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No. 451

Anyone else feel like they missed out on teenage dick?
Fucking Stacy was banging all the boys in my class during high school but I stayed at home every night studying to get into med school
hell, I didn't even get laid on prom night
now I'm a 30 year old virgin and, even though I have a stable job, I still feel depressed thinking back
how can I get the full teenage dong experience?

No. 474

Just remember Stacy probably had a kid before 20yo.

You only missed sex, nothing else, you can pay for that if you want, meanwhile Stacy probably ruined her life.

No. 475

Go on tindr or okcupid and look for 18 yr olds? Not that fucking hard, they aren't picky unless you're extremely uggo

No. 494>>495>>502

You do know that most teenagers don't know what they're actually doing…. Most imitate pornography - it would be an awful experience. You lucked out in my opinion. Have you seen the reports about boys spitting on girls, grabbing their hair and having no regard for her comfort and safety?

No. 495

This. The guys at my high school were all into some weird fucking shit and considered sex to be an "I win, you lose" type of situation where whenever they got their dick wet, they would brag all week long in the cafeteria about them being a big whore and doing depraved shit all while insulting the girls that slept with them and calling them whores.

At parties they would be like some type of national geographic predatotrs, roaming in packs, betting about which plastered girl they were going to add to their "kill count". High fiving each other in the hallways afterwards for doing depraved shit to drunk girls.

Be lucky that you dodged the teenage dong experience with ease, OP. Some of us had to actively try to avoid it.

No. 501

I'm a 23 year old virgin and sometimes I regret not getting laid in high school. Coworkers actually make fun of me for being a virgin.

But as other anon's stated its not worth it in HS tbh. Especially when boy's will see it as a "I win, you lose".

No. 502

good fucking lord this! a 15 year old has no idea what to do with anyone. it's really ok.

No. 503>>652

Going to confirm that younger guys generally don't know what they are doing and are pretty awful at sex. You've missed out on nothing. I'd recommend guys at least in their mid twenties and up, though, my personal best experience was a guy in his late 30's.

No. 652

>discover bf lost virginity in middleschool but never had sex after until college
>he said his dick was 7" at age 13
>tfw no big virgin dick

No. 5938

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