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File (hide): 1682671429984.png (77.71 KB, 5000x3333, cute cats vector.png)

No. 1561582

Can't remember where you saw that thing? Want to know the name of someone? Ask here.

Previous threads:
#1 - >>>/ot/861432
#2 - >>>/ot/1068958
#3 - >>>/ot/1288369

No. 1561960>>1562108

File (hide): 1682714320677.jpeg (147.55 KB, 733x894, 7F4560AB-DA2A-43F0-A8D1-B08145…)

Can someone please help me find barbie coloring books similar in style to this? For reference these would be books from the early 2000s say like 2003-2004ish. I used to have coloring competitions with my mom who passed when I was a teen and I wish I could color in one again or at least see the scanlations. Please help!! I know there’s a barbie stan out there!!

No. 1562108>>1562405>>1562491

File (hide): 1682726459315.jpg (103.13 KB, 735x1044, 6c70252acdfd258e016f5a67f7a85a…)

BITCH you just unlocked that this was the best barbie book art style. My older cousin had these and I would stare at the pictures, the colored outlines were great. That style was more 90s-2000s, especially in the Little Golden Books books. I tried Google but it looks like your best bet would be getting a vintage coloring book from that time period.

No. 1562400>>1562422

Hey does anyone know this food I shall describe, I think it's a ration food.
It's made with minimal ingredients maybe even just flour and water? They're incredibly hard like be careful about your teeth hard, it's kinda like a hard cracker usually in square or rectangle.
I have made it before but I know it has a specific name. Thanks.

No. 1562405>>1562430

Nta but aw I miss this style, definitely had some coloring pages like that myself. brings to mind this Barbie Story Maker computer game I had as a kid

No. 1562422>>1562900


No. 1562430

Barbie Story Maker was the absolute shit. I used to spend HOURS creating silly commercials and creating scenarios with voice acting. I remember making an "ad" for my mom's job and she lost her shit laughing. Good times.

No. 1562491

Thank you so much and the more I think about it was probably 90s coloring books like you said I’m def gonna look into buying vintage coloring books. The art style of the barbie coloring books now are so bland and halfassed.

No. 1562900

Ahhh yes! Thank you!

No. 1564509>>1564630

Reposting from a year ago because I still haven't found it: A jpop song from likely before 2010. The MV looked somewhat similar to aikos hanabi, just that the singer was dressed in pink and instead of singing about fireworks, she was singing about sun flowers. The chorus was something like himawari no naka but I can't find anything like that googling, so I'm asking here. The artist had short hair, and might have worn something on her head, but I'm not too sure about that. I remember finding it again unexpectedly some years ago, and I wanna hit my past self for not saving it.

No. 1564544>>1564664

File (hide): 1682955399606.png (519.58 KB, 2560x1080, Screenshot_20201011_191406.png)

bit different help me
have a few signs made of corrugated plastic/coroplast
need a way to temporarily attach them to a table with a tablecloth on it, remove, and do again indefinitely
Needs to be strong enough to not blow off by wind or moving the cloth
I was thinking affixing adhesive magnets to the back of the sign, then having another piece of plastic with a magnet on it placed under the tablecloth. Placing that second piece on the table, tablecloth over, then aligning the sign over the second piece.

Any anons have a better idea?

Alternatively I can glue a heavy plywood piece to the back of signs but that seems clunkier (plus have to find a way to cut it in my apartment bedroom)

No. 1564627

flash game where you torment celebrities and have them look really bad in paparazzi pictures and or the news. i think there was justin bieber in this and this other guy i forgot the name of where i specifically remember you had to put something spicy in his drink or food to make him drink alcohol so that you would get a picture of him taken drinking frantically captioned "[celeb] drinking like there's no tomorrow !!!". the art style was caricature

No. 1564630>>1564634

Was it Himawari by Hearts Grow?

No. 1564634

YES, I don't know why I was 100% sure the MV was pink, thank you so much.

No. 1564664

magnets are a great idea if you want it to be super seamless and clean, but if it doesn't need to be clean, use velcro

No. 1565659>>1565667

this paint program that made it intentionally hard to paint in, part of the appeal or "gimmick" was that since the brushes were so unwieldy you had to step back and really start from the basic shapes instead of getting caught up in detail. i swear it was called "messypaint" or something but thats giving no results

No. 1565667

Heavypaint maybe? I'm always so impressed with what people can produce out of it

No. 1568000>>1569286

someone this week posted on here a recent looking picture of lana del rey saying something among the lines of how she likes the way she looks now. ive tried looking for it but dont know where or in which thread it was posted. i also cant find by googling it. its a nice picture im a bit bummed i lost it

No. 1569175>>1571779

There was this gamer on Youtube my sister showed me about 10 years ago, he had a very dry and flat voice and that made his gaming even funnier. This one particular video I remember cuz I was laughing so hard was him playing this bonkers low res wrestling game. I'm sorry if this is too vague but it's all I can recall, I've never been able to find his channel again

No. 1569286>>1569650

File (hide): 1683377722072.jpg (125.65 KB, 720x960, lana del nonny.jpg)

Could it be this one? >>>/ot/1565748

No. 1569650

Her face looks really bad. All that plastic surgery has fucked her up. I'm glad she's embracing her real nose and now you can see her bump (got rid of fillers in between her brows to make it look button nosed) but her cheeks and the rest of her face look like dogshit.

No. 1569654

Picture of a normal looking white guy with his head turned dramatically against his own shoulder with his eyes closed. The bottom says something like "But I'm Non Binary…." In a cursivy font.

No. 1569708>>1571780

I'm not sure if this is real or something I made up but years ago there was a picture of Marina(the singer) at a costume party where she was dressed up as Cartman from South Park. I vividly remember that the photo created a minor shitstorm on tumblr but I can't find the photo no matter what I search

No. 1569713>>1569717>>1569744>>1569753>>1569925

File (hide): 1683416532438.png (97.09 KB, 962x688, whysoexpensive.png)

my purse is dying, i got it at a thrift store for $3 5 or 6 years ago. is there somewhere i can find something similar that isn't $100 or should i cross my fingers and hope i find another one at a thrift store? or is there something similar that is similar quality so i can just keep it forever? i don't mind paying around $100-200 for something new if i can use it for the next ten years. it's a tossup if whatever i order used will be in good condition leather wise

No. 1569717

i should have posted this in /g/ sorry i'm mentally handicapped i never use that board

No. 1569744

Have you tried thredup? They have tons of old coach purses.

No. 1569750

Cat edits to 80s 90s and early 2000s pop songs, if not I will keep making them myself

No. 1569753

I also buy vintage coach because I got one at a goodwill for $7 and it’s the perfect purse for me but they are getting harder and harder to find and the price is climbing like crazy especially for ones in good condition. Sorry you’re suffering the same curse.

No. 1569831

sorry if this is not the right thread but im trying to remember a manga i read a few years ago. it was some psychological horror manga (not really in terms of art, not junji ito or anything). it was about a group of 4 students who were friends, 2 were boys 2 were girls. they had this sort of game going on where i think one of them was a killer (or like, they were trying to out someone in the group). the manga used aliases for them (so like A-kun, B-chan) or whatever instead of actual names. i remember A (the mc) did that japanese curse game at his house (hitori kakurenbo). also that one of the girls had a doppeldanger? KEK sorry if i sound like a schizo

No. 1569925>>1569937>>1633924

File (hide): 1683438376419.png (129.52 KB, 1342x597, 656n56n56n5.png)

sorry if I'm not telling you anything new, nona, but have you tried Goodwill Auctions, as well? I typed in "Vintage Coach Leather Bag" just now and it seems like they're listing lower prices than your screenshot from Ebay (I'm guessing). I go on Goodwill auctions for some specific things. Honestly I feel like their prices are better than other places and they usually ship fast. Sometimes you can buy stuff without bidding, as well. Maybe worth a shot?

No. 1569937>>1569970

nta but how did you even load this? all I get on there is 404 error

No. 1569961>>1569969>>1572680

File (hide): 1683443987674.jpg (26.45 KB, 450x610, bbgs.jpg)

Throwing this out into the dark, does anyone know the specific model number of this Baby-G Shock watch?

No. 1569969>>1569978

File (hide): 1683445012551.png (93.85 KB, 861x531, watch.png)

Casio Baby-G Bg-140 though the color doesn't look as nice all these years later

No. 1569970

File (hide): 1683445076159.png (221.46 KB, 1832x862, d'fsdkfdkf'sfk.png)

Not sure… where are you browsing from? I just typed the search in my post, and I'm vanilla surfing (no VPN) from the US (but I am using adblock). Not sure what's going on on your end, hope you can fiddle around with browser settings and work it out!

No. 1569978>>1570067

Damn, what a shame. Truly a product of its time.

No. 1570000>>1570396>>1571352

File (hide): 1683449714602.jpg (113.07 KB, 1280x845, tumblr_63f3be1e5cc8bf8159d6d60…)

Reposting cuz I still can't find it kek. I’ve been trying to find an animated short film for years. I think I saw it on a cartoon channel like nickelodeon. It was a young girl and her pet (or maybe it was a robot?)and she lived in an underground city. Everyone lives underground for some reason, and the world above is taboo. At the end she escapes through a hatch to the surface and leaves to explore on a flying skateboard thing. Also I'm pretty sure the pet talked.

No. 1570067

File (hide): 1683459764829.jpg (31.98 KB, 1000x851, a9vc2a3erxj01.jpg)

unfortunately that's just silicone, think picrel. baby-g watches being made today are still pretty cute just don't get a transparent silicone one if you want it to hold up for a long time

No. 1570376

File (hide): 1683484775130.jpeg (229.44 KB, 2828x2828, brand.jpeg)

anyone know what brand this is? i asked in the fashion thread but no one answered

No. 1570396>>1570552

Can you describe the style of the show? It could've been a short or pilot episode of a show that was never made

It also sounds like a book/movie called City of Ember, though it wasn't made into a cartoon that i know of and she didn't have a pet in it

No. 1570552>>1571352

File (hide): 1683502918724.jpg (119.18 KB, 600x829, 1174383.jpg)

It was very 'cartoony' style. Not anime or realistic. Kinda similar to pic. And I'm pretty sure the main character was a white girl with short hair. I've heard of city of ember but I'm pretty sure this was not related

No. 1571317>>1571353

File (hide): 1683567581450.png (2.26 MB, 1702x1044, Screen Shot 2023-05-08 at 10.3…)

can anyone ID this camera?

No. 1571352>>1571741

Is it Subway to Paradise nonnie?

No. 1571353

File (hide): 1683569756272.jpg (51.5 KB, 1500x1500, UWS_13_White.0001_1500x.jpg)

Reto slim

No. 1571741

File (hide): 1683606719532.jpeg (54.74 KB, 683x569, FGdyZ3kWYAE0j-K.jpeg)

Never heard of this movie before. Tbh it does seem very similar. It's possible my brain mixed memories of Subway to Paradise with something else and invented a cartoon that isn't real kek. Cuz I've been looking for this thing for literal years and Subway to Paradise seems like the closest thing to what I remember. Thanks for helping me (maybe) find it nona!

No. 1571776>>1688169

File (hide): 1683610658838.webm (4.55 MB, 608x1080, moYBA-30X7oSA0dW.webm) [play once] [loop]

Anyone know the channel @ of the big guy

No. 1571779>>1572656

moistcr1tikal/penguinz0 sumotori?

No. 1571780>>1572651

File (hide): 1683611469422.jpg (64.95 KB, 660x598, marina cartman.jpg)

No. 1571825>>1572616>>1572671

File (hide): 1683617223424.png (256.66 KB, 803x1070, Capture.PNG)

What would you call the dress/style of dress Else is wearing in this photo? I would like to find an image of the actual historical equivalent (not aliexpress).

No. 1572616

File (hide): 1683673792542.jpg (68.42 KB, 720x1132, STRIPED-COTTON-DAY-DRESS-c.-18…)

It looks like a leg of mutton sleeve dress, or puff sleeve dress, sort of like picrel. The high neckline and long sleeves were common for daytime wear in that era, I'm sure you can find something similar nowadays.

No. 1572651

I owe you my life nonnie I have been searching for that forever

No. 1572656>>1572663

damn he used to be funny when no one knew he wasn't an obese truck driver

No. 1572663

he genuinely was hilarious in his older videos me and my sister always quoted them all the time. We barely watch him at all now because he’s so lame and boring

No. 1572665>>1724614

I'm looking for a mid to early 2000's song about two rabbits and a wolf. I can remember anime cover art, and a chorus line of, "Who is killing me?" but I can't remember the name or artist. The plot of the song I think is the wolf and rabbit one are close and rabbit two kills the first rabbit and frames the wolf. This is driving me nuts so if you can help I'd be very grateful.

No. 1572671

The cinching below the puff means they're Juliet sleeves. If you don't like the cinching and just want them to get narrower until the wrist, you want like the other woman said, the muttonleg sleeves.

No. 1572680

Holy shit I remember I wanted one of these so bad, I would have rocked the hell out of it with my gigantic platform skechers

No. 1573258

Hello Nonnies, I'm searching for a song, i never knew the name, but i believe it was popular when it came out. I don't remember any of the lyrics either, but I do remember it was a woman singing and the music video was people opening closing different color umbrellas. I hope someone knows what I'm talking about

No. 1573290>>1573298

I'm looking for this girl's channel that had only 2 uploads but like millions of the views. In the first video she all spontaneously shaves her head bald and in the other she runs off to Paris. I think it might've been some art school project honestly.

No. 1573296

File (hide): 1683744828612.jpeg (286.97 KB, 1668x2194, 08C58263-A3B4-4EAB-BCAB-F5CB85…)

I'm 100% sure there's an artist who does the same style of these character sketches but I can't remember their name please remind me

No. 1573298

No. 1573316>>1573328

There was a Naruto doujin where Hinata used her technique on Naruto to see his dick and it had two endings. One where she is like "aww it's so cute it looks like a drill" and I think Neji understood what she did and was like wtf and another where she doesn't like the shape of and is like "ew what is that" but Neji is oblivious. It feels like a fake memory but knowing doujin artists it's not unlikely it existed

No. 1573328>>1573717

I swear this was a comic on DeviantArt, and it was badly drawn as well.

No. 1573605

Female Korean artist who really likes the color purple and makes journals and stationary, fairly popular I think, relaxing videos

No. 1573717

my very cloudy memory remembers I saw it on google search and was a translated doujin or it at least had a decent artstyle. Maybe I could look on dA but it's highly unlikely I'll find it let alone the site seems to have gone to shit

No. 1574269>>1574631

Any song that sounds similar to #7, tsuki ni suwaru hitori/futari, starting at 7:25. Might be a jpop song from up until the 80s, might be a game BGM, might be a vocaloid song. I myself am not sure what I'm looking for, only, that it sounds similar to it, so please hit me up with anything you can think of.

No. 1574614>>1578392

File (hide): 1683873784265.jpeg (106.66 KB, 720x910, 9BEF137D-92A7-4121-B4D3-042CE8…)

Looking for an Anorexia Documentary that followed some women in the UK in the early 2000s. One was obsessed with Mary-Kate Olsen and shows her going to prom and posting on live journal and another women with dark red hair who invites another girl to live with her. I know they followed one more woman whose name was Theodora but that’s about all I remember. I think it was made by “look human” on YouTube or something but I think it’s been removed and I’ve been looking for it!

No. 1574631>>1596199

cant remember which one but reminds me of undertale songs

No. 1574737>>1575207

Manga about 3 teens finding a dead body, two girls and a guy.
One of the girls has short dark hair and is an idol with an bulimia. The guy is gay, I think.
I think of it often but can't recall the name.

No. 1575207>>1575894

File (hide): 1683914500875.png (101.17 KB, 694x1000, bd5c2fce-b809-4e9b-9b12-76f04a…)

sounds like River's Edge by Okazaki Kyoko

No. 1575544

This is probably the stupidest help me find I couldn't find her account but maybe nonas active on radfem twitter can help. there's a girl who goes by taylor jean I think or something like that she's black and the bow emoji in her bio she used to be active on rf spaces but I'm not sure if she is anymore

No. 1575894

Yes! Thank you so much, nona.

No. 1576323>>1577173>>1829464

File (hide): 1683982848623.png (67.56 KB, 5394x2854, website.png)

Experimental website that could identify ethnicity based on photo. Made by some students.

No. 1577173>>1577174

File (hide): 1684041241839.jpg (44.11 KB, 1268x639, photo-ethnicity-analyzer.jpg)

there was kairos that was hugely popular but they shut it down

No. 1577174

and gradient app but that wasn't a website

No. 1577575>>1578003

So this is a long shot, but about nine months ago nonna asked for help finding a movie that had a creature coming out of a wound on a woman's leg. Also mentioned the leg wound getting worse through the movie and people dying in a pit. Anyway, that stuck in my mind because I'm a big horror movie person and today it clicked that I think nonna was trying to find the 2008 box office bomb "The Ruins". Idk if she's still here but I think that was it.

No. 1578003

File (hide): 1684128614022.jpeg (263.95 KB, 1200x1782, The Ruins (2008).jpeg)

the old thread still has some posts left, maybe you can reply to that nonny with your find? ( >>1295286 )

No. 1578007

File (hide): 1684128961022.png (Spoiler Image,170.91 KB, 1366x615, michaelhussar_daddysgirl.png)

Super old post but I was excited to know the answer lol. The artist is Michael Hussar, the painting is unfortunately called Daddy's Girl.

No. 1578008>>1581246

File (hide): 1684129094859.jpg (169.16 KB, 1080x1423, annahaifisch_odefeder.jpg)

Not b&w, but I think it's this? The artist is Anna Haifisch, it's in her book The Artist Ode an die Feder

No. 1578058>>1578059>>1578085

File (hide): 1684139890779.jpg (12.65 KB, 800x800, Paustian-Wolfard-Oil-Lamp_6-to…)

that's an oil lamp

No. 1578059

I was tricked

No. 1578085

yeah you got it, deleted cause I found a listing with its title.

No. 1578353>>1578356

A website that allowed me to watch YouTube without it being youtube, it was something like YTude or something.

No. 1578356>>1578371

No. 1578371

Thanks but it wasn't these two, it had a Y at its starting.

No. 1578392>>1580435

Thin Club. It's on vimeo but you have to log in to watch

No. 1578889

ANON IM SO GLAD I FOUND YOU! I was scouting the internet for this years ago, I believe it’s this? Called Thin Club, it was scrubbed off the internet for some reason. I tried to upload it here but the .mov is too large:

No. 1578893>>1580348>>1592784

File (hide): 1684215624030.jpg (159.53 KB, 1280x1280, IMG_20230516_003821_900.jpg)

Can anyone help me find an old painting of a demon like monster dude standing in a field of flowers? It has a melancholy vibe, the demon looks very out of place and odd and he has a shadowy expression on his face like he knows he doesn't belong in the field. I tried to recreate how I remember it looking, picrel.

No. 1580286>>1580292>>1580322

File (hide): 1684353852428.jpg (53.99 KB, 784x530, 8355-A7FF5.jpg)

Does anyone know where this is from?

No. 1580292>>1580317>>1580322>>1580343

move to Russia ad

No. 1580317

Thank you, Christ I thought this was a parody when I first watched it.

No. 1580322

>no cancel culture
Yeah, people just mysteriously disappear instead…

No. 1580343

The ad text should have been

No. 1580348>>1580421

File (hide): 1684357677648.jpg (97.33 KB, 1000x666, 16_sandbox-1024x682.jpg)

maybe it has nothing to do with what you are looking for but it reminded me of katy towell's illustrations.

No. 1580421

Yeah this definitely isn't related to what I'm looking for but it's still very cute kek.

No. 1580435

File (hide): 1684367853845.jpg (21.56 KB, 540x307, 87500ba_540.jpg)

BASED thank you anon you're the best!!

No. 1580639>>1590797

File (hide): 1684396705458.jpeg (18.65 KB, 240x339, 84C3DE7B-BE7D-42F3-A8FF-E17228…)


No. 1580654>>1580707

I saw this picture of Devon Aoki in one of the threads where anons were discussing short models on the runway. I checked the fashion thread but it wasn't there. The lighting in the image was very blue

No. 1580707>>1580708

File (hide): 1684406485991.jpg (75.46 KB, 598x830, Devon Aoki.jpg)

No. 1580708>>1580725

yesss thank you!!! it's so pretty

No. 1580725

File (hide): 1684409932718.png (3.46 KB, 452x138, lcf search function.png)

Lovely to hear nonny! PSA to nonnies looking for lcf posts: there's a search function at the bottom of the board generals. Link is https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=015039435983255579989:ewpleqypgn0

No. 1580728

television(? or maybe streaming) series of two women in the city, i think one of them was black but idk. has to be made in or after 2015 because the intro features the famous black and blue/white and gold dress worn by both protagonists

No. 1580943

Does anybody have that mspaintrelationship comic where the girl gets rejected by a guy for being fat so she gives him a soda (already opened with roofies in it) and when he passes out she rapes him

No. 1581072>>1581083

File (hide): 1684440101160.jpg (32.41 KB, 800x800, ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა.JPG)

Hopefully this request is appropriate for this thread, if it isn’t could someone point me in the right direction?
I’m looking for stores (ideally with international shipping options) in which to buy “aesthetic” if I hear aesthetic once again, specially when I know they mean cute school supplies and/or stationery for my niece. Preferably not part of a franchise, e.g. Sanrio.
I know I could Google but I want firsthand experiences with stores, a lot seem a bit sus. Thank in advanced, nonitas!

No. 1581083>>1581115


No. 1581084>>1581610

anyone have a version of house of leaves i can read on pc/phone but it preserves the format of the print version?

No. 1581115

Thanks nonita, I considered it. If it were for me/not a gift, I’d be more keen but I find Ali to be very hit or miss.
I know Temu is Ali rebranded for the US, do you think it’s a bit better in their quality control?
I was just looking at JetPens (for pencil cases) and OOLY, would love more options.

No. 1581231>>1581596

File (hide): 1684450851102.jpeg (37.53 KB, 810x539, 1_Screenshot_20201016_193232_o…)

I'm looking for a picture or a screenshot (maybe from 4chan?) of a removed sticker with 2-4 razor blades underneath with the caption "german engineering" on it.

No. 1581246

I'm the anon you're replying to, this is it!!!! Thank you so much

No. 1581596>>1581635

File (hide): 1684505630465.jpg (129.83 KB, 750x1124, German engineering.jpg)

here you go nonny

No. 1581610>>1581649

File (hide): 1684507118664.png (562.69 KB, 1897x730, House of Leaves, Copies Compar…)

Photo on the left is one I found online of the print version and the photo on the right is of a screenshot of a pdf I grabbed off libgen.

No. 1581635>>1581641

holy cow nonners tysm! ♥

No. 1581641

no worries nonnie! i actually only know about that post because i saw it here on lc lol

No. 1581649>>1581661

Oh I thought the libgen pdfs were all the same with cleaned up formatting, nice. I've been reading it like that but I feel like I'm not getting the full experience. Thank you!!!!

No. 1581661

>libgen pdfs were all the same with cleaned up formatting
I think it usually just depends on the uploader and the book. This one is quite old and it's formatted very uniquely so it's be easier for the original uploader to scan the entire thing. Glad to be of help!

No. 1581803>>1581804

Where is the celebcow thread? Catalogue keeps crashing my browser on mobile so I can't search.

No. 1581804

No. 1582223>>1582259

File (hide): 1684558520160.gif (421.74 KB, 220x152, IMG_0007.gif)

Is there a comic book where Superman flies Lois into the sky above Metropolis for date night and they have sex midair above the city or did I imagine that in coombrained haze?

No. 1582259>>1582278

File (hide): 1684561889365.jpeg (261.74 KB, 791x1200, Man of Steel, Action Comics #1…)

Is it picrel?

No. 1582278>>1582295

Very close! The one I’m remembering was above sky skyline of the city and slightly more direct as to what was going on. This is probably the one I was thinking of but if it’s happened more than once I’ll genuinely lose it.

No. 1582295

Sorry nonny, this is the only one I know of. Maybe you saw it in a fan-made comic? I'm not sure the official comics would include that (could be wrong but that's what I'd assume for comic books that are supposed to appeal to children)

No. 1582430>>1582508

What's that song that goes "oooooohhhh ae-aiaaahhyo abababa" with a kinda latin beat

No. 1582508>>1582580

I'm not completely sure if it's this one, but your description reminded me of it (could also be because I was looking for this song recently by searching up 'aiyaya' everywhere kek). There's a chance of it being Makeba by Jain too though, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=59Q_lhgGANc

No. 1582580>>1582720

Thank you anon, but I actually ended up finding it! It's Mas Que Nada. Nothing worse than not being able to remember a song in a different language

No. 1582720

That's a great song! Happy to know that you found it.

No. 1582791>>1582794>>1582903

File (hide): 1684617412250.gif (9.04 MB, 355x200, 2FD62DC1-DF24-4A1F-8345-793DAC…)

Where is this from and what is the context? Is she a closeted lesbian or a homophobe?

No. 1582794>>1582795

She's afraid she's a lesbian

No. 1582795>>1582896

But who is she and where is this from?

No. 1582896

It's Kath from Aussie TV Show Kath and Kim. It's a comedy.

No. 1582903


No. 1584735>>1584767

File (hide): 1684815179555.png (11 KB, 222x309, Sans Pill.png)

Nonnies did any of you ever came across the "sans pill" post? every once in a while I think about it but my memories are hazy. I remember it was before the bunker, but I don't know if I read the actual post or a screenshot of it, I lean more towards the former. It said something among the lines of:
>"Do you think moids believe in a sans pill like they believe in the dog pill? do they realise there are women out there willing to fuck sans but not a moid?"
I used the LC search engine and regular Google and the closest thing I found was some ko-chan/sans impregnation debauchery in a caps thread.

No. 1584767>>1584768>>1585587

Maybe you mean this post?

No. 1584768>>1584777

nonny you found it!! jeez is from 2 years ago, you are the real VMP ♥ thank u

No. 1584777>>1584778

You're welcome. I just used the search function and searched for "sanspill" including the double quotes. That's how you get exact matches on Google.

No. 1584778

I see! thank you for the hack, I'll use it from now on.

No. 1585587>>1585590

Might as well expand the meaning to any wacky cartoon/video game sexyman. A goofy animated man is more fuckable to foids than an incel. But to catch on it will require them speaking to actual women so not a chance.

No. 1585590

Related to this would be the Nemupill: if an incel was an animated fictional character there could be at least one mentally ill woman who would have him as a husbando.

No. 1585801>>1585823

that one wojak comic where someone's like i want to amputate my arm and the doctor goes clearly you are mentally unwell but then a tranny says he wants to cut his dick off or whatever the doctor's like yes of course this is very normal

No. 1585823

File (hide): 1684937982481.jpg (242.03 KB, 1499x1536, mental illness.jpg)

No. 1585912>>1586662

An image of a kitten skipping in a filed with the text above it being something like "don't care + this is literally"

No. 1586662>>1586679

File (hide): 1684994452838.jpg (52.12 KB, 750x498, bb884997f0867565d6f2011ca58f1d…)

No. 1586679

File (hide): 1684996899749.jpg (48.82 KB, 827x789, EnZpyIOXEAIaSWE.jpg)

Thank you

No. 1586766>>1589223

File (hide): 1685007326167.png (4.12 MB, 828x1792, 5D13235B-5630-41D9-A2A6-CD36CE…)

Where can I buy clothing like this? It seems to be modern traditional Indian clothing

No. 1586815>>1595154>>1602672>>1603375>>1603586

I feel like I'm losing my mind. Anons, does a music video of a Japanese singer exist where she's wearing a (red?) plaid shirt and a cowboy hat with boots, and is singing inside of a barn with band members who are also wearing cowboy hats?
It's not 大塚 愛 / バイバイ

No. 1589106

A song, it's a guy singing, its him singing about a girl, genre is pop or pop-alternative and he said "god only knows" but I'm decently sure that is not the title because I've heard the song before. Pls anons its driving me nuts.

No. 1589223

A friend of mine her family bussiness makes clothing modern traditional clothing (not Indian tho and mostly for weddings) and they don't have a website or instagram but thrive on word of mouth advertisement, basically you have to be in their community to know where to purchase clothing like that. Since you didn't get any info here, it might be worth asking around in an Indian community instead.

