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No. 2410648

Previous thread: >>2149098

A thread for sharing things that are too nasty to discuss in polite company, aka TMI (Too Much Information). Do you have a weird habit? An embarrassing health issue? Just want to admit something gross? Feel free to post it here.

Things could get unsightly in here, so remember– the hide button on threads is there for a reason.

No. 2410784

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Yeah, and sometimes it is done specifically to help push the feces out. I refuse to believe that the 30% stat is accurate though.

No. 2410815

So that's what I'm doing is called. I always push on the taint though. I tried to bring it up once with someone, to gauge whether anyone else did it, but they were so confused at my explanation and hints that I figured it was something that no one else did.

No. 2410834

>push on the taint
I did this once when I was constipated, it was a lifesaver
Are you constipated often anon? You might consider eating more fiber

No. 2410842

Wouldn't fiber do the opposite of helping with constipation. I thought it firmed your shit up.

No. 2410850

Fiber helps bowel movement so can help with constipation

No. 2410863

It might be bad with stress induced constipation. I have problems with this and eating a lot of fiber made it all worse and on top of that I never felt empty. That was really the worst feeling.

No. 2410869

Well you're full of shit

No. 2412345

I just when to the bathroom and there was a long piece of lint dangling and spinning around from my vagina. I thought somehow a worm or cocoon was coming from my vag.

No. 2412346

Aww a butterfly is gonna come out of there

No. 2412353

you thought your vagina… was metamorphizing? are you ovaries trying to escape?

No. 2412376

I feel like I'm going to throw up after taking an iron supplement pill like my doctor said and it feels so bad I'm almost considering making myself throw up by shoving fingers down my throat. It's like the pill is still stuck inside my throat it feels horrible.

No. 2412448

Did you drink any water after swallowing the tablet?

No. 2412468

Yes, just a little. I'm supposed to swallow the pill with a cup of water but I can't do that at all, so I tricked myself into swallowing it by putting it in yogurt and it usually works. Now I feel a little better after being constipated, spending too much time in the toilet for this reason and taking a nap (not on purpose, I feel asleep almost as if I passed out)

No. 2412489

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You need to take it along with a full glass of water, or at least eat something substantial along with it if you can't. It is getting stuck in your throat and causing pill esophagitis. I had the same thing happen when I was taking antibiotics and it was awful. You need to follow the tips in picrel otherwise it'll just keep happening.

No. 2412540

I hate lunch soon before I took the pill and I thought that would be enough. I'll try these tips but I'm worried that won't be enough, when I try to take pills with a glass of water it's like my throat closes off entirely. When I tried to take the pill as a teenager for my acne I could only take it by crushing it into dust for the same reason.

No. 2412551

Your throat closed up when you try drinking a glass of water AFTER you already took the pill?

No. 2412554

Before. I'll take the pill in my hand to put it in my mouth and my throat will already start blocking everything. It must all be in my head, chewing or sucking the iron supplement pill could solve this issue but it would give me side effects like having bright orange teeth for the rest of my life.

No. 2412568

I trimmed my pubes after growing them out for months and my crotch feels so exposed. It was like I had a fuzzy insulating barrier between my pants and underwear and now it’s gone.

No. 2412572

>Drink a sip or two of water before taking a pill.
>Drinnk an entire glass of water after taking a pill.
>Take your pills one at a time rather than all at once.
implying there are psychopaths who swallow several pills on the dry at once?

No. 2412575

What you consume before taking it doesn't really make any difference, it's about what you consume after you take it. The reason why you are supposed to take the pill along with at least a full cup of water is because the water helps push the pill down your throat. If you don't do this or at least eat something along with it, there's a high chance that it will end up getting lodged in your throat and irritating the lining as it dissolves, which then causes the symptoms that you described. If the part you have trouble with is taking the pill itself, hiding it in yoghurt is fine. You just need to make sure that you then drink enough right after, or continue to eat if not. Personally I made sure to both eat and drink right after to minimise the chances as much as possible, and it always seemed to work.

No. 2412579

Yes my mom does, sometimes she takes anti-inflammatory drugs on an empty stomach because she doesn't give a shit until her stomach hurts.

Thanks for the advice, I'll be careful and only take my pills before dinner to make sure I won't forget.

No. 2412733

I love the smell of my pussy when it’s sweaty kek. I’m usually commando at home and I wear cotton pants, but I have these pants that aren’t cotton , which I wear only twice because they make me stink, especially if I do exercise. But I love the smell of it somehow, it’s pungent but pleasant.

No. 2412866

ugh I don't know if that what you means, but I hate hate hate when my pussy gets sweaty from sitting in tight pants on a chair 8 hours a day at work. After the whole day she stinks in such a weird way. I guess it's all the sweat bacteria fermentating in a warm tightly pressed-legged place.

On the other hand. I do love how it tastes when I'm ovulating. Usually there's more discharge and it tastes savoury, somehow sweet and salty, idk. Umami.
Yes, I taste my discharge (idk if that's the right word but like, the wetness, not in the ill pussy way), did it once just to see how vagina tastes and now when it feels out of place wet, I put some on the finger to test what's going on, smell it, if it's That smell then I taste it.
Now when I wrote that, it sounds so animalistic.

No. 2412976

this is the third time i've popped the same pimple near my pubic area and it keeps getting more and more painful each time i empty out the pus. I think its going to get infected at this point

No. 2413005

same but I want to elaborate in the TMI thread because I can
For at least 4 or 5 years, I've been living in places with weird heating systems or shoddy heating circulation systems, so I'll go to bed freezing cold and wake up soaked. Not every night, but a really good portion of the winter months every year. It seems to happen whether I'm sleeping on the top of my bed or under a bunch of sheets. The only positive I glean from this is that, when I don't completely sweat through all of my layers, and it's really just my pits and thighs that stink, I like to smell my underpants. It's like a painful obsession, it stinks and I feel gross while doing it, I picture people walking in on me doing it and feeling nothing but horror, but I just can't stop. I gotta sniff check, what can I say? Sometimes it smells like sour cream or some kind of fast food dip, but I don't eat sour cream or ranch or anything…

No. 2413053

I haven’t showered in three weeks so I’m walking extra close to the young males at the supermarket. I’m not depressed or anything I just like making them huff my natural womanly musk. I like to think of their stressballs spontaneously turning into cancerous tumours from my powerful presence, and the gay switch in their butt getting confused. No I won’t be getting a job because I get free landlord bucks

No. 2413828

I'm constipated and can't stop farting nasty bombs.

No. 2413875

Same and I especially like it when it has an even stronger smell after wearing a pad or a panty liner for a few hours.

No. 2414612

Nonna I’m having my period and I’m constipated as fuck. I’m trying to poop right now.
My bowel movements are always messed up when I’m on my period. It’s either diarrhea or constipation, god help me.

No. 2414616

Thank god I’m not the only one then , it’s nice to know kek. I always thought that I was a weirdo.

No. 2414783

I have a thicker and coarser hair type and my scalp always over produces flakes and dandruff and I can’t figure out a reason why?? My scalp can get quite oily too when it wants to flake but it’s been doing this ever since I turned an older teen and it’s still around as an adult.

No. 2414838

See >>>/ot/2405765
Also try the hair care threads in /g/, I'm sure anons have given advice before. If not, you can always make a post.

No. 2414844

No. 2414848

If I had a landlord who didn't shower for three weeks I'd evict myself however if she was forcing moids to smell her until their prostates explode or whatever then I'd have to be her best friend.

No. 2414851

If it's exactly the same spot it's probably got a cyst sac in there that needs to be removed or it will keep refilling. I had one on my inner labia a while back that had to be cut out (not fun) because it kept coming back. Hasn't returned since they got the sac out.

No. 2414857

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Would this work for now? Sounds like you should probably go to a doctor tho (picrel can be cut into any size)

No. 2414997

I forgot to change my underwear for like 3 days because I'm sick and haven't been leaving the house. The stains are unreal

No. 2416580

>to smell her until their prostates explode
Are you implying she goes around stinking up the place to turn them on?

