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No. 1214080
Ruby Mae and Maeve Ethridge are two wannabe edgy/creepy instagram/tiktok/twitch celebrities.
> the walmart version of matieresfecales sans any contracts, fashion design, originality and/or general success (aka just fucking gross and cringy)> Clearly want to be the next creepychans> Seem a bit mentally unhinged, definitely want to come off that way> Codependency through the roof> Live in general squalor, act like it's "aesthetic" and not just disgusting> example: Ruby pissed on Maeve's floor and uploaded maeve's video of it to her own instagram highlights like it's a funny normal thing to do> Maeve is a ballet dancer, used to post mainly dancing clips and pictures of her rehearsing alone, in class or with friends (before ca 2019-2020) but in the past year or two, has posted about one or two dance videos total (not included: her jumping up and down or squirming with FREINDS to shitty music)> Maeve is apparently also an artist trying real hard to be gorecore> Ruby meanwhile seems to have no personality outside trying to be edgy on the internet> Maeve generally seems like she was decently normal (for an AESTHETIC girl) before she got together with Ruby> Ruby also posts a lot of pictures and videos of Maeve in sexual positions, naked or mostly naked, tied up in bondage, sometimes locks her up in a dog cage etc (fun fact: maeve turned 18 thirteen days ago)Past potentially milky events:
> Alluded to doing meth in a tiktok comment (someone claiming to be Maeve on Reddit said "I've had some I guess pretty intense mental health stuff but I'm not on drugs and I'm perfectly safe" as well as denied the rumour that Ruby allegedly raped someone, saying "I know it firsthand")
> Ruby cut her name into Maeve's thigh
> Went on an instalive where they talked about not liking obese people, some quotes: > Ruby: "We don't think we're better than anyone, but I think I'm better than an obese person. I look better than all obese people."> Maeve: "I really hate my body so much, so I feel like I can make fun of fat people because of that"> Got put on blast for FATSHAMING, Ruby deleted her tiktok and Maeve also deleted, but is now back with a different username> After this (summary from >>>/pt/817311 ), "Maeve decided to post her anachan body check on her personal after saying that people were just jealous of her body and mad she has a better body than them. then edited the caption to basically just “stop calling me obese you hypocrites.”" (This IG account is now private)
> (The following is summarised by anon bc it was an insta-live and afaik not saved anywhere)> thread pic is from an insta live about them going off their meds, summary from >>>/pt/810992 : "Both went on insta live talking about going off their meds because they “like being under the water” and want “each other to be one person again”. It seems Ruby is manipulating Maeve. Maeve had a mental break down on live while Ruby says nothing and just stares at her friend dripping snot and rubbing makeup all over her face. After 2 minutes of them staring at each other, Ruby says they both should go off their meds. Maeve starts blubbering some more while followers encourage her not to. Ruby gets pissed and tells Maeve that no one understands them and that they are “two bodies inside one person”. Maeve then starts throwing out some of her medication while Ruby smiles on."A lot of the shit they've done has gone down in the last two weeks, so hopefully there's more milk to come.
Social media links
Link to the "fatshaming" clip, saved on some randos tiktok: MAE
Public instagram: instagram:
Public Instagram: Instagram:
Youtube: (allegedly): weird "internet jail" probably-a-joke thing I can't make sense of called "internet lockdown" ft. maeve, someone who looks like ruby and some normal-looking girl named sydney. included bc it's got maeve's last name and
who the fuck is sydney: try to post all relevant screencaps asap, but due to flood limit it might take a while, so here's an imgur album in the meantime.
NSFW warning): No. 1214081
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Ruby pissing on maeve's floor
No. 1214082
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ruby being a general redneck
No. 1214083
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ruby being a redneck pt. 2
No. 1214084
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ruby being pissed that her softcore lesbo porn ft. at least one minor gets reported and deleted off instagram
No. 1214085
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Posted by ruby on Maeve's 18th birthday, full caption:
It’s 18 today and this is very underrated photo that I need everyone to pay attention to and then you may swipe to see the train tracks and the free tay k and that one stupid tiktok anyways I love you very much it’s you and me forever and I can never not see you looking back at me wherever I look and you’re always talking to me I hear you I hear you I FUCKING HEAR YOU CAN YOU HEAR ME I know you can. We always are one thing two things buy one get one free happy birthday little tiny girl always inside the sun and always in my closet whispering things. I love you always and you are everything all around dust flying around our heads every time we sit and look and your face turns into my face and the whole room is a white tv with only your eyes right in the middle and then I can’t hear anything but what youre thinking right then and I don’t know how to make it stop but I don’t have to because everything is fine because I know the other one sees it too and that’s all I have to have for the rest of my life. As long as the other one knows about it then there’s absolutely nothing left to know about and it’s all laid out right there. Sit. Wait. Comes together big round circle. We sit on curb and look at those pink curtains in the top of that trailer and have a cigarette as a treat and say nothing but hear everything and then we get up and go back. All there ever has to be we can sit and suck it up and get used to it because maybe there can be nice things without the awful fucking flesh hanging off of your walls in your hole basement. There doesn’t ever have to be another hole unless we want one and then we can dig one real nice for us. Anything we ever want is all there like a little town map of truck and going around little tasks. I think it’s what we were looking down at when we were sitting on the bathtub like that. We didn’t know it or see it but now its there everything is for us. We have everything we’ve ever wanted and I love you so fucking much
No. 1214086
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Maeve living in general squalor 1/2 (sexy dog cage in the background)
No. 1214087
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Maeve living in general squalor 2/2
No. 1214088
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Maeve in 2018
No. 1214091
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Maeve in 2019
No. 1214093
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Maeve 5 days ago
No. 1214094
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Ruby's name cut into Maeve's thigh
No. 1214095
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The pic ruby uploaded after the whole "fatshaming" debacle on her now-private instagram, allegedly the caption is now different
No. 1214096
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that "internet jail" ig page with maeve's full name (she's tagged in the photo and googling her name brings up dancing credits)
I'm curious to see if other people think it's ruby to the left, and also why the fuck this sydney person is there (the usernames on her pieces of paper lead to error pages)
No. 1214213
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Maeve appears to be schizophrenic
No. 1214216
>>1214213appears to be schizophrenic or
wants to appear to be schizophrenic is the million dollar question. isn't schizo the great-grandfather of mental illnesses creepy/gorethots always wish they had?
besides, if you truly believe the world is out to get you and gaslight you into thinking it's not real, would you post about it on a public instagram and leave it up for 20 weeks? lol
No. 1214222
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>>1214221Same fag/new fag. I forgot to post the screenshots.
No. 1214244
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Found some receipts of Ruby’s supposed stalker. They accused her of being a rapist. Apparently the account was made by some guy named Lenny not sure how they are affiliated.
No. 1214316
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I found Maeve’s depop account. She only has a few items listed but they aren’t her typical prostitution squatter aesthetic which is interesting.
No. 1214362
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>>1214316>>1214244Are we just going to ignore these two grimy crack whores grinding around in a dirty ass puddle. Video is up on Maeve’s Instagram and Ruby is tagged in several other versions. Probably a nitpick but I love how everyone is cheering for Maeve leaving Ruby out kek
No. 1214444
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i do wanna say warning: on maeve's account like ruby's there is in gen some soft core porn CP. beware if you lurk along with a video of her from behind p much.
(inb4 imageboard i know but not going to put the exact images)
No. 1214513
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>>1214080im confused what age are these people? their aesthetics are so disconnected i hate it, nothing about them is pleasant or coherent in anyway. they'll be boring normies in 2 years i bet.
they're so tryhard and retarded it's going to be fun to watch. thanks for the thread anon!
No. 1214527
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>>1214444New fag but Ruby posted nudes of both her and Maeve when she was 16-17 and is obviously grooming Maeve. Also Maeve went on live yesterday and ranted about her friend Olivia telling her that Ruby is a awful person and is manipulating her. Maeve just brushes it off and calls her jealous. I looked at Instagram older posts and there is a blue haired girl named Olivia but they both unfollowed each other. Also in the live Maeve talked about being in a open sexual relationship with Ruby however Ruby is dating Maeve’s ex bf Jonah (pic attached) and is “collecting people while she’s young because she’ll have Maeve forever”. I screen recorded the live and if there’s a site I can upload these clips anonymously let me know and I will.
No. 1214533
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>>1214080Samefag! I did some digging on this Sydney person on the internetlockdown account and both her and Maeve are just ballet friends. They went to the same school and were in a Christmas show together.
No. 1214542
>>1214088>>1214093God that's bleak.
>>1214513I fully expect this to go the Nika/Jaelle route and then the whole lot of them ending up like Luna tbh. None of these girls have the ability to shake the drugs once they start them for the ~aesthetic~.
No. 1214544
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Why are these grown ass men hanging around literal children? This is predatory shit! At the time these were taken Maeve was 17. Not to mention Ruby follows some cracked out pedo named Spike and has story highlights on her instagram.
No. 1214547
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>>1214544This picture makes me nauseous. It’s sad seeing how Maeve used to have normal friends and now she’s hanging around men 5x her age who are obviously grooming her. I just want to know where the fuck her mother is? There’s no way she’s fucking clueless in this mess.
No. 1214586
>>1214527ohhhhhhh my god this is all so sloppy and they're not even 21+ yet
absolutely fucking wild
No. 1214589
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>>1214583They look like/remind me of that "I Feel Fantastic" video that used to be popular on "Deep Youtube."
No. 1214595
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>>1214527you can literally see maeve's whole bare chest in this video… i'm not about to screen cap her bare chest but you can see from this screenie that she's topless.
No. 1214602
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>>1214586 Maeve also went on a insta live with one of her friends and talked about wishing she was a virgin and said she was going to be a “born again virgin”. On the same live she admitted to having sex with over 20 people (idk if this is true or satire). On her tik tok she has a video of her violently hitting herself, and saying “she wants to be a virgin forever”. Something obviously traumatic happened to this girl and Ruby is taking advantage of her and exposing her to predators and involving her in previous sexual encounters some examples Ruby posting nudes of them when they are both underage, in bondage, and walking around in public while wearing lingerie.>>1214588I know exactly what video you’re talking about anon. Ruby uploads grossly weird bondage videos of her and Maeve both tied to each other and squirming around on Maeve’s nasty bedroom floor. Can you image being Maeve’s sister and walking downstairs to see your sister tied to her friend and squirming all over the floor.
No. 1214605
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This shit is fucking vulgar! Comparing her old content of when Maeve was first posting pictures of her friends and dancing compared to now is terrifying.
No. 1214606
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Ruby and Maeve are live on Instagram. Maybe potential milk.
No. 1214629
