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No. 799829
Previous thread:
>>792323Onision Thread Archives:
>>511709Onision Drama Crash
Admin says: If you don't read the rules before posting, don't wonder why you're banned for a few days. Do the thread a favor and refrain from responding to blogposting and bait. Check the thread before posting to avoid reposting, it isn't hard.
Don't post anti-o caps unless they contain direct milk we don't already have. A separate thread has been created for anti-o's
>>>/snow/941512Do not post about Lainey in this thread unless her content has some connection to Greg. Attempts at discussing her content that does not relate to Greg will result in a ban. Her thread can be found at
>>>/snow/826201Do not derail the thread about the onion flakes/orbiters unless their posts have some connection to Greg. Attempts to discuss the onion flakes that does not relate to Greg will result in a ban. The flakes thread can be found at
Onision/Onion/Greg/Gregory Avaroe/Gregory Daniel/James Jackson is a washed-up youtuber who gained rapid popularity around 2009 from one viral video and he's been beating that horse's corpse ever since. His peak milk came from his grooming of successive underaged and borerline-underaged girls, as well as his grooming of the local landscape and too many crossover episodes with other lolcows to list here.
Wishing there were some whores in his house edition Last time on Shrek:> nothing> not much at all> Onion tweeted about abortion, so business as usual: >>792759 >>792765 >>792778 >>792802 >>792814 >>792830> Onision has been arguing with some chick with an onlyfans, what's new: >>792832> """James""" has been emailing bullshit at people again, this time Edwin, dodging a livestream with him because he's too broke to donate a Benjamin to charity >>792842 and then sets up a whole other No-Edwins-Allowed livestream for other people to donate money to charity while taking all the credit >>792915> Bitched about about Repzion again >>792926 and had some more email heart-to-hearts with him >>793143, purely complaining about Daniel having a healthier income stream than him> More highly scientific twitter polls: >>793056 >>793057 >>793058 >>793059 >>> Good news everyone, Leafy is back and he's butt buddies with Onision now, what a high quality duo >>> Onision says he has no plans for Christmas. Outcast from the family or sympathy seeking? You decide: >>796480> More onlyfans releases. No fuck you, I'm not linking that AIDS. > Greg, James, whatever his name is, said that his sister exposed herself to him, when he was 2 and she was maybe 5 tops. Big whoop. >>798700> Really not a lot going on besides speculation and constant unnecessary twitter reposts> Despite the deadline passing till waiting for the state environmental department to come home to roost because Onision hasn't put the fence up as part of his deal for destroying wetlands >>792388Warning: do not click spoilers unless you're mentally prepared to see Greg's vegetarian body and face, probs from his onlyfansFor the sake of making Onision threads more readable, please follow these rules:
- REPORT AND IGNORE BAIT, just don't respond. Responding to blatant bait will result in a ban.
- Hooktube is no longer a viable solution to deter views/clicks from Onision. Please rehost videos elsewhere.
- No nitpicking.
- Do not liveblog streams. Unless something of importance is happening, we don't need minute by minute updates.
- Do not contact the cows and post about it here. You will be banned.
- Do not post nudes of any exes.
Links: [private] [deplatformed] No. 799847
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Tried to post this days ago but the other thread was maxed out. Tiktok is starting to wise up to old man Greg trying to prey on teenaged girls. Wonder how long before he gets riled up that multiple women have gone viral on there by warning others about him
No. 799854
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>>799852Samefag. I wasn't gonna post a picture because it's disgusting, but this shit is too funny. "Egg dick" should become his new nickname
No. 799878
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>>799854I've been looking for a last straw, what with the election and pandemic and everything, and now, I'm finally ready to end it all, thank you
No. 799899
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>>799897From what I can tell it's a mixture of teens warning each other and actual TikTok 'famous' accounts warning people in general, but I don't think many of them knew about Greg before.
He's also making the rounds in the Twitch community.
No. 799903
>>799899Well Greg just bought bots to get partner quick. And apparently its another one of these many, many things he just gets away with scott free.
Unbannable on Youtube, Twitter, Instagram and just happily making money no matter what he does.
Meanwhile anyone else signs up on youtube, says fuck once and gets the banhammer.
I don't know how Greg does it.
No. 799907
>>799903He's dumb, but he's lucky!
Going back to his birth even, it's kinda true. Doctors said he shouldn't be birthed, however, his mom decided he should.
Greg doesn't have anything going for him, but he's always had a modicum of luck.
No. 799908
>>799907he's like a cockroach that's allowed to survive because he stays in the one room in the basement and the house owners are lazy
easy enough to thwart any attempt the roach makes to go anywhere other than that one room, so eh good enough
No. 799915
>>799903Greg embodies all of the scummy, undeserving people who are somehow always able to barely skate by.
Every time he has a setback, people think THIS has to be the fatal blow, but it never really is. I think he’s destined to very slowly burn out in an anticlimactic, unsatisfying way.
No. 799918
>>799915oh absolutely. Logan Paul, Shane Dawson, Jeffree Star, James Charles, Jaystation, I could give you a whole laundry list of people that for no apparent reason achieved fame and are completely undeserving since they never worked for it and have zero talent.
Today you can just be rich, open up an instagram and hire a fuckton of bots. Run those for a year and suddenly you are famous and getting interviewed by TMZ. Its ludicrous and I wish this trend would stop, but given the amount of stupid people in the world I don't think that that will ever happen.
No. 799933
>>799918The only consolation is that he inevitably ruins every good thing that comes his way. He's the type to win the lottery and somehow end up broke.
He's also aging out of the young demographic that made him relevant in the first place. Slowly becoming irrelevant would probably hurt him more than going out with a dramatic bang like some influencers
No. 799939
>>799928Well, in my country we have a saying that goes "an exception confirms the rule".
>>799933That's why I wish everyone would just ignore him. You can't make something like that happen though, people will always make videos about him, reply and such giving him his narcissistic supply.
I really wish all platforms would just ban his ass.
No. 799944
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What a pathetic victory and the saddest part is that he's still beating this dead horse.
No. 799949
>>799941>Greg confirms part of the reason he wanted to buy his old home back from his mother was so he could move in and live there. He finally stopped lying saying it was just to record his shitty videos. We all knew it was much more than that
>Also it sounds like he has no love left for Lainey whatsoever because he says what keeps them together is their mutual love of the children. None of them love those children, and what keeps them together is his fear of paying child support. At least he finally admitted he doesn't love Footface, it took him only 7 years to do that
>He out right blames one of his relatives for their child's death because the had the baby on a feeding schedule. The cause was SIDS but he pretty much accused her of starving the child to death.Didn't his daughter almost die after falling from a second story window while he was in the basement ignoring and neglecting her?
No. 799950
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>>799941Two parts of that video stood out to me.
He throws Lainey under the bus again. He basically says if it wasn't for him "MY kid" would have been killed because Lainey is a shitty parent and pushover. Notice how its "his/my" child, not "our" child.
>i'm so grateful i'm there because my spouse isn't the type of person to throw down like i am if i wasn't there my spouse might have gotten that needle punched in and potentially killing my kid if i wasn't there my spouse probably would have been walked all over by dr tully who works in the tacoma area and potentially let the explorative surgery happenAnd then he makes fun of his kid for being in pain. Can you imagine be a little kid coming home after spending hours in pain at the ER and your dad calling you a drama queen and belittling you?
>now full disclosure my kid from that point on i looked at him and i'm like you're a little bit of a drama queen because you almost got someone doing surgery on you because you were screaming like a maniac over a rash i know rashes aren't great but come on man i'm like we were in the er for you man and and you're freaking out over this rashHe also mentions the doctors name and location more than once. I wonder if this dr. would appreciate Greg slandering him? His father tried to sue him for something similar.
No. 799951
>>799944yeah you turning off the retweet option on all those bought bots of yours while pretending to telling them to stop retweeting you sure is a victory, old man.
>>799947..what fans?
No. 799953
>>799952European yes, norwegian, no. Cool that you guys also have that expression though.
>>799949>Greg confirms part of the reason he wanted to buy his old home back from his mother was so he could move in and live there. Thats telling. He loves the swamp trailer he has mentioned that a lot. I'm almost starting to believe Taylor and him are separated.
No. 799976
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He's been tweeting nonsense all night. Im not talking about the "don't R/T me" shit. Just random manic babble. I don't feel the need to ss it. But here's examples-
>I won an emmy!!!
>Dog collars were made for bottoms
>Bitches are losers Don't be a bitch
>Jack off to me daddy
I did ss this last one. All this frenzied tweeting and then he says he's going away for a while. Did something happen at the swamp?
No. 799985
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Now he's going after his dad for some reason. I really hope something major happened in the Onionsphere and this is his way of coping.
And just a reminder Greg. It would be a boxing match. I know you like to act like a badass telling the story of when you bloodied your fathers nose. But what you did when you were a teenager was lay on your back and kick at your dad like a little boy having a tantrum.
No. 799991
>>799985This is embarrassing. What a virtue signalling douche as well.
Acting like he's some hero for challenging his father to a boxing match for 'ChArItY'
He knows his dad would never agree and I'm pretty sure his dad doesn't even have Twitter. All it does is make him look like a sperg. What a loser.
No. 799997
>>799995I know its an unfair fight but come on now, I think Greg would last at least 13 seconds in that fight before crying and running out the ring.
Greg ain't THAT big of a wuss. After all, he's an airforce
tool of
No. 800024
>>800013Seconding this.
I'm not up to date with his kiwi drama but the way Lowtax constantly begs for pity and snaps at his own fans in Gaming Garbage streams this year is fucking unbearable.
They're both deadbeat fathers who think their ancient short-lived internet clout means they still deserve asspats so it would be a fair match compared to his old ones tbh.
No. 800035
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>>800018Kek, excuse the bad formatting of the auto generated subtitles, but the highlight was the rare spark of self awareness when he admitted people think he’s stupid in day-to-day life
No. 800163
>>800035Wow. He pretty much called himself more competent than a doctor because Greg had an inkling his sons testical pain was just a rash.
Of course Greg would be an expert on ballsack rashes. He’s greasy and flaky with an incurable skin disease and excessively masturbating with a 5 finger death grip, paired with bad hygiene. Greg probably always has some sort of a dick rash at any given time.
So it’s not surprising he could identify one better than a doctor, even though he’s pretty much clinically retarded.
No. 800175
>>800035No Greg you have that wrong. We don't question your intelligence, we pretty much know you're a dumb piece of shit. Its a well established fact.
>>800163I don't believe that story for a second. What doctor in their right mind would choose to operate on a child, mistaking a simple rash?
That did not happen, and Greg is full of shit.
Its just one of the many claims Greg makes that never happened except inside his own big fat watermelon head.
No. 800176
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>>800175>>800163I mean think about it right: A doctor choosing surgery over a simple rash. Doctors always look for the most simple and most non-intrusive solution, they don't immediately amputate fucking balls as a first resort. Specially not on a toddler.
Who is this supposed doctor hack-em-off supposed to be? Doctor Josef fucking Mengele?
Its just so implausible its laughable really and just one of the many cockamamie stories Greg likes to make up, acting all dramatic while telling them, having all these insane little details only a liar would make up.
But oh no you know here is Greg to save the day, knowing it better than a doctor. Its also easy to see his hate for doctors comes from his dishrag whore crazy mother Tami. Oh they know it better than any doctor. Herpes? Oh just put some asparagus oil on that and you'll feel right as rain. Cancer in the tit? Just built a wooden pyramid and put it over your breast and it will all go away trough the rays of the Goddess Isis.
A doctor wanting to amputate toddlers balls over a simple rash.
Sure Greg.
I'm sure that happens where you live, I mean, fucking Washington man, am i right?
No. 800178
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>>800175>>800176why does greg still go to a doctor? dr. greg MD is in the house. with all these crazy doctors hacking off kids balls i wouldn't want to go anymore. he's such a specialist, save some money too. lord knows he works very hard for those dimes, shoving dildo's up his ass just to make ends meet.
No. 800246
>>800242>>800245I don't believe that story for a second. I mean to make the mistake between a simple cream against a rash or literal testicle amputation is a tad extreme, don't you think?
What else would such a doctor amputate? Pain in your leg? Lets amputate. Pain in your arm? Lets get rid of it. Oh you suffer headaches? Lets amputate your head.
No. 800347
>>800267He has so many complete bullshit stories its hard to even keep track of them.
>>800278yeah he coulda glued her little skull together, that fucking retard.
No. 800567
>>800556now he’s banging the SAVE EUGENIA COONEY drum again
yer a banana, Greg
No. 800592
>>800577he does it on purpose, specially now. he's at his most irrelevant right now he's probably EVER been in his ENTIRE "career".
He knows they are disgusted at him trying to reach out at them or commenting on them, so he does it. kinda like poking them with a little prick. pun totally intended.
hoping he'll get a reaction.
its quite pathetic really. i hope people will continue to ignore him, because its awesome.
No. 800617
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Footface is still there, he posted this the day of her birthday.
No. 800629
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>>800620Foot is worth $6.
No. 800766
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>>800617Christ, that cake is the perfect representation of their life.
No. 800774
>>800617I bet that's all she got too. Not even a proper birthday cake, just some shitty generic pumpkin pie with two candles shoved into it. She probably had to clean up after they ate it too while Greg wandered back off to the Fap Cave.
I don't feel bad for Lainey though. This is who she threw her pride away for and probably still thinks she's 'won' by staying with him despite the fact that he'd throw her under the court bus as a pedophile to save himself.
No. 800792
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>>800774considering how little of a shit he cares about her or their broken little skull-crotch droppings she's lucky she even got that.
she should treasure it, cradle that pie in her arms, while she cries in the other room while greg RRRRRREEEEEEEEEE's on the internet in his comfy basement while shoving dildo's up his ass to make an honest buck. and then she should realize how lucky she is to have greg, how much she wanted him, how she would always reply to each and every one of her tweets.
he's her soulmate, you know?
No. 800800
>>800617>>800629a very considerate gift, its a HUMBLE PIE.
it lets Lainey know where she stands.
now fucking eat it, you dumb bitch! (that last one is a direct quote of Greg)
No. 800804
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>>800795That cake is also Lainey and the kids dinner for tonight.
Meanwhile Greg himself is going out to eat. They better eat all of it too before Greg gets back or there will be hell to pay.
No. 800916
>>800035And he’s surprised by this? He looks like a god damn Neanderthal that fell down a mountain and hit every single boulder on the way down. Then he opens his mouth and there’s not denying that he’s got too much air between the ears.
>>800636He’s truly a special breed of stupid that he doesn’t realize he had to pay a barely legal alt girl just to hang out with him. Kainey threw herself at him and latched on for life, but the much more attractive girl needed thousands to fuck him (and cry about it afterwards).
No. 800951
>>800617Wow. We're talking about pie. Wow.
It really goes to show Greg isn't even half as interesting without someone else around him. It isn't just Skye or Shiloh or even Footface. Greg is just that flat and boring on his own.
No. 800960
>>800629I don't even think money is a matter here, it's a matter of effort lmao. A pumpkin pie with candles in it is a big "fuck you", not a cute "I love you".
Even if you're low on money, a nice Cupcake from a bakery will run you the same, is for that one person and is more special (better tasting and prettier too), than a pumpkin pie lol.
That's how much effort he's willing to put into celebrating his "loved one's day of birth" and into making her feel loved.
No. 800983
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Greg’s autistic dupers delight grin when he reveals on stream that “mcfly knows he works out”
Looks up to left which is an obvious sign of lying.
“Because… she saw me do push-ups as of recent”.
Wow. His standards got low.
No. 800984
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No. 801013
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top greg
he's actually defending the now infamous pumpkin Kai-pie on kiwifarms.
No. 801017
>>801016Yeah, arguing that its healthy. Hey Greg a carrot is healthy too and she can also stick it up her pussy. And yet most girls still prefer a diamond ring, know what i'm saying?
Go figure, right?
No. 801018
>>801013>Pumpkins are actually rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, so it is incredibly healthy. What's more, its low calorie content makes it a weight-loss-friendly food. Whether it's Greg or a (really dumb) fan, I don't know if I should laugh or cringe about the lack of knowldge regarding the comparison of a pumpkin and a pumpkin pie. Who doesn't know that store bought pies are loaded with sugar, the crust is usually calorie-rich but has no nutrients because it's made from basic flour, and if he's very lucky, it's also loaded with preservatives?
I don't have anything against store bought pies, they're convinient if you don't have the time to bake or if you just want to get something cheap quickly, but getting all defensive about a pumpkin pie really makes me lol.
No. 801021
>>801013top tier sock puppeteering work there, greg. instead of the joker you went for batman and now no one will ever suspect it was you.
"you either become the hero or live long enough to become the villain!" ©™ Gregory Jackson 2020
>>801020Yeah "Now eat it your little shit or you're next to get flying lessons from the second story window"
No. 801035
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>>801034Congradulations, champ!
No. 801051
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this is how he chooses to display his stream. His greasy face huge front and center. game tiny off to the side. He's a twitch thot confirmed.
No. 801054
>>801013Obviously can’t confirm if it’s him or not but it’s funny that this post does accurately reflect their dynamic.
> Onision decided pie was a better choice and kai agreed. Greg will make decisions and lainey will go along with it but Greg presents it as her choice or her idea.
We’ve seen it with her being gay/needing to have a girlfriend/sharing the girlfriend with greg. As if she’s choosing it because she wants to because she’s so ~gay~ and ~poly~ not because she’s driven by a fear of greg leaving her if she says no.
Obviously it isn’t a big deal when it comes to pie vs cake for a birthday but it can quickly become
problematic when it comes to something like with what happened with Sarah.
I’m sure saying no to him directly does come with consequences but there’s no way they outweigh the consequences of continuing to go along at this point. It’s only going to get worse from here on out and he’s not going to reward her for her loyalty. She’s just as much at risk of getting left as any point before. He doesn’t make rational decisions around stuff like that.
No. 801057
>>801051also in the 10 minutes i watched his stream he:
- Complained that people get mad when 20 somethings date teenagers
- Called Lucidia hot like 5 times (she really has fallen hard)
- Said he and Kai fight on her birthday every year
No. 801059
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>>801057he raided some random girl and she was sooooo awkward when she saw who it was, she refused to say his name out loud. And the girl's mods were not happy. it was pretty hilarious
No. 801062
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>>801061Yes she is now a super fan of his.
No. 801103
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>>801013This actually made me laugh, one of the few times he genuinely has made me laugh. The thought of doing this to a partner lol..
>"If you took the time to research, you'd see most people want pie instead of cakes on their birthday"Orly? What research Greg? They must be pooling A LOT of money into peer-reviewed research studies to discover why all of the sudden people nationwide want pies instead of cakes! What a phenomenon! Orrrr you just didn't give a fuck/forgot Kai's birthday and bought that shit last second lmao.
And I love how he's using the review rating system on food (which is a very subjective thing, especially since these are prepared in different batches), as proof that the pie is good; it comes from a fucking pseudo bakery within a dpt/grocery store. No, the pie looks like shit, you're a cheap bastard, and a cupcake would have been a nicer, more thoughtful gesture than what you provided lol.
You couldn't get Kai a pumpkin cupcake?
No. 801138
>>801057Did he say why they fight on her birthday?
>>801059I wondered why he signed up for Twitch. Probably was hoping to get the attention of any attractive female streamers like this.
No. 801149
>>801138>"I wondered why he signed up for Twitch. Probably was hoping to get the attention of any attractive female streamers like this."Around the same exact time he signed up on Twitch, was when Leafy was on Twitch and he started sucking Leafy's cock really hard, Leafy even interview Onion on Twitch where he low-key made fun of him and called him a pedo straight to his face.
Ever since that interview, Onion's been on Leafy's dick. My thinking here is, he was hoping to take some of Leafy's audience away and become successful on Twitch, as he's been talking about how Cyr is successful on Twitch (and how much he hates that).
So he's basically copying Cyr in attempt to get money and hoping to get big on a different platform, Twitch, while also attempting to leach off of Leafy and his already established fan-base.
No. 801151
>>801013 This is far from the first time he's done this on there. Earlier this year he was shitting up his thread under the name Mr. Purple Carrot (account has since been deleted after he finished defending his baby carrot).
It's so easy to tell when its Gurg. He legit cannot resist defending himself over anything. Even fuckin' Walmart bakery pie lmao.
No. 801198
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>>801059This right here makes me laugh. A party of 20, holy fuck that's sad. Right now Cyr is playing Amnesia: Rebirth and he has over 1,500 viewers. If Greg wants to compete with his old BFF then he's going to need to up his game.
No. 801218
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>>801191>>801051I assumed he was just imitating Cyr with those fake non-prescription glasses. Everything about his Twitch streams is mimicking his ex-bestfriend. He doesn't bring it up much now but during his first streams he would mention what he had seen Cyr do the day before. People commented on him copying Cyr so he had to double down and parody it with his next stream titled
"Copying Cyr Because He Did A Funny Thing And I Wanna Crash Cars" in some weird attempt to make the cribbing claims invalid like with the baby carrot thing. He tried to laugh (through the tears) with everyone by making a bunch of 3D porn of him with a tiny orange cock. He spends 4 hours a day streaming, does he spend the rest of the day watching Cry to get ideas? I hope he gets a crazy Russian girlfriend next.
No. 801220
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First his fake meltdowns about the retweet ratio he was getting slammed with. Now these stream names. Did he just learn about reverse psychology?
No. 801232
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>>801013He also said this (pic attached). Nice way of talking about your "twin flame", onionboy. Guess she didn't think a 5 dollar walmart pie was a good birthday cake lel
No. 801250
>>800267Pretty sure that was real though, that is if he actually was part of SERE training - it's a required part of training. What always makes me lol about that retards story is he acts like he didn't know he'd have to kill things in the military, which tbf he is genuinely stupid enough not to understand.
>>800617Not enough evidence she's there imo. And who tf eats a pumpkin pie on their bday? Looks like he bought it just to create more rumors.
No. 801254
>>801218Damn Cyr still looks good for however old he is now lol. Meanwhile the tard trying to copy him
>>800983 looks sicklier than usual. JJ really did get the shallow end of the gene pool.
No. 801276
>>801232So this pretty much confirms that Greg abuses Lainey.
>>801238>greg's life is finally circling the drain of his own making at a rapidly increasing pace.His 15 minutes are up. You know it, I know it and he knows it.
>>801246I think thats probably the only thing that could make him semi-relevant again for a few months, if he were to leave Lainey for McFly or some shit.
>>801250Cyr training.
apologies for such a lame joke, but its been on my mind for a while now.>>801252When it comes down to Grift Scamsen and Greggy Poo its really a competition of who's more desperate for money and views.
I don't have the answer, do you?
No. 801309
>>801246there's plenty of consequences, just not the final storybook ending some people crave. I'm not holding my breath for those especially since the desire for that seems to rest on the assumption that greg would have to finally admit the monumental failure that is his life, when that time comes.
this is a misunderstanding of npd, he has never admitted fault or remorse even this far 99% into his 100% life collapse, the next 1% will go no differently. his conscious ego can't allow him to introspect, regret, or learn, because he never developed the ability to view a person (incl himself) as any nuanced mix of strengths and flaws. can't fix a flaw you're pathologically incapable of acknowledging, which is how we got to this point in the first place.
the moment his brain finally reckons with who he actually is and what he's actually done instead of the sad facade he frantically devotes his waking hours to maintaining will be the moment he kills himself. even then he will leave some cowardly greg-ish note attempting to paint it as an uwu delicate soul ground down by an uncaring and inferior society who couldn't recognize his brilliance. delusional, childish ego preservation to the bitter end.
so i'm not waiting or pining for the ending, it will end with a pitiable narc whimper. i'm enjoying the ride
No. 801328
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not-greg posts another galaxy brain bamboozle on the other farms.
this cements for me personally that lainey is still married, but separated and living elsewhere. greg is very careful with his choice of words and you know he would've called out that they still live together if he could do it fax-ually.
not surprising, just nice for the waterbrain to once again confirm through expectedly unintentional self-own.
which leaves the question of what the house is being used for now. my money is on: sad attempt at subletting for income, avoiding altogether to save on utilities, or the darkest possibility I consider realistic which is that lainey has moved out but left the kids behind and greg lives in the garage while hiring horrendously inadequate childcare to tend the house with the children inside.
No. 801338
>>801337This is one of the worst arguments I've ever heard anon. He can literally say anything about Lainey, it doesn't make it true. Talking shit is a lifelong hobby for him.
>>801330It could be him but I'd wager it's an orbiter. His last remaining handful of stans are so low IQ I wouldn't be able to tell the difference between him or them in a blind post. Also remember he has super desperate ass kissers like Heezy around who monitor shit for him constantly.
No. 801342
>>801057>Complained that people get mad when 20 somethings date teenagersFunny he always fails to mention how he called her "just a friend"/"foster daughter" until the moment she turned 18. He literally fucked his self proclaimed foster daughter the second she was legal.
>>801149He won't be "taking Leafy's audience" because Leafy's audience doesn't like pedos. For most of that stream the chat were calling Onision a pedo. Even they knew he's a child groomer. It's just Leafy that was in the dark.
No. 801344
>>801339LE is already involved (as in he knows their eyes are on him), but that won't affect his narc brain because a) he doesn't get Nsupply from LE validating him, and b) being in disfavour with LE is too easy to integrate in his delusional narrative of being L/the joker/etc, the guy who is "just too smart and too much of a threat to be accepted by sheeple". any attention from LE up to a point is supply for greg, which is a plus.
recalling the past episodes which really shook him, you can see they all defeated one of those two options.
option a exemplified by rejection by billie, madison, sam, etc - obv these were grooming targets he thought he 'loved' so he really had to scramble to reshape his inner narrative when they rejected him.
option b exemplified by the few interviewers who were informed and focused enough to deflate the front he puts up and expose the true gregory daniel beneath the blustering and blame-shifting - a broken, spineless individual who needs to feel externally validated at all times. and it was done in a way that greg felt was public and undeniable. in those situations he retreats into his meek, feminine voice and his body language screams that he's trying to curl into a ball and disappear, or placate his interlocutor with empty fawning compliments. see the drunken peasants podcast, the blaire white interview, and his total refusal to confront chris hansen when it wasn't on a platform he could control or shout over.
LE will become a problem for him if/when he is arrested and imprisoned, that part I agree with. prison will be the ultimate cutoff from supply for him, and he's too much of a charisma-less physical coward to gain any sort of respect in the clink. He'd off himself faster than epstein didn't.
No. 801345
>>801328>this cements for me personally that lainey is still married, but separated and living elsewhereI'm convinced she's been gone for months. I don't see her leaving the kids there, not because she actually gives a fuck about the poor things but because whichever family member she's definitely living with now would have the sense to never relinquish them to a sped who leaves jizz, vomit and whatever else lying on the floor, waiting for the dog to clean it up.
Greg's family's disowned him and Lainey's family's always hated him. They're both living proof that the downy gene can skip generations. Hopefully it skipped their kids.
No. 801355
>>801353Counterpoint: Greg very carefully dances around outright saying "she lives here" when he tries to own the haters. It's only "we are not divorced", "we are still married". Never "we are still in love", "we still live together", "we still do things together".
Given how deeply he's scraping the bottom of the barrel for anything to crow about, you know he'd be playing that card if he had it
No. 801358
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the self-own continues. greg confirmed for:
>>buys his spouse a $6 pie for their birthday
>>defends this on KF with yet another transparent sock
>>can't keep his lies and half-truths together on whether he bought or baked this (hint: he did whichever option was cheapest and lowest effort)
No. 801400
>>801309That's exactly my belief if nothing comes of the allegations. I wonder if Kai ponders on the possibility of this happening too. My fear is that he would try to take all the evidence against him along with him aka Kai.
>>801313A police report disclosed that as recently as 2019 they had a lethal gun in their house. It wouldn't surprise me if Greg offing her someday is apart of Kai's chronic anxiety too.
>>801355Counterpoint to your counterpoint: I believe this is his way of proving the haters wrong about his marriage like he's always done over the years while still "respecting" Kai's demands of not being spoken about online. He finds nonsensical loopholes around her demands. He's done it in cuddlegate w/ Billie, his affair with Sarah while Kai was in NM. Having Sam stay at the house. All those instances she forbade so it's no different now. He's gonna try to find a loophole through what she wants always and she'll never do anything about it, always. His cryptic wording doesn't necessarily mean she's gone.
I think his postings on the other farms solidifes the misery that is their new life being stuck with only each other.
No. 801413
>>801395I have reason to believe this is Greg posing as an Anti-O.
>>801395I assumed you were gonna stay on point with reasons why Kai's gone in the first half but you were so contradictory and inconsistent in the other:
"While she's trying to raise children, her husband is shoving dildos up his ass and taking photos of it in an attempt to get money, while jerking off on the carpet."
This (self) disparaging is very robotic and disingenuous. Of all the shit you can diss him about you pick his onlyfans? The least immoral thing he's done/doing? You can't even larp as an Anti-O properly.
"every single human has their breaking point - every one."
Nitpicking but "human" is a term Greg uses to describe people consistently. I find it odd that "person" or "individual" didn't roll off your typing tongue better.
"There's just no way. His own blood disowned him; there's no way Kai can take this and not break."
Why the emphasis on Kai caring about Greg's family? Why would Greg's family disowning Greg be Kai's breaking point? I assume you're talking about Greg because you use she pronouns for Kai and she's not disowned by her family. That reason sounds very nonsensical and ignores the real reasons she'd break ie psychological, verbal and physical abuse at the hands of Greg. Sounds like reasoning that'd pander to Greg's self inserts and omissions of abuse.
"Her husband is supposed to make her feel comfortable and safe. He is the cause of all of her stress, and this year is stressful enough as it is."
Still downplaying what he does to Kai as "stressful" and "not making her feel comfortable and safe". There's no way in hell his narc ego would let him admit the abuse he puts Kai through. Never in her defense. Even on anon. Greg doesn't stress her out. He destroyed her in every way possible.
"I just don't believe it's humanly possible for Kai to still be with him, and how he angry he gets when people question it, or the effort her puts into her (such as for her birthday)"
Again with the "angry". Very much downplaying his actions. Kai can very well still be in the house. Greg getting angry when people question his marriage is not a clear indicator she's left him at all. It's not a reason she would leave either. He's always been trying to prove the "haters" wrong about his marriage since day one. He never expressed anger about the effort he put into her birthday on his public social medias so I'm assuming you saw his NotGreg™ kiwifarm posts where he does just that. I find it odd you're not mentioning that outright.
"he comes out of the woodworks and makes sure everyone knows him and Kai are still together and Kai loves pie and Kai is doing this."
Again, Kai loving pie was only mentioned by NotGreg™ on the other farms. I asumme by now you agree its him. If you saw his posts there then you saw him calling Kai an ungrateful scumbag who deserves to be thrown to a wall then bodyslamed. Why would you imply she definitely gone if they most likely had an argument about her being ungrateful about her birthday pie just days ago? You seem to be omitting other information surrounding the NotGreg™ kiwi posts.
"He's Kai's handler."
Could be an observation or another telling self insert but that would be a reason why she's not gone. Aren't you trying to convince us she's gone?
"It's insane to think someone could go through everything Kai has been through and not snap."
And this is your conclusion without giving much basis to it?
You seem to be pushing the idea that she's definitely gone siting nonsensical, vauge and bare minimum reasons. Seems like you got the same stellar consistency as Greg.
Also noticed you never once say "Greg" but you use Kai's name throughout. The kiwis NotGreg™ was obviously Pro-O but his posts never used James or Greg. Neither do you.
"Her husband"
"His own blood"
"Him and Kai"
"He's Kai's handler"
No one calls him "James" here. Using James would be a dead give away but not saying Greg while using Kai's name throughout looks suspicious too. You didn't use Greg once.
Is it because you wanna fool us but your narc ego won't let you "deadname" yourself? When you're exposed and dragged for shitting on Kai in one forum you resort saying she's left in another?
For everybody else I do believe Greg would try to peddle the speculations of Kai being gone because it'd be a great win to him if Kai ever shows her face again.
"SEE GUYS! You speculated so much shit about Kai being gone when all I did was respect her privacy! Y'all were saying shit like Kai finally left me! But look! We're still married! She's still here! Proved you haters wrong again!1!11!"
(idiot, tinfoiling) No. 801437
>>801345>Hopefully it skipped their kids.Sadly both Trot and Clot aren't developmentally normal children. Trot has anger issues that were encouraged by Greg that's turned into physical violence and for years he was fed solely on breastmilk and cereals until his baby teeth rotted and he required a procedure. Even now his body health is probably fucked up due to poor diet. There's also the fact that he's had no experience with other children up until they were forced to enroll him in school so you can imagine how well that must've gone.
Clot is the more tragic of the two. She was nonverbal for the longest time (might still be) and Greg refused to even speak to her because she "couldn't talk, so what's the point?" and then she sustained a fall and a serious head injury that's probably fucked her over even more. If she wasn't already in the special-ed class then she will be now.
No. 801458
>>801358>>801328Wow, what a considerate uwu twin flame lover. A 5 bucks pie. /sarcasm
Can't he show consideration to his supposed wife by idk, making one from scratch for her? Or is that too much effort to do? He can't barely take care of his kiddos cause he can't be bothered to while fucking the nannies.
That pie picture doesn't certify me at all doormat wife is still there. He could have just baked a pie and put 1$ candles on it just so to take a picture to post online as some sort of emotional jab at lainey if she is indeed gone but that is all tinfoiling. Not even showing up on a picture for your birthday when the focus is supposed to be on you is weird as fuck.
Also, side note, onion really likes to associate to the dark knight batman, down to even in his sock accounts. I'd bet he probably monologues to himself in real life about how a tragic hero he is unironically.
No. 801464
>>801447Highly unlike. She disappeared exactly when she was exposed for sending and soliciting nudes to and from minors. If I had to tinfoil about her dissappearance. I'd say it's part of her plan to save herself and double cross Greg in the long run. Defending herself or appearing online is the one thing she's not doing despite the likelihood of Greg demanding it. The doormat quite literally groomed minors and solicited child porn for him but won't stand bravely at his side now that she exposed as just as sick as Greg. That's very telling.
I'm lead to believe they've openly discussed Kai taking the blame for everything legally since she's the one who got them caught but if Greg's protégé is anything like himself, well. Kai's throwing him under the bus for sure. Greg doesn't have the skill to truly brainwash anyone as we've seen through his plethora of rougue ex's. Her loyalty is an act. What I think Greg fails to realize is Kai has always been amoral and fucked up in her own way. Even as a teen. That's coupled with only knowing
abusive relationships at age 13 through 26 (dont forget her high school bf David). She's desensitized. Being abused is normal. So I don't think Kai going through with the stuff Greg "forced her" to do is a clear indication of undying loyalty. She was okay with doing fucked up things because fucked up people do fucked up things. And she's fucked up. Her loyalty to Greg is only cemented under the notion it comes with benefits (no need to work, needless extravagant spending, twin flame fame, nice materialistic things, proving her family wrong about their eloping, living her fakeboi fantasy, never having to "grow up" despite having kids and indulging in the sick interests they share without consequence).
If she's arrested and all that's gone. When the reality of knowing nothing but a jail cell for years sets in. You best believe were gonna hear how this poor manson girl went through years of psychological indoctrination by her manson king. What's even funnier is the real life Charles Manson got the longest jail time out of all the Manson members even though he physically committed no crimes. As will Greg.
No. 801467
Gurg was Unpartnered on twitch and streamed himself finding out about it and it is hilarious hope it’s okay to link directly to him since he makes no money on it
No. 801476
>>801467he's whining that he didn't "do anything wrong" but he clearly doesn't realize that it's simply that no one wants to be associated with him.
If he had broken TOS they'd have banned him completely. All they did was remove their endorsement of him. They have every right to do that.
No. 801496
>>801478It's apparently because he was tricked into following a troll* MAP account on Twitter und someone sent Twitch screenshots of it.
It's being discussed on the sister farms.
No. 801521
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Stole this from the other farms
No. 801528
>>801488Boohoo, who cares if a predator was suicidal after being exposed by her
victim, maybe she should have thought about that before being a groomer and sending pictures of her rancid pussy and saggy tits to minors. It wasn't Sarah's fault she was suicidal, it was her own fault for being a creep.
No. 801531
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Further proof that he buys bots for his Twitch. This is from his livestream about being unpartnered from Twitch where he shows us his creator profile. A pitiful seven views on his video before he could sic the bots onto it to boost that view.
No. 801550
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>>801467Now that Twitch is out the door is he just going to be REEEEing at random people he had past beef with with these little Twitter vids? He's looking more and more like Frankenstein. That forehead and drooping eye holy shit.
No. 801555
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I wonder if he will make 2 dozen fake meltdown videos to make up for the money that "Twitch stole"
Watch the video closely. This is what an angry Greg looks like. Not screaming and pouring Kombucha over his head. He's clenching his fists off camera, trying to sound calm but you can see the volcano top about to blow. He says the ban or unpartnering was all because of him following some fake pedo/MAP twitter. I really doubt this. What was the real reason Twitch dumped him? If it was because of this MAP twitter troll then Twitch was just itching to get rid of him and found an easy out.
No. 801576
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His last video on Twitch has been up for over 12 hours. Usually it takes 4 hours for him to swarm his bots and hype the view count up to 2 or 4K. I think he's abandoned Twitch since being unpartnered and hes not even bothering to make his view count look good anymore. We are now getting a realistic idea of what his Twitch streams views are (under 300.) You'd think the views would be higher since its a big deal with who ever keeps up with Onision drama and people would want to see what all the crying is about.
No. 801583
>>801555I don’t understand how anyone can listen to him go on and on like he has been and not see what a huge narc he is. It’s always everyone else’s fault and how much of a
victim he is. His ass kissers certainly were doing double time in that live stream with Heezy at one point saying that if she had a billion dollars she would give it to Shreg. Unbelievable how dumb these people are believing his bs.
No. 801591
>>801555He's definitely reading the farms because of course he comes out with a "someone told me" right after the theory was posted here and on Kiwi.
Of course he would LOVE to run with this as the reason he got banned because it makes him the
victim and allows him to REEE at the haturz.
But as I said before, twitch does not act that fast about anything. That fake twitter account nonsense happened late yesterday/today. There is no way this is the reason.
No. 801592
File: 1603426080589.webm (2.22 MB, 480x480, Heezy the British Cow.webm)
>>801583That was Heezy? I thought that old lady voice was Cat. I remember people saying that FatBecca sounded like she had a loaf of bread shoved down her throat when she spoke. WHeezy sounds like she has a small biscuit (or Gregs cock) lodged in her esophagus. I dont know why I imagined Heezy having a younger more feminine voice instead of some old British cow. Can you imagine being so much of simp that you'd throw your two kids into the gutter and give your grocery money to Onision? Also he said Twitch didnt pay him for 2 months. He never got a nickel from any of those 4 hour streams. He did all that shit for free lol. His fans pressed for how much he lost and he said one thousand. Four hours a day, 6 days a week for 2 months and all he would of gotten is $1000.
No. 801606
>>801591>>801567>>801498>>801496If leafys screenshots taught us anything. It's that Twitch will email you notifying a termination. I'm assuming whether it be a suspension, semi-ban, perma-ban or unpartnership and likewise, what would have been the cause.
I'm sure he would have no problem releasing emails like he's done in the past. Heck he begrudgingly released Patreon emails even, so why no Twitch emails? Answer:He's lying.
Whichever way you swing it.
Like if he didn't recieve an email detailing the reason, then he just doesn't have the FAXX™ about why he's unpartnered. He just listened to someone else's FALSE narrative because its the one where he lost livelihood through "a malicious set up" and was "wronged".
I believe he lost partnership for streaming on YouTube. Plain and simple. That's strictly prohibited doing Twitch and there's proof he was double streaming. He wasn't banned so he must not have done something immoral or unethical based on Twitch's basic streaming standards.
I'm sure Greg knew this, probably even got a warning or two for double streaming, but still went a head and did what he wanted like he always does because streaming on two platforms is not "breaking the law" according to his ironic law stricken logic. Although he's a criminal.
Wetlands for example. They were cited in his "housing contract" as protected by the government, not to be altered or touched. Even his neighbors warned him against doing it yet he still committed the crime of destroying protected government property. That's why he changed his name 20 days after documents were released on the fines he was convicted of.
To parallel similar occurrences. He still insists he "accidentally" doxxed Billie causing him to lose his Patreon. He did that to himself yet still thinks he was banned unfairly. As if releasing PRIVATE cropped text messages between you and an ex you abused was okay in the first place.
That Anti-O lie is to mask taking blame for another loss he caused. I'm sure he didn't even reach out to Twitch for a "fair trial" after learning the true reason behind the unpartnering because he knows whatever he's done is his own fault.
No. 801607
File: 1603437750774.png (734.79 KB, 1049x670, Sorry Rape Stream News.PNG)

