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No. 26393
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No. 26394
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No. 26399
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fucking wreckitronnie
No. 26400
>>26399Oompa Loompa?
No. 26401
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Man, I still remember causeallidoisdance when she was bat shit over her exgirlfriend. Jacky would never post about their relationship on her own blog(s) but it was always nicky posting it on hers en masse and then getting upset when people told her that her constant shit posting about how much she LOOOVED jacky was annoying everyone. Glad to see she's still acting like a crazy cunt, and ass-kissing criedwolves. She was talking about needing money to transition even though she hasn't even talked to her parents about it yet. Seeing her is bringing back horrible memories about the once-ler fandom though haha.
No. 26402
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No. 26405
>>26404Well knowing harry Benjamin syndrome only affects an incredibly small part of the population, it's impossible that thousands of "trans" boys on tumblr are actually suffering from harry benjamin syndrome. I think it's just the fact that these girls are young and are going through a "tom boy" phase (as some young people have rebellious phases and want to be considered "not the norm", hence tumblr being a breeding ground for this), but, the only thing I can make out of this is that since they're young, they're impressionable so they're just doing what the "popular" kids are doing. My only hope is that their wishes to transition die out with this tumblr fad, because if they do and experience needing to de-transition once they hit 30 and their maternal instincts kick in it's going to be a fucking nightmare for them.
Sorry about the long post, just wanted to add my two cents.
No. 26407
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>tfw my "type" is lesbian tomboys
Oh my god they make my heart flutter every time.
I know this is a bash thread but I'll dump some from my own folder ;__;
No. 26408
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doki doki
I found her on OKC and was too shy to message her…
No. 26409
>>26406>That's why you need to have therapy before you can transition, but apparently some people are manipulative enough to get the go ahead even when they're not actually transgender.This is what kills me. The rigorous therapy periods you need to go through before you can even be qualified for transitioning physically, i.e. hormone treatment and SR surgeries, are there because of your own well-being. This is exactly because of the detransitioning risk, you're altering your body forever and if halfway through you realize that this isn't what you wanted it's not going to be pretty. You're going to be left with a mangled body with permanent effects from the hormone treatment. That's why post-op transgender suicide rates are somewhat notable.
Yet the tumblr kids blame "transphobia" for not being able to transition at the very moment they "realize" they're "transgendered". I've even seen people on Tumblr share tips on how to cheat your therapist to seem more dysphoric than you really are to advance in the transitioning process. When confronted about how sick this is and transitioning is not the same as piercing your ears or getting a new haircut, they go on a rant about "transphobic doctors being the gatekeepers of our health".
It's really dangerous when young people blame their depression and self-hate on their biological sex, especially on an echo chamber such as Tumblr that constantly feeds to their self-diagnosed beliefs. All those "You don't feel comfortable in a dress despite being born a female? You're nonbinary/transgender and a beautiful person for it, have a cookie!" posts that have tens of thousands of notes are horrifying. I've always been a tomboy and even I fell for Tumblr's recurring spoon-feeding of body dysmorphia romanticizing and seriously thought about transitioning for a very long time because I felt I wasn't good enough as a woman. At some point I even cried daily because I hated my feminine body so much. But after speaking with actual transgenders and educating myself on the whole subject I realized that it was a defense mechanism to cope with personal issues. Places like Tumblr are fucking dangerous.
No. 26410
>>26409I completely agree. Thanks to tumblr I have friends who constantly tell me that I'm "genderqueer" or "genderfluid" because I don't like wearing dresses. When I tell them I'm not and remind them that I know who I am, we get into arguments over how transphobic I am or that I "don't realize it yet". Fuck tumblr and this retarded trans fad going on.
I have to watch some of my friends "transition" and I fear some of them will change their mind when it's too late.
The cunts mentioned in this thread will probably change their minds when the trend is dead and thanks to their popularity, many who follow them will be regretting it too.
No. 26412
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No. 26413
>>26410>>26409>>26406>>26405Came in for Gutterface fakes and found this. I've struggled with that when I was a teen/young adult and I'm glad to be older than the Tumblr kids because I think that would mess me up.
It's bad enough thinking you're not a normal girl but to be told you're automatically a boy because of it? No thanks.
No. 26415
>>26414I meant trans or straight *
I miss real butch women.
No. 26423
>>26422Glad you didn't have to go through tumblr at a young age. I was born in the late 80s, so I got to skip that shit as it didn't exist. Gratefully so.
I just wish parents would monitor their teens (esp super young ones) and see how much damage tumblr actually does with so, so much false info!
No. 26425
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we forgot this snowflake
No. 26426
>>26417>>26418>>26422Oh god I thought I was the only one. I'm glad I'm not alone in this.
It's a shame about all these girls though. I know I wish I could have used the years wanting to be a boy learning to be more feminine, these girls are going to be dressed like shit when they realize they don't want to get sex changes.
No. 26429
>>26426ME TOO!!!!! I despised being a girl since I grew up with a traditional Mexican family. My mom's dream for me was to be barefoot and pregnant. My dad didn't let me stand in certain room with a bunch of men and literally told me I belonged in the kitchen with the rest of the women. I shit you not. This is zero sarcasm. Mexican women all talking at the dinner table while "the men" are outside drinking Bud Light. I thought being a woman meant you couldn't do all the things I liked so I hated the gender instead of the shitty upbringing.
THANK GOD TUMBLR DIDN'T EXIST. Claims of the evil male suppressor while trying to claim transgendered. I'm not even a lesbian nor do I have any problem with being female. I was only jealous of my brother's freedom and the obvious perks of how he was treated. That combined with typical teenage self pity would have made me run around tumblr like the biggest moron in history.
No. 26430
>>26425>>26427deets please?
i unfollowed them on ig after being pissed that i couldn't tell if they were a girl or a boy (that lifeless expression tho), but mostly because i hate ig cosplayers with a passion, especially the ones who put their gender/sexuality in their bio.
No. 26432
>>26430Met them back in 2011 and thought they were pretty cool, so I followed them on FB. We met up more times at cons and they are pretty 'cosplay famous' especially in foreign countries. I don't think haku is a bad person, but lies constantly about their ethnicity. They're either white or mixed, but not full blood asian. A lot of their fans are batshit insane and call haku 'THE BEST {Insert character here} !' and will hiss at anyone else cosplayign the same character as them at the same anime con.
They post a lot for sympathy points about 'oooh i cant afford anything. I'm so miserable' but then gets expensive ass cosplay wigs straight from Japan and other new clothing. Where is this money coming from? As far as I know they work a part time job and go to school full time, but somehow manage to live in NYC and still attend 2-3 cons a year. I bet their parents are rich because haku is under 23 years old and already had top surgery and name change and lots of other expensive trans stuff. Not sure if they got hormones though.
No. 26433
>>26410>>26409the main tumblr demographic are teens and people in their early 20s right? It's no wonder it became the breeding ground for this bs. Not only do people want to put a label on everything because they want to fit in to a group and be accepted by said group in this vulnerable stage in their lives, but they also want praise, meaning they want others to think they're right. Rather than questioning themselves when you tell them you've never thought as yourself as trans or genderqueer, they tell you you're wrong, not only as if they were your therapist, but as if they had any qualifications at all to be analyzing you this way. It's so fucked up.
I've always been extremely critical of anything I come across on tumblr, mainly because I've come across many people like the two of you who have endured a lot of pain because of the influence the number of notes supporting the posts have on them (not saying that this was what influenced both of you).
No. 26435
>>26433I'm the 59804 anon, people on tumblr seem to think that just because "trans" people they look up to are doing it, it must mean anyone who is the slightest bit similar must also be a trans on the inside.
It's come to the point where I'm growing strong dislike for the word "trans" when my friends mention or link trans posts.
This fad is just as dangerous as the self-diagnosing one.
No. 26440
>>26437It's from the blog of the picture in OP.
No. 26443
>>26430>>26432Have they really claimed to be Asian? Just curious! I started following them a couple years back, but gained more of an interest in them recently but I've never remembered them to be claiming to be anything besides white. Apparently they have a new name now, and just use Haku since it's what most people know them as. I think they are p well off, didn't they say they went to a private school once too?
Before they deactivated their facebook they did identify as female. How do you know that they had top surgery? I saw the photo they posted proving their actual name was Haku Aoki on their passport, and since it's from when they were before 18, I thought their parents actually named them that since I thought you couldn't get a name change before 18. I don't think they've gotten hormones, their voice still sounds pretty female. I met them a couple of times recently.
I know they got mad at someone else I knew since they suddenly jumped on the "i'm AGENDER" bandwagon despite being pretty confident in their curves and womanly features so it didn't seem believable (and I still think it's the bad tumblr mentality getting to them), but everything's apparently a-ok now? I still follow them on a lot of social media, but haven't added their new fb even though we have mutual friends on it since I'm not particularly close to them.
No. 26445
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No. 26446
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>>26443There are photos of him in undershirts with no binder present and I've seen him many times in person. He's definitely got top surgery. I'm pretty damn envious myself.
He's about 22 and got a name change when they were under 18 apparently.
No. 26449
>>26417This so much. I was just a confused teen that struggled with faling in love with girls and being boyish and while i am still tomboyish in behaviour i now love wearing make-up and feminine clothes and found out i am just bisexual. Tumblr would have been so dangerous for me with their "Your not a feminine girl? You must be trans!"
I think this trend is more dangerous then the bisexual fad that was a thing years ago (and that already makes me pissed as it made people believe that bisexuality is just a hype/a way to not have to admit you are gay)
No. 26450
>>26449anon you sound exactly like me, thank god tumblr wasnt aroun when i went through my boy phase.
I even used to wear a binder and shave my head because I worked nights and coming home from work was less scary when drunken men would think I'm a guy and not harrass me.
I was never trans though,and since I learned self defence I'm not scared to look feminine.
Some of these girls make me so sad, especially when they take the blatant attention whore -route
No. 26452
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>tfw actual tranny
>wear mens j-fashion and normalfag fashion
>not stereotypical butch manly man dude bro frat boy
>pass in public to older strangers but not younger, more tumblr-knowledgeable people
>these people are ruining fashion for me
mahouprince is the worst in my opinion.
No. 26454
>>26449Yeah, when I was 15 I used to do this too. I even pretended to be a guy online and dated girls, haha (they even fought over me so I guess I had a good run)… but now I look feminine and I'm glad I didn't take it further tbh.
(Nothing against trans people, it's just not the right answer for a lot of people)
This trend is so toxic.
No. 26455
>>26451I know a girl who's starting her physical transition after somehow getting a diagnosis and she's precisely the prototype of a "trans" tumblrite. She's had bad experiences with her gender during her teenage years, is a tomboy, was led to the SJW crowd and spent years in a circle jerking group and isolation. She's been diagnosed with severe depression and gets medication for it, which is why she's been previously denied the transition treatment. She's very emotionally unstable and aggressive, has abused substances and clearly her issues have to do more with trying to escape her problems than actually having dysphoria. Now that she somehow managed to get a diagnosis, I'm afraid that she'll turn into a bitter detransitioner because getting her tits removed and hormones replaced didn't magically make her love herself and other people.
When you spend all your time in front of your computer browsing Tumblr, you start to forget about the real world and create a warped version of reality which you live by. Like you get so sucked up into the SJW stuff because it offers you validation and promises you that you'll be a good person if you agree with us that cis people = the devil, so a lot of young people who want to be accepted and part of the group just go with it and start seeing things that are not there. Like "I don't use makeup or wear dresses, I must be trans!", ironically only enforcing shallow gender roles into society. Because non-cis people are automatically good and pure, the peer pressure easily gets to a young person who's still extremely impressionable.
These kids rarely realize what transition actually means and that you won't be a kawaii emo boi on tumblr for 60 years. You can't just flip the switch and return to being female when you get tired of it.
No. 26458
Man, all these feels in here. I've been there, wishing to be a boy because the grass seemed greener. I don't care much for attention and being female doesn't help that. You don't even have to be all that attractive, you just need boobs and boom you have the male gaze. I honestly wanted to get them chopped off, I felt gross having them (they aren't even big). But I dunno, I guess enough time passed and I kinda grew into myself, thankfully.
Enough about me though, I have to say I hate how Tumblrites enforce gender roles. I find it to be bizarre. I thought the point was trying to lessen what we think is male and female and not to label everything and everyone. Wearing a dress should just be an article of clothing and not a symbol of what parts you have/feel you have. I guess its hard to do that since its so embedded in our society, like how things are marketed, but even the people "helping", really aren't.
"Well you, a 'straight white cis male', like wearing a dress? Well why are you CHOOSING to be cis? Become trans, since obviously this means you're a lady!" (or the opposite). I miss the times of "Don't label me you conformist" where is was all about avoiding labels. Now people can't get enough of them. That and CHOOSING to be gay, straight, trans, w/e. It isn't a choice, and its been a long and hard fight to get people to understand that. Even still people don't seem to get it and Tumblr isn't helping.
Anyways pardon this venty, mishmash of thoughts.
No. 26460
>>26459I'm well aware of the hatred towards, as they call them, 'truscum'. People should dress how they want. I believe people should have some discretion and be mindful of how they present themselves (this goes with speech as well), and its no fair to have people just lump you in a group and assume they know you better than yourself.
Also, I feel for these young kids on Tumblr, who will have all sorts of guilt and self hatred because they aren't totally PC, are cis or because they're white. They're young, they'll make mistakes, but on Tumblr one mistake can make you out to be some kinda monster. It's funny, for a community so hellbent on being Special Snowflakes, you sure have to fit the cookie cutter.
No. 26463
>>26462Oh and that's not even the full extent of Tumblr's fuckery. The newest craze is shitting on "monosexuals" (heterosexuals and homosexuals) for "being boring" and "only caring about genitals." They try to tell gay people that THEY are oppressing bi/"pan" people and that they should "evaluate their sexuality and be more accepting."
Rebranded homophobia AND transphobia from these people who think they're so progressive. It's embarrassing and it can be really harmful to people who are trans, GNC, or gay.
No. 26464
>>26462They only talk this way when on the computer. Bet cha 100 bucks they don't have the balls to tell a gay person to be more accepting or bash them about being more progressive.
They honestly sound like they have no idea how a real trans person feels. I know me and my friend Cullen (Now Catty) cried together often thinking how our lives would be if we didn't have these feelings of wanting to switch our bodies. The humiliation of being shunned by your family and getting kicked out because they couldn't handle you "being in drag"
That wtf moment you had when you were a kid when you held an empty toilet paper roll to your bits just so you can pee standing up like the other boys in your class. Yuh I know it's weird, but it wasn't a choice. I can't explain this strange need to want to be a boy. I honestly cannot.
And I'm obviously not manly to over compensate for the dick I don't have. I just try to act as "normal" as possible. I don't want to announce being trans, I just wanna blend in. Nicely cut hair, a good button down shirt, pants, no make up (who the fudge has time for make up?) People think I'm male now thank god even though I haven't transitioned yet. But I don't date because I will freak if my partner sees my naked body. So I try to find asexual fuckers but it always turns out "asexual" people wanna fuck too. Whoa, I ranted about a whole lot of nothing.
No. 26471
>>26467See, this is one thing I thank Tumblr for, and it's informing me that asexuality is a thing. Growing up I wasn't ever able to join my friends in talking about crushes because I never felt that way towards people and I would feel like an outcast.
(and I still don't. I have dated, yes, but I just don't feel sexually attracted to people)
No. 26474
>>26470Eikibunny's boyfriend/girlfriend/whatever did the same thing. Someone called eikibunny a female and all hell broke loose.
I saw it here: got bad in the last few pages. Over what fucking pronouns.
Advice from my trans friends is that you have to have really thick skin cause you'll be taking a lot of heat. Losing your fucking mind over a pronoun tends to separate the real trans people from the fakes.
No. 26476
>>26475Ugh, yes. And that whole "ace spectrum" thing is beyond annoying. My actual ace friend gets absolutely livid every time she sees that because "demisexuals" wanna lump themselves in with asexuals and it's just so fucking stupid. Sexual preferences =/= orientations.
This is just that yaoi boy trend all over again, except with special labels and specific pronouns. I'm sure 90% of these Tumblr kids will get over this in a couple of years and hopefully they're embarrassed by it.
No. 26477
oh god that yaoi boy shit? You mean when all the girls said they are totally kawaii uke? But just pretended to be "innocent" horny sluts? The thirst were strong in them, they pounced on any gay or bisexual dude.
They are a strong breed of obvious fake boi who still roam sites like yaoi otaku or any yaoi site really. They are just… soooo embarrassing.
I met a few and they are easy to spot. They will remind you every five minutes they are a boy while acting more girly than your average chick. They try to out uke each other and will constantly attack each other. More lulz will happen when you webcam with them. 80 percent are over weight weebs who are too lazy to cover their titts.
I met 3 fake bois like this who started crying and sobbing when they obviously stole pics of a guy or you told them they were obviously female. "Some guys have a high voice!!! Oh you know that? You're talking about my titts and how my face don't match my profile pic?….
Sobs and starts screaming I'm an uke on the inside! Don't tell me what I am! I know what I am you fucking shit! You raped me!
Closes web cam"
You can also find the yaoi boy types on vampire freaks and gaia online
No. 26478
>>26477same poster. That was actually meant for
>>26476being a dumb ass today
No. 26486
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Holy shit, the art criedwolves gets hahahah
No. 26487
>>26485I am aware. I remember when the ~decoden~ business was still a thing and loads of people didn't get their stuff, then the art commissions I think it was? I dunno.
>>26483>>26484I have them added on fb, it's their birthday today and the lead-up for it was all "wahh my mum can't be here 4 my bday and we're broooooke )):"
No. 26488
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>>26425I would enjoy a thread dedicated to this lolcow. She's got a shitty personality and writes a lot about how she appreciates her fans, but then does a big sale wanting all her awesome fans to buy her used garbage for barely a discount from the regular price. Not to mention, she's constantly going "You dont have to lke my cosplays" while advertising them and literally writing tweets about being pissy because she didnt get as many notes on tumblr as she wanted. boo hoo. Her priorities as being trans is getting make up remover. Because cold cream doesnt cost like $2 from cvs or anything.
No. 26489
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Probably gonna get their fangirls sent after me
No. 26492
>>26491That's what happens when tumlr transtrenders spend years onlIne convincIng ppl they're a gay hafu Japanesu visual kei boy desu, they get swarmed with attentio and it goes to their head.
Didn't this Haku go by the name krhaku? because if so bitch ain't under 18, bitch is like 26 and last I know of was working at kinokuniya Japanese book store. It liiks like her, same shitty makeup and creepy wide mouth.
No. 26493
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>>26492Yeah, same person I think. Creeping through their /tagged/personal, I found them in their work apron.
No. 26496
>>26493Holy fucking weeb, Batman.
But yeah since this is the same chick that anon was talking about earlier ITT she's not under 18, she's in her mid 20's on the far side of 25. It wouldn't surpriseme at all to learn she started lying about her age, she already clamed to be half Japanese and back in the day I think she even tried to pull an Akiwarumono and claim to be cismale.
No. 26497
>>26495I saw an Asian girl on one of those thisisnotkorea blogs shitting on some white girl for tagging her pics ulzzang, I checked out her bio and she had a list of mental illnesses, a lits of fandoms, a list of her oppas, a list of her
triggers and a list of her "privileges" that included heterosexual, monogamous, American, Access to medical care, access to education, access to internet, middle class privilege, cisgender privilege, and an entire list of like 15 other perfectly normal things. Tumblr is literally social cancer.
No. 26499
>>26498I'd say you're reacting to mental and visual stimulation and you could be sexual if you wanted to with the right person. But even if
you do find that right person and still don't experience attraction or arousal than you may be.
>>26493Is she living in Japan?
No. 26502
>>26493Shit he's so pretty tho all my jelly i want that body…
But more seriously without wanting to sound like THAT tumblr SJW i think you guys should refer to him as "he" because it's a true transgender and not transtrender and i'm just kinda pointy on respecting this since i am one myself (still have to wait months til the opeeation for a dong yass)
No. 26504
>>26502On their profile, they say they/he is okay for pronouns.
Here's their about/Tumblr link so you guys can look for yourself. (srsly. I came across it by chance. Someone I follow reblogged that Mello cosplay a couple days ago.. I'm just glad they tag their stuff so I didn't have to dig through a ton of things) No. 26517
>>26514his parents are wealthy enough to have sent him to worcester academy. ctrl+f kohaku aoki: out the tuition cost
so I don't understand why he's always talking about having student debt and being broke all while taking trips to japan/cosplaying/etc and putting up an amazon wishlist
I used to support him before he started making jokes about people buying him things, its kind of…not funny?
like I get that he has a part time job, which I respect, but c'mon. you can buy your own cleaning supplies. stop soliciting freebies from your undoubtedly less well off followers
No. 26519
>>26517The parents are smart, they pay for school and rent but don't give that spoiled brat unlimited spending money like some wealthy parents do. If Haku has a job and no spendIg monwy, it's probably because of poor budgeting and impulse shopping, buying things you want instead of things you need.
>begging followers for cleaning supppliesThat is just shameful and pathetic.
No. 26523
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>>26510one isn't enough u guys, buy him the other curtain rod asap
No. 26524
>>26523What an obnoxious bag of dicks.
>Buy me stuff pls!!Go to dollar tree. Even target, you can get all this shit for under $20.
And I love how haku always whines about not wanting people to ask about their weight but goes "i need to lose weight"
What weight? I saw them in person at NYCC and they are pretty much a stick.
No. 26525
>>26515Yeah I don't think any of these girls come close to passing nor are they even trying. Makeup, women's haircuts, women's clothes, etc. Plus I assume the pics they post online are meant to be their best angles so they must look even more feminine in real life.
I feel like there must be some kind of age escapism involved because why would anyone want to pretend to be a 15 year old boy well into their 20s? These girls are pretty clearly trying to be "boys" rather than "men".
No. 26527
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>>26523Another weight related post.
No. 26531
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>>26523>>26527I'm surprised she got no backlash for this
No. 26534
>>26533Thing is, if she had never found Tumblr all she would be is a rich white bitch, nothing special. I think the chicks who can pass for skinny asian gay boys on Tumblr only do it so they can be 'above' all the other users who don't have as many oppression points because they can't fake it nearly as well. Same thing with Gutterface, she was popular because she had lots of edgy gothic shit, claimed to be half Japanese and is so ugly she can pass for a man in the face, but once her retarded fanbase (and herself) started getting old enough to make their own life and health decisions, it became very clear who was doing it for real and who was just playing pretend to be popular. God knows no therapist worth a shit would look at her and think "my, you seem to have a very level head on your shoulders, take good care of yourself and have no obvious signs of mental or emotional issues, have a transition letter!". That bitch is a trainwreck, a compulsive liar whi has never had to take care of herself, never been in a real functioning relationship (inb4 Brian, that was dysfunctional as fuck), and has a looong history of emotional problems, inability to handle responsibilities, lack of compassion for others, sexual dysfunction, and attention seeking behavior. She would have to hunt down one shady fuck of a shrink to give her that letter.
No. 26536
>>26517Slightly OT but did they really change their
last name without being married etc.? I thought you could only change your first name when you're trans. What kind of parents would let their underage kid take another family name…
No. 26538
>>26537 already said, you can change your names (both) to whatever you want as long as you're not avoiding arrest or a felony.
No. 26543
>>26525>>26515True. I'm cis but do a lot of ftm crossdressing for show and pass most of the time, so I instantly recognize a fellow crossdresser when I see one, especially when they're not doing it very well. They have a very feminine face they don't contour to accent more masculine features, they strike feminine poses and expressions, and have a very feminine build and bearing. Even if you're a skinny male you still don't have a body of a skinny girl like these people do. And even the prettiest men very rarely have such delicate facial features. The chin and eyes are always a dead giveaway.
My guess is that their fans know either consciously or subconsciously that they're not actually male, but they want to see them as the approachable, kawaii yaoi men they're longing for. It's like a man, but as a more non-threatening version of a male.
No. 26546
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>>26545Forgot image. On my mobile
No. 26551
>>26547haku said they were trans/"not female" before tumblr tho, so calling them tumblr trans is a lil.. eh. the transtrenders started coming around maybe 3 years ago, but i knew about haku from other sites long before that.
>>26546also this is a cosplay, it's got nothing to do with how they usually dress or put on makeup.
No. 26554
>>26551>also this is a cosplay, it's got nothing to do with how they usually dress or put on makeup.On that note, you can always tell a Tumblrtrans by how hilariously insecure and conflicted they get when it comes to cosplaying any character that isn't male.
>I wanna cosplay Yoko but im FTM, im comfortable wih my female body in cosplay because in cosplay im becoming someone else and not myself, and cosplaying a female wont make me any less trans*, but im worried because if i cosplay a female character and im not on T yet/havent had chest surgery how will people know im not actually a girl and just cosplaying one? I dont want to be misgendered all day at the con, is there some kind of badge or button i could wear?Easiest way to spot em. "I want to dress in a way that makes me look like a girl but I still want people to know im not a girl!" fucking hilarious.
No. 26555
>>26553no, it doesn't, but it was directed towards the term tumblr trans. they may not be a "true" trans, but they didn't jump the tumblr bandwagon either. (maybe most probably the vk wagon)
>>26554yeah. like, ofc people are gonna see you as a girl when you're not on T while you're cosplaying as a girl, they shouldn't even consider cosplaying a girl if they're not ready to handle that.
i am a bit on the "if you've got the body for it, why not" side, so it doesn't really annoy me when ftm cosplays female characters or the other way around (or make me think of them as tumblrtrans), i just don't think they have the right to whine about being misgendered and make a big deal out of it. (felt like i went a little bit off topic here but..)
No. 26557
>>26554Basically this. If I'm dressed like a girl/in lolita, and you call me a girl, whatever, that's on me and I got no right to complain.
But when I'm wearing a binder and dressing like a guy, it kind of sucks. Though at the same time, I know that I'm tiny and I have a high-pitched voice, so I'm pretty fucked either way.
No. 26558
File: 1426410840560.gif (974 KB, 400x225, tumblr_inline_nl7srghvko1qzdsu…) Sure, Nikki. I'll believe you when you actually have redeeming male features and don't kiss criedwolve's ass every five minutes. Lmao.
No. 26559
>>26555This reminds me of a girl I know that throws a fit when called a girl or with she/her pronouns because according to her she's genderless so people shouldn't place her in any of the binary genders. Funnily enough she never gets mad when mistaken for a boy, instead she pretty much gloats it and uses an exclusively male name to identify herself with. She still uses dresses from time to time. Fuck these people.
>>26558what the fuck
No. 26564
>>26558She has a really pretty face, IMO. If she didn't dye her hair stupid colours, she'd be beautiful.
It fucking sucks that all lesbians are feminists now, so if they feel more tomboy-ish, they'll just say they're men. I'm extremely attracted to them, but I can't justify getting into a relationship with one when I completely invalidate something they care about.
No. 26566
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No. 26567
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>>26566I don't think he deserves to be in this thread, he is legit trans and is currently collecting funds for top surgery.
No. 26572
>>26498> i'm asexual! i enjoy sex tho!!do you even realize how stupid you sound? go look up the definition of
asexual. on a website that isn't tumblr.
dumb cunt.
No. 26573
>>26498Allow me to cite from the dictionary:
Line breaks: asex|ual
Pronunciation: /eɪˈsɛkʃʊəl/
A person who has no sexual feelings or desires.
You're still affected by sexuality and experience sexual arousal. You're not asexual. Asexuality doesn't mean that you don't think about other people when you're aroused or that you're not comfortable with the thought of sex with other people, it means you are not affected by sexual thoughts and don't experience sexual arousal. There's a fucking reason its' frequency is at around 1%, it's fucking rare because humans are naturally sexual beings. Tumblr has just turned it into another minority badge to pin on your profile because pansexuality apparently got too mainstream.
No. 26577
>>26576o pls this is perfect.
prepare for the willfully ignorant whiteknights.
No. 26579
>>26574Well, at least she didn't go for the old 'I don't care about da haters' bullshit. Damn.
>>26577Yeah, no. The whiteknights might be amusing at first, but they get old fast and are bound to leak into other threads.
No. 26582
>>26574>theyre all ~~~transphobic~~~im a faggy-ass tranny who likes the colour pink but i'm still (wait for it) presenting obviously male, passing, and medically transitioning despite my love of pink and leopard print
get rekt transtrender cunt (^:
No. 26588
File: 1426451984968.jpg (161.21 KB, 1153x625, g4HjM23.jpg)