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>>1214606At the beginning of the live Maeve asks Ruby what she should do with her bangs to make her not have “dyke face” and Ruby tries to pretend she doesn’t know what Maeve it talking about. Maeve says that they “used to talk about people having dyke face all the time”. Ruby keeps pretending she has no idea what Maeve is talking about which makes Maeve confused. Maybe Ruby is aware she has her own thread here and is trying to not have a controversy? Idk why she’s so scared of being cancelled for calling someone dykeface when they both been in a sexual relationship before KEK!
(Idk what happened after because I got bored and left)
I came back to Ruby and Maeve telling their followers to ask them questions and someone asked how long they’ve been friends for and Ruby said they’ve been friends for a year and a half. Which is very disconcerting that they’re so attached to the hip in such a short timeframe. They also met at a mutual friends place. Another follower asked what their favorite food was and Maeve stares wide eyed into the camera and just doesn’t answer. Ruby asks Maeve what her favorite food several times which Maeve gets upset and says “she doesn’t sit in the pantry all day”. So basically Maeve is anachan confirmed.
No. 1214635
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Saw another anon talking about Ruby’s torture/rape fetish and went to investigate and oh did they fucking deliver.
If the link doesn’t work it’s an IGTV on slutcasino. No. 1214638
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>>1214629Bullshit she “doesn’t sit in a pantry” . That’s all she used to do by the looks of this. KEK she thinks she’s better than fatties when she used to be a fucking fatty.
No. 1214647
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>>1214639Because Instagram doesn’t give a rat’s ass if users straight up post snuff films.
>>1214635There’s a story highlight of Ruby pulling a fucking knife on Maeve and choking her. Ruby may have a abuse and/or humiliation fetish. She likes to dominant Maeve and intimidate her. Every other post is her depicting her in a violent light as she overpowers Maeve. There’s another video on Ruby’s Instagram of both her and Maeve running through the woods in their fucking bra and underwear. watched the ASMR video of Ruby fucking smacking the freckles off Maeve which is another example of Ruby’s humiliation and abuse fetish. Also Ruby has her bare chest on display in one of her YouTube thumbnails. I didn’t watch it because I’m not about to be put on an fbi watchlist. But I did reported it.
No. 1214653
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The big one looks like Courtney Love. Are they both teenagers?
No. 1214679
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>>1214647Theres a lot animal abuse,gore and pedo accounts on instagram. But they only ban someone when they say bad words
No. 1214687
>>1214685Crush videos? Of animals being harmed and killed?
Violence and gore, and even porn are agains their rules yet they just look the other way, they know that kind of grotesque shit brings more users to the site, and then they can ban anyone using a bad word as a form of empty virtue signalling. Hate them. Twitter is even worse.
No. 1214689
>>1214687Yes. even fucking 8CHAN, know this agaisnt the law.
Remember that Twitter refused to take down widely shared pornographic images and videos of a teenage sex trafficking
victim because an investigation “didn’t find a violation” of the company’s “policies,"???
No. 1214696
>>1214689I never heard about that, but I’m not surprised,
Facebook is also currently being sued for facilitating sex trafficking.
Not posting an image bc it’s unrelated to the thread. No. 1214856
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>>1214629>Maybe Ruby is aware she has her own thread hereWhen she was originally posted to thread requests many anons accused the op of being a selfpost, so it's likely.
How long till we see Ruby active in this thread using it to further humiliate and control Maeve tho?
>>1214638 No. 1214917
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>>1214655Maeve’s mother follows her on Instagram so she’s well aware of what her daughter posts. Also her mother frequently tags her in pictures so you can imagine the reaction of her coworkers or family friends who decide to follow Maeve. Maeve’s mother is also aware that Maeve posts nudities, torture/abuse/rape snuff films, just overall junkie behavior, also walking around in public like a prostitute. I guess that type of shit is socially acceptable when you’re from Portland Oregon.
>>1214544 Also her mother allows her daughter hangout with men we’ll into their 50’s (at the time Maeve was 16-17).
No. 1214923
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Ya’ll need to learn how to fucking sage
>>1214638Also found this on Maeve’s account with her middle finger down her throat. It’s clear that she has an eating disorder since she went from a heifer to a rail. Also just ballet doesn’t do that to you. As Maeve said she was doing ballet since she was little.
No. 1214930
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>>1214831are you blind? maeve looks like a fucking troll doll, bad hair and dressing in rags doesn't help either.
No. 1214934
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I don’t know how people live in pig styes. It’s not that hard to clean your fucking room Ruby. It’s not like you have anything to do all day other than make torture porn and take nudes. Also Ruby has a mannequin that probably serves as her sex/torture buddy when Maeve’s not around. The mannequin has more personality than both the psychosis twins combined.
No. 1214944
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New fag but went into Ruby’s insta highlights and saw this monstrosity. Also a previous anon mentioned that Ruby’s current scrawny and grimy boyfriend used to date Maeve KEK!
No. 1214958
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>>1214687>>1214728Maeve has a history of abusing/neglecting her cats. She told Ruby on insta live yesterday that she threw one of her big stripper heels at one of her cats for pissing on her bedroom floor. The cat is probably being abused or trying to mark it’s territory since they live in a crackhouse and it doesn’t have it’s own space. Also Maeve let smelly grimy ass Ruby to piss all over her floor without pelting with her fugly stripper heels? I used to feel bad for Maeve but animal abuse is fucking disgusting and she’s just as bad as Ruby. Look at her dirty fucking crackhouse room that she has her cats locked in for hours.
No. 1214967
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>>1214958Same fag, here’s another photo of Maeve’s piss riddled room for reference. Love how Maeve acts like she has all these valuable and precious dresses but everything is thrown all over the fucking room to get stained and absorb both human and cat piss fumes.
No. 1215025
>>1214930Nta, but in comparison to Ruby, that anon is right. Maeve at least used to be cute in a few of the pre-Ruby pics as a teen.
>>1214967Maeve gives me baby Luna vibes tbh. But with more mental illness and instead of Lurch, she's got Ruby's psychotic ass. Not sure which is worse. Wonder what drugs these two are on and how long before they end up on the heavier shit.
No. 1215027
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>>1215025It can’t get any worse from this anon.
No. 1215132
>>1215083well either way, they're teenagers
really explains the edge
No. 1215162
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Tried to report Slutcasino and instagram is a load of shit. I reported Ruby not even 20 minutes ago and just got this. Do they not see the rape fantasy videos or nudity?(cowtipping)
No. 1215193
>>1215162I think if you go through Facebook and getting through to any kind of email, or emailing the help center directly, you’re at least able to deal with a live person and have a record that they failed to do anything. There are organizations that help with child exploitation, it’s worth googling and I’ll have a look myself. You can also call the police in her area, or notify a social work group nearby.
>>1215148Then call the cops on her mother instead of acting just like her by contributing to their abuse and the permanent record of their exploitation online. Whoever wrote those rules doesn’t own you or have the power to make you complicit in literal child abuse. Even if they weren’t children they’re very obviously not coherent and have been groomed, and you all know that because between your own bullshit fat shaming is a record of their drug abuse and sexual abuse. Just say you don’t give a shit about other women and stop trying to say this is “to help” or “they deserve it” while recreating the environment that made children think acting like this is ok.
No. 1215197
>>1215193>>1215158I get what you’re saying anon but understand this, both Maeve and Ruby have a history of doing horrible shit. We can sit here and debate how old Ruby is all damn day. But first of all that’s get this straight no one on this thread is posting nudes of them. 2. Maeve isn’t a minor she’s 18. 3. Maeve and Ruby are horrible people. Maeve beats and neglects her cats. And even locks them in her bedroom where they piss on the floor. 3. There’s videos of Ruby punching and smacking Maeve and mentally/emotionally abusing her. 4. Both her and Maeve are fatphobic and went on insta live body checking while saying they’d rather kill themselves than be fat and that they are better than fat people in general. 5. Ruby and Maeve went on tik tok making fun of trans/gay people. As well as calling people “dykeface” on Instagram live. (Yes I know this is lolcow and not twitter, but these are just a few examples that these two are not helpless or innocent). 6. Someone on Instagram as well as someone on reddit posted several weeks before this thread was made and told redditors that Ruby has a history of being a horrible/
abusive person and was accused of RAPING someone. This person claimed to know Ruby personally and said that Ruby is banned from going to underground parties because of her reputation (when you check Ruby’s/Maeve’s accounts they used to post about going to parties but not anymore). I don’t know where you stand on rape anon but Ruby isn’t a person to be sympathized with. Especially when two people come out saying she fucking raped someone.
No. 1215321
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Maeve posted on her instagram that her parents walked in while she did meth and fucking spray painted half her face. How did she manage to explain to her parents what was going on with aerosol fumes radiating her bedroom all while she was twitching and spazzing out in the process.
No. 1215325
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>>1215321Same fag! Also when Maeve isn’t doing meth or spray painting her face she enjoys jabbing big ass needles into herself.
No. 1215328
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>>1215325 The aftermath of the needles being removed. So uh gore/blood warning I guess kek!
No. 1215332
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>>1215321Maeve the Methhead confirmed!
No. 1215370
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Maeve fantasizing about becoming the next Ted Bundy.
No. 1215442
>>1215430Full of them because linking to cp is somehow perfectly fine and not the same thing as posting it, as if men don’t frequently lurk, that’s not how the men who raped them found them, surely Instagram will take it down, and once it’s off social media all problems are solved! so people here can debate who is the fatter and uglier child, because “they deserve it”, while one beats and sexually abuses the other, mirroring the torture porn they were exposed to as children, which they were mere weeks ago. They’re high on meth and not taking medication, so they can’t consent even if they weren’t children in all of this sexual content, and somehow it’s being posted to a female based gossip forum… hmm…
No. 1215469
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>>1215442>>1215451New fag. But how are other ppl on here that are same age as these two are allowed to be dragged for mental illness, drugs, weight and all, but these two are an exception? The rules state “Do not make threads on subjects under the age of 16”. I re-read this thread several times and I don’t see where anons linked cp. The person who created the thread did linked Instagram accounts and YouTube channels but that’s it. The one ginger girl is 18 and I’m not sure about the blonde as I can’t find any confirmation about her age just what other anons said. Also the blonde girl has several people accusing her of raping someone.
No. 1215548
Is there anymore info on the rape allegations besides this?
>>1215469 I don't think it is impossible but tbh no matter how edgy a 17 year old girl is I kinda have a hard time believing she's out there raping multiple people.
No. 1215551
>>1215548Ruby didn’t rape multiple people. Two people (one on reddit and another on Instagram) said Ruby raped one of her exes.
>>1214244Screenshot of someone on insta claiming that Ruby is a rapist.
No. 1215557
>>1215552No problem anon! And although these two are idiots, I don’t think they would spread rape rumors of themselves. Especially if it means being outcasted by friends and shadowbanned from parties. It could be a vengeful ex or it could just be Ruby is a sick fuck. We’ll just have to wait and see.
Also maybe tin-foiling here but there’s a mention of some girl named Olivia warning Maeve about Ruby. She could well be the person on reddit accusing and/or exposing Ruby of rape? But it’s just a hunch.
>>1214527 No. 1215563
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>>1215552>>1215557This Olivia person exists and used to be friends with Maeve. Confirmed by old pics on Maeve’s Instagram account and a hand written list. Not sure if she is the reddit user tho.
No. 1215564
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>>1215563Also found some weird torture/murder poetry about Jesus??
No. 1215790
File: 1619288861302.jpeg (373.09 KB, 750x1108, 0335B91A-DB8E-4B82-8BBA-8A5AAD…)

