of forums specifically for different parts of the world, starting with "Africa" at the top, the Middle East and Europe, America, Asia.
Political discussion, religion, history, and then, amidst all those invitations to shitfling /pol/-tier bait… "Human rights and social justice" and "Transgender and Intersex support".
Who's the furry schizo that made this?
No. 1100684
File: 1607222087296.png (224.8 KB, 366x592, mutantclone.png)

>>1100631onionfarms is run by a literally autistic middle aged man who has a long history of obsessively trying to befriend and support lolcows. The cows mostly ignore him; periodically, kiwis remember he exists and shit up his sites until he shuts them down.
His ability to run a forum is about on par with his artistic ability.
No. 1100969
>>1100558Don't be a tard and nobody will care to doxx you, especially not the FBI who don't give a shit you said the occasional naughty word.
Unfortunately, 99% of KF users are tards who will absolutely say and do things that will get on people's radars. Not to mention using the same emails and even passwords as other sites.
No. 1101282
File: 1607281820253.jpg (463.53 KB, 720x1202, IMG_20201206_110053.jpg)

>>1100969>tardKiwis can you please just fuck off to /cow/ and never come back.
>>1100684Maybe onionfarms can act as a sort of dumpster for every drama site combined. Color-blind trannies can whine about how schizo the evil terfs on lolcow are. Autistic racists can whine about kiwifarms being a no fun zone while reeing about Josh. Pullfags could even invade the site before outing the owner as the creepy middle aged man he is. Only to enter an argument about whether it's ableist to call his behavior pathetic and creepy. While the /pol/fags ree at their dear "onionnull" for letting the pullfags ruin their last bastion of free speech.
No. 1103481
File: 1607493415930.png (694.11 KB, 1263x2284, animepfp.png)

When you look through Josh's profile, you can find little gems like this. Ever since he complied with that FBI request, more users have been outwardly hostile towards him directly than usual, and not even necessarily the retarded /pol/ posters he was referencing in his threads. Its gonna reach a breaking point soon.
>>1103470No. I'm not sure why its happening now, although I have two ideas: It either Josh's incompetence as usual, or there's some strange stuff going on behind the scenes related to the FBI contacting him. Either way, you'd be a fool to keep using the website without some strong protection.
No. 1104179
File: 1607566043855.png (74.18 KB, 1488x298, Screenshot_87.png)

>>1102794Is the website fucking up or was the post deleted?
No. 1106912
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No. 1107299
>>1107287I've never been happier that lolcow doesnt have anyway of approving or upvoting posts lol holy shit
A secret group made just to escape getting stickers you dont like - users called it years ago the A&H was just a sticker farm
No. 1107430
File: 1608051841985.png (75.23 KB, 1363x298, Capture.PNG)

What Kiwi Farms has become in a single fucking post.
No. 1107555
File: 1608059475647.png (113.42 KB, 1128x316, retard.png)

kf users remain retarded, think that this thread is used for anything other than kf users mad about being banned.
tbf whoever was nitpicking AnOminous obviously had a vendetta because he's one of the least retarded users, but seeing him make multiple posts about being disliked here was pretty funny. You're getting in too deep, friend.
No. 1107755
>>1107430Holy shit lmao
>>1106935What did anon post? Josh's nudes?
No. 1107897
>>1107430This self hating black woman (@bitchstopher columbitch) made a deep thoughts thread about non-whites being against "critical race theory" and @Eris and other A&H sperges gloated about how she and her race were subhuman and needed to be culled. Same for that @WhimsicalTrolli black guy. He keeps saying "niggers" in the political thread as if the same people in the thread don't want him dead and they say outright that he and other black people are on their own during the eventual "racewar."
It's fucking pathetic.
These are very sad people who are definitely going to need some serious therapy. Once Kiwifarms is gone.
No. 1107917
File: 1608083533467.png (105.38 KB, 480x706, tescoretardmeal.png)

>>1107555I know there were also positive posts for AnOminous in the last thread as well. Bitter, smart alcoholic middle-aged divorced men who can cook are just my type.
Also kek this retard unironically posting this. On KF. The site devoted to documenting Chris-chan. And then acting like they're anon here.
No. 1107942
>>1107917Let's be honest, both and KF (and every other gossip site) is overflowing with spergs who love to shit on and obsess over the other gossip sites like some gay cold war. As much as we callout KF for its retardation, KF calls us out for our retardation like the perma-asspained mods, and the terfs and ana-chans running wild on nearly every board.\
>>1107897Bold of you to assume any of these people are capable of changing. Once KF goes down they're gonna start their own Dead Horse Interchange/PULL style forum with poor doxxing and even more unreadability.
No. 1108201
>>1107917Holy KEK.
You would have to be braindead to have an account on a gossip site tbqh for all the reasons
>>1107940 pointed out. I only post here because it’s anonymous so you don’t have to worry about cliques, stupid infighting, drama or attracting some obsessive stalker. A lot of people on KF are spergy enough that they become way too comfortable and post too much identifiable information on a fucking stalking forum (of all places), then get shocked when hanging out on a forum that attracts obsessive people results in those people talking about them or collecting info on them. It’s really funny to see that rug pulled out from under this user, they don’t like the fact their secret club is under the same monitoring and scrutinisation as every other sperg online.
No. 1108263
>>1107479Personally, my favorite part was the autistic slap-fighting between all of them as they try to one-up each other with witty comebacks. I also love how none of them question what OP's friend has been posting to even be considered "based" and "redpilled" enough to be invited to such a group.
>>1107960Don't blame them anon, all kiwifarmers are redditors in disguise.
No. 1109531
File: 1608263464101.jpeg (611.33 KB, 1125x1954, 0A188526-9C57-447A-AA15-DA7518…)

Why are these faggots/handmaidens calling us “the other place”? Kek
What did we do to piss them off?
Edit: forgot to close quotation
No. 1109564
>>1109531We piss them off by existing. Kiwifags think they're better than the farms, /cow/, ED, and now Onionfarms as well, even though they're far from it considering the amount of milk and drama it produces.
Also, imagine criticizing an imageboard because of its layout. Even more evidence to prove they're redditors in disguise. Can't even use a website because they don't like the appearance.
No. 1109752
File: 1608304665435.png (120.51 KB, 1385x430, Capture.PNG)

Josh wonders why big boy financial institutions want nothing to do with him…
No. 1109783
>>1109535Reddit spacing is like this.
Where every sentence is on a new line.
And there's a break in-between each line.
No. 1109816
>>1109531they hate us because we were first and admin won't entertain josh's offers to buy this place. they call us girl farms or the other place, but in truth they're the other place and are just a male version of us.
These incels spend all day on KF, none of them want to admit their only hobby is rooted in female imageboard culture because that would be gay
>>1109752free speech for everyone except people that use it against Joshy
No. 1109843
File: 1608313722779.jpg (110.51 KB, 630x630, fbi-logo.jpg)

>>1109752Fill your fedora with bitcoin and move to Kekistan, Josh. Bannon and Trump broke your little heart.
No. 1109937
>>1109531>>1109564Josh attempts to take over sites and communities and if he can't he trashes them. When he started working with Hotwheels for Jim Watkins & 8chan, he mounted a campaign claiming that 4chan was no longer safe because Hiromoot was "data mining." When he blew through the money and left Jim Watkins & 8chan, he claimed… Jim Watkins was "data mining."
At one point he "offered" something to the farms and like the nerd mafiosi he thinks he is it was an offer you couldn't refuse. But they did and he's never forgotten it. Right after that he started a thread about users here.
No. 1110222
File: 1608344800939.jpg (34.18 KB, 400x415, solongsuckers.jpg)

