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No. 419669
>What is Breadtube and the leftist sphere?A new leftist movement aiming to address, fight, and destroy the growing presence of fascism in the USA. AKA, breadtube is keyboard warriors making response videos to anti-SJW’s and the leftist sphere is a place that preaches diversity while all their biggest players are white or TIM.
>General summary of their beliefs- They are not liberals. Liberals believe first and foremost on changing the system from the inside while Leftists want to destroy it.
-They have slap fights over the intricacies of their political beliefs every other wednesday. The only thing uniting them is leftism.
>Breadtube: The big players only. Other tubers exist, but these are the ones pulling the shots. - HBomberGuy (
Defended his rapist script writer because they were trans and made an entire google plug in the block anti-SJW videos from appearing in ones feed.
-Philosophy Tube (
Can’t find any drama on him.
-Contrapoints (
Anti-SJW college dropout turned communist troon. Hates capitalist exploitation, but blows hundreds of patreon dollars on buying fancy clothes made from exploitative labor.
-Peter Coffin (
Faked a girlfriend once. He also didn't do anything about Laurelai Bailey, a serial rapist, who ran his discord server. Peter Coffin also went so far as in to say he didn't believe one of the
Wants to reclaim the skull form the anti-SJW’s. Is dry as bread.
>Leftist sphere: places where leftist congregate. Only ones big enough to stir drama are listed. -/r/stupidpol
They only believe the original Marxist definition of class, poor vs. rich, effects oppression so they usually scare off the crazy SJW types. They focus on class so much, it’s just poor vs. rich to them, that they can’t see a POC having a different form of oppression or a rich women being oppressed.
Most milky because the sub gets all it’s communist ideas from memes, it’s become so bad the mods are making a book club for reading Marxist works (you can still join). They are just radical liberals RP as communists.
It’s just Chapolight.
The incels of the communist movement. They spend all there time browsing and posting about how capitalism has ruined everything, but refuse to fix their situation because it’s to late or they’re vote doesn't matter. Latestagecel
It’s just latestagecel light.
- /r/ShitLiberalsSay
A place to shit on conservatives, Nazis, and leftist that go against the circle-jerk.
The real underdogs of the leftist community. The only thing leftist can agree on is the fact AnCaps are retarded.
>Actual communist reading if that interests you No. 419673
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Lets play MRA or stupidpol?
No. 419686
>>419671>Laurelai BaileyIt was actually an 8chan board called /hebe/. He would upload CP to it as some sort of pedophile honeypot to "own the gamers" and actually got interviewed by law enforcement.
Is Dan Olson part of breadtube? Because he was working alongside Laurelai during that 8chan thing.
No. 419703
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>>419686He's in their twitter circle.
Also that guy that parodies that alt-righter Peter Sweden. He once posted a screencap of incels discussing how a woman from instagram must be fucking her dog, and didn't even think about censoring her face. Gee thanks for spreading humiliation about her so you can take down incels.
No. 419713
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AnCaps are on a whole new level.
No. 419718
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ChapoChuds can't understand why they're 'kill TERFS/the rich/Nazis', spaming of '40% of cops beat their wives', and 'post hog' rhetoric is getting attention from the moderators of reddit. Like these guys are all for banning Nazi hate speech and threats, but when its them they can't cope.
No. 419753
>>419673i used to be pretty active on stupidpol. at its inception it was a good space for anti-idpol leftism but it’s been brigaded and taken over by incels/MRAs and to a lesser extent white supremacists. the mods are so ineffectual and up their own asses re: freeze peach that they refuse to ban any of the right-wing identitarians that are shitting up the sub and using it to air their petty anti-feminist talking points (ironically just idpol from a male perspective). radfems are quickly chased off though, of course (and flaired as right wing).
there are a few good posters holding out there, but it’s going to be TiA 2.0 in a few months unless the mods decide to clean it up.
No. 419759
>>419671>but then people found out he has revenge porn of the time he raped a chick and that he hosts pedo discords or something. It was wild watching it all unravel before my eyes.Woah, when did this happen? His initial infamy came from his activity on reddit ~6-7 years ago, when he was a big player in /r/shitredditsays and
eventually got banished from the progressive community after scamming, leeching off of, abusing, and/or sexually assaulting numerous people he met online. He also bragged about forcing his wife to prostitute herself back when he first jumped on the tranny train.
No. 419775
>>419759It was 2 or 3 years ago? I wanna say 2 years ago but I can't exactly remember. It was in (one of the) Thunderdome leftbook groups. He came in posting stuff like "Oh I'm so glad you're all so accepting of me, I've been shunned from everywhere… People keep spreading false info about me" which several people found shady but then he gave an explanation saying that he was a hacker and that the FBI caught him alongside several other hacktivists and then spread false rumors saying he was a snitch but he tottally wasnt and the FBI just wanted him out of the hacktivist world (lmao). Any attacks against him were dismissed as "transphobia" as the admin (some black chick in the Navy or military) really liked him and took pitty on him.
But then, someone gathered a bunch of screenshots and posted them as proof. I will try to log on to my old fb and look for that stuff tomorrow.
No. 419837
>>419828That reminds me how leftists believe consent to crappy jobs just doesn't exist (Ex: People don't choose to work overtime until they faint, they have to or they'll get fired and starve to death)
But sex work is totally a choice bro.
No. 420057
He put his AO3 account in the video description. His AO3 account. His fanfiction.
Zeria is one of the cringier leftists because he's a straight up AGP troon who makes videos on yuri (lesbian anime/manga/visual novels). He straight up says 'asking why I liked yuri anime helped me figure out I was trans' ( He also has this weird idea leftism should embrace anime?
No. 420195
>>420057Both commies and alt-righters adoring anime is hilarious since it's simultaneously super capitilistic and le
problematic but also extremely degenerate and clearly marketed at beta males. Kind of gives the game away that they're both the exact same sort of spergy NEET LARPers.
No. 424790
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some Highlights
No. 426035
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>>425721>>425639They keep on talking about how they will start a revolution and kill all the fascists,terfs,rightwingers e.t.c but at the same time can't bothered to learn how to fight is goddam stupid
No. 426414
stupidpol discusses TERFS/radical feminism: of the thread: anything that interferes with my boner is TOO FAR and PROOF that radical feminism is pure ressentiment-driven idpol meant to demonize innocent men that simply want to consume porn and choke out their girlfriends :((
No. 426421
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>getting your political views from YouTube and Reddit
No. 430573
>>429968I think bc the conquest of bread by kropotkin?
as if any of them have read it
No. 430579
>>429968Reference to The Conquest of Bread by Peter Kropotkin.
Which goes to show how terrible they are at this whole politics thing since I'm sure almost none of the people in the community have actually read it, few of them actually believe in his ancom ideas, most of the community don't even seem to know what it's referencing either and the average normie would probably think it was a reference to the breadlines in the USSR and that for some reason these lefties are smearing their own ideology lmao.
No. 430987
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Pretty much
No. 431007
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>>430825One of their hosts and amber frost from CTH are currently receiving a bit of the ol leftist infighting for doing a "too cool for feminism" interview with Spiked and the latters hot take on Louis CK not being bad because she used to work with a convicted rapist (???).
No. 431040
>>430825okay, i’m probably in the minority here since i enjoy red scare but i’ll try to give an unbiased description.
they’re essentially a “cultural commentary” podcast with vague political overtures, though over the course of the past year they’ve shifted their focus away from fashion, film, literature, etc. and more towards politics, notably russiagate, MeToo, and the current democratic primary. the hosts Dasha and Anna are sort of contrarian edgelords (liberal usage of fag and retard, defending controversial media men like Louis CK and Woody Allen, openly - ironically? - lusting after underage boys, that sort of stuff). they also touch on philosophy, art criticism, and psychoanalysis. think paglia, baudrillard, cixous, lacan, zizek, fisher, lasch. that sort of stuff.
Dasha is basically a dyed-in-the-wool Bernie bro and is a sincere leftist, i think. Anna is a bit harder to pin down. i think she’s a social democrat with some socially conservative opinions, sort of along the lines of Christopher Lasch (much like frequent quest Angela Nagle).
the podcast itself is extremely hit or miss, but in my personal opinion the girls are funny and it’s refreshing to see people on the left speak their mind freely and without fear of being cancelled. it occasionally produces scorching hot nuclear takes like “climate change is bourgeois eschatology” (in fairness said by their guest, not by them) but also stuff like skepticism towards the russian collusion narrative & critiques of liberal feminism and technocracy.
people afford them way too much importance, as they do with every part of the brooklyn leftist podcasting extended universe.
No. 431065
>>431053The Difference in level of research,professionalism and subject matter between the two is staggering
just compare the first episode of ChapoTrapHouse Popular Fronts No. 431118
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The '1st world communist' meme is real.
No. 431610
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male “leftists” in a nutshell
No. 436088
>>430987not to praise /pol/ but at least the ethot those bath water chugging neckbeards are orbiting is objectively pretty
you gotta admit that it takes a special kind of absolute beta cuck to be a paypig to an ugly shim
all of my sides
No. 440541
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>>440478he was tweeting edgy shit like "I've murdered millions of trans and nb people for this platform and im not stopping now" in response to people calling him a TERF for saying he doesn't believe in gender despite still being a tranny defender
here's the milk spilt on his subreddit
TS = Thought Slime, a male breadtuber who identifies as "non-binary" so thinks he can speak on trans issues from a personal perspective and gets extremely emotionally invested in it to the extent of ruining his mental health, despite it not actually effecting his real life in any way
Destiny arc = Steven Bonnell recently had a falling out with Hasan Piker over mildly critizing his anti-Kamala Harris vid causing Hasan to rant about him turning reactionary for hours on end on his stream, so Destiny started making edgy jew jokes and shit talking "the squad" to try and scare away his leftist fans, had a similar fit two months ago where he was PMing GoT spoilers to critics on reddit
as for Vaush's girlfriend he regularly insults her to her face on his stream "as a joke" and she seems to be a super TRA who gets mad at him for sharing the most tepid tranny takes such as "maybe Yaniv isn't really trans just because she says" so seems this topic is a point of friction for their already combative relationship, the two mods mentioned are trans I think
No. 441177
here’s some minor intersubreddit drama
r/stupidpol clashes with r/gendercritical
>studidpol user makes post decrying unchecked racism, homophobia, and transphobia on the sub >female user points out glaring omission of misogyny/sexism, questions how stupidpol aims to achieve a proletarian revolution while alienating 51% of the working class>stupidpol flairs female user as TERF>female user makes r/gendercritical post decrying unchecked misogyny and sexism on r/stupidpol>stupidpol reacts: include:
>hoes mad>Am I alone in thinking that most of the people who paraphrase the “mean and sexist” pms they get on reddit are lying?>Femcels BTFO.>I read gendercritical pretty frequently to get a grasp of what a jaded-beyond-repair woman looks like, and what insecurities they have. But, I don’t go there for politics. Ever.the “anti-idpol” left, everyone
No. 445022
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Chapo's subreddit has just been quarantined, IIRC it's the second leftist subreddit to be quarantined after fullcommunism. Most likely for threats of violence against specific groups they don't like.
No. 447606
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>>445022>Chapo's subreddit has just been quarantinedThis is amazing, i can just imagine the butthurt longposts.
No. 455134
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incel thread becomes the most popular thread on stupidpol, but a thread posting a particularly heinous example of trans idpol gets removed for being “low quality.”
No. 455139
>>455136they unironically think that, the entire thread was about how young men are alienated by capitalism with nary a mention of how it impacts women.
stupidpol has just been colonized by incels and rightwingers at this point
No. 455272
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>>451040I just found the time to read this thread more closely. Look at this response to a guy who said incels sent his gf death and rape threats because she made a dumb joke about height. Lol so fuck identity politics but women making jokes about dating preferences is like so dehumanizing guyzzz!!1!
That sub is a comolete joke. What a coincidence that a thread defending bitter misogynists seems to be populated by that exact demographic.
No. 455329
>>455272stupidpol is a complete joke at this point. the sub has been going downhill for awhile now but the incel thread cemented it. most of the posters there have this non-marxist workerist fantasy that the working class is mostly comprised of blue-collar white dudes working in coal mines or manufacturing jobs. jokes/rhetoric about white privilege, male privilege,
toxic masculinity, etc. are therefore verboten because they could turn the working class away from the socialist cause. of course this doesn’t reflect reality, and they seemingly don’t know or don’t care that incorporating incel rhetoric actually will turn women (half of the working class) away from their cause.
i’m peeved by it bcs i was inititally excited about an anti-idpol sub from a marxist perspective, but it quickly degenerated into right wing idpol.
