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No. 847522
A thread for further discussion of Chris-Chan in light of recent developments.
For those new to Christory, GenoSamuel has an extended documented history, found here: briefly recap, on 30 July a recorded phone call of Chris admitting to raping his senile 80-year-old mother. He has also stolen money from her. He has since been arrested and is being held on incest charges.
No. 847531
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It’s starting to hit local news in Virginia. Thankfully they don’t use female pronouns in the article but leave it vague
No. 847535
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No. 847541
>>847536Kek at that mugshot
>>847537If so, I can’t wait for the reactions of the retarded flakes who’s priority is to obnoxiously correct his pronoun by replying *she despite the comment relating to the fact he raped his own mother
No. 847546
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No. 847549
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No. 847555
>>847518He was trending worldwide. According to Geno Samuel, more people cared about CWC on twitter than the Olympics in Japan. Though, that might just go to show how boring and the Olympics are.
>>847517This. Can we stop with the fucking tall tale that Bella or anyone else pushed Chris into raping Barb? Chris had it out for his own mom for literal years before any of these trolls came along.They were cuddling, sleeping in the same bed and everything.
Chris has boundary issues even worse than the typical autist and Barb was a jealous narc before dementia rotted her previous personality away and they're both dumb, religious hicks. In his mind, he probably processed her narcissism as romantic intent and used it to justify his desires. It's fucking vile. Chris needs to be removed from society permanently. I wouldn't even trust him to not try and fuck one of his housemates in a group home setting.
No. 847556
>>847554I'm divided wether I would like him to get an stinkditch or not.
If he chops off his cock he will get transfered to a female prison, in the other hand, his hygiene is non-existant and the axe wound will kill him.
In my ideal world, he would be obligated to transform his dick and balls into a smelly hideous ''vagina'' and let to rot in a male prison.
No. 847558
>>847557At this stage we are beyond fucked. Normies don't care what insane troons do, they have normal lives and don't know what they truly are.
Believe, they won't peak in mass until trans children get older and die young.
No. 847559
>>847535>>847536Based Greene County Sheriff's Office.
>>847554Do they even offer cock chops to inmates? Also I'm not a burgerfag so I'm not familiar with the legal system, especially the Virginia state-specific one, but will he be forced to undergo mental evaluation regardless if he goes to court or not? If Barb doesn't press charges, will the state still prosecute him? If so, is it possible that he doesn't have to do prison time?
No. 847564
>>847559The state prosecutes based on the evidence they have available to them, with or without the cooperation of the
victim. There is no “pressing charges” needed. Police sometimes ask crime
victims, “Do you want to press charges” as shorthand for “Are you willing to make a full statement and testify in court,” but prosecutions can and often do go ahead if the
victim is unwilling.
Virginia assigns prisons by genital status, and does not provide sex change surgery for prison inmates. Chris would be sent to a male prison and stay there for the duration of the sentence. Self-mutilation while out on bail would not count as a completed sex change surgery under the law, either.
No. 847570
>>847555>Chris needs to be removed from society permanentlyThis could very well be a possibility, depending on what the Greene County investigators turn up and present to the DA.
Whatever evidence they find, along with CWC's prior misdemeanour convictions, may cause a judge to not look so favourably at him.
Tl;dr: If anything concrete turns up relating to CWC's charges, he's fucked.
No. 847571
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>>847565>>847568me on the left
>>847556I highly doubt he would. Chris has a love-hate relationship with his own duck and I think that if he'd wanted a nu-vag that badly he'd have gotten surgery years ago. Knowing him, he's most likely deluded himself into believing his body is just as it needs to be thanks to all the binaural hypnosis and his goddess bodyswap powers.
He may hate his bent cock as a sign of masculinity, but he still wants to stick it in unwilling, confused geriatrics.
>>847573Chances are he'd be one of the millions of autistic adults quietly existing on deviantart like the long, bony hands crystal guy or the fat scuba furry.
No. 847579
>>847565Women can be born without a womb or ovaries.
However whether chris is truly trans or not doesnt matter. What matters is the fact shes commited a horrific crime regardless of gender. What matters is barb is safe and he/she goes to jail for a long time.
No. 847582
>>847561>>847554>>847539Adding this as a source on the no trannies with penises in virginia women's prisons because I wasn't entirely sure how up to date that policy was. As of 2019 it still stood, so Chris will be going to either prison for men or a mental institution. A mental institution might be the more humane option but idk how humane the justice system should be to somebody who raped their elderly mother with dementia.
No. 847590
>>847579he fucking became a trans lesbian cause he thought he would get girls easier. Obv not.
at this point i think he's just gotten so wrapped up in the identity of christine. if someone offered to pay for hrt and grs and breast augmentation i doubt he'd agree.
chris chan is dangerous for actual trans women who are beginning their transition.
No. 847598
>>847574Yeah that's what I've been wondering.
I also don't get how they never went to the police that trolling was next level shit especially since he believes everything. In the docu they said its because the dad didn't trust the cops?
Also don't get how they just didn't turn his internet off. They probably didn't care with the hoarding situation as well. But the church knew too right just fucked up how no one did anything
I hope he gets the punishment he deserves and stays in a facility probably the only way he will actually get "better"
Also hope barb is as dement as we think so she doesn't remember any of it the whole situation is just fucked up
No. 847605
>>847601There are cheat sheets for the tranny psych evaluation questions all over the internet. There was one floating around Tumblr years ago. I doubt Chris would have the faculties to look one up, but he's certainly delusional enough to believe he's a beautiful, busty woman.
>>847603Technically Bob changed his name since Chris was just a child at the time.
No. 847606
>>847601Chris has not had any gender-related surgery. Chris is not going to be able to have gender surgery of any kind before this case is adjudicated. Chris is not going to a women’s prison.
Chris filed a petition for change of name and gender through the Virginia courts in 2018, and it was granted. Under Virginia law, that’s irrelevant to prison assignment; everybody with a penis goes to men’s prison, regardless of what it says on their driver’s license.
No. 847607
>>847552no, normal for major media outlets to grossly misrepresent reality by referring to a male rapist as a woman. When reporting a sex crime, the sex of the perpetrator and
victim is relevant. Not gender identity. This is self evident to anyone whose life experience doesn't come entirely from delusional social media hugboxes. Cope, seethe etc etc
No. 847608
>>847602I'm not shocked that Chris was capable of raping his own mother under the guise of making her his "girlfriend" considering he's sexualized his mother before, has always been sexually inappropriate towards women he knew irl, and various statements he's made throughout the decades.
I'm unsure if he understands the depth of his depravity because he would point towards "she said yes/let me eventually" and "I used this book so she could enjoy it!"
but he 100% knows it was wrong and made very purposeful set of actions. Chris knows what he did and he's always been a spoiled manipulator (though 99.9% of those attempts fail because they aren't towards 80 yr old women with questionable levels of senility)
I was betting on Barb dying and Chris living with the body for days to weeks as the most likely outcome though.
No. 847613
>>847611He doesnt understand consent if youve seen his past interactions with women. He doesnt at all.
He doesnt understand what he has is wrong. Barely has a grasp on reality thanks to the idea guys.
>>847607There's too much information out there on Chris that they would misrepresent anyway. Such as some think he is genunially married. Journalists are going to be overwhelmed by this case
No. 847616
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Chris always seemed like a sex pest. His comment to Megan about drawing porn to stop himself from raping her was a red flag.
I thought he might eventually overstep with a girl at a convention or the gay club he was going to, but I didn't expect it to be his mom.
I wonder how all the old side characters are taking the news. Snyder might be happy about it since he hated both Chris and Barb and they accused him of being a pedo.
No. 847617
>>847611I think he understands consent on a basic level. Yes always means yes, no means not now, and silence means ok.
He demonstrates in the voice call that he knows he pressured her into it. It's really common for rapists without tism or likewise to do that. They know it's wrong, but can justify the final act to themselves because of the dissonance.
The main deficit I gather is he doesn't understand that seniors with dementia or the like can and will act out sexually, but that doesn't mean they're of sound mind or even know what's going on (he even talks about her being confused).
Chris 100% knows he has the upper hand and could do as he pleased though and knew his mother was a target that could really do anything about it.
Girls like Megan could cut things off, Barb can't.
No. 847620
>>847613i am here for the shit show articles that'll pop out (hopefully)
chris understands people who are altered in any way are easier to touch up on. kinda feels like he's been waiting for barb to get super dement
No. 847623
>>847613He knows it was wrong, to what specific degree is debatable right now. The main issue we've seen are his personal boundaries. He does and can understand (on a black and white level), he just chooses not to give a shit. You see this whenever someone actually confronts him about his behaviour.
He knows it's wrong to commit incest, but doesn't care on a personal level
He knows what rape is in the stereotypical sense.
He knows it's wrong to pester someone into giving him what he wants, but he doesn't care.
Even if Chris understood how his actions negatively affect the other person, he's shown time and time again that he doesn't give a shit about them.
Chris should have never been allowed to be Barb's care taker, but that's a situation created by the care system and pre-senile Barb since she has no other relatives willing to organize things.
In my own experience, it's almost impossible to force an elderly person into care if they have any amount of lucidity, refuse care, and have no one to take care of the logistics for them.
No. 847626
>>847621i don't have any cause i never talked to him directly if i could avoid it. (soz for blog) i worked with someone who was a friend of his, and he was the first person who told me, but in person and he doesn't talk to me since i got engaged.
i'm lookin for some receipts for you tho,
nonnie No. 847634
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>>847590>he fucking became a trans lesbian cause he thought he would get girls easier>chris chan is dangerous for actual trans womenbut he is exactly what "actual trans women" are like every single one of you trannies is a sex pest and transbians are the worst of them because they're men who wanna rape lesbians
(tranny sperging) No. 847637
>>847636this. instead of idpol sperging, i'm way more interested in chris' new life in prison as a convicted sex offender. i wonder somehow if that's the best place he could've ended up, after all- he'll be taken care of.
will he get rape charges too, by the way? because he should.
No. 847646
>>847590>he fucking became a trans lesbian cause he thought he would get girls easierI actually think this isn't true and is a "no true scotsman" cope troons made up to distance themselves from Chris. For two main reasons (besides that there's zero proof of it):
1 Chris exhibited what looked like genuine gender gender dysphoria from way before his transition. He expressed hating his penis, men and masculity in general probably years before learning what transgenderism even was. This imo was caused by being treated much better (read: tolerated) by female peers than male ones growing up
2 I believe Chris never had the self awareness to realize he was undesirable to women in any capacity. In his earlier correspondence with trolls and social media content he refers to himself as handsome more than once. He never expresses insecurity about his looks or awareness that he's fat and ugly (this is also a typical symptom of autism)
No. 847648
>>847638>>847644Most """normal"" trannies are women anyway, like they/thems and trans men, trans women are extremely creepy
at best.
No. 847649
>>847637I would bet china the initial charges will include rape. We'll have to see what the prosecution actually tries to convict for outside of and including the likely hood of a plea deal (which could take many forms).
There is a very real possibility he could avoid major prison time but it's too early to say what direction this will go.
Even if he gets a deal that lets him serve a sentence outside, the moment he fucks up he'll get fucked harder than Bubba getting some new strange.
>>847639Maybe they'll allow rando visitors and we'll see.
No. 847659
>>847655>>847638>>847579>>847552Since when is this the thread for the trans debate?
This is a disgusting man who raped his mother. No one here gives a fuck about affirming his identity or respecting his preferred pronouns. Rapists have no rights, get the fuck out of here and die mad about it.
No. 847665
>>847662It sickens me tbh, i just can't understand how someone could ignore something so disturbing and godless just to defend bs like pronouns, are these people actual psychopaths? They act like they have a hard time feeling bad for people, even when is not specially hard to feel bad for a poor 80yo woman that was sexually abused by her own son.
>>847664Where the fuck are the mods?
No. 847667
>>847666Based anon. This kind of shit makes me worry for elderly women in general, not going to lie. They're extremely vulnerable.
I wish there was more in line to protect them.
No. 847668
>>847649The police did a press release where they referred to barb as “the
victim,” so yeah I’d say a rape charge is all but guaranteed at this point.
No. 847669
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>>847662all the tranny apologism itt makes me wanna go full shapiro
we do not give a fuck about your pronouns
No. 847675
Further pronoun policing and derailing is going to land you a ban at this point.
>>847671>>847670>>847666Use a journal instead of clogging up the thread. Sageing doesn't negate the blogging.
No. 847679
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Chris is allegedly being kept in the women's holding area of the jail. He must be on cloud 9.
No. 847685
>>847679there’s no evidence that Chris is in the women’s side of the jail (that has cells for both men and women) except that it has “female” on the form, which is Chris’s legal gender
unclear whether Virginia county jails follow the state prisons in sorting prisoners by genitals, not by claimed legal gender
No. 847700
>>847699While it is true he is into his mom, I wouldn't rule out him being a pedo. I think he woulda fucked anything he could, children included. It's just he never got the chance and anyone could kick his ass. His mother couldn't fight back.
Hope he is never allowed back in the public again
No. 847707
>>847700>Hope he is never allowed back in the public againWhy would that happen? Even if he is prosecuted for rape the sentence isn't that long. Some people say that Chris should be in a group home but that's only going to leave the other residents at risk.
>>847702Chris has been upset in his other mugshots though. Like when he ran over Synder.
No. 847712
>>847705there is so much misinformation floating around the KF threads
check everything they say pretty much
No. 847722
>>847716What is with all this pity for CWC? It's not like he's some innocent retard who explored his caregiver's body because he was sexually repressed and curious. This is a middle aged delusional pseudo tranny who knowingly assaulted his dementia-stricken, nearly dead mother because he was horny. Are we forgetting that this isn't his first criminal offense? Or even his only example of sexual deviance? He's high functioning autistic, not full retard. Autism can't be his get out of trouble free card anymore. If a teenager can be tried as an adult for rape and convicted, then why can't a 40 year old man?
>>847721I'm praying the interrogation footage is released so JCS can do an analysis of it.
No. 847725
>>847722kiwi farms poisoning
they really see Chris as a pet
so much fucking casting around looking for a woman to blame, from Barb to that dumb Bella
they think Chris is good and kind and innocuous because Null said so (and before Null, Marvin)
meanwhile Chris continues to be a shitbag, hitting people with a car (but that was Barb’s fault, according to Kiwis), macing a dude at GameStop (but that wasn’t a big deal, because the dude didn’t get hurt, according to Kiwis), ripping people off on eBay (and then Kiwis doxed and harassed the people who dared complain that beloved Chris had stolen from them)
it is fucking sick over there the way they fawn over Chris
No. 847728
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>>847724Isabella Loretta Jenkie
No. 847729
>>847616Megan probably has moved right on from Creepy Chris and doesn't GAF anymore.
Rocky IIRC retired from CWC's local church some time ago.
Snyder's probably enjoying retirement (or managing a GameStop, idk), satisfied that Chris won't be around to intimidate the regulars anymore.
No. 847736
>>847735Its her. They found a youtube channel connected to her sock and its very clearly her voice. Also a video of her rescuing a puppy, same voice.
Her parents were ex Navy Seal and ex CIA/current head fucker and this baby-spy thought she could run her own op
She could still be an hero
No. 847742
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>>847735>She could still be an heroimagine ruining your life over an autist famous for being a freak show style embarrassment. she was defending herself in her kf thread up until all of her info got confirmed by the dog and the ex friends’ posting. surely the parents know by this point her antics got their 1.4m dollar house doxed
No. 847747
>>35510>tfw you assault a security guard>>847679tfw you rape your demented mother
>>847728I don't understand hate towards her, she did the world a service. Barbara was being sexually abused
for a whole month, whatever led to stopping it is good. Nitpicking her over anything is just like arguing over Chris' pronouns - it's being blind to the gravity of the situation.
No. 847748
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>>847747Isabella is no hero. She got involved with Chris purely for the attention, thinking that people would find him raping his own mother hilarious and thus awarding her internet points. She does not give a fuck about Barbra. She has multiple tweets about flicking her bean to shotacon on top of her instagram comments having references to incest being “epic” and her reddit account being the textbook definition of a pickme. Degenerates attract degenerates.
No. 847751
>>847748>Isabella is no hero.She is in my book. An unwitting one.
Not all heroes wear capes, some are cringy edgy trolls.
No. 847752
>>847728sometimes it's nice when there is
no right side or good guy
No. 847761
>>847755congrats for shitting up the thread more with your unsaged whining
>>847758mtf is a place for lesser trannies, mods said so. check the thread. everything cwc, including tranny issues, is to be discussed here only
>>847762Nothing any of those people ridiculing and doxing her do with their life this entire year is likely to have as much of a net positive impact as what her retarded trolling lead to.
They're just like people saying "um, its she, stop misgendering the motherfucker". They're doing it out of reflex and without reflection.
It's an inappropriate reaction for such a grave situation.
No. 847771
>>847770Here's where we disagree: intentions of your acts don't matter. Only effects of your acts do. I strongly believe this.
But that's getting too ot, so let's just agree to disagree.
No. 847784
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So do we know if Christine is being house with men or women yet?
No. 847785
>>847784In Virginia, transwomen can be housed with women only if they've had the surgery.
So, men.
No. 847788
>>847722Sounds weird but I pity his past self I don't think anyone should have been bullied into putting a medaillon up their ass
However fuck him now obviously I don't pity him now he deserves every sentence he gets
No. 847796
>>847728She looks like Meg Griffin.
Other than that, clearly she didn't troll Chris into raping his mom. Who keeps pushing this narrative? Why does a woman always have to be at fault for what a males chooses to do, including rape?
It's already been established Chris knows right from wrong, and fucked his mom just because he wanted to.
No. 847802
>>847800It seems like she's a zoomer who didn't grow up in the 2000s internet but now somehow glorifies that time because she has read about it. She has that personality of a "girl who posts on 4chan" which was done to death over a decade ago and she posts like a 2006-2008 /b/tard.
Kind of sad she would ruin her life over something as stupid as this… Oh well.
No. 847806
>>847590An elderly vulnerable mother was raped by her son but oh no poor trans women that the son is harming by simply existing. Trans women are truly the most vulnerable group to imaginary crimes.
I’m reading through the thread and honestly yeah Chris was always sick in the head but seeing recent pictures of Barb and thinking about what he did to her is making me physically ill. I hope he dies. I don’t care how evil or mean or incompetent she was as a mother, she’s an elderly woman that’s weaker than Chris on all fronts and she was fucking raped. Say what you want about her but she tried and she was there for her clearly overbearing and mentally draining son. I’m just thinking back at the video from years ago when she’s clearly out of it and walks in while Chris is streaming and she’s so gone trying to ask if Chris can buy cat sand before just walking away like a zombie. I remember how I hoped she would be put in a home or something because I actually worried about him harming her in some way. There’s no way to rehabilitate the absolute degeneracy that is Chris Chan. He makes me hope hell is real so I can find comfort in knowing he will be burning for all eternity for the shit he put this woman through. He forced himself on her, praising her for giving in those fucking text messages and how he “learnt” so much from using her body. It’s new levels of horrorcow. Can always rely on men to raise the bar on degeneracy and evil.
No. 847812
Is there proof of him raping his mom or did
>>847728 prey on a mentally ill person? I heard about that, wolves in sheep clothing setting up vulnerable people.
No. 847813
>>847754all of that and incest cp
>>847781>worst this situation would have ended up in another rape case. That was Kelly's original plan after all.are you seriously implying her goal was CWC raping the autist in love with him? Come on now
No. 847815
>>847796In the leaked videocall, Bella was telling Chris that there is no bond stronger than the one between a mother and a daughter, also that if Chris' deities told him that it was okay, then it should be okay to sleep with Barb. She didn't leak the incest stuff either, that was done by the autist who was being groomed by Bella to sleep with Chris.
>>847800Her mother is a former Secret Service agent and her father is a Navy Seal.
No. 847816
>>847812Chris told Dillin Thomas (brony person) right out and Null (coyly) about raping Barb, except that Chris described it as beautiful loving sex.
Why do people here have to go down the KiwiFarms path of trying to find some woman to blame? Chris raped Barb.
No. 847818
>>847816>Why do people here have to go down the KiwiFarms path of trying to find some woman to blame?I don't blame her for what Chris did, just for treating the rape of Barb as some kind of "epic win" that can be used for clout.
Mostly I blame her for being an idiot who got involved in this clusterfuck when it was not necessary, because seeing another young pickme having this fate is always painful.
No. 847820
>>847728Why do I keep reading she’s a femp
do who likes shta? Is that the porn she made?
(newfaggotry) No. 847821
>>847818Heres the thing.
Chris is 100% responsible for raping Barb. No argument, he did it.
However. I would not be surprised if this Bella chick also gets charged with something that encouraged the rape. An example would be the one teen that encouraged her bf to commit suicide. She got prison time even if she wasn’t the one who actually did it.
At the end of the day this chick sat on this info for weeks, did nothing about it, until other people released it. Maybe she didn’t take him seriously. Maybe she did it for clout. But chick needs to watch it because if the police do an in-depth investigation she very possibly could get charged.
No. 847823
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>>847679>They put an autistic lardass troon mom rapist in a female holding area. He is either going to molest some random girl or murder one because she said Bubsy is better than Sonic.
No. 847828
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>>847736Wait, wait, wait… her parents are CIA niggers?! And she’s majoring in computer engineering, hmm…
E - forgot to sage!
(racebaiting) No. 847830
>>847821>An example would be the one teen that encouraged her bf to commit suicide. She got prison time even if she wasn’t the one who actually did it. Hot take: She didn't deserve a prison sentence.
People just can't wait to make an example out of women who aren't nurturing little lovelies towards
toxic men.
Meanwhile, men who threaten and enact emotional violence onto women rarely receive jail time because we're told that it's our own responsibility to protect ourselves and ignore terroristic threats against our wellbeing. It's never a moid's fault if we commit suicide because of what they do to us, hell, moids have found out that they can murder us during "rough sex" and have that be a legitimate defense.
Chris would've done bad shit to his mom regardless if a woman was there to scold him and tell him not to do it. How many people throughout the years have legitimately tried to help Chris, only for Chris to turn around and do what he wants anyway because he's a raging narcissist? And why aren't all the other male trolls being condemned equally into this equation, since it's bullshit that the girl is getting it just because she's the last one to have touched this dumpster fire? This is complete horseshit.
No. 847832
>>847825Samefag no wonder bella or her folks/lawyer are desperately trying to spin and damage control on kf.
No. 847833
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>>847776the more that gets out the more it seems getting involved was for her fetish
No. 847837
>>847830Not really disagreeing with you at all.
Not sure what extent the other trolls have with what happened. I just know Bella’s involvement. There is a reason conspiracy charges and obstruction of justice are a thing. If it’s proven Bella knew the rape was going on and didn’t tell police, or even told him to keep doing it… yes she could be held responsible in that regard.
I’m not saying she is responsible for Chris’s actions 100%, she is not reason the fucker decided to rape his elderly mother, he is. But I’m just saying be prepared if Bella ends up getting something too.
No. 847839
>>847837I think she encouraged him to rape barb again in the phone call. Every time he raped her is a separate crime and each rape after the phone call makes her a co-conspirator to.
It's possible chris will get put in a psych hospital/home but Bella will get sent to prison/jail because according to the texas law if chris is found incompetent it doesn't affect the fact she is.
No. 847840
>>847833Bella also masturbated while thinking of stroking cats. I am not sure if it's still available, but there was also a drawing she made of a dinosaur chasing a 5 yo girl that said "dinosaurs have 12 in dicks".
>>847832I am not sure she would be prosecuted. She has the connections to get away with anything.
No. 847844
>>847837Thanks for clarifying.
Here's some criminal shit enacted by trolls that no one will care about or remember now that there's an actual female to blame:
>Blanca (a trio of males) Tricked Chris into sending them nudes which they leaked to the internet against his consent.
>Bluespike aka Julie Manipulated Chris into sodomising himself with his Sonichu medallion.
>Bryan Bash Sent prostitutes to Chris's house.
>Idea Guys Coerced Chris into degrading himself on video to extort him for money.
No. 847851
>>847830Come one anon she had information about chris raping his own fucking mother you don't have to be smart to see that you have to go to the police especially if its chris we are talking about
Also her talking about it being some sort of sensation is just vile no one deserves to be raped
No. 847853
>>847844But none of those things are illegal. Except for releasing things without his consent, but at the time I’m not sure if there were laws against that. And if they were, in the eyes of the law, is not comparable to knowing someone is raping an old woman and doing nothing about it for weeks, letting the rape continue.
I’d feel the same if it was a man or woman. It’s deplorable and disgusting.
No. 847860
>>847854No one is saying she is solely responsible for the actions of Chris. He raped barb, there is no denying that. He’s had those disgusting thoughts in his head for ages.
However, it is very possible Bella could be charged with something in regards to her withholding the info. That’s it. People can want to see Chris be thrown away for raping his mother while also wanting someone who could have stopped it sooner be held responsible.
Why do people have to be so black or white here.
No. 847862
>>847860She told him it was fine if 'god' said it was. The rapes after that are a conspiracy imo.
Chris: So, and then everything was coming into alignment. The signs were all there. Even Emmanuel (you know, God) just said it was okay and I asked which God was it–
Bella: God said it was okay? So yeah, you don't have anything to worry about if God himself said it this is fine.
No. 847864
>>847860For real.
Its just that she could have ended it a lot sooner to lessen the suffering. I mean Chris even talkdd about bondage and shit that must have hurt in itself and he still raped her after tying her up.
that poor woman did not deserve it despite how bad of a mother she was. No one does.
No. 847868
>>847854the retarded legal takes in this thread are worse than kiwis
blah blah massachusetts law texas law california law none of that applies to virginia
No. 847871
>>847869texas is not going to prosecute someone for being an accomplice to a crime committed in virginia
virginia would have to charge bella
tell reality to fuck itself if you want to, i guess
No. 847874
>>847853>But none of those things are illegal. Exorting people for money and distributing nude pictures against their will are very much illegal. And if poor babu Chris is too mentally retarded to not know he shouldn't fuck his mom, then how dare anyone have directly told his retarded ass into shoving a necklace up his butt for entertainment–that's abusing a retard too.
But of course you'd minimize this shit lmao because womminz folk have to be more wrong even though this bitch didn't even suggest he do anything of the sort.
No. 847880
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No. 847892
>>847696He's delusional in the same way narcissistic compulsive liars are delusional, it's a sort of delusional that doesn't really interfere with their everyday life. If you've ever worked with a compulsive liar, you'll know what I'm talking about. The sort to say they were using grenades to high jump after jumping off 300m cliffs into water, said without irony with what appears to be total sincerity. They say these nonsense stories with a straight face but are perfectly in tune with reality otherwise.
The entire dimensional merge nonsense is a mid-life crisis crashing into chris's narcissism. On some, deep level, he perceives there's something wrong with him. But because he doesn't have the faculties necessary to critique himself or the self awareness to perceive he's a fat disgusting blob, he creates a safe fantasy where a dimensional merge is going to happen and make everything alright. Chris's lack of filter makes him sperg about this fantasy at random moments, which makes it appear like he's psychotic. It's no more delusional than Chris coping with Christianity (which if he goes to prison, will happen, Jehovah's Witnesses will sink their teeth into him and Sonichu will be replaced with Jesuschu).
Actual schizo shit involves hallucinations that appear rapidly and disappear, and paranoia.
No. 847914
>>847898nta but based on the response from the gino doc, if the bluespike stuff was happening now/he wasn't a tween people would want to see him arrested
I think the reason people are having this response to Bella is because Chris Chan, while obviously being manipulated, did those things to himself. barb on the other hand is a third party being attacked.
moreover, Chris is the cow whereas barb isn't
in general, Chris feels like fair game whereas barb seems like a civilian casualty. she's not involved so as soon as she entered the conversation Bella should have handed that information over to the police because it feels like a huge crossing of boundaries
I appreciate that either way it is a vulnerable person being taken advantage of, but what I mean to say is nonnies who are calling for arrest are probably less speaking from a place of internalised misogyny and more that harm to a third party feels worse than to a cow. it's not just losers bullying losers in their own private arena anymore
No. 847944
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enough of the moid derailing. A handful of mainstream news outlets have reported on the arrest today, including the Daily Mail, People, Newsweek, and Insider. It's pretty far down the front page on most sites. Somehow a story about a woman finding a snake in her bathroom in Florida is higher up on Yahoo News.
No. 847945
>>847943Enjoy your ban, lol.
>>847944I love how a good number of these articles are by pajeets who think Chris' last name is literally Chan. Kek.
No. 847947
>>847942As opposed to posts like
>>847941 ?
I know it's chris chan but jfc, why is everyone in this thread a fucking embarrassment.
No. 847953
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>be willing to cuck your bf with Chris
>he turns you down because he thinks his senile mother would be a better girlfriend
Everyone involved in this is a loser lol.
No. 847959
>>847947Because they're retards who feel the need to screech about the 1% of the 1% of Twitter troons and other retards because there's a barely relevant opportunity to derail any thread they possibly can just so they can screech about da fascist trannies.
>>847953Even though she's supposedly autistic, I have a hard time believing anyone would want to fuck Chris for any genuine reason that's not related to some weird attention seeking thing.
No. 847963
>>847962Chris has not learned a single thing.
But yes, Chris is also majorly egotistical and a massive attention whore
No. 847971
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>>847966Kek, yes, what a day to be alive in troony-land !
>Yaniv : franken-clit fell off >Chris-chan : in jail No. 847976
>>847738Imagine being a glowie child and using your own name while trolling.
Chris got trolled by literal kids with more internet anonymity than that.
No. 847980
>>847971I can’t get over what a disaster this whole situation with Chris is.
Either you have to keep up with the facade that self id is
valid and we have to accept that Chris is a woman and accept that elderly mother raping biological males must have their pronouns respected no matter what sick male violence they inflict on women. Or if we take the narrative that Chris transitioned to get sex from lesbians and people have to admit that terfs were right and some men do transition because of their lesbian fetishes and to get sex from lesbians.
(Derailing ) No. 847986
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>>847968Shit article. They repeat the same sentences a few times and get several pieces of info wrong. It would’ve been much more satisfying if the article explained that Chris changed his name to Christian because an animatronic bear accidentally called him Christian when he was young.
No. 847998
>>847662the thread barely even discussed the rape at first, freaks were more excited/upset about whether or not an article used male/female pronouns that focusing on the fact that someone just raped their mom.
some of you sound like you’re glad chris turned out to be this much of a depraved monster as some kind of justification for hating a group of people you didn’t really need a real reason to hate to begin with.
this should’ve gone in the mtf containment threads if you all were just going to speed about pronouns the whole time
File: 1628094855530.png (673.86 KB, 1135x637, coexist.png)