>>1109937Notice that this individual did not try to claim the new owner of 4chan, the original owner, or the ownership of 8chan, was NOT selling data, only restated events that occured. Why? Well because the only revenue availible to any owner of a large online community is to sell the "anonymized" userdata and session activity information. Even in the past when other revenue streams existed, the data was still sold surreptitiously by owners, and the financial system preventing monetization go back as far as 4chan's original tussle with Visa/MC and the mootixco saga when Paypal froze and stole the donate4chan funds more than 15 years ago. Today, advertising and sponsorship isn't even possible, so ask yourself, where else could the money come from?
No. 1112171
File: 1608586830447.png (120.58 KB, 446x244, z1.PNG)

Zedkissed60 is BANNED!
No. 1112173
File: 1608586886019.png (44.65 KB, 1127x242, z2.PNG)

No. 1112174
File: 1608586929855.png (27.49 KB, 1157x121, z3.png)

No. 1112175
File: 1608586988766.png (29.41 KB, 723x256, z4.png)

No. 1112180
File: 1608587281515.png (7.87 KB, 420x83, z5.PNG)

No. 1112188
File: 1608587668198.png (48.3 KB, 874x332, Z6.png)

No. 1112193
File: 1608587824312.png (27.77 KB, 885x201, OF.png)

No. 1112201
File: 1608588225114.png (21.85 KB, 717x115, z7.png)

No. 1112242
>>1112193Sure, but how is Null even wrong there? Onion Farms is a joke, and it's populated almost exclusively by the Kiwi Farmers who were banned for being too retarded for
Kiwi Farms.
No. 1112505
>>1112276a user that nobody gives a shit about getting banned is not a "happening". It is not worth bumping this thread. Do it when the site actually goes down or Null kills himself. This thread was not meant to be a vent thread for all scrotes who got banned to whine about it endlessly.
>>1112450kill yourself, scrote
No. 1112521
>>1112386Yeah Null is trying to get you all to vacate his site by pawning you off here so you don’t make an alt and keep shitting up his site. We are a separate community and we don’t care about you nor do we want you here. Most people here don’t even fucking use kiwifarms.
>>1112505Literally this. Users will then have the audacity to call us a site full of dumb women being dumb women, but gladly come here attention whoring about their bans and broadcasting boring drama that no one outside of them and maybe 3 people know about as they are too lazy to integrate to this site’s culture.
So unless it’s about something actually interesting regarding the owner of the site, just fuck off and go circlejerk about it in a discord server with other kiwi refugees or something because that is not the point of this thread.
No. 1112697
File: 1608663336431.png (4.51 KB, 259x118, 0.png)

>>1112661Fuck off {o}P. Make more socks on KF
No. 1113227
File: 1608718499582.png (170.63 KB, 1125x349, 8139473147913.png)

>I don't hear Null go bragging about how he's built a community, but of course, he has
>Basically, he made the rules, and then leaves people alone and trust them to follow, and the jannies only step in when necessary
No. 1113987
>>1113984like bitch no one gives a fuck that you buy all your snooty overpriced buttonups bespoke when you're comparing yourself to fucking amberlynn reid.
You shoudn't be allowed to vote if you can't operate a chainsaw anyway.
No. 1116105
File: 1609106884918.png (329.89 KB, 1500x519, 616cb88f2d67f36f1c27bf3a56a66d…) user gone up in rise of flames. Null is cleaning house lately it seems.
This one ostensibly about a anime pfp, but really because this guy (Satan, Bastard Samurai, Son of thing, now dubbed forever Kirito) has been causing shit and getting funny idea about how important he is for a minute. He even was trying to get everyone's favorite Granny Tranny Tommy Tooter to report sneasal to the police.
He gets chatbanned after arguing about how he is using his anime pfp to troll the spergs or something and goes off and makes this thread where he has an autistic shit fit. I thought it was kinda funny especially this post I ss'd. Funniest thing I've seen Josh do in a long time.
Looks like we got a new dedicated Onionfarmer.
No. 1116110
File: 1609107008178.png (78.3 KB, 851x575, OP ss.png)

oP spergs the fuck out on Onion Farms, gets locked into a single board then banned. Runs over to Josh's Discord server with some "leaks" on users from Onion Farms and begs to be unbanned.
No. 1116117
>>1116105>null gets assblasted about some rando chat troll and bans them>it's a day ending in "Y"Fuck off with this shit Kiwisperg. Nobody cares about this 'drama' offsite. This is literally nothing.
>>1116110>rando chat troll that is perpetually assblasted about being banned whines about being bannedSame again. Nobody that isn't a Kiwi Farmer cares about this. Come back when there's actually something interesting going on.
No. 1116121
File: 1609108073210.jpg (29.91 KB, 600x588, EqKbAngXIAA6GXw.jpg)

(shit baiting) No. 1116124
File: 1609108180832.jpeg (219.98 KB, 640x724, 0EC3352A-6ACB-4348-AC5B-1A9F96…)

sage for late but funny in the baffling kind of way
No. 1116135
>>1116124literal nonsense. if troons are the result of “there’s no difference between men and women!” then what’s with all the surgery they get? why do they take hormones?
troons are the result of people enforcing gender roles and letting mentally ill people mutilate their bodies to get to their porn addled brain’s idea of what the opposite gender is like.
also, there’s been troons since before second wave feminism. dude’s fucking dumb as shit.
No. 1116282
>>1116178kek the excuses men will make for their tranny fetish/bisexuality/gayness.
"uh..uh i want my child to have two parents, so I had to settle for a trans woman!"
No. 1116568
File: 1609163023711.gif (1 MB, 155x145, nigger.gif)

>>1116541Cry moar. I'll post wherever I want when I want. And you can keep making posts getting mad about it and I'll make fun of you.
No. 1116599
File: 1609168844915.png (125.9 KB, 1359x863, Capture.PNG)

Null's shitfit of the day, part 1.
No. 1116600
File: 1609168930440.jpg (306.33 KB, 1247x742, Capture2.jpg)

And part 2. It's like watching the face of a child in slow motion as it realizes it's just smashed its favorite toy.
No. 1116624
I've got some theories about
>>11166161) Its Josh trying to stop people documenting, discussing, and laughing at his forum.
2) Its a troll trying to derail this thread. Either by causing spergouts or coercing people into not posting
3) Its some angry bitch who can't handle people talking about Kiwifarms in the Kiwifarms thread, and think that they have the authority to tell people what to and not to post.
Either way, they should just fuck off and go for a walk. No one should reply to them beyond this post.
No. 1116634
>>11166244) this is a board about drama that women care about (look around) and women don't care about scrotes infighting on a site that is (despite what the ban-message has you believe) not related to ours.
To make this easier for you I will tell some topics that might interest users from this site:
- User on Kiwifarms kills himself in an epic way
- User on Kiwifarms gets doxed and it's funny
- Null gives up on the internet and shuts it all down
- Null decides to troon out
any of that would be interesting stuff that would be worth bumping this thread for
Stuff that is NOT interesting however is:
- blublublu I got banned from Kiwifarms, Null is SUCH a jerk
- Hahaha look how I epically trolled Null by behaving like a sperg until I get banned, am I not an epic troll? Ladies? Any takers?
- Nulls boring rant of the week that is always the exact same doomerpilled shit that we have read from him 5 million times before
This is not Kiwifarms, you refuse to integrate into this sites culture, you refuse to obey any of the rules and you are met with disdain for it. But of course a fucking /pol/tard like yourself has to assume it's some kind of tinfoil bullshit. Maybe I am Q-Anon trying to eat your ass.
Just fuck off.
No. 1116735
>>1116624nta but everything
>>1116634 said, it's obvious you have no idea where you are and can't be bothered to look around for two seconds to learn the site's culture. Bumping a thread with boring non-milk will always be met with hostility, you'd know this if you didn't insist on acting like an insufferable newfag like every other kiwi itt
No. 1116812
File: 1609190431022.jpg (288.21 KB, 1600x900, 09gelatin1-videoSixteenByNineJ…)