>>455319that’s more chapo. stupidpol has a small radfem contingent & several right wing posters, so they’re more amenable to gender critical rhetoric than most other leftist subs. of course, like every other subreddit, they have trans women on their moderation team to swoop in and shut down any discourse that strays too far in that direction. most of stupidpol just thinks female oppression isn’t real because something something women are less alienated by capitalism since they don’t turn into NEET shooters.
No. 455660
>>455657I found this
Chapo talk about Sissy Porn and Instead of addressing the misogyny and racism of sissy porn they they just make fun of conservatives and "Joke" about Sissy Bimbo 12 year olds
No. 455662
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>>455272Chosen_Of_Tchar seems like a good guy with guanine leftist belief
No. 455693
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>>455657Here's an article detailing Virgil's (and the Chapo hosts' good friend Nick Mullen) loose connections to Sam Hyde and similar people, although this was a few years back No. 456060
>>419669>Can’t find any drama on himMay not be much but I found this thread on kiwi, but it seems like he does have some potential milk:
There's more info as you go on, but it's kinda funny that the reason why he broke up with his ex because Contra has a history of homewrecking and he complains about his ex being an alc when Contra constantly gets drunk on streams.
I was actually surprised to stumble upon this lore because he just seems clean over all? I think Philosophy Tube is a pompous and annoying wanker, but he's kinda cute to look at idek why. Still want to punch that smug grin off his face though.
No. 456423
>>456420also to be entertained by breadtube content you need at least a modicum of interest in college-level topics, ie. psychoanalysis, post-structuralism, political economy,etc. Most popular conservative entertainers don't get even close to these topics and kid's aren't even interested in that type of stuff secondly there's no real "machismo" in lefttube. The vast majority of the world still gets off on performative machismo. Hell that's why Antifa is a thing with legs.
lefttube creators are "catty" in a feminine way, all statement rise at the end like they're questions. Turns everybody off. Mostly it's dry as shit. Not enough performance, ironically.
No. 456429
>>456423They don't get close because these are not "college-level" topics. Its like saying atheist don't get into catechism and theurgy. You are not going to get into post structuralism sperging unless you are already a marxist zealot.
Sad part its that colleges do pass marxist shit as education when its only indoctrination.
No. 457779
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stupidpol doing materialist analysis
No. 458595
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ContraPoints got cancelled by his own fanbase.
No. 458743
>>458651i've literally seen people using "it" pronouns in "online queer spaces" or whatever the fuck you'd call them and i have to question why because why would you dehumanize yourself like that, are these people fucking braindead?
i already think singular "they" is kind of dehumanizing as is, but someone asking for "it" or retarded alien sounding crap like zie/zer is ridiculous
No. 458881
>>458850>Trans people are not compatible with the direction the left is trying to take the gender conversation.The current state of trans people is entirely because of the left's push and because of the control the left had on the conversation.This are all contradictions and arguments within leftists.
Your comment just reads like a major copt-out and blame shifting to be honest.
No. 459103
>>458743I do that to some FtM troon I work with, they claim to be a guy, state their male pronouns and make people call them a boy name, but put no effort into being boylike outside of maybe a haircut and unisex clothes, they're pregnant, wear feminine makeup, in a relationship with a man who identifies as straight, just why?
I don't understand the point of going out your way to identify as male but put no effort into being masculine, what are tumblrs justification for stuff like this ?
No. 459390
>>459346is there any evidence for their point of view at all? Is this a common breadtube opinion or is he just a special kind of retard? I'm basically convinced that my bf and other people he knew were fucked up by early sexual encounters, porn exposure, and hypersexuality at about that age and thought the consensus was that it's not actually that great for children to be having sex that young, especially with no parental guidance to keep them from doing stupid shit or getting more fucked up. They're Euro too so no lol stupid Americans excuse either.
saged for OT
No. 459392
>>459346>>459346I dropped him and stopped watching his videos when he first said that it's okay to portray child rape in media.
Some people refused to see it (and still do), but I have a pretty good idea of how "those" people operate through raw exposure, and that was too much of a red flag IMO. I'm definitely not surprised more shit is coming out. The guy's a covert pedophile, through and through, and his wife is either one too, or a submissive enabler. Maybe both. He's talking about children having sex with each other now, because that skirts the line of acceptability, but when he has the chance to slip it in quietly, expect him to make the connection to sex with adults. When he defended incels and claimed women have "privilege" because access to sex may be easier, it indicated to me that he lets his sexual impulses guide him too much, to the point where he has lower empathy for people he wants to fuck, at least as soon as sex seems difficult to attain (no matter how many times he may appear to take up for feminists, this is what he's saying when he asserts that sex is a "privilege" that women have - that argument relies on the concept that sex is a human right of some sort, which is inherently entitled and misogynistic). It's a side effect of his perversion. He's so driven by it that some part of him would most likely be happy if women were to become public property, and the same may or may not extend to his thoughts on children in his preferred age group (which seems to be at around 12, judging by what you said). Don't expect this guy to ever sincerely come down on rapists, because he probably understands them on some level, but thinks they should chill out, be more careful about getting caught, and do more to "ease" their
victims into things. Honestly, if he was reading this aloud, I bet he'd make a joke like "You're leaving out twinks I want to manhandle and other sexy men. Don't erase my bisexuality. I want a free market of women
and men! I'm an equal-opportunity pervert, guys" and his idiot fans would clap while he tip-toed around children being mentioned.
Low-key, I feel like he's hoping the left's conversations as a whole will shift to topics like "child sexuality"/"too young to consent to…?" so he has a chance to "come out", banking on the idea that he'll be so popular by then that it won't actually get him cancelled.
Seriously, if he has ever argued that children can consent to having body-altering hormones to affirm their gender identity, it will not be hard to make the "reasonable" jump to "Children can also consent to sexual activity, sometimes with adults - This may be an unpopular opinion, but it's the truth. Don't you even try to say I'm justifying child rape, either. Life is not all black and white, not all sexual contact is rape. Some of you will oppose this just because of your instinctive "disgust" response (which is the same response used to justify demonizing homosexuality), and that's okay, but I'm speaking from a purely logical standpoint".
Sorry for OT rant, but I've been waiting for a chance to speak on Vaush, and I feel vindicated now that he's showing his true colors even more
No. 459395
I feel like I should clarify that he was discussing what he termed as "
graphic child rape" IIRC, not something like CSA being mentioned as an important point of the story. He says he doesn't believe in any "lines", and thinks it's all defensible.
No. 468032
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stupidpol delivers a touching eulogy for the banned braincels subreddit
No. 468048
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>>468032Yeah I'm really gonna miss their cutting-edge humour like pic related and also repeating variations of phrases like "it's over for [x]cels", "high IQ" and "based and redpilled" on every single post for three years straight. Don't forget "my wife's boyfriend Tyrone bought me Nintendo Switch" which definitely didn't stop being funny after three weeks. These are just a bunch of lonely and misunderstood guys who are obviously demonized only because they don't conform to neoliberalism. Their community directly inspired a few shooters, so what, it's not like they were egging them on and praising their actions.
I don't understand the goals of some of these new online leftist spaces. You shouldn't have to pass purity tests to be a part of the left, but why do they take it so extreme it goes right back to some of the misogyny and racism like you'd encounter on the right? They'll literally let anything slide as long as you claim it's totally just irony or something. In the US a large portion of the working class is women and racial minorities, they think they're gonna attract these people to their movement when they're doing this?
No. 468235
>>468048Well said, anon.
I’d like to add that this recent notion that’s sprouted up in certain “anti-idpol” spaces online that incels somehow exhibit class consciousness is hilarious to me. It’s akin to saying the KKK and neo-nazis exhibit class consciousness because they occasionally capture the grievances of segments of the working class. It’s pure reactionary tripe. Saying “ah yeah neoliberal capitalism is super alienating for men and modern relationships are extremely commodified blahblah whatever and the REAL cause of all these problems is foids/roasties/holes being hypergamous cunts allowed to ride the cock carousel with no consequences before they hit the wall and settle for betabux” is not exactly a profound Marxist insight.
Leftists need to read their fucking Engels.
No. 468297
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>>468235>Please with the the fucking "muh misogyny." As if it's the the worst thing on the planet.People have a right to complain about festering hate groups that are targeting them. And their movement caused multiple deadly attacks against the public especially targeting their own demographic, so it might not be the worst thing in the world but it's something that needs to be dealt with.
>I guarantee you that their "hatred of women" instantly vanishes when they get their dicks wet. No way people who spend months or even years reading and writing long screeds on forums about how women are all stupid useless vapid hypergamous whores and animals will do a 180 and change their mind once they get laid. And even if that's true, their "respect" for us as people is contingent only on them getting their dicks wet. Fuck that.
>That's not hatred, its scorn. "Misogyny" is a completely diluted term.They constantly had posts on their forums calling for all of our rights and freedoms to be revoked. How is it not misogyny?
>Incels are a direct result of girlboss capitalism ???
>Now add in a society telling you that you're worthlessYeah, society NEVER tells women that they're bad at everything and completely useless (except for one thing of course).
>I pity the incelsYep, that "Angry Retard" flair is correct.
What is wrong with the people in this place, why are they upvoting this? They choose incels over 45-50% of the working class who they claim to actually be helping. Why? Because of their epic maymays? Smug contrarianism? Or do they actually identify with them?
No. 468376
>>468297If men are so fragile as to devolve into hyperviolent inceldom when women fight to be anything but cookie-baking sexbots, the problem lies with them.
Also it's cute how he reduces feminism to "girlboss capitalism" like there aren't enormous schools of labor-focused feminism. Fucking Origin of the Family argues that maternal labor is the origin of the worker's plight. These dudes are always the shittiest fucking leftists who are drooling for any excuse to make every woman who doesn't lie down and spread her legs into some Stacy Bitch Karen Princess Whore.
No. 468487
>>468376Engels: The first class antagonism appearing in history coincides with the development of the antagonism of man and wife in monogamy, and the first class oppression with that of the female by the male sex.
Stupidpol: Fucking girlboss capitalists.
No. 470488
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>>470183the reason he's popular is because he talks like your average working class italian/irish guy and he has a giant media platform that he pretty much owns, so hes beholden to nobody. that is gonna inevitably bring up a lot of resentment and disdain in certain people. No. 474132
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>>474126Literally this image right here.
No. 474135
>>474126That's because their attempts at comedy are somehow even worse than the alt-right (hate using this term due to how leftists constantly misuse it and ruin it like they ruin almost anything). I think it's largely because of their perceived moral superiority.
If anyone is interested in bite-sized pieces of dumb leftist comments r/ShitPoliticsSays is a good subreddit.
No. 474152
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>>474150I feat that only the Right is gonna win foreseeable future
No. 474155
>you can only vote for people your own race and genderSo this woman is a fascist? imagine shilling ethnocentrism.
If this is the best they can come up with of course they'll keep on loosing.
>>474150leftists hate liberals but the liberals in the US have been brigaded by leftists so it gets confusing.
Its pretty sad what has happened to that side though, years ago i thought people like Sarah Silverman and Patton Oswaly were funny and edgy now they are just fucking anoying and smug and can't help to want to punch them when they start moralfagging. Whatever pull they had expired long ago.
No. 474174
>>474152I don't doubt it much honestly. Uncle Joe was the favourite among democrat voters last I checked. The guy is a conservative by many european standards and no different from the general politicians the US seem to pick for POTUS so it's safe to say the times we live in are very confusing. You'd think the issues surrounding Trump would bring forth a likely winner and fresh face amongst democrat candidates but there's none in sight that I can see. They all seem to be more or less cogs in the machine. US politics are a mess lately and Europe atm in general isn't much better.
At least identity politics aren't rampant in Europe to the point of seriously guilting people for not voting based on race/gender, I guess.
No. 474195
>>474174Since you're European, you should probably be made aware of how the polls are fundamentally flawed in the US. They (probably purposefully) exclude certain areas which contain certain demographics, and they also employ methods like only calling on the phone and only calling registered democrat voters, etc.
Polls aren't a great way to truly know what people think about candidates, unfortunately.
