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No. 524620
By popular request, one unified thread to collect all milk on Marilyn Manson, 51 year old drug addict, washed -up rocker, serial abuser and rapist still trying to live vicariously through his glory days of the 90s when he was still young and the drugs hadn't completely fried his brain.
> Accused by multiple ex girlfriends including ERW of rape, physical/sexual/emotional abuse, torture, forced confinement and forced drug use
> uses his barely legal fanbase to find young girls to groom, abuse and take advantage of while dangling the same one liners of helping with their careers, putting them in a music video or wanting a serious relationship
> Publicly talked about wanting to beat ERW's skull in with a sledgehammer
> May or may not be using multiple sockpuppet emails to harass and stalk girls, alleged to have fake Model Mayhem account to find 18 year old girls to groom under the guise of photographing them
> May have had a sexual relationship with Lilith Levisis (also a cow; see thread) when she was underaged, tried to pit her against his other girlfriend at the time, Gabriella
> Has assistant (sockpuppet? ) named Jude who has been implicated in verbal and emotional abuseand stalking towards young girls
> long term drug addict and alcoholic who hit the wall going 100 m/h then got liposuction and tried to claim the bruises were from being beat up by his ex
> torpedoed his marriage to Dita Von Teese over 10+ years ago and still trying to remake every girl he dates into her image
> Long term on/off relationship? with Lindsay Usich, 35 y/o NEET and Dita skinwalker who met him when she was 25 and has been implicated in verbal abuse and stalking herself, using his phone to send nasty message to other woman he is dating or friends with, and being violent to fans
No significant social media links; except the official @MarilynManson. Lindsay Usich's instagram is @LindsayUsichOfficial, comments disabled
No. 525111
>>524620good OP anon
some SS of his milk would be nice too
No. 525395
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Comments on Manson & Usich relationship from ppl who were watching the drama.
No. 525406
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Maybe not all girls he picked up from his fanbase were even barely legal.
No. 525412
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>>525406On underage girls. I found this thread years ago on one forum. Jessicka Addams accused him of dating underage girls in 2017 but she didn't add any proofs or any stories to it.
No. 525583
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He picks up women on social media. He found several his ex gfs on Myspace including Stoya. Ppl on his fan forum talked about him stalking Stoya on Myspace and sending her weird messages while he was once joking in his interview that he was called a psycho stalker by his ex gf's (I think Isani Griffith) friends. Here's a good comment about him picking up girls.
No. 525585
Highlights from a very long post in Russian:
- Manson choose 6 young girls to an after party.
-He drank straight vodka and offered them drinks, as well.
-The girl asked to use the bathroom on his bus and he make a joke (?) and wouldn’t let her.
-“Manson had a super trained eye, all the girls turned out to be super flexible bodies” and they measured their muscles and had an arm wrestling contest. Apparently, Manson won the contest.
-“ In the morning he said that he was tired and that he was going to rest, his assistant helped him to get there and sent the most flexible girl from Hungary to him, and we, with the most cowardly girl, exhaled with relief)”
-“ In short, Manson is kind, good uncle with a pedophile taste (everyone he picked looked at 15 years old, except for the Dubai girl)“
-“ We asked how the leg heals. Doesn’t it hurt him (instead of answering this question he swallowed half a glass of vodka)“
- girls weren't ask to show their IDs to prove they aren't underage
-girls were asked to give away their cellphones and cameras to the security guard before they would get on the tourbus No. 525586
Highlights from a post of a girl who met Manson in Vienna in 2012 and was invited on his tourbus:
-a bunch of girls were invited on tourbus
-there were security guards, roadies, Manson and his gf Lindsay Usich
- Manson joked "This is a rape type of situation." Girls were offered drinks then Manson joked again “Now that you all drank it, I can tell you that there was Rohypnol in it.”
- "He got this idea that some of us girls should go to the other bus with Lindsay and bring the guys there. Then he made the idea more specific by saying he wants to do a “titty parade”. His idea was that a few of us girls and Lindsay will come to the other tour bus and show the other band mates our tits."
-the rest 4 hours they spent entertaining each other and joking, nothing crazy that time. No. 525587
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Comments of one of Manson's ex gfs Ashley Morgan to Esme Bianco, one another his ex gf, posts of abuse.
No. 525588
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Him joking in an interview about locking girls in a soundproof room in a dance studio where he used to live.
No. 525589
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Esme Bianco post and a pic of her and Manson together on the day she talks about in her post about an abusive ex.
No. 525595
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Shortly after Esme Bianco coming out with her experience of abusive relationship Manson's ex assistant Ashley Walters twitted insinuating that she was abused by him herself and coerced to have sexual relationship with him (?) It's known that Manson makes ppl who work with him to sign nda.
No. 525665
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I think nobody will mind if I repost everything anons brought up about 666fearless from the Rock Celebricows thread. I have a feeling that's Manson\smb on his payroll behind them so it's gotta be kinda milky to read for anybody new to the thread.
>It looks like there used to be A LOT on him a year ago. Manson posted his new painting on Friday and it is EXACTLY the same painting which one of his haters had as their profile pic TWO YEARS AGO. This 666fearless guy spilt a lot back then! I fg regret I didn't screen shot every single comment they wrote, but they legit sounded like a psycho fan. They are talking about his gf Lindsay Usich in the pic.
Is there anybody who has more?
No. 525672
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>>525670Opinions of anons who got to watch the drama:
>I remember the 666fearless account well, I wish I took screenshots. Her claim was Manson blamed Lindsay and his assistant, Judd, for rude and disturbing messages written from Manson’s account. I don’t think anyone believed his lie, it was pretty obvious it was an excuse. 666fearless also posted a screenshot of Manson under a fake account threatening her, and Manson under his main account telling 666fearless he gave the sock puppet her email address. The whole thing was sketchy af and Manson was probably behind it all.
>Hopefully someone grabbed screenshots, but 666fearless posted screenshots on her account from Manson and an email harassing them from someone Manson supposedly gave their contact info to. 666fearless deleted all their posts though. the pic is to the last comment.
No. 525676
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>>525665>>525670>>525672One more:
>i have some screenshots, too. fearless mentioned that Manson is being blackmailed by Lindsay. i followed her account until got kicked lol. guess my page looked way too fake to stay in her followers. she posted several texts from Manson and a crazy fan whom Manson instructed to harass her. btw one of the posts was about Courtlyn :D manson talked to fearless about his chicks quite often. he also sent fearless Lindsay's breakup letter she gave him in 2015(?), and complained that Lindsay would usually be physically agressive, like hitting-punching, with him lol. i was shocked to learn that Manson edited the letter a bit before reading it in front of the crowd. the worst thing is that fearless posted she was drugged and beaten up and she made it very obvious Manson was involved. idk why there has been no justice on him so far. inb4 you ask me, no i have no screenshots, idk why i was so dumb lol No. 525680
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>>525665>>525670>>525672>>525676Almost the last one.
>A letter from Lindsay to Manson and some texts from Manson to fearless. I unfollowed when things got too dirty. Manson also texted fearless like Lindsay would be going to police as though she had done some shit or smth. According to Manson Lindsay leaked a lot of pics of them together to fake their relationships, she wanted ppl to think they are together when they were apart. Manson also said Lindsay's father hates him and Lindsay's mother tried blackmailing him or smth. No. 525682
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>>525680>>525676>>525672>>525670>>525665The final post of compilation! Thank you for tolerating the mess I have done :D
>The letter he read at the notorious gig.(see the pic)
>I mean what makes you think 666fearless isn't one of Manson's fakes.
>I do suspect it’s one of his fakes, but I have nothing to back up. A girl I spoke to who chatted with 666fearless often thinks it’s Manson behind the account covering his ass with a woman he’s involved with online by blaming Lindsay/Judd for his behavior. All hearsay tho and no receipts.
>I doubt that. 666fearless's posts put Manson in a very negative light in my eyes. Continuously lying to everybody, not being able to control basic things in his lie, framing Mickey Rourke for raping Evan Rahcel Wood, etc. If fearless was his fake, it would be the dumbest strategy ever. I have my hopes up that someone grabbed screenshots. What is more, you can google 666fearless and find a twitter account of the same name, there used to be an "attorney" in the twitter bio and instagram one. It must be the same girl, apparently her name is Michelle. No. 525689
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>>525682Omg, that was not the final one. A lot of screenshots from an anon from the previous thread. Unlike the one who posted them I know how to merge pictures but I am too lazy for that shit, so sorry, don't judge me :D
>Hehe, here comes some milk for ya, kids! Enjoy! :D I don't know how to merge pictures, sorry for the mess. These may not be in a chronological order, and sorry for repetitions if any, I was taking screenshots chaotically. :D No. 525800
Just a snippet of something. I guess it isn't just underage girls MM's into.>It is 2003, and I am at a penthouse at Chateau Marmont, covering the wrap party for The Heart is Deceitful Above All Things. Based on a book of stories by JT LeRoy, the film is directed by and stars Italian actress Asia Argento, as a truck-stop hooker. She dresses her young son, played by 7-year-old Jimmy Bennett, as a girl, rouges and lipsticks him, and, as these things go, is complicit in the boy being raped by a character Argento is sleeping with.
>Tonight at the Marmont, Bennett lies entangled on the bed with Marilyn Manson. They are a passive centerpiece to those on the room's periphery—Jerry Harrison from Talking Heads, Sharon Osbourne cursing in the doorway, Sonic Youth's Kim Gordon—who have for years have turned out to support LeRoy, the teenage transgender drug-addicted hooker whose literary star rose so improbably in the early '00s
>No grown up that I can see is watching out for Bennett, who looks as unmoored as your average 8-year-old would at 10 p.m., with a man with one blue eye and one black rearranging your limbs just so.Deleted/reposted because I forgot to greentext the third part, and mistook the boy's age by a year. Either way, it's fucked.
No. 525808
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>>525800He befriended 16 yo Asia's daughter in 2017. This article is in Italian, it says Ana and Manson became friends. And here's a pic of them together. No. 525813
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He doesn’t like to shower or wash his hair.. he must straight up stink. I’ve also seen recent photos from the last tour and he had a missing tooth.
No. 525817
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He used to befriend children sometimes. Like Kayla Kennedy 11yo at that time and Gracie Grenier 9 yo at that time. But I haven't heard him to be on the bed with him or take them to the hotel.
No. 525818
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Carried over from the last thread -
> I live in LA and my husband is a sound engineer, I’ve met Marilyn Manson a few times and my husband works with many musicians that worked with Manson. The dude is a train wreck and notorious asshole in the industry. Severe alcoholism, as in he needs an assistant all the time to even function. Multiple personalities, fake accounts online to solicit girls, abuse. Everyone who works with him has to sign a NDA. He is not a good guy in his personal life.
No. 525820
>>525794So basically she wanted Manson to be her sugar daddy and was putting up with his rude behavior hoping for his support in future?
If you are taken to the tourbus and fucked, don't you think you the only one to whom it has happened so far. She appears to be a delusional grouppie.
No. 525823
>>525822- gets raped or mistreated in bed (btw if it's when she lost her virginity it would not have been pleasent in any case)
- gets mistreated in general (which could be a sign of zero interest from Manson, or so to say not so subtle fuck off message)
- continues communication hoping for support of her 'art'
Idk what to say.
No. 525853
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The dirty ran something on Lindsay Usich years ago- normally I’d say the dirty isn’t very good source but it’s in line with a lot of what of has been posted on Lindsay. I think they are both guilty of being narcs and using each other which is why he can’t stand her and she’s failed to get anywhere in life.
No. 525854
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No. 525869
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>>525850>>525857I found this one. Is it her?
No. 525922
>>525907Nope, it's still there.
>>525800>>525817He was on set with some of these kids, ofc he or they would want a pic with him. Manson has been friends with Asia for 15+ years, it's natural that his children got to know him. Having photos with children = pedo? Manson is a lame dork but these posts are nothing but wishful thinking.
No. 525927
>>525922Wishful thinking? Who wishes for this?
The first link literally described them
not being on set, and not acting or taking a quick photo, but at a wrap party.
There's literally no good reason for a grown ass man to be on a bed with a kid who's not his and clearly uncomfortable, tangled up "just so".
