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No. 1271136
Gabbie Hanna is a washed up youtuber and ex viner who attempted a music career that never really went anywhere. She has been in a lot of drama mostly involving other creators.
>lays claim to ADHD and several other mental issues like having an ED, literally blaims all of her actions on ADHD and other mental issues never taking responsibility>shit talks literally everyone she used to associate with and doesn't now, refers to all of them as being toxic/manipulative/abusive/narcissistic etc etc>is on bad terms with very many peopleSome past drama includes:
The RiceGum situation:
>RiceGum releases disstrack about Gabbie>Gabbie runs into Bryan (RiceGum) at party>snapchats herself asking if he wants to rap battle, he says no, she keeps bothering him and he is visibly uncomfortable and keeps saying no>she keeps bothering him>later on she posts on her story saying that he twisted her arm and hit her, took her phone and broke it; he denies it>he pays her 2000$ for her phone>no one really knows what happened but they were both really childish about itKenza Cosmetics situation:
>Gabbie advertises extremely cheap makeup brushes on her instagram story, saying they are professional grade brushes, but that they are free and you only have to pay for shipping>it turns out Kenza Cosmetics is a shady company, and the brushes are of very cheap quality>Gabbie receaves backlash over this>takes no responsiblity, as usual, telling people to "manage their expectations"Trisha drama:
>Gabbie "hears rumor" that Trisha has herpes>tells her friend Jason Nash who is dating Trisha that she has herpes>Trisha is upset by this, tells Gabbie to mind her own business>Gabbie goes on her instagram stories saying how she's such a good person and is good to everyone and everyone just hates her for some reason:(>Trisha and Gabbie make up (sort of) when Trisha goes on Gabbie's podcast, it was really awkward and mostly Gabbie trying to convince Trisha of things that she didn't remember>but it seemed like they were on good terms for a while so whatever>someone comments on Gabbie's tiktok saying "she's trying to be Trisha" or something, Gabbie responds by saying "I'm like Trisha if she was talented and happy">Trisha gets wind of this and doesn't take kindly to it, there feud starts againAlx James drama:
>Alx James, ex viner and Gabbie's ex friend, had been being hacked by someone>Gabbie calls Alx with her voice distorted pretending to be said hacker, says a bunch of fucked up shit like "you don't love yourself, tell me you don't love yourself">Alx is very freaked out understandably>Gabbie calls 10 minutes later admitting it's her>years later Gabbie refers to Alx as being "a terrible person" on her podcast>turns out that Alx actually is responsible for Gabbie's vine fame>Gabbie says she "reached out" to Alx to talk about her calling him a horrible person, says he didn't want to>shows a screenshot and it's literally someone going "this isn't Alx, you have the wrong number">Alx addresses this, saying she has his current number and that if she wanted to apologize she could do it publicly since she made the statement that he was a horrible person publiclyJessiSmiles situation:
>Jessi is raped while unconscious by her ex Curtis Lepore, also a viner>in 2013, Jessi prosecutes him and TMZ publishes an article about it>not sure exactly when Jessi and Gabbie's friendship started and ended, but we know that they were friends in 2014 and 2015, and Jessi even let Gabbie live with her for a while>at one point Gabbie hangs out with Curtis's friends and runs into Curtis, who admits he raped Jessi while she was asleep (this is according to Gabbie)>Jessi confronts her about this and, according to Jessi, Gabbie says "Jessi, Curtis's friends didn't rape you">Gabbie kept changing her story and saying it was actually a phone call, I'm not even sure what happened>a girl named Deanime on Twitter tweeted about how Gabbie sided with Curtis over her friend Jessi when she was raped>Gabbie messages this girl to defend herself, talks a bunch of shit about Jessi>Gabbie the Mental Health advocate acts like Jessi is "crazy" for taking medication>it's later revealed that the morning of the TMZ article being published, Gabbie tweeted a bunch of tweets like "ooo let me get my popcorn" >Deanime sided with Gabbie at first and then realized Gabbie was full of shit so she sent Jessi the messages between her and Gabbie, and Jessi makes a video about it>it turned out that in June 2020 Gabbie and Jessi recorded a 3 hour phonecall between them, Jessi suggests that Gabbie should just sue her and leave the fans out of it>Gabbie says no and that she wants to bring her fans into it>Jessi breaks down crying during phone call and Gabbie just casually talks over her, it's painful to watchOther drama:
>Gabbie is exposed for stealing jokes from everyone including other viners and professional comedians like Louis C.K., admitted they weren't her jokes but didn't own up to stealing them, saying she heard them, forgot she heard them and repeated them thinking they were hers>made a series of videos having mental breakdowns saying she had been shadowbanned on youtube, usually crying and shaking, people were concerned but it also may have been an act>was uploading bizarre tiktoks that had people concerned, then said she was just trolling>tried to spread a rumor that Jen Dent, another viner, had raped a child with ZERO EVIDENCE>no one believed this and pointed out that if she actually thought that she should go to the police>is making an ongoing "docuseries" about her past drama incidents, it has mostly backfired so farThis is a bare bones summary of her past, I probably forgot some things, I apologize if so. A lot of these things are very messy, I suggest looking into it yourself if you want to know more.
Links: No. 1271149
Shit, I forgot the Escape the Night kerfuffle
>Joey Graceffa is helping produce some kind of youtube show thing called Escape the Night>Gabbie is offered a role, signs contract to be in itaccording to Gabbie:
>they BEGGED her to be in this (lol)>they didn't have any healthy food options on set and it triggered her ED>everyone was mean to her on set>probably some other shit but I didn't watch her video about itaccording to Joey, his boyfriend Daniel Preda (with reciepts):
>is supposed to fill out paperwork at least 3 days before about what kind of food she wants on set; doesn't fill it out til the first day of filming>just says she wants "really healthy food" without giving specifics>Daniel goes above and beyond, making really healthy salads for her>she doesn't eat any of the salads, just eats the junk food on set>is supposed to attend 3 costume fittings>only attends 1>the tailor (who was 9 months pregnant) agreed to meet Gabbie at her music studio>she (the tailor) drives across town to meet Gabbie there, Gabbie stands her up>Gabbie complains when the costume doesn't fit>Gabbie is clashing with everyone on set, everyone is complaining about her>even tana mongeau is being more professional than her>girl comes into the room, tells Gabbie filming will begin in 5 minutes. comes back in a minute later and says sorry it's actually going to be 20 minutes>Gabbie laughs, says to the girl "you're such a stupid cunt", blows up at everyone and then leavessome links:
Repzion's video summarizing her drama (it's pretty comprehensive but doesn't cover everything because there's so much stuff) reacting parts of the phone call call between Gabbie and Jessi's video about the prank call of Gabbie pretending to be his hacker video of Alx's talking about his experiences with Gabbie Graceffa's video about Gabbie Preda's video about Gabbie No. 1271154
>>1271136Was working on a thread too, im gonna just paste what i had in here. was trying to get a bunch of links ready for stuff LOL
Gabbie Hanna is a 30 year old washed up vine star turned into washed up Youtuber turned to failed musical artist who originally started out with the David Dobrik Vlog Squad until she "willingly" stopped hanging out with them, moved onto Shane Dawson’s crew until she ditched him when he started getting cancelled, then moved on to starting drama every second she opens her mouth.
Basic rundown of old milk:
-Joined Vine in 2013. Stole Liza Koshey’s male character's schtick of wearing a baseball cap backwards and drawing on a fake mustache. Somehow got enough followers to actually gain the attention of the Vlog Squad, became a regular in their vines and had them in her vines often.
Majority of times she was in David’s videos, the punchline was that Gabbie was fat, ugly, and a whore.
Compilation here: ( )
Supposedly she was the one who set David and Liza up to date, but there’s also rumors that Gabbie was in love with David herself and her feelings for him were a driving factor in her leaving the group later on.
-Started telling people she was dating Bo Burnham. Got to the point that his wikipedia page was edited to say they were dating. Photoshopped a picture of her together with Bo until she was finally able to meet him, then spread that picture as proof on a fake Bo Burnham profile. Eventually TikTok user @abbeeburke brought it to light: ( )
Some sites then reported on it:
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-2014, the first incident with Jessi Smiles (Yes this drama is almost as old as her career!)
In Fall of 2014 Jessi filed a lawsuit against her ex boyfriend and rapist, Curtis Lepore. Curtis had raped Jessi on August 31st. Previously, Gabbie and Jessi were best friends & living together, but by this point they were no longer talking because Gabbie was blaming Jessi for holding her back and preventing her from getting big collabs (this was before she got in good with the VS).
Gabbie continued to hang out with Curtis, his friends, and even publicly defended him on Twitter.
Cutis would in February 2015 proceed to pleading no contest (AKA: admit to the rape) and sign a confession in order to get a plea deal for a smaller charge of MISDEMEANOR assault as long as he served 24 days of community service and a year of counseling.
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( This tweet in particular was 6 days AFTER Curtis was arrested: )
( Gabbie with Curtis, way after his guilty plea: )
Jessi learned about this, and even though they weren’t friends anymore was immensely hurt because she didn’t have anything against Gabbie and would never talk to an ex friends rapist. When confronted, Gabbie told Jessi that she can hang out with whoever she wants, and said "Curtis's friends didn't rape you”
-2015 Was caught stealing jokes.
A YouTuber named Doc made a video called “The Gabbie Show Review” that is now privated, but went through her jokes and pointed out she stole jokes from comedians such as Bo Burnham, Mitch Hedberg, John Mulaney, and Louis C.K.
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Gabbie commented on the video and said she is a huge fan of all three comedians, and said she isn’t a comedian she’s just “an internet person”. But denies stealing the Bo Burnham joke
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Months later Gabbie actually responded and surprisingly admitted to (one) of the jokes being stolen and apologized.
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By a shocking twist of events, Gabbie then filed a takedown on the video calling out her copying and it was never seen again.
Until an interview happened where Gabbie claimed Louis C.K. gave her the go ahead for copying his jokes.
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-Moved to fully to Youtube in 2016 following Vine shutting down
-In 2017 released a shitty poetry book called "Adultolescence" which was cringey at best and straight up plagiarism from other comedians such as Bo Burnham at worst. She also started her music "career" this year
-Stopped appearing in Vlog Squad content by late 2017. Repeatedly stated her and David were still friends & talked regularly, but she wouldn’t hang out around them when they were recording.
Turns out Gabbie was really just a snake overall (big surprise) and they just didn’t want her around anymore. While on the surface Gabbie told everyone that nothing happened and they drifted apart, the other members were quietly calling her shit out.
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For example, Gabbie being a shitty friend and mocking Erin getting cheated on and celebrating because people had sent Erin cupcakes.
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Here is the video mentioned in the above linked Reddit comment. These girls are from the VS that were “closer” with Gabbie. You can see their face change whenever Gabbie is on screen, and they also liked comments about how
something happened between them and Gabbie and that’s why she’s no longer around.
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Gabbie posted a video saying she isn’t in the vlog squad because she didn’t want to be on camera.
After Gabbie’s video, Eren tweets out a gif from Elf, of Will Ferrel saying “You sit on a throne of lies.”
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-March 2017, The Ricegum drama
Ricegum’s side of the story: At a party, a drunk Gabbie would enter a room with her phone out recording and see Ricegum. She would proceed to talk shit about him enough to piss him off and cause him to grab her phone and smash it on the ground.
Romeo Lacoste (yes, the now infamous pedophile that sued Keemstar) corroborated Ricegum’s story and claimed that Ricegum even sent Gabbie $2,000 to pay for the phone
Gabbie would be posting on Snapchat throughout the night, in it you can see Ricegum. She claims he hit her and that people were asking if he hit her and she told them yes, and that he broke her phone. She posts a picture of what honestly look like stretch marks. She also says “Even it was a lie about him hitting me and twisting my arm, he still damaged my property". She later confirms he offered to pay for the phone, but she can’t check because she doesn’t have venmo on her phone (despite sending her boyfriend money 2 days prior)
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(Venmo screenshot: )
Gabbie would post on Twitter tagging Ricegum the “scratches” from his assault on her. Claims the quality of the photos are bad because her camera broke.
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Ricegum goes on DramaAlert to say he did not hit Gabbie
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Gabie would eventually upload a video debunking Ricegum’s claims. In the comments she claims she filed a police report.
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Gabbie in an 2018 interview with adam22 would later say she never said he
punched her, he just wrestled her and slapped her.
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Later in 2019 Ricegum would repeat the same original story he told and Gabbie surprisingly gave no response
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-Late 2018, Kenza cosmetics
Gabbie promoted “free” (but really $10) brushes on her channel/Instagram and claimed they were high quality brushes. Of course this turned out to be a scam, the brushes were either not shipped, or arrived broken. For the few that did get them, they were clearly not high quality brushes and many people correctly assumed this was a scam.
Lots of people were calling her out, her fans were angry, and her socials blew up with people asking why she would promote such a scam.
Famously, Gabbie did not handle this well at all and told her fans to “Manage your expectations, a little bit.” She also blamed her management for not looking into the situation better.
-2018 “I am so proud of this community” meme is born from the disastrous 2018 YouTube rewind.
-2019 Trisha Paytas drama.
Trisha comes forward and says that in 2017 Gabbie went to Jason Nash and told Jason that Trisha has herpes. Trisha and Gabbie aren’t friends and don’t talk to each other, so Trisha is upset that Gabbie is speaking on someone else’s health.
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Gabbie would go onto Instagram and try to justify herself spreading the rumor. Gabbie asks her fans if she is in the right and tells them she’s wrongfully being painted as a villain. Gabbie tells her fans that she “is SO kind”
Texts would come out between Trisha and Gabbie and Trisha told Gabbie it wasn’t her place to tell anyone about her sexual health especially since it isn’t true, and Gabbie told Trisha that someone Trisha was close with was the one that told her she had herpes and to “be careful who you trust your secrets with”. Gabbie said she was just being a good friend to Jason and ended the conversation by saying “i really do feel for you and will always be an ear if you need someone…i dont hold grudges. Just kno you’re not alone, even when you feel u are”
Trisha would both be featured on Blood Queens & shortly after Gabi Demartino and Gabbie Hanna would work together to try and smear Trisha’s name (as if she needed help with that but w/e)
Gabi claimed that Trisha was blackmailing her into silence about Gabbie and not letting her talk about what Trisha said about Gabbie.
The drama was contrived and came out of nowhere so it’s widely believed Gabbie needed drama to promote her new podcast and jumped on the first thing she could. One of the first instances where Trisha had drama and majority of people were actually on her side.
Summarized here:
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-2019 Jessi Smiles (Round Two)
Gabbie sees a tweet from one of her and Jessi’s fans( ) stating that Gabbie chose Jessi’s rapist over Jessi. Gabbie then DMs the fan to “tell her side of the story”. The fan would forward the DMs to Jessi and Jessi would address everything in a 30 minute video.
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Important bits:
Gabbie claims she was never friends/collaborated with Cutis, and that there are no photos or videos because “it doesn’t exist, because it didn’t happen. That man is not my friend, has never been my friend. i think i tweeted him at one time before i ever met jessi”
Gabbie claims that when the allegations happened, she and Jessi weren’t friends and after they became friends she never talked to or collabed with Curtis.
Gabbie claims she and Jessi had a falling out and then Jessi and Jen Dent started a hate campaign against her.
Gabbie sent some DMs between her and Jessi to the fan and claims it shows how manipulative Jessi is but it was just a normal conversation.
Deanime (the fan Gabbie DMs) tells Gabbie that she vividly remembers the tweet about Gabbie collaborating with Curtis, and hundreds of others do too. Deanime posts a screenshot of the collaboration between Gabbie and Curtis. Gabbie says that a screenshot is fake. Deanime promises her that the screenshot was real and promises over her dead grandfather’s grave it was real. Gabbie tells her it isn’t real.
Gabbie turned Jen and Jessi against each other and caused them to stop talking to each other for 6 months. Eventually they realized what Gabbie did and they made up.
Gabbie on her podcast tells people to look up her Twitter history because someone told her “I swear there’s a tweet” (about her supporting Cutris) and Gabbie says “Please show me”
Youtuber Lily Marston would take Gabbie’s words to heart and looked through her Twitter, only to find that Gabbie of course lied about everything. (Previously linked thread: )
-November 2019 Alx makes a video about Gabbie
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-May 2020, Gabbie responds to Jessi’s video (& mentions Trisha Paytas, Alx James, & Beyonce)
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I don’t feel like writing highlights other than: Gabbie literally starts this video saying she hates cancel culture. At 2:19 Gabbie says: “I personally don’t feel that making videos about people you have a problem with is the example that we should be setting as the norm”
Also gabbie posts screenshots as proof she tried to reach out to Alx but the texts literally have the person responding saying “You have the wrong number” and “No this is not Alex”
-June 2020 Gabbie Hanna is so important that YouTube shadow banned her
Gabbie claims she has been shadow banned since April 2019 and has proof. She says she’s never been on the trending page, she isn’t getting enough views, she’s not crazy. Gabbie claims she has a whole team working on it and gathering data to prove that Youtube has done this. Gabbie says because her song was so good it should have trended on Youtube and it should have gotten way more views “even from hate”
At the time she made the video complaining about it, her music video had over 300k views. She was mad it didn’t go over 1m despite having “so much interaction” at 51k likes and 9k comments.
Gabbie had actually been on the trending page 4 times within 6 months. But she left that out.
Gabbie cries about being known as a rape apologist & someone who promoted scams and said she wanted to kill herself because she can’t escape these rumors and her music is being suppressed.
Never does talk about it again after saying she will be showing the proof. She quickly disappears online and doesn’t post anything.
-August 2020
Gabbie returns after the shadow ban claims.
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Gabbie claims her relationship with a certain friend group she joined in LA was
abusive without naming them directly. She claims the friend group wouldn’t let her make new friends and would warn other people about her when she reached out to them. That the friend group would make fun of her nose and her weight. She switches from saying “friend group” to single terms of “this person” and she claims this person was blackmailing her, abusing her, gaslighting her, bullying her, trapping her.
Gabbie claims she tried to stop the situation privately but was met with “more threats more blackmail” and calls this person
toxic. She switches back to “group of people” and says she stood up to them so that she didn’t have to go back to bed with knots in her stomach. She claims there were threats to her career and against her physically.
Gabbie claims she put all these receipts together and was explaining the situation in a video, but then watching it back decided to not to tell “her story” because she didn’t recognize the person in the video. She admits to being obsessed with this person.
She “deleted everything” and then stepped away from social media.
She claims “these people” (note it’s plural again!) joined her patreon under fake names, and joined her Discord. She says that they bullied a girl to almost suicide. They bullied a 10 year old kid in her Discord. Etc etc.
Gabbie says she started a lawsuit against these people. Immediately she decides to not do the lawsuit because “it would take too long :(“
Gabbie claims she wants to be “left the fuck alone” by “these people.” She says “if someone doesn't want you in their life move on anything more than that is harassment”
Gabbie then claims she and Payton (her boyfriend) went home one day and there was a man outside of her house with a laptop and his trunk looked like “fucking spy equipment” and then they went inside fast. They stepped back out and apparently the guy had left. This incident caused Gabbie to be scared for her life.
Gabbie rants about some fan faking suicide and faking an assault on a 13 year old girl
Later she says "I don't care when people make fun of my books or my music. Art is up for conversation. I love that people are having a conversation"
Towards the end of the video, Gabbie says this:
“my fucking album is coming out next month i've been working on that in the music video and it was actually written about trisha paytas for trisha paytas but i'll talk about that and explain that in another video and i know that there's already people eye rolling like wow she came back because she has music and her book coming out and i mean yeah like that's that's why i've always done this” basically admitting she only comes up and stirs the pot whenever she needs promotion
-2020 Gabbie releases her second shitty poetry book called "Dandelion"
-April 2021 Gabbie complains about Youtuber Rachel Oates saying her poetry sucks. Gabbie was the one who sent Rachel the book. Rachel asks to be left out of Gabbie's drama. Gabbie proceeds to rant about Rachel on Twitter for days, calls Rachel: "narcissistic abuser”, "a
toxic, manipulative, ugly person", “manipulative, narcissistic, b*tch.”
Summary thread here: ( )
-Feb 2021 Gabbie features Trisha on her show “Burnout”, the two seem to be over whatever drama they were still complaining about and tolerate each other (though this is short lived)
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Trisha would in March defend Gabbie when David’s treatment of her became viral due to his other allegation going on at the time.
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No. 1271157
>>1271154thank you, yours is actually so much better lol
>>1271153thanks, it's my first time making a thread on snow, I forgot some stuff like the rachel oates drama but I think
>>1271154 has us covered
No. 1271161
>>1271157no it was a great start!
im currently trying to summarize the whole part 2 fiasco with the tea channels but holy shit this is a doozy
No. 1271174
>>1271172oh gabbie is 100% the type to selfpost, seriously. that or she'll make a video about lolcow, calling us narcissistic
abusive bullies
No. 1271177
>>1271174ayrt, honestly this. she has a very specific typing pattern and lives online so it'd probably be easy for a "fan" or critic of hers to spot (vid related kek)
hate to sound like a whiny autist but her using ADHD as an excuse really fucking bothers me, I've been struggling with it my whole fucking life and being a spectrumite doesn't mean we're all cunts and it's a get out of accountability free card.
No. 1271178
>>1271136Alrighty, here we go
In April, Gabbie’s long term boyfriend disappears.Gabbie posts about how she could fuck everyone’s parents if she wanted to.
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-Gabbie once again claims Jen Dent sexually assaulted a child. There is no proof of this. Gabbie sent her fans after Jen over this & hacked Jen’s phone.
(×tamp=1621032886&tt_from=copy&u_code=d0m77mk6meef3i&user_id=6573738905467404293&utm_campaign=client_share&utm_medium=ios&utm_source=copy&_r=1 ) (why the fuck are tiktok links so long on desktop? Im not downloading your shitty app)
Gabbie announces she is making her own documentary about how much of a
victim she is. Titled “Confessions of a WashedUp YouTube HasBeen”
-Gabbie does an interview with Buzzfeed on June 4th, 2021 bringing up Jessi’s name.
-Jessi on June 7th, in response to the interview, released parts of a 3 hour phone call with Gabbie that they both consented to recording one year prior.
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It turns out this phone call happened on the same day as Gabbie’s famous high school bullies podcast rant
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In the call, Gabbie blames Jessi for everything and tells her that it’s her fault. In the video you see Gabbie retelling Jessi what Curtis told her, as Jessi is in tears and asks to take a break. (Very important!: In the video Gabbie tells Jessi that Curtis confronted HER about what happened with Jessi, but in Gabbie’s documentary she claims SHE asked Curtis about it.)
Gabbie responds to this by pretending to be insane on TikTok.
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She then makes a post claiming to be a totally epic troll who’s so good people don’t even realize she’s trolling.
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-In one of the promos for her documentary, Gabbie shows in the background a clip of Jessi crying over the part where Gabbie is talking about people who “put a target on her back”.
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This prompted Jessi to once again ask to be left out of the drama Gabbie starts.
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No. 1271179
>>1271136June 24th Gabbie starts uploading one video a day from her “docuseries”
Note each video except the one where she is “apologizing” is ~40 minutes. Her
Episode 1 is supposedly about Ricegum but most of it is her complaining about other shit. Gabbie announces she had a “clean and loving breakup” with Payton Saxton.
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I’m not watching it, don’t care. Ricegum and Gabbie both suck.
June 25th, Episode 2
Gabbie starts "dramagedon". Chapter 2: Tea Channels.
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The first half of the video is Gabbie talking about random shit and her talking about how her mental health affects what she does. She doesn’t mention the actual subject matter until 16 minutes in.
Gabbie claims that Kim Devins, the mother of Bianca Devins, is demanding apologies from Tea Channels that “exploited her daughters death.” (Also Gabbie puts the Tweet from Deanime & Jessi’s original thumbnail in the video for some reason? Lol I thought this was about tea channels Gabbie???)
(some recap for context:)
Originally in January 2020 Gabbie uploaded a video about becoming an egirl
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In it Gabbie posted screenshots from an article that mentioned a girl who was murdered. Gabbie and her editor both seemingly missed the part of the article that mentioned the brutal murder part, and so he video went up.
People were pissed. You can read the comments on the video. So, tea channels reported on it. It was a huge thing. They didn’t start it, they just report on an already ongoing drama. Gabbie makes it seem like they started this drama.(Notice Gabbie never edited the description, or annotations, or title…. Or anything…. Again, like her Erica video I will get to later.)
There’s a whole bunch of videos that reported on Gabbie keeping Bianca in her video, but thankfully Gabbie herself made a list of people who “reported” on it if you would like to see their videos. (Some of them didn’t, this is just people Gabbie listed at 30:22 in the chapter 2 video)
Angelika Oles
Justin Dailey
Viewer’s Voice
(Nick Snider)
Anna Oop
Spill Sesh
Tea Spill
Ready to Glare
Ashlye Kyle
Trisha Paytas
Eventually the mother had to step in, and said she doesn’t think anyone should be offended by Gabbie complimenting her shirt, and that Gabbie should be left alone. However it seems she had some misinformation, because she was told by gabbie that the tea channels were spreading images about Bianca’s death and using her name for clout.
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Tea Channels would stop uploading after this video came out. Angelika Oles in particular was actually thanked by Gabbie for her apology. So it’s weird Gabbie does a 180 and attacked her, screaming her name in chapter 2.
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(end of old milk recap)
