File: 1591056816261.jpg (50.49 KB, 716x380, wow.jpg)

No. 982148
Repzion is one of the loudest of the anti-o mouth pieces, and recently has drawn enough drama to himself with pure blatant hypocrisy that I thought it may warrant a thread.
Events to note:
>accuses a 16 year old of spreading child porn of his girlfriend when really she was 19 and it was a public image from a cam site catalog>"edgy" humor including transphobia, nazi shit, bestiality>opened communication with current GF at age 12 before meeting her at 19>GF cheated with him with a sugar daddy, got pregnant, aborted it>releases a cancel culture is bad!!! video while being cancelled >doubles down on all his claims in a lame response video looking like a karen in a midlife crisis >defends his batshit girlfriend, writes her an insane twitter apology, then makes her private all her accountsI cannot even begin with his girlfriend, the milk there is intense, everything from doxxing and leaking nudes, white supremacy, homophobia, transphobia, and general retardation, all public alongside her face and nudes.
His response: badly made google doc chronicling the beginning of the dead grandpa onision shit fest, also showing repzion to be a massive cuck:
Youtube - - - - - - - - - thread) No. 982149
File: 1591056875153.jpg (14.62 KB, 957x201, whitepeople.jpg)

>>982148starting off with a couple of my favorite quotes from the happy couple and seeing if the thread gains interest
No. 982151
File: 1591056956536.jpg (24.67 KB, 828x338, beastiality.jpg)

No. 982152
File: 1591057035253.jpg (16.37 KB, 1500x500, afewimages.jpg)

be prepared that any leaked convo or public tweet of his girlfriend is absolutely hilarious
No. 982154
File: 1591057231676.png (84.97 KB, 724x613, saveas.PNG)

>>982152Mayas twitter apology, likely written by repzion himself, if not a more literate person. full version: No. 982155
File: 1591057368529.png (91.09 KB, 368x434, revengeporn.PNG)

>>982154Maya having no idea what making a deal means, accidentally ends up confirming no child porn was leaked, only "revenge porn" that looks near identical to her public sex camming portfolio
No. 982157
the call out video that led repzion to respond: a bulk of the current drama, repzion says in his response only "small channels with nothing better to do" are calling him out, still decides to make a whole video REE'ing about the fake news.
the 16 year old involved: argument against this kids video is that he involved a medical document that maya herself sent to him, this and the fact he posted her already public nudes.
everyone in this scenario is stupid.
No. 982164
File: 1591059341575.png (267.56 KB, 587x404, nazitits.PNG)

just a bit of sharing nudes between friends, from a fan of unspecified age! but don't spread my girlfriends, thats illegal!
No. 982165
File: 1591059719488.jpg (61.52 KB, 858x1023, Rape Encouragement .jpg)

leaving off on this, will update as things progress
No. 982168
No. 982176
>>982170i know right? it gets me everytime. the
abusive folder in that google doc with the leaked texts about either repzion pays for everything or she has to fuck an old guy reads like a meme, but its way too sincere. BPD is a trip guys stay in therapy
No. 982234
>>982225>>982227Same thoughts reading through this, especially the OP. Reeks of twitterfag.
Most of the "milk" here is about his girlfriend, not him.
>cheated on him and got an abortionOk?
>transphobiakek and also where even
A lot of the claims aren't backed up.
No. 982257
>>982234>>982249You looked at the drive, right? This is not a random twitterfag, this person has tons of facebook DM's, emails and discord screenshots. They must've been pretty close to Repzion and his gf or know someone who was. There's also evidence of Repzion spending the money he got from his fans for an attorney on other things. There's enough milk in the drive.
This person is not a lolcow native, sure, other wise they would know we don't care about 'transphobia'. The OP sucks, they should've included the pocketing fan donations and attacking fans, because that's the actual milk. It's there, but you have to look for it in the drive.
No. 982259
File: 1591077044376.png (196.11 KB, 395x673, Repzion1.png)

No. 982262
File: 1591077138225.png (144.08 KB, 922x225, repzion2.png)

>>982260No idea, I am posting some of the stuff I find in there that seems interesting.
No. 982264
>>982262Soz I didn't realise you weren't op, and thanks. And
oof that's incriminating if it's real…
No. 982268
File: 1591077654608.png (206.91 KB, 412x851, Repzion3.png)

>>982263 He received 20k of donations to afford a lawyer against Onision. Remember, that case that was thrown out? He kept the rest of the 20k and is spending it on other things now, instead of saving it for when he needs a lawyer again. He's always begging for money.
They have Twitter drama like Onision and Lainey (Kai)
No. 982269
File: 1591077705503.png (246.19 KB, 417x857, Repzion4.png)

No. 982270
File: 1591077758127.png (241.48 KB, 413x850, Repzion5.png)

No. 982271
File: 1591077797680.png (208.73 KB, 413x851, Repzion6.png)

No. 982272
File: 1591077951247.png (327.16 KB, 1216x848, RepzionGF1.png)

Most of the stuff in the drive is indeed on his gf, but it is still related, because Repzion is covering her ass.
No. 982273
>>982268Oh I remember, and holy shit why are these 30 year-olds airing their relationship drama? Onision and Kai was a good comparison.
>I'm queen of abusive relationshipsI wonder if that's more telling about her behaviour rather than the men she's with? Kek, sure is a weird thing to say.
No. 982276
File: 1591078455359.png (221.65 KB, 417x851, RepzionGF2.png)

No. 982278
File: 1591078576666.png (300.64 KB, 411x850, RepzionGF3.png)

No. 982279
File: 1591078613601.png (223.67 KB, 413x852, RepzionGF4.png)

No. 982280
File: 1591078719906.png (272.05 KB, 417x850, What the actual fuck.png)

No. 982281
File: 1591078870896.png (290.27 KB, 411x851, Why would you share this onlin…)

(I'm still not OP btw) I am trying to find the screenshot that shows he started talking to Maya when she was like 13 and he was an adult. Whoever made the drive, thanks, but that's the kind of stuff that should be easy to find.
No. 982282
File: 1591078971756.png (252.2 KB, 407x848, Okay found something.png)

Getting close
No. 982283
File: 1591079108029.png (208.17 KB, 411x851, RepzionGF5.png)

She didn't grow up in Israel, she just spent a few years in total there, but most of her life she lived in the US. I think the evidence of those were discord screencaps in another place in the drive ugh
No. 982285
File: 1591079392871.png (371.07 KB, 637x842, before 2014 in US.png)

There are several screenshots showing she only went to Israel in 2014, I think they got in contact in 2013 or something, will try to find the evidence.
No. 982286
File: 1591079491627.png (305.81 KB, 412x852, her admitting she did spend ti…)

No. 982287
File: 1591079621150.png (362.9 KB, 547x847, uh ok.png)

No. 982288
File: 1591079671434.png (281.88 KB, 417x850, FOUND IT.png)

No. 982289
File: 1591079762693.png (247.23 KB, 415x852, LOOK HERE.png)

>Maya was in the US before 2014
>She found Daniel in 2012 and they started talking, because she was one of his first subscribers
>They started dating when she became legal
No. 982316
>>982309Again, I am not OP, these are not my screenshots, I am just posting stuff from the drive that was linked. I came from /cgl/ years ago and I don't even have a twitter. It's getting a bit old to call everyone who you disagree with a Twitterfag. Almost as annoying as 'hi Cow'. OP is indeed not a lolcow native. If they were they would understand, considering it's an imageboard, that you have to post the actual images and not just link to it.
To respond to your other point: she's not from Israel, she was an American who lived in Israel for a while, because of her fathers job. After that she visited Israel again a few times. Considering nobody seems to be interested, I'm not going to bother continuing to go through the drive, since it's a mess. If you care, you can look for it yourself. Or OP could come back to share the highlights, since they did a shoddy job showcasing the milk. Just wanted to help, jeez. Sorry that I think it's milky that Repzion is doing the exact things he criticized Onision for. Or that his gf is an antisemitic neonazi. Maybe this doesn't deserve its own thread and should be posted in the anti-O thread, but there is milk.
No. 982317
>>982272>They had to call in the special Christian policeI'm sorry but that's so retarded it's hilarious, probably poor taste but it made me laugh none the less.
>>982280Also EW if this is legit big hypocrisy. Like a pedophilic Michael J Fox
No. 982456
>>982352>>982309I was in contact with this girl before she met rep, she lived in america until her late teens before moving to Israel for 2-3 years, which she uses as a coverup for her edgy nazi quotes, she was not born in israel and lived there 3 years tops.
>>982455this is my first time making a thread, contrary to popular belief there are multiple people who dislike repzion and his GF, a lot of them have a vendetta because she leaks their dox and personal shit. its certainty a shitshow
No. 982460
File: 1591120666619.png (61.77 KB, 595x324, Capture.PNG)

he links to the apology he wrote himself
No. 982462
File: 1591120791918.png (33.7 KB, 586x275, hmmm.PNG)

>>982158doubling down on race shit at the worst possible time, picking on a smaller channel for daring to make a video on him
No. 983600
>>983581Not reading all that but yeah that vid of him prerending to get emotional was dumb. I like how he says all the time yt isn't his job because of his oh so lucrative welding career but he still needed to sponsor his videos discussing onion grooming teen girls. It rubs me wrong to see "today I'm discussing abuse, brought to you by raid shadow legends"
Idk I'm surprised he's straight ngl
No. 983604
File: 1591343238243.jpg (38.97 KB, 473x1024, IMG_20191209_230637.jpg)

>>983584repzions girlfriend
>>983581please anon next time make your sperg more succinct
>>983600hes definitely getting pegged, disgusting image related
on the note of this CP image, i did see the original post from the kid. i can confirm she had bleached hair and the same background (messy bedroom) IIRC she didn't ever bleach her hair until age 18, modelling page photos will confirm. not that we all didn't know that claim was BS. what gets me is that after his GF comes out and says "we'll drop the CP and just say its revenge porn" he makes a whole video explaining how you can gasp… CHANGE file names!! as if anyone would go through the effort just so they could post this chicks CP when she has hundreds of nudes publicly available.
No. 983645
File: 1591353610045.jpeg (183.74 KB, 1152x2048, EY0Bxu7WsAAwH1U.jpeg)