No. 2416588

You're right, I should've specified prolapse.

No. 2417660

Hello from my toilet. I'm getting a colonoscopy tomorrow. I didn't really eat much the day before and I'm doing a 24hr water fast so thankfully this colon prep stuff isn't making me feel awful as there isn't anything to shit out of me.
It's like I have an uncontrollable urge to piss out my ass.
I've lost four pounds already.

No. 2417741

Girl just shit on him

No. 2417790

I want them to get a good look and check for cancer tho.

No. 2417942

I hate sneezing while on my period. You all know why.

No. 2418138

Just before my period I get constipated as fuck and then when I come on I’m suddenly shitting nonstop. Like multiple massive shits a day and also my flow is extremely heavy, I’m practically miscarrying a 5 month old foetus into the toilet at least 2x a day.

No. 2418147

I also get period diarrhea, I practically piss from my asshole, it's a disgrace, no matter what I eat gets purged by my ass, but at least it makes me feel really empty which is nice.

No. 2418178

It's going to suck anon. Drink a lot, take as much prep as you can but stop if you feel sick. You will unfortunately still shit liquids even if you don't eat, that's the point of it. Then you can do the test (remember to relax) and then it's over, you can eat again right after.

No. 2418377

I air fried some pirogies to reheat them and since I’m a fatass I chose not to wait and let them cool down. A piece of onion and cheese proceeded to stick to the roof of my mouth and burn the ever living fuck out of it. I swished some ice water around in my mouth and kept chugging along lol a few hours later the roof of my mouth started to reeeaaaalllllly hurt and I started to really regret my actions. When I brushed my teeth that night I accidentally scraped against the top of my mouth and to my complete horror the burn had actually blistered and me accidentally prodding it caused the blister to burst. In a panic I started spitting out everything in my mouth like a madwoman and gargling mouthwash by the boatload.
The next day I decided I needed to be serious after taking care of this burn so I decided I’d only eat super soft food like yogurt and berries. However, once I got home from work I started to feel a migraine coming on so I took my special migraine meds. There’s like a 50/50 chance the meds make me violently nauseous which is exactly what happened. Within like 20 min I was throwing up and my god I can’t tell you how fucking unpleasant it is to have upchuck and stomach acid spew against a burn. Overall an awful experience.

No. 2418415

Yeah that's exactly what happened. The good news is, no polyps! But I do have a couple hemmys and a skin tag they confirmed. They also biopsied parts of my colon just to check for IBS etc. due to my self-report of change in bowel habits. They gave me a 3 for the colon prep and said everything looked healthy.

The pain though has been a nightmare. They gave me 450 propofol and I spent the better part of the morning clammy and in agony from all the muscle aches. Felt like a flu. And of course the best they can do is say take Tylenol and eat something. I did have my ride take me to a McDick's because I chose to water fast and hadn't eaten since Sunday night. But food right now is so damn unappealing. I wish I weren't so uncomfortable because besides an hour nap when I got back I would really like to just sleep. It's all very exhausting.

No. 2418441

I shower 2 to 3 times a week. That seems a fair compromise between being a stanky ass and a germaphobe

No. 2418648

woke up today with a giant pus filled cyst on my inner thigh next to my vagina, it was the size of a penny, very painful and inflamed. i thought maybe it was an ingrown hair but it legit looked like giant blister, also i havent waxed or shaved my pussy in 3 months. never seen anything like it. i booked a doctor's appointment just to be safe, also i had unprotected sex in december. i took a shower before my appointment and the cyst popped a bit and started leaking clear fluid. i still went to the doctor only to be told it was an ingrown hair after all. embarrassing. also confusing because i've only gotten ingrowns after i've shaved but i have a bush right now

No. 2419903

The smell of dirty socks is gross but nostalgic for me in a way. I remember my sister and I drove to high school together the first two years. She was messy and had bad hygiene. She'd wear the same ugg boots every day without changing her socks and they'd get all nasty and stank, and instead of cleaning them she'd just throw them in the back seat when they got gross enough, and then buy a new pair. This pattern repeated for over a year so the back seat was just full of dirty UGG boots and her car stank of feet.
Also, apparently people in school noticed because I had two separate people asking me why my sister smelled like feet lol

No. 2419948

Not that gross, but I had a mug of coffee sitting out for like 3 days and it was chunky when I poured it out. It didn't stink though, it just smelled like cinnamon.

No. 2420096

Finneas what are you doing here claiming that your sister smells of feet in retaliation

No. 2420109

sometimes when I use the same sock pair for a few days it doesn´t smell like cheese but like dogs paws you now, like popcorn kek

No. 2420371

Thank you, i haven't laughed this hard in a while.

No. 2420612

I'm currently on my period and I just got off a 9 hour work day to come home and have to pick out blood clots from my pubic hair in the shower. Never felt like I wanted to die more in my life than I do right now

No. 2420622

gotdamn so farty today

No. 2421415

I farted on bf while in reverse cowgirl I shouldn't have had tacos yesterday

No. 2421453

>also i had unprotected sex in december

No. 2421855

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i hate getting tonsil stones so much, and it gotten worse recently bc i was trying to fish a tonsil stone out (bc i'll actually kill myself if i lightly cough and a tonsil stone comes out in front of my friends) and i scratched a tonsil and now theres a crevice that is constantly making tonsil stones, i want to get them removed so badly but i don't have an infection in my tonsils and tonsils are for preventing infection right? what if i get sick?

No. 2421862

A lot of people get their tonsils removed, you'll be fine. You can google more about the procedure if you'd like.

No. 2422465

nonna we are kindred spirits, i fucking hate tonsil stones so much and i get so many i find it difficult to swallow if i don't dig them out. my insurance won't cover a tonsillectomy though, fml

No. 2422796

i have been bleeding from my butt like 80% of the time i shit for the last 3 weeks. i dont wanna go to the hospital and pay a ton of money as im sure its just an anal fissure from the time i had really bad constipation. Like my butt legit teared near the exit and i feel the pain there so i know its not like some stomach or other serious issue.
idk how to make it heal when i shit everyday and re-open the tear almost every time. im thinking about taking laxatives but diarrhea can also force out too much poop and worsen the tear

No. 2422798

Go see a fucking doctor. It could be something serious like a bowel disease. If it's a tear they can help you with that too.

No. 2422800

that's concerning, mine is at least just a kind of cosmetic concern, save for how i sometimes get sleep apnea but that could be just my lungs. why won't your insurance cover it? is it bc they think it's not serious enough?
sorry to hear that nonnie, is there a type of ointment you can apply on your butthole? or maybe drink water even more so you don't strain too much?

No. 2422806

Diarrhea can also irritate that part nonna, it isn’t a good idea. I’d book an appointment. Even when I have an active hemorrhoids I bleed at most one week (not even that), 3 weeks is worth investigating.

No. 2422964

My MIL had an anal fissure so bad she needed surgery. Doctors told her to have like mineral oil or something every day so the poop would be very soft. You could try something like that.

No. 2423400

Finally got a seat on the bus back home, the road is bumpy and the seat is plastic, so I'm having quite a good time until I get home.
I shouldn't have worn a skirt today.

No. 2423414

moid ass post

No. 2423421

It's a copypasta nona kek

No. 2423425

My vulva is so itchy that i'm all fidgety and can't sit straight. I don't know how I'm going to sleep tonight. I'm pretty sure it's not bacterial or fungal because there's no foul smell or weird discharge. I'm also not sexually active so it's not an STI. I don't use weird "intimate soaps" nor do I shave. I do wear synthetic uderwear though… What's weird is that it really appeared suddenly, like I wasnt feeling like this this morning and now it's unbearable. My period just ended yesterday, maybe thats a hint as to what might be happening?

No. 2423478

samefagging but just wanted to let everyone know that a double dose of antihistaminics helped.

No. 2423527

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i popped the ingrown hair on my stomach and now im panicking, why the fuck do they do that anyways?

