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No. 763213
If you don't have the material, time, or experience to make a new thread about a subject you want to discuss, use this thread to see if other farmers are interested in making and joining one.
Previous threads
>>>/pt/366110>>>/pt/486300>>>/pt/633584 No. 764568
We desperately need a Ro Elori Cutno thread. Basically she's a misogynistic scammer who turned her MLM into a cult and claims to have predicted many crises, including the current coronavirus.
(She's also really racist and anti-Semitic but rules say no race-baiting so please stick to her cult antics.) Deets here: No. 765472
File: 1585072754285.png (3.28 MB, 750x1334, 8D08581A-9C01-4861-8500-813ED1…)

>>763213Can some kind farmer point me in the direction of a TikTok thots thread? Surely there’s something out there about strawberry.hayes, lilelizaj etc? And if not, can we make one?
No. 765523
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>>765482She and her orbiters are pretty milky.
No. 765935
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>>764387 She has a pull thread. those who don't know invadernoodles is insane southern US white trash hypocrite pickme who obsesses over herself.
We need a new Holly Brown thread too.
No. 767693
File: 1586100067146.jpeg (681.03 KB, 750x1113, 65AD9E0B-7D44-4015-A9EC-D34C26…)

Does anyone know washed up art thot/model Alexandra Marzella/Artwerk6666? She had a moment back In the Obama era, was milky back in then, stopped being milky, and now is gearing up to be milky again. She’s a 30 y/o failed model from an ultra wealthy family who LARPS being poor sjw and is just general delusional and selfish
>got a nose job at 16, father in a banker, has never worked a day in her life
>was in sexual relationship with a 19 y/o at age of 29, accused him of rape because they had unprotected sex and he came inside of her with warning her beforehand, harassed his family to the point of having her Instagram disabled and a lawyer was involved
>Got knocked up by some other 19 y/o loser, has no job, no career (torpedoed her own small model career) no work experience, is ebegging for diapers and shit when both her parents are extremely wealthy
>Is obsessed with social justice and uses black/brown/trans people as human accessories, will probably do the same with her child
The thing that pissed me off the most is that she wants to host a birthing party in New York in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic. Not only is she selfishly creating a situation for transmission, she is putting the midwife and doula is danger for no good reason and also her own unborn baby because she could get really sick and won’t be able to care for it. Unreal.
No. 767820
>>767819 A lot of evidence of her harassing her 19 y/o ex is still visible on Facebook public posts
I bring it her up because once she has this kid she will 100% go back to being extremely milky and the e-begging has already started, classic early sign of cow syndrome onset
No. 767891
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is there gonna be another costhot general? the other ones locked and i don't have the knowledge to make a new one myself, but there's a bit of milk in which bunny ayumi just tried shilling a gambling site, and got a ton of replies calling her out and is now trying to pretend like it never existed.
No. 767925
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>>767847Seconding Lovely Peaches thread. She is always up to some loony ass nonsense.
No. 767926
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>>767925Also screenshot of her saying she wants to drown her baby
No. 767930
File: 1586240384040.png (Spoiler Image,399.75 KB, 750x1334, F79ED34D-95A1-48B7-9F7C-521D67…)

I would love to see a lovelypeaches/Brittany Johnson thread.
-Ate her feces, piss and menstrual blood
-performed multiple times bestiality with a dog/puppy (it's on twitter)
-has seks on live, even before she was 18
-got a kid 2 years ago, but she currently doesn't have the kid. It supposedly lived with her dad all this time
-she said she was gonna pimp out her kid or murder her (even though she never had her)
-has crazy antics in store all for shock value
-has severe mental disorders, untreated
-began running away from home after her mother died in I believe 2013 (Cora Johnson)
-she recently showed herself to minors including malu trevejo and skai Jackson on a live stream on twitter
-she broke into malu's house and stole a shirt of her
-i also believe she broke into skai Jacksons house, but I am not sure
-she has a song burning and itching and went viral on tiktok
-her fans are crazy, I don't know why she even has fans. She also got verified by Instagram multiple times
-has a weird obsession with charmed
I am not following her, because it's horrible. But if someone follows her, make sure to screen shot. She has a tendency of posting something and then deleting it after a few minutes or hours and replace a charmed picture.
I can't make thread, but here is the best summary I can give you of the events. A lot of it has been documented in the pull thread. this is the twitter link also has a video on her.
Main (verified) up (private) No. 767937
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>>767891Susu shilled the same site. Her video was strange and forced and she ignored all the people calling her out. They both deserve their own thread at this point with their amount of money grubbing and meitu abuse.
No. 767946
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>>767930All this seems like a pretty decent thread starter tbh. We need an organized place to observe this creature.
No. 767951
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>>767946There’s so many insane posts from her. every time I think I’ve seen the worst of it there’s more.
No. 767959
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>>767185I don’t know if it warrants a whole thread but it’s worth discussing
No. 767962
Did anyone catch the Fedmyster ( & drama?
It started out with Fed hiring a girl on named Yuna (
She acts like she's a Grandmaster Jungle main and carried all games she played with Fed. The following days they played together more and more and Fed kept hiring her. His twitch chat kept donating and shipping them together. She 'confessed' feelings at some point and they kept flirting a bit.
Today Fed gets a DM on twitter telling him Yuna was not the one playing and that she's just doing it for the clout. Her ex-bf turns out to have played with them all this time while they shared the money. Proof: was honest about it and told Fed, also refunded all the money he gave her through the site (around $500).
Right now Fed is milking the whole drama and streaming on his second account with donations turned off, obviously getting tons of donations
Also, this is her talking to her ex that was actually playing. Looks like she's been chasing clout all along: No. 768082
Remade the costhot thread:
>>>/w/88208Sorry it's kinda shitty but I made it while distracted.
No. 768605
File: 1586624033978.jpg (52.84 KB, 1140x818, TK-Autustus Invictus_21420.jpg)

A really interesting lolcow topic would be cringey political extremist lolcows. There are lots of freaks on both the authoritarian right and left who fantasize about fucking up everyone else's lives as much as they've fucked up their own.
I can definitely understand opting not to do this, as it would probably draw some unwanted attention from said extremists and create more work for the site team. But especially since 2015, these people have become more visible, less fringe, and younger.
Pictured is Augustus Invictus. He faces multiple allegations of rape, and he was recently convicted of threatening to kill his wife, abusing her, and I think kidnapping her. He's an open fascist who keeps running for public office. He's written books on everything from implementing fascism to his own drug experiences (which seems ironic).
An obvious one would be Richard Spencer, who sees himself as the leader of a post-American "ethnostate." He compared Trump to Hitler in a positive way, has a serious drinking problem, and dragged his wife by the hair across a floor in front of their kids.
There's Chris Cantwell, who was the focus of Vice's documentary on the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville. He has multiple assault charges, has a long history of being a really lame libertarian-turned-racist activist, and runs a racist talk show.
There's Mike Enoch, who's a Nazi who divorced his Jewish wife when his Nazi followers found out about him. There's also Andrew Anglin, who runs the Daily Stormer. He went from a hippie with violent anger problems, to a Neo-Nazi who runs possibly the biggest Nazi publication currently running. He made the shift because he tried to start a cult with people in Southeast Asia, but the villagers he tried to recruit wouldn't follow him, so he got really upset and decided he must be superior. Then there's Nick Fuentes, a college dropout who basically just trolls conservatives for not being fascistic enough.
To balance things out, on the left there's Jason Unruhe, a Stalinist/Maoist LARPer who fantasizes about murdering people and committing terrorist attacks, when in reality he's just a fat greasy NEET.
No. 768654
>>768605I would love to see this thread! As someone who is fiscally conservative, socially liberal and just a bored consumer of internet, there are so many amusic cooky characters out there. My favorite las find was Vice's founder, Gavin McInnes who apparetly is now a far right extremist and threw a hissy fir demanding his neighbors remove "Hate has no home here" signs from their own lawns while also maintaining that he holds libertarian beliefs. Nice mental gymnastics there.
>>768634I knew nothing about Nick Fuentes prior to this post, is he really a troll? Wikipedia describes him as a cookie cutter alt right holocaust denier guy who probably takes himself a little too seriously.
No. 768693
>>768605(Sorry if this post doesn't make much sense, I'm high right now.)
I actually went to college with a girl who got connected with Augustus Invictus. She was a Philosophy/Gender Studies major at my college, but I think she dropped out due to mental health or money issues or something? Around the same time, maybe, she posted a whole bunch of "interviews" she did with Augustus. I assumed she because friends with him, I had no idea she was a dominatrix/in a relationship with him. Later on, she apparently broke up(?) with him and started posting about how much of a stalker Nazi he was? She even wrote a book about how she was fooled into dating him because she was so captivated by his philosophy chops, but she had noooooooo idea he was a Nazi for a few months.
> she did a lulzy AMA about it.
> No. 769068
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That autism LARPing girl died, though her thread is locked. Just found it interesting
No. 769203
>>769159Are you sure?
I'd glanced at her thread before, but never dug deeply. But this video is really convincing, so if she just acted this out, it'd be pretty impressive
No. 769208
>>769203Yes. Several of her lies including her sudden extreme autism/mutism have been pointed out in her thread (I think).
She was sick, but not to the extent she made or tried to make people believe.
No. 770643
>>770506>>770641Thirded for the Jim Saroka thread
>>770487Yes please on the new Onion thread, it's been several days now without anything.
No. 770725
File: 1587586677216.jpg (373.91 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_p94z34cECK1sa2fzgo2_128…)
- radical marxist SJW transitioning into male
- obsessed with les mis, trying to write les mis fanfiction and draws his OCs all the time
- incredibly aggressive and hostile to anyone who whispers the slightest contrarian idea to literally anything
- feature of roasted BBC documentrary regarding his pregnancy: (highlights: upset about strangers assuming he identifies as a woman while pregnant, uses term chest feeding and very upset when others dont, calls himself a laboring MAN. very upset when he had to be listed as the baby's mother on the birth certificate. NOT in documentary, but calls his period his monthly revolution, wants them to not be called feminine hygeine products because its
thankfully he isnt raising his baby genderless. ps if someone makes a thread, do not post the baby…
- changed names 9000 times
- complains about being 'poor' when spends all money on cosplay, 1-3 day trips to parts of the UK or france, vintage shit, etc. 0 financial literacy, not interested in learning
- inherited 80,000 or 100,000 something like that from living grandparents' life savings. spends on transitioning, travel, top surgery(?), vintage shit worth thousands, nothing for the future or betterment of the situation of him, his husband (also ftm), or his 2 year old
- flipped out at an anon who called him about this
- he and his partner cosplay gay enjolras/grantaire together in 'historic photoshoots'
- rages when he doesn't pass or people misgender him IRL, often writes about this.
- more of his lulzy content came before he became obsessed with his les mis fanfic
- his fanfiction is basically his self insert as trans rad fem Enjoloras (FtM) and their kids with Grantaire
- he sells it and people buy it… i have never read it, it seems to be researched at the very least
- its more his personality than creative outputs (i never read his fic, but i have seen his art and its ok) that makes him unbearable…
No. 770730
>>770726who really cares as to what pronoun is used for him on lolcow. point is he or she is nuts and thread worthy.
documentary is only like 25 minutes so watch it for a laugh. dorian's husband (FtM) is in it too
No. 770818
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Should Sora The Troll get his own thread? Thinking about making one. He has cow potential yet covers his tracks very well because of his jobs outside the interwebz
No. 770895
>>770853do the following
>provide any milk he may have (ex shitty situations or cow behavior he would display)>provide any evidence or videos you may have of said behavior> put their social media do NOT include
>Personal information (adresses, etc) >his family or significant others (unless they are big cows themselves)>anything that can harm or dox him No. 770911
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>>770895Are these photos allowed as “cow behavior”?
Also this caption translates to “dad, please cum in my pasta”
No. 770968
>>770941yeah I didn't it wasnt but if these pictures are the only cow like thing he is doing then why even make a thread you will end up getting a shitty thread red text.
>you seem kind of new wow how original, havent heard that one before. the guy isnt even worth a thread to be honest the only thing closest to milk he has done is interact with weenus but other than that the guy is just a tryhard.
No. 771015
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This dude black Knight is a lolcow
No. 771016
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No. 771017
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No. 771023
>>770895What if he doxes himself when mentioning birthday, birthplace, current city, current and recent occasions himself? Is that allowed?
He’s been good about not mentioning his and his family’s names or what roles he did for his current occupation. However, he let it slip a couple of times that his dad is a local politician (will not put the latter).
No. 771178
File: 1587845398536.jpeg (Spoiler Image,271.16 KB, 1539x2048, EVQS4N8UcAIrhnk.jpeg)

For the love of god someone make and thread on aheago doll/@Harapinkangel on Twitter.
>Bat shit crazy sw
>Spends entire life on twitter bullying others for trivial shit
>Lords her precieved privilege over anyone, and everyone
>Unattractive but blames colonialism
>Gatekeeps anything and everything
>Including ahegao cuz "muh Asian"
>Not even Japanese
>Tries to cancel anyone who disagrees
>Slew of deleted tweets all over her Twitter from her victims
>Resorts to race, skin colour, bodysize as an insult but heaven forbid someone do it to her
>Is the absolute epitome of fake woke, likely insane
>Thinks it's trans with the only take on trans experiences
>Doesn't experience dysphoria
>Presents as completely female
>Uses "muh transness" to silence all logical dissent
>Don't send me your dick if it's ashy
>Fave words include kkkracker (kek), fatphobia, transphobia, racist, systematic, bitch, weeaboo, colonizer, cis, white, ugly, yt (no clue, I'm sure it's derogatory though kek)
>Unironically believes white people created gender
>They also apparently created dysphoria kek
>It actually says fat pussy, is just fat
>Urm a college student pre med that makes me totez smrt!
>Only Asian people can reclaim and do ahegao~
>People who think there's only two genders are fUkiN uNeDUcATeD
>Muh sex aboose
>Calls self "tranny" in bio, publically slanders any and all who dare to do the same
>All cis people should kill themselves
>Send me money for muh pain
>Seems to hate other sws more than Shayna
>Anyone who charges more than a toenail clipping (which is more than her) is a pRiCe sHaMeR
>Anyone who can form a sentence in response, is a "pea brain"
>"Can your pussy pay rent? I don't think so no one wants to fuck you"
>"Cis people have rocks for brains this is why y'all shouldn't be breathing"
>"Ask my only fans percentage. And stay in your over saturated lane"
>"East Asians are the fucking white people of Asia"
>"How's it feel to only have 75 followers?"
>"White Latinx weeaboo what's fuckin knew! I'm shitting on you too!"
>"I have 16k followers and top 7% on OF the little cracker you're defending is a spec of dust compared to me"
>Proudly admits to being blocked by the majority of NSFW Twitter
This is just the 15th - 27th of this month, there's no telling if or when the madness will end. Someone please document this Trainwreck. I'm an autist who's never made a thread, but I've got many an image to dump. Watch out for spoilered image, it's confronting.
No. 771183
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>>771178Samefag. 26th*
She took her moves straight out of Shayna's playbook.
No. 771256
>>771183wtf her twitter
>trans woman>entire pussy out?????
No. 771261
>>771256Ahegao Doll/Harapinkangel'm my phone sorry it th links retard
No. 771475
>>771443He legit seems like a way worse version of Onision. I definitely think he should get a thread.
>>771468>>771473He may feed on the attention, but it will only lead to him destroying himself. Exactly like what happened to Onion Boy.
No. 771946
>>771178This is late af but stupid me wrote that at 4am and didn't think to say "yt" out loud kek. She's obviously just shortening "whitey"… I'm embarrassed.
>>771510>>771539He looks like a legitimate sociopathic foot. Katie seems like a really nice girl accepting such extreme abuse from the equivalent of a human toenail no less.
>>771717I'm worried for Katie but coming around, I doubt she'll leave him at this point, she's in too deep. Like maybe a thread will do damage, but at the same time maybe she'll read it and gtfo before it really is too late? I'm torn but I'll probably be an avid reader if a thread is made.
No. 772578
>>771717I agree,
There’s already people who have been documenting his antics on Twitter/yt for awhile..he’s 10x worse than onision and there’s more than enough material to warrant a thread on this psycho
No. 772693
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>>771443>>771539>>771946>>772578I came across this, and it really disgusted me. A Kate Saroka (his gf) wrote a novel. It has one review, by Jimmy, who trashed it. You can tell from the review he never read it, he's just insulting it. This guy legit deserves to die.
(screenshot from Goodreads)
No. 772908
can we merge the Shane Dawson and Youtube General threads in /snow/? they aren't active enough on their own and there's too much overlap
>>772693this is extremely sad. her book looks so cute.
No. 773045
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Could we please make one on elon musk? There's so much snowflaky shit surronding him (and grimes)…
I know we have the celeb-thread but it's hard too keep track of all the crap musk does.
No. 773195
File: 1588758197241.jpg (Spoiler Image,516.13 KB, 2240x1260, fm.jpg)