He's apologizing to Rape Stream News. I thought he was always right? He warned us about Social Repose, Hansen and Shane "But we didn't listen!" I couldn't figure out why he'd be swallowing his pride about this but its obvious he wants to push the narrative that women always lie so that means Sarah and the other girls must have lied too. The last few sentences of the video he talks about his Twitch ban and you can hear the bitterness in his voice. I bet this Twitch thing will be rehashed in every stream and video he does for the next couple of months.
No. 801609
>>801594Twitch partner here, minimum layout is 100 and twitch issues payment 15 days after it checks at the end of the month if you met the minimum threshold. Twitch is always on time for payment.
Tbh since hes retarded he probably didn't set up his payout method correctly.
No. 801614
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He outright hinted that HE KNEW why he was unpartnered at the very beginning of his cry baby livestream.
At 1:30 he says, "I just wanted to livestream here (YouTube) because apparently… I um… Can't livestream anywhere else. I mean not- not for any monetary gain…"
When you're a Twitch partner, you can't get any monetary gain if you livestream elsewhere. If you do. You get unpartnered. Your "monetary contract" with them is cancelled.
Greg was streaming on two platforms.
So he's basically saying, "I just wanted to livestream here (YouTube) because apparently… I um… Can't livestream on Twitch. I mean not- not for any monetary gain…"
>>801606Funny how you talk about his law logic when it comes to doing what he wants. His video description literally says "I didn't violate any policies, I was never taken to court, I broke no laws, I was never arrested…"
Conclusion: You guessed it! He's a fucking liar. He did violate Twitch policies. He livestream on two platforms regardless of the rules. Got the boot for it. And is now blaming everything on others because he's malicious and can't admit to causing his own problems.
Mystery solved.
No. 801650
File: 1603468670210.png (197.5 KB, 652x343, Screenshot_2020-10-23 stockhol…)

>>801623 Stockholm syndrome??? are you fucking serious?? Amber is in LA he is in Rhode Island. Stockholm syndrome is people held captive..You are literally retarded. Who is this HC? She is not a captive and Amber admitted it was all a lie. She even asked him if he would promise not to press charges. Its over she lied.
(rapestream news) No. 801676
>>801650Am I retarded? No, why you ask? This is also why I noticed that RSN has been stalking Amber ever since the rape. Just the fact that he managed to make her feel so unsafe that she figures might as well give him what he wants (again, metaphorically speaking) doesn't do jack shit to convince anyone.
And Greg, well clearly he made that video to serve himself, same as he always does. Might as well ask you that same question back: Are you retarded that you did not notice the motives behind Greg's little apology video to RSN there?
You must be if you didn't.
You must be if you are out here defending a rapist junkie that stole 4500 dollars from a cancer
victim, as well as more money from other former fans.
You must be if you defend a sleazeball like that.
I'm glad we cleared this up.
No. 801700
File: 1603492334442.png (409.7 KB, 596x1166, onisionhansen.png)

Greg didnt know what to do with himself this morning. No more 4 hours streams since getting dumped by Twitch. So he spent half an hour replying to Chris Hansen's old tweets. No new information he's just begging for Hansens attention asking for a charity debate so they can discuss Hansens arrest and him cheating on his wife.
No. 801707
>>801400>his postings on the other farmsThat's not been proven. The most recent spergouts on KF sounds like an orbiter
>>801592 to me.
>>801417"Kai" and "Lainey" have been used interchangeably for awhile here, newfags.
No. 801708
>>801707actually the evidence of those being him is overwhelming.
just ask around.
No. 801716
>>801708oh ffs i think it's him too, but don't act like there's been any 'evidence'. we don't have ip confirmation. we don't have someone like sara (aka a person living in the house) confirming.
we have suspicion based off of the fact that greg regularly behaves and talks like the poster, but that's not fucking waterproof evidence.
No. 801717
>>801716>oh ffs i think it's him too, but don't act like there's been any 'evidence'.Are you kidding me? There is literal evidence both here even in this very thread and on kiwifarms that its him.
Null even fucking confirmed it.
What are you even talking about?
No. 801721
>>801464>She disappeared exactly when she was exposed Greg's been trying to convince anyone without a functioning brain stem that Lainey would never send nudes to minors while she's been MIA the entire time. If the allegations were untrue she would've defended herself but she never tried even once because the screen shots more than speak for themselves. Her retard husband's been speaking for her all this time (while throwing her under the bus) because she knows she's guilty and is too embarrassed and ashamed to show her face. Greg on the other hand doesn't have a conscience so he can stand up, lie and gaslight anyone without a second thought.
>Kai has always been amoral and fucked up in her own way.Just like Shiloh. Shiloh was already wacked out before she met Greg - their meeting amplified both of their psychotic tendencies.
No. 801722
>>801720spoonfeeding request.
>>801719I don't know what you guys are talking about but i very recently even saw mods calling Greg out on kiwifarms saying why not just post as yourself since we already confirmed its you.
That is all I know.
No. 801731
>>801490>I’m letting this be a remainder to always take what he says with a grain of salt99% of what he says at any given time is bullshit, only his orbiters trust and believe everything he says. "Lainey's on anti-depressants because of Sarah", "Sarah raped us", "I love my husband".
Greg knows that Lainey's hiding in shame because the internet knows she and her husband are pedos. Greg doesn't hide because he has no shame. He did OF for shock value just like all the other retarded shit he does. As much of a mong as he is even
he knew he wasn't going to make real money shoving dildos in his ass for a video.
No. 801732
>>801730yeah. i've personally always thought there's a possibility she just… got tired of it. like, greg's a narc, of course this is his life, but regardless of what lainey has going on mentally she's still like… a ''normal'' person under it all.
maybe this was just the straw that made her go "right, i'm pulling the fuck out" at least in regards to the public thing.
bc nobody can deny that whatever her boundaries were, greg has stuck to them. if she's there or not, preggers or no, whatever, he still is not showing pics of her or showing… fucking anything that has any actual connection to her except bland words.
No. 801734
>>801732i think lainey's still living with him - in his most recent tiktok ( you can see in the background what looks like children's toys and the dog.
No. 801740
>>801686Ahh yea she was Ghislainey’s best friend, they grew up together and she was their ‘nanny’.
So weird she was never heard of again except for a very awkward video Ghislainey did a few years ago of them meeting up in NM.
It’s hard not to assume that Anus tried to get her into a threesome considering everything.
No. 801743
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>>801740Greg commented under the video "10 Things I Hate About Teens"
>i fucked herwhich featured Selena. He quickly deleted it but someone screencapped it and confronted him about it. I dont think he actually had sex with her, but wanted to start the rumor. And even though he talked shit about Selenas forehead and weight he really wanted to fuck her. He wants to fuck anything other than his ugly man-wife, but Selena thought he was gross.
No. 801762
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>>801676HC Is a Junkie…Not a cancer patient Ive actually heard the recording. Shes a junkie and again RSN was cleared get over it.I swear you RSN orbiters are fucking seriously brain dead. He didn't want to fuck your gross ass sorry. You smell like cat piss and adderall. Get over it and get a life. All you do is lurk on lc n twitter talking about RSN while you rub your gross ass pussy.
(rapestream news) No. 801763
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>>801762>HC Is a Junkie…Not a cancer patient So that makes it alright for him to not pay her back the 4500 she loaned him, you mean?
Funny that you mention junkie, she isn't one, RSN actually is. Also, you're in the wrong thread, friendo. Fuck off defending that
No. 801764
>>801762Trust me on this,
nobody wants to fuck RSN, hell
thats the whole reason he resorts to feeding girls liquor and raping them. No. 801766
>>801764oh excuse me I meant to say
nobody wants to fuck RSN, hell
thats the whole reason he resorts to feeding girls that are under the legal drinking age liquor and then raping them. No. 801767
>>801763Excuse me but I have NEVER seen a junkie loan another junkie money. Ever.
Wouldn't she then need that to score her own smack?
Yeah, so you fucked up your stories again there, RSN.
No. 801772
>>801771All he did was stalk Amber for years after the rape, until she finally just gave in and said "ok fine it was 'not rape'."
Doesn't change the fact that she said NO twice, no = no. He even admitted to that in the stream the next day "yes she said no twice", and yet he raped her anyway. It doesn't matter that he coached and threatened Amber in to now claiming it "wasn't rape" and that he has her blaming her mother. Doesn't change a thing. In fact when you watch that stream you can clearly hear her mother trying to calm down the situation, if anything she tried to coach Amber in to saying the opposite.
No. 801777
>>801776He always claims that: Oh they cleared me, the cops cleared me, blablabla but its funny how all this shit, and i do mean ALL this shit keeps finding him, innit?
And by ALL this shit I mean theres so fucking many of it. Just look at Repzilla's videos, Masked babes videos, Creepshow art's videos, Ragreynolds videos, tons and tons of shit keeps piling on to him. Strange how they keep accusing such an innocent man of all this horse shit. Weird how that happens to nobody else here or anywhere.
Then again we aren't addicted to meth and a whole cornucopia of other drugs. Nor do we try to fuck literally anybody, even married people, in more ways than one.
But please, keep spergin' out here about how RSN is super duper innocent.
I'm telling you this right now and right here, one day the excuses are gonna run out and our potato headed boy will be hauled off to a slam-me-up-the-ass prison for a whole bunch of years, and by then you can quote me on that.
Shit is always hitting the fan with this ugly fucking idiot, and will continue to do so. He keeps fucking up, raping people and fucking them over for drugs and money and the shit will come to rain down on him real, REAL hard one of these days.
No. 801779
>>801458>Can't he show consideration to his supposed wife by idk, making one from scratch for her? Or is that too much effort to do? Considering that making a pie from scratch (especially a pumpkin pie) is literally one of the easiest desserts to make: of course it's way too much effort for him. The difference between homemade vs frozen is miles a part in flavor but to waterhead pumpkin pie is pumpkin pie and WE are the morons for believing otherwise kek
>He could have just baked a pie and put 1$ candles on it just so to take a picture to post online as some sort of emotional jabThats the vibe I got from that picture. It doesnt even look like he baked it judging by the reflective pool in the center and pale crust, it looks like it's still defrosting. Which would make sense if he just wanted to take some uwu miss you pic to guilt trip Lame.
No. 801783
>>801743He’s such a pos. The live stream he did with Selena and Ghislaine I can remember him reading off the comments from the viewers and of course he chose the sexual ones asking if they were bi etc. You can clearly see how uncomfortable Selena was plus she is a year younger than Ghislainey which made her 17 in the ls.
And he has idiots who say he’s not a predator when he consistently acts like one.
No. 801805
>>801779To be fair, I would be skeptical of anything Onion made from scratch. His hygiene and inability to follow basic instructions are a recipe for disaster (forgive me).
I would eat a defrosted pumpkin pie over anything he put his unwashed hands on in their filthy kitchen
No. 801825
File: 1603584076250.png (1.31 MB, 1032x657, 2 year difference.PNG)

>>801783Lainey and Selena have a 2 year age difference. In the video RECONNECTING WITH MY HIGH SCHOOL BEST FRIEND they're talking about how they met and it was because their moms were best friends.
Selena: I was probably like 2
Lainey: I was like 4
And they were two grades apart.
I remember videos with Selena and Lainey in that apartment Greg had in Albuquerque. This was when Lainey was pretending to be living in a dorm but was really living with Greg. She was 17? Does that mean Selena was 15 and visiting them? Im with the Anon who said Greg probably tried to fuck Selena. Who knows how far he got but it doesn't matter because Lainey wouldn't leave him no matter how many of her friends he had sex with.
No. 801869
>>801779You know what? I'm perfectly ok with Taylor getting a lame, ugly frozen pie for her birthday. She got all kinds of presents from her underage fans.
One time, Taylor complained that one 14 year old's mom caught them talking and didn't like what she saw, so she wouldn't allow her daughter to talk to Taylor anymore. The only thing Taylor was upset about was that she wasn't going to get the expensive gift rhe 14 year old was going to send her.
For years, Taylor made kids pay her tribute like she was the Queen of Hot Shit. Fuck her.
No. 801874
>>801825Greg actually posted in a comment that he did fuck Selena.
It's common knowledge.
No. 801894
File: 1603650398661.jpg (226.59 KB, 512x700, 1_ElHoBTHUcAAFcXr.jpg)

When I saw this this morning I just skimmed it and seriously thought it was a suicide note.
Turns out to be another one of Gregs
>Im leaving the internet forever because of the haters
I hope "forever" lasts a least a week this time.
No. 801896
>>801894Omg he’s so still buttmad about billy and I absolutely love it. Billie lives rent fucking free in his greasy mind.
His “do not engage” tattoo is the best thing that he’s done.
No. 801899
File: 1603652141801.png (202.18 KB, 986x474, onision twitch unpartnered.png)

Twitch finally emailed him about losing his partnership. They didnt give him a definite reason for it which Im happy about. This way he cant correct it and he will never really know what caused his ban. I still think its because he was streaming simultaneously on YT and Periscope while streaming on Twitch. A big no-no with their TOS.
No. 801900
File: 1603652479243.png (97.76 KB, 992x475, begging_onision.png)

>>801899"Twitch stole from me"
him and Heezy hatched up a plan to get his fans to donate directly to him.
No. 801901
>>801900He does realize he probably hadn't made over $100 and that's why twitch didn't pay him right? It's written all in the agreement.
Sage for speculation
No. 801904
File: 1603654891723.png (26.82 KB, 769x204, Capture75671233.PNG)

>>801901During the stream on the day he lost his partnership his fans asked how much he made in total and Greg said $1000. Now we all know he lies but it sounded possible. 4 hours a day, 6 days a week for two months. He also admitted in a following stream that he hadn't set up the payment plan. I think that's the real reason. How are they suppose to give him money if they don't have his information on where to send it. Yet again its him twisting the truth.
A little something interesting I found while scrolling through discord chat. It looks like Heezy is paying for random people to get subscriptions. I guess she's doing this to artificially boost his subs numbers. She's using her own money so Greg looks more popular than he really is. In that audio clip Heezy said if she had a million dollars she'd give it to him
>>801592 I seriously think she would. How fucking crazy is that?
No. 801908
File: 1603656753448.jpg (573.8 KB, 810x1657, twitter1.jpg)

