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No. 1144047
(and their chasers)
>What is a femboy?They are he/him trannies, basically. Some are regular anorexic twinks but most inject estrogen or T-blockers in an attempt to look like women, and sometimes they will even get tranny-related surgeries.
>What makes them cow material?In recent years, part of what it means to be a member of the femboy clan is adopting Nazi politics. They are shamelessly racist, misogynistic, and homophobic of lesbians, frequently getting banned from platforms like Twitter for their hatefulness. They also tend to suffer autism and many are former incels.
Femboys created tired-out memes like Femboy Hooters and the "Doomer Boy" Wojak which they all worship and strive to be. For some reason they really like Ikea sharks.
Tell a femboy he is no different from a MTF troon and prepare for autistic screeching. They hold a sense of superiority over regular trannies because they don't call themselves women, but they still share the fetishistic (read: AGP) creepiness of the average troon.
Closeted gay and bisexual scrotes all across the web are obsessed with these freaks, frequently screaming that it's not gay to fuck a man just because he has soft skin and gynecomastia.
NOTE: this thread is for [male] femboys only. If it's a girl/TIF larping as one or if you suspect a femboy might be biologically female, post about them in the fakeboi thread instead of here:
>>>/snow/1137677 Feminine gay men like Jeffree Star or James Charles who don't call themselves femboys don't count, please post them in their respective threads:
>>>/pt/790714 >>>/snow/1086649
Trannies identifying as women belong in the MTF thread unless they're involved in femboy drama:
>Some examples of e-famous femboys:Dimitri Monroe (gone) (NSFW) Slut (NSFW) is a trial thread so let's see how it goes.
No. 1144064
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No. 1144074
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Why do they all dress like Chris-chan?
No. 1144081
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Interesting thread OP but you got one small detail wrong, The Doomer boy image wasn't created by femboys, it was originally just another rendition the doomer wojak, originally it was something like "the 14 year old doomer" made to mock edgy 14 year old twitter users who had given up on life, the blushes were added later on
No. 1144082
>>1144081I've heard a lot of different things, including people speculating that the artist is a TIF and it's supposed to be transboy wojak.
Anyway regardless I'm tired of seeing people sperg over this stupid fucking MS Paint-tier drawing on every website, especially the swede version.
No. 1144087
>>1144082which is sorta weird cause when I went to Sweden a couple years ago all the men were all like 6 feet tall hairy bears
sage for bp
No. 1144127
>>1144124I deleted my post because it was attracting seething idiots like
>feminine men should only be with women and no one else Hard pass unless they can stop pandering to /pol/cels.
No. 1144150
>>1144125i think most of the sexual deviants are into nazis or even communism because their deviancy is all about extremes and shock value. they get off on being traps bc it’s a twist or a surprise and how much more surprising would it be if a cutesy femme boy in a schoolgirl’s outfit is a nazi?
it’s the same thing with bronies. yeah, a lot of them were just straight up furries but some got off on animated ponies because lol how crazy and edgy would that be?
No. 1144152
>>1144127I wasn't referring to dumbass Traps or femboys, it was about feminine men in General
No. 1144157
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>>1144055Entire feed seething about women kek. It's interesting how much women live rent-free in men's heads.
>>1144125I'd like to see an explanation for the far-right connection as well. I can understand why the online far-right would embrace them, since it kind of falls in line with the 4chan-type of far-right sense of humour (trolling, use of anime aesthetics, etc etc) but I don't know why so many of these men would be attracted to nazism. I guess maybe they feel alienated from society and feel most accepted there and because of what
>>1144150 said. Also tons of actual nazis back then were into crossdressing too, so it's not a new phenomenon.
No. 1144166
File: 1611827870447.jpg (1.78 MB, 2048x1747, 1611827294223.jpg)

They keep making images like this to shit on women and feel superior, even though you know they would give anything to be women themselves.
Like yes, I can agree the boy on the right looks cute, but they cherrypicked an unflattering candid photo of an obese woman who is easily a decade older than him and struggling to carry her weight down the street as "proof" all British women are ugly in comparison to their men.
Compare the boy on the right to British women like Rosie Huntington Whitley or Kate Moss who look ten thousand times better and watch how they'll stutter and be like "w-well, they've got icky vaginas!" or something similarly misogynistic.
Fucking pathetic.
No. 1144176
>>1144166bro its just a meme pic
come visit us more often tho :D
>>1144150I mean I have seen some girls who were from
woc background doing Nazi salutes white while wearing Che Guevara T-shirts just to get people's attention
>>1144157the majority of "Nazis" soldiers were just conscripts who didn't have any choice in the matter, I mean the pic you posted seems more like a Hazing ritual more then anything
No. 1144188
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>>1144178The Nazi and cross dressing history is quite well documented. There are loads of photos. The SS and other Nazi idealogues were into it too. I also wouldn't give conscripts too much of a pass since some of them were willing to (and did) be imprisoned or killed rather than torture and kill innocent people but that's another tangent entirely. The Wehrmacht was also full of enthusiastic Nazis. Most of the German population was very pro Hitler.
No. 1144190
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>>1144185>there's nothing wrong with the actual woman.Agree. Anyone remember when Adele lost weight? She's beautiful, more so than any larping man who injects horse piss could hope to be. The cope with these people.
No. 1144193
File: 1611830114338.jpg (Spoiler Image,36.96 KB, 512x264, unnamed.jpg)

>>1144188Most of the rural Germans who the Nazis wanted to use as the Ideal of the Aryans refused to serve, reminds me of this meme /pol/tards and Palestinian nationalist online
basically when you have a large male young adult conscripts you'll find them fucking about it for the hell of it
No. 1144202
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>>1144193Dude, this really isn't the thread for this but the vast historical consensus is that German resistance was small and disorganized (often motivated by a personal dislike for Hitler's leadership style and not necessarily Nazi racism or imperialism), sometimes from people of non-German ethnic origin in Germany. Your claim is very very spurious and verging on straight up Nazi apolgia. Overall the German population was extremely cooperative, hence the whole genocide going so well. The Nazis executed about 77,000 Germans out of a population of approx 69,600,000. God bless the Germans, both soldier and civilian who resisted but they were few. Anyways the Nazis had psychosexual issues. German artist Martin Dammann catalogued a lot of the pictures.
No. 1144214
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>>1144208they also were furries.
No. 1144219
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>>1144207They were famously fucked up sexually. One of Hitler's buddies- Ernst Röhm was a known gay man and helped Hitler found the openly anti-gay party but Hitler felt threatened by him and had him offed during the Night of the Long Knives. There were a bunch of closeted gays in the party after that. And the crossdressing stuff. Meanwhile they were tossing gay citizens in concentration camps and brutalizing and executing them. The Nazis also created an SS unit called the Dirlewanger brigade named after Oskar Dirlewanger, it's leader, a sadistic pedophile, consisting of a band of convicted criminals. To hunt down and torture and kill civilian resistance fighters. They liked to herd people into barns and burn them alive, gunning down any escapees.
No. 1144233
>>1144230>Why? Why claim to want to abolish gender roles when you are literally hating on men for being feminine and dating other men.NO ONE is doing that. The thread is meant to talk about dumbass shit coming from a certain subculture of GNC gay men, not implying every GNC man in existence is terrible. See
>>1144232Also stop coming here to defend yourselves, you're just going to get banned and make yourself look like a fool in the process.
No. 1144235
>>1144232None of that applies to me. I'm just a normal homosexual guy who values a feminine aesthetic in myself.
Saying that we are all "racists and sexists" just seems like a roundabout way of justifying pre-existing hatred of GNC men.
Rosie, for instance, is neither a racist nor a sexist, but you feel justified in attacking him and including him in your OP post.
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>>1144218>>1144219The Whole Nazi Leadership had some contradictions, the funniest imo is very unaryan the leaders of the Nazi Party actually were, despite the idealization of the Aryan male, who was tall, broad shouldered, blonde haired and blue eyed, the actual leaders were way far off,
Hiter, Goering, Himmer and Goebbels were all dark haired rather and short by German standards, Himmer and Goebbels especially had both very weak bodies and Goering was a glutton
I remember one case I read on tumblr some time back where when during when Nazi party was power they discovered a perfect "Aryan" village where majority of the people fit the Nazi Aryan ideal and wanted to study them and use them as examples to show off their superiority but those people were simple country farmers who didn't know or care about that bullshit, they were religious people who believed that everyone was created equal and told the Nazis to basically fuck off
No. 1144241
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Nobody really talks about anime induced body dsymorphia and they should.
No. 1144244
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>>1144239It's the hentai. It appears that these people have rotted their brains on near constant consumption of femboy/tomgirl hentai. That's how the characters are depicted, a freakish amalgamation of male and female body parts. Reality be damned. They are determined to ignore the fact that they have literally no hips to speak of. Most of these accounts on twitter are just porn.
No. 1144249
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>>1144241This is just an unfunny joke post you'd expect from an autistic weeaboo.
Unrelated but I remember seeing this person get posted a few fakeboi threads ago when somebody stupid thought they were biologically female, here's the picture. I don't know what the fuck these people think when they walk outside like this. Is it supposed to be cute? Even most gay men dress better than this, but something is off about femboys specifically when it comes to personal appearance.
No. 1144267
>>1144263Left one looks like a biological male on estrogen. You can see the softness of the skin here
>>1144241 but in this photo
>>1144249 the blocky male body and big skull. Right one looks blatantly like a skinny unhygienic male, the face is far too long and chiseled to be female.
No. 1144431
>>1144125It's not that being femboy drives you to become a right-winger, but rather being on the right is why you would start calling yourself a femboy.
If they were more left-wing they'd simply insist on being trans womxn with pronouns in their bios.
No. 1144779
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>>1144672People used to think meowriza was a fakeboi because he has a very womanly shape naturally until someone uploaded a naked dick pick of his that was high definition and very real looking. It's rare but sometimes it's impossible to tell until you see their nudes, unfortunately. Androgynous and intersex people exist.
No. 1145231
>>1145012sage for blogpost but femboys really creep me out. i don't have an issue with guys dressing feminine at all (I'm actually pretty into andro/ femme guys myself). it's the specific kind of femininity that these super online "femboys" are into. adult men specifically styling themselves like young/ teenage looking girls as a sexual thing is just so gross (I mean its also weird when adult women do it, but them being dudes just adds an extra layer of skeeviness, bc it's not like they ever had to deal with being an underaged girl treated like a sexual object). plus the fact that they tend to run in circles where misogyny is so rife, it feels like just trying to take all the cute, fun parts of femininity without any of the "icky women". especially the way that so many of them play up being flat-chested and not having any hips, and shame women for being fuller-figured, it all feels very pedo-y.
like none of this stuff is actually endemic to being a "femboy", I'm sure there are some of them who just like cute wigs and dresses and that's fine, it's just the attitude that's sprung up around it in online communities, even the parts that aren't racist still feel disgustingly misogynistic and noncey.
>>1144166 i feel like its basically summed up by this meme and the way its shaming women for looking normal and not like jailbaity-hentai characters. apologies for sperg but I just had to get that off my chest lol
No. 1145248
its hilarious to see these dudes talking about how femboys are better than women, when even the best-looking femboy barely looks better than your average cute girl
No. 1179063
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>>1144166Ah yes, F1nn has 414K subscribers. Wish I had screenshotted it, but he was in the dank brigade discord (the discord of Count Dankula, the one with the nazi pug) and probably has said some overtly racist shit.
No. 1202057
>>1144166i think you misunderstood the meme, i think it was made by a none british person to insult britain in jest
its not that deep
No. 1227414
Okay nonnies, pack it up, anon discovered the hivemind’s nucleus, i repeat, we have
been discovered by this anon.
>>1227275Fuck off, retard.
No. 1232808
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No. 1232811
>>1232782Yeah I wish more would realize this. No girl ever dresses like they do so I don't know what they're talking about when they say they are dressing like girls. That and they will look much "prettier" if they dress for the body they have. They don't have to wear suits or whatever. Dress for the body you have… unless they're delusional and think they're an anime trap.
>>1232808No honey, you are not "passing" just because you grew your hair out.
No. 1232890
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>>1232808 his
girlfriend, my sides are out in the orbit
No. 1235420
>>1233112 Do they think that pretending to be bi will get them closer to straight men ? It's fucked as hell dude i'm just noticing the parallels now.
mini blogpost about the "bisexual" femboy who hated my guts for no reason and tried to steal my bf by acting like a cool guy in front of him ? Ended up rearranging his face myself though that was for different reasons. Twinks cant even fight women lol
No. 1237265
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>>1237245fuck off autist, they’re only nonconforming insofar as it gets them off. they’re coomers.
and please stop bumping the thread, there’s been no milk for weeks, just let it get buried if it
triggers you so much.
No. 1237520
>>1232808The irony of this basement dwelling incest baby calling other people stinky, he looks like he reeks of cat piss and shit combined with stale BO and hot dog water. Imagine the stench being in the same room as him and his pet troon
>>1237245LMAO no, we just hate misogynistic degenerates
No. 1237554
>>1237245>hatred of male gender nonconformityThey aren't really noncomforming in their behaviour.
How about you guys stop conforming to the stereotype of porn and fetish-obsessed scrote?
No. 1237578
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>>1237554Right? Tell me how this looks like anything other than a moid who lives with his parents
No. 1237590
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>I pass as female
My fucking sides, how is this loser so fucking delusional?
No. 1237601
>>1237590Men really think anything with long hair "passes as female" just because they got autism and face blindness. You don't pass, Scrotey McMoid. You got bushy manbrows and a 5 o clock shadow.
Maybe you can fool some other autistic scrotes, but behind your filtered and carefully curated selfies you look like a man, move like a man and sound like a man.
No. 1237622
>>1237590I'd also like to know why femboys are so insistent on "not being troons". I have seen it from several who get offended when you call them trans, but where is the difference except the label? They still take estrogen, they still try to pass as female, their entire identity is their fetish. It is absolutely no different from trannies (you might say they keep their dick, but so do a lot of trans women).
It's the same thing under a different name, mostly because they realize that coomer chasers prefer it when they keep the dick and Tranime has made men in schoolgirl skirts popular. In the end you still try to be perceived as a woman and fail miserably.
No. 1237679
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>>1237601His twitter account is a goldmine of degenerate cringe, on what planet does this beta tranny chasing scrotelet resemble a woman?
No. 1237684
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>>1237672lmao this is so embarrassing, the asspats in the replies have me wheezing, all the retards who orbit these faggots are fucking delusional degenerates
No. 1237703
>>1237672They all seem to want to bang conservative guys who hate them as well. I guess because those are seen as more masculine, plus troons all hate themselves. Their ultimate fantasy in the end is being treated like a woman and fucking a straight man.
Too bad they will never ever fuck straight men, cause fucking traps (aka men) is gay and therefore the man was never straight to begin with.
No. 1237742
>>1237700They don't care, they just want a masculine man to validate their "woman but better" narrative.
They remind me of those autistic chicks who think themselves special for having any kind of masculine interest or for "understanding" the male psyche and who try to force the one of the boys act. They think they have the best of both worlds but they're just isolated and miserable and lmao
No. 1242071
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I enjoy how all of them have greasy bangs that they use to hide their receeding hairlines?
Just like an anime gurl UwU! Shampoo? wat is that? nyaahh~
No. 1242076
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>mix of gender features
Once again men think that being bad at being a man means you are womanly. I don't know why society tells people that. Being a low-testosterone faggot with a weak chin who grows out his hair is in no way female. Sorry, no female gender features found in this male and you will grow up to be an ugly moid like everyone else once you hit your 30s.
Femboys don't get old.
No. 1242084
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No. 1242103
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God these ugly fucking losers are such cringey degenerate faggots
No. 1242161
>>1242103Funny that they all interact with each other and probably date each other too cause normal people don't want to be associated with this mental illness.
Legit would like to know if these people just decide to go full troon eventually or decide to just be normal gay men and then just regret that they shrunk their testicles to be empty and infertile and gave themselves cardivascular disease before even hitting 35.
No. 1242708
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>>1242422That's not even the worst of it. He is literally just a redditor soyboy who fell into the tranny-hole, missing his porn addiction in the timeline tho.
No. 1242709
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>>1242708Literally a perfect example of what too much internet does to a young homosexual male who has never gotten attention in his life.
No. 1242710
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>>1242709Honestly amazing what 3 years of porn addiction and falling for 4chan memes can do for you! If you believe the tranny shitposts about turning into the anime girl, you too can become an impotent suicidal man whose parents are disappointed in him!
No. 1242711
>>1242708>apolitical >alt right Christ this ugly faggot is an actual retard.
>>1242709And they wonder why we call them Nazis. Hyperkyuun seems like less of a /pol/tard than this degenerate and like he might have a legit intellectual disability but this faggot is a straight up piece of shit. He was fugly as a soyboy and he is fugly as a “trap” (let’s be real, no one with functioning retinas will never mistake this degenerate for a woman)
No. 1242715
>>1242711The funniest thing is that the Nazis would have immediately executed him for his faggotry, cause you know they expected men to be men and produce aryan children for the masterrace instead of turning themselves into imporent drains on society. I get that he's only trying to be edgy because "UwU alt-right fascist want to bang my bussy" but nobody who is an actual conservative or alt-right wants anything to do with transexuals, cause they can't make babies.
I'd like to know what he looks like without 6 layers of vaseline smeared on his camera lense and the UwU filters.
No. 1242719
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lmao this tranny cunt, the site is designed to make it unusable for speds with an IQ in the double digits like you, faggot. For people raised on 4chan they’re fucking imageboard illiterate
No. 1242720
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I-I-I am not l-like the other t-trannies! I swear! I don't even want to be a gross woman!
No. 1242723
File: 1622459058891.jpg (7.68 MB, 3752x2048, moidbeef.jpg)

The receeding hairline, fleeing chin and lack of upper lip with a longer philthrum than even Shoe0nWho and rabbit teeth are truly unfortunate genetics for both a male and a female.
Blind as a bat too judging from the mole-glasses he never takes off because it's the only way to make his eyes look big like an anime gurl.
No. 1242724
>>1242709>>1242422The filters can't even hide his 5 o clock shadow. He did have good beard genetics judging from the pretransition pics and he could have just been an average homosexual male with a bald head and big bushy beard.
>>1242161 said I wonder what these people's plans for the future is because "femboy" is something you can only be up until your mid 20s, no matter how much you delay your puberty with blockers, you will eventually look like a grown ass man. What do femboys do when they turn 30?
No. 1242725
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>>1242723Holy fuck he is hideous. Looks like we’re gonna have to move him to the MTF thread in the foreseeable future, he is either going to troon out or scam people under the guise of trooning out
No. 1242730
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>>1242709topkek, cry harder faggot
No. 1242732
File: 1622459681165.jpeg (317.64 KB, 828x939, CECD0E6A-7C6D-4CD2-90E4-1AB07F…)

3edgy5u not like other trannies
No. 1242736
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I hate these degenerates so much
No. 1242739
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>>1242730Probably only likes how he looks in pictures because they are filtered and flattering but then catches a glimpse of his actual face in the mirror or a store window and wants to cry, kek.
I made an attempt to get an idea of what cafeman looks like without his eye-enlargening animu glasses. Man I would want to scream too if I saw this in the mirror.
No. 1242769
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No. 1242793
File: 1622467972052.png (871.14 KB, 2464x1606, alternateBeef.png)

>>1242769Alternate version with the filters applied UwU
No. 1242813
File: 1622470596603.png (872.39 KB, 1492x2612, moid_take.png)

Moidbeef is upset about being called an ugly man.
REEEE women are so catty! Unlike gay men like me, who are never catty and never makes catty comments about how ugly TERFs are.
>Nooooo you can't call me ugly even tho I call people ugly all the time!
>NOOOO you can't talk about me but I have literally thousands of tweets shitting on TERFs and other women!
No. 1242821
File: 1622472078781.png (249.2 KB, 1496x1228, femboy_surgery.png)

