R9k/robot hate thread
Let's discuss our opinions and experiences with r9k/robots. I think most of my experiences with robots have been 96% negative.test
Fluffy pony Abuse Comics
A thread for fluffy pon3 as the title implies.idk
I just stumbled upon this board today.AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
The most attractive race?
Since newfags wanna sperg out on this shitQuestion for farmers
Could you ever forgive a man who had done shitty things to women in his past? Nothing violent or abusive but generally just take them for granted, take anger out on them after a long day at work, and at my worst cheat on them.Lolcow
A website where bunch of sad people complain about how people are mean to others but spend time being mean to others. Theyre wasting time on focusing on other peoples lifes instead of doing something productive.Simulator
Play with the Lolcow Simulator™ here. To get a /snow/-style simulator, include the word "dumb" anywhere in your post. Also note that there are different routines depending on if your post quotes another post or not.Post yfw board merge
Hello, any non-binary, quadsexuals here? :3Elsie lookalikes
Because it (probably) wouldn't be allowed on the main boardsPolitcal Alignment Charts
post em, be internet tough guys when people disagree with youSpergchan Generator
EDIT - November 14: Some adjustments were made to the generator.Trans Youtubers
/cbt/ - cowball thread
let's all love cowballTest
Johner / John
meet johner / JohnPretty Princess Points
Pretty Princess PointsVaginal Inspection Day
Did anyone else have vaginal inspection day when they went to school?Wow
Some of you people really need Jesus/Buddha/etc, y'all are some evil, petty and disgusting individuals. Seriously the collective hate you people produce put Westboro Baptist Church to shame. There is trolling and riling someone up and then there attacking someone just because you can since you have a wall of anonymity to hide yourself with. If any of you were this vitriol and hate mongering in real life I can't imagine anyone loving you. If your mother/father/brother/sister were to see your posts what would they say? I hope at least some of you grow up and stop hating your fellow for their flaws when you yourself are no better. You all feed off of each other and just get more nasty and ugly. I sincerely hope some of you can sit back see what you're doing and move on from this god forsaken den of bullies.Sluts, hoes and the like
I always see other girls saying that there's no such thing as a slut. Is that so? Because whenever shit happens said girls are the first to call other women sluts.Transgender hate thread
Transmisogyny mental gymnastics editionFrom a man
Just wanted to send a message to this largely female board of western women. I despise you and I hate you because of how vile all you women are. You all are foolish women not worthy of life. You live off your female privilege and are surrounded by your delusional narcissism that evelopes your being. There is no doubt in my mind that you worldy women are inferior and have always been inferior to men. You are animals who are incapable of the level of wisdom that a man can achieved. The purpose of humankind is different for men and women. Your purpose on Earth is to serve and please men. That is the reason for your existence. That is why you have breasts. So that we may be enticed and comforted by them. That is why you have a hole that goes inward as we pierce you. However, none of you are worthy of being called a woman. You are not women, you are the equivalent to a manchild. You are but little girls who are narcissists. That is all. I hope my words pierce your callous fornicating whore hearts.Male feminists
Can we have a thread for these people?interracial dating
Why is it so taboo? I personally only date white guys and the occasional asian guy (mainly because i find black men physically gross and hispanic men generally are really really disrespectful to me), but why is it so taboo? Why do guys care so much?greetings from krautchan
hello, are there any bernadette-cows?The fuck is this place?
Am I not supposed to post here if I'm a dude?pls respon
why is everything backwards?Who are you people?
I just stumbled across this chan on google images, where did it come from? Anything to do with 888chan or that one with a CWC /cow/ archive that vanished a couple of years ago? How come so many of you allude to being biological females? That's not normal.ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ
> Why are you a weeb?Can We Post Crazy Conspiracy Theories?
http://rense.com/general21/hw.htm CIA funds feminism because they aren't taxing half the population. I'd like to just be a happy house wife but I need to meet the years of working to get social security when I'm old. Please excuse my 40 hour work week that leaves the kids with daycare and dismiss me as crazy, but why should I be so dependent on social security that I can't raise my kids and work at the same time without worrying about my retirement?Some_Guy the Super Hacker
Meet Some_Guy, consistently banned scriptkiddie who runs a discord kingdom that near as I can tell is largely made up of people waiting for him to dox himself. His frequent bans result in him creating a new screen name practically every week, always with some pathetic self-aggrandization. "Some_Guy The God" "Some_Guy The Lord" "Some_Guy Big Penis" and so on. Now, if you believe his version of events, he's a brave internet crusader tracking and exposing pedophile rings on the internet. The reality? None of the people he "exposes" are actually pedophiles. He simply doxes anyone he gets into an argument with and once he has their dox swats them, threatens them, submits false reports to law enforcement agencies and accuses them of being child rapists and running pedophile rings. Pure coincidence I'm sure that the people he "exposes" are all former friends he had fights with, competing discord servers, egirls who wouldn't fuck him and the guys on their friends lists they will fuck. His tactic is what I've heard called "dunking". As I heard him put it once "Once I accuse you of being a pedophile, no one will help you.Yuri Mikhailovich Kuznetsov
Born Yuri Mikhailovich Kuznetsov, June 30th, 1988, Bologoye, Omsk, RSFSR, USSR.Misandry General Thread 2.0
Previous thread >>>/b/21625Fuck Lil Wayne
Take this Brother may it serve you wellImpossible / Retarded Crushes
>>Developing a huge crush on a relatively popular fitness YouTuberNew board - /sty/
/b/ and /g/ have been consolidated into one off-topic board called /ot/. /manure/ has been removed.