Kim Devins is reached out to by Angelika and Ready to Glare. Kim Devins tells them that she did not know they stopped making content about Bianca. Kim goes and watches their videos, and says she is not offended by their content. Gabbie literally was making shit up. You can see this in Gabbie’s own tweets where she posts Kim’s texts to her, and Kim’s texts had screenshots of her messages to Angelika where she says she didn’t know they weren’t still posting about Bianca. Gabbie lied to Kim and said they were still doing this shit.
Angelika refuses to post their messages except for the one Kim gave permission for, which is where she says she didn’t feel like Angelika hurt her family.
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Ready to Glare makes an apology
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Commentary channels are taking Gabbie’s side in this situation, saying that Tea Channels took things too far / were unfair to Gabbie. It’s mostly the Keemstar leeches/Goonsquad like Nick The Oreo, Augie, and Turkey Tom.
!!!! BIG NOTE HERE !!!!:
Gabbie is a huge hypocrite. (We already knew it, but here’s more proof!)
In 2017 Gabbie Hanna uploaded a video telling the story about a girl who overdosed at high school. The girl’s name was Erica Million. Gabbie tells the story as if the girl was a druggie and had been a bad kid & lazy student.
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This video was originally monetized.
A week later, Gabbie uploaded a second video and apologized. In this video Gabbie admits that the family asked her to fix her mistakes in the video. The family said that the video is not accurate to the daughter, and that it painted her as a bad person when the daughter was anything but.
Gabbie doesn’t edit anything about the last video. She doesn’t take it down. No description changes. No annotations added. She doesn’t even leave a link either in the description or a comment to the apology to clear things up. She leaves the video up as it was. This was only a week after the original upload.
Some people even claim the family asked her to remove the video, but I can’t find proof of that.
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No. 1271181
>>1271136-June 26th Gabbie makes her shortest video yet, addressing “the people’s she’s hurt” but it only addresses her past racism and not anything else she has done. Supposedly her “biggest regret” was some
problematic content she made before making fun of black people.
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Deleted vine about the baby daddies:
( )
-(These next two are listed together because Trisha responded before the other two did)
June 27th, Gabbie posts her Documentary part about Escape the Night. ( )
June 28th, Gabbie’s video part in her documentary about Trisha comes out. ( )
Mentions on her TikTok that it’s all Trisha’s fault that Joey and Daniel are against her.
( )
Gabbie claims:
triggered her ED because they didn’t accommodate her food choices.
Her back broke out because of fake jewelry
The costumes they made for her never fit her
Joey and Daniel both make response videos, Gabbie is just making shit up. Some actors come out and support their statements on Twitter/Youtube comments.
(Joey’s video: )
(Daniel’s video: )
( )
Basically: Gabbie is 100% full of shit or was the reason that things like her costumes not fitting (she literally went to one out of 3 costume fittings) went south.
Trisha rants for days about Gabbie and how Gabbie lied about her sexual health, stalked her, and pretended they were friends. It’s a whole mess that’s all still up on Trisha’s twitter, I recommend reading through it if you like watching train wrecks hit other train wrecks.
Some highlights:
( )
( )
No. 1271182
>>1271136-July 1st, Gabbie uploads a video finally addressing the Jessi call.
It does not go well.
Disables likes/dislikes
Does not apologize at all
Calls Jessi her abuser
Posts screenshots of their Dms, claiming Jessi was threatening her but if you pause and read them it’s Jessi telling her what she plans to do calmly
Claims that Jessi recorded the call with video instead of just audio so that she could make herself look “better”
Gabbie claims Curtis recorded her phone calls with him and that he cut up the audio and blackmailed her with fake audio where it was spliced to have Gabbie say she believed him
Tries to deflect onto one of Jessi's friends (Alx James) that had originally he tried to be impartial to the rape allegations (despite him apologizing to Jessi and her accepting it, unlike Gabbie)
Gabbie links to an upload of the full call audio. It’s basically an extended version of the one that Jessi posted before, but this time 10 times the gaslighting and way longer. If you’ve been SA’s it can be hard to sit through. (Also Gabbie left it all intact and even added in Jessi’s video clips from Twitter, but she cut out her own "past trauma", because she doesn't want her own trauma out but is fine blasting Jessi's everywhere)
( )
July 2nd, Sarah McGonagall calls out Gabbie Hanna and how she’s claimed 3 different people are the cause of her getting dropped on her record deal.
( )
As of tonight, Jessi Smiles, Alx James, and Nick DeOrio are all planning to make videos about Gabbie and will release them in the near future. (Nick is simping for Gabbie though so don’t expect that one to add anything of value)
No. 1271185
>>1271177>hate to sound like a whiny autist but her using ADHD as an excuse really fucking bothers me, I've been struggling with it my whole fucking life and being a spectrumite doesn't mean we're all cunts and it's a get out of accountability free card.she blamed all of her behavior on the set of 'escape the night' on her adhd, and joey graceffa (or maybe it was his boyfriend, I don't remember) brought up that almost everyone who starred in it also had adhd and none of them acted like she did
>>1271178>>1271179>>1271182>>1271183thank you!
No. 1271190
>>1271185sorry to samefag, but yes it was Joey. his boyfriend/ex boyfriend went more into the food/eating disorder and professionalism side. anon supplied link here for anyone who needs it under "Daniel" and Joey's is the one where he says the cast were also on the spectrum but never used it as an excuse (dropping link for ease of access)
super interesting, and kind of spot on. sorry to blogpost but I've worked on sets and she's literally broken every golden rule. like someone said in Dan's video comments, "she's blacklisting herself from the industry"
No. 1271254
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>>1271154Sage for tangential(?) comments.
Re: Rachel Oates
Jimmy Snow, Youtube atheist/drama channel is for some reason siding with Gabbie Hanna despite being "good friends" with Rachel. He asked Rachel to delete her review despite it already being posted. He never read GH's book nor watched Rachel's video but decided that Rachel's video shouldn't exist.
He recently posted a YT on the situation, said he didn't know anything about GH's rape apologism or other drama, said he wouldn't do any research, and believed in GH. Noted "atheist/skeptic" here.
He also deleted all critical comments, turned off like/dislike ratios, and has been banning people from his subreddit for mentioning it. He also turned off the list of subreddit mods, I guess so no one can see that he is one.
It's just bizarre because I don't know how he and Gabbie even became close enough for her to complain about Rachel's vid. Maybe he sided with the person with the most subscribers.
No. 1271266
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Kinda nitpick but I didn't realise she had jumped on the sausage lips wagon
Girl, pumping your mouth up doesn't make that honker look any less unfortunate
No. 1271287
>>1271266Holy shit…her nose is literally a third of her face.
Always fucking hated her. I feel so vindicated right now.
No. 1271304
>>1271266Gabbie's so unbearably ugly and yet has an ego like she's a supermodel, kek. I'm still not over her cringe tweet in the op.
Thanks anon(s) for this thread; it's an excellent summary and she definitely is a huge cow.
No. 1271385
>>1271368doubt it, if she was on drugs we'd know about it because she lacks personal boundaries and treats youtube like free therapy.
her "crazy behaviour" is all just an attention grab, it's so fake and cringey especially given her age.
No. 1271404
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>>1271266you've inspired me, anon
No. 1271416
>>1271304This might be kinda nitpick-y but her pick-me behavior is insane, she's weirdly obsessed with trying to prove to the world she's "fuckable". In her phone call with Jessi she kept bringing up how Jessi's boyfriend apparently wanted to fuck her but that they never actually did but that she COULD'VE if she wanted to because he asked her sooo many times
>"And then I said to him, ‘maybe we should just hook up.’ And he said, ‘yeah, we definitely should. How about tonight?’ And I was like, ‘haha, no.’ And then he hit me up two more times to have sex.">"If I wanted to fuck him in the three times that he texted me and wanted to have sex with me, I would have had sex with him">"I didn't try to have sex with him. I said it just to know that I could">"He was talking to me, talking shit about you and he asked me to have sex three times. And it felt good knowing after what you did that I could do that back because you did that to me"Plus the whole situation that happened with Dominic DeAngelis where she said he dehumanized her after he said that he'd pass her in a game of smash or pass - nothing against her physical appearance, just that "he'd pass" and she went ballistic over it. She just reeks of insecurity, I don't understand how anyone could be around her without getting exhausted.
No. 1271429
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Nitpick; but I just thought it was funny that it took 3 days before our self-aware queen realized her nipple was exposed on her Instagram post promoting her (No-nudity!!!) OF
No. 1271499
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>>1271486nah, nick is now anti-jessi, pure trash and doesnt even know the timeline No. 1271547
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>>1271499Leave it to a scrote to say that gh humanizing a rapist isnt rape apologist behavior
No. 1271562
thank you
nonny for this thread! she deff deserves one.
watching this vid now
>>1271534 and i'm so sad that jessi even had to do this while she's pregnant.
gabbie is a monster and i'm surprised that she even still has supporters during this.
No. 1271585
>>1271547Scarce got fat af
>>1271534Gabbi is either a malicious bitch or a delusional bitch. The fact that she says all these straight up lies on people is astounding. She likes to say the rest of the world gaslights her but goddamn bitch looks like she's got a fucking degree in gas lighting
No. 1271625
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No. 1271652
>>1271534Watched this whole video and I almost cried at some parts near the end. Holy shit.
The fact that Gabbie calls Jessi her "abuser" over and over again… And then says she wanted to hear Curtis's side of the story because "he's a human being". Also not sure why Gabbie would leave that statement up in a video on her own channel, it's so incriminating. I can't with this fucking bitch, i really can't.
And the sheer AMOUNT of times Gabbie contradicts herself. I was gonna list them out but I can't because there's too many times. She claims that Jessi started a "hate campaign" against her, and that she wants to leave it all behind her but Jessi keeps bringing it up (which is the opposite of reality but whatever). Then in the phone call with Jessi, Jessi says "just sue me and leave our fans out of it" and Gabbie says she would rather keep the fans involved. Like????? Can this bitch hear herself?
No. 1271691
>>1271684SSSniperwolf claimed that her mom is Turkish and her dad is Greek, but then said she spoke Arabic, which wouldn't really make sense if you think about it. Then someone pointed out that her Arabic was spoken in the Iraqi dialect and someone claiming to be her cousin said she was Iraqi. Bu at any rate I don't think she's Lebanese.
And we also have Mia Khalifa who is a bit of cow in her own right
No. 1271733
>>1271720I watched her back when she was posting those videos about the ex who she claimed was a pathological liar and someone commented his name. I'm not gonna say it but it's pretty easy to find, it's on gurugossip. obviously not 100% sure it's him but multiple sources claimed it was him. she did date andrew though.
with the roommate though Idk, she said the roommate was in her new beginnings video and you do briefly see a girl for a few seconds but she doesn't look like jessi. I guess it could be another one of her friends though
No. 1271782
>>1271750Doxxing is when you publish someone’s address and personal information not found online.
Public information and/or a name is not doxxing. Go back to gurugossiper
No. 1271803
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>>1271178>Gabbie does an interview with BuzzedThis reminds me of some of her crazy messages to that Jen woman
>"I’m sorry that your dreams turned up dry, but mine are rapidly coming true before my eyes. I have no doubt that if that’s the path I choose that I’ll succeed. People laughed when I said I’d be a writer for BuzzFeed too"Like writing for BuzzFeed is a crazy accomplishment
>>1271156I heard that the director for this video also complained about her behavior
>>1271368I assume that most LA influencers in their circle dabble in drugs and prescriptions. It's easily accessible and goes hand-in-hand with the party culture. And with the way she whines about her ADHD, I'm sure she has an adderall script
This girl is textbook unlikable: unfunny, untalented, unhappy, and ugly with an inflated ego. She also has that pick-me, jealous energy most girls run away from
No. 1271834
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>>1271750ah ok. Thought he'd be more interesting. Just seems like a closeted gay Mormon.
No. 1271846
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"Curtis is a human being"
No. 1271917
>>1271846Uncanny kek
So Gabbie’s fans always say that Jessi is a “proven” pathological liar as if it is an undeniable truth. Is that based on anything besides delusion? I know all storytime YouTubers are inherently liars (see: Tana Mongeau) but Jessi seems relatively genuine.
No. 1271938
>>1271154I have to clear up the timeline for this fat neckbeard Nick because he's going to be spreading misinformation and use it as a defense for Gabbie.
In 2013, Curtis raped Jessi.
In 2014:
Curtis was convicted. He plead guilty. Later on his legal team learned about "no contest" and they plead to that for his plea deal.
No contest is him admitting to the rape, but saying "I'm not guitly" at the same time because our legal system is FUCKED.
-He agrees Jessi was unconscious
-He admits to putting his penis inside of her.
That's rape. End of story. Don't care about the technicalities or your fucking clones saying "legally Jessi wasn't raped." It doesn't matter what he got convicted of. He admitted to raping her. Fuck off scrotes.
Gabbie was posting on twitter defending Curtis. That's the previously linked compilations. These compilations are important because Gabbie claims she NEVER defended Curtis. She "NEVER TOOK HIS SIDE". But this is proof she did take his side. She did defend him. This is why the tweets are important.
( )
( )
( This tweet in particular was 6 days AFTER Curtis was arrested: <- Not after he was arrested, this was 24 days AFTER THE RAPE. )
In August of 2014, Gabbie apologizes to Jessi about her tweets. Jessi says Gabbie didn't really know her that well so she accepts the apology. The two become roommates and best friends.
2015: Gabbie and Jessi grow apart. They move out separately. It wasn't an explosive ending, they just didn't really get along anymore and stopped hanging out.
But then Gabbie starts to hang out with Curtis. She has dinners with him. She hangs out with his friends and he "happens to be there". There's the previously linked picture of them together, the blacked out face is Curtis' then at the time girlfriend who didn't want to be associated with him anymore after learning what happened. Gabbie talks with Curtis and either asks for his side of the story, or he offers it to her, who fucking knows. She changes her story every time she tells it.
( )
Gabbie looks EVEN WORSE with this corrected timeline. She went out of her way to try and discredit Jessi after they stopped being friends because she's a vindictive bitch.
No. 1272183
>>1271978Great. Another scrote dismissing sa
victims. Gabbie's incels are coming out full force to suck her cock online and attack jessi. Already seeing them say that women like jessi shouldn't even be online while pregnant because they're so "illogical and emotional" it causes troubles
No. 1272197
>>1272183At this point she's skimming the bottom of the barrel in terms of supporters. Most of them are young girls and a handful of scrotes who will cape for anyone who denies sexual assault.
On the bright side, Gabbie is probably blacklisted from a lot of projects, events, collaborations, production companies, etc. She's burned too many bridges with actual influential people (like producers from YouTube) and any album she puts out will flop hard.
Her career was already burning out, she just sped up the process
No. 1272204
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>>1271404>>1271846Love it, my nonitas.
No. 1272343
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Not this scrote trying to defend himself
No. 1272345
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No. 1272434
>>1272345>Sexual assault, abuse and/or harassment should not be tolerated.>Fortunately we live in a time where we can have positive conversations about our human rights to choose what to do with our, maybe he just worded this weirdly but it sounds like he is saying that people have the right to be in
abusive or messed up situations.
>He thought Jessi had her eyes closed but was not asleep.>He thought it was okay because they had a conversation a week prior about waking up to sex.Not clear whether Jessi was awake or not from his perspective.
>He says he was confused and mortified when he realized that Jessi was asleep throughout the whole ordeal.>He says he learned that night that consent must be explicit, regardless of previous conversations or relationship status.BUT
>The only reason he admits that what he did was wrong was to give Jessi closure.>He wanted to fight the charges against him, but none of his friends wanted to stand up for him.So, he doesn't think he did anything wrong to Jessi.
No. 1272453
>>1272434The dude is a fucking sex pest, if you look through his Facebook uploads it's literally the same like 10 videos reuploaded again and again over the course of years and 8 of 10 of them are thumbnails of women's ass or tits
Of course he wouldn't know consent even after rapping someone and getting in legal trouble, even after admitting that the girl he stuck his dick in was asleep.
No. 1272910
>>1272345>>1272434Also how the hell do you just stick your dick in someone who is lying on a bed, silent and unresponsive? Even IF she was """reciprocating advancements""" during the car ride to the apartment and he really thought he was about to get laid. Who the fuck does this?
Like he would presumably have had to remove her pants and underwear/etc. and he didn't think it was weird that she wasn't reacting? Whoever defends this scrote should be shot.
No. 1272947
>>12729311. they are scrotes or misogynists.
2. They, like a certain sKePtIc posted earlier in this thread, refuse to even look at what she has done wrong.
3. Both.
No. 1273034
>>1272964in season 2 or season 4?
for season 4 i know tana was killed off in the same episode but thats because she had to go work on something else
they killed gabbie off the same time as tana because everyone was sick of her shit
No. 1273111
>>1272931>>1272947the problems they defend her on are always against other women too.
jessi? she's gotta be lying. no way gabbie harassed her for years. just manipulative, obviously. even going as far as to say curtis never raped her. actual human scum
tea channels (where 99% are women and then there's like 2 men)? all
problematic. should be cancelled. wowie they need to be held accountable and not gabbie! she did nothing wrong!
trisha paytas is a freebie. they're both train wrecks who cause drama all the time.
but watch them not ever talk about her escape the night shit, her harassing alx, her enabling shane & only distancing from him after he got cancelled, her attacking her minor fans in discord threatening to sue them, the mental health professionals who have come out and called her out ( ), or even her fight against ricegum (which would be the easiest fucking thing to defend her on).
calling it now.
No. 1273492
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who made this sockpuppet account? lmfao
this person is deranged and has it out for RTG specifically it seems like No. 1273518
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>>1273492Wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the vendetta-chan in the RTG thread.
I will never understand people who are all “tea channels are the enemy!!!” and then unironically support/agree with/stand behind Keem. Deplatform all of the tea channels for all I care, just don’t be a hypocrite about it and take the Keems and Augies and DeOrios with them.
No. 1273638
>>1273520No one gives a fuck what gross shit your dad has to say about her though, not as a cool as you think.
>>1272931The few I've seen are fucking insane themselves so, not the best of the best
No. 1273685
>>1273668In fact, I think everyone should show their parents this image and post their reaction.
>inb4 waaaah no!!! Ur shitting up the thread!! This isn’t fucking tiktok!!!!!!It’s so bizarre she posted that caption, I can’t fathom it. It sounds like a rape threat.
No. 1273913
>>1273414if angelika was set up by kim devins and gabbie, then why did kim devins publicly say that RTG's apology was unnecessary after gabbie explicitly said that the family wanted a public apology from RTG? it would seem really weird to 'set up' angelika but not RTG..
also, gabbie said that the channel tea spill made a video about her using bianca's picture in her video…. which they never did. I have so many questions about this situation, but either way gabbie is 100% lying about some (or all) of it, as per usual
No. 1274083
>>1274063Wannabe keemstar who thinks he's better than "tea channels" because he uses "evidence" while they use "receipts" lmfao
Anyone defending Gabbie by tearing down Jessi is a waste of air. Literally pick any different angle.
Nick just wants to be contrarian and has an ego bigger than his fat ass. He's mad that Jen Dent called him an alt righter, he's always kissing Keems ass and Keem is anti Jessi, and his sworn enemy Def Noodles is pro Jessi. He doesn't have a problem with Jessi directly but he'll still try to tear her down just because he thinks he can.
He was supposed to make a Gabbie video about how unfair she's been treated but it keeps getting delayed
No. 1274204
>>1274179Hopefully because he did more research and learned his Jessi hate won't get him anywhere in an actual defense for Gabbie
Even Keemstar in 2018 backed down against Jessi after seeing the proof from Jen, and Jen even offered to get the court transcripts if he wanted her to.
No. 1274207
>>1274204Sage for samefag but here's Jen's original video in 2018
Curtis straight up admitted to rape in the police monitored phone call btw
That's why he took a plea deal. Because he knew there was no way out unscathed. :)
No. 1274750
>>1274083I don't understand how this piggy tard can publicly try to discredit
victims of predators and rapists over and over again without stopping for a second to re-evaluate his choices. Like doesn't he have a mom who could tell him he's acting like someone women aren't safe around? Sometimes I wonder if he's got his own rapey skeletons in his closet because lbr what woman would go near him in a consensual situation
No. 1274760
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gabbie posted this on her OF (1/2)
No. 1274766
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>>1274760lmfao, so she has no real response to being called out for everything she lied about? cool. business as usual.
>>1274750im pretty sure he lives with his mommy anon (picrel), but he doesnt need to respect women he makes money online from other incels eating up his bs
No. 1275115
Quick reminder that though everything she writes sounds like a 14 yr old on tumblr trying to sound edgy, gabbie hanna is literally 30 years old
No. 1278714
>>1278634Gabbie put focus on her outfit and then moved past it, it was a small section of the video, while drama channels used her photo, name and incident front and center.
This is another case of a cow attracting alogs to her
No. 1280221
>>1271266she's the reason i decided not to get a filler nosejob
i'd rather have a weird looking nose than that
No. 1280514
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>>1280508Description in video 1/5
No. 1280515
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No. 1280519
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No. 1280520
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No. 1280523
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No. 1280529
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>>1280508I genuinely don’t mind her music including the chorus of this song but she looks and sounds unhinged. Girl should focus on music production and keep her ugly nose and mediocre voice out of it.
No. 1280545
>>1280508honestly when she first announced this series on herself i think we all 100% knew it was a fucking count down for another shitty album
gabbie is literally destroying all relationships she has had and will end up alone and still unhappy even if therapy ever does help her
No. 1280638
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Gabbie posts a video in a bubble bath titled “Sorry I’m Late”
This album from 2014, oddly similar
Coincidence? Or stealing from someone with a history of stealing?
Sage since I’m not sure this is all that milky, but had to point out
No. 1280736
>>1280523i can’t believe she thinks she just has ADHD. she’s like the BPD queen of youtube right now. i’ve never seen anyone with ADHD scream into the camera for three straight seconds and then smile.
or she’s just constantly high on adderall.
No. 1281289
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I just want to know how this woman hasn’t been institutionalized at this point. Every single thing she posts just screams that she needs extreme help, especially her obsession with a rape victim. I doubt she’ll stay offline. She’s the type to be terminally online.
No. 1281780
>>1281289She's not actually in any danger, she is just a narc who got confronted and put in their place. Narcs CANNOT handle not being in their #right", so she has completely lost her social mask and is spazzing out onision style instead. They do this to claim some sort of control over the situation, if I cant be right then haha Im actually just crazy you guys haha you have nothing on me!
Narcs are nothing if not predictable
No. 1282660
>>1282571im glad she at least censored the saggy granny boobs she has now after losing so much weight
imo she went too far with the weight loss
No. 1284111
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No. 1284113
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No. 1284114
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No. 1284438
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This stupid moron using her paypigs to vent about her suicidal ideation as if she can't afford a therapist to sperg at.
(Assuming this is legit and she's not just wanting attention yet again)
No. 1284442
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Doesn’t seem like anyone has posted this - Gabbie and her ugly bald bf broke up a few days ago. Probably why she’s suicide baiting. link is a short vid of her talking about it - not her channel just some random Youtube short that popped up.
It sucks that she can’t shut the fuck up. I really like some of her music and her art/lyrics aren’t bad but she’s so clearly insufferable, narcissistic &
abusive No. 1284443
>>1284442Same anon, she claims it was a clean break and they’re still friends. She said she same about the ex she wrote an album about. Why do I have a feeling these dudes just play it cool with her so that she doesn’t go completely psycho
victim and expose them as ~
toxic narcissistic abusers~
No. 1284473
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nice suicide bait, your hpd is really showing gabs.
No. 1284498
>>1284473She looks like a lesbian store manager, also check out the stumpy legs on tiptoes in the reflection
Wellness checks are no joke since some people are forced into mental homes against their will. But she got the attention she ordered so it's all good.
No. 1284508
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>>1284477Definitely taking more inspo from Trish…
No. 1284600
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>>1284473Ugly witch-looking ass…
No. 1284648
>>1284473>Answered the door only in my underwear>and a t-shirt>"underwear" is clearly shorts that she's hiked up for the photoNot to PL, but here I am typing this in only my underwear and pants and a shirt and a sweater and socks and slippers. Bitch you answered the door in your pajamas, why are you acting like this is deranged behavior in a Covid world?
I know the prevailing belief is Gabbie "acts crazy for views" but I'm genuinely curious how she got her tweet and her photo to line up in her mind. She's not in her underwear. She's not covered in paint. Probably not actually stoned, anyway isn't she in Cali where weed is legal and doesn't give you edgy cool girl points anymore?
No. 1284802
Not sure if you guys heard about this, but apparently gabbie has some sort of voyeur fetish. She made several tweets alledging to that. It's on her KF thread
No. 1284806
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Keemstar continues to be a retarded simp over gabbie.
No. 1284857
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>>1284802>>1284850That was the one of the biggest reasons why I think she has histrionic personality disorder.
No. 1284952
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I know this is a thread for Gabbi, but god, Angelika is such a mini-cow in her own way… complains about doing youtube while she buys a Tesla and hops on any opportunity to repeat the lamest drama about gabbi hanna
No. 1285028
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This stupid cunt. You're professional clown, your art is worth less than a teenagers warbling.
No. 1285108
File: 1627355446496.png (Spoiler Image,819.06 KB, 966x1524, c4.png)