>>1214081Is this the same fucking piss stain Ruby left and they just never cleaned it up?
No. 1215922
>>1215886Seriously and who tf wants to look at shit like
>>1215027>>1215539Telling someone to die over a few comments because you want to make fun of a high schooler you think you’re morally superior to is hilarious, finally a good joke. You clearly know you’re wrong otherwise you wouldn’t jump to calling me a cunt. If you’re old enough to use zoomer as an insult you shouldn’t be posting children, you’re the one who needs to calm down and grow up.
File: 1619325804743.png (3.99 MB, 750x1334, 8F80A821-B05B-4836-B962-90901F…)

>>1215886>>1215922No one is fucking posting cp you dumbass. What are you babbling on about? Also which one of ya’ll fucking cowtipped to Ruby?
No. 1216096
>>1216073>>1216077Again. Anons were calling selfpost early on.
>>1214856 Are we really shocked Ruby knows of this thread? kek
No. 1216114
>>1215922>>121588617 is old enough to sexually assault an adult, which is what she did.
Body checks are not cp no matter how many mental gymnastics you perform. You’re a fucking retard, cunt and you should kill yourself for trying to make us feel guilty to reposting public information. Idc if you’re a pweciousss innocent lil high schooler you are like 2 or 3 years younger than me and I don’t give a shit I don’t owe it to you to coddle your tetarded behaviour and I don’t owe it to ruby either. Cry to your mother or school nurse bitch.
No. 1216121
I’m sick of this thread being spammed by the same fucking retard over and over again. Fucking ban them already for derailing, cowtipping and spamming. Holy fuck!
>>1215922 Ruby isn’t in highschool you asshat and there’s no cp here, as others have pointed it out to you several fucking times. Again anyone can have a thread about them as long as they’re 16+. Do everyone a favor and slit your wrists you absolute waste of space.
No. 1216128
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Anyway peep Maeve getting all suicidal over a damn drawing. As if some rando would waste their time/energy drawing her ugly freckled mug. She probably drew it herself and posted it so her followers tell her how skinny she is.
No. 1216635
>>1214081>>1214084it was mentioned that this was maeve's bedroom but it looks like a kitchen imo? like there appears to be a kitchen sink and a microwave and a refrigerator on the left, and i've never seen a counter like that in a bedroom before. idk, what do you guys think? there are also all those cleaning supplies on the counter in the first pic. i'm very curious about the layout of this house bc it seems like a studio just based on the pictures i've seen but she lives with her mom and lets her girlfriend piss on her floor so like… what's up with that lmao
also jfc where did these moralfag anons come from? we roasted tf out of abby brown and she was just legitimately mentally ill, the worst she did was being cringe and dropping the gamer word but she had hella threads. we have ongoing threads just clowning on girls with eating disorders for being assholes, do you think we should get rid of those threads too? they post underage bodychecks all the time and treat people like shit, just like these girls, so why aren't you sperging about those threads the same way? everyone with a thread here has done something egregious enough to warrant talking about. i don't know why y'all are here, the whole point is to make fun of people doing cringy/shitty things and if you've convinced yourself otherwise i cannot fathom what your endgame is here. it feels like when the twitterfags came to the onision thread and started sperging out acting like they were familiar with chan culture except it was so obvious that they weren't integrating at all. i imagine the same sort of people who think that telling someone to drink bleach is anything other than an ancient meme lmao
No. 1218059
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Lol whatever you say Maeve.
No. 1218419
>>1218059baby teeth i hope…. (i hope)
>>1216635anons up thread mentioned that her dad bought a huge ass house so i always thoguht it was like a finished basement w/ a kitchen that they just exiled her to so she wouldnt ruin the whole house lol
No. 1219813
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I can see why she was banished to the basement. Just imagine the smell lol.
No. 1219819
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>>1219813(Same fag)
How are her parents allowing her to destroy the house? There’s no way they’re not aware of her graffitiing up the walls and ceiling.
No. 1220154
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>>1219819I’ll never understand why people intentionally damage/ruin their own stuff. Graffiti can be painted over. However, the carpet has been through some shit. (Besides all the urine who knows what other mystery stains have been absorbed into it)
No. 1220263
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seems like maeve got kicked out of school. any milk on why?
No. 1221330
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This post reeks of attention whoring. I can’t tell if Ruby is actually mentally ill or just trying to come off as 4dgy.
>>1221283Also what were the cowtippers saying anon? I wonder if Ruby will now stalk this thread. Hell she’ll probably love the extra attention.
No. 1221346
File: 1619917263872.png (10.5 MB, 1242x2208, B1597612-8910-4185-AAFF-FA46E2…)

