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/shay/ - dolly mattel fan club

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No. 85085

Repetitive comments about Shayna's vagina is grounds for a 1 day ban. Repetitive nitpicks about her body and face are subject to a 1 day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in and edited is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking.
REMEMBER: Sage when there’s no milk, no nitpicking and/or blogposting and please try to curb your enthusiasm when posting screenshots from other cam girls. This is a Shay thread.

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>puts together a random, low-effort Spongebob cosplay (that's still somehow better quality than the majority of her costumes) >>1176512

>haggard "lil sis gets dick at disney" vid comes out, featuring the same dildo from her scat video >>1176550
>offers to sell all 187 of her videos for $100 for weed >>1176908
>now saying she won't be leaving OK as soon as she would like, despite e-begging daily and being sent money by her mom (fupa sperging intensifies) >>1177246
>showed up for another painful cam show where she barely made any tokens >>1177621
>confirmed on cam that her scat video was accidental >>1177476
>still on her sushi and wine bullshit (no longer any mention of healthy eating or exercise) >>1178859
>caught buying more twitter followers >>1179231
>MAYBE putting in her 30 days at her apartment to move out next month >>1180936


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No. 85086

No. 85087

File: 1615485623341.jpeg (Spoiler Image,756.9 KB, 1242x1548, A9DD5D64-237B-462B-B0F8-E6193B…)

She literally had one review and acts like she did an AVN award winning video like the review was from a dude named Scat Stephans…..

No. 85088

File: 1615485750600.jpg (300.36 KB, 1080x1098, Screenshot_20210311-081732_Twi…)

She is so bitter

No. 85089

File: 1615485777344.jpeg (764.63 KB, 1284x2128, 5603C39B-517B-4752-9349-489840…)

cow crossovers are always fun

No. 85090

File: 1615485784470.jpg (321.1 KB, 1080x1052, Screenshot_20210311-113133_Twi…)

She's just pissed she's not the one trending

No. 85091

Idk why she blocks out the name of the person who wrote the review. Everyone can see it on the video

No. 85092

File: 1615485880520.png (Spoiler Image,2.73 MB, 1242x2208, 3A30A3AC-F69B-4F03-8B57-85F988…)

God her orbiters are so gross and ugly

What a life achievement having this dude bust a nut over your busted ugly inbred looking ass

No. 85093

File: 1615485946084.jpg (28.76 KB, 579x374, Screenshot_20210311-120524_Chr…)

This is who reviewed the video. That name, yikes

No. 85094

File: 1615485981914.jpg (406.65 KB, 1080x1706, Screenshot_20210311-113056_Twi…)

Shay, you know your fat ass most definitely ate it

No. 85095

File: 1615486016768.jpg (303.99 KB, 1080x1233, Screenshot_20210311-102556_Twi…)

Something she deleted

No. 85096

this sounds word for word like a review warmack made.
She's so triggered by Belle while ALSO trying to skin walk her; Also imagine being impressed that a fat coomer tells you, "I never gave Belle $3"
Like she's just mad Belle can be a shitty person but popular. Shayna would have no issue with everyone but coomers hating her if it meant she had the fame Belle has.

No. 85097

shes the queen of subtweeting and passive aggressive comments. her self awareness is in the depths of the ocean at this point.

No. 85098

File: 1615487872568.jpeg (344.13 KB, 1242x1133, C0A0A6B1-700D-4408-9845-46FFC7…)

How about a salad and some water, fat bitch?

No. 85099

File: 1615488221224.png (341.67 KB, 580x405, ee.PNG)

It's crazy she hates Belle because most people hate Belle for of the same reason people dislike Shayna, Like I always see people saying men who like Belle are gross. Shayna is a chubby, more unattractive low-budget version of Belle, You'd think she'd support her fellow Pedo-pandering sex work sister.
Picrel is the same shit Shayna whines about, people thinking her Pedo-pandering shit is wrong. She has no reason to dislike Belle they are the same except Belle does it better and thats truly why she's upset.
Also I thought she hated bandwagons and cancel culture? Everytime someone scams or gets popular while being problematic she gets mad because she's not attractive or creative enough to be in their spot.

No. 85100

File: 1615488797441.png (175.66 KB, 581x533, 1.PNG)

SA- Never mind she did like a tweet by that Republican racist, to defend Belle. Funny how She still interacts with this person but put her own parents on blast for a few likes.

No. 85101


Sage for off topic but every time I see this girl's Twitter name ITT I flinch. What kind of kool-aid a woman must have drunk to call herself a "cock sleeve"? Does she think it looks "uwu submissive" and not "I'm desperate and mentally unstable, you can take advantage of me for pennies"? Man these hoes are wild.

No. 85102

That’s exactly what I thought too anon. people hate Belle because she’s a pedo panderer. Shayna doesn’t hate her for pedo pandering because she does the exact same thing, so I’m guessing she hates her because she makes way more money/has so many followers and simply that she is much skinnier and attractive than her. Belle looks like a normal, cute lady without editing but she is actually good at editing her pics to make them more “appealing,” another thing Shay fails at. At least when Belle edits /filters her eyes huge it looks a lot less uncanny than when Shaytard does it. it’s funny how much she is seething about her constantly and actually kinda sad kek

No. 85103

shaytard was just posing the exact same as belle there, with the tongue sticking out between her teeth kek.

No. 85104

File: 1615493417327.jpeg (102.65 KB, 750x595, A3B21DD5-338B-4ABD-A6D7-033945…)

No. 85105

SHE JUST BROUGHT CHEAP Clothes though, she's still spending money like she always does.
She never brought much clothes anyway. She wears the same shit.

No. 85106

She just bought stuff from forever 21 this week. Does she have fucking memory problems from all the weed she's smoking. Jfc

No. 85107

> shouldn’t
But definitely will. Not that it matters, her money actually goes to weed and doordash.

No. 85108

>if you’re comparing yourself to her, I’ve nutted to you and not to her
>Shayna thanks him
I know she has to keep her remaining coomers sweet but I laughed out loud

No. 85109

It's just sad, "Well I never nutted to Belle and sent her chump change so you are better", Like Belle's totally missing out because ONE Coomer Paypig chose Shayna.

No. 85110

He just can't afford Belles OF

No. 85111

isn’t belles of like $30 a month? meanwhile shay’s is $3 lol. he’s just…. saving up.

No. 85112

File: 1615497133347.jpg (336.25 KB, 1079x1129, Screenshot_20210311-151209_Twi…)

In reality, it was Fupa who told that Shay

No. 85113

But she would NEVER voice out loud that she's portraying someone underage, oh gosh. That would just make the whole thing wrong.

No. 85114

Finally. Please let this be the end of the Fupa saga. It's just stale at this point. Do something new for your audience, Shay.

No. 85115

We already knew she was talking with Fupa but she was posting all that shit while they were "Friends", he didn't see her saying she wanted to ruin his life and shit?

No. 85116

ok but…he HAS to be checking her social media from time to time, right?
their whole situation was bizarre, from start to finish.

No. 85117

This man could spill all the milk he has on her,and if his ass called her for a booty call the next day, her dumbass would show up with bells on cause she can't live with out him.

No. 85118

It's transparently obvious she posted that because they had a fight, probably at brunch that one day

No. 85119

so what did fupa do this time

No. 85120

nvm i just saw the other post. kek.

No. 85121

'daddy' is one thing.
Her typing "anal loving Daughter" is a disgusting new low for an already putrid and entitled fauxwhore

No. 85122

She can't handle it if people do say it to her face. She either blocks them or deletes before she can be confronted. Shay's an absolute coward and so jealous of everyone else that she can't even do g/g scenes because it means everyone looking at her more attractive partner.

What's stopping you? You spend money on everything else.

No. 85123

That’s what’s so sad. He could come here and post and prove it’s him and she’d still be running back

No. 85124

On top of that, their pfp is of an anime character that’s a tiny European loli with the mind of an old Japanese salaryman. Nothing weird about that…

No. 85125

File: 1615508789548.jpeg (836.74 KB, 1125x1088, 34AD48E7-FDC2-431B-B216-1E7033…)

Posted a PFP with another woman in the back for a guess

No. 85126

File: 1615508878560.png (362.32 KB, 597x598, Screen Shot 2021-03-11 at 4.22…)

She bitches about people putting their OF % in their bios yet here she is trying to brag about less than 100k likes on all of her content and a review from someone with scat in their username. If she doesn't get off the internet… she's going to be dead before 30.

No. 85127

I cant believe she still simps for this loser. kek

No. 85128

It's almost like she's never really had a decent man in her life(her one boyfriend from many threads ago maybe?) and she's just got a brain dead female coomer brain with daddy issues. Typical 2012 tumblr bullshit.

No. 85129

THIS is what 8.5 in the face Shayna wanted to die over, THIS.

No. 85130

and she never will have a decent man in her life. ever. she's fucked herself for life the moment she connected her "sex work" with her real name.

No. 85131

God he's such an ugly, disgusting loser. It looks like he is taking selfies in a drug den. I don't have much hope for Shayna but surely if she loses weight she can find some beta with a job and no kids to put up with her.

No. 85132

Ok so hes in someone's house/trailer. The woman is smoking something and the other person seems to be a black teen. Maybe the baby mama?(I don't remember what she looks like)

No. 85133

Exactly. Just say you're a poor coomer who can only afford dollar general knock off whores and move on kek

No. 85134

other person is holding a bottle of vodka too. Very classy.

No. 85135

He looks like a hairy goblin, squatting and hunched like that fuckin kek

And it really does have crack trailer vibes

No. 85136

He was probably relieved lmao

No. 85137

the woman with the plate on her lap looks like she's either rolling a joint or about to snort lines. possibly a straw or pokey in her hand? hard to tell with the dirty mirror and shit image resolution

No. 85138

File: 1615515301448.jpeg (210 KB, 628x496, 087B720E-6F1C-4EB4-A6E8-77635D…)

KEK that’s definitely a straw. Bet it’s something trashy like ketamine ew.

No. 85139

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No. 85140

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No. 85141

I can't believe he is STILL wearing this shirt, jfc.

No. 85142

Wow, isnt this her 2nd time caming this week

No. 85143

File: 1615517370388.jpg (510.9 KB, 1079x1492, Screenshot_20210311-204902_Twi…)

Stfu Shay, God damn

No. 85144

Is she hammered already god damn

No. 85145

i know i’m so sick of this emperor shirt. he wears it every fucking picture does he NOT OWN any other shirt? and i hate how he wears it to look ~edgy and metal~ fuck off you trailer park fatty

No. 85146

wait is she posting this so people give her sympathy money? rip

No. 85147

File: 1615517827122.jpeg (804.29 KB, 999x1041, 8FB2FE4D-8EDA-4455-AA92-E4E746…)

it is the same shirt anon kek
He still hasn’t gotten rid of his Fupa and still skips leg day

No. 85148

lowkey excited for some milk tonight anyone wanna bet she will talk about fupa/cry about him?

No. 85149

LOL at this fugly idiot trying to display his pathetic gains. Let’s see some push ups fupa kek

No. 85150

Has she ever cried on cam before?? I’ve only been reading up on the shayna saga for a year and a half.

No. 85151

I really hope she just starts sobbing. Considering how her streams go that would be a treat.

No. 85152

I mean… shay took back her Lisa frank hoodie. What else do you expect him to wear???

But in all seriousness that shirts gotta reek.

No. 85153

I'm sure she just says shes crying to be dramatic and for pity. Maybe when she's in her period and drunk.

No. 85154

That's a guaranteed, anon. I just want her to do it this time.

No. 85155


Definitely seems like it's gonna' be a "Fuck Fupa" stream.

No. 85156

I really hope she does cam tonight. It will be a hot mess.

No. 85157

File: 1615521965212.jpeg (118.27 KB, 828x356, ABCF9078-FB5C-4C1C-BEC2-715A60…)

She’s camming on OF

No. 85158

Bitch ain't gonna make any money

No. 85159

anyone watching?

No. 85160

Can OF anon come through?

No. 85161

looks like a syringe imo

No. 85162

oh yeah, at least twice

No. 85163

shes gonna be disappointed when the 50+ farmers aren't there to give her the illusion of fans lol

No. 85164

I wonder if she'll cave with the lack of viewers and go on MFC lol
(Probably not, but..)

No. 85165

you think thats why she is streaming on OF? shes been lurkin more than usual?

No. 85166

nta but 100% that's why

No. 85167

File: 1615524379348.jpeg (49.36 KB, 755x120, D90B8FAD-0C51-442E-9E49-8DB4DE…)

She caved

No. 85168

lol that didn't take long

No. 85169

I think she’s lurking hard because it said she just logged out

No. 85170

Lol she really craves our opinion of her. Anything for views I guess.

No. 85171

says she's live on OF

No. 85172

Well maybe we will get to see her cam on MF tomorrow. I bet she will go through at least 2 bottles of cheap wine.

No. 85173

Idk I feel like Shay might be “uwu too fragile to move” tomorrow. Considering that she’s likely not making shit and is now seeing how lacking her fanbase is without us. Lbh the only reasons she would pop in to MF is either to see if we cared or to take tokens through it. I’m not sure about the tokens though

No. 85174

Sorry I didn't get to record guys but there was nothing good going on, only one guy tipped in total for 65 dollars. It was extremely short and she fake came after she was mashing her clit with the vibrator and shoving a dildo in dry. Said she'll be on MFC tomorrow.

No. 85175

This is so depressing lol, shayna is upset she hasn’t made anything for herself in 5 years of sex work online and the response she gets from a fellow coomer is “well if it makes you feel better I jerked off to you and not her!” I’m sure that makes her feel better about her miserable unsuccessful life.

No. 85176

It looks like he's posting from a fucking halfway house. What's going on, Kyle Nathan Perkins?

No. 85177

Not to try to nitpick this, but most people will tamp down a joint or blunt so it burns better and you can stuff more weed in. It honestly looks like she’s doing that.

Regardless of what they’re up to, they definitely shared a joint/needle/straw and that’s fucking gross.

No. 85178

Sharing a joint with your mates is gross now?

No. 85179

Mostly gross because the pandemic is pretty poorly handled in the US. I wouldn’t pass judgement otherwise.

I might have to take it back, though. If you zoom in to the left of the black man there’s something that is shoved into the couch cushions towards the top. Looks like it’s a joint and she may be rolling one for everyone.

It’s still a super fucking trashy photo to put as your profile picture. Especially when you take his age and family status into account.

No. 85180

Ok but what’s in the black dudes hands? I first thought it’s a thermos lol but i don’t think so. And what’s the black block on the womens plate?

No. 85181

File: 1615545134118.jpeg (313.92 KB, 750x1134, 87D1FBF6-F5A3-43FF-A84B-CA6C5F…)

pretty positive it’s a bottle of Ciroc vodka

No. 85182

Best part is he never actually said he hadn't nutted to belle, just that he hadn't given her any money for it lmao

Ah okay, so him and Shayna were racing each other to see who could claim BBW status first. And they both won.

No. 85183

Could be a block of hash

No. 85184

Another trashy element here is the fact that he appears to be crouching in front of a window letting sunlight in, meaning they're drinking/partying during the day. Also nitpick but his foot looks weirdly tiny?

It looks like she's wearing a black winter coat/jacket, so the black block could be part of her sleeve. The mirror seems smudged which throws off the lighting a bit.

No. 85185

File: 1615559502525.jpg (489.35 KB, 1080x1051, Screenshot_20210312-083106_Twi…)

No. 85186

Once again, years late on the “I’m baby” trend.

No. 85187

wtf is happening to her eye on the right in the left pic? it’s like warped? is that just from the filter

No. 85188

Gah sorry I thought I saged, and it won’t let me delete bc I left the page.
It’s probably the filter plus looking off to the side. Not a cute look, but I doubt it was something she edited on purpose. Much attention to detail, though.

No. 85189

This is literally the ugly wojak girl “im baby” meme kek. Does anyone have it??

No. 85190

File: 1615562949430.jpg (Spoiler Image,540.61 KB, 1080x1149, Screenshot_20210312-083042_Twi…)

No. 85191

creepy plastic mask face, doesn't even look real

No. 85192

File: 1615563948108.jpg (379.41 KB, 1080x1485, Screenshot_20210312-094556_Twi…)

No. 85193

File: 1615564067037.jpg (333.45 KB, 1080x1440, Screenshot_20210312-094629_Twi…)

No. 85194

Is she just admitting she doesn't care about her customers? Obviously ewhores don't care about their customers but actually admitting it is such a bad idea for business.

No. 85195

Nonny, it isn't that you left the page but a post can only be deleted for 30 minutes. The more you know.

I know it's a meme to give Shay advice like go for the feeder niche or stoner girl. But this "achievable/pay to play slutty girl next door" thing would work for her too. She'll get the attention & $$ she wants and she can have her BPD Fupa emptiness temporarily filled by these coomers.

No. 85196

>I wish I was rich
Kek, someone wanna tell him a hundo will probably take him pretty far?

No. 85197

She really saw her pussy that inflamed and red and thought it was fine to post?

No. 85198

>"achievable/pay to play slutty girl next door"
she'd do it once and the customers would never come back because she has 0 sex appeal

No. 85199

Scary that she has the exact same stupid, ugly expression in both pics kek she managed not to move her face at all or shes just perfected that awful shit.

No. 85200

That phrase makes no sense, and her vagina looks more like a moldy strawberry than strawberry jam.
This is so bad for business. Her bratty persona is so off-putting, and he probably just chose her because she’s cheap. I also find it funny that she posts what seems like every customer she gets, bc if you think about it that way, it’s not many at all.
I thought so! It was still at 18mins so I thought it’d be fine, but it gave me the expired password message. I figured it was because I left the page since it was still sub 30mins. Weird, but thank you ♥

No. 85201

>Ah okay, so him and Shayna were racing each other to see who could claim BBW status first. And they both won.
Top kek anon

No. 85202

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No. 85203

>I also find it funny that she posts what seems like every customer she gets, bc if you think about it that way, it’s not many at all.
that's why she does that. because there are so few actual customer interactions.

No. 85204

File: 1615575209321.jpg (332.98 KB, 1079x1278, Screenshot_20210312-125320_Twi…)

You literally tweet about yourself taking a shit while smoking

No. 85205

I thought it was whippets at first kek

No. 85206

she uses facetune apps to make her eyes bigger and it looks like shit

No. 85207

close your mouth you dead eyed retard

No. 85208

looks like this guy and womack are missing the same chromosome

No. 85209

it’s why they’re attracted to sped women like shayna, she’s in their league

No. 85210

File: 1615578412136.jpeg (417.08 KB, 750x856, E141A62F-45A2-49E9-AB2A-45AA04…)

another sperg about sex work, mental gymnastics as usual

No. 85211

Lmao, why the fuck would any guy who has seen her twitter want her?

No. 85212

It's no wonder she is bleeding subs. Reading this shit is scrote repellent.

No. 85213

Isn’t that how Fupa picked her up tho?

No. 85214

As an internet whore aren’t you suppose to act like coomers have a chance with you?? That way they spend money and they think of you as a “online gf” god Shayna is a retard

No. 85215

its so hard to take her seriously when shes using '2' instead of 'to' every other word

No. 85216

File: 1615581878167.jpg (Spoiler Image,585.49 KB, 1079x1671, Screenshot_20210312-144431_Twi…)

Please no

No. 85217

this looks like she’s bending over for a gyno appointment lmao. i wish i didn’t click on it. but tbh it doesn’t even look like her crotch?? yes we all know it by now kek
exactly, her rants are incoherent, she can’t fucking type, and they just show how bitchy and insufferable she is. no one wants to date you shayna and your rants make you even more unattractive. no one knows what you’re even talking about. and no one cares.

No. 85218

I swear it looks like her choochie is about to cough.

Shay stop giving the goods for free and thinking these other hoes wanna give out their shit for free.

No. 85219

File: 1615583087690.png (1.08 MB, 750x1334, 1C08F41A-0F68-4043-A30E-4E7C65…)

this was under the post where shay said to post pics of your pussy. i find it slightly funny how this scrote responded to pixie but not shay lol

No. 85220

File: 1615583244254.png (471.94 KB, 750x1334, A7A60252-6B5D-4D5A-966D-363527…)

now this rant

No. 85221

except you get jealous of other women you claim are your friends all the time, AND subtweet about them.

No. 85222

Who is this even for? Shayna has no one in her life to call a friend unless you count the few troons and sw that comment sometimes. She’s really on one today, wonder if she’ll rant on cam tonight (that is to say if she actually goes on cam which is doubtful)

No. 85223

She feeling like shit cause she realizes she has no friends and she sure as fuck isnt one.

No. 85224

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No. 85225

I was about to look for the 5+ times shayna has said she's jealous of other sex workers and her "friends" who are sex workers but I won't. I feel like that post where a coomer responded to Bratty's picture instead of Shayna's made her mad, not to mention the girl got way more interaction in 15 mintues then Shayna does a whole day on some tweets

No. 85226

when I think about the excuses and reasons shayna uses to e-beg… I realized she has never once used the excuse of needing money to see her “therapist” or to buy her “medication” for her supposed bpd…

No. 85227

Two options for that

1. It was all a lie and she's never been to a therapist or taken meds

2. Her parents insurance paid for it

No. 85228

File: 1615585538694.jpg (188.98 KB, 1080x793, Screenshot_20210312-154537_Twi…)

Because not everyone gives that shit away for free

No. 85229

File: 1615585569209.jpg (Spoiler Image,437.83 KB, 1080x1443, Screenshot_20210312-154454_Twi…)

I really hope she has a full break down about Fupa tonight

No. 85230

She has made a big deal about her inhalers to ebeg a few times, so Im willing to bet its her dads insurance taking care of everything.

No. 85231

File: 1615585667965.jpg (226.5 KB, 1080x1512, Screenshot_20210312-154655_Twi…)

The comments under Pixie's pic. She's a scamming bitch just like Shay

No. 85232

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No. 85233

File: 1615586477621.jpg (287.88 KB, 1080x1182, Screenshot_20210312-160104_Twi…)

Kek, she's so mad that people who post censored content get more interactions than her

No. 85234

File: 1615586538402.jpg (212.94 KB, 1080x664, Screenshot_20210312-160216_Twi…)

No. 85235

File: 1615587156028.jpg (690.08 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20210312_160604.jpg)

I know I'm almost a day late, but if it's anything illegal I'm pretty sure that's an 18 year old kid. (Not gunna lie, he strikes me as a predictor because he's always around people drastically younger than himself.)

And that's not the house he's living in. He's in a different 3bd/2ba house that is pretty similar to the fupa mansion he had. That looks like a place an 18 would be staying at though…

No. 85236

Fupa is definitely a predator. And scary since he has kids, but had no issue with Shay's pedo pandering and ageplay

No. 85237

how the fuck is that taking advantage if someone doesn’t want to post uncensored? I stg she just wants to feel superior even though she gives everything away for free on twitter of all places.