I don't know about the girl in the IG photos or Argento's daughter, but he's clearly not just a "lame dork".
No. 525930
>>525927The article doesn't mention that Manson is sitting on the other side of the bed with his back-in-the-day wife. If it did, it would be so juicy, right?
You can watch the video from that party, Manson sits with his back to the child and shows zero interest in general. No. 525946
>>525930>>525934I clicked around in that video, and he doesn't sit with his back toward him. If you mistook the person with facial hair for an 8 year old, I don't know what to say, anon.
It cuts around a lot and the camera shakes, but it shows both Jimmy Bennett and Cole Sprouse laying down while Manson is offscreen at some point (7:40). Somebody tickles them while Manson is heard saying "Two of JT. Couldn't be more perfect". You can tell he's the one offscreen because Sprouse asks about his contact lenses, and then the camera moves elsewhere and cuts out again before we get a view of how he acted around them.
All in all, no proof the article lied.
No. 525951
>>525933He only really spoke up about the sexual things from when he was 17 or so, though. The hotel room encounter.
Laura Albert (creator of the whole JT Leroy persona and writer of The Heart is Deceitful of All Things) basically accused her of molesting him during the filming of the movie when he was a child, but I don't remember him acknowledging that, ever.
This is from the same article:
>Laura Albert noses back on the stage, tweeting and posting on Facebook, in part, "I claim BS on you Argento! I might be the one person not scared of you. I know, as do many others, what went down on The Heart is Deceitful set and in Italy, etc. I might have been slamming gelato, but you were slamming something else… I also remember the line from my books you loved, 'Everybody needs someone to know who they really are.' I KNOW who you REALLY are. You have no business trying to co-opt a movement that you participated in with glee…Your time is up."Link to Tweet: he doesn't want to open that can of worms, it'd make sense he wouldn't mention Manson or anyone else involved, either.
No. 526074
>>526044Who fg cares where the milk comes from tbh? Be it from Hitler, I would enjoy it anyway.
Can we discuss two recent selfies of Manson? They were posted by fan accounts out of nowhere, one of them got deleted. What do you think?
No. 526099
The interview with Marilyn Manson's ex drummer Jason Sutter. Highlights:
From those two contacts, you got the Manson gig?
I toured with the New York Dolls through November 2010. I was looking for my next gig and got a text from Andy Gerold. It said, “Dude, Manson’s drummer just got fired. Call them.” I call Tracy, the girl who was tour manager. She doesn’t answer but sends me a text right back, “Put your name in the hat yesterday. Management will call.”
What happened then?
I was able to get management to look at my resume and pictures of me to make sure I’m not fat. Seriously somebody said that. Like, “Oh, what’s he look like?” They said, “Oh, he’s not fat. He looks cool.”
Making it to the first step meant not being fat? That’s funny.
That was the criteria for the first step. Meanwhile the drummer had been let go and his drums were still there ‘cause they were in mid-production and sure enough, this guy was a nut job and a ding dong and didn’t learn his parts. He was worried about his girlfriend trying to come to the shows and it turned out he was talking shit on Manson’s band. ‘Cause he became pals with Manson and was partying too much with him and had this false sense of power like showing up late and whatever. It’s none of my business and I could give a shit. I’m just glad the guy was a ding dong.
This is one of the songs you were going to have to play on the road?
He said, “Don’t worry. When Chris Vrenna was creating this track, he knew a drummer wouldn’t be able to play it. We’ll just program in the other double bass part and fly it in live. You don’t have to play this. I wouldn’t want your legs to get tired because I want you to be able to chase chicks after the show. He actually says that to me
Getting that gig must have been amazing.
Manson always joked that I was his session drummer and that I was the only session musician he ever worked with. That was the nicest he ever was to me because after that it was like whatever. I know that’s why he never pulled any shit with me and never threw anything or screamed. He would pull shit but he never did anything directly because he knew I’d walk off the stage and go get another job. It protected me and I didn’t have to worry about that shit luckily.
What were rehearsals like with Manson?
In rehearsal, Manson was throwing my drums around, kicking drums over, pouring flour and sugar all over them and crumbling up Granola bars so when I hit them they’ll fly all over the place. It’s funny but I didn’t care about the drum setup. Most dudes would be like, “Don’t fuck with my drums” but that’s not what you do with him.
Was it a challenge playing Marilyn Manson’s music?
Oh, hell yeah. They were playing to tracks and you’ve got Manson screaming at you. Any mistake that’s made by Manson onstage, you get blamed for it because you’re a sitting duck. The manager had a meeting with me before I joined and said, “I need you to know if Manson screws something up, you’re getting the blame for it in public. You have to be cool with that and you can’t call him out on that.” It gets old but he always screwed shit up and he had to let the audience know it wasn’t him. It was [in nasty, vindictive Manson-like voice] “Youuuuuu!” You with me? I’m a professional, I have a Masters Degree, I’ve played with all these people and now I have this guy screaming at me and trying to make fun of me with the audience ‘cause I’d screwed up a song that actually he screwed up. You’ve really got to put your ego in check and I know a lot of friends of mine wouldn’t have hung.
He really is a strange cat.
This is a charade that goes on even after the show ‘cause you’re in an altered reality. After the show, you have to go up and say, “Sorry, dude. Sorry I screwed that up. He’s like [in sarcastic voice], “Well don’t do it again.” This is reality, bro. This is the shit they don’t teach you in college. It was excruciating on and offstage a lot. He’s a tough character but I love the guy and we had great times. If I saw him now, I’d love it. He’s awesome but it was a horror show. It was a fucking war.
You also have a Marilyn Manson guitar pick, right?
A guy made them for me. I remember there was a moment with Manson where someone had mentioned I was selling picks online. He was like, “Are you selling picks with my name on it?” I was like, “No, dude. I’m not that much of a dork.” He’s just a nut when it comes to anything [with his name on it]. I don’t know but god bless him. He’s one of those dudes where no one can make a profit off him and it’s more egotistically than professionally. At one point someone mentioned in his camp, “Oh, by the way, your drummer is selling picks on eBay.” He’s got this weird camp and they’re always searching every post about him and it’s a big deal. It’s kinda silly but it was about a two-second conversation. I looked at him and said, “You really think I’m trying to make $5 a pick?”
The rest is here No. 526102
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On Manson being drunk and violent with ppl.
No. 526103
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Manson drunk in a movie theater.
No. 526104
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On Manson being aggressive to ppl.
No. 526107
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Priceless. Manson admits that he used to abuse his former assistant and then to pay off.
No. 526110
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>>526074One of leaked selfies. The account that posted them is deleted now. I wonder if it was Manson's fake :D
No. 526121
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>>526119 I also found the same pic on another account. Don’t know if they’re just reposting tho.
No. 526125
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One another selfie posted by that account. Shit he looks terrible. I'd not post pics like this :D
No. 526129
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And he just posted this. Hinting at something? The many faces of Manson.
No. 526140
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Lindsay Usich posted on the same or next day this pic. Similar t shirt and light.
No. 526157
>>526125>> had the hashtags unblockmeplease marilynmanson in both posts. Did they try to message Manson? If yes, how did they obtain the selfies?
Sorry, I didn't screen grab.
No. 526160
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No. 526400
>>525813In her old blog Lindsay posted how much she didn't like to wash her hair and how she had not changed her clothes for 3 months. One can say they are a perfect couple.
However, it is sad to see how this mishappened model and photographer copycats Dita.
No. 526407
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A snippet from ERW essay from the previous thread.
No. 526408
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A tweet of Esme Bianco.
No. 526413
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Marilyn Manson raped and tortured Evan Rachel Wood
In 2019 Evan Rachel Wood created the Phoenix Act to extend the statute of limitation in sexual abuse cases in California from 3 years to 10 years. She believes it’s important to give survivors time to come forward.
Evan testified in front of the senate on behalf of the Phoenix Act, detailing her own rape and abuse at the hands of a former boyfriend. Watch the extremely harrowing video here. (Obvious
In the video Evan says:
That she met the man in question at 18 years old. (Evan and Manson began dating when she was 18.)
That she looked up to him “in many ways.” (Common in relationships with a large age gap. There is 18 years between Evan and Manson.)
The man was charismatic and powerful. (As a fan of Manson’s music and a former fan of the man himself, I can attest to that he used to be incredibly charismatic early on in his career. The “Bowling For Columbine” interview is the obvious example.)
The relationship followed the normal grooming process with the man treating Evan like a princess at first and urging her to move in with him almost immediately. Evan then discovered the abuser had hidden a “terrible drug and alcohol problem” from her. (No sources needed for Manson’s drug and alcohol abuse but it seems like it may have been particularly bad at that point in time. Trent Reznor said in an interview in 2009: “He is a malicious guy and will step on anybody’s face to succeed and cross any line of decency. Seeing him now, drugs and alcohol now rule his life and he’s become a dopey clown.” He also said Manson used to fake being fucked up on alcohol and drugs but now there was no need to pretend.)
The abuser wanted Evan to look a certain way or else he would call her names and make fun of her. (Evan changed her look drastically when she started dating Manson. I followed their relationship back in the day and there were countless articles on gossip websites speculating Manson was forcing Evan to emulate his ex-wife, Dita Von Teese. Here’s a link to one of the articles, the first one I found after a snappy Google search.)
He cut Evan off from her friends and family by exhibiting rage around them in some way or form. He wanted Evan completely isolated and was extremely jealous. He’d wreck their joint home in jealous rages.
The abuser threatened and bullied people with violence and legal action. He’d brag about being able to have people killed and having friends in gangs. He illegally collected data on people to blackmail them.
He gifted Evan a cellphone that she found out he was monitoring. He downloaded spyware onto her laptop and hacked her e-mails and social media accounts.
He broke Evan down through sleep depravation, starvation and threats against her life. Sometimes he would threaten her with deadly weapons.
Sometimes he wouldn’t allow Evan to sleep until she participated in acts of “fear, pain, torture and humiliation.”
The abuser videotaped doing these things.
In some of the videotapes he can be heard threatening to kill Evan.
He also threatened her friends and family in these videos.
He threatened to leak parts of the footage and compromising photos he’d taken of her as blackmail.
Evan left him several times but he would call her house incessantly and threaten to to kill himself. (Quote by Marilyn Manson himself from Spin Magazine: “My lowest point was Christmas Day 2008, because I didn’t speak to my family. My walls were covered in scrawlings of the lyrics and cocaine bags nailed to the wall. And I did have an experience where I was struggling to deal with being alone and being forsaken and being betrayed by putting your trust in one person, and making the mistake of that being the wrong person. And that’s a mistake that everyone can relate to. I made the mistake of trying to, desperately, grasp on and save that and own it. And every time I called her that day — I called 158 times — I took a razorblade and I cut myself on my face or on my hands. I look back and it was a really stupid thing to do. This was intentional, this was a scarification, and this was like a tattoo. I wanted to show her the pain she put me through. It was like, “I want you to physically see what you’ve done.”)
On one occasion Evan returned to their home to try and diffuse the situation. The abuser tied her up, beat her and shocked sensitive parts of Evan’s body with a torture device called a violet wand. (Here’s a video of Manson stunning himself with his violet wand.)
After the violet wand occasion, Evan was so scared that she played along with whatever her abuser wanted. She endured constant daily abuse and occasional rape.
Eventually, Evan managed to escape safely.
She was diagnosed with Stockholm Syndrom and complex PTSD. It took her years of intense therapy to accept that she was abused.
After realizing she wasn’t the only woman tortured at the hands of Marilyn Manson, Evan took her hard evidence - photographs and video - to press charges. The evidence, however, was useless as the statute of limitation had passed on Evan’s case…
Marilyn Manson in 2009 about Evan Rachel Wood: “I have fantasies every day about smashing her skull in with a sledgehammer.”
He pretty much completely got away with that comment apart from the wonderful Patricia Arquette calling him out on Twitter years later. x x
Manson’s “The High End of Low” era, the album after Evan and him broke up, features a music video for the song “Running to the Edge of the World” where he beats the crap out of and murders a woman. It’s pretty much accepted that the murdered woman is supposed to represent Evan.
The rest of the text No. 526457
File: 1584384923335.jpeg (316.41 KB, 1536x2048, 76E1DB50-9D34-41D0-B2BD-4359DC…)