Another "Goodbye" letter.
No. 801912
>>801899Major tinfoil, but I wonder if Twitch sent him a warning prior to that mail. It seems odd to me that he made such a ruckus about Leafy getting banned on Twitch, almost as if he already knew what was coming.
Might just be a really weird coincidence, or Greg trying to make friends that stand up for him. kek I also like that he's still addressed as Gregory Avaroe, even though he legally had his name changed.
No. 801913
>>801908this whole thing is amazing. i don't know if he's delusional or actually believes that he's still in the right somehow. i really enjoyed the increasing use of capslock
>she danced to my fake meltdown videos and had a drinking party, yes, a drinking partyoh heavens to betsy, a drinking party?!? good thing i was on my fainting couch when i read that how scandalous
No. 801922
>>801908It’s so sad how much he lives in the past and defines his life so much by all the people he feels screwed him over.
It is funny though how little the stuff he says makes no sense when you think about it for half a second. He frames Billie as this no good lying criminal who endangered his kids by doing illegal drugs and that he doesn’t want her in his life at all…so why would he want to reflect on all the good times and long for a “civil” relationship with her. Why email her incessantly? Could it be because he secretly is so frustrated with his inability to manipulate or even pay his way back into her life because he misses her so much?
It feels more and more that he’s writing posts like these for himself than anyone else. His kids fans will believe him of course and his ~haters~ won’t. So why keep telling these same warped stories and blubbering in his woe is me self-pity all the time? Who is this for?
No. 801935
File: 1603681484745.png (47.15 KB, 600x429, following.PNG)

>>801932but hes still trying to suck Leafys dick and following Spookycoo and Kaitlind? That has to be a slap in the face for the woman who was using her own money to buy people subs to Onision so he looked more popular than he actually is.
No. 801936
>>801913>>801909He paints Sarah as a sadistic freak for her little party when he basically did the same with JG. He even mentions her & that situation but doesn't bring up calling her JG a 'dumb bitch/cunt' and laughing at her crying. Only difference is JG never groomed greg into having sex with her like he did Sarah.
Poor wittle innocent greg could never imagine being so sadistic
No. 801985
>>801935Doesn't he realize that leafy is as much a has been assclown as he is? If he's thinking leafy can revitalize his career he's dead wrong.
He might as well ask Shane Dawson, at this point.
No. 802062
>>801869>For years, Taylor made kids pay her tribute like she was the Queen of Hot ShitAnd she was probably taking the nudes they sent to
her and gave them to her husband who pretends not to know anything she was doing despite admitting to having access to her sm accounts.
No. 802068
>>801909This entire thing is him playing the
victim while lying to the reader by saying that that's not what he's doing. Typical.
Maybe if he didn't take advantage of a vulnerable 16 year old girl, bring her into his home, publicly call her his foster daughter/little sister right up until she turned 18 and fuck her immediately, his life wouldn't be in shambles right now.
No. 802072
>>801922These pity posts are for anyone dumb enough to fall for his manipulations or ignorant of his history and the reality of what's gone down.
The guy who for
years abused his platform by taking the personal trauma people shared with him in confidence and blasting it publicly in videos as a petty retaliation tactic, is perpetually malding over what a
victim he is. So tragic that his children have this pathetic nonce for a parent.
Hopefully Lainey's permanent disappearance from the internet (so innocent uwu) means the kids are finally living with people who aren't pedophiles (excluding Lainey of course).
No. 802081
File: 1603782532418.jpg (182.01 KB, 614x797, ElRItB9VkAkVyzr (1).jpg)

>all of you collectively have donated $33 - $30 of that was Heezy.
>thanks to Heezy & the other kind donor
In yesterday's Twitter/Discord goodbye messages he made it sound like his throng of fans donated hundreds of dollars to him that was stolen by the dastardly villains at Twitch. Turns out it was just 2 fans donating a pathetic 33 bucks. I'm not even surprised that Heezy tried to buy his love once again. You know all those Amazon wishlist gifts he boasts about on Twitter and his streams, guess whos buying them.
No. 802095
>>801913I think it’s a mixture of both, if that makes sense.
He’s incredibly stupid, and he twists narratives as he sees fit; he knows he’s full of shit (like Sarah raping him lmao) but he also thinks that /TECHNICALLY/ that happened, and it can’t be disproven, and how dare you for not believing a thing that could’ve happened. I truly want to know how he dismisses his emails to Sarah (I loved pleasuring you both etc etc) as him just being nice to a rapist, but takes Sarah’s totally-not-coerced video as fact.
He’s too fucking dumb to realize even with his retarded scenarios being “true”, if you apply his same logic CONSISTENTLY to Sarah/Billie/etc, what Greg says still doesn’t add up. I feel like most people don’t know how to approach arguments with him bc he’s so far into the stratosphere of wrongness, it melts their brain trying to comprehend his genuine delusional idiocy.
No. 802153
File: 1603823703229.jpg (120.26 KB, 815x754, things will surely be differen…)

the same tired hamster wheel spins once more
can someone please compile a .txt of all greg's EPIC FINAL GOODBYE MESSAGE word salads? there's at least like 5 in the last few months alone.
you know the ones, they all hit the same beats:
>things used to be so great
>>then (something that has nothing to do with my own faults) happened
>>now (carefully selective acknowledgment of current troubles) is happening
>>i will fix this by being better/doing my own thing/(vague promise of improvement pivot with zero material commitments or insight into why things fucked up to begin with)
>>see you in a while, it will surely be a LONG LONG WHILE and things will become MUCH MUCH BETTER
>>return within days, doing the same shit
No. 802204
>>802200They will never get separated for 2 simple reasons: 1 she's a doormat who will never leave him and 2 he doesn't want to pay child support for 2 kids for 10+ years and possibly alimony to Footface since I doubt the prenup he made her sign was
valid. Remember all the tantrums he threw and all the suicide threats over having to pay alimony to Skye for 5 years?
No. 802210
File: 1603852433014.jpeg (133.9 KB, 697x1200, 3B904376-6A07-4A0A-850F-88BC97…)

>>801908Lmao, Greg is the Mary Lou Retton of mental gymnastics. He groveled for Billie to come back on more than one occasion. It wasn’t even close to “him forcing her out of his life”
No. 802211
>>802204What makes you think Lainey would consider taking him to court for child support?
There's no arguing she's a doormat, there's just not enough evidence to say for sure whether or not she's living in the swamp shack. She's too ashamed to publicly show her face after what she's done. Her husband does more than enough shit to embarrass the both of them 1000x over and doesn't care, which clearly has worked out so well for him.
No. 802218
File: 1603855825995.jpeg (148.88 KB, 750x1334, EFFSyJGXsAAvqCE.jpeg)

>>802210There's also this gem
>If Billie decides to give Lainey closure, she can call MY numberKek. Didn't Footface have her own phone???
No. 802222
>>802218"Lainey is the innocent
victim" lmao Sorry. I know that's not the point of the post, but never fails to get a good laugh
No. 802225
>>802168The best part of that clip is where he criticizes "professional
victims" when this entire autistic manifesto of his
>>801909 is nothing but him being a professional
victim. Peak Onion.
Now that his own family's disowned him for grooming an underage girl, his human interaction is limited entirely to other cows like Tamara, who he admitted McFly wasn't quite as stupid as. kek
No. 802228
File: 1603859366358.png (10.39 MB, 1242x2688, 73E38250-B4D7-49D1-B1C8-457986…)

>>802206That shit eating smirk is disgusting. His nose is also super oily and his skin looks like shit. I wanted to gag when he touched his face then his mouth. I wish he fell out of that window and now the baby
No. 802229
File: 1603859464621.gif (1.03 MB, 300x100, 6DEBFE4E-DE50-4C59-8E2B-F568E6…)

Also I love when this banner comes up, especially knowing that she is all he thinks about still.
No. 802234
File: 1603861117967.png (75.51 KB, 404x788, onisionfollowing.PNG)

>>802160I've always thought McFly was the last online friend that he trusted. Yes theres Heezy. He'll take her money and gifts but he's made little passive aggressive cracks about her rabid Anti-O past so he doesn't truly let his guard down around her because hes not positive Heezy wont flip sides again and tell his neighbors and Pierce County Sheriff's that he and Lainey are grooming predators.
Could this spat with McFly be the reason for his goodbye messages
>>801894 >>801895 >>801908 >>801909 where he says he's no longer going to be socially active online? No more online friendships just churning out his top grade comedy skits. I know another anon mentioned he dumped Heezy on Twitter but I dont see McFly or any other alt usernames (Teemo,Teglo etc.) on his following list.
No. 802246
File: 1603871192241.jpg (59.93 KB, 796x544, ryan_lainey.jpg)

>>802240>and then she'll spill out all the secrets I hope for that every time he loses a paypig. But I'm disappointed each time. Blasian had zero info and seemed like she wanted to go back into Gregs loving arms if he'd take her back. The Dog-Fucker had no juicy backstage secrets and made 10 streams crying that Greg said she fucked dogs and made fun of her in League. I could go down the list of his ex-Patrons, none had any real info that the farms didn't already know. The last time we got any real milk was from Sarah. Only time we get secrets is from someone who has lived there or visited often. I would never want another girl to experience that kind of abuse just so we get information. What I hope for is that Lainey and her fakeboi-friend Ryan have a falling-out and spills everything she knows. I think Ryan has some fucked up stories to tell.
No. 802248
Remember AJ you guys? I read her letter again from way back and to remind myself what a sick fuck greg was
>"maybe we should get to know each other in person a day or two before we jump
into having sex. He asks me “Why?” as he continues kissing me. Eventually I realized I was fighting an uphill battle, so I gave up and just went with it.
(I’ve already said this o n my Google+, but I want to reiterate that he did
not rape me – but there is a fine line between being forced to do something and being pressured to do something. I just felt rushed is all.)"
One first day of meeting her:
>"During sex, he’s looking me in the eye, petting my hair, and asking me if I want him to cum in me. I told him only if we can get Plan B in the morning. He looks at me with these disappointed and frustrated eyes, and says “Don’t you want to be pregnant with my child? Come on, let's make babies together!”, I told him absolutely not. And he still came in me anyway."
>"Basically the first 2 days of him being in Austin was him repeatedly trying to have sex with me, cutting off everything I was saying to ask me a sexual question or to >make a sexual innuendo. It got to the point that we got into an argument about it, because it was legitimately starting to hurt my feelings. For some reason or another, he would take me being frustrated and argumentative as a sexual challenge, and would pin me to the bed and basically try to fuck me (or, as he says, “make love”) into submission. It became pointless to try and fight it, so I let him do whatever he wanted – which resulted in him cumming in me countless times after the Plan B had worn off. With him citing: “If you get pregnant, I will immediately marry you and will step up as the role of the father for our child”. What a turn on."
I know this woman claims it wasn't rape, but it sure sounds like it was. Greg straight up raped this woman. Full on criminally felony style no joke rape.
No. 802267
>>802246I’m sure Greg enjoyed feeding his Patrons just enough to make them feel special while also telling them almost nothing of actual importance. He gets his kicks from lying and the only people stupid enough to believe him are the ones paying to get duped.
I still think it’s hilarious ReadyToGlare was a Patron. The only thing she came away with was a salty email exchange and a bruised ego.
No. 802268
File: 1603893443830.png (362.15 KB, 500x1433, BUZNESS.png)

No. 802269
File: 1603896124049.jpeg (41.1 KB, 413x395, A4DFC944-A428-4694-9115-179995…)

>>802268Kek, the nose, rosacea, and caveman brow are on the money
No. 802274
>>802269>>802268but its the little details that had me rolling
$5 pumpkin pie, dildo, camera, vomit on carpet
Im still not sure what the picture is on the wall.
No. 802290
File: 1603906961017.png (80.3 KB, 561x652, gregsock.PNG)

Greg is making sock accounts to start a disinformation campaign. Couldn't he come up with a better twitter name? Joined October 2020. Lets see if he quotes this twitter account in one of his next videos.
>look at those disgusting Anti-O's I cant believe they want children to die.
No. 802304
>>802290it's so obvious he thinks this is his 2000IQ way to post what he's too chickenshit to say out loud on his non-sock accounts
tell us how you really feel, greg. your daughter deserves to die for making you look bad, kai is a piece of shit for being complicit in your grooming, damn ima be so happy the day i read you've killed yourself after leaving one final ellipses-filled uwu note of professional deflection and self-victimisation.
ps as if it wasn't already a dead enough giveaway, "busted open her skull TO" lmao pUbLIShEd AuThoR
No. 802305
>>802290Just goes to show you how much he truly hates his wife.
>>802276A 2008 show he's still obsessed with, much like Batman.
>>802260Ah, so she stole the whole tranny thing from her. She's just as original as Greg.
No. 802306
>>802300It's like that time Chris Chan tried to go undercover ops on da trolls. His writing style is immediately recognizable.
Even if it wasn't him, it's too late to turn the narrative by scapegoating his manwife and kids.
No. 802310
>>802307Will we get more suicide bait? Will he sperg about Sarah/Billie/Jaquelin/Eugenia/Hanson? Or will we get LIVING MY BEST ONION LIFE?
Maybe he'll get his own pumpkin tart?
I can't imagine things will go well now that his entire family has pretty much disowned him
No. 802313
>>802290I've never seen such a disgusting and inhumane move. Shame on you, Greg, shame on you.
Imagine your children seeing this on the internet one day and reading that their
own father made a sock account hoping that
his own children will get raped. Rock bottom. You've absolutely hit rock bottom. Your kids deserve so much better.
>>802310No matter whether he keeps suicide baiting, an heros or dies all alone by himself at an old age, whether he'll go to jail or continue to shove dildos up his butt, there's one thing that'll always haunt him. His name won't be remembered and he didn't accomplish anything in life. The world has never revolved around him, he's just this tiny blip in the universe that will be forgotten instantly.
Sorry for spamming, didn't want to double post and then forgot to sage.
No. 802334
>>802240Tamara shit on Sarah A LOT. Surprised Greg hasn't taken her back just for that alone.
>>802248>cutting off everything I was saying to ask me a sexual question or to make a sexual innuendo.Corroborating what Shiloh said about him pathologically sexualizing everything.
No. 802336
>>802290There used to be a ban on tinfoiling about socks here because it's pretty pointless.
Greg's IQ is equal to all the anti's combined (in the negative integers), so it's rich when he slags them off like he's somehow more intelligent.
No. 802349
>>802347Seen the video but this "new gf" he's talking about I think is poop-Beck, but i'm not entirely sure. I think Greg has posted old sketches on twitch or tiktok or something.
Correct me if i'm wrong.
No. 802354
>>802338The joke is that Tamara's sincere anon, just like all the other orbiters. Much like their favorite pedo they say whatever's convenient in the moment. Saying something when it's convenient doesn't = sincerity.
>>802340>Haven't seen Tamara attack any of the girls anywhere.She doesn't
need to now that Pedo won't allow her back into their little tard circle.
No. 802365
the file is too big to upload here but's Gregory James Daniel Avaroe Jackson riding a dildo for pennies to feed his husband and family uwu
No. 802411
File: 1603992414939.png (200.35 KB, 1488x878, SockySpergs.PNG)

Absolute madness happening at KF. Grease attempted to infiltrate his own thread as a white knight, got called out after he couldn't help but shit up the Eugenia thread, and then decided to create a fake Anti-O account on Twitter for ass pats from farmers.
No. 802433
File: 1604003520477.jpg (130.16 KB, 1080x787, 20201029_163015.jpg)

Onion made another shit music video about how dark and twisted he is but it sounds like what Owl City would sound like if they were being molested by Onion during the performance.
No. 802435
>>802411I been here on lolcow many years and sure, I know how the rules work but please, for the love of God,
somebody here tell me that he's shitting us with this.
I mean he has to be, right?
Just for my sanity, I beg you.
Tell me that he's shitting us with this, because there is no way anybody is
that stupid.
No. 802436
>>802435high iq 4d chess move obviously. us simpletons just wouldn't understand the God Onion's mind.
Has null or a mod confirmed these are onion though?
No. 802438
>>802436We had to swallow a lot of shit from the king of bullshit over the years but this is just a tad too much. I just can't imagine compLainey staying with him for all this time, is she a robot or some shit?
She has to be. Either that or she's secretly doing prescription dope, or some shit. And even then I'd imagine it being the hardest life ever, a gulag must look appealing to spaceboi at this point.
>>802437If that is true, and that person imitating him is reading here right now, I have to
INSIST they apply to become a writer for Netflix. Maybe then we will finally get some great TV.
No. 802439
>>802436I lurk specifically to see if he does, and I think he only ever confirmed a general location once during the wetland saga.
But the way he writes is so distinctive that I highly doubt most of these are just some other retard replicating it.
No. 802449
>>802438Maybe she went to a shrink to finely try to chop her tits off and got some prozac or some shit since she's not breastfeeding anymore right?
Maybe she's gotten some good benzos because uwu anxious space prince.
No. 802463
>>802449If it is him
and I think it is then we're heading towards some very interesting times..
Does he have the gal though to kick Lainey out of his life? And / or does she have the balls to leave him?
No. 802465
File: 1604014536999.jpg (57.06 KB, 1272x242, cuckfuckertrucker.jpg)

he's trying to backtrack now.
i also tend to think this is greg
No. 802466
>>802411I thought I recognized this from upthread but it was just the top half for some reason
I'm still not convinced it's him. He and his orbiters share a hivemind of autism, it's most likely one of them.
No. 802518
>>802465>>802492The cut off icon on the screencaps is damning. It's possible he spread it around to his fans who posted it on KF but there's no doubt the Anti-O Twitter account is a sock.
Using a batman avatar as a smokescreen for "the joker of Youtube" is the height of water brain logic. It's a little too on the nose so bravo if that's a troll account.
No. 802555
File: 1604065318729.jpg (282.74 KB, 1502x1601, greggy_poo_greggy_poo_sing_me_…)

It could be a very great troll, could be, yes.
That being said, dictionary definitions?
dictionary definitions?
Now who do we know that LOVES to refer to dictionary definitions of a word to "prove a point"?
No. 802557
>>802556All we need is mod confirmation and milksmas will have come early
But I'm pretty convinced that it's him based on syntax and the way he's arguing
No. 802560
>>802555I like how all these “totally not Greg” accounts seem to know what kind of dessert Lainey wanted for her birthday.
Also some idiot is claiming they were a “deluded anti-o” that was mad enough to create a fake account that posted death threats, but a single day later they’re on the farms defending Greg and calling all the haters stupid cunts?
This story makes about as much sense as Greg’s sex extortion story. Which is another clue that it is him.
No. 802566
>>802556Its beautiful isn't it? i'm almost afraid to look at it it's so beautiful, like staring directly in to the sun.
its the lulz melange we deserve after this dryness and resorting to bad banana holding us over till the new milk.
but its here now.
all is right again.
>>802560exactly, someone on KF actually put this algorithm over it you can do online, to see similarities and it came out at a whopping 90% sure it was the same person.
No. 802598
>>802596>he's been sucking mcfly's ass so hard lately probably because shes the only one left and oh so ~loyal~, i wouldn't be surprised if she replaces plain at some pointThats what i'm hoping, it would be fucking amazing if he did.
We'd be in for mass quantities of lulz.
No. 802649
>>802560>they seem to know what kind of dessert Lainey wanted for her birthdayGreg could say Lainey wanted a diamond encrusted butt plug for her birthday, post it to his IG and that still wouldn't make what he said a fact. Farmers of all people should know that Greg saying something is a fact is
never enough to go on. The same goes for some random troll account on KF saying they know Lainey's favorite pie or whatever. I know the milk is dry but holy shit.
If it IS him (which only a mod could confirm) it's the most pathetic, desperate ploy for attention yet.
No. 802679
>>802672>multiple different accounts>all said that they know "kai prefers pie" >some random Greg fan wouldnt know thisThis is such anti-o/Onision sped tier logic.
Only a mod can confirm whether that KF poster is the Pedo or not. No amount of tinfoiling "buh it sounds like him doh" is going to change that.
No. 802728
File: 1604165045792.jpg (159.49 KB, 1033x815, Screenshot_20201031-091224_You…)

Blaire I can understand with recent events but what was the reason of dragging Billie into this (other than the fact that Greg has been so nice as to let her live rent free in his head for years)
No. 802729
>>802555It's the
>your accusations, as always = destroyedas well as the dictionary definitions that seals the deal for me that it's either an onion or a troll that mimics his retarded style perfectly.
No. 802749
>>802728what witch hunt? everybody and their mother seems to have moved on. hansen rarely mentions grugly anymore and not even steveree rants about him anymore since everybody dun goof'd.
if anything it looks more like greg is attempting to re-ignite the fires desperately trying to be relevant again.
i would seriously recommend greg stfu, before he does get his wish and it all does go terribly wrong. count your blessings, get off the internet and move the fuck on.
No. 802799
>>802777If I were him i'd do the same and get out the dodge while he still can. He should just go offline forever, take his ugly foot-wife and the shallots and live a quiet life somewhere.
If he doesn't something tells me he will live to regret it. He basically got away with it scot-free. he can reminisce about that at his old age from time to time and just enjoy how he never got convicted for any of it.
PS nice trips>>802798>Why does he think other people fucking up absolves him of all the creepy shit he's done?Because he basically did get away with all of his shenanigans. If he starts up all the horseshit again though, it might still come to bite him in the ass.
So i'd like to tell him Greg, by all means, continue to sperge. Make sure you piss off the wrong person, i'm sure he or she is out there somewhere, just gotta find them and make them mad at you.
No. 802819
>>802642yeah but greg always verbally abuses the fuck out of his patrons and yet they keep coming back.
i don't think that would stop mcfly from being greg's new meathole.
No. 802829
>>802798It’s even better than that; on his recent discord with paypigs some of his followers even pointed out that logic when he was accusing mike Morse of being a sexual predator..
He explained its /different/ if someone was brought to court because it’s much more credible. The mental gymnastics of this moron are incredible kek
No. 802835
>>802728>so nice as to let her live rent free in his head for yearsAll of them do but Billie most of all. She has zero to do with the old forums where he collected underwear pics of minors, but I'm sure he'll use some weak nonsensical rationale for including her in his tard rant.
He can drag Blaire all he wants but she's far from being the only one to bring up his old pedo forums.
No. 802837
>>802749>everybody dun goof'dThe fuck ups of Hansen and the anti-o's isn't "everyone" anon. Other than that I agree with you, it's another desperate attention grab.
>>802777>>802799Despite all the L's he's taken, he still believes all publicity is good publicity. That definitely worked out for Hansen whose reputation and "career" is hanging on by a fucking thread, and he wasn't even outed as a pedo kek.
No. 802862
File: 1604215914047.jpeg (401.9 KB, 826x1252, C995A38C-A7B3-498E-8D0D-8FB1D4…)

>>802728Pfft, someone’s mad that during his daily Billie IG fap, a photo of her out having fun with her boyfriend popped up and deflated his baby carrot.
No. 802873
File: 1604227509739.jpg (Spoiler Image,92.84 KB, 1026x544, Onision Lainey blumpkin.jpg)

>>802862I'm sure Greg will try to top her somehow.
No. 802876
>>802862which boyfriend is this? no 178 or 179? I lost track. wasn't she with that junkie drewissharing?
>>802872dog years is about 7 years, whore years is about 17 years per year.
instead of sunflowers she should be giving away flyers with directions to the local free clinic.
No. 802877
File: 1604230532941.png (192.5 KB, 621x889, oof.png)

No. 802886
>>802878oh definitely, he has to otherwise the mask won't stay on. he learned it from greg, how greg stuffs his underwear.
and then when leafy goes outside he has that same death grip on that mask as greg does his baby carrot. just to hold that shit in place.
No. 802928
>>802918>>802921We never called her a slut. You did.
>>802926Everybody here is Greg, we already established that. And I now have a vagina, so i must be a female greg right? and a totes fan.
I always do that too, everybody I don't like is automatically greg. So you are now Greg.
No. 802932
File: 1604263158338.png (44.28 KB, 869x608, 675837565.PNG)

I was going to ask when the frantic deleting and editing was going to happen. Didn't have to wait that long this time.
No. 802933
>>802928You are absolutely wrong. We can't slut shame anymore in 2020. They're called vaginal philanthropists.
Just because Billie has threeways and fucks a lot of guys does not make her a slut, at all.
No. 802938
File: 1604264342967.jpg (Spoiler Image,189.78 KB, 527x681, 2020greg.jpg)

Remember people.
Don't do it.
Don't be a Greg.
Don't slut-shame.
No. 802941
File: 1604264747577.jpg (97.28 KB, 612x344, blackmail.jpg)

You got blackmail!
No. 802942
don't slut-shame!
No. 802943
File: 1604264932229.jpg (48.55 KB, 495x327, ht57P.jpg)

This reminds me of when Heezy and Trisha start feeding off each other during one of their back and forth Twitter spergs.
No. 802968
File: 1604275978949.png (349.47 KB, 1080x938, 1604264860359.png)

Greg's house taxes are overdue.
Good times.
If only Twitch let him keep those 40 bucks, he worked so hard for them.
No. 802970
>>802873This is great and I regret that it probably can't be a thread pic. Big sad.
>>802932I'm glad you capped those anon. Those posts give valuable insight into the tragic effects of inbreeding.
No. 802975
>>802877Nice burn but I've seen Leafy very halfheartedly suck him off before. He needs to make up his mind.
And why does that background look like a drug den? It most definitely smells like one, what with all the dried, encrusted vomit and jizz trapped in the carpet and upholstery. Isn't he just livin' the life?
He sure showed all his ugly whore exes didn't he. kek
No. 802979
File: 1604278435650.jpg (474.24 KB, 1701x957, Kektacular.jpg)

>>802968Awww. I'm surprised it's not more tbh. Where's this from? This should be included in the next thread pic.
No. 802990
File: 1604285839290.jpg (77.67 KB, 1194x856, Screenshot 2020-11-01 185647.j…)

He's doing twitter polls now and they're not working in his favor
No. 803037
File: 1604312570554.jpg (17.81 KB, 230x345, 4greg.jpg)

No. 803122
File: 1604345887577.jpeg (2.83 MB, 4032x3024, CB7E37C6-67EA-4E18-A5E7-9A83D8…)