She doesn't look like a guy tho. Like each time i look at her there's no masculine qualities to her face. Is it just me?
No. 26590
>>26575Can you get a letter to transition even if you don't act like the gender you claim to be?
Like if some guy went to a therapist and said he wanted to transition to female but spoke like a typical guy and had male mannerisms would the therapist take him seriously? Because Nikki is basically doing the female version of that in this video.
>>26588I'd say she at least looks a 16 year old boy which is more that can be said for others posted in this thread. But is a 16 year old boy masculine? Adults would definitely say no but other teenagers would probably say yes (which would be why Tumblrinas are so easily tricked by all the fake boys).
No. 26592
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>Nikki's 21 and still living at home
No. 26598
>>26597^^this right here
If gender characteristics aren't important, why the fuck would you pay those ludicrous amounts of money for transitioning?
No. 26604
>>26600But what i really want to know is…
why does it matter?
Does it bother you SOOOOO much that you can't sleep at night?
You identify internally. Something that you people do not understand.
No. 26605
>>26603Actually not even acquainted with Nikk so….
you're a moron :)
No. 26606
>>26599>>26604is this a troll or a really weeby tumblr retard
2/5 made me reply
No. 26611
>>26610I like how you avoided the valid point
>>26607 made.
No. 26613
>>26599>People can be and look like whatever they WANTOnline, yes they can. It's when you start taking your pretend gender offline and into the real world and start mocking a very real condition that kills nearly half of the people who have it by saying you're one of them despite having absolutely none of the dysphoria, that makes you a lying little shitlord.
Just because you're too ugly to be a pretty girl and daddy didn't give you enough hugs doesn't mean you're a gay trannyboy. You're just sad little girl in drag whose entire self worth is based on a lie that only exists on Tumblr.
No. 26624
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Oh man, that's unfortunate.
No. 26629
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D-did they glue pubes to their face?
No. 26634
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>>26629Most glorious beard!
No. 26637
File: 1426460472319.jpg (100.56 KB, 500x670, tumblr_n5s5ndk3Xn1qzfh3ao1_500…)

>"I-I'm not an attention whore guys! Waaaah, you guys are just bullies! I-I'm totally not thirsty for notes-D-DON'T CALL ME A GIRL TRANSPHOBES!??@13!!!"
No. 26647
File: 1426462081286.jpg (373.63 KB, 1280x1288, tumblr_njncezD34S1qgj9ilo2_128…)

Suuure they're a boy…
No. 26648
File: 1426462338825.jpg (20.59 KB, 450x473, tumblr_nl86ycS3Ex1upfw9yo1_500…)
>"How do people do that? How can you just sit there and constantly hate on people that you don’t even know? The one that really pissed me off was, “I know that girl. She goes to the school down from my work. Its so embarrassing.” Are you fucking serious? First of all, you know she’s a kid, but you’re going to sit there and talk shit. Secondly, how is it embarrassing you? Is she a huge part of your life? Do you associate with her? God, that site is fucking bullshit. They all need to go look in the mirror and contemplate what life decisions they made to get to this point in their life. KEEP YOUR HEAD UP NICK FUCK THEM ASSHATS."hahaha this nigga really thinks nikki's a kid and not a 21 y/o still living with her parents. Glad to see Nikki still exclusively hangs out with lesbians.
No. 26652
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Isn't this person supposed trans? Seem them around on tumblr
No. 26654
File: 1426463293545.png (1.83 MB, 1280x798, tumblr_nl0za4TY2y1s3u0h4o7_128…)

How could you forget Asch?
No. 26655
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sassy-sparklez on tumblr biggest laugh i've had in awhile she thinks she's a boy
No. 26657
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>>26649Damn dat delicious mad
No. 26658
>>26649>this whole THREAD NEEDS TO BE DESTROYEDahahahahaha
oh man this is too good lmfao
No. 26662
>>26634Well this takes me back.
>>26660Why would you not just sit down and take the video while you're not moving around? I mean really, you can comfort eat first and then film, no-one was dying for your update.
No. 26674
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>>26670>putting in your emailhaha oh wooowwwww
No. 26678
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No. 26681
>>26668>They've somehow taken the steps to changing their sex on (I assume their IDs and stuff) to male, but that's not their biological sex.A name change doesn't change your gender. Girls sometimes have non unisex male names and it doesn't make them FTM.
>>26669Precisely this. Once you reach age 18 the only reason you have not to get off your ass and start taking control of your life like an adult and transitioning is because yoi don't actually want any of the less than kawaii side effects that come from T and chest surgery like body hair, weight gain, wonky nipples, obvious red chest scars, and facial changes.
No. 26685
>>26649oh wow. That's hemorrhoid level butthurt.
>LIKE WOW THEY R SO MEAN????????????WOW!????IM SO SHOCKED LIKE THEY R SO TRANSPHOBIC????????LIKE WOW???????????RESPECT US WE ARE NOT FAKE LMAO LIKE fUCK YOU?????????wow they are so rude and selfish like????????? rude lmaoI love how she completely erased the story that the reply
>>26455 was referring to and took it out of context. Apparently she didn't take any of the points discussed here in and refused to have her opinions challenged. It's exactly as the post described, you spend too much time in your echo chamber you become unable to face anything that would make you question your identity you weren't sure about in the first place. She could've written something explaining her situation and thoughts thoroughly and addressed all the criticism in a mature manner but instead she went all out with the LMAO U RUDE TRANSPHOBES LIKE WOW????????? tumblr routine.
It's fascinating, really. I'm glad she'll never get an admission for transitioning because most likely she would end up being a bitter detransitioner or quit the process after she learned that transitioning isn't a magical pill you take and turn into a cute young man for a while.
And if Nikki, or any other fakeboy, is still lurking, I was sure I was trans when I was 18-23. I'm 25 now and looking back I see it was a phase to cope with different issues. Talk to post-op transgenders outside of Tumblr, talk to therapists who treat transgender patients, read about the treatment and experiences with it and for the love of god, also read the stories of detransitioners. Even if it doesn't feel nice to have someone tell you that transitioning might not be what you're looking for.
No. 26686
>>26683Exactly this. Do you know how many actual transexuals are here? How many are offended by the stupid transtrend shit on tumblr? Know how insulting you all are to real transexuals?
If you really wanted to be a transexual, you'd go see a therapist and take the REAL steps to make it happen. Making a fucking tumblr post is not a step.
It ain't all unicorns and rainbow colors, you little shits. Transexuals have to ACTIVELY go out and fight to be themselves while hoping and praying that they don't get killed for it.
If you want to be a real transexual then get off your ass and do what you need to do.
No. 26692
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>>26670>>26675>>26676How has no-one posted this yet? Dem brows. No wonder you're so mad.
No. 26699
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>>26692Haha, her FL is a goldmine of ugly Tumblr-types.
I won't fuck the thread with them but goddamn I can't get past this nose.
No. 26701
>>26700 by "not looking after yourself" i meant beer guts. Actually you fucking bitch, you can predict balding, no one in my family has gone bald, so how could the trait for balding just fucking appear.
If anyone is the dumbass here its you.>>26700
No. 26702
>>26701Actually you dumb, angry shit, thinning hair/hair loss is a side effect of taking T. The fact that you don't kow even the most basic things about the most basic step of transition tells me you are full of shit and starved for attention for being ~different and speshul~.
Stop lying to your therapist about the source of your "dysphoria" so you can get your actual problems taken care of.
No. 26703
>>26701Testosterone changes the way your body distributes and stores fat, usually moving it from the thighs to the belly. Not only that, T makes your appetite ferocious and makes it easier to gain weight (as well as muscle) so unless you maintain a strict diet and exercise plan, gaining weight will happen. I've seen kids as skinny as Haku just blow the fuck up and get soo fat.
Also it's worth mentioning that even with transition, you aren't going to look like some kawaii yaoi boy. You will look like a more feminine version of your male relatives.
No. 26704
>>26703 Yeah, i know about fat redistribution, so i probably should have thought of that.
Besides, i dont wanna look like a "kawaii yaoi boy" i just wanna be me, ya know?
>>26702 i do know about "the most basic things about the most basic step of transition" you said bald, not thinning/hair loss
No. 26707
>>26703In many cases T also causes explosive acne. I know a lot of FTMs who have never had skin problems yet with T get a painful acne problem they need to take medication for. Just look at pictures of post-T FTMs, they have their facial skin full of acne or acne scars.
And lol @ "baldness doesn't run in my family". It doesn't have anything to do with your genetics. T also permanently lowers your voice and starts hair growth while your lost scalp hair doesn't return.
>>26705 wtf did you forget to drop your name or something or are you just a sloppy troll? What's with the change of attitude?
No. 26709
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God why do they make this face in every photo. Does she have fetal alcohol syndrome?
No. 26710
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No. 26711
File: 1426501825998.png (882.06 KB, 708x828, Screen Shot 2015-03-16 at 09.2…)

