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File: 1742032547199.jpg (22.33 KB, 493x371, 1000079127.jpg)

No. 2445354

Can't remember where you saw that thing? Want to know the name of someone? Ask here.

If you're not searching for something specific, try the request thread >>>/ot/1343869

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No. 2445357

File: 1742032696425.jpg (189.04 KB, 1280x1280, 1000079128.jpg)

I'm looking for a really cutesy kawaii photoshoot that one of the slipknot members did, I seriously can't find it anywhere so maybe it wasn't one of them? Idk, he was definitely wearing a mask.

No. 2445367

I can recall something like this too, but I think it was in a video from some interview or something? I still can't seem to find it unfortunately

No. 2445441

File: 1742044717374.jpg (127.17 KB, 1840x1200, 1000002047.jpg)

hey anons, i didnt know they did such a photoshoot so i got curious and tried looking it up and came across this.
its something called "hate couture" but it only features one member though; the clown.
is this what yall looking for?

No. 2445444

File: 1742045144032.jpg (78.82 KB, 960x1200, 1000002046.jpg)

>that one of the slipknot members did
oh retard moment. i overlooked that line. sorry
anyway, heres another pic

No. 2445533


No. 2445542

Help me find an anon’s boyfriend that actually looks attractive(shitposting)

No. 2448128

The art (and the artist's name) who drew a picture of a woman standing there with I think blood all over her face down her body? And I think the woman had a scary face? Artist is Japanese

No. 2448131

File: 1742186321289.jpg (113.96 KB, 1000x1414, chiikawa.jpg)

i'm looking for a japanese character who looks like chiikawa but isn't chiikawa? the most i remember is that she was a white sheep/bear/idk cute animal and always had tears in her eyes (kinda like the weary face emoji), and she had a little pink bow. and she would get into relatable everyday woman situations. i think she's popular in japan but i cannot find it again for the life of me kek

No. 2448137

File: 1742186647957.jpeg (217.12 KB, 1440x1440, 650AFEA2-4A03-48D8-8318-FA5B12…)

Is it opanchu usagi?

No. 2448165

YES IT IS, thank you so much! i can finally rest.

No. 2448377

There's this chinese artist on twitter that draws the terminator and mainly characters and ship art from that, very very skilled but I cannot remember her name

No. 2448408

tomino's hell?

No. 2448415

File: 1742217472391.jpg (21.73 KB, 474x270, lil_pooner.jpg)

Kinda looks like lil pooner

No. 2448439

The lil pooner looks more cute…

No. 2448670

File: 1742229330885.jpg (803.21 KB, 1280x1772, tumblr_8bb6dd779e021c33a416385…)

are you thinking of @auroradiation_?

No. 2448750

YES I was thank you so much

No. 2448753

File: 1742233305235.webp (53.23 KB, 615x915, preview_GL28113.webp)

that doesnt look like Sarah Conner at all the hell.

No. 2448855

Finding these weird degrading charicatures funny is so retarded. The blow up doll lips should make you pause.

No. 2449596

A short animated video with anime style in black and white. They are two mice that are being experimented on that are then represented (?) by two girls, one is black and the other white or something like that. The only thing I am sure about are the mice and the two girls. I am almost sure there is no dialogue and only music. It's from the late 2010.

No. 2449601

Unfortunately I dont think its the video your looking for since it was released in 2022 but it has the exact premise as you described

No. 2449605

It's actually this. Thank you! It's not the same as I remember, I am probably mixing it up with something else.

No. 2449670

There's an unofficial music video for the Leonard Cohen song The Future that I've never been able to find again, like it's vanished off the internet. It's made up of a bunch of cropped and edited clips from camgirl streams, but zoomed in on stuffed animals in the background, with the girls only barely in frame enough that you can tell what it is. The stuffed animals are edited with lip synced mouths singing along to the song.

I think it was converted to a webm and shared on /wsg/ music threads ~2015. I remember finding the source vid on vimeo maybe, and it was created as an art piece for a digital exhibition at a UK-based gallery. That's all I got.

No. 2450630

Does anyone remember a Youtube video from a decade or so ago of a candy man waking up in his candy home and going about his day? I believe it was stop or clay animation. It could've been to this song but I'm not sure. I keep trying to look for old candy animated videos that are similar to this, now I'm starting to question if ot even existed.

No. 2450655

Yes that's it! Thank you!

No. 2450990

File: 1742343223554.png (1.19 MB, 736x914, mmmm.png)

nonas i swore i bookmarked the source but now reverse image search only gives pinterest results.. help meee

No. 2451032

Clip of a live performance of a strage, waxen looking homosexual singing in a gibberish that at first appears to be a foreign language but ends up just being English with whale noises. He repeats something about holding a cue card or something.

No. 2451069

A boy group jpop music video that has a clip of a blender turned on and over spilling. It's from the early 00s, I could have sworn it was a SMAP or Hey! Say! Jump mv but i cant find it

No. 2451085

File: 1742348176582.webp (104.35 KB, 1024x1280, IMG_5785.webp)

Idk but here’s another pic of him

No. 2451410

asian moids have very soft skin
source: touched an asian man yesterday

No. 2451739

I think it's because they have more collagen

No. 2452096

Ty nonny, with that pic I could find his xiaohongshu account id (2471131321)

No. 2452158

Based nona sharing the goods

No. 2458057

File: 1742718312661.png (55.37 KB, 229x236, The cooler Daniel .png)

Please, help me find this picrew. Thanks.

No. 2458078

Im looking for an animation that I watched in 2013 on Youtube called "music in 2050" or something like that. I swear it's Newground animator adjacent. Ricepirate comes to mind but I'm not sure.
It starts with a teen girl getting in the car who says "put on my jams" and an ear piercing harsh noise plays. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?

No. 2460820

File: 1742879514312.gif (2.46 KB, 144x81, bunnymail.gif)

does anyone know the source of these cute bunny gifs? i tried reverse image search to no avail

No. 2461401

performance of an animal rights activist who would pose naked and bloody in front of stores that sold meat.

No. 2461423

Reposting from previous thread since no one responded. Looking for a tiktok video of Trisha Paytas where she's lip syncing to an audio that went something like:
>but you don't look trans?
>yeah that's literally the whole point

No. 2461580

does anyone have that meme of a tranny killing himself while a woman is taking a selfie with him saying "say ack", i wanna use it as a reaction image

No. 2461589

File: 1742934688533.jpg (60.92 KB, 413x370, 8qpej8.jpg)

wait, i found it, but does anyone have a higher quality version?

No. 2463195

it's a Hindi version opening song for the anime Akachan To Boku/Baby & Me

No. 2463336

OMG thank you. I thought it was a song that already existed and had nothing to do with the show.

No. 2463797

File: 1743080729199.mp4 (1.66 MB, 720x1280, 9EExBzvVAGy1hdCm.mp4)

What's the name of the song in the background of vidrel again?

No. 2463801

its always sunny in philadelphia theme

No. 2464256

A movie about a man chasing after a girl because the girl thinks he was trying to kill her but he wasn't and he tries to catch up to her to clear things up but gives up and kills her instead.

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