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File: 1722118144967.webp (143.27 KB, 1200x900, coony 2012.webp)

No. 2107841

You guys remember Kony 2012? Good times. I seriously thought he was some insane war criminal who was father to like 100,000 children across africa and he turned out to just be a picture of a random guy

No. 2107844

i remember when everyone thought the world would end in 2012. I was scared shitless

No. 2107852

File: 1722118316692.png (1.47 MB, 887x797, wen hair set .png)

KEK when I think of 2012 I think of everyone being a fan of the Wen hair products and always talking about it at school

No. 2107854

Remember when kids didn't know what trannies were. Good times.

No. 2107856

File: 1722118430189.jpg (41.57 KB, 370x555, 1000048073.jpg)

As told by Ginger. I loved this shit as a little girl and somehow forgot all about it until I saw a random YouTuber talking about it.

No. 2107860

People think the world will end every year, 2012 was about the Mayan Calendar or some shit though right?

No. 2107861

File: 1722118511619.webp (308.31 KB, 2000x3623, IMG_1967.webp)

Perfect timing for this thread. What happened to this dude, did he turn out to be an actual gooner or just an irl troll?

No. 2107862

File: 1722118536552.png (2.26 MB, 1170x915, trendy boards.png)

the early 10’s makes me think of penny boards and how i wanted one so bad lmao

No. 2107867

This guy. I had completely wiped my memory of ever watching him until i saw a short clip of his face on a turkey tom yt video yesterday. I'm surprised he's still at it

No. 2107869

irl troll

No. 2107870

i stopped watching him because he was in constant drama with his girlfriend. can't remember if he was an abuser

No. 2107874

i just remembered that i went to college? wow

No. 2107882

Anybody remember that niche cartoon that was trying desperately to rip off anime? It wasn’t totally spies it was this different cartoon that I think was Canadian and it was based off of some teenagers in middle school or high school.

No. 2107887

do any of you remember this other Canadian show called Fuggetaboutit?

No. 2107917

File: 1722120088121.jpg (209.15 KB, 680x1000, 1000048074.jpg)

Kappa Mikey? Never got into it but I think it has a cult following these days.

No. 2107930

Nooo it was a different one it wasn’t about some moid traveling to japan it was about a bunch of high schoolers. I wish I had a good example

No. 2107959

was it this?

No. 2107965

File: 1722121937988.webp (19.9 KB, 680x425, blobby.webp)

Noel's House Party. Noel abandoning Mr Blobby when he shot to his Deal or no Deal level of fame was a dick move.

No. 2107970

yay kappa mikey mention i used to watch it as a kid!

No. 2107971

My Life Me.

No. 2107975

No not that one. It had thick line art and the characters emotions would always look like manga speech bubbles and shit

No. 2107976


No. 2108011

KEKKK, I was the most scared in my whole class and I'd force my friends to form a prayer circle with me, because I believed the power of our combined prayers would stop it from happening

No. 2108013

it looks like shit you would find on deviantart.

No. 2108017

The teacher's seme proportions kek

No. 2108165

this show is bad but part of me thinks it's kind of cute. it reminds me of the bad fanime people would make in the 2000s

No. 2108265

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No. 2108286

File: 1722142689929.jpeg (235.08 KB, 800x1200, IMG_6015.jpeg)

galaxy themed outfits

No. 2108287

oh god i encountered galaxy shorts out in the wild for the first time in 9 years

No. 2108289

I just recalled this song from steven universe and it always makes me laugh kek

No. 2108291

i remembered how i used to watch pokemon shipping amvs on youtube religiously

No. 2108307

File: 1722143835780.webp (69.54 KB, 640x1372, pokeymongo.webp)

this made me remember pokemon go

No. 2108312

This show existed

No. 2108315

KEK, he turned out to be a troll but hes still at it. Every now and then I remember and go looking. He got fired eventually for "uniform violations"

No. 2108392

I remember when everyone had Blackberries and would always say "bbm me." I thought that shit would last forever but now Blackberries are rarely used. This might also be isolated to my city/town but I remember when the insult "lg" was so popular and it just meant little girl. Like immature and young, it was such a harsh dig at the time I was around 13/14 and I would always hear stuff like "Holy shit, so and so just called so and so an lg." Or "You try to be cool but you're just an lg." It was such a weird insult kek, that trend died quick.

No. 2115707

back when the internet term for normies was “locals” kek

No. 2118377

Lavender town

No. 2118388

Holy shit, I thought I made this show up in my head. I've never met anybody who has seen it

No. 2118439

File: 1722667027928.jpeg (98.13 KB, 640x640, IMG_7812.jpeg)

charlieissocoollike and nerimon
they were absolutely everywhere on youtube, girls on tumblr thirsted after them so much, then one was exposed for being a groomer i think and the other dropped off the face of the earth then trooned out a few years ago

No. 2118469

File: 1722667848765.jpg (9.49 KB, 300x300, ee00de24a88ccc05dde130b84fd678…)

>dropped off the face of the earth then trooned out a few years ago
NO FUCKING WAY did Charlie troon out I don't want to believe it.

No. 2118473

yes nonny, and he dropped his ''good boy'' persona and became a full on AGP coomer too

No. 2118528

File: 1722669847531.jpg (847.9 KB, 1080x2280, charlie.jpg)

His actual appearance versus his shopped thumbnail oh I can't take it nonny it's terrible. I even lined up to buy Alex's Lady Godiva single with my friend and then it was revealed he was a groomer. Now Charlie is a coomer. What a mess.

No. 2119121

Kek this one is recent but I just remembered and it's making me chuckle. Do you all remember when that one weeb on here that always posted in the weeb threads made a thread on /ot/ all about hating weebs and then all the other weebs from those weeb threads used the thread on /ot/ to shit talk each other and then the farmhands had to step in and close the thread because it was a clusterfuck of samefagging and infighting? It's like they all turned on each other like piranhas.

No. 2119497

Holy shit what the actual fuck. I just woke up today randomly remembering charlieissocoollike for the first time in a decade as I was getting ready, then I see this thread. wtf…
A week or two ago I also randomly remembered the Youtubers Daily Grace, Hannah Hart, Mamrie Hart, Allison and Gaby. Gaby trooned out which is not that surprising.

No. 2119507

File: 1722708317459.jpg (Spoiler Image,370.94 KB, 1080x1080, gaby dunn.jpg)

Wish you never typed Gaby because when I got curious and looked her up this is the picture that came up and I got really creeped out.

No. 2119508

Why does he dress like a nana? Mrs doubtfire style inspo.

No. 2119539

That wasn't even that long ago

No. 2119606

2010-2012 was such good times, it's amazing actually how such a non-shitty period was able to exist for such a long time

No. 2119615

>autism smirk
>Animal Crossing
Lol not a single one of these faggots is ever their own, unique individual.

No. 2119621

I remember the episode where she sperged at the Hayao Miyazaki-type character

No. 2119705

File: 1722715265567.jpeg (1.15 MB, 3464x3464, F92C3061-E099-4290-8293-174575…)

When 50 cent posted a pic of himself at the age of 15 and Puddle of Mudd the verified band page commented “sexy as fuck”

No. 2119710

Remember when 50 Cent declared bankruptcy?

No. 2119719

File: 1722715636234.jpg (141.11 KB, 1280x872, Curtis_Jackson_mugshot_1994.jp…)

No. 2121614

File: 1722821365979.jpeg (11.14 KB, 286x176, images.jpeg)

When people were shipping Tumblr x 4chan (aka chumblr)

No. 2121707

dan and phil.
girls around me obsessed over them but i never saw why

No. 2121708

Ahh the 4ch tumblr wars… good era.

No. 2121795

it's funny op mentioned kony 2012 cause i was talking about this film with my dad a few weeks ago. this and that stupid beef industry documentary or whatever were every where back then. i think that was the first time in my life i really started to disengage from pop culture trends and getting tired of emotional calls to action over things that realistically i had no control over. i was so sick of hearing about this stupid film and older people acting like my dumb 17-year-old ass was going to somehow magically change the world because of it. i also remember every pretentious youtuber you could imagine making a response to kony acting like they were going to personally fly to africa to save all the little kids with guns…of course they never did and eventually everyone forgot and moved on, as they always do.

No. 2122079

I liked them from around 2010-2016, now they’re just cringe constantly making sex and porn jokes in their videos, it comes across as so forced too. Plus, they’re constantly shouting and being loud, the difference between their earlier gaming channel videos and the more recent ones is like night and day

No. 2122108

I still watch some of their old videos for comfort, also old videos from noodlerella, Venus angelic and abipop’s Japan vlogs. can’t forget old j-fashion videos like fairy-kei YouTubers and princess peachie or some of my favorites to watch back are vocaloid music videos that I used to obsesssss over

No. 2122115

>princess peachie
You just reminded me of her. She used to be sooo big in weeb circles on Tumblr in the early 2010s it was crazy. Her and that annoying TIF, I think her name was mahou-prince. Sometimes I wonder what happened to a lot of those niche popular Tumblr personalities from 2012-2014 and where they ended up.

No. 2122123

File: 1722840749683.jpeg (204.45 KB, 736x981, 0658F093-07D6-4408-BE3A-575453…)

Haha, mahou prince… early 2010s fairy kei/decora will always have a special place ik my heart! I’m sure there are more appropriate threads for reminiscing on jfashion, but I have no clue which sorry!

No. 2122126

I just spent 10 minutes on mahou-prince's instagram and it's wild they still haven't gotten that huge wart cut off yet

No. 2122540

Ugh peachie was awesome. Is she still even on the internet?

No. 2125219

This meme…

No. 2125291

File: 1723008618534.jpeg (72.89 KB, 700x486, IMG_2517.jpeg)

She just randomly popped into my mind when I remembered the time when I was trying to learn Japanese KEK I feel like such an oldfag. Probably the first pick me I was ever exposed to. I wonder what happened to her as her channel is empty.

Pretty sure she quit YouTube and is just living her life now. I still love watching her old vids. I’m glad she quit and didn’t become a mess like Lor.

No. 2125300

we have a dan and phil thread thats not locked should we wake it back up kek

No. 2125309

She married a rich guy and gtfo. Good for her.

No. 2126699

File: 1723104541367.jpeg (17.46 KB, 452x678, musky muskrat.jpeg)

When picrel used to be worshipped by Redditors as one of the few old farts who was truly hip with the keedz via shitty memes.

No. 2126707

Haha I loved her even though she was so male pandering

No. 2126719

File: 1723106603903.png (364.77 KB, 637x795, Njfrjjfr55554.png)

That eyeliner give her a crazed out look, but her face was so classicaly beautiful she could've been a movie star with a different styling. It's kinda based for such a pretty girl to be an unapologetic cringy weeb with racoon eyeliner tbh

No. 2126998

Who is she?

No. 2127000

Hannah Minx.

No. 2127028

I miss when weeby stuff was weird and fringe. Too many normal people getting into it now and trying to "fix" it. I think back then you needed a massive 50k subs to get partner and it was a big deal.

No. 2127032

The awkward mess that was Youtube Live and 18 year old Bo Burnham getting creeped on by Katy Perry kek

No. 2127036

I still have my unworn galaxy leggins in my closest. They'll come back any day now…

No. 2127068

Jesus Christ I completely forgot about her

No. 2127888

File: 1723178682439.png (1.44 MB, 2612x1250, bye boscia.png)

just remembered the skincare brand Boscia existed and saw they actuallly dont exist anymore kek

No. 2127894

I think about the brands that were really popular in like, 2016 occasionally. I recently used a bathroom that was a time capsule, I couldn't help but stare at the sink while i was washing my hands because there were two big baskets full of old makeup and skincare. Like naked pallets, bite beauty lip treatments etc. I remember boscia had that cleanser that pilled into bits and people really thought it was rolling their skin off kek. Those brands were never good, the stock at sephora was just different.

No. 2127897

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I think a big part of her getting off the internet completely (besides her husband) was the fact that the men harassing her were genuinely gross and scary and were sharing nudes of a woman (that were creepy and looked kind of creepshotty from what I remember) and saying they were her. Even looking at the thread manure, the only people bumping her thread were weird men trying to find her to harass her or whatever. I'm sure if you looked up her real name you'd find some locked down fb page or something, but lucky for her most people were forced to move on

No. 2127901

i just know theres shelves at stores like TJmaxx and shit full of discount HudaBeauty kek

No. 2127904

File: 1723180177160.jpg (32.13 KB, 640x553, flockedbears.jpg)

Zoomers larping the 2000's won't remember any of this shit since they were still just a gleam on their father's balding forehead:
- All cleaning products having the "green apple" scent
- Coke with Lime
- Armwarmers
- Dickies messenger bags (the more pins on it, the better)
- Picrel

No. 2127907

what was the purpose of lime in coke

No. 2127910

Well, Lemon Coke came out in 2001, so I imagine they wanted to screw around even further with citrus

No. 2127924

File: 1723180840806.jpg (353.37 KB, 640x530, 1000004227.jpg)

I dont care about zoomers larping except for the fact that they are constantly picrel. I am a walking encyclopedia of pop culture because I was obsessed with musicians and celebrity icons throughout my whole childhood and zoomers will constantly argue with me viciously even here about events I remember vividly just because they can't immediately google and find them. They're so retarded.

No. 2127926

File: 1723180882082.jpg (43.52 KB, 620x400, 1000004303.jpg)

Picrel were a game changer for me. I was obsessed.

No. 2127928

Forgive me if you're being sarcastic and I'm too autistic to tell, but flocked bears and rabbits never stopped being a thing. They're still sold at craft stores, and Claire's still sells keychains with them. Apple scented cleaning products are still a thing, too. I always have a bottle of apple Fabuloso in my kitchen cabinet.

No. 2127930

Holy shit I forgot all about these.

No. 2127938

I could never forget them.

No. 2128520

I remember all the stories of women who had their hair fall out because of these products.

No. 2128524

He was lying about that to not pay child support.

No. 2128941

File: 1723243601002.png (1.31 MB, 1170x867, blaine jane.png)

Did any of you ever watch plain jane while it was en air?

No. 2128954

Hell I'm an older zoomer and the lower end of the generation even does this to us.
> But muh 2 hour video essays!
It's funny because the only people who make those essays are either qUiRkY troon apologists or edgelords who get all their news from 4chan, either way they were shut-in losers during the period they're talking about and shouldn't be taken as cultural experts kek

No. 2128960

File: 1723244190987.png (124.95 KB, 460x690, 1000004321.png)

I want to talk about 2012 tumblr hipsters because they were the worst. BlackMilk bodycon dresses were cheaply produced with stupid prints on them, but hipters were obsessed and they were everywhere you turned. Also doc martens, Jeffrey Campbell litas, BOY LONDON, those horrible nipple pasties, matte liquid lipstick in the worst shades imaginable. Everyone sacrificed their overall wellness and hair health for bleached lilac hair. Absolutely cursed time. Mllysd* literally everywhere no matter how much you tried to block her

No. 2128962

2012 tumblr hipsters were so, so cool in my mind back then. I was so jealous of their freedom. I was also 10.

No. 2128967

Sometimes I feel like I was the only one who despised that look lol. I think it was just overexposure to it I guess, the worst people I ever met were always the ones that dressed like that.

No. 2128977

No. 2128978

File: 1723244851660.jpg (66.09 KB, 1024x1024, 1000006414.jpg)

Fully agreed, but back then I was too busy wishing that I was allowed to dress in #grunge fashion and also do horrible attempts at Jfashion/cosplay too pay much attention to the hipsters kek

No. 2128981

That was my graduation year. I kind of wish it had happened because life didn't really get better kek

No. 2128987

File: 1723245137426.jpg (237.56 KB, 1200x1500, 1000004324.jpg)

I loved looking at jfash but I didn't desire to wear it, do you know what I mean? I had a couple issues of fruits that I loved looking at over and over when I was 12, they were biblical to me. I was more obsessed with dramatic thinness as a teenager than any fashion trend lol being a teen is so cringe.

No. 2128989

File: 1723245238178.png (484.85 KB, 965x509, tumblr_mhibcjc0Ju1r30h2ao1_128…)

God, same. Remember the horrors on Milanoo?

No. 2128994

KEK mentioning Milanoo back then was like invoking the name of the devil.

No. 2128996

File: 1723245450661.jpg (6.25 KB, 230x219, 1000006417.jpg)

It was actually insane how brazen they were kekekek

No. 2128999

Temu for neetbux. Yall were paypigs for burando.

No. 2129003

File: 1723245701368.jpg (43.81 KB, 500x747, 1000004325.jpg)

If you recognize this image you are entitled to financial compensation

No. 2129006

File: 1723245815508.jpg (97.08 KB, 500x750, 1000004326.jpg)

The fake joy division shirt and the hair photoshop I'm about to pass out

No. 2129021

File: 1723246364645.jpg (33.28 KB, 427x573, 2aa459e4c8cb0acce0baeadd82f6f4…)

Not that one in particular but this one is embedded into my mind. I wonder where she is now.

No. 2129032

>Joy Division in katakana
Dear god why

No. 2129041

This picture is still cute

No. 2129044

I was too young and poor to make stupid impulse purchases luckily. The reviews and side-by-side comparisons were SO entertaining and funny though.

No. 2129053

File: 1723247160699.png (351.9 KB, 680x686, fba.php.png)

Ugh she's still such a try hard weirdo.
Bruuh this reminded me of the board-tans

No. 2129057

This came a bit later, but there was also a series of insanely popular animation memes focused on humanised social media kek

No. 2129158

File: 1723253169801.jpg (21.15 KB, 465x273, 1000004327.jpg)

I have hated this image for a thousand lifetimes and I will hate it for a thousand more

No. 2129183

I grew up around this era and even as an impressionable kid/teenager, I HATED it. I still think that stuff is cringe and I feel vindicated that no one looks back at it nostalgically. I also hates the swirly paint t-shirts, the pastel neon saturated filters and images flooding Instagram, the weird obsession with water bottles??? And the water bottles that had floating fruits in them and we're supposed to think it's peak aesthetic? The obsession with British culture and fashion trying to emulate stereotypes about it with the preppy/nerdy fashion, obviously influenced by Harry Potter and other British media from the time.

No. 2129186

You gave me flashbacks to win that one photo editing mobile app was popular. PixArt or something. And everyone was making edits of themselves like this with different hair and eye colors. I tried it to make myself blond and blue eyed KEK.

No. 2129192

File: 1723254630946.jpg (1.72 MB, 4320x3112, 1000009688.jpg)

Yeah, it reminds me of omighty era shit.

No. 2129198

File: 1723254783209.jpg (Spoiler Image,272.12 KB, 768x806, 1278513919051.jpg)

lol /x/ was never a girl.

No. 2129199

Ugh yes. Also WC.

No. 2129202

That fucking arm is terrible, omg horrible anatomy

No. 2129218

File: 1723255266008.jpeg (39.43 KB, 567x567, IMG_2759.jpeg)

We’ll never have these again. Used to be able to buy them all the way until early 2010s.

No. 2129219

File: 1723255278428.jpg (42.99 KB, 755x567, static-assets-upload3828812940…)

I thought v was cute in the fnf mod

No. 2129343

File: 1723261890984.jpeg (46.45 KB, 600x400, BFCB07CE-ABB3-4EF8-8771-869524…)

Do you remember these horrible drippy tights from the brand “URB?” I wanted them so badly but my mom said they looked stupid. She was right!

No. 2129347

What a summer…

No. 2129348

KEK don't remind me of this nonna

No. 2129353

File: 1723262497949.jpeg (1 MB, 1125x1311, IMG_6247.jpeg)

I just remembered nanjokoji from /cgl/ lolcow days so I wanted to see whatever happened to her. My guess was trooning because of all the yaoi cosplay and nipple photoshop + filthy rich but it looks like she had a lesbian wedding this year and travels a lot. Good for her?

No. 2129365

I remember dying to have the pink ones because I wanted to look like a cool monster high character.

No. 2129390

Holy shit kek good for her.

No. 2129431

No idea who she is but dear god this is making me seeth with envi kek.

No. 2129440

File: 1723268911220.jpeg (148.16 KB, 530x630, IMG_6803.jpeg)

Zumiez. Technically the stores still around but I don't think it'll ever reach the peak popularity it had when I was in middle school

No. 2129457

I feel so lucky that I dodged this somehow

No. 2129516

I remember this, it was so bizarre.

