File: 1611117069437.jpeg (925.74 KB, 2530x1584, 1611028740682.jpeg)

No. 1136650
Last thread began with the return of Ham after her three day relapse. In the space of two weeks we saw our recovery warrior go from crying as she spooned porridge into her sad little face to whipping off her top to show us her ~progress~ and how proud she is of her ~weight gain~. We tin foiled Hammum being a Muchbyproxy and why isn't Ham in education?
Ovi is still attempting recovery, cursing her "anorexic brain" as she waits for her body to catch up, no doubt.
Ganer's mental health has taken a nosedive since lockown lockdowned her gym. Dear god, let this pandemic end soon. Her legs need lifting.
To distract herself, she's been posting old spoop pics of herself which ig swiftly delete. She uploads them again and complains that people think the skele pics are ~
N2f has thrown herself into creating chocolate desserts, eating for us on her stories and not looking a picture of health.
Georgie's been quiet, but told us she was thinking about suicide and asked her followers for advice instead of asking professional MH workers. Was later posting a vid to stories, chair dancing to the Friends theme song.
risingupnew was mentioned again, with a tale about educating a patient of hers that even though she's fat she has an eating disorder. You can struggle with eating disorders at any size. They all say that.
soph.ventiing loves her fans at lolcow, even though nobody here actually thinks she's interesting enough to post about. A wonderful person though, showing us texts she sent to her dad showing him she'd cut FAT into her arm. She'll make a fabulous paramedic one day.
bored_with_ana attempted to get free stuff from Aldi and then was struck down by the 'rona.
Laura also had a text from Track n Trace, and is now in quarantine.
There was new news about Jonzie, which excited several anons.
Elzani's period has returned and a cake was made and decorated to celebrate.
Lego head, Sharni, is pretending to be schizophrenic or something in an attempt to get out of the Very Bad Thing she's done that's (apparently) getting her sent to a MSU.
Lee has been diagnosed with ASD and ARFID, and pretends to hate being tubed.
Shay's been playing with surgical tape.
Derailing included Irish politics and the correct term for school in the UK.
Links to our regular cows and some newbies mentioned last thread: and_olive_ thread:
No. 1136725
File: 1611123246438.png (647.62 KB, 640x1136, 0FEE0687-4AFA-46DA-97F8-144CA1…)

Ah yes the first thing I think to do when absconding from the psych ward, pull out my phone and record it to post on insta
No. 1136817
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soft4nge1 is a personal cow of mine. Shes been mentioned in previous threads but she has been circulating tiktok these last few days for a vid of her pulling out her tube. She also accessorizes her tube with heart shaped tape etc. She’s popular for posting body checks disguised as tiktok dances and the classic toob selfies. And I oh so love it when these cows have tellonym bc it’s always a goldmine.
No. 1136826
File: 1611137785220.png (7.1 MB, 1125x2001, F9BD1153-6704-4435-88BF-4C15F9…)

Pics of her tiktok video where she pulls out her tube. In other videos she’s dancing slowly in a way that clearly highlights either the hospital machinery, her toob, or her ‘dainty’ body. Claims to do so malnourished that a full diet plan wasn’t enough so she had to be tubed. I found her mid last year with a bandaged face from where she’s scratched herself up or something
No. 1136896
File: 1611148562126.jpeg (336.33 KB, 1125x1349, 964233A3-D926-4EDC-A1ED-833E2C…)

>>1136838Did you mean someone like this anon
No. 1136933
File: 1611153066907.jpeg (278.27 KB, 828x968, 9D1C28FE-D434-4531-B2A8-EB57D9…)

this nightmareish post on the ATDT forum reminded me heavily of our dear Ham’s snacks kek
No. 1136956
File: 1611155258005.jpeg (520.46 KB, 1125x749, D9A18EF2-EC9E-4FC7-8D96-64668D…)

>>1136933An 820 calorie snack. Fuck these people make me angry I don’t care how desperate they are, this is just as bad as their kids hiding/binning food or purging in secret. How would you ever trust your parents again.
(Pic kinda related. We all know that ‘meal plan’ wasn’t dietitian prescribed)
No. 1136975
>>1136956If she hadn't been eating for years, why did Hammum suddenly "make" her eat a brownie?
I didn't watch her last videos. Her lazy speech is unbearable. Fought, fink, worf. Those pancakes are those rank Warburton things, not real Elzani ones. She makes Molly's acting skills look Oscar nomination worthy.
No. 1136989
File: 1611157972880.jpeg (60.78 KB, 1280x720, BCFB9F3D-A572-4B3B-9DB1-923A94…)

>>1136975Why did she happily eat it?
I think we all know.
No. 1136996
File: 1611158731565.png (1.08 MB, 640x1136, A41B5035-74CC-4093-8474-2EA207…)

We have another cow that likes to run away
No. 1137004
File: 1611159176325.jpg (8.64 KB, 143x353, inmate.jpg)

>>1136996Woah, 3edgy5me. Bad girl.
Knife looks like it'd be good for potato peeling.
No. 1137013
File: 1611159854678.png (260.99 KB, 1148x644, mummy.png)

See, she's been taking orders from her freak ma since day one, pre-lolcow.
No. 1137026
File: 1611161112791.jpeg (560.83 KB, 828x989, 702EA075-16A8-4823-92AB-26A2D6…)

yet another absolute unit insisting that it’s evil for healthcare providers to not want their anorexic patients to become obese
No. 1137030
>>1137025Because she's a
No. 1137034
>>1137026How many anas would nope out of treatment if they heard “well you might become obese”? This is just a case of fat peoples comfort over thin people’s lives
If they want to acknowledge fat former-anorexics/LARPers, treatment providers could say “we won’t force you to gain over x”
No. 1137044
>>1137026Someone even commented that her dietician said that she won't get fat and she was heavily
Should the dietician say "You might get fat"??!!? I would leave immidiately.
No. 1137051
File: 1611162855794.jpeg (237.25 KB, 750x1078, B7B37DE1-12EB-480B-8B4A-FF8393…)

Ganer experiences an epiphany, but managed to interpret it in a completely backwards manner.
No. 1137102
File: 1611165646053.jpg (5.93 KB, 300x168, now im afraid.jpg)

>>1137051I feel that way about the cinema. Without Bond, I'm no one.
No. 1137135
File: 1611168184645.png (1.19 MB, 1914x779, try being polite hannah.png)

To the person who Hannah couldn't be arsed to reply to in img.
This is how A PARTICULAR SORT of person in the UK eats "pancakes". In fact, these are not real pancakes, they are blobs of nasty additives and preservatives. They are eaten by anorexia LARPers like Hannah, who are trying to emulate Elzani. Elzani makes real pancakes. Ham's supermarket pancakes are eaten by the underclass, or "chavs". Please don't let this disgusting wench give you the wrong impression of Brits. Everything she does connected to food is wrong.
Also to this person:
>i like to think of eating disorders as mental illnesses which can or can not have physical side effects either way, they are valid.
You are correct. Ham knows NOTHING about anorexia if she believes it is ONLY a mental illness.
From Ham's PA.
No. 1137196
File: 1611172556199.png (413.44 KB, 624x330, real vs plastic.png)

>>1137189Laziness and not giving a damn about the taste. These things are revolting. They taste nothing like home made ones. Pancakes for breakfast isn't really a thing in the UK. Usually people only eat the other kind of pancake (img) on pancake day. You can even buy those ones prepacked all year around, but again, nothing like the real ones.
No. 1137203
File: 1611173049550.jpeg (Spoiler Image,924.52 KB, 3464x3464, 9467AC49-22E0-4318-8659-9B726E…)

Ovi saying she’s ugly and then crying ready to relapse the second someone agrees.
No. 1137264
>>1137196These things are fucking gross. It's like eating really sweet tasting rubber.
>>1137215Elzani might be your average sheltered middle class twat but at least she knows how cook from scratch. Even n2f attempts to make her own food.
No. 1137290
File: 1611179373027.jpg (223.43 KB, 1152x2048, 20210120_224810.jpg)

rare double chin ovi pic, im so tired of her angled sharp jaw selfies gorl you look like the moon emoji you're fooling no one
No. 1137419
File: 1611190154162.jpg (173.43 KB, 1152x2048, 185959594603502352-4646.jpg)

>>1137203Do we even know if that account commenting is hers or not? The profile is blank and following five people. I wouldn't be surprised if it's herself sending her hate comments to get attention again.
It's also funny how quickly she goes from "relapsed" to recovered- didn't she say she relapsed last week too? But after a few days of that, she's back to eating for recovery. Pic related, her "recovery" FDOE where she says it's hard for her because she's "so full." I thought maybe she was bulimic because of how often she references purging, but then why would a day of "normal eating" matter compared to a binge? Her anorexia larp is so strange.
No. 1137496
File: 1611195239821.png (4.24 MB, 750x1334, D6D3C003-D793-49AE-B95F-7FD902…)

using garam masala like that is offensive to Indians everywhere but to make things worse, shes mixed it with brown sauce. Also why is she using plastic cutlery? So she doesn’t have to wash up I’m presuming? She’ll reuse it without a doubt
No. 1137532
File: 1611196615594.jpg (408.14 KB, 1079x1923, IMG_20210121_123614.jpg)

Sure jan, we believe you. Then proceeds to do a video of her in hospital and more tube shots.
No. 1137541
File: 1611196914115.jpg (313.27 KB, 1079x1884, IMG_20210121_124119.jpg)

She goes through monthly cycles of this from healthy gym bunny foodie to now wittle sick kiddie
No. 1137637
>>1137051The gym should only be two or three things from that list, if you were an actually well-adjusted person. I truly think out of all the cows in this thread, Ganer is the one lost cause (N2F notwithstanding) because she's so deep in her disorder but she thinks this is recovery and she's constantly getting praise for it. With N2F it's obvious that she's out of it and most people follow her out of morbid curiosity and she gets negative comments more often, and besides, she
probably knows that she's doing it wrong (purging) and is silent about it so maaaaybe there's a chance she snaps out of it some day but Ganer is actually delulu that she's doing great, and she has actual bodybuilders praising her, validating her entire OCD shitshow, coupled with an actual professional coach who doesn't give a fuck that his client could be X sessions away from meeting her maker, I honestly don't see her ever recovering.
No. 1137667
>>1137616>behaviour>povvo afTrue that. Well said Ausfag. Knew we could rely on one of you to bring it.
>>1137597Also this, 100%.
No. 1137697
>>1137290She look like a 64 years old alcoholic woman homeless in a dock
Or a skyzophrenic inpatient treatment with haloperidol
No. 1137821
File: 1611222949654.jpeg (207.41 KB, 828x1428, EC3577FE-B0AB-4D92-BC84-03A433…)

survivingnowthriving is still spreading and getting people to believe her delusions.
No. 1137850
File: 1611229101505.jpeg (86.3 KB, 750x428, 3C155B3B-C7BA-4D63-B062-0F7A07…)

Amy is writing 3 autographical books. How conceited can you get?
No. 1137899
File: 1611235597588.jpeg (1017.03 KB, 828x1696, EC879FDB-3BA0-444C-9FA7-B5AD21…)

Speaking or orthorexia: what a sad fucking life this one lives. She’s going on three years of the same dinner, sometimes switching it up with a salmon fillet but otherwise no change. It’s all the same carefully weighed out condiments and pickled everything as she tries to get some semblance of flavour out of her bland-ass diet. I get that bodybuilders often end up eating a lot of the same shit, but at least it’s towards the goal of actually building their body! Ganer keeps eating this crap with virtually no physical changes.
No. 1137926
>>1137847Ham is 17, idk why y’all don’t think soft4ngel isn’t milky.
she’s queen pro ana scumbag by posting her spoopy bodychecks and constantly talking about her active ED
No. 1137935
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>>1137926I’m no bone-rattler, but this girl isn’t a spoop. Underweight? Sure, but by no means a skelly.
No. 1137962
>>1137935She's def not ana docu spoopy but she could be pretty small. The clothes make it hard to tell how her upper body is doing.
Also, sage for petty but
That's an outfit that she has highlighted in her sm??? It looks like a child picked two outfits and tried to combine them into one.
No. 1138012
>>1137821>>1137829>>1137850I don't know how to say this nicely but Amy is just so fucking
weird. Whenever I come across her posts I honestly can't work out whether or not she's delusional for real. Not just the anorexia denial (anyone can see what the situation is there) but her whole vibe
No. 1138089
>>1137005Late response and sorry if this gets considered as a blogpost.
Her mom was always involved, as another anon said. But my theory is her mom knows nothing about anorexia either. My grandma raised me and when I went through my ana phase she just forced me to eat and gain to a random amount she deemed “healthy”. No therapy or hospitalization even when underweight, just the threat. Since her mom is older, granted not my grandma’s generation, maybe she has a similar approach? No knowledge, but just going with her idea of helping. And Han is just taking advantage of her
No. 1138127
File: 1611249898626.gif (8.15 MB, 600x961, hamdance.gif)

>>1138056Here's a gif of Ham's Iced Gem Dance.
No. 1138194
File: 1611253000865.jpg (829.68 KB, 1080x1613, Screenshot_20210121-121349_Ins…)

Whoever mentioned bloated recovery stomach in the last thread, come get your prize
No. 1138205
>>1138194I hope the prize is n2f word salad chocolate peanut choc oaty chocolate word salad creation!
She didn't give it a name. Looks more like slack muscles to me, but ofc you're going to bloat. She's likely constipated af.
Okay, which ana cliche is she going to go for next.
Btw Hannah, you should get your dad to look at the wall near your bed. Looks like it's got some damp.
No. 1138210
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No. 1138225
File: 1611254506686.jpeg (608.79 KB, 828x1480, BBB359E1-666D-4D4E-B22C-E90016…)

Is this girl out of her mind running miles on end spreading her Covid to the world. Plus she wants to be a « MeDiC » I mean….
No. 1138236
File: 1611255130392.jpg (100.31 KB, 862x785, Capture.JPG)

Also a MEDIC yet doesn't know you're supposed to cover your nose and lifting your collar over your mouth does not stop the virus, particularly the new aggressive mutant form.
No. 1138239
>>1138236"Busy but nice"
Holy fuck you have COVID, wanker
No. 1138367
File: 1611261708935.jpeg (18.82 KB, 155x275, covid.jpeg)

>>1138355Not sure about the legality, but most people aren't contagious after 10 days of symptom onset. She got tested on the 14th but she was been running even with symptoms.
>>1133064 No. 1138397
File: 1611263721116.png (704.51 KB, 466x752, keep calm.png)

>>1138387Calm down with a snack plate, anon.
No. 1138431
>>1137920I think she only eats one or two meals a day. Otherwise I’m sure she’d be posting them.
In a bulking phase she should be eating 5-6 meals a day. I’ve only ever seen the breakfast slop and this protein-deficient dinner.
No. 1138475
File: 1611269895318.jpg (106.67 KB, 939x498, Screen_Shot_2019-01-14_at_1.23…)