No. 85238

These other women are better off, and I hope she keeps losing the support of these other SW's because the three who did post covered ones are newer sw's it seems like.

She just fuckes her self over left and right.

No. 85239

Is her current apartment the Sheridan Road address or was that her last one? Fupa is registered to vote (democratic party) there still

No. 85240

godspeed anons, my timezone means i’d have to get up at 4am to watch shaytard embarrass herself. also praying for gifanon(s) and dropbox anon(s) to pull through

inb4 no1 curr

No. 85241

File: 1615590461004.jpg (434.4 KB, 1079x1867, Screenshot_20210312-170730_Twi…)

I like how she blocked out how many people she's following, because she doesn't follow anyone

No. 85242

wait why would she block out who she’s following what would that matter on onlyfans?
do swers follow eachother on there now?
that’s kinda weird if they’re straight, what are they even doing just stealing each others ideas or something

No. 85243

They usually follow each other to show support.

No. 85244

File: 1615601027552.jpg (267.62 KB, 1080x1196, Screenshot_20210312-200338_Twi…)

No. 85245

File: 1615601070276.jpg (373.29 KB, 1079x1427, Screenshot_20210312-200352_Twi…)

Sure Shay

No. 85246

File: 1615601179558.jpg (40.05 KB, 1080x174, Screenshot_20210312-173303_Twi…)

Back to buying followers Shay?

No. 85247

That's quite an ugly and cheap star.

No. 85248

I think that is the shower bomb named "Validation" kek.

No. 85249

>bath bomb
this dirty-assed bitch

No. 85250

File: 1615603249911.jpg (504.5 KB, 1080x1867, Screenshot_20210312-204044_Twi…)

What's the point of this?

No. 85251

imagine telling sex workers stories about your childern

No. 85252

If gray hair old fart thinks Shayna is pretty that “milf” was probably ugly as hell

No. 85253

not only that, he talked to his daughter about how the mom she babysits for is hot. porn has rotted this mans brain.

No. 85254

God I bet he has thoughts about his own children he’s fucking disgusting how can a sane man watch Shayna’s porn and actually get off to it? Porn in general is gross but most of it isn’t blatantly pandering to pedos with pacifiers and diapers like Shatna

No. 85255

It’s almost 10, take your bets now if she’s getting on cam

No. 85256

File: 1615607725972.png (212.49 KB, 955x1115, 1615175618597.png)

got my bingo card all ready. thank you to the anon who made this, KEK

No. 85257

she's online

No. 85258

Not yet lol

No. 85259

File: 1615608492087.jpeg (268.61 KB, 1242x719, D3A64928-EB84-4946-B71C-C541B4…)

No. 85260

Literally why??
And a lot of other e whores have business tactics and dont post full pussy pics for free, Shay.

No. 85261

File: 1615608785999.jpeg (419.97 KB, 1242x2208, F5A5A947-1AED-4980-AEA6-FC7032…)

Three so far kek

No. 85262

File: 1615609040852.jpeg (156.47 KB, 1242x687, 257622DE-7086-4D0E-A5A9-3D6D93…)

That fifteen dollar forever 21 top is squeezing the hell out of her lunch lady arms kek

No. 85263

fuck, I forgot how much her voice doesn't vibe with her aesthetic/image.

No. 85264

she actually washed her hair for the occasion tonight

No. 85265

As soon as you said that Shayna talked in a cutesy voice kek we know you sound like a man stupid bitch

No. 85266

Ho needs to watch her chat, not the farms.
Also Im so sorry cause the fake cute voice is fucking awful.

No. 85267

Dropbox anon
Here is Shayna trying not to sound like a man towards the end of the video I would have recorded more but it lagged and stopped it

No. 85268

theres no way anon, her hair is so fucking oily. shes just hiding it with the extreme side part

No. 85269

she is looking a mess and really feeling herself, definitely drunk off her ass already

No. 85270

"I'm good at acting in general"


No. 85271

File: 1615609805216.jpeg (70.8 KB, 720x540, 69B4867E-9840-41AA-9457-3446D5…)

With the way Shay just talks in her autistic baby voice, this is all I picture

No. 85272

Talking about high school already kek

No. 85273

People are tipping her and she's too busy talking to care. When I saw the wheel idk why but I thought tonight might be different! Guess not?

No. 85274

she's telling some retarded story about how she wrote and illustrated a children's book in high school and you can just tell she's making the whole thing up on the spot

No. 85275

yeah, Im tapping out now. That story was so stupid.

No. 85276

Only thing shes good at is her delusions of acting like shes not a total failure and ugly bitch. She really insists shes thriving and hot! And if mental gymnastics count as part of acting kek

No. 85277

"I'm making more money than I ever made in my life, so."

No. 85278

Wow, she was just an amazing, hilarious, gifted not like other girls hottie in hs, huh?

No. 85279

"My pussy is so sweaty the paddle is sticking to it"
Bitch why
You need to add "pretending to be unbothered by her weight gain" lol she copes about it every stream

No. 85280

Why tf was this drunk walking around the room like an off-brand frat boy?

No. 85281

File: 1615610466581.gif (12.16 KB, 220x124, C407B371-00E5-41FA-B20B-7D3DA6…)

I can’t get over her literally Goofy laugh.


No. 85282

someone tipped her to say she's fat, she blocked them, they came back and tipped again from another account to say "sorry I thought you liked being degraded" and she threw a fit


No. 85283

she apparently banned some coomer for saying some shit about her weight, then says she thinks that the weight gain suits her and she looks better because now she "has an ass" then immediately contradicts herself and says she doesn't like being degraded over something she's insecure about… lmao

No. 85284

My pussy is sweating my paddle is sthicking to it- Lardy Fattel 2021


No. 85285

File: 1615610658565.png (365.13 KB, 490x574, Screen Shot 2021-03-12 at 8.43…)

bingo folks! not even an hour in.

No. 85286

and then jokingly says "i hate myself" while pretending to masturbate in the same breath. she is actually retarded

No. 85287

You really can watch her mental health degrade over each stream
She would have been healthier working at McDonald's and eating free big macs every day

No. 85288

Shayna, this is not a good best blunt smoking song. Hard pass imo

No. 85289

Sabbath Dio is good but Shayna acts like her music taste is the best in the world and that everyone who doesn’t listen to these mainstream bands aren’t as unique as her
She’s mentally still in high school jfc

No. 85290

File: 1615610886608.png (487.71 KB, 744x604, Screen Shot 2021-03-12 at 8.45…)

her hair is so disgusting

No. 85291

File: 1615610899329.jpeg (Spoiler Image,444.46 KB, 985x643, 4D2BC9C8-2DD5-4310-922A-CE2CA5…)

KEK she is shaped like a fat potato

No. 85292

Her laughing is seriously becoming a smokers laugh. I haven't heard her talk in awhile though. Is this a new thing or has it been like this for awhile?

No. 85293

Why did she show this?

No. 85294

She finally acknowledged Jason and said his name lmao

No. 85295

She doesn’t want to dance slow and sensual. She wants to dance like a sped instead I guess ? But said you have to specify when you tip.

I thought sensual dancing was a given in a cam show?

No. 85296

Shayna plz pull your skirt down a bit, it's not supposed to be that high ffs

No. 85297

This is the most retarded thing ever. Dancing with noodle? On a site for whores… got it

No. 85298

File: 1615611529521.jpg (889.52 KB, 1242x1385, IMG_5236.jpg)

shaytard attempting to dance sensually to Losing my religion by rem had me snorting

No. 85299

File: 1615611557325.jpeg (620.76 KB, 750x1066, 888A3CAF-BF2A-46B7-860A-57095A…)

They’re just talking about farting I cant

No. 85300

File: 1615611594990.png (34.63 KB, 486x49, Screen Shot 2021-03-12 at 8.59…)

she said yes btw

No. 85301

she has before this live stream
Jason R Womack is one of her only customers at this point she has to talk to him to pay her rent kek

No. 85302

WHY WOULD SHE SAY YES DEAR LORD SHAYNA. Somethings aren't worth doing even if money is involved! Lol

No. 85303

“I value myself too much?” So e-begging commers and your parents for money doesn’t count.

No. 85304

I mean she might as well. Nasty asf but now there is no turning back, she is never going to get a job and her face and diseased snatch are online forever

No. 85305

"I'm not a starving artist" didn't you just beg for food? lol

No. 85306

Took forever to upload this on Dropbox but in case any anons missed it

No. 85307

File: 1615612143922.jpg (32.77 KB, 720x247, 20210313_010818.jpg)

Get help dude

No. 85308

You know what, she does surpass all expectations; I never expected to watch a cow devolve into selling shit/fart porno, that's a new one
Getting fat? Lots of them do that
Using drunks/alcohol? Most of them do that
But farting and shitting on camera for pennies? God damn, that's all Shayna

No. 85309

Jesus Christ her hair is parted SO HARD

No. 85310

kek someone called Shayna fat and she was trying to act unbothered and fake cried

No. 85311

if she plays "tear you apart" one more time i'm gonna fucking kill myself

No. 85312

stg she plays the same ten songs
that song is annoying now thanks for ruining a decent AHS song Shayna

No. 85313

Yeah what’s with her shitty mall goth playlist? Seems really inconsistent with her whole attempt at a bimbo Barbie aesthetic. Maybe I’m too much of a newfag to shatna

No. 85314

the thing with Shayna is she "like" these dad rock bands or pretends to because she is a pick me wanting to flaunt to the old boomers who watch her. She plays the same songs though all of them are mainstream music you can find playing on the radio. Where is the flavor and variety? You can't strip to punk/alt/oldrock/metal music it's weird.

No. 85315

what?? you can take your clothes off to literally any kind of music.

No. 85316

File: 1615613192927.jpeg (88.52 KB, 1213x180, 0B9358D4-85C3-427C-AF06-DAC14F…)

No. 85317

I mean Shayna can’t because she has the same awkward white girl dance.
It’s just not sensual and cam girl like to strip to thrash or punk but that’s just how I think sage for dumb

No. 85318

File: 1615613423344.jpeg (Spoiler Image,730.01 KB, 1128x1286, 8BE862FC-8164-4F4E-B47B-017954…)

No. 85319


Also let us not forget she used to cam to doo wop oldies. It was such an awful combination with her naked chicken dance

No. 85320

she is logging out now lmaooo she seems butthurt

No. 85321

LOL this sad ass sign off what a loser

No. 85322

fucking cursed

No. 85323

Anons wtf happened I haven’t watched tonight

No. 85324

She was on for what, an hour? lol sad

No. 85325

uploading her sign off on dropbox rn anon kek

No. 85326

She said she wasn't feeling it and signed off shortly after she complained people stopped chatting

No. 85327

and everyone pretty much left the viewers were dropping like flies and she wasn't "feeling it"

No. 85328

No. 85329

File: 1615614130767.png (Spoiler Image,346.17 KB, 640x497, FCUK.PNG)


No. 85330

Not much tbh. Talked about music, a book she made in highschool, burping/farting, cars, men she thinks are hot, how she's too good to start at a lower normie job and it wouldn't be worth her time. She signed off early because she felt like it was too slow. Honestly I felt like it was pretty fast compared to the last time, considering she was only on about an hour and a half and cleared one of the goals. Seems impatient. Says might try again tomorrow.

No. 85331

I snorted anon
bless you

No. 85332

Fucking dead from these stream updates. Looking back at her first thread I never would have expected this big of a downfall. Thanks to the anons keeping note of this shit.

Nearly choked on my drink. Jesus fucking christ.

No. 85333

she also mentioned wanting to be a voice actress for a princess animation movie
which further proves that she is miserable and doesn't want to do sex work but she has no talent and its the only way for her to get attention and make money by doing nothing. she thinks her voice is "cute and endearing"

No. 85334

Yea I checked out after she played “tear you apart” for the 100th time. She’s BORING.

No. 85335

I just dont get why she gets all passive aggressive about signing off when she wasnt even trying to engage the audience they see to have to start all the conversations

No. 85336

God, her huge sigh and then agressive "Subscribe there." She seems hurt tonighttttttttt

No. 85337

so is no one going to bring up the fact that the outfit was a hideous and that circle skirt needs to be thrown out with her star blanket?

No. 85338

She actually mentioned the skirt being uncomfortable since gaining so much weight on cam tonight

No. 85339

Her part looks like balls kek

No. 85340

save noodle

No. 85341

You should've added, "Lies about having a ass" and "Being happy with weight gain"

No. 85342

It always is, she’s still stuck in the delusion that she can fit in clothing she was able to wear before becoming a hog from alcohol and weed

No. 85343

File: 1615624029599.jpeg (1.44 MB, 1242x1763, 0DEA9B99-207C-4C2A-8575-4AB7AF…)

>Such a rich high end bimbo uwu
This shirt is around her price range kek

No. 85344

Godspeed to this coomer

No. 85345

Not trying to wk, and I know her fetish vids are disgusting as shit, but I kinda feel bad for her.
I’d say she should stream on twitch but personality aside, imagine what would happen once people found the scat vid.
She would be destroyed every day she logged on.
It’s hard when you’re living a life you hate, I wish she would just admit it and throw in the towel already.
Most intelligent sex workers, which are very few tbh, know to keep the really taboo and disgusting custom requests private.
She’s a headache but tbf her music choice is on par with most of the mfc chicks, they all have the worst taste in everything especially clothes

No. 85346

Jesus, this is just sad to watch

No. 85347

no charisma whatsoever

touching herself with a fake smile and then immediately to "idk im not feeling it…." she looks so bored and then "subscribe here" lmao, what for???

No. 85348

The way she touches herself is so fucking rough, you can tell she's dry and not into it. I didn't watch, so everyone left while she's naked playing with her dry snatch?
Wow. And seeing that tit just hang lower is crazy.

No. 85349

Yeah she's so obviously unhappy and her dead-eyed "smile" is horrifying, she looks like she's either about to fucking kill you or herself

coomers get fooled by her fake giggling? judging by the retarded ones like Womack they don't seem to notice or care

No. 85350


I know this isn’t the most important takeaway from this but I’m incredibly grossed out by how she uses her hands to dig around in her vag and arsehole and then goes straight to typing on her computer / using her phone. I pray she uses disinfectant wipes on the keyboard/phone after cam sessions but I’m almost certain based on her greasy hair and messy apartment that hygiene isn’t her strong point.

No. 85351

i think ive been spending too much time reading the mtf thread because this was a pleasant sight compared to those neovagina rotholes.

No. 85352


Damn, she looks like she’s fighting back tears.


yeah she cant stream on twitch after that shit vid. its so easy to find too with these threads and all.

No. 85353


I dont get why she doesnt have the wheel on her desk to promote people actually wanting to spin it, instead of advertising a bottle soda, some cheap pink chinese snacks and the infamous shit rimmed dildo itself.

also big fucking kekkers at her entire career revolving around shit now that she opened that gate. she fed the shit licking stray cats once and now theyre hungry for more shit. what have you dong shayna.

No. 85354

> She’s a headache but tbf her music choice is on par with most of the mfc chicks, they all have the worst taste in everything especially clothes

ding ding ding. thank you! literally none of these camwhores have any taste kek

No. 85355

No that’s definitely gross, but that’s more of a camslut issue vs an isolated shayna issue I think.
Idiots will say it’s homophobic/anti sw to point out dildos and fingers can spread infections, but that shit is dangerous if you care about your insides. No porous dildo can ever be cleaned 100%, let alone sterilized.
Shayna’s microscopic shit bacteria will literally be inside that dildo forever. I’m honestly surprised she hasn’t gotten sick yet.

Off topic sage for derail but that Bailey rayne chick from Netflix’s old ass doc hot girls wanted was online last night, and she was the main example in my head. Literally playing music from the 50s while she made small talk with coomers who didn’t want to pay her. it was so humiliating to watch but also amazing because she is a truly evil bitch

No. 85356

File: 1615651621529.jpg (Spoiler Image,3.03 MB, 4096x4096, CollageMaker_20210313_11053821…)

The fat boy tits really are shocking

No. 85357

You stupid idiots never know when to censor shit. I'll take my ban with a redtext

No. 85358

File: 1615652955880.jpg (58.57 KB, 1080x630, 20210313_102534.jpg)

Wonder how pissed shay is that Pixie's pic is doing better than hers on her own thread kek

(Pixie's below, Shay is at 632 with 85 retweets, but it's her own post)

No. 85359

Wonder if this is what Shay was subtweeting about yesterday. Looks like her "friend" is doing a $4 sale too, so wouldn't surprise me if Shay is offended

No. 85360

she expects every stream to be like her "comeback stream", where the coomers were so excited to see her after a year they tipped her just for chatting.

now that she's camming ""regularly"" again, the novelty is wearing off and they expect her to behave sexually and entertain them, almost like it's a cam show and she's being paid to perform for tips.

She claims she works so hard and yet on cam it's obvious that she doesn't and doesn't want to. She wants the attention but hates the effort. If it's a slow night, leaving early is even stupider than staying and trying to make the most of it. giving up and signing off with a huffy guilt trip doesn't make people want to spend their money on you next time, it shows them you're a quitter who can't be trusted to fulfill tip requests.

No. 85361

File: 1615654707301.jpeg (330.42 KB, 1125x1746, F5EC1A17-19B1-4ABA-BFC3-C3FEA2…)

Kek yes shay is very jealous of pixie

No. 85362

It seemed like she got full naked and had the wand out, then everyone left kek. Funny timing, but if you figure the coomers in chat they probably either got bored or got off so they were done.

I guess she at least got the wheel out and made an attempt at some effort tonight.

No. 85363

The only good the "wEiGht GaIn" did her was make her face less sunken in and 50 year old heroin whore looking I guess. Her face sometimes looks average cute imo when shes not making mentally retarded expressions and shit like that. Most all of her pics are terrible, but on cam sometimes it looks ok because angles and shes not trying to do the same pose and expressions like her photos.

No. 85364

File: 1615656668891.jpeg (380.5 KB, 688x580, 87CC570B-499F-4037-BE9B-D58DB2…)

Shayna looks kinda like Rob Dyrdek to me I don’t know how or if it’s just me

No. 85365

it's just you, shatna looks like every other generic meth head in oklahoma.

No. 85366


I can't stand the way she touches herself. Whichever anon said it gives of gyno vibes hit the nail on the head. She literally sits with her legs straddled and spreads it apart or she just mashes her mon pubis with her whole hand. She almost looks like a monkey when she sits there scratching her bits while looking bored

No. 85367

I went thru her insta yesterday and she looks so much better with dark hair it’s unreal, she actually looked cute.
her inability to match her skin tone combined with the terrible angles/poses and f21 outfit choices, seems like she goes out of her way to make herself unattractive.
Is shayna secretly an evil genius trying to get revenge on coomers by being disgusting? jk she’s just retarded

No. 85368

File: 1615660504262.jpeg (107.37 KB, 681x572, FE4EBA2F-B6D8-4E15-B8C5-D7E99A…)

idk I think anon is right look how close their features match up.
shayna got bigger lips tho I’ll give her that

No. 85369

File: 1615661443769.gif (Spoiler Image,2.39 MB, 480x256, 25E4C936-B299-4701-999A-52BCF0…)

No. 85370

I want to curb stomp her retarded face(a-log)

No. 85371

SA - forgot to caption that i could see this as a lolcow banner kek (moobs cropped)

No. 85372

anon please why did you have to make this, why did I have to see this, absolute topkek

No. 85373

Shayna's face looks like how Amberlyn's would look if she lost all that weight. She's so corny

No. 85374

Please include in the next thread pic.

No. 85375

So with the $1400 stimulus check dropping for us Americans this weekend, who wants to bet shes going to be flaunting a bunch of new shit instead of putting it to moving?

No. 85376

So many edibles, she won't have room to store them all. Not that it would bother her.

No. 85377

File: 1615671446988.jpeg (217.81 KB, 1242x848, 7F135D15-B2E8-4E58-827C-6F9951…)


Thread pic idea idk

Sage for autism

No. 85378

File: 1615671780786.jpeg (1.53 MB, 3464x3464, CC712995-4A12-44F2-A35E-38E863…)

Same fag

No. 85379

If we could censor her tits with a lolcow photo, this would be fantastic, kek. Shayna is always such good banner material.

No. 85380

she is totally skinny alr wow you’re right, I haven’t thought about amber for so long. checked out when she got cancer, couldn’t watch her kill herself.
just checked her channel and she’s still doing sushi mukbangs and plus size mall clothes hauls, truly twin flames.

No. 85381

replace the autistic Rob Dyrdek monstrosity with Sim-Shay and maybe this could be passable

No. 85382

The first twenty pounds suited her. After that, nah.

No. 85383


This is so fucking unsettling lmao….. I love it.

No. 85384

File: 1615675350481.png (223.97 KB, 263x326, 1.PNG)

Just ALR has a smaller nose and is paler

No. 85385

File: 1615678939977.jpg (Spoiler Image,622.46 KB, 1080x1081, Screenshot_20210313-174057_Twi…)

Her hair looks disgusting

No. 85386

Stop smashing every funny pic into one anon. Just pick.

No. 85387

Holy greasy hair.

She also looks like she wishes she was fucking dead. This just sad.

No. 85388

Oh god I can't unsee that, why do they look so similar?

No. 85389

File: 1615683604678.jpg (Spoiler Image,570.27 KB, 1078x1081, Screenshot_20210313-185958_Twi…)

No. 85390

why is her heel so pointy lmao she def photoshopped her thighs

No. 85391

Kek I didn't even notice anon

No. 85392

Shayna take a damn shower, your hair is so greasy that it’s sticking up on your head jc

No. 85393

File: 1615685851673.jpg (533.64 KB, 1079x1374, Screenshot_20210313-193445_Twi…)

These would get so dirty within a week in her pigsty of an apartment

No. 85394

I kinda hope she tries to cam tonight. After last night, I'm expecting her to either have an actual fit or just go in on a few bottles of wine.

After last night, she's really nothing without alcohol. Like shes just fucking dull and boring. I'm honestly surprised anyone held out as long as they did, outside of Wommack and shit coomer.

No. 85395

Did she make a lot last night?

No. 85396

she should buy just dance and play that on cam if she’s really going to keep the live streams going. it would help with her lack of rhythm/sex appeal and would force her to exercise. I think the degens she desperately tries to pander to would eat it up maybe, or nvm they ask for shit vids who knows what they want. she needs to get out of that niche she’s gonna get hepatitis

No. 85397

LMAOOO holy fuck, straight ps2 graphics

No. 85398

File: 1615689954844.jpg (250.99 KB, 1079x959, Screenshot_20210313-204523_Twi…)


No. 85399

File: 1615690056281.jpg (418.6 KB, 1079x1187, Screenshot_20210313-204544_Twi…)

2/2 Major kek. I think this dude is finally getting tired of Shay's shit

No. 85400

File: 1615690116515.jpg (522.42 KB, 1080x1680, Screenshot_20210313-204449_Twi…)

After claiming to be "groomed" as a kid, Shay really gives no fucks to minors being exposed to porn

No. 85401

Soooo where your parents the issue when you were selling nudes and camming underage?

