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/sty/ - pigsty

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File: 1485502370751.jpg (9.34 KB, 460x410, date.jpg)

No. 2210

No. 2212

"I post on r9k"

No. 2213

"All women deserve rape"

No. 2214

"Gender's a social construct."

No. 2215

I am a feminist.

No. 2216

im a nice guy

No. 2217

I have a tumblr

No. 2218

I'm majoring in arts

No. 2219

I won't without one

No. 2220

My crotch is itchy

No. 2221

i have a cancer :\

No. 2222

wanna see my katana

No. 2225

I'm not like most.

No. 2229

I'm actually a guy

No. 2230

"go fuck yourself cunt"

No. 2231

Have a Reddit account?

No. 2232

Ever hear about telomerase?

No. 2233

What is your sign?

No. 2235

You're gonna pay, right?

No. 2236

I'm really into kids

No. 2245

" I have kids"

No. 2246

'My gender is fluid"

No. 2248

"Call me daddy baby."

No. 2264

Can we have sex?

No. 2270

"I'm usually an incel"

No. 2271

my first time dating

No. 2275

we will pay separately

No. 2279

Those pictures? They're old

No. 2281

>always expecting to get a free meal

No. 2286

I'm really into MLP

No. 2290


"Scat is my thing"

No. 2306

I love Guy Fieri

No. 2308

Excuse u

No. 2309

sorry anon just make sure u keep it to urself

No. 2374

What's your little age?

No. 2375

''Let's talk about politics.''

No. 2378

"You know about lolcow?"

No. 2385

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>not expecting to get a free meal

No. 2387

can we fuck now?

No. 2395

Please smile for me

No. 2407

I really like Onision

No. 2429

I am an antidisestablishmentarianist.

No. 2434

you play any games?

No. 2435

>points to some post on his phone LOOK AT THESE SJW'S!

i hate this place

No. 2461

I like nihilist memes and filthy frank is funny

No. 2472

I really like anime

No. 2565

I am other kin

No. 2567

i have a knife

No. 2569

Ruining a date in four sentences of four words:

- I am female inside

- Actually, a trans lesbian

- Taste my girl dick

- Don't reject me, bitch!

No. 2575

unions aren't necessary anymore

No. 2576

why must you hurt me so

my comrade

- four inches is average
- i'm a traditional guy
- polyamory is so misunderstood
- the friendzone is real
- ruby rose turned me
- that's not very ladylike

No. 2580

"i stream on twitch"

"hoping to be partnered"

"check out my youtube"

No. 2587

File: 1489441590708.png (3.1 MB, 900x900, meger mien drinking.png)

>you don't actually think this anon
do you?

No. 2623

"I don't want kids"

No. 2628

actually those would be the best 4 words i'd ever hear! haha not everyone wants kids.

No. 2795

kys dumb roastie

No. 2925

thats only 3 words

No. 2946

File: 1491090595399.gif (1.02 MB, 320x240, 1488600918809.gif)

kys is short for 2 words so it's actually fine since it's kill yourself dumb roastie

No. 2966

what the fuck is that gif

No. 2972

i use 'they' pronouns

No. 3653

"So I'm into polyamory…"

No. 3654

The person who initiates the date should pay for it.

No. 3684

File: 1494891982772.jpg (Spoiler Image,69.4 KB, 720x507, u want sum fuck.jpg)

You have an interesting

No. 3699

I like watching kanadajin3

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