File: 1627067228280.jpg (7.23 MB, 5616x3744, Woman-with-magnifying-glass-at…)

No. 861434
File: 1627067411439.png (37.4 KB, 993x732, sdfdfdsfh.png)

Older girl pinning a younger blond male against a brick wall outside. He looks sad. They look British. It used to be posted on /v/ all the time like 8 years ago. Even a pepe and wojak version was made of it, that's how popular it was. Does anyone have it? Thanks. Have a good day
No. 861456
File: 1627069806604.jpg (43.76 KB, 500x375, 406f8412bb85c141541a2733116ee7…)

I watched this many many years ago (I guess it was 2005, but the show itself looked older), I always wondered what was it from.
It was a comedy skit and it was filmed from a first person pov. I wanna say British, but I'm not sure.
The skit goes as: it's an office, and it's time to go back home. The protagonist (the one whose pov this is) goes around the office and makes sure to say goodbye to every single person, and the joke is that he's obviously a very disliked, boring person. At one point I remember one dude running from him and getting in the elevator, but then the protagonist stops the elevator before the door closes and he says goodbye to the dude.
I don't remember how the skit ends.
Anyone knows what the fuck is this?
No. 861489
>>861467Thank you for the guess anon, but I've watched peep show 3x now at it's definitely not it kek
It was a skit show, kinda like Monty Python, but it wasn't Monty Python either.
No. 861895
File: 1627127600000.jpeg (63.24 KB, 826x365, 0132A884-3007-4417-946D-54D488…)

>>861441Found a couple comments saying her name was Emily Williams, but I can't find her anywhere on social media/Google so I'm not even sure if that's her actual name.
No. 861908
File: 1627130122362.jpg (149.06 KB, 875x1114, yt_yutsaikatyperry04jpg-52fc10…)

Katy Perry's dress worn on Esquire 2010 shoot. You'd think that would be easy to find out, but I've clicked on so many fucking links now and every page says "look how hot Katy Perry looks!!!" and that's it. It's driving me crazy. Any idea on who the designer might be?
No. 861923
File: 1627132555506.jpeg (146.3 KB, 1280x717, 8E248C58-114D-44A3-B76F-0491A5…)

could anyone help find the original image of this meme?
No. 862290
>>861635Were the people riding bikes with monkey mask on? I seem to recall that video being used a lot
Looking for a song on Youtube that had the picture of a girl with a fish bowl on her head with goldfish swimming around it. I had it recommended to me via other videos. I think the song started with an M, not sure
No. 862316
>>862290I know the image you mean but can't remember the song, I would like to know too
It always reminded me of vid related
No. 862350
I posted this in /m/ a while ago, had some helpful anons with good suggestions but was ultimately unsuccessful.
I had an extremely vivid flashback of playing a game where basically the player character is very small and running around a race track /obstacle course in a house. The course was made out of everyday objects, kind of like those rube goldberg machines people make for ping pong balls, but hasn't been deliberately arranged for the player character, it was all made to look incidental /accidental.
The player is about 5cm tall but i don't remember if it was a person, animal, machine or whatever. I remember different rooms in the house were different levels, for instance the kitchen might have flames on the cooker you had to avoid, a wooden spoon laid against a pan you had to run up. The laundry room had soap you could slip in etc. I think there was a cat you had to avoid at some point too. There weren't any other people to race against, it was more like a time trial thing. Imagine single player Fall Guys with the view set side on, but not completely fixed, the camera has some movement. An anon suggested Chibi Robo, and while that wasn't the game the graphics were similar (stylised but not cartoonish, 3d). It was most likely a console game, I don't remember a dialogue or soundtrack.
I'm guessing it's over ten years old based on how old the memory is and what the graphics were like.
I hope this isn't just a dream I had as a child that I've remembered as real because I want to play this again so much.
No. 862386
>>862371No it occurred to me, but it wasn't that. It's the right time frame though.
>>862373Holy fuck, it actually might be. I was about to dismiss it because I was watching videos of the game from 2017, but then I saw they had versions all the way back in time. The PS2 version is particularly scratching my brain itch. Thanks so much!
No. 862768
>>862387Thanks so much for trying
nonny! I really appreciate it.
No. 862924
File: 1627239794926.jpeg (337.07 KB, 1125x1354, E34BF0CF-592E-4BD1-9511-2DD93C…)

I'm looking to see if anybody knows what happened to this small youtuber "category:OTHER." I really liked her content (esp about being an autistic woman in tech) but her channel disappeared without much warning. A few months before it disappeared for god, she privated a few of her old videos that were too personal, so she could have decided to go ahead and delete the whole thing… but she also started to post some gendercrit videos at the end of her tenure, which might've gotten her the hammer.
Anyways, lmk if you're aware of any of her other socials
No. 862926
>>862923Not this, it was a lot more recent (2014-2017 ish indie?), but I missed this song, thank you
No. 863007

I wanted to find this film for years, saw just a few scenes on TV (my parents were watching something and would change the channel during commercial breaks): the main character was a boy of 10-12 years, kind of introverted and timid, and he…moved to countryside I guess? to visit his grandparents maybe? I remember the scene where a grandpa(?) showed him a spider in a corner of shed, there was a closeup of it either wrapping a fly in silk or devouring it. Then a scene where the boy walked the dog, the female dog, and there was another older(?) boy with a dog too, which started copulating with the first one. The main character wasn't happy about it, he thought he was attacking his pet and tried to stop him, and the older boy explained what was really happening. Then the boy and his friends wanted to sneak into forsaken house but saw a movement in a window - it was some couple fucking, you could see a woman's back - and ran away. And there was also a scene where this boy and his friend paid a bit older girl to show them what's under her skirt (she was known to do that for money) but she didn't actually do it, just rumpled the hem of her skirt hesitantly and left, leaving the boys perplexed and broke.
If I'm not mistaking it with some other film, there was also something about a room, like flashbacks of this boy, maybe like sick mother dying in that room or something…
The atmosphere of film was kind of unsettling and gloomy.
Just really curious what was it.
>>862879I've instantly thought about this one, although it doesn't exactly fit your description… well, at least it's indie, there're cheerleaders and there's a sort of love triangle kek
No. 864878
File: 1627413668925.jpg (17.4 KB, 284x218, EX2s2bhXsAE4hvT.jpg)

does anyone know where this frog comes from? i'm guessing it's some RPG game
No. 865013
nonny, I can't find her anywhere either. Oh well!
No. 866071
>>865271Reminded me so much of this
It's Aerosmith, but some parts were filmed in Brazil I think, so maybe…?
No. 866197
>>866182Kinda broad, do you remember anything about the lyrics?
The Sun Always Shines on T.V. or Take On Me by Aha?
Could it be the Smiths, the Cure, or the Damned?
Love Will Tear Us Apart by Joy Division?
No. 866211
File: 1627516253356.jpg (26.04 KB, 420x420, martiangothic.jpg)

>>866089Nevermind guys, I found it. It was Martian Gothic. Asked my mom about it and she told me "something mars" and that was enough that google gave me first result. I was misremembering things, like first person (it's not) probably mixing it up with RE Survivor, which is first person and I played around the same time. Also I did not remember the fact that you could change characters in this game, which makes me think that's probably the reason why I couldn't go very far.
No. 866240
>>866190it wasn't this, thanks though
>>866191thanks lol, it's not this though funnily enough I did hear this at work recently as well
>>866197I'm sorry it's broad lmao, I wish I could remember the lyrics. it wasn't take me on, it wasn't the sun always shines on TV or love will tear us apart. it could have been the cure or the smiths, I've never heard of the damned but I looked up some of their songs and I don't think it's them. sorry lmao but thanks, if I ever find out what it is I will come back and tell you guys
No. 866445
>>866411i was going to say paprika, because i rented it from blockbuster around the exact same time and the scene with
the sleazebag's disembodied hands popped into my mind's eye when i read your post. it was released in north america in 2006, though.
blockbuster used to have some interesting anime selections. do you remember if it was a bit niche, or more normie?
No. 866500
File: 1627551836681.jpg (48.47 KB, 665x367, wut.JPG)

please help me find a fantasy-ish retro platformer game. i think the style was pixel art, it had a green haired(?) main character and gameplay wise it was a a bit like mario. it had several levels. i remember an earth level, a fire level, a water level with a mermaid boss, an electric level with a boss that controlled lightning and a tree climbing level where you move up a giant tree and fight an angel boss. also all the levels had turtle enemies.
me and my friend played it in elementary school on her psp/sega type portable console and i thought it was fun.
No. 866648
>>866522Around 2006-2008 roughly
>>866588Definitely not the cup song.It sounded like early 2000s era alternative rock. Take the lyrics I conjured with a grain of salt, they're probably wrong.
No. 866682
>>866512It's not this one is it?
I got it from this promo No. 867860
File: 1627671361937.jpg (159.84 KB, 800x455, nic.jpg)

A tumblr post I've been looking for since forever. Someone posted something along the lines of "Imagine whenever you're sad your icon would come up to you to cheer you up again". Someone with their icon as picrel Nic Cage photoshopped onto Navi from TLoZ reblogged it, and posted some mini-comic or edit or something with Navic Cage circling you going "Hey! Hey! What's wrong? Hey! Hey! Cheer up! Hey! Listen! Hey!". Please any nona help me, I remember crying when I first saw it.
No. 869023
File: 1627790721557.jpeg (46.69 KB, 800x800, 6E7FECF9-8B0F-46AE-A273-8B974A…)

Can anyone help me find a specific Voltron artist? I used to follow her on twitter and I don’t remember unfollowing but I can’t find her anymore. She loved Lance, and even published a zine full of only her Lance drawings. I don’t think anyone else contributed to the zine, it was just her drawings and sketches. She also sold stickers and had an chibi allura sticker with a sort of “what the fuck” expression on her face and the eyes were drawn similarly to the ones on this Meowth. She also tabled at ANYC in either 2017 or 2018. She also drew a lot of Allura fanart too I think.
No. 869167
>>869113I'm looking for it. Can nonnies help? Off the top of my head, I remember reading in a bio on George Orwell that 1984 was originally a short story written by his wife and he often took "inspiration" from her diary, plagiarising word-for-word pages of text. And I'm trying to remember their names, but there was a painter couple where the wife was the innovator, birthing a new movement in art, her husband copied her paintings and she let him take credit for the innovation. Her reputation/contribution has been restored posthumously by art historians, yet his paintings are still hung and hers are in storage, some outraged historian was writing about it in the paper. Another one I'm trying to remember nonnies, the name of a woman who innovated early film techniques, which have become mainstream/normal to us and her boyfriend or lover at the time took credit, I can't remember if she let him. Ring any bells? Few examples in this article. No. 869172
File: 1627813526161.jpg (195.82 KB, 1502x900, Screenshot_6.jpg)

>>869167>there was a painter couple where the wife was the innovator, birthing a new movement in art, her husband copied her paintings and she let him take credit for the innovationCould this be Walter and Margaret Keane? movie Big Eyes was based on them. Can't help you with the Tumblr unfortunately but if you find it, let me know, sounds interesting
No. 869300
File: 1627830349235.jpg (42.9 KB, 420x647, original.jpg)