No. 85402

Honestly I can’t wait for that old scrote to croak so he stops funding Shayna’s pathetic degen lifestyle

No. 85403

Lmao wtf it is a big deal. Porn dehumanizing women is a major problem. Young boys are exposed to incest, and hardcore porn at the age of 12. The sites do a shit job censoring it. It’s so easily accessible. Shayna shut the fuck up.

No. 85404

Says she's never heard of sex workers selling to minors, um it definitely happens

No. 85405

Fuckin kek she had to back peddle so hard. This is why she should shut the fuck up and stop posting every single thought/opinion/interaction. If it's not something hypocritical, then its something alienating her own incel customers and/or showing how not a sex loving bimbo she is. None of her text posts are sexy and literally turning on potential or current customers.

No. 85406

Shayna you fucking moron clicking and viewing porn sites is how legit adult porn stars profit off of their movies. You aren’t a porn star and never will be you are bottom barrel trash that sells pussy pics for $3 and shows her asshole for free on Twitter

No. 85407

shayna those are your customers. be nice.

No. 85408

topkek I know right Shayna never knows when to shut her crusty mouth. She wouldn’t be such a cow if she just promoted her shit porn and didn’t tweet about her life, feelings 24/7 and attack more successful swers

No. 85409

stop pushing the entire responsibility on parents. as a sex worker you have a responsibility to keep your content away from minors. it’s disgusting that she would act like sex workers are not accountable for who gets a hold of their porn. she never wants to take responsibility for anything.

No. 85410

She has no fuckin style so she couldnt pull these off. I hate how she retweets aesthetic and fashion that are so far from her own cheap, tacky, boring shit. She's not kawaii, she's not classy, she's not any "core" or alt. She's just Amazon pink sort by lowest price garbage

No. 85411

Looking haggard and dead inside as usual. I wish she would have made the contacts work because I'm both haunted by and sick of her beady brown, soulless eyes topped with cheap insect leg looking eyelashes.

Also whatever happened to those $60-80 worth of contacts for that matter? This is rhetorical of course.

No. 85412

File: 1615691757390.jpg (272.13 KB, 1080x1050, Screenshot_20210313-211556_Twi…)


No. 85413

This is next level retarded, I'm fucking aghast at how bad at her job she is. You ruined your life and reputation for this and now you're fucking it up through not only negligence/incompetence but sheer lunatic self destruction. Your brand can't be super submissive dolly bimbo and humiliating domme at the same time (not that she can pull off either)

I also hate how she retweets aesthetic stuff constantly because it's such a stupid business move, I'm sure lots of potential customers end up unfollowing her after she clogs their feeds with girly bullshit they don't care about. It baffles me why she's so resistant to having multiple accounts, it could even be a better outlet for her social media dopamine addiction.

No. 85414

Roughly $65 from Wommack and the usual fetish dude

No. 85415

File: 1615692118962.jpg (Spoiler Image,324.04 KB, 1079x1066, Screenshot_20210313-212207_Twi…)

No. 85416

File: 1615692186843.jpg (439.62 KB, 1080x1647, Screenshot_20210313-212248_Twi…)

Shay must've done some major begging behind the scenes to the grey hair dude

No. 85417

Never seen so many full on stare into the pussy void pics than I have in this thread/her twitter jfc. And for free no less.

No. 85418

her editing skills are just getting worse. i think the ballsack comments got to her

No. 85419

File: 1615694627756.jpeg (313.25 KB, 1242x828, A6026FBF-72CA-4F09-AA39-0BBDC7…)

Drunk pedo

No. 85420

Exactly. For fucking free. Shayna doesn’t even have a job, she’s a volunteer sex worker at this point.

No. 85421

anon..he's grayhair_NOTOLD. he's not old. just has gray hair

No. 85422

File: 1615695399019.jpg (Spoiler Image,465.21 KB, 1080x1335, Screenshot_20210313-221638_Twi…)

No. 85423

I always read it in my head as grayhair no told

No. 85424

thank god it's not just me who read it like that
I'm sure it's "not old" but I read it like "no told" forever

sage for idiot

No. 85425

dead at volunteer sex worker. shayna is the Salvation Army for retarded coomers

No. 85426

File: 1615698225891.jpeg (1.08 MB, 3464x3464, CAE63ACF-6DC0-41E9-8BCF-CDA623…)

Shayna trying to make friends and replied to this girl who has more followers. Shayna isn’t that poaching her followers???

No. 85427

File: 1615698404560.jpeg (79.61 KB, 1024x558, AA0D63C3-3794-47EA-9E37-A9AB99…)

Shayna’s threads have the best roasts
My sides anon.

No. 85428

Shayna why not censor you twitter content?? You'll probably gain more subscribers if you did.

No. 85429

stop cowtipping, camwhore. You’re pathetic and ugly too lol

No. 85430

theres no milk there. glad thats censored tho lol we have enough shayna to puke at

No. 85431

this bitch is really out here posting her content for free. it doesn’t take much effort to scroll through her twitter photos to find all the pussy shots and ass closeups she posts on a daily basis. and all without needing to sub to her OF.

No. 85432

I really wonder why she goes this hard on twitter though, like she doesn’t even get this explicit really in her cam shows.
Maybe she has an actual thought process behind this, but it’s probably just for twitter clout. Very bleak.

No. 85433

Not that anon, but I don't think you know what cowtipping is. Highlighting Shay's hypocrisy isn't it, kek

No. 85434

Not to defend Shatna but it’s telling that the scrote in the quote tweet only mentions adult women profiting off of selling porn despite the fact that the vast majority of commercial pornography is produced by males (and these males also receive most of the profits). Males only take contention with porn when women are able to benefit from it lol. Sage for off topic

No. 85435

File: 1615725054817.jpeg (309.82 KB, 1242x1005, 0F0184B0-CDB8-437C-993C-39D9A5…)

I mean underaged children being exposed to porn isn’t okay. The men are just as shitty as the women who voluntarily participate.

So old gray retirement home got a private show last night?? How can this boomer coomer even keep his dick up??

Sage for no milk

No. 85436

> The men are just as shitty as the women who voluntarily participate
Nah they’re significantly worse as they’re responsible for most of the trafficking and rape that occurs, whereas e-thots mostly just fuck themselves over by ruining their future with SW much more than they do the teenage boys who are exposed to their content (most of whom voluntarily search and jerk to commercial male-produced porn on free websites anyway)

No. 85437

No. 85438

File: 1615741588396.jpeg (296.82 KB, 1242x1055, D6917590-BEA0-4A8D-A8F3-821BE2…)

I guess fatty gave up on being healthy completely

No. 85439

I guess you have a point anon. Thank you for educating me without calling me a retard lol

No. 85440

it only took her 3 workout sessions and a week's worth of planned meals to fully embrace obesity once and for all

No. 85441

Kek why are you WKing greyoldcoomer who fucking cares

No. 85442

it's not a wk, it's reading comprehension

No. 85443

I’m sure his wrinkly grey dick appreciates your service

No. 85444

$30 for one person’s lunch my god

No. 85445

Yeah aren’t most Chinese places have lunch combos for like $8.99

No. 85446

Even with the doordash fee it shouldn’t cost that much…. Shayna eats so much food god fatty go take walk

Just because your trainer was “racist” doesn’t mean you still can’t eat healthy, not order takeout, take noodle for a walk, and exercise at home. Hell, you can even still go to the gym why do you need a personal trainer?

No. 85447

pretty sure that anon was just kidding
yep, at like panda express a normal meal of a plate and a side for one person is legit $8 lmao. this bitch got $30 worth of food for herself, lunch only.

No. 85448

inb4 she starts doing feederism porn kek

No. 85449

She’s not smart enough to work that out.

No. 85450

File: 1615751429484.jpeg (Spoiler Image,300.34 KB, 750x2004, 67798273-770B-4BAF-95F1-C77603…)

Blur tool working overtime, from OF

No. 85451

If I had a choice between mukbangs and the poop stuff, I would rather watch her stuff her face with a dominos pizza and boneless wings.
I hope she switches to feeder fetishes tbh, it would actually be healthier for her compared to consuming her own shit

No. 85452

if she can afford $30 worth of Chinese food she can afford an $8 can of dry shampoo.
It’s not even hard to pretend to look clean over the internet she’s legitimately not even doing the bare minimum

No. 85453

File: 1615753966319.png (669.54 KB, 640x619, 0CD8E053-8848-4BDB-994B-4953A1…)

This but with fast food for shatna

No. 85454

She still doesn’t know how to take a good picture. Not long ago I made the mistake of looking at her face while tripping balls and it really intensified how fucked up she looks. Really enhanced all her flaws and I was able to see in fine detail how bad she really is at doing her makeup. Sorry for the autistic rant lol

No. 85455

Are you this anon >>85429 ? You sound oddly retarded or are extremely new to English.

No. 85456

You’re brave for looking at her while tripping kek. that would make my stomach churn even more than she already does

No. 85457

Kek i love that not too long ago she was shit talking other girls for editing their pictures.

No. 85458

she's been heavily filtering/editing hers for a long while now

No. 85459

File: 1615758776948.png (409.46 KB, 598x538, nahh.png)

what are these zoolander faces smh

No. 85460

Thats true. It's just amusing that she never practices what she preaches.

No. 85461

she looks like an overly downsy sarah michelle gellar/1st season buffy lately

No. 85462

get your eyes checked

No. 85463

File: 1615761960476.jpeg (545.13 KB, 1242x854, 41E1A068-9589-429E-A9ED-F3DC38…)

Shayna you’re not a bimbo omfg
Bimbos don’t have yellow teeth with a snaggletooth, bimbos don’t have bulbous noses, bimbos don’t have butt acne.
No guy wants to take care of a mentally retarded ugly fat girl who can’t even suck dick without vomiting

No. 85464

Damn; if facetune and Chinese editing apps can’t save you and your chapped lips then you are fucked.


No. 85465

I have no regrets lol It was disturbing and hilarious

No. 85466

She's not a sex worker, she's a non-profit whoreganization.

No. 85467

Buffy, sweetie, I am so sorry

No. 85468


No. 85469

File: 1615775870227.jpeg (526.29 KB, 1500x1811, 3A934514-DCFA-49EC-AD69-F8AE83…)


No. 85470

anon please dont bump up the thread with this autistic edit kek its kinda funny but sage next time

No. 85471

File: 1615776361451.jpeg (524.72 KB, 1242x1376, D283E002-2EBA-4AF4-A54F-7526F5…)

>omg i doubt you hasnt fit in them anymore hehe
Fat bitch

No. 85472

File: 1615776425508.jpeg (529.18 KB, 1242x1204, DE13A815-CEB6-4FCC-A6CA-5EE84E…)

No. 85473

File: 1615776605744.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.15 MB, 1242x1830, 50921381-8702-4597-84DA-1585D1…)

Fatty showed this screenshot during her “cam show” and thought it was good enough to be shown again
You look like a fat potato shay I dont think this is a compliment

No. 85474

Amazed that she spends so much time editing but is still absolute dogshit at it

No. 85475

Not even filters can save her ugly rat face.

No. 85476

File: 1615777843758.jpg (206.02 KB, 1080x1162, Screenshot_20210314-221013_Twi…)


No. 85477

I'm just begging at this point that she figure out an actual style and buy shit that flatters her and in proper size for once.

No. 85478

File: 1615778391114.jpg (269.13 KB, 788x654, fish.jpg)

Shayna's irl brother looking at this like

No. 85479

her style is terrible all her outfits look like something troons think women wear. She doesn't know how to color coordinate. She reminds me of that really ugly troon from the mtf thread that posts in fashion subreddits kek

No. 85480

So she wont be camming tonight. Just face tuning her face and warping her fatty areas.

Also, no you don't Shay. You have Womack who maybe gives you a hundy when he gets his gov handout money.
If she had a guy giving her 1k a month, she'd be doing better and if hes a sugar daddy, then she would have enough to move easily by now.

No. 85481

1k lasts Shay 2 weeks at the most. For being in the middle of Bumfuck, Nowhere in terms of rent and fees, she has the weekly costs of a family of 4.

No. 85482

File: 1615781586225.jpg (190.73 KB, 1080x659, Screenshot_20210314-231305_Twi…)

No. 85483

Imagine trying to brand yourself as a "bimbo" without even knowing how to do makeup properly. Like, she clearly doesn't have any hobbies aside from alcoholism and stuffing her fat face. Ffs shanya, take the time to learn how to not make your eyebrows look like shit at the very least?

No. 85484

it's super weird that she pushes incest so hard when her families info has been shared+documented so extensively online. I couldn't imagine having to face a sibling or a child that makes their livelihood off of marketing fantasies about fucking you.

No. 85485

God what a fucking degenerate

No. 85486

>Ffs shanya, take the time to learn how to not make your eyebrows look like shit at the very least?
she thinks they look good like that is the main issue

No. 85487

File: 1615822232152.jpeg (312.41 KB, 1242x771, B03FB4B9-D2FD-425A-8A71-FAC332…)

No. 85488

File: 1615822400684.jpeg (390.62 KB, 1242x1454, 43954A9E-6DAC-41A8-8603-6ECF8C…)

Why does she always subtweet her customers?

No. 85489


She’s so stupid. Does she not do deposits?

No. 85490

Incest is THE biggest fetish worldwide of course she is gonna try. I always just think of her version of a "young mommy" MILF that she tried to do lol

No. 85491

i think she makes them pay in full up front

No. 85492

File: 1615824565800.png (520.12 KB, 750x659, shattard.png)

you inspired me anon

No. 85493

I love it, bless you anon.

No. 85494

Can you add an enema kit to the top image as well? Kek

No. 85495

File: 1615830014573.jpg (330.59 KB, 1080x1167, Screenshot_20210315-124010_Twi…)

"Admin work" kek

No. 85496

You have a computer…. That you spent 2k on…. Go on it and fucking type shitty canned responses to your coomers jfc it's not that hard.

No. 85497


But she didn't want to sell a few videos and her phone number for $300? Ok then.

No. 85498

She doesn’t do enemas though

No. 85499


In that case, they're both dumb. She's a lazy sack of shit… I guess they don't mind that she half-assed throws it together 30 minutes before sending it out to them.

No. 85500

anon that's the joke….the top part of the image is things she's disgusted by and she doesn't do enemas

No. 85501

File: 1615834687883.gif (8.25 MB, 720x540, 66542FAF-92A2-4A30-9A0A-39FA07…)

>In b4 Lardy needs a forklift to move her from her couch to the dispensary

No. 85502

But… an ipad is basically a bigger phone. There's literally no difference. I can't with this scammy lazy bitch

No. 85503

Why would anyone buy her an ipad in return for that shit? She would probably give them all that and more for $30 worth of cheap Chinese food, and that's being generous.

No. 85504

doesn't she also have at least one laptop?

No. 85505

Seriously though. You can edit videos the exact same way you would on an iPhone on an iPad so what does fatass actually want it for?

No. 85506

I don’t know why Shaytard needs this iPad. Isn’t she moving? Shouldn’t she ask for “donations” to move instead of another item ? Did Fupa get his chode wet ? Is that why she’s not complaining about needing to move? An iPad is like $500-1,000 why does she need it so badly? I can’t stand this lazy bitch. Scammy Mattel at it again

No. 85507

>buy me an ipad
bitch wtf you have two macbook laptops get the fuck out of here with that

No. 85508

another thing to collect dust on

why does she bother buying so much shit when she has to move? she needs to start taking her meds again and get help for her addiction

No. 85509

She thinks owning expensive material items makes her rich and seem successful, its just another thing to show off to keep up the facade

Hilarious because immediately after she is begging for money for groceries… wow so rich !!

No. 85510

File: 1615844584121.jpeg (430.43 KB, 1242x1308, 705AA6AA-D368-44E9-9102-80F421…)

No. 85511

Shayna this is why you should buy a computer that suits your needs not an aesthetic that you're desperate to achieve. You should've bought a fucking tablet laptop dumbass if your macbook was on its last legs. Would've saved her a lot of dispensary and booze money

No. 85512

One of those mac books she uses as a rolling tray

No. 85513

I can't stand how she thinks she's so Hilarious

No. 85514

an iPad? for admin work? what admin work? tweeting? or acting like you dont rely on pocket change from boomer coomers to survive off edibles and cheap sushi? shayna this is why you're fat and hopeless and will never be able to move out of Oklahoma or amount to anything. you are literally the laziest scammiest cunt. I'd say shove your iPad up your ass but you'll probably try to for $3 once Jason Womack buys you one and requests it kek sage for retardation

No. 85515

wtf is she on about?

No. 85516

She's trying to make a joke about anime titties

No. 85517

>plot twist.
>she has been lolcow’s admin all along.
it’s a joke

No. 85518

Kek you forgot the weed

No. 85519

>don’t want to walk away from my couch
>I don’t want to walk all the way to my work room

She act like she lives in this huge mansion. Bitch, you live in a 2 bedroom apartment. It’s like 10 steps. Someone buy her a Fitbit.

No. 85520

Has anyone taken the $3 subscription to obtain milk yet?
Because if not I will lol

No. 85521

Do it anon kek

No. 85522

File: 1615871911581.jpeg (Spoiler Image,806.06 KB, 1242x1679, 9F37A5D5-8C66-4711-A31B-B5E494…)

No. 85523

File: 1615872029290.jpeg (86.85 KB, 1242x180, E4EC5BE6-1D6D-416E-81C5-7EE880…)

Her prices are always going up and down it’s so stupid

No. 85524

Right? Like thats exactly what fatty mattel needs, another excuse to not get off her ass

300lb deathfat coming soon to a Shay thread near you!

No. 85525

Does anyone else think shaynas parents are lowkey paying her rent/giving her a monthly allowance? She prices shit like she’s absolutely desperate but will immediately make a stupid purchase right after tweeting “buy all my nudes for $3”. She spends her money so carelessly it just doesn’t add up for me, lmaybe rent in Tulsa is super cheap but there’s no way she’s making thousands a month to cover rent,bills, pet food, door dash, Uber and her online shopping addiction

No. 85526

anon she doesn't do showers, either

the saddest part of this isn't the forklift, it's that shatna won't have anyone to drive her kek

No. 85527

You could be right but also if she didn’t spend dumb money on weed and food, she’d save a lot of money because she has: no car, no car insurance, still on her dad’s insurance, doesn’t go out, doesn’t exactly do any kind of activity.

She also probably doesn’t declare the money she makes off of tips and cash app so that’d make her taxes lower.

I agree that she spends dumb amount of money but it’s usually on cheap amazon costumes. Who knows if she doesn’t send them back as well. She could squirrel away a ton of money for retirement or savings because aside from the weed and poor grocery trips management, she’s actually pretty low maintenance.

No. 85528

Yeah you’re probably right. I just keep thinking about it because I had a roommate freshman year who had similar spending habits and she ended up losing 2k on Uber and food delivery in 4 months I could really see her falling into debt if it wasn’t for her ~aBuSiVe PaReNtZ~(newfag)

No. 85529

Please don't use emojis man

No. 85530

yes, newfag, this tinfoil has been brought up regularly for the last 2 years

No. 85531

She doesn't even need to send any of the shit she buys as costumes and props, she can just write them off. As a camwhore if you work from home you can also write off a part of your rent as it can be considered an office. It's really fucking easy so if she isn't completely brain dead and declares her earnings she can get away with a lot.

No. 85532

> if she isn't completely brain dead and declares her earnings
kek. are you new here?

No. 85533

>kek. are you new here?
seems like a bus of them arrived late last night

No. 85534

I doubt she has ever filed for taxes. This is when one of those IRS stings would work that scrotes do to sw. But how little she make I doubt they would even look into her.

No. 85535


Has she ever mentioned getting a stimulus payment? You have to have at least done your taxes in 2018/2019 to get them

No. 85536

no, she's only spoken about other people spending theirs on her

No. 85537

File: 1615910370012.jpg (280.72 KB, 1080x981, Screenshot_20210316-105903_Twi…)

Kek, and how tall is Fupa?

No. 85538

File: 1615910416937.jpg (259.9 KB, 1080x969, Screenshot_20210316-110022_Twi…)

But she didn't post her tips as proof this time

No. 85539

File: 1615910896162.jpeg (575.67 KB, 1242x1009, 4576B6F7-682F-4E29-B630-2C5DF3…)

Sure you did Fatty

No. 85540

File: 1615910954941.jpeg (666.79 KB, 1242x1511, B2D8FF45-FC60-437D-94E3-CB35F5…)

No. 85541

File: 1615911223040.jpeg (195.27 KB, 1003x1723, EEDB913C-F0EC-4CAF-8F84-E21869…)

She’s on one today kek

Cheemsburgers and all you have is a hank hill ass AND a big stomach

No. 85542

File: 1615912687428.jpg (343.98 KB, 1080x1014, Screenshot_20210316-113802_Twi…)

Please don't harrass this man

No. 85543

guess she's defrosting her fake wwe fan persona now

No. 85544

File: 1615912827156.png (49.41 KB, 600x553, 1.PNG)

I know Shayna doesn't know but her talking about wanting to be beat up by a man who beat his ex wife is…yeah.

No. 85545

File: 1615913053039.jpeg (Spoiler Image,900.24 KB, 1242x1496, 937C493C-441C-43EA-89BA-F84C8E…)

No. 85546

But if some dude said this about her, she would see it as "harassment"

No. 85547

File: 1615913222520.jpg (638.21 KB, 1080x1397, Screenshot_20210316-114658_Twi…)

Cause this is totally what she needs

No. 85548

File: 1615913246600.jpeg (506.33 KB, 1242x1345, DA16EAC6-B8C7-405F-B62B-5B7790…)

Knowing Shayna she probably does know about it and blames the wife because she’s a misogynistic bitch

No. 85549

and if someone points it out she'll just delete the tweets or scream at them in dm's going, "None of my REAL FANS would say this!!

No. 85550

File: 1615913766831.jpg (684.08 KB, 1536x2048, 20210316_114701.jpg)

No. 85551

File: 1615913902795.jpg (603.66 KB, 1079x1325, Screenshot_20210316-115621_Twi…)

No. 85552

My eyes are burning. Who’ would kiss any of that?? Oof

No. 85553

File: 1615915353769.jpg (198.96 KB, 1080x884, Screenshot_20210316-122226_Twi…)

Shay, you literally don't need any excuse to drink, you alcoholic

No. 85554

sage this shit, it's not milk

No. 85555

File: 1615916329973.jpeg (214.08 KB, 1242x722, 5CF75720-D87A-4131-A785-FF9A37…)

You can’t even afford to move out of state

No. 85556

imagine drinking beer for hours and then doing anal. it's gonna be another scat video

No. 85557

File: 1615916356601.jpeg (263.37 KB, 1242x552, B64A3A3C-2FE5-48F1-B111-DF6F5A…)

Deleted and saged now delete yours

No. 85558

She could tell her coomers that her uwu butt juice means she’s “cooming” and they would believe it

No. 85559

This. Surprised that hasn’t yet happened on her lives considering she’s pretty much a full blown alcoholic now, she tweets about drinking pretty much everyday so her insides must be very fucked up.

