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No. 2410648
Previous thread:
>>2149098A thread for sharing things that are too nasty to discuss in polite company, aka TMI (Too Much Information). Do you have a weird habit? An embarrassing health issue? Just want to admit something gross? Feel free to post it here.
Things could get unsightly in here, so remember– the hide button on threads is there for a reason.
No. 2410784
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Yeah, and sometimes it is done specifically to help push the feces out. I refuse to believe that the 30% stat is accurate though.
No. 2410834
>>2410815>push on the taintI did this once when I was constipated, it was a lifesaver
Are you constipated often anon? You might consider eating more fiber
No. 2412489
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>>2412376>>2412468You need to take it along with a full glass of water, or at least eat something substantial along with it if you can't. It is getting stuck in your throat and causing pill esophagitis. I had the same thing happen when I was taking antibiotics and it was awful. You need to follow the tips in picrel otherwise it'll just keep happening.
No. 2412572
>Drink a sip or two of water before taking a pill.>Drinnk an entire glass of water after taking a pill.>Take your pills one at a time rather than all at once.implying there are psychopaths who swallow several pills on the dry at once?
No. 2412579
>>2412572Yes my mom does, sometimes she takes anti-inflammatory drugs on an empty stomach because she doesn't give a shit until her stomach hurts.
>>2412575Thanks for the advice, I'll be careful and only take my pills before dinner to make sure I won't forget.
No. 2412866
>>2412733ugh I don't know if that what you means, but I hate hate hate when my pussy gets sweaty from sitting in tight pants on a chair 8 hours a day at work. After the whole day she stinks in such a weird way. I guess it's all the sweat bacteria fermentating in a warm tightly pressed-legged place.
On the other hand. I do love how it tastes when I'm ovulating. Usually there's more discharge and it tastes savoury, somehow sweet and salty, idk. Umami.
Yes, I taste my discharge (idk if that's the right word but like, the wetness, not in the ill pussy way), did it once just to see how vagina tastes and now when it feels out of place wet, I put some on the finger to test what's going on, smell it, if it's That smell then I taste it.
Now when I wrote that, it sounds so animalistic.
No. 2413005
>>2412733same but I want to elaborate in the TMI thread because I can
For at least 4 or 5 years, I've been living in places with weird heating systems or shoddy heating circulation systems, so I'll go to bed freezing cold and wake up soaked. Not every night, but a really good portion of the winter months every year. It seems to happen whether I'm sleeping on the top of my bed or under a bunch of sheets. The only positive I glean from this is that, when I don't completely sweat through all of my layers, and it's really just my pits and thighs that stink, I like to smell my underpants. It's like a painful obsession, it stinks and I feel gross while doing it, I picture people walking in on me doing it and feeling nothing but horror, but I just can't stop. I gotta sniff check, what can I say? Sometimes it smells like sour cream or some kind of fast food dip, but I don't eat sour cream or ranch or anything…
No. 2414838
>>>/ot/2405765Also try the hair care threads in /g/, I'm sure anons have given advice before. If not, you can always make a post.
>>>/g/369903 No. 2414848
>>2413053>landlordIf I had a landlord who didn't shower for three weeks I'd evict myself
however if she was forcing moids to smell her until their prostates explode or whatever then I'd have to be her best friend.
No. 2414857
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>>2414851Would this work for now? Sounds like you should probably go to a doctor tho (picrel can be cut into any size)
No. 2418415
>>2418178Yeah that's exactly what happened. The good news is, no polyps! But I do have a couple hemmys and a skin tag they confirmed. They also biopsied parts of my colon just to check for IBS etc. due to my self-report of change in bowel habits. They gave me a 3 for the colon prep and said everything looked healthy.
The pain though has been a nightmare. They gave me 450 propofol and I spent the better part of the morning clammy and in agony from all the muscle aches. Felt like a flu. And of course the best they can do is say take Tylenol and eat something. I did have my ride take me to a McDick's because I chose to water fast and hadn't eaten since Sunday night. But food right now is so damn unappealing. I wish I weren't so uncomfortable because besides an hour nap when I got back I would really like to just sleep. It's all very exhausting.