No. 474318
>>474197they're pushing poll results to pressure people into thinking they have to vote strategically, and that the only choice is
somehow the two establishment fuckwads.
No. 474446
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>>474318the other candidates look like even bigger fuckwads, Yang? are you serious? and Bernie will be lucky if he even makes it to the primaries alive.
Every candidate, even the under dog odd balls are part of the establishment on one way or another if they even make it to an election poll, but at least people can choose among the more sensible ones within the bunch. The liberals are pretty scarce on plans, good proposals and moderate people.
No. 475103
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Lindsay Ellis and Philosophy Tube are currently getting doxxed and threatened for still being friends with ContraPoints after "she" had Buck Angel do a brief voice over because "he's" a "transmedicalist". They're turning on Hbomberguy too. The absolute state of leftist infighting.
No. 475125
My own critiques on breadtube
First thing to note: the left right now is really fractured, The right values unity while the left performs call outs - even when two right wingers nominally disagree on everything like, say, libertarians and christian republicans or something, they still find common ground in bashing liberals and just ignore all internal trouble,Meanwhile my country is going to the European elections with SEVEN different leftist parties, each of which needs to get at least 4% of the votes, and if our last elections are any indication there's just about 4% to go around for all of them. Now there are some valid reasons for demsoc and anarcho communists to dislike each other and not want to be on the same side but SERIOUSLY GUYS THIS IS NOT THE TIME.
Second thing to note: breadtubers are reluctant to make a jump to thought leaders, because of different personal ambitions and ideological opposition to the idea. I don't disagree with this in general, but it does make it harder to move on to actual real world impacts, as several potential routes lead to them leveraging their own personal brand for personal gain.
Third thing to note:none of them actually have a brilliant solution that satisfies every body. As much as people like to throw around words like "organize", "revolution" and "meet people face to face", they really don't mean anything coming from Internet randos. Organize what? Do you have a plan? And that's kind of the thing, right, because an Internet based movement works because we connect across the globe - there is no way that you and me can meet up irl and do stuff, But what can they achieve beyond but posting the same memes to trigger rigt wingers
No. 475167
>>475125I'm not a leftist, but in regards to meetups, I don't see why more people can't do physical meets up in general instead of sticking to online shit. Especially if you guys live in a decently sized metropolitan area (not just Brooklyn). Personally I way prefer talking with people offline. Also it's good to get involved in the community with people who don't share your political views but might be sympathetic to some of your points. If leftism is so great for everybody then there shouldn't be any problems doing that
However, lot of leftists to me seem like they have massive anxiety or some problem that prevents them from getting along with people My two cents.
No. 475212
From road to Wigan Pier published in 1937 Geroege Orwell says
>The typical Socialist is not, as tremulous old ladies imagine, a ferocious-looking working man with greasy overalls and a raucous voice. He is either a youthful snob-Bolshevik who in five years’ time will quite probably have made a wealthy marriage and been converted to Roman Catholicism,…or still more typically, a prim little man with a white-collar job, usually a secret teetotaller and often with vegetarian leanings, with a history of Non-conformity behind him, and, above all, with a social position which he has no intention of forfeiting. This last type is surprisingly common in Socialist parties of every shade; it has perhaps been taken over en bloc from the old Liberal Party. In addition to this there is the horrible–the really disquieting–prevalence of cranks wherever Socialists are gathered together. One sometimes gets the impression that the mere words ’Socialism’ and ’Communism’ draw towards them with magnetic force every fruit-juice drinker, nudist, sandal-wearer, sex-maniac, Quaker, ’Nature Cure’ quack and pacifists in England.
in a letter to Jack Common from the same time (1936) as the writing of Road to Wigan Pier Orwell wrote
>The trouble is that the socialist bourgeoisie, most of whom give me the creeps, will not be realistic and admit that there are a lot of working-class habits which they don't like and don't want to adopt. E.g. the typical middle-class socialist not only doesn't eat with his knife but is still slightly horrified by seeing a working man do so. And then so many of them are the sort of eunuch type with a vegetarian smell who go about spreading sweetness and light and have at the back of their minds a vision of the working class all TT, well washed behind the ears, readers of Edward Carpenter or some other pious sodomite and talking with artfical accents.
No. 475275
>>475212Sounds like George had a personal problem with healthy eating and not drinking alcohol. It almost comes off as childish.
>REEEEE VEGETARIAN SMELL FUCKING EUNUCHSHe does make a few good points, though, especially here:
>The trouble is that the socialist bourgeoisie, most of whom give me the creeps, will not be realistic and admit that there are a lot of working-class habits which they don't like and don't want to adopt. No. 475287
>>468235The only resource moids care about is sex, and the only motivation they can have for anything is sex. They don't care that most modern day slaves are female and that not having to engage in wage labor (as though domestic labor is any less important - how come men chimp out when they have no access to it?) is something only a minority of middle to upper class women can experience. Most women in the world engage in backbreaking work. Most of the world's poor are women. The moid chooses to ignore that, because this isn't actually about worker's exploitation at all. Like everything in a moid's mind, this is about getting ahead with the least investment possible.
Much of the male thought, no matter how profound, is typically rooted in some variety of sexual inadequacy or preoccupation (see Freud, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, literally all of them). Any seemingly
valid ideology can and will be appropriated by moids to do what they are biologically programmed to do - monopolize resources for sexual access and spread their worthless sperm indiscriminately. Much like when gay rights were immediately hijacked by NAMBLA, leftist movements were always traditionally full of sex pests who object not to exploitation of women but to the idea that women aren't socialized and redistributed among the worst and weakest of men. This results in penile doublethink in which women are simultaneously a means of production and also some kind of sexual bourgeoisie consciously withholding a 'vital' 'resource' from moids.
Women's view of socialism as a means to provide fairly for everyone is a reflection of our evolutionary niche - females are programmed to care about the 'other' and see everyone as family/offspring/tribe. Men's optimal strategy is to breed as much as possible while investing as little as possible. Being glorified extensions of their gametes, men see socialism as a way to 'game' their evolutionary niche and gain sexual access without having to wrangle the male hierarchy. Leftism is absolutely a conscious beta male's cry for a chance at genetic perpetuation, whereas right wingers are mostly of the temporarily embarrassed millionaire variety. The left cuck knows he's a cuck so he wants a sexual handout, the right wing cuck is still in denial and thinks he's gonna be Chad with a harem one day.
In the end, they're both sentient sperm sacks with an inherently opportunistic mentality. Everything else is just PR.
No. 475300
>>475293>>475296You must be some variety of wheatfield shitsperg who thinks that before socialism women of all classes lived either like Marie Antoinette or like housewives from nazi agitprops. There is no other way to arrive to your retarded conclusion, other than maybe pretending that serfdom and peasantry never existed.
In any case, you can take solace in the fact that you're exactly as intelligent as the average Chapo leftycel.
No. 475301
>>475293>>475296You must be some variety of wheatfield shitsperg who thinks that before socialism women of all classes lived either like Marie Antoinette or like housewives from nazi agitprops. There is no other way to arrive to your retarded conclusion, other than maybe pretending that serfdom and peasantry never existed.
In any case, you can take solace in the fact that you're exactly as intelligent as the average Chapo leftycel.
No. 475307
>>475289Speaking of racism, incels tend to be incredibly racially woke. Many are Indian and Asian (currycels and ricecels) men using intersectionality/cultural relativism to legitimize their plight. Asian male 'demasculinization' talking points (a staple in intersectional feminism) are particularly common. Roosh V tried to use intersectionality to explain why it's okay for him as a Muslim to hate women, and why objecting to this is racist. This is yet another example of why feminism is ineffective, as it includes contradictory peripheral issues that inevitably benefit males to the detriment of women. While racism is abhorrent, wasting your resources to fight racism faced by males simply means upgrading men within their hierarchy.
The 'Asian demasculinization' feminists in particular are a great example. So your 'feminist' goal is to make Zhang Wei as subjectively masculine as Brad? To what end? So your lineup of college republican sexual predators can look more diverse?
(racebait) No. 475316
>>468048>right wing moid: male fee-fees are facts>left wing moid: male idpol is class consciousnessAnti-idpol leftoids are a special kind of retarded. Your entire ideology revolves around building an identity around a manufactured sense of deprivation. No wonder you sympathize with a flagrantly identitarian movement like incels.
How do these cockmongs even define identity politics anyway?
No. 475635
>>475408>>475436If you watch her knockoff TED talk this makes complete sense. She talks about “bad optics” a lot in this video. I don’t even hate Lindsay (her Disney vids are great) but this was a hot mess, she was nervous and shaky the whole time and the entire speech was a self-serving, anecdotal dumpster fire with the banal conclusion of “hide your mistakes and ask your popular friends to make positivity threads when you’re feeling like shit about it”.
The most painful part is when she laments how her therapist told her to “just log off” and makes a stank face like “lol idiot boomer doesn’t understand cyberbullying” but absolutely no one in the crowd reacts because they’re befuddled why a woman in her 30s doesn’t know how to handle having a dumb tweet go viral on the bad side of Twitter.
No. 475669
>>475639I'd be into that thread.
todd and lindsay are the only ones i still watch. I like todd's podcast. is he annoying on twitter? I kind of remember him being sjw-y but tolerable. I had to scorched earth unfollow everyone from CA I was still following after Nella went on some hysterical twitter outburst about terfs that most of them backed her up on.
No. 475680
>>475669A former Channel Awesome reviewer Elisa Hansen(Maven of the Eventide)who used to review specially vampire related media appeared on Queer Kid Stuff(that creepy Trans kids channel with the teddy bear) where she Identified herself as "Asexual Queer Cisgendered " and explained her asexuality even though she's married to a man and has 6 year old child
She explains further on her blog that just because she's asexual doesn't mean she can't enjoy sex No. 475723
>>475680i Thought it was impossible for her to get cringier but she went from sjw to wannabe goth obsessed with vampires who looks like a camgirl.
Like her videos would have been okay if she was some goth phase teen but this is a grown woman in her 30's who is still obssesed with fanfic culture and all that crap.
No. 475819
>>475723Idk how long back her youtube goes but she was uploading when blip was still a thing and has always been….like this.
I followed the "Chez Apocalypse" crowd forever but now it's….just breadtube
No. 475835
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This is 100% acurate
No. 475847
>>475835I know a traphouse listener IRL and he sprinkles the word praxis into every conversation and I want to throttle him.
>>475819A lot of their content is pretty enjoyable when they're not sperging about politics. Lindsay Ellis' videos on Disney corporate culture are pretty neat and I enjoy ToddInTheShadows' videos on one hit wonders, but more and more they've been unable to keep themselves from adding in irrelevant shit to the mix. Twitter was a mistake.
No. 475855
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>>475475The closest India ever got to Communism was the emergency period in which the Prime Minister Indra Ghandi basically took absoulote power and had her polticial opponents killed or thrown prison ,created new laws by what she deemed right and destroyed various religous temples,enforced a campaign of mass sterilization to deal with overpopulation and committed what are considered Human rights abuse
she wanted to turn India into a athiest socalist state and may have also wanted to Invade Pakistan but she was assassinated by her Sikh bodyguards as retaliation for tearing down their tempels No. 475860
>>475853I thank the Lord there's other people out there who hate the word chud as much as I do. It sounds like a fucking made up word from Battletoads lore.
One thing I noticed, Shoe0nhead uses these terms quite often as well. She's tweeted the word chud twice before, one instance replying to a Vaush tweet.
No. 475866
>>475850Inserting politics into everything is clearly one of their main ways to fill their black void within or something though so seems unlikely.
All these people sound the exact same most of the time but they must think their tweets have some intrinsic value.
No. 475872
>>475868Alrigt Fuck it, effortpost time.
You must understand the condition at the time .India was a country of poor people. Millions who lived on daily wages, millions oppressed by the caste system or male patriarchy. Millions of farmers who didn't own the land they tilled. These were the issues which dominated Indian Politics.
The 1951 election, held 4 years after India's Independence, was as described by Ramchandra Guha in his book, India after India, an Act of Faith. These were the conditions at the time-
Complete Adult Franchise (women + men, above the age of 21)
Only 176 Million eligible voters
a literacy rate of about 15%. Thus 85% of the eligible voters could not read or write.
