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/sty/ - pigsty

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No. 2317


A self-hating subreddit for of the progeny of White Males and Asian Females. They claim they are the products "the most racist pairing possible"- white supremacist asian mothers and "beta" white fathers who could not secure a white woman so went for the closest replacement.

The most active user is u/EurasianTiger and spends his days updating his blog and rambling on youtube on his hatred of WMAF pairings:

They also love to praise AMWF pairings and talk about how that is so much more "superior".

pic related: r/hapas in a nutshell

No. 2318

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A pic a found posted often on that sub. According to them AMWF are "superior" "healthy" and "natural" opposed to their own parents WMAF pairing.

No. 2319

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denigration of asian females as mothers and worshipping of white females as superior mothers is also common theme on that sub

No. 2320

lord these people are honestly the most unhinged in the manosphere. you forgot their other sub /r/aznmasculinity

No. 2321

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lol @ r/asianmasculinity
just had a quick browse of that one. pretty similar to r/hapas where they are putting AMWW couples on a pedestal:

and yet they will completely denigrate any asian women who "dares" to date a white man:

the real reason they cannot get women is because they are undesirable. yet they want to blame society/other people for their own personal shortcomings.

No. 2322

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another one from r/hapas:

The son of WMAF is pissed of that white women come to Japan and are not interested in dating Japanese men. These men are very entitled to the white poosay but asian women are forbidden/bashed for doing the exact same thing.

No. 2323

I wonder what they think of AF/XM, well anything other than white males, does it aggravte them as well, or do they not react to it as much because it's not common?
Same applies to XF/AM

No. 2325

Why was this move to /sty/? I'm sure if we give it time, it will be just /incels/ but for Asians/Hapas?

No. 2326

I'm wondering that too. What makes this any different than the r/incels thread? Is it because it's based off race? I notice a lot of threads that have anything to do with race get moved here…

No. 2331

I will never understand they blame all of their problems on being hapa. Im WMAF hapa and it hasnt affected me or my brother at all.

Is it so hard for them to admit the reason why women wont date them is because they are spergy creeps, not because their half asain on their mothers side?

No. 2339

It always fucks me up how extreme and hateful online communities with a largely male userbase are. Incels, manlets, redpill and this one, they're all similar to each other. If it's not blaming their supposedly ugly looks and heights and how women have it better, then they're blaming their race.

>they cannot get women
Some of them date and encourage dating female weeaboos with an Asian fetish. But when their "own" women do the same thing and are together with male weebs, it's frowned upon lol.

No. 2354

It's annoying because we had a previous thread about these guys on /snow/ and it basically turned like the incel one.

No. 2355

Forgot to add that it was on /snow/ for a while and it wasn't an issue before.

Hapas: lolcows, the race.

No. 2359

A lot of white nationalist guys think its OK to marry Asian women.

So you have Asian kids raised by KKK David Duke dads.



No. 2464


It wasn't even moved, someone just started a new one

The old one isn't even locked >>>/ot/44994

No. 2465

The kid is so cute, too bad his dad is a piece of shit and will fuck his childhood up

No. 2468

Everything makes sense now.

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