So let me get this right.. this "totally not a troon" wants the UK government to pay for his facial FEMINIZATION surgery to look more like a woman because he has "UwU disphoria" so they tell him "ok you gotta say you are officially a troon then because troon surgeries are only free for troons" and he goes REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I am not a troon! How dare you! I just want surgery to look like a woman while being a man! It's totally different!
Literally the level of cope. Absolutely astonishing.
No. 1242831
File: 1622472837488.png (24.34 KB, 738x170, femboy_surgery2.png)

>The government should pay for whatever unnecessary cosmetic surgery I WANT!
>The taxpayers MUST pay for me to live my fetishistic livestyle!
>They have no right to force me to identify as a woman to get female to male sexual reassignment surgeries!
Rofl the entitlement only a mentall ill troon can exhibit.
No. 1242834
File: 1622473108067.png (49.37 KB, 738x340, libertarian.png)

>The government MUST pay for me to get cosmetic surgery!
I don't think that's what libertarianism is all about.
No. 1242848
>>1242834They do the same shit that cringe lefties do with communism.
Why must these exceptionals involve politics into their fetish?
No. 1242853
>>1242848Cause all of these troons are either /pol/tards or commie trannies who think that under communism they will be allowed to sit at home all day while someone else pays for them to buy funkopops and Onlyfans subscriptions.
Cafebeef is not a libertarian, he's just a normal liberal who thinks he's edgy by wearing a nazi uniform.
A lot of political twitter accounts also follow these troons because honestly most of them are just big LARPers who vote for whatever lets them keep masturbating to lolicon and cut their dicks off.
No. 1242891
File: 1622480072662.png (235.42 KB, 1000x709, hyper_kuun.png)

Feel inspired today
No. 1242904
File: 1622481598950.png (752.91 KB, 1194x1142, hyper_kuun_troongf.png)

>>1242891and his "femboy inclusive lesbian" troon gf
Why can't you homosexual males just be gay?
No. 1242926
File: 1622483957575.png (206.74 KB, 742x576, hrt_femboy_bf.png)

So they agree that they are just troons in denial? Finally some self awareness!
No. 1242973
File: 1622486122631.jpeg (27.82 KB, 292x282, 32C59075-3BE7-4D29-B692-B44DF7…)

>>1242926I’ve been trying to figure out who Kyuun and his ugly boyfriend remind me of, and I finally realized it’s Steely Dan
Total androgynous icons, you guys. Much wow.
No. 1243073
File: 1622489528921.png (921.39 KB, 2300x1035, femboy_squad.png)

FEMBOY SQUAD assemble and set out to destroy the ugly TERFs! How long can they go without taking a break to coom?! Do they have other thoughts then "put penis in bum"? We will find out soon, maybe.
No. 1243114
>>1242904My hot take is being gay doesn’t fulfill their pornrot.
Must. Be. Degenerate. In. Order. To. COOM.
No. 1243120
>>1243114But in the end they are still just fucking other men in the ass, pretty degenerate already if you ask me.
I think it has more to do with being jealous of women, which most gay men are because they want to bang straight men, but straight men want women and are attracted to femininity and not to moids.
No. 1243342
File: 1622514771100.jpeg (102 KB, 828x461, 214C0D68-C43A-41A9-AB57-2D5496…)

lmao now he is suicide baiting, all the comments are licking his crusty asshole except this one
No. 1243344
>>1243073This is amazing anon, I’m cackling
>>1242834He is such a dumb cunt. He is clearly lurking here and we’re clearly getting to him, kek
No. 1243383
File: 1622519715132.jpg (845.52 KB, 1784x3968, E2u7C_xWQAYGtI2.jpg)

>>1243342I'd kill myself too if I got this haircut
No. 1243473
File: 1622534580536.jpeg (Spoiler Image,520.03 KB, 1465x1516, 79B80401-F2AF-4FA6-85F4-EF8C34…)

No. 1243480
File: 1622535408497.jpeg (Spoiler Image,229.89 KB, 828x731, 02AD0817-DC21-4FF2-BC3F-A23916…)

Holy shit, the degeneracy of this RosieKawaii moid (unspoiler at your own peril because NOT SAFE FOR LIFE)
No. 1243482
File: 1622535552749.jpg (134.24 KB, 683x1024, old_femboy.jpg)

>>1243459Real women just can't compare to receeding hairlines in their early 20s and beard stubble on a box-body with no waist. Eternally BTFO! How will we ever recover?
Heck even ugly and balding women are prefered by men as partners because having sex with us doesn't stink like shit and can give them children. In the end these abominations have absolutely nothing to look forward to in their life past the age of 30, no families, no husbands, not even a working erection. The chasers on their twitter will move on to a younger twink and leave them old, broken and alone. Completely destroying yourself in your 20s because of pornrotten brains, tragic.
No. 1243484
File: 1622535733507.jpeg (245.79 KB, 1251x2048, 83632689-9941-4E57-A6CC-5E7815…)

LMAO what the fresh fucking faggot is this, he has 250k followers, the absolute state of coomers(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1243493
File: 1622536167612.jpeg (329.33 KB, 828x609, 1580E01A-9219-4F32-AFC2-954535…)

>>1243484Of course his boyfriend is a furry. Of fucking course.
No. 1243607
File: 1622557784152.png (33.16 KB, 744x314, cafemoid.png)

>>1144047We won't kill ourselves cause we're not mentally ill genderfucks, but I don't think telling people to commit suicide is something a good person would do. I rate this 0/10 UwU's.
No. 1243610
File: 1622557869101.png (1.36 MB, 1766x796, manly_moon_face.png)

lovely 5 o clock shadow on his manly moon-face
No. 1243612
File: 1622558161805.jpg (38.74 KB, 756x780, femboy.jpg)

Femboys when the Instagram filter slips off.
No. 1243615
File: 1622558353985.jpg (207.75 KB, 644x997, the seethe.JPG)

There's a thread up on /lgbt/ about this right now. I looked up the file in the archive and there's two pages worth of people spamming a screenshot of the OP everywhere, all different filenames so it's multiple people. I've been on this site for almost a year and don't think I've quite seen so much seethe over one thread until this one popped up.
(polite sage for no milk)
No. 1243621
>>1243615Literally only know about any of these people because they screech on twitter about the evil TERFs so much lel. Cafebeef especially is constantly seething about TERFs being ugly.
Gay men have always hated women,
TERF or not, because they want to fuck straight men and know they can't compete with women on the sexual market. Women control the sexual market-place, men never will, even if they put on a dress. Sorry fellas.
Ofc TERFs treat trannies and femboys with the same disgust, you are literally the same thing with a different label, the delusion lel.
No. 1243622
File: 1622558841612.png (13.45 KB, 988x158, misogyny.png)

>>1243621point in case
>hate women cause straight men want to fuck them and not me No. 1243631
File: 1622559507744.png (40.49 KB, 1884x284, tripfag.png)

imagine tripfagging on 4chan, cringe
I knew all of them are 4chan tards, that's how young incel NEETs turn into trannies and degenerate homosexual coomers in the first place. Such an echo chamber of coomers where every threadpic is porn and grooming memes telling them "just put on the socks, your life will be better".
Their parents honestly deserve having these disappointments as kids because they gave them unlimited internet access.
No. 1243657
>>1243637Yeah I doubt anyone here even cares strongly enough about femboys to "hate" them, we are just making fun of you for being balding bearded men who think they pass as women, kek.
Also the confusion over my beautiful drawing, it's called a caricature and it probably looks closer to what you actually look like than your filtered selfies.
I understand the confusion tho cause their entire identity evolves around their fetish so they think TERFs must feel the same about being TERFs? Being a
TERF is not an identity, hons. I know you literally spend all day rubbing your girly penises to men in skirts, while we don't really spend a lot of time thinking about being women, we just are.
No. 1243667
File: 1622562228816.jpg (899.51 KB, 1784x3968, cafeman5.jpg)

I mean caveman literally looks like a teenage boy without hiding behind filters/phone/hair, kek.
No. 1243676
File: 1622563307019.png (629.59 KB, 1494x1328, seethe.png)

caveman: TERFs are all misandrists! All they do is hate on men!
also caveman: literally seething about women for just existing all day every day
No. 1243689
>>1243683He's not normal tho, he is a mentally ill tranny in denial.
All these dudes are really just "not like other troons" trannies. They know that trannies are universally despised and associated with the most ugly men like Yaniv so they want to make their own club, but in the end they still want to be women because they got brainrot from porn, just like every other troon.
They can screech and yell that "it's not a fetish" all day but literally their entire twitter timelines are "sex, fetish-shit, porn, OnlyFans, cum, cum sex, cum, cum in butt, I am but a bussy hole, cum cum" it's the exact same thing as any other tranner.
No. 1243695
File: 1622564703976.png (22.71 KB, 728x190, cringe.png)

>tfw never gonna have a conservative bf because they want tradwife virgins who bear them many children and not mentally ill men in drag
so tragic really uwu
Hey maybe you can find a fat incel NEET who LARPS on /pol/ about defending the whuite race while cooming to BLACKED porn, I guess that's about as close as you will get to your dream-man.
No. 1243713
File: 1622566145284.png (13.81 KB, 1236x136, cope.png)

Lel, once again proof that they really get their entire self-worth from other men wanting to have sex with them.
You can have the gay chasers, we don't want them. Even the most average looking woman can fire up Tinder and have 100 chads line up to fuck her at any given time cause men are so thirsty.
Imagine thinking men wanting to fuck you is an achievement, when it is just a given part of being born female, sad.
No. 1243721
File: 1622567553877.jpg (Spoiler Image,109.47 KB, 1080x720, twink.jpg)

Never delved into /LGBT/ before but after looking into a different thread I don't think I ever want to.
Spoiler cause horrifying.
No. 1243728
File: 1622568686510.gif (1.25 MB, 400x298, db4630d474b260bfa1eac6a3ddd2df…)

>I hate women immensely as a gay bottom
Die alone fag
No. 1243958
File: 1622591198300.jpeg (208.48 KB, 828x734, 5CCD3976-97CA-4A3B-A6D8-E6D1FF…)

lmao, imagine being almost 30 and behaving like this misogynistic piece of shit
No. 1243962
File: 1622591497525.jpeg (346.14 KB, 828x659, AF75BB11-B38F-47B4-AF35-07C766…)

>>1243610Fucking kek, he and his racist tranny boyfriend really drew the short straw when it came to looks (and everything else tbh)
No. 1244023
File: 1622597710448.jpeg (117.52 KB, 1061x509, 8FD757E8-AD19-4CDF-8F6E-01ECEA…)

lmao these faggots are so proud of being fugly coomers
No. 1244066
File: 1622603213244.jpeg (145.48 KB, 828x455, AE047A75-E09B-40D9-8F19-FC8FF0…)

Not just an ugly scrote but a fatty too
No. 1244068
File: 1622603290548.jpeg (330.42 KB, 828x1082, A6271523-7606-4B0F-A82B-51B8E9…)

This is what mental illness looks like
No. 1244108
File: 1622609797970.jpeg (463.67 KB, 828x1135, 834EDDD6-4BB4-4D62-91E2-63CC6A…)

This absolute piece of shit
No. 1244149
File: 1622620777392.jpg (38.41 KB, 630x849, dont be fooled.jpg)

I have stumbled upon this guy at least 4 times in the internet by accident. He used to have a PH account too and posted some lewd stuff on his twitter but now he's gone. Anyother of you suckers has seen him too?
No. 1244157
>>1244155These people are literally a net-negative for all of society.
They waste tax-payer money to get surgery and medication only to later kill themselves when they realize they are still unhappy. A lot of them don't work because they are NEETs because of their mental illness. If they have a job it's in sex-work which negatively affects all of society. They have weird fantasies about being housewives despite being unable to bear and rear children. And on top of that they groom young incels into their cult on Discord and 4chan all day long to make more useless degenerates.
You don't even have to be a
TERF to think these people are completely uselss pieces of shit that the world would be better off without.
No. 1244161
>>1244159I mean they are not even "embracing feminism", it is literally just their fetish or a cope for being loser males. For some reason men always think that failing at being a man makes you feminine by default. Literally their behavior is the furthest thing from feminine.
I agree that they probably just don't know any women in real life so they don't know that women have a wide spectrum of personalities. Literally try walking up to any normal woman on the street while being dressed in a maid dress or schoolgirl shirt and thigh-highs while clearly male and see them be disgusted by you. It's just a natural impulse for women to be disgusted by men that are clearly non-reproductive losers. It's simple biology to find them repulsive because they are sick, twisted ill individuals and a crude carricature of a human being.
No. 1244166
File: 1622626938297.png (1.24 MB, 1578x1196, hekkin-chonker.png)

>>1244066He's a hekkin chonker indeed. That android fat distribution, tho. So feminine.
No. 1244444
File: 1622668090862.jpg (47.04 KB, 632x632, 1948462805.jpg)

>>1244159>all my female friends are radfems/TERFs and we’re all feminine vain bitches>yfw you actually read radical feminist theory and realize that it's critical of femininity and beauty standardsHating men and troons does not make you radfem. This is exactly what admin said when she called you dumbasses TELFs.
No. 1244503
File: 1622674486359.jpeg (311.93 KB, 828x1096, DA30B12F-4A74-4529-8D17-15858D…)

>>1244444>tfw you perpetuate negative stereotypes of feminists and validate the moids who believe feminists are an ugly, hairy monolith >>1243695uwu I need validation give me validation
No. 1244509
File: 1622675982446.jpeg (379.24 KB, 779x654, 366C90FD-45FF-4BF5-B1C3-183225…)

This is so unfortunate
No. 1244884
>>1244829Autistic men have some kind of face-blindness where they literally can't tell apart women and men except for "has long hair and wears a skirt" and "has a beard and wears pants". Famously known for this is tranny Kevin Gibes.
I know an autistic man who literally thinks that 6'4 drag queens in rainbow wigs are women, because they wear women's clothes.
Combine that with the fact that all these people lie to each other constantly to boost each others egos. "Yeah hunny you totally pass! Can't even see your 5 o clock shadow baby!"
I absolutely believe that Hyper_Kyuun truly believes that he passes, even tho every woman to ever take a glance at him can tell.
No. 1244958
File: 1622720305749.jpeg (687.73 KB, 828x1229, D189A1A0-8F6C-41D3-80D3-F29185…)

>>1244884I agree with this 100%
No. 1244961
File: 1622720513720.jpeg (40.38 KB, 411x468, 73D0D4C7-6DFF-45BD-BE4C-4DBC3F…)

>>1243667This is what he looked like at the age of 23 when he claims he was a “soy boy”. Motherfucker looks like a fucking middle aged nonce who hangs around playgrounds in a plastic anorak. Also nice beard for someone with muh gender dysphoria
No. 1244963
File: 1622720550333.jpeg (32.08 KB, 739x415, 75DE2082-4A3D-4329-8ED1-2B93C0…)

No. 1245007
File: 1622724399221.jpeg (33.99 KB, 476x644, 31D29C7D-3B18-4EB8-B70C-80A244…)

>>1244994The way all these faggots abuse filters is hysterical. This stupid cat girl paper cut mouth thing
triggers me
No. 1245262
>>1243667>>1244961KEK the beard doing all the heavy lifting and concealing a chunk of his face. His bare face looks repulsive but that’s not really a shocker.
>>1243676A permanently stunted incel who fags out and still can’t cope with being a social reject. Of course he’s insanely obsessed with women too, no such thing as too cliched.
No. 1245271
File: 1622746970245.png (30.13 KB, 741x292, cafe_cringe.png)

Cafebeef is desperate for clout from a more popular tranny and also would like to remind us for the 100th time that he is such an UwU smoll bean!
No. 1245350
File: 1622752840891.jpg (507.35 KB, 2112x1568, combover.jpg)

Dang look at this cute feminine combover and mustache stubble, real women could never!
No. 1245374
File: 1622754329637.png (1001.24 KB, 952x1122, trotsky.png)

>>1245365Sorry you are correct, fixed
No. 1245590
File: 1622771147918.jpg (23.79 KB, 457x344, file.JPG)

Blow a wet brap in my direction, ladies(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1245615
>>1244961Good Lord… Sometimes I wonder if “testosterone poisoning” is a real thing because all these white dudes wanting to be cute anime girls always have hyper masculine features and premature balding.
>>1245007I don’t understand. Why not cover that dome with bangs and groom his eyebrows at the very least? It would help him substantially. These Western “traps” are so ridiculously low effort compared to the average Asian cross dresser. Even regular gay dudes have better sense of fashion and makeup. Looking as busted as the ghouls that haunt the HER app, with an equal aversion to moisturizer.
No. 1245739
File: 1622793733530.jpeg (8.27 KB, 300x168, images (2).jpeg)

>>1245518>bushbaby visagelmao anon. same thinking except I had a slow loris in mind.
No. 1245759
File: 1622798030185.jpeg (142.49 KB, 828x381, BFEA0B9B-25B3-4F94-BE1D-C57853…)

>>1245271This is some onision shit, he is so embarrassing
No. 1245768
File: 1622799413163.png (112.5 KB, 449x364, B0FB91E7-38D9-41FB-BF65-EA2C1B…)

>>1245760All I see when I look at him is this
No. 1245842
File: 1622809670064.jpeg (495.33 KB, 781x1224, 8008F86E-DD35-49E8-9458-601658…)

This miserable, racist cunt, jfc
No. 1245843
>>1245842Pretty sure that is just his desperate attempt to find the conservative nazi boyfriend of his dreams. A weird fantasy a lot of trannies have out of self hatred.
"b-b-ut /pol/tard-senpai I am one of the good ones! I totally hate the blacks! See I have a swastika tattoo on my bussy! Kawaii-nazi-desu!"
Just incel things.
No. 1245937
File: 1622824114463.jpg (31.42 KB, 768x540, Brian-Peppers.jpg)

>>1244509Holy shit i had no idea Brian Peppers is trans now!
No. 1245975
File: 1622828395926.png (1.34 MB, 1100x1704, 1622208138470.png)

>>1245966Anon, idk if you've ever visited the
TERF thread in Crystal Cafe, but the Nazis were notoriously sexually deranged and often expressed this through cross dressing. All moids are still broken and ugly no matter what beliefs they have
No. 1246008
>>1245997samefag, don't take this the wrong way, this in one way it meant as a defense for Nazism which I consider a disgusting ideology
Its just something I dislike where people correlate average Germans and German soldiers as being Nazis, even the cross dressing pervert conscripts were better then Nazis imo
No. 1246075
File: 1622838705946.png (50.63 KB, 740x494, beefman.png)

No. 1246148
File: 1622843997366.jpeg (150.36 KB, 828x503, ABD499B5-2999-4DB8-9DB1-A0E4A4…)

When fugly nazi edgelord cows collide
No. 1246351
>>1246009Oh yeah its worth noting that most of the German soldiers were literally on drugs, that made them more effective soldiers but also insane
they were basically on a stronger version of crystal meth that gave them more stamina and resistance to pain
No. 1246586
File: 1622875762284.png (33.38 KB, 732x266, coomer.png)

They're all such disgusting coomers. It's totally not a fetish tho.
No. 1246587
File: 1622875801211.png (187.9 KB, 726x526, transbians.png)

Two men pretending to be women calling each other "girlfriend". How is this different from transbians again? Oh yeah, it's not.
No. 1246664
>>1246659They will get their Karma in the end when they realize chasing the coom does not lead to a fulfilled life and that they will literally never live up to their porn-ideals and the trajectory of their lives will lead to them dying alone of necking themselves.
I'd say maybe they will grow out of it, but all these people are way too old already to still behave like this.
No. 1246697
>>1246622well her dog went viral with the nazi pug thing, so that probably also hurts her chances and she doesn't have the option to go trad.
All the femboy and troon paypigs also bring in money so, maybe she just puts up with it for that? But they even came to her wedding lmfao
No. 1246742
File: 1622898088216.png (44.17 KB, 1357x466, dankbrigadelyra.png)