She's live again crying, saying she can't handle people gossiping about her
No. 1221369
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>>1221365Jonah learn how to fucking sage. Also go tell your narcissistic attention whore girlfriend to get off live and go see a therapist.
No. 1221482
>>1221369god this whole "we have ScHIzO UwQ" schtick is the cringiest thing i have ever seen in my whole life. imagine building an online persona around pretending and wishing you had a mental illness that would entirely alienate you from all of humanity if it was truly untreated.
it's so fucking disgusting. larping having a mental disorder because of an aesthetic. cunts.
No. 1221496
>>1221494Right. Because talking about your eyes wanting to eat things is impossible for someone who's not diagnosed to say.
The words just cannot form without a diagnosis. I can't believe I even managed to type it up in the previous sentence. Wow. Maybe I'm schizo too? How very dare you bully me, a schizo.
Besides, like I said in
>>1214216, how many people with paranoid delusions do YOU think post about them on an open instagram for the world to see?
As a recently confirmed schizo, I can tell you I'd never do that, because the whole point of paranoia is that you believe it's real and if you talk about it to everyone, you're just letting Them know that you know They know.
Now I gotta go, the crowns of my teeth are screaming at me that the bloated skins of my radiators are about to burst and ripple until my vibrating eyeballs burst out of my head. (i wrote that myself, and a non-schizo could never)
No. 1221503
>>1221500or, how about this: sometimes people… on the internet…
lie for attention
No. 1221512
>>1221508mhm… seems suspicious. it's not like people… on the internet… can
lie for attention… for a long time.
calling it now: lillee jean has actually been a celebrity all these years
tnd has been sober for months and months
momo never made porn
margaret's daughter was STOLEN
i mean, it's not like anyone would ever LIE on the INTERNET for YEARS to get ATTENTION. impossible!!!
No. 1221516
>>1221515what do you mean? i thought you had irrefutable proof?
and yeah, if they don't have it, that does actually make them fucking horrible people. Pretending to have a very fucking serious mental illness in order to gather followers online is fucking disgusting behaviour. Carving your name into someone's body is disgusting behaviour. Posting graphically sexual images of someone underage is disgusting behaviour.
Besides, all we do here is laugh at the shit they themselves have made public. If it's so
triggering to see other people call them out, maybe they shouldn't be posting this shit in the first place lmao
anyway, have fun whiteknighting these two dumbos, go lick your wounds from the mean internet people not defending two trash bags
No. 1221523
>>1221520it's possible… for kids… to lie… to their parents
also lmao at the idea that a parent concerned about their child's well-being, knowing they have schizophrenia and fully understanding what that meant, would just pop their head in and be like "hi sweetie how's the psychosis? oh you're on that instagram where you and your friend constantly reinfoce each other's massive, harmful and dangerous delusions? alright i'll come back later, have a good time online honey"
fucking kek
No. 1221525
>>1221524You’re a fucking idiot and an awful person. Learn to kys.
(a-log) No. 1221526
>>1221525lmao you went south from the "be kind and respectful :'''(" real fast when you didn't get support lmao
anyway we're both gonna get banned for infighting at this point, i had a good kek (good on u for learning that word, gold star to u (you still don't know how to sage tho you fucking moron, good attempt at integrating)) to go along with my morning coffee.
Anyway, as a collective we need to get on recording their ig lives, i'm so sad i've missed every one of them so far. thank u to the recap anons, you're doing the lord's work!
No. 1221528
>>1221520Holy shit learn how to fucking sage newfag
>>1221514Lol right? I followed them so it must be true! The proof is: please believe me guys!
You can go back to Maeve’s older posts and see that they were tame compared to when she met Ruby. It’s clear Maeve has an eating disorder, is severely codependent, and possibly a narc. But I highly fucking doubt she is schizophrenic. As someone who has family members with schizophrenia, they would never publicly post half the shit Ruby and Maeve do. Because they’re suffering from extreme paranoia/delusions and it wouldn’t make any god damn sense to let the person that’s “out to get you/going to hurt you” that you are aware of them. Posting about people coming to get you would actually make their paranoia worse so again why the fuck would someone suffering with schizophrenia constantly post about their delusions/paranoia? Oh right for attention.
No. 1221538
>>1221534> one intense "WHAT IS SAGE LOLCOW" googling laterlook, this is getting tiring. i get you've dug yourself into a fucking hole here and you feel like the only way to go is to continue down, but you look retarded and you're not gonna change anybody's mind because you're obviously just wk'ing two morons because you've decided that supporting two kids who larp being mentally ill for followers is what you wanna do with your life.
They're not fucking ill. And to just refute one last point: If her mom is that stupid regarding how mental illness works, like you just described perfectly, why would she not be fooled by her obviously manipulative kid?
Bc I just saw you deleted this part:
> Not sure why so many people/one person is gatekeeping “real mental illness” and “real abuse” so much.Because pretending to have schizo to fit your aesthetic is fucking disgusting. I've said that a few times now. Schizo isn't a joke, it's not fashion, it's not cool, it's not something to basically, as much as i hate the word, appropriate because you wanna be famous and unique. It's disrespectful, shits on every life that has been ruined by these things, creates and reinforces already existing stigmas (jesus christ, the struggles actually schizo people go through to stop being labelled as "freaky and dangerous crazies" that these two just shit all over for likes) and basically just look schizo people in the eye, hear about all their struggles, and spit them right in the fucking face.
Is that enough of an sjw answer for you, you soggy pissrag of ruby's?
No. 1221549
>>1221538I deleted it and took it out to avoid an argument but that clearly blew up in my face.
I hear you and agree it’s possible they could be larping. Again, because they were underage during diagnosis the mom would know, and someone would be having to buy their medications. That’s it, those are solid points to have questions about. That literally does not mean I think they are schizophrenic or not, it’s equally believable they’re lying based on everything, but that everything is how delusional they are. That’s why people are just looking at what could potentially be empirical. It also doesn’t effect my opinion of them whatsoever, regardless of diagnosis they should be committed until they have a better life plan and their parents aren’t the densest mfers on the planet. If they are schizophrenic they should be on medication, so we can all agree on that.
>>1221543You can’t go live on social media in a psych ward fuck off. Affirming my points without adding any of the insight you claim to have just makes you sound less believable. Also to be fair anti psychotics are given so easily, and you can have psychotic features requiring them without having full blown schizophrenia.
No. 1221553
>>1221549Fair, sorry for assuming you were the same person as the non-saging newfag!
The thing is tho, we have no proof of any of this, nothing of that has been posted in the thread. Literally the only source is mcmoron up there going "i've followed them for a long time" for proof. Like
>>1221544 said, receipts or it didn't happen. I'm gonna remain sceptical until we have something to go off other than "they clearly post cRaZY things so they must be schizo!!!" and a bunch of "i saw this thing that i have no proof of once!!!"
No. 1221566
>>1221553What proof can they reasonably provide? If they did post proof, would you just dismiss that as attention seeking? Do mentally ill girls owe you that power over them, to publicly post their diagnosis just because you demand it or you will bully them? Should their respective psychiatrists address the letter confirming their diagnosis to LolCow? Would you feel comfortable knowing you pressured someone only 18 years old into sharing something like that in a permanent image form that can’t easily be removed online, knowing even more people will target them and they will face a lifetime of stigma therefore less likely to reach out for help?
Sure they admitted it in lives or in ephemeral ways, that’s the safest given their condition and things slip when you’re not lucid. It was mentioned one of them stopped their mom from talking about the psychosis, so at least some of the time they’re coherent enough to care. They’re obviously mentally ill, their frontal lobes are barely formed, and they’re part of a generation even more enmeshed with social media. It’s all very unhealthy and you don’t need to pressure them into doing something like that just because you want to scream about them being liars for some reason.
No. 1221567
>>1221561I definitely think either one of them or both do have schizophrenia but put it at a front to garner attention, as they make posts about it and talk about it all the time like it is something desirable. That is an issue that I’m not denying.
So I don’t think they’re lying, but I do think they’re glorifying their mental issues which isn’t any better.
No. 1221582
>>1221566:eyeroll: so what, it's okay for their pwecious mewtal healf to openly play out these "delusions" on instagram in a way a) no schizo person would ever be okay with (again, if you were paranoid, why in the fuck would you outline it in public to let the people who are "after you" know you're onto them) and b) that clearly only reaffirms said delusions in a dangerously unhealthy way are they real - we're not even touching on the other stuff - and for you to come in here and sperg about it, but it's outrageously evil for people to go "do you actually have these illnesses you're claiming to have?"
Like mentioned in
>>1221538, this behaviour of theirs - regardless of if they actually have shcizo or not - is reaffirming negative stigmas and stereotypes that people with this diagnose have been trying to get out of the public image for decades and decades. They're playing the schizo card as a way to reinforce the aesthetic of two CrAzY BrOKeN CrEePy gIrLS and in doing so, they do fucking owe it to the people trying desperatelky to not get branded by society for an illness to prove that they're not just talking out of their asses in order to get coolpoints on the internet.
They're not just ruining their own life, again may i add
by themselves putting this stuff online, they're destroying the work of advocates who for decades have been trying to combat this stigma ruby and maeve now larp into.
Yeah, it's fucking fair to ask if they actually have the illness when they do all this shit, because it's fucking disgusting if they don't.
If I were to start an instagram claiming to have an eating disorder, be paraplegic, have autism, have cerebral palsy or any other fucking illness, and i made that account ONLY full of negative stereotypes reinforcing stigmas against people with these diagnosises, would you be here supporting me from the evil bullies saying it's a bit weird to be posting shit no actual person with this illness would post, and people called me out wanting to know if i truly DO need to be in a wheelchair - would you be there defending me from the EEEVIL BOOLIES RUINING MAH LYFE then too?
Calling someone out on their fucking bullshit is not demanding power over a few pwecious wittle giwls on the iwtewnet. Go to TND's thread and scream at the anons there not calling her sober, then. Go to Luna's thread and do the same. Go to the fucking fakeboitherottengirl thread and scream at people for calling out someone defending cp, because THEIR MENTUL HEALF. I'm waiting. You can't cherrypick which garbage people you support and which you don't. For fuck's sake, why haven't you started a campaign to clean up soren hayes' name??? He might have been through all the shit he claimed to have been!!! who are these people DARING to ask for proof and power over his life!!!!!!!!
I don't know why in the fucking world this thread is full of so many people desperate to whiteknight these two dipshits. Seriously, do you hope they're gonna fuck you or something? do you wanna get a piece of their clout out of gratitude? Why are THESE TWO the people you decide to support? Jesus fucking christ.
No. 1221589
File: 1619952287949.png (1.58 MB, 1884x902, Screenshot 2021-05-02 at 12.43…)

okay, i'm gonna stop feeding the trolls now. sorry for my part in shitting up the thread, i've just fucking had it with these wk'in idiots.
To get the thread back on topic: ruby posted this pic of her mom, seems like all is not well with her either.
No. 1221590
File: 1619952369401.png (Spoiler Image,1.25 MB, 1202x894, Screenshot 2021-05-02 at 12.44…)

