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File: 1483114528098.jpg (128.96 KB, 701x576, gold balls.jpg)

No. 920

No. 922

100% gold is heavy so you could easily deduct which box contains gold.

No. 928

im kinds drunk but one in two

No. 933

Because if you already got a gold one then the other one left in the same box is either also gold or silver
Am I smart?

No. 2500

(1/3 2/2) / ((1/3 2/2) + (1/3 * 1/2)) = 1/3?

No. 2503

2/5 chance

No. 2504

Same box never mind haha

No. 2513

how do i know it isn't really just fools gold?
how do i know you didn't just paint the balls different colors?
how do i know i'm not dreaming and really i never picked up an actual ball?

No. 2514


Why is everyone else dodging the question? This kind of question isn't easy enough to merit ironic responses.

No. 2534


No. 2589

If this is some Monty Hall bullshit I'm going to lose my fuckin gourd. I can't wrap my head around it.

No. 2590

its 50%
theres a given that your first ball is golden, thus the box with just silver balls doesnt exist since you're guaranteed one golden

so you only have 2 boxes and then its just 50/50

No. 2641

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