No. 2456895
Did you just remember something? What was it?
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>>>/ot/2107841 No. 2456913
File: 1742656198840.jpg (5.28 KB, 200x168, undiagnosedautism.jpg)

Jade Wolf. My autistic 8 year old self would play this day and night, all games, all routes, exploring every nook and cranny of this game. I used to draw the wolf, I used to make OCs and stories, whenever I wasn't playing it I was making up stories and very badly drawn comics. I even asked my father for help with some of the minigames that involved music notes or whatever.
I'm telling you without exaggeration this game was my life.
Oh Jade Wolf, how I miss you
No. 2457842
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>>2457837Samefag, also this kek