No. 2421855
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i hate getting tonsil stones so much, and it gotten worse recently bc i was trying to fish a tonsil stone out (bc i'll actually kill myself if i lightly cough and a tonsil stone comes out in front of my friends) and i scratched a tonsil and now theres a crevice that is constantly making tonsil stones, i want to get them removed so badly but i don't have an infection in my tonsils and tonsils are for preventing infection right? what if i get sick?
No. 2422800
>>2422465that's concerning, mine is at least just a kind of cosmetic concern, save for how i sometimes get sleep apnea but that could be just my lungs. why won't your insurance cover it? is it bc they think it's not serious enough?
>>2422796sorry to hear that
nonnie, is there a type of ointment you can apply on your butthole? or maybe drink water even more so you don't strain too much?
No. 2423527
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i popped the ingrown hair on my stomach and now im panicking, why the fuck do they do that anyways?
No. 2426748
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>colonoscopy where I shat liquid lava for two days
>immediately followed by covid diarrhea where I shat additional lava for a week
>had to buy prep H with lidocaine for the first time in my life
>cannot shit without stinging pain, also I think my asshole prolapsed
>finally getting over covid
>order something delicious
>mindlessly consumed while forgetting about the spice my mouth was used to
>the spice passes through my split melted bungus
>almost pass out from pain that lidocaine is not even saving me from
I've lost ten pounds and my body is becoming naturally constipated from fear of taking another painful shit. I'm so tired.
No. 2426761
>>2426748Forgot to mentiom my period diarrhea in between the covid stuff too.
Please end me.
No. 2426787
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>>2426748Might be time to switch to a liquid diet and stock up on Imodium anon.
No. 2427034
>>2426309Because alcohol apparently promotes the formation of hemorrhoids, and other than that, it breaks down into
toxic substances when filtered by the liver
No. 2427449
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i just had a super sharp painful poop that literally cut my butthole open… im taking fiber capsules now wtf
No. 2428309
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Between eating my scabs and chewing up my fingers, I wonder how much of myself I have eaten.
No. 2431413
>>2431225Yes, that's right!
I also thought they were more common until I looked it up. Apparently Bartholin cysts only affect 2% of women!
No. 2432648
>feel like i have to poo something liquidity >poo it out>it's not even poo but some white spit looking shit???
>>2432348Nta but sometimes fiber and water genuinely doesn't do anything (i'm the anon earlier who said it makes me more constipated)
No. 2432716
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if i'm forced to live with these stupid swollen hurting boobs one more day because my period is late i swear to god..
No. 2435074
>>2435052If it makes you feel safer
One time I had to stick my hand in a public bathroom's toiler and
3 days ago I had to diarrhea in a plastic bag. A lot ran to my vagina. Both times I was ok. Just shower and use a vag-safe soap (I use unscented dove) to clean yourself very thoroughly. If you don't have fragrance free soap, i guess just use your regular soap and hope you don't get a yeast infection.
No. 2435097
>>2435074Surely you didn't
have to…
No. 2435140
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>>2435103Are you the anon who pisses in her bathtub because the toilet is congested? Just get a plunger already
No. 2435184
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>>2435166I don't know why but I always get sinister vibes from Chiikawa
>>2435152Have you tried a snake? I find they work better than plungers.
No. 2435205
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Whenever I'm on my period I think of Him. He has become my Saint of Periods. Long live Bloodl.
No. 2435232
>>2435184This is actually a really good idea, thank you anon. Tbh, I've had so much going on in my life and mind that I haven't been able to worry too much about the toilet besides plunging it.
>>2435225An unfortunate one…
No. 2435536
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>>2435232Nonnie, try a bellows style plunger if you haven't already and it's nothing more serious than just a regular blockage. My Nigel blocks the toilet constantly with his repulsive Pringles can sized shits and this style of plunger is the only thing that clears it
No. 2435721
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>>2435492you can snot into your hands and then wash it???