>>1116735OH god i sure hope someone on lolcow.farms doesn't get HOSTILE with me. Oh no. Fuck you I shit on you and your shit site,faggot.
File: 1609191927404.jpg (211.8 KB, 500x334, download (94).jpg)

Oh no what shall I do now?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1117965
File: 1609321969101.png (205.17 KB, 1131x499, SS_012491279421.png)

>>1117961And those deep thoughts really warranted bumping the thread? Sage next time.
Here's something actually funny for this nightmare of a thread
No. 1118171
>>1117827Sunk cost fallacy maybe? He figures he's put so much money into keeping it afloat for so long, it's gonna start pulling a profit any day now.
Or maybe it's all ready turning a profit, and all his talk about "wah, this is costing me so much money wah wah" is just to keep the marks, uh, I mean True and Honest Fans contributing their hard-earned bux to him
No. 1120570
File: 1609631829617.jpg (246.69 KB, 1200x1032, voting by gender and race.jpg)

>>1120552If only women voted Democrats would win every single election. If you approve of that sort of thing then fine, but don't pretend it's not reality.
No. 1120609
File: 1609634704840.png (47.88 KB, 989x257, aa.png)

Null has decided to paywall cow doxes, cause all that soda he drinks ain't gonna pay for itself! Mentioned something about a subscription-based service as well in chat.
No. 1120611
File: 1609634742611.png (32.31 KB, 824x500, priv.png)

No. 1120696
>>1120609>>1120611Wait how old is Null again, and why does he always write like an autistic 14-year-old boy who discovered /b/ three days ago?
Also it was mentioned earlier in the thread I know but I've been lurking the site for the first time this evening and noticed these tards are so obsessed with doxxing people, thinking it makes them
le ebin hackers for finding publicly available information. Not only do they doxx innocent subjects who probably don't even warrant threads, they randomly doxx one another in the middle of a thread for doing nothing but posting something mildly disagreeable, then everyone laughs but only once the doxxed user has their mom fired from her job, 50 pizzas at the front door and a house set on fire do they retract and go "b-b-but it was the w-weeeens' fault, not mine or KF!" Guess this is just what happens when 4chan manchildren running on NEETbux manage to open a successful forum.
No. 1120713
>If those damn dirty women weren't allowed to vote, my preferred faction in the boomer-ridden uniparty that doesn't give a fuck about anyone but themselves would win and make America great again!You can pretend voting for Rich Boomer A over Rich Boomer B makes any actual difference all you want; if you approve of that sort of thing then fine, but don't pretend it's not reality.
>>1120599Both parties are for retards, let's be real. Of course, when you don't actually give a shit about your country and just want to "
trigger" and "own" (insert group here) like
>>1120570 does, I guess that doesn't matter.
No. 1120718
>>1120650He's one of those "I treat all women as a hivemind, but get
triggered when I recieve similar treatment in response" types. For all the talk about how emotional and what not "all women" are, these men sure do act, well, rather femininely, by their own standards (arbitrary, of course).
No. 1121816
File: 1609777988168.jpg (17.73 KB, 471x471, 828.jpg)

>>1121810it takes a special brand of userbase to be more autistic than a kiwi and theyve done it handily
No. 1121854
File: 1609782554437.png (85.86 KB, 244x252, 1605647522103.png)

>>1121810>>1121816I hate whenever these idiots come in thread to try bait anons by giving the same copy pasted respone of how
triggered or upset we are with their reddit-tier site.
No. 1121881
>>1120696Dox and doxing is spelled with one x.
>>1120698>>1121816>>1121810go back to 4chan
God this thread is so fucking shit.
No. 1122308
you ok? You posted the same thing twice and both times missed the youtube field; it's the one labelled "youtube", real subtle I know.
Really enjoying the thread, boys. I'm not sure why you have a reputation for being irredeemable unfuckable autists, you seem really cool and smart to me.
No. 1122494
>>1122283Ok, if other people also spell it wrong, then I guess it must be right.
>>1122308Remember, these are the people who got banned from KF and think this place is some kind of refuge. They are too autistic even for the autism-haven itself. Absolute bottom of the barrel fuckwits. Glad we offer them a place here, cause admin loves giving scrotes a new home.
No. 1122556
File: 1609857100001.png (63.76 KB, 768x497, Leace.png)

KF janitor Meowthkip has put up the broom and retired.
No. 1122560
File: 1609857203647.png (75.63 KB, 999x486, Cl.png)

No. 1123303
File: 1609897540929.png (4.33 MB, 1254x10787, 4545345.png)

kek another (former) kf mod got doxed. this time they're a degenerate furry that wants to fuck cars & planes. No. 1123359
>>1122556Isn't meowth another degenerate tranny?
>>1123303How many mods have gotten doxxed at this point? It never ceases to amaze me, kf mods always seem to embody the worst aspects of their userbase.
No. 1123546
File: 1609916006014.png (49.83 KB, 1416x386, sneasal has a sock.png)

no big surprise and I can't figure out who it is, but former Admin Yawning Sneasal appears to have a sock.
No. 1123547
File: 1609916247158.jpg (23.8 KB, 300x157, Dogjosh.jpg)

this is a dog josh you see its a dog and josh
No. 1123548
File: 1609916296170.png (289.33 KB, 466x466, josh is a pedophile.png)

some may not know this but joshua moon has been called a pedophile by many of his detractors
no one has ever proven them wrong. kinda makes you think
No. 1123550
File: 1609916419841.png (77.6 KB, 987x588, null likes traps.png)

so null basically admits he's into andros and traps
No. 1123551
File: 1609916478271.png (34.14 KB, 897x361, 31096605c3f5bbc40d66edcbc9adad…)

did you know joshua conner moon (known, but unconvicted, pedophile and child predator) jerks off to neko shota?
No. 1123552
File: 1609916505812.png (101.05 KB, 454x608, josh cant coom.png)

he jerked off to so much neko shota he can't coom. Sad. Many such cases
No. 1123553
File: 1609916592939.png (10.63 KB, 614x97, pussy.png)

josh gets sad if too many people say mean things to him
No. 1123555
File: 1609916640958.png (216.37 KB, 677x815, josh doesnt report cp.png)

josh also doesn't report cp to the fbi when it's on his site
No. 1123556
File: 1609916670275.png (61.81 KB, 770x482, josh doesnt report cp 2.png)

this retard actually believes tor will totally block the FBI from finding CP posters
No. 1123559
File: 1609916756915.png (8.64 KB, 485x85, josh doesnt report cp 3.png)

literally doesn't mind getting his own users swatted, but they go unreported for CP, he's treating em with kid's glove. that's not cool
No. 1123560
File: 1609916860057.jpg (54.48 KB, 416x702, josh-euphoric.jpg)

also note that phasing means it's getting saved to a database to compare to every image posted on the site. so he basically had to have a database of CP for his site to function
No. 1123758
>>1123746But did you know about those Null screenshots from 10+ years ago that get brought up every other week? OMG EXPOSED!! EPICALLY OWNED!!!
Next you will tell us Null is fat and lives in a middle eastern country and gets angry on the internet a lot. Who knew!
>>1123555>>1123559>>1123556 These are all talking about 9chan (it says so in the fucking image), which he has given up ownership for months ago because of all the CP being posted on it. I am sure it was discussed in this thread when it actually happened. Nobody posts CP to fucking Kiwifarms because you have to register an account and Null has been known to rat his users out to the FBI.
No. 1124319
File: 1609985851856.png (64.69 KB, 1496x188, Untitled.png)