Do we have a thread on people who dress like… this? This is Fecal Matter (her username) and I know I've seen some girls who look like this on BarcroftTV and miscelaneous youtube videos. They're not egirls, and they're extremely absurd looking to be just an alternative fashion kind of thing. They dress like this daily if possible, in the most outrageous uncanny valley way.
A lot of them are into looking like an alien/goblin/elf/non human creature, mix creepy and cute shit, have this kind of "aesthetic" that involves bugs or bodily secretions and just are very disgusting looking. Kinda like Rotting Dolly's photos, but they're not exactly "living dolls"
Is there a living doll thread, anyway?
No. 773407
>>773342offtopic but I think that would be actually refreshing to see. Less snowflakes and attention whores, more quality over quantity, less cossthots etc
But also, less milk
No. 773796
>>773643?? The only FatTuber who’s discussed here is Nikocado, and only rarely. It would be weird to have a thread about reaction channels and not the people being reacted to.
“FatTubers and Their Haters” might be a better choice?
No. 773836
>>773796there is a anti-o flake thread so yeah threads about reaction channels exist too.
Haydur nation has been very milky lately especially Charlie gold who has a thread on kf.
No. 773867
>>773836Yes, there is both an Onision thread and an Anti-Onision Flakes thread. It’s weird to have just an antis thread without any threads on the people the antis are reacting to.
It would make more sense to have a thread for both, since nobody seems to want to create a thread just for the YouTube fatty channels.
No. 773975
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Is there a new Vicky thread? She's been gathering equally milky locals lately it seems. I can't wait for them to hang out after quarantine is over.
No. 774790
>>773195i mean… where's the milk, though? Fecal Matter (matieresfecales @ instagram if you wanna check them out) are absolutely provocative freaks, but that's kinda the point of what they're doing. i mean idk if "fashion i don't understand" is milky, exactly.
it'd be like going after fetish accounts like "look at these freaks into giants and shit" like sure it's weird but where's the milk?
unless you meant it as a "let's discuss people doing freaky but fascinating shit" in which case i'm fucking down. do we have a fashion thread?
No. 775124
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Found this on GRLWOOD's instagram, they immediately deleted this but i took a screenshot, does somebody have an idea what's the fuck going on?
No. 775443
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>>767962Some people on Twitter posted how she would dm girls who would follow her (now ex) bf death threats cause they followed him. Recent screenshots are less than 2 months old and when she got called out she tried to pretend to be uwu wholesome reformed, Fed's WKs accepted her lie.
I think she really deserves a thread. Many people in Twitter thread actually said they had her threats over interacting w her bf too.
No. 775913
File: 1589948979454.png (749.31 KB, 854x576, diginee.png)

Could we please please please have a new thread on Digibro and his girlfriend May? there's so much milk going on right now and he's just a very very milky cow
Quick run down of his past events:
>Conrad Collins
>Anituber, but started in the mlp fandom
>College drop out in his late 20's
>Very prone to drama, he gets in constant fights with other people on youtube. He has many sagas, including the Mother's Basement saga, and the Mumkey Jones saga, Digibro vs Gigguk saga, etc
>His friends are pretty milky and delusional as well, worst offender is EndlessJess, who plays with children toy's on sewer water
>Used to pull out midly interesting content on anime analysis, got a large cult-like following that ate up anything that came from his arsehole
>He's very pretentious, often thinks he's undoubtfuly right, does not fact check, and proclaims to be the "otaku gonzo journalist" and "never ending content machine"
>He's a lolicon, does not bathe, does not brush his teeth, and his room is full of posters of naked loli anime girls. He even coined a name for his lazy style of clothing (can't remember at the moment)
Cut to around 2-3 years ago, and to this day
>Meets May, his current girlfriend and fianceé
>Enables anything digibro does, and digibro in turn makes her go with stupid choices like dropping out of college and moving to another state with youtube money, she hasn't worked a day since they moved together
>They pass their days drugged out of their mind with weed
>Digibro slowly stops putting out content, the quality drops very hard
>His channel drops views and subscriptions at a steady phase
>Starts surviving on "rant videos" on his side channel
A week ago
>Patreon money, twitter follows and youtube at an alltime low
>Drops a new music album with lackluster mixing and horrid vocals, amv visuals, and one of the songs hints at him trooning out soon
>a lot of people start unsubing because the songs are just edgy teen cringe songs
>he has mentioned that he wants to be a loli girl before so this isn't that far of a stretch
>He came out as a MtF
>New name is Digi-nee, as in "big sister digi"
>His gf is now calling him "wife"
>He even had a secret twitter for his "alt femme persona"
>shaved his beard and painting his nails
>fans are calling him a lesbian
>his mental health is really spiraling down into oblivion
>a lot of fans are unsubing and if he keeps going down, he won't be able to support May's and his way of living anymore
>??? the future unfolds into madness
He has a kiwifarms thread too, and I think he might have a thread on snow, but quickly died. This new troon era milk is in my opinion worth checking out.
No. 775914
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>>775913a little taste of the milk soon to unfold
No. 775917
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>>775914and some stuff from his past, there's so much more out there
No. 776489
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would be cool if someone made new Venus thread.
No. 776532
>>776521not trying to tell you what to do, but i feel like that would be a horrible idea for so many reasons… i can already picture the nonstop "i have BPD, and…" blogposts, "i'm not like the other cluster Bs" virtue signalling, vitriolic A-loggers, incessant armchairing of people who may or may not have it, milkless vendetta posts, attention whoring selfposters, "what if they cared enough to get better" white knights galore for the total disaster cases (a la luna thread), "someone with BPD abused me" blogposts, that's just off the very top of my head. even casual discussions related to BPD on /ot/ tend to bring some of these out of the woodwork. it would be a total shitshow.
No. 776871
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Brittany Venti shitted up the Shoe0nhead thread, she basically called farmers ugly and got defensive because anons disagreed with her Stefan Molyneux “women after 30” bullshit in a shoeonhead video. Wherein she just repeated what farmers were saying in the thread . Someone pls make a thread,. She’s such a pickme self hating ass bitch. I don’t know where she got this ego from, knocking other ethots down as if she’s not the same as them
No. 776952
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>>776871For some reason Venti has always been allowed to get away with a lot of self-posting her content on lolcow and I'm not sure why.
If you decide to make a new thread about her, make sure you check /snow/'s tradthot general threads for some dirt on her, since she started out as a r9k egirl. Her Sh0eonhead spergouts were always gold since she was jealous June got more attention for being a pickme than she did. Looks like someone else tried to make a thread about her on /snow/ a year ago but it isn't very good and a farmhand locked it. Make us proud anon!
No. 776969
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>>776952She also has a 38 page thread on KF. Apparently she is a high school dropout but she was quite unfortunate looking and fat in her younger years and perhaps bullied, unlike shoe. Which may explain why she is so miserable today. also mentioned she has lost both her parents and recently her gpa from covid.. so personally I have a bit mixed feelings going in on her. I think she's probably a very hurt and self hating person inside. She especially resents being mixed.
No. 777049
File: 1590472851464.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.69 MB, 1920x2560, 20-05-26-16-00-32-124_deco.jpg)

>>771183Harapinkangel continues to be the most autistic creature known to man. Mind the spoiler.
No. 777071
>>777049she's kind of cute but
No. 777088
>>777083I don't see how it's an issue so long as anons report the posts. Moderation always deletes raid postings. I recall a bit of a brigade during the peak of tradthot threads in 2018 but obviously they survived it for the mentioned reasons. That's how we got rid of robot posting.
It's an empty threat, posts like that don't really survive unless moderation allows it. Forgot to mention with the new rule of "Hate a thread? Hide it." really drives it all home.
No. 777113
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I just noticed this post in /ot/.
>>>/ot/557071It's from three hours after brittany's video about shoe was posted in the shoe thread. No one replied to the post about the video until seven or eight hours later.
No. 777124
>>777113No doubt she's actively lurking and doing damage control. She hates shoeonhead but she can't handle the backlash when she posts her content and gets clapback for it because she's a failed shoeonhead herself. She treads a fine line between producing on the nose content and exposing herself as a jealous mediocre female to her simps.
>"Brittany is pretty!">"We shouldn't have a thread because there will be whiteknights!"Lmao, painful selfposting. Her whole gimmick to begin with was spamming her content to 4chan, and then reacting like a sperg when they'd inevitably come to insult her on her twitch livestreaming. She started out her egirl career baiting outrage views and then pretending to be retarded and bullied. In 2018 she made a GofundMe for "harassment" and only got $45 out of the $20k she had asked for. Super transparent. That's how she got a following, not because she was actually interesting. She thinks the internet has forgotten so now she's trying to push a narrative that she's being attacked for being half-black, having hot takes, and being a 'pretty' girl even though that's not the case.
Anyway her ED page explaining her shenanigans went down, but the wayback machine is happy to help.
> No. 777136
>>777113>>777114Yikes, chill I'm that anon, and I wrote that comment AFTER watching the video that was posted on the shuwu thread.
Say what you will, make whatever thread you want but this tin-foiling about selfposting especially with someone who is extremely familiar with chan culture and LC as a whole would be stupid on Brittany.
No. 777282
>>777124She's trying to lie low while still self promoting in the Venus Angelic thread at the moment.
The twist is that Venti is probably lolcow's most active user.
No. 777453
>>777124I'd be down for a venti thread if mods tagged all of venti's posting
sitewide ala mystery and kooters. As funny as her wk's infightinh would be, it'd be 1000x more hilarious seeing just how long she's been seething in the shoe and weenus threads.
No. 778130
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Can we get a thread on this MRA/Mgtow lolcow named spacepan like he's completely insane
No. 778182
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is anyone interested in a repzion/repzion gf thread in snow? drama surrounding him and his mess of a GF started months ago and now twitters joined in on mocking him. its my current favourite trainwreck
>accuses a 16 year old of spreading child porn of his girlfriend when really she was 19 and it was a public image from a cam site catalog
>"edgy" humor including transphobia, nazi shit, bestiality
>opened communication with current GF at age 12 before meeting her at 19
>GF cheated with him with a sugar daddy, got pregnant, aborted it
>releases a cancel culture is bad!!! video while being cancelled
this is just to name a few, its mostly his bat shit girlfriend ruining his image but i've always found him egotistical and annoying. pic related, part of his GFs apology which he wrote for her
No. 779202
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Can we get a ddlg/pet/age regression community general? I'm sure there are anons much more educated on that shit. Erin Painter was so fun, but she's not milky enough to have her own thread anymore.
No. 779255
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Not sure where to put this but dollskill just popped.
No. 779754
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Would anyone else be interested in a looksmax/ body dysmorphia/Dr Mew/plastic surgery addict thread and all its associated weird trends and beliefs? I follow plastic surgery/beauty discussion online and I want to get stuff down but the level some people take it totally insane.
No. 780290
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Anything about officialhambly? Her TikToks keep appearing in my feed. She has a million followers but some of her stuff looks really … unfinished. She also recently jumped on the Vogue trend and missed the point of it being for BLM calling out Vogue.
No. 780509
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>>780290i looked into it and couldn't find much.
im not saying she's perfect but enough of her stuff is well done that this one feels like an outlier.
I hate the green curtain dress but to be fair she did say the corset was made separately/earlier. some of her older stuff is garbo so i guess it's not surprising.
No. 780800
>>780799Yeah, she’s not an Lolcow at all. She hasn’t done anything controversial either. Seems pretty vendetta too me tbqh
>>780734That’s not her anon
No. 781100
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Anon, you wake up in the middle of the night and see this staring at you, what do you do?
Not any milk, but this Non-binary Queer Pan asexuel person has an exceptionally terrifying mug.
Instagram: kawaiimagicsaltkornet No. 781208
>>781100selfpost? you spelled asexual as "asexuel" and her profile has it spelled as "asexuell".
it might worth posting her in the fakeboi thread but someone just living their lives while being an unfortunate looking autist isn't that interesting on its own.
No. 782002
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I'm interested in any info on Aleksei Viktorovich Makeev a.k.a. Alextime a.k.a Lord Nazi Ruso. His presence on the Internet was mostly outside of English sites so info is few and far between. The thing that piqued my interest is footage of him dating back all the way to 2001. Considering he was locked up in 2017 in quite a stunning climax, his antics are done and have been for a bit. I think there's an interesting story to tell, at least for an English-speaking audience. Not sure if a Russian YouTuber or something has already covered the topic in detail.
No. 782999
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No one is going to talk about Erin's instagram "comeback"?
Said she'd leave right after but few hrs ago she wrote that she'll stay abit more, claiming "it takes a few days for ig to deactivate her account". Still never fixed ger addiction ig
No. 783424
A breadtube general would be really cool for some of the cows mentioned in Shoe0nHead's thread, like Vaush, ContraPoints and Ashleigh Coffin, and would also work for cows like Hbomberguy and Riley Dennis.
If Greg becomes distanced enough from June but somehow doesn't warrant his own thread (doubtful tbh) I think he would work in there too.
>>783270I would definitely be interested in a Smash thread!! There's endless potential because the community attracts predators, sexists
and manchildren.
No. 783883
>>783270very interested
>>783706what website?
No. 783961
>>783960Are you a scrot? She has a
valid point and doing porn isn't milky anyway, there would never be enough to warrant a thread
No. 784020
>>783973Who cares? Do you have a personal vendetta against her? What you're really suggesting is a thread to discredit her claims and doubt her victimhood. The porn industry is fucked up and she's not making any claims that are hard to believe. Shouldn't she keep the revenue if she did the work, coerced or not?
I don't think you understand what determines if a person needs a thread here. It's not for any minor celebrity who happens to have a Twitter.
No. 784189
>>784040I'm the first person who said mia doesn't warrant a thread, and this one isn't me, so you have at least 2 people telling you to sit down and shut up, newfag dumbass
>>783883I think that anon meant to reply to seekingarrangements anon about the possibility of a thread
>>782685Definitely an interesting shit show with a wide cast but would just boil down to gendercrit again
No. 784216
>>784189ok idc anymore already autist
>>784072seconding! and the supersmash thread needs to come too pls
No. 784844
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>>763213>i love this illustration, thank you anon.LEL
No. 784896
>>784699cheated on her boyfriend with oli sykes, then married oli sykes and within a year she had cheated on him because he was
abusive… ran away to live in australia with jade, who she dumped when she went to toulouse to live with guy, the man she cheated on her husband with, tattooed illegally while in france, then dumped guy and moved to nepal with a woman who had a dream of making a spiritual community there but then hannah kicked her out of her own project. she acts like such a cringy white saviour, says things like galdem/mandem/babylon/jah despite growing up in doncaster, uk. she would tattoo people when she was so stoned the needle would go deep enough to cause granulations in the tissue. parliament tattoo in london cut ties with her, she is known to scam because she frequently has people in her instagram asking when she’ll be shipping their merch because it’s been weeks.
No. 785603
>>785561She keeps planning to cam again, but you know how that goes in Charmspeak.
If she ever becomes more active you might be able to make a case for a solo thread.
No. 785702
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>>785684>she considers eating dinner a “privilege”D-E-L-E-T-H-I-S
>>785684I'd be interested in a bad parenting thread general, but it would tread a very fine line due to the fact that the topic would be bringing up minors.
It's odd to me because we've definitely had bad parent vloggers posted here before (ie. Hartley Hooligans, Daddyofive, etc.) but with the new rules I could see newfags fucking shit up by a-logging the kids. I hate bad parents and love exposing them though.
No. 787862
>>787856They aren’t outing themselves as anything. It’s just some ban-evading moid replying nonsense. He was in the thread earlier
>>785702and is still just avatarfagging and replying nonsense. Just ignore him and move on.
No. 789964

can anyone PLEASE make this bitch a thread already?? she is like the biggest cow of the year! biggest freeloader manipulator taking advantage of her gulible subs due to her nice girl persona
i tried to infer my opinion on her on gurugossiper as she has a thread there but that website is shit with their censorship and playing favoritism. God forbid you mention the word ''cooter'' there.
- she frequently blogs about buying useless expensive decorations, expensive trips, lots of trift store shopping hauls, going to the hairdresser (A LOT), dermatologist (A LOT) , has a new Honda worth 20 k, has a house with a pool inherited from her grandma, gets frequently lots of stuff sent from her subs, she seems to live a comfortable live, her husband has a freakin police officer pension affording anything she wants yet she complains she cant afford paying 20 k for an IVF. So what does she do? Goes the donor route basically shes like '' you cant give me the baby? im gonna take another mans sperm'' . her husband thinks he hit the jackpot with her so he has no backbone to challenge her, biggest simp of the year
- her husband doesnt seem too excited about it, actually he be looking depressedd AF. She was squealing the whole vid, while he was about to cry .A lot of people noticed this
-he had a vasectomy 20 years ago so he obviously doesnt want more kids. he wants to enjoy his retirement. she knew that from the moment she met him and was OK with it. she does not respect his choices at all. yes people can change their minds, but i doubt a man in his 60s want to take care of a crying baby all day and night plus he doesnt look happy. pretty sure he would lose his mind soon
- so going back to her complaining about not affording the IVF and going to sperm donor route which is messed AF especially when the man is old and you have alternatives, IN THE SAME DAY she posts this video, like just about an hour later, she posts on her instagram a gofundme link claiming a fan opened for her ( YEAH RIGHT) and asking people to donate money to her IVF
ABSOLUTELY SHAMELESS this woman is! this was all set up from the get go for her to go off her ego, and not spend a dime on the baby thing
-and the gullible followers are swallowing the bullshit god forbid you say anything in her comment section. your comment will either be removed, or her rabbid Karen followers will attack you
I actually think this woman is worse than Onision ,and that is because Greg is pretty much transparent all the time with how shitty he is , but this woman is worse because she has facade and with that she is succesfully manipulating gulible people to donate money when she could afford it. LIKE GET A FUCKING JOB YOU LAZY BITCH! its 20 fucking k not 200 . STOP trying to manipulate people into giving you money when theres ACTUAL people who need it
No. 791012
File: 1597726777817.jpeg (733.78 KB, 750x1277, 56C390B2-AA0E-4447-87C2-39DB38…)

