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No. 490


No. 492

is this about weeb shit

No. 505

those are both shit animes so i agree

No. 664

>be less than 7/10 guy
>get a chance with female
>say ONE wrong thing and it's over
>there's literally millions of insignificant things you can do that will decrease your worth to her
>the less money you have, and the less attractive you are, the thinner this buffer gets before she rejects you
>the fatter and less attractive she is the greater your buffer gets, but it doesn't scale well and there's still not a significant difference between a 2/10 and 8/10 girl

>be 7/10+ guy with decent money

>your buffer to female judgment is greatly increased
>say TWO wrong things (I like anime, I drink Coors light) and wear a pair of shoes she doesn't like
>it's over

No. 937

>rate everybody's appearances with numbers
>this is the most important aspect about them
>wonder why you end up alone

No. 947


No. 958

>watch gook cartoons
>get gassed
Who am I quoting?

No. 967

no idea but he seems like a smart fellow.

No. 970

>this is the most important aspect about them

I didn't say this, I'm probably one of the the people with the lowest standards for looks in the entire world, despite myself being quite attractive.

Personally I genuinely prefer uglier girls because they probably have low self-esteem, are more clingy, get less attention from other men, and are less likely to cheat.

Not always true though, there's some hamplanet beasts who are equally as ugly on the inside.

No. 971

you're pretty ugly yourself, but we're in sty so

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