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/sty/ - pigsty

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The site has moved to the new server! If you notice any issues, report them here

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No. 1

/b/ and /g/ have been consolidated into one off-topic board called /ot/. /manure/ has been removed.

An additional board named "pigsty" (/sty/) has been added. /sty/ will remain largely unmoderated (except for spam, gore and illegal content).

The only difference is in the way board rules will be enforced.

Use /ot/ for all off-topic discussions that you wish to remain civil and without major derailing and shitposting.

Rules against racebaiting, baiting in general, derailing, etc. will NOT be enforced in /sty/.

Choose a board for your new thread depending on which way you intend the conversation to go. Constantly ruined threads beyond repair may be moved to /sty/ so a new one can be made.

This is a trial arrangement and if after a few weeks the board split doesn't seem to be working as intended, we might reverse the change or otherwise organize the boards in response to user feedback.

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