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No. 1724622

my sunburnt countrywomen standing at the limit of an endless ocean, join me in observing this prisoner island.
free fairy bread and a sausage sizzle every sunday arvo

No. 1724626

if I may start, what are we all voting on saturday? just want to do the right thing but all the misinformation is genuinely a headfuck.
here's how it's looking so far:

No. 1724640

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Not voting, but if I was it would be no. Electorates with large indigenous population do not want this. The changes to the constitution are vague, first nations representative will be chosen by the government not the people, proposal contradicts itself (on the topic of prosecution no less), there's already a largly underfunded aboriginal governing body that has been intentionally corrupted and ignored for years. This will be yet another way to further marginalise the aboriginal people while the rest of Australia applauds decisions made by puppets installed by bureaucrats in Canberra. Too much large corporate/government funding has gone into campaigning for the yes vote, from my perspective that's never a good sign.


No. 1724651

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Read up in it further this is very concerning. Not just on the premise of race-based politics but the opportunity it creates to unfairly influence the governance of this country using "aboriginal" representatives.


No. 1725584

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Have a very specific question for SA nonnas: for rental properties, are the only leases available twelve months in duration? Are any six month leases offered? I'm having in SA tell me that they can only get their lease renewed for twelve months and I need to find out whether this is commonplace/legally enforced or if this is a farce. I'm in another state and from my experience here you can usually argue for a shorter lease period like six months depending on how shit your real estate is.
Unrelated image to post but is Australian. It's is some freaky animatronic from the Big Banana in NSW called the Bunyip that would rise out of the water. The more you know.

No. 1725741

yeah the consensus I hear is "no".
they didn't check IDs either just name and address? weird

No. 1725886

I voted No, why should we change the constitution to include something that we have absolutely no idea on how it will be run? Labor really put the cart before the horse here.

Unrelated, but I’m fucking tired of the non-stop gambling ads I get. If I hear the words ‘same-game multi’ ever again I’m gonna scream.

No. 1725943

Saw a tranny in Melbourne CBD.
Why do they always wear the school girl thigh high socks?
It was also wearing a bunny ear hoodie.
My husband is 6'3 and the tranny was a few inches taller. Wild

No. 1725957

Zhe was probably heading to socks world in melb central

No. 1726953

I hear melbs is inundated with them, here (east qld) is too the further towards brisbane you go. it's always the same "programmer socks", greasy hair and choker. yet always wearing dirty male sneakers kek

No. 1727227

I voted no. Too vague in its proposal. "We'll give more info once you vote yes" lol fuck off.

No. 1727229

The socks are a part of the fetish as it featured a lot in anime, and a lot of these loser incel nerd men that transition are transitioning into their fetish of this anime teen girl.

No. 1728129

me too, as did most people I know for that exact reason. and everyone hates albo, him wearing that Yes hoodie was mad dodgy.

No. 1732649

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Let’s talk flag redesigns, I’ll go first. The wattle flag looks like an arsehole.

No. 1732661

They’re not supposed to check IDs when you vote. There was a whole thing a few years ago where Scott Morrison wanted to bring those laws in, but it ultimately didn’t happen because it was too controversial.
I’ve only ever seen one in Sydney surprisingly! In the CBD, also wearing the striped thigh high socks. He looked very out of place. Maybe they’re all concentrated to the Inner West?

No. 1732686

I hate it, but I'm sure there's worse options.
since when are we changing the flag?

No. 1732921

We’re not, I just wanted to bump the thread.

No. 1737041

ayrt I was fully convinced this was happening kek, the last thing we need rn after all the the Voice shit. so glad it didn't go through.

speaking of troons, saw one at my local hometown mall, not even the tourist area. obviously late teens/early 20s, whole femboy meme with programmer socks walking through the foodcourt that we used to hang out in after school (cause emos, innit). was incredibly harrowing and made the whole place feel besmirched and beshitted.
also I went to a show in Bris about maybe 5-6 months ago and the unisex bathrooms + pure amount of unwashed troons in reeboks made me want to scrap the tickets and bounce.

No. 1737107

>speaking of troons, saw one at my local hometown mall, not even the tourist area. obviously late teens/early 20s, whole femboy meme with programmer socks
what city? also why the fuck do they all look the same? unwashed, greasy, those socks, tranny pins, ugliest troglodytes known to human kind. are they made in a lab? kek
no sage cause I'm curious about the city

No. 1737228

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Carriageworks in Sydney is the worst for unisex toilets. There are two, one with a sign that says “all gender restroom cubicles only” and the other with “all gender restroom with open urinals”. Would absolutely hate to accidentally walk into the “wrong” all gender restroom! Most retarded shit I’ve ever seen.

No. 1738282

What ever happened to single room unisex bathrooms?? I'm honestly so puzzled. Whenever I see all gendered it makes no sense, since unisex bathrooms have always been a thing. I'd rather just have men and women's restrooms in general.

No. 1743045

anyone else got sick as fuck over the past week?
also we had CYCLONIC conditions for the past couple days but family up the coast had fuck all/nice weather when usually we'd share the same forecast. hmmmMMMMMM?

No. 1743075

i live in Melbourne too, I honestly loathe going to the city now because of the tranny infestation.

you can just tell half of the ugly 40 something year old men in dresses trooned out during covid after abandoning their families and then the younger ugly smelly AGP fucks who work in IT did the same.
I love staring at them in public and watching them get nervous and uncomfortable after i laugh at them.

I can't even travel through brunswick, fitzroy, collingwood or the CBD without being visually accosted by hideous greasy men with coloured hair, disgusting makeup and shitty dresses.
I just want to enjoy lunch with my friends and my boyfriend without having to be an unwilling participant in some stranger's AGP fetish.

No. 1743132

I'm so glad that we barely have any trannies in Western Australia. I've only seen 1 or 2 in the city over the years. Melbourne is where all the woke live. I feel bad for you guys.

No. 1743169

You guys are lucky to be enjoying warmer weather. Let me come visit

No. 1744084

samefag and i envy people who live in the more normal cities, i went to WA for the Christmas period last year with my boyfriend to meet his family. It was refreshing to be able to walk through the city and not see ugly genderspecial freaks everywhere.

Melbourne is genuinely going to shit, i dread for what it's gonna be like in 5 to 10 years just based on the tranny problem alone.

No. 1747824

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I never knew meowbahh was from Brisbane, I wonder if I've ever encountered her irl

No. 1749496

lol at everyones city tranny experiences. i go into brisbane once a month and my bf and i sometimes play spot the tranny.
who are everyones 'favorite' australian cows? i sometimes read about prettypastelplease but havent seen much from her lately

No. 1758892

anyone else watching this shit? so far I'm finding:
is incredibly cringe, weirdly boomery considering how much it's pandering to zoomers, ripping off tropic thunder as much as it can and clearly most of the budget went to the big-name american actors (and probably Karl tbh).
most embarrassing. cringing the whole time, onto I think the second to last episode. went into it genuinely thinking it would be fun because the trailer was cut a million times better than the show is.
incredibly homosexual overtones but in a very gay way, not for the ladies at all. full blown nudity with a disgusting fake penis (guy ends up being known as the "one with the big dick" ?? and another guy sucks a bullet out of a dudes gooch??)
idk if I'm getting old but it's all so distasteful and unfunny. that's what gets me the most, not the violence or the gayness or the pandering, cause that shit can be funny. this is the opposite.

we just had colin from accounts and the lost flowers of alice hart, the fuck is this I hate it

No. 1758979

I have a job interview tomorrow!
I'm a bit confused if its Christmas casual or somehow contracted? Apparently its $24/hour which was my last contract rate?