Does anyone happen to know the name of the model who was photographed for the book cover of Witch Child by Celia Rees?
No. 870561
>>861432Gay porn called wrestling training, one of the guys was in a red hoodie/shirt. They both were buff and did the dirty in the ring. It had that cool camera fuzz of the late 90s/early 2000s.
Awakened my inner fujo, can’t find it now, though. I think it was deleted off pornhub.
No. 870575
this is going to be so broad, it's literally been twenty years so bear with me.
There was a book I read as a kid. IIRC it was pretty thick, older. I read it in the early 2000s. Probably aimed for kids/YA? I don't remember the plot very well, but an older man, perhaps a grandfather, took a young boy on a trip searching for treasure? A map? Some kind of treasure-thing. Something tells me there was jungle scenes, but I can't be sure. I know they were on a boat at some point. The cover was red, 90% certain it was leather/pleather bound, with an image of the boy/man on their adventure etched in gold? on the front. It's been 20 years, I think about it all the time but I no longer live in the same state I did as a kid so I can't go back and look for it :( idk if I'd even know it when I see it, but I've never given up hope on possibly finding it again. It feels like a fever dream but I read the shit out of it as a kid and never finished it because it was so big.
No. 870715
>>870684I don’t quite remember but it could be very likely be a flash game
Thanks for the suggestion anon!
No. 870825
File: 1627990873245.jpg (24.33 KB, 498x360, BIJWD8tCAAESMcz.jpg)

>>870818and when I said the CGI was bad I wasn't kidding kek
No. 870881
File: 1627994981563.png (253.26 KB, 958x688, 1627899983615 (1).png)

>>870857Is this the one you mean nonita?
No. 871824
File: 1628060796231.png (Spoiler Image,227.17 KB, 640x412, 1597572281405.png)

Someone on here made a really funny edit of picrel where instead of globo homo it was sonething about 4chan instead, and the tomboys shirt had "shy nerdy male" written on instead. He was saying something along the lines of he was a misogynist or tranny instead of the original text. The guy behind the window was edited to be female aswell. Did anyone save it or at least remember where it was posted?
No. 872597
File: 1628125061713.png (372.43 KB, 750x487, monkee.png)

>>871824I dont have that but I have this
No. 872598
File: 1628125119685.jpg (163.64 KB, 1400x2104, treasure-island-9781684127955_…)

>>870575From your description it sounds like Treasure Island to me. Or maybe an adaptation of it.
I remember playing some flash games on this site as a kid, it featured a purple(?) cat and bulldog maybe and the premise was they did news reports on animal facts and had bunch of games to play. I found it by typing in 'cat and dog games' and going though multiple pages of google results. I think it was in English but the site might not have been. Probably dead now bc flash is dead but I wanted to find it for nostalgic purposes.
No. 872644
>>872612Thank you anon but it was definitely not Harry Potter. My parents were very religious and would have never let that in the house lol.
>>872598Oh my gosh, I think that's it. I'd have to read it to be sure, but I looked up the premise and older book covers, and I'm pretty sure that's it. Holy shit, thank you
No. 873186
File: 1628178356819.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1284x1277, 3FA8D07B-70A6-4350-8F3C-9E0C4F…)

Does anyone know her?
No. 873270
File: 1628183464001.png (999.71 KB, 918x527, teafl0wer.PNG)

>>873263She is very pretty but also super shopped on this
>>873186 photo, you can see how she actually looks like in her makeup tutorial vids
No. 874395
File: 1628271842727.png (16.04 KB, 1288x236, ts3.PNG)

>>874330nvm, it's less to do than I remembered
No. 875415
File: 1628364565191.jpg (69.77 KB, 564x675, ec2a5a45bdde9dc1573c7434fe382d…)

Does anyone know the artist behind this picture? I found this on a shitty wattpad thing off of pinterest and I've been trying to find the artist for ages.
No. 875449
>>875415I spent like 30 minutes looking
nonny,. I'm so sorry I couldn't help.
No. 875460
>>875415I'm 90% sure this is the original artist, though she seems to have deleted the original picture. You can see characters that look similar to the ones in the photo scattered through her twit.
No. 876738
File: 1628507079412.png (202.92 KB, 370x370, RBd5w9vl.png)

Does anyone know if the previously tumblr artist kuudoh has any new social media? He was pretty big back in 2015ish and he had a lot of cool corpse party drawings but his blog is gone now. This is the only picture I could find on google but I'd love to give him a new follow
No. 878956
File: 1628716584864.jpg (115.06 KB, 1200x796, artsearch.jpg)

Could someone please help me find the artist for this image? I remember seeing this on /r9k/ between 2017-2019 (I've now moved on from /r9k/) as the OP of a thread. I asked the OP who the artist behind the image was and saved the image (pic rel). the OP replied with the name of the artist, but I don't remember what the name of the artist was
No. 879868
File: 1628811910538.png (7.1 KB, 228x222, download.png)

Foreign (French?) language animated film of a (possibly real life professional?) male cyclist with huge thighs. I think I remember the characters speaking French. All I can remember is being grossed out by a scene with big animated possibly veiny or hairy thighs slapping on a bike lol.
No. 880063
File: 1628841692061.jpg (50.78 KB, 636x358, b80ee3e4fa79275b253204cf46c766…)

I've been looking for this game for years.
I used to play it a lot with my brother when I was a kid, but I didn't know english at the time so it didn't stuck with me.
Early 00s (or maybe even from the 90s since this could be a port) co-op tower climber game with robots. I used to play it on a PC, but that magazine-and-cd collection had an altered beast port, so who knows.
The graphics were not in pixel art afaik, it was ugly muddy early CGI, but it kinda worked because the vibe was that of dirty robots in a dirty, factory like place.
I remember usually picking a yellow robot. I guess I'd call it also a 2D platformer, since you had to go up on platforms. There were also fans and bubbles throughout the level to help you go higher. The level would slowly rise up and if you fell, you'd die (very common for tower climbers)
I think you could play it by yourself, but I'd usually play co-op.
No. 880214
File: 1628859089721.gif (558.48 KB, 978x200, 70478e_1b21b4b0dcf54cb4b679293…)

I've been looking for this game for a while. It was a browser game, I think I must have played it on miniclip or some similar place. The graphics were pixellated and the colors were all brown and washed out and you played as the dog Laika, who landed on her spaceship on some planet where she must rescue about 10 lost puppies. The world was all run down and full of broken buildings which you went through looking for the puppies, it was a platformer type game. I think Laika could fire a laser but I'm not sure. She definitely had some sci fi accessory on her. But I can't remember the name and I can't find it anymore, although I think the name was long (about 4 words) and stupid, like Soviet Puppies in Space or something else ridiculous. I'm 70% sure it had both puppies and space in the name. Also I think this gif might be the puppies from the game
No. 880293
>>876459super late reply but thanks for answering
nonny, this isn't it though. It's lugubrious, some girl stole my copy of whatever game it was and now it's truly lost in the aether
No. 880334
File: 1628870929591.gif (16.67 KB, 200x200, 17088.image.gif)

>>880328Oh my god oh my god that's it thank you so much!!!! I don't know why I didn't think to look on nitrome because I used to play lots of games on nitrome too. I was wrong about the gif
No. 880936
File: 1628930670179.jpg (525.88 KB, 1400x1029, The Pool ss.jpg)

>>880926Can it be Aron Wiesenfeld?
No. 880950
File: 1628933363428.jpeg (249.02 KB, 1024x1149, B6ACA9B8-ED05-466B-92B8-D45DFE…)

>>874337Sounds a lot like Household Affairs.
Don't ask how I know this. No. 882455
File: 1629077258010.jpeg (80.71 KB, 580x456, B24D72DD-42E1-4D0F-A4BC-C7650D…)

>>873270Nope she literally looks like her photos just most of them are smoothed this from that same video
No. 882480
File: 1629079075765.png (646.42 KB, 1036x451, Untitled-1.png)

>>882455i think comparing to the photo anon asked about originally, her features like lip size, nose shape or chin lenght are just a little bit different and could have gone through some filtering, even the automatic one many phone cameras have nowadays but ofc no denying she's very pretty naturally
No. 883200
File: 1629149460165.jpeg (Spoiler Image,637.06 KB, 828x1351, 06AFE2D3-1758-4209-93D8-5063E9…)

>>873270I don’t even care she can kill me
No. 883320
File: 1629160622229.png (209.3 KB, 1689x2048, image0.png)

I'm trying to find this painting by an online/twitter artist. It's of a woman in her apartment, painting a man on a canvas, and outside her window you see that the man she is painting is her neighbor. You can see him through her window, as it's looking into his apartment. He's maybe with another woman, but I might be imagining that part. It has a very creepy mood to it. Also, if I'm remembering it correctly she's possibly nude, or maybe it's just that she's painting the guy nude? I did a rough drawing of how I recall the composition looking, lol.
I believe I first saw it on twitter about a year and some change ago, and it was fairly popular with a lot of replies and retweets. I'm pretty sure it was a digital painting, though my memory is foggy.
No. 883332
File: 1629161396561.png (1.57 MB, 1000x1427, tumblr_ppa9ar20Gv1qmi960o2_r1_…)

>>878956I am not 100% certain but it really looks like @asoi00 's style.
No. 883411
>>878956>>883397 here
Damn, Twitter won't let me scroll down any further… I'll post here if I find it.
No. 884503
File: 1629258340178.jpg (57.08 KB, 394x531, Abenobashi-magic-shopping-stre…)

>>884482Never mind found it! The name is not that long but for some reason I was remembering that lol it's Abenobashi Mahō Shōtengai
No. 884926
File: 1629299707922.png (32.92 KB, 580x648, 456.PNG)

Hello I've been trying to find a mini comic about New Leaf, it was on tumblr around 2013. Picrel is what I can remember with paint, the text was also about the same.
No. 885344
File: 1629324197864.png (125.54 KB, 430x540, A83B8B09-74EB-4432-8CB6-BAD4A2…)

I am looking for a scrote on tiktok I found in summer or fall of last year. He became popular ( millions of likes, hundreds of thousands of followers within around a month) for looking like “Book Ron” weasley from harry potter. He was a tall American (east coast iirc) with reddish orange hair and curls. I remember he was taller than, or as tall as his white bedroom door, about 6’3” or 190cm. He had dimples and slight epicanthic folds. He primarily made comedic tiktoks that weren’t actually funny. A lot of them involved him making a “lightskin/fuckboy face” like picrel. He has a blonde haired sister. He had a handful of tiktoks dedicated to Yellow by Coldplay where he was outside in a yellow suit. He has a deep voice and is 19-23 years old. He used to wear braces so his teeth are straight and he is slightly bucktoothed. I can’t for the life of me remember his username, but he has/had an instagram and twitter account posted in his with the same usernames.
No. 885486
File: 1629338797528.jpeg (95.01 KB, 640x845, EC127426-2590-414F-971A-D09C61…)