pls wash ur face
No. 26713
>>26404Most of them are just sticking to what tumblr glorifies, which is either being part of a minority, having a mental illness, or being anything that isn't straight.
A lot of these girls are into this kind of shit because tumblr cums all over it, so they get an ego boost for acting like they're going against *~gender roles~* while giving tumblr what they want.
No. 26728
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>I’ve been getting “You look like Lee Pace” // flattered
No…? No you don't??? Lee Pace doesn't look like a girl.
No. 26735
>>26727>>26732>>26733Tumblr actually has guides now to help snowflake fakebois manipulate their therapists into givimg them T and a surgery letter. What to say, body language, etc.
Personally I think it's funny as hell, when all the obviously not trans kids try transitioning and the start feeling very real dysphoria and realize they made a horrible mistake. It has happened before and it will keep happening as long as these retards keep thinking they know better than trained specialists.
No. 26742
>>26741Then when they detransition into a butchtastic mamgled mess and realize they wasted more than a decade of their lives trying to be some pretend character they invented for attention, and they have a supreme emotional breakdown.
does anyone have any pics of pre transition/post transition/detransition pics?
No. 26745
>>26739My best friend came out as genderfluid a while back, and while I feel like it's just like many others here who just use it to slap a label on themselves, she thankfully doesn't let it define her as much as these snowflakes do and is really chill about it. Thank god it didn't come out worse. It made me question if I was genderfluid but ultimately, who gives a shit tho. Thank u pt for this thread and allowing me to not make an ass of myself bc I'm still just a tomboy at heart.
Also, a friend of mine came back from a date once and told us the girl he went out with said, "Y'know, I'm genderfluid. If you date me you have to be genderfluid too." and it was just a huge tHIS IS NOT SOMETHING YOU JUST DECIDE OUT OF NOWHERE??? It was just a really stupid and hilarious.
No. 26748
>>26744>>26746Damn, really? I used LJ and Gaia for years and never ran into any of these people except for around 2011 on Gaia because that's when being pan and trans became the cool thing to be, along with fucking Homestuck. I hate that Homestuck always has some association with goddamned pans and trans bullshit.
Also, sorry if anyone hates Gaia, I just really liked dressing up an avatar with cute shit and making princesses.
No. 26749
>>26748Gaia's gone down the shitter. They sent a cease and desist to the guy that owns TekTek to take the site down. :|
I loved the avatars, but jesus the economy is fucking terrible now.
No. 26750
>>26747Special term for people who dont fit any gender role.
(We all tried to ignore it.)
No. 26752
>>26749Oh, I'm aware. My friend and I left right when the new CEO was pulling that bullshit in the very beginning. I was there for ten years, just trying to make princesses and happily collecting those Mariko eyes I had such a weakness for and the lovely Rosamund items. Prism was gifted, man.
>>26750..Thank you for helping me, one of Quirky's unfortunate friends identifies as that and I had a hard time figuring out what the fuck she was. She's a single mother, lol.
No. 26753
>>26747APPARENTLY, it's when you sometimes feel like a girl and sometimes feel like a boy. My favorite photo is of asphyxion dressing completely in boy clothes, and then cross dressing and pulling off a really equally attractive girl (but I can't find it rn :()
I feel like it's super questionable. Like… are you SURE that maybe you just aren't a tomboy or some shit?
I've noticed most of these snowflakes are girls too. Why do you all hate your tittes??? Asphy's the only one I follow who is biologically male and genderfluid.
No. 26754
>>26751Yeah, it's under new management and all they want is to make money and release cash shop items like every day. I've been there since 2005 (in fact, I think my "gaiaversary" was a few days ago) but I haven't been active daily since about 2010-2011.
Seriously. items are in the TRILLIONS of gold. It's fucking ridiculous.
No. 26755
>>26750Well THAT is retarded.
Do you know how many people don't fit perfectly into gender roles? A majority of them, actually, because what nearly everyone thinks of when they think "gender roles" is outdated bullshit from ages ago that haven't caught up with modern times.
So basically "genderfluid" means "im special because I don't fit an archaic stereotype". That is just dumb, I'm sorry.
No. 26756
>>26746One of the big ones from LJ is Andrew Blake who was big in the Harry Potter/Lord of the Rings fandoms. He's got a Tumblr too, most people don't know he's trans (biologically female) and I think he claims that he's got a hormone deficiency or something which makes him look like a girl (PFFFFFFF).
Any way if you google him a bunch of posts show up exposing him as a manipulative scammer. There's also a real legit book about the scam he ran in the LotR fandom, he hurt a lot of people back then.
(I think his birth name might be Victoria).
Anyway folks like him indirectly paved the way for the tumbltrans crowd.
No. 26761
>>26755This. The only people who usually get hypersensitive about gender roles and stereotypes are actual trans people because it's sadly all they can do.
I love both tomboy clothes, comfort ass sweat pants and baggy sweaters AND dresses/skirt. I think most people do fit the whole non gender role looking now a days because it's fun to do both without having to validate "OMG I'm totes this special snowflake title."
No. 26762
>>26753Male variants of this genderfluid thing seem like they're going to take it a LOT harder when they hit age 30 than the girls here.
I'm 29 and an aging former pretty boy. I have some moments now and then (I actually felt creeped out when someone thought I was a high schooler), but yeah, the ride is pretty much over.
No. 26769
>>26755My favorite one is 'demiboy/demigirl'. I kept seeing it thrown around but when I finally looked it up one of the definitions I found was something along the lines of "feeling 60% of x gender, while feeling 40% of opposite gender" or some shit like that. The percentages are probably off from the definition, but I can't seem to find it again oops.
Serious, maybe obvious, question, but do trans people feel dysphoria from a very young age or can it come at any period in their life?
No. 26778
>>26776>abdsjbf obnoxious cuntwowowow calm your tiddies anon i was just suggesting to see how far their acceptance goes and how stupid can they get
>>26777if i post it it'll be heavily shooped to add more "lulz" and bc i don't really want my private life to be mixed with a stupid troll account
No. 26783
>>267821. Phases aren't valid. A kid's stupid goth phase is gonna get called a phase just like tumblr's trans phase.
2. Why are you assuming everyone here is cis just because we disagree with you? I'm nonbinary actually.
3. You aren't risking anything, most tumblr "trans" kids present as their birth assigned gender irl so they… really aren't.. risking a damn thing
just quit bruh.
No. 26787
>>26782see this is what you and others from tumblr don't understand at all and we here have to keep repeating ourselves.
being trans is most certainly not a phase or something you choose like many of you assume. Most of you do have identity issues that can be solved or you grow out of the PHASE. Most trans have been conflicted since early childhood and never grow out of this discomfort. Stop calling it a phase, stop calling it a choice, it fucking isn't a choice.
Being trans is not a disorder, but you are born with it, just like how gay people are born gay. You don't realize you're gay or trans from early childhood. Why? Because sexuality isn't a concern. You just act out what you think is right. However the behaviors are there. Like a little boy who is confused when people don't call him a girl is one huge fucking hint. There are countless other examples as well. Or a gay kid who pretends to be straight because that is what he is told is right even though he is still secretly sexually attracted to men. We know deep down what we are as we slowly become adults and become self aware of who we are.
No. 26794
>>26793Retard, do you not realize that /baphomet/ lurks this board now and has been going after the cows posted here without any provocation from any of us? It isn't that difficult for someone to use your fucking email to dox you. We don't dox people, but there are others who will. You act like we're trying to fucking scare you when this is the reality.
>>64064>being this cringeYou sound really fucking stupid, try hard, and gross. Also, you may want to delete that because it constitutes as a threat which your ass could get in trouble for.
No. 26797
>>26782>>26785>if we say we are trans, we are trans!You're a bunch of autistic losers playing pretend because you're too ugly and awkward to be popular and pretty girls.
The reason youvare so hated isn't because of what you are, but hecause you're mocking everything any transperson has had to go through by appropriating their struggle for opression cool points and something to bitch and whine about.
Actual transpeople get off their asses and change, do what they have to, they work fod it. You twats on the other hand just sit on your computers hugboxing over pretend bullshit that makes you feel pretend-depressed and taking carefully staged selfies. You sit on your lazy asses pretending to be affected by something and claiming it as a part of you, yet never act on it. Time goes by and transpeople transition, and you still sit there playing pretend so you can feel better about your wasted life, about wasting all the time you could have been using to better youraelf in the real world and finding your actual self.
And one day you're gonna wake up, realize you spent your youth on absolutely nothing, and you aren't gonna know what to do, where to go, or who you even are anymore.
No. 26798
>>26782This is what I hate about tumblr and it's the fact that with you retards you're having it so easy if you're white, straight, and cis, when in fact it's far from it you idiot. And I am part of the *~minorities~* you love to jack yourselves off to.
Something went wrong with tumblr, really wrong, that it's become a breeding point for highly manipulative, mentally unstable people who think the ideals breeding on tumblr apply to the real world.
That place isn't full of outcasts, it's full of toxic motherfuckers who think anyone who doesn't fit into the qualifications I mentioned earlier can do no wrong.
Also fuck your truscum bullshit. There's a reason why bitches can't just go to the hospital to get their dicks chopped off or to get their vaginas turned into penises.
You saying that it doesn't matter if being trans is just a phase is really fucking ignorant and really, reeally offensive to all the people who have to go through this kind of shit but get invalidated because of assholes like you.
Also your fucking ~*bravery~* for standing up to us meenies by not being anon can get you fucking doxed, congratulations for carving more into your retardation
>inb4 that's ableistyou know damn well what i meant
10/10 mad
No. 26801
>>26800Truscum applies to people who believe that in order to be trans you need to have gender dysphoria and that you need to be formally diagnosed with it.
You know because thinking you're trans should be enough to open up all the doors from hospitals to get you to surgery right away.
No. 26805
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>>26785>even me who are rather masculine Top kek.
No. 26807
>>26806because some of us are actually dysphoric trans people and youre making it harder for us to get treatment. the system and the way transsexualism is treated is bad enough as it is without you all coming in, lying about having dysphoria and babbling about how you're so speshil and don follow gendur rholls so ur toooootally tranzzzzz
No. 26810
>>26806Tell them xir!
All these cis shitlords want to convince me that I am not a godkin.
But how can these mere mortals know?
No. 26811
If you're a troll (which I assume you are by the way you speak) stop. Otherkins identify mostly because of religion or different reasons, but as a human being myself we don't know so much about otherkins, it's like with transgenders at first, what happened to us guys? murder, called sick, demons ect ect, same for people who had blue eyes and left righted.
We live in a society where we have the possibility to understand each others. If somebody is otherkin, that's fine, but we shouldn't belittle them either. Because we know so little about them, and if we have no knowledge about something we shouldn't speak, only fools speaks if so.
No. 26812
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>>26808> if cismen can be feminine, why should't we get the chance to explore who we arewow you're dumb. you're just… so fucking stupid.
feminine man =/= woman. one of the things you have to sacrifice as a trans person is wearing dresses and skirts and shit. im
>>26582 and yeah, i like girly shit, but i am aware that wearing that shit will often exacerbate dysphoria, get me called the wrong pronouns, and make people think im a girl. so i don't. i err on the side of butch if i'm not sure because i'd rather look a bit different to how i would like, than be called a girl.
also cis men are freq
No. 26814
>>26811One question.
Are you in your teens?
No. 26819
>>26818how can you honestly be a lolcow poster but defend otherkin
otherkin are the complete holy grail of fucking retarded
No. 26825
>>26819They're probably a whiteknight from tumblr not a regular.
A flood of stupid arrived over the past few days.
No. 26826
>>26818>not altering my perception about their personality because of labels, because that would be stupid, ey?alter your "perception about their" intellect then kek because let me tell you people from certain 'groups' tend to be retarded.
I have yet to meet an interesting, sane or non-self centered otherkin. I'm sure there's one out there, but I have yet to meet one.
No. 26829
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No. 26832
>>26830They're fucking idiots and it sickens me how they are trans as a trend. I dress like a boy all I want, but still identify as female biologically. There's nothing wrong with that, but so many people on tumblr think short hair + pants = TRANS!!
No. 26834
>>26832Same. And when you tell the fuckers that you're a girl, they suggest becoming a FtM or imply that you're genderfluid. What the fuck is a genderfluid?
I don't need to be a tumblr term to be a tomboy.
No. 26836
File: 1426620983832.png (301.28 KB, 553x341, totesaboykek.png)

>>26833>>26831same person
she claims to be a 'boy' while dressing as a girl and whines about how hard is her teenage life
No. 26842
>>26811If I were to tell you I was a kettlekin, in order words I believed my spirit once belonged to that of a kettle, used to boil water, would you respect that?
My new pronounces are Ker, Ket and Key.
No. 26843
>>26808You're comparing pears to apples.
Feminine cismen are still men, you retard.
>>26811So you're telling me
you're seriously telling me
that we shouldn't judge other human beings for thinking they're plants?
Are you seriously giving me this shit right now?
And you comparing otherkin to transgenderism is the cherry on top of the cake. Just go.
No. 26855
File: 1426672214144.jpg (42.3 KB, 603x340, 1420234216992.jpg)

sure is tumblr in here
No. 26856
same anon as:
>>26853 person did the "shit supernatural fans say" video (I think that's the one he did oh wait they did) they used to be a gay man now they are an agender… something.
also not a boy but I went to college with this person and when i met them they were a gay man now they are a lesbian woman: BLOG MAY BE NSFW. there is definitely a pic of her grabbing her dick while she's wearing panties in there.
this is the one that identifies as Hawke. if any of this is OT I just. Really need to get these people off my chest. Especially fucking Zoey I had to put up with some much shit from her)
No. 26860
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No. 26861
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No. 26862
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No. 26863
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You're not a real transman unless you look like this. I think we all can agree on this.
No. 26865
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No. 26867
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No. 26873
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No. 26874
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>this thread in general
No. 26875
File: 1426676730611.png (613.65 KB, 1280x1862, tumblr_nlbtqoOFiB1s3u0h4o6_128…)