>>1246714I can't quickly find exact evidence that troons and femboys went (unicornriot isn't easy to navigate), but a lot of people from the discord server did go and there are femboys/troons in the inner circle. In the second screenshot you see two women talking about people from the server going to the wedding (but coattails is an enbie lol) If you search for 'wedding', the big wedding they are talking about is Dankula's wedding. They used to have an entire wiki about the drama going on in the server, including some sort of femboy/trans wars thing? I wish I had more evidence than practically resorting to 'dude trust me'. Someone more autistic than me can probably provide more milk.
I can't recall if Lyra/Aryl really didn't go, but that is an alcoholic troon/femboy from the inner circle who constantly suicide baits.
No. 1247377
File: 1622951839327.jpeg (98.5 KB, 828x332, B0F47CE8-5ED4-4480-A944-EB6FC6…)

As if this ugly faggot has any business giving out advice
No. 1247379
File: 1622951968506.jpeg (354.79 KB, 804x665, 72DD09D2-CEE5-4409-BD8B-0DB631…)

Please kill me
No. 1247428
>>1247377Add to that: Don't try to get an anime haircut when you are a 3D person. And stop being desperate for attention faggots.
>>1247379I thought he wasn't going to post any more pictures cause he's such a hekkin chonker?
I see he went to the Cafebeef school of hiding your ugly mug behind your phone.
No. 1247429
File: 1622961581365.png (539.56 KB, 728x1336, twinks.png)

No. 1247434
File: 1622962364029.png (78.89 KB, 742x696, flat.png)

Tragic. Still balding, still ugly, still flat, still look entirely like a man, despite making the taxpayer pay for expensive hormone therapy that is detrimental to your health.
But he totally doesn't even want to be a woman and is totally happy being a manly man, right? Kek, cope harder caveman, you will never look remotely female. Your friends are all lying to you, just like you are lying to them.
No. 1247446
File: 1622964877943.png (437.57 KB, 748x742, delusion.png)

>>1247444They live in a twitter echo-chamber where all their friends are either chasers or mentally ill like them and they all constantly reinforce each others delusions. Just like any other group of trannies.
Btw when I saw him post this I thought he had become self-aware for a second, but I think it's supposed to be a joke and he thinks he actually looks better than those "hons". This is exactly what him and his group of friends look like tho to an outside observer.
No. 1247485
File: 1622970294903.jpeg (43.4 KB, 602x236, 3A8E518B-9531-411E-828A-F87CA8…)

Keep coping you repugnant subhuman faggot
No. 1247491
File: 1622970876235.jpeg (70.14 KB, 828x228, 7FC6DEA9-B761-4582-9D2C-DF6A9E…)

>>1247488On top of suffering from generalized retardation this hideous loser also has a humiliation fetish. You can bet he is furiously refreshing this page while simultaneously crying and jerking whatever sorry excuse for genitalia he has
No. 1247494
File: 1622971057214.jpeg (236.91 KB, 828x1082, 5F94FE8D-DACE-4A00-A6D8-F18376…)

>>1247488kek lurking as we speak
No. 1247496
File: 1622971263642.jpeg (34.97 KB, 480x639, E69FB80D-05E8-428B-A604-2F96CF…)

I would hate myself too if I was unlucky enough to look like this
No. 1247500
File: 1622971470300.png (128.75 KB, 1194x740, Screen Shot 2021-06-06 at 5.22…)

$100 this slob has never been called anorexic in his life. A real woman, or even an actual gay man, fishes for compliments way more effectively.
No. 1247506
>>1247485He was whining about not having tits literally a few tweets ago. Pure cope.
>>1247491>troidsBut that's literally you tho. I honestly find it so hilarious that he doesn't realize he is a tranny like all the other trannies. Just because you are too much of a coward to go all the way and ask your mom to call you Eva, while all your friends already call you by a female name, doesn't mean you're not a troon.
No. 1247509
>>1247505Don't you know he is an ana-chan queen who only eats jell-o cups and drinks soylent in the hope of developing some titties (like a real man)?
Imagine being such a misogynistic man who is totally ok with being a man, but subtweeting the ebil TERFs who make fun of him all day and crying on 4chan that we are all mean old manhaters. How is cyberbullying real lol, just don't open bro.
No. 1247513
File: 1622972732054.jpeg (50.9 KB, 480x640, 43EC9E8D-BC94-4D08-885F-0B91A4…)

>>1247509so androgynous, nothing like those ebil foids!
No. 1247516
File: 1622973168935.png (2.05 MB, 1590x1170, cafebeef.png)

I like how his lips always look like he can barely keep them closed because his natural state is an always-open mouth with rabbit teeth peeking out. Literal mouthbreather.
The fleeing chin and thick neck is peak feminine beauty.
No. 1247520
File: 1622973590280.png (3.96 MB, 2316x1772, kek.png)

Thick ass neck, shoulders way wider than the hips, no waist, no chin, gross bulge.
Yeah man, I can barely even tell this is a man. kek.
No. 1247524
File: 1622973970784.jpg (161.27 KB, 900x1200, 0xcafebeef.jpg)

This ugly balding man could have grown up to be just an average homosexual male once he went through a full puberty and maybe gained some muscle mass, he could have pulled a Neville Longbottom, but he decided he wanted to be a freak instead.
No. 1247555
>>1247524>>1247520He went from an uninteresting ugly male to an uninteresting ugly female. He's the invisible mousy type.
I feel quite sorry for him, he's under average in both genders even though he tries so hard. And this is his carefully staged photo, it must be even sadder irl.
No. 1247615
File: 1622987325908.jpeg (138.64 KB, 828x407, 21376897-184F-4F23-93CB-7A2A4E…)

>I was only pretending to be retarded
No. 1248018
>>1247555Dont feel bad anon theyll all raise the male suicide rate soon enough.
Its clear they also have mommy and daddy issues because no parents could love such ugly worthless beings kek
No. 1248062
File: 1623021930518.jpeg (419.31 KB, 828x1492, A785B6B7-7624-40EA-AF67-F49A0C…)

my sides
No. 1248403
File: 1623056497810.png (1.58 MB, 1956x812, cope.png)

>>1248062>>1248065Pretty hilarious how they lie to each other and then call it "BDD" when you don't agree with your friends fake compliments.
I think most women learn in their teenage years that the compliments your friends give you are to make you feel good about yourself, not a reflection of reality, but autistic males take them at face value.
Honestly that dude has way better proportions than our cafebeef, because he has unusually narrow shoulders, while cafebeef has the typical male V shaped body with very wide shoulders that will always identify him as a man. Dude on the left is also way skinnier. The huge manhands are hilarious tho.
No. 1248419
File: 1623059892974.png (533.77 KB, 782x493, seethe.png)

Manbeef probably hates women so much because we remind him how much he just doesn't pass and will never pass. Just standing next to a real woman will kill all illusion he manages to create with angles and filters.
Sure you can get all kinds of plastic surgeries or get fat-transferts to the hips, but you will always have big manhands, wide shoulders and a giant skull. You move in an unnatural way, you walk like a man, your voice immediately clocks you even if you put on your best shmork-smurf impression.
I would seethe too if I was him.
No. 1248422
File: 1623060279241.png (457.63 KB, 518x628, comparison.png)

>>1248419Just look at the difference in the size of the hands and the shoulders, kek.
(not me, just a random girl off google)
No. 1248428
File: 1623060860965.jpeg (372.58 KB, 828x1433, 294FC2AC-9EF7-48D8-AABC-5E6250…)

The degeneracy
No. 1248439
File: 1623062260547.jpg (47.98 KB, 750x1077, 670e61b788ba457a6261866f065c13…)

>>1248434Women with wide shoulders still look unmistakably female tho, kek.
No. 1248727
File: 1623087693566.png (64.9 KB, 735x607, whinge.png)

Even his friends are annoyed by his constant compliment-fishing and self-deprecating whining.
A new identity crisis every day but he's not gonna do anything but whine about it on twitter for asspats. Tell it to a therapist, moron.
No. 1248834
>>1248793I think he is under the illusion it stopped his premature balding, when he is just combing the hair from the back of his head forward now. But trannies are all very delusional about the effects of HRT. He looks much younger in this pic
>>1247524 than he does now if you imagine him without the beard. If anything he looks older now because he lost all his baby fat and is now more angular looking.
No. 1248841
File: 1623094795973.png (163.11 KB, 788x1350, bdd.png)

Through his years of whining and fishing for compliments he has built up quite an impressive amount of ass-kissers.
>you need someone to beat or fuck the BDD out of you
Fucking sex obsessed coombrains.
He is right tho, none of his friends knows what he really looks like cause he only uploads carefully angled and filtered pictures. I'm sure he himself knows that he doesn't look like a girl irl. It's not BDD when you are a man and you're aware that you look like a man.
No. 1248846
>>1248841sorry for the incoming OT sperg but i swear, shit like this is why the male suicide rate is so high. women listen to and support our friends when we're in pain for the most part, but what do men do? invalidate each other's feelings and say they need to get laid then leave it at that. they want to blame women for their depression but it really all stems from the fact that they have zero empathy for each other (almost as little as they have for women). they only want their bros around if it's fun for them. no emotional depth to their friendships whatsoever.
cafebeef is obviously a retarded misogynist and I don't have any sympathy for him but its just striking to me that his friends have none either. that's what he gets for surrounding himself with narcissistic degenerates I guess.
No. 1248853
>>1248846Anon male suicide is higher because they choose more violent methods (they also own more guns, checks out). Women attempt suicide three times more, they also suffer from depression more. Men have it good because society coddles them, don't fall for the 'poor suicide
victims bc men are lonely' meme.
Also sorry for ot.
No. 1248857
>>1248846Yup. Men always whine about not being allowed to cry or show their feelings like women do, but the reason for that is OTHER MEN. They are not willing to do emotional labour for their friends like women do, which is why a lot of then want mommy gfs who dote on them, they have no other support in their life other than their mother and their partner.
Lots of fucking talk about how epic bromances are, but when it comes to actually talking about your feelings they are complete failures because they are so egocentric. Plus these coombrains think every problem in their life can be fixed by sex. Which is why they turn themselves into freakshows to begin with, cause they are incels who think that once they are sexually desirable like women they won't have any more problems. Then they realize that's not true and rope.
No. 1249401
File: 1623139235708.png (479.67 KB, 948x432, toitle.png)

No. 1249489
File: 1623153583637.png (17.8 KB, 735x140, male.png)

Incels complaining about women having it so easy will never not be funny to me.
No. 1249497
File: 1623153918713.jpeg (318.74 KB, 828x779, 9B760A7D-8BD9-42A4-AAC5-E9B914…)

>resident failed transitioner
he changed his bio to this kek
No. 1249610
>>1249508Calm down.
>>1249501He could just get therapy and be a normal gay man, but I think he prefers to wallow in self-pity. Not sure if you can fix the coombrain tho, homosexual males are all hedonistic and since they can't reproduce their entire goal in life is usually to chase after dick. Pretty sad and unfulfilling future either way.
No. 1249623
File: 1623164916211.png (616.15 KB, 586x931, blair.png)

The term "boymoder" is probably the dumbest fucking thing I have ever heard. Literally just a male.
Also lol that he thinks these filtered pictures of Blair with full face of foundation is "without make-up". Peak male to think natural make-up = bare face.
No. 1249666
File: 1623167053067.png (2.04 MB, 2320x1260, comb-over-parade.png)

Welcome to the comb-over parade! We got greasy bangs a plenty, every last hair from the back of your head gets combed to the front! HRT is magic yeah!
No. 1249668
File: 1623167196372.png (380.18 KB, 740x612, pedo.png)

I always thought the term "femboy" for adult men was kind of icky, but apparently pedophilia is just part of the deal. Judging from twitter interactions they are all friends and talk to each other on discord. Probably share their illustrated CP there as well.
Is any moid using 4chan not a pedo?
No. 1249785
>>1249716anti woke troons are honestly a hilarious paradox
You know they are all anti-SJW fedora incels who reject feminism and sperg about evil femoids all day, but they just can't fight their pornsickness so they give in to their coombrains eventually and become everything they claim to hate
woke-ism and SJWs is why people like these are even allowed to exist in the first place and not bullied to suicide on the daily, very ungrateful troons
No. 1250242
File: 1623203467101.jpg (427.68 KB, 1639x2048, licensed-image.jpg)

>>1245007I know were "she" stole the look from….
No. 1250437
File: 1623221107389.jpg (261.52 KB, 1200x900, CYd57jUWAAAxTYf.jpg)

>>1244086honestly my dude, your best bet is accepting yourself for what you are. David Bowie was a beautiful man, and he was handsome too.
Striving for an unattainable goal is mental illness. People say that women have an expiration but that's a shitty way of looking at things. In my opinion men and women were made for each other, they're meant to be more than sex objects. And at the end of the day that's all a femboy is, a homosexual escapade turned identity. If your struggling with your identity try finding a productive outlet instead of playing with your asshole for hours at a time.
No. 1250443
File: 1623221830368.jpg (14.81 KB, 450x300, 55306515-fresh-and-raw-bratwur…)

>>1250437lmao it's hilarious because when moids hit 28 they immediately look like melted garden gnomes. you can never recognize their past 20 year old selves in whatever balding blobs they become,
especially if the man used to be a truly beautiful heartthrob type. just look at zac efron or leo dicaprio. honestly understandable why the bussifolx decide to troon out, even if they never had a lot of androgynous beauty to lose in the first place.
the notion that something that's designed for a shorter lifespan would somehow age better is probably a #1 moid cope, they all have MAJOR issues with mortality kek
No. 1250457
>>1250443not to derail. but back in the day growing old together use to be a goal for couples, it was sweet and wholesome in a way. Because their love and personalities shone through the gray and wrinkles.
A lot of this gender stuff reminds me of how in the late 70's punks had a culture of "live fast die young".
I'd love to ask one of these people "where do you see yourself at 45?" just to see the look on their faces…
No. 1250488
>>1250437Based post, but giving incels life advice is absolutely futile. They have convinced themselves that nothing withh ever get better and they revel in their victimhood. Blaming women/society/their mom for all their issues means they never have to try to self-improve and overcome their issues.
>>1250443I think old people can be attractive when they own their age and especially: when they have accomplished something. Men like to say that "men age like wine" but that's only because older men usually have things that make them attractive other than their old wrinkly face, like a stable income, a family that loves them, a list of impressive accomplishments and a refined personality. Neither men nor women can rely on their looks forever (but moids are more shallow so old women kind of get dunked on a lot more). These ladyboys will end up with absolutely nothing to show for at the end of the day, kind of like the average aging camwhore. If your worth is only how fuckable you are to others, you will not be worth much for long cause younger more fuckable people are constantly showing up.
>>1250457I think they are honestly too short-sighted to think about the future. Hedonistic people like this only chase the next coom and nothing else, which is why their life usually ends up in ruins with absolutely nobody who wants to be around them.
No. 1250503
File: 1623230870147.png (Spoiler Image,1.77 MB, 2038x1630, femboys.png)

Femboys sending each other pissing videos and talking about "cunny" which is another pedophile term for… well you can imagine. This one also posts pics of himself with pacifiers and plushies.
Honestly none of these people should be allowed to walk around in our society. They are dangerous to children not only because they are predators, but also because they will groom kids in discord to become degenerates like themselves by sending them porn and telling them "oh girls your age don't like you? haha i think you would be so cute if you just put on the socks"
Honestly fucking harrowing to think about raising kids in todays world and trying to protect them form people like this.
(spoilered image for cuts)
No. 1250505
File: 1623230998853.png (2.37 MB, 2104x1692, femboys2.png)

this ones brain seems to be completely fried
No. 1250608
>>1249498Is it really a cope?
I would think being a tranny and calling yourself a woman is a bigger cope, at least he can admit he is just a coomer.
No. 1250636
>>1250553That's a quitter mindset. Humans are meant to reproduce and especially women regret not having kids later in life. They are your legacy and they take care of us when we are old and frail. If responsible people give up on having kids then we will end up with a society of trashy people who have 6 kids they can't afford and you end up paying child support either way (through taxes) with getting none of the reward of having kids.
These degenerates will not breed so hopefully they will sort themselves out (unless we let them groom our children and spread like vampires). It should make you want to protect kids and bring change to the world, not give up.
No. 1250640
>>1250608He still wants to be a woman, he goes by the name "Eva" online and he takes hormones and plans to get surgery to look more like a woman. Yet he doesn't want to be "one of those troons" even tho he ALREADY IS ONE.
It is just delusion and yes, cope.
No. 1250654
File: 1623243933250.png (429.27 KB, 588x949, frens.png)

Cafebeef's friends are tired of his constant self-deprecating bullshit and fishing for attention.
Relatable, your friends aren't there to constantly try to build up your ego and kiss your ass. "NOOO YOU ARE NOT UGLY! YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFULY!" Even if Cafebeef were a 10/10 Stacy that shit is exhausting, but lying to an ugly moid about how girls and pretty he is must feel even more futile.
No. 1251110
File: 1623274323822.jpg (518.67 KB, 1080x1075, 1623234253252.jpg)

Cafebeef friends Willow aka Brainwormsgirl. Not sure if he is a "femboy" or full out tranny, but HRT sure makes you age backwards!
No. 1251267
File: 1623286290266.jpeg (372.49 KB, 828x1265, 4E57F194-24C0-4AD4-887F-DECB78…)

The schizoid posting, delectable irony, complete lack of anything that remotely resembles self awareness and degenerate tranny cope seething in this faggot’s tweets really keeps my TERF fires eternally stoked
No. 1251420
>>1243631Did that sped just imply that he looks like David Bowie? Pretty sure Ziggy Stardust never wore retarded cat ears or maid dresses like you, pervert-kun. Bowie crossdressed as an artistic statement, you faggots do it because it makes your micropeens hard.
Trannies and traps are cancer because they're misogynistic incels playing dress-up. When we say we want more people "like Bowie," we're saying we want feminine men who aren't creepy autistic incels. Crossdressing is fine so long as it isn't motivated by misogyny or fetishism– it's not rocket science.
No. 1251441
>>1251420Exactly, and they tell themselves that the reason we don’t like them is because we don’t like feminine men. As another anon said earlier, women love men like Harry Styles, Damiano David, Cody Fern, all of whom wear dresses and makeup but are still straight men. Troons/traps/femboys are ugly, mentally ill, worthless degenerates who simultaneously hate women and are jealous of them, and we hate them because they’re violent, misogynistic incels who wish harm upon us. These faggots tell themselves we’re bitter, legbeard femcels because it helps them sleep at night but we all know they’re seething to death because no sane person wants anything to do with them, much less wants to fuck them
No. 1251512
File: 1623311138250.png (231.86 KB, 740x1576, nick_fuentes.png)

I mean a conservative LARPer /pol/tard who doesn't practise what he preaches and is really a closeted homosexual degenerate is probably the best our Cafebeef can hope for.
Nick Fuentes might be aiming a bit high tho, he likes fit twinks like Kami who have a full head of hair and a chiseled jaw.
But maybe one of his orbiters will try to safe the whuite race with you by having gay sex.
>>1251441I don't like them because they are represent everything that is wrong with our current society and because I think they are actual predators that pray on children through discords by indoctrinating them into their mental illness. None of these people would have gotten the idea to wear cat-ears and take HRT without other degenerates like that on 4chan talking about how great it is and egging each other on.
No. 1251515
File: 1623311845151.png (2.4 MB, 2226x1616, femboy_tradwife.png)