No. 2423531

Clean it up and put a hydrocolloid patch on it. I think it has something to do with the direct the hair grows in. I tend to find that those kinds of hairs if you constantly pluck them stop growing back. Take that information with a grain of salt because it's based off personal experience.

No. 2423534

>hydrocolloid patch
i dont have one atm so ive just cleaned it up with soap and covered it with a clean cloth, searching this up on google didnt help my panic and now im afraid of a cyst

No. 2423548

Do you exfoliate in the shower? It's not necessary usually but it might help prevent ingrown hairs.

No. 2423895

Finally took a shit after DAYS of constipation due to moving in with new people. My ass hurts and feels weird, like it's still loose. Jesus christ.

No. 2424227

I’m not sure since it was hard to see, but I think I had a cyst on the back of my leg? Two days ago I woke up with a painful bump midway up my thigh on the back side. It was still there the next day and today it hurts but all I see is a scab. It feels like I either have a bruise or was stabbed with a needle where it was. Weird.

No. 2424770

i love jerking off with both my underwear and pants on, touching no part of my body or skin. probably some sort of side effect of being stunted sexually. i dont have a nullification fetish or anything but i wish we lived in nullo world. it would be a lot more practical and clean

No. 2424861

Yess someone gets it!! I wish we could all be nullo. Sexual organs and reactions can be so bad.

No. 2424939

all genitals should be replaced with a smooth benign and dry skin lump that you can rub until you are done. thats it

No. 2425287

Do you use a tongue scraper? I used to get tonsil stones constantly but they completely stopped after I started using a tongue scraper. I didn't start using it because of the stones, totally unrelated, but they stopped happening right after that. I remember reading years later that it can help. Scrud on your tongue can accumulate and form the stones, I guess.

No. 2425762

My hole is chapped what should I do. I’m embarrassed to see a doctor about it.

No. 2425783

What do you do when your lips are chapped?

No. 2425919

I just remembered the time when my old friend in high school confessed to me once that whenever she would go to her bfs house and use his bathroom, she would use the hand towel to wipe her ass.

No. 2425935

Jojoba oil (literally one drop on the ring, and one drop if the surrounding skin is dry but nothing more, and rub it in too so your butthole isn't a greasy mess) and then tap a very thin layer of Vaseline over the jojoba oil. This solved my itchy dry butthole and it will save yours.

No. 2425948

Use chapstick?

No. 2426106

If you have hemorrhoids try removing all alcohol from your diet

No. 2426143

I caramelized a bunch of onions put them on a sandwich and ate it all. I never ate that many onions in my life. Now I am having absolute monster death farts that are super duper loud. I am extremely gassy and I woke myself up because the fart was too loud. I think I also woke up the neighbors above me because their baby was crying.

No. 2426293

my dandruff is so yummy

No. 2426307

Well yeah its cheese.

No. 2426309

No. 2426328

Nah fuck the lump. Just smooth skin following the bone structure, except it has more nerve endings so it feels good when you rub it.

No. 2426748

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>colonoscopy where I shat liquid lava for two days
>immediately followed by covid diarrhea where I shat additional lava for a week
>had to buy prep H with lidocaine for the first time in my life
>cannot shit without stinging pain, also I think my asshole prolapsed
>finally getting over covid
>order something delicious
>mindlessly consumed while forgetting about the spice my mouth was used to
>the spice passes through my split melted bungus
>almost pass out from pain that lidocaine is not even saving me from
I've lost ten pounds and my body is becoming naturally constipated from fear of taking another painful shit. I'm so tired.

No. 2426761

Forgot to mentiom my period diarrhea in between the covid stuff too.
Please end me.

No. 2426787

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Might be time to switch to a liquid diet and stock up on Imodium anon.

No. 2426796

im on my period and while i was pissing in the shower a bunch of clots came out

No. 2427034

Because alcohol apparently promotes the formation of hemorrhoids, and other than that, it breaks down into toxic substances when filtered by the liver

No. 2427411

I found out the green gunk at the nose bridge of my glasses is probably just oxidation from the copper. I was gonna not wash them on purpose if it was algae. It would've been my cute little plant I carried around me…

No. 2427440

i usually like the feeling of clots coming out during my period but the one i passed today in the shower was a little too chunky for my liking. i felt it slowly slipping out, then i rinsed it out and it was HUGE. my biggest clot this cycle. pretty gross to see it but it was satisfying to see it wash down the drain

No. 2427449

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i just had a super sharp painful poop that literally cut my butthole open… im taking fiber capsules now wtf

No. 2427526

Every time I go to the bathroom to pee, I do a sniff check. I think it's a mix of me enjoying my vagina scent and being paranoid about how it smells because I've had so many health problems in the past. Also, I like having a trimmed vag. It's like my pussy has a pixie cut.

No. 2427751

i have that green stuff on my glasses too wow thanks nona

No. 2427991

Was flying back to the US from Japan and the arrival time was the same time as when I usually took my morning shit. That last hour was torture for me, I had to shit so bad but I’ve always been shy about using the bathroom on a plane, especially so close to when we descend. Finally landed and took the best shit of my life. It nearly filled up the bowl and it stunk really bad but man it was glorious.

No. 2428139

Fiber causes even more constipation ime

No. 2428146

A TMI question - is the g-spot severely underwhelming for anyone else?
I remember the first time I gave myself a g-spot orgasm. Stimulating it felt like nothing, so I had to use my clit to get there and then touch my g-spot again to finish. Weakest orgasm I've ever had in my life. It's just so disappointing because g-spot's are hyped up to be this magical button.

No. 2428162

dunno but I like clitoral orgasms better than vaginal even though that´s the g spot

No. 2428172

My self improvement goal for the week is moving my poop schedule moved from late afternoon to the morning before work. I’m trying to delay it by an hour each day until I end up going to bed before shitting so I wake up ready to go.

No. 2428223

They're very hit or miss for me. I'm sensitive there all the time but unless my bladder is full it probably won't feel as good as if I were to just go for the clit instead.

No. 2428309

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Between eating my scabs and chewing up my fingers, I wonder how much of myself I have eaten.

No. 2428319

why did god make the human skin so appetizing to eat i wonder

No. 2428379

I just a picture of what I believe is a ingrown hair on my puddy. I'm gonna try to pull it out

No. 2428660

Wasted a pad because I thought I was having my period. Fuck, they're expensive and my unemployment had made it worse.

No. 2428752

Gonna jack off for only this week before my period comes because I’m gonna regret it if I don’t

No. 2429018

I'm having the most unstable diarrhea of the year so far but I'm craving the milkiest of hot cocoa!

No. 2429022

NTA but some of us definitely have the unga bunga cannibal gene kek, it's buried deep down but it's there

No. 2429357

Sometimes I use a carving knife to pierce open blackheads that don't have an easy opening to expel the cyst. My mother freaks out and tells me to use sterilised needles but those are expensive. I at least sanitise it every time

No. 2429378

Does it… does it hurt?

No. 2429383

It's just a prick using the tip, only a millimetre deep to create an opening for the cyst to come out. So yes, I guess, but it's fine?

No. 2429544

I made soy curls for dinner last night and immediately after eating them, my pee smelled like what the water they soaked in smelled like.

No. 2429685

I hate when my poop isn't close enough to the rectum for me to push it out but it's close enough to make my farts stink. Like I want it out asap

No. 2429952

My piss regularly smells like coffee because i drink a ton kek it’s kinda funny

No. 2430357

I’m literally full of poop, when I poke my stomach it’s rock hard. I’ve been shitting pebbles and I yearn for a healthy poop.

No. 2430555

When I wash my hair throughout the course of the evening I find lik 2-4 hairs stuck in between my vagina and buttcrack and when I pull them out from the back it sometimes slices the inside of my vag a little, not like cutting through just the sensation. Most distressing thing about wash day.

No. 2430931

I just found a small boil on my outer labia. I'm trying to resist the urge to pop it so I won't get a hyperpigmentation spot.