No. 85560

Kek she deleted this because it got no likes

Your followers are only subcribed because you’re a cheap $3 whore and they are on unemployment. Why would you think they’d buy you a Louis Vuitton?

No. 85561

she could've bought a small one for the cost of her unused gaming pc is the sad part

No. 85562

File: 1615916989023.jpg (557.88 KB, 1080x1845, Screenshot_20210316-124924_Twi…)

No. 85563

Shatna is what? 23? 24? She would've been a child at the end of the attitude era and when stone cold retired… What a fucking creep and fake fan, I'm sure she only knows about Stone Cold because of pop culture and shit, not from actual wrestling.

No. 85564

she talks about watching wrestling sometimes, it's just another one of her made up personality traits

No. 85565

omg that's right wasn't she subscribed to the wwe tv network for a while too at her last shitty apt?!

No. 85566

Just like her porn description she has to describe her every move. I love how she openly talks about how she has to get high/drunk to do anything, not only just porn, but every fucking thing.

No. 85567

File: 1615920732415.jpg (214.37 KB, 1080x654, Screenshot_20210316-135217_Twi…)

No. 85568

lol this is from last year, it’s crazy how big she’s gotten

No. 85569

Most of her twitter promo is incest related but she'll get defensive when called out on posting her father's uncensored face on her porn account.

No wonder she freaked out about having only $5 in her bank that one time. Shopaholic + alcoholic + weed addict

No. 85570

File: 1615921834592.jpeg (732.91 KB, 1242x1206, F39DCCA4-AEF0-49B4-A591-069766…)

Remember when Shatna posted this on her porn account and got pissed off and sperged about “how people should mind their business” when a sex worker commented saying it was unsafe to post family members kek
Lolcowfarm remembers

No. 85571

but what is she buying? I swear these past few months are the most clothes I've seen her buy in a while, but it's still not a lot, Like what is she even spending that much money on?

No. 85572

she's probably buying the majority of the stuff she's "unboxing" or receiving as "gifts"

No. 85573

she’s been getting hauls from dollskill and forever21. all of her recent stuff since february has been from dollskill.

No. 85574

File: 1615923355924.jpg (Spoiler Image,381.19 KB, 1079x1423, Screenshot_20210316-143552_Twi…)

Is she going to throw a fit when someone posts a censored pic?

No. 85575

File: 1615923392117.jpg (Spoiler Image,475.69 KB, 1080x1131, Screenshot_20210316-143649_Twi…)

No. 85576

She only got the hello Kitty underwear and shirt that was too small for her lard body and the heart boot heels. Besides those items she’s been wearing the same cheap Amazon shit

No. 85577

She's doing anything for attention now, I think likes, retweets mean more to her then money. Also it's been a few days since she mentioned moving, I feel like her and Fupa are back talking as "Friends" again.

No. 85578

Why are her lips twisted and look like they are tucked into her vagina hole?

Shits gross and she abused the smoothing tool on facetune

No. 85579

File: 1615923824290.jpeg (122.52 KB, 1242x306, 9122AC73-8D6B-4386-9764-3A6E80…)

She just talked about how she’s almost done saving her money to move

No. 85580

they’re extremely wrinkly and that’s how it turns out after she smooths it all to death

No. 85581

no you can go on dollskill and see all the stuff she has recently gotten. that skirt/cropped hoodie was from dollskill not amazon even though it looks like it’s from amazon cos she wears stuff right out of the package.

No. 85582

File: 1615925119564.jpeg (836.99 KB, 1242x1056, 82DE49AF-BA53-4C35-9841-817465…)


You mean that ugly fur two piece set she wore to brunch with Fupa
she looked like a giant pile of bubblegum kek fatty

She can’t afford much dollskill she’s a broke bitch. Maybe she was using Jason R Womack’s unemployment checks

No. 85583

Oh my god, I've always wondered who tf uses afterpay. What a dumbass. I'm surprised she's not running up credit cards thinking it's free money like Louanne from King of the Hill.

No. 85584

File: 1615925489732.jpg (312.82 KB, 1080x1248, Screenshot_20210316-151123_Twi…)

No. 85585

>regardless of whether or not he approves

You're a disappointment, Shayna.

No. 85586

After pay is for broke people who can’t pay all at once. I thought Shayna was
thriving and successful

No. 85587

it’s because she’s been getting huge expensive hauls from dollskill that she can’t actually afford but afterpay makes her feel like she can. amazon doesn’t take afterpay.

No. 85588

it’s why she uses afterpay and like she said has 6+ payments she owes. she’s basically buying it on credit she doesn’t have.

No. 85589

File: 1615925722820.jpg (499.25 KB, 1721x2048, 20210316_151208.jpg)

No. 85590

File: 1615926198522.jpeg (286.37 KB, 1242x1147, 4F44A095-62F0-48A0-B1CE-444E61…)

Shayna with her ~uwu Barbie dollhause moving sale~ that hasn’t made progress in months kek

No. 85591

How bleak if she can’t afford to pay for it what happens? Does she get to keep the clothes and they ban her cards?

No. 85592

the shit gets put into collections by afterpay and her nonexistent credit becomes worse.

No. 85593

File: 1615926606089.jpeg (167.2 KB, 750x631, 55CF0EA8-8BF9-479D-AA16-5A8BDC…)

What time is it where she is?? Regardless I know it’s way too fucking early for any normal human to be drinking

No. 85594

It’s like 3PM. Anon, what did you expect from the alcoholic?

No. 85595

No way she’s tipsy from one beer. We’ve seen her down 2 full bottles of wine and not pass tf out

No. 85596

I honestly feel really bad for her parents, they’re probably shit in some way to raise someone like shayna but, her family from what she posts seems really nice.
They’re concerned for her future, her mom offers her gifts she doesn’t want, her father is willing to take pics with his ddlg obsessed daughter, she’s a bitch.

No. 85597

Man, she's gonna be so fucked in 5-10 years. She's already racking up afterpay bills, begging day-to-day. Already gained 60+ pounds. Already lost the small follower base she had & looking at ageing out of sex work.
What's she gonna do when Womack & OldGray finally buzz off like the rest of her coomers? It's inevitable. With no work experience, and no degree or certification she could never have a real job. She doesn't even have a decent man to leech off of like a proper bimbo because she's been so obsessed with fupa the nobody. I suppose she could work at a mcdonalds or something. Her lunch lady arms would suit it. And she'd get free cheemsburgers.

No. 85598

Kek. Next thread pic please

No. 85599

It's strange that even with her extreme use of weed (and all the different forms) she still feels the need to drink to such an excess? The people I know either smoke a ton or drink, mixing the two constantly seems like a recipe for disaster especially since she isn't going out to a party and having fun. Shes doing this in her house alone, almost daily.

If she just smoked and ate edibles it would help her lose a lot of weight easily. Wine and beers and all the stuff she's drinking it making her retain so much water weight and bloat. She doesn't need to quit everything but the fact she can't even drink less to compensate for the amount she smokes/eats edibles is telling. The drinking is what's making her gain so much weight so quickly. Her metabolism can't keep up with that many liquid calories. Plus booze fucks up your metabolism and how fat deposits (IE men with beer guts) so just by switching to hard seltzers she'd already be doing her body and brain a favor.

No. 85600

File: 1615927049592.jpg (193.37 KB, 1080x649, Screenshot_20210316-153734_Twi…)

No. 85601

I made it but please I vote no on this it was a very bad edit kek I bet another anon can do a way better one

No. 85602

File: 1615927113819.jpeg (494.47 KB, 1242x1715, 0BB31DDF-E63D-484C-B560-330A55…)


No. 85603


No. 85604

Nathan is the scat coomer. He's a big red flag. I can't tell if he's got an insidious long-term degradation fetish & is trying to encourage Shayna's alcoholism or if he's just a regular old poop enthusiast hoping for some accidental beer diarrhea.
Either way, men are degenerate.

No. 85605

kek @ gray wanting her to do her makeup before she got wasted, her followers are such coomer assholes. I couldn’t imagine getting naked for these losers.

this and the belle Delphine thread has shown me how retarded people really are, idk how society functions with so many freaks like this walking around

No. 85606

Naughty Nathan definitely has an intoxication/date rape “fetish”…. disgusting
I mean the guy likes literal POO
He’s gross I don’t get why she wouldn’t block these creeps but I guess money is more important than her health and safety

No. 85607

File: 1615929241050.jpg (363.63 KB, 2048x1153, 20210316_161338.jpg)

That dirty ass couch

No. 85608

I know she doesn't get company, but imagine the smell if you ever went over… Also she could at least vacuum the cushions, but she's basically a shut-in who doesn't get visitors aside from fupa dick appointments so who cares.

No. 85609

how the fuck do couch cushions even pill like that? filthy bitch

No. 85610

she always exposes herself just like the time she posted her toaster and cat hair filled plate

No. 85611

It's a strong beer: 8.2%

She probably chugged it too.

No. 85612

She does NOT need to be drinking beer. Shay if you’re going to be an alcoholic, at least stick to vodka sodas. Beer is literally the worst thing she could be drinking. She’s just going to balloon up even more.

No. 85613

Lucky for her, her "cumshows" only last a matter of seconds and don't involve any actual cumming

literally what's the point. how is watching a plastic penis on a metal pole going into a dismembered silicone torso considered anything except pointless and bizarre.

No. 85614

File: 1615930685722.jpg (309.67 KB, 1080x1069, IMG_20210316_223211.jpg)

Okay, but seriously- no one noticed that she is not actually wearing that skirt? It just… lies on her body like some towel? Man lardy fattel draped that poor XS skirt in a way that it looks like she is wearing it. What a peak. Once you notice it you can hardly miss it imo(autism)

No. 85615

sage your tinfoil

No. 85616

sure, you love squinty-eyed redneck dudes because of wrestling, right, Shayna?

No. 85617

File: 1615933022237.jpg (675.19 KB, 1229x1080, PicsArt_03-16-06.12.34.jpg)

I loved this so much that I decided to add to it

No. 85618

lmao much better

No. 85619

This is beautiful anon thank you for blessing us

No. 85620

You're not funny for reposting a slightly edited meme

No. 85621

File: 1615934202955.jpg (352.27 KB, 1080x1008, Screenshot_20210316-173521_Twi…)

Major kek. You could barely afford your last apartment in Seattle. And you sure as hell can't afford LA

No. 85622

File: 1615934254962.jpg (138.64 KB, 1080x1086, Screenshot_20210316-173536_Twi…)

Get ready for some milk if she DOES move

No. 85623

She's definitely going to ask for an extension. There's no way she'll be ready to move out in 30 days

No. 85624

Calm down buddy, an anon literally asked for an enema to be added. >>85494

No. 85625

there are like 2 funny anons that post edits and the rest are awful anyway

No. 85626

She will never be able to afford living in LA but an LA saga would be great… she would get chewed up and spit out within a month (or wind up dead).

No. 85627

didn't she just say a few days ago that she wouldn't have enough money to put in her 30 days for another month???

No. 85628

Wouldn't it be funny if her and fupa are secretly moving back in together

No. 85629

I think she said she’s got half of the money? Maybe after talking to her dad he offered to pay the rest? No way is she able to move in 30 days kek but I am ready for the milk.

No. 85630

She’s confusing “lots of rental stock” with “lots of rental stock I can afford.” Northern New Hampshire is mostly rural, so most people own a house. There just aren’t a lot of apartments for rent, and a lot of the ones that exist get rented by word of mouth or through realtors, not online.

No. 85631

You are in the lower class income bracket and you only leave your house to get drugs, food, and booze. You live in a two bedroom but are too lazy to even walk into your office and work. You could live in a tiny ass studio in bumfuck nowhere or the middle of LA and your every day life would not change at all. One is just way out of your price range.

No. 85632

this is what i'm going to assume is happening unless i see proof she's across state lines kek

No. 85633


No. 85634

File: 1615937922744.jpg (200.69 KB, 1079x649, Screenshot_20210316-183807_Twi…)

Stfu Shay

No. 85635

i think even the aliens would be too grossed out by the state of her

No. 85636

File: 1615941514944.jpeg (Spoiler Image,912.46 KB, 1242x1703, EDC2C948-656E-444B-8098-B74952…)

No. 85637

File: 1615941551410.jpeg (Spoiler Image,247.44 KB, 1239x1280, E0BFE540-ADDA-40E5-9C2F-1B8F69…)

Her butthole looks stretched out
Shayna use lube omg

No. 85638

File: 1615941917747.jpeg (1.08 MB, 3464x3464, B2D444AB-F2B5-489A-9D27-7D3B85…)

Miss lunchladyarms was feeling herself today kek
She posted these on Snapchat

No. 85639

File: 1615942009268.png (9.44 MB, 1242x2208, BE199E87-0664-4ADE-A5CC-EE6C53…)

I just know that Fupa hoodie smells

No. 85640

literal pig

No. 85641

She morphing into Megvn Mvrie.

No. 85642

Wash your hair Shay ffs

No. 85643

File: 1615944192210.jpeg (59.67 KB, 750x272, 6F7657AF-B8FC-4555-9499-4A77CA…)


She posted them to Twitter too, I don’t think she realizes that Twitter doesn’t tell you who screenshots your fleets

No. 85644

If she was smart she’d have her dad find an apartment for her but she’s not, she’s making things more difficult then they need to be and it will eventually fuck her over as it always does

No. 85645

File: 1615944641692.jpg (316.71 KB, 1080x996, Screenshot_20210316-203027_Twi…)

I wanna know how much she begs these people to say these things

No. 85646

File: 1615947012442.jpg (74.89 KB, 675x905, 20210316_211009.jpg)

That filter just looks like straight up dandruff

No. 85647

As the anon that made >>85492 i thought it was pretty funny kek

No. 85648

“30 days until my lease is up” doesn’t translate to “i put in my 30 day notice!” shayna, we all know you’re stuck in tulsa for minimum three more months

No. 85649

he was also one of the coomers making pedophilic comments on her livestreams if i’m not mistaken

No. 85650

Also idk about her place but a lot of places around where I live require 60 days notice… I feel like she may have said before hers takes 30 tho idk. not only that BUT how are you going to act excited for your lease to be up in 30 days and still have no idea where you’re going. Nothing lined up, no deposit, barely any cash to your name. Just waiting for dad to bail you out. Pathetic

No. 85651

That's not $500 and it was for a video. Not a whimsical sugar daddy that appears and gives her tons of money just because like she tried to act like it was.

No. 85652


9 totes real actually orgasming cumshows, huh?

Shes been buying the shit from Depop to avoid being cancelled lol

No. 85653

The "requirements" are actually what the rentals have. Proof of income, making 2 or 3 times rent, limit or no pets, credit score, etc. Just say you're too poor and low class to live there, Shay.

Shes not gonna be able to rent a house, and these other places she wants to live wont have a 2 bedroom apartment for under $1000. She thinks she's too good for a studio and they usually have pet limits. If she's bringing both cats and the med-big mutt shes gonna have a hell of a time getting accepted and getting hit with pet deposits and maybe even monthly fees.

No. 85654

>9 totes real actually orgasming cumshows, huh?
kek for real her degenerate audience is so stupid if they believe she’s actually orgasming. Shayna is the type of bitch to moan all of their names in one video because she’s too lazy to make each individual one

No. 85655

File: 1615951649910.jpeg (Spoiler Image,88.81 KB, 676x946, FE5C5962-2208-4077-AA1C-2252FC…)

Her teeth are so terrible why does she want lip injections and a boob job when she needs to fix her damn snaggletooth

No. 85656

I hate this stupid smirk so much it's actually making me miss the soyboy open mouth smile days

No. 85657

>when you order belle delphine on wish

No. 85658

ot but does anyone know where this is from?

No. 85659

Her snapchat and Twitter fleet

No. 85660

I highly suggest not reading the replies under this

No. 85661

File: 1615955127380.jpeg (318.6 KB, 1242x1102, 4715923E-F874-44DE-A43E-5AED93…)

Obviously when you say that someone is going to be curious and look…. anon I hate it. a bunch of troons with buttplugs in and white smelly looking girls with a bad case of acne ass

And this comment by Baltimore Brian which is proof he’s never seen a human vagina in person because Shayna Clifford’s isn’t normal.

No. 85662

probably dollskill or forever21. it’s too ugly and cheap looking for me to bother looking for the specific link.

No. 85663

this is just the run of the mill man who doesn’t understand facetuning and beauty filters

No. 85664

Brian over here talking about if it’s grass-fed he sounds like an incel
It’s definitely not dollskill or forever 21 from the looks of it. Those brands are fast fashion but that shit is way too ugly and cheap looking. But maybe that’s because it’s on Shayna. Kek. I’m guessing it’s probably shein, amazon, or aliexpress
Anon pls don’t get that it’s ugly.

No. 85665

Lol don't give her ideas. She'll do one "orgasm" and splice the names in

No. 85666

File: 1615959242427.jpg (67.42 KB, 574x502, shein_mesh_bodysuit.jpg)

its from shein for 10 USD
the only thing shayna can afford

No. 85667

is this 4chan ora livestream??//(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 85668

30 days til her lease is up??? am i the only one who remembers her last big temper tantrum with fupa where she threatened to move, and said that her lease was up but she could live there and pay month to month and that made her feel free and happy? why is she pretending she is under a lease now

No. 85669

societal pressure I'd imagine(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 85670

Ily zookeeper

No. 85671

who would’ve thought a guy from baltimore would have poor taste in women

No. 85672


anyone’s pussy looks okay when its completely blurred and perfected with clone tool. her actually pussy looks like a saggy, red popped balloon. i am actually shocked how many coomers buy into overly photoshopped SWers

No. 85673

Scrotes claim they are ViSuAl CrEaTuReS but can't tell when a face or body is edited to look inhumanly possible

No. 85674

The things people are willing to say for some clout.

No. 85675

File: 1615979938443.jpeg (210.16 KB, 470x722, 38EA92C8-C504-4345-AB40-0A30D6…)

Not even worth $10. also, much attention to detail, Shayna.

No. 85676

She has two cats? Or I just read this wrong

No. 85677

Lurk more but yes, Mr Peanutbutter >>1177574 Seems to be Fupa’s old cat she keeps secret

No. 85678

File: 1615996712286.jpg (405.46 KB, 1080x1342, Screenshot_20210317-105841_Twi…)

Oh please Shay

No. 85679

>as sex workers
Kek I think people specifically don’t give a shit about what sex workers think actually

No. 85680

sex worker… health lifestyle.. does not compute.

also lol at shatna promoting a healthy lifestyle with her door dash, quitting the gym and never going back, and leaving her feces on the rims of dildos then sniffing it for 30 dollars. right.

No. 85681

Stop being an SJW, it's cringe

No. 85682

File: 1615998738328.jpeg (420.1 KB, 1242x1429, D002DCBD-5BCF-4DEE-927B-5A93D3…)

My sides are in orbit

No. 85683

File: 1615998822106.jpeg (312.83 KB, 1242x1456, D5305084-2298-418F-9ED1-A1BAA5…)

She has to beg for beer how embarrassing

No. 85684


Does she mean her obligatory 1-2 tweets whenever she sees other people on her TL tweeting about whatever social issue or relevant news and she tries to suck up the attention of being "socially aware" because she sees the likes they got? Not realizing they probably got the likes because they have actual followers? Just like Moo, fake positivity until someone pisses them off and their true cunt self comes out roaring.

No. 85685

I remember and have been wondering about that kek

No. 85686

Iirc she has said it's up in march all along. But its unclear if that meant at the beginning or end. Sounds like shes trying to say it's the end of march currently. But that still doesnt quite add up. Rent dates and move outs typically are beginning or end of the month, but Shay is just now saying, in the middle of March, that it's up in 30 days. Bullshitery, as usual.

Not to mention just a week or two ago she acted like she had nothing saved to move and was going to need a couple more months. But now shes saying shes halfway there and will be ready to put her notice in next month.

No. 85687

Stop enabling her Womack

No. 85688

So start Shayna? Because you make a post everyday like, "I'm about to take 5 dabs, drink some wine and then put on my make up"

No. 85689

File: 1616002472679.jpg (444.89 KB, 1080x1540, Screenshot_20210317-123416_Twi…)

Bitch put in her 30 days and doesn't have all the money or any idea on where to go

No. 85690

boston? this broke bitch is gonna end up in the hood hood

No. 85691

I don’t understand how she’s being so picky when she’s broke and doesn’t do anything with her space anyways. She literally just talked about getting an iPad so that she wouldn’t have to leave her couch and go inter her work room. What’s the point?

No. 85692


I don't get why she acts like she needs anything special? She never has friends or guests over, she never uses any of the rest of her apartment that anyone else even has to see… what exactly is she looking for that WOULD stick out? Something that she could pretend she's more successful than she is and is out of her budget if her parents don't help her out?

No. 85693

She just needs to move back in with her mom but that's too simple for shay.

No. 85694

i dunno… i still have a lingering feeling that she's still way more hung up over fupa than she's letting on right now. i still don't see her moving anytime soon. i'm actually shocked that she's not using the pandemic as an excuse to stay since she's tried to virtue signal over that a couple different times.

No. 85695

She will now kek

No. 85696

But she just has to find a massive apartment with the fake granite for $500 a month like she has in Tulsa right now.

inb4 she once again has to live in hotel rooms until she finds a place.

No. 85697

File: 1616006447327.jpeg (387.17 KB, 1242x1097, E35ED74E-BE9E-4CF4-A7B9-9C87D2…)

Why does she need two bedrooms?

No. 85698

$2k/month??? so twice what she's paying now? guess her parents really are helping pay her rent.

No. 85699

you see so many retarded americans with a failed "internet career" willing to pay 2000 bucks for their own place but then cry for donations when they can't pay for it.

No. 85700

How far north was she looking? Like Berlin? omfg she would hate it there. Of course there aren’t a lot of apartments, it’s moderately to extremely rural and most people own property. I’m laughing at her trying to find a two bedroom in Boston or LA for $2k a month but at least there’d be doordash for her cheemsburgers and easily accessible weed to smonk

No. 85701

Because she probably wants a "work room"

No. 85702

One to shove all the animals in and one for herself.

No. 85703

Exactly. Her followers only come to her page to beat off to her free pussy pics, why does she think thats a good place to spread awareness?

No. 85704

File: 1616010459336.jpg (459.84 KB, 1080x1498, Screenshot_20210317-144754_Twi…)

No. 85705

the desperation

No. 85706

Is this the first time she’s ever censored? Or is it automatically done for you by that site?

No. 85707

Probably done automatically. Shay would never deliberately censor herself not when she needs the attention.