>>1284473>>1284477>>1284804shes has cried ED like every other cow, but she never looked spoopy. and now she keeps posting pictures of her abdomen which is pretty flat. but in that underwear pic you can see her butt is huge and shes faking the tight gap. but you see this vid
>>1280508 and its obvious shes normal and thin.
im confused cause she has a huge ass but she fakes gaps and tries to seem as skinny as possible. when scotes would be giving her 10000 times more attention if she milked that instead of hiding it like in that bathroom pic. but well shes retarded and cant market herself for shit.
No. 1285146
>>1285028imagine being such a
victim that people paying you decent human kindness and ordering a wellness check on you is still an attack and a troll.
No. 1286266
>>1271368people who don't actually have adhd but take adderall usually get fucking weird. it can cause hallucinations, rapid weight loss, and very weird, aggressive behavior, just like a meth addiction, cuz it kinda is
when people with adhd take adderall, it calms them down. makes it easier to process emotions. I think your theory is correct
No. 1286269
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If this is real; she’s gross
No. 1286278
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No. 1286279
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No. 1286289
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Sorry for the spam; I just never saw any of this brought up before. I believe the one racist tweet could be photoshopped; the rest seem to be real however
No. 1286290
>>1284952I have always hated drama/"commentary" channels. It's already bad enough that youtubers can make a living making vapid content, but it's even worse that drama channels can also make a living leeching off of other youtubers vapid content all while acting like it makes them somehow morally superior.
>>1286279>>1286278>>1286269I hate Gabbie but dear GOD please let these be fake
No. 1286294
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>>1286290The pedophilia ones have all been confirmed real; looks like an incident that was brushed over with a halfassed apology. Yikes
No. 1286466
>>1286444If anyone wants a recap so they don’t have to give her a view
-first few minutes is her quirky adhd rambling and leads to her talking about bashing on people’s appearances
-around the six minute mark it leads to her talking about Alx James faking a car wreck as an excuse to get a nose job. Despite that he
allegedly repeatedly told her to get Lipo and a nose job.
-somehow she uses this as her excuse of why she did nothing wrong because Alx has done worse, proceeds to talk about Alx supporting Curtis in the past etc.
-then moves onto the same shit she’s been spewing about her being Jessi’s
victim. Says that she only knew Jessi for a few months and that Jessi decided to create this “false” narrative of Gabbie.
-claims Jessi’s brother told Gabbie he wouldn’t allow her to move in because Jessi has a pattern of creating problems with her friends; thus said friends “disappearing “ shortly after (Gabbie provides no proof this happened but says she doesn’t care anyway)
-reaches for any example possible that Jessi is a projector of everything she claims Gabbie is.
Nothing really new, just her dancing around her support of Curtis yet again. Claiming Jessi reached out to her amidst their drama asking for a job as her editor? (She flashed a screenshot but I’ve been at work and didn’t have time to go back and read it) Jessi is a social climber; Jessi had no friends and Gabbie the generous was her ONLY friend and supporter. If I missed anything let me know; honestly I watched it twice and almost fell asleep each time.
No. 1286484
>>1286466>>1286472thank you anon, lord knows I don't wanna give this cretin another view. I can't fucking believe she has audacity to accuse jessi of "not caring" that she's "suicidal" when jessi was the one who was assaulted and had the internet attacking her for it.
I knew she'd take her phone call video down. and I just KNEW she was gonna bring up bianca AGAIN and somehow tie it into jessi. gabbie, we get it, you didn't know bianca was a murder
victim, the article was about e-girls and had one small paragraph about bianca and you weren't reading the article just looking at the pictures. everyone had completely forgotten about the whole thing for A YEAR AND A HALF and yet you WILL NOT stop bringing it up. girl, WE GET IT. stop milking a murder
victim for clout PLEASE. you're already a rape apologist, you're just making yourself look even worse at this point.
and she still never addressed the fact that she's a massive fucking hypocrite as she made a storytime video about her classmate overdosing, insulted her, made a ton of money off it & left the video up.
No. 1286502
>>1285146yeah, wellness checks are a gift if the cops are understanding and actually try to give you help/advocacy, and if not then it usually leads to a hospital evaluation where you’ll be released that day with resources to follow up with. she’s in fucking la, there are so many resources there that you can’t access anywhere else in the country, and she can definitely afford it. it would be pretty cool to see any of these people make a series out of trying different mental health resources, but she’s not capable of the reflection.
high key shitty she’s saying someone is worth of being “hauled away” based on their outfit, especially when that outfit it just a t shirt and what could be seen as shorts because it’s literally the summer during a heat wave. and also playing up the stereotype of cRaZy ArTiSt that if she has paint on her she is mad, problem is if you have legitimate mental illness it makes it kind of difficult to work and even manage the medication. her shirt promotes wellness checks essentially.
also fucking hating how she’s giving jessie smiles so much retraumatization while doing all of this, who is pregnant and has also experienced a couple miscarriages.
No. 1286604
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No. 1286606
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No. 1286647
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Alx James responded on Twitter. Idk why Gabbie even brings him up he's the least relevant one in this whole group of has beens.
No. 1286712
What makes Gabbie drama so boring is the only people who even go near her anymore are fellow narcs like this guy
>>1286647who it's impossible to root for. I have no idea who this guy is but the sheer scrotery of saying
>what's wrong with you?>I didn't hurt you>you're crazy>you did this to yourself>obvious threat>not threatening you uwu just a random song lyric!It's all the DARVO steps in a single tweet. I can't believe any of these people get money and fame from their personalities lol, or do they just survive on constant beefs with each other like a narc dogfight ring?
No. 1286949
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Samefag her tweet with the video link
No. 1287068
>>1286946No comments and likes disabled again
Loves to dish it but cant fucking take it
>>1286957I think gabbie just hates that jessi is pregnant, has a family at this point and wants to ruin it. She has nobody genuinely her side other than retarded kids on twitter and patreon meanwhile jessi has people who love and support her
No. 1287647
>>1287172bcuz no one will defend her racist jokes publicly, that will get them "cancelled" even though the people defending her say slurs in their discord servers regularly (looking at you fatty the oreo)
these moids will defend her fight against jessi because it means they get to side with a pickme and a rapist because enough people wont take
victims seriously they can get off scot-free + their fans hate women anyway
No. 1287662
>>1287647Yeah pretty much. Angelika Oles, Rachel Oates and Jessi Smiles are narcissistic,
abusive monsters, but Curtis Lepore, the man who wrote a signed confession of rape and took a plea deal so that he wouldn't be thrown in prison as a rapist is a fellow human who has a voice and deserves to be heard out.
Speaking of, Gabbie said she heard Curtis out to 'defend' Jessi against his lies. But now they were barely friends, this stupid bitch
No. 1288232
File: 1627762163586.jpg (84.88 KB, 1125x2436, E7poGl3WYAELr8F.jpg)