Each voter had to be identified, named and registered to vote. Moreover, unlike Western Democracies, where the voter could identify the party of his choice by name, the Indian electorate relied on pictorial symbols to identify their party. A second innovation was the use of multiple ballot boxes. On a single ballot, the (mostly illiterate) Indian elector might make a mistake; so each party had a ballot box with its symbol marked in each polling station, so that voters could simply drop their paper in it. To prevent double voting, Indian Scientists developed an indelible ink which, applied on the voter’s Pinky finger, stayed there for a week, a practice still followed today.
Nearly All Parties focused on the issues mentioned at the beginning. The Election Commission used the media of film and radio to educate the public democracy and voting. A documentary on the franchise and its functions, and the duties of the electorate, was shown in more than 3,000 cinemas. The All India Radio, the main means of mass communication, broadcast numerous programs on the constitution, the purpose of adult franchise, the preparation of electoral rolls and the process of voting.
Another aspect of this, is the political parties which contested the election. You had the Indian National Congress of course, but beside this you had the Communist Party of India (which still exists today), Dr. B. R. Ambedkar revived the Scheduled Castes Federation representing the Scheduled Castes and other low castes, the Jayprakash Narayan led Socialists Party, the Shyama Prasad Mookerjee led Jana Sangh, and other regional parties such as the Dravida Kazhagam in Madras, which stood for Tamil pride against north Indian domination; the Akalis in Punjab, who were the main party of the Sikhs; and the Jharkhand Party in Bihar, which wanted a separate state for tribal people.
The political spectrum covered by these parties included both the Right and the Left. Most parties tilted left, espousing the cause of the poor workers and farmers. The Jan Sangh was more religious, pledging to bring back the glory of India before the Muslim invasions. The Congress was the dominant party. Thus it was the primary focus of all other parties. The left parties attacked it for betraying the cause of the workers while the right attacked it for betraying Hindus. In this midst you also had Muslim Parties, but most of them were local in nature.
The election campaign of 1951–2 was conducted through large public meetings, door-to-door canvassing, and the use of visual media. Posters and emblems were prominently displayed. The All India Radio was a Government Enterprise and hence could not be used for campaigning, thus no party had access to radio waves for mass propagation of propaganda.
The bulk of voting was done on the basis of the stature of the leaders. Most of the leaders leading these parties had political experience and had been jailed during the Independence movement. They all had immense stature and commanded huge respect and following in the population. But few could compare to Jawaharlal Nehru. In a speech he gave in Bombay, his audience numbered 2,00,000. He addressed 300 mass meetings and myriad way side ones. He spoke to millions of people directly, while an equal number merely had his darshan (meeting/blessing), eagerly flanking the roads to see him as his car whizzed past. To give an example of how much the stature of whom they were voting for mattered, Dr BR Ambedkar, the Architect of the Indian Constitution, fighter of the Rights for the lower Castes lost to the Congress candidate Kajrolkar after the many speeches Nehru gave in Bombay.
In the end, the voter turnout was 60%. Tribals voted in forest districts, coming out with their bows and arrows. The press highlighted the especially aged: a 110-year-old man in Madurai who came propped up on either side by a great grandson, a 95-year-old woman in Ambala, deaf and hunchbacked, who still turned up to vote. Even the Nizam of Hyderabad, whose state had been annexed via police action, voted. However, much like India, things were varied. In places like Bombay, the voter turnout was 70% with 9,00,000 people voting. In Mizoram, 92,000 Mizos, who ‘have through the centuries decided an issue with their arrows and spears, came forward to give their decision for the first time through the medium of the ballot’. The highest turnout, 80.5 %, was recorded in Kottayam, in present-day Kerala; the lowest, 18%, was in Shahdol in what is now Madhya Pradesh.
The American Ambassador to India Chester Bowles was ‘appalled at the prospect of a poll of200 million eligible voters, most ofwhom were illiterate villagers’. and feared a fiasco. However, a trip through the country during polling changed his mind and he wrote: ‘In Asia, as in America, I know no grander vision than this, government by the consent of the governed.’
Thus despite the illiteracy, it can be said that Indians were fairly invested in the election and voted freely for thier leaders, though this varied throughout the country. but it should be said that nearly all the parties espoused the same ideals of an equal country where the farmers had lands to till and the workers had protection. The main difference between parties were their leaders and it was on this basis that the electorate voted, handing the Indian National Congress 364 out of 489 seats in Parliament and 2,247 out of 3,280 seats in the state assemblies. (There had been dual elections for State and Center)
Source- India After Gandhi by Ramchandra Guha.
No. 475938
>>475919Movies are very blatant about their message, unless you are very media illiterate to catch even a hint of nuance. They also tend to focus on issues that are recognizable and broad enough to be relatable instead of being criptic on purpose, but that broadness is what makes it so easy to self insert anything you want into it.
Political zealots love shoehoring their own ideology into a review in the hopes of maybe get brand recognition as well but is all speculative fiction most of the times, i find it extremely pedantic specially when they choose kids media that is nowhere near that deep in its conception, imagine your parents wasting money for you to go to film school and the only thing you learned are marxist dialectics so you can review the emoji movie, its sad.
No. 476020
>>475866It's a big part of why I hate breadtube and Twitter. It's given a bunch of egotistic dickweeds some talking points to repeat without understanding any implications or actual reasoning for them, and now suddenly everyone is babby's first philosopher / political pundit.
I feel like it's just an effective smokescreen for being a shitty person. Everyone I know who's into the "scream your politics on social media at all times" sphere has done some really bad shit lol
It's like a different flavor of the religious right's nonsense but hip and cool for the kids!
No. 477005
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>>476994This is how they actually looked liked.
No. 477596
>>477593>The first sign was a seemingly innocuous word, used lightheartedly: “triggered.”>As my 11- and 14-year-old sons and their friends talked and bantered — phones in hand, as always — in the back seat of the car, one of them shouted it in response to a meme, and they all laughed uproariously.>I almost lost control of the car. That’s because I know that word — often used to mock people who are hurt or offended by racism as overly sensitive — is a calling card of the alt-right, which the Anti-Defamation League defines as “a segment of the white supremacist movement consisting of a loose network of racists and anti-Semites who reject mainstream conservatism in favor of politics that embrace implicit or explicit racism, anti-Semitism and white supremacy.” People associated with this group are known for trolling those who disagree with them, and calling critics “triggered” is a favorite tactic.Imagine losing your mind over the word "
triggered",I'm from a POC background and I have seen plenty of kids from different nationalities and cultures use the word
triggered No. 477649
>>477592It's been quite a while since I saw something so pretentious for something so basic. While I don't fundamentally disagree with her in the slightest; the tone of the whole thing makes it sound like a nazi conspiracy where everything is planned, nothing is real and schroeder is wielding a megaphone for La Resistance.
Kids hang out with cool kids that spout edgy phrases. Kids dive into macho, anti-social "Society hates us" subculture. Kids either grow out of it or irrevocably screw up their lives.This has been a thing for decades; although I wouldn't be surprised if even ancient egyptians had to deal with it.
All of her tips boil down to interact with your kid & don't be a douchebag, or as it is commonly known, half-decent parenting. Which is absolutely solid.
But she couldn't possibly have made it more agonizing to read if she tried. And when you start digging into the details of how she suggests one achieves that, the tips are quite frankly a bit mind boggling.
Snowflakes aren't real, Stop saying
triggered cause PTSD is terrible and Politically correct comedy is actually edgy.
Like I don't even..And something about this just makes my skin crawl, especially when she admitted she stalks her son's social media (Jesus Christ lady get a life). All this reads as is the lamentations of a failing parent desperate for control.
No. 477991
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>>477699>100 plus yearsAre you blaiming the Qing on Mao now?
No. 478561
>>478554Yup, Vaush is a pedophile. Anyone who insists he's not is willfully blind at this point.
He's laid it all out bare. If we can accept that cryptofascists are a thing, what exactly does that make a guy who doesn't outright
say he's a nonce, but defends lolicon, thinks graphic child rape belongs in media, and believes it's okay to buy CP for any reason?
No. 479649
>>479641>basically just saying pewdiepie is a NaziWho cares about pewdieshit?
He may not be a Nazi but he's certainly dogwhistled so much edgy race shit to pander to that kind of audience. Looks like the shit he flung for money and views is starting to stick and he don't like it.
No. 479658
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>>479655Somewhat. It's always in the awkward space between 'denial of plausibility' and 'he had to have known'. you can always say 'well he didn't know', but he literally advertised E;R. a youtuber who made multiple 'the jews made Steven Universe' jokes and got a video literally taken down for hate speech. He couldn't have truly known though. You have to keep in mind it wasn't 'one big thing', but a bunch of tiny nudges that kind of imply it or can be denied.
>>479656Some people call him a nazi for multiple incidents not just the Ben sharpiro thing. Only ultra sjw mock him the sharpiro thing only
No. 479661
>>479660I never said he was a nazi. I just said he had
multiple indents that can be interpreted as support or denied as simple mistakes. I even denied the 'he's a nazi because he said the n-word' argument because I said 'it's something only ulta SJW do'.
No. 479667
>>479658>>479655He went full edge during 2017.
Disney severed business ties with Felix after he published several videos referencing anti-semitism and Nazi images. One where he notoriously paid two Indian guys to hold up signs that said "Death to all Jews" through Fiverr. Another video published sometime that January featured a man dressed as Jesus saying "Hitler did absolutely nothing wrong."
Felix saw nothing wrong with these things because it got him teh viewz.
He didn't apologize at first when people saw how fucked it was, and doubled down saying he didn't find anything antisemitic about it because they were ironic jokes, even if his viewer base didn't always take it as such. He was more pissed off that Disney pulled a revenue opportunity from him and YT gave him a slap on the wrist. He only reneged like a month later after making multiple whiny ass videos about it, and apologized when the heat from criticism got to be enough where it was affecting his money.
And of course that same year he calls someone a nigger on livestream because this dumb sack can't keep his foul mouth in line, ever.
There was some drama in 2018 about him shouting out Youtubers with racist videos, but admittedly I don't care to look too hard into this. Seems like an ambiguous mistake that anyone could do in theory, I'm just interested in the shit this guy is directly responsible for.
This past September, Felix said he'd donate $50k to the Anti-Defamation League (Jewish group) after the Christchurch shooting (shooter famously said "remember lads, subscribe to PewDiePie", his manifesto was full of 'ironic' memes). A couple days later, he said he was no longer giving money to the ADL while wearing a hoodie that looked like it had an iron cross symbol. Blatant ignorance given the context, or ~le ironic~ dogwhistle.
A few weeks later after the Christchurch shooting, a second copycat shooter gunned down a Jewish woman at a synagogue in Poway, California.
His manifesto references Felix too:
>"To the glow-niggers and Jewed-media reading this. I think it is important for you to know that I did not do this alone. I had the help of a man named Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg. He was kind enough to plan and fund this whole operation—the sly bastard. Apparently, Pewdiepie hates Jews as much as Pajeets. Who would’ve known? Make sure to call me a ‘white supremacist’ and ‘anti-semite’ or whatever bullshit you spew to spook the normalfags. It doesn’t even matter. You’ve been calling every White person alive those names for decades—they’ve lost all their meaning. You’ve socially ostracized every White person. You’ve made it harder and harder for White people to live a normal life. To this I say well done. You are stupid enough to make a White person’s only viable option for survival to kill all of you. Keep doing what you’re doing Jew-media. You’re putting the noose around your own neck. The irony is glorious."Even if one argues that that was just a troll, the fact of the matter is this: Felix has set the playing field up among his impressionable audience. His outright not condemning the accusations of anti-semitism and not cutting out his edgelordness have become a breeding ground for obviously hostile individuals. Felix is both a "joke" and a call to action. It's still his fault.
He has NEVER commented on this shooting because then he'd have to admit his accountability, which might damage his viewership again.
In addition to following Ben Shitpiro, he also follows the likes of Lauren Southern (another white supremacist figure found here on lc) and Stefan Molyneux who is also a white supremacist.
>>479656>>479660You sound underage and new to the internet, I hope this is just your retarded crush and you're not seriously shilling this man. He sure wouldn't give a fuck about your ass. There's even YT threads on /snow/ that date a few years back that document this very drama.
>>479661This anon doesn't want to be reasoned with or want to hear anything against their precious Pewds. Don't bother.