So this is what I don't get, first it was a cp… then a math error… now it's back to cp?
No. 985101
>>983662>>983627I swear this has to be lauren or someone else maya has leaked nudes of and doxxed
god speed anon, you tell that fucking beta cuck. you KNEW.
>>984929most people have his back because he has subs and they wanna capitalize on the profits. sad isn't it repzion? first your girlfriend, now all your youtube friends. lets hope they don't cuck you as well and blame the abortion on you.
No. 1005091
File: 1594385613801.png (520.52 KB, 1502x883, maya sent pics of dead grandpa…)

His girlfriend is fucking crazy beyond belief, and comes off as extremely fucking stupid. I think Rep's one of those socially retarded, nerdy guys that gets excited and latches on to the first girl that shows him attention.
Here's a Google drive of a bunch of crazy shit this girl has done: crazy gf cheated on him, got an abortion, and pretended it was Repzion's the whole time. Then, he finds out about it and gets angry at the friends who informed him.
Rep purposely blurs out the part of the screenshot in his Dead Grandpa video that talks about how his girlfriend cheated on him and got pregnant.
That way he is able to paint the picture of how the friend in the conversation is the only one in the wrong.
He claims the friend in that conversation exposed pics of his dead grandpa to Onion, but what that friend was actually trying to show Onion boy was that his /girlfriend/ sent that picture of his dead grandpa to the friend because she thought it was funny.
No. 1005094
File: 1594385654815.png (23.59 KB, 337x171, rep gf.png)

>>1005091Also, I'll just leave this here. I feel like this sum's up his gf pretty well, kek.
No. 1115363
File: 1609004347630.jpeg (85.42 KB, 260x423, DDAFB0DC-8C25-4EA3-921A-852CDA…)

I hate him for making me see this row of chicklet teeth in that tiny little American girl doll mouth. The invisible eyelashes. The lack of lips. This poor man is prepubescent.
No. 1115421
File: 1609009021996.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1242x1954, 9BD0E08D-EBBD-4061-ABD5-731EEC…)

The Nazi cuck doxxing cam whore of every mans dreams
No. 1115423
File: 1609009283670.jpeg (485.97 KB, 1242x423, 014D1C58-51EA-4C57-8776-AC1A70…)

Help the euro pastoral tradbait photoshoot as the header. Helga girl it’s not even subtle
No. 1115488
>>1115463Who cares? He’s still trying to cover up all his abuse on a teenage fan while he was still with her.
Just noticed he also impersonated a police officer to scare the kid into going silent.
He’s absorbed nearly all of onisions essence through his dark rituals. The onion lies shriveled and red. Repzion Is poised to his place on the throne as the one true YouTube groomer
No. 1115496
>>1115488Shut the fuck up "Clyde", go back to sperging in the anti-o thread
>>1115463They had a public breakup a while ago but recently she's been tweeting weird shit at/about him again, not sure if she's baiting or if they're back on but she's a psycho and he's a cuck so it's better if they stay together and spare other people their presence
No. 1115509
>>1115496Who the fuck is Clyde.
SF I’m the anon who linked the kid who rants video.
Actually im a little sus if the same kid made this thread made the video. But it’s still a fun intro to the circus tbqh
No. 1115818
>>1115352The selfiest self post that ever did self.
Good luck getting more than 1k views on your future videos with all this "just a kid" branding you're pushing but fuck off using this site as a promotional tool, k?
No. 1331838
File: 1632357657134.png (920.66 KB, 1182x866, the bitchboy.png)

Do you think him and Maya broke up? he's tweeting like a 10 year old that got dumped by his Club Penguin girlfriend
No. 1361922
>>1361918No worries anon. I finished the video and theres some more minor screenshots and crap but its really just the police body cam and desk cam footage that people should watch, some of the voice recordings too made me laugh. Also. at the end Repzion smokes a joint and drinks a glass of jack and coke while "shut the fuck up" by filthy frank/joji plays. It was obviously supposed to be the big cool I dont care about you ending, but its so cringe and ruined by the fact this guy made a 2 HOUR VIDEO on an ex girlfriend he claims not to care about. it could have been shortened to the important parts (disproving her false accusations, footage of her lying to police etc).
>>1361917Yeah. I know his ex personally from a long time ago, as I suspect a few of us do, haven't talked to her properly for years, so this video was basically like watching a childhood friend become a batman villain. I need to detox my brain after experiencing this strange shit.
No. 1363468
File: 1636263929393.jpeg (404.44 KB, 828x1344, CC6157AA-EA17-4706-984A-B7745F…)

So I guess Maya is trying to Dox the new gf who seems like a bit of a cow in her own right with all of the Internet tough guy shit.
Daniel definitely has a type. Can’t wait to see the fireworks in a month or two when these two break up.
No. 1462368
File: 1646863586305.jpeg (653.66 KB, 828x1321, 3C5A3A3B-444A-42BF-B8CA-A99A37…)

I guess the new relationship is going well. Jane has been posting wedding stuff for the past few weeks
No. 1462513
>>1363468She is.
Used to be a lesbian in a relationship w a butch asian woman. They broke up. Jane made daily posts about struggling to pay for her tattoo shop rent, or to bitch about someone missing an appointment for their non essential thing. Last thing I saw from her was a while back, she was talking about doing better financially, then deleted her FB (where I saw all this from) Now I see she's no longer a lesbian, I guess and dating this fuck.
Timeline of her doing better financially, disappearing and the reveal she's dating him lines up too well not to make me think she's just dating him for clout, clients, money.
No. 1462716
File: 1646886516065.png (4.66 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_2815.png)

No. 1462724
File: 1646887004462.png (200.34 KB, 1193x486, 20220309_220253.png)

No. 1465732
File: 1647134257967.jpeg (167.8 KB, 750x974, 3F03E8F2-42E3-45AF-8FD8-D9238B…)

No. 1495114
File: 1649306542336.png (342.58 KB, 747x656, Jane.png)

No. 1495115
File: 1649306577172.png (1.07 MB, 947x2048, Jane 2.png)

No. 1495116
File: 1649306605101.png (1.1 MB, 947x2048, Jane 3.png)

No. 1495117
File: 1649306650452.jpg (128.02 KB, 771x1200, Maya Moore.jpg)

No. 1495118
File: 1649306675883.jpg (176.3 KB, 717x1200, Maya Moore 2.jpg)

No. 1495688
File: 1649367451459.jpeg (877.67 KB, 828x1661, 6934F476-6EE5-4CAE-8E76-870B1C…)

Repzion certainly has a type
No. 1495692
File: 1649368042841.jpeg (889.13 KB, 828x1658, 5B6AD855-9693-40DA-AEB0-14C389…)

No. 1495698
File: 1649368297782.jpeg (605.1 KB, 828x1203, 176E4A18-71BE-490A-97E2-DAFA51…)

>>1495692Btw this is related because of this screenshot. Forgot to post it. She claims maya is making a video against her and Daniel using that fb tale.
No. 1495844
>>1495698thanks for the update anon i've been following the fallout on twitter and awaiting the ridiculously cringe 4 hour video on the court date that cuckzion is uploading
first thoughts:
hilarious but complete waste of time considering it was thrown out and neither party achieved anything. The email screams fake and was sent a minute before it was screenshotted, but either way it doesn't matter. Obviously 'jane' has a lot of enemies and has no idea how to keep her kids safe from these people and would rather call herself a gangster on twitter.
They are also now engaged (good luck with that) jane no longer has a uterus so at least more poor fucks won't be brought into the situation.
I do not think maya is the person who broke into the shop nor do I really believe she would hire someone to do it, not because shes not malicious, but because of her ineptitude and the fact her parents pay for most of her shit. Theres a slim chance she seduced some onlyfans beta into doing it, but considering the shop has been robbed before, its unlikely (also a strange pattern, insurance fraud?)
No. 1496436
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No. 1496437
File: 1649451051523.png (539.45 KB, 1697x800, P-EBT.png)

No. 1496438
File: 1649451073386.png (197.13 KB, 1747x798, P-EBT 2.png)

No. 1496439
File: 1649451095725.png (165.95 KB, 1150x762, P-EBT 3.png)

No. 1496441
File: 1649451119141.png (128.66 KB, 1202x827, P-EBT 4.png)

No. 1496442
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No. 1496443
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No. 1496445
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No. 1497525
File: 1649559777064.png (154.93 KB, 589x681, israel.png)

cow on cow crime
No. 1497951
File: 1649616626900.png (349.66 KB, 743x502, Screenshot_2022-04-10_035520.p…)

No. 1497953
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No. 1497956
File: 1649616848248.png (196.57 KB, 741x1080, IMG_2009.png)

No. 1497974
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No. 1497985
File: 1649619338402.png (356.73 KB, 1512x892, image_2022-04-10_153554560.png)

No. 1497987
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No. 1497991
File: 1649619654477.png (737.65 KB, 1565x857, Screenshot 2022-04-10 152640.p…)

forgot to post this.
No. 1497996
File: 1649619892470.png (103.76 KB, 747x747, Jane 1.png)

No. 1497997
File: 1649619916277.png (120.43 KB, 746x747, Jane 2.png)

No. 1497998
File: 1649619942456.png (117.65 KB, 745x717, Jane 3.png)

No. 1498000
File: 1649619964698.png (91.38 KB, 742x581, Jane 4.png)