more lies incoming
No. 1288336
>>128829420 minutes in
-starts video off by crying about how hard her life is and how it’s all Jessie’s fault ofc
> drops some milk on Jen and Hessie bullying someone to the point of a mental breakdown (I haven’t looked into it yet though)-basically doing a commentary video on Jessie’s “Gabbie Hanna needs to be stopped video; just saying everything is a lie blah blah blah
No. 1288356
>>1288258It’s basically “no u” for 51 minutes. I defined recommend paying. Attention to the screen if you watch it because of course Gabbie edits things out so the context always fits her own narrative.
-she screams YOU DID THIS a lot truly believing the whole situation is Jessie’s fault.
-shows texts between her and Jessie pointing out she set a boundary saying she wasn’t comfortable talking on the phone yet; only reads the top portion of Jessie’s response saying “I understand I will not pressure you. Last question I will ask-would you like for me to maybe test you the screenshots I have before I present them publicly in my video?”
> conveniently lodes the read the rest of the text which said “I’m not saying I am making a video, I haven’t made up my mind yet. But I do want to give you the opportunity to see them first. We don’t have to discuss them. I can just send them to you so you don’t feel blind sighted?” - Gabbie tuna with the top half of this message and plays victim yet again saying this was an attempt to be blackmailed into having the phone call before she was ready No. 1288363
>>1288294In the dark, watching a video from a year ago, about drama 6 yrs ago.
She prob does this every night lmfao
No. 1288398
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Yeah I'm sure you feel great, that's why you keep suicide baiting on your patreon / only fans because you know your career has been butchered by your own fuck ups
No. 1288473
>>1288336I’m sorry y’all I watched it twice and took a nap because it left me drain. Anyway, a few others things to mention.
-as I said she would only read parts of her texts, she shows a few paragraphs days apart from one another of Jessie asking her if she’s ready for the phone call and uses this to say Jessi harassed her for the call.
-based on the texts, Jessi was actually reaching out to Gabbie because she had been tagged in some posts on gabbies Twitter in reference to jessi. Each time getting ignored by Gabbie rather than Jessi “harassing” Gabbie, she seemed to have wanted some answers as to what was going on over Twitter.
-conveniently skips over Jessi asking Gabbie about her fans calling Jen a rapist (she ignores this subject all together actually)
-Jessi is upset in these texts that Gabbie calls her a predator ion Twitter, Gabbie then acts like it’s not a big deal because she deleted the tweet but yet decides to add it in this video.
-this was a clip where Jessi jokingly said she wanted to take a fan to prom and actually ended up doing it because she “liked the way he asked, and was a sweet kid” she was 21 at the time. She and her friend in the video make a few jokes about going to jail for it, and a few inappropriate jokes of “are we gonna grind or no?, are we gonna make out ? Maybe”
-mentions the kid was shy but did the “knee grind thing” on her pubic bone. Gabbie says none of this would be okay if Jessi was a man. (Which is funny given gabbies past pedo jokes, etc)
This was honestly exhausting, there were a few times you want to believe Gabbie at times and that’s only if you are just listening and not watching the screen, then you actually read her “receipts” and see she’s full of shit
No. 1288918
>>1288294I've tried to watch this 2 or 3 times now, and all her "quirky" yelling and just spending half a minute to sing etc is just so frustrating. Calling everyone a narcissist, abuser and what not just makes her lose any validity she might've had.
Like other anons said, she's salty Jessie is happy and has a family and she's sitting there being a crazy catlady smoking weed kek.
No. 1288942
>>1288294both of them are
toxic and stupid but its true that jessie continues with weird threats about screenshots and making videos to push gabbie into responding to her bs. theres no tweet showing gabbie supported this curtis dude either. i'm not a fan of either of these people but it looks like they are both washed up dramawhores who keep playing the same record for views
No. 1289049
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>>1288942This is the text Gabbie only read part of to say Jessie was “threatening her with making a video” when clearly Gabbie just took it out of context to force this narrative
No. 1289061
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>>1288942Gabbie changed her handle and deleted her tweets but the response of her fans at the time tell the whole story
No. 1289277
>>1288942Jessi literally never did any of that lmfao. Gabbie couldn't shut the fuck up and re-lighted the whole situation like she always does, only now she remembers less of the lies she told in the first place which is why we ended up with this nonsensical explanation from her this time around
>>1289061good guy anon
No. 1290069
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No. 1290400
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A Gabbie stan has made a parody Twitter account of Jessi Smiles, posting about miscarrying. If that weren't vile enough, there were photoshopped pictures of ultrasounds that featured monkey babies, and [pictured] one of Gabbies biggest fans (that she follows) has been posting baby monkey pictures in response to the parody account. Its possible Alyssa is behind the account, like in the high 90 percentile.
As Jessi is Cuban and her partner is also a poc, this is really shit behavior, and Gabbie who patted herself on the back for speaking up for BLM has been silent, shocking I know.
No. 1290402
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Samefag. One of the other gross tweets (that Alyssa retweeted)
No. 1290450
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>>1290400Don’t be shy, show their face
No. 1290451
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No. 1290555
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…..and you have nothing better to do than retweet racist memes? Gabbie stans are literally nothing but projection.
No. 1290634
>>1290555“They have been the most targeted as a fan”
They liked and I rethink even retweeted a post about George Floyd that said “happy one year sobriety” or something along those lines in the anniversary of his death. Helloleesh mentioned it in one of her videos, but I don’t feel like going through hours of her Gabbie podcast rants to find it.
No. 1291462
>>1291407It's a 'light digestible read,' but also you need to read deeply into it to discover all the hidden depths of her metaphors because it's all about her traumatic experiences…..
No. 1291532
>>1290562exactly. she’s not in control of the fan but she should say something, especially after that video she made claiming to apologize for two racist tweets and stanning for some beyoncé song about skin color, should’ve just sang imagine it was so weak. she won’t because it is so clear that all she wants to do is cause damage to jessi, she literally has no argument and jessi has been through enough. these girls are going to grow up with the guilt that they created a fake account to troll about a former rape
victim getting a miscarriage with a bonus racist monkey joke, and for what, garbage toucanna?
No. 1292553
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No. 1292629
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>>1292552The piss yellow hair… gorl…..
She looks much better with darker colors and the bangs just make her nose look worse
No. 1292665
>>1292574Much like lele pons. It's the insecure girl copeface
>>1292629she deadass looks actually good in this holy shit looking back on all this must be sad for her.
What do you guys think of her paintings? ngl they are kinda good albeit a little 2edgy
No. 1293708
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>>1292629She looks like a face of meth in comparison to that pic, wtf. I forgot she was actually cute at one point despite the honker.
No. 1296728
>>1296584How come she's making the stupid eye thing one of her personality traits. Lol
Also no way in hell am I gonna ever watch this, and from the looks of things no one else is too
(What happened to you bringing people millions of views gabbie?)
No. 1297739
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Not milk but she's vagueposting on her insta stories again
No. 1298829
>>1297964I don't get good vibes from Alx. Even though I think Gabbie is a shitty person and probably most of what Alx is saying is true, if you watch their old videos he does seem kind of douchey.
I used to actually watch Gabbie and in one of their older videos they did together he kept commenting on her weight and all of the comments were like "Jesus, I would drop my friends if they talked about my weight that much". I can't remember what video it was and lord knows I ain't gonna go back and watch them.
No. 1301709
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Maybe she’ll go as far to collab with Curtis lupiore ( or how ever you spell his name )
No. 1301732
>>1301046probably to show the haters who called her fat, but instead of looking hot she just aged her face and looks even more haggard than she naturally does
could also be drug overuse or something tho
No. 1302215
>>1301709Waaait, did she really go on keemstar's podcast? The keemstar that harassed Jessi Smiles and told people she was lying about her assault to all his deranged followers even though Curtis Lepore was proven guilty?
Why is Gabbie this way. I just can't for the life of me figure out what's going on insider her head.
No. 1302584
>>1302215On the other podcast she did with the two guys she called Keemstar the 'nicest' person on YouTube. She is an absolute knob and a total fucking dumbass for not realizing that Keemstar is only nice to her to be a contrarion asshole.
The true irony of it all is, she talks about the ricegum situation as if it was the begining of the end for her, and who was ricegums no. 1 supporter that instigated it all? Keemstar.
Literally what is this ouroboros bullshit?
No. 1303470
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2 edgy 4 me
No. 1308744
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She’s going on some sort of podcast press tour of some sort my god .
No. 1309593
>>1308746Yeah, Vega (one of the hosts of the Half Baked Podcast) apparently said that, usually, when someone's a freak, they're like that even when the camera's off, but Gabbie "seems like a regular girl" even in private.
But they're all dense if they think she'd actually act all crazy in front of people who are already sympathetic to her.
No. 1311034
>>1309305She posted a video on Instagram showing of her rings and she was trying so hard to look cool smoking at the beginning she made her self look like a fool as she didn’t even puff right and she just left it to waste away didn’t even can a second puff all the comments were saying how she just trying to be cool and doesn’t know how to smoke.
I think it’s all fake she trying to hard at this point it really is embarrassing
No. 1353641
>>1352293She is back lol
All her other videos are still deleted/privated
No. 1355773
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Love how keem acts as though he hasn’t tried to run people off social media before . Gabbie and him are besties after all
No. 1357419
>>1353641She's an entire 31 years old and still thinks filming faux breakdowns in a hallway are it.
>>1353827It's been a hot second since she's trended on twitter so I would not doubt it for a second.
No. 1360443
>>1355773And didn't he take Ricegum's side when Gabbie was in that feud with him? Keem just flipflops to whatever the most controversial side is. He's a contrarian, that's the entirety of his existence. Gabbie Hanna leaving the internet? Good.
Also her music videos are still up, she just took down her other videos. Still trying to paint the picture that she's ~a true artist~
No. 1607744
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Checked back in on her and of course she's in a manic episode again. Shes in the middle of "God fearing christian" arc but spiraling towards LSD brainbroke bullshit.
No. 1623784
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she's having a breakdown on tiktok
No. 1623995
>>1623784I came straight to Lolcow after viewing her posts today and Jesus Christ, how is this thread now blowing up by now? I really do doubt this is just another PR stunt, and really hope she gets help soon.
The entire situation seems eerie.
No. 1624011
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She’s posting a video every 5-10min
No. 1624026
>>1624017She says that the cops came to her home because she was screaming on the top of her lungs in her backyard all night. checks out given she's been posting inside and outside, blasting music, walking around in lingerie with her pancake tits spilling out.
not sure how to embed tiktoks so please excuse my retardation No. 1624035
File: 1661319566171.png (202.41 KB, 351x623, oh gabbie.png)