No. 2129523

I remember there was a weird obsession with cabaret theatre for some fucking reason

No. 2129557

Same with patd. God patd has never been the same without Ryan Ross. Brendan Urie is a human mall speaker

No. 2129706

File: 1723294820306.webp (20.93 KB, 180x342, Wikipe-tan.webp)

Everything used to have a tan. Even Wikipedia had pic related. I wish they'd come back, they were cute.

No. 2129823

The internet is too modernized for normies now. Stuff like this just doesn't exist anymore sadly.

No. 2129826

If you think about it they're basically all just mascots

No. 2129835

I was a teen SJW and blew up my social group for this. I think that was the reason why I had trouble connecting with people in my AP program and eventually dropped out. I wish I could have told my younger self to chill out

No. 2129871

File: 1723304748835.gif (1.24 MB, 500x278, Chiitan-Celebrate-Miki-Birthda…)

I know it's a transparent way to humanize soulless companies but I want more fun mascots.

No. 2130247

File: 1723327723403.jpg (23.15 KB, 400x400, 1591498755546.jpg)

Anyone remember this guy?

No. 2130251

I was 22 and it was the best time of my life. Cringe in every way but it’s the only time I’ve ever felt true happiness lol

No. 2130254

kek in middle school I would wear the cotton candy one and other people would be like “omg it smells so good” and I would just smirk knowing it was me walking by

No. 2130257

Being semi-famous on Tumblr pre-2014 was an amazing experience. I felt really cool at the time and it helped a lot when my actual life was shit. It was my favourite social media platform, and I still use it just because of all the good memories and associations I have with the site.

No. 2130267

Yes but I don't have the dripping panties image to go with it

No. 2130270

No. 2130344

Aw she looks so cute, Zumies brings me back to high school (except in my case it was like 2014 so I was wearing skinny jeans and vans)

No. 2130349

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On that subject…

No. 2130356

I actually kind of love the pink ones for some reason kek

No. 2131823

File: 1723428040953.jpg (282.24 KB, 850x381, 20070922.jpg)

I just remembered Gamer Chicks checking on this and PT were like peak 2007 for me.

No. 2132310

whatever happened to the author?

No. 2132371

File: 1723470538345.jpg (121.29 KB, 961x775, 1343500985055.jpg)

This meme of anime girls going to Mexico and coming back pregnant that used to get posted around 4chan. It was funny at the time because it seemed to be completely random. Why anime girls and why Mexico? This was back in 2011 - 2013. Now I recognise it as an early part of the weird racial cuck shit that would manifest itself a few years later. The artist was apparently a Mexican weeb.

No. 2132373

Imagine being a man.

No. 2132385

why are so many ugly greasy smelly looking latino moids weeaboos?

No. 2132476

Omg these edits were everywhere, especially the Ariel ones

No. 2132693

What the hell, reminds of this Latino artist who would draw mickey being cucked by a racist caricature of a Mexican dude

No. 2132726

File: 1723484831968.jpg (36.66 KB, 640x559, 6c76b4b58ba47febaf24e9ecc02430…)

Cartoonjunkie, I remember all her septiplier art being reposted everywhere

No. 2133108

File: 1723500547843.webm (7.4 MB, 1458631471845.webm)

Cringe from 10 years ago

No. 2133656

>I think ritsu stayed in mexico
I don't know why I find that so funny but I do

No. 2142221

File: 1724010980003.jpg (181.99 KB, 675x1200, b98d168e04181962ab677fd1d281be…)

I saw a pic of wedge sneakers and Jordan heels and it instantly reminded me of the "swag" period of fashion. Domo was also a popular character around this time. I remember thinking all the girls who dressed like this were so pretty.

No. 2142232

File: 1724011282097.jpg (74.66 KB, 736x736, a33b515cb44d2898083c2cd3e4d471…)

Samefaf, I still think sneaker wedges are cute, actually more now than I did when they were actually trendy kek

No. 2142234

>Domo was also a popular character around this time.
I remember Domo because he had a movie-making website and I made a movie about 9/11 and showed my mother and she got upset and didn't let me use the computer for Domo stuff after that.

No. 2142235

same, i love wedges in general tho as they make me look taller without being a pain in the ass to walk in

No. 2142243

kekk nonna this is my new favourite post

No. 2142247

Oh my fucking god, core memory unlocked. I had the gummi bear scent and I'm sure it was atrocious kekk

No. 2142272

File: 1724012985171.gif (2.48 MB, 320x240, 1000004517.gif)

No. 2142433

I wish I knew nonnie. They just stopped posting one day.

No. 2142473

File: 1724019619786.jpg (52.06 KB, 720x826, 1000004519.jpg)

No. 2142477

Looking back this stuff felt very fake.

No. 2142484

Oh, it absolutely is fake. 100% shock value male-written garbage. But you weren't indicted into your teens without sitting around a friends ancient laptop reading it together and gasping. I got so nauseous because I was young and naive but its been blatantly obvious for a long time that it's creepy pasta

No. 2142502

File: 1724020809839.jpg (184.28 KB, 720x1190, 1000004520.jpg)

Totes 100000% written by a totally real natural absolutely authentic woman

No. 2142645

File: 1724025250406.png (373.93 KB, 734x657, 1412300425183.png)

Speaking of board-tans: Winter Ball

No. 2142704

File: 1724027753721.jpeg (324.55 KB, 1440x1600, IMG_7443.jpeg)

begging my parents in middle school for a pair of these bad boys

No. 2143306

The weird Insane Clow Posse obsession a few years back in the metal community iirc and in memes, they were everywhere and everyone talked about them online, but to this day I don't know what they actually do. I was under the impression they're some electro nu-metal band, turns out they're a hiphop group or something?

No. 2143322

I still kind of want a pair. They recently came back to stores but I'm not sure I can justify 100 dollars for nostalgia.

No. 2143332

i still own these kekkk but i cant wear them anywhere

No. 2143354

RIP. Even if I could justify the price tag on a pair of these my thick ass legs wouldn't fit. Such a shame my emo dreamo was owning the hot pink thigh high version.

No. 2143355

Yeah they did like dark hiphop music and I think they were part of the juggalo scene

No. 2143356

Unironically love those, I'd totally get a pair.

No. 2143502

she deleted her deviantArt account and probably just grew up

No. 2143692

topkek these were always staples on "kin fashion" blogs on tumblr. for spacekin.
i will admit browsing those blogs not just for cringe lulz but also because there was something genuinely comfy and appealing to my childish teenage mind that just wanted to play pretend again

No. 2144123

File: 1724108031219.png (550.24 KB, 499x703, wadaloharamanga.png)

Wadanohara and the great Blue Sea. Never played it but I had a Tumblr mutual that I fondly remember who was a big fan.

No. 2144132

So that's where the shark guy comes from

No. 2145856

File: 1724192151846.gif (231.75 KB, 500x282, download.gif)

look at my horse, my horse is amazing

No. 2145859

I used to love their games as a teenager, but now as an adult I just remember all the weird rape and sexual subplots and I get grossed out. Such a cute game ruined by perverts in the programming room, as most are.

No. 2145882

Wow, it looks like such an innocent game so I never would've guessed.

No. 2146353

Isn't it a doujin game made by one woman?

No. 2146397

mmmmm tastes just like raisins.

No. 2155390

File: 1724697854751.jpg (205.61 KB, 900x1274, keep_calm_and_drink_tea_poster…)

I remember teaboos who were super obsessed with British culture and Oxford English. Usually also really into Doctor Who and later Sherlock. I think this kind of obsession is now kind of not politically correct because brits are seen as evil white people.

I remember having a friend in high school who loved Harry Potter and Doctor Who and had this poster on her wall.

No. 2155409

File: 1724698951115.jpg (20.58 KB, 236x378, le funny millenial tumblrina h…)

Kek oh my god I was in high school during this period. My school was an art school, and everyone was obsessed with tumblr, superwholock and the union jack. The most dedicated retards talked english to each other in exaggerated british accents. The funny part was that 1. none of them were british 2. none of them spoke english natively 3. all of them would have understood each other better if they just spoke our native fucking language kekkk

No. 2155413

This game is made by a woman

No. 2155428

Are you European? I think the hardest pill to swallow for many euro teaboos was the experience of travelling and meeting actual British guys, realizing that they're nothing like in that kind of media but just a bunch of drunk and sexist lads.

No. 2155432

And? Rance was written by a woman too.

No. 2155438

File: 1724699887990.jpeg (153.35 KB, 640x925, IMG_6578.jpeg)

Oh my god Ryan Ross in general. I always wondered why he disappeared and what he’s doing. I went down a rabbit hole and found out he got catfished by some psychotic fan who somehow tricked people in PATD’s real life on early Facebook to get his number and she pretended to be Brendon Urie, acting like he wanted to rekindle the friendship. Makes sense why he’s basically nonexistent in public life now. I had the biggest crush on him for years (still do tbh)

No. 2155448

Nta, I remember going down that rabbit hole too. The psycho fan even invited him to Brendon Urie's wedding IIRC. Bandom drama used to be fucking insane.

No. 2155451

File: 1724700296129.jpg (73.69 KB, 663x1000, 815WORuYMML._AC_UF1000,1000_QL…)

I remember the time this book was super popular despite the fact it was known for not being very well written. I've rarely seen my mom read a book but she was so invested in this one. And despite not being very into it myself, I really enjoyed discussing it with my mom.

It also makes me kind of sad that you don't really see bestsellers like this anymore. Sure there are BookTok books but you don't see non-YA books gaining such hype anymore unless they're crappy self-help books or biographies.

No. 2155466

File: 1724700973342.jpeg (183.96 KB, 1073x1654, IMG_6579.jpeg)

Omg and Ryan ross tried to actually go to the wedding and was like hey what’s the address and the catfish just ignored him and left the poor guy hanging like can you imagine the embarrassment from that? kek this is so bleak. The absolute invasion of privacy and everything. Then they didn’t even try to press charges or get a restraining order on her. I checked all his music projects IG pages and they all just died off. I wonder if he’s able to just live life off of PATD residuals. If so, good for him.

No. 2155482

File: 1724701294529.jpg (340.1 KB, 736x1308, 829fc018a27ae9129e0b1255dac78e…)

I was also thinking about this book just as of yesterday, what a coincidence!
I really miss something like this - I've never got to read it, but I remember really enjoying the movie and the buzz around it, and how it mixed fiction with irl locations. I also liked the mysterious, ~dark academia~ (in lack of a better world) atmosphere it had.

No. 2155539

I stanned her so hard in my teens, it's actually how I found lc kek

No. 2155672

what's your point? that doesn't make it better. kodomo no jikan is also made by a woman

No. 2156183

I got reminded of this super obscure cartoon that I watched some 20 years ago and I remembered I was obsessed with it because it was the first dark and serious show that I watched, there was no second season (despite the open ending) so I forgot about it but it still remained in the far back of my mind. Also I got a Mandela effect where I was sure the opening song was O Fortuna, but I guess all ominous Latin chants sound the same as a kid.

No. 2156235

Seeing that UI makes me feel old.

No. 2156248

More like 4choids were obsessively trying to force that meme (both 4ch vs tumblr and 4ch x tumblr), while tumblr largely ignored them (or wasn't even aware about their existence in the first place lol).

No. 2162475

Sugar bowl tumblr. I was never in the sugar baby/spoiled girlfriend/trophy wife lifestyle myself, but I was so enthralled with the community on Tumblr. I was OBSESSED with reading about it. I think the community is dead and the tags are filled with spam bots now though. It's also interesting how all the advice that used to be shared there is now all over the internet in the form of hypergamy "attracting high value men" type of content. A lot of their advice are just rehashed sugar baby tips (e.g. freestyling) kek.

No. 2162812

This Moldovan… artist trying out every year for Eurovision. He's been going at it for over a decade

No. 2162865

File: 1726241585450.png (557.13 KB, 1156x896, 228120.png)

Chicken Smoothie and Ovipets. Does anyone else remember these games?

No. 2162866

File: 1726241633804.png (364.45 KB, 777x906, Adoption_center.png)

Samefag, this is Ovipets. I never got SUPER into either games but I used to love collecting the cool looking pets.

No. 2162904

AHH yes! I still log on to chickensmoothie and play occasionally, I joined when I was a kid in 2011 and it gives me the best nostalgia hit. Looking at the forums depresses me a bit because a lot of it is misled teens claiming how they must be trans, riddled with mental illness because they had a bad day etc, so I tend to avoid that. Some of the pets are still cute though. Did anyone play Marapets? I vaguely remember that.

No. 2162943

That white supremacist brony on tumblr who had a whole blog about how actually mlp is very white supremacist

No. 2163181

omg yes! I used to love chicken smoothie as a child

No. 2163816


No. 2163818

needed this.

No. 2163821

Not as bad as Aywas was. Fuck that site.

No. 2163837

Just remembered this depression steam roller of a scene

No. 2165488

You should post this to the Eurovision thread on /m/ nonnie

No. 2166445

KEK the joseph kony threadpic is back

No. 2166448

I remember kids playing outside and birds singing every day.

No. 2166450

File: 1726505100349.png (97.15 KB, 340x326, image.png)

Does anybody remember Chicken Limbo? I was afraid of the chicken screaming at me if I hit the limbo stick. One time I scared myself staring into its mouth. I was a scared child.

No. 2166460

I remember how happy i used to be

No. 2169756

File: 1726684858546.jpg (63.98 KB, 800x536, my lord....jpg)

infinity scarves kek

No. 2169770

File: 1726685654521.jpg (124.69 KB, 1080x1080, 1036f68d024bd0e3b61f93de22f780…)

This exact barbie playset. I had it as a kid and I LOVED it. I let my neighbour borrow it once and she fucking ate the plastic vegetables. I was so upset

No. 2169781

File: 1726686203078.webp (57.8 KB, 640x480, 130245CA-5E10-4128-AF94-F19F01…)

Oh my god I had this play set too and loved it… I remember the ball on the rope next to the panda moved. I had picrel around the same time and would always bring them on trips

No. 2169792

File: 1726686749716.png (93.39 KB, 250x172, 1000008037.png)

anyone else remember shit like this or Tak and the Power of Juju? Kids shows that werent popular lol

No. 2169794

This unlocked such a deep memory. I vividly remember every part of this set.

No. 2169868

I used to hate picrel when it would air on TV lol. But I remember a very specific gag, not sure if it's actually from it or not, but they had a party and some girl just exited the shower with a bathrobe and towel on her hair and was wondering what to wear, so she asked her friend and the friend said something about going as she is, as in, in her regular outfit, but the character is an airhead so she understood it as "show up in the bathrobe and towle". That was weird.

No. 2169876

File: 1726692853893.png (2.73 MB, 1436x1078, 1000018151.png)

Did anyone watch My Gym Partner's a Monkey? At all?

No. 2169946

Noooo I hated it just from the commercials… Ugly looking to me but to this day I know and sing the intro song kek.

No. 2169956

Hated this show and all cartoons that had mean spirited ugly characters acting rude to each other. Dark aura similar to brandy and mr whiskers

No. 2169965

Yes, but I did not enjoy it.

No. 2169973

File: 1726698334308.jpg (207.57 KB, 2308x1278, MV5BYTIxY2I2ZjYtNWY2ZC00ZmFiLW…)

Wow memory unlocked. I forgot all about this show

No. 2169985

i remember enjoying both of these shows but can't remember why

No. 2169994

i fucking loved the flash game for this thing

No. 2170043

File: 1726702540884.jpg (207.57 KB, 797x802, 1000063517.jpg)

I actually loved the Paris Hilton furry anime where she lives with an ugly fucker as a way to divine punish her for 2 seasons.

No. 2170055

Holy shit, I looked these characters up on their wiki and apparently Brandy was supposed to be 14 and Mr. Whiskers was supposed to be 7. As a kid, I assumed they were adults. Or is the joke that they ARE adults because 14 and 7 would be old for animals? I'm so confused.

No. 2170109

She was my childhood waifu

No. 2170144

I wanted to be her, so I would get my hair cut in the most unflattering bobs ever, making me look like Dora the explorer because I'm not even blonde.

No. 2170149

uh anon why didnt you just get ponytails? her hair never read as a matilda cut to me, i always thought she had cute pigtails

No. 2170157

File: 1726707560008.jpg (210.46 KB, 1498x1080, w7y0uoll6y641-2587656770.jpg)

Nonna I love Hamtaro so much, these playsets were my bread and butter as a kid. I had the Ham-Ham Club house too. I once let my friend have a spare Bijou of mine, and she used it like a pencil topper and would erase shit with her, I got so mad I stole it back and got in big trouble over it kek

No. 2170158

Everyone would bully me if I got pigtails or twin braids because I was a 9 years old woman and it was childish.

No. 2170160

These felt so good to chew

No. 2170162

>tfw i wore braids until i was 14
no wonder i was bullied

No. 2170174

> Because I was a 9 years old woman

No. 2170175

File: 1726708360238.jpg (115.5 KB, 675x1200, 1000063535.jpg)

Tbh, I still got bullied anyways because having an ounce of melanin made me an undesirable at school even though everyone was mixed to hell a back, so mixed that you could call our school a YouTube poop.
Anyways, even though I deprived myself, as a 9 years old woman, from wearing braids and twin tails because everyone knows that once you hit puberty at 7, you have to be a sexy adult and that you're not allowed to play with toys, I still managed to stop giving a fuck and went back to pigtails and braids when I became even more retarded at 14 years old, so I would sport pic related but, you know, made by a retarded 14 years old greasy autist with no hand-eye coordination or motor coordination.
Good times.

No. 2170178

Sinful. Never understood why some heathen children chewed on Ham-Hams. A Polly Pocket skirt, however…now that was chew worthy

No. 2170187

Mmmm a polly pocket dress would hit so good rn.

No. 2170199

File: 1726709482535.jpeg (399.37 KB, 1600x1520, IMG_4103.jpeg)

same also this >>2169781
mf'ing hamtaro carrot. And the rubber barbie hi - tops. pic related

No. 2170256


No. 2170270

all i could get were figures on eBay as a kid but i wanted the playsets so bad. i made my own ham-ham clubhouse. i was obsessed with hamtaro. still have some hamtaro stuff. used to re-play Ham Ham Heartbreak on the GBA often.

other than hamtaro, i was obsessed with HHPAY and teen titans. used to play all the games on CN website a lot. i loved this one in particular. loved TT battle blitz too.

No. 2170277

you're based. i got made fun of in 8th grade for still playing with bratz dolls. makes me angry to this day. like sorry i didn't want to kiss any of the 8 gross greasy boymoids in our school.

No. 2170279

I have more cartoons to throw out there:
>Mona the Vampire
I always thought it was so lame that she wasn't actually a vampire, it was essentially just her imagination.
>The cramp twins
Despised this show and hated every character. I remember binge watching it as a child only because something better would come on later.
>Almost Naked animals
Really loud and annoying.

No. 2170281

File: 1726715011338.jpg (74.1 KB, 421x237, The_Life_and_Times_of_Juniper_…)

i remember liking this show and thought the pink streak in her hair was so cool

No. 2170282

Nice to see i wasn't the only one still playing with dolls into my teen years. I regret giving away all my dolls, it was like putting your children up for adoption. My dad forced me to stop playing with them.

No. 2170574

File: 1726751404348.jpeg (929.39 KB, 1158x1822, IMG_9368.jpeg)

No. 2170585

Holy shit, thank you for posthing this. I had this and I remember everything single part, this was one of my favorite things. I can vividly remember setting it up on the vinyl kitchen floor tiles and making the elephant suck up water from the bucket and squirting it back out

No. 2170595

File: 1726753607149.jpg (28.16 KB, 600x315, sagwa-the-chinese-siamese-cat-…)

I was thinking about Sagwa today. My parents never let us have cable so I pretty much grew up watching PBS. This show was my absolute favorite and actually was the start of my passion for sewing (which I now do professionally.) There was an episode where the cats turned into dragons and I was obsessed with that idea, I cut up a bunch of barbie clothes since I didn't have fabric and somehow fashioned them into the dragons from the episode (I'm sure they looked terrible.)

