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No. 2410648

Previous thread: >>2149098

A thread for sharing things that are too nasty to discuss in polite company, aka TMI (Too Much Information). Do you have a weird habit? An embarrassing health issue? Just want to admit something gross? Feel free to post it here.

Things could get unsightly in here, so remember– the hide button on threads is there for a reason.

No. 2410768

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If your partner puts a finger to your vaginal walls they may feel whether your rectum is filled with solid feces or not

No. 2410784

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Yeah, and sometimes it is done specifically to help push the feces out. I refuse to believe that the 30% stat is accurate though.

No. 2410815

So that's what I'm doing is called. I always push on the taint though. I tried to bring it up once with someone, to gauge whether anyone else did it, but they were so confused at my explanation and hints that I figured it was something that no one else did.

No. 2410834

>push on the taint
I did this once when I was constipated, it was a lifesaver
Are you constipated often anon? You might consider eating more fiber

No. 2410842

Wouldn't fiber do the opposite of helping with constipation. I thought it firmed your shit up.

No. 2410850

Fiber helps bowel movement so can help with constipation

No. 2410863

It might be bad with stress induced constipation. I have problems with this and eating a lot of fiber made it all worse and on top of that I never felt empty. That was really the worst feeling.

No. 2410869

Well you're full of shit

No. 2412345

I just when to the bathroom and there was a long piece of lint dangling and spinning around from my vagina. I thought somehow a worm or cocoon was coming from my vag.

No. 2412346

Aww a butterfly is gonna come out of there

No. 2412353

you thought your vagina… was metamorphizing? are you ovaries trying to escape?

No. 2412376

I feel like I'm going to throw up after taking an iron supplement pill like my doctor said and it feels so bad I'm almost considering making myself throw up by shoving fingers down my throat. It's like the pill is still stuck inside my throat it feels horrible.

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