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No. 2382958
The US government no longer exists. DOGE is the government. Let me explain:
Elon Musk/DOGE are operating outside the legal framework of the United States. Nobody elected him and DOGE has no legal backing of the US government. However, DOGE has power and is superior to the entire US government, as we have so far seen. In legal terms this means that Musk is above the US government and so is DOGE. Musk is superior to the US government, the constitution, Bill of Rights and every law that the US has created over its 200 years of existence. By being in this position of absolute power OVER the US government and having no legal framework in which he operates (checks and balances) Musk is now de facto king of America if not de jure. There is no higher authority than Musk in USA. He controls the governments payment system and all other branches on top of DOGE having the authority to control them and do with them as he pleases. There are no laws or supervision over what Musk is doing - he is the absolute authority. Now, pair this up with his wealth and the fact all other "techbros" are on his side ranging from Zuckerberg to Gates.
I know this is hard to accept so bare with me.
Since Musk is above the law he only theoretically has the rights and privileges agreed upon by the UN (Human Rights) but the US is exiting the UN too. It already exited the WHO, Paris Accords etc. Meaning, Musk is the only true sovereign citizen on the planet and he owns the United States in the same way one might own a corporation. Since his power is absolute and superior/above that of the US government all Americans effectively have no rights whatsoever. Everything from the Constitution onward is effectively abolished. The republic is dead. No American citizen has ANY rights, not even basic human rights. Americans are simply assets in the same way as cows or dogs.
Trump is merely a figurehead. Musk chose him and funded him because legally Musk cannot be the president (at least not yet.) Trump is just a spokesman, a dog & pony show, and this is why he says absurd things. It's all to drive away the attention from Musk gradually but fully hollowing out the US and replacing this or that ministry and position with his sycophants. Given the sheer weight of his money and the backing of… well, Microsoft, Alphabet, Meta, Nvidia and so forth the entire country was utterly ripe for the picking. Manipulation of EVERYTHING was THAT easy when you have everything, absolutely everything.
There won't be another "free" election. The ultimate oligarch is in power. America has a "godking" and Americans are his subjects. The ultimate tyrant unseen since the days of the pharaohs is now in control.
No. 2382959
>>2382958Nonnas need to realize that the republic is dead. There won't be a next election, and even if there were it would be a sham election like in Russia. America is just Russia 2.0 now. We're an oligarchy and the only difference is our oligarchs are "techbros" while Russian oligarchs deal in oil and minerals. There are no laws now, no actual government. These things are just props at best, all actual power is in the hands of the oligarchy. Musk now has more power than the whole federal government ever did. Every move they now make is about reducing costs to line their own pockets while refusing any sort of commitment the US government has made (because this is NOT a political coup and NOT a political change) to our allies. This is why Trump is trying to annex Canada and Greenland and why they explicitly said they'll sacrifice Taiwan to China and why they're trying to force them to give up their chimp manufacturing by transferring it to the US. All these moves and those that were already made and are going to be made make no political sense because politics isn't a concern. America is no longer a state, it's a corporation and it is acting like one.
There is no coming back from this. America is dead.
No. 2382970
My parents are constantly mad about him and I just don't even want to think about him anymore. Tired of it all.
No. 2382977
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Can't believe this motherfucker wants to take land from a fellow NATO country. My country recently joined NATO for protection and this happens?! USA is huge already and he still wants more land. Reminds me of this Tove Jansson satire of Hitler crying for more cake/land.
No. 2383021
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trump being back in power is something so absurd i cant even describe it youre telling me the americans are so retarded they put a rapist FELON back in goverment? hell even my thirdie countrys prime ministers or presidents get jailed but they never come back in power ever because theyre killed most of the time kek i used to think that the notion that americans arent that smart wasnt true but seeing trump id say the americans are in no way shape or worthiness of holding any influence over anyone, theyve only ruined countries they "supposedly" sought to save and to free, theyve not only shat the bed for their enemies but their allies too and china sees that and they were the reason for troon dicksucking propaganda another doompill is that america is a "democracy" yet theyve put someone in power that soughts to destroy it all.. cant wait for the communist republic of america under mainland china
No. 2383265
>>2383187The "fake/manufactured Apocalypse" bit has been noticed by many people, or at least a seizable bunch. I noticed that much of what has been happening seems to be in accordance with the Revelation but in this parody kind of way. Like a mockery of it or some satirical off-brand dollar store Apocalypse. It all feels like a forgery or facsimile of the "real thing." In the same manner Trump makes for a pathetic interpretation of the Antichrist.
I saw people across the Internet mention they noticed the same. My only guess is that a Christian cult is in charge of the US and that they genuinely are trying to manufacture an Apocalypse and effectively validate their religion. The fact this amounts to bullshitting God and forcing his hand for some reason doesn't strike them as utterly retarded. The other option is that the people in charge are intentionally mocking Christianity and are trying to prove it's all bullshit on a wide scale. Or it's just Jews pissing on Christ.
Strange things.
No. 2383389
>>2382958There are only two things that can realistically save us at this point: leakers and the military.
There is loads of dirt on Trump. The Epstein files. Volume 2 of Jack Smith's report, which detailed all his treason. The pee pee tape. Records of Trump's involvement in Elon rigging the election. If Anonymous wants to actually do anything useful instead of making videos on TikTok, they need to find and leak this shit right now.
Trump's regime has also make it clear that they intend the military to do whatever they are told. However, there are a lot of liberals in the military, lots of immigrants, and lots of people who just believe that the military should be apolitical and not subject to the whims of faggots and demented lunatics.
Judges can block things temporarily, and I have no doubt that the Supreme Court won't take his side on everything. But that's going to take a lot of time, and the damage that Elon can do in the meantime is severe. He won't dare to leave American soil anymore since he knows he will be arrested as soon as he enters another country governed by NATO or Interpol. Trump's trip to Paris may have been his last time off the continental US as well (he might push his luck and see if anyone actually has the balls to arrest him). But we can't rely on that anymore, since the United States government on both sides has repeatedly proven that they don't believe they are subject to international law, including harboring war criminals like Bibi.
Leak that shit. Supposedly the FBI has photos of Trump with teenage girls. Jack Smith said he had Trump dead to rights with the potential for hundreds of years in prison. Post that shit all over the internet, and we will actually cheer the military junta.
No. 2383402
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>>2383187Dude the beast in revelations survives a fatal head wound that causes people to worship it
No. 2383422
>>2383389Trump and more importantly Elon won't be brought down by trivialities like sex tapes. We live in an age of video generative AI and they can easily claim it's all fake.
The only thing that can save the US is the military. The military owes its allegience to the Constitution. The US military should perform a military coup and then after lustration of Trump, Musk, DOGE and the entire oligarch conspiracy hold a trial and oversee a new election. There is a problem - MAGA cultists will be called up to "defend America" and we might have a civil war. The MAGA footsoldiers are utterly expendable to DOGE and will act as a kind of paramilitary and NKVD.
The sooner the army acts the better. Time is running out.
No. 2383469
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>DT complaining to Muskrat upon seeing his thread on lolcow
No. 2383546
>>2383535My family are fox news cultists and have been for decades. Its awful being around them since its fox news 24/7 blaring in their house.
I'm not religious, but the only way I can explain this crap is dark sidedness.
They assume I follow mainstream news at all too, its annoying because I try to avoid all that shit regardless due to its divisive nature. The way I see it, if it's underlying message is to divide the working class, then it's propaganda funded for by the elites.
No. 2383548
>>2383535Your family is incredibly dumb. What do they want? Republicans are supposed to want a smaller government. It's the entire point of republicanism. Trump and his cronies made it blatantly obvious they were going to do all of that. Had they never heard of DOGE?
>They literally do not believe a single bad thing about Trump and find any way to fully twist the story to be good.Yep. The moment I mention anything that's even slightly negatibe, they instantly deny it. Yet, they believe everything bad about the democratic party with 0 hesitation. That’s just what stupid people do. Only someone who is truly retarded would belive their political party/candiatate is infallible.
No. 2383570
>>2383402>>2383187Don't forget his followers wear the mark of the beast upon their foreheads! And Christfags renouncing the teachings of Jesus despite all the glaring red flags and antichrist behaviors is all part of the prophecy too.
I am another staunch atheist but there are too many things lining up far too well even and it's just far too much. I am honestly thinking of joining a church, Episcopalian or Methodist as they seem to be the least insufferable, just for insurance for my soul or whatever at this point.
No. 2383576
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>>2383535Yes, i genuinely wonder what the fuck is so good about this ugly ass man that they think he does no wrong? my mom was literally crying after the assassination attempt screeching “HE WAS GOING TO SAVE AMERICA”. What the fuck is wrong with all of these people?? at my grandparents house they just blast fox news and disavow gays (unlucky for me) . from what i’ve seen id boil it down to social media, TV, and just running on nostalgia AKA “The good ol’ days”
No. 2383584
>>2383568Rurals are gonna get fucked hard. Federal benefits are the only thing keeping many of those post offices, internet, hospitals, schools, and safety regulations afloat and a lot of it is already on life support. I can't imagine how much dumping the big ag and big chemical corporations will do to these areas once the EPA's forced out of the way.
Nona, you should really think about getting out if you haven't already.
No. 2383622
>>2383608>>2383615Unfortunately for us though we'll have to work at the factories without OSHA regulations
>>2383617It sucks so fucking much since im gay, I'm pretty open about being gay too. my grandma specifically will always have talks with the family about how gays are sinners or whatever. The thing is, they think tradfagging IS equality, they think it's a womans natural role and giving her a job is somehow cruel. It's inherently unsustainable, we saw this in WW2. all of the scrotes were dead so the women had to work (for shit pay too mind you) or else society would collapse lol
No. 2383633
>>2383622nyart tbh it just seems weird to take the choice away. If I had to choose between working at mcdonalds until i died surrounded by 80 cats and living with an
abusive scrote who made me his broodmare/maid, I'd take mcdonalds every time.
At least my boss could (theoretically) get in trouble for being a pervert or assaulting me and I get time off.
No. 2383649
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>>2383622It would certainly suck but at least I would hopefully also get to laugh in the face of all the tradwives stuck in the factory with me while their hubbies and precious sons die off.
No. 2383691
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>>2383674Well, we’ve got abortion rights AND the government pays for it, so I’m pretty happy about that.
No. 2383824
>>2383691its looking really grim above you in wyoming… in my town ALONE they are already cutting 3 Pre-K programs with more to follow, and trying to pass legislation to make it mandatory for police to ask for your citizenship status every time you are pulled over… i don't find it very based at all, that's some gestapo level shit no matter how you try and spin it
