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No. 2361

From what I've seen IRL most women know very little about the internet outside of Facebook and Instagram, and couldn't even tell you what a "forum" is. So what's going on here? Are you all ugly or something?

No. 2362

>implying that I'm not rated 9/10 at 23, multiple dating options at my beck and call, while my ex-pretty-ex-classmates are pushing 190lb, fighting with their highschool sweetheart husbands and/or divorced, and pregnant again with the second kid.
kek. keep telling yourself how 'mad' I am. Life is great.

No. 2364

Post balls or get the fuck out, fuckswine

No. 2369

you know not every girl has to be a basic vapid bitch right?
Sure there are intelligent/alternative girls who don't really follow chan culture but it's pretty stupid to stereotype females into 1 dumb thing.
I took the bait so I'm no better but I hate how the girls who are constantly glued to social media craving constant atttention is what people think of when they think of "women".

No. 2370

op is a mega retard because most men irl dont spend most of their life on the internet and know what a forum or imageboard is either. try walking up to an average guy on the street and start talking about 4chan n it'll end with a "what?" and probably a dirty look. its not a gender related issue at all.
sage cuz bait but im throwing it out there anyway

No. 2373

Lmao because knowing about obscure internet boards is so cool. It's only cool cause you have no life, so you think it's some sort of badge of honor or something. Yea no most people are busy having lives.

No. 2388

It's really funny you question our looks, when irl not a single guy with decent looks use imageboards, some even have no idea what that is. The only one i know who frequents imageboards is hideous weeb.

Lots of farmers are those dreamy qt you thirst for.

No. 2501

Nah tho
Lots of attractive guys AND girls use 4chan for the whole self deprecetive "I'm such a nerd lol" irony thing. Usually the ones that smoke pot lots and wear ironically bad clothes, but are still hot.

No. 2502

I'm really attractive but have an extremely low self esteem to the point that I only either smoke pot, exercise or try to do face masks/self care in my spare time. I am so insecure and scared of being judged that I barely go out because I get so anxious. I hate myself and I am a really shy person so people often think I am aloof. I know I am pathetic but whatever haha

No. 2543

I can confirm, I'm a 17 year old male subhuman weeb scum that looks hideous.(underage b&)

No. 2632

No. 2646

during my teens i was isolated, depressed, and had no life and lurked 4chan all day long. i long grew out of 4chan, mostly pulled myself out of the hole and actually have a life going for me now (college, work, good friends, boyfriend, etc) but i still lurk stupid internet shit in my free time. and i think i'm pretty cute, others tell me so.

No. 2787

Stay at home mom. Would rather lurk in threads all day than whore my kids out online. Mildley attractive and decently intelligent.

No. 3536

Two counterpoints being that imageboards are much more normal for guys today, especially after the celebrity nude leaks and the rise of mobile posting.
My other point is that I am a cute guy (nohomo) and have been on various forums since early teens

No. 3572

Ever since i started university i have no friends and one of my papers is so useless that i can spend a solid few hours lurking, besides work imageboards are the only place i can really interact with anyone.

No. 3577

Yeah I'm an ugly girl. Bullied throughout school because of my bad personality and autismo behaviour. Whatever friends I had I pushed away bc I'm also a bonafide schizo.
I was hot for a brief time when I was bmi 14 but now I'm fat as well as ugly and schizo.
Anonymous image boards are the only places I can blend in.

No. 3621

>irl not a single guy with decent looks use imageboards, some even have no idea what that is. The only one i know who frequents imageboards is hideous weeb
Not exactly a strong sample there, and not just for the size.
Most channers don't talk about it irl, if I was asked if I knew what 4chan was I'd say "I think it's a website" and leave it there.
It's not exactly a place you'd put on your resume.

No. 3623

sorry you live in some bumfuck hick town, that must suck

No. 3624

This is the most intricate shitpost I have seen in awhile. Thank you.

No. 3648

I don't talk about the internet with people who aren't also IB users.

No. 3649

Counterexample: my boyfriend is very handsome. He uses image boards, but not 4chan.

No. 3668

I appreciated reading this

No. 4434

I just got off work at the Playboy studios. Whew the shoot was too long and I had to pose with a tiger that almost malled me, along with 15 elite Hollywood directors who all tried to molest me. I seem to be lost, I was looking for Facebook. What is this place. I’m scared! kek

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