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No. 94955
There's a lot to unpack here about this cow, but for the time being I'll keep it down to current events.
Meet Conrad Collins AKA Digibro, Digibrony or Digi-nee, a self-obsessed anime youtuber and proud lolicon turned troon from Virgnia Beach.
Main Links (he has a shit ton of accounts)"Femme self" accounts thread Summary of events
>Conrad Collins>Anituber, but started in the mlp fandom, has been very milky since then>Proud defender of lolicon, says it is only "fantasy" and "harms no one">College drop out in his late 20's, cried to his parents and even threatened suicide because he simply didn't want to go. He often advices people to not go to college.>Very prone to drama, he gets in constant fights with other people on youtube. He has many sagas, including the Mother's Basement saga, and the Mumkey Jones saga, Digibro vs Gigguk saga, etc>His friends are pretty delusional as well, worst offender is EndlessJess, who plays with children toy's on sewer water while living in his mom's basement>Used to pull out midly interesting content on anime analysis, got a large cult-like following that ate up anything that came from his arsehole and constantly seek his validation>He's very pretentious, often thinks he's undoubtfuly right, does not fact check, and proclaims to be the "otaku gonzo journalist" and "human content machine", he legit thinkgs he's a figure of authority when it comes to managing a succesful youtube channel>Often copies ideas from other creators (like podcasts) that end up failing>He does not bathe, does not brush his teeth, does not groom himself, and his room is full of posters of naked loli anime girls. He is very proud of looking like a trainwreck, calling it "clusterpunk style"He then met May (real name Amanda Morris) around 3 years ago. She is his current girlfriend and fiancée.
>May draws herself thristing over Digibro, and he initially ignores her>Eventually he pays attention to her and begin a relationship>Move together to Boston to a house paid with youtube and patreon money, they eventually moved back to Virginia>She enables anything digibro does, and digibro in turn makes her go with stupid choices like dropping out of college and moving in with him. She hasn't worked a day since they moved together, so she's useless.>They pass their days drugged out of their mind smoking weed, both have likely developed a marihuana codependency>Digibro slowly stops putting out content, the quality drops very hard>His channel drops views and subscriptions at a steady phase>Starts surviving on "rant videos" on his side channel>There will be a day when he won't be able to support her and hilarity will ensueCut to may 2020
>Side channel content now on main channel, no cohesion, no way he is advertiser friendly anymore>Patreon money, twitter follows and youtube at an alltime low>Drops a new music album with lackluster mixing, bad singing, horrid vocals, amv visuals, and one of the songs hints at him trooning out soon>a lot of people start unsubing because the songs are just edgy teen cringe songs, a lot of comments from displeased fans>he has mentioned that he wants to be a loli girl before so this isn't that far of a stretchThen, on may 19th, 2020…
>He came out as a MtF>New name is Digi-nee, as in "big sister digi">His gf is now calling him "wife">He even had a secret twitter for his "alt femme persona">shaved his beard and painting his nails>fans are calling him a lesbian>his mental health is really spiraling down into oblivion>some fans are showing their support via drawing him as a loli in a way that no way in hell he will end up looking like, just futher feeding his delusion>some other fans are finally fed up with his bullshit, the trans bullshit is alienating for them>woke sjws don't want to even touch him with a stick>??? the future unfolds into madness No. 94956
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No. 94958
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his response to needing therapy
No. 94959
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No. 94960
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a fan drew him as a 11 year old looking loli.
No. 94961
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his alt "femme" account
No. 94963
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how he views himself
No. 94964
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of course he would thank contra for this shit
No. 94965
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his girlfriend riding on those trans woke points
No. 94966
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more troon bullshit. He believes in "neurotyping"
No. 94968
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more troon bullshit on his alt account. Notice the misogyny
No. 94971
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Finally, this is what a cousin thinks about him. Digibro used to fap while wearing his mom's clothes and making loli noises.
This milk is pretty warm at the moment. I suggest following his twitter, because it is pretty amusing how he's going the obvious troon route.
>muh women brain
>I love lolis, I want to be a loli, there fore I am a loli
>calling himself a lesbian and his girlfriend playing along
>big long discourses on what it means to be a woman even though he's a fucking scrote
>and more
No. 95000
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This just sounds like the worst idea ever based on pseudo science.
>>94977Thanks anon, hopefully it gains interest. I used to watch him a long time ago before I discovered he was a lolicon and just thought he had interesting anime videos. It's weird knowing how hard he fell.
No. 95001
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>>94963This is just going to look bad with his greasy hair.
No. 95002
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>Look at me! I'm so succesful! Unlike ya'll!
No. 95823
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>>95360Jesus anon you're right
The way they have always looked related has always ticked me off
No. 95824
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He's looking like a Hon
>disgusting orange teeth
No. 95832
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No. 95833
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his new name is Baroness Gray
No. 95888
This has so much potential OP, thanks for the thread.
>>94968LMAO absolutely hilarious that he wants to be a woman now, I remember watching his videos when I was in highchool and always rolling my eyes because of how distinguishably "male" his opinions were.
No. 95910
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May and Digi actually outed themselves posting on kiwifarms They keep bashing Tenlied and Mothers Basement
Screenshot is his answer to being questioned as a tranny
>>95853Pretty much… she's an insecure fangirl of the most self centered asshole on anime youtube and feels threatened because Tenlied is Mother's Basement (another anituber) girlfriend and she shows her tiddies online. I really don't get why she choses to compete over who is the best anituber waifu but the milk is plenty. I wish there were more anons interested because May's (and digibro's) behaivor is so milky and it goes back months and months before this trooning out.
His kiwifarms thread was made in 2017 for reference and it has a very good record on him
No. 95911
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>>95910And this is a long ass rant telling why he's a girl in the most male sounding way possible. Sorry for shitty screencap, couldn't fit it all but he calls himself an anime stereotype (meganeko) when reffering to what kind of woman he is or something like that
No. 95913
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This is Conrad comparing a picture of himself as a child and himself as a whole ass grown manchild.
This guy loves lolis and he clearly looked androgynous as a kid. This is AGP at its finest, and worse, he probably wants to look like a kid.
No. 95914
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And someone pointed out how much his younger brother looks like his girlfriend (uncanny)
No. 95916
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Another fan drew him as a loli
No. 95917
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Digibro futher frying up his tranny head with more drugs
No. 95918
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Jesus May is truly a shitty tier wife
No. 95920
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Some alledged confrontation with Tenlied on kiwifarms
No. 95985
>>95982i'm not sure who tenleid is but judging by this
>>95838 and these tweets from digibro, i find that hard to believe
No. 95989
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>>95985Tenleid is who the video May made is about kek, mother's basement thread on kiwifarms highlights how her and MB are both hypocrites when it comes to their shitty takes, especially when it comes to anime "minors"
No. 95990
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>>95989>promotes his washed up costhot playing nekopara >"the catgirls are literally three!!!!!"not gonna derail the thread with more since this isn't a MB/tenleid thread, but yeah they both have a history of going back and forth on their stance of characters that are minors, including Tenleid cosplaying said minors for NSFW shoots and owning a physical collection of dpujinshi about high school girls getting drugged and raped, ala Emergence despite that material being illegal in Canada.
No. 95994
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>>95990This thread is new and MB & Tenleid are involved in this drama so I see no problem talking about them too
For futher refference, Tenleid is this cosplay ethot married to Geoff or Mother's Basement (MB for short). Even though she's married she loves whoring herself out. In the other hand, MB is really disliked in the anime scene for being a complete sell out.
Tenleid links: accounts or Mothers Basement (video mentioned in May's rant about kiwifarms, this is his channel)
No. 95996
May's links
Youtube (linked in the video above)
Twitter: didn't notice this before, but she gives off the impression that she really wants to be the #1 anituber waifu considering she has a list pinned in her twitter
No. 96008
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Genuinely curious about what happened between May and Yazzy/tenleid, apparently May was a supporter of and looked up to Yazzy before. Maybe it was all for anituber clout, who knows.
>>96005It's common for weeb couples to call each other waifu/husbando even if they're not actually married.
No. 96009
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>>96008May made some….fanart…of tenleid as well
No. 96013
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For all these anituber gf's talk about being "irl anime waifu best girls", they don't even bother to look…anything like cute anime girls. They both look rough as fuck.
No. 96016
File: 1590445129029.jpg (2.06 MB, 1920x2560, 20-05-25-15-18-52-962_deco.jpg)