Screenshot of Laney Chantal supporting Mansonisabusive.
No. 526470
>She was diagnosed with Stockholm Syndrom and complex PTSD. I doubt she was diadnosed with Stockholm Syndrom. I don't remember Evan mention that and, if you google ERW+SS, every link is about a character of a movie Evan cast in.
> it is sad to see how this mishappened model and photographerDoes she have any career?
No. 526501
File: 1584391626862.jpg (355.93 KB, 1080x1219, IMG_20200316_214356.jpg)

Comment to the previous video.
No. 526503
File: 1584391676843.jpg (186.38 KB, 1080x1063, IMG_20200316_214406.jpg)

One more comment to the previous video.
No. 526518
File: 1584393952334.jpeg (309.27 KB, 1536x1869, 93E87F94-FBC6-427E-8A23-F1CDD3…)

Bella Thorne tagged a Manson side account (marlinmanson_private - since deleted) and had it up for months until she changed the tag recently. Anyone remember when Manson tweeted Bella’s name then deleted it?
Bella’s post: No. 526521
File: 1584394766443.png (108.45 KB, 500x482, IMG_20200316_223759.png)

>>526518Yes here's a screen of his deleted tweet.
No. 526522
>>526518It is rumored Lindsay controlled his dms/texts in the past. It is logical he could have a side account for private purposes. Thanks for the screen! Good job, anon. ]:)
Offtop: how dumb Bella Thorne should be…
No. 526575
File: 1584410203919.jpeg (264.67 KB, 1408x1911, 8C8FD08A-9C71-4BA0-8B63-C754BF…)

>>526518Also found a screenshot of marlinmanson_private.
No. 526690
File: 1584439843205.jpg (277.57 KB, 727x1080, IMG_20200317_110847.jpg)

It's disgusting af. Also her hair is greasy.
No. 526691
File: 1584439878217.jpg (844.4 KB, 2039x2044, IMG_20200317_110805.jpg)

If she's copycatting Rose.
No. 526809
File: 1584466739736.png (312.73 KB, 423x500, let them eat kek.png)

>>526575Is he still drawing on his jawline with Sharpie?
No. 526833
>>526809He is :D
I cannot get it how nobody tells him that going on a diet will save tones of makeup he wastes on the chins. Not even mentioning Lindsay will save time she now spends photoshoping "her man".
(:D) No. 526839
File: 1584470929335.jpeg (881.66 KB, 1536x1980, 53CE6309-87C4-48A7-83AB-96DBE8…)

Found on Reddit.
No. 527259
>>526948It seems he did. Can't see the point though. All fanpages document his posts regularly, not a smart decision.
>>526844When did he date Gabriella?
No. 527268
File: 1584530808888.jpg (152.6 KB, 1080x830, aImBUZs.jpg)

Usich finally posted a new pic of them together. As if they read this forum and social media in the whole.
No. 527275
>>527268Hah he does scan social media for opinions about him. If not himself, then his camp. It was made public in his ex employee interview.
So stupid they are. 35 yo and 51 yo. Their IQs are forever underage though.
>>527270Almost like they deserved one another as a friend, partner, whatever?.
No. 527599
>>527396> She was seen with him in 2010 and he put her in his video I think it was armafuckinggeddon. So she made same mistake twice? I don’t believe Lexus was romantically involved yet with Manson when she was in his video. No idea why Laney would set her up with him, I can only speculate that Lexus wanted to get involved with him and maybe Laney wasn’t aware of how
abusive he can be since she’s never been in a relationship with Manson. Who knows. But Manson goes through women like Kleenex, it would surprise me if Lexus and Gabriella overlapped.
No. 528336
File: 1584641638820.jpg (59.73 KB, 483x599, 1IXgTGO.jpg)

>>527268That's definitely not smth she took yesterday. It's a recent photo but not this week I guess.
Perou posted a video with Manson. Look at he nails, they are dirtishly red, nothing like in the picture from her story.
No. 528731
File: 1584702839435.jpg (333.27 KB, 1457x1001, beauty mark.jpg)

Did Lindsay really get a tattoo on her cheek just like Dita´s beauty mark???
Omg this is soooo cringy. Are they all blind? Does she have a family? Friends?
No. 528732
File: 1584703223141.jpg (111.24 KB, 1200x554, bm.jpg)

>>528731 The placement cannot be a coincidence! How much does Dita cringe? Does she notice how tryhard Lindsay is to be like her?
No. 528756
She was just younger. "Nature gives you the face you have at twenty. Life shapes the face you have at thirty. But at fifty you get the face you deserve".
Dita looked like MM too. The way they dressed to match the style of each. Lindsay tries to copy Dita just in an attempt to resemble the iconic fashion couple Dita and MM were together.
If you mean that Lindsay's face looks enlarged as if too much water holds in, just like Manson's, it's because of beauty procedures I think. I doubt she has enough money to afford a skilled doctor and better material than low quality botox. I can even assure you that she has no money and, in addition to that, poor knowledge about skincare and beauty care in general. Staying good-looking and keeping youself in shape requires long term efforts and good (usually equals coslty) skincare products, not to mention basic PE.
I flicked through her livejournal and her hashtag on Instagram. She is a mess in general. I have zero doubts she ever did some sort of sport, her legs look skinny fat to me, no muscles. She looked extremely ageing in 2011 already.
If the rumors are real, she is just like Marilyn:
Lindsay be like fast but ineffective in the long run injections and photoshop and not systematic care.
Manson be like liposuction and makeup for his triple chin and not a diet and sobriety for just a little bit.
>>528732That's embarassing.
No. 528767
File: 1584712922195.jpg (211.44 KB, 1024x767, ri4CKVe.jpg)

>>528760Ballet? No way. Have you seen her posture? Her shoulders and neck are a nightmare of a ballet dancer.
And again she has no muscles. Both Russian and American schools require muscles, strong legs, stamina. She is fat and low weight. I think she posed in a tutu just for a photo.
>living in la and not having sun damaged skin tho, but I think that’s because she probably never leaves her house>never leaves her houseThat's probably where the truth lies.
No. 528771
File: 1584713397367.jpg (52.28 KB, 431x594, fe5O5oi.jpg)

>>528767 Just one more photo to proof she has not done ballet. Her shoulders again.
>>528769Heh you are evil, and I like it when it's sad but true.
No. 528802
File: 1584717799275.jpeg (267.58 KB, 1800x884, 9DF909B3-0676-432E-9D9F-48B85F…)

>>528776From the Clare Buley thread. Manson pretended to be underage so it wouldn’t be a stretch.
No. 528855
>>528846Ofc no.
Both are unhealthy. I don't put Manson's condition aside.
No. 528887
File: 1584725013605.jpg (92.38 KB, 877x359, UeMjGjI.jpg)

>>528877 Don't know if it was ever rumoured but what track do you mean?
>>528732>How much does Dita cringe? This pic is for you!
No. 528992
File: 1584736152059.jpg (293.51 KB, 1200x554, 1234.jpg)

>>525689>>525680>>525676>>525672>>525665So I was not the only one who had this gut feeling to screenshot Mansons crap!
I am posting their comments I took screenshots of, the arrangement of screens is absolutely illogical and random, it's been a long time. I followed them but I have none of their posts even though it was fun to read their page. In short: Manson is an asshole who insulted Lindsay and told his friends shit about her; he did try to say that Mickey Rourke raped Evan. Lindsay is a talentless lazy bitch, the only thing she knows is whining to get attention and she does blackmail him with suicide and rape allegations.
No. 529391
>>528992Thank you! If I were that woman I wouldn't believe a single word tbh. It's just nonsense.
Can you explain about Mickey Rourke? Did he literally say that?
No. 529470
File: 1584789909001.jpg (139.54 KB, 610x658, ao25L6G.jpg)

>>529073Wow that speaks for itself.
>>529391>Thank you! If I were that woman I wouldn't believe a single word tbh. It's just nonsenseI see your point. At first I didn't believe what 666fearless posted and claimed too but after sometime a lot of things were getting clear. A lot of the things she posted, which were mainly texts from Manson and a stalker he hired, proved to be real. Like minor details MM mentioned in his texts to her about his house location, for example, or TV shows he had been part of. You asked me about Mickey Rourke, that's a good example of what I am talking. He texted fearless about a music show he was part of and his byside idea in the message was sth like it also featured the guy who raped his ex. The timing of the message pointed at MUSIC The page exists only in Italian, I don´t speak it but what´s written is pretty clear.
Manson was in the first episode, MR was in the second. They might have been filmed altogether in a day.
About the Gone Girl reference she posted a video of Manson and his PAs laughing and repeating Gone Girl obviously meaning Lindsay. I had never seen the video before so it had to be original.
I had a thought the account could be just staged to make MM look innocent but 666fearless posted a story that she had been beaten by his PA Judd (and he continued to work for MM till recently???) and prolly raped bc she spoke about DNA. The rape is my speculation but why she spoke DNA right? And MM passed her information to stalkers. It's gross and disgusting, I was plainly shocked.
From my side I don't understand why he posted their profile photo on VD. It just has no sense unless he has a dementia and couldn't remember that photo had been used by his "hater".
No. 529590
File: 1584812951017.jpg (124.49 KB, 640x885, 1583045276273.jpg)