No. 2430941

Same fag, well that whole "not gonna pop it" thing lasted 2 seconds. I popped it and got the white pus out. I think I got the seed out, so hopefully it doesn't refill.

No. 2430964

I love when nonnies tell me about their surprise Bartholin cyst popping. Each anon gets one cyst surprise

No. 2431190

Actually, most of the time it isn't a Bartholin cyst, but rather a normal infected ingrown hair or small cut. Bartholin cysts form on the Bartholin duct or gland, and typically can't be squeezed empty in the way a normal boil or ingrown can be. They also appear in a different area.

No. 2431221

Had awful period poop. I spent like 40 mins on the toilet and I felt like I gave birth. I was somehow constipated and had diarrhea at the same time. And the cramps were brutal. I felt nauseous during it all.

No. 2431225

Oh yeah bc it's a gland right? I forgot about that, so you wouldn't need to lance that but unclog the duct. It was mentioned in the movie Hot Girls Wanted and maybe this made me think it was more common

No. 2431413

Yes, that's right!
I also thought they were more common until I looked it up. Apparently Bartholin cysts only affect 2% of women!

No. 2431986

My toilet is backed up, so since yesterday I've been Peeing in the tub. I just turn on the water, squat over the edge and go. I know it's gross, I'm sorry. Originally posted this in confessions but I guess it fits better here.

No. 2432065

Does anyone else's lower stomach hurt after shitting? It's not an intense pain, more like a dull ache, and for me it can last for like an hour after I've gone (not always). Maybe air getting stuck there???

No. 2432082

I rub my earlobes to smell the weird earlobe smell

No. 2432091

Me. But sometimes it hurts in the morning of the other day, no idea whats up.

No. 2432346

Just a TMI pro tip, but if you can't poop: just try eating something really heavy. I only poop like 1 or twice a week and I'm dehydrated so I'm always constipated, but eating a heavy meal that makes me feel super full always makes me poop even if the food hasn't digested yet. Carbs and protein are the key.

No. 2432348

You're a retard. Fibre and water are key your big meal probably helped your digestion intake some fucking water

No. 2432355

Damn, did my excretory system write this? Sorry I'm neglecting you, but I drink 40 Oz a day. I'm giving you all I can.

No. 2432360

Then why are you dehydrated, eat some fibre i would be so grumpy if I was only shitting once a week my body does not have the storage

No. 2432375

Weakling, only the strongest can store so much shit.

No. 2432509

My ass is rumbling? Never taking a multivitamin again

No. 2432648

>feel like i have to poo something liquidity
>poo it out
>it's not even poo but some white spit looking shit?
Nta but sometimes fiber and water genuinely doesn't do anything (i'm the anon earlier who said it makes me more constipated)

No. 2432650

Your rectal passage has some mucus in it to lubricate the poop, that's probably what you passed. I have no idea why it came out by itself though

No. 2432716

File: 1741338761971.jpg (15.41 KB, 326x260, 37ac0f5f516ca930ae0b1af520b9ed…)

if i'm forced to live with these stupid swollen hurting boobs one more day because my period is late i swear to god..

No. 2432818

I sometimes have that and it’s so painful I feel u nonna. It sometimes helps to massage them carefully woth the shower head but I haven’t really found anything that helps in the long run

No. 2433291

My vagina smells like play doh and it's really strong

No. 2433307

Sounds like a yeast issue

No. 2435052

Does anyone else freak out when they're shitting and the toilet water splashes up onto their vagina? I'm having diahorrea right now and there was a huge splash that aimed right at the entrance, jfc. I don't even know what to do to clean it, using water doesn't feel like enough.

No. 2435056

Hibiclense maybe?

No. 2435059

Yeah I take a shower. I don't have a special cleaner or anything, just regular body wash.

No. 2435074

If it makes you feel safer One time I had to stick my hand in a public bathroom's toiler and 3 days ago I had to diarrhea in a plastic bag. A lot ran to my vagina. Both times I was ok. Just shower and use a vag-safe soap (I use unscented dove) to clean yourself very thoroughly. If you don't have fragrance free soap, i guess just use your regular soap and hope you don't get a yeast infection.

No. 2435097

Surely you didn't have to…

No. 2435098

I dropped my phone in there.

No. 2435100

I figured that was the reason for the first spoiler, but the second?

No. 2435103

Oh, my toilet is backed up. If I could've hold it I promise I would have, but I couldn't.

No. 2435106

Oh that fucking sucks. Would it have worked to just shit in the shower? Kek

No. 2435109

I honestly did briefly think about it, but I decided it would be way too disgusting and also more cleanup than just pooping in a bag.

No. 2435140

File: 1741442553768.jpg (78.25 KB, 750x1000, 1000_F_529625868_frr3q7mlwHq0w…)

Are you the anon who pisses in her bathtub because the toilet is congested? Just get a plunger already

No. 2435152

I've tried plunging it anon, i tried this morning.

No. 2435166

These stretching exercises sent me running to the bathroom.

No. 2435184

File: 1741444292894.jpg (95.78 KB, 1200x1200, s-l1200.jpg)

I don't know why but I always get sinister vibes from Chiikawa
Have you tried a snake? I find they work better than plungers.

No. 2435205

File: 1741445302175.jpg (318.05 KB, 500x515, bloodl.jpg)

Whenever I'm on my period I think of Him. He has become my Saint of Periods. Long live Bloodl.

No. 2435210

I feel your pain nona, the only thing that really helps me when this happens is heat.

No. 2435225

What kind of life are you living nonna Kekkk

No. 2435232

This is actually a really good idea, thank you anon. Tbh, I've had so much going on in my life and mind that I haven't been able to worry too much about the toilet besides plunging it.
An unfortunate one…

No. 2435279

Why does the song in this sound like the one they play in don quijote

No. 2435434

I can't believe there was poop in vagina

No. 2435492

One friend of mine swallows his snot though his neck with a snort and he said that if nature wanted us to blow our noses hankechiefs would grow on trees and I think thats funny and kinda true.

No. 2435536

File: 1741463929651.jpg (3.43 KB, 210x210, 61S1UT2PS0L._AC_UL210_SR210,21…)

Nonnie, try a bellows style plunger if you haven't already and it's nothing more serious than just a regular blockage. My Nigel blocks the toilet constantly with his repulsive Pringles can sized shits and this style of plunger is the only thing that clears it

No. 2435715

i mean.. trees have leaves

No. 2435717

im on my period rn and ive shat like 4 times today. im supposed to go to the club tonight if i shit myself im gonna kms

No. 2435719

Just bring a plastic bag, it seemed to work out for that other nona.

No. 2435721

File: 1741473773501.jpg (274.95 KB, 664x698, Screenshot_20250308-234152.jpg)

you can snot into your hands and then wash it???

No. 2435730

Update on my chapped hole: I used baby aquaphor and it’s getting better

No. 2435815

Back in school when I was like 10 I was flushing my period pad like I usually did (we had no trashcans in the bathroom) and for some reason it wouldn’t flush no matter how many times I tried. Desperate times calls for desperate measures so I had to reach into the toilet and pull the pad out, then I hid it in a crack behind the toilet. I wonder if it’s still there today.

No. 2435838

Flushing a pad is as insane to me as not having trash cans in the girls' bathroom in the first place. I would have just left it on the ground in protest.

No. 2435949

>for some reason
Because pads are absorbant kek

No. 2436114

Vomited and now have diarrhea. Yay I want to kms

No. 2436225

I got too depressed to eat or drink anything for days and now I’m so constipated on the toilet kms

No. 2436279

File: 1741513400538.mp4 (33.91 KB, 324x184, 1000041850.mp4)

after shitting my guts out on the toilet i get up and look up to see an orange paper wasp just chilling on a towel, nearly shat a second time but it didn't get up or anything even as i was leaving, how nice. what's not nice is that my period cramps have transitioned into stomach cramps and it's like the pain is travelling up my torso and i feel like puking but i can't, i refuse to go back to my old ways of getting rid of my cramps(maybe too TMI for the TMI thread but id shit in the toilet and vomit onto the floor at the same time since we had tiled flooring everywhere and a drain next to the toilet too, and I'd clean it up after, the pain didn't necessarily go away just became more manageable. anyways, using a electric water bottle rn, but the feeling of puking isn't going away, maybe i shouldn't be lying down.