This is so mentally ill.
No. 1251520
>>1251515>implying that cafebarf isn’t a woman hating racist degenerate Christ this makes me want to a-log so hard. Why do several of these faggots have “kitty onahole” in their bio? Is this a bestiality fetish thing?
>>1251512Yep, all that too. Their whole aesthetic, in spite of receding hairlines and other unfortunate moid genetics, is uwu animu girl pedo pandering
No. 1251544
>>1250553I don't want kids but I feel like the obvious answer is to abort if it's a male. If you have a daughter and she troons out then at least she isn't as likely to hurt anyone but herself.
>>1251515Oh my god did these smegmoids really not have a thread before this? I can't believe the worst degen behavior would go unnoticed
No. 1251554
>>1251544>the obvious answer is to abort if it's a male. If you have a daughter and she troons out then at least she isn't as likely to hurt anyone but herselfYou know you can just raise your kids well.. These people probably all have parents who let them have unrestricted internet access to keep the kid quiet and occupied so they didn't have to do any actual parenting.
There are ways to raise your boys to not turn out like this.
No. 1251645
>>1251544what the hell is wrong with you?
>abort it if it's a maleOR you could actually raise him to be a decent human being.
No. 1251809
>>1251759Hell yeah they're delusional but it's so weird that they're deviants in the exact same way except for that one detail.
>>1251746Nonny, every human has the right to live and be loved, but you can't tell me anon is wrong for saying that moids are going to be a cancer no matter what way they're raised. It's in their nature to act that way
No. 1251830
File: 1623347420789.png (Spoiler Image,108.52 KB, 680x467, fea.png)

No. 1251868
>>1251804Why do we have to pretend it's a boymom anon? Ik jannies are annoying with not disciplining scroteposters and then banning farmers for trying to do cleanup with "hi scrote" but let's be real, you know it isn't. Phalloids are so obvious. Hell that might even be one of the 'femboy' failures themselves kek.
>>1251554>>1251645>>1251746Why are men so obsessed with us? Go back to reddit or whatever smegmoid hivemind you came from.
You're unironically making me want to get pregnant with a moid fetus just so I can abort it and gloat about it while men REE about misandry and male genocide like millions of female fetuses haven't been aborted for years. At least we have reason to abort your kind seeing as you make up 90%+ violent crime including rape, murder, and assault.
>>1251868*aborted for centuries, I mean
It's about time we aborted moids for being moids and started practicing eugenics or just genociding men like these altogether
>>1251515>>1144055>>1243612 No. 1251900
File: 1623350994136.jpeg (482.85 KB, 3200x2129, _original.jpeg)

>>1251868somebody is a widdle too wiled up
No. 1252037
File: 1623356279778.png (55.5 KB, 744x654, degenerates.png)

Report and disregard schizo derailment.
Cafebeef pretending he is not a degenerate like the other femboys is pretty funny when we have a post ITT where he asks advice of cleaning cum stains off a nazi uniform.
I think reading the mean TERFs calling him and his pornsick freak friends coomers is getting to him cause he knows it's true when he looks at his timeline and everything is anime and tranny porn and people talking about pissing and shitting on each other. Almost as if all of it is just a fetish and not an identity.
No. 1252115
File: 1623359127852.jpg (Spoiler Image,257.58 KB, 1080x1997, Screenshot_20210610-160058__01…)

obese femboy that speaks like an uwu retard, don't go to his page unless you're prepared to see videos of him pulling his repulsive dick from under his fupa while he begs people for retweets
No. 1252149
>>1251868I love you
nonny. PREACH the TRUTH
(learn 2 sage) No. 1252825
File: 1623402982623.png (4.35 MB, 1271x2016, 1623299654309.png)

>>1251515More of this degenerate scrote. Each time I see Astolfo on the internet I puke a little.
No. 1252828
>>1252825The awkward body of a 14 year old boy who just went through a huge growth spurt. So UwU lmao. I bet he walks like a newborn deer with his arms swinging around like a monkey or maybe he does the naruto run to the fridge to get his tendies.
I guess if you are a pedophile like most of them are then that's attractive to you.
No. 1252874
File: 1623411523142.png (71.6 KB, 740x588, castration.png)

Finally some good fucking news.
No. 1252881
File: 1623412200151.png (29.63 KB, 746x280, nonbinary.png)

>>1252880I think stalking this thread gave him an identity crisis.
No. 1252930
>>1252912Yes misogyny is the base of sissy fetishes. If they saw women as people with status they wouldn't feel humiliated by wearing women's clothing.
>>1252921What do you mean anon?
No. 1253111
File: 1623434322143.png (471.36 KB, 756x1596, nasty.png)

Always obsessing with men in straight relationships with real women. Nasty.
Dankula probably does or will cheat with a tranner tho, he is a repressed homosexual chaser.
Also Cafebeef acting like hes not constantly trying to get Dankulas attention
No. 1253220
>>1253146I think a lot of it is meant to rile people up to get him attention. He is like that annoying kid in class who thinks hes a clown and randomly blurts out unfunny shit like "HEIL HITLER!" during a class about the holocaust and then is happy when everyone stares at him in confusion. Just online.
I am sure he is also genuinely retarded and the "haha its all just jokes guys" is just to avoid any responsibility for his dumb shit takes.
No. 1253234
>>1253223They never grew out of their edgy teenager phase and they are genuine retards who were brainwashed by other genuine retards on /pol/.
Basically if you are a moid who is below average in every single way and you feel miserable about yourself looking at Chad and Stacy having a good time and then you go on the internet and you're told "You know what, actually you are a superior human being just because you are white!" then you suddenly have an identity and something that makes you feel better than others, despite still being a sad lonely loser who will never have kids to continue the white race and will never contribute anything to society. You also got someone to blame for all of your problems (blacks, jews, etc) and that absolves you from all your personal failures.
Other than that it is a domination fetish I think, like they imagine themselves being dominated sexually by a Nazi who would hate them and send them to the gas chamber immediately in reality. In the end it probably makes their dicks hard because that is literally all their identity revolves around.
No. 1253282
>>1253277He is a chaser who likes and retweets a lot of tranny and femboy pornography and interacts with a lot of tranny porn accounts in general. He recently got married and has a newborn baby with a real woman.
Some people were thinking he'd stop openly thirsting after troons once his baby is born but he did not. Honestly probably only a matter of time till he makes his wife a trans-widow or wants to open their relationship to satisfy his lust for cock (if it's not open already).
They are anglos and she is a tatted up dangerhair so maybe she is fine with it, but it is really degenerate and sad that his baby has to grow up with a dad like that.
No. 1253720
>>1253336Except they don't just keep it to themselves and spread this bullshit lifestyle to young vulnerable children that they try to groom into their cult by showing them fucked up gay/trap/anime porn. They also make the taxpayer pay for all their dumb cosmetic surgeries and HRT that they are deluding themselves will make them look more feminine and like an anime character.
They incite vitriolic hate and misogyny against women every day and young high school aged men who are socially awkward will buy into this shit and ruin all their prospects of growing out of their awkward phase and becoming normal. They consume copious amounts of porn and keep an industry in business that exploits women. These people are a detriment to society in every way.
No. 1253810
File: 1623502819107.png (2.99 MB, 1901x1534, horrific.png)

This is what Count Dankula, a totally straight male, jerks off to.
What a horrific abomination.
No. 1253815
File: 1623503371822.png (540.19 KB, 430x770, capture1.png)

>>1253810He looks so ridiculous in this photo, it's hilarious
No. 1253816
File: 1623503450829.png (3.03 MB, 1614x1354, barista.png)

Only posting this one cause of the eye make-up. The eyeshadow hidden under the potruding man-brow combined with the crayola-eyeliner just cracks me up.
None of these people are feminine in any way.
No. 1253818
File: 1623503850538.png (485.77 KB, 732x676, slope.png)

I honestly think "femboy" is just a step while tumbling down the stairs into troondom.
>be shy skinny nerd
>no gf
>addiction to pornography
>groomed on discord
>become "femboy"
>enjoy sexual attention for the first time
>the more feminine you act the more praise you get
>full on troon
No. 1253840
>>1253818He looks like a kidnap
victim in the most recent pic, the pain in those eyes.
No. 1254149
>>1253816The state of men dressing like 2012 tumblr girls. No you don't look like a woman in whatever wholesale jfashion bullshit you got from shein.
>womb tattooBye
No. 1254249
File: 1623533489044.jpg (42.9 KB, 478x488, 1623532381637.jpg)

oh no
No. 1254827
File: 1623567477899.png (48.41 KB, 924x560, D82F695C-9C11-4DEA-8B88-B7836F…)

>>1144236>one of the cases i read on tumblrLmao
No. 1254885
File: 1623574327112.png (811.03 KB, 1484x1764, cringe.png)

> £30.000
> chasers already gave £1.3k
You need therapy, dude. This is so fucking cringe and I can't believe people are paying for this shit.
The absolute level of cope and delusion in this man that is supported by a whole community of disgusting chasers and brainrotten coomers. You will never look like a woman, even if you get a chin implant.
Who wants to bet that the 1k donor was top chaser Dankula himself?
No. 1254931
>>1254916He should just gain some weight to look more feminine since fat is feminizing and will get rid of all the mannish angular features.
Or just go to therapy and figure out why he is so mentally ill that he wants to be a woman. If he lifted some weights and dressed like a normal person he could just be an average gay man. Hopeless tho, these people are too deep into their fetish, it's the only thing that matters to them. He's not the first incel who thinks getting facial surgery will fix all his problems, in fact it is quite common among incels.
No. 1255009
>>1254931he publicly displays how miserable his mental illness makes him but coomers, trannies and other TRA retards made him buy into the whole "surgery is treatment for gender dysphoria" meme.
he'll feel so cunty with the bandages around his nose and jaw, only for everything to settle and he'll go back to crying every time he catches a glimpse of his appearance.
No. 1255145
File: 1623599267605.jpg (93.85 KB, 670x535, charlotte-mc3-1.jpg)

>>1255106I looked at some before and afters of FFS and some of them turn out a definite improvement, but almost all of them cheat by having the before picture be without make-up and the after with make-up. I am sure Cafebeef couldn't tell tho looking at them.
The biggest difference seems to be jaw shaving and brow lifts.
No. 1256074
File: 1623662860649.png (65.98 KB, 752x510, anal_leakage.png)

Apparently taking HRT gives you anal leakage and diarrhea. On top of the leakage you already have from the frequent anal sex and horse dildos up your butt.
Being a femboy/tranny really is superior to being a woman!
No. 1256121
>>1255145Shouldn’t this particular case need something like fillers for the cheeks? At least the dude had a decent looking face at first.
Shitbeef needs to get his whole face reconstructed if he wants to looks like a human, because right now he looks like a an ugly balloon made of skin.
No. 1256211
File: 1623680472346.png (50.21 KB, 744x360, incel.png)

Kek wonder who this could be refering to…
Incel is a mindset. It's not about being a virgin, a lot of them pay for hookers and still remain incels. Incels are constantly seething about women and think that the only reason they are unhappy is because of the evil femoids and because they don't have a chad jaw. Remind you of anyone, Cafebeef?
Act like an incel, get called an incel.
No. 1256258
>>1256216He also seems to think that we are "woke circles" around here. Everyone here hates woke twitterfags, I don't think this dude has any idea about the culture on lolcow or that there are different feminist movements other than "liberal feminist" who want to word police everyone. This site is the furthest thing from PC culture and "woke".
Scrotes are so lost. Liberal feminists and wokesters don't have a problem with people like him, hell they are the only reason he is allowed to exist and doesn't get bullied every day. All his friends are woke faggots even if they larp as Nazis or edgelords. Only far left liberals accept trannies and degenerates.
No. 1256912
File: 1623722277667.jpeg (1.58 MB, 3464x3464, A5BC3208-97D8-462A-BED2-948E10…)

>>1253816>>1254198funny that troons get those tattoos cause that style of tattoo with that placement are strongly associated with trashy male celebrities
can’t even get the tattoos for the girls they skin walk right
No. 1257932
File: 1623836971246.png (2.53 MB, 2238x1572, femboys.png)

When wearing skirts and thigh high socks cause it makes your dick hard is your only identity.
There are so many of these "Femboy XY" accounts. Imagine if they just put "Gay man Down Syndrome" "Gay man Plumber" "Gay man Sexual Predator". Now that doesn't quite have the same ring to it I guess.
No. 1258116
File: 1623864749623.jpg (184.05 KB, 1864x1256, 1620965605760.jpg)

No. 1258481
>>1255145There is no improvement here. I can't believe he looks like he's 19 in one then 40 in the other picture.
Men just don't have the soft, natural plumpness in their faces like women do. He can shave his brow, nose, and jaw all he wants but without that softness, it ages him decades.
No. 1260344
My expectations for this website were low, but holy shit.
Apparently you can't be male and same-sex attracted without being a misogynist
>>1144166 and a pedophile
>>1145231 >>1232844
(That said, some of you gave some pretty good criticisms of "femboy culture" and the shitty behavior and attitudes of its members, so thanks for that.)
(unsaged newfaggotry) No. 1260427
File: 1624137950243.png (84.47 KB, 736x710, cafebeef.png)

Back to seething about the evil feminists featuring a completely original take that is totally not a strawman that has been used against women for the last 50 years.
No. 1260604
>>1260508Does it really matter? I've seen the numbers marriage is the lowest it has ever been in history, sure celebs and high status people do get married, but around me almost no one gets married.
It's almost impossible to survive on one salary, that's a big factor as well.
So don't worry about it, entitled/demanding or not, most of them will never step on the altar anyways. Just look at Japan… we're not that far away from that.
(no1curr, sage) No. 1260619
>>1260427i'm so done with this guy and his hatred of women
just accept that you're a man who fetishizes femininity
go to therapy and stfu even his friends are fed up from his constant bitching
No. 1260724
>>1260508Yeah when men say "Women still want men to do everything for them!" they either mean the kind of women who aren't feminists in the first place or they mean that women still want their partner to be romantic (hold open door, buy her flowers etc) which is just part of a normal relationship and men expect blowjobs in return usually.
I can not name a single couple in my circle where the man does more at home than the woman. At best they do like 20% of the chores while the woman does almost everything and also does most of the parenting, all while working a full-time job as well. Keep in mind that Cafebeef most likely still lives with his parents, doesn't work and has his mom bring him tendies and tell him what a special little boy he is while he rants about the evil femoids on the internet all day.
No. 1260727
File: 1624185489738.png (592.97 KB, 731x664, gross.png)

Even if one of these ugly balding manlets hat a chance of passing physically as a woman (they don't), but in a pretend world where you can change your male skeleton to a female one… they would still never pass socially. Their male socialization and jealousy of women shines through in all of them. Being obsessed with porn and sex, being misogynistic, being autistic as fuck and not having a shred of emotional intelligence or self awareness is just so entirely and obviously male.
Their entire idea of how women act is a projection of male desires, basically immitating pornography which is made to please men and have absolutely zero to do with what women want or how women act. They don't have female friends, they hate their mothers and they feel a deep seated jealousy of this perception of an "easy road life" that they think women have that is entirely made up by incels. They will never in their life experience what it is like to be a woman.
No. 1260728
File: 1624185622026.png (332.3 KB, 729x575, vile.png)

No. 1260729
File: 1624186374255.png (349.41 KB, 744x592, british.png)

The comb-over, the rat-face, the british teeth, the square shoulders and those man-hands. Unfortunate.
No. 1260740
>>1260728> shitFucking horrific. For most women that do anal, that’s embarrassing, not a point of pride.
>>1260730Topkek so ugly no wonder he wants to die about it
No. 1261385
File: 1624292424981.jpeg (107.68 KB, 640x648, 00DE66CA-909C-4C32-94AB-BD2E2D…)

Well, at least you’re self aware! Wondered if his Adam Apple bobbles when he’s ranting
No. 1261807
File: 1624333724780.jpeg (Spoiler Image,376.78 KB, 640x830, 2B97E746-9224-4057-A550-D24459…)

it’s not… now film yourself brushing your bang back so we can all laugh at your male pattern baldness via the greasy bangs tat start at the back of your cranium
No. 1261811
File: 1624333951647.jpeg (222.11 KB, 640x640, 5145C1FE-C5AD-488A-9C9E-69586A…)

these Twitter trans cucks have such a warped perception of women that they think muscle neck cafebeef looks like one…
No. 1261916
>>1261811I genuinely look forward to seeing his surgery results. He isnt a great candidate for FFS because he barely has a jawline or good bone structure.
He has no hips and is skinny as fuck. He really did himself a disservice by taking estrogen and not gaining weight. Surgeons who do BBLs on trannies have to add hip implants so that the fat transferred can be in held in place because moids have extremely narrow hip bones.
And to do a BBL you need body fat. If he gains weight it will just go straight to his abdomen and upper body like all moids and any fat transfer to his hips would just disappear over time which means the hip implants would be all thats left and it would look hilarious.
There is an expensive shoulder reduction surgery and its mostly surgeons profiting off the troon wishful thinking. The results are comical.
His only options are back alley illegal silicone injections, also known as butt shots. Thats how the black and Latino “curvy” trannies get their hips.
Imagine this skinny faggot with bolt on silicone bags lmao. His torso is huge and he needs to get like 600-800 cc implants for it to be noticeable, whereas regular women that are his weight get 200-300 cc and it looks big on them.
Jfc no wonder why these trannies are so mentally ill and cope and seethe everyday because they will always be a parody of natures perfection.
(unsaged redditfag) No. 1261958
>>1261811It's part that they all lie to each other because they have to re-enforce their own delusions and part that they have autism and face blindness and literally can't tell apart men and women. Kevin Gibes, another tranny, has admitted in the past that he can only tell apart men and women because women have long hair and wear dresses and men have short hair and beards. I have personally experienced autistic men be genuinely surprised that drag queens are not real women. They only see the surface-level performance of femininity and that's enough for them to assume "yup, woman".
Most men without autism and women are of course not fooled by them in any way and can pick up on all the obvious tells. Even if a tranny can take a perfect catfish picture, they will never pass irl when you meet them. They don't move like women. They don't sound like women. Everything about them signals "male male male male".
No. 1261990
File: 1624364713318.jpg (81.97 KB, 634x634, 44438241-9704807-image-a-34_16…)

>>1261958Biology is fucking based. Every moid has the Y chromosome, inherited by their father, in every cell. They can't escape it.
Jazz is the earliest documented transition at 6 years old and I always lmao at this pic. Even after pumping this boy with blockers and estrogen, and genitals mutilated, he still packs on the weight like your average moid, note the beer belly and huge midsection and lack of extra fat stored in thighs and hips.
No. 1262005
File: 1624367796152.jpg (27.85 KB, 600x450, fatty-thumbnail-320x180-70_qMY…)

>>1261990I don't know anon, lots of obese women look just the same, just pear and hourglass shaped women store fat in their thighs and hips and thats only a small-ish parcel of women.
Sage for OT-ish
No. 1262068
>>1260727h i d e o u sssssssssssssssssssssssss
(obnoxious typing) No. 1262080
File: 1624376816292.png (2.22 MB, 1304x2048, Screenshot_20210622-084429.png)

>>1260727wow he can look like pic rel and still get laid? I want to see the
victim in question
No. 1262163
>>1262080This is the boyfriend -
>>1232890 ; he’s even uglier.
No. 1262190
File: 1624390579813.png (1.96 MB, 1920x1325, willow.png)

lmfao at the wispy bangs unable to hide the receeding hairline
also someone's mom has been hitting the bottle during pregnancy
No. 1262204
File: 1624391664385.jpeg (88.45 KB, 980x986, 70B83E2F-6B06-4039-AF92-9739AB…)