>>529110I guess these messages. From the previous thread.
No. 529663
File: 1584820483801.jpg (100.97 KB, 1080x880, PGCWovz.jpg)

Here you go.
No. 529682
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No. 529684
File: 1584823358193.jpg (56.76 KB, 750x750, tumblr_o8eyt820oj1uo2yzno2_128…)

No. 529690
File: 1584823687620.jpg (144.94 KB, 1080x1889, fxFBzWM.jpg)

Esme's stories. Is she hinting at Lindsay?
No. 529692
>>529690I dont think Lindsay is a
victim. They're too much alike.
No. 529712
File: 1584826414783.jpeg (232.39 KB, 1012x1586, 02370687-9DC6-4CF8-ADAA-6CD6B4…)

>>529692Lindsay’s done some shady shit, but she’s a
victim too. Why she puts up with it.. idk.
No. 529751
File: 1584830341849.jpeg (76.04 KB, 640x432, F744F9B9-5A49-4792-89E3-0D177C…)

>>529738 Anon he has a know history of beating woman so I wouldn’t doubt that is real.
Everything I’ve seen makes me believe she literally has no identity outside of being Manson’s long term gf, there is almost no evidence that had anything going in her life before then. She didn’t really pursue her photography and wasn’t even Dita skinwalking or even goth back then, just doing the same generic indie music urban outfitters Polaroid camera thing every brain dead millennial was doing in the late 2000s-early 2010s. If she left him she was would have no reason to be alive. It’s pretty pathetic given his connections in the music industry and fashion she could had a huge career right now as a photographer but she seems like a generally vacant, primitive person with no willpower or agency of their own, just an empty vessel looking to absorb whatever influences are around them. He is disgusting person, but frankly, I can’t believe he went from Dita and ERW to someone like her. Even Stoya had something going on in her life lol
No. 529767
>>529751> Anon he has a know history of beating woman so I wouldn’t doubt that is real.Does he hit women only or men too?
It's not that important, Im just curious.
No. 529774
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>>529756 Point taken, but. She was a basic bitch of the hipster variety then and probably still would be. Her sister was basic too, but I respect her for channeling it into a business.
No. 529806
>>529774I had no objection, I said it's her sis to avoid misleading of anons.
Ashley (her sis) has been pushing her business for about 4 years now and still no results. Waste of money and energy.
No. 529877
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>>529852I mean, it isn’t a stretch.
No. 530067
File: 1584876576102.jpg (48.45 KB, 341x512, unnamed (2).jpg)

>>529960she nicked dita's style hard when she dated him despite her looking like the literal opposite of this right before they got together, likely because she was so young and probably eager to be whatever she thought he liked, or because he told her to. i get the feeling she was possibly a delusional fangirl looking to become what she thought he wanted, if he didn't tell her to do it himself. no doubt he manipulated her and abused her either way.
No. 530080
>>529960> I don't want to be a victim blamer but didn't she take his crazy ass from his wife? I think she's worried that everyone will say "should've let him to his wife then" which is partly true. Manson pursued her at a very young age. People should be saying why did this old man cheat on his wife for a child.
There’s probably several reasons why Evan hasn’t named him - backlash, she’s mentioned he’s threatened her so much she has PTSD, and that he has blackmail videos of her.
No. 530088
>>530080>that he has blackmail videos of her.That is what I think is ridiculously silly. If there are such videos, these videos would serve the evidence. Moreover, there are already videos with ERW on YouTube. What can work againts her if he publishes his videos?, blood, sex footage, 18+)
No. 530099
>>530095>she was still young =\=
>man cheat on his wife for a _child_
>what does a relationship with jamie bell have to do with anything?Secondly, having relationships before Manson proves or at least allows me to think that ERW was supposed to know what healthy (or at least not
abusive) relationships are.
No. 530101
>>530099how do you know her relationship with jamie bell wasn't unhealthy or
abusive? most 18-19 year olds don't know what a healthy relationship is, especially female child actors.
No. 530103
>>530101Jamie doesnt seem like an
abusive type guy. And they stayed friends after break up. It's obvious he's not the abuser
No. 530107
>>530104I didn't say that, I do agree Manson raped her, abused her and took advantage of her but I generally disagree when people try to make the
victim appear completely innocent.
No. 530112
>>530110>"If a girl starts wearing sweatpants in a relationship, it’s over. It means she doesn’t give a shit any more and you’re not gonna fuck her. Girls should always present themselves to you when you come home. ‘Hi honey, I’m home,’ and she’s wearing lingerie, legs akimbo. ‘Come and get it, honey.’"is this ugly talentless retard going to get cancelled yet or what? he's obviously
abusive, but that he says this shit publicly should be enough, especially for someone that wants to act so against conventionality
No. 530113
File: 1584881971492.jpg (160.15 KB, 777x585, WtXDvN3.jpg)

>>530110I am sorry, I don't wanna repeat myself but once again - I don't want to defend MM. He IS an abuser.
But are you literally going to aviod this part to fit the narrative?
the interview No. 530126
File: 1584882537418.jpeg (890.04 KB, 2056x1347, A87C3CB6-6466-4659-87CC-D450EE…)

>>530113He treated his mom like shit because he learned his temper from his father. Apparently, his father was a big influence on him concerning women.
No. 530130
>>530126that's disgusting. love how this idiot has had like 43 years to get himself in line and instead he's abusing and torturing his partners all over town with no remorse or growth, being very open about how misogynistic and generally hateful he is, etc. i don't feel like this provides any real context because at a certain point, at 45-51, you learn to isolate yourself for the safety of others and/or try to repair yourself before getting involved with other people, knowing that you are
abusive yourself. he has had plenty of time and escape from his parents. if he was still living with his father, that'd be one thing. there's no reasonable "context" here. this is a genuine cop out.
>>530127worst case scenario, she was a delulu fangirl. more likely than that though is that being a former child actress in hollywood fucks you up and makes you especially susceptible to older, powerful male influence.
No. 530135
Hey Marilyn. How are you doing?
It depends, are we going to make this a "shit on Manson" interview, or are we going to make it a good interview?
This is going to be the best interview ever.
Good…. I was going to email you a photograph I just took. It's of a new piece of modern art I created. Let's call this work my Jack-off Pollack, of sorts. I had two condoms – alien things to me, I haven't seen them in 25 years – and I threw them on the mirror, and they stuck, and they formed this piece of modern art. And I can't decide what to call it. I'm thinking about calling it "I Don't Want You to be Cursed With My Retarded Child," or "It's Not Just Love, It's a Lifestyle," because they were Lifestyle condoms.
Would the name be different if they were Magnum or Trojan condoms?
I suppose. I was just curious what I could do with a condom filled with my semen, other than the obvious damage that one could do.
Well, you know, you could be sanitary and throw it away?
It was like a piñata of disease and babies and confusion. It's literally just dripping down as we speak, two of them. I just wanted to make sure that you know that I can perform. I want to make sure that my sexual prowess is established here. I'd love this photo to be on the cover of SPIN.
No. 530136
>>530126I think reading his book made me lose compassion towards him. When most men bring up getting physical with their mothers, its normally followed by deep regret. It's normally something they go to their grave hating themselves for. …he brags about this like it's a trophy, something to be proud of. Extremely matter of fact…
I wonder what kind of man he couldve been had he got professional help. In the beginning I truly believed he could be a great artist and someone emotionally healthy.
Don't be like him guys. You can make great art and heal from old shit at the same time. Take your pills and get your therapy
No. 530165
File: 1584888958078.jpg (149 KB, 616x566, 2LwTujH.jpg)

>>530046 I think in Manson's case his lyrics is the real fucking proof of what he did. I don't think it's dumb to look at and have some judgements.
Look at the lyrics of Kill4Me:
Would you kill, kill, kill for me?
I love you enough to ask you again
Would you kill, kill, kill for me?
You won't be kissing me unless you kill for me
>Sideways for attention, longways for resultsWho are you going to cross?
Sideways for attention, longways for results
Who are you going to cross?
Sideways for attention, longways for results
Who are you going to cross?
No. 530166
File: 1584889027820.jpg (183.86 KB, 1080x1339, oHYK1ro.jpg)

>>530165Lindsay's selfie she leaked to a fan account in late summer 2018.
See anything on her arm?
No. 530175
>>530166I would assume it can add up to his claims she bmails him with suicide. In an interview long ago he admitted she had tried self mutilation and he was upset about it. This might also be the reason why she wears long sleeves in 99.99% of going outs.
I don't want to be a bad person but this is karma, man. He deserves it, enjoy your emotional abuse, Marilyn.
No. 530209
File: 1584893379634.jpeg (224.97 KB, 1092x1141, 87F56728-10CB-43D8-8344-ED684F…)

>>530166Evan cut herself too.
No. 530241
File: 1584896876444.jpg (66.59 KB, 450x677, TPxJhGk.jpg)

>>530067Evan started her career as A actress. I doubt she was a fangirl at all. As for her appearance changings. She changed very rapidly and clearly tried to copy Dita. But the thing is if she would be the only girl who changed her style I would agree that it's possible she wanted to be more appealing for him but she wasn't the only girl who changed her appearance apparently for him. He once pickep up on social media his another little sex doll Isani Griffith. She used to look like a next door girl. No hints at dark gothic. But she changed her style and dyed her hair as soon as they started dating. Here's a pic of her before she met Manson.
No. 530243
File: 1584897059693.jpg (80.87 KB, 454x604, ARTAPuW.jpg)

>>530067And, guess what, Usich wasn't a goth chick either. Here's a pic of her before she met Manson.
No. 530262
> I doubt she was a fangirl at all. As for her appearance changings. She changed very rapidly and clearly tried to copy Dita.idk it that's relevant but she also changed a lot when being with her husband and when she dated zach villa.
i think the only girls who didn't change much with mm were dita, esme and prolly stoya. oh and teale coco, just because she already was goth-bdsm-like (same for dita, esme)
No. 530269
File: 1584899678152.jpg (239.22 KB, 2000x1333, image.jpg)

>>530262i don't blame her at all for manson's shit and wouldn't expect her to pick up on red flags considering her age, but that is so strange. she skinwalks them or their interests or something in every relationship? she must have a hard time developing her own personality. i mean…
No. 530376
File: 1584913020209.jpeg (309.99 KB, 1800x1202, 1582578507422.jpeg)

>>530135So Lilith may say the truth. He actually said in his several interviews he doesn't like condoms.
No. 530381
File: 1584913350475.jpg (582.51 KB, 947x2111, RFqdOaT.jpg)

>>530376Why to use condoms? Really?
No. 530398
File: 1584915129728.jpg (431.68 KB, 1080x1639, 4BnKzPc.jpg)