>>885388YES. May all your dreams come true many blessings to you for the rest of eternity.
No. 885633
File: 1629358243383.jpg (85.78 KB, 450x435, catboys.jpg)

Help! I'm looking for this artwork of Michael Myers. I know it was created this year (maybe last year, but I'm pretty sure it was this year) and it had a bunch of chibi Michaels and a couple of them had cat ears. I think the background was like a grey or light mushy green… The artist also draws Ghostface, but I cannot remember their username at all. If anyone has their Twitter @ or even the artwork I described that would be awesome! It's important that I find this.
No. 888448
File: 1629578450664.jpg (55.17 KB, 782x765, 1625516913550.jpg)

An posted an /int/ torrent that featured a lot a language learning PDFs, could you anyone link to that
No. 888784
File: 1629610175814.gif (5.07 MB, 640x494, gif.gif)

>>888514The man is Bubba Ray Dudley (Bully Ray) from IMPACT wrestling/Ring of Honor Wrestling, but I have no idea who the woman is. She might've been a plant who was placed in the audience. Anyway, I can't seem to find the clip from where it's from, so I'm sorry about that.
No. 888953
>>888798I think it's an averaged face morph from something so that's why it was used. Anyway, the irl bf of these types of women is usually a tall, dark blond, blue eyed anglo-saxon normie with a name like Tom. These woke
woc are greater 'upholders' of white supremacy than white women. It's one biiiiig cope.
No. 889137
File: 1629647343342.jpg (33.34 KB, 400x238, labrute-combat.jpg)

>>888958I used to play it a lot I don't know if it's related to what you're talking about (name is La Brute, at least where I played lol)
No. 889969
File: 1629731688486.png (211.24 KB, 1140x774, azn.png)

Read picrel. Those videos. Assuming he's telling the truth kek.
No. 890454
File: 1629764857730.jpg (27.97 KB, 597x597, C-mkcJCUAAAAQJf.jpg)

>>890451I've never seen it before but googled the phrase and found this. Is this it?
No. 890455
File: 1629764894345.png (269.63 KB, 484x484, female-elliot-rodger-592af69bc…)

>>890454there is this one too.
No. 890827
>>861432Just a few days ago someone posted an illustration/cartoon meme drawing of "who you think is posting about their sexy threesomes on Reddit/who is actually posting" and it showed a sexy porny couple in lingerie on one side, and a phishhead hippie guy and a fat quirky girl with dyed hair on the other side. I meant to save it to share with my bf and now can't find it in any thread wtf. Can someone please repost
If it was in this thread I'll see myself out
No. 890836
File: 1629805736893.jpg (91.33 KB, 1221x1440, 94606281_549842865554031_90877…)

>>890831I hate these #relatable comics but I kinda love her
No. 891190
>>891056Fimbles were round and had Alf noses.
Might still be too colorful ?
No. 891202
File: 1629840137529.jpg (76.85 KB, 615x410, The Wombles.jpg)

>>891056I could be way off but the wombles looked like alf
No. 891795
>>891302I’m not sure to be 100% honest most likely though.
>>891303>>891777No, it’s not this
:( sorry anons maybe I’ll try to draw a pic and post. I appreciate all of you so much.
No. 892273
File: 1629954460439.jpeg (546 KB, 1280x1811, tumblr_e16ab04e5988006ab6fd118…)

There was some anon in a thread who said she hated this (Omoide Emanon), or that it was shit or something.
I hadn't read it, so I didn't know what she was talking about, but I liked the art, so I went ahead and checked it out.
After reading it, I want to reread the anon's post and find out why she disliked it so much. I thought it was pleasant, actually.
Does anyone know what I'm talking about? I scrolled through both this and the first manga thread, but couldn't find the post(s).
I also posted about this on /m/ with no luck.
No. 892274
File: 1629954757417.png (140.89 KB, 673x240, whodis.png)

who is she and does she have a thread here/link?
No. 892284
File: 1629956347731.jpeg (70.06 KB, 542x434, FE24A12C-C6ED-49D1-9218-01D7E1…)

>>892274It’s a TIM, here’s the original post
No. 893522
>>893521Aww, I'm so happy I was able to help! Having access to books via those 3 sources is life-changing.
>if any guy bothers you tell me and i will get a spike and put it in his asshole and pull it out through his mouth and leave him to bleed out and die like old times thank you so muchWould love to take you up on the offer someday lmfao
No. 893704
File: 1630110556793.jpeg (335.63 KB, 600x800, C9A4286C-ADA8-4021-9C79-D7FC68…)

>>893653I was finally able to find it! It’s called 6BC Botanical Garden!
No. 895307
File: 1630315576939.jpg (137.33 KB, 684x1080, Screenshot_20210830_112524.jpg)

Does anyone have that tiktok of the guy going "the reason we're mad about superstraight is because it's obviously to make fun of us"? He kind of looked and sounded like picrel (it might even be the same person), and had an equally punchable face
No. 895373
File: 1630321790292.jpeg (76 KB, 947x1060, download.jpeg)

>>892286>borzoiw-what could this mean?
No. 898465
File: 1630566256004.gif (694.87 KB, 220x165, i-sure-am.gif)

>>898419samefag, never mind I found it kek. I misremembered the caption.
No. 898513
File: 1630575089608.png (490.06 KB, 480x600, no such thing as coincidence.p…)

>>895373I think you know what it means anon
No. 898834
File: 1630610256006.jpg (53.07 KB, 564x765, a little love and kindness.jpg)

Looking from a historical artist that died years ago
>white male
>was emitted into an insane asylum when he was a child due to masturbation
>was a schizophrenic
>when to church several times a day during adulthood
>had a weird relationship with God, mostly feared him
>drew and traced over drawings of little girls (that looked like pic rel)
>would sometimes portray the girls with penises (some theorise that he didn't know women didn't have penises)
>wrote a book about a bunch of girls fighting some Russian politicians or something
No. 898906
File: 1630620329236.jpeg (Spoiler Image,180.16 KB, 800x800, 9f537dd8-4a06-47c0-b3dc-8e7760…)

>>898834>>898838>His close friend of 48 years, William Schloeder, was of like mind on the subject of protecting abused and neglected children, and the pair proposed founding a "Children's Protective Society" that would put such children up for adoption to loving families. Schloeder left Chicago sometime in the mid-1930s, but he and Darger stayed in touch through letters until Schloeder's death in 1959. Darger's biographer Jim Elledge speculates that Darger and Schloeder may have had a romantic relationship while Schloeder lived in Chicago, and Darger sometimes referred to Schloeder as his "special friend.">His headstone is inscribed "Artist" and "Protector of Children"Artscrotes, everyone.
No. 899008
>>898967he is yeah, but i just meant to say he didn't go around showing off his depraved stuff and making a career of it
his stuff is creepy as shit, but i wouldn't say he's quite on the same elvel as art scrotes who make a career of depicting sexual violence and degradation bc muh shock value
No. 899214
File: 1630666876991.jpg (217.19 KB, 800x1010, 800px-Vasilisa.jpg)

>>898957Reading your post launched me into a long Google detective search because the book seems fascinating and the only fairy tale I know that has a suicide motif is the original story of the Little Mermaid (the 'passing around a sharp object' motif also appears there when the Little Mermaid's sisters pass a dagger around, but they only cut their hair, they don't commit suicide).
I was thinking maybe we could narrow down fairy tales by the illustrator because Googling the story elements (fairy tales with glass coffins, Russian version of Snow White, fairy tales with suicide motif, etc.) didn't really bring up anything that fit your description. Picrel was drawn by Ivan Bilibin, if we assume that the book was Russian
No. 899215
File: 1630666992043.jpg (307.58 KB, 800x1209, 800px-Illustration_for_Maria_M…)

>>899214Do these illustration styles seem something like you might have seen in that book?
No. 899223
File: 1630669000652.jpg (95.46 KB, 474x619, harry clarke.jpg)

>>899217I think they were more stylised, think more black and white, thin lines. Harry Clarke or Aubrey Beardsley.
It is an extremely rare theme in fairy tales and I've spent countless hours trying to find it with no luck
No. 899231
>>899228Nta, but yes, this version has fairies in it:
>Italian tale, titled The Crystal Casket. In this second Snow White variant, a lovely young girl is persuaded to introduce her teacher to her widowed father. Marriage ensues, but instead of gratitude, the teacher treats her stepdaughter cruelly. An eagle helps the girl to escape and hides her in a palace of fairies. The stepmother hires a witch, who takes a basket of poisoned sweetmeats to the girl. She eats one and dies. The fairies revive her.>>898957Could it have been a collection of Italian fairy tales?
No. 899233
>>899231My mum is pretty adamant it was Russian and I have read a few different versions of the Crystal Casket and I can't find any reference to the fairies actually dying.
It's been a mystery in my life for at least 20 years and I've never been even close to finding it…
No. 899253
>>899233Your mom admittedly has "TERRIBLE memory" and you were five.
Memories are not as reliable as we'd like them to be.
No. 900537
File: 1630788205787.jpg (118.9 KB, 392x696, tumblr_opac08DGE51s2nwp7o1_500…)

>>900467this? its from the makers of pupe girl/pupe ameba
No. 900541
>>900526English language. I’m from USA but I think it was fairly well known outside of US. Now that you mention it there was a public like posting place to talk and show off ur girl. You could also have your own profile people could interact on and it was definitely like sm it had an about me, etc. Kinda reminds me of a mixture of roiworld and imvu avi wise, more realistic.
No. 900589
File: 1630794027601.png (957.66 KB, 1184x676, f5f.PNG)

>>900467>>900541This maybe? Otherwise there's also Kooliz but the layout used to be purple, but there's interaction and dress up too.
No. 900717
File: 1630811788298.jpg (219.33 KB, 1920x1073, picture2.jpg)

No. 900958
File: 1630836904378.jpeg (163.75 KB, 800x1130, ZueNZgh.jpeg)

>>900889Nevermind I found it, it's called Kanako's Life as an Assassin
No. 900981
File: 1630838793723.jpg (142.76 KB, 800x1130, NEET.jpg)

>>900958Being a NEET=Ideal killer confirmed
No. 901099
File: 1630854958290.png (445.41 KB, 803x555, kanako.png)

>>900981Ah yes, the dream job
No. 903723
File: 1631073402773.jpg (122.25 KB, 1801x1351, DtYvK2GUUAI1X4w-orig.jpg)

Does anyone possibly have the original photo this was referenced off of? i could've sworn it was from a photo in the same pose
No. 904173
File: 1631117685117.jpeg (173.34 KB, 1280x720, 25337043-522E-4819-95E7-2A6A69…)

>>904157Butt ugly martians?
No. 904183
>>901650Not quite anon but thank you!
It was Someone to call my lover by Janet Jackson! I misheard the lyrics rip
No. 911229
File: 1631606876967.png (338.79 KB, 783x576, who.png)

long shot but does anyone know who this male model is? he's in a german music video. I thought the description might say but it's all in german and I can't read it. No. 912543
File: 1631692049216.jpg (542.72 KB, 1076x1038, Screenshot_20210915-094342_Fir…)