>>1138194>>1138210god she's so greasy looking, and whats that shit in the background of her room? dirty knickers screwed up on the floor? take a shower jfc
No. 1138488
It's one of the tidier rooms we see here. She's not trying hard enough to do the extreme untidiness or her mum cleans her room. It's still not cosy look and it's devoid of personality. Throwing her dressing gown on the floor is a bit weird, and I thought the knicker type item was a face mask. Ham's immature in the basic sense of the word. I hope we see her develop in some way and not by prolonging this fake ed.
No. 1138517
File: 1611271883771.png (834.15 KB, 901x450, clone.png)

Ham really reminds me of fakeoid Lillee Jean. Yeah? No?
No. 1138525
File: 1611272597485.jpg (702.16 KB, 2170x1478, hamgut.jpg)

>>1138518She is always
valid, anon.
No. 1138570
>>1138525The dirty unwashed hair is the most convincing part of her LARP
Edit: forgot to sage
No. 1138591
>>1138525There's np difference. She's a 17 year old who doesn't particularly give much thought to what she eats and doesn't work out. That's an average shape for your average girl. Especially in the UK. Her attempt at trying to empower others or w/e the fuck by showing a normal teenage body is ridiculous. If she had a social life and was active, she'd have less weight. She looks okay. That's not sudden weight gain. If she really does want to go to uni, MOVE AWAY FROM HOME, she'll either trim up by having to economise with meals and be more active, or scoff shit as she does now.
Kind of strange she isn't into self care, but maybe being a pamper freak for relaxation and feeling good and clean isn't her thing.
No. 1138608
>>1136650>>1138210"can we normalise really cringey shit so I can live without any need for self awareness?">>1138127
yeah get that sugar in!
No. 1138648
File: 1611280746713.png (1.05 MB, 1154x692, debunkin the collarbone.png)

>>1138616Even Lillee has a noticeable collarbone, and…enough said. I'll just leave this here.
No. 1138699
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>>1138616Most people have somewhat visible collarbones unless they’re overweight. Collarbone pics mean nothing unless they also show the rest of the body being spoopy as well.
No. 1138754
File: 1611287902537.png (Spoiler Image,4.98 MB, 1125x2001, D88A5039-8D80-45B9-9F24-5B0321…)

>>1137935You’re not wrong. She is underweight, and I don’t doubt she has anorexia, but no where near spoop enough to support her claims that she was so malnourished that she had to have the tube bc “her meal plan wasn’t enough”. Also claims the pic isn’t a body check btw, as if it could be anything else
No. 1138767
>>1138754ass moved back, feet slightly apart at the heel, back straight except the kink she makes for her ass
I do spy a fake thigh gap ! (yes she obvs has one but this is such a pose to make it look insanely huge)
anon how is she supposed to just never post her body!!!!! you hate thin people!!!!
No. 1138871
File: 1611304819960.jpeg (413.79 KB, 1936x1936, 17DB859C-5E54-4405-BE1F-43C399…)

>>1137935ot but christ, this is your zoomer on two years of internet.
No. 1138872
File: 1611304837531.jpeg (681.07 KB, 1800x1613, 58F099ED-6402-466B-BF7E-BD107D…)

Maybe she’ll join the other larpers at New Farm, that would make some good entertainment. She’s continuing her self-propelled journey to munchiedom too, going for a stomach asshole like Anna the vegan ginger. But plz pray!! The monotone selfies really highlight her face scratching, really she should be locked up like Laura away from asspats. Still looks the same weight as always despite her super severe anorexia
No. 1138887
>>1138754She looks really short.
And are those self harm scares on her legs?
No. 1138904
File: 1611310773210.png (1.21 MB, 640x1136, 81C858C5-862E-4033-ABB4-3498A5…)

Omg I’m so speshul I have BPD uwu
No. 1138905
>>1138887Yep, she’s constantly accused irl & online of
triggering people by showing it off
No. 1138924
>>1138913That was the first thing I caught lel. Bet she’s gutted, EDNOS/unspecified ED just ain’t as *~glam~*
Also, imagine being this excited over a BPD diagnosis!? Not something you really want on your notes for life.
No. 1138982
>>1138976Maybe if someone doesn't have the capacity to understand the effects of what they're doing? Not a med/psychfag though so someone tell me to shut up if I'm way off
>>1138954ayrt, I get that too but yeah basically what you said. tbh if those awful texts to her dad don't scream BPD I don't know what else would
No. 1139105
File: 1611329106861.jpeg (664.18 KB, 824x1459, 5367568C-D295-4521-804E-D49CD5…)

Latest update from our future medic, travelling with Covid ah yes how smart
No. 1139131
>>1139101>>1139121Yup, focusing all on weight, physical side effects and hospital admissions but none of the really ugly stuff or even how living with something like chronic anorexia is so fucking
boring. Sure, you could argue they don't "owe" those stories to anyone but if they wanna be ~~relatable recovery warriors~~ why not share the reality? Everyone knows what a "skinny" person looks like
>>1139105Knowing this girl somehow got accepted to medical school makes me wildly uncomfortable
No. 1139212
>>1139174The St andrews students come to Glasgow uni for a bit of their medical degree unfortunately.
>>1139172Cause medical students are technically key workers they are "allowed" to travel back to campus despite Scotland being on lockdown but the university's aren't meant to be encouraging anyone to come back unless they have to attend in person teaching, which she shouldn't be doing yet as all teaching is online atm unless you are in clinical years.
No. 1139470
File: 1611351494924.png (1.21 MB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20210122-213636.png)

Ham running low on material. I hope Anna takes her advice.
Very n2f inspired.
No. 1139487
File: 1611352498349.png (1020.38 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20210122-215453.png)

Back on the zaps.
No. 1139497
File: 1611353523400.jpg (228.23 KB, 1080x1647, 20210122_161207.jpg)

No. 1139512
>>1139497I believe she will do all these EXCEPT delicious food.
I'd love to be a fly on the wall when she's posing. Her face is very lol.
No. 1139534
File: 1611356221856.jpg (719.39 KB, 1080x1196, Screenshot_20210122-175140_Ins…)

This cow finally admits to having an ED.
No. 1139535
File: 1611356248890.jpg (262.03 KB, 527x668, Screenshot_20210122-175457_Ins…)

Because being diabetic is cool…
No. 1139537
>>1139535>>1139534Who is this, where is the caption and why is she relevant?
Also, pls sage.
No. 1139562
File: 1611357482145.jpg (8.16 KB, 266x190, registered counsellor.jpg)

It's sad that Georgia's "thing" is wanting to receive treatment/care. If you're good enough to dance to Friends at work, you're good enough to deal with depression without ECT. Fact of life some depression is treatment resistant, or meds just keep you from being an hero, but dealing with it without running for magnets or electric to your head doesn't solve anything. Gotta learn to live with it. Coping mechanisms that don't involve NF because you start to do paper cuts or experience usual depression effects.
Example: "I am Georgia. I feel my mood dip. Therefore I will look into healthy coping mechanisms such as yoga, meditation, distraction, volunteer work to help others" NOT "oops, need some attention. Go get ECT and be around NF for comfort".
She has a new post but it was tl;dr. I'll save it for later maybe.
No. 1139576
>>1139537nta, diabetic former lolita attentionwhore called K8, she gives herself ketones all the time to stay skinny, uses the coinciding puking, shitting, sallow complexion and gum disease for bonus attention points and doesn't give a shit that she's literally killing herself
>>1139535fuck off though, healthy people giving diabetics shit for having to wear pumps and cgms are cunts, I assure you we don't do it for fun, no matter what an attentionwhore shitass k8 in particular is
No. 1139582
File: 1611358216420.jpg (476.42 KB, 1080x1510, 20210122_172832.jpg)

>>1139470Ham and n2f do follow each other. Maybe Ham looks up to her.
No. 1139590
>>1139576At least she admits fucking herself up. I didn't know what the thing on her stomach was, but didn't really think anything of it. It's not as if she's a fatty who whined for a tube feed. Being diabetic's got to be a bitch and I doubt this "K8" thinks it's cool.
>>1139582At least trying to do food like n2f is achievable with Ham. Difference being that when n2 actually shows a "normal" cooked meal (probably by her mum), it looks good stuff. Ham's going for the dump and stir style instead.
No. 1139591
>>1139487"nip it in the bud"
try going to, idk, a regular therapy session? talk to someone? call a helpline? take a long walk? eat a fucking vegetable?
No. 1139592
>>1139576Actually she openly shows it off for attention. She does not respect her illness at all, and does not take her insulin properly. It was sarcasm.
I am diabetic also, she is trash
No. 1139594
>>1139592I literally said no matter what an attentionwhore she is, I know she does it for attention, she only lives for attention
I'm saying the rest of us don't
sage because no one care
No. 1139598
File: 1611358680601.jpg (Spoiler Image,583.74 KB, 2161x1316, N2f hair.jpg)

Is that furry looking thing around her wrist a hair tie?
Spoiler because n2f
No. 1139606
No diabetic war. That girl's obviously a dick. There's always one. Most people don't think diabetes is either cool or there's a stigma to it.
>>1139598Looks like a hair tie with all her hair caught in the elastic so it's a human hair tie! Her hair's even longer. Why does she look better here than a few days ago? Probably lighting/angle etc, but no chest bones. Why is she wearing a leotard?? Lol at her skinny syrups displayed.
No. 1139618
>>1139598Alicia is just mega sad, like she needs real girlfriends to tell her posting this shit is beyond retarded. Legit looks like an unkept bridge goblin, rank hair tie included.
Though I will admit, if she trimmed and treated her hair nicely she's legit BLESSED with that growth ngl.
No. 1139626
File: 1611360246832.jpg (182.59 KB, 437x696, Screenshot_20210122-190419_Ins…)

This is the girl who cheated on her husband with a guy with a diaper fetish. Runs away to Japan for months while no one can reach her. Her husbands asks friends to help him find her. But no. She has to be kawaii and live off her rich mom.
Publicly announced her husband was exploring his gender identity…then shames him for it. Then she states she's confused now.
Then she "turns gay"….cheats on him again with some ugly drug dealer girl. Divorces husband to be with said girl, And now she has an ED and is a "them." Becomes addicted to heroin, and starts posting how she's fine and don't worry about her.
She has some serious milk from over the years. Lately though she does body checks constantly has really been looking like a skeleton.
No. 1139630
From her thread
Old Milk
>LACE dramu>Comes back to western comm> Proof she lurks on lolcow > Shitty selling practices (i.e. says "never worn" while posting pics of her wearing said dress on IG, makeup stains, smells, etc.)> Married> Moves to LA> Sits on her ass taking "aesthetic" photos while draining her husband of money> Tries to stay relevant by begging pop up shops to hire her on IG> Starts a YT channel which she rarely updates> Tries to start a new BABYDOLL OS never to be heard about again >>602802> Desperately tags every photo with brands and potential "collaborators"> Made a public IG post about her husband getting sexualy assaulted in an uber, and makes it about herself >>666200New milk
> K8 is "Gender queer" >>638704> Comes out to everyone on IG >>640393> Starts vague posting about her husband and how he is in the hospital > Needs money for med bills and starts to "sell all her lolita", at ridiculously scalped prices ofc. (If only she had some sort of trust fund her father left her in case of an emergency like this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)> Creates a Ko-fi for people to donate to, and then posts photos of herself going to extravagant restaurants, as per usual > Instead of spending time with her husband who is back in PA, she surrounds herself with her ~squad~ of Goose and ClaireMax> Has the "opportunity to travel across the US" and basically asks to couch surf the whole way >>664017> buying followers and brags how original she is and will change the world with her fashion No. 1139639
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Shames people for going out during pandemic…and calls them irresponsible and horribly human beings. 2 months later.
goes out daily to stores just for photoshoots, where she makes "real friends"
No. 1139657
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Okay, let us forget the dramu queen that was posted.
Getting back on track. Don't know how old this photo is of Georgie, but it's obv before she let herself go.
she saw a RTA and it gave her nightmares.
No. 1139698
File: 1611365358460.png (735.32 KB, 806x514, excuse to post L7.png)