No. 479673
>>479671You're using the "I have a minority friend!" argument. All that proves is that his fanbase is big, impressionable, demonstrably young, and may not understand the impact of media they watch and support.
The guy who's being given an unwarranted amount of money and self-importance ought to be held accountable for the shit he says if not because of the demographics. Or at least stick to his screamer shtick for the kiddos.
If there were 90 million people in a stadium, and the person at the podium shouts "FIRE!" as a joke, it's still their culpability if a few people take it in seriousness and wind up injuring or killing others in the chaos. Ironic jokes are still used by white supremacists as evidence to add credence to their views because someone 'famous' is talking about it. Ironic indoctrination is still indoctrination.
No. 479690
>>479658he is a retard but not a nazi, its just middleschool humor and most of his audience are middle schoolers-
I am kind of sick of the whole nazi meme whenever people want to attack someone, techincally he could be a nazi if he wanted to, who gives a fuck?, go after people after what they have done, not because you think they believe something that its bad as if people were not allowed free speech and freedom of thought.
No. 479807
Will they lose one of their biggest figures, Hontra, over truscum debates?;DR: Contra includes a 12 second clip of Buck Angel reading a John Waters clip in a video. Non-binary people and other trans people get mad because Buck is a transmedicalist. Contra considers Buck a cherished figure who did a lot for the trans community so Contra refuses to denounce and excommunicate Buck. People start calling Contra and associated people truscum and TERF which Contra is upset about. Contra also talks about out how "certain leftist cis boys on Twitter" are loved and praised for virtue signalling by writing lazy tweets like "trans rights" but doesn't forgive actual trans people like Buck or Contra for making mistakes and learning.
No. 479918
>>477991The bolshevik takeover was over 100 years ago, but sure anon, communist failure in every country it was tried was all because the previous regimes or capitalists (even thought they killed everyone who owned anything), even after decades of absolute control on every aspect of life.
Its a perfect system, its proven to work, on minecraft, we should try again and again
No. 479922
>>479807kek, all of this outrage over a literal 12 second clip. incredible. kind of amped for it to take down this horsefaced perv tho. you just
know he thought he was untouchable, getting so much smoke blown up his orifices despite being so mediocre. it's nice to see this bewigged linebacker get bit in the ass. amazing how quick it is to fall out of the online left's good graces over something totally inconsequential.
No. 480199
>>480062>>419669The Issue is that currently nationalism is definitely without a doubt making a comeback, and I don't see it going away any time soon unless the left gets their act together and actually does what it promises to do economically.I think Andrew Yang (regardless of your opinion on him) and Maslow have a point: people want financial stability and hoing along this line of thought, I think that the importance of social issues might have the chance of being tossed out the window if you emphasize economic impact as your platform and actually fulfill your promises. That's exactly how Trump got elected (minus the actually fulfilling his economic promises part).
I see an increasing amount of both socialist and fascist rhetoric in the West. Really depends on how things turn out in the future (IMO if there is no continuing refugee crisis or external terrorist attack the socialists or the European moderate left will win out eventually) but if events continue like they are going on right now and left doesn't get its act together we could be seeing the second rise of fascism
No. 480850
>>480062|the issue is that system does not work well when capitalism exists
>it does work but you have to stop looking at me funny capitalism reeeeit only looks like a failure because people have standards of comparison to something much better, like capitalism . they have to forget how a functional economy exists, then they´d think living in a communism shithole is great.
No. 481037
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another big win for the marketplace of leftist infighting
No. 482968
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stupidpol encounters a feminist and spergs out about white vagina privilege or something
No. 482970
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>>482968the seething vitriol towards women is glaringly obvious. i don’t see how any of these jokers think they’re going to amass a broad working-class coalition when they’re all so disdainful of women.
No. 482978
>>482977Right? I guess you should selectively permit sexual harassment to avoid being perceived as racist. They just want women to shut up and stop talking about issues that affect us specifically.
It’s interesting and telling that he immediately leapt to the conclusion that this poster is a privileged rich white woman living off daddy’s money. These people think women are all privileged little princesses that don’t work, pay bills, struggle, or suffer. Ironically he’s doing the very thing he accuses her of doing: conflating all women with rich PMC women. Also immediately screeching about vaginas… the level of hatred towards women is so clear. As if women DON’T suffer precisely because of our reproductive systems.
They recently did a subscriber survey and many users expressed surprise that stupidpol is 90% male, even higher than the reddit average. Wonder why, kek. Why would any woman want to be part of a left-wing community that treats women like this.
No. 482979
>>482978well said. They rub shoulders with the far right on the opposite end of the political horseshoe. I saw someone on here say
“The right thinks women are private property, the left thinks they are public property” (I think it was the PP thread but my memory sucks) and that couldn’t be any more obvious in those comments of his. If a man wants to harass you in public, then you are his to harass, and if you complain you’re a bitch/cunt and should shut up
No. 482984
>>482979Yep, and the worst (well, most personally irritating) part is that they hide behind Marxism to propagate their dumb meninist strain of socialism. I wonder what they’d think of this Marx quote?:
>“The bourgeois sees his wife a mere instrument of production. He hears that the instruments of production are to be exploited in common, and, naturally, can come to no other conclusion that the lot of being common to all will likewise fall to the women. He has not even a suspicion that the real point aimed at is to do away with the status of women as mere instruments of production.”Or this Engels quote?:
>“The first class antagonism appearing in history coincides with the development of the antagonism of man and wife in monogamy, and the first class oppression with that of the female by the male sex.”Oh no, were Marx & Engels narcissistic bourgeois liberal feminists too??
Anyway. Apologies for all the stupidpol autism but I’m obsessed with lurking the sub. They have a large number of incel posters and permit posts calling women dog brains, but any radfem that posts in the sub immediately gets branded with a TERF flair and is usually subject to a battering ram of male posters informing her that radical feminism is idpol and all feminism is just bourgeois narcissism blah blah blah. But rarely do they point out that male identity politics are idpol too, and a much more invidious and irrational strain of idpol at that. The asymmetry is really astonishing.
No. 482999
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>>482968I was confused the first time I saw the OP. Is this /r/stupidpol or /r/MensRights? White and male idpol is still idpol.
>>482970After seeing some of the shit leftist men online say, in the past year especially, I am definitely more hesitant to participate in political causes if these are the types of attitudes I can expect.
No. 483205
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More r/stupidpol autism because I can’t resist: OP makes a post decrying the proliferation of BDSM and kinks, stupidpol unhappy about having their right to beat women infringed upon.
No. 483311
>>482970>women were never slaves!!!how do these people make these leaps in logic, what do you call not giving 50% of the population the right to vote, to own property or goods, to hold a job to support themselves, to hold any kind of position of power, who's only means of survival is attaching themselves to a man, forced to do only one line of work(breeding)their entire lives with 0 compensation, anything but slavery? did they forget this was the reality of all women until the last century or so?
women were the original slaves, before men realized they could subjugate other men too.
No. 483533
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>>419669>>483311They really are fucking idiots. Just go to Bristol, the old slave trading capital of England, and visit WHITE LADIES ROAD you stupid ignorant cunt! Women where slaves for millennia's paying debts for their husband, father or brothers mistakes considering they had NO MONEY OR POWER OF THEIR OWN
No. 483954
>>480062Communism doesn't work because of a human's natural need to be selfish and to better him/herself. Every instance of communism being put to practice ends up with having the worst parts of capitalism, but the lower class will never have the slightest chance of improving their quality of life. Communism isn't about offering equality to the people, it's about having absolute control over them.
If you've ever met people from communist countries they are often used to the state doing and deciding everything for them and them being extremely selfish, as private property is a luxury you have to hang on to with your life. Nobody has any ambition to improve their careers or take care of the state properties because it doesn't matter in the end, nobody wants to do shit just "for the nation" without getting so much as a food coupon in return. Communism isn't an idyllic smurf village, it's a sad dystopian nightmare where nobody has a future.
>inb4 reeee it just hasn't been done right yet!!!! And it won't be because communism can't be done "right". The human greed isn't a parameter you can predict and suppress. Imagine being a normal workers in a communist society. You open up a business (if you even can, seeing as business is state owned), it becomes popular and you want to expand because your business idea is working out. Not gonna happen, the market isn't free and it's state controlled monopoly. And to add to it, maybe the people controlling them are corrupted and living an ultra-rich life style. How do you stay motivated in a society like this? Even the marxist theory has been proven wrong because the middle class he predicted to stay in their places wanted to have more power and overtook big businesses, rising up in the class system.
>>483938Most of the Nordic countries are controlled by social democrat parties though and have been for decades.
No. 485587
Stupidpol (left-wing sub btw) discusses abortion after OP posts that abortion is non-negotiable and should be free and easy to access for all:“ok womber” [+76]
“I agree that it should be legal, but this sort of rhetoric is a major factor holdig the left back — abortion is very unpopular amongst large sections of the working class; also, even a lot of non-conservative people would recoil at paying for other people’s abortions, which is something you are saying should be mandatory.” [+22]
“Republican voters are mostly part of the working class and have economic trauma that our policies can help them with. Stop antagonizing them and trying to create working class division, you are distracting from the main objective with side quests.”
“I would argue pro choice rallies literally only focus on abortion because they want to shout down pro-birthers… you and I both know the rallying call at these protests is being able to scramble fetus brains and scoop out embryos” [+14]
“Abortion is a difficult topic for me. On the one hand, I support killing babies. On the other hand, you have to give women a choice.”
“Is abortion still the woke way to support eugenics?” [+12]
“I prefer my babies alive, thank you very much” [+16]
“Disagree, all wedge issues are negotiable.”
“Breeding pens are non-negotiable.”
“Especially for men, you should be able to buy abortive blow darts to launch into psycho-ex’s from any corner store! /s” [+6]
“Abortion is retarded”
“Alternative take: Abortion ends the life of a human being, and the modern holocaust needs to be abolished worldwide without exception” [+4]
“Why should I subsidize a woman’s slutty behavior?”
“Mandatory public executions for abortionists is non-negotiable.”
Ladies, these are your comrades. Remember, you are a dumb womber and your rights are a negotiable wedge issue that can simply be pushed aside to accommodate Republicans who will somehow suddenly back socialism if women just get punished more.
No. 485888
>>485606>>485587lol. no man is ok with abortion deep down. left wing, right wing, black, white, purple, what have you. men identify with fetuses.
this is a good example of why left wing men are the worst, at least Donald Trump would be able to afford an abortion lol
No. 485972
>>485888>men identify with fetuses I don't think it's this. It's because a pregnancy is a confirmation that a man had sex and his genes will be passed on. When a woman wants an abortion but the man doesn't, it's a rejection of his genetic matter and ergo a rejection of him. The man would no longer have a slice of dominance over the woman, the fetus, anything.
That's why they also get extra pissy when a woman wants a pregnancy but they don't. They know they're inherently tied to the fetus not only genetically, but financially too. When they don't want a fetus, the woman assumes a form of reproductive dominance over them and they don't like that.
No. 485975
>>485967This. Men are the biggest hypocrites in the world, them claiming abortion is male oppression is extremely ridiculous. Imagine claiming oppression because you aren't able to force women through pregnancy or abortions. The
victim complexes of men never fail to amaze me
No. 485976
>>485967>>485972>>485975This too. It's all about passing down that Y chromosome, that's their only purpose.
But they also see every fetus as a potential new male, and they realize subconsciously that when women are in charge of reproduction (selecting a mate or choosing to abort), men die.
Arguments from theology, science or philosophy are a red herring.
Also check out all the breeder fetishists in the stupidleftycel thread if you want a laff. No. 487075
>>487072I really enjoyed his video about postmodernism and showing how jbp had misrepresented/misunderstood it, and he had other videos about same harris that were really good. but then he had to go and defend communism against jbp with weak arguments that jbp has already addressed, so I lost interest.
I would say he is/was breadtube, or at the very least breadtube adjacent. haven't watched him in a long ass time though.
No. 487797
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Finally, some common fucking sense.
No. 492787
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not breadtube, but what do you guys think of sam seder and michael brooks? i feel like seder could be a genuinely okay guy like, even in a relationship, and brooks gives hardcore vibes about not giving a shit about troons. he gets really annoyed easily when people distract from actual, meaningful social and economic policy and shuts it down while being diplomatic. brooks has also been like "i don't need to use porn"/publicly associates porn use with being a loser/talks shit about porn, when 'woke' lefty males try to joke to him about it and praise it, which i like. i genuinely can't really complain about either of them. i can't believe 'breadtube' gets anywhere near as much attention as it does when these guys put out solid content and are far more ideologically consistent.