No. 1498005
>>1498000all these girls look and sound the same and nothing they're posting makes any sense. all over some loser with a micropenis.
putting pics of kids online is the parent's mistake maybe they should send in detectives, send in the police and send in everything in their power.
No. 1499751
File: 1649791520869.jpeg (621.6 KB, 828x1329, B8F36196-1BFB-4643-90C1-964EFF…)

She’s still going
No. 1499753
File: 1649791557911.jpeg (398.96 KB, 828x956, FD2887A7-E905-4362-9EA5-FC8A3C…)

Team YouTube team YouTube please listen plea—
No. 1499935
File: 1649806939982.png (1.08 MB, 1857x788, image_2022-04-12_194218563.png)

This cuck really needs to touch some fucking grass.
No. 1500577
File: 1649876884074.png (890.56 KB, 1851x900, Screenshot 2022-04-13 150641.p…)

It took them this long to find her official website? Can't say I'm surprised.
No. 1501992
File: 1650001428977.webm (6.38 MB, RAW BY JANE-Court audio pt. 1,…)

Repzion's "girlfriend" posted court audio between her and Repzion's ex on her Youtube channel. pt 1
No. 1502043
File: 1650011701073.png (60.98 KB, 733x671, Screenshot 2022-04-15 043230.p…)

No. 1502045
File: 1650011785591.png (465.94 KB, 1823x877, Screenshot 2022-04-15 043430.p…)

So apparently Maya got suspended because people false flagged her for impersonation of a basketball player who has the same first and last name as her.
No. 1503198
File: 1650134670647.png (113.88 KB, 742x812, image_2022-04-16_144412160.png)

She's not realizing that her and Daniel's followers are literally kissing her ass.
No. 1503233
File: 1650138816314.png (411.39 KB, 738x742, image_2022-04-16_155336543.png)

Just when you can't even make yourself look like more trailer trash.
No. 1504213
File: 1650246536861.png (350.84 KB, 1848x903, image_2022-04-17_214849287.png)

And it begins….
No. 1509179
File: 1650683529704.png (87.84 KB, 738x650, image_2022-04-22_231134339.png)

He's really trying to self compare himself to Johnny Depp and his ex to Amber Heard.
No. 1509538
File: 1650735276628.png (392.35 KB, 742x748, image_2022-04-23_133438934.png)

You know she's not really a gamer when she buys a PS5 controller.
No. 1509541
File: 1650735405434.png (1.29 MB, 1713x838, image_2022-04-23_133618244.png)

There she goes using another pic of one of her kids but this time as her gaming pc background.
No. 1509620
File: 1650743191692.png (50.13 KB, 747x672, image_2022-04-23_154616921.png)

Jane asking people to add her on Steam.
No. 1509621
File: 1650743239153.png (21.99 KB, 1247x226, image_2022-04-23_154708250.png)

This is her Steam account. Was just made recently.
No. 1509629
File: 1650743603712.png (499.46 KB, 1323x861, Screenshot 2022-04-23 155134.p…)

Didn't take me that long to find Daniel's steam account either. His username was (surprise surprise) not that creative either. If you're going to have a Steam account, don't make it the same name as your YouTube channel or Twitter handle.
No. 1510487
File: 1650829171282.png (352.67 KB, 761x717, Screenshot 2022-04-24 153757.p…)

Jane talking about Daniel's ex again.
No. 1510489
File: 1650829212087.png (57.13 KB, 747x471, image_2022-04-24_154008767.png)

No. 1510493
File: 1650829287023.png (49.77 KB, 745x502, image_2022-04-24_154117293.png)

Gee I didn't know Daniel's micro penis could get even smaller.
No. 1513678
>>1513084And don't forget her real girlfriend
Cuckzion has gone downhill since the Onion documentary came out
No. 1513750
File: 1651113500921.png (481.1 KB, 1402x840, image_2022-04-27_223825809.png)

Jane's new profile pic. That's very bad photoshop. Also a bit creepy.
No. 1514356
File: 1651176031626.png (50.7 KB, 747x411, image_2022-04-28_160006030.png)

Yes we get it your ex was horrible Daniel.
No. 1515173
File: 1651244089662.jpeg (108.75 KB, 750x867, 32994503-C5AB-44BB-A4C4-D08A7E…)

Jane changed her profile pic again. This time it’s even more cringe and funny/pathetic.
No. 1515422
File: 1651262827156.png (486.94 KB, 1423x812, Screenshot 2022-04-29 160408.p…)

There's a reason why people are unsubbing Daniel. Then again you already knew why. You're heavily disliked by a lot of people and the people who do follow you are kiss asses.
No. 1515423
File: 1651262889873.png (71.76 KB, 746x542, Screenshot 2022-04-29 160446.p…)

So he's going to be homeless. Thought with all the time you had with other stuff you would have a place by now.
No. 1515425
File: 1651262929889.png (56.41 KB, 752x372, Screenshot 2022-04-29 160511.p…)

Ok Karen.
No. 1516401
File: 1651349177258.png (43.46 KB, 741x522, image_2022-04-30_160539764.png)

So it's hinted that Daniel's ex was witholding medication from her ex bff Lizzy. Allegedly
No. 1516403
File: 1651349294768.png (73.67 KB, 726x592, image_2022-04-30_160728325.png)

So basically Jane and Daniel knows where Maya works.
No. 1516405
File: 1651349409967.jpeg (134.66 KB, 745x857, 2D4BF16F-A322-44E7-AE8D-02A30C…)

So he’s becoming Onision.
No. 1516414
File: 1651349857291.png (67.25 KB, 745x497, image_2022-04-30_161636057.png)

Oh boy give this "man" a gold star! Maybe you should've read your contract before renting the apartment in the first place for living on your own for the past 10 years.
No. 1517119
File: 1651433414361.png (47.89 KB, 757x421, image_2022-05-01_152933837.png)

So Maya was basically fired from her job she used to work at because she had on acrylic nails while the food.
No. 1517122
File: 1651433454890.png (27.78 KB, 748x337, image_2022-05-01_153055701.png)

Pretty sure that's illegal.
No. 1518690
File: 1651605769587.png (91.99 KB, 735x611, Screenshot 2022-05-03 151755.p…)

Since when did Daniel ever care about children? Coming from the same person who is patreons spread porn with teens in his Discord server.
No. 1518691
File: 1651605802886.png (21.41 KB, 747x171, Screenshot 2022-05-03 151832.p…)

No. 1518693
File: 1651605869207.png (1.1 MB, 1640x852, Screenshot 2022-05-03 151957.p…)

This is the original tweet that Lauren Chen woman was retweeting about.
No. 1519365
File: 1651677044777.jpeg (115.29 KB, 750x843, E1C64393-6A1A-43DE-B6DD-6A6D39…)

That’s one way of joking about sexual assault.
No. 1520802
File: 1651779158219.png (44.6 KB, 738x423, Screenshot 2022-05-05 152748.p…)

Maybe Jane shouldn't have kids in the first place since she confessed in her lengthy Facebook post that she used cocaine "recreationally" as well as being out all the time. She's the one to talk. Not to even mention she hired a nanny that has a criminal record and didn't do her due diligence in looking her name up online.
No. 1520968
File: 1651786672495.png (51.47 KB, 746x472, Screenshot 2022-05-05 173643.p…)

Just like how Daniel fake cried when Maya called him a groomer.
No. 1521205
File: 1651799164745.jpg (227.01 KB, 1142x1037, fakecryingcuckzion.jpg)

>>1520968Amber Heard did it better
No. 1522414
File: 1651941798471.jpeg (147.43 KB, 750x880, 6C63B318-643C-41E2-86AA-829AE1…)

Meanwhile you have other channels that make good content and this guy easily gets a partnership on his gaming side channel. God he acts like an entitled rich kid.
No. 1522438
File: 1651943527985.jpeg (140.46 KB, 750x870, DBA2E29A-DA12-46F9-BBA9-A27A83…)

Acting like he’s a saint. What a way to replay a broken record when you have nothing better to do.
No. 1522485
File: 1651946392736.png (54.02 KB, 750x500, Screenshot 2022-05-07 135933.p…)

This is very ironic for him to say.
No. 1522497
File: 1651948348980.png (80.82 KB, 740x647, Screenshot 2022-05-07 143206.p…)

Looks like he's currently throwing a tantrum.
No. 1523082
File: 1652028839635.jpeg (171.14 KB, 750x1033, F9C32FB7-B5BD-4D65-85ED-65F987…)

Out of all the things she decided to post on Mother’s Day.
No. 1523368
File: 1652055355946.jpg (5.52 MB, 3024x4032, 20220508_201045.jpg)

Have an idea that this is where the Daniel's Onision court Gofundme went. He said he was going to donate the money to Onision's victims.
No. 1523382
File: 1652057769893.jpg (468.93 KB, 1381x1491, Screenshot_20220508-204941_Twi…)

I like how so men are using this case to just go off the walls with misogyny and violence and show how hypocritical and bitter they are. They're all so bitter at this woman and foaming at the mouth for a socially acceptable moment to be misogynistic
No. 1523383
File: 1652058094292.jpg (430.32 KB, 1440x1294, Screenshot_20220508-205005_Twi…)

The irony
No. 1524628
File: 1652144207662.png (924.53 KB, 1458x790, Screenshot 2022-05-09 205125.p…)

Daniel is basically reuploading content from the Law & Crime channel on YouTube not giving any commentary and is uploading them to his gaming channel he called RepzGames. Since he also mentioned recently he had gotten a partnership on that channel, the videos are supposedly monetized. In short: he's reuploading stolen content.
No. 1524630
File: 1652144275967.png (68.57 KB, 1388x767, Screenshot 2022-05-09 205234.p…)

Claiming he just posts gaming stuff on his side channel when clearly posting stuff recently that is not gaming related.
No. 1526824
File: 1652377196860.jpeg (184.97 KB, 750x1113, D05DA7A5-8B25-40C7-9D36-E2D5B2…)