No. 1590441>>1590772

File (hide): 1685305627341.gif (1.19 MB, 220x150, 7706243D-095F-453A-84B0-C240C2…)

Where is this from?

No. 1590772

gif starts around 02:26

No. 1590797>>1590798

Did some digging and found out that it’s never been digitized because the director only wants it shown without breaks in the theatrical format. The last time it showed in Tokyo was sometime around 2018 I think. Sorry Nona.

No. 1590798>>1590801

You are a legend. Not to be a redditor but could you link me the source where he said that? (the search was driving me crazy)

No. 1590801>>1590892

File (hide): 1685335425089.jpeg (42.04 KB, 750x446, 4915A308-CEBC-46A6-B902-8BDD8E…)

Trying to re-find the blog that specifically mentions the theater-only thing, but I’m on the worlds shittiest mobile data at the moment. I’ll post it when I can get it to load. Took a screen cap of the single Yahoo! movies review from 2018 where the reviewer mentions that the movie isn’t available on DVD though. Left off the part with minor spoilers. Sorry, I was doing all of the searching in JP.

No. 1590892

Thank you so much, I did my own digging about it and couldn't find any evidence of a digital release, but having official confirmation from the director gives me closure.

No. 1590955>>1827204

Does anyone have the meme of a small cat being pet by a lot of hands and the caption says "when everyone likes your instagram story"
thanks nonnies

No. 1590997>>1591017>>1591417>>1594082>>1594206

File (hide): 1685359986813.png (282.94 KB, 560x305, okqwd4ynwla91.png)

Nonnies please help I am going CRAZY - this picture of a kitchen is from Stepford Wives 2004. I absolutely love this style of over the top American (?) kitchens with lots of food. My brain craves more images like this, but Pinterest and Google Image Search results are shit. Any ideas on what phrases and words I can search to see pics like this?

No. 1591017

Maybe try cornucopia

No. 1591304

i'm looking for a photo of one dress i found on vinted and i loved but i forgot to buy it and it was gone when i checked again. i decided to recreate it but my memory is hazy and only things i remember it was from monsoon, was linen, had flower embroidery or applique which was in similar color like fabric, dress itself was lilac, i think more muted shade or in melange fabric with lighter and darker threads. i was looking for similar one on image search, ebay, vinted, etc but i can't find it again. thanks for any nona who can help

No. 1591417>>1633943

File (hide): 1685394709971.jpg (143.29 KB, 752x1012, asdasd.JPG)

I love retro food and kitchens. The 70's was peak over the top for food, parties and interior design. I collect old cookbooks and lifestyle magazines and there's tons of pics like these in them. Check archive.org for scans. Good Housekeeping, Southern Living and Gourmet are good. If you really want to get into it you could check thrift stores and antique shops for vintage books with this aesthetic. The vast majority of old printed media like that isn't online anywhere. sorry if this isn't what you're looking for, I am too passionate about retro decadent dinner party spreads

No. 1592784>>1618515

File (hide): 1685502847717.jpg (89.35 KB, 465x750, 1473654286479.jpg)

Hope you're still hanging around nona; I believe this is the image you're looking for.
It's the book cover for Chamiel by Edward Pearson.

No. 1593119

There is that interview where Meghan Markle stares at her mother menacingly for interrupting her but I can only find silly edits of it. Can anyone link the original video?

No. 1593310

I'm pretty sure I've heard a Gourmet Race version where instead of the normal melody being played by an instrument, it sounds like Captain Falcon or another SSBM/SSBB character making an attack noise or something. And sadly I can't for the life of me find it on YouTube. And no I don't mean the one where Kirby says "Falcon punch" a lot, that was the one thing YouTube found, but that's not the one I mean.
I hope someone knows what I mean and can link me, I have the feeling it's got to be some old af thing that only people who've been on the internet for a while can remember.
Thanks in advance

No. 1593417

a music video for an alternative band that has a female singer that also plays guitar.
the concept of the music video is that they're performing on a public access tv show.
different guests come on the public access show and one guy is a conspiracy theorist so they put on tinfoil hats
can't remember the name of the band or song and it's been killing me

No. 1594082

I can't think of any off the top of my head but there are Tumblrs that post retro book and magazine scans, it's mostly fashion and interiors so you'll have to do a bit of digging to get to the kitchen photos.

No. 1594206

No. 1594634>>1595032>>1595038

File (hide): 1685654286729.jpg (55.88 KB, 563x946, 236ad7c844b8bd99c7e933e8bba25b…)

this picture without the text

No. 1595032

File (hide): 1685703793453.jpg (287.49 KB, 1913x1033, Leon Cop Costume 3D model.jpg)

No. 1595038

I can understand why you don't want that dreadful text on it.

No. 1595154

No. 1595315>>1595343>>1595737>>1595738>>1596618

This might be a shot in the dark but I remember a song that was somewhat of a hit in Europe in the mid 2000s (at least some European countries? not sure which ones but I've heard it quite a few times in mine), kinda ballad-y/slower and kinda melancholic but still very much a pop song. A man sings the verses and a woman sings the chorus/hook. I remember a video in a mansion or at a poolside I think? I never knew the language but I remember it was definitely not English or French or German or Spanish or Italian and probably not a Slavic language either, might not even be a European language but I'm not that sure.

No. 1595343>>1595350

this is french but it might be this

No. 1595350

Lovely but definitely not this one, sorry.

No. 1595703>>1595733

File (hide): 1685785006419.jpeg (Spoiler Image,22.52 KB, 300x557, images (9).jpeg)

i see this pic on the internet from time to time back then. does anyone know its origin? spoiler: spoopy horror face

No. 1595733

Could an edit of the Jeff the killer creepypasta photo or the Japanese doll

No. 1595737>>1596108

This is in English but I remember it being popular in the mid 2000s and has a pool in it?

No. 1595738>>1596108

Just look through the #1 hits lists of the 2000s in your country, should be pretty easy to spot if it's not English, French or Spanish.

No. 1596108

I didn't find it, I don't think it actually was a #1 hit, I just know I heard it enough times on the radio and TV that it probably was still popular enough, just not #1.

No. 1596199

Nope, never played Undertale and only know Megalovania from the memes. Found it myself actually, it was Gekkouka by Jeanne Da Arc. Thanks though.

No. 1596618

Found it accidentally, thank you youchewbe music and also everynonny who tried

No. 1598892

It was a video posted here, sorry if I’m completely off but I think it was Indian, Pakistani or something like that. It was from a movie that looked to be from the 70’s, it was a group of men singing in a mall and then everyone else eventually joined in, I thought I saved it but I can’t find it anywhere pls help nonnies

No. 1602672

help please

No. 1603330>>1603352

Ok. Old dumb comedy skit of a (kinda) handsome guy arguing with a cat in a old ga gangsters outfit. Man argues with cat about cat stealing his girl, and ends wiith a shoot out. I think he yells “YOU SMOOOCHED MY GAL”
I will award 500000000 points* to whoever finds it
*terms and condtions apply. Points cannot be exchange for anything sorry, love you

No. 1603352

Nevermind it clicked in my head
Enjoy it OR NOT

No. 1603375>>1603430>>1603592

I feel like I've seen an MV like that some time, but I can't remember whose it is for the life of mine. If it's actually a group, maybe you could try looking through single medleys ([group name, eg Berryz工房] シングルメドレー) for various groups? The only one that I can think of right now that sounds vaguely related is Matsuura Ayas Momoiro no Kataomoi, but that's only the boot + hat combo.

No. 1603395

File (hide): 1686452931768.png (1.76 KB, 574x369, 1639000788291.png)

Reposting this from over a year ago bc I'm still looking:
>Do any of you guys remember the web address to that mock-jigoku tsuushin from jigoku shoujo? I remember finding one once which looked exactly like the one from the anime, and just like canon you could only ever use it at midnight Japanese time. I think otherwise it would show a 404 page? I know there's jigokutsushin.it but you can access it around the clock, so that's not it.

No. 1603430

this reminded me so much of the NPCs on pokemon colosseum and also weird british kids tv shows at the same time

No. 1603586>>1603592

No. 1603592


No. 1604755

File (hide): 1686595373032.jpg (60.51 KB, 500x625, o.JPG)

Hi >>>/snow/1845220 Nonita, I don’t know the exact brand she is wearing but searching for “puff sleeve embossed floral baby doll dress”, yields a few very similar dresses. Hopefully this helps you with your search. Good luck!

No. 1604987

This TikTok of a group of cosplayers and then it’s like the cute one the funny one, it’s ouran high school host club and all of them look accurate but the last one is a fat black dude in like an orange wig and it’s like the strong silent type

No. 1608393>>1608406

File (hide): 1686875677328.jpg (153.4 KB, 1000x667, sssonic.jpg)

Hopefully more Sonic spergs who were around the internet a decade ago can find what I'm looking for. I remember there being a YouTube video labeling some jungle / techno song as an unreleased hidden song from Sonic Adventure, the video used a 100x100 photo of the Japanese Sonic Adventure disc, basically pic attached. As it turns out, the song was NOT from Sonic Adventure, but some obscure Sonic YouTuber did use the song for his opening graphic. I just want to find this song. From what I'm aware, the video has been taken down.

No. 1608406

I have to stop asking, because I keep finding what I'm looking for in a few minutes

No. 1611045

File (hide): 1687110721552.jpg (109.79 KB, 1242x1228, ErbjJ86UcAEpeYX.jpg_large.jpg)

Looking for picrel but with the male symbol crossed out in the thought bubble

No. 1611220

File (hide): 1687120139567.jpg (105.88 KB, 850x850, sample_8370ff877af0023f2f10402…)

Can someone find me that video of the Chris-chan bootleg troon dancing and saying "TRANSISTIC PRIDE"?
I think it got deleted from yt..

No. 1611606>>1614721>>1615340>>1615348

File (hide): 1687148018323.jpeg (370.83 KB, 2048x2048, 0E08A310-53FB-4ADC-B3E8-27F391…)

What is this thing?
I saw it on a car windscreen
Scoured the internet for any key words like “caterpillar windscreen toy plush” etc etc
Any nonnies know what or where to find it?

No. 1611618

File (hide): 1687149330228.jpg (62.02 KB, 1384x414, robohashes.jpg)

Several people I've worked with have had these generated robot profile pictures. I thought they were knockoff Futurama NFTs at first, but apparently they're from this site https://robohash.org/

This left me with more questions than answers though. Why the would you use this shit as a profile picture? Were these popularized by something less overtly autistic?

No. 1613830>>1634231

File (hide): 1687369964105.png (3.32 KB, 247x101, Untitled.png)

Does anybody have the meme that looks sort of like picrel? It should be a deep fried screencap of a tweet or a facebook post. The train of thought never resolves, it's all sentence fragments and lovey emojis. I often used to see it on Tumblr when people were gushing about their favourite characters.

No. 1614715>>1614827

File (hide): 1687453514498.jpeg (157.82 KB, 1125x1384, IMG_0836.jpeg)

does anybody know where this bathing suit is from? ofc she's gatekeeping

No. 1614721

File (hide): 1687454019261.jpg (254.25 KB, 1600x1600, Worm-From-Labyrinths-Handmade-…)

Found it nonna

No. 1614827

it's realistically gonna be shein or one of those dropshipping/chinese sites - it looks quite cheap, especially where you can see the seaming around the strawberries on the bottoms. try reverse image searching if you haven't already

No. 1615306>>1615312

someone help me find the yungcynical thread please, i know a moid who might have been involved in that whole debacle and need to look through it.

No. 1615312>>1615331

No. 1615331

thank you kind nonita

No. 1615340

File (hide): 1687519307325.jpg (25.19 KB, 600x600, cfae66935d0d6509e899e0efe09ee3…)

it's a nici brand green worm keychain. i only found pink and blue on shopee (picrel), but there's a second hand one on some brazillian(?) website, i found it with lens: https://www.enjoei.com.br/p/chaveiro-fofo-30593857?rsid=c1af2900-f805-4cd7-9e16-042042d51e95-1687519029351&rsp=1&rspix=10

No. 1615348

No. 1616836

Was there a home & health show about teens with eating disorders/anorexia or am i misremembering/imagining it?
I tried looking it up on youtube but it didn't came up

No. 1618515

thank you so much this is it

No. 1619832

There's a song in spanish that's quite aggressive and angry and in the music video it has a part where the singer who is a woman is on the toilet, please help me find it, i don't want to google angry latina woman singing on toilet.

No. 1620128>>1620136

File (hide): 1688019205648.jpg (6.14 KB, 300x168, 00-14-56-Z.jpg)

Y'all i got an actual imposible one.

So, for YEARS i've been trying on and off searching for this one creepypasta/horror/spooky story i heard on a youtube video once. Thing is, said video was from a spanish-speaking youtuber who narrated the story (classic stealing creepypastas and reading them on your channel type of content). So i tried multiple times to find this story in every possible english combination of words with absolutely no results.

The story was about a guy who finds the PS3 account of a deceased friend log in as he played GTA 4 online. He tried to speak to him thinking it was a hacker but then the dead guy's character started to approach his character in like a black car or something going full speed. So the guy ups and unplugs the PS3 and never touches GTA 4 again lol.

This is literally me scraping at the bottom of the barrel atm. I doubt the story is even real, or maybe it was taken from another game and the youtuber just switched up details. I honestly dfk anymore.

No. 1620136>>1620139

You still got the video you watched? Post it

No. 1620139>>1620145

Anon are you lost

No. 1620145>>1620400

I want to see the video so I can attempt to reverse-search the creepypasta in English, or find out if that youtuber made it up themselves instead of stealing it

No. 1620400


Story starts at 10:48

No. 1625976

There's this expensive pink briefcase bag with a large, long bow in the middle, except I can't remember the brand name. One thing I remember it's not Japanese (because those briefcase backpacks are popular in jfashion and this wasn't a jfashion brand), and I think it was nordic? But it expensive, and it came in black and pink, good quality and long bows. Anybody know?

No. 1626025

>vegan leather
So just plastic? What a shame, those ecousi bags were so cute.

No. 1626238>>1634190

I randomly remembered this game i used to play as a kid. It was some sort of a maze game where I had to move boxes, collect shiny stuff and find the exit with this purple alien character that kinda looks like the purple teletubbie (it had trumpet ears iirc). It was 2.5D and probably is from around '97 - '01, as my bootleg copies had games from that era.

No. 1626405>>1626412>>1626501

File (hide): 1688672554438.jpg (32.48 KB, 735x444, i believe in unicorns.jpg)

PLEASE does anyone remember this book titled something along the lines of "guide to [something]" made around 2012 and it was filled with tumblr girl aesthetics and it was formatted like a magazine iirc like lots of pictures collages and such i don't think it was text heavy at all. there were volumes made after it too. the cover was beige but with other graphics some of which were girls. the title IF i'm right was written in that one thin long/tall font you know the one (rae dunn?) but i'm not 100% on that. it had the visuals similar to picrel (which is also a tumblr inspired movie from around the same "era")
it's killing me that i forgot the name and i'm praying that one of you know what i'm talking about

No. 1626412>>1626501

File (hide): 1688672970872.jpg (81.31 KB, 474x842, ibiu.jpg)

samefag i found an even better example i'm almost certain the graphics on there were similar to picrel

No. 1626501>>1627041>>1627047>>1627099

File (hide): 1688679083806.jpg (211.54 KB, 825x1000, rookie yearbook one.jpg)

last samefag i found it it was rookie yearbook one !!!! kek nothing to do with the title i remembered but i was in the right direction

No. 1627041>>1627046

I have never heard of this but I'm intrigued and want to read it, 2012 me would've loved this I think. Does someone have a pdf?

No. 1627046>>1627209

never mind I found it on webarchive, I unironically love it. Takes me right back to the early 10s.

No. 1627047

>Zooey Deschanel
>Joss Whedon
I've been transported

No. 1627099

File (hide): 1688736953410.jpg (1015.55 KB, 888x1245, Screenshot_20230706-013801_Ins…)

Fuckkk yes Rookie. So comfy, excellent interviews. Cute fashions.

No. 1627200>>1627291>>1627319>>1627714

My coworker was telling me about a video game she watched a friend play when she was a kid, she's guessing she was around 8 years old and she's 29 now so sometime around the 2000s, it was on a console but she doesn't remember which one. She says you had to fight monsters and that your character was the only human around, aside from a mysterious person that was always behind a door that you could talk to. That's all she remembers but it sounded interesting so I wanted to find it.

No. 1627209>>1627269>>1650764

ayrt wait anon really? i can only find the free trial version and it's pissing me off. can't find it anywhere else. can anyone help me out i'm dying to read the full thing

No. 1627247>>1717844

File (hide): 1688748230767.png (712.25 KB, 1080x776, Screenshot_20230707-114424.png)

I'm looking for another video game cheats website that shared a lot of imported cheat lists that were also on CheatCC. The site I want had a tan or gray-ish user interface. Black and blue hyperlink text. I remember it focused on Easter eggs too.

No. 1627269>>1650764

You have to make a free account though to "loan" it, you can't download it or anything

No. 1627291

do you remember which console it was?

No. 1627319>>1627501>>1627515

File (hide): 1688753086547.jpeg (40.92 KB, 265x375, 3F801EB4-724C-443E-B351-A3D227…)

Ask your coworker if they remember the logos of the game companies involved. Since most games could be released for all consoles under different port ins so it might be hard to know which one has it exclusively. The art style helps a lot too, if its more cutesy like pokemon, edgy like digimon or if its realistic and had a more intense atmosphere. Dark Cloud for the ps2 is a popular rpg with the same premise it could be that

No. 1627456

Posted it already 5 months ago with no results so I decited to try again: I watched a tv show many years ago, I'm not sure how many, but I think around 15 years ago. Main character was a teenage girl. I only remember that in one of the episodes her parents would be performing in the "hair" musical and they were stressed out about getting naked on stage. Does anyone know the name of the show? I've been trying to find it since forever.

No. 1627501

I'll ask her when I see her next. I think she said it was a horror game, or at the very least freaked her out as a kid

No. 1627515

nta but nah, there was a lot of other humans in dark cloud (amazing game btw)

No. 1627714>>1628297

File (hide): 1688775932142.png (229.36 KB, 351x431, ErnestBFAW.png)

This sounds like silent hill 2: born from a wish. It's a short side story where you play as maria alone in silent hill. The only person you meet is a voice behind a door that won't reveal itself. I think it was in the special edition of the game

No. 1628297

She said it looks familiar, she originally thought the protagonist was male but figures she probably saw her friend play the main story as well and mixed it up in her memories. Thanks anons!

No. 1628329>>1628535

There's this crunchy/poor resolution islamic meme of the main character from Peaky Blinders wearing his hat and looking up to the sky (in side profile view) in the daylight with a sepia tone over the image that says "good morning I hate women" does anyone have it?

No. 1628535>>1628561>>1629573

File (hide): 1688856254061.jpg (85.39 KB, 720x883, FEKeB00WYA4dq-e.jpg)

Is this it?

No. 1628561

Thank uuuuuu it was actually exactly that

No. 1629545

Does anyone know of this one youtuber who talked about some DeviantArt Drama she was involved in and used images of Edward Elric from Full Metal Alchemist as reactions while talking about said drama? It was peak background noise for me and I'd like to find it again, newer drama commentary channels don't hit the same.

No. 1629573

kinda making me kek that you had to check it was the right meme. Like no, it's the other crunchy/poor resolution islamic meme of the main character from Peaky Blinders wearing his hat and looking up to the sky (in side profile view) in the daylight with a sepia tone over the image that says "good morning I hate women"

No. 1629980

File (hide): 1688997998510.png (2.81 MB, 2186x1625, 1535463590239.png)

Accidentally posted this in the old thread so reposting here.

Where can I get picrel lamp or similar?

Reverse image search isn't working because of the blinds.

Looks like a Vietnamese silk lantern crossed with a modern lamp.

All I can find are hanging lanterns without the lamp part or a few table lantern lamps that are plain.

No. 1630092>>1630120>>1630329>>1631557

File (hide): 1689010447828.jpeg (9.72 KB, 395x180, IMG_9104.jpeg)

I want to copy-paste this emoticon but I can’t find it and I’m in despair nonas

No. 1630120>>1630282

ᙏ i tried to post it but lc won’t display the face

No. 1630282

Thank you for the ears nona I’ll try to find the face

No. 1630329

Is it a real emoji? not sure what website that is but it seems like the html wouldn't normally allow the mouth and nose there to be so close to the text underneath (sorry can't remember the html terms for how far apart lines and text characters are from eachother but their zones don't normally overlap like that). Unless it's like creepy Zalgo text and drips down.

No. 1630487>>1717844

Looking for the Youtube video about trans shit with clips of this spliced in and the music of it playing throughout. I think it was 40 minutes long or something and may have been unlisted since the last time I watched it. sorry for bumping the old thread

No. 1630543

File (hide): 1689048549437.jpg (90 KB, 640x640, 1688751403541700.jpg)

Who is him

No. 1630748>>1633933

Any fictional radio recommendations for background listening? Something like Welcome to Night Vale, or from games, GTA San Andreas or VTM Bloodlines. Request thread is dead so posting here instead.

No. 1631112>>1631118>>1631303

Im looking for the name of a video of a woman who wore glasses and had a gummy smile? I think she was considered a lolcow a long time ago but I can't remember her name. She mentions her lip gloss or makeup or something and does a kiss noise. I think her name might've been kaitlynn or something. The vid had to be from like 2007-09 because of the quality.

No. 1631118

samefag but it's not foreverkailyn btw I think I may be mixing two different people up.

No. 1631274>>1637911

File (hide): 1689122289300.png (3.17 MB, 2048x1152, 1683870887672646.png)

What episode of Succession is this picture from? It's kind of become a meme but I don't remember this in the show.

No. 1631303>>1631329


No. 1631329>>1631341

File (hide): 1689125828131.jpg (17.67 KB, 384x408, fc0758ff09bc522be632226392bbb9…)


No. 1631341

Who the fuck else could it be.

No. 1631557

the ears and face can be copied from here https://emojicombos.com/twitter-display-name-symbols

No. 1631758

What's that AI website that everyone used like two years ago to turn pics of their sims into real looking people?

No. 1632561

There's this French-sounding song that goes like exotique biologique érotique fantastique and it's pretty upbeat. I've tried looking for it but to no avail. I heard it in a runway fancam video if that helps.

No. 1632660>>1632830

File (hide): 1689256085611.jpg (27.97 KB, 700x224, face.jpg)

Any idea how I could find the character that's the mouth of this face? Someone in an online game had it and I've been trying to find a way to recreate it for months. I tried the link the above nona gave but it doesn't have anything similar.

No. 1632830>>1632842


I don't know if you can see that because it doesn't show up on my computer but it's the

Glagolitic capital letter otu
Unicode hexadecimal: 0x2c19

No. 1632834

That one post on here where one aiden-adjacent anon talks about wanting to be like in one of her yaois but problem being that all her husbandos are bottoms, just like she is, so all they'd do is pathetically wiggle their butts at each other while crying. Pretty sure it got posted in one of the caps threads once.

No. 1632842

Thank you so much!

No. 1632852

There is an image with an Asian professor using a slideshow to explain that he is not swearing at them, it’s just his accent. It had something like “Sheet =/= Sh!t” and “Focus =/= F0ckers”. I need this back in my life nonnas

No. 1632994

File (hide): 1689283048477.jpg (141.57 KB, 1355x259, BGSpeacialFeature.jpg)

Does anyone remember this? I was like 11 when this came out and when I put it in the PC, a sounds mixer came up. Remember when CD's had cool shit like this?? Anyways, does anyone know where I can see screenshots or recordings of this?

No. 1633071>>1633353

it’s kind of a known picture of a cross-eyed siamese kitten wearing, i think, a purple coloured collar, it’s so cute and i can’t find it

No. 1633353>>1633642

File (hide): 1689315173177.jpg (93.65 KB, 582x873, kotttt.jpg)

this one?

No. 1633642

yes!!! thank you so much anon

No. 1633924

appreciate you, anon! i will start looking at this weekly. I actually found a basically unused old leather coach purse at a thrift store for $7 but it's three times the size of the one i posted. i just need room for my phone, tiny wallet, pack of cigarettes, a lighter, and chapstick. so the one i found annoys the shit out of me, and i very poorly tried to sew back on the arm from my old purse. i wish i could just trade this purse i found for my tiny one

No. 1633929>>1633930

File (hide): 1689376863252.png (434.58 KB, 1338x830, halp.png)

is there anywhere I can get a cover for my 15" macbook pro air? i want a cover that is drop rated so when i travel it doesn't get fucked up. or are their computers the same size that i can just use until they make one? I wouldn't have ordered a new computer if I didn't need to out of necessity if I had known there were no fucking covers!!! I had a military graded drop proof case for my last laptop which is still spotless (display broke, better to just buy a new laptop). since i got this three weeks ago the cat has already scratched it twice and i just want a drop proof case, not a file or padded thing because I normally use my laptop in public, in bed, or other not desktop areas.

No. 1633930

macbook air sorry i used to have a pro but that was stolen

No. 1633933>>1633945

the fallout 4 radio stations are nice to listen to. they get super annoying after two or three weeks but i still enjoy listening to them every few months

No. 1633943

File (hide): 1689378183627.png (4.19 MB, 1366x1628, budweiser1960.png)

>>1591417 >>1590997
hey anons i just wanted to share, google actually has a lot of older magazines scanned online. the 60s ebony magazines are great. there are a lot of older architecture magazines and cooking magazines. i also collect old magazines for the pictures so i get it lmao.
this is a list of them in alphabetical order, click 'browse all issues' under because there are usually a lot

the picture i attached is from the June 1960 Ebony

No. 1633945

new vegas radios are generally better

No. 1633981>>1641542

I’m trying to find a webcomic that I read a few years back. It’s about a girl named Daisy who works at a grocery store, one day after work she falls through a portal and ends up in another world were she accidentally (?) kills a beast. I cannot for the life of me remember the name of it and searching for it using what plot I remember just gives me DC/Marvel search results.

No. 1634190

Samefag, I finally found it. A lot slipped from my memory kek.

No. 1634231>>1642667

File (hide): 1689400141308.jpeg (98.31 KB, 1080x923, IMG_9355.jpeg)

is it this??? kek

No. 1634380>>1637895>>1637962

File (hide): 1689420854153.jpeg (397.54 KB, 1580x2238, 59B76B7A-30D7-4C18-B5E4-B1C2FD…)

Does anyone have the iceberg meme that uses this template, but with the stick figure girl from the gf meme and misandry themed? It becomes completely unhinged at some point, with things about man maid experiments (?) and something called PENWAS. It’s been stuck in my head for ages. It was posted either here or on crystal cafe

No. 1637895>>1637962>>1649154

File (hide): 1689783269605.jpg (373.95 KB, 1122x1589, pinkpill iceberg.jpg)

I remember seeing this too! I think this is the one since it matches these parts
>man maid experiments

but not this, so there might be another version?
>stick figure girl from the gf meme

No. 1637911

File (hide): 1689784257861.jpg (98.54 KB, 1200x711, SUC_210_07212019_gh_3093.jpg)

I haven't watched the show myself, but from what I looked up, it seems to be from "This is Not for Tears" (Season 2, Episode 10)

No. 1637962

>She-owl scriptures
would read

No. 1638079

File (hide): 1689794061401.jpg (27.13 KB, 1024x718, 1542152135132.jpg)

Looking for a mexican meme of Pusheen and la virgin outside of a club
pls does anyone have it

No. 1638126>>1639278

Can someone help me find a music video? It was an electronic music track set to compilations of old commercials. If I remember correctly, most of the lyrics were remixed commercials also and they had a line like 'buy more coke' (drink more coke?) and the video ended with that 'i'd like to buy the world a coke' ad.

I watched it several years ago but it was probably much older than that. Unfortunately since it was 100% edited commercial footage then I have no idea how to find it again.

No. 1638811>>1640043

A female country singer who had a minor hit in 2020. Her name begins with the letter W.

No. 1639278

Maybe not vid rel, but has to be vaporwave? Saint Pepsi has got a few videos like that…

No. 1640043

I found it! Waxahatchee - fire.
2020 had so many good alternative songs.