No. 1759002

if it's $24/hr I'd assume safely it's casual. plus you have to fill out shit if you're part time or full. did they send you a contract or paperwork? and can I ask what sort of position it is?
was bitching about this today actually, john howard was the one who got us all working casual instead of part or full time. no work security and the cycle continues.
good luck with the interview nona, not trying to be a neg egg just make sure you know what you're getting into. some of the jobs these days are perilously close to modern slavery (unironically and is in their training docs, not a tinfoil)

No. 1759003

On the phone when I asked she said that its $24/hour with sick and annual leave.. which dounds like contract.
Its a christmas job but it says full time? so I assume only for a few months. Honestly its the only place thats asked for an interview back but its the place I wanted the least out of everything I applied for.
No paperwork yet, I guess if the "talk" as she calls it goes well then all that will happen after

No. 1759021

maybe you just got a good paying one? wait to see what you're signing but if it's $24/hr that's not even a bad rate. is it something worth your time and labour though? like as long as you're not getting up at 6am and doing a 2hr commute for that. regardless, proud of and for you.

No. 1759027

I kinda hope its casual. They didnt have how often I am to work on the application like the others, which is why i was less interested. Its about a half hour walk and also has public transport directly to it depending on the time of day, 9am-6pm is generally their opening hours.
I hope its good, I'm a bit worried ill accept this temp job and then hear back from another job thats to continue after christmas though

No. 1761849

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I'm a a Canadian thinking of moving, is Australia worth moving to?

No. 1761868

It's expensive to get a place if you want to live in any of the main cities

No. 1761897

that's basically everywhere

No. 1762012

I think that’s a difficult question to answer without knowing much about you/your circumstances. What would make it worth it for you? What do you think Australia has to offer that Canada lacks? Besides “eternal summer” which isn’t factual.

No. 1770971

Can someone help me understand whether or not it's feasible to move out in 2-3 years as a 21 y/o in Adelaide? I get a lot of doomposting from my parents who have little to no assets, telling me that I should expect to live at home forever, and I tend to browse r/AusFinance and similar subreddits to try and understand, but it is also made up of doomposting and I can't really make heads or tails from people who are awful with their money and actual advice.
I understand the COL is incredibly high, but I have no clue if I should I bother saving up and trying or if I should just slum it with my parents til I'm 40. I'd sacrifice a lot if it meant I could move out one day, but also acknowledge that there's a chance "tightening the belt" or "pulling up my bootstraps" wouldn't even matter in this climate. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me (a stupid zoomer) understand.

No. 1794898

It is in no way feasible. I have cousins (two incomes, both decently paid, both moving out in their late twenties) and they struggled to find a home within their price range.

No. 1795223

Agree with previous anon, nothing wrong with having a healthy savings account though.

No. 1797088

we're as cooked as you are here. I lived in BC for a bit about 5 years ago and missed home, now it's as bad if not worse. my genuine advice if you do is go inland. it'll be hotter, you'll need a car, and you'll be bored and lonely with no variety in your day-to-day but you can afford to live or even buy a home. don't want to put you off but look into how fucked we are before putting your eggs in our basket. wouldn't wish this basket upon someone who could live and do better.
also there's the whole tall poppy syndrome (you guys call it crabs in a bucket) which makes a lot of aussies LEAVE here because they feel like there's no upward momentum and if there is they aren't a "true blue aussie battler" anymore.
would love to have you obviously but commonwealth countries like ours are easy to move between but the problems follow.
the problems I saw half a decade ago in canada have reached here and blossomed. sydney and melbourne are comparable to vancouver and NYC at points.
I love this country but I also HATE it for so many reasons. it wont be easy living here. it used to be, now it isn't.

No. 1802516

>fly from Melbourne to visit parents in qld Wednesday
>cyclone jasper is meant to directly hit my town as a category 5 on Monday
Why am I so unlucky?
>2 years ago husband flew up to drive my car down to Melbourne with me
>Brisbane floods and we can't get through through the potentially flooded backroads in time for him to get back to work
>end up leaving my car up here and still haven't brought it down

No. 1813177

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This might be a long shot but I figured I’d try. Nonas, I need your help finding a comedian I saw last night (14 December) at ACM. She was Hannah Gadsby’s supporting act. I’m an ESLfag and didn’t understand her name. She’s a lesbian from somewhere in Queensland. She had a joke about her girlfriend’s ex going to the moon financed by a Japanese millionaire. Google insists it’s Zoë Coombs Marr but it wasn’t Zoë.

No. 1813197

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FOUND HER! Her name is Bronwyn Kuss.

No. 1818072

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This is so horrible, I can’t imagine going to work thinking it’s going to be a normal day and then you get stabbed to death by your shitty fucking moid co-worker. I wish he had succeeded in killing himself. https://the-riotact.com/staff-member-allegedly-stabbed-to-death-at-canberra-zoo-co-worker-in-custody/732044

No. 1818094

Women are not safe working with men. We need to have women only places where only women work. It's so scary that you have to fear your moid coworkers. I hope he gets the death penalty, but i guess we dont do that

No. 1818114

I saw that also. Super fucked, nowhere is safe. Cant wait to see scrotes saying poor him and his mental health and that he needs pity instead of a bullet.

No. 1818117

Getting stabbed is so terrifying, because moids have a physical advantage over women. You cant break free once he kills you like this. I'm so angry and sad. I hope this poor woman gets justice.

No. 1913854

Might be an interesting video for Aussie anons and any Americans interested in Australian poltics

No. 1913944

are these the same dudes who snuck onto Epsteins island? They have balls of steel

No. 1961791

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>Six people have been killed in a knife attack at Westfield Bondi Junction shopping centre in Sydney's east on Saturday afternoon, NSW Police say.
>The offender was also shot dead at the scene by a police officer.
>Five of the victims died at the scene and the sixth died from their injuries in hospital, NSW Police said.
>Nine people, including a small child, were stabbed by a man in the centre and some are in a critical condition.

>A police inspector, who was nearby, was directed towards the man by witnesses, and she shot him dead after the offender confronted her.

>”She confronted the offender, who had moved by this stage to level five, as she continued to walk quickly behind him to catch up with him. He turned to face her, raised a knife," Assistant Commissioner Cooke said.
>”She discharged a firearm and that person is now deceased."
God, this is so fucking horrifying.

No. 1961801

It was a baby that was stabbed too. Just awful.

No. 1962063

"small child" is very weird phrasing, wasnt it a nine month old infant? sick world

No. 1962396

has the scum been had his identity released? I bet he is part of the 'religion of peace'

No. 1962406

I'm curious if he's an immigrant or born here

No. 1962737

The suspect was identified as Joel Cauchi, not connected to islam and not an immigrant but severely deranged and an actual schizo.

No. 1962954

He was a homeless schizo online escort, well and truly fucked in the head.

No. 1962966

>Scrote kills people
Why do we let the 'logical' sex have freedom again? 90% of time it's men.

No. 1962985

“Known to the police” in NSW & Queensland, which seems to always be the case. While I appreciate we believe in rehabilitation and don’t arrest people and throw away the key, lately I’ve felt more fearful than ever due to what I perceive to be an increase in random attacks by men, of course.
I’d argue that it’s a higher percentage, Nona.

No. 1991178

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No. 1991185

Not an aussie but I’ve heard so many bad things about this country ranging from the housing market prices to the rampant drug abuse and stabbings like the one mentioned above. Melbourne and Sydney sound like such dreadful places to live in, idg why anyone would wanna move there.(bait)

No. 1991187

I guess Sydney is the Australian equivalent of London. Hyped by clueless foreigners who don't know any better of how ghetto it really is.

No. 1991228

It’s about the same as any other country in the anglosphere, same issues with drugs, lack of housing and high cost of living. Although to be fair I feel the same way about America and Canada, they seem like complete shitholes.