>>1139687That's not grunge. That's regular person with a style, however shit, shopping.
She doesn't look spoopy compared to our genuine spoops. I hate that fashion, but each to their own.
If she's fucking with diabulimia, she could be dead in six months. Either way - meh.
No. 1139712
>>1139710>Never heard grungy used as non grunge definition beforechild
sage for derail
also I do not know how you can look at that and miss the layer of scum on her skin, the bitch is literally grungy
No. 1139718
>>1139712Child? I don't hear "grungry" used that way because I was in my late teens when grunge was a thing, so fuck you, millennial. You know "punk" originally meant male rent boy yeah?
I missed the layer if scum because I didn;t care enough to look at that irrelevant pos that was posted.
No. 1139742
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grimy; dirty.
"a dark and grungy basement"
Aka this bitch
No. 1139743
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>>1139718U mad bro? She a grungy anachan
No. 1139816
>>1139740Close. Your point being?
>>1139794The porridge was her only upload. I thought she was having a ~relapse~ because no upload for more than 12 hours = Ham relapse.
>>1139796That post was 2 days old! Hadn't even thought of checking in on Georgie for a while. She gives us ECT news to remind us she's still
No. 1139905
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Porgie looks like a really fat ember, no?
No. 1139988
>>1139487medfag, ECT is only used in extreme treatment resistant mental illness. Usually if a patient has been living in inpatient for years, unable to recover, meds don't work, etc
NF really are scarily irresponsible to give her ECT
No. 1140007
>>1139905>>1139655Where are you guys getting these pics? I had no idea she was not overweight her whole life.
>>1139988Yeah, ECT is really serious as far as I know- serious enough that the risk/reality of damaging your brain is an acceptable trade-off because of how badly you're functioning anyways. Having an active, involved, popular social media presence should disqualify someone.
No. 1140059
>>1139497>>1140048I know this ain't a hot take but it baffles me how orthorexia is so acceptable as a form of "recovery" from anorexia. SO many former spoops take up excessive "bodybuilding" as a legit pathway to recovery. Like I get it, you're no longer a skelly and at least they eat now and many go the personal trainer route so no longer are out of work, but how is any of the mental aspect of the disorder fixed?
It kinda does lend credence to the people so focused on being a certain weight to get treatment for ED, especially when treatment often stops when a person is weight restored. And often it's medical professionals that perpetuate this idea without overtly saying it. All this to say that it's clear as day ganer is still super entrenched in her ED, it just presents itself differently now. (for context i'm a UKfag so maybe my experience is skewed by limited availability of legitimate ED treatment).
No. 1140065
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I don’t know what you’re all talking about, ganer is clearly living her best life, eating the same slop and meticulously weighed cut of 99% cocoa chocolate #sarcasm
I thought that was senakot tabs in her drawer but closer inspection suggests it might be senacalm for IBS. Do we know whether she’s been diagnosed with IBS, or is it just possible that anyone’s bowel would be fucking irritated by all the salt, artificial sweetener and protein powder she gobbles?
No. 1140075
>>1140059It's not accepted in the general ig 'recovery community', ganer only gets away with it because she doesn't use recovery tags/ follow recovery people/ generally engage with that group.
I think she gets praised for it by people in general society because a lot of people don't realise the extent of exercise compulsion or food rituals and just see an ex-spoop who is doing ~healthy things~. On her YouTube channel she does get quite a few comments expressing concern, especially because she normalises the 'it's ok to work out when you are the weight of an average small child' thing.
No. 1140136
>>1139988>>1140071This this this. Slight blog but the few people I've known to receive ECT were each so, so unwell. They presented differently to one another but they were all quite visibly very sick and unable to function, let alone piss around on their phones. The difference after (x) number of sessions was no less than remarkable but I can't imagine any consultant here taking the decision lightly.
I still can't get over how for Porgie this is a semi-regular thing and how NF are happy to provide it as long as the $$$ keep rolling in. Like it's actually scary. It's scary how much she revels in it. She's dumb but not ~that~ dumb, she must know it's doing nothing
No. 1140139
>>1139810I was indeed being sarcastic.
Can we stop the off-topic shit? I'm here to make fun of people, not read about what grunge means
No. 1140142
>>1140071ntayrt but at least the ECT makes some sort of sense, like it's not too hard to beleive that she's still depressed despite having tried a range of meds and therapies but the feeding tube is extremelty hard to justify considering her weight.
In the UK I have only ever seen inpatients get ECT, I feel like if she keeps needing these significant interventions they should consider placing her in some kind of long term residential care similar to Laura because she doesn't seem to be actually making any progress.
No. 1140150
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>>1140065I forgot to post this when I screencapped it, but here's more normal behavior from Ganer.
No. 1140164
>>1140142Anyone would be depressed if all they did in life was schedule New Farm vacations and tubes for their non-existent ED.
I hate what I'm about to say because obviously the majority of people suffering depression/mental illness can't ~just fix it~ but Porgie doesn't even TRY to help herself. Her diet is terrible, she's allergic to exercise, she wastes too much time online checking these threads and cowtipping and waddles off to a dodgy clinic whenever she so much as misses a snack. Residential would do nothing because that involves working on shit and she's lazy.
No. 1140172
>>1140150Kinda shocking she posts this on her public account considering how disordered this is, like come on what is even the point in putting the pickles in a measuring cup? Is she weighing them or something?
Her personal trainer/coach should see this crap and realise this is not someone who is mentally healthy enough to train, it's irresponsible for them to encourage her when she's still this disordered.
No. 1140328
>>1140326Never go changin', proana thread.
I was more concerned with her popping ibuprofen. If she has pain, and she comments on injuries, is she still supposed to workout?
No. 1140329
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Ham had a breakdown. This we must see.
No. 1140332
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>>1140329Top part without the text covering it
Anyway, what was the fear food? Broccoli? Any kind of veg?
No. 1140339
>>1140332Ta for that. The text gets all covered on a desktop view.
She's going to post it, of course she is. She'll make a point of
TW TW TW so sensitive souls don't have to watch.
No. 1140349
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No. 1140380
>>1140329HAHAHA gtfo…
So the day after someone mentioned the lack of any talk about the mental aspects of ED's she posts this?!
Bring back Molly, what an angel in comparison
No. 1140399
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So glad Ham isn't relapsing. 1/2
No. 1140400
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>>1140386Shampoo is a fear food.
No. 1140409
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>>1140403>I want to be real and open on this accountStop larping anorexia then.
>>1140329Is brushing eyebrows upwards like a werewolf a thing?
No. 1140412
>>1140380Molly was adorable compared to this nob. bring back Mollmum and hilarious Jamie!
>>1140409did not expect to see Brucie here lmao
No. 1140428
>>1140412Good game, good game lol.
>>1140421Refined sugar's a killer for my skin and the reason I cut it out. Eat some of that shit and breakouts like crazy. I think she mustn't use a cleanser or have a skin care routine. Her hair is oily and it's on her pillowcase. The cheap skin care stuff at Aldi is pretty good, so there's no excuse to neglect her skin unless she doesn't care about it.
No. 1140460
>>1140399She always talks about how she doesn't eat just junk, and her account isn't FDOE, and how her off camera meals are usually nutritious. All these snacks ON TOP of normals meals is binge tier. She doesn't even explain her meal plan, and anytime she's asked to share anything that will validate her ED she claims is private and she doesn't need to validate.
She's so boring it's just a matter of time before she fizzles out.
No. 1140466
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>>1140458The hot cloth cleanser! I've had the Liz Earle and the Superdrug B one, and the Aldi one is just as good. Sells out too quickly.
>>1140460She really is going to run out of things to post. She already posts other peoples motivation posts as a lazy option. I'm waiting for this breakdown video. Unashamedly F5ing.
No. 1140474
>>1140469For sure. You're worthy of looking after yourself!!!1
Nobody's offered to send her gifts yet. Remember that stack of post Elzani was sent?
No. 1140482
>>1140466ah hell I'll risk the redtext for derailing, was gutted when I missed out on that one! their dupe of pixi glow tonic and mascara are brilliant. love those middle aisles.
>>1140469we're just giving her ideas here innit.
No. 1140522
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>>1140517>>1140515>>1140508This is a review from the website…
No. 1140733
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>>1140564>>1140599>>1140604Poor thing is just wasting away
No. 1140746
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Gotta show off that tube and show how TERRIBLY MISERABLE YOU TOTALLY ARE with a cherry blossom backdrop
No. 1140838
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This post gives me similar vibes to Ham and her crying over a slice of brown bread.
No. 1140840
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After looking at her other posts she is definitely another hannah
No. 1140968
>>1140838Agreed she isn't milky, just overly dramatic with her ~critical weight bed rest~
It made me laugh where she writes she's a vegan but eats eggs. I reckon her emetophobia could be a reason she has eating issues, but meh. Whatever.
No. 1140971
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>>1140714no not necessarily, you can also have the constipation variant, which i have.
where not shitting for 3/4 days is normal and it can regularly get up to 7
No. 1140981
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Bored with ana looking the picture of health here
No. 1141051
>>1141035I think ?? anon means she looks healthy even though she's got Covid and hasn't stopped running/being busy.
It's strange to see her look "normal" in an ordinary setting and not posing. She suits normal.
No. 1141076
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maybe we were wrong and she does actually have brain damage from anorexia
No. 1141084
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>>1141051Ayrt here, I forgot to attach the second part - sorry. Basically she looks fine but at least to me looks pretty similar to the ‘before’ pics in her ‘weight gain glow up’ tiktok where she talks about looking so which is it? Is so actually super healthy like she claims? Or was she not actually on deaths door?
No. 1141102
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The meltdown is here! I'm going to screen record. Brb
No. 1141111
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>>1141102Lawless. Gonna watch. Hammum's truth?
No. 1141112
>>1141111Pizza scary.
It's not her crying, it's the eating disorder (or something).
Ham has friends?
Pizza good! Smile for pizza.
No. 1141115
>>1141112It's a frozen pizza. I'd be crying too.
She needs to fight fru the forts
No. 1141121
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>>1141120She already had pizza.
>>1141120>I don't want to film me cryingFilms herself crying
Uploads it
No. 1141131
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>>1141102why does this photo give me Ashley and mama bear vibes?
No. 1141159
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No. 1141206
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N2F is cheering Ham on.
No. 1141214
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>>1141209She didn't lick the plate. Is she really trying to recover?!
No. 1141215
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No. 1141220
>>1141210Yeah, I thought someone found a post from Ashley on some forum a couple years later, IIRC she’d recovered?
>>1141215KEK this is the fakest shit, even Molly was a better actress
No. 1141223
File: 1611525783687.gif (5.17 MB, 600x746, try not to look at the camera.…)

>>1141210The singing account was fake.
>>1141220Looks like she had a box of the Asda 2 pack sub pizzas. The whole box.
No. 1141283
>>1141266I was called orthorexic for saying how bad her food is, as if you need to give a shit about in depth nutrition to know it's crap and no nutrition.
Then called a Tory for saying her foods supermarket shit like people on low incomes (self inc.) don't know how to buy fresh and make good food. Even in those Take A Break magazines mum's like they give easy recipes with veg and break down the cost.
Her mum reels off all the ed motivation stuff yet doesn't know her daughter needs vitamins.
TL;dr. It's okay to knock her shit diet because it's obvious shit. I don't understand why Ham hasn't taken something from her dietician or workshops EDS have. Unless she never had help from an EDS.
No. 1141290
>>1141275There's no proof she died, but the yt was sketchy. She didn't appear in a video and the person wrote how she'd been living on the streets. To go from what looked like brain damaged spoop to jolly musician in less than a year? Nah. The account was deleted (insta) because it was mentioned on mpa and here. It was obvious her mum was running the account.
All I know is she lived in London, so no real way of finding out what happened to her. The YouTube channel reeked of troll bullshit.
No. 1141297
>>1141284samefag but 1) forgot to add she eats rice from a fucking bag too!
2) scrolling through her feed she has posted exactly 3 foods semi cooked at home - one being soft boiled eggs, her bacon and egg sammy which i guess counts because it requires a pans, and her dinner of undercooked chicken. Everything else is from a package, bag, tin, jar, or pre-made from a store.
No. 1141304
>>1140838God forbid your mom try to say supportive things because she cares.
>>1141273After as well… I'd think that'd make a rough night for someone in recovery (though I'm sure it's worth challenging yourself and all that) but she seems to only get upset before eating.
No. 1141313
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aussie lax-lover has stopped eating completely and can't remember the last time she ate but! she's not! pro ana!
No. 1141331
File: 1611533375844.webm (6.5 MB, 720x1054, Screenrecord Ham.webm)
Ham's breakdown .. I thought I was watching Elzani… her comments are EXACTLY the same as what Elzani used to say (plus same accent lolz).
Seriously watch first 5s.. the part where she said "I feel like i've let myself down, because I've been doing really well haven't I?" .. if you close your eyes it sounds identical to Elzani.
Other comments that are copying Elzani..
"now i've ruined everything coz we were all going to have pizza"
"im sorry because I'm crying over pizza"
"im really annoyed at myself"
"I hate how I'm crying over a pizza"
"it's actually really good" and "it's so nice" x2 (once she'd eaten some of it - I was waiting for the "its divine" but thank god she didn't sink that low)
"im so proud of myself"
Gosh all of these comments have come from Elzani, this sounds staged. Her parents are probably like why is she saying this shit about being sorry, she's probably never needed to apologise before.
No. 1141349
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Wow, how embarrassing, she’s got less muscle definition than your average Jane despite three(?) years of srs bodybuilding
No. 1141367
>>1141353seems like shes lost about 10 pounds no?
what an embarassing existence.
No. 1141372
>>1141313is growing that really long pale body hair like a side effect of anorexia or just a coincidence?
I feel like I see that on them a lot
No. 1141401
>>1141353>>1141349tbh its probably the terrible lighting.
not to WK, but she needs better light and probably a tan to highlight any definition she has
No. 1141433
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>>1141313All I got from that post
No. 1141517
>>1141499Right! It is so creepy. It's SO like Elzani that I had to play it multiple times and check it's not a voice over or some shit.
When Elzani used to apologise to her parents for crying, it was because it had caused an argument .. partly because her sisters were sick of her but partly coz her family was scared for her life. I don't think anyone in Ham's family cared if she ate the fucking pizza or not.
No. 1141572
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>>1139598Other than the ratty hair she has color to her face so maybe that’s why she looks better.
Also, I don’t remember this pic being posted but her bleeding lips and bulimia teeth have me so concerned.
No. 1141574
>>1141556Learn to sage.
Aly isn’t relevant anymore. She’s weight restored and has been for a long time. All she does is complain, mooch of her parents and do drugs, which is nothing new. Sure, it was a laugh when she posted about doing crack a few weeks back, but that’s hardly milk here.
No. 1141642
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>>1141392>>1141140c’mon, let’s not pretend it’s not normal to have frozen pizza sometimes. Especially if she does come from a low income family and doesn’t have the privilege of knowing how to cook, owning the right utensils etc. Lots of poorer families live off frozen food because it’s cheap, easy, and
can be nutritious.
Judging by the video (I just watched the full thing) it looks like one of these type things, not a full pizza as well.
(Never thought I’d actually defend Ham over something - the fake crying was unbearable and embarrassing as was her smug when she finished the plate. It’s her larping we should be mocking, not the fact she’s eating frozen pizza, it’s not exactly n2f slop.)
No. 1141643
>>1141641But you're not the anon who made the 'unjustly bitter' post, I am? Good for you, letting everyone know about your chronic ED though.
In regards to anorexiadiary or whatever her name is, having a mental illness doesn't give you a free pass to be a scumbag and complain about how hard your life is when you put zero effort into improving it - see Ash, Becky and so on. Anyway, she's like 18 - that isn't really old enough to be diagnosed as chronic, is it?
No. 1141673
>>1136650>>1141642She is forcing herself to eat absolute shit she doesn't need to challenge. She isn't malnourished, and if she is, its due to poor nutrition from eating junk.>>1141641
Doubt it.
No. 1141691
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I doubt Lee even bothered unpacking her bags. She’s ready and rearing to get back to new farm. She only went home for a couple of days to suck down a truckload of booze and ‘celebrate’ a music countdown. Bc we all know alcohol calories don’t count
No. 1141696
File: 1611581188384.jpeg (917.17 KB, 828x1706, C70B0A5F-9792-4AB8-9077-FEC44D…)

This is ham’s idea of a healthy breakfast I guess? No wonder she’s got such ~*~extreeeam hunger~*~ if she’s eating only carbs. Why have these recovery warriors decided normal, healthy eating and including all food groups and whole foods is “letting the eating disorder win”?!
No. 1141700
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of COURSE recovering starfish was so unbelievably sick that the doctors “didn’t believe it” god send her a reality check plz
No. 1141702
File: 1611582113553.png (3.03 MB, 750x1334, 66F79DE0-9C90-4596-8DAC-8095ED…)

