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/sty/ - pigsty

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No. 3273

Hi there. My gf/irlwaifu/Queen says I should stick to 4chan because this place can get very hostile to men like 4chan can be ridic hosile to women. So hello lolcow I am a male with a penis here is my presence objected to?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 3274

dick of gtfo

No. 3275

mantits or gtfo

No. 3276

I'm not an object :'(

No. 3277

And they are called pecs not mantits

No. 3278

look, if you're not gonna get banned for being male you're at least going to get banned for posting in the wrong board. are you making this thread because you want to be banned?

No. 3279

No. I have no idea how it works here like I said I'm a migrant from 4chan. Just heard about this place and thought it would be funny. But I guess y'all are on cycle.

No. 3280

Farmhaaaaands! >>/sty/

No. 3281

All the time on 4chan and you don't even know how to lurk?

No. 3282


for real


do you really think that the opposite would have had a better reception? like if a girl waltzed onto any board on 4chan and posted "hi my boyfriend says i shouldn't come here because it's really hostile towards females. so hello i am a female with a vagina is my presence objected to?"
do you really think that would go over any differently?

No. 3284

Dicks or gtfo

No. 3286

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Hang yourself with that flaccid string you call a cock plz & thnx

No. 3287

You're making yourself look like a fool, male specimen. I hate guys like you that come here and say "oh my girlfriend.." this and that.

No. 6314

stupid whore. your gf never told you anything because you did not and do not have one

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