Daniel throwing a fit because he didn’t get his way for his side channel. He got rejected for the partnership.
No. 1526825
File: 1652377227426.jpeg (109.17 KB, 1499x820, 18475038-FABC-4786-A370-3E2D58…)

This is what he’s mad about.
No. 1526826
File: 1652377265054.jpeg (144.29 KB, 750x731, 3A5B1256-CFBD-458E-ABD4-8200B9…)

More complaining
No. 1526828
File: 1652377310525.jpeg (55.54 KB, 750x312, 332C8DBB-BD75-47D9-89C3-6043E1…)

No. 1526829
File: 1652377347236.jpeg (187.52 KB, 750x1035, 82D2827F-E2AA-4ECA-9C25-9F5267…)

YouTube calling him out.
No. 1526833
File: 1652377446806.jpeg (152.63 KB, 744x887, C3FEE547-5529-40B5-9FC1-753205…)

His gaming channel that he’s mentioning (talking about the reuploaded Amber Heard trial. I’ve checked and there is no commentary just straight up parts of the trial)
No. 1528889
File: 1652567676255.png (282.68 KB, 736x766, Screenshot 2022-05-14 183336.p…)

That's just sad that you take pride in being blocked by a person that you never spoke to.
No. 1528893
File: 1652567819065.png (39.7 KB, 743x303, Screenshot 2022-05-14 183616.p…)

This guy is 30 years old and he's playing Fortnite? Pathetic.
No. 1528895
File: 1652568052084.png (108.89 KB, 746x756, Screenshot 2022-05-14 183826.p…)

looks like he's having issues uploading his videos.
No. 1528897
File: 1652568089956.png (207.88 KB, 728x748, Screenshot 2022-05-14 183910.p…)

No. 1528898
File: 1652568194743.png (35.47 KB, 737x257, Screenshot 2022-05-14 183926.p…)

Trying to upload a video over 20 times? Why doesn't he go spend time with his current wife/fiance?
No. 1529006
File: 1652577531712.jpeg (99.63 KB, 750x870, 17C3A9BB-524A-4D4D-96F6-2EE0A6…)

That’s terrifying.
No. 1529604
File: 1652639016956.jpg (668.85 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20220514-213652_Pic…)

>>1529006Jane photoshopped Daniel's face.
No. 1529608
File: 1652639215872.png (396.61 KB, 1837x910, Screenshot 2022-05-15 142527.p…)

Looks like Maya is going to be on RSN's podcast.
No. 1532679
File: 1652898376004.png (1.23 MB, 1837x886, Screenshot 2022-05-18 142316.p…)

This bitch really wishes she was Cher.
No. 1532680
File: 1652898535002.jpg (333.2 KB, 1080x581, 20220518_130950.jpg)

>>1532679Brightness turned up. Photoshopped herself again.
No. 1534158
>>1532680Did Cuckzion get a girl who is bald…has a new wig every week…
Imagine trying to impress the bum version of Vitalik Buterin.
No. 1534327
File: 1653071830365.png (275.6 KB, 747x807, Screenshot 2022-05-20 143245.p…)

So Jane lets her little kids cuss as she thinks it is a form of expression and makes a woman strong. Oh yeah….clearlyn"mother of the year".
No. 1534332
File: 1653072156671.png (54.48 KB, 753x347, Screenshot 2022-05-20 144115.p…)

>>1534327>>1534328Pretty much describes trashy more than anything else.
No. 1534796
File: 1653107724045.jpg (696.34 KB, 2340x1080, Screenshot_20220521-002757_You…)

Looks like both Daniel and Tracy's rooms are messy. Also it looks like that Daniel was in such a rush to make a video about QuantumTV that he was also eating when making it.
No. 1535837
File: 1653194314880.png (162.52 KB, 743x767, Screenshot 2022-05-22 003726.p…)

Imagine still talking about Maya since March.
No. 1535842
File: 1653194723996.png (1.4 MB, 1576x852, Screenshot 2022-05-22 004420.p…)

Finding your I.D. < taking on the verge of lewd selfies in the car.
No. 1535868
File: 1653198792484.png (50.13 KB, 742x400, Screenshot 2022-05-22 015239.p…)

The same person who constantly talks about their ex on social media
No. 1535870
File: 1653198914973.png (219.63 KB, 727x753, Screenshot 2022-05-22 015453.p…)

No. 1536643
File: 1653268050648.jpeg (264.87 KB, 750x875, E4D0975A-BD54-4B90-926C-3C4CE0…)

>>1536462Think this confirms it.
No. 1536644
File: 1653268098189.jpeg (179.06 KB, 747x1022, 7B046165-E8DA-4C82-83AD-898BB4…)

>>1536643As well as this one.
No. 1536753
File: 1653278492963.png (886.44 KB, 727x756, Screenshot 2022-05-22 235946.p…)

>>1536644Oh look another one.
No. 1536763
File: 1653279105266.png (208.87 KB, 398x558, Screenshot 2022-05-23 001038.p…)

No. 1536798
File: 1653280826102.jpg (883.05 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20220523-003532_Pic…)

Looks like she photoshopped this pic to make it seem like small part is part of her thigh when it is actually her dress.
No. 1536815
File: 1653282127232.jpg (16.25 KB, 320x320, repzion.jpg)

>>1536753kek he went out of his way to grow that pathetic goat beard just to look like a 10 year old lesbian.
No. 1537319
File: 1653334304570.jpg (566.86 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20220523-152618_Pho…)

So it seems like that Tracy photoshopped the arm fat. She added the arm fat when she was editing pics of herself.
No. 1537530
File: 1653351008069.png (296.27 KB, 747x752, Screenshot 2022-05-23 200642.p…)

No. 1538696
File: 1653416449358.png (228.47 KB, 722x755, Screenshot 2022-05-24 141925.p…)

Looks like someone is looking obsessively at lolcow.
No. 1539000
File: 1653438075464.png (490.24 KB, 747x760, Screenshot 2022-05-24 201852.p…)

So it seems like that Daniel has moved in with Tracy officially and no longer lives at his apartment.
No. 1539003
File: 1653438208327.png (213.18 KB, 747x770, Screenshot 2022-05-24 202215.p…)

>>1539000It also seems like they have been dating since May 25th 2021.
No. 1539491
File: 1653498989054.png (436.67 KB, 752x761, Screenshot 2022-05-25 131453.p…)

Daniel advertising Maya's ex friend's only fans and Lizzy becoming more like Maya.
No. 1539493
File: 1653499106217.png (630.27 KB, 722x758, Screenshot 2022-05-25 131743.p…)

Pretty sure that tattoo equipment and dog hair don't mix.
No. 1540680
File: 1653555852062.jpeg (139.18 KB, 750x996, 480269A7-2645-4E02-9633-C71B91…)

And I thought Daniel’s fashion sense was tacky
No. 1540684
File: 1653556176441.jpeg (152.71 KB, 750x885, 428B8FE5-ABB3-41DC-8FAB-484AEF…)

This reminded me of a time when Maya bought herself a Gucci belt using Daniel’s card then he makes her return it only to buy it for her again. He was stingy with money but has no problem now spending a lot since he took his new woman to Gucci and a fancy dinner.
No. 1542287
File: 1653718240978.jpeg (117.74 KB, 630x950, 3CF0D922-FDA7-4650-A410-3BCA86…)

Still harping on being the victim.
No. 1543810
File: 1653873949285.png (501.05 KB, 737x722, Screenshot 2022-05-29 212428.p…)

Tattooing her own stomach? Yeah that doesn't sound dangerous at all.
No. 1544393
File: 1653938579287.jpeg (163.87 KB, 638x729, 8C30A925-0122-4267-B368-B14D3B…)

>>1544357It somehow looks even worse a day later. She acts like Onision through and through.
No. 1546557
File: 1654137364841.jpeg (85.5 KB, 592x720, 146E0562-A933-42C4-82AF-97936F…)

She sure is obsessed with wanting to get married.
No. 1548207
File: 1654283991275.png (527.85 KB, 742x753, Screenshot 2022-06-03 151759.p…)

Very stereotypical of her.
No. 1548209
File: 1654284040985.png (572.71 KB, 737x736, Screenshot 2022-06-03 151828.p…)

>>1548207Says she has the flu while in bed but also brings the food in bed with her.
No. 1548380
File: 1654296800625.png (390.59 KB, 1843x856, Screenshot 2022-06-03 184944.p…)

No. 1548381
File: 1654296922366.png (227.43 KB, 537x542, Screenshot 2022-06-03 185137.p…)

>>1548380All of a sudden he cares about race, discrimination, and the LGBTQ+ community.
No. 1548382
File: 1654296975325.png (17.02 KB, 526x131, Screenshot 2022-06-03 185158.p…)

>>1548381Tell me you're a drama channel without telling me you are.
No. 1548397
File: 1654298028641.png (204.04 KB, 541x436, Screenshot 2022-06-03 191334.p…)

>>1548209Tracy is such an idiot.
No. 1548400
File: 1654298279735.png (90.8 KB, 751x607, Screenshot 2022-06-03 191635.p…)

Tipster calling Daniel out on his bullshit.
No. 1548405
File: 1654298482561.png (130.59 KB, 640x595, Screenshot 2022-06-03 192105.p…)

>>1548402Wow Tipster finally realizes that Daniel is a piece of shit.
No. 1548727
>>1515423>>1514356Geez, this cuck is so fucking unbearable. Funny how repzicuck made a career of himself for being anti-o but is slowly, but surely morphing into grugly Kek.
>>1515425Also sage, KEK but what a fucking balding disgrace of a 30 year old grown man, attempting to get your mediocre fanbase to cancel your apartment company. Deal with it yourself lol.
>>1535868>>1535837Maya was such a fucking horrible vile cunt, but these two ugly, obsessed goblins make me actually feel bad for her scum ass. It seems that both of them can't get over her, and they can't convince us otherwise kek
>>1548405Hopefully fatty spills more milk on cuckzion, can't wait for
trashy tracy's unevitable chimp out as well.
No. 1548974
File: 1654361005734.jpeg (175.43 KB, 750x1049, 12199B74-D531-46BA-88C2-DCF2F4…)