>>1262190Absolutely disgusting vile looking male, I can smell the piss through my screen
No. 1262338
>>1262080Dammit anon I will never find my sides again.
But you're right, how is this smelly moonfaced bastard having sex when he has the same lower face as Kim Jong Un? Men really will fuck anything even if they have a dinner plate as a face
No. 1262638
File: 1624456206276.jpeg (29.15 KB, 334x500, CAE581F1-5675-4051-99E1-52B9C7…)

>>1262190asa butterfield-looking mf. no that’s not a compliment
No. 1262690
File: 1624463676078.jpeg (201.95 KB, 750x1083, 159214E7-03F8-4184-B67B-88488C…)

are cafebeef’s mates turning against him?
No. 1262700
File: 1624465162710.jpg (316.18 KB, 1366x2048, MV5BMTYwMzY5NDQ3Ml5BMl5BanBnXk…)

>>1260730Oh my god, Martin Starr. I loved you in Silicon Valley, wow.
No. 1262705
File: 1624465793097.jpeg (518.02 KB, 750x1096, D60C131B-53A3-4819-AD8A-F20610…)

>>1262696the tweet is from the 21st
No. 1262801
>>1262690Why is Cafebeef the most popular mentally ill sperg? Is it because he hasn't done porn yet and the chasers are holding out for his anus pics?
Maybe he is just really really persistent because he fights for the attention of all the z-list e-celebs that chase tranny dick and tweets 100 times a day. It can't be his sense of humor because it's dreadful (british) and it can't be his looks (british). Truly boogles the mind.
No. 1262807
File: 1624478656641.png (2.3 MB, 3112x1372, OCsMKypvmB0.png)

>>1257932Some of these femboy XY accounts have their own good ol classic grooming discord server. No. 1263262
File: 1624548829637.png (19 KB, 735x141, catty.png)

Another retarded Cafebeef take. The cattiest people on earth are gay men, not women.
No. 1263265
File: 1624549246259.png (380.06 KB, 728x990, brainlet.png)

God what a fucking brainlet. Shitty modern art is nothing but a money laundering scam that only the most retarded people fall for when they look at a canvas with some squares on it and think they sound smart when they say pretentious shit about it. Cringe my ass off every time I see someone pull out this shitty take.
>ah yes, this shitty canvas with a bunch of squares on it really shows the duality of man and the inner emotional turmoil of the artist during a time of need… mhhh BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP sniff sniff quite an exquisite composition yes, I will pay 1 million dollarinos for it of course so other people know that I am very smart
No. 1263288
File: 1624553416270.png (78.45 KB, 1075x715, art.png)

>>1263285Hating shit art doesn't make you a nazi, fartsniffer.
No. 1263294
>>1263288well yeah you can hate shit art but don't pretend degenerate art hasn't been shat upon post-nazi era cuz it's seen as ~degenerate~
i hate damien hirst too, doesn't mean i think modern art is fartsniffing shit
No. 1263813
File: 1624614340659.png (340 KB, 742x692, HAHAHAHAHA.png)

Can you fucking imagine these dudes trying to sound like anime girls from the hentai they obsess over while butt-buggering each other?
You're looking down on this dude's hairy ass, his narrow male hips, you can see his bald spot on the back of his head and he's going "NYAAAHHH SENPAII!" in his best trannime impression as the room starts getting filled with the smell of shit. What a fucking nightmare.
No. 1263814
File: 1624614686097.webm (1.84 MB, 384x848, BtPbJsHw-SdZZgH4.webm)
>>1263813Their male-ass voices for reference. With israeli accents as well.
No. 1263816
File: 1624614915292.png (476.34 KB, 742x724, ew.png)

No. 1263859
>>1263265Classical art is also used for money laundering. But most of it is just used as a tax free invenstment device (you can lend your pieces to museums for tax exceptions).
While I don't personally like most modern art either. I don't really see how talking about the deep meaning of a blank canvas is any more pretentious than talking about the deep meaning behind the skull in The Ambassadors or something.
Also what's wrong about liking simple paintings? Does having more detail somehow imbue a painting with more worth? Trying to justify liking Newman paintings by imagining some deep meaning is pretty cringe ofc. But in my experience most people who like modern art aren't like this at all.
No. 1263863
>>1263859One takes skill, the other doesn't. Learning about perspective, lighting, proportions, composition, etc. is a craft, a skill. Which is why a house designed by an architect and built by a carpenter is worth more than some sticks with tarp over them.
It's pretentious because you are looking at something that took some troll 3 minutes to slap together and you're trying to read meaning into it where there is none. I don't even have anything against successful troll artist who manage to scam people out of their money for literal shit on a canvas, but I will never have respect for those who pay for it.
No. 1263907
>>1263892Skill =/= labour. The person laying the brick doesn't know anything about architecture. You are paying for skill. Imagine buying sticks with a tarp when you can just make your own sticks with a tarp. Of course you pay for someone elses skill and talent. That is literally how the market works. If you're going to give someone money for something that took them no effort to create, why the fuck don't you just do it yourself? Buy a canvas and take a shit on it yourself. Oh, you don't? Because you value only the name of the artist on it and nothing else, because you're pretentious and believe fart sniffers when they tell you "ah yes, this is very good! So much thought has gone into this shit on a cavas, trust me bro! It really is worth the billions!"
Everyone had already moved on from the art sperging until you continued it.
No. 1264200
File: 1624655235567.jpg (153.1 KB, 742x1312, ass.jpg)

God what an unlikable faggot.
No. 1264383
>>1249623the fact that he's a self confessed failed transwoman and so bitter about it he refers to blaire with male pronons is kinda hilarious.
tbh the level of resentment must be sky high since blaire is apparently everything cafequeef aspires to be but isn't: relatively passing, with money for surgeries, a "straight" conservative boyfriend and an army of tireless ass-patters
No. 1264676
File: 1624707619057.jpg (405.98 KB, 1508x1528, femboyvr.jpg)

Another grooming victim. This person has an OnlyFans and a Pornhub account where he uploads videos using a virtual reality avatar despite being underaged. It's called femBOYS for a reason. These people are targeting children to drag them into their deranged fetish.
No. 1264700
File: 1624710035473.jpg (90.95 KB, 657x623, pedos.jpg)

"A lot of us are underaged" yeah no shit. A fetish that is centered about boyhood and is shared mostly in grooming discords? I am so shocked that pedophilia runs rampant in these circles.
No. 1264857
>>1264676>grooming victim>victimHe's just a mini cumbrain. These dudes aren't
victims just because they're 16-17.
No. 1264906
>>1264878He wears skirts and anime socks like the rest of them, I mean they are all just men playing dress-up and some take HRT. I didn't chose to post those pictures because he is underaged.
>>1264857Where do you think they get the idea that they should take estrogen and put on the tranny socks and prostitute themselves? Is that a normal thing 15 year old buys just do normally because all men are inherently coomers? No. They are insecure teenagers without friends that girls aren't interested in, they have autism and autistic hobbies so they go on the internet, join discords and meet older trannies, chasers and groomers who tell them "you would be so cute if you put on the socks and cat-ears and showed me your bussy". Adult sexual predators are recruiting kids into their cult.
No. 1265351
>>1264676>The massive stash of mountain dew, weird al collection and a non-ironed trans flag in the backgroundGod every time they take photos where you can see their rooms it's exactly like that one meme drawing of a tranny's basement.
>>1262807>lol why would we ban minors from this discord server dedicated to a fucking sexual fetish? how is that going to fix pedophilia and grooming issues hmmmm???>Ummm if a 13-year old talks about being gay of COURSE you can talk about having sex with them it's natural!! you're the weird one for bringing up how creepy it is smhDiscord troons strike again. Whenever I see literal 15-year old boys who suffer of severe cumbrainitus I can't help but feel sorry for them, it's so obvious a 28-year old Lily deadname Stephen groomed them into sending nudes and taking unprescribed horse piss estrogen.
No. 1268948
File: 1625150725504.png (3.52 MB, 2112x1568, ew2.png)

bloated oily moonface and a truly tragic hairline, vile
No. 1268949
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No. 1268967
File: 1625153199493.jpeg (74.21 KB, 1300x1206, 7AEEF2D6-346D-4D51-85FE-5B5540…)

>>1268948>>1268949It’s honestly amazing how he takes pictures of himself when his face looks like a fucking dumpling, he needs like four bichectomies to look like a normal person.
No. 1269003
File: 1625156000111.gif (992.55 KB, 480x360, 1515698161_conducter1.gif)

>>1268997sick fucking burn
No. 1269212
File: 1625172341396.png (1.45 MB, 1244x923, 1625172945993.png)

Melon headed fuck
No. 1269266
File: 1625174203498.jpg (15.28 KB, 354x360, Dm3UuZkXcAAaDmW.jpg)

>>1269212lmao now every time he does this stupid face
>>1268948 i won't be able to unsee it
No. 1269295
>>1264906Boys seek out and watch porn since age 5, then act it out. There are cases of little boys anally raping little girls, something that was unheard of in the pre-online age. I'm tired of the "this coomlet is a
victim actually" meme.
(terminal autism) No. 1269637
>>1269374>everyone who doesn't agree that men are born as evil rapists is a manBack to your femcel discord. Holy shit. You yourself said that "it was unheard of in the pre-online age" so WHAT CHANGED? Little boys coincidentally became more evil the second that they has early and constant access to porn? No. Porn is created with the sole purpose of releasing dopamine in a man's brain. The same way that a McDonalds hamburger is perfectly engineered in a lab to better than any natural food. People also weren't as morbidly obese as they are now 100 years ago. People are animals and they respond to pleasurable stimuli and a lot of them are too dumb to realize they are frying their brains by over-consuming food, porn, social media or watching cute videos of puppies. It all gives you the happy feelings at one click and you don't need to work for it anymore. You don't need to go out into the real world anymore to make yourself happy.
The "porn industry" is not fucking abstract at all. It is evil and it's controlled by a group of people whose purpose is to turn men into completely usless coomer cattle. Docile consoomers that will NEVER rise up against the government because they have their xbox and they have their Overwatch porn and they have their hamburgers. They are comfortable and they will eat the governments shit all day long and buy all their products. The average person is a retard and doesn't realize any of these things.
We can go deeper into this but I don't think any of you are ready for this.
No. 1269642
File: 1625220315296.webm (3.58 MB, 852x480, femboy.webm)
Anyways. Back to the femboys. This video sums up the average lifespan of a "femboy".
No. 1269703
File: 1625228069935.png (1.02 MB, 2212x1618, delusional.png)

Cafebeef is still delusional. I think he has too many chasers who tell him he is "one of the good ones". Bro, your entire identity is a disgusting, degenerate fetish. You ain't better than any of the others constantly posting about pissing and shitting. I think you forgot that you posted the same disgusting shit until you found out we were making fun of you on here.
(there are a million more tweets about cum that I couldn't include cause it's just too much)
No. 1269721
File: 1625230111280.png (250.38 KB, 1452x1176, uwu.png)

UwU smoll bean problems… guys did I remind everyone yet that I have the body of a CHILD?
I-I am totally not aging and balding at rapid speed! I am a teeny tiny baby twink forever!
No. 1269749
>>1269295Wtf? What a crazy take. I’ve never heard of a 5 yo boy seeking out porn or anally raping a little girl, have you ever spent time around 5 yos? They’re babies. If I ever saw one acting that way I’d assume a sexually
abusive adult was behind it.
No. 1269956
>>1269909I'm sorry
you can't read. Porn and its vile tropes wouldn't be designed to fry a man's dopamine system if men weren't responsive to it in the first place.
>I am designed to find pleasure in increasing degradation of women>I am not inherently defective/evilPick one. If your nature is to put cooms before ethics or empathy, you deserve to perish from the consequences. This is not "just like eating a cheemsburger dur hur", and the fact that you have the gall to play
victim and whine about being exploited right after gleefully fapping to human exploitation only makes your vileness more apparent.
Tl;dr cope, seethe, coom, repeat.
(ban evading sperg) No. 1270026
>>1269956How can people who join the military murder people? Wow I guess they must just all be born evil murderers. No. You get exposed to a stimuli too many times and it changes your brain. How do you explain that this phenomenon that you think is real (rapist toddlers) is a recent thing that happened with availability of porn if men are born evil? Wouldn't they just come out of the womb and start raping their mothers since they are born that way? Why do they need porn to begin with?
The truth is that their brains get numbed to stimuli over time so they seek out more and more extreme things to get the same effect. Just how a drug addict needs to take larger and larger amount of drugs. Just how a person in the military becomes a trained killer and doesn't feel the same emotions when bombing people after 20 years than they did on their first day. Nobody is born evil, people become that way through environmental factors. I am not even denying that the porn industry normalizes the abuse of women, it definitely does. But that means we need to stop the porn industry and stop people form consuming it, not murder all men. You are obviously very damaged and bitter, go to therapy.
No. 1270090
>>1270062I figured as much. The way he talks about fitting into childrens clothes is very typical anachan shit.
"Oh no, poor me, I have to wear childrens clothes because I'm a skinni bean owo oh no it's just tiny waist uwu 10 year olds jeans ungggghhhh pokemon on the shirt for extra self infantilising"
No. 1270096
>>1270017Lmao, leave it to a pickme to throw passive aggressive jabs at molestation while lamenting the "grooming" of poor widdle coomer toddlers, but you missed the mark. Sorry to disappoint.
Regardless, I'm sorry you found your little semen demon browsing r/DegradingHoles and huffing your used panties, I think I too would be this demented from all the cognitive dissonance.
>>1270026>How can people who join the military murder people? Wow I guess they must just all be born evil murderers. Literal hollow cranium take.
1.Very few soldiers actually enjoy what they had do, and many develop PTSD from observing and perpetrating wartime murder.
2. This is a great opportunity to bring up wartime rape, which is by all measures excessive. Why not just kill, why also fuck what you're going to kill too? Who the fuck gets a boner while standing amongst corpses? That, my intellectually disabled friend, has been happening long before porn. Very interesting, isn't it? Why don't women do it too?
3. How many soldiers and murderers are there vs the number of hardcore porn users? All men who have internet access use porn.
4. If you ever try to defend genocidal murderers by blaming "muh industry", or make the same fucking extra chromosome tier "muh ice cream is just too tasty that's why I'm fat, this fridge is where I keep muh dopamine" argument, most people will rightfully think you're a tard. This sort of tard cope is only acceptable with porn for some reason. Nobody denies that humans are hardwired to find some things appealing, but if you are willing to hurt others for minute pleasures, you are rightfully reviled as something little more than a beast. It's one thing to shoot heroin and ruin yourself, and another to murder your parents just to pawn their shit and get another fix. Porn doesn't just "hurt" (lmao) the coomer, and coomers don't care.
>this phenomenon that you think is real (rapist toddlers)COCSA is well documented, sped.
>Why do they need porn to begin with?Yeah, why do they respond to it to the point of funding "de pown industwy"? Why does it work on them and not women, or any other normal people who simply aren't turned on by these "increasingly extreme stimuli" that for some reason always default to diabolical misogyny? Your retarded cope argument is literally "men aren't born this way, but they are born this way". I'm really sorry you found his stash/are mad because you know you'll always end up breaking the nofap, but it's what you deserve.
But to ruin your day a little more here: do you know that there is a study that's shows that men's prior condemnation of sexual assault rapidly evaporates as they become more sexually aroused? Their humanity is entirely contingent on how horny they are. If you think that you'll ever stop an industry that was made to make them happy by catering to their innate hatred of women, you're either male or have another learning disability.
(ban evading sperg) No. 1270100
>>1269805>>1269721Gross I thought twinks were just supposed to be petite pretty moids (James Charles), I didn't think they were supposed to look like kids. Cafe Beef is actually so mentally ill that it borders on not even being funny sometimes
>>1270026Sage for this, but anon you should post this over on the pink pill thread on Crystal Cafe. Anons are more than happy to see stuff like this and discuss it thoroughly. But this thread is about femboys, not really the place for this
No. 1270109
>>1270062So, basically a 173 cm balding skelly in
TERF island. He should go on those British tv shows where they have weird food habits, like only eating brown sauce, and they always got teeth full of cavities.
No. 1270125
>>1269685>In anime the only older women are busty MILFs… the first word of that being "mother", something a man will never ever be, no matter how much they dream about ass-birthing. They have no future.There's one MTF (a 6' ginger man) who wanted to become an anime cowgirl and tired to do it by getting H cup breast implants along with a bunch of other surgeries including "shoulder narrowing" lol. Their twitter was a mixture horny hentai posting and how they would get "mommy milkers". The moid chasers in his mentions were all optimistic and horny. Finally, a mommy trap.
Long story short, the moid ended up killing himslef because…of course. How can a 6' man turn into a cute anime girl with huge breasts? Even the F cups looked small on him. They have a thread on here Remilia- first female League player (yes very female ugh).
Anyway, it's pretty interesting looking into the psychology of these men. How they cope and seethe at real women, idolizing anime girls which depicts exaggerated features of women (huge breasts, very wide hips, big ass, tiny waist etc etc). Sorry for the long post.
No. 1270155
>>1270125Remilia or something like that? Yeah I remember them. One of those "first women in professional e-sports" trannies.
>>1270096You're mentally ill.
No. 1270162
>>1270100This stuff is pretty self evident anyone who isn't retarded understands that porn doesn't turn men insto anything they aren't already, or compares literally every man with internet to a murderer/drug addict. We're just having a kiwifarms containment breach with its zealous beckies who can't accept that their limpdicked coomer soyfriends/autistic sons are beyond repair, or nofap coomcels seething at being reminded that they'll never quit porn. Many such cases!
>>1270114Porn is blamed every time a 6 year old diddles his sister. It's toothless nuthuggers like you saying this, kween. HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE) No. 1270600
File: 1625311746334.png (1.31 MB, 1504x1920, cafeman.png)

>whine all day about being a mentally ill sperg
>your mental illness makes you want to get surgery to look like the opposite sex
>friends tell you to go to therapy
>NOoooOOOoo I can't go to therapy, they will find out I only want to chop up my body because of my mentall illness
Honestly he deserves what he fucking gets in the end. He has every support in the world to just go to therapy and sort himself out. He has thousands of dollars from his fundraiser, but whines all day about how miserable he is. He is very obviously a self-hating tranny in a deep identity crisis but he still CHOSES to just ruin his life instead of getting help. Godspeed on your way to join the 41%.
No. 1270760
>>1270597why do reddit pickmes get so
triggered whenever they see one passing comment they perceive as "man hating"? you dumb whores derailed it first with your cooomer caping dissertation over here
>>1269637, just hide the comment if muhsandtry on a laotian cave painting forum in a male cow thread of all places makes you chimp so much lmfao
(ban evading sperg) No. 1270880
File: 1625348169981.png (32.13 KB, 732x286, no_womb_no_eggs.png)

i-it's not like I am upset that I will never be a mother or anything
kek. seethe.
No. 1270883
File: 1625348398127.jpeg (106.5 KB, 750x538, A15F296D-8724-4292-87CF-95631B…)

>>1270600Funny how he is so insistent on not being a tranny, yet gets
triggered by TERFs. He clearly has a lot of self-hatred left over from his /pol/tard days.
And the woman in the pic isn’t even a
TERF, it’s just some random old lady he decided to bully for some reason
No. 1270888
File: 1625349060265.jpeg (55.92 KB, 750x402, B17F7974-1E10-4D3A-8E89-27AC4C…)

>>1270885He’s always saying he’s not a tranny. I’ve noticed that /pol/tards hate on trannies for being minorities (there are
valid reasons to hate trannies, but the reasons /pol/ hates them are not) but fetishize femboys. I think he’s trying to appeal to 4chan types. If he admitted to being a tranny, his audience would disown him immediately. Methinks the lady doth protest too much….
No. 1270906
>>1270889>"femboys will join our nazi revolution, Hitler would marry a trap UwU"The curious part about their delusion is that the nazis only allowed heterosexual transvestites (modern day
transbians) in their society, they even got a special certificate (Transvestitenschein), so long they were not homo.
All femboys ITT would be sent to the camps.
No. 1271356
File: 1625419362645.jpeg (227.5 KB, 2048x1840, E5aLWv1XEAIeEN9.jpeg)

