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File: 1495306512851.jpg (116.42 KB, 1080x542, romphim-male-romper-1494904181…)

No. 3745

It happened. We are rapidly going downhill.

No. 3756

>being unable to admit some of the male rompers look like pretty good fits
how is it having such shit taste, anon?

No. 3763

I'd like them better if they were a jersey knit fabric, preferably something like light gray for penis-outline-showing reasons.

No. 3764

Idk I think its pretty cute. Like a short footed pyjamas

No. 3765

I would not date a man that wore a romper.

I would be best friends with a gay man that wore one though.

No. 3771

If they were softer fabrics, they'd make great pajamas (I love nightgowns because they are nonbinding; men don't quite have anything that offers the same thing without covering their legs completely) and they make more sense or men to wear, because bathroom access does not require complete removal.
As a fashion item, I don't like it and I don't think adults should wear shorts outside of athletic activities, or cargo shorts for men once they've sired children.

No. 3772

File: 1495554007743.jpg (127.38 KB, 860x1318, _100022862.jpg)

Like this, but looser, and with more space for his genitalia.

No. 3781

File: 1495598263596.jpg (89.47 KB, 800x1185, toy_story_3_movie_poster_ken.j…)

>thinking this looks good

No. 3792

File: 1495649926743.jpg (373.16 KB, 570x779, k_lpxMHmQ112kJzH.jpg)

Reminds me of an old timey swimsuit.

No. 3793

I dig it. But I'm into men in drag so.

No. 3798

No. 3939

I actually like the way this looks. But, not on sissy men.

No. 3941

The guy in the light pink romper on the far left, and the guy right next to him in the dark colored look alright. It's not really that different from if they wore a polo shirt and matching shorts. Hell, some of them even have guts that cast enough of a shadow for it to look like they're just wearing a shirt and shorts.
I don't see the big deal.

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