No. 1991245

It's not really that bad, I would rather live here than in the US or Canada despite its flaws. I do wish that forgeiners would stay out and stop living here for the time being, not because of the stupid xenophobic "muh Chinese immagrants making X and Y expensive" type thinking (it's actually Woolworths and Coles and shitty developers and corrupt state parliment members jacking up prices) but because there's not many opportunities to go around even for the locals so they'll end up fucking themselves over and depend on limited resources that struggling locals already have a hard time getting access to.
It has the same issues that every heavily colonised Commonwealth or ex-Commonwealth country has, just has environmental differences and a different culture sociologically and politically.

No. 1991249

Samefag, honestly my least favourite part of my country is the fact that at this point in time we can't stop relying on the US and we have to jump through hoops they set or else our government gets sacked and replaced with one that will do it, it's just really fucked that we're basically just a US military outpost.

No. 1991963

Any ladies here enjoy 4x4 camping in the outback or northern beaches? I'm planning a trip after buying a new 4wd.

No. 1992441

A fun game to play is to peruse the Australian political subreddits and take a shot whenever somebody uses the phrase ‘nanny state’ or ‘tall-poppy syndrome’. You’ll be blackout drunk within 10 minutes.

No. 1992470

Your excuse on why you don't want more people in your area is literally the same excuse as everyone else. The earth has limited resources, someone somewhere else had more kids than that area's resources could support, and now they want to come to your area and use up all your resources instead. And I'm completely fine with your opinion of that, fuck those people who greedily had too many children and now they want to flee like rats from a sinking ship because there's no more green spaces in their area so they want to come and turn your green spaces into unaffordable condos and complete for who can work a job for the lowest wage all so they can settle there and repeat the cycle. But it's funny to me that you think the exact same way as the people you're calling xenophobic.

No. 1998349

Thoughts on David McBride's trial and the news media around it?

No. 2003450

>>“Known to the police” in NSW & Queensland

They need schizos free so they can use it as a pretext to add more surveillance to you


No. 2151877

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What the hell, why is a lobbyist group from another state allowed to distribute flyers to try to influence our elections? This makes me so glad I put the CLP candidate last on my ballot sheet. Also further proof that nothing good ever comes out of Victoria lol

No. 2153352

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Damn, I wonder what they’re going to sell off to foreigners this time? https://amp.abc.net.au/article/104266106

No. 2153358

3 + 11
33 and six states
Sixth verse of book 33 is

An attacker advances against you.
Guard the fortress,
watch the road,
brace yourselves,
marshal all your strength!

This "LIA" demon is strong and she has fooled the hearts of millions through deceit and black magic. We need to unite through prayer to Lord YHWH and defeat the dark armies and the treasonable maggots that collaborate with them.

No. 2153390

Anyone else excited for the legal precedent Tickle vs. Giggle's current outcome may set?

No. 2153540

No. 2158049

Is Newcastle good at all for anything? Housing? Entertainment?

No. 2158055

I thought this was posted in the britbong thread, I didnt know there was a Newcastle in AUS

No. 2158547

it's a pretty well known city region in nsw kek

No. 2158660

If you miss a concert in Melbourne, you can catch it the next night in Newcastle.

No. 2311105


No. 2318506

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I have not seen a Christmas beetle in ten years and it's making me really depressed thinking about them for some reason. I miss them, and I miss 2L of milk being $2.

No. 2319238

It's so amazing and grim reading old accounts of how enormous species' populations were a century ago. I live close to their habitat so there were a few nights after it rained heavily were I went out to look for critters and they were all out having their bug orgies in the grass and whizzing about.

No. 2319301

What area are you around? I need to see them… I have to…

No. 2319453

I used to collect handfuls of these and keep them in my school drawer… come back christmas beetles…

No. 2320122

In North Qld they were abundant when I was a kid. Same with cicadas and butterflies. There used to be giant Ulysses butterflies everywhere.

No. 2320289

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And Kmart but you gotta actually buy at least one thing.

No. 2320318

So what do we think of the potential social media ban for under 16s?
I really don't see how it's going to be implemented. Kids will just lie, they're using our birthdates to lie about their ages, we did it when we were their age. Social media is cool to them, they'll find a loophole. Or they'll just migrate to some other lesser-known site and turn it into their own social media.
I feel like 16 is a bit too old as well only on the basis of kids as young as 14 getting jobs and their employers needing their social medias, but then again they can use emails and other shit.
The only way it can really be implemented is if social media companies ask for government IDs of users, but of course there's going to be a whole load of legal issues and data stealing and who knows what if a social media company asks for private details of minors.

No. 2333461

Social media sites should be compelled to put the usual "you must be over 16" barrier, but enforcement of the ban should be left to parents. These handwringing lobbyists would rather destroy online privacy for all of us than be responsible parents. The only justifiable use of ID age verification is for porn sites, because exposing minors to porn is a serious crime that the industry is complicit in.

No. 2339655

Actually feeling a little hopeful because I went to check on if our cricket team were going to entertain the Afghan team and they're not so yipee some people actually do care about women!

No. 2339658

>about to type "from where??"
>look up at thread name

No. 2339808

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Not australian but I want to move there for the spiders. I want to see a peacock jumping spider and meet Knuckles the echidna

No. 2339809

The original Aussie thread was hilarious as fuck.

No. 2340041

You do not want to deal with our spiders.

No. 2340679

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I feel the whole spider thing is a common misconception of Australia. Yes, we have spiders, and yes they are more lethal than a lot of other countries spiders, but we don’t have 1000s crawling around our houses. I like to think it’s pretty on par with any other places frequency of spiders. If you live in the city, it’s somewhat rare to see one. If you live in the countryside, you see them a bit more.
I understand that a lot of them are very dangerous but I’ve only encountered lethal spiders/snakes a few times in my life. I will say that we get a lot of Huntsmen, they are scary but ultimately harmless.
(spoilered for arachnophobes)

No. 2341056

Nta but how do you guys kill huntsmen spiders? They're so big I would probably pick them up with tongs and chop them up in the sink grinder.

No. 2341132

I just take them outside, same with most spiders. It’s usually someone else taking it out tho lol.
I don’t think anyone I know has killed a huntsman on purpose, way more cleanup than necessary.

No. 2352756

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Melbourne nonnas would it be worth it to move there from overseas? I’ve heard the lifestyle is good especially for foodies and nightlife enjoyers, and the cost of living is more manageable than Sydney. But I’d be moving from overseas for work opportunities (construction/gen PM) and my boomer family friends say my time would be better spent either grinding in Sydney or heading out West and getting involved in the mines. Also I’ve heard the rental market is shit at the moment. Is it worth it or should I think harder about some other major cities?

No. 2352794

>saw a tranny in melbourne
The sun will rise another day

No. 2352804

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Melbourne nonnie here (and samefagging from the last post) but I do really love it here. I didn't grow up in this city but it's become my home and i couldn't imagine living anywhere else. The rest of Australia is so hot and through climate change it's only going to get worse so staying in the colder city feels best, it still gets into the mid 30s here during summer but it's a nice heat. Sydney sucks and is boring, I come from WA and everyone who lives there is boring and Perth sucks. The only real problem I have with Melbourne is that it's full of tenderqueers and making friends is hard unless you work with people you like, people are pretty closed off here and already have their own cliques so it's hard to "get in". but I'll be your friend

Also I've been meaning to post this on lolcow for a while but there was a troon I saw on the tram a while ago that had a bloody tampon hanging not only from his bag but from THE FRONT OF HIS SKIRT as well. Like, directly in front of his genitals. He was the most typical troon, balding and cat ears and a collar around his neck. Insane. Here's a sneaky pic i got.