Have you guys seen that @unicoleunicron girl on tiktok? She has an instagram and other social media too but I haven’t rlly dig into those yet. She makes videos about being a “starseed”/talking to aliens/etc and is generally fucking insane, used to be on meds but stopped taking them and made a whole video about how she did it and “doesn’t need them”, said she actually DATED ELON MUSK IN THE DREAM REALM and that he uses his dreams to communicate with his employees to be more efficient, constantly talks about how she has her own cult, got upset and turned off her comments bc people kept saying she was (obviously) schizophrenic. I couldn’t tell if she was serious or trolling at first but she does have a tattoo for her cult so. She also sells merch for it too, makes shitty music about it, and has a whole website for it.
Would anyone be interested in a thread on her, or is there another thread she could go in? I feel like she’s definitely cow material on grounds of how insanely delusional and obnoxious she is.
No. 791382
>>791012 the entire "witchtok" community is really hilarious, constantly getting into drama, and i think unicole totally belongs. there's something new and milky every single week.
>>791030there are a few people who do 'light language' on tiktok, but the thing that makes unicoleunicron so milky is that she responds to criticism by attacking her critics and making videos of herself crying when people say "this could really affect people with untreated mental illness". she also profits off the membership of her 'cult members', the lightworker people are just kinda kooky and weird but they could be discussed in the thread too
No. 791879
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I've been following baby_misery (Fifi Martinez) on Instagram for a while and she seems like she has some potential. She's a comic artist:
>At least 30 years old
>Lives with her parents and waxes lyrical about them being 'abusive'
>Goes through these dramatic relationships with dudes that look like her dad and posts like everything online in comic form
>Immediately calls the dude she just broke up with 'abusive' when she spent 1 year or so making art of him and posting how in love they are
>Total narcissist
No. 792025
I found this guy who basically sings about his issues in life in a very cringe way.
You can look at his entire channel. No. 792150
File: 1598320975374.png (157.69 KB, 597x539, drama.png)

>>792059Looks like they scrubbed their old Twitter account, but they've been in development hell for a while now. Constantly promising the game will be released soon, but then they'd go quiet and miss their deadlines every time. Rebranded as Oddity RPG, apparently, which delayed the game even longer (shockers)
Found this in a reddit thread on the old mother4 reddit, can't seem to find the original announcements this is referring to tho. Honestly just sounds like a trainwreck or another Duke Nukem Forever.
No. 792479
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>>792198I just wanna post this somewhere cause wtf is going on with her body. She posted pics in a different outfit around the same time and she's looking normal
No. 792489
>>792487Don't listen to this anon. Wait until someone can make a decent thread and summary and don't just slap up a quick half-ass job. I doubt there is any urgent Luna milk that
NEEDS to be posted. If she leaves Lurch, ODs, goes to rehab, her mom kicks them out etc then sure make a shit thread to post milk. But Luna selfies, kawaii pills and AC posts aren't real milk.
Thanks in advance to the anon that does make her new thread though!
No. 792498
>>792489I do like having her content archived in one place, and lolcow is the easiest one to save on
Nonmilk can be saged as always, some people enjoy Luna discussion even if not much is going on atm.
No. 792586
>>792479Lmao I thought it was some photoshoped parody for the next thread pic.
Someone from KF found a wild Tuna showing off her fentanyl stash on a Facebook group, more screenshots on her thread there.
No. 794427
Danny Choo
> king of the Weebs, son of shoe mogul Jimmy Choo> raging narcissist with a victim complex> serial stalker of celebrities> owner of Smart Doll> "It's not a defective product, it's wabi sabi!"Mirai Suenaga > generic OC donutsteel schoolgirl> Danny's mascotDanny is obsessed with Japanese schoolgirls and fap. Moved to Japan, started "Culture Japan" ironically misinterpreting Japanese culture for weebs abroad, on his blog.
Read about his history of stalking and marvel at his disturbing lack of self-awareness in his autobiography: Danny loves anime tiddies. He used to be a Volks (hobby company) fanboy and used a Volks Dollfie Dream (anime tiddy doll) to make a custom doll of his OC Mirai. Toured the volks manufacturing plant, then asked Volks to make an official Dollfie Dream (DD) of Mirai. Volks said "No." Danny's ego was so damaged by the rejection that he cried to daddy Choo, and daddy Choo gave baby boy Danny $30 mil to make his own big tiddy anime dolls. Despite his own dolls being near-replicas of DD, if you even mention Volks in a tweet or comment Danny will perma-ban you from his shop (even if you've never bought anything from him).
Danny's doll company is Smart Doll. It was called Smart Doll because the dolls were originally little robo-doll smart phone accessories. Now they're just regular dolls because robotics were too difficult, apparently. He's done shitty things to fuel his ego like not crediting his doll sculptors, photographing himself in front of a workstation as if he's done all the work. After one of his sculptors rage-quit and exposed him on a public forum Danny now claims he's the designer, not the sculptor.
Danny uses his dolls to RP petty revenge fantasies against his "haters" (anyone who doesn't worship him) and fills the doll product pages with baffling rants that read like an alien trying to simulate a human experience. Here's one where says having to deal with customers is literally the same thing as being a
victim of the trans-Atlantic slave trade: Danny doesn't want you to buy his shitty, overpriced dolls. In fact, he actively discourages it, because you're too much of a fucking idiot to be worthy of holding his OC waifus and any quality control issues or defects are YOUR fault, not his. Every time a customer receives an unsatisfactory product, Danny has a social media meltdown and adds another point to his disclaimer:'s so much more that could be said about this man, but we'll leave that for his thread if he gets one.
Summary of choice antics posted on Reddit: summary about Smart Doll, by not Danny: No. 795281
>>794427This would make for a great thread, thought I was the only one noticing how insane he is.
Many years ago I I read the section of his site about him obsessively stalking a Jpop idol and drawing self insert shipping art with her and was pretty shocked.
It was like holy shit, this girl needs a restraining order against Danny level of weird.
No. 795390
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Will there be a new Luna thread? Her mom is in inpatient.
No. 795589
>>794427Choo summary anon here. I don't know how to post new threads to this board or which area he belongs in.
If another anon wants to make a thread and copy-paste from my summary that's fine by me.
Since others were interested here's his social media and websites for an OP:
> instagram => twitter => shop => blog = No. 795763
>>795744Made the Luna thread since nobody else was willing
Sorry if it's shit, I didn't want to comb through the old thread for drops of powdered milk.
No. 795958
>>793825I second this. He has a lot of potential as a cow.
ot but is someone making a new PnP thread? It's never taken this long.
No. 798618
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Is anyone interested in a thread about Creepshow Art? She's been mentioned in the artist salt thread, tl;dr she's a drama youtuber who narrates over her shit-tier art, circlejerks with other dramatubers like Ready to Glare, acts like a bumbling teen despite being 27, overshares on Twitter and has major "unpopular fat girl is cool online" cope personality, definitely lurks lolcow No. 798718
>>798670You can still be married in a heteroromantic relationship and feel attracted to also another gender. Get over it, it’s called being bisexual.
But I second this. Specially with the drama with Tobi, I’d like to se a Shannon CreepShowArt thread too!
No. 798887
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>>798853Yes, and H3h3 and her are buddies now that he flexed his connections to have her (and some other) channels remonetized. Thread needs to happen seeing as she's already lurking ITT and tweeted pic related hours after
>>798670 was posted. She's an endless source of cringe and is bound to blow up soon because she keeps involving herself in drama and desperately sucks up to other youtubers including Edwin's Generation and edgelords like Keem and John Swan. She flipflops between "I'm an ~idiot human~ who should have no responsibilities uwu" and doing her moralfagging youtube lecturer routine.
No. 798901
>>798887I remember watching one of her videos and almost immediately realizing she lurks.
It's kind of annoying that she and other drama/commentary channels like Edwin, Repzion, etc. come here to lift info because they're too lazy to do their own research. And then she tries to take the moral high ground
No. 799063
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Can someone make a rooster teeth and achievement hunter thread?
No. 799103
>>799063god i want there to be one so bad
AH has been milky for years and i'm celebrating ryan's exposal so hard
No. 799118
>>799103Hol’ up
I used to love RT quite a few years ago and Ryan was my fav, what happened here? I can’t find anything milky on him, but maybe I’m looking in the wrong places. I would love a thread to catch up.
No. 799132
>>799118Ryan and Adam Kovic were exposed as cheating on their wives and sending nudes to (in Ryan‘s case a 17 year old) fans.
I‘m not surprised. Ryan has been a creep for years.
No. 799189
>>799063 RT thread will only attract scrotes, they're already crawling on the Youtuber General thread
But if you have milk drop it in there. I absorb so much RT by living with someone who loves them so I'm morbidly curious. Can't wait for Fiona to leave and expose their
tOxIc wOrK enViRoNmEnT because she stands out like a sore thumb diversity hire and seems miserable.
No. 799639
>>799637You beat me to it but yes seconding that, humbly requesting a new Onision thread.
If it's already being worked on forget I asked and thank you in advance.
No. 799801
>>799785I mean, nobody knows who makes the thread so if anon is being concerned about a few bitching anons, that's super autistic. People will post in thread even if it's shit.
Also, I think most anons use mobile
now and it's impossible to make a thread on mobile.
So, go forth newly empowered anons and make your own new thread.
No. 799805
>>799782Is there anything even remotely milky going on? Thread can wait a week for all I care, it'll be the same shit either way:
>streams only for the same 20 tards to tune in>possible OF posts nobody cares about>twitter sperging>new upload on his channel nobody will watch>something possibly milky happens only for it to fizzle out into nothing>anons writing the same paragraphs on why he's washed up, ugly, retarded, etc.Rinse. Repeat. Unless Lainey fucking dies in the coming week, we can wait.
No. 799825
>>799785I quit doing it because I would spend 30 minutes reading through the autism, self posting discord friends, and no-sage in the last thread to make the summary and choose a popular choice for the pic and then discover while I was doing that, someone impatiently posted a botched one was rightfully complained about.
There needs to be better instructions on how to do it maybe I guess.
>>799805Yeah, this is about right.
Still, I'll make one now.
No. 799831
>>799825Ok new Onision thread at
>>799829Can't post on old thread because of limit
If there was any milk hidden by sage that I was supposed summarise, well… be mad.
No. 799860
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>>799858Forgot to add pic related
No. 799888
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>>763213This man who goes by Poe/totallynotpoe/thecomedianpoe/Psycho Jack Films has been on my radar lately. He's 22/23 years old and is a self proclaimed "daddy" or caregiver for his live-in girlfriend, who is a little. They make videos together detailing their polyamorous lifestyle with the other emo girls he forces into their relationship that only last a few months at a time. His live-in girlfriend works at Burger King while he spends his days e-begging, whining about being an adult and dodging a slew of allegations against him.
Their videos are incredibly cringey but I think whats worse is his TikToks where he literally churns out a shit ton of embarrassing content daily. A large amount of his videos/tiktoks are him begging for money from his underage followers to provide more money for his super cool internet famou$$ """lifestyle""" (I.E. hair dye for his goffick partners and fast food delivery/sex toys for himself). He clearly has a porn/sex addiction as some of the videos are him scrolling through his internet history, which shows hours of his time being spent on porn sites.
He was arrested semi-recently and went on Tiktok begging for money to be bailed out. His mugshot has been going around lately because he has numerous accusations of being a groomer, pedophile, and being physically
abusive to his exes.
He also had a child with one of his girlfriends that he "gave up" because he couldnt handle it then went to make tiktok skits and jokes about it. Literally has Onion levels of narcissism.
No. 799923
>>799888Omg Thank you for posting this. I was on tiktok and he popped up singing some song about polyamory which was cringey and I looked in the comments and people were mentioning drama but it didn't say who he was and it wasn't his official account so I had no idea who to Google.
I would love a thread on him, he sounds like a freak
No. 800022
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I think a thread on schizophrenic anitwitter cults could have potential. They've been popping up on every platform imaginable lately but I noticed a newfag tried to make one but it had a shit useless OP so they were banned. I have caps I could contribute but maybe it'd be better to contain that shit in existing threads like the tradthot one or incel one (I think there was one in OT at one point? I forgot). I've seen a few related users posted in the leftthot thread and the scrotes in these cults brag on twitter about raiding /w/.
They've been way too wild lately, making unironic suicide pacts (which is honestly more alarming than milky) but I'd feel dirty for giving them attention since it could encourage them or I'd just make a thread myself if anyone cared.
Another problem is the pickmes involved are generally cosplay thots that are likely to be farmers so that could be hell for mods to deal with. Pic related.
>>799888Never heard of this dude but he sounds pretty deserving of a thread.
>>798618>>799063I'd be interested in both of these as well, I know there's plenty of RT milk in the general youtuber thread but there'll be enough content for a decent thread.
I've been waiting for a Creepshow thread for a couple of years just because something about her superiority and tone of voice drives me insane. I have no clue how she's so confident about her art when it looks so… bland? It was obvious to me from just the first minute of hearing her talk that she obsessively reads lolcow all day every day and I'm glad it wasn't just me thinking that.
I have no clue how she manages to doxx her full name all of the time by 'accident'.
I imagine any girl that speaks in that way must be a farmer or that most of us are secretly huge cows ourselves and it makes it torture to watch most female commentary youtubers even if they're not as cringe inducing. It really sucks because edgy male commentary channels are so stale.
I don't have a problem with youtubers using the farms for research material it just pains me when they don't put any effort into hiding that, knowing how to intergrate or clearly won't bother to research other sources.
No. 800150
>>800022I'm suuuuuuuuper interested in this, plus throwing in some other animeavatars shenanigans
>>800023I know this is a joke but I feel like this is different for some reason
No. 800971
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Tennille Kalitta/Jensen/Brenner/Wilton. Been around the interwebs forever. Has most recently turned to vlogging, channel Wilton in Real Life. Thrice-married, birthed 3 children she didn't raise due to neglect, lives in Northern Michigan in a falling apart-trailer with husband #3. 43 or so years old, 300+ lbs, terminally unemployed, currently living off husband's disability. Any time she comes into money, splurges on crap and then cries poor every other moment. This ss is from her most recent blog featuring her most recent splurge, the Jeffree Star Blood Lust palatte. Typical bizarre choice, since she doesn't wear makeup. Witness the results. Her vlogging seems some kind of strange attention-whoring compulsion, since she gets over the top butthurt by even the
Smallest of criticisms.
No. 801069
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Aidan Gallagher is really starting to freak me out.
I was hoping that his weird vibe was just an unfortunate side effect of being a child actor, but it’s beginning to look a bit closer to the bone than that, and with his new 20$ a month chatcult my concern is shifting to his fans.
He might have been driven nuts by childhood fame and betrayal but the end result is the same, he’s begun to treat people in questionable ways. I would like to see a thread made because he’s kind of a gaslighter and it would be good to have a place for screenshots that he can’t have his fans report or take down.
No. 801091
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>>801072Basically he started a Patreon where he’s more or less selling access to himself, which seems like a recipe for disaster on it’s own, but from what I’ve seen it only gets messier from there because he’s way more turbulent than he looks.
The discord isn’t really that exciting, since it’s all just one room, but it’s only been a month and a half so the worst is yet to come. From what I’ve seen, you can get kicked fairly easily, which sucks for 20$.
If I had to give a rough comparison so you know the sinister play of subtlety going on, the way he gets angry and defensive with people is like a weird guitar-boy shadow of the way Jeffree Starr does conflict resolution, down to the iffy understanding of the law. It’s always wrapped up in some convoluted context where you
could make an argument for his side, but he’s naturally gifted when it comes to twisting the knife.
No. 801279
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Can we have a fresh alida /prism Wolfe thread? After hanging with older sugar babies, she now has a relationship with a 40+ guy,and preaches self acceptance despite clearly editing her appearance and having fillers. She used to have a thread on pull where people had uncovered her scamming followers by trying to rip of other artists on etzy. Seems like there's something deeper going on there.
No. 801571
>>801484isn't posting baby photos of cows ok? It has happened in many threads
The rule is supposed to protect actual children from getting threads.
No. 803673
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Can we have a thread about Sayathefox. She's a serial photoshopper and liar. She claimed to have had 10hr surgery related to cancer but was posting pictures in south Korea the next day. Took a year off and came back with a new face. ( new nose, tits and possibly jawline). She has a past history of begging for donations in exchange for cosplay pictures but never produced. ( was suspected of using the thousands on PS) Whines about her mental health but gets bitchy if fans ask her what's wrong. Claims her extremely photoshopped hips and plastic tits are all-natural. She used to lurk here and on PULL as she sent stans to defend her on PULL. ( Unfortunately, screenshots have been lost due to PULL shutting down)
No. 803761
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Not sure if thread worthy but definitely a lolcow. Found her through a rude comment she left on one of Erin Micklow's posts from the alt thread.
Normie tranny tier uggo that has bought all of her followers, 50k yet only gets maybe 1 or 2 comments and 20 views per post. Fake likes and no engagement. When called out on it she claimed she's just smart for "hacking the algorithm" and typical narc that deflects everything
No. 804220
>>803761At first glance, I thought that was Jeffree Star. How uncanny.
No. 804447
Anyone into a possible Munchausen by Proxy/Munchausen by Internet snowflake?
Marybeth Marr is a youtuber, dog groomer, attention whore, and scammer.
She's obsessed with finding a diagnosis for her daughter, Kelbee.
She says Kelbee has Autism, but the Mayo clinic confirmed she doesn't. Marybeth's been deleting content where she admitted this, and just chooses to say she's autistic anyway.
She shaves the girls head because of "sensory issues" and has put her back in pullups (she's 4) because she constantly has diarrhea. Sure.
She currently has a Gofundme where you can see all the shit she's put this kid through. All kinds of tests but nothing's been found, so she's hospital shopping.
She's already raised $15,000.
A few people have just started following her on r/munchausebyinternet.
YouTube: No. 804463
>>804447>>804458Munchie threads have been allowed again but all the dedicated farmers into munchies have moved onto reddit or KF. I'd love a munch thread here but I don't know if it'll take off again. LC had the most comprehensive threads until they were banned by Admin and I think that was a terrible decision and major loss for LC content. KateFarmsShill is one of best munchie hunters and she used to be one of ours.
If you do make one, you'll have to put a huge warning about blogging bc no1curr how bad anons super legit sickness is compared to a cows.
If it does become a popular thread I'd apply to Jannie it since I hate farmers blogging but love munchies and can only lurk at KF and won't go to reddit.
No. 804482
>>804463>>804447I think it's worth giving a shot if someone wants to make the thread. It might bring more people to the site. LC has been sorta fading these days.
May I ask why the threads were banned at one point?
No. 804563
>>804482It was full of munchie farmers themselves. Most threads were full of people saying “this munchie can’t possibly have this illness because
I have this legit totally real illness” and then they’d go off on long paragraphs of their lives and illnesses like anyone cared. I liked the munchi threads too but they were so irritating to read. The Reddit is full of them too.
That and also the usual infighting and such.
No. 804618
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I looked and couldn't find anything. Could we have a baking/cooking thread perhaps in OT? I wouldn't mind having a thread where anons could share recipes and tips.
No. 804696
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Would anyone be interested in a cosplay thread in /g/? Mostly for advice and posting resources or pics. It doesn't look like there's a thread like this, at least in the first few pages of /g/.
No. 804840
Can someone please make a new thread for Jonny Craig & aka syd.o.knee?
Recent thread is full:
>>>/snow/1038163 No. 805817
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Would anyone use a dialectical behavioral therapy thread (most commonly used to treat bpd/addiction/eating disorders) in ot?
No. 805948
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>>805925I’ve been thinking about compiling a thread on the YouTubers and Twitter/Reddit groups that are obsessed with Katie Joy Paulson. She has her own lolcow thread. But her critics are becoming more insane than she ever was. Most are catty and dramatic Teen Mom fans, Christian fundamentalist housewives determined to defend the Duggar family/19 kids and counting “Quiverful” extremist Christian cult, Shane/Jeffrey and/or Tati stans, Amazing Atheist type sex creeps who stand by a man Katie Joy accused of workplace sexual harassment because #metoo is men’s oppression.
Aside from the handful of solid and legitimate criticism and milk on Katie Joy. Most seem to be cows themselves. They spend most of their time accusing her of neglect because the husband is the “stay at home dad” while she works full time. Accusing her of “lying” to subscribers about her addictions because she isn’t forthcoming to strangers about a possible relapse?
Stalking her hometown and posting local news articles where she was interviewed about her special needs son
Many have been implicated by police for harassing her neighbors and photographing her neighbors
Scumbag analysis of a video where she opens up about her experience of being drugged and date raped. Try to debunk her word choice where she describes coming in and out of consciousness as proof of consent. Evil
Bad faith / pea brain interpretations of much of her posts and content. I.e. she speaks out on a reality tv
abusive douchbag who tried to start a rumor his ex boyfriend has aids. The Reddit claim: “Katie defending the ex is actually /spreading/ the rumor that a man has AIDS” somehow ignoring that she has to state the rumor in order to debunk it and defend the man from the
abusive ex.
Pic: when the farmer becomes the cow
No. 806097
>>805948It’s kind of like how Amberlynn Reid’s critics became the cows themselves.
I visited her Reddit thread to try to get a grasp on the Tati lawsuit and “doxxing” but it was just filled with boomer-level memes making fun of her makeup and speculating on why she and her husband sleep separately (it’s because he has to watch their young son but they wouldn’t accept that).
I would be down for the thread because I know there will be some good cringe, as long as it doesn’t devolve into putting Katie on a pedestal. She’s posted the link to lolcow so it’s safe to say she lurks
No. 806485
>>763213not really a request, just awaring you all of this guy
tl;dr conficted pedofile and retarded impulsive criminal makes absurd stolen valor claims, goes off to iraq/syria to "fight isis", does fuckall over there and takes selfies, brags to journo that he's a biker named Necromancer, gets outed as a chomo.
kinda old but maybe there's some cow archeology or hidden milk somewhere
is it stretching the cow analogy to refer to old milk as cheese? No. 807447
File: 1607033406313.jpeg (1.63 MB, 1242x2088, 020AA14C-ABEE-4C18-8653-484273…)