ugh it might actually be to promote her shitty music again, she just posted this 8 mins ago. I swear someone needs to take her TikTok away
No. 1624129
File: 1661332630723.webm (12.22 MB, 576x1024, Trauma Queen.webm)
>>1624026Here it is, Nona.
No. 1624131
File: 1661332808463.webm (66.22 KB, 576x1024, Trauma Queen - 3.webm)
>>1624130Here’s where she said cops came, as
>>1624026 mentioned.
If there are other videos that need archiving, share them here. I’m more than happy to help.
No. 1624297
File: 1661354293740.webm (2.55 MB, 576x1024, (1) Wellness Check Hug.webm)
Some (14) of the Gabbie’s latest TikTok posts, in the order she posted them. I’ll give a summary of each. Some of the milkier ones will be unsaged.
> Police officers visit for a wellness check
> Offers them a hug
> All declined
> Implies this could have saved her life
> Says not to worry about her
No. 1624303
File: 1661355005708.png (686.26 KB, 507x916, wackgab.png)

she's uploaded over 50 tiktoks in the past 20 hours and calling herself a descendant of biblical figures. if she's just pretending to be manic she's a doing a damn good job.
still seeing lighters everywhere so she's far from sober. too much weed can easily trigger a psychotic episode for someone with bipolar and similar mental illnesses.
No. 1624304
File: 1661355051891.webm (12.82 MB, 576x1024, (2) “Is it because I’m a woman…)
>>1624297> Says she’s learnt humility> Wants to remind everybody she can do all things through Christ, who is her saviour > She’s an accomplished author of TWO NEW YORK TIMES BEST SELLING POETRY BOOKS> Has around OR MORE than 20 MILLION followers around the ENTIRE. WORLD> Some followers left and betrayed her> Despite this, hasn’t stopped being kind and loving everything she has > Makes the best of it> Dedicates life to saving the world and channeling genius > Has figured out how to channel the power so many men have used for corporate greed for humanity> Wonders if it’s because she’s a woman of colour> (Duping or schizo smile)> Reassures she cares > Bleeds and dies> She has risen> Can help if we’d like to rise(2/14)
No. 1624306
File: 1661355127947.webm (1.84 MB, 576x1024, (3) “It’s kinda stressful bein…)
>>1624304> Reminds us it’s kinda stressful being a woman of colour in a white rich cunty neighbourhood > Clarifies “a young woman of colour”> “God bless this cunt” cuts off(3/14)
No. 1624308
File: 1661355260386.webm (2.22 MB, 576x1024, (4) Neighbour Interrupted Poli…)
>>1624306> Neighbour interrupted and scolded a police officer because their COP car was blocking their driveway(4/14)
No. 1624316
File: 1661355597611.webm (2.85 MB, 576x1024, (5) “You could try. You could …)
>>1624308> Lifts up shirt to show midriff> Turns around to show (sad) ass> Invites us to try. Just try!> Wants us to test her (5/14)
No. 1624320
File: 1661355835076.webm (2.21 MB, 576x1024, (6) Not bad at grammar and pun…)
>>1624316> Posits she’s not bad at grammar and punctuation> Simply understands it “so much fucking better than” us > Knows how they’ve been used, the symbols, throughout time > “Or maybe I’m just a fucking idiot?”(6/14)
No. 1624329
File: 1661356158178.webm (1.95 MB, 576x1024, (7) “I’m middle eastern, I tra…)
>>1624320As an answers to the comment: “WOMAN OF COLOR??????”
> She keeps telling us she’s middle eastern > She’s travelled from Lebanon > She’s a Maronite crusader of the Catholic Church > Emphasises she means the Maronite Catholic Church and not the Roman Empire, not the Roman Catholic Church > Throws power fist into air while saying: THE MARONITES (7/14)
No. 1624335
File: 1661356631483.webm (14.46 MB, 576x1024, (8) “I’ve healed myself of a l…)
>>1624329> Wants to talk, since she’s up > Jesus ramble > Has healed herself of A LOT > Has also healed others> Bursts into song > Continues talking about the planet, dogs, Jesus and babies > Asks what would Jesus do?> Answers “Forgive. Dead ass”> Reveals key to happiness Forgiving without receiving and apology. It’s giving love in the absence of love, which is fear> Tells us to wake up or not> She’ll be here forever and ever and ever and ever/laughter
> We’ll be there with her /more laughter
No. 1624336
File: 1661356635594.png (630.19 KB, 506x924, dfghj.png)

Someone's at her house now so that's an improvement I guess, not sure who he is though. hopefully he's a friend and not her plug but still, good she's not alone
No. 1624344
File: 1661357025559.png (803.84 KB, 1587x864, jesusfuckingchrist.png)

>>1624336This is his tiktok and he's posting about being in her house wanting to help her, this is honestly so fucking creepy. Cops need to come back now please!!!
No. 1624346
File: 1661357070445.webm (11.26 MB, 576x1024, (9) Angel of Music, Gabriel(le…)
>>1624335> Wants to serenade us> Reveals is the Angel of Music, Gabriel(le?), Deliverer of Good News> Wrote song in February > “Or a couple of years ago, idk”> Tells us time isn’t linear and gasps> Holds so many secrets > Wonders if we’d like to know the secrets of the universe> “All you have to do is ask OR DON’T”> Sings(9/14)
No. 1624365
File: 1661357848060.jpeg (584.95 KB, 750x1180, 13A91654-9260-4ED5-935E-885311…)