What May thinks she looks like - a baddie hot cop waifu epic owning tenleid, as portrayed by this fanart (that she probably commissioned)
Versus reality - a very obviously bitter sperg of a cunt who deep down wishes she was the person she herself claimed to look up to not even two years ago, Tenleid
Tenleid is gross in her own right but this absolutely reeks of jealousy, and I mean…..of the two, MB is definitely more of a "man" now than Digi is, even if not by much.
No. 96019
>>96016agree, i dont follow the community anymore so maybe that affects it but tenleid and mother's basement sound like your hypocritical run of the mill attention whores while May and Digi seem deranged.
>>96018this, anyone know what the hell started their feud?
No. 96045
>>96018Sorry for OT I'm a different anon but the name Tenleid sounds really familiar to me for some reason,
wasn't she a tripfag on /cgl/ at some point?
No. 96047
Honestly the kiwifarms thread is more….active when it comes to digi/may drama, and if may's goal was to take the heat off of digi for a bit, she seems to have achieved that. her current livestream insufferable, and that shirt of her "arresting" tenleid is so weird, especially when it the scheme of things they're both irrelevant, especially may.
>>96045yes, I'm 95% sure she was.
No. 96063
File: 1590462124085.png (574.39 KB, 794x447, may.png) made an audition for the company Hololive to be a Vtuber. Highlights of the video
>omg thanks for the support against tenleid guyysss!>looks deranged>fakes a high pitched voice>boring as fuck>her voice is so annoying>literally no chance No. 96065
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>>96063>I just picked up adobe premier last month!>Pantsu are the most versatile accesory a girl can have!>trying so hard to act like an anime girlcringe
No. 96066
>>96063Speaking of her Vtuber shit, here's a stream she did…in which she includes a huge picture of Tenleid's ass because supposedly it was one of the first results when she googled shimapan and she "thought it would be funny"
She talks about it around ten minutes in
No. 96068
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>>96066Here's a cap of her "Vtuber inspiration board"
Bitch is clearly obsessed, either she's gay for tenleid and in such harsh denial OR she is skinwalker levels of jealous
Whatever it is, she needs to "come to terms with" her obsession with tenleid as well as the fact that she's probably never gonna give her the time of day
No. 96069
>>96065The design is fucking awful, this looks like something a fat Chris chan level autist would come up with, not a single ounce of "moe" whatsoever.
Also why does she talk like a cross between a sped and a valley girl? What a weird combo.
No. 96070
>>96068Jesus fucking christ that really comes off as a jealous insecure skin walker
If I hated someone so much I wouldn't save a picture of her, let alone use it for reference
Is she trying to prove that she's better than her? Because she's doing a terrible job, May is crazy. This obsession is too much, then again, she used to want to ride Digi's dick so hard and accomplished it (started as his fan and drew herself humping a pillowcase with digi's picture on it)
Wonder if Tenleid told her to fuck off and that's how the fewd started
No. 96072
>>96070yeah I don’t really understand what she did to this girl? ten is hardly in MB videos and doesn’t really YouTube herself. You can give her shit for the past and porn but if it’s about being ultimate anime YouTube waifu I don’t think she wants the job? she mostly tweets about her cats, her car, gundam and her bf. I even went looking through her likes on both her accounts for some shade towards this girl and didn’t find any. It’s a weird bone to pick but this girl wears underwear on her head so…
is there any proof of her doing anything to actually incite this?
No. 96074
>>96072Hard to say, it's been pointed out that May used to suck up to tenleid/drew her fanart/told her she looks up to her, and I think tenleid was a costhot back in 2018 when this all happened (correct me if I'm wrong) so I'm really curious to know what the turning point was for her.
Maybe, as cliche as it is, it's a situation of her senpai Tenleid not noticing her or something? I mean, she got with Digi by being an obsessive fangirl so it's entirely possible.
No. 96094
>>95920Why are they so obsessed with the poster being Tenleid? If it is her, so what? What changes? Is he
not an ugly tranny lolicon, and his wife not a cringy fan who's also obsessed with lolicon?
No. 96097
>>96094Because they very clearly have some kind of grudge/bitterness towards her and MB is my best guess.
During May's cringey livestream today she kept saying "tenleid/kiwifarms poster come on and talk, otherwise I'll take it as an admission of guilt!" like that'll work (also basically saying guilty until proven innocent).
They're convinced that Tenleid cares about them/May that she -must- be watching the stream, and I wouldn't be surprised if the kiwifarms poster is egging them on by not showing up, seeing how it's already provided a good flow of milk from May/the two.
No. 96098
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>>96097worlds worst screenshot from the video but she starts talking about how this is obviously ten posting a pitch for a thread on her. The way this is worded makes it seem like she discovered MB before she discovered tenlied (even though it’s supposed to be tenlied writing it) ANYWAY what I’m getting at is, perhaps this all stems from her having a big old crush on MB, trying to get in good with tenlied or be friends with her, was ignored, now shunned by her crush and his waifu she looked up to she takes the next best anituber and vows revenge towards people who hardly know she exists?
No. 96106
>>96098What I know about Digibro and MB's drama is that they used to be friends when MB's channel was fairly new. Then they fought about an anime called Erased (milk is juicy about that one, pretty much Geoff said he was abused and had empaty for Kayo, Digibro being the coddled bitch that he is shunned it off), and then Digibro got offended when MB's started getting more attention from the anime community than him. It's pure jealousness.
Video linked is Digibro and May shitting on crunchy roll's anime awayds, MB's appears in there. This video is super cringy, specially when Digibro pretends to rap lmao
No. 96112
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Posting May's awful drawing of herself on top of a pillow with digibro on it
No. 96118
>>96106PLS so it all started because they had a different opinion on an anime?? I don't know what I was expecting but not THAT. Comedic gold.
>>96112Is she autistic??? How does a grown woman post art that looks like it was made by a 10 year old and doesnt die of shame??
No. 96119
File: 1590492060593.jpg (166.16 KB, 2048x1560, EYoHc3dXkAEHOfc.jpg)