No. 85708

What’s the point of this??? She is going to put the same content from her onlyfans there is no reason for someone to pay for a different subscription unless she made exclusive content there. But Shayna is a fat lazy fuck who can barely make content for OF and MV

No. 85709

diversifying your content/not putting all your eggs in one basket doesnt mean putting the same shit on several different websites. it means providing different content in different places so that theres actually a reason to pay for each thing

No. 85710

File: 1616014377149.jpeg (628.78 KB, 1242x1207, 2ADD7E22-5C28-40F5-8EAB-5AF1F2…)

You can see Shayna didn’t post this on Twitter it was from Justforfans so they censored it for her because she’s a dumbass who can’t market for shit

No. 85711

File: 1616015528206.jpeg (226.8 KB, 1242x565, 1271250F-5BA5-44D5-8BC7-602ED5…)

Top kek

No. 85712

she could just save her money by moving somewhere small so she could afford a house or something buuut unlucky shes stupid

No. 85713

File: 1616023724089.png (32.8 KB, 593x436, 2021-03-17 19_28_41.png)

No. 85714

Soooo then where are you "moving" Shay?

No. 85715

File: 1616025841755.jpeg (78.71 KB, 676x721, 06A32690-3A21-4BB7-9B08-704FBA…)


No. 85716

File: 1616026077468.jpeg (81.23 KB, 676x766, B9952103-BACD-4A2D-A646-23E0D5…)

No. 85717

This is by far the worse pose for her facially. Her face melts with her neck and shoulders. Her fat finally ate her chin. She looks b-i-g.

No. 85718

File: 1616026198786.jpeg (1.05 MB, 3464x3464, B0071E33-E038-400B-BD6B-25AA6E…)

Fat bitch has been wearing that outfit for days and stuffing her chins with doordash , weed, and beer

No. 85719

damn i thought it's moo

No. 85720

Bitch, most people search for weeks/months. She's going to move into a shithole.

No. 85721

looks like you can see her one snaggletooth peeking through

No. 85722

Wait until Shay finds out DoorDash and Uber eats is notoriously expensive in LA

No. 85723

Top kek
One afternoon on Rightmove and she's done.

No. 85724

Her family may be helping her pick a place, I don’t believe anything she says, there’s always a little twist she leaves out…

No. 85725

File: 1616030683277.jpeg (Spoiler Image,524.15 KB, 1284x1018, B72772BB-15DB-408E-A2C1-2C33F6…)

the retarded crackhead from the trailer park wants to show you her ballsack

No. 85726

File: 1616030770738.jpeg (Spoiler Image,159.18 KB, 1284x1037, 58BD48FA-CE67-4AC9-A845-434589…)

this position looks legitimately difficult for her at this point.

No. 85727

She looks like creepshowart here
Both manfaced.

No. 85728

Clean your banger Shayna, jesus lol

No. 85729

These images side by side topkek

No. 85730

Seriously, you can tell she wastes all the dabs because of how black it is kek. Too drunk to figure it out

No. 85731

File: 1616035164742.jpg (304.72 KB, 1079x1018, Screenshot_20210317-213937_Twi…)

No. 85732

File: 1616036199384.jpeg (218.49 KB, 827x1225, CB259B60-7DA1-48E4-884F-B7E4F3…)

Kek this makes me think of the time she posted herself doing a dab and shooting guns on her Snapchat story for some reason. Preachy Shaytard.

No. 85733

your tweet isn't going to go viral, cut the shit Shay. The victims are not at fault here but obviously porn is brain rot. You dont even like doing it. I even saw a famous pornstar write on her IG story that she doesn't get much sex/love outside her job. A man can't respect a woman who doesn't respect herself. Most sex workers are mentally ill, not rich, and miserable. Shayna stop acting like you care about world issues, you're so transparent. You only want likes and retweets so your only fans can get more traction. You are using a mass murder to get yourself more money. You are the worst Shaytard. Go rot.

No. 85734

Those are your customers, shay. Be nice to them.

No. 85735

You probably make more money on OF because you don't shut the fuck up or care to do sex work on other sites, lol

(Forgot to sage the first time I posted this, sorry)

No. 85736

She really doesn't get that porn and sex addiction is a real thing

No. 85737

bet you anything it’s a scam listing on craigslist
unless it’s some shitty complex in manchester or nashua

No. 85738

for real at least burn the excess off you lazy bitch. think of the ashy harsh dabs she does. gross. no wonder she can't breathe.

No. 85739

she doesnt get that it was a racially motivated massacre either. asian women, immigrants who have actual problems, have it way different than ms. oklahoma who sits and eats doordash and smells like unwashed dog. srs, u gotta acknowledge that if you're gonna talk about the shooting

No. 85740

File: 1616049886963.png (4.47 MB, 1242x2208, AEA65F45-4C7C-4292-AA52-43DCE4…)

She posted a snap video of her on her bare pillow with her dog and cat and kept forcing retarded laughter because the dog kept putting their head on her shoulder

>them triple chins tho

No. 85741

Incredibly dystopian to see a thoughtless fake woke tweet surrounded by an ANAL word-text header and $3 sale! name and a sad look at internet culture since the tweet is talking about, while also talking to, the same customer base. Bleak.

No. 85742

File: 1616050175822.png (45.45 KB, 549x449, help.png)

Imagine being this dog

No. 85743

if this was how she actually felt, she would've moved closer months ago. what a lame excuse.

No. 85744

it's the fact she only said something because she felt sex workers were being attacked.If NO one mentioned sex or anything she'd never even said anything about this. She'd just retweeted something someone else said to seem woke and move the fuck on.
She does not care about those women, her number one goal is to make sure people don't start pointing fingers at her. It was also a crime that was motivated by fucking racism, but Shayna focuses on the thing that she feels will make HER look bad.

No. 85745

I mean she doesn’t care about them. It’s just another opportunity to talk about herself and to get people to pity the “danger” she puts herself in. I wanna say she used to talk about how “dangerous” her job was and how hard working she is despite the fact that she is not a fss and therefore is less danger that even a normal person who has to commute to work. Cant get stalked if you don’t commute or have a schedule.

No. 85746

where on earth did you get the impression that she's going to LA kek

No. 85747

File: 1616079641847.jpg (257.78 KB, 1079x1122, Screenshot_20210318-100037_Twi…)

Get ready for a super disgusting pedo or incest storyline

No. 85748

File: 1616079778128.jpg (363.22 KB, 1080x1065, Screenshot_20210318-100259_Twi…)

No. 85749

File: 1616079856088.jpg (508.76 KB, 1080x1857, Screenshot_20210318-100417_Twi…)


No. 85750

File: 1616079998287.jpg (141.72 KB, 1080x461, Screenshot_20210318-100427_Twi…)

Well Shay has claimed Hitler was a genius and she'd wanna smoke with him

No. 85751

>t. scammer

No. 85752

Did she get dropped on the head as a baby? Trump gave stimulus checks when he was president.
>you send money for a service we don’t do
This lazy bitch kek. a service? what service? A three to five minute video that’s not even good? You’re basically saying you’d keep the money and scam them. at least rEiMbUrSe your coom customers so they can pay you for more videos to keep your lights on and keep you from being a homeless hick whore

No. 85753

"A service we dont do" kek what dont you do at this point, Shatna?? Literally the only thing she is opposed to is explicitly stating a minor age on vid and that's only because that can get her in actual trouble. But she'll make vids acting like shes a "lil sis" shitting her diaper no problem lbh.

No. 85754

File: 1616081113774.jpeg (260.64 KB, 1242x560, 88016EE0-38A3-49C1-981B-7E1A33…)

You’re only going to get ten maybe twenty likes, dumb whore. stop trying to go viral. if you cared about people and were kind you’d share your “wealth” and you’d do shout out for shout out for free, give advice to beginner “sex workers” but no you’re a greedy fat piece of shit

No. 85755

File: 1616081267929.jpeg (692.52 KB, 1242x1537, 6E062793-E943-418F-BCD9-5BC75C…)

>luckily for you I’m not in charge
You never will be important Shayna
grow the fuck up

No. 85756

File: 1616081397689.jpeg (468.56 KB, 1069x1223, 1F01F597-E701-48DC-9371-8AAFDD…)

>y-you bigot
She is a terrible debater only saying buzzwords she sees around twitter and probably doesn’t even read legitimate sources. She just wants ass pats from her degenerate audience

No. 85757

File: 1616081425535.jpeg (621.01 KB, 1242x1286, 0E433233-EFEB-4C47-A935-3001B8…)

Trying to be nice and supporting “girls”
That eyeliner is so ugly

No. 85758

She should really stop posting her political beliefs on twitter. She doesn't need to lose any more followers.

No. 85759

File: 1616081511014.jpg (246.32 KB, 1079x698, Screenshot_20210318-103030_Twi…)

No. 85760

Shayna, those are your customers be nice

No. 85761

I'm actually shocked shes getting into it with an incel kek

No. 85762

I’m sure I’ve read each of these talking points word for word kek Shayna the parrot. These bitches must use a woke tweet template.

No. 85763


No. 85764

I can’t think of a single time she’s supported/uplifted someone normal looking or pretty or not a troon. Even when someone on her tweet threads is a fatty, she finds a way to ignore or fight with them if they’re prettier than her, which they usually are. She’s so transparent.

No. 85765

Wasn’t she just saying how attracted to redneck men she is?

No. 85766

it honestly probably looks alright when she looks up. she looks like she's got hooded eyes so the shape will look fine in the end.

i personally don't love thick black eyeliner with no eyeshadow but since shay does that look 24/7, i can see why she complimented her.

No. 85767

i don’t think they seriously think she’s going to move there. she just mentioned it here >>85621

No. 85768

Aw it’s the inevitability of consuming twitter politics for hours on end rotting her brain

No. 85769

File: 1616086117167.jpg (228.03 KB, 1080x1280, Screenshot_20210318-114853_Twi…)

No. 85770

daddy's horny pup is like the least sexy pet name i've ever seen

No. 85771

>>Cancel Culture
So they are like Shayna, they say they hate Cancel Culture but want to cancel people/things all the time. Also she interacts with Indigo White even though it's been said endlessly here she's a trump supporter/racist and we know she lurks. She's also been whining about moving home to her repub family and is taking their money.
thought she liked Rednecks?

No. 85772

It's ironic she is calling someone out for spelling errors, while this scat whore brainlet can't even form a complete sentence without shortening words.

No. 85773

>thought she liked Rednecks?
her brain is so fucking fried. she honestly comes off like she can't even remember her thoughts moment to moment.

No. 85774

File: 1616086736485.jpeg (200.54 KB, 1219x740, 8D772A87-4841-4520-8A63-D65FE8…)

Shayna Clifford/Dolly Mattel #74 My 600lb Life Edition

No. 85775

There goes her moving money

No. 85776

File: 1616091590218.png (7.29 MB, 1242x2208, 99B5A25A-2B54-4232-BD18-981EBC…)

She looks like a big toe

No. 85777

she looks 50 holy shit

No. 85778

File: 1616091816155.jpeg (367.55 KB, 1242x1059, D4C81CF9-8F37-417A-A9D8-E97672…)

It would be so fucking funny if she won

No. 85779

Why did my mind go to mama June? She gives off that white trash aura

No. 85780

daddy's horny pup, everybody.

No. 85781

What the heck did she do to her eyebrows? Her natural ones were pretty decent when she didn’t color them in with a sharpie now they look shaved off. She looks legitimately awful.

No. 85782

would penthouse even allow it? kek she looks so bad lately.

No. 85783

hopefully it's just the filter working overtime. probably thought her eyebrows were the same as her deep forehead wrinkles.

No. 85784

File: 1616095084898.jpeg (142.01 KB, 504x419, EA00CC1E-A199-44D0-8327-53E706…)

A wonderful image that I saw today while browsing twitter

No. 85785

Omg idk how to record on snap wirhout her knowing but damn the waste with her dabs. Ok its been mentioned the fact that her banger is black shes just burning it but for someone who whines so much she doesnt seem like she can afford to waste it(nitpick)

No. 85786

Ew wtf some kink account reposted that bdsm garbage it’s not even sexy it is literally a middle aged manlet in ladies driving gloves hitting a special-ed ramen haired grown ugly adult

No. 85787

why not post where it's from though

No. 85788

File: 1616097258869.jpg (533.23 KB, 1080x1199, Screenshot_20210318-145422_Twi…)

No. 85789

Seriously looks like she has taken to hair pulling or something. What the FUCK is she DOING to them, what is she thinking?!? She looks bad to begin with, this makes it so much worse. I don’t understand how she thinks it could possibly help make her MORE attractive???

No. 85790

did she forget that our first two stimulus checks came from trump?

No. 85791

Likely following the fox eye trend. A ton of cows have hopped onboard. They basically shave the end of the brow to redraw it higher or reshape their brow every day. A bold choice for someone already struggling to take a shower regularly.

No. 85792

Also a bold choice for someone who can't do her eyebrows properly already. I guess this why they look tiny and are in total different zip codes. Pair that with the beady black eyes, huge pecker nose, crusty bottom lip with a non-existent top lip all slapped on a huge moon face and you got a 8.5.

No. 85793

File: 1616101738800.jpg (470.13 KB, 1079x1684, Screenshot_20210318-160901_Twi…)

Grow the fuck up already Shay

No. 85794

File: 1616101922809.jpeg (414.92 KB, 1242x943, A766E482-72D7-4436-90A0-37051B…)

This is disgusting
Obviously if they’re a good father (unlike Fupapa Kyle Nathan Perkins) the children would come before you

No. 85795

God will she shut up already?
I bet she will keep doing this bullshit when she’s 30
Stop announcing you’re single everyday!! We’ve seen it we don’t want you fat bitch

No. 85796

such a vile personality

No. 85797

evil stepmom energy

No. 85798

Imagine a grown ass woman getting jealous and throwing a tantrum because you put your children before her…. instead of trying to bond with the kids and be a good step-mom….it’s fucking weird

No. 85799

File: 1616102256741.jpeg (Spoiler Image,696.34 KB, 1242x1479, 87FC688D-5E24-4FB3-844E-76DA87…)

Heffer Mattel showing her ballsack again

No. 85800

I feel like shayna doesn’t even know what that trend is. She’s always 2-3 years late on everything. She has no idea about style or beauty trends. She probably just tried to tweeze them while high/ drunk and she made them thin and receding

No. 85801

oh so she wants another deadbeat dad fupa clone. way to shoot for the stars, shat!

No. 85802


Noooooo not her slimy butthole I hate it here

No. 85803

Why the fuck would you discuss politics on your sw account? Shatna is so stupid it hurts. Sometimes it feels like she wants for her very few fans to stop following her. She is her biggest enemy, always sabotaging herself.

No. 85804

it seriously grosses me out every time

No. 85805

File: 1616103165780.jpeg (152.4 KB, 750x1059, B7E9FE19-DA27-4E75-84BD-A576C0…)

Kek it was this coomer

No. 85806

What’s a charge back? I’m dumb lol. Was it like a small fee she got all pissy about?

No. 85807

a chargeback means the coomer requested a refund of the money he sent her and i believe it also costs her an additional amount on top of the refunded amount

No. 85808

top kek. Wow shay way to subtweet one of the only 4 coomer customers you have left. she probably didn’t want to send it back which is why she made that tweet because she couldn’t afford to lose the money or she already spent it on pot.

No. 85809

Scatcoomer probably asked her to do something even more degrading with poop.

No. 85810

she really wakes up every day and chooses to alienate the last shred of an audience she has left. why would you subtweet a paying customer like this? validation? and he's legitimately apologizing for it kek
shayna you have two and a half paying customers, stop with your shitty opinions and attempts to go viral
all she does is talk about politics and weird terms and conditions that come with buying her $3 content, and for what??

No. 85811

This is the worst photo I’ve ever seen of her, and it has a Snapchat filter on it. Good god, she’s ugly.

No. 85812

that's hilarious because everyone is moving on from the fox eye trend. She's always late to the party

No. 85813

I always thought Shay was just painfully average, but I take that back. She thinks she's cute? She thinks dads are lining up to give her their stimulus check? The audacity. The delusion. And her looks are only going to continue going downhill.

No. 85814

she shaved the tails off like a lot of alt girls do but they know how to fill their brows in. shayna doesn’t, so it looks like a disaster.

No. 85815

she lights the nail and immediately takes a dab, she doesn’t even wait for it to cool. so yeah, more than half just gets burned away and whatever she does get inhaled is low quality.(nitpick)

No. 85816

I stg she makes this tweet once every other month.

No. 85817

How many times is she going to say this shit? She's going to end up with another Fupa. Why date men who have actual childern because you think they'll treat you like a actual child and fuck you?
Normal people would think a man with childern wanting to treat his girlfriend like a child has issues, but for shayna's lazy ass its a way for her never have to do anything.
Even though she does NOT listen and will eat, drink, smoke and act out regardless. She keeps talking about wanting to be controlled but it's obvious that she can't follow instruction if she could her & Fupa wouldn't be fighting/broken up every other day.

No. 85818

Lmfao treated her like she was doordash order

No. 85819

Shayna's jealousy and insecurity really knows no bounds.

- She can't be friends with other females because she compares herself to them.

- She can't coexist with other sexworkers because she's constantly jealous if someone gets more money/interactions than her.

- She can't be in a polyrelationship because she can't handle her partner giving anyone but her sexual and romantic attention

- She can't be with anyone who has children because she's jealous of LITERAL CHILDREN getting more attention than her

I may be going leaps and bounds here but everything with her insecurities and jealousies has to do with sexual motives. She sexualizes her entire life and now she's sexualizing dads in the same breath that she's admitting that she sees a father's own kids as rivals. With her rampant daddy kink and incest and underage baiting porn.. it's just so damn skeevy.

No. 85820

File: 1616121828527.jpg (Spoiler Image,595.1 KB, 1080x1171, Screenshot_20210318-214354_Twi…)

No. 85821

File: 1616121867853.jpg (245.35 KB, 960x1182, 20210318_214356.jpg)

She whitened her teeth so much. And that fake nose ring

No. 85822

File: 1616121920683.jpg (Spoiler Image,203.48 KB, 960x1158, 20210318_214359.jpg)

It looks like she literally shrunk her head

No. 85823

File: 1616122034208.jpg (466.8 KB, 1080x1565, Screenshot_20210318-214644_Twi…)

No. 85824

File: 1616122080291.jpg (226.86 KB, 1080x712, Screenshot_20210318-214702_Twi…)

No. 85825

File: 1616122736205.png (10.25 MB, 1242x2208, 46CE61CF-2780-42D5-9C24-8703A2…)

Snap anon here
She looks like a sausage

No. 85826

Putting her moving money into cash so it's easier to spend at the dispensary, huh? Also gross that she put it in her mouth and on her face and whatnot and knowing she didnt wash her hands after either. Yikes.

Also serving up some serious Miss Piggy vibes

No. 85827

no fatty

No. 85828

She has nothing going for her. She can’t even be bothered to do different poses. Bet that money is cleaner than her as well. Her only opition at this point is moving back home and getting a job as a grocery bagger. Fucked for life.

No. 85829

fairly certain this is the only angle and position the outfit looks halfway acceptable in. upside down, stretched out as much as possible on her back, with her arms above her head and knees up. doing the most to hide her gut and create the illusion that it'd be attractive from any other perspective

No. 85830

Bet her teeth were as yellow as that bill before she edited them kek

No. 85831

And even doing all that you can still see that it’s busting at the seams and that she doesn’t have it zipped or whatever in the back

No. 85832

the gut escaping between the two pink pieces. kek

No. 85833

Like a sausage bursting out of its casing

No. 85834

She’s truly an idiot. She’s blasting and shaming one of her poor orbiter and making it sound like she lost hundreds of $.

Yeah having a chargeback is annoying but like how much we’re talking? Her customs are $100 at most, let’s say she’s out $120 she was expecting. You’d think for such a thriving, 5 years in the business sex worker, she wouldn’t be pissed over that much money.

She could have turned it around and played the dumb baby to her customer and get him to pay her back that money in exchange of extra content.
If she had a legit job once in her life she’d have acquired some basic skills in people and customer management.

No. 85835

kek did shay just get shaded by OP of the tweet?

No. 85836

Man what a disgusting mindset…. I can’t understand someone dating someone with kids and demanding that a child’s PARENT put their kids on the back burner. Literally the most immature and selfish thing I’ve heard an adult woman say. How insecure with yourself can you be when you see a fathers child as competition? Fucked

No. 85837

Yup. Shayna is a sick fuck with incest fantasies and wants to be treated as a child.

No. 85838

File: 1616130588939.png (1.36 MB, 935x814, fakemoneyLOL.png)

this bitch really bought fake money to try and flaunt…. LMFAO

No. 85839

Fucking kek she's a broke bitch

No. 85840


it's been brought up before but it's been bothering me since i read her retard view about how people who didn't "Vote correctly" shouldn't get a stimulus payout.

does this fat, nasty, dumb bitch pay taxes or not? I doubt she filed and paid taxes on all those dollars she spent on doordash, alcohol and weed. no fucking way.

i hope this bitch gets audited. imagine some useless fat troll who stuffs her face all day, doing drugs and drinking–not contributing to society in any real way, including with paying taxes, giving any opinions at all on who should or shouldn't get money. i can't believe her mother and father haven't disowned her, how embarrassing to invite her to come home. especially considering she tried to fuck them over for internet clout (which didn't stick, so now she's back to saying ooo hehe my parents are doing so much i wish i could see them!)

No. 85841

I had a feeling it was fake due to the weird black lines in the corner of the money kek

No. 85842

File: 1616132603574.jpeg (Spoiler Image,460.54 KB, 1536x2048, 5E615C81-40FC-4E82-B76D-4FB700…)

Hank hill with ass pimples

No. 85843

File: 1616132635689.jpeg (Spoiler Image,887.14 KB, 1242x1648, 354BBDC0-0217-4FF2-BECB-622A61…)


No. 85844

this picture really captures her trailer park energy

No. 85845

This is quite possibly the least flattering picture I’ve seen purposefully taken of an ass in hopes to attract buyers. at least use your blur tool where it’s fucking needed.

No. 85846

No. 85847

File: 1616134802454.jpeg (275.72 KB, 1242x751, 585BB8F2-BFE2-4CF0-A19A-EBCC60…)

Get a job and do your taxes then you’ll get one as well, fat bitch

No. 85848

File: 1616138555093.jpg (Spoiler Image,185.94 KB, 670x1056, stiinasaaristo.jpg)

You can't tell me this isn't a Stiina Saaristo painting

No. 85849

Woooowww. If Shay brings absolutely anything to this world, it's the fucking audacity.
If father's don't give their children love and attention they'll turn out like you and we don't need more degenerate washed up lot lizards showing off their shit covered dildos but thanks anyway.

No. 85850

$15 to play with piss on camera. Bleak as ever. >>85843 And how is she going to charge $70 for panties when she shits for $45 and does pee stuff for like 5-15?? Make it make sense, anons.

No. 85851

Is she trying to be a sexy vienna sausage?