Any EU anons know where to find somehing like pic related?
I tried looking at yisk, lesnina, emmezeta, ikea but I can't find a cute (desktop) monitor stand.
No. 912556
File: 1631693195737.jpg (80.87 KB, 500x500, elloven.jpg)

>>912543>yiskkek tell me you're from the balkans without telling me you're from the balkans
anyway ikea has a similar one but without the side thingy
No. 912561
I saw it but it's not available (yet)
No. 913609
File: 1631778366494.jpeg (66.14 KB, 828x965, C14B7498-C4EC-4C1C-A234-5930AC…)

What site/app is this?
No. 916951
File: 1632063593057.png (571.38 KB, 1054x604, art.png)

Names for any of these people. I'm assuming they're eminent in their respective fields. Pic is of a print hanging in a house on rightmove.
No. 919425
File: 1632272392601.jpg (106.44 KB, 425x828, baste.jpg)

Anyone have any recs for this feel?
Found in:
>>919280>>919331 No. 919524
File: 1632282806421.jpeg (63.4 KB, 750x334, 5AA1ECA4-DE3E-4007-9B73-E0931A…)

>>919429Venus Fly Trap - Marina
the one - Marika Hackman
Bad Girls - M.I.A.
The Big Big Beat - Azealia Banks
Commes Des Garçons - Rina Sawayama
All Mirrors - Angel Olsen
Dancing Girls - Farah
It’s My Life - No Doubt
The Sensual World - Kate Bush
No. 919530
File: 1632283570414.jpeg (115.67 KB, 750x813, AC6CC88A-71DC-4CEF-B35B-89667B…)

>>919429>>919429>>919425My favorite though is Head Over Heels by Abba. May we all be her, or may we not be at all.
No. 920412
File: 1632356696455.png (36.17 KB, 771x479, gfhjg.PNG)

i'm looking for an image of a woman surrounded by borzois, i think it's an ad or part of a fashion shoot because she's very thin and made up. her legs are bare and a borzoi is lying down in front of her covering her feet. i cant find it for the life of me and i need it
No. 920417
File: 1632357291765.jpeg (83.44 KB, 564x568, 1F8B9B39-771E-4135-A6B4-A933BF…)

>>920412I found two by searching for
>borzoi fashion shootIn case you want to look for it again.
No. 923504
File: 1632623560834.jpeg (9.53 KB, 200x200, 7B437DBB-47C0-4F76-BF82-C1244B…)

>>923492It was this meme and in the thought bubble there were stick figures getting killed one was getting eaten and another was getting beaten with a rock by another stick figure etc etc l
No. 923510
File: 1632623962330.jpeg (56.62 KB, 732x732, A55660A9-481C-4B76-A07C-B17F04…)

>>923504Ah, okay. It should be this one then!
No. 924741
>>924701NTA and piggybacking. I'm sorry, but this kind of music is unlistenable to me. It's fucking awful!!! The way she pronounces 'literally' makes me want to slap someone
not really, I don't know any better expression>I'm really ~ironically~ pissed off right nowneck yourself please
I don't know why people are saying (i.e. in the genius comments) that this song is about pedophilia and grooming??? If it is, it does piss poor job of expressing that. Sounds to me like a 19 years old with an uwu smoll fetish both horny and disgusted at some 10, 15, maybe 20 years older creep because that's what feminism told her she's supposed to feel even though she really wants to fuck the scrote. Which would be gross and bad for the involved women, but definitely not pedophilia. I'm not convinced whatsoever she's actually repulsed by the dude.
>I almost feel its kinda just made with a girl with a ddlg fetish Yeah this lmfao
No. 924771
>>924741I mean its from a industry plant band, same as the tramp stamps
so its not worth getting mad over
No. 924785
File: 1632765164114.jpeg (182.04 KB, 853x1024, 1619075420011.jpeg)

>>924701this is so fucking cringy, how could anyone unironically listen to this
this almost feels like a parody
No. 934999
File: 1633863730925.jpg (2.25 MB, 3859x2594, Tsunami_by_hokusai_19th_centur…)

So I'm working from some really hazy childhood memories but if someone helps me find this I'm eternally grateful.
This is a movie that I accidentally saw as a child and scared the crap out of me. It was about a ship that was attacked by a giant octopus but what made it especially weird and disturbing to me is that there was a scene in it where the people were in the theatre (?) part of the ship watching a play (or like a puppet play I guess where everything was cardboard figures) where the same scene was happening (people were attacked and eaten by a giant octopus).
I'm guessing the movie must have been from the 90s and I can't decide what the genre could have been (it was horror for me as a kid but it could have been a weird outlandish comedy or just an adventure film).
The most vivid memory is of the cardboard waves going up and down in the theatre and a closeup of a terrified cardboard character's face.
No. 935130
File: 1633880571692.jpg (71.15 KB, 1043x427, Screenshot_4.jpg)

>>935118HOLY SHIT ANON. This is it, thanks so much!!!!! I literally didn't expect anyone to know this. Also yeah, it was from the 80s, not the 90s
No. 936311
File: 1634021425591.jpeg (1.2 MB, 1125x2216, DAA5A4E9-7D0B-4760-8607-661BD4…)

>>876738i found the new blog by accident today and i ran here to tell you anon. url is arugilla on tumblr. sorry if you already knew and i’m being repetitive!
No. 936358
File: 1634027038493.jpg (97.27 KB, 551x735, tumblr_miwy2iupFw1ru8g50o1_640…)

I used to follow this girl, her Tumblr username was arnoldhey for a time and that's all I remember. I never found her again.
I managed to find a photo of her for reference. I think she was anachan / self harming.
Any nonnies know this girl?
No. 936384
>>876738Oh I hate Kudoh, he had a sideblog for gore and was an edgy bastard. He also made a vaguepost about me while still following me on tumblr/deviantart and being nice to me in my face. Then his retard fans just said shit about me.
>>936311Wtf he draws so ugly now
No. 936634
>>936358Memory unlocked holy crap anon.
An old LC thread came up when I reverse searched this. She went by fordervet, t74n3v66x, and
lobotomert apparently.
>>>/snow/49394 No. 936866
File: 1634062915167.png (Spoiler Image,1.35 MB, 1330x1192, 1422632216158.png)

>>936407Was it Asha? She had a thread here
No. 938196
File: 1634198444057.jpeg (44.04 KB, 432x463, AA213162-7DDF-4828-8760-4375C5…)

What is this face referencing? I swear I've seen it before, probably some japanese product mascot. Not a kewpie but close. I can almost visualize it in my mind: red tongue and I think the original had dark hair and eyes.
No. 938199
File: 1634198587734.jpeg (83.09 KB, 479x812, FEE0448A-0E4B-483C-A74B-0FCB0F…)

>>938196Nevermind I found it right after lol, but I'll post it in case anyone saw this and wondered
No. 938200
>>938198thanks anon you're fast! that's it
>>938197good guess though
No. 938854
File: 1634252076073.jpeg (Spoiler Image,357.8 KB, 1080x1551, 3B4F12EE-08AA-4CDD-9B41-E77F49…)

This manga. It’s really familiar, i remember reading it a few years ago. Anyone know the name?
No. 943850
File: 1634722093771.jpg (547.28 KB, 750x1000, 1-750x1000.jpg)

I'm looking for a lolita instagram account. I remember a photoshoot in a very beautiful old building (probably France), in the photos we could see two women, one who ran the account and the other was her gf. I think they had different hair color, one of them had long straigh black hair. They were both wearing those type of headpieces. I don't know anything about lolita fashion but I remember thinking how cool they looked, I hope anyone know's what I'm talking about
No. 944080
File: 1634748525288.jpeg (79.76 KB, 851x1014, 75C7220A-1B1F-4FEB-B74B-14C70F…)

This girl is so pretty, does anyone know her socials? I remember watching a video of this screenshot ages ago but never noted it down
No. 944194
File: 1634757702786.jpeg (989.82 KB, 1778x2560, 4A7BDF99-2622-4D12-9698-786FA2…)

>>944106Hakumei and Mikochi?
No. 947444
File: 1634976771540.png (438.62 KB, 476x953, Screenshot_20211023-050412_(1)…)

Can someone please tell me what this character is from?
No. 950299
File: 1635272209509.png (27 KB, 1052x906, big-scary-holes.png)

I remember watching a movie when I was a kid that I assume was from the 90s, I don't remember anything about the plot but at the climax of the movie all the characters are in a field and there are these giant vents(?) in the ground and this lady who was the antagonist falls in and she's holding on the the edge of this giant hole in the ground?
Please tell me I didn't imagine this because I remember thinking as a kid that I dreamt it BUT then around age 7 or 8 I vividly remember watching it again in my aunt's basement and thinking "oh so it WAS real" yet I still can't remember the rest of the movie. Excuse my autistic drawing but this is what I remember them looking like.
No. 950917
File: 1635316776270.jpg (32.51 KB, 600x400, Erb-q7rXIAAzh8-.jpg)

>>950600This is the picture!!
No. 952374
>>861445old post but was it the "B is for Badger" segment from ABCs of Death 2?
>>950570Me & My - Dub-I-Dub? They're dressed like dairy girls and are milking a cow in the video.
The thing I'm looking for is the name of a product. It was a yogurt marketed to kids in the early/mid 90s US, and the appeal was supposed to be that it was weird & freaky. It was a purple yogurt with green jello straight down the center, or green with purple. I specifically remember a commercial with a boy popping up from behind a couch (?) and jiggling it at his sister and/or parents to freak them out. This was right in the height of the grossout craze when toys like Creepy Crawlers and Monster Face were huge. I've been looking for years and I've gotten Trix yogurt or Wobbles as answers but it's not those, this is like a "stick" of gelatin right down the middle of the yogurt cup.
No. 953797
File: 1635532210707.jpg (574.38 KB, 1512x1080, FNVHH_Dead_Horse_tribal.jpg)

There was this anthropology thesis paper about Fallout new vegas about tribal identity and culture
I can't seem to find it now but I remember finding sometime back
No. 954440
File: 1635583096579.jpg (34.61 KB, 400x400, _JELKHv1_400x400.jpg)

>>954215Thank you anon, this is it!
No. 954541
File: 1635592098323.png (1.85 MB, 828x1792, 504E5FEE-8B98-4659-98D7-77BEEB…)

@ all edgy fashion girls pls help me find this or a similar belt. I found it on this model by young poets society since tigha decided to cater to edgy ppl even more and these little shits don’t even carry the fucking belt they are showing. I’m big mad and want a belt like this. I rarely shop online so idk where to search for it maybe some of u can help
No. 954546
>>954541I tried Pinterest lens search for you anon, looks like this is two belts they have stacked over each other for the photo. I saw a few skirts from the brand with only one of the belts on it.
Search "black belt silver single grommet" on your fast fashion retailer of choice and you'll find plenty of options
No. 956174
File: 1635744738366.jpeg (Spoiler Image,99.48 KB, 564x835, 8B2C8700-3199-4293-8485-4F8711…)