Another loli digi
Love how they added the receding hair onto this one
No. 96121
>>96120Even though Geoff is a sell out, my best guess is that Digi feels jealous inside because he eventually lost the popularity that he once had. He used to be a big anime channel after all.
He often acts like he doesn't care, but he always talks about how he has so much money from patreons that actually care about his niche life and interests and shit like that. Dunno, it always felt fishy how he needs to prove that he's successful and doesn't need youtube sponsors or whatever.
No. 96275
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May bitching on twitter about Tenleid
No. 96285
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>>96276>>96275In the end the cap wasn’t about May, it was bait from the Kiwi user she’s convinced is her e-thot envy and one of her followers had to point it out to her. She continues to have a delusional autistic break because she’s being ignored, and it’s only getting better.
No. 96304
>>96299Really hard to say, since what even brought May to my attention was all the digibro troon stuff. Her and Digi have both been taking shots at tenleid even before this but who knows. If anyone has any info that would be interesting
What I do find funny is in the "tenleid call in!!!" Livestream she did yesterday she referred to Akidearest as "that fat girl" when she's following Aki and looks like she took the name pantsu party/striped panties motiff from her?
No. 96314
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>>96063Her face in that video reminds me so much of Miranda Sings.
No. 96356
>>96345Oh my God anon kek I'm cackling I can't unsee it now
Digibro is such a narcissistic freak that he had to date a female version of himself
No. 96420
>>96275this bitch is insane, it's hilarious.
>>96299I think the only reason she's not skinwalking Tenleid is because she's a slob just like Digi. She puts absolutely zero effort on her looks and it shows.
No. 96446
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>you don't know tenleid
No. 96497
>>96121>Lost all the popularity he once hadOh yeah, big time. Digi's the classic case of a nobody finding moderate success then struggling to cope with the idea that the well eventually dries up. No doubt these are 2 are depressed about their current situation:
>losing that sweet youtube ad money>tried to branch out into music in order to stay relevant which FAILED>in a loveless marriage where one is a doormat clout chaser and the other is a degenerate who gets off on being the animu loli he'll never be>smoke weed erryday to forget your sad life>might hafta get a real job real soonSo, like the fucked weirdos they are, rationalize lashing out at those more "successful" than them.
No. 96500
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>>96010>>96009During their stream today May used the Kiwi Farms user posting these caps as evidence. She fails to comprehend how the Twitter search function works which reveals nothing but a few positive interactions between them, mostly from May. Their last direct public interaction was 2018.
No. 96588
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>>96573Comments on her stream announcements were rough
No. 96617
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compelling some discussion about May from kf
No. 96618
File: 1590717238731.png (303.86 KB, 600x1136, fghj.png)

accusing tenleid yet again
No. 96619
>>96618So according to Digi, in order to be Tenlied you need to:
>speak English>be a user on a drama site>know enough Digi-lore to "know enough" about you and your girlfriend to post>forget you put your entire life online for people to know this but LOL UR TENLIED I KNOW HER ENOUGH TO KNOW ITS HERBatshit.
No. 96643
>>95910>I let my emotions control me so I must be a girl!Holy shit, what a piece of misogynistic garbage. Why can't he just admit that he's living out a fetish instead of appealing to horrific stereotypes? It's not like he has a reputation to shatter.
>>96010Looks like something that would get two comments on DeviantArt in 2005
No. 96969
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Has an autistic husband, pushes him deeper into drugs (I'm sure she likes that he pays for her habit), lets his horrid personal hygiene go unchecked, feeds him conspiracy bs until even his fans, who were so far accepting of his deranged persona, think that shit's getting weird, and now he's gender confused where her role in that is also fishy. Clearly the right person to educate people about mental health.
Not that I want to put all the blame on her, since she's just feeding his oversized ego.
No. 97689

>>97554>DigiBro was a part of Procrastinators Podcast (PCP)>Mumkey Jones is/was a youtuber based on edgy comedy, known for his Elliot Rodger videos and later turned out to be a cow himself (cheated on his girlfriend, who was supporting him financially, with a pedo furry and leaked his own sex tapes) >Digibro was the one who invited Mumkey to join in the first place>Enter Endless Jess, another member of the PCP>Mumkey's edgy fanbase starts making fun of Endless Jess for being autistic and unfunny, Jess can't handle the heat anymore, threatens to quit if Mumkey isn't booted out>Jess finally leaves, Digibro panics, throws Mumkey under the bus claiming that it's his fault that he can't control his fanbase and caused Jess to leave even though Mumkey had repeatedly asked his fans to leave Jess be>Video related, it's Digibro sperging about his side of the story, sadly Mumkey's side is gone as his Youtube account got purged>Digibro arranged a vote to kick Mumkey out and bring Jess backThat's the gist of it.
No. 98257
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Yeah she might troon out soon
Who knew mowing the lawn was an intrinsic male behaivor
No. 98258
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Someone on May's discord made a meme of Tenleid and May's going to feature it on a stream. Said meme is actually mocking one that was made to mock her earlier.
No. 103254
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>>103252this is just pure autism
No. 103263
>>103252the kind of shit one can only say when they've been socially isolated for so long, lmao.
just step outside with a little bit of self awareness and you realize trying to claim you're similar to tomoyo from ccs is absolutely retarded.
No. 103293
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>>103254god there is children in the "characters I would persue romantically"
No. 103302
>>103254>Characters I feel so similarly to they barely register as characters>Sabrina from Pokemon season 1Uh, a somewhat sadistic emotional retard who's in literally a grand total of 1 episode… seems legit.
I'm still grappling with the rest of the autism but that one really caught my eye.
No. 103316
>>103254Wew this is a lot isn't it. He has a lot of underage characters in there, everywhere. Children rolemodels and children he would pursue and little girls he thinks he is like.
What the fuck does "character I would mentor" even mean. I can't imagine being mentored by this sociopath.
No. 103530
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May on the left, Tenleid on the right
No. 103540
>>103318I don't know if it counts because it was before his transition but in a video he said "I have lived forever and never once was truly straight". He also talked about how he used to think he was gay for a short period of time when he was a teenager ( I think it's in one of his video about evangelion )but I don't remerber very well
the quote is from this video: No. 103556
File: 1593641931823.jpg (306.67 KB, 960x625,…)

>>103554Lol at this bitch comparing her blonde hair to gyaru (much also like tenleid who talks about how much she loves gyaru)
No. 103578
>>103556Not whiteknighting but to be honest gyaru has always seem so trashy and ugly that she definetely looks better in those pictures than the gyarus she posted
However she's very stupid if she thinks whatever she's doing is jfashion or anything like gyaru
No. 103579
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he's calling himself baroness gray and witch now
No. 103581
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>first female president
He's also sharing a lot of anime lolis on twitter and it's getting creepy. Her whole view of womanhood is based on japanese anime characters.
No. 103582
File: 1593662583283.png (139.15 KB, 593x383, example.png)

it's all this artsy depressing looking lolis and a lot of depression twits
No. 103783
>>103254>ryougi shikiShiki would beat his pedo ass any day of the week.
These choices are so bizarre. He sees himself as Shinji AND Neferpitou AND Anthy? These characters have zero in common. Go outside, Digi.
No. 105293
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No. 105295
File: 1594855336637.png (62.93 KB, 1426x224, 1594658703435.png)

She's trans or nonbinary now.
No. 105299
File: 1594857421245.png (39.92 KB, 600x239, Screen Shot 2020-07-15 at 4.49…)

No. 106150
File: 1595382184992.jpeg (685.16 KB, 1125x1214, DB4AAAA4-799F-44D4-8211-E0B7DF…)

Is the Tenloid saga over already? That was dropped quickly, did they realized it was a dead end and no one was jumping on board? Now they’re working as hard as they can to get the attention of Null, owner of Kiwi Farms, by writing raps that get ratiod worse than the cringe cunt video.
No. 106158
File: 1595386269349.jpeg (599.93 KB, 1125x1764, B8BC79CD-BD15-44A4-AE1B-578228…)

>>106150May also allegedly cried on stream after getting bullied out of digis discord server. Conveniently that stream has been set to private.
She’s so easy and quick to sperg, Tenny needs to hurry up and react so May can have a meltdown
No. 107477
File: 1596159692250.jpeg (516.28 KB, 1125x1258, 2549B55B-FF4E-4948-A528-C84832…)

May has now taken over the Digibro channel, not long after going after Tenleid for taking over Mothers Basement’s dead side channel. May couldn’t grow her own channel and sperging out over one sided beef didn’t get her the attention she wanted, so she had to be handed another one by Digi.
No. 107479
File: 1596160140123.jpeg (382.8 KB, 1125x1035, 299507D4-5F60-406B-B8BC-BC8248…)