everyone here is a trump loving fuck and i wish i could leave. i'm having the same experience as all you other nonas… you point out something horrible the trump admin is doing and they look at you like you're retarded. and it's every single person in town doing this. and the gloating is non-stop
i have started saying "go love your wife that much" whenever arguing with a trump cocksucker
No. 2383946
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>>2383937Dems trying to run Hillary and Kamala as our first major party female president candidates just proves that it was all an inside job and an attempt to delegitimize female political figures
No. 2384062
>>2383824>I started saying "go love your wife that much"Honestly. Trumpfags are unironically fags. They are willing to kill their daughters and wives just to get a whiff of the worlds ugliest man.
I fucking hate moids so god damn much.
No. 2384067
>>2384003>>2383744>>2383523It's actually embarrassing to compare Hitler to Trump and Musk. Not because of the evil shit but rather Hitler as a person seems slightly less embarrassing as a leader than Musk and Trump. At least Hitler actually went to war and designed good cars.
Like what are these retards going to do when there's more government oversight over everything after the coup and all our checks and balances have been gutted? Someone was talking about how you're going to need to bring proof of citizenship everywhere you go or some shit.
Do any of these retards realize that is third world tier policing?
No. 2384111
>>2383402Now why is it on his lips like that? Zoom in he's got a little lipstick on. Why does the blood just end on his gay little lips?
>>2383425>27th incarnation of the BuddhaNot how that works. Christianity and Buddhism are almost diametrically opposed when it comes to the fundamentals of how each sees the universe, the beginning, and the end as well as salvation/perfection respectively. I know you just wanted to post a meme I don't know why this bothered me.
No. 2384284
>>2383576God the “good ole days” thing annoys the fuck out of me. It really shows a lack of understanding of history.
Women weren’t allowed to open bank accounts in the USA until fucking 1974. My mom was four when that happened. People love complaining how shit the modern world is but life is generally better now than it was at any point in the 1900s. I dont mind Dealing with modern problems like the tranny epidemic and expensive housing in exchange for internet, not being forced to depend on moids, and the right to own a bank account.
No. 2384370
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>>2384309That’s why I deal with them tbh. Ideologically, I hate them, however they’ve never bothered me IRL and largely don’t really have much (if any) power anyway.
No. 2385814
>>2385809Im not a christian, but I feel so bad for people who call themselves christian and idolize this guy.
I know some of them are accelerationists who believe trump is the antichrist or some shit, and then others are just so led astray from any sort of true spiritual enlightenment that they see trump as a deity.
It's fucked up all around.
No. 2387358
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I hate his gay little dance, it looks so stupid
No. 2388211
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>the anoymoose are here! all is saved!
i want out of this deus ex mod, this cant be real..this is dystopia they promised us? i have no cybernetic cool arms or robot lovers this fucking sucks, pull the cord
No. 2388237
Serves him right for voting for Trump
No. 2391375
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No. 2391422
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>>2388223is he still slurping on trumps dick? Did you tell him if a woman was president right now he would still be employed?
No. 2391445
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Trump seething over Kendrick's halftime show kek. Looks like he smeared more shit on his mug too. He looks so disgusting
No. 2391880
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Before he was a shitty president, he was a shitty landlord
No. 2392043
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>>2391445trump got that 2000s concealer lipstick
No. 2393907
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>>2382949I’m so just tired of him this is a shit sketch with no end in sight. This fucker does whatever he feels like in the moment. There is so decorum anymore, I would have thought it would have made conservatives fold by now. I think on a grander level I don’t just hate this man but everyone around him. Every lobbyist and moid with a podcast works like big brother in the orange man’s ears. I hope if anyone goes up to get it done it it’s a woman. We could use more diversity in our assassinations. If DEI’s such a problem we should weaponize it at least.
No. 2394014
wasn't possible before, this is literally a stars aligned kind of moment. Trump played the long game, he appointed the supreme court judges during his first presidency and they SERVE FOR LIFE. People underestimate how much power the supreme court has, and when the house, the president and the supreme court are all republican and handpicked by him, he can do whatever his heart desires. There are no checks and balances anymore. If tomorrow he says that birth control will be outlawed and women can't attend school anymore, he can do it.
>>2383389Even if these things were leaked, who would care? The entire country is in his hands. He would just get the leaker killed and things would carry on as usual. The press kept reporting all his crimes pre-election and literally nobody gave a shit. Political opponents screamed from the rooftops. Yet nobody listened, they were too occupied with "getting rid of the woke cult". Nothing can stop him anymore. He's above the law.
No. 2394390
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>>2392044>Vote for Trump so he can put America first>He's just a sockpupper for Elon's quest to make South Africa whiteKEK
does trump even live in the white house or is that just elon's holiday home now
No. 2394642
>>2394390elon wants to make south africa white the same way he wants to make america white - not at all.
all he cares about is increasing his wealth.
No. 2394924
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I would hope this is a wakeup call for MAGA women but they'll probably just applaud obediently
No. 2394946
>>2394932>merican women cant wait for them to refuse women jobs aswell oh wait that already happeningalot of these dipshit braindead maga woman don't realize that women fall into the DEI umbrella too and that many women have benefitted from DEI.
With the removal of DEI we will be seeing more workplace discrimination which includes women too and women being declined job offers at a much higher rate especially in male dominated fields because there is nothing holding sexist men back anymore from declining you a job based on your gender.
No. 2394958
>>2394950yes they do retard, alot of white women (and their mothers) especially from the south have benefitted. You must be a moid.
Also before you try and act like you know more. I am literally from the south.
No. 2394975
>>2394966>self imposedOnly by white women.
Black women were like 92 percent Harris (the only demographic in the election with half a brain)
I think white women are the biggest handmaidens who think life is best when they are forced to serve under a man, this is coming from a white woman who voted for Harris. I hate troons and shit, but I knew we'd have to put that shit on the backburner until trump died. Maybe I would have voted Nancy Mace in over Harris but idk. The best thing would be a
TERF democrat/independent.
No. 2394980
>>2394975And the worst part of all is that you are not allowed to call them out because they act like fragile babies just like White men do.
When 40% of hispanics voted for Trump or the 20% of Black men who voted for Trump everybody on different sites and social medias was racebaitng about all hispanic people and black moids. But if you dare call out White women for 80% of them voting for Trump then they go ballistic on you and start playing the
victim. You are able to racebait about hispanics and laugh at them for possibly losing birthright but god forbid you say one thing about how majority White women voted for Trump.
No. 2394983
>>2394976This is exactly what i mean that people like you don't want to face criticism. You will racebait about every single ethnicity under the sun but god forbid anyone says something about about White moids or white women.
Also atleast update your racebaiting because your fix-it felicia stereotype is 20yrs old since now more Black women are independent and leaving dusties behind.
No. 2395031
>>2395015anon….you are not really helping your argument when your whole post could be condensed to
>waaah the troons made me do it, i am the victim. Now let's act colorblindit just makes you look out of touch with reality and privileged.
Also when the election happened in November there was massive racebait against hispanic people just because some of them voted for trump yet i never saw you or the other anons call that racebait out or say we need to be colorblind. Its actually really unfair how white liberals were throwing ethnic slurs at hispanic people but when it comes to their own white conservative people then you are not allowed to talk about it.
No. 2395056
>>2394924Oh this will DEFINITELY increase people getting married and having kids.
They are just trying to make america into a third world country. Why? What is the end goal?
No. 2395134
>>2394924My evil ex Nigel was always smug and demanding that when we got married I’d change to his last name.
God he was so fucking retarded.
No. 2395193
>>2395146These women are so fucking retarded. Do they really think feminism came out of nowhere? If tardwives were so happy then feminism would have never gained the traction it did.
Things were ROUGH when women were second class citizens. Even if you lucked out and married a scrote who didn't drink and beat you, there was a very real chance he could die and you would be absolutely fucked. Coverture was awful for women, it gave them the legal status of child/property. A lot of women would end up with their children dying on the streets of starvation because their husband left them or died or became invalid. I do not understand why these bitches became complacent. How can they believe the tardwife myth?
No. 2395293
>>2395193I like reading old magazines for fun at the library. A few months ago I picked up an old copy of Mademoiselle which was from the mid-70s, so not before women could vote but well before our time regardless. There was a story about a woman called Mrs Crocker and her inner thoughts and neuroses as she navigates growing up as a beloved child of 2 well-off individuals, then getting married to a physician and having to sell her childhood home so they can move to California for his job. At some point she and her neighbor, Mrs Kincade, who is Mrs Crocker’s only friend after she ran everyone off by being an annoying busybody in an attempt to feel needed, start telling each other how jealous they are of one another’s marriages. Mrs Kincade’s scrote is a sociologist who verbally abuses her and her children, is having affairs left and right and is barely home, and when he is home everyone has to walk on eggshells around him. Mrs K. has a broken ankle and still has to run errands. Her husband berates her for always breaking bones. She envies Crocker for being a rich doctor’s wife whose husband is mild-mannered.
Mrs Crocker hates being Mrs Whatshisname Crocker, she misses being Miss Field and being doted on by her husband when she was sick before they got married, back when she called her ‘my girl’. Now Mr Crocker finds her too masculine and naggy. She envies Kincade’s kids and family. Mr C is always away for work, sometimes having to go at night. He doesn’t seem to give a fuck about her. She’s unemployed and doesn’t know what to do with herself because nobody cares about her, not even her husband, and she has no friends. Neither woman is considering divorce or has a job, they’re just jealous of each other for being ‘luckier’ and continue living like this. Crocker is toying with the idea of getting a job to keep busy, but all the career opportunities she brings up have a time limit of not being too old and ugly.
It goes on longer and is not actually about women’s rights, but it illustrates the cultural zeitgeist of a time before feminists managed to shift expectations of women to what they are today.
Even now you have men financially abusing their spouses and giving them a child’s allowance to run the house with, but at least you can divorce and sue and own your own bank account. Some bitches are just stupid I guess.
No. 2395309
>>2395293idk why moids think they will be happier in tardwife marriages.
Everytime I read shit like this I see how the scrote is absolutely miserable. Sure he gets to cheat on his wife but it's clear he's just as miserable as your modern incel. Moids will never be happy. All women have to do is realize being a childless spinster with a big group of friends is superior to being an abused and unloved tardwife slave in every way and they will realize they were never happy with moids.