There was also this, which… I don't even know where to start lmfao, what's with the creepy stare at the camera while being photographed naked in the bath with your kid on your tit? it's no news ruby's a fucking redneck, but golly
No. 1221598
>>1221597well, anon deleted their post, but here's what it said;
>>1221582> Well no, you did not ask “do you actually have these illnesses you're claiming to have?", you’ve been actually sperging and claimed they did not have them until multiple people brought up having reasonable questions, then you calmed down for like three posts lol. No one is defending them or necessarily disagreeing with you, you’re just asking for unreasonable things and getting emotional over nothing. How would you like them to prove their diagnosis then? You didn’t actually answer and they lurk, so maybe they will do as you ask. Who knows. But if you claim to care about advocating for mental health, pressuring two girls online for permanent proof when you know they at least take antipsychotics and their mother knows is kind of messed up. But do you idk just please calm down, some of us just want to have a discussion and aren’t that invested.> I don’t see how you think everyone else is “screaming” when you write things with multiple forms of emphasis and exclamation. No one else is doing that, just you. I can assure you schizophrenic people do enough disturbing things that two gen z internet randos are not going to besmirch literally any kind of work, those movements are in generalities to avoid judging individuals for reasons you’re proving. They’re also doing meth and not taking medication so they’ll probably be full blown schizo soon enough.(btw, on the topic of not answering, you didn't answer whether you'd support me pretending to be in a wheelchair either. and how about all the other potential fakers on this site? where's their defence?)
No. 1222010
>>1222001Why don’t you leave the potential
victims out of it instead of digging up their personal information for them to relive? If measures have been taken to keep the
victims safe, don’t turn it into something that could backfire on them or their lives. You don’t have to like these people, but if someone besides these girls were sexually abused, at least care about them enough to let them try to live lives separately. This shit isn’t “just gossip” and whoever was sexually assaulted isn’t a pawn. You’re just as sociopathic and should idk maybe hide the thread yourself.
No. 1222012
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>>1222008>>1222009>>1221992Maeve neglects/abuses her cats. They both fat shamed on multiple/ very recent occasions, so it seems they were not very sincere with their apology. Maeve admitted that her and Ruby call people “dykeface”. As well as being homophobic altogether. And using mental illness as an aesthetic.
No. 1222027
>>1222022Screenshots on here show otherwise. Also the person accusing Ruby of rape is a guy named Lenny not some girl. See here
>>1214244 Idk where you’re getting your information anon. Also learn to sage your shit.
No. 1222052
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>>1219813>>1214629Maeve used to be pretty cute… now she looks like a flesh suit. Like a serial killer peeled someones face off and stuck it on another person. Also kind of like those kinky old guys that dress up in rubber skin suits
No. 1222057
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>>1222052You’re so right Jesus Christ. She’s like a burn
victim. She scratches herself constantly until she bleeds and it scars, probably because she never showers. Her coochie probably stank like a motherfucker.
No. 1222071
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Ruby posted body checks on her private Instagram. Fucking disgusting. They’re probably both pro ana that’s some nasty shit.
No. 1222072
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>>1222071Someone commented “albino hotdog” kekekekek
No. 1222074
>>1222008Okay I take back saying they did anything “wrong” there’s a reason threads on theses types of girls exist they post almost everything for attention online and it’s fucking entertaining. It’s clear half the anime don’t understand the culture and are wks here’s reply to my op post as an example.
>>1222010No one with any sense would do anything to “”””””
trigger””””””” the
victims. We want the milk, and a
reason for this thread to be active.
No. 1222114
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>>1222099Anon, it was Ruby’s idea about going off the medications. Ruby threw a tantrum and started attacking followers on live because people were telling Maeve to not go off her medications. Maeve started crying and said she wasn’t sure about going off her meds because she “doesn’t want to be stupid and happy. But also doesn’t want to be miserable either”. Are you going to make an excuse for Ruby carving her name into Maeve’s thigh too? They both manipulate the shit out of each other. Hell, they’re perfect for each other.
No. 1222138
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>>1222134These look like old cuts, not very deep. I’ve seen her on her story with some pretty gnarly ones on her chest but I don’t have screenshots.
No. 1222150
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>>1222139His Instagram is “3fghi”. He got scared and purged all his ugly photos of Ruby n shit. There wasn’t anything interesting there to begin with.
No. 1222152
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>>1222133>>1222134You forgot to mention that Maeve used to date Jonah then broke up and he started dating Ruby. Which would make sense of how they all know each other and why Maeve sorta dislikes Jonah as a well as obsessed with Ruby.
No. 1222165
>>1222141Maeve also has kept a lock of ruby’s hair from when she was cutting her hair at Maeves house. She’s kept ruby’s fingernails, has some of her teeth, and so many of her clothes and says she smells them at night when she’s going to bed and cries.
When ruby left Maeves house (she was living there) to go be with Jonah Maeve attempted suicide and was in the hospital for the entire summer. Maeve attempted suicide again a few months after she got out because ruby got mad at her and said they needed some space because Maeve was getting shit faced every night and crying all time and lying about it to ruby. Maeve has talked a lot about how she would kill herself if ruby ever left her, and yup what do you know, she actually tried.
Jonah has hit ruby really hard and screamed at her on a live stream before. He didn’t know she was on live. She was yelling at him not to touch her and he was shoving her around while she was crying. He’s slapped her a few times during other livestreams or yanks her hair when she says something that upsets him. There was a tik tok of ruby saying he makes her sleep in a dog cage too. He also cuts her up and apparently there’s a whole “daddy” thing happening with them too.
Ruby has said she never met her dad and has a lot of issues around that. Probably why she’s letting this happen. Jonah is much older and aside from being a seemingly
abusive pedo, he also has a job and buys her cigarettes and food and whatever she wants while she just sits at home waiting for him.
Ruby is unemotional and let’s Maeve self destruct. She will say to Maeve that she shouldn’t do those things and that she cares but doesn’t take any real action towards putting a stop to it, resulting in Maeve feeling encouraged and validated in her actions.
Ruby has also talked about how badly jonah was treating her in the past, but continued to stay with him and would refuse to listen to anybodies advice or leave his house. She basically just sits and let’s everything happen and doesn’t care about what the reality of either parties.
These three need some damn therapy.
No. 1222190
>>1222180yup. the way it switches from issue to issue lmao, first it was "you're being disrespectful," then straight to the kys and then a bunch of ranting about how holding people accountable is traumatising the
victimsit feels like a defence kevin spacey would pull back when he "came out as gay" to avoid pedophilia accusations kek. "don't look into it! you're traumatising my soft gay heart! waaaaaaaaaaah"
Anyway, yeah I'm pretty sure whoever greentext moron and the other wk's are, they either ARE mave and ruby or they know them pretty well. No one outside of those two categories would be this upset over people calling them the fuck out.
Sidenote: Can we please stop taking these dipshits' words as absolute truth? "I know this happened!" "how?" "saw it! uh… Livestream!!!" isn't the same as something being true jfc. I could make a whole list of baseless shit newfag over here has claimed with absolutely no proof
No. 1222205
>>1222199I mean, if you're suggesting that they're serial killers or something, I highly doubt that. I think they're two edgelords who wanna appear more dangerous than they are, who probably follow every "alternative art" account on instagram (matieresfecales, bakeneko designs, mothmeister, the list goes on) and want desperately to be included in all of that. Except that, regardless of what you think of those freakshows, they actually have some artistic merit. These two do not.
Their worst crimes, as far as I'm concerned, is ruining each others' lives for an aesthetic. And I don't give a shit if other people are involved in that or not, these two are still doing that. I'm all for including boyfriends and exes and friends in this thread, but ruby having a jackass bf doesn't excuse her from having her own thread.
The whole 'we're so schizo and psychotic isn't that scaaaary' thing is probably just another part of this.
anyway, it'd be milk of the year if we found two murderers, but i don't think you need to worry, anon.
No. 1222231
>>1222230Right, because all we do here at lolcow is take people at their word respectfully to not
trigger anyone
No. 1222236
>>1222233Pardon me for not giving you the benefit of the doubt after everything that went down in the thread yesterday. With so many people calling oppression on anyone not taking everything these two take at face value and treating them like mentally ill little princesses, I'm a bit sceptical when more people arrive to complain about "gatekeeping mental illnesses, sis"
besides, weren't you the one just implying they're murderers or something? that's a much more fun conspiracy than them being schizophrenic
(forgot to sage, sorry)
No. 1222499
>>1222468theyre in a very different area than i am from what i can tell but yes
been trying to figure out what gas station ruby is always at
No. 1222525
File: 1620065696123.jpeg (61.53 KB, 750x643, 8EB97FCA-B262-4762-A129-A1023C…)

>>1222150Went to lurk on Jonah’s Instagram and he deleted/archived everything. Lol he’s not even the primary focus here. You’d think Maeve and Ruby would be the ones scrambling around trying to delete everything.
No. 1222656
>>1222640Dude he’s raping children so he is doing fucked up things, he’s just a little fucking bitch who does them to mentally ill children with attachment issues who hate themselves.
If what that other anon said is true, that he was hooking up with the other one before the girls had met, then this is just a pattern of behavior and he’s done it to even younger children. Before anyone attacks me I’m not calling them “mentally ill princesses” or whatever tf, I hate this guy and I want to do so in peace. This is a grown ass man fucking and stabbing children and yeah idk I think that should be taken seriously regardless of whatever they’re larping/not larping. How the fuck are their parents just watching this happen in their own basement? If they had to buy their children antipsychotics, wouldn’t they maybe care more about their conditions, support system, etc? Did their parents not get any fucking attention so they think anyone paying attention to their children (for them) must mean they’re cool? Is Portland just like this
No. 1222859
File: 1620086743169.jpeg (634.48 KB, 828x1245, 8494C3C2-1332-4992-A423-2C6903…)

The American flag hat… it’s confirmed ruby and Jonah are white power Republicans yes?
No. 1222861
File: 1620086873753.png (3.46 MB, 828x1792, F24E4D59-1BE8-459A-8CD1-DDAF05…)

What a redneck fuckin hillbilly. This is the definition of a groomer. He buys her hundreds of cigarettes and whatever the fuck she wants so he can keep her around so he can beat on her and have sex with her. Pathetic
No. 1222902
>>1222859maybe I'm just retarded but how does an american flag hat mean that he's a white power republican?
saged for general retardation
No. 1222930
File: 1620094203199.jpeg (180.39 KB, 750x1117, 8BEEAC50-561B-46FE-A10E-5D2568…)

Okay but why does Ruby look like Jeffree Star from his early MySpace days?
No. 1222939
File: 1620094498881.jpeg (130.18 KB, 750x1017, 95D7FA07-9FB3-410C-A59A-3E30BE…)

>>1222930Also Maeve looks like the fucking mutants from the Hills Have Eyes.
No. 1222999
File: 1620097648877.png (651.55 KB, 1076x1012, PicsArt_05-03-08.04.59.png)

>>1222939Is she trying to go for the deformed hillbilly aesthetic? If yes, she's doing great. It's a bit sad because she was once your average teen, but she was cute and now… yikes.
No. 1225034
File: 1620342401158.jpeg (Spoiler Image,116.56 KB, 750x886, 278D7A3F-5BA2-4BAC-9256-4B0AC8…)

Does anyone follow Ruby’s private insta? I follow Maeve’s and all she posts is her contorting her anachan body. Seeing as they haven’t posted in a few days, they’re probably taking a break and will be back shitposting soon.
No. 1225041
File: 1620342770746.jpeg (61.39 KB, 750x701, 5562B153-EA22-4435-B82E-87DEF4…)

>>1225034Also Jonah joined a band apparently. He changed his bio and posted sound clips on his story.
No. 1231415
File: 1621194268424.png (406.95 KB, 927x446, Screen Shot 2021-05-16 at 3.44…)

Why did the cows get dry as soon as we started a thread
No. 1232395
File: 1621305292497.png (2.35 MB, 750x1334, 869828B1-84DD-442F-A55E-46D395…)

>>1231415They haven’t posted any milk lately because they stalk the thread now.
Only milk I found is Ruby’s neanderthal boyfriend joined a band and Maeve posts body checks. Best bet is to join their Instagram lives.
No. 1232419
File: 1621307160703.png (2.32 MB, 750x1334, B4496770-E93A-4DB2-8F84-0C119E…)

>>1232395They are being careful with what they post on their public accounts. The only potential milk is when they go live. Maeve told Ruby that wants to get pregnant but doesn’t want to have a father in the kid’s life because she believes the kid will be better off with just her. Tbh Maeve would be that parent who dumps their kid with her mother and runs away to be a crack whore or ends up murdering the baby because it keeps her up all night. It’s terrifying to think this nutcase wants to start breeding.
No. 1234086
File: 1621467894224.png (Spoiler Image,3.21 MB, 750x1334, D8CEF514-8067-472A-A596-213C7A…)