I don't care how much this pisses off the pissbabies in this thread, but if you want gold-tier free entertainment, get your ass into the March for Trump thread.
It's a beautiful shitshow of neon glowposting, doomers, wannabe boogaloos, and people who are wildly out of touch with the average American.
No. 1124873
>>1124845It's not a kiwifarms server, it's a server for Null's podcast. Why would you want to be in there anyways?
>>1124832Funny, only missing the angry ranting about Trump.
No. 1124910
Look, I understand that you feel as though you have power over me. Feeling as if the bans actually mean something.
They don't.
I'm not here to cause any drama. Really. I just got banned and I came in to say hi. Its pretty damn lonely nowadays on the internet, and its exceedingly difficult to build close relationships to people. It feels like some of you have been pushed away from society, and I dropped by to hopefully change your day. I've got a real nice girlfriend here, so I'm not trying to simp for anyone or become some orbiter, and I mean REAL nice. She's got breasts just the right amount of soft and squishy.
You girls don't care about that, though. I came here to talk about Josh!
Real nice guy he is, and I'm not sure why you all have so much anger against him. He's sacrificed everything to run this forum, and calling him mean names ain't that nice. It gets to a man y'know? I'm not asking any of you to suck him off or even donate money, but just to be appreciative, that's all. I mean, you've got your admin and her problems with white people and all, but at the end of the day she's providing this service free of charge, and the performance is all right. Least you could do is have some perspective and be more kind to the man.
I'm off.
No. 1124922
>>1124910>>1124912You should have stopped after
>>1124832that one was funny, this one was just low effort
No. 1125343
File: 1610084125606.jpg (16.31 KB, 265x190, he mad.jpg)

>>1124910OP you're such an embarassment
>>1124845>>1124873It's still populated by Kiwis. Also Josh posts there and gets really upset if anyone @'s him or disagrees with him. One of my favorite ways to fuck with him tbh
No. 1125344
>>1125343I can't remember they might still have this permalink
No. 1125383
>>1124910How embarassing.
I recently quit kiwi farms because I got so obsessed with "finding milk" that it took up my life. got my girl server now and they're pretty cool.
>>1125343Ask Null to post his "meat bottom" again so we can laugh at it here. I stupidly didn't save it last time.
No. 1126094
File: 1610155528331.png (31.46 KB, 593x282, loljosh.png)

Kiwifarms is down (Error 522) and Josh has purged his entire Twitter.
No. 1126103
>>1126094Yep, was reading the insurrection and March threads and as soon as trump’s Twitter went down, so did the Kfarms
They all deserve it, I hope you A&H yards are happy, this is the best outcome for me to have ever witnessed.
No. 1126108
File: 1610156473837.jpg (883.06 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20210108-173752_Bra…)

Looks like it was just a "disk issue" after all.
No. 1126116
>>1126111He loved Trump until the leopard ate his face (Section 230 repeal).
I think he’s burned out and would like an excuse to nuke the site.
No. 1126269
>>1126103Imagine letting a bunch of nazis live so rent free you think it's a deep conspiracy.
Take your meds.
No. 1126667
>>1126621fucking kek.
How long 4 years can be, eh Josh? Back in the heady, pepe days of "we the president now" life seemed so beautiful to our hero.
No. 1127035
File: 1610226591141.png (263.6 KB, 640x730, when you see a dog.png)

>Biden is gonna take all the hentai down from the internet and there's nothing you can do about it, bitch ass pussy(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1127244
>>1126111>>1126621thanks for confirming you have no idea what you are posting about. he wrote an entire retarded blog about how he was a loyal Daily Show watching liberal up until Trump began running for president. if you weren't totally retarded, you could find this on his little blog he used to run. but since you are, you just mindlessly opine about the version of someone who doesn't even know you exist you've concocted inside your head because your mind is completely broken by your attachment to the internet.
>>1126692couldn't? more like wouldn't. you still don't understand what places like this are used for. keep revealing your thoughts and interests voluntarily.
No. 1127308
File: 1610249665786.png (50.76 KB, 601x352, Screenshot_2021-01-09 Josh “Th…)

Kiwifarms is down again after being down multiple other times previously this week, and this time it looks as though its a hardware fault. Wouldn't be surprised if it manages to be Josh's fault trying to "fix" it the last time.
Meanwhile the Onionfarms is still alive and well and just pumped out a Josh thread.
No. 1127471
>>1127308>Hardware error in a server located on a different continent than Josh>must be Josh's faultThat Josh thread sounds great, you and the other 5 people banned from KF who use Onionfarms should invest more time making it a super epic own and less time coming on here to post shit nobody cares about.
>>1127362He will have to have the datacenter in which his server is located send someone to fix or replace the hardware and then the site will be back up. It is weird that this is happening because the server is brand new, like
>>1127434 said. But unless Vordrak or whoever personally broke into the datacenter to kick in the server, I don't see how it could be malicious. Most likely Josh got scammed by the person he bought the server from.
No. 1127478
>>1127362>>1127471Basically he would need a chassis swap. They put the disk drives into a another server chassis and put it in the rack instead of the faulty one and everything should start working.
Not sure why it's taking so long to fix it though. A chassis swap shouldn't take more than an hour or so and delays are usually caused by the datacenter not having the same model chassis which sometimes happens with really old servers(which shouldn't be the case here as it's a new server and the hosting company wouldn't offer servers on old hardware). That or the techs at the hosting company are lazy or something
No. 1127482
File: 1610275228243.png (46.79 KB, 599x522, hw_woes.PNG)

Looks like site will be down until Monday
Since he's talking about having to buy a new card and ship it that would mean he's only using the datacenter for collocation and this is why the hosting company is not doing the chassis swap for him as explained in
>>1127478 No. 1127680
File: 1610304004543.jpg (168.32 KB, 587x677, gfhgf.jpg)

Another update from Josh.
>>1127471>>1127478>>1127482Thanks, that makes sense. And that is odd, I don't even think the server is a year old yet.
>>1127444Pleroma is a part of the Fediverse, and that's where Japanese artist go when they're too degenerate for twitter.
>>1127480Anon, Josh's life revolves around running KF, what makes you think he's going to shut it down? The only way I can see it closing is if an alphabet agency gets involved, Melinda keeps filing frivolous lawsuits and Josh becomes a literal Europoor, or if Josh dies.
(Maybe this is tinfoiling, but I find it a little funny that KF is having this problem when MAGAtards are being deplatformed right now lol. I don't think anything will come from this though.)
No. 1127770
>>1127680>watching movies all weekendWhy would they do this instead of enjoying their weekend with their loved ones- oh.
Also I agree, it
is suspicious that the site goes down right when the heat is on. Emotions were running hot, political refugees were flooding the board in droves (until he closed registrations), and the chance of one of his spergs glowposting a little too hard was at an all-time high.
Then, all of a sudden, his 'server goes down with a hardware error'? Big thunk.
No. 1127778
File: 1610313839784.png (273.67 KB, 378x474, tinfoil.png)

>>1127770Josh is bunkering down in his Ukranian child-slave dungeon cause the lizard people are coming for him and Donald Trump betrayed the MAGAs and now the glowies are coming to eat Kiwifarmers assholes! He knows! He's shutting it down! Oy vey!
No. 1127918
>>1127244I prob shouldn't give you more attention, but you're both right. Josh was a MAGA until Trump's fuckups start piling on. When Trump threatened to repeal Section 230, Josh went fuck FUCK DRUMFPH because that would actually kill the Farms and turn the Internet into a real, full blown hugbox. I bet whenever he bitches about KF being too Political nowadays, he's bitching about Trumptards overflowing A&H and making every thread about the evil liberals.
Granted, he'll never go full full leftist commie either. The whole government rebellion thing MAGA hatkin have is erotic to Josh who still thinks he's a cultural legend.
No. 1129707
File: 1610486440754.png (10.62 KB, 1114x124, Untitled.png)

Josh joins the ranks of the Twitter and Facebook by banning any outspoken right-winged posters and then closing down all registrations. Welcome to Resetera except the posters are slightly more rude.
No. 1130248
File: 1610538565168.jpg (112.89 KB, 1036x538, alwayshasbeenreddit.jpg)