No. 2352824

Ausnonnies, whenever I see someone online who mentions they're from aus and have a she/her in bio, I just know they're a troon. Why are troons so active in your country? Do you see them outside often? Also how do you feel about immigration there? I wonder when the indian/chinese migration spiked? Is it a demand for cheap labour or just boosting the demographics?

No. 2352825

Ew, what the fuck

No. 2352827

I'm from NSW and there's much less troons here, everyone in my city is violently normie too. It depends on state I guess, Melbourne is full of troons apparently.
I guess it's because we're a generally liberal country that preaches about equality, which is good and all except for the rise of troonism

No. 2352832

Yeah I noticed. And it's mostly just white men wearing fetish gear being attention whores. I wonder if they think they're oppressed while living in a 1st world country with liberal ideals perfect for "embrace the troonism xister"

No. 2352879

Ayrt thanks for the advice nonnie! I think my mind was mostly made I just needed some advice from the horses mouth. i live in Wellington so I’ve seen my fair share of tenderqueer nonsense (nothing as egregious as a used tampon as an accessory, sweet suffering Jesus) and if thats the worst there is to deal with I’ll manage. Lucky country here I come kek

No. 2352905

Ayrt thanks for the advice nonnie! I think my mind was mostly made I just needed some advice from the horses mouth. i live in Wellington so I’ve seen my fair share of tenderqueer nonsense (nothing as egregious as a used tampon as an accessory, sweet suffering Jesus) and if thats the worst there is to deal with I’ll manage. Lucky country here I come kek

No. 2352975

>I come from WA and everyone who lives there is boring and Perth sucks
kekk I'm from Perth too and always wanted to get out of here and Melbourne was my consideration if I stayed in Aus. The whole tranny epidemic there is really offputting however and I wouldn't know what I'd do if I had to see that tampon catgirl shit in real life. I'm curious what you mean about cliques though.
Like the other anon said, most of that shit is just Melbourne. Most woke things here can be traced back to them kek. I rarely see troons where I live, and last time I did see one it was the type where I questioned whether it was just a fag wearing makeup or a hsts. I've never seen any of those stereotypical creepy catgirl AGPs.

No. 2353008

I’m from SA and they aren’t super common here (though I have seen around 7 at least in the past few years and the government/schools are big troon panderers since it’s largely coming from out of state). To concur, I here Melbourne is the worst, though issue is a lot of Melbournians move here since their housing situation is bad, leading to a slight rise in retards here. Ironically there weren’t as many at the nerd cons I go to, I saw more at the psychic fairs.

No. 2353013

>I'm curious what you mean about cliques though.
AYRT and I guess I mean everyone has their groups of friends and don't really seek to search outside of that. Very New York energy, from what I've heard though I've never been to New York. I think Melbourne is still worth living in despite the cat troon tampon wielders because it's quite beautiful and I have made some good friends (I'll be your friend if you move nonnie)

Also I forgot to mention he literally safety pinned the front tampon to his skirt, and he smelt like utter shit

No. 2353532

I’m in the ACT and there are so many here, including at my workplace. I literally never saw any here a decade ago!

No. 2353539

Do you give them looks? Do they really use the womens bathroom too? Once again i'm reminded that women are so, so opressed still to this day. Men will skinwalk and fetishize the idea of a woman so much its become "normalized". Why dont australian women push back against it.

No. 2353569

AYRT, you can’t really do anything. Canberra is a very progressive place, arguably even more so than Melbourne. The government here repainted the rainbow roundabout recently to include the progress flag and it is ugly af. Both in the universities and in the public service word gets around quickly here so you really need to be crypto to survive. My workplace set up unisex toilets, I don’t know whether the trans staff here use those or the women’s ones, but I just try and go to the bathrooms farthest away from teams where most of them congregate which unsurprisingly is in IT. God forbid you need computer help.
Outside of workplaces you’ll definitely see them using women’s toilets in the wild, the one in Woden is particularly bad, as are the toilets at Smith’s.

No. 2353577

Why is that can I tell that they most certainly look like John Cena in a wig or with wiggly eyeliner. Like aren't they all super tall and masculine with mega brow bone ridges?

No. 2353585

Melbfag here, it’s bad. I can’t walk around the city or inner areas without seeing at least one obvious AGP, greasy hair, fucked up makeup, awful style and just generally repulsive. I hate when troons claim ‘you only see this shit online!’ because no you don’t. If you live in a city like Melbourne they’re everywhere and unavoidable.

I think I know exactly who and what type of cliques you’re talking about kek. I’ve always lived here and know a lot of the people who ended up in those groups, and all the normie ‘queers’ are just doing it for victim points.
There’s one club here that I think is cool but is frequented by these types and the club itself has a clique. They’re all practically carbon copies of one another despite trying so hard to be different.
I also take sneaky pics of the worst ones I see kek, glad to know I’m not alone here. Maybe one day we’ll be on a tram together and snap the same one.

Despite everything just said above, if you can tolerate that stuff Melbourne is great for what you described. I’m very thankful I was born here because when I’m out of depressive states I actually have a lot of fun shit to see and do if I really want to.
The living cost is mostly the same everywhere aside from rural areas, from what I can tell. It’s not great but you can definitely find something that works for you at a reasonable cost. You get paid a lot more here and can have good job security which is why a lot of people come to just save money and work. Brisbane would be my second favourite city after Melbourne too.

No. 2353590

*samefag, paid more in australia generally

No. 2353608

Melbfag, I hate how early everything closes here.

No. 2353812

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replying again because i wanted to respond to your other question,
there have always been a lot of asians in australia because of the proximity, but it’s definitely much much more noticeable now.
in the melbourne and sydney CBD you will for the most part see about 70% asian people, and no I’m not exaggerating.
this is partly because the chinese people coming here are mostly actually very wealthy and come to monopolise the housing industry and maybe the ccp is trying to take over australia which is why a lot of people take issue with it, it has contributed to our shitty housing market right now.
there’s more specifically a lot of chinese in the CBD, because they want to live in a nice apartment with city views and have the funds to spare to beat out 80 other broke applicants kek.
if you’re not living or going to the cbd you won’t see as many at all, and tbh roaming around i kinda hear every language under the sun except english (im semi-close to the city). i don’t really mind immigration here in all honesty, aside from things that can affect me like the housing crisis, because australia formed as a literal prison island kek, i don’t think any of the ‘tru white australians’ (descending from convicts and colonialists, that’s me as well) cant really be talking about people from very close thirdie countries trying to get out of horrific situations when this was never our country in the first place especially as a fucking convict kek, i have different opinions on european immigration though, but that’s unrel

the indians and other asian thirdies are sometimes but not much also wealthy and setting their kids up to be doctors or whatnot, or lower to middle class, just needed to escape the hellhole that is india, and do menial jobs such as uber, sometimes both though with the uber drivers. indians work really hard to be honest, they usually have multiple jobs. it makes sense because i would rue the day i was born if i was born in india, especially as a woman.

neo-nazism in australia is usually more centred towards asians as well because of these things and how many there are, which is pretty interesting to me.
it’s fairly the same in any country though, they use neo-nazism as a retarded edgy umbrella thing for races they take issues with.
hope this answered your question!

No. 2354786

What do you mean kek, have you ever been to Perth or Adelaide? You can't find a shop open past 5pm on a Sunday, be for real nonnie

No. 2354826

>Why are troons so active in your country?
In Melbourne it's because our covid lockdown lasted over 250 days. That's 250 days of men having full access to porn and Discord, and 250 days of women and girls on TikTok developing body dysmorphia. Everyone under 45 is on the gender train. Good luck making friends or finding a therapist.
>Do they really use the womens bathroom too?
Yes and there's nothing we can do to stop it. Women are at the bottom of the hierarchy. Australians don't care about disabled women (apart from they/thems with totally real POTS and bendy elbows) who need same-sex intimate care, or women in prisons, or rape victims. Even Muslims don't have the power to argue that women shouldn't have to share toilets and changing rooms with men. We are fucked.