>>1271353ahh deleted becasue I just realised he "put on" the breasts. Here's the pic anyway.
Where do they buy these? It's creepy as shit. Reminds me of Chinese authorities cracking down on moids who wear female body suits and masks to scam men online No. 1272167
File: 1625532819741.jpg (340.89 KB, 1322x1736, femboy.jpg)

What about FemboyPaganism?
No. 1272360
File: 1625579239125.png (59.35 KB, 742x828, cafeman.png)

Cafebeef still can't shut the fuck up about the pedobait shit.
No. 1272470
File: 1625594213558.jpg (11.15 KB, 258x293, FB_IMG_1625425342466.jpg)

>>1272360Imagine what he looks like fresh out of the shower with his hair combed back. jfc.
No. 1272920
File: 1625659901512.png (106.97 KB, 742x922, annoying_cafeman.png)

>>1272871It's someone selfposting, shut the fuck up about them already and don't give them attention. Holy shit.
Anyways Cafebeef keeps alienating all his tranny friends with his self-hating trans posts. Does anyone on this planet like this dude other than the chasers who are paying for the private bussy streams?
No. 1272921
File: 1625660187535.png (184.95 KB, 732x1520, not_like_other_trannies.png)

The most female thing about Cafebeef is his not-like-other-trannies syndrome that reminds me a lot of women with internalized misogyny who keep talking all day about how much they hate women and how much better men are to get male approval. Cafeman instead talks about how much he hates trannies all day while being a tranny for TERF approval. SAD!
psst, those women have no female friends and you will end up having no friends as well cause this behavior is fucking obnoxious
No. 1272949
>>1272946He thinks that only about people who transition as adults. Since he constantly goes on about how he looks like a 12 year old I assume he thinks he will still look like a woman after his surgery that he is crowdfunding.
Stop thinking that there are "based troons" and "one of the GOOD ones". They don't exist. It's all a fucking front to make himself look superior to other troons while still being a disgusting fetishistic troon.
No. 1273156
File: 1625693541874.png (898.04 KB, 1530x1147, troon suicide attempts.png)

>>1272921>41It's at 50% as of 2018. Kek.
No. 1273437
File: 1625745137026.png (27.85 KB, 537x286, beef.png)

No. 1273489
File: 1625757526127.png (1.01 MB, 895x1283, 1625758130568.png)

Whoever asked Hyperkyuun about having a girl body should gave gone to Specsavers
No. 1273500
Sorry but that's not what this is about. This video critisize groomers/chasers and relatonships based only on looks. It's not against femboys, but scrotes seeing them as property.
No. 1273769
File: 1625790639290.jpg (121.96 KB, 851x1262, poor mom.jpg)

>>1272167He took pictures of his mom crying and posted on Twitter for sympathy points
No. 1273905
File: 1625819519312.png (92.42 KB, 1331x369, the y.png)

>>1273769There's an episode of The Simpsons where Homer's family are retarded just like him and the women from Marge's side are all successful and sane. There has to be truth to that. The Y chromosome is passed down from grandfather to son to grandson after all, unchanged. Men are retarded. Sadly many mothers idealize their sons, ignoring their daughter(s) until shit hits the fan. I bet she's thinking why she didn't have a daughter instead. I hope this degenerate dies from ulcerative colitis from shoving huge dildos up his ass.
No. 1273916
File: 1625822594380.png (698.3 KB, 738x732, british.png)

>>1273819That's why you raise your kids on limited internet access and teach them about these topics so they can avoid becoming like this. I know it's probably hard in this day and age to raise children but there must be a way.. I think probably moving out of the cities and actually parenting your kids instead of letting the ipad to the job is probably a good first step.
>>1273851>>1273905Are we really going to do this again? Same could be said about a picture of a mom crying because she found her daughters OnlyFans account. Zoomers raised on the internet with no parental supervision are all degenerates.
I have also noticed a trend with these femboys. They are all either from Israel or from England.
No. 1273917
File: 1625822848790.png (25.9 KB, 746x298, no_dad.png)

It also seems like his father is not involved in his life, which would also explain a lot.
No. 1273920
File: 1625823798863.png (2.08 MB, 3688x1732, mum.png)

>>1273917He tweets A LOT about his mom. I am sure a lot of this shit is just completely made up for pity-points (like the Mii thing) but his mom sounds pretty based. She's probably overwhelmed having to do the work of two parents with a son who is mentally damaged from having no dad and being terminally online. Also british.
No. 1273937
File: 1625829673132.png (190.08 KB, 1497x811, b2kjnskfjdnksjdf.png)

He's so fucking pathetic even the other troons can't stand him wallowing in his own pity. At least he had the sense to not reply to the person lying their ass off to him and saying he passes irl.
No. 1273951
>>1273917>>1273920>blaming your degeneracy on being raised by a single momPlenty of people who were raised by single moms and they turned out just fine.
>>1273916Mothers usually put their sons on a pedestal. She probably cried and that’s it. A daughter who has an only fans would probably get kicked out of the house, called a whore, etc. This guy probably fucks horse dildoes, wears his moms lingerie and wants his mom catching him.
No. 1274007
File: 1625846406611.png (37.68 KB, 736x353, pov.png)

No. 1275097
>>1273920>but his mom sounds pretty based.Ah yes, by refusing to communicate with her son, resorting to petty shame tactics to undermine (what little) self-confidence he has, and denying any control he has over his own life. Are you fucking retarded, or can you genuinely not see how this negative upbringing is perfectly contingent with his nihilistic femboy twitterfag persona?
>>1273951>>blaming your degeneracy on being raised by a single mom>Plenty of people who were raised by single moms and they turned out just fine.Children raised in single-mother households are prone to a myriad of neurotic disorders and are statistically far more likely to become murderers, rapists, drug addicts etc. Spouting garbage like this undermines the issue this single mother epidemic poses on young men.
Not defending him btw, but I can guarantee his Mom is absolutely in the wrong too, no matter how much you seethe.
No. 1275375
File: 1626098709764.png (1.04 MB, 1790x748, hyper_kyuun.png)

You can be gay and have a girlfriend.. cause your girlfriend is a man! Clownworld weee!
No. 1275377
File: 1626098842007.jpg (373.27 KB, 2112x1568, E51tJ0lX0AADp0Q.jpg)

No. 1275378
File: 1626099009126.jpg (446.92 KB, 1809x2048, E51tKl2XMAIBbfh.jpg)

Seriously, why does he always make this stupid face? Is that some anime thing?
No. 1275392
>>1275378Kind of yes. He's pushing out his top lip in an attempt to show he isn't a lipless wonder. He's also puffing out his cheeks because chubby cheeks are suppose to be cute.
Too bad nothing he does work, being ugly in both genders standards doesn't make him a femboy or passing. Guess why he hates women and better looking trans/femboys, there's no fixing that mug.
No. 1275579
>>1275097>m-menz can never fail, they can only be failed>m-muh single moms>unsagedback to kiwiddit
>>1275431If it's not a kiwifag, I bet this thread is mostly moid on moid vendetta with some failed aged out femboi backstabbing his former twitter frens. The instant butthurt textwall outbursts at anyone who isn't cupping balls gently enough is a tell tale sign of having some skin in the game.
No. 1275860
>>1275097>Children raised in single-mother households are prone to a myriad of neurotic disorders and are statistically far more likely to become murderers, rapists, drug addicts etc.The issue is not single mothers, per se, but single parents in general. Children of single fathers face the same risks that children of single mothers do.
Now of course, most single parents are most definitely mothers. And if you weren't a retarded scrote set on blaming everything on mothers because your mommy was mean to you one time, you'd realize the quickest solution to fixing the single mother epidemic is having fathers actually do their fucking jobs at raising their children.
No. 1276631
File: 1626296656885.png (21.77 KB, 730x226, pedopandering.png)

Sir, you are 5'8 and balding.
No. 1277727
File: 1626426415120.png (369.51 KB, 740x726, coombrain.png)

Coombrains think about porn literally 24/7. Don't Cafebeef's friends know that he is a totally baste and redpilled whuite supremacist nazi /pol/tard desu? He would never "burn the coal", as a britbong he craves to be dominated by a white man with good teeth and without a silly accent. Sadly for him this illustrated scenario is more likely in England.
No. 1277729
File: 1626426622185.png (38.19 KB, 740x326, coombrain2.png)

>grow up with unrestricted internet access
>become addicted to porn
>become 4chan retard
>troon out
tale as old as time
No. 1277740
>>1276915whY are you like this?! my fucking sides are gone
>>1277727>>1277729Tweeted in the same day. All troons are coomers, Cafe. You can't escape yourself.
No. 1277750
>>1277740I really enjoy how he pretends to not be a coomer when you can literally search his twitter and find 1.000 tweets about cumming
>>1269703 see here. Like how do you think you turned into a "femboy" tranny? Autogynephilia is entirely cause by overconsumption of pornography. Pornsickness is the cause of all TIMs.
No. 1279484
File: 1626617253163.png (29.87 KB, 734x322, tomboys.png)

A tomboy is a young girl (child-age) who wears overalls and plays with trucks instead of barbies. There are no adult tomboys and men's obsession with "tomboys" is fucking creepy and pedophilic as fuck. Adult women with short hair are not "tomboys" they are just adult women who have short hair you pathetic coomer.
Also if the "tomboy" has a penis then it's just a regular boy. I honestly can't with this coombrained idiot. It's like he has a compulsion to tweet the dumbest word-vomit he can come up with every day.
No. 1279485
File: 1626617400315.png (26.95 KB, 738x188, seethe.png)

He's also still seething about having no ass or hips and not fitting into women's jeans. Women can't wear men's jeans because we have different proportions than men. You can wear men's jeans because you are a man.
No. 1279486
>>1279484Tomboy isn't just for little girls. Everyone uses it to describe 'sporty, boyish' girls and women.
I think he's making fun of troons with that tweet anyway.
No. 1279502
>>1279489Gonna back up anon here
>>1279496 tomboy was always used to describe any woman, be it adult or child, who had male interests, dressed in a masculine way but not a butch lesbian etc.
No. 1279652
File: 1626634270661.jpeg (181.24 KB, 750x485, 942FADD6-5247-4F7B-A7F6-B817D3…)

Excuse me if I’m misreading this but is beefy boi literally saying that if he got FFS he would start to fully identify as a trans woman? Maybe that’s why he’s been so extra bitter lately, since it doesn’t seem like his GFM will ever be funded (it’s raised less than 10% of £30k since June)
No. 1279751
File: 1626641558392.png (113.35 KB, 180x350, 1623060279241.png)

>>1279485Alt-emo-goth men wear skinny jeans all the time, but they are proud to be guys and don't pose like they are about to piss themselves.
No. 1280136
File: 1626702194238.jpg (396.29 KB, 1080x1962, Screenshot_20210719-012056_Ins…)

accidentally stumbled down a femboy meme/theme page rabbit hole on Instagram earlier. it's extremely shocking that most of the accounts I saw claimed to be between 14-18 years old.
No. 1280307
File: 1626723429633.png (26.2 KB, 742x286, ew.png)

Do britbongs really have to pay taxes for trannies to get laser hair removal? Do they know that women also grow pubes? Probably not since they only know women from porn..
No. 1281118
File: 1626817191167.jpg (219.59 KB, 2048x1151, belly.jpg)

Beef posted belly
No. 1281138
File: 1626819338441.jpg (625.27 KB, 2525x3890, Hitler_as_young_man.jpg)

>>1144236Hitler had blue eyes and didn't look too bad in his 20s and early 30s. Most pictures used in history books are from when his health was already declining. American newspapers fawned over the "charming dictator" prior to WWII. You're right abut Himmler and Goebbels though. Pretty much the opposite of what they were propagating.
Saged for OT.
No. 1281415
File: 1626862867371.png (580.73 KB, 797x655, 556879h8hgff8754.png)

I can never get over how fucking ugly this retard looks
No. 1281418
>>1281118Seems like the jeans for 12 year old kids are too tight on him afterall. Look at those fucking indents. Also idk what it is about male stomaches but they look really different from female ones. Might be the lack of hips or the gigantic ribcage or just the way the muscles are shaped differently. Pretty cringe tho that he is thirst-baiting when he is coomer-shaming all his friends.
>>1281138Hope he sees this bro.
No. 1282454
File: 1626979638237.jpg (228.21 KB, 732x1558, blulululu.jpg)

Must be really exhausting to be friends with this retard.
No. 1282455
File: 1626979846230.jpg (122.99 KB, 920x589, 1565866668614.jpg)

>>1282454this is your brain on gender fluid
No. 1282457
File: 1626979933631.jpg (23.52 KB, 468x242, cafebeef.jpg)

Men really out here tryna get credit for admitting they are men and not women. Are we supposed to clap?
Why are people actually giving this retard money for surgeries again?
No. 1282458
File: 1626980110243.jpg (69.49 KB, 736x502, incels.jpg)

This dude really is a fucking brainlet. Being an incel is a mindset, it's more than just being a virgin, even the incels themselves will tell you that. Otherwise they would let women into their club as well since women can be virgins.
No. 1282489
>>1282454I like how even when he's pity baiting he's hyping himself up. There's this constant through line of "I want to be a normal man but I'm just too uwu cute and fem."
Like bro, get a haircut and you're john doe. You're not an eldritch abomination of secondary sex characteristics, you're a manlet with a weak chin. Hormones didn't even give you bitch tits and that's 90% of what they do, the remaining 10% is emotional dysregulation so at least we know they're working.
No. 1282517
>>1282489Yeah I don't really understand what feature of his is supposed to be feminine. The hair? Bro we know you got a receeding male hairline under your bangs. Being skinny? Lots of men are skinny. You got no fucking hips, no boobs, no ass. He's not even short since he says he is 5'8. Where is the femininity? Like this dude only looks at himself through his weird filtered selfies and with his UwU big eyeglasses on. There's absolutely nothing about him that sets him apart from other males his age if he gets a haircut. Like you're 28, which is still young. Lots of men still have a babyface at that age, it's not a feminine trait caused by hormones.
And yeah he is being really transparent with his "self-depricating" posts that are still fucking humblebrags. "I hate that I have to wear pants for little boys cause I am so smoll and UwU" "I am a man but I totally can not be one because I look too feminine!" Bitch, please.
No. 1282528
File: 1626988152129.png (216.31 KB, 590x886, cafebeef.png)

Just cut your hair and you will look just like this, Cafebeef. I could go into any computer science lecture and find 10 young men that look like this and nobody thinks they look like girls.
No. 1282530
>>1282484this thread is pretty redundant, we already have a mtf thread. my tinfoil is that this was started by some femboy who discovered lolcow through /tttt/ so he could shittalk his frens but, like, without terfs
triggering him
No. 1282673
File: 1627008950755.jpeg (279.27 KB, 1170x815, CC054844-77B8-4ED8-8AE5-AC9E6A…)

hyper-fags boyfriend apparently doesn’t believe in climate change kek. claims to have a bachelors in ecology
No. 1282696
>>1282454holy shit what a fucking prick
No. 1282767
File: 1627025671489.jpg (203.98 KB, 740x1202, fetish.jpg)

Just had a horrible realization. What if Cafeman's fetish is people telling him how much he doesn't pass? That's why he keeps going on about this and is upset when his friends lie to him that he does pass. And he probably furiously masturbates his limp noodle to this thread. Men tend to make their insecurities into their fetish like those guys who want you to make fun of their small penises.
No. 1282813
>>1282788Yeah now that I think about it this seems really plausible. He does it several times a day too and often repeats the same phrases over and over again. It has to just be whenever he gets off he tweets out some humiliating shit "uwu oh no… I totally.. don't pass? I look like.. a little boy? aaahhh uhhhh oh no how embarassing that I am wearing these… little boy pants…"
I want to vomit.
No. 1282948
>>1282896>>1282530i like having a separate thread for the femboys because of the nazi larps/alt right pandering and the delusion that they’re not like troons. they’re their own exceptional breed
it’s even funnier if one of them started it in the first place really
No. 1283040
File: 1627071283329.png (204.28 KB, 1177x798, arab.png)

>>1282886lmao thanks for clearing that up. I thought Brits were pale as fuck, considering half the population are gingers. I wonder if Cafeman is a Jew or has Jewish ancestry. He kind of looks like he does.
Moonface is Arabic. LOL at him saying he's from <<Middle East Asia>>.
No. 1283105
File: 1627080591554.png (460.89 KB, 800x780, 556uz.png)

>>1283040He's (secular) Jewish-Israeli.
No. 1283299
File: 1627118782321.png (27.06 KB, 743x259, 78yhjhbj8888b.png)

this makes me actually nauseous to think about
No. 1283340
File: 1627125534503.webm (825.75 KB, 576x1024, 50f51daa3fc423597416165668bdcf…)
Saw this and thought it was Cafebeef at first. The resemblance is uncanny. I guess it's because of all the inbreeding they do over there on that horrific island.
No. 1283876
>>1282767You're really onto something
nonny. The fact that the male couldn't just be in normal clothing but specifically schoolgirl clothes is so suspect.
No. 1283896
File: 1627208355765.png (28.92 KB, 740x298, tranny.png)

typical trannypost
>estrogen make me so weak and smoll, I am just like a woman now that I can't even pick up a pencil UwU
No. 1283897
File: 1627208490899.png (72.22 KB, 736x744, gay.png)

also apparently cafeman has found a britbong boyfriend to have anal procreation with, just girlythings
No. 1283968
>>1283918This is going to sound insane but if you look at cows who are aged sex deviants (example: pansy gronski) who are literally 60 something years old and living the fetish lifestyle since forever they actually reach a point where it's not enough to get them off and it's just that they dont know a way of life outside of their insane degeneracy. These were people who started as teenagers and had to hide their shit or their life was ruined.
Now we have people who START as full on cross dressers and are exposed to extreme porn every second of the day and constantly surrounded by other people who do the same thing. They lose the thrill and become desensitized. I fully believe some of these fuckers have burned out years younger than they used to and are already just walking empty husks who chase the thrill and off themselves at 35 because they feel nothing
No. 1283971
>>1283968Samefag, but theres a huge difference between moids who were fucked up in secret and make it to about 50 before they gradually start being weird sissies behind closed doors and a moid who has been "ironically" dressing as a neko maid and watching hentai since it was a teen and scrambled its brain with the sheer volume and speed at which it consumed constant degeneracy. I actually think it's the same reason why a lot of troons nerf themself around 35 as well.
Their life loses reason (sexual thrill) and theres just no point after that for them
No. 1283982
File: 1627224931457.png (320.81 KB, 1112x2893, homosexual_facts.png)