>>1129707unironically good on Josh for doing that tbh. His site is pretty much overrun with right-wing scrotes as it is. Imagine actually caring that much whether or not you're allowed to use gamer words
No. 1130249
>>1129707And if he hadn't done this you would now be complaining about how there are too many QAnon Trump-stans on the site making it too political. Literally you just come here because you want to bitch. There is never milk in this thread, just people who are pissed that "Kiwifarms isn't how I want it to be REEEEEE! Why does Josh not cater to me! REEEEEE!"
Imagine caring this much about a community full of NEET turbo-autists.
No. 1130409
File: 1610557648211.png (88.84 KB, 1491x422, null is a pedophile.png)

>>But did you know about those Null screenshots from 10+ years ago that get brought up every other week? OMG EXPOSED!! EPICALLY OWNED!!! Well the "neko shota" logs were new to one of his sycophants here, but another came in to reassure him he was "just a kid" in them. He was almost 16 years old in them and it was clear they were "all little boys." That's not even getting into all of the other elaborate rape and murder fantasies he expressed in his old blockland posts to female members that I'm sure his dickriders have rationalized into "epic trolls" and his newfound obsession with "anime pedophiles"(it's projection).
Speaking of anime pedophiles, this guy's avatar is from something called "Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san." Look that up and I'll let you decide who that's going to heavily appeal to. You could do that with many of the other anime avatars in this particular thread or the rest of the site. Is it any surprise one of their mods just got outed as a gay autistic furry or that Null is a bigger trainwreck than most of the people they have threads on?
No. 1130759
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>>1130727He was nearly 16 years old at the time making him far above the age of the shota catboys he was beating off to. It's relevant because he's repeatedly gone on record as saying anyone who gets off to lolicon should be executed, and when this gets brought up he or his cocksuckers have to lie about how old he was (not that it would matter since they weren't even younger teenagers) or what was blatantly said back then (or what creepy anime they likely beat off to themselves.)
Sorry if I also think it's funny in lieu of him saying how he recently said can't even watch My Neighbor Totoro because of the "pedo vibes."
No. 1131218
>>1130759Grown man does not hold the same views as when he was 15 years old. Shocking. That's not being a hypocrite, that's called growing up. You should try it sometimes and start off by not watching japanese cartoons about high school girls anymore.
I am sure he saw a lot of shit running 9chan and saw that the worst users on his site all have anime avatars. He's right about this, anime is degenerate and lolicons are pedophiles and Japanese people are perverts. Good for him that he realized this.
No. 1131339
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>>1131218Lmfao, it's not his "views" you fucking retard, but what he's sexually attracted to. You can be 15 years old and still be a pedophile. He has gone on record as saying anyone who's into lolicon/shotacon in any capacity is a pedophile and should be killed. He is, by his own standards (and by many things beyond this), a pedophile and worthy of death. There is also absolutely no reason to believe he stopped beating off to prepubescent catboys as soon as he hit 16 just a few months later or why his own standards wouldn't apply to him. That's why he and his sycophants (including you, I've realized) have to keep lying about how old he was and making these excuses.
That's true he saw lots of horrific shit running 9chan, but what apparently happened was 9chan got raided by a group of pedophiles who baited him into allowing lolicon and eventually started posting hardcore CP. They weren't casual users, they were a group of dedicated pedophiles who've been doing this to other imageboards. This apparently caused him to snap/feel pangs of "guilt" and it's gone from taking a hard stance against lolicon to doing the "anime is for pedophiles and the Japanese are a race of pedophiles" shtick like some of the worst 00's SA goons (who were also often projecting.)
I'm sorry you haven't realized (because you're much like him) Null is a psychopath and his neurosis about anime is all projection for him, and he has no hope of any normal career or life, and that he ruined it all for himself when he was a teenager.
Also, if the chatlogs about shota are too weak, can we maybe talk about his elaborate rape/murder threats to female members back then? I guess he's changed from back then too!
No. 1131806
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No. 1131809
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>His psychotic break about nip cartoons and his forum's cognitive dissonance about his past (and what they themselves watch/beat off to) is something to keep an eye on.They bury all the shit he's done because like him, they don't want to admit the only reason they care about "lolcows" is that they're punching down to make themselves feel better about how miserable their lives are, which is why so many of them post literal r/thathappened stories about how they're totally based and lifepilled offline (Mirna, Barbarella, and others - it's so fucking obvious they're full of shit) so when 'milk' like
>>1131339 posted is mentioned, it all gets memory-holed to maintain the illusion that yes, we are indeed superior to lolcows. It's like how people sperg out about normies, ignoring that they themselves share the exact same interests/hobbies as normies - funny how gossiping about lolcows is based, but many Kiwitards believe celebrity gossip is a big no-no. It's all just a bunch of dudes (and dudes pretending to be women, which I suspect tbqh is the case here just as much, if not more) suffering from I'M NOT LIKE THOSE OTHER GUYS syndrome. They're all male pickmes, essentially. Anime ruined an entire generation of men (bring this up every time they talk about Scott Pilgrim ruining one of women, they literally can't handle it).
>>1129707 brings up another element of this, that after four years of pandering to the right, Josh decides to shut them all out in the same way he and his pickmes shut out his past. Of course, the ones already there are still allowed to sperg out, thus making the whole gesture pointless, but who cares, right? Case in point, that "Random Internet Person" goof who keeps posting that they're gonna kill all Trump supporters or some shit like that, forgetting that he likely made fun of the leftists who thought that they'd all get such treatment after Trump won in 2016. Totally not the same thing, though, we're based and redpilled, yo! Then you have those who REEEEE about normies - sure, you watch the same sports/anime/movies/TV as they do, and have literal threads about this, but because you know some literal nobody on the internet, you're NOT like them and are better than them. Sure, whatever. In essence, all "lolcow" communities eventually devolve into lolcowdom themselves, populated by social misfits who after years of being everyone else's doormat offline, found a place online where they could finally be cool, without having to put in any actual effort. I mean, let's be real, none of these "lolcows" were ever funny. Ever. Oh, wow, Luna Slater's a generic junkie. Oh, wow, CWC a generic case of failed parenting. Like, give it a rest, we all know what's going on here: social malcontents who think, man, I don't have to better myself, I can just point at CWC or AR or Foodie Beauty or whoever else and say see, I'm not like them, so I'm a good boy! Also, Josh spergs out about how no one's doing anything about the banks, but all he can do is maintain a glorified gossip rag about irrelevant fat women like Chantal and Amberlynn. What has he himself done about the banks other than wonder why everyone else isn't doing anything? Must be because he's a millenial, you know how they are just like the boomers who created 'em: if I don't get what I want right now, I don't care about it anymore. TLDR: "lolcow" communities are safe spaces for people who peaked in high school at best and feel the need to punch down to make themselves feel better and Josh is exhibit A. I suspect anons like
>>1131507 are so uppity about his past being brought up because they know deep down it hits a nerve that they themselves are likely just as bad off as Josh.
>Yes, I am of sound mind and have a good life which is why I still gossip about people like I'm still in high school instead of growing the fuck up and stop caring about this crap, why do you ask?
>inb4 I get called every name in the book, told that we TOTALLY have lives and shit outside our childish fascination with literal nobodies. I may even get banned for this post, which would just prove my point. Oh, and one more thing:
>>1098517Before 9/11, people would've said shit like the Patriot Act would never come to pass. I'm not saying 230 WILL go away, but don't rule it out.
>scrote containment site>implying that the vast majority of anons here aren't guys themselves doing the radfem version of r/RedPillWomen which is totally not also full of guys pretending to be women.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE) No. 1132174
>>1131809Do you actually think anyone will read this wall of text? Can you make it any more obvious you're a fucking Kiwisperg? Go to Onionfarms.
>>1131689The weeb is hurt deeply when he hears the truth, that he is a degenerate loser who jerks it to media made for japanese children in a pathetic attempt to escape his shitty NEET life. Idk if Null is a hypocrite when he says it, he is right. Cry more, pedofag.
No. 1132257
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>>1131809I think it's also just to a point where it's a personality cult dynamic. They either ignore it or downplay it or even justify it to themselves because of the image they've built up. Null provides them that kind of outlet, so why would they disavow them when they have so much else going for themselves? You saw it really clearly with Sam Hyde- I remember there were Twitter bots at one point that would reply to every single person who @'d him with the collages on his pedophilia, interest in trannies etc. and it did basically nothing to tarnish his image. He still ended up as a surrogate father to scores of broken "alt right" teenagers in the lead up to and for much of Trump's term.
Another case on KF I'm surprised doesn't get as much attention is Weev. Weev has a decade+ career of building himself up as some epic counter-culture hacker turned far right subversive, when he's simply a severely mentally ill kike (in the vein of Dan Burros and Joshua Ryne Goldberg) who decided to larp as a neo-nazi after a psychotic break in prison. He had a big AMA thread on KF where they all sucked his mutilated cock, even after admitting to this over 3 years ago on the first page. This should more clearly read as "underage trafficking
victims" and there's no reason to believe he was trolling given he's clearly a psychopath. This post got overwhelmingly positive reactions too. Since Null has no problem giving platform to another Jewish child rapist, maybe this is the real reason he fled to eastern europe, to get in on the action? No. 1132506
>>1132257Well he will find out that Eastern European women are not as hungry for western cocks as these alt-right types will have you believe. An eastern girl who is "traf waifu UwU" will not date a foreigner unless he is super rich or handsome. Hot eastern european women don't throw themselves at sweaty western neckbeards. Especially if you don't even speak their language. Weeve is full of shit, he isn't fucking anyone except for cheap prostitutes and trafficking
No. 1132680
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>>1132257Get the hell out of here, scrote.
No. 1132874
>>1132506"Hot" eastern european women are after rich eastern european men who have truly unfathomable amounts of unchecked wealth from criminal enterprise. They're also not "trad" as they won't cook and clean, but you better fucking pay for their expensive beauty treatments and designer clothes. They also expect to be gifted property which they will own independently. Some 7/10s might entertain you until they get their permanent green cards, however.
Source: am eastern yuro.
No. 1133242
>>1133225 It's a He, anon. Mirna is an older gay man who acts like a catty bitch because he thinks this will make he seem more trustworthy. Idk why, tho.
I'm an active poster in the Venus thread and I can't stand him. It is evident he wants to fuck venus and is jealous of all younger girls/woman he sees, also.
Notice how he always use gendered insults when talking about cows. It is always ''cunt'', ''bitch'', ''hag'' etc…He also likes to insult women who can't have children by calling them ''barren'' at any given opportunity. He's also obsessed with age, calling any women out of their teens an older hag.
He's just a jealous middle-aged gay man who is so pathetic that he has to resort posting on Kiwi Farms.
No. 1133997
>>1131339>doing the "anime is for pedophiles and the Japanese are a race of pedophiles" shtick like some of the worst 00's SA goons (who were also often projecting.)A pedophile saying that plenty of anime appeals to people with pedo tendencies isn't projection, you fucking retard.
And no, nobody was posting CP to try to take the board down, there was rampant CP on /b/ fifteen years ago, and butthurt fans on /sp/ will still spam it whenever their team is getting completely BTFO (I saw it firsthand once in a Colts/Texans game thread).
No. 1134019
>>1133997The trib-fags who posted it literally bragged about how Null had to spend all night awake having to delete the CP they spammed, I remember one especially who seemed schizo (Agent Johnson?) and who thought that Null
literally spent every second of every day thinking about him, he made several posts about "Just let us post CP on the main board, kids can consent, we will keep doing this until you cave in" and whenever someone replied to him telling him he's a pedo-fag he thought it was Null.
9chan was a shitshow and I watched it burn down (glad it is dead, nobody needs more imageboards for scrotes to be pedophiles on) but it was very much deliberately ruined by pedos who were not satisfied that they were only allowed to post loli (and only 2D) on a board that didn't show up on the overboard.
Also sage your posts, Kiwifag. Since you scrotes want to stay here so desperately, at least try to integrate and read the site rules.
No. 1134086
>>1133997Think the point was how he's denying he's a pedophile and then saying stuff like "I can't watch even these literal children's films, it feels like child porn to me" (it is true though that lots of peds are involved in children's entertainment, but that's not where he's coming from) sounds like projection (or at the least very neurotic), retard. Especially when there's good evidence he is one.