Well this took a turn.
No. 1549478
File: 1654390097989.jpeg (Spoiler Image,224.4 KB, 750x1099, 5D22727B-16DE-4063-9C25-80CBAD…)

Coming from the same person who literally goes out a lot, gets Covid, and didn’t good with hygiene.
No. 1550053
File: 1654447668858.jpeg (72.99 KB, 616x474, 7E9B4419-8BFF-42E4-B61F-D4C568…)

No. 1550062
File: 1654448091678.jpeg (74.65 KB, 605x430, FB4AA42A-E5E1-428F-9BE7-C14228…)

>>1550061My best guess is that someone did not like the tattoo prices. She charges at least a grand for her tattoos.
No. 1550168
File: 1654454953815.png (29.21 KB, 747x225, Screenshot 2022-06-05 144840.p…)

Daniel throwing a baby fit at YouTube again.
No. 1550527
File: 1654476763310.png (Spoiler Image,194.64 KB, 398x532, Screenshot 2022-06-05 205101.p…)

Strange that a kid that age is learning to play video games now. Especially from Daniel (poor kid).
No. 1550529
File: 1654476802820.png (Spoiler Image,266.78 KB, 535x437, Screenshot 2022-06-05 205116.p…)

>>1550527Also, that poor dog.
No. 1551066
File: 1654534226603.jpeg (81.65 KB, 609x438, B8A24BF6-F203-4FC2-8FAA-0EAEBB…)

Pretty much a bad idea to book a trip to Hawaii when you still have Covid.
No. 1552421
File: 1654629519463.jpeg (72.43 KB, 750x594, 6E20FC36-20BB-42CE-BE3B-ACA4FF…)

No. 1552422
File: 1654629561391.jpeg (169.36 KB, 750x754, 73ED117D-7286-45D2-BB4F-410C9F…)

>>1552421The Hawaiians aren’t going to be too happy.
No. 1552423
File: 1654629632926.jpeg (152.77 KB, 750x874, 59355BCF-5B5E-4040-B12F-069FB6…)

>>1552422Even if they are staying with a friend there, they still should not go to Hawaii especially since they don’t want the pandemic spread enough as it is.
No. 1552430
File: 1654629946373.jpeg (239.28 KB, 750x827, 29D848D6-CCF0-45C5-AA22-030D93…)

Clearly not living in an apartment anymore it seems.
No. 1554911
File: 1654805528220.png (279.36 KB, 542x721, Screenshot 2022-06-09 161055.p…)

Not her tagging Blaire White lol.
No. 1554916
File: 1654805634646.png (29.5 KB, 737x320, Screenshot 2022-06-09 161330.p…)

Daniel not having self awareness, oof.
No. 1555436
File: 1654832346022.png (Spoiler Image,484.04 KB, 533x537, Screenshot 2022-06-09 233819.p…)

That's very sore on the eyes
No. 1555437
File: 1654832404843.png (Spoiler Image,15.92 KB, 323x138, Screenshot 2022-06-09 233842.p…)

>>1555436The most pathetic simping I've ever seen.
No. 1556618
File: 1654905441149.png (38.76 KB, 753x356, Screenshot 2022-06-10 195628.p…)

That's what he said in his last relationship. He seems so sure.
No. 1557689
File: 1654987510620.png (Spoiler Image,481.1 KB, 530x517, Screenshot 2022-06-11 184453.p…)

Trypophobia vibes anyone?
No. 1567120
File: 1655758339552.png (580.58 KB, 555x745, squirreldinner.png)

get a man who looks at you like how Cuckzion eats squirrel
No. 1568309
File: 1655856465018.png (Spoiler Image,1.81 MB, 1530x846, Screenshot_2022-06-12_142524.p…)

No. 1568313
File: 1655856615616.png (517.06 KB, 1172x887, Screenshot 2022-06-21 200506.p…)

No. 1568315
File: 1655856669227.png (35.64 KB, 1237x176, Screenshot 2022-06-21 200551.p…)

>>1568313It's actually illegal to kill a protected species but somehow they both gotten away with it.
No. 1573224
File: 1656298495698.png (393.48 KB, 647x590, Screenshot 2022-06-26 225233.p…)

Looks like he got another free tattoo from his girlfriend. Surprised that this is his first Star Wars tattoo since being a Sar Wars fan is the only thing he identifies as.
No. 1573228
File: 1656298664613.png (Spoiler Image,15.82 KB, 397x132, Screenshot 2022-06-26 225246.p…)

>>1573224Of course Daniel advertising Jane's (Tracy) business once again. But when someone else says where her tattoo shop is it's doxxing. But it's ok if he does it.
No. 1577888
File: 1656701526176.jpeg (116.56 KB, 750x677, 1076D45E-3357-4D04-AE86-B0D7C7…)

This is literally coming from the same person who things racism is edgy humor. Then trying to dismiss it afterwards. No self awareness.
No. 1581008
File: 1657039773481.png (78.42 KB, 572x582, Screenshot 2022-07-05 124759.p…)

Looks like Daniel got blocked by The Quartering.
No. 1581009
File: 1657039804129.png (122.3 KB, 516x528, Screenshot 2022-07-05 124813.p…)

>>1581008So did Jane/Tracy
No. 1583800
File: 1657324077921.png (Spoiler Image,920.84 KB, 1887x847, Screenshot 2022-07-08 194510.p…)

Real "classy"
No. 1583810
File: 1657324356335.png (1.33 MB, 1437x783, Screenshot 2022-07-08 195146.p…)

>>1583805another pic of that other girl from the public restroom.
No. 1586919
File: 1657676165532.png (725.46 KB, 488x897, Screenshot 2022-07-12 213440.p…)

When you're so bad at photoshopping, you don't even realize that you have three hands instead of two.
No. 1587998
>>1586921lol yep hiding that athlete's foot with that snapchat orange filter
Cuckzion could have given her a brush instead of ugly Walmart plus size dresses jfc
No. 1592086
File: 1658294756744.png (211.14 KB, 1860x631, Screenshot 2022-07-20 012457.p…)

No. 1592088
File: 1658294887963.png (1.25 MB, 1558x842, Screenshot 2022-07-20 012741.p…)

This is what happens when you don't take care of your feet as well as being barefoot all the time.
No. 1594984
File: 1658543621041.png (469.71 KB, 742x592, image_2022-07-22_223356805.png)

That sure is a dirty ass knife.
No. 1595619
>>1594984>>1595011A-Are we seeing the start of the trinity
Good lord. Talk about a pair of Christmas cakes. Cuckzion must feel so special.
No. 1595837
File: 1658626774738.png (1.72 MB, 1567x860, Screenshot 2022-07-23 213835.p…)

>>1594984Looks like Jane photoshopped the knife a different color trying to make it look clean.
No. 1595838
File: 1658626818328.png (189.61 KB, 383x530, image_2022-07-23_214032752.png)

>>1595837The food looks fuckin' raw. Clearly Jane doesn't cook at home.
No. 1596232
File: 1658683219239.jpeg (152.14 KB, 750x1001, B62BFCD1-2C16-4941-8FD9-D8446D…)

Now Jane/Tracy claims she was born in Germany. Doubt it.
No. 1596309
File: 1658687607005.png (Spoiler Image,364.36 KB, 735x757, image_2022-07-24_143344860.png)

Now he's becoming more like Onision.
No. 1597520
File: 1658789078795.png (615.92 KB, 616x1080, Screenshot 2022-07-25 184401.p…)

Daniel really starting to look pudgy now.
No. 1599272
File: 1658950180667.png (422.68 KB, 753x741, image_2022-07-27_152927734.png)

Hey Dan have you ever vacuumed the floor? From the background on some of your videos as well as the clips you post of your dogs, it sure doesn't seem like it.
No. 1599713
File: 1658983147634.png (883.61 KB, 1457x805, image_2022-07-28_003859017.png)

Seems like the dust in the central heating vents of Jane's house matches her appearance too well.
No. 1601036
File: 1659069745588.png (600.83 KB, 1738x887, image_2022-07-29_004240821.png)

Oh look he's going after Onision again. He just can't help himself.
No. 1601448
File: 1659123667591.jpeg (148.42 KB, 747x803, 0A82FD5C-438D-46A5-9B55-F27E6C…)

Oh look Daniel fully admitting he’s a male Karen.
No. 1601827
File: 1659147164968.png (74.56 KB, 747x488, image_2022-07-29_221248222.png)

He may say that now but….again he seems so sure. Once again painting himself as an abuse victim.
No. 1602748
File: 1659233946750.png (842 KB, 1543x843, image_2022-07-30_221853703.png)

No matter how many filters she puts on her photos, or how much she photoshops herself, it can never cover up her awful tattoos.
No. 1604511
File: 1659378226423.jpeg (119.91 KB, 547x714, 0D5763C6-C056-4368-8561-90628C…)

No. 1604512
File: 1659378285597.jpeg (363.91 KB, 1080x2340, 68CFA89A-D287-4DB0-ABA9-BFC539…)

>>1604511When you’re so bad at photoshop, you don’t realize that you have a deformed hand
No. 1604678
File: 1659392212648.jpeg (129.18 KB, 608x802, 75FC5FC9-6FB3-4A54-8FF5-E018CB…)

Looks like Daniel is having a hard time taking this account down of someone impersonating him.
No. 1609076
File: 1659821015116.png (364.49 KB, 1367x842, image_2022-08-06_172337417.png)

When you're so mad of getting one of your own posts reported on Instagram you have to have your own boyfriend spread the word out for you.
No. 1611407
File: 1660073821591.jpeg (166.74 KB, 750x886, AEE39AEC-0668-434D-AE2A-CEAB8C…)