I always wanted the plushies from the show, but I just looked them up on ebay and people are asking hundreds of dollars for them so LOL no way.

No. 2170637

Sew a plushy for yourself! This way you combine all your childhood memories and passion together.

No. 2170650

I used to love this show! I actually still have a beach towel of sagwa on it from back when it was on tv

No. 2170653

oh i remember this! so cute.

No. 2170739

omg remember this. I remember the ep where they talk about some myth/folktale about siamese cats that they played around in writing ink and that's how they got their fur pattern. This show and Dragon Tails were the best of PBS.

No. 2170752

I just remembered how every St. Paddy's day the teacher would put chairs on top of desks and leave little gold chocolate pieces by our seats when we went to our classes and then act surprised when she brought us back from class kek. All the kids would lose their mind and there'd always be like 3 kids lying about seeing the leprechaun run out of the room. Good times.

No. 2170796

File: 1726765024778.webp (259.85 KB, 776x1254, 7424590844632.WEBP)


No. 2170892

File: 1726767831747.gif (40.76 KB, 480x320, hamham.gif)

Hamtaro Ham-Ham Heartbreak that I played on my gameboy advance. I loved it so much. I mainly remember struggling so hard because I was a dumb kid and couldnt figure out how to progress the story and using the emotes to progress quests. I think I got stuck near the end and never finished the game.

No. 2170902

i remember some parts of the beach and jungle areas being difficult. i nearly 100%'d the game but the fucking dance contest final round at the beach island was impossible to decipher what the hell the programmers wanted you to do with the dance emotes… i tried so many combinations and still never won. i should look it up

No. 2170905

Aww I use to love making up shit as a kid about seeing fake creatures. I for some reason had people believing there was a monster that lived in the church behind our school and after class we all crept up at like half 3 in the afternoon thinking it was desolate and creepy. I saw a pile of coats through the window and was able to convince everyone it was the monster sleeping, think the myth lasted a few years after I left lol

No. 2171002

I just remembered 2010 we are the world for Haiti kek, what was this supposed to do?

No. 2171319

You reminded me of this…it was so big and everyone pretended to be moved by it at the time. A showoff girl at my class at the time was really into it and wanted to sing it so bad, she was my friend at the time and she forced me to duet it with her in class to audition for some school thing, I pulled out of it though because I found it too embarrassing lol.

No. 2171330

I still have this and my gameboy sp honestly the great game of all time in my opinion. The music, the humor, the art

No. 2171338

Never heard this song before. The kid has a nice voice l, but why is he named like a final fantasy character?

No. 2171564

Just remembered how much fun movie maker was as a kid.

No. 2173064

File: 1726891488125.webp (Spoiler Image,67.26 KB, 599x592, IMG_6059.webp)


No. 2173160

When PULL called everyone "snowflakes" and "flakes". That was fun, I feel like cows who were PULL threads should get an "honorary snowflake" fancy redtext just to honor female lolcow community history.

No. 2174155

the word Wapanese

No. 2174161

File: 1726950073161.jpg (70.28 KB, 676x680, j0ytlxz107c71.jpg)

I never forgot cock waffle..

No. 2174166

wtf do you think the /snow/ board here is referencing?

No. 2174177

File: 1726950488272.png (625.67 KB, 1468x605, unif clothing.png)

Unif clothing. They used to be that brand.

No. 2174811

I remember buying this and hating it. It was always too short or too long there was no good middle ground.

No. 2175348

When tumblrinas used to make fun of hentai addicts and furries and other weird kinksters who posted their brainless rancid political takes inbetween reblogs of degenerate porn. The sadly brief period when kinkshaming was a meme and laughing at degenerates was funny and not a "fascist terf dogwhistle"

No. 2175350

File: 1727027129325.png (2.15 MB, 1011x975, fattychan.png)

Kek I remember this and the American Apparel era

No. 2175354

File: 1727027462479.jpg (1.13 MB, 3000x2612, il_fullxfull.5902797310_kds4.j…)


No. 2175843

I used to see them everywhere in the mid 2000s.
IIRC they were expandable, you could buy extra places for your pixelated friend to visit and connect them to your Pixel Chix house, or even a car for them to drive around in.

No. 2176088

I remember when Michael Jackson died and he immediately became some kind of saintly figure when he was still a target of ridicule a few months before.

No. 2176123

Snapesnogger and the lumpy naga saga.

No. 2176124

When he died, here on our biggest music TV channel they played nothing but MJ videos for a whole week, and even after that they still had an MJ hour every day for like a whole month. Insane

No. 2176148

i used to think these were the peak of technology…i still do it blew my mind as a kid i always went

No. 2176162

Who was phone?

No. 2176195

File: 1727103190640.jpeg (444.31 KB, 1170x1648, IMG_2649.jpeg)

I totally forgot that charms posted on /cgl/. I’m still so upset about what she’s become. I wish she hadn’t fallen for the ewhore and plastic surgery meme.

No. 2176200

That looks so painful wtf

No. 2176212

It has the tranny flag anon

No. 2176227

she's a well known cow you newfag

No. 2176228

File: 1727104786638.jpeg (385.27 KB, 1284x877, DDEA8E9A-E580-415C-ADCE-B9B685…)

Someone had posted this on kiwi farms in the tranny L thread (I think) not too long ago and I instantly knew it was her (the reddit post is two years old though)
She's a biological woman who thinks she's a man now

No. 2176229

you really think a tranny can have such feminine shoulders and short arms? kek

No. 2176240

She's one of those hyperfeminine "not a girl" TIFs.

No. 2176423

File: 1727115148600.gif (89.76 KB, 580x435, de37d-hello-kitty-restaurant-2…)

My mom used to be obsessed with this game

No. 2176444

This show that I was briefly obsessed with years ago Yeah yeah I know, I wasn't peaked yet leave me alone

No. 2176495

Kek. Those billboards were all over LA

No. 2176521

File: 1727120909784.jpg (207.63 KB, 1080x1080, indie-sleaze-sky-ferreira-kate…)

I unironically miss this era of (what they now call) "indie sleaze", I was deep in it. I was obsessed with NYLON magazine and Hipster Runoff, I had those ugly gold lamé leggings from American Apparel that I wore with weird shirts and oversized belts, thought I was soOoOo cool going to shows and events with "party photographers" and smoking American Spirits with girls that wore feathers in their hair. The late 2000s-early 2010s had some amazingly fun music to dance to and I miss it.

No. 2176524

I was so fucking jealous of the kids who had toys like this kek
The pattern on the melt mini is very pretty! I'd be so tempted to use the fabric for other projects.

No. 2176533

File: 1727121905338.jpg (753.13 KB, 1400x784, 1000008384.jpg)

I had an ungodly talent for puzzles and minigames as a kid so from the age of, like, 7 onwards, I used to try and impress (rizz) the other girls by winning them lots of money on MMOs when I went around to their houses kek

No. 2176557

I just remembered being 8 years old and my pastor telling me that the only food they had in south America was rice and beans KEKK

No. 2177347

How dare you try to cowsplain to me when I knew about charms before lolcow even existed.

No. 2177563

Lurkmoar newfag.

I remember when this IB wasn't filled with permanent newfaggotry

No. 2178336

File: 1727222155201.png (1.28 MB, 2216x834, my goodness.png)


No. 2178340

File: 1727222263263.png (63.02 KB, 782x396, BURGER BROWS.png)

> Greek-Cypriot
> Born in Maryland
So…they must mean American? Kek I guess you can't go around claiming to be a burger with a face like this

No. 2178394

These were such good times! Everything was so fun and optimistic until like 2013. I’m glad I graduated high school in the early 10’s before smartphones and social media were ubiquitous.

No. 2178451

Hearing this song in the moovie room today was like time traveling

No. 2178468

i miss this.

No. 2178515

It really feels like 2013 was the last "fun" year. And I know for me, it's not just because of nostalgia or being a kid, because I was in my mid-late 20s at the time. Around 2013/14 my friends and I noticed that people were starting to act offended by everything, and the pronouns/genderspecial stuff was just starting to kick off. Suddenly it wasn't "cool" to be silly, dumb or ironic (even on the internet) anymore, and it became a contest of who is the most persecuted, the most disabled/mentally ill, or who is the most offended on behalf of others. Just a whole lot of doom and gloom and by 2016 it was all downhill from there.

No. 2178516

Kardinal Offishall. I always thought his name was dumb.

No. 2178544

the "new boys" era, with skinny jeans and skater wear came to my hood

No. 2178565

Exactly. I graduated high school and started university in 2012 at a not at all progressive state school so I only started noticing the weird vibe change when I’d occasionally log back onto tumblr or meet up with old friends during breaks. I was so confused by everyone suddenly having all their diagnoses and “cis” (I had no idea what that was) in their bios and drifted apart from old friends because it simply wasn’t worth taking the time to meet up with people who had sticks up their ass about everything and could no longer laugh at anything. My sister is two grade levels older than me and stayed home for school and while I was away even she got slurped into super SJW BLM no fun allowed shit despite her loving Kiki Kannibal and edgy humor growing up. Thankfully she’s mostly gotten over it and can take a joke again.

No. 2178632

Maybe unpopular opinion but mine was 2019. COVID ruined literally everything for me and my hobbies. Too many people in the internet now and too much advertising it drives me crazy

No. 2178639

nta but i feel similarly, 2019 was like 1999.

No. 2178711

File: 1727237084340.jpeg (6.71 KB, 237x213, dude, why?.jpeg)

who remember this? kek

No. 2178712

Ugh I hate this fucking faggot so much. I hope he kills himself

No. 2178715

i was thinking about this the other day, unfortunately

No. 2178721

the word "japanophile"

No. 2178727

>I was a 9 years old woman and it was childish
just made me remember that feel

No. 2178731

wait wtf, why does mr whiskers have a beard if he's half brandie's age and she's like a teenager/young 20s?

No. 2178810

I have never heard of this in my life, and google isn't helping me kek. Do you have a pic of this style

No. 2178815

NTA but I’m thinking somewhere between pop punk and indie type style

No. 2178849

kek! a lot of my old scene kid friends who were super into the "edgy" MySpace/Jeffree Star/Kiki Kannibal humor ended up leaning HARD into moral grandstanding over woke SJW shit, as if they weren't laughing and calling people faggots 2 years before

No. 2181514

Making Fiends. Learned about it in the Internet Girls by Lauren Myracle (ttyl, ttfn, l8rg8r, yolo, still need to read yolo btw was published way after I stopped reading them)
Bums me out the creator got the concept basically in creative limbo cuz nick bought the rights. It would go over SO WELL right now

No. 2181559

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I only learned Tak had a TV show at all as a teenager which was long after it had ended but my cousins had one of the games and I remember I hated the ugly art style.
I just barely remember watching this show as a child but it’s another one I learned more about/watched in retrospect and it’s so cute, I wish she still owned the rights. Anyway picrel thread tax, I miss this website. I’ve never found any sort of online fashion design game that comes close to the amount of detail Girlsense had

No. 2181887

Didn't know Tak was an actual show, only thing I knew about it was a game ad in a mid-00s kids magazine that came with a free copy of RCT1.
The only good thing about George of the Jungle imo was it had a catchy intro.

No. 2182944

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No. 2183128

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Miniclip games like Save the Sheriff

No. 2184123

Maybe the world did indeed end in December 2012 and now we're just stuck in some weird afterlife limbo

No. 2190439

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How everyone was flexing how long they have been listening to Nyan Cat for - wtf was up with that.

No. 2190445

this made me remember when jeggings were everywhere.

No. 2190448

That brief period when jeggings were pull on cotton leggings with a denim design printed on was awful. The jeggings that were just super stretchy super skinny jeans were fine for what they were imo but I’m glad jeans of all sorts of cuts are available again. I still own flares and bootlegs from the before skinny jeans times lmao.

No. 2190752

Wait THAT'S charms now? Holy shit. Also if any oldfags remember, is she the same person that loved pastel goth or was that someone else?

No. 2193455

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Randomly came across the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon remake for switch, and it reminded me of something that happened when I was a kid
>playing GBA mystery dungeon
>think my partner was pikachu
>dont remember for sure
>in the dungeons you can sometimes find kecleon shops selling items
>you can steal from their shop but if you do they turn aggro and kick the shit out of you
>me and pikachu get separated
>pikachu ends up near kecleon shop
>steals a fucking oran berry
>kecleon turns aggro and tries to kill me
>somehow manage to kill it
>think im in the clear
>all of a sudden a rain of kecleon spawn
>fucks my shit up
>kills me and pikachu
>sends me back to previous save that was forever ago
Fuck you, pikachu

No. 2199405

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Bitchin Kitchen with Nadia G. Did anyone else watch this?

No. 2199579

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The naked brothers band kek

No. 2199580

Oh my fucking god, YES!!

No. 2199582

No. 2199599

Reminds me I was in a store the other day and heard The Year 3000 by the Jonas Brothers and felt like I was in a time warp

No. 2199604

It's insane how popular the jonas brothers version is over the original version when it doesn't really do anything new. I only knew the Busted version and it doesn't have good quality hd music video on youtube. I feel like a good quality version of the video is practically lost media.

No. 2199629

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Growing up my brother and I ate instant oatmeal every school day for breakfast and one time (fitting for the era) you could mail in your saved up box top labels for a free Yak Bak pen. And we both did and they were so fun. Even though my witty brother would record a fart on mine.
Do any other anons remember anything they saved labels for to physically mail in for a prize?

No. 2199639

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Can't for the life of me remember if I saved real labels/upc's and mailed them in for it, or if it was just a "hey kids have your mom or dad send us a check or money order for this bean bag plush!" but I got the chocolate chip bear on the right after the box of Teddy Grahams alerted me to this fantastic and desirable opportunity.

No. 2200067

I have a box of chocolate chip teddy grahams right next to me. They don’t taste as good as they used to.

No. 2203996

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Like once a year I randomly remember Keshastuck and re-read it. It actually updated in Jan of this year btw.

No. 2203999

This song came up on Spotify and it made me remember this vine

No. 2204013

No. 2204153

What the fuck is keshastuck

No. 2204171

A Homestuck fancomic but it's celebs (Kesha, Marina, Florence, Nicki Minaj, Beyonce, Lady Gaga)

No. 2204188

Sounds fun actually

No. 2209212

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Did anyone else use shrekchan?

No. 2209350

i loved this show

No. 2209419

Falling snowflakes on youtube videos

No. 2218410

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I MISS HER. @ Ratbastardmina/fem1na_ on tiktok a few years ago, I'll never forget you. It was inspiring to see real radfem takes get so popular on tiktok, I remember how and why she got cancelled too. I watched her videos as a handmaiden thinking "I know I'm not supposed to agree, I'm just trying to expose myself to the other side and spot its flaws for myself" and dreadfully, knowing I could not find any flaws. Tell me I'm not the only one who remembers her content and the tim who took her down

No. 2218488

I remember her content but I also remember her going to college and then saying that prison abolition was what was needed. What happened with the TIM?? I stopped paying her much attention after her prison abolition stance.

No. 2218580

Holyshit. My friend's mom swore by this shit. She even gifted me a huge box of it one day for xmas. I remember years later when they were getting sued for causing hair loss. I hope she's good where ever she is.

No. 2218657

Nonna, I'm starting down a three year old rabbit hole, I remember too much! It was this guy vidrel who went by Brian (not even as a deadname, just your average woman called Brian) and later June I believe. Off the top of my head this is how it went
>says he hates cis women and he is more oppressed than them
>mina accidentally calls him "they" and says cis women have it really hard actually
>cue meltdown
>"this violence is making me suicidal!"
>makes video after video about how transphobic mina is even when he gets dogpiled
>eventually leaves tiktok but he did it enough that it stuck to mina and left a mark
>always having to respond to "i heard she's transphobic and a swerf"
>mina gives up and goes private
Unfortunately I can't remember exactly what was the nail in the coffin for her.
I'm still in the discord server where he raged often about how abortion bans are nothing compared to trans rights and countless tifs bowed down to him and the cross of transmisogyny. I have caps, you know what I'm going to take it to the personal cows thread kek.

No. 2218667

That's insane PLEASE POST IN THE PERSONAL COWS THREAD. Why were you even in that discord kek I want to see the screenshots.

No. 2218760

I know! Dw I got you, I've posted a little bit now but I'm afraid of shitting up the thread with my endless discord screenshots kek >>>/snow/2049435 I answer your question there too

No. 2219018

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No. 2219189

Snapesnogger was the first cow I invested in.

No. 2219204

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This show made me excited to become a teenager. The main character was voiced by Alicia Silverstone. I always wondered why the older teen boys were so big compared to the rest of the characters, it convinced me that men went through some sort of gigantism in Canada after they reached late teen years. Thinking about it now, there was a lot of weird shit in this show. I distinctly remember her getting caught watching little red riding hood porn in the family computer and getting trouble with her mom. Also the infamous breast expansion episode. Didn’t she also have a crush on her step brother? One thing that would have definitely not have flown today is the episode where she starts a band called ‘X sisters’ because of XX chromosomes.

No. 2219713

>Didn’t she also have a crush on her step brother?
Maybe you're mistaking that with the other Alicia Silverstone movie, Clueless.

No. 2219757

I think of this too often honestly. I'll just be going about my day and then "WHO ALL SEEN THE LEPRECHAUN SAY YEAH!" pops into my head.

No. 2219768

kek I remember being stoned at my friends house and they put this on for me with no context at all and I laughed so hard that I cried

No. 2219821

Anyone remember those little mechanical ant things that used to be popular? They had these little tubes you put them in. I forgot what they're called.

No. 2219911

Hexbugs? I thought of them more as roaches.

No. 2219914

Same honestly

No. 2220584

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Funny how that goes

No. 2220846

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I was obsessed with picrel as a kid because I thought the art style was incredibly cute.
Damn I remembered this show a few weeks ago when I saw a bottle of brandy and it made me wonder if Mr. Whisker's name was a reference to whiskey.

No. 2220872

>I distinctly remember her getting caught watching little red riding hood porn in the family computer and getting trouble with her mom
omg i found the whole episode. and holy kek i forget how huge they made the other guys, one hand is like the size of Sharron's torso

No. 2221183

I miss old school weeb cringe.

No. 2221187

“Weeb cringe” those are the foam furries you uncultured swine

No. 2221236

All furries are weebs but not all weebs are furries.

No. 2221238

One of them trooned out, it's so sad. I miss watching cringe compilations in the moovie room.

No. 2222562

There was an episode where she goes to stay with her dad in Florida and she meets her step brother for the first time. He peer pressures her into smoking. For some reason I thought there was some tension between them. I think it was because she was enthralled by him.

No. 2223280

Honestly the incest/pseudo-incest vibes plus Alicia Silverstone wouldn't be out of character for her kek

No. 2223783

Does anybody else remember back in 2016 or 17 when Dasha would constantly make posts on snapchat about how she thinks that your boyfriend and best friend should hang out together? And then when mina started fucking Cyr suddenly there were problems KEK

No. 2223785

Alicia Silverstone trying to troon her son is so sickening to me…her face annoys me enough as it is but her behavior really hits the nail on the head and drives it in

No. 2224514

haha i remember the cyr/dasha/mina/edwin drama, i think it started in 2016 but came to a head in 2017. i used to love cyr's videos. i remember finding PULL but finding the users on the site retarded. mina is beautiful but has a cringe personality… remember when mina and edwin made a video where she was talking about how she thinks she may be into DDLG? i wonder if they're still together.

No. 2225404

just fucking remembered the "grey sweatpants" meme. it used to make me cringe but now its old enough to be funny in an ironic way. the point is that men in grey sweatpants have visible bulges.

No. 2229743

Dasha's posts on lolcow are still up. The revelation of Dasha's posts on lolcow is what got the thread bumped from /snow/ to /pt/
Though I never thought they deserved legacy cow status unlike Cyr's buddy Onision, I did very much enjoy the drama

No. 2232227

I remembered poopsie slime surprise, which some anon posted here years ago, every anon was analysing it as fetish pizzagate psyops brainwashing and the song was stuck in my head for a year
Time sure moves fast

No. 2232304

I'd never buy these toys for my hypothetical kids but I'd be lying if those retarded poopy horses don't crack me the fuck up

No. 2232359

Isn't this just My Humps

No. 2232366

Well, those anons are right. I can't fathom any young girl finding this shit appealing, it feels moid made.
Yes. I think it makes it more insidious.