No. 803144
>>803122>I was informed recently that Twitch is investigating himHeatboss is an anti-o. These are the same tards who think a troll posting on KF about Kai liking pie is Greg. I take everything those speds say with a giant grain of salt.
If Twitch were to investigate Greg, I would think it's related to botting. I'll wait until there's actual evidence of an investigation.
No. 803316
>>803308With all due respect I think Jaclyn has a tendency to pick douchebags. I don't know what it is but her new hubby also looks like a fuckboi she will one day I dunno find laying in the marital bed with another guy, or something, is what I predict.
If that dude would like to try and prove he isn't, he should just tell Greg to back off or he'll re-arrange his teeth. I'm afraid they'd end up fucking instead, though. Specially with Gregs proclivities for putting shit up his ass instead of just letting shit out like normal people tend to do.
No. 803338
>>803286There’s only so much manufactured drama he can squeeze out of his life right now.
Without cheating on Lainey again with some new camera-ready girl or forcing Lainey back into the dimming limelight, he’s going to rapid cycle through his old tricks before petering out.
I don’t know something he could do all by himself that would bring back views. Even his move to only fans has brought back a muted uptick in attention. It’s his relationship with others that drive attention.
No. 803345
>>803338Thats the irony in all of this:
-If Greg where to dump Lainey and the kids tomorrow, and just shit talk Lainey in a couple of 100 videos, he'd have millions of views again.
No. 803356
>>803345In a sense really Lainey has been hurting his "career" from the get go. She's the one that got him in to trouble and she's the one holding him down.
He needs to kick her out.
No. 803361
>>803358One of his sisters was the
victim of the sexual abuse as his mother tells the story. Greg says he asked his sister and she just changed the topic. He took that as a yes. He's said he needs concrete evidence about abuse since he's been accused and all the stories he sites like Depp and a couple other celebs. But he's willing to take "she avoided the question and changed the topic" as absolute evidence his father is a sexual predator.
And he's taking his mothers word on this. This is the same woman that Greg has told us lied to his face when he asked her if she does drugs (weed.) He asked because he was worried about her taking care of his kids while under the influence. She assured him that she doesn't do drugs then told her daughters that she lied to Greg. One of the sisters immediately snitched about it and Greg raged then limited mothers access to her grandkids.
No. 803365
File: 1604447813672.png (181.74 KB, 798x740, Twitch.png)

>>803193He's still using the platform so IF an investigation happened, their findings could be grounds to remove him entirely. Some twitterfag said pedo got unpartnered (not banned) over his autistic beta ranting at Mcfly.
No. 803370
>>803218>How can Greg call his dad a predator when his dad isn't in jail? Jail being the only yardstick he uses in his hopelessly vacuous waterhead to determine guilt or innocence.Your guess is as good as mine anon.
>>803226Your just not high IQ enough to understand, sorry.
No. 803372
>>803316>he should just tell Greg to back offThat's just giving him more attention.He's an attention starved narc, especially now that Lainey's presumably left him and not around for him to verbally abuse anymore. All he has are his 4 remaining orbiters to shit on in her place.
Jaclyn and her husband are smart to ignore him.
No. 803396
File: 1604460336872.jpg (960.58 KB, 2030x2707, El8eO0uUYAEZTWV.jpg)

His newest Twitter Hot or Not poll gives me Bundy vibes.
No. 803425
>>803396oh but Greg LOVES Ted Bundy, same as he loves the characters Patrick Bateman and the Joker. Heath Ledgers joker to be precise, whom even FBI profilers have said was the best portrayal of a psychopath they ever seen in the movies.
Greg feels kin to these psychopaths, because guess what? he is one!
No. 803457
>>803434its the only way he can be relevant again at this point. he needs to kick lainey and the kids out and then vilify her in a million videos.
then he'd be on top of his game again.
I'd like to tell him you know what to do, Greg.
Sooner rather than later.
Good luck.
No. 803484
>>803396He’ll take this as a compliment since he tries to say he looks like Zac Efron who played Bundy.
>>803425His weird obsession with these characters is very Luka Magnotta. We all know he’s an animal abuser too.
No. 803492
>>803457He’s already been trying. He won’t leave Lainey, he doesn’t want to look like a bad guy, despite the fact that everything else he’s done he’s clearly shown that he is.
Plus, alimoney and child support will be the end of him, his self printed BFA won’t stand up in any court, plus you can’t just refuse a spouse from those things, or the house. If she’s contributing and they have kids together, he’s fucked either way.
He’s been trying to start drama by cheating and shit, he’s known a long time ago that drama is what brings in the coin, and launch can’t handle living like that.
He knows the only possible way is getting lainwy to agree to a third, but she won’t, which just leads to his childish tantrums about it. He’s so fucked. He made his bed, now he can lay in it.
Just feel sad that Lainey has to suffer by living with this madchild, but she realises too that she wouldn’t be able to afford a place on her own, if they split the house, they will have money to live off for a few years but they’d both piss it away pretty quickly and then have nothing. At least together they have a house, but Jesus Christ what a miserable existence it must be. Still, she would end up better off than him, probably snag half the house and get alimony and child support, she could possibly use the money to put a deposit on a home and then use the rest in an offset bank account to pay the mortgage as its due, and live off alimony and child support and or gov benefits for day to day living.
At least she would be away from that psycho. She’s already grown up a ton, she hates him now. She will eventually grow a backbone and dump him. Mark my words. And he will do it before he leaves her because he is so traumatised and angry about paying alimony to skye, he would rather stay in a miserable relationship where they hate each other and lose his career because he can’t stand new dramas to get money on YouTube anymore.
Imagine if the dipshit didn’t dox Billie and still had his 3k or so in monthly Patreon coming in. What a fucking idiot. He’s the only one to blame for all the downfalls.
Lainey was not at fault because she befriended a minor, Greg was for deciding to fuck her.
No. 803545
>>803492He made his bed, you said a mouth full. They both did, really. She wanted him so much, replying to each and every one of his tweets. I honestly wonder what is going trough her mind right now. I also speculate fear has a lot to do with it. Both of them, I think both of them are afraid to leave eachother so now they're stuck with one another. But thats no way to live, like you say they must be fucking miserable.
>>803534Agree with this one too, lainey was complicit, theres no other way around that.
No. 803555
>>803534>>803545Lainey was always a cow in her own right.
>>803502 said, money's not a problem for
her but obviously her husband's having money issues
>>802968. That's another reason I tinfoil she'd leave, he can't support her or the kids anymore. If nothing would make her leave, that would, because she sure as fuck won't be getting a job.
No. 803560
>>803457>then he'd be on top of his game again.On top of what game, the retard game? I never even watched the endless sperg vids he made reee'ing about the girl he groomed and the rest of his exes, i watched synopses from people willing to lose a few brain cells in my place.
I don't believe him shit talking Lainey's going to magically "revive" his "career" kek.
No. 803591
>>803561I think you may have to come to terms with the inevitable end of a cow.
>>803574Check his social blade. I'm sure he's not making much his views are shit.
No. 803613
>>803561I love that you guys all feel the same way that he should shitcan compLainey. See, things like this have me coming here every day. I fucking
love this place and I don't care who knows it.
No. 803694
File: 1604626270778.png (641.88 KB, 815x571, Capture1152020.PNG)

So he's recent "hiatus" is because CPS showed up at the swamp this week inquiring about those tweets people said Onision made using a sockpuppet account stating he wanted his children and wife raped and murdered.
What I don't understand is in this final video he starts to explain about CPS talking to him about the tweets and then goes off on a tangent about VPN's and hiding your IP address. Is his defense that if he had made those tweets they shouldn't be able to be traced back to him?
>you can't prove I stabbed that man, I wiped my fingerprints and DNA off the knife.
No. 803705
>>803694>CPS showed up It's safe to assume he said nothing about his kids or Lainey actually being there.
>inquiring about those tweets people said Onision made using a sockpuppet account"people said", I'm guessing those people were anti-o's. Where's the evidence he made those tweets? Someone LARPING as a retard on the internet isn't enough to go on. LE would have to subpoena twitter to get their records. The anti's are just pointlessly speculating in the meantime. I know some people are bored with dry milk but trying to manufacture shit doesn't work.
No. 803715
>>803705Didn't mention that Lainey or the kids were there when CPS showed up. I did find that odd. Wouldn't he say something like "CPS shows up because I've murdered my family and my husband and kids are right there in the living room."
I agree with you about CPS being called. Having his house egged, or pizzas sent to his house are sort of funny and don't really hurt anyone. But abusing the limited resources of child protection agencies is shitty.
My main point in that post was that its a strange defense. I'm not saying he made the tweets but instead of just denying it he goes off about how even if he did they shouldn't have been able to track it back to him. That's a weird thing to say. But then again this is the same man who took video of his injured daughter after she cracked her skull open so the cops wouldn't think he did it.
No. 803718
>>803705I definitely don’t think anyone should have called CPS, but the screenshot of the posts in question DID have his profile pic on them. He is 100% the one that shared those screenshots on kiwi. The anti-o account Was brand new so it’s fishy that he just happened to find the tweets. But it’s possible he found them just by searching his name in twitter.
In any case, we know for sure he was posting on kiwi, i wouldn’t put it past him to make a fake account to make the haters look bad
No. 803746
File: 1604666488655.jpg (771.13 KB, 1078x813, Shiloh-police report.jpg)

>>803715>this is the same man who took video of his injured daughter after she cracked her skull open so the cops wouldn't think he did it.The explanation he used was in reference to the "friend" (Shiloh) who'd threatened to kill herself, but yeah he was obviously connecting that to what happened with his daughter for some bizarre reason. It was always sus to me that C's fall happened literally the day after Shiloh came out on twitter.
>>803718>we know for sure he was posting on kiwiHe posted on kiwi months ago, was outed by Null and banned. The most recent sperg hasn't been officially identified.
No. 803748
File: 1604669398548.gif (650.46 KB, 320x180, Buffalo Narc.gif)

>>803425>he is oneSee, he thinks he's this big brain intellectual, Anthony Hopkins Hannibal type, when really he's the spastic dancing in the mirror enraptured by his own reflection with his dick tucked between his legs who ends up getting cucked by a woman.
No. 803769
File: 1604683852111.jpeg (347.32 KB, 1440x1690, BE804C05-00D2-49E7-88D3-55B15C…)

>>803746He may not have been officially outed by Null but he kind of outed himself
No. 803772
>>803771deleted itself IIRC
pretty much as soon as those screenshots got called out
No. 803779
>>803757I think Taylor is in hiding because her motherhood constantly gets questioned for staying with an
abusive piece of shit and endangering her children's lives by staying with him. They're both neglectful, they're already being watched by the authorities that is fact. Like we don't know the work environment of those institutions that deal with these cases, there's obviously a triage base department where they just handle calls and do clerical upkeep of their filing whether paper or electronic. I worked in an office that investigated fraud and I know from my experience (not to blog post) some workers can get emotive over cases and keep personal tabs. Anyone could be watching his socials and following his antics. I know our workplace had sockpuppet accounts on fb so we could access that database and fb posts have been used as evidence before at least in my line of work. To sum up this sperg, we'll never know who is reporting him but the blame and accusations are all the fault of James Greasy Jackson. If he wasn't so retarded he wouldn't constantly being feeling heat
No. 803817
File: 1604703397822.png (6.19 MB, 1125x2436, 886955E0-FFB7-4251-81D1-6FA8CD…)

Because you always look like an angry Neanderthal?
No. 803824
File: 1604704777365.png (99.91 KB, 600x672, F4E3B5A7-8001-4F75-B467-D1154F…)

>totally not Greg u guiz
No. 803825
File: 1604704852908.png (224.71 KB, 1080x1347, 00E49605-6A54-4124-A327-A8DAA5…)

Cry moar faggot
No. 803826
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No. 803829
File: 1604706111457.gif (110.51 KB, 220x164, tenor.gif)

>>803817Dude couldn't punch his way out of a wet paper bag.
>>803824>>803826>>803825I would seriously advice against picking a fight with KiwiFarms. Or this place, for that matter.
Because you're up against
severe autism, and you're gonna lose.
No. 803836
File: 1604710431513.png (236.17 KB, 613x459, 48363422.PNG)

Was it Vincent's sister "FrannieLaw"? Isn't she in jail with her bro for stalking and terroristic threats?
No. 803849
File: 1604712643478.jpg (126.66 KB, 767x602, edtroyersheriff.jpg)

>>803836Instead of calling random lawyers he should go to local law enforcement. Call up PCS and ask to speak to the top dog. Troyer won the Sheriff's seat this week. The same Ed Troyer that went on Hansen talking about the investigation against Greg. I'm sure Ed is sympathetic to Greg's grievances.
No. 803858
File: 1604714864879.webm (12.74 MB, 320x180, c53GK9RSuZhApm4c (1) (1).webm)
So Heezy and fat Trisha are finished. Greg tweeted out this video just now. Who does he have left? I didn't hear McFlys retarded laugh in any of the discord debates today. Did she get fed up with him treating her like Tamara the Dog Fucker and leave? The Irish lady is still there so that's one hanger on.
No. 803860
>>803858he's still got at least one British cunt to make up for the loss over Heezy.
stop beating the horse over a dead meme.
(Tamara) No. 803873
>>803779>they're already being watched by the authorities that is fact. They were. I don't know if there's an officially active investigation but I feel it's very likely he's on the radar of someone who sees things aren't quite right, particularly where his children are concerned.
>>803789tbf they ruined each other's lives.
>he only had 17 viewers on pscp.It's because no1curr, he's unwatchable.
No. 803875
>>803789Xanax Holly? The same girl that told Hansen Onision literally killed people? Was she sober this time?
>>803816Getting attention, that's it.
No. 803876
>>803824Cows have come to kiwi before to try and get threads taken down, they never succeed.
I don't like the anti's but how much money did he realistically lose by them "pirating" his OF, 2 cents? He's desperate for money and thinks he's going to get it by suing some anti-o's lol.
No. 803877
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No. 803879
File: 1604729214285.png (440.67 KB, 1193x587, Frannielaw.png)

>>803836>Isn't she in jailLemme guess, you heard that from Hansen? Hers and Vincent's yt channels are still up. Frannielaw uploaded a week ago. I won't believe what Onion says either until I see proof. You know it's really not that difficult to catch these people in lies.
No. 803892
File: 1604744326449.jpg (6.06 KB, 251x201, download.jpg)

>>803858don't trust anyone!
>>803877that's right greg, keep poking that bear.
>>803886dude would lose a fight to a toddler.
No. 803895
File: 1604744797337.jpg (620.16 KB, 1340x710, youeitherlivelongenoughtobecom…)

>>803894oh you mean those limp wristed twigs of his?
i seriously don't get why lainey fears him because if she were to hit him real hard just once, he'd be the one scared of her.
he's all talk
also, i feel like a lame ass posting this but it had to be done, someone had to do it.
No. 803897
File: 1604745361048.jpg (36.58 KB, 1213x156, greglefunnytrolololo.jpg)

You honestly think that Null, of all people, who told the Australian police to fuck off after they told him to please remove the Christchurch shooting footage will give a singular fuck about your shitty nudes?
No. 803898
File: 1604745525054.jpg (68.7 KB, 610x690, legreglelululul.jpg)

>>803897the results may end up disappointing you, gregory poo.
No. 803905
File: 1604752437754.jpg (43.01 KB, 510x582, TIzNzI1ODQwMg.jpg)

>>803817>>803886whenever he tries to play tough guy this is all I see
No. 803906
File: 1604755100458.jpg (2.18 MB, 2969x3631, donnyjepp.jpg)

I love how Grugly keeps bringing up Johnny Depp, as if to say "WELL HE WAS FOUND INNOCENT, SO I MUST BE TOO, RIGHT?"
I'm really fucking sorry but I don't feel that that drunk asshole Johnny Depp was truly vindicated. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I feel that both he and Amber Heard are complete drunk and abusive jackasses. And it doesn't absolve any of them.
No. 803909
>>803858Honestly, thank you Heezy and Trisha for trying to keep as many people away from Greg as possible. Those are 600 people less he can insutlt and extort!
Even if you did it for selfish reasons, well played, girls, well played.
No. 803983
>>803898This was posted already
No. 803996
File: 1604810393331.png (237.4 KB, 589x320, troonygreg.PNG)

When he first shoved that dildo up his ass for OnlyFans people have been speculating when he would eventually troon out. I think this is him dipping his toe in the water to see if people accept it.
No. 804014
File: 1604822811845.jpg (Spoiler Image,149.26 KB, 598x843, prophecy fulfilled.jpg)

>>804010When Anon made the last threads pic someone said they couldn't tell if it was real or fake because it was something Greg would probably do. The similarities of the Delphine shoop and his gender-bender pics are uncanny.
No. 804025
File: 1604832237637.png (13.41 KB, 300x197, jesus.png)

>>803999Christ almighty. I speculate that he's so narcissistic he also thinks he looks good as a chick. Like he feels that he's SO GOOD LOOKING that it just totally works.
Plus he's toyed with the idea for the longest time, I always felt that he was cross dressing for "funny skits" way, way too much.
On the plus side we finally found an uglier looking chick than Regina, so that must mean something.
No. 804026
File: 1604832568761.jpg (550.25 KB, 1288x905, le_top_gregory.jpg)

>he actually posted this thread on kiwifarms.
>my sides.
No. 804031
File: 1604835180609.png (204.75 KB, 422x273, 1182020.png)

>>804014Belles arms are more muscular than his. Just look at the forearms.
No. 804037
>>804026Ok if this isn't him they're doing a good imitation lol.
Does he want to suck Null's dick or something? It's such desperate attention seeking. I'm inclined to believe it is him just because he's uselessly running his mouth, repeating the same shit over and over and backing it up with no action as per usual. Waste of time.
No. 804044
That's the man who made fun of Royal Black because she was "stupid and messed with the kiwis, everyone knows it's a horrible idea".
Yet here he is, doing the same exact shit.
Why does Greg not have a handler at this point?
No. 804060
>>804048Greg's just a manipulative bastard. He made Lainey be gay so he could fuck her 'girlfriends' and to make sure the trinity was never two dudes and Lainey. Then Lainey was the trend hopper and needed to bond with her younger peers so she jumped on the trans bandwagon that would have been full of emos back in her day. The transition isn't gender its fad related, the emo, scene kids and social retards all thought being trans would make them fit in. They're just a bunch of anti culture retards.
I don't think Onion is trooning out. Even the bralette thing he's wearing looks like shit Billie has worn in her OF. Maybe Taylor is still there and she's been buying lingerie since Billie wears it for photoshoots. Sure she made BeautyBot to try and emulate Billie's make up and style.
The onions are two freaks that are still obsessed with the girl that used them for money. And fair play to Billie for doing that, Greg and Lamey are not emotionally a available to date. He probably thinks he's winning by showing Billie he lurks her stuff too, just makes him look desperate and retarded but that's not new
No. 804061
File: 1604848727193.png (710.58 KB, 2207x1983, buffaloGURG.png)

I'm sorry if y'all are hate these
No. 804063
>>804060he's shoving dildo's in his ass, wearing womens clothes and doing all this in front of a camera.
what else would you call it but trooning out?
a pickle onion sandwich?
No. 804065
>>804061I have been predicting this saga for years now. Greg hates teenage girls because he wants to be one. Thats why he's been able to relate to them so well when he was younger.
I predict he will troon out and get a boyfriend / husband. Not a fake Lainey one, because he'll soon shitcan here, no i'm talking the real deal. An older man, I predict, to be his daddy and pay his way and dote on him.
You may quote me on all this in a few years when I'm proven to be right.
No. 804066
>>804030Because he’s an idiot that is desperate to cover up his own carelessness.
Some spergy “onision defender” posted the screenshots on kiwi. That was the first time anyone had seen them. Then “Brock” on twitter posted them.
THEN after someone pointed out Greg’s profile pic was visible, some NEW sock account appeared claiming they were the one that photoshopped the screenshot to make Greg look bad and… I guess…sent it directly to the other sock account so he could post them on kiwi? For some reason?
Anyways I know people here never support speculations about Greg socks, but if there ever was an instance where I am on board with those theories it’s this one.
No. 804128
>>804049Link doesn't work. ED's been down for over a year now I think.
>>804063He's been doing this most of his adult life. He was trooning back when he still had Patreon. He's more desperate than he's ever been and it's obvious he's out of ideas. A rational person would've gotten a regular job by now instead of relying on a failed career in sex work. I just hope a responsible adult is taking care of his kids.
No. 804155
File: 1604902147099.jpg (148.52 KB, 1199x445, Wq0AAEldDn5icUKx.jpg)

Heezy and Trisha are starting to tell what they know. Gregs discords were rampant with CP links and underage kids. I have the feeling they have more behind the scenes info than blasian or the dogfucker ever spilled.
No. 804163
>>804155Are these attention whores gonna take it to LE or just vie for more attention?
>>804160Onision wasn't mentioned once in this.
No. 804166
File: 1604912250558.png (72.68 KB, 686x330, 765321345.png)

Lol these bitches are pathetic
No. 804169
File: 1604920531203.jpg (399.2 KB, 764x772, fatreynolds.jpg)

>>804167oh you mean like boring fat-ass fat reynolds and how he moderated since he was 16 up until just a few years ago when Greg deleted his forums? all the while seeing how nudes from regina and shiloh were leaked and spreaded and never did anything like the fanboi he is?
and then holding a whole song and dance on grift scamsen how really HE was the
victim since he was groomed and didn't know any better, despite him being well in to his adulthood the last years he was moderating there?
they're a fucking JOKE and they only ever seem to vilify greg and realize the truth after they're kicked out of gregs precious inner-circle..
No. 804184
>>803996He genuinely thinks he makes a beautiful woman
Despite his disgusting waterhead caveman brow and the tragic underbite that accentuates his insult of a top lip kek
He looks like a more repulsive crazy Tami
The sex dolls didn't provide a worthy replacement for teenage girls so thus begins the saga of him trying to become one
Or become his mother
We know his carrot gets fat and purple for both so it's hard to tell
No. 804188
>>804187Samefagging, I meant to say speaking in the THIRD person, not first.
That's another pattern I noticed with him. He tends to talk about his Onision schtick as a seperate entity from him when it's convenient when he gets called out for stupid shit he does. I'm paraphrasing but he often sets it as something like :
>"Oh no, I'm just a character. I'm James Jackson, okay? Onision is just a character and you stupid people always fall for it. Haters are so stupid faggoty teehee he always does I'm just THAT GOOD of an actor. I got you all fooled. I was just pretending to be retarded". No. 804192
>>804188Yea his third person and pretending Onision is a separate entity is a thing, but honestly. With people going into his servers becoming mods and then stirring up drama there's a lot of people happy to instigate and stir up shit.
Like it doesn't take a mastermind to larp as Greg. He's been very online for over a decade and made thousands of videos. It's not hard. I'd take everything with a grain of salt from those 'sockpuppets' on kiwi. Funny how you never get onion self posting on lc when you don't need to make an account or exert any effort. Kiwi farms is inaudated with retards all over its site, the onion thread always has a load of misinformation in it, I hate when here and kf are conflated as the farms. Lc is essentially the of fact checker. The posters at kf will lament and post endless blog posts and a load of emotive shit and most of its not even funny lol. What I'm getting at is that it makes more sense for trolls to go to kf because members there for some reason engage with spastics where they'd be put out to pasture here.
Onion lurks both forums but I wouldn't suspect he'd actually post. He has his own platforms more likely deranged fangirls or people trying to instigate and cow tip
No. 804195
>>804192I get what you're saying. Maybe it's a personal preference but I like the more message board anonymous format than the forum format and the unavoidable "in-groups" that forms over time.
I take things with a grain of salt when it comes to internet drama as I am more of a spectator and I have followed on and off gurg for a while. I never really was involved aside from commenting on thread about Onion on other boards. As much as it pains me to accept it, I lost all hope Chris Hansen would pull through on his "promise" to do anything about the goblin king Gurg. I fell for it like many other have. I don't even bother to read the video titles of his stuff on his channel as he jumped on the Dahvie Vanity bandwagon. There's probably more people for him to leech on than a couple of girls around a niche Youtuber that ended up devouring each other anyway.
I could call it a gut feeling but I have the impression that he can't help himself to sock his way into anything that talks about him because he thrives on gossip. He likes attention and everything has to be about him and him alone. His children and doormat of a wife were mere props for whatever he intended to do with them in terms of virtue signaling points. He's way too much of a narc to not lurk the net about himself outside of his streams or whatever he does besides not taking care of the children.
(blogging) No. 804219
>>804195>I lost all hope Chris Hansen would pull through on his "promise"Was it when he lied to Sarah or after he lied to all the other girls too?
>>804200He hates his mother and all women by extension, that's obvious. The fact that Lainey cried when C was born because she knew Greg's
toxic attitude towards women/girls says it all.
No. 804222
>>804164So the implication is that someone using a voice changer lol modded for Onision, but he's not mentioned once in the vid and correct me if I'm wrong, there's nothing linking him directly to anything in the vid? Yeah great "strategy" kek.
One of these two
>>804155 tweeted about threats to greg's children in the discord but they never mentioned reporting it to LE. If they never reported it to authorities they're just attention seeking. All of greg's tard circle does this because HE does it. Like attracts like.
No. 804261
>>804258I thought it was Billie?
>>804238I don’t think it’s fair to say she doesn’t care about her kids but it is fair to say she has shown though her choices that she values her relationship with Greg over them. She might try and say that Greg is hurting her repeatedly but not the kids but it’s naive to think the kids are untouched by all of his choices.
The ducked up thing is he might be a good dad with the kids one on one but that doesn’t mean he’s not creating a
toxic and unstable environment for them to grow up in overall.
No. 804281
>>804261T's teeth were rotten by age 3. This is coming from Taylor herself.
C fell out of a second story window and no one even noticed for a while.She still has issues from her brain injury.
They had threesomes with their toddler daughter in the same bed.
Greg being a POS dad is a given, but Taylor is a trash mom. It is very justified to call her a horrible mother.
No. 804313
>>804292Discord will only act if LE gets involved. As far as I'm aware none of them contacted LE, they're just busy attention whoring on twitter.
>>804312>Lainey's a terrible mother and shouldn't have reproducedI was gonna say that goes without saying but apparently some anons need periodic reminders kek.
No. 804314
>>804292These bitches are already milking this for attention doing livestreams and whatnot instead of going to the cops like they should. Soon they will be making GoFundMes begging people for money, just watch. That's a pattern that always repeats itself with these so called Onision's
No. 804325
>>804314Well, if youre trying to compare two adult women (one of whom I'm pretty sure is a mother) to a teenage girl Lainey started grooming when she was 14, the same girl that Onision called a sister/foster daughter right up until she was legal to have sex with, you're comparing apples and oranges and you must be new here.
I still want to know if Ed Troyer was lying about that task force he said was set up between the local PD and the FBI to investigate Onision. If he lied he shouldn't have been elected
No. 804327
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>>803849thats just great big Ed, thats just great! so when is Greg going to prison?
sarcasm, in case you missed it.>>804314a lot of people will probably give me an array of hate for saying this, but I actually agree with that statement. why don't any of them go to the fucking police? im having sarah laptop flashbacks. this shit is retarded.
if someone robs you or steals your car, would you go to the cops or do a live stream about it?
oh go ahead and say it, accuse me of sounding like greg. i can already see that one coming.shit don't make any god damn sense.
No. 804334
>>804327Nah you’re not the only one who agrees. I think the majority of us who’ve followed this for so long are just too disenchanted to care. Nothing comes of it except him and his paypigs being exposed for the shit stains they are.
I honestly don’t understand why anyone feels sympathetic towards them at this point.
I did see on Twitter that Trisha mentioned going to authorities but I highly doubt anything will come from it.
No. 804335
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>>804334>I did see on Twitter that Trisha mentioned going to authoritiesOh same as Sarah went to the court house to deliver that now infamous laptop? I knew right away back then that she lied since hardware never is delivered to a court house and you get receipts of exactly what you give them. Usually cops come to take that shit away after its locked up with forensic detectives. I mean I hate to again sound Gregish but you'll just have to forgive me for that, but she lied back then and so did her buddy tweeting out that nonsense about her giving the laptop to the cops.
No. 804338
>>804327Ed better hurry the fuck up, because yet another year has passed.
"but these things take time!" tm & (c)
Grift Scamsen. No. 804379
File: 1605045074194.jpg (67.49 KB, 570x844, dumbshitcuckold.jpg)