No. 2354878

fellow melbfag and i’ve always thought the same thing. it was already bad before, but it made everything so much worse internationally as well. excellent point on therapists honestly i never thought about that because i haven’t been in too long and never brought this stuff up. i can imagine some literally telling people to leave and never come back if that happened. bleak.
I hate how almost every bar/club here now has gender neutral bathrooms. I already don’t want to share with tims why would i want to share with literal men? the fuck? some places have urinals in them too so its just a bunch of men with their dicks out surrounded by women in club outfits, its so gross and porny, and obviously in clubs would encourage nasty shit to happen, when men hit on me in those bathrooms sometimes it gets scary when they suddenly switch up on you, even if you’re literally just humouring him until you can use one of 2 fucking actual toilet stalls because no one fucking cares about us. I hate melbourne for this, but I love melbourne for everything else. Why do they ruin everything

No. 2354896

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fellow melbfag and i’ve always thought the same thing. it was already bad before, but it made everything so much worse internationally as well. excellent point on therapists honestly i never thought about that because i haven’t been in too long and never brought this stuff up. i can imagine some literally telling people to leave and never come back if that happened. bleak.

I hate how almost every bar/club here now has gender neutral bathrooms. I already don’t want to share with tims why would i want to share with literal men? the fuck? some places have urinals in them too so its just a bunch of men with their dicks out surrounded by women in club outfits, its so gross and porny, and obviously in clubs would encourage nasty shit to happen.
when men hit on me in those bathrooms sometimes it gets scary when they suddenly switch up on you, even if you’re literally just humouring him until you can use one of 2 fucking actual toilet stalls because no one fucking cares about us.
I hate melbourne for this, but I love melbourne for everything else. Why do they ruin everything
picrel is said club bathrooms kek, subclub. it’s a shame they dont care much about accessibility for women because it could be such a cool environment if everything wasnt coated in male urine and had sleazy tims everywhere. same for all of them. also i don’t club much and haven’t in a long time because of my stated reasons but afaik this bathroom setup has been in place for a pretty long time, much before covid, same with a lot of other establishments

No. 2354919

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>be at sub club
>one single unisex bathroom with stalls and urinals
>Go into cubicle
>come out and spot a troon I knew from an old job
>he's pissing in the urinal

No. 2354962

Therapists are willfully ignorant as well as dogmatic. In their profession they see sexual abuse victims and anorexics, but somehow can't identify that in pooners? Some of them have to treat sex offenders too, and yet no amount of experience tells them that AGP is real and the wave of TiMs crying to them are a threat? The mental health sector is enabling the abuse of women and girls with state-sanctioned magical thinking.

No. 2354964

too relatable it’s paining me. i’m glad there are others like me, lets go clubbing and write trans hate with markers everywhere kek

No. 2355010

Pleeeease I beg of you. I once saw a gig at the Tote (I think) and saw a "Terfs are beautiful" written in the toilet stall and was given the slightest sliver of hope
I've also etched YWNBAW whenever I see troon shit written in stalls in Fitzroy

No. 2355381

Lmao, WA has a plethora of troons, if you go into the city you see them pretty much everywhere, especially around the tabletop sort of shops. Every non normie sort of friend group I see here is the same cliquey gender specials you see in any other city.

No. 2355441

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I'm from Bris and the trandemic is actually mad. Agree with the nonas talking about the pandemic affecting it, because genuinely whenever I leave the house I will see one, it's genuinely horrific and pretty much every young woman is a handmaiden (at least outwardly). I remember seeing a genuine Buffalo Bill 50+ year old troon wearing fucking cat ears, an amazon wig and thigh highs with a tennis skirt over his disgusting sagging scrote carcass and I had to pretend I didn't feel sick.

It's honestly even worse at uni than in the general public. You are not allowed to say anything negative about troons unless you want to be ostracised and probably punished, I have had handmaiden professors so harsh they will turn an entire course I have to pay $3000 for into intro to gender ideology and talk about trans rights and muh trans genocide the entire semester. There's tranny graffiti everywhere although I have seen my fair share of GC graffiti in bars.

> I hate how almost every bar/club here now has gender neutral bathrooms.
Same nona, I went to a music venue and they had two bathrooms, one for "men" and one for "everyone". So awesome to see who they believe the primary sex is, and who needs their own bathroom for safety. No one is going to molest a scrote while its pissing its so retarded.

Dying at the shitty wire tail contrasted with the most masculine stance I've ever seen kekk.
Also the fact that the tampons are "bloody"/ used… So feminist to have tampons that are either filled with SHIT from ur ASS, your wrists or your dilation tears kekk

No. 2355446

True but I've also been to cities with, like, actual nightlife nonnie.

No. 2356618

yeah comparatively with other parts of the world Melbourne isn't great, but for an Australian city I'd say it's one of the more lively ones. Plus there's things to do, gigs to go to, exhibitions, fashion week (though that's normally so pretentious)

No. 2356622

yeah comparatively with other parts of the world Melbourne isn't great, but for an Australian city I'd say it's one of the more lively ones. Plus there's things to do, gigs to go to, exhibitions, fashion week (though that's normally so pretentious)

No. 2356703

Are troons really that common in Melbourne and Brisbane? What about other states? I'm from the Central Coast in NSW and everyone here is as normie as it gets, rarely you might stumble into a mildly alt dressed teenager but that's it. It goes all the way up to the Hunter region. Even in Sydney I don't see many, which I'm thankful for.

No. 2356803

I live in the NT and we get a few. It’s always jarring to see a balding man in a skirt and high heels and a full face of makeup just out and about.

No. 2357148

Im not australian but I touch wasps for fun.

No. 2358564


canberran here. I didn't know they changed that roundabout because I'm an autist that barely goes outside but now I want to go outside even less. I want to vandalize that shit so bad tho. Men aren't women and I don't want them in my spaces

No. 2359284

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they really are, actually. fuck our lives.
i always thought as a kid when shit got more gendie overtime that ‘oh i dont really actually see them much’ but post pandemic they are infesting us.
at my old job one of the grossest kinds of tim came in (hentai ahegao shein shit) and i was so mean to the greasy fat fucker. took time bringing his fatass his food out. these ones are what freaks me out the most because they used to actually be scared to do this shit in public, knowing how degen it looks.
maybe take a shower and people might respect you more, but the clothes and everything aren’t doing them any favours. i see so many like that
i will say, though, it’s not like i see floods of them, but if i’m going out you’re gonna see 1 at most on a good day, or a group, even multiple on a bad one

i’ve got friends in brisbane and it seems like its pretty on par with melb in terms of troonery, same kind of circles too, i notice a lot of them meet and interlap.
>I remember seeing a genuine Buffalo Bill 50+ year old troon
i’ve seen maybe like, 8 or so like this in the last few years. the ones i said i took a pic of to the other nona were like that add me in friendfinder roos! we must put up gc stickers! melbnona i go to similar venues a lot and always forget to bring a marker kek >>2355010

nta but this made me think about the hook turn in melbourne, i dont remember if any of the other states still even have one anymore, but there is one more right? fuck tht thing in particular

No. 2359321

Ideally I would leave Australia completely but even if I stay here I'm desperate to get away from Perth. I hate everything about the city from the culture to the architecture to the weather. The only thing worse would be living in an underground cave in the NT.

No. 2359360

Just move to NSW. Actually don't, the housing here is not very fun.