No. 2232456

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What??? This is demonic, darksided.

No. 2232592

Osama bin Laden was 6'5

No. 2232603

Nona my edible literally just hit as I was entering this thread and watching this video is making me laugh so fucking hard thank you. Also, do you happen to remember the gist of the schizopost? Sounds lolsy

No. 2238677

I remembered how I stopped liking Supernatural kek
>be me
>be in middle school
>start watching Supernatural
>fall into an internet hole of incestuous brother fucking depravity
>ship Wincest at like 11 years old
>goes on for years
>be involved in Supernatural tumblr fandom
>no problem reading insanely explicit fics of the two brothers fucking, raping each other, whoring themselves out, being junkies, etc
>be like 13 now
>scrolling tumblr dash full of Wincest fanart and fanfics
>read this one ask sent to a wincest blog
>the ask is something like "I do ship Wincest but IRL incest is actually gross and I don't support it"
>the tumblr the ask was sent to replied with a long, really retarded, multiple gif paragraph that said something like:
>NOW HOLD UP! This is so wrong! Imagine if two of-age brothers in a loving relationship feel supported by my blog and then come across this ask?
>tfw this shit is retarded what the fuck?
>ew kek these people are weird
>stop liking Supernatural shortly thereafter
>think back on this part of my life
>tfw I was addicted to incestuous brother porn as a child and gave up the brother fucking fujo life because real brothers fucking was a disgusting concept

No. 2238700

>be me
>be in middle school
>start watching Supernatural
Should have ended there. Fandom is a fucking mistake and children should not be on the internet at all. The show in itself wasn't the problem (in this case) it was being online as a child and going directly to pornographic fanfiction.

No. 2238702

I was never able to get into supernatural, it just wasn’t for me, this post reminded me of it though lmfao thanks for the keks

No. 2238706

>it was being online as a child and going directly to pornographic fanfiction
I didn't even go straight to porn, I started following Supernatural fandom blogs and some of them just so happened to ship Wincest and it was a slippery slope from there on out. I first started shipping the women on the show together but then changed gears once I started seeing more and more explicit Wincest stuff. I feel sad that it was such a big interest of mine at the time but at least I'm free from its hold now kek.

No. 2238730

KEK, I don't think this show aired in my country but there are some funny lines in this

No. 2238731

>insanely explicit fics of the two brothers fucking, raping each other, whoring themselves out, being junkies
not into supernatural but is it wrong i find that incredibly based lmao… moids do worse to actresses anyways

No. 2238739

Ayrt, it would be based if I wasn't a retarded kid kek, not going to lie it did really set back my development and I do think it harmed my psyche in a way, but it's fine now. But yeah I see where you're coming from.

No. 2238756

NTA but the actual fics aren't the problem imo. It's just unfortunate when kids are exposed to smut they're not ready for, or weirdos like the blog described in the OP which actually did support incest in real life.

No. 2238791

not to be that person but the female socialization to try and justify their weird porn with a hyperbolic "consensual adult brother fucker" who would get offended by the ask kek…. a moid wouldnt care or get this much flack about the ethical issues regarding step-sister porn

No. 2238884

>I didn't even go straight to porn, I started following Supernatural fandom blogs and some of them just so happened to ship Wincest
Following blogs that had incest is going straight to pornographic material.

No. 2238997

It's SPN fandom on Tumblr. You couldn't spit without hitting a fandom blog that ships Wincest back when anon was in middle school.

No. 2239043

Everybody shipped wincest, the thing about it was that even if the blog didn't ship wincest, they would reblog posts from obvious wincest shippers, or they would be the type to tag things "#I don't ship wincest but this 8tracks/painting/fanfic is so good" and etc. Wincest was so normalized on tumblr at the time that the normie blogging sphere was reblogging and following posts made by blogs called shit like soulmatebrothers and shit like that.

No. 2239845

Maybe Tumblr shouldn't have had kids on it.
Parents really should just keep kids off the internet entirely if they're going to immediately drench themselves with incest and shipping culture, to the point of ending up finding their own interests disgusting.

No. 2240260

Girl I don't think you get how I didn't "drench myself" (weird wording) in incest and shipping culture kek.

No. 2252069

I miss the obama era so bad.

No. 2252113

As a European, same. I probably miss not knowing crap about American politics and mostly just seeing people here so happy to have a black president not to mention my mom and all her friends having a massive crush on him, kek. Simpler times.

No. 2252115

>my mom and her friends all had a crush on him
NTA but KEK i don't have a single original experience

No. 2252126

Oh man this just reminded me of the "lifting tumblr" I had completely forgotten about which was basically just girls shoplifting and bragging about their "hauls". I think a lot of them turned out to be staged for clout but a considerable amount were serious about it and got themselves in huge trouble trying to produce similar "hauls" as those girls who had "stolen" like $3000 worth of brand makeup and other goodies. Some of them were definitely just kleptomaniac because the crap they lifted was just useless garbage they took for the thrill. I think it was big in like 2016 or so because I remember it being discussed here a lot when it was still a thing and once it started becoming more and more exposed they began adding those "THIS IS A ROLEPLAY I DIDN'T REALLY STEAL ANYTHING" taglines to their posts kek.

No. 2252146

Omg yes, I remember when nonas doxed some of them and contacted their parents. Those were different times. I know a lot of it was staged but a good deal of it wasn't, and there was always drama about some lifting blog or another giving out fake tips, always made me kek. And we weren't the only ones doxing. I know one blog deactivated because she was stealing shitloads of makeup from the only store of that brand where she lived, I don't remember how she got found, I think it was the packaging or a sticker, but by that point she'd stolen literally thousands of dollars from that single store. I doubt it was staged, she had a bunch of photos of piles and piles of the same makeup palettes she'd stolen and she was selling them for peanuts. Whoever doxed her was retarded enough to let her know that they'd contacted the store. I wish they hadn't, the meltdown would have been amazing. I don't know why she hadn't been prosecuted by the time she deleted her blog, the amount she'd stolen was more than enough for a felony.
Speaking of felonies, it was always hilarious when someone who prided themselves on their lifting skills got caught. They were so entitled and bitchy about how their actions never impacted anyone else despite the tons of retail workers explaining that this was not the case. Now they've been replaced by e-beggars who need $500 for emergency weed brownies because they're trans. Still milky, but not as fun.

No. 2252385

I remember the Lady Gaga craze in the late 00s/early 10s and how she started popping up everywhere, she was in the Simpsons, JJBA, Yakuza…

No. 2252827

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Back when everyone thought talking Angela had a guy behind her eye

No. 2252837

i don't remember it being particularly special or economically grand

No. 2252857

I remembered how when i used to be a child, i just had this thing were my right ear would get "blocked" every once in a while(like idk how to describe it, but it's like if the inside of my ear was sticky and would stick to itself) and i'd have to pull on my earlobe to "open" it up again because when it would get blocked it would muffle my hearing just a bit, and this went on for years i think because i guess i just never bothered to tell my parents and it only came to an end when one day my right ear got "blocked" again and it wouldn't "open" up again and i told my grandma and i walked with her to a clinic and the doctor just put a suction tube thingy in my ear and some small ball of dark orange gunk came out and since then i've never had it ever again.

No. 2252960

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Science Court!!! I remember watching an episode in my middle school science class and being so confused because it looked like Home Movies but wasn't quite right.

No. 2252972

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when ted cruz liked porn on twitter and everyone saw it

No. 2253041

Something like this happened to me but in high-school. All of a sudden my ear got blocked and stayed blocked and was really painful. Went to a doctor and she told me it was an infection and gave me some antibiotics and a wax melting drop. My ear opened up and the pain stopped, and I thought nothing of it ever again. Until one day I woke up and went to have breakfast and the jaw movements caused something to move out of my ear, once it reached the outter side of my ear I touched it and it turned out to be a rhinestone I stuck inside my ear in like 2007 pretending it's an earring, and it was stuck there ever since until that day. The doctor couldn't detect it but I always knew there was something off with my ear since whenever I stuck a finger in it, something would block it halfway and the canal wasn't as long as the other ear. I guess this is the good ending though, would be much worse if the rhinestone stayed there and my ear only got worse.

No. 2253059

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Reminds me of how as a kid I swallowed a whole fruit roll up wrapper after watching a woman swallow a dollar on tv. I spent too much time watching tv and using the internet unsupervised and am retarded

No. 2253363

Bitch you mean EARWAX??? Not judging because this is a pretty common thing, (it's called impacted earwax, basically a lump of earwax gets stuck in there and blocks part or all of the ear canal) but like… You haven't put together that the gunk was earwax??

No. 2253676

nonnie, i don't even know what to say, what kind of earring is pierced into your ear canal kekek
probably, but i'm nearly blind in my right ear so i didn't see it all that well and my grandma said i had bugs stuck in my ear and i just kind of believed her, so i just thought it was gunk made up of earwax and bugs kek.

No. 2254107

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This album had everyone by the tongue back in 2013

No. 2254168

good times

No. 2254246

i still get this song stuck in my head

No. 2254384

Remember the term for "incel" was "loveshy" at first?
So self-pitying, but also much gentler

No. 2254393

No. 2254838


Im not an expert on how legal citizenship works, but the Sprouse twins and Rose McGowan were born in Italy yet are considered fully American actors. It's possible to be born somewhere without it being your nationality.

Seeing her reminded me of when everyone was saying "eyebrow game strong" and Cara Delivigne was the "It Girl" of the time. Some celebrities like her, Emma Stone, Jennifer Lawrence, Steven Colbert, etc I can only relate to the quirky tumblr superwholock John Green 2012 era when they peaked/first got famous.

Speaking of things from 2012, I always randomly remember the Tumblr gay rights activism era. Macklemore, StopH8, Love Wins, Lady Gaga, the iconic Jennifer Lawrence "Gay Rights!" Poster. Basically any celebrity that spoke out in support of gay marriage(99.9% were) of the time would have a billion gifs of them spread around with captions like "THIS!!!" It was cringe, but at times I miss it.

No. 2254956

OMG stop H8 lmaoooo we had a day of silence at my school with like 200 kids, this one ~queer~ poly girl set it up and put up posters and I think she and her throuple were the only ones who did it.

No. 2254957

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The XX, anyone? Intro (Long Version). Sage for samefag but I also started listening to Washed Out and Purity Ring at that time, they still make me so happy to listen to.

No. 2255029

I used to think the XX logo was just a cool design motif not a band logo

No. 2256397

I used to watch this guy as a kid, I don't remember any of his videos except for that one where he talked about how his girlfriend would beat him (epic)

No. 2257630

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There used to be a lot of these style of "anti-hate" posts and "stop calling Taylor Swift ugly" was often included. I never once saw anyone call her ugly back then. Where did this idea that mass amounts of people found her ugly even come from?

No. 2257642

I fucking love The XX, I was just listening to Intro and Crystalised today. We need to bring back this type of music

No. 2257664

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I went through my old blog to find this: https://bettywhitefanfiction-blog.tumblr.com/post/115937545934/bourbontosociety-thefingerfuckingfemalefury
George Takei in support of gay marriage dunking on some people who wrote really bad arguments against gay marriage and put it online…

No. 2258998

3 days later and i'm just seeing i typed "blind in my right ear" smh

No. 2268646

i just remembered this thing we would say as kids when someone would call us a bitch.
>well a bitch is a female dog and dogs are part of nature and nature is beautiful so thank you

No. 2268648

Won’t someone think of the poor rich celebrities!

No. 2279314

Awesomeness TV back in 2012. Such a cringey year..

No. 2280060

That time Sonic Youth bullied Nardwar. Almost more embarrassing than the Blur interview

No. 2280585

Was anyone else there when Cyr made that twitter groupchat with all of his underage fans in like 2016?

No. 2280770

KEKKKK nonna ours in my area had an extra step “dogs, bark, bark is on a tree, trees are part of nature, and nature is beautiful” did you also ever do any hand clap games like Miss Susie?

No. 2285348

i remember the time my family and i went to a bookstore and they had stickers and i wanted some, but my father was like i'm not paying for those, so i just said i'd pay for them myself bc i had some money, and i just started picking out stickers that i liked and would choose which ones to buy, and a store clerk that probably overheard my conversation with my father gently told to me to actually check the prices and i did check and kind of said out loud oh right i won't be able to buy these, and i guess my father came closer to me upon seeing the store clerk approach me that he ended up hearing what i said and asked me to elaborate and i ended up saying smtg wrong that he completely misunderstood as the clerk saying that "you can't afford these", that my father bought all of the stickers i picked out, just glaring at the clerk the entire time, feel bad that he just meant to stop a dumbass child from wasting money but got cussed out instead. stuff like this is why i would love going to school/college to chill kek.

No. 2285351

>Things you just remembered
That trend in the early 10's where middle-schoolers would dye their hair with Kool-Aid or make lipstick from crayons.

No. 2286114

How old are you?
I had a middle school principal troon out in like the early 2000s and his agp ass had to send a paper to all the parents letting everyone know he was a woman now.
Dude was like in his 60s, married with adult children.

No. 2286131

File: 1733110573117.jpeg (64.86 KB, 1000x562, 10098644e.jpeg)

That episode of king of the hill where Bill pretends to be gay to get attention from women. There's not enough shows acknowledging this phenomenon kek

No. 2286139

…Mr. Garrison?

No. 2286417

An ai chatbot just reminded me of this meme

No. 2286430

File: 1733137643129.webp (92.17 KB, 800x530, hot-dog-bush-review.webp)

I played the fuckkkk out of this game

No. 2287252

Remember Stevie Ryan? I wish she hadn't committed suicide, she was so funny and her Scene Kid Love series always made me laugh so hard.

No. 2287259

We are all connected because I was literally thinking of her yesterday and how much I wish she was still around. RIP.

No. 2287266

I still quote that one Sceney Sceneable sketch w the full bearded man playing Jeffree Starr saying “Girl, we all pregnant this week”

No. 2287276

>I wish she hadn't committed suicide
Never forget that it was her nurse that had entered into an inappropriate sexual relationship with her when she was at her lowest, and that he was the one that prescribed her over 10 different psychiatric medications to take without reason, and that's part of the reason that led to her suicide. He was stripped of his medical license, but he never faced any jail time for it.

No. 2287334

What the fuck!?? NTA but I didn’t know any of that, Jesus Christ hope he rots

No. 2287569

Yes, I just learned that when I read her name in this thread for the first time and looked her up. It's sick what the justice system will let moids get away with.
Her wikipedia page has a section with his name and a few more details. Her family successfully sued him, at least.

No. 2287798

This happens in Malcolm in the Middle as well. God, that show was so good.

No. 2287801

One of those trends that existed because their parents wouldnt buy them makeup or hair dye, I wonder if young people still bother with that. They have much better options for cheap makeup and hair dye now.

No. 2287949

File: 1733230821225.png (1.08 MB, 1280x698, boombang.png)

This site, used a lot alongside habbohotel and gaia growing up because I was so engrossed in avatar/chatroom spaces. In hindsight they were all terrible and lacked much else to do.

No. 2292723

File: 1733511250260.png (1.71 MB, 1843x1643, Zi5a5AY.png)

that one crazy lady who was on dr phil apparently she passed away in 2020 and her followers mummified her

No. 2292730

the dr phil interview

No. 2292748

You have to remember that they wrapped her mummified corpse in Christmas lights and put light bulbs in her hollowed eye sockets too.

No. 2293626

kek! And her friends sitting on the couch with drywall screws on their lips as "piercings"

No. 2293637

oh my god. I had never heard of this and this interview is wild

No. 2295972

Remembered this forced meme. The comments also reminded me of the Shreck is the best story/movie ever memes that I used to hate so much.

No. 2296000

Oh my god I forgot about Corey in the House KEKK thanks for the laugh nonners

No. 2296228

I was on BoomBang as a kid too! I remember buying those gift cards from 7/11 to get the ingame currency. I never see anyone talk about it, but I think it was more popular with Brazilians than Americans. Last time I checked, around a year ago, there was a decent revival project for it. Like every game like it at the time I'm sure it was full of pedophiles.

No. 2296230

I was famous on boombang. People used to wait for me to come online and I'd fill islands with fans. I don't even know why they liked me. I think because I cosplayed as a boy (As a kid I liked how much attention boys got and just wanted it, I would hate to actually be a moid). I even made a fake facebook because people wanted to follow me. I used pics of david rodriguez on tumblr who looking bag is a total fag. Once girls started professing their love to me I felt really bad and just deleted my facebook and boombang account.

No. 2296232

*looking back
And I think they liked me because I was genuinely funny and had a really cool island. My interior design skills were pristine.

No. 2298542

File: 1733722072826.jpg (85.42 KB, 1080x391, Screenshot_20241208_222059_Chr…)

Kek literally earlier today I remembered how shortly before covid people would just make up the most non-sensical gay stereotypes like "sitting in chairs weirdly" or "walking fast", and this popped up on tumblr.

Im glad it stopped, but now everyones doing this with autism.

No. 2304425

File: 1733955724960.jpg (Spoiler Image,76.94 KB, 349x349, u2_songs_of_innocence_album_co…)

Spoilered for 3DPD. Remember when the U2 gay album was playing automatically on people's phones? I remember reading stories about people being questioned by their parents on why is there a gay image on their screen, kek. I just discovered they're a father son duo? That's weird.

No. 2304428

File: 1733955898145.gif (17.28 KB, 220x194, 1000029208.gif)

>They're a father son duo

No. 2304478

I do remember that omfg, that makes it 10x weirder

No. 2304499

KEK, their explanation for it didn't make it any less weird.
>The image was taken by photographer Glen Luchford initially as an experiment, but the group thought it worked as a visual metaphor for the album and its theme of "how holding on to your own innocence is a lot harder than holding on to someone else's". Bono said, "With this record we were looking for the raw, naked and personal, to strip everything back." According to Bono, the tattoo on Mullen's upper arm is based on Native American mythology of the Pawnee tribe and is a symbol of protecting innocence. The cover parallels those of the band's earlier albums, Boy (1980) and War (1983), which featured the face of a young boy, Peter Rowen, the younger brother of Guggi.

No. 2304511

File: 1733959652572.png (572.58 KB, 684x686, Screenshot 2024-12-11 at 3.27.…)

For some reason this just reminded me of that time in the late 2000s when people were trolling GameStop by calling and asking if they had Battletoads, kek. I called a store where my friend worked, hoping they would pick up but instead one of his coworkers picked up and said "Gamestop, no we don't have Battletoads" kek

No. 2304526

This and pool's closed were the funniest fucking things ever to me when I was younger.

No. 2304528

I loved Mona the Vampire, but I only ever caught the last five minutes of it lmao.

No. 2304529

File: 1733960315770.jpg (324.16 KB, 671x351, 99sKFPW.jpg)

Pool's Closed due to AIDS is still hilarious

No. 2304564

Based nonitas

No. 2304579

Not to brag but I've listened to the entirety of 10h Miku Ievan Polkka and Chirnos Perfect Math Class.

No. 2304595

I remember this show! So many Canadian shows played here in the US too, like The Replacements and Life with Derek. This is actually pretty entertaining for a kid's show and I find it interesting that fashion has stayed pretty much the same since compared to 2000s vs the 80s.

No. 2304630

I remember this so vividly.

No. 2304762

This video

No. 2305283

I played so much Habbo and retro versions when I was young that it is the reason why I type quickly

No. 2305916

This song used to piss me off so much, but now I'm kinda nostalgic for it cause it reminds me of the 2010s kek

No. 2305919

one big room, full of bad bitches.

No. 2305924

File: 1734044511066.gif (33.98 KB, 90x130, c448671a-95bf-4bea-a28b-5fc4f9…)

And we stunting like gucci gucci, louis Louis, fendy fendy, prada! Those basic bitches wear that shit so I don't even bother!

No. 2305926

File: 1734044587818.jpg (104.77 KB, 697x688, 7fdidpj621p81.jpg)

piczo. I used to be obsessed with it as a child and had the most obnoxious website along with a shrine to Zac Efron RIP. I had no idea stardoll bought them, another childhood favourite site but unfortunately it's stagnant nowadays.