No. 2436282

Do you have endometriosis?

No. 2436285

Why didn't you just leave it there?

No. 2436286

first ayrt, i do use a tongue scraper, but i still get tonsil stones, but maybe i should be using them twice a day.

No. 2436293

i don't know honestly, i could get it checked out but then it's not like any women can insist she has endometriosis just because her period cramps hurt too bad.

No. 2436303

i can't stand it, the stomach pain would be fine if i didnt feel like i have to puke and this empty feeling in my chest, like in the area below my bust where there's the point of the inverted V of the ribcage.

No. 2436310

1 in 10 women have endo, so if your cramps are that bad and the pain travels outside of your lower abdomen, the chances that you do have it are high

No. 2436315

The stupidest thing is that someone in the world is willing to pay for women farting in a jar, therefore someone would be willing to pay for that sealed plastic bag

No. 2436329

breakdown over, i feel better now, thank you electric water bottle, also nonnies, do you think in the unga bunga era, ungas would heat rocks in a fire and then wrap them in animal skin to use for cramp relief?

No. 2436372

I don’t know ask 10 year old me kek

No. 2436411

Their fault for not having bins in there. I used to work in a shop where the moid owner absolutely REFUSED to put a bin in there and expected me to carry my used tampons into the staff kitchen and dispose of them there, so I flushed them and told myself it’s his fault if his pipes got blocked. He was lucky I wasn’t a pad user.

No. 2436426

Based anon. What was he going to do, send your icky tampons to a lab to get a DNA test done? Kek

No. 2436450

When I'm nervous I get an intense urge to shit and so I've just been nonstop shitting to get it all out of my system before I have to go to something in a few hours but I've just given myself diarrhea. My body also gets imbalanced electrolytes easily which causes me to faint often, especially on top of the anxiety, and I'm already on my period so my hydration and electrolyte situation is dismal at the moment. Praying I can at least head out before people start drinking.

No. 2436461

I wanted to do this so badly when I had food poisoning because my sink and tub are on either side of the toilet and it was too painful to twist my body either way to puke while I was having trapdoor diarrhea. I ended up bringing a trash can to set down in front of me once I felt okay enough to get up for a minute.

No. 2436642

File: 1741542843350.png (2.16 MB, 968x948, IMG_7027.png)

I gagged myself trying to get out a tonsil stone and now i have this acidic bubbling feeling in my stomach, the hell never ends

No. 2436644

My Denman brush fell in the toilet and plastic is porous so I don't want to keep it

No. 2436690

That's a good painting.

No. 2437917

File: 1741585032280.jpg (309.45 KB, 1024x606, 25-03-10-01-33-16-115_deco.jpg)

My coochie itches and burns.

No. 2437919

Period pain, testicular pain, birthing pain, no pain is as bad as that random shooting pain in your butthole.

No. 2437999

Their fault for not having bins in there. I used to work in a shop where the moid owner absolutely REFUSED to put a bin in there and expected me to carry my used tampons into the staff kitchen and dispose of them there, so I flushed them and told myself it’s his fault if his pipes got blocked. He was lucky I wasn’t a pad user.

No. 2438000

you know when you're peeing and there's a lot of pressure so it starts making that "whzzzzzzzz" noise? my cats often come with me to the bathroom, but when that happens they think i'm hissing at them and immediately run away. I'm so sorry kitties…

apparently called Proctalgia fugax. it's one of those random super intense pains that a lot of people get, same way as Precordial Catch or brain freeze are.

No. 2438005

Lovely peaches on the track

No. 2438067

I've been having such nasty shits for the past few days. Impossible to fully wipe, sticking to the toilet bowl, just all around terrible. What should I eat more of to get rid of this?

No. 2438444

File: 1741629110762.gif (463.84 KB, 220x220, gross-nasty.gif)

just got a STRONG whiff of someone's period blood at the store and got scared thinking it was mine for a second

No. 2438452


No. 2438565

No. 2438579

my nipples are rock solid they poked through my sweater and tshirt.

No. 2439230

now everynony in this thread knows your last name, how could you doxxed your own daughter? say sorry to Regina right now. June definitely frequents /g/ and celebricows tho

No. 2439858

I hate it when I'm trying to rub one out and a fictional character keeps popping into my head. Like get out I'm try to get off arghhh

No. 2440190

The most bizarre part of this is having your period at 10

No. 2440229

Is it? 6th grade is the average grade a girl gets her period in the US iirc

No. 2440239

Broke my no cellphone rule when using the toilet cause VPN polls are finally up and its prime time to catch up on meta.

No. 2440363

Nta but I got mine at like 9 or 10, I don't think it's uncommon or weird.

No. 2441595

I am pooping nonnas. A nice number 4 on the stool chart. Not having bowel problems is really a blessing.

No. 2441627

I'm having type 6 right now. Feelsbadman

No. 2441645

I had a type 1/2 earlier. My butt still hurts from it.

No. 2441902

I'm drinking lots of water and eating fruit but pooping still hurts.

No. 2442414

Sometimes I cut open large boils just to release the pus. A little nick with a needle or a small knife does it. Fingers alone don't work and are messy. I have to be careful with it though, get out the "cyst" if there is one

No. 2443026

im farting insanely today if someone walks into my office im gonna kms. my stomach has been fucked when it comes to pooping multiple times a day and farting like crazy for like the past week

No. 2443117

it kind of isn't, like >>2440229 said, it's the average age, mainly due to growth hormones injected into the food however.

No. 2443355

Prune juice fixed my constipation but now my poop is nearly entirely liquid. A small price to pay, I suppose.

No. 2443382

Damn I need to try it now too

No. 2443421

Hopefully it works for you! Just make sure to drink it on a day when you don't have anything important to do and are at home, for obvious reasons. I immediately went to the store after reading that prune juice is commonly used to treat constipation in babies. It also may not work immediately, since I had small glass two weeks ago without results until today after giving it another try. Good luck.

No. 2443437

I swear I have the worst fucking luck when it comes to going outside my house because this is just one story out of many

>on a road trip with friends

>eat in a restaurant that is months later closed due to being such a health hazard it would give Gordon ramsay a heart attack
>feel stomach bubbling
>see a gas station but before I can say anything my friend already drives past it
>think it's no big deal, we only have to drive for 30mins before we make it to another stop
>finally give up and scream at my friend to stop
>friend stops by a bus stop in the middle of nowhere
>run behind the bus stop and do my business
>friend hands me the thinnest fucking tissues to ever exist I have to use as toilet paper
>walk back to the car and we continue our journey
>no one says anything for the rest of the ride to our destination
>to this day my friends still point at bus stops and ask me if I want to stop to take a shit

No. 2443439

Sorry anon but I laughed lol

No. 2443457

Either the batteries I bought are shit or my vibrator is too high-powered

No. 2443459

File: 1741908922143.gif (434.74 KB, 480x480, 3344228216.gif)

This is why the seasoned vibrator-nonas swear by 1970s style plug-in "shoulder massagers"

No. 2443637

I'm realizing that my labia is a bunch of different colors. It honestly looks like if someone was really bad at cooking steak, it's well done in some spots and red in others.
INB4 someone starts to lecture me, I'm not saying it's a bad thing. I didn't really have an image of what my vagina actually looks like until relatively recently

No. 2443641

If my vibrator was plugged in I would never stop

No. 2443658

I have one single dark thick hair around my bellybutton

No. 2443754

I used to eat food that had gone bad (often from just leaving out unrefrigerated) whenever I was constipated because it would help me shit. I don't do it anymore but I was wild and stupid back then and it was actually effective

No. 2443759

i can't even say mine is well done as some parts are just black. it's really fascinating. i want to see her more often

No. 2443875

I fluctuate heavily on my period and it's weird. I can drop or gain up to 10kg and idk what it even is. Sodium? Water? I don't have any other irregular period symptoms but it's odd.