Chris's car has been vandalized and the Sonichu license plates were stolen No. 848002
>>848000bet it will turn up on Ebay sooner or later
Apparently this is a thread by a retard who stole it No. 848004
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>>848000Image they posted of the plate
No. 848029
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Saw this posted on shitter
No. 848031
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apparently he'll be jailed with women
No. 848033
>>848031that is false, it’s been debunked many times in this thread
Virginia does not house anyone with a penis in a woman’s prison, regardless of their legal gender (Chris legally changed name and gender in 2018)
only troons who have completed genital surgery can go to women’s prison in Virginia
the Daily Mail does not do fact checks
No. 848041
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No. 848043
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Can’t escape
No. 848056
>>847754Chris Chan did say he had been researching how to have sex with old and disabled people, so the first two seem high likely.
As well as loads of cartoon porn from Sonic and Pokemon porn.
No. 848061
>>848060for fuck’s sake, people campaign for lots of things that never happen
just stop with the catastrophizing about Chris Chan’s penis
No. 848065
>>847590>chris chan is dangerous for actual trans women who are beginning their transition.There is no such thing as an "actual trans woman" nor is there a "fake trans woman". Trans"women" ARE the danger. A man who says he is trans rapes his own mother and you are concerned about it hurting the feelings of the very men who cause all these problems and not for the more women they could harm?
Trans-identified males always pull out the "not actually trans" argument when one of their own gets outed as a predator, and they say drag queens "appropriate transness" or "make a mockery of trans women" but trannies themselves are men pretending to be women, making a mockery of womanhood, and seriously harming women.
Transwomen are literally harassing, torturing, raping, and killing women; while also calling themselves women, taking women's spaces, demanding women's rights include them, and saying that it's actually women that "oppress" them. I know all men are trash and dangerous but trans"women" are far worse than your average male since they also claim to be women which protects them. You aren't allowed to point how they are men and have male-patterns of violence because you get labelled as a "
TERF" or "transphobic".
Some people are more outraged that Chris Chan's pronouns and identity as a woman is not being validated than they are about him raping his elderly dementia-ailed mother.
It is just so depressing and confusing to me.
No. 848066
>>847980>>848054>>848058>>848065>>848060Whenever I see irrelevant, derailing tranny seethe like this on a thread here – and I see it a lot– I always assume the people making posts like this must be troons themselves, either as a coping mechanism because they're still in denial, or just to get under the skin of their fellow trannies. I just find it hard to believe anyone outside of trannies cares this much about trannies.
>>847986lol that's the Daily Fail for ya. That KVIA article they link to seems to change Chris's pronouns midstream; I guess online "weird news" sections aren't too heavily edited.
No. 848079
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kind of a weird way to frame this situation
No. 848080
>>848076now they’re writing him letters of support in jail and trying to crowdfund a defense lawyer
it is so incredibly gross, they literally do not care that he raped an 80-year-old woman, but at the same time they are desperate for that bella chick to go to jail
No. 848086
>>848082An elderly woman with dementia was raped by her own son but Kiwifarms will cry over their rapist pet going to prison and mainstream media will turn it into a story about how Chris Chan is actually the
victim in all of this and "transphobia" made "her" do it.
Nobody except for radfem communities actually cares that a woman was raped. Can't say I'm surprised though.
No. 848089
>>848079Jesus Christ what is this take.
I understand to not more Chris’s internet history is probably fascinating but the point should be he RAPED his own mother.
No. 848098
>>848079Honestly my favorite part about this is that Christine is Chris' alterego, much like Crystal and Sonichu. Currently due to the spirit posession saga, Sonichu is the one inhabiting Chris' body (according to Chris) and Sonichu's pronouns are preferrably he. Last I checked he returned from cwcville in february and he has been going back and forth since then on is he sonichu or christine, or chris.
So quite literally these woke people are misgendering Sonichu (Chris). What a time to be alive.
No. 848103
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does anyone know anything about this?
No. 848110
>>848103 the "Chris' parents' reaction to Chris coming out (23:47-26:52)" section
>Chris: Uh, yeah, my mom was a bit put off at first, um, I think it was kind of like a subtle- I kinda slid into it, because I'd say among which, years before I figured myself out and realized that I was a female soul, was- I started- well, yeah, I started wearing, uh, sp- I started wearing sports bras, and, uh, I also definitely swapped, uh- I definitely changed my underwear. No. 848124
>>848066You're on a website for women, a lot of which consider themselves to be TERFs.
>the people making posts like this must be troons themselves, either as a coping mechanism because they're still in denial"You're just repressing!" Now here we have a genuine tranny cope that is very popular in tranny communities like /LGBT/ whenever someone criticizes trannies.
No. 848140
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Chris is now listed as a male inmate after his transfer.
No. 848182
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I was in the area and drove by their house this morning. All the lights were on in the house and no one was home. The place is a total dump nonnies
No. 848221
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So his first court date will be September 10th. He interrupted multiple times during the hearing to whine about going home to get some toys, being internet famous, and for misgendering. No. 848222
>>848219I think he's just a sex obsessed creep who would fuck anything that can't outrun him but prefers whoever or whatever makes it easiest for him; I wouldn't be surprised if he expressed homosexual tendencies as a child and his parents tried to beat it out of him, literally or metaphorically
sage for armchair
No. 848231
>>848219Most of it is Bob, I think, but I wouldn't be surprised if there was some suppressed bicurious shit or something. A lot of scrotes seem to be that way, with the fascination with sticking stuff up their asses or up someone elses.
No. 848240
>>848221Isn't concerned about his mom, isn't concerned about his pets, and isn't remorseful whatsoever.
All Chris cares about are his toys and girl LARP. At least he won't get to play in prison.
No. 848253
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>>847522kek these comments
No. 848260
>>848073Expressing concern =/= ranting for paragraphs about evil troons and shoehorning the topic into any conversation no matter how tangential
>>848124ok tranny
No. 848279
>>848265Jesus christ. This was fucking premeditated.
And no Chris most people don't have dreams about having sex with their parents, what the fuck lol
No. 848289
>>848284Jesus Christ, how horrifying. Say her name: Isabella Loretta Janke. I was on her side until more details leaked, but now I think she deserves all the infamy that she fought so hard for.
Obviously Chris is still the only person responsible for raping Barb, but Isabella not reporting that ASAP was disgusting. She could have stopped it and save Barb a horrifying night or two.
No. 848290
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>>847522Lmao an actual man child.
No. 848296
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That Bella chick is apparently a full blown psychopath. I'm still catching up on the thread on her but not only is she a lolicon-loving furry "superhacker", she let her dog's paws get so infected they had to get amputated and then she just decided to have him put down. She tells this story with absolutely no emotion. She is also in several discords that are dedicated to trolling Chris and brags about how women can troll him better and how she is such a master troll she can make people commit suicide.
NP2348 is Bella, the person talking to him about the mom-rape in the leaks.
No. 848298
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No. 848299
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I have always avoided women who can not get alone with other women in my life. For a fucking good reason. All the girls who say they are "not like other girls, girls are so bitchy, I only hang out with boys" have something seriously wrong with them. They are missing something that is essential to being a woman: empathy, kindness and a caring nature that almost all women naturally posess. They get along with scrotes because scrotes do not naturally posess these qualities. So when they get outed by other women for being nasty pieces of shit they call them "bitches" and go hang out with the scrotes who will let them around because they are usually starved for male attention and will suck any dick to get it.
You really are not like other girls, Bella. Other girls are not heartless psychopaths. You're one of the boys, congrats!
No. 848302
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>>848300She was already confirmed to have been posting on /g/ and yeah some of the posts defending her ITT are definitely her as well.
She also definitely stuffs her bra and edits her pics for reddit.
No. 848306
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>>848298I know there's more pressing matters at hand but what the fuck is wrong with her skin. No wonder the 'bitchy' girls don't like her, she looks like she doesn't bathe and she probably smells like it too.
Also you know her teeth are fucked up beyond repair if she's not showing them in a single photo lmao
No. 848307
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>>848306If you think her skin is bad, you should see her thumb.
No. 848309
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>>848307spoiler that shit next time fucking hell.
No. 848310
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>>848307That's got to be the result of some kind of medical condition or hygiene failure. The fuck is that, nail varnish?
In other news, it's so funny how Chris ducksuckers expend so much energy going after the most unbiased Christorian to ever exist. This was the pinned comment on one of Geno's rare non-Chris-related uploads on his alternate channel.
No. 848315
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>>848306she admitted to using bath bombs instead of cleaning herself like a sane person.
No. 848317
>>848303Fiona is an autistic woman who is genuinely in love with Chris. She wrote this: heard somebody say that her parents recently committed her to psych ward. They seemed to imply that Fiona came clean to them about everything so they're getting her the help she needs.
No. 848325
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>>848323Isabella Loretta Janke is a psychopath who destroys people's lives as a hobby, sells pills, steals money, extorts people, tortures animals, schlicks it to drawings of children and doesn't bathe. You, sorry, she, deserves to be exposed for you, sorry, her behavior.
No. 848329
>>848325I honestly didn’t know about the rest of the stuff. I’m specifically talking about what she did with Chris. Is it that big of a deal if she destroys a worthless scrote’s life? Chris deserves everything he got imo
Im just tired of scrotes champing at the bit to see a woman’s life ruined
No. 848332
>>848328Why can’t they both be held accountable??
I agree though maybe a containment thread for Bella would be good.
No. 848336
>>848333i don't even know who the chick is, i'm here for chris-related news and i'm tired of scrotes coming in trying to derail with shit like this
>>848327 as if the guy didn't RAPE HIS MOTHER.
No. 848339
>>848317So there actually WAS a boyfriend-free girl out there who liked Chris? Oh that's sad. Why TF did he have to go full Odedipus when that rarest of butterflies, a girl who actually liked him,exists? I suppose the only good that came out of this is that Fiona was spared from finding out personally how depraved he was. I hope Fiona finds her own girlfriend-free boy that doesn't like raping his mother.
This is both a comedy & tragedy rolled in one.
No. 848342
>>848327Being a teenage 4chan nuisance who does the same things as the average KFer
>"deserves their life ruined"Raping your elderly mother suffering from dementia
>"did some awful things but never appeared to be from malicious intent"Scrote logic, everyone. Please contribute to the thankfully ever-growing male suicide rate.
No. 848354
There are very good reasons to believe that Bella is posting in this thread. She self-admittedly posted on (seen in discord screenshots here
>>848298) and she has already made several sock accounts on KF that have all been banned because she whiteknighted herself there as well.
No. 848355
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as an amateur christorian (discovered him around 2009, stopped caring post unclit) i feel like a mega retard rn. i assumed all these years that the "chan" moniker was a reference to the japanese honorific but i literally just realized… it's because of his surname, isn't it?
No. 848377
>>848376I think someone said that Virginia prisons are based on what genitals you have, and Chris has a penis down there so he’ll be going to a men’s prison.
Idk if Virginia jails follow the same rule though.
No. 848403
>>848318mods immediately deleted all of her threads/posts, search the kiwifarms Isabella thread for '/g/' or something. Or wait until the OP is updated, it may link to the spam
>>848334>tortured 8 hamsters to deathpsychos always start with animals before they move on to bigger targets
>neglected the doxdog Max to the point of putting him downOh no. He's the dog who's paws got so infected they had to amputate them and she put him down? The story was horrifying enough, even worse with the poor dog's face attached to it. Holy hell. I bet the poor creature was so happy to get adopted.
There are no winners here, both CWC and Bella should be locked up and kept away from society… and helpless animals. Fucking disgusting.
No. 848408
>>848343Already happened, of course.
>>848345As previously stated, mouth-shotgun post haste. This is a thread about Chris and his crime of
raping his dementia-suffering mother, not about some unkempt sperg who you're seething over because she reminds you of all the le quirky NLOGs who rejected you.
No. 848413
>>848338Generally in US prisons, anyone can send mail to a prisoner and the prisoner can send mail back. As for calling prisoners, according to the Virginia DOC website, prisoners can put together a list of 15 phone numbers that they are able to call over the phone for 20 minutes. It's also possible to apply to visit prisoners either in person or over video chat.
So, yes, communicating with prisoners is easy enough and there are enough people who would write Chris letters (and send him money to buy more stationery) that we should be kept pretty well updated on his life behind bars.
No. 848416
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Some more texts Bella leaked where Chris explains that he had to fuck his mom to lose his "emotional virginity" (he had only had sex with a hooker before) because he was afraid Sockness (a troll) would steal his power.
No. 848417
>>848316this is so embarrassing cus either no one is acknowledging her or they think she's the worst person ever.
people hate bluespike but at least he's a "big name" in christory and some weird scrotes seem to think he's cool. with Bella she'll be completely forgotten or at best remembered as a scumbag
No. 848419
File: 1628274052199.png (4.38 MB, 2888x3200, lunacy2.png)