Does he REALLY think he looks like that? That fucking dumbshit man I swear to God
No. 804381
>>804380did she now? i'll believe it when i see it.
did she show a receipt? they always give you one. even when they come to your home and take all your shit over shit like kiddie porn, they ALWAYS give you a receipt of what they took, or what you gave them.
No. 804392
>>804335Sarah didn't go to the court house to "deliver" her laptop, she went there for legal advice (I can't remember if this was before or after Hansen lied to her). Your ss doesn't support anything you said.
Do you know for sure if Troyer lied about the taskforce? I haven't seen solid evidence one way or the other. There was that email tipline they set up that was memed into oblivion because most of the respondents were 2 IQ anti-o's linking to leafy videos lol.
No. 804408
File: 1605050042289.jpeg (483.38 KB, 1125x3675, Laptop Sarah.jpeg)

>>804406>How could she have given Hansen the laptop if she gave it to the cops on Sept 17.Exactly.
Sarah was led to believe her devices were with the FBI. When she found out she was lied to she took them to the FBI herself. Bottom pic is from around the middle of Feb. 2020.
No. 804411
>>804410oh yeah, but i dont wanna look like an asshole. then again i probably already do.
maybe its the mandela effect but i swear to you guys i remember them telling us that vividly. but i'm probably wrong. one anon agreed with me though, or maybe they where trolling.
or they have the same mandela effect.
No. 804412
>>804408Ah so it was the her local FBI field office, I couldn't remember if it was local PD or FBI. So the feds have it. Now we wait. How long did it take for them to finally arrest Epstein? I watched a documentary last month and I think the feds started an investigation on him in 2002 or 2005. Slow grind, but eventually justice prevails. I don't think Greg understands that saying
>why am I not in jail, why isnt Kai in jail?means nothing. It will make that early morning knock on his door that much more expected.
>Nine one one, what are you reporting?>Hi… uh, the FBI is knocking on my door and they're trespassing. No. 804413
>>804314Because they're literal retards. One of them is on the farms claiming the reason they didn't alert proper authorities is because they're Canadian
Like there aren't multiple authorities you can report child porn and exploitation to online regardless of what country or state you're in
No. 804416
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>>804413Are you talking about Trisha? Because Tamara the Doggy Diddler is using that same excuse for why she never said anything about the illegal shit she saw on Onisions discord. Don't these girls understand that something as illegal as what they're claiming they saw and have receipts of can be brought to the federal authorities, not their local Barney Fife.
No. 804419
>>804412I hope you're right.The last thing I remember Troyer saying in his only interview on this was they were having trouble finding
victims, but they put a task force together? Why would they waste time and money putting a "task force" together if they didn't think there was anything worth investigating i.e. having trouble finding
victims? Seems like a contradiction imo.
Regardless, I can't pretend that Troyer's 19 year old son getting away with the statutory rape of a 14 year old and walking with COMMUNITY SERVICE isn't a red flag for me. No. 804420
>>804416The fact of the matter is that none of this was specific to Anus, unfortunately. From what I’ve gathered by all of this it was a group of people who would go into various servers and spread their shit and apparently Anus knew but instead of banning them he kicked his mods who banned these people.
Idk it doesn’t seem like anything illegal can be pointed at him except maybe him being aware and not doing anything. I could be wrong tho.
No. 804441
File: 1605079845184.png (157.43 KB, 898x427, tards.png)

>>804413I expect nothing less from a flip flopping Greg stan/anti-o cow.
If these brainlets had contacted authorities FIRST instead of going to their yt fren to make a video about it I would've taken them seriously. Heezy especially knew what had to be done and didn't do it. I know she's been around for at least a year, saw the interviews with Onision's former mods (Rag, Erica), knew the history of his little cp forum, and saw the trashfire that became of Hansen.
No. 804511
File: 1605136948304.jpeg (140.08 KB, 923x1118, 3BF55F6F-D946-4EEC-8389-1D5185…)

Happy Birthday, Anus! Congrats on getting older, but not wiser, uglier and unfuckable, poorer and completely unsuccessful.
No. 804560
File: 1605166775026.webm (934.81 KB, 640x360, Onision@Twitter.webm)
We were hoping for a spergout on his birthday but all we got was sad Greg.
No. 804564
>>804560fucking don't abuse jim morisson for cuck-related material.
thank you.
No. 804587
>>804560It's like those TV tropes where someone fakes their own death to see who cares and comes to their funeral. He pretends to leave the internet to see who cares and if anyone begs for him to come back.
Let me save you the trouble again Onion: no one cares.
Even if it was his actual funeral, Lainey, the kids and his mom would probably be the only ones to show.
No. 804628
>>804621In his own videos he describes it as "I was kissing Kai, then pulled sarah over to swap with me."
He stupidly admitted he was the initiator yet somehow thinks people are going to believe HE was raped? If anyone believes that, it's because they WANT to believe it.
No. 804633
>>804621Taylor is a predator not a poor uwu
victim. She is the one who groomed Sarah. Sarah has screen shots where those two pukes argued over who actually took Sarah's virginity. Taylor cries and vomits from guilt….sure jan. She does if for attention and because she once again got cucked after she tries to be a self proclaimed fuckboi.
No. 804656
>>804648A grown ass mother of two with a college degree and a very supportive family of origin was
forcedinto exactly jack shit. She lapped up the attention from under aged girls. She abused them and threw them under the bus. She is trash and as bad as Greg. Only one forced into this hell they've created is their two children.
No. 804657
File: 1605228725418.jpg (106.25 KB, 577x928, 2020-11-13 01.51.58 kiwifarms.…)

Just a heads up for the mods / owners and users here, they seem to think Greg is trying to start a war between Kiwifarms and this place.'t know if its true / tinfoil, but figured i'd help make people aware.
attached image was captured here, posted there, and they think its greg or his 2 remaining fans.
No. 804659
File: 1605229136873.jpg (69.4 KB, 904x282, 2020-11-13 01.57.53 kiwifarms.…)

one more example. i mean we all know that this is not the sentiment here about kiwifarms.
could be greg sloshing around the water in his big fat watermelon head again.
No. 804667
>>804657>they seem to think Greg is trying to start a war between Kiwifarms and this place.The only thing Greg's proven capable of starting are forums with his name on them infested with cp.
>KF is inundated with retards>the onion thread always has loads of misinfo>LC is essentially the fact checker>It makes more sense for trolls to go to KF because members there engage with spastics WHERE'S THE LIE
No. 804668
>>804665I can tell you why the Onision thread at KF is a cesspool: Anti-o's. They're all over that thread and I suspect at least one has self posted here
>>803877. They can get away with their low IQ circle jerk over there but not here.
No. 804708
File: 1605255364724.jpeg (880.63 KB, 1002x5135, groomers.jpeg)

>>804628If Lainey had such a big fucking problem she shouldn't have gone along with it in the first place. She started grooming Sarah when Sarah was 14. Pic related is all from 2015. Lainey was 20-21, too old to be BFF's with a goddamn middle schooler, and she was a mother.
She and Greg are both equally to blame. He can play stupid and act like he didn't know what Lainey was up to despite admitting at least once to having access to Lainey's sm - he even had access to her Patreon pretending to be her (after he got suspended) until Patreon suspended that account too for promoting him.
No. 804710
>>804621Coercion requires physical force. If Lainey's a
victim of anything it's of her own stupidity and spinelessness. Having sex with your kid in the bed or kids in the room and subjecting them to a revolving door of teenage nannies isn't being a good mother. The only
victims are her kids and the kids she groomed.
No. 804727
File: 1605273778475.png (638.61 KB, 707x588, unknown.png)

Greg spends so much time trying to hide his flaws, you'd think he'd at least attempt not to show his massive balding spot to the teens.
No. 804743
File: 1605285243771.jpeg (38.43 KB, 643x413, 85EA2455-2C84-4914-9ACF-8CEAB2…)

Anyone else notice he painted the fucking cursor
No. 804744
>>804743Yep, noticed that too. Oh, the irony when he always gloats about how much time and effort he puts into his work.
I've never seen a person being so bad at so many things.
No. 804764
Its funny how Greg tries everything to try and become relevant again, I mean he has tried:
- Make music, the same song over and over again "I'm a insert word here", no one gives a shit.
>in b4 greg is a shit musician.
- Writing a book, nobody cared.
>in b4 greg can't write for shit.
- Make sub par CGI in a porn program, nobody gave a shit.
>in b4 greg can't cgi for shit.
- Do an onlyfans, possibly inspired by Billie etc., no one gave a shit.
>in b4 greg is an ugly hobbit
- Stream on Twitch advertising himself as the "i'm a banana"-guy, absolutely no one gave a flying fuck. Tried to up his stats with bots, failed.
>in b4 greg is a shit gamer.
And now he's trying to do a kid thing. Did I leave anything out? I'm sure I did, I don't doubt it. Its incredibly hilarious to see him try everything. Whats next I wonder? A DIY channel? Oh wait he already did that on onlyfans.. (pun intended)
No. 804786
>>804783if his youtube career doesn't work out, he'll need to go on welfare. I really don't see any other way. If he had just stuck to being a failed youtuber it wouldn't have been a problem. Hell a company might even enjoy the novelty of having a former "famous youtuber" as a receptionist at the front desk. But now, with the onlyfans and sticking dildo's up his ass he can forget about that. I don't even think a mcdonalds would want him flipping burgers.
I think he really fucked himself over with that.
No. 804791
>>804788If you're insinuating that grug used hypnosis to make her groom underage girls then there's a bridge I'm interested in selling you.
Lainey might've been raped, she might've not, but she still groomed and exchanged nudes with underage girls. At this point arguing whether she was raped or not is just semantics.
No. 804797
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>>804783Never understood how that happened. Was he advertising online or somewhere locally to be in children's videos? Or did the parents ask him to do it. Either way its fucking creepy.
No. 804839
>>804797Iirc, that was around the time when he uploaded "audition videos" to vimeo, trying to become a full-time actor. They were incredibly bad.
I faintly remember that he auditioned for the role somewhere but take it with a grain of salt.
No. 804865
>>804848LameBot is right where her smug ass wants to be. She orchestrated meeting Greg in the first place & being a grown man he could've said no like a non-pedo but obvi that's not gonna happen. She is as manipulative as he is and gets off on seeing her twin flame Greek god use and smear the girls while she cries and plays the
victim. The video where Sarah and Pedobot played Connect Four was vile and it was 100% pedobots doing. I'm glad people are getting called out for giving her the slightest bit of slack
No. 804869
>>804865Heiney has always been a shitwhore and will always be a shitwhore. I remember back in the day people used to feel sorry for her but I was on to her ratchet shenanigans and misdealings from the get go. If you were to tell me that she tossed poor little Cloey from the second story window for not eating her broccoli i'd believe you no questions asked.
FUCK Lamebrainy.
No. 804881
>>804668Two of the posts are mine and I’m not an anti-o, I just thought the not-Greg posts were funny and sound just like him (if it’s really him). This witch hunt is stupid tbh.
Btw I saw heatboss get into trouble a little because of me lol
No. 804882
>>804791Well, the way I see it is, the one thing Greg is able to harp on about lately is that he was raped by Sarah.
It would piss him off majorly if everyone realised he technically raped Lainey. So he’s a rapist too.
That would piss him off SO much and probably shut him up about Sarah raping him.
And these are things he straight up admitted to in a video. How could you keep forcing your spouse to do that when you knew how they felt? It’s pretty disgusting.
But this isn’t about Lainey being a
victim, it’s simply about being able to pin something on Greg that he literally admitted to. When rsn coerced someone, the whole internet called him a rapist for years.
And here we have Greg admitting how much lainey didn’t want to do it and how he kept pushing for it anyway. Greg has straight up admitted to coercion so it’d be nice to get under his skin by screaming that he’s a rapist, just like he’s doing to Sarah, where his version of raping/coercing Lainey is far more solid than Sarah’s version of “raping” him.
No. 804913
>Greg has straight up admitted to coercion so it’d be nice to get under his skin by screaming that he’s a rapist.He was a rapist ever since Adrienne. She showed him in every way she didn't want to have sex through physical and verbal protests. He ignored each response. He overpowered her. She gave up and he forced himself on her. What's even sicker? The fucker tried to get her pregnant even though she didn't want that.
That's rape.
Lainey is a peice of shit who I desperately hope goes to prison just as much as Greg. But I believe she is also a
victim of marital rape in the same way. I don't and won't give Greg the benefit of the doubt after what he did to Adrienne given that his abusiveness only grew over the years and Lainey was and is much MUCH more vulnerable to his abuse being married to him as a fresh vulnerable 18 year old.
Plus their marriage wasn't LOOONG after he raped Adrienne.
It's a fucked up tinfoil but if Lainey was raped or sexually abused by Greg it would explain why she never "put up a fight" with the threesomes because drunk or sober she knew putting up a fight failed her before and would fail her again. Greg's probably told her this too.
My blood crawls thinking he did/does Lainey what he did to Adrienne.
Sarah's recount on their first time was looking over and seeing the two having sex randomly and them "making" her join. Greg could've taken Lainey by surprise the same way Sarah was by the pair. That would explain Lainey breaking down in tears after the coercion. It was spontaneous. She was unaware, unprepared, unwilling and could do nothing about it. Crying could very well be her regular response to similar situations that were all too familiar.
No. 804923
>>804869lmao. I felt sorry for her until I found out she groomed Regina, Sarah and who knows how many other minors she strung along for attention.
>>804881Witch hunt? No one's hunting anti's. It's a fact that they've posted here before and some of them like the one you mentioned, likes getting attention.
No. 804927
>>804882>So he’s a rapist too. Sarah's said this and of course onion never responded to it because there's nothing he can say without making himself look even stupider than he already does.
>>804913AJ's said she doesn't see it as rape even though she did tell him NO several times. He kept pressing her so she gave up and went along. Regardless, if she didn't call it rape and doesn't look at it that way then I won't be putting words in her mouth, which is something Onision would definitely do.
No. 804934
>>804913Exactly. It’s been a consistent story with him and sex. Shiloh even said that he started trying to have sex the second they first met and same with Lainey. Billie said the same thing that it wasn’t even a day that he was pushing her and Lainey to do sexual acts. Plus the similarities in him getting mad at Lainey when she didn’t want to have the first threesome with Billie, he admits to repeating the same pos behaviour getting upset with Lainey again for not wanting to be with Sarah.
I can totally see him doing the same shit when the first sexual encounter happened with Sarah.
He’s a pos.
No. 804937
>>804787The point is had Lainey been an unwilling participant in the threesome she could've backed out at any time. Sarah felt uneasy about what happened that night too but she never once even tried to imply that she was raped. Yes Greg orchestrated the threesome but we have the ss showing Lainey was already having sexual convos with Sarah when Sarah was underage,
long before Sarah met Greg. Lainey essentially primed Sarah for the eventual "relationship", all while publicly insisting that their interactions with Sarah were strictly platonic.
No. 804939
>>804937It doesn’t make it right, but my theory has always been, after a while, lainey figures out his game and that he was never going to stop his waterheadsd tantrums if she wasn’t “exploring her bisexuality” and that’s when lainey started only flirting with people who she knew Greg wouldn’t touch.
Whether they be minors or just people she knew Greg wouldn’t be attracted to.
It wasn’t AS bad for lainey to be flirting with people like regina when there were only a few years age gap.
Even the whole Sarah thing, I truly believe was just a way for lainey to try to keep Greg away from pushing a third for a while. Lainey would pretend she’s into Sarah, Greg wouldn’t break the law, and lainey had a few years of freedom without Greg screaming like an infant for not getting his baby carrot wet by some new teens.
But then push came to shove, and Sarah turned legal, lainey tried to stop it by saying “i can’t now, I was Sarah’s guardian” to try to weasel out of it but water head wouldn’t stop. Once his over pumped deformed baby carrot is hard, it’s game over.
& The thing is, lainey DID put her foot down and put a stop to it. That’s why Greg was dating Sarah alone at one point.
I dont care how shit lainey is, I’m just saying, she was coerced by Greg to sleep with Sarah otherwise he would threaten divorce, which is exactly what she said that he said during the billie saga.
So lainey felt like she had no choice but to be included. I actually believe that lainey did complain afterwards and say she was disgusted because she didn’t see Sarah in that way, but Greg didn’t care and kept pushing it, until lainey finally stepped back and said, well you just date her, I’m out.
That’s fucking rape and coercion.
Greg is a rapist.
No. 804946
>>804939I like this theory but I remember the sexual stuff Greg tried to do with Samantha and Greg telling her in the end, she was supposed to be a third but was "a huge expense" instead because she didn't make the cut. Greg wanted to be balls deep but Lainey hated her outright.
Then I remember Maya who Greg, on Christmas Day, spontaneously and forcefully kissed immediately after she "agreed" to being in a poly relationship with them. She went to them with the idea that it was supposed to be a "v" relationship where her and Greg would be with Lainey because she liked Lainey and Lainey only. But Maya was supposed to know Greg was a part of it without any incling of them mentioning that to her, same as they did in the screenshots Billie showed where it was only supposed to be her Lainey.
I agree she learned his game, I disagree that her plans to work around it "worked". She fails the same way Greg does. It only "worked" because their dating pool was getting smaller and smaller the worse their online presence got, no one else seemed to have her doormat Laineybrain to stay with Greg. Lainey's prey didn't want Greg, only her.
Maya wasn't interested in Greg.
Greg wasn't in interested in Regina or Adam because Billie set the standard.
Sam I believe was used by Greg to fuck with Lainey for fucking with his poontang chase and soaking up all the girls attention. Sam was willing to try a poly relationship with Greg and I think that made Lainey hate her the most because she didn't "reel her in". Greg did. On his own accord, without her help. Sam was young and way prettier than Lainey too. Then there's the fact that Greg disrespected Lainey by having Sam stay at the house even though she REALLY didnt want that. They had a fight about it. Lainey was all round pissed.
He taunted her with the idea that he can always be desired by some younger, prettier thing. That he doesnt really need her but of course he did.
Because how else was he gonna live out the fantasy of fucking a child he had under his care five months after they were no longer deemed "a minor" by law. Sarah was still very close to a minor then than she'd ever be again. Lainey was the key to Sarah because Greg HAD to treat her poorly for the sake of not seeming like a groomer. And Sam wasn't worth losing out on that pseudo-pedo-family incest fest. Never forget their daughter was in the bed more than once in their sex sessionS according to Sarah.
Remember, Greg likes doing sick things while skirting the law like most twisted criminals and fucking Sarah was the sickest thing he'd 'get away with' after saying she was like a Foster daughter to him and saying "she's like a sister to me." He got off on that big time.
Going off track but Greg never stopped trying to get his dick wet. Sarah stopped nothing. Lainey stopped nothing. Lainey got luckily the girls weren't originally attracted to Greg each time except for Sam and Sarah.
No. 804947
>>804939>Lainey started only flirting with people who she knew Greg wouldn’t touch. Lainey invited the underage girl she'd been grooming for the last 2 years to live with them. Lainey was telling Sarah about greg's dick when she was 14, so your tinfoil doesn't hold water.
Greg lied publicly saying everything between them and Sarah was platonic, if that were true he never would've had sex with Sarah. He lied publicly because privately he'd been planning to have sex with Sarah pretty much the entire time she'd been living there underage.
No. 804948
>>804939>It wasn’t AS bad for lainey to be flirting with people like regina when there were only a few years age gapIf I'm not mistaken Regina, like Sarah, was also 14 when she and Lainey started talking, and if Regina is the same age as Sarah now, that means Lainey was in her 20s and also a mother when she started having sexual convos with literal middle schoolers.
>she was coerced by Greg to sleep with Sarah otherwise he would threaten divorce This still doesn't negate the fact that Lainey was having sexual convos with Sarah well before Greg was in the picture.
No. 804982
>>804964I don’t think anyone is saying Ghislainey is innocent. She’s just as terrible but just debunking some of his blatant lies.
In some ways I think she may be worse.
No. 804985
>>804964The reason so many of us are jumping on it is because a few anons are back on the 2016 train of thinking Taylor is some sort a
victim. "Greg made her do it. She was crying and vomiting" kek x 10000000
I'm waiting for posts of outrage telling us to use her correct pronouns because she's a mannnnn youuuuuu guisssssssee kek
No. 804986
>>804985>it is because a few anons are back on the 2016 train of thinking Taylor is some sort a victimI remember those days well and it always annoyed the shit out of me. I think this sympathy also came from the Anti-O's tbh. (not sure though)
People used to talk to Taylor endlessly trying to get her to leave Greg, saying how he abused her and such. She would always reply : "You guys do not know Greg like I do." Yeah, I bet we don't. I also bet we don't know Taylor or the depth of her own depravity.
No. 804996
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Yeah but, it’s been documented that people who stay in relationships with narcs are often to become a mini narc version of their abuser.
Lainey is a victim of Greg’s, but then she became someone who also made shitty decisions so I’m definitely not saying she’s innocent. I’m just saying, living with Greg for all those years, especially as a teenager, would have seriously stunted her emotional intelligence. We know she is codependent with Greg and will probably never leave him because that’s the common model with abusive relationships.
But I also wonder the type of affect having the whole internet and world hate you and call you pedos would do to a person.
I know a lot of people see her as smug and condescending. But I think she was putting on a front to pretend she wasn’t absolutely wrecked by everything, like billiegate and even vixmas, the sam stuff.
I would be ropable if my partner just invited someone he wanted to bang to come and live with us in the family home.
Living with Greg would truly make anyone crazy. And when the whole world hates her thats only ever going to make her stick to Greg like glue because he self esteem ends up so shot, that she would think he’s the only one truly there for her that stuck by her thick and thin, when actually, he caused her all those horrible situations by wanting to get his deformed carrot wet.
As for the texts about arguing who took Sarah’s virginity. I don’t think it was in the context that it was implied.
I just looked up the text again and yeah, lainey was just responding to Greg’s manipulation, I can’t see the full context but to me it appears like Greg was throwing a hissy fit because launch didn’t want to get coerced into sex with Sarah anymore. And this was probably around the time where lainey decided to just let Greg date Sarah and stay out of it.
Greg was seemingly trying to manipulate lainey into continuing to date Sarah because Greg was trying to say since they took her virginity and virginity is so important. They shouldn’t possibly let the fact that lainey doesn’t want to have sex with her get in the way of their awesome threesomes.
(typical Greg logic..) and lainey saying actually you took her virginity not me, and then went on to say that 7 years of a relationship is also important, but you threatened that.
So yeah. I don’t see lainey arguing over Sarah’s virginity disrespectful here at all, if anything she was trying to stop Greg’s manipulation where he was clearly just trying to get pained to shut up about being disgusted and repulsed by having sex with Sarah and to be a good sex doll and to continue or, like the message says, their 7 year relationship would be threatened.
Things really aren’t looking good for Greg.
That’s pretty decent evidence to support the fact that he absolutely did rape/coerce lainey.
No. 804997
>>804996Yikes. Taylor is the one who groomed Sarah from the beginning. I hate Greg, but this was all on uwu
victim Taylor. Taylor was sending underage Sarah (and several other girls nudes) all by her uwu
victim self without Greg. This ss was not taken out of context. How could this convo be in an okay context with your foster daughter. Stop defending this puke of person and lessening her guilt. She is trash. No way around it.
No. 805003
>>804997Honestly you sound retarded and
>>804996 anon explains how a lot of anons feel. Also why does Regina's name still get brought up she was a
victim of fuck all lol
No. 805013
>>805003Nah, I agree with other anons who refuse to give Kaimolulka one ounce of sympathy. Those of you writing missives describing her being an unaccountable
victim is where the true retardation is shining brightly. She brought this on herself.
No. 805015
>>805003Bruh not a lot of anons feel this way. What are u even talking about?
It's like u same 2 retards white knighting for Lainey still
No. 805028
File: 1605484936684.jpeg (117.68 KB, 800x870, 5A5F2C01-C8BE-4B2E-B2BF-83E257…)

Sorry for non-contribution, just too much like Greg.
No. 805045
>>805003You’re the retard for still sticking up for her just because she was with Grease. All you’re doing is letting her believe we still feel sorry for her (lol we don’t) because Onion man bad and muh vagina
Let me repeat: Taylor, Kai, Lainey, manwhore, ugly cunt, pancake tits, etc.;
No one, I repeat; NO ONE feels sorry for you and whatever sympathy we might’ve had in the past is GONE. You are nothing but a Walmart brand of Ghislaine Maxwell and a fucking coward. Have fun taking down accounts cuz the farms and spectators will never forget and we are watching.
No. 805046
File: 1605500187102.png (1.11 MB, 783x594, OHMYGOODNES.png)

This faggot absolutely loses it when the DMCA claims don't work, but lately he's taken most of his shit off the web with some success. Whoever has all his onlyfags files, I recommend you upload his miseries in anonfiles/volafile/MEGA/etc and upload everything to make sure he hemorrhages any kind of potential following by keeping his shit free.
No. 805149
>>804996That's a lot of word salad anon. Also
No. 805151
File: 1605598455057.jpeg (79.08 KB, 585x1054, REGINA Onision forums.jpeg)