No. 2306072

My favorite line is "Bitch you ain't no Barbie, I see you work at Arby's"

No. 2306074

>Number two! Super sized! Hurry up, I'm starving!

No. 2306089

File: 1734050714959.png (50.22 KB, 830x600, purple-moon-1998.png)

Any other oldfags here remember Purple Moon?? I never bought the video games but I went on the website all of the time that was based on the characters and you could send messages and little "gifts" to other girls, I loved it.

Wait a damn second, Diet Coke with Lime isn't a thing anymore?

No. 2306091

I love those characters, they're cute

No. 2306193

File: 1734055224269.jpeg (104.78 KB, 640x480, IMG_4182.jpeg)

When Disney was making virtual chatrooms like VMK and trying to tap into MMO market and released Pirates of the Carribean Online

No. 2306196

wtf is this. I played virtual chatrooms like Habbo Hotel, Coke Music, AWOLNOW, but never heard of this one. I need an indulgent 1 hour deep dive from a shitty washed up YouTube NOW

No. 2306200

This game was so fun. I loved the minigames in the rooms people would host. you could visit disney world and get park exclusive in game items and pins. The vibes were so good each area had really good art and sound design. Also I now remember puzzle pirates

No. 2306205

I had Rockett's First Day of School! It wasn't super fun but I'd never seen a girl-based game before so I was so happy to play it.

No. 2306365

Pirates of the Carribean was lit and had great graphics for that time period. Crazy big map too.

No. 2306446

here you go nonna

No. 2307790

there were also "finger guns" for bisexuals, frogs for lesbians(also plaid shirts, but idk why i think that's more plausible)

No. 2308235

does anyone else remember when people used to say that the ozone layer was going to be completely melted by now

No. 2308273

yes I do!! and the only reason it isn't is because a massive global effort to completely stop using CFCs prevented it depleting. like over 20 years we just completely stopped using this substance that was heavily relied on by industry. it was probably the last time in history that the wellbeing of the planet was prioritised over capitalist interests, its actually very cool to read about

No. 2309587

Just remembered how much I loved the VS Fashion Show when I was younger kek, I wonder why they stopped doing this?

No. 2309590

that's entirely untrue

No. 2309611

It didn't happen so they made this up as the excuse kek

No. 2309681

Saved By The Bell using caffeine as a euphemism for drugs lol

No. 2309980

File: 1734372387995.jpg (85.9 KB, 1024x576, qxgsbc0lim191.jpg)

anyone else remember when the dollar menu was still a thing? now it’s the $3 menu…

No. 2309982

oh my goodness nona i was thinking about this last night too after i saw someone mention caffeine pills kekk

No. 2309983

KEK I remember this. I’ve never tried caffeine pills but I’m pretty sure they don’t make you act like how she was acting in this episode

No. 2310028

File: 1734376243495.png (1.25 MB, 1085x927, tf is this lipstick.png)

Someone way upthread mentioned Matthew Santoro and I couldn't remember who his ex girlfriend was he was having drama with. Nicole Arbour. She is still making unfunny videos on YouTube. She looks tacky, it's not 2010 anymore and at 39 it's embarrassing she's still dressing and acting like this.

No. 2311098

File: 1734411602325.png (637.09 KB, 747x1708, ohVDlvx.png)

when ashton kutcher and mila kunis revealed they didn't bathe

No. 2311948

speed dating

No. 2311951

Brand's dying and fatties kept getting upset about the models bodies.

No. 2311969

As a straight these shows never appealed to me. Nay any of those outfits or "inspired" lingerie never made it to the VS stores I frequented. It always seemed more like a dog and pony show for the dumpy, old, ugly ghouls raking in profits behind the scenes while peddling image issues to women and brainrot to men.

No. 2312343

File: 1734500429017.jpg (71.04 KB, 525x700, Libby Lu.jpg)

Club Libby Lu. Disney Channel was running a bunch of promos for this place during the height of Hannah Montana's popularity. I remember hearing that moms HATED this place and some of the pictures that came up when googling kinda answered why. The makeover package was fun though

No. 2312418

i think she is a little overhated, ray william johnson and jacksfimls are just as annoying

No. 2312667

File: 1734533225319.png (3.88 MB, 1367x2048, image_2024-12-18_154646211.png)

this guy exists

No. 2317208

File: 1734842327807.jpg (82.78 KB, 640x1132, 1000019552.jpg)

the webkinz abuse.

No. 2317223

The way this place smelled is a high I chase; never been able to find something even remotely similar lol The concept of these stores was interesting to me as a child and still is as an adult and while I understand why parents took issue with it, at least it was something for little girls to do together. Not much exists for them anymore.

No. 2317227

these are the type of people that gen X’ers created

No. 2317234

tbf, gen x are a wild bunch even if some of them like to pretend to be boomers.

No. 2317277

File: 1734850043767.png (93.36 KB, 650x300, thedirty-removal.png)

I just remembered that I used to type "t" in my browser every morning and it would immediately go to the dirty dot com, where people I never heard of were caught doing things I could barely understand

No. 2317282

File: 1734851292599.png (1.35 MB, 2383x1330, Screenshot 2024-12-21 230545.p…)

all those link aggregator sites that weren't reddit, and just disappeared over time.

Also Foamy the Squirrel

No. 2317284

Amazing. It was such an entertaining mess.

No. 2317392

Kek I had no idea about this. I've always wondered what happened to Ryan Ross because he's genuinely talented. That's so fucked up

Side note I just remembered reading this really long article about Ryan's exes a few years back, bandom people have crazy investigation skills https://pathetic-at-the-disco.tumblr.com/post/171140808026/the-tragic-love-life-of-ryan-ross-all-links

No. 2317502

Yeah defend the company that provided children to Epstein for their wonderful influence on young girls and women and disgusting moids

No. 2320844

This song from vine

No. 2320887

File: 1735181977166.jpg (25.8 KB, 400x300, 1_fd0cc164799c675e30d91996cca6…)

I remember being obsessed with these shoes and being disappointed once Skechers remade them into wedges.I always wanted the blue and pink ones I still kinda do lol.

No. 2320916

Association with Epstein allegedly, but a corpo allegedly made people think its about trannis and fats

No. 2320920

File: 1735185499104.jpeg (347.7 KB, 1125x908, Family Gathering.jpeg)

This photo of a GDQ gathering, and the fucking cone head would sometimes pop into my head at the most random of times. It always makes me laugh

No. 2320925

File: 1735185919406.jpg (119.6 KB, 467x720, 1000019614.jpg)

Fucking coneheads are real.

No. 2320926

This is such a classic image to me. I'm forever perplexed by the cone head and was convinced for years that is was some kind of illusion or error, but nope, that's most likely his real head.

No. 2321030

What's GQD?

No. 2321032

File: 1735197096560.jpg (99.99 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

The CowChop youtube channel

No. 2321047

is it not a woman?

No. 2321050

You need to immediately contact an optometrist and get your eyes checked as soon as possible. You could die if your eyesight is this poor.

No. 2321058

idk nonny looks like a very unfortunately looking woman to me, even has boobs that are larger than the stomach. the hand doing the V sign is also small

No. 2321061

I’ve been seeing raywilliamjohnson on my TikTok fyp doing lives. He was the first person I ever watched on YouTube back in 2008, I think. It’s kind of insane how he hasn’t aged much either.

No. 2321065

his content calling out assholes is pretty cool tbh

No. 2321223

File: 1735234906276.png (1.21 MB, 1920x1090, idubbbz.png)

The whole debacle with these two.

No. 2321225

File: 1735234952555.jpg (210.62 KB, 1288x1218, tana.jpg)

Samefag, but I also remembered this art an anon made kek

No. 2321227

Kekkkk, snakes are far too cute to deserve this slander

No. 2321230

kek the animal characterization is on point especially for ian

No. 2321234

File: 1735235215098.jpg (171.88 KB, 1057x947, 1000030691.jpg)

Reminds me of this kek remember when everyone was like "lol the pol meetup is more diverse than tumblr!" as if that wasn't an extremely embarrassing mask-off moment for them kekekek

No. 2321529

File: 1735245212592.jpeg (341.55 KB, 2059x1697, UmxHNyY.jpeg)

That's an edited version, here's the original one. Still horrifying
I couldn't find a list of people featured in this photo but I can assure you that's not a real woman. If you go by "breast" size, the obvious guy next to "her" has similar size manboobs. You're being too generous, these days most of the times when you see what you wish was an unfortunate looking woman is actually a tranny, and statistically since this is a fucking speedrunning event gathering it's even less likely to be a woman. That's literally male pattern baldness too

No. 2321630

File: 1735248117879.jpeg (848.31 KB, 1125x1641, 9EEC6548-017B-421F-83DC-6E11F5…)

What an amazing specimen he is, even without the editing. Reminds me of Bryson/Bryleigh/Bryli picrel

No. 2322113

File: 1735275955034.jpg (Spoiler Image,37.86 KB, 551x310, YOU LOST.jpg)

No. 2322117

Just remembered the PussyRiot era of the 10’z KEK, I never understood what they were protesting

No. 2322120

No. 2322271

I see. I've seen some women balding and even know one but I guess the hair falls out more at the center then? I'm generally confused at some people in this photo like the first person from the left, is that a man or an ugly obese lesbian? Too many hormone imbalances in this picture lol

No. 2322300

I remember Black Rock Shooter and how they desperately tried to turn it into a big franchise and having no idea what to do with these turbo chuuni characters. Also I've never been a Vocaloid fan, is BRS still an iconic Miku song?

No. 2322515

I remember trying to watch the first episode and dropping it immediately, it was probably too confusing for me back then

No. 2322694

Ayrt and I watched the first 2 or 3 episodes back then because I liked the character designs and it was too stupid and childish so I dropped it.

No. 2323375

File: 1735355701207.png (54.22 KB, 235x275, you-know-who.png)

No. 2323391

i actually loved BRS as an edgy 14 years old vocaloid fan, i'm not in the fandom anymore but no one brings it up in weeb spaces. The last time i saw it brought up it was in this video and it felt so ingenuine, like she wants to have the biggest collection of smth so she picked up an anime no one cares about

No. 2323416

Stands for Games Done Quick, a massive money laundering scheme thinly veiled as a video game charity event. It's gotten worse over the last decade, with almost every gamer trooning out.

No. 2323419

To this day, I still have no idea why Tana mongoose was internet famous.

Why is there just a gallon of milk on the table?

No. 2323420

arent you confusing it with indieland, or is there proof its a money laundering scheme?

No. 2323422

Not confusing it. I've been watching GDQ since 2014 and it's extremely obvious how weird it's gotten when they set insanely high goals for low effort rewards. Suddenly they get all these 10k anonymous donations. Not to mention a bunch of the original staff left the company and cant say why.

No. 2323501

the song is great, but it could not achieve the kagepro legacy

No. 2323571

File: 1735370676385.jpg (124.01 KB, 640x480, Tumblr_l_261901313890819.jpg)

Istg i'm gonna get ones one day… soon…

No. 2323580

Kek nona please don't bring these back

No. 2324992

No. 2325264

Legitimately thought this was real

No. 2325448


No. 2325455

I miss this

No. 2325456

File: 1735526892903.jpg (9.81 KB, 236x177, 55bd19cc3239890ce5c3a4b8682aa6…)

These were so popular in the "kawaii" polymer clay community! You just dug a memory way out of my head

No. 2325979

Kony 2012 legitimately makes me laugh my ass off because I was like 14 and totally fell for it so I tried to ask my dad if we could donate. I remember seeing it all over Tumblr at the time and being jealous of the people who got to donate until that “night” came where they were supposed to put up the posters and I think the whole thing was “exposed” by then so barely anyone showed up kek. To this day whenever the topic of elections come up I always go “KONY 2024 [or insert other election year]”.

No. 2326009

Remember when CC first came around and scrotes from 4ch would go to raid, and then one of the CC mods started e-dating one of the raiders after meeting him during a raid, and then she let him into her mod account and let him see the IPs and info of everyone that was posting, and then she got removed as mod months later only because of a town hall meeting where other mods confronted her about it because the admin had no idea?

Shit like that is why I'll never post on CC for as long as I live.

No. 2326015

File: 1735583489432.png (99.13 KB, 908x570, lipstickmodernchicmixitupalitt…)

Did anyone else play this game? I randomly got the song that plays at the end stuck in my head the other day and it brought back so many memories lol.

No. 2326090

File: 1735588279970.webp (93.4 KB, 600x856, IMG_6737.webp)

Y’all remember PEPPER ANN?! That show was my shit. Idk what just reminded me of it.

No. 2326117

Holy fuck i loved pepperann! Cool wee bitch

No. 2326141

WHOS THAT GIRL WHATS HER NAME IS SHE COOL IS SHE LAME. FUCK, I loved Pepper Ann!! And her sister Moose kek Watching the show as an adult makes me appreciate what a great show it was and how relatable she was to me as a kid. Cartoons are so ass now.

No. 2326148

I remember watching Emilia Fart right before covid. I saw her pop back into reels for a minute and thought she was making a comeback. I liked her shenanigans.

No. 2326305

I still sing her themesong to this day. I loved Pepper Ann!

No. 2326313

This series and all the extended Slenderman "lore" was my SHIT as a kid. I gave myself so many nightmares but it was so fun kek

No. 2327685

File: 1735701426420.jpg (28.71 KB, 402x555, 1000003112.jpg)

The 2007 Dr Martens punk angel promo controversy using Kurt Cobain, Joe Strummer, Sid Vicious, and Joey Ramone.

No. 2327699

I honestly remember the memes way more than the music video itself.

No. 2327703

The way this same scandal has been repeated numerous times through the year kek.

No. 2327704

KEK fuck

No. 2327860

Still makes me laugh because it's so stupid

No. 2327865

just remembered now that hellmas is over it means i can go back to luna! ♥

No. 2327881

Flashbacks to when I was obsessed with this song back in 2012 or something

No. 2327888

File: 1735725221438.jpg (Spoiler Image,50.26 KB, 612x408, gettyimages-2176659777-612x612…)

Eastern European 2010 feminism was odd and it's something that I completely forgot about before now lol

No. 2328300

Nah, I absolutely despised it too. But I was a goth and hated seeing normies who bullied me in high school for dressing alt start dressing like that. They flooded slam poetry nights with poems about gender and social justice. I hated seeing them at coffee shops. There was a weird crossover where trashy pogo punk women would wear those cheap body con dresses and galaxy prints. Oh and of course, the most well advertised goth nights started seeing "nu-goths" creep in and request witchhouse. Now these faggots think they're welcome at local hardcore shows. No idea if they still attend goth nights, but I'm going to assume they've either quit going and tell people they had a goth phase (like Shay) or they've assimilated enough to keep going and enjoy actual post-punk.

No. 2329322

Remember when this game was everywhere? I usually don't care for otome games but for some reason I got invested in this one. I also got interested in the plotline but could never play far enough to figure out the mystery. So I'm watching vidrel to find out on what I missed.

No. 2329347

File: 1735829693441.webp (Spoiler Image,115.04 KB, 1920x1080, 3883628.webp)

Hehe i remember it. This one was 2018.

No. 2329369

I think there were similar protests in some muslim countries and moids just beat up the women. It's something many middle eastern feminists learn, you can't afford to offend moids, culture or insult religion, because men and even women will beat and kill you

No. 2329388

God I remember having to take Women's Studies in college as part of a global history requirement and it was all radfem crap like this and Marina Abramović's performances being treated like peak feminism

No. 2329805

I remember laughing so hard at this back in the day and always thought it was so weird. But I just recently learned that they initially wrote the episode with her getting addicted to speed, but the censors at NBC thought it was too dark and serious for its Saturday morning airtime so they switched it to "caffeine" kek

No. 2329816

Pepper Ann was great. I remember being envious that she was "too cool for 7th grade" even though she had bushy hair and glasses, it made me wish I went to their school and had their friends because at my school it was nearly impossible to have a lot of friends if you looked even a little bit dorky, kek.

No. 2331596

File: 1735949436164.jpg (Spoiler Image,178.96 KB, 670x429, femen-soldiers.jpg)

Hahaha same, I remember having to read all these breezy stories by western feminist academics explaining that the topless protests were "revolutionary, actually" and sometimes even posing topless with them with clenched fists making angry faces, and then a doc came out outing the real leader of the group as a Ukrainian scrote who selected the prettiest ones to go topless and called them all "weak bitches." And then they all pretended none of it ever happened lol

No. 2334228

File: 1736106382053.jpg (480.33 KB, 900x600, d87ymeo-b1aa6189-32fd-4473-93d…)

rinmaru games, made me so sad when I went on her site again to try out all the dress up games I used to play only to see that she shut down the site. at least some of the games are archived on other sites

No. 2334402

File: 1736113742239.png (386.21 KB, 891x990, firefox_mcCTKkavyz.png)

I wonder if anyone else played these games, the website is Orisinal: Morning Sunshine. I was so happy that the creator maintained it after the death of flash, theyre very cozy and nostalgic to me. High Delivery is my fav.

No. 2334413

File: 1736114229454.jpg (2.71 MB, 4608x3456, 1000000313.jpg)

We was at the club
Bottles up
When I first metchu

No. 2334481

These games were so incredible at the time and still hold up. My favorite was the one where you are a little cherub on top of a rain cloud using a little mallet to hit the cloud to wash birds

No. 2334571

File: 1736121998498.png (777.74 KB, 558x960, 7Ea2.png)

when this thing was everyone's husbando of the month. dark times…

No. 2334654

File: 1736126597109.jpg (64.92 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

Courtney Stodden and her attempted music career. Younger me didn't even register the fucked up relationship she was in at the time. She tried rebranding as a rapper named Courtizzlez in 2017 but it honestly feels like she was trolling

No. 2334659

File: 1736126780588.jpg (82.16 KB, 600x360, devilish-hairdresser-4113.jpg)

I've been thinking of flash games a lot recently. Devilish Hairdresser

No. 2334660

File: 1736126828742.jpg (135.87 KB, 1139x569, screenshot.jpg)

Samefag, Love Me!

No. 2334666

Not to brag but little me was unmatched at these games.

No. 2334670

File: 1736127214395.jpg (145.66 KB, 380x280, pic_exc_goddess.jpg)

I also just remembered AzaleasDolls and DollDivine.

No. 2334675

File: 1736127354437.jpg (50.87 KB, 400x600, 1000030961.jpg)

I used to spend so much time in the Sailor Moon dress up game making me and my friends as sailor scouts kek

No. 2334689

File: 1736128123275.jpg (163.06 KB, 590x221, purple_day_3.jpg)

Anyone else remember Pandanda? It was cool that you could have cute pet dragons and they had free membership days, too bad it closed out of nowhere with only a 3 day warning.

No. 2334705

I remember pandanda! I was retarded and I got banned because someone said they'd give me free items or whatever if I gave them my password so I did

No. 2334711

kek, don't feel too bad anon, I did that but to my irl friends in club penguin, I changed the password once they changed my outfit I put lots of time coordinating and sperged at them.

No. 2334713

File: 1736129179962.png (904.47 KB, 907x679, 1000030968.png)

Panfu! It was a shitty Club Penguin clone but with pandas instead, and I absolutely loved it kek

No. 2334717

Kek, how many club penguin clones with pandas existed?

No. 2334720

I loved panfus and transformice

No. 2334760

Woah you’re totally right. I remember laughing at that song from picrel you posted. Hope she’s at least somewhat okay now after going through that. Where the fuck were her parents?

No. 2334806

Same. I used to laugh at her, now I wonder how bad her home life must have been for her to marry that disgusting scrote at 16. IIRC her parents let her dress like a stripper since she was 11 bc "self expression". And her mom tried to fuck the husband. They should all be in jail.

No. 2335020

Ponies Vs. Ponies was an old flash game I used to play as a kid and even after all these years, I can still recall this song.

No. 2335051

File: 1736167495754.jpeg (146.86 KB, 427x640, IMG_3202.jpeg)

I looked it up and apparently they got divorced in 2020. Honestly thought they would have divorced sooner.