No. 492807
>>492802yep, i really like them. pakman is eh imo, but at least he's affecting some change. i don't care so much for him personality wise, but i have to hand it to kyle kulinski that he has done a lot of good and he has really captured the edgelord left audience well. like, prevented some former 'skeptic' atheists from heading down the rightwing pipeline as many did, and obviously the justice democrats thing. seder and brooks know their shit. they're by far the most likable and professional (without being bland like pakman) on the youtube left. they're funny, and they're genuinely pragmatic and interested in furthering change. idk why people act like 'breadtube' is so influential when these newstubers have the moxie and drive to do 10x more without 90 vids that center primarily around them in cheap chinese outfits and glitter eyeshadow, with some mention of left concepts.
sorry for yt lefty sperging but people are always bitching that michael and sam are being sexist by not really giving jamie all that much airtime but like… she needs to shut up. they need a different woman on the show. almost everything she says is annoying extremely online twitter bullshit and she has no idea how to read a fucking room. she can't go five seconds without mentioning some anarcho-syndicalist signalling bullshit in a discussion that merits no mention of it. honestly i wish they'd just fire her. she's the weakest link by far but the woke twitterfags probably give the show more credence bc of her presence.
No. 494257
>>492787Sam is the granddaddy of us all. I really appreciate him for what he's done and he really helped me realize a lot of things. One issue I do find with him is that he can be quick to anger, which is understandable. But the bickering between him and Michael sometimes gets on my nerves. I mean I don't mind it much because I have been watching them forever but I can see how it would turn off new viewers. Also how Sam freaked out on Jaime the other day was really uncalled for.
I think Michael is one of the best younger lefty speakers right now. He truly seems to "get" it and doesn't receive enough credit. Doesn't fall into the traps of other lefty speakers and is actually enjoyable to watch. I enjoy his dumb voices and jokes.
>>492807I totally agree about Jaime. I do not like how sometimes they cut her off and how Sam yelled at her, but I don't think she's good for the show. Some of the things she says are good but she sounds like a commie twitter bot. Her performative identity bullshit is a really weird contrast to Sam and Michael. Especially Michael, he's on a whole other planet when it comes to sociopolitical and cultural issues. Michael or Sam will say something very eloquently and then she interjects with her crackling drone voice about some random shit that sounds like she's reading a political Tumblr post written by a 18 year old aloud. There has to be another woman they could find that is on par with the others on the show.
>>493473LOL sounds like being up Shuwu's ass is rubbing off on Vaush. Wonder if he's subconsciously pandering to her trying to impress her?
No. 494388
>>493473i couldn't make it through the video properly, but i really loathe this phenomenon of 'progressive' men who try to use their ideology as a 'fuck you, i don't have to put any effort into a relationship and you're actually very
problematic for thinking i should.' literally complaining about the idea of doing romantic gestures for your ROMANTIC partner. imagine.
No. 495604
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So philosophy tube likely fucked hontra. If you watch his Queer video he mentions 'mouthfeel'. He admits to having sex with a trans girl and says it was just like his experiences with other women. Breadtubers are a cesspit.
No. 495619
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>>495604>>495607For ease of reference.
No. 495628
>>495604he's so fake. i dont understand how anybody can buy the bullshit he says. he's a badly curated personality that seeps with narc tendencies.
in this video you can see him looking like a high school theater kid trying to muster tears to show sympathy to his viewers' sad stories.
it's also funny seeing how uncomfortable hbomb is when he's trying to have a conversation with him and philosophy tube is trying badly to pretend to cry.
No. 496103
>>495619Why did I read this? I need to rinse my brain off with bleach now. It's also funny how he admits to being bisexual but says he "sucks girls dicks in a straight way"
>>495607These were my thoughts. He is one of those gaslighting guys who acts like he's pro-women until they disagree with him and then he turns on them. I also hate his shit-eating grin.
No. 496128
>>495607>>495628THANK YOU anons he's so insufferably smug I don't know how people can stand him. He reminds me of people from school who would veil their inability to succeed socially with feigned intellectualism.
Those two always resort to the worst tactics of the left, tragic.
No. 496151
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>>495619>>495607>>495628wow, fucking listen to him laugh like a literal villain when one of his loser fans talks about him "BTFOing TERFS". he seriously hates women. i can guarantee that this is a seriously psychologically
abusive male, if not worse.
there's a VERY palpable and immediately obvious strain of narcissism that's pretty unique to contra and philosophytube, compared to the rest of the guys in their lefty sphere, and it makes them so much worse. no other male in their circle has it quite like them. literally nothing authentic or relatable about either of them, and both of them have definitely jerked off to the thought of fucking themselves. no joke. they're also both ugly but think they're irresistible, like, philosophytube doesn't have bad features and isn't 'ugly' but he looks like a generic asshole, like, his features are so generic and lifeless so it's ugly? i don't know how to explain but it makes him ugly somehow. contra looks straight up like a horse, but you can tell both of them think they're impossibly attractive.
No. 496158
>>496156>Saying he's ugly is a cope because he's clearly not seen as ugly by the general public.first of all, no, it's not a cope. he gets a pass from women because he's a troon. and males think blaire white is like, the hottest tranny ever when he looks straight up simian. contra is legitimately fug to me. theryn is objectively better looking than him. i'd have no problem admitting that contra is a goodlooking guy if he was, but he never was, and he looks even rougher now post surgery. and nick never had a naturally slender body, he was/is like, bulimic and obsessed with being the perfect weight. the guy is narcissistic as all get out despite being ugly. he's getting distorted feedback from tranny worshippers on the left. he knows /tttt/ thinks he looks like a hon, that's why he took a bonesaw to his face. he admits he'd get plastered and read all of the shit other trannies would talk about him looking like an ugly man etc etc. people are just generous to him about his looks because he isn't fat, has hair, and is a troon.
>I hate that other males would rather suck his limp cock than give any of us the time of day. no offense, anon, and i don't know what your situation is, but i'm not even cute and i'm nowhere near starved of unsolicited male attention. i'm not clamoring for the very specific attention of futa-obsessed LARPing leftists. not THAT many men are tranny chasers anyways? i mean, people are lying about how attractive troons are bc misogyny and just to be charitable, but come on, they'd still rather fuck us the majority of the time. actual fags like philosophytube or whatever might turn women away but literally who cares?
No. 496160
>>496156I've literally never seen anyone call him attractive outside Kiwi Farms, Lolcow and his IG comments.
I've never understood even those people. He's always looked like a weird man, and I doubt the "general public" would put him over actual women (even though they might pretend for woke points). Back when I liked his videos, even I just thought "Well, he's not
that ugly. He's trying, at least", and that's that.
The kinds of men who would drool over him are not the ones you want drooling over you, anon, lmao. They are tranny chasers, aka gay or bisexual men in denial.
Even anons here say "Oh, he was hot before he trooned out", but…where? Maybe by trans standards? Everything about him just screams "hon". He's no Andrej Pejic (someone who was hot before transitioning and just manages to pass as a gawky, but not hideous woman after doing so), or even Nikita Dragun.
No. 496162
>>493473I'll never understand how he and lefty men consider chick flicks and romcoms to be brainwashing women into unrealistic expectations. Like those guys in the movies are just goofy and comical who typically has just good intentions of wanting a genuine relationship. To them though, it's bad and unrealistic for women to expect a healthy sweet relationship. Versus something like violent porn that they defend vehemently is totally OK and women should just shut up about it being a problem.
Why is the left and men in it like this?
No. 496202
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>but i guess we have hoes thirsting after social repose like his dick is the last drop of water on the goddamned earth despite looking literally like Seabiscuit in a Choctaw indian chief costume
Holy shit, anon
No. 496207
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>>496160>>496160thank you omg, i want to rip my hair out when i see women on here saying "contra was so hot before he trooned out". exactly, literally fucking where? he was not hot ever, as a man, or as a "woman". he was an average and unremarkable asshole at best. but i guess we have hoes thirsting after social repose like his dick is the last drop of water on the goddamned earth despite looking literally like Seabiscuit in a Choctaw indian chief costume, so i'm not too surprised.
admittedly though, he does get
some positive attention re: his appearance, especially in his bubble. plus he has been on mainstream online news outlets and they gas him up, plus tranny chasers, etc. so anon is right that he gets a lot of positive attention, but it's virtue signalling or chaser bs. personally though, i couldn't give a fuck what men think about his appearance, much less tranny chasers. in general, men are so aesthetically illiterate, it'd be dumb to even indulge the idea that their opinion matters in any way. they're mostly tasteless assholes.
No. 496328
>>496224Hontra has completely ruined that word. It used to be used in cooking. Now anytime I watch a cooking show and someone says it I cringe. The way troons use "mouthfeel" makes me
throw up in my mouth. Now
there's a mouthfeel for you.
No. 496856
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Leftist scrotes on twitter (who are usually fans of Chapo/Cumtown/Red Scare) are some of the worst misogynists I've encountered online. Their entire feeds are just seething about women and everybody lets it slide because it's "irony" and just part of "the dirtbag left". Even worse is that they also have handmaidens who defend every sexist thing they say.
No. 497175
>>496856It's okay because he "cares" about racism! AKA exploits the suffering of minority races to cover up the fact he's a raging misogynist.
That's basically the only thing they have going for them.
No. 497194
>>496856Agreed anon. I hate to admit this but I used to spend a fair bit of my internet time on the Chapo subreddit. They will jump to call out racism and transphobia (which is a positive thing about the sub) but god forbid you ask them to maybe consider that they may be saying some hardcore misogynistic shit and they lose their minds. They have more empathy for incels than they have for women.
It's honestly depressing. The right hates women. The left hates women. We're truly on our own. I've always thought that if men of all religions and political persuasions set aside their differences and bonded over their shared hatred of women, we would be fucked.
No. 498097
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>>497228the issue here isn't men's political views but the fact that they are men
No. 498160
>>492787These guys are great and actually have on real academics and seem pretty well-read themselves. Michael had on one of my former philosophy professors (Ben Burgis) who is actually a really nice and respectful teacher.
I do think their age has something to do with it as they seem to be a lot more mature than the annoying video game and meme-obsessed nerds like Destiny or Vaush.
No. 499494
>>499419This joke doesn't even work since worker ants are all female. Male ants only exist to reproduce. An MRA should be on the femants' side since that's what manosphere guys complain about ("we do all the dirty work and women have life on easy mode"). This is a self-own.
You can't make a direct comparison to western society since it just doesn't work. What is the diversity quota even about? Lesbian ants? That already exists (female only ant species) and they're doing fine with their fungus gardens. Or is it asking male ants to work, too? In this hypothetical world where ants can make conscious decisions, I'm sure human feminists would be on the side of the male ants since they've been delegated to baby-machines as we have and they also deserve the freedom of choice to pursue their own future.
/ant sperg
No. 500467
>>500453this is bait. and I think it's the same anon who wrote at least two posts larping as a brown-eyed person that longed for blue eyes, and compared their own eyes to shit and dirt. or maybe they actually have brown eyes and larp here as a blue-eyed person.
what a weird thing to be obsessed with, if the most interesting thing about you is your eye colour boy do I have some bad news.
No. 500572
>>500399I listened to it (at 1.5x) in the background while doing some stuff. Overall I agree that what happened to him was completely overblown but he could have made all of his points in a lot less than 100 minutes. He talked about the James Charles/Tati situation and he also spent a long time reading and responding to mean tweets about him, both of which I didn't really get the point of having in there. He also repeated a lot of stuff that could have been heavily condensed. Some other things
>at one point he shouts out Kiwi Farms so he's probably read his thread on there>he says he could #MeToo a prominent leftist figure but might not >he claims TERFs compare everything trans women do to "rape">>500527His voice is horrible. He also tries to be funny by inserting little throwaway "jokes" about being trans in his speech that just don't land and it gets old quickly.
No. 500613
>>500605the psychological rape thing is a reference to jo freeman's essay from the 70s. think it's pretty manipulative to hold up "metoo-ing" a prominent left tuber as something to hold up as collateral
No. 500880
>>500877casual reminder that horseface hontra used to send
abusive porn to radfems for "lulz". he's such an admirable intellectual.
also, sorry, idk about this shit but he calls himself a philosopher. does studying philosophy make you a philosopher? don't you have to, you know, come up with some kind of proprietary thought to be a philosopher? it seems to me like calling yourself an inventor because you studied inventors.