No. 2359412

I keep seeing lefty moids defend troons as "not a threat" oh well of course it's not a threat to you, it's not your bathrooms and changing rooms being invaded and you don't give a shit about women. Fml. I hate these perverts protecting other perverts

No. 2359430

Too bad everywhere else is worse in one way or another. It's sobering to realize as a woman this is probably the best it gets on this shitty rock. I could live in say japan for a bit (yes weeb whatever) but it's infested with pedo scrotes who molest people on trains. You're just trading the variety of perverse moid at that point

No. 2359433

Long shot, but is anyone else here from the NT? I refuse to believe that everyone is from Melbourne.

No. 2359587

I’m so curious now actually

No. 2361563

it seems like a lot of foreigners think we’re just as progressive with aboriginal people as we are as trannys. i dont think they realise just how bad aboriginals copped it

No. 2362060


I understand aboriginals copped it. I still think the australia day discourse is retarded and I will continue to celebrate this nation this year as I did last year and every year before that. Sitting around performatively feeling white guilt doesn't help a single indigenous person

No. 2362106

ayrt i completely agree, i don't really care that much about that in particular and it seems like a null point to be hung up on

No. 2362502

All things considered nonnie Australia isn't that bad. Having grown up in Perth myself I feel you, it really sucks. Perth sucked every last bit of life out of me, but moving over east really healed my soul. I hope you get out soon.

No. 2362638

What's wrong with Adelaide?

No. 2363056

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the nonas seem to like our troon creepshots.
these were the two geriatric ones that were near-disabled looking. they had lipstick smeared all over their faces (one isn’t pictured, but was worse) they both had shitty wigs on and these weird outfits. i saw them walking around that neighbourhood frequently hand in hand

No. 2363058

What a nightmare

No. 2363067

HOLY ARMHAIR. OH MY GOD. How can anyone look at this shit and think "Yes, this is fine, this should be allowed to go out in public. Totally not a pervert, just a regular human female"

Anyways, a moment of silence for that dress. She's fighting the good fight despite having her hopes and dreams of being put on a figure it was tailored for shattered.

No. 2363104

nona.. lets have a moment of silence for me.. i had to see that shit irl

No. 2363134

>the rip in the dress

No. 2363319

bruhhhhhh what fucking line was this kek

No. 2364293

19 i think? somewhere on stdney road. they’re always around there

No. 2364619

I pray for u every day. You had to smell that

No. 2364702

samefag, sorry nona didnt realise u werent replying to the werewolf troon, but the tampon fetish one, mb

No. 2367464

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i thought it was australia day yesterday but happy aussie day nonnies!

No. 2367692

It was, but because it fell on the weekend we get the public holiday today.

No. 2367701

Who the hell is the werewolf troon KEK

No. 2367707

this beautiful lady right here >>2363056

No. 2369409

It's so hot here I can barely breathe. I've been locking myself in my room and stripping to my underwear with an aircon on and still dying.

No. 2369422

r u in darwin?

No. 2369582

Nope, middle of NSW. It also gets freezing at night

No. 2370768

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kek so many retards are posting this on their stories
>this is going to kill so many kids

No. 2370775

Child abuse enthusiasts in shambles.

No. 2370785

I'm boycotting dangerfield for being so obnoxiously pro troon and kweer. I always saw the progress flags they put up and just rolled my eyes, but today in store there was this absolutely heinous tranny trying tiny skirts on his hulking fridge body and getting yass queened by random handmaidens, it was unbearable. Most of their stuff is tacky anyway, I liked the cottagecore-y floral dresses and preppy styles but the alt clothes attract trannies like flies to honey.

No. 2370792

i'm from across the ditch and i can't blame ya. it's one of the few notable alt brands here and handmaidenry aside, the quality of the clothes is kind of ass for what you pay anyway. i really hope you can find better quality brands that don't cater to that crowd, nonna

No. 2370793

most of the clothes have always been pretty gross to me, there's only a few pieces like accessories i've ever actually considered buying there within the last 10 years or so. i tend to just ignore them now, i'm surprised they're still in business tbh kek

No. 2370800

Kek I keep seeing that. Talk about trying to guilt parents "your child will kill themselves if you don't let us abuse them!"

No. 2370858

The he/him pronoun pins always being sold out is topkek. I boycott them because of a level of irony that only nonnies can appreciate: Dangerfield makes clothes from cotton picked by forcibly sterilized women in a genocide, and markets them to voluntarily sterilized women who pretend they're in a genocide.

No. 2371033

Dangerfield clothes aren't even good quality. I swear some shit you find on Temu and Shein is probably better than there

No. 2371847

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They use AI to compete with Shein.

No. 2371886

genuinely is better to just shop with actual chinese sites lol

No. 2372095

They steal art too, plenty of artists have complained. I went in there twice and could intuitively sense it from some of the shirts on display kek.

No. 2373588

They were good quality in 2010 and I still have pieces I love from back then. Haven’t bought anything from them since 2013. I have friends who still wear Dangerfield and Princess Highway so whenever I go shopping with them we always visit the store, each time I’m horrified at the quality. It’s like Kmart level now. The cuts are also really unflattering. Princess Highway used to have button up dresses with nice collars and cute but understated prints. Now it’s just literal sack dresses. Idk if that’s to be more size inclusive or gender inclusive but they look good on no one. Sorry for the sperg.

No. 2373944

Around 2013 I bought a cute Princess Highway coat and after a few wears the lining shattered and ripped down at the back. After that I only bought things on sale. What do your friends make of the gendie pandering designs?

No. 2374082

I was watching free-to-air this arvo and I see an ad for a show where a woman gets cheated on with a young hooker then decides to open a brothel, and they used the "world's oldest profession" bs line that comes from the guy who wrote "the white mans burden" rudyard kipling. They really think this is "progressive" and "feminist" and good message to promote on national tv. I am so tired

No. 2374088

AYRT, my friends have never brought up the pandering. Neither have I. We’re all politically left except for one conservative friend so I’m always wary of those discussions with them. I’ve also never seen them in those ugly sack dresses they sell at Dangerfield. I only see them go for the overalls and blouses now.

No. 2374092

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melbnonas… i'm so lonely. if you're 18-30 please.. >>>/g/473766 do i come across as desperate? because i am
i've met one other ausnona but if i could meet a melbnona my life would be complete.
picrel is when those two homeless people had sex on bourke st, what is your fav weird moment of your cities?

No. 2374151

kek please tell me those ferals got arrested for indecency

No. 2374162

added you i need frens lmao

No. 2374182

>In front of Myer Melbourne, where only weeks ago families had flocked to revel in the annual Christmas windows, a couple were seen getting frisky beneath a sheet by the side of the road.
>'police arrested a 27-year-old man and a 36-year-old woman, both of no fixed place of address,'
>'Both will be charged on summons for behave in offensive manner in a public place and sexual exposure.'
you better be an ausfag, or else…

No. 2374470

You’re saying the perfect world of masterchef AUS is not real? Wow following this thread a bit and it seems really bleak only masterchef made me think your country was perfect. Not sarcastic this was like the worst cons I’ve seen now on top of the others. I can see why aussies are leaving little by little

No. 2379341

Visited Melbourne recently, reading here I expected to see gendies everywhere but I hardly saw any! Maybe I was just in the wrong places (CBD and Carlton). Also fare evasion is so easy kek! You could never get away with that in Sydney!