>>530381Let's talk about his obsession with anal. The life of Lindsay seems to be harder and darker the more I learn about Manson.
No. 530412
File: 1584915857326.jpg (293.8 KB, 1080x972, pjaXlk3.jpg)

>>530398>>530381This is from his interview in 2002.
No. 530423
File: 1584916769842.jpg (331.78 KB, 690x1483, HTuvUql.jpg)

A snippet from his interview for German Playboy in 2015. In short he's asked about what it feels like to become a sex symbol. He says that it is something everyone would dream about: to revenge all those schoolgirls who rejected him and didn't want to sleep with him; he also says he's surprised that girls actually find him attractive. Then he's asked how many groupies he has had last year. He says he thinks he had about two hundred girls, that he feels as a kid in an amusement park who gets everything he wants. The interviewer asks Manson about a soundproof bad girl room that he has in his studio in Los Angeles. Manson answers that if he's in a committed relationship it doesn't mean he has a life of a monk. He likes pleasures including sex and it can be loud sometimes. Then Interviewer asks what Lindsay Usich thinks about it. Manson says Lindsay was the main reason why this room was created. He also says she contributed to room (whatever it means anons). Then he says Lindsay helped him to overcome moments where his life went down a bit (?) and she makes him go out more often now.
No. 530429
>>530425 Lmao I’m dying anon
There was a pic of Lindsay is a hospital bed or EMS? With a bandaged wrist smiling. I’ve def seen it but can’t find it now. I also distinctly remember an interview he did where the interviewer asked him what was new in his life and he said “my girlfriend just went to the hospital for some self mutilation so, thats exciting” also can find it no matter what I google lmao
No. 530432
File: 1584917547989.jpg (342.13 KB, 1200x800, 2Ank4MeUjXk.jpg)

>>530425No no, mister or madam! He's basically my beloved granny Jennie.
No. 530439
File: 1584917954326.jpg (205.25 KB, 1080x1346, H4GpgLR.jpg)

Trying very hard to hide his chins.
No. 530446
File: 1584918497219.jpg (375.98 KB, 1080x1780, BLEv2QX.jpg)

Wtf he admits of doing something like that.
No. 530451
>>530446So he's
toxic in both meanings..
No. 530465
>>530429Sorry anon, you were right about excitement:
>And my girl went to the hospital for some self-inflicted injuries yesterday so I've got a lot of excitement going on in my life. I mean, that's not punk rock, none of that. I like to live life dangerously, but I don't want that in my life at any point.Nice shading of Lindsay:
"I had a lot of stuff with my mother getting mentally ill and involving myself with girls that probably are in kind of an insane place. I'm sort of a magnet for the ones with a screw loose". No. 530515
File: 1584923470629.jpeg (343.43 KB, 1109x1398, 6A813D00-A104-44C9-841B-96C608…)

From 2019 - missing tooth and looking like someone’s grandma.
No. 530541
File: 1584925235033.jpeg (120.7 KB, 1088x812, 8084C96F-ACA7-47DE-935F-3379D6…)

>>530429Was this the photo? I don’t know why her hand is in a bandage tho.
No. 530546
File: 1584925541154.jpg (362.72 KB, 678x1024, gettyimages-115415586-1024x102…)

>>530532>>530532>this>handsomeok… this was 2005 mm, too. are you the same anon that has the hots for social repose? i refuse to believe more than one woman desires men that are this hideous
No. 530570
File: 1584927266576.png (3.75 MB, 750x1334, 2FCB179A-51A4-4366-9231-ABD711…)

what is that crusty patch on his neck…. he is for sure giving off huge Luna slater/lurch vibes.
No. 530590
File: 1584928682861.png (139.52 KB, 254x323, Screen Shot 2020-03-23 at 01.5…)

>>530532he was never handsome anon, he just had charisma and you didn't know he was a dirty nonce yet
No. 530593
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No. 530595
Interview from the time he was dating Isani Griffith.
How does this new album fit into the evolution of Marilyn Manson?
Track two is called "Pretty as a Swastika." It's something I said to a girl because of her complexion — with black hair, red lips and pale skin. I mean, it was a complex and poetic comment that soon led to intercourse, so I felt no reason for it to be seen as confusing, hateful and destructive. The record label [told me], Take it off the album. Rather than do so, I decided to produce it on the inside of the sleeve with a different name, so it'll be sold in Wal-Mart or wherever stores sell guns but are afraid to deal with lyrics. So I put "Pretty as a ($)" because all of their motivations are based on money.
How clever.
I'm not saying I'm doing this for nothing. But I've lost everything — I've lost friends. I've lost love. I've lost money. And this record is really about loss. The last album had a lot of romantic, Shakespearean ideals attached to the music, like "The world doesn't understand us. Let's die together." Now? This record is more about, "If you say you'll be with me until I die and then you change your mind, you should run very fast. Because I'll kill you."
What is a typical day in the life of Marilyn Manson? Many would place their bets on your emerging from a bat cave at dusk. What's the deal?
You picked a great day to ask me, because if you asked me what a typical day was on any other day, I think you'd find it to be completely made up. But I'll tell you. I just moved out of my house, so I'm staying at the Sunset Marquis Hotel — very famous for a lot of things. Including now the things I've done here.
Such as?
Well, last night I made a video for "Pretty as a Swastika," and it included my shaving the pubic hair of my special lady friend.
No. 530696
File: 1584953787090.jpg (70.06 KB, 683x1024, P54EAiF.jpg)

>>530546He looks womanly pretty on some of his professional photoshoots pictures especially during born villain era. But, you know, light, Photoshop, makeup…
No. 530707
>>530546People have their own preferences. Don't be harsh on that anon. Manson is not handsome to my liking, I met him in person several times he is definitely charming.. he used to be, I mean.
> i refuse to believe more than one woman desires men that are this hideousHe was seeing Dita at the time of the photo, before that there was Rose McGowan, later ERW, etc. You see there's more than 1 woman for sure.
No. 530718
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Meet & Greet stories.
No. 530719
File: 1584959274099.jpeg (191.15 KB, 1227x461, 16F0D09E-1F3A-457C-BFEB-62D1AC…)

Someone who hung out with his manager, Tony.
No. 530721
File: 1584959692254.jpeg (201.76 KB, 782x1200, ED6E18D6-3293-4669-9442-ECE58C…)

>>530707 People saying he was hideous is a stretch. There was a long period in time was he was attractive, the makeup on men thing isn’t my style but I wouldn’t call him hideous. I def think he pasted that point a long time ago, like 2003 was the year he started hitting the wall.
No. 530722
File: 1584959712078.jpg (250.01 KB, 1080x929, HgyvTiQ.jpg)

>>530719>>530718More stories from people who met him.
No. 530730
>>530376Real question. Between exes and groupies, he’s probably had sex with hundreds (thousands?) of women and he’s implied that he doesn’t like condoms.
How has he escaped a serious std, like aids? Pure luck??
No. 530740
>>530720I don't think there is anything interesting I can tell you. I met him because of work several times in Europe and I went backstage 3 or 4 times, the last one was in 2012.
When I worked with him he was always very polite and I would even say quiet. He tried to tell jokes and would get visibly embarrassed if nobody laughed. I remember only once he was outright aggressive and pissed because of the fucked up time management (btw it was his fault, he is terribly unorganized).
Backstages were a bit different. A lot of fangirls. I mean a lot. With some he just talked, some probably took it further.. definitely consensual sex but he was big on offering drugs so who knows. I had to say no like 3 times and even explain myself, that's the only thing I found disturbing, after that he never tried offering met drugs again. But it was flattering for me he always remembered my name and things I told him when we last met. Usually he was high ofc. I would name it pleasantly high as if you drank a glass of wine, you're not drunk yet and already not sober. He was fun to be around except
for the 2012 and after I think.
I went backstage in 2012, and he was nowhere near to "pleasantly high", obvious drug abuse, drunk, seemingly disoriented in time and space, something happened to his mimics and body language. I am not keen on giving ppl diagnosis but he was definitely the mental case. I was utterly shocked and puzzled after that evening. Everybody around him acted like nothing was happening. It's like you are on Titanic, it's about to sink and everybody's dancing and partying around and you start to think you are the one who's not okay. I quit meeting him and going to his shows since then. Just didn't want to be part of it.
As for Lindsey, since she is such a big topic, she is a basic bitch, nothing special. Not friendly and not aggressive, pretended she didn't care and seemed a bit condescending. Basic nothing.
No. 530870
File: 1584979900292.jpg (627.09 KB, 2511x1045, strange.jpg)

>>528731Your post made me realize I don't get what her real appearance is.
No. 530875
>>530870Anon don't look at her instagram photos, she has been photoshoping herself for years. what can I say if she even photoshops Manson?
Check out pics from different events she went to with mm.
No. 530882
File: 1584982095618.jpg (700.53 KB, 2941x1001, 14994651646.jpg)

>>530870>>530875>>530870>>530875Yep, like these ones.
She puts filters which narrow her face and smooth skin.
No. 530888
File: 1584982414896.jpg (269.57 KB, 607x1080, W31BE20.jpg)

And this one is from her recent story. She knows her angles and filters. Nothing surprising.
No. 530915
File: 1584985763571.png (1.2 MB, 1012x1706, B2D45961-89B3-47F5-94FC-7B36B6…)

Spin interview where he says he wants to kill (most likely) Evan and condoms are “alien things to me” No. 530937
File: 1584988857659.jpg (Spoiler Image,259.71 KB, 640x1136, 1467314570374.jpg)

>>529684Holy shit, he looks like Lurch from the Luna thread here.
Sage for not contributing. No. 530949
File: 1584990902910.jpg (228.11 KB, 1080x1066, mJ8pNcf.jpg)

>>530930It's really odd. I checked their follows, both Lindsay and Manson follow Maria Tziampiri-Contominas and her husband. Maria knew Manson before he even met Lindsay as it seems to be. She's a big fan of him. Manson painted her naked.
No. 530957
File: 1584992666642.png (859.38 KB, 717x1194, 1545330573275.png)

No. 530962
>>530959Courtlyn Cannan?
Coco Teale was talking how great he was but she def has had issues with Lindsay and probably him as well bc he probably pumped and dumped her.
Madelyn Grimes is spreading rumors that they are dating and that Lindsay abuses him. This chick is crazy. Her fake account on insta in catsanddevils.
No. 530967
File: 1584993639135.jpeg (445.38 KB, 1800x1232, 1582309171769.jpeg)

No. 530970
>>530959Oh and mom of Jennifer Syme. There's a video of Jennifer on his tourbus ca in 1995 and Manson basically called her a groupie in one of his interviews.
Btw there were two of his groupies who committed a suicide. Carrie Schulman in 2000 and Kristen McCullough in 2011. Kristen was mentally ill.
No. 530971
File: 1584994264623.jpeg (435.73 KB, 1061x1826, C926FC0D-096E-44F7-8899-D682DA…)