Cursed image
No. 1234439
File: 1621515332332.jpeg (117.11 KB, 828x522, C96406BA-1352-4914-A217-25332C…)

No. 1234607
File: 1621533873024.jpeg (149.27 KB, 750x1061, 6D44AB87-588C-4854-9286-C68DB6…)

>>1234086KEK why does her hip look like that?! I know they’re both anachan but that looks poorly shooped. They really love to publicly post body checks and thinspo. Definitely for attention from their followers.
No. 1239502
File: 1622076063333.png (1.59 MB, 750x1334, 87D0A73E-34C1-42D0-A9B3-A11542…)

Does a shitty haircut count as milk? Because Maeve finally cut her fizzy ass bowl cut and now looks like a Karen. Wonder if Ruby will do the same considering they both had the same fugly haircut since they first met.
Also what is this about Ruby’s bf creating a band? I saw some of her “art” she lazily photoshopped but that’s about it.
No. 1241489
File: 1622324296455.png (342.98 KB, 750x1334, B14FF36B-043C-4329-A1C8-DD86E0…)

>>1241350That’s beyond fucked up! Idk why he’d say that shit on a live stream while being fully aware of this thread. I know Ruby and Maeve don’t go live insta as much. So best bet for milk is the twitch streams. Also today’s stream was cancelled and rescheduled for tomorrow.
No. 1241491
>>1241489Same fag! I didn’t see the twitch stream but in a previous insta live Ruby mentioned that Jonah buys her drugs and that he is
abusive towards her. When asked why she’s still with him she said she doesn’t want to leave him because “he buys her cigarettes and stuff”.
No. 1241819
>>1241631It was honestly really disturbing. I couldn't help but fear that the reason she was insist on streaming for so long was because she was in a vulnerable state and felt safer knowing there were people watching and he wouldn't go too far. I've seen her post snippets of Jonah being
abusive on instagram before and it's hard not to assume it's a cry for help.
No. 1241902
>>1241619“It wasn’t fair” says the talentless white man leeching off a child
And wait, one is 17?? I thought anons said they’re both 18
No. 1241958
>>1241949Happy birthday, horrorcow. Here's hoping you get some serious help and leave your
abusive relationship.
No. 1243369
File: 1622518690605.png (1.63 MB, 828x1792, 37236D80-1917-4D3D-B783-D387BF…)

Shits abut to get real milky
No. 1243371
File: 1622518799444.png (1.44 MB, 828x1792, 2BEF53CE-2702-4D19-97DB-E4530F…)

I’m going to post what jonah just put on his story one by one
No. 1243372
File: 1622518858761.png (2.24 MB, 828x1792, DFEFCB91-9A76-48A3-8F96-F7A60A…)

No. 1243374
File: 1622518937785.png (2.5 MB, 828x1792, 70D4C604-2B19-4F13-A3D4-509D72…)

No. 1243375
File: 1622518962871.png (1.55 MB, 828x1792, 2180455E-9534-4D3E-90CA-85F069…)

No. 1243376
File: 1622519002753.png (1.15 MB, 828x1792, 8C9DF7F1-4EB7-42FF-A738-F7FEE2…)

No. 1243377
File: 1622519028146.png (1.84 MB, 828x1792, 4158AEFB-AF67-46ED-B051-321B95…)

No. 1243379
File: 1622519080328.png (1.99 MB, 828x1792, 93C2B43D-2CAE-4A19-8A4C-4B5C69…)

We called it, boys.
No. 1245848
>>1245802While there is likely archives of him being
abusive to ruby, it’s in a way cowtipping and likely a safety issue for her if someone not involved like here or IG randos do so. her being a cow aside.
No. 1246124
>>1245906I agree. Situations that could cause or are already causing someone to be in real danger deserve to be reported, it’s not necessarily getting involved because the police are going to be the ones handling it but it’s important to let someone know. Although Ruby is just another cow being a dumbass she’s still an underage girl being physically abused by a man and I think scenarios like this we should put this site aside and reach out to someone or even her. Usually the
victims in this kinda thing are stuck and can’t call for help because they’re afraid or for whatever reason. But yeah, not a moralcow either but this could really help someone.
Also, we’re probably the only people who are actually viewing Jonahs stories since he has no followers so we would be somewhat responsible if we didn’t do something about this and she got seriously hurt
No. 1246133
>>1243377The way that he apologizes to the community and gets all crybaby about not being able to play shows anymore…. as a response to someone calling him out as an
abusive boyfriend… what a dick someone make a thread on just him he’s got more milk than Maeve and ruby combined
No. 1247545
>>1245906Bless you for having faith in the system. Unless there's active violence taking place at the time of a call, nothing will happen at the police level. The best she can do is get a restraining order in this situation which of course requires 100 other things to happen first.
Unless I'm wrong and things have changed.
I've tried to report assault at the police before empty handed and they told me good luck basically.
It is definitely possible she has evidence which make it a case worth pursuing.
Absolutely unfortunate though. Nobody deserves that.
No. 1255406
File: 1623619394186.jpeg (178.2 KB, 738x868, 2B5CE9DC-926A-4237-BF3D-C6594C…)

Imagine dating this greasy retard. Poor girl probably hates herself kek.
No. 1268658
File: 1625104845900.png (1.69 MB, 750x1334, 9C32AC74-1B5E-43E5-9E8F-844349…)

her ripping maeves hair out with her teeth
No. 1268662
File: 1625104976408.png (2.18 MB, 750x1334, 408B376A-19FC-4FDE-B51F-5A2FA9…)

No. 1269194
File: 1625171791319.jpeg (485.96 KB, 828x1015, 21E952E3-35EC-44D3-8FAC-7AF1A7…)

The guy on the left is Rowan olsen and he also dated an underage girl and was arrested for lighting a court house on fire
No. 1269406
File: 1625187056914.png (3.34 MB, 828x1792, A1478879-3599-4FE0-8297-22AB8B…)

They’ve added someone new to their group, his username is @sugar.zipp
It’s rumored ruby is dating someone new and this is probably him. Anyone know who he is? The guy in the picture isn’t him it’s just on his story but I’ll add some screenshots from his Instagram
No. 1269407
File: 1625187100537.jpeg (640.61 KB, 828x1216, 1B557B53-D50D-45DC-8AE9-544266…)

>>1269406No good face pictures really
No. 1270139
File: 1625258062994.jpeg (548.41 KB, 828x1557, E81A3BB0-ED74-414B-BBDD-CB7FCA…)

Body checking? Gross.
No. 1271113
File: 1625375347300.jpeg (1.25 MB, 828x1651, C6103A02-0EEF-4CEA-B2BA-93BAA0…)

>>1269407Yup here he is on her story today
No. 1272233
File: 1625544477893.png (3.46 MB, 750x1334, C5126620-89A4-4C42-93FE-3120A1…)

her older friend complaining about how ruby owns them money for cigarettes
No. 1272801
File: 1625632289055.png (Spoiler Image,3.95 MB, 750x1334, A8BD4A3B-2727-4AD0-B0ED-99B878…)

Spoiler warning because of vomit kek.
Ruby posted a video of her eating cake and then sticks her fingers down her throat to spew vomit everywhere.
No. 1288225
File: 1627761302277.jpeg (552.47 KB, 698x1149, 2010D32F-A6AB-4DF5-BEA5-36ED02…)

Let’s play a game. What drugs are they on today?
No. 1288354
File: 1627772214778.jpeg (554.39 KB, 720x1202, 00C7F725-C096-4C69-B64D-CC35F5…)

Check these out hahaha
No. 1288355
File: 1627772240062.jpeg (148.36 KB, 828x1458, A5546905-89E1-4EDB-B28E-ABD873…)

No. 1288801
File: 1627833564461.png (767.86 KB, 1080x1585, IMG_20210801_165612.png)

Hi Maeve
No. 1289648
>>1289391They obviously do visit it
They’ve mentioned they read it before so it would make sense that they would maybe do that
No. 1302331
File: 1629245183215.png (1.09 MB, 750x1330, Screen Shot 2021-08-17 at 8.05…)

Ruby is back on tiktok, she popped up on my fyp. Didn't see a new thread so…
No. 1302453
>>1302368I'm kinda interested in updates as a lurker, (I haven't posted in here)
The blonde one is like me in a bizarre redneck alternate reality, it's like a look into an alternate dimension where everything went wrong
No. 1318899
File: 1631116699885.png (2.66 MB, 750x1334, 53E57422-0662-4D67-99EF-00EEE3…)

Maeve moved out from living in a squalor in her mom’s basement. I can’t wait to see where this goes. She’s already pissing in odd places like the kitchen sink. She certainly has a talent in decreasing the property value wherever she goes.
No. 1319472
File: 1631166526763.jpeg (653.58 KB, 828x1136, 3DF6CE87-4B02-42DE-8E18-022840…)

>>1319080I thought ruby moved in with her boyfriend?
No. 1319481
File: 1631168990915.jpeg (97.27 KB, 750x780, FEDB1159-0901-4756-BF82-BCE643…)

>>1319069>>1319472Maeve said her and Ruby moved in together. I wonder how long it will be until they get evicted kek
No. 1319486
File: 1631169442730.jpeg (202.62 KB, 750x1091, B44EE458-49B9-4406-AF25-7D9DFD…)

>>1319481Ruby probably ditched her bf to live with Maeve since they’re both obsessed with each other. Typically when friends move in together it doesn’t end well. Seeing as these two are beyond vile it’s only a matter of time before they’re either kicked out or kill each other.
No. 1327782
File: 1632008227160.png (2.76 MB, 750x1334, maeve.png)

Maeve might've lost her job already.
No. 1331988
File: 1632373935930.png (Spoiler Image,327.78 KB, 524x810, kGsfpM.png)

Maeve has started posting nudes and videos of herself self-harming. Screenshot from one of her most recent vids. Not sure if I should post the nudes, go see for yourself if you're curious I guess.
No. 1332007
File: 1632375987891.jpg (Spoiler Image,40.82 KB, 552x836, mave shit.jpg)