No. 85852

What size do you think she bought this in to fit this poorly instead of just resigning to being a L/XL? Bitch must be giving herself a complex squeezing into clothes like that

No. 85853

god i wish i could adopt her dog, he doesn't deserve this

No. 85854

File: 1616165544439.png (1.35 MB, 1186x918, 2021-03-19 10_51_45.png)

ummm this is literally fake money though… you can see watermarks in the corners on the 100s and 20s in all her pics

No. 85855

God please let someone who isn’t a retarded cow tipper notice and say something

No. 85856

The serial numbers are the same on the hundreds as well, and yeah, the watermark in the corner. This is depressing.

No. 85857

it literally says “united states playmoney” on it, kek

No. 85858

I don’t think she’s ever brushed that wig out, let alone washed it. you have to take care of lace front wigs, shayna. you can’t just throw it in your musty closet.

No. 85859

File: 1616168350940.jpeg (142.79 KB, 1284x441, 14685BF8-CAC6-412D-A184-7923D1…)

she gets on cam and strips for less than $50. but she wants someone to pay her $300 to get on cam naked. love our scammy mattel.

No. 85860

she may as well have used monopoly money atleast then it would’ve been kind of funny and cute but not really

No. 85861

File: 1616168522675.png (157.77 KB, 823x275, 2021-03-19 11_41_17.png)

No. 85862

Fucking kek. I just thought it was her "moving" funds she put into cash to try to flex with this set. Or from that "sugar daddy" that paid for a vid lol. It was believable because on the floor pics there were only a couple hundreds and 50s and the rest were 20s lol. Seemed legit. But yeah, the hand full of 100s isnt realistic and now we can see they're fake.

Imagine posing as a sugar baby/proud whore with fake money. I'm dead.

No. 85863

twitter thots need 2 stop with the scrunched up forehead poses they’re gonna need Botox before they even get a chance to afford bimbo boobs

No. 85864

I can hear Material Girl playing through these pics. I just know it.

No. 85865

sorry for derail but wasn’t she just going off about being sick of belle Delphine last week? this set up is basically skin walking one of her old insta pics. these onlyfans “models” legit just copy each other, belle included, they’re all unoriginal uncreative scammers

No. 85866

kek cursed song

No. 85867

File: 1616170267444.jpeg (1.73 MB, 1242x2208, 5A487A3D-E24B-4332-8468-34FFCE…)

Absolutely fucking dead. Shayna, delete these now, this is so embarrassing topkek.

No. 85868

She should have used her AmAzInG photoshop skills to edit them, if she was really going to be that pathetic kek. I just can't with her.

No. 85869

shayna's needed forehead botox since she was like 17

No. 85870

everyone uses fake money, even in rap music videos and in movies where they can afford actual money, calm your tits.

No. 85871

okay but it's pathetic as someone that's trying to play off like they're super successful and making tons of money but in reality is broke and begging daily. i legitimately think she thought people wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

No. 85872

Inb4 she claims she knew it was visible and that's the whole "joke" causes she "doesn't take herself seriously" like that.

No. 85873

Sex workers flaunting their tips like this use their actual money, Shayna is undeniably broke. She doesn’t even have enough money to move and begs for fucking grocery money. Read the room, moron.

No. 85874

File: 1616172974316.jpg (186.49 KB, 1079x651, Screenshot_20210319-115618_Twi…)

Yeah right

No. 85875

Pretty sure music videos and movies use it because they cant just throw real, dirty money around and then go collect it all. It's for practicality and security.
When people try to flex like this online, they use real money because it's their money from their hustle, in their own house. Shay is just a retarded broke e whore kek.

No. 85876

Two weeks? How much packing do you think she's done?

This is a joke. We all know she still has boxes from moving from her last place. Hopefully she'll throw out her stupid pink wall decoration gags and paddles along with the teddy bears, during her annual why-donate-toys-when-you-can-put-them-in-dumpsters tweets

No. 85877

File: 1616175383803.jpg (222.5 KB, 1080x1046, Screenshot_20210319-123628_Twi…)


No. 85878

Lurk more >>85859

No. 85879

Someone please photoshop monopoly in with those quotes. My fucking sides. Kek

No. 85880

File: 1616177770659.jpeg (Spoiler Image,206.99 KB, 750x1017, D080D825-A164-4608-AE77-6D2D07…)

No. 85881

looking more like a tranny than ever, her genitals included. this facial expression is peak retardation

No. 85882

what the fuck is happening here? the smoothing makes it not even look human.

No. 85883

I know vaginas come in all shapes and sizes. And not to sound like a scrote but goddamn why does it look like it’s ripped open like a lego hand. Shits weird. Probably irritated from dirty scat covered dildos and from dry fucking herself.
That outfit is cheap and ugly and does NOT scream “rich sugar baby”

No. 85884

Dead eyes + tarantula maw lol

No. 85885

this is the worst she's ever looked

No. 85886


I’m betting this is the most money she’s ever held

No. 85887

it's the pose + the wacky editing and the stuff u mention lmao and dont forget she's probably high af

No. 85888

Wait wtf? The money isn’t real?

No. 85889


No. 85890

what the fuck why did she post this atrocious shit

No. 85891

Wait this isn't a edit? She looks terrible, wow. Tiny head, manly red neck goofy face, lopsided small tits, stomach bulge and huge pussy, wow.

No. 85892

tranny mattel wow
seriously, all vulvasperg and fatrolls aside, she looks like bojack horseman, how could anyone with those features think she could pull off bimbo or uwu smol bby

No. 85893

Like why not stand up? Does she not understand that sitting down and these angles make her look bigger then she is? We already know the outfit is too small and unflattering but this legit makes her look like a 30 year old chubby sissy.

No. 85894

File: 1616181209708.jpeg (Spoiler Image,206.38 KB, 1280x1280, 92A91FF5-D856-4987-9A57-71CEED…)

yasss girl, get that monopoly money!!!

No. 85895


No. 85896

File: 1616181470515.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.06 MB, 1242x1500, E0B29102-5AD1-412C-A5C9-B907A3…)

Creepy uncle who is secretly a sissy vibes

No. 85897

Shayna Clifford is so embarrassing… imagine being related to this clown. Her mother must be ashamed of her. How can you love a daughter who hates your guts but also takes your money when you offer it because you want her to quit her degenerate “job”. Sis is officially a hamplanet and all her peers are going to laugh at her

No. 85898

File: 1616181626937.jpeg (16.45 KB, 399x388, 4oOPbDdwNCFG_sU3tLH9ZeqPMhrPpv…)

what the fuck

No. 85899

please no spoiler thread pics

No. 85900

beside the fact that it's obviously play money, begging for money while taking pics with several hundreds in your mouth isn't a convincing strategy

No. 85901

lol yeah wtf kind of sense does that make

No. 85902

That's a wide load, monster-esque looking pussy jfc

No. 85903

File: 1616183264438.jpeg (236.33 KB, 1125x927, 3C66477E-239C-4147-AA4B-4561DD…)

do whatever you want shay, you’ll give us milk either way

No. 85904

lol is it going to be a 6 hour stream? what would that even accomplish?

No. 85905

her entire lower half looks like a spore creation

No. 85906

holy shit we knew it'd be bad from other angles but why did she have to pick THE most unflattering angle? her legs look huge, that shirt is hanging on for dear life, stomach rolls so stuffed they look painful, her tits are in her throat, the Yaniv face, and that monstrously blurred dolphin mouth. this is one of the worst photos she's ever taken

and here you can see she's unzipped the top so she can pull it down without chopping her breasts in half. just buy something in your new size dumbass, squeezing yourself into clothing 4 sizes too small is not sexy

>I was thinking instead of crying about my ex I might just fall asleep on camera instead

No. 85907

File: 1616185621445.jpeg (754.13 KB, 1242x1199, 29F94F75-82FA-4CCA-8F84-DD8D90…)

This is so embarrassing topkek

No. 85908

File: 1616185648091.jpeg (898.89 KB, 1242x1393, DDC03240-2743-4B11-8AF5-46A3BA…)

But it’s the meds , right shay ??

No. 85909

File: 1616185710129.jpeg (851.66 KB, 1242x1683, 566C23AC-4EAC-47C5-AFA7-6B0B34…)

Jason R Womack must have spent his stimulus and his unemployment check

No. 85910

Bruh what the fuck, literally just smoke

No. 85911

But then she can’t eat like a fat pig

No. 85912

She just posted a Snapchat story of her heavily breathing while showing her edible candy and drinks. They look so gross. Like she’s planning on eating it all in one day.

No. 85913

File: 1616186715790.jpeg (500.42 KB, 1242x1370, D7D328C8-02D8-4523-93A7-779835…)

You hate women shay

No. 85914

Is that enough to move now Shayna? If this all goes to weed and beer I'm gonna lose my mind

No. 85915

as if we can't see her happily accepting money from her orbiters on discord, or insisting girls pay to talk to her about how to fuck themselves on camera

No. 85916

File: 1616187975807.jpg (290.48 KB, 1079x893, Screenshot_20210319-160627_Twi…)

Why the fuck is she getting the vaccine

No. 85917

>heavily breathing

No. 85918

Seriously though. She never leaves the house. If anything she’s more likely to die of Obesity, heart failure, choking to death on her own vomit after a drunken binge, or untreated STDs from Fupa.

No. 85919

How does she even qualify?

No. 85920

I'm guessing asthma.

No. 85921

She (supposedly) has asthma, anon

No. 85922

It's pretty easy to get the vaccine in more rural areas right now. I've known a lot of people who have drove an hour or two out to get it.

No. 85923

Oklahoma ended up with more vaccine than residents willing to get vaccinated so I'm sure that plays a part.

No. 85924

high BMI most likely

No. 85925

File: 1616189718195.jpeg (617.3 KB, 1242x1739, A20A5DF3-1362-46D5-B53D-B0A780…)

She can’t even take a vaccine without pedopandering and incorporating her disgusting kink.

No. 85926

i thought she claimed to have a med fetish?

No. 85927

Yeah but being scared of needles is cute and little girl like uwu

No. 85928

imagine a fat womanbaby entering the vaccination site with a stuffed animal. i would laugh my ass off at that sight, but she looks mentally challenged anyway so whatever

No. 85929

Yeah I work at a hospital and if I saw someone who looked like her come in with a stuffed animal, I’d think retarded attention seeker, not uwu cute baby bimbo.

No. 85930

it’s probably like how momo got it, high BMI or asthma. hasn’t shay mentioned an inhaler before?

No. 85931

COVID risk doesn't really go up in relation to obesity until after the BMI reaches 50 unless someone has a weight related medical condition. Shayna is fat but not that fat. It's likely because she has asthma.

No. 85932

I wonder how high the percentage is of scrotes viewing her content only because they think she's actually mentally retarded because she seriously looks it kek

No. 85933

Imagine being 23 years old and bringing a stuffed animal with you for a vaccination? What shay, are you hoping for a hot male nurse practitioner has a thing for overweight women who act like children??

No. 85934

Even if she was skinny she wouldn’t get picked.

No. 85935

Can’t wait for her story on “shit that didn’t happen” how hot the male nurse was who gave her vaccine and was flirting with her.

No. 85936

Kek at least it’s not a pacifier

If a grown ass women brings a big plush I would automatically assume she’s mentally challenged and not uwu cute and quirky. Maybe a small keychain plush to squeeze onto but she has to be obnoxious and bring a big musty stuffed animal to larp as a little kid. Disgusting

No. 85937

KEK the retard face, the fake money, the one big fat roll and the smoothed out lego hand vagina… make it stop. she actively chose to post this cursed image to her paying customers

No. 85938

File: 1616195674608.jpg (561.12 KB, 1080x1865, Screenshot_20210319-181446_Twi…)


No. 85939

File: 1616197788163.jpg (178.02 KB, 1080x608, Screenshot_20210319-184918_Twi…)

It's not "iconic." It's fucking stupid

No. 85940

File: 1616198838568.jpeg (205 KB, 1280x904, 23BDE0D0-F84C-4B91-891D-9B7168…)

at this point shay looks just like rusty cuyler's mom, so i did a tHiNg

No. 85941

lol fuck, that's great and spot on.

No. 85942

KEK good work anon

No. 85943

Mr Peanutbutter, no!
Great details anon

No. 85944

I wish I could hand you money for this. Brilliant!

No. 85945


as cute as it is disgusting anon, nice style!

No. 85946

anon this is a masterpiece

No. 85947

Anon can always crop the bottom part

I vote for these two as the next thread pic >>85940

No. 85948

Next thread pic PLEASE

No. 85949

the shitty edit doesn't hold a candle to this work of art >>85940

No. 85950

File: 1616202944297.jpg (2.13 MB, 972x7142, Screenshot_20210319-201254_Twi…)

She was called out by other SWers and of course the abrattybutterface had to try and defend shayna kek

No. 85951

Lmao this bitch serious? It's not even that much money wouldn't this be less than 2k?

No. 85952

oh my fucking god hopefully an absolute meltdown incoming

No. 85953

Once shitna catches wind of this she's gonna freak out, I can't wait

No. 85954

File: 1616204633780.jpeg (108.43 KB, 750x683, 331B1293-1CB9-4D53-A259-C4C24E…)

Kek scatcoomer unintentionally roasting her

No. 85955

File: 1616205431325.jpeg (208.05 KB, 1242x502, 6C7A5A0F-9A1E-467A-8A66-4FE6CA…)

That fat ass is asleep rn kek
Shitna deserves all the shit talk, she is always snarky and rude. Taste of her own medicine

No. 85956

If she gets on cam, she's gonna bitch and complain about that person calling her out

No. 85957

holy shit shatna is gonna seethe when she sees this kek. Incoming twitter breakdown when?

No. 85958

Abasicpixie gets on my fucking nerves with her Shayna defending. Shayna would'nt DARE put her ass on the line to defend her. However, I feel Bratty is just like Shayna and thinks she's a retarded mentally ill child so probably thinks, "UWU she's so fragile and broken, I can't expect her to defend me".
It just pisses me off because the bitch is so fucking aggressive. Now if Shayna whines everyone is going to pretend Shayna does not do the same thing on her dead twitter.
This person just got attention for throwing subs.

No. 85959

God, this HAS to be Jason r Womack. Ironically hes helping her move away from his retarded ass kek

No. 85960

File: 1616207320177.png (244.77 KB, 458x335, lmao.png)

sage for not shayna, but this equally terrible sex "worker" coming for her is hilarious. she really just maxed out the nose, eye, and chin sliders on meitu. i'm really hoping to see these two tards get into it

No. 85961

I mean were we expecting the other girl to be a beauty queen? They are all fake, it's just funny to see someone do the same shit Shayna does. We all know that Shayna is going to make it seem like she never put out the money was real and she's being bullied by ebil sex worker bitches.
If she says anything at all

No. 85962

at least this one has a decent body

No. 85963

File: 1616207541957.jpg (88.98 KB, 720x706, 20210319_193111.jpg)

He posted this comment on her pic too. Honestly I'm still tinfoiling "nathan" is a clever, deranged farmer. There's been too many coincidences imo.

No. 85964

File: 1616207609931.jpeg (135.4 KB, 828x438, E00C11B8-CC25-4EC2-BCE7-13EFA3…)

No. 85965

She looks like Honey Boo Boo ew wtf she’s just as haggard as Shayna but her roasts were funny asf because they weren’t from a farmer

No. 85966

with her diet and lifestyle and i dont think there's a way to wake up feeling refreshed lol

No. 85967

This dude is such a liar, is this the same guy telling Shayna stories about his daughter? He seems to have a story for every situation.

No. 85968

Shay probably was pretending its real though is the thing. I'm with that e-whore. Yes, big productions use fake money. But there are many valid reasons for it. When strippers, whores, "thugs" and shit like that do flex pics, they would and should be using their real money they've gotten from hustling. And only the really stupid ones would put it in their mouths lol.
It's Shayna so even though it was a "sugar baby" photo set, I'd bet she was trying to pass it off as real. Especially the one with the hundreds because the caption would just be ironic and fucking retarded with fake money.

No. 85969

No I think the old dude talks about his ex wife and grown up kids lol. This Nathan person does have stories for all kinds of stuff and a lot of the time seems to do backhanded compliments and tries to get her to do gross stuff and it all just seems like elaborate cowtipping to me. But who knows. Her few fans are stupid, nasty incels so it's hard to say lol.

No. 85970

this is why sex work is dangerous, but women still claim pandering to the “male fantasy” is harmless. incels want to see women degrade and destroy themselves because it’s the revenge they never got to get on hot chicks irl. all these girls need to get out ASAP, whatever happened to young people wanting to be musicians and actresses? why not a youtuber or vlogger atleast. I understand doing what you gotta do but idk why so many women want to be a sex worker, it’s such a depressing life

No. 85971

Holy hell anon that is definitely shayna in a few years. My sides

No. 85972

Girls with nothing to lose and no prospects get lured into it by all those social media hoes showing how rich and empowered they are for taking guys money. It’s insane how easy it is for teenagers or young women to find out about these things.

No. 85973

She's on mfc

No. 85974

he’s trolling for sure, what with the constant poop talk and the undermining and the chargeback

No. 85975

first potential twitter drama with a whole bunch of people dragging her and now she's live? ladies we are getting treated tonight

No. 85976

did anyone else catch abrattypixie left after shayna kept repeatedly sitting on her chair making a farting noise?

No. 85977

File: 1616212868291.jpeg (Spoiler Image,389.28 KB, 750x782, 1CEE86C4-CD50-422C-9BAE-77FABC…)

sorry totally forgot spoiler, the back of her legs are getting really ripples from her weight gain though

No. 85978

File: 1616212908376.jpeg (Spoiler Image,130.93 KB, 1124x629, BAE83032-F03C-441F-BD06-F778A8…)

Kek the sheer sex appeal

No. 85979

File: 1616212921969.jpg (323.92 KB, 1080x605, Screenshot_20210319-235959_Sam…)

she puts on makeup to "work" but leaves the after-nap turd bun untouched. high class bimbo!

No. 85980

Kek these chatter names, guessing most of the blue names are farmers

No. 85981

womack tipped shay 500 tokens to eat edibles on cam. the feederism begins

No. 85982

I know we say it a lot but goddamn her whole backside looks like it belongs to a dad or just a certain type of dude

No. 85983

Shayna, don't drink alot of wine. 500 mg and wine??? Dear god. Gl

No. 85984

She constantly messes with her 1 floppy tit.

No. 85985

Stream is pretty boring tbh, she’s just talking to her coomers about bongs and pot

No. 85986

Anyone else notice she’s sitting on a towel? Kek she put it there after a farmer mentioned how nasty it was in her last stream huh

No. 85987

“Id film just about anything Unless it involves nonconsenting parties, children, or animals”

You rp as a child in half your videos. I can’t.

No. 85988

I can’t with the EXCESSIVE huffing and puffing from her. Jesus.

No. 85989

File: 1616214934622.jpeg (83.6 KB, 1124x607, 3EA7AD19-DD85-4FE0-8F1D-3F512E…)

That skin texture tho. Yikes. Wash your face, shayna

No. 85990

jason r womack has already dropped like $50 worth of tokens. men shouldn't get a stimulus

No. 85991

Everytime she opens that door I want to scream. Fatty’s apartment has be extra disgusting since this stream started! How tf do you even live like that???

No. 85992

kek wasn't he literally homeless not long ago

No. 85993

This whore obviously lurks here. The majority of points she made were clearly parroting things said itt. Pathetic.


No. 85994

and as a dog. and she films in public.

No. 85995

Rose petals still on the ground lol

No. 85996

There is a guy trying to take her private and she intentionally ignored him for a second and said “okay since there’s no one here with tokens you gotta keep me entertained or I’m just gonna fucking leave”

No. 85997


No. 85998

File: 1616218657835.jpeg (Spoiler Image,90.12 KB, 593x828, 47313037-BF6A-422A-B983-30AD8F…)

she tries so hard to open and close the door quickly to hide the mess she refuses to clean up. her packing to move will probably be the first time she’s tidied in years.

No. 85999

rare sighting of bigfoot in the trash forest

No. 86000

she really does look and walk like a drunk toddler

No. 86001

Haven't been here in a while and I'm not surprised that she's this selfish. Fucking bitch.

No. 86002

She set it to where only accounts with purchased tokens can chat, so her conversations next time are going to dwindle into nothing.

No. 86003

ew, this is so disgusting. Shay please learn to clean, there is no reason to have shit laying floor. you are living like an actual pig.

No. 86004

She said her skype was like, 200-300 dollars for three minutes. You are not worth that Shayna lmfao

No. 86005

Christ, is that a massive pile of clothing? I’d bet her pillow cases are at the bottom. The smell in her apartment has to be ripe.

I wasn’t able to catch her stream this time but sounds like she’s been going down hill since her first stream in January kek. She’s so boring.

No. 86006

holy SHIT her house is a wreck

No. 86007

she would take that as a compliment

No. 86008

File: 1616221514480.jpeg (Spoiler Image,797.07 KB, 1284x1202, E623F040-404F-4007-82BD-5DB6B4…)

if you actually loved your body you would take care of it and buy clothes that fit. instead you insist on squeezing into medium size clothing when you’re at least an XL. stay delusional, shayna.

No. 86009

At first I was like, "it's probably not too bad" and then I opened the thumbnail lol. Like, just turn off the light if you're not gonna bother to clean.

No. 86010

This may be the most cursed image of her in every way and that’s saying a lot

No. 86011

Instead of dabbing and napping and spending an hour on your bad makeup, try cleaning up your space a bit. Even the floor in her "work space" looks trashy and that clutter on the desk is horrible too.

And like other anon said, turn the light off in the other room because that was embarrassing kek

No. 86012

I wish I grabbed a screenshot of her showing off that stain-spotted Barbie blanket. She says she “has to cum on Barbie’s face” and that she’s used it for a while, but it looks like it’s never been washed.

No. 86013

What emotion is she trying to convey

No. 86014

why only post smoothed/edited pics of it then, shatna?

No. 86015


No. 86016

Shayna’s porn and this thread has made me completely disgusted by the industry all together.
I used to respect sws to an extent, but seeing how they treat one another, their bodies, and then fetishizing children, animals, rape, kidnapping, murder, it’s disgusting, and it’s all of them who act this way.
Porn has never been decent but girls in the 60s-00s were usually being taken advantage of by companies. these women are doing this shit to themselves it’s so fucking retarded. then society gives them a gold star for fetishizing toddlers for the sake of “feminism”. Even sex workers judge and mock other sex workers yet fail to see they’re all on the same boat begging for money on twitter, it’s pathetic.

No. 86017

Same, anon. Like, I used to respect the whole "stripping to pay for college" cause it can give good money and they were working toward an actual career. And I'll even still respect SWs that DO make mad money. But this new technology, social media-dependent age has kick started the whole Only Fans and Premium Snapchat shit so you have THOUSANDS of these sorry, broke ass, one-emergency-away-from-homelessness, degenerate losers like Shayna who are barely scraping by putting out questionable content and have NOTHING to show for their "career" other than debilitating mental illness, drug addiction, and them being entitled fuck hats to others. Shay can pretend she's living her best life while literally living like this >>85998 on a bare ass mattress and pillows with no car, no relationship, no friends, and no family. She could straight up kick the bucket and her animals would be steady eating her corpse before anyone would even notice.