Why isnt there a @raychiel thread? She is the definition of a cow. There was a expose instagram that got deleted I shouldve got some juicy screenshots of some funny stuff she posts but shes kinda active on twitter. Just lying about her own TV show and being a NASA scientist as usual. Her photoshops are uncanny af. Shes known in the photoshoppers thread but no one posts her or the stupid shit she says. Maybe she doesnt deserve her own thread I guess.
No. 807516
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Anyone interested in a livaegyo/himelivhyun/"Olivia M. Westbrooke" thread?
>Koreaboo that claims she is a mixed race variety of Asian and European but is never consistent. Filters her photos to look Asian
>shoops are never consistent
>is supposedly pregnant with her 3rd child. Took pics of herself with a food baby to pass off as her pregnant body, posts obviously google'd ultrasound baby pics
>notorious for faking whiteknight followers on Instagram to defend herself, will regram stories from profiles with less than 5 posts
>has a hate boner for gays and brown people
I THINK she and skylar.nate/chulyom are the same person. I know there was a thread for these types but I cannot find it and her consistent posts might be a good thread.
No. 807573
>>807516Dude, I literally just came here to post her. She called me a weeaboo on IG and I looked at her page and thought…. what the fuck is going on here? She's obviously not got a sliver of asian in her, half of her shoops she blurs off her eyelid crease.
Also the "half asian" hashtags on every picture give it away..
No. 807629
>>807516Her hair is growing out from her eye, a few of her other photos her eyes/eye makeup goes over her hair. And her eyes are slightly different in every single photo.
I need more content from her to laugh at.
No. 807824
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Don’t know if anyone else is familiar with the Mer community but it is pretty milky and would make for a good thread. Don’t have the time to make it myself but some of the past milk includes:
>Self proclaimed king of the mers and tail creator Eric starts his tail company w/ his boyfriend. They break up and start legally fighting over designs and so Eric can no longer sell a bunch of “his” designs and throws a shit fit ion the internet.
>old mertailor tails used to be so poorly constructed that the flukes would fall apart after a couple of swims. Eric would call you a hater if you pointed out his shitty work
>Eric constantly sends his minions to harass other tail creators such a as FinFolk
>a popular mer from Hawaii started getting called out for doing swims with animals which promotes unsafe interaction with them.
>mers ebegging to sponsor their $3000+ tails. More than a couple have been caught pretending to have cancer or other illnesses and then spent the money on tails
>Latest drama is between Eric and Finfolk. Finfolk recently did a fabric tail release and one of their tails looks suspiciously like a custom silicone that Eric previously made one of his minions. He forces the company to change their design and the proceeds to announce her is making the design into FOUR different fabric tails just to rub in that he won
No. 808072
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Maybe this will seem cringy but I just need to ask– is there any way at all we could get a furry general on /snow/ or something? The community is such a massive shitshow constantly and the milk is endless and unlike anything else. And there's a bigger crossover with some of our current lolcows and furry than one might think (even beyond the shaygnar/dottipink nonsense). These freaks are always trying to murder each other. Pic related, one of the most popular people in the fandom snapped after being revealed to be chasing FTMs, and has now seemingly reappeared and is threatening to drive to one of said FTMs houses to commit murder, with "I AM BECOME DEATH" written on his shirt.
Between this, 4 lung, Dottipink, those fursuiters who actually murdered someone, the fursuit MAKER who did disgusting things to her dog but remained a popular creator despite the information coming out 12 years ago, and all of the "popufur" social special olympics, I see this as a fucking goldmine for milk. Anyone with me here? I have no experience writing the first post (long-time lurker) but if people are at all interested but nobody wants to create the thread, I will give it my best shot.
No. 808126
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>>808110I would honestly rather have nothing at all than kiwifarms. The entire section of KF dedicated to furries is full of autists, many of whom are just as bad as the people being posted about. And I need the lolcow female perspective about these things (read: not retarded KF men)
>>808095You get it. More drama happens in a week in the furry world than anywhere else in a month, it’s fucking mental. And I need to talk about the Nas shit. Would love the girls’ opinion on this in particular!
>>808092I understand your fear about raids but furries are retarded and can barely organize a callout post without crytyping and deleting it. I think the risk is pretty low vs. the high reward (literally endless milk. Endless.)
Once again, pic related. I’d love to explore the context. I’ll wait on more opinions but this would be endless content and I hate going to kiwifarms for my fix.
No. 808138
>>808126anyone who posts to a chan or the like is autistic but what even more embarrassing is that people like you put lc and kf in male or female only category. just because people have hard opinions doesnt make them a scrote.
> many of whom are just as bad as the people being posted about.applies here too re: ana-chan threads, munchies, e-girls, all of /w/
>Would love the girls’ opinion on this in particular!makes me think youre a tranny.
No. 808149
>>808147i never said there is anything wrong with it. a furry general thread would be amazing.
i said hard opinions dont mean maleposting
> If you really think this website’s discussion isn’t different tonally and that it’s more concise and easy to read on KF, you might in fact be the scrote.again, corralling this into m vs f is stupid. try again tranny.
No. 808205
>>808180Agreed. They don't even do a good job of keeping milk to the highlights for people who don't want to scroll through that crap.
I'm also in support of the furry thread. Cows posting in their own threads is pretty common. Mods can handle it.
No. 808261
Very happy most agree and I am ready to make a thread if it's wanted.
>>808211 is right though, it could bring trouble the farmhands don't want, so should I wait for their go-ahead?
No. 809778
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Can we get a thread for the one true queen? She recently got a job, picked up an interest in religion, and seems to be on good terms with crazy debbie…
No. 810314
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I tried looking cause I wanted to share this particular girl, but I couldn't find a thread on general j-fashion kawaii girls.
Would be nice to focus on ones that don't fit in lolita or egirl community. This girl in particular brags a lot about her height and how her fashion isn't a kink, while wearing underwear as tops and looking otherwise a normal height.
No. 810315
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>>810314Sage for photo drop 1/2
It's more cringe than milky, but I feel like she's got some potential as she did a huge aesthetic change.
No. 810564
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Why has no one made a thread about @aniexjoy yet?? she's full of shit and she photoshops like crazy. she recycles her old patreon content onto onlyfans and she charges a lot but she doesn't even show nudity. Also I'm pretty sure she's homeless or something? She's always posting stories on instagram where she's hanging out with a bunch of different guys and sleeping on dirty mattresses, but you never see her have her own room or anything. She seems to couch hop a lot or something, it's really weird and gross. :b(emoticon)
No. 810884
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Can we get a social media/influencer/vlogger moms general on /snow/
No. 810890
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>>810887I feel like it’d be really popular. I thought we already had one before but I can’t find it
This one in particular (carly lassley) became popular on tiktok when a few videos showing off her massively overweight daughter went viral. Between the top comments of “you ever just wanna 🤜🏼👶” there were people calling her out for making her child unhealthy so she disabled comments everywhere. She’s selling merch with her kid on it calling her the “pineapple baby” and has a cameo where she takes videos of her in her diapers which is just so weird to me and potentially dangerous. Why do so many women exploit their families online for views? I’d get if they’re a little bit older and you’d focus on the aspects of being a mom and maybe like snack tips or some other bullshit but a lot of them just plaster their kids face everywhere.
No. 810895
>>810890This is fucked yo. She claims her breast milk is “heavy cream”, deletes all comments of her overweight child abuse and calls the negative comments “Karen’s”.
Leaves comments saying she will post about the child’s condition, doesn’t, and goes back to saying it’s just her “heavy cream breast milk” and that this child is the longest out of all of her children’s that she’s breast fed
No. 810992
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>>763213does anybody have any milk on @Slutcasino (on IG and Tiktok)?
-Her and her friend hardcore skinwalk the whole ~sad white trash bbydolll~ Nicole Dollanganger look
- alluded in a TikTok comment to doing meth and that she posted a video of her spraying spray paint in her friends eyes when they were both high
- constantly covered in bruises/cuts
- tryhard “shocking” content on IG
- accused someone of being her stalker
honestly i kind of like her and she pulls the aesthetic off for some reason but she seems particularly milky and i would love to hear more
No. 811030
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>>810992Just looked her up, her 80s style is surprisingly authentic.
No. 811113
>>810992>>811030This reads like a selfpost. She's ugly and gross.
No. 811126
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How many anons would be interested in a 4chan /lgbt/ cow thread? That board has more tripfags than early 2010's /cgl/ and by nature of being trannies and chasers, at least half of them are cow material.
Some examples of current cows:
Daria>gun-obsessed, psychopathic mtf in his 30's who does sex work and sells homeless mtfs a decade or so younger than him into sex slavery after luring them in by being nice and saying "let's be roommates, I'll care for you">his latest victim was a mtf named Zoe who suffers mental illness. Daria threatened Zoe and Zoe slit his throat in self defense, now is getting assraped in male prison while the survived Daria laughs about it in his cumstained domain full of firearms>had a police report filed against him after he befriended a tripfag named Cara and turned on him, making death threats and trying to get Cara fired from his job. Cara ended up moving apartments because Daria stalked his address and Cara was terrified of getting shot>makes constant rape threats and jokes about lynching black peopleTerje>fakeboi and pathological liar who rotates between claiming to be 19 and 27 years old, has psychotic breaks every now and again>most recent drama was she tried dragging the prior mentioned Cara on the board during a psychotic episode, revealing Cara has ASPD and saying he is a mass manipulator but no one believed it>On the same day got pissed and tossed out her mtf roommate's coat, slid into his DM's and made fun of his dead father and said her lawyer daddy would bail her out of charges for destroying another's property (the roommate screencapped everything and posted it to the /lgbt/ discord server)>attempted to sui after losing all her friends, boyfriend and simps because of this, was gone for weeks, then came back claiming the roommate is now the new "mass manipulator" and identity thief who stole property, which again no one buys for a second>other milk is she claims any guy can get her pregnant if they pay for her top surgery, even struck a deal with a couple before they backed out>any friendship she has with other board users ends with her rage sperging and trying to drag them on the board>claimed to be a HSTS ftm and made fun of gaydens but now apparently craves dick of the melanin-enriched varietywillowo>hates black people with a fiery passion, routinely makes horribly racist comments without any shame>claims to have histrionic personality disorder and says/does anything that will get him attention, including going back to identifying as a "he/him HRT femboy" for a month when femboys became a trend on Twitter, then reverting back to a regular troon when the fad died down>Has YouTuber Dimitri Monroe and Twitter-famous femboy Cafebeef as discord contacts, won't stop namedropping them and claiming they're BEST FRIENDSFellow Repressed Transgender/normalfag/regularguy>/pol/fag who dropped into /lgbt/ to troll but stayed to orbit a few tripfags, especially Terje>creepy, degenerate, probably an incel>incites drama by stating false information about every dispute on the board>got banned from the discord server but made two new accounts to get back inThat's not even everyone.
Anyway, sorry mods if this is against rules (didn't see anything mentioning polls) but I want to see how many people would actually read or post in a thread about this: No. 811130
File: 1609095391395.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1230x1130, DEA1B647-70B7-45CC-B2B9-4908B4…)