Already deleted the other vids and posted a more "aesthetically pleasing" one.
No. 1332603
>>1332578i keep scrolling up and i literally can’t figure out who is who. the blonde one abuses the red hair one right? they’re both insane but the boyfriends all never liked her because they’re nasty older
abusive tweakers and competed with her for control, which the girl needs to take over herself.
No. 1332607
>>1332571My guess is that she's just so unhinged that it makes people uncomfortable.
>>1332603Ruby, the blonde, abuses Maeve the redhead. It's Ruby's boyfriends who don't want Maeve around.
No. 1332765
>>1332754Does Ruby have a new bf or is it the same inbred looking scrote as before? I think it's just the scrote throwing his weight around like this anon said
>>1332603If it's the same guy he is
just as, if not considerably more of a
toxic cow than Maeve, so separating them is just him trying to maintain control. I feel bad for Maeve in this situation.
No. 1368562
File: 1636872092624.jpg (1.37 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20211113-223809_Ins…)

No. 1368671
>>1368623It's a play on words dear, a bad look (babyfucker) and a literal bad look (bad aesthetic choices)
Blonde hair suits her a lot better, and the piercings don't suit her face features at all.
No. 1372681
>>1372613AYRT here
honestly lol i think its kind of funny she ruined his stuff and pissed in his house if he cheated and is a terrible asshole whether she has bad taste or not
No. 1375743
>>1375730-Maeve already had an ED before Ruby and it's apparent in her old spam posts.
-Maeve already surrounded herself by older men once again can be seen in her old spam posts
-Maeve admitted to wanted to be involved in the softcore stuff SO MANY times on lives before
-Maeve is literally older than Ruby so I don't know why you're actually like Ruby was 18 and grooming a 16 year old Maeve into anything.
No. 1392332
>>1389243shes looked like that for months
also she took her piercings out for anyone who cares i think she looks quite pretty i mean the lip piercing was fine but i dont really think a bridge fits her face i hope she gets therapy soon lol
No. 1395978
File: 1639808972213.jpeg (625.72 KB, 828x933, E27D9AB3-CF0C-40DF-B4BC-0D744B…)

>>1395050Literally ruby’s most recent picture is of her ribs dumbass
No. 1400470
File: 1640306740793.png (4.27 MB, 750x1334, D9D2C8F7-C689-441B-8C6C-A491D9…)

Apparently Ruby is being evicted and is ebegging to her followers to pay for her rent and food. Not that she eats anyway kek
No. 1400475
File: 1640307139871.png (473.01 KB, 750x1334, 31D01DE6-F80A-4192-A805-28DD48…)

>>1400470I don’t know how she put down first months rent along with a security deposit. Probably mommy or Maeve helped her out. Also didn’t she just move a month or two ago? I don’t really keep up with these idiots anymore.
No. 1400503
File: 1640310058090.png (2.21 MB, 750x1334, A29575A6-296C-4B1B-8014-B083E6…)

Does anyone know what this “internet lockdown” page is? It was active about a month ago. Saged because idk if it’s relevant towards Ruby/Maeve but I found the same photo on Ruby’s account along with the code.
No. 1401197
File: 1640386297853.png (3.73 MB, 750x1334, 6DBB202F-B5A8-48C5-B361-45B6AF…)

>>1400615Speaking of Maeve pissing all over the place. Imagine looking outside and seeing your methhead neighbor pissing on her front porch. What a grimy bitch lol!
No. 1401551
File: 1640452177774.png (3.62 MB, 750x1334, 4B0D7EC1-1E35-477D-9C69-F65CD8…)

>>1401541Possibly. Or that both their minds are so grotesque/warped that they think it’s some quirky/edgy personality trait. I don’t know which one is worse. Maeve pisses everywhere but Ruby will drink spoiled milk or drink out of her clogged kitchen sink.
No. 1404709
File: 1640837616522.jpeg (680.08 KB, 828x1294, 6A619137-420A-4E82-9A9E-551E0C…)

Is she dating him now? His @ is i3ags he’s known for being an asshole heroin addict. I’ve been following him for a while he deserves a whole thread of his own
No. 1408665
>>1404709Man can't even keep his eyes open, strong
pictures you can smell vibes from his Instagram
No. 1409053
File: 1641361646820.jpeg (169.52 KB, 828x1448, BFD442C9-FE5D-433E-8186-58BE41…)

>>1408665Him passed out on her floor next to a bunch of pills. On her story.
No. 1410232
File: 1641495839660.jpeg (550.55 KB, 828x1427, E18AE350-42E8-4B1C-A134-4441F1…)

found this thread today and honestly shocked to see such horrorcows from my city (or at least closeby)…the oregon redneck/punk wannabe subculture crossover is so haggard and disgusting. Evident by the current state of ruby and her association with another decaying lilxan wannabe.
No. 1410642
File: 1641523259570.png (3.28 MB, 828x1792, F2E3BA6F-C635-422D-9A80-8DB11A…)

instagram must’ve sniped the live but i saw this on maeve’s story? what does she mean new face?
No. 1410657
File: 1641524496227.jpeg (477.87 KB, 828x1557, 91463055-6DDC-44F4-A8E4-73DD50…)

Did some more digging and noticed how even though ruby regularly claims “homelessness” (the way many oregon people love to do) but is tagged in photos in front of University District apartments. She’s either in student housing right now or at least living very close by based off the background, it looks like (it definitely is) the area barely on the outside of downtown. She could also just know people from around there and be staying there, but she’s tagged nearby it in several photos and the people tagging her definitely live in the same area. Not very surprising that she’s panhandling on gofundme instead of on Burnside with the rest of the methheads.
No. 1411609
File: 1641614933630.png (2.02 MB, 750x1334, 52600005-61B6-412B-B95F-072483…)

@ i3ags just posted this on his story
No. 1411788
File: 1641637803827.png (4.51 MB, 828x1792, 378FFBA5-25E7-4BDC-960B-3211E8…)

Punched my friend in the face and gave her a swollen lip..
No. 1412432
>>1412107that’s so humiliating. she could’ve just grabbed her wig, thrown it, and ran. now she’s gonna make a whole other gofundme for “hospital fees!1!1” and probably do a livestream or post some stupid caption claiming that bimbocum got violent first and try to make herself look like a little
victim. they both look stupid as hell.
No. 1412434
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No. 1412436
File: 1641693882895.jpeg (3.4 MB, 4032x3024, F513230C-36EB-4311-A5E1-7F7B6F…)

No. 1412513
File: 1641700542348.png (1.16 MB, 750x1334, FE79A798-A7C5-4FA1-A199-6A9D81…)

>>1412434>>1412436>>1412437I’m assuming this retard who doesn’t know how to sage is bimbocum. This thread was dying until you and Ruby fought to the death over $10 perfume or whatever the fuck. Also keeping it classy with posting her phone number too. It’s funny how you came on here to talk shit about Ruby when you and Maeve are following each other and are friends? Especially since both Ruby and Maeve are/were obsessed with each other. Could this be a cry for attention or a shitty attempt for revenge? I’m honestly surprised Maeve let you rock Ruby’s shit, then post about it.
Also taking into consideration that Maeve later posted on her story of Ruby mentioning “to not talk about Ruby’s face”
>>1410642 In conclusion, you’re a retard for leaking Ruby’s phone number (which is doxxing) and even a bigger retard for not knowing how to sage and same fagging.
No. 1423080
File: 1642769195308.jpg (242.43 KB, 1080x2124, IMG_20220121_134120.jpg)

>>1422201Both of them were making fun of Ryver after they died too, I mean come on.
No. 1423821
File: 1642842537662.jpeg (302.45 KB, 1124x1446, 53EC3DF7-0DA0-415D-BFC1-52BC7C…)

for some god forbidden reason she came up on my FYP because she now has “FILTHY FRANK” tattoo
No. 1442995
File: 1644863118766.jpeg (567.32 KB, 828x622, 26B75845-6135-4664-A908-5AC2DD…)

I know this thread is dead asf but I wanted to put Rubys latest post here holyyyy
No. 1458511
File: 1646493089611.jpeg (861.16 KB, 828x1517, B8E90CC0-F87B-4A2D-8971-93D808…)

She’s so gross
No. 1458513
File: 1646493131491.jpeg (145.58 KB, 828x294, 5178A4A4-4150-4984-B447-E5D27F…)

Like it makes it any better
No. 1458515
File: 1646493244279.jpeg (794.81 KB, 828x1521, 395FC3AC-126F-4809-AF50-3271F1…)

“Other girl” being maeve
No. 1460646
File: 1646691650657.jpeg (141.13 KB, 896x641, 4F88BD39-3B07-4147-84D0-8492EC…)

I deleted this trying to report this whole thing I’m just really freaked out that this continues to be a thing for no no no reason we obviously aren’t entitled to having it taken down but come on it just upsets me and scares me that all my worst moments are compiled and not hard to find and yes we have public instagrams but so does every teenage girl and we don’t have any followers idk
No. 1460696
>>1460646I mean Ruby is on Tiktok posting about all the drugs she does and posting pictures of you, so she's the one you should go to about this, this thread is unlikely to do any damage and is mostly ignored.
If you don't want shit on the internet then don't post it yourself and ask Ruby to stop posting pictures of you too.
No. 1462454
File: 1646868189634.jpeg (1.29 MB, 3464x3035, 5D340FC2-BC61-43B8-82D6-5E2FC6…)

Ruby posted a tiktok showing off the rotting drinks infested with fucking bugs on her bedside table, actually revolting. How do you let it get this bad? Like I’m depressed too but goddamn. No. 1471718
File: 1647541237427.jpg (103.46 KB, 1080x2043, Screenshot_20220317-142013_Tik…)

No. 1474182
File: 1647718344155.png (1.06 MB, 828x1792, 1EB12EAF-1B11-4C3B-A0A1-D43666…)

lmaooo Maeve doing her edges. Does she not realize how stupid she looks? Girl please stop you are embarrassing yourself
No. 1485752
>>1474182exactly what they said ^
from what i have seen maeve has actually been doing really well for herself and is seemingly trying to be better. this is hateful for no reason. yu sound like someone who knows her irl and is jealous.
Ruby on the other hand seems to just get worse. ((I only ever lurk on here and never comment .. idk what sage means so sorry if this is that?)))
but yea i been watching them both for some time and from what i have seen maeve has actually been taking care of herself whereas ruby has been showing off her bug infested bedroom and making tiktoks abt smoking meth. if anyone is embarrassing themselves its ruby.
( No. 1488527
File: 1648769926498.jpeg (3.12 MB, 4032x3024, F2607D7F-B0A6-4B3B-89C1-4F5B91…)