>>530959Lexus Amanda?
Also Titti, a groupie who followed him everywhere and was mentioned hanging out with him in an interview.
No. 530974
>>530959Paperblinds?? Are you kidding? They talked about their online relationship. Online relationship, my ass.
>>530962He fucked Teale, it's a fact.
>>530913She's probably locked in the bad girl room with her phone where only old pictures are stored while Manson is whoring around.
No. 530983
>>530959>>530962>>530970>>530975>>530974Guys I am very happy for you that you find a place where you just throw everything you've heard of or collected, I don't care tbh. I enjoy reading the thread but I do not have a single idea who these people are. I dare think you anons talked to one another before. I don't mind BUT
Could you please bother to give photos, sm account, and, I am scared to ask, proofs he actually fucked them? I could say he fucked Angela Merkel. And how do you prove me wrong?
No. 530984
>>530980There’s receipts on this and the rock star thread,
>>>/ot/436372Also Mansonisabusive on IG.
No. 530990
>>530971BTW he didn't fuck Titti neither she was a groupie. She used to be his crazy fan and was following and basically stalking him everywhere until he got mad and said her to leave him alone.
Sorry, but you could list Teena Byrd, that would make as much sense.
No. 531022
>>530983I would say most of everything on this thread is very believable. What do these beautiful women have to gain by saying they fucked him!? A UTI and a STD potentially not even known to science yet?
He's not even in his prime anymore. A better question would be why these girls WANT to own up to sleeping with an aged Marilyn Manson. I find that way more interesting than the validity of their claims.
No. 531024
>>531022Agreed, and imagine the things that we do not know..
A long time ago, I read somewhere that at the beginning of his career, he liked to get toothless prostitutes. Eww lol
No. 531026
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No. 531030
>>531022I wasn't saying these girls could be potentially getting benefit from being claimed to have fucked him. Just like you said he isn't in his prime.
For example, I googled Teale Coco and Marilyn Manson. She is a model and did a photosession with him for a magazine. Why do anons say she went crazy about him or fucked him? Anything to back up these claims without referring to a closed Instagram account? Why don't they share?
I know I am not reading The Times, it's lolcow… I may be grumpy but I would love to read seem-to-be-credible things.
Anons above did some great job by bringing screens and sources.
Oh, here we go… teethless prostitutes.
No. 531042
File: 1585007192373.jpg (660.59 KB, 2790x1154, 1JdoBvb.jpg)

>>530986There's receipts on most of listed girls in both threads, just checked it. Here are pics of Manson with Coco Teale and Amanda Lexus. Amanda was seen with him on st valentine in Bellagio. Sorry won't look for Coco tweets right now, maybe later bc they are very interesting. They were working and hunging out together in Tokio and LA.
No. 531071
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>>531024 I think a lot if that stuff in the past was played up for edgelord points, to entertain the media. I was researching photos of him for this thread and I couldn’t believe how normal his body language and demeanor was when he was with dita and rose compared to the pictures being posted here with Lindsay and his side groupies. Like a completely different person.
No. 531153
File: 1585034081186.jpg (606.67 KB, 4160x2080, 4gyVYRi.jpg)

>>531071His body language. I have no idea.
No. 531155
File: 1585034214108.jpg (83.31 KB, 992x394, slExeAf.jpg)

I guess groupies.
No. 531160
>>530915The cringe is real
>>531155You can tell the one on the right just had him as part of her Goth to-do list, how amusing. His body language in
>>531153is awful,
this is my toy. 0% chance he thinks of women as human beings.
No. 531170
File: 1585038094312.jpg (20.04 KB, 514x519, oTzO5uZ.jpg)

>>531167There was a video of them together backstage but I've got only a screen of it. Has anyone the full video?
No. 531174
File: 1585038639906.jpg (425.15 KB, 1280x1600, tumblr_0f79781c3bba2395f301d21…)

>>531042It's about Lexus Amanda.
No. 531179
File: 1585039574700.jpg (19.86 KB, 720x415, 24Wj4v1.jpg)

>>531174So pathetic how even after he abused her, she still worships him. Grown woman acting like a teenager.
No. 531185
>>531170Isn't it at his house?
Check xpsd_13 on Instagram.
No. 531213
>>531179It's not uncommon for abuse
victims to still like their abusers, unfortunately. Don't blame her for it.
No. 531218
>>531042I have so many questions to Laney Chantal.
She is friends with both Lexus and Gabriella. At least she was friends with them in 2015-2016. She introduced Lexus to Manson and 3 months later (if we take the story in the screenshot seriously) she and her husband (also a rapist?) had to save Lexus's ass from Manson. And AFTER THAT in the second part of 2015 Manson dated Gabriella, Laney introduced her to him. Excuse me?
The timing is definitely how I put it because one picture of Lexus and Manson is from the Saint Valetine day, it's the beggining of 2015. Gabriella went on tour with him later in 2015 (late summer + fall?). There were also photo of her taken by Manson in late 2015 and she went to his house to paint with him in 2016. See proofs in the rockstar thread. Even if Lexus and Manson started 'dating' a bit late then February 2015, the timing still points at how fucked up the situation was. If dating time of Lexus&MM and Gabriella&MM overlapped, it is even a bigger question to Laney. wtf you introduce two of your friends knowing the intentions of both (at least the ones of Lexus).
What do I mean?
version 1: the screenshot with a story about Lexus is a lie. She most probably fucked Manson and got dumped. That's why she posted pictures of him later on so easily and continued her fangirling shit on and off. She wasn't abused.
version 2: the screenshot is not lying, everything happened as it describes it and then we have Laney as the shittest friend ever who probably "gave" to Manson not only these two girls.
What do you think anons? Other versions?
No. 531221
File: 1585052432299.jpg (258.98 KB, 1548x616, mVZKEK3.jpg)

>>531218It's much worse, anon. Here are pics of Amanda and Gabriella together.
No. 531228
>>531221omg, idk. full circle of complete idiots and false friends?
Tbh I wanted to put my thoughts about Esme+Ashley+Evan too (inb4 you try yelling at me, no, I think MM abused Evan). But I am afraid of the shitstorm from anons right into my face, so I probably wont lol.
No. 531235
>>531228Here's a snippet from Lola Blanc interview and her lyrics. She has had a short term fling with him.
What are the challenges of writing a song like “Don’t Say You Do,” especially since the song is about another musician? Were you nervous to release it?
It did not make me nervous because it was a genuine thing that I was feeling. I was very frustrated when I wrote it – not heartbroken, just frustrated – and it perfectly encapsulated the feelings I had in that moment. I was more just excited to have a song that expressed something I wanted to express than I was worried about who it was about or how it would look.
We dated very briefly. That was the reason why it was so frustrating. It was like, "You did not need to say such extreme things in such a short period of time. It’s just not necessary."
I think writing in general is a way of getting to the truth of a situation. It’s a way of expressing the root feeling and the core of what’s happening in a way that just existing doesn’t necessarily allow you do to do. For me, finding a way to express the things that happened to me in my art is a way of getting to the heart of the issue and how I really feel about it.
Don't say you do
Sweet talk so sweet that I'm getting a tooth ache
Too good to be good shouldn't eat it
You talk like you need me, like you'd never leave me
Until I begin to believe it
I was good on my own until you came along
Waited for me to fall
Now you're gone, baby, gone
If you don't mean it, don't just say it
If you don't feel it, don't you fake it
If it's a lie, baby, don't say it's true
If you don't want it, why'd you take it
How come you bought it, just to break it
If you don't love me then don't say
Then don't say you do
Days passed since I'd seen a trace of your face
Towards the New Year things got your attention
I begged, "Just be honest, " you said that you promised
My disbelief lost it's suspension
I was good on my own until you came along
Waited for me to fall
Now you're gone, baby, gone
If you don't mean it, don't just say it
If you don't feel it, don't you fake it
If it's a lie, baby, don't say it's true
If you don't want it, why'd you take it
How come you bought it, just to break it
If you don't love me then don't say
Don't say you do
Got your name, and your fame, and the beautiful people
I guess I can't say I'm surprised
But who's gonna love you and all that you've got
As your name, and your fame, and your lies
And your lies
No. 531305
File: 1585066526939.jpg (107.18 KB, 664x1136, IMG_6403.JPG)

Painting Manson did of Gabriella in 2015
No. 531310
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Some of his paintings are disturbingly beautiful to me.
Some are just disturbing..
No. 531312
File: 1585067185824.jpeg (373.99 KB, 1104x1090, FBCA19A9-90BF-4FA5-9B74-AFCAD4…)

Jordan Arentz, part 1.
No. 531314
File: 1585067291276.jpeg (403.01 KB, 1109x1091, 0F3353C2-EBB4-4174-B3A6-D50A89…)

Jordan Arentz, part 2.
No. 531315
File: 1585067326562.jpg (132.31 KB, 576x952, 5u0A8av.jpg)

>>531311You can see more at are unpleasant to look at. He should see a psychaitrist.
No. 531316
File: 1585067383084.jpeg (395.71 KB, 1106x1099, 05A34C3A-3F21-4C9C-B0BD-93EAA0…)

Jordan Arentz, part 3.
No. 531317
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Jordan Arentz, part 4.
No. 531318
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Jordan Arentz, part 5.
No. 531319
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Jordan Arentz, part 6.
No. 531320
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Jordan Arentz, part 7.
No. 531321
File: 1585067835993.jpeg (113.04 KB, 751x1039, E9ED0B3D-099F-4B72-9323-ACC0F5…)

Marilyn Manson and Jordan Arentz.
No. 531332
>>531322I don't believe those were long term relationship. I believe it goes about brief flings.
But still believe that he probably takes some stimulants like viagra.
No. 531432
File: 1585081089303.jpg (291.4 KB, 750x562, image.jpg)

>>531308Gabriella painting at his house with the painting he did of her in background
No. 531434
File: 1585081745612.jpg (2.9 MB, 3000x2400, Untitled-1.jpg)

M and G on tour in Europe somewhere
No. 531440
File: 1585082879537.jpeg (326.19 KB, 1783x1123, 10D5339E-2BC4-4923-9FE1-81B05E…)