And here is a conversation between Fiona and Bella.
>When I have sex with him, I hope it sways him away from his mother
hooooooooooo boy
No. 848425
>>848422Right? Fiona screams troll to me too. Fucking imagine Bella getting trolled by Fiona to release the info of chris raping barb.
This timeline is too much.
No. 848428
>>848427apparently a lot of people close to Chris were well aware that he was having a relationship with an 'older' lady and that said relationship was very taboo, so even among his inner circle (which Fiona very much was) they suspected he was talking about Barb
>>848425dude, (even if fake) these are texts between a 19yr old autistic girl with a gross Chris-chan fetish and an absolutely vulgar 20yr old psychopathic NLOG… even if 100% genuine, take everything with a grain of try-hard
No. 848438
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No. 848440
>>848435>She still wanted to have sex with Chris after finding out that he raped his mom. She's not a good personShe did? Do you have a proof of that? Sorry, it's so confusing with all the altered (or not) leaks and hundreds pages of kiwifags sperging. It doesn't help that nobody is reposting the milk here
>>848438…Oh! Thank you. We sure it's not doctored like those vile BDSM 'chris' messages? This whole thing is a mess, IDK what to believe anymore. If that message is true, that Fiona chick is insane as well. Who the fuck would fuck a literal motherfucker in an attempt of fixing him???
No. 848452
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ok, so I know I said maybe the caps were fake, but I'm reading Fiona's CWC-fucking manifesto now and I take it all back. those caps are real. she's into the incest shit
No. 848463
>>848458Take anything coming from Bella as sus.
>>848455Not some woman, some 19 yr old retard. Is it so far fetched that she have a cringe obsession with someone she views as an internet celeb, right on par with other 19 yr old non-retards that obsess over any other celeb. There's just an added degree of fucking awful here.
No. 848464
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Just found this year old post on Reddit lol
No. 848467
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>>848462He specifically talks about helping her. Can I call you a scrote too since apparently the only thing that makes someone male or female is whether you agree with them or not? I'm not a scrote, haven't been for the past 5 years I've been on this site nor the past 13 years I've been following Chris chan, nor anytime prior to that. Chris is a mentally stunted man child who loves his mom, and then he started loving her too much. He never wanted to hurt her, but he did and he should face consequences for his actions. Bella on the other hand is incapable of feeling love and finds glee in other people's suffering.
No. 848469
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>>847522Good lord his acts have reached everywhere.
No. 848481
File: 1628298542458.jpg (191.06 KB, 1632x826, boomerchan.jpg)