>>1488436nope i did i was just waiting for someone to ask for them. there’s the first one
No. 1488529
File: 1648769992491.jpeg (2.26 MB, 4032x3024, 0904295A-CEC7-4C57-97B3-716800…)

todays runway look open space dance sweater and cheetah print pajama bottoms
No. 1495083
>>1488529this is majorly creepy.. i live here too and i would never take a photo of them if i saw them
you seem like a moid taking photos of her like that
No. 1500171
File: 1649827011926.png (8.23 MB, 1170x2532, E74E1710-386B-4B8B-8899-441627…)

she sperged about needing to buy a house on a chipotle employee wage, went through her closet bed trash pile love nest that she shares with julian, went on and on about the bimbocum apartment fight and then started talking about how she had julian “rip her IUD out of her cervix” because she wanted to get pregnant “for like 3 days”…and then one of her friends joined the live and she begged her to let her live with her because she’s being evicted now apparently
No. 1514503
File: 1651185755718.png (6.22 MB, 1170x2532, 3F07BFF3-4051-44CC-8B48-514AB3…)

yep they’re going to jail. kek i can’t even imagine what they did
No. 1514507
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No. 1514509
File: 1651186201007.png (372.31 KB, 1170x2532, B98A41F8-B890-423F-B4A3-BE318B…)

No. 1514510
File: 1651186281710.png (543.5 KB, 1170x2532, 2374FF2C-6706-496F-8AF6-231196…)

not gonna post it twice but they were charged with the same thing, harassment it looks like. tinfoil obviously but i wonder if they were stalking maeve or something. i wouldn’t put it past either of them
No. 1514648
>>1514644no one’s arguing with you
nonnie. we told you that if you’re ruby then you’d prove it by just posting a photo of your face and you holding up a paper with your name and todays date on it. if you can’t do that then, again - stop clogging up the thread or learn to lurk quietly.
No. 1514663
>>1514658hope you enjoyed your 25 minutes of attention
nonnie kek
No. 1516086
>>1514507can we talk about how theyre booked with the exact same height and weight?? is that not weird to anyone else?
No. 1537376
File: 1653339103498.jpeg (271.6 KB, 1170x1992, 8A8AD68B-3A08-4D0C-8F7D-B8ADC9…)

Not sure how true this is but weird thing to post nonetheless
No. 1539332
>>1516088 you short anon? it’s possible for 5’9” women to look underweight at 140, depends on frame & muscle/fat composition.
sage for tallposting
No. 1539438
File: 1653493916230.jpeg (453.77 KB, 828x1514, 0EF3EFD6-3446-4FD0-A518-ED095F…)

This is not what 140 looks like sweetie.
No. 1539811
>>1539567>>1539564It might be a reach but
>>1214544>>1214547>>1214917>>1215251seems an awful lot like teens hanging out and getting drunk with weird old men, and weird old men don't just give alcohol away to women without expecting something in return. Especially not old middle aged junkies hanging around with two crack head teenagers
No. 1543542
>>1543415Agreed about the self-posting. The only people who are posting are mainly those within their circle of influence and Maeve and Ruby themselves. These posts
>>1539424>>1539438>>1539851>>1539855>>1539861>>1539867seem especially suspicious.
No. 1554835
File: 1654802156099.png (6.98 MB, 1170x2532, 168557F2-3F41-4646-B12B-21BBC8…)

Rubys live on ig
No. 1578060
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No. 1578062
File: 1656713177592.jpeg (755.6 KB, 828x1396, FB8B476B-0CB7-48EB-AEB0-072527…)

No. 1602361
File: 1659208402379.jpeg (232.7 KB, 1242x1488, 975D2B38-0855-47B1-9B19-789C35…)

They look likes they’re friends again. Or just naked and high as fuck somewhere in the middle of the night.
No. 1606597
File: 1659585834160.jpeg (Spoiler Image,815.48 KB, 828x1382, F06796A2-FCFA-4A96-B87D-22810F…)

More proana cow behavior, courtesy of Ruby.
No. 1607188
>>1606983She legit says herself in the caption that she's body checking though. And she's clearly underweight so do the maths
nonnie it's clearly pro
No. 1627609
File: 1661639399640.jpeg (1.38 MB, 1170x1987, 6FA10F73-845B-4F86-A64F-B42945…)

Maeve’s boyfriend got a drawing of her tattooed on him kek I honestly think it’s pretty sweet
No. 1643052
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No. 1643079
File: 1662692526338.jpeg (447.11 KB, 750x1214, DE6636D3-0C7B-4D90-90EF-92FBBB…)

>>1619740So cute, he literally punched her in the face kek. That’s love!
No. 1643749
File: 1662751577580.jpg (319.06 KB, 1080x1947, Screenshot_20220909-152537_Ins…)

Uh oh
No. 1644530
>>1644441The proximity of this post to the pic directly above where one of them suggests opening an OF, yeah if you are a messy attentionseeker you will get attention, kinda how that works. And this is a very slow thread as
>>1644467 said
No. 1660804
>>1644441As someone from Portland, this isn’t “average portland kid behavior”, also neither of these
adults are kids, and Ruby is from Los Angeles. I know you’re trying to defend some e-girls you don’t know and have never met but seriously you just sound retarded. Go take a nap.
No. 1729776
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Lots of photos incoming, get ready for some very upsetting content that Maeve posted today. I wouldn’t consider this “milk” because it’s not at all juicy or interesting it’s a very horrific internet sexual abuse story, and I think this is actually all a very interesting allegory to what it is like to be sexually exploited/abused in this late internet era. This might take a while to post sorry
No. 1729777
File: 1671325771862.jpeg (589.64 KB, 1170x1674, 77C4CB30-A27B-450E-8B42-6F9DDA…)

I don’t really understand the part where she willingly gives the other girl access to her instagram but this also isn’t a story for me to understand, and it’s way too egregiously detailed and absurd for me to think that it’s all imagined or fake or that any parts are embellished so really I have no fucking idea what to think of all this
No. 1729779
File: 1671325861841.jpeg (580.96 KB, 1170x1501, 0A8014A9-F789-4CA7-ACA9-BC91D9…)

And I guess this story is the context behind the “internet jail” account and this photo included in it? That wouldn’t make sense as to why Ruby and that other blonde girl were posted on it, but I guess this is why that exists it was probably just kids milking out the joke for as long as they could
No. 1729780
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Now this is just me but I can’t understand how her parents just sat idly by. That doesn’t make any sense. If photos of your 12 year olds spread eagled vagina are posted on instagram dot com for all of her classmates and constituents to see, you try to actually help her. Fucking major shame on her shrimpy aspie parents for doing her like this. No wonder she turned out so sexually aggressive and attention seeking.
No. 1729783
File: 1671326211042.jpeg (375.63 KB, 1170x1689, 03146FF2-7955-41FB-A3E2-E27950…)

This is where it starts to get a little confusing. I can understand feeling anxiety around kids her age and feeling like she has issues with being able to assert/protect herself, but why are you purposefully sending nudes that you know you don’t want to and shouldn’t be sending to people in the first place because you’re a child? I can understand that she is a victim in this situation because she was a literal baby (like 14) but…why continually victimize yourself if you know you don’t have to do this and shouldn’t be? It’s a real snake eating it’s own ass and no this isn’t even the last slide
No. 1729790
File: 1671326423696.jpeg (474.96 KB, 1170x1666, D5EB3F2C-BF91-407A-BC80-BEE60C…)

And this is the last one. This is where it starts to become a lot more coherent and easier to understand, because I too have had experience as a young child, putting myself in unsafe situations that resulted in demolished mental health and an inability to completely understand just how major the decision you’re making is when you agree to have any kind of sexual encounter with anyone, ever. Especially at such a young age. I don’t know Maeve and I never will but reading this about any woman breaks my fucking heart, whether or not I agree with her advertised behaviors. I truly hope she can find peace and health.
No. 1729805
File: 1671328086096.png (7.91 MB, 1170x2532, F8F77E22-4516-49EF-8670-D625DF…)

And this is what Ruby posted immediately after Maeve’s post, and now Maeve’s letter is deleted…
No. 1729952
>>1729790I believe all of this, young women are easily manipulated and led astray due to how we are brought up and expected to be demure, unassuming, agreeable, people pleasing, and sexual/attractive. We've seen this on a large scale with onlyfans grooming and recruiting young women. I also understand nobody wanting to talk about it because it is cp and she obviously looks like a child based on her photo from the same time
>>1729779Ruby is not a friend to her since she kept doing the same thing. I'm sure the original girls who egged Maeve on were also
victims of sexual abuse, (which does not excuse it) all these things tend to be connected. The worst part of this is knowing pedo adults have her photos saved from those times, since she said everyone she knew followed the accounts
This reaction from Ruby is shit, she is guilty too of taking advantage of Maeve
>>1729805 No. 1757005
File: 1675130976489.jpeg (369.91 KB, 1170x1427, 6F87E948-6772-4523-89AF-74B908…)

I guess that guy who got a tattoo of her must’ve died too
No. 1776859
File: 1677374213599.jpeg (155.5 KB, 1170x543, EA58D96B-C7B4-4C65-ADF0-55F8F4…)

>>1627609Looks like Maeve and Julien fucked around and that’s why that guy disappeared and Ruby is no longer speaking to him but is still hanging with Maeve
No. 1777691
>>1776859>go have a field day with that Imagine doing stupid filthy shit publicly for literal
years and still not understanding why people are laughing at you everytime you do something funny kek
(learn to sage) No. 1807676
File: 1681335719588.jpg (Spoiler Image,217.6 KB, 1078x1369, 20230413_003200.jpg)

So Maeve is 20 now. What is it with these two? They bring out the worst in each other. If you want to see something more disturbing, look at the slide show in Maeve's insta. She posted pics of herself ages 13-18. I won't post it here because not sure if cp.