>>1283971This is not insane, it is a fact that people who live degenerate and destructive lifestyles (homosexual men) die younger, have more diseases, commit suicide more often and have more addiction issues. Homosexual men die at a median age of 42 while straight married men die at a median age of 75. People have been saying this literally forever but it has always been put off as "oh that's homophobia and your homophobia is causing this! If they were allowed to be openly gay they would be so much happier and healthier!" Yeah.. no. Now that degeneracy is widely accepted in our society we got porn addicted teenage moids in maid costumes being groomed by older homosexual men on discord and that's alright with everyone I guess. Slippery slope has always been real.
No. 1283995
>>1283982I can't believe people don't seek help for sexual obsession. If this was part of sex education, like in the area of sexual safety (dont fuck without contraception, avoid porn addiction so you dont kill yourself, be sensible about STDs, etc) and actually show people how shameful/sad this is like they do with drug addicts then maybe we would see the number of coomtards get smaller.
Maybe. I'm imagining this as a glass-half-full person. But education could absolutely help prevent this even just a tiny bit so I dont understand why it's not something people are warned about in sex ed
No. 1284012
>>1283968This makes a lot of sense. It's been their entire sad life so they just can't stop.
>>1284008Exactly. Remember that most of troon are straight men. ("lesbians")
No. 1284027
>>1284008Gay men are the most degenerate because they don't have women to keep them in check. It's just a fucking fact. Women regulating the sexual market is the only thing that encourages men to act somewhat decent, because otherwise they don't get to have sex at all. Gay men have none of these incentive, they have sex with each other all the time, with strangers, unprotected. They are the biggest coomers and the biggest degenerates and also more likely to be pedophiles than straight men. They all lose their virginity at a very young age and have thousands of sexual partners. Straight men can't even fucking compare, not in any universe.
Who do you think is grooming all these young men on discord telling them they would be so cute if they took estrogen and put on the programming socks? It's not straight men, that's for sure.
(derailing) No. 1284058
>>1283968>>1283982hierarchy of male deviancy (imo) and life expectancy are related (best to worst)
1. Straight men in healthy straight relationships.
2. Gay men in healthy gay relationships.
3. Straight men with porn and sex addictio, in unhealthy relationships, who buys prostitutes.
4. Bisexual/Gay men with porn addiction (honestly, there is no bisexual guy who isnt a coomer) who will fuck anything and anyone.
5. Troons (it's a paraphilia, not an identity).
6. Troons with more than 1 paraphilia e.g. pedophila, voyerism etc. This is more common than (5) becasue if a man has 1 then it's very likely he develops multiple paraphilias. They engage in predatory behaviour.
7. Homeless troon prostitutes who validate their fetish by having sex with strangers/ coercing strangers for sex becasue it's a higher change of getting yeeted out of existence by their own.
>>1284008Basically. All men are deviants by nature but trannies are a special kind of degenerate. They are so far gone even Blanchard says they are unrehabilitatable. That's why you should leave as soon as your bf or husband shows any sign of troonerism.
No. 1284188
>>1284170A problem with those I've encountered who say that gay men are the most degenerate is that the seem to hate homosexuality in general. I get the vibe that they think gay pedos are worse than straight ones because it's worse when boys are
victims. Ignoring the majority of
victims of male sexual grooming, harassment and rape: Girls and women.
No. 1284262
>>1283995You'll be surprised, but the notion that men can be coomditioned is this untouchable elephant in the room that nobody is allowed to even study, but it's shared between moids as some sort of folk knowledge. There's one study I've seen that has a
passing mention of the fact that men can be coom-memed into fetishes they didn't previously have and women can't, but oddly enough I can't find it anymore.
I highly doubt there's a conspiracy, but rather a primordial fear shared by all straight men. They don't like being reminded vigorously and conclusively that they're subhumans fully at the mercy of their ballsacks. Truthfully, most homophobia likely stems from the visceral fear of cooming from prostate stimulation and becoming permanently addicted. I can only imagine the absolute chimpocalypse that would occur if someone actually made a credible study or conducted an experiment on this, and I bet it wouldn't be because of the obvious ethics issues.
No. 1284267
>>1284154Anons who say this are probably straight women coping, yes. Even when they agree that all men are the same, they make sure to leave some room to imply that if women just git gud at tard wrangling something that's inherently defective, their personal relationships become exempt and male participation in society is thus adverse but justified. Same goes for all the "men are
victims of jew porn actually" cows, but those have terminal brainworms.
That being said, unless you are gay/asexual and/or devoid of male children, you will
never get women to be rational on this. Moids are aware, hence why this absurd theater of tolerance continues.
No. 1284334
File: 1627260199367.gif (1.53 MB, 270x152, tenor.gif)

>>1284027Gay men, real homos, don't want to be little "uWu princess" they like d*ck.
Some of them find some interest in female related things? Sure, but this is outright a fetishist movement. I have known happy gay men, with functional lives, they will never involve themselves in this crap.
No. 1284481
>>1284058Switch gay men and heterosexual men. A heterosexual man in a straight relationship is saddling a woman with his scrotery, gay men are doing the best possible thing a male could ever do and fucking off to leave women alone.
Women are meant to be with women and men are meant to be with men tbh. Any other way is degenerate.
No. 1284591
>>1284262>I highly doubt there's a conspiracy, but rather a primordial fear shared by all straight men. They don't like being reminded vigorously and conclusively that they're subhumans fully at the mercy of their ballsacks.Kek, nice post anonita. I have a
terf burner account where I make fun of coomers and troons and some anti-coomer moids follow me and all they post is how no-fap and lifting will somehow erase their sexual deviancy. Sorry, if you have one paraphilia it's over moids. Accessible internet porn and the probability of becoming a coomer is connected. I think in 10 years the only men who aren't coomers will be from native isolated populations with no internet access.
No. 1285424
File: 1627409625514.png (42.14 KB, 736x448, rofl.png)

Cafe-queef would like to remind everyone once again that he is an UwU CHILD SIZED!!! smoll bean!!!!
Maybe he thinks skinwalking Shoe0nhead will make him appear more feminine?
>>1284481>grass is meant to be blue and biology doesn't existYou're fucking retarded
No. 1285431
>>1284334Rofl. Gay men are absolutely unable to be monogamous and they all have sexual diseases. Keep coping. Glad your gay friends manage to not be open about it infront of you but they still have gang-bangs on the weekend and AIDS.
Gay men are pests. I have nothing against lesbians so stop coming at me with your "muh homophobia" that society trained you to believe exists. It's natural to hate people who are doing things that are unhealthy and unnatural, just how you see someone cut off their hands willingly and your instinct is to go "wow that person is fucked in the head" you have the same instinct when you see two men fucking each other up the ass. We have to actively brainwash children into being politically correct and accepting of gay people because they are born with an instinct that tells them it is wrong. Sorry this conditioning doesn't work on everyone to the same degree it worked on you. Lesbians caping for gay men are absolutely delusional, you're handmaidens to men who couldn't give less of a fuck about your rights. All they care about is their ability to be openly degenerate and to groom children.
>>1284481>gay men are doing the best possible thing a male could ever do and fucking off to leave women aloneWrong. Straight men have a purpose at least because they make children. Gay men serve no purpose other than to give little girls anorexia with their fashion magazines and to groom more kids into becoming gay like them. Maybe you don't give a shit about kids being molested as long as they are boys and not girls, some of you are fucked in the head like that.
>>1285424If you're gonna talk biology, then you must acknowledge that heterosexual, lifelong monogamous human pair bonding isn't "natural". While males and females are meant to fuck, whether they're really meant to
be with each other is debatable.
No. 1285443
File: 1627411858409.png (103.82 KB, 740x824, advice.png)

Cafebeef has been whining about men's fashion and is now blocking people giving him actual advice. Don't you know he doesn't want advice? He just wants to complain!
>>1285436It is natural to produce off-spring, raise said off-spring and to try to ensure the best future for them. For humans this is through monogamous relationships between a man and a woman. Kids need both a mother and a father, else they turn out fucked up like all the fatherless men ITT.
No. 1285456
>>1285443>For humans this is through monogamous relationships between a man and a woman>NaturalOr a village of women mutually assisting each other in raising kids that have no clear awareness of paternity. Or one man and his 10 slave-wives. Or two brothers raising kids with one woman. Or raising the offspring resulting from whoring your wife out to a stranger to prove hospitality. These are all traditions from all around the world, with the first one being prevalent before agriculture and industrialization.
You're welcome to explain which one of these arrangements is the most "natural" and the least socially conditioned, and why in your mind the most monkey brain one is "forever marriage with white picket fence 2 kids and a dog".
No. 1285467
>>1285456Humans have *~*naturally*~* evolved to find the best way to raise healthy offspring in todays *~*natural*~*conditions and it is a monogamous relationship between a man and a woman. You can seethe about it all day if you want, faggot.
Also funny how none of the fag-defending posts get bans even tho it is just as much "derailing". KYS fujo-shit mods. Your gay husbandos do not represent reality.
>>1285474It's natural for animals to adapt to their environments. We call this evolution, you might not have heard of it.
>but muh ancient civilizationCope, faggot.
>>1285487What would you call the social evolution that taking place right now as more people become pro LGBT? That's also people adapting to their environments.
Also I thought there have been studies that showed children of same-sex couples don't do any worse than the children of straight couples.
No. 1285710
File: 1627438061990.gif (586.87 KB, 245x245, NQTI.gif)

>>1285431I feel so sad for you. Some of the worst high schoolers I meet were lesbian bullies, who came out in college. I bet you are just like them, still in the closet boo-boo?
You see normal/average people don't have to hate on gender or sexual basis, we can ARGUE a point of any given situation on a specific basis, meaning we can be logical and derive a conclussion on the objective reality of the events.
When we shitpost here, we do it on specific people who decide to put themselves out there so it's fair game to throw opinions on their own public post on social media. I try to be pragmatic I can meet good lesbians, bad gay men, etc… We live in a society.
I even bet there's shy femboys out there who probably don't bother anyone and wait for the weekend to meet some dude and then have some intimate fun. Doesn't affect me, get a life.
No. 1285948
File: 1627476469546.png (40.78 KB, 736x320, fag.png)

Imagine wking for these fags when they post shit like this. Couldn't be me.
No. 1285986
File: 1627484993708.jpg (142.49 KB, 643x1200, Garrett.jpg)

>>1285710Be gone tranny.
>>1285948Pic related is a gay guy and a rare MTF detransitioner who went on 60 minutes. Doctors advised him to cut his balls off so the "estrogen would work better". He said he was depressed and "not there". Once he detranistioned he got on T replacement and said he felt like himself again.
Cafemoid is just a low T tranny. Women with low estrogen experience things like PCOS. Low T in moids is a chronic condition but his endo won't tell him that instead he is told he is a woman kek. No wonder these troons 41%
No. 1286078
File: 1627493700821.jpg (150.32 KB, 766x1024, Vibin'.jpg)

We count ex-fembois here, like Smug_Homeslice or FemboyFishing?
No. 1286241
File: 1627506071207.png (124.89 KB, 1826x901, 5.png)

I know the focus of this thread is cafebeef and other Twitter fags of his ilk but the /lgbt/ femboy threads are such a dumpster fire. Apparently there's a TIF femboy in their discord and the a-logging is incredible, the last few threads were derailed with seething over this person. Also I find a woman being "not on par with the average femboy" very hard to believe, especially based on the selfies that usually get posted in the thread kek
No. 1286544
File: 1627548272740.png (910.32 KB, 935x1129, fuckingkek.png)

there is no way on earth a woman thought this unless she had recently been shitting into her own eyeballs
No. 1286590
>>1286544People with a fetish will lie and make up weird stories about things that never happened because people thinking these are genuine experiences helps get them off. Ever have a moid start banging on about a three way he totay had with two hot girls that just wanted him so bad? Bullshit.
I'm calling bullshit.
Well done hypertard you've just outed yourself as a Yaniv tier menstrual fetishist. Disgusting.
No. 1286611
>>1286587His coworker would also know that he is not a woman since they probably heard him talk before and heard his manly-ass voice. You can hear it in
>>1263814 this video. There is no way anyone who ever heard him speak would be fooled.
No. 1286828
File: 1627586862194.png (273.55 KB, 692x692, xp.png)

Femboy Culture Ruined an Entire Generation of Men
[Verse 1]
AGP and HRT, conceited with low self-esteem
He's a teenage dream if you hate yourself
Uncombed hair and pastel clothes
Thinks facism is the way to go
He's a wannabe whore, a dime-a-dozen reprobate
SSRIs and discord hivemind
Dresses up and posts for all those guys
He'd get fucked and sucked if he wasn't living with his mom
Retarded views on politics
Likes to listen to shitty music
He shoves toys up his hole imagining it's chad dong
He saw Bailey Jay
And so he obeyed
The allure of sissy hypno
It's sad to think he's someone's son
In his father's image he was to become
And now, he's a cock aficionado
[Verse 2]
HRT and bathtub E, 24 years old but acts like he's 14
Sits inside all day with skin pale as a ghoul
Ahegao eyes but dead inside
He's a transbian, and not really bi
He's a whore, a hole, discovered traps in middle school
Only pedophiles in denial think he's anything worthwhile
His troon-like style will drive you wild
He's an alcoholic loser bitch that likes to listen to edgy music
He drinks and smokes and tokes and chokes on dick
He saw Bailey Jay
And so he obeyed
The allure of sissy hypno
It's sad to think he's someone's son
In his father's image he was to become
And now, he's an autopedo
He saw Bailey Jay
And so he obeyed
The allure of sissy hypno
It's sad to think he's someone's son
In his father's image he was to become
And now, he's a cock aficionado
No. 1286864
File: 1627590622991.png (13.98 KB, 533x247, Bez tytułu.png)

Beef evolved
No. 1287014
File: 1627604648390.webm (5.86 MB, 714x1278, vsvkT494nIqnPYCW.webm)
Was digging around for more milky femboy accounts and I stumbled on one of Kuun's alts with this video posted on it kek. Catch his male ass voice, there's no way a coworker who had overhead him at any point in time would be asking him for a pad.
Here's the account, it's basically dead right now though: No. 1287128
File: 1627627928823.png (2.43 MB, 1020x2400, 1627579108086.png)

I'm shocked that ArabianIliad/ArabianOdyssey hasn't been mentioned here yet. He's an anti-semitic, homophobic, Middle Eastern femboy who claims to hate trannies despite being on HRT for months, shills himself on 4chinz, and has a cannibal fetish.
No. 1287175
File: 1627640844070.png (115.37 KB, 930x758, Screen Shot 2021-06-06 at 7.52…)

>>1286864Evolved like Cosmo/Narcissa Wright. Who this transvestite reminds me of.
No. 1287802
>>1287794whats does this mean?
>>1287795sorry… i didn't consider you might prefer girls because guys are a lot better usually imo… not trans btw :D
>>1287801this sub is anonymous so i dont think im embarrassing myself
(integrate better) No. 1287838
>uses emoji AGAINWhat's so wrong about that, you creatures?
File: 1627792424125.jpg (1.74 MB, 1920x2560, horror.jpg)

You say femboy, I say sleep paralysis demon.
No. 1288642
File: 1627808733837.png (1.67 MB, 1462x1200, 8C2C124B-4C91-4F8F-893B-673969…)

Just noticed pic of cafemoids in OPs image is trying to resemble this lmfao. This is what they think they look like when they wear “boy mode” clothing. No wonder why they REEE so hard at cute petite women (and underage girls). Trannies are all delusional grown men with serious problems. I hope he 41% and the police ID him as male just by observing his receding hairline becoming visible from the gunshot impact to his head.
No. 1289009
>>1288827Maybe, but to be fair - how does one tell? I mean, take a look at
>>1286544 - just as ridiculous/hideous, definitely NOT trolling. And even Cafebeef says not to take him seriously (although he definitely wants to be taken seriously.)
I say just nuke ‘em all.
No. 1289069
File: 1627852331830.png (25.98 KB, 741x253, hk.png)

of course this faggot is they'ing chris chan
No. 1289148
Cafebeef got mentioned by Null in last weeks stream in the middle of a Vice video about UK trannies complaining about the NHS. Apparently, the NHS prioritize patients with real medical conditions over trannies expensive cosmetic surgery which makes trannies 41%. It’s pretty funny how cafe is desperate to be seen as a based femboi when he’s a tranny just like all the other trannies, including the sideshows seen in the video (top kek).
@1:48:02 No. 1289188
File: 1627863730723.jpeg (172.43 KB, 944x1292, 8097035F-902B-403B-AA5F-C26BFA…)

>>1288540Dear diary
Today I visited my sweet neighbor’s apartment. Lily is 19 years old, a college freshman. She stands at 5’2 and weighs 100 lbs. A natural strawberry blonde with hair down her mid back, just above her elbows that are attached to her toned, yet womanly arms. Below, her child bearing hips which seamlessly curves to her slender yet curvy tanned legs signifying her oh, so fertile age. She is top heavy with busty Double D’s, unusually large breasts for her frame and age - a complete bombshell. She works down the street at a Cafe called Com(b)OverCafe and, while she works part time hours between classes and partying, I take this time to use her spare key found under her doormat so I can have fun in her small studio apartment just below. Today was such a day. Upon entering, I was hit with the smell of her shampoo, a smell I have never smelled before. My olfactory receptors took in the sweet, sweet smells and I couldn’t brace myself, I had to rub one out then and there. After finally recuperating from the intensity of my orgasm and busting my fem swimmers on her pillowcase, I opened the drawer and picked out a few items, placing them neatly on her small bed. After some feminine deliberation (ugh so many choicessss ~dumb girl things~) I settled for a white sports bra (one of her favorites), a beautiful sleeveless plunger neck top with mesh (it felt so nice against my skin) coupled with a tight, short black skirt. I sealed the look off with smearing layers of gorgeous ruby red lipstick on my lips and a few strokes of peach blush on the apples of my cheeks (I did it while smiling as instructed by Emily Trune in Seventeen Magazine, issue no. 362). Satisfied with my final look, I took time to pose and take a few Polaroids, and to my surprise, I eventually found myself in Lily’s small bed taking ever so risqué snapshots. Engrossed in my most daring escapade yet, I heard her car pull in. I put everything back in order because Lily had a date later tonight and Lily would for sure look through her drawer and closet for the sexiest, most seductive outfit for her dates eyes only (and other onlookers hihi). Somehow, in the midst of this sudden rush, managed to borrow a pair of panties and 2 bras. Success!
No. 1289348
File: 1627903154226.jpg (140.72 KB, 911x1200, ETCeAG5UUAEumIc.jpg)

This thread lacks Avie the trap
No. 1289413
File: 1627910820795.png (463.4 KB, 1080x1035, p5pzt455i6271.png)

pls laugh
No. 1289458
File: 1627915845041.png (45.08 KB, 544x284, file 1.png)

>>1289069|I have seen many people do that, for may reasons
No. 1289967
>>128871120-year-old sexually insecure boys
Cafebeef is in his 30s lol
No. 1289988
File: 1627986353614.jpg (616.9 KB, 2000x1800, at378k7b9ve71.jpg)

His poor mom, he looks like a skinny twink and not even remotely feminine, only some pedo gay scrote or a girl whose into skinny anime looking boys finds this attractive
though he does have a nice looking cock
No. 1290030
>>1289348I think this dude is just super autistic and harmless, dunno how much of a coomer they are but yea never seen much of him drawing attention to himself with drama.
>>1289458A lot of people don't associate they/them being individual pronouns and instead use it to not call a tranny the correct ones.
No. 1290032
File: 1627995231307.jpg (40.61 KB, 720x835, c43cfe1ad06e709c43fa551fa77709…)

>>1289988And they hate Chris Chan for raping his mother. Do AGPs have Oedipus complex? They start off crossdressing wearing their mom's bras and underwear.
No. 1290147
File: 1628011620863.png (116.98 KB, 444x440, 1374796030634.png)

>>1289988>though he does have a nice looking cockWhy did you feel the need to share that opinion
No. 1290560
>>1290423They all date each other just like the regular trannies. He also lives in England so looks don't matter too much.
>>1290536Tbf, fucking someone and being in a relationship with someone are two different things. If you date Cafebeef you will have to validate him 24/7 and listen to his not-like-other-trannies self-deprecating bullshit all day long.
"Do these jeans make me look like a 12 year old boy?"
"Yes, luv, bloody hell you look like a proper lil lad, anyways imma head down to the pub to get meself properly smashed alroit"
No. 1290590
File: 1628071817262.png (154.36 KB, 532x776, Bez nazwy.png)

>>1286078Anons, looks like he actually still is a femboy
No. 1291390
File: 1628164270037.png (27.81 KB, 736x290, cope.png)