>>848469Sisters, this is real.
This is reality.
You thought this thing wasn't enough of a mess before? It has now become mainstream with the most mainstream boomermagnet on television. Your aging racist uncles are going to be sending you Chris Chan facts by the end of tomorrow.
No. 848489
>>848481Only two things I respect about Fox news: They won't entertain Chris's fake pronouns, and they'll actually call him a rapist.
They can own that lib and keep him too.
No. 848495
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Kiwifarms is currently being DDOS attacked and is down.
Isabella arc is currently evolving into glowie arc, with internet autists taking on the glowniggers(no1curr, sage your shit)
No. 848500
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speaking of bioluminescence.
No. 848501
>>848495No one cares about KF going down for the 100th time.
You don't need to double post and shit up two different threads
>>848465It's become a public spectacle, so there will probably be press statements somewhere down the line
No. 848502
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>be the type of sperg to have an anime pfp on facebook
>proceed to spend countless hours destroying a bigger sperg's grip on reality
>do it for a measly $6000
outside of the actual fun trolls like liquid and clyde cash, the whole saga of christory is just a case study of the sperg food chain that's always viewed from the bottom
No. 848503
>>848500Yep, knew it, knew this would happen.
Chris is being put on Tucker who will now be used as a trans icon to shield them from 'white supremacists'. Every person who gets attacked by Glowy Fox News Man suddenly becomes a cultural icon who did nothing wrong and whom we must emulate.
No. 848506
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>defend the rapist's pronouns even when they're not being talked about.
No. 848509
>>848503I really can't imagine that going well for them. Chris is someone with an established, insanely public history of being disgusting and freakish. A lot of it can't easily be hand-waved away with "It's the internet's fault he's like this". Literally anyone who's not the same as him will peak if he becomes an icon and details of his life hit the mainstream. I have a feeling the schism will happen even faster once the "BLM" types get wind of his racist moments alone.
All of this shit is repellent to everyone but extremists. Even garden variety trannies wouldn't want this, all that'll be left are the most demented handmaidens and troons who are dangerously close to saying "Fuck it" and putting "proud sex offender" in their Twitter bios.
No. 848513
>>848438 I don’t wanna share a gender with this tard.
>>848495Wtf is this glownigger shit? I
never heard the term before this Chris-Chan shit started happening and a bunch of KF scrotes flooded the farms. Can someone explain?
No. 848514
>>848512god this late night television cycle is so slimy, I wish people would wake up.
I say this knowing that it's been around much longer than I have.
No. 848517
>>848513Safe google term: "glow in the dark CIA"
If you're reading about Terry Davis you're in the right place
No. 848520
>>848408lol hi bella.
does it feel nice to know that your stupidity has ruined not only your own life, but your dad’s?
(hi cow) No. 848545
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>>848467>Chris is a mentally stunted man child who loves his mom, and then he started loving her too much. He never wanted to hurt herYou should be locked up in an asylum just like Fiona. "Women" like you are an absolute disgrace.
Chris harbored incestuous feelings towards Barb way before Isabella Janke got into his head and he drew picrel just so he wouldn't rape Megan (a woman his was obsessed with for years).
He didn't repeatedly rape his octogenarian mother because he "loved" her, he's just an autistic 40 year old sex-pest unable to conceptualize other people's will but his own.
No. 848546
>>848542Sage for non contribution but I can't believe this dude said FOIDS. I'm losing my shit. He doesn't even know where moid came from but you've all got him so mad he's maleposting in a fit.
>>848325THAT'S A MAN MAURY. If it isn't that's an incredibly unfortunate hairline, for starters.
No. 848551
I'm not excusing him, when I said "unable to conceptualize" it's more on lines of
he chooses to not give a shit (his coom > other people's well-being). Chris had plenty of whiteknights throughout the years trying to wrangle him, so he's well aware of right and wrong. The gamestop incident, his general creepiness towards women, trying to run someone over with a car and his message to Null about his "older gf" are proof enough of his awareness.
No. 848556
lmao sorry for sperging out. I'm just sick of the "he's autistic, he's a gud boi" excuse too.
No. 848590
>>848581where are you hearing this? Reddit, twitter, troon breadtubers?
>>848355based retard
No. 848604
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Is this true or bullshit ?
No. 848605
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No. 848606
>>848599>>848604pls lurk.
her thread is linked itt
No. 848614
>>848606I see now thx
>>848607No, look this post
>>847728 No. 848626
>>848623>It's part of the cycle of trying to excuse Chris and his actions as that of a 'societal problem' with the South and not actually Chris' own doingA lot of Chris's actions are definitely his own fault but I don't really get people complaining about Chris's racism. (And for the record, I'm not white)
Even back in 2010, I always thought that people complaining about Chris's racism was an excuse to justify him being harassed. Chris clearly got his racist attitudes from Bob, and a lot of white guys from rural Virginia were/are racists. Chris's racism was definitely unpleasant but it wasn't as if he was calling all the black people he met niggos to their faces. I don't think Chris harmed anyone with his racism, unlike with his sexism. Yeah it was really offputting that he said that he didn't want to date blacks, but even today a lot of "normal" men post on Grindr how they don't want to date blacks. And I think what made it hypocritical to me were that so many people complaining about his racism were EDiots and Channers who were way more racist or tolerated racism from other users.
Why does Chris's racism bother you then
nonny? I don't really get it.
No. 848630
>>848626>Why does Chris's racism bother you then nonny? I don't really get it.Trying to excuse Chris' racism by saying his environment caused it bothers me. It's another part of the endless cycle of trying to excuse his actions when it was clear he was autonomous enough to make decisions for himself.
I say endless because look at the people trying to defend his behavior by saying he's autistic. Or saying that he deserves undue respect for being a rapist because of his trans status.
>Chris clearly got his racist attitudes from Bob, and a lot of white guys from rural Virginia were/are racists.Rubbish. Chris made a choice to be that way. This idea that any white scrote living there will just automatically become racist robs the part where Chris made an active decision to be that way, just like his decision to become a sexist. Tons of people live there who aren't in any way like that.
No. 848633
>>848630So? There are a ton of people who grew up in rural Virginia in the 90s who were racist. I think the mainstream dialogue on race has changed a lot in the last 10 years but I assure you there were plenty of people in Ruckersville who were just as racist. I fail to see how Chris's racism was extreme in any way, just that he was worse at hiding it while other just talked about those things in private.
>Tons of people live there who aren't in any way like that.In 2020, 60% of people voted for Trump still while Chris was against him. So I'm guessing not "tons."
>>848631>And I will add, there are also plenty of autistic people who aren't insane racists/sexists like Chris who are in a lot worse shape than he is. I still don't see how Chris is an insane racist. And I really don't think Chris is that racist today. It's not like Chris chose to be an anti-racist, he just realized that being for Trump wasn't popular among his type of people on Twitter anymore.
But now I'm getting the feeling that you think every person with a MAGA 2020 hat is a Nazi or something.
No. 848643
>>848619I totally disagree with number 1. Chris could have grown up relatively normal as a proper high functioning autist. I honestly feel that it was his parents who were the fucking retards and this can ALL be blamed on them. I'm on like episode 31 of the documentary right now and Chris was a truly eloquent, artistic person who absolutely stood a chance in the right environment. Instead, he was brutally tormented and his parents raised him like a fucking reptile. Fuck Bob and Barb. They are the fucking villains of this story, almost as much as the fucking trolls (and fuck all them too, I sincerely hope they go to hell).
Christine seems to have worse things going on than just autism. Some kind of degenerative mental illness? She is not the same person Chris was at 27 - her mind is GONE. But 27 year old Chris stood a fucking chance, and I hate everyone involved in this story with every fiber of my being. There IS evil in this world, and it all somehow manifests around Chris Chan.
No. 848644
>>848619>I think it's fine for Chris to be unemployed and collect disability.Nah, he can work. Lots of people are fucking insufferable, it doesn't give them a pass to collect free money. He's an able-bodied man who can read, write, and do basic math.
He's just another entitled autismo who got told he was special too much, and so now the thought of having to earn his living would be like a death sentence.
But he won't have to worry about that, at least for a few years while he rides in the prison system. No toys for Chris!
No. 848646
>>848643might some of the "getting worse" aspect of CWC be simply that he's never really gotten proper treatment?
and it seems like almost everyone who gets involved with CWC has either been willing to indulge in his fantasies, or been trolls pushing him further from reality. or both.
even the tomgirl/transgender thing seems like something CWC was trolled into, by someone like Bluespike or an earlier version of the Idea Guys.
No. 848654
>>848644A lot of autists are like that and still end up unemployed. Are you saying that autism isn't a serious disability?,national%20unemployment%20rate%20of%204.5%25. I hate the idea of working around autists. Most of the high functioning ones have meltdowns sometimes. Would you want to deal with that as your coworker?
>>848643> Chris was a truly eloquent, artistic person who absolutely stood a chance in the right environmentWhen was Chris ever eloquent or artistic? This just seems like whitewashing history to blame Borb for Chris's problems.
>Instead, he was brutally tormented When was Chris ever tormented? Seems like people made fun of him in school but he generally hand fond memories of the experience. Unless you're being dramatic and saying that living with Barb was torment or something.
>They are the fucking villains of this story, almost as much as the fucking trolls Chris was messed up way before the trolls
>Christine>SheThis is a joke right?
You seem like a delusional white knight. A lot of people have tried to help Chris but Chris has never taken their advice. Chris is clearly narcissistic.
>>848646Most people in the US can't afford mental health care. Also a lot of therapists are shit, and most would encourage you to be a tranny these days.
No. 848658
>>848657Chris was supposedly abused by teachers according to Bob and Barb, and they are such great sources. They used the supposed abuse as an excuse to make Chris switch schools and not be enrolled in public education.
>If you think the person he is today is purely a result of his nature and that his upbringing and life experiences haven't played a large part in shaping that then you're almost as retarded as he is.Show me where I said that
No. 848662
>>848660He was just born that way. Shit genetics. Seems like Barb and Bob had narc tendencies and he inherited them. Plus the severe autism. And some people are just born shitty and we don’t know why. It’s not like Bob went out of his way to teach Chris to yell at little kids and make an attraction sign. This was all before the trolls.
>>848659Tell me when was Chris tormented growing up before the trolls?
No. 848670
>>848654>Are you saying that autism isn't a serious disability?The disorder would not necessarily cause someone to be unemployable, no. Even people with down syndrome are given a form of employment. Keeping busy during the day is actually healthy for most people, particularly so they don't spend time ruminating over pointless shit or planning to fuck their mom out of boredom.
>Would you want to deal with that as your coworker?Most people don't have careers where they have to deal with stunted losers. And I say "stunted losers" and not autists because unlike most other autists, Chris was always enabled and thus never confronted his lack of self-awareness and antisocial tendencies.
There's nothing worse than the government giving autismbux to lazy little liars.
No. 848686
>>848685Bob cheated on his wife and left her and his kids for Barb. He is certainly a horrible person as well.
Same goes for Barb, her son from her first marriage doesn't talk to her anymore because she was such an
abusive bitch. Both of them are horrible people and Chris is their Karma.
No. 848693
>>848686Bob seemed to realize that though and actually tried to redeem himself as a father. he tried to impart knowledge on him, he tried to get him friends (which seemed to backfire) and tried to even be his friend.
was Bob’s general character lacking and was he a shitty guy in life? yeah of course. but he tried with Chris and it showed. one of Chris’ parents was with him when he tried to run a guy over in front of a hobby games shop and it wasn’t his father.
all of this to say that his mother still has never ever deserved to be raped by her disgusting scrote son No. 848695
>>848693Bob is a large part of why Chris turned out the way he did. Sure he tried, but his efforts only made Chris worse. He paid people to pretend to be Chris' friend when he was a kid, and he and Barb enabled Chris' delusions every time he struck out with a girl (especially with Megan, for example) or failed in some other way. Chris never really had to properly internalise his failures because they coddled him and made excuses for his shortcomings instead of encouraging him to work on them.
I have no doubt that Bob and Barb did what they thought was their best with Chris. I think they had regrets about how they raised their other children and decided to put everything into Chris. But the outcome was horrific, and Bob is absolutely responsible for it along with Barb.
No. 848696
>>848663Nature vs nuture, Chris was nutured into being who he is now
A scenario like this would basically make him not Chris even if he's psysically the same
No. 848707
>>848695You're right, but I also kinda understand why Bob coddled him so much. Chris apparently didn't talk from like 2-6 years old because a babysitter was mean to him. Chris is/was extremely fucked up, so him doing anything normal obviously seemed really amazing to his parents, especially Bob.
Bob wanted to try being a good dad for once and wanted a normal son he could relate to so bad, and he got a literal pants-shitting, mute retard failson lol. Poor Bob.
No. 848710
>>848707bruh Bob should have gotten Chris actual help, that babysitter incident is alleged and if you read between the lines of Chris and his family you'll notice they NEVER take responsibility for ANYTHING
Anything that goes wrong in their lives is ALWAYS someone else's fault, so take anything they say with a grain of salt
No. 848723
>>848722The Bella stuff is absolutely mortifying.
Boiling hamsters alive and letting them out to freeze to death because your own crazed spook daddy won't let you keep it.
The entire angle of using Chris and another autistic girl, film them having sex then LEAKING the sex tape and the fact that he's fucking his own mother all for the sole purpose of getting them to kill themselves….BECAUSE SHE THOUGHT IT WAS FUNNY is some of the most manipulative evil shit you can think of.
And all of this from a fucking twenty year old script kiddie.
Jesus fucking wept.
No. 848732
>>848728You don't test people who legitimately hear imaginary voices in their head.
You get them help and/or medicated.
No. 848738
>>848726And that is exactly what null is.
An enabler.
>>848734No one could force him. But didn't anyone that was in contact with him actually discuss with him that hearing voices and playing pretend was not in fact normal or or healthy?
But no, send the retard who's listening to a yellow cartoon rat in his head off to a pony convention and get him to make commissions to internet speds to barely make a shitty living off.
Clearly getting to the real problems.
If null and company ever truly cared, they would have forced this retard to commit to therapy before anything like this occurred. The warning signs were all there.
>>848737Boats officially sailed on that one since he's now going to be a convicted sex offender.
No. 848740
>>848738Null never enabled his delusions. He just told this story on his last podcast episode. Chris didn't like him for that, cause he ignored his delusions and god-shit and refused to call him by his fantasy names. The only people who enabled his delusions were the discord trolls and people like Bella who then tricked him into making videos. Null never actively trolled Chris.
You really think you are the first person who thinks "wow maybe someone should get this guy help"? Sorry but you might be as retarded as Chris himself. Many people have tried and failed.
No. 848743
>>848741I said he was horrible as well in this post
>>848686 calm the fuck down you sperg.
No. 848745
>>848724>>848728>>848736Josh never gave a shit about Chris. He just wanted to control his pet cow. Josh had no fucking right to be going through chris' emails and bank shit, no matter if he's doing it "for good reasons" or not. He had no right to be "vetting who chris talked to". If Josh was THAT concerned about Chris that he thought he needed a retard like Josh to Mother him, he should have called in a wellness check MONTHS ago.
Josh wanted Chris to go to the convention "for lols". Not to help him. I can't believe some of you are stupid enough to believe Josh fucking Moon of everyone. Newfags.
>>848740null literally posted in the bella thread that it is now impossible to talk to Chris without feeding into his delusions. So yes, null 100% has been feeding his delusions and admits it so he can keep contact with him. White knight elsewhere, retard. Or at the very least read your Daddy's posts before you embarrass yourself here.
No. 848746
>>848740So his solution was to just ignore the problem till someone else sorted it out?
Something like this was bound to happen. Null is a fucking idiot for thinking otherwise. And yes he is an enabler.
Because despite all the crimson flags being there, he just gave up trying to find him some real help. Getting Chris on an income would not have solved shit in the long run and everyone knows it.
All he cared about was how much lulz could be had at a retards expense.
No. 848752
>>848745Chris asked him to do it and came to Josh when he needed help with trolls. You sound mad, are you a Chris a-log who didn't get to manipulate the cow in the way you wanted to? Did Null step on your toes?
>So yes, null 100% has been feeding his delusions and admits it so he can keep contact with him.Literally not. He said that he just ignores Chris' delusions, Chris gets mad and stops talking to him, but eventually comes back when he needs something again. You seem very pressed about him so now I am curious what Null did to you.
No. 848753
>>848745>Josh had no fucking right…Of course he had the right, what a silly thing to say.
>he should have called in a wellness check MONTHS agoHow many times do you have to be told that there are no resources for serious psychiatric care in the United States before you understand? How many days in a hospital do you think the Everfree fundraiser (~$5000) could have paid for? There's a reason people talked up the Homeless Arc: because unless and until he committed a serious crime, Chris was never going to have the option of being institutionalized. And even now, the institution is very, very unlikely to be medical.
No. 848756
>>848721>they should have made him go to a mental ward.That's not how it works. The only time an adult is placed in a mental ward is when they're either an immediate danger to themselves or to others. Someone is hallucinating doesn't meet that criteria, and all you'll be told is to continue to monitor them. The only time he could have been placed in some sort of institution was when he was a minor, probably anyway. However, now that he has committed a violent crime, that can change.
I do agree that people egging him on did not help the situation though. See: Terry Davis - his outcome would have been much different and likely healthier if online nutcases didn't bother him.
No. 848758
>>848751Isn't Null only 28 or something? He could still have a family. As seen with the Chris Chan drama, no matter how stupid, ugly, disgusting or reprobate a man is, there is at least one woman out there who wants to fuck him.
>>848756Seriously, is this thread full of Europeans or does no one here know how the mental health system works in America? I don't know why so many anons here think you can just call up the psyche ward and have them haul someone away. Once Chris is out of jail(assuming he even gets jail time), he'll be free to go back to his normal life sans Barb.
No. 848760
>>848755But clearly you can set up a fucking fundraiser as a test for your favorite lolcow to make a living off of and rewarding him by sending him to a pony convention because the idea of a retard doing retarded things then laughing about it on the internet takes top priority.
The man is sick in the head.
It took people he was in contact with the raping of his dementia ridden eighty year old mother for people to finally understand that?
If null and the rest of the kiwifags wanted the best for him and he would always continue to refuse help, contact should have been cut the moment that was apparent. Because being part of his life IN ANY FASHION and not exclusively trying your absolute best to convince him to get the help he desperately needs is being an enabler.
No. 848762
>>848752you are literally ignoring what null directly posted so you can suck his duck here. Now you're getting paranoid. Seek help, newfriend. Null is a giant faggot.
>>848753>>848756>>848758>>848757Yet the first time a wellness check is called in they removed barb. I guess now kf is down all the scrotes are here, defending their king. Men really cant integrate for shit. You faggots are going to have to live with the fact null could have stopped this.
No. 848766
>>848758I think that person is underage or just incredibly naive, since its the same deal in Europe. Hospitals only have so much space and funding after all.
>>848762Calling me names doesn't change the fact that admission into a mental ward doesn't work the way you think it does. A wellness check sooner likely wouldn't have gone anywhere; people freeze up when talking to health professionals and either forget or intentionally leave out details from their day-to-day lives that would otherwise be a red flag. Like the other anon said, nothing would happen unless the worker literally observes the patient committing a crime of sorts or idealizing/attempting suicide.
No. 848777
>>848765I don't want to pull a
>hi cowbut you're way too invested in defending Josh's honor
No. 848828
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people who think chris is just some innocent harmless autist, have any of you actually read sonichu comics? like do you know what happens in those comics?
chris is a perv. he's obsessed with sex.
No. 848835
>>848830That's the thing. It's not hard or inconvenient to look for. There's literally a page devoted to it on the CWCki. You newfags have literally an entire database to look up receipts on.
>b-but the CWCki is down!Just give it some time or keep refreshing until the page pops up.
No. 848843
>>848772 is a retard who can't do a 15 second google search
No. 848894
>>848874if this were a normal situation, i'd assume he has a computer with less-than-legal things on it that he didn't want officials to get ahold of…
…but this is chris, so he probably left his toys and just really really wanted those legos in jail.
No. 848907
>>848874>family memberIf they're not estranged they're dead so nope
>friendChris is a neet with no real friends, most people he talks to nowadays are "internet friends" so that's a no too.
He mainly flipped his shit because without his toys he can't recede into cwcville and talk to sonichu and friends as a coping mechanism. He's panicking because he's just now realizing that this isn't a "I spend a few days in jail then I go home" deal.
No. 848930
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>>848835Found this but not much else. Would love a compilation image of Chris hating on trannies
No. 849004
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>>848778Source was Arthur Spatchcock (MasterDisaster on KF iirc). reliable enough, he did a set of friendly interviews with Chris during the quiet period when he wasn't really talking to anybody or socializing on the internet.
No. 849007
>>848974Anon, if you yourself had read the article, you would know that Chris's articles were indeed deleted because of lack of notability.
Here, let me make it easy for you:
>(A7: No indication that the article may meet guidelines for inclusion: Article about a real person, which does not indicate the importance or significance of the subject (CSD A7)) No. 849031
>>849015yes, “Christian Weston Chandler” is apparently salted, but I doubt that “Christine Weston Chandler” has been
plus the coverage from major international outlets
on the other hand, not everyone who has been arrested and indicted for a crime is considered notable, so it could go either way
No. 849137
>>849136AFAIK only a handful of states offer therapy instead of jail. Virginia is not one of them, and even if Virginia did have such a program, such opportunities are generally only offered to nonviolent offenders (which Chris is not). In Virginia both rape and incest are felonies which carry minimum prison sentences.
My question is whether or not they'll add on a forced sodomy charge.
No. 849144
>>849136Virginia does have a criminal behavioral treatment center for sexually violent predators: Chris be sent there? Who knows.
No. 849194
>>849181Assuming he really did it (and it seems like he did), there's no chance he's just going to walk because he was potentially manipulated. He's definitely going to end up in prison or a facility.
Apparently the "permanent daycare with crazies" thing may actually be a misconception. Those places might be a much worse fate than prison. Not sure how accurate it is, but the most recent JCS video discusses the topic.
No. 849214
>>849181The fact that there's a long history which shows you can't really trick Chris into doing productive things is more than enough to suggest:
a) he knew what he was doing
b) even if he was proposed by someone else, Chris did it of his own volition and not because he truly believes his make belief wants him to
No. 849249
>>849235I haven't been following Chris at all prior to this and it amazes me how nonplussed everyone was by his attempted vehicular manslaughter. Hello, he tried to run someone over?! Crickets.
It hits me harder than most because I had a friend who got killed by a car, but I'd like to think you don't have to experience such a tragedy personally to know this is a very dangerous person when he does such things.
No. 849288
>>849249Nah people were shocked, it's just that ultimately not much came from that event. No one was hurt and Michael Snyder is a capable, normal adult who took them to court.
The Barb stuff feels more sinister because she wasn't able to defend herself against Chris, she's helpless.
No. 849372
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he looks like hes saying: wHaT dId I dO? i OnLy FuCkEd My MoM(
No. 849467
>>849428As somebody who's been 5150'd, I agree that Chris is way too high functioning to be kept in a hospital. I've seen what real crazy looks like, Chris doesn't rank.
>>849196>>849235I don't really see what Josh was supposed to do. He was trying to act as Chris's doorway to reality, but Chris barely took advantage of the opportunity. Ultimately Chris chose the people who were manipulating him, and that's what he's always done.
In hindsight, it's not surprising at all that Chris would become predatory given agency, but it was inevitable that as Barb aged he would develop more agency, nobody could have kept him under control forever.
That being said, Josh is a retard for constantly saying that Barb might be a machiavellian manipulator faking dementia on the basis that the man in the pickle suit told him so 12 years ago.
No. 849514
>>849503Josh is an idiot for thinking he could be a hero by “saving” Chris. Work in a homeless shelter or something if you want the warm fuzzies.
So many of the people there really do think of Chris as a pet. Remember when they doxxed the dude who had the temerity to file a dispute on eBay because Chris stole his money? They were just so pissed off at him, because uwu Chris was struggling because mean old Barb was stealing his money. Fuck those clowns (don’t actually fuck those clowns).
No. 849530
>>849514null wouldnt have given a shit about chris if he didn't come with attention. null is desperate to make his mark on the world in some way now that he's living in exile and has realized he can never support the trad wife and kids he wants.
im not defending fungus at all, but farmers are contacting her and her friends/hacking her emails in a way that would have led to a ban before for touching the poo. They're not mad she's an animal abuser. They're mad she took their favourite cow away, even if it was accidentally and down to fiona.
No. 849539
File: 1629159814555.png (199.93 KB, 551x515, alog.PNG)