Ebegging for the “only thing” she can eat. Which is? Subway.
No. 1141714
File: 1611583515709.jpg (253.56 KB, 1080x1718, 20210125_140048.jpg)

another cow trying to be the sickest but failing miserably. Tachy of 70??? Medfagging sorry but the normal resting heart rate is 60-100 bpm so shes literally on the low end of normal, kek. tachycardia is classed as 100+ bpm but the majority of health professionals arent concerned until resting heart rate is 130+ bpm. if youre going to try to larp being the sickest at least fucking research first
No. 1141720
>>1141700talks about DNR…right. Says shes admitted due to ED slip up yet orders an Archies Cheetos Chicken Burger. Right.
>>1141702Another one of these Perth revolving door youngins who get tubed as soon as they hit bmi 18.5
No. 1141730
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Oh I am very curious how she’s going to recreate the exact macros of her current safe dinner. Not curious enough to risk actually voting on her narcissistic poll though.
No. 1141757
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No. 1141783
>>1141757KEK only took her like 10 fuckin years. Well done Laura, you’re finally *~
valid~* now! Don’t forget to take a million photos to roll out whenever someone points the fact your weight has been healthy since forever!
No. 1141866
>>1141814actualy nutritionists and ED recovery plans involve teaching you about food and cooking, in the UK at least
So the point is more that Ham clearly isnt getting that despite the hospital bed with her name on it
No. 1141926
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Bored_with_ana got her period back is going to give us all some great medical advice. Can’t wait
No. 1141934
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>>1141701Ham also asked her followers to pick what she ate in addition to her biscoff porridge a la n2f.
No. 1141967
>>1141900kek, ikr?
>>1141934Her skin looks so bad, pale and with acne like someone who rarely sees the sun and eats only sugar and grease. It is definitely getting worse. Hannah – eat a vegetable!
No. 1141975
>>1141934 God, Ham is so insufferable. Take off your nasty PJ's, have a shower, then have a salad. This moaning about your anorexia when as you visibly continue gaining past a healthy weight while eating food that would give most anorexics a heart attack just from looking at it is so obnoxious. LARP better.
Sage for rage but god her ig stories always piss me off. They're so condescending. At least she's not taking up beds in ED wards like Porgie, I suppose.
No. 1141983
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>>1141926All this menstruation!
Ham is far off that stage yet.
No. 1141998
>>1141874It's a PD unit thing. Pretty common for patients to go on hunger strike (for want of a better description). So they take that option away.
Laura says she's just come out of isolation so she potentially refused food whilst in isolation.
Means they have to actually express their feelings rather than act them out.
No. 1142045
>>1141998Laura's tried that before. Some time last year she was saying they were threatening her with a tube because she refused food. She uses it for attention as opposed to having an ED.
>>1142018It's her trademark face like Molly's amazed face. I miss Molly but it's good she did piss off if she had any problems with food. Everyone has negative comments at some point, and her leaving if makes it more legit she had mild problems. Ham sticking with her account proves she's not arsed how she looks with her weight.
No. 1142060
File: 1611614759212.jpg (93.61 KB, 1000x582, shimtheythem.JPG)

Jenn can't get enough of those hits from Cooney's fans. ANOTHER video about fetishists. Eyes rolling to the back of my head.
Haven't watched it because I've had a decent day so far, but if anyone's interested…
No. 1142133
>>1142060Maybe you should'nt, that person called herbs has been said to still be an anachan and says stuff in their videos to deliberately
trigger anas. Some comments in their video point this out but also No. 1142167
File: 1611622372290.jpeg (854.01 KB, 1125x1553, B3815C1C-0408-4C6B-9A66-C11740…)

You guise think that's enough photoshop ?
No. 1142194
>>1142133I know. I despise her. That's why I didn't give the yt link. The fetishists are often referred to, so threw it in. A few others have started uploading videos about them too because they WOW just discovered it's a thing!
No, I'm not bigging her up. She's a twat.
>>1142167Looks like a filter. That alien face one.
No. 1142218
File: 1611625755076.jpg (100.42 KB, 1435x515, eg.JPG)

>>1142205The knives and pans things was in reference to anon I quoted who said low income families don't have access to utensils. I was saying of course they have things like that.
I'm old anon, and when I was a kid during the 70s it was the 3 day week era. Most working class people had less than w/c people do now. This made my mum HAVE to create nourishing food with cheaper ingredients. Ofc we occasionally had boil in the bag fish with deep fried home chips, but most times it was home cooked food. Frozen food was more expensive then and a jar of coffee was a WOW thing at christmas!
Ham's parents aren't so much younger than mine, so they would've had basic cooking skills "Home Economics" at school, or learned by watching their parents.
Sorry, but I don't think there's any excuse for not knocking up something healthier and fresher except laziness. It costs the same, if not less, and tastes good.
(derailing and blogposting) No. 1142219
File: 1611625931412.jpg (255.81 KB, 880x1360, 7113fF1iplL.jpg)

>>1142218Just to add, this book was invaluable. Still good to learn how to make basics.
No. 1142232
>>1142230Her mother sounds concerned enough to sit with Ham while she eats and offer advice. Her only daughter has (apparently) been anorexic for years. She'd make the effort to feed her unless she's special needs.
Class war? Don't know where you get that from, but not going to do a politics derailment.
No. 1142293
File: 1611634247504.jpg (1.36 MB, 1440x2864, 20210126_041101.jpg)

>>1141349Must be all the gains from the cream of wheat and one chocolate square every morning, kek.
No. 1142381
File: 1611653167456.png (4.02 MB, 750x1334, 3C381155-DC6A-470A-8D9A-9004B0…)

how long do you think this’ll last
No. 1142389
>>1142381those alcohol cals will cancel out any food limiting she does, kek.
i sense an incoming NF admission
No. 1142418
File: 1611658314252.jpg (Spoiler Image,276.45 KB, 1080x1513, 20210126_044945.jpg)

Coo n cream…I know you Britfags don't say this. Right? Spoilered for n2f "food."
No. 1142423
>>1142194Oh right I see sorry, yeah good call. I just wanted to warn anyone who decided to go on the video. Glad you are aware of this because they have some WK's here who stalk the other thread and throw shitfits if anything even slightly critical or neutral is said about them.
>>1142174You're welcome anon!
No. 1142425
File: 1611660823350.jpeg (Spoiler Image,262.45 KB, 828x1375, 4DE4A93B-574E-4CEC-A913-5B798B…)

Who called it?
No. 1142440
>>1142418We don't. Hersey's is also pretty rare in my area in stores.
Also that looks gross as fuck. How is that porridge?
No. 1142457
File: 1611665623115.jpeg (1.77 MB, 1125x1988, 5D273B36-720E-4A7B-8149-6CC95B…)

What does Ham do OTHER than “rest” (slob around in her dressing gown)
No. 1142462
>>1142457cannibalism! pig eating bacon.
Ham rests all the time. She thinks not sitting on her ass means burning off precious calories she needs to restore her ickle sick body.
No. 1142481
File: 1611668312773.jpeg (180.3 KB, 1024x1024, 10387C0C-00AE-4872-BA5B-2919B8…)

>>1142258>>1142272Right on the money, second anon. Pretty much no milk, just the usual whining and pics of her scratched up face.
Zero change it seems, still in the same inpatient bed banging on about wanting to die.
No. 1142491
File: 1611668903099.jpg (253.25 KB, 720x1280, 1610747977598.jpg)

>>1142477She apparently did test positive.
>>1132642 No. 1142511
>>11419261. Gain weight.
Love anorexics acting like anorexia is not solely about weight- challenging themselves all over the place as long as it isn't a sustained increase in calories and doesn't result in weight gain; wanting to give details on how they got their period back as if they're relevant
No. 1142556
File: 1611679300072.jpg (356.14 KB, 1080x1916, Screenshot_20210126_163926.jpg)

Yesterday says she can't eat food with her hands and posts a video of her eating fruit flakes from the packet with a spoon.
Today eats wrap with hands.
It's a bloody miracle how ed behaviours can change overnight kek
No. 1142731
File: 1611690983190.jpg (805.44 KB, 1080x1486, Screenshot_20210126-135443_Ins…)

It's so obvious that you're sucking it in, Ham. Clean your mirror.
No. 1142761
File: 1611692859803.jpeg (700.36 KB, 828x1580, 49D47E22-AD86-4C21-99DE-B00F63…)

Ganer made a bunch of IG stories literally crying about how her progress pictures got taken down. Apparently it feels like all her progress is being taken away, because pics or it didn’t happen right?
No. 1142771
File: 1611693273108.jpg (212.96 KB, 1080x1655, 20210126_143304.jpg)

>>1142761Does she have ptosis? Is that why she wears that awful eyeliner? To distract from it?
No. 1142805
File: 1611695307759.png (1.36 MB, 750x1334, 13D632C4-FDAF-45EB-8D25-A407E2…)

>>1142761On the wall behind her is what appears to be a portrait of herself? Is that weird? I’d understand if it were with someone else but alone it just seems a bit narcissistic?
No. 1142871
File: 1611698725179.png (8.42 MB, 1242x2208, D4E79AFD-8E88-4537-85A8-1DA24F…)

>>1142831Angry Ham is my favourite Ham. Want to see a full angry outburst.
No. 1142877
>>1142871omfg! the amount of grease in that photo puts KFC to shame!
does she never shower/wash her hair? was Elzani ever this bad at self care and is this just another attempt at skinwalking?
im gagging at the thought of how her yeasty, unwashed vajin must smell…
No. 1142909
>>1142731There's no reason this would be removed. She didn't provide the notice as a SS which I'm sure she'd do.
When you look like this over Instagram
>>1142871>>1142781it's time to step away.
Ganer looks awful. She's lost weight.
No. 1142967
File: 1611706109573.png (553.22 KB, 776x564, Untitled.png)

>>1142805>>1142965She has a lot of photos on her wall and it looks like family members. There's a baby on one and a couple on some others. There's a panel devoted to her, but the rest I'm guessing are family.
Her flat's really nice considering she works at M&S. Rent must be cheap where she lives or Marks n Sparks pay well.
No. 1143037
>>1142781She definitely removed the post after being called out for sucking in
maybe she thinks it got deleted cuz Insta doesn’t allow deathly thin bodies kek
No. 1143046
>>1143037She lurks here so she'll be copying the Ganer spoop pic scenario, except she deleted it because she's not a spoop.
>>1143024All I can think is she might've had an inheritance at some point and she uses that. Her flat's swanky for a retail worker. That kitchen's wasted on her. Idk, it's odd. It's not like she mentions having a side job or even selling shit on ebay. Good for her though. It's refreshing to see one of them maintaining a tidy home…possibly over tidy, if you get me? (OCD for the slow brained).
No. 1143097
>>1143046That's what I thought. It plays right into her LARP that she would want to be part of the I'm-so-uwu-delicately-
triggering-Instagram-is-deleting-my-posts clique. The only thing that is
triggering is half a pound of greese on her head.
No. 1143235
>>1143131She has a video on YouTube titled 'why I left my job'. From Jan to July? 2019 she was working at commercial gym but left to become a personal trainer. Presumably quit because no one in their right mind would hire her. I only got halfway in because it's just her talking about how great she'd be at it
But sadly there is videos of her eating a sausage roll, garlic bread, granola etc - her eating is way more restricted now
No. 1143258
File: 1611746365370.jpeg (Spoiler Image,742.59 KB, 828x1453, B5D08F6E-13FF-4314-A651-FBD9B5…)

Ganer showing the IG boolies who’s boss with another nasty progress picture. She said it herself though: she only feels like her ~*~progress~*~ [into orthorexia] is valid if she has the photographic evidence to prove she was the spoopiestspoop
No. 1143272
>>1143235It's sad to see her what I eat in a day videos because she ate nice food and not solely protein powder.
I might be wrong, but I don't think a law degree automatically qualifies someone tfor a career in law. P sure there are years of study to specialise in an area of law. Perhaps she can't afford to study or she lost interest.
Tbh it might be a degree that's really general like psychology. After a psychology degree you have to study a particular branch of it or at least train for it with extra qualifications.
No. 1143280
File: 1611747934048.jpeg (274.94 KB, 828x1459, 5DB71213-D8DB-4F01-814B-8554C8…)

Ham’s happy to extend her ana larper knowledge with the extreme hunger excuse for her pigging out!
No. 1143287
>>1143280No, Ham, not THIS THIS THIS. You thought being hungry while nor eating for yeaaaars is extreme hunger. When you're anorexic, it's hunger full stop and only extreme because duh you eat very little. FFS, she does nothing right.
Does she have reverse BDS like Georgie, thinking she looks skeletal here
>>1142731 ?
No. 1143306
>>1143280Ham really uses her post starvation hunger as an excuse to pig out. If she really saw a doctor who was forcing her into recovery she'd realize there's a refeeding process. Giving a starved and malnourished body a sudden flood of food can send someone into shock and kill them.
Also her anorexia advertisement pose in
>>1142731 is hilarious. The dainty hand on the abdomen, grimace on her face, slouched position. Larp harder and see a real dietitian ham.
As for those saying she's probably in a low income household, she looks like she's at least lower middle class. Her family could absolutely afford to eat better, but it looks like her mom doesn't know anything about eating disorders or nutrition either
No. 1143390
File: 1611760477726.png (1.21 MB, 750x1334, B45415AB-D3EB-4DF9-83A3-14C440…)

Scales positioned somewhere you’d have to step around them every time you wash your hands. Surely inconvenient, unless you weight yourself very often . Such an inspiration
Maybe it’s because I’m a maximalist, but her flat is so soulless.
No. 1143435
File: 1611766561945.jpg (380.98 KB, 1080x1493, 20210126_144603.jpg)

N2F's salad from yesterday.
Place the following ingredients into a bowl:
One whole cucumber
One whole tomato
Carrot shavings
Onion shavings(?)
A few spinach/lettuce leaves
Finish with Salad Cream and enjoy?
No. 1143555
File: 1611774752901.png (2.48 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20210127-162722.png)

Why do I not believe she actually eats cereal?
I know a lot of bodybuilders eat it for easy carbs and taste, but Ganer has never posted it that I can think of.
No. 1143611
File: 1611779568485.jpeg (97.85 KB, 631x445, 08524EC7-AFD9-4712-B5C4-1BED73…)

Possibly nitpicking about Skinwalking Ham vs Elzani, but has anyone noticed how similar even the profile pics are?
No. 1143642
File: 1611781231857.png (991.74 KB, 720x1022, Screenshot_20210127-205759~2.p…)

>>1143611Here's something we'll never see Ham posting no matter how extreme her skinwalking becomes.
Incredible amount of pancakes on Elzani's account.
No. 1143648
File: 1611781617316.jpg (10.19 KB, 281x300, 43cc8c684ee8bca6ce6dedf7929a05…)

>>1143642Sage for no milk but damn thats making me hungry, its been so long since ive had a roast dinner
No. 1143654
>>1143648Make yourself one soon! It does look good. If you've got issues, just eat what you can.
She's really done well. I hated her for a long time but kudos to her.
No. 1143664
File: 1611782609003.jpg (517.09 KB, 1080x1381, Screenshot_20210127-152319_Ins…)

Ham had gingerbread biscuits. Take THAT, anorexia.
No. 1143666
>>1143664i think this is her personal account
i wonder if she'll unprivate it
No. 1143695
>>1143664She had an Instagram at 13. That'd be interesting.
If she self harmed how likely is it she gives it up while going through the worst part of her hamorexia? Nah.
No. 1143697
>>1143390haha, i screenshotted this the second i saw it to point out the exact same thing but you beat me to it!
ntb, but as a frequent weigher myself its the first thing i noticed. add in the suspect pills from her story the other day, the frequent obessive walking on her 'rest days', and her insane measuring cups of everything she eats… yeah, not anorexic behaviours at all…
No. 1143780
>>1143280Dear Ham,
Just because your belly rumbles a few hours after you've eaten does not mean that you are experiencing extreme hunger. Feeling hungry is normal. More likely, in your case, it's your body warning you that it's still trying to digest the disgusting, dense slop of sugar and sodium that you're so bent on feeding it. Eat an apple, have a drink of water, take a SHOWER and go for a walk.
No. 1143781
File: 1611789430754.png (3.06 MB, 828x1792, 474B8B96-0360-4650-AA21-CE2E5F…)