>>107477Digi will no longer be doing anime content, only May. A guaranteed death for what’s left of the channel, as none of Digis remaining fans care for her brain dead content. This is obvious when you look at how few Digi subscribers watch May’s content or streams featuring Digi.
May has been talking about an OnlyFans, and Digi is taking voice work on fiver.
No. 107526
>>107477This is pretty fucking rich considering May and Michelle both criticised Tenleid for being given MB's 2nd channel instead of growing her own
>>107479May can't even break 5k subs on her own channel kek, no one who follows Digi cares about her or her larping as an autistic weeaboo
No. 107553
File: 1596226789199.jpeg (246.13 KB, 2048x1759, 3D874DBF-590A-4BB0-8216-484AE7…)

>>107526The projection is real. It looks like they completely gave up out of sheer embarrassment. It must really drive May crazy that Tenleid gains more subs per month making sporadic boring shit than she’s made in a year, doing a month of daily videos.
No. 107586
File: 1596243096078.jpg (17.58 KB, 320x427, EbfghvuXsAATiMe.jpg)

She looks like a man here…
I guess she has fully become the true digibro
No. 107587
File: 1596243344790.png (38.5 KB, 409x395, looneytroony-png.png)

>>107553I mean, just look at this graph.
No. 107588
File: 1596243365043.png (122.48 KB, 1025x328, a3837930-585b-4de3-a74f-4fb1f8…)

oh wow so much for not wanting to be Tenleid
No. 107589
File: 1596243407789.png (26.9 KB, 593x155, 1596034098925-png.png)

He said this.
He also said that he thinks lolicon is a right or some shit but I don't have a capture of that.
No. 107594
>>107589I'm not an expert but he is kind of right.
There was a point in my life when I was on the verge of trooning and constantly felt the urge to masturbate at every idle moment I had. Of course, I wasn't an idiot and realized I was just watching too much fucking porn and it was starting to fuck with my head.
No. 107598
>>107596Well, yeah. I got better.
It just makes me sad that so many people are getting swindled into this shit because of that. Porn can fuck you up real bad if you are the kind of immature idiot that is willing to just push through and get into any kind of fucked up shit to get off, which seems to be what happened to Digibro. There really seems to be a correlation between being addicted to porn and "gender" dysphoria.
Even if I had gone through with it I would still be a guy, though. You can't fool biology no matter how much hormones and antibiotics you poison your body with.
File: 1596801439009.jpg (595.93 KB, 2518x1024, EewwmhiWkAIw6-z.jpg)

>>107586i can't fucking stand these people
No. 108694
File: 1597082259068.png (91.94 KB, 719x395, 1596642046874-png.png)

With this, May is not only officialy trooning out, this means May forcefully entered Digibro's life, convinced him to become a tranny, and took his identity.
May is Digibro now.
No. 108698
File: 1597082706835.png (114.03 KB, 1025x335, 1596329661323-png.png)

No. 108699
File: 1597082928278.png (69.54 KB, 732x341, mjnhbgvfc.png)

>>108694half assed explanation
No. 108700
File: 1597083032484.png (69.09 KB, 579x276, gfr.png)

More digibro seething at Mother's Basement
No. 108702
File: 1597083415697.png (346.28 KB, 1256x568, fdwsf.png)

Tenleid, on the other hand, she didn't respond directly to May, but has some stuff to say about her.
No. 108719
File: 1597089087490.jpeg (642.21 KB, 1125x1570, 15B15695-65FB-4A76-8EAF-C7F8E9…)

>>108702This is a common sentiment among virtue signalling thots, I think it’s a stretch to say it’s about May. It doesn’t make sense to ignore all of the personal attacks and sperg that could make May look like a retard to make a vague subtweet unprompted.
Mays paranoia continues, she appears to be implying this person is “allsotiresome” from KF, the main poster she is accusing of being Tenleid, most likely because they insulted MB in the process.
No. 109151
File: 1597416896217.png (100.71 KB, 664x679, maythetranny.png)

Digibanana = May
You're Fingering These Children = Digibro
No. 109160
File: 1597425615652.jpg (451.09 KB, 847x882, O0FEya9.jpg)

When cows collide. Of course he's in with Ralph Retort. Who just imploded his alt right streaming career by drunkenly sending a link of his fat ass fucking his child bride to her ex.
No. 109161
>>109160Oh god I'd love to see these two idiots go at it.
>Who just imploded his alt right streaming career by drunkenly sending a link of his fat ass fucking his child bride to her ex.Wait what? I haven't kept up with Ralph since they dropped off of Youtube, what the fuck happened to his wife? What's he fucking doing oh god
No. 109211
File: 1597452887206.png (642.11 KB, 907x1136, 9c371d38e795ad4fce93431e01d88e…)

>>95001>>109160>these Umineko referencesDid he have his sexual organs mutilated on birth?
No. 110804
File: 1598802573660.jpeg (657.84 KB, 1125x1601, 98FC9E54-2425-4C13-943A-2F3ECA…)

May has taken her next step in wearing her senpais skin and opened her onlyfans. What a pathetic desperate cuck.
No. 110814
File: 1598804172723.jpeg (16.84 KB, 550x557, gayfrogs.jpeg)

>>110804Wtf, wait… Digibro and onlyfans in the same sentence? I can't contain my disgust. I'm genuinely frightened, but also curious to see if it's anything like the trainwreck that is Onion's "content".
No. 110826
>>110814Don't get excited. It's just his wife May reading her husbands Hentai reviews to an audience.
She really is a fucking cuck. Imagine having so little self-respect as a woman that your man gives to a script about the loli hentais he jerks off to instead of sleeping with you and you read it to an audience of people. "And this scene is where he shot his load, it's the one with the little girl getting raped. Kawaii~~~~ UwU"
No. 110913
File: 1598913034562.png (364.44 KB, 617x729, Screenshot_8.png)

>>110804Imagine you used to watch Digi's videos so you google Digibro and find that.
No. 113341
File: 1600750809638.png (5.28 MB, 1440x2160, amanda.png)

So she wants to be a man, but still dresses like this to get attention on twitter? Seems like… maybe it's all for attention. lmao.
Also jfc even with all that editing done to the face she is still very unfortunate looking.
No. 113423
File: 1600803697003.png (23.45 KB, 741x220, desperation.png)

Amber changed her name on twitter, I guess even she realized that her being the new "Digibro" was not funny and only confused their few genuine fans.
She is so desperate to be an e-girl and have her own simps. In her last youtube video she screamed about society forcing girls to be "sexy" and how that made her feel like shit… hypocrite lol
No. 113431
this is a bit late but i wish the OP or maybe in-thread there was more documentation regarding digibros drug experiences. it really started to go downhill with the constant dude weed lmao but what actually started changing him was psychedelic use he's mentioned a few times. really specifically i dont think digi touched shrooms until may came into his life cause he didn't have any prior experiences. not that it makes digibro any better but i dont think he would have gone this far without her and her push towards druggie/rave culture on him.
if more effeminate men dont have a trip sitter or someone good to rely on for drug use it can spiral really hard. in the anime twitter community (digibros main contact) theres quite a few people who have tried psychadelics and trooned out entirely. also not to blog but ive seen the same thing happen irl. not having a good sense of identity, being insecure, and doing a drug that changes your view on who you are has this adverse effect especially on weebs. i think its because they find comfort in 2d loli anime girls and so their identity warps into thinking that to be comfortable, they have to be the 2d loli anime girl. including this i think would add to documenting digis spiral and also puts a few things into perspective.
perspective is important here because while digibro should have said no to may and drugs, i (again) really do think she came into his life and pressured him into using them just as shes pressured him into transitioning. she's fucking creepy beyond belief and i think being able to turn a man into a woman makes her feel like a powerful "daddy" dom and that she can stand with the boys. truly the most
toxic and manipulative combination of a pickme
>>98257>>113341to add to my small case argument here, these posts make her seem confused on what is masculine vs what is being male. liking anime, mowing lawns, playing video games, deadlifting, are not traits that make people men. manipulating someone into a woman doesnt make you dominant or male. wanting to peg someone doesnt make you male. its the same as the mtf trannies thinking that acquiring periods is what makes them female. yet for some reason shes masking these hobbies and interests behind ftm trooning and nobody questions how sexualizing and creepy she is as a person
anyway if she was a tranny with dysphoria she wouldnt be posting her vagina all over the internet and upkeeping a very feminine appearance
tl;dr match made in hell, these retards shouldnt have done drugs together if it was going to cost them their entire livelihood and reputation
No. 113483
>>113431Her psyche kind of intrigues me. I just can not empathize at all with a woman who would want to turn her man into a woman. I know there are women who just like to be dominant and get off on humiliating men, but where does that stem from? It does not seem to be natural or instinctive behavior to be like "hahaha yeah babe, put on my clothes, you would look so cute in my panties". Seeing your husband wear your panties and wanting to be a tranny is most women's worst nightmare.
Is it really just excessive anime consumption? Does it melt women's brains the same it does for men?
I think she always struggled with being a girl cause she is honestly hideous and probably had interests in areas where more men are present and she probably was a tomboy. Yet she seems to have a strong need to present herself as a sexy e-girl but has no idea how to be appealing or sexy in any way, it is all incredibly awkward to watch.
Maybe what binds the two of them together is their shared identity/gender crisis and their porn/anime addiction.
No. 113574
File: 1600937752060.png (638.74 KB, 2748x1080, pedosbreakup.png)