No. 2443882

Some parts of mine look like I smeared shit over them

No. 2444012

might be a good idea, no need to buy laxatives

No. 2444027

Does anyone else put toilet paper down before they poop so you don’t get splash back and it doesn’t make any noise? It’s sort of like a poop hammock

No. 2444089

File: 1741966217915.jpg (141.62 KB, 563x450, i-Qc6k9sH-M.jpg)

Ayrt, same actually kek. Charred steak.

No. 2444092

I do, but I started clogging toilets so I had to learn to do thin layers of tissue.

No. 2444162

I know what you mean… I hate it so damn much

No. 2444225

You know. Maybe this would fix my problems. Maybe this is the next step in my journey.

No. 2444433

Shit this is some black genitalia level of colors though

No. 2444913

Ayrt, please don't. You might get worse than shitting yourself. I didn't get terrible poisoning but it's not a good idea kek

No. 2445408

I have diarrhea and I'm trying to guess whether it's because of my unhealthy lifestyle, my period, stress, some virus or a combination of these things

No. 2447284

Eat a few tablespoons of table sugar, it's a natural laxative in high quantities. If you eat spoiled food you seriously risk having harmful bacteria in your gut (you don't really want botulism and anything related to any other Clostridium bacteria)

No. 2447305

10kg? Nonna seriously? 22 lbs? That’s fucking crazy, unless you’re a ham planet, you should see a doctor about that. If you’re a ham planet then it makes sense, stop being so fat and that won’t happen. But if you’re not obese this is seriously concerning.

No. 2447544

I have a rash and when I was scratching a little my nails were full of pus after. Thank god I can see my doctor tomorrow cause what the fuck.

No. 2447572

I needa start treating my body better cus damn I overate my fill 2 nights ago, went through a heartburn stage, for the past day a bloating or whatever stage n my shits looked like pebbles, smelt like the grease I overstuffed myself with. Today I'm slowly starting to shit- it's smooth, smells like normal crap and feels amazing honestly. Damn constipation

No. 2447593

i wish I could use that type and feel satisfaction but my lady is quite fat and only clitoral stimulation works. I wish there were clit vibrators that were plugin

No. 2447621

File: 1742162468925.jpg (160.17 KB, 1075x1069, magic-wand-original.jpg)

What? Anon, there are no internal vibrators that are plug-in. There is only one plug-in vibe everyone talks about.
Also, every vibrator is a clitotal vibrator if you don't jam it inside yourself?? Use your brain and get creative kek

No. 2447843

File: 1742170987668.png (1.5 MB, 720x916, 1733400187245.png)

I have pinworms in my ears

No. 2448140


No. 2448146

Yeah, I wanna know, too.

No. 2448154

The implication that she digs in her mouth and ass and ears in a grotesque triangular sequence

No. 2448166

That’s why I always put a few squares of toilet paper into the bowl before shitting. It prevents the backsplash.

No. 2448168

I think anon is indicating she has full blown brain worms

No. 2448170

Pinworms can "very rarely" exist in the nose and ears according to Google so I'm no so sure

No. 2448378

>have mild fear of doctors office because germaphobe
>puking kid sits next to me in the waiting room
>doctor dips test strip into my pee sample with no gloves

now I’m worried I caught gastro and whatever the doctor has

No. 2448381

File: 1742214477744.png (645.89 KB, 744x492, pigeonz.png)

At my job today: many bathrooms to be cleaned, and pigeon crap to be removed from certain zones in a supermarket. Piles of crap are fairly easy to remove with a shovel, but the most annoying stuff is scraping the remanining crap which is basically glued to the floors, someone needs to start thinking about giving workers some kind of water blasters

No. 2448633

I was talking about removing a wart with nail clippers to get rid of it and the class audibly grimaced which was a little funny

No. 2448663

For some reason my rose vibrator has started making a high pitched noise when it's charging. I think it's sending frequencies to my clit.

No. 2448673

all of the toilets in the women's public restroom had shit stains in the bowl wtf

No. 2449159

During my bath today a bit of period goop slipped out and i saw it swimming around kek at first I was spooked but I eventually didn’t care. Didn’t help with the cramps though.

No. 2449816

I ripped ass so hard that it literally ripped my ass. Sigh.

No. 2449834

Who said that public/school female toilets are cleaner than the male ones. They're both covered and smell of shit, piss, and drugs, with the female ones having the addition of blood. I hate this neighbourhood

No. 2450383

File: 1742315678255.jpeg (Spoiler Image,31.53 KB, 300x300, image0.jpeg)

Just masturbated to picrel. I feel like I should take a break for a bit…

No. 2450779

ate a bowl of grapes and lost 1/3rd of my body weight in poop within 30mins. need to lay flat for a while

No. 2450795

People are divided into those who would survive poisonings (you) and those who would survive shitting themselves to death after accidentally drinking rat piss on long journeys (me)

No. 2450822

Wait you guys got autism for real

No. 2450826

I gotta know what it was about this that you found arousing.

No. 2450840

Desperate. I have it hung up on my wall.

No. 2450848

Wait, I thought you meant the album playing. So you're lying and trying to farm getting screencapped.

No. 2450854

What the hell is this obsession lately with anons saying "reee you just want to be posted in the screencaps thread!!" Like what? Genuinely what? Do you think that being posted in the screencaps thread is some momentous occasion that every farmer dreams of? It's a shit thread for posting unfunny garbage. It's not that deep and nobody is trying to get posted in there. Who the fuck is "trying to farm" being posted in that thread? Really, who cares? Sometimes you all take this board way too seriously and it's cringey

No. 2450866

Lying to get screencapped is a weird new culture on lc. If haven't noticed it yet you're probably partaking or haven't visited that thread lately

No. 2450869

I think you're overestimating how much anons care about that thread kek

No. 2450894

I'm pretty sure it's the same 1 or 2 anons, as well. They also shit up the copypasta thread the other day, accusing people of selfposting and pretending to be schizo "to be posted". It's so tiring. Why are these anons angry that some anons have an autistic sense of humor, or sometimes word posts in a funny way.
I think it's a new way to infight bait. If they really thought it was a selfpost, they would report it. Farmhands redtext for selfposting and samefagging.

No. 2450895

I'm not. That is such a blatant, basic moid-wannabe post. "Hey guys look at me hurhur I WACKED IT to this totes random poster on the wall please treat me like a man". So fucking lame and painfully fake.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2450899

Nice try. If you can't tell blatant attempts at receiving attention, that's a you problem
>it has to be only 1 or 2 anons
Nope your bait just sucks and you're supposed to be over the age of 18 to post here. You want us all to validate your attempts at shitposting when they're awful.(infighting)

No. 2450900

Anons have been doing that since the screencaps thread was made. It was super annoying because for while after it was created, every anon who was being autistic or funny was accused of trying to make it to that thread.

No. 2450903

what thread do you think we're in kek

No. 2450905

It's almost like flagrant tumblr superwholockian-tier shitposts are easy to spot.(infight/bait)

No. 2450907

What about >>2450383 is flagrant tumblr superwholockianism?

No. 2450909

Are you underage? This post might seem real if you're a tif I guess(infight/bait)

No. 2450912

>I think it's a new way to infight bait.
It definitely is and it's pretty flagrant at that too. It's comes off as embarrassing. Once the VPN ban happens, we'll stop having to deal with it anyway.

No. 2450918

I swear to god there are 2 anons who bait the same few threads. Does anybody else know what I mean?

No. 2450920

Yeah, I get it. I agree. Every post that I don't like is all bait, and it's all by the same person.

No. 2450925

If you were here yesterday, you'd understand. I'm not schizo, it's the same two anons or one anon who samefags and pretends to be another anon. They time out their posts to keep getting arise out of anons when they try to focus on a different topic, too.

No. 2450946

Then you can all circlejerk and pretend to be just like men together kek. You can post as many fake 'not my proudest fap bros' as you want and the 3 whole people online will gleefully RP with you. God these pooner-lite posts are so cringe.