No. 26883
>>26881lol ya really think none of them feels dysphoria
all of them
single one
of them
none feels dysphoria
I'm fine– well I'm not fine but I understand people callin me a girl upon first seein me considering I crossdress a lot but what's the point of still doin it after I tell you I'm actually a guy like– that just has no point man I don't understand
look buddy I understand that there are indeed some peeps going through a fad that's ridiculous and obnoxious as FUCK and personally it's kinda half worrying to me but
there some peeps that don't deserve to be in this thread regardless they look feminine or not or wear the same fuckin brand of clothes or not, you feel?
I'm kind of worried for you guys tbh, honestly speaking this is sad. no sarcasm, no joke, I really worry about how sad you look man…. just sayin
No. 26885
>>26783Yeah lol I'm trans and this is the first time I've mentioned it in any thread on lolcow. Reading these comments don't upset me or make me feel particularly inclined to ragepost.
See, that's the thing about REALLY being trans–you learn to deal with that shit. Bawing to randoms on a blogging site so they'll blow smoke up your ass isn't a defense against the things an actual trans person deals with in real life.
I'm seeing all sorts of ~edgy tranny h8~ up in here and I haven't whined about it because who tf cares this is fucking lolcow.
If you consider yourself trans but can't handle the fact that your entire identity revolves around whether people deem you worthy of passing or not, I don't know what the hell you're transitioning for. You're going to get made fun of. You are going to spend your entire life known as "that tranny." Buck up boo.
No. 26888
>>26887yanno she's actually really smart just unfortunately she got sucked into the confirmation bias hugbox echo chamber that is the Tumblr sjw community.
That doesn't excuse the fae self bullshit. And I know she's legit too and not a troll. I saw the transformation.
lol@the Chinese thing like if you can find pictures of her on her blog (they're there if you dig) she looks Vague Asian/Filipino. I had no idea she was Chinese.
No. 26891
>>26889tl;dr either
what's ur point lol
No. 26894
>>26861The sad thing is that fakebois literally
do do that and then magically go back to being a girl when it stops being "cute", as opposed to actual transmen who go through this shit and actually suffer the social repercussions and discrimination from family and friends.
No. 26897
>>26846I'm in. I'm a frequent transvestite as in I enjoy dressing up as a man because it's a fun role I like to take and have fun with. But that's what it is - a role, a fictional person. In reality I'm a cis woman and enjoy it as well. Yet tumblrites always think I'm transgendered or genderfluid or some shit like that and it's really fucking demeaning to those with legitimate dysphoria.
My actual post-op transgender friends hate these twerps because they make things harder for those who have fought for years to have gender dysphoria recognized as a biological disorder, not a mental illness. Even medical researchers have found that people with strong dysphoria have a brain pattern different to the usual one found within their biological gender. They're born with it and it's usually evident in their early childhood, either obviously or recognizable with some kind of behavioral problems due to frustration. And now we have these tumblr bastards wrecking it all with their LMAO IT'S A CHOICE YOU TRUSCUM ASSHOLES shit. It's horrible.
>>26735>Tumblr actually has guides now to help snowflake fakebois manipulate their therapists into givimg them T and a surgery letter. What to say, body language, etc. I've seen this too and it's so fucked up there are no words. Actual advice how to cheat the therapists because you weren't born with a disorder that qualifies you to change your body permanently at age 20. The surgeries can be potentially life-threatening and the hormone treatment isn't very healthy either, it's a very exhausting process and requires you to be absolutely sure and mentally strong enough to go through with it.
The other thing that's really shitty are the constant "hi my name is special snowflake and I'm 15 and trans and my parents are threatening to throw me out because of my transgenderism/I have to afford transition treatment, GIVE ME MONEY" posts. There is no solid proof that any of it is true. After that one kid killed himself (herself?) because of his bible-thumping parents, I saw attention-starving transtrenders faking pretentious "suicide messages" with the "MY DEATH NEEDS TO MEAN SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!!" like in that kid's suicide note. Not surprisingly none of them actually killed themselves but I sure as hell hope they got a kick out of all the "signal boost" reblogs they received for being a fucking insensitive dumbass.
No. 26898
>>26894But why does that give you the "right" to scream "FAKEBOI" at every single young kid that looks feminine? Have you tried actually questioning them, see how they actually feel before you do shit that might damage peeps?
The thing here is that as soon as you see a kid, trans, and has a tumblr profile or whatever social media's trendy, you invalidate their entire background and giggle at them with your circle like those stereotypical japanese ganguro bullies going "eeehhh~ kiimooooo~~~~"
"I'm just doing it for fun!" That's really sad, y'know? You could do a lot of other things that are far more fun if that's the problem here, bud.
Forreal, y'all sound like a buncha middle schoolers… This isn't even lulzworthy, it's full of shit, man. Clogged up. Call a plumber.
No. 26900
File: 1426697309950.jpg (16.11 KB, 500x382, IMG_20141129_211256.jpg)

>>26899If only, Anon. If only I had one…
N-ne… W-will you be my hugbox, Anon-kun…?
No. 26902
No. 26905
>>26902Nah, gossiping is fine, whatever, your business. But you call leaking people's information and putting them at risk just some harmless gossiping? Rrright…
>>26904Ya never seen them?? Hmm, might be just me… Ganguro, prep, bitches, hoes, whatever, it's the stereotypical bullies in anime and manga, usually blonde hair, tan skin, wear a load of makeup, phone charms… That kinda mental image.
Yeah, forget it.
No. 26906
>>26872yeah she found the thread. no surprises
have fun trying to whiteknight yourself bitch
No. 26912
>>26898no one cares
transboizzzz on tumblr are generally confused, sad, fat girls that feel insecure with their bodies, so they give into the tumblr trend of having gender dysphoria (as if it's impossible to just feel insecure w ur body type, or w/e), and start whining to people about how much they need top surgery "gimme monies ple im sad as a girl :((((((("
why dont you take up a more worthy cause?
the majority of these girls are not trans - sorry, and EVEN if they are, i'm so fucking tired of LGBT or race issues being the only fucking topic up for discussion
there are MORE PRESSING PROBLEMS ON THE TABLE that need to be discussed - not this fucking gender conversation
no one gives a shit if they're actually trans
no one cares, and being called a 'she' when you're a chick that wants a pee-pee isn't the worst thing ever. people need to get fucking real. go read the news or something, because this isn't some real shit
tumblr is not the real world, and a gossip website probably isn't going to be sympathetic to this overhyped, self involved, garbage
No. 26916
>>26915Because their bullshit makes actual trans people look like they're just pretending, which obviously makes it harder for them to be taken seriously socially.
These people need to find something else to create trends on.
No. 26918
>>26916This. People don't seem to get that when crackheads like these pull this sort of shit it winds up invalidating the real ones who actually need help. This has happened with fake bisexuals tarnishing the image of real ones, leading everyone to think that bi people are just attention seeking shits. This has happened with self harm when blatant attention whores paraded their "injuries" up and down while the ones who needed help hid in shame and even more so because they knew that now nobody would listen.
>>26915>it isn't your lifeExcept that they inadvertently fuck up other's lives in the process, which you don't seem to realize. This is a lot more common than you think and all thanks to these edgeshit fuckers trivializing legitimate issues.
No. 26919
>>26905What leaked information? The fact that someone calls herself Ayato irl? Because that's the only thing you can call "leaking information" so far ITT.
People putting up their emails on the name field and posting their real life information for everyone else to see is their fault, booboo.
>>26915Because it invalidates their situation by being discarded as just a phase. Transitioning isn't something that you can just say is a choice; it's not something you can dabble with while you're in your early teens and then completely forget about it. It's a conflict of identity. Sure, these people might go on with their lives after they realize it was just a phase, but what about the others who are really struggling with dysphoria? What if professionals find out these posts telling people how to manipulate the therapist to look like they really do have dysphoria? The only thing they're causing is setting the bar even higher for people who really are trans. This is not a joke and shouldn't be shrugged off with "but who cares xD"
No. 26921
>>26875Damnmit I'm attracted to them.
kill me softly plz ;-;.
No. 26923
File: 1426721046987.png (426.11 KB, 1800x410, truscum.png)

>we don't dox people
>i was threaten
Anything to be a victim.
No. 26925
>>26923Lol, that's my post.
I didn't realize that informing someone that a board of oldfags lurks this place regularly now and has been picking cows they feel like going after was a threat.
But, okay.
Wonder what the fuck it's like to not know how to read.
No. 26928
File: 1426728625345.jpg (237.52 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_nl0j6sO89P1tvq8ibo1_128…)

At first I was mad, because why whould they be doorkeepers of who aren’t trans and not? but then I got really down, their words ate me up.
That I am not trans enough for who? yes I might be quite feminine for a guy, and quite masculine for ‘‘women’‘ personality wise, per say.
But it just let me hanging there, because wasn’t my progress enough for coming out to my classmates, on the internet and soon my family members? wasn’t it enough that I felt suicidal because I could’t live with being called a women, a lesbien (i’m not even straight for that matter) and all these words.
Was my scars not enough to tell others that I suffered with being seen, looking like a woman?
Are my emotions not enough to tell that I am male, is my experience not enough to tell you that people’s ways of telling if they’re trans or not so different and vibrant in different colours, that you can’t put all the ways how we discover ourselves?
Tumblr let me express that, I was trans before and I aimed to be hecka cute before seeing these cuties of tumblr boys all over my dash.
Don’t belittle us, just because we don’t care of being masculine or not, don’t belittle our feelings because we can change, or what we are is not ‘’valid’’.
Because you can be the damn reason for why a little transboy or transkid commit suicide, because they could’t furfill an image you put on us.
That was my feelings after I talked with them, but when they put my pictures in the plot too, it got kinda personal tbh. It would and should.
Okay, you got my pictures, woho, you got my email and an old nickname I had for years.
What are you going to do? post it on your little american flag and post it all internet and say this person is this and that ect.
Newsflash guys, nobody gives a damn what you have to say, it’s all garbage.
You are just humiliating yourself, even if you’re not anon.
You humiliate the trans community, yourself (mostly I must say) and just the human race if I would extend your deeds.
I must sound pretty nutty, tired, angry or something else that would explain a tumblr teenager.
But I am a tired and angry teenager, kinda tired because I could’t get sleep by this shit forum you made and angry, well for many things.
But mostly putting innocent transboys on a site and belittle them without knowing.
No. 26931
>>26928It must be sad to be you. To have no sense of reading comprehension and being unable to digest the totally valid points and concerns some people here have made.
>post it on your little american flag and post it all internet and say this person is this and that ectWhat the fuck does that mean?
also why are you typing like this?
with small sentences
Do you think it sounds like artistic or poetic or some shit?
No. 26933
>>26930Busted out laughing after that long dramatic post thanks to yours.
Whiny bitches, man.
No. 26934
>>26929"dont make fun of meeeee :("
>deliberately tries to look as much like a fucking clown as possible and wonders why people think he's a psychopeople aren't going to listen to what you have to say when you look like a goddamn failed science experiment. for the most part people are very conservative, and will require slow acclimation in order to accept more progressive, tolerant ideas
No. 26935
>>26928>Was my scars not enough to tell others that I suffered with being seen, looking like a woman?Is that what that picture is supposed to be? Her "scars"?
That shit straight up looks like she smeared magenta lipstick all over herself.
No. 26938
File: 1426732762468.gif (2.72 MB, 400x202, ocelotlaugh.gif)

>>26928that is fucking asherbee/luvmonkeys level scar makeup topkek
No. 26944
>>26928> That I am not trans enough for who?It's not a fucking sliding scale. Do you have dysphoria relating to your reproductive system or secondary sex characteristics? If so, you're trans. If not, you're cis.
> I might be quite feminine for a guy, and quite masculine for ‘‘women’‘ personality wiseGood job enforcing gender stereotypes, you stupid cunt. I wear pants and vote, but I also have a vagina. Am I trans? Of course not, fucktard.
I'm sure you hate people that say "Girls must act this way" or "Boys must act that way." But what you're saying isn't much different. You say "Girls must act this way, and, if they don't, they're not girls," and "Boys must act that way, and, if they don't, they're not boys."
>Because you can be the damn reason for why a little transboy or transkid commit suicide, because they could’t furfill an image you put on us."Waaaaah, these internet strangers don't like I appropriate and redefine a term so I can be a special snowflake, and then exclude actual trans people and call them 'gatekeepers' and 'truscum' when they call me out on my bullshit, waaaaaaah!!!"
No. 26950
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>>26793idk petra
you seem pretty new to the internet, you tell me
No. 26952
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>>26793Petra or Peter bb?
> No. 26954
File: 1426778684038.gif (685.38 KB, 320x180, prettygood.gif)

>>26939And you're pretty good, anon
> tfw can't wait to play QT cowboy ocelot in MGO3 No. 26955
>>26927That's what I suspect to be honest. I know by say on their blog that they haven't started transitioning but as far as I know they don't WANT to transition. Hormones maybe but they don't want to not have a dick.
The worst is that they actually run/founded a chapter of GLSEN which is an all around LGBT activism group. Like they do a lot of advocated on campus and got gender neutral bathrooms. However Zoey's attitude is just embarrassing and disgusting. The school she's at is like the gay liberal arts beacon in Kentucky and 90% of the lgbt folks on campus me included don't associate with the Pride group because of Zoey.
And most people don't know about the tumblr. Apparently they've got a private one with no0dz.
(can someone please troll them.)
No. 26962
File: 1426802120286.jpg (109.47 KB, 486x498, no.jpg)

I just came across this on my dashboard.
>Don't take hormones from third party sellers without a prescription
>Instead take hormones from Amazon without a prescription uwu
And then they wonder why people get fucking mad.
No. 26963
>>26962There is no reason these little shits cannot wait and be properly assessed by a doctor to be prescribed hormone treatments and given the approval for surgery and such.
>I need to transition NOW!!!!!!!!like, get over yourself you fucking shits. I hope they have a terrible reaction to those hormones they buy off amazon. Stupid shits deserve it.
No. 26965
>>26964I clicked on the url to report it but she deleted the post.
However this doesn't mean the post will get completely deleted as it's still circulating.
No. 26967
File: 1426803284825.jpg (768.05 KB, 1751x2500, oh boy oh boy.jpg)

>>26956They think real boys actually look like their yaoi doujinshis.
No. 26970
>>26962I bet the stuff she's linking to is actually only allowed OTC in tiny quantities. Even stuff like paracetamol you're meant to have a prescription to buy more than like two boxes at a time.
So she's really just advocating the exact same thing as she's complaining about. I bet even on the boxes they say to go to a doctor if you use them for more than a couple of weeks.
No. 26973
>>26962I can provide some clarification here.
Some hardcore internet trans do try to buy their perscription grade hormones online, some actually manage to and self medicate. Doinf this with the kind of hormones administered during transition with only a height/weight chart and without professional guidance is not only illegal, but reckless and dangerous as fuck. Even something as "simple" as hormones can destroy your body irreparably.
To counter this, many Tumblr trans are now circulating OTC "hormone suppliments" from online pharmacies hoping to discourage the former. When you think about it, it's a great idea because those suppliments are designed to work with the cisfemale (estrogen) and cismale (testosterone boosters) bodies to boost the natural production levels bak to a normal range for people who feel that their levels are too low. Thing is, because they're OTC suppliments/boosters they don't actually contain hormones, and it would be extremely difficult to take enough of them to damage your health. Some people may see some limited effects, but the bottom line is that they aren't going to to for transpeople whatvthe actual perscription hormones can, or else nobody would go to a doctor to get them, they would just go to Amazon and we would have way more kids on Tumblr "on HRT".
No. 26976
>>26394there really should be a thread about this kid
theyre so
problematic No. 26980
>>26979Well, yeah. Trans women can be awful, just as a woman can be awful, just as a man can be awful.
To act like we're all speshul magic unicornz is just as weird as hating every single one of us, imo.
No. 26983
>>26982when people are convinced that "gender" should be a socially relevant thing still.
>inb4 "muh brainsex!!!"even if females and males have intrinsically different brain structes that make girls like wearing dresses and boys like being ceos, so what? there's still enough exceptions and differences in cultural expectations of gender to make treating people differently based on their assumed genitals pointless.
No. 26986
>>26980I know and in the meantime I met a different transwoman and she's a great person.
It's just that she thinks people don't like her just because she's a transwoman and that she went quite lightly over something very serious.
Also, she thinks kids should have the right to change their sex too. I think this is all kinds of wrong, children can't make descisions such as these. I was a tomboy in my childhood but that doesn't mean I'm not happy to be a woman today.
No. 26990
>>26989what a stupid fuck
>he/him>dresses like a chick 80% of the timethis tumblr shit is so fucking regressive, it's not even funny
why can't girls just have short hair and wear pants??? what the fuck is this?
all they're doing is reinforcing gender constructs by dressing "like boys" and calling themselvevs boys whenever they decide to dress "like" a boy
and the cuts on her arm
all these fat shits are so depressed the only thing they can conveniently do is upload selfies
they can't try to pick up skills, but they can spend hours on end fixing their faces/outfits, and subsequently post photos of themselves all over their profiles
No. 26993
I follow 'Benji/Bambil/jinxalicious' on twitter and tumblr and I always see this chick talking to her.
http://michaelgiracowboyhat.tumblr.comCan't escape the fakebois.
No. 26994
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No. 26996
File: 1427815222405.png (1.9 MB, 2202x678, ohdumblr.png)

>>26995oh dumblr, never change
No. 26997
>>26996they all look the same
i've spent the last 30 minutes going through the tags and it looks like they're aaalll following some kind of ,,how to be trans XDD'' tutorial or something.
No. 27005
File: 1427821854061.png (710.46 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-03-31-13-03-56…)

I'm on my phone so it's a bunch of mobile screenshots… anyways…
this girl literally never dresses in anything except skirts and pink shit, her entire tumblr and Instagram is ~curated~ so that it's literally completely pastel pink, BUT DON'T YOU DARE USE A FEMALE PRONOUN TO ADDRESS HER
No. 27006
File: 1427821944054.png (624.5 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-03-31-12-58-25…)

also she posts shit like this and then spergs out over being objectified after she gets the attention she was seeking
No. 27007
File: 1427822042742.png (532.08 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-03-31-12-58-06…)

"here look at this picture of my ass but don't tell me you like it, that picture was for my boyfriend I just decided to post it to my public Instagram instead of just sending it to him"
No. 27008
File: 1427823505251.jpg (824.33 KB, 807x827, can_u_spot_tyler.jpg)