This could just be another stunt from them for attention, but someone on KF who is in Amanda's discord said:
"Apparently Digi and May broke up and haven't spoken since Saturday. She had her parents drive 20 hours to come pick her up. She cites the break in and Digi inviting people she "didn't feel safe around" into the house. She isn't shit talking Digi much at all, and seems to not really have hard feelings towards them, but they are done."
No. 113579
>>113578She can find another desperate z-celebrity to shack up with. They're a dime a dozen and if she actually has a vagina (still undecided on that one) then it should be easy to just find another guy who wants his life ruined for pussy.
I heard ArmoredSkeptic is currently available.
No. 113592
>>113574"May, you are supposed to be the man here. Man up and protect your bearded loli girlfriend, you whiny faggot."
Now in all seriousness, this was a long time coming. Despite claiming how understanding and supportive they are, women will always want a proper man.
This can go two ways. She has been enabling his bad ideas for a long time. If he can recollect himself with the help of friends and family, he can do better than in the last 3 years. But as we know, it is more likely he will spiral down even more. I hope he doesn't hurt himself.
No. 113595
>>113592Maybe she wanted to break up for a long time but she played the long con and turned him into a tranny first so no other woman would ever want him. lel.
She's clearly a psycho and encouraged him to transition and then played along with the stupid game and then she leaves him in the dust. What a bitch, seriously. She also encouraged him to take psychedelics, as far as I know he only smoked weed before getting with her and her brother is their dealer.
I think Amanda is really a closeted lesbian and man-hater, but at the same time she probably has daddy issues so she needs to feel validated by men. Torturing the men she dates and turning them into trannies is likely how she deals with that. She's gonna move on to do it to the next guy.
No. 113648
File: 1600968668297.jpeg (419.28 KB, 1125x1173, 93C2864C-B258-4460-AC8C-B2D347…)

>>113341She referred to herself as a woman the other day. She dropped the trans thing quickly.
No. 113654
File: 1600971701900.webm (562.66 KB, 606x1080, 9pguvVZ00ppzj-MQ.webm)
>>113648She also calls herself an e-girl, the whole "he/him" and "May is digibro now" meme was SO OBVIOUSLY only for attention.
She really wishes she was cute enough to make money off being a girl on the internet.
No. 113667
>>113574Not surprised they break up after he troons out. Trooning out and going poly are signs of a failing
abusive relationship.
No. 113745
File: 1601024098891.png (109.23 KB, 738x1224, nullandpantsu.png)

Cow crossover with Null, the owner of Kiwifarms.
No. 113802
File: 1601067220446.png (137.1 KB, 658x1016, nullandpantsu2.png)

>>113797For some reason she is blaming this on KF for "having their dox on the site" even tho
1. they doxed themselves by being retards
2. this guy who supposedly broke into their home was THEIR fan and invited by DIGIBRO HIMSELF
Amanda is a total brainlet. Seethe and cope, pedoscum.
No. 113899
File: 1601135994968.png (1.53 MB, 675x900, EiyQUvcXcAAprWJ.png)

That face blur
No. 114625
File: 1601572340895.jpeg (666.92 KB, 1125x1773, 48784C57-37EC-44DD-95AC-069C0F…)

A week ago Digi was calling her my husband May daily and now suddenly May is an ex-girlfriend, not ex-husband. Tenlied needs to hurry up and sling shit back, May doesn’t have Digi to hold back her sperging. Imagine the mess, she’s clearly having a hard time coping with people give her the same negative attention she gave a boring thot.
What happened to the kidnapping? May moved on from Tenlied stalking her, being a husband and the kidnapping at the same speed. Almost like she makes things up for attention and drops them as soon as she gets heat.
No. 114632
File: 1601574627468.png (25.91 KB, 597x190, 1601523852920-png.png)

This made me laugh, she's a 4 at best and that is with filters and flattering angles. Probably a 3 if you meet her irl.
(Ofc if you take into consideration that she is a pedophile she becomes a -10)
No. 114696
File: 1601624892623.png (91.36 KB, 598x824, 111.png)

>>114632LOL, and the worst thing is, she just said that to be "modest", because she sees herself as a 9. Her simps continue asslicking her and say she has "model cheekbones".
Also >wear lolita and I'll simp you
Please no, we don't need this girl wearing lolita fashion.
No. 114697
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No. 114698
>>114696Pretty sure it's supposed to be a quirky/edgy 9/11 joke but yeah that's probably true
Doubt she'll wear lolita and I'm sure her simps probably thing lolita is some ugly/inaccurate anime girl version or just another way of describing how a loli character dresses
No. 114699
File: 1601625588674.png (887.26 KB, 1204x792, digi.png)

Meanwhile digibro is now calling himself a "christmas cake" which he shouldn't… because he's a man. Finally making his breakup somewhat public. He's also doubling down with the trans stuff, and will get HRT.
No. 114752
File: 1601686396661.jpg (77.87 KB, 413x504, IMG_20201003_035242.jpg)

What a beautiful and brave transwoman!
No. 114781
File: 1601725383141.png (20.22 KB, 745x159, horse.PNG)

Not only parents should be worried about kids but farmers should also hide their animals.
No. 115565
File: 1602346965178.png (749.14 KB, 666x878, pantsu.png)

She really loves any kind of attention from Null, even if it's negativ. She even mentioned Kiwifarms in the fucking video being proud that "this is gonna be on Kiwifarms forever".
No. 115572
File: 1602349839206.jpg (197.39 KB, 1704x879, vomit.JPG)

good lord his twitter is just awful. He seems to love the idea of being an extremely weak and perverted women ( or loli I guess ), like what the fuck is even this drawing, this makes me feel sick
No. 115596
File: 1602360303735.jpg (145.46 KB, 624x950, ffeaff1586ed62547162054fcd9401…)

>>115565I mean, Josh only gets with fatties and trannies… Both who end up being massive uggos, so not really a tough group to beat.
>>115572>fan tries to armchairfag about his shitty doodle>lol nah it's really just stealth horny posting and a self harm avoidance tacticFucking troons man…
No. 115814
File: 1602476887381.jpeg (138.69 KB, 1036x583, 991A5545-FBBF-477B-A02E-85FAA9…)