Posts like these genuinely convince me some of you are underage. You're convinced that you're so likable and funny that there's only "two bad actors" that allegedly follow you around and sow discord on purpose. Batshit.(infighting/baiting/scrotefoiling)

No. 2450949

You've been arguing with another anon for the last hour. I'm sorry my post was cringe, I'd delete it but it's too late.

No. 2450953

You replied at lightspeed to a saged post on the second page. Anymore pointless contributions?

No. 2450958

Kek, what's funny is I don't know if it's your post or my post that set her off. Anyways, to get this thread back on track:

Went on a new medication recently and my shits are finally approaching normal again. The doctor tells you about potential side effects, but you don't realize how those side effects are going to impact you until you're sitting on the toilet kekk
At least I didn't get pure water diarrhea. I do not envy motherfuckers who get that.

No. 2450978

What do the meds do, nonna?

No. 2450994

Affects hormones in my digestion system. It's supposed to help me lose weight because fat really clings to me, and I don't exercise/diet to burn fat, I'm a weight lifter.
We're mostly doing it to try and get my debilitating periods under control. The theory is that since the female body interprets extra fat as estrogen, this might make my menstruation less severe. But I have PCOS, so we're not sure. It seems I also have a lot more muscle than previously thought, so that might complicate things as well.
Side effects can include severe diarrhea, constipation, stomach pain, headaches, and allergic reactions at the injection site. There can be more severe reactions, like pancreatitis and thyroid problems! Thankfully I've only had to deal with constipation, and it's not happening as much anymore. On the plus side, the prunes I bought for it are pretty yummy KEK.

No. 2451038

How long have you been taking it for? Is it otherwise working as intended?

No. 2451041

sometimes on heavy flow days i’ll lose a big clot and i can’t help but eat it. in a way it feels primal, but i think i’m just anemic.

No. 2451059

File: 1742346453879.jpg (153.29 KB, 640x640, ab67616d0000b27325e06cbfd5528d…)

No. 2451064

Why? They're so nasty and bitter. I've done this exactly once and I wouldn't do it again, I am also anemic kek

No. 2451071

huh it’s never tasted bitter to me. just tastes metallic. i stay pretty well hydrated so idk.

No. 2451152

I think so! The constipation was technically also an "as intended" thing, since it was a possible side effect kek
I've been on it for 12 weeks now, and I lose about 1 to 2 pounds per week. I had a period about 7 weeks in, and it stopped within two weeks, which is a huge win! I had lost around 13lbs by then. I didn't have crazy cramping, except for the last day or so. But I also have two cysts right now, so that could have been it. Of course I can't confirm if the less terrible period was due to the fat loss, but we will see if the pattern continues.
Were you thinking of trying a similar medication, nona?

No. 2451163

File: 1742353004898.png (518.72 KB, 997x737, 2sp0cb.png)

Oh god…I wasn't ready to realize that something IS worse than eating your discharge, other than eating literal shit.

No. 2451276

damn i guess i am a freak

No. 2451286

Don't worry you're not as bad as the anon from the first (or second I forgot) thread who ate seeds out of her own shit

No. 2451330

This is something I fight myself from doing every time I see one. I didn’t know someone existed that listened to the voices. You’re supposed to fight those urges nonnita

No. 2451483

Every now and then I manage to find videos with naked butts on Youtube which aren't flagged

No. 2451542

They look like they have the nastiest texture, which is probably the only reason I haven't tried eating my own yet. Props to you, I guess.

No. 2452961

When I get too hot, I just spread my legs so my vag can catch some of the breeze from my fan. I swear it works in making the whole body cool down faster.

No. 2452965

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Nona enjoying the evening and her signature scented space

No. 2452975

I want to master bate but I'm on my period and the mess isn't worth it.

No. 2453044

Put a tampon in?

No. 2453258

>doctor dips test strip into my pee sample with no gloves
That’s not that gross to me, I have done something similar in my lab classes

No. 2453761

my life's been hell, i always thought i was too strong to be like one of those weaklings that get stomach issues and ulcers with stress but now my entire digestive system isn't cooperating with me, nothing i ever eat settles easily and i have a bubbly feeling in my gut almost always and because i like spicy food i can't have anything i like, i tried powering through it today even though i felt nauseous today coming to college(maybe because i came by car and not the metro like my usual?) and when it settled i had some delicious hot pot rice only for me to come home and have to vomit because my guts felt like i drank acid, i couldn't even vomit, i had to make myself otherwise i would've vomited in the wrong place wrong time. fml.

No. 2453769

samefag, i didn't sleep either before going to college, having terrible habits has adverse effects on my body? whaaat?

No. 2454092

I get tonsil stones some times and find poking them out so addicting

No. 2454168

do it in the bath

No. 2454175

Not to be a retard, but this is the only thing that makes me sad about getting my tonsils removed as a kid. Would have loved to poke my tonsil stones out, I just know it. I guess not having occasional tonsil stone breath is an okay trade-off. But still.

No. 2454212

I've had similar issues for over a decade now. If I eat food (excl. egg noodles/Top Ramen, those are like laxatives to my digestive system) I'm bloated for hours until my bowels decide to have a fire sale; afterwards the toilet smells like Old Scratch's soup kitchen.

No. 2454758

my pcos chin fat literally stretches my face and it kind of hurts especially when I keep squishing it and poking it out

No. 2454861

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I think I masturbate too much..Alot of the time it's not even because I want to but just because I'm bored and lonely. Maybe if I was a sex-haver I wouldn't be such a coomer but who knows

No. 2455149

I baked oat bran and oatmeal muffins yesterday. I had very bad munchies last night so I ate 6 of them. I have been shitting liquid since I woke up. At least they were delicious.

No. 2455159

I hate how normalized this disgusting word has become. No you are not a degenerate porn addict so don't call yourself one.

No. 2455767

As if I haven't got enough problems in my life, I think I tore my butthole yesterday after wiping it too roughly. I'm in pain and I need to poop now but I'm too fucking terrified… fuck this gay earth

No. 2456563

>No you are not a degenerate porn addict so don't call yourself one.
But I never masturbate without porn..I don't think I even can..

No. 2456570

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Nta but that sounds horrible and sad. Even moids used to use their imagination for the most part, when porn was less available to them. Your sexuality is prob fucked from that, like theirs is

No. 2456625

Me too. Mostly because I am too timid to approach lesbian/bisexual women.

No. 2456758

I've always had bad imagination so I dunno about that. I can fantasize sex but I just prefer to have at least some kind of audio or literotica.

No. 2456764

you're a coomer then, don't let anon lie to you. you can probably go a good few years before you relapse though if you want to quit.

No. 2456770

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Imagination is like a muscle anon. Instead of exercising this muscle, you're wearing (figurative) picrel

No. 2456810

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i have no clue how to describe this but i have this bump (?) that's right on that area where the upper part of the ear connects with the head that ALWAYS oozes discharge (?) if i scratch it. it smells FOUL sometimes. no it isn't a pimple. i've had it for years, have tried to google it but i just get results about earwax…

No. 2456831

It sounds like a preauricular pit

No. 2456833

this may too bp but anon…do you know the things they were imagining? They were imagining the same things that you see in porn or hentai too now.
Let's not forget how the age of consent in america was literally 12 up until the 20th century…..

No. 2456845

let's not forget that historically the age of consent had to do with a father giving his daughter over for marriage and not sexual safety of children.

No. 2457456

just took a massive dump. like shat out a log. my poor anus

No. 2457488

When I'm at home I don't wear any underwear because I'm like George Costanza about washing my unmentionables. My And1 basketball shorts smell like absolute pussy ass after years of doing this

No. 2457502

Jfc use oxyclean or better yet, wash your clothes. The amount of time you own a piece of clothing shouldn't increase "pussy" (doubtful) stink, bc you wash clothing after you wear it

No. 2457509

I don't wash them every day but I do wear them every day. I wash them at 1-2 times per week with my other clothes because I don't own a washing machine. They smell like genital sweat, that's what I mean by "pussy" smell. Maybe I should buy another pair to swap out…

No. 2457517

Douse your clothes in vinegar and wash them with soap.