No. 2395399
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Anyone notice how Elon musk is always with his son now? I think it’s a manipulation tactic to make himself be seen as a harmless, traditional white man who is a good father. Of course conversations eat it up and gush about how much a good dad he is.
No. 2395944
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Tradthots are really in denial when they think trump isn’t about to take away our rights kek. I hope they’re happy.
No. 2395992
>>2395944You think these idiots would've been happy with the current set up feminism provided. They can harp up to moids about how rare and dainty and feminine they are. Per their own philosophy, all moids want is a dainty, feminie tradthot to spoil. If all moids want a tradthot wife, doesn't this mean they get to have tons and tons of moids to pick from? And they would get their pick of the handsomest, most high value man?? Since the rest of us are uppity bitches too busy having jobs and being independent and therefore ugly and unappealing??
And yet they're insistent on dragging all the rest of us down to their level. OK. If we're all out of jobs, wouldn't that mean we would also have to compete with them for moids for survival? Meaning less moids for them to pick from?
What kind of absolute idiot wants to increase their sexual competition.
No. 2396027
>>2395992Moids liking tardwives is the biggest load of shit there is.
They always grow bored of their houseslaves and cheat on them. Then they get mad because they are a cheating shithead, but do the scrotes get mad at themselves? No. Men lack the ability to internalize their hatred. So they take it out on the wife and kids.
They desperately want to demonize the spinster but the reality is the spinster with a good friend group gives women the best life.
Honestly a two or more women in a platonic partnership buying sperm and raising a kid is probably the best way to raise a family.
No. 2396047
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>>2382949literal antichrist shit
No. 2396061
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>>2396047>a goat statue idolThis isn't even subtle that I can't rationalize it as anything but good. Such a horrid omen.
No. 2396063
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is the best way to raise a family. Moids being involved in any way is a detriment really – not only to the child.
No. 2396074
>>2396047Seeing this reminds me that there are christian retards who specifically voted for him because they knew he was the antichrist and they want to see the end of the world.
We need to take all ugly and/or autistic and/or misogynistic moids and just… you know… put them down peacefully so we can move forward as a species.
The rest can be put in workhouses/breeding farms depending on how hot they are.
No. 2396184
Elon Musk's son confirming what we already knew, Trump is Elon's gopher
>You're not the president you need to go away
No. 2396191
>>2396184also told trump to shush his mouth
i hope people enjoy their new monarchy led by an antisocial family of canadians and south africans
No. 2396200
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>>2396191>family of canadians and south africansTruly, a fate worse than death. I thought this was fucking America?
No. 2398630
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>Street art in Seattle, Washington
No. 2398663
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>>2396112>>2396108>>2396104There is something you guys don't understand about this specific sect of evangelicals. They believe that bringing about the rapture, and therefore the apocalypse, and therefore the Second Coming, is the whole reason that they are on this earth. JD Vance spoke at an event hosted by the father of this type of evangelicalism, called "dominionism" (although they get offended if you call it this). Dominionists believe that it's not enough to just have megachurches all over and to be the majority religion, but that the Christian mission is to form a Christian nation. Specifically their step by step guide to achieving this nation is outlined in the so-called "Seven Mountains Mandate". If this sounds like something a crackhead would come up with, that's because it is, like all christfagging. But listen to what this "prophecy" says:
>“So this is now called the Seven Mountain Prophecy,” says advocate David Barton. “If you’re going to establish God’s kingdom, you’ve got to have these seven mountains, and again that’s family, religion, education, media, entertainment, business and government.”This is exactly what they're doing right now. They've teamed up with tech billionaires to do so. The plan after that is to glass Gaza to protect the state of Israel, which will set off the series of events that lead to the Rapture. It's fucking crazy but it's what they really, actually believe, and these people have enormous amounts of wealth and influence within our government right now. Before anyone calls me schizo I think these people are delusional, I'm just pointing out what they publicly believe and the fact that they are incredibly powerful right now.
>picrel ->seven mountains quote - No. 2398968
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It's crazy how trump got elected on a strong man image but he is such a cuck for elon and putin. Why is elon meeting with other presidents and doing photo ops.
No. 2400009
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>>2398968There's obviously dirt against him. Now the ugly toad has him by his orange balls
No. 2400058
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>>2400052In case anyone can't spot it
No. 2400065
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>>2400052How can other women see this room full of subhuman scrotes and not immediately think "yeah we need to vote for a female en masse during the 2028 democratic primaries"
No. 2400218
>>2400058This has to be the most penis-worship-dripping image in the existence of pop culture. It makes me wildly uncomfortable even looking at it. They all look like clowns in stiff suits with limp smelly dicks in their pants. No one there washed their hands after taking piss.
Ahh, sorry, there's one lady sitting behind Trump… Girl…
No. 2402189
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>>2402177>Imagine if the celebricow thread was filled with people talking about boris johnsonKEK, even boris is more of a ‘celebrity’ than a lot of other politicians though, picrel is a restaurant i saw in japan LOOL
>borusu jonsunu!! No. 2402938
>>2402191To hell they aren't. you can barely speak about the amount of ghost jobs, even in person, without immediately being stung by "well just call them""you need connection!""just try harder!" etc
Even on fairly liberal social media like reddit if you point out how wages aren't matching prices of living, the job market is fucked, etc you immediately get bombarded with "just try harder faggot". Or hell, laundry anon here on our basket weaving forum get bombarded with "just use the entire 30 minutes you have to yourself a week or stop sleeping to scrub your laundry by hand after working a 100 hour work week". Like people will say any bizarre thing EXCEPT for "wow that sucks, you're right, we need to vote to make a change"…. And we ended up electing someone who thinks exactly what everyone repeats online
No. 2403324
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I hate his autistic cultists more than him sometimes kek
No. 2404937
>>2403324The martyr behavior demonstrated from these conservatives is really impressive and ominous. Incredible, even. It really shows what they're willing to sacrifice for themselves for the good of their "team" of favorite billionaires telling them that they are "winning," while in fact, they are losing. They even blame liberals for the messes their leaders are flagrantly causing.
Can we truly say we have the same demagoguery from Democrats?
We need a cult to oppose this one.
>but anon cults are bad!Just imagine that one cult would generally make life easier and more affordable for the common man while the other is treating us like feudalistic serfs. We need a uniting movement just like theirs.
No. 2404973
>>2404956It's just incomprehensible to me. Having grown in a country built on social democracy where it's a given that everyone deserves a roof over their head, food on their table and health care no matter the circumstances because it's just
basic human decency it's always shocking to hear Americans sperg about how their neighbors should just fucking up and starve to death if they're not "contributing to the society" i.e. can't find employment or are too sick to work. The welfare queen stereotype Reagan weaponized for his conservative rhetoric still sticks and people would rather die of a treatable disease themselves or become homeless if if just meant that they don't have to pay for a stranger's child's cancer treatment.
No. 2404976
>>2404956Because Bernie is old and wasn't memed as cool in the same way DT was. Democrats need to learn that presidency IS a popularity contest and they need to forefront young, attractive, and intelligent candidates that can meme their way into every person's fucking daily news wave in order to drown out what the retard set is doing opposite aisle.
They need a unifying issue that is NOT identity politics based i.e. gender.
No. 2404994
>>2404976As long as the conservative right has the richest and most evil people of the world on their sides democrats can do shit. They weren't even leaning on muh wokey identity politics for the last presidential run but BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS and calling out Project 2025, literally laying out the horrible plans republicans have for the country, and it didn't work out. Only republicans are evil enough to promise soulless techbros a completely ungovernable nation being ran like a tech company while the richest of the rich live in their privileged mini city state. It is what it is. Elon literally bought the election for Trump and you can't fight money with politics. Like
>>2404956 said, Americans will literally vote for the person killing orphans and puppies because the ultraindividualism and obsession with wealth has corrupted them since birth.
No. 2405042
>>2404956Bernie sanders is old like Biden though
nonny, his time is definitely over
No. 2405362
>>2405077Same. His haters are such copelets/bots.
Like they claim he's a wealthy asshole/in big pharmas pockets.
Can someone explain how the fuck either of these are true? I know he's not broke but he's not asking for rich people to be broke.
No. 2406482
What truly gets me about this situation is that the lies can't be fought with truths anymore. MAGAs don't have to even lie anymore. They can just say that they want to tear down the country, hand over the money to the billionaires and let you suffer. No need to cover it with smoke and mirrors. People will accept it with glee, simply because they want their "enemy" to suffer. They're completely fine with being trampled on if the enemy is pushed even lower. In theory, they can pay $20 for one egg if it means that women lose their rights and the people below them get even poorer, they will consider it a fair price to pay if only the "woke libtards" are served their just deserts.
In theory. It's only when the situation actually hits them that they realize what they have brought upon themselves, they voted in a fit of blind road rage that they thought would last forever. Once they actually lose their jobs to unregulated AI models, can't afford groceries, can't afford healthcare, have to give birth to babies they didn't want, it's only when they're made to lie in the bed they have made that they will see what they did.
And what then? MAGAfags will sell them even more lies. Oh, it's because leftist woke cultists ruined this country. We're trying to fix it, and any day now, you will be compensated. The blissful paradise is just around the corner. And they will believe it. Because admitting that they were wrong is too bitter of a pill to swallow. Because we're all stuck refreshing the same social media sites that are constantly feeding us outrage bait and misinformation.
So what can be even done at this point? The US won't have a democracy around in 4 years. The next elections won't happen or if it does, it'll be an orchestrated sham and Elon will just buy votes again with his endless supply of money. It's truly hard to stay hopeful about the future. Even the experts I always turned to for comforting words are straight up admitting that we're all cooked, and there's nothing we can do about it.
No. 2408788
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No. 2409054
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No. 2409086
>>2409054This is not okay. No one is stopping this because he's firing everyone before they can do anything. Or these dumbfucks are stepping down which doesn't help
at all. If they are unable to be fired, they need to stay in their fucking positions and stop this.
No. 2409126
>>2406518I always thought it was weird that middle class and poor men thought voting for Trump was going to benefit them. Trump literally does not give a fuck about anybody who isn't rich. He is not for the middle class period. It fills me with so much joy that the Trump lovers are getting shat on by the very man they worshipped.