>>115572Eerily similar lmao
No. 115931
File: 1602579989605.png (350.11 KB, 1490x886, nullxmay.png)

This arc is very funny to me, you know May would have loved to date Null just to rub it in Digis face and be queen of Kiwifarms as she always wanted to be. Remember when she made that cake in the shape of the KF logo to celebrate her thread reaching 100 pages?
She tried so hard to be a neko-shota too.
No. 116091
File: 1602726636499.png (103.49 KB, 331x243, dig.png)

for those who think digi isn't on HRT, I'm going to give you some updates from the other farm
This is all said on a special patron video he pulled out. The video is extremely long so I can't upload it or link it here, but it's on the other farm, so there you go:
>Digi starts by apologizing to all the patrons for all of the miscommunications, unkept promises, and identity shifts. He acknowledges that he’s fucked up by taking on too many things (relationship and all of this other content shit)
>He talks about how he isn’t happy anywhere.
>“I’ve always had trouble communicating with women because I want to escape into them”
>Talks about gender dysphoria. He said that him “acting feminine” as an adolescent was seen as “annoying” by everyone around him. Mind you his examples of acting feminine are “using a feminine voice” and “wanting to be a girl.”
>Digi claims to have Imposter Syndrome towards women because he is so “hypersexualized” towards them. Says having sex with women (May) was just a way for him to escape his dysphoria?
>Digi confirms that his trooning out was one of the main reasons for him and May’s breakup.
>Digi self-diagnoses himself with Dissociative Identities. He mentions “Depersonalization and Derealization” disorder specifically. Says he has personality B and "Grey"
>Digi speculates that May isn’t really trans. That she was just doing it to “help him through his feelings”
>“I don’t know for how long she knew she was going to leave” “May was the person who understood that I was a woman more than anyone else, she was more convinced than I was”
>He doesn’t want his cock anymore. Says he would be happier without it now
>Compares himself to a ronin and a vagrant wanderer
>“I don’t think that I am going to pay for someone else every again. If anything, I want to be the one getting paid for” ”I would love to just be a housewife”
No. 116092
File: 1602726890668.png (540.47 KB, 706x649, dig.png)

May is searching for another man, still used old photos as evidenced here, with her digi ring:
>>114697She has a thing for Null and other weird ass e-celebs, evidenced here
>>115931 No. 116097
File: 1602727594193.png (Spoiler Image,389.23 KB, 714x498, dig.png)

And she breaks her silence about the digi-breakup, again, summary copypasted from the other farm.
This is the video
>Early September they had a break-in early in the morning, she says Spicysalts tried to handcuff and tape her, but the police aren't really taking action.>She says the started to drift from Digi after his transition and says she really tried to get him back on track.To get his career back on track.
To help him get his taxes in order.
To try to get him to counseling.
>Her mom told her "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't force it to drink".>Her views on transgender differ from Digi's>She still likes Digi, but she just couldn't take it anymore.>She went back home with help of her father, as she didn't feel comfortable driving Digi's car as it's a lease car.>She says she now plans to get a dog teach herself more about responsibility. (Digi hates animals.)>Digi invited other internet creators to live at their place indefinitely and he left her by herself when recording at Nate's house.>Digi said he needs a "a man in her (Digi's) life. This hurt her.>Digi referred to their relationship as "dependent". With her being the dependent one.>She jokes about that being strange because she was the one taking care of a lot of things in the relationship, INCLUDING REMINDING HIM TO BRUSH HIS GOD DAMN TEETH. >Digi was the one who wanted her to be Digibro and she didn't feel ready for the task.>The trooning broke their relationship because Digi changed too much. Amanda wanted to settle down with him.>She says that bringing back the Digibro from 2016 is "impossible". Saying people are into different stuff now.>She wishes everyone the best, haters too. And remember to lock your doors.Basically, Amanda was jumped ship before becoming the overworked wife of an autogynephilic man (take in account, she had to REMIND digibro to brush his teeth, and he still said she was the dependent person in this relationship). This article was linked've spoilered the state of digi's rotting teeth.
No. 116098
File: 1602727896036.png (40.46 KB, 1298x266, dig.png)

Finally, Digibro responds to May in the comments of her video, and confirms he's now taking HRT.
People have also seen him acting weird on camera, kind of jittery and shaky (something that has never happened before), and they're assuming that he's having the first symptoms of schizophrenia (probably kickstarted by isolation, poor diet, and weed/other hallucigenic drugs). This is the beginning of the end.
No. 116101
File: 1602728180595.png (684.52 KB, 933x525, dig.png)

He also says he's going to use more filters to feel like a girl.
No. 116103
File: 1602728477306.png (1018.16 KB, 836x652, dig.png)

he also really really REALLY wants to be Beatrice from Umineko
Just look at how greasy and deranged he looks.
No. 116105
>>116098>they're assuming that he's having the first symptoms of schizophrenia (probably kickstarted by isolation, poor diet, and weed/other hallucigenic drugs)Honestly given the bizarre "realization" that he's trans and all that entails with it, along with his drawings that quite literally look like the product of an actual mentally ill person, I wouldn't be surprised.
He's at that age too where it's more likely to kick in if it's in your families genetics.
No. 116160
File: 1602777595374.jpg (Spoiler Image,132.78 KB, 1073x961, EkNKWrPXgAEvhZd.jpg)

I am just gonna leave this here
No. 116172
>>116091None of what you said suggests that he's on HRT. Hell, I doubt he can even afford to go to a doctor and set everything up, and then be able to afford the prescriptions. HRT isn't cheap and usually isn't something health insurance is willing to cover (if he even has health insurance).
>>116097This makes me want to brush my teeth for the next hour. Disgusting.
No. 116279
>>116160holy shit this is fucking scary
>>116172Sorry, I wrote all these lengthy posts
>>116091>>116097finishing with
>>116098which is where he confirms he is taking hrt
No. 116308
>>116175…oh. Yikes. If that's the case, well, good luck Digi. God knows what's in those pills.
Hell, it'd be even funnier if they had such a minimal dosage (if anything) that it does fuck all and there's zero change to his body. Gonna be hard to fix that horse face.
No. 116726
>>116700>>116708Estrogen can actually make men crazier, but besides that, I hope he cuts his dick so he'll never be able to touch a kid, ever
Plus I think drugs are the things that are making him go directly to the void
No. 116728
File: 1603163136260.png (97.83 KB, 906x403, pojjp.png)

more "I'm Beatrice from Umineko" shenanigans
No. 116729
File: 1603163557916.png (787.98 KB, 713x857, pojjp.png)

he deleted his old instagram, so he made a new one, now with more filters No. 116733
File: 1603164402742.png (1.41 MB, 1660x900, pojjp.png)

Now for some twitter shenanigans
He started calling himself "denpa", which means someone who is crazy, hears voices and rambles a lot. This also entails a music genere that includes high pitched anime vocals. He's been claiming to have BPD, DID and to be a schizo.
He's doubling down on comparing himself to underage anime girls. He posted a meme about getting high and visiting the anime world.
He also claims to do schizo posting.
No. 117217
File: 1603445797901.png (1.86 MB, 1332x1304, mayanddigi.png)

- Digitroon is on a roadtrip with a bunch of deadbeat drug addicts and doing cocaine
- May/Amanda is going to molest this poor dog
No. 117292
File: 1603486759558.png (151.73 KB, 267x283, wow.png)

>>117217jesus fucking christ he's doing cocaine and wearing pigtails now
RIP Digibro
No. 117392
>>117306The tall guy on the left is birdstorc, he's Riley and Mint's roomate, who are shown on the right in
>>117217 this group picture. Birdstorc is sitting next to Digi in that. Digi is actually running around dressed like a toddler in pigtails.
No. 117466
File: 1603569003637.png (614.82 KB, 549x548, rhbryh.png)