No. 86018

The difference between >>86008 and >>85998 is crazy. No wonder she doesn't stand up and take pictures. She has NO curves and her tits look like lopsided fat boy tits. She has a inch worth of ass crack too.
I actually feel bad for her because her weight gain has been so unflattering. No wonder she has men who are chubby/troon chasers. They really think Shayna's the girl next door and they have a chance with her.
If I was a scrote there would be nothing that'd attract me to shayna, no ass, lopsided tits, she's basically admitted she hates sex and she's very basic.

No. 86019

Personally I’m ok with strippers since, aside from a handful of loudmouths on the internet, they usually mind their own business. A majority of strippers are in and out and don’t stick around unless they need to.

These snap/cam/OF girls have no shame though, trying to convince girls they’re living the high life and suck them in. Most of these girls start when they’re underage and try to convince other minors to try it out too. A snap girl tried convincing me to join the ranks when I was 14. They have no boundaries and I can’t wait for them to become washed up and completely unemployable for that shit

No. 86020

File: 1616254123921.png (39.22 KB, 608x506, ee.PNG)

I know it gets said endlessly but why does she post every fucking move she makes? Does she really think people care she took a edible? And she has to be on something EVERY time she does anything. She was just talking about sex workers promoting healthy lifestyles but she can't do anything without getting high.

No. 86021

File: 1616254142862.jpeg (408.07 KB, 1158x1744, E8E766E0-1CA1-4FA7-985C-F6C9E1…)

derail but I was curious about the girl who dragged her last night and don’t call me retarded if I got this wrong but it looks like she only has 21 fans right, or does that mean friends or something?
anyways she tweeted this too after the money stuff. this chick can’t seriously be jealous of shayna and her bought followers and play money kek I think this is the first person who’s actually been jealous of shayna since 2017

No. 86022

she doesn't sound jealous, just sounds like she's trying to brag about how good she's doing. They are all the same anyway.

No. 86023

also can we talk about her seeming to do some editing on her boobs but leaving her razor bumbs on her pussy?

No. 86024

I’m just happy to see less of the scary vein

No. 86025

Shayna…they’re the ones paying you to entertain….

No. 86026

Or maybe not get high to go to the clinic. Jfc. There's so much wrong with that.
She acts like she either has chronic pain, which she doesnt or that it's so cool and quirky, which it's not.
I've never seen someone talk and flex about being stoned all the time since pre-legal highschool days. She documents every dab, edible, puff, etc as if anyone cares. Shes supposed to be a sex worker selling sex, not a bum talking about drugs and food all day.

No. 86027

File: 1616258330730.jpeg (361.25 KB, 1242x1274, 4880BCDC-A491-4614-A937-EBA3A2…)

Kek she probably looked homeless and retarded so he was just making sure she knew

No. 86028

File: 1616258356357.jpeg (117.1 KB, 1201x676, B668D2F2-8D44-4F9E-8251-B7919C…)

The dirty ass bag and stuffed animal.
But she’s thriving

No. 86029

The fact @Gnotold gets off to her acting like a retarded child is disgusting. And considering he has children, which he talks about to the women he jerks it to, makes it even more disgusting

No. 86030

that stuffed animal is so crusty. unless she had it since the day she was born, i don't understand how it just gets like that with no use whatsoever.

No. 86031

File: 1616258659363.png (8.57 MB, 1242x2208, 1D3313D5-4F91-4443-B98D-F24C35…)

ugh her bag probably smells so musty

No. 86032

File: 1616259048205.jpg (840.61 KB, 1080x1851, Screenshot_20210320-115040_Twi…)

She looks fucking stupid

No. 86033

File: 1616259494690.jpeg (240.08 KB, 1242x845, B25F21AB-A005-422B-9744-5594D7…)

Such an attention seeker if anything you’d die of obesity fatty

No. 86034

I swear to god, this is a biotrans woman. Like Kikomi-chan. What a frightening existence

No. 86035

Probably wine in that water bottle

No. 86036

What really happened-
>Driver made a corny ass joke about her slippers and Shayna tacked the Blue Lives Matter shit on for more attention.

No. 86037

Ok Miss Medfet. It's a shot what are you 9?

No. 86038


Yeah, nothing says Bad Bitch, Barbie Bitch, High Class Snob like carrying around a filthy stuffed animal in an aliexpress bag

No. 86039


A man with a job, actually contributing to society and likely paying his fair share in taxes, had a sticker supporting police? ALERT THE INTERNET! What if his dad or grandfather dedicated their lives to being police officers or detectives?

This fat pedophile pandering bitch should stick to tweeting about doordash, crying about her ex and bragging about weed because her commentary on social and political issues is not it.

BITCH, THIS IS NOT YOUR TICKET TO FAME/NOTORIETY/TWITTER ASSPATS, you literally support pedophile coomers and your ass doesn't pay taxes to even help support your fellow man

No. 86040

Calm tf down redditor.

No. 86041

it says a lot when you manage to be the most cringe one in a Shayna thread.

No. 86042

File: 1616262940954.jpg (380.96 KB, 1043x1329, Screenshot_20210320-125533_Twi…)

And? Do you want a cookie?

No. 86043

“Dedicated their lives” lmao shut up.

The issue is that she shouldn’t be posting about this shit or sharing her political opinions on her sex work account.

No. 86044

>Do you want a cookie?
Now anon, you know her fat ass would jump for a cookie, kek

No. 86045


What did she do? Get diabetes?

No. 86046

"a heckin vaccinate" i cannot express enough how much i hated reading that with my own two eyes

No. 86047

maybe the accomplishment is that her arm is officially as big as a leg

No. 86048

File: 1616269100827.jpg (306.16 KB, 1080x1078, Screenshot_20210320-143829_Twi…)

No. 86049

her personality at this point is literally just eating

No. 86050

Who cares.

No. 86051

Wonder what shitty clinic she got this done at, its way to high up on her arm and she's gonna be in pain from it tomorrow. Needs to be centered in the muscle not in the damn shoulder bone

No. 86052

it is, it’s just how she’s angled. also her fat blob arms don’t help.

No. 86053

lmao okay, dr. lolcow

No. 86054

Since she blames a flu shot for her zombie tit, I wonder in the next few months what she'll blame the covid vaccine on

No. 86055

File: 1616271321984.jpg (Spoiler Image,465.55 KB, 1080x1244, Screenshot_20210320-151524_Twi…)

More like dry as a bone

No. 86056

yeah wait a minute…. why would she not be more hesitant to get this vaccine when she allegedly had such a bad reaction to a flu shot when she was younger that her tit when necrotic??

No. 86057

Rapid weight gain.

No. 86058

because it never happened. if it did it would have been all over the news. maybe not national but at least local & state. she claimed she had a very serious rare reaction that affected her entire right arm muscle & pec muscle, which is clearly a lie as both her arms are the same size with no sort of muscle loss or deformity. she claimed her mother took her to “children’s hospitals all over the country” which is another obvious lie because as I said, someone would have reported it. if a flu vaccine gave a child a rare serious reaction, people would know about it. she just wants attention.

No. 86059

i'm aware of the story, anon. i'm just wondering why she hadn't mentioned it in regards to the new vaccine.

No. 86060

she clearly has bpd and can't get her story straight on the tit thing because she simultaneously believes every lie she's told about it as she makes up more lies. every time she lies about something she makes up 4 different stories for it to keep us (and I'm pretty sure herself) confused about the truth. it's so manipulative.

No. 86061

She is the personification of a logical fallacy.

No. 86062

Forever laughing at this whole elaborate ass story when it's just simply…how her body is. Some people have more prominent veins in their chest. Nothing more, nothing less. But I guess that gives her less attention. Just like how high school anon said she always came to school with a new mental/physical illness. Just another narcissistic pathological liar.

No. 86063

File: 1616280807699.png (167.4 KB, 206x343, ooo.PNG)

Ot- but whoever bumped that old shayna thread, scared the shit outta me when I saw this picture. I thought it was a new cow who looked like skinny shayna.

No. 86064

you mean you don't recognize the clothes she still tries to squeeze into?

No. 86065

Comparing the Shayna in the bumped thread and this one is pretty interesting. She still does the same retarded faces and poses, but you can really see how being skinny can make some poses look somewhat sexy even when they're stupid (as long as you don't see her face) compared to how they look when fat buu do them.

No. 86066

Sexy is a stretch lol. But yeah, before it was closer to young & silly cute but now she just looks deranged and worn out somehow kek.
It was a low bar and yet somehow she just absolutely sunk it into the ground by bloating up and losing herself to porn brain rot and weed/booze.

No. 86067

yeah, she’s still trying to do skinny girl expressions with a fat girl face. pushing her mouth out like that now only makes her look autistic and constipated.

No. 86068

I hope when she lurks and see this, it kicks in that she's either gotta change something quick or start saving up for a heckin mobility scooter.

No. 86069

Damn, from the bumped thread the only improvement is that her mom bought her a bed so she doesn't have to sleep on the floor. SHE'S A SEX WORKER AND SHE CAN'T AFFORD A BED!!!!

No. 86070

anon please, even SHE retweets/reuses pics from when she was this size. there’s no hope for an epiphany.

No. 86071

Nice Squidbillies trace.

No. 86072

wow she even had to bring in an old raggedy one. I could see if she brought like a small hand sized one they may just think she's odd or something but damn this is overkill for a otherwise normal person who's acting like a child. Like girl put the vodka water bottle down!

also I like how she made sure to eat an edible because she's going in claiming asthma as if her entire being aka greasy ass hair, skin, clothes, and belongings don't reek of weed. They get plenty of fakers tho so I'm sure they dgaf

lmao I spit my pizza out over this lmao

No. 86073

kek cant wait for her to whine on twitter when the vaccine side effects hit her in some hours. they can get pretty nasty but they last like 2 days max. bet that will be her excuse not to “work” for the next 3 and a half months

No. 86074

File: 1616292618288.jpeg (1.02 MB, 3072x3072, FA21424F-87A5-4820-B94A-BF1017…)


No. 86075

She's ugly in both pics but the fact that she's bursting out of her clothes in the second one really doesn't help!

No. 86076

Can’t tell if her head got bigger, or her eyebrows got smaller. We thought her eyebrows were bad before, this comparison really just showed how much worse they have gotten.

No. 86077

her drawn on eyebrows have always been god awful

No. 86078

I know she gained a shit ton of weight, but she did herself super dirty with the angle/clothing fit on that second one. She looks straight up obese.

No. 86079

for a girl whose “career” consists entirely of filming herself, shay has for some reason never put any effort into improving her makeup.

i shouldn’t be surprised since she’s been a “successful” sw for five years and yet cannot suck a dick to save her life.

No. 86080

imo her makeup is usually super nice, i actually have wanted to copy it from time to time lmfao. but yeah her eyebrow skills remain lackluster

No. 86081

what about her makeup is super nice? lmfao. she wears huge lashes to cover up her thick uneven liner and cakes on foundation with nothing to add dimension to her face then tops it off with plain dry cracked lips.

sorry to sperg out about makeup but this is the funniest and most confusing comment I've ever seen

No. 86082

anon please….other than her terrible brows, all she wears is a layer of crusty foundation and thick black eyeliner that accentuates how beady her eyes are. what about that are you planning to copy

No. 86083

File: 1616301606917.gif (1.1 MB, 300x226, no.gif)

what the fuck…?

No. 86084

her arm is colossal tf. she built like a titan

No. 86085

love yourself anon

No. 86086

kind anon is lying to make shayna feel better when she's reading this thread

No. 86087

Nice?! What was nice, her buttlips? Her eyeliner reaching to the sky? Spider lashes? That’s all she ever does. No blush, no eyeshadow.

No. 86088

Even her nose got fatter kek

No. 86089

I hate shayna but she seemed like a dumb bitch too. it’s pathetic she posted that after dragging her like having to assure herself she isn’t like shat when they’re exactly the same, minus poop of course

No. 86090

tbf someone has to. If she reads this I hope she buys just dance, or a ring fit. it will help her a lot it’s a fun way to exercise and she doesn’t need to clean her house to do it

No. 86091

She’s seriously never had anything going for her. Went from being a skinny crackhead to a fat retard in less than a year. No wonder she constantly has to be high/drunk. Imagine looking like this on top of having your legal name and face linked to your piss and shit porn. What a sad existence.

No. 86092

She don’t love herself

No. 86093

File: 1616344603444.jpeg (Spoiler Image,665.41 KB, 1284x1050, 5701B05B-2771-42EF-BA04-23A122…)

I find it really funny that she posted this pic, of her supposedly being a luxe bimbo covered in money, on a post where she’s begging for money to move.

it’s hilariously tone deaf and ironic, Shayna never fails to crack me up. also she edited it even further, kek.(repost)

No. 86094

this was already pointed out days ago

No. 86095

She's been really quiet. Probably gonna blame it on the vaccine

No. 86096

the vaccine made her eat 7 edibles and sleep for 15 hours

No. 86097

File: 1616367762689.jpg (245.67 KB, 505x901, Screenshot_20210321-180150_One…)

She's clearly not doing that bad if she's out to eat. Odd that she didn't post about this. Wonder if it's a date with Fupa

No. 86098

like she would share that with anyone. that’s clearly an afternoon snack for her.

No. 86099

What kind of jail tapas is this?

No. 86100

fuck anon that's a brilliant term

No. 86101

Overpriced taproom charcuterie board. How much do you want to bet she won't wear her mask now that she's gotten her first shot?

No. 86102

>jail tapas
girl it’s shart cute hairy smh… just say you don’t know how to spell and go
mods pls no ban this is a joke ♥

No. 86103

If you look to the right there’s the edge of another glass across the table so it could be Fupa

No. 86104

Are those10 lunchables dunked into a tray? She’s such a facebook mom kek

No. 86105

you can see the ties of her mask in the bottom right. Still funny that she whines about not being able to go out to eat because no one will stay home.

of course she's out with Fupa, it's not even a question. If she were alone she'd be live tweeting every drink because she's too embarrassed to sit at a bar alone without being buried in her phone

No. 86106


Haven’t seen this bitch posted on lolcow in a while, not surprised she’s still overdoing the weird moon-face shoop. Hilarious that she’s pretending to be better than Shayna when she’s another degen cow herself.


No. 86107

The very next day after she got the first vaccine shot and she's huffing and puffing out to eat with Fupa to waste money on god awful shit like this.
Shes just gonna pretend she didnt see her orbiters telling you you arent just magically able to return to normal after the shot? You can still catch and spread the virus you fucking idiot, especially since it's only been a day since you got the 1st round. But Fupa and public drinking and eating is sooo important, huh?

No. 86108

That is the worst charcuterie I've seen. That taphouse should be embarrassed. It's literally on a baking tray like it's a slop tray in a prison or cafeteria and it just all looks cheap and poorly done. I mean, perfect for Shays white trash fat ass, but…

No. 86109

the fact that she took a pic of it to show it off is almost worse kek

No. 86110


Kyle Nathan Perkins from Tulsa, Oklahoma, needs to accept that he should probably just stay with Shayna at this point. They're perfect for eachother, and I really think he truly believes he's too good for her when they're practically the same person.

No. 86111

She really is white trash. She thinks shit like this makes her look fancy and cool because its trendy, but she has no taste in anything and is a broke bitch most of the time, so it's just embarrassing. She thinks she passes as "Barbie" and lives some luxurious life and has style. It's pure bullshit delusions. Ordering takeout every meal and spreading your ass for cash ain't it.

No. 86112

At this point I dont even know why that retarded manlet bothers with her. He should fuck off and let her leave OK. He should be ENCOURAGING her to leave him tf alone and move on with her life. I know hes a cringy goblin, but dude needs to be a father to his kids first and foremost and find another trailer trash whore to fuck on. There cant be any other reason besides the sex at this point. But it's just sex. Theres plenty of other fat, easy bitches that are probably less clingy and ridiculous.

I use to agree it was pity, but this is ridiculous. she goes on about her broken heart and how shit he is all the time now. Like are they really pretending to be broken up AGAIN? Its extra pathetic for her to still be seeing him too. Like please Shayna, have one single shred of respect and love for yourself. Just one.

I wish she would meet some other scrote because this milk is fucking sour.

No. 86113

gross that’s where she got her “daddy” fetish? her ex boyfriend seriously has kids? tf is wrong with her

No. 86114

read the threads

No. 86115

Lurk more newfag.
But no she got her "daddy fetish" from her own father divorcing her mom and starting a new family (someone "stole" her dad so now she thinks its quirky and is coping to say she'll steal your dad) and mostly because it became a retarded trend on Tumblr along with the rise of new age e-whoring. The pink lolita, ddlg degeneracy.

No. 86116

Which is ironic because there are posts from her prior saying ddlg shit was gross and she would never. And she tries to act like she is some amazing pioneer of internet sexwork/camwhoring, when really she just one day switched her stoner blog into a sex work one, exposing all her followers to that shit unsolicited. Jumped on the wave, then ended up wearing diapers and being the disgusting bitch she acted like she was above.

No. 86117

What the fuck, that’s a wild crossover. Can’t believe that’s her kek. Her aesthetics and shops evolved.

No. 86118

I don’t want to tbh, I stumbled on thread 71 randomly and stopped going backwards after I saw her get clitfucked by a machete

No. 86119

No one cares, integrate harder. At least do the bare minimum and read 5-10 threads back. It’s not hard kek

No. 86120

I just realized her asthma is always going to be used as an excuse for why she can’t exercise hard enough to actually lose the weight. The anons predicting a steady, continuous weight gain were correct; we might even get a diabetes/disability saga in 5 years.

No. 86121


I wonder if fupa was using covid as an excuse to not hang out with her because of his kids.


She is so bitter girls dont need to sink as low as she did to be a sex worker these days. I’ll never get over Shitstick Shayna being a thing.

No. 86122

File: 1616407385569.png (145.55 KB, 720x679, 9AB8196C-7F1D-43F7-BE79-6B4010…)

Was rereading past threads and lmfao

No. 86123

She could definitely eat a whole pizza now. It wouldnt be stuffing, just regular feeder mukbang kek.

No. 86124

She was so quiet on twitter yesterday it was almost shocking, except it just confirms she was indeed with Fupa. He must've come back to her trash den for a fuck kek.

But bet she'll say it was the shot that made her feel crappy or something.

No. 86125

File: 1616427794821.jpg (171.14 KB, 1080x783, Screenshot_20210322-104308_Twi…)

She hasn't been active since Saturday, and this is what she comes back with

No. 86126

Lol I just posted this too. deleted mine since yours was first.

She is just such a bitch from the fucking moment she wakes up.

She's not wrong, but she bullshit posts about positivity and crap all the time, but chooses to start most her days on one on Twitter. Stupid cunt.

No. 86127


No. 86128

File: 1616428596749.jpg (339.81 KB, 1080x1340, Screenshot_20210322-105645_Twi…)

No. 86129

Trust us Shay, no one wants your perverted disgusting coomer followers

No. 86130

She literally doesn’t subscribe to anyone on OF but asks for promo from other ewhores

No. 86131

File: 1616434586628.jpg (203.09 KB, 1080x982, Screenshot_20210322-123559_Twi…)

No. 86132

Lol this cunt… bold of her since she support no one

No. 86133

Kek if this is the video she was talking about doing where she cucked her fuck machine and doll I may shoot myself.

No. 86134

File: 1616449628946.jpeg (Spoiler Image,136.33 KB, 750x1330, FDCA2D35-9E07-4622-B17A-C9E8E4…)

From OF

No. 86135

oh my GOD she looks like a tranny. legit neovag vibes

No. 86136

Not a neovag, but there's literally nothing attractive about shay or her vagina. I'm sure dude's don't even go down on her cause that shit looks gross.

No. 86137

the labia wrinkles are fucking me up. i don’t think i’ve ever seen that before lmao what the fuck is she doing to her vagina?? isn’t she an anal queen or smth why does her vagina always look weird

No. 86138

She presents herself/looks like a slab of raw chicken

No. 86139

Ahhh, the good ol' "let's pretend my yeast infection is actually cum"

No. 86140

read the threads. it started looking really fucked after some bizarre pussy pump video she did with insex. her atf photoshoots caught the damage in 4k (literally). i won’t repost the pic but it’s been posted many times.

No. 86141

her pushing her fupa out of the way in the top picture is cracking me up

No. 86142

File: 1616455462541.png (1.35 MB, 750x1624, CD7E731C-D4C6-451F-AF4E-AA981F…)

Saw someone post about this persons twitter in the egirl thread. And they posted shatna on their twitter. Kek shes no where close to being an e-girl.

No. 86143

File: 1616455488377.png (363.09 KB, 750x1624, ADF323CC-4F73-4C46-AEAF-96219B…)

In regards to her 5 year sw stream

No. 86144

That’s more traction than any of her full-blown, spread eagle, asshole-baring photos have gotten in months. Get ready for a meltdown when she lurks the thread and sees this.

No. 86145

I fail to comprehend what this page is about? Are they roasting her? Because I laughed at the fact this got more likes than her gross spread that she will retweet daily for weeks.

No. 86146

it's laughing at dumb egirls/cam thots. there's literally a post above shatna's about some chick shitting on a dude's chest and afterwards he said they were just friends.

No. 86147

File: 1616457354294.jpeg (219.72 KB, 1242x1150, 067743CB-6DF6-4D35-85D3-A284CC…)

The comments are brutal kek

No. 86148

i was just going to comment on how much likes that got, it takes shayna a few days of retweeting to get that much on some pictures.
It's just like that catfish profile having lots of interaction

No. 86149

i bet it hurt shayna more then anything to see scrotes talking shit, she'd write women off as haters and bullies, but i do think she thinks that most men are into her and nicer because she's showing her body.

No. 86150

File: 1616458004884.png (368.98 KB, 475x646, mSkdj3kosAn.png)

she complains about her depression on twitter and gets the same gif from grayhair every single time.. bleak

No. 86151

Tinfoil she was lurking the thread and seen the comments of >>86147

No. 86152

I looked at the page and don't see Shay's on there

No. 86153

File: 1616459582714.jpg (648.45 KB, 1080x1771, Screenshot_20210322-193136_Twi…)

It's there and doing better than any of her tweets have ever done. And in two hours. Kek

No. 86154

>20lbs overweight
lol he has no idea the gravity of the situation

No. 86155

File: 1616461484093.png (211.17 KB, 750x1334, 4C64D004-4836-4253-B11B-39BFDB…)

lmao sure you did

No. 86156

I want to kms every time I see that cringy cursed gif

No. 86157

You were gone on a date in public with Fupa, Shay. Probably just sad he wanted to eat, go fuck her, then dipped and probably ignored her texts kek

No. 86158

File: 1616462509398.jpg (458.59 KB, 1080x1358, Screenshot_20210322-202128_Twi…)

Hilarious for Shay of all people to call someone a scammer

No. 86159

File: 1616463059385.jpg (788.32 KB, 1440x2663, Screenshot_20210323-012826_Twi…)

No. 86160

I gasped, what the fuck was she thinking

No. 86161

Who would even want her crusty, paedophile splenda daddies???