Don’t even know where to start on this one. Duromine is a hard core diet pill that’s prescribed to those with (I beleive) a bmi of over 30. How is she getting it and why on earth would she give it to her ‘ED friends’ it’s like she’s asking for their deaths. I don’t know which of her friends got it but some of the friends she’s posted are quite tiny and should definitely not be taking that shit
No. 1143800
File: 1611790376055.jpg (59.44 KB, 1424x303, yay death.JPG)

>>1143781>"I would hallucinate – seriously – have strange dreams, sweat excessively, be nervous and twitch. One day my heart would beat very fast, and then another day very slowly. My mother thought this thing was going to kill me."Give your friends kidney failure, hallucinations, make fatty shit exit their anus at random moments, etc.!
Seriously, these things are only prescription, right? What a dick.
No. 1143822
File: 1611791451922.jpg (579.58 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_2021-01-27-23-50-49…)

No. 1143850
File: 1611793389055.jpg (688.83 KB, 719x1344, Screenshot_2021-01-28-00-23-16…)

>>1143823Okay, how about this. Skinny mix wants to repost this as an ad.
No. 1143856
File: 1611793914699.jpg (73.05 KB, 774x657, lazy.JPG)

>>1143850Okay, none of her food is my thing, BUT the thing that repulses me most is those dirty bottles on her bed. The top of that Tschi (whatever it is) is open and all over her actual matress.
Is this the same day as the doorstep egg and sausage sarnie, because…at her weight she expects people to believe she keeps it down?
>>1143658Psst, Tesco do a ready made roast thing. You don't get much but my mum and dad like them for a lazy tv dinner. Beef or chicken. £1.75
No. 1143857
File: 1611793989935.jpg (36.14 KB, 495x511, Capture.JPG)

>>1143850Actual matress. Difficult to clean. Probably won't bother. AArrgh!
No. 1143860
File: 1611794378978.jpeg (980.43 KB, 1242x2021, 2B13A43E-E354-42C1-951D-E6C1ED…)

how is it possible to have opposite body dysmorphia?
No. 1143889
File: 1611796868798.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1059x1268, B30F0864-8124-4C23-B766-6E7E4F…)

This might be a nitpick, but Ham seriously eats pre-cut apple slices out of a bag? Even her fruit is prepackaged. She seriously can’t slice herself some fresh apple?
No. 1143937
>>1143781Yep this one is notorious for posting about drugs and glorifying it. I’ve followEd for quite a while now. This is definitely a brag post too, wanting to let everyone know she has her hands on duromine. People will likely see it and complain over tellonym, to which she’ll cry and play
victim in response - the usual shtick
No. 1144018
File: 1611807640628.jpg (178.93 KB, 1080x1673, 20210127_220819.jpg)

What the hell are they talking about?
No. 1144364
File: 1611850642123.jpeg (594.03 KB, 828x1679, 1348A90D-E4DC-4B15-A724-68EDDE…)

Health and fitness qween ganer explaining how she makes sure to continue to take the exact same walk every day even though her gym (which she usually walks to) is closed. Even if it’s pouring rain, because that’s what champs do!
No. 1144385
>>1144364All of these recent talking videos have legit made me dislike her when I wasn't even too bothered before. Her voice grates like anything, and she's so freaking pretentious jfc.
I used to just feel sorry for her.
No. 1144388
File: 1611852005376.jpg (625.51 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210128-163800_Ins…)

>>1144364And pricking her finger to monitor blood glucose. Just a part of a normal, healthy fitness regime! Not obsessive at all.
No. 1144418
>>1144308Obvious idiot. Anyone who sends a tell to Laura's an idiot.
>>1144364She needs a general psych ward. She's losing it even more.
No. 1144466
>>1144385Agreed, hearing her speak makes her 1000% more dislikable. She is the definition of pro-ana/orthorexia masquerading as
toxic positivity.
No. 1144512
File: 1611863580713.jpg (5.8 KB, 225x225, images.jpg)

>>1144501It's one of the pre packed "pancakes" discussed earlier. Here's another with nutella (presumably to make it taste of of something).
No. 1144578
File: 1611869209210.jpeg (1.39 MB, 1125x1993, 8A26DE06-331D-43CF-AAE9-1507F0…)

Such anorexia! Instead of decorating her pigsty of a room (another thing mentioned here lately, such an obvious lurker to keep indirectly responding to us ~~nasty ppl~~) how about taking a shower, washing her oily hair & face and getting dressed. You can literally see the grease from the shit she eats seeping out of her pores. What a lazy, useless slob.
No. 1144584
File: 1611869553772.gif (4.34 MB, 600x967, gulp.gif)

>>1144578Love that screenshot, anon
Ham also discovered oat milk
No. 1144589
File: 1611869922047.jpg (82.05 KB, 1143x783, yum.JPG)

How can these taste so good?
A: They don't.
>>1144584The vegan anas use it, so… Her dressing gown is matted.
No. 1144596
File: 1611870662505.png (16.4 KB, 670x293, real name.png)

Hannah's personal account is popular. 3 followers, and one of those is herself. Aww.
Finding it difficult what she'd post that isn't larporexia related.
No. 1144600
File: 1611871205519.jpg (467.33 KB, 1080x1873, 20210128_155441.jpg)

I find it hard to believe anyone really cares that much about her plain pancakes
No. 1144667
File: 1611875293020.jpg (840.5 KB, 1080x1718, Screenshot_20210128-170753_Ins…)

Wow, I wonder why that was?
No. 1144709
File: 1611877182820.jpg (272.1 KB, 1152x2048, 20210128_233819.jpg)

Why does she have a beard
No. 1144745
File: 1611879499885.jpg (412.12 KB, 1080x1779, 20210128_181829.jpg)

Can't wait for the recipe!!!
No. 1144774
>>1144745I feel pain imagining her meticulously weighing each item and calculating macros.
I like to see this because her early posts or yt videos showed she ate things like this. Is she trying to hard to convince us she's not relapsing? As arrogant as she is, I hope she isn't but she's looking bad.
Hold on Ganer! Lockdown review in approx 3 weeks.
No. 1144961
>>1144957she can cry and wail about how shit of a person she is… but a r@pist can do that too. Doesn't make it right, nor does it protect any future
victims. I can't report as I am not following her, but I seriously think she could kill someone here.
No. 1144974
>>1144961You can ask on her tell or send her a message but don’t report it to anyone but Instagram
demz da r00lz
No. 1145005
File: 1611900121856.png (196.05 KB, 335x398, 2021-01-29.png)

>>1145000Noo that's not lanugo. She has short stubby dark hair, lanugo is long and really fine/fuzzy (attached a pic of it)
No. 1145007
>>1144988I know i was going to mention that I’ve downgraded my phone & can’t screenshot
sorry y’all
if anyone screenshots it make sure yoi get a good shot of her open mouth foaming spit
No. 1145016
File: 1611903412620.jpeg (274.75 KB, 826x1465, BE9AE670-6FC6-4511-AA6A-F62EED…)

When cows unite…
No. 1145025
File: 1611904313517.jpg (56.37 KB, 640x637, 23c5ce3262f6fdc5009c024cb23398…)

Tl;dr for thread:
No. 1145114
File: 1611924224379.png (2.69 MB, 828x1792, 26DC7C05-EDAA-424E-B3D2-66E6C2…)

may is begging for money again, how dare not having money ruining her birthday
No. 1145140
>>1145009Does she have rabies? This pic really
triggered me she looks deranged and that spit, yuck.
No. 1145337
File: 1611946529149.jpg (999.96 KB, 1080x1728, Screenshot_20210129-125426_Ins…)

Woah, Ham, slow down! Three cups of coffee? Did you even eat?
No. 1145375
>>1145352don't mean to white knight but i don't think she ever said she drinks oatly because it's more ethical…
also like the other anon, it's probably still more environmentally friendly than dairy milk. weird nitpick.
No. 1145428
File: 1611953169415.jpg (1.09 MB, 1080x1797, Screenshot_20210129-144514_Ins…)

>>1145337I'm so relieved. Ham didn't miss her snack plate tonight. I was worried she relapsed and was just drinking coffee
No. 1145476
>>1145428Wow, she's having a bath!
The milk debate. I didn't know there was a dairy alternative that didn't curdle but why anyone adds anything to coffee is strange. Why mask the taste of the blend. She could be using it a lot today to use it up before it goes off.
No. 1145605
File: 1611968303048.jpeg (88.95 KB, 635x780, 9118C7A6-96D5-41DA-85EA-1949D3…)

I don’t think she has been talked about here before. She constantly posts pictures saying “she’s letting her eating disorder take full control” and that she will fast for 20 days and posts thinspo quotes then 2 days later she deletes them and complain her “alters” ate. Then she deletes it the next day and says she starting the 20 day liquid fast then 2 days later once again she says her alters ate and and deletes her fast post it’s a cycle that has been happening for months. She’s been called about that on her tell but she claims it’s bc she has did
No. 1145613
File: 1611968448004.jpeg (151.14 KB, 640x749, E5DBA5DC-1151-4EB5-B1B2-D83E33…)

Sage for spam, she’s also a “baby girl”
No. 1145616
File: 1611968752788.jpeg (101.24 KB, 640x619, 0113822E-BC48-46A7-8DAF-EFCCA3…)

>>1145613She also posts creepy pictures of her boyfriend sleeping and claims she NEVER sleeps
No. 1145697
File: 1611982115620.jpeg (681.2 KB, 1800x1800, E68D2512-E173-4D13-B2B1-91174E…)

Aww bummer, someone’s not the getting stomach asshole she’s been dreaming of. After she tried so hard to make sure it happen, too.
No. 1145781
>>1145697I’m going to bet the “Sunshine Coast treatment” she mentions is the new residential ED program about to be opened (first one for Australia)
And then also bet that it will become the nirvana for all Queensland cows….
No. 1145820
File: 1612007962442.png (765.87 KB, 1080x1505, Screenshot_2021-01-30-05-55-27…)

Has this girl ever read the criteria for anorexia?
No. 1145821
File: 1612008130966.jpeg (251.74 KB, 1152x2048, Es2QtBBXIAYgFJY.jpeg)

>>1145820The face of starvation and anorexia.
No. 1145900
File: 1612018541502.jpg (389.89 KB, 996x1724, ECT has side effects.jpg)

Georgie may need an NG tube if she can't eat, she would hate that
No. 1145917
>>1145838Upcoming medfag, sorry…
Eating disorders are actually really really common among people with personality disorders, especially among people with BPD. Maybe someone with histrionic PD or another might just showcase symptoms for attention not too sure about other PDs
No. 1145926
File: 1612022554002.jpg (516.37 KB, 720x1362, Screenshot_2021-01-30-15-57-02…)

New cow, perhaps? Her whole account is her recovery journey from a restrictive ED (she doesn't specifically say anorexia but it's a restrictive one)
I haven't had time to really look through it all but from what Ibe seem so far it's funny af
No. 1145999
File: 1612028997153.jpeg (344.09 KB, 750x962, 116778AC-62DC-4845-ADD7-653DF5…)

I’m not sure if anyone’s interested but what the hell does this mean? Is she trying to say her pancreas is not working? I’m not sure if the starvation has damaged her brain, if she’s just not that bright or if my reading comprehension skills are shit. But I find it
funny she says her bloods have improved when on her ‘you can work out and calorie count in recovery’ post a few months back she said she was completely healthy in the comments.
No. 1146000
File: 1612029096981.jpeg (159.25 KB, 750x999, 113F4991-FEEE-4D02-A8C9-819065…)

>>1145999Also all of the comments so far are from other semi -cows.
No. 1146020
File: 1612030744431.jpeg (105.84 KB, 564x640, 44AA8D7C-32F4-4CC2-A729-CEE23C…)

>>1145820Yes, she’s starving.
No. 1146022
>>1145999Yeah sounds like she's saying not enough pancreatic lipase is reaching her small bowel to digest fats so she's getting steatorrhea.
Who knows whether she's telling the truth though.
It's super treatable anyway, loads of people take pancreatic enzyme pills before meals to deal with this issue.
No. 1146147
File: 1612037761470.jpg (205.89 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20210130-201451_Ins…)

No. 1146225
>>1146208In the US around 2000-2005, tubing was really rare, and when it was done, they'd just take you into a med room, pour Ensure down the tube, and take it out before you leave, like a 20-min. ordeal, but it was rare and you'd never know it was happening unless someone told people. Idk what happened over the next few years but when I was back in 2014+ I was shocked to see how many people were being tubed and especially the fact that they were wearing them around all day.
Tried to make this not a blog, thought it was relevant
No. 1146242
File: 1612043314152.jpg (185.51 KB, 1080x1502, 20210130_154435.jpg)

Ham gets a scary cappuccino from McDonald's, rambles about how "challenges are different for everyone," ends post with an Arghhh
No. 1146274
>>1146179even healthy bmis could cause serious health problems if someone were to fast for days at a time or something similar to get there. Not talking about any of the cows here, I'm talking about people that would be mortified to post pictures of their bodies or regarding an ED.
>>1146242jfk she drinks something comparable every fucking day, maybe more since she's not FDOE. how do people not see through this shit
No. 1146277
File: 1612046374886.jpg (505.71 KB, 1080x1919, 20210130_163858.jpg)

>>1146242I guess instagram doesn't like Ham's content. The post is gone.
No. 1146297
File: 1612047268235.png (995.51 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20210130-213603.png)

Here ya go
No. 1146312
File: 1612048052880.png (1.14 MB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20210130-230731.png)

No. 1146336
>>1145791Ausfag here. Our healthcare system is pretty inconsistent when it comes to tubing patients. Some hospitals will literally tube you if you so much as refuse water, others will follow a stringent protocol that outlines at least twenty different criteria points required for a feeding tube. Private clinics are faster to shove hoses down the patients' throats as soon as they're admitted - why? I'm not sure. Probably a money thing.
A majority of hospitals threaten patients with a tube if they refuse their meal, then refuse the supplement. (Sorry for blog) but most anorexics I've met IP will drink the supplement and avoid the tube like the plague. Never met a tube-lover that actually had a genuine anorexia diagnosis.
No. 1146346
>>1146242>>1146297Isn't England still in lockdown anyway? I don't think "fighting anorexia one cappuccino at a time <3" counts as 'essential' travel, especially since she doesn't have a job, isn't in school, and her mum driving her to McDonald's isn't exactly exercise.
Besides, wasn't she eating junk from there all the time a few months ago?? Her larp is getting worse, no problem wolfing down fries for weeks but now suddenly a take-out coffee is a 'challenge' (even though it conveniently wasn't when she was getting that massive mince pie from Costa)
No. 1146358
File: 1612051250915.png (77.67 KB, 720x411, Screenshot_20210130-213625~2.p…)