Daniel once again harps himself as the “victim”. Go be a cuck to your current girlfriend Jane/Tracy since you claim you love her so much.
No. 1611560
File: 1660085728831.jpeg (126.91 KB, 750x840, 4AFC2691-1CF6-4F03-B35D-3DBCAE…)

What kind of idiot doesn’t even play long enough in Elder Scrolls Skyrim?
No. 1611561
File: 1660085806539.jpeg (83.43 KB, 746x735, 076CCEFE-6C0C-4CC3-A4E5-496F11…)

>>1611560(Continued) he also thinks Elden Ring is boring. Shows how bad his video game taste is.
No. 1613073
File: 1660244005892.png (324.59 KB, 1408x832, Screenshot 2022-08-11 145147.p…)

Repzion. The kind of person to drag family/loved ones into drama.
No. 1613459
File: 1660279129906.png (854.71 KB, 1656x841, image_2022-08-12_003937003.png)

Daniel trying to be relevant again.
No. 1613984
>>1613459LOL happier being sued by Onision than his "wedding"
Cuckzion's platform is dying bruh
No. 1614553
File: 1660372716194.png (200.47 KB, 570x558, kekzion.png)

>>1528889Its hilarious that just 2 months ago he was taking pride in being blocked by them but now that they are being talked about in the public eye he's trying to profit off of defending them.
No. 1614622
File: 1660381913075.png (1.64 MB, 1284x2778, 6BC73318-7CB6-4141-8886-722548…)

Looks like Tracy Started harassing Mayas sponsors Tracy just seems like a stalker at this point regardless of how you feel about Maya..
No. 1615116
File: 1660421176864.png (974.31 KB, 1450x897, image_2022-08-13_160635843.png)

Well Daniel finally did it. He took a selfie while in a public restroom taking a shit.
No. 1615158
File: 1660424286539.jpeg (2.64 MB, 4032x3024, A55B5AB1-0FCB-4585-B44B-CBC7AE…)

If Mayas so “abusive” why does he want to play rocket league with her? Lmfao cuckzion strikes again!
No. 1615485
File: 1660458422772.jpeg (397.31 KB, 1284x1910, C0BC2A5C-E9AB-4351-8EAE-C5E383…)

Tracy and dans first anniversary looks a lot similar to Maya and dans first anniversary lol.
No. 1615507
File: 1660462946815.jpeg (306.87 KB, 1186x2208, 0EC76BDD-5E5D-415D-B808-02421F…)

Looks like lizzy got her “clout”
No. 1615510
File: 1660463211576.jpeg (250.1 KB, 1186x2208, 96920A84-53EF-4C14-9B52-DEAB3D…)

Lizzy story changes as much as Tracy.
No. 1615512
File: 1660463363677.png (1.66 MB, 1284x2778, AC573F8B-62AA-4FB1-AD6E-E881EE…)

yikes on this one.
No. 1615528
File: 1660466086668.jpeg (198.56 KB, 1284x1237, 91F2601B-CBCC-4660-BB1D-7CFE64…)

No. 1615873
File: 1660502640941.jpeg (335.35 KB, 1284x2367, FC51FD2E-1B84-41DB-BAD4-964BA9…)

Didn’t this bitch sperg out over “dirty towels.” To promote her onlyfans?
No. 1617223
File: 1660613704221.png (1.55 MB, 1861x797, image_2022-08-15_213554873.png)

Looks like Jane/Tracy made her twitter public again.
No. 1617264
>>1596232Saged bc super late and no real contribution
Idk about the validity of her back story, but I definitely remember her writing in perfectly good German on Twitter before. Not to WK, but I don't see any reason why she'd lie about having lived there if she speaks the language and can talk about things with certain cultural knowledge. German is a pain in the ass to learn.
If I don't forget I'll try to find the conversation again and screenshot it.
No. 1617822
File: 1660669562193.jpeg (306.46 KB, 1284x1955, E2507288-8F2B-4A3E-8E3D-EE3D4D…)

No. 1618009
File: 1660685344564.png (23.74 KB, 752x176, image_2022-08-16_172944542.png)

No. 1618316
>>1618301Anon who started the thread has been spamming images like this from the beginning. I suspect a vendetta despite agreeing repzion is a massive cow. Like wtf is this
>>1611560 they're not even being ironic KEK.
No. 1620507
File: 1660960075745.png (2.61 MB, 1284x2778, 078A8AF9-C7A3-42DE-99DF-5E550D…)

No. 1620508
File: 1660960108229.png (2.9 MB, 1284x2778, 723692FC-918D-4845-8F14-364631…)

No. 1620618
>>1620511We also
totally care kek
No. 1621092
File: 1661031761210.png (8.48 MB, 1284x2778, 7C874B6A-5C68-48B8-A0F4-EBDBA2…)

I think the whale is eating too many squirrels, look at the size of that fupa!(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1621987
File: 1661123701718.jpeg (354.7 KB, 828x755, 19D8FAE3-674A-45B6-9B7F-77BE97…)

We have a call out
No. 1622336
>>1621987I think it's more likely that he lurks than someone has sent him a link.
And yes
>>1622001 I think there will be milk coming out of this situation too
No. 1668474
File: 1665045528733.png (Spoiler Image,7.76 MB, 1284x2778, A019A5DA-9371-4475-AF08-38F266…)

I prefer maya’s cam whore videos to these pancake nipples the downfall of cuckzion
No. 1668477
File: 1665045657725.jpeg (Spoiler Image,407.3 KB, 1284x2674, EFC740CD-D986-4557-9CC3-746167…)

What is this
No. 1673667
File: 1665596779599.jpeg (Spoiler Image,313.76 KB, 1284x2778, 14B66166-0F81-495D-9873-7AF545…)

Cuckzion downfall
No. 1680591
File: 1666333740333.jpeg (Spoiler Image,198.71 KB, 1261x851, AB49173D-A961-4804-ADD1-63C47C…)

Her failed porn career before she met cuckzion these spotty nipples make me sick.(spoiler )
No. 1680592
File: 1666333829352.jpeg (Spoiler Image,406.12 KB, 1284x2593, AF3FB2C0-A361-4DEB-9F12-1E0C9E…)

Porn parent takes it all off.
No. 1685610
File: 1666823531099.jpg (127.14 KB, 1052x833, Jane quitting social media.jpg)

Looks like Jane/Tracy is quitting social media for a while.
No. 1690097
File: 1667237475031.png (634.25 KB, 748x727, Screenshot 2022-10-31 132523.p…)

Her going private on twitter didn't last long. Now Jane/Tracy is back advertising her twitch channel again.
No. 1697135
File: 1668101790607.jpeg (233.49 KB, 1284x1686, 8840EB5C-55D6-4A95-89F7-D757BD…)

Repzions girlfriend Tracy Anne Yun aka “Jane” planning to jump and deform Maya’s face
No. 1697137
File: 1668101961412.png (491 KB, 1284x2778, A2ACE122-A760-4557-BE58-708406…)

Tracy Anne yun sent this when Maya had a restraining order up on her.
No. 1697143
File: 1668102329975.jpeg (178.94 KB, 1284x1294, 5C6D295F-FAED-44E8-BB3B-D62310…)

The 4th was the court hearing Maya had against Tracy.
No. 1697145
File: 1668102578403.jpeg (206.01 KB, 1284x2778, D6483140-3763-4830-9773-70632A…)

Cuckzion went on private to delete tweets of him admitting to meeting Maya at 12. Luckily I archived them No. 1697148
File: 1668102963446.jpeg (234.75 KB, 1284x2002, F43A2C67-D8DF-4EFC-B638-DB6230…)

Tracy’s “stolen” property was retrieved March 14, strange how she continued to blame Maya for it.
No. 1697303
File: 1668118479401.png (688.05 KB, 1284x2778, B67C29E5-9584-4F7B-B1BA-8EC659…)

No. 1697309
File: 1668118900168.jpeg (639.15 KB, 1283x2187, B5FF5001-6D3E-43D8-86F9-FAFBD2…)

wasn't she planning on jumping maya with her hood rats and deforming her face?
Now she’s bitching about her PayPal being hacked: I guess cuckzion has to pay Tracy’s rent now and raise all her kids by himself.
No. 1697313
File: 1668119256351.jpeg (183.25 KB, 1284x730, 5A2DC5C5-42A5-4E43-BB35-5E74D4…)

I’d never thought I say this, but Maya was telling the truth about cuckzion.
No. 1697315
File: 1668119342137.png (684.21 KB, 1284x2778, 3F169707-BF94-4DCD-803E-D898B2…)

No. 1697331
File: 1668120585629.jpeg (81.21 KB, 1284x499, 9D4A7F22-B2FF-4215-AD38-E81340…)

Isn’t Agmar cuckzion mod? I remember when this black guy in red came to Mayas apartment and shot it up.
The guy also Belongs to the same gang as Tracy. Why is cuckzion girlfriend and mods hiring hits out on people what a lying faggot
No. 1697348
File: 1668122540276.png (3.07 MB, 1284x2778, 6E195723-E0D1-48FB-A5EB-1F3F5B…)

>>1697340No of course not! Cuckzion upgraded to cluster H now
No. 1697359
File: 1668123461270.jpeg (Spoiler Image,473.04 KB, 1284x1561, C4F5F8C7-E26B-4FF5-832E-2B3B86…)

What the fuck
No. 1697360
File: 1668123591814.jpeg (271.75 KB, 1284x1553, 0EFA0BA6-8AB4-47E6-9BEC-8F90FB…)

They ate squirrels together?
No. 1697364
File: 1668123897796.jpeg (454.52 KB, 1284x1569, 8D8AC49E-23C7-456B-9D5E-4F0E29…)

At least Maya has better nips and doesn’t eat squirrels KEK
do you think she fed squirrels to her kids?
No. 1697499
File: 1668135898524.jpeg (144.4 KB, 1284x2778, 3DC102E6-F552-49D9-92B0-B74997…)