This is basically trans day of visibility, a huge bunch of white girls that look like Tyler Oakley.
Let's play! There's actually a picture of Tyler Oakley in the collage, can you spot him in less than 15 seconds? kek
No. 27012
>>27010It's not that she's wearing a skirt, it's that she's literally posting her ass with a suggestive comment and then getting angry when the thirsty fucks come out of the woodwork. If it was just for her boyfriend, why not send it to him?
If you behave sexually, what kind of response do you think it will warrant? When people start touching you or invading your space IRL it's a different story, obviously, but online…Nah.
No. 27020
File: 1427832071066.jpg (23.71 KB, 569x294, what.jpg)

So just saying you're trans makes you trans.
No. 27021
>>27020That logic is undeniable.
Just saying "I'm rich" magically puts money in my bank account.
No. 27026
>>27010Wearing a skirt or short shorts does not mean a woman deserves to be objectified only when the woman is in a setting where the comments and objectification is uncalled for.
Uploading a picture that supposedly is only for your boyfriend on a public domain [I assume her instagram is public] is going to make people comment on it.
She might as well send it to her boyfriend privately and then she wouldn't need to worry about muh objectifikashun.
No. 27027
Personally, my feelings are really torn on people like this… Because I'm ftm myself, and fucking love feminine, cutesy clothes.
I don't wear them to school anymore though, and I don't wear makeup. Why? No matter how much I like feminine clothing, I know no one will take me seriously as wanting to be addressed as male if I dress that way. Around my very close friends and online (like on tumblr, as much as I hate 90% of that site) I can dress how I like and also be respected for my identity. I mean, I don't wear dresses on the daily, or have long hair, but I do like colorful, OTT jfashion that's almost always seen as feminine.
I plan on transitioning as soon as I can, because my body makes me so uncomfortable I feel ungodly self conscious when I walk with my back straight without my binder on, because I'm terrified of drawing attention to my chest. It might take me a while to actually do so because of my financial situation though, which sucks ass.
That's why I get so upset at these transtrenders who treat it like a badge of honor or some shit. It's not fun, it SUCKS.Being uncomfortable with your body to the point of dissociation and the urge to self-harm isn't cute, or quirky, or anything. It isn't a badge on your blog description you can take off at the end of the day. I don't like calling NB people trans either, unless they experience dysphoria and plan on transitioning (not going to be a dick if they can't for some reason, but still). I'm going to call everyone by their preferred name/pronouns though, unless it's some tumblr bunself shit.
Just my two cents I guess.
No. 27030
>>27025I'd be crucified by tumblr for this opinion, so watch out:
I'm not going to refer to you as a woman if you look like a man. Now, i don't mean the very unfortunate mtf that are tall, lanky, adam apple's, etc. I mean if you put no effort to look feminine ie hair, nails, clothing, make up clean shaven, then no, I'm not going to pretend you're a girl. My brother is mtf and he doesn't try at all to look feminine and guess what I'm not going to treat him like a chick when he looks like a dude.
For these fakebois it's a little different because all you have to do is cut your hair and bind, ta-da you can now claim to use he/him pronouns. If you don't try and look masculine in public, you're a fakeboi little shit. You recognize that you can get your e-penis stroked by tumblr retards but also know that looking masculine in public will probably be embarrassing or stressful. You can fuck off straight to hell, tbh. The reason these fakebois gravitate to specific fashions/androgyny is to purposefully avoid this shit in real life, because they don't WANT to be men, they want to be demi moore looking androngynous
inb4 cisscum, etc. I'd argue this is how much normies think. Although they probably don't see you has androgynous, just super dykey.
No. 27034
>>27029I am extemely uncomfortable with all feminine aspects of my body, that was just an example that actually comes up on the daily. And I am a million times more comfortable when I'm passing as male as well - it's right, even if my body isn't yet. It's honestly really fucking hard to describe what it's like to be trans I guess. I don't like going on woe is me tangents, but that's how it feels a lot of the time I suppose.
>>27028>says I hate that dumb tumblr shit>sounds like tumblrYou know crossdressing cis men exist, right? I'm not saying I expect people to recognize me as male when I'm dressed in a feminine manner. I know they probably won't, which is why I only dress that way around people I KNOW will. I don't wear makeup/skirts/dresses/etc… 99.99% of the time.
No. 27036
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lets not forgot able captain jack sparkle
No. 27037
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he's cute thats about it
No. 27040
criedwolves posted this: don't even want to hate on him but it shows what the right lightening, hair dye and contouring does. his newer selfies look nothing like his old highschool-self. Even the old tumblr selfies look very different. he's got a completely new nose.
No. 27042
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Has anyone here heard of lesbianlolita? I just recently found out about her through a mutual friend and was curious if there was any drama with her, the same mutual told me that just recently she argued with one of said friend's friend on facebook
No. 27044
>>27034>It's honestly really fucking hard to describe what it's like to be trans I guess.Err that's not what I asked tho.
But anyway, you're trans because you want to look and dress like a girl but don't want female sexual characterisics? Transgender is "I'm male trapped in a female body" not "I just don't like my boobs or my hips but I love looking cute and girly!"
body dyphoria =/= gender dysphoria
Just because you don't like certain part of your body doesn't mean you're in the wrong one. Everybody dislikes things about their bodies to varying degrees. I don't ean his as an attack on you personally, but the prevalence of "I wanna be a kowai gay boy in skirts and makeup teehee~!" makes me cynical as fuck as a gender studies student. If all the fakebois on Tumlr took even One semester of gender studies they would realize how full of shit they are and how many problems they're represing/misinterpreting as "gender issues".
No. 27048
>>27020This is fucking hilarious. It's like they're actually treating transgenderism as an alternative fashion or shit. Just replace the word "trans" as "goth" and "nb trans" as "emo" and you get what I mean.
>>27035>honestly nobody fits perfectly into the binary anyway unless they're a robot or a stepford wife.Fuck, this. I actually hate when Tumblr fakebois actually propagate the idea of strict gender roles with their "I don't like makeup, shopping and starbucks takeaway coffee, I MUST BE A MAN" bullshit. I once stumbled across a fakeboi who made this generic "comparison drawing" in which there was a very stereotypical long-haired woman dressed up in pink next to her and a text saying something along the lines of "THIS IS A WOMAN I AM NOT A WOMAN". She got backlash for the stereotypical assumption of all women but retorted with a "lol it's just a drawing of course it's exaggerated". No you fuckwit, it only shows your own shallow internalization of the female gender role.
>>27030>The reason these fakebois gravitate to specific fashions/androgyny is to purposefully avoid this shit in real life, because they don't WANT to be men, they want to be demi moore looking androngynous women. Exactly. It's like those perverted trasvestite men who dress up in a terrible, sexualized fashion without having to put any effort into passing because to them, dressing up as a woman is only a sexual fetish. Same applies to the sexually frustrated tumblr fakebois, they create this male persona for the sake of roleplaying.
>>27036>Justin Bieber hair>Drawn on cartoonishly thick eyebrows>Septum piercing>Duckface >Myspace angle>>Leather jacket>Tacky print shirtWhy the fuck do they all look the same? It's like I said, they treat transgenderism like a fashion.
No. 27051
>>26572Never claimed to be asexual, I was asking because other people were relaying their own experiences and because I've been wondering for years, wanted to know if they've felt the same. I didn't just have a revelation after I happened to come across a tumblr post, wtf?
I said I experience sexual arousal, but not when I think of people. I also do not want to be sexual with anyone, which I mentioned as well. I do not enjoy sex, I never even said that.
You're so fucking retarded it's disgusting, I hope you set yourself on fire one day.
No. 27054
>>27053*you look like a chick
whoops anger issues
No. 27055
>try to look like anime characters or have obsession with anime>septum/duckface/myspace/leatherjacket/tacky shirt/drawn eyebrows>that entire picture collageI'm honestly surprised no one has posted a friend of mine yet. I guess she's not super well-known so that makes sense. I think she's always had an interest in "gender-fluidity" or whatever you want to call it; she used to say she wanted to be a trap. She also had/has a lot of emotional issues, which I'm imagining a lot of these people do.
She fell in love with a sort of-lolcow a few years back, and from then on really started integrating with IRL trans, agender, and fakeboi circlejerks (think Kaden). She started adopting their style, began wearing fake thick-rimmed glasses, shaved her head, started smoking, got a septum, and started using "they/them" pronouns and referring to herself as a "shota."She also is a huge fan of yaoi, though maybe not to weeaboo levels.
This is right after years of carefully styling her hair and makeup for hours, adding sparkles to her face and crafting every eyelash and outfit. It was quite sudden (a few months at most?), and though I know people don't always express their inner desires, I think it was jarring how quick it happened. My first thought when it all began was that she was heavily influenced by her tumblr/lolcow friends.
I have no hard feelings towards her, and I care about her, but I really hope she doesn't spiral into a worse situation. She caused her mom a lot of distress over the years and when she "came out" (lived at home at the time) her mom was just kind of stunned and tired, I think. I peek at her tumblr/insta occasionally to track her progress.
No. 27059
>>27058It was only an example…. I honestly don't know of any other yaoi. My friends have shown me comics but honestly they are all the same to me.
Oh god I do remember boco no pico though but no one likes that shit
No. 27070
>>27069 Haku might give in sooner or later and release a donate page.
No. 27072
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People have been asking for a Fellowship thread but since there's not enough stuff for them on their own for their own thread, I decided to just pull stuff from the Haku thread onto here so you can all go crazy with it. Their not all fakeboiis but it's enough to put them on the thread.
Usernames in order are vongeist, circuitbird, hiwamu, shmegeh, takohai, v0nvamp, rizes, dirukari, daulizm, nelum, phenrirr, arahiroyazi, sanator1um
No. 27074
>>27072I'm surprised no one's been bringing prince-kel/m1kahel up. Is it because they aren't in that group? They're more well known than a lot of those people.
Looks like they're going into sex work now.
No. 27084
>>27079Jigaix is the one who had skin parasites, yes (and proudly made posts about them, wtf?!). She also had beef with Cain - Jigaix is mad jealous of Cain's popularity. She also edits her voice deeper in videos, probably trying to make people believe she's a cis guy.
Cain posted screenshots a few months ago of Jigaix texting people, spreading lies and claiming certain people had been shittalking Cain but these allegations were proven to be false, just part of Jigaix trying to be more popular than Cain and turn people against them.
No. 27093
>>27092I'm on mobile so I can't really put together a bunch of stuff Kel has done… But Kel is basically your typical NB-Tumblr-edgy-SJW.
One instance that particularly sticks out is her breakup with another NB Tumblr user animeadult. All I vaguely remember is that it involved a lot of sensitivity and some underage drinking. She also later posted a confession directed to all her exes that she was aromantic and used them all to furfill her need for attention. I'll try to find the text post when I have more time.
No. 27095
>>27090M1kahel posts so much pictures of herself like "god, I'm so perfect. My makeup is flawless, so don't ever think you can mock me"
it's like, there's confidence and then there's being a piece of shit.
No. 27098
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>>27064that visual kei girl that tried to convince everyone that she was a boy on her old blog. Thankfully she's done with that phase now. But that cow is still ugly as fuck
her blog: No. 27110
>>27109 I'm assuming it's a nude photo but it says
person: Thank you!
aki: You're welcome -nude photo-
aki: What's wrong? -stupid sticker-
person: You surprised me!
aki: -stupid sticker- sorry
person: no no! lol
aki: I wonder how it is lol
person: It's pretty
No. 27111
>>27109Thank you
You are welcome
You surprised me
Whats that for a conversation
No. 27118
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>>27115 you mean stuff like this?
No. 27119
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and this
No. 27125
>>27123whoa, that is weird.
No. 27128
>>27127 If you look at the kaomoji they sent her they were pretty happy to get the pics. And the person she was talking to also said "It's really cold over here. If we slept together it would be warm wouldn't it" Then she sent them a red face kaomoji. I wonder if she does this with everyone on line.
And who is the "27 year old black haired bandman" she's talking about?
No. 27134
>>27128 I think she's talking about this ugly fucker right here>>27131 ugly japanese guy with gross skin, face, and teeth
No. 27147
Story Time!
When I was younger I used to follow this one artist of my same age named Ami.
She was a shy, sweet Mexican girl, even if her skills weren't the best, her drawings were cute.
She always claimed to be Bi, and she even had a boyfriend. Pretty normal for a 17-year-old. It was like the 2012-2013 era of Tumblr, when the sjw's were slowly taking over. Welp, one day, she made a drawing that created a large fanbase…
Uuuh, story too long from this point so here are link explaining all from the rise to the catastrophic fall
>> so, when the fame monster took over her, people started to complain that her url was offensive (She used to be Livethefaggotry on tumblr) So they started to say she was, omg, so homophobic and that she HAD to change it. She just laugh it off and continued with her life.
Well, months passed, the Project got a Kickstarted begging for money and Tumblr was shittier than ever, they started to attack her spreading rumors about her being transphobic, homophobic, misogynistic, racist and all the buzzwords, at this point, Ami had already changed her url on her art blog (Leamonteaflower, the actual one). Then she started to tell people that her Boyfriend was now a Girlfriend, that she had helped him figure it out and now he was taking a hormone therapy. Oh and she wasn't bi anymore, she was Demisexual. Because that was the trend that year. Of course, the classic comeback "How can I be homophobic/transphobic if I am Demisexual and I have a very TRANS girlfriend?"
I'm very sorry, this is long.
No. 27148
(Sorry for my shitty grammar, too tired to think properly in English)
Anyway, fast forward to a couple of months later. The Project had died thanks to the controversy, and Ami reached her Breaking Point.
After the girlfriend "outed" to her parents, they have kicked her out and now she was living with Ami full time. Ami complained about money because, surprise, hormones are expensive! And she was broke, and her parents who little they know about her daughter's antics didn't help much.
She stopped drawing for a while and all she ever did was bitching about how all this experience had teach her that while people and Americans were evil and that she blame every one of her misfortune and her crippling anxiety/paranoia.
A while after that she started to post shit about asexuality and that she was totally one now. She started to beg people to treat her my "They/Them" pronouns because she was agender too.
The girlfriend stopped doing hormones and told Ami that all that was bullcrap, that she needed to stop whining like that. Hell, all her friends told her the same. She went nuts, accused her Darling of being abusive and practically raping her at one point and kicked her out. And dedicated the rest of the year to ruining what was left of the poor boy's reputation. She started to block everyone who told her how shitty she was or tried to help her without all the ass kissing. Including the majority of her online friends basically, isolating herself on her echo chamber, away from everyone.
Last thing I heard from her was that her parents have evolved from Caring Cool parents to "Transphobic bastards" because they didn't understand her sudden change of pronouns, or her claiming to be trans but not really and dressing like a boy binding her chest. She flipped her shit when mom told her to love herself a little more and get an actual job to stop this bullshit.
She's 20 now, a fakeboi genderqueer who doesn't even know how to explain to you what the hell that is. And she still blames the whites, her fans, her anxiety, her parents and her ex girlfriend of all her misery and misfortune.
I used to be a good friend of her. But her inability to move on and being something in life was fucking me up. And she told me to fuck off and blocked me when I called her out.
Idk to this day, I feel like I could have done something to help her. But it's too late. I want to pity her, you know, being empathic. But her attitude is FUCKING GROSS.
Almost forgot…
Art Blog: old her drawings/posts with her most recent ones and you'll see.
Sorry, this ended being longer that I expected.
No. 27150
>>27148 if it’s something i did over a year ago please realize im not that person anymore and that i went through a 6 yr long sexually and emotionally abusive relationship that did nothing but teach me rude stuff which i regret now, and it also screwed me a lot to the point of getting ptsd.
No. 27151
>>27150Hahah, yeah.
A lot of people were telling her to stop blaming on others her shit life choices and past mistakes, that she needed to just accept it and learn from that.
Yep. It was one year ago…
She still blames her poor ex bf of all her shit, when she basically forced him to take hormones and then ditched him.
No. 27152
>>27148>>27147>, badmouthing your parents on Tumblr and making a comic out of it?
That's a new level of low.
And she's still living with them…
No. 27155
>>27152Ugh. It's not like her parents are throwing her out to the streets or forcing her to a conservative psychiatrist to "heal" or threatening her with physical violence, but she still makes posts like "MY PARENTS ARE SO TRANSPHOBIC UGH!!!!". Uhhhhh… how come? Because you don't understand your snowflake gender?
Gah, browsing her Tumblr she seems so self-centered and entitled.
No. 27156
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>>27152Oh, now she's trans?
I thought she said on her faq that she was agender. She isn't even trying anymore.
Also found this: tried to follow her, but I'm blocked… I've never talked to her before wtf
No. 27157
>>27155Last year this girl sended a message to a friend of mine almost begging him to unfollow her personal blog because she didn't want white American on her followers list. That it
triggered her something-something disorder, offended her Mexican nationality and that he HAS to respect that or else.
No. 27162
>>27160 a bitch as always.
She changed her name to Renton…
No. 27164
>>27162Damn, her smug attitude makes me want to kick her in the no-dick…
Seriously what the hell is wrong with these people
No. 27168
>>26458Seriously, emo kids and goths were so much better.
I fucking loved goths.
No. 27169
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Can we please talk about Kel? He used to go by prince-kel on Tumblr but now goes by Mikahel. Even just googling him turns out a whole clusterfuck of his bullshit. No. 27174
>>27173Eh, he changed it when he was a really young teenager though apparently so that's more on the parents than him. He's now in his early twenties so he at least wised up and got a name more consistent with his actual ethnic background. Haku is a nickname he still goes by though.
Anyway, he's at least a legit trans dude, so I don't think he belongs on the fakeboi thread.
No. 27175
>>27173IIRC he changed his name to that because it had no gender and his parents wanted to foster his career potentially working in Japan, but that's just some of what he wrote about on his blog when he was apologizing and coming out as trans publicly.
I've actually heard him speaking Japanese at Kinokuniya pretty fluently, plus he changed his name back to something white and masculine when he came to his senses and started transitioning.
What baffles me is when weeaboos can't even speak the language to back it up. Or when fakebois come out and immediately go change their name and all without giving time to think it over.
No. 27186
>>27182And… Russians aren't white?
Also please go tell that to Andrej Pejic and all the other Australians/Americans/Canadians of Slavic origin. Stop being a dumb yank.
No. 27190
>>27188I don't think he uses it to sound exotic or else he'd be flaunting it around more. He barely mentions it online unless answering questions. There are people that go around bragging themselves as Nordic or "Russian American" when they've been here their whole life and in his case he says he's from the US. I'd agree with you if he was obnoxious about it but I don't get that feeling, in this case it's just his name which I also don't have a problem with.
I think he's studying Russian anyways.
No. 27191
>>27182I've heard this name a number of times here in the good old USA. Sounds like Me-Kale. I see no point in bitching over his name.
Still not sure why Haku is being discussed in this thread though, he's not a fakeboi. Haku has his own thread but I think we're pretty clear with what's going on with his name/transition so I don't see any milk.
No. 27192
>>27188>I find it idiotic when some Americans cling to their European bloodline as if they just came to America fresh from the boat.Okay yeah it's a bit cringy but it's not THAT bad. And names have nothing to do with that, mostly behaviour.
> I don't find it offensive that Haku calls himself Mikhail, but it's irritating how he tries to sound exotic by claiming his Russian heritage.Russian heritage or any heritage at all isn't really that exotic. A lot people of Slavic origin try to hide their heritage when they move to Western Europe because they get bullied for it. I got bullied for it. Nobody sees it as exotic, people just see you as poor, uneducated and stupid.
>Besides, I don't know what's the view of Eastern Europeans (Russians,Ukrainians…) towards transgender people, but here in the south east people are generally homophobic/transphobic and I have a feeling that situation on the east isn't much differentPeople aren't as homophobic here as the media makes them out to be (maybe in Russia) but it is seen as weird. If you're transgender you'll get told you have a mental illness, which I agree with. However, a lot of people won't care and most will pretend they don't notice anything, which I also agree with and the two are not mutually exclusive.
As for the name - you don't know what it's like here. Many people have emigrated due to economic hardships (I'm a Serb, which is why I listed Andreja Pejić) and we've been having troubles for a long time so there's ethnic Serbs and Bosnians etc who have emigrated a long, long time ago and are by and large native Americans and Australians etc etc. Many of them still speak our language and many still give their children native names, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. Many also DON'T speak our language and have never been here but they have foreign names and acknowledge where they came from, and there's nothing wrong with that either. You sound like you're trying to pull the whole 'cultural appropriation' schtick, to which I can just respond with "fuck off back to tumblr and stop being offended for other people".
You also sound dumb as shit because as
>>27187 pointed out, Mikhail is a really common name across all of Europe. We have Mikhails here, there's Mikhails all the way up in Belgium even. Slavs are not an endangered indigenous culture for you to protect. If the kid wants to name himself Mikhail, good for him, I'm glad more people find Slavic culture cool, I do too. Culture is to be shared with others, you don't need a special set of genes to name your kid something.
No. 27193
>>27188>>27186I don't think he's trying to sound exotic either, it only comes up when he's asked about it, and when he made his big long post in response to his thread, he seems to have used it as clarification on his heritage. He calls himself white and American, at least now he does.
Also he lives in NYC, this is not the kind of thing that people in New York care about so he actually doesn't stand out much in person where he lives so much as he may seem to online considering where others are from, but that's just a side thought.
No. 27195
>>27189Actually there's a lot differentiating the average true scot from a ukrainian or a german. You should look into genetics and genetic migration in europe, it's super interesting.
Don't let the blacks and SJWs bully you into thinking that whites are all the same, have no culture and that any attempts at white national pride are racist.
No. 27196
>>27195That isn't race, it's ethnicity. Just like there's differences between Koreans and Chinese but they're both Asian.
And nobody is saying whites are all the same and have no culture, but that Caucasian people, genetics aside, all share similar physical traits just like all black people do. Please direct yourself back to /pol/.
No. 27202
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and i thought their dream job was sex work?
No. 27203
>>27202Their dream job … is chain store retail?
Someone PLEASE give me a rundown of this person.
No. 27204
>>27202>FrenchI hope she's not from Montreal.
Also, she's working part-time at a dream job…. woops.
No. 27206
>>27205Same! Although, if she's not deep in the city, and lives on the outskirts like laval and such, I would just forget it. But there are two on St-Catherine street.
I would never EVER work in H&M dt, especially in summer, those people are fucking savages.
A tad OT, but I never knew farmers lived in the same city as I do!
No. 27207
>>266811- the reason I'm trans is because I feel that my genitals are the wrong ones
2- there is no surgery that gives afab people a functional penis (afaik)
3- only choices are a) being "pretty" and female-looking or b) being ugly, hairy, scarred, weird-voiced and female-looking (bc I would never pass)
I hate fake trans tumblrfags, but not all those who don't transition are fake
No. 27210
There's one of these fakebois on MFC now: literally had no idea that they were "trans" until I opened their profile. There is absolutely nothing trans about them and they act feminine.
No. 27212
>>27147>>27148Jesus I went through her blog and art tag and damn. Can be summen up in this one comic.
>"BAAAAW HOW DARE PEOPLE ASK ME ABOUT MUH FUTURE MY FEAR MUH ANXIETIES I'M NOT READY FOR LIFE STOP TRIGGERING ME!!!!"Fucking hell. I'm about her age, and I know her fear. But this much self pity and unwillingness to grow the fuck up and take some responsibility for your life ist just pathetic.
Yeah, growing up sucks. But either you grow up or go see a therapist, but why should you do that if you can just have a tumblr and get notes and pity points??
No. 27213
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in other news from lyzzie
aka hiwamu
or most recently discovered on fb as 'nico rodman' ???
No. 27214
>>27213Oh my god my heart.
She's perfect.
No. 27215
>>26493wow, i've actually seen haku working at kinokinuya a bunch of times, before i knew who they were. they didn't pass as male to me (although i don't know if they're trying), and they were wearing a lot of make up/foundation.
i'm actually going there this week, so i can keep you guys updated if i see them, but i don't know if there's much to be said.
No. 27219
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I checked this m1kahel/kel person's blog again and found this. Good god.
No. 27220
>>27212Oh that one is old… you can tell because she used to draw breast on herself, and talk about college, now everything is about MUH GENDERQUEER, MUH TRANSMISOGINISTIC BOOGEYMAN.
Take a look at her personal blog, it's worse.
Oh, and I found her guro blog, she loves the word "anxiety"…
No. 27225
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Phoenix Okazaki. (Obviously not her real name)
She's 20-something years old and studying in nipponland for a year.
Ugliest person I have ever laid eyes on. Insists she's genderqueer and prefers he/him pronouns. Actively calls people out and gets super defensive if anyone uses female pronouns.
She mostly hangs around with other ugly fakebois.
Acts elitist towards anyone who doesn't have as many followers as her, is insanely jealous of anyone with more followers than her.
Has the nastiest man-face yet still tries to pull off a sweet child-like pastel fashion.
Is vegan and loves to lecture others about why they're so disgusting for not being vegan.
Idk her personally but I know a lot of people irl who can't stand her and her whiny brat complaining and hideous face. She's based in London.
OH! Also she makes ridiculously embarrassing youtube videos about life in nipponland. No. 27233
>>26405i also hate the whole trend because for them that's all it is- a phase.
you know how adults nowadays tell their kids that being gay, bi, etc is a phase? that's what these kids will be doing in the future. they'll never experience real dysphoria, and they probably don't know anyone who has either. they just do it because they want to be unique. when the time comes for trans people to get their rights, the former fakebois will be the ones against it because "they went through that phase once, too".
No. 27234
>>27216yep he became A+ in my book
his tweets seems happier and more genuine, rather than trying to be some kind of persona
No. 27235
>>27231their theme was so difficult to navigate, holy shit. I couldn't make it past the first line of "READ THIS FIRST"
Someone tell this kid nobody cares that much
No. 27236
Sort of related.
My brother is a huge tumblrwumblr fucknut. It started about three years ago (when he started college) he started getting more into feminism, saying all men are rapists, white people are racists…
Then it went a step further and he said he was ACTUALLY TRANS@!!!@!@ (despite not showing any of the actual symptoms during childhood that real trans people show).
Basically he used it as a crutch to win any argument because calling him a stupid fuck is transphobic! Misogynistic!!!
Started wearing dresses and bras (ew) to contain his mantits (he's like 300 pounds?) and putting on ugly as fuck makeup and complaining about depression and anxiety.
Funny thing is that he went to a therapist for all of the above (paid for by my mom) and at first he praised his therapist to the sky for being a Queer Woman of Color™ (black lesbian) but then after a few months she said she wouldn't okay transition because (SHOCKER!!) he wasn't actually trans. He called her a gatekeeper, transphobic bitch and stopped going while keeping the prescription for depression somehow.
I moved out a year ago, but am going back to visit for fourth of july (he still lives with my parents) and I'm not really sure if I should go with mockery or ignoring him. Both piss him off.
He also claimed to be grey-raped (got high, guy offered to suck his dick he said no, guy backed off) and raped by a girlfriend (had sex, didn't want to, said absolutely nothing and also participated…), but claims what he did to me when I was 10-15 was not harassment of any sort because I "didn't set any boundaries" and "was unclear about what I wanted". Yeah, I'm sorry I told you repeatedly I didn't want to see your nasty af dick and have you masturbate in front of me and say "thinking of incest helps you come faster" and told me to do the same then slammed my head into the floor multiple times when I said no and continued this for five fucking years. Sorry I wasn't clear on that even though I fucking was and got beat for it.
In short I've disowned my brother and plan to leave the country to get as far away from his as possible, but for now I check in on his blog (tumblr) once every few months to see what fuckery he's up to now.
Also when I said I didn't identify as feminist but rather as egalitarian when he was in the room he jumped on me (figuratively) and said I was a misogynist and I just "didn't know I needed feminism" and I had internalized soggy knees and shit.
No. 27237
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>>27236Well that got dark quickly…
He sounds way worse than most SJWs, because most SJWs have some degree of compassion for other people, even if it's extremely tribalistic - whereas your brother is just riding the SJW train for the endless asspats and lack of personal responsibility. Based on what he did to you, and his habit of accusing non-rapists of rape, he seems to give zero fucks about the well-being of others.
I'm sorry your brother is such a cunt, anon. Here's a picture of a kitten.
No. 27239
Actual trans man here. I believe tumblr's term for me is truscum because I believe in the medical stuff. Happily started transitioning at age 20 after five years of making damn sure it was right, did a lot of bad shit to my body because of how much I hated it. Recently accomplished getting sex on ID changed to male, cried out of happiness. I'd known since I was 13 for sure, but I spent a long time sticking it out through school and just making extra sure it's what I needed to do, just in case it was a phase. Had mostly supportive friends and a super supportive mother, brother as well. Dad? Well. He didn't catch on for a while but now he accepts it.
I wouldn't trade the shit I went through for years for anything, I've been attacked physically and molested because of who I am. I did not and still do not air it around, I'm stealth and happily so. People think I was born male and I like to keep it that way.
When I see people like this on tumblr I want to go on a rampage. You don't wake up one day and go "I think I might be the other gender". They're glorifying something that's super fucking rough and difficult, using it to appear unique and special. And, at the same time, making fools out of trans people for the world to see.
I know not every experience is the same, and a lot of trans folks are okay with letting people know, that's perfectly fine! But people who wear it like a badge of honor, or use it as some sort of defense make me angry. These kids haven't gone through the real, physical dangers and hurt that comes with being trans. But they boast their pride and take 100+ pictures of themselves and the bodies they're (supposedly) not okay with. I don't know where I was going with this, I know I don't and never have had it very bad, this isn't a sob story. But the reality is that most of us don't take selfies and get tumblr famous and worshipped online and called cute or whatever. Instead it's easier to hide it for the most part, for your safety. Even if people don't know you're trans, if you look butch enough, they'll still do shit to you.
But these kids, well. They're just making light of it all.
No. 27242
>>26417Same here. Back when I was 13, I would bind my chest and cut my hair very short. I really hated my female body. I even remember searching videos on how to make my voice lower. I was a closeted lesbian, and I felt really guilty for liking girls. Right now I'm almost 20, I have a girlfriend I dress pretty femenine myself.
I'm really fucking glad that tumblr didn't exist back then, because I would had convinced myself to transition. And that would had turn out pretty badly.
No. 27243
File: 1432920926561.png (169.16 KB, 500x302, Screenshot (43).png)