Her views have been dogshit compared to her subscriber count (6.5m+) for the past 6 months or so, wouldn’t surprise me if it’s another stunt but the going into TERF territory is p bad optics which makes me think it might be a genuine break down. Woman can first start experiencing symptoms of skitzophernia in their 30s.
No. 1624374
File: 1661358385141.webm (5.43 MB, 576x1024, (10) Singing.webm)
>>1624346> Sings> Thanks officers for not shooting her > Continues singing(10/14)
No. 1624380
>>1624351I though so too until she said some racist shit and hinted at pedophilia, no way she would say that if she was lucid. It'll totally tank her career. Not that she had that much of a career anyway but this is worse than just doing weird dances and being *~crazy~*
>>1624376Is she prescribed a stimulant for her adhd? adhd meds + weed + history of mental illness = psychosis, I've experienced it myself and it's scary as fuck.
No. 1624382
She just posted another tiktok with that random guy following her gushing that she found the garden of eden in her yard because of some berries that grew back. God bless anon(s) chronicling this mania.
>>1624376Meth makes people act crazy sometimes. Crazy people act like they're on meth sometimes. My bet is a combo of doctor prescribed pills taken incorrectly, too much weed and not enough sleep, and her own ego not recognizing it when she started heading down batshit alley.
No. 1624386
File: 1661358906452.webm (9.01 MB, 576x1024, (11) “Why is it that when a bl…)
> Has genuine questions
> Wants genuine answers
> Wants to know why it’s ok when a black woman sings the praises of Jesus
> Puts on blaccent to say: “YES LAWD! YES LAWD! PREACH BROTHER! PREACH SISTER!” while stomping feet
> Wants to know what “they” know that “we” don’t
> Wonders if this is why we’re so scared of black people
> Ponders if they have some kind of power
> Believes when white men found about this power, they did everything they could to take it away for thousands of years
> We need to wash our mouth with soap or Father Time (?) will do it for us
No. 1624389
File: 1661359161258.webm (2.08 MB, 576x1024, (12) Recovering Social Media A…)
>>1624386> Thanks us for our concern> Didn’t plan to be on social media today as it was her day off> Says she’s a recovering social media addict > “A saint is a person of the times. Duh”(12/14)
No. 1624393
File: 1661359299152.webm (2.11 MB, 576x1024, (13) “I’m really tired”.webm)
>>1624389> Says she has to do this for te rest of her life here on this earth unless we wise up and she’s tired> Sighs (?)> Thanks us for waking her up(13/14)
No. 1624396
File: 1661359477812.webm (1.6 MB, 576x1024, (14) Video 144.webm)
>>1624393This was her 144th video in less than 24 hours.
> Rambles (14/14)
No. 1624402
File: 1661359634493.png (650.47 KB, 510x922, hgfdfghgf.png)

Okay so she just asked him why he lied to her about not knowing who she was and he picked up her pill bottle and asked "What's this?" and she said "That's for my ADHD you dumb cunt." And then starts screaming at him "Get the fuck out of my house now! NOW!" And it seems he's gone now so that's good. Now she's violently thrusting against a chair. Jesus what a ride. I fucking wish I could save and post tiktoks sorry yall
No. 1624406
File: 1661359804531.jpeg (213.43 KB, 828x1645, FBF905AC-23DC-4997-BE5A-935B02…)

Her sisters latest tiktok is flooded with comments about Gabbie, this is what she had to say
No. 1624407
>>1624396144th?!?!?! bruh… this has to be a breakdown but like wasn't she off the internet until recently? why come back with a new song and have a breakdown.. i smell a lie
>>1624402wait so this dude showed up to her house, said he didn't know her, and so she just let him inside??? what…
No. 1624410
>>1624402Yeah he's on his live now saying 'ooo I was just trying to help'. But he's totes clout chasing. I'm screen recording. I'll upload if there's anything good.
Oh she was apparently smoking a lot of weed.
No. 1624415
>>1624405Oh shit my bad, I thought she said ADHD.
>>1624407Yeah he told her he was just driving by and had to pee so he knocked and asked to use her bathroom. Everyone in her comments found his tiktok and apparently there was a video he deleted of him driving to her house. And there's multiple videos of him at her house and one outside her house that shows he knows who she is. So I guess she read those comments, found his account and realized he lied and then kicked him out.
No. 1624424
File: 1661360415147.webm (16.81 MB, 576x1024, (15) On DID.webm)
>>1624396I was stopping at 14 because I figured it’d be more of the same but Gabbie decided to continue, here are a few more clips.
> Mocks Gen Z and DIDI wonder if Jill/Pixielocks will comment on it(1/9)
No. 1624432
File: 1661360777890.png (114.41 KB, 1088x760, Screen Shot 2022-08-24 at 2.06…)

>>1624418Looks like this drug is another name for welbutrin, a common antidepressant. I wonder if that's what it was.
No. 1624436
File: 1661361041186.webm (12.64 MB, 576x1024, (16) “A woman in distress”.web…)
>>1624424> Read cards left by police officers > Mocks DID again> Thanks the precinct for their visit> Tells them to ask if they need feedback on how to do a wellness check for a woman I’m distress (2/9)
No. 1624439
File: 1661361127246.jpeg (1 MB, 828x1630, 476A0653-DE67-4F4B-82F0-BCA3B5…)

He’s just getting pissed off and defensive while everyone calls him out. He left his fucking wallet in her house. He really thought he was going to be able to medicate her? He was trying to get her to take acne meds because he doesn’t know anything about medicine No. 1624441
File: 1661361208766.jpeg (1.1 MB, 828x1459, B93A6A77-8C90-4C49-9C94-FF3264…)

>>1624439He’s got a poll up right now if he should go back to her house to get the wallet
No. 1624473
File: 1661362495026.webm (17.31 MB, 576x1024, (17) Salutes Candace Owens.web…)
>>1624436> Sounds a bit more lucid> Grew up in black neighbourhood > Says she was the only white girl in neighbourhood outside of her sisters> Rode the school bus alone> Was the only white girl on bus and was ironically forced to seat on front > Cool kids sat in the back and bullied the fuck out of her > As if she’s about to cry (so much for sounding lucid) says: “They twisted my hair. They pulled it. They called me names. They didn’t let me play with them because I wasn’t like them.”> Intermission to say hello to cat(s?)> Still was BFF with the black girls at school because they were the kindest > Says the black girls grew up with less than the white girls> Laments she didn’t fit in anywhere because she was poor but white but also middle eastern so she wasn’t white but she wasn’t black so she was still white > Used words like nappy and ashy> Went to college and was called a “motherfucking racist” over it > Guesses only black girls can say those words (nappy and ashy)> Bows down to Candace Owens > Signs off with “god bless the USA, she bleeds red”(3/9)
Had to compress some of these videos to be able to meet the site’s size limit, I hope they aren’t too bad No. 1624477
File: 1661362626116.webm (15.05 MB, 576x1024, (18) 155 Videos in 24 Hrs.webm)
>>1624473This is her 155th video in 24 hours
No. 1624486
File: 1661362905890.png (17.56 KB, 592x156, hanna.png)

she's trending on twitter
No. 1624503
File: 1661363549909.webm (9.4 MB, 576x1024, (19) Nicholas (p.ui_ on TikTok…)
>>1624477With this video I can see why some people think she’s faking it.
> Let’s in a stranger (follower?) into her house> Asks if he minds being on camera> Nicholas (@p.ui_ on TikTok), of course doesn’t mind> Says Nicholas asked to use the bathroom and offered to go on a run with her> Mentions the friend she was texting with responded “Gab, listen to me now, get that man out of your house”> Nicholas stands in the background looking straight into the camera and pretends he’s offended with the friend’s commentNicholas has a very punchable face, I hope the internet eviscerate him> Gabbie tells us that she thinks her friend means well> Nicholas interjects that he does mean well> Gabbie said they’re going for a run because they’ve already had their coffee and prayed > Thanks Nicholas for knocking on her door and being a brother in Christ(5/9)
No. 1624511
File: 1661364019273.webm (2.59 MB, 576x1024, (20) Nicholas (p.ui_ on TikTok…)
>>1624503> Nicholas (@p.ui_ on TikTok) taking advantage of a mentally unstable woman for done “fame”(6/9)
No. 1624516
File: 1661364157729.webm (4.64 MB, 576x1024, (21) Dancing with Nicholas (p.…)
>>1624511> Nicholas (@p.ui_ on TikTok) dances with Gabbie > Reveals he’s a piece of shit in the process (7/9)
No. 1624517
File: 1661364223113.webm (4.56 MB, 576x1024, (22) Nope, Nope, Nope.webm)
>>1624516> Bad vibes (8/9)
No. 1624519
File: 1661364347594.webm (2.74 MB, 576x1024, (23) Nicholas (p.ui_ on TikTok…)
>>1624517> “Confronts” Nicholas (@p.ui_ on TikTok) about lying > Kicks him out of her houseMaybe she’s not that out of touch with reality?(9/9)
No. 1624528
File: 1661364704888.webm (3.43 MB, 576x1024, Thrusting Violently into the C…)
>>1624426Here you go, Nona.
No. 1624534
File: 1661365030519.png (562.58 KB, 775x798, Ew no.png)

Gabbie stop, he's like 20.
No. 1624537
File: 1661365178774.gif (4.76 MB, 576x1024, fthetable.gif)

>>1624528nta but thank you so much
No. 1624540
>>1624528Lol thank you
Nonnie, everything about this clip makes me spastically laugh every time.
No. 1624558
File: 1661366748680.jpeg (742.35 KB, 828x1530, 19811FA1-5894-4AE5-8520-544CE5…)

All the people thanking him in the comments are retarded No. 1624559
File: 1661366994373.jpeg (726.49 KB, 828x1512, 0ACD88E2-7E9A-4258-9C69-D4147D…)

He’s also saying that he snapped her out of it and he’s the reason she’s getting help No. 1624562
File: 1661367294321.jpeg (693.51 KB, 828x1471, 7E0FEE43-E7F4-4263-8898-87BEDE…)

He’s live again, now his story has switched to she was on drugs and her cat got into her drugs too
No. 1624571
File: 1661367860097.jpg (152.38 KB, 575x1105, nick.jpg)

scrotes ig. fucking useless retard
No. 1624572
File: 1661367870260.jpeg (768.38 KB, 828x1550, 7B5125DC-E925-4E9E-9CA0-5AC6F0…)

He posted a video of her letting him into her house, it feels super staged how quickly she just let him in No. 1624600
File: 1661369287203.png (2.76 MB, 828x1792, EB9EEA3C-8A19-4146-9B65-D3E7FE…)

>>1624572i mean considering how she's doing right now i don't see how this is anymore odd than all the other shit. manic people literally get into peoples cars or into strangers houses like it's their own all the time, especially on drugs. everyone telling gabi to talk to a friend and have them help and she has literally no friends. he tried to help but didn't feed into her fantasy for too long and threw him out as soon as he touched a pill bottle (he said he was looking for anti psychotics) idk no matter how u spin this yea it's a little weird but most men are, and manic situations are weird as fuck to add to that. he has tried his best and didn't amount to anything. gabi is gonna come to senses eventually and freak out about how she let a stranger into her house just like that lol
picrel seems like he did exactly what another cow wanted him to lmao
No. 1624614
File: 1661370312347.png (Spoiler Image,22.31 KB, 342x338, lmao wut.png)

>>1624609nta but it looks gay
No. 1624625
>>1624498Bupropion is a mother fucking nightmare and had similar devastating effects. It’s hell on earth finding the right medication and easier to do when in a treatment facility/inpatient so you can be monitored and are away from anything familiar so you can focus on yourself.
If you have underlying mental illness, specifically schizophrenia and sometimes mania, even weed can
trigger that. You really can’t fuck around. I didn’t know psychedelics were confirmed, it takes longer than people think to rebalance their bodies and chemicals in their brains from that, and genuinely some people do not need it and will have long lasting very damaging effects.
I hope she gets out of la and goes to spend a few months detoxing somewhere where she can ride horses and be offline. Things like this happen more and more frequently from lockdowns, I strongly dislike her but no one deserves this.
Maybe a complete stranger essentially breaking in because she’s not exactly coherent is enough of a threat for police to at lest take her to get evaluated?
No. 1624669
>>1624652Right? "Her new album was in frame for a few seconds in
one of the over
150 videos she's posted in the last 24 hours, it's obviously a publicity stunt!" like do you guys hear yourselves?
No. 1624679
>>1624664this shit is so confusing to me. I want to believe he genuinely is some random but also why the fuck did she just let him into her home? I mean if she’s manic she’s not thinking straight but still. This whole thing is so fucking weird it feels like a very fucked up sketch.
Like random male fan shows up to a unhinged woman influencer’s house somehow (did i miss where he got her address?) because he wants to calm her down??. This guy looks so young not to mention. I don’t think gabbie is pretending to be sick she genuinely seems off the deep end in a bad way. But the aspect of this random kid being involved throws me for such a loop, that part feels somewhat orchestrated ? But also i have no idea
No. 1624681
>>1624432welbutrin is an NDRI norepinephrine dopamine reuptake inhibitor. it blocks the reuptake of those neurochemicals and it is so obvious that she does not need any more dopamine than she has.
and norepinephrine is just putting her on edge and in a very manic way
something interesting I know is dopamine has the ability to clouds ones judgment in a way that could make them think something is much better or worse than it actually is. for example gabbie Hannah thinking shes hot shit 24/7 and why she is obsessed with herself.
btw im a tourist from the pixielocks thread since we are entering a mental illness crossover ill probably be spending more time here.
does anyone know any other medications she's on or has access to?
I'm a nerd who knows way to much about medicine and neurobiology.
(dw i wont be blogposting or armchairing dont ban me pls)
No. 1624692
>>1624686he's trying to make it about wanting to help her but nah he's a clout chasing faggot
>>1624688she's a public figure i'm sure he found it online
(sage your shit) No. 1624712
File: 1661376316273.jpg (Spoiler Image,160.7 KB, 816x1024, PYKC6522.JPG)

>>1624609>>1624614you two bitches made me get up from my comfy bed to my pc becasuse i have to show this image to you lol
spoiler and sage for no contribution
No. 1624786
>>1624776He knew she was in a poor mental state and gained access to her house by lying to her with intention to film her (illegally, which he did end up doing).
I'm pretty sure Gabbie could press charges for trespassing considering he pretended he didn't know her, he planned to come to her house and try and get in by asking to use the bathroom and created a new tiktok just to post those videos of her house and her.
No. 1624823
File: 1661384848359.png (2.42 MB, 1637x851, gabbiemillion.png)

Not posting to suggest she faked it but if she wanted views, she got em. Most of her TTs are lucky to see 100k.
No. 1624826
>>1624486This is the endgame. Say racist shit without being held accountable because "uwu what if she killed herself," like she hasn't said racist shit publicly, online before because she's always been a racist. She wasn't on drugs or manic when she uploaded that vine about jogging through a black neighborhood or when she tweeted calling black people porch monkeys.
>>1624786 said, he entered the home on false pretenses. It's trespassing by deception. Journalists get charged with it fairly frequently, especially once they start secretly filming.
No. 1624837
>>1624823>>1624825I mean yeah, but I don't think she was faking this one. And if she was then she's still very sick because what kind of a person does that? Either way it doesn't really matter, once she stops posting crazy shit it's just going to go back down again.
Allegedly people are saying she's being held for phsyc eval possibly at Van Nuys. I don't think that's ever happened before with a Gabbie freak out has it?
No. 1624995
>>1624992b*tch what? how are you going to tell me that doesn't happen when i've literally experienced it? also
>meth + stimulantsmeth is a stimulant and so are adhd meds.
No. 1625069
File: 1661404010187.webm (2.8 MB, 320x568, Nicholas “Nick” Pfeifer - @p.u…)
>>1624559Here’s the local archive.
No. 1625074
File: 1661404207618.webm (1.01 MB, 320x568, “Can I use your bathroom?” - T…)
He’s posted a few more TikTok videos, if iany of them is of significance, please link it and I’ll upload it.
I cannot stand his face. No. 1625155
File: 1661412459943.jpeg (306.12 KB, 1446x548, 3292E4B7-D0E5-4202-9B83-FDBBE6…)