He ironically looks decent here. I wonder if he would had looked more like this if he was a normal man and not some degenerate coomer. Could pass as good looking on a good day, but shit, he had to be some degenerate coomer
No. 117752
>>117706He could have gotten HRT at planned parenthood (cause in america your tax dollars go to troons fulfilling their fetishes), he said he would have had to wait until November for an appointment there, but because troons are all about immediate gratification he wanted his titty skittles NOW so he ordered them off a shady website instead.
>>117466can't even shave or pluck his eyebrows but wears skirts and pigtails and pops blackmarket pills. I will never understand this minimal-effort shit.
No. 117769
File: 1603644422506.png (1.55 MB, 1242x648, hfm.png)

digibro: school shooter edition
(he also probably thinks he looks like a gunslinger girl, since he likes that anime)
No. 117770
File: 1603644565306.jpg (35.93 KB, 500x375, MV5BYTcwZjhiNjAtYjQ1NS00YmUwLT…)

>>117769spot the difference kek
No. 118665
File: 1604126532624.png (779.01 KB, 548x884, gbtfebgbg.png)

I feel so conflicted because they look like a cute gay couple, but… he's deranged
No. 118666
File: 1604126597980.png (39.33 KB, 600x313, rgtegftp.png)

meanwhile they are encouraging him to take even more drugs
No. 118667
File: 1604126710615.png (6.5 MB, 2600x2044, egbrbggtvf.png)

And Amanda is desperate for a new boyfriend looking like a man crossdressing
No. 118687
File: 1604143106757.png (925.21 KB, 986x535, greasyhair.png)

Her hair looks absolutely nasty in all her recent pictures. You could use that grease to fry food for a whole village.
No. 118799
>>118724I listened to some of the update podcast posted on KF and it just reinforces my question of "what was it all FOR?"
I'm sure the honeymoon period, sex, drugs, and debauchery was fun in the moment, but it took only 2 weeks of being single for him to realize that what he always wanted at his core for the long term is to have the ability to travel to talk with various different people (which he refuses to try to work towards financially…). He still has the same problems he's always had of general anxiety and hating himself.
The one silver lining for his case is that if the black market HRT doesn't give him a stroke, he might have his libido killed and kick the porn addiction
No. 118802
File: 1604227658303.png (3.38 MB, 1620x2160, grease.png)

She can dress up and slap on a filter in her desperate attempts to be an e-girl, but she can't spend 5 minutes to take a shower and wash her greasy hair.
No. 118803
File: 1604229067560.png (2.45 MB, 2040x1080, round.png)

>>118724The drugs really helped her lose some weight. She is quite chubby in this compared to now.
No. 118831
File: 1604258123850.png (978.33 KB, 748x1024, Sin título.png)

Jesus christ I feel so bad for whatever old lady donated her clothes for this crackhead looking pedo
>>118822>pregnant child brideWtf??? who are these people???
No. 118832
File: 1604258379525.png (366.01 KB, 602x1104, Sin título.png)

Amanda casually revealed digibro hasn't fucked her for a while even before the break-up (even though digibro was suuuuuper super vocal about how much sex they were having at the start), probably because of troonery
She also retweeted a dogfucking meme and then a picture of herself with her dog
No. 118837
>>118822I have never understood why there is so much overlap between far right white nationalists who say they want trad gfs and absolute degenerate coomery, troonery and weeb faggotry. You'd think Ralph would disavow pedos, since he is literally going to be a father soon.
Her and Gator together is a perfect pairing tho, I like it.
>>118832Imagine being Amanda and getting cucked by drawings of children. "Sorry babe, I can't have sex with you, you're too old and I must coom to lolicon."
No. 119026
>>118832Weird that she didn't take offense to someone calling him "digitroon".
>She also retweeted a dogfucking meme and then a picture of herself with her dogThis isn't surprising, she seems gross as hell.
No. 121349
File: 1605781135779.png (7.23 MB, 2160x1620, greasy.png)

May is getting more despertate, but not enough to take a shower yet. That hair is gonna reach maximum grease soon, where the grease goes all the way down to her split ends. Might be the only conditioning that damaged pink mop can ever hope for. Her thigh/ass crack looks dirty as hell too. I can smell this picture.
No. 121626
File: 1605919081805.jpg (43.56 KB, 761x607, digibrony in anime land.jpg)

>>103254what would actually happen if digibro went into the animu dimension:
No. 122806
File: 1606522806102.webm (1.5 MB, 480x270, pantsuandralph.webm)
>>122622Here is the part where they get caught holding hands. He is still officially in a relationship with his pregnant girlfriend, but obviously cheating with her on Amanda.
I didn't think you could sink any lower after dating Digibro, but dating a fat, old, alcoholic retarded wigger who has a baby on the way is somehow even worse. Imagine having so little self-respect and being so desperate for e-fame. Vile.
No. 122808
File: 1606522934349.png (238.07 KB, 423x398, ralphandamanda.png)

>>122806Meant to say cheated on his girlfriend with Amanda. Here is the picture where he got caught with his hand on her leg.
No. 122915
>>122895And even if May's mortal enemy got dumped by her bf tomorrow she'd probably still be better off than May from her accumulated thot bucks and having some kind of following.
May's behavior on her public profile is a good lesson in not talking so much shit about others with your name attached, because it looks so utterly embarrassing later if there's a spiraling down and wipes away any possible pity points.
No. 123571
File: 1606805032006.jpg (106.13 KB, 675x900, EoII19KWMAIkVP4.jpg)

This guy is definitely ditching digitroon if the drug money ever runs out but somehow it's pretty funny that this is the catch he managed while May has to settle for chasing the obese man with a mile long FUPA. This soap opera the past few months turned in ways I never expected.
No. 124695
File: 1607392216288.jpg (108.16 KB, 568x1199, Eog_j15W8AAxZB3.jpg)

>>124694Leaks and more can be found on this twitter account. It might be fake but if it is, it's a little too damn good considering they nailed everyone's writing styles
No. 124920
File: 1607492637561.jpg (37.08 KB, 692x425, 1601180291703.jpg)

>>124695>>124696>>124697>>124698I can't stop laughing. Like, digibro was a shit boyfriend to may but, at least he's keeping his gross degeneracy to himself and his other druggie friends. Meanwhile May's out here trying to drag a pregnant teen back to
Ethan fucking Ralph of all people, just so she doesn't feel bad about fucking him.
No. 126209
File: 1608104655579.jpg (21.25 KB, 659x90, Capture.JPG)

Not entirely sure what happened between the two couples as was recorded in Ralph's vendetta thread on KF, but Ralph took a shot at Digi in The Dick Show's discord and Digi's druggie bf shot back. Also makes it clear that Digi's bf has disdain for May, but who wouldn't?
No. 126239
File: 1608126659425.jpg (34.92 KB, 378x645, r.jpg)

No. 126404
File: 1608171602369.jpg (27.08 KB, 370x560, 1608083560358.JPG)

>>126386He's also accused by his pregnant ex-fiancee of physically choking her during an alcoholic rage moment, and apparently May is the one who convinced her to not report to the police. I don't know all the Ralph lore but it seems clear that he never really cared much about his pregnant ex outside of whatever sex he could get.
Now that he has the hot catch in pic related, he only wants to completely get her out of his hair.
One lighter piece of news is that now the law is on Ralph's ass (or fupa?) for his revenge porn stunt. What will be May's next move? Bailing out of the lease she has with him to chase another z-lister or going through with financially supporting the obese alcoholic?
No. 126507
>>126404honestly thought this was digi's face while scrolling.
>>124695faith is like 18 right? she sounds so fucking mature compared to everyone else involved, i hope she gets out and finds some real support
No. 129256
File: 1609284932025.jpg (30.15 KB, 407x540, may.JPG)