No. 1640479>>1640661>>1641031>>1641052>>1642968

File (hide): 1690019035851.jpeg (110.04 KB, 1535x1023, 77676938-4229-4C39-9169-A5F22E…)

Looking for a French song that I heard on a video of a scene girl doing her makeup. It had dirty lyrics I think and was probably made in the 90s-2000s. It was sung by a woman and had a simple beat. Pretty sure she says penis at one point

Also looking for a song of a woman naming lipstick colors I think. She was almost talking in the song. One of the colors she mentioned was called “almost nude”

No. 1640661>>1641039

oh my god that cat is so cute

No. 1641031>>1641396

>Looking for a French song that I heard on a video of a scene girl doing her makeup. It had dirty lyrics I think and was probably made in the 90s-2000s. It was sung by a woman and had a simple beat. Pretty sure she says penis at one point
is it tu es fotou? https://open.spotify.com/track/5TX4QkyawyBAjNjwF2qBzG?si=3f32514edd854654>>1640479

>Also looking for a song of a woman naming lipstick colors I think. She was almost talking in the song. One of the colors she mentioned was called “almost nude”

is it a kpop song? if so, it could be nxde https://open.spotify.com/track/6NnCWIWV740gP7DQ8kqdIE?si=760bdcae957243d5

No. 1641039

File (hide): 1690063221061.jpg (130.55 KB, 1493x995, FJ1fXmXWYAQ8PGD.jpg)

his name is Uni, look up uni the cat for more nona!

No. 1641052>>1641080>>1641396

Is this the French song you were looking for?

No. 1641080

>Ce jeu is 14 years old
JFC times flies

No. 1641294>>1641337

Whats the anime with the talking sentient lizard that ate dumplings made by the giant muscular blonde woman with huge pecs? It used to be my fav but I lost the title to the depressive isolation fog of the time

No. 1641337>>1641342


No. 1641342

Thank you, going through several stages of grief that it never got a second season

No. 1641396

No, it’s not a kpop song but thanks anyway anon! The woman in the song was speaking in English and it was a slow song. It sounded like something maybe a gay man would listen to if that makes sense.

YES ANON THIS IS IT!!! Thank you!!!

No. 1641542

Same anon, I found it! It’s Snarlbear by Natalie Riess.

No. 1642534>>1642546

long shot but can someone help me find an image where it showcases the difference between the fit of clothes to highlight its importance, photo shot from torso up not pointing forwards (from the side? but she was looking at the camera). the example she was wearing was a white blouse wherein the one that didn't fit was oversized. also the comparison was side by side . almost certain the model also had short hair like buzzed off

No. 1642546>>1642583

No. 1642583

omg yes that was fast anon, thanks !

No. 1642667

Yes this is it! Thank you so much Nona, I feel so relieved

No. 1642968>>1643546

lipstick song: is it lipstique (silencefiction)? it's kind of an annoying song but fits the almost talking/almost nude parts of your query!

No. 1642995

There was a years old celebrity podcast called Viva Nepotista. The links are still active but the actual audio clips for the episodes are dead. It's not on Spotify or any streaming services either so I'm wondering if it's truly lost to time. Does anyone know if there are live links for this series anywhere

No. 1643546

File (hide): 1690270646571.png (15.93 KB, 252x224, 1617108613595.png)

YES ANON! Thank you!!

No. 1645127>>1645137>>1645142>>1645143>>1645878>>1645892>>1645926>>1645987

File (hide): 1690383741797.jpeg (37.46 KB, 296x629, shoes.jpeg)

Anyone know where to find shoes like picrel? the original ones are from Prada and they cost 950 but i can't afford them rn

No. 1645137>>1645142>>1646290

aren't these platform creepers? You should be able to find something similiar by googling that.

No. 1645142>>1646290

what >>1645137 said, maybe demonia? I'd like to know too they're so cute!
gurokawaii anons come through, I've been trying to find quality creepers of the like that were in abundance in 2012 wtf happened?
nice taste nona

No. 1645143>>1645987>>1646290

samefag sorry, these are the closest I can find so far. I'm on the hunt too nona I'll post if I find closer (and not a fucken amazon link jfc)

fingers crossed cause I want them too haha

No. 1645831>>1645835

Does anyone have that gif of this one fat cat running on one of those giant wheels but it gets tired immediately and flops on its side?

No. 1645835>>1645845

File (hide): 1690428803748.gif (1.07 MB, 220x391, lockdown-workout.gif)

No. 1645845

Thank you nonnie!

No. 1645878>>1646290

Not the most helpful but I almost bought a pair of shoes that looked very similar at Nordstrom Rack last weekend kek if you have one near you

No. 1645892>>1646290

I bought shoes that look like that and funnily enough just like the other anon, they were also from nordstrom rack. The brand is circus ny.

No. 1645914

File (hide): 1690436242024.jpg (15.84 KB, 418x336, F0_-jJRaYAA94Gf.jpg)

Looking for a page from a Japanese "how to draw manga panel" type book, about the different types of Bishonens in the world in weird racial terms, i.e Caucasian Bishōnen, East/Asian Bishonens and African Bishonens

No. 1645926>>1645947>>1646290

File (hide): 1690436833902.jpg (92.34 KB, 995x777, ye.jpg)

Prada Monolith brushed leather lace-up shoes

No. 1645947>>1646290

samefag. Oh my fucking god I am an idiot KEk
t. reading comprehension

No. 1645972>>1663055>>1685999

Does someone have the cap or link to the post of an anon stretching the back of her baby sister? I can't remember if she folded her or what, but she was alone with her on the couch/in the living room and she snapped her back upright or something lmfao I crack up thinking about it still.

No. 1645987>>1646290

No. 1646290

Holy shit thanks for the replies nonnas lol i didn't expect so much help. the one's i'm considering are the princess polly ones idk they seem the most accurate

i don't have a nordstrom rack anywhere near me and when i searched for creeper or chunky shoes in circus ny it just appeared mary-jane shoes so if you could sned pictures (just curious on how they look)

anyway thanks everyone <3(<3)

No. 1646496>>1646582

Kinda random, but does anyone else remember a deviantart user who made a Sonic OC that she basically used to self-insert and ship herself with sonic and Shadow? Literally all I can remember was that the OC was red, she made some art or wrote a fic where the OC was raped by Shadow (or maybe being raped by both Shadow and Sonic? Idk but abuse was a common theme), and she had beef with Amy Rose. I remember there were a few youtube videos made about her antics and that's how I found her. She was French I think, but this all happened in English.

No. 1646582>>1646639

File (hide): 1690491101467.png (267.73 KB, 1278x1280, 1405191158.akaidalia_triangle.…)

I'm pretty sure it was Akai Dalia.

No. 1646639

Thankns anon! I'm gonna go down this rabbithole again for the nostalgia.

No. 1648196>>1648555

Okay so there's this website that basically classes celebrities on how jewish they are, from a scale from 'totally jewish' to 'not jewish at all' or something like that. I forget what it's called. I remember seeing Daniel Radcliffe on it as Total Jew. What's the website called????

No. 1648555>>1648576>>1648602

Jew or Not Jew

No. 1648576

Thank you!! I forget which celebrity i was going to look up now though..

No. 1648602


No. 1648606

can you help me find that post that said "i'm like a pick me but for old people" nodding along and saying "yeah modern music doesn't even make sense to me either" or something. it was funny and literally me.

No. 1649146

Nonnies there was this pandemic youtuber, he looked like Robert DeNiro but with a beard, had a 2007 intro and vibe and always opened his videos with 'hey speedscribers'. It was a scrote channel but I thought it was funny, he did rankings with his friends and stuff. His name was speed something 0 but I can't find it.

No. 1649154

Thank you thank you thank you nonna! It’s absolutely this one!
>prostate piranha extravaganza

No. 1649331>>1650202

Looking for an old music video that I saw on youtube as a kid. I think it was some sort of adult swim thing but I could be wrong. It was poppy/rock and had a japanese or asian girl singing. I only remember one part that doesn't come up on searches.
She chants "I'm with stupid, I'm with stupid, I'm too drunk to (clap) F. U. C. K."

No. 1649928>>1649930>>1650163

Some anime where the guy would shoot himself in the head, brown hair, fluffy, then a fire would appear on his head or something.
Also an anime that had a white haired guy, scar symbol going down the right eye, he may have worn a mask. Both of these were pre 2014 or so.

No. 1649930>>1650348

>where the guy would shoot himself in the head, brown hair, fluffy, then a fire would appear on his head
Katekyo Hitman Reborn

No. 1650134

What is the name of that fairytale where a girl falls into a well and ends up in a perfect, calm place? I had this in a book when I was a kid but I can't for the life of me find it. Pretty sure it's a Grimm brothers tale.

No. 1650163>>1650348

>Also an anime that had a white haired guy, scar symbol going down the right eye, he may have worn a mask.


No. 1650202>>1650719


that's from Gorgeous Tiny Chicken Machine show! it's the song at the end of this episode. you really brought some memories back nona, i can't believe i was able to pull this from the recesses of my mind

No. 1650303>>1650305>>1650311

File (hide): 1690831426991.png (217.64 KB, 685x351, image.png)

does anyone know what artist this is? for context the print is from dakota rose's apartment tour video

No. 1650305>>1650311

Audrey Kawasaki

No. 1650311

she followed my tumblr like 2 years before she became famous. I didn't post anything original just art and photos, plus I always linked original source and artist (all deleted now, dont have a tumblr anymore) but for some reason I was one of a couple hundred people she followed and I posted every day so I know she saw it… I'm afraid to look up if she's a cow because I still appreciate the follow lol

No. 1650348

It's both these thank you anons!

No. 1650518

File (hide): 1690848620640.jpeg (43.93 KB, 231x356, 1A8AD9F2-61CD-470D-9187-F18B8E…)

Gay moids' art collective or duo (idk) that kinda reminds me of fierce pussy's style (picrel) because one of their exhibitions/projects was a collection of childhood photographs of gays and lesbians from all over the world, with censor bars & homophobic slurs over their eyes written in different languages. Another project of theirs that I remember was just two dudes in a bed wearing matching pajamas?

No. 1650719

wow this is amazing. This is it! I've been trying to find this for years lol

No. 1650764

there's also a lot on rookiemag dot com
since it was first and foremost an online magazine

No. 1650934

Either an anime, manga, drama or all of it, I know it's Japanese because that's where I learnt the word harachira lol.
I think friend-chan says something along the lines of "Let's go watch the basketball club practice, Protagonist-chan, maybe they'll flash their abs", to which iirc designated-loser-character-of-the-friend-group-kun responds "That's so unfair, if I said 'Hey guys, let's go watch the tennis club practice, maybe they'll flash their panties tehehe~~' I'd immediately be called a perv". Cue friend-chan, but maybe all of them, idr, telling him to shut up. Might have been different clubs but I think it sounds about right.

No. 1651430>>1651575

Does anyone know where I can find a program of some sort that'll allow me to create 'cute garbled speak' similar to that of Animal Crossing's "animalese" language? It doesn't have to be exactly that but something similar. I want to make animations where characters talk in a similar manner. Bonus points if it has a pitch slider.

No. 1651575

I mean, any audio software like Audacity should work.

No. 1651639>>1651640>>1651647>>1652176

File (hide): 1690955223679.jpg (27.18 KB, 500x281, 1684536936131.jpeg.jpg)

1-Origin of and story behind picrel
2- good bara and yaoi manga with good art styles and handsome adult characters with no gross fetishes and weird kinky sex
3-same as above but yuri
4-free vpn with no subscriptions that covers countries from different continents (like china or a country close to it)
5-websites like soaptoday, free and I can download stuff from it and public, no private torrent invite bullshit

No. 1651640>>1651652>>1652176>>1654653

Samefag but
6-an aesthetic that looks like kidpix but 2000s, not aero furtigo or whatever it was called, but something kiddy or/and colorful and retro looking

No. 1651647

2 doesnt exist kek

No. 1651652>>1651660

Samefag, sorry but I remembered one more thing, a music video from the 2010s of a kpop song, the singer is a solo singer, and she's a rich famous girl in the music video who goes out shopping and stuff happens and water spills everywhere but the water drops fall in slow motion close up because the music video was 3D. It came in cheap chinese tablets that had 3D glasses with them at the time and watching the music video with them was fun, I also remember the song being good. Iirc the title had "girl" in it or something.

No. 1651660

Found it!
Top girl by G.Na

No. 1652160

i've looked but i can't find an old LC post that was really funny to me, it was some anon who reeeed about a football anime and how retarded it was. i really wish i could read it again. idk why but it was so hilarious.

No. 1652176>>1653090>>1653093

1 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs91ZoqnYYx/
2 stop looking for yaoi without weird kinky shit, that's like looking for porn but like wholesome. oxymoron, you can't find the good stuff that way it's goes together…. that said: Gift (Ichinose Yuma), Yumemiru Vampire, Toumei na Ai no Utsuwa, Canis (short stories by Zakk)
3 go to the yuri thread on /m/, someone just asked for this read the replies >>>/m/309185 I recommend run away with me girl
5 https://goku.sx/ maybe haven't used it a lot, https://archive.org/ use inspect element thing to get direct link
ew no

No. 1653090

Thanks! Also I needed number 6 to make a wallpaper collage art of Tecna from winx club kek, the only stuff I managed to find were more modern looking and have that ugly minimalist look, I want something more detailed and retro to fit the show aesthetics and art style when I put it beside the character.

No. 1653093

Forgot to say, regarding number 2, I did read some yaoi/shounen ai with nice stories and wholesome and minimal sex scenes like "here U are" and "given", so I believe it's possible, I just don't know how to look for that specific kind of writing. But thanks for the suggestions nonetheless.

No. 1654629>>1654673

Nonitas I was trying to find this doll repaint YouTuber but I couldn’t remember her name, she had a european accent kinda like Swedish or something to that affect and spoke somewhat softly.. I can’t remember her YouTube name and when I searched I couldn’t find her, she lowkey gave me ASMR and she didn’t, at the time, come off snooty like the other doll repaint creators. Does anyone happen to know who I’m talking about?

No. 1654653>>1656420

skeuomorphic, kidcore (if you're willing to look past the tranny bastardization)

No. 1654673

Is the one your looking for her? She's Swedish and a handmaiden lesbian 99% sure. While pretty great at repainting and strives to improve that one video took me out.

No. 1656371

Ship art of two hetalia characters, I think it was RusAme and it was the two getting into a fight with sexual tension, kek. It was drawn so well I can't get it out my mind. It wasn't nsfw or anything, just bloody

No. 1656420


No. 1657205>>1657214>>1657236>>1659004>>1659031

File (hide): 1691439148159.jpg (82.95 KB, 435x577, braids tights.jpg)

anyone know where i can find these tights or something similar? i'm at a loss. google's retarded lens can't ever find anything and tin eye can't find the source of it either

No. 1657214

these used to be popular in jfashion circles, you can probably still find them on aliexpress or taobao or similiar websites that sell jfashion

No. 1657236

These were from a japanese brand like Grimoire or Ahcacum but I can't remember exactly which one. It was a popular element of the short lived Cult Party Kei style, your best bet is going on Tokyo Fashion to find a snap that features them.

No. 1658872>>1658893

Does anyone know if a song by a Mexican (?) singer that goes something like "la mejor venganza..sera..SERRAAAAAAAA"? I remember it was about cheating and saying that the other woman could have him. Excuse any Spanish typos, I don't speak Spanish so it's kinda hard for me to find it.

No. 1658893>>1658914

>>1658872 is this one? I just googled what you posted

No. 1658914>>1658923

Thank you anon! Idk why I couldn't find it, i love you.

No. 1658923

No problem, I always get so giddy when I can help anynona!

No. 1659004>>1659006>>1659039>>1659045

File (hide): 1691601082404.png (Spoiler Image,2.96 MB, 2825x2160, CHEESY’S Braid Tights.PNG)

Nona, I’m completely clueless when it comes to Japanese language and fashion but I like a challenge. I’m happy to report I found them! They are from a brand called CHEESY’S https://matka-cheesys.jimdofree.com/cheesy-s/ and were JPY 5,000.
> 'CHEESY'S' was founded in 2008 by two Japanese women eager to make 
accessories that they themselves wanted to wear. The brand's name reflects their 
desire to make something special and unique, yet at the same time slightly cheesy. 
'CHEESY'S' creates pieces that are inspired by the weirdness and peculiarity that 
we see around us in everything during our day to day lives.
> […] they play with this idea by misplacing 
human body parts, sometimes mixing them with tassels or fringes as to 
emphasise and bring attention to the strange beauty of human body shape itself.
Perhaps these other sources (and images) can help you track them. I’ll start with the official images of the campaign (?). They feature the tights in full. Since they show the tights as a skirt is pulled up above the bum, I’ve added a spoiler.
Good luck on your search!

No. 1659006>>1659010>>1659026

File (hide): 1691601194974.png (9.7 MB, 2880x2160, STREET STYLE : No. 5290.PNG)

No. 1659010>>1659015

File (hide): 1691601467277.jpg (168.81 KB, 454x750, KERA. January 2013.JPG)

No. 1659015>>1659017>>1659039

File (hide): 1691601745451.png (7.81 MB, 2875x2160, AUTUMN 2013.PNG)

No. 1659017

File (hide): 1691601959634.png (4.7 MB, 2883x2160, Unsourced CHEESY’S Braid Tight…)

I was unable to find a source for these but hopefully with the brand name and more images in hand, you find your tights, Nona. Again, good luck! And if you feel comfortable, keep us updated on your search.

No. 1659026>>1659039>>1659045

Love the braided rapunzel pubes look

No. 1659031

File (hide): 1691602867257.png (3.44 MB, 3601x2160, bortsprungt 2013AW.PNG)

Nona, while searching, I also found these from another Japanese brand called bortsprungt. They were part of their 2013AW release (?). While not identical, they follow the same theme (?)/motif (?) and perhaps you’d be interested.

No. 1659034>>1659038>>1659089

that one copypasta or 4chan (dark background so could've been a different site) going off about trans ideology how it's just lying and pretending. it's two separate posts after one another. one might allude to "you are your father's son and that's how you'll be buried" but i could also be confusing memes at this point.

No. 1659038>>1659089

maybe something about how trans can be seen as an aggression since it's a constant lying or pretending?

No. 1659039>>1659045

It looks like you fell over and ripped your tights and your knees are bleeding from a distance, and up close it's?? >>1659004
I mean it's artistic but also deeply unflattering

No. 1659045

Per >>1659004 I think the braids are meant to be worn in the back. I assumed they were meant to look like “hidden” long hair that was tucked when worn with clothes. Without them, the bum is meant to be the back of a head.

No. 1659089

File (hide): 1691608132002.png (785.25 KB, 741x891, 1654253613946.png)

found it, kek

No. 1662252

does anyone have that (tumblr?) post where it's like age is circular ( as in that's why you still feel a certain age like 13 at 21 etc ) and someone drew a spiral diagram of it

No. 1663052>>1663185>>1670722

Science videos from the 2000s where the intro is a white room with random stuff going across like lava, rocks, dinosaur. Ends with going in a window of the subject I think.

No. 1663055

No. 1663185>>1670722

No. 1663637>>1664262

Excuse me for the cringe but Big hugs to anyone that can help me find big guys username, the description doesn't say it and
My YouTube doesn't display comments anymore after the update

No. 1664262>>1664269>>1664600

File (hide): 1692020848521.jpg (164.19 KB, 1079x1079, bigboi.jpg)

Bumping because I'm curious now. Can a nonita with an IG account see if he's tagged in this post, please?

No. 1664269>>1664275>>1664600

No. 1664275

oh, wow! ty, nona ♥

No. 1664600

File (hide): 1692044399525.jpg (567.17 KB, 1080x1619, Bigboyy.jpg)

Thank you so much nonnies, I love you! It's sad he doesn't have much up, I'd be a bit shy following him since he has little followers and would think I'm a weirdo. I guess I'll just have to watch the other videos this YouTuber has up of him.

No. 1664891

This is going to be nightmare mode difficulty because I know next to nothing about Kpop and there was no sound, but I saw a Kpop music video that looked pretty interesting recently. It was recent (this year at least, last year at the earliest), was from a girl group, had little to no shots of mass dancing, and had a lot of moody shots of flowers blooming interspersed with closeups of girls mugging the camera. There were several shots of a female singer's face from behind a monstera leaf and the filters and styling used gave a very soft, late 90's to early 2000's atmosphere to the closeups. One shot looked like a billboard with a glamour closeup and some weird English slogan, and there was a repeated motif of a dead tree with a girl sitting under it. I apologize for the fever dream of a description but that's just about all I remember of what I saw.

No. 1664931>>1670551

dubstep (or some kind of electronic music idk) song that came out around 2011ish, give or take, that goes like 'do you wanna push the button? push the button' and then the bass drops.

No. 1665829>>1666147

So I saw this clip of a war movie on tiktok. It said "this scene was completely improvised!" And the scene was a bunch of soldiers running to the left in a field, and one soldier is running through those bunch of soldiers, perpendicularly. That soldier bumps into another, they fall, but they get back up and start running again. I like war movies and want to know what that movie is.

No. 1665841>>1665847>>1665851>>1667627

File (hide): 1692144305927.jpg (663 KB, 1079x1147, Screenshot_20230729_024145_Tik…)

Which movie is this photo of Cillian Murphy from?

No. 1665847


No. 1665851

The edge of love

No. 1665959

it was a drawing of an alien woman holding onto an orb or a sphere with two smaller male aliens in the back. it was in black and white. the woman alien had long black hair and was wearing a robe. i saw it on tumblr not that long ago but i havent been able to find it since.

No. 1666147

This one?

No. 1667627

his side profile is so good wow

No. 1667962>>1667991>>1670552

Please share the pic of the girl laying in her computer chair on her old ass computer wearing happy bunny pjs gracias

No. 1667991>>1670552

File (hide): 1692307292067.jpg (116.5 KB, 1024x768, 1616284472839.jpg)

No. 1668057>>1668294

does any nonna have any idea what could be the name of this one 3d wolf game where you traveled through worlds and one of the worlds was like a hell with hell horses or some shit and another was just a rave and one was like a beach or some shit and the game looked very awful and unity asset store robbery-like.. and ig you could chat there. as if you'd want to when you could be killing hell horses and getting hatsune miku hair colored horns as loot.
i don't have any screenshots, but i remember it being very bad and fun at the same time. maybe one of you even played it…

No. 1668294

FeralHeart? Impressive Title?

No. 1668584>>1676916>>1684689

An artist who posted two seperate animated short clips of their OCs. One was a boy who took off a pig head from his head and the other clip was a girl drinking gasoline.

No. 1668599>>1668807

Video of people at a office dancing to the ‘stop don’t touch me there, this is my no-no square’ song but they were looking pretty stoic and it was filmed at night. The way it was filmed was as if it was from another building,

No. 1668807>>1668821>>1670393

was it this one?

No. 1668821

the guy at the bottom left is the only one that doesnt look like its being held at gun point, good for him

No. 1670393

Haha thank you but it isn’t! The video captured the building the people were in too; it was filmed from outside.

No. 1670521

What thread had that chiro that was being sexual as hell cracking her neck right by his crotch

No. 1670551

is it galvanize by the chemical brothers?

No. 1670552

i still do not know who the fuck she is kek

No. 1670570

Someone please help me find the name some tasty chocolate. It was either german, austrian or swiss. It came on a creamy cardboard box (roughly the size of 2 palms) and inside of it were two packs with red wrappers. The brand's name was printed all over these two packs in white letters. I'm not so sure but I think the brand's name contained two or three words and one of them started with a k. The chocolate inside was crunchy and cut in uneven pieces. It looked like it was made by putting together (in a messy way) spheres of chocolate with a texture similar but more jagged to the outside part of a ferrero.

No. 1670722

thanks for asking this, nonnie. everytime I get lightly drunk, I am RANTING at people about this series. No one ever knows what I am talking about. I feel way less loony now.
Thanks for finding this, nonnie!!

No. 1671727

Reaction pic - it's an emoji but not any of the actual ones, it's drawn, the perspective is like an ultra wide and the expression shows extreme doubt, eyes are squinting, making eye contact, and the mouth is slightly open with a slight smile.

No. 1671903

Somewhat of a gross request but I remember seeing a screenshot of a troon describing a scene where he’s being a degenerate puppy play faggot until suddenly an alarm goes off and the troon changes into a Subway uniform and says “I’m sorry, I must go to work” and then proceeds to try to use it as an argument in favor of communism? I need to put it in my cringe compilation

No. 1672044>>1672287

Been trying to find this song I heard while working but I was too late to Shazam it. Even searching a part of its notable lyrics doesn't help. It goes like,

Baby I could put a record on ya
Dance until we forget

It's not rap or country which I end up finding but the singer sounds like Justin Beiber?

No. 1672287>>1672614

I found it. It's called Melo by Colin Mags but it looks like the song is completely wiped out from the internet.

No. 1672444>>1672463>>1672643

File (hide): 1692668674626.jpg (921.13 KB, 1753x2480, 1692292074845395.jpg)

Whats this artists handle again? I love them

No. 1672463

kek this is oddly cute

No. 1672614

Damn what the fuck, I want to hear it now. It's on Spotify but unavailable to play; it doesn't come up when you search for it on there, either.

No. 1672643


No. 1674409>>1674527>>1674540

File (hide): 1692796625097.jpg (159.09 KB, 681x1024, 9dba67feb40be806ea6961fc44efe4…)

Peruvian and/or Andean nonnies, please help me out
I went to Peru this Sunday and saw some dance performances that I really liked, and one of my favorites was this dance that had both men and women with leg rattles and they danced in a really rhythmic and agressive way, kinda looked like a hunting thing. I'm not sure if it is of Inca origin. I've searched and searched on Google, but no dice.

No. 1674527>>1675077>>1675224

File (hide): 1692803528962.jpeg (56.5 KB, 720x519, IMG_1871.jpeg)

Were they wearing boots with “bells” in them similar to these? If so, it’s called Caporales. It’s Bolivian but practiced (?) all over the Andean region.

No. 1674540>>1674621>>1675077>>1675224

File (hide): 1692804501385.jpeg (181.74 KB, 2880x1620, IMG_1876.jpeg)

If they “rattles” you describe look similar to these, then they’re ayoyotes/chachayotes. They’re Aztec in origins.

No. 1674552

Page from some "how to draw a manga-esque" book about the different types of bishonen in the world and used out-dated racial terms.

No. 1674621>>1675077>>1675224

File (hide): 1692809198596.png (188.47 KB, 600x700, IMG_1878.png)

Perú seems to have their own version (?) of these seed pods “rattles”, for the life of me I cannot find their “official” name though I suspect they’re the seed pods of the Cascabela thevetia (yellow oleander)
Names I’ve found: cachos, chach-chas and chajchas.
Anyway, I couldn’t find a specific dance associated with them but did come across references of them being used either as handheld instruments (shaker or maracas) or worn in the body (wristlets and anklets) in ceremonies (unfortunately no names given). I also saw a lot of gringo references to shamanistic rituals and the like. Perhaps this information will help you in your quest? I also thought it’d be good if you could describe what they wore. In my search I found other Peruvian dances that use bells/rattles but either they didn’t include women or wore masks, so I didn’t mention them.

No. 1675077>>1675224

Thank you to all of you that helped me! I've found it by searching "chachas dance" on YouTube!
I can't believe this is actually a dance created to parody the Spanish settlers, that makes me love it even more.
The performance I watched had a guy that was really on beat and into it, he was almost floating! It was so hypnotic, he stole the show. Also the song is a banger.
I also really liked Valicha, Huayla, some carnaval dances as well. I really wish I got to see the scissor dance.
I love how colorful the clothes and hair are, also the embroidery work in it.

Makes me wish my own country had more cool traditional dances like those!

No. 1675097

I'm not sure if anyone's going to know who I'm talking about but she has been discussed here yearsss ago. I forgot what she went by online but I'm looking for a girl who used to be on tumblr with blonde hair named Hannah? Her tumblr blog background was a picture of a forest and she posted nudes that 4channers jerked off to. I forgot why she was discussed here besides anons thinking she was cute maybe. She posted a lot of selfies and I used to think she was really pretty. I'm just looking for what she went by online and I'm curious. This is like ancient Acacia Brinley era of tumblr so probably not going to have anyone here who knows.

