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No. 2474

How do secure the existence of our people and a future for white children?
What role do women have in the fight for our future?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2475

Women can do a lot. Too bad that everyone is ignoring the rape and sexual harassment of women by refugees/other backwards thinking immigrants. Women and refugees are always lumped together for some reason.

No. 2476

Men are bluepilled as fuck and don't care about rapes unless we shove them in their faces.

I think that if we actually stood up and told them we DO NOT WANT TO GET RAPED BY SHITSKINS they would do something about it.

Most of these nu-males are scared of saying what they think because they don't want to get attacked by the vocal minority SJWs.

No. 2477

I want /pol/ to leave tbh

No. 2478

I want tumblr to leave

No. 2479

>If you're not a 14/88 stormnigger, you must be tumblr
This and other reasons is why I want /pol/ to leave

No. 2480

Who is talking about 14/88?
I am talking about 14.
Are you ok with what is going on with your country? Everyone who talks about it needs to shut up and just go vent on /pol/?

No. 2481

that girl isn't white though

No. 2482

>Who is talking about 14/88?
I mean, I'm assuming that OP picture was chosen for a reason.
And it's just glaringly obvious you came here from somewhere else to push an agenda.

No. 2483

You didn't answer the question.
Are you ok with what is going on with your country and the way the demographics are going?

You can whine about MUH /pol/, but at the end of the day if we do nothing about this our people are going to be destroyed by traitors.

Being raped by Pakis doesn't sound great to me.

No. 2484

>implying anyone owes you an answer to anything here
/g/ is a female-only board, pls go

No. 2485

You sound like a kike.

No. 2486

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