>>805003Regina's name gets brought up because she was yet another minor Lainey was having sexual/romantic convos with who Onision also denies ever knowing about despite the fact that Regina modded his forums too.
No. 805168
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>>805151>ITS ALWAYS BEEN SO FUCKED>So much shit was happening with underage people, doxing etc. I had someone leak my underage nudes on there as well.So why the fuck did you never go to the police you ugly skankosaurus?
it was rag who leaked your nudes by the way, he also leaked shiloh's nudes, and spread them like a motherfucker.
No. 805169
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>>805168>So why the fuck did you never go to the police you ugly skankosaurus?Oh but Regina is doing exactly that. She never gave up on #deplatformpredators and just can't talk about what going on behind the scenes.
Not to tinfoil but this unnecessary hate towards Regina and odd mentionings of her and Shiloh's nudes reek of VPN secured NotGreg-posting. Funny how the Anon knows EXACTLY who leaked Regina's nudes. Just so happen to be someone else Greg loathes for speaking up against him on Chris Hansen YT channel. Hmmmm
No. 805180
>>805169A day late, a dollar short. All this bullshit about "oh behind the scenes" yeah and meanwhile we're almost 2 years further down the line. When are these
spectacular arrests supposed to happen? And do I really need to tell you that I'm not Greg? No I don't, since you're too stupid anyway.
Yeah it was Rag, your big buddy, that leaked yours and shiloh's nudes. He was spreading them like a motherfucker when they just got out. How do you feel about that, you ugly toad?
No. 805194
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>>805180>meanwhile we're almost 2 years further down the line. The allegations first came out last August. A year and three months does not round off to "almost two years".
>When are these spectacular arrests supposed to happen? In 2015 there was all the proof in the world that Austin Jones groomed and solicited child porn from his minor fans. There was even a video of him showing his
victims how to twerk for him. He went to jail in 2019. That's four years. Investigations take time Greg.
>And do I really need to tell you that I'm not Greg? You don't have to, Greg.
>Yeah it was Rag, your big buddy, that leaked yours and shiloh's nudes. As if this sudden hate boner for Rag and Reg doesn't reek of NotGreg™. No one else EVER accused Rag of doing that. Keep in mind, Regina's UNDERAGED nudes were leaked on GREGORY'S (YOUR) FORUM. The same forum that was rampant with pedophiles. The same forum Greg would collect pics of UNDERAGED GIRLS on to put in his videos. The same forum GREGORY DELETED almost immediately after the grooming and child porn allegations came out against him.
>How do you feel about that, you ugly toad?>>805181>Go suck Grift Scamsens old scrotum some more you big ugly dumb dykeLmao I am not Regina, Greg. I just know your bullshit when I see it. Greg deems Regina to be the ugliest of his and Kai's
victims. He always brings up how unattractive he finds Reg to be. This thread is for shitting on Groomer and Fakeboi yet here you are shitting on their
victim. No one else cares to shit on her or her looks but Greg, NotGreg.
Greg hates the fact that Regina never met the TwinFlame Groomers, was barely paid attention to, they were never "third material" but still they have INCRIMINATING EVIDENCE over them through nudes solicited from a MINOR Regina by an ADULT Kai.
Even if you force Kai to take the wrap for everything you are still connected to it all and the authorities will see through the bullshit scapegoat. Accessory to the crime and accomplice. There's Kai the solicitor of cp and you the seller of said cp. Must suck knowing Regina has the best leverage to get you and fakeboi locked the fuck up huh Greg?
>>805184Oh really? So its just me being salty and mad? Tell me, what has happened? what have you guys done? Tell me what great things the Anti-O's achieved in this investigation?
Is Greg in prison yet? Is Lainey? What wins do you guys have on your repertoire? Do tell, I'm sure everybody would love to hear.
I mean you talk about all these great things happening behind the scenes, and well, we're all waiting anxiously, so do tell us what achievements you guys have made?
>>805193Oh yes the all great
THESE THINGS TAKE TIME, again I am not Greg, not-Regina, but hey keep calling me Greg. Its hilarious, it kinda really proves my point how you guys suck ass at investigating. I mean if this is the kind of "evidence" you kids work with I won't hold my breath for an arrest.
Have a wonderful day, ugly.
No. 805199
>>805198You are kind of talking to me as if I didn't see two posts that where exactly identical except for that screenshot from droopy the dogfaced cowboy.
If Greg and foot collected and distributed CP why aren't they in prison yet? oh right "these things take time"
you guys are like Grift Scamsens parrots, just repeating his excuses. Again, I won't hold my breath for any shit to happen in the great big "gregory poo investigation" because Corona will be gone before it does, and so shall we. We'll all be dead and buried before anything happens, or rather, won't happen because it won't.
If Greg ever goes to prison for anything it will be due to one of his own fuckups, and not because of you guys. But i'm sure you and Grift will try and take credit for it. Thank fuck by then nobody cares about you, not that they do today mind you. How many viewers does Grift have per stream now? 2 or 3?
No. 805201
>>805199>If Greg ever goes to prison for anything it will be due to one of his own fuckupsLmao this IS his fuck up. He been fucking up my guy.
Or do you think Kai's the only one out of these two child porn pedophile criminals to blame for their mess?
Why won't Greg leave Kai since you know- Greg hates criminals. I mean she did get exposed for soliciting child porn after all so why won't he leave Kai? Oh wait! I know why! Greg's a fucking hypocrite AND a fucking criminal too!
No. 805203
>>805201So you guys are sitting on all this evidence right, mountains of it, and do tell what are the cops doing with all this evidence?
Ah forget it, you guys are fucking retards. You haven't got shit, you just keep promising and promising same as Grift Scamsen at the end of every stream.
The Regina streams where hilarious though, man I never laughed so hard. Crying over an e-fling and unrealistic expectations. It was hysterical.
But hey, keep believing, i'm sure if you wish it hard enough, it will actually happen! In fact, I hope you guys are right and he will go to prison. However, again, won't hold my breath. Might as well expect the blue fairy to appear and make Lainey a real boy.
I know you guys are pretty damn dense but I'm done with this conversation now, but I'm sure you gotta put that last word in so go right ahead. I mean its not like I'm gonna care any day soon..
No. 805208
>>805201>If Greg ever goes to prison for anything it will be due to one of his own fuckups>Lmao this IS his fuck up. He been fucking up my guy. Laughing and then agreeing with anon, Anti-O's, keeping it MENSA.
I think you guys might actually be stupider than Greg, which is.. amazing, really.
No. 805210
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>>805203>So you guys are sitting on all this evidence right, mountains of it, and do tell what are the cops doing with all this evidence?See Austin Jones for more information.
>You haven't got shit, you just keep promising and promising same as Grift Scamsen at the end of every stream.Who ain't got shit: Anti-Os
Who got shit: Sarah, Regina and Adam.
No. 805211
>>805210What the fuck does Austin Jones even have to do with anything. You keep bringing him up he has NOTHING to do with this. NOTHING.
Oh right Sarah has shit, like how she brought that laptop to the courthouse and then it magically sat inside Vince's basement for months.
Look kiddo, i'll believe you when I see it. Until then you are just a maggot, you are full of shit, and you need to learn how to sage your fucking autistic posts.
No. 805213
>>805184 for more information.
No. 805217
>>805213ah, yes i understand your strange lingo, i have translated it, it means :
"we have nothing"Thank you for being so frank. It really explains a lot.
No. 805220
>>805217Why does it matter what "we" have Anon? Why so much emphasis on that?
Even the Anon you're yelling at isn't claiming to have anything on Greg and referenced the people who do (Sarah etc). Not everyone here is an Anti-O and I think this hateful sperg out is more about your hatred for Antis and the
victims than it is for Greg. If so, the new Onision forum is free. Should probably take your grievances there.
No. 805221
>>805219Did you seriously just post that?
No really, did you? Because I kinda feel like i'm in some sort of weird fever dream.
>>805220Well I don't know you tell me. I don't give a flying fuck what you guys have but you people are claiming Gregory poo is going to prison for 8 million years. Of course thats going to peak some peoples curiosity. Should I link you to the title of this thread?
Also for the love of everything that doesn't suck, learn to fucking god damn sage your posts.
No. 805226
>>805221>Did you seriously just post that?You're acting like
>>805219 isn't legitimate information. It is and would explain why the groomers aren't in jail. Yet. How is that possibility so unfounded to you? You're giving no explanation for that but damn what a fever dream it's causing you to have. Dumbass.
Forgive the austist reference but you know that montage in Deadpool 1 where Deadpool was killing up the food chain of henchmen to get to Francis/Ajax?
The investigation could very well be like that as Greg is a distributor of Child Pornography. There are other pedos involved in this. They could be rounding up all the pedos linked to the Jacksons through the metadata on Sarah's phones, Kai's laptop which she gave to Sarah (Greg controlled and had access to all Kai's devices) and the metadata from Greg's deleted (but archived) forums.
To reference another happening. The FBI once left a cp site up after privately arresting the kingpin. Why? To get to the other predators that were accessing the site. Likewise Kai and Greg don't run an actual cp site. They're covert so arresting them right away would serve no purpose. Plus they're well known. If arrests were to happen now, the news would get out due to their infamy and that'll give their pedo clientèle time to double down and get away scot free.
>I don't give a flying fuck what you guys have You're spergouts prove otherwise buddy. I'll press x for doubt.
>you people are claiming Gregory poo is going to prison for 8 million yearsThere's enough reason for anyone to believe or be hopeful that he will go to jail. Hopefully Trisha and Heezy's tip off to the authorities about Greg's cp/pedo riddled discord speeds the process up. Fingers crossed.
No. 805230
>>805227So, you don’t know how long it should take. Do you even know the steps of an investigation just leading up to indictment?
Come on “destroyer”.
No. 805235
>>805232>Or how about those neato pyramid schemes? I bet you guys are making mad dough.Even in that ruse we would still be making more dough than Greg is making right now.
>you Anti-O assholesAre all of us considered Anti-Os to you? Because you're posting in here too. Are you the exception? Do you believe Greg did nothing illegal? Do you believe he's not a criminal? Do you believe he should get arrested? Can you answer those questions? Not that I'm trying to see something, I'm just intrigued by your presence is all.
>>805234The allegations first came out in 2015. On June 12, 2017, Austin Jones was arrested at O'Hare International Airport by agents of U.S. Immigration and Customs Homeland Security Investigations on two counts of producing child pornography. On June 15th he was released from federal custody to house arrest in his mother's custody after posting a $100,000 bond, but was ordered to abstain from using the Internet while he awaited trial. Jones was given permission to remain under house arrest until he reported to prison on June 28, 2019. Theoretically it took two years for him to get arrested even though he was only a recipient of cp. Greg is a recipient and distributor. Distributors are harder to tackle than simple recipients and Greg is both. Likewise, it was still four years before Jones saw a jail cell.
Google shit before spewing a false narrative. Yeah?
No. 805236
>>805235>Even in that ruse we would still be making more dough than Greg is making right now.So? You keep deluding yourself that anyone critical of the anti-O's is gregory poo and / or pro-Greg. Thats a YP, not an MP.
>Are all of us considered Anti-Os to you?Thats exactly what you guys are doing thinking we are all Greg!
I still don't see the correlation between Gregory poo and Austin Jones, then again, I'm not autistic.
If you guys still believe the uwu
victims, and that Greg is going to prison: fine, dandy. Hell to answer your other question I would even enjoy it highly if Greg were to go to prison. Just don't expect anyone else to believe that non sense.
We live in this world, I don't know what world you guys are living in. (or what drugs you're taking to still believe in it)
No. 805237
>>805236>If you guys still believe the uwu victimsSo you don't believe the
victims witness testimonies? Do you believe they're all lying on Greg? If so, How come?
>I still don't see the correlation between Gregory poo and Austin JonesReally? How come? I thought you only believed Greg won't go to jail but it seems like you also believe he did nothing along the lines of what Austin Jones did, which was collecting images and videos of minors for a sexual purpose.
Do you see a correlation between Kai and Austin Jones? Sarah showed proof of being sent nudes by Kai, there's pictures of the two cuddling wheen she was 17, and screenshots of sexualized convos the two had. All while Sarah was underaged. Some while Kai AND Greg still had power of attorney over Sarah. What's your thoughts on Kai's involvement in the Onision grooming/cp scandal? Do you think she got both of them into trouble that Greg doesn't deserve?
No. 805239
>>805237>So you don't believe the victims witness testimonies? Do you believe they're all lying on Greg? If so, How come? Yes and no. I mean when Shiloh first gave her interview I genuinely believed she had changed. I even watched it with a friend and it was powerful, then later on of course well we all know what happened. She fucked up her credibility.
In terms of Sarah I'm glad you asked, I wanna know if she ever responded to Greg's supposed blackmail stuff, that she refused to sign the NDA blabla.
I absolutely believe Greg is a bastard. I believe he is an abuser and that we have no idea the depth of his depravity. But in terms of believing everything, I don't know. There have been several interviews that sort of hurt the credibility. There was this one stoned girl who told that Greg actually "killed people", then you had Rag Reynolds I believe him about as far as I could throw him and then theres the infamous Sarah laptop thing. Let me put it this way: I
want to believe. I really do. I want to believe Greg and Lainey are going to prison. However, can you blame me for being very skeptic?
>Really? How come? I thought you only believed Greg won't go to jail but it seems like you also believe he did nothing along the lines of what Austin Jones did, which was collecting images and videos of minors for a sexual purpose. Now we're getting somewhere, I'm glad we're now having this debate: Austin Jones his case was more clear cut. He asked underage girls for twerking videos, they had him on film demonstrating how to do it. All that was a smoking gun. Again, I wanna believe but also I wanna see the Greg smoking gun. Thats why I asked. Where is it? I want to see this smoking gun, and I wanna see him go to prison. But I don't see it happening any day soon.
About Kai's involvement, boy thats a rough one. Of course I believe she's guilty but in court and with any criminal case its not about what you know, its about what you can prove.
In terms of any court case or Greg and Lainey going to prison I just don't believe in it anymore. When this thing started specially with Hansen I was there
every wednesday listening to it all. I have all related videos, interviews, screenshots I have everything on my hard disk thats how involved I have been and still am. But believe anything will happen? I've been demoralized. Can you blame me?
IF however we get this news item all over the news and we see the swamp trailer get raided by cops and we see Greg and Lainey being hauled away in cuffs believe you me I will be there dancing and partying with the rest of us.
I hope that answers your questions. And sorry about sort of blogging, hope the mods can forgive me, if not I'll gladly take my ban and wait it out.
No. 805242
>>805232Dodging the question of how long it should be taking and what the steps of an investigation are that lead up to an indictment.
So, basically, you don’t know.
No. 805243
>>805242Are you a cop? Are you the sheriff in Washington? Are you with the FBI?
You don't even
know if there is (still) an investigation at all. They don't exactly announce it when they drop an investigation. Nor do they really announce it when there is. The fact that the sheriff did claim there was one is odd, to say the least. What could be the goal? All they did was tip off Greg.
So unless you are with law enforcement, you don't know if there is an investigation just as much as we know if there isn't.
So since you put it this way the entire argument is moot.
I however don't believe there is. Maybe there was one at one time, but I doubt there still is.
"these things take tiiiiime"- TM and (C) Chris Hansen original character do not steal
You know what else takes time? Bullshitting people. No. 805244
>>805243But we do know there is an investigation. It’s on the record. End of story.
I don’t claim to know. You were the one making the claim nothing is being investigated which you just disproved yourself
No. 805246
>>805244Yes and you said that its now based on that laptop and phone right? Have you seen the OJ Simpson case? What they basically did in that trial was discredit evidence. Even if the Greg-thing does make it to court
and thats a pretty huge if it will be very easy to discredit the laptop and phone. Since its been trough more hands than Billie has. Chain of custody much?
But hey, keep dreaming.
>>805245I hate do be your Debbie Downer, but wheres the evidence Nancy Drew?
Because that laptop isn't gonna cut it. And I already said I hope it does. I hope you're right. Its really up to the justice department here to prove me wrong. I'm actually right with you there hoping you are right, but I doubt it very much.
If, from a year or so from now, you can get to say me you were right I'll buy you an ice cream cone. Hold me to it, really.
No. 805251
>>805244o rly?
show me this record.
No. 805253
>>805239>About Kai's involvement, boy thats a rough one. Of course I believe she's guilty.
>I still don't see the correlation between Gregory poo and Austin JonesSo somehow, in the grand scheme of things. Kai is guilty but not Greg? As if the couple don't live and co-exist and even share similar behavioral patterns. Greg was just completely oblivious to Kai wrongdoings although they live in the same house and he had access to her devices and what not. Greg's innocent in all this.
People like you and Greg seem to forget that witness testimonies also hold up in court and all you need is 1 witness for a case. Greg and Kai have 3+ plus there's enough proof to show that none of his
victims, even Shiloh, is lying about what occurred in their relationships/interactions with Greg.
>I have all related videos, interviews, screenshots I have everything on my hard disk thats how involved I have been and still am. Gee for someone who's been so involved you seem to be leaving out Greg collecting pictures of underaged girls on his forums, the couples power of attorney over Sarah as a minor,calling her a Foster daughter/sister, saying their relation to her was only platonic, only trying to her her out of a bad home situation only to fuck her 5 months after she turned 18. Sarah's witness testimony of Greg and Kai fucking with their kids in the room, sometimes even in their bed. Just the general sketchiness of it all.
>>805199>If Greg and foot collected and distributed CP why aren't they in prison yet? At first I thought you just didn't believe Greg would go to jail. But after reading that shite explanation it's like you believe he shouldn't while Kai should. Kinda like what Greg believes as well. What he hopes for actually. You know Greg and Kai are criminals but you're just deflecting, denying and ommiting information. You're way of trying to seem like you want them to go to jail while bullying the
victims, blaming Kai and quite literally defending Greg on the basis that you can't physically see evidence against him is such fucking horse shit. If you're not Greg you might as well had been because it seems like you share the same retardation as the fucker. Nevertheless if you are Greg then I'd say congrats, you're finally learning how to anon-larp a bit better. Still needs some work though.
No. 805256
>>805246>laptop and phone.I never said it was solely based on that. It’s a good starting point to investigate (which is what investigations do, if you were unaware).
But do keep trying. Your flailing amuses me
No. 805258
>>805251The interview with the now Sheriff, dipshit.
The one you referred to yourself
No. 805261
>>805253I didn't really read your reply since i'm pretty busy right now (no offense) but why are you so angry at me? I mean I keep telling you i
want you to be right.
I mean what part of that do you keep reading over, you're angry at me for having doubt? why?
I never said Gregory poo is innocent, I keep agreeing with you, but you keep raging at me. You're reminding me of a very bad ex who used to do that.
No. 805263
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>>805232Gorg, how does it feel that even though you HATE your useless wife and your kids, you'll have to pay support for them for the next what, 15 years or so? and alimony to Lame for the next few years too? how does that feel? What about the fact that you will never ever find a good REAL job because every time you want to apply to one people will be doxxing you to your employers? Even if you never get charged/arrested your life is pretty much ruined at 35 and it has been no one's fault but your own. And we are all happy about it. Merry Xmas everybody!
>>805211>Sarah brought that laptop to the courthouse and then it magically sat inside Vince's basement for months.This again lol. We already put this to rest up thread
No. 805275
>>805268Some anon in the flakes thread had a giant hateboner for Regina too, saying the same thing about her looks. Same pic too
>>805168. I will say Onision does like to ad hominem about other people's appearance despite looking like he fell asleep in a deep fryer.
>>805180Again, post sauce for your claims about Rag. No one else pointed at Rag before, this is the first I'm hearing it. Rag and Erica (former mods) helped corroborate Regina's experience in Onision's pedo forums.
No. 805279
>>805221>>805232>>805236>If you guys still believe the uwu victims>>805239>>805246I think the best person to answer some of your doubts/questions here would be this guy
>>803849. He's the one who (for some unknown reason) publicly confirmed an investigation was happening. Was he lying? I have no idea lol. If anyone has questions such as "how long will this take", "is this legit" etc. GO ASK HIM
>>803849, and tell us what he says.
Also, anti-o's aren't welcome here
sorry but my god they're dumb and Hansen's a massive irrelevant shitstain. Thanks.
No. 805285
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>>805270I know I'm risking a tinfoil ban but I do believe that Greg did somewhat improve on his Anon-larping since he's been doing it so much. Don't mean to reference the kiwis but on his StarFire account he was able to shit on his own content pretending to be not Pro-Greg but soon enough he went into his NotGreg spergouts.
I do believe this Anon is him. All that we've pointed out in his words, ellipses and sentencing he just corrects and switches it up after each sock is banned. It's not impossible for him to "learn".
Only thing is, he always leaves a trace of his personality ie this brand new accusation against Rag. Nobody else but him would think to throw such nonsense out there with no proof. Mind you the same Starfire account accused heatboss of trying to hack their twitter account. That's right on cue with his "Regina is Adam" conspiracy and the "Sarah raped me" accusations. The one thing he can't hide is maliciously being an outlandish dumbass.
No. 805290
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No. 805291
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And here we have "StarFire's" anti-greg facade cracking into militantly defending the Greg they were soooo not in support of. He's cracking less it appears.(tinfoil)
No. 805294
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Our favorite Onion ex is possibly getting married!
Btw we need a new anti-o thread(wrong thread)
No. 805299
>>805285>>805288>>805290>>805291This isn't milk newfags. Whoever's sperging at kiwi says the same shit over and over
>>804026. Once was enough, stop posting these milkless faggots in here shitting up the thread with it.
No. 805302
>>805168>assumes Regina's selfpostinglol Regina has a twitter if you have questions for her anon. I agree with
>>805275. You sound so sure of yourself but have no sauce. Regina spoke about her time modding in Greg's pedo forums and she has witnesses to back her up, does this upset you for some reason?
No. 805303
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>>805237>there's pictures of Kai and Sarah cuddling when Sarah was 17Why would Lainey/Kai and Greg go through all the trouble of trying to cover their tracks, publicly lie about what was going on, and try to hide Sarah if they weren't doing anything wrong?
Greg likes to bullshit about how Sarah actually apologized and defended them while he conveniently leaves out the fact that she lied FOR THEM. Greg coached her on what to say. Having been groomed by Lainey since the age of 14 and then by Greg at 16, she didn't know any better at the time.
No. 805306
>>805297anti-O's have been scatting up this thread with their tinfoil, horseshit "investigation"-bullshit and thinking everybody is greg since last night. Must be that time of the month..
i'm sure i'm greg now, go ahead and say it, anti-o's. don't let me down on this.
kek'd hard at you dumbasses thinking i was greg about 3 timesnow if you'll excuse me i gotta go put dildos up my ass for onlyfans, i guess.
No. 805307
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>>805297>kai sent sarah nudes>I have yet to see evidence nta. Are you insisting on seeing foot's disgusting crotch and sagging udders anon? If so why? There are caps showing her posing with the gross bits censored, these were sent to Sarah. And let's not forget the pic related thirst trap. Kai claims she had Sarah put up the censor bar with the gross shit already painted over, but with the kind of convos she'd been having with Sarah before
>>804708 I have no reason to believe Kai didn't send nudes to her, Regina and who knows whoever else.
Explain the kind of 20-21 y/o mother that sends a 14 y/o pics of themselves in their fucking underwear? For Greg this is normal seeing as how minors in his old forums sent him pics of themselves (at his request) in their underwear and he used those pics in his vids.
Explain why anyone who's NOT a pedophile would do this?
No. 805308
>>805306>horseshit "investigation"If you're another person with questions and are eager to have your questions answered why not take this
>>805279 advice?
I have my doubts too, anyone's free to agree or disagree with that but for those with actual questions, they finally know who to take them to. You're welcome.
No. 805309
>>805308I'm welcome? Welcome for what? More Chris Hansen propaganda?
No. 805310
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>people still believing there is an investigation.
No. 805345
>>805323Eh, I think suspecting Greg behind every other post is just a reaction to KF banning his possible socks, and since Greg doesn't know what to do with his time, except for combing the internet for his name and writing whiney, hateful messages, it doesn't take too much to figure out that he needs another outlet. Which might be LC.
But ever since the thread over at KF got shat up, this thread started infighting as well, so I do understand why anons start pointing fingers.
Anyway, it's a moot point.
Whether or not Greg will end up in jail, we don't know. But what we do know is that he has ruined his life and has permanently damaged his and Lainey's reputation beyond repair. For a narc like him that might be worse than sharing a cell with Big Bubba.
He will never be successful again and he will never be able to rope in any beautiful or moderately intelligent girl with any redeeming qualities. All he has left are his orbiters of whom he wants none.
No. 805347
>>805344I just did a very quick check on Respit since I've also found it weird that he was the only guy who stuck with Greg for so long and then simply vanished.
While I don't want to allege that he was there for the girls / pictures, his channels seem to be a copy of Greg's.
He has three YT channels (Respit, RespitTalks, RespitSings) but neither of them have any content anymore. He also has a Patreon but is only following a cosplayer (?) called Nikki Nevermore.
I would have been really interested in Dev's point of view after they had a fallout at the meet-up. Maybe Hansen reached out to all of them and they just didn't want to be part of the whole chaos, maybe Hansen doesn't even know they exist in the first place.
It would still be interesting to actually see some proof that incriminates Rag since you seem to be so adamant about it. It's always difficult to go by "Someone anonymous on the internet said that XYZ, so it must be true."
No. 805349
>>805347There'd be people in the servers or were in the servers that can clarify about Rag but he was always suspect. He went on Hansen and he was full of shit. He downplayed his role on the forums to Hansen too he was modding forums and discords. He's just a big fat ugly cunt with a superiority complex because some middle aged fat fuck gave him some online attention when that all went to shit he started outting other girls nudes.
Respit was a creepy cunt too. All the men that hang around Greg are using him for one thing, access to young girls. It's pretty fucking obvious if you're not an inexperience naive fuck.
No. 805350
>>805349Your view on the world is too black and white for me tbh.
I don't understand your hatred for man, but I really hope you heal from whatever happened to you, and I really mean it. <3
I'm suspicious of everyone who hangs with Greg, no matter whether they're men or women.
I'll shut up now since I don't want to derail the thread.
No. 805413
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>>805411his youtube channel has been wiped. I looked him up and found his twitter. I guess he does twitch now? His girlfriend is apparently famous on tik tok and twitch now. Also dude got ripped.
No. 805434
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Way to be a fucking junkie rapist scumbag, RSN..(nobody cares)
No. 805458
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>>805297>it's hilarious how some anons expect Greg to go to jail over something Lainey allegedly did.Are you really saying Kai is the only one of the two that committed sexual crimes against minors? That Greg really had nothing to do with any of it?
>something Lainey allegedly did.Saying allegedly implies Sarah did not show screenshot and timestamps of Kai sending sexual/romantic texts to her, with Kai also acknowledging the risk of sending those texts if they were ever exposed in some texts. It implies Sarah did not show pictures of the two cuddling in bed. It implies that she did not show video evidence that Greg actually coerced her into making that video defending Kai when the grooming allegations first came out. It implies Sarah did not show proof of an adult Kai sending her nudes when she was underaged.
A minor is classified any person under the age of 18. It is federally illegal to send or solicit nudes to or from anyone under the age of 18 across all States. No exceptions. There is no "alleged". Kai did these things. It happened.
>expect Greg to go to jail over something Lainey allegedly did.As yes, the classic WhErE's tHe eViDeNcE AgAiNsT Greg tactic. Well if you must know. In the law, testimony is a form of evidence. It is obtained from a witness who makes a solemn statement or declaration of fact. Testimonies may be oral or written.
>"one time when I was 16 greg made me feel so bad about being a virgin that I started crying. interesting.." - Sarah on Twitter Sep, 4, 2019.
>"You're so mature for your age. I feel like I'm hanging around a 20 year old." - Greg @16 year old me the first time we met- Sarah on Twitter Sep, 4, 2019.
>"talk of a poly relationship with them (again) started when I was 17." - Sarah on Twitter Oct, 19, 2019.
>"in Feb of 2016. Kai got upset one night about Billie and Greg reassured him that nothing… Greg reassured him that it would be okay because they could just date me when I was 18."- Sarah in the very first livestream she did talking about the "allegations".
Sarah was 15 in Feb of 2016.
All of that's excluding the fact that Kai and Greg had minor power of attorney over the underaged/minor Sarah during all these events. They were practically her care givers in place of her parents. Guardians.
Sarah's witness testimonies showed that Greg is guilty as sin. He was an orchestrator, accomplice and accessory. He covertly groomed Sarah on his own accord but with Kai's non-covert help. Procecutors aren't dumbasses who look at everything black and white like Greg does. If Kai's going down Greg is too.
So I agree with you anon. It is hilarious how some anons expect Greg to go to jail over something Lainey allegedly did but that's simply not true. It's just you. You're projecting. Everyone expects Greg to go to jail for what HE did.
Which was groom the 15 year old minor he and Kai had power of attorney over into having sex with them once she turned 18.
>"G started talking about wanting to do things with K in front of me 4 days after my 18 birthday." - Sarah on Twitter Oct, 14, 2019.
They had sex with her 5 months after that.
Not to mention GREG is also under the radar for running a mini child pornography ring. As the main solicitor, recipient and distributor of Child Pornography via his forums/discord/Kai's devices. All Greg's doings. So shut the fuck up anon. I'm getting really fucking tired of these retarded Greg defenses/Kai is worse reasonings.
No. 805459
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No. 805506
>>805345>since Greg doesn't know what to do with his time, except for combing the internet for his name and writing whiney, hateful messagesHe's definitely someone who loves spinning his wheels, that's most of his life actually.
>>805346>the KF posters >heatboss screen cap a post I made previouslyAnti-o's, that's the
majority I've seen in greg's kf thread. They come here and are too fucking retarded to integrate.
No. 805511
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Looks like the Investigation Discovery documentary on Onision is really happening. They contacted Greg and Lainey for an interview or comment.
No. 805521
>>805513>i thought he already agreed to participate?That's what I thought too.
>>805516By information do you mean interviews? The information itself isn't difficult to find. Even if a bunch of ancillary characters agreed, I don't see how that would matter if the subject chose not to do it. Their process here looks very low IQ. If this gets produced I expect a trashfire.
No. 805526
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>>805511>>805512>>805514Correct, lol he got nothing. He definitely would've signed if he they'd compensated him.
I'm calling it, if this gets made it's gonna tank. That's what they get for making a deal with a washed up, glorified teleprompter reader who was last relevant 20 something years ago.
No. 805530
>>805344So nobody has sauce for this? Regina never mentioned anything about suspecting Rag, or thinking he was behind it. If this was around the same time Regina was exchanging nudes with Lainey, how do we know it wasn't Lainey who did it? Or even Greg for that matter? I haven't seen anything confirming who could've done it. All I know is Regina, Erica and Rag all confirmed pedos were rampant in greg's forums, with a few archived ss here and there.
>>805349>All the men that hang around Greg are using him for one thing, access to young girls.Rag spoke about being groomed by some middle aged pedo woman in gregs forums when he was underage. The pedos knew what greg was into, why else would they repeatedly congregate there. I say repeatedly because I remember Greg was constantly deleting and re-uploading his forums.
No. 805543
>>805532Tbh I am hoping for her downfall ever further. Greg is a piece of shit but owns it. Taylor does gross shit but then hides and plays the
victim. She is vile.
No. 805549
>>805527good. the more of a shitstorm this will be, the better. i hope they sue.
maybe it will then finally make the old media.
have whole hordes of reporters stand outside the swamp trailer.
No. 805553
I think it will tank.
I hope it won't.
No. 805570
>>805557>I never understood the whole drama around this documentary.Me neither, until you look in to how many people just milked the shit out of their victimhood or "being the first to talk about greg in videos". I'm not saying they're bad people, or that their motives were inherently bad but when you have people calling themselves "patient 0" and what not it starts to paint a picture.
I also don't want to start this whole argument up again but I keep wondering why they went to social media and hnsen with their story, and not the cops. And yes I do get all the arguments about it, yet it doesn't make sense to me.
Also, please don't call me Greg and lets not start that horseshit up again either. I do realize I sound like the devils advocate here. Just sharing my thoughts / doubts and I'm definitely open to suggestions and counter arguments.
No. 805573
>>805570Shiloh was the only one I recall calling herself patient 0, which I agree is bad optics. I think the only one who should have gone to the cops before anything was Sarah who had stuff that could still potentially get Kai into a lot trouble. It's a shame she didn't have anyone with brains advising her with how to handle the situation back then, instead of just having Ayalla tell the world Grease fucked her. Otherwise the girls don't seem anything that could get Greg into legal trouble. Actually with the earlier discussion about Greg coercing Kai into threesomes I think she could have a better chance than anyone of getting him in trouble but she's doormatty.
Sky and her sister were quite smart for dropping in to share their experiences with Greg and leaving the internet and avoiding Chris Hansen. Shiloh probably intended from the start to turn it into an opportunity to revive her pop star career. I guess Billie has that influencer thing going for her so maybe there was some intention of getting more followers.
No. 805612
>>805605Where's your sauce? Go back and look at
Hansen's interview with Erica. I believe Erica, the other mod and Regina over an anon with no sauce.
No. 805622
>>805532Yeah but it's not like she was going to come back to sm anyway. Hers and her husbands reputation's solidified as pedos, they're
never going to live that down, it's archived all over the place.
So far the docu imo seems like it'll be one giant milkless pisstake, that's if it even gets made. I could be wrong but my hopes aren't high.
No. 805626
>>805526HA! No wonder he refused to be in it. These people want to make bank off his name and he can't make a dime LMAO. I'd support it if they'd gotten all the
victims permission but they didn't.
No. 805628
>>805527Good. It's always made me seethe that they wanted to act like they were the biggest most helpless
victims in the world, getting a million ass pats per tweet, but the milisecond they had an opportunity to actually DO something about it they made up excuses and turned it down. The girls were dumb and useless which is what got them into that situation to begin with so I suppose I can't be too surprised. Anyway as a habitual watcher of crime docs, what this means is that the girls footage will likely just have their faces blurred, names changed/not mentioned at all, and probably a voice filter over audio from them if not just having their words they wrote read by someone else.
Because thats what happens to all the other cases. They give you a chance to speak up and either you take it or they use what they have on you instead. No one cares about their delicate feelings, to them its just about the story and getting it out there. They'll happily half ass it if they have to because even if the views tank, they'll still feel accomplished. Channels like Discovery ID dont hang onto ratings of specific things like their life depends on it, they just like having new shocking cases to constantly put out to keep their viewers hooked onto the channel itself. Literally their main draw is always having some wild stories to talk about/do dramatic recreations of. I think a lot of people here are mistaking it as some MTV-like channel where they drop a new show and are all holding hands shaking and praying that it becomes Americas new number one show.
No. 805641
>>805628>It's always made me seethe Well that's unfortunate for you anon lol. They came out on sm after Onision had used his then sizable platform and fanbase to chase them off the internet to keep them quiet.
As far as " biggest most helpless
victims in the world" way to exaggerate. So let me ask, do you think this
>>805307 is a good thing? You think Sarah deserved that shit?
No. 805642
>>805570The only one I can reasonably criticize is Shiloh. She designated herself their personal spokesperson and seemed sincere at first about seeking legal retribution. That all came crashing down with her subsequent actions. I wouldn't be surprised if she knew what Hansen was planning the entire time. She fucked up the legal case as much as Hansen did.
As for Sarah, seeing as how she was groomed by two pedos from the ripe ol' age of 14 onwards, on top of STILL being a teenager after getting away from them, I don't think it should come as a shock to anyone that her decisions and choices weren't exactly logical from an adult perspective. I don't blame her for believing the Hansen hype, thinking he was going to help her with LE. A lot of people fell for the hype.
No. 805646
>>805557>>805565>shouldn't this be exposed to a wider audience?This is the same justification grifter/pathological liar Hansen used after getting called out. Most of the
victims he interviewed want nothing to do with him now because he went behind their backs and lied to their faces. It doesn't matter if this gets out to a wider audience when most of it will just be spun into something else entirely.
victims got on sm and told their stories the way
they wanted to. Blackfin's going to tell their stories the way
Blackfin wants to tell it. The
victims consented to having their faces/stories used for youtube
as is, not for some boomer ass tv network spin machine to edit and do with it as they please. It's pretty funny when a group of youtuber's prove more trustworthy than some legacy media/tabloid journalist bitchboy.
No. 805647
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>>805641>>805628Here's another one
>>804996 with Greg and Lainey arguing over Sarah's virginity, the girl they took in as a minor and publicly told everyone was just a friend/platonic etc. There's much more where that came from. I guess all
victims of pedos deserve that shit, huh, according to you. You like pedos anon? You seem a bit defense of them.
No. 805678
>>805642I don’t think Sarah was going to say anything about it all. It was only when Anus made the video about bpd that got her upset and she started talking about it.
So in some sense Anus decided to break his fake NDA on his own accord, like he does.
Sarah also stated right off the bat that she didn’t want to involve LE, she said it in her interview with CH. I’m not here to diss Sarah but if not for getting LE involved in her case I can only assume that her reasons for doing interviews was just to expose him on sm.
She didn’t have proper guidance for this so it’s really not her fault it turned into a shitshow.
No. 805681
>>805550>Pretty much everyone knows it was Rag who liked to collect and trade nudes with pedophiles on Gregs discord. Its kinda like an open secret. Regina is either in deep denial or didn't get the memo.Pretty odd how this 'open secret' is brand new information. Was never mentioned before or anywhere else for that matter. Only here. Mentioned immediately after you shit on Regina's looks for no apparent reason too. Plus you gave this 'info' without any sources or evidence to prove your claims.
The authorities may be rounding up all the pedophiles linked to the forums before arresting the Grease kingpin so tell me. Why on earth would Rag go on Chris Hansen's show if he's very much likely to be procecuted along with the other pedophiles who shared cp on the forums?
Why wouldn't Rag double down and hide instead of helping the #deplatformpredators movement against Greg?
If you wanna keep pushing that alleged information in here do us a favor and provide at least one:
A Legitimate Witness Statement
A Legitimate
Victim's Statement
Video Evidence
Indept Details
>>805278>Regina's UNDERAGED nudes were leaked on GREGORY'S FORUM. The same forum that was rampant with pedophiles. The same forum Greg would collect pics of UNDERAGED GIRLS on to put in his videos. The same forum GREGORY DELETED almost immediately after the grooming and child porn allegations came out against him.>This (or most of it at least) and the vids he deleted are archived.Luckily for you anon. The forums are archived. You can go look for your evidence there and get back to us with proof of this
slander 'open secret'.
Until then shut the fuck up.
No. 805691
>>805681>Pretty odd how this 'open secret' is brand new information. -etc whole romance novel.Hate to break it to you but its the same thing I heard back in the day. But what do you think? That a slimy fat weasel like Rag just comes out in the open and says it? It was an exclusive pedophile ring within the community that knew Rag was the go-to guy when it came down to trading nudes.
Good luck getting them to talk about it, they all flew the coop after Greg warned them and closed down the forum. Rag got that same warning and got out in time.
This was around the time Blaire White made her first video about Greg's forums and it got too much negative publicity.
Everybody got out the dodge right on time.
No. 805692
>>805681So because you never heard about it, it never happened. Interesting investigation technique, Nancy Drew. Glad the cops don't work like that.
Then again, I find the fact that your post isn't saged suspicious. See, I notice things like that.
Usually that happens when its a person defending themselves here. I'm just sayin'.
No. 805694
>>805693You really think that a pedophile forum smart enough to close in time leaves evidence laying around?
Either you are too dumb to get the point I just made, or you are just covering your own ass and where somehow involved with this yourself.
No. 805702
>>805695What the fuck are you talking about? Who the fuck are you talking about?
And speaking of saint, look at Rag, how he pretends to be a saint while he was spreading everyones underage nudes.
No. 805703
>>805695Way to prove him right and show that you have that actual insider knowledge.
Hope you formatted your hard drive after being a regular on Greg's forum, champ.
No. 805714
>>805702>What the fuck are you talking about? Who the fuck are you talking about?They're talking about you and your outlandish claims dumbass. Crying wHy DiDnT ReGiNa gO tO tHe PoLiCe but here you are. Not going to the police.
Instead you're bitching about your claims against Rag, claiming to 'know' what he did but you did nothing to have him arrested or dealt with by the proper authorities. All I see are deflection and lies coming from you.
>>805694>You really think that a pedophile forum smart enough to close in time leaves evidence laying around?Here's an exhibition of your deflection:
>>805681 said Greg wasn't smart enough to close the forums in time. The forums are archived for everyone to see. Including you. There is evidence laying around. You can go look for your evidence and get back to us with proof of this
slander 'open secret' against Rag.
Until then shut the fuck up.
No. 805727
>>805714Again, just because
you "haven't heard of this" doesn't make it any less true.
You can argue it till the cows come home, you can't argue facts. Kinda done with this convo now if you don't mind, don't feel like repeating myself over and over again, even if you do. I get why you are so defensive though. I'd be defensive too if they caught me with my hand in the cookie jar. Explain it to a judge, i'd say.
No. 805730
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why don't you guys just accept the word from a guy who claims Australia does not exist?
Rag's autism is about as high as his cholesterol count.
No. 805749
>>805744..and multiple people have stated they did.
>>805747ah yes, the great Greg argument. "you are saying something I don't like, you're a Greg!"
I'm sure that totes disprove it, champ.
Instead of being all butthurt just admit when someones right, you child. You sound like how Rag dresses, like a fat toddler.
No. 805762
>>805760>RapeStream NewsThat would be the icing on the cake: a rapist predator waxing on about a pedophile predator in some poorly edited, over dramatized, shit tier basement tv documentary.
Can't wait for all the angry mom's to find out about Blackfin/ID's professionalism, re-victimizing girls who didn't consent to being included. 10/10 optics.
No. 805764
>>805692>>805702>>805752How many times are you going to say the same thing and still have no sauce? Erica and Regina backed up Rag, all of them were Onision mods. idk who you are and don't care. You're literally adding
nothing to the conversation, either contribute or fuck off.
No. 805765
>>805678I remember Ayalla speaking about the onion's predatory relationship with Sarah first, it was after this that Sarah started speaking up.
What I understood was that Sarah thought CH was going to involve LE. i don't know how the sheriff got involved but he put his name/reputation on the line publicly stating point blank that there was an investigation. Hansen assured everyone he'd been in contact with FBI the whole time and we all know how that ended up.
No. 805782
>>805751Yeah, I agree with this.
I was around back then too, but I don't remember anything like that. Which doesn't go to say it didn't happen, but it's news for me too.
It isn't his thread anyway.
No. 805805
>>805764Hence why he says this:
>idk who you are and don't care."I wonder who is trying to discredit the rumor here.">>805796He used to spread them like a motherfucker as a mod, you just needed to be on the "in" crowd. Like I said everybody knew this, it was an open secret.
I'm pretty sure its him trying to defend himself here.
No. 805857
>>805799Ah yeah, the “everyone knows” appeal to popularity fallacy that everyone that has no proof or evidence tries.
Proof or GTFO.
No. 805876
>>805799>weird that some random anon keeps getting so heated over it and telling people to fuck off.Repetitious autism and having no sauce is pretty weird if you ask me. Unless there's archives of it somewhere, tempcow is long gone so your point is moot. None of this tinfoiling means anything when there's nothing to back it up.
Since you seem to know so much anon, you or the autist shitting up the thread, why did Regina and OG mod/admin Erica never point the finger at Rag? Why'd they back him up?
No. 805889
>>805810Jesus, looking casually at her Twitter she sure tried her hardest inserting herself and making it all about her lol
how odd to call herself a ‘
victims advocate’ only to contact and try to help an abuser and groomer.
No. 805895
>>805799No one's asking to be spoonfed. You're being told to fuck off because repeating baseless tinfoil isn't a contribution. Stop acting like tinfoil/rumors are facts. Some farmers have also said they've never heard of what you're talking about while you insist we locate something that doesn't exist.
>>805805How very high IQ of you. No one cares who you think anyone is on here.
No. 805899
File: 1606125361553.png (75.01 KB, 1026x509, refused.png)

