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No. 1135

http://rense.com/general21/hw.htm CIA funds feminism because they aren't taxing half the population. I'd like to just be a happy house wife but I need to meet the years of working to get social security when I'm old. Please excuse my 40 hour work week that leaves the kids with daycare and dismiss me as crazy, but why should I be so dependent on social security that I can't raise my kids and work at the same time without worrying about my retirement?

No. 1136

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>because they aren't taxing half the population

So women don't pay taxes in US? Brb, moving there.

No. 1137

lel this. If I don't have to pay taxes well America here I come! Can american female farmers confirm? top fucking kek

No. 1138

Don't get me wrong, I loooove a good conspiracy theory but I don't buy that one. I'd rather believe the big guys are pushing feminism to destroy the nuclear family and eventually civilisation as we know it

No. 1139


Anyone who works pays taxes

No. 1140

Damn robots, they're getting so sloppy with their baits.

No. 1141

yeah I figured. I wish robots left this board with their mumbo jumbo lame b8 thredas

No. 1142

Sorry, never been called a robot before. Let's just get down to the zaniest shit to bypass political ideology. Argatha https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agartha and pyramids in Anarctica http://thedailyjournalist.com/scientia/scientist-claim-to-possibly-have-found-pyramid-like-structures-in-antarctica/ anyone?

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