No. 500902
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>>500399Found this tweet that pretty much sums up how retarted his video is
No. 501609
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>>495628Yeah I watched a few of PT videos and I just think its creepy he always has to mention somehow his kinks, bdsm and him especially being a dom-some of the ways he segways it into the video topics are just beyond cringy.
>>500880Saging because I dont know if this is true or if old news but found pic on another forum.
This wouldnt shock me not just for contra but for many breadtubers.
No. 501615
>>501609it's completely true. you can find old videos of him wearing dresses and being creepy/exhibitionistic in public, w his gf, they're on yt still. he was clearly trying to play it off as ironic or whatever, but he obviously got off to it.
>>501612i feel too sick already tonight to listen. someone please recap if you feel like taking one for the team and listening to this huffy childlike lardman
No. 502314
>>502281I think his story is real but he really needs to get his life together. He talks about his BDSM fetish and how it's totally unrelated to his
abusive ex gf but it does not sound that way. If he could just stop being an insufferable twat and make videos where he really discusses and explores philosophy then… what am I saying. That will never happen.
I felt the same way about hbomberguy, was hoping he would stop being so annoying! The guy is so annoying! His humor is trash.
No. 502350
>>502281same, i don't buy it. i 100% think he's emotionally
abusive. he reads so hard as an emotionally
abusive porn addict that emotionally blackmails and abuses when women try to hold him accountable.
No. 502418
>>502281I'm not sure, but I always wanted to bring this up. In this video he says how he hates hismelf so much he dislikes even being on camera, but in a video 8 months later you see him basically nude one camera (It was some peterson vid). Don't know what happened to cause such a sudden shift
>>502210>anyone else absolutely hate the unoriginal constant "sarcastic" and "Ironic" comments in every breadtube videoMight have something to do with how long their are. You can't really respond to a 30 minute video in a well thought out way in time to get to the top so they're always beat by "contrapoints more like cummie points!"
No. 502966
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>>502955i don't think he'll troon out, i think he'll go more along the line of peter coffin and just suddenly declare himself "non-binary", but change absolutely nothing.
i also kek'd a lil when i saw he said he's straight, but he's had sex with men. like, oh so this is the kind of "heterosexual" guys hontra's been blowing
No. 509002
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The Greater Chicago IWW Union posted this shit on their offical facebook page, the far-left is being taken over by goddamn furries and degenerates
No. 509767
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from stupidpol
do they want white women on their side or not?
No. 509895
>>509894You'd think the "tolerant" left would be accepting of anybody who wanted to join them but I guess not.
I also feel like leftist scrotes hate on white women as a way to channel their misogyny because it's more socially acceptable.
No. 509898
>>509895yeah, it’s funny. they want to create a populist socialist anti-idpol movement with a diverse coalition that also somehow shits on and excludes a huge portion of the population at every turn. good luck with that.
and yes it’s just a way to launder their misogyny. openly shitting on all women is a little too obvious. gotta disguise it by making it seem just a bit more woke.
No. 509925
>>509767>>509904While I don't think white women should be let off the hook for racism, where is this energy when it comes to men of color being misogynistic? Or anyone being misogynistic really?
I agree with Bernie on a lot of things, but I find it hard to forgive him for being willing to ally with pro-life Democrats for the sake of gaining seats in the House and Senate. It's absolute bullshit that women and minorities are expected to put our issues on the back burner and compromise on fundamental issues. And if we say anything about it, then we're being "divisive" and engaging in "identity politics". Funny how these guys forget that working class white man is an identity too. Most of these guys aren't even working class though so…
No. 510490
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>>510487This tweet sums it up. He then goes on how there were 50 men and 9 women and not one dude stood up. The dude goes on a feminist 'what if men saw women as people not objects rant' then a 'we need to form a community to keep each others safe'. Also he's gay so you can't say he's a white knight doing it for pussy
No. 510532
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>>509982If you want to get cancer, check out the discourse surrounding rapist Kobe Bryant (he ate shit recently). All the woken BLM types promptly morph into a Kavanaugh defending boomer aunt. Basically,
>whines all day about some black kid getting shot by a cop and everyone saying he deserved it because he had pictures of himself doing gang signs>Kobe's victim deserved whatever happened to her because she "looked promiscuous" and also he was obviously falsely accused because she was white Lmao @ anyone who thinks that incelsectional feminism will ever accomplish anything for women.
>>509894I remember when /pol/ had this little psyop in which they were using sockpuppets to paint racial progressives as advocates of raping white women. Mfw they're actually unironically like this.
No. 510549
>>510538It's not, but incelsectional feminists think this is feminism. In this case it's because the
victim is (allegedly) white, so every person who refused to shut up about Kobe being a rapist is clearly not being sensitive enough to the plight of mass incarceration and false accusations by racist white women during Jim Crow.
Obviously the idea that black community's idols need to be uplifted and defended from white smear campaigns at the expense of women has hurt primarily black women (as seen in R Kelly's case), but in this case the very same woke feminists are completely fine with perpetuating the same mentality that shielded a pedophile for decades. Black male predators absolutely capitalize on this, there's not a single one who didn't exploit intersectionality to deflect accusations of sexual abuse by asserting that it's just a white psyop to take down a community figurehead.
No. 512371
>>510532I don't know why Kobe defenders keep bringing up Harvey Weinstein, as if he's their go to response to someone they like gets reminded of their rape allegations. Everyone knows Weinstein is a piece of shit. Doesn't change the fact that Kobe was still a rapist. I really hate whataboutusm.
Also I feel like "This is too soon to bring it up because his family is still grieving!" point is just an excuse not to deal with the fact that he was a rapist. I mean, feel what you want in regards to him but at least admit that he had some skeletons in his closet and stop using a family's tragedy for the fact that you want to ignore the truth.
No. 512657
>>510490What a depressing tweet to be reminded of
>>510532Pol does that alot and it is near impossible to tell which is a real account anymore. I think it was /b/ that pushed for the free bleed movement too and mainstream liberal feminists took it and ran with it.
No. 512931
>>510505There's an anti-empathy trend going on among male leftists lately. If they frame empathy of being a tool of the state, they don't have to be woke because caring about other people is a tool of capitalism, apparently!
Just more scrote propaganda.
No. 513074
I was reading he Unabomber manifesto a couple dys ago and while I have no sympathies for his terror attacks, his leftist analysis is spot on and I think it applies very well applies to modern breadtube, ctp and stupidpol
>But what is leftism? During the first half of the 20th century leftism could have been practically identified with socialism. Today the movement is fragmented and it is not clear who can properly be called a leftist. When we speak of leftists in this article we have in mind mainly socialists, collectivists, "politically correct" types, feminists, gay and disability activists, animal rights activists and the like. But not everyone who is associated with one of these movements is a leftist. What we are trying to get at in discussing leftism is not so much a movement or an ideology as a psychological type, or rather a collection of related types. Thus, what we mean by "leftism" will emerge more clearly in the course of our discussion of leftist psychology (Also, see paragraphs 227-230.)
>Even so, our conception of leftism will remain a good deal less clear than we would wish, but there doesn't seem to be any remedy for this. All we are trying to do is indicate in a rough and approximate way the two psychological tendencies that we believe are the main driving force of modern leftism. We by no means claim to be telling the WHOLE truth about leftist psychology. Also, our discussion is meant to apply to modern leftism only. We leave open the question of the extent to which our discussion could be applied to the leftists of the 19th and early 20th century.
>The two psychological tendencies that underlie modern leftism we call "feelings of inferiority" and "oversocialization." Feelings of inferiority are characteristic of modern leftism as a whole, while oversocialization is characteristic only of a certain segment of modern leftism; but this segment is highly influential.
>By "feelings of inferiority" we mean not only inferiority feelings in the strictest sense but a whole spectrum of related traits: low self-esteem, feelings of powerlessness, depressive tendencies, defeatism, guilt, self-hatred, etc. We argue that modern leftists tend to have such feelings (possibly more or less repressed) and that these feelings are decisive in determining the direction of modern leftism.
>Those who are most sensitive about "politically incorrect" terminology are not the average black ghetto-dweller, Asian immigrant, abused woman or disabled person, but a minority of activists, many of whom do not even belong to any "oppressed" group but come from privileged strata of society. Political correctness has its stronghold among university professors, who have secure employment with comfortable salaries, and the majority of whom are heterosexual, white males from middle-class families.
>Many leftists have an intense identification with the problems of groups that have an image of being weak (women), defeated (American Indians), repellent (homosexuals), or otherwise inferior. The leftists themselves feel that these groups are inferior. They would never admit it to themselves that they have such feelings, but it is precisely because they do see these groups as inferior that they identify with their problems. (We do not suggest that women, Indians, etc., ARE inferior; we are only making a point about leftist psychology).
>Leftists tend to hate anything that has an image of being strong, good and successful. They hate America, they hate Western civilization, The reasons that leftists give for hating the West, etc. clearly do not correspond with their real motives. They SAY they hate the West because it is warlike, imperialistic, sexist, ethnocentric and so forth, but where these same faults appear in socialist countries or in primitive cultures, the leftist finds excuses for them, or at best he GRUDGINGLY admits that they exist; whereas he ENTHUSIASTICALLY points out (and often greatly exaggerates) these faults where they appear in Western civilization.
>Words like "self-confidence," "self-reliance," "initiative", "enterprise," "optimism," etc. play little role in the liberal and leftist vocabulary. The leftist is anti-individualistic, pro-collectivist. He wants society to solve everyone's needs for them, take care of them. He is not the sort of person who has an inner sense of confidence in his own ability to solve his own problems and satisfy his own needs. The leftist is antagonistic to the concept of competition because, deep inside, he feels like a loser.
No. 513084
>>502966It kills me how all these dudes are pornsick self hating assholes always preaching at people (in groups they aren't even apart of) but they can't even figure their own shit out.
Contra's whole thing is to get men comfortable fucking him, but thats it. Men who want to fuck contra are porn sick chasers or brainwashed Woke dudes who fall for the "it's not gay he's a tranny" but guess what? THEY NEVER DATE TRANNIES.
PT is bisexual JUST because he's porn sick and is chasing his next high, which is transwomen. In a few years he'll settle down with a man or a woman. These troons fight so hard to try to normalize sex with them they DO NOT normalize nothing else. Contra's whole thing is being sexy and nothing else.
I'm reading this thread for the first time and it's crazy how people would rather listen to men talk about women, fake women talk about women, white dudes talk about shit they don't know about then actual women and minorities.
These dudes work so hard to make fucking men not "gay" but they still can't catch nothing but dick that will end up with a woman or man, not some tranny who they only wanted to fuck because they have a fetish.
In fact, they probably push porn SO dudes can go down the tranny loop hole, thinking it'd make them want to bang them, when yeah thats all they want. Happy these dudes are fucking eachother instead of us.
when I used to read gaming circlejerk reddit they hailed contra and this PT dude as these amazing people, oh and HHbomber, when they all seem like assholes.
No. 513085
>>513084In a book called "The CIA Doctors" by Colin Ross, based on documents from MKUltra, there's a whole chapter on trying to change people's sexual orientation, behaviour and gender identity using brain electrodes and suggestions, for instance this:
>In the same patient electrical stimulation of the superior temporal convolution induced the appearance of feminine striving and confusion about his own sexual identity. These effects were specific, reliable, and statistically significant. For example, the patient, who was an 11-year old boy, said, “I was thinking whether I was a boy or a girl, which one I’d like to be,” and “I’d like to be a girl.” After one of the stimulations the patient suddenly began to discuss his desire to get married, expressing then a wish to marry the male interviewer.So if psychologists and doctors have known since the 1970s that damage or stress to a particular part of the brain can be relied on to produce ROGD, how is it possible that they are now claiming that people are "born in the wrong"
No. 513087
>>513084Im not talking about you guys when I say "People" I mean, everytime I've heard these names come up it was in leftist reddit or tumblr circles by women, I'm black and I even had some black friends tell me to watch Contra.
I'm just not getting why these men are seen as these wise gods by some people on the left, when all I see is a bunch of broke, insecure, mentally unstable, alchol addicted, attention hungry, self hating, porn sick, women hating assholes.