No. 2457573

I really appreciate shitting solids now. I've missed it.

No. 2457602

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Dammit why did I eat those spicy noodles again, they don't even taste good. Only added a third of the sauce this time and still my ass is on fire. There will not be a third time

No. 2457743

I've been drinking so much green tea recently that the caffeine level is equal to black coffee and it's making me shit a lot

No. 2458105

I haven't shit in three weeks exactly today.

No. 2458120

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You guys ever pop a pimple so good you feel like you need a cigarette after? Years ago I popped an absolute pus-monster on my butt, and I still think about it sometimes at night when I'm in bed trying to sleep.

No. 2458127

Yes i remember it was right before i went to a concert with a friend. It was one of those real nasty pimples that oozes pus, then blood, then more pus and you had to keep pressing. It was real nasty.

No. 2458320

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You're doing that TikTok challenge

No. 2458446

My glasses fall down into the toilet mixed with piss & period blood. I need to rinse it over and over and wipe it with wet wipes

No. 2458486

How the fuck, have you been not eating at all

No. 2459283

I pushed my fingers so deep inside my pussy that having an orgasm was almost painful and somehow made me nauseous. Wouldn't recommend
This is one of the things I fear would happen when leaning to check the toilet bowl, my condolences nona

No. 2459434

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I've been pooping a lot more than usual, so I started a poop log. This is from the past 3 days.

No. 2459436

Gonna use my first yeast infection medication at the ripe ol' age of 32. This is gonna go absolutely flawlessly!
As a virgin who never touches her vagina due to disgust in genitalia kek

No. 2459443

Ayo? Is this an app? Seems like it'd be super useful for nailing food allergens.

No. 2459445

It is, it's called plop. I actually am partially using it to help figure out what foods my stomach doesn't like. It does have ads, but I use it for like 2 seconds do it doesn't really bother me.

No. 2459464

Isnt this for babies?

No. 2459857

Popped a pimple earlier and the plug went flying and I couldn’t find it. Probably landed like 3 feet away.

No. 2460036

I love onion soup and eat it religiously but the onion makes my odour a little strange while the cream/butter content makes me fart a lot. No regrets though

No. 2460044

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Got my period last night and been farting so hard I feel my stomach deflate. Finally took a shit and it was bountiful and smooth, a really satisfying experience. I love taking a big shit.

No. 2460056

I hate being a fat stinky bitch. Does shaving down there help a stinky vag small. I feel like I need to spray down there every day.

No. 2460097

Eat better, no sugar

No. 2460102

I've never heard of anyone using a poop tracker for babies, but sure I guess you could.

No. 2460112

Change the soap you use to wash (for me it's either plain water or dove unscented). Get tested for BV and yeast infection. Try boric acid pills or boric acid wash. Clean not just in-between your folds but also your mons pubis and outer lips. Use wet wipes or a bidet instead of dry tissue. If all else fails, consider a microbiome test like Evvy to see if there's something else causing the smell. Whatever you're spraying with, STOP! No fragranced products down there, including pads or tampons. And yes, trimming and keeping the hair short does help me with smells.

No. 2460422

Trying to lose weight and calorie counting. >>2460112
I will try those, I guess no more sharing my husband’s soap bar.

No. 2460477

Good luck anon, I also struggled with an unpleasant odor and those things helped me. The only thing I didn't try was the microbiome test. If you're overweight, it's worth it to get tested for diabetes. Not only for your general health, but also because it can cause a odor depending on your sugar levels. Also I forgot to say, use wet wipes/bidet but still make sure to dry yourself after using the bathroom and showering. You don't want your vag to just be wet, that's a breeding ground for bacteria.

No. 2460491

>You don't want your vag to just be wet, that's a breeding ground for bacteria
Nta but genuine question, do you mean to keep your vagina dry all the time nona?

No. 2460493

I am trying to cut down my time here and only use lolcow when I’m on the toilet

No. 2460495

Discharge and stuff is fine, but you want to avoid excess water.

No. 2460500

Call that real shitposting

No. 2460501

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That makes sense. So to reiterate what gyno-anon was saying, your vaginas can be moist but not wet from water

No. 2460506

Precisely, Smithers.

No. 2460702

recovered from the flu and i guess i got oral thrush from the stress of being sick but also eating a fuck ton of sugary foods. i can never catch a fucking break.

No. 2460710

I swaer my piss has been green. Or maybe it's just a light/mid-tone yellow?

No. 2460952

I fucking hate being lactose intolerant. I remember despairing around the age of 15 when I realised I'd start having worse shits and that I was slowly becoming lactose intolerant. I just want to consume dairy yet the slightest amount of cream has me emitting the vilest levels of farts and shitting all day

No. 2461086

I don't even blow my nose hard yet so much blood keeps coming out. It stops after I finish but still

No. 2461246

Mine is too sometimes, it's because of the vitamins i take.

No. 2461731

on my nipples theres two areas that "refill" pus and its fun popping them over and over if I wait long enough between harvests

No. 2461970

i've been too lazy to shave my pubes lately and it itches SO BAD down there

No. 2462138

I have a pimple on my puss, it hurts so bad. I squeezed it yesterday but it’s still swollen. I hate this.

No. 2462163

I got a nice ear cleaning kit. Lots of micro attachment options with a light on the end and a camera so you can see what you’re doing. I had been watching ear cleaning videos and was so excited to get it in the mail. I had never had my ears professionally cleaned before. I finally stick it in…my ears have almost nothing. I’m so disappointed.

No. 2462432

I think I'm having a muscle spasm in my left outer labia. It keep quivering painfully and it fucking hurts.

No. 2462449

i like to eat hot puff chips with a class of ice cold water, and i eat a bunch of hot puff chips and i sip a bit of ice water so i create a mush then i sort of spit some of the mush on a new hot puff chip and eat that and the texture combo satisfies me. i am trying to lose weight though (was 171 earlier this year, i'm 164 now) so i can't do it as often as i want to or did but i treated myself yesterday because i've been so stressed out about everything

No. 2463048

I've posted some nasty shit, but anon this is vile.

No. 2463089

It’s kind of gross explained in this manner, but I do eat hamburgers or pizzas and mix coke in my mouth while I still have a mouthful of food, but I don’t regurgitate stuff onto the next bite, you win this one nonna.

No. 2463129

I made lentil soup and my farts are insanely rank. Legit thought I sharted my pants earlier because the smell just lingers.

No. 2463502

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I tell myself that the fan in the hallway covers the sound of my vibrator but it almost certainly doesn’t

No. 2463507

Just test it for yourself sometime. Turn it on, walk away, and see if you can still hear it.

No. 2463808

Having insane period shits at work this week. Today I had to flush the toilet twice to keep it all down. Smells awful in there and there's only 3 other female employees where I work so they will probably know it's me. Oh well. Taking revenge on my one coworker who hovers over the toilet seat and sprays pee all over the place.

No. 2464519

Why does a beautiful woman like me have to poop. It’s so gross and inconvenient and I hate when I have to do it.

No. 2464548

My back hurts so I have to be in bed, and of course I'm touching myself, maybe an orgasm can make this less painful.

No. 2464569

I'm not horny but I wish I was so I could enjoy a nice relaxing masturbating session

No. 2464578

what does it mean when you're horny but nothing turns you on? sometimes i just close my eyes and rub one out to nothingness like no imagination or porn or any kind of erotica or person. nothing and nobody turns me on but the biological urge to coom persists

No. 2464591

I never let women eat me out, and they think it's deep but I'm just insecure about something. I have an anal plicoma and the proctologist said I should do nothing about because it's small and "normal", plus it's a cosmetic thing and not covered by insurance.

No. 2464594

Just googled, and honestly if I saw that I would just think it's a hemorrhoid. No big deal, imo.

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