Ashley Morgan
No. 531454
>>525680Excuse me? He tried to stay friends with Lindsay?
Back in the day Lindsay's Instagram was all into proving
i am Marilyn Mansons gf, we love each other, i am badass you see, there's a photo of us, there's a photo if his house, there's a photo of my assAnd wtf is he talking about. A friend?
No. 531468
>>531462He insulted her several times publicly, followed her haters, called a pig, shaded her in interviews by calling her damaged woman, psycho woman and many more. He posted a pic on his insta with a trash bin and tagged her, he also voiced a very nasty video with her photo on the thumbnail unfortunately, it's nowhere to find now. Shall I continue?
I watched this in real time, there is no way they had had an agreement he would do this.
Btw she used ultraviolet to see if he cheated on her, she also browsed marilynmanson hashtag and dmed threats and nasty things to girls who had fresh selfies with him, accusing them of stealing her man (it happened at least once in 2014).
As I said above, I was watching it in real time. It looked like he did everything to get rid if her. EVERYTHING.
I cannot understand why she stayed, why she's so proud of her status now. He treated her like shit or even worse. She has no dignity. While she was posting seemingly happy life with 'her love' photos, he was cheating on her almost openly and told these girl Lindsay was insane.
The fact she's now all into love with him and he's been to a romantic restaurant recently without her makes me assume nothing changed.
No. 531470
>>531468Well okay. The only thing that changed is that he follows her on insta and follows #lindsayusich, he likes every post with her now.
Their behavior is completely the opposite of what it used to be. She is nice to his fans now for example, in the past she was very rude and condescending. It seems both of them are trying to present a happy life picture now. I kinda see why she does it, she has nothing else in her life, but Manson?
No. 531476
>>531473You mean that one?
>Then Manson describes his strangest sexual encounter: that time his ex-wife, Dita Von Teese, punched him in the face in the middle of a foursome in Zurich. “It was with my ex-wife, and it was a foursome with three girls,” Manson says. “I never understood why Dita punched me in the face, but she gave me an explanation years later. She’d brought back two girls in Zurich where a year later, I was accused of ripping my genitals off and throwing them in the crowd by some religious people. In the same room where this foursome took place—where I got punched in the face—I had to have a tribunal court hearing, and I just couldn’t stop laughing. She explained it to me, finally, after all these years. She said, ‘When I bring two girls back, you’re not supposed to touch the ugly one, you’re supposed to watch me touch the pretty one.’ I don’t even understand the math of that.” He takes a deep breath to collect his words. “So, my advice is: don’t fuck crazy bitches. However, I’m not good at keeping that rule.” No. 531497
File: 1585092866576.jpeg (172.55 KB, 1629x448, 2EDAF89C-7A9C-47E2-8069-291EB5…)

>>531487Some screens. She’s holding Manson’s cat, Lily White.
No. 531498
File: 1585093110474.jpg (50.99 KB, 960x960, SujOq3U.jpg)

>>531487A selfie of them together.
No. 531553
File: 1585105132049.jpeg (319.96 KB, 1289x971, 1693A4A8-F0EE-4119-A2DB-0EC0BE…)

>>531046Teale Coco with backstage passes for Manson. Did she tweet a bunch about him? Can’t find it now.
No. 531626
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>>531320That’s fucking terrifying.
No. 531649
File: 1585135956595.jpeg (40.53 KB, 222x275, 4AC3C5FA-0263-41F7-B22C-006EDE…)

When he posted Gabriella aka sourgirrrl and then posted her initial on photos
No. 531650
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No. 531651
File: 1585136051118.png (408.8 KB, 932x542, 0555D3FB-AEEC-4BBE-8752-5E4888…)

No. 531683
>>531468Anon do you remember what was in the video? Where was it posted? Is it on YouTube?
I find it a strange coincidence that you say he posted a trash bin and tagged her and anon above brought a screenshot where Manson comments pig on her post which includes the word "trash"
>>529712Did he do it before the video and her post or after? Do you remember the timings?
No. 531692
>>531683The video you are looking for is at was posted by that account on 8 December 2016. It was initially posted on Lindsay's Instagrams account if memory serves me well. Judging by the caption not much has changed since 2016 …
No. 531766
>>531736It IS his voice anon.
Having read the thread, I have three questions:
1) Why do pretty grils fall for him? (btw Lola Blanc's song is a good stuff, thanks anon)
2) Why does Lindsay Usich stay? Apparently she is nothing but a nonentity for him. Why didn't she leave when he obvisouly wanted her to leave? She has a sister and parents, I don't think she had nowhere to go.
3) Why do they play a happy life now? Happy life can never happen in couples like theirs. That much shit can never be forgotten.
No. 531788
File: 1585156184719.jpeg (176.1 KB, 1088x1024, 700273A7-9CBC-45E7-8FB5-60153E…)

Found another 666fearless screen.
No. 531807
>>531806Have you ever seen a liposuction bruise?
Google it, it's not something he could sell for "she hit me".
No. 531816
File: 1585158878331.jpeg (143.66 KB, 1098x727, 7A14C98D-DDD4-4222-82E3-0D48DD…)

>>531553Teale Coco tweets - found them on Mansonisabusive.
No. 531830
Did anybody notice he took off the 666fearless tag?
I checked it when anons brought the screen shot in the rock star thread, it was there. he really have a camp for social networks monitoring? If yes…
Do you sleep peacefully knowing you are employed by a rapist?
No. 531861
File: 1585161976229.jpg (102.88 KB, 491x534, VFPLSKp.jpg)

I thought some of you anons were just hating on Lindsay out of jealousy or blind fangirling so I did some research and looks like those rumors actually have some ground.
No. 531923
>>531565Nothing interesting. She is an obsessed girl who wastes her best years on a man who's barely interested in her. I think she had a fling with Manson long time ago, it was even shorter than he had with Gabrielle or Clare. If she had happened to be in Lindsay's shoes several years ago, I bet she would not have been very different from Lindsay now. Madelyn is a NEET, wannabe model and designer with poor creativity. Her sister has done much better in life.
>>531872She appears to be one of the most arrogant NEETs I have ever seen.
I took a look at her lj, all she was thinking of was sex, food, and nothingdoingness. She had no worries about career choice, education or anything. At some points I thought she was being jealous of her own sister, I think she is even more jealous now. Her twin is happily married with two kids and has a business to keep her hobby.
No. 531964
File: 1585176550215.jpg (122.84 KB, 1005x355, M0sgjhs.jpg)