Would anyone be interested in making a thread about racefakers in general? To me they are some of the most interesting and juicy cows out there.
I know many cows will have their IG thot blackfishing moments and yellow face attempts to look like a lawsuit Korean or Japanese. Those can go in the thread because they’re funny and more abundant.
However I’m especially focused on people who go through elaborate lengths to convince others of their race and ethnicity. This was especially common on Tumblr and leftist circles where immature people took the complex concepts of identity politics and made race like a special club. This still remains in leftist circles today. Just this year an activist was busted for faking a poc status for years. See picture
Many users will construct elaborate back stories about their families, the struggles of being white passing, will abuse filters and makeup, and use photographs of random family friends or strangers to try to prove their parents of color. Then get into elaborate arguments with other white people while larping as 1/4th black
If anyone wants to create a thread because they have their own cows in mind I’d probably have a lot to contribute right off the bat. I can also be the one to start it if people are interested
No. 811143
>>811138In this case a 1/8 Native white doing full on brown face because they couldn’t be fucked to do the conversion process into the tribe of their ancestor but still wanted those sweet sweet
poc Tumblr points.
I’ll probably start a thread later today.
I have an advice question as a newbie. A lot of my info comes from uninvolved Tumblr blogs who compiled the evidence and made the reveal. I’ll certainly post links to the racefakers social media. However many of them quickly delete and disappear when it all comes out. So it probably makes sense to link instead to the blog posts that reported to them when the cows social media is wiped, right? I may have answered my own question so I don’t need a reply unless I’m fuck wrong with that plan
No. 811220
>>811128Yeah that's an issue I was thinking about. A lot of trannies off /lgbt/ are lolcow crossposters or lurkers (seeing as tons of images from the fakeboi and mtf threads get reposted there) and so far that hasn't been an issue but since those tripfags are
their cows, they'd be posting in droves and it's uncertain if they'd still try to larp as
cis women to blend in like it appears they do now.
It could either be a good or bad thing, because while most are trannies, at least they'd be the ones posting most or all of the milk since I doubt most farmers can stomach that place enough to gather everything.
No. 811272
>>811220>a lot of /lgbt/ trannies are crossposters/lurkersI think it's more obvious when you see them posting wojacks, tinders (because I really hope anons aren't ugly enough irl to get nothing but tranny matches on tinder), and the 4chan lingo
like unironically posting soy because there is no word filter here. The only thing that has me worried is 4chan trannies being an excuse to lock the thread/ban the topic entirely.
No. 811481
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Okay driversperg anons, how many of you are with me and interested in an mostly constructive Adam Driver topic? Some choice topics:
>his new and old interviews
>general AD movie discussion
>is Kylo Ren the best Star Wars husbando or is it Ben Solo?
>anything else AD
>Driver shitposting
I will make the thread tomorrow if there is interest!(off-topic derailing)
No. 811837
i am too lazy to start a thread. this is danna amelia pond aka riley quinn sinn aka riley winters aka josh hanson.
she claims to be a 290 year old time traveller whose body is haunted by attackers from the astral plane. too much milk to list… No. 811876
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new here. my friend sent me this guy today? not sure if it's horrifying or hilarious that people like this exist in real life. meet @S0ckytySucks on twitter
>23 year old man from chile>exclusively hornyposts about and draws yaoi porn of minecraft youtubers>among other things, draws rape, guro, anal vore, even straight up cannibalism depicting real people>frequently makes really fucking creepy assault/rape threats, for example: "Why i want to hurt [Skeppy] and [Dream] so bad I want to destroy them, make them cry and beg for mercy under me" and "I want to kick [Dream]'s body in the floor until he's crying in a sexy way">interacts with and sends porn to minorslinks No. 811957
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>>811943I googled it and to my horror, it's exactly what I feared it would be.
No. 812024
>>811876Self post? This is clearly a woman.
Vore/cannabilism fetishes are also common with ftms apparently.
No. 812120
>>812024I thought it sounds like a selfpost too, or maybe an ex-tumblr fandom kid with a vendetta.
There's millions of people with funnier and more absurd kinks than that.
No. 812451
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Anyone else thought about making a Furches Twins thread? Or maybe just a Jessa one since Gwynne is serving 9 years in prison for manslaughter.
No. 812479
>>812451Is there actually more milk on them though? I followed them around 7-8 years ago on instagram when they were more popular but it feels like they aren't relevant anymore. Shocked to hear about Gwynne going to prison though jesus christ.
A thread would definitely be interesting but not sure how many people would care in all honesty
No. 812512
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>>812479I guess there was more milk with her junkie sister , and I meant 5.9 years not 9, my bad.
No. 812581
>>812566Almost all DUI/reckless driving related. When Gwynne ran over that man, she already had pending DUI charges and her license was suspended iirc. Most of the milk was on reddit if you can stomach all the thirsty scrotes posting their nudes (which included irl twincest)
Not sure how milky they are anymore though. Gwynne is in prison and Jessa is posting nudes, not much else.
No. 812941
Someone please make a thread for "Ash" aka Rebekah/Raven. This girl is the milkiest thing I have stumbled across since Soren/hurtc0re. thesmokingnymph
Tumblr: traumaxprincess
Instagram: @punk.bitch.from.ur.dreams
Facebook: milky-ness
> Not even a fakeboi, makes no effort to appear transgender/etc. Still insists she is a gay man while also calling herself a gray-ace bisexual lesbian. No she doesn't explain how this makes sense/is possible.> Self diagnosed herself as intersex. > Refuses to get a job because "muh disability" instead begs for money from their followers and Facebook friends for new phones, televisions, and shitty Amazon or Wish collars and chokers. Even though she has a two year old child. She lives with her boyfriend, both refuse to work and instead the in-laws pay for the kids food and clothes.> Says they are a "business owner" which translates to selling pictures and videos of her flabby ass on Pornhub or Snapchat. > Smokes meth around their toddler. Claims they're a "drug addict" so nobody can criticize them.> Self diagnoses every mental disorder under the sun. Including but not limited to autism, DID, DPD, BPD, PTSD, OCD and Bipolar Disorder.> Is a white girl from Canada but claims to be Indian, Roma and Jewish. If people question this she calls them racist. > Claims to have a fictive of Lucifer from Supernatural. > Claims to be dying from anorexia despite not being underweight and is actually overweight. > Posts to Facebook that she is suicidal, self harming and depressed multiple times a day. > "Sex repulsed gray-ace whose trauma made her hypersexual" > Claims to have been raised in a cult and that they want to kill her for "exposing them" to the world. This is never explained or elaborated on. > Also claims to be running from multiple abusers who all want her dead. Still uses her legal name all over social media, including posting her address and where she lives. > Says that Supernatural triggers her DID.> Posted that two alters had sex inside her "headspace" and had a baby alter. Now the baby alter spends all day crying and screaming. > Posts pictures of softmints to tumblr, pretending to OD on pills. > Asks people on Facebook to convince her to eat bc "muh anorexia" > Typical SJW that calls veganism racist, it's classist to discourage self diagnosis, calls herself queer despite the fact she has only ever been with men and has no attraction to women, etc. Kind of a munchie, self diagnosed with fibro and other health problems. > At one point referred to herself as a Christian witch??> Drank + did drugs seven months into her pregnancy because "I didn't know. I stopped when I felt something moving." She had a very noticable baby bump by then but still insisted she didn't know she was pregnant. > Implies she was trafficked and "satanic ritual abuse" No. 812959
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> Claims to be dying from anorexia despite not being underweight and is actually overweight. Kek thanks for sharing this cow, I am entertained and would love a thread as well
No. 813679
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@soft4angel on Instagram
she turns 18 in May… her TELLOYM is babeyscum it’s a shit show
• body checks her anorexic body in all her tiktoks
• accused of being extremely triggering w self-harm and anorexic body, “it’s mUh BoDy!!!”
• posts dance videos/Tiktoks from inpatient psych ward
• brags about drug use
• should be inpatient but refuses until she’s “smaller”
• all this on public
• her “mental illness” account is linked to main and totally public
• uwu BPDfag anachan
• generally cringey alt nonbinary who dresses and looks exclusively fem
• ableist as fuck unles it’s her illnesses
No. 813757
>>813679>ableist as fuck>posts triggering blahblahblahhow is this milky? i hate when 'body checks' are considered milk, who fucking cares that some random brat has an eating disorder or posts something that
triggers you? i don't get it. sour milk before it even hits the glass.
No. 813779
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Elle Florence
Canadian former financial investigator who used to larp as an attorney for the past 5 or 6 years. Technically she was one as she completed her education and passed the bar exam but never practiced and only cared about the clout of being one.
Aside from that:
>bragged about being a trve hawt shot lolyer>huge shopaholic >huge pick me larping as #girlboss >entraps unsuspecting well-off men to continue shopping >gets dumped constantly within a year after moving in with the, this happens every year >sells fake-I mean, true and honest jewelry from her nouveau pearl line as her side gigRecent:
>was previously engaged to some creepy dude in Florida in 2019>dumps her job, connections and “lux life” she knew in Vancouver to travel and move in with him because love uwu>gets dumped during Christmas >goes back to Canada to beg for her old job back and was unsuccessful >temporary stays in Seattle then decides to permanently stay and now larps as a local business owner selling her fake pearls >tries to entrap some engineer but was unsuccessful due to followers warning him on Instagram >nothing >boring videos >more shopping >codependent mother now lives in Seattle>mom is known to move wherever Elle goes >gossipers theorize she’s currently dating again due to her change of personality which is frequent whenever she gets a new man. Most of this info comes from gossip forums, YouTube videos and Reddit that got compiled here.
PS: this is what happens when dudes move in with her: No. 813886
>>813862Sure! These are from gossip forums but the first pages are usually recaps from her old guru gossip sub threads which somewhat condenses the info:
1. first post has general information about her job and sidegigs
2. first page talks about her past lovers, fashion sense and lack of hygiene as well as attempting to steal someone else’s boyfriend because $$$
3. Thread dedicated to her where some of the sub threads fall under
4. Current thread with a better recap of her business scams, old lady fashion sense and continuous chasing after rich dudes
5. Old guru gossip thread
6. Tinfoil about her getting plastic surgery
As of today, starting from page 33:>went off on a fan for complaining that her pearls broke apart >got a “lux suv”>tinfoil about her weight gain = found another sucker-ahem, trve luvPrevious relationships:
>Chris - engineer >Joe - corporate civil litigation attorney >Unidentified/“special someone” - country singer and a parent >Rick - Philosophy professor at some community college >Craig - engineer from Nevada, got away >Jason - got away?Unidentified
victim - currently dating, has yet to be bragged about
Muh local business: No. 814291
>>814285The milk is mainly whenever she gets into a serious relationship which surprisingly is not just about the money - her last relationship was with Florida man who was in the working/middle class. It is more so how she behaves in each relationship; think of Onision in female form, just less
abusive, no pedophilia but equal the narcissism.
No. 814292
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So is it just me, or does anyone else thing Cecil Mcfly is a tranny?
>That jawline
>That voice
>That Adam's Apple
>The huge paw hands(take it to the tranny thread)
No. 814749
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Would anons be interested in a bad plastic surgery thread?
For example xomarym
>plastic surgery addict
>one of her breasts started leaking after a recent enhancement. Has since gotten it fixed
>caters to plastic surgery/bimbo/sugar daddy fetish on onlyfans
Not milky enough for her own thread but I figured anons would be interested in the disturbing ways people ruin their bodies
No. 815608
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Has anyone been keeping up with ThatVeganTeacher? She's a crazy delusional vegan who has gained some traction on Tiktok over this summer and has gotten into drama with various youtubers.
Tiktok: thatveganteacher
Youtube: are some of her crazy antics:
>forces her dog to eat vegan food, fails to see the problem with dogs needing a meat based diet>makes cringy songs about veganism, turns BLM and feminism slogans into vegan talking points>picks fights with commenters on her tiktok account>apparently got fired from the elementary school she was teaching at, probably from her rep on the internet>tries to make "educational" content on youtube for children about veganism>got into petty youtube fights with iNabber and Tommy Innit, makes a complete fool of herselfThe youtube fights are currently ongoing, the milk seems promising.
No. 816258
>>816249Him being a narc on his stories and having cringy fans isn't milk.
And the girl who got the '3-second breathing' is the same one who got his hair.
No. 816473
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A thread on her would be cool, but she does not seem particularly milky. Anybody got any milk on her? She does have a following and some narcissistic tendencies. (glitter_bat_)
No. 816488
>>816480If you actually read what I wrote, I clearly stated that I have no milk on her (so why post in personal cows?), she's just a personal snowflake of mine. There is no thread on her, hence why I asked if anyone has milk. I knew someone would come about accusing me of self-posting but it's whatever. More keks for me lmao.
If anything she's a lot like Alyssa D. Silos, minus the shitty art and self-defense kits, best I can describe her other than being completely self-absorbed. ("Muh, I'm Alice Cullen irl")
Is that enough context for you, anon?
No. 816502
>>816488chill sweatshirt,
>>816493 at least said something to get people to want to participate in a thread with someone seemingly lesser known. but that begs the question of why should she get a thread if shes just another edgy narc ethot? they are dime a dozen
No. 816505
>>816488>personal flake of mine>wont post in personal cowyou dont even have to scroll up far to see better examples of requests, just pa request but a lazy one
i mean really. all you have to do is find an image of hers you like the least or a dm or something post that and just be like hey i think this chick is self absorbed, she describes herself as this stupid character shes like another flake (lists examples for anons who dont follow them in particular) and there you go. your personal cow post outline. at the end you can even ask if anyone else has anything to add and anon above could have popped in with that, maybe provide a censored example of a dm or bits of that particular convo if they were comfortable. lots of threads took off like that literally that easy.
No. 816959
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This first tweet got posted in Pixielocks' thread, and it opened up a new rabbit hole. Here's a Twitter thread about "systems", aka people who supposedly have multiple personalities and are Very Online about it. Some people have multiple accounts they switch to depending on which one of their "alters" takes over.
They're using a lot of trans buzzwords, probably so that people are too scared to criticize them. One of the quote tweets says "read this or you're cishet in a bad way". There are basically no skeptical comments because everyone wants to be extremely woke about it. They are even referring to people without multiple personalities as "singlets" like we are precut cheese slices or something.
This whole thing blew my mind, specifically because it's getting so much unquestioning support. It reminds me of "kinning" except it's somehow taken seriously. Idk much about this community yet, but it seems ripe for milking.
No. 817311
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I remember someone in here asking a about if there was slutcasino milk/thread interest and I think…. she and her friend are starting to produce milk. They went on Instagram live together and someone screen recorded them both talking about how they’re instantly more attractive than anyone fatter than them and that “she’s allowed to make fun of fat people because she has body image problems and doesn’t like her body!”. It circulated tiktok and they received a shitton of backlash on tiktok/ig and slutcasino deleted her tiktok, and either deleted her ig or changed her username. The other girl (@badnewstown) decided to post her anachan body check on her personal after, that was ON PUBLIC, saying that people were just jealous of her body and mad she has a better body than them. That was earlier today and I looked a little bit ago and there was like over a hundred comments + she edited the caption to basically just “stop calling me obese you hypocrites”, about ten minutes after that she privated this account, her main is still public though.
No. 818515
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could someone make a sonya fung thread?
>runs a small game engine company
>user base is mostly kids
>used company email list to 'debunk' rumors she was dating elon musk by talking about the people she has had sexual intercourse with over the last year
>streams on twitch with the same message, explicitly said she had sex 4 days ago with someone who is not elon musk
>super obsessed with grimes too, said she was a serial killer googling ways to murder her because she's jealous
>thinks that any time grimes says apple (like mentioning that her new song is out on apple music) is secret harassment towards her
>on the company forums her kid user base revere her as a queen and defend her endlessly
she has a history dating back years, this is just the tip of the iceburg
No. 818659
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What about thread on Twitter femboys? Especially the ultra racist/nazi types?
I don't really see them fitting in the mtf thread even though most inject HRT.
No. 818678
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i just stumbled upon this one on twitter and i dunno, i leave it up to someone else. i thought it was funny as fuck. the image for a multitude of reasons. be warned.
No. 818730
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>>818678>>818685not a troon just a self-appointed "cosplay slut" with gigantic teeth
No. 818804
>>818523Shes clearly delusional or has some sort of mental problem. She seems milky but she's currently "taking a break from the internet"
>upper class white teenage girl >secretly records her mom (worked for trump) to show how all Republicans are evil even her own mom and after obviously pissing her mom off she posts out of context clips of her "abuse" aka getting yelled at and the threat of her privileges taken away >really just sounds like a frustrated mom with a poorly behaved/out of control kid >claims she disassociates when her mom yells at her and calls her a bad daughter, a mockery of true survivors of abuse>mom threatens to take away her phone, claims her rights are being taken away uwu so oppressed >files to get divorced from parents >"somehow" her mom had her nudes on her phone and "got hacked" and so her nude photos were shown on her mother's fleet story >says she knows her mom didn't post them but "just knows" her mom was gonna use it to blackmail her>has her dad post on her behalf that she's taking a break from the internet If you ignore the political work of her parents she'd be a cow like any other simply for being an out of control, slutty, spoiled, teenage girl but I doubt anyone will be able to separate her from her parents' work. She's just a shitty kid lmao.
No. 818845
>>818804>she posts out of context clips of her "abuse" aka getting yelled atHow could those clips be out of context? Do you have some inside information we don't?
>Slutty teenagerWhat the fuck??
I get it if you feel like Claudia is a spoiled kid (I think that's how we all feel) but I think you just have an unnecessary hate-boner for her. Parents can be
abusive, y'know. Anyone who watched those clips can tell the way Kellyanne was talking to her was not normal.
No. 818922
>>818804I think this is a bad faith read. Like yeah, she's acted out in some weird ways, like posting so many secret recordings of her mom to tiktok.. but the recordings are really bad & show Kellyanne being physically and verbally
abusive to her. Clearly her acting out is a cry for help. She's 16 ffs
No. 819015
>>818991dissociation has become one of those things gen z teenagers use to describe any form of not feeling good, I've seen it used for anything from just getting distracted and spacing out for a moment to actual anxiety attacks. Iirc, the video in which she said she was dissociating was the one where her mom was the one where she was just staring blank faced into the camera as her mom screamed at her and called her a cunt and all that, might have also been the one where her mom hit her? I don't think she has an actual dissociative disorder but it isn't the most egregious use of the term.
I'll admit I'm sympathetic to the girl, so I might be being pretty charitable here, but I don't think she's lying about the abuse. Doesn't matter if she's an upper class white teenage girl or if she upset her mom telling people that she knowingly spread covid, no non-
abusive parent would react by calling their child a cunt, threatening to blackmail them, and hitting them.
tldr Claudia Conway doesn't need a thread for having been a little cringe and
>>818804 sounds insanely vindictive
No. 819080