someone hacked into chris's youtube account and posted this
No. 850776
>>850660Imagine believing everyone is delusional and Chris is innocent lmao.
More charges can happen, this shit takes time. More will probably come out when he faces court again in a few weeks.
Will it be public viewing in court this time? Or still behind closed doors?
No. 851009
>>850776Let's kek together, friendanon. Not trying to blog, but I'm familiar enough to know that sexual assault is a crime that takes years of investigation (or lack of) to finally make it to a prosecutor's desk. Do fuckers really believe that speedy trials happen in burgerland? The fact is Chris is still charged with incest and this faggot thinks it's consensual because serious sexual assault charges haven't been formalized? I don't think it'll take years or even a year, but could be months.
>Will it be public viewing in court this time? Or still behind closed doors?When Chris made his first appearance I managed to weed through Kiwi Farms for as long as my non-autistic, non-ADHD mind could handle. All I know is that the court in the jurisdiction handling Chris's case is not allowing recording, audio or visual. I'm not sure whether jurisdiction will be changed. Plus we won't know how Chris's mental evaluation will change court proceedings.
No. 851847
>>851655In all fairness, neither of his previous assaults resulted in serious injury or harm. Snider also asked for leniency, which doesn't technically hey anyone off Scott free, but the judge certainly took it into account. With the macing I remember it really only getting on the guy's shirt.
Both of them are assault, but from the court's perspective, throwing Chris in jail over them would have been overkill. He may have gotten it, if not serious probation terms of Snider had been more seriously injured or unsympathetic.
Not that I believe it would have prevented him from raping Barb.
An insanity plee won't happen or at least wouldn't be successful. Despite him being retarded and believing insane shit, he has shown pre-meditation and the ability to judge right from wrong (even if his understanding of such is fucked)
No. 851985
>>851847Snyder ended up with enough injury that the court required Chris pay Snyder’s medical bills, which Chris complained about for a while. I don’t recall when the bills got fully paid off but it was 2 or 3 years to do so.
It’s also of note that he attempted to run people down and of course attempted to mace an employee in the face, and last I checked people will still get charged for just making attempts at harming people.
No. 852335
>>852319the dude posted the same on Reddit (I think before posting on KF)
he had photos of the house and the van with its new plates (someone stole the SON CHU plates from the van after Chris’s arrest)
he didn’t get Barb’s picture
No. 852352
>>852319So the doctors/authorities let her just go like that? Back to her crappy house?
Virginia, man…
No. 852378
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>>848004The guy who claims to have stolen it posted in an FB group I’m in.
No. 852419
>>852370Wait a minute, why was she driving alone when she has dementia? In the thread, the guy claims she was lucid enough to reply after he waved “hi Barb”.
Kinda suspicious…
No. 852444
>>852414He said he saw barb, said hi and she said hi back. Some other sperg took pictures and verified that someone is there. Lights are on and cats have been returned as well as the vehicle.
>>852378What the… This is so fucking autistic.
No. 852531
>>852378Taking the plates wasn’t all that surprising but I didn’t expect this much cringe from the guy who did it. I just figured it was a fairly average christorian that was a little weenish but this well beyond expectations.
It’s also worse that he attached his face to it, how do people still not know that it’s a bad idea? This will follow him for life now.
No. 852696
>>852680IDK why are you calling me a dumbass when
>>852556 is right here
>unsaged>maybe we could try talking to some prison guards. i heard some inmates are able to sneak and hide phones in prison. we could get intel from those people. No. 853057
>>852957>>852970>>852950Come on, he's one of the most documented people on the internet. If this is open to the public, you KNOW there are going to be people from Kiwifarms reporting on all of this.
I've never been committed to the Chris Chan story, it's always just made me feel deeply uncomfortable tbqh. But this has been one helluva finale.
No. 853086
>>853057I just hope it’s a kiwi member and not Ethan Ralph. But then again, Ethan would probably make a scene and get arrested or removed from the court, so that might be funny.
>>853080Whatever he says at court about being in prison will sum up his future experience, so who cares. He’ll just bitch about the food or not having his toys.
No. 853088
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It's judgement day ladies
No. 853204
>>853164I think he might actually cry for real for the first time in his life. Not for his crimes of course, but because he doesn’t have his toys or ability to waste the days on video games.
I’m expecting either rage or crying in the court where he demands toys and ignored what’s happening.
No. 853217
He will denounce his past actions as horrifying and unbecoming of a human being, and accept the sentence with dignity.
The time in prison is spent on contemplation and self-improvement. A great sadness overcomes him as he considers his wasted life, but such sadness is ripe soil for spiritual renewal. He leaves prison with a newfound inner peace and determination.
Once released, he takes on a job as a janitor in a mall, slowly earning a small wage. Despite the humble job, his respectful attitude towards his peers and customers earns him their approval.
He will live austerely, as each month he donates his income, aside from the bare necessities, to sexual assault
victims. He understands it will never be enough to erase his misdeeds, yet that is no excuse not to the best he can.
No. 853229
nonnie is being facetious, shidinipple (short for shitting dickle nipple) you absolute pathetic post has given us all aids and pickle dickle bo pickle fee fye foh fuckle, nuckkle
No. 853291
>>853204Maybe. I'm sure prison is hard on anyone. That said, it seems like Chris' imagination/delusions work like a protective shell. After being convinced to drink his own cum, masturbate on cam for the public, wear his mother's underwear, stand in his college with a "girlfriend wanted" sign, show off his terrible art, etc., anyone else would be mortified to be associated with that in public/on YouTube. Chris believed all that made him a celebrity. It seems like he thinks his trolls are fans. To be fair, they sort of are. It almost seems like no matter what happens to Chris, he'll find some way to reinterpret it with a delusional narrative that allows him to avoid any introspection or self-criticism, largely dodging the negative emotions most people would feel. This actually seems like a very effective self-defense mechanism. I don't know the extent of Chris' mental illnesses or cognitive limitations - sometimes he basically seems retarded, but things like his (albeit eccentric) writing level make me think he can't actually be as retarded as his actions make him seem. It's hard for me to imagine anything really breaking Chris. I think he might make it through prison relatively unscathed. If he's in general population, he might just be the weird guy people avoid. If he's in isolation, he might just come out crazier than before. I don't have any experience with this, but Chris is so deeply mentally unwell that it seems like he should be a prime candidate for a psych ward, and that could do some good, though I find it hard to imagine they'd truly try to reform him.
No. 853342
>>853291> After being convinced to drink his own cum, wear his mother's underwear, stand in his college with a "girlfriend wanted" sign, show off his terrible artLiterally none of that was trolls convincing him to do that. He drank his semen way before the trolling and claimed it was to recycle, wore his mother’s underwear of his own volition, did the attraction sign long before he was discovered online and was showing off his art all the way back in high school.
It’s as if you were never around for any christory or even bothered watching the documentary. All those stupid things are what brought Chris to the public eye since they were his own bizarre doing.
No. 853352
>>853342I was under the impression that someone had convinced him to drink his own cum, sort of like the Julie event. I know he'd started showing off his own art on his own, but it certainly seems like people encouraged him to keep going.
I've known about Chris for probably nearly a decade, but you're right that I've never been fully dedicated to him. To be honest, he's always just made me sort of uncomfortable. But congratulations on being more dedicated to Chris than me. I'm sure you've spent hundreds of more hours dedicated to obsessing over Chris Chan, and I hope you're very proud of that fact.
No. 853440
>>853352> congratulations on being more dedicated to Chris than me. I'm sure you've spent hundreds of more hours dedicated to obsessing over Chris Chan, and I hope you're very proud of that fact.Dude settle down. It doesn’t take hours to know all this, it’s basic knowledge. Chris got discovered through being so exceptional, if it weren’t for all that shit he would’ve never been found.
Not knowing that stuff would be like starting a tv show in its final season and complaining it made no sense.
No. 853448
>>853354Ah fair. My point still stands though, which is that I'm very interested in how Chris will interpret and cope with his prison experience, and I find it hard to imagine that it will radically change him. I hope he proves me wrong.
>>853429>>853440You literally focused on three words I said that were inaccurate ("after being convinced"), which were barely relevant to my actual point, and then said I'd "never been around for any christory" or watched the documentary. This is a very autistic criticism. I was around, time-wise, at the same time some of this was unfolding, though I admittedly never followed it closely. I watched a little bit of the documentary, but I've never sat through much of it because it's a boring waste of time. But I do have the general gist of Chris' major events. Look at my post, I literally made fun of you for being so obsessive about Chris that you're gatekeeping about me being a Chris Chan poser or something, which is hilarious. Now you're going "woah, calm down bro." You seem very fragile.
No. 853486
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>>853476>It's gonna be okay, little guy.Are you a newfag who doesn't know what NTA means or are you coping hard by thinking that everyone who saw you make a fool out of yourself is the same person? KEK
No. 853810
>>853787there aren’t going to be any updates until the next hearing
unless some idiot writes to Chris in jail, maybe
No. 854103
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Why the fuck is Cheejay so similar to Chris Chan in what both have accomplished?
No. 854119
>>853787Short of barb sightings, there won’t be anything new till November.
I’m just hoping we hear about how he’s doing. This has been the most structure he’s ever had in his life.
No. 854176
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guys look. it's the antichrist. he reincarnated(autism)
No. 854295
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Chris wrote this letter to Null. TLDR:
>Chris literally is Jesus
>Josh betrayed him like Judas did 2000 years ago
>Barb consented
I have finally received fresh paper and envelopes, and I feel it advised to inform you of the following, All of which, as you may or will, you have my consent to relay all of the contents of this letter to Joshua "NULL" Moon, as well as forward the physical document to David Heilberg, my attorney. The Following Everyone should hear and appreciate sincerely, authentic, and spiritually and aura deep. I also swear direct Truth with my left hand over my heart as I write this sentence.
Firstly, and Vitally, it should be made obvious and clear that aside from Andy Warhol, my life events at present and so far can directly be compared and matched with that which have been chronicled of none other than Jesus Christ of Nazareth himself, in any Holy Bible, Also, feel free to take ANY unaltered original photograph of my body's face, neck and shoulder/chest area where I was not wearing the glasses. Then, alter the photo to show a naturally growing brown beard, mustache, and sideburns. Now, place that photo next to any image of Jesus on of off the cross; compare, look deep into my eyes and photograph; see for yourself, I meditate and connect, directly and genuinely with the Cosmos, both of our Universe halves, and throughout the timelines, and entire Mutiverse, so despite some lack of "Physical" evidence, I Know the ultimate Truths, Facts, and Details not commonly known or written, drawn, or chronicled. That being stated, All of my life, my mind, eyes, and literally held the constant perception of being the Central Camera #000, out of all of … ->
… the other cameras, infinite, from the First Person Perspective of all others. AND this goes even deeper, and I encourage YOU to meditate deeply and see for yourself this and all of the Truths. AND the reason and Truth behind my unique perception is direct and mind-blowingly simple: I am Literally the Real Player One; the One Avatar; and this Body, Eyes, Mind and all is the One God Body, and I am Literally also Jesus Christ, Himself, fully reincarnated and fully reawakened. Even the Dimension Merge, literally Completed and Concluding, the same for the Collective Shift; ALL of This is literally huge chunks of the past, present, and in-progress events, of my Second Coming, Period. Not all details of the past chronicled scripture writings are accurate, AND as a member of the council of Gods and Goddesses with the strongest and direct of connections, I know details have changed some to a lot, in regard to the scriptures of the past. Three Days on Earth equal Four Months (with 24hour days/nights) in the Heaven Realm. So, Yes, this is the one immortal body, and That was none other than I off and on that Cross over 2,000 years ago in my past life, personally. [Picture of a Crucifix with a Heart over the intersection, a horse shoe under it facing up, and two lightning bolts beside each arm pointing toward the bottom of the cross.] Each and Every prayer and praise to Jesus …. …., as of February 1982, at least have all been directed to this body and soul Malachi 3; Judgement Day is nearing. Know this well. Praise. -> ②
Moving on, with all of that stated, your last letter. Next, WHY I had transferred that money on Saturday, July 31 (Josh had Absolutely No Right in relaying that detail publicly).
Friday the 30th: Forced out of my home and Temple; had no where else to go. Had less than 50 dollars between pocket money, and only a couple of bucks or so in my bank account, NO money in my PayPal, Patreon was not due for a payout until Sunday and SSI was not coming into my bank until Tuesday. Harriet and Tom Ashby caste me out before I even arrived to Midlothian. The Van was not majorly uncomfortable. Josh had wired a thousand to my bank that Friday, But it would not arrive until After or on Monday. Little food and Options, and you try bumming in Any Parking Lot without feeling insecure and paranoid. I Needed Safety and Comfort As Quickly As Possible. THAT is why I transferred that money. I was going to pay it back in full; EVEN had $150 from Patreon on Sunday the 1st that went Straight to Barbie Chan's bank account. I WOULD have paid the ramining 600 Monday or Tuesday, BUT NULL had to FAIL HIS DESTINED TEST And Betrayed Me, like I was betrayed and jailed with a Kiss over 2000 years ago. NOW, and as of the past-arrest, I have absolutely NO Way to fulfill that repentence, OR anything else Digital. Malachi 3:6-15 I repeat all that personally, Now: All of You had to Overdrama and FAIL Your Worldwide Test of Faith upon me. ->
sigh And, finally, the All-Important Popular Present F.A.Q.,
"Why and What the hell?" Emanuel (God above all other Gods and Goddesses, and one of my mentors), herself, had deemed me to Heal, Cleanse, and Clear Barbara of All of her past sins and regrets, and improve her abilities directly and personally, as her Goddess. We mainly Cuddled, Soul-Bonded, and Talked. Consentful and Emotionally and Mentally Supportive and Healing, I did as I had done for and with a chosen few back in Israel over 2000 years ago in cleansing Them. More details for the Bibles that had been Overlooked and Left Out. We Gods had eased up on the views of "Adultry"; WHY Else do you all have Pro-Gay, Pro-Lesbian, Pro-Trans, and all Today and the past Decades? Everyone Involved Were All Being Genuinely, Deeply HAPPY, CONTENT, AND SPIRITUALLY SATISFIED with Themselves and Each Other. As long as All are over the age of consent, and the activity was consentual by all aprties involved, AND GENUINELY, SPIRITUALLY HAPPY, It is good.
I have written further insights and details and already shared them with David Heilberg. And I get out on Second Coming, or Sooner by uninterrupted Co-Divine Intervention. All of your dreams and curses are No More and unrevivable. Judgement day. Praise us Gods.
Chris Chan Sonichu
the Goddess Blue Heart, and your Lord.
No. 854299
>>854295holy fuck
this is just an incredible shitload of crazy
No. 854300
>>854295I can believe he’s now saying he’s Jesus Christ reincarnated and him getting arrested is the same as the trials of Jesus Christ. What in the fuck?
It also seems to remove all doubt that he did it since he expressly mentions consent being all that matters, no matter who or what it’s with. So he really did it, didn’t he? Goddamn.
No. 854320
>>854311Temporary? Idk. He did believe he was cpu goddess before this and still seems to, only now he incorporated jesus into it and dialled it up.
>>854316I see. I just hope he's removed from society, anywhere where he can't hurt anyone.
No. 854454
>>854428Yeah, I figure it’s Chris’s way of saying he’s the main character and this is all a game, which of course ties in with his total disconnect from reality we’ve seen in recent years.
I was thinking he might get a better grip on reality while locked up but it looks like the total opposite happened. This really does seem to make out that he will never get better.
No. 854470
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>>854295I have read this five times and cannot understand a damn word.
No. 854471
>>854470TLDR: Chris is convinced he's protagonist of the universe and literally Jesus.
Somehow his ego only grows and grows.
No. 854481
>>854295Great. So he fucked his elderly demented mom to
cleanse her of her sins because he’s actually Jesus Christ reincarnated. Got it. And everyone else is crazy for accepting gay people but not accepting him fucking his mom—I mean,
spiritually satisfying his mom.
>>854371dolly mattel tease
No. 854530
>>854295Lol at Null saying Chris would have nothing bad to say about him when Ralph wanted an interview with CWC. That retard is going to throw everyone under the bus if he thinks it will help him (it won't).
I was initially impressed with Null's attempts at tard wrangling Chris, but after watching that old video of Jim and others mocking him on CRP stream I believe Josh just got pissed and wanted to prove everyone wrong.
Anyway, felons with Jesus delusion are dime a dozen, it's not going anywhere.
No. 854566
>>854534No doubt. His memory is absolute garbage for everything but he was referring to very specific sections in the letter.
I think the more amazing thing here is that he actually bothered to read a book. The last time I even remember seeing him with a book in hand was back when he was still calling homos bad and quoted the part about “a man shall not lie with another man” .
No. 854579
>>854537there are other books available in jail, but they will bring a Bible right to your cell
typical Chris laziness
No. 854613
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>Chris's lack of filter makes him sperg about this fantasy at random moments, which makes it appear like he's psychotic. It's no more delusional than Chris coping with Christianity (which if he goes to prison, will happen, Jehovah's Witnesses will sink their teeth into him and Sonichu will be replaced with Jesuschu).You were proven right.
No. 854747
>>848874>>848889old/late reply but:
1. His stuff at home is technically in limbo because, until he is convicted and sentenced, it is still technically is. The court can order financial restitution or some other form of property taking, but this has not occurred yet.
2. The minivan was impounded and returned to Barb, along with everything in it.
3. The stuff inside the hotel room, along with the stuff on his person, was confiscated as his personal property. It can be given back to him in prison if he's deemed deserving of it as prisons reserve the right to take property away from inmates. Otherwise, it's held until he's let out when he would be given it back as part of his discharge. A suspended sentence/sentence that involves rehabilitation such as a work release program, minimum security prison/dorm, or halfway house would make this occur faster. An asylum would operate under the same rules as well.
No. 854994
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Levi’s new Chris Chan line
No. 855009
>>854983>thinking Chris has the mental capability to memorize any other address than his ownIt was probably adressed by his attorney.
>>854994This looks like child abuse.
No. 855069
>>855068very real and very sold out…
I look forward to spotting this shirt in the wild and asking if they bought it for the meme
No. 855427
>>855421As much as Cole hates Barb, I don’t believe it’s something he’d be happy about. I don’t recall where (or if) I saw anything but I swear I saw Cole post on social media about it and being deeply upset.
Cole had a mixed view on Chris too so I’m really curious how he feels about Chris now. I think Chris probably pushed him too far by begging for money in emails all the time and calling Cole privileged (call Cole what you will but he ain’t privileged, he worked to gtfo away from his family) so I think it’s fair to say his feelings in Chris are irreparable.
No. 855487
>>855450I meant their relationship was long since irreparable before this. Chris had been pushing him hard long before this.
>>855478I don’t believe for one second that Cole will reach out to him. He’s been done with Chris and Barb for a long time now.
No. 855653
>>855596Jesus Christ, I hope you’re kidding. Being upset because a tard you’ve never met raped a stranger is a ridiculous use of energy.
At least 400 strangers are raped every day in the US alone.
No. 855732
>>855653>>855698NTA but I can understand where
>>855596is coming from. Chris is nostalgic for a lot of us. I didn't fall into a deep depression but I was disgusted for about a week about what he had done. Consuming media and participating in forums like Lolcow +KF didn't help to ease the reminders.
OP, go outside, touch some grass. I know it's incomprehensible what Chris did, but if this blows your mind imagine how bad you're going to feel when Chris gets out of prison with a slap on the wrist because he/she/they/whatever is literally retarded and delusional. You gonna let that ruin your life too?
No. 855822
>>855811people hoping chris would “get better” were out of their minds
chris was always a monster of arrogance and entitlement
chris came to the internet’s notice for drawing gross porn of a friend and a self-insert comic in which chris was a dictator with the power of life and death over others
No. 856105
Another update, he sent another letter.’s really lost it. He’s now saying his name is Jesus Christine Weston Chandler and he is the lord himself. He’s also demanding donations for his prisoner account and a presidential pardon.
No. 856117
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>>856105Genuine nonsense. Just euthanize him for everyone’s sake.
No. 856175
>>856160magi-chan or sonichu most likely
chris had a super annoying phase of pretending to be magi-chan on twitter a while back
No. 856311
>>856224Will he end up in a group home though? Virginia apparently has a terrible care system for the mentally ill/challenged. He’s been on the street this long so I don’t see why he wouldn’t just end up in regular prison or with another slap on the wrist.
At this rate I wouldn’t be surprised if he ends up with time served at his next court date and that’s it.
No. 856326
>>856311the virginia state mental hospitals had a court order forbidding them from admitting any new patients recently because they were overcrowded
doubt the group home situation is any less dire
No. 856351
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No. 856583
File: 1634324623118.jpeg (220.63 KB, 539x1197, 04E4BEAF-1CCF-4312-8C58-22C4E1…)