No. 2335258

Was he not gay

No. 2335261

Love this game. I'd just not waste time with the uggos and go straight to the two handsome boys first, then I'd get the ugly army.
There is another version in a festival where one of the handsome boys is a ghost. His ghost girlfriend gets really pissed kek

No. 2335303

File: 1736182766716.jpeg (8.47 KB, 240x320, images (5).jpeg)

Anyone else remember this kek?

No. 2335319

YES nonny good taste! I swear last time I checked none of the games were playable due to flash player being deprecated? Good to see they’re back, I can’t wait to fall into a nostalgia hole.

No. 2338126

Watermarble nails. I was obsessed with these vids, I did these so much but never got to have a full set because the polish would either dry too fast, or I would mess up the design.

No. 2338128

Samefag, I remembered this video too. I can't decide if I still think these are cute…

No. 2338130

File: 1736303995340.jpg (640.97 KB, 2400x1600, hilaria-baldwins-spanish-accen…)

Hilaria Baldwin pretending to be a Espanola mamacita

No. 2338134

File: 1736304123566.png (189.08 KB, 890x522, 1000004985.png)

Bella Sara

No. 2338142

I listen to this song by them a lot, kek. I have no idea what they were doing either, but it didn't really help them that much in their music endeavours.
From the fact that all the women have the exact same conventionally attractive frame, i could have guessed that was the case. The whole free the nipple thing was just awful and cringe to witness, even though i agree with the sentiment, we still have to share the world with men who think female presenting nipples are equivalent to seeing a vagina. I'm sick of women being tricked by men like this, it's the same thing with the fat positivity shit, so it's not the first time this has happened.

No. 2338150

Probably the most retarded but fun fad dance from the 2010s

No. 2338160

I miss fad dances like this. Tiktok dances don't cut it.

No. 2338251

This song. From time to time it comes back and I have to listen to it on repeat.

No. 2338347

yes! I have dreamlike memories of this game. I think I had a mermaid horse.

No. 2338368

>female presenting nipples
I just remembered when tumblr banned nudity, and used this term when announcing it.

No. 2339482

Hollywood being on fire reminded me when celebrities sang imagine during the pandemic.

No. 2339730

TikTok duets be like. Half of them can't sing the other half are massive showoffs.

No. 2339741

File: 1736409500245.jpg (334.51 KB, 720x1453, Screenshot_20250108-235656_Chr…)

I just remembered how back in 2014 the game lied about some random little girl being his daughter on Instagram, weird times

No. 2339751

this photo scared me from the front page because it looks eerily like me as a child wtf

No. 2339761

File: 1736410485871.jpeg (118.13 KB, 512x341, IMG_7815.jpeg)

Does anyone remember Jessica Simpson’s “Dessert” line of flavored lip gloss, body spray, lotion, etc.?! That stuff was my JAM, I fucking loved it and felt so hot when I put it on, kek. I also really liked Jessica Simpson at the time and watching Newlyweds was a guilty pleasure of mine. I loved the “Juicy” flavor lip gloss so much, it smelled so good and I loved the pink color. I dated a guy who worked at Ulta (I know) at the time and made him buy them for me. One time we got into an argument and after ignoring him for a day, he stole a few from his own store and brought them to me kek. like a big dumb penguin bringing me a pebble as a peace offering. I still took them, and I don’t think he ever got caught. He was so big and dumb.
The body spray really made your skin taste sweet and I absolutely loved it. It was a hit with dates. I kinda miss aspects of that trashy y2k era, glad it’s sorta coming back, kek.

No. 2339764

me and my friend drank it on a school trip and got sick. i literally kept a lipgloss tube until last year.

No. 2340422

File: 1736455931129.jpg (323.17 KB, 1500x1500, 1000000821.jpg)

Who else had one of these?

No. 2340429

I'm not even gonna pretend I don't still like these kek

No. 2340432

I did, and every single thing in that sucked ass even by kids' standards kek.

No. 2340433

The art and music of these games was so cute.

No. 2340436

>"Imagine no possessions"
They caterwauled, as they sat in their mansions surrounded by possessions while ordinary people died getting coofed on to go essentially work cash registers.
I hate these people so god damn much.

No. 2340440

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This and all the games like it made me feel like I was a witch divinating all my classmates' futures.

No. 2340453

This is so good, no idea how I haven't heard this smile.dk song before, I will also be listening to it on repeat.

No. 2340472

File: 1736458660287.jpeg (32.96 KB, 508x285, 049f533994c0f3499bf7752d9f876c…)

I remember playing this unofficial One Piece fighting game when I was a teen almost everyday in 2015-2016.it was really fun and addictive.I had trouble finding the original one I played since there are a couple of copycats.

No. 2340477

File: 1736458765390.jpg (168.99 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg)

Speaking of One Piece,I am the only one who remembers this game?I played this too.I was so sad when it shut down quickly though.

No. 2340590

When I was addicted to this song and obsessed with this band

No. 2340591

God-tier taste nonnie, I still get this song stuck in my head randomly

No. 2340701

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The glitter roots and space buns trend

No. 2340704

File: 1736472948969.jpg (58.74 KB, 500x494, 1000000837.jpg)

Samefag. I can't believe 2015 was a decade ago. Where has the time gone anons?

No. 2340713

Omg same. I still have a soft spot for Ludo.

No. 2340768

broken bride is fun and makes me cry 2 this day

No. 2340780

I unironically recommend Broken Bride. I adore every single part.

No. 2340782

I've never seen the glitter roots thing before but looks like Dandruff

No. 2340808

>Where has the time gone anons?

I don't fucking know anymore

No. 2340845

File: 1736484883190.webp (13.76 KB, 399x399, download.webp)

Kek holy shit i was just talking to my coworker about 2012. I told her "after everyone thought the world was going to end in 2012, everything went down hill. The last good year." I think the tabloid drama retardation of the world ending caused a mass hysteria/addiction to sensationalism. Idiocracy is now.
My thread tax is the leapfrog quantum pad learning system it pops in my head randomly and today was one of those days. That thing was my jam. I had the vocabulary, reading, phonetics and anatomy one specifically along with a couple of the story books. I was obsessed with the anatomy one. Its was so detailed and had this clear layered human body disceted into layers so when they were put down layer by layer you would build a human slowly. Bones, blood vessels organs, muscle and then skin or some shit like that. And had a fact about humans losing 80 hairs in a day. It worked by using a pen to press words on a book and it would read the word to you. You had to insert the corresponding cartridge for each book so it knew what was there and i remember thinking it was PEAK technology. I went into kindergarten knowing how to read thanks to the freedom of being able to press a word over and over again and have it read to me. If i EVER decide i want children, this will be their ipad. If it was able to entertain me for hours, then i trust it would do the same for my own child.

No. 2340882

i had a couple leappads too, i think i had that exact one

No. 2341009

I remember when I was in grade school in the early 2000s we went to see a play for children where a kid went into the future where everything was grey and sad and everyone was an agender vegan blob with the same name, they basically made an anti-woke piece of propaganda before it was popular.

No. 2341046

Omg I remember doing this after seeing it on tumblr kek

No. 2341199

I had a kit like this and most of the markers and paint kit were trash. But the pastels were amazing for some reason and I REALLY liked the texture of the actual pastel and when it was used on paper.

No. 2344021

File: 1736712097348.png (694.69 KB, 800x1200, Ni_Hao,_Kai-Lan_poster.png)

I just remembered this Nick Jr cartoon lol.I remembered watching a few times in grade school.too bad it never reached the popularity of Dora since Dora is awful and at least Kai Lan wasn't annoying plus the cute animal designs.

No. 2344044

>Dora is awful
Shut the fuck up. Stop trying to bait people into infights. Stop trying to sow discord and stop trying to ruin the peace. You're seriously a fucking joke. Just shut the fuck up and delete this gay ass post. Seriously what's your problem? Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed? Why is that our fault? Why log in to lolcow and start hating on Dora? What the fuck did Dora ever do to you, fatass? What did Dora say to you, dipshit? Dora is a sweetheart she doesn't deserve this retarded slander. You're a fucking joke. You need to grow up and stop trying to start fights every which way you go because guess what? Nobody here fucking agrees with you and we're all laughing at you and pointing at you and spitting at you. You're seriously pissing me the fuck off. Do you have any clue? Is there any brain in your skull? Stop hating on Dora because it's not gonna fly here. You have some issues that you need to work through so go GET THERAPY instead of coming online and making all these gay retard posts trying to insult Dora. You seriously need to get a life. You could have just said "Remember Kai-lan?" but no you decided to be aggressive and rude for no reason and bring Dora up when she didn't do nothing to you and she wasn't even a part of the conversation until you decided to be a jerk. That's what you are by the way, a jerk. Did you think you were just gonna post this retarded ass comment and then everyone was gonna agree with you? No. We don't. Dora is a great educational cartoon that helps millions of kids every year and entertains them while teaching them valuable lessons, why the fuck did you think it was okay to come and start a-logging Dora. For what reason? Delete your post.(infighting)

No. 2344046

i like this post

No. 2344058

File: 1736713903392.png (41.73 KB, 500x377, 2551934_5a276.png)

IDC not reading all of that I still hate Dora and none of your retarded autistic spewing will work bby.

No. 2344090

I'm just tired of anons being unnecessarily rude for no reason. Seriously what was the point of bringing up Dora just to insult her? Why do we have to tear one girl down to lift up another? Some Dora-hater got so butthurt that they posted it on /meta/, since my words affected them so deeply (most likely the fatass comment). It really is so easy to just not insult Dora.

No. 2344476

File: 1736730753618.jpg (163.68 KB, 1140x641, 1000000362.jpg)

No. 2344480

This movie used to creep me out so bad. Thanks for ruining my night by posting this.

No. 2344482

It was a a wonderful movie.

No. 2344484

eugh I think this was the one of the last movies I saw when schools still did movie theater field trips

No. 2344488

File: 1736731307145.webp (33.16 KB, 500x335, 1000003193.webp)

I remember being pissed off these were in happy meals.

No. 2344490

File: 1736731412841.jpg (30.01 KB, 580x580, 1000000365.jpg)

I cherished my Trixie and I'm laughing now, I was too young at the time to realize how cursed these are

No. 2344491

I can't believe this movie is 22 years old (yes I can)

No. 2344494

Did anyone like the country bears? I don't think I know a single person who did and yet they had their own little area in Disneyland for some reason

No. 2344497

I did because I was 6 years old LOL. I completely forgot about it after it stopped showing on Disney Channel tho.

No. 2344503

i hated them at age 6 and still hate them now

No. 2344506

Is it my fault you were weak and full of fear

No. 2344507

File: 1736732593141.png (1 MB, 750x921, img_3162.png)

Years ago when I learned about Dia De los Muertos, I was obsessed with glam sugar skull makeup and flower crowns.

No. 2344508

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No. 2344511

I love that shit

No. 2344518

Lol hipster fodder on par with native headdresses, I hated that on tumblr I couldn't escape people constantly reblogging gifs of a naked cam girl in sugar skull makeup fucking herself with a dildo. This is like 2011 personified

No. 2345194

That random lady who said Justin Bieber was the father of her child

No. 2345305

File: 1736786967372.jpg (39.95 KB, 735x552, 1000000368.jpg)

I wish, I wish with all my heart

No. 2345311

File: 1736787175782.jpg (310.53 KB, 580x580, m_671adfee775caf005a06791a.jpg)

You just reminded me I had Dragon Tales shoes when I was 6, I loved those things.

No. 2345332

Those are so qt

No. 2345820

DAE remember that one anon having an insane BPD meltdown in the tarot thread in /g/, I remember there was an archived copy someone made. Does anyone have the link? I think she just started spamming some image and the memory is making me fucking kek.

No. 2345823

File: 1736804378038.jpg (78.12 KB, 749x1000, 1000000895.jpg)

These books

No. 2345838

File: 1736804777625.jpg (12.79 KB, 184x274, 1000010492.jpg)

Going off of books we just remembered, I remember that, at one point, I loved Vampire Kisses and that I really, really wanted to read the manga/graphic novel version (picrel) and was disappointed it wasn't uploaded on MangaFox or something (which was my main/only source of manga lol).

No. 2345842

File: 1736804953711.jpg (259.48 KB, 1000x1000, 1000031311.jpg)

I never read Vampire Kisses but it looks like the kind of thing I would've inhaled as a child kek. Which other non-Harry Potter book series did the nonnies itt read as kids? Picrel went hard as fuck.

No. 2345846

File: 1736805014723.jpg (1.27 MB, 2915x3720, 1000006443.jpg)

No. 2345853

Hope she's okay, wherever she is. Thank you for the keks..

No. 2345857

File: 1736805260114.jpg (254.22 KB, 666x1000, 1000000369.jpg)

I miss tokyopop… my husband king Duzell in Vampire Game, withering gay waif who randomly turned into some bizarre chimeric cat creature. Me in the 3rd grade obsessed and reading it under the cover of darkness so my mom wouldn't see the kissing flashbacks over my shoulder

No. 2345859

File: 1736805292615.jpg (131.77 KB, 700x700, 1000031312.jpg)

Samefag, I also loved this and the manga version.

No. 2345860

These all look like the images the schizo spammer used ewww

No. 2345864

File: 1736805410851.jpg (126.34 KB, 707x1024, Chibi-Vampire-Karin-karin-chib…)

I remember being so excited to buy Manga at Barnes & Noble. Picrel was the series I had the most of but I also loved Gakuen Alice (which was never fully localized…). They were $10 a pop though so I'd only get one or two a year.

No. 2345866

Oh my God I totally forgot about that picture of shaynus LMAOO

No. 2345872

File: 1736805548272.jpg (19.11 KB, 269x400, 1000010493.jpg)

Same anon about the Vampire Kisses book. But, some of the books I remember liking are the Spiderwick Chronicles (and mostly because I thought their covers were cool), another vampire series called My Sister the Vampire that probably kickstarted that phase of my life (picrel) and this one series whose name I can't remember that had a supernatural family that lived in this creepy house that may have been haunted/alive.

No. 2345882

File: 1736805760394.jpg (77.9 KB, 621x1000, 1000031313.jpg)

I remember this one! The cover also reminded me of this series (not at all accurate to the movie but still funny)

No. 2345883

File: 1736805789344.jpg (134.87 KB, 1863x532, download-29.jpg)

samefag i just feel like posting this one too kek. there's so many cappable moments there

No. 2345890

kek nonny, I think the book came before the movie but I get what you mean

No. 2345899

I thought that manga character had giant naked balls before I enlarged the pic

No. 2345919

File: 1736806838843.jpg (108.98 KB, 723x1000, 1000000372.jpg)

They were so expensive!! I would treasure them and re-read often, trading with friends etc. Just a seriously sophisticated group of 4th graders passing Love Hina and whatever else to eachother and forewarning not to open any titty pages

No. 2346189

i read these too and i remember a girl in my class borrowing the first one from me.
i also loved series of an unfortunate events. we used to watch the movie in library period on thursdays every year

No. 2346420

File: 1736832533351.jpg (50.54 KB, 460x215, header.jpg)

Wolfquest, I think I should play this again.

No. 2346426

oh my god I LOVED this show as a kid

No. 2346569

File: 1736885108005.jpeg (586.3 KB, 600x929, LFJFG_551.jpeg)

This brought back an extremely vivid memory of reading picrel in the book alley of my local department store while my mom was grocery shopping.

No. 2346599

I recently downloaded Feral Heart again. I used to play that game so much. I also used to play Impressive Title, but afaik the servers are down. There were so many fun worlds to explore, I wonder if any anons were on there.

No. 2348201

File: 1736987547527.jpg (114.78 KB, 1600x1476, 38626962525805.JPG)

These nasty chew toy necklaces autists on tumblr back in 2017 used to shill

No. 2348207

I know a girl IRL who has one. In her defense she's very autistic.

No. 2348208

File: 1736988024925.png (76.89 KB, 830x1060, 43828c580384cee08e6506908a287e…)

Simple joy

No. 2348239

Oh my goodness I still see adults with these all the time and it really annoys me. I’d rather have indoor smoking make a comeback than continue to see grown people slobbering all over their teething toys

No. 2348249

I never saw this, that's so weird! They might as well walk around with helmets at that point. I would have greater assumed this was for molly users who want to prevent teeth grinding but people freely tic with these? Chewed up pieces of silicon that they wear on their necks?? Lmao

No. 2348258

This and a bunch of other awful musically trends

No. 2348261

File: 1736990442272.png (1.31 MB, 750x1334, IMG_4119.png)

It’s alive and well nonnie, come play with us

No. 2348544

That an anon shared a song that a guy wrote about her and it was incredibly cringe. Does anybody happen to still have a copy of it?

No. 2348549

Lucy luuucy

No. 2348559

Samefag, I can't for the life of me find the original post but here's the vocaroo

No. 2348562

Kekkk, dear lord

No. 2349387

I remembered this song a few days ago. It's one of my favorite songs right now.

No. 2349389

File: 1737064644919.jpg (28.68 KB, 377x263, Sonny_with_a_Chance_(season_1)…)

Samefag, and because I remembered that song I also remembered Sonny With a Chance

No. 2349392

I fucking love this song

No. 2351109

File: 1737153523066.jpg (33.45 KB, 640x480, 1000000974.jpg)

Violent lips lip tattoos, I used to want to try these so bad. Surprisingly, this brand is still in business.

No. 2351127

I wanted to try these too back in the day but I was broke. I remember grav3yardgirl trying them lol

No. 2351364

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the foster's home for imaginary friends flash game

No. 2351399

Anyone remember this song?

No. 2351429

File: 1737167254269.jpeg (31.08 KB, 449x599, 39300002.jpeg)

Just remembered how much I liked this luchador when I was super young kek

No. 2351436

Hot bod

No. 2351529

Damn, we can see why

No. 2351532

KEK I remember this. I wish vocaroo didn't erase links because there's so much gold in the LC catalog.

No. 2351754

No. 2351812

Ok skelly lover, we get it. You like corpses.
Anyways, I remembered that this song exist

No. 2351813

gross fatty but at least he shaved

No. 2352545

This is so nostalgic in the best way possible, imagine. Living in this music video, like a memory

No. 2353066

This is so nostalgic in the best way possible, imagine. Living in this music video, like a memory

No. 2355211

File: 1737365789697.jpg (223.32 KB, 2400x2400, 71BPuRQzVGL.jpg)

These, the craving for one right now is insane. I used to really like the pink flavor. I remember these also used to have a game although i never played it.

No. 2355212

File: 1737365836363.png (524.16 KB, 1999x1672, bcb_website_rp_detailproductpa…)

Samefag, but they also reminded me of ring pops which also sound amazing right now. I think I'm just craving sugar…

No. 2355995

When the freelice community on tumblr tried to get Charlotte Free fired from her Revlon modeling job because there was a video of her taking a rip from a bong.

No. 2356337

File: 1737407621876.jpg (56.81 KB, 599x448, EOPv8UAUwAAHSBS.jpg)

This Japanese meme

No. 2356343

File: 1737407887073.png (25.09 KB, 1178x664, Run 2 OG Image.png)

The Run games,I had so much fun playing them and I distinctly remember one of my classmates saying the music of these games make her want to cry lol.

No. 2357665

omg flashbacks

No. 2358696

File: 1737497740542.webp (244.09 KB, 560x315, ba.webp)

wow i LOVED these books
pls tell me nonas remember this virtual barbie world i obsessively played it in 2nd grade as soon as i got home from school and then they randomly shut it down and i was heartbroken

No. 2358727

What the hell, I used to play that as a kid too. I've been racking my brain over it trying to remember what it was but I could only remember the pink visuals. It looked way better in my memories but wow, fun times.

No. 2358759

I still have my MP3 player that was linked with this site, it looks like Barbie in game and you could change her clothes and the pattern on the back of the MP3 player, but I never played the game, instead I ate her shoes and chewed her hair up lol

No. 2358912

ooh i remember the mp3 player! i was jealous of any girl who got it, because my parents would definitely never get me one at that age. the only technology that the younger kids like me were allowed to have was the family computer and the TV of course but in hindsight im thankful for that

No. 2358992

File: 1737510338218.png (218.43 KB, 1200x1089, 1000010585.png)

Yes! There was some drama (lol) where I got the code for it from the MP3 box and secretly tried to sign up for it with my dad's email and my lame-ass younger cousin ratted me out kek. I got to use it ofc because my dad let me have the email address
I had the Mp3 too. Later, I remember finding it once in hs and then promptly losing it again. I'm still searching for it because I want to listen to the songs I had on it (lots of Demi Lovato circa La La Land era). My older bro got all my music on Limewire and pretty sure he infected the computer which he blamed it on me kek.