There were other people who saw what happened (>>1134019) and who moderated 9chan at the time and attested it was basically being raided/they were going after him. But you're right that people posting CP on 4chan and other imageboards (even if they're completely unrelated to anime) has been a constant phenomenon going back many many years, so it's pretty weird (not really) he's making over what he experienced as some kind of revelation.
No. 1134098
>>1134086He said that he thought the people who posted loli and the people who posted real CP were different people before he saw for himself when he ran 9chan that it is the same people using the same IPs and tripcodes. If he was actually a pedo, why didn't he keep 9chan up?
I don't wanna wk Null of all people, but the pedo shit is such a reach and so easily thrown around nowadays that it takes away the impact of the word. I don't think you can hold something someone said as a 15 year old against them 15 years later. There's plenty of other shit you can say about him like that he's an incel loser who lives in a third world country cause he thinks he will find an UwU tradwife there. Or his absolutely retarded views on politics.
I personally think he's right about anime, I can't stand retarded weebs screeching about their cartoons anywhere they go. They are also by far the worst users on any site including KF.
No. 1134553
>>1134098Yeah he used to argue there was no connection between lolicon and pedophilia whatsoever which is an absolutely retarded/delusional belief and the kind of argument you routinely see from apologists for that shit. Then his shitty imageboard got raided by pedophiles spamming hardcore CP (something that has never ever happened in the history of imageboards) and it convinced him the two are completely identical and eventually anime as a whole.
That mentality is funny because it's very similar to what you often saw on 00's SA, which for about the first half of it's existence used to have ads for J-list on prominent display which sold the most disgusting shit from Japan imaginable even back then. And they'd even review hentai games (which are still up) sold there, which included lolicon depicting graphic rape, which they had uncensored screenshots up for years before outcry on their forums made them censor them.
But it was all "ironic", from the same forum that gave the world Shmorky, Aatrek, troons etc. You definitely don't see any of this same exact mentality from Null and Kiwispergs now.
I'm not sure why you keep comparing his messed up fetishes to "views" or "something someone said." I hold it against him because he's repeatedly had to lie about his age at the time (which again, wouldn't really matter since the log made it very, very clear they weren't teenagers) and he's repeatedly stated his desire to execute anyone who got off to what he did.
You're not entirely wrong though that the "neko shota" logs aren't the worst things from back then though, they really aren't quite as bad as all his old future school shooter-tier threats he made against girls on Blockland.
As for why he didn't keep 9chan up, it was probably just too obvious.
No. 1134856
>>1134804>>1134820>>1134822The really big thing for him (that he will absolutely not shut the fuck up about) was that the people who raided him with CP were the same people who got him to allow and were posting loli on his board. And you'll routinely see him (and others) act like he is the only person who ever saw anything like this and gained some deep insight into the working of child predators and anime.
It had seemingly never crossed his mind before there was any overlap between people who get off to anime children and those who want to fuck real children, that there exists an overlap between those who are sexually attracted to something that's real and a more abstracted version of it. I wonder if it ever occurred to him that there's furries out there who want to fuck actual animals?
Going off
>>1134019, I've seen someone else (who was a moderator at the time) claim Null was actually asleep during the time most of the raiding went on and they were one of the people who had to deal with the CP spam as it happened. If that's the case he didn't even experience the worst of it, and they haven't been on board with Null's interpretation of it.
No. 1134922
>>1134885Eh I looked it back up and I don't think they were actually a moderator, they were just reporting the CP that was getting spammed and remarked how it would take so long to get taken down because Null was apparently alseep most of the time it happened. They also disagreed with Null's interpretation in part because they're one of the "loli and pedophilia are completely unrelated" people. But I guess he wasn't around when most of the raiding went on and affirmed the idea they weren't casual posters.
Though here's an old Dick Masterson thread with one of Null's old claims of loli and pedophilia being unconnected and someone claiming Null saw the same kind of CP spamming on 8chan and 16chan before (and how it's weird he's acting like what he experienced is new): have to remember that CP getting spammed on imageboards is a phenomenon that goes back to the very first japanese ones. 2chan banned foreigners from posting in large part because of all the russian IP's that kept posting CP.
No. 1135941
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just saw this
No. 1137131
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It's crazy how many super dedicated a-logs Null has collected and created over the years. I just found out that Wendy Carter (gay russian man who used to be a moderator on KF before being bullied off) has an entire twitter-alternative page (?) where he pretty much documents Null's every move and post. Is Wendy a gilted ex-lover? Cause he sure talks like one. also talks about how much he likes lolcow farms at some point so he is probably one of the a-logs in this thread, confirming once again that it's full of degenerate scrotes. You will never be a woman.
No. 1139842
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Absolutely cursed user, he later claimed he totally didn't take dick up the ass
No. 1139849
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Claiming to retire from KF the other day, but he came back again
No. 1139855
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>>1139850He's an autistic zoomer who comes onto KF drunk as fuck, full of xannies and always overshares way too much.
He revealed earlier this year his parents wouldn't let him drink until he was 20. He first came to people's attention because he wouldn't stop totally sperging out for hours into the Wuhan thread, then would go everywhere else to beg to be unbanned from it. He just spiraled from there.
No. 1139900
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No. 1139943
>>1139849That green title underneath his avatar means that he paid Josh actual money to get that, right? Yeah, he's not going anywhere. It's a sunk cost at this point.
am surprised that the janny even bothered trying to warn him though.
No. 1140827
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From the Nikocado Avocado thread, I love how no one replied to him and only gave him negative rates. Expected at least one to humor or agree with him
No. 1141160
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Josh expresses his frustration at the Onionfarms merely existing once again. A little context: His stream Discord server was raiding the OF Discord server, a post is made on KF about it tagging Josh, Josh of course denies it because his good little kittens could NEVER do anything wrong, and now he's seething because it was actually one of his mods starting the raid.("hi cow")
No. 1141201
>>1141186You're an Onionfarm sperg who needs to stay on Onionfarms. It's a nice little containment zone for the autistic faggots who are too autistic for even the Kiwifarms. Do you actually think that anyone here cares about your gay trolling plans? Don't have to be Josh to be able to tell that you're acting like jilted lovers cause daddy Null banned you even tho you paid him actual money to be in his inner circle.
"Look guys! We made Null upset because we spam links to Onionfarms on his site, his discord and his stream! Isn't he a sperg for getting upset about that?"
To anyone without autism, you're really not the winners here. Find a hobby that doesn't involve a gay little internet circlejerk and trolling discords.
No. 1141647
>>1141302Everyones tired of Onionfarms boys. They are all Kiwifarms rejects and that makes them even more pathetic and autistic.
Literally all the posts in this thread and all the posts on Onionfarms are made by the same 4-5 people who were banned on KF and who now act like Null's jilted ex-girlfriends. For some reason they can't just keep it over there but have to keep bumping this thread with reports on their infighting.
No. 1143045
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>>1128214>>1128669At least now we know why
No. 1143827
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Josh's Patreon has been permanently disabled and he has lost all $1000 for this month in addition to its balance.
No. 1143829
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Also it appears Onionfarms has taken credit for this one.
No. 1147247
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Josh got baited by a troll to try out some shady ass Chinese streaming service with a "promise" of $60,000 dollars and got kicked off of it with the platform pocketing 100% of the donations made to him. He even started streaming twice a week because he thought this was an actual plan kek.
No. 1148990
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imagine banning a user over this
No. 1149862
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Josh wants to create "Kiwifarms Coins" to sell $60 a pop. lol
No. 1149869
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>>1148990It turned permanent kek
No. 1149873
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No. 1149881
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Some more sperging from Null in the chat and a thread some user made for unbanning.
No. 1149882
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No. 1157726
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>>1157345Trombonista being a jew with an economics degree working a minimum wage job is the darkest fate
No. 1157772
>>1157345Honestly Kamov and Trombonista could pass as normies probably, but the rest of them just look straight-up weird. Is Empsex
trying to look like an alien?
No. 1159715
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>>1157834>>1158347It was vex who doxed her originally. We were freinds on discord and he showed me all doxes for kiwi jannies before he released them.
I believe he impersonated me in an effort to get me unbanned on Onion Farms.
No. 1173123
Long post here folks.
What up, Un-banned Kiwi here. I really think and agree with KF getting worse over time, I Joined during the weeb wars mess and at first it's fun to make fun and mock KV but over time ISWV when to hell and that's when I spent more time on the farms and over time I realized how thin-skinned and hypocritical many were there in WW and in the KF community in general. Wasting all that time making fun of lolcows that repeat themselves over and over is reflective of how obsessed they are with drama themsleves, they are only marginally better than the people they much and make fun of and only think of punching down, even Null admitted that on one of MATI streams(shame I can't remember which one).
Then you start making a few mistakes and you get to see how petty the mods and the posters really are because the farms sure love to make fun of people but they can't stand it when someone starts beef there that's damaging, legit or otherwise. I came to the farms to have fun mocking spregs that crossed the line without getting the banhammer for it on woke social media. Not to see a cesspool of of slightly smarter lolcows.
And Null's behavior isn't looking good, yeah I bought into him being a strong advocate of free speech and a chill dude that can take a joke, but banning people that mock or challenge him was the last straw for me and make me see what a thin-skinned scumbag he is. That is when I decided to do some searching on any legit criticism on Josh and I saw his posts about Cat-shota's and other stuff that pretty much angered me but confirmed my suspicion over his overly defensive reaction to Loli, to the point that he got trigged like male feminist. his reaction and what seems to be his failed Anti-pedo service Exodus.Tech got me suspecting that the rabbit hole is a lot deep that people think as there is disgust with loli and then there is Josh's reaction to it.
In general the farms constant sperging of their interests and whatnot over and over like a broken record makes anyone with a bit of common sense realise that this ain't the place to be and that Kiwi Farms are a complete joke and they are lucky that anyone that is better than them don't come down and put them in their place because they are not worth there time. It's a hell of their own making and the only reason why I haven't deleted my account is because Josh doesn't allow people to delete their accounts unless they tell him or his jannies. It's like he wants to hold people hostage with all the info they collect on the farms. It's disrespectful and a bit disturbing because they are just as much fans of the very media or people they bash and mock. I wouldn't be surprised if they fapped to any leaked nudes they got or sperg out over comics, games and anime given their Yan-Tsundere attitude towards everything.
Things like this is why people should get a life and honestly, "leaving", twitter and other social media is liberating. From one Kiwi's perspective, KF ain't worth the time, sure it's a good laugh from time to time but wasting your life over lolcows is just plain sad. And if a Kiwi lurker here gets mad over what I've said and see me as a traitor, I'll say this: "How can I be a traitor to a group that has betrayed themselves and I've learned to appreciate the values you all claim to have?"
Peace out.(no1curr about ur kiwi ban autism essay)
No. 1173538
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No. 1174586
>>1173123Gonna respond to this seriously instead of shitposting for once.
Yeah, its pretty obvious Kiwifarms is shit. Discord drama and namefags are rampant everywhere across the site, shitting up threads and circlejerking each other.
There are better things to do with your time than post on Kiwifarms.
No. 1174934
>>1133225They are claiming to be an expert again today in medical malpractice lawsuits.
Also those tl;dr posts of theirs, I dont think a single person actually READS them.
No. 1176916
File: 1614963539311.jpg (18.1 KB, 536x302, fat josh.jpg) IP for Kiwifarms 1776 Hosting PLEASE DONT DDOS
No. 1179311
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happy international women's day, Josh
No. 1182110
File: 1615500858916.png (202.36 KB, 1599x986, scrotecope.png)