Whos the artist of this? I had their name saved and accidentally deleted it. Their art always looks like this
No. 960834
File: 1636157955157.jpg (678.69 KB, 1555x1401, I wish I was at home playing v…)

>>861434Some of the details are off and you've probably already found it, but I'm still going to post it here.
No. 960889
File: 1636164901727.jpg (64.07 KB, 969x546, 2A3jihn.jpg)

A different variation of this meme buts it's more simplified and the wording is retarded
(NOT the increasingly verbose one)
It's more like "that not how I saw in brain" OR SOMETHING incredibly dumb like that
No. 960919
File: 1636169843336.jpg (133.95 KB, 1019x581, SmartSelect_20211105-233653_Ch…)

>>960889nvm found it nonnies
No. 960931
This will be a longshot…I'm looking for a book/set of books from my childhood when I grew up in Alaska. Idk if the books were Alaska-specific, but they were about wild animals found there. I don't remember much of the content, besides a moose falling through the ice at some point, I think it was running away from a predator, perhaps a wolf? I remember the covers, though.
These books were vintage when it was the late 90s; quite possibly they were published 1950s or earlier. They were hardcover with the design printed on the hardcover itself. The design was bright blue and green? Almost as though colors were inverted. It was a very strange color combo for a book about animals, which was why I picked it up at my school library. Whichever animal the book was about, there was a drawing of the animal on the cover. The one I can remember the easiest had a moose on the cover, with the forest in the background.
These books also had one or two drawings inside; the story was NOT focused on these pictures, it wasn't a picture book. The scene with the moose falling through the ice had a drawing to accompany it I think.
I know there was more than one book, one was about a bear I believe, but I don't know if there were more than two books total or not. I'd like to say each book was about one specific animal. I don't think they were nonfic, but they could have been. It was something an elementary school kid could read.
I do know it was NOT The Moose Book, though that comes up in searches a lot.
Sorry this is such a strange one, but maybe there's some other rural AK anon who might know wtf I'm talking about
No. 964719
File: 1636542592447.png (1.65 MB, 720x1346, Kai.png)

An anon mentioned Kai the Hitchhiker fb reading list in a thread, could someone post I'm curious to see what he's reading cause I can't find it on facebook
No. 965278
File: 1636595609673.png (221.12 KB, 242x452, 5156252.png)

who is this
No. 965279
>>961379how is this not intense to you?
go to a therapist ffs
No. 966195
>>966173Yeah, like the ones ononoki from monogatari has, i guess they were called bean eyebrows or some dumb shit like that.
Also i should make it a bit more clear sorry, she goes by yumyabkiller on insta now but i want to remember her old tumblr url because her style has changed quite a lot
No. 967128
>>965230Homie really stole my answer
and got my thank you. Suck my clit.
No. 967805
File: 1636863819251.jpg (Spoiler Image,112.11 KB, 736x920, 6110fa1ae99cdcb3b3ce1ab95d5d59…)

>>967791I don't have tiktok but was it this girlie? She's Victoria De Angelis of Måneskin
No. 967828
File: 1636869450715.jpg (523.91 KB, 1080x1635, Screenshot_20211114-065712_Chr…)

>>967803 I'm not reading this thread lmao but I think it checks out
No. 967831
File: 1636869730246.jpeg (162.73 KB, 1500x844, DB18F2A9-A7CD-4685-AF11-FA8FAD…)

>>967814I’m pretty sure it’s Terms of Endearment. It’s my mom’s favorite movie.
No. 970432
File: 1637157395018.png (2.66 MB, 828x1792, 8B34E2E8-E7F6-4630-BB72-338A9C…)

Does anyone know who the artist of these is? I had it saved because the art style was so adorable and i wanted to examine it and now i want more but lost the artist lol
No. 972508
File: 1637340940375.jpg (574.17 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_2021-11-19-17-37-50…)

Anons I'm losing my shit. What anime girl/art is this doll aping? I know I've seen a character with a long, flowy pink hair, this exact kind of dress and ribbons mixed in. And no, this isn't a coincidence since the same doll line has Amy Winehouse and Michael Jackson skinwalkers
No. 973005
File: 1637368979474.jpg (100.99 KB, 600x400, 7_Ellen-von-Unwerth_from-the-s…)

This is going to sound dumb because I struggle to explain things. But, I like Ellen von Unwerth's photos aesthetically (esp Story of Olga and Heimat), but hate her erotic themes. I hate BDSM, pseudo lesbianism and grrl power shit especially, which is most of it, but I like the contrast, fashion and European settings. I think her pics look very staged, so someone who captures spontaneity better would be good. The models are definitely to my taste, but are usually instructed to act like brats… not hot. Does anyone know where I can find something similar? Photos of men are good too.
No. 973394
File: 1637403855156.jpg (181.44 KB, 957x1200, FBaM5v7XsAEbkbn.jpg)

Does anyone know who the artist of this and what the original book this is from is called? I did some Googling about sanpaku eyes but couldn't find it
No. 973417
>>973022>>973156Sadly, it's not either of those. The character I'm thinking of looked like an older teen or an adult. Think Lacus Clyne or Belle from the recent movie. I have considered Goddess Madoka for a moment too, though. I feel crazy because I cannot find the character, but when I look at the doll, I know that I've seen this somewhere else already. Maybe my brain is going Mandela effect on me, but I doubt that. It seems more possible that the character was just on some random piece of art. I will continue looking!
Thank you for trying to help!
No. 973586
File: 1637424575819.jpg (65.13 KB, 350x525, thumb-418013.jpg)

Nonnas I'm struggling to find a music from a DN Angel AMV posted on Dailymotion in 2009. The music was a mix of jpop and jrock with a japanese singer(s?) that had a really young voice (15ish) but the song slapped so hard. It was a little bit dramatic. Anybody listened to it?
No. 976656
>>967805thank you so much
nonnie!! it was
No. 977098
File: 1637763947006.jpg (165.83 KB, 641x873, ch 19 - bp.jpg)

Does anyone know an artist who draws in this style? I got Junko Mizuno but it still feels like there's some other mangaka or artist I'm thinking of who reminds me of this but I just can't remember who? Pic is from Blue Period btw
No. 977137
File: 1637768218537.jpg (522.91 KB, 500x1523, mizna_wada_sugarland_full500.j…)

>>977098Same anon, I feel like it's Mizna Wada I'm maybe thinking off but I still don't think it's right on the money for me, but thought to share because her artwork is cute
No. 978335
>>967744Little Black Book?
>>972508Euphemia li Britannia?
Does anyone know what war america went into or started because some senator was in cahoots with some company and the company wanted the US to go to war to that country? I watched a youtube on it a couple months ago and I can't figure it out for the life of me. Thanks.
No. 978524
File: 1637950850803.jpeg (23.8 KB, 178x283, BAB4549B-7E9F-422D-B8AC-922E98…)

I’m trying to find that one /cgl/comic in which a girl runs to some shrine where she has a statue of Pixyteri and she drops to her knees and shouts “the queen!” And says something about the drama consuming her.
No. 978533
File: 1637951394518.jpeg (65.15 KB, 518x480, 77BDD8BF-1429-4AC2-93DA-3208F2…)

anyone got more pics like this aesthetic with cows?
No. 978544
File: 1637952500771.jpeg (273.08 KB, 1242x906, 90A96975-9BCA-4009-80BD-1B2EF9…)

>>978542I love you,
nonnie, I really needed to read this again.
No. 979130
>>978542This comic is so difficult to read, I had no idea wtf was going on in the first 3 panels. Same with
>>978524 Wonder what the author is doing now, bless her heart
No. 981779
File: 1638271279284.png (6.1 KB, 324x318, dvdvbfd.png)

does anyone have the png picture of a bunny that kinda looks like this? and where does it come from? thanks!
No. 981780
File: 1638271562047.png (4.07 KB, 196x196, 1582068664586.png)

>>981779this one? no idea where it comes from, though. i'd like to know as well since it's super cute
No. 981793
File: 1638273872851.png (13.96 KB, 260x300, 283878005@2x.png)

>>981790nayrt - thank you! i also thought it was a line sticker set but reverse image search never found anything.
No. 981844
>>981794What did the character look like?
>>9818014chan scrotes thought that was funny 15 years ago, harr harr
No. 982197
File: 1638308923279.jpeg (458.33 KB, 750x1112, 316E8B27-06B4-4EA3-984C-FE1512…)

This is a long shot but might anyone know what tunnel/mountain pass this is in Japan? The Yurucamp author bases basically all locations on real life sites but I can’t find out what tunnel this is.
No. 982199
File: 1638308978604.jpeg (490.07 KB, 750x1120, F2EAADFB-44E3-408A-85B0-4A8B3C…)

>>982197Another page that talks about Yasha shrine mountain pass but I didn’t find anything
No. 982243
File: 1638313944525.png (182.43 KB, 800x421, 1631981285256.png)

if anyone here can help me with this i will love you forever
so i saw this video on twitter some months ago where its the vhs tape scene from silent hill 2 except when the beat of the music drops james gets up and starts twerking
its so fucking stupid but it was funny as fuck and lives in my head rent free
No. 982275
File: 1638315800923.jpg (29.48 KB, 329x512, again.jpg)

>>982200Thanks anon, I really wanted to read this one again… also the name was right in my face lmao
>>981957I found the others:
1 is a manhwa called The Breaker and the sequel is called New Waves
4 is called Holyland
5 is Oyayubihime Infinity and was the hardest to find because I got lots of shitty isekai in my search
No. 989075
File: 1639000788291.png (5.29 KB, 574x369, preview_1.png)

Do any of you guys remember the web address to that mock-jigoku tsuushin from jigoku shoujo? I remember finding one once which looked exactly like the one from the anime, and just like canon you could only ever use it at midnight Japanese time. I think otherwise it would show a 404 page? I know there's but you can access it around the clock, so that's not it.
No. 990994
File: 1639166681636.jpg (88.33 KB, 626x408, villes-abandonnees-nuit_141465…)

Hello I'm looking of an anime about a group of girls in a lost civilization, I don't know anymore than that beside that there were around 5 of them, and time manipulation was probably in the plot? The style was sort of cute but not over-moe either, and I don't think there was any boy in it. I tried searching on Anilist with the tags but nothing (and no, it's not From the New World kek).
No. 991053
File: 1639172088949.png (827.82 KB, 898x469, Coppelion.png)

>>990994I really doubt it, but just to be sure, Coppelion?
No. 991455
File: 1639223095774.png (1.23 MB, 1188x666, Screenshot 2021-02-05 at 21.35…)

I've been looking for this cosplayers makeup tutorials for that I watched way back in 2016. I remember she went by Shinuki, I tried finding it on youtube etc but I think she privated them or deleted them.
No. 991915
File: 1639262133874.jpg (143.8 KB, 1024x864, 1626434610926.jpg)

There was a tumblr post that opened about kids and pirating which turned into a discussion, but then it ended with a User list an extensive and detailed list of privacy sites for different types, could someone please help me find it ?
I have been trying for days and thus far have had no luck
No. 991942
File: 1639263722585.jpg (14.47 KB, 207x212, homer.jpg)