I read that Trump is going to make pescription pills more expensive and I only love this because it's going to affect my abuser who is a pill popping drug addict. They all deserve what they voted for. Tariffs, inflation, lack of amenities, healthcare and jobs being taken away, higher gas prices due to Trump pissing off Canada, and all. Fucking idiots shooting themselves in the foot deserve it.
No. 2409442
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No. 2409453
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>>2409446Seems to be a blanket review, there's no reason why they would actually end up banning it.
No. 2409456
>>2409446They claimed it was related to “potentially related to gender ideology or discriminatory equity ideology topics”. It might just be because she's a woman. What a lot of people don't realize is that all the sperging about DEI being bad and evil applies to white women, too.
A lot of women ended up shooting themselves in the foot all to prove their allegiance to their moids, or just because they hated troons and had tunnel vision.
No. 2409467
>>2409442Good, fuck frecklefaggots. They're the only demographic of women that should be openly discriminated against for inborn immutable characteristics. Girls with freckles should be sterilized as young as possible and probably indentured as unpaid laborers in industries with the highest rates of fatalities.
Unironic and total W for the Trump admin if they ban this filth and proving that even a broken clock is right twice a day.
(a-logging) No. 2410031
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>>2410027Lol nona I'm saying theyre taking these books away to make girls feel bad about being ginger or having freckles, I don't got a problem with gingers
No. 2410071
>>2410060I have maga jews in my family, I swear to god they would be in denial even if they are being gassed in death camps.
Its insane
No. 2410072
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>>2410069not even baiting, just true
No. 2410086
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>>2410072I don't get why people only care when it's black people tbh. I mean, I know why, but the actions run against the narrative that they actually care about redhead representation. I was going to be charitable and say "some people", but it's really just people in general. This has been going on since forever without any backlash whatsoever.
No. 2410095
>>2410086First of all, there are twice as many examples of redheads being replaced by black people than your example. Secondly, Commissioner Gordon has been replaced by Gary Oldman in your example, but he's also been replaced by Jeffrey Wright in the other one, so not a good example. I'm sure there are other doubles, but I don't religiously keep up with comics. You're also using Pepper Potts, but Gwyneth Paltrow was a redhead in the earlier Iron Man movies, so that example doesn't count either.
Some would say it's dorky as hell to replace white characters with black characters instead of just plain writing black characters. It was fun over a decade ago (Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury), but now I tend to agree. Stop remaking the little mermaid with live action Halle Berry, and just make new shit with black characters.
No. 2410110
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>>2410095You misunderstand; I didn't make the image. I don't care about anybody's representation and I have no opinion on making new media with black characters or white characters. Maybe I'd care if any group of women were portrayed with misogynistic or racist stereotypes or something, that would suck, but it's a nonissue otherwise. Modern remakes of old/existing IP are just slop, and that wouldn't change if everyone was white.
I've just observed that people who are like, seething mad because a non-human alien character with red hair (Starfire) was played by a black actress have ulterior motives. They don't love or care about redheads, or most characters. They just don't like some races of people.
On the Starfire note, although I think Anna Diop is pretty, someone with SZA's skintone would've fit the bill better IMO, they wouldn't even have needed orange body paint.
No. 2410591
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>>2409442Oh wow, what a DISGUSTINGLY WOKE piece of art. Anyway; nonas, meet your new director of the FBI! It's the author of this wonderful, non-propagandistic, ideologically neutral book, Kash Patel, a tiny Indian man with a coke habit and a below average hard-on for Trump. Anyone who is against this is just a fearmongering lib
No. 2411534
>>2410072Oh, this is well known in the comic/game industry. The ginger/
poc switch lol I love that someone put a diagram together for it.
No. 2411645
>>2411639Im not even a burgerfag and know he is cutting most of the very little social welfare burgers had. basically any type of medical insurance poor people have are being slashed and food support is being slashed. DEI programs (which a lot of them are mostly used to hire women) are being deleted like they never existed and women are losing their jobs because of it. most social programs that would include things like mental healthcare or help for DV
victims are losing funding. a lot of feds are losing their jobs because they're dismantling any state services basically.
No. 2411756
>>2410072My theory is that gingers are insanely overrepresented anyway so if people want to have cheap and easy racial diversity, they'll just make a redhead black.
>>2410086Race swapping in general happens all the time (I didn't see any complaints when Netflix made Wednesday Addams and her family Mexican), so it's obviously a racism thing with people. I remember people seething about L being black but no one cares that Light and Misa were white.
(off-topic) No. 2411935
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>>2411756>I didn't see any complaints when Netflix made Wednesday Addams and her family Mexicannonna… they always have been hispanic, with the mother being more white passing than the father. the father is literally called gomez.
No. 2411947
>>2411940>He is depicted as being of Castilian extraction and Spanish ancestry, which was first brought up in "Art and the Addams Family" on December 18, 1964; in the episode, Gomez says his "ancestral land" is Spain and Morticia refers to him as a "mad Castilian."I don't know why you're being so hostile. Nobody is seething. You just seem misinformed, so I was letting you know you may have made an incorrect assumption.
And just because somebody is based on a stereotype (the "latin lover") doesn't mean that is what their "race" is, as quoted above.
No. 2411967
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>>2411948>He is depicted as being of Castilian extraction and Spanish ancestry, which was first brought up in "Art and the Addams Family" on December 18, 1964; in the episode, Gomez says his "ancestral land" is Spain and Morticia refers to him as a "mad Castilian."It depends on when those ancestors arrived and how rapey they got with the local Aztecs and other natives
No. 2412091
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>>2412080>Aztec lives don't matterracebait
No. 2412390
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>UK’s Jonathan Pie on Trump and The Art of the Deal
No. 2412561
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>>2412454okay what if we made picrel the next threadpic
No. 2412657
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>>2411940He is supposed to be Spanish. Spanish people are not the same as Mexicans ffs.
No. 2412781
>>2395032It's this. The patriarchy actually functions for a much higher % of white women than the other groups. "Trad" or even adjacent lifestyles only exist "consistently" for a single demographic.
It's not even a lie or trick for them to embrace it. It's that the life they have that is more or less comfortable and people in systems that are functional seek to perpetuate those systems.
Black women can't rely on anyone but themselves and sometimes the government and it shows in their voting habits.
No. 2413020
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>>2412732Kamala Harris 2028-3028 regime NOW
begin the propaganda
We're doing girlgamergate
No. 2413210
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Can I get real odd about this? I think this is the true plan, I read it on someone else but it makes sense to me. The right, online or not was bothered about the "GREAT RESET" the depopulation of the planet, they said covid vaccine was it. I don't believe that but I do believe the plan makes sense and it's probably real based on companies and tech. Recognize some familiar places on the news by Donald here? Observe the overlap on two key points with the fires, CA (more predictable) and Maui (this is interesting)
The plan is, based on Trump's actions, realized or still active, Yarvin's doctrine, Elon's rhetoric, etc, etc. To depopulate the planet with the crisis of a crashing dollar, starving people (this is why you dump CA's water btw) mass unemployment, rioting, division, chaos, there's the plan DOGE/RAGE (RETIRE ALL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES)
The last aspect of the original plan to me reads as X, use fake news in X updated live to kill people in mass.
Use drones, use the chaos, martial law, rioting, economical depression (this is why Trump is being suicidal with tariffs, he wants the dollar gone, he wants people to fucking die, less targets by the end of it)
No. 2413246
>>2412712What does not compute about this term being not at all like his first one? Either you’re a non-American or someone riding the high of being an enlightened contrarian.
>I just could not imagine spending your entire life sending so much energy towards a man you consider your enemy who you would never do anything against.He’s the president currently making his opinions into EOs, genius, of course people will complain despite having no control.
No. 2413264
>>2413210I mostly skimmed through this but it has been the republicans plan since at least the 1960s to gut all American Government programs that help out taxpayers/working class right down to social security and privatize everything. Instead of the government owning things a handful of cooperation's will own everything.
These fuckers miss their company towns.
No. 2413926
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Authoritarian leaders are obsessed with megaprojects to dump billions in. What do we think will be Trumps contribution to the global dick measuring contest of failures?
No. 2414345
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Based Japan.
No. 2414591
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As an Eurofag, the cult of personality around Trump is perplexing to me. It's not so much his politics as the fact that he doesn't really have any kind of charisma, he is obviously impressionable and low-intelligence, he has no real principles; he just says what his audience want him to hear and will flip at a moment's notice. Can anyone offer psychological insight what so many Americans see in him, are they just that bad at judging character?
No. 2414644
>>2414591It's the biggest mystery. He's like a big hedious pesky toddler. Even speaks about himself in a third person like toddlers do. Maybe he
triggers their parental instincts?
No. 2414761
>>2384274The actual white nationalists/nazis are pretty anti-trump tbh. Andrew Anglin publishes several articles a week shitting on Trump, and tells his readers not to vote for him. Even the ones that support him are more tempered with that support. Jared Taylor said he likes him simply for the fact that he's reducing illegal immigration and slowing down the white dispossession in America. It's a one issue thing. They don't consider Trump one of them, they see him as a guy without any racial consciousness.
Pretty much every young republican under 30 in America is a crypto-racist. The Big Balls thing happened because every young white moid working in tech is posting that stuff about Indians. The reason Vance (who has an indian wife) had to cuck out and say such vulgar racism against indians is okay, he had to because he knows there's too many racists to get rid of now.
No. 2414907
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Why am I getting banned for not knowing stuff? Its not college. I shouldnt have to know all this random stuff to post here. Im sick of Eurofags expecting us to know everything about there stupid country. Mods just because you're European doesn't mean you get to ban me for not knowing about your gay country. At least it was only a 15 minute ban.
>>2414866Okay like I said here
>>2414780 Brazillian is called Spanish because its the same language they speak in Mexico and other South American countries just different names for the same thing. Maybe it's different in Spanish but I don't know because I don't speak it.
>>2414874Retard the reason it's called English is because more then America speaks it. UK Ireland Canada they all speak the same language so we call it English for simplicity sake.
(ban evasion) No. 2414910
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>>2414907wait, so you weren't PRETENDING to be retarded?
File: 1740354977898.png (131.83 KB, 746x621, my ban expired???.png)