Why is it that so many fakebois claim to be a prince or princess? Excuse me while I post a perfect example of yaoi obsession gone wrong
No. 27244
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>>27243Trying way to hard
No. 27245
File: 1432921301783.jpg (57.93 KB, 350x452, 49374263.jpg)

>>27243>>27244Last one for now. Claims to naturally look like this. Maybe they had their face in a yaoi manga for too long. I wont give links to them since besides the cringy "Nya! I'm an elf prince desu!" stuff and drama with everyone they date I don't know if they are cow worthy. Besides the fact that they make up funny stories about living with two other gay men like a bad yaoi comedy. This may be a case of warped reality
No. 27251
>>27236Sorry that shit happened to you, anon. People like him are the worst. I'm glad to know you are getting away from him, but I'm surprised he hasn't made a waahmbulance posts in regards to how you
trigger and neglect him as most tumblrite sjws do now a days to anyone they feel has wronged them.
No. 27253
>>27251That's sort of what I find the funniest about it. Going by his tumblr postings you'd only think he has two sisters instead of three because he's never once mentioned me (positive or negative). I have no idea why, but he complains about the stupidest shit my others sisters do. But me? I can say intentionally inflammatory shit, basically anything and I'm never once brought up. He mentions everybody else in the family but he's intent on not mentioning me, perhaps because he knows if I find his blog and see him shit talking me I'll out him (not that I would, I don't really care).
>>27237I wouldn't worry about it. I haven't become an emotional wreck (which I'm very proud of myself for) and I'm pretty much fine at this point. Just pretty bitter, and people touching me in casual context makes me uncomfortable (while drunk it turns into panic attacks). Luckily with my bf, I'm perfectly fine.
>>27240See, I would do that except 1) It could get him fired if his work found out and then he'd just leech off of my parents even more 2) My parents don't know (mom is really harsh on people who take advantage of children because her brother did something similar) and I don't want to completely fuck the family up and 3) It'd turn into a huge shitstorm. I'm completely confident he'll ruin himself. He already has no friends and his relationships don't last. He's not really abusive anymore (just annoying) and both my sisters know because they have kids.
Watching him crash and burn without my help is pretty entertaining.
Fun fact: He told one of his friends that all men are evil and they should admit they're "trash" and they have to admit that (they were a trans man, a legit one) and being trans doesn't change that and they still had privilege and the friend almost immediately dropped all contact and he cried about how it wasn't his fault.
No. 27254
>>27239A lot of transtrenders don't even claim to have dysphoria. They don't cleanly fit into a gender stereotype, therefore they're trans (even though almost NOBODY fits cleanly into a gender stereotype). It's like a white person claiming they're black because they like rap. It's fucking retarded.
And it feeds into the misconception that trans people are just confused, feminine men or masculine women, rather than people with real dysphoria.
>>27242This is why it's so important that people get long term psychiatric evaluations before getting surgery. Sex reassignment is the most effective solution for dysphoria, which is caused by mental illness. People can want surgery for a wide variety of reasons, and a whole lot of them want it for really awful reasons. It needs to be made sure that the people getting the surgery actually need it.
And let me make this clear - There is NOTHING wrong with being mentally ill. You don't choose to be that way. It's nothing to be ashamed of. It really sucks that some people think so lowly of mental illness that they refuse to even consider that maybe being trans should be seen that way, and maybe sex reassignment surgery should be seen as a medical treatment.
No. 27259
File: 1433065733599.png (352.86 KB, 621x460, uns.png)
"Genderfluid - Grey-romantic - He / Him - ♉ - Formerly youranimeprince."
All that aside, kid really needs to lay off the nose contour. She's probably trying to copy Asian cosplayers who contour their nose, but that's because Asians have larger/flatter noses which look taller/sharper with the contour. This just looks… Unfortunate is one way to put it.
No. 27263
Nescafes: Germany | They, Them | Hayden/Hebah
I love emo boys, tits and aph Germany
2015 is the year I crash and burn back into the hetalia fandom, I'm so sorry i cant put a pic, my internet is very slow rn
No. 27266
>>27259Zell got into a spat with some gay dude over Boueibu, saying the latter was insensitive to girls who looked up to magical girl anime and males appropriating the genre. That's all I have.
Also, as a sort of "general" thing, most of these people who claim to be gay and like dudes just end up with other people like you see in this thread.
No. 27267
File: 1433864922544.jpg (386.17 KB, 1080x1436, tumblr_np9njtHzQa1r27i7ro1_128…)