No. 2379380

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since the amerifags are birdposting i thought i’d join in because we have cool birds. have any of you seen a black cockatoo before? if so, yellow or red? i’ve seen both only like once or twice

what did you get up to? i assume you went to the museum? i hope you enjoyed!
>i expected to see gendies everywhere but i hardly saw any!
its not like they’re swimming around everywhere but you see them more than your avg place. tbh, the cbd and carlton are more highly populated and you will see a few(maybe you just mistook some for regular melbfags kek), the northern suburbs are particularly bad for the gendies. carlton though is still practically the city, and if you were doing normal human activities you wouldn’t see them as much.
>fare evasion is so easy
i haven’t had a myki in yeaars kek, in highschool we realised a loophole that they can’t fine you if you’re on your way to or from school, so i took full advantage of that and my babyface. i’ve only got caught like 3 times, nothing ever amounted of it.
how strict is sydney? i assumed it would be more or less the same. the psos here do have a bad rep though, if you do happen to be on a tram/train/bus with inspectors you’re basically screwed unless it’s super crowded or you get off, and sometimes they’ll follow you

No. 2379385

I get yellow tailed black cockatoos, gang-gangs, sulphur cresteds, corellas, and galahs in my yard and have made friends with quite a few (as well as other parrots and passerines). Love all our birds!

No. 2379444

AYRT. Congrats on the free fares kek! It’s nice that they don’t fine children on their way to school. This was actually my first time ever fate evading. It was just so easy not to tap on when leaving the free tram zone!
In Sydney transit officers are always at the gates where you tap on, but I never see them on the trains. I feel like it’s very different from Canberra where there are always transit officers on the trams and they’re always checking tickets. I kind of like it though because it feels safer.

>what did you get up to? i assume you went to the museum?

Mostly museums and galleries! Also a little bit of shopping and some clubbing with a friend kek. So mostly normal stuff but you’re right, maybe I just mistook them for regular Melbfags.

>have any of you seen a black cockatoo before? if so, yellow or red?

I’ve seen both! >>2379385 I get the same kinds of birds around my area too. The gang gangs are rare though. I really like currawaongs, they’re so friendly. I also see lots of grass parrots (red rumped parrots) around and think they’re really cute.

No. 2379488

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I had a pair of ospreys build a nest near me but it's now abandoned. It was really nice going to check on them or seeing them fly over my house. They hung around for a good nine months. I hope they just moved on after being mobbed one too may times by all the other local birds. Weird that the magpies would kick up a stink over an osprey considering they only go after fish but I guess they don't like any birds of prey.

No. 2379496

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i love aussie birds they’re all so unique. i saw a superb fairy-wren once which was awesome (picrel) i even think noisy minors are cute kek, they arent ours i know
ayrt, i think they’re even thinking of extending the free tram zone kek. it definitely discourages people to tap on/off when travelling within the cbd.
>In Sydney transit officers are always at the gates where you tap on
it’s the same here but only at the city stations, 1-2 stops out of the city and you’ll stop seeing them. honestly the main time you need to be weary of here is when they’re knocking off from work because they all take the trains back together and cram in as many fines as possible kek

No. 2379500

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doubleposting to say i saw two tawny frogmouths cuddled up in the daytime once, they were very hard to spot (picrel)
that’s so sweet! it’s a shame magpies are such little shits.
at one of my old houses cockatoos would chill out on my balcony, but the little stupid pest birds would fuck with them all the time

No. 2380421

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We have such lovely birds. My dad has adopted a flock of lorikeets and feeds them every day, them mfs are bold and just climb all over him kek. He used to feed cockatoos as well but they cause a lot of damage, too bad because they're so cute.

No. 2380425

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Based woman. Boohoo sad butthurt troon gets offended by a woman not even physically threatening him and a fucking AVO gets taken out.

No. 2380452

kekkk turns out the 'threatening behaviour' was calling a tranny a bloke in a frock on facebook. These fragile moids couldn't last a minute as an actual woman and the sort of threats and violence we face due to our sex.

No. 2380459

They're so sensitive. Like, over Facebook? I would slightly understand if some deranged Karen-stereotype woman went up in his face and screeched it irl but on Facebook is hilarious. What's next, he's going to personally report every mean comment saying he's a man he sees online?

No. 2381291

What's the best postal service? There's only Australia Post within the radius of like 10 towns and two small cities where I'm from but it costs like 5 to ship a 1cm keychain or some shit and I hate it.

No. 2381307

The world is trannyland now. Soon it will be illegal everywhere to hurt a tranny's feelings in any way and you'll get arrested on the spot regardless of what really happened.

No. 2382112

Everyday I am more and more tempted to pour black paint on the tranny flags painted in the cbd square but I know they'd throw the book at me or physically assault me for being a big meanie to troons kek

No. 2382115

Where are you at? I'll back you up for physical protection

No. 2382123

Canberra. They'll cook me lol. This whole city is pro-troon it seems.

No. 2382134

Okay, I'm too scared now. If you were in Melbourne or NSW I'd be fearless.

No. 2383077

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Australian birds are so cool I love all birds but ours are so beautiful. I'm studying social learning/ cumulative culture right now and focusing on Australian native birds because they're so silly and unique. Their reactions to urbanisation have been really quick given it's only happened in the past few centuries, our birds are so smart.
Also if any nonas can think of birds adapting to urbanisation through social learning please do share!! Examples I have are crows unzipping lunchboxes to get food, cockatoos opening bins with their beaks to eat the rubbish, and ibises pick cane toads up with their mouth, shake them so they excrete poison, and then dunk them in water so they're edible!!! Our birds are awesome.
Also I only recently found out ibises are native I was convinced they were bought from Africa.

I think lorikeets are my favourite Aussie bird but I also love tawny frogmouths like the other nona mentioned! Sorry for sperging

No. 2383834

Wtf is with these Korean/Chinese pseudochristian cults that keep approaching me in public whenever I'm in some areas of Sydney. Do they or similar shit exist in other states? I've been told they're just as bad as Scientologists.

No. 2383957

It’s a really common problem for those countries. the korean ones that are approaching you are one of the most prominent cults there. they do this shilling in every country but it’s especially hard in australia because we have a higher korean/chinese population

No. 2384630

I get superb fairy wrens in my garden (they even nested here last year), they're so cute to watch flit around in their little squad. Fun fact, the female that sits the nest sings songs to the eggs that the chicks will incorporate into their begging call when they hatch. Also no shame in thinking noisy miners are cute, and they're also natives! It's the common/Indian myna that's an invasive species

No. 2384910

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No. 2385197

Lol they approached me in Sydney as well and at my door once in Canberra like the Jehovah's Witnesses used to do. Tbh I don't mind the nice korean ladies even if they are clearly cooked.

No. 2385735

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ayrt, I love superb fairy wrens they're gorgeous! I'm so jealous lol it sounds like you live in a beautiful place.
>Also no shame in thinking noisy miners are cute, and they're also natives
Ohhh! Thank you lol, my only bird knowledge comes from when my dad did twitching while I was a kid kek.
Picrel is a grey honeyeater, I think they're the cutest.

I also used to 'nestboxing' which is climbing up trees to check the manmade boxes that are placed in deforested areas to provide marsupials a place to sleep, and one time I was lucky enough to spot a family of sugar gliders with two little babies! I'll never forget it. I was also almost lucky enough to see an eastern quoll at my families property, but didn't end up seeing them with my own two eyes sadge

No. 2387664

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okay i was nona who posted there was a huge tranny genocide protest in my city (melbourne) and this photo captures one of the beautiful specimens better. today i have seen 100+ trannies and genderspecials. i’m on the train home right now and two TIM teenagers wearing miniskirts were sat next to me (its 23 degrees)

No. 2387665

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looked up after writing that post and you truely cannot make this shit up.

No. 2387668

nonna i saw you post these in the mundane and gendie threads and i wanted to say i cracked up so hard when i opened lc and read your captions

No. 2387670

this has been a bittersweet day for me. honestly i wish i didn’t have plans because i would have infiltrated and done some gonzo journalism

No. 2387724

Looks like some tradie raided his daughter's jewellery box yuck.