I hate kiwifarm but I'm really glad that this video of May screaming in a bar was linked. Does anyone know when this happened ? No. 129393
>>126404Well May and Ralph signed a lease together, so she is kinda stuck with him for a while. Unless her parents (who I think are upstate New York jews with some money) bail their daughter out of this mess.
I am sure she only got with Ralph tho because he can introduce her to other z-list internet Nazi larpers like Fuentes. I'm sure she thought she could fuck her way up to a better man, but she is just too hideous and autistic to appeal to any man that is not utter gutter trash.
No. 130453
File: 1609813062009.jpg (571.4 KB, 667x890, digidog.jpg) started an onlyfans with his new bf + some other randos chronicling their escapades with coke
No. 138401
>>138393What the fuck, he completely went mental
>I'm going to redo my videos in my tranny voiceGod… no thanks
And to think I used to like his anime videos… god that's sad
No. 138423
>>138393>call me Beatrice or you're a big meanieIs he literally kinning with that character from Umineko? Does he want to be a woman or does he want to be
Beatrice from UminekoGosh I remember fondly when otherkins used to be bullied, this shit is getting out of hand.
No. 138439
>>138424I get what you mean anon, it's really weird that he's into the whole loli thing and when he decides to go female, he chooses to kin a mature woman
>>116103 , which is the complete opposite
Also correct me if I'm wrong but Beatrice was nowhere on that chart (>>103254) he made a while ago with characters he likes/would befriend/etc, right? Or am I blind
No. 140031
File: 1614704435494.png (791.82 KB, 949x1558, screenshot_2021-02-26-ygg-stud…)

This is the 4th time he has rebranded in a span of months.
TLDR: He's now making videos in his tranny voice and calling them "movies", he pretends he's an artist and he wants to be an anime studio producer.
No. 140032
File: 1614704535331.png (46.61 KB, 847x291, 1614383017418-png.png)

some comments
No. 140076
>>140067Only the one with a lot of subs belong to him
Also posting this for keks lol
No. 140079
File: 1614724833665.png (118.12 KB, 732x394, how.png)

>a new political move for trannies into lolisWtf??? He needs to be in jail
>>140031It seems like his """"movies"""" are just his usual content but he wants to be a special snowflake.
Also, the "people movies" are just podcasts lol
No. 145675
File: 1618638054244.png (394.88 KB, 1179x720, Screenshot_20210416_223537~2.p…)

It appears digi had his roommates fight Ethan Ralph
No. 145683
File: 1618649414453.png (53.89 KB, 746x422, 2.PNG)

Transon family has good relationship with animals and women alike.
No. 147019
>>145997I wouldn't be so sure about the latter but he definitely has a lot of loli shit on his computer. I am not how much illegal that is in the US.
But I think there other reasons.
1) They don't have money for attorney (but state would provide them one, I guess)
2) They are too ADHD. If they had any obligations, they wouldn't be able to go freely on their schizo adventures.
3) The real reason is probably someone could actually check their possessions or a Youtube channel and found how deep in drugs they are.
No. 147532
File: 1619570739581.gif (400.93 KB, 336x256, 1544568503889.gif)

I've come to the conclusion that Digi was VERY probably raped as a child.
It's really not that hard to put one and two together.
If anyone had archived his "Proof I used to be a loli/shota" video or whatever the fuck was called, it'd be clear as water to everyone here. Jesus Christ.
No. 152387
>>150108Nate seems a lot more sane and seems pretty distant from the internet in general these days. I assume he's gone back to doing a programming gig of some kind and more or less living a normal life.
Meanwhile Digi has clearly resigned his own life to being a junkie puppeted by another junkie and living in a car. Once this saga ends and he finally winds up back at his mom's place he'll conveniently have Riley to blame for himself burning whatever he had going in his life.
No. 156080
>>153451You unironically were a fan of him? He was literally just a stuck up pretentious twat in half his videos. Just because someone can complain about something for half an hour doesn't make them smart or insightful.
Half the complaints for a given anime would be fair. The other half would be things he likes in other animes, just not this one because he wants to be cool and edgy and by going against popular opinion.
I heard 10hrs worth of her videos in the background years ago. Half the time it was pretentious rambling. And now that they're just as stuck up and snotty about their new identity- it makes sense their channel went to the gutter.
I think anime youtube just fell off in general but I'm honestly sort of glad DigiCunt doesn't have a large audience anymore. Anime assholes are just so difficult to be happy around.
I feel like the ones who left because she's discovered a new aspect of her identity are the same awful anime elitists that think it's cool to be a hateful person. It's good that they feel more comfortable as a girl- but it doesn't give her an excuse to continue to be so condescending.
No. 165677
File: 1627864614675.png (1.53 MB, 1496x902, grim.png)

May is getting married to alt right Gamergater, convicted felon and revenge pornographer Ethan Ralph. A man she once said she could do better than.
No. 165683
>>165677Wow. Was she this desperate after digibro cut ties with her?
Is she this stupid? Or easily manipulable? I think she could do better than him, but I guess that's too many expectations coming from someone who dated digitroon. I will be expecting the inevitable domestic abuse divorse in the future.
No. 165744
File: 1627895704553.png (95.06 KB, 258x319, may.png)

>>165740If she wasn't an addict before she met Gunt, she is now. He is an alcoholic, smokes weed AND meth and takes coke too. Her nostrils are looking pretty red and irritated in the last livestream with him. E-girl blush or is it something else?
No. 165866
File: 1627929284085.png (670.92 KB, 730x682, pantsu.png)

>>165781She's definitely addicted to e-fame and clout. He can also provide her with what she really wants: a child to molest.
No. 167706
File: 1629014651534.png (913.64 KB, 736x1560, mazletov.png)

>>165866Called it!
May is pregnant with the child of Ethan Ralph, a convicted felon who already has a son with a teenage girl that he doesn't take care of and has no rights to. Congratulations!
I can't believe that in the end the troon Digibro fucked up his life less than May did.
No. 167814
>>167797As a true trad wife she lets Ralph do all the grifting for them, I am sure she will show off her bump tho so he can get some extra donations and make a whole $5 a night. She also has a great job as a Subway Sandwich Artisté.
I am honestly shocked that May is not a tranny, but let's see if there is actually a baby in there.
No. 168711
File: 1629540712545.png (3.84 MB, 1608x2156, winning.png)

May really showed Digitroon by getting impregnated by a 5'1 alcoholic felon. She just can't stop winning!
No. 168712
>>165866It’s great that there are women out there who have fertility issues and this child fucker can just pop one out.
This is clown world.
No. 169836
File: 1630178783368.png (2.26 MB, 2076x1728, luvz4letterword.png)

May's fiance is already cheating on her. They are planning to have a shotgun wedding in Vegas and he flew out a week early, leaving her behind because she has to work at Subway (it's all very trad). Someone found out that one of Ethan Ralph's long time fangirls also flew out to Vegas at the same time as him, she also has a matching avatar to his on twitter. He did this exact same thing with all of his exes. He cheated on his first wife with a prostitute, he cheated on his girlfriend with a teenager, he cheated on the teenager with May and now he is cheating on May with another fangirl.
I can't believe she let this alcoholic felon put a baby in her, what a miserable life.
No. 169850
>>169836The wild shit people do for clout
Hope she aborts the baby. Don’t need another crazy fuck in this world
No. 169982
File: 1630279635730.jpeg (206.55 KB, 750x832, 454DA283-E63D-44E8-ABCE-1CE64B…)

Have you guys seen this shit from may?
No. 322829
File: 1710250461998.jpg (818.25 KB, 2667x1406, Digifag.jpg)

>>118665Idk about you guys, but I just find it hilarious this beer guzzling, gigantic bearded, cheeto smelling fatass is fucking another dude with less facial hair.
Comedy gold right there