>>1146346Lockdown regs obv don't apply to them. They were "out and about".
No. 1146365
>>1146346>>1146358Ham, leaving the house to get McDonald's (which let's be honest, you don't even need anyway) is not a
valid excuse to leave the house during an ongoing pandemic. Even if she just got coffee, it's not like she needs it. Not to be an eco-warrior, but imagine the wasted fossil fuel involved for that journey. It can be put to better uses.
No. 1146368
File: 1612051885550.png (3.21 MB, 828x1792, 1607630048018.png)

>>1146365She had a McDonald's in her profile but deleted it.
This is after her ~relapse~ from previous thread.
No. 1146375
File: 1612052520927.png (709.1 KB, 714x686, Screenshot_20210114-073212~2.p…)

Oh, sneaky. She deleted this before her recent pizza breakdown.
No. 1146382
>>1146368I'm wrong
It's still there, but she deleted early pizza and some cream cakes.
No. 1146470
File: 1612060465489.jpeg (Spoiler Image,266.62 KB, 539x574, E5DDD9A7-6AE5-4ACD-8F96-125B5D…)

>>1146277>>1146381Let’s just take a minute for a close up.
No. 1146481
File: 1612061418287.png (73.15 KB, 1080x364, Screenshot_2021-01-30-20-47-26…)

>>1145820I love how she's "attempting recovery" and not "pro-ana" but she follows and retweets from lots of accounts that post extremely pro-eating disorder content and actual skelly pics.
No. 1146491
File: 1612062537105.jpg (Spoiler Image,18.72 KB, 400x400, 3siaNQT8_400x400.jpg)

>>1146481She retweets from this extremely pro-ana girl, going bald from malnutrition, who proudly has her BMI of 15 in her bio. @madeline_xs
Spoiler for semi-nude skeleton pic
No. 1146502
File: 1612064528258.jpeg (433.48 KB, 1536x2048, EqyHiw1VoAAb4XU.jpeg)

>>1146491Somehow this woman got a doctor to give her a vyvanse prescription despite it's known weight loss and appetite suppressant side effects. Picrel: literally balding from starvation. Lol at twitter allowing a zillion pro-ana accounts trading tips on how to starve more effectively.
No. 1147259
File: 1612088233417.jpeg (143.79 KB, 750x895, AE63B178-795F-4AE4-968B-48772F…)

The long awaited period post is here! Other minor tips include not drinking too much alcohol or coffee and stretching! Notice there is no mention of limiting exercise?
No. 1147488
File: 1612119265484.jpg (194.66 KB, 1080x1355, 20210131_124412.jpg)

How long until instagram takes this down? Also, the post ended with "be kind to yourself," so I'm going to do that and not watch her rambling
No. 1147497
File: 1612120852785.png (1.72 MB, 828x1792, 14483001-58CD-4700-9C0C-394390…)

thank u anna for this enlightening meal plan, can i sue u when it doesn’t do anything ?!!!!
No. 1147516
File: 1612123322711.jpeg (918.03 KB, 1125x1671, B00466E6-9C5B-43E8-972B-055A5A…)

Highlighted bit made me chuckle. It shouldn’t be a wishlist, Ham! Writing the word anorexia everywhere does not mean you magically have it
No. 1147518
File: 1612123682849.jpeg (160.4 KB, 828x1294, AFC1115A-015D-4568-A575-528DFE…)

Hamum have her flowers for her pizza “challenge” the other day. Fucking hell
No. 1147519
File: 1612123830209.jpeg (193.83 KB, 1024x1024, E56C8100-EBB5-45AE-A72B-AC3572…)

>>1147518Samefag but could help myself: her acting skills have somehow declined even further. Not tech-savvy enough to link the video, sorry guise.
No. 1147551
File: 1612127260993.jpeg (272.03 KB, 828x1445, DBE267B9-C070-4E5C-B0BA-C9A104…)

Ah a young Paris Melody Raven in training. Get those likes and followers whilst you’re underweight and you can I guess.
No. 1147555
File: 1612127749787.jpg (35.09 KB, 657x490, trunchie.jpg)

>>1147519i knew she reminded me of someone
No. 1147560
>>1147551"This" meaning obsessing over food on the internet with other anorexics?
Would love to see a "recovery made this possible!" post about something like getting a job, going to school for something that doesn't have to do with hospitals and sickness, going on a date…
No. 1147571
File: 1612129312219.png (2.02 MB, 750x1334, 5247D6D4-40D5-4AF9-9701-1C08DF…)

It’s the nasty people again
No. 1147576
>>1147571"nothing about my needs"
Ham you eat nothing but processed junk food, with maybe some grapes. Please eat some fucking vegetables, meats, nuts, and everything that would be on a meal plan for anorexia recovery
Or is ham saying her special needs make her only need processed crap?
No. 1147632
>>1147624Oh piss off, anon. Her being jewish might explain why her nose is so fucking big but not her shitty personality.
Just say you hate jews and leave.
No. 1147700
File: 1612142879591.jpg (366.07 KB, 1072x1848, 20210131_185430.jpg)

Ganer's posting spoop pics again. Probably hoping it'll get removed so she can get asspats and lots of attention again.
No. 1147791
File: 1612151991420.jpg (385.58 KB, 1080x1397, 20210131_165442.jpg)

The grapes…Ham inspired?
No. 1147815
>>1147700Her spoop pose is very awkward. Makes her whatever it is she does pose look five stars.
>>1147791Mmmm, a cardboard box full of expired chocolate bars.
No. 1147871
File: 1612162989905.png (4.24 MB, 1125x2001, 47DACD57-01D5-4456-AD74-66972A…)

Cemented.calories has been having a total meltdown since being called out for giving out duromine to her friends. So much self pity - openly announcing, story after story, that they’re too fat, too annoying, woe is me. This girl is sick, clearly, but she has such a huge complex when it comes to posting bs all over social media.
No. 1147939
>>1147571She NEEDS to stop eating like this. In a few months she's going to have put on a lot of unnecessary weight and be well beyond a healthy BMI. Dentists aren't doing check ups right now in the UK unless she's under private care, which I doubt, and I bet her intake is doing a number on her teeth by eating sugary foods 5+ times throughout the day. Same for her gut and bowels.
Honestly it's sad. She's going to end up the same size as Georgie Porgie Pudding and Pie, bewilderdly saying "eating disorders can happen at any size!!". And she'll only have herself to blame with her Ana LARPing whilst actually knowing fuck all about nutrition and dietary needs.
No. 1147947
File: 1612180269088.png (2 MB, 847x1478, willywonkyeye.PNG)

>>1147910not sure if its getting worse, because she ALWAYS tries to cover it (poorly) with that horrid winged eyeliner… but heres a rare photo she just posted to her story without it. and yeah, shits not straight at all!
also, as anon previously mentioned its a condition called Ptosis.
No. 1147948
File: 1612180868904.png (2.2 MB, 861x1462, dehydratedface.hydratedear.PNG)

>>1147947while i was screenshotting the last pic thought i might as well grab this one of our future Ms. Olympia, looking dehyrated af.
coincidentally she is complaining of water in her ear. if only she took the advice of her cochlea and drank some water her facial skin wouldnt look like a 90yo's labia
No. 1147950
File: 1612182261803.jpg (Spoiler Image,295.98 KB, 1052x1905, Screenshot_20210201_122524.jpg)

So good…
No. 1147958
File: 1612183315417.jpeg (18.59 KB, 600x450, 5cd2c96893a1521f73764134.jpeg)

>>1147936Attention and clout, of course. While she's 'ill', her parents won't expect her to do anything or make any moves to build an adult life and she clearly enjoys being coddled. There's definitely something to be said also for the tendency nowadays to define yourself by how you're 'suffering' and it has to be something hip and in right now-look at the social contagion aspect of troons and how everyone puts their disabilities and wacky niche sexualities in their bio. Look at me, I'm vulnerable!
It's surprising she's settled on anorexia-it's very passé, very 2008. Probably just looked at diet videos and went down the rabbit hole of What I Eat In A Day ana youtubers and saw all the attention people like Elzani got.
No. 1148057
File: 1612194559051.png (5.17 MB, 1125x2436, E4778076-8256-4EAF-88A7-27BDC1…)

on one of her recent posts she showed writing stuff - for her “how it affected me” she put no period - do u think this is true?
No. 1148066
File: 1612195023492.png (808.07 KB, 1125x2436, A11A068B-DDB9-4AF0-9FFD-E3BD60…)

also if she was trying it for the first time why would she say “they are elite” like she’d had it multiple times - and how can she eat ice gems (packed with sugar), but not a nakd bar with considerably more whole food ingredients i understand being scared of both but omg i just can’t!!
No. 1148068
>>1148057Yeah, people can lose their periods (although it tends to be more skipping them than complete amenorrhea) after a relatively small weight loss. Also consider she's still pretty young so might not even have had a very regular period yet to begin with.
Basically skipping a month or two doesn't necessarily mean you're on death's door; but if you wanted to larp it up as that, you could.
No. 1148069
File: 1612195197476.png (5.31 MB, 1125x2436, 316942CD-6473-4A34-B61C-8980B3…)

and she literally had a nakd bar here in early recovery this girl istg
No. 1148075
File: 1612195605422.png (518.02 KB, 1125x2436, DAA79256-17D7-4BB5-8F6E-551954…)

and in october she challenged pancakes but 3 months later said she needed to challenge it again:////
No. 1148106
>>1148057Oh so that's where she kept her notes when she was planning the ana LARP. Shame she didn't put as much effort into schoolwork.
She's an odd fucked up kid.
No. 1148139
File: 1612200124358.jpg (1.36 MB, 1920x1920, InShot_20210201_172058940.jpg)

Oh dear, someone's hacked Mary's ig! How will we ever know if she's increased this week or not kek
No. 1148245
File: 1612206813740.jpg (Spoiler Image,22.4 KB, 640x513, aNggRM6_700b.jpg)

This meme, only instead of planking, it's watching Ham. She's truly a unique specimen, every fraction of her online existence is so effortlessly insufferable.
No. 1148262
File: 1612207647074.jpg (56.63 KB, 639x746, this food is right for me.JPG)

>>1148245You mean things like showing inside her bowl to the camera with a fake grin, her wonky teeth, her awful dressing gown/pyjamas, obviously never experiencing anything she's banging on about, her Friend's cup, her cut price children's snacks, greasy hair, saying fings like finking, her bitten down nails, her obsession with people watching her eat, her "truths", her googled recovery quotes, only allowing asspats, things like that?
No. 1148304
File: 1612209031471.jpeg (702.5 KB, 828x1685, EF665A84-FDB1-4066-BC07-7C484D…)

She’s just so overwhelmingly unlikeable! She should really stick to pictures because videos make her come across as rude, arrogant and narcissistic. She’s speaking as if she’s some serious professional athlete, trying to relate to all the other stage-quality body builders.
No. 1148307
>>1148304She's the same in her early youtubes the way she talks about the treatment she received. She knew better than them, of course.
When she's eating her slop watching those women on her laptop, I wonder what goes on in her mind. Does she think she's anywhere close to that? Does she really think she'll look like that? I know nothing about bodybuilding, but if she's watching to improve her "posing", why doesn't she build some fucking muscles to flex? She must've always lived in a delusional world. Not even saying it to be a bitch but she really doesn't have any redeeming qualities.
No. 1148308
File: 1612209316774.jpg (457.6 KB, 1080x1733, Screenshot_20210201-135446_Ins…)

Is she doing a cut since she's been "bulking" for so long?
No. 1148519
File: 1612218327027.png (2.66 MB, 750x1334, 6F4E9A0C-145C-413A-AB96-A47D70…)

Oh my lord, she makes me so angry.
I know she’s not an overly ‘popular’ cow for discussion here but I honestly can’t see why. She’s so hypocritical and infuriating.
No. 1148573
File: 1612221410035.png (736.51 KB, 750x1334, 299C9503-B33B-4810-A838-D0E414…)

“I don’t often post about exercise” she says but … she usually puts her posts from her running account on the story of her recovery account (if that makes sense?) and has the link to it in her bio, with distances and the like clearly displayed.
No. 1148688
>>1148519Plus she was posting Full days of eating when she was deep in her disorder! I bet she
triggered so many people too she’s so hypocritical
No. 1148833
>>1148057>no periodcame on late by 2 days
>hair lossdoesn’t brush/wash it often enough
>bones stick out, can’t sit downnow that’s just ridiculous
No. 1148912
File: 1612239271560.png (1.65 MB, 1437x1303, eye.PNG)

>>1148304oh, and after a quick google search on droopy eyes i stumbled across this gem which is no doubt the look ganer is going for. however she lays it on thhiiiccckkk af and subsequently looks even more ridiculous than without it. hhaha
No. 1149033
File: 1612253911206.jpg (423.41 KB, 719x1304, Screenshot_2021-02-02-08-18-32…)

No. 1149057
>>1149033N2F has more muscle definition than ganer kek
do feel bad for her though, she's obviously struggling alot
No. 1149063
>>1149033>sorry if trigger>fat arms y/nfuck, man. she doesn't give a shit about ~
triggering~ anyone but it's not nice seeing her deteriorate.
ham, porgie, ovi, is this what you want? shame on you bitches
No. 1149069
>>1148720I normally don't care about grammar, mine is crap, but what annoys me is she talks about having issues with perfectionism and no major perfectionist would be ok with such glaring mistakes.
>>1148688Multiple people told her that and she ignored them all. She doesn't give a crap about anyone but herself.
No. 1149074
File: 1612258761017.png (1.3 MB, 767x1254, ntf.PNG)

#beatinganorexia #withbulemia
gotta love the literal shit eating smirk. and them glands… holy shit!
No. 1149080
>>1149074holy fuck… her neck looks like it's about to burst
she really must spend all day just b/p in her room, what a sad girl
No. 1149085
File: 1612260509261.jpeg (613.3 KB, 2048x2048, 0A973762-719F-470D-9783-7A08FF…)

Ganer seems to be back in action posting everything she’s eating, now claiming to be taking an intuitive approach to recovery but also eating high protein no fat because her body “isn’t processing lipids right” or something like that. Yes, must be the lipids. Cant have anything to do with the fact she’s been radically underweight for years, eating mostly sucralose and salt.
No. 1149086
File: 1612260730146.png (72.51 KB, 720x820, Screenshot_20210202-101140~2.p…)

Inb4 Ham starts giving herself asspats for 5k followers. The people following are either farmers, lurkers or bought. So many with 1 post.
No. 1149091
>A walk uptownI bet.
I'm grateful I thought lipids were for face cream. She's going to crash soon.
No. 1149094
>>1149085You mean ganer 2.0 aka Fit Vegan Ginger the second aka Dharma, right?
Still eating only high volume veggies and diet products I see.
No. 1149097
File: 1612261846575.png (125.96 KB, 1914x779, 01020100.png)

