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File: 1495073131361.jpg (183.99 KB, 1280x720, 1453064440494.jpg)

No. 3707

Did anyone else have vaginal inspection day when they went to school?

No. 3708

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No. 3709


I remember exactly once in elementary school (4th grade) a doctor came in to do physicals for kids who couldn't make it to their own doctors/were out of insurance/etc and he put his hand down my panties and told me to cough then moved on.

That's literally the only time i had anything like that at school though (I moved school districts after that year, unrelated).

I've always felt weird about it though, that's something only primary care doctors should do but i guess they asked for parent's permission so whatever.

No. 3710

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>tfw he'll never give u a "vaginal inspection"
just cuck me up

No. 3711


No. 3714

>tfw none of my friends had a penis inspection day

did I get molested or something?

No. 3729

Can someone explain why the fuck a doctor would do that to a child or was poor anon just legit molested?

No. 3730


Its a spin off of the joke "Penis inspection day" Making light that boys in the 10-15 year old age are in their prime to get molested. It normally comes up as a story involving a male gym teacher and his students.

No. 3762

>in 7th grade
>had started getting periods sex months earlier
>mom bought me pads once; never bought them again no matter how many times I asked/reminded her
>got to the point where I'd steal pads and use them for days on end
>vagina inspection day
>wearing 3-day-old pad
>everyone behind me in line saw and smelled my shame
>nobody said a word
>spent the rest of middle school feeling weird

No. 3769

…So was I legit molested by a school doctor or is there some reason a school giving full body physicals would do this?

Fuck now i feel even weirder about it…Good thing i'm not too fucked up over it but shit.

No. 3770

Our school did it during the time other grades might be getting dental/vision/hearing type stuff, because we had about 40% low-income students who might never see a doctor outside of school.

No. 3806

yeah, sounds like you did

No. 3870

Where are you people from that you actually had a doctor inspect your vag at school? wtf

No. 3871

The hand down the panties cough test is usually to check for an inguinal hernia.

No. 3936

Burger in a progressive suburb.

No. 3945

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yeah, we had vaginal inspection day

I always found the whole thing kind of weird

No. 3958

w t f… and this is happening at school?

>yeah, we had vaginal inspection day

and what if you don't want to? can you refuse? or is it mandatory?

No. 3961

it's mandatory. one girl tried to refuse, but they inspected her anyway, and then expelled her too

No. 3985

you must be fucking kidding
though with murica everything is possible

No. 3990

>people falling for this shit
It's a play on the "penis inspection day" meme, idiots.

No. 3993

memes are more real than you think

No. 4002

"murica" doesn't allow tests like that without parental consent

We also don't have real physical exams at school. Just vision and hearing.

No. 5712

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No. 5713

No, I did not

No. 5716

no, but they would occasionally do an ultrasound on us to check if we were pregnant

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