Okay now Im getting banned for ban evasion? How does that make sense my original ban EXPIRED it was only 15 minutes long. I waited until it was done to post again. Whatever Im done with this place everyone here is European and expects me to know everything about Europe when nobody gives a fuck about that country.
>>2414909Acting like its a secret doesnt make sense. Brazil speaks Spanish because Brazil is part of South America.
>>2414910I can admit when I dont know stuff, okay? I already admitted that I didn't know what Spain was, but how is that my fault? I did 3 years of college and nobody ever mentioned a state in Europe called Spain. They only ever mentioned states like France or Greece. Blame the education system if you want to be angry.
(ban evasion) No. 2414929
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>>2414924The Spanish are less obnoxious about their culture than most others on a global scale. I could understand if anon sees how beautiful Spain is and doesn't understand why we don't hear about it all the time
No. 2414941
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We live in an age where she can type "Brazil" in a search bar, click the wikipedia page, and either read a paragraph or scroll to an information table.
Stop patting retards on the ass and let them seethe on the ban page where they belong.
No. 2414955
>>2414950These anons are being hard on you but this is the average moid opinion. So
you would be smart for a moid by trying to learn more and admitting you're wrong but dumber than most women for not knowing in the first place
No. 2414959
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>>2414957A part of me believes me anon is sincere
No. 2414976
>>2414970Can you ban
>>2406529 please. she didn't do anything wrong, I just don't like her.
No. 2414977
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>>2414959samefag but Spanish people also look pretty different than Mexicans and Puerto Ricans. I don't know why everyone only talks about the accent or comparing American Indigenous cultures to southern Spanish ones
No. 2416319
>>2415584Male socialization. 90% of billionare women will look immaculate with nice clothes, a perfect body, and nice skin and hair because their appearance is a status symbol.
Not so much for men. They can just look like fat slobs and it makes no difference.
It's not fair. I want egalitarianism where men are expected to never wall like women are.
No. 2416707
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No. 2417380
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A woman was forcibly dragged out of an Idaho town hall and hospitalized after interrupting the event to ask questions about Medicaid and reproductive rights. We are in the start of the hand maidens tale.
No. 2417383
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>>2417380“Borrenpohl told the Idaho Statesman that people who were cheering for GOP policies at the town hall were not told to stop, but whenever anyone expressed dissent, they were scolded.
Her friends, Megan Kunz and Tamara Sines-Kermelis told KTVB that Borrenpohl was told to "shut up" when attempting to ask questions.”
No. 2417451
>>2417438Samefag the sheriff claims he has no knowledge of the security firm or who hired them, but also he’s directing them to arrest her? (Which they can’t actually do, since they’re not real cops).
I hope she sues the dogshit out of these scrotes.
No. 2417881
>>2414591What an intellectual post, anon. You must read philosophical books every morning when you wake up, and watch documentaries for an hour before you go to sleep.
You are so much smarter than the 80 million people who voted for Trump. You're so….above them. Untouchable.
Trump has NO CHARISMA, fact. He's been on TV for decades and has made millions just because retarded americans made it possible for him. He's been at it before you were born but I get it, you're still above him.
You, a girl from a continent that is so deep in shit with corrupted politicians. You, a girl who is one wrong street away from being gang raped by migrants.
Won't you please help the people of the United States open their eyes? Help the americans while you can. You might get stabbed tomorrow so help the USA quickly! They NEED YOU!!
(infighting/baiting) No. 2417915
>>2414591He’s very jim jones-y to me. Trumps cult of personality is just based off of nostalgia for “muh good ol days” (why he sperges about bringing the “golden age” back all the time). He’s a celebrity that people remember because of his cameos so he plays into the nostalgia factor even more. Alot of it is built on everyone thinking he’s going to make
their idea of america manifest too. It’s why they’re always dead set on defending EVERYTHING he does too. It’s all retarded shit
No. 2417973
>>2414591They think if someone is a loud, confident asshole he must be "brutally honest but knows what's best". Americans feast off of anti hero movies and TV shows and think it applies to real life. And in the media,
And on top of Americans addiction to movies and TV, they also believe everything is a monkeys paw
>Can't have livable wages cause big macs will be $50>Can't have affordable college cause a degree will be useless>Can't have affordable housing cause (I actually don't know what the argument here is)>Can't have universal healthcare because it will take longer to see a doctor!But oh, as it turns out. TV isn't real life and Trump isn't doctor house has president and he actually is just a useless predator douche bag with delusions of grandeur and turns out sacrificing living wages did fuck all for inflation and now everyone is in debt and broke anyway
No. 2418040
>>2414620At least someone like hitler, despite his batshit views, actually worked on presenting himself as a well groomed man with strong values and was very energetic and good at speeches.
Trump on the other hand is fat, ugly, demented old man who struggles to speak and says ridiculous crude shit sometimes.
No. 2418535
>>2414591I can help nona!
Republicans have historically been incredibly retarded and have voted against their best interests since McCarthyism. They are super insecure because they don't want to be seen as the bottom of the totem pole nobodies they really are, so a republican will tell them "hey! you're special! We value you more than faggots/immigrants/toons/blacks/women etc, with an emphases of whatever
combination is in vouge. It's sad because the republicans want the 'good old days', not realizing the only good parts of those times were economic. Culturally it was an oppressive nightmare that makes todays culture feel like heaven in comparison.
But republicans, at least the politicians, do not give a flying fuck about the economy or middle class. The democratic politicians aren't any better (hence why Trump had no issues dancing around from party to party until he found one that fit), but they are held to a slightly higher moral standard than trump. Notice how when Biden pardoned his crackbaby Hunter people shit their pants but no one said shit when Trump pardoned a bunch of his own inbred psychotic fanatics he sicked on the capitol building.
It's a big mess meant to divide America so they can kill democracy and replace it with oligarch feudalism.
Hope than helps, euro chan.
No. 2418596
File: 1740513880248.png (89.95 KB, 873x493, 2025-02-25 21_03_34.png)