No. 1675224

File (hide): 1692837752007.jpg (440.76 KB, 900x458, Abuelitos de Quipán.jpg)

“We” are so happy it helped, Nona! The dance you linked to is Contradanza, from Huamachuco. I dismissed it because I was trying to find something with more prominent “leg rattles”. Other dances I came across that I dismissed for one reason or another are:
- Danza Shacshas, performed by 15 to 20 men and they wear headgear.
- Danza Abuelitos de Quipán as they wear masks like the ones featured here.
- Danza de las Tijeras as they don’t wear rattlers in their bodies but fit the “aggressive” bill.
- Los Chunchos de Cajamarca, typically performed only by men. They wear maichiles (dried seed pods) on their knees.
- La Guayabina, also from Cajamarca, and also typically performed only by men. They also wear some costumes which you didn’t mention.
- Danza de Los Guerreros Cascabeleleros de Kañaris/Cañaris, only twelve men dance.
- Danza Diablos de Cajabamba, as they carry their rattlers in their hand and they wear elaborate devil masks, which you didn’t mention.
- Danza Pujllay, it’s Bolivian and to my knowledge not performed in other regions unlike Caporales >>1674527
I’m sure there are others but it’s were I stopped as I realised there were a lot of regions and a lot of dances that borrow elements from each other.
I didn’t want to come back and just go on and on about the “rattlers”, but after I posted >>1674540 and >>1674621 I realised the chajchas (also known as chapchas) are made from animal hooves and that the ones made from dried seed pods are mostly referred to as maichiles (though I also encountered shinshiles and shilshiles). These names may assist you if you want to find other dances that I failed to mention and that you might also like. A mis nonitas Peruanas, un “lo siento” preventivo por si he descrito o escrito algo incorrectamente, ya que no fue mi intención. Sólo me emociona aprender, en especial de nuestros increíbles culturas y tradiciones ♥

No. 1676848>>1697667

Does anyone have that screencap(I think from the Tinfoil pr /2X/) of a nonna complaining about how gay men rule the word for centuries and hate women and rape boys and girls cause they hate women.

No. 1676916>>1684689

No. 1678189>>1678227

Old schoolish black and white photo of a saxophonist playing at an intimate venue. I think he is playing the sax so hard he is lying on his back, meanwhile these three guys are so into it they look like they are jizzing in progressively harder degrees

No. 1678194>>1678198>>1678203>>1678250>>1678270>>1678371

A collage of pictures that showed women could often pass as men but almost impossible for men to pass as the opposite sex, it looked like it was from some research.

No. 1678198>>1678250>>1678270

Idk about this but I saw a video of an agent saying women can fake being man like shorter people can fake being taller to avoid beings identified but the other way around is impossible, don't think this is a new concept. In the old times, a lot of women had to fake their identities to get jobs or titles they wouldn't be able to do so otherwise.

No. 1678203

It's not just research, it's a standard practice for the glowies. In intelligence agencies, they know that women can pass as men, but men can't pass as women.

No. 1678223

anyone have that picture of the stud in a pink suit(?) ensemble holding a big flower bouquet with a cigarette hanging out her mouth, and i think the picture is taken a little from a above like those new york doorsteps? she had braids iirc if that helps

No. 1678227>>1686152

File (hide): 1693084389166.jpg (65.11 KB, 880x542, big jay mcneely.jpg)

doublepost, here it is. as soon as i read saxophonist i knew exactly which photograph you were talking about

No. 1678250

I feel like I know what you're talking about. It was used as a threadpic for one of the tim threads on /snow/. It was originally posted in the thread before that one, and nonnas were talking about the source (an intelligence officer discussing cross gender undercover disguises). I can't look through right now, but I can find it for you when I'm back if you stil haven't got it by then.

No. 1678270>>1678290

it's in this video, at around 3:17

No. 1678290

Thank you! This is what I was looking for.

No. 1678336>>1678379

Please nonnies. I'm searching for an old manga, can't remember its name. It was something like Ilogenes (or not, idk).
It was a light BL/insinuated BL manga, one of the guys had black hair and eye color of a peacock feather, the other guy had blond hair. I remember them being in some kind of military uniforms but the story wasn't outright about war. I think there was something special about the main guy. The art was very pretty. I read this like 10 years ago, it was still ongoing and I'm trying to find it again so I can finish it.

No. 1678361>>1679069

can't find the art resources thread in /m/

No. 1678371

File (hide): 1693095478645.jpg (49.14 KB, 384x683, 1610497596376.jpg)

I know you got the vid already but here's the collage too

No. 1678379>>1679045

You were already close, nonny. Ilegenes is the title; there are two of them, one is the sequel. Haven't read it but they're on my read list.

No. 1678381

What was that game called or what were its exact rules where you sit in a circle and A whispers B a question that involves another player, and B has to say their answer out loud, and something decides whether it gets revealed what question A asked?

No. 1678446>>1679219

File (hide): 1693103009822.gif (440.84 KB, 498x342, IMG_6281.gif)

Could somebody please help me find a blog that may or may not exist anymore? It was a Gyaru/Hime blog from a girl in Finland. I was obsessed with her when I was really young, think she was popular in like 2008ish? Her brother passed away suddenly and she stopped blogging in English after that, iirc. I loved her and would love to see that old blog I was obsessed with. I know it’s vague, but maybe someone remembers. Thank you!

No. 1679045

Thank yoooou!

No. 1679059

Does anyone remember that one fakeboi on tumblr who was androgynous first who posted a storytime video about 2 percent milk? Iirc it was shot in her bedroom and another one of her videos involved a Harry Styles cutout. I checked up on her a few years ago and saw she trooned out completely but the videos were still up, she might have taken them all down now but I can't remember and can't find anything now matter how hard I try googling/dorking. Her name was Dylan iirc, she was the typical short slightly chubby enby right before there was an enby with glasses and a men's crew with the hair left on top.

No. 1679069

No. 1679219>>1679283

I'm thinking about Pin/Pikkupin but I think that was 2012-ish

No. 1679283

She’s not the girl I am thinking of, maybe her name was Sonija or Silija? I do remember Pikkupin though! Crazy to look back at this scene.

No. 1679310>>1679329

File (hide): 1693150969848.png (56.57 KB, 610x681, carina90.PNG)

Hi nonnies.
This one's a doozy, and I hope you'll help me. I love writing, and the major inspiration for the way that I write comes from one particular woman. I only remember the name of the book she wrote, which she named a word press page of. Her prose is beautiful, unique, and emotionally driven. I regret so bad not buying her poetry book when she released it. I'm wondering if she has any social media accounts now that might be linked to her, or if there's anything you can find that might link me to a way that can contact her. I really want to get in touch with her and let her know what an impact she's had on me, and if I can still buy her book. This is a link to the word press account, and picrel is a section of her prose. Her old deviantart account (where I found her) was carina 90, but I'm sure it's changed now.


No. 1679329

to add, her full name is Megan Madgwick. She went under both the firefly liberation, corina90, and starfish and seafires.

No. 1680061>>1680246

Lady Gaga singing Paparazzi at 2009 MTV awards video

No. 1680243>>1680245

does anyone know the word for that political(?) stance where a person wants countries to merge/become one ? all i can find is patriot and diplomat and obviously that's not at all what i mean, maybe it's because i used the word "unite" in my query but i meant literally uniting. can't find anything when i look up things related to not wanting borders either

No. 1680245


No. 1680246

No. 1680860>>1683132

File (hide): 1693270058496.jpg (222.95 KB, 427x660, or76rftd.jpg)

Wondering if anons can help me find this illustration or what the costume/outfit is from in terms of her stuff

No. 1681278>>1681283

File (hide): 1693294115764.jpeg (97.81 KB, 450x601, IMG_1427.jpeg)

Does anyone have that image of the genderbent king if the hill cast? It’s just the genderbent version of the guys sitting around a table outdoors. I just wanna see middle aged women

No. 1681283>>1681292>>1681321>>1682193>>1682298

File (hide): 1693294361593.jpg (147.22 KB, 1280x1117, XE4Aw2C.jpg)

No. 1681292

i approve of a female koh remake

No. 1681321

File (hide): 1693297697118.png (90.98 KB, 540x548, IMG_1207.png)

Thanks Nonna!

No. 1682188

that meme of the goodfellas(or sopranos) guys being surrounded by pink flowers and sparkles and other girly shit it cracks me up everytime, i think they have flowercrowns too

No. 1682193

omfg this is fucking amazing i wish i knew the artist

No. 1682298>>1682301

This is cozy.

No. 1682301

It is, I imagine they're a bunch of farmers having an irl meet up and gossiping.

No. 1682310

Video of these Russians or from some other Eastern European country. It was a bald man in a tracksuit holding a bottle of vodka bobbing with his head and then he had two ladies dancing by him and he was sitting on a car and they were just in the woods listening to Mr. Saxobeat, he says something too.

No. 1682643>>1682714

File (hide): 1693413025788.jpeg (332.58 KB, 1169x1678, IMG_0429.jpeg)

Can ANYONE PLEASE help me find this top AND/OR what the style is called? I love this almost-halter but not-halter look

No. 1682714

File (hide): 1693418009107.png (730.41 KB, 1349x641, gogo.png)

chinese style backless crop top

For future reference, you can find it with Google Lens, on both desktop and mobile. Just go to Google and search by image and upload your pic. It might even automatically select the item in the picture that you're looking for, but if it doesn't, you can crop it out yourself right there.

No. 1682729>>1682744

There was a game that I played many years ago, it was sort of an experimental puzzle game with incredibly beautiful piano music. It took place in a building with sunlight coming in through the windows and there were plants but I don't remember anything else

No. 1682744>>1683464

Can you give us more info? The art style, the medium, was it a flash game, console or pc, time period or when you played it, pov?

No. 1682758>>1830406

File (hide): 1693420914424.jpg (46.77 KB, 634x474, 9b410196771e9a37d1206cad60946e…)

>a custom emoji of 3 people holding hands but they all have the clown emoji as heads
>picrel but a meme edit of her face, pretty sure the eyes and mouth were edited to be bigger and the nose removed?

No. 1683132

File (hide): 1693456282953.jpg (998.01 KB, 1166x836, Hatsune Miku (?) by @sentiment…)

Nonatella, the illustration was made by:
- https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/155285
- https://kzntagdf.fanbox.cc/
- @ancotakuch.4906 on YouTube
- @sentiment_color on Twitter
From what I gather, it was made for an event (?) and used in merchandise per: https://www.vocaloidnews.net/hatsune-miku-birthday-party-event-announced-nanba-marui-shibuya-marui/
When it comes to the outfit(s), I don’t think I understand the question. To me her outfit looks like an embroidered broderie anglaise pinafore dress (sometimes I see this style referred to as apron) with flutter sleeves. As far as the colourful embroidery on it, it’s generic to me as I’ve seen it on traditional “costumes” from a bunch of different countries. None of the other outfits and their embroideries seem distinct enough for me to help you pinpoint them further. Sorry!

No. 1683464

pc, 2010s, first person

No. 1684211>>1684539

File (hide): 1693561450835.jpg (1.64 MB, 2268x4032, 20230901_123842.jpg)

Anyone know what type of jellyfish is this? It's in Black Sea and it's flat like a waffle. It was white/transparent and had these gold stripes that looked like they were flickering or just having bubbles go up and down. I saw two them today.

No. 1684499

File (hide): 1693592151945.jpeg (88.59 KB, 828x532, A7C64DCE-2CD8-4A0A-9FDD-1EB652…)

An anon’s drawing of Elsie and the engineer from TF2 laughing together I NEED TO SAVE IT AGAIN SOMEONE PLEASE

No. 1684539

File (hide): 1693594647877.png (417.17 KB, 765x430, Jellyfish_ID_-_Compass_GOm6Z8X…)

like this nona?

No. 1684689

I remembered it wrong lol but I found them.

No. 1685999

No. 1686138

This was back on tumblr but it was a video of an Asian lady at an airport and she looks sad/upset? And this random white guy passes by and she’s looking at him but doesn’t notice her and she looks upset afterwards. Anyways, there’s a song overlayed the video and all I can remember is it was called “apathy” and the cover art was black with a red rose I believe ?? And I’m trying to remember the artists name

No. 1686152

Late reply but that's the one! Thank you nona

No. 1687184

File (hide): 1693819125078.png (168.56 KB, 394x390, p.png)

here u go, nona: >>1654299
this is it: >>596437

No. 1688169

No. 1688717>>1688842>>1689590

File (hide): 1693950592611.png (104.2 KB, 559x279, Immagine.png)

does anyone know where can i buy shoes like this? they don't need to be exactly the ones in the pic, just black platform boots without the zipper.
i live in italy

No. 1688773

That video where it's an English? Guy being arrested for public intoxication and they keep asking for his name but he gives total gibberish. they're like you're under arrest and he's like for what what.

No. 1688842>>1689123

File (hide): 1693960341900.jpg (723.52 KB, 3072x3072, botitasparalanonita.JPG)

These seem to be Vagabond Dioons, I just found a few sizes in Amazon.se (38, 39 and 40) perhaps they ship to Italy? Alternatively, and if you’re not opposed to AliExpress, I found these which are uglier but don’t have zippers and are patent “leather”. In the image “yours” are on top and the ones from Ali are on the bottom.

No. 1689123>>1689356>>1689481

thanks, i couldn't find them on amazon so perhaps they don't ship to italy. you're right the aliexpress ones are uglier but i will resort to them if i can't find anything better. thanks a lot anyway!

No. 1689356

I’m sorry I couldn’t help you, Nonatella. Earlier I saw them on Sweden’s Amazon but now they only appear on Belgium’s site. Buying from Amazon in other countries has been hit or miss for me so far but in the off chance you’re able to purchase them from Italy, here’s Amazon link: https://www.amazon.com.be/dp/B00VHX5D10
Buona fortuna on your continued search!

No. 1689481>>1689590>>1690310

no need to go through amazon, the brand themsleves seem to ship to italy

i bope you get your shoes nona

No. 1689590>>1690310

File (hide): 1694045636862.jpg (858.12 KB, 3072x3072, botitas para la nonita - the s…)

Nonatella, if you’re a size 38, you’re in luck! I found these: https://zibru.com/en/ankle-boots/1117-4731-sedai-nd41-black-patent.html#/385-size-38 from a Polish site, which are a bit closer to yours than the Ali ones. Unfortunately, still uglier than “yours”. On the plus side, they are on sale.
These seem to be an older style that is not available on their website or any other European site from my searches. Which is why I pointed her to Amazon.

No. 1689822>>1689837

File (hide): 1694065009160.png (15.26 KB, 735x583, sh0rt.png)

can some anon help me find the shorts like I've drawn? paperbag, made by h&m, 30% linen, very large front faced pockets. they were bought at a thrift store and I want more for walks.

No. 1689837

uniqlo had paperbag waist linen shorts this past summer but the website only has a few odd sizes left. they tend to stock the same type each year so you may be able to get next summer. old navy sells women's linen shorts in general but idk if they have any as close to yours as the uniqlo ones are.

No. 1690310>>1691125

File (hide): 1694106030851.jpg (66.68 KB, 800x800, koi-footwear-nd41-black.jpg)

thanks but like the other nona site they don't sell them here anymore
thank you, i'm not a size 38 but on that site i could find these in a size 39 that are pretty much what i wanted. they're not shiny but i'll live with that! thank you sm!

No. 1691125

You’re welcome, Nonatella! I’m so happy I was able to help you. As silly as it might sound this made my day. Grazie for coming back and sharing. May you have a lovely weekend! ♥

No. 1692106

File (hide): 1694250501148.jpg (702.42 KB, 1500x1000, Mt-Fuji-in-Winter.jpg)

I'm trying to remember an anime I watched that had a scene where the characters visited a snowy location that looked very similar to this valley by Mt Fuji. They also stayed in a place that looked very similar to the building in picrel.
Part of me keeps thinking it is from Haganai/Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai, but that's not it. I feel like it might've come from a similar anime that I watched around the same time.

No. 1692166>>1692182

Looking for an anime, I don't remember anything at all except for the fact that the protagonist was a teen girl with dark skin and short-ish blue(?) hair. It was probably some late 90s/early 00s anime, likely shounen. I think it was aired in some European countries, too.

No. 1692171>>1692821

File (hide): 1694259270462.png (805.32 KB, 1080x1567, IMG_1640.png)

Anyone know what ib this is? Doesn’t seem to be indexed.

No. 1692182>>1692185

Nadia and the secret of blue water ?

No. 1692185

Oh my god yes, thanks for the fast reply

No. 1692477>>1692480

File (hide): 1694281014688.png (1.6 MB, 1080x2400, image0.png)

Anyone can help me find these shoes ooor very very similar? I've been coveting them for a looong time.. Help pls! Ty in advance

No. 1692480>>1692486

the look like demonia stomps. they have different models

No. 1692486>>1692487

Ah, crap! Any sites you know that safely ship them to Europe and maybe aren't 100 dollars?

No. 1692487

sorry, no. maybe you can find them second hand? the original ones will be around that price point, but second hand will be cheaper. you can find knock-offs on places like aliexpress, but i have no idea how safe the shipping will be, never got anything that bigger than an envelope from there.

No. 1692701>>1692781

the name of these small coconut cakes i found at the store. i can't find anything even close when i look them up because literal frosting and all big cakes come up and they didn't look anything like that. they have almost a muffin-like shape but not quite (sharper? smoother?). i'm not sure if they are european but an elderly neighbor once got me those from germany as a child, and they were one of the best cakes i have ever eaten tbh. the ones at the store had several european language translations on it so i assume it must be an import from there. i can only remember one of the translations being kokos-something, and i know that just means coconut so it's not really helpful… sorry for my shit description skills but please help !!! they were a pale beige color

No. 1692781>>1692785

Maybe coconut macaroons/kokosanki?

No. 1692785

omg YES !!! thank you anon !!

No. 1692793

Chick fil a drive thru driver

No. 1692821

No. 1693917>>1693926>>1693968

Does anyone know a Japanese streetwear brand (not from Japan or Asia at all preferably) that isn't head to toe weebstuff? Something more wearable outside.

No. 1693926>>1694452

A Japanese streetwear brand that isn't Japanese?

No. 1693968>>1694452

TokiDoki? It’s actually an Italian brand, I used to collect the little blind box unicornos.

No. 1694452

I guess I don't want to ship from Japan or deal with their sizing, if they were global but Japanese (if that makes sense) it would be fine. I already know some Japanese brands, as a last resort I will go for them.

I don't really have a cutesy clothing style but yeah super cute, great option for anyone into that, thanks.

No. 1696349>>1707894>>1707940

Need a period cup that's at least 60+ml. I have a 30 ml cup that I have to empty like every other hour the first few days of my period. The last half of my period though I only have to empty it 2-3 times a day

No. 1696375


No. 1697375>>1697398>>1697410>>1697470

File (hide): 1694657315870.png (1.46 MB, 1022x768, song.png)

Please help me find the singer of this japanese song! I have no idea what this says because I can't read kanji nor hiragana. Here's the song (it's in an advertisement compilation)

No. 1697398>>1697410>>1697470

File (hide): 1694658161373.png (657.13 KB, 820x614, text.png)

there's also this text

No. 1697410>>1697470

Ok I found her name is さとう珠緒 Tamao Sato and the campaign is アートネイチャー but I still don't know what the song is and now I'm looking for this one too.

No. 1697470

nvm found them here: https://sonichits.com/video/さとう珠緒/恋をしよう_(Koi_O_Shiyou)?track=1
titles are 不機嫌なくちびる and Tokyoムーランルージュ

No. 1697667

File (hide): 1694676025634.png (31.39 KB, 1745x322, B26.png)

is it this one?

No. 1698304>>1698305>>1699454

File (hide): 1694729163331.png (1.46 MB, 872x1208, 4090788_737148641348305_908906…)

Can anyone help me find the original artist of this ? (i tried reverse image search and i found nothing). I'm 99% sure the artist who made this acrylic stand is not the one who drew it.

No. 1698305

File (hide): 1694729223750.png (1.99 MB, 952x948, ep3RFds.png)

Fore reference, this is what she usually post, there is no way it's the same artist

No. 1698351>>1707892

does anyone have that 4fags greentext where an anon tries therapy and talks about self harm tendencies and then on his next appointment his therapist has a box cutter in her pen holder kek

No. 1699195

Nonas, I'd love you dearly if you helped me find that one autistic artist who made Mario vent art about getting mildly bullied in a discord server.

No. 1699201

anyone know the name of that one schizo female youtuber? last video of hers i recall watching she was like "the ideal relationship between me and my shrink is me telling him what meds i need and him giving to me" lol

No. 1699454>>1704698

File (hide): 1694853140156.png (567.65 KB, 768x999, prawnm33gojo.png)

Couldn't find the og artist but the face is suspiciously similar to this prawnm33 drawing. Maybe they traced over the face and glued to a generic anime boy body. This is just an assumption on my part though.

No. 1700230>>1700245

File (hide): 1694946819507.webm (2.14 MB, 576x1024, dalida paroles paroles.webm) [play once] [loop]

does anyone have the full performance of this song by dalida and alain delon ? i swear it used to be the first video to pop up when you looked it up but for some reason the only trace i could find of it is vidrel as a clip on tiktok. it's not on INA's youtube channel, and i can't even find any images of it when i search it up! wtf is going on, i'm so frustrated. can anyone help me find it? i've had no luck searching on archive.org but maybe i just don't know how to look things up efficiently on there

No. 1700245>>1700257

here nonnie

No. 1700257

omg, thank you so much anon ! i can finally rest my mind kek, i literally started thinking it was lost to time.

No. 1702433>>1703426

It's like an early 2000s toonstyle 3D animation made in like rudimentary blendr or something of a furry animal voring another furry animal and there's some really calming lullabyish dramatic Enya type song in the background

No. 1703406

I'm looking for a high resolution picture of a paiting with several women dancing around in long white dresses (they all had one breast out). It was light green-ish overall. It was used as a thread picture on lolcow for a while but now I can't find it anymore and I don't really remember what the thread was for. I have no idea who the artist is either, and I can't find it from google.

No. 1703426

but why do you wanna find that…

No. 1703436>>1704717

A website where I could view tiktoks without having an account, sort of like nitter.net.

No. 1704698>>1705368

thank youuuu now i can go and harass her for tracing !!

No. 1704717>>1705011


No. 1705011>>1705783

Thanks, but do you know any other ones? This one doesn't let me view the videos unless I download them to my device.

No. 1705368

ntayrt but let us know how it goes please lol

No. 1705574>>1708323

I'm looking for a tumblr post that had a young black woman wearing yellow roller skating. A reply on the post had a perfectly balanced snapshot of the video and was edited to be a representation of the The World in the tarot deck. I really loved it but I don't have a tumblr anymore and can't find it via google.

No. 1705637>>1706096

Rock Sound Magazine used to make these sample cds and i am asking help to find the playlist (or list so i can make playlists) for years 2000-2007
Thank you love u nonna of infinite research patience

No. 1705783

I just looked up how to watch tiktok videos without a tiktok account on Google and clicked on one of the first articles so maybe you can find more on Google and try them out

No. 1706096

I found it for me but hope others enjoy (maybe)

No. 1707377>>1707380>>1707388>>1707396

File (hide): 1695681469051.jpeg (183.66 KB, 940x1200, IMG_1938.jpeg)

Could someone help me find a website that provides knitting patterns? I got some pretty yarn today and really want to try making an oversized cardigan.

No. 1707380>>1707746

Have you looked on Etsy?

No. 1707388>>1707746

Ravelry and youtube.

No. 1707396>>1707746

A cardigan is not a beginners item, have you made anything else yet?

No. 1707746

File (hide): 1695720113230.gif (169.08 KB, 220x220, IMG_1939.gif)

Thank you both!

Yes, this won’t be my first project so I’m looking for something a bit more challenging.

No. 1707747

christopher watermeier

No. 1707846

This was posted on lolcow before but it was an art piece of a man being eating by a woman on a bed and he’s in a dark room surrounded by photos of the woman eating him.

No. 1707892

kek no but i really wanna see it. have you tried searching 4chan greentext therapist?

No. 1707894>>1707940

File (hide): 1695736160915.png (684.08 KB, 573x762, cuppy.PNG)

No. 1707899

Tumblr post that goes like “she so pale” and then the next tumblr post is an ugly white chihuahua. Please and thank you mwah

No. 1707940

The nixit cup is similar to flex but reusable. It has really saved my life as someone with heavy periods and low cervix. Not only is it 70 ml, it can empty itself when you pee (but doesnt leak easily in other situations). And to not sound like a commercial bot there are other brands with similar cups like lumma, saalt and cora. Some call them menstrual discs.

No. 1707986>>1708029>>1708074

File (hide): 1695748265381.jpg (69.99 KB, 565x565, Mobestiary_Cover.jpg)

PLEASE help me find Minecraft: Mobestiary .pdf! I wanna read it SO bad but I can't physically get a copy and I don't wanna give Mojang money…

No. 1708029>>1708055

you need an account if you want to read the full book

No. 1708055

>>1708029 Thank you! It was so close.. But no cigar.. It says that book is unavailable to be borrowed and "Book available to patrons with print disabilities.". Any other places? Maybe with just the .pdf alone?

No. 1708074>>1708088

I don't know enough about minecraft to know if this is what you're looking for or if it the "full" pdf but I tried annas-archive and it came up

No. 1708088

File (hide): 1695757521605.png (643.87 KB, 816x843, Screenshot from 2023-09-26 22-…)

>>1708074 YES! Thank you! This is it! Thank you so so much, I'll be bookmarking this site. Any future nonnas who want to find Mobestiary; the pictures are crap like picrel (I suppose so you can't flat out steal them), but for the lore purposes it works.

No. 1708323>>1711502

File (hide): 1695789444067.png (805.9 KB, 832x631, Oumi Janta - The World (Tarot)…)

I think this might be it, Nona. In case it’s not, the skater’s name is Oumi Janta.

No. 1710113

An internet safety website shown in UK primary schools ~2010. Had a cartoon you could click through where there was a guy called 'meatcider' who some boys were talking to thinking he was also a child.

No. 1710127>>1710219

File (hide): 1695973883988.jpg (69.54 KB, 488x512, a1bef6e4cf78bb73c6de1125f984c0…)

Is there somewhere besides 4chan where you can endlessly browse vintage magazines and printed paraphernalia? I had a subscription to Readly but it was rather dull as it was only modern stuff like vogue etc.

No. 1710219

Sorry for not being of much help, but I remember a few websites like that available on the net (a quick google gave me a bunch of results)
You can also try Flickr, the internet archive (very cool), or Instagram pages like these

No. 1710263>>1711487

File (hide): 1695991956740.jpg (114.18 KB, 1500x947, 71ia0gSKm9L._AC_SL1500_.jpg)

Does anyone have that screenshot of Azealia Banks saying she wears toe shoes as dick repellent? (Or just any funny Azelia Banks posts in general, or what thread I can go to for them?) I want to start a folder .

No. 1711485

What thread do I post retarded moid takes from 4chan in? I could have sworn there was some thread for dumb moid screenshots and idk where it is.

No. 1711487>>1711735

File (hide): 1696095084622.jpeg (176.32 KB, 1125x1440, 5DCC56E9-F944-444F-B944-970213…)

not the one u asked for but this is my personal fav

No. 1711502

That's it! Thank you nona.

No. 1711513

I played this flash game when I was very young, must've been like 15ish years ago. All I remember is that it's a point and click game, and you are a tall, pale man. he enters this big mansion and starts exploring. also I think he's there to visit a friend, but the friend was dead. I think it was oriented around the victorian era, but im not sure.

No. 1711729

Young fat guy with a camera behind him walking straight through a very crowded street in an eastern(?) country groping men's penises without stopping as he walks past with Bittersweet Symphony playing

No. 1711735

lmao I love her crazy ass

No. 1712137

longshot because it's so niche but does anyone have that video of a hilariously badly drawn long ass face in like amateur anime style ( likely drawn by a kid ) with that "as long as i got my suit and tie" song ? it was posted by halodite/neotrances on tumblr like three years ago. i think it may have been downloaded from tiktok but i can't really remember but i'm thinking it was because iirc there was some funny transition to the drawing

No. 1714198>>1714234

Someone please help me find this song.