Trying to remember a specific video. It was a video of a white woman rapping and she was calling out a guy, saying that he was an adult groomer, took a person to Australia (I think), and showed a bunch of receipts
No. 991954
File: 1639264280978.png (6.29 KB, 259x194, download (1).png)

>>991915sorry if you genuinely wanted the post for some other reason, but this is the best source of pirating info No. 992299
File: 1639293449621.jpeg (72.21 KB, 640x480, images.jpeg)

a 2010-2017ish lyric video with 60s esque visuals like picrel. I wish i could remember more but it's all a blur… The singer is a woman, she was pretty underrated though so it's not a mainstream artist. I think the song was about getting out of a toxic relationship or something of that sort. Any chance this might ring a bell, nonnies?
No. 992326
File: 1639297323117.jpg (62.73 KB, 655x960, IMG_20211212_152144.jpg)

>>992309Is this the one anon?
No. 992337
File: 1639298905754.png (2.79 MB, 900x2475, YMf28mZ.png)

>>992326Ah, no. But I found it!
No. 993475
File: 1639407418639.jpeg (Spoiler Image,332.9 KB, 908x961, 33ADCAED-CD3B-4C53-9C6A-A7141B…)

>>993462Samefag, they look kind of like pic related but less cursed.
No. 993516
File: 1639409654884.jpeg (34.92 KB, 405x758, images (68).jpeg)

>>993486They are adult characters and the reason why they have bedroom eyes is because they probably will fuck in canon. These illustrations are all about sex and love (and later, family/domestic life), it's called "love is…"
No. 993520
File: 1639410006634.jpeg (36.84 KB, 500x315, FA5040B6-B351-4A3E-9220-C90EE6…)

>>993462They’re called precious moments
No. 993563
File: 1639411790330.jpg (212.14 KB, 800x567, 191218_pt_instagram.jpg)

>>993520Their outlets over here were called Precious thots for the longest time (they also sold all sorts of Christiany shit and Hallmark cards, go figure), until the internet ruined that word and all of the shops were officially renamed. Never thought I would find a chance to share this story on lolcow!
No. 995898
File: 1639606436181.jpg (79.97 KB, 607x362, 1604845625717.jpg)

I tried googling this quote but I cannot find the source. Thank you!!
No. 999803
File: 1639972807646.png (315.26 KB, 443x482, 1639131591530.png)

Does anyone know where this image is from? Is it from a graphic novel or just some drawing?
No. 1000125
File: 1639999474184.png (1.95 MB, 640x2062, ff4sd5fs8.png)

>>884926I'M THE SAMEFAG I FOUND IT!!! It was done by Kaiami
No. 1000777
>>1000125I’m glad you found it
No. 1001453
File: 1640119833303.jpg (1.31 MB, 1800x7372, d2s1jp9-f6af713d-5f9c-4319-8f3…)

>>973394 is her, as far as I can see picrel is the only other picture she did that's similar in style though
No. 1002163
File: 1640204025233.png (2.52 MB, 1280x1667, F0891EBD-27F9-453C-8903-A3954E…)

Does anyone know where these characters are from? I swear I used to have books with them. I can’t find them on google for the life of me
No. 1004314
File: 1640391074434.jpg (21.04 KB, 407x439, FB_IMG_1640390876419.jpg)

can anyone tell me what this guy is from? i think this particular drawing was done by the creator of jjba but its fan art of something else.
No. 1004979
File: 1640486751005.jpg (186.38 KB, 1280x720, 11324.jpg)

>>1004920Hina & Hina After School
No. 1006805
File: 1640639657901.png (796.01 KB, 1365x710, snorlax.png)

Does anyone know what season of Pokemon this is from?
No. 1006810
File: 1640640000066.jpeg (160.05 KB, 1742x675, B22DD635-9CAA-4046-8E97-1020C5…)

>>1006805Looks like his Kalos outfit. Season 18?
No. 1006822
File: 1640640700109.jpeg (70.24 KB, 739x415, images (80).jpeg)

>>1006810Anon, are you blind?
It's from this, apparently
No. 1006834
>>1006823>>1006810Thanks nonas! I pulled the screenshot from a very short clip and the animation style seemed to match one of the newer seasons so Journeys makes sense.
>>1006830Aw that sucks. I got into Anipoke again because of S&M and I really enjoyed that season, sucks to hear Journeys isn't that good.
No. 1007125
File: 1640660928761.jpeg (630.7 KB, 1284x1426, 72CC25BD-57C6-4EF8-A70E-7DAA2E…)

dae remember a series of cards that had art similar to this in the late 2000’s? I remember them usually depicting a group of brown/black women with minimal facial features and that sort of 70s teal/brown/orange color palette. don’t think there was any text on the front or inside the card. they definitely came in a “pack” with multiple different designs. I stumbled on this artist’s IG and it unlocked a childhood memory. my mom bought these, so they were probably intended for young women in their 20s-30s?
No. 1007126
File: 1640660992604.jpeg (1.6 MB, 1284x1442, 07EBFDBE-A295-4165-8779-2C62FD…)

>>1007125This looks a bit closer to what I’m imagining, without the edgy ~pale grunge~ shit
No. 1007248
File: 1640684020682.jpg (845.75 KB, 1920x1079, Hylics_2.jpg)

>>1007198Was it 2d or 3d? I am thinking of Hylics has a pretty unique style like this
No. 1007302
File: 1640694787209.gif (1.2 MB, 640x478, hy3-g3epsekv.gif)

>>1007198>>1007248Sounds like Hylics to me as well
No. 1007783
File: 1640734020817.jpg (64.77 KB, 728x410, landscape-medieval-concept-art…)

I'm trying to find the name of a fantasy book, I believe it was a series. I encountered it in the early 2000s. A group of young adults were transported to another world or back in time. The world was medieval type or maybe viking. One of the modern characters sang "Killing Me Softly" for some warriors and it made them cry. I only read the first part of the book so I don't have much else. There was a lot of cursing in it so it wasn't a little kids book. pic unrelated just for vibes
No. 1007825
File: 1640739430022.jpg (25.55 KB, 249x401, Everworld_Book1.jpg)

>>1007783sounds like EverWorld
No. 1012417
Don't have much hope for this, but I'm looking for a shoujo romance manga. I probably came out somewhere in between around 2014 or 2015, not sure if it ever got scanlated since I only read the original raws online. I only read the first few chapters (I don't think there were a lot more? So at least at that time it wasn't a long running series). It began with the standard plot a la MC-chan enters high school and wants to have her high school debut but fails. I think at some point a guy from her grade was dared to ask her out as a joke, but she overheard it already (I think she overheard it in the school infirmary when she was skipping class or something? If that's not where she overheard it, there at least was a scene at the school infirmary either way though), so when that guy from her grade asks her to talk with him outside, she goes along, listens to him and then flat out rejects him and is all smug on the inside because she didn't give him the satisfaction of the ugly girl feeling flattered about any attention at all. He's kinda shocked (and insulted lol), is basically like "yeah, whatever…" and goes away. Then another (unpopular/ugly, important!) guy walks up to her and tells her that he saw and admires her for what she did. Iirc he knew what those other guys were up to, but didn't know if he should tell her, so he was glad she found it out herself. They kinda become friends over the span of a few days and spend their lunch breaks together, until one break he either leans in to kiss her or starts talking about their next date or something. She doesn't understand what he's getting at, and he says that it's only natural that they're dating now, uglies gotta stick together after all, to which she's like "wtf bro we're not dating what" and slaps him (not sure anymore if the slapping scene was shown in a humorous chibi-way or actually seriously drawn, it could be either way) and walks off, feeling insulted that he thought that way about her and that he's basically the same as that guy that fake-confessed to her in the way that they both targeted her simply for not being as pretty as her classmates. She wasn't actually drawn ugly, I think the reason why she was seen so as in-universe was because she wasn't allowed to wear makeup or style her hair so she always wore it in two braids if I'm not mixing it up with another manga. Also, as far as I remember it seemed like neither fake-confession guy (I think he might have had not even a face?) nor ugly semi-friend were the actual love interest, I'm pretty sure he didn't even really appear yet. I think I read no more than five or so chapters, so that's all I can remember
No. 1014555
File: 1641255556663.jpg (73.78 KB, 610x605, axhqc1-l-610x610-home accessor…)

Where can I buy a cigarettes case cover like picrel?
No. 1014905
File: 1641279555932.jpg (328.19 KB, 1497x1329, fbv6ryss1bp71.jpg)

>>1014863It looks like her father died, but still no sources saying she did
No. 1014967
>>1014945can we? this is threadworthy af
here's one you can help us find, her current social media.
No. 1015148
>>1014981>>1014967I used to follow her kiwi thread but aside from her father dying and someone taking milkless pics from her instagram once, the thread only ever got bumped by randoms stating that they saw her video once. If the thread is not locked by now, it should be.
The whole thing was an interesting situation but she turned her life around and good for her. She didn't harm anyone but herself and her family and they seem to have forgiven her. There's nothing more to be discussed and no more milk to be found.
If anyone wants the old milk, go to her kiwi thread.
No. 1016432
File: 1641378218923.gif (2.97 MB, 403x302, 5835F452-BFBF-482B-BCE0-81CBED…)

Nonnas I need help. Does anyone know the original source of this gif? At first I was searching for it because I loosely remembered the text, to no avail. I found the gif in my pictures, but when I showed it to someone they said the text is not real (I guess that’s why my search turned up nothing). He said that he was getting some major nostalgia since it was part of some 90’s psa. It’s not the “your brain on drugs” one I’m sure.
No. 1016719
File: 1641405149559.png (76.62 KB, 264x265, 270630277_678718076489386_6590…)

Where to buy this cuteass bowl (from kinoshita yuuka video)
No. 1016779
>>1016434>>1016435Thank you so so so so much!
>>1016723She definitely is so pretty. And I love her hair so much, I wish I could pull off hair like that
No. 1019963
File: 1641615930054.png (78.39 KB, 900x800, painful anime sounds.png)

i think it was used in tumblr and it kind of looked like this?
No. 1020799
>>1020668Holy shit, blast from the past. I remember thinking she was so cool lol I was a weeaboo loser at 15 so pretty par for the course.
It was fairly obvious she was lipsyncing, anon lol
No. 1021225
File: 1641713406468.jpeg (64.32 KB, 567x567, 04E26B1E-7F85-4B8C-8164-744E4A…)

Does anyone have that Christmas picture of a kid trying to get away from Santa and the child's face looks similar to picrel? I cannot find it anywhere and I swear I've seen it compared to picrel on Twitter one time. Or maybe it wasn't a Christmas photo…
No. 1021238
File: 1641714481504.jpg (53.47 KB, 640x640, scary-bunny-58b8b8873df78c353c…)

>>1021225Howdy, is this the pic you lookin' for pardner?
No. 1021597
File: 1641751933088.jpeg (84.12 KB, 590x437, CE8D39C1-7761-4A14-9278-1D817A…)