>>1149086Any other reason this would happen apart from buying follows?
No. 1149118
a mental illness
some bullshit
something the body
something of food
(c'mon, Ham, surely your team explained the criteria to you upon diagnosis?)
how has it affected me?
no period
hair loss
some bullshit
purging ? (if so, that's a behaviour. try again)
shaking? all the time
more shit
bones something out
yet more bullshit
…I tried but it's hard deciphering lying nonsense
No. 1149242
File: 1612280719497.png (42.71 KB, 545x729, Untitled.png)

Hey, Hannah. Why don't you stop buying followers and use get some shampoo instead?
No. 1149246
File: 1612281498036.jpeg (919.6 KB, 828x1723, C306B099-0153-4482-AE27-F1429C…)

It’s like she’s giving lessons in high volume, low density eating. I don’t know what progress she thinks she’s making, this is the exact same shit she’s been eating for years.
No. 1149410
File: 1612293863596.jpeg (832.75 KB, 828x1706, 4AC19E7F-B077-4A0F-A2F7-91921F…)

>>1149360She is very incredibly tragically poor and needs your generous dollars, but she also needs to eat CA$6-7 pints of ice cream. Necessities.
No. 1149427
File: 1612294714456.jpg (513.22 KB, 2178x2160, The pure essence of Ham.jpg)

No. 1149457
File: 1612295912501.jpeg (412.12 KB, 828x1411, AE654FB8-9F40-4314-95B6-4922D8…)

>>1149410Is broke, yet has a home gym and got hair extensions for Christmas and has a job. Seems like she’s just a greedy attention whore with fucked up priorities.
No. 1149465
File: 1612296379167.jpeg (455.9 KB, 1800x1800, 7A2F93C6-A08F-4346-A27A-4B379F…)

Porgie’s recommending nutrition supplements. Any Aussie or UK fags want to weigh in on if these are high or low cal for us amerifags?
No. 1149470
File: 1612296854276.png (106.79 KB, 720x1269, Screenshot_20210202-201341~2.p…)

Found this
No. 1149601
File: 1612302186104.png (1.65 MB, 1629x1197, 'gainer' front-on.PNG)

our queen of lifting has graced us with another photo in her scanties! this time its front-on view which is a rarity too see without some angled leg and/or body.
still, she has to feel the need to tilt her anterior to create a box gap and get them freaky leg tendons popping…
No. 1149620
>>1149601Why does this look horrific to me? She's saying she doesn't feel like an embarrassment now? She doesn't have abs and …and…she looks like an action figure. A male one. The way it looks like her legs click on to some holes in the torso.
>>1149566That's like how they do cereals you can drink "on the go". Loads of sugar and not filling.
Thank god Georgie's getting those calories though, phew.
Amazing how Ham's not even ashamed she's buying follows and celebrating FIVE FOUSAND.
No. 1149826
File: 1612308057898.png (3.2 MB, 750x1334, 03DEE039-C8DF-4CDB-8B5A-8C3BEC…)

>>1148912Yet her application I think makes it even more obvious she has a bum eye!
No. 1149990
>>1149826There are you tube tutorials for wonk eye. There are wing eye liner for all eyes. I know her droop is pretty bad, but she'd find a way of dealing with it. Sorted out my liner with epicanthal fold problems on there. YouTube improves life BUT Ganer allllwaye knows best. Can't think of a celeb with her wonk, only men like Columbia but he had a glass eye.
>>1149835Ohhh did she plan a protein bar? She needs protein. And fibre. Might watch the video. Feeling strong arm emoji.
No. 1149997
File: 1612316234668.jpeg (6.74 KB, 194x259, images.jpeg)

>>1149990Oops meant columbo
No. 1150019
File: 1612317271062.png (1.95 MB, 1125x2001, E2DCBA44-73CE-4DC2-8CB2-BF6CBB…)

>>1149995Ausfag here, I think it’s a lot of low income families/even lazy parents are happy to give their kids what is essentially thick flavored milk for breakfast rather than deal with making actual breakfast - when I was younger it seemed to be targeted towards kids and teenagers to ensure they get at least the minimum nutrients required from breakfast.
No. 1150433
File: 1612339036387.png (615.72 KB, 720x1124, Screenshot_20210203-075449~2.p…)

>>1150423Oh and she still looks crazy with most of her face hidden.
No. 1150474
File: 1612341760326.png (2.05 MB, 1644x1188, yippee i'm in hospital better …)

little miss "not pro-ana" giving a cute hospital body check update after she was admitted with sooper severe kidney stones from her sooper severe dehydration. probably woke up the whole neighbourhood. (blogpost, i've had kidney stones before. they hurt like hell, but nothing entirely unbearable).
No. 1150482
File: 1612342449015.png (1.95 MB, 828x1792, 1F6C1DCD-59F1-42E8-B5C2-67AB93…)

bored with ana now hopping on the oh so traumatised train??? this is a very different story from her few weeks of boarding school “restriction” . And anna, you look the same as you did when you were “sick”. stop with the dramatics
No. 1150490
File: 1612343588500.jpg (289.22 KB, 1080x1652, 20210203_220444.jpg)

I think I've just stumbled across the most fucked up thing i have ever seen. If miscarriage/stillbirth triggers you do not enlarge the image to read the post. Sorry if this has already been discussed. There's not much milk else, but she's one of those who lists their achievements in their bio.. "Inpatient x47" ffs
No. 1150493
File: 1612343892426.png (5.74 MB, 1125x2001, 124F8425-C153-4CC6-8741-D294A9…)

Lee complains about her sore ankle which is so severe it warrants her owning crutches . Yet apparently enduring this supposedly chronic pain is easier than using said crutches. Munch harder, Lee. Sounds like she wants a disability ticket
No. 1150503
>>1136650>>1150490she purposely starved her fetus? the fuck
>>1150493sounds like she wants a toob too
No. 1150509
>>1150490Even if it is larping, why the fuck would you brag about this?
She should be banned as a subject here to starve of her attention.
No. 1150510
>>1150503Yup. Purposely starved it to get back at her boyfriend for removing her laxatives.
>>1150505Absolute psychopath 100%. Fuck I can't even believe what I just read.
No. 1150513
File: 1612347942612.jpeg (140.04 KB, 640x852, 4A0D73C8-E0D5-492B-842B-F14FE3…)

>>1150505It’s all lies and dramatics, typical bpd. 1st of August she claimed a bmi of 13.9 and “no matter what my body won’t gain weight” then posts this on 11th of August. Goes without saying that is not the arm of someone with that bmi
No. 1150515
File: 1612348136366.jpeg (187.01 KB, 640x844, 96AA8590-ADB7-4A77-B286-124FE5…)

>>1150513samefag here is the earlier post as well in case she deletes/goes private. But hard agree with the farmers saying we should starve her (kek) of attention
No. 1150533
>>1150513Her posts have big breaks in between. First 2 post are in June 2020, next 3 are n August and the last one (about the miscarriage) was in December. She’s clearly attention seeking and milking the rare hospital visits she gets. Her profile pic is not someone of bmi 13 either, even if she has bulimic glands.
>> 1150521Yeah sounds like bone rattling
No. 1150574
File: 1612354821087.png (Spoiler Image,744.87 KB, 447x816, yum.vomit.png)

Instead of purging those bots, looks like Ham's purged something into her bowl.
Is this it then? Nutella porridge in the morning and a pic of a fucking gold bar and other shit snacks at night?
Stop wasting your cash trying to be ig popular and buy some self improvement books. Jesus, how can a teen be so fucking dull.
No. 1150613
Not only
>>1150609 >>1150608 and
>>1150603 , she's really callous and unhinged writing "I starved little James to death ~sad face emoji~
She's referring to the foetus as a sentient being and even named it, so obviously she thinks of it as a person, so she's even shittier for doing that to it. If that makes sense.
I get vibes of Pilot Patrick's girlfriend from that account. Also, I know it's possible to still get pregnant at a low BMI, but…it doesn't add up.
No. 1150621
File: 1612358466786.jpeg (203.5 KB, 750x1280, 99081C65-7811-4FBF-9D78-AA3E6C…)

Anna is back on tiktok with her ‘inspirational’ videos. Who gets someone to take a photo of them in their hospital bed like this?
No. 1150633
>>1150615Exactly. The end result is the same. Either it's wrong to kill children in the womb or it isn't IMO.
Anons if you're "pro-choice" but think she's a psycho for what she did, you might be experiencing cognitive dissonance, kek. Anyway don't want to derail, just wanted to get that thought out.
No. 1150639
>>1150634Idk man, I think killing fetuses is kind of psycho regardless of the intentions in most cases (not including to save mother's life), but you do you, I guess.
>>1150638My point was there's really no difference between and abortion and what she did because the result is ultimately the same, but anyway, not trying to derail just needed to get that spergy thought out, kek.
No. 1150641
>>1150639"it's just like abortion"
How can you not see the difference in getting an abortion cos you dont want a kid, and purposely "starving little James to death, RIP baby"? Absolute psycho
No. 1150643
>>1150639Imagine being anti-abortion on lolcow
No. 1150645
>>1150641how can you not understand that someone who views an unborn fetus as a living being doesn't care if you "didn't want the child"
getting an abortion VS not eating to get rid of the baby are both ways of ending its life
if an unborn child is a life in your eyes you will be against every way in which you can kill it, end of the story.
i'm not even pro life myself but jfc stop acting so retarded it's not that hard to understand
No. 1150656
>>1150645no one gives a shit about the ethics of abortion, I'm just saying it's a very different tone to play
victim saying "RIP James who I starved to death" than someone just getting an abortion because they never wanted a kid and that's what makes it horrifying
No. 1150701
File: 1612365392142.jpg (72.44 KB, 1080x555, IMG_20210204_041609.jpg)

>>1150699you likely won't, i'm fairly sure the thread it's on is hidden by MPA. here's a screenshot, though, because i lurk there for milky shit (face censored, poster was apparently 15 at the time)
No. 1150702
File: 1612365457849.jpg (399.01 KB, 1080x2088, IMG_20210204_041753.jpg)

samefag again, but here's the full-size with MPA url visible
No. 1150731
>>1150692samefag, but this is so sad…
Starts out with tracking her blood glucose and blood pressure, both of which are (for obvious reasons) on the lower end of healthy.
Then she talks about not being able to afford all the stupidly overpriced supplements her coach recommends. (You can pick up really cheap own-brand stuff at supermarkets here if you genuinely need things like vit D, but most of hers are pointless).
Constantly mentions how stressed out she is by pretty much everything.
Finally onto bone health and periods. She's got severe osteoporosis (especially in her spine), and is trying to reverse that.
She still doesn't have a period. At 25. So clearly super recovered. (Gonna guess she still doesn't have enough body fat). Refuses to take hormonal medication and wants to do it 'naturally' despite her doctor's recommendation.
Whole thing is a trainwreck, she's delusional.
No. 1150760
>>1150692>>1150731i watched this whole video and anon i agree, it was so sad. she's still very much immersed in her illness. there's so much denial, especially where she says she's gonna "prove science wrong" and get her period back naturally against her doctor's orders. and when she refuses to even say what her doctor told her because it was too sad and she doesn't want to believe it. so much denial.
also it's pretty fucked up how her coach has her buying all of these expensive snake oil supplements
No. 1150792
File: 1612371259113.jpg (1.01 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210203-165331_Ins…)

Rare self awareness from Georgie. More ECT of course though
No. 1150816
>>1150761samefag, just watched the vid. gotta agree with you anon,
>>1150760 the denial is thicccc. She bangs on and on about nutrition and weight bearing exercise for her bone density but refuses to connect that her lack of period is a MAJOR factor. Then when she goes on to talk about the endocrinologist - who I assume told her if she doesn't hormonally induce her period she will be sterile - and how the doctor's approach was too generalized and everybody is different…. crickets. She is full on delusional. She wants to have kids someday but refuses to believe a doctor who is telling her who she needs to do to try to save her reproductive health. Her whole attitude of being an expert in everything, apparently including endocrinology, is so infuriating. Hard to feel bad for her because she is really a pompous ass.
No. 1150825
File: 1612373022679.png (1.48 MB, 750x1334, 4B2D556C-A01E-4832-BC27-967BB5…)

So I’m not an expert on Instagram’s workings and this could be normal but Anna says she will message anyone who comments on her posts, in a bid to up her number of followers. This sounds really egotistical to me (although lots of people are taking the bait)
No. 1151018
>>1150825Idk how insta works either, but I've wondered if Ham limited her comments to stop the fake accounts posting crap like they do on Aly's account "Wow, amazing scene. I mean it!"
No stigma to being desperate for popularity on sm, is there. The world's fucked.
No. 1151074
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No. 1151088
File: 1612383072776.jpg (434.84 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_2021-02-04-07-10-49…)

So hollie posted this in August 2020 but after a reverse image search it says the first time the image can be found is in 2017…stealing pics again?
No. 1151228
File: 1612392269379.jpeg (417.39 KB, 1242x2147, F14BD4CB-A305-4DA2-9E66-2A7D7C…)

Super frail super sick ovi is passing out because her dainty body can’t take the exercise. In another post she’s compilaining that she is is now turning to muscle uh oh garner look out
No. 1151230
File: 1612392390376.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.27 MB, 3464x3464, 921DD8F4-FB2D-4B59-B124-8A0038…)

I might have put it in the wrong order but to be fair she looks the exact same, she post body checks a lot for someone’s whose body barely changes.
No. 1151235
>>1151228Recovery: Ovi eating normally (which is apparently a lot)
Relapse: Ovi not eating for a few hours and experiencing the tummy rumbles so she must be ~starving~
Recovery: Ovi eating extra food at the next meal to make up for her malnutrition
No. 1151391
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>>11505881. She said she was too far along for an abortion.
2. I consider myself pro-choice. But I don't think that having an abortion for revenge towards the father over a petty disagreement is justified.
No. 1151466
File: 1612406611789.jpg (397.33 KB, 1080x2044, Screenshot_20210203-214254_Chr…)

Oh no guys the hug-box is currently down
No. 1151475
>>1151468it would be if it had happened
nobody illustrates a true story with someone else’s stolen hospital pictures
No. 1151596
File: 1612415054037.jpg (434.72 KB, 1080x1735, Screenshot_20210203-222343_Ins…)

I wonder what her "surplus" is?
No. 1151773
File: 1612430957432.png (7.19 MB, 1125x2001, 3973744B-B8FB-4133-8DD8-ACBE51…)

Guess we can be expecting some inpatient content from this cow soon…
No. 1151928
File: 1612446154914.jpg (295.72 KB, 1059x1923, IMG_20210204_234219.jpg)

Maybe if @lifeofhxn had a personality other than reminding ppl that shes underweight and on toob she wouldn't have to complain
No. 1151932
>>1151707Ntayrt but Anamanaguchi is the admin there. I have an account on pancakes but tbh it's been so dead lately that I don't really feel like there's any specific milk.
The crepes subforum is pretty cringe (crepes = "super hardcore!1!" Pancakes apparently) but it's mostly comparing whos the skickest
No. 1151941
File: 1612447629832.jpeg (238.14 KB, 750x735, 3278FD14-3BA4-4597-888E-6D329C…)