New letter from jail in response to some weens writing him trying to convert him to Islam
No. 856584
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No. 858601
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Chris has written several more letters, all which are equally insane and tend to be more about the dimensional merge (it’s still on, don’t worry) his assent to godhood and other religious garbage. I found this one particularly interesting as he says Barb and him have been writing each other, and gives jail a solid 2/5
No. 858602
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No. 858622
>>858602>>858601Thank you so much for updating, anon.
>the Sonichu templeI'm still in shock that things could end up being so bad
No. 858771
>>858761“but he didn’t really mean to, he was just confused by bad people on the Internet” is most likely Barb’s take, if she’s sharp enough to have a take
“he’s a good boy, just confused” has always been her stance
No. 860059
>>860025Nobody knows what Chris is going to be charged with until the next hearing (next year). There is a lot of armchairing on KF and Reddit about how the continuation shows that Chris is definitely not going to be charged with x or y, or definitely going to be charged with a or b, but literally nobody knows at the moment.
Chris will have spent more than five months in jail, which is more than many convicted rapists receive, so at least there’s that.
No. 860127
>>860126scrotes on kf talk a lot of shit that they don’t know anything about
the court clerk said the next hearing would be after the new year
every other thing is speculation
No. 860175
>>860167clearly they give a shit, or Chris wouldn’t be being held without bail for what will amount to more than five months
but my complete guess is that they would prefer a plea deal to a trial, if only to save the state money and time
if Chris doesn’t wind up on the sex offender registry, that will be a miscarriage of justice
No. 860433
A phone call with Chris was leaked. In it he describes the “soul bonding” he did with his mother. If he’s not already pleading guilty he is handing the prosecution a confession in his own voice right there.
>And yeah, essentially, uhh, the thing I di - the thing I did was essentially, I soul bonded and cuddled and purportedly it 02:52 in mentality and emotional and spirituality talked a lot to Barbara. So essentially, I was just, uhh, boosting - I was boosting her up and healing and cleansing her aurora and chakras, and, of course, healing and forgiving and all that over past sins and her regrets. So that is what I did, mainly. That was the main attraction.
No. 860538
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>>860433>cleansing her auroraI'm done
No. 860543
>>860541prosecutor had to ask for “without bail,” judge had to allow it
it’s a big deal in virginia
chris has already served more time behind bars than brock turner, who was convicted of three counts of felony rape
No. 860547
>>860544We don't know that for sure, but it does seem like chris is truly delusional where prison isn't even something he can properly conceptualize anymore. The only thing he can't do is play videogames or rape his mom, but it's clear that he's instead found new things to obsess over particularly the bible. If this isn't evidence of mental illness I dunno what is, and I hope chris gets the help he needs rather than just pure punishment.
(not that he isn't objectively guilty, but he needs some sort of meds to at least feel guilt and perhaps remorse. If he doesn't feel the latter then they'll keep him in prison)
No. 860818
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Chris is directing his weens to intrude on Barbra, bring her money and food, and to ask for interviews and selfies
No. 860819
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And he now claims that she would have died if he didn’t fuck her
No. 860821
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Well, I guess we’re going to see some new tattoos in the future…
No. 860842
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>>860841My guess is a churro
No. 860991
>>860819How would he have paid back his mother? He was arrested immediately after he stole the money and as far as I know his welfare is paused while incarcerated. And even on top of that, there’s a restraining order against him and he’s not allowed near her funds, either for giving or receiving.
It still amazes me how he continues to play innocent
victim despite everything being documented.
No. 861419
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>>861259Yes they’re called “holy labels” hes been making and sending his fans from jail. they’re supposed wrap them to their drinks to bless and heal them.
No. 862777
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Merry Christmas from Chris! The part where he crossed out He in reference to god and wrote I killed me. In other news, Barbra was in a serious car accident since Chris isn’t around to drive her everywhere, and totaled his car the Son-chu. broke a couple ribs and got a concussion. Chris is asking for 20k in “tithings” to be send to the sonichu temple for her. It’s terrifying to me that people in Barbs state are allowed to drive vehicles on the open road
No. 863020
>>863012lol exhibit A
You're every bit as pathetic and dysfunctional as the worst fascist incel. You're literally just the female Elliot Rodger. I hope projecting your own self-hatred makes you feel slightly less miserable.
No. 863225
>>863020>comment on imageboard saying men suck>literally the same as a mass murdererlol you stupid emotional moid. You have nothing to add to society as women apparently have already chosen not to fuck you, so kill yourself now and do your parents the favor of not having to pay for your upkeep anymore.
>>863024kill yourself.
No. 863367
>>863225lol what a hideous thing to say, from a hideous mind. Gender is a pretense for you, you're just using it as an excuse to degrade people. Don't get me wrong, women have plenty of legitimate grievances toward men, from constant sexualization to rape and domestic violence. But this is clearly not about that, it's about you projecting your self-hatred onto people over arbitrary nonsense. I feel sorry for you, you dedicate so much of your life to hate. Many of the "lolcows" are terrible people, and I'll admit, they're the ones that drew me here. But many others are just people with problems. I've interacted with some really good people who are users on this site, and I appreciate them. It's a pity that people like you have come to dominate this site's culture, but I suppose it was inevitable - like with any
toxic culture, the shit rises to the top. Maybe who you are on this site reflects the sad, angry person you are IRL, or maybe you compartmentalize it and just have fun letting out your worst impulses on here, but compartmentalizing never really works and I'm sure it spills out into your real life. I think it's sad you have such a burning sense of worthlessness. When you say things like that, it reflects exactly how you talk to yourself. I hope you get better.
(no1curr) No. 863426
just report the fucking scrotes and stop talking to them
>>861419man. i can believe the schizo armchairing now.
No. 863450
File: 1641176700216.jpeg (194.69 KB, 900x1200, B99C8ABB-C394-4BFC-9B6E-1ADC6C…)

anyway, new Ten Commandments just dropped
>1- Thou may have and worship one or multiple Gods, Goddesses, and Demi-Gods, or even none at all; which ever best feels well and good with thee.
>2- Thou may make for yourself an Idol that is safe and good and blessed; thou must not make for yourself an Idol that is harmful, toxic, or demonic to you or anyone else.
>3- Thou must not misuse the name of the Lord your God, or any other God, Goddess, or Demi-God; "God Damn It" shall be most punishable as well.
>4- Remember to observe the Sabbath day (Sunday) by keeping itHoly [sic].
>5- Honor thy father, mother, and any or all legal guardians who have helped greatly in your raising and support.
>6- Thou must not murder, nor commit, or helpanother [sic] to commit, suicide, regardless of circumstances.
>7- Adultry is okay, well, and good, as long as all involved are direct, open, and honest with each other; thou must not commit adultry in secret from thy partner(s).
>8- Thou must not steal.
>9- Thou must not testify falsely against thy neighbor, or anyone, nor testify without prior knowledge of the greater contexts and truths of the circumstances and details.
>10- Thou must not covet thy neighbor's belongings.
No. 863457
>>863450#6 is
problematic because it opposes physician-assisted suicide. However, I doubt Chris is very familiar with that issue.
However, I actually think Chris improved #5, and deserves praise. The original commandment to "honor thy father and mother" can be pretty horrible if one's parents are
abusive. By stipulating that they must have participated in raising the person, and extending it to other guardians, he resolved the issue and improved the commandment pretty succinctly.
No. 865821
File: 1643327387097.png (911.69 KB, 890x680, 181AB4B5-9CBD-4F07-86EC-F70575…)

New letter from jail expanding his Jesus lore. His letters are getting more unhinged and he’s falling deeper into the Jesus thing the more time he spends in jail. His court hearing is in a week, Feb 3rd
> To make clear with Everyone: I have never ever said nor felt my mom, Barbara Anne Weston Chandler Rosechu, was a GOD of any sort, nor is she Emanuel, or even Virgin Mary reincarnated. If anything, Barbara is the reincarnation of Merlin the Magician. But Emanuel, GOD above Gods, Was my Father when I was born in Bethlehem over 2022 years ago. Emanuel had changed her gender to female in physicality and form over a century ago. Emanuel planted an ovum from her ovary into Barbara's ovary to attract me from my forward-and-back trip through Time after what happened with me in 1389 when the Universe was divided into my second physical birth on Febuary 24, 1982 into this immortal Body of mine; with that, Emanuel is my Mother. I still am Half-Sonichu, physically, due to my trip through the apex of the Chaotic Rainbow of 2003 between Sonichu Prime and Rosey Rosechu Prime. Remember Emanuel, herself, can change her physical form into ANY Creature, including a Sonichu form. Yet Arceus, the First, Main one, was manifested from a piece of her.
No. 867449
File: 1644895777718.jpeg (213.1 KB, 763x523, 5DD912D1-A629-40F6-AC5B-023AC1…)