No. 1714234>>1714237

tombi by macaroom

No. 1714237

Oh my gosh, thank you based nona!

No. 1715093

It's a video possibly tiktok where they're asking ball players who on the team they wouldn't want their daughter or something to date and they're all like "Malachi" and then Malachi is just some spindly redheaded troll

No. 1715371

Does anyone have that original post praising the new admins for bringing back /m/, I thought it was super sweet.

No. 1716163

Video of a man cooking something zi think a steak? It may be a tiktok but I saw it on YouTube shorts, he is being really snarky, and I think someone is reacts to it pretending they are responding to his snark.

No. 1717261>>1717270

File (hide): 1696540811815.jpg (197.12 KB, 1080x1073, Tumblr_l_3247650767183661.jpg)

please i'm begging you all please who's the character on the right and who is the artist

No. 1717270>>1717276

dunno about character (think its oc) but artist is genki_heiki, no hits on saucenao so i used ascii2d

No. 1717276

thank you anon… Thank You…

No. 1717842

can an anon please give me that chart that shows the statistics of women getting pregnant at different ages it will be useful to me and I can't locate it despite it being posted recently. Thanks

No. 1717844

File (hide): 1696601287466.png (128.6 KB, 1243x853, neoseeker.png)

I think you're looking for Neoseeker, see picrel.
"Is Gender Identity A Cult?" uploaded by The State Media

No. 1718043

Just randomly remembered watching some partially animated music video where people (like police? some agents?) were killing zombies or some shit at night. It was pretty gory iirc but not scary because the quality of animation was kinda crappy/sloppy (could be on purpose). I think it was a rock/metal song featuring some female singer, and you can see them perform in the video. The singer moved seductively and all that. At some point the blood poured all over her. I can't remember the song itself but I guess there was something like "come on, boys, let's save the world…"?? something along those lines… I'm almost certain she called them boys. That's all I can remember. Does anyone have any ideas?

No. 1718100

I saw a reel/tiktok/short on instagram a few months back with a man giving a house tour, he was wearing a business suit and seemed like he didn’t fit into the house at all. The house looked like it belonged to some whimsical person before, it looked made of clay and all natural materials but really high quality, with high ceilings and lots of rounded angles and doors and overall it looked magical. I think it had a fireplace, and i think the man said he bought it from some lady before. Please help me find it, I want to see it again.

No. 1718114>>1718116>>1718118>>1718138

File (hide): 1696621752864.jpg (112.7 KB, 1050x840, tumblr_3406b011059f18b64deade1…)

Where would I go to find more photography like this? As in everyday people, but especially women, not super made-up or posed but going about their lives. I'm new to photography so I don't know what terms I would search for. Picrel is from the Mothers and Daughters series by Rania Matar.

No. 1718116>>1718138

File (hide): 1696621891557.jpg (427.97 KB, 660x1514, tumblr_nsjc7fYBSW1txnfq4o1_128…)

Things like this, too, ty anons in advance

No. 1718118>>1718122

Pinterest maybe?

No. 1718122

I've had some success there but it's very flooded with baddie it-girl poses. Even the stuff designed to look organic has this very artificial glamorized look, like it's trying super hard to be unique instead of just being unique if that makes sense. I found a lot of these kinds of images when I used to lurk radblr but I don't know if I can stand to sift through all the discourse again kek

No. 1718138>>1718150

oh-hi.info has lots of candid photos of people going back nearly a decade, every year from 2023-2014 is pictures of people. Another option is looking on Flikr. Taking screenshots from videos is a good option too.

No. 1718150

File (hide): 1696624804199.jpg (109.75 KB, 480x720, B0240331-y720px.jpg)

samfagging with example of what's on the site

No. 1718301>>1754141

A short comic of a guy looking at a picture of someone, then he wipes his forehead and picks up some heavy looking bags and continues working. People often edit the picture to something else, in do it for him meme way.

No. 1719507

please help me find this passage by a feminist about how young boys are in a similar "class" to girls and women but not quite because they're on their way to be men, something to that effect. i thought it was by shulamith firestone but when i search that up so far none of the result i'm looking for turn up

No. 1720734

Unironic music video made by that fat man with the pencil stache in the Grey glittery leotard and tights and bad install that literally thinks he's beyonce

No. 1721949>>1722574

File (hide): 1696928897671.png (639.79 KB, 894x603, image-7.png)

Can anyone help me find how Monster High dolls were created? Starting from the conceptualization, then to concept art, to 3D imagery/measurements for manufacturing, then prototype dolls, then perhaps them being made in a factory? Then testing (or a video of someone breaking a poorly made doll they just got). I know this sounds autistic, but I want to be immersed in MH dolls and I wanna know the behind the scenes stuff.. They were my childhood and I want to know the background. I'm also ESL so I have a hard time finding all this. If one of you nonnas could help I'd love you forever. Picrel is the only thing I found from the 3D concept phase.. I think? Not sure

No. 1722574

This channel has a few videos about prototypes

No. 1722577

There was a girl with brunette hair that made subliminals on YouTube. I don't know if her channel was terminated or if she privated her videos so that doesn't happen. Her username was a unique name and one of her last uploads was a face reveal and an EDMR subliminal.

No. 1722638>>1722642

There’s this Japanese artist whose name eludes me. She draws stuff with a super adorable style but has stuff like black and white cats throwing up pills I believe she’s an older artist. Quite popular but I just can’t seem to find her ugh

No. 1722642>>1722649

Maybe junko mizuno?

No. 1722649

That’s her, thank you!

No. 1723053>>1723104

File (hide): 1697025327457.png (54.01 KB, 526x557, 29ed499dc09c2fa0f33906f1cf690d…)

anyone know what site is this from? it's like a birth date compatibility

No. 1723104>>1723120>>1723532

here ya go, sweets https://sln.me/app/

No. 1723120

Thank you so much!!

No. 1723134>>1723136

File (hide): 1697032093020.png (8.49 MB, 3244x2168, 1695700807413.png)

There was some recent thread where this pic of tifs got posted on, does anyone remember which thread it was exactly?

No. 1723136>>1723143

No. 1723143

My search function must be broken because I did try to look that up in the dumbass threads and nothing came up, but thank you!!

No. 1723532

Cool site!

No. 1724614>>1724986

Child's Play by Gothika?

No. 1724671>>1724988>>1725229

I'm looking for a kids book, probably from the 2000s, about two fairy sisters. The older one was having her sweet 16 birthday party, and the younger one had borrowed a necklace or bracelet from her sister but lost it sliding down a rainbow, so she went back down it to try and get the jewelry but when she reached for it she fell off and broke her wings. The story focused on her feelings of envy about her older sister who she viewed as generally more cool and accomplished and loved, and her guilt about the jewelry, and feeling left out of fairy activities because she couldn't fly. I think there was a plot point about fairy dust, too. They had parents and lived in a house and went to school, just all in fairyland.
It wasn't "The Fairy with the Broken Wings" or "Rainbow Magic Fairies". It would have been a similar reading level and presentation to something like the Babysitter's Club I think.

No. 1724679

File (hide): 1697172986409.jpg (122.95 KB, 862x1115, Perhaps like this.jpg)

I remember when I was in my late teens and early twenties (this would have been between 2012-2016) reading an old horror story/creepypasta that I seemed to get a good deal out of. I found it being read by a narrator on Youtube, though I couldn't tell you who. I cannot for the life of me remember the contents of the story but for a few details:
- There was an old, Victorian-style house on a property.
- The story was set in America or the UK. I'm swaying more towards America.
- I believe there was the protagonist who encountered a mother and son who lived on this property.
- The climax of the story involved the protagonist finding the body of the boy (I believe, maybe another family member) in the walls of one of the downstairs rooms. This was either the cause or result of the occurrences in the property.
I know this isn't a lot of detail and Creepypasta is predominantly cringe af but this has been driving me nuts. I have to know.

No. 1724912

File (hide): 1697196723219.jpg (81.48 KB, 556x786, Garth Marenghi's Darkplace.jpg)

Some old TV series, 1980-1990, with 80s glow effect, probably of a kind of what "Darkplace" was parodying. Or maybe it was something like "Beyond Belief Fact or Fiction" or "Tales from the Crypt".
The episode was about skull-shrinkage caused by mercury poisoning.
A wealthy married couple went to a doctor because something was wrong with their baby, discovered that it's skull has shrunk, in the end their skulls also became small inside their normal looking heads… Spooked me as a child.

No. 1724986

Oh my god anon I could kiss you. Thank you!

No. 1724988>>1725229

Maybe the tinker bell books? There’s Raina the wingless fairy. Long blond hair, light blue dress. Best friends with tinker bell. Made fun by the fast fairy who can fly.

No. 1725229>>1725347

It isn't that, but thank you.
I don't remember it being part of any series or having any characters in it that I recognized from elsewhere. Also, the magic and fairy stuff was basically just set dressing; it could easily have been a book where a normal human girl breaks her leg going down a big slide. >>1724671

No. 1725347>>1725383

Silver and the fairy ball? It’s the only other guess I have. The fairies have detachable wings. Silver breaks her.

No. 1725383>>1725407

It's not that one either, but thank you for trying.
I'm 100% certain that the party in the story was a birthday (I think it did use the specific phrase "sweet 16"), and that the wings are non-detachable body parts, and that the girl starts with normal wings and then breaks them during the story. I'm also pretty sure that it was just the two sisters without any other siblings. The birthday and the jewelry are really important in the story as well as the broken wings. It's also not The Night Fairy.>>1724671

I think maybe I should try the reddit for this since I've heard they're good at finding things but then I'd have to make an account and deal with redditors, ugh

No. 1725407>>1725420

Could it be a collection?
Shirley Barber Fairy Stories Hardcover – May 2 2005 Has a story in it about two sisters and the younger one is jealous so she gives her sister a gold bracelet that makes her flightless.

No. 1725420

Not a collection, just one story in one book, and it was a paperback if that helps. The bracelet/necklace wasn't magical (or if it was, it was something really minor like a good luck charm), just a pretty piece of jewelry that they both liked, and it was the jealous sister who physically broke her own wings by accident on the slide.
Don't stress yourself about it; I'm normally great at finding this stuff but I've had no luck with this one so it must be really obscure. I guess it might just come down to finding someone else who's read the thing, haha.
Again, thank you.

No. 1725915

There's this scene that got turned into a webm of this scene from a movie where it's an old woman with elf ears in an obvious CGI box and the camera pans on her and then she stares at it for like a solid 10 seconds before the camera awkwardly pans down

It's from a recentish movie that I think bombed and it's one of the funniest scenes I've ever seen.

No. 1726451

The mandarin dub of Death Note is absurdly hard to find online. I know it exists somewhere! If a nonnie has a clue as to where I can download or watch the episodes I would be forever grateful.

No. 1727600

Are there any good sites to buy Asian (more particularly Korea,Japan,Hong Kong) menstrual products? Like pads and stuff? They're just so advanced, I'm running out of the ones I bought when I went to HK and I'm crying internally.

No. 1728045

File (hide): 1697419926365.png (296.96 KB, 480x750, tumblr_n2vioaPTCu1r6x0l5o1_500…)

Does anyone know where the artist who made pic related is now? I remember she was rather popular during the Dmmd era on Tumblr. She went by nohomoujaku and later koujakuandthediamonds (apparently she also was girlcumsmoothie at some point kek). I remember she got heavy into Team Fortress after her DMMd phase, and after that I completely lost track of her. If anyone knows any of her current social media handles, it would be appreciated!
She came to my mind randomly after all these years, and I've been struggling trying to find her. I tried her past urls on the Wayback Machine and came to a dead end, sadly.
Her art makes me super nostalgic of my early 2010s on Tumblr, so even just finding her old drawings would be super cool (I was only able to find pic related for some reason, though maybe I'm a bit boomerish when it comes to searching for old art kek)
Also I'm ESL so please ignore any potentially weird phrasing and all that.

No. 1728134>>1728141

I really want to read a lesbian romance novel that takes place in a post-apocalyptic setting. I searched my online library and googled it, and could not find any suggestions. Does anyone know of a book like this? If not I'm going to have to write my own.

No. 1728141>>1728145

File (hide): 1697426379790.jpg (225.18 KB, 900x1200, tiger flu.jpg)

i think this is what you're looking for

No. 1728145

thank you, this looks really good, i'm going to read it soon!

No. 1728202>>1728325

Manga where a couple is making out and then it pans to under the bed and a buff killer in a hockey mask is just laying there

No. 1728325>>1728342>>1728366

File (hide): 1697442469983.jpg (135.91 KB, 1080x1075, 54ghrwyygws51.jpg)

Nvm found

No. 1728342>>1728349>>1728356

What's the name of the manga?

No. 1728349>>1728366

Final Girl

No. 1728356

File (hide): 1697444315188.jpg (Spoiler Image,233.99 KB, 841x1200, ea4c6d4cbbb70df1155ad4fb3bd0f6…)

No. 1728366

Thanks :)(:))

No. 1729649>>1730314

File (hide): 1697567115525.jpg (4.73 MB, 2756x3937, f5ce613e7c2944d5aa62610a7b67e0…)

Does anyone know where I could watch this movie? It's a Korean film that came out last year: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt15482612/

No. 1730313>>1730515

Can anyone point me to the schizo anons thread that she made herself on /snow? I forgot what was her name, is she still even around? I would also appreciate if someone linked the threads she posted in

No. 1730314>>1732389

kissasian, currently it's .lu

No. 1730512>>1730520>>1730521

What was that game called where you're invited to a couple's dinner, and depending on what you say (iirc you don't have choices or anything, but you actually type it out yourself) you change the flow of the entire meal, but end up making them break up for the most part? You could also destroy their apartment iirc. It was ugly.

No. 1730515>>1731209

That could apply to a whole handful of cows, you'll have to be more specific

No. 1730520>>1730535

File (hide): 1697659807757.gif (397.91 KB, 500x313, IMG_8420.gif)


No. 1730521>>1730535

File (hide): 1697659852658.png (341.51 KB, 921x817, Screenshot_20231018-161053.png)


No. 1730535

No. 1731209>>1731554

She was an actual diagnosed schizo and most of her ramblings sounded very incoherent, doxxed herself in her own thread. She also frequently posted about homestuck iirc appearance wise she was a brunette white American. I hope she is doing better and hasn't killed herself, she'd post about being suicidal because of her schizophrenia.

No. 1731554>>1731841

The one that would post selfies? I didn't know she was American, I thought she was from another country

No. 1731841

Yeah, she also posted her family. I don't remember exactly, but I think she did mention she was from the states

No. 1731913>>1731919>>1731922>>1731933>>1731955

File (hide): 1697776883685.jpeg (435.72 KB, 2048x1536, FwmvNZmXoAEtPen.jpeg)

Looking for a Twitter account of a girl just posting her personal knit crafts. Pic related. It's a small account, I found it when it only had a few pics, so finding it again has been hard especially since Twitter has been broken for me.
Also is there a good way to search for Tumblr posts? The actual Tumblr search is broken and trying to use a search engine just gives me popular posts with similar words even though I'm putting exact phrases from the post in quotations.

No. 1731919>>1731922

>Also is there a good way to search for Tumblr posts?
no lol

But in the future try google instead. Use the term "site:tumblr.com" or "site:tumblr.com/post" (no quotes). The first one restricts results to tumblr, the second restricts it to direct links to posts on tumblr. The pitfall here is that it will still sometimes serve up irrelevant posts/pages if they got cached with the right post on them but updated later and no longer have it (or it was only there in a random recommendations section anyway).

No. 1731922>>1732930

Oh wait my bad I completely missed the part where you said you did try search engines and not just the tumblr search. Sorry!
I'll let it stand in case it helps someone else though

No. 1731933>>1732930

If you're looking for a specific post and you remember a time frame, I think the best thing to do is google and search by date. I did that a while ago when looking for a specific tumblr blog and it helped even though I couldn't remember the name.

No. 1731955>>1732930

hope you find it, that looks adorable and makes me want to get into knitting

No. 1732350

A long time ago I remember hearing about a manga about a boy who gets isekai'd into an otome game, where he has like 7 brothers who are all competing for the MC's affection. Does that ring any bells?

No. 1732389

thank you nonnie!!!

No. 1732466>>1732469

File (hide): 1697830243108.jpeg (138.43 KB, 1920x1080, wallpaper2.jpeg)

What series is picrel? I've had it as my wallpaper for the past six months.

No. 1732469>>1733625

I think it's Shirokuma Cafe

No. 1732930>>1733175

File (hide): 1697867093879.jpeg (162.1 KB, 1080x1396, FvttJ1DWwBcpDk4.jpeg)

It's ok nona I'm sure it'll help someone! I think a lot of people aren't aware
I have a vague idea of when I saw some of the posts I'm after but no clue when or where they were actually posted… I was just browsing random blogs
Here's another pic I saved, maybe this will help with tracking down the account too

No. 1732991

I'm looking for a children's book about two sisters whose hair is connected. I read it in Spanish so I'm assuming that's the original language. Really weird and sad story, but it's a picture book iirc. Does anyone know what this might be?

No. 1733175

If the account is in English then make sure you're looking for crochet instead of knit. Those are crochet dolls, but I just noticed you called it knit in your posts and that could be the issue for why you can't find her. Some languages don't have a different word for crocheting and knitting though. Anyway, that specific type of crochet is called amigurumi so try searching for that as well.

No. 1733394

Does anyone know a song I heard years ago that sampled a dog barking that sounded like vidrel, like a pitched up real dog or toy dog barking? Might have been techo or similar, might have had the barking samples pitched down and it might have been made by nonenglish/nonamerican. It wasn't Gabe the dog or a parody of a super popular song.

No. 1733625


No. 1733626>>1733665

Anybody remember what the name of the site was where you could input an authors name and get suggested similar authors? The closer the names are, the more similar they are. The layout was very similar to everynoise.

No. 1733665

Found it myself just minutes later, it's literature-map.

No. 1733706>>1733762

Compilation of anons flipping out about fast food restaurants. There was obviously the grimace shake anon then the chick fil a drive thru driver, but I could've swore there was some sperg about Burger King as well

No. 1733713

that meme where it's a black and white photo (taken from the front) of a woman laughing with her head back and being held up by the arms from the floor by two people. saw it once captioned something like
>how i feel after four cups of wine
or something like that kek

No. 1733762

File (hide): 1697934176718.jpg (175.8 KB, 1588x460, 1635912138480.jpg)

No. 1733856>>1733978

File (hide): 1697939754686.jpg (93.46 KB, 564x564, 1bbe0281c5fb999ee73f2160a0bc72…)

i think there used to be a thread for online shopping but i can't find it
it should be pretty old by now

No. 1733978

No. 1735609

File (hide): 1698052234245.jpg (302.51 KB, 1344x1741, one-more-wave-of-the-wand-and-…)

A shot in the dark, but does anyone know resources on British illustrator Marjorie Miller and her life? The only website I found in relation to her is this one: https://genderdesk.wordpress.com/2022/08/08/marjorie-miller/
She lived between 1897-1936 and did Art Nouveau drawings but there is very little information on her life other than this

No. 1735747>>1735772>>1735774

short video of a guy crosplaying as some red school uniform wearing girl and a guy complementing and him replying him in a deep voice something like "thanks bro"

No. 1735772>>1735817>>1735824

that’s been done multiple times i’ve seen, is it one of these?

No. 1735774>>1735817

sorry to other anons for having to look at these ugly moids kek

No. 1735817>>1740508

It was actually a cure looking black guy.

No. 1735824

>the pt poopin pose

No. 1737253>>1737256

File (hide): 1698150965529.jpg (115.09 KB, 1064x800, Tumblr_l_4554416539377828.jpg)

who is she and who is thotiana?!?

No. 1737256

Thotiana is just a word for thot. "bus down thotiana" came from this song.

No. 1738919>>1738933

Does anyone know where I could acquire the shirt the bald man is wearing?

No. 1738933>>1738980

File (hide): 1698261216435.png (211.8 KB, 967x545, poodle shirt.png)

No. 1738980

Goddamn, i'll bookmark it lmao, thank you so much!

No. 1738987>>1739090

There was this song made to advertise german sex toys that was super catchy but now I can't find it… It went like "ton ton ton" (those are the lyrics) and sounded like it was in french but it was german.

No. 1739090

this one right ?

No. 1740394

Can someone help me identify the instrument that starts playing at 2:53 in this song? I love it so much.

No. 1740508

i know what video you are talking about but i could not find it for you. I know this is a really unhelpful hint but I recall that the guy in the video has a Twitter account where he's just broadly into anime and cosplay in general, and I think he captioned it something like
>tfw your voice isn't kawaii…

No. 1743706>>1744062

File (hide): 1698611380325.jpg (176.32 KB, 640x700, aim.jpg)

Does anyone know the artist?

No. 1744062>>1744155

File (hide): 1698636173763.jpg (469.67 KB, 1127x1600, Dope Rider.jpg)

Paul Kirchner

No. 1744155

thank you!

No. 1744229>>1744444

Most of the questions here would've been solved immediately if you all just learnt how to reverse image search.

No. 1744444

Eh, reverse image search is shit these days

No. 1744458>>1744463>>1745326

Flash game of a cute ghost living on a mantion that had to posses furniture and scare people

No. 1744463>>1744478>>1745326

File (hide): 1698662892386.png (80.55 KB, 512x512, unnamed.png)

haunt the house? i just googled your post

No. 1744478

thank you yesss

No. 1745326

this game is really addicting, good taste anon

No. 1747548

Anybody has that meme where it's always a hot girl
Like "I love nerdy girls" and it's a hot girl with glasses
"I love girls who can play the guitar" dans it's just a hot girl with a guitar
"I love shy girls"
and so on
I need it rn lol

No. 1748744

Giant germknödel drawing

No. 1749865

a post making fun of men watching football and then the commentary of the match and then taking about the metacommentary with their friends

No. 1751429>>1751495

Book about underground/cave people who live in extreme darkness. Main character is a teen-kid that somehow got there and I think is locked up for a bit. Its a whole secret society or town underground I think. Was made by 2008 or older when I read it. The cover was like a dark scene or something and a light/crystal/lamp at the end.

No. 1751495>>1751560

File (hide): 1699095850365.jpg (23.21 KB, 303x450, 9780385371353.jpeg.jpg)

City of ember?

No. 1751560

I think it was Tunnels by Roderick Gordon. Took a ton of related forum questions to find it. The cover was more gritty and it was more about finding a society than trying to leave one.

No. 1753404>>1753434>>1753558>>1753569

File (hide): 1699171042027.jpg (1.39 MB, 1284x2778, 1695647864790460.jpg)

Who is the artist?

No. 1753434>>1753491

some answer PLEASE I wanna know too

No. 1753491


No. 1753558>>1753588>>1753664

No. 1753569

No. 1753588

Thank you

No. 1753664

bless u bless u bless u

No. 1754141>>1754520

File (hide): 1699209913518.jpg (103.1 KB, 912x960, FeWQGVZaAAAn1vK.jpg)

No. 1754520

Thank you!

No. 1755492

File (hide): 1699253965405.jpg (188.75 KB, 788x834, 399304526_18398898244025156_70…)

Anyone knows where this hoodie from? It has a human face on the hood and might came from somewhere in korea

No. 1757515

Free text to image AI art generator that has a really short URL like art.io. Not hotpot or openart. Can not for the life of me find it now.

No. 1758797

A song by I think one of members of the members of spicy girls, called something like "play it all night"

No. 1759688

A Japanese Girl group song where they were all dressed up as tenpin bowling pins and were trying to escape some weird man in a factory/warehouse, a shopping trolley was involved. Or maybe the man was the bowling pin I'm not 100% on that detail.

No. 1759820>>1759833

File (hide): 1699482876488.png (230.58 KB, 1620x1127, Untitled189_20231108163221.png)

I’m new to lolcow but has anyone heard of ZAPF? I’m trying to find a link to it or any information regarding it. I was a “member” of ZAPF for a while and I’m trying to find a person worth exposing. They’re a (p, zoo) and many other things. I had personal contact with them and I need information on them so I can get awareness out on Zrcalo and how he’s avoiding social media and is thriving underneath. I only have one screenshot of a minor the person I’m looking for has groomed. Plus any lolcow help appreciated.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1759833

We aren't your personal army, fuck you

No. 1763749>>1763805

File (hide): 1699596882892.png (220.5 KB, 309x371, inbreed.PNG)

does any one has the image of this retard with a bunch of facts about his life on top of his face, ex: everybody was waiting for him to die, his blood was acid, etc.

No. 1763805>>1764017

File (hide): 1699599259388.jpg (41.27 KB, 750x370, mlmiudzvm1151.jpg)

No. 1764017

stacy shit, thank you

No. 1765145>>1765320

File (hide): 1699667204164.jpeg (75.39 KB, 580x580, IMG_5751.jpeg)

Did anyone else use this? It had the perfect green tea scent imo. It was light and fresh and not super sweet but not weird like Elizabeth Arden green tea. Does anyone know any body mists or perfumes that smell like this?

No. 1765151>>1765296

Where’s the thread where the girl talked about wanting to fuck her bf while he rped spongebob but he wouldn’t because spongebob is a feminine character?

No. 1765296>>1765306>>1765319

File (hide): 1699672660228.png (336.71 KB, 1228x470, spongebob-nonnie.png)

No. 1765306

God I love women

No. 1765319

I want to know his rps so bad

No. 1765320

File (hide): 1699673504785.jpg (72.08 KB, 812x812, THÉ MATCHA.jpg)

Nona, the perfume thread over in /g/ is fairly active, perhaps they can help? >>>/g/72084

No. 1765504>>1765533

Meme of two fat sweaty gross men typing to eachother on their computers pretending to be cute girls

No. 1765533>>1765537

File (hide): 1699681334488.png (53.76 KB, 607x428, neckbeards roleplaying little …)

No. 1765537

You're a real one

No. 1766054>>1766058

File (hide): 1699717760057.jpg (30.2 KB, 300x400, beatrice_umineko_no_naku_koro_…)

where can I torrent Umineko in english? I only found one in russian, other ones I've seen didn't seem safe.

No. 1766058>>1768055

have you tried the torrent site nyaa?

No. 1766977>>1768061

Does anyone have that screen cap that’s like “I wanna smack her head with a cast iron pan” and it’s a photo of florence pugh

No. 1768055>>1768099>>1768119>>1768147>>1769566

yeah, but that site looks to complicated for me, I just need the full game in english

No. 1768061

No. 1768099>>1769443

why do people have no tech literacy anymore

No. 1768119>>1769443

lmfao downloading a torrent is dead easy literally google it and click on the first video that appears

No. 1768147>>1769443

how do people make it through the education system nowadays if you can't be bothered to look at a website you don't immediately understand for a minute.

No. 1769443>>1769455>>1769458

I know how to download torrents but I don't want to see hundreds of version in different languages of the game I want.

No. 1769455

oh no, you might have to actually look for something for once instead of having some algorithm feed it to you. the humanity

No. 1769458

you have the tech literacy of a 50yo dad. it took me 3 seconds to find what you wanted.

No. 1769459

That gif of Amy Poehler’s character in parks and rec physically fighting with some woman and spinning her around to make her get dizzy

No. 1769566>>1769707

Why does it look complicated to you? I don't play games so extracting the files in all the right folders seems like a pain to me, but the torrents look simple enough. Not a lot of seeders, probably gonna be slow.
Is this what you wanted? https://nyaa.si/view/1325411 There are so many umineko versions, I'm really not familiar with them

There's also a mega direct download of Umineko Tsubasa (a side story I guess): https://uminekotsubasa.github.io/

No. 1769583>>1769595>>1798829

This will be really vague but a book aimed towards teenage girls about how to dress, accessorise and take care of themselves(DIY face mask recipes were a part of it, if I remember correctly). There might be more to it but I know there was a section about choosing which element fits you best based on your features and colours (e.g. earth, fire, water, air).
I read it around 2012 and it was in Latvian, but it had girls from other races in it, so I believe it was translated.

No. 1769595>>1769634

I haven't read them in forever, and they're more aimed at tweens than teenagers, but The Care and Keeping of You or A Smart Girl's Guide to Self Care were two really popular ones in America.