Copebeef is back with a fresh cope. Any of you ever look at a man and think "man I wish I looked like that"? Yeah me neither. Stop projecting your jealousy onto us, Copebeef. The only women who want to look like men are women who were molested as kids and want to be as physically unattractive to men as possible to avoid sexual predators such as your ilk.
No. 1291419
File: 1628168986835.jpg (543.44 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20210805-143018_Chr…)

>>1291390He's so delusional, typical male. He's skinnyfat and out of shape, women really don't lift to have ugly male body kek
No. 1291635
File: 1628186169312.png (49.82 KB, 587x793, Cafeman and moonface.png)

>>1291633Cafeman and moonface get off on being perceived as women
No. 1292044
>>1291645How does he make sure his combover bangs stay in place?
>>1291628I think younger femboys are getting disgusted by him.
No. 1292820
>>1292646"men are designed to be actively turned on by cuckoldry" I do not believe this as men are possessive
abusive creatures so do you have any evidence of this fact because it sounds like you are just making this shit up.
No. 1293261
The sad ugly little "femboy" has unquestionably convinced his chasers otherwise if you look at his gofundme.
No. 1294210
File: 1628436812003.jpg (715.07 KB, 540x4347, femboys.jpg)

I found this helpful image to share with our poor femboy frends like Copebeef. I know you can not afford therapy Copebeef, so maybe this will help you instead!
No. 1294216
File: 1628437410963.png (1.84 MB, 1464x4048, meltdown.png)

Copebeef also had another meltdown. Man it's really crazy how when you only ever post highly filtered and angled pictures of yourself that do not represent reality, your friends do not understand why you feel disphoria over your actual appearance. Just admit you look nothing like your pictures irl. But let's be honest, trannies lie to each other all he time. Even the ugliest, hulking hons are told by their friends that they totally pass.
No. 1294217
File: 1628437537168.jpg (25.56 KB, 400x400, copebeef.jpg)

He also had a new profile pic. Look at that scalp peeking through the bangs.
No. 1294227
File: 1628438286510.png (36.23 KB, 730x338, pedo.png)

How does HRT make you age backwards and look so young when you are literally balding? kek
Also gross pedo shit once again.
No. 1294228
File: 1628438489961.png (176.6 KB, 400x400, Baldbeef.png)

>>1294217When he brushes he bangs back
No. 1294582
>>1292820They're possessive and
abusive precisely because they anticipate cuckoldry 24/7, which doesn't mean that it doesn't actively entice them. Aggression and lust are wired extremely closely in a man's brain, so it's normal for a man to be mad AND turned on. They're the gender of madonna/whore complex, it's foolish to look for any sort of logical consistency in their behavior. The stimuli they're designed to respond to are contradictory, which is the reason why they're all insane.
There are studies that show that a) sperm quality increases if the male suspects infidelity, b) males who think their partners are cheating fuck harder and last longer and c) males prefer women who are preferred by higher ranking males, even if the preference has nothing to do with good genetics (sickly medieval women, fat Rubenesque women, blackened teeth, mutilated lips, ugly mannish high fashion). The more a woman
triggers a man's mate guarding instinct, the more desired she is. Keep in mind that I'm defining "desired" as "simped for", not "fuckable" - whether a man wants to fuck you is not a reliable predictor of your sexual value.
The mating patterns you see today are those of enforced monogamy. Historically, most men died virgins and were reduced to nothing but fapping spectators watching a minority of males reproduce. Getting turned on by watching another man bang a woman you're attracted to makes sense, because it's advantageous to be ready to mate after him, to try to outcompete his sperm. Sperm competition is ubiquitous in mammals.
Additionally, even altright nofap faggots have begun to acknowledge that porn is basically just men watching a more virile, more well endowed man hatefully (because they fucking hate her for going for a better cock) fucking a woman they could never have. Coomers admit it between themselves. It'sentirely normal (and expected) for them to be turned on by something that actively causes them psychological distress - in fact, it's one of the ways coomerism escalates.
I fully expect a lot of REEEEEEing in response to this post, it always generates butthurt moid replies like nothing else.(derailing) No. 1295562
File: 1628486610059.jpeg (135.69 KB, 1242x919, F9BEB8BD-E13F-4420-8DE6-77D664…)

>>1294217He knows he just looks like Rick from degrassi right
No. 1295944
File: 1628517658491.png (1.81 MB, 1334x1398, moid.png)

This is your brain on groom. Kek I love this mass-delusion that is happening on discord and /lgbt/ where a bunch of scrotes convince each other that they are totally hot girls instead of ugly nerds with chickenlegs.
No. 1295951
File: 1628518419222.png (22.64 KB, 744x162, copebeef2.png)

Copebeef has like 100 tweets whining about how he can't afford therapy. I give you some free advice a therapist would give you right now: delete your twitter, stop going on 4chan and stop talking to mentally ill people who reinforce your delusions all day.
No. 1295966
>>1295951Whores himself out for his FFS GoFundMe but won't crowd fund for therapy, which is a
lot cheaper than plastic surgery. Hmm… it's almost like you don't want your fragile little bubble burst, Mr. Beef…
No. 1296521
File: 1628552960562.gif (921.41 KB, 480x270, 753769D9-0929-482F-8845-143235…)

>>1295944>I just wanna be hot, and apparently I am.Hate to break it to ya, buddy…,
No. 1298561
File: 1628776548983.bmp (3.21 MB, 760x1476, cringe.bmp)

Cafebeef never disappoints, every time I look at his twitter there is some fresh cringe.
No. 1298562
File: 1628776733234.png (Spoiler Image,518.16 KB, 736x736, man_ass.png)

pimply hairy man-ass, so enticing!
No. 1298565
File: 1628776931121.png (1.23 MB, 1682x692, ugly.png)

No. 1298568
File: 1628777120701.png (65.25 KB, 730x438, oversharing.png)

This dude is literally always oversharing about his gross sex-life. He must have been an incel for a long time before he found his tranny-bf.
No. 1298668
>>12986531. Autism and autists' unstoppable attraction to meme ideologies. 10 years ago all of them would be ancaps or some other type of extremely online cringe.
2. Men are inherently hierarchical. Ideology that (outwardly) claims to be against hierarchies or threatens to abolish them = feminine/forcefemme. Very easy to coom to if you're a limpwristed degen.
3. Incel to troon pipeline. Since men's primary resource of interest has always been sex, they see socialism as a righteous beta uprising that isn't about owning your labor or alleviating poverty, but rather about making the "oppressed" inceliat the new ruling class. The rich Chads get the wall and the
terf Stacies are sent to the brothel-gulag. The commiecel assumes his rightful position in the nomenklatura, where Bernie Sanders personally dispenses him a bangmaid. If you think this is a huge reach, take a look at leftypol - roughly 90% of their "class struggle" is about not getting laid. This is more of a "trans wamyn are whamen suck the girlcock bigot" MTF thread type though.
No. 1298831
File: 1628806081876.png (856.59 KB, 2456x2504, copebeef :tttt.png)

Someone made a thread about beef on /tttt and he emerged 2 seconds later in the responses
No. 1298832
File: 1628806279717.png (4.87 MB, 1440x3200, waist trainer beef.png)

He 100% has to go out with a cap or beanie everyday so the combover bangs stay in place
No. 1298842
File: 1628806600372.png (281.95 KB, 1125x1325, chaser sperg.png)

everyone on /tttt is a tranny, cafe
No. 1298900
File: 1628811696810.jpg (536.31 KB, 2836x1837, 79312021.jpg)

No. 1299260
File: 1628867881083.jpeg (562.86 KB, 1659x1659, C4B47236-C84A-4B4C-A26C-D662A8…)

your POV when you thought you were alone in the womens bathroom, but the stall door swings open as you're redressing and then….this….stare….and all you hear is the echoing sound of a dripping faucet and his crusted eyes blinking audibly before the click and flash of his camera
No. 1299333
>>1299216>prettyrofl, ok sweaty balding nerd
>>1299260Willow or whatever this one's name is really spoops me out every time. He's not the ugliest one out of the bunch (HyperKyuun wins that one), but those deep set cryptkeeper eyes and the voldemort nose just gives me the heebie jeebies. Just always looks like he's been dead at least a week and continues to walk around like nothing happened. Put some concealer on, jesus christ.
No. 1299365
File: 1628882025078.png (439.61 KB, 519x859, 57762110120.png)

>>1299308Someone posted it in a group chat
No. 1299640
>>1298842>>1298831>>1298832jesus, now he's trying to get validation in 4chan since his twitterfags are so done with him.
he's so fucking pathetic and he just wants to be the sexual fantasy of a straight man plus trying to cancel out his homosexuality.
I'm so done with his pitty party.
No. 1299823
File: 1628939030159.png (25.19 KB, 737x182, incels.png)

>>1299640Gay men always had "turning a straight man" as their ultimate fantasy. Femboys and trannies just take it to the next level by trying to trick straight men into thinking they are women. But in the end, any man who bangs another man, even if that man is wearing a skirt and thigh-highs is not straight and has never been straight. Truly a tragedy.
Also apparently incels don't actually hate women, they dindo nuffin and when they do mass shootings of women it's because.. they were born with weak jaws? And are sad? I don't know, but what I do know is that trannies like Copebeef fend of incels cause he is an incel. Not a woman.
No. 1299894
File: 1628950481244.jpeg (457.61 KB, 828x994, EEE0C4D5-CB09-4D0E-8AF4-1FFB39…)

This reached the front page of R*ddit right now from two self-proclaimed femboys in cat ears and a maid outfit. Comments are being removed by the second, mods can hardly keep up.
No. 1299944
>>1299894Is this still shocking? I thought all zoomers look like this now. Like if you go into a high school in current year they all wear covid masks, cat ears and maid outfit and the girls all have e-girl blush, chokers and OnlyFans.
>>1299843The shooter wasn't even that ugly, considering he was british. He just needed a shave and a haircut and he could have banged every girl at the pub. But Incels like Copebeef are truly convinced it's their looks and not their horrific personalities that make people hate them. Don't get me wrong, Cafebeef is also hideously ugly, but I would never even notice him if it wasn't for his constant seethe and cope on twitter.
I am also convinced Copebeef fantasizes about shooting women a lot, since he has like a million tweets about how much he hates women.
No. 1300089
>>1299823beefy probably sympathises bc his outlook is the exact same weird blackpill bullshit as an incels
like in
>>1294216 it's the exact same thought process "I can never have what I want (girlfriend/transition) because of a circumstance that plenty of people have already overcome (being unattractive/ not transitioning early), therefore I should never even try to be happy and the only course of action is to just stay at home raging about never being accepted by society, despite never making an attempt to join it"
>>1299823is that a response to a specific post? i have literally not heard a single person say that. I've heard more of people expressing confusion as to why an average looking guy would think he was so hideous.
his entire worldview literally revolves around how attractive people are, it's like he honestly thinks that if you arent perceived as beautiful you will never have a good life
No. 1300103
>>1300089>it's like he honestly thinks that if you arent perceived as beautiful you will never have a good lifeIt's quite strange, since he lives in England and the standards are literally on the floor. Most people there don't care and they reproduce and find love anyways.
>is that a response to a specific post? i have literally not heard a single person say that. No. I also haven't seen anyone say that. I think most people are more upset at the incel shooting a 3 year old girl with a shotgun than over him being ugly, but that's what Cafebeef focuses on, obviously.
No. 1300489
File: 1629024665886.png (8.74 MB, 2232x3968, snagglebeef.png)

British teeth.
No. 1300490
File: 1629024696357.png (297.94 KB, 726x898, lol.png)

No. 1300541
File: 1629034674515.jpg (54.88 KB, 640x853, 11.jpg)

I posted this another thread but it fits better here, we've discussed this many times but I think it bears repeating, No matter how beautiful a male is he can never look like a convincing women, let alone a "cute girl", Only closeted scrotes think picrel or any other "trap" looks attractive(this is with AI female filters mind you and he still has an unquestionably masculine male face)
the funny thing is if this guy just presented himself in a slightly alternative fashion or even as a regular guy he could have attracted both girls and guys, but as a "trap" the only ones who will even approach him will be cumbrained, closeted homo scrotes
No. 1300598
>>1300580>I don't get why they never really experiment with alt fashion or androgyny and go straight for 'girl'Because some of them are autistic & maladjusted. They don't step out of their comfort zone, then a tranny groomer invades said zone and fills their mind with this shit. Some of these idiots suffer from porn & anime brainrot, so going femboy is the "logical" conclusion.
I'm not excusing the misogyny that they may end up spewing, btw. That's on them, 100%.
No. 1300625
>>1300598Yeah, it's grooming. Either through other trannies on discord or on /lgbt/. "Oh you are a boy and get called a faggot in school cause you are feminine? YOU ARE TRANS! EGG! CRACKED! YOU ARE WOMAN! … now put on the socks and send me your bootyhole pics!"
Trannies are a fucking cult and they need new members constantly cause they can only date each other since nobody else wants them. Plus a large majority of them are pedos and they groom impressionable kids who are still confused. Ofc those kids grow up to look like men and are then discarded for the next 15 year old terminally online neglected child. They then go on to groom kids themselves cause they want others to be as miserable as them. Crabs in a bucket.
No. 1301054
File: 1629107237302.jpg (190.03 KB, 900x1200, 1629097762333.jpg)

Reminder that the "cute catboy" who passes so well on twitter with angles and filters looks like this when you meet him irl.
No. 1301107
File: 1629116409744.png (659.34 KB, 732x664, round.png)

he is getting more unfortunate looking by the day
No. 1301123
File: 1629117986643.png (Spoiler Image,88.51 KB, 517x838, trap.png)

>>1301110Did he have assworms?
No. 1301146
>>1301123Didn’t get that far honestly but probably. I got sent some unsolicited asshole pics and it was disgusting.
Femboys aren’t real, they’re just guys using filters.
Change my mind.
No. 1301254
File: 1629126608201.png (1019.69 KB, 676x1692, spergout.png)

Hyper_KYuun is having a spergout over CrystalCafe talking about him
>I do pass as female
lmao, deluded
No. 1301258
File: 1629126706994.png (118.62 KB, 809x739, projection.png)

He thinks the people mocking them are other tranners, lel.
No. 1301263
File: 1629126916539.png (3.58 MB, 1536x2048, cope.png)

>>1301258>I pass flawlessly outsidelololol
No. 1301268
File: 1629127140980.png (149.31 KB, 818x796, unemployed.png)

>>1301258The shit about "AT LEAST I HAVE A JOB! YOU ARE UNEMPLOYED!" is ofc also projection
No. 1301274
File: 1629127495712.png (2.53 MB, 2048x1536, bulge.png)

>>1301254he literally walks around with a bulge
No. 1301291
>>1301289long hair + dress = female
short hair + pants = male
Autistic moids literally can not distinguish gender further than this.
No. 1301480
>>1301254These two have to be trolls. There’s nothing remotely attractive about either one of them, and the faces they make in their pictures are downright bizarre. The heavy handed sex talk, the outrageous “passing” stories - it’s all a joke, right?
No. 1301763
File: 1629191535343.png (2 MB, 1242x2178, 041157B8-1DE4-4548-B45D-43F20D…)

It’s the wimmens fault wimmen exist I can’t be a wimmen ahhhh please I want to kms every time I see a cute girl ahhhh men kill and abuse me because I have a dick it’s the wimmens fault I have a dick and that I don’t look like a cute feminine animu girl because wimmin. I went to kill all wimmenssss they hate meeee
No. 1301792
File: 1629198594419.png (38.13 KB, 806x178, cafebeef.png)

Cafebeef calling anyone whiny and complaining too much is truly peak irony. His entire online presence is him complaining about his issues and transgenderism on twitter.
No. 1301801
File: 1629201212620.jpg (71.24 KB, 506x900, E88hFfHXMAMHYfk.jpg)

Why does this feel hella uncanny to me? There is something fucked up with this photo.
No. 1302032
>>1301880lmao. You think Copebeef just watches
TERF tiktoks all day, like he enjoys reading here? Man it must suck to hate women this much yet be so envious that you will never be one.
No. 1302698
File: 1629293772534.png (131.18 KB, 802x840, cringe.png)

Some fresh cringe. His burning hatred for women is only "ironic".
>>1302288>He is one of the good onesDoesn't exist. They are all the same.
No. 1302711
shits weird
fucking coomers literally addicted to what amounts to gay psuedo-JB
all these coomers pulling their hair out worrying if theyre gay, and not worrying whether or not theyre sexually attracted 14yo boys
shittok should be nuked from orbit imo
whole things basically a pedogroomers wetdream
i can only imagine how many kids next gen are gonna get RAEPed by zoomers who grew up twiddling themselves to 12yos dancing to shitty music
>>1302698wat a fag
No. 1302712
File: 1629295037869.png (32.27 KB, 448x154, Bez nazwy.png)

>>1302698Looks canon to me anon
No. 1302731
>>1302715no one of this generation does irl anymore
everyones just in their respective internet bubble getting/giving asspats to ensure a collective suspension of disbelief
everyone took the internet so seriously that now the internet is more irl than irl
have you ever tried to talk to late millenials/zoomers irl?
i thought millenials were bad but damn with these goobers its like talking to a mental invalid
internet "socialization" is the only thing they ever had. their irl thoughts are cut-off by an arbitrary 120 character limit.
now theyre all getting older and realizing that their identity crisis that started when they were teenagers isnt going away, so they retreat into a cacophony of cynicism and post-ironic twitter spam, masturbating to whatever degenerate shit gets algorithmed into their line of sight
sure, one could argue that a similar thing happens here, but at least no farmers worth their salt try to cultivate some fake and gay internet persona and parade it around as if they have a life
its that shred of self-awareness that makes all the difference
No. 1302740
>>1302738>he is almost 30ouch
the wall cometh for us all
or i guess in his case, the 41st percentile
>Some serious pedo vibesto say the absolute least
i hope at least the self-induced chemical castration did its job
No. 1302761
File: 1629300209720.png (Spoiler Image,58 KB, 400x400, download.png)

>>1301254holy heckin goddamn
now THATS a specimen
mask mandates are the best thing to ever happen in this dudes whole life
nigga looks like mundane matt in a wig
No. 1303036
>>1302994>Where do these moids get their confidence?the legions of deranged coomers that give constant asspats in exchange for minor acknowledgement of their existence?
not getting bullied enough as a kid?
a little of both?
No. 1303146
>>1303058couldnt be the shitting his pants and doing nothing for years, right?
nooooo its cuz imma Real Girl™
and girls go to jupiter to get more stupider
troons, and these half-troons too apparently, seem to think that once they get their titty skittles, that suddenly their lives will become perfect, with absolutely zero effort on their part
now you just have crippling depression, social anxiety/tism, a mess of a life (and likely bedroom too), and slightly larger nipples
maybe the issue wasnt the lack of pantsu in you undies drawer, and more that your life was, and still is, a wreck
No. 1304323
File: 1629442080579.png (22.33 KB, 812x128, t4t.png)

The users on /pol/ and /lgbt/ are the same people, kek. Beautiful t4t relationship, as is tradition for trancels.
No. 1435147
>>1144193It's pretty normal to piss/shit yourself in combat.
It's not something that gets talked about much, for obvious reasons, but it's something most veterans of serious fighting can agree on.
No. 1541495
File: 1653630696941.jpg (131.44 KB, 1280x720, moon man eats anne frank pizza…)

>>1263872ikr at least listen to moon man if you want to keep the racist tone
No. 1541496
File: 1653630968341.jpg (1.14 MB, 2100x1149, the reddit skeptics of autism …)

>>1264928>>1267319septics are true subhumans
No. 1541511
File: 1653633230370.gif (1.08 MB, 500x375, doom monster infighting meme i…)

>>1273937>>1274007I absolutely enjoy it when the alphabet mutants infight online