Scrotes forever coping. Just because George Clooney had kids in his 50s doesn't mean anyone will want your nasty old man dick. If a woman is willing to have a kid with someone who doesn't have much to offer and probably won't be around for the college graduation, she has pretty much unlimited options, including selecting a 10/10 tall genius from the sperm bank.
Swimmers still theoretically swimming when a man is fuckin' old doesn't mean anyone wants to fuck him or that he can still get it up. Lots of old shit still works but nobody wants it.
Don't become the human equivalent of a cassette player languishing in a Goodwill, Josh. Stop drinking your calories and go the fuck outside. Broke beetus dick never won a fair maiden.
No. 1182863
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>>1180286Exactly. It's just pathetic. For starters, all of this talk about women and kids and Josh's plans for the future (lol) started because he made an off-topic baitpost in the Chantal thread, which would've been a bannable offense if it was anyone but him that did it. And since then, he's:
1) doubled down on his "All women wants kids" argument, despite not knowing a single woman in his life,
2) gotten mad at anyone arguing him on this point, despite the fact that he knew he was baiting,
3) gotten mad at anyone pointing out that he's the last person who should breed,
4) gotten mad at anyone pointing out that adoption is a thing,
5) gotten mad at anyone telling him "what the fuck are you waiting for" and to stop wasting his life away on his shitty Internet forum if he truly wants a partner and kids.
Pic related. "Waah, why does everyone think I'm lying about being the happiest I've ever been?"
Oh, I don't know, Josh. Maybe because you bitch about how much of a pain in the ass the forum is to maintain and how it prevents you from things like having friends/a family, owning a credit card and living in a place where people actually speak your fucking language? We see all of that and come to the obvious conclusion that you aren't happy. And if you actually are, then seek (more) help, because your life is completely fucked up and you
should be unhappy about it, and you should fix it.
But you won't. Heck, even in pic related—your latest response in your "I want kids" delusional rambling—you point out that your current priorities are
the forum, and not, you know, getting out in the world and working towards that family you say you want.
No. 1184881
>>1180286He has had sex before, so I dunno if he'd actually do it or not. Will be very interesting to see how he develops in the upcoming months.
>>1182863Horseshoe theory says admin-sama should marry Josh by virtue of them both being forum admins.
I dunno, I think it'd be something they'd both learn and gain happiness from.
No. 1188803
File: 1616232327468.png (226.55 KB, 849x692, josh is a russian! oh no!.png)