No. 1769634>>1798829

Not the one I'm looking for but thank you anyways, they actually look decent and worth a read! It definitely had more real-life photographs than drawings.

No. 1769707

I already have similar one downloaded, but I like having pirated games that have very similar game play to the original one without any unnecessary files that come with it, thanks anyway.

No. 1769735

File (hide): 1699895766083.jpeg (655.43 KB, 1536x2048, F-ZNEBVbkAA4SJN.jpeg)

A difference finding game (that starts in a graveyard I think) about a zombie during winter (Christmas?) and at first it's sweet and then becomes grotesque and weird and I think the zombie starts killing people while they celebrate Christmas. The UI was purple/black and goth-esque. I think it was made by a woman and she also made a find the difference game and each new slide revealed a story about a magical future or something like that? It was like a story where a guy and a girl going to a futuristic building and needing to get to the upper floor.. Or maybe this one was just on the same site.. There were many pretty looking spot the difference games and I found those two there, but I think they could've just been stolen from dA. Maybe if someone could help me find one of them, I could find the other? I played them around 2010 - 2013. Thank you in advance, nonnies!

No. 1772586>>1774425

File (hide): 1700047996660.jpg (3.91 KB, 266x102, photo_2023-11-15_16-32-58.jpg)

what is this font called?

No. 1774352>>1774375

File (hide): 1700149198402.jpg (65.65 KB, 498x750, 261297f0986a78214cc7782d7944ed…)

anyone here know who this is ? neither google lense, tineye ( useless ass addon btw ) or yandex are turning up any results…

No. 1774375>>1774392>>1774436

Lauren Tate, vocalist of Hands off gretel

No. 1774392>>1774436

beat me to it. she’s so pretty

No. 1774425

File (hide): 1700152676591.jpeg (478.12 KB, 1440x2880, Pizzadude’s Typewrither.JPEG)

Nona, it reminds me of Pizzadude’s Typewrither.

No. 1774436

thanks anons !

No. 1774803

I've been going insane trying to find this one Flash TBS card game. I know it's a Flash game and it has since been removed from any of the sites that have hosted it (Y8 was one of them). Description of what I remember:
>high fantasy setting
>throughout the turns + the main title screen a very distinct tune played, it sounded almost regal in grandiosity
>could type your own name and choose one of the many premade avatars of fantasy characters, the avatars were close-ups of the characters, many of them were of beautiful women (elves, succubi, dryads and the like), but the diversity was impressive overall as it also had old crones and wizards and orcs and the entire fantasy brigade
>the cards had an element attached to them if I recall well (might be wrong about this though)
>cards had health and were placed in a horizontal row as a defense to defend the player's health, the vacant spots that were unoccupied by cards meant that the player character can be hit through them
>one of the starting cards was a fairy/sprite/wisp-like woman who could heal the other cards for a small amount

Please help an autist out, I've been dying to at least hear the music play in an old 2013 Youtube video if I can't play the game myself :(

No. 1775368

can someone please help me find the thread where some pickme anon said women need to "get over" or "deal with" being catcalled? She got dogpilled by other anons and one of them said she probably wishes she got that kind of attention from moids or something similar to that. I could've sworn i saw it in one of the confession threads a couple weeks ago, but i am unable to find what i am looking for with the search function.

No. 1776022

File (hide): 1700256976446.jpg (18.95 KB, 309x311, photo_2023-11-18_02-36-30.jpg)

what is this from?

No. 1776760>>1776819>>1776889

File (hide): 1700315072728.png (115.13 KB, 787x220, dressup.PNG)

Help anons i used to play this dressup years ago and i forgot the name i remember it used to be semi viral and isnt a picrew

No. 1776819>>1776889

File (hide): 1700321787330.gif (204.15 KB, 496x433, bebinator.gif)

No. 1776889>>1776954

File (hide): 1700325776807.jpg (19.94 KB, 378x432, photo_2023-11-18_21-43-23.jpg)

Can anyone else not get rid of this Okay bubble?

No. 1776954

File (hide): 1700330471685.jpg (24.52 KB, 378x432, 1700325776807.jpg)

It was easy.

No. 1777071

Does anyone have that reaction img of rilakkuma eating something on an orange back ground and it says either happy tanksgibin or tanksgibin above it?

No. 1777172>>1777187>>1777921

There is this old cartoon show which I dont remember the name of and its eating me alive. All I remember is that it is based on this music band. Mostly remember appearances, the two singers, a male blondie and a tan girl with dark purpleish hair and a hat. A guitarist hippie looking ginger with long dreadlocks, a brown kid with a hat and the fat pale drummer with short hair. Please if anyone knows what Im talking about, tell me. It genuinely kills me

No. 1777187>>1777200

Time frame? Channel it was on?

No. 1777200


It aired around the late 2010s, I think… And don't remember. The animation style was kind of similar to Totally Spies, whimsical and vibrant.

No. 1777225>>1777269

Can someone help me find this vine or short clip of a guy in a kids' gym absolutely wrecking the children with the foam equipment? The one I'm referring to had Super Smash Bros SFX over it.

No. 1777267>>1777269>>1780512

Testing, idk if it works with shorts. There's other versions but this one has smash bros music

No. 1777269

Oops forgot to link

No. 1777471>>1777952>>1778102

File (hide): 1700358879218.jpeg (135.18 KB, 736x721, f36b8ed9-dd22-443e-ae0d-7b5715…)

Could somebody who knows Japanese type out the name tag on the right so I can find this artist? Google Lens isn't helping.

No. 1777921

Class of 3000? Is late 2010s a typo? That's not old at all.

No. 1777929>>1795774

File (hide): 1700386556584.jpg (637.62 KB, 1354x904, art.jpg)

Who is this artist? The signature doesn't help, it's like the Scorpio sign with an extra n shape and inches sign. It's from the Vampire The Masquerade - 20th Anniversary Edition https://ambientvibe.com/erebos/PDFs/Vampire%20The%20Masquerade%20-%2020th%20Anniversary%20Edition.pdf
There is a credits list of the artist (pg.6), but I googled them all and none seem to be the match to this style and signature! Reverse image search just brings me to the uncredited art. Why is it so hard to find these artists, I spent my entire morning looking for two artists, but at least I found the other one.

No. 1777952>>1778019>>1778102


No. 1777979>>1792070

the Chad clitoris vs. virgin penis meme

No. 1778019

could it be more like this? 纟⺹。子 尹。 but I don't know how to combine them.

No. 1778102

File (hide): 1700392859597.jpg (5.61 MB, 3083x4096, 007xEQBVgy1h7ikf6mcrej32dn35sk…)

No. 1779706>>1793332

File (hide): 1700482886534.png (785.7 KB, 790x1168, Screenshot_20231120_142039_Chr…)

PLEASE! Help me find where to download "Delaware St. John Volume 2: The Town With No Name" (or "Delaware St. John: Volume 1: The Curse of Midnight Manor" if the second one is lost to the ether…) that's NOT old-games.com or some other weird scammy site that shows up first on search. BTW, old-games.com is a fucking scam; I found the game and tried to download it, it started downloading fine.. Except when it showed me it'll take 17 hours to download and after 3 hours passed it was still ETA 17 hours. They also only give you 24 hours to download a game KEK as if you can do that when they purposefully limit the rate…

No. 1780393>>1780408

File (hide): 1700515363858.gif (61.46 KB, 400x611, 1651345980821.gif)

The name of this kind of text images that you'd always see in some comment sections years ago. I know this is a gif but it's the same. Also I remember someone made an Elsie version of this and if anyone would like to share it would be great.

No. 1780408>>1780417

ascii art

No. 1780417

File (hide): 1700516022527.gif (1.02 MB, 732x620, 1_fVYWnSY2l66QfO3zzlUfjA.gif)

Thank you!

No. 1780512

Yes, that's it!!! Thank you, anon!

No. 1783008>>1783100>>1785084

File (hide): 1700666028943.png (4.09 KB, 638x185, 1700553058027.png)

What font is this?

No. 1783100

Ask on /meta/ maybe?

No. 1785084>>1785467

oh that's my screenshot kek. if you're wondering how i got the font to be so crisp i actually helped out another anon with that once and decided to keep it for myself cause i liked it. here's the instructions post >>1660312

No. 1785451>>1785462>>1786488

When I was a kid I had a friend with a playstation (or similiar console that connects to the tv) and we played a game that had an intro scene that, in hindsight, seems weirdly inappropriate for a (presumably) kids/all ages game, and I'm just wondering if anyone recognizes it and knows what it was called. Basically it's a couple of farm animals walking on their back legs, they see a weirdly coomerish lady pig with big boobs and makeup waving at them, they draw sticks and one of them loses, then the game starts. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?

No. 1785462>>1785468>>1785686>>1786488

File (hide): 1700765108051.jpg (188.62 KB, 1062x1500, 8t5444454rf6.jpg)

Do you remember any more details regarding the game or how the controllers looked like? Picrel is the first that comes to mind with walking animals on their hindlegs

No. 1785467

thank you!

No. 1785468

No, that's not it. I think the game must be from 2006ish at latest. It had a multiplayer game option, that's all I remember

No. 1785686

File (hide): 1700771417714.jpg (110.8 KB, 720x464, 746027-925100_20060808_002.jpg)

Barnyard is such an amazing game I'd walk around as a cute cow picking flowers and doing cool tricks on my bike.

No. 1785958>>1786500

File (hide): 1700776366152.png (243.56 KB, 1312x676, Screenshot 2023-11-23 at 1.53.…)

Help me find sunglasses that look similar to this. Not looking for a literal dupe/knockoff but similar shape. There's square shaped everywhere but I like the more cat eye shape these have.

No. 1786111

Movie with a scene with a character who stands in front of a screen that changes from bright red, yellow, green, blue. Think it was French or Japanese or Chinese.

No. 1786474>>1786485

File (hide): 1700812795798.png (527.76 KB, 525x502, playlist.png)

found this in a japanese magazine and wondering if it still exists, what was it in terms of make up?

No. 1786485


“Playlist Multi Painter” is a tube-type multi-colored item that looks just like “paint.” It has a smooth cream texture that blends easily and can be used anywhere on the face, including around the eyes, mouth, and skin.

No. 1786488

I found it (it wasn't a pig tho). It even has a picture of a nude bird on the wall in the background. Am I crazy for thinking this is inappropriate for a game rated 12+?

No. 1786500

Looks like typical prada glasses to me

No. 1787420

ok this is a looooong shot but i'm looking for a harrry poter fanfic, ofc i can't recall the name or author
>on ff.net
>posted in the 2010s or maybe late 00s
>it's about tom riddle and a bunch of other slytherin students (all original characters) attempting a demon summoning
>other characters included a pair of boy/girl twins and a guy named alexandre (french spelling)
>part of the demon incantation was "tetragrammaton, anaxexeron" or something very similar
>the demon shows up but it goes wrong, one guy dies and they get caught
> ends with the sentence 'riddle set to wipinng the chalk from the bottoms of his shoes' (or something very close in formulation)
i know it's a long shot but google and ffn's dogshit search engine are of no help and it's driving me bonkers

No. 1787785

A screenshot from some yuri manhwa/manhua of a woman being eaten out(I think she had either light blue or white/grey hair) while having an rbf face.

No. 1787820

A website that was around the peak of 2010s “cringe culture”, posted basic cringe images you’d see around that time like furries or strange people. I think the site might have been set up like the people of walmart site and maybe even had a forum or a comment section on the images. It also had a tumblr account with original content and the profile picture was of that hello my future girlfriend kid and it allowed submissions. The site is probably long gone by now but I want some nostalgia on classic cringe.

No. 1789361

Nylon magazine scans from 2005-2013 for free. Ive looked before with no luck

No. 1789376

I'm looking for some animated music video with some kind of gorilla/monkey war going down.
I don't remember the genre of music, just that I thought it was cool. Probably rap/dubstep knowing my dumbass ex.

No. 1789783>>1789784>>1789786

File (hide): 1701034702116.jpg (84.15 KB, 985x736, Tumblr_l_2546467321642934.jpg)

Where's this from please?

No. 1789784

Eltingville Club pilot.

No. 1789786

i will never stop being angry my favourite niche thing became popular with normalfaggots

No. 1790011>>1790386

File (hide): 1701045640845.jpeg (242.48 KB, 1242x473, IMG_0628.jpeg)

Where’s the original Elsie pic that isn’t attached to this? I looked in the elsie thread but can’t find it

No. 1790365>>1790379

Looking for a cartoon I saw when I was younger, probably early 10s but not sure, on nick or disney. School setting, protagonists were a goth girl with short black hair and dress and a bald black guy with tiny glasses, I think they solved school crimes or something like that. I don't think it aired for a long time. Any clues?

No. 1790379>>1790389

File (hide): 1701057815354.jpeg (13.68 KB, 185x272, download (1).jpeg)


No. 1790386

No. 1790389

Oh yeah that's it, that was quick. I thought it was an obscure cartoon but maybe not lol. Thanks!

No. 1792070>>1792227>>1830406

File (hide): 1701185147130.png (43.17 KB, 500x325, IMG_1123.png)

No. 1792227

thank you nona! ♥

No. 1792259

File (hide): 1701195147218.jpg (37.31 KB, 300x300, Echo_&_the_Bunnymen_album_cove…)

i'm looking for a new wave band that was from the 80s-90s, one of their albums kinda looks like picrel, one of the members was black haired and was at the left of the picture, the one in the center was blonde and the one on the right also had black hair, they looked like they were in a room that was gray (becuse the picture was in black and white) and shadow was covering their faces, they had a song that had winter or play on one of the titles but i don't remember the name

No. 1793216>>1793304

does anyone have that image of the post where it ends in "if you saw the milfs i'm into you'd hurl" but it was edited to replace "milfs" with either butches or masculine women ?

No. 1793304>>1793314>>1794668

File (hide): 1701265737192.png (145.48 KB, 640x182, Y’all are calling sporty femin…)

No. 1793314

yessss that's the one, thanks anon! kek

No. 1793332

Late but found all three games on rutracker.

No. 1794666>>1795013

File (hide): 1701326143401.jpeg (303 KB, 1283x1670, IMG_5908.jpeg)

Does anyone know this creators @? She popped up in my feed but it was a fake account. I think she’s really funny

No. 1794668

Kek why is this making me laugh so hard

No. 1795013


No. 1795047>>1795054

Looking for a movie about a tanned, curly brown haired Arab girl (an immigrant or refugee I think? But probably not?) who falls in love with a (redhead?) European girl, I forgot her nationality but… maybe Swedish? They're both on the swim team I recall. It was a European movie.

No. 1795054>>1797887


No. 1795261>>1795266>>1795372

Don't call me a coomer but I'm kinda looking for a male porn star. He has vids on twitter. young with eboy hair, muscular, white. Makes a lot of facial expressions. i saw 3 videos of him which I assume are the most popular ones. One was with a stereotypical british girl (Aka tan, very big fake eyelashes and drawn eyebrows). In one other he was in a bathroom stall with some girl. He had saliva dripping uncontrollably

No. 1795266

maybe you'd have better luck by asking 4moids..

No. 1795372

tell the description to ai then reverse search the image then show us the picture

No. 1795746>>1795747

A english periodical comic anthology magazine that was published in the US in the late 2000's. It had a combination of manhua, original english works and manga. One of the manga featured was about a little girl from a martial arts family with super strength, there was a manhua about a girl who gets pushed down the stairs and isekai'd back to ancient times. I think soul eater may have been in there too. I had the first volume when I was 10 and would constantly reread it, I'd love to go back and finish all the series featured

No. 1795747>>1795756

No. 1795752>>1795753

File (hide): 1701396246218.jpg (227.53 KB, 607x596, Tumblr_l_3641973972070231.jpg)

What was that show called again? All I have is this picture, I don't even remember her picture. It was a 2000s kid's show afaik

No. 1795753>>1795755

save ums

No. 1795755

Thank you so much, been trying to find it for years, time to bask in some good ol' nostalgia now

No. 1795756

thank you anon ♥ I'm gonna go read Sarasah now kek

No. 1795774>>1796999

I couldn't find the original artist either, but for what it's worth I found the second from left painting in Rio De Janeiro By Night, which has an entirely different list of credited artists, and it's none of them either. I think the inches sign might just be "11" though, since the V20 guidebook was published in 2011.

No. 1796721>>1796730>>1797492

This fairly archaic comic about a rag-tag team of kids, one the "straight-guy" character who is blonde and has glasses who always complains, the dark-haired emo looking guy with dark under eyes who goes with the flow and a red headed girl who's an alien that they meet somehow.

I remember them going through a portal? then trying to get back to Earth and also pushing a boat somewhere, then them killing some aliens, the girl shapeshifting into some monster/alien form, in the beginning of the comic I think both boys were hanging out in one of their rooms. (some of these events might not have happened I'm just throwing shit at the wall.) The characters designs are really rudimentary and simple, just big eyes and small body, the story I believe isn't great but I just need confirmation that this comic existed.

No. 1796730>>1797492

File (hide): 1701474341047.png (40.74 KB, 1152x648, poptropica looking mfrs.png)

from what I remember of their character designs

No. 1796742

Help me find the post-pill acne infographic or possibly just a post with information from a nona on here, I think I saw it in the last 3-5 months on here but can’t find it

No. 1796999

How frustrating and bizarre, that this artist's work is in two publications, and isn't listed in either. I'm wondering, maybe it's intentional, like when writers publish under a pseudonym. Thank you for looking into it, and you're probably right about the "11" being the year, that makes much more sense.

No. 1797163>>1797168

ok so when I was a kid my big sister and I used to get the American Girl catalogs in the mail. at some point around 2004-2005 maybe, there was another line of dolls featured in the catalog. They came after the American Girl section and before the Bitty Babies. The dolls were shorter than American Girls, more slender, iirc they had more ball jointed ligaments and thus a greater range of poses. no cloth body. I really wanted one as a kid, especially the sporty girl with black hair, but I think they got discontinued before Christmas came around or something. I just want to know if anyone remembers what they were called so that I can look at pictures, lol. I remember the outfits being really fun and cute.

No. 1797168

File (hide): 1701523680387.jpg (250.86 KB, 1600x899, b6b38-img_4508.jpg)

never mind, found them! they were called Hopscotch Hill dolls.

No. 1797492>>1798600

File (hide): 1701555504387.jpg (788.01 KB, 842x1142, concept_page_44_colour.jpg)

Pilot & Huxley! I only read the first book as a kid but it stuck in my mind forever because of how unhinged it was kek

No. 1797789>>1797794>>1797795

File (hide): 1701577040266.jpg (20.11 KB, 564x564, b7734902a1ddc97943e28ddc936efd…)

I can't find a song, the only thing i've heard is a short snippet of the lyrics saying "wont tell you what i'm thinking you won't like it, you won't like it" idk how to describe the voice, it sounded high pitched maybe? but not too much

No. 1797794>>1797808

I found it! with a lyric finder kek but i had searched by the title and it still had not appeared before. The part i remembered was the one at 1:50

No. 1797795

Google gives this

For future reference, if you google things in this format: "what i'm thinking you won't like it, you won't like it"
..with the quotation marks, you can google whole sentences (and lyrics)

No. 1797808

His songs randomly play in my head when im dreaming at times and ill spend days trying to remember the origin, he's got that troll under a bridge telling you a riddle swag

No. 1797812

does anyone have that meme that says "the sluttiest thing a guy could wear" and it shows different types of uniforms, also is there a blank template version?

No. 1797887

Very late reply but that's it! Thank you nonnie.

No. 1798200>>1798220

I remember reading a thread once where they were discussing Peter Steele and some anon posted a picture of him stroking his dick. If anynonny knows what thread or where can I find the picture, I'd be grateful.

No. 1798220>>1798228

Literally just google Peter Steele playboy

No. 1798228>>1798231

You mean playgirl? I did but couldn't find anything spicy. I want somewhere uncensored.

No. 1798231>>1798233

That's weird, it could be your settings. Try one of the links in the comments here https://www.reddit.com/r/typeonegative/comments/10zazy2/is_there_anywhere_i_can_see_the_whole_playgirl/?rdt=38649

No. 1798233>>1798246

None of them work but thanks

No. 1798246>>1798274

Hmmm, try this. There's a pic which may be the one you're looking for and a link to an article that has more

No. 1798274


No. 1798297>>1798303>>1798311

File (hide): 1701631728968.png (12.23 KB, 1281x961, tumblr_ou1zxhHR0D1td5vf7o2_r1_…)

Does anyone know what happened to Redkatherinee? One of her terve drawings were recently added as a banner. When I tried to look for the full pic, I found it, only to get this fucking message.

No. 1798303

File (hide): 1701631912264.png (41 KB, 275x92, 1663153830070.png)

The banner

No. 1798311>>1798315

I'm pretty sure she got doxxed by trannies. She's a Russian lesbian I think so she probably got too scared to return to the internet

No. 1798313

File (hide): 1701633106947.jpg (85.67 KB, 720x431, exo.jpg)

I'm looking for the name of a youtube channel that does live action Yugioh Duel Monsters battles. The guy who runs the channel is usually the only actual human and everyone else on his team or the teams he duels against are toys and dolls and I think he does all the voices. He always says "draw~!" really flamboyantly on the draw phase. I used to see his videos in cringe compilations a few years back but now I can't find his channel or any of the cringe comps he was in.

No. 1798315>>1798412

It's such a pity. Fuck troons.

No. 1798412

I hope she is browsing lc these days instead.

No. 1798600>>1798742

Thanks! Wow, I actually didn't expect someone else to have it, now I'm actually way more curious to find more panels. The only thing I could find was the comic on Internet Archive but it's completely unavailable to borrow (for me at least)

No. 1798663>>1831855

I fell asleep for about two hours while watching some podcast on YouTube and it autoplayed a video that I think was also a podcast that completely altered my dream. I doubt any of you will know it, but just in case it sounded like they were maybe doing some goofy DnD reading or something. This guy was saying his character was like a buff tiger or lion in tight pants with his balls on display. I'm haunted by the fact that I will never know what was going on.

No. 1798742>>1799619

Yeah, it's not available for me either. You can see the whole thing through this kid though lol

No. 1798829

Nonnie I'm 3 weeks late but "Teen Goddess: How to Look, Love & Live Like a Goddess" by Catherine Wishart is similar to what you described

No. 1798959>>1830406>>1834010

Tori Vega feeling transphobic reaction image

No. 1799055

Where can I make blingee/picmix type of gifs but without the logo?

No. 1799268>>1808780

Can someone help me find a crack of aftereffects or just point me to a reliable site for it? It’s been a few years since I had to pirate and everything seems more suspicious and less functional now (or maybe i’m just old and more protective of my pc)

No. 1799308

Does anyone have the link to this 80s vaporwave music mix where in the beginning it's a man moaning or saying Mhmm repeatedly for 5 seconds then relaxing erotic 80s music plays?I can't find it anywhere anymore.

No. 1799619

bless you and this random kid

No. 1800951>>1801718

Okay, so this is a bit of a stretch, but I was wondering if anyone has any screenshots/links of this 2000s anime bunny dress up game. I remember playing it online as a kid. It was just a flash game. The bunny girl had big floppy ears, and I can't remember much else about it. I may have played the game on girlsgogames. I don't need the whole game or anything, I just wanted to see a screenshot of it or something to prove if it was like how I remembered.

No. 1801101>>1844315

File (hide): 1701857556774.jpeg (109.83 KB, 1170x940, IMG_0404.jpeg)

Annoyed that Apple Music doesn’t have an option to see tracks you love. Help me find an album cover with shirtless sunglasses guy laying down playing guitar in an inflatable pool and his daughter sitting on his lap. The cover is beige and the music is alt-rock-ish. I think it’s early-2000s/late 90s.

Attached is a police sketch.

No. 1801718

File (hide): 1701901739930.jpg (114.43 KB, 774x551, EqhGMO-VoAAHyfc.jpg)

Is it one of the HulaBunny games?
There's archives of the games on IA

No. 1802361

please someone help me find that image of a youtube video titled "prescription drugs review/haul" all that comes up is serious informative/cautionary medical videos and NO hauls, when i add quote marks to my query it says there are no results but i just saw it recently and didn't think to save i'm so miffed. fuck you google useless ass engine

No. 1802554>>1802631>>1803023>>1803354

File (hide): 1701968395711.jpg (108.01 KB, 768x1152, hmgoepprod.jpg)

does anyone know where to find a t-shirt with similar design to this?

No. 1802631>>1803354

i did see sweaters like this at H&M otherwise id try ebay for an actually vintage shirt maybe?

No. 1803020>>1803378

a cow similar to leda muir, nicole eevee davis and erin painter. preferably one with multiple threads.

No. 1803023>>1803354


No. 1803354>>1803356>>1803785

Tf is wrong with you guys? The Cure is a band, search for The Cure band tee

No. 1803356

I reverse image searched it and it is literally a cheap H&M sweatshirt which is probably why they were suggesting that. It's out of stock now but it was like $35usd. You can get it used for about $90usd (LMAO!!) because the internet and clothing resellers are bullshit garbage. It's not even a well done shirt it's just that plastic painted on type of print that cracks and comes off in the wash over time. the fading on the sweatshirt is fake and looks cheap too. You're right she's better of just looking for any old Cure shirt, there's a million of them this one isn't special

No. 1803378

I don't even think of Leda Muir as a cow but that's just me. Maybe Kelly Eden and/or Dre Ronayne? Kelly wasn't very active last time I checked though

No. 1803750

Video of a vtuber animegirl but the screen glitches and reveals a naked obese woman

No. 1803785>>1803837

I know The Cure is a band but I assumed anon meant the overall vintage faded band tee aesthetic since there's tons of band tees (of both fake and real bands) in stores right now. You wouldn't ask where to get band merch of a specific band when you can just google their merch store, right?

No. 1803837

then the search should be for vintage faded worn band tee, cannot believe y'all really need this much hand holding

No. 1803843>>1803859

This is such a long shot but a movie about a pianist in his I think 20s. The movie is either French or in UK, can't remember which. He was pale, skinny, either dark hair or brown.

No. 1803859

The Pianist? kek

No. 1804121

In the late 2000s/early 2010s here used to be MAD/Japanese meme videos with the song “early RISER” by Plus Tech Squeeze Box, does anyone remember these? I can’t find them.

No. 1804411>>1804418>>1804453>>1805445>>1805649

File (hide): 1702076140989.png (369.88 KB, 683x517, 0kn8.png)

Does anyone know the source of this picture (ignore the flags)?

No. 1804418

is it from American History X? Sorry i don't know but thats the first thing that came to mind kek

No. 1804453>>1804476>>1805649

File (hide): 1702078753613.png (Spoiler Image,1.78 MB, 1494x818, gay-men-shit-i-m-sure.png)

i think it's just a fetish thing, while looking for the source i stumble uppon this

No. 1804476

KEK it was a gay thing?? For some reason i've always thought it was a woman with big punk looking boots

No. 1805413

Some anon on here was talking about how in her culture there's a zodiac-like system but for different roles in social groups. The example mentioned was a "scouter", someone who's always out meeting new people and introducing their friends to each other and sometimes doesn't feel like part of the "in" group themselves, but they're still invaluable for widening everyone's social circles. I can't find the original post but does anyone know wtf she was talking about and where I can read more about it?

No. 1805445

These bald headed men made gay porn years ago where the totalllly straight ones in the scene would humiliate other men by calling em fags and spitting on them, doing the boot worship thing and they even had fart fetish/piss clips. Alot of it was just gay guys screaming fag at.. other gay guys. Was made into a few memes

No. 1805577

There was a twitter artist that I use to follow that would draw art of an oc that was an alien boy in a metal band that I've forgotten the name of. He had goggles that he would wear to cover up his antennas. Does anyone know what I'm talking about or did I hallucinate the whole thing?

No. 1805649

if you're into it, look up skinhead or scally on any gay porn search engine

No. 1807373

File (hide): 1702295451762.png (635.77 KB, 600x943, 7alrd7.png)

I'm sorry if i will sound confusing but i remember catching this american movie on the tv when i was a kid but i can't remember what it was, i didn't watch it for long but it was in colors, i think it was from the 80's? It kinda had 50's vibe too somehow.
I think it was about 3 young people, the main character was a quiet kind of guy that was into this normal pretty girl, but then i think she was into another guy that was sporty or rebellious and had some red clothes.
There was a scene where the two guys get in some house by themselves during the night, i remember it because they acted subtly gay to me, but then the girl also shows up and they all hang out together while there is a storm outside.
What the hell was that.