>>805511>Looks like the Investigation Discovery documentary on Onision is really happening.When most everyone they've asked has refused, I wouldn't be so sure it's happening. I don't know one youtuber that agreed to it.
No. 805909
>>805905 were actually never answered,no.If you have to lie about it you obviously have a big problem with it.
No. 805912
>>805909yes they were. for one it was a well known fact back in the day, for seconds as far as I know there is no evidence thus far. thus far, because its bound to come out one day, specially if they investigate that shit.
pretty positive Rag is going to jail if and when Greg goes to prison.
No. 805914
>>805913i can't explain it to you anymore, i'm sorry i don't speak autism.
maybe you can get your caretaker to explain my posts to you.
No. 805922
>>805916if the cops are looking in to it and
if there is an actual investigation i wouldn't worry too much about it. cops are used to sifting trough irrelevant bullshit. they deal with it daily. the real problem is being able to prove anything.
No. 805939
>>805916>The most annoying thing I think is that Sarah has evidence on her laptop or claims to have that isn't being handed into the police.She gave the laptop AND her old cellphones to the FBI anon
>>805210We can put this reoccurring claim to rest now. Try to stay informed.
>>805914>i can't explain it to you anymore, i'm sorry i don't speak autism. maybe you can get your caretaker to explain my posts to you.The best course of action would be to ignore this loser anon
>>805914 until they can provide proof. All they're giving is an inflated narrative, Greg-esque deflections and kindergarten insults whenever proof is demanded.
If you're so sure Rag is guilty a tip off or two to the pertinent authorities would better help you in achieving your goal, if it's not just to slander Rag that is cuz idk why the fuck this information would be of such great use in a forum.
This is the Onion thread where people come to shit on Onion. Not Rag. You've been spewing this nonsense for days and have convinced 0 people thus far.
Here's my solid ass advice:
Step 1: Get a clue.
Step 2: Fuck off.
No. 805941
>>805939>>805939That's good the laptop and devices are with the cops then idk why I overlooked that.
Also there's been more than one anon that was around when Rag was a mod, you're not just telling one anon to fuck off. Also fuck off yourself you fat cunt
No. 805942
>>805939>The best course of action would be to ignore this loser anonWhy does everybody always assume its just one person when people say something they don't like? Oh yes of course, its easier and self serving.
Yes, of course, lets ignore the 30 people saying Rag was guilty. Lets put blinders on people, move along, nothing to see here..
No. 805944
>>805943>>805942>>805939Several people have been saying this actually, including me. They talked about it, I replied saying I heard the
exact same thing about Rag Reynolds. You on the other hand have done nothing but try to discredit this information. I don't know why you have
I can make a good guess why though, but you have. Rag Reynolds has been a moderator for Greg for years, moderating for him on the
Onision forum. Thats related to Greg, so before you start telling people to fuck off maybe take a good look in the mirror.
If you don't believe / like what some people have to say here thats
your problem, but don't go discrediting peoples information telling people it ain't true for no reason.
No. 805959
>>805956Evidence to you is whoever jumps up and down the hardest, waving their arms. Right?
It was covered tons of times that there is no evidence found of this yet because Rag and co. where very clever with it. Which pedophile forum do you know that doesn't cover their tracks?
But you make everybody keep repeating this over and over again, you need to get that last word in yelling how "zomg you guyz theres no evidence" trying to discredit the whole thing right of the bat. For whatever reason, although again I have my very strong suspicions as to why you are doing that,
you fat fuck.
No. 805974
>>805967If this isn't the place for it, then what is? Look at the thread title. Says "
ONISION", Rag was one of his moderator.
If we can't talk about Rag Reynolds here, then we can't talk about anyone else but Greg. So no more talk about Lainey, no more talk about Chris Hansen, no more talk about any of them. Just Greg and Greg alone.
Just out of curiosity who died and made you king of this shithill?
No. 805985
>>805980He claims he was
GROOMED, no joke. Go watch the Hansen interview with Rag Reynolds.
No. 805987
>>805959>Evidence to you is whoever jumps up and down the hardest, waving their arms. Right?No, evidence is something solid, like screen shots. Someone with first hand knowledge (eye witnesses, etc)
>It was covered tons of times that there is no evidence found of this yet because Rag and co. where very clever with it.So, there is no evidence. But we're supposed to believe this because you are "jumping up and down the hardest, waving their arms." Right?
>yelling how "zomg you guyz theres no evidence" trying to discredit the whole thing right of the batYou just admitted there is no evidence yourself.
>Which pedophile forum do you know that doesn't cover their tracks?You claim to be the expert on pedophile forums. Everyone knows you frequent them. I would show tons of evidence of you doing that, but you cover your tracks well. But your pedophilia is well known. (See how stupid you sound?)
No. 805989
>>805987>So, there is no evidence.We only told you this oh what, a 100 times? 200?
>You just admitted there is no evidence yourself. I did not admit shit, its what everybody told you basically, but for some reason you keep spergin' out and repeating the same thing over and over again.
>You claim to be the expert on pedophile forums.I'm not, but Rag is, he ran one.
>(See how stupid you sound?)I can laugh at good comedy, for instance I think you're hilarious. Repetitive and boring, but funny none the less. You remind me of you-know-woof.
No. 806000
File: 1606170914108.png (89.33 KB, 345x1280, 20201121_171209.png)

>>805346I agree 100% - I don't get why KiwiFarms thinks nearly
everyone who goes on to their shitty forums is Onision, and how they can obsessively believe that even the most obvious fake "evidence" is actually legit.
They keep trying to push the narrative that this picture is the evidence when the so-called "Onision profile picture" was obviously photoshopped by someone because it's much thinner than the AntiOnision2 profile pic. The sizes for twitter profile pics are all the same at 400 x 400 pixels and although most of the "Onision profile picture" was cut off, the top part that is shown would at least be equal to the the top/bottom part of AntiOnision2's pic, but it wasn't… because it was added in to start a scandal.
It's just mind-boggling how stupid they are and quite frankly it was more like fanricated by HeatBoss because
coincidentally he's always the first one to immediately report a "sock account" to KiwiFarms the exact second those "socks" appear online.
It's as if he's fabricating this stuff to keep attention on Onision when Onision isn't online or active. He creates all this bait for his own autistic entertainment and they are all stupid enough to fall for it.
No. 806014
>>805944Zero sauce = tinfoil, that's exactly what you have. Hearsay = tinfoil. It's not complicated fren.
No. 806016
>>805923Rag was brought up because 1. there's no new milk obviously and 2. his experiences on the forums along with Regina and Erica/general discussion of Greg's pedo forums.
Also, if Greg thinks the investigation's taking too long he could always ask the LE guy who confirmed it
>>803849 but he won't because he's too much of a pussy and a numbskull to do something so simple.
No. 806018
>>805942>>805941>there's been more than one anon that was around when Rag was a modAnd yet none of them have answered any of this
>>805905 other than by deflecting and saying more of absolutely nothing. That's why they're told fuck off because they say nothing that hasn't already been said a million fucking times.
If you're going to tinfoil and have nothing to substantiate it with, but bring it up repeatedly, you're a sperging retard and you're also breaking the rules.
No. 806021
>>806018who are you trying to fool? we already answered your questions.
you are the one that keeps bringing it up. this is hilarious.
>>806014you need to look up what the difference is between tinfoil and a rumor. this rumor is quite old actually, it stems back from the days when Rag was modding there.
>>806016it was brought up because it was relevant. it didn't need to be repeated a 100.000 times, but that guy keeps asking the same question over and over again as if it means something.
No. 806023
>>806022Like the other anon said here
>>806021 there's a difference between a rumor from mouth-to-mouth and tinfoil. tinfoiling is just speculating autistically, same as you are doing right now trying to discredit the rumor almost in a panic, for days now.
Nobody ever said it was true, it was just what was told and what was heard. the
real 50.000 dollar question here is why are you being so
defensive? Since you like to keep asking the same question why is that? why are you being so defensive? over what i can only assume to be a stranger to you?
thats what I wanna know.
and for the love of fuck read this post, read it again and again, I pretty much answered all your questions for the 15.000th time now.
you are shitting up the thread by asking the same shit time and again.
No. 806024
>>806022how many more times do we need to tell you that there is no evidence? that it was a
R-U-M-O-R, like
>>806023 said no one here ever claimed it was true. Its a RUMOR
R-U-M-O-R A R-U-M-O-R look that word up in the dictionary i'm sure they have that word in Scotland too. No one ever said it was true, again RUMOR. RRUUUUUMOOOOOOR.
I second wanting to know why that aspergers sufferer is so defensive over Raggy Reynolds, of all people.
Usually when people are
THAT defensive they have a pretty good reason too. Like a rumor being true, for example.
No. 806025
>>806022I know I just posted here
>>806024 but I just want to make sure the very heavily autistic person asking the same shit over and over gets it now, that its a
RUMOR, there is
NO EVIDENCE like we told you a 1000 times before.
RUMORThey have that word in Scotland too, right? No. 806029
>>805899Well, it's no wonder that no Youtuber wants their name tied to "onision". You basically instantly damage your image if you do.
And since Greg is so starved for attention, everyone who'd agree to take part would be harassed and sent emails even years after the show, so that Greg can start some drama and make some pity bucks. He's like herpes. If you got in contact with him once, you'll never get rid of him.
No. 806033
>>806000namefagging and lack of sage would indicate you're the same person that was sperging on KF with this same picture.
Please learn how circle diameter works. I don't give a fuck if you are or aren't Greg, but that photo does not prove anything. It's pretty easy to prove the circles are the same size.
No. 806042
File: 1606187512055.jpeg (510.89 KB, 1041x2297, Repzion and the groomer.jpeg)

>>805992>Repzion's GoFundMeOnion's gonna die mad at that. He was emailing Rep about it a few months ago, Rep made a vid showing ss (pic related). For context Greg was trying to get Rep to do a "charity stream" with him. Rep was very amicable and made a lot of good points, while Greg responded with predictably peak 'tism which is why i didn't include most of his brain damaged responses. There's more ss on Rep's video "i trolled onision".
No. 806053
>>806033There's quite a bit of unintegrated faggotry happening
>>805974, >>805985, >>805944, >>805805, >>806024, >>806025. If only it were hellweek.
No. 806057
>>805915Sure but they've never come out and said Lainey/Kai didn't groom her when she was underage. I don't like Regina but I'm not going to shit on her over what Kai did to her or over what happened to her when she was modding Onision's forums
>>805278. Same with Rag who was also a minor when he became a mod.
Whatever Rag may or may not have done, nothing absolves Greg James Jackson/Onision from the fact that those were HIS fucking forums with HIS name on them. For years he approved of letting minors run his forums for him, with few exceptions like Erica. He's forever passing the buck to kids and teens while being the only adult in the room. Any sane, rational adult would be embarrassed if they were him.
No. 806087
File: 1606226446740.jpg (61.59 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>806030yeah i know right? that would be almost as stupid as taking the word from some Scottish Eric Cartman lookalike fat motherfucker.
No. 806090
>>806053>unintegrated faggotry..she said while using the spoiler function wrong..
gg fgt
No. 806093
>>806087..who is a dumbass nutcase that doesn't believe Australia exist, that it is a conspiracy and they make us believe Australia exist. For whatever reason.
Rag Reynolds also has been well known, well documented of being a massive liar and a troll and back in the day defended Greg till his dying cholesterol loaded breath. If you said anything bad about Onision, he would have no trouble doxxing you, trolling you, harassing people you know and pretty much making sure you never did so again.
Before you start: Yes, there are many receipts and there is a lot of evidence of him doing that. There's also evidence of Rag asking Greg personally to letting a known sex offender on his forum.
Video related.
No. 806096
>>806093>a dumbass nutcase that doesn't believe Australia existHow can anyone take you seriously when you think that Rag legitimately thinks Australia doesn't exist? Those videos are clearly attempts at trolling. Anyone with half a brain cell can see that.
>he would have no trouble doxxing you, trolling you, harassing people you knowWhere is your proof of the doxxing and harassing? The guy is clearly a troll, but you're in here showing no receipts of any doxxing or harassment.
>There's also evidence of Rag asking Greg personally to letting a known sex offender on his forumThat video is literally just tinfoil crap. It uses an Encyclopedia Dramatica article as its main source, and there's no evidence that Rag asked for a known sex offender to be let onto the forum. In fact, your video literally shows the opposite. It shows that Rag asked Onision to BAN a known sex offender. This is tinfoil garbage. There's no proof of anything, and you're clogging up this thread with nonsense that debunked on Twitter a year ago.
No. 806101
>>806096>How can anyone take you seriously when you think that Rag legitimately thinks Australia doesn't exist? Those videos are clearly attempts at trolling. Anyone with half a brain cell can see that.So he's a troll and a liar. Thank you for clearing that up.
>Where is your proof of the doxxing and harassing? The guy is clearly a troll, but you're in here showing no receipts of any doxxing or harassment.Literally all over the internet, I suggest you google it.
>That video is literally just tinfoil crap. So you keep asking for receipts and now that people bring those receipts you still try to deny it. Ok.
No. 806107
>>805989>We only told you this oh what, a 100 times? 200?Then stop pretending it's fact. It is just your stupid tinfoil.
>I'm not,Everyone knows you are a pedo. It's common knowledge.
No. 806133
File: 1606257343506.jpg (360.77 KB, 754x928, pedoclown.jpg)

this should do
No. 806134
>>806131Could you do us all a favor and just shut the fuck up and go away?
No. 806141
File: 1606258953103.jpg (64.21 KB, 1116x182, fatreynolds.jpg)