I saved this comment years ago. I heard a lot that he invites young girls backstage to hung out and/or have sex with him.
No. 532066
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Gabriella and Lily and the painting she did of Lily
No. 532094
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Jessicka Addams.
No. 532108
>>532045To be fair it's not obvious the girl from the screen above was underage.
He was dumb enough to admit he's locking girls in a small soundproof room.
No. 532149
>>532042The last time I checked on her she was fine. However, as far as I remember she is a rape survivor too, not by mm though.
>>532094Given her record, I wouldn't believe a word of her. Not to mention how she claimed she is fine with mm now.
No. 532150
>>532045Seems like he wasn't always careful
>>525406 but the girl from the venue story still not necessarily was underage.
No. 532213
>>532149>The last time I checked on her she was fine. However, as far as I remember she is a rape survivor too, not by mm though.That sounds like Louise Keay Bell, not Jordan. Louise recently shared about a sexual assault on her Twitter.
I believe Jordan deleted her blog. The only info I can find on her is she also goes by the name, Saint Sasha.
No. 532215
>>532213Jordan deleted her personal account on Instagram. Saint Sasha is her new account and I believe that she experienced problems because she has had another account saint Sasha backup. I heard she posted that she was assaulted in her stories.
Afaik there were other girls who were involved or were suspected to be involved with Manson or were posting something that Lindsay maybe didn't like. I'm not sure. But some of them deleted their Instagram accounts.
No. 532221
>>532213I don't know much about Louise Bell apart from what was shared here.
Jordan performs in a stipbar, not sure if I defined it correctly. I remember she shared in stories she had a panic attack and went off the stage because she saw her rapist in the crowd.
No. 532229
I found Jordan on IMDb. like she was trying to start a career of TV series actress but in 2016 it ended.
No. 532256
>>532247Could he be his fan who got employed by MM and is now fanatically defending his boss-idol?
>>532229Anon I dont wanna to make you behave but are you sure it's a good idea to post this info here? Her wordpress text gave me vibes she might want to distance herself for good.
No. 532267
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>>532256True. Something else I’ve noticed, Lindsay often likes and comments on his posts.
No. 532271
>>532267Lindsay is so stupid I cant.
And that account gaslights Evan a lot. actions are silly to me like they know nothing about damage control. If I were Manson I would not allow my employees to have anything do with
victims and especially with ERW, not even talking about his "gf" and her deadbrain mother. Btw to the anon who asked why Lindsay wouldn't gp to her parents. I think she was living with her mom when Manson blew her off, and her mom is a MM fan. Being allowed to call her daughter's abuser her son is new thirty pieces of silver.
I cannot imagine how low Manson let himself. I read Evan felt sorry for her abuser and wanted him to regret and change for his own wellbeing, the poor girl probably knows this will never happen.
No. 532298
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Ok, this could be nothing, but I know for a fact that the Manson/Zombie guitar was only available for the ultimate VIP that was like $2500. I don’t believe they made many. He must have friends in high places to be gifted one.
No. 532308
Check out his Twitter, the majority of his posts are bashing Manson
victims. No. 532355
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Her Instagram is private but her Twitter is an omg situation.
No. 532356
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>>532355She's not allowed to mention their names?
No. 532367
>>532364Wow do you remember any details?
"So kind and such a good person" and a known record of cheating..
No. 532403
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>>532372Still looking for the real tea, I didn’t follow the drama close enough to take snaps. I did find this tho, the fb link is No. 532565
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>>531494Manson with Jennifer Aster again in 2015.
No. 532685
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Doesn't she understand she basically admits manson was cheating on his back in the day fiancee (erw) with her?
And the description gives me vibes of Jordan's description of their time together. The same approach to each girl he picks.
I think Lindsay has been his side chick for a long time just because she didn't leave for some reason (= she had nothing else in her life). All other chicks he had were just a bit smarter than her and hurried to leave him lest experience some trouble with him.
It appears at some point he is really fun to be around like anons said previously but nobody wanted to stay with him.
No. 532688
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>>532403Thank you for posting about marilynmansonews! That account is hilarious! I love their posts about Lindsays mom, the woman is retarded and has too much free time.
No. 532694
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Anon who said Botox is not a magical band aid.. This woman was saved by Botox!
marilynmansonews is both hilarious and cringy. No. 532714
>>532685I'm going to assume that she's romatizicing and stretching the story a bit with that. There's no way he cheated on Evan with her. She might of caught his eye when the relationship was already fizzing out but lets not forget that he proposed to Evan like 3 times in 4 years, dedicated maybe two albums to her and Lindsay's been around for years and the only memorable moment was him cheating on her publicly causing her to delete her social media out of embarrassment and him swatting her away in front of hundreds when that huge stage prop fell on him.
I'm not sure why she's posting throwback photos but I'm assuming it's because she finally got permission to do so, which is hilarious because it's the most she's gotten other than briefly being mentioned in articles when journalists specifically dig and photographed at airports.
No. 532743
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>>532716I am afraid it's not the case.
She tags James when she's talking to him.
No. 532744
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>>532716>>532743And these twits just to compare.
I couldn't find the tweet with #LindsayUsich from the posts
>>532688 Probably deleted but why?
No. 532747
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>>532746And one more. She's not allowed to spell 'her daughter's guy' name?
No. 532790
>>532748>>532342Easy anons easy, I didn't claim everything I say is 100% truth. I posted about what I saw and read myself. Give me a beak, it was almost 2 years ago. And btw I didn't say it was her mother (other anons did thou), it was Lindsay. I recall a post where Manson complained about a JD situation. I figure JD is Johnny Depp, you do the math.
However, I do remember Manson was texting 666fearless about Mama Bear and 666fearless captioned those texts as Gone Girls' mother. I don't come from an American culture so Mama Bear is a wtf for me, I didn't link Mama Bear to Lindsay's blackmailing thing, idk.
I don't remember if there were any posts about defining_hope in particular. I mean there could be and I just don't remember. 2 years passed guys, 2 fucking years.
No. 532794
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>>532787>>532790Let me just check her Twitter.
And here we go.
No. 532802
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>>532794It's a thread btw.
No. 532805
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>>532804And the last one for your lazy asses.
>>532790You see, anon, there's no need to get defensive.
No. 532806
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Found this on Twitter, implying Hope Harvey had a fake account to bully people.
No. 532833
>>532271>If I were Manson I would not allow my employees to have anything do with victims and especially with ERW, not even talking about his "gf" and her deadbrain motherDid Hope ever attack Evan? Or you mean other
No. 532834
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>>532247Here’s an example of dandyarch gaslighting
victims and spreading lies and Louise’s response. I highly doubt Louise is stalking him and considering he tries to discredit anyone who speaks out, I believe her. Plus wouldn’t he post proof if it was true?
No. 533301
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Lindsay is “faithful” while Manson apparently bangs anyone he pleases.
No. 533409
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There was something about his behavior in 2016. He asked Ellen von Unwerth whether his girlfriend Lindsay can take part in her video.
No. 533411
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Then he said he was looking for a nice girl in an interview in September. That he would invite girls to the house to learn each other. I don't understand him.
No. 533588
>>533411It seems like he was looking to upgrade the girlfriend in 2016. There's nothing wrong with "dating" multiple women, men do it all the time where they're getting to know multiple people at once. Just sucks if you're Lindsay hahaha…
I get the impression that this guy doesn't spend a lot of time alone or single. He seems like the type that is too weak to fully end a relationship like a normal person so he has people lingering on the side until he can find someone else solid to latch onto while he licks his wounds.
I bet if he truly allowed himself to be single for a while he'd start finding quality women. Not Instagram models or "photographers" people a little more complex that want to date him beyond his marilyn manson persona…like Dita.
No. 533802
Why doesnt anyone talk about this video of Manson actually assaulting a girl at 4:14 is literally screaming and its blood curdling
No. 533814
>>533802I'm pretty sure that clip is from a short film Manson never fully released called Groupie. I remember posting about it in the rockstar thread. According to the lost media wiki, these are the alleged events that transpired. There's much speculation on whether or not it was truly staged and the actress was fully informed about what she was getting herself into.
>The film begins with Manson sucking bandmate Jeordie 'Twiggy' White's flaccid penis through a condom at the house party before the groupie shortly after that arrives at the door (brandishing a piece of artwork as a gift); she is then invited inside, where things become progressively more disturbing. She is pressured into drinking Stephen 'Madonna Wayne Gacy' Bier's urine from a wine glass (Bier also being a member of Manson's band), which she eventually does, but only after convincing Manson to also partake. The contents of the remainder of the short have not been made entirely clear, although it has been revealed that the groupie is at one point tied up, a gun is introduced into the situation by Manson, a fight breaks out, and blood is shed.;_1996-1998)According to the rest of the article, his manager strongly advised him against releasing the entirety of the film because it could get Manson thrown in jail. Considering that fact, I think we can safely assume that he is a fucking sociopath.
No. 533863
>>533841Actually there was an interview where she said she would have gone back to him had there been a proper apology.
It's shocking but true. I will try to find it and post later.
No. 533864
>>533840I double that.
Their last appearance with Lindsay made me think he has dementia and she's either nursing or manipulating him. I am not putting aside his abuse to other women, everything he's having now is in return.
No. 533899
>>533841peoples' adoration and fawning over dita is so strange
shes known for being a cold stuck up bitch who thinks her brand of sex work is somehow classier than others
escorting and ~burlesque~ for celebrities in a martini glass is still prostitution and stripping
also, shes a fucking nazi, or at least has a penchant for fucking nazis and hoarding nazi insignia in her home just like kat von d
No. 533927
>>533899Not sure which side chick you are but Dita IS classier than most women in regular sexwork and that is just fact lol. She has done porn fetish videos, stripped and all of that but you don't see any other pornstar getting custom designer shoes because she's friends with a high class designer and that's because Dita is a whole brand. People want her in their expensive parties and they trust shaking her hand and thats because of how she carries herself and how seriously she takes her work. She's not just any stripper dancing to Britney Spears and having cash thrown at her, she turns it into an art and puts on a whole production on. She IS better than most strippers and at least she knows it. The parties Dita does and parties stripper do are VERY different.
As far as the Nazi stuff goes I'm sure that's incorrect and even if it is true, as an artist what is she supposed to do? Deny the holocaust happened? She is fixed on certain eras and bases her work and art on certain eras, nazi stuff is what was happening during those eras and it heavily influenced her niche during that time and that is what she is reflecting. I doubt Dita is going around threatening to harm the jewish, I doubt she's out drawing swastikas on doorsteps and lighting them on fire with piss. She just happens to own items from a time period and place where nazism or whatever was happening. It's not like shes been searching for hitlers ashes to keep in her house. Theres a lot worse she can do. Are you in america? People forget that they build whole ass houses on indian burial grounds but get angry when someone dares to own something from the time time period as someone that might of waved at a nazi once.
No. 534029
>>534024There is no proof that she owns this handbag, anon. I've been looking for proof of this handbag being owned or carried by her and the only thing I'm coming up with is some article of an ex band member who also claims Manson also bought "African masks made of human skin, the full skeleton of a 4-year-old Chinese girl, and the full skeleton of a 17th-century male in a wheelchair"
Sounds about as credible as him having his ribs removed.
No. 534057
>>534049Hello Lindsay,
Dita might be a lot of things but "fug" ain't it. You can dislike her but let's not straight up lie, physically there's nothing ugly on that woman. She was a pretty girl even before the Dita Von Teese thing… Dita has had every one of his girlfriends quaking since they broke up. They all wanna be her…
Nonetheless we should just make a Dita thread. This conversation is probably annoying everyone who frequents this… let's all agree to disagree
No. 534064
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>>534032>>534032Most of us don't care how pure and artsy uwu she is. We are anything but jealous of being a commodity that can be bought and sold.
Manson lost the suit in which his bandmember claimed he spent millions on nazi memorabilia(Including the purse) and tasteless human taxidermy. He never denied he actually bought any of this either.
In regards to the child skeleton he bought, hes literally quoted saying:
>"And I would never spend my money on a Chinese girl skeleton. That would be crossing the line. It's a Chinese boy, for the record."Dita also took her stage name as tribute to Dita Parlo, who worked as an actress and burlesque dancer in Germany, namely for a German film company named UFA which was directly under the heel of the Nazi Regime. She also had either 1 or 2 nazi husbands iirc.
Dita is no angel. Is she for sure a nazi? No. Nazi handbag? Hard to prove but not terribly unlikely. Educated guess at the very best. Is she beautiful? If you're into the pin up thing, sure. I think shes quite enthralling myself. But anyone with an ounce of self respect isn't ~jelly~ of her just because they call her out on her shit.
>>534057(Pro-tip: sage your obvious samefagging so at least only the mods are laughing at you)
You are an absolute moron if you think beauty isn't subjective and that everyone shares the exact same opinions you.
No. 534068
>>534064> Dita also took her stage name as tribute to Dita Parlo, who worked as an actress and burlesque dancer in Germany, namely for a German film company named UFA which was directly under the heel of the Nazi Regime. She also had either 1 or 2 nazi husbands iirc.Parlo was a German actress, that doesn’t make her a Nazi sympathizer. ALL German film companies were under the thumb of the Nazi regime at the time. She had one husband who was a Protestant pastor. Anyhow, back to the subject at hand, Dita had plenty to say about her marriage to Manson - No. 534143
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Any ideas on what this is supposed to mean? He’s sick and tired of her so he dressed her up to look like……contrapoints?
No. 534201
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Say what you want about Dita, but she's actually problematic.
This is from a conversation between me and Amie Nicole.
Now that no one can harm her or her career anymore, I thought I'd share this. Maybe someone finds it useful. 1/3
No. 534202
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No. 534203
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No. 534211
On his obsession with anal sex.
Do you have any bedroom habits that annoy Dita?
>She refers to me as turning into a Dracula. If I've been drinking absinthe and it's past four in the morning when I come to bed, I do really depraved things to her against her will. She always likes it in the end, by the time the sun rises.She gets two hours of teeth action?
>Well… (long pause) It's more Vlad the Impaler.Do you use moisturizer?
>In regards to that? Anal-eze or Oil of Olay? Is there one thing that gives you joy?
>M: Several things. My cat and I have a very nice relationship. She calms me down. Painting makes me very happy. Finishing a record and creating the record makes me very happy. Anal sex, good movies, being with the woman I love– that goes back to the anal sex part– I don't want you to think that was a homosexual reference
>You once wrote a song called "Cake And Sodomy." Which do you prefer?"I'd have to say sodomy. It takes a strong woman to bear the burden of ass-fucking and I respect any girl that does and I buy her a lot of jewellery. I kick the ones that don't out of my house." No. 534212
>>534201At some point I can get why Dita might dislike somebody like Amie Nicole, she's her copycat in many ways. However, I would have never thought she would treat somebody this way.
Now I am sure that she not only cringes when she sees Lindsay but she probably mocks at her in her conversations with Manson and everybody she feels safe with.
Dita is a predator, I think she likes to entertain the thought that Manson can't get over her.
mansonisabusive, since you are here, can I ask you three things:
1) How did you feel about your content shared on lolcow?
2) why do you keep your account private?
3) Do you have any fearless receipts? I mean that Mama Bear stuff. Anons talk a lot but nobody managed to screen cap her posts.
No. 534228
>>534212If Mansonisabusive is on here I would love to know why the account is private?
I trust most of the Milk that is posted on here but it would significantly help your credibility if you just opened your account to the public and stayed away from hashtags that might attract looney fans. [If what your posting is true that is…]
No. 534241
>>534201Who did Lindsay and Judd harass?
JFC, poor woman. Manson’s body count keeps growing.
No. 534251
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Snippets from his interviews.
No. 534269
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>>534264Yes, I’ve read it.
“I know everyone will suggest that fucking a pig is how this disease was obtained. However, the doctor said my past choices in women have in no way contributed to me acquiring this mysterious sickness.“
It’s a dig at his exes.
No. 534287
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>>534241Not sure who Amie is referring to here, so, a side-step but…Judd was certainly harassing LK Bell when her messy Manson situation was going on in 2017. She shared caps of his emails, which I think have already been posted here, earlier in the thread.
Judd appears to have real form. Here’s a cap of LK explaining her Amie Nicole/Manson comments…
No. 534288
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>>534143This cringe cap of a later story…is she actually referring to Ashley and herself as being inspirational? Kek
No. 534314
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Pogo's comment. Manson stole money from his band. As far as I remember at least 3 ex members of his band sued him.
No. 534317
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>>534294anon even if she leaks photos with mm, i bet it will look like these ones that she leaked in 14 or 15, correct me if wrong. he'll be probably drunk and unconscious.
No. 534320
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>>530168>She doesn't do drugs imo.yeah anon say it one more time lmao.
she's been to rehab numerous times, m payed for her.
No. 534342
>>534332if only you knew that she did not use to spend that much time with ashley in past.
all her friends she got to know bc of mm. alison mosshart, lisa veronica.
she had plenty of time to make friends imo but she probably cannot have proper friendship.