Almost similar to this: did anyone waste countless hours playing Stardoll before they basically made everything pay-to-play? (picrel)

No. 2359329

i always tried to play stardoll but i would get bored very quickly it was already too tedious and expensive for me, had no idea they made everything pay to play. i preferred animal jam, poptropica and meez

No. 2360878

File: 1737593603999.jpg (132.95 KB, 700x933, 019b7a548f2f00a0e2ca6283acb598…)

I was obsessed with them.

No. 2361050

>>log in
>>check money tree for donations just in case someone donated a baby paintbrush kek
>>check adoption pound in case someone donated a cute pet but its just a bunch of basic starters with dumb names
>>go get my daily omelette slice
>>get my daily jelly
>>spin the Egyptian slot machine thing, get garbage
>>spend hours on the message boards looking for people to let me hold rare items to unlock message board avatars

life was simple kek

No. 2361125

All I remember about them is that they're a German band who essentially LARPED as a visual-kei band, to the point where some of the members put on vaguely Asian-sounding stage names despite not being Asian at all.

No. 2361310

Yeah. The site seemed so much… bigger then, too. Like there was a lot to discover, all sorts of secrets. I loved trading tips with friends and how rumors spread by word of mouth.

No. 2366032

File: 1737846306956.webp (27.15 KB, 700x525, 652fe184be9edfa8eda38dfa.webp)

People thinking this lady was kidnapped

No. 2366038

I vaguely remember this. What was the true story?

No. 2366047

I remembered that anon whose bf (or ex?) wrote a really cringe song for her and she shared it with nonnies in the vent thread

No. 2366056

File: 1737846712249.png (429.77 KB, 717x529, 1679002482342.png)

Old school deviantArt spergs were the best. I miss actual unironic bad art and the people who made it. They were genuinely enthusiastic about whatever dumbass special interest they had, and it was charming.

No. 2366058

She was taking a lot of drugs

No. 2366203

I miss deviantArt in general before it became a hotbed of shitty AI slop.

No. 2366224

I was obsessed with stardoll, i still have access to my original account made in 2006.I spent so much money on the game, but ultimately the overzealous moderation, the game getting insanely expensive and lack of new content made me quit. It's like they gave up on the site completely. Plus, there's too many crappy ads in the form of annoying ugly items forced on to you. Sometimes you couldn't even place them in storage or if you tried to move them you'd constantly end up on ad campaign for a crappy movie. I have so many fond memories of it because i had fun talking to the users on there since the userbase skewed older after a couple of years, yet they kept insisting the site was primarily a kids one when almost every active user was an adult.

No. 2366704

when kids were saying “heckin’ “ instead of swearing

No. 2366713

I remember when stardoll had a message bar that scrolled across the top of the screen, you could like pay to put a message up there? I don't remember what year this was, but I'll never forget one summer as a kid being very confused and uncomfortable because someone paid to put a message up that read another user was taking her panties off. And it just kept scrolling on the screen in between other messages for like an hour. I loved stardoll but my friend's mom ratted me out to my mom that other users could message you on there and that I was potentially chatting with strangers and I was no longer allowed to play, even though I was not chatting with strangers.

No. 2366789

File: 1737881740080.jpg (9.75 KB, 385x259, AmandaToddVideo.jpg)

anyone else remember the whole Amanda Todd debacle? it's sad honestly, a girl ending her life due to internet bullying was considered so uniquely shocking a decade ago but it's so common now, today girls can be bullied into suicide with deepfake nudes. just a sad state of affairs overall

No. 2367651

File: 1737940130853.jpg (45.47 KB, 640x480, tumblr_m2j8v5YQWX1qhno7oo1_640…)

Communismkills from tumblr

No. 2367659

"Buy my silence" will forever be more representative of Tumblr than Dashcon ever was.

No. 2367661

>I don't need feminism
>if she lived in a country with no feminism she would be stoned to death for wearing such revealing clothes and being able to write.
Dumb. Hope she wakes up someday.

No. 2367663

File: 1737940586266.jpg (43.25 KB, 495x828, D_DwrFQXkAA1a08.jpg)

Samefag, I should've used this pic instead kekk

No. 2367678

monkey quest.

No. 2367680

What makes you think she lives in a muslim country?

No. 2367703

Read the post one more time.

No. 2367733

I'm confused, what am i missing? Greentext was used incorrectly?

No. 2368057

No. 2368333

File: 1737995184568.jpeg (160.44 KB, 1200x799, IMG_1474.jpeg)

who remembers octomom? i heard the kids just turned 16.

No. 2368336

i still cant believe she legitimately drank bleach. that seems like such a troll line, the fact that someone actually took it at face value is crazy.

No. 2368357

she was a child…

No. 2368369

Her video is still so depressing to watch

No. 2368376

Just remembered this band and this song

No. 2368385

File: 1737998600357.jpg (43.34 KB, 750x568, 1000073734.jpg)

Wow it feels even longer ago than that, I would've thought they were even older by now. Tan mom was kind of around that time too, right? They occupy the same space in my head.

No. 2368392

File: 1737999032439.png (48.88 KB, 749x222, Screenshot 2025-01-27 092225.p…)

Her story was really sad. The man who was extorting her was finally extradited and convicted in 2022. BC courts gave him 13 years but Dutch courts cut it in half to 6 years.

No. 2369028

i remember as a young teenage girl indoctrinated in internet culture and 4chan and all that thinking that it was all her fault but jesus christ looking back at it all it makes me fucking sick. she had no chance of escaping him. he was determined to see her die. he deserves a worse fate.

No. 2369059

File: 1738032114236.jpeg (44.41 KB, 449x597, IMG_2699.jpeg)

I just remembered Timmy Thick existing.

No. 2369064

File: 1738032365800.jpg (20.54 KB, 537x400, 230c73c1-fe6c-5dd3-8def-f3f686…)

These shoes (and how I wanted them so badly)

No. 2369068

What an insane and horrible memory tbh. I remember when she was all over magazines at the supermarket. Poor woman.

No. 2369102

My 5 year old niece used to watch this. It was a lot of fun.

No. 2369104

22 aliases over two years is insane. That poor girl. He should have gotten 25 years to life. He killed her

No. 2369250

File: 1738050736794.png (1.81 MB, 1960x864, Screenshot 2025-01-27 at 11.48…)

i-Dressup's iZones where regular 10 year olds larped as teenaged/early 20s rich bitches. I miss it.

No. 2369272

poor woman? she is a mainstream lolcow. she did all of that on purpose for fame/early efame. and she got it. perhaps she's mentally ill but what cow isn't? she refused help and committed tons of fraud and got famous like she wanted.

No. 2369274

i need a documentary on this woman now. I didnt know the pregnancy wasnt natural.

No. 2369288

search up octomom and you will find something worth watching. she was on dr phil and other mainstream media for all this too. there's heaps about her online. i am surprised she doesn't have a thread but she's pretty boring now and very unlikeable.

No. 2369290

Nta but yeah I only found out a couple years ago it wasn't natural, I feel like that was either never mentioned or completely glossed over in her heyday kek. I remember talking about her at recess in elementary school with my friends, being really freaked out over "omg what if this happened to us one day we are older and have kids"

No. 2369297

the worst part is she had 6 kids who were being raised by her mom at the time she became pregnant with the 8 requested to have a ton of embryos put in during her ivf and the doctor who did it got his license revoked instead of becoming famous or something.

No. 2369307

Don't forget she paid for her IVF with settlement money from a back injury while on disability for said back injury. I don't care for IVF but at the least couples who are doing it can afford the high cost because they make high income and so they can clearly afford to raise a child. She was banking on becoming a billionaire celebrity but instead everyone hates her for orchestrating this entire thing at the risk of her and her children paid by money meant for women who need it. Disgusting. She's been active lately so perhaps we need a thread?

No. 2369316

that is fucking infuriating. i always forget about her details and then become so angered and disappointed that she was allowed to do all that. those poor kids.

No. 2370551

File: 1738122082491.jpg (24.03 KB, 268x371, Natalee_Holloway_yearbook_phot…)

Natalee Holloway and the major media buzz at the time

No. 2370579

File: 1738124729627.jpeg (55.98 KB, 318x405, 52DC5C46-BED3-4F78-8BB7-8EF74F…)

Remember the Crank series? It had an absolute grip on my middle school group of girl friends. What was that all about?

No. 2370588

File: 1738125168179.png (387 B, 40x40, 1735482958123.png)

OG Pikachu was so cute. He's got a lil tummy

No. 2370605

I reread that whole series in 2 days during the pandemic. methhead rom com was a crazy genre, but I was shocked to find out how popular it was.

No. 2370628

nonnie are you an Alabamian or was the media attention so big that it went nationwide? I’m from a town within an hour of Mountain Brook so I remember it vividly but I'm curious about how big it was outside of the area

No. 2370667

Her case received international media coverage.

No. 2371267

AYRT and no I was in the Northeast. I was pretty young but I remember the local news stations, 20/20, even the spanish speaking channels were talking about her with that same photo. When people were complaining about the Gabby Petito news coverage a few years back I thought they were clearly too young to remember Natalee

No. 2371550

Thank you both for the context! I was 10 when it happened so I didn't remember just how big it was

No. 2371718

that time some anon in /g/ unironically said one of the columbine killers was "serving cunt"

No. 2372577

Was just reminded that Deadly Class was a thing. Slightly less shitty than Umbrella Academy when it comes to blatant X-Men knockoffs.

No. 2372583

jfc, I hate what the internet has become

No. 2372955

super late and blog post but when i was 16 i managed to get his snapchat and get a dick pic or something from him. i really wish i had the screenshots still, i thought it was the funniest thing and i felt like god

No. 2375761

File: 1738378018083.jpg (16.71 KB, 320x320, Corpse_Husband.jpg)

Just remembered this dude was a thing and everywhere, I never followed him so i don't know what happened but I haven't heard anything for a long while.

No. 2375775

Thought about him just today, too. Didn't he disappear almost immediately after an anon found his pics or something?

No. 2375867

KEK anon I would’ve died

No. 2376048

Yeah he got doxed here and on KF and then nothing.

No. 2377165

File: 1738454524931.jpg (259.45 KB, 1200x1200, Vegan-Buffalo-Cauliflower-Wing…)

I just remembered the mid-late 2010's trend of making EVERYTHING out of cauliflower, including pushing “cauliflower buffalo wings” on the masses, which was just baked cauliflower covered in buffalo sauce. Wtf? It always had to be a weird, untasty concoction trying not to be cauliflower instead of doing something normal like tempura frying it.

No. 2377456

i dont know why but this just reminded me of this animated PSA i saw when i was like 4 or 5 years old, it was this cartoon of two kids talking about some historical figure i can’t remember who but they tried to say that this princess 100’s of years ago loved eating tofu? i can’t find the video but i remember seeing it so vividly kek

No. 2377461

>felt like God for getting a dick pic from a guy who did gay porn
Proof that 16 year olds are absolutely children

No. 2377462

These books were so terrible, they'd be passed around by girls every school year like they were biblical.

No. 2377535

File: 1738485111396.jpg (687.82 KB, 1080x2151, Screenshot_20250202_102918_You…)

rrcherrypie, I used to watch her videos all the time it was like primitive ASMR to me. I recently found a bunch of the snacks featured in her videos at a store and I'm gonna try out a bunch of them

No. 2377550

File: 1738486569788.webp (62.95 KB, 675x431, 20150727180226-15-absurdly-won…)

Bacon EVERYTHING in the early 2010s for some reason. Epic Meal Time blew up in popularity around this time. Reddit had that faggy "secret' catchphrase about bacon. There were so many socks with bacon print that looked like Freddy Kreuger skin. I got a bacon lip balm as a stocking stuffer and it was one of the worst lip balms I've ever had in my life. There was a cupcake everything trend for a while too around this time but it didn't feel as invasive, I guess because the lack of men getting involved in that?

No. 2377562

File: 1738487363748.png (871.68 KB, 2625x1426, brain_worms.png)

I learned about this today, look when it happened. I don't think it's tinfoil to conclude they were hoping to test an antidote or infect other moids of similar intelligence. The brain-eating tapeworm takeover has already happened or been prevented. We will see

No. 2377582

File: 1738489789464.webp (151.83 KB, 869x544, Fantage-homescreen.webp)

has anyone here played fantage before? anyone that i've ever brought it up to never seems to know about it, but i swore i thought that it was a pretty popular game at its time and i absolutely loved it. i would do literally anything just to get an opportunity to play fantage again. i have so many fond memories of playing it because my older sister and her friends showed it to me, and i spent hours on my family's pc playing the minigames (like the fashion show and the bomberman clone) and rping with randos lol.
i can even specifically recall the last time i ever played fantage, i was at some other player's home for some weird maid rp audition and the person was interviewing everyone and they asked me how often i was online and i said "everyday!" and then i never logged on since. looking back that person might have been some predatory moid but i was none the wiser at that time and nothing bad happened to be lol.

No. 2377583

i used to play it! i played all of these games kek i couldn’t get enough. tbh, i didn’t ever get fully into fantage but i thought it was cute

No. 2377747

File: 1738506963814.jpg (52.78 KB, 600x429, 1000013784.jpg)

Remembered the "panty challenge" today when doing my laundry: basically (mostly black) girls on Twitter posted photos of their underwear some claiming it was "after a shift at work" or whatever and the underwear having no discharge and this being a point of pride. It also goofy to think about these women putting on a fresh pair of underwear just to snap these photos and prove to uhh moids and teenagers I guess? that this is normal and shame every other grown woman for having a vagina that works.

No. 2377752

i think it's also partially things recovering after covid and terminally online retards having to adjust to normal society and interacting with other people made them realize how retarded his persona was and seeing the kind of scrotes that try to have ~deep~ voice are smelly and ugly, that made his popularity die down.

No. 2377774

Lack of sex ed and its consequences.

No. 2377780

File: 1738508811510.jpg (175.22 KB, 657x1000, 812fWtQ-ieL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL…)

in my school, Dork Diaries was really popular for a bit, and some girls would pass around their books but i never took them bc i already had every book in the series, including the spin-offs KEK(except for the ice skating one and the puppy love one, bc my male cousin bought them for some reason, but he practically lived in our house so it doesn't matter since i got to read them) and i have them all till this day.
Picrel was my fav, bc i liked the gaudy cover, and MacKenzie's artstyle is a MILLION times better than Nikki's, it was also a genius switch up to have in the series to prevent stagnation.
I saw the most recent book in a store and considered buying it but i saw the plot was just Nikki fucking around in Paris, and having Nikki have a French male LI was baguetteshilling enough, but an entire book of it? hell no!

No. 2377782

File: 1738508873246.jpg (148.97 KB, 656x1000, 81EsWc4JSbL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL…)

samefag, im retarded, this is actual cover of the physical copy i had, the pink parts were reflective.

No. 2377802

oh man this makes me want to re-read the series!

No. 2377895

File: 1738512796129.jpg (386.71 KB, 1666x1666, 1000000505.jpg)

Wanted to be her

No. 2377897

Wanted to fuck her

No. 2377907

so you wanted to be jhudora?

No. 2377920

File: 1738514054873.webp (64.27 KB, 539x572, aq1hrapt2xu81.webp)

I had a huge crush on her but wanted to be the air Faerie

No. 2377948

File: 1738515445061.png (545.47 KB, 932x792, wishwecouldgoback.png)

>New Years Day, 2008
>cup of swissmiss cocoa
>wearing your new Hannah Montana shirt you got for Christmas a few days ago
>snow falling gently outside
>going to go sledding later
>time to see who the new Girl of Year is!
>check American Girl on the family computer
>end up on the Historical Dolls tab
>play a bunch their games for like 2 hours on a cozy winter morning
Picrel is Felicity's game, I loved all of these though. I would have added text to the cow sampler I made but the flash emulator didn't seem to preserve the cute stitch fonts. Sigh

No. 2377969

the grey faerie doll is so cute

No. 2378244

Yep, you get me

No. 2378403

File: 1738532207687.jpeg (37.2 KB, 768x768, Appleways-1-2-oz-Simply-Wholes…)

I remembered eating these when they gave out school breakfast in the morning at junior high.they were so good but unfortunately you can only buy these online and not irl like at Walmart.

No. 2378405

That this thread's title is misspelled

No. 2378416

She deserves to have all of kids taken away tbh.what a narcissistic cunt.

No. 2378437

my school had these things called "rocky roads" which were basically crack in cake-bar form. they came in unlabelled cellophane and I haven't found anything close to them since…

No. 2378468

I remember desperately wanting enough NP to buy something in the Hidden Tower. I needed a Baby Paintbrush…

No. 2379398

File: 1738576283403.png (401.35 KB, 770x400, 1000001595.png)

How many of my Southeastern American girls remember BI-LO?

No. 2379540

Tofu's been around for a while though, right?

You're so real for this. My favorites were the survival game for the Native American girl and the muffin game for the Victorian girl. I could make those blueberry muffins like nobody's business.

No. 2380304

File: 1738615487932.jpg (80.97 KB, 736x1097, 1000000509.jpg)

No. 2380324

THIS BITCH KEK. Her and her tumultuous relationship with the ancient tumblr famous fuckboy shavingryansprivates and how they had a crazy break up, then turns out he was sex-pesting young girls. Fast forward and she somehow gets into a fight with her mother's boyfriend and gets knocked out, and experiences 5 years of memory loss. Then texts shavingryansprivates and says she felt the loss of losing her pet cat to him all over again. Then her, now extremely based, drifting scam in the wake of that tumbkr troon Alcorn's violent suicide. Kek. God I miss this tumblr era, where there were still very attractive aesthetic tumblrinas who got into all sorts of crazy made up drama and lies. I fucking miss it. Now the average famous tumblr user is some ugly tranny or ugly regular moid. Take me the fuck back for real.

No. 2380327

>id know she'd run McDonalds like the navy

No. 2380346

File: 1738616525573.jpg (88.71 KB, 480x640, 1000012311.jpg)

To samefag that sexpest shavingryansprivates nuked his whole tumblr page and he used to post selfies that did numbers on tumblr and now you can't find a single selfie of him online. Also does anyone remember nosdrinker??? I remember him making a post saying that if his daughter was a radical feminist he'd beat her or some shit, it blows my mind he's still some harmless funny injoke among the tumblr senior class.

No. 2380351

File: 1738616652961.png (627.82 KB, 539x960, 1000000510.png)

Pretending she worked for nasa and wearing a nasa social lanyard everywhere, stealing what 16k worth of donations?, going from pretending to be four different rare exotic native mixes to getting married and pretending to be Chinese, then pretending to be Japanese. I have no idea what she's up to now but people were joking she'd gone full trad.

No. 2380353

I never followed nosdrinker but he'd be on my dashboard by online degrees of separation and I thought you were outing him as a sex pest in your post and got so confused

No. 2380356

It's so frustrating because she could have made and kept a pretty penny for being an alt model. She was soooooo popular on tumblr, Zubat wasn't even her PEAK tumblrina era. Everything after her break up with Steve was just an insane downhill descent into madness and retardation. If she was smart she would have just been a hot topic/instagram model girl, perhaps work her way up to model for makeup (Ala Kat Von D in the hayday) and kept it going and she wouldn't have to deceive and grift. I miss her bullshit so bad though.
Also those fillers are making me want to kill myself, her natural face was so beautiful.

No. 2380360

File: 1738616967664.jpg (115.61 KB, 720x715, 1000000511.jpg)

I forgot about her realself account being posted and how she asked how to get surgery for Asian eyes omg

No. 2380363

Kek sorry, but it wouldn't surprise me if he was a sexpest let's be real, most male oldfags of past tumblr fame are sexpests in one way or another. Remember that kid Sammy who pretended to be like 15 when he was really 12, was the uber popular funnman tumblr user "nentindo", who ended up being canceled after he tried to migrate and make it big on tiktok for creeping on minor TIFs? I remember. Tumblr fame history is insane.