Ovi wrote a poem
No. 1152043
File: 1612455311251.png (4.73 MB, 828x1792, 6EADA451-C419-4B76-AF21-FD65EC…)

sage for nitpicking but imagine knowing this would be your doctor
No. 1152094
File: 1612459671701.jpeg (395.33 KB, 828x1148, 4142D3DF-0D19-4C78-8288-61B313…)

Shoop job or angles
No. 1152329
File: 1612477796296.jpg (26.4 KB, 306x493, moss.jpg)

>>1152282That or she's going for the Croydon facelift.
No. 1152436
File: 1612485291997.png (3.78 MB, 828x1792, 76D43BE3-68C1-4179-89AB-814D21…)

thank god hams got her night snack!
No. 1152853
File: 1612513149091.jpg (421.4 KB, 1080x1856, Screenshot_20210205-085226_Ins…)

Not so little Lee should cut down on drinking.
No. 1152927
>>1152924yeah her body is perfectly normal/slim, but I have a hard time believing an anorexic would ever let their body be shown at that angle
>>1152914 Ham isn't fat, yet, she's clearly a normal BMI but has gained weight from the beginning of her LARP, but the fact she continues to say she needs to gain weight is concerning
No. 1152953
>>1136650>>1152946let alone going MORE MORE
>>1152924in b4 she claims drunkorexia
No. 1152960
File: 1612529452519.jpeg (192.22 KB, 743x1226, E8840152-F61F-45EF-B3C9-9B7D52…)

Might be a nitpick but honestly, does she not check for typos at all? Also the ‘sighs’ were things like ‘cold’ and ‘shy’ and ‘hair loss’: no mentions of withdrawing socially, weight loss or gain, trips to bathroom after meals, irritability, needing to control food or being obsessed by it and so.
No. 1152979
File: 1612531981382.png (1.57 MB, 799x1252, ntfbagelraper.PNG)

find yoself a man that looks at you the way NtF looks at bagels.
those glands look ripe for popping!!
No. 1153052
>>1152979>ntfbagelraper kek
honestly those glands look painful, so do her lips. I feel slightly bad for her because being bulimic for so long sounds pretty horrific. Probably not long until she has some sort of mini-heart attack or fucks up her oesophagus
No. 1153079
Ganer is doing a Q and A at the moment, so far:
- admitted she still finds weight gain the hardest
- said she tried to hit a step count at the start at the recovery, which was a compulsion. If so, what's to say her lifting as well? (we know it is, but she isn't even trying to hide it that much anymore)
- on rest days: stretching, yoga, progress photos and vacuums, and working on her abs because she is too tired to on her non-rest days
- said untracked/weighed meals still freak her out
- 'you can't make your period come back' - apart from weight gain, body fat percentage and so on.
- 'I'm hungry most of the time'
- in response to a question about not feeling motivated to work out/ feeling low energy or so on: 'if you really want it you have to push through'
- 'do you have days where you properly rest?': no… 'I can't think of anything worse than just sitting on the sofa all day'
- she does weigh everything I eat, 'to the t'
- and she mentions how much she ~loves training~ about fifty times. The lady doth protest too much, methinks
No. 1153093
>>1152436104 + 105 + 116 + 112 = 437 cals
pick one ham
No. 1153117
File: 1612542607425.jpeg (222.6 KB, 750x1334, C8DB9C1D-97C6-4768-9E51-B4DA1C…)

>>1153116Sorry, dropped pic
No. 1153121
File: 1612542850857.jpeg (938.5 KB, 828x1716, 708BAC66-2047-4FF8-ABCA-6707F1…)

>>1153117The hilarity that she’s also claiming to be stopping all of her “volume eating”. Her stories fluctuate between very normal looking foods that I 99% guarantee she didn’t eat, and probably are for her roommate, and the most bizarreass concoctions of sugar free jello and mustard on a bed of lettuce.
No. 1153279
File: 1612555411224.jpeg (232.84 KB, 750x934, 75F5187C-0BD7-48BD-9822-CB0865…)

Another not-very-insightful Ganer post.
No. 1153303
>>1153284>All the fitness people on youtube bang on and on and on about how important rest is and how you have to fucking eat.Bodybuilding isn't even on my radar as an interest, but just by watching those 10,000 calorie a day challenges I learned just how much they have to eat and what to eat. It ain't a bowl of protein slop either.
>>1153279Going beyond her current menu and weight is a
triggering thought to her. That entire caption is how she thinks she isn't doing those things when those things are stopping her progressing. She's so arrogant.
No. 1153319
File: 1612558627351.png (54.03 KB, 748x848, gainz.png)

>>1153079these are some easy to find beginner tips, and it's worth noting in her newest youtube video she calls herself "intermediate" while in the same video saying she was eating maintaince and the protein she gets isn't from meat, it's from cream of rice
No. 1153367
File: 1612561061710.png (796.41 KB, 898x830, Untitled.png)

She's craving Iced Gems. Her body's telling her she needs that sugar, salt and artificial colouring and flavouring. 92 calories, eek! She's triggered by anything under 150.
No. 1153376
File: 1612561409965.jpg (257.25 KB, 1080x1698, 20210205_154321.jpg)

Oh no, still tubed!
No. 1153417
>>1153403I am also incompetent, especially at making well-written summaries but I skimmed the thread and here is what happened:
Ham: pancake and poverty spearing, mum-tin foiling, snack plates and bloat posts
Ganer does not rest on rest days, weighs her food and herself and is totally not going to relapse
N2f is n2f
Georgia is fairly quiet, gearing up for a new admission
Anna runs and travels with covid, gets her period and makes spelling mistakes
Laura finally earns her tube. Congratulations!
Ovi writes a poem
Dharma has lipid absorption issues, starts Intuitively eating~
Fat girl sar.thrives cries over Anas being reassured they won't get fat in recovery
Sophie absconds and finally gets her BPD diagnosis
Soft4angel1 does tiktok dances
Diabulimic Katie briefly mentioned. No one cares
Anorexiadiary steps on her dog while body checks, drives while at risk of blacking out and is readmitted. Expect tube photos soon.
Cemented. calories sends her friends diet pills
and a new cow starved herself into a DIY abortion, which predictable spiralled into a pro-choice vs pro-life debate.
No. 1153422
File: 1612564182230.jpg (6.12 KB, 260x194, swipe right.jpg)

>>1153386I was going to comment how her face is melting over time on one side.
>>1153417A+ That's the new thread sorted. Ty anon.
No. 1153430
File: 1612564539652.png (77.25 KB, 1294x830, fousands.png)

Just a few more totally legit, totally not bought followers for Ham to hug.
How much do people pay for fake friends?
No. 1153631
File: 1612581231648.jpeg (594.19 KB, 1823x1539, 4E5D1770-666C-4221-9C8A-DE87A2…)

>>1153417Great summary, here’s my low effort thread pic
No. 1153899
>>1152979jesus christ her glands…
i went from hating her to feeling bad for her. is that bad?
she is so lost in the illness that she is completely blind to anything else.
i hope she can get some help soon. granted, i don't think she would easily accept it.. but still.
i'd rather see her succeed and beat her illness than die because of something so dumb like purging meals. makes me so sad for these cows that are truly lost in their illness.
No. 1153902
>>1153376jesus christ she looks horrible.
bloated as fuck and a sag eye… yikes.
No. 1153908
File: 1612608596255.jpg (69.97 KB, 1219x792, Capture.JPG)

>>1153901I thought that a few weeks ago, but didn't want to mention it. Now I am. It's concerning.
Ham followed herself this morning and her personal account is public ha
>>1153904So true. All birthdays have been shit the past year.
No. 1153959
>>1153901her other sister has lost alot of weight too (seen on her ig alishamorwenna)
but yeah i agree her sister seems very withdrawn, hopefully she's okay.
No. 1153993
>>1153984E said she got hospitalised for AN in 2014 (think she was around 17 then?)
in some of E's videos i used to get the vibe that alisha didnt like E. even though shes more successful and leads a normal life she gets little to no attention at home
No. 1154067
File: 1612630295026.png (728.57 KB, 520x840, cannibalism.png)

Ham reminding us again she eats more food than she shows on camera
No. 1154097
>>1154090yeah that isn't new, she constantly is reassuring her followers that this isnt "all she ate" and she eats even more off camera
she's a normal weight now, but if she really continues like that she will be obese
No. 1154131
>>1153994Here's a flickr account with images from 2017
E is clearly ill but her sisters look a normal weight. I'm not going to post the images directly because I think Satara's underage in these.
(read the rules) No. 1154136
File: 1612636533475.png (Spoiler Image,1.44 MB, 1651x581, the unholy stench of…)

>>1154067Big Trig Warn, but this made me all activist.
No. 1154147
File: 1612637267176.jpg (181.3 KB, 1077x1325, 20210206_124731.jpg)

Ham posted a video of herself crying because she "doesn't know what she wants to have for tea."
No. 1154148
File: 1612637354096.jpg (898.65 KB, 1080x1355, Screenshot_20210206-124908_Ins…)

>>1154147Samefag. This is what she ate. Is that…A vegetable?!
No. 1154156
>>1154148Becky was as repetitive with this same shit theme as Jam is. If you're SOOOOOO distressed and depressed, then why stick a fake smile on your greasy face for a pic of yourself holding food out?
Those pigs and cows and chickens you stick down your throat is made to look a certain way. You think they go "goody, time to morph!" and they suddenly transform into a slab of unrecognisable pink or white?
Ham said she spent a lot of time on it. On what? You're a massive uneducated
toxic twat, Hannah. You buy followers. You pretend you have an ED to get friends. Nobody cares. Only educationally subnormal people see through your lies. tl;dr - disappear.
No. 1154189
>>1154185>>1154186i wonder what sataras school life was like, i can imagine she didnt have an easy time because of E's vlogs and disorder etc
surely she wouldve had therapy in IP, shame she wont post the vlog or atleast talk about her experience
No. 1154222
>>1154213timestamp is 10:50
thats where the shitshow begins
No. 1154233
File: 1612643310175.jpeg (318.22 KB, 826x1440, 1599925077019.jpeg)

>>1154230>>1154226>>1154227It's OK, anons, she was being sarcastic! It was all a joke.
No. 1154237
>>1154233Bullshit. As soon as you see sis in the video she looks uncomfortable.
>>1154228E's pretty much the sister that's achieved the least. No, recovering from an ed doesn't count in this case. One sister at uni,both full of personality and sociable. Elzani's a blank compared to her sisters.
No. 1154244
>>1154242Kinda like "I like alcohol".
>>1154243She seems to have a bacon sarnie every day. At 17, she should've sussed out a decent diet. I remember ditching eating loads of crap around the age of 14 or 15. It's like she never bothered to develop a taste for other foods.
No. 1154275
>>1154248 sorry for blogging but I was "poor" as well (I put "poor" in quotation marks because some people really are destitute and have to rely on food banks to survive, but that was not me, nor is it Ham). And at 17, I would never willingly eat the shit she eats. I'm sorry, but it's shit. There's plenty of cheap foods that she could have in her recovery. Not that she needs to recover from anything, but the amount of things you can buy separately, and then put them together to make a meal, is ridiculous. She's eating bacon sandwiches and processed shite because she wants to, not because she's poor. Possibly lazy as you said, but surely even lazy recovering anorexics could have some tinned soup with bread then a yoghurt n crisps, fruit, whatever else that doesn't take effort to put together. Even a meal deal from a supermarket would be more balanced nutritionally than the crap she eats, but "MuH aNorExIa" makes her crave sugar and ONLY sugar, and saturated fat. Her whole charade is so fake and I can't believe her followers and her mum are believing it
No. 1154281
File: 1612646334704.jpg (54.61 KB, 440x500, hint.jpg)

>>1154275I can relate. It was extra difficult to find affordable food after going veggie at 14 (I'm old, it was a long, long time ago when being veggie wasn't catered for apart from lumps of cheese!). Instead of chips and beans, it was a good introduction to cooking from scratch and pulses were really cheap and veggies off the market. Still don't buy ready made veggie options except lazy days Cauldron sausages.
Especially after her, ahem, anorexia, you'd think she'd have some learned basic nutrition and wanted to feed her body the nutrients to repair and thrive instead of OMG EAT ANYTHING WHATEVER YOU WANT DON'T JUDGE ME BACON!! MCDONALDS!!!!1
Okay, gonna throw a tinfoil in. It's ludicrous, but let's work on a novel or sthing. Ham's mum is a kinda "stage mom" and wants to make her daughter a sm famous personality as recovery warrior. (Hopefully getting sponsored for free shit food because Hammum likes shit frozen pizza).
(red text blogpost & tinfoiling)
No. 1154322
>>1154281I’ve never bought the tinfoil about Hammum, personally - my guess is somehow Ham stumbled across Elzani & Molly and for whatever reason thinks anorexia recovery is ~glamorous~ and lucrative. I don’t know why anorexia specifically though when she’s never looked at all underweight or unhealthy (other than greasy hair and acne). It’d be much easier to believe something like depression tbh but perhaps that’s too ~basic~ lol. Everything she posts about EDs is either ripped off from others or simply doesn’t make sense, her actions have never aligned with someone supposedly suffering food/body image issues for years.
Tl;dr she knows what she’s doing and knows she’s full of shit, that’s why even those who’ve called her out in a more respectful manner than she actually deserves are deemed ~nasty ppl~
Quit the charade, piggy.
No. 1154327
File: 1612648622377.jpeg (493.72 KB, 817x1061, FA584424-0068-4A85-BD72-04CD16…)

She do be looking like the hunchback of notre dame
No. 1154336
File: 1612649377953.png (68.82 KB, 304x517, ml.PNG)

>>1154275when you look at the prices of her snacks its ridiculous, could make a whole meal for the price of this
No. 1154342
File: 1612649735823.jpeg (374.48 KB, 1125x1082, 3FBD9DFA-164A-4F72-8BDE-8FAB23…)

>>1154336Exactly. Or why not buy a loaf (the original of these is like a loaf of bread) and cut off a piece like anyone above 10 years old would do and you get more for your money. Those small ones with packaging are aimed for kids pack lunches.
No. 1154349
File: 1612651717408.jpg (85.4 KB, 1088x1420, MV5BNDRhYjk2MWItMzQwYy00ODZkLT…)

>>1154327She reminds me of Kurt Cobain's junkie mate Dylan Carlson.
No. 1154447
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No. 1154472
>>1154342If she were a legit ana I'd get it, some like to have prepackaged single-servings with the calories printed so they know
exactly how many they're getting. Clearly not the case with her though-just food she's used to her parents feeding her.
No. 1154671
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No. 1154719
New thread
>>>/snow/1154718 Newfag but it wasn’t getting done by anyone else