Trying to find a YouTube video that disturbed me years ago, and still does now. It was about a man taking down a pedo site, and it was posted before 2019. A brunette man was talking about how he stumbled upon a pedo site that featured cp. I remember that he mentioned he himself was sexually abused by the Catholic Church near the end of the video. He showed some text screenshots of how the men on the site would talk about these children, though he obviously didn’t show the images- what stood out to me was that these pedos would call these children ‘foids’ or ‘mini-foids’, which the man defined in the video. I remember that I found this vomit-worthy at the time, and still do now. I also remember the man showing a screenshot talking about preteens, which led to the man defining the term ‘pre-teen’ as a term for children aged 9-12. The man, throughout the video seemed disturbed. The video ended with the guy saying that he reported the site to Google
No. 1021635
File: 1641755534765.png (379.81 KB, 462x529, キャプチャ.PNG)

The singer from pic related. She appears in the ending of the anime BECK, along a bunch of other musicians, mostly from the 70s to 90s. The rest of the people in the video are either super well known, or at least easier to find. But for whatever reason, nobody seems to know who picrel is. I've been searching the net in the 3 languages I speak and couldn't find an answer anywhere. Apparently not even japanese people seem to know who she is.
The only clues about her are that she's probably japanese, had her peak in popularity somewhere between the 70s and the 90s, and her name (or the name of the band she may have been in) starts with a "C".
Hopefully someone knows who she is, or at least has some mad detective skills and is intrigued enough to help me find her!
I've even daydreamed about Whang doing a video on this topic, kek
No. 1021646
File: 1641756192989.png (45.34 KB, 491x238, aaa.PNG)

Anyone knows which anime this gif is from? Reverse google doesn't help this time. Gif link (it doesn't upload here): No. 1021810
File: 1641766993349.jpg (456.89 KB, 2048x1536, chuu.jpg)

>>1021635Well, it just says chuu
No. 1021950
File: 1641779395851.png (6.99 KB, 274x184, images.png)

>>1020172>>1020183yeah maybe it's a comic?
this is the closest i could find
No. 1022719
File: 1641850312367.png (14.17 KB, 572x702, greatdrawingskills.png)

Cursed emoji that is standing and crying? Excuse my autistic drawing skills
No. 1022842
File: 1641858177918.jpeg (46.99 KB, 300x300, 160A10DC-CC48-4794-AAE9-5DB218…)

>>1021635Im sorry nonna ive been looking for two hours but I haven’t found anything. Have you searched the manga for clues?
Anyway in my search i came across some fine specimen so it was worth it hmm hmm hmmm
No. 1023212
>>1023174Not op and I don't have time to find it but the context is a trans chess streamer that gets mad at their father for telling the pizza guy that the streamer is trans and the streamer rages and yells at the father about how he "outed him!!!" Sorry
nonny I'm at work so I can't look for it but hopefully this will help someone else find it!
No. 1023283
>>1023231Yes thanks
nonnie!. Jesus this is so tragic kek
No. 1024152
File: 1641960166626.jpg (24.29 KB, 400x316, tumblr_e98dbbcc899ab33b9e3a7ed…)

>>1019963this is literally all i can think of
on the topic of tumblr i have been trying for years to find the name of that weird fucking kickstarter around 2013 for some animation that was like people dressed in light up neon street clothes they were like in a club and some straight people tried to fuck after taking some sort of drug that was supposed to stop the straight aids from killing them but it didnt work. there was supposed to be like some sort of gang shit going on with lesbians against gay men or something? this was so big on tumblr for what i felt was a really long time for me to not be able to find fucking anything about it no matter how i look for it. i think it was french. it obviously didnt go anywhere but i remember seeing so many gifsets of it
No. 1025199
File: 1642024936738.jpeg (30.93 KB, 300x300, 65F4E3E9-B7F2-4CAA-A287-B2C449…)

No. 1025995
File: 1642091809687.png (325.08 KB, 750x837, 1576024939906.png)

>>1025931Wasn't that Alicia Day? I don't remember if she actually had a boyfriend or she was just claiming some guy she was talking to online was her boyfriend. She used to frequent relationship subreddits with sock accounts
>>>/snow/904231 No. 1026867
File: 1642159156346.jpg (42.88 KB, 540x421, dollz.jpg)

This is such a fucking shot in the dark but there was this one dollz website I visited when I was a kid. The creator was one of my favorite artists and I think dollzmania linked her website on their page for awhile. She gave up dollz after turning 20 and made a big announcement post about it and it was the saddest day of my 10 year old life. This was legit 2003-2004 when this happened.
Figured I'd ask any anons who also liked dollz as kids who have savant memories. I doubt her site is up still but thought I might have luck on the wayback machine if I had the name
No. 1027590
>>1027452Anon that's so fucking vague. Please, be more descriptive.
Maybe one of these dudes
No. 1029231
File: 1642309477600.jpg (61.92 KB, 800x516, RATs2-e1642017822522.jpg)

Nonnies I need help finding a 24/7 fancy rat livestream.
Context: so my gf is currently undergoing cancer treatment for her colon and is super upset at her weight loss. She loves rats but can't own one at the moment so I've been looking for livestreams on youtube about rats but can't find any, do any of you know of any I can show her to cheer her up and keep her distracted?
No. 1029251
>>1029231hi anon i tried but usually i find 24/7 pet streams in other languages so i cant search it as easy but here is one stream and mice/hamster not rats that actually is live: one is videos: some digging in korean or jap i finally found one streamer for fancy rats with hour long videos: No. 1029605
File: 1642348015915.png (25.6 KB, 176x102, gackt.PNG)

picrel is a screenshot of a YouTube thumbnail with Gackt. Gackt on there reminds me of some woman with his looks, I'm not sure if the woman I'm being reminded of is a singer or if it's from a meme template, but I think it's one of those two. Please tell me you see it too, and please tell me who Gackt reminds me of. I first wanted to ignore it, but I get this video suggested pretty much all the time, so I'm taking it as a sign to investigate.
No. 1029638
>>1021277is there any more info, some articles or this was just heard through the grapevine?
I actually found her deviantart and insta with some very quick digging around. whole KirbyAngel early youtube weeb sensation seems to have inflated her ego.
She's an illustrator now, but looks like she's also been a "model", "singer" and a "vlogger". Probably a cosplayer too.
No. 1029793
File: 1642358220388.png (433.19 KB, 500x438, 421CDBF6-CC47-459C-B04E-6AA4DB…)

What is this from? Game name?
No. 1029842
File: 1642360415097.jpg (53.41 KB, 500x500, original.jpg)

does anyone remember why she got cancelled on tumblr? zoomers trying to rewrite history saying she pretended to be black?i was on tumblr in 2014 and i know she got cancelled on tumblr after she became insta famous because she said the n-word in an old tumblr post that was "little white girls saying "n-word" in the halls" and she defended herself by saying she meant to make fun of how white middle schoolers use the n word so casually which at the time didnt seem convincing but now that i'm thinking back it makes perfect sense. She never pretended to be black? I'm suspecting the "pretended to be black" thing is coming from them going through yourfavisproblematic or sth seeing "cancelled for using aave" and misinterpreting it as her talking in some racist black person voice when what it really was is these dumbass blogs on tumblr deeming all popular internet slang and vernacular at the time as AAVE and cancelling people for saying "y'all", not saying black culture didnt shape the internet slang during the time but you know it becomes internet slang when 3rd world country ESLs who dont know what aave is start saying it online, it was internet culture just like how zoomers do that "mommy?sorry mommny?" thing from tiktok. She for sure used aave online just like every single tumblr user but its an olmypic reach to say someone "pretended to be black".
No. 1030162
File: 1642390432547.jpeg (236.77 KB, 1513x1513, 466EF4E4-972F-4280-8A9A-BEECB9…)

>>1029969pretty sure that's the fat girl from euphoria
No. 1030276
File: 1642399282729.jpg (32.13 KB, 240x320, 44bf7821b5ad529de9113fee4e6e90…)

>>1029605Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but he reminds me of Takarazuka actresses, like picrel. I think her name is Asami Hikaru
No. 1031896
File: 1642537347381.png (2.76 MB, 1256x1222, gackt.png)

>>1030276nope, that's not it. still, thanks!
>>1031049nona yes i love you. can't find the exact he was reminding me of, but it's her.
No. 1035128
File: 1642740420366.jpeg (230.6 KB, 1080x930, 07408D6C-D023-4596-A5CA-C657CA…)

I’ve reversed image searched this several times but can’t find the origin… so does anyone recognize who it is/where the full image is?
No. 1035311
>>1031033There a lot of those. Go on one of those hub websites like livedoor and click on the article about overseas, you will find many.
https://coffeehonyaku.blogspot.comDoes especially 4chan int, its actually funny / cringe because a bunch of my own comments are on it lol
No. 1035322
File: 1642757079634.png (6.73 MB, 3001x1751, k.PNG)

>>1035222I thought so too but if you scroll down there's a pic of her mom who looks super similar so I guess they just have a bit odd faces genetically?
No. 1035546
File: 1642778595043.gif (275.11 KB, 200x200, 13EF25D7-0C1E-4E77-B963-CFCC58…)

Can I get some recommendations for singers that sing like this or playlists that have songs similar to this sound, please?
The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance spoilers ahead. No. 1036351
File: 1642819262092.jpeg (28.88 KB, 499x516, 55647ACE-A82A-4CBD-8B83-A812E1…)

does anyone know who this is or what he is from? sorry for shit pic but it’s some persons pfp from a popular tweet from like over a year ago.
No. 1036361
>>1036357im eternally in your debt
nonnie thank you so much! guess i really need to watch voltron now
No. 1037708
File: 1642911409947.png (206.13 KB, 603x524, 1642588540705.png)

does anybody know the name of the russian youtube channel that posts cats that look like this
No. 1038885
File: 1642983304601.png (660.81 KB, 1728x1620, unknown.png)

i swear there was a thread here that had stuff like picrel and there was a bunch of different kinds people posted. i loved seeing everyones additions to see different tastes and seeing new little charts to fill out. can anyone find it?? if not how could i find more images (key words to look up) like these so I can share with my friends?
No. 1038898
>>1038885There was a movie and a book one, they are all in /m/. But honestly, I think a new thread should be made for
all of these. It would be more active if it wasn't limited to just one media, and everyone could add new templates as they are created/found.
No. 1039102
File: 1643001459181.jpeg (691.03 KB, 819x1314, DC9A4836-8554-4E5D-94F9-B40324…)

Anyone know what perfume this is? Or at least a brand? Thanks in advance!
No. 1044834
File: 1643384292600.jpg (106.99 KB, 800x415,…)

>>1044710>>1042366>>1044710I'm back and I still don't know what it is.
Can anyone help?
>Like Don't Starve in the sense that you explore the woods, collect things, and possibly build a little shelter, house and/or farm>Its kind of cottage core but also fantasy-ish because the monsters are big evil mushrooms, maybe (can't remember)>I remember some anons saying it was kind of scary or dark because you had to go out at night or somethingSo think cottage core more in the sense that you are living off of the land because its actually more like dark fantasy.
Its NOT all cutesy and pink or something.
No. 1045054
File: 1643396857430.jpeg (123.69 KB, 777x221, 8D1AF3D4-6902-401D-A2C9-0910EB…)