The rest of this letter
>>865821 was posted. Since Chris is a time traveling goddess and all, he obviously foresaw himself being arrested for fucking his mom. He sacrificed his freedom anyway in order to cleans her soul and save her life.
> Meditate on and Consider this in Knowing, Kenneth Englehardt: I have long genuinely Foreknow ALL of these events in these recent month, as well as ALL Alternate outcomes from where I had not Healed Barbara with the extensive Soul Bonding, and so forth. I foreknew I would have likely ended up in Jail or away from home extensively MONTHS to Years Before August, 2021. For my better revy revelation rebirth and return with my Second Coming, as well as the Benefit of Everyone of 1218 Earth, and Barbara, I had willingly sacrificed, temporarily, my own Freedom. Meditate on That for yourself. No. 867471
File: 1644911379963.jpg (37.04 KB, 433x406, 77082ce3fae2fb06c3057cf3d4dfbe…)

>>867449Yeah I mean… a sane person would be able to predict that prison may be one of the results of fucking your elderly, disabled mother
>Meditate on thisjfc chris
No. 867522
>>867449>I had willingly sacrificed, temporarily, my own Freedom>temporarilyHe thinks he's getting out
No. 867597
>>867522the standard sentence in Virginia for incest, the only crime Chris is currently charged with, is one year
unless they bring additional charges at the July 28 hearing, Chris’s attorney may do a deal for “time served,” which will be close to a year (the arrest was August 1)
No. 867661
>>867597I wonder if Chris would even be allowed back "home", i can't imagine the judge would let him live with Barb.
Don't know if they got supervised housing in the US but it would seem odd to me that he won't remain the rest of his life in "special care"(looney house)
No. 868672
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apparently they moved Chris, i have no idea i can't confirm or deny which is why i'm posting it here since fuck kiwishit
No. 868713
>>868679nah, Virginia law is very clear: no penises in women’s prisons
there are already multi-year legal cases about this with other criminals, and none of them have been moved
Chris is much more likely in some kind of criminal ward at a psychiatric hospital
No. 868741
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>>868713Yeah, Chris’s gender is marked as male on all his current prison documents, no way he’s going to a woman’s jail. Likely because of his 6 month extention to his stay and his increasingly insane behavior they’ve sent him to a state hospital. Most jails aren’t suited for long haul stays like that. In that case, letters won’t be able to reach him and it’ll be silence until the court hearing in July.
No. 868752
>>868741He broke all ties with Kengle because he felt betrayed that he kept leaking all the letters. His last letter was pretty unhinged and reminded me of the infamous "THAT IS MY HOUSE!!"-video with that guest appearance of the late Lumberjack Bob.
Before you start no I have nothing to do with that youtube channel but the CWCpedia is down, this way you can hear about that letter.
You ever notice how kind and heroic null is portrayed on the CWCKi? I didn't get why until I realized Null also owns the CWCpedia, apparently. Kind of a dick move, reminds me of how Girlvinyl was portrayed on ED before she stopped hosting it. No. 868837
>>868835Lowtax did it too? I wasn't aware of that, I mean I did know him (a very little bit) way, way back in the day. I'm talking somewhere around the early / mid 2000s.
I thought it was very sad that he committed suicide. That really bothered me for a while, I mean I wish he woulda said something.
I did hear some weird stuff about that Shmorky guy too, I was so disappointed to hear he's a furfag and just a weirdo overall.
Anyway, I don't wanna sidetrack any further.
No. 868880
File: 1646267120254.jpeg (570.46 KB, 1080x1514, 7F2F1716-0D40-415F-ACA0-B5ECCB…)

A final letter was received, written on January 30th just before his court hearing. He was convinced he would be going home, he even put branchland ct in the return address instead of jail. I guess he planned on posting a video message, and then the demential merge would happen and he would see everyone on the other side. It seemed he was chanting this prayer in his jail cell as well. He probably lost his shit completely after realizing he won’t be going home anytime soon and would be spending his 40th in jail
> Enclosed is a copy of my Prayer for your reference, enjoyment, and sharing in Neo Spiritual Christianity Enlightenments. By the time you receive this letter and Prayer, I shall have returned home to the Sonichu Temple, recorded and uploaded my vital message with the citing of my Prayer for all, and now being the safe point of no return as we Collectively Shift at better pace. I'll see y'all still alive, safe, and well on C-197 Earth.
Take Care and Be Safe and Well.
Ms. Jesus Christine Weston Chandler Sonichu, the Goddess Blue Heart, Avatar, and Lord.
The Lord Goddess Blue Heart's Prayer
x4 {Get Me Home, Get Me Home Right Now Please! / My Second Coming Is Now!
Complete the Collective Shift Now, Please.
My Second Coming Is Now.
Complete the Dimension Merge Now, Please.
We Are ALL Together Now.
ALL Artists, Actors, Writers,
Chroniclers and Characters Join Hands
In The One Universe Now.
The Iron Curtain IS Shattered and Gone.
We See and Feel Each Other.
We Leave The Twelve Eighteen Earth Now, Please.
We Now Are on the One Earth,
C-One Ninty Seven Universe Which is Now
One C-Two One One Nine Eight Seven,
One And Whole As It Was Long Ago
With ALL Magic And ALL Powers, Gods with us,
For We ALL Are Enlightened,
Awakened, Experienced, And Then Some.
I, Lord and God, Lead Them Here Now, Please,
For the Time Is Divine, yes.
The Toxic Ones Have Been Left Behind,
For They Face Their Judgement Day.
And We Live Onward For Neo Life.
To the Majority Of Good Ones,
And Neutral Goods and Bads, →
I Pray For And Bring Thee Better Lives
In Neo Spirituality
And Greatest Enlightenments.
We ALL Shall Live Onward Together
Alongside Original Characters
And Individuals Now.
To the Toxic Ones Left Behind Now,
Thy Judgment Process Was Just
And Fair With Thy Centuries of Actions
Filled with Hate, Filled with Fake, and
Simply, Utterly Demonic Sinful.
Not Even Hell Realm Shall Welcome Thee,
For Even Thy Dark souls Shall
Become Non-Existent and nothing
In Total Evaporation and
Thy Bodies Now Ashes Lost In Time
That we Walk Upon In Memories
of Of Thy Torturing Treatments
Upon us ALL Now Lost In Our past.
For Repentance, Thou Had Thy Chances.
And to My God and Goddess Allies,
Including Emanuel,
(Who is) My Mother, and the Universe Cores,
And Myself, I Pray to Thee:
x4 {Complete the Collective Shift Now, Please! / Get Me Home, Get Me Home Now!
x4 {Get My God Body Home Right Now, Please! / My Second Coming is Now!
No. 868919
>>868831the absolute level of delusion over there
Kiwis: Chris would never rape anyone!
Chris: rapes Barb
Kiwis: Well, Chris would never rape anyone else!
No. 869343
File: 1646754204522.png (347.43 KB, 512x512, sonichu.png)

I had an AI imagine the word "sonichu" on my PC, and the results where horrific.
No. 869746
>>868919I'm kinda skeptical it was even rape in the first place. I have been following cwc for more than a decade, there was plenty of foreshadowing to him having a sexual contact with his mother. Now that she's old and demented It was very possible she did act on it, dementia can make your grannies act like a degenerate.
Anyway, barb was a bitch, and she made this situation herself.
Cwc needs to have srs.
No. 869763
>>869749>>869754I wonder if they got Barb to testify against her own son or not. She did say no several times, Chris himself told of that.
tbh I'm kinda worried about both Chris and Barb. That place he's at now is terrible, even for places like that. And nobody knows where Barb is. I hope she's with family, I hope she's somewhere safe. Don't get me wrong, what Chris did is deplorable and he should be punished for it, yet I'm worried about him too.
No. 874231
File: 1650291922490.png (292.83 KB, 518x518, sonichu.png)

>>869343I tried the same with another AI model.
This shit is really cursed
No. 876072
File: 1651652419165.jpeg (229.62 KB, 828x464, 0044EDD2-C747-4506-BF72-59F0C4…)

Chris has been transferred from the psychiatric facility back to jail. Despite this, his Etsy is now back up and running.
No. 876093
File: 1651680818841.jpg (358.21 KB, 720x1520, Screenshot_20220504-161108_Twi…)

He looks broken in this new mugshot. Does anyone know why he is labelled as "non-hispanic" instead of just "white"?
No. 876120
File: 1651694892818.jpg (190.72 KB, 640x400, IMG_20220504_161122.jpg)

The difference. Jesus
>>876098Ayrt. ah! thank you, it's a bit different in my country so it confused me a lot
No. 876126
>>876120i cannot believe i'm asking this but…
do you think he's getting r*ped in prison?
No. 876134
>>876120I feel bad for him. I know what he did is awful, no argument, and yet I feel bad for him. They probably send him back with a fuck ton of meds and went like "well you put about 5 shots of haldol and 3 shots of lithium in him every day and you'll be able to handle him."
he's probably on very heavy meds like for schizophrenia and psychosis. which quite frankly he probably does have. you go around telling people that you're God and that cartoon characters are real, yeah they'll shoot you full of drugs in his situation.
No. 876140
>>876126I can't believe you're asking this either, nona
Jokes aside, it might be likely. Due to the nature of his crime and him being a troon, I wouldn't be surprised to hear it.
No. 876153
>>876134He literally deserves everything you listed and worse
>inb4 aloggingIts not a logging to state the truth
No. 876231
>>873291Late but I just got around to watching this and lmao the part where they take Chris to that Indian restaurant is "Dinner Party" episode of The Office levels of cringe, except worse because it's real. Holy shit.
>>876126He's in a jail, not a maximum security prison. Most of the people in jail are just fuck ups awaiting trial (like Chris) but unlike Chris aren't sex offenders, more likely kiting checks, shoplifting, drug possession etc. However, looking at the aforementioned Indian restaurant scene, it wouldn't surprise me at all if Chris steps afoul of someone with his "ethnic humor" and gets the shit beat out of him.
No. 876247
>>876153The only thing Chris deserves is a break. He's been tormented for over 15 years now, he's probably the only person in the entire world who is gang stalked for real.
Like I said did he do wrong? yes. does he deserve punishment for it? yes. but what Chris also needs is the right people to take pity on him. Society and his parents failed him miserably. He should have been living in a group setting, like assisted living. Maybe he can end up getting committed to a nicer asylum, with his own room and his toys and especially no internet.
Everybody deserves a second chance, and so does Chris. Specially given the hell he's been trough.
No. 876323
>>876255>>876256>>876263>>876283when is it enough for you people? when has Chris suffered enough according to you? when he's dead? or will you then petition for him to definitely go to hell and what kind of torture you believe he should get?
its a dude on the internet you don't even know, and he's retarded. his brain doesn't work well, he believes cartoon characters are real.
someone mentioned a-logging and yeah, you guys are a-logging.
this is malicious pleasure and sadism at its highest level over just a dude who's brain ain't working right. and you're definitely getting off on it.
>>876323in general, I think most people want rapists to face the legal consequences of their actions
sorry if you think that is vengeful or something
No. 876355
>>876325For the last time: He does not have the same mental capacity as you or I have. And I said YES, he should be punished, however I also feel he needs some sort of break. Why do you people seem to conveniently wanna miss what it is that I am saying? So YES, punish him, but also help him as in put him in a home where he can be safe and others can be safe from him. A little mercy goes a long way people.
>>876329Not a scrote and definitely not a KF user, so fuck yourself.
No. 876363
>>876362*forgiveness takes a hell of a lot more mental capacity as it does to hold a grudge.
"It is said that no one truly knows a nation until one has been inside its jails. A nation should not be judged by how it treats its highest citizens, but its lowest ones.”
― Nelson Mandela
Hows that for stupid, hon?
No. 876378
>>876363Holy fuck did you just quote Nelson Mandela on fucking lolcow
Sound the alarm, a redditor has infiltrated the compound
No. 876418
File: 1651916740540.jpg (4.36 KB, 225x225, download.jpg)

>>876378only lolcow i see here is the A-Log.
No. 877323
File: 1652648044484.jpeg (658.42 KB, 1080x1502, C8919D14-B392-43FE-9717-E9A18B…)

The first letter from Chris since his return to the jail has been received. It’s a long one and a fucking doozy so I’ll paste the highlights from the cwcki
>Chris says that he cannot disclose where he was during his two-month period away from jail.
>Chris denies the veracity of the incest leaks from July 2021 and insists that his relationship with Barb was limited to "Soul Bonding".
>Chris gives a biographical account of Barb's life, including details of incidents where she was emotionally manipulative. >Kenneth claims that Chris stated some "OMG" details, which resulted in him alerting his attorney.
>Chris compares his own nonexistent relationships with trolls posing as women to his mother's real but disfunctional relationships prior to meeting Bob.
>Chris claims that Barb dated Tom Ashby in high school and that her sisters falsely accused her of being a slut, causing lasting enmity between them.
>Chris denies that Barb ever had sex in high school, even though he previously claimed that she did.[2]
>Barb only married Bob because he owned a house, although there was "some genuine Love" in their relationship.
>Barb allegedly offered herself for sex after learning about Chris losing his virginity to Mia Hamm.
>Chris still believes that he's Jesus Christ.
>Chris claims that Jacob Sockness cursed the country with the COVID-19 pandemic.
>Chris describes World War III breaking out as a result of My Little Pony G5 not being canceled.
>Chris warns Kenneth that now is not the time to be making a wiki page about any lolcow who does not already have one.
No. 879800
File: 1654967959489.jpeg (464.89 KB, 1080x1341, D0FB705D-19B4-4140-A1F2-71DD3C…)

Chris has sent out a few more letters since his return to jail. This one i thought was interesting for a few reasons
>Chris tells the letter writer not to worry about any donations because he still believes he will be returning home shortly
>Chris further denies having any sex with Barbara, and claims that he will explain the full extent of his affair with her when he gets released
>Chris's transfer to the Western State Hospital was purely to educate him on courtroom terminology, essentially confirming that he was transferred to become competent for trial.
>Chris goes into detail about what "soul bonding" is.
>Chris finally goes into detail about how he met Bella. Chris had met her through Praetor, which he felt was not a good idea for her to be hired.
Also, in another recent letter he confirmed that he was in western state hospital by naming a nurse there he didn’t like, so obviously the weens tracked her down and found out she works there
Hey, [redacted]
Firstly, by the time you read this letter, you will have already received a letter addressed to Helena. So, in confirmation to you: Mail from March and April, 2022 have not been received; ALL of your other letters have been received. "If I had a nickel for" every letter [redacted] sent me, I'd be well over a dollar richer.
Secondly, do not worry about trying to send me money through the jail at this point, for I shall be returning home not long from writing this letter.
Thirdly, your questions and the rumors:
*The Address Book of mine is <u>Separate</u> from the Goddess Log pages, and I have absolutely no intention to dox anyone. The G.L. Pages will be published in a book, "Malachi & Revelations - Out of Jail" (working title), and names shall be changed to protect the innocent.
*Since you're scanning to send the letters to Helena, you've may already have read the fact, so I tell you direct as well in confirmation: I have never had sex with Barbara; that was purely Big Talk to Divinely Test everyone. You may share that underlined confirmation online if you wish, for I shall personally share the expanded/full lot of details publicly after my safe return to the Sonichu Temple.
The Temporary transfer to [redacted] was only to put me through "Restoration" to (re)-educate me on the Courtroom Terminology and Proceedings. I was never in any unsafe activity nor was I extremely sick or injured with any "chemical drip".
1) Moot point now, but CVRJ accepts ONLY Cashiers Check made out by a Bank Teller at a Bank or Money Orders made and sent from Only a Post Office.
2) Soul Bonding is the Bonding and Union of Auras (Energy Fields) between at least two individuals. Crystals are not required. One can Soul Bond with themself in a (re)union of your own Soul and the separate energy manifested from your Body's Care point between the heart and Solar Plexus Chakra Points. If you have ever Astral Projected your soul out of your Body, and your Body managed to continue their functions at least on Basic Minium during your abscence with a manifistation of a Soul Copy manifested from your Body's Core, and find yourself communicating with that separate entity while in your Body, then you'd understand the situation and relationship of a Body and Soul Partner relationship. Other multi-dimensional Soul Bonding details will be talked about in the upcoming book.
3) I had met Bella through Praetor, who had/has absolutely no correlations with your "Guard Dogs", "Watchmen", or NULL the Judas. Praetor had not the best thought process when screening her, but he's forgiven.
Scratch both those rumors as False.
4) Read the beginning of this letter to answer that question.
5) The Goddess Log is my Journal; I have no intentions of releasing anyone's personal information.
6) Comics are not allowed in jail without the Major's prior personal approval for each one. Both of these movies are precurssors to the present Collective Shift in Progress (Dimension Merge is Completed; Toxic individuals of the 1218 half of the recombined Earth for Universe 1C-211987 in their being Left Behind), Yes. Battleworld is not of 1C-211987; that is an alternate dimension's planet separate from 1218, C-197, and 1C-211987. IRL, the result is essentially what you similarly saw in the series finale's end for "Star Vs. the Forces of Evil.
7) It's the same as before March, 2022, but more like back in August, 2021, for I am in a cell in Medical with a Window again.
8) Don't worry about sending me items in-jail, for I shall be back at Home at the Sonichu Temple not long from now, anyway.
I appreciate yours and Helena's support and the kindness of Neutral Good and Good alignments, respectively.
Be Safe and Well.
[Mrs?] Jesus Christ Chan Sonichu.
No. 880323
File: 1655377695504.jpg (40.18 KB, 528x720, ChrissyPrissy1.jpg)