i still cant believe it. jfc. is every 2nd sister i meet a total and utter retard?
No. 2419503
Has anyone seen trump tards liking Trump's boots for coming up with a retarded idea of a 5 million fast pass for american citizenship? They have been praising it thinking wealthy white europeans will buy it, when in reality the europeans in question would have zero incentive to move to the US and if they wanted, they could by now. For the rest of the white europeans, they either have zero intention to move to america because their country is likely superior to the US as it is, or there is no way in their whole life they will make $5 million to buy a essentially a golden ticket. Even wealthy people in 3rd world countries couldn't be that interested in the citizenship because no matter where you live, if you are rich, you are practically living an amazing life and any issues in your country practically do not affect you. It's pathetic that trump supporters genuinely think the greedy oligarchs care about them and don't see them as parasites just like poorer people on welfare.
>>2419501The mods can't read. The quotation marks made it so clear what she was trying to say and she was right too.
No. 2419704
File: 1740567437108.mp4 (2.93 MB, 360x640, 1000030159.mp4)

Trump just shared this AI vid about "Trump Gaza". I'm guessing it's so if you search Trump AI it won't show the Elon foot vid. Still weird af
No. 2419993
>>2419986Full passage
>16 The invader will do as he pleases; no one will be able to stand against him. He will establish himself in the Beautiful Land and will have the power to destroy it. 17 He will determine to come with the might of his entire kingdom and will make an alliance with the king of the South. And he will give him a daughter in marriage in order to overthrow the kingdom, but his plans[a] will not succeed or help him. 18 Then he will turn his attention to the coastlands and will take many of them, but a commander will put an end to his insolence and will turn his insolence back on him.Better be on the look out kek…
No. 2420009
File: 1740592555593.png (49.47 KB, 1101x289, ameritards.png)