I see this chick hasn't been posted here yet but goddamn they're a mess.
I randomly stumbled across her on Tumblr like a week ago and listen to this shit:
>please don’t bother following if;
>you’re anti-otherkin (this is incredibly important)>you defend ableism/ the “right” to make ableist remarks>you’re transphobic/ racist/ anti-feminism>you’re a terf>you’re anti-nonbinary identities>you’re truscum>furthermore;
>don’t refer to me with they/them pronouns please use only it/it’s>don’t tell me im “cute” or “beautiful”>don’t vague or namedrop me if we’re mutuals even has a page listing her "illnesses". might be the most Tumblr thing I've ever encountered.
No. 27268
>>27267Her "
trigger" list:
>france>french (these two are very imporant)>paramore>game of thrones>food>nsfw>sex>the hunger games>panic! at the disco>mbti>personality test>recovery>animal abuse>trypophobia>grubs/worms/insects No. 27269
File: 1433865890060.jpg (108.54 KB, 516x917, 587322039.jpg)

>>27267Why does this…person have so many injuries? Make-up, clumsy, or ass kicking?
Also, keking at this stupid leg pose. Do all "boys" do this or something. Kaden keeps posing this way too.
Please tell me this is a troll.
No. 27270
>>27269It's all makeup apart from the SI on her upper arm.
Apparently looking like you've been a scrap is like the new Tumblr aesthetic, which is funny because you can see on the rest of her photos she's a fat piece of shit who couldn't punch her way out of a soggy paper bag.
No. 27273
File: 1433875510391.jpg (30.76 KB, 540x192, 245.jpg)

>>27272It's there, just the usual crap.
No. 27274
>>27267>terf>don't namedrop me if we're mutualsi am so confused by so many things here.
and i'm so fucking sick of this "DON'T CALL ME CUTE OR BEAUTIFUL I'LL GET VERY UPSET" bullshit
No. 27276
>>27273I mean I know that depression is somewhat different for everyone but it bugs me that they all "have severe depression".
When I was at my worst I definitely couldn't spend all day on tumblr, there's not a single picture (especially no selfie) from that whole time period and my hygiene and overall well-being was really bad. I lost friends/ my grades sucked/ etc.
And I wouldn't call that severe. Ugh.
No. 27278
>>27276I know. I can't even muster the energy to make a fucking text post on Tumblr, nonetheless reblog anything, nonetheless make myself look like I didn't just crawl out of a hole to snap a million selfies.
I don't know how anyone has the energy to do that, nonetheless someone who is 'depressed.'
All I can do is surf anonymous imageboards and occasionally produce the odd ramble.
No. 27280
>>27268You know, people with actual ptsd/anxiety have only a few
triggers and it doesn't necessarily mean a full blown cry on tumblr panic attack. Usually like hearing people screaming or a single place where something bad happened. For military veterans it's usually loud noises or weapon sounds. Regardless, most who suffer from
triggers want to move on and live normal lives so instead of bitching other people out they just try to cope. Making other people walk on eggshells around you is an incredibly selfish and pretentious thing to do. These people didn't suffer a traumatic experience so keep your bullshit to yourself. No one cares if you're pretending to be afraid of buzzfeed quizes. Stfu
No. 27281
>>27276Me too! I was in a downswing for two years straight, I took maybe one selfie for my SO every three months at best. One year when I gained a ton of weight and stopped showering altogether, I didn't take any. I especially didn't socialize with people or even get out of bed. I was a huge mess, and so was my room. It was so bad.
Proud to say I'm a normal weight again and take much better care of myself. Scared it'll happen again, but until it does I have a life to live. Fuck depression!
No. 27282
>>26421Uh, how? Transmen are not lesbians. They're not even women.
Butch lesbians still exist. Stop acting like every transman is a dead lesbian and you'll have nothing to worry about.
No. 27283
>>26392I don't mean to be a shit, but as a real transman, it makes me cringe that you girls are all calling everyone in this thread "she".
I mean, yes there are transtrenders, but how can you be 100% sure that all these people aren't serious about it, and will stay that way?
Just rubs me the wrong way. It's also offensive to see lesbians drooling over guys like me. I know you can't help it, but ugh.
No. 27286
>>27283Because, Lolcows are attempting to be
politically correct. Yet crap on any other minority. Hypocrisy, is grand here, ignorance dominates.
No. 27287
>>27283Because they're fucking fakebois, not transmen. Fuck off with your tumblr mentality and stop taking everything personally.
>I mean, yes there are transtrenders, but how can you be 100% sure that all these people aren't serious about it, and will stay that way?Yes, I'm sure the 17-year old sexually insecure k-pop roleplayers who figured they're "trans" 6 months after joining tumblr are legitimate transmen.
No. 27289
>>27287You know, when this started becoming a thing on tumblr I thought it was just me at first. Like, was I the only one who thought "is this trans thing becoming like a fad?"
Good to know I'm not the only one who thought it was. Pleased that other people can see how shitty it is.
No. 27290
>>27276Everyone on tumblr has fucking depression. If it's not depression then it's some kind of disability or other illness.
Bunch of attention seeking fuckers. Btw if any of you actually SUFFER, properly suffer or are going through anything then this doesn't apply to you ofc. It's just the tumblrfags.
No. 27294
>>27287> ITT cis women and lesbians judge who is trans or not> F-fuck off with your tumblr mentality, shitlord!lol kay
Just saying, you don't know with 100% certainty who is a faker or not. And no, wearing girls clothes does not invalidate trans status. But I'm sure you're all experts, right?
You're basically just as retarded as any fakebois out there.
gb2 high school, ladies.
No. 27295
>>27291Most of them are shifting over to ~genderqueer~ or ~genderfluid~ or shit like that now because "choosing to be a man [because this shit is a choice to trenders] is inherently misogynistic" but the reason most trans people are DFAB (designated female at birth/biologically female) is because
1. Legitimate internalized misogyny. They don't want to be like the other girls.
2. The fact that there are more bio-females on Tumblr than bio-males. If you go to 4chan's LGBT, you'll see a large influx of MtF's and gay men, because 4chan's userbase is largely biomales.
3. Because girls find it necessary to fit in and become popular and attention whorey more than most boys do.
No. 27297
>>27295In short is like, the ultimate "I'm not like other guurrls~" bullshit
Damn, hope this fad dies soon.
Transgender people don't deserve to become a mockery or "just a phase".
No. 27298
>>27148I know this chick!
Get away from her now, bitch is fucking nuts. She seriously tries to hop on every bandwagon she can, it's freaky.
No. 27300
File: 1435112559523.png (176.72 KB, 500x500, tumblr_nn52mgQsgB1r15lebo1_500…)

>>27299i like her gorillaz fanart tho it's cute. the rest is shit.
No. 27301
>>27299Using Tumblr logic she's being very
triggering ableist and a shitty person for calling someone a failed abortion, holy shit
No. 27302
File: 1436075583841.jpg (167.54 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)

"great and popular model"
No. 27304
>>27302kek what the hell
girl needs to get her head out of her ass
No. 27305
File: 1436118303227.jpg (53.72 KB, 640x547, image.jpg)

cant tell if shes either being sarcastic or supporting underage sex/pornography
well, i wouldnt be surpirsed if she did kekk
No. 27308
Why do all fakebois on tumblr have ridiculously thick, drawn on eyebrows, a dyke haircut and an oversized sweater? Possibly thick-rimmed glasses are thrown into the mix as well. They're too easy to spot, whenever someone uses he/him pronouns and lists their gender as male and fills at least two of these criterias with all of the selfies taken from this angle
>>26394 with pouting lips, it's bound to be a fakeboi.
It's like they treat transgenderism as a fashion. Oh wait, they do.
No. 27311
File: 1436122541315.jpg (419.82 KB, 1600x1065, longform-original-31699-143109…)

>>27236>what he did to me when I was 10-15 was not harassment of any sort because I "didn't set any boundaries" and "was unclear about what I wanted"That's disgusting how he tried to blame you. You'd think he'd understand that it's common sense that siblings have a no-sexual-contact "boundary". Interesting how a lot of these super-feminist white-people-hating men end up having committed sexual assault themselves. Here's some baby geese.
No. 27313
File: 1436128054799.png (875.36 KB, 900x1280, Screen Shot (32).png)>"androgyne">"demisexual">supposedly hates the way she looks but takes a million selfies okay
No. 27314
>>27280> Making other people walk on eggshells around you is an incredibly selfish and pretentious thing to doThis ^10
Case in point #scopophobia
come on man wtf is that, really ?
If your
triggers are that bad you are better off getting off the internet. You can't expect of
TW Before clicking every damn thing
No. 27315
>>27268Is it fucked up to create a narrative based on someone's
because I'm trying to put the pieces together
No. 27320
>>26397i checked out this person's blog and the photo OP posted is
very flattering, if you check out his self tag he's really nothing to write home about
No. 27322
File: 1436616822572.jpg (170.7 KB, 640x1136, 1436600271631.jpg)

Apparrently, a popular tumblr trans Alex Yrigoyen (tumblr handle: zubat) who run the Leelah project has been exposed for being a scammer. The charity project is supposed to give packages for trans who are in need off basic stuff like control brief, clothing and such, but the packages never came, and the website has been closed. The amount scammed is said to be about 15k. No. 27323
>>27322non-binary, not trans
He also claimed to be be Native American. How predictable.
No. 27325
>>26699Knew this girl, she went genderspecial awhile back. Always had an unfortunate nose and couldn't fucking iron the fabric in her costumes.
Started dating Asch, Asch used her for costumes because she's a closet cosplayer.
Also has a pants pissing fetish
No. 27326
File: 1436845081892.jpg (37.89 KB, 468x286, 0E1ED38D00.jpg)

I felt like I wanted to be a kawaii uke after I went on a month long yaoi manga bender.
No. 27333
File: 1440462152247.jpg (30.13 KB, 480x813, 11226905_1453110868352034_3512…)

sorry for bumping this
but can we agree that any "trans" guy who has a donation page but hasn't transitioned in years is just a rich woman in a poor womans body? Cuz I feel like this is all that is going on
No. 27346
>>27344Hahaha, that's true. Even though the gay population is only 3.5 percent and trans is even less at 0.3, they still wanna be special snowflakes.
I miss actual tomboy women. They're such cuties.
No. 27347
>>27346I agree
Give me all the tomboyish cuties
No. 27350
>>27276It pisses me off. At my worst point I couldn't do anything. No photos, no socializing, nothing was on my mind or in my life but my depression.
What makes me the most upset is how Tumblr glorifies depression and SH. Do you think being in the hospital for suicide is fun? Do you think it's quirky? Do you think all the people in the mental hospital will be a bunch of *~lovelies*~?
No. Your family and friends will never treat you the same. The doctors and nurses will treat you like you're insane. The other patients will not pity you, because they're probably going through worse. So shut the fuck up and get some help.
No. 27355
>>27352She posted on her tumblr about a month ago responding to an ASK about 'how to not pull out your hair.'
Nothing else since then and none of the fellowship talk about her. They seem to have dropped her like they did Kaden.
No. 27357
Not sexually attracted to people.
No. 27367
>i like dresses, make-up, heels and put no effort into actually looking masculine/less feminine beyond cutting my hair short and wearing flannel every now and then>but i really am a boy >because i feel like i amthis trend really needs to hit the rocks. fast.
this is literally tantrum-tier shite.
No. 27370
>>27364So…she doesn't like gender roles and expectations. That sounds more like being a feminist than being transgender.
Also…those scars. I wonder if those were for attention too.
No. 27374
>>27364I would delete that if I were you. The girl has stated that she's only 15 years old.
Is it possible to report things on Tumblr? Just having that in your browser history can get you arrested.
No. 27377
File: 1441478089146.png (9.87 KB, 1095x179, b&.PNG)

>>27376lol. It was me. They were fucking quick too, they took action less than five minutes after I sent the report.
Good grief. Now I'm waiting for her to write a long and whiny blog post about how transphobic Tumblr's policies are.
No. 27378
>>27374Well shit.
How is the original posters blog still up after distributing pornographic images of a child?
Apparently being happy to have tits and vagina and wear dresses and makeup and shit and be trans is "empowering" and "breaking gender roles". I want to die when I read shit like this.
>>27042As far as I can tell, she stopped with the "I'M A BOY" stuff because it was messing up her modelling career.
No. 27380
>>27379She also included her full name, mother's full name, and their location on her gofundme page. So basically posting underage nudes as well as handing out information for people to stalk her.
Get this kid some help.
No. 27381
No. 27382
>>27381>>27380>>27379>>27378Fucking hell.
People should have to be 18 years old and pass a screening test before they get access to the internet.
No. 27383
>>27382Or at least force parents to monitor what their children are doing online.
I'm sure if her parents found out she was posting nudes and talking about sex on a public blog, they'd take her internet away. But sadly they're not wise enough to do that even though she
CLEARLY has mental issues.
No. 27384
>>27380Where is the gofundme?
I have to contact her parents, this is very dangerous behaviour.
It's not "empowering", she's going to get herself killed or threatened or something.
Teenagers often think they are invincible online and know what we are doing, and that people outside of the circles they are aware of don't see what happens. But it's so wrong…
No. 27385
>>27384It's linked to at the top of her Tumblr and says "FTM surgery fund" under a bunch of other bullshit.
Just be careful about mentioning the nude photos because it's generally a bad idea to admit to seeing child porn.
No. 27387
>>27385Wait… it says her mom is running the gofundmepage… even though on her tumblr she says her parents don't support her.
This doesn't add up.
No. 27389
>>27387Yeah then it's probably best to not say anything. Her parents are clearly idiots and are likely the type to get really defensive and deny their child's faults.
You being a teenager yourself might add fuel to the fire.
No. 27391
>>27381this whole post, i just cant
>I think I’m going to go back in the closet. I can’t do this anymore,baww bawww my emotionally manipulative child porn back fired on me life is so haaarrrddddd :(((((((
>I’m not sure people realise how much effort being trans is????? >implying she's speaking from experience
>I try so hard every day but the only person who’s ever seen me as a boy is my boyfriend and even he misgenders me when we fuck - which is a really uncomfortable situation to be in, incase you didn’t realise.yeah guys dont u realise how hard it is to be with a guy who doesnt realise you have a phantom penis?
No. 27393
>>26824i thought it was more like they insist they are a specific character or set of characters.
like "i AM lestat" not "i am a vampire"
which to me just seems unoriginal and uncreative. if you're going to be batshit and insist you're something you're not, at least use your imagination. don't taint someone else's creation.
No. 27399
>>26952No way they actually listen to Bauhaus.
Yes, I mad.
No. 27403
>>27389I ended up messaging her and giving her a chance to tell her parents before I did.
I'll send an anonymous email in a week or two.
No. 27408
>>27405Is it just me or a lot of homestuck crossplayers ended being Fakeboys after they couldn't receive more attention when the popularity of the comic wear off?
Like, really almost every "ftm transboi" I've meet used to cosplay Dave/dirk/John and have entire ask blogs dedicated to them posing and doing "kawaii yaoi bishi faces".
No. 27413
>>27412Unlike this salty dick
>>27411I know exactly what you mean and it gave me a lil chuckle
No. 27416
>>27415You're cute.
More like I share the fucking distaste for these fakebois because they're making shit more difficult for real trans guys. And they could give two shit about trans girls.
No. 27424
>>27413I don't see how I was being salty, honestly.
I'm not mad or anything, I just don't get it.
Like, if you're into that thing, fair enough, but why do fujoshits feel the need to share that stuff with everyone?
No. 27427
File: 1441574466387.png (311.71 KB, 579x297, WkQSTD0.png)

a little off topic and i dont know if he's actually trans, but here's a retarded "aesthetic" blogger from instagram who literally looks like he's 10 years old No. 27430
>>27427>Daddy fetish>fakeboi>Early 2000s metallic/pastel fashion>Purposefully unappealing makeup>Cheap taobao/aliexpress tier clothes>Mixing toddler looks with overt hardcore sexualityYup, hitting all of those fetishistic checkboxes.
Is it bad I hate the aesthetic of adult toddler who wants a parental figure to fuck them? It just feels so weird.
No. 27432
>>27430No, that's normal if you aren't a pedophile.
I really wonder how old that kid is, I'm guessing at least 16 because I can't imagine his parents are paying for all his stupid trendy shit
No. 27433
>>27430That's not bad at all.
They say shit like "But it's not
really an incest fetish, 'daddy' just means an older, dominant man! It's just a domination fetish!" but unless you've never known your dad and can't put a face to the word 'daddy' or something I'm pretty sure it'd make most people really fucking uncomfortable
No. 27436
>>27431Someone made a post jabbing at girls who become fakebois to fulfill their yaoi fantasies and you whined about fujoshis.
Of course you sound stupid.
No. 27437
>>27436Jeez Louise
For one, I wasn't whining, I was legitimately asking a question, and secondly, I only brought fujoshis up in the post afterwards.
>Of course you sound stupid.Uh, alright, but I never mentioned sounding stupid? I have no idea what point you're trying to make but I'm like 99% sure it's not actually relevant to the post you're replying to.
I should probably stop replying to these but fucking hell, why is everyone getting so up in arms about this? Have a lie down in a dark room or something, jesus christ.
No. 27438
>>27435I thought it was just a combination of slime and saliva, but you're probably right.
Still, a little part of me hopes the fucktard eventually gets sick from putting snails in his mouth, throwing paint in his eye, etc, and realizes how fucking stupid he was.
No. 27440
Went to his twitter @gingercunt9, he's not trans. A friend posted this picture of him from when he was young. is fucking hideous and stupid though jesus christ people like him make me wish the world ended in 2012
No. 27441
>>27439Then maybe you should drop it instead of getting salty over one post with no relevance to the thread anymore.
>>27427I wonder if he spends all his money on stupid ~aesthetic~ shit like tamagotchis, hello kitty shit and lady gaga perfume
Surely that takes a shitload of dedication
No. 27442
>>27441He does stupid cunt puts paint in his eyes and has fucking caterpillar eyebrows yet thinks people are jealous of his ~milky~ ~daddy~ ~fragile bleeding pastel bones~ aesthetic.
No. 27443
>>27442Holy fucking shit
This guy is the literal embodiment of tumblr
Every single tweet is more tumblr than tumblr itself
No. 27444
File: 1441582267761.jpg (33.34 KB, 600x604, CN2Kw5NUcAEwRsB.jpg)