I don't think this guy has enough milk to necessitate his own thread yet but it's only a matter of time before he hurts himself or someone else. His views have been growing steadily over the past year but since you probably have never heard of him: Shmoxd is an insufferable hipster try-hard who makes instructional DIY/craft videos, except grandmas working at Joann Fabrics are more qualified to teach than him and he frequently steals ideas from better artists.
This recent video is one of the most irresponsible, dangerous things I have ever seen on YouTube. He intentionally dissolves styrofoam with pure acetone, indoors, with no gloves and presumably no respirator. He even starts a small chemical fire. The skin on his hands starts to look like it's blistering and I can't even imagine how bad the fumes are. It's not a stretch to say that someone could kill themselves or burn their house down by following this video. I had to laugh at the multiple comments telling him there's already a well-known, safe alternative to what he's attempting (using fabric starch and balloon molds). The worst part though– the results aren't even worth it, everything he makes in this video is looks garish, cheap, and shitty.
There's other examples of him doing shit like this, like breaking glass with his bare hands, because he refuses to use any personal safety equipment. He doesn't respond to the criticism or amend his videos, other than making passive-aggressive jokes. I'm trying to be brief though, I'm not sure if this is even the best place to post him.
No. 819081
>>819015Agreed. Recording and exposing abuse like that can be the only way for a person to be believed in a situation like that. Wealth really can’t negate the pain of her own mom saying shit like ‘you’re lucky I didn’t abort you’ and ‘everyone knows you’re a bad person’ type things when kids that age really need someone to lean on.
You clearly have a vendetta and if you tried to make a thread on her everyone would be milking OP instead. bye crazy bitch
No. 819171
>>818515Yes, this crazy bitch needs a thread too. Preferably a Muskrat thread with all the crazy bitches that are dating him, have dated him or are imagining to date him. The guy is gross, wtf girls.
No. 819326
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Anybody wanna start a waifu/husbandofag thread? r/waifuism is a treasure trove of cringe and hilarity.
No. 819415
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>>818515like this is such a weird thing to say on your business twitter
No. 820036

Anyone been following the situation with the Fallout: NV mod 'The Frontier' and its dev team? Am too new to feel confident compiling a thread that isn't total dogshit but it definitely feels cow worthy.
>7+ years in development
>Hailed as 'the definitive Fallout mod' and frequently touted as superior to anything Bethesda could come up with, thus feeding off the community's disappointment with the likes of FO4 and 76
>Continuous hype and anticipation over entire development cycle
>Day of release rolls around, it quickly becomes apparent the mod is essentially trash, with numerous bugs, concepts and sequences ripped straight from various other games from MGS to Wolfenstein to Spec Ops: The Line, nonsensical writing rampantly featuring fuel for the various mod authors' fetishes among other problems
>Dev team have always been arrogant and defensive when it comes to criticism or feedback of any kind and essentially have a meltdown when the mod is panned
>Start shifting blame to anyone and everyone, eventually settling on a single developer found to have drawn underage MLP pron elsewhere (note that said developer worked on a number of assets and graphics for the mod only, not the ridiculously fetish fueled writing and content)
>Project lead attempts to use said dev as scapegoat, pulls mod from Nexus and reuploads with his content gutted
>Doesn't work, only fuels flames
>Majority of dev team cut their losses and run, including project lead
There are numerous videos and articles around the web (such as the one attached) that go into further detail on why this was one of the biggest catastrophes in modding history.
No. 820059
>>820036This whole situation is really funny. IMO the reasons for the outrage are really stupid (it's not like fetish shit hasn't been in mods since forever), which makes it even funnier to me.
Also, disregarding the coomer shit, the gameplay of the mod looks really boring, and the hero worship towards the Courier is extremely cringey.
No. 820078
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I've been checking out this guy who posts on youtube for a couple years now and think it's crazy I can find almost no discussion on him anywhere.
He posts across like 6 different youtube channels, multiple times on each one ever day, of him speaking through his dolls in incoherent rants. They also get sexual very often. He also comments on every single video with his other accounts saying things like "GREAT FILM MY FRIEND" and replying to himself with "THANK YOU FOR WATCHING MY FRIEND" so it seems like he has multiple personalities? Maybe through his dolls or something. His main channel has almost 3,000 videos now.
Here are all his channels I could find. No. 820275
>>820036Ah, you forgot to mention the shitshow of a stream one of the dev's did with another lolcow Valve News Network (forgot his real name) where he lies through his teeth about the america npc (her file is the only one to specify she's a teenager, and in-game she has a card that says "Happy 18th Birthday), how none of them knew their staff was full of degenerates, throwing their pedo artist under the bus, sweeping under the rug the various ripped dialogue in the game, dev has to look up if x thing is in game despite it being obvious bait (npc named bane, sneed and feed, USS Liberty, lovers lab, "glowing npcs", etc.), in general the stream showing what little direction the team had and them just throwing shit together because it seemed cool.
ngl stream was pretty funny>>820059The only reason why a lot of people are "outraged" is because the devs decided to shill their mod on /v/ of all places. They ended up pissing them off which led to everything blowing up the way that it did, if they'd just quietly released their game and kept to themselves, it'd just be considered another mediocre NV mod that has coomer shit like all the others.
No. 820559
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Someone should do a thread on Playmate Tessi, an 18 year old with suspected mental health issues and borderline snowflake/cowish behavior. She’s one of those lazy vlog streamers on YouTube, sort of like a copycat Tana Mongeau without the lame storytime videos and fame. Most of her content is always shot inside her home and almost never with any other people or her friends, showing how much of a self-absorbed narc she is.
A lot of her streams can be boiled down to flicking off about the mean and inferior haydurs who would cancel her if they had the chance, talking about how awesome, pretty, talented, and famous she is (and we’re not) in her most recent ground-breaking and intellectual uploaded streams “Taco Bell Mukbang + being beautiful” and talking shit about the poors. She’s also active on OnlyFans (@tessla).
She has a lot of fresh milk lately:
She talked shit about a cancer patient in one of her streams by making them feel bad about having cancer.
She has also allegedly “slept” through a stream of her dad screaming at her sister to take responsibility for her life and stop mooching off of daddy’s money. This stream has apparently leaked into irl affairs, resulting in her father losing his employment and disowning her out of the household.
After being notified of getting kicked out, she uploaded a stream of her calling and manipulating a 911 phone operator on her dad in hopes to convince them that her father is much more of a threat than he really is, claiming that he has weapons that aren’t even concealed and that he has allegedly threatened to murder her.
There is also a part in another stream where the father rants about her for lacking any personal responsibility. Apparently, she doesn’t even take showers or bathe at all, according to him.
A lot of her actions have been ranted about by mid-tier yt drama or commentary channels, and her social media, specifically her instagram (playmatetessi1) has become a small playground for other people to insult her while she casually ignores the controversies she has made while continuously streaming and not releasing any apologies and lacks major self-awareness.
No. 820591
>>820559yikes, she's giving me Nika and Jaelle vibes
Her and that tiktok girl who started the Jeff Star + Kanye rumours should get together.
No. 820852
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Do you think podcasts are popular enough among this userbase to warrant its own thread? We could recomend new podcasts for each other and maybe discuss actual episodes. I honestly can't find anywhere active enough that talks about individual episodes.
No. 821074
File: 1612916462123.jpg (35.14 KB, 484x334, CqfoKUIUsAAkpD-.jpg)