>>2418539>The majority of Americans are idiots.Yeah pretty much this. More than half of Americans are reading below a 6th-grade level. No. 2420018
>>2420003She wouldn't believe me anyway, anon
>>2420002Nah we won't be raptured. Prepare for the locust storms.
No. 2421055
File: 1740628208894.gif (1.57 MB, 480x360, IMG_7869.gif)

Are any nonas here also in fear of losing their employment?
Im in a group chat with my sister and cousins. We generally keep it lighthearted and apolitical but yesterday we finally had to address it. My sister is a retired military veteran. She recently had to once again uproot her life to a different state for a job as a civilian on a military base. Yesterday morning she posts in a group chat that due to the stupid federal employee cuts (thanks to these fuckos) she may be out of a job. In her words “its straight chaos as of right now. I dont know if im even terminated”
My sister was planning a trip with cousin A to europe this spring and now has to cancel it. Cousin A’s sister (cousin B) chimed in and said her job is federally granted and shes honestly just waiting to see if theyll be let go since theyve already laid off people in other programs. They’re both scrambling to find other jobs now.
Wrong CEO died man
No. 2421059
File: 1740628484271.png (53.25 KB, 1700x2200, 7th grade.png)

>>2420435Ntayrt but if you want an example of what 7th grade reading level would be, look at picrel.
54% of Americans wouldn't be able to read this text in a meaningful way, and they wouldn't be able to interpret the information that was in this text. They wouldn't be able to answer the questions relating to the text.
No. 2421300
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No. 2422216
>>2421055I'm in education. Deportations are going to hit my area hard, if they continue in scale. There simply won't be enough kids to teach, and my school will also be starved of tax dollars. The schools in my area cater heavily to students whose families have emigrated through TPS. Trump is rescinding pretty much all TPS. Part of me is a little relieved because there are some immigrant groups (namely those who come from countries that are under TPS, like Venezuela and Haiti) where the entire family does indeed come over because TPS is legal immigration. And some of these people, particularly the young men, are violent. But I also recognize that deporting hundreds of thousands of people, if it happens, will destroy the economy and likely result in me being laid off.
Everything is about to be a lot more expensive. I'm not planning on traveling anywhere (especially by plane), I'm limiting my purchases, I'm spending my extra money fixing up my car and my house, and I'm making small stockpiles of non-perishable food.
I have a little nest egg that I've worked really hard to keep. My biggest fear besides losing my job is inflation taking up all of it so that it's basically worthless. But I think my biggest disappointment so far is that PSLF is probably going to be canceled, which means I've been at a crappy job I don't like very much for no reason.
No. 2422469
File: 1740713982744.png (45.68 KB, 184x184, 1571783415537.png)

I remember reading Forwards From Grandma subreddit a decade ago, when Obama was still the president. There were always memes mocking "effete" Obama and contrasting him with "masculine" Putin. All posted sincerely in their social medias by (not always) senior citizens unable to see blatant Russian propaganda for what it is.
Looking at the current situation with Trump, Putin and America, it's chilling to realize how successful the Russian psy-op turned out to be.
No. 2422527
>>2421452Zoomers and boomers are more alike than anyone wants to admit.
>>2422216>And some of these people, particularly the young men, are violent.Because they are moids?? Like please use some critical thinking if you're clutching your pearls about working in education. You sound very unlikely to suffer vs the legal immigrants you're so flippant about, weirdo. Going on 4chan for girls talking about having a nest egg to a bunch of neets. Read the room.
No. 2422541
>>2422527NTA but you don't have to be so hostile to her. Don't project your situation onto the rest of the userbase. We have multiple employment threads and married anons on here. She is also very clearly concerned for her students and their families, who she mentioned are going to be the biggest
victims of this. She isn't a retard just because she mentioned violent moids, considering she refuted the idea that this makes deportation a good thing. Try to read someone's entire post and use critical thinking skills to analyze what they might be saying before getting riled up.
No. 2422564
>>2422551White people will shit their pants so a black person next to them will have to smell it.
I dont understand racists. Especially racist women. Why hate only men of one race when they are all horrible?
No. 2422619
>>2414591I feel the same way in reverse, can someone explain to me why he's so hated and reviled? He was literally a moderate republican/crypto democrat who was pro abortion before his 2016 run, his two consistent policies going by old magazine interviews have always been trade protectionism and non-interventionism. He would've stayed there if it wasn't for the hysterical anti-trumpism driving him further to the right. Because as you said, he's an easily impressionable guy that wants to be liked.
Compared to career politicians, who are pretty much all psychopaths, he just seems sort of tame personality wise. I couldn't imagine caring about him strongly for or against. I literally don't get why people aren't just more indifferent to him.
No. 2422819
File: 1740747099429.jpg (52.03 KB, 500x500, 1_Yod12J7P7HXfdxqKo4uHBg.jpg)

>>2422785You must be a millennial or early gen z, cause it's been YEARS since I heard about this meme kek
No. 2423742
>>2423572Facebook loves trump
>>2423441They’re so retarded, trump acts like a shit slinging retard. Hey handmaidens, here’s your le epic assertive male in power… now let’s see how he treats netanyahu
No. 2423790
File: 1740791145987.mp4 (363.19 KB, 640x336, 25gur02gs9he1.mp4)

>>2423742>now let’s see how he treats netanyahulike this kek
No. 2423800
>>2423441Genuinely gut-churning to see two grown men in arguably the highest position of power in the world behaving like this to an 'ally.'
We're fucked, aren't we? We're now allied with Russia and, by extension, North Korea, if I understand it.
No. 2423818
>>2423800We are beyond 'fucked'
Our country is now essentially a Russian colony. Putin is the true president of the USA, its obvious now. The congress is Ali Khamenei and Kim Jung Un.
Its a travesty and a gross injustice and our people dont even realize it because the majority of the news media and social media is 85% Russian bots meant to destroy democracy. Guess 'democracy' is dead now because of the Trump. America is now the puppet of Russia Iran and North Korea. Soon we will have to send tax money to them and play the Russian national anthem at sporting events.
No. 2423823
>>2423818>still blaming foreign powers instead of your own shithead president Americans never change kek even in their own destruction they blame someone else
russia is definitely involved though, its interesting that so many nonas are suprised at how trump acted with zelensky when hes has been acting like to all the countries America invaded I feel for the Ukrainian people though as someone whose country was fucked by America they dont deserve this.
No. 2423841
>>2423835It is HILARIOUS that the Russians think we are so stupid. We are Americans. Where do they think Harvard is?They must not know about America because of Putins propaganda
Its obvious that every pro Trump comment is a Russian propaganda piece.It is SAD that some anons still cant see this….
I saw on LinkedIn that Many agents in Pyongyang North Korea are employed by Kim Jung Un to destroy America with online propaganda spam…Perhaps these are the Koreans..?
No. 2424105
File: 1740807899120.jpg (Spoiler Image,99.84 KB, 794x1007, 1740801577707710[1].jpg)

For me, it's Donatella
No. 2424108
File: 1740808094115.jpg (81.33 KB, 980x653, Goldstein-AIPAC%20031424[1].jp…)

>>2423830>Iran and Russia have taken control of the USAuh huh
No. 2424182
nonnie. Unemployed, but medicated. Passing the torch onto the next schizoid.
No. 2424186
>>2424108Israel is a Iranian colony since 1980 it is only kept by pretence of the Iranian Supreme Leader to control the Middle East and to Destroy Palestine (The USA of Middle East) for the glory of Russia therefore AMERICA is supporting Israel because Israel is Iran by proxy LOOK IT UP
You are very ignorant to think that Palestine is not As American as Ukraine…. to believe that Trump is going to Save America when Trump is DESTROYING our country for the Russian and Iranian and Korean syndicates that control the congress
Trump and JD Vance are both Russian operatives designed to hand over Our country to Russian influence and now the USA is RUSSIAN territory which means our allied are now IRAN and NORTH KOREA….This should scare you unless you are a foreign operative designed to destroy American Hope which you will NEVER destroy
>>2424105This is a doctored AI image it is NOT real this is more fake news propaganda most likely coming from Russia (Moscow most likely) How anyone can fall for this is unbelivable to me….
(schizo) No. 2424257
>>2424224What's based about the president of the US worsening the relationship with Ukraine and, by proxy, the rest of most European countries? The only thing Trump did by acting like that towards Zelenskyy was to, once again, prove that he is allied with Putin and authoritarian rule, either willingly or due to kompromat, and that he and his ilks will always take Putin's side and intimidate Zelenskyy into submission/accepting Putin's conditions. There are plenty of
valid criticism that can be levied against Zelenskyy and the Ukraine (e.g. corruption, Nazi militia groups, etc.), but that doesn't change the fact that Putin is a psychopath who is indirectly responsible for the assassination of several former spies and political opponents, and who rules Russia with an iron fist. If you think Trump is on Russia's side because he cares about stopping wars, you're dumb
No. 2424314
>>2424224If I were a conservative who sided with Russia and wanted Trump to be harsher on the Ukraine or withdraw all financial support, I would at the very least want my president and vice president to act in a respectable manner towards Zelenskyy. If Trump legitimately believed that WW3 was on the horizon, wouldn't diplomacy and appearing (and being) level-headed be a top priority for any sensible, trustworthy leader? Instead, the leader of the free world and his faggoty, eyeliner-addicted, Shane Dawson-looking ass sicario is scolding Zelenskyy for being ungrateful like he is a child and they his superiors. It makes the US look like a culturally fragmented empire with hypocritical clowns who never practice what they preach at the helm. There is nothing wrong with being a conservative, there is nothing wrong with finding faults with the Ukraine or despising liberal "Slava Ukraini" herd mentality and dehumanizing Russian are orcs-rhetoric, but even if you're the staunchest, most pro-Russian conservative, you can't deny that these men are acting horribly
No. 2426327
File: 1740948315063.jpg (115.77 KB, 823x545, Trump Sex Tape.jpg)