This is what happens when you're too much of a conspiracy-minded nutcase for even Kiwi Farms.
>he thinks that Josh is a Russian asset just because shady Russian shell companies were the only ones who'd do business with him and give him an IP range
>he thinks that the KF 'Fancy Bear hacker' is actually part of the state-sponsored hacker group, and not just a script-kiddie former mod LARPing as a cybercriminal
>but he has PDFs and shit guys!
And they'll all fucking eat it up, because nobody over there (on KF, or on their containment site for the problem children) ever actually stops and thinks about this shit for a second. Good lord.
No. 1192970
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Null explains why men are needed to run society in a thread about the degeneracy caused by peddit being run by men.
No. 1207052
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>>1205744Is he just mad that women are being more sexually open in the current day or some shit? I legitimately do not understand why he's so mad about it.
No. 1213208
>>1192970What a sperg. He blogposts constantly about gender in a way that only a socially isolated shut-in can. I genuinely don't think he's put it together yet that he's the antithesis of a man, and that only a fool would look to him for advice in regards to masculinity or attracting women.
It's easy to feel like a big fish when you spend all day on the internet people-watching the lowest failures & oddities of the world. But for all his pontificating about what women want, what women think, what women should do, he doesn't seem to stop & realize that he's a weak-jawed manlet with no hobbies or positive qualities. I doubt he's ever been in a long-term relationship, even though he's publicly announced his desperation to be "husband material" in the traditional sense.
He's the very definition of a soyboy - the kind of gutless homebody that can only exist in the internet age.
No. 1213468
If anyone remembers ThatOneLurker, who glowposted even harder than SIG, he got caught with his pants down last night/this morning.
Retard malding because of Chauvin conviction. Shit’s hilarious. Hala thread is imminent. No. 1213657
File: 1619030841191.png (304.1 KB, 1502x971, apcgetsbanned.png)

>>1213208>It's easy to feel like a big fish when you spend all day on the internet people-watching the lowest failures & oddities of the world. That is the entire reason he runs his site. What kind of person do you think would spend close to a decade of their life doxing people on the internet, wasting away in some European shithole?
>>1213468Imagine posting your "girlfriend" on a forum of socially-inept permavirgins to "prove" that you totally aren't one yourself.
In other news, one of the biggest tards on the forum, Arm Pit Cream, was permanently banned a SECOND TIME after failing to contain his autism.
Looking at this guys post history, it seems as though he did nothing with his life except post on Kiwifarms all day, everyday. Pathetic.
No. 1219861
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Null looking for a lawyer & spazzing tf out, what else is new?
No. 1228136
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>>1223011Well now that his "I'm
not currently being investigated by the feds" warrant canary is gone, maybe he was right to put feelers out for an attorney.
No. 1234456
>>1228136The irony of shooting down every lawsuit thrown at the site, when you yourself start desperately needing a lawyer
Just imagine how the initial case discussion would go
No. 1235941
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Kiwi spergs are sperging about their illnesses and disabilities in a cow thread.
No. 1257875
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Hey guys if any of you guys have Instagram feel free to bully this asshole or whatever the hell
No. 1442703
>>1228136>>1234456He is being subpoenaed, not sued. This most likely means that a lolcow from the forum is involved in a lolsuit and the court ordered Null to turn over information regarding a certain user. Since it's about revenge porn I assume this is the case between Adezero and Aediot for posting her nudes on the forum as revenge.
Imagine being a fucking retard and thinking this means that the feds are coming for Null and he's totally going to jail, kek. This has happened several times already and Null already said several times that if a US court orders him to hand over user information he has NO CHOICE but to do it. Otherwise he is in contempt of court and can get in trouble himself, so don't be a fucking idiot and don't post terrorist threats or revenge porn on the forum under your real IP or with an account that can be traced back to you.
No. 1490304
File: 1648927518624.png (59.31 KB, 295x640, 6F6819C0-1F18-4CD1-AE79-1D2C93…) is attempting to seize josh’s hard drives and he’s already deleted some of the evidence.
1/2 No. 1490309
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>>1490304sorry for the shitty screenshots, i am on mobile
No. 1493426
>>1442703I’m aware.
>>1490309Ironically, it would be better if Null gave up these ridiculous pretenses and allowed access to the hard drives. By refusing to cooperate it only increases his chances of being incarcerated.
For someone as miserable as he claims to be, Josh won’t do anything about his situation. He could easily get his life back on track by stepping down and handing the forums over to someone who isn’t a complete fuckup at running it. No woman in their right mind would want a socially inept manchild that runs a forum dedicated to harassment, yet he’s convinced that he’ll be able to just magically find a wife someday. This is all Null is known for. He has nothing beyond it, and will likely descend into obscurity in the future, bitter and forever alone.
It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic.
No. 1565491
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No. 1595346
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>>1565494At least one user had the decency to disagree with it.
No. 1598847
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No. 1620049
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No. 1626754
>>1626751Updates here.
No. 1627415
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>>1626751After Keffels was targeted, a hashtag launched where people notify Cloudflare what kind of website it’s hosting. They’re on the verge of dropping the farms- meaning this was successful. Null and company are royally freaking out and it’s glorious.
>>1234457This thread will be locked at some point. A lot of milk will be generated from these new developments, enough for a new general. Someone following the drama should do a write up.