Would anyone be interested in a cursed image thread??? I have a whole folder of those type of image but it feels innapropriate to post them on the image thread because some of them are disgusting/scary or kind off nsfw.
No. 821139
Would anyone be interested in an Australian politician lolcow thread? I think it has potential because the politician does not seem to know how the internet works in the western world.
Gist of it is
>fight at bubble tea store caught on camera>owners friend punches and kicks woman, wife joins in and owner holds down bf who wanted to protect her>it was caught on camera>politician makes statement and says thats his friend and friends sometimes do wrong things but he will still be friends with him and that it was just a misunderstanding>it was caught on camera>someone on reddit posts asking for his resignation>politician sues the user, a student, for defamation for 50k, users account seems to be suspended now>politician makes a post saying these people cannot get away with it, he will sue everyone and they cannot shit on his face and walk away No. 821265
>>821206Dr Phil is definitely a massive narc but he doesn’t diagnose anyone So it doesn’t really matter if his license is expired. He just uses the psycho-milk for his views/ratings and then pawns them off to real doctors and acts like he’s doing God’s work.
If there is current milk on him I’m all down.
No. 821838
>>821808that one anon was supposed to compile all the info and make OP but it didn't happen. Funny how they got
triggered by someone asking after 2 weeks if the thread is coming or not. Damn, I was so hyped for all the traumacows… I have no idea how to find them, I imagine they have moved to twitter tho
No. 821868
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>>818515I would love such thread, but I don't think there's enough material of her. It would probably be good to talk about her tolerance to criticism as well.
>Her Café Rouge game (made with the engine developed by her company, Cloudnovel) is a remake of a 2012 VN by the same name (she was only a writer for that version)>this remake of hers was (and apparently still is) full of bugs, the engine is subpar compared to probably every other visual novel engine out there>most, if not all of the negative reviews on Steam mainly criticize the technical issues (other, less common criticisms involve bad writing/grammar, and her shoehorning real-life American politics into the plot and doing so terribly), but,>in this blog post she made, she swears people only shat on this game because it's non-free but not on the same level as AAA stuff like Kingdom Hearts or Nier: Automata (try to find any comparison to any game that's not a VN/otome/free in the Steam reviews): (Obviously there's not a single comment in sight.) yeah, she also made a 5-minute long "Donald Trump Dating Sim", she's Asian American and thinks Asians are immoral because they "don't have religion": her political tendencies were clear since she posted about her engine using "cryptocurrency": No. 821932
>>821868Kek. I can't help but read this in Rocco's Linkara voice.
>5 minute trump dating simWas she apart of that one kickstarter that was trying to make a dating sim based off of 2016 presidential candidates or am I thinking of another dumb meme game?
No. 822114
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This is a bit of a weird one and I'm not too far deep into it, but I just found this and this guy and he is fucking insane. Todd Bartley, a local sports radio host seems to be absolutely obsessed with local high school events.
There was an incident on a trip for a local high school baseball team where a student put his ass on a sleeping kid's face and some other kids filmed it. Pretty fucked up and deserving of punishment, especially if they weren't all friends. But this guy has >25 article write up on it each pages and pages long detailing every tiny thing about every person involved with baseball and the police force of that town. Including stalking them and their social media profiles. In addition he also has outrage articles similarly about single incidences about random high school students being found for weed or alcohol. Or another with hundreds of screenshots of him stalking peoples social media to prove a school district is left-leaning for having an anti-racist campaign.
This is a link to all his articles he has posted, he keeps a list of every related article to the baseball thing under each one so you can see them. His facebook page also has some interesting stuff. is also a weird as fuck article about the baseball thing't know if this would work as a lolcow, but definitely think he would react really well to people messing with him and just find these articles fucking insane and wanna see what some other people think.
No. 822192
>>822037Seems like what
>>822045 said.
No. 822224
>>821993>>822003I'm done writing the summary for the last thread but I have no idea what picture/title to use
Anyone has any suggestion?
No. 822229
>>822224Sage for samefag, nvm I'm done
New celebricows thread:
>>>/snow/1163078 No. 824609
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I want a catboykami thread, anyone else?
No. 824950
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Angelwhisper/heal2k/dreamhex/dream is a meth head who uses aesthetic tumblr to beg for money for his shitty motel he’s living at and more heroin. He’s been spiraling lately and broadcasting it from his tumblr angewhisper
No. 824952
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>>824950Oh this guy's a pedo and a self-admitted rapist too. picrel is from his old account
No. 824975
>>824974Both are popular from making posts to shoot down other womens concerns about unrealistic body types in media by posting their own bodies for attention and saying they look like that so it's fine.
Fat lover constantly panders to denegerate fat men by claiming to be attracted to them and 5ftpet is a puppyplay degenerate.
No. 825164
>>824950I would be interested in a thread, I used to follow two of those accounts and he lays pretty low, probably doesnt want information like
>>824952 getting around, he looks so creepy.
No. 825559
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>>818515I scrolled through her twitter and jfc her obsession with musk and grimes is downright psychotic
No. 826130
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Anyone have more milk on Elicia Donze? Her constant Twitter freakouts over muh harassment are incredibly lulzy and apparently she's been known to do them wherever she goes for almost a decade.
Almost every day she whines about receiving mean emails, all the while giving the harassers exactly what they want by screenshotting and sharing their emails and talking in detail about how upset the emails make her. Obviously that makes the harassers send her more emails which makes her cry more and the cycle continues ad infinitum.
No. 827456
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>>824950He got admitted to a psych ward 4 days ago and hasn’t posted anything since, probably no more milk for awhile
No. 827469
In the Luna thread, her old simp fakeboitherottengirl has shown up again. Some people talked about her/them being borderline cow material themselves, could either a snow thread be made for either Luna Calves in general, fakeboi specifically OR could a mod let us know if there's an existing thread where discussion about fakeboi would be allowed?
They've posted in the Luna threads before, but for now I'll just link to their latest post that farmers then went off and dug up pics about her/them from
>>>/pt/827386 No. 827866
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Would anybody be interested in/willing to create a thread about fandom cows? I'm not into fandom and don't know who the current players are, but it seems like the dramatis personae that come out of that scene are top-tier. Some examples:
>Andy Blake/Victoria Bitter: Among NUMEROUS other misdeeds, lead a LOTR cult that took advantage of Sean Astin, went silent for a few years only to emerge and create a cult around his HP fanfiction that involved a double homicide and a brutal two-month hike on the Trail of Tears
>Jen/Hojo: Ringleader of the infamous FFVII cult, may have done the same with Hannibal according to crazy bitch Eve Rebecca Habat
>Cassandra Clare: Notorious diva in the Harry Potter fandom who got caught plagiarizing other authors, now a successful YA author
>Msscribe: A once-popular fanfic artist in the HP fandom who got caught using a network of sockpuppets to weave a huge web of lies about her identity and happenings surrounding her
>Snapesnogger: Probably one of the first big internet art personalities, attracted a shitton of trolls for being haughty and extremely sensitive to criticism
>Beachdeath: A more recent member of the fandom shithead tradition, an ultra-SJW who's happy to grab a pitchfork whenever there's a scandal but happy to defend pedos like 4lung and write fanfics that romanticize abuse while fingerwagging at others who do the same
>Benjanun Sriduangkaew: Another more recent cow, got a ton of attention for being a lesbian non-white fanfic author; was revealed to be an extreme edgelord who ran a 'rant blog' shitting on other people's work and persistently harassed other authors for years.
No. 827943
>>827934or we can look at it this way; We've now been given consent to dive into anything we can find about this person, as long as our goal is to get it was well-known as possible
no but, it's always hilarious to me when someone pulls the "i studied psychology in middle school, ie I googled it once" and tries to reverse psychology their way out of something
No. 827964
>>827866Is Snapesnogger still cow material though? I remember reading on LC of all places that she's (now OwlyGem) massively improved and has become relatively chill. Still occasionally weird art from what I've seen, but nothing horrific.
Beachdeath, though - as someone who used tumblr in the mid-2010s I've never known someone more smug and obnoxious. She was also friends with a couple cows in my fandom at the time. Would love to talk shit about her.
No. 827965
>>827961eh, i just typed up what i could find that could be milk-centered and the majority of their blog is just
terf spergs. if you find other things, feel free to add them or make your own thread about it, but from what i gathered there ain't much potentially milky about this person except liking luna and being a former ftm now radfem
No. 827968
>>827965Thank you for taking the bullet for us all and making the thread. I do agree that the
terf sperging was unnecessary since most farmers probably agree with fakeboi on that. I think where the milk comes from is her oversharing of gross details from her life, like the pussy smelling like puppy store thing (??? what does it even mean). I also think it would be better to post her spergouts in the thread instead of hosting them on imgur.
No. 828254
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Hey I groom
I'm not so groom
>Is there enough material to make a dedicated one to just this, yet?
No. 828408
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Idk if a “celebrity” deserves a thread necessarily but I wouldn’t even consider Blac Chyna’s mother aka Tokyo Toni one. This woman has milk that I can’t even comprehend it all, her most recent fiasco was her going onto Tasha K’s YouTube and did a “tell all” and basically screamed about how her daughter is a shit person when she was playing recorded convos of them and just being a pos mother.
She also said she was gonna kill Blac Chyna’s friend Treasure in one of her most recent live streams and is ALWAYS on live just strung out and going off
No. 829028
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>>763213@searogue on TikTok is pretending to have DID. All her personalities have cool anime names, claims to have been part of a mormon cult who forced her into marriage when she was 17 then beaten and left in a field to die at one point, and is apparently a functioning nurse who strips. One of her personalities is a duck. She is being called out on her bullshit only now because she claimed only half of her personalities were lactose intolerant. Also claims to have PCOS, autism (well that's obvious luv), and ADHD
No. 829097
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>>829028searougue is one of my favorite up and coming cows. I originally found her in /r/fakedisordercringe which is a goldmine for this type of stuff. She originally started the account to document her leaving the mormon church and coming out as a lesbian but since then it's devolved into this weird inconsistent DID narrative for internet clout. Here's a good starting point for her bullshit and I think it's the first video she mentions her duck alter in.
No. 829134
>>828955>>8289952? dogs and multiple cats. She was a backyard breeder more or less, selling them off when their funds got too low.
I can't imagine her having housemates. She couldn't even live with her own husband and son without complaining about everything they did. I'm surprised she's stayed this quiet for this long though.
No. 829283
>>829134She'll 'rehome' them all.
In other words sell the ones she can and abandon the rest before she moves.
Then she'll magically find a pregnant cat at this new place and piss all her housemates off over petty arguments.
If there's a woman she'll automatically argue with them and if it's a guy, she'll probably sleep with him or use him to make couchie jealous. I can't wait for the drama.
Poor animals though.
No. 829300
>>829242I know a full blown munchausen disordered person and lemme tell you it gets unbearable after day two. The only thing they want to talk about is how sick they are. The say the same thing over and over and over and over and it feels like they're hammering the same nail into your skull for the entire friendship.
Now, imagine that, but they're fucking backflipping between their shitty owo anime name progressive OC character personalities every few minutes.
It would be like speaking to someone who roleplays as Steven universe characters exclusively
No. 829412
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Is anyone here familiar with Bonnie Bakeneko (@bonniebakeneko on Instagram). She makes weird mouth jewelry on Instagram but I found out she actually cut her nipples off before she ate them (????) in this video: found out about this because she’s been sperging about being called an attention whore and methadone addict on her Instagram this morning. Not sure if cos material but caught my eye and wanted to share.
No. 829436
>>763213any interest in a guy called Infrared?
total weirdo who calls himself a tankie and "debates" random lefty YTers like Destiny and Vaush by yelling at them until they turn off the call and then he says he won
he's got some p good lolcow potential. you just have to stir some shit in his unmoderated chat and he goes berserk.
one time spent all night saying "Infrared will win" because some twitch streamer with only 5 viewers made fun of him
No. 831434
>>829097breh, she just made a tiktok defending people who are accused of faking DiD by saying not to assume people are faking
sounds like a faker to me tbh
No. 831450
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Can we make a thread for @witchwithrics? She recently bragged about her boyfriend digging up someone elses dead dog and their little stuffed animal as a gift to include in her goth aesthetic witch hobby.
Also fakes tourettes and is generally very milky outside of it too. She does videos ticcing with her daughter and you can see the kid knows theres some bullshit.
I see potential from a mad bitch who lies about illness for attention and thinks they're capable of magic
No. 831451
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The stuffed toy for extra heartbreak
No. 831497
>>831470She does baking videos where you can actually see hesitate before making a mess. She weirdly doesn't hesitate to slap her child with these tics.
I'm not experienced enough to make a thread so I'm hoping one picks up. There is so much info on her and she makes milky responses to criticism.
People who lie for attention always have a history of lying. I guarantee if one of us found a Tumblr (and she definitely has one just look at her) we could unearth some milk
No. 832141
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A general multi-level marketing (MLM) thread would be cool.
MLMs are basically pseudo-business scam-cults. They prey on vulnerable people, mostly women, whom they claim they can make rich through selling their products. Rather than hiring the women as actual employees, they sell their shitty products to the women, for the women themselves to sell at higher prices. The products are usually terrible, and the women have to overcharge for the products in order to make any money. 99% of these consultants lose money because they can't sell enough of the overpriced products. The 1% who do make a profit rarely make more than $2000 per year, and that often requires putting in more time than a full-time job. This is also
toxic to people's social lives - when the consultants get desperate, they typically target friends and family members as potential customers, which can poison their social lives, as they drive everyone away.
MLMs are pyramid schemes, as the people who recruit others make a commission on all products sold. However, they can't be prosecuted as pyramid schemes because they're selling real, physical products, which anti-pyramid scheme laws are not designed to address. The recruiters, or "up-lines," are often mentally
abusive toward underperforming recruits (which includes almost all recruits), because they want to make money off of them.
Which is where lolcow comes in - there are a bunch of
abusive, manipulative con artist MLM promoters online.
Idk where to start, but here's a fun song about it: No. 832411
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>>817311>>810992New fag here but I saw your comments on slutcasino (Ruby) and the self hating ginger (Maeve). I wish there was a thread for them because they may have potential milk. Both went on insta live today talking about going off their meds because they “like being under the water” and want “each other to be one person again”. I’ve been watching these too codependent morons for awhile now and it seems Ruby is manipulating Maeve. Maeve had a mental break down on live while Ruby says nothing and just stares at her friend dripping snot and rubbing makeup all over her face. After 2 minutes of them staring at each other, Ruby says they both should go off their meds. Maeve starts blubbering some more while followers encourage her not to. Ruby gets pissed and tells Maeve that no one understands them and that they are “two bodies inside one person”. Maeve then starts throwing out some of her medication while Ruby smiles on. I have some more milk on these two idiots but just don’t know how to make a thread and don’t want to fuck it up.
No. 832689
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>>832670Oh there is a lot of milk anon. Ruby’s instagrams are Slutcasino and thisandabump. Maeve’s instagrams are badnewstown and gingertowngirl. Maeve also has a new tik tok called badnewstowns (previous one was deleted). Also I highly recommend you check out Ruby’s saved stories. It’s a gold mind of cursed images like this one where she carved her name into Maeve’s thigh.
No. 832690
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>>832670Almost forgot Ruby’s livestream. I haven’t checked it out so I don’t know what type of shit is on there but I know her and Maeve were previously banned on tik tok for fat shamming and saying they’d rather kill them selves than be fat. So I assume you’ll have no trouble finding some good content for the thread.
No. 832798
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>>832755She seems to be going down that route. I looked at her old instagram posts and she looked relatively normal. I mean awkward and weird but normal. She also looked healthy, took dance classes and had friends. Now she skin walks Ruby and has developed an eating disorder. Also her insta is littered with posts about Ruby and demented/cryptic drawings she made of her and Ruby. Either them in sexual positions or images of Ruby with her teeth punched out. Not trying to defend Maeve as she’s an adult, as well as a cow but she has some shit going on. She seems neglected by her mother as on a pervious insta live her mother acts like a child and is clearly on drugs. Her house is fucking filthy (wouldn’t be surprised if she had bed bugs and/or lice) and she lets Maeve spray paint her bedroom ceiling and draw over the damn walls with permanent marker. Also why would any sane mother allow her daughter to be around someone like Ruby? As a previous anon mentioned Ruby pissed on Maeve’s bedroom floor while they were both screeching like a gang of chimps. Also peep the fucking dog cage in the background where her and Ruby lock each other in on special occasions.
No. 832800
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But here’s some lovely art done by Maeve of Ruby
No. 832817
maeve and ruby now have a thread
>>>/snow/1214080thanks for the tips, anons, there's some real potential with these two
No. 834456
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Not sure where to post this since the applicable threads are locked/ancient, but our behcet’s ballerina has finally achieved her longed for dual amputations (nicked from the other farms)
No. 834734
>>763213Is there any actual milky stuff about PlayMate Tessi?
I know next to nothing about her other than the cancer thing and the Dr Phil appearance. She really seems to live for negative attention, maybe her past (and ongoing) internet presence could be milky?
No. 834773
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How come we don't have a thread on this soyblob?
No. 834783
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>>834778The women posting their Ls account on twitter, run by a cringe unemployed incel. His name is James Healey and he gets pretty cowish every time he gets even the slightest pushback, last I checked he's still menstruating about people trying to fire him from his nonexistent job. Probably not /pt/ material, but /snow/ for sure.
Pic related, apparently he's a typical jobless film kid and this is his leaked "screenplay".
No. 835372
Anyone here familiar with Carla Bellucci? Basic rundown:
>Ex-model who faked depression in 2020 in order to get a nose job via NHS: >Bragged about not homeschooling her kid and letting them use social media more while at home due to COVID-19>Bragged about wanting to get even more plastic surgery for free through NHS>Wants the same kid (about 15 or so now) to get botox and plastic surgery so they can have a successful career as an "influencer">Is now getting more attention in the media by making a plan to livestream herself giving birth for $12,000 via OnlyFans, with plans to sell the breast milk as well: if she is thread-worthy or not to everyone else here, but wanted to see if there was any interest
No. 835442
>>835436I couldn't find anything about her demanding breast implants specifically, but I wouldn't be surprised if this is the same woman. She fits the description of t
abloid villain in the UK, and it seems like she's been missing the attention because the story about livestreaming herself giving birth just came out yesterday.
I think she will continue to provide milk as a result!
No. 837266
Would someone make a sv3rige thread?