No. 2433014
>>2432991I feel bad for calling out newfags but sometimes you guys make it
so obvious.
No. 2433015
>>2432991i hate trannies and i also hate trump. On lolcow most users don't have the typical left=right politics but instead it's more nuanced and of a miss-mash of both.
There is one thing that i agree with you and that is the anons who are still obsessed with hating trannies in 2025, like troons have no power currently so i can't be bothered to care about them anymore when we have way worse and more powerful people and communities trying to take women's rights away which we should focus on…
No. 2433056
>>2433017oh trump is definitely using them as an enemy that's acceptable to hate, i doubt he genuinely gives a rat's ass about them. they're a good target group for that, because they're
>common enough where everybody's probably at least seen one once>uncommon enough to not actually rise up against you or hold much genuine power >acceptable to bully>just often genuinely kinda ugly and gross>right-wingers hate them because their ideology is based on gross thing = bad >radfems hate them because they're men (plus other reasons yall know why you feel the way you do i dont need to explain it) >normies dislike them because they're ugly and weird i like to laugh at troons as much as anyone else, but really, their existence seems like a marginal problem at best, compared to, well, everything else. but they're a really good enemy to have for any populist ever.
No. 2433066
File: 1741368956653.png (23.89 KB, 692x233, trans.png)

>>2433056What's with the all the ~uwu poor innocent twannies are actually harmless~ bullshit lately?
No. 2433070
>>2432991'ate men
'ate rapists
Love TMD
Simple as.
No. 2433084
>>2433075i'm not even against people here spending time being concerned. that's good, you should be concerned about them, it's important.
what i'm trying to get at (and sorry i muddled my messaging a bit trying to type it out), is that trump isn't anti-trans with the amount of effort he is because he believes it's an important priority to tacle right now for the future of the country. he's doing it because it's a smart move for him politically. a lot of how populism works is by pinpointing an enemy, and promising that by destroying said enemy, the world will be good again. and trannies are an optimal target for that. he isn't genuinely our ally in this, though it might have some positive impacts. he's doing it because it's what he's convinced his followers to believe will save the country.
No. 2433124
>>2432991>Why is it based to hate trump but also based to hate trannies? Genuinely cannot tell the political climate of lolcow sometimesSpotted the tranny.
Living in a genderspecial bubble must be hard. Trannies and Trump are unified in thought by their male-coded misogyny and throwing toddler temper mantrums. Both are an assault on reason. They also cape for sexpest, if not being sexpests themselves like
>>2433007 said.
No. 2433452
File: 1741389056138.jpeg (392.26 KB, 2053x702, IMG_2196.jpeg)

I’ve seen this posted in multiple places today. What do you think he’d do with it? Sign it with a sharpie?
No. 2433553
nonnie women just aint raping
No. 2435141
File: 1741442852054.jpg (1.29 MB, 1600x1600, 1000000766.jpg)

This picture is incredible because people are making fun of his looks in this picture but they haven't caught on to the fact that he's mocking Elon Musk and I think thats beautiful.
No. 2457726
>>2444359They're so smug and aggro. Mind you, the average Biden voter hated Biden. Obama voters generally liked Obama but would criticize him for his usage of drone strikes (which Trump was
way worse about in his 1st term). Bush voters were definitely a little retarded but they'd still be critical if deemed necessary. Trump voters?
>Uhhh hurr durr here's why this bad thing that I also didn't like him doing either, is ackshually good!>muh evropa muh consistent culture>Eberyone is corrupt except for muh chumpTo them they are apart of chump, they believe that a knock at his ego or wit is a knock at theirs. These people don't know anything, they're just passionately interested in sucking their dear leader's rapist ween. It's insane in itself how everyone else is portrayed as insane for hating these types of people.
No. 2459555
File: 1742802474988.jpg (50.75 KB, 497x750, 51e68ISWJdL.jpg)

Is there a comprehensive list of all sexist shit Trump has ever said/done?
No. 2459658
>>2457726The thing that really, really gets me about MAGAfags is that they will
openly deny material reality, scientific studies, literally the concrete truth in front of their eyes just because it doesn't align with their views. They will admit that they're talking out of their asses if not straight up lying, and they feel no shame about it. You can tell them that government agencies aren't getting tax cuts based on DEI hires because they RUN ON TAX MONEY and they will still tell you you're wrong with a straight face and later on celebrate owning the
triggered lib on Xitter. You can't reason with them. They have absolutely no other principles or beliefs than to suck Trump's crusty rapist microdick and nothing else. If Trump said now that the sky is actually green and we must nuke it because it makes rainbows that turn our kids trannygay, they will start advocating for it as long as it means the libs will suffer and die with them.
No. 2459664
>>2459658That’s why you don’t reason with MAGAts or explain shit to them. The only thing that works is natural consequences, and sometimes not even that. The most you can do is isolate yourself, your loved ones and your assets from crazies like that so that they can’t run you into the ground, then observe as they fuck up their lives over a man who doesn’t care if they live or die. Be politically active and pretend they and their opinions don’t exist.
Some of them do eventually turn around but don’t say it because they don’t want everyone laughing in their face, others never do. In either case gray rocking them works.
No. 2460271
File: 1742846523783.jpg (110.9 KB, 1320x1188, dfkjvhbfdhj.jpg)

The Trump Admin (One IQ point combined) accidentally invited this journalist to their war planning group chat (war plans are usually discusses in highly secure areas). Most retarded thing I've seen so far from this administration. Journalist is even more retarded for leaving the group chat
No. 2460272
File: 1742846604535.jpg (80.27 KB, 1366x1016, Gm0fWmzbAAIzTsW.jpg)

>>2460271Forgot to link article + here's some more photos (
No. 2460274
File: 1742846676290.jpg (86.67 KB, 1179x1398, Gm0n9wnWgAAPMnV.jpg)

>>2460273last one and the most retarded of them all
No. 2460523
>>2460271Such a stunning display of retardation kek. All that talk about meritocracy and getting rid of DEI and yet it's actually just full blown kakistocracy.
>Journalist is even more retarded for leaving the group chatI agree 100%, he could've gotten so much more dirt. That said, I don't think it was an accident that he was added to the chat. Someone there probably added him on purpose. Any nonnies have any theories as to who added him and why?
No. 2460541
>>2460279To be fair, it didn't really matter whether he left or not because it seemed the group chat was made to talk about this operation on the Houthis which was um, wrapped up. He says in the article that before the bombing actually happened, he thought the whole thing was fake. If it were me once I realized the chat was real I would've noped out too, I don't want state secrets weighing on me. Then again I'm not a journalist
>>2460523He said an account by Michael Waltz was the one who added him, so it must have been either him or someone who worked under him. I think you're right that it couldn't have been a mistake, but at the same time it's so blatant lol. I wonder if a staff member was angry that these departments were using Signal instead of the approved stations for sensitive material and decided to leak this operation to Goldberg as a way to show how seriously dire the opsec had become.
No. 2460623
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>>2382958>DOGE is the governmentt.
No. 2461078
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No. 2462493
File: 1743001145043.jpg (113.35 KB, 1170x1457, Gm-CNxIW8AA-g-y.jpg)

New message leak. They were infact discussing classified information
No. 2462938
>>2462206kek he's ex-IDF so I wouldn't be shocked if one of the Admin-moids couldn't get their Jewish last names right.
>>2462493Where are all the "b-b-b-but her emails!1!11" faggots that wouldn't shut up between 2015 and 2020?