No. 2436279
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after shitting my guts out on the toilet i get up and look up to see an orange paper wasp just chilling on a towel, nearly shat a second time but it didn't get up or anything even as i was leaving, how nice. what's not nice is that my period cramps have transitioned into stomach cramps and it's like the pain is travelling up my torso and i feel like puking but i can't, i refuse to go back to my old ways of getting rid of my cramps(maybe too TMI for the TMI thread but id shit in the toilet and vomit onto the floor at the same time since we had tiled flooring everywhere and a drain next to the toilet too, and I'd clean it up after, the pain didn't necessarily go away just became more manageable. anyways, using a electric water bottle rn, but the feeling of puking isn't going away, maybe i shouldn't be lying down.
No. 2436642
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I gagged myself trying to get out a tonsil stone and now i have this acidic bubbling feeling in my stomach, the hell never ends
No. 2437917
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My coochie itches and burns.
No. 2438000
you know when you're peeing and there's a lot of pressure so it starts making that "whzzzzzzzz" noise? my cats often come with me to the bathroom, but when that happens they think i'm hissing at them and immediately run away. I'm so sorry kitties…
>>2437919apparently called Proctalgia fugax. it's one of those random super intense pains that a lot of people get, same way as Precordial Catch or brain freeze are.
No. 2438444
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just got a STRONG whiff of someone's period blood at the store and got scared thinking it was mine for a second
No. 2443117
>>2440190 it kind of isn't, like
>>2440229 said, it's the average age, mainly due to growth hormones injected into the food however.
No. 2443459
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>>2443457This is why the seasoned vibrator-nonas swear by 1970s style plug-in "shoulder massagers"
No. 2444089
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>>2443759Ayrt, same actually kek. Charred steak.
No. 2447621
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>>2447593What? Anon, there are no internal vibrators that are plug-in. There is only one plug-in vibe everyone talks about.
Also, every vibrator is a clitotal vibrator if you don't jam it inside yourself?? Use your brain and get creative kek
No. 2447843
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I have pinworms in my ears
No. 2448381
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At my job today: many bathrooms to be cleaned, and pigeon crap to be removed from certain zones in a supermarket. Piles of crap are fairly easy to remove with a shovel, but the most annoying stuff is scraping the remanining crap which is basically glued to the floors, someone needs to start thinking about giving workers some kind of water blasters
No. 2450383
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Just masturbated to picrel. I feel like I should take a break for a bit…
No. 2450894
>>2450854>>2450869I'm pretty sure it's the same 1 or 2 anons, as well. They also shit up the copypasta thread the other day, accusing people of selfposting and pretending to be schizo "to be posted". It's so tiring. Why are these anons angry that some anons have an autistic sense of humor, or sometimes word posts in a funny way.
I think it's a new way to infight bait. If they really thought it was a selfpost, they would report it. Farmhands redtext for selfposting and samefagging.
No. 2450899
>>2450894Nice try. If you can't tell blatant attempts at receiving attention, that's a you problem
>it has to be only 1 or 2 anonsNope your bait just sucks and you're supposed to be over the age of 18 to post here. You want us all to validate your attempts at shitposting when they're awful.
(infighting) No. 2450907
>>2450905What about
>>2450383 is flagrant tumblr superwholockianism?
No. 2450946
>>2450912Then you can all circlejerk and pretend to be
just like men together kek. You can post as many fake 'not my proudest fap bros' as you want and the 3 whole people online will gleefully RP with you. God these pooner-lite posts are so cringe.
>>2450925Posts like these genuinely convince me some of you are underage. You're convinced that you're so likable and funny that there's only "two bad actors" that allegedly follow you around and sow discord on purpose. Batshit.
(infighting/baiting/scrotefoiling) No. 2450958
>>2450949Kek, what's funny is I don't know if it's your post or my post that set her off. Anyways, to get this thread back on track:
Went on a new medication recently and my shits are finally approaching normal again. The doctor tells you about potential side effects, but you don't realize how those side effects are going to impact you until you're sitting on the toilet kekk
At least I didn't get pure water diarrhea. I do not envy motherfuckers who get that.