No. 1808122

Photograph of an octopus clinging to a woman’s chest at the beach

No. 1808252

Furry roommate craigslist ad
It was a series of screenshots for some terrible roommate ads in Portland from furries (pretty sure they referred to themselves as creatures or ferians inc or something) who wanted the person joining their house in a tiny room that was next to some shitty lockers to not have any belongings, pets, etc and be alright with being a ‘secret roommate’ since their landlord didn’t allow it as well as be fine with them having multiple loud ass dogs and orgies all the time, as well as having their furry friends couch surf in the house.

No. 1808765>>1808774

File (hide): 1702391351223.jpg (125.14 KB, 1080x552, 20231212-0001.jpg)

What brand of phones/OS have these type of emojis?

No. 1808774

I have a samsung galaxy, but this looks like an older version of the emojis before the update.

No. 1808780

rutracker is solid xoxo

No. 1809134>>1809549

Anyone got that one pooner meme (Channer term, I know) where a tif gets ignored at an orgy and has a meltdown?

No. 1809549>>1809563>>1809592>>1809663

File (hide): 1702415434415.jpg (Spoiler Image,146.01 KB, 560x1024, Meltdown.JPG)

This one?

No. 1809563

NTA, kek this gets me every single time.

No. 1809592

NTA, this is my first time seeing this and holy fuck, I physically cringed reading some of this.
>is pre 'top surgery'
>takes her shirt off at gay party
>men physically recoiling from her
>doesn't leave the party
>cries in the bathroom
Wtf kek.

No. 1809663

Yes that one, thanks nona

No. 1810158>>1810189

File (hide): 1702441640256.png (166.57 KB, 500x356, 1675707586596.png)

asian nonnies pls help me out.. im looking for the name of picrel art style. i know it's japanese and I think there might be a specific term for it? wondering if there's a main site to get these from

No. 1810189


No. 1810341>>1810344>>1810345

About 10 years ago or so I read an apparently real story (with photos and all) about a mother who decided to raise her daughter to be a genius. The girl was taught reading, writing and maths since very early age, spoke several languages and so on, she was acquainted with several famous scientists, writers, philosophers, etc., and it was widely considered her mother's experiment was wildly successful. However, when the girl reached her late teens, she and her mother became conflicted, presumably because she was trying to get out of her mother's control and got romantically entangled with someone. Her mother ended up killing her in her sleep. Can't remember any mention of her father, I guess he was just some random sperm donor. IIRC this story took place in some Spanish or Portuguese speaking country (maybe in South America, but I think it was Europe) in the first half of the 20th century, most likely the 20s-30s.

I remember googling it, but there was very little about it online at the time, at least in English or French. I was suddenly reminded of it about a year ago and I've been trying to find any info again, but all browsers fail me. Any nonnas might know what I'm talking about?

No. 1810344>>1810346

''Mi hija Hildegart'' (1977), Fernando Fernán Gómez

No. 1810345>>1810346

Forgot to add that the real child was named Hildegart Rodríguez Carballeira

No. 1810346

Holy shit, thank you!

No. 1811027

This is so stupid but I swear I remember seeing a clip once that was from a game of thrones porno (?) where Daenerys points to her dragons and they're green screened cats with bat wings. Does anyone else remember this meme making the rounds on the internet? I can’t find the clip anywhere and now I’m concerned I hallucinated it

No. 1811763


No. 1814712>>1825608

twitter artist who draws celebrities in a total drama cartoon network-ish looking artstyle

No. 1814997

either panels from a manhwa or screenshots from an anime, but it's of two korean ladies in traditional wear with one telling the other to never show their true feelings to men (or something similar i really can't remember)

No. 1818181

I’m trying to find a YouTuber I watched when I was younger. It was in the early 2010’s, she was a makeup YouTuber, I remember she liked Mac a lot, and she skateboarded, and made videos of cutting her hair too. I keep thinking her name was Andrea or Adrienne but I could be wrong. She was very slightly grunge, tan skin, big nose. I remember she disappeared for a while, then she came back and said basically her life fell apart because her dad sexually abused her and her family got mad that she spoke out about it. She was living with a woman that was fostering her but I think she was over 18 at the time but not sure. I remember in the video she was showing her room and had a treadmill in her room. This might be a long shot because I don’t think she was very popular.

No. 1818697>>1818737>>1829262

A collage of TiMs sayings how they think being a woman is a hole or something, it also had a black pedophile sayings little girls aren't as innocent as you think

No. 1818737>>1818838>>1823992>>1829262

File (hide): 1702945062249.jpg (141.88 KB, 1072x1200, IMG_5464.jpg)

Don't have that first one on hand (I'm sure one of those quotes is Andrea long chu) but here's that one about little girls

No. 1818838

I HATE this man he needs to be beaten with rotator cuffs for what hes done to the LGBT community

No. 1823989>>1824137

This Scandinavian youtuber I am looking for was a guy with very long dark ash blond hair and a red dyed strand. He was young and used to make edgy videos, I think he was a songwriter and a metalhead? He had a collab with Idddubz I think but that was long ago and I don't know if the video would still be up. I remember watching his video with Idddubz and thinking they were cute as a couple.

No. 1823992

This man deserves the death penalty tenfold

No. 1824137>>1824475>>1825391

>Scandinavian youtuber with very long dark ash blond hair and a red dyed strand
This sounds like Boyinaband, he's English.

>He had a collab with Idddubz long ago and I don't know if the video would still be up

Here's a reupload since the original got copyright striked. Collab portion starts at 27:40.

No. 1824151>>1824154

File (hide): 1703251793432.jpg (26.75 KB, 564x544, 1697458565413.jpg)

Does picrel plushie have a name? I've seen them in other colors too.

No. 1824154>>1824157


No. 1824157>>1824161

Thank you nonnie! Enjoy your holidays!

No. 1824161

You too! ♥

No. 1824475

>He's English
My bad lol

No. 1825203

Anyone remember the Zen Pencils comic with a panel in a casino and where the term "waiting for their life to start" or something along those lines was used? If some one remembers which one it was, that would be awesome.

No. 1825366>>1825393>>1826199

A song that was a hit in the 00s. The singer was a woman, she was holding a guitar in the clip and the environment around her kinda looked like a pop-up book.

No. 1825391

That's the one that got called out for being a pedophile, right?

No. 1825393

pop-up book makes me think of this one, the song is from 2007. But I don't think she has a guitar?

No. 1825608

Kenkito4? They draw singers/bands in a Clone High art style.

No. 1826199>>1832158

This one?

No. 1826616

Im trying to find a Korean artist I used to follow ages age, I know her name is Mina and she used a lot of pastel tones in her art and scenes with doll houses/dolls, she had a shop that had phone cases and popsockets of her art. She might have the word 'Sweet' or 'World' in her user but im not sure.
This sounds impossible but thank you nonnitas

No. 1826824>>1826838>>1828587>>1828787

File (hide): 1703405120007.jpg (29.75 KB, 564x846, e33cc59df62e3260fdfaba9217ae1c…)

i can't fucking remember the name of some generic pop song that says "woo woo" every couple of seconds, it has like a guitar and a soft male voice plz help i heard it today and i can't get it out of my minddd

No. 1826838

Rolling stones gonna be stuck in my head for at least a day now

No. 1827125>>1827126>>1827149>>1827181

File (hide): 1703432836341.png (85.49 KB, 173x71, mangamod.png)

Does anyone remember the forum pic related was from? I remember I found it when I was a teen/tween (around 10 years ago), and saved a bunch of these images users had on their profiles. I think the forum disappeared some years ago, but I can't say for sure. I will post a couple more pics for reference

No. 1827126>>1827128

File (hide): 1703432859833.gif (13.22 KB, 34x54, awardcoder.gif)

No. 1827128>>1827130

File (hide): 1703433038325.gif (5.95 KB, 129x45, etchi6.gif)

No. 1827130

File (hide): 1703433149026.gif (14.9 KB, 34x54, awarddonator.gif)

No. 1827149>>1827170

Is it Nihonomaru anon?

No. 1827151>>1827155

Does anyone remember that Sailor Moon website from the 90's to early 00's still running today made by some middle aged man? Black background, neon cyan borders on everything, sections for his Sailor Moon fan-comics, fanart, as well as his drawing tutorials? I completely forgot the name, but he also had a Deviantart. I last checked the website about 3 years ago and it was still up. His art had not improved since I last saw it a decade prior but I want to visit the website again for the nostalgia factor.

No. 1827155

NEVER MIND! I finally had the idea to try Search Marginalia and found it.

No. 1827170>>1827181

File (hide): 1703435391632.jpg (60.96 KB, 500x491, tumblr_inline_pr1zk8gsoG1tx9ht…)

Yes! I love you nonna, you had no idea how long I've been trying to find that site again. My only memories of it being from a million years ago didn't help at all, kek. Thanks for the help, I hope you have a nice day

No. 1827181

File (hide): 1703436104902.png (1.47 MB, 1284x1895, 1700941262328.png)

Omg nonna i'm so glad to be of help kek. All it took was reverse image searching >>1827125 on tineye and it seems to work pretty well!

No. 1827204

File (hide): 1703437692664.png (74.47 KB, 225x225, image_2023-12-24_210922195.png)

Does anyone know this movie where theres some sort of giant snake and at the end it attacks this woman (whos the human antagonist) and for some reason she becomes undressed and then the next moment gets instantly crushed.
know im late but this?

No. 1827282

A video of a Russian old teacher showing an American highschool or college class whacky science experiments where stuff is exploding and burning. She has a heavy accent and at some point she says something like "My children, I'm thinking should I die for you? Maybe I should" before making something else explode. Pretty sure I saw it on tumblr, and it was about a minute or two long.

No. 1828587>>1830556

Thought maybe Barbara Streisand by duck sauce, but it doesn't have the guitar.

No. 1828784>>1831429

does anyone have a "nonny my nonny" gif with musical notes I swear I've seen it

No. 1828787>>1828789>>1830556

Blur - Woo Hoo maybe?

No. 1828789

Wait this is likely it.

No. 1829262>>1830420

File (hide): 1703615625599.jpeg (155.85 KB, 1242x1166, IMG_0116.jpeg)

I can't find it at the moment, but I recall a bunch of these being posted in a thread

No. 1829464

No. 1830406>>1830460>>1834005

File (hide): 1703703450773.gif (659.92 KB, 220x154, gaga-derpga-usurpadora-telenov…)

non-Gaga version of this gif?
also >>1798959
and >a custom emoji of 3 people holding hands but they all have the clown emoji as heads from >>1682758
wouldn't it make more sense for it to be the stacy clitoris

No. 1830420

he also write an entire book about his elaborate femdom/force-fem fetish.

No. 1830460>>1830470

File (hide): 1703704766182.gif (922.47 KB, 352x288, paola-bracho-la-usurpadora.gif)

ugly logo tho

No. 1830470

thanks anon!

No. 1830556

yeah it isn't that one
it isn't song 2 either
the "woo" are really short (?) and repetitive
it may been called the something song but i can't say for sure

No. 1830722

A video of a woman trying to play with her orange cat, she sneezes and it jumps at her face instead

No. 1831345>>1831355

I might get a few details mixed up, but I vaguely remember a horror movie where an ugly/fat girl was jealous of a skinny girl and chained her in a room, occasionally throwing her small bits of food?

No. 1831355

I dont know if this is what you're talking about but when I was a teenager I was TERRIFIED of the woman in the movie I think called In Her Skin, it was based on a real life murder of a teenage dancer by some older woman named Caroline who thought she could like take over her body or something? She kidnapped her but killed her immediately I think I cant remember, all I know is that it freaked me out.

No. 1831397

File (hide): 1703757022331.jpeg (75.33 KB, 680x510, 1703191214327.jpeg)

Can I get the original of this guy. For science

No. 1831429>>1831822

File (hide): 1703759545388.gif (34.43 KB, 500x397, 1685085164055.gif)

No. 1831819>>1831832

It's a miss universe (?) dress from the last 15 years or so. I remember it was blue with yellow sunflowers and I feel like it was worn by a European country? Google is trash. I don't think it was a winner?

No. 1831822

Thank you nonny

No. 1831832>>1831868

File (hide): 1703781451802.jpg (195.83 KB, 776x1254, rs_634x1024-150122111237-1024-…)

miss netherlands 2014

No. 1831855

check your youtube history

No. 1831868

oooh I love this Van-Gogh dress

No. 1832158

OMG this is it. Thank you so much, anon!

No. 1832424>>1833961

This might be a long shot but I watched a documentary on I think Tubi about a year ago. The documentary maker went and confronted a family friend who molested her and her sister when they were younger. The confrontation was all captured on tape and he pretty candidly admits to being a pedophile. It was super fucking sad but I can't seem to remember what the name of it was. I'm almost certain I watched it on Tubi or some similar free movie site.

No. 1832436>>1832454

What is that painting of a bunch of white people (literally white) in a garden with some pink houses? It's layered like the inside of an anthill.

No. 1832454>>1832463>>1833541

File (hide): 1703816165758.jpg (165.83 KB, 558x600, bosch-006.jpg)

The Garden of Earthly Delights?

No. 1832463

Thank you!

No. 1832655>>1832657

File (hide): 1703835382413.gif (Spoiler Image,837.56 KB, 650x575, tumblr_560f415edfcd5a7da8f1563…)

What's the website where you can make sparkly glitter versions of pictures? I know there are many image editors but I seem to recall that there was one in particular that got really popular.
Picrel example of the effect I mean, spoilered for gore just in case (it's an edit of Judith Slaying Holofernes by Artemisia Gentileschi, a painting of a woman beheading a man)

No. 1832657>>1832660


No. 1832660


No. 1833541

Nta but this was a bucket list item, and I got to see it in person. It was absolutely wonderful.

No. 1833693>>1834002

does anyone have that comic where it appears to be MSPaint drawing of 4 panels with a TIM going to the grocery store sweating his ass off and then the next two panels are a female just getting groceries so chill about it, i saw it posted here months ago and i didn't save it, however i keep thinking about it

No. 1833961

I found it

No. 1834002>>1834706

File (hide): 1703915127789.png (38.85 KB, 592x388, ywnbaw.png)

this one?

No. 1834005

Hold on…did Gaga get outed for faking an illness or something?

No. 1834009

DeviantART comic about a leopard? Tiger? Cub who dies and reappears on a kind of mirror/mosaic dimension. Very colorful, there’s also a (I think deer) adult character. Theyre quadrupeds, a spooky black jackal/wolf/thing shows up later. The comic was never finished

No. 1834010>>1834295

File (hide): 1703916482263.jpg (325.16 KB, 1080x607, 1000013006.jpg)

Made one. Does this help?

No. 1834255>>1839224

that one boomer illustration that's been memed where long queue of people entering a small factory and coming out all exactly the same. i think the original one was satirizing what higher education does to people ? ( or what the author thinks anyway )

No. 1834295

it's good but it's not this one, pretty sure I saw it on radblr and it also had the green nauseated emoji in there and text like "imagine thinking you are a girl because of stereotypes" ?

No. 1834706

YES, thank you so much nona! i kept thinking of it. for some reason i remembered it as 4. happy new year

No. 1835896

>mashup of Mariah Carey's Obsessed, an obscure Ashley Tisdale bonus track called I'm Back and a couple other songs
>creator was DJ Ryson/RysonRemix
>title was "I'm back 4 / for obsessed daddy"
>creator took down channel
>one person I found who reuploaded it also took it down
>haven't been able to relocate it on even shady mp3 sites as of a few years ago

If anyone could help me find this ancient relic it would be amazing because it seems to have disappeared from the internet entirely. it was one of my favorite mashups of all time and I should've saved it while it was still online

No. 1838833>>1839223

i pretty much never get a reply back when i post here kek but does anyone have that image of a stick figure shoving a gorey picture in its friends's faces all like "i'm so fucked up yeahhh you wouldn't get it i'm just so twisted and evil hahaha" something like that with a devilish facial expression

No. 1839223>>1842564

File (hide): 1704399482340.png (56.25 KB, 500x381, tumblr_2e0fcf5d0303d8c095e0564…)

this one?

No. 1839224

File (hide): 1704399637497.png (895.43 KB, 762x1019, publicschool.png)

possibly this?

No. 1840829

A tiktok of a chubby, red faced bald moid eating pasta at a restaurant. He pours on an extra bowl of sauce and like 2 bowls of cheese, and he licks the plate at the end. I've seen it reposted here and elsewhere but I can't find it

No. 1841017>>1841061>>1841099

Does anyone remember that mentally ill Korean woman from the mid 2000s that thought the police were spying on her? She would live stream 24/7, her house was loaded with cardboard boxes and signs. I think she also had a website with evidence of the police stalking her.

No. 1841061>>1841099


No. 1841099>>1841100

Don't know what I was expecting but I really shouldn't be surprised by a bunch of men holding themselves captive to a mentally ill woman with no evident resources or support system attempting to hang herself on Webcam. Now she is reduced to a creepypasta with a ton of useless "The [adjective] [adjective] of [person or place]" YouTube videos made by annoying soys with punchable faces

No. 1841100

File (hide): 1704536393813.png (Spoiler Image,89.63 KB, 724x582, tumblr_opgskfvoEH1r1q55eo1_128…)

So ~interesting and entertaining~ if you're a useless man that sits on 4ch and jacks off all day with no life prospects on the horizon I guess

No. 1841166

yaoi where the seme(?) is teaching the uke how to ballroom (?) dance because of an upcoming formal dance, the uke wants to pay him for his lessons, the seme has a freudian slip and says he wants a kiss after every lesson, the uke hates it but decides to go through with it after every lesson as payment.
One day the seme is in a rush and forgets to recieve his kiss after the lesson so he goes back to see the uke waiting for him and then they both have a steamy kiss together. Later on the day of the formal dance the seme sees him dancing with a woman and believes its his lover and its actually his sister, mother (?) and then they live happy ever after

(?) just means it could be totally different and I'm sorry it's been so long since I've read this yaoi

another manga i thought of recently was of a girl who had a magical tin box that could deliver letters to the past & future (for her) and the future (for him), they both want to meet each other on her graduation day of high school and it turns out the boy grew up to be her teacher

No. 1841373>>1841379

Nonnies, I am looking for one video where a man escapes a prison/police station. He jumped straight through the tiny window on the security guard's little booth but he got stuck in the little window kek. He managed to get through but his pants fell down, I'm not sure if he just threw them away or kept running while his pants were dangling on his ankles though. I thought it was a fairly popular video but google is only showing me random news articles… It's also at least a few years old, nothing recent.

No. 1841379>>1841388

Sorry this has stupid commentary over it.

No. 1841388

I saw this as well but it's not what I'm looking for unfortunately. In the one I saw the man escaped through the tiny booth of the security guard, not through the ceiling like this guy tried to do. But thank you for looking nona!
Also it's funny how there are multiple instances of men losing their pants while trying to escape in the weirdest ways possible and failing miserably kek.

No. 1841947>>1842230

File (hide): 1704597728906.jpg (135.57 KB, 736x981, a1dfcc41aba593a8e8841f8f5cb60b…)

Does anyone know what comic/manga is this?

No. 1842230

its Rojiura Brothers(maybe could be her other works) by the artist zakk

No. 1842564

yes !!! thanks anon

No. 1844315

File (hide): 1704750396259.jpeg (99.44 KB, 700x700, IMG_1187.jpeg)

No. 1848890>>1848981>>1849660

File (hide): 1705021725986.jpg (423.36 KB, 1733x2048, 20240111_200818.jpg)

Wheres this phone case from? It's cute. Random persons picture that showed up on my feed wont share their @, unnecessary.

No. 1848981>>1849660


Looks like AliExpress, dunno if that’s good or bad news just search for “ Korean Color Stars INS Phone Cases” (I don’t know how to embed and don’t wanna get redtexted lol)

No. 1849660>>1849674>>1849677

File (hide): 1705075088576.jpg (129.64 KB, 1500x1500, Korea Color Star Phone Case Fo…)

No. 1849674>>1849677

That link looks like the world's largest game of jacks.

No. 1849677

Hall is the blonde one

No. 1850619>>1850658

File (hide): 1705112190638.jpg (118.88 KB, 744x888, 20240112_211746.jpg)

Tw kpop but who is this puffer by? It's so cute

No. 1850658>>1850662

Miu miu if you are talking about the black coat.

No. 1850662

I didnt notice the Miu Miu logo thank you

No. 1852147

RPGmaker game from probably ten years ago. You play as a girl that got freshly out of the hospital, you visit a shrine and get greeted by a (kitsune?) ghost that tells you you've got seven more days to live because of a curse or something like that. Iirc each game chapter is one day. Pretty sure I only played a demo where the first day was free, for the others I'd have to buy the full version.

No. 1852674>>1852675

File (hide): 1705178891366.jpeg (183.49 KB, 735x691, IMG_4659.jpeg)

Does anyone have that pic of a tweet where some guy says ‘these people keep the underground alive’. And I think there was 3 pics attached. One of them was the image of a bunch of 2014 tumblr people, another was a bunch of people in club lighting and urban outfitter-esque outfits looking at the camera (they kinda dressed like pic rel) and another one

No. 1852675

File (hide): 1705178932665.jpeg (185.52 KB, 600x588, IMG_4600.jpeg)

This was one of the pics I think

No. 1859011>>1859012

I'm trying to find the name of a horror movie where a bunch of people are invited to a dinner. There's a plot twist where the person who was invited as an after-thought ends up being a competent survivalist

No. 1859012>>1859016

You're Next

No. 1859016

ty nonnie!

No. 1859509

Hello! Firstly thank you so much for this thread I can’t believe I missed it for so long.

Can someone please help me find a specific youtube video. I forgot the name and watched it years ago so I’ll try hard as possible to be specific.

The video was of these African children, I think a little boy and his sister dancing and covering a Japanese song. There is also an older man playing the guitar next to them smiling. I assume he’s related to him but idk. They are in what seems to be an alleyway of sorts and are wearing casual clothes, as if they just stepped out from their home to perform the cover. It’s beautifully sung, the energy from them is very comforting and the vibe of the whole video was lovely. It was from a decent sized channel which was dedicated to African artists singing Japanese songs and the comments of that video seemed to be majorly Japanese and some scattered english comments. I know it’s not a lot but if anyone finds it I will forever be grateful.

No. 1860380>>1860389>>1860390

once again, requesting page from some how to draw manga type book, about the different types of Bishonens in the world, which used weird racial terms like Caucasoid Bishōnen, East/Asian Bishonens and African Bishonens.

No. 1860389>>1860390

File (hide): 1705617239720.jpg (194.6 KB, 720x1048, b1.JPG)

That sounds like this book

No. 1860390>>1860488

File (hide): 1705617340080.jpg (209.14 KB, 720x1044, b.JPG)

It’s on e-hentai!

No. 1860488

>black woman long chin
It would literally be on the caucasoid wth

No. 1861590>>1861599

File (hide): 1705713656310.jpg (24.39 KB, 563x476, HORSE.jpg)

A site that would let you put your weight/height and show you people with those same characteristics

No. 1861597

animated music video in the anime style of a magical girl wearing a band dress uniform killing a pedo, the song is very cheery but the video is pretty dark

No. 1861599

nvm it was mybodygallery

No. 1862049>>1865250

what's that word that means something to the effect of "gratutiously self fulfilling" like someone does something but only because they have a goal or some kind of proclivity underneath. like for example someone draws or sharws something but you know there's something perverted going on below the surface

No. 1865246>>1865283

i'm looking for an escape flash game on y8, it's a bit old. u play as a girl who got locked in a bird cage, inside it there are also a house and an old couple. the game has a rustic/retro moody dreamy visual

No. 1865250


No. 1865281

File (hide): 1706014069360.png (24 KB, 926x646, helpmefind.PNG)

Animated japanese or korean music video, probably from the last few years, a lot of bright purples and a lot of tv people, set in some dystopian looking techno society. Looks high-production in stills but not in animation. From the comments I think it might have been the debut of the singer who was known for some other reason? I didn't like the song much but I did like the art style.

No. 1865283>>1865287

File (hide): 1706014209681.jpg (86.76 KB, 1280x720, escapefrom26.jpg)

No. 1865287

that's the game, ty anon!!

No. 1866243

File (hide): 1706100087582.jpg (26.95 KB, 736x414, onClciz.jpg)

short documentary about Edward Furlong's time in Japan.

No. 1867408>>1867416

That drawing an anon did explaining how it would go for women reproducing by ourselves vs men reproducing only with other men

No. 1867416>>1867422>>1867477

File (hide): 1706193771008.png (1.22 MB, 2566x2648, 1000014889.png)

is it this one lol??

No. 1867422

File (hide): 1706194663107.gif (52.16 KB, 375x366, cat-cat-love.gif)

YES THANK YOU the first time this thread has ever helped me find anything

No. 1867438

An mid 2000s amv with Angels by Within Temptation, the amv contained the scene of an anime angel being shot? Impaled? At the chorus and it ended with a clip of air tv.

Another amv, a Black Rock Shooter amv with Waiting by Emma Hewitt as the song, short vr.

No. 1867477

kek thank god i got to see this again i love the shitty little drawings

No. 1867631

What is Lily Jet/cokedrip/twinswhofuck/ enroutetothehexconclave/ifidieiwontcry ‘s current Instagram? She never got cow status on here but I really think she should’ve, I found the one shit thread someone put in pt so it got nuked & they never made a proper one in snow. I like checking up on her every year or so to see if shes still alive. Her, Bree mcgee, and Luna are my favorite cows cause it’s a really huge bummer to see what being a famous tumblr teen did to them.

No. 1867633>>1867761

File (hide): 1706210265795.jpg (145.88 KB, 370x1024, 4b1999c0d4a68c84e0dba7d121f4e2…)

really sorry for the low quality image! its the only proof i have of her existing, but im looking for a artist ive lost to time , shes chinese and drew popular dumbledore and grindelwald ship art her style is very stylistic and with good line work she was also working on a bl comic with a arab and english? characters, she used to have a tumblr but i cant find it anywhere her second most popular work might be thor and loki?? maybe

No. 1867721

I've been looking for a Donald Duck comic for years now. All I remember is that the sun was the antagonist. Maybe there was some plot point with bubble gum too? It was featured in this double pocket type book.

No. 1867761>>1868094

Wow, her work is beautiful. I did some searching and found her twitter, it's @penguinroll

No. 1868094

File (hide): 1706258893293.jpg (24.22 KB, 512x512, 3d212568d5bc4711f9af8092bc305e…)

thank you so much!! ily nona!

No. 1869622>>1869629

There's a renaissance type painting where a woman is making out with what I think is an angel while another one is seemingly giving her oral. I can't remember the title of it, but it was something related to (Name)'s Punishment or something, while the painting itself doesn't really look like she's being punished at all. I saw it first in a tumblr post where the title was made fun of due to the way it looked like she was simply having a good time.

No. 1869629>>1869634

The cursed woman

No. 1869634

That's it, thank you so much!

No. 1870780>>1871977>>1878341

File (hide): 1706509764768.png (309.39 KB, 409x613, IMG_20240129_002412.png)

The video of this guy skating on computer parts, on YouTube preferably (or tell me the original username too maybe) please and thank you!

No. 1871866>>1879380

What movie is this from?

No. 1871977>>1872045

that's fucking vile

No. 1872002

There was theory about how if you sent someone to kill a grandparent something would happen, proving something against time linearity? Something about an atom traveling in time? And it’s not that if you went to kill your ancestor you wouldn’t be born theory, it’s something more recent. Anybody know what I’m talking about?

No. 1872045

What's vile about it? It's just a creative use for ewaste.

No. 1873479>>1873502>>1873521

Please nonna!
I'm looking for an old cartoon about the Three Musketeers and the "bad guys" where cats, one of them was called "the cardinal". They were mouses? Or something and the cardinal was a cat. They all were anthropomorphic animals and it's a very aaah goofy cartoon that ends with a big fight?

No. 1873502

File (hide): 1706751985605.jpeg (387.69 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_2310.jpeg)

could it have been a tom & jerry episode? they made some "mousekeeter" ones

No. 1873521>>1873880

The Three Mouseketeers (1988)?