Can someone tell the anime from this
No. 1045311
>>1045054Sora no Aosa o Shiru Hito yo
Reverse image search will tell you
No. 1045324
File: 1643407109870.jpg (2.98 MB, 4096x4096, GridArt_20220128_225219236.jpg)

Who is she? She pops up when searching for yolandi, then when i reverse image search it brings it back to yolandi again. I had no luck.
No. 1045354
>>1045339Definitely not
>>1045324Honestly so surprising theres no trace of these images except for these pinterest pins. Literally nothing else. Now i'm curious too
No. 1045447
>>1045360i can't be sure but i would guess so because of the piercing placement and the haircut. it has to be one girl
>>1045354right? i'd seems like there'd at least be more photos of her. kinda weird there's just nothing. i guess she's just a one pin wonder
>>1045339it's not aurora
No. 1045479
File: 1643418083473.jpeg (35.47 KB, 320x240, AB414304-4156-4A48-8BDB-E802C3…)

A ps1 game that reminds me of star ocean, so probably anime style. I don’t know if it was also 3rd person/top down or a JRPG, all I remember is a very zoomed out view of like a floating island. It was a fantasy city or something I believe. There was dialogue that looked similar to picrel.
I think I played this game on one of those ps1 demo vaults, but it might have been a full game.
No. 1045605
File: 1643432507743.jpg (170.57 KB, 838x1173, fuck-fame.jpg)

Please help a cheap bitch out. Where can I stream this uffie documentary for free?
>>861456Absolute shot in the dark but the timeline might match the british sketch show Bruiser? Maybe you will recognize any of the actors if that's it because they have some bits set in an office
No. 1045673
>>1045605I like a challenge so I did some digging, but unfortunately it seems that you really have to pay to be able to watch it. I found this site where the options are listed: cheapest is 3 Euros
No. 1045996
File: 1643476335398.jpg (58.77 KB, 1081x403, Snap.jpg)

>>1045817I searched your the image in several image search engines (I use a browser plugin that searches google, bing, yandex, baidu and tineye), and then it's just a matter of cross searching a lot of the results, as the same image from different places can get different hits. I looked out for anything that stood out to me in link names and file names, and eventually I found a pintrest that linked the correct Deviantart profile.
No. 1046721
>>1046572Sounds promising! Will I like it if I hate that ACNH has lobotomized villagers?
No. 1046841
>>1046747>>1046777This was just a really straightforward video clip of a real life woman like on a lawn showcasing her ability to run on all fours. She got into position so slowly from standing up and started moving faster and faster.
Uncanny and made me deeply uncomfortable to see, so I didn't think I'd ever want to see it again.
Bf is binge watching attack on titan, and there was a bunch of all fours people so I wanted to try and see if I could find it again to show him.
No. 1047385
File: 1643595110622.jpg (64.25 KB, 349x640, 45d59fc4cf8ae22b995dcfcea88d21…)

>>1047367This bitch fucking wishes
No. 1047798
File: 1643642026217.jpg (72.05 KB, 736x767, amputee.jpg)

>>1047590Yeah I know about this guy, I've found his page before and he has dozens and dozens of the same shitty traced and copypasted clipart art style and retarded messages. Here's the comic
No. 1047865
like not only she gave away one leg,she also gave her eye and that mofo was straight out of prison.WHAT A CATCH
(thank u to all anons who confirmed it and you who found it kek)
>>1047853 bruh considering the type of person who would make this,he would drop her right after he got his gifts.
No. 1049685
File: 1643789463058.jpg (45.15 KB, 331x213, 20220202_020934.jpg)

Who is this and where do i find the original of this dude i see all the time?
No. 1049936
File: 1643817214120.jpg (32.35 KB, 500x580, sitting down.jpg)

>>1049933samefag of course i dropped the pic sorry here it is
No. 1050184
File: 1643830092582.jpeg (135.92 KB, 640x819, 8CDB72FB-3496-4235-90A9-8654E9…)

Looking for a YouTube video. It was about a photographer that took photos of a man whilst he was domestically abusing his wife. I think the thumbnail included a broken mirror and that the video was made by a company like Vox. The video showed that the couple had a kid and often had drug-filled orgies in their house, where even police officers would arrive for drinks. This would cause the child to be exposed to people having sex in the house. The domestic abuse wasn’t planned out and I remember that the photographer didn’t intend for it to happen, but when he began beating up his wife, the photographer took pictures anyway, and that the husband didn’t seem to mind the photographer at all, and seemed focused on the abuse he was committing
Pic unrelated
No. 1050859
File: 1643883554348.jpg (37.21 KB, 519x760, PSX_20220203_041631.jpg)

this dress? It's from the third season of Sabrina the teenage witch
No. 1053822
File: 1644147695000.png (25.85 KB, 859x577, milk.png)

the original
No. 1054023
File: 1644164037987.png (2.35 MB, 1080x1924, 00E6A60A-3AFC-4D40-A54B-AE4B84…)

I’m obsessed with clothing like picrel (I know, nonitas, I know but the heart wants what the heart wants) with all over prints of drawings, specially faces. Any ideas where this is from? Or similar items.
No. 1054055
File: 1644166376502.png (357.13 KB, 960x640, tlhkZdE.png)

Nonnies please help me find an app/website that lets you pixelate images like this. I'm not an artsy person but most websites don't give me the effect that I want. (yes I was lurking tea's toyhouse)
No. 1054124
File: 1644169185215.png (157.49 KB, 1200x797, pixelly.png)

>>1054055I use pixelator, it works on windows. Pretty easy to get nice results if you fiddle with the settings.
No. 1054127
File: 1644169373688.jpg (3.87 MB, 1000x2624, img.jpg)

>>1054055I'm sorry I don't know any site but I know you can do this in gimp which is a free program. First download gimp. Then:
1. open your image
2. on the tab with File, Edit, Select etc. click Filters and under Blur select Pixelize, adjust the block size how you like it and apply.
3. under Colors select Posterize, it's by the bottom, and set as many posterize levels as you like. Lower numbers are better
4. on the tab with lots of icons on the left, there is an icon for the gradient tool, it looks like a pixellized gradient, when you hover over the icons it will tell you the name of it. So click on the gradient tool, and select a gradient you like, I used foreground to background (HSV counterclockwise) and set the foreground color to black and background to purple. That's all you have to do here - pick a gradient. Then on the upper tab click Colors again and under Map select Sample Colorize and by the top, where there's a dropdown menu saying "Sample:" select From gradient. And apply it. To save your image click on File and then Export to…
I hope the result is good enough for you and if it is don't be intimidated, it's very simple just do as I said. If it doesn't turn out how you like it, before doing the Sample Colorize try going to Colors > Levels and adjust the arrows, you can change the brightness and contrast that way
No. 1054140
File: 1644169757469.png (1.87 MB, 1080x2118, 7574367457666.png)

>>1054023Pro-tip for you anon, just use Google lens. You can find almost any product that way.
No. 1054948
File: 1644196984470.jpg (75.19 KB, 1080x1080, FB_IMG_1642982536922.jpg)

im looking for the name of this horror/thriller film i only ever watched a youtube review of. no amount of googling or rephrasing seems to bring me any closer to the answer, so ill just describe what i remember.
the movie is about a stage play, the entire thing takes place on stage (or for the most part), and there is an audience watching the play in the movie. the play has very dark subject matter that is also centered around religion i believe. there is a central female figure who is manipulating others, and her punishment is basically the climax of the film. (getting more speculative now) i think the woman has a son or younger brother who is religiously significant to the community and the conflict stems from her stealing the spotlight more or less. a small part of me says it was an italian horror film, or not in english at the very least. pic to make my wall of text more palatable
No. 1054964
>>1054140Thanks! I tried other reverse image search methods and wasn’t having any luck, didn’t even consider Google Lens
>>1054162>>1054922Thank you!
No. 1054972
>>1054948idiot samefag
its called the baby of macon
No. 1054976
File: 1644198882315.jpeg (45.04 KB, 736x736, C7E7F558-9C26-4DC0-93CA-BB6699…)

>>1054140 it is the Custo Barcelona one in your results and unfortunately, it’s uglier than I thought. The colours are just not what I pictured, damn filters. If anyone has recommendations for items along the line of My Little Belleville (picrel), Lactose Intoler-Art, Gentle Thrills and so on, let me know!
No. 1055047
File: 1644206950775.jpg (10.56 KB, 214x317, MV5BN2VlNGZmYzMtZjdjOS00MzhjLT…)

There was a version of Dido's Here With Me from the TV show Roswell that was taken down from youtube a few years ago, it had an orchestral prelude with violins, anybody know if it has a different title or something that can help me find it?
No. 1056364
>>1054055#tea as in tearzah?artist in dead google platform
google+ that did mostly steven universe adoptables and designs with colored lines, some people even collected her designs iirc
No. 1056377
File: 1644281163973.gif (7.63 MB, 480x480, 1570722658585.gif)

nonnie you rule
No. 1056811
File: 1644315139509.jpeg (431.12 KB, 522x855, 9AF6777D-7A1E-470D-B509-D82BDA…)

>>1054023Looked it up for fun and found a cute ass coat
No. 1057024
File: 1644334078939.jpeg (333.06 KB, 828x704, 72AE0862-4DA6-4944-ACBC-C374FD…)

Can anyone help me find a dress like this but in pink and without the buttons?
No. 1057053
File: 1644336189165.gif (305.53 KB, 1024x1024, 1613020367467.gif)

>>1057028Thank you so much anon!
No. 1057370
File: 1644347141437.jpg (288.56 KB, 1600x2400, tikatheiggy-8.jpg)

The brand of wool detergent that Tika the Iggy did an ad for.
No. 1058729
File: 1644424121987.gif (4.03 MB, 480x270, 1643169922204.gif)

>>1058714I asked for this just yesterday KEK I'm paying it forward here you go anon
No. 1058736
>>1058729Thank you so much! ♥
While I am at it, does anyone have the "boys try to mimic Light's manipulation, girls create art" Death Note meme?
No. 1059496
>>1059484this video maybe
warning: begins with gilbert gotfried yelling
No. 1059507
File: 1644460783963.jpg (25.81 KB, 213x285, 1540871481047.jpg)

>>965267This is still haunting me anons, please help me
No. 1060822
File: 1644541635813.jpg (18.64 KB, 474x406, imontheinternetguys.jpg)

nonas pls help me find some girlschannel english translation blogs, for I am a stupid bitch who forgets shit easily
No. 1060865
lana del rey
rattles (field recording)
the blonde crackhead (sky ferrari)
amy winehouse
mazzy star
No. 1064833
File: 1644782301341.jpg (127.72 KB, 736x981, cee24a61e8708d5522d6210c52d321…)

>>1064785Is this it
No. 1066552
File: 1645641208247.jpeg (26.47 KB, 521x465, 651CA6F4-F3FD-402F-8B69-FD4309…)

>>1066390Yes! Thank you so much
nonnie!! I hope both sides of your pillow are cold tonight