They all hate women.
I'm still very liberal but I'm happy I never took these guys as more then what i thought they were. Fucked up men. The fact Contra makes that much is sick, especially since he's still ugly.
No. 513096
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>>513095he was a Harvard graduate and mathematical genius who was tortured by MK Ultra, then decided to remove himself from humanity, gave up everything to live in a small cabin becoming a hermit survivalist, There's a reason he's an odd blend of intellectualism and insanity. No. 513099
>>513096I don't think he was fully retarded, but this same guy tried to argue something like slurs aren't really that bad, just descriptors, and that women and non-white people wouldn't be offended by them if they themselves weren't inherently inferior, lmao.
A lot of leftists are obvious narcissists, like Contra and Philosophy Tube. The difference is that they like to cloak themselves with fake goodness and heroism. It's all part of a very American disease.
Take Peter Coffin's airs of leftism, even though he catfished as his own Asian girlfriend, made lots of vile, misogynistic posts in her guise, and was very aggressive, even hateful, to an actual Asian woman (Xiaxue). This is not someone who "identifies with the weak", just a snake trying to get their own.
No. 513143
>>513082Yeah any how why does al leftist critique devolve into hardcore projection? The entire underlining of modern day alt righters is a depressed mediocre white dude who thinks they're a
victim of the 'leftists'.
>a whole spectrum of related traits [to leftist]: low self-esteem, feelings of powerlessness, depressive tendencies, defeatism, guilt, self-hatred, etc.Also
>The leftist is anti-individualistic, pro-collectivist. He wants society to solve everyone's needs for them, take care of them. Is the definition of socialism is it not? How can you have an individualist communist society?
No. 513171
>>513074Eh, it starts okay, but then it gets into the "inferiority" shit and that's just edgelord posting.
Don't take too seriously the ramblings of a madman, anon, or you'll become mad yourself.
No. 513242
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>>500902Men think everything is rape except actual rape, more at 11.
Daily reminder that this is the average bordigan anarchoautist with titoist characteristics: No. 513376
>>513291>incidentally he happened to be good friends with the OKC bomber in prison.he wasn't exactly friends with him but rather they were cell mates and it wasn't just the OKC guy
>McVeigh's death sentence was delayed pending an appeal. One of his appeals for certiorari, taken to the Supreme Court of the United States, was denied on March 8, 1999. McVeigh's request for a nationally televised execution was also denied. At ADX Florence, McVeigh and Nichols were housed in "Bomber's Row", the same cell block as Ted Kaczynski, Luis Felipe and Ramzi Yousef. Yousef made frequent, unsuccessful attempts to convert McVeigh to Islam.Imagine a white nationalist, a palestinian islamist, an practicing anarcho primitivist and a cuban gang leader all sharing a single cell block together
No. 514026
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I'm howling at this autismal shit, how are these people real?
No. 514131
>>514108I know there's one guy who leaked his ex's nudes when she came forward about being abused by him and his wife when they were in a polycule and also the two of them grooming underage girls. He used to go by Phoenix at one point but changes his name every so often to sneak into other communities.
I know this sounds a lot like Greg and Lainey and I promise you these are different people; they just share a grooming strategy
No. 514143
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So not directly related to breadtube but related to mentality I have seen on breadtube and other leftist spaces, this comic was intended to be anti-trump/anti-republican, The idea was he was trying to embarrass Trump voters by calling them meatheads and muscular freaks. It didn't work at all, similarly breadtube/leftist attempts at demonizing the right makes the rightwing groups seem more badass and threatening then they actually are
No. 514209
>>514204we already discussed this a couple months back, but in modern leftwing spaces there's no real rhetoric that encourages self reliance or even phsycial fitness. hell I have been accused of perpetuating
toxic masculinity despite being socalist feminist, because I believed some of our members should actually engage in some cardio and basic combat traning, the hard Right is exploiting this to recruit more members from gyms or crossfit centers, not just white middle class meatheads but I'm also seeing a lot of women who engage in MMM/Heavy-lifting falling
victim, take ronda rousey for example (she's a Sandy Hook denier)
No. 514264
>>514209I have been downright shamed by some leftie for having an interest in getting fitter and I am in no way fit whatsoever
I bet that these people are just ashamed at anything reminding them of what loosers they are
Imagine how I lol'd at the suggestion that yeah we should totally punch nazis revolution nao fucking lol
No. 515477
>>514264I think it's wanting to be
victims to make themselves look more vulnerable and/or to just drag people down and make people feel weak and have a
victim mentality.
No. 517622
>>515482you seem like one of those people who mindlessly regurgitate that all generalisations are inaccurate and morally wrong.
there has to be some porosity between lifestyle and political ideas of one same person and I'm willing to bet that most decerebrate gymbros are rightwing while losers who think labeling themselves a feminist will get them poon are less fit, maybe one day a study can prove it.
by the way, I once read an article about a study showing pedophiles were more likely to be small and have non detached earlobes.
even if it's taboo to say it and even if you shouldn't base your opinion of a person on a quick glance at them, not only presentation but also innate features can give information on who you're dealing with.
No. 517637
>>517564>>517593I feel like you guys don't pay enough attention to the right.
Ethan Ralph/TheRalphRetort alone has singlehandedly gotten into so many shitslinging fests with people who are on the same "side" as him, talk less of that time Lauren Southern was exposed for conspiring with two gay MAGA guys with media connections to fuck over other people who were on her side (some British guy exposed her), that French guy who burned basically all his bridges, literally everyone on the right dunking on Laura Loomer, etc.
The very nature of being an internet politician means you will cannibalize and engage in drama. Even IRL politicians are like that, but it's harder to hide when you're an "e-celeb".
No. 517643
Destiny isn’t part of breadtube, he’s a centrist/libertarian as far as I know. Also this anon
>>517637 is correct, the right engages in stupid petty shitflinging all the time. Just recently there was a war between alt-right groypers and Charlie Kirk.
No. 517652
>>517629ayrt. that's quite interesting, I didn't know the shift to sjw blobs was that recent.
it's crazy to me that the majority is like good ol' ADF, that is, an uwu overweight retard who idolises figures like Che and speaks all day about beating up fascists.
No. 530790
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Leftpol was actually debating if Trump leftism is good or bad. Top comment is
>I've noticed that when Trump is speaking off the cuff he's more likely to throw out these left-wing ideas. He has no balls though, so he can't be trusted. Establishment Reps always make him their bitch on policy.
The delusion.
No. 531769
>>530787I had always heard that women reach peak sexual enjoyment in their 30s or older.
I spent all of my twenties forcing myself to be more sexual for bfs (and really not feeling it) Now I'm in my 30's I've suddenly been hit by an actual internal drive and a decent grasp on what I like.
No. 532025
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>>532021I disagree with this page that they use Merida's parents as an example of this trope, Merida's parents do looksmatch imo and both also look their age
No. 532075
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Even a Broken Clock is Right Sometimes
No. 532129
>>530776So like, doing what the average fugly married coomer does 24/7 with reddit's full approval? Wow, it really is over for moids.
Instead of whining about muh skuleenity as though him being a hamplanet is a problem of his attitude and women's perception of it, has he tried actually hitting the gym and sucking the clit?
No. 535374 through this thread if you want to see a bunch of incels embarrassingly attempt to discuss which ethnicity/nationality of women is most attractive, including such gems as:
>Black girls can be really hot when they are not fat, unfortunately in America, black girls are concentrated in the South, where there is a ton of fat folx.
>Many asian women have ugly faces but their slender and child-like bodies can be very appreciated by certain men such as myself
>European women get progressively hotter the more east you go. Spanish women are all ibsanely ugly(it's probably why they have the highest rate of homos), french ladies are the exception, they're usually alright, but germans are ugly, swiss are ugly, italians are ugly, austrians are ok, then starting with poles and hungarians is when you get to the really hot women.
> All I want in life is to fuck a hot Arab woman who is devoutly Muslim. Seriously, what can a latina offer that an Arab woman can't? Latinas are lucky that they only have to compete with wh*te women No. 535406
>>535384This made me lol
>french ladies are alright, germans are ugly, swiss are ugly, italians are ugly, austrians are okWhy is it always murican scrotes who possess the magic power of being able to distinguish the inhabitants of extremely small, close countries? And why did the ugly gene skip Austria? lol
No. 535419
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>>535406>>535411>>535415tbf many of these countries are divided by mountains, rivers and plains
I hate this scrote fetishization of foreign women but I also dislike same2same rhetoric as well, it denies the different cultures and histories of people
No. 535443
>>535436>scrotes say retarded shit>we say wtf>you say tbf, followed by an "explanation" of why they could be rightHow else should I interpret that other than you defending them?
Nobody said anything alike of cultures of different countries being the same but you still choose to mainly take offense to that and therefore also side with their point rather than with ours.
I hope for you that you were born in one of the choosen pretty countries lol (you probably are and that's why you want that take to be true…)
No. 538917
more stupidpol autism responses to this thread are proof the sub has been completely compromised by the right-wing and braindead underage 4chan contingent. “socialists” and “leftists” theorizing that the left needs to exchange abortion rights for medicare for all because women betrayed the left or something. ridiculous for a number of reasons, namely
1. it treats women”and the working class as discrete entities, as if there are no working class women
2. it relies on a bourgeois liberal conception of politics wherein progressive change is achieved through compromise and negotiation between political parties
3. this hypothetical situation where republicans propose medicare for all in exchange for banning abortion is completely divorced from reality and speculating about it is just pointless wankery
4. it’s pure resentment-driven politics where the goal is to punish an identity group for their perceived misdoings
are there any leftist spaces online that don’t degenerate into chapocel trans cutie nonsense or succumb to rightoid infiltration?
No. 540396
>>540371LE is in no way a leftist, she has very surface level view on Marxist theory. I do love her movie reviews as well.
I suspect she's actually more against idpol than she lets on. She told ultrawokes happy about Gunn's firing because he was a white man to basically fuck off and her early videos had a lot of references to George Carlin and South Park, and again, most of her concerns and actions have run contrary to how most internet leftists are, don't worry either, her and lot of other people's "public" views are based on whatever the fashionable stance on twitter is with these people, troon nonsense, imwithher, GAMERGATE!!! The list goes on, being a twitter communist is hot right now.
No. 540409
>>540371LE is just an overly online liberal. I agree with
>>540396 that she plays a certain role for her online fans because she knows it's a way to secure an audience interested in paying a woman to talk about movies on the internet. She was apparently massively against Gamergate though.
No. 540612
>>540371I'm a leftist (not a lib, which is more what I'd peg her as) but I also find that aspect of her content obnoxious and to a degree, performative.
When her audience was smaller a decade-ish ago it was a lot more varied in the types of viewpoints people held. When she initally joined tgwtg she was one of two women on the site. It was inevitable that misogynist dudes were going to give her shit. The proto-sjws in her audience would defend her and she started pandering to them to a degree. Over time they multiplied and she kept doubling down on the pandering. It sucks because I do enjoy her stuff. She's also not the only person writing for her videos anymore so that probably comes into it as well. Maggie May Fish is waaayyy worse. She talks about a lot of things I find interesting but her political posturing is so grating that I can't finish a lot of her videos.
No. 562173
>>562150This poor girl is obviously unwell. She says she has autism and she starts the video in tears.
What kind of piece of shit would see a chick like this and think it's OK to solicit nudes?
Xanderhal is the JF Greipy of Breadtube.
No. 563336
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So weird to think this dork has a harem of pickmes after his dick.
No. 574328
>>574146as anon said here
>>574254 its the same point being made over and over again and these mindless sheep just eat it up, ironically their content is just as shallow as capitalistic mass media they claim to hate
No. 576242
>>574146Lindsays vidoes can actually fall into that category, see
>>509963 she clearly has no idea about the subject matter and how race was viewed in that period (also subtlety defending Islam)
No. 585196
>>562150This chick is all messed up. Why is she going to random discord servers and posting her nudes in the first place?
Attention whore.
No. 585225
>>424840Plenty of white girls (some poor ones) use track and field as a factor in their admissions to colleges.
T. Track athlete
No. 586234
>>585475he literally just talks over him the entire time and the chat thinks he won lol.
hilarious that this same argument style gets roasted by the left when rightoids do it, but here vaush is doing the exact same thing. why not just directly challenge the ideas vaush, what are you scared of?