KEK keep crying Tracy
No. 1697503
File: 1668136079388.jpeg (145.66 KB, 1284x2778, 438F43ED-8ED9-46A5-AB37-D955AD…)

Well this doesn’t add up with the whole “victim narrative” KEK
No. 1697506
File: 1668136360171.jpeg (333.54 KB, 1284x2048, D1AB4F8B-4F14-43E0-BCC6-DB8F88…)

slug gave the squirrel couple a bot to monitor Maya apparently.
No. 1697559
Have you guys seen this video? It’s insane Kek
Jane beat up her old nanny
She killed her cat?
And admits to being a crackhead No. 1697565
File: 1668146002921.png (12.7 KB, 747x147, letitgoooo.png)

>>1697135>>1697137>>1697143>>1697145>>1697148>>1697303>>1697309>>1697313>>1697315>>1697331>>1697336>>1697456>>1697499>>1697503>>1697506>>1697559Rep and his new gf are def cows by all means, but this is so obviously some rabid vendetta that's been spamming this thread with the same unsaged old milk and "maya's nipples are nicer!!!".
No. 1697682
>>1697591>>1697610Lie better and learn to sage. You can find the squirrel posts here:
>>1567120>>1568309>>1568311>>1697582It's definitely milk, but after sifting through it, most of it seems old or already posted. Honestly, wouldn't even care that much if she'd just learn to sage. It is kind of funny that she has managed to single handedly kill this thread over the past year by desperately spamming it with unsaged screencaps and unhinged nipple talk though. People used to engage, but besides these occasional spams this thread seems dead.
No. 1701554
File: 1668635887924.jpeg (362.52 KB, 1284x1647, A98956F0-702B-46A4-8FF7-974FC0…)

Tracy (Jane) has a history of assault and stealing weapons?
No. 1701557
File: 1668635947711.jpeg (360.76 KB, 1284x1701, BB28F02A-9019-4ACC-826E-FE6EF5…)

here’s some milk
No. 1735793
File: 1672654798106.jpg (540.35 KB, 1080x2597, Rawbyjane.jpg)

She's so ugly
No. 1735831
>>1735793Honestly she's got a pretty face. Out of Repzion's league, but personality wise prob a perfect match since they're both
toxic af.
No. 1736300
>>1735838Repzion's always been a doormat. He hasn't even addressed anything that's come out in the last month and neither has Jane, so that says more about them than anything from Slug. He's repeating behaviors he displayed with Maya and not addressing anything, but getting mad at other people. It's stupid. But, what else could we expect?
Also, "incel to tranny pipeline"? You calling Jane a "tranny," or what do you mean by that? She isn't one, so I'm confused.
No. 1787126
File: 1678600442803.png (29.86 KB, 935x590, stupid..PNG)

News just in, a second court case is coming. Tracy Yun is accusing Maya Moore of "doxxing her kids" as day 100000 of Maya spamming people a twitter thread ends.
Miss Yun enters random podcast to argue with the host, saying that people better donate to her gofundme for lawyer fees (lol, I remember the first time daniel did this) and MY KIDS ARE TRAUMATIZED FROM THIS etc. goes twitter private in an act that he thought was worth mentioning.
Why are these onision people so obsessed with court cases? They make it this big public affair
No. 1787721
>>1787262IMO both sides are bad and I doubt the courtcase will go anywhere unless they can prove Maya herself filed a false CPS report.
Maya is obviously nuts and has been on a manic spiral for the last week, but its obvious repzion and his new piece are completely obsessed with her and cannot stop poking the bear. I feel bad for the judge.
Anyway, heres an interview with Maya going through the timeline of events.
Notable accusations
-started communication with repzion at 13 and
this continued until he flew her out at 19
-after the breakup/move out a man in red shoots up her apartment, according to her he was given a description of a "small white girl"
-her and repzion were broken up during the cheating scandal with adrian, he took the condom off without her knowledge. Repzion gave her a pregnancy test which was positive
-Repzion sleeps with a guy when they were together for a free TV?
Take it with a grain of salt but theres a lot happening here
No. 1790480
>>1787126daniel is incapable of not pretending to be the
victim. dude, you dated maya when she was a teenager with an age gap of several years, and your new girlfriend can't learn to shut her fucking mouth about being a 'hood mama' or whatever the fuck she calls herself. they act as if maya goes out of their way to terrorize them when they travel to the state she resides in.
No. 1790751
>>1790479Ok, he didn't groom Maya. The most I've seen are the screenshots of the emails & those were fairly tame, then they didn't talk for YEARS. I think you're applying too much goodwill towards Maya's claims of grooming, tbh.
To also remind people that, unless I missed something, they didn't talk, or talked sporadically for the next however many years. To also point this out, Maya was a teenage model for years and raised mainly by her mentally ill mother. Growing up in a life like that often results in very mentally ill, narcissistic people. Just look at a lot of the Disney female child stars who starred in shows we grew up with 15-20 years ago. A lot of them have mental health issues or are very jaded from being in the industry like they were. Or any other child stars, really. I think it's more plausible that Maya was already mentally ill way before dating Repzion.
As for him trying to silence her, where? She's been on many livestreams over the last year giving her side of the story, often with contradictions to things she's said in other places, including stuff she said while she was dating him and shit she says in the interviews themselves. I don't like Repzion either, but I don't believe Maya at all.
No. 1790777
>>1790751>He didn't groom mayaEven if he didn't according to your standards, there's enough evidence that he was creepy and just weird to his underage fans from his tumblr days & his earlier days on YouTube. If you don't want to give Maya the benefit of the doubt, fine, but saying Daniel's a creep is justified. He can't use the 'I was young and dumb' excuse either, he was in his twenties talking to his underage fans in an inappropriate manner. Had he not cultivated fame from shitting on Onision for years, no one would be this overly defensive of him.
>I think it's plausible that Maya was already mentally ill way before dating Repzion. I agree & I don't think anyone has argued otherwise. His claims that he's the
victim in the scenario are utter horseshit though, if he and his new girlfriend were sincerely that scared of her, they wouldn't go out of their way to provoke her or lie about her targeting Jane's kids (which is essentially her bread and butter in this whole situation, something she's never provided proof for).
>As for him trying to silence her, where?She's been on multiple livestreams to give her side but his friends seemingly find a way to either harass the person or people hosting the stream. This happened on the Raven's Flock podcast here, and the hosts say it outright what's happening: Even if these people aren't Repzion/Jane, they're doing it in their name & Rep/Jane have never denounced it or asked for it to stop.
No. 1790813
>>1790777Yeah. I don't defend his old Tumblr, or anything he did like that. I'm just trying to stick to proven facts. Maya and he talked through emails, but there wasn't anything said that I find legitimately worrying there. It wouldn't surprise e if he's talked to OTHER underage people worse, though.
The person I responded to legit tried to argue Maya's mental illnesses were caused by Repzion. She had a whole life and upbringing before dating him. I doubt he did anything to her to give her anything. To claim otherwise without direct proof is stupid. She was also in a mental health facility for a while years ago as a teenager. You ask me, she more than likely had a list of mental health issues before they started dating, especially if she's acting the way she has been.
I DO think he was treated badly by her, but not as much as he claims. He was fine with a lot of her bullshit for a while before they broke up. He only broke up with her because a lot of the shit she did got to be too much for him. Not to say he wasn't within his rights to do so, since she'd act like she did in that video he has of her screaming at him in their old apartment, but yeah.
Yeah, that's not good if they're behind it. No one believes or likes Maya, so I don't know what they're afraid of.
No. 1795310
File: 1679806545521.jpg (431.01 KB, 2172x3862, 20230326_004706.jpg)