>>806140>>806107his preferred "
trolling method".
No. 806142
File: 1606259140012.png (389.91 KB, 2476x536, Screen Shot 2020-11-24 at 5.59…)

D'you guys think Grug ever cleaned up his vom? My guess is he's been far too busy fighting the haturz incognitus to even do another push up, let alone clean his man-child cave.
No. 806143
File: 1606259150372.jpg (30.49 KB, 1118x103, proofofdoxing.jpg)

Proof of Rag Reynolds doxxing for Greg back in the day, and for himself.
You wanted receipts..
shame how the internet never forgets, innit?
No. 806144
File: 1606259368090.jpg (192.89 KB, 1450x664, ragpedo.jpg)

Interesting how ED mentions tons of times how Rag Reynolds is a pedo and a boylover. Sure you could say thats just ED, but often theres truth to those articles.
No. 806145
File: 1606259955685.jpg (832.96 KB, 1741x2000, ew.jpg)

Rag Reynolds even had his own porn blog, pretty sick shit. I censored it. But not really what you'd expect from a guy who acts so saintly and moral. A guy who dresses like a fat toddler.
I happen to know he put a lot of effort in to burying his past, but thats the problem with the wayback machine. You can remove it all, beg to have your ED page removed too, but there it is.
There it is.
No. 806146
>>806136Jesus you two are retarded. Anon is copying you claiming that you are pedos using the same methods that y’all are. I.e. claiming “everyone knows” and making random claims without evidence and then back peddling and claiming it’s “rumor”.
It’s retard vs retard to the death from boredom for the rest of us.
No. 806148
>>806146Actually so far we've proven without the shadow of a doubt that:
1. People for whatever reason say that Rag was a boylover pedophile back in the day.
>>8061442. Rag doxxed people.
>>8061433. Rag ran a porn weblog.
>>806145What did you do today?
No. 806155
>>806154don't exaggerate. first off it wasn't me that said it, second off i sincerely don't care.
it will be fun to see regina's and shiloh's reaction to that though.
No. 806156
>>806155Yet here you are, caring enough to to post to say you don’t care.
Are you trying to convince us or yourself?
No. 806158
>>806156you'd be again talking about something I don't care about. I don't care if you believe I don't care or not. But I do care about you derailing the thread.
You shouldn't derail the thread. Its a bad thing, mmkay?
No. 806159
>>806148Actually, you've proven nothing.
An ED article calling Rag a pedo when Rag was a literal minor (and with no proof) is mot evidence of any sort of rumour or unspoken secret. As someone who was around back in the forum days, I have never once heard anyone make such a claim about him.
>Rag doxxed peopleAgain, an ED article claiming Rag doxxed someone (again without proof) does not prove that Rag actually doxxed anyone.
>Rag ran a porn weblogWhat is the relevance of this? Again, pretty sure he was a minor and besides that, it's not exactly a crime to reblog porn on Tumble
Dude, you've got to be trolling at this point. I dont even know why I'm responding at this point. You're beyond reason.
Can we just get back to the topic of ONISION??
No. 806161
>>806159ah yes the old traveling back in time to edit an ED page, tumblr, twitter, onisions forum, youtube, rags own forum to falsify evidence.
when will the time machine abuse stop?
hope OP gets busted by TEC cops.
No. 806162
>>806159>I dont even know why I'm responding at this point. You're beyond reason.Feeling is mutual.
>>806160Why you think?
Because he is Rag?>>806161I know right, go on wayback machine yourself and see the evidence is literally overwhelming what a scumbag he is.
No. 806165
>>806158Yes. You care enough to repeatedly tell us you don’t care. But then claim to care about “derailing” the thread but then continue the derailment to say you don’t want to derail.
Surely your intellect is staggering
No. 806169
File: 1606265007102.jpg (67.78 KB, 612x768, ragconfirmedit.jpg)

thank fuck, this argument is over.
rag just confirmed the rumors himself.
now we can move on to talking about Greg again.
No. 806170
>>806169What a smart move. To quote
>>806165 there:
"your intellect is staggering" No. 806174
>>806169He pretty much confirmed two things:
"Its basically the same stuff I covered last year"thus confirming the rumors are there and where there in the past.
"reading some lolcow posts and some dumb guy spreading wild tinfoil conspiracies about me". pretty much confirms that he a. reads here, b. is the same scrote replying here for days now defending himself. same word usage, same tinfoil that its one person.
gg fatty mcfatfat.
thank you for playing the game. No. 806175
>>806174some lolcow posts I was sentThats
exactly what Greg always does. Claim that it was sent to him. What a load of shit.
Rag just got busted harder than he busts open a bag of crisps.
No. 806178
>>806174Yes, he confirmed retardicons are shitting up the Gregma thread with rumors about him. Congratulations, you were bitch slapped by a fat, retarded pedo.
That’s not something to be proud of.
No. 806194
Welp, some troll has big sad hateboner for Rag. It's difficult to talk about Onision's forums without mentioning some of his former mods tho.
>>806057 put it best: those forums belonged to Onision, had his name on them, and he chose to let minors run the place. In the end the responsibility falls on him. He only closed those forums and made the more recent ones 18+ after getting called out. Had he never been exposed I've no doubt he'd still be making vids to this day rating the bodies of 14 year olds in their underwear.
No. 806205
File: 1606290290284.png (51.03 KB, 1024x438, jannies wherefore art thou.png)

>>806182I do hope our godforsaken mods are enjoying their blessed holidays.
No. 806216
>>806178Actually, he confirmed the rumors already existed.
Fatty bitch slapped himself.
No. 806217
>>806194hateboner, you wish. for people to develop a hateboner for you you need to be relevant first.
this is just exposing someone.
No. 806218
>>806205Even though the discussion is absolutely fruitless and annoying, it does have a greater benefit, and therefore I'm happy the mods let it go on for this long.
First of all, Greg always complains about anti-O herd mentality and that every haydur is dumb and believes every rumor while his fans mark the peak of intelligence.
So when Greg's "friends report back to him" what's said on LC he doesn't even have that argument to sperg about anymore. He'll still continue to that, though. lol
Secondly, the Rag spergs basically confirm that Greg's forums were a massive cesspool of people collecting and sharing CP. And if it's been "very well known back in the day" that Rag was really involved in CP (which he then should go to jail for just like anyone else), that also exponentially incriminates Greg.
Just some food for thought.
No. 806220
>>806218It was an important debate and they actually got Rag to confirm what was already known.
A great win imho.
No. 806222
>>806220Using the Trump definition of "win", I see.
Someone pointing out that some retard is spreading a rumor on an anonymous forum is not a "win" by any stretch of the imagination.
No. 806223
>>806222well, i get why
you would try and deny this
No. 806224
>>806218>implying spergs using ED as source material are contributing fuck all to anythingSureJan.jpg. Some retard thinks they're LE or something.
>Greg's forums were a massive cesspool of people collecting and sharing CPThat's been known for at least a year now, where've you been?
Rag isn't the only former mod to confirm what happened in the forums. Every former mod I've listened to have said the same thing, plus we have archived ss from the forum itself adding further corroboration.
No. 806225
>>806224lol be mad fatso
you confirmed it yourself, you fucked up.
No. 806226
>>806224>>806222Predictable as hell that Fat Reynolds would go in full-on damage control today.
Rag is Tamara 2.0.
No. 806228
>>806227I still wonder what "using the wand on Sarah" means, what Greg himself told about in a video.
I never got an explanation on that one.
No. 806229
>>806224>Some retard thinks they're LE or something.Apparently the one that started this tinfoil about Rag literally made a video with RapeStream. Not kidding. 1000 IQ confirmed.
>>806222A troll's been obvious posting all over this thread. If you see it just ignore.
No. 806230
>>806229oh good more autistic tinfoiling. ah yes now its someone working with rapestream news. keep going please, this is great.
what was that again about over 9000 IQ confirmed?
No. 806239
File: 1606314333917.png (347.21 KB, 699x654, pedo profile.png)

>>806231This nasty chomo acted like a father towards her only to turn around and use her the minute she was legal. Poor Sarah didn't know any better.
No. 806243
File: 1606320977436.jpeg (1.01 MB, 898x2117, Rag-Onision Forums1.jpeg)

This is Rag's account of Onision's forums. The 1st vid he linked to in the thread has ss from the forums. No. 806244
File: 1606321052612.jpeg (632.83 KB, 898x1118, Rag-Onision Forums relationshi…)

Pretty sure this "@Username_kno" dude was the same sperg that called themselves "Jesse" on twitter who hung around the anti-o's for awhile before deleting his account. That's archived in the flakes thread.
No. 806245
File: 1606321114827.png (198.08 KB, 898x1046, Rag-Onision Forums Riplie3.png)

Convicted sex offender on the forums, also confirmed by Erica in her interview.
No. 806246
File: 1606321154895.png (284.35 KB, 897x1060, Rag-Onision Forums4.png)

No. 806248
File: 1606321587275.png (783.44 KB, 897x1383, Rag-Onision Forums6.png)

>>806229>tinfoiler literally made a video with RapeStream.yep. The same baseless tinfoil spammed in here was started last year.
I feel bad for Rag and all the kids who frequented those forums. I hope they're doing better.
No. 806249
>>806224Anon, please.
>implying spergs using ED as source material are contributing fuck all to anything>SureJan.jpg. Some retard thinks they're LE or something."the Rag spergs" as in
the people who sperg about Rag.
I'm on
your side. Let me spell that out again: The anons who post tinfoil about Rag incriminate Greg himself even more than Rag and confirm that his (Greg's) forums were pedo-ridden.
No. 806253
>>806239There’s also a couple videos of his where he talks about wrestling with Sarah and Lainey and I guess he did that often with females he had in his house.
Friken weird IMO
No. 806254
>>806243How is anything you just posted relevant though? First of all you tinfoil about "who is doing this to you" and like you yourself always say
where is the evidence of this?Second of all there is no evidence of this supposed woman who groomed you and spread the nude, for all we know she was
your own sock puppet.
Don't get me wrong I think its hilarious that you pretend to be all these people "defending" Rag Reynolds but this proves absolutely nothing at all.
I wonder if Rag's girlfriend is aware of all the things Rag has done, hope no one you know contacts her about it or anything.
No. 806257
>>806246Chasey Lane is a porn actress name, Rag himself ran a porn tumblr
>>806145Back in the day Rag was already the king of sock puppets. I'm sure he made up the woman who groomed him as well as these supposed videos by RSN and co. just to make himself look like the
"I was groomed u guyz uwu" yeah nice try, just too bad the evidence is all over wayback machine.
Anyone wanna investigate for themselves: follow the trail from the ED page in the wayback machine, all the way back to rags own accounts on twitter, tumblr, his own forum and the Onision forums. theres all the evidence you will ever need.
You can't change history, rag, you already confirmed everything yourself
and the evidence is in the wayback machine.
>>806169You can sperge out here and try and "disprove"
all the evidence you like, but you're
done.People can now finally see what kind of man you really are.
No. 806279
>>806262Dear anon, whatever you're going through right now, I hope you'll feel better soon.
I did, however, report the post, since this is the Onision thread.
It's nothing personal and I still wish you the best for the future.
No. 806280
>>806262Well will you look at that.
Fat boy dun got himself doxxed.
No. 806284
>>806223Lol it's so satisfying coming back after Raging Fat Reynolds was shitting up the thread 2 days ago trying to debunk himself being a fat cunt and he's still arguing with several different anons even accusing one of being Greg lmao.
Fuck off Rag and go have a wank over all the nudes you've kept.
No. 806299
>>806243>>806248The thing is, terminal retards don't understand the difference between first hand accounts like Rag's, Regina's etc. (people who were actually there/had direct experiences), and shit written in something like ED that literally anyone can edit. But then you'd have to have an at least average IQ to understand this concept.
Rag showed ss in the hour long vid he made and his story was also corroborated by other users/mods of the forums. They all essentially tell the same story and it's a very sad one to be sure.
No. 806303
>>806279When Rag did his interview with
Hansen a bunch of speds shat up that thread too with if I remember correctly, much of the same mindless chimping. It's funny how angry they are at a dude just telling his story about being victimized in Onision's predator forums. The seething incel rage is palpable.
No. 806304
>>805681>The authorities may be rounding up all the pedophiles linked to the forums before arresting the Grease kingpinThis is a big tinfoil but I think it holds some merit: No one's proven the sheriff was lying about an investigation happening, and in Erica's interview she backed up what Rag said about trying to kick several predators off the forums including one dude (Robert Ripple/Riplie
>>806245) who was a legit convicted sex offender. I'm sure he wasn't the only one either. He has a youtube account he's uploaded to but it's been inactive for like 5 years now.
No. 806308
>>806246lol I remember that name. Who's trying to revive a discredited months old tinfoil?
>Chaisey Lane >>806093, >>806103You're forewarned, comments section is big lulz.
>>806248RapeStream has his own thread.
No. 806309
File: 1606368320058.png (838.72 KB, 1269x4189, so innocent UwU.png)

>>806253There's TONS of weird, questionable shit that happened in that house before Greg took advantage of her, like "dat booty doe" comment for one, ya know, platonic shit. Taking everything into account including the old forums, it paints quite a picture.
I can't remember if the last ss in pic related happened before or after they had sex. Probably after since the very first time was Greg ambushing Sarah with a threesome.
No. 806314
>>806222Interesting that one of the speds who replied to you brought up Tamara. Who would have the exact same spastic,rabid hateboner for both her AND Rag? Big thunk..
>>806133He looks like he's about to have aneurysm here. Hope the cops get to him before that happens. yikes.
No. 806321
>>806304Yeah, and Hillary’s going to jail
No. 806335
File: 1606392087396.jpeg (311.04 KB, 1120x1791, 3A21FC5F-7FE6-40AD-9132-2F9559…)

>>806311There’s this. Someone said Lainey and another ‘female’ came into their work together to order buildabears. It sounds like they do have someone else there these days.
No. 806349
>>806347I know it's been over a week now lol. Who cares if him Erica and Regina corroborate their story after their bullshit Hansen interviews. Regina has been attention whoring and the other
victims have distanced themselves. The fact that any of them modded and respected Greg is suspect enough. Like, no bullshit, but there's something off about a person if they like Onision. It's embarrassing on their part.
Rag defended Greg for years and participated in the various discords and forums. Your fucking Scottish dude you weren't home schooled you went through compulsory education you aren't sheltered fuck off
No. 806356
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>>806303>Rag a victim.Laughed hard at that one.
No. 806358
>>806349>Who cares if him Erica and Regina corroborate their storySure they did, perps in groups always do that. I'm sure each and every (former) Onision forum mod has something to hide.
The history is all there in wayback machine for all to see. Rag Reynolds can try to "disprove" all of it in his boring ass 10 hour long videos all he wants, he can't change history. Many people remember his bullshit.
No. 806359
>>806314oh so now its the same person hating on Tamara who's hating on Rag? Man, these lolcows are grasping at straws. Now its not only the same person hating on just one person, no its one person hating on all of them. That is one busy troll!
Whatever helps you sleep at night, hon.
No. 806460
>>806347>>806356He was groomed along with other minors, exactly. Also
No. 806463
>>806335How recent is this?
>>806369This sounds like the most logical explanation imo. Does this confirm Kainey's still at the swamp shack?
No. 806466
>>806349>there's something off about a person if they like OnisionNo shit. You realize most of the people you're talking about were MINORS when they associated with Onision (and Kai)? Most of them were kids who came from shitty backgrounds and broken homes. Anyone with a functioning brain stem knows that children having terrible judgement isn't a novel concept.
And since you know Regina's and Erica's interviews were "bullshit" do you have any proof of where they lied or are you just bullshitting yourself?
No. 806494
>>806466>show proof they lied about Onision's forumsInb4 another ED link. kek
>>806335Wow some nameless twitterfag who's not even showing their face (or receipts of any kind) is saying they've had direct contact with Kai? Tell me more.
No. 806503
>>806497What potential milk, that person just confirmed Kai is still living with Onion.
>>806460Onision groomed rag now? Thought rag seeked him out, what's his new back story? He was hand selected to moderate because he had a troubled past lmao
No. 806511
>>806460>>806508and yet rag was still moderating gregs forum well in to his adulthood. right up until the point where greg shut down the forums (after blaire's video) and then suddenly, as if by magic, did a complete 180.
cool story, bro
No. 806516
>>806514Why did the mods not report that to the police?
Why did Rag even join the forums in the first place? Why would pedos visit those forums? Where these people fans of Onision's content or did they like the underaged fangirls attention whoring for an older man? Like, get real. The very fact that those forums and many iterations of those forums attract several pedos shows there is a specific reputation surrounding the content posted on that site. What is the reasonable explanation Rag moderated there for years? Was Onision a stand in for a parental figure for him? Or was he just a run of the mill ugly scrote seeking out easy access to girls and trolling? Your girlfriend is too pretty for you fyi, she needs to upgrade.
No. 806522
>>806514You can defend Fag Fat Reynolds here all you like, hell you can do it till the cows come home just realize that it falls on deaf ears here.
People here aren't idiots, unlike Greg-fans and Anti-O's.
No. 806529
>>806520Ah yes, no source more credible than the person who stands accused, trying to deny it. Thats why I believe each and every long ass boring video Greg made against his accusers.
That was sarcasm, in case you missed it.>>806527Ah, the brainlet still thinks its just one person. Lemme guess, its Rape Stream news?
No. 806530
someone's stuck on Rag.>>806520If you don't think any of the former mods who spoke about their first hand experiences in Onision's forums, provided ss backing up what they said and corroborated each other are "believable", that's your deal. The threads last year plenty farmers backed them up but you're welcome to ignore that too.
No. 806534
>>806530Yes why would we not trust people that where first hand involved with Greg, people that where his friends and moderators and only had a complete change of heart after they got kicked out. Its ludicrous.
These are the most viable people in the world, we must believe them on their word.
No. 806540
>>806534>first hand involved with Greg>friends with GregAll you're confirming here is you never watched any mods interviews and are unfamiliar with the threads from last year, but then why would you be when you apparently think all the mods are liars despite supposedly knowing nothing about them or their history.
Clearly you don't know the history of the old forums and Onision rating the bodies of underage girls in their underwear, for which plenty ss exist. Let us know when you get in touch with
>>803849 so we're updated on the investigation he said was ongoing. Cheers.
No. 806541
>>806540You must think people here are as dumb as the Anti-O's and Grift Scamsen.
Where former associates of Greg who are then kicked out are more than welcome, you're a
VICTIM now, congratulations, please by all means tell us your story! And then take that story without a single grain of salt or suspicion.
>Clearly you don't know the history of the old forums and Onision rating the bodies of underage girls in their underwearoh I know more than that, like Rag spreading underage nudes of people, in example.
>apparently think all the mods are liars despite supposedly knowing nothing about them or their history.You just proved your own point wrong there, champ. So we're supposed to take their stories at face value
because we don't know them or their history? I mean all we know is that they where paying greggy poo fans, and that they moderated for him.
So you come in here, for days now, riding in like some sort of pedophile matinee cowboy guns blazing, telling us to believe these people. Why? Should we trust your smile or something? I'm confused whats the story here.
So because YOU, another complete stranger, is telling us to believe these former greg paying fan mods stories, we are supposed to believe them because YOU, anon, are completely legit and somehow DO know their entire history?
Ok, that makes a lot of sense. How stupid of me.
No. 806571
>>806568I'd rather have a pumpkin ball fired violently up my pussy if its all the same with you.
Greg's onlyfans makes me about as moist as the Sahara desert.
No. 806578
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>>806463>How recent is this?The build a bear workers tweet was on Nov 22. Could it have been Lainey and her sister? I can understand someone seeing Lainey and her sister together and not thinking they're related. They look totally different. Ive noticed that the mother and sis visit close to holidays. Her sister has twice put photos on her IG showing their backyard swamp and saying something like "I wish I could live here." last Christmas and some other previous holiday. That fake-boi Jess or that older blonde that someone else mentioned they saw in a tattoo video are the only other females I can think of that might be candidates. Unless Lainey and Greg were able to trick another teen into the house.
No. 806599
File: 1606523157759.png (7.78 MB, 3739x4072, ew.png)

>>806238>>806231>>806577Yeah he sure gave very
DISGUSTING longing glances to his "foster" child future "rapist" didn't he?
No. 806601
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>>806599I said it once before but this was Greg's happiest time in his entire life. When he had Billie and Sarah with him. He'd cosy up under the blankets while Billie gave him secret handjobs, he'd have Sarah to insult and as future prospect third, and Lainey to boss around. It must have been like a cult to him, I bet he was fantasizing about having even more women there.
that sick fuck warren jeffs junior No. 806608
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>>806607Oh my God I love it when they come here with autistic conspiracies. So now its not Rape Stream news anymore but this Donald Duck guy?
No. 806610
>>806607>>806608You have to wonder what the endgame is with autistic tinfoils. Lolcows do it all the time, they come here and just sort of play the name-game like they're John Edward, all the while not realizing that they're just a lolcow and yes this is what people are saying about them. Even if it somehow is magically one person doing it, do you really think that calling them out here will have them admit to it? No they won't, this isn't a fairy-tale and they aren't like Rumpelstiltskin trolling you.
I'd just like to say yes Rag Reynolds, this many people hate you, and are on to you. Now you just need to deal. I'm sure they have therapists in Scotland.
So just sit there and take it up the kilt, fat buddy.
No. 806612
>>806608k.>>806497Who tf would even treat this
>>806335 like milk? It's literally some random faggot wearing a mask talking about build a bear. Lemme know when they get pics with Kai in the swamp shack and post it.
No. 806616
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>>806599>his "foster" child future "rapist"kek.
No. 806622
>>806610Yes everyone that disagrees with you is a lolcow or the guy you have a hard on for
reeeee. There there anon, you're going to be ok.
>>806496 No. 806663
File: 1606586940639.jpg (Spoiler Image,128.95 KB, 720x1349, 20201128_120602.jpg)

Speculation that Grease got some badly done cheap veneers on his teeth. His smile has been creepier than ever past 2 weeks. He can't contain his ever drooping forehead though. Kek
No. 806668
>>806667He photoshopped his hair colour Wtf you on about, this photo has obvious photoshop all over it. He's done a few teeth ones the past week, one photo the teeth looked identical to Tom Cruise's. Also isn't it an outdated meme to have the fake teeth filter? Since Greg can't fuck a new girl and no one gives a shit about his onlyfans he needs to generate interest somewhere.
Also learn to sage
No. 806683
File: 1606596518653.jpg (49.95 KB, 750x562, ken.jpg)

>>806679In a few years when Greg hits that big 40 we will know which side of him will win, will it be his narcissistic self or his pussy side influenced by his new age dishrag whore of a mother?
I sincerely hope he will go for surgery, it would be grant.
Image source: No. 806688
File: 1606600632252.jpg (650.5 KB, 1848x848, speaks4itself.jpg)

all I did with this was surround what he posted in the middle with 4 screenshots of his own posts. One screenshot bottom left was posted on Reddit, hence the one irony comment from someone else, it was funny so i left it in.
Other than that: I didn't edit a god damn thing.
as you will probably notice the irony is overwhelming, please be careful, don't o.d. on it.
I love it when Greg contradicts himself, but I don't need to tell anyone here he does that often.
No. 806689
File: 1606600992111.jpg (70.74 KB, 408x828, ugly_gugling.jpg)

dunno if true or flexing
No. 806692
>>806688notice how his profile picture on the bottom left is the exact same profile picture as on the far right. only with glasses and a beard photoshopped on them. apparently greg thinks thats like his very best picture like ever.
he's such a fucking narcissist.
No. 806698
>>806688Kai's IQ 136
Greg's IQ 129
Lmao. Delusion at it's finest.
No. 806718
>>806601he is like a poison. everyone around him becomes uglier, dirtier almost.
billie always had her hair done up with extensions/makeup, flamboyant e-girl outfits, etc, but looked like a slob when she was around him. no extensions, makeup, sweats.
probably because he told her that he preferred the "natural look" lol same with shiloh
No. 806757
>>806663>>806672You're both wrong, they're
dentures>>806684More knowledgeable anons have said they recognized he's had botox and shit like that. He's rearranged his face more than he's changed his name.
No. 806764
File: 1606667745320.webm (2.76 MB, 480x480, manipulation.webm)
He's uploading old "rate my body" videos on his Speaks channel for some reason. There was also one that I had never seen. Im guessing it was right after the Kombucha/fake meltdown. His cro-mag brow is fucking crazy in this clip. He literally looks like the Geico Caveman.
No. 806772
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This sounds like something Heezy or Fat-Trisha would do when they were mods. But if Im not mistaken both of those psychos are persona non grata in the Onionsphere.
Whos mod in Onisions discord now? Lucidia went radio silent and deleted her Twitter which I took as her tucking tail and leaving, realizing she fucked up trying to sidle up to Greg. Did McRetard finally drop the "shy innocent" façade and is kicking all the females out so she has Onisions misshapen dick all to herself?
No. 806778
File: 1606686542891.png (56.55 KB, 307x290, queen bee mcfly.PNG)

>>806774Had to sneak a peek at the discord to see whos still around and maybe hear him crying about TikTok. The "queen bee"
>>806772 thing was quite literal. McFly seems to be the one banning any other women from the discord. The only players were Onision, McFly, two guys (one that reminded me of Sylar with that annoying lisp) and a British woman who sounded like she was either drunk, on heavy meds or just really, really sad. She kept professing her love to Onision, complimenting his drawing skills and got awkward silence in return. Gone are the days of hearing a hoard of giggling teenage girls laughing at every cringey sex joke Greg made. All that I heard was McRetards loud guffaw.
No. 806779
File: 1606686635184.jpg (24.55 KB, 496x244, not_relatable.jpg)

>>806774..over posting a MEME from 9 million years ago, Ugandan knuckles. He's also still spergin' and cooming over heath ledgers joker.
I love how completely un-relatable to kids he now is and how much fail he is these days.
he should just an hero.
>>806778great, so the three remaining pay piggies he does have are banning each other. i'd say keep up the good work.
No. 806793
>>806764Fucking disgusting hideous creature (inside and out). I said it before and I will say it again, I will never understand how someone could ever find him attractive, and much less let him destroy their life. Footface must have the lowest standards on earth.
>He's uploading old "rate my body" videos on his Speaks channel for some reason.He's trying to stir controversy to gain 15 seconds of attention again. He's really desperate.
No. 806804
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>>806799I actually enjoyed Not-Rag frantically trying to convince everyone he's not a creepy pedo. No one was swayed but it was fun to watch.