This is fucking terrifying, what the fuck are those eyebrows
No. 27446
>>27445Is she the weird cunt that would always go on about accepting nudes like that somehow makes her a good person for paying attention to thirsty tumblrites?
(I looked into it and yes, she is) No. 27447
File: 1441586535262.jpg (155.94 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)

>>27445Read the thread. She's been brought up a few times.
The thing that bothers me most about her is that she shows no signs of having dysphoria, even going as far as to post her tits all over her NSFW blog, yet wants her Tumblr followers to pay for her to transition.
No. 27450
File: 1441590069624.gif (1.76 MB, 480x327, FUCKTHISSHIT.gif)

I think I'm going to fucking puke.
Like really, one of these days, I'll be so disgusted by these ugly bitches I'll get sick and vomit all the contents in my entrails.
No. 27451
>>27447wtf she's describing what any other teenager or young adult goes through when they have a hormonal imbalance, that isn't fucking dysphoria.
Dysphoria is 24/7 of pure loathing not "oh, sometimes I wish I was a boy so I don't have to deal with periods" or "my boobs hurt, I wish I could get rid of them", seriously Tumblr will be the end of any type of minority out there.
No. 27453
>>27452Same, and I hate when they try to justify as "Oh, no, is not 'Daddy' as a father figure, is 'Daddy' as a power/dominance figure" like???
That sounds even worse, what kind of twisted childhood did you had and just how shitty was your father with you to associate Dominance with the word Dad??
Like, just call it bdsm, sub/dom play or just don't talk about it out of the bedroom, jesus.
No. 27457, ftm.
honestly this tumblr drives me fucking nuts.
" I am also an attention-seeking Mental Illness Person who blogs about their problems, very often in a melodramatic manner."
the kid is a fucking snowflake.
No. 27460
>>27458I had a friend of a friend who was quite openly into nymphet ~daddy~ bullshit who wanted a photo with our friend group during graduation. I call my dad various things and I happened to call him daddy for old times sake during a photo with him and this was met by awkward as fuck gasping and giggling by her. Afterwards she even had the nerve to ask me if /I/ felt gross calling him daddy and that it's "~lewd~". Fucking disgusting.
Sage for personal journal but fuck, I wanted to slap the shit out of her.
No. 27462
>>27449Did you miss the part where everybody stopped giving a shit about the "catfight" or whatever you want to call it or did you just decide to reply anyway?
>>27460Ew what the fuck
I couldn't blame you
How ~lewd~ to say something completely nonsexual that happens to relate to her disgusting fetish
No. 27466
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>>27464At least she's got some nuce tits doe
No. 27467
>>27465I know, right? If she weren't faking the trans shit and had a decent personality I'd hit it.
No. 27484
>>27482FtM here, a binder is typically longer in length, tighter and made to flatten where a sports bra is made to support your breasts a bit.
When I impromptu-bound my chest before I got an actual binder I doubled up on sports bras, so essentially that's about the same amount of tightness on your chest. At least for me, anyway. It didn't bind as well as a legitimate binder though.
No. 27485
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>>27472Never was, anon.
>>27464> Mfw so many tomboys nowadays are speshul "trans" demiboy snowflakesJesus. Where are my qt butch lesbians at though. If she wasn't batshit insane I'd wife that in an instant. ;__;
No. 27486
>>27464body is good
face is ugly
No. 27487
>>27486This tbh. She looks like trailer trash.
For some reason girls with below average faces always have the best boobs.
No. 27488
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Since everyone is saying you're fake if you show your body, what do y'all think about FtM porn stars like Buck Angel who make a living off of their vaginas? Are they fake too?
No. 27489
>>27488I hope you're joking anon
they are obviously still male, had therapy, a few things done.
Most of these peeps from tumblr just cut their hair short but still act girly as fuck and never show any signs of transition. To me, being trans is having or 100 percent wanting or needing to have surgery.
Same with male to female porn stars who keep their dick. Some of those ladies are hot as fuck… they just happen to have dick. Dick girls. People like Buck are what I like to call Cunt boys.
No. 27490
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>>27489Yeah but there are still some really effeminate cis men who do similar things with their hair and makeup. Maybe they want to be like those guys?
No. 27493
>>27466cute tits in oversized sweaters please give them to me
why are all the good ones insane?
No. 27499
>>27489I can understand not wanting to have bottom surgery because it's extremely expensive and very risky, especially the FTM surgeries are still experimental. Building a vagina is much easier than building a penis, functional or not.
That being said, unless you make an effort to pass, you're not fucking trans. I hate these tumblr twerps who think cutting your hair and thickening your eyebrows = transitioning.
No. 27501
>>27488Buck obviously got top surgery, he's been on testosterone for years, has done the whole shebang besides getting a dick (which I can't blame him for, as a fellow FtM those bottom surgeries are just pointless right now. Inadequate and expensive for their less then satisfactory results.) hes obviously trans and lives day to day as a dude who just so happens to have a vagina. Just like trans chicks who keep their dicks.
These girls in these threads don't have dysphoria, don't want their titties chopped off, most don't even THINK about ruining their beautiful looks on T, the most they'll do is cut and dye their hair.
No. 27503
>>26505>mfw i had an ex friend that changed her REAL name for an unisex japanese "kawaii yaoi name">yes i broke up because she was a big cunt to me and most people, even with her mom, calling her a bitch often like a little angry teenAnon, it's really sad, so sad.We have to be glad we are sane people that aren't into this BS.
I feel worried to see more and more fake trans, it's really disrespectful for all the real trans people that struggle everyday to transition.
>>26872I bet she/he/whatever changed their birth name.
>>26928Is this bait?
No. 27506
>>275041. Cis gay men are often into guys with real dicks, I've seen a big influx of gay men who are FtM chasers on 4chan as of lately but they'd probably only go for a legit FtM, I'm positive.
2. There is an overabundance of bottoms in the gay community regardless, which kind of ties into number one, all of these trenders more often than not want to be the kawaii uke anime shota boy.
No. 27507
>>27506I'm a gay male who is very much a top, but FTMs just sort of befuddle me. Cis gay guys are much easier to approach and date.
I've seen FTMs in the past I was interested in getting to know, but uh, at the risk of sounding incredibly un-PC by current standards, almost all FTMs just strike me as basically women in mindset, which made me start to question how serious all of them are about gender identity. But that ties into your second point I guess re: them wanting to be anime shota boys. (Which is ironic because I have the pretty boy thing going on in my own right, but still.) I also noticed they tend to date amongst themselves as well.
No. 27511
>>27508See, in my experience, even the most obnoxious stereotype gays have a Y chromosome in the end and will act accordingly. FTMs just act like females without bothering to emulate male personalities at all and tend to be shocked when a gay male will try to treat them as one of the guys. I can't even imagine how they deal with straight cis guys.
I have noticed on tumblr FTMs complaining about cis gay guys more as of late and it's frustrating because it's almost certainly expecting them to (aheheh) bend over to what they want instead of confirming to more typical gay norms, much less cis male norms in a general sense. Like what's the point? You just have an aesthetic you're trying to pass off as an identity that can't be assaulted, lest you get the dreaded "transphobia" label.
Honestly, the way FTMs on tumblr are so obsessed not just with fashion, but their weird specific form of it – like, bow ties and dyed douchebag hair and wearing things no actual teenage or 20something male will ever wear just makes me wonder what the hell is going on.
No. 27512
>>27511It's basically
"I wanna be a boy but I'll make no attempt to even be a real man"
No. 27514
>>27513Am I the only one concerned about the whole bishounen obsession FTMs have? The only cis males I can see who MIGHT be able to do it IRL are very underage, not surprisingly. I'm sort of afraid FTMs might reinvent some of the nastier old gay stereotypes here, especially once they hit 30+ years of age.
We are all well aware of what "lesbian" MTF trannies try to do to get sex with cis women, I'm very leery of of a(n ironically) genderbent version of this happening.
No. 27519
>>27518I'm starting to think Neoclasicneko's only mistake was being up front about wishing she was a kawaii yaoi boi.
If she had insisted she wanted it because she was TRULY trans, she might have been able to survive on Tumblr.
I wonder where she is now.
No. 27521
>>27519Maybe trying to find her prostate with a bic pencil up her ass again.
I hated her gross fujoshit fetish yesterday, I hate her now too.
No. 27522
>>27506Different anon from
>>27507, but I'm also a cis gay top and I have a couple flirting relationships with two FTMs who've both done top surgery and been on T for a long time. They're just online friends so we can't do anything irl, but for the most part they're just as horny and cock-obsessed as any other cis gay bottom. I'd assume it's a side effect of T.
No. 27527
>>27526You know trans people exist out of tumblr right?
I don't believe the whole sick in the head bs people like to spread, because people say the same shit about being gay.
Is it chemical? Maybe, but I wouldn't consider it a mental illness.
No. 33016
>>28911What medication though? None exists that "cures" or even treats being trans, AFAIK. And hormone treatment is part of transitioning, ya know.
>>32935How about ignore the fakebois and sissies/autogynophiles and not the people who are "actually trans" (which I strongly believe is a legitimate, if quite rare and abnormal, medical condition)?
>>33015Straight girls generally like straight guys…
No. 33064
>>32921Lol no. If it was they would have figured it out by now.
Anon is just butthurt about trannies for some reason. If a woman wants a penis who cares? As long as they're not acting like obnoxious snowflakes, it shouldn't matter to anon what strangers do with their genitals.
No. 33067
>>33010I'm willing to bet she's going to take it for a few months and then stop when her voice deepens. That way she'll still be ~pretty~ but pass because of her voice.
That is, if she can find a therapist willing to write her a referral. I doubt they will considering she claims to only have dysphoria part time.
No. 33390
>>33010The shitty thing is I actually empathize with her description and I'm actually pissed af all these thin teen girls fuck up a chance at finding a spot for myself, Idk if it's hormonal or brain chemistry but I do feel dysphoria some days and not others.
I wonder if it's some weird trans guy limbo, but either way it fucking sucks
No. 33584
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Criedwolves just started T, how long before the weight gain makes them go anorexic again? Also " if i do happen to wear makeup or clothing that isn’t traditionally masculine, it’s not up to you to decide that it’s feminine. when i’m cosplaying a female character it’s still not me being “femme”! stop labeling me. i’m just trying to be myself and not hate who i am." Riiiiight m8
No. 33593
>>33390yeah, i feel a lot like that, too.
also i've got this masculine, aggressive sexuality, that doesn't match my delicate female body at all. even when i dream i am the one with the dick and it feels completely natural, then i wake up. have no idea what's going on vut i sure as hell don't start calling myself trans
No. 33613
>>33601In science class, my fat substitute pinched his skin and it was only skin. He went to the thinnest girl in the class and had her pinch her skin too.
This was to show how much fat girls have under their skin naturally, I don't doubt that on T you'd lose weight.
I doubt you'd gain much muscle unless it was worked for, these kids aren't gonna gain from rolling across their keyboards and taking selfies at museums.
No. 33690
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This isn't really new to me while this shit happened on Myspace when a bunch of V-kei fakebois changed their gender to "Male", while in 5 years time they reverted back to cis girly females. This is obviously going to happen once they lose their e-fame status or when tumblr isn't a big thing anymore.
No. 33796
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>>33584Just wait. In less than a year she's going to regret everything and have to live with the consequences for being such a dumbass.
I want this to happen to every fakeboi.
No. 33941
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>>33860You must have typed the wrong URL
Also lol @ pic related. It was posted to her page.
It's really fun watching two stupid people argue.
No. 35866
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idk why none of you are talking about this piece of shit if we're all about fakebois No. 36046
>>33941What the fuck? How are Drag Queens transphobic or whatever and
problematic? fucking tumblr get mad about the dumbest shit.
No. 36104
>>35866Is Gutterface even on Tumblr? I guess she(he now I guess?) was never brought up because OP asked for Tumblr SJW fakebois.
GF doesn't seem like an SJW from what I recall. She's just batshit in her own way.
No. 36107
>>36046I think people are still butthurt about RuPaul's use of the word
tranny, and how defensive he got when people let him know they were asspained over it. I'm usually supportive of trans people but I sided so hard with Ru on that one. Of all the issues trans people have to put up with, a drag queen saying tranny should not be one of them. Tumblr kiddies also don't understand that "tranny" also refers to drag queens, and was used by queens long before their precious trenderqueer identities were even a thing.
No. 36145
here's the archive if anyone's interested (nasty shit
trigger warning) think the shit that bothers me the most about this, is not the fact that she drew porn or shota or whatever, like, those are your tastes dude drawings are drawings, but the fact that she was weak willed enough to delete all her past and now pretend she never did it and covering her ass with
"It wasn't me at that moment i swear i didn't mean to draw porn" bullshit excuses.
she never really apologized for the scam that was the kickstarted, and never really took responsibility for any of her errors.
and all that for what? to keep her fans from hating her.
well, they give her the money to pay rent at her grandmother's house right now… since she refuses to get a work or even go to school regularly…
i just seriously dislike this girl, she used to be normal, now all she knows what to do is cry and whine and blame everyone for it
No. 36186
>>36104oh he is sjw material. i havent been following him now (only fb every once in a while) but last time i encountered him on tumblr was, he had made a post saying "im asexual but god damn do i love me some good fucking" basically, and i laughed at that, because hello thats not asexual? and he had at least 10 people message me telling me what a cunt i was being not accepting his ~a/sexuality~.
now he is begging for money again and running his crazy bone shop. but he begs for money about every month or so, which is strange because supposedly they are making a lot of money from the animals they kill.
No. 36206
>>36145The shota is gross, but her Motorcity and Gorillaz stuff is bretty gud.
>but the fact that she was weak willed enough to delete all her past and now pretend she never did it and covering her ass with "It wasn't me at that moment i swear i didn't mean to draw porn" bullshit excuses.That's really a no win situation though, she'd probably get demonized even more by SJW's if she kept all the pictures online and owned up to it. I don't think it's fair to attack someone for drawings they did of fictional characters when they were like 15. Now, the kickstarter scam thing otoh, she deserves complete flak and demonization for. Plus, apparently she was a cunt to people she worked with on the Mr. Truffles thing?
No. 36302
>>36198yeah no according to jojo i was in the wrong by laughing at it because asexuals can still have sex and enjoy it!!!
also if joji scams you out of money with his shitty dead animal shop (or even the older ones he's had throughout the years), and you ask for the money back or complain in public, you WILL be publicly shamed and you WILL get attacked by his army.
No. 36304
>>33941>drag queens being funny is transphobicWhat the fuck? How can you not love hilarious queens?
I would get really bored just watching men crossdressing if there wasn't some kind of entertainment involved.
No. 36625
>>36206She's a cunt to everyone and everything that makes her feel uneasy and doesn't pats her ass.
Seriously, she was supposed to make a Moomin fanzine like half a year ago, she received free art and even some money to make it happen, yet she hasn't done shit and keeps making excuses about her "uwu anxiety/depreshun"
No. 37632
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>>36190I hate to be THAT person, but I've been claiming to be asexual my whole life because even though I'm technically bisexual, I'm way too repulsed by my own body to reveal myself to anyone. I used to be lumpy and squishy but now I'm a gross, pasty sack of skin with bones popping out, covered in stretchmarks and ugly tanlines.
It's sad because I know I'm going to be a ronery virgin forever, but there's nothing else I can do.
No. 37669
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No. 184582
>>27488FtM myself, and I don't like him. His wife's essentially a chaser ("I wanted someone who identifies with he/him pronouns, but has a vagina") and he makes a living showing off what drives most transguys to kill themselves.
Some might say "he's an inspiration" for that, but the reality of the matter is that he still has a vagina, and seems to be very proud of that fact. NO thanks!
No. 184592
>>33941>some transwomen are drag queensdrag queen
a man who dresses up in women's clothes, typically for the purposes of entertainment.
i think the "transwomen" who are also drag queens are just AGP's or hons
No. 190699
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not sure if this person counts as a fakeboi or anything, but definitely in the trend of lesbians who want to be able to pull the tranny card as a defence without actually having to be a tranny.
She used to call herself "boy" "man" and "handsome" in her description box, but took it off after somebody sent them an ask saying something along the lines of "it makes me uncomfortable seeing men saying that they want to kill/injure women". When that happened she said it was apparently misgendering her. But whenever people call her handsome or man/boy as a positive thing she's fine with it.
Also typical radlibfem who hates all men no matter what because she thinks they all want her dead.
Kinda a shame because I think she's pretty attractive when she wants to be. No. 190702
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>>190699also this gem is really unrelated but shes worried about people raping a fictional robot which is pretty funny