No. 86162

No. 86163

I wonder if she follows all the girls she has paid for promo.

No. 86164

What happened to her muting Bella Thorn?

No. 86165

This twitter is fuckin gross, literally robot tier. But at least Shayna gets to see how nasty men are comparing to ~evil~ women who just call her fat and problematic.

No. 86166

Deleted as usual

No. 86167

anyone watching to see if she actually went live on OF?

No. 86168

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No. 86169

File: 1616470801667.jpeg (Spoiler Image,773.03 KB, 828x1384, 80566F8E-7535-428F-B65E-4AF350…)


Off topic but she’s been using reddit recently and cringe

No. 86170

Daughter training, that's fucking disgusting

No. 86171

File: 1616471311210.jpg (292.88 KB, 1080x1758, Screenshot_20210322-224707_Red…)

The comments underneath

No. 86172

File: 1616471333165.jpg (Spoiler Image,451.05 KB, 1080x1319, Screenshot_20210322-224749_Red…)

Open with extreme caution

No. 86173

File: 1616471666419.jpg (34.12 KB, 563x544, 1590767712740.jpg)

ah immediately unspoilered without reading the warning, pass the bleach ladies

No. 86174

Holy shit you can really see how fucked up her asshole is getting from all this anal bs. Shay stop while you’re ahead, don’t wait for your intestines to come out your ass jfc

No. 86175

i'm going to just pretend this is a closeup of an old chicken cutlet

No. 86176

some times when i open shayna (and ariana)'s threads i feel like a gyno then i remember lolcow has seen their vulvas more then any obgyn ever has

No. 86177

Nothing screams “bimbo” more than unmanicured man nails, a yeast infection, and non-bleached permanently damaged asshole! So glamorous Shatna!

No. 86178

File: 1616479269300.jpeg (156.05 KB, 750x423, 2D70DC76-B697-4DE2-B79C-42EB44…)

aaaand this account has officially lost my interest lmao. in what world?

No. 86179

Ummm… k? You waste your time making an account making fun of e-thots only to turn around and do this? Wtf

No. 86180

what happened to her going live?

No. 86181

It looks like she has a smaller hole underneath her asshole. Hemmorhoids from shoving that dry dildo up there all the time?

No. 86182

File: 1616490366521.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1242x1757, A16C788A-BD32-45DB-8183-C02B4D…)

>nah she’s cute

… uh okay then

No. 86183


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 86184

File: 1616490809233.jpeg (888.66 KB, 3464x3464, 592AFA0C-864D-4802-AF86-007D1D…)

Could someone submit this to that account? This will never fail to make me laugh. Topkek Shayna Clifford is the most pathetic person on the internet(encouraging cowtipping)

No. 86185

No retard. Newfags die.

No. 86186

Not surprised. The people behind this account just hate black girls and were recent caught bad mouthing another ewhore on a private discord serve so much to the point she had to quit internet and check in a hospital from a suicide attempt.
These bitches are so pathetic, but it’s sad to see someone trying to live her own life without knowing what these dipshits were doing behind her back. Sage for ot, but they are racist cunts EGirls posting their Ls is owned by a group of people, one of them called SkeleKing has been banned multiple times from Twitter for racism and being misogynistic edge lord.

No. 86187

My vote for next thread pic >>85940

No. 86188


No. 86189

Idk if this was a farmer but regardless it was fucking hilarious to watch her read as she was masturbating lmao

No. 86190

Kek, she'll still delude herself into believing it's just jealous femanons tweeting it.

No. 86191

isn't this account run by a woman? Which means Shayna MAY see this information and start subbing or I could've read it wrong.

No. 86192

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No. 86193

Maybe anorectal violence-chan was right…

No. 86194

File: 1616516015938.jpg (430.06 KB, 1079x1217, Screenshot_20210323-111337_Twi…)

Your content has literally stayed the same

No. 86195

>owns an actual bed
>pink fabrics not yet grayed & mottled
>60 lb lighter
>work environment not yet full depression cave

Old Shayna is absolutely thriving in comparison to 2021 Shayna.

No. 86196

it’s worse now…

No. 86197

Well, considering how much she has gained weight, it's not a surprise she plummeted so far and so hard. Gravity is one hell of a thing.

No. 86198

File: 1616517164849.jpg (501.09 KB, 1080x1812, Screenshot_20210323-113245_Twi…)

Shayna Luther King at it again

No. 86199

Can we talk about how far that goddamn star blanket has come?? The filth its accumulated for 5 years?

No. 86200

Sex workers on their work account shouldn't post shit like this. No one cares. The coomers are there to get hard and fulfill their pornsick needs, not see the opinions and politics of e whores. Their customers are often part of the problem anyway. No one cares about their performative retweets and opinions. If they're so successful and care so much, they can donate to orgs or do constructive shit off the internet.

No. 86201

File: 1616520946998.jpg (202.97 KB, 1080x882, Screenshot_20210323-123545_Twi…)

No. 86202

read: fupa's giving me attention again so i can afford to spend all my moving funds on overpriced weed novelties

No. 86203

If I could ask Shayna one question, I'd ask her why the fuck does she always make these tweets about the dabs she takes?
I know she'll say something slick but I really want to know, what makes her think people care? Or it's interesting? Does she send fupa texts like this?

No. 86204

I think it's because she's immature and despite being over the drinking and smoking age, she still thinks it's cool to brag about it. She's so embarrassing

No. 86205

File: 1616528881894.jpg (136.3 KB, 1080x776, Screenshot_20210323-144808_Twi…)

No. 86206

I thought I was on the wrong thread. This looks like ari's fucked up hemroidy asshole. I remember not too long ago we were talking about how long until she does serious damage (this was like a yr ago) and welp unsurprisingly it's started. Damn shayna use some lube

No. 86207

File: 1616530945438.jpg (434.94 KB, 1080x1477, Screenshot_20210323-152209_Twi…)

Of course she would share this. Sex addiction IS real Shay. Literally anything can become an addiction

No. 86208

File: 1616531346152.jpeg (118.93 KB, 933x703, 1579453561752.jpeg)

how retarded are these people? of course it's a thing?? and no surprise it's a scrote that contested this

No. 86209

Addiction comes in many forms, not just for drugs. And I guess Nymphomania isn't a real mental illness then, huh? This is the stupidest shit. You can very much be porn, sex, masturbation, etc addicted. You can argue semantics, but there's impulsive, habitual, obsessive behaviours.

No. 86210

Yeah because you started out the month actually working for a week, have been camming, and most of all pity money to move and the reduced super cheap prices on all your "services". Not like you are actually doing better or moving up lol

No. 86211

Holy shit Adam Conover gets more unhinged every time I see him pop up. He ruined himself, much like Shayna.

No. 86212

maybe addiction doesn't exist in shay's mind, or else she would have treated hers

No. 86213

But there is evidence he is wrong. And this is such a slap to the face of victims who have suffered because men are addicted to porn. give me a break. it's a real thing or sex trafficking wouldnt exist

No. 86214

yeah i didn't watch the video, but anything that your brain essentially has a positive reaction (dopamine) to can become an addiction. look at the effects of social media on people now.

No. 86215

Lmao ewww shit coomers say. This balding fatass needs stfu and keeps to reading scripts other people wrote instead of blabbing shit takes constantly. He is literally the personification of a soyjak.
Of course bitches deep in 7 different addictions like Shat would peddle this. Who would buy her scat porn if not the most in denial porn addicted scrotes.

No. 86216

File: 1616535553340.jpg (364.08 KB, 1080x1497, Screenshot_20210323-163924_Twi…)

Sure Shay

No. 86217

lmaoo as if 100 slots is limited? who is gonna see this and think oh shit gotta subscribe to this e whore fast before 100 others do because otherwise it‘s gonna be a whopping 2 bucks more?

No. 86218

She truly has no business sense. And everyone knows her sales never end. Any dude who followers her must know that if they follow long enough they can scoop up all her content for super cheap because she burns through what she makes so fast and is always offering 'deals'.

No. 86219

Lmao not very woke of you, Shayna Lurker King. To completely try and erase and discredit a mental illness, Ms. *~BPD & Bipolar Qween uwu~*

No. 86220

So trashy

No. 86221

File: 1616548709690.jpeg (Spoiler Image,392.33 KB, 1816x2048, BA501974-EACC-4396-8BBC-43B4BB…)

No. 86222

she just screams oklahoma trailer trash.

honey, that skirt is 3 sizes too small. try again in a different size hmm?

No. 86223

File: 1616549496575.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1284x2516, 2E89BB94-1829-4E0F-BFB3-877AB1…)

caught. she’s talked shit about girls who buy from dollskill to seem woke, yet lately all of her outfits have been from there. spent $60+ on an outfit that doesn’t even fit.

No. 86224

Kek this skirt makes it look like she’s wearing a tiny pair of mom jeans.

No. 86225

File: 1616550167419.jpeg (178.92 KB, 900x900, 587ECEC6-759B-4431-A921-4D99F7…)

Holy fuck, giving me these vibes

No. 86226

Seeing this makes me think she's never gonna leave Oklahoma.

No. 86227

she refuses to buy anything that won’t make her look like actual trailer trash huh?

No. 86228

This really ages her, she just does not have the "swag" for this kind of outfit. She tried to dress it up with the pony but she just looks like a 40 year old trying to dress like a trendy 19 year old.
She tried but yeah.

No. 86229

Lol this is BEGGING to be a "bought on wish" meme, since she also tried the long pony tail

No. 86230

She looks like a cougar who hangs around dive bars

No. 86231

I wonder if she can even button that jacket. Her style is tragic.

No. 86232

File: 1616554141861.jpeg (Spoiler Image,424.22 KB, 1822x2048, EEE9C044-53E2-45AD-BD51-639E6B…)

She’s so ugly this outfit looked better on the model. It looks cheap and ugly on Shayna for some reason

No. 86233

Why does she shop on dolls kill? Girl you could get shit way cheaper and just as trashy on pretty little thing, she’s so retarded.

No. 86234

>for some reason
>on Shayna

No. 86235

Cause she got money from Jason R Womack. So she thinks she can just contradict herself now that she has extra money. The only reason she talked trash about dollskill was because she’s too broke and fat. She looks gross in dollskill. She’s just ugly and should stick to basic clothes/ dark colors

No. 86236

it looked ugly on both but shayna is fat so obviously it looks worse

No. 86237

No, shes a fAsHiOn IcOn anon! She buys the whole outfit pictured on the model of trendy also often problematic clothing companies (Amazon and DK)

She acts like she has a sense of style even though she does that shit and finds the tackiest looking stuff and then to top it off orders it in sizes too small.
Not like she could have just thrifted or searched up a denim skirt and jacket on her own for better price and actually accessorized. Too much effort and requires actual style of course.

No. 86238

god her face looks so haggard for a girl in her early 20s. she looks at least 10 years older. so insane

No. 86239

File: 1616578187082.png (7.35 MB, 1125x2001, 2BB3D810-690B-47AB-B1BF-1CCB47…)

Agreed, I refuse to believe this is the face of a 22/23 y/o

sage for old pic

No. 86240

What is it with her and denim? She really wakes up everyday and chooses to be trashy and tasteless with 18 pairs of too small jeans skirts and jean jackets. Please learn to dress yourself and do makeup, Shayna, we're begging you.

No. 86241

i wonder if she bought this with afterpay

No. 86242

File: 1616591855596.png (985.55 KB, 1472x1316, Bildschirmfoto 2021-03-24 um 1…)

"a taste for the finer things"

I can't believe how delusional she is. That subreddit is full of attractive e-whores, what did she think? Probably also the reason why her post was removed.

No. 86243

Her face is sending me. You know she really thinks she's killing the game with this too-small fit and ratty ponytail. The lil smirk tops it all of so well. Oh, to have the delusion of Lardy Fattel over here.

No. 86244

what the fuck is she doing to her eyebrows?? they just keep getting smaller and smaller. it's not like they were ever good but it's at a point where she must notice how off it looks

No. 86245

When her eyebrows were nicer, I'm pretty sure she said she got them professionally done.

The wonky over-plucked monstrosities are likely her own handiwork, and then she draws them back in… badly.

No. 86246

i went through the first page and it's full of girls taking normal selfies, with nice decent bodies, theb we have shayna in the most unflattering pose, looking chunky and cheap.
The only way she can sexualize herself is through pedo pandering or fake BDSM shit.
The other girls look perfectly fine standing up and not trying as hard.

No. 86247

Why was it removed?

No. 86248

i think she didn't verify with the mods

No. 86249

What is this dollar store clip-in ponytail abomination?? That's hair that only a drag queen should wear.


Comparing her to "real" bimbos is just tragic. Even reddit-tier e-whores can rub a few brain cells together to realize that men want to "sugar" a high value woman. Flopping your fat tits down in front of a children's bedroom background, full frontal udders with nothing left to the imagination is… just pathetic. How can you fail at being a sexpot? It's the world's easiest job.

No. 86250

If there's one thing that Shayna is consistent at, it's giving away everything for free, & leaving coomers with no reason to come back.
She complains all the time about more attractive women getting 10x the likes on a selfie than she does on her gross holepics. How she hasn't put 2 & 2 together yet is beyond me. Even scrotes who otherwise wouldn't mind a bit of pudge are turned off by having a fat whale throw herself at them butthole-first. It's desperate. You're supposed to take some flattering semi-nudes as teasers for the full nudity (which should cost more than $3…that alone should be a wake-up call).

Anon said a while back that she presents herself like a chicken cutlet & it's so true.

No. 86251

she’s had the clip in ponytails for a while now

No. 86252

lmao she really couldn't resist using the word "hunger" and then slapping this picture up where she looks like a fat hog?

No. 86253

Yeah, she's retarded. Posting full spread on twitter daily gives little to no reason to pay for any content. You're supposed to censor or do lewds for free, then charge for the full nudity and porn. Especially if you want to push the sugar baby image. They're supposed to have a little bit of class/cuteness/sexiness. Like they're "dateable" and worth spending money on. Not a bare it all like a deli meat right on the reddit thread whore.

No. 86254

I love that she posted a pic of her doing her new signature pose: The ol let's see if my lunch lady arms can hide my beer gut swag.

No. 86255

That’s a fucking ghetto ass ponytail, jesus. She has never had a single good hairstyle. Why does she wear it on top on her head and make it look like she has a giant cone head? She looks like Patrick Star. Between that and her godawful body situation she should have cosplayed him instead of Spongebob.

No. 86256

File: 1616607330589.png (Spoiler Image,1.61 MB, 1180x1438, Bildschirmfoto 2021-03-24 um 1…)

the original picture is really bad, she has her whole pussy out

No. 86257

File: 1616608113469.jpeg (1.25 MB, 3464x3464, 0E5FC7CB-7C7A-40DD-8D1E-D82847…)

She only has a few hairstyles
- beer can bangs
- conehead ponytail
- turd braids
- messy bun
- hair down / greasy badly parted

No. 86258

and it's somehow bigger than her entire fucking head???

No. 86259

am i the only one who thinks Shayna smells like Bologna and she's always cold tot he touch? Every time I see her with her legs cocked I just smell Bologna.

No. 86260

i think she probably smells worse than bologna. i imagine it's more of a wet dog/cat piss smell considering all the animals in her tiny, dirty apartment.

No. 86261

File: 1616609980280.jpeg (Spoiler Image,4.64 MB, 4032x3024, 77B5642B-87FD-4982-A65C-597379…)

Dropped my pic BUT found this while thrifting, looked familiar.

No. 86262

Unfortunately you can’t usually choose sizes while thrifting, but she probably is squeezed into an M. Could’ve saved smh

No. 86263

Honestly the whole "bratty" gImMe MoNeY gimmick seems to lack general appeal too imo. Even from a scrote perspective, I'd just think that's a small, certain group of dudes that would like that dynamic. Otherwise it's just annoying, especially from a fatty slob like her.
And "pro" sugar babies arent supposed to just demand money AND want to be pampered and have all their needs and shit taken care of. Theyre not supposed to be a project/an actual baby the dude has to take care of. That's more dom/sub territory. Sugar babies are supposed to be good company for the dude and go on dates and other things like that.
Shay as usual has this very basic level fantasy/delusion of what being a sugar baby, bimbo, etc are.
She thinks presenting herself like a slab of raw chicken and asking for money is good enough.

No. 86264

Bratty Findommes exist but she's not one of them. It's a rather big fetish. I did it successfully for a year without showing my body or saying thank you and made more money than in any of my normie jobs The number 1 appeal of Findom is that you're giving your money to a woman who doesn't even value it, it's just the only thing you have that's worth giving and she deserves it more than you, so you should spend your life working so you can give it all to a higher being. But the big thing is that if you're a Findomme, you can't be needing it. You simply deserve it and you will absolutely waste it on luxuries because that's the lifestyle you're entitled to by virtue of how hot you are. She's too needy and desperate for this to work. She always whines about her financial issues, insecurity, neediness, all those things are an instant turnoff. If she wanted to play the sugar baby angle, she'd have to be more appreciative and fun and stop complaining, and if she wants to be a findomme, then she has to stop throwing herself away for 3 dollars and being so obviously elated when she gets money. She's just throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks and is way too obvious about it. Making a separate OF isn't worth shit.(blog)

No. 86265

no1curr, e-whore

No. 86266

File: 1616616416463.jpg (Spoiler Image,278.73 KB, 1080x1537, Screenshot_20210324-150624_Twi…)

Why does she feel the need to retweet this when it was already at the top of her profile

No. 86267

>inb4 sex work isn’t real work ban text

Shes pathetic and needs more likes/attention

No. 86268

Scrotes send to anything with a vagina don’t act all high and mighty kek. There’s catfish Findom as well men will just send to a catfish account knowing they’ll get scammed. Shayna just sucks at her job. If she wanted money and was smart she could make a findomcatfish account. Even if she does do it she would suck and not know how to get money from incels

No. 86269

Durr, I wasn't saying that to brag but in lieu of source. And of course it's not real work, that was far from my point. Just tried to bring some context.
You said everything I wanted to say. I wasn't trying to act high and mighty at all, the dynamics are just really basic and she's retarded for not being able to work it out.

No. 86270

Yeah, you and the other anons are probably right. I just havent looked at other e-whores much to compare. But it's clear that shes not thriving, unhappy, and sucks at everything including sucking a dildo kek
So anything she does just is just bad. Again, she thinks it's as simple as sitting on her flat ass, spreading her legs, and e begging. It's just annoying how she still clings to the Barbie thing and acts like shes fancy all the time when the reality is she only blows money on weed and Amazon garbage oh and low to mid grade takeout. She looks and acts like a crazy white trash bitch I dont know why she tries to act like she isn't.

No. 86271

Shes been quiet. Must be hanging out with Fupa kek.

No. 86272

Well kudos to you anon.

No. 86273

I agree. She looks nothing like a bimbo or a Barbie. She needs to move on

No. 86274

She tried it before, and the one time someone actually fell for it, she posted her DMs of her squeeing "omg thank you SO much," which just completely kills the entire findomme vibe. She's so bad at literally everything.

No. 86275

File: 1616645282993.png (197.47 KB, 750x1334, 58660009-C030-4657-9F39-E725AF…)

i think you’re right

No. 86276

Who just goes and gets day drunk this often?? Sis you have a problem. Life would be so much better if you quit drinking.

No. 86277

Tinfoil but maybe she's dating Womack. Maybe I'm missing something but I haven't seen him comment much on her twitter recently.

No. 86278

She looks like a y2k street hooker.

No. 86279

She'd be bragging to make Fupa jealous if she was seeing another guy. I'm pretty sure Fupa is just giving her attention for some easy ass. In a couple days when he is ignoring her again she'll be crying about how unhappy she is. Rinse and repeat.

No. 86280


Imagine being Foops sitting across the table from the drunken denim clad butterball, just thinking about the ten minutes or less of sex you'll be rewarded with after blowing 40 dollars on mimosas and waffles. Yeesh. Kyle, grow a pair and leave her or claim her

No. 86281

i don’t know how he keeps his dick hard when looking at shay’s facial expressions during sex she looks so retarded

No. 86282

Oh I'm sure its doggy style anal for as long as Shay can hold her porky self up kek

And yeah she was out with him again. Also she really does think because she got one shot that shes in the clear to go out in public all the time apparently. Fucking idiot.

No. 86283


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 86284

But remember, everyone. It's everyone else that is selfish for going out. It's their fault she can't see her family and totally not her fault for 1. Being a broke ass and 2. Her family doesn't even want to see her anyways

No. 86285

File: 1616677520763.jpg (334.73 KB, 1079x1074, Screenshot_20210325-080529_Twi…)

No. 86286

hmm is it fupa? She's talking about moving but she's out getting fucked up. If it wasn't Fupa she'd be like, "i went out with a friend" or something like that.
Maybe they are trying to be "friends" again.

No. 86287

it was 100% fupa. are you guys really gonna start this again? it’s always fupa. shayna has nobody else.

No. 86288

I know it probably is, it's just weird to see her chilling with fupa but STILL talking about moving. Like why do that? Then again, it's shayna. I doubt she'll even move and something will "suddenly" happen and she won't be able to move because things are good with fupa

No. 86289

She’s begging her 2 orbiters for money, remember??

No. 86290

she’s also a pathological liar

No. 86291

File: 1616688357503.jpeg (Spoiler Image,225.94 KB, 750x1067, 9B2306A0-45BB-4555-A204-FD849D…)

Quiet on onlyfans as well besides a couple of mass messages

No. 86292

File: 1616688434549.jpg (341.79 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210325-120159_Sam…)

I had to do some research on myself and decided while I'm at it, why not search our favorite cow?
Funny as fk, but sage for no new milk.

No. 86293

Omg the fat spilling over the skirt!!!! That must hurt how much it’s digging in. Accept that you’re an M/L fit shayna and stop doing your waistline so dirty

No. 86294

ironic since she's no doubt made fupa's life more complicated kek

No. 86295

That halfway out tongue and vacant stare is straight up a face that downies always make. What the fuck Shayna.

No. 86296

i’m in pain looking at this pic. she so fucking squeezed into that. and what’s the gross white thing in her mouth? did she edit a shine mark onto her tongue like a retard?

No. 86297

she’s not a M/L. she’s at least an XL at this point with that fridge body. maybe no plus size but still. she might feel better about her body if she bought stuff that actually fit.

No. 86298

Those grandma curtains and piss covered rug need to go ASAP. Idk who told her that was a cute background. Like an anon said threads ago, those curtains look like they were donated to goodwill after grandma died.

No. 86299

It's clearly supposed to be Fupas cum. Gross.

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