I can't find the D.I.D tiktoks without the audio removed so I checked the other farms to try to find if it with no luck, holy shit I hate scrotes
No. 1625255
>>1624992Weed definitely
triggers psychosis retard. She's also at the age where mental illnesses really kick in on women. Why do some of y'all think only hard drugs fuck with a persona mental health?
No. 1625364
File: 1661436862372.jpg (24.24 KB, 500x460, E8AH2EFVgAAkIcY.jpg)

a lot of you guys unironically sound like picrel. you can leave ya know, there's plenty of other threads for you to complain in
No. 1625475
File: 1661445973219.png (904.66 KB, 527x929, Screenshot (12328).png)

She's back on tiktok explaining what happened
No. 1625480
File: 1661446231317.png (6.06 MB, 828x1792, AF9DF1F9-766F-40CF-A551-9F61B6…)

Looks like she’s back on her bull shit.
No. 1625528
File: 1661449137054.jpeg (1.12 MB, 828x1626, 8A3D4B55-F1C4-41AA-B7BA-0EDCD7…)

Yeah she did this weird squat thing where she attempted to look seductive.
No. 1625536
File: 1661449503163.jpeg (1.25 MB, 828x1638, FB4F1516-9A5C-4A71-9A73-4EA17B…)

She is now showing us the stretches she did while she was in handcuffs (allegedly). I feel bad for the cops that had to deal with her.
Hopefully this gets people to stop calling them.
No. 1625537
File: 1661449652152.jpeg (1.12 MB, 828x1626, AB77AAFB-BA6A-4F92-BBB5-3EC856…)

Going on about this BS again. Says her family destiny is written in the stars or some shit.
She does seem less manic than yesterday buuuut….yeah
No. 1625544
File: 1661450110787.jpg (1.03 MB, 828x1626, IMG_5872.jpg)

Yeah so I'm not posting ss of everything and I'm going to paraphrase the crazy because it now seems she's just repeating herself. Saging and will do this till I get bored.
>Claims that she doesn't understand why people are so worried. What is she going to do nuke the world?
No, but you are nuking your career which is funny and sad.
>Pissed at this Nick guy, for obvious reasons
>Made a video about it, stares at the screen for like two minutes like a weirdo.
>Still claiming to be a 'woman of color'. Thinks it's weird that the world thinks she's white. (Because she is) She says it's because if she was a WOC then 'you' might have to repent for the way 'they've' mistreated us.
>Says the only thing different between now and then is we don't get to nail her to a cross and split her ribs to prove she is human. But she isn't! Thinks people are upset because she's goofy.
No. 1625553
>>1625545Don't give me hope. I'm pissed they didn't successfully detain her to a hospital.
>>1625546It's super cringe. Like whenever she comes down off of whatever she's taken or her manic episode is finally over I hope she's real embarrassed.
No. 1625615
File: 1661455144861.jpeg (847.5 KB, 828x1654, EFD9CE19-ACCD-4A99-874B-EED2F1…)

She’s rambling about her hands being different sizes. They are not.
Also if I had to witness how gross her feet are you do too.
No. 1625738
File: 1661460201723.jpeg (1.08 MB, 828x1530, B2F188D4-27A6-4896-8063-632AFB…)

She said that “three wise men” (cops) came to her house at 4 am because they were getting a lot of calls and she asked them all for hugs
No. 1625762
>>1625505i know around here that being involuntarily kept at a hospital is rare as long as you can fain stability for short periods of time. she probably called herself a performance artist and since she is not a physical threat to someone else, or holding a knife to her own jugular, it's not worth the hassle. it would be different if family members, and not randos, were advocating for her 5150 and in direct contact with the hospital. from the sounds of it that's not the case.
>>1625475you can't convince me anytime she says friend she's not referring to her housekeeper, unless this actually was an old friend checking in on her after her tiktok streak. it just… feels like really odd timing?
but there's the classic "i outsmarted the doctors!" when someone in the throws of mania or psychosis dodges the involuntary hold
No. 1625828
>>1625643people have said this about etika when he was having his frequent episodes and constantly having the cops called on him for worrying behavior. and we know how that turned out. i thought this was exaggerated at first too but now i think its more than likely a full blown
manic episode
No. 1625961
File: 1661482883176.jpeg (460.88 KB, 1440x1800, 027C49BB-2AB1-4B6A-AD50-EC52FB…)

She does have friends come over. This is her and her youtube friend Meg Batoon that helped her choreographed Honestly music video. She posted this a night she was asking on her story she wanted to hangout and have a sleepover.
No. 1625975
>>1625958I also assume she’s adderall or another stimulant ADHD med and not meth. That shit can definitely
trigger psychosis if you take too much or combine it with weed and/or other psych meds. I get the impression that she shopped around for the diagnosis in order to get stimulants. A short attention span due to living on social media isn’t the same as adhd lol
No. 1626003
File: 1661486772236.jpeg (1.45 MB, 1170x1931, 11CE0A5B-97F9-4772-8D90-904D05…)

she’s saying LAPD illegally searched & detained her
No. 1626018
File: 1661487697103.webm (6.91 MB, 576x1024, Another Visit by Police.webm)
I’ll share some of her latest TikTok videos.
> Hanging out in backyard with friend, smoking weed
> Says police has paid her another visit and refused to leave
> Wants to exercise her right, as an American to practice free speech and religion freedom
> Wonders if she’ll have to move like “we want all immigrants to”
> More of I’m middle eastern but I’m white but I’m middle eastern nonsense
No. 1626023
File: 1661488130071.jpeg (909.3 KB, 1170x1213, E7DBB735-B174-4434-ABC4-DFC93F…)

Cow crossover
No. 1626035
File: 1661489215696.webm (18.64 MB, 576x1024, Untitled.webm)
>>1626007Ty Nona, the cloud converter one didn't work for some reason but I think I found one that seems to have worked.
No. 1626040
File: 1661489765783.png (299.67 KB, 1164x731, dumbass.png)

This faggot is live again, arguing with some woman about Gabbie. And he's so pissed he's lisping, that speech impediment coming through strong lol.
No. 1626045
>>1626023I wasn't infuriated with pixie until this moment
shut the fuck up you lying cow stop diagnosing and stop giving gabby more shit to rant about
No. 1626046
File: 1661490752356.webm (18.22 MB, 576x1024, Detained and Handcuffed.webm)
>>1626035Glad you were able to work it out, Nona. CloudConverter is very hit or miss, I also like FreeConvert.
>>1626003I’ve combined all three videos of this “series”, as she tends to do a lot of “related” videos in which something she’s trying to express spans several videos at a time. My summaries will be shorter as I find myself unable to clearly summarise what she says when she goes on nonsensical tangents.
> Discusses her detainment > Was “forced” to drink water she spilt on herself> Went on a rantFor the sake of clarity, she shared video attached first, then this video
>>1626018 followed by this now deleted video
>>1626035 which was summarised
>>1625999 No. 1626047
File: 1661491034634.webm (4.35 MB, 576x1024, YET.webm)
>>1626035 she posted this.
> Reminds us she has yet threaten harm on herself or anybody else> Challenges us to find where she threatened harm on herself or anybody else if we disagree with her > Says she’ll be waiting No. 1626051
File: 1661491593639.webm (3.89 MB, 576x1024, Nicholas “Nick” Pfeifer - @p.u…)
>>1626040I don’t get why Nick (@p.ui_) would still want to attach himself to this when Gabbie posted this today.
> Asked the 2 officers* if they got the guy who “admitted to getting into my home by coercion to try to cause harm” > Stares at self and smiles> Asks “did you find him?! Did you try? YOU DIDNT KNOW HIS NAME!”*She’s referring to these officers
>>1626018 No. 1626062
File: 1661492892489.webm (18.3 MB, 576x1024, The Nicholas “Nick” Pfeifer - …)
>>1626051She also posted these two videos (merged here) in regards to Nick. It’s always strange seeing someone attach themselves to things that will do them more harm than good. All it takes is for Gabbie (or one of her influencer “friends”) to say he’s a predator for his stunt to backfire on him or even
/better yet ruin his life.
No. 1626368
>>1626333>>1626365this, also you look young. 18+ to post here.
also please be more careful with your identity, especially if you're posting on reddit or 4chan.
No. 1626741
File: 1661559670349.webm (4.43 MB, 576x1024, Untitled.webm)
This one is kind of concerning, especially the "signing off" part.
No. 1626874
File: 1661573228567.webm (18.16 MB, 486x1080, Gabbie Hanna’s ¿Stalker? Nicho…)
>>1626333Local archive, I hope you don’t mind.
No. 1626883
File: 1661573926337.webm (5.66 MB, 576x1024, Joan of Arc and Britney Spears…)
>>1626741She posted the following two videos (merged) after; 1hr in between videos. She also commented:
> They did try to lock me away just like Britney, don’t worry guys, nothings changedThe comment is from her latest video.
No. 1626965
>>1626874>>1626827It really isn't hard to fake, she's just doing the Onision schtick mixed with Trisha Paytas. Its become a common thing for mental health memes to talk about someone believing they are god. All she did was say the craziest shit that she could think of. The police came to her house multiple times and the psych eval said she was fine every time, when somone is seriously manic its not that easy to pretend to be ok, especially when they believe they are god.
A lot of people seem to forget that Gabbie has a degree in psychology and a history of trying to collect mental illnesses. In the past she said she had hypomania
>>1280508What she is pretending to have right now is hypermania. I say pretend because you either have Bipolar 1 or 2, yes someone diagnosed with 2 can later find out they were really suffering with 1 but this really feels like a shitty attempt to get relevance again.
I mean Nick could have easily known her before, how did he know where she lived? Why was it that it was his second TikTok of all time? I get that LAPD are probably shit at their job , but her lying about having them find him, him lying about her having his wallet. The stuff she is saying being the same shit she said last month when her Tik Tok got taken down and yet when she says worse its still up despite Tiktoks strong terms of service. Something smells fishy, I mean her whole "exposing series" came out last year around this time and was succeeded by a shit music video, last months banning had her live show.
No. 1627008
>>1626965The cops didn't say she was okay they just let her go without arrest. Even if they can see that she's manic and/or saying and doing strange things they can't do anything about it. It's not illegal to be mentally ill, how many times does that need to be said in this thread? The police literally cannot do a single thing about it even if she is manic, sorry but like what kind of disney show do you live in if you think "oh if she was manic the police would do something!" Get real.
>Its become a common thing for mental health memes to talk about someone believing they are god.Yeah that's because it's common with mania, grandiose beliefs are literally one of the most common symptoms and in most people's mind "god" is the highest form of power. I'm not even sure that she's not faking it, she very well could be, but these arguments are just retarded at this point. And hypomania and full blown mania can happen within the same person, it's usually the precursor to a full blown manic episode later in life. And hypomania can be misdiagnosed when the person is actually experiencing mania. But her having smaller instances of mania is literally more proof that she's not faking. But I guess we'll see in like 5-10 years from now whether she's doing fine or completely deteriorated mentally and physically. Only time will tell.
No. 1627193
File: 1661611330214.png (68.8 KB, 645x883, potbadohnoez.png)

>>1626267You're stupid.
(sage) No. 1627233
File: 1661613687934.png (280.16 KB, 1196x746, ASDFGHJKJHYGTFRD.png)

Nick's live again with a bunch of dicksucking zoomie thots trying to get picked. The 2 in the middle are so fucking rude and retarded, speaking for him and attacking anyone who has legitimate critique, he's literally using these zoomies to speak for him claiming he's too sad and tired to talk. Fucking pathetic.
No. 1627325
>>1627303Shes been "coming down" then going right back to ranting the last 4 days, she started the delusions of grandeur shit at the beginning of the month
>>1607744 Hypomania is when someone is not bad enough for hospitalization, they are still cognizant and able to be reasoned with. Gabbies act has been her rapid cycling through mania and hypomania
No. 1627338
I did have a scroll through her TikTok a few days ago and it was honestly sort of hard to tell when she properly went into the mania until she started mentioning religion
No. 1627453
File: 1661629873888.jpeg (850.47 KB, 828x1446, 77E11400-BCF7-4C17-AAA5-97E3BC…)

>>1627387She said she got the 911 abuse report because she is a “colored girl in a suburban area”
No. 1627469
>>1627453this is a genuine question and I'm not trying to racebait, but why is it that people with extreme mania, schizophrenia, etc often focus so hard on race? you see it a lot - they fixate on it so intently, either by mentioning it constantly/trying to pretend that they're a different race/by making everything in their life revolve around it/growing super racist etc. is it an exclusively American phenomenon (i.e. does it happen in countries that have a lack of racial diversity like Japan, Pakistan, etc)?
sorry if this is the wrong thread for this kind of question, I just notice this and religion are always the main themes when someone is really struggling with their hold on the real world.
No. 1627576
File: 1661637391532.jpeg (935.69 KB, 828x1447, 953DFD2D-4B20-4B15-AA62-853955…)