No. 2450994
>>2450978Affects hormones in my digestion system. It's supposed to help me lose weight because fat really clings to me, and I don't exercise/diet to burn fat, I'm a weight lifter.
We're mostly doing it to try and get my debilitating periods under control. The theory is that since the female body interprets extra fat as estrogen, this might make my menstruation less severe. But I have PCOS, so we're not sure. It seems I also have a lot more muscle than previously thought, so that might complicate things as well.
Side effects can include severe diarrhea, constipation, stomach pain, headaches, and allergic reactions at the injection site.
There can be more severe reactions, like pancreatitis and thyroid problems! Thankfully I've only had to deal with constipation, and it's not happening as much anymore. On the plus side, the prunes I bought for it are pretty yummy KEK.
No. 2451152
>>2451038I think so! The constipation was technically also an "as intended" thing, since it was a possible side effect kek
I've been on it for 12 weeks now, and I lose about 1 to 2 pounds per week. I had a period about 7 weeks in, and it stopped within two weeks, which is a huge win! I had lost around 13lbs by then. I didn't have crazy cramping, except for the last day or so. But I also have two cysts right now, so that could have been it. Of course I can't confirm if the less terrible period was due to the fat loss, but we will see if the pattern continues.
Were you thinking of trying a similar medication, nona?
No. 2451163
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>>2451041Oh god…I wasn't ready to realize that something IS worse than eating your discharge, other than eating literal shit.
No. 2452965
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>>2452961Nona enjoying the evening and her signature scented space
No. 2454861
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I think I masturbate too much..Alot of the time it's not even because I want to but just because I'm bored and lonely. Maybe if I was a sex-haver I wouldn't be such a coomer but who knows
No. 2456570
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>>2456563Nta but that sounds horrible and sad. Even moids used to use their imagination for the most part, when porn was less available to them. Your sexuality is prob fucked from that, like theirs is
No. 2456625
>>2454861Me too. Mostly because I am too timid to approach
lesbian/bisexual women.
No. 2456770
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>>2456758Imagination is like a muscle anon. Instead of exercising this muscle, you're wearing (figurative) picrel
No. 2456810
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i have no clue how to describe this but i have this bump (?) that's right on that area where the upper part of the ear connects with the head that ALWAYS oozes discharge (?) if i scratch it. it smells FOUL sometimes. no it isn't a pimple. i've had it for years, have tried to google it but i just get results about earwax…
No. 2456833
>>2456570this may too bp but anon…do you know the things they were imagining? They were imagining the same things that you see in porn or hentai too now.
Let's not forget how the age of consent in america was literally 12 up until the 20th century…..
No. 2457602
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Dammit why did I eat those spicy noodles again, they don't even taste good. Only added a third of the sauce this time and still my ass is on fire. There will not be a third time
No. 2458120
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You guys ever pop a pimple so good you feel like you need a cigarette after? Years ago I popped an absolute pus-monster on my butt, and I still think about it sometimes at night when I'm in bed trying to sleep.
No. 2458320
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>>2458105You're doing that TikTok challenge
No. 2459283
I pushed my fingers so deep inside my pussy that having an orgasm was almost painful and somehow made me nauseous. Wouldn't recommend
>>2458446This is one of the things I fear would happen when leaning to check the toilet bowl, my condolences nona
No. 2459434
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I've been pooping a lot more than usual, so I started a poop log. This is from the past 3 days.
No. 2460044
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Got my period last night and been farting so hard I feel my stomach deflate. Finally took a shit and it was bountiful and smooth, a really satisfying experience. I love taking a big shit.
No. 2460422
>>2460097Trying to lose weight and calorie counting.
>>2460112I will try those, I guess no more sharing my husband’s soap bar.
No. 2460501
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>>2460495That makes sense. So to reiterate what gyno-anon was saying, your vaginas can be
moist but not wet from water
No. 2463502
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I tell myself that the fan in the hallway covers the sound of my vibrator but it almost certainly doesn’t