He’s a youtuber who promotes primal diet and he couch surfs and crashes at fans houses. Last year he left his family (but not before cutting off his ex girlfriend’s hair) and this year he’s in the US traveling every which way. It was rumored that throughout his most recent travels he was with a woman named Jas the Physicist and there were pictures leaked of the two together but he now has a new girlfriend that you can see in his latest livestream.
A recent previous livestream: hiding Jasmine:, his ex, and her short hair: crying over sv3rige: No. 837303
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>>837266I honestly feel like there should be a thread on the stand-out extreme dieters in general. Of course with the raw meat eaters, but also the crazy fruitarians/vegans like Freelee, Vegan Gains, etc.
No. 837331
>>837314anon please. the request was a thread, so the ideal one is made with back story and links and info gathered. reddit is a meme but can be a decent source of info.
you sound like youre them, reveling in the attention, but discouraging a further deep eye.
why would an absolute nobody care so much
No. 837359
>>837303The only milk I can think of is FreeLee. She lies about eating dozens of bananas a day, promotes a diet with way too much sugar, refuses to acknowledge that her weird fruit diet is an extension of her "recovered" eating disorder, and tried to lure Eugenia Cooney into her house.
Oh and that other raw vegan woman who uploads her own home enemas to YouTube
No. 837596
>>837359Is Freelee's ex durianrider still around? He was even milkier and arguably she never would have become so milky without his weird influence.
Alyse Parker could be milked. She is like if fad diet instagram came to life and was a hippy youtuber. She was a raw food plant based dieter but then when that was dying out she became carnivore. She also used to be a van dweller when that was trending. Her milk potential is good because eventually she'll have to switch it up again with the next new thing, like Miranda does with cultural identities.
All the raw foodists were always milky. Even if they abandoned it they would still be cows, and many are ED recovery warriors too.
Vegan Gains regularly embarrasses himself.
Oh and then there's nikocado avocado.
No. 837990
>>837314Yep. I
do like her. What a shock! Make a thread and post all of your evidence if you have so much of it.
No. 838212
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Revival of the manson thread? With all these lawsuits dropping, the milk is flowing again
No. 838270
>>838212Seconded. In the last week i've counted 5 front page stories of other
victims coming forwards and other allegations about past conduct, would be nice to have them on a thread because I feel its going to go to court soon.
No. 838702
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Hey guys I wanted to make a thread on Marceline. She's posted on personal cows recently but I realize she's sort of an endless source of milk, posting literally everyday and always aggressive. I think she's hilarious to keep up with. What do you guys think? Should I make the thread lol?
No. 838731
>>838702Go for it,
nonnie! The post on personal cows serves as a good base for the opening imo
No. 839153
>>839149another EDchan here. I dont think it's a good idea to have an ED support thread because it specifically attracts EDtwt tier autism every.single.time no matter where you hide it on the internet. I'm pretty sure that's why crystal café had to nerf their ED support thread.
And if it doesnt do that, then it will destroy itself by becoming bone rattling tournament or a place to make fun of EDtwt tards. Tbh I wish we had a space to make fun of EDtwt because I have some of the funniest screenshots ever
>>839150>whispy clustersIf I ever write an autobiography, this is what I'm calling my ED chapter
No. 839292
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The current celebricows is at capacity which is a shame because their favorite cantante Drake de Góngora Marmolejo Campana might be just another predatory groomer.
No. 839297
>>839292I saw that, I read online the reason he moved to mexico in the first place was to escape charges in the US so not that surprising
is someone making a new thread? I would but I don't have the time right now
No. 839416
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What about Aimee Knight (née Challenor) and her husband, Nathaniel Knight?
Aimee is a trans woman and former British politician who briefly worked for Reddit. Aimee's career has been derailed by a series of scandals. She first became a member of the British Green Party, a left wing environmentalist party. However, she hired her father and made him a party member, which was a problem because he'd been jailed for raping and torturing a 10 year old, as well as producing cp, which led to charges of 22 sexual offenses. She was expelled from the Green Party, and curiously defected to the centre-right Liberal Democrats, but they kicked her out later when her husband, Nathaniel Knight, tweeted about having pedophilic fantasies. Aimee claimed his Twitter account had been hacked, but people then discovered he'd made posts about being a pedo on internet forums. I'll link a good write-up about it below.
She left the UK for the US and got a job at Reddit, but there was a huge scandal at Reddit when users figured out who she was, leading to a wide-scale protest across the website. For a while Reddit would ban anyone who even mentioned her, but eventually they fired her because of the pressure.
As a child Aimee was diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder, which is closely related to Conduct Disorder, the childhood form of antisocial personality disorder (more commonly known as sociopathy). No. 839429
>>839416yes, challenor’s an absolutely terrible person, but linnersbait is a terrible thing to post
dude’s like bedbugs, he infests your site and you can’t get rid of him
No. 839500
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Bekah Martinez (@Bekah on Instagram)
Social media crunch mommy, on The Bachelor, podcaster, owns a sooooper sustainable clothing brand.
> Actively exploits children for content and $
> Speaks rather unfavorably about her child Ruth, also sharing every intimate detail about her down to when she poops.
> Let her child chew on used vibrator to teeth on. Claimed people calling her out were haters and that it was a sex positive household.
> Admits on podcast she had sex while breastfeeding. Calling it a “great” experience for all three of them.
> Just today locked her children in the car whilst fighting with random accounts on Instagram. Had to call fire truck to help.
> Got pregnant 3 months into her relationship post Bachelor and then suggested an open relationship because she didn’t want to have sex with BD for her entire life.
> rants on Instagram about haters blaming everyone except herself
> clings onto Bachelor relevancy like it’s the only thing keeping her alive
> Recently seen very ill with children visiting amongst friends (one with an immunocompromised child) despite there being a pandemic. Again, chalked up to “haters” calling her out.
No. 840205
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Would anyone be interested in making/reading a thread for iilluminaughtii/Blair Zoń? I only got interested in her since a few weeks ago, so I would prefer if somebody more knowledgeable took over the thread creation. I made a summary of a few things I have heard of her:
>Easily-offended, manipulative, lying, power-hungry YouTuber from Colorado.
>Started as a YouTuber that reads Reddit posts, but now she makes Anti-MLM videos and calls out of companies with questionable practices.
>Used to work for SFTP News.
>Blair made baseless accusations of rSlash subboting because she was jealous of his subscriber growth.
>Blair accused rSlash of swatting her. When her coworkers in SFTP News told her to report it to the police, she refused because she didn't have any proof.
>Got mad at a joke someone made during a broadcast, so she quits and logs in to the SFTP News channel and deletes all the videos where she appears in without notice.
>Fan asked her if she was ever going to make Reddit content videos. She answers dryly "No". Blair took a screenshot of the whole interaction and put them on blast in the Community tab. She also encouraged her subscribers to harass the fan.
Madison Scandal
>Blair plagiarized a smaller Anti-MLM creator, Madison (Cruel World, Happy Mind).
>Madison's subscribers noticed and left comments in her videos letting her know.
>Madison sent her a message to clear the air.
>Blair ignored her message.
>Blair went to a podcast to talk trash Madison's channel.
>Blair made several Instagram stories to send her fans to harass Madison.
>Madison made a video defending herself.
>Blair forced Madison to delete that video.
>Blair said that they have BOTH apologized, so everything is fine now.
Copystrike Abuses
>Nicholas DeOrio made a video criticizing Blair. She messages the creator of the thumbnail to get him to copyright strike and take down the video for her.
>Sent her subscribers to harass an artist for making a fanart of her in a bathing suit that she didn't like. Also got the artist suspended from Twitter.
No. 840235
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Has anybody heard of @rosemarysdead on Instagram? She's some really weird lanky goth bitch who over edits her photos. She is nice to her simps but she blocked my friend for seemingly no reason after they were following each other for a very long time and even promoted her clothes. She is conceited as fuck, and her looks aren't even all that. Her boyfriend owns a clothing brand and she mooches off of him. She has no aspirations and she posts like once a year or something but is somehow famous???
No. 840237
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I would encourage anyone to come forward if you've had a negative experience with @rosemarysdead she is really manipulative and uses her "popularity" against you to keep you quiet.
No. 840821
>>840205messaged her once asking if she would make an mlm video on OnlyFans, she never responded.
I feel like she won't cover onlyfans as an mlm because of her agenda to promote it for girlboss reasons, but i do find onlyfans controversial ( as in not totally good, but not totally bad either)
No. 840864
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A lot of controversy and awful takes on her part. She constantly butts her way into people's business, and uses issues for her own advantage. She's as attention starved as they come. For someone that talks about "how good they are" with their job position, she sure spends alot of time bitching, moaning, and being problematic. There's some spoiled milk in those udders for sure to squeeze out.
No. 840869
>>840862>>840863Seconding this anon, AFAIK he has no milk. You can't just post someone's picture and ask for a thread because you hate everything with a penis.
List some milky shit he has done and it might be considered.
No. 841208
Anyone else (hate) watch Joshua Fluke?
>Early 30s Youtuber
>Calls his family toxic and narcissistic
>grew up in a religious household calls it culty and is atheist now
>Ran off to Finland to be with his and marry gf and struggled at an engineering college in Finland for not knowing the language and culture
>overweight, friendless and poor while in finland
>divorced finnish gf because she would mock him for not finding a job, and said he demanded sex too much
>returned to US
>had another gf
>strongly suspected her of cheating on him for visiting his depressed military best friend behind his back
>cuts them both off
>makes a video saying she obviously cheated on him, despite he would get kicked out of the military if he did sleep with her
>he would often ignore his depressed best friend, and mentioned how his gf was emotionally supportive towards his friend (so I suspect she went to help him through a crisis, not cheat on Fluke)
>believes a woman should be sexually appealing and sleep with him asap on dates because that's all they have to offer
>says women are all shallow and change their tune when they find out hes a big youtuber, while he dates them sepcifically because they have big followings on instagram
>had a corporate job for a while as a software engineer, now lives off youtube by shitting on corporate jobs
>he was let go at his engineering job for someone more qualified and cheaper. Made him hate corporate
Career/content lolcowy stuff(explained in the reddit post)
>shits on colleges and formal education
>promotes a bootcamp for being affordable, but said bootcamp requires a 30k fee if you do get a job because of them
>people that come out of the bootcamps are just as unprofessional as expected
>thinks everyone should strike out on their own, be entrepreneurial like he is, despite him making money off selling courses and portfolio reviews for the unemployed
"toxic family" arc
he was so blind to his own selfishness and arrogance while accusing them of the same thing
>"generously" moves his family out of alabama several states away into Utah as soon as he got an engineering job (mom, sister, dad)
>his family live off his paycheck and don't find work
>unbeknownst to him they were doing heroin
>in several videos after discovering what they did, he shits on drug users and saying how despicable and how he never would've thought they'd sink that low
>they lied to him, in that the money for rent was actually used for drugs
>he also shits on them for lying to him.
>absolutely resents them for the years he spent paying for them, despite him offering to move them out in the first place for??? reasons
like duh? If you hate drug users so much, of course they'd lie to you
and if you move someone out into the middle of nowhere because you suddenly got a new job, they're going to struggle.
>his grandpa asked to forgive his family in a video he broadcasted the call to the world to mock and comment on
>his dad tries to mend their relationship while he continues to act like a brat about how he's the victim in all this
personality lowcow
>always bitter
>always on his high horse (several comments have talked about his arrogance and better-than-you attitude, which he will laugh at in "reading my hate comments" videos)
No. 841536
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Anyone making a Luna thread? There is an update on her blog. See pic rel
No. 841648
>>841628, all done. Sorry if anyone saw me delete it twice, I kept noticing dead links
>>>/pt/841646 No. 842139
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>>763213Is anyone keeping up with this Dita/Adam Racjevic drama? Basically Dita’s BF has been accused of grooming by @rlrrpaola2, and, since her previous account has been disabled (it had recently been getting involved in the ongoing Manson debacle), she’s now putting him on blast here, inc doxxing him. The milk is flowing.
No. 842923
>>842773This. Along with a disclaimer that politisperging and racebait are not allowed, anyone who has a problem with that can take it to
No. 843890
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There's an absolutely gold standard cow after appearing in the personal cows thread. A few anons have expressed interest in her, me included.
My collage is badly done but her antics include:
>insane webs of cheating
>sex worker with a millionaire mum
>embarrassing BDSM relationship
>prolific emotional abuser
>beats her boyfriends
>the first thing she tells anyone about herself is that her dad committed suicide, lies about having witnessed it
>"muh trauma justifies my behaviour"
>all of her friends are terrified of her
>her bf sent her to a psychiatric ward, the first day she was released she demanded and open relationship pr she would kill herself
>look at her fucking hairline
No. 844079
>>844073how exciting, anecdotes from 1 anon. being trashy
offline doesn’t warrant a thread.
No. 844514
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New cow appeared in the pro ana thread, a lot of anons interested but shes more of a solo thread case than a pro ana scumbag.
>24 years old
>age reg/kids clothes only
>huge weeb, dresses lolita too
>schizophrenic, claims seeing surrounded by child stuff makes her hallucinations less scary
>fakes a neurological condition that makes her write bad
>salf harm as an accessory
>has a new obsession to hoard every week
>posts tiny meals while claiming recovery
>currently celebrating reaching a low weight while recovering
>a hugbox cult who all fawn over her and tell her shes pretty
>24 years old posting naked body checks to EDtwt where everyone is about a decade younger than her
>let her dog eat her purge (allegedly)
Would anyone else be interested in her thread?
No. 844691
>>844643>She speaks spanish and it's puertorican. Someone pointed out that she writes this perfectly. Meaning her neurological disorder only has a negative impact on her Twitter typing. She can write perfectly readable English in her journal, and excellent spelling and structure again on her Instagram tags. Interesting
She aims her schizophrenia has taken her from an IQ160 to what she calls "near retardation". Apparently schizophrenia does damage cognitive ability but not at this level. Also claims to have been diagnosed at 13 which doesn't happen
Two more pieces of evidence that shes lying about (or at least exaggerating) her schizophrenia.
Would anybody be interested in making the thread? I haven't made a thread before and I might get banned for making it poorly
No. 844858
>>844812This bitch is literally fucking insane lmao. I get the absolute worst vibes from her, not in a she's evil or actually
problematic way, but just in a, what in God's name have I just stumbled upon way. The only reason I'm inclined to believe she's actually schizophrenic is because she seems currently in denial of it and is just a special fucking unicorn lmao. It's crazy. She's genuinely just insane.
No. 844914
>>844876Soren was a cow who claimed to have been trafficked and abused in snuff films as a child. He wrote out this huge backstory for himself with characters in it, one of which was same, and used this fake story to trick thousands of people into believing his bullshit for attention.
Sam was supposed to be his sister figure. In his story, she was mentally sucked up drug addict who was abused and pimped out her entire life in these types of snuff films. He based her Courtney Love and took HUUUGE character inspiration from another well known lolcow, Kayla Day. Turns our Sam was kind of a real person in that he knew a girl named Sam. Sam was aware of his lies and had to get a legal team to get Soren to shut up
No. 845399
>>845308Apparently they hosted a EDtwt meetup and they all blocked a fat girl who showed up and started making memes about it immediately afterwards. I thought it was a joke, but it turned out to be true.
I'd be interested in an EDtwt community thread because this shit just happens CONSTANTLY
No. 847334
>>846439I would totally read that daily, Grimes and Azealea are both such freaks and they deserve their own threads tbh,
Elon is def a cow in his own respects, but that's more of a 4chan board than here, the drama of all three combined could be exquisite IMO
No. 847782
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Can we have a thread about the bargin bin version of creepshowart, illuminaughtii?
She lied about youtubers making fun of her miscarriage, admitted that she abuses the copyright system on youtube, will have a mental breakdown at the slightest bit of criticism, makes fun of mental health, deleted another content creators videos she was collabing with because they made a fat joke about one of her friends (Said friend made fat jokes about other youtubers), will attack smaller creators, will block fans for just following people she doesn't like, will lie about other youtubers, and has a "hit list" of content creators she doesn't trust. That's just what I remember from the top of my head.
No. 847872
>>847782Someone made an OP for her
>>840205 if you want to create the thread.
No. 847890
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Anyone consider an Alida Simone thread?
She was a big name in the vintage Lana Del Rey nymphet owo Lolita scene back in the day. She built an online persona around the Lolita aesthetic and currently seems to be doing a Kiki Kaninibal (trading her glory days for this spiritual angel numbers type shit claiming to be moving on but constantly talking about her Lolita days). Was on the news for a kidnapping.
I went to check on her after all these years and I was surprised that she still has an internet presence (much smaller than before). Also surprised that people still romanticize the hell out of her on aesthetic social media accounts
No. 848432
>>848406shit threads get locked
maybe someone will make a decent thread about him, but that thread was total shit
No. 848627
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I feel like there should be a dogisaga thread, she's absolutely fucking insane and apparently she is trooning out now after her husband was busted for being a nazi.
No. 848841
Porn industry cows thread. All people in this industry are either damaged or natural degenerates.
and I'm sure former pornstars and coomers lurking could provide milk.>>848826do it,
No. 849044
>>848872There used to be HAES threads and quirkyloverosee was a pretty notable deathfat back in the day on here.
>>848890There's already a thread like that over in /snow/. Go look for it.
No. 849362
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Eerie.bxby on Instagram/tiktok/twitter
Rages over any hate comments she gets and can’t handle criticism or questions
No. 849643
i'd like to ask if this thread
>>>/w/60883 can be unlocked or if i should post the milk in the proana thread
No. 851016
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Has anyone heard of squareonecosplays? They have a pretty big YouTube presence and announced today all their videos were deleted. When they contacted YouTube they were told everything had been deleted on their end and there were no signs of being hacked. Something is just weird about it and doesn’t add up. Not much drama revolves around them other than a few members previously leaving on bad terms. I just thought this was interesting .
No. 851399
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Would anyone be into a thread on the alt self improvement/level up/FDS/redpill/snake oil salesmen scene? This is a kind of nebulous area but good examples for both genders would be Andrew Tate and Anna Bey/school of affluence although it could broadly touch on people like mikhaila Peterson . Common characteristics of this scene seems to be pathological lying, use of crude caricatures of human sexual dynamics as the baseline for their philosophy, claim access/experience with some elite group (Ivy League, billionaires, the mafia, whatever) bad plastic surgery (or will only be around women who have) and charging enormous amounts of to take “exclusive” classes with then which will teach you how up “level up”.
No. 851431
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>>851399Please feed us, anon. We're starving.
No. 853781
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Can we get a Undertale/Deltarune/indie game thread
No. 854097
>>849643Came here for a similar reason. I don't think her old thread should be unlocked but a general thread for (of age) edtwt cows would be good to also keep shit out of Lucinda's thread, like the Mooglekins person too.
Or a thread, if not for EDtwt, the type of person like said people who hurt/starve/whatever to themselves out of the delusion of being a mythical being.