No. 2387810

We need to bring back involuntary admissions. Because what the hell is that

No. 2387811

He just looks like some derro guy with bracelets.

No. 2387858

op and i see what u mean but
>pink undershirt
>pink and purple nails
>pastel jewelery/bracelets
>maybe gynecomastia?

No. 2387920

We live in a society where old men are allowed to skinwalk teenage girls in public. Kill me

No. 2387943

But the moment I wear one accessory that I used to wear as a teen as well, I'm the villain.

No. 2392810

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it’s TOO HOT

No. 2392900

Im a burgernonnie and just wanted to ask is it true there's plenty of kangaroos just roaming around the neighbourhoods? Have you seen them in the city areas? Are they aggressive? Also what about other animals? Do you have animal control or something?

No. 2392903

Tbh i'd shit my pants if i just saw a kangaroo just strolling around. They look big and strange

No. 2392912

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if you live in the outer suburbs of a city or in the countryside kangaroos are just as common as deer in other places. they're actually somewhat overpopulated so hunting them is also the same as deer.
>Have you seen them in the city areas?
a friend i know who lives about an hour or two out of the city has 100s of kangaroos hanging out around the area. sometimes there'll be a few rogue ones/packs hanging out closer to cities though.
>are they aggressive?
the big muscly ones you see are a specific breed and only the alpha male of a pack, they're red kangaroos. the average kangaroo you see is timid
>Also what about other animals?
we have a lot of species of marsupials so we see possums and stuff pretty regularly in cities
also because a lot of our animals are marsupials, when you hit one (wombat/kangaroo/wallaby, which are all just as common as deer or other overpopulated species) it's encouraged to check the pouches for babies. some people will spraypaint dead ones with an X if they've already checked them. anyone can rescue them, and there are signs everywhere on roads with lots of animals of where to call and go if you find a baby or hit something

No. 2393460

>hunting them is the same as deer
do they taste like big rabbits?

No. 2393470

Rabbit is the whitest meat possible while kangaroo is a very red meat. A bit richer than beef

No. 2394654

Sometimes you see them in places they "shouldn't be", but we leave them alone unless they're orphans or injured/sick. In those cases we call animal rescue so they can be fostered and then released. Culling is controversial and the average Australian does not eat kangaroo meat.

No. 2395982

what >>2393470 said and they're also very gamey

No. 2398162

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As bad as this might be, there's way worse terrorist-level hate that just gets slapped on the wrist. The fact that Australia is so sympathetic to troons falls under the same umbrella

No. 2398274

I don't understand this bending over backwards completely for troons and islam at the expensive of literally every other demographic. Then you can't say anything about it because they whine islamophobia and transphobia and burn you as a witch. It's awkward seeing some news presenters obviously beat around the bush to keep their jobs.

No. 2398290

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I blame the non-governmental organizations financed by international speculative capital holders.

No. 2398371

Not to sound like a /pol/nazitard but islamfags should've never been allowed in. The local Centrelink in my city is full of them begging for taxpayer money. Meanwhile other immigrants like Asians come here and try to study or open their little shops to at least contribute work to the country. Religion of peace my ass.

No. 2398481

Australia capes for troons because they are men and for pooners because they are "non-women", and are therefore more important than women. We cape for Muslims because we're scared of jihad and if they perceive one slight we're done for. The religion of peace line helps us sleep at night.
>Begging for taxpayer money
Demanding protection money.>>2398274

No. 2398791

Have any of you been getting these summerstorms as well? I love them so much

No. 2398906

There's been so many the last few weeks. Went swimming while one was kicking off and the sky looked amazing.

No. 2403971

No. 2404047

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Going to Bali this year for the first time as per my family's request. Have any Ausnonnies been and went? I've never journeyed overseas so I'm a little overwhelmed about organising myself. Also, I wish there was a service that imported all the bacteria I'm not used to so I'd be adapted and ready to eat all the pre-cut fruit and Indonesian shower water I desire ahead of travel time.

No. 2404221

Don’t be a drunk idiot and the locals will already tolerate you 1000% more than most ausfags. Indonesia’s still a Muslim majority country so keep that in mind, they just waive the “no alcohol” part because they like tourist money more. Be on the look out for being scammed, watch your drinks, don’t put yourself in vulnerable positions, common sense stuff.

No. 2406924

Why is it always bali? Surely better places in asia to go.

No. 2407102

Give me a reality check ausnons… I never want to get married and I only earn 50k so I always assumed I'd never have a kid, but I recently figured out that centrelink could be bizarrely perfect for me to afford being a single mum by choice. It turns out you can get every parenting payment they offer as long as you have no income, even if you own your home (which I do, and it's fully offset so I pay no interest) and have up to 314k in assets (135k in savings, 120k of which is offsetting the mortgage), and you aren't obligated to accept work until the kid is 6. The payments add up to like $1400 a fortnight, which I could easily live on as long as I could be a SAHM and avoid daycare costs.

Am I unethical to consider being a dole bludging single mum on purpose? The system seems way too generous in situations like mine but I suppose loads of boomers in million dollar houses get the pension so why shouldn't I take advantage too? I'd go back to work when they're at school at least. Or am I overestimating how much I'd actually receive from centrelink? Or underestimating how expensive kids are? My earning potential is low and I'm never gonna have a high income, so I might hit a wall with what I can afford.

Obviously there are waaaaay more things to consider with having kids, especially alone, but if it's not financially viable then I can forget about it before I bother soul searching about motherhood.

No. 2407120

I can't give you any practical advice but now I'm wondering are you planning on using IVF or banging a random moid you find on the street and running off into the sunset lmao

No. 2407134

IVF or IUI depending on what the doc says. A real moid would be cheaper and easier ngl maybe if I'm feeling stingy I'll go on tinder kek

No. 2407142

Family is on Centrelink and it sucks ass. It might not be the same for your payment specifically but they'll cut you whenever they want and if you don't have a document that's eaten by cockroaches from 1999 then they can't confirm you.

No. 2407548

I'm currently in Vietnam and went to Bali last year. It's so much cheaper here!! I can't believe it. And Vietnam is so cool, so much richer in culture and the streets are so alive. The only thing is the air pollution sucks, and you have to be really choosy on where you go to eat. I was surprised Vietnam has such shit food despite the cuisine being so good. I've only been to Saigon though, I imagine other cities probably do this better.

No. 2409355

The moid has rights even if you choose IVF. Single mothers and lesbian couples are always at risk of the father reappearing and demanding access to them and the kid. Also schizo sperm is used here: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-28/ivf-clinic-sperm-donor-tracked-down-mum-and-boy-four-corners/104031378

No. 2419406

I'm tired of seeing that bald rightoid faggot Isaac Butterfield everywhere on my recommended.

No. 2421290

The "Naarm" shit is so fucking stupid and performative, shut the fuck up there are precisely zero aboriginals going to your overpriced nail salon so just say where it fucking is like a normal person. I hate pozbourne so much

No. 2430451

Went to centerlink yesterday, and a tif that looked like she came straight out of tiktok/tumblr was screaming loudly to the muslim woman aiding her case (who looked and sounded like she was getting tired of it fast) about how it's everyone else's fault she is now having identity confirmation issues after changing her name and only having the original birth certificate.

Honestly, the jokes could write themselves about a "trans man" screeching at a muslim woman for problems that are entirely her own fault, and the muslim woman clearly wishing they got someone else. Such "trans joy" and muslim/lgbt allyship…

No. 2445410

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Pleasantly surprised to see this in a bathroom stall in Sydney

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