>“Would you rather the kind colored girl stay in the ghetto like you want us to?”
No. 1627659
>>1627534NTA and OT sorry I’ll take it to /m/ but if you’re interested the book Suspicious Minds: How Culture Shapes Madness explains a bit of the neuroscience behind it and how schizophrenia and paranoia change with history and culture. It defines the “suspicion system” in the brain and how paranoia contorts that, regardless of WHAT you’re suspicious/fearful of. For farmers in 600 BC it was that their donkey was plotting to kill them, for Gabbie it’s some racist shit.
Part of it is that Gabbie Hanna is 100% racist when lucid. So it’s unsurprising that her “delusions” (not sold on this not being an act) are racist too.
No. 1627745
File: 1661656085518.webm (18.38 MB, 576x1024, “Break”.webm)
Here are some of the latest videos, I’ll continue to stitch them and note when I’ve done so.
>>1627387> Was on break before she started posting> Does this regularly for significant periods of time> Turned phone off because she “always know when it’s time to ground and recenter”> Took break with friends, had vegan food, watched a movie> Had a goodnight sleep> Waiting for contractors to come back and finish her balcony > Discusses plans for balcony > Feels amazing > Glad she was away while more cops visited her house> Neighbours called the police on a “this guy who was sitting outside of my house in a van with his dogs, he literally drove 1.5hrs to make sure I was ok, and the neighbours kept walking by his van on the phone with the police. My neighbours called the police because his dogs were barking”> “Hey! See?” /cackles/ “put the phone down, you’ll feel amazing”>>1627659nayrt but thanks for the book recommendation, Nona No. 1627763
File: 1661657275981.webm (14.41 MB, 576x1024, Liars & TMZ.webm)
>>16277453 videos stitched together.
> “Met this guy, Alejandro*”> Alejandro lied to her and it made her sad> Snapchatted her without asking her permission > Sent it to his friends> “He didn’t know I know that, of course I know that”> Scoffs> “Of course I know” (cut off)*No more context as to who he is
> Mailman also lied to her yesterday> As she left her house to go on a run> Interrupts story to tell us she’s met him before. He scolded her about not emptying her mailbox soon enough> Reiterates mailman has met her before> Mailman reached for his phone as she was leaving > Almost as if she had eyes in the back of head turns around and asks if he wants a picture > “Do you live here?” “I don’t know, do I?” Exchange between the two > Fake (?) laughter and punching the pillowThe laughter at the end seems so forced and fake to meVIDEO 3
To me, this is the most interesting video.
> Shimmies in bed excitedly > Tells us she found out yesterday she was on TMZ again > “I actually didn’t know. I haven’t been on Twitter, Instagram. I haven’t turned on my tv, I haven’t been like searching the news at all but just like Brit, hit TMZ” No. 1627769
File: 1661657578413.webm (3.57 MB, 576x1024, Twerking?.webm)
The next group of videos will be about her neighbours. While “twerking” she tells us:
> “I’m sick of my friends and I being bullied all the time by my white, rich, entitled, godless neighbours.”
No. 1627773
File: 1661657758557.png (89.19 KB, 350x191, group_02.png)

>>1627763I can't even take the content of her mental break or whatever this is seriously because I scroll by these pics and all I can think is that this bitch is straight up an Aardvark or some shit. like she was born to be cast as a character in that kids Arthur cartoon
No. 1627777
File: 1661658053633.webm (19.06 MB, 576x1024, “An Open Letter”.webm)
>>1627769An open letter to her neighbours that she wrote at the beginning of the year.
I feel the last page was intentionally written to shock, anyone else? No. 1627819
File: 1661660071919.webm (18.32 MB, 576x1024, “not a CUNTree”.webm)
>>16277774 videos stitched together, all have to do with her neighbours.
Repeats the van story at the end of this
>>1627745 video
> Starts video by singing praises to her housecleaner> Calls her an angel> Neighbour tried to gaslight housecleaner> Took housecleaner in> Doubled her hours and days> Gave her a raise, “of course”> Ends video with “god bless you!”VIDEO 3
> Shouts out a police officer who left a 911 abuse card in her house by name > Wants the police to stop visiting her house and leaving her cards, she’s not the one calling 911 abusing the system, after all> Invites them to go to neighbours’ house instead> “911 abuse. The coloured girl? In the suburban area?”> Rolls eyesVIDEO 4
> Films fence built in her property by her neighbour> Writes she doesn’t want to waste everyone’s resources and time as she is not a CUNTree No. 1627825
File: 1661660191851.webm (8.14 MB, 576x1024, What, like it’s hard?.webm)
>>1627819Between videos 1 & 2 shared
>>1627819 she posted this, which was too good not to share on its own.
> Explains it doesn’t take her that long to post these TikToks. > Mocks (?) “oh my god! She’s posted 100 TikToks, she’s manic! It’s at the tip of our fingertips. I literally open the phone. Press a button and talk”> Fake laughter> Says “you guys have been talking about me all day and I’ve talking to YOU all day”> Asks us if we’re manic as we haven’t shut the fuck up about her> Through more fake laughter, “I’m doing something productive and creative. Are you? Or are you just talking about my art?”> Fake maniacal laugh> Noncommittally trashes about No. 1627852
File: 1661661197060.jpg (32.73 KB, 700x360, og-gabbie.jpg)

>>1626859>this bitch>colored She reminds me of Ariana Grande but worse. Playing up being some other ethnicity because you don't want to be some basic white bitch lol.
No. 1627899
File: 1661663525497.webm (11.79 MB, 576x1024, “I did it in the right order”.…)
>>1627894The TikTok children are not going to like this.
> Yeah guys, my children, my future children. I did the smart thing. Instead of getting horny, getting pregnant and having a baby in my early 20s or teens, I was smart, bought a house completely furnished it so that when my husband and I choose to have children, soon, it’ll be easy as fuck. Wow! I did it in the right order. I prepared myself for the responsibility of being a wife and a parent before I had babies so that I could give them the best possibly life and the most healthy, stress-free, relaxed mother as possible. (Laugh? Scoff?) OKAY! No. 1627915
File: 1661664217375.webm (9.83 MB, 576x1024, “Accountability”.webm)
I downloaded this
>>1627899 earlier and hadn’t checked back. She made the video private and made an apology.
No. 1627946
File: 1661666731886.webm (18.89 MB, 576x1024, Coercion, illegal search & “ar…)
>>16279452 videos stitched together as they’re related.
> Discusses Nicholas “Nick” Pfeifer (@p.ui_ on TikTok) > Walks us through what happened after Nicholas “Nick” Pfeifer (@p.ui_ on TikTok) left, her “illegal search and arrest” and her private security patrol company No. 1628084
>>1271136I've always thought there was something off about her ever since that whole ADHD thing. To me, she was going through this type of problem back then but everyone just fixated on that she was faking ADHD rather than she was possibly misinformed on a type of mania. She was manic then and here it is again. I don't think that just bc she has an album coming out, it delegitimises what she's going through. She might be stressed over the release and that
triggered whatever this shit is. It's always been notable how much gabbie was shit on in comparison to trisha, who are near enough comparable in terms of mental illness milk and narc-dom imo. Drama channels jump on Gabbie whilst Trisha gets away with "uwu ICONIC" status. Also just bc the cops did a welfare check then left without helping means fuck all, especially in the US.
No. 1628760
>>1628084the people with Bipolarism and ADHD would love for you to stop using our mental illnesses to ignore someones shitty behavior. Trisha and Onision acted just as psychotic
>>1628128Adderall and Weed will do that to a person nona
No. 1628925
>>1628793uhhhh and they fill out all those questionnaires with the symptoms the patient claims to have so I’m not sure why you’re arguing. it seems like you’re misinterpreting what I wrote; I didn’t say you diagnose yourself nor am I advocating for self-diagnosis. sorry to break it to you but psych malingerers absolutely exist and there is no way to definitively prove most psychiatric diagnoses.
anyone with an internet connection can look up the symptoms of something like adhd and LARP it until they find someone to prescribe them stimulants.
No. 1630223
>>1628548i have OCD and no there are no OCD mannerisms, you wouldn't be able to physically tell if a person has it or not. but i will say that she almost definitely doesn't have it, in one of her tiktoks she said something like 'you can't
suffer from ocd, everyone should be obsessive and compulsive- go wash your hands. go shower. be clean. it's a blessing' like i'm obviously paraphrasing but not by much. it seems like she didn't do much research on this particular disorder enough to convincingly fake it
No. 1630721
>>1630223Wow lmfao. You “can’t suffer from ocd” and “mania is a good thing”. I posted early on that she lacks any conviction that someone who is actually mentally I’ll has, and you can walk out on any city street and see real examples. Unmanaged ocd can show up as depression and involve delusions, like actual ones that destroy lives. It’s worth paying more attention to her actions than words, but her words are so insulting it’s not worth getting upset over because even some zoomer with no experience would know better.
It’s really weird how she grew up Catholic but has no knowledge of religion beyond the basics that maybe a six year old might know from their parents explaining Christmas nativities. She also explained id, ego, and entirely left out superego completely ass backwards, which is also the most basic.
No. 1631272
File: 1661903114176.png (612.52 KB, 435x916, drought.png)

She's not uploading at the speed she was but her latest TikToks are her saying the drought in California is caused by cheap people not paying their water bills, but climate change is real? A TT from two days ago shows her (in her security camera) spraying water from a hose into her driveway and her plates are clearly visible.
>>1630942Delusional thinking in OCD usually comes in the form of believing that something terrible will happen if the person doesn't do something in a particular way, at a certain time of the day, a certain numbers of times, whatever. ie my fingernails are going to become infected and fall off if I don't wash my hands every two hours. The worst part is the sufferer usually
knows their thinking is irrational.
No. 1632238
is a bad thing. It's not (only) a heightened sense of energy, it's a loosened sense of boundaries and inhibitions. Honestly cannot believe how some psychiatrists have actually gotten their licenses, dear God.
No. 1632341
>>1631816 She said it in this one
>>1627387 and a few times before this. It's not the first time she has acted absolutely unhinged for the sake of "art"
>>1632172Nona there are literally mentally ill people saying that this is a slap in the face, myself included, she has claimed to suffer multiple conflicting mental illnesses some that are impossible to have with others. The real mental illness she has is factitious disorder because shes so desperate for attention she is willing to act like Trisha Paytas to get it, even though she despises her they are pretty much the same mess.
No. 1632746
>>1632238Sage sperg. No psychiatrist worth the first year of their undergrad would express to a patient that
psychosis is a
good thing. Mania does damage, not just through your behaviour but neurologically. The more times a person who is bipolar type 2 goes into hypomania or (rarely) mania, the more far gone they'll be when the episodes hit, regaining stability gets more difficult, and their risk of the illness developing into type 1 increases. Type 1 is worse.
>>1632172>>1631816I think she was hypomanic (at the very least) and knew she could use her "godly" creativity and energy to her advantage for attention. HoWeVeR the argument can be made that many people genuinely can't tell when they're having a psychotic episode. Or they will vehemently deny it.
i sure didManic or no, this woman is really hard to take at face value. The timing of all this fits with not only her album release (sort of) but her controversy surrounding the art contest for smaller artists she tried to rig. A lot of people are forgetting about that now.
No. 1635736

For the people in the forum calling that it was for a music release ding ding ding you were right.
>Gabbie releasing "Trauma Queen" the album shown in >>1624035>She says she asked Nicks age and full name before letting him in (Nicks video says otherwise)>claims she was collecting his DNA and fingerprints>she let him in because "he was someone in need and was going to pee on the street">police came in and she "thought she heard gunshots" >says she thought the cops were there for Nick>the police were "what triggered me to be manic">only takes acne medication and weed, no more ADHD meds because its "not for her">says "weed is like shrooms for me now its like DMT">"I have CPTSD" claims she was held at knife point in second grade and saved by a teacher, stood between a gun and children, was a victim of childhood abuse, domestic abuse as an adult, and a rape victim>"when you are round people with guns, people lying to use your bathroom, tabloids lying about you, and handwritten death threats"> lists out threats shes gotten> "I'm sad and embarassed but it happened so i'll get over it">"I wasn't having a mental health crisis until I was dealing with people with guns">says she was manic and is going to be writing about her experience being manic (sounds like shitty book fodder)>"Im not going to stop believing in the divine" "I've always known I'm Psychic" more batshit crazy beliefs>"I belive in god and angels because I believe in science and history which prove they exist">humans devolved, apes have it good all they do is mastubate, we're the monster.>no ones as good of a mental health advocate than Gabbie "now I can be a spokesperson for mental health"> "Mania isn't dangerous""calling the cops for wellness checks is a waste of resources">tries to say shes just like Britney Spears KEK>" If I wasn't a sane person who was balanced, alligned all my chakaras, practiced yoga, ate healthy, and really check in with myself and journal. If I ran from the cops, attacked them, tried to scream at them, or kicked my feet I could've been really hurt"> still denies needing treatment and says shes doing fine on her own other than needing her"spiritually intuned therapist">now claims to be agoraphobic despite leaving her house multiple times no problem>"A doctor once told me I'm likely autistic but didn't diagnose me because you cant adopt babies if you are diagnosed autistic">"Autistic people are better parents than normal people">"I'm not a danger to myself or others but I appreciate those calling the police out of concern, but please don't do that">deleted all the videos because there were so many and the "people calling me manic made me manic">"All the bullying and harrassment made me put my guard up."> "it doesn't take much to post many tiktoks" "they were all spoken word poetry">"yea I screamed Help me in the one tiktok because I wanted attention that was a performance">"They were artistic and funny and no ones giving me credit, I'm not afraid to ofend people" compares herself to Lady Gaga, Warhol, Davinci,Van Gogh, and Edgar Allen Poe>"my heart is pure and I love all people, I was just misunderstood">"I never cause drama or fake anything to promote a project. I always have a project coming out and I am always mentally ill" ugly cackling>Now shes blaming it on edibles a fan gave her because a commenter said they saw some in Nicks tiktoks>she saw auras and the grim reaper on them in the past>delusions and hallucinations are mans way into the divine>blabbering about her fear of hell, growing up catholic, and being shamed for "spiritual experiences">says she has intense visions and spiritual experiences>says she had brainscans and MRI's that were normal and just spiritual experiences (spoiler if you have any of what shes claiming to have this would not be the case)> her" experiencing heaven" was her thinking the world had ended>says it was her getting answers from the universe and she still believes it> more babbling about "the divine" her "creating heaven on earth"and everyone else "living in mediocrity">God wrote her songs>now she claims she was manic before the cops ever came and was "stuck in a time distortion">told her family members who were trying to see her not to come because she "didn't want their damage control"
>shitty dance break and yoga to surprise suprise her new music that shes been promoting this whole time. (shocker)
>her "happy delusion" was that "when an animal is abused or neglected the soul is with mother nature and mother nature never lets her creatures suffer">"when someone 'Innocent' especially a child is hurt or murdered they are not in physical pain when it happens they become a vessle to help catch that killer or help the family. their sould is not there the body is putting on an act for the matrix" ????>Her apologizing to "trans babies" by saying that she was fighting societies gender roles and claims to be taking Hormones for acne >tries to encourage trans people not to transition because she "relates heavily with trying to change her outside" >tries to liken genital and top surgery to her lip fillers, wanting a nose job, not choosing other tattoos, and regreting piering her lip because "I have a tiny scar from it"
>and the great ending we were waiting for, Gabbie filming ants walking on a piece of wood at what sounds like a party while an EDM song plays, Commenters say it sounds like Nicks song "At it Again" but Nick was quick to say its not his song. No. 1635739
File: 1662300107447.png (647.68 KB, 813x541, sOcIaLeXpErImEnT.png)

samefag she also posted this on instagram, notice she uses "social experiment" in the description
No. 1636261
>>1636073Who cares the point still stands
Also the .webm files no longer work, the play sign is crossed out - is there a way to watch them still on mobile (or desktop)? Is it when she deletes them that the links break? The streamable files still work tho
No. 1636308
>>1636266>>1636283Safari on both desktop and mobile - should I be using chrome on desktop?
Or is there a specific application on desktop? Cheers for the help