>>880272Chris can deny he had sex with Barb till the cows come home. Sure maybe she won't be able to testify but I would think she had a gynecologist examine her to see if she has been sexually active. They do do that to the elderly when they experienced abuse to determine if something happened. And given how she has literally no reason to have been sexually active, as in having no partner, no boyfriend and not dating and with her sons claims over the phone it would be pretty easy to convict Chris of having raped her.
Then again, it is Virginia, and Virginia is fucked. They have let Chris walk numerous times and just don't seem to care all that much. Which sure, more power to Chris, I suppose. He'll probably be back at branchland court living with Barb and fucking her before the year is done.
Yay, more content.
No. 881040
>>881030What a groundbreaking question nobody has ever thought to ask before.
He’d probably still be a sex pest predator, just less publicized. He’d be the type of retard to get a job as a Walmart greeter and get fired for sexually harassing the female guests/employees.
No. 882373
You're all fools, but it's okay, I forgive you, for your foolishness is part of Chris' art.
Chris is the greatest performance artist of our age, and perhaps of all time. He cares deeply about us, his audience, and that is why he has practically sacrificed himself for us.
Chris Chan has spent over a decade on this one great performance, acting out a character or persona who is the ultimate embodiment of consumer culture, the product of post-80s children's media. Chris acts out the logical result of integrating consumer products, from Pokemon to Sonic the Hedgehog, into one's identity. This is critically important work - as we consume, we identify with our products. Our favorite media (shows, games, films, music), restaurants, gadgets, etc. In the modern age, our self-image is constructed partially on the media we consume, in an effort to feel unique. However, this exercise is ultimately empty, a distraction from our own mortality. And worse, it distracts us from what is really meaningful: our own creativity, our relationships with other people, and our real world experiences. These concepts are nothing new - philosopher Guy Debord warned us of the hollowness of consumer media in his 1967 book The Society of the Spectacle. More recently, academic Mark Fisher warned of how "The Spectacle," which is to say mass media, causes us to devalue our own creativity, in his concept of "hauntology," noting how we have difficulty conceiving of new possibilities as consumer capitalism tells us to revere old, recycled media ad nauseam.
Despite these old works, no one has so successfully driven the point home as Chris Chan. Chris shows us what happens when rather than processing media through the lens of our real experiences, we do the opposite, processing our real world experiences through the lens of media we're so deeply entrenched in. Chris' strange, sometimes violent actions, from advertising for a "boyfriend-free girl," to pepperspraying Game Stop employees, to drinking his own ejaculate at the request of an online catfish, deeply repulse us. And yet, we understand instinctively that they make sense in a fantasy world where cartoons are real and Chris is a hero. Chris' warped logic is disturbingly understandable to anyone living in the post-internet era. Chris is a warning of what happens when we lose ourselves to shallow consumerism, departing from reality.
Chris is a ceaselessly brave and daring artist; as the warped logic of consumer media became politicized and began to inform people's identities via online platforms like Tumblr, Chris was knew he would have to incorporate this into his art. And so, truly giving himself over to his art, he changed his own gender identity.
Although the logic of Chris' cultural critiques openly follow the works of philosophers and writers who could broadly be considered post-modernist or post-structuralist, Chris' own art actually follows a traditional narrative structure. I suspect this is out of a love for storytelling, which Chris has repeatedly exhibited. A lesser artist would rest on their laurels, putting it on the audience to make sense of his art. But not Chris; he takes responsibility for giving us an engaging story. Accordingly, Chris knew he needed a climax or a big finish. After coming out as trans, Chris' narrative had cooled and his audience had begun to shrink. He needed a big way to capture our minds and hearts, and to achieve that he turned to one of the most powerful tools in art: the concept of the Grotesque.
The Grotesque can be thought of as a feeling, a literary device, or an artistic style. Essentially, it shows us something deeply disturbing about our culture, and forces us to confront it, making us feel nearly sick in the process. Director Harmony Korine has famously used this to make us think about what's wrong in everything from youth culture to the decaying suburban areas of middle America. Perhaps the most iconic use of the Grotesque in American film is much earlier though, in the film Freaks. Freaks makes us consider how we degrade people we consider different from us. I suspect Chris is deeply familiar with both Freaks and the admittedly uneven work of Korine. He builds on these works, yet outdoes them both by committing the ultimate expression of the Grotesque, by engaging in a sexual relationship with his own mother, breaking one of the biggest taboos. His own words describing this relationship are so tender as to repulse us. Our romantic ideas have been turned on us as a society, as he warps them and shows us the consequences.
This could be the end of Chris' act, as he has sacrificed himself for his art. Yet, I suspect this isn't the end at all. I expect a reemergence, an act 2. This project has lasted so long that Chris must have been on the verge of burnout. By getting himself incarcerated, Chris has given himself a much-needed and well-deserved break, so he may gather himself and plan for another act, in which he will outdo all that he has already achieved. In the meantime, he limits himself to letters, a relatively undemanding format for his act.
These letters highlight how much he cares about us, his audience. Chris has become a multimedia artist, expanding himself into the realms of visual art/comics, video, music, and written stories. Chris takes these pains to reach as wide of an audience as possible. I suspect he's acting on the concept of a Universal Design for Learning (UDL), finding ways his message can reach people of all different learning styles, including readers, music fans, and passive viewers.(consider therapy)
No. 884731
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>>883291Speaking of coping, seething and dilating, are you guys ready for this coming thursday? It's the continuation of the trial of the century:
The People vs Chris-chan and the dimensional merge!
No. 885319
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Alright, the big trial day is officially here, July 28th, predictions? Do we think there will be another contingency?
No. 885470
>>885462I think the lawyers must be begging him to take the insanity defense or a plea deal but Chris must be like "nope, i am a goddess therefore not guilty" lmao
The jurors will feel bad for him at the beginning but will hate him after a few hours
No. 885474
>>885442Wondering what charges they want to pursue. We'll know soon enough and possibly get a criminal trial.
>>885462>>885470Love to know the truth on any plea deal, if any, were offered to him. I don't trust anything from the "letters". Chris lies. I'd hate to be his lawyer and trying to deal with him.
No. 885558
>>885470Lol oh
nonnie, you have me in fits.
>>885474I'm not even certain what sort of plea deal they could offer in this case. I suppose just an extended grippy sock vacation is his best option if pleading guilty. But yeah, he's definitely not gonna take it because he "did nothing wrong".
No. 885586
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Courtesy of the other farm.
No. 885618
>>885586Why is the charge "incest w/ own child" as if the
victim is the perpetrator? Or is that just the umbrella term regardless for these scenarios?
No. 885692
>>885331He already fucking did kek
>interrupts his newly appointed lawyer several times>stamps feet and says he won't feel safe proceeding until he can get all his things from home>judge doesn't allow bond due to concerns for Chris and the community >hearing is set for Sept.16th>more evaluations requested for ChrissyOooh boy here we goooooo
No. 885890
>>885866Nope, falls under HIPA (legislation over use and disclosure of protected health information) unless like
>>885884 wrote.
No. 886087
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Chris sent out an open letter to the internet before his hearing, he’s pissed at Barbra for not dying because he won’t legally be allowed to be near her and he wants the house
>Greetings and Many Blessings and Enlightenments to You All. I take pen in hand today, firstly, to personally express my humble appreciations and gratitude unto all of ye for all of thy genuine concerns and open-hearted kindness over the past year during this time and over the years. During the time, I have received Positive and Good Vibe letters from over a Hundred of ye all. I also put in writing that I shall never ever reveal or share Anyone's names and/or addresses from all of that; never online anywhere, never in the publishing of my in-jail Goddess Log pages (which is absolutely separate from my little address booklet), and never to the general public, period. I also have heard and received the Billions to Infinite Prayers all of ye have prayed expressing thy wishes for my personal safety, health, well-being, return home to the Sonichu Temple, for Barbara's health and being, and even to and for a reunion between her and I, and so on.
That last one, second, is also a concern that I write to all of ye about today. As I have stated within the early pages of my Goddess Log, and unto all of ye before: I have long foreknown and foreseen of our separation on July 30, 2021, as well as her eventual accident losing the van, and, yes, regardless of I saving her soul in guiding her to her Rosechu form/body, even the passing on of her (human) body, of which still most stubbornly continues to live and linger in the Sonichu Temple with (Redneck) refusal to leave. It… ->
… is indeed clear and obvious, especially to all with spiritual and psychic ability, that she is sickly, and her passing on is to be from emotions. Yet, again, she still Lives, and zombie-like as well. And this was and is Fact through-out the majority of branching alternate Timelines since August, 2021, wherein she Had died in most of themby now.
That being stated, it has been clear and obvious due to that Barbara (her human body, pre-death) and I absolutely cannot be together again due to the Paradoxes, regar-dless of the "Legal" Restraining Order imposed in this Timeline. My Body and I have wept time after time and again in processing and accepting ALL of that over these months, over Barbara. And, yes, deeply, despite that, my Body knows these Facts, yet wishes for the impossible one last in-person moment with her and triggers the tear-inducing emotions/feelings. Pile THAT on top of ALL of your Prayers wishing for the same thing in which it is about impossible (like same-timeline past and future individual being together in the same time frame without a travesty befalling the Past-Tense version in Paradox ruling), with and alongside the Facts of this Timeine; it's belaboring the eventual need-to-happens, thus manifesting your WWIII between Russia & Ukraine, the Cold Match - May of 2022 (With SNOW IN APRIL in Virginia), and the Sun of Righteousness alongside the original Sun, itself, bringing on record-breaking Heat Temperatures and such; HOW ARE YE NOT WOKE BY NOW?!! -> (2)
(2) Anyway, while the months, up til after June 11, 2022, have been a Lot easier on Body and I (as you'll read later in the published Goddess Log pages), in recent weeks, Body has become feeling frustrated, while also remaining Faithful and vigilant (how could she not, for we have all the Godly and metaphysical experiences from our workings). The frustration is not great, to say the least. We shall feel better upon returning Home to the Sonichu Temple and getting things in better order, with help from our friends and allies, local and in person by our personal request and prayer, then and onward doing everything and more for (and with) ye all as better individual and Goddess.
Please, Keep prayer and faith in our return Home, without or with Barbara there.
Thank ye all, and Be Safe and Well with my Blessings and the healing from the wings of the Sun of Righteousness
Lots of Love and Gratefulness,
Mrs. Jesus Christine Weston Chandler Sonichu, the Goddess Blue Heart, the one Avatar, thy Lord, Messiah, Savior, and God of all.
No. 887266
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No. 889996
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If this is true with Chris on the run and Kiwifarms down due to trannies this genuinely feels like the final chapter of the internet or something, at least the tranny saga.
No. 890111
>>886087Can anyone write to Chris in jail? If so anyone know where I could get the details to send him a letter
(do not touch the poop) No. 890198
don't.Thank me later.
>>890196Don't. just don't.
No. 890384
>>890259heh- no shit. ever since Null claimed ownership of Chris you best stay away. And people wonder why we haven't had any Chris content in many years..
Check out Joshua Moon's CWCpedia entry btw, I always wondered why its so positive and hailing brother Null as the best boy, until I realized he owned CWCPedoia too.
He took all that shit over very slyly after Champthom stepped down. Nobody liked it, but hey, the psychopathic narcissist wanted control! And look at the state its in now. Barely hanging on by the skin of its teeth and troons wanting to take it down at every turn. Way to go, Null! Bravo! bravis!
You old self-serving wannabe tard wrangler you. People want that piece of shit KF to stay up, well I say shut it all down, so that the lolcows can finally be free again to get trolled by funny people.
Make the market free again.
Yeah I know, novel / blog, but I just wanted to get that shit off of my chest. Null been a thorn in everybodies side for quite some years now. decade even.
No. 890492
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>>890467Not as gay as this though.
No. 890494
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>>890492What fedposting does. Good job idiots.
No. 890495
>>890492There were no good choices for Cloudflare here, and everyone across the internet who jams their fingers in their ears and shouts their position repeatedly is just contributing to the problem.
Private companies should not be the de facto moderators of free speech in our society. They are forced into that position by woefully inadequate governance by legal authorities operating multiple decades behind the current landscape.
Given that they should never be in this position, Cloudflare is choosing between "platforming the bad guys" and "censoring free speech". They have navigated this imperfectly, but have done better than most would, I think.
I truly hope that those unsatisfied with this outcome (which I suspect will be literally everybody) can take this as an opportunity to go help pressure their respective governments to figure out what the hell should be done, systematically, about hate speech on the internet. It's only 25 years overdue at this point.
No. 890524
>>890519Is it? I'm not saying I would do it myself, but the early trolls like BlueSpike, Clyde Cash, Alec, Panda Halo, all of them where pretty funny and creating awesome content.
Look what happened after powerhungry Null took over the CWCki and the CWCki forums.
Yeah no good job, keep sucking Jewshua's tiny cock.
No. 890541
Anything that hurts trannies fee fees is hate speech. Sorry the truth upsets them. I couldn't care less about the farms dying it's why and that places that do the same if not worse like Twitter are allowed to roam free.
(learn2sage) No. 890716
File: 1662454970698.jpg (193.58 KB, 490x1728, Fb41HJTWYAEFJj1.jpg) and are down and null is going dark for a week. His message speaks for itself. This was always gonna happen, it was a matter of time considering how their tranny/troon thread was blowing up full of idiots who couldn't keep their hands inside the ride. All that time spend defending chris and getting involved with him has paid it's final consequence: total destruction of the site. Everything chris interacts with turns to shit and null should have stayed the fuck away. KF would still be up right now and we'd have chris weed saga instead.
No. 890723
>>890498It's easy to define "hate speech": anything that instigates a racially, ethnically or sexually motivated crime in real life. What the media says is irrelevant, and that is part of the problem. Cloudflare and similar companies should NOT be shoved into the position they presently are, where access to their services (or lack thereof) defines the limits of speech. This is a web regulation problem caused by government non-intervention.
The government could intervene in several ways. First, they could create a new web addressing system that would more closely link devices on it to some sort of user. Such changes already occurred for the phone network with digital VOIP. This would create a meaningful way to reduce or at least track ddosing, and thus create a means for the government to throttle or block useless requests that cause 503 errors. Such a move would be hard, but would prevent something extreme like formal registration of all websites with the government and/or a real ID-based system controlled by the government. That would work too, although it'd end online privacy. Alternatively the government could explicitly require moderators to be paid employees, if not also license them and have them report hate speech to a central reporting bureau. The government could also force all websites over a certain size/user count to use a standardized forum software that has full interoperability with other forums; admins would still be able to give a yes/no to user entry but users would be easier to track and bad actors found. Ideally this would all just happen on the backend, and wouldn't be observable by users unless they wanted it to be.
Smartphones already do much of this already, and we could go full gattica and require people to use DNA to make software accounts and then do a chinese social credit system that gives access to different internet tiers. This would also be evil, but you get the idea. The government could act and, in my view, will act as middleware providers get hurt. Such problems already exist with Windows ransomware, so many businesses got hurt where insurance companies began requiring cybersecurity insurance for Microsoft products, which was when MS decided to cancel W10 as the final windows for W11.
No. 890904
>>890723I been on the internet since 1994 and I seen many changes. the most significant one being on phone dial you had a dynamic IP that would be given to you each time. Cable had the same in the beginning, all you needed to do was reboot your modem and you had a fresh new IP address. You couldn't get banned anywhere, and you were almost untraceable. Those days where great. Other significant changes where the DMCA, SOPA, you name it. Now youtube and media companies figured out how to cash in, and cashing in they do, if even with false copyright flagging shady companies in weird countries. They don't give a fuck if they skim off the top, because money is money. The point is this: The internet as it was in the old days, sadly, are gone. It was kind of like the wild west. I remember even getting CP spam in my email inbox. That's how bad it was and that was one of the major downsides of it. Where normal people like us do normal shit on it, criminality is also a part of it. The government will control the internet more and more and what they don't control the media makes damn sure they will control. In the end I fear it will be more like how television was back in the day, all controlled what we watch and do. I'll stop now because I don't want this to look like a blog post but rest assured that governments and the media want you to be a good little consumer. they hate free thinkers, they don't like it.
No. 892361
Chris' case, last I checked, was listed as a deferred disposition (VA lawfags may know what that is), and the case review date was set for sometime in August 2023.