No. 2380370

I'd go through phases where my dashboard would suddenly be flooded with communismkills discourse for like a month, then it would go back to normal before springing up again unexpectedly. I was just kind of fascinated by the whole thing even though it gave me a headache kek

No. 2380380

He's so ugly and inbred looking.

No. 2380387

File: 1738618162549.jpg (448.64 KB, 1080x2340, 1000012312.jpg)

Wait I think I found her? Is she not going by Alexis Yrigoyen? I found a Facebook and she has the exact same tattoos, no idea when the playwithkiko Instagram post was screenshotted but I think Alexis Yrigoyen is the latest crumb of her insane internet trail. Her last post on her Alexis Yrigoyen Facebook page was from 2023, but I screenshotted a more identifiable picture.

No. 2380390


No. 2380396

File: 1738618361188.jpg (626.45 KB, 1080x1748, 1000012314.jpg)

She also has a Twitter under Alexis Yrigoyen, last posts are from 2024.

No. 2380410

File: 1738618647856.jpg (190.34 KB, 1080x493, 1000012316.jpg)

Damn she's still doing the weird attention-seeking "academia" shit even just a few months ago kek. I wonder what she really thinks of her bullshit NASA lies.

No. 2380441

File: 1738619657877.jpg (126.76 KB, 1333x2000, miley-cyrus-1-2000-20b256d6977…)

the haircut reminded me of mileys Bangerz era kek

No. 2380643

He looks like that one troon who shot up a convenience store kek

No. 2381153

That this travesty of a song existed

No. 2381803

File: 1738687919207.jpg (18.04 KB, 316x316, The_Caretaker_-_Everywhere_at_…)

This stupid "album" that was everywhere and paraded as the deepest most thought provoking thing ever or whatever. And it's just distorted music samples. Idc about the theme behind it, musically speaking it isn't that interesting. I find it and its listeners really obnoxious.

No. 2381829

She looks like if these two fused into one person

Oh god I remember listening to all 8 hours (including the 4 hours of distorted sounds) in hopes of getting what was so horrifying about it (I never did). Do you think all the video essay Youtubers who covered it felt the same existential dread every time Biden said "haminashinpamninsanmanan"? What is even supposed to be terrifying about dementia?
I hate using this term but the craze over this was the definition of reddit.

No. 2381842

>definition of reddit
Kek I was thinking the same thing when I was writing my post. I guess it all boils down to a fear of aging.

No. 2381857

idk about this music but i imagine actually having dementia would probably be scary to whoever has it. like not recognizing the people you live with and not knowing where you are, not knowing if you're somewhere safe would probably mess with your head. a few years ago there was some anon who had like an early stage version of it, or some similar condition and she was constantly waking up in random locations

No. 2381925

Constance by Spiritbox does all that this could ever do in 4 and a half minutes.

No. 2381934

File: 1738692344891.jpg (79.05 KB, 1000x723, MV5-BMj-A5-Nz-Aw-OTQ0-M15-BMl5…)

When every girl had hair like this

No. 2381936

Pinnacle of beauty for eleven year old me, I still frequently create sims with that hairstyle lol.

No. 2381948

damn i had hair like these…i fucking hated it

No. 2382076

File: 1738697889525.jpg (196.72 KB, 1280x720, cencilia.jpg)

Cencilia, the japanese server (sensil) is still going but the global server shut down.
What a shame, it was very cute but getting clothes was very hard and the banners ran for little time yet were very expensive.
I wish these mobile games could be properly archived.

No. 2382475

File: 1738713796531.jpg (170.8 KB, 892x612, 1683_original.jpg)

not a mobile game but this reminds me of Poupee Girl which I loved so much when I was younger

No. 2382551

Is the blonde one a TIF?

No. 2382608

File: 1738719262750.webp (62.99 KB, 800x800, 711tVPJzbzL._AC_SL1500_800x.we…)

Idk how I forgot about cough syrup, but today I started having the most horrendous flashbacks of being made to drink it as a kid. I still remember the taste, I think this is what gave me a lifelong hatred for artificial grape flavors.

No. 2382615

Kek wtf this is such a blatant ripoff of Love Nikki, or maybe it's the other way around.

No. 2382620

File: 1738719630960.jpg (860.83 KB, 2279x3000, 1000000522.jpg)

She was such a bad bitch. Like this was like, k pop visuals to me when I was 11

No. 2382627

File: 1738720019179.jpg (50.57 KB, 540x720, Kylie-matte-liquid-lipstick-an…)

I kinda wish I got one of these back when I still wore makeup kek

No. 2382634

God, I was so envious of people who had these. I was too poor kek. Iirc though, they kind of sucked and were dry as fuck.

No. 2382637

File: 1738720470369.png (1.61 MB, 1332x1218, 78987987.png)

Im on the opposite end that i loved raspberry/cherry syrups and would sneak on the kitchen medicine cabinet to drink it just because it was yummy, i never got high or sleepy off of it because i had very severe allergies so i had a pretty good tolerance to them in case anyone wants to call child me a druggie, i just genuinely loved the taste.

No. 2382639

Listen to Axis of Perdition if you want a "scary" album. Honestly I rarely ever find music to be "disturbing" anyway. Most of the "most disturbing albums!!!" icebergs are filled with tryhard edgelord power electronics shit that's almost comical in how juvenile and tasteless it all is.

No. 2382640

File: 1738720567421.jpg (150.1 KB, 900x1200, DxirNusUYAAqPA4.jpg)

>love nikki is the only mobile dress-up game allowed
I'm a nikki player too but cmon anon, it was its own thing. The only similar thing was the UI in the wardrobe but even then there were tons of slight differences, you should be more worried about the chinese imperial palace games that just ctrl+c ctrl+v Nikki's designs.

No. 2382644

File: 1738720823003.jpg (6.15 KB, 201x251, 1000032515.jpg)

NTA but your post reminded me of picrel and how fucking good it was, this shit was TASTY

No. 2382649

What game is this? Looks cute

No. 2382653

No. 2382666

Why does this actually look good. Is it mango flavored? Banana? Lemon?

No. 2383251

fuck, taste memory unlocked. it was that awful artificial banana

No. 2383259

File: 1738765181393.png (1.41 MB, 1241x1757, syrup.png)

Same, I would pretend to be sick just for the syrup, I got caught super easily since I was "getting sick" so often, it was just so tasty.

No. 2385935

When I was a little kid, my mom would buy cosmopolitan magazine and because I wasn't supposed to look at them, it made me want to look at them more. I learned to read pretty early, but I had a hard time understanding the meaning of a lot of stuff. In her cosmo, there was an article and the picture was a few guys lined up with their penises in multi-colored socks, specifically couldn't get one out of my head because it was like, a rainbow striped toe sock or something. It was an article about penis size and the tag line was literally "men would kill a bus full of children for an extra inch" or something of that nature, but I remember the part about killing a bus full of children so clearly because a.) I was a child and b.) the casual discussion of killing a bus full of us seemed so scary. I wish I could find that article online kek it sounds like parody but I'm so serious. I was distressed.

No. 2385985

keeeeeeeek anon that is a hilarious formative memory.

No. 2386007

File: 1738896800086.jpg (22.88 KB, 513x800, 1000001616.jpg)

This movie/book and the fact that John Green wrote it

No. 2386010

I wish I could find a scan of it so I could truly know if the penis in the rainbow toe sock is as thick as I remember or if it's just distorted

No. 2386014

Wheeezinggg. My dad used to have mens magazines lying about and the stuff in it was similar but never about killing a bus full of children kekkkkk

No. 2386021

I hated this book so fucking much. Didn’t the actors for the main couple in the movie make some comment about how kissing your sibling is kinda hot.

No. 2386039

>be me
>be like 15
>see this shit everywhere
>everyone is going crazy for it
>hmmmm let me read the book
>open the book
>get through three chapters
>wow a grown adult man is really writing all this shit
>put book down and never read it again

No. 2386070

File: 1738900445121.jpeg (79.52 KB, 640x756, IMG_5940.jpeg)

His tumblr posts were weird as hell. I wouldn't be surprised if he has cp on his hard drive.

No. 2386072

File: 1738900537456.webp (107.93 KB, 680x885, IMG_1163.webp)

They tried to convince people it was normal to roast it and use it to replace the turkey on Thanksgiving.

No. 2386086

Now I wanna eat a huge roasted cauliflower

No. 2386089

I always got such weird vibes from him and his work. I’m glad I’m not the only one

No. 2386093

To be fair to him he wrote it based on a girl he met that had cancer and essentially became the junior mascot of his online friend group, the book is straight up fanfic of what if she had met this super cool nerdy dreamboy and lived a wacky millenial love story.

No. 2386212

Finnanon. Real ones know.

No. 2386224

I know she's just a cow to some anons, but i have had the chance to speak to her and it's been over a year since i've seen her online. I won't tell her whole life story, but I hope she is ok.

No. 2386298

I swear I'm not being exaggerative either. It was something like "men would kill a bus full of children for a little extra length" or "men would kill a bus full of children for an extra inch". As a child, something about that was soo dark and I was too young to understand that it was a joke so I side-eyed men for awhile. Deserved since they'd all probably kill a bus full of anyone for much less.

No. 2386491

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a bit horrocowish? buti remember a incident where a japanese "ryona" vtuber stapled her own vagina vtubers attract some of the worst people imaginable on earth

No. 2386625

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I just remembered the amazing era of thisishangingrockscomics on tumblr and how she had everyone in a chokehold with her, admittedly, charming hand drawn comics. I remember she was so popular she was paid to draw a comic advertising a Daniel Radcliffe movie.
I also remember her, years after her heyday, coming to lolcow and replying to somebody who asked what she's up to. I think she's married now, and I think she went to culinary school? I could be wrong but I remember her lolcow post, though I'm having trouble finding it. She was very friendly and I remember her saying "Omg! This is me, hi!" Or something similar. Her blog has been deleted now. I wish her well in her life pursuits! I miss her.

No. 2386637

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Oh shit she actually got arrested and was on a 1.5k bail for missing a court date.

No. 2386645

I used to talk to a finnanon and wonder if she's the same.

No. 2386647

I got a John Green book set for my birthday when I was 11 or whatever. Started two of the books and fucking hated them. They are so fucking dumb. John Green is either borderline retarded or needs to be arrested. How can an adult man write something like that?

No. 2386812

I remember this, too, though I can't recall whose thread or what she really said. I remember being kind of shocked kek seemed out of line with her Catholic persona to come to a place like this, seems sinful. I remember she got really into baking bread at the end of her internet presence? so culinary school seems like a good fit. Wonder what the arrest was about, she was briefly a heroin addict, no?

No. 2386870

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This one scam on the middle eastern internet back in the day. Some scammers stole the pictures of some American young girl with cancer and made up a person they named "Sarah Ibrahim" and gathered donations for "her", but the money was going to them instead. People really sympathized with "her" story and donated, even celebrities did so, it was everywhere, and "her" tweets about the condition were tugging at everyone's hearts. Until the truth came out and the account disappeared. Idk if they got arrested or not though, but it's such a crazy story from the 2010s internet for me. The actual American girl named Esme is ok now though.

No. 2386939

Why does society hate tall women? I hate this horrible society. If she was 5'3 she would have never been arrested.

No. 2386940

on the same vegan food subject I remember those videos of people making watermelon on their grills pretending it was just like real bbq

No. 2387170

God bless the anon who made her a moodboard

No. 2387313

Anyone else remember when Dwayne Johnson was in every commercial and TV show? Whatever happened to the rock kek

No. 2387319

I'm pretty sure he still does movies. He's the voice of the character in Moana and Moana 2. Isnt he also in the live action?

No. 2387321

Omg!! How did I not recognize his voice?

No. 2387368

This shit was so ass and my dashboard always thought it was ass. No offense to this queen.

No. 2388167

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I remembered when these emerged as a trend in the 2010s. I used to believe these were living fish and was so sad.

No. 2388171

God imagine how fucking heavy those shoes must be

No. 2388175

Oh my god they weren't? Thank goodness for the longest time I thought they were real fish too

No. 2388176

Kek I forgot about these, I never actually realised they weren't real fish

No. 2388201

Sorry anons, I think it's actually real fish. It just depends on the person and manufacture if they choose to use real or fake fish.

No. 2388204

I only read one book by John Green and it was Will Greyson Will Greyson. He wrote the chapters from one character's perspective, and David Leviathan wrote the other character's chapters. I remember being struck by how much I hated Green's chapters, and how insufferable his main characters are. They're always pretentious, obnoxious, hipster twats who are so ~precocious~ and ~enlightened~ compared to the other pleb teenagers. Leviathan is no genius, but Green's horrible writing made Leviathan look better by comparison.

No. 2388206

I know that the pair worn by Frenchie Fuqua had real fish.

No. 2388214

If that's true then that's fucking horrible! Domesticated Fish are treated like shit by humanity compared to other domesticated pets, they're seen as accessories in so many people's homes and are abused in what is essentially a water cage. I'm so pissed off, I hope all people who put fishes in small tanks and people who especially use living fish as fashion accessories find out that hell is real and they're forced to live in a small tank filled with water forever.

No. 2388236

From an interview with Frenchy Fuqua, who is believed to have started the trend:
>The shoes were actually fiberglass clogs with three-inch heels. I had two fish in each shoe. They were a little slippery to walk in, being glass, so you’d have to hold on to a rail when you went down stairs. But my biggest problem was that the fish kept dying. I kept running and adding water, and that just got my socks wet. I experimented with a small pump that ran up my pants, but that was uncomfortable. Finally I gave up the fish but kept the shoes – and put in a terrarium.

No. 2388256

a terrarium is way cooler anyway. they could have done it without the animal cruelty

No. 2388257

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This >>2388167 specific image isn't real (picrel), but yes, real versions have been made in the past.

No. 2389494

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This game was so popular on early-ish gamer YouTube.

No. 2389499

My weird coworker would talk about this game for hours when we were tasked to work together and I had to pretend to be interested in the name of politeness.

No. 2389505

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Same fag, speaking of old youtube gamers. would still fuck tbh

No. 2389513

omg the nostalgia! last i remembered he was engaged to another tumblr user. he was also a virgin and was saving himself for marriage because he was ultra christian. which was really a funny contrast to his humor blogger persona

No. 2389530

i was so into the doxing of him. he turned out to be a chubby loser who did parkour and not the tall hot emo guy he claimed to be kek

No. 2389537

I think the funniest part of the whole ordeal is that he was suddenly completely disinterested in engaging on socials because he would no longer be worshiped or perceived as a sexy anime boy, he was so upset that suddenly there would be people that would treat him as just some shlubby guy instead of the unattainable anime sexy man he tried SO hard to be

No. 2389586

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anyone else remember daughters of the moon?

No. 2389596

and his fans were so deluded that they thought he went into hiding because of his GERD KEK

No. 2389604

He became so delusional and histrionic that he really started posting pictures of his hair strands and his weird, tensed up, carefully posed, stubby fingers as if he truly believed he was the sexy anime boy. He'd drop the most ridiculous claims, like how he was cutting his face so they'd start comparing him to anime protags. The moment the illusion was broken, he fucked off.

No. 2389635

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Dahliarotica/babycorpses.I remember visiting her profiles every so often back when the MCYT fanbase was still fresh because I was so curious of her behavior specifically and was interested in the style she drew in.I remember the last couple of days of her Twitter account,from what I can recount she had a break down ,self harmed severely,then posted her photos/videos of it on twitter.Her account got suspended shorly afterwards and haven’t heard anything about her since.Always wondered if she’s still around in another fanbase or something else had happened for years.

No. 2389642

I honestly thought this was fic and fanart about jschlatts mascot

No. 2389763

Wow, this was a blast from the past. I was trying to remember the name of this series recently, thanks, anon!

No. 2390727

I literally just remembered it existed too and was googling search terms trying to remember and finally found it! This dominated 7th grade for me during my loneliest time and I never met anyone else who read them

No. 2390865

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I'm pretty sure whoever made this game had a scat fetish

No. 2390866

One time I told my coworker I liked goth music and he said "like corpse husband?" and I wanted to hang myself

No. 2390869

Late but you could get it in banana or strawberry flavour.

No. 2390883

"Looking For Alaska" is one of the most annoying and vapid books I've ever read, it was enough to put me off him forever kek. Alaska herself is a nonsensical character, she's like a scrote's interpretation of the "screechy feminist" archetype but also a sexually free waifu whose first appearance has her giggling about a guy grabbing her tit.

No. 2390911

Ah yes, I suppose you could say it's very goth to sound like you're gurgling your own stomach acid. Or maybe not.

No. 2391273

That time years ago when one of the older admins (or farmhands I forgot) revealed the post history of someone who got nicknamed "ham-chan", but it ended up showing several different anons' posts combined because they were all using the same Opera vpn

No. 2391276

Things like that are so idiotic, there have also been a few cases where cowish farmhands tried to reference a user's post history to scare them but the post history was of like, commonly used vpns

No. 2391363

I played this game and the others as a kid and my sister saw me pick the option that made the woman make out with the genie woman multiple times, told our mom, and I got banned from playing it anymore KEK.

No. 2391453

This one girl I knew had a fatal flaw where she liked corpse husbands music and when I tried to show her his real face she refused to believe the truth. Other than that she was a very nice dear friendly person

No. 2391564

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Oh the creepy pasta and homestuck roleplaying I took part in on here and deviantart..

No. 2391576

I had a friend who was a very sweet and kind person, she was a huge game grumps fan and when all the shit about Danny Sexbang (lmao. Shocker) came out about him preying on fans she totally caped for him and said they were lying kek. She did the same thing with Johnny Depp too, it was bizarre

No. 2391582

Kek being sweet doesn't necessarily correlate with having baseline intelligence

No. 2391585

That's true. I just couldn't believe how nasty she would talk about those women when normally she had a "girls support girls!!" type attitude. The things she said about Amber Heard were gross as hell. Whenever I miss her friendship all I have to do is think about the retarded ass things she would say, then I don't care anymore

No. 2392462

I do not remember the whack your boss (fuck I just realized how weird the name sounds) games being that weird but now that I think about it the person who made the games probably had some kind of gore fetish. If it was made by a man that would explain it all tbh

No. 2392636

These Powerpuff Girls AMVs that had me on a chokehold when I was younger. I wonder how the original creator is doing now.

No. 2392660

Why does blossom have tentacle-like ribbons? I'm not familiar with this lore and I can't find anything in the comments

No. 2392682

Nevermind I clicked around found vid related

No. 2392756

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I just found out the lore behind Princess Ai randomly from a video. This series was everywhere when I was a kid and I liked it because of the illustrations by Ai Yazawa even though it was kind of nonsensical. For some reason I didn't realize Courtney Love was involved and never found out until now. I also learned that the elusive tokyopop collaborater DJ Milky was actually just the ceo named STUART larping as a Japanese dj. Tokyopop manga was kind of bartered and traded when I was a kid because it was expensive for 10 and 11 year olds, but the advertisement for Princess Ai was really strongarmed and I'm surprised I only just now made the connection of Courtey Love being involved with the first series.
>tfw 10 years old and no Kent bf

No. 2392760

>I also learned that the elusive tokyopop collaborater DJ Milky was actually just the ceo named STUART larping as a Japanese dj.
This is amazing.

No. 2392763

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The chokehold volumes one and two of this had on me as an 11 year old… I asked my grandma to buy them for me at a Best Buy. Honestly tempted to do a reread tonight. I wish I had the gall to write AU fanfiction about me and my husband and get it published like she did.

No. 2392772

Fuck I forgot about Princess Ai. Yeah there was a black market for Tokyopop back in school kek. An elaborate swap system.

No. 2393846

Just remembered how Shiloh used to always sit in Greg’s lap when he recorded videos, I remember seeing this one and thinking he was just wearing a wig on his shoulder

No. 2393874

This is so adorable lmao. I feel like I grew up with things like that but I can't remember which ones. I remember looking up any ship I liked on YouTube because I believed there will be secret romantic scenes I didn't know about or something, but all I saw was fan art, yet kid me was happy with that.

No. 2394475

She laughs like a retard

No. 2394713

My friends practicing this dance

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