No. 1873669

some relaxing instrumental song that has sounds of the ocean either at the start or end of the song. i’ve found it once years ago and it’s driving me insane that i lost it again

No. 1873880

HOLY FUCK THANK YOU!!! I was searching for it forever!!!

No. 1874309>>1874338>>1874664

does anyone know bands/songs that make grunge music with a nostalgic feel? vid related is a song i really like form gravedweller that has the melody i'm looking for, other examples are serve the servants from nirvana or everlong from foof gihters

No. 1874338

This is an obscure song kurt collaborated on with a band called earth

No. 1874664

Check out last.fm similar artists https://www.last.fm/music/Gravedweller/+similar that's usually how I find new bands. The "nostalgia" feel you are talking about is the shoegaze sound right? Might want to look into that genre then too. Maybe check YouTube for "shoegaze grunge" playlists.

No. 1875688

Are there any finance threads? I want to know if there are any other nonas into investing, online it's such a moid infested topic.

No. 1876253>>1876595

I'm looking for a short comic about a child who was scared of how angry an author looked on the photo on the back of a book. I think it was originally posted to tumblr. The author may have been Rudyard Kipling but I'm not sure.

No. 1876395>>1876398

There was a reaction gif that was popular >10 years ago of what looked like a scene from a Romeo and Juliet (?) spoof where right as Juliet is about to plunge the dagger down, some gay-looking guy in modern clothes bursts through the door and says like "WHAT WHAT WHAT are you doing?" I haven't seen it in years, and I still don't know what show/skit/etc it was clipped from.

No. 1876398

No. 1876595>>1877834

Are you sure you're not thinking of the bit from Diary of a Wimpy Kid where Greg is terrified of the portrait of Shel Silverstein on the back of one of his books?

No. 1877834

YES! I saw screenshots of that on tumblr years and years ago, thank you so much

No. 1878341

No. 1878378>>1879402

Long shot but there was an old board game from the 80s I had second hand when I was a kid in the late 90s (poor nonna). It had these different coloured princesses like pink and yellow and a black one and they had same coloured familiars in this really cute style and it had a fairy theme? I thought it was tied to that princesses game from the 90s where you try and get the same princesses jewelery but that didn't have the drawn princesses. I've searched for a everywhere out of nostalgia - hoping to find it for my own daughter but I've never been able to find either a name or a pic.

Maybe it was a kids fever dream but I distinctly remember the style and what the princesses (maybe) fairies looked like.

No. 1878928>>1879019

File (hide): 1707188495561.jpg (111.49 KB, 564x846, b9143506c0a9cff53dedf1f140c47f…)

EASTERN EURO ANONS, PLEASE HELP. What the fuck is this jacket called??? I've seen a lot of variations of it, and I know it's not a chokha. What the hell is it called!? Please help. Lots of love, burgeranon

No. 1879019

I believe the folk clothing is from south Albania and it's referred as a fustanella? Wiki talks about it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fustanella . The sleeveless jacket seems to be called this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xhamadan and they use different embroideries.

No. 1879159

Radfem GC vlogger Sarah M or some other initial/s. Does she still post? White American, 20s, brown hair, (hazel?) eyes if that helps. She had a tiny following. I think I discovered her here maybe 3+ years ago?

No. 1879189>>1879195>>1879348

does anyone know this song? sorry for the flabby faggy dancing moid

No. 1879195>>1879212

Why were you watching this shit

No. 1879212>>1879385

i saw it on some tv show in my country over 10 years ago being made fun of an the song got stuck in my mind. it's not my fault the moid was dancing to a catchy song.
can anyone at least figure out what it says? im esl and to me it always sounded like it says "shopping boys" kek

No. 1879348

I can’t find the song anywhere but wtf is going on in the video description

No. 1879380

The Pink Panther Strikes Again (1976)

No. 1879385>>1879529

I don't have the shazam app on my phone but you could probably use that to ID the song.

No. 1879402

It sounds a lot like pretty pretty princess, that game does have a darker/black piece for the purple player. Do you remember anything else about the game? Maybe what was on the board, how the board was shaped (was it round? Square? Rectangle?)? Were there cards or other pieces, dice maybe?

No. 1879529

Don't u think i had tried that? it gives me random unrelated stuff kek

No. 1880411

the "love the janitor" post that was posted when /m/ was restored.

No. 1880441>>1880719>>1881403

That one post of an anon who had a nice foamy bath with toilet bowl cleaner in it because is smelled nice or something like that

No. 1880448

I don't know what this is, it's like a show with dogs with a bored narrator and the dogs are dressed like people and doing people things.

No. 1880719>>1881403

PLEASE I remember this too everyone was freaking the fuck out (rightfully) about her vaginal flora
you can NOT fuck with lolcor girlies and get away with shit they will TELL YOU and full respect

No. 1880753>>1881782

A few posts where an anon was talking about being attracted to men wearing masks, and she kept posting the same guy she found somewhere online, I think he had a gun and was wearing camo too. It was probably some thread on /g/ and I think it was relatively recently like within the past year

No. 1881403>>1881852

File (hide): 1707387570082.png (1.24 MB, 1476x4709, toilet bubble bath nonnie.png)

No. 1881539>>1929374

File (hide): 1707400820861.png (581.81 KB, 516x856, IejBKqy.png)

some quote by a Chinese princess forced to marry some barbarian and describing how ugly and hairy he is and how much life sucks living in a tribal community.

No. 1881782>>1881866

Are we talking about a real or a fictional man?

No. 1881847

All of a sudden recently I remembered that probably a decade ago, I stumbled upon a video of a girl with south african accent asking die antwoord to let her join them or something. Did anyone else watch it? I don't even know if the video is still up or who that was. I believe she had long straight hair.

No. 1881852

Thanks anon, it's still funny after all this time

No. 1881866

It was a real man she found somewhere online, and she kept talking about how stunning he was despite not knowing what he even looked like. Other anons agreed that masked men/men with guns are hot and she said something about being glad to see that there are still some nonnies with sense here

No. 1882327>>1882334>>1882336>>1884963

File (hide): 1707458993995.jpg (278.42 KB, 1080x1440, 20240209_052358.jpg)

This specific thing. I have no idea what it's called and looking up "cinnamoroll orb" or "light" gives me other results

No. 1882334>>1882343

Apparently it is this lamp here. Moonstone lamp.

No. 1882336>>1882343

File (hide): 1707459714727.jpg (282.16 KB, 800x800, -296793719718604858.jpg)

I found it as "planet night light" on temu/aliexpress and might also be on amazon. The cinamoroll is probably just glued on, but you can also buy those figures there.

No. 1882343

Thank you! Since my picrel was a custom it makes sense why I couldn't find it, I got bamboozled

No. 1883909>>1884907

One of you gave the source in a different thread here but whats the og track this a parody of? Nicki diss track I think?

No. 1883924

In 2016 my favorite song was an indie song with a fast beat in the opening. Not mainstream or made by a mainstream artist, at the time it didn't even have 1million views. It was released in 2015 iirc. One time I clicked on a YouTube generated Playlist and the song "Mr Sun" by Greentea Peng was in it and so was the indie song. Now I cant find it and it's driving me crazy. The first few seconds is a fast beat before the singing starts.

No. 1884364

I'm looking for a western detective book. I read a few chapters of it back in hs. The title has something to do with "castle" (not really sure). The main character was invited to a mansion to investigate this rich family. There were a blind or deaf or muted daughter, I think. There was a scene where the light went out when all the characters were in the same room.

No. 1884896>>1884918

File (hide): 1707672706131.png (21.47 KB, 754x397, how to draw anime eyes make up…)

That one pre-2012 anime eye-make up tutorial on YouTube. Thumbnail looked something like picrel, and she drew actual anime eyes on her face, so none of that zWinnieYap. Red arrows and text are by me, thumbnail was just her face.

No. 1884907

Apparently the beat was used in Nicki's latest schizo diss track. I don't know if there's an OG, but technically this came first between the two.

No. 1884918>>1884927

This one?

No. 1884927

Yes, thanks

No. 1884963

Nah, this is actually an Elden Ring spell

No. 1885531

File (hide): 1707713212064.jpg (238.61 KB, 1800x2400, D8FBE793-72DD-4305-8809-BBCEE3…)

do any fashion savvy anons know an affordable knock off or an alternative to the christian dior mini motard sunglasses? i love the faint gradient, unique rimless shape and the silver, they would look really good on my face i think, but even if i could afford things like that i'd be terrified of breaking them because they're so expensive and rare, but mostly expensive.

No. 1888170

I apologize for my gen z humor but does anyone have that TikTok video of a girl with a dark bob cut cosplaying/displaying various characters with a bob cut for representation or something like that?
I remember she had dark hair and some of the characters were Bruno Bucciarati, Lord Farquaad and Edna Mode, i think she was bobbing her hair everytime a new character came up.
I found her kinda charming.

No. 1888505>>1888528

That pic of three anime women, going something like
>I wanna die smoking hot
>I wanna die ugly and braless
>I just wanna die

No. 1888528>>1888532

File (hide): 1707953784698.png (467.85 KB, 599x841, xsd4h0dfuig41.png)

No. 1888532


No. 1889352>>1889390>>1889399

This is a longshot but I'm looking for a music video from a girl band. Can't remember the name of the band. I think it was all female and I think there was a black woman with an afro in the lineup (but I can't be sure). Something about vidrel triggered the memory. I think the music video had the band in a black/white stripey room similar to the one in vidrel. And I think it had a similar sound, mid 00s emo pop punk. The video would have come out between 2005-2010. It might have been a one hit wonder, I can't remember seeing more from that band.

No. 1889363>>1889603>>1889628

File (hide): 1708019929865.mp4 (344.27 KB, 640x560, due44F9.mp4) [play once] [loop]

Where's the song featured in this meme video from? I swear it's from a comedy skit or an old movie but I can't remember which one and Shazam is no help

No. 1889390>>1889405


No. 1889399>>1889405

Was it Josie and the pussycats?

No. 1889405

AYRT, I remembered the chorus after thinking more and was able to find it. Sweet Temptation by Lillix (disappointing because the song is not as cool as I remember.).

No. 1889426

Looking for an anime song being by a woman, it's in japanese but one of the lyrics in the opening verse is "kiss me (or kissing) forever", I have no idea if it was an opening or an ending, it might have been from the 90s judging by the sound.

No. 1889603>>1890575

I feel like I remember seeing it in SpongeBob

No. 1889628>>1890575

It plays in a couple episodes of Spongebob

No. 1890048

File (hide): 1708054609158.png (1.6 KB, 309x160, yogaloga.png)

trying to find the brand of this logo from a thrifted workout bra, it was silver with sparkles. its super comfy.

No. 1890263

pretty sure i asked about it here or in the previous thread before but does anyone know a music video where everyone gets naked (like literally naked, not just down to the underwear) at a houseparty. i know it's not the middle by jimmy eat world because again no one's actually nude, that and i remember the singer being female. other details i remember is this had to have been made in the early 2010s and the song was saying something like "sorry not sorry". the music video was also filmed in the daytime and there's a backyard iirc (but i'm not too sure about that last one)

No. 1890575

Thank you nonas!

No. 1896094>>1896101>>1896890

Anyone got that GIF of Gandalf that says "can't win with retarded faggots"?

No. 1896101>>1896120

File (hide): 1708520231177.gif (4.54 MB, 611x585, gandalf.gif)

No. 1896120

Oh it was Dumbledore mb, thanks

No. 1896890>>1897010

Can someone edit this gift of Dumbledore to have Gandalf slamming his staff instead?

No. 1897010>>1897014

File (hide): 1708575244898.gif (6.74 MB, 593x598, realgandalf.gif)

No. 1897014

You're the backbone of this website

No. 1897191>>1897194

File (hide): 1708587159262.png (1.23 MB, 960x1450, DIOR-WX4_V1.png)

can anyone help me find the closest thing possible to picrel
my mom threw out a third of my closet without asking me and this was in it

No. 1897194>>1897200

What is it? A bikini or underwear?

No. 1897200

it's a bikini

No. 1902371>>1902415>>1904906

File (hide): 1708953394339.jpeg (32.45 KB, 304x447, white-tuft-the-little-beaver-8…)

Please help me find this kids movie from 2008.
White Tuft: The Little Beaver
aka The Adventures of White Tuft, aka Mèche Blanche, les aventures du petit castor
I found a torrent with one leecher and zero seeders.
I cannot find it streaming anywhere.

No. 1902399>>1902402

Nonnas I need your help! What was this one song on tiktok about a dedicated hard working mother or woman and they sing something about she never cries and she never sleeps or something similar

No. 1902402>>1902420

The Reba theme song?

No. 1902415>>1902505

don't have it sorry, but why do you want to see the film?

No. 1902420

YESSSSS thank you non

No. 1902505

I just like beaver documentaries and I'm kind of on a spree of watching them. It's a fictional dramatization style movie but it uses real animals which seemed interesting. I'm also curious if they treat the animals well but I suspect filming was probably stressful for them based on the trailers and clips I've seen… but I wanted to give it a chance anyway.

No. 1902506


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 1904080>>1905297

A drawing tutorial that showed several faces, starting with a detailed one of a man drawn in a 20th century illustration style, then progressively less detailed ones before the last one is a very symbolic emoji-like face with no unique features. The faces are labeled with how many people they might represent; the detailed ones represent "one" or "a few" men but the abstract ones represent everyone.

No. 1904873

a female youtuber who was making minimalist videos(her apartment was basically empty)who just wore black and at some point came out as bi and got a her sides shaved and had a fringe. I just wanna see how she's doing

No. 1904906>>1904999

No. 1904999

thank you nona! at least I can see the footage now. wish I spoke russian (why are they so much better at pirating things? kek)

No. 1905297

File (hide): 1709145758715.png (416.25 KB, 838x561, understandingcomics_by_scott_m…)

maybe this?

No. 1905820>>1905826>>1905871

File (hide): 1709176598030.jpg (143.29 KB, 639x579, download.jpg)

does anyone have that female edit of Patrick Bateman with pink effects? she's my crush and cheers me up

No. 1905826>>1905839

File (hide): 1709176781873.jpg (1.26 MB, 1284x1859, 1690637440657912.jpg)

No I'm sorry

No. 1905839>>1905853

Patricia is so superior to Jefffy, i'd forgive you if she didn't look like my mother

No. 1905853

She has more kills though

No. 1905871>>1905884>>1933519

Check out the manhate memes threads, it's probably on there.

No. 1905884

File (hide): 1709179495623.jpeg (253.93 KB, 1170x1569, 1683648231606.jpeg)

Ah thank you nona! I really tried but i'm so happy to see her again now!!!

No. 1905902

does anyone know a site where to read locked webtoon chapters? i'm reading clinic of horrors but can't find any site with the locked chapters and i don't wanna waste money

No. 1906982>>1907006

Any way to use a Splatoon voice filter that doesn't involve paying? I need recordings of my voice as an inkling/octoling but every voice filter I could find needed some sort of paid subscription

No. 1907005>>1907038>>1907099>>1907870

Trying to find the thread where an anon wanted to buy a $30 creepy beige clown rug for her nursery

No. 1907006>>1907055

Have you tried using other similar filters or experimenting on a voice editing software yourself?

No. 1907038>>1907099>>1907921

I think it was the stupid question thread or mundane shit thread

No. 1907042>>1908320

Can someone link the image of the white girl in the beanie wearing a weed bodysuit

No. 1907055

Sadly it's hard to find a free one that has the features I need (reverb and "under water" effect)

No. 1907099>>1907921

File (hide): 1709262453302.jpg (77.37 KB, 1280x720, 1709195901206-1.jpg)

I couldn't find it in those threads but I found this. They look like raw chicken in the cutest way possible
Still looking btw

No. 1907870>>1907921>>1907935>>1908345

File (hide): 1709315965316.jpg (87.42 KB, 460x667, images-1.jpg)

I combed through every recent thread but couldn't find that post. I did find the picture that anon used online though. I'm still looking

No. 1907921>>1908092

its in the random questions thread

No. 1907935

It’s ugly but I like it kek

No. 1908092

Thanks fam

No. 1908320

So none of you have the images of the white woman with a black beanie wearing the Marijuana leaf body suit? Wow.

No. 1908345>>1908351

it's cute
nonas are just mad cuz they got squirted with the flower

No. 1908351

Shitty taste, silence beige hipster

No. 1909203>>1909573

What's the name of that relatively new BL/yaoi imageboard again? I forgot it's url and can't seem to find it in my browser history.

No. 1909563

that one kpop gif with putin's face shooped on it. I think it was originally posted in the bunker threads

No. 1909573

Is it not fujochan.org?

No. 1909745

File (hide): 1709434931479.jpg (120.22 KB, 1024x682, 1000003050.jpg)

What coat is lawsuit fumble lady wearing? It looks warm asf

No. 1909912

File (hide): 1709455284761.mp4 (361.31 KB, 460x450, n0d15j7.mp4) [play once] [loop]

the original non-edited version of this meme.

No. 1911376>>1911421>>1911443

File (hide): 1709567033116.jpg (68.3 KB, 720x696, puter.jpg)

I swear I saw an edit of this meme but edited with the board mascot here. Does anyone have it saved? I need it so badly

No. 1911421>>1911422

>board mascot
you mean like a cow?

No. 1911422>>1911429>>1911443

I think she meant elsie.

No. 1911429

Yess Elsie the name slipped my mind for a moment sorry

No. 1911443>>1911444>>1911445

File (hide): 1709571239600.jpg (769.08 KB, 4400x4320, ySUmf8C.jpg)

hey nonnas found it but it was really low-res so i used some AI upscale to make it big but it's probably a bit too big, idk, you be the judge.

No. 1911444>>1911449

can you post the original?

No. 1911445>>1911449

Mmmm fuckkkk yes perfect nonna tha k you I needed this I'm kind of drunk and I was looking for this for so long thank you so much nonna

No. 1911449>>1911455

File (hide): 1709571555442.jpg (119.57 KB, 275x270, 5pV6yUm.jpg)

sure, np nonnie
here it is, on all it's crispy 275x270 goodness

No. 1911455

File (hide): 1709571710673.png (55.09 KB, 359x257, Screen Shot 2024-03-04 at 12.0…)

It's going right in my favourites folder

No. 1911977

A meme with a refrigerator in a hardware store but instead of the brochure containing the price it has a photoshopped video game poster for the movie Cedar Rapids (contains Ed Helms making a very uncanny smiling expression)? I've seen it on 4chan occasionally but it appears i deleted it from my library and can't find it in any of my meme folders

No. 1913564>>1913568>>1913750

I'm looking for a song with silent night in its chorus. It's by a male artist and it's literally the only part of the lyrics I remember, but I think it's a pretty well-known song. I just can't look for it with nothing but silent night, holy night showing up… There was an electric guitar, so I guess it's rock or metal or something like that. Might've been from the 80s or 90s, but as that style of music has seen a renaissance lately I feel, it could be a recent song, too.

No. 1913568>>1913570

it might be christmas eve by yamashita tatsuro

No. 1913570>>1913571

No, I'm pretty sure it's English; should've mentioned that, sorry. It's also not as relaxed as your example.

No. 1913571

oh my bad

No. 1913750

The majority of times I ask for something on here I end up finding it myself just a few hours later, evenif I searched everywhere for it before that. It's Devil In A Midnight Mass by Billy Talent.

No. 1913843>>1917424

channel of a guy with glasses focused on flexibility, he was posted on the dumbass thread before

No. 1913846

Also, the ice skating thread

No. 1917087

Spanish singer who's been posted in the attractive men thread before with a big nose and curly hair

No. 1917403

There used to be a website where you could link your steam wishlist and it'd give you the price history of every game on there. Basically steamDB but you don't have to look for each game individually. Anyone remembers what it was called?

No. 1917424


No. 1917470>>1917529

Found a similar message board here a year or so ago, geared toward women. It was all pink and kinda sad but I wanted to find it again if anyone knows it.

No. 1917529>>1917623


No. 1917623

YES. Thank you!

No. 1919246>>1920684

is there a travelling solo thread? I have checked the catalog but it never loads anything for me

No. 1920658>>1920676

Does anyone have that image of Joe Biden walking up to a podium and holding a brochure with instructions that said "YOU WILL walk to the podium, YOU WILL stand, YOU WILL speak" or something similar? The picture I think was taken over the shoulder. I saw it in a previous tinfoil thread and laughed my ass off but forgot to save it.

No. 1920676>>1920690>>1920705>>1925240

File (hide): 1710175163931.jpg (717.47 KB, 1024x688, DkvVBdX.jpg)

this is the best quality i could find, he deliberately showed this to the camera, maybe he also forgot to not do that.

No. 1920684

There's a regular travelling thread >>591108
no solo travel thread I could see. I'd be interested in one though since I plan to do a solo trip to Japan next year

No. 1920690

This is so fucking funny, thank you nona

No. 1920705

holy fuck, is this real??? the fucking state of the government fuck

No. 1923710

some kind of (free) lifestyle/diary/journal app with exhaustive options, caregories etc

No. 1923768

I'll never find it and I accept that, but there's lots of smart well read women on here so maybe someone knows. I'm looking for a horror short story I read that scared the shit out of me, it was in a collection of short stories. It's about an unnamed narrator and the other kids in his neighborhood who would have to cut through the woods to go to the store to get butter or milk for their parents, and they would pass by an abandoned log cutting factory I think, and tease each other with stories of this big turtle faced monster with feet shaped like leaves I think lmfao, but then at night when they'd walk alone they'd imagine the monster behind them and panic, and then the narrator grows up and forgets all about it until of course he hears about a little kid who dies horribly right by the factory, and wonders if he and the other kid's collective fear made the monster real. I have been searching for this collection of short stories for 20 years and I'll never find it. It had a dark blue and black cover with a bright yellow flashlight shining onto a gravestone.

No. 1925202>>1925233>>1925242

Who's that one french actor who's been dubbed French Cillian murphy and looks like austin abrams but older and less ugly. I want to fuck his mouth

No. 1925233>>1925249

Swann Arlaud ?

No. 1925240>>1925245

It's funny but I feel like probably every president has something like this, no? Or is this a specifically a dementia thing.

No. 1925242

File (hide): 1710448820918.jpeg (80.74 KB, 1014x570, IMG_0374.jpeg)

gaspard ulliel? he died a couple years ago in a ski accident though

No. 1925245

they old, that's why they have dementia

No. 1925249

Yes! Thank you nonnie

No. 1925290>>1925354>>1925360

This will be hard nonnas
There is a Russian animated movie about a short "ugly" doll. I remember one scene where she sees a bunch of barbie like dolls that dance and all look the same. Then the lead pretty doll walks over to mock her then throw her in a hole.

It reminds me of an older version of ugly dolls.

No. 1925354

You’re thinking of ‘The Return of Buratino’ (2013) and the song you describe is called ‘My Portrait is a Stencil’ which starts at 50:35 in the video I’ve linked. Sadly I can’t find a version of the movie with English subtitles.

No. 1925356

spasiba nonna
I thought this was a fever dream

No. 1925360>>1925362>>1925371

No. 1925362

Thank yooooooou

No. 1925371

Kek, all of the "pretty" dolls look like troons.

No. 1929025

nonnies please what do i look up to find that trend of filming "runners" as in people running after a train and missing it or a bus subway etc. it's done to humiliate them basically but random people. swear to god i just saw one from a page called nl.runners but i can't find it at all anymore. all i can find are actual runners as in the sport… i hope one of you knows what i'm talking about

No. 1929348>>1929356

Can someone post that photo of the buff guy standing next to the old lady wearing glasses with her hand on his chest?

No. 1929356>>1929895

File (hide): 1710727817691.jpeg (115.33 KB, 944x901, 1668133696926.jpeg)

No. 1929374

File (hide): 1710729936768.jpg (379.33 KB, 1080x1629, Pr.jpg)

Kinda late to reply but is it maybe this? It sounds similar to what you said but not exact.

No. 1929895

Thanks nona

No. 1931090

Shoujo manga about the relationship between a singer and her producer. I remember there was a scene where the girl sits in the middle of her boyfriend's legs.

No. 1932654

looking for a manhwa, it was set in a European setting and was about a barbarian or Germanic tribal, one thing I remember was that it was much more grounded (at least by manhwa standards), no MMORGP stuff and well written had characters.

No. 1933292>>1933301

File (hide): 1711001664073.png (200.34 KB, 738x454, Screenshot 2024-03-20 231706.p…)

Anyone know this was referencing? I thought maybe it was 'the world of golden eggs' which nitro chiral also referenced for april fools, but I don't think it is…

No. 1933301>>1933310

DDR although i cant find the right song they are referencing

No. 1933310

Thanks anon!

No. 1933519>>1933533

Reposting because I’m still dying to know what this video is

Can someone please help me find a specific youtube video. I forgot the name and watched it years ago so I’ll try hard as possible to be specific.

The video was of these African children, I think a little boy and his sister dancing and covering a Japanese song. There is also an older man playing the guitar next to them smiling. I assume he’s related to him but idk. They are in what seems to be an alleyway of sorts and are wearing casual clothes, as if they just stepped out from their home to perform the cover. It’s beautifully sung, the energy from them is very comforting and the vibe of the whole video was lovely. It was from a decent sized channel which was dedicated to African artists singing Japanese songs and the comments of that video seemed to be majorly Japanese and some scattered english comments. I know it’s not a lot but if anyone finds it I will forever be grateful.

No. 1933533

this doesn’t look like the specific video you mentioned, but mabye this could be the channel? their uploads look similar to what you’re describing

No. 1933850

does anyone remember an episode of a TV show where a woman is standing in the shower, then the shower head falls onto her, and she storms out into the kitchen to tell her gay husband what happened and he screams like “oh my god!!!! you’re BLEEDING!!” in his gay little voice does anyone remember?

No. 1933858>>1933891

Does anyone know the url to the sanctionedsuicide website? I used to browse a year ago but searching it up is yielding me no results. It has gotten a lot more attention within the past year or so so I wouldn't be surprised if it was gone but I don't think it is.

No. 1933891>>1933904

File (hide): 1711050047343.png (631.9 KB, 1800x844, screen.png)

No. 1933904

Yes! Thank you nona!

No. 1933928>>1933945

Recent-ish article of a man drinking around 4L of black tea a day for several years and the effect it had on the body. It weren't the findings of a longitudinal study or something, this one particular guy just liked his black tea and apparently the findings were neat and rather hard (or useless) to replicate because it's 4 liters of black tea in a day and who can be assed to do that?

No. 1933945>>1933972>>1933984

Not recent but here you go: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(02)08436-2/abstract - the full article says he'd been drinking up to 4l/day, so I assume this is the one unless there's another guy who drank a shit ton of tea a day.

No. 1933972

File (hide): 1711052374174.png (136.31 KB, 1027x554, image.png)

Forgot pic so I don't get redtexted

No. 1933984

Might be it, thanks

No. 1937239

Gus-chans guide on how to be like Gus

No. 1937412>>1937419

I was drunk as hell at a bar and I heard a track that had like KMFDM-sounding vocals and sounded like aggressive dark trance music or something, could anyone help me find it? The lyrics I wrote down were "straight outta hell, do you care for your child?" and the "do you care for your child?" part sounded less deep than the former, the former sounding super KMFDM-vocal-like. Thanks to any nonnas who could help!

No. 1937419>>1937430

Maybe Do You Fear (For Your Child)? by My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult. I personally prefer the Klub Hell Mix

No. 1937430

Holy shit, haha, yeah! Thank you lots! I almost got the words right, glad you could make out what I meant.

No. 1937677

someone made a post on /ot/ the other day that said something like "men cant be real communists because they all desire private property(wife)" and i thought it was in unpopular opinions but now I can't find it. help?

No. 1937678


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No. 1939077

Was there a thread where you post about fictional characters like they’re cows? I can’t find it, I’m not sure if I dreamt it up or something

No. 1957705

Does anyone remember the name of this travel influencer that was known for being a scammer? She was black and lived in China and Dubai.

No. 2033883

I remember when I was like 16 I stumbled on this music video on youtube. There was a girl with really creepy makeup at a birthday party and the guests all had paper masks on. Really disturbing video, but I'm now 20 and haven't found the video and I really want to find it so I can have at least some closure.

No. 2033927

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