Jane, Daniel, and Maya are all equally unhinged at this point. It's like every month they put out a rant about Maya, Jane insists others need to block her yet it's pretty obvious she frequently searches for Maya's name. Idk who would be so protective over a dude who looks like a leprechaun
No. 1801008
>>1790813>The person i responded to legit tried to argue Maya's mental illnesses were caused by RepzionYeah which is dumb & I don't think many people would argue that.
>He only broke up with her because a lot of the shit she did got to be too much for him. Not to say he wasn't within his rights to do so, since she'd act like that video he has of her screaming at him in their old apartment. He was within his rights to break up with her, but I don't believe for a single second he didn't know what he was getting into when he started dating her. I also don't believe that he wasn't a primary aggressor. At the end of the day, there's a significant age gap between the two of them and one has far more social clout than the other. This is like arguing that Amber Heard actually abused Johnny Depp because she would yell at him sometimes and/or hit back. Maya's unhinged but Daniel and Jane repeatedly cry wolf about someone they will not stop antagonizing, even though they believe she's so evil and unhinged.
No. 1801383
>>1801008And yet the person did that, which you can check yourself, and I know other people who have done that as well.
Yes, because Repzion knew who Maya was before they started going out. Sure.
Their age gap really doesn't mean shit if 1 is genuinely
abusive. There's multiple pieces of evidence and testimonies from multiple people that Maya's
abusive. Their age gap is, what, 6-7 years at best? And they started dating when she was 19 and he was 25/26? Hardly a significant age gap. Repzion's also a twig, so sure he could be physically
abusive to Maya. Sure…
I mean, my understanding for the Amber Heard shit is that she was proven to be
abusive to Johnny Depp in court without a shadow of a doubt, so I don't really know if that's a great comparison. The footage and audio released by Repzion and. screenshots and shit released by others and him, not to mention how Maya treats others and has been the last year and a half online just shows that she's fucking crazy. I don't know how. you can ignore the evidence and just say "Well, there was an age gap and Repzion has more clout" unless you're just heavily biased in Maya's favor. Given how many people in this thread seem to be, I'm not surprised if you are. It's fine to hate Repzion, but ignoring evidence that you can find is just stupid.
To say this, Jane is mainly the one who keeps the drama going on their part and Repzion chimes in when he feels he needs to. Why Jane gets so obsessed with this shit, I don't know. I'd get tired of it after a little while. No one believes Maya and no one cares about this drama. And if anyone has any questions, they can always just ask them about anything. SOME things Jane's done were for deliberate antagonization, but Maya and her cronies to just about as much, if not more, antagonization. I mean, you ever look at Maya's Twitter? It's legit filled with posts about Repzion and Jane. And it is whether or not they do anything to provoke her.
At the end of the day, what happened that Maya's really mad about that we can believe without evidence or her untrustworthy word? She got mad Repzion broke up with her and moved on. That's it. I don't give a fuck about any of these people, as they're all shitty people, but this is the truth of the matter. There's also the fact that women CAN be the abusers in the situation and that's what I believe happened here. Obviously there were signs that Maya's crazy that Repzion chose to ignore and he only broke up with her because they got to be too much for HIM, which is on him. However, that doesn't mean she's not
abusive. Just that he's an idiot who cares for no one but himself. At the end of the day, we shouldn't be taking any sides here, just going with what is more or less closest to the truth and him being
abusive to Maya really doesn't add up. from what I've seen, sorry.
No. 1802445
>>1801383>And yet the person did that, which you can check yourselfAdmittedly bad wording on my part but the majority of people don't believe that. Plenty of people in this thread don't like Maya. You're zeroing in on the one person who might.
>There's multiple pieces of evidence and testimonies from multiple people that Maya's abusive.Who and where? Her former friends who jumped from being her friend to supporting Rep, probably to save their own hides/avoid him and Jane dragging them down as well? Anyone who's ever defended Maya or said a decent word about her has been hounded by those two crazies since all of this got outed. 2+2=4 etc.
>Hardly a significant age gapA 25/26 year old dating a 19 year old is a red flag and you have to be a scrote if you don't get that.
>she was proven to be abusive to Johnny Depp beyond a shadow of a doubt so I don't really know if that's a great comparison.Lol no she wasn't. The trial in the US was surrounding defamation, not a criminal trial accusing her of abuse. The trial in the UK went above and beyond in proving her allegations & Depp was ruled to have assaulted Heard on 12 out of 14 occasions. This is often met with blatant denial from Depp stans but the UK ruling/judgment is here if you're willing to actually look at the other side and not trust everything you run across on TikTok or what Daniel has to say about it:
>but Maya and her cronies do just about, if not more, antagonizingDaniel has uploaded multiple videos over an hour long about this situation, has allowed his fans to attack and demonize anyone who dislikes him for ANY reason even outside of this situation, and even did so before when Maya was in the picture. Maya is not the only one antagonizing people and you know it. Especially considering Jane has tried to accuse her of breaking into her tattoo shop with absolutely no evidence.
>you ever look at Maya's twitter? It's legit filled with posts about Repzion and JaneSee above.
No. 1802566
>>1802445Could'a fooled me. A lot of the posts here from last year legit come off as Maya simps. No one has to like Repzion here, but don't sympathize with Maya. She doesn't deserve it.
25/19 is not really that big a deal, let's be honest here. The only reason you think it is is because Repzion's the one who's older of the 2 and you think he abused Maya rather than the other way around. people have age gaps in their romantic relationships like that all the time. Hell, some people even bigger gaps than that. If we increased the ages, say 25/32, would you really be trying to make that argument? Repzion's an idiot and a toothpick. I don't believe he could hurt a fly, literally because he physically couldn't. Especially with how insane Maya is? Puh-lease. That's so laughable. I don't know if you're applying way too much sympathy to Maya because of your own past experiences, if you genuinely hate Repzion that much that you're blinded by it, or what, but I have yet to see an actual piece of credible evidence that says he abused her or groomed her. It's so stupid.
It's more than just her former friends. A lot of people whoo've interacted with her have had bad experiences with her. Not to mention her lies are easy to track if you listen to her enough. Even her simp Steve Delive has told people in private that he's sick of her at points, but is too stubborn to just drop her and admit that publicly according to Mr. Sen.
Of course people who defend Maya are gonna have shit thrown their way. No one likes abusers or the people who defend them. Not saying it's always justified, but this isn't surprising. What matters is how you deal with it.
He's uploaded 2 to my knowledge. 1 about how badly Maya ended up treating him and 1 about the court case from when Maya tried to get a personal protection order from Jane after he sent her that cease and desist. Yes, the first video was very self-serving, as he clearly downplayed things on his end and didn't see how some of the things he said to Maya set up how she would later treat him, as well as didn't touch on the any videos he made defending her or outright threatening people who criticized them when they were together, as well as didn't offer anyone apologies publicly, but he got his side out there. I completely understand it, even if I don't fully agree with how he went about it. He had to reupload it with Maya's face censored from certain shots when she kept privacy striking it down, but that's about it.
Maya's a nut and I have no sympathy for her. Both sides keep doing this insane bullshit and it needs to stop. Maya needs to be checked into a mental hospital and Jane needs to stop obsessing with her. It's been well over a year and a half and they're in worse places now than when shit started. No one can get me to think Maya's the better of the sides at this point.
No. 1802567
**1 about how badly Maya ended up treating him and 1 about the court case from when Maya tried to get a personal protection order on Jane after he sent her that cease and desist. Yes, the first video was very self-serving, as he clearly downplayed things on his end and didn't see how some of the things he said to Maya set up how she would later treat him, as well as didn't touch on the many videos he made defending her or outright threatening people who criticized them when they were together, as well as didn't offer anyone apologies publicly, but he got his side out there.
No. 1804742
>>1802566>A lot of the posts here from last year legit came off as Maya simpsDisliking Tracy/Jane or Rep doesn't make anyone a Maya "simp". I don't believe Maya's lying entirely about everything, doesn't mean I or anyone else is a "simp" for her. I can easily agree she's done herself no favors.
>25/19 is not really that big a deal, let's be honest here. I do not know anyone my age who would comfortably date someone who's a freshman in college, who can't even legally drink or buy tobacco products. Get real with yourself. As everyone in this thread has said before, if you don't want to believe Maya's account entirely, fine, but Rep has had a repeated history of being inappropriate with his underage fans. Heaven forbid people find him dating a literal teenager when he was in his mid twenties to be at the very least fucking weird. I wouldn't care if he were 31 and Maya was 25 or so because she would be at a completely different stage of emotional and mental maturity.
>Repzion's an idiot and a toothpick. I don't believe he could hurt a fly, literally because he physically couldn't.Scrotes make this argument all the time and it never ceases to be retarded. On average men who aren't fit or are out of shape are going to be able to overpower women, especially if they're several years apart in age. Maybe if Maya were a 6'0 weightlifting beast I'd agree with you here.
>Mr. SenThe guy who's only been sucking Repzion's dick since this entire debacle started? Incredibly unbiased source.
>Maya's a nut and I have no sympathy for her. Both sides keep doing this insane bullshit and it needs to stop. Maya needs to be checked into a mental hospital and Jane needs to stop obsessing with her. Interesting that you say this because only one party has been recorded to possibly use violence against not only the other but people outside of this situation, and that's Jane. It's already been stated earlier in the thread that she's confiscated firearms and has threatened people. She keeps screeching about her kids on twitter and accusing people of doxing them without ever supplying any evidence, there's evidence of her doing drugs with her kids in the home, and she's trying to insinuate that Maya called CPS on her with again, absolutely no evidence. Dan and Jane have traveled in the same state where Maya lives and have made it no secret. I'm not sure about you, but if I found someone to be such a looming threat and I KNEW who it was, I would not be traveling to the same state they're in and publicly announcing it for everyone to see. They're clearly playing this up even though Maya's a legal annoyance at worst. She's not a threat.
No. 1826736
File: 1684028211043.jpg (93.09 KB, 750x968, cuckzionfeeder.jpg)

just cuckzion things: feeding zoidburg in bed to earn his keep among the squirrel catacombs
No. 1839569
File: 1685699041263.png (874.69 KB, 1746x1262, Screenshot 2023-06-02 at 9.38.…)

they are engaged (again) at the cure concert
neither looks happy about it
No. 1910285
File: 1696676500014.png (1.02 MB, 1196x1160, Screenshot 2023-10-07 at 11.58…)

>>1909880to the shock of nobody.
obviously shes vagueposting the breakup. no actual reasoning given yet, probably get back together in 2 months tops, breakup again in 6. Rezpion still follows her, she no longer follows him. Maya remains ominously silent on the subject (having a blow out party maybe?)
who wants to lay a bet jane and maya team up to "take repzion down" and reveal he was the mastermind abuser the whoooole time and THEY were just innocent cluster b
victims forced to fight each other for him?
No. 1911669
File: 1696947976072.png (31.16 KB, 595x303, xitterpost.PNG)

It is making me wonder what happened given his whole "muh trauma was the cause" response.
No. 1913212
>>1911669He continuously blames everything on “muh trauma” and Maya. I guarantee he’s going to say the same shit about Jane and go on tirades about her being “
abusive” too.
No. 1914089
>>1913335Ah yes, trauma is a fickle one. It makes someone
unalive and eat squirrels. It makes someone bursts into tears over an SDE. It makes someone so emotionally attached to their mother that they hate their father. It makes someone post recordings of their girlfriends having a breakdown. At least the cuck still has his Star Wars collection to keep him warm at night.
No. 1916105
File: 1697755090551.jpeg (178.8 KB, 454x462, E3E14780-79C2-4058-A350-BB4C49…)

His latest two thumbnails look so visually gross to me like I need a spiritual cleansing after
No. 1926107
File: 1699561004109.jpg (134.75 KB, 1080x1323, mrsrepzionliar.jpg)

look its the internet's biggest liar
No. 1979191
File: 1711210437812.png (36.59 KB, 750x245, 1000078286.png)

Cuckzion listing the ways he mispronounced his own name