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No. 2149

(bad post, read the rules)

No. 2150

Fair subject choice but you have to do more than slap up a picture and a title. This needs a text introduction, some information and suggested links.

No. 2151

Sorry, but that is not a woman. Deforming you body to make yourself look like one, doesn't make you one.

I can't imagine being trans because, all I can think about it is how much it would suck to never actually be what you want.

And to regards of the pic, they still don't have a period, nor the ability to give birth. Thou, those things are not a thing that makes a woman a woman. But yet again, deforming you body to look like one doesn't make you one.

No. 2152

idk. the way i see it, if you dress like your preferred gender and identify as your preferred gender, it's no skin off my nose to treat you like your preferred gender.

No. 2153

Okay. Well where do you draw the line? Having period and giving birth? There are women who are born without uteruses, they still have ovaries and give them the feminine appearance. What about women who are infertile, are they no longer women because they can't give birth? What about people on birth control? They are in the position of neither having periods or having the ability to give birth, at the point in time are they not women?

I'm writing my university dissertation on this topic, so writing this is basically just getting me into doing work. I've been meaning to create a thread about trans/agender shit because people don't seem to understand.

TL;DR: The things that are between peoples legs, or their biological workings are none of your business, and you should take people for how they present themselves.

Actual explanation:
In accordance to feminist theory, gender and sex are separate things. Gender is societal/cultural, the way others perceive you. Sex is male or female, XY XX chromosomes, simple school shit. You can not change biological sex, but you are able to change how people view you.

To further complicate issues, sex is NOT BINARY. There are people who are born intersex, where they may have XXY or XYY chromosomes instead, where they are born with ambiguous genitalia. When they are young they are assigned a gender, and have surgery so they have genitals of the assigned sex. Surely this eludes to the idea that there is an element of choice when deciding gender.

Further more, if Gigi's history wasn't already on the internet, she would be unclockable. If you did not know she was trans, you would not bat an eyelid. Like put her next to Courtney Stodden, aside from broader shoulders, they both look like they could be men.

A lot of people argue that being trans is a mental illness (much like other mental illnesses such as bipolar disorder, where it's likely to be genetic). Okay so what if it is? Honestly what is the difference between pumping them with pills that fuck them up in the head, countless therapy sessions, being put on suicide watch lists (because trans people do kill themselves over being trans), and putting them on different hormones, and having some titties in or them taken out. Not much really. It still harms the body, and there is no known medical cure for being trans/body dysphoria apart from letting them go through with the procedures.

It is under my personal opinion that if people didn't say transphobic shit like "you don't have a dick so you're not a boy" or "you can't be a woman because you don't have tits" are the things that cause body dysphoria. The need to even "deform your body" comes from the ideas of what makes a man or a woman, and how society accepts you.

How can society deal with this? In American Indian culture they had 5 genders, which was under these broad descriptions: a man that is born male, a man that is born female, a woman born female, a woman born male, and two spirit where you are both. It is accepted to be born as a male who lives as a female. imo, it would lessen the need overall for people to transition.

Sometimes you have to accept people at face value. It is absolutely none of your business what is between someones legs. It's disgusting and invasive to ask anyone this, regardless of whether they are trans or not. Okay fine, you're curious but it is weird and gross to want to know, if you don't know them that way.

I might as well get the agender stuff out of the way too. This is the part about those who connect/don't connect with either of the identities. There are two solutions to this problem.
1. Push the boundaries of what makes a man or a woman
2. Create umbrella term, that people can opt for.
Being agender, you can basically fit into both of the solutions, as it is a state of identifying with neither. Would this be classed as a third gender?

There's way more to this, and the topic has beaten to death. With a little research it's quite obvious how subjective gender is. If there are any Q I'm happy to answer them to the best of my abilities.

No. 2154

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dropped pic. forgot I refreshed the page haha

No. 2155

Can this be moved to /sty/ ????

No. 2156

I concur. This thread is going to end up going the same way as Blaire's did.

No. 2157

Anyone knows the name of that goth trans who pretends to have a personality disorder? He "changes" in front of the camera and it's total cringe because as long as you're not completely brain dead, you can see he's faking the whole thing.

No. 2158

Autumn Asphodel?

No. 2159

Don't post this here. Post it in the other tranny thread. You're just shitting up the trans YOUTUBERS thread. Even if this thread gets moved to sty, "serious" topics should be made in the other thread.

No. 2160

YES! Thanks anon, I completely forgot his name.

No. 2161

Women are female human being period.

Intersex people have a terrible condition and shouldn't be exploited by the trans agenda.

No. 2162

I just found out we have an old thread on him. Not gonna use necromancy though. But if anyone is interested here it goes:


No. 2163

ok tumblr

No. 2164

I sincerely hope this is bait, because it reads like it. I think the most appalling part is that you say therapy and medication is bad, and that you support bodily mutilation as a treatment instead. Do you ever think about what you're saying, or are you being jerked off too hard by your gender studies department, like every other gender studies department in the world? Also your use of people who were born intersex to further your pathetic cause when their situations are COMPLETELY different to that of delusional, mentally-ill trannies. I wish I was on a computer so I could deconstruct why your explanation is a crock of shit, but this will have to do.

No. 2165

Sex is binary. A male and a female is required to reproduce in most animals. Evolution dictates any sex that is not male or female will die out because they are unable to reproduce. Intersex is not the norm so is a very poor argument against this, especially since many intersex people can't reproduce and those that can are practically male/female anyway. Sex is based on reproduction and reproduction only, and to classify it using anything that isn't the reproductive organs is incorrect.

We don't need more than two genders. It needlessly complicates things and is completely unnecessary. Why do people feel the need to identify and have people perceive them as something they are not? Surely it would be easier and more resourceful to work with what you are and improve yourself. If perception is what makes a trans person feel uncomfortable as their own sex, wouldn't it be better to change perception and combat sex-based stereotypes so we are all viewed the same, no matter our sex? To demand more than two genders or that you must change your own is rather entitled, as if they value their identity more than others.

No. 2169

I don't have hate in my heart but shit like this scares me.

No. 2172

That's because deep down you know it is unnatural and crazy

No. 2255

Is this pasta? But really, deforming your body to make yourself look like a woman doesn't make you one. It doesn't change the fact that you have XY chromosomes and desperately throwing money at a surgeon doesn't change that.

No. 2278

I really hope this is bait because if it isnt you are a fucking idiot. I get really annoyed when you trans idiots use intersex to justify your condition, you clearly dont give a fuck about us so keep our condition out of your mouths. Intersex is nothing to do with being trans and it certainly doesnt disprove the sex binary.

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