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File: 1742655018847.png (1.47 MB, 887x797, wen hair set .png)

No. 2456895

Did you just remember something? What was it?

Adhere to site and board rules, report and ignore bait

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No. 2456896

I wonder where chaz dean must be now

No. 2456913

File: 1742656198840.jpg (5.28 KB, 200x168, undiagnosedautism.jpg)

Jade Wolf. My autistic 8 year old self would play this day and night, all games, all routes, exploring every nook and cranny of this game. I used to draw the wolf, I used to make OCs and stories, whenever I wasn't playing it I was making up stories and very badly drawn comics. I even asked my father for help with some of the minigames that involved music notes or whatever.
I'm telling you without exaggeration this game was my life.
Oh Jade Wolf, how I miss you

No. 2456915

I really like this Adobe Flash art style with the thicker inky lines. I don't know how to describe it well

No. 2456931

No. 2456949

It was caused by the brush and having the automatic, wonky smoothing rate turned up really high. I love it too, very nostalgic now because I think its been corrected in newer versions.

No. 2457019

Anyone remember Nevershoutnever?

No. 2457039

No. 2457045

Did it hurt? When you fell? From heaa, eea ea van?!

No. 2457304

I loved nevershoutnever during the myspace days

No. 2457837

This song and how it was used in the AHS Freak Show commercials. I miss my AHS phase and watching all the teasers for whatever the new season was at the time.

No. 2457842

File: 1742698925133.jpg (77.42 KB, 1600x1600, E1067675_2.jpg)

Samefag, also this kek

